#ig you could argue their date scene
my favorite thing about bt is when there's an opportunity for buck and t to have a deeper connection, but then t just shuts it down. like, go girl, give us nothing!!!!
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blarefordaglare · 3 months
A very horrible, bad, never again prom
Gonna try to go all out with a modern AU in this one! Or in other words: time and malon adopted and raised/raising 8 children because why not. 
This takes place when sky is like 17 btw, so someone plz help me do the math for the rest, but just assume everyone is like children ig haha, this is Junior prom because I never went to any prom and Junior year is kinda easier maybe to write with? Because it’s just not the last one? Idk I sucked at school so what do I know
TW: swearing (uncensored), Overstimulation, alcohol, one small mention of sex, very poorly written high school dance scene from someone who had no experience with it so it sounds straight from Hollywood. 
“How come I can’t go?” Wind whined,   tugging on Time’s shirt, his grip stretching the grey fabric, “It’s not fair.” His brow creased, lips forming a pout.
Time sighed, detangling Wind’s hands from the cloth, “You’re going to get wrinkles like me if you keep scowling like that,” he chided gently, “And second graders have no major academic accomplishments to celebrate.” 
“I’ll let you know I memorized all my addition facts up to ten!” 
The conversation seized to a halt as soft footsteps pattered past the doorway, revealing Sky, hair finally combed, and a dark green suit fitting loosely around his physique, “Mom?” He called out, “Where did you put my tie?” 
The red haired mother in question peeked out from the kitchen, “I thought you didn’t want to wear one?” She sighed as she reached over to the kitchen counter, “Knew you’d change your mind though. And please, this time no stains. You know juice is impossible to get out.” 
The brunette nodded as he looked over to his father, “Can you please help me put it on?” He sheepishly asked. At seventeen he should have known to properly tie a tie, yet his fingers would never cooperate in said fashion, “I’m sorry.” 
Time gave a sympathetic smile, shaking his head, “We’ll learn another time, but it’s your big night tonight.” He quickly adjusted the fabric around the teenager’s neck, centering it to complete the outfit. 
“Freshman should be able to go,” Legend grumbled by the couch, flipping through channels, “Give me a break from all these menaces in here.” 
“Says the one who wears underwear with bunnies on it like a baby!” The long haired blonde shoved the boy, trying to steal the remote from him, “Give me that! I want to watch my shows! Not your boring ones!”
“Boys!” Time called, “This is no time to argue, now say goodbye to Sky.” The man’s head pierced with a developing headache, making a mental note to take some Tylenol later. 
Wild and Legend looked up at their older brother in shame, before slowly walking over to give him a hug, “Bye Sky, we’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you guys too,” He wrapped his arms around the children before quickly pulling away, “Love you!” He waved a quick goodbye before sprinting out of the house. 
“I’m worried for him.” Time deadpans, looking over to Malon, “First dance, no date.” 
“I didn’t even have a dance fairy boy.” 
A quick jog later, and the high school doors flew open. The room held a dark sprinkled with lights of color that the teenager didn’t even know existed until then. His eyes quickly scanned around the vast room, attempting to find someone-anyone-he remotely knew. 
“Hey man,” Sky quickly whipped his head around, stumbling on the ground that shook from the dancing, only to be met with a familiar red hair, confident smile, and amber eyes, “How are you enjoying the party?” Groose asked, “In my opinion it’s pretty boring.” 
Boring? Boring? Sky took a second to process what he just heard. It’s loud, flashy, and many people here, how could it be boring? “Yeah, it really could use some spicing up.” He quickly forced, trying to save face. 
As Groose waved a goodbye, Sky made a beeline for the food stand, silently praying to Hylia that the vast amount of options would give him the chance to focus on something and not go insane. 
His eyes of hope quickly went to eyes of disappointment as the options lay in front of him. Everything looked gross, nothing like mom’s cooking at home. He wanted to go home. He was going to stay and make the most of this party, prove that he’s mature enough to handle these kinds of situations. 
Grabbing a cup of fruit punch, the brunette quietly retreated into a quieter corner of the room, granted it still was bursting his ear drums, but at least there was a minuscule amount of peace involved. Bringing the plastic cup to his lips he attempted to down some of the liquid, yet his mouth felt a bitter taste as his eyes widened with panic at the unfamiliar sensation, and without a second thought his hand froze, dropping the punch onto the suit.
The moment of realization hit like a title wave, the suit! His mind screamed at him, go, clean it up! His body couldn’t move, frozen with embarrassment. His eyes burned with shame as his body wrapped in on itself, curling into a ball and finally resting on the cool, shaking ground.
The room spun around him, lights stabbing his sensitive eyes, music he hated waving over him like a title wave. Waves of anxiety washed through his body, his figure shaking perpendicular to the room. Fingers reaching out for his phone, he opened up messages.
Dad can help. Dad can come get me. 
His fingers tried to type an explanation, but it all ended up futile, the bright phone screen shutting down to an eerie black. No contact. No safety. No desire to stay. 
The held tears in his eyes finally released, saltwater falling down his face, a quiet, yet painful sob escaped his throat, his eyes shut closed, in attempt to block out the intensity taking place in front of him. 
“Hey, Mom told me you forgot your shoes-“ Sky blinked up at the voice above him, noticing a familiar blonde wearing a signature blue scarf, “Woah, what happened to you?” 
The brunette couldn’t find the words to describe the horrors of this dance, it wasn’t even a dance! It was a death party at best, “I wanna go home.” He mumbled, tears pooling onto the ground, “I hate it here.” 
“But prom is so much fun!” Warriors quickly spoke, then realized his mistake, “Well, granted I went to boarding school. Are you sure you want to leave?” He grabbed a cloth from his pocket, urging his younger brother to wipe his tears before standing up, “Come on, let’s go.” 
As they exited through the big doors, Sky could feel his ears burn. Everyone else was having fun, so why couldn’t he? Stupid, his mind rang out again, couldn’t even handle a small dance. 
As he stepped into the passenger seat, he couldn’t deny the mix of relief and shame swirling in his heart, as he gazed longingly at the window, he felt the urge to speak up, “Are you going to tell dad?” He knew that he tried to text him before, but the feeling of embarrassment wasn’t any less.
“Only if you want me to.” His brother’s eyes were focused on the road, hands gripping tightly, but not tensely on the wheel, “My first dance I got laid and you didn’t see me tell them.” 
A wet giggle escaped the other, tears finally drying onto his face as he looked down at his socks, how did he forget shoes? “Well you’re gonna have to come up with a lie on why we are home so early.” 
“Who said anything about going home?” Pulling over to a small cafe, Warriors urged Sky out of the car, “You must be starving, and no spoiled drinks this time, I promise.”
“How did you..?”
“Please, it’s a room full of teenagers that finally get a night out, who wouldn’t want to remember, or I guess, forget it?”
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im rewatching Moon Knight while I embroider, so I figured why not post about it!! I still haven't unlocked the gif ability everyone on here seems to have, so I'm just gonna have to describe everything without proof. this is gonna be an in depth, long, and rambly post, so you can read the rest after the cut if you'd like!!
episode 1: the goldfish problem
so a lot of this episode is establishing Steven and the situation that he's in. it's kinda sad cuz on the surface level, he has a nice life. he's got a job, a big flat, he calls his mom pretty often. but when you look deeper it gets sadder. the main thing that sticks out is how lonely Steven is
JB doesn't know his name, the only person he can talk to is a statue person that doesn't respond back, his boss is mean. he's so lonely in fact that he accepts a date with a person he doesn't really know to a STEAK HOUSE.
(I have my own theory about how that was Jake who was trying to be nice and get a date for Steven?? maybe?? bc it's highly unlikely that marc, who has a wife, would do that. and even if you tried to argue that marc did it for Steven, why would he then go and make him miss it?? plus, I'm certain he knows that Steven is a vegan. which also makes you wonder why Jake didn't notice that detail, but I digress)
(side note number two, Steven is good with kids and I'll die on that hill. the scene where he's explaining things about mummification to that little girl?? answering her questions patiently and excitedly?? yeah, he's a hit with them, I promise you. and not just when he's talking about his Special Interest. also the foreshadowing of that girl asking him if it sucked to get rejected from the field of reeds?? I'm sickkkk)
and ofc, there's the main issue of steven falling asleep in his bed and waking up in the middle of nowhere without a clue as to how he got there. I'd like to take a second to commend Stevens intelligence here!! anke restraints, sand around the bed, tape on the door?? I would never even think of these things.
either way, none of it works and he wakes up in the middle of goddamn nowhere, injured and hurting at that!! (even if khonshu fixed it, he still sounded like he was in pain for a while there). people are shooting at him, he's so so desperately trying to give this strange man (who he just witnessed kill a woman mind you) the beetle but he can't, and all the while a strange voice is berating him every two seconds. again kudos to Steven bc I could never. I would have been crying the moment I heard the gunshots.
(Jake theory again. I'm so certain that a lot, if not all of the car stuff was Jake. I love marc, but I refuse to believe he could manage those car skills, while shooting at ppl, while on the a narrow road of a fucking mountain. nahhhh that was all my boy Jake)
(also note that when Steven first woke up in the grass after Marc?? jumped and fell fourish stories?? khonshu called him a worm. and then further specified and called him "the idiot." I firmly believe that khonshu calls Steven AND Jake worms/parasites, it's just that Stevens the idiot and Jakes the competent one ig)
and waking up after all of that like nothing happened must have been so frustrating. I know Marc was just trying to protect him, but instead Stevens just being gaslighted and facing psychological warfare. so everywhere he goes he's faced with signs that he might be crazy or he might not be. ex: gus suddenly having one fin, the time being wrong, Marc appearing in the mirror and talking to him completely unhelpfully, khonshu FUCKING TORMENTING HIM FOR NO REASON, but also the burner phone he found, harrow being real, and the dog creature I can't remember the name of!!
so much of this episode was Steven being scared and unhappy and overwhelmed and it makes me sad!! he's so precious and sweet, he doesn't deserve to be going thru any of that.
