#igbo village
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kemetic-dreams · 5 months ago
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The 1815 Igbo conspiracy in Jamaica’s Saint Elizabeth Parish, which involved around 250 Igbo slaves, described as one of the revolts that contributed to a climate for abolition. A letter by the Governor of Manchester to Bathurst on April 13, 1816, quoted the leaders of the rebellion on trial as saying “that ‘he had all the Eboes in his hand’, meaning to insinuate that all the Negroes from that Country were under his controul”. The plot was thwarted and several slaves were executed.
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The 1816 Black River rebellion plot, was according to Lewis (1834:227—28), carried out by only people of “Eboe” origin. This plot was uncovered on March 22, 1816, by a novelist and absentee planter named Matthew Gregory “Monk” Lewis. Lewis recorded what Hayward (1985) called a proto-Calypso revolutionary hymn, sung by a group of Igbo slaves, led by the “King of the Eboes”. They sang: Oh me Good friend, Mr. Wilberforce, make we free! God Almighty thank ye! God Almighty thank ye! God Almighty, make we free! Buckra in this country no make we free: What Negro for to do? What Negro for to do? Take force by force! Take force by force!
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“Mr. Wilberforce” was in reference to William Wilberforce a British politician, who was a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade. “Buckra” was a term introduced by Igbo and Efik slaves in Jamaica to refer to white slave masters.
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widefuturesss · 7 months ago
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I devoured this book in 2 sittings, it's been a while since one of these... I knew it would mean something the moment I read the name of our protagonist; Obiefuna. As an Obiefule, it felt like I was being directly written to. Chukwuebuka is a writer I hear my own story in. A queer novel set in Nigeria will never be free from violence, I could argue that no Nigerian story is... Yet Chukwuebuka applies a tenderness to this story, we find balance between love and pain. The passion carried me past the traumas. I also love that one of Obiefuna's greatest love is his mother. I love that we get peeks into history asides from the contemporary; we briefly meet a queer village drummer that affirms Obiefuna's life through the memory of his mother. I love the huge portion of the story being set in boarding school, I remember my own times and know that I will also come to tell my stories of the horrors so beautyfully entangled with pleasure, life, collectivity and redemption. Blessings, I feel an Igbo pride at the heritage of our pen, and to know Chukwuebuka is of my generation only reaffirms of a new future very very present to our now.
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blackhistorystoryteller · 2 years ago
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The black culture is not all about slavery
This is a message for my black brothers and sisters
There are more than 100 gods, both small and big, in Igbo Culture, but for some reason, most people don't know anything about them, except probably for one.I think colonialism and the entrance of Christianity are to blame because they made us forget our roots as Africans. But that's a narrative we must work hard to change.Out of the over 100 gods we have, I will be talking about the nine strongest and most popular Igbo gods (Alusi)
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also known as ani, ana & ale in numerous dialects, is a female god representing the earth, fertility, creativity, and morality. She is the most respected god in Igboland.
She is considered the wife of Amadioha, the skygod, and commands authority in Igbo land. The symbol of the ala is a python & crescent moon
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This is the most popular god in Igboland, and he is the god of thunder & lightning. He is the strongest of all.He is considered a gentleman among the deities and the cruelest when annoyed.Amadioha represents the collective will of the people. A white ram represents him, and his color is red. He is still one of the most feared gods in Igbo land to this day.His shrine can be found in rivers state, Nigeria.
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This is the god of strength and war, as its name means "place of strength." It is a horned deity and is one of the most powerful and respected gods in Igboland.The Ikenga can is given a title to men of good reputation, wealth, and integrity.
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This is the god of health and divination. This god is one of the basic theological concepts used to explain good and evil, health and sickness, poverty, and wealth in Igbo land.Belief in the deity was widespread, with most villages having some agwu priests, who also doubled as physicians in the land.
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This is the goddess of the sun. As is done in almost all ancient religions and traditions, there is always a deity in respect of the sun.It is revered as the goddess that promotes productivity, hard work, and the overall positive well-being of the people.The Igbo kept this deity in high esteem. That's why many households took the name to be their surname.
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This is the guardian deity of yam in Igboland. (Yes, yams 😂)In many parts of Igbo land, people did rituals in honor of the goddess of yams, known as ifejioku.She is prayed to for productivity during the farming season.Children who were dedicated to this goddess were called Njoku and were expected to be prosperous in life
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The goddess of the ocean & the seas. It is believed to have found the Idemmili community in Anambra state.Its shrine can be found in that community and is one of the oldest shrines in Igbo land.It is a secret shine & the worship of pythons (eke) goes on there. Hence the killing of pythons in that area is forbidden.
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I don't think this list will be complete without a god of death.Meaning "the one that kills at night," he is known as the death deity.His victims are said to be criminals and those who have committed abominations in the land, and he is known to kill violently.
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haggishlyhagging · 7 months ago
[Note: Long but extremely instructive quote about a group of indigenous women who fought back against European colonization and lost.]
The [Igbo] women's war began in 1929 in a place called Oloko. The British had recently introduced a system of taxing men and had decided that in order to assess the taxable wealth of all the people, it would be necessary to count women, children, and domestic animals. When Okugo, the chief of Oloko, attempted, under instructions from the local British officer, to count the goats and sheep belonging to Nwanyeruwa, an important woman in the village, she yelled, "Was your mother counted?" at which point they seized each other by the throat. A meeting of women was called, where it was decided to send a palm leaf, the symbol of trouble and a call for help, to all the women in the area. Women poured into Okugo's compound from around the countryside and proceeded to "sit" upon him. To "sit" upon a man is a pidgin English term referring to the punishment inflicted by women on any man who has broken their laws. It has the same meaning as "spoiling" a person's property. The crowd mobbed the chief, damaged his house, demanded his cap of office, and forced the district officer to arrest him and charge him with assault. "The women," said this officer with some embellishment, "numbering over ten thousand, were shouting and yelling round the office in a frenzy. They demanded his cap of office, which I threw to them, and it met the same fate as a fox's carcase thrown to a pack of hounds. The station between the office and the prison ... resembled Epsom Downs on Derby Day."
Despite assurances from chiefs and administrative officers that women were being counted for purposes other than taxation, the trouble spread to Aba, an important trading center. There some 10,000 women, calling themselves "the trees which bear fruit" and "scantily clothed, girdled with green leaves, carrying sticks," converged upon the town. They attacked and looted the European trading stores and the bank, broke into the prison, and released prisoners. After 2 days of rioting, troops arrived and dispersed the crowds without serious casualties.
In another part of Igbo land crowds of women gathered, bedecked in the symbols of war. "Dressed in sackcloth, their faces smeared with charcoal, sticks wreathed with young palms in their hands, while their heads were bound with young ferns," they burned the Native Court and sacked and looted the European store and other property. They declared that the district officer "was born of a woman, and as they were women they were going to see him." When the women mobbed police and military troops, 18 were killed and 19 wounded. In another incident, elsewhere, 32 women were killed and 31 wounded after a mob of women made threatening and obscene gestures against the troops, calling them sons of pigs, and striking at the district officer with their sticks.
The trouble that broke out in early December was under control by the twentieth day of that month. Igbo men did not participate in the rioting. With a few exceptions, they acted as passive but consenting parties to the behavior of their wives. Children were nowhere in evidence during the riots. The rioting was carried out solely by adult women, who sent round the palm leaves to rally their comrades and beat the drums to convey the message of war, just as the drums are sounded to announce a council meeting. Unwilling women were forced to join. One woman, whose daughter-in-law was killed during the rioting, testified as follows:
We met a crowd of women heading to Utu-Etim-Ekpo. The women stopped us. There were plenty too much women, a very large crowd. They were coming along the road and beating their laps and lifting their heads towards the sky and waving their sticks. All had sticks; big sticks. I was afraid of them. They took away my basket and forced me to join them . . . "You are a woman, you must join us." They looked quite different from any other crowd of women I have ever seen. They had nkpatat (wild fern) round their heads. There were no children with them. As they had no children with them that also made me afraid. I do not know where any of the women came from. I was very much afraid of them and did not look at their faces.
The riots were a testimony to the vigor and solidarity of Igbo women. Although the threat of taxation was the immediate cause, they were really fighting to preserve "the spirit of womanhood." Speaking to the subsequent Commission of Inquiry, the women said, "We are not so happy as we were before . . . Our grievance is that the land is changed — we are all dying." Taking these words literally, the British did not understand their meaning. In fact, the women were right — their way was dying, their spirit and ties to the land were slowly being crushed by the new ways brought by the Europeans. The power of the women's councils had been eroded by the institution of a Native Court system composed solely of Igbo men. During the riots these courts were sacked and burned in 16 Native Administration centers. When giving evidence, the women "uttered a flood of criticism against the corruption and injustice of the chiefs and courts." The commission promised that the Native Courts would be reorganized to reflect more faithfully the Igbo system of justice, and that women would sit as judges.
