outrunningthedark · 3 years
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These tags lmaooo I really think that’s what’s happening. She knows her time is almost up and she’s getting petty
Oh, totally! She's made sure to tell her handful of Twitter fans that she features in an episode where her name couldn't even make the cast list twice now. Given Gabrielle's comments after 5x03 re: not knowing where EddieAna would end up, and Tiffany (Ali) acting as though she'd still be around in season three, it seems that love interests are brought on assuming/hoping that they are going to play an integral role in Buck and Eddie's arcs only to be disappointed when the scripts are handed out. I'm sure less than five minutes of screen time over the first four weeks was not what Megan anticipated when Timothy said he wanted her back. ;)
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sluttymickey · 3 years
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Here have a shitty iphone edit. I made it see through for extra an extra slut factor.
(there’s surprisingly not good full body shots of shirtless Mickey smh)
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queerdiaz · 3 years
I guess you can use this as a prompt if you’d like but also I’m just curious. How would you like for them to get together?
This is such a great question thank you! I decided to just write my thoughts instead of making it a prompt bc there's actually a lot of different ways that I wouldn't mind it to go/would want them to do. So if I wrote if it'd be just one of thos ideas (but I still might write it).
But I will start with that I definitely want them to have at least some inkling of feelings from either Eddie or Buck or even both in the finale. Because, if the writers really are gonna give us a romantic buddie storyline, I really don't see how they won't have at least a hint, even if it's one of those 'saying it saying it things'. However, since it's what I personally would want (while I try to maintain a more realistic approach lol) I would love to see somewhat of a confirmation that both have feelings for each other, even if it is a 'saying it without saying it'.
And then s5 we get mutual pining era.
Okay, so before I go any further I wanna point out a scenario that my sister mentioned even before last ep aired. I know this won't happen, but I would just love if we get some good friends to lovers angsty drama i.e. like what they did with caskett in Castle. Where maybe when Buck is saving Eddie one of them confess in the heat of the moment. Like the confession doesn't even have to be big, it could just be an 'I love you' that some people could still interrupt as them 'being bros who love each other as bros'. BUT THEN after Eddie is okay, either a) Eddie asks if he or Buck said anything and Buck tell him 'no' (you know like a liar) or b) where Buck asks Eddie if he remembers anything and Eddie says 'no' (also like a liar). And then later Buck talks to Taylor and Taylor mentions how she and him could never work, not when he has feelings for someone else and then maybe tells him "I think the universe came to you a long time ago. You just didn't realize it yet.' She then walks off and leaves him wearing a pikachu face. And then with Eddie, he breaks up with Ana and tells her that she was everything he thought he wanted, was taught to want, but that he needs to reevaluate himself. And then she maybe says something like "I hope you find what you're looking for. Though I feel like you might've already have" and he does not have the pikachu face. Instead he just gives her a small smile and nods. And then season 5 we get the drama of the mutual pining and one of them keeping the secret about the love confession bc they have to self reflect and afraid of losing what they have and worrying what the other would think and blah blah classic fic angst that I can see them put in the show since they've done so many fic tropes anyways.
But again I do not see that angsty drama happening but I would love to see IG. I do would like for them to still have those scenes with Ana and Taylor to help confirm the mutual pining.
And with Eddie, I can really see him getting shot be his epiphany moment. Whether it's him realizing that he's in love with Buck, or that he already had somewhat a knowledge of having feelings for his best friend but pushed them aside. But either way I can really see this epiphany where he realizes that he can't hide himself anymore and breaks up with Ana. BUT he still just went through a trauma that effected both Buck and Christopher, and I would like for that to trigger his PTSD. So I would love for him to want to do something about his feelings for Buck but still needs time to focus on himself. Meanwhile Buck is there with them every step of the way. (Roommates era while Buck helps Eddie anyone??)
And on Buck's side, I would want him to maybe just realize his feelings so he's been digesting them for a few months and kinda freaking out about it. But at the same time there are things in canon that showed that maybe he was aware. Idk I feel like it could go either way and either way  can see his current journey being that he also needs to revaulate himself and maybe also trying to see if Eddie feels the same way.