(also I'm never ever gonna get over the cinematography and thematics of the mirrors in the museum bathroom. first of all mirrors cool. second, the hints at his multiplicity thru the infinite images of the bathroom, but with Marc in only one of the reflections. I'm gonna be fucking sick)
so yeah!! those are most of my thoughts. I know that pictures and gifs are a huge part of making a post Not Boring and I'm gonna use them as soon as I learn how istg
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multifairyus · 1 year
Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume II: After Dark
Hey! Haven’t heard the Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume I: Rise and Fall, Of Our Own Volition (O3V) and Demonia’s Descent (DD)? Interested in my explicit content disclaimer/behind the scenes for Volume II? Wanna read about my canon BM timeline divergence headcannons that inspired this fanwork?
You’re up to date with all that? You don’t care about any of that and came for the spice? You appreciate the dynamic between Briana and Selwyn and want to see it explored in musical medium? You’re grown and sexy? You like expanding your music taste? You’re a fan of my playlists (@ficnoire2 @poisonousflora @thoughtfulbearpanda @justbrainrot @sweetestblacktea 😘)?
Excellent, then you’re in the right place 💖
Start, Stop…
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Summary: In which a King and her Kingsmage fight and make up with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of O3V. Directly proceeds the developments of AEIB. Features a couple tracks from DD and familiar phrases and concepts from O3V.
Genre: Heavy R&B and neo soul, with a hint of pop for emphasis.
Duration: 2 hours, 40 minutes (I’m sorry)
Transition: Exclusively Joel Sunny violin covers. Denotes emotional shifts in relationship status.
Prologue: First five tracks.
Epilogue: Last two tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #kiss and make up #but not before they roll in the hay a bit #mature content rating #dream sex if you squint #established couple #for realsies this time #Nickbree/OT3 shippers…are you lost or? #lol but fr no Nick disparaging but it is addressed and resolved sooo #avert your eyes sorry not sorry #if I had a nickel #for every time Beyoncé heralds a fundamental shift in Brelwyn’s relationship in these playlists #I’d have two nickels #which isn’t a lot #but it makes perfect sense that it happened twice #BeeHive 🤝🏾 BreeHive #I swear O3V wasn’t a fakeout #I just forgot I was dealing with two stubborn idiots oml #does their fight in this make sense? #do their canon fights make sense? #sort of and sometimes #but whatever the arguing is foreplay regardless #I do think she won lowkey #Rihanna is not the one or two to play with and neither is Bree #speaking of which #hello there demonia Sel #you’re sounding awfully angsty and sappy in this playlist #wanna play the long game #and let her do what she wants #until she begs you to come out and play? #excellent, good, good…
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
…And Everything In Between
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Summary: A playlist in which a King and her Kingsmage fight are willing to take turns, as long as it’s with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of SS. Heavily features an artist from DD in particular.
Genre: Mix of R&B, electropop, and urban contemporary with a pinch of rock and pop for seasoning
Duration: 3 hours, 33 minutes (I am so sorry)
Transition: Power Haus violin song covers denote the start of a “turn” while Joel Sunny violin covers denote the end of a “turn”.
Prologue: First two tracks.
Epilogue: Last four tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #explicit content warning #kink #BDSM #switch4switch #power dynamics #edging #erotic asphyxiation #bondage #just because I’d fold like fresh laundry for Sel doesn’t mean Bree would #Selwyn Kane is a slut first #part incubus second #and a dramatic Gemini classics major third #of course he’d sub for Briana #you can read (hear?) it as bratty bottom4service top too ig #Janet and Abel really deserve to be co-curators as much as they feature in this #this curator disavows any and all references to infidelity along with certain honorifics used within tracks #shhh just ignore those lines for immersion’s sake #they are in love, fucking, officially together and trauma bonded #this could have been even more intense believe it or not #even still #if I made the aftercare more than one song each #it would be over the 4 hour mark #the epilogue covers the tonal range in Brelwyn’s sexual dynamic in a nutshell #in case the whole “taking turns” thing flew over your head somehow
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
~ Fairy 💖
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
I saw the anons about dazai and like... Barely anything about his sexuality is confirmed in manga lmao!!! Sure, you could use the anime, but we all know the anime messed up the plotline, timeline (they mixed chapter 1 of the manga and the 1st light novel together...) And they prefer making teenage girls squeal with the possibility of gay ships, because for whatever reason, they get fetishfied (?) To hell and back.
So no, I personally don't think the anime should be used to confirm or deny anything since it takes out so much of the source material. However, beginning of season 4 was cool, with ranpo/ fukuzawa and oda.
Aside from that, from what I remember, no one's sexuality has been officially confirmed, except that some men ARE attracted to women, if you read the manga, the light novels, and the.. Idk how to spell it, but anothonglies (????).
Those men being: Dazai (he literally said so himself so early into the series, plus that nurse scene during the cannibal arc), kunikida (again, shown early in the series + light novel 1 + literally has a list of what his ideal WOMAN is) and Chuuya (wanted to go on a blind group date/mixer where he thought women would be there in a side story drawn by someone else but was disappointed when he saw the Ada there instead).
Ig Mori counts, but uh, his sexuality is very... Elise exists for a reason and I wished she wasn't a child for that reason.
I'm not saying none of them are not attracted to men. Dazai gives off the vibes that he might be, but again, nothing about that has specifically been confirmed.
And before anyone says I'm homophobic I'm literally gay lmao.
And whoever says they are, with your poor arguments, you sound like 14 year old girls who want nothing more but to fetishive (yea I suck at spelling, apologies) gay men. Stop trying to argue over a fictional man's sexuality. Believe what you want to, but don't try to force that onto other people while being assholes about it.
Oh? I didn't know Chuuya expressed an interest in women? *twirls hair* *blushes* *loopy smile* Which side story is that, do you know?
Everything else went over my head swtiutrwwckivdsdhiydw
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c1x9 little girl lost
sdkjfasjkld second last episode, this season was kind of short. Oh so THAT'S what a bear claw it. My family was arguing about bear paws, white claws, monster energy, funnel cakes, elephant ears, beavertails, crepes, croissants, donuts, deep fried croissants that ARE donuts, pate a choux donuts which I think are called cruellers, danishes, & we just didn't know what a bear claw was.
*shoves it in his mouth* Castle is right "only because it's about me"
She's not naked. She's holding a gun... strategically.
Yeah she is in homicide... RM: 'Cause I like pissing off the FBI. And because you think outside the box. That's something the Feebs rarely do. Oh an ex? RC: Actually, I'm not. Who's Sorenson?
Square jaw on this man. Castle just there RC: Writer of wrongs.
Ah yes, kids raised on TV. I mean you might need a few minutes & the TV is a fine babysitter but babe u should have your earbuds OUT.
I just noticed, there was no intro. ig bc there was no murder. I like how this is a child abduction case not just a murder.
True, most abductions are from someone u know or someone related.
KB: Yeah, I know. You were not asking very loudly. I remember the mirror scene in s2.
Ryan with his castle book lol. & she pats him on the shoulder & he's on the phone.
KR: *just talking abt the case* *they all turn to face each other at the desks* RC, physically taken aback: Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! *espt looks at him sharply, beckett simply watches* RC: Sorry. Sorry about that. That tie took me a little by surprise. *esposito & beckett laugh* KR: Okay. Get it all out. This is a gift from my girlfriend. JE: "Girlfriend"? KB: Already giving gifts, huh? KR: Today's our two-week anniversary. All three: Ooooooooh JE: Two weeks! Is that the paper or the silk? RC: I believe it's the whipped. JE: Good one. KR: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.  Ok uh spoilers for s4 but gyrating jenny? I said two weeks is like maybe one or two dates worth of knowing each other. Mum said no it could be that they went on a date every night & if you only dated once a week it would be comparatively three months of dating. Which ok a quarter year can be a celebration. BUT here's the thing, right now they were I think dating several people each. "I went on a date with her, I went on a date with her, I went on a date with Jenny, I went on a date with him, I went on another date with Jenny, hmm I've given this gal two casual dates maybe it's time we start an actual item." But then why would u get a fortnightversary tie? Maybe bc after casually dating for two weeks u decided to get together properly & that was the gift? But I thought mike/jake was a month into their relationship... Ah well whatever, if they had a non-exclusive relationship (so ig an open relationship) for the first bit then good for them, it brings poly vibes to the relationship & boom fanfic fuel. Anyway ha here we go continuing on. Maybe this is what gets ryan to start wearing ties more often. Btw I saw a fic recently where ryan said his gf got him the tie & esposito was mad bc "I don't mind being called ur gf but I am not taking the blame for that tie" actually it was a vignette per episode for the first season, 100 words each. P good. "If you were having an affair, would your best friend know about it?" ok so espt didn't know ryan had a gal & it's been Two Weeks?
They afford a cleaning lady??? rly??? I hope the bio mom gets to stay in contact with the kid. native kids are disproportionately represented in the system & at least the parents seem to be native too. (Unless they're just (euro)spanish bc spanish ppl can get p dark, unlike my celtic & (not-too-far-east) slavic friends who are white af; & fake tans are in right now. Have you ever seen those quizzes where they cover a fellow's face & u have to guess whether she is black or has an aggressive tan? Yeah I thought the kardashians were black for ages before someone told me they were white. Like one time at a lake in the summer one of my neighbours had a tan but throughout the day at the beach he darkened up; I saw a black man out of the corner of my eye but when i did a double take it was my white neighbour. I was like woah u look more black than some of my black friends. anyways i'm kind of hoping that the adopted parents are native bc, well, icwa & all that)
Good voice change ig But you need proof of life. She has a very wide mouth WS: It's not about what you say. It's about controlling the situation. Controlling the emotions. He is not wrong RC: Must be fate.
Weird breakroom shots here. Where are they...? Good for him, painting during stress is a good way to cope. Guy lost his kids? Yeah I can see this
At least rick settles the argument for them, going to observe instead XD castle
KB: Mr. Ellers, Detective Kate Beckett. NYPD. WS: Special Agent Sorenson, FBI. JE: *looks meaningfully at ryan but my social skills aren't as good as maybe they should be so idk what it means* The spinny spin is not too much but... it is a bit nauseating... just a bit
Castle they need to check either way. WS: A couple dozen best-sellers doesn't make you a criminologist. RC: I also don't need a weatherman to tell me that the sky is blue. (we watched this when the sky was orange from smoke & now I'm watching it right after the sky was green from smoke & refraction) KB: Oh, for godsakes, why don't you both just drop your pants and get it over with? RC: I'm ga...me. Point for the castle queer headcanons (Makes me wonder why beckett didn't say that to rysposito during the dirty dozen names for suspects battle. I read a fanfic abt that the other day. Actually I think it was the same vignette-per-episode fic I mentioned earlier.)