In 1934 this promise had not been fulfilled. The women's councils had lost more power because the government forbade the women to "war," which had been their major means of enforcing their rulings. In rising to defend what they called the "women's world," Igbo women lost the women's war. Believing themselves to be inviolable, the women were shocked at the carnage leveled against them. Despite their assertions of being prepared to die, they firmly believed that the soldiers would not fire on women, that they had no bullets, and that women were never killed in war. As rioters, they compared themselves to vultures, which in Ibibio (a neighboring tribe) means the "messengers of God." One woman said to the commission:
I was surprised to see the soldiers fire as we were women we call ourselves vultures as we did not think soldiers would fire at us. Vultures go to market and eat food there and nobody molests them nobody will kill vultures even in the market, even if it kills fowls. We only fling sticks at them if they take our chop and so we thought soldiers will not harm us what we may do.
European education, Christianity, and the desire for European goods also contributed to the end of the "women's world." A fitting epilogue is delivered by Sylvia Leith-Ross, a concerned British woman, who wonders how long it will be before education can "give the girls something as important, as satisfying, as pervasive, as the land gave to their mothers." And so a new sex-role plan is imposed by the conquerors on the conquered.
-Peggy Reeves Sanday, Female Power and Male Dominance: On the Origins of Sexual Inequality
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lcb2-radiohead · 18 days ago
Talking to Okonkwo is difficult. He's a man of few words, normally content to communicate in scowls and grunts. I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually heard him speak.
I asked him if he had seen those things before. He shook his head.
I asked if he knew what they were. This time he didn't even respond, just glared at me.
Finally, I just asked him to tell me anything about them, anything at all. They clearly affected him in some way, so he had to have some idea.
This time, when met with silence, I didn't ask another question. I just matched his silence and hoped that he would fill the void with an answer.
All on its own, my head started playing a snippet of music that seemed to imply an impending response. He stared incredulous at me, and I just shrugged and held up my hands in a gesture of surrender.
When the music reached the end he sighed and said, "You wouldn't understand."
<"Try me.">
"You are not Igbo. You were not raised with our customs. You are not known in our villages. To explain to you would be like explaining to a goat."
I laughed.
<"You're right, I'm not Igbo. I'm not anything. I'm a complete blank slate, a tabula rasa. I have only existed in this world for less than a week. I come to you with no preconceptions.">
<"Just explain it like you would to a child.">
He did. I won't try to transcribe all of it. There were a lot of long pauses and evasions. I was rebuffed on several clarifying questions, but persistence won out more than it didn't.
These are the basics:
Where he comes from, deep in a great forest, the lines between man and spirit are not as clear as they are here. Sometimes, men become a spirit. They wear a mask, they dance, and they are that spirit, at least for a time. These were their ancestors, if not directly then at least spiritually, and the manifested spirits are called Egwugwu.
I'll admit, I struggled with the dichotomy. To him, the question of whether or not they were a person wearing a mask or physically transformed was immaterial. They were just Egwugwu. That's all. To even question whether the mask was real was a grave blasphemy.
When asked if he was ever Egwugwu, he proudly said yes. Many times. He was an important man in his village, so it was part of his duty. He was also the only one large and strong enough to embody some of the more powerful spirits. However, he would not elaborate on those.
I admit, I had felt something strange from the appliance-heads, these Egwugwu. They were not fully human, even the ones that looked it under their masks. And I hadn't even noticed that their fighting resembled some ritual dance.
<"So the Egwugwu are your ancestors... but these weren't ancestors, were they?">
"No. They were... abominations."
He did not elaborate.
I sighed. This wasn't an interrogation, it was supposed to be counseling, and getting any more information out of Okonkwo wouldn't be worth the effort this late. So I thanked him and dismissed him for the day.
Well, these books on my shelf have to be good for something. Time to get to research. It's not like I sleep or anything.
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oxford-garments · 6 months ago
Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League - Wikipedia
BVLKNS TEHWAEDO Language Arts (Religious Swear Words and Sicanje) Igbo Vowel Harmony and Yoruba Religious Term Ori, Ase, and Ifà with Serbian Cyrillic.
Geopolitical Religiopolitical Economic Geography Westminster System Liberal Arts for Mirror for Princes
Sun Peninsula Supply Side Economics Commerce Center with Rural Areas as a Premier.
Contract Theory with Business Clusters (Retail and Supplier)
Subsistence Construction with Architecture Arithmetic Skills
Subsistence Farming with Options/FX Hedging
Tribal Prince of Lozi Sol
DIASPORA: Odinani, also known as Odinala, Omenala, Odinana, and Omenana[1] (Igbo: Ọdịnanị/Ọ̀dị̀nàlà), is the traditional cultural belief and practice of the Igbo people of south east Nigeria.[2] These terms, as used here in the Igbo language, are synonymous with the traditional Igbo "religious system" which was not considered separate from the social norms of ancient or traditional Igbo societies. Theocratic in nature, spirituality played a huge role in their everyday lives. Although it has largely been syncretised with Catholicism, the indigenous belief system remains in strong effect among the rural, village and diaspora populations of the Igbo. (Nigeria; Jamaica, Ghana, Mozambique, Botswana, and Zimbabwe)
Ownership: Mining Assets means any fee lands, mining claims, mining concessions, leases, licenses or other like rights, all permits, government consents, concessions, water rights, easements, surface rights, subsurface rights, rights of way, property rights, temporary occupation agreements and other, including, but not limited to, all Operating Mines, the Gold Bar Asset and the Los Azules Property.
President Emmerson highlighted the colonial origins of such restrictions and expressed a shared commitment with Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi to dismantle barriers to free movement. This move aligns with a growing momentum towards visa-free travel within Africa. Seychelles, The Gambia, and Benin have already embraced visa-free entry for African visitors, with Rwanda recently joining the list. The trend underscores a deeper conversation about the potential of connectivity and integration across the continent.
Harmony and Contrast Formula/System: xG Analytics 2:3 Goals/Assist Ratio; 0-0 Games with Possession Football Analytics Post Game
F9/Target Man Combination Football: 4 v 4 Manipulated Offside Trap with Depth Link up in Hole for Triangular Wall Pass (F9); 2 V 2 Chest Cradle Half Volley 2 Touch Finishing (Target Man and F10)
Midfield Pivots 4-3-3 (Build Up Back 4, Triangle Midfield (1 Attacking, 1 Defensive, 1 Box to Box Deep Lying Playmaker), Attacking 3 (False 9, False 10, Inverted Winger)
4-4-3 F9 or F10
Skill Drills
2 V 2 Box Play with 3 Neutrals Pass Ins 2 Touch or 1 Touch Finish
Link Up Diamond Futsal 4 v 4
Agility Ladder Futsal Dribbling
Skills: Aerial Duels, Chest Cradled Half Volley, Finishing, Link Up and Hold Up, Counter Pressing, Shoulder Barging
HULU Target Man False 9 Tactics and Skills
Depth in attack: The attacking side uses the depth of the pitch by moving men either up from the rear, or down from the top, but may use a constant "target striker" or front man to always invoke a presence deep in the defence.
Give and Go: A version of this play involving a through ball into space as a return to the initial passer (known as a wall pass [13]: 30 ) is sometimes used to get past the first level of defence (for example).[14]
Triangular play: A subtype of the give-and-go tactic; allows for a safe and quick movement of various areas in play whilst maintaining control of the ball. In a triangular play the ball is passed between three players to form a triangle. The triangle is then shifted to a different position when a new player is added. Many triangles can be created with various combinations of players with the intent to incrementally move the ball forward without compromising possession. This tactic is common when trying to gain control of midfield. However it may also be used for (final 3rd) attacking purposes.[19]
In the space between the opponent's defensive line and midfield line (the "hole"): A common strategy of attack is to pass (or move) the ball into the spaces between the opponent's defenders and midfielders. If a pass is made, a midfielder in an advanced position or an attacker in a deeper position will want to receive the ball right between the lines of the opponent. A player can also try to move the ball into this area on their own, at which point they may look for a passing option; alternatively attempting to create a good scoring chance on their own.[13]: 18
Strong side overloads: Attacking teams may pressure the defence on to one side of the pitch by moving most of its attackers and midfielders to the ball side while letting a wing player or defender come to the opposite side with little or no coverage. By compressing space in the areas where the ball is, the defence has to respect the strong side threat by adding extra players into the mix. The ball is then crossed or passed into an unmarked area on the far side of the pitch for a free or near free shot, dribble or pass.