And in the meantime he helps with Eddie deal with his PTSD and they both kinds work in healing together and Chris as well. And if that's the case, then I would love for his they get together is a scene similar to the Kitchen Scene™ where they talk about the latest things go on in their life it's all very domestic while they're doing dishes or something and then Eddie getting shot is mentioned and that leads to them finally opening up and then rush into a kiss.
Or, maybe bc of still dealing with the trauma they kinda explode and argue in the kitchen which leads to one of them shouting "Because I love you!" Which immediately silences the other as they ask in a bewildered voice. If it's Buck who says it then I can see him try to retract it in a "you know as a bro" kinda way (of course he's not gonna actually say that but it's the vibe) but Eddie interrupts him and goes to kiss him. But if it's Eddie who shouts it I would want him to either be silent or be silent and then holds his head high and says, "You heard me". And then Buck proceeds to kiss him.
Oh! Another thing I would love is Buck's realization that he has feelings for Eddie makes him realize that he's not as straight as he thought and since he doesn't want to do anything that could risk losing Eddie (especially him getting shot my goodness) I would love if it s5 he kinda explores his sexuality a bit and starts dating Ravi. And we get jealous Eddie which leads to them probably arguing in the kitchen and a love confession.
Either way I want them to get together in the kitchen. It's a mighty need.
So yeah, as I said, there's so many ways that I would want it to go (some less realistic than others lol). But, my main thing is I would just love some kind of feelings confirmation or even hints of it in the finale. And for me I would personally want it for both of them bc there's been lead up for both of them having a realization. And then I would just love to see the Mutual Pining Galore while they help each other through the traumas. And then us watching and seeing how long these two idiots in love can keep their feelings in.
And none of none of these are probably that realistic, but tbh no how they do it, if they actually make Buddie canon (and endgame) then I would freaking love it with all of my heart (unless it's something that's messed up or idk which I highly HIGHLY doubt).
But yeah here's to whatever the future hopefully holds!
Thanks again so much for the ask :)
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whatwouldmickeydo · 3 years
Geez I’m gone for like a half hour and Drish and Stella have just blown up my dash with their relationship drama 🙄
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Breaking away from angst fest we’ve all found ourselves in, I just find it endlessly amusing that everyone out of @bazgallaghermilkovich @udontfuckangie @self-absorbed-pretty-boy @jenatte and @whatwouldmickeydo (I think) is always complaining about one of them posting something that causes them pain then immediately posting something themselves something pain-worthy and one of the others say to stop and that’s it is pain, Stella, just pain why would you—
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fruitydiaz-archived · 3 years
98! 🖤
send me a number 1-100 and i’ll give you a song on my spotify wrapped ♡
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<:] 😅♥️
Stella nooo it's me who's nervous to interact with you 'cause you're so cool and funny 🥺 I feel like we're a bit like CG Ian and Mickey, both of us going 'I really love their blog, but do they like mine? and could that mean they actually like me and would like to interact with me??' 😅 loool 💕💖💖
what mutual am I?
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tiacky · 3 years
I love it.. I started this week and i just can't stop watching. The first episodes of s2 were so good. (the whole earthquake sl). And i LOVE the characters. There was an opening scene with Eddie and his son and their morning routine. So precious 🥺❤️ i also love Bobby and Athena so much..
And i know Buddie isn't canon yet but i understand now why everyone is 'shipping' (i hate this word but you know what I mean) them. Buck literally has a crush on Eddie. 😂❤️ I just watched a scene where someone said 'you two have an adorable son' and Buck didn't correct it.
Yeah.. I love it 🥰
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trashbaget · 3 years
15,16 and 20
15. any piercings
not anymore, but story time: i have gotten my earlobes pierced on like five separate occasions throughout my childhood but they’d close up like overnight if i ever took them out (even if i waited forever and ever to do it) so now i just don’t have ‘em anymore. also i like the idea of piercings but the smell of metal makes me nauseous so i probably won’t get any.