Well that was nice, I wasn't able to start my castle binge watch very early bc mum had an online interview, then she left for an ultrasound, (I started my castle watch) & then she came back home for lunch & we started a puzzle together. It was very nice. Now she's off to work & I already did some chores while she was home so I'm free to finish castle s1, possibly plus commentary versions!
Castle being good for once. He KNOWS she needs him to go home & he wants to argue but he checks first & then finds out he needs to give her space, but then he still tells her to call him if she needs.
MR, leaning back in rick's office chair: I mean the source of your power. *raises hands* The source of your power, Todd, is you. *She points to him with both hands* At least rick is somewhat playing along lol
Oh i see the weird little dog thing I love her 'isms. RC: How is it that you don't know who my father is, you don't know how your ex-husband stole all your money, yet you are giving life-coaching advice? Freud was not the father of psychology he was the senile grandfather Rick goes to hug alexis not martha lmao *spins her around all full of fatherly love*
Poached eggs are not my fave to make diner style XP Over-easy XD Oh fun fact technically there is a difference between over-easy & over soft. Over easy is: sunny side up; flip, one two, off. Over soft is when you flip the egg & wait for it to get to the soft stage; over medium is when the yolk is somewhat set, & over hard is when the yolk is completely set. Most people don't actually distinguish it tho.
btw beckett outfit update: weird jackett. it's nice it just has some stuff going on. typical detective coat.
He's kind of sweet here. I feel bad for beckett, she liked him but he had to keep moving & this seems like it happens her her, well, more than rarely. Will had to leave, Tom she broke up with, Josh had to leave but then returned then she broke up with him... RC: Oh! I thought cops and Feds hated each other. RC: They say justice never sleeps. I think I know why. KB: We were just, uh... RC: Being consenting adults. I'm not judging.
RC: I did go home, but then my mother told me something that couldn't wait. WS, thinking he lives with his mom, not that his mom lives with him: You live with your mother? RC: Yeah. Apparently, we're peas in a pod. But the important point is, Angela's adopted.
Yeah! Most abductions are from someone the kid knows. RC: Is that supposed to be an insult? Because Nancy Drew solved every case. 
Hm, Gomez is a spanish sounding last name, the kid looks latine, but lucia looks way less native than I thought. Love how she proves it by pulling out her driver's license Oh juan is def a spanish name.
Love how ryspocastle just drives up out of nowhere. Yep boy could be native, but again, could also be tanned & spanish. Their kid tho, angela looks way more native than either of them
The most real guy on the show: Look, in my neighborhood, when you see a cop - that's what you do. KR: ach Can you believe this? He details cars for a living. He could have a little more pride in his ride. *envelopes fall from the visor when he wipes it; he holds his arms up slightly* Wow it IS a pissing match.
he was 18? she said she was a junior? idk what USA stuff is. k she would have been 16 turning 17. that fits with half plus seven we good. Tho the legal ability does create a power differential. Then again, my first relationship was technically outside the half plus seven rule until my birthday Poor kid. He's so young. Support our troop: Bring Them Home.
Oof kid was already dead...
I've seen this episode before but in my head it is TWO different episodes Was the canvas strong enough to break the vase?
I am so glad for captions civillian, not parent Why is the kid's voice not distorted?
Hire mercs? Castle <3 cop privilege, non-cop privilege. Halfsies. Castle nonebiney moments.
*pats herself with the rabbit* lol cold hands. Beckett: it's for nikki heat you're a homicide detective, you KNOW that ppl get coined for murder if they make death threats.
KB: We don't have to read you, we can see you. Now shut up and focus. Lol castle & his spy jargon Fan as in book fan or as in u see her crush? Ah book fan Oh he's such a flirt. LMAO CASTLE I like their cell phones rn, & soon they end up with touchscreen phones & it's so modern instead of being nostalgic. I'm too dumb for that. Cross the street which way? "correct"
Me: knowing how it works The ppl walking around: none have the "art instillation" yet & then there was ONE guy & now there are A Hundred. Why don't they look into buying records of the backpacks? Who bought two dozen backpacks for an art thing?
Me: knowing what happens The mom: looks upset
Love rain. & that's a cool boat. Rick castle maximalist moments. AC: What did Beckett tell you about taking phone photos at the crime scene? RC: I don't know, I wasn't listening. you can get repairs done on stuffies yk...
Or maybe angela took the bunny with her just cuz
See? it IS mostly from ppl who know them. baby so chill getting picked up by a stranger Beckett <3
I speak enough french to know that he said mi coeurason (idk how to spell) & it means "my heart" I think. Is it that hard to write it into the captions?
Mom could be in shock (except I know) Mom could at least fake it to pretend she's happy the kid is back.
Does the husband want to be here for this?
I understand where she is coming from ig... Yeah he should not have had the music loud, I really can understand where she is coming from... & tbh that was a good idea if it worked...
like bro this is so sad
Beckett's hair is slowly getting longer, I don't mind it, it's nice. RC: Yeah, he's like the male you. Ying needs Yang, not another Ying. Ying-Yang is harmony, but Ying-Ying is... a name for a panda.
KB: That's why it's called "private life." Because it's private. Unlike you, I don't live my life on Page Six.
k so beckett has a desk & then there is another desk on the other side of hers & it has a computer so obv it's SOMEONE's desk, but whose?
0 notes
1800-omi · 3 years
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my baby shot me down.
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pairing: atsumu x reader
warnings: abuse, cuss words, slight intrusive thoughts, angst
notes: i dont know what i’m doing writing this. just wanted to experiment more if that makes sense?? it’s quite short because i’m not sure of i want to continue this,, perhaps part 2 will come if im feeling like it 🤔 anyway idk its kinda messy and all but enjoy ig <3
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Two weeks. That’s how long it had been since your last fight with him. Things had been quiet in the house since, but your mind couldn’t be louder. You couldn’t stop your brain from thinking about it, making your stomach feel sick. Your heart clenched at the voices in your head, your heart ached every time you thought about what had happened.
You and your boyfriend, Atsumu, get along well for the most part but whenever you two fight he gets mad, and whenever he gets mad he can’t control himself. Fights were not a stranger to you two, obviously, after having dated for 3 years, you had been through plenty of them. Fighting was just a part of dating, and all of the arguments before came and went normally. Atsumu got mad, yes, but he never acted on it. That is until two weeks ago. You had been arguing about God knows what, you can’t and don't want to remember anymore. It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that during that argument, he hit you.
The scene played in your mind hundreds of times. He yelled, then you yelled back, then it happened. He slapped you. His expression had immediately changed after realising what he had done. Your darling hurt you. Quickly reacting, he kept repeating the same words over and over again — “I’m so sorry” “Are you okay?” — those words were nothing but a blur to you at the time. How could someone you were so in love with have done this to you?
Since then, he had apologized to you several times. Atsumu had even promised to work on himself and never do it again. He regretted it, you knew that, but does that really matter now?
Right now you lay in your shared bed, waiting for your boyfriend to come home from his volleyball practice. Voices screaming in your head. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up, please, please. The sound of the front door opening can be heard, he’s home. On a normal day your lovely boyfriend would call out your name, and you would go to him, kiss him and ask him about his day. But today is not a normal day, you hadn’t had a normal day in two weeks.
He walks into the bedroom, you’re already pretending to be asleep by the time he enters. He opens his mouth to say something but after noticing you’re asleep, he stops. He takes his clothes off and then lays next to you. You gulp quietly, your thoughts quieting down for a moment, your heart beating faster. The awful sound of silence is about to tear you apart. You’re scared, you're scared and you’re not even sure of what.
He makes all the right gestures as he closes the space between him and you with his arms outstretched around you. You flinch as he hugs you, adrenaline pulsing through you. You are ready to push him from you, ready to escape. You can't imagine that you'd ever found this man's touch pleasing. You can't imagine you'd ever found this man anything other than terrifying.
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Reblogs are appreciated.
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
I always love your opinions and notice we’re pretty much always on the same wavelength so I don’t feel singled out on my thoughts whenever I skim your blog!! But this might be the first time I disagree with one thing (which I’d love to discuss more!): I feel like Kim, Hailey and even Priyanka are somewhat different from Olivia getting a cover. All three did come from world wide known famous families and especially Priyanka (as much as she drives me crazy) who is stupidly popular in India way before jonas —- I agree that them dating/marrying celebrities totally pushed them for covers but I could’ve seen a couple of them getting their own at some point in their lives due to just their backgrounds and gains from future projects if they weren’t with their s/o’s. Something about Olivia’s cover and write up truly rubbed me the wrong way and the whole write up really was just reiterating how hot she was and there was almost nothing about directing. And like the twitter journalist replied to another user- those vogue videos Olivia did were fucking bizarre. Was fashion even spoken about or did I miss that? At some parts it even felt like she wanted to poke at fans of Harry’s yet continued to reiterate how happy she is and all I thought was: are you actually happy…? People imo who gloat how happy and healthy they are and putting down anything or anyone involving their past are the ones with a facade up (You had two wonderful babies with this man and gloated nonstop on IG every other day for 7+ years and now those seem to be years that weren’t at all the “happiest”? Now I don’t trust any interview or life period of her stating how “happy” she was back then either) I just feel like there was absolutely no need for her as a cover and can only assume it was because of Harry and it was an empty issue they needed to fill. And I also wanted to point out, I totally don’t want to discredit Olivia for her acting past cause I know she’s had some great roles but those were so long ago that unfortunately aren’t iconic or memorable enough to be reposted these days like Cher in Clueless or a scene from The Craft. and if we’re going to give her a cover for nothing prominent happening in her life besides dating a young rockstar, then I need to send a ginormous list of long term iconic women to fill in the next year of covers.