Target man: The implied use of a quality striker who has the ability to take on the whole defence on their own - and will often occupy two defenders - making the defence vulnerable. Complemented with two fast wingers, this tactic may give the 4-man defence potential problems. Teams may also benefit from a target man at set pieces.
Cross into the box: A player (often a winger, wide midfielder or fullback) situated outside the width of the penalty box (on one of the flanks) attempts a cross into the penalty box, for a teammate (usually a striker, or a forward) to try to score on (with a header, a volley, or a one touch shot). Crosses into the box can be of various height and length and target various areas of the penalty box. For this to work, the player attempting the cross needs to be skilled at performing this type of pass, as well as able to read the game of play, and the receiving target has to have a number of competitive advantages (such as height, strength, speed or heading skills) in order to beat the defence for the attempt at goal.[13]: 17 
Freekicks: If the free kick is close-range but in a less-than-ideal angle to attempt to take a shot on goal, a common method of creating a scoring chance is to cross the ball into the penalty area, usually aiming for a spot in the angle towards the penalty spot, at which attacking players will try to beat defending players to the ball in order for a header or volleyball shot to hit the target. This is common to a corner kick.
Sometimes teams tactically divide the pitch horizontally into five corridors instead: Outside left, inside left, central, inside right and outside right. This is among other things reflected in the positional names being used in formations with five midfielders, or five defenders.[22][23]
Physique Endurance Cycling (MAS) and Isometric Plyometric Jump Rope (VO2 max) with Landmine Complex; Lion Heart DNA (Muscle Fibers and Walking Mechanics)
18U Stylistic Biomechanics with Skill Drills and Scrimmage. 12U fundamentals and practice.
Sprint dribbling: Invisible 4, Crescent Moon Pull Back, and Dorsiflexion
Genome Editing: TYRP1, ACTN3, FBN1 gene, ACE Gene, XYY Prenatal Hormones with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's, Expansive Mood with Disinhibition Impulsive Borderline
A notable connection exists between VO2max and MAS, encapsulated by the “Léger formula”: VO2max = MAS x Cr, where Cr represents the energy cost or running economy, measured in mL/kg/km. This energy cost differs among runners, with a commonly accepted average value being 210 mL/kg/km. This leads to the equation VO2max = 3.5 x MAS. A lower running economy (energy cost) implies that a runner expends less energy and is more efficient. Elite Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, for example, often exhibit a running economy around 180 mL/kg/km (equivalent to a coefficient of 3). In this context, VO2max can be seen as the runner’s ‘engine’. In contrast, MAS reflects the engine’s efficiency, influenced by factors like posture, relaxation, stride quality, and muscle quality. The formula VO2max = 3.5 x MAS is, however, a theoretical estimate.
Hamstring Activation Cycling
Intramuscular EMG was used to verify muscle activation during cycling. The activation pattern of deep muscles (Vint and BFS) could, therefore, be described and compared to that of the more superficial muscles. The complex coordination of quadriceps and hamstring muscles during cycling was described in detail.
Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) is simply the lowest running speed at which maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) occurs, and is typically referred to as the velocity at VO2 max (vVO2 max). MAS was developed for the purpose of increasing the specificity of training and to enable coaches to monitor training loads more accurately.
Lengthy Landmine Complex
Although typically used for simple core and functional-type movements, the landmine is actually an amazingly versatile tool that can be used as a primary exercise for many muscle groups:
Side Facing Clean to Single Arm Press
Front Squat To Press
Single Arm Drop Lunge Squat
Squeeze Press
Lateral Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive
Sumo 1/2 Rep Squat Jumps
Single Arm Fall Out Push Ups
Sit Up To Press
1-2 minute rest between rounds if you perform multiple rounds
Circuit training has been shown to have greater effects on the magnitude and duration of EPOC than traditional forms of strength training.[8] All told, you can burn hundreds and hundreds of calories in a properly-executed circuit training workout.
The multi-stage fitness test (MSFT), also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER test (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run), or the 20m shuttle run test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).
Bariatric surgery (or metabolic surgery or weight loss surgery) is a medical term for surgical procedures used to manage obesity and obesity-related conditions.[1][2] Long term weight loss with bariatric surgery may be achieved through alteration of gut hormones, physical reduction of stomach size, reduction of nutrient absorption, or a combination of these.[2][3] Standard of care procedures include Roux en-Y bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, from which weight loss is largely achieved by altering gut hormone levels responsible for hunger and satiety, leading to a new hormonal weight set point.[3] Bariatric surgery of various types may influence hedonic hunger[31][32][33] particularly if accompanied by counseling interventions that reduce automatic hedonic impulses.[34] These surgeries may work in part by modifying the production of gastrointestinal hormones, particularly by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY (PYY);[31][35] reduction of ghrelin has been inconsistent.[31]
Counter Pressing Progressive HULU False 9
Skills: Attack, Power*, Movement*, Skill*, Mental*, Defence*
A false 9, similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre-forward, who drops deep into midfield. The purpose of this is that it creates a problem for opposing centre-backs who can either follow the false 9, leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit, or leaving the false 9 to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.
Deep Completions: Deep Completions represent successful passes made within 20 meters of the opposition goal. It indicates a player’s ability to execute accurate and incisive passes in dangerous areas.
12. Carry%: Carry% signifies the percentage of a player’s carries (running with the ball) that were successful. It measures their effectiveness in maintaining ball control and progressing play through dribbling.
13. Deep Progressions: Deep Progressions encompass passes and dribbles/carries into the opposition’s final third. It quantifies a player’s ability to advance the ball effectively into areas close to the opponent’s goal.
14. xGBuildup: xGBuildup is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession leading up to the shot. It focuses on evaluating the possession work and build-up play prior to the end of the attacking sequence.
15. xGChain: xGChain is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession. It captures the contributions of players throughout the possession, considering their involvement in generating goal-scoring opportunities.
16. OBV Metrics: In addition to the aforementioned features, it’s worth exploring the concept of On-Ball Value (OBV) metrics. OBV is a comprehensive framework developed by StatsBomb that evaluates a player’s contributions and effectiveness in possession. It takes into account various factors such as passes, dribbles, shots, and more to provide a holistic assessment of a player’s on-ball performance.
Link-Up Play; You must play with your back to the goal, hold the ball under pressure, and lay it off to advancing teammates. For this, you'll need ball control, strength, and the ability to shield the ball from defenders. Moreover, effective link-up play helps create fluid attacking movement. For hold-up play (plural hold-up plays) (soccer, idiomatic) A play where an attacker retains possession of the ball, while the teammates can move up the field. Push-and-run, also known as a wall pass, a one-two or a give-and-go, is a tactic and skill often used in association football. It involves quickly laying the ball off to a teammate and running past the marking tackler to collect the return pass. It proved an effective way to move the ball at pace, with players' positions and responsibility being fluid.[1] All the definitions agree on just one thing: a progressive action advances the ball somehow. At The Athletic, we count a completed pass as “progressive” if it’s at least 10 metres (11 yards) long and moves the ball at least 25 per cent of the remaining distance to goal.
Current measures:
Expected assists: If we have an expected likelihood for each shot resulting in a goal, we can look back at the pass prior to that shot to see which players played the passes that could have resulted in goals. This is more informative than just looking at assists, but has the limitation of being heavily dependent on the shot-takers being able to get their shot away following the high value pass, and only considers the pass immediately preceding the shot. Any passes that contribute significantly to the buildup prior to that are neglected.
xG chain: This is a logical extension of the expected assist approach. To overcome the limitation of only considering the pass prior to a shot, we can propagate the goalscoring likelihood for each shot back through all the passes in the sequence leading up to it. That way, players frequently involved in plays that result in high quality chances are still rewarded for their contributions. This approach has some benefits, but still assumes the presence of a shot-taker who is able to capitalise on the good buildup to take a high-quality shot. Moreover, this approach can conflate the contribution from teammates. For example, a player that reliably plays easy passes to a key playmaker will generally be highly rewarded by this approach, even if most of the buildup value comes from the playmaker.