16. any tattoos
not yet but i plan on getting lots!!! i plan to paint this body in art 😌
20. favorite book
looking for alaska, it gets me through tough times like a damn charm
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
As much as I would want Eddie’s parents to be accepting that’s unfortunately not the case for everyone.
I’m so happy people especially latine people have accepting families. It’s how it should be and it’s how I hope to be. But that’s not how it is for me and my family is a lot more forgiving because I’m a bisexual woman who married a man. I haven’t even told them my pronouns are she/they because I’ve heard the casual jokes already about just things they hear in pop culture. That’s not how it is for my gay closeted cousin who is in his 30s. His mom is cool with coworkers being gay but I remember (because you just don’t forget something like this) her saying years ago she wouldn’t accept if any of her children were gay. He still hasn’t come out to almost anyone. Only a few cousins and his friends know. And even then some of my cousins who were “cool” with it try to forget they know. We’re a Tejano(Texas latine) family just like Eddie. My family is very catholic. Not everyone is accepting in a conservative religious state like Texas.
Yes it would be nice to see another instance like Carlos from LS but Austin is also a lot more liberal than most Texas cities. Also Eddie is different. Eddie is older. Eddie was married to a woman. Eddie’s a father. Eddies parents are even older. Probably in their sixties. The older generation can be very set in their ways. I want to see the struggle a lot of us have faced and still face. I want my family who watch the show to see how much their words could hurt.
We got the accepting family and I hope they let us see the struggling one.
As I always say, representation doesn't have to be positive for it to be good or accurate. What is uncomfortable for one viewer can be therapeutic for somebody else. 🤍 Side note: your last point about already having Carlos's parents be accepting of his sexuality and relationship is why I actually DO think if the Diaz family is brought back post-canon!Buddie, they're not going to accept the news without protest. I don't think Tim is interested in telling the same story with two different characters on two different shows.
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sluttymickey · 3 years
Mickey and Eddie gossiping at their weekly coffee date
I wanna say fuck off but no that can definitely happen they both love gossip and drama 😭😭
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queerdiaz · 3 years
6, 15, 22! 🖤
6. What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?- I have some bookmarks but usually I end up using anything near me that's small enough alakshshsh
15. Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?- Sadly not rn :( but we've been wanting to get another (and maybe even a few) again.
22. Iced or hot drinks?- Both. I really cannot chose bc it depends on my mood and what the weather is like for me
Thank you so much Stella!!
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heymacy · 3 years
Piggybacking off Anna’s last ask.
Ian finds mickeys vibrator in the backpack he forgot in a shopping cart 😂😂😂😂
STELLA NOOOOO 😭😂 okay but that would be kinda funny tho 👀 can you imagine? he’d probably react the same way i did (aka dropping the backpack on the floor and giving a little yelp before calling over his favorite coworker and going “you’re not gonna fucking believe this” 😅)
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whatwouldmickeydo · 3 years
Word for the WIP thing: choke (this is me hoping 🤞)
Lol I’m very sorry my love but there’s no choking in there (yet)
I guess if I wanna go the kinky route with this second chapter I could add it so we’ll see 😎
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buckleyblueyes · 3 years
S, T, & Z 🖤
S: How do you feel about fan art inspired by your writing? 
I love it!! It’s only happened to me once before, but I consider it a huge honor if someone likes my work enough that in inspires them to create art of their own!
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand? 
I don’t like fics where someone thinks their partner is cheating, but it turns out to be a big misunderstanding, unless it’s done really well. A lot of the times it makes me feel like there’s a lack of trust in the relationship. Just talk to the other person for god’s sake! 
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
There have been some in past fandoms, but honestly all the fics I’ve posted for 9-1-1 have been doing great! I’ve been getting lots of lovely comments and it’s awesome. 
send me fic asks!
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Green and orange 🖤🖤🖤
Stella!! this is our big brains kissing 🧠💋🧠
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