All good! I think we can agree to disagree and it’s productive in terms of discussions on this blog anyway.
I agree that it’s different in a sense with those women I mentioned because they were/are relevant in their own ways prior to landing the Vogue US cover. Meanwhile, Olivia was barely ever brought up prior to Booksmart and now she’s experiencing a mini career revival through her relationship with Harry Styles. With that being said, I don’t think Hailey, Kim or Priyanka could have landed a US Vogue cover without their partner (they landed Vogue covers in other countries prior to that though). Hailey was the least relevant of all the nepo models, mostly did commercial jobs and didn’t book any high profile gigs. Kim (and her family) was looked down upon by the fashion industry/circle and saw her as a MTV reality show type of star, so they would have never given her a cover unless she married someone just as or even more well-connected with the industry just as Ye was at the point of his career. Priyanka had a hit soap show that didn’t last for very long and hasn’t done much since. Out of all of those three, Priyanka probably had the biggest chance and even that is slim. You could at least argue that O was a movie star that peaked in the late 2000s that’s giving directing a go. Even if her movies aren’t box office hits, she’s landed herself a few big names for her latest one so there’s that.
With all that being said, I can agree that the timing of the article/cover is weird and it would have been more appropriate to give her one closer to the release of DWD release. I haven’t read the entire article (and I don’t plan to) but from what I’ve seen/read of different snippets, it seems like she’s buddy-buddy with an editor and they’re just talking and writing on what’s been happening in her life lately. Hence why I said her relationship with Harry couples with her own friendship/personal connections with Vogue staff probably landed her this cover as a favour. Not every cover stories by Vogue need to revolve around fashion, but there’s nothing to promote or focus on either other than her as a person. In terms of O gushing about how happy she’s been, like idk what else she should be saying? Genuine or not, most celebs who have gone through some type of public scandal (not talking drugs/death/crime-related ones, obvly) are going to want to present as having seen the light at the end of the tunnel or unbothered by all the noise. Plus Harry and she have been pushing to the media that they’re happy, domesticated and blissfully in love though so she’s probably just playing into that even further
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queerdiaz · 3 years
I guess you can use this as a prompt if you’d like but also I’m just curious. How would you like for them to get together?
This is such a great question thank you! I decided to just write my thoughts instead of making it a prompt bc there's actually a lot of different ways that I wouldn't mind it to go/would want them to do. So if I wrote if it'd be just one of thos ideas (but I still might write it).
But I will start with that I definitely want them to have at least some inkling of feelings from either Eddie or Buck or even both in the finale. Because, if the writers really are gonna give us a romantic buddie storyline, I really don't see how they won't have at least a hint, even if it's one of those 'saying it saying it things'. However, since it's what I personally would want (while I try to maintain a more realistic approach lol) I would love to see somewhat of a confirmation that both have feelings for each other, even if it is a 'saying it without saying it'.
And then s5 we get mutual pining era.
Okay, so before I go any further I wanna point out a scenario that my sister mentioned even before last ep aired. I know this won't happen, but I would just love if we get some good friends to lovers angsty drama i.e. like what they did with caskett in Castle. Where maybe when Buck is saving Eddie one of them confess in the heat of the moment. Like the confession doesn't even have to be big, it could just be an 'I love you' that some people could still interrupt as them 'being bros who love each other as bros'. BUT THEN after Eddie is okay, either a) Eddie asks if he or Buck said anything and Buck tell him 'no' (you know like a liar) or b) where Buck asks Eddie if he remembers anything and Eddie says 'no' (also like a liar). And then later Buck talks to Taylor and Taylor mentions how she and him could never work, not when he has feelings for someone else and then maybe tells him "I think the universe came to you a long time ago. You just didn't realize it yet.' She then walks off and leaves him wearing a pikachu face. And then with Eddie, he breaks up with Ana and tells her that she was everything he thought he wanted, was taught to want, but that he needs to reevaluate himself. And then she maybe says something like "I hope you find what you're looking for. Though I feel like you might've already have" and he does not have the pikachu face. Instead he just gives her a small smile and nods. And then season 5 we get the drama of the mutual pining and one of them keeping the secret about the love confession bc they have to self reflect and afraid of losing what they have and worrying what the other would think and blah blah classic fic angst that I can see them put in the show since they've done so many fic tropes anyways.
But again I do not see that angsty drama happening but I would love to see IG. I do would like for them to still have those scenes with Ana and Taylor to help confirm the mutual pining.
And with Eddie, I can really see him getting shot be his epiphany moment. Whether it's him realizing that he's in love with Buck, or that he already had somewhat a knowledge of having feelings for his best friend but pushed them aside. But either way I can really see this epiphany where he realizes that he can't hide himself anymore and breaks up with Ana. BUT he still just went through a trauma that effected both Buck and Christopher, and I would like for that to trigger his PTSD. So I would love for him to want to do something about his feelings for Buck but still needs time to focus on himself. Meanwhile Buck is there with them every step of the way. (Roommates era while Buck helps Eddie anyone??)
And on Buck's side, I would want him to maybe just realize his feelings so he's been digesting them for a few months and kinda freaking out about it. But at the same time there are things in canon that showed that maybe he was aware. Idk I feel like it could go either way and either way  can see his current journey being that he also needs to revaulate himself and maybe also trying to see if Eddie feels the same way.
And in the meantime he helps with Eddie deal with his PTSD and they both kinds work in healing together and Chris as well. And if that's the case, then I would love for his they get together is a scene similar to the Kitchen Scene™ where they talk about the latest things go on in their life it's all very domestic while they're doing dishes or something and then Eddie getting shot is mentioned and that leads to them finally opening up and then rush into a kiss.
Or, maybe bc of still dealing with the trauma they kinda explode and argue in the kitchen which leads to one of them shouting "Because I love you!" Which immediately silences the other as they ask in a bewildered voice. If it's Buck who says it then I can see him try to retract it in a "you know as a bro" kinda way (of course he's not gonna actually say that but it's the vibe) but Eddie interrupts him and goes to kiss him. But if it's Eddie who shouts it I would want him to either be silent or be silent and then holds his head high and says, "You heard me". And then Buck proceeds to kiss him.
Oh! Another thing I would love is Buck's realization that he has feelings for Eddie makes him realize that he's not as straight as he thought and since he doesn't want to do anything that could risk losing Eddie (especially him getting shot my goodness) I would love if it s5 he kinda explores his sexuality a bit and starts dating Ravi. And we get jealous Eddie which leads to them probably arguing in the kitchen and a love confession.
Either way I want them to get together in the kitchen. It's a mighty need.
So yeah, as I said, there's so many ways that I would want it to go (some less realistic than others lol). But, my main thing is I would just love some kind of feelings confirmation or even hints of it in the finale. And for me I would personally want it for both of them bc there's been lead up for both of them having a realization. And then I would just love to see the Mutual Pining Galore while they help each other through the traumas. And then us watching and seeing how long these two idiots in love can keep their feelings in.
And none of none of these are probably that realistic, but tbh no how they do it, if they actually make Buddie canon (and endgame) then I would freaking love it with all of my heart (unless it's something that's messed up or idk which I highly HIGHLY doubt).
But yeah here's to whatever the future hopefully holds!
Thanks again so much for the ask :)
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mangomochi-yn · 4 years
[like a lost puppy]
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bnha. todoroki shouto x reader
g. the crackiest fluff, like actually cracky
tw. baku cursing ig? none really  wc. 1.3k lol
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It was honestly a true wonder how you hadn’t noticed how much Todoroki paid attention to you. 
The whole class—heck the whole school even—though all knew how much the Icy Hot student cared for you. 
Whether it be pushing you to the side as Kaminari and Kirishima were being rowdy or whether when he gently removes an eyelash on your face— always giving you that same soft smile after. 
But even as he offers you his homework after you mentioned forgetting about it to your friend, the class truly was bewildered at how you seemed so oblivious and unaware of the boy’s constant actions. 
“Oh! Thanks Todoroki-kun! You’re a sweetheart, I swear!” You say as you gave him that same friendly smile you gave everyone else, not noticing how Mina just shakes her head in the corner— exasperated by your obliviousness. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N. But call me Shoto instead.” Maybe it was the sudden blush that crept to your face, or maybe the fact that despite all his caring actions, Todoroki was never one to pull an advance more than what was borderline (like very border, too much really) friendliness. 
This was a first and it had the class buzzing with excitement. 
You hadn’t noticed how it got seemingly more quiet— everyone’s attention trained on the two of you. 
“Oh, uh, sure. Shoto-kun.” Of course you just had to add the formality. Groaning, Mina finally drags you out of the classroom— not noticing how unlike the rest of the class, Todoroki’s smile was far from disappointed. 
As soon as Mina had you outside though, it was a whole different situation. “Seriously, Y/N? Do you seriously not notice what Todoroki’s trying to tell you?”
Your eyes bug out at her sudden outburst, confusion evident on your face. 
“What do you mean?” 
Mina groans yet again and you swore she was about to pull the hair off her head at that moment. 
“Y/N, listen to me.” After calming down, she then clasps both of your hands in hers, trying her best to keep her voice calm and steady. 
“He brings you a juice box every morning, walks down the halls with you despite how you’re always in a conversation with a different person during. He literally always has one eye on you and gazes at you as if you were the only thing he sees— do you really need more?”
Her composure fails her by the end of her little rant and she could only sigh as she sees your face unreadable, assuming it was of incomprehension. 
“He literally follows you around like a lost puppy, Y/N. Don’t you think it’s getting kind of obvious?” And finally as your face blooms into that of a rose, she shakes her yet again as if saying— “Finally, you’re starting to get it.”
Before you could even speak though, out emerges the boy in question, immediately taking place next to you with a look of worry on his face. 
“Is there something wrong with the two of you guys over here? We could see you guys just talking through the window and Mina seems... agitated.” Of course he came at the right moment. But actually...
“Oh, I don’t know Todoroki. I was just telling Y/N here how I think you had something to say, don’t you?” And as he glances to your form, seeing how you fiddle with your fingers, he wastes no time wrapping an arm around your waist— the whole class inside was silent watching in anticipation. 