Progressive passes: A less shot-centric approach to valuing buildup is to consider the number of passes that bring the ball closer to the opposition goal. These types of approaches typically define some threshold for progression, either number of yards forward or how much closer the ball gets to goal, as a % of starting distance. This allows the separation of players whose passes are mostly safe and cautious from players whose passes disproportionately drive the ball forward towards the opposition goal. This has been used successfully in the past to identify players who progress the ball well, but is still a relatively coarse approach. Fifty yard progressive passes are treated similarly to 15 yard progressive passes, and a 15 yard pass down the wing is treated the same as a 15 yard forward pass into the penalty box.
Packing: None of the other approaches above consider the location of off-ball players. One approach that does take this into consideration is Packing.
Counter-pressing in football is the act of actively pursuing the ball in a coordinated manner with the aim of regaining possession quickly after ball-loss. The upper bound of time the ball must be won back within varies from coach to coach, and thus in execution by different teams. Two player contesting for the ball side by side. they can bump shoulders and run that shoulder into the opponent in an attempt to move the opponent off the ball. it becomes illegal when the arm is raised to push the opponent away or more force than is necessary is used with the shoulder. (Thigh Tug Counter Pressing)
Aggressive Actions: Aggressive actions encompass tackles, pressure events, and fouls recorded within 2 seconds of an opposition player receiving the ball. It assesses a player’s defensive intensity and ability to disrupt the opponent’s play.
9. Counterpressures: Counterpressures indicate the number of pressures exerted by a player within 5 seconds of a turnover. It demonstrates a player’s commitment to regaining possession quickly after losing it.
Signature Move
Sole Forward Roll Placement for Hold Up Play
2 v 2 Off-Ball Shoulder Barging Two Touch and One Touch Finishing: Lofted feed in order to strike on Chest Cradled Half Volley Lofted feeds in order to head to goal.
Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil); 1-1-2-1 Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
Placement Mechanics: Ankle-Heel Linedrive and Arch-Knuckle Raised Curve; Placement Foot and Reverse Rotation with Shoulder for power and Accuracy; Arch of Feet at Target for Follow Through Accuracy; Plant Foot-Eyes on Ball for Football Contact Point then Eyes on Corner.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Flip Flap: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum with Instep) and L-Step (Explosive First Step). The flip flap (also known as the elástico, akka, snakebite, and la culebrita) is a dribbling move, or feint, in football used to trick a defensive player into thinking the offensive player, in possession of the ball, is going to move in a direction they do not intend to. Players perform it by using the outside of their dominant foot to push the ball towards their dominant side, then quickly move the dominant foot around the ball and using the inside to push the ball to their non-dominant side. Although the footwork is the most distinctive aspect of the flip-flap, its success as a feint also relies heavily on the attacking player having an explosive acceleration from a stationary position.[1] KEYS: Maintenance Feints and Geometry Acceleration
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
À ma sauce Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Chic Operations
The Prince (Italian: Il Principe [il ˈprintʃipe]; Latin: De Principatibus) is a 16th-century political treatise written by the Italian diplomat, philosopher, and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli in the form of a realistic instruction guide for new princes. As a remarkable general theme, The Prince appears to take it for granted that immoral acts are justified if they can help achieve political glory.[1]
Global Livability Index Charity Commission: 100k and Annual Enterprise Foundation Events.
Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account with Offshore Trust with 0% Loans.
Frame of Contract Negotiations are Jersey Sales.
Clientelism or client politics is the exchange of goods and services for political support, often involving an implicit or explicit quid-pro-quo.[1][2][3] It is closely related to patronage politics and vote buy.
Hedonistic Era (Chase of Intrinsic Value and Analytic Flows Aesthetics)
Hedonic Sports: Leo-Aquarius Planetary Intelligence Flows/Possession Total Football
Retirement and What Is the Front Office in the Sports Industry? The front offices employ many sports industry professionals from the owners of the teams and general managers to ticket sales offices, public relations, sales, and marketing. (Player President (Captain) or Player Corporation (Jersey Sales)
Côte d'Ivoire Transfermarket/Knockout Stage Intrinsic Value Jump: Men's and U20 Gold AFCON, Best Young Player at AFCON, and Kimberley Process Rural Area Economics, FIFA FC Streaming; Having a certain National Team Transfermarket leads to Tournament Pleasure, Sportsbook Pleasure Gambler’s Diplomacy (Trixies Analytics Playing Style), FIFA Ranking Pleasure
To increase Intrinsic Value of Blue Economy and County Line Trafficking let's put all franchises by Waterfront or Business Sectors in Côte d'Ivoire Ligue 1
Loan Scheme Feeder Team National Team Transfermarket Intrinsic Value: 2 Business Districts and 1 Entertainment District with Rural Area Feeder Teams Primate City League
Feeder Teams System: The U.S.-based Rookie leagues play a schedule of approximately 60 games and are named "complex leagues" because games are played at their parent clubs' spring training complexes. Rosters consist primarily of newly drafted players who are not yet ready for a higher level of play. These leagues are intended almost exclusively to allow players to hone their skills; no admission is charged and no concessions are sold. A currency basket is a set of several currencies with different weightings. It is often used to set the market value of another currency, a practice commonly known as a currency peg. Forex traders may also enter basket orders to trade several currency pairs simultaneously. Group for World Cup Friendly: Euros England, Switzerland, and Belgium; Afcon Côte d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of the Congo. (BRITISH POUND FRANC NETWORK)
Opportunity Cost Lipstick Effect (Supply Side Economics, Rural Area Economics, and Raw Materials-Holding Company) YAHWISM Plantation Religions, Husbandry, Seigneurial System, Trade School Athletics, Church Enterprise (School, Tournaments, Grocery Stores, Real Estate and Trade School), Sports Stadium Gentrification, Ultra Casual
Fan Base is 15-35 Age Demographic Social Media with 50-70 Age Demographic Sponsorship example; Kit Advertisement-Charity Patek Philippe SA (French: [paˈtɛk fiˈlip]) is a Swiss luxury watch and clock manufacturer, located in the Canton of Geneva and the Vallée de Joux.[3] Established in 1839, it is named after two of its founders, Antoni Patek and Adrien Philippe. Since 1932, the company has been owned by the Stern family in Switzerland[4] and remains the last family-owned independent watch manufacturer in Geneva.[5] Patek Philippe is one of the oldest watch manufacturers in the world with an uninterrupted watchmaking history since its founding.[6][7][8] It designs and manufactures timepieces as well as movements, including some of the most complicated mechanical watches. The company maintains over 400 retail locations globally and over a dozen distribution centers across Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. In 2001, it opened the Patek Philippe Museum in Geneva.[9][10][11] Kit Sponsor: Puma SE is a German multinational corporation who design and manufacture athletic and casual footwear, apparel, and accessories, headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, Germany. Puma is the third largest sportswear manufacturer in the world.[6] The company was founded in 1948 by Rudolf Dassler (1898–1974). In 1924, Rudolf and his brother Adolf "Adi" Dassler had jointly formed the company Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik ('Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory'). The relationship between the two brothers deteriorated until they agreed to split in 1948, forming two separate entities, Adidas and Puma. Following the split, Rudolf originally registered the newly established company as Ruda (derived from Rudolf Dassler, as Adidas was based on Adi Dassler), but later changed the name to Puma. Puma's earliest logo consisted of a square and beast jumping through a D, which was registered, along with the company's name, in 1948. Puma's shoe and clothing designs feature the Puma logo and the distinctive "Formstrip" which was introduced in 1958.[7]
Computer Aided Scouting Method
Picker -- emphasizes a player's one weakness to the neglect of all strengths
Projector -- envisions what a player will be able to do in two or three years.
The key to identifying a prospect was to focus on the player's body control and footwork
Computer-aided scouting began as a means for scouts and managers to log mass amounts of player and team information compiled from box scores, stat-sheets and personalized specific information pertaining to players and teams. This information was interpreted through mathematical formulas created from research studies of each sport. Once this information was tabulated, team personnel begin to implement these results into the game. After early positive results, many professional teams adopted mathematical tools for player and game management.
Port-Tuxôn, Boma, Congo-Kinshasa Representation for Ballon d'Or and World Cup Sleeve with Front Office Retirement
Premier-Chargé d'affaires and Executive Branch Communist Working Class
The Westminster system, or Westminster model, is a type of parliamentary government that incorporates a series of procedures for operating a legislature, first developed in England. Key aspects of the system include an executive branch made up of members of the legislature, and that is responsible to the legislature; the presence of parliamentary opposition parties; and a ceremonial head of state who is separate from the head of government. The term derives from the Palace of Westminster, which has been the seat of the Westminster Parliament in England and later the United Kingdom since the 13th century. In diplomacy, a chargé d'affaires is a diplomat responsible for fulfilling the functions of an ambassador (or other head of diplomatic mission) in the absence or unavailability of the latter as well as between the departure of a holder and the arrival of his successor. When two countries do not maintain official diplomatic relations, in the event of their breakdown or lack of recognition, each of them may designate a chargé d'affaires who sits in the representation of a third country to carry out this function. Under Canada's system of responsible government, the premier is both a member of the provincial legislative assembly and the head of the executive. Executive Branch The Executive Council is made up of elected Members of Provincial Parliament appointed as Cabinet Ministers by the Lieutenant Governor on the advice of the Premier. The executive branch is the administrative governing body, who sets priorities and public policy. Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.[3][4][5] A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9] Vanguardism, in the context of Leninist revolutionary struggle, relates to a strategy whereby the most class-conscious and politically "advanced" sections of the proletariat or working class, described as the revolutionary vanguard, form organizations to advance the objectives of communism. They take actions to draw larger sections of the working class toward revolutionary politics and to serve as manifestations of proletarian political power opposed to the bourgeoisie. This theory serves as the underpinning of the leading role of the Communist party, usually enshrined in the constitution, after the seizure of power in the state by Communists. (Blue Economy, Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Rural Area, Waterfront Sports Real Estate, Intrinsic Value, County Line Trafficking, Primate City, and Knockout Stage)
Hedonic Sun Lightning Angels
Hedonic Astrology: Capricornus Constellation Conjunction Leo Constellation (Sun Sun, Uranus-Saturn Rising)
Hedonic Paradox Liberal Arts: Science and Arts (Nutritional BioChemistry and Gastronomy-Culinary Linguistics); (Bioaesthetics and Modelling)
Hedonic Birth: Prenatal Hormones Vitamins with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's
Hedonic Economic Geography (Church): Peninsula Husbandry Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Business Cluster
Hedonic Animals: Sheep (Rambouillet, Lacaune, Texel)
Hedonic Pricing Primate City: It has transformed people's lives from agriculture to businesses linked to tourism, significantly raised the standard of living, and helped reduce the economic divide between urban and rural zones (Su, 2011; Zeng & Ryan, 2012).
Value theory is the systematic study of values. Also called axiology, it examines the nature, sources, and types of values. As a branch of philosophy, it has interdisciplinary applications in fields such as economics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology.
The term originates in ethical philosophy, where axiological or value hedonism is the claim that pleasure is the sole form of intrinsic value,[3][4][5] while normative or ethical hedonism claims that pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain for oneself or others are the ultimate expressions of ethical good.[1] Applied to well-being or what is good for someone, it is the thesis that pleasure and suffering are the only components of well-being.[6]
Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that human behavior is psychologically determined by desires to increase pleasure and to decrease pain.[3][1]
Hedonic pricing is a model that identifies price factors according to the premise that price is determined both by internal characteristics of the good being sold and external factors affecting it.
Feeder leagues add immersion, providing a draft pool full of players with several years of statistical history leading up to the draft, in addition to scouting reports. This gives general managers much more information on which to base draft decisions. This is particularly helpful in leagues that allow the trading of draft picks, because GMs can make intelligent decisions about how strong a particular draft class looks by scouting and researching the draft class in advance.
Feeder leagues behave very similarly to minor leagues. Players in feeder leagues have minor league contracts and share all the rules of the parent league.
On a press release dated 6 April 2024, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe announced that ZWL would be converted to ZiG at an exchange rate of 24,987,242 ZWL for one ZiG. The Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG; code: ZWG)[3] is the official currency of Zimbabwe since 8 April 2024,[2] backed by US$575 million worth of hard assets: foreign currencies, gold, and other precious metals.[4][5][6] It replaced the Zimbabwean dollar, which suffered from rapid depreciation, with the official exchange rate surpassing 30,000 Zimbabwean dollars per U.S. dollar on 5 April 2024, whilst the parallel market rate reached 40,000 per U.S. dollar.[7] Annual inflation in Zimbabwe hit 55.3% in March 2024.[8]
Successful Forex Formula
Intervention in the foreign-exchange market
Danmarks Nationalbank may influence the krone exchange rate by intervening in the foreign-exchange market by buying or selling foreign exchange against kroner.
Trading Psychology: Play Defense
Focus on preserving capital instead of gaining capital
Position Trading: Currency being used, Longing High Interest Currency against High Value Currency Or Currency Being used, Shorting Low Interest/High Value Currency against High Interest Currency
Canadian Dollar (CAD), Long Mexican (MXN) Peso over US (USD) Dollar
Canadian Dollar (CAD), Long Turkish (TRY) Lira over Swiss (CHF) Franc
Canadian Dollar (CAD), Short Euro (EUR) against US (USD) Dollar
Swing Trading: Use mt4/mt5 With Heiken Ashi Charts, Setting at 14 or 21 Momentum Indicator above 0 as Divergence Oscillator and VSA as Reversal Oscillator and Trade when bullish candlesticks above 200 exponential moving average and/or 20 exponential moving average (EMA) on H1 (Hourly) Time Frame; use H4 (4 Hours) and D1 (1 Day) as reference.
Works for Oil & Gold Commodities
Master Supply and Demand (S&D) Zones (banks use this)
Candlestick Patterns for Momentum
Bearish Engulfing, Hanging man, Shooting Star Three Crows, Evening Star, (Short)
Bullish Engulfing, The Bearish Inverted Hammer or Regular Hammer (Regardless of Colour), Morning Star, Piercing Line (Long) are extremely Important
Candlestick Patterns for VSA
When Volume Spikes Down and Price is Up
Shooting Star
Hanging Man
When Volume Spikes Up and Price is Down
Inverted Hammer
S&D Reversal Patterns
The Drop-Base-Rally is a bullish reversal pattern
The Rally-Base-Drop is a bearish reversal pattern
S&D Continuation patterns
The Rally-Base-Rally is a bullish continuation pattern
The Drop-Base-Rally is a bearish continuation pattern
Chart Settings
Liquidity Clearout
Time Frame
M15 (15 Minutes)
Reference H1
Heiken Ashi Candlesticks
Much easier to read candlestick charts and analyze market trends
Using Pivot Points for Prediction
A pivot point is a technical analysis indicator, or calculations, used to determine the overall trend of the market over different time frames
Works for commodities
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
200 Day
20 Day
Momentum Indicator
Settings 14 or 21
Volume Spread Analysis (VSA Trading) Entry
4 Steps
Identify the trend.
Identify the sign of weakness in an existing uptrend.
Wait to test the weakness for confirmation for the continuation of the uptrend.
Look for any bullish reversal candlestick pattern for entry.
Pattern to Recognize
S&D Reversal Patterns
The Drop-Base-Rally is a bullish reversal pattern
The Rally-Base-Drop is a bearish reversal pattern
Swing Trading
Time Frame
H1 (Hourly)
Reference D1 and H4 to locate supply and demand zones
Heiken Ashi Candlesticks
Much easier to read candlestick charts and analyze market trends
Using Pivot Points for Prediction
A pivot point is a technical analysis indicator, or calculations, used to determine the overall trend of the market over different time frames
Works for commodities
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
200 Day
20 Day
Momentum Indicator
Settings 14 or 21
Volume Spread Analysis (VSA Trading) Entry
4 Steps
Identify the trend.
Identify the sign of weakness in an existing uptrend.
Wait to test the weakness for confirmation for the continuation of the uptrend.
Look for any bullish reversal candlestick pattern for entry.
D1 Reference
Time Frame
Heiken Ashi Candlesticks
Much Easier to read candlestick charts and analyze market trends
Using Pivot Points for Prediction
A pivot point is a technical analysis indicator, or calculations, used to determine the overall trend of the market over different time frames
Works for commodities
Volume Spread Analysis (VSA Trading) Entry
4 Steps
Identify the trend.
Identify the sign of weakness in an existing uptrend.
Wait to test the weakness for confirmation for the continuation of the uptrend.
Look for any bullish reversal candlestick pattern for entry.
Sports Resort
Decentralized Economy
Build Decentralized Economies not Gambling Enterprises
Forex (Gambling News Network)
Real Estate (Resorts)
Central Bank (Poker)
Online Brokerage (Online Gambling)
Capital Markets & Options Trading (Sports Betting)
Market Crash Short Selling (Fantasy Sports Live Betting)
Transportation (Car Rental and Professional Tracks)
Social Club (SBIT) [Sports Betting Investment Trust)
Military (Poker Tour)
High Stakes Underground Poker Banking Strategies (Central Bank)
Membership Requirements
Play 3+ games a week minimum
Membership Benefits
Ultra Interest Pre Buy-ins
15% in Poker Chips
Time Payment Backed Securities
Time payment means a payment schedule approved by the court whereby the defendant agrees to pay the money owed to the court in installments over a court-approved period of time.