What they didn’t expect though were the next words to leave your lips. 
“They found out and it’s all your fault, idiot.”
Found out? What exactly? So you knew? And what happened to the ‘Todoroki-kun’ and   ‘Shoto-kun’? Collectively, a million questions went around both Mina’s and the class’s heads. Only for it to be silenced by Todoroki’s statement. 
“Oh, was it that obvious that you and I were dating?” 
And it took approximately 2 seconds before Kaminari drops dead. Iida was spouting questions and comments a mile a second. Uraraka, Froppy, and Momo all just held each other by the shoulders as if trying to steady themselves. 
“Tch, about time you guys went out with it.” Bakugo sneers at the corner. 
“Wait, Kaachan, you knew?” This time it was towards the explosive blondie did everyone’s attention went towards to. 
And with that same annoyed expression on his face, he made an outburst in frustration. “Hah?! It was so fucking obvious so I asked the stupid half and half and he said yeah.” 
Meanwhile, it took you a second to register everything that happened before you had to lunge at Mina to stop her from falling as her legs gave out. 
“Wait? So that’s not what you meant by Shoto being so obvious?” Truly, you couldn’t even wrap your head around what was happening. “No, you idiot! We all thought he just had a big crush on you and you didn’t notice!” 
And collectively, as you took a glance at your newly exposed boyfriend next to you, him sharing that same look of confusion on his face —you two laughed and that laugh rang across the halls as if it mocked the class of their foolishness. 
“Oh my god. That is so funny. Shoto, I can’t believe they thought it was one-sided.” He pouts at your comment, grip tightening around your waist. 
“Hey, you’re the one that wasn’t showing me even an ounce of affection so of course they would think it was one-sided.” And you rolled your eyes as you flicked him on the forehead. 
“Then that would ruin the whole plane of keeping it a secret wouldn’t it? And why did you even tell me to call you Shoto earlier?! I had to rack my brain for an idea for it to not be so obvious because of your little stunt.”
“I missed hearing you call me that.” 
And really it was the kiss you two shared that truly broke the class. Their eyes all empty as they stared at the two of you in disbelief. 
“I gotta admit that was fun though. Maybe we should break up so you can keep courting me like that then.” You giggle as the boy nuzzles against your hair. Soft breath tickling your neck as he huffs a whine against it. 
“No. Now that they all know, you have to make up for the weeks of affection you didn’t reciprocate.”
Another kiss this time on his cheek, you laugh as the boy smiles against it.
“Alright, I’ll make sure to double it.”
“How many months now?” “4.” 
“And why did you guys decide to keep it a secret?” “Well it wasn’t supposed to but somehow we got too deep and it just felt awkward to announce it then.” 
It wasn’t a surprise that, as soon as the shock had subsided and you and your boyfriend took your respective seats next to each other, did the whole class crowd and bombard you with a million questions. 
“You guys are the devils, I swear.” Kaminari finally woke up to glare at the two of you. 
“Especially you, Todoroki, we were all heartbroken at how Y/N didn’t seem to notice your affections but the whole time, behind the scenes you had her all to yourself?!”
“I believe Y/N is actually the more cruel one in this situation. She was the one that did not bother to even acknowledge all the affections nor being aware of it, therefore, she was the one being more harsh to Todoroki-kun.” Yaomomo and Kaminari argued.
If you knew that the class would be having a full debate on the whole situation for the rest of the day then maybe you would have gone against keeping it as a secret in the first place. 
“You wanna go skip while they’re all caught up trying to fight each other?” You whisper to your boyfriend, who frankly seemed a little bit unaffected than you thought was fair. 
What you didn’t know was that he was just glad that he could hold your hand out in the open and kiss your cheeks whenever he wanted to now. 
“Whatever you want, darling.”
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a/n. lol this was honestly so extra. baby shoto just can’t hide his love for you okay?? 😪 please forgive him. also should i make a prequel? 🤔
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Continuation of ask:
Favourite character and why?
I think, this will probably come as no surprise that my favourite character is Miss Kieu My Vu herself. Not only in Druck, she's my favourite character in the whole skamverse!
Yeah, so you know how I said I'd probably end up writing an essay about Kieu My at some point...you probably weren't prepared for this anon, because this is legit like a thesis 😬😆
I can't tell you how much I love Kieu My, honestly, after every clip with her, I would actually say it out loud.
I had my headcanons of what I thought she was going to be like based on S5 and her activity on IG (who she follows etc.). I thought she was probably a bit insecure, a nerd, and going to be a really soft LI. When she said 'Bro, what heart', I laughed because I knew she was going to be one of the greatest LI in Skamverse, and boy is she! So one reason she is my fave is because I literally watched the character that I had written in my head, come to life in front of me! ✨
It actually really hurts me and makes me sad knowing that a minority of people in the fandom are sending DM's to the writers saying Kieu My wasn't written well and underdeveloped because they want a Kieu My S7😰😡. They did such a stunning job with her and it pains me to think they might think they didn't.
Some people are saying that her background didn't get explored, but I would argue that it definitely did, we know she has a good, supportive relationship with her parents, that she cares about her Vietnamese heritage, that she feels insecure speaking Vietnamese as she's a 3rd generation immigrant, and her parent's didn't teach her it in great detail. She feels she owes her parents for giving up their dreams and all the hard work they do to make sure she has a good life, which I really relate to because that's how I feel with my mum, even though they don't expect anything back.
Also, you never get the whole background of a LI explored🤷‍♀️ I also argue that a detailed 'background' does not = development or a character getting fleshed out. For example, Maya in SkamFr got a really detailed background, which she explained to Lola in ep 3. I love Maya, so this is not a dig at her. Yet, besides from explaining why she ghosted Lola when she found out about her addiction problem, they didn't give her much more personality than 'the sunshine' to Lola's darkness, and imo she's quite 2D. Development is loads of things, it is a personality being exposed, insecurities being addressed, change in behaviour.
Even in just episode 1, Kieu My already goes through great development. In 5x10, she is still seen as the aloof Insta and quite superficial. Then in the first clip of 6x01, you can see how awkward she is (I cannot express how good Nhungi is with the little details). The way she doesn't understand Fatou's question about what she's doing and replies straight faced that she's walking on the pavement 😂 The stuttering when she asks to use the skateboard. The first hint of her insecurity when she says she bets Fatou never fell off. Which can I just say, I love that line! Because as if Fatou would be able to use a skateboard the first time she tried. It shows Kieu My's insecurity but also how she views Fatou as this cool and collected person. Then when Fatou says she did fall off and laughs, Kieu My lets out a nervous breath to herself. Then laughter is heard, and she starts looking around self-consciously. I think it's probably a mix of thinking people may be laughing at her putting herself out there and looking like an idiot on the skateboard, along with her inner biphobia.
Then the clip in the Physics class we saw the first on screen hints at nerd Kieu My. I went nuts that day as we also got the text between Zoe and her talking about the Bio test, and how Kieu My was studying for it despite the answers being leaked. Druck said Nerd-Kieu My rights!✌ I love that Physics clip so much because as soon as the teacher finishes the question, Kieu My has her hand raised to answer, but also note she doesn't make the hand high or easy to see, showing us she doesn't draw attention to it. So, already in ep 1 you have Superficial-Kieu My -> awkward, nerd Kieu My. DEVELOPMENT!
Please don't interact with this if that's your opinion that she isn't developed. You're entitled to your opinion, but I will not read or answer it.
One of the things I was pleasantly surprised with was that although I thought she was going to be soft and insecure, I thought she would try to hide it behind the Ice queen personality more, and fight her feelings.
It was probably during the NYE clip (which is also maybe why it's my no.1 clip 🥰) that I realised they weren't going to go down the route of her holding onto the 'cool girl' image. She was so shy and could hardly keep eye contact with Fatou when she was talking about her dream of studying Mars❤
I remember there was genuinely like 2 people other than me in the Kieu My fan club when she wasn't responding, and it was strange to me because she said in ep 2 that girls scare her and she doesn't know what to do. It didn't make sense for her to ghost Fatou for any other reason, as girl had spent 11hrs talking with Fatou a week before. The moment in ep 4 when Fatou talks to her in person and she's the shook Mr Krabbe meme 😂💀
She really spent the whole week reading Fatou's texts and then f*cked it up herself by trying to get Constantin off her back. Then my girl came through texting Fatou everyday Sun-Wed, until Fatou responded on Thursday. She really grabbed the bull by the horns and straight up asked Fatou on a date in the geekiest way possible. I'm sure she suggested the table tennis bar because Fatou did, so she thought 'this must be an appropriate first date venue' 😂. The last line on Thursday when she said she can't get Fatou out of her head 🥺 The amount of vulnerability, she's so brave 🤧
Volunteering to do the project with Fatou, again showing her bravery and not caring about what anybody else thought even with the rumour going around and Constantin sitting next to her!
Turning up with the plate of Vietnamese pancakes, and doing the nervous bounce she does. Revealing to Fatou that she doesn't think she's good enough, and everybody thinks she's perfect, and the pressure she puts on herself to live up to that. Crying when she thought she had blown her chance to be with Fatou. She's too soft I can't take it! 😭Even the detail that she always tries to hold Fatou's hand for comfort 🗣🗣
Getting her girl, and then immediately setting up a date. Laying herself bare about her inner biphobia, and Fatou being the first girl she's been with, her dreams of being an astrophysicist, and nerding out about the history of the universe 🥰
I absolutely love how she's the one to initiate the first kisses and touches, she just went in with both feet and never looked back, fighting her fears to be with Fatou. She is so brave! Which makes all her gestures of love even more immense! They would be incredibly romantic gesture anyway, I mean climbing a roof in her fancy clothes *swoon*, but the fact that she is doing it, despite being terrified🗣🗣
Being a straight A student, but not caring about the presentation and just Fatou's wellbeing. I burst into tears when she asked the teacher to stop and then argued back to him.
Showing how she finds it hurtful that no one really sees her and they only care about her looks. One of the things I was constantly blown away with was how Kieu My kept being given the space to speak. There's at least 3 key scenes where she is just allowed to breathe, and talk about her fears and issues, which I think is so rare.