When players take time payments loans other players can invest to the fund and receive percentage of all time payments
Form of Payout is Poker Chips Reserves
Time Payment Loans
No Interest
First Five Insurance
If a player goes all within the first five hands and loses the player will be covered for 60% of hand
PC (Poker Chips) Card
Pre-Paid Chips Cards
For Client's Guest
Interest will be calculated
Free examination for Medical Prescription with Professional
Free Professional Haircuts
Free Hotel Room for the night with free breakfast
Free Merchandise per night attended:
Dress Pants
Dress Shoes
Cigar Box and accessories
Alcohol Bottles
Sports Tickets
Seiko Watch
Minimum of 5 games a week
Single Game Player
Time Payment Loan
Full payment plus 5% of winnings Interest for loan. If no money is won 2% interest add on for loan
High Interest Pre Buy-ins
If buy-in is placed before next poker night interest will be paid in poker chips
2 Days limit
First Five Insurance
If a player goes all within the first five hands and loses the player will be covered for 60% of hand
Free Merchandise:
Cigar Box and Accessories
Sports Tickets
Liquidity of Chips
Time Payment Loans
Insurance Chips
Host Policies
Cash Reserves
Full amount of each member's account is at game
Loan reserves
Insurance reserves
Interest Check-ins
Interest is calculated and paid at game
The three main parties to keep in mind here are the casinos, casino junkets, and the gamblers. Each party is interconnected with each other; here´s how it works:
Agents from VIP Casino Junkets hold the responsibility of recruiting only the best experts to gamble, mostly based on their strategy and winnings.
Once found, the players are enticed by agents to partner with their company by offering deluxe trips around the world, playing in the finest clubhouses, all for the price of giving the Casino Junkets a commission of the money won during the games.
Junkets partner with globally recognized gambling saloons, offering their newly scouted players to gamble there for hours, promising a revenue for these gambling businesses.
Sports Gambling (Capital Markets, Brokerage, and Options Trading)
Use Option Trade to Create Bets
The Ladder
Shout Options
A shout option allows the holder to lock in a certain amount in profit while retaining future upside potential on the position.
Multi-Leg Options
Multi-leg option strategies involve using two or more options in a single strategy and order.
leverage is any technique involving borrowing funds to buy things, hoping that future profits will be many times more than the cost of borrowing.
Bettor places a wage on an Over Base Amount. Multi-leg Upsides are met with discounted live betting that have full value. If the live bet isn't met the bettor loses upside wager.
Helps with balance sheets
Fantasy Sports (Market Crash Short Selling)
Win when they are Down
Pooled Money for Winner
Live Betting for Bad Performances
Increase betting action by Betting poor performance LIVE
New bets influenced by options
Increase Liquidity
Social Club (Sports Betting Investment Trust)
Specifically, a company must meet the following requirements to qualify as a REIT:
Invest at least 75% of total assets in real estate, cash, or U.S. Treasuries
Derive at least 75% of gross income from rents, interest on mortgages that finance real property, or real estate sales
Pay a minimum of 90% of taxable income in the form of shareholder dividends each year
Be an entity that's taxable as a corporation
Be managed by a board of directors or trustees
Have at least 100 shareholders after its first year of existence
Have no more than 50% of its shares held by five or fewer individuals
An investment trust is a public limited company that aims to make money by investing in other companies. Owning shares in an investment trust is a way of investing in a variety of different companies.
Investment funds are obliged to distribute all the income generated by the underlying assets of the fund to unitholders. Investment trusts are allowed to 'reserve' up to 15% of the income earned by the underlying assets in any year in order to build a safety net should future years prove to be leaner.
Treat players as hedge
Round robin bets are parlay bets with anywhere between 3-10 different combinations. You're essentially creating multiple two-team parlays with the hopes that any combination of the teams you select cover. A round robin differs from a parlay because you can still cash even if all the teams in your round robin don't cover - you'll just return less profit.
How Do You Win a Round Robin Bet?
In order to win a round robin bet, each leg of the round robin must hit – similar to any parlay bet.
If all three teams you chose are winners, round robin payouts would be larger than a single three-team parlay.
Three-team parlay
$100 bet, -110 odds -- $596 in profit
Three-team round robin
$100 bet, -110 odds -- $992 profit
While the profit potential is clear, there is one notable round robin drawback as a betting option.
A $100 bet on a round robin parlay means each leg of the round robin is $100. So in a three-team round robin bet, the actual bet total is $300, as opposed to $100 on a standard three-team parlay.
The reward is considerably higher for the bettor, but the risk rises, too.
Round robins typically take a larger investment than traditional parlays, but it also increases potential profit while lessening the chance of a total loss.
Round robins also offer the opportunity to hedge and minimize losses. Hedging involves picking the other side of a wager. While it lessens potential over profit, it can also mitigate losses. Do it right and you can ensure a profit.
Up to 10 teams can be included in a round robin but each team added involves adding more bets and thus the investment can rise dramatically. Larger round robins can also include more than two teams per leg, but the sound strategy is to keep all round robin parlays to two teams apiece
If you go 2-1 on your parlay picks, you lose your parlay and your $100. If you go 2-1 in a round robin your payout is $528 on a $300 investment. You’d still finish with a nice profit. A 1-2 day on a round robin pays out at $264 – in the red (-$36) but not as much as losing that $100 parlay.
Use Team Stats and Sabermetrics to Forecast
Gaussian Distribution and Cornish–Fisher Expansion
Normal Yield Curve
Bell Curve
Currency Peg
Swiss Franc
Hotel Management (Real Estate)
Car Rental and Professional Tracks (Transportation)
Load up on Sports Cars for Travel or Test Drive
Bearer Share
What Is a Bearer Share?
A bearer share is equity security wholly owned by the person or entity that holds the physical stock certificate, thus the name "bearer" share. The issuing firm neither registers the owner of the stock nor tracks transfers of ownership; the company disperses dividends to bearer shares when a physical coupon is presented to the firm. Because the share is not registered to any authority, transferring the ownership of the stock involves only delivering the physical document.
Bearer shares are unregistered equity securities owned by the possessor of the physical share documents. The issuing company pays out dividends to owners of the physical coupons.
While bearer shares were often used internationally in Europe, South America, and other regions, many large corporations no longer use them and have transitioned to using registered shares.
How a Bearer Share Works
Bearer shares lack the regulation and control of common shares because ownership is never recorded. Bearer shares are similar to bearer bonds, which are fixed-income securities belonging to the holders of physical certificates rather than registered owners.
Bearer shares are often international securities, common in Europe and South America — although the use of bearer shares in these nations has dwindled as governments crackdown on anonymity-related illegal activity. While some jurisdictions, such as Panama, allow the use of bearer shares, they impose punitive tax withholdings on dividends issued to owners to discourage their use. The Marshall Islands is the only country in the world where the shares can be used without problems or extra costs.
Benefits of Using Bearer Shares
The only tangible benefit to be gained from using bearer shares is privacy. The highest degree of anonymity possible is maintained with respect to ownership in a corporation by a holder of bearer shares. Although the banks that handle the purchases know the contact information of the people purchasing the shares, in some jurisdictions, banks are under no legal obligation to disclose the identity of the purchaser. Banks may also receive dividend payments on behalf of the shareholder and provide ownership confirmation at shareholders' general meetings. Moreover, purchases can be made by a representative, such as a law firm, of the actual owner.
Bearer shares have some valid uses, despite their inherent detriments. Asset protection is the most common reason to use bearer shares because of the privacy they provide. For example, individuals who do not want to risk their assets being seized as part of a legal proceeding such as a divorce or a liability suit may resort to the use of bearer shares.
Gold Mafia: Episode 1-The Laundry Service, released on 23rd March 2023, exposes alleged illicit financial flows from Zimbabwe, including serious allegations of abuse of diplomatic immunity, illicit gold trading, corruption and money laundering in the mining sector. Transparency International calls on the Financial Intelligence Unit, Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate further and introduce the necessary reforms to end such activities in the country.
Language Arts (Religious Swear Words and Sicanje) Igbo Vowel Harmony and Yoruba Religious Term Ori, Ase, and Ifà with Serbian Cyrillic.
Geopolitical Religiopolitical Economic Geography Westminster System Liberal Arts for Mirror for Princes
Sun Peninsula Supply Side Economics Commerce Center Busıness Cluster with Plantation Economy Rural Areas and Industrial States Border as a Premier Referenced Prince.
Contract Theory with Business Clusters (Retail and Supplier)
Subsistence Construction with Architecture Arithmetic Skills 
Subsistence Farming with Options/FX Hedging 
Tribal Prince of Lozi Sol
Sun (Leo Minor)
Uranus-Saturn (Capricornus)
Mercury (Taurus)
Thomas Aquinas OP (/əˈkwaɪnəs/ ⓘ ə-KWY-nəs; Italian: Tommaso d'Aquino, lit. 'Thomas of Aquino'; c. 1225 – 7 March 1274) was an Italian[6] Dominican friar and priest, an influential philosopher and theologian, and a jurist in the tradition of scholasticism. He was from the county of Aquino in the Kingdom of Sicily.
Nzambi a Mpungu (also Nzambi and Nzambi Mpungu) is the Supreme God, eternal Sky Father and God of the Sun (fire) in traditional Kongo spirituality.[1] His female counterpart is Nzambici, the Sky Mother and Goddess of the Moon. Among other Central African Bantu peoples, such as the Chokwe, and in the Kingdom of Ndongo, Nzambi Mpungu was also called Kalunga, the god of fire and change. This may have a connection to an element of Bakongo cosmology called Kalûnga. It was seen as the spark of fire that begot all life in the universe.[1] After Portuguese colonization, Nzambi Mpungu became synonymous with the Christian God and existed chiefly as the Creator God.[2]
Roman equivalent Jupiter • Sol
Hedonic Shamanism: Crista Wing Transfer
Hedonic Hell: Material religion is a framework used by scholars of religion to examine the interaction between religion and material culture. It focuses on the place of objects, images, spaces, and buildings in religious communities. 
Hedonic Keystone Community: HAŠK Mladost (Mladost, lit. "Youth") is an academic kinaesthetic society from Zagreb, Croatia, sponsored by the University of Zagreb. Clubs named Mladost exist in Painting Polar, Culinary, Construction, Ag/FX Simulators, athletics, field hockey, judo, basketball, bowling on ice and asphalt, fencing, volleyball, swimming, rugby, synchronised swimming, skiing, ice-hockey, ice skating, table tennis, archery, chess, tennis, water polo and rowing
Hedonic Human Form: Sun Peninsula Supply Side Economics Commerce Center Busıness Cluster with Plantation Economy Rural Areas and Industrial States Border as a Premier Referenced Angel Prince.
Hedonic Acting: Red Collar (Freeport Smuggling and Canvas Robbery) with Conflict Minerals for Screenplay and Quarterly Budgeting for Painting Polar (Tuxön Polâr)
Hedonic Husbandry: Coffee (Mıxology, Olfactory Arts, and Sephora)
Hedonic Astrology: Capricornus Constellation Conjunction Leo Constellation (Sun Sun, Mercury Moon, Uranus-Saturn Rising)
Hedonic Paradox Liberal Arts: Science and Arts (Nutritional BioChemistry and Gastronomy-Culinary Linguistics); (Bioaesthetics and Modelling)
Hedonic Birth: Prenatal Hormones Vitamins with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's
Hedonic Economic Geography (Church): Peninsula Husbandry Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Business Cluster 
Hedonic Animals: Sheep (Rambouillet, Lacaune, Texel) and Lammas & Alpacas
Hedonic Pricing Primate City: It has transformed people's lives from agriculture to businesses linked to tourism, significantly raised the standard of living, and helped reduce the economic divide between urban and rural zones (Su, 2011; Zeng & Ryan, 2012).
Value theory is the systematic study of values. Also called axiology, it examines the nature, sources, and types of values. As a branch of philosophy, it has interdisciplinary applications in fields such as economics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology.
The term originates in ethical philosophy, where axiological or value hedonism is the claim that pleasure is the sole form of intrinsic value,[3][4][5] while normative or ethical hedonism claims that pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain for oneself or others are the ultimate expressions of ethical good.[1] Applied to well-being or what is good for someone, it is the thesis that pleasure and suffering are the only components of well-being.[6]
Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that human behavior is psychologically determined by desires to increase pleasure and to decrease pain.[3][1]
Hedonic pricing is a model that identifies price factors according to the premise that price is determined both by internal characteristics of the good being sold and external factors affecting it.
Possessive invocation may be attempted singly or, as is often the case in Wicca, in pairs - with one person doing the invocation (reciting the liturgy or prayers and acting as anchor), and the other person being invoked (allowing themselves to become a vessel for the spirit or deity).
Automatic writing, also called psychography, is a claimed psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. Practitioners engage in automatic writing by holding a writing instrument and allowing alleged spirits to manipulate the practitioner's hand. 
Brother DNA
Intercessory Prayer with a Conscious Vessel and Balkan Téwahedü as Religious Identity 
Téwahedü (Söl Tehwahedo)
Odinani, also known as Odinala, Omenala, Odinana, and Omenana[1] (Igbo: Ọdịnanị/Ọ̀dị̀nàlà), is the traditional cultural belief and practice of the Igbo people of south east Nigeria.[2] These terms, as used here in the Igbo language, are synonymous with the traditional Igbo "religious system" which was not considered separate from the social norms of ancient or traditional Igbo societies. Theocratic in nature, spirituality played a huge role in their everyday lives. Although it has largely been syncretised with Catholicism, the indigenous belief system remains in strong effect among the rural, village and diaspora populations of the Igbo. (Nigerian ASĖ; Jamaica, Ghana, Mozambique, [Balkans Téwahedü], Botswana, and Ethiopia)
Proponents of the Kenite hypothesis explain this inconsistency as a preserved implication that the cult of Yahweh said to have been created by Moses had a known pre-history. Further indirect support for the Kenites being the true bearers of the Yahwistic faith is taken from the positive portrayal of Kenites in the rest of the Tanakh. Kenites and some groups closely associated with them appear to have been known as fervid devotees of their god Yahweh, even during times when Yahweh's own chosen people, the Israelites, had at large abandoned his worship.
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kouhaiofcolor · 4 months ago
I saw your earlier posts on learning W. African languages (i.e Yoruba) and I would have to recommend just learning from the native learners themselves I.e udemy courses or hiring a private tutor. I tried using mango languages to learn Igbo but when I showed my parents (native Igbo speakers), they said that it removed the context of the words. Like, igbo is a language made primarily from people / farmers living in the village so much of the phrases / words are put in that context of returning to the village or greeting someone like a chief and mango languages removes that context and makes you sound … weird. Basically, learning from native learners is probably the best practice
To whoever this was, this is great advice and something I considered at large (*specifically learning African languages from national universities/institutions on the continent, since the dialects can be so regionally intricate). Really appreciate it, thanks :)
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zennesamuel · 6 months ago
Nigerian Masquerade, Village Differentiation, and Cultural Education
Igbo and Yoruba masquerade theatre was not something that I had any prior knowledge of, but the craftsmanship of it is something phantasmic. It also serves as a rich testament to the importance of oral traditions and storytelling prioritized over written documentation of ritual. The similarities between Igbo and Yoruba masquerade theater are not lost on me: their patrilinear societies, their celebration of the importance of the ancestors, beliefs in life after death of the physical body, and roots in religion and community as a space for performance. However, what has become most significant in my study of it is the idea of the circle in which ritual, theatrical performance, life on Earth, and life in the Otherworld intersect. Igbo and Yoruba masquerade theater serve the purpose of not only entertainment in villages, but as a vehicle for socialization and education, with the mask as a material representation of ancestral presence, symbolic of the spirits of the community, both in the past and in its current climate. The bridge between the members of these kingdoms and the Orishas cultivates health, protection, and prosperity. I think that one of the things that makes this form of ritual so compelling is its vitality to the overall culture of Nigeria, not in spite of but because of its variations throughout different sections of the country.
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months ago
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Ikenga (Igbo literal meaning "strength of movement") is a horned Alusi found among the Igbo people in southeastern Nigeria. It is one of the most powerful symbols of the Igbo people and the most common cultural artifact. Ikenga is mostly maintained, kept or owned by men and occasionally by women of high reputation and integrity in the society. It comprises someone's Chi (personal god), his Ndichie (ancestors), aka Ikenga (right hand), ike (power) as well as spiritual activation through prayer and sacrifice.
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Ikenga is exclusively an Igbo symbol. Nevertheless, various peoples of Southern Nigeria have slightly different notions of the components of an individual personality, but all agree that these various aspects can only be affected through ritual and personal effort. Some variants of it are found in Ijaw, Ishan, Isoko, Urhobo and Edo areas.