How she is also an absolute 🤡 Referring to Fatou as Axolotlgirl in texts, sending Fatou songs and that she can't help think about Fatou while listening to them, but not knowing why and that she is in love. When she is too scared to talk to Fatou, but got her nails cut ASAP, and was liking all of Fatou's IG posts. Telling Fatou to stay away from her because she is so hurt but then having a full on breakdown for 2 weeks, calling people at 3am, and stalking Fatou's IG, accidentally liking posts, and thinking Fatou was moving on with Ava 🤡
Being such a caring person and going to help Constantin at 11pm, no questions asked, and keeping an eye on him at the party, making sure he was drinking water. Being there for Fatou because she knows something is going on, even though she's been hurt in their last interactions. Helping her parents at the store with no complaints, but fitting in time to print old Maths workbooks to help Fatou 🥰.
Getting a gold turtle and carrying it in her pocket because she was too scared to give it to Fatou! Setting up a stargazing date in someone's bedroom in the middle of someone else's birthday party 💀
Apologising to Ava because it's the right thing to do and not because she's with Fatou.
So, as you can gather, I think Kieu My is alright 😜
Thank you to the writers and Nhungi, because you really knocked it out the park with her!❤
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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heartjwi · 5 years
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after jeno dropped you off at jisung’s house, you were contemplating on backing out from this but it was too late since a lady who seems to be jisung’s mom opened the front door.
“oh hello? how can i help you?” she asks. you smiled awkwardly, “oh uhh.. i’m here for jisung..?” you managed to let out. jisung’s mother smiles, “come in, i’ll let him know you’re here”
you scurried inside and sat in their living room waiting for jisung to come down. “jisung! you have a guest!” his mom yells from the bottom of the staircase. loud ruckus and heavy footsteps could be heard from the floor above.
there you see jisung in his pajamas staring at you in shock. “what are you doing here?” he immediately asked. his mom let out a gasp making him wince. “i mean hey, i didn’t know you were coming” he fake coughs, correcting himself. he turns to his mom, “can we go upstairs to my room mom?” he asked. his mom nods then disappears into the kitchen
jisung motions you to follow him and now here you were, sitting on one of his beanbags holding a staring contest with him.
“are you gonna tell me why you’re here or not?” jisung breaks the silence. you pursed your lips together. “i’m here to explain myself” jisung scoffs, “explain what? that you and jeno were dating the entire time and just led me on? yeah well no i don’t want to hear it”
you huffed, “i’m not dating jeno and that’s why i’m here. to explain the situation to your stubborn ass” jisung almost looked offended but shrugged. “okay so are you gonna explain or not?” you almost wanted to strangle jisung at this point
“i don’t like jeno okay? he just followed me probably because i took a while to come back. i can assure you that jeno and i aren’t dating again” you explained yourself to him. jisung narrows his eyes, “how so?”
“cause i like you” you blurt out shocking both yourself and jisung. jisung suddenly chokes on his saliva and starts coughing like crazy. “jesus christ” he breathes.
“w-what did you just say?!” jisung stutters as his fsce turns red. “i like you, park jisung” you confessed, playing with your hands. jisung stands up from his bed and paces around. “oh my god oh my god” he panics, fanning his face.
jisung later gathers his composure and goes back to his original concept— the cold hearted concept. he coughs, “ah yes. so you like me?” you almost wanted to smack him right there. you rolled your eyes at him once again.
“cut that shit off jisung, i know you’re equally shocked as i am cause i said that” you muttered. “what the fuck was that supposed to mean!” he exclaimed.
after a bit of arguing with him, you two finally come to terms of having the same mutual feelings for each other. now here you were sitting in his mom’s car outside your house talking.
“do you really like me?” jisung asks out of the blue, staring at the dashboard. “jesus jisung how many times do i have to repeat myself? yes, i do! i fucking like you” you groaned. jisung snickers, “it’s cute seeing you all worked up”
you slapped his arm, “fuck off dude” you cover your face with your hands. “hey, that’s not what you say to someone you like” he nags. “you know what? i’m going inside now” you tell him
“wait” he grabs your hand. you faced him and raised a brow. “i could kiss you right now but i don’t want you to fall harder for me” he smirks making you blush furiously.
“GOOD NIGHT JISUNG” you immediately step out of his car, leaving him alone laughing to himself.
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along the lines of — thirty five [ prev | next | masterlist ]
↬ park jisung, known as the coldest guys around campus finds himself falling for someone behind the scenes. without ruining his reputation, he shows his feelings evident through anonymous messages in hopes his feelings would go away. spoiler alert, they won’t.
[ taglist / @wooqzi @peayoursoftie @jisungievibes @baejingf @k-n-e-o@softsichengie @jisungsmochi @elysianlee @lmxhrjhjycj @bloom-bloompow@tinkerwin @cosmiclele @mccnhui @springhwa @fluffyswagger @chryzu@youngestdelacour @jisvngpwark @oofsoftnanahours​ @adaachiyuto​ @cahtastrophie​ @lvnarjj ]
a/n: i lost the original plan for this but fuck it we’re going with this n e way so ig u can say this au is about to close jdjsjsjs enjoy ! <3
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
His Little Sister
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Word Count: 2041
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Characters: Reader, Jensen, Jared, Alex, Rich, Misha (Mentioned)
About: The Reader works on the set of Supernatural where her big brother Jensen stars along side his best friend Jared. The Reader has developed a major crush on Jared. The Reader somehow lands a roll on the show. A role that plays Sam Winchesters love interest which big brother Jensen isn’t too thrilled about.
Disclaimer: Language, Angst, Mention of depression, Mention of car accident, Implied Smut
Disclaimer 2: Any of the shorts that are hot and steamy, I want to put out there that it's in no way disrespectful towards Gen at all. I love her to death and respect that marriage between her and Jared. So when reading those shorts, know that it all takes place in an alternate world where they aren't married at all.
A/N: Tag all your SPN accounts
A/N 2: Tag any Sam/Jared Stans so they can see this
A/N 3: Should I write a Part 2? I feel Like there should be a part 2...Jensen find out his sister and best friend are sleeping together while at a convention maybe? YOU TELL ME!!!!
Forever Tag List: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @hobby27​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @440mxs-wife​ 
"And...cut," Rich yells next to me. "That's a wrap! That was perfect!" I watch from the sidelines as he gets up from his directors chair. I watch as he makes his way towards Jensen and Jared. "Okay, now, I know it's late and everyone wants to get some sleep but, I want to run something pass you guys first." Rich pulls the two off set and outside. I look at the time on my phone and see that it's almost one in the morning.
"Want to head to my trailer for a drink?" Alex is next to me. He's still in his Jack outfit and still looking like a 16 year old boy who hasn't grown facial hair yet. He's been pinning after me for the last few years since I started working on the set of Supernatural. Everyone knew it too. Even my big brother, Jensen did. But I didn't feel that way towards Alex.
"Alex," I sigh. "Not tonight." I start to gather my things and make my way towards my brothers trailer. I normally stay at a hotel unless we have nights like this.
"Another time then?" Alex asks after me.
"She's not into you man," Jensen come up behind us hold some papers. "I could have told you that. I practically know who she's into." True, I think, but not this time. I couldn't tell him who it was because it was his best friend.
Ever since I started working on set, I saw Jared differently. He was no longer my brothers best friend to me. He was this funny and smart attractive man that smiled every time our eyes met. He even looks at me differently. Not the 'that's Jensen's baby sister' look. The look he give me always makes me blush. I would like to think Jared's into me but he was always going on some date with some chick.
"Sorry, Alex," I walk off with Jensen.
"It's all good," Alex walks off as well.
"You really should get back into dating," Jensen says handing me the papers in his hands as we walked to his trailer. "Anyway, we should talk about this."
I look at the papers. "It's a script," I say giving my brother a weird look.
Jensen wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Yeah, it's your script. The original chick who was casted as Opheila quit today. Rich and the others think you're perfect for the job."
I choke on whatever saliva is in my mouth. "My what?!" I exclaim pushing my brother away. "No! I haven't acted since my accident. And that was a year before I even took this job to help out on set."
Some years ago, I had a small but recurring role on the show Riverdale. In between filming and visiting home one day, I got into a bad car accident. My entire left leg was busted up and needed screws and rods. I was put out of work for months and my character on Riverdale was written and killed off. I was depressed because of it and then out of the blue Jensen pulled strings to get me back to work. My life was just starting to come back together and my limp was nearly gone too.
"I know," Jensen grabs my shoulder. "This could be your comeback. Give it a shot and if you don't like it, that's fine and Rich can suck my dick and get a new actress."
No one, and I mean no one, hyped me up and supported me and encouraged me like Jensen did. "Okay, here's to a comeback" I smile and Jensen pulls me into a hug. "Why did Rich want to talk to Jared as well?"
Jensen was quiet for a few minutes. "Well, this character we've been told, becomes a love interest of Sams."
I stop walking. "I see," It's a good thing it's dark because I can feel my face burning. Hot. "How does Jared feel about that?" I'm genuinely curious.
"Oh he's cool with it," Jensen continues to walking. I can tell that part of it is bugging him.
"And you?" I grab his arm and turn him around. "You don't seem or look to thrilled."
Jensen made a face. "I'm thrilled you got this roll. I've been dying to see you back in action acting again. I mean look at you. Beautiful and that limp you always complained about is gone. I just am having a hard time seeing my baby sister and best friend get friendly on camera."
I laugh out loud. I'm sure it's the fact that I am God awfully tired. "It'll be our characters getting close, not us." I hook my arm into his and we walk the rest of the way to the trailer.
"Rich is giving everyone the weekend off so we can focus on these lines." Jensen holds the trailer door open. Filming will start on Monday."
"Oi, that soon? Guess we get some sleep and start first thing."
Over the next few weeks, I learned more about my character. Ophiela, was also a hunter who hunted with the Winchesters a few times in the past. She and Sam also had a nice fun filled night before they lost contact. Turns out my character was going to be in the remaining season. Which to my surprise Jared was excited about. That kind of confused Jensen and made me blush hard that I had to find a way to hide my face from them all.
Getting back into acting wasn't hard. Acting with Misha around was hard. I never wanted to strangle someone so bad for purposefully trying to mess me up. I started to feel more and more myself behind the camera and delivering lines. Jensen even mentioned to me one night that I was getting that glow in my eyes when I acted. Rich was even impressed with my acting. About a month after taking the role and making it my own, we are about to wrap a scene where Sam and Ophiela are arguing. Our on set chemistry was fire. Everyone loved it.
Jared slams a book on the bunker set table. "What happened if we got there too late and found you dead?"
I lean over the table. "Then I would have died, Sam. You can't control that. Hell you can't even control your temper when it comes to my safety. Now if you will, I am going to wash off this hunt and go to bed." I take a few steps and Jared grabs my upper arm. "What the hell, Sam?"
"You don't see it do you," Jared starts to pull me towards him. Knowing whats going to happen, I can't help but feel nervous and giddy all at the same time. Jared has me up against his chest sweeping loose hair from my face. "I can't loose you." He cups my face and starts to pull me close when something loud crashes in the distance.
"Uh, sorry, about that," Jensen says picking up whatever he knocked over. Jared and I step away and I see irritation on his face.
"That was so perfect!" Rich whines from the directors chair. "Jensen, dammit, you need to be more careful." Rich comes around the corner. "I guess we pick this up tomorrow." Then he leaves.
"I'm going to go to my trailer," Jared walks off and I feel his hand slip out of mine and I realize that we had still been holding hands. I watch as he walks away.
"I really am sorry," Jensen says standing next to me. I look at him and I don't see a single regret about the incident on his face. He did that on purpose. That bastard.
"What the fuck, Jay?!" I ask pushing him. "The scene was going smoothly and it was perfect and you ruined it." I storm off leaving Jensen staring after me with a confused look on his face.
I walk way passed the trailer I share with Jensen. I walk pass Misha's trailer, Alex's trailer, and so on until I find myself standing at Jared trailer door. My heart is pounding as I hesitate to knock on his door. I don't what possessed me to go to his trailer but here I am.
"Jared," I knock on his door. "It's me."
The door opens and there stands Jared. In a t-shirt. "Hey," he says with a small smile. "Is your brother around?" The way he said brother confirmed he is just as irritated with him as I am.
"No, he's on set still or going to the local bar," I smile. "Can I come in?" Jared's small smile gets bigger. He steps aside and I walk into his trailer. It's neat and clean. I've only been in here a few times for only a few minutes. "I'm sorry, my brother can be a real dick sometimes." I say sitting on his small couch.
Jared grabs two beers, opens one and hands me it. "Yes he can be," He takes a sip of his beer. "The scene was perfect and going so smoothly." He sits next to me. I can't help but look the muscle in his arm that was close to brushing up on mine.
"It really was," I take a drink of my beer. "Our characters were about to have an amazing moment." I glance at Jared who's looking at me with those same eyes he was giving me on set.
"They can still have that moment," I see Jareds hand slide towards mine and without thinking I take hold of it. "Just without a camera." He adds taking his thumb and rubbing it my hand.
I blush and smile. "They totally can," I manage to out in a whisper.
Jared starts to lean in towards me. My heart is racing so I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Jared's head meets mine and he rests there breathing deeply. He's as nervous as me. I open my eyes and see he's staring deep into them. It's like my soul connects with his. It feels right. It's perfect. Licking my lip, I tilt my head up and press my lips to his.
The moment that they touch, every part of my body turns to jello. Jared lets go of my hand to cup my face and hold it to his. When his tongue pushes pass my lips and starts to explore my mouth, the beer bottle in my hand slips out of my hand and onto the floor with a loud clang. I pull back to pick it up but Jared pulls me back to him.
"Don't worry about that," I hear him set his beer down and use that hand to pull me onto his lap. Both legs rest on either side of his. I feel his erection pressing through his jeans and mine. I relax more of my weight and roll my hips against his. With a small but deep growl, Jared's lips land on mine again. Picking me and setting me on the small trailer counter.
I wrap my legs around him to keep him between me. I feel him press himself firmly into my jeans and I can feel how wet I am already for him. I moan into his mouth as he does it again. Jared pulls back and whips his shirt off. I do the same and unclasp the bra I am wearing. "You like what you see?"  I ask as Jared stares at bare chest.
"Do I?" He leans in and brushes his lips from my cheek to my ear where he nips just below. I suck in a deep breath. "I fucking think it's beautiful." He wraps his arm around me and carries me to his bed where he plops me down on the bed. He stares down at me as he takes his pants off. "Now, why don't we see how quiet you can be while I fuck you hard into this mattress."
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zeskiverse · 4 years
Fong’s a key element to Sarawat and Tine’s relationship: An essay
I talked about Fong’s actions confusing me after Tine confessed feeling shaken by Sarawat, but after revisiting all the episodes released, I compiled a bunch of moments Fong helped Tine with his feelings and played a wingman like a best friend would. Even when he tried to do the opposite. 
Yep, this is LONG.
1. The whole fake dating idea
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I know asking for Sarawat’s help is Ohm’s suggestion, but it’s Fong to sow the seed of a fake relationship in the other three’s brains. They all share that one brain cell and we know it.
2. Pushing Tine to partake in Sarawat’s interests
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They don’t have Sarawat’s number or LINE or anything other than his email. And after Tine essentially asked Sarawat for a one night stand (unknowingly, but... yeah) seeing Wat in person seems the way to go. It sorta makes sense if like them you believe the whole plan makes sense, I reckon.
3.  Encouraging Tine for the audition
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Yeah, he totally fell asleep after promising not to, but he was there for support. And to sleep on Ohm’s arse, I guess.
4. Questioning Sarawat’s actions and motivations
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Tine’s so sure Wat didn’t play along with the plan in front of Sarawat’s “fans” because Wat cares too much about reputation. But Fong casually brings up there’s a clip on the INTERNET of Sarawat-Tine doing a kissy pocky challenge.
5. Kicking Tine in the face
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This one wasn’t completely safe for Tine, I suppose. But it led to Sarawat being all tender and taking care of Tine PLUS giving Sarawat some time alone with Tine since Man had to come collect a drunk Fong.
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(That face caress melted my heart.)
6. Asking the real questions
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That time Tine wanted to believe Sarawat made an IG (that only follows him) and has a phone full of pics of him as part of their plan. I am Fong’s expression during this scene. Always pointing out the flaw in Tine’s logic, even though he’s part of the dumb squad himself. No one else can be both bright AND dumb. He has my whole heart.
7.  Wondering about Sarawat’s feelings in all this
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Here we have Ohm and Phuak poking fun at a panicked Tine’s involvement with Sarawat, and my boy Fong is all “what about HIM, though? he did left a cute note for you, bro” because Tine sure is leaping through hoops to explain why Sarawat slept at his place for someone who isn’t hiding anything.
8. Real talk about jealousy
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I mean, it wasn’t the BEST advice, but again, when do their plans ever sound good? At least he got the idea through Tine’s stubborn skull. Even better is the rest of the conversation from this scene that’s shown after Tine realises he’s the one who’s jealous when girls swarm on Wat.
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(I’m just unsure what kind of lakorn he’s watching that love gets proved easily.)
9. (Unknowingly) rubbing salt to the wound
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Tine most likely invited him to play with him and get his mind off Sarawat and Earn. The betrayal to have his BFF ask about his rival (at least in Tine’s head) in love when all he wants is peace. Tine was so not amused.
10. Reminding Tine of his obligations
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Phuak and Ohm all about getting Tine to drink and party with girls to celebrate Tine’s “freedom”, and my boy Fong is “yeah, what about the club you worked so hard to get in though???” despite agreeing with all the partying with girls and whatnot. By far the most reasonable in this group, I swear.
11. Bringing Sarawat up when Tine would rather NOT
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Let’s not forget that this comes after Tine “broke up” with Sarawat. Let’s also not forget that this moment triggers Tine’s curiosity about why the hell Wat would keep such a important fact from him. It could be Ohm or Phuak to bring up the photo but it wasn’t any of them. My boy Fong again pushing Tine to apply some logic and seek answers.
12. Confronting Tine (since Tine won’t do it to himself)
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He’s taking no prisoners. Asked why Tine couldn’t look him in the eye, asked what Sarawat told Tine, and even threatened to ask Sarawat himself if Tine didn’t talk. There’s friends and then there’s BEST friends.
13. Pointing out the obvious (and showing support)
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I still don’t think it makes MUCH sense for him to be “against” Tine and Wat’s relationship, but at least he’s honest about what he’s seen. He’s witnessed Sarawat all worried about Tine (to the point that Wat disregarded his own injured knee) and he’s like “This dude is good for you. I didn’t see it that much before but I do NOW.” Admitting you’ve been wrong is growth!
14. Dropping metaphors like a KING
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Even after Tine lies about “hating” Wat, Fong notices Tine’s jealousy right away. Not only does he point out that Tine should be used to Wat’s popularity (even though Sarawat pays no attention to anyone else), but he’s also “my dude, if this is the guy you HATE but even know his favourite drink, MAYBE you should hold on to the things you like and don’t lose something good. Oh and this in NO WAY relates to that guy over there that you HATE so much :)”.
15. Giving Sarawat insight on Tine’s thought process
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This one somehow feels as important to me as #14. Why? Because as somebody that was never aboard with the whole really clueless!Tine trope, this scene solidifies for me the idea that Tine was simply lying to himself. Tine was intimidated by the thought of somebody like Sarawat (super popular around Uni and with hundreds of fans throwing themselves at his feet) liking him. Even before realising he also has feelings for Wat he kept denying it and looking for—going as far as creating—reasons for Sarawat flirting with him non-stop be a joke. 
It also goes hand in hand with how Tine confronted Wat once he learnt about them meeting at that Scrubb’s concert a year prior. When Tine argued with Wat he was mainly angry that Sarawat accepted the fake dating plan to “play with his feelings”. Now I ask how could Sarawat play with Tine’s feelings if Tine felt nothing for him...
And just for the sake of argument, let’s check the times Fong acted against that relationship.