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Among the Isoko people, there are three types of personal shrine images: Oma, which represents the "spirit double" that resides in the other world; Obo which symbolizes the right hand and personal endeavor and the lvri which stands for personal determination. In the Urhobo areas it is also regarded as Ivri and in the Edo areas it's called Ikegobo
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panafrocore · 1 year ago
The Nsude pyramid shrines
The Nsude pyramid shrines are pyramidal shrines located in Nsude, a village in southeastern Nigeria. These are structures that were constructed by the Igbo and are made of earth and clay. The anthropologist and colonial administrator G.I. Jones took photos of the pyramids when he saw them in 1935. Over time, the Nsude Pyramids experienced erosion and degradation due to their earthen construction…
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blackhistorystoryteller · 2 years ago
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There is video at the end of this article
The Igbo people, also spelled and formerly called Ibo, are an ethnic group in Nigeria. They are mostly found in Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States. A sizable Igbo population is also found in Delta and Rivers States. Large ethnic Igbo populations are found in the Republic of Cameroon, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside Africa. There has been much speculation about the origins of the Igbo people as it is unknown how exactly the group came to form. Geographically, the Igbo homeland is divided into two unequal sections by the Niger River – an eastern (which is the larger of the two) and a western section. The Igbo people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa.
Igbo traditional wrestling is a very popular sport in the Igbo community and has been since its origin. It is a practice and acknowledgement of skill and strength, as well as promotion of indigenous language, culture, norms, values, and traditions by young, physically capable Igbo men. In Igbo Land, a man is believed to prove his physical strength when he is able to fight off his aggressors and so wrestling shows strength and courage. Before the wresting season, young men who will be competing would have trained for months. A young man who comes out victorious in a traditional wrestling match is admired and respected by all levels of the community. He is seen as a warrior or a distinguished wrestler.
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Perhaps Nigeria’s most popular pro wrestler of all time, Power Mike, hailed from the Igbo region
Traditional wrestling contests sometimes are used to settle local disputes and conflict between two villages. It is also used to determine the right groom in cases where a young woman has many suitors, in such cases a wrestling match is arranged where all the suitors battle it out and whoever emerges victorious marries the woman. It is also a form of entertainment, usually the chief of the village and his chieftains are seated and the villagers gather around the village square too to watch.
Wrestling matches take place in traditional rings, a ring filled with sand which cushions their fall. A flute boy is present to provide special tunes that stir the heart, this is believed to give added strength to the weak. Spectators are also present to cheer the wrestlers on and encourage them just as it is now in professional wrestling. The winner of the contest takes home a prize which can be money or other gifts.
World rated professional wrestlers that have emerged to rule the world of pro-wrestling from Igbo land are: the late Power Mike, former world heavyweight champion and title holder; the late Ben Lion Heart, former commonwealth wrestling champion; the late Iron Fineface, former African Middleweight champion; Former African tag team champions Iron Saigun and Iron Bone; world heavyweight champion Ultimate Commander and a host of other Igbo pro wrestlers like Mr. Sharpman, Golden Power, and so on, making the Nigerian nation proud.
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angelsaxis · 2 years ago
Igbo man asks igbo woman if she'll be going back to the village to find a husband and asks her thoughts on Igbo men. She responds "I try not to think about Igbo men".
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dgermany · 2 years ago
Attention ! Attention!
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Security Alert !
There is a very sinister plot to further spill the blood of #Biafra youths and innocent Biafra citizens of adult age especially in Imo state . This is just to satisfy the lust for political power and to win the #IMO state Governorship for another 4 years by the worst enemy of Biafra, Ndigbo and South Eastern region.
Since early this week Hope Uzodinma has been ferrying abducted innocent Imo youths by #Ebubeagu militia and their Nigeria security forces handing them over to #DSS and military intelligence unit in Abuja for further detention and killing of these arrested youths .
This latest gimmick by Hope. Uzodinma , gathering Igbo politicians to speak for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s release is a deceptive move at the highest level , that meeting of Igbo politicians had paved way for him and his ulterior motives. During his meeting with Bola Ahmed Tinubu in Aso Rock , that meeting of Igbo politicians facilitated his plan and it has solidified his request from Aso Rock to approve a new deployment of soldiers to be sent to Imo state and other south eastern state , soldiers are expected to be deployed from village to village, community by community, local government by local government, in fact its full militarization of Imo state , the state could witness another kind of killings and forced disappearances of Imo indigenes before the November governorship election just to pave way for Hope Uzodinma to retain power in Imo state.
Hope Uzodinma’s main targets this time are those frustrated voters, those aggrieved Imo state citizens, and supporters of Labour party , Peter obi and the obidients movement whom they have deviously tagged as #IPOB members and unknown gun men above all they have falsely claim that it’s those supporters of Labour Party and Peter obi are behind those enforcing sit at home as well as killing and kidnapping of people.
Unfortunately , Hope Uzodinma has used Ohaneze president chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu in gathering Igbo politicians because had it been that meeting was called by Hope Uzodinma many Igbo politicians would not attend that meeting. Hope Uzodinma has fine tuned another operation Python dance in South East especially in Imo state . Take this to the bank .
#APC is coming to the south East with another strategy to attack South East , we must all be on high alert, the days ahead are not funny that’s why their sponsored agent provocateurs was mandated to announce a new sit at home to pave way for all these plans they were figuring how to orchestrate the plans against Biafrans and with this their evil plans , the possibility of releasing of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu soon is very slim if we fail to thwart these plans quickly .
Be assured that as long as IPOB remain all their plans will definitely fail woo fully.
Never you forget this is an existential threat against every Biafra both home and abroad .
Share widely .@real_IpobDOS @PeterObi @EUinNigeria @alexottiofr @CCSoludo @NOIweala @AmnestyNigeria
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igbocalgary · 2 years ago
Why is Igbo day celebration important
Igbo Day celebration holds significant importance for several reasons:
Cultural Preservation: Igbo Day is a means of preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the Igbo people. It provides an opportunity for Igbo individuals and communities to showcase their traditional values, customs, language, arts, music, and dance. By celebrating Igbo culture, the community ensures that its unique traditions are passed down from one generation to the next, preserving their identity and preventing cultural erosion.
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Unity and Community Building: Igbo Day brings together Igbo people from different backgrounds, villages, and states, fostering unity and a sense of belonging. It serves as a platform for community members to connect, interact, and strengthen social ties. Through shared experiences, cultural activities, and discussions, Igbo Day promotes solidarity and collective responsibility among the Igbo people.
Education and Awareness: Igbo Day celebration plays a crucial role in educating both Igbo people and others about the cultural heritage, history, and contributions of the Igbo community. It raises awareness about the values, traditions, and achievements of the Igbo people, helping to dispel stereotypes and misconceptions. By showcasing their rich cultural tapestry, Igbo Day celebration promotes understanding, respect, and appreciation for Igbo culture among a wider audience.
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Cultural Identity and Pride: Igbo Day serves as a source of pride and reaffirms the cultural identity of Igbo individuals. It allows them to express and celebrate their heritage without hesitation or dilution. By participating in traditional activities, wearing traditional attire, speaking the Igbo language, and engaging in cultural practices, Igbo people reinforce their sense of belonging and take pride in their cultural roots.
Socioeconomic Development: Igbo Day celebration also has implications for socioeconomic development within the Igbo community.
The event provides a platform for showcasing Igbo entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. It creates opportunities for Igbo artisans, craftsmen, traders, and performers to display and sell their products and services. Igbo Day can stimulate economic growth, encourage investment, and promote tourism within Igbo communities.
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In summary, Igbo Day celebration is important because it preserves and promotes Igbo culture, fosters unity and community building, educates and raises awareness, strengthens cultural identity and pride, and contributes to the socioeconomic development of the Igbo community.
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akeliciousmedia · 1 month ago
Nnamdi Kanu Reacts to Southeast Attacks, Says He Would Have Prevented Them
The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu has said the enemies of Igbo have taken advantage of his detention to attack villagers in the Southeast. Kanu said nobody or entity would have attacked any Igbo community in the Southeast if he was free. He disclosed this after his routine meeting with his legal team headed by Lead Counsel, Aloy Ejimakor. In a statement he issued…
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ekechi · 4 months ago
The Parable of the Palm Oil Trader
Inspirational Tale In an Igbo village, not far from the River Niger, there was a famous Eke market known for its rich array of goods and endless vibrancy. Every Market day, traders, buyers, and wanderers gathered under towering palm trees, the air thick with the scent of ripe plantains, yams, Garri, Vegetables and freshly ground spices. Among these market goers was Adaora, a young woman known…
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