1. Suggesting Sarawat should stop ‘helping’ Tine
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This one made sense in that Tine hadn’t told his squad about Wat’s feelings for him yet. Since the whole plan was to keep Green away and we hand’t seen Green in some time, it all seemed to make sense. It had the opposite effect, as Green appeared again and Wat almost kissed Tine (again) and only made Tine more curious about how genuine Sarawat’s feelings for him are.
2. Becoming a human barrier between Tine and Sarawat
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This one was funny because Fong tries to shelter Tine’s eyes, but Tine still tries to peek and even seems frustrated that the guys stop him from seeing a shirtless Wat. Little do they know that Tine already got front row ticket to the “Sarawat expo” some time ago. 
3. Setting Tine up for a possible confession
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I mean, if Wat’s team lose that means he’ll stay away from Tine, but if Wat’s team win THEN Tine is pretty much already in a relationship. I know Fong came up with the bet sure that Wat’s team would lose, but that was risky. Double edged sword, really. Plus, it made Tine bail on a pretty girl, go root for Wat AND revealed that if Wat leaves Tine alone then Tine won’t do the same for Wat.
Oh, Fong. You sweet, misunderstood cupid. You’re valid even when you’re wrong. ❤
In conclusion: Fong plays an important role in making Sarawat and Tine’s relationship bloom even when he thought he was doing the opposite. I accept no one else to be Tine’s best man.
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fmdtaeyong · 3 years
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restructuring update prompts
a prologue to officially re-introducing ash kwon // aka i decided to re-do this because i changed some parts of ash’s backstory and established career claims after i did this the first time and half of this wasn’t really true anymore rip
also there’s nowhere for me to put this in the answers anymore so i’ll put it here: circles is ash’s best song
content warning: mentions of alcohol abuse and drug use / abuse, but none of it is in-depth
assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different?
for the most part, ash’s general personality and character has stayed the same. he’s the same angsty, creative, romantic dude at heart, but he’s a little more jaded in some ways.
ash moved around before he became a trainee now. he lived in san francisco, sydney, and seattle. when he lived in sydney, it was just him and his mom and he grew really close to her during that time. he doesn’t really feel like he has a home at all since seoul is the longest he’s ever lived somewhere, but he’s less happy so that’s not home either.
ash is a better technical singer now ig, being a main vocal. he focused more on singing as a trainee now instead of dancing. his ankle injury in 2018 was a little more serious now, which is why he doesn’t dance much in his solo music anymore. it’s also why he’s less interested in dance, but, at the same time, i think it leaves more potential for him to re-develop some love for it again.
he’s also now the maknae, although it’s a common joke in the fandom that he doesn’t act like it. he debuted a year and three months younger than before and he feels a lot more beholden to the industry now. has even less of an idea of what he’d be outside of it at this point, even though he got closer to actually leaving it than previous ash ever did.
he’s still had a couple of minor attitude controversies in titan’s early days caused by cultural differences. he was in public relationships in 2016 and 2019. neither were received well for their own reasons. his clubbing habit has gotten him into some controversy, though bc has never issued a statement on it beyond that one time they had to confirm the woman in a picture of him clubbing was his girlfriend because people were trying to accuse him of cheating. he has a passionate anti gallery and obsessive sasaengs that make his life a living hell.
since renewing his contract, ash has also had a few hiatuses of varying lengths due to his physical or mental health. this was true before with how he naturally developed, but it’s more tied together now as a result of generally poor physical and mental health he’s been experiencing for a few years now after his dating scandals and his ankle injury in 2018.
his image is more streamlined now too! he never really had the era of being pushed as a cleancut boyfriend that old ash had around 2018. he’s been marketed as a musical genius / sexy bad boy rockstar / artist with a tortured soul for as long as he’s been majorly pushed individually. this means he’s still very sexualized, but he hates his image a little less because he can be a little more himself as far as personal style and self-expression through tattoos and piercings goes.
what does your muse think of their company and their group?
this hasn’t really changed. ash has no real love for bc entertainment and wouldn’t really care if titan disbanded tomorrow. some of their music is good and some isn’t (though he considers less of it terrible without wolf and gorilla in the mix lmao), but he feels he’s mostly outgrown it as an artist. not that it’s below him, but it’s not what he connects with creatively, which is far more important to him now than it had been when he’d first debuted. he doesn’t hold ill will toward his groupmates unless he feels they’ve given him an individual reason to, and actually feels more guilty toward them for getting involved in scandals and taking hiatuses more than anything, but they’re also not his best friends. he views titan as a purely work endeavor and he doesn’t feel bad about the fact he got about as close as possible to leaving them without actually doing so that he could back during contract renewals. after all, they’d be fine without him. he’s a main vocal, but they’ve got two others. he’s a dancer, but they’ve got two others. he can write music, but titan has never been his main priority there and others are more than capable of doing it. he wants out of both the group and the company but is starkly aware of the fact that he did this to himself when he re-signed out of what he now perceives to have been impulse and greed.
since titan is the seniormost active group under bc, ash tries to be a good senior to his company juniors in general, but there are certainly more welcoming alternatives than him. he worries about them from a distance more than anything else.
is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract?
he’s on his second contract and he definitely regrets renewing. he hadn’t planned to renew for the longest time the lack of privacy and the public criticism and the hate he’d received were just too much, and he had plans that would require him to stop being an active idol, namely marrying his girlfriend of two and a half years at the time. their relationship wasn’t stable enough at the time for that to be a good idea and that was proven when they broke up shortly before final negotiations for contract renewals, but ash wanted an excuse to escape and the idea of a happy, normal life more than he wanted to be rational.
spite after the (very brief lmao) break up was part of his decision to renew, but bc entertainment also offered to support him as a songwriter and producer in addition to allowing him to regularly release solo music. he still really loved music and his first taste of promoting as a solo artist had been right before renewals as a proposal to sway him into re-signing, so he was swayed to sign on for seven more years. they followed through on their promises, but he struggles to weigh the recognition he’s earned as a solo artist and songwriter-producer against signing his life away again and doing a number on his physicla and mental health. most of his health issues and his hiatuses have happened during his second contract, as well as several behind-the-scenes situations that could have become scandals if they’d had any less luck, mostly stemming from ash drinking too much and his occasional recreational drug use, so he’s not sure bc even really feels the contract renewal was entirely worth it.
what are your muse’s goals and motivations?
if you asked ash this, he wouldn’t know what to answer. he doesn’t feel very motivated these days and pretty much feels like he only does anything because he’s contractually obligated to. making music as a form of expression has long been his main drive, and beyond that, the desire to make a mark on the world he can be remembered by through his music, but he often oscillates now between feeling like there’s not much more he can realistically achieve and the sense of hopelessness that he can try as hard as he wants, but his music’s never going to be what he’s defined by when he’s a public figure with an image.
he also feels a duty to make his parents proud. though i could argue that might be less now than it was in the previous iteration of ash, it’s still very much there. they let him come to seoul when he’d just turned thirteen to follow a dream that many never get to follow all the way through to the end and they believed in him fully. they express how proud they are of him when they do talk, but he doesn’t know that he believes them. he doesn’t feel that anything he’s done has been deserving of paying them back for everything they’ve given to him.
right now, he wants to be able to feel excited about his life and what he’s making again. he’s trying to better himself internally in regards to the way he views himself and his mental health, although he’s more prone to still taking steps backwards there than he was at this point previously. a lot of the ways ash has found to feel that excitement and creativity he wants (such as recreational drugs and excessive alcohol consumption and fleeting, sometimes toxic, relationships) do damage to his mental wellbeing, so it’s a balancing act at the moment.
what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future?
i covered this partially with the last one, but one major conflict remains his internal conflict about his passion for music. this was very much where ash was before as well, but now that i’m really pushing songwriting and producing as his main career path, it presents a more equal professional and personal challenge for him.
more than having truly lost joy in making music, he’s burnt out. his latest album lovesick was emotionally exhausting because it was a partially rushed, deeply personal and vulnerable album exclusively based on an unhealthy relationship that had stretched its hold on him out over for almost six years, and then he went into making music that he couldn’t relate to at all and didn’t really fit his image all because bc thought it would sell well.
the burn out in his personal life has affected the burn out in his professional life he would be feeling anyway and made it ten times worse. it feels more hopeless because he doesn’t have much else going for him. in the past few months, his relationship with alcohol and drugs also reverted back to unhealthy after he was doing better with it for a while, not helped by a really bad stint with his mental health. all of this was at its worse in june before he went on hiatus, and in this universe, his behavior was more of a factor in his hiatus than him practically begging to leave the group because ash is more resigned to the fact that he chose to sign back on with bc and that that’s on him. instead, there was more of a push by his manager, who knew that ash was on the road to a major scandal if action wasn’t taken.
almost all of his conflicts are internal right now. he’s become successful enough that external factors other than the large umbrella of having to remain in titan can be negotiated, but he’s too tired to do so because of everything going on inside of him. there’s a lot of negative feelings going on inside of him, and he’s trying to deal with them one by one, but it’s hard to see the weight of them easing that way.
if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why.
ash has been able to establish himself a little more as a songwriter and producer outside of his solo music. he wrote “universe” for titan in 2017, and after that, as promised, bc hooking him up with the right opportunities and connections to establish himself more. since then, in addition to his heavy involvement in his solo music (his 2020 album lovesick was entirely written/composed/produced by him alone), he’s worked on calypso’s “rollin’” in 2018, polaris’s “fake love” (a korean music awards song of the year!) and “the truth untold” in 2019, and lily’s “i’m so sick” this year. i’m planning on more being added there with these extra ecp and maybe some refunded since i think i’m going to drop some of his points claims to streamline his career better.
his canon discography creative claims reflect his progression as a songwriter, from very earnest and romantic to more sensual to very uhhh angsty and personal to developing a more polished and professional sound as he grew in experience as a songwriter and producer.
ash is praised for having several representative works as a songwriter that all speak to his individual style, and ash is happy with what he’s gotten to do since he does genuinely enjoy working as a songwriter and producer.
he’s planning to continue branching out in this direction, so look for quite a lot of ash dabbling in canon discographies in the future. before, i’d say ash’s primary push was solo music, but my plan for him is for songwriting and producing to be his main career path from now on with solo music as a close secondary.
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