#if you've sent me one recently i promise i'll get to it
lynzishell · 7 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
TYSM for this ask!!! 💖
Okay! Up next from last week’s poll is my MC: ✨Phoenix Realta✨
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❄️He loves to cook… as you may have guessed considering he’s always the one cooking every meal.  But… a little background (and I’ll split this into two)… He grew up poor and his mom wasn’t big on cooking, so the times when his kitchen was stocked, it consisted of a lot of frozen and canned/boxed meals like soup, tuna, mac and cheese, and frozen pizza. His favorite thing growing up was peanut butter and banana on toast. He’d toast the bread so that the peanut butter would be all melty and gooey.
❄️He learned how to cook properly from Julian during the year he lived with him in Copperdale. It was the only real quality time they spent together, but they both really enjoyed it. When Phoenix moved to the city, he fell in love with the variety of food and restaurants available. He started collecting cookbooks and watching cooking shows to learn more and more complicated recipes. It can be difficult to cook for only 1-2 people, so it’s nice that Atlas and Asher come over for dinner every Sunday. (fun fact: all of these things are very important to the future of Aspen’s story btw)
❄️The man cannot sit still. He’s even worse than Dawn in that regard. He always needs to be doing something. He actually misses the days when he was training and climbing to prepare for the Mt. Komorebi excursion. It kept him busy and active all the time. After that was over, it was kind of a bittersweet moment, like he didn’t know what to do with himself. So, he got into running. Luckily, Aspen keeps him quite busy now, but he still runs every day, rain or shine.
❄️He is very much addicted to coffee and has been for years. He likes it strong and black. He can’t start his day without it, and he drinks multiple cups throughout the day, especially at work. At this point, he can barely function without it and gets really bad headaches if he goes a day without a cup.
❄️And, of course, he’s a new father! And he is soooo happy! Aspen is a lot of work, but like I said, Phoenix always needs to be up doing something, so he’s happy to be taking care of her. He’s just so grateful she’s finally here. 🥹 And honestly, he’s pretty bummed about having to go back to work sooner than expected. I think there’s a part of him that would’ve loved to be the one staying home with Aspen. Once Dawn mentioned wanting to stay home, I think a part of him wanted to say that he does too and maybe she should be the one to go back since she makes more money. Instead, he signed himself up for a more demanding, higher paying, career path, and cut his own time at home short, so that he could support Dawn in staying home with their daughter. It’s in his nature to put her first, and he genuinely wants to do whatever he can to make her happy, that’s his priority, but I don’t think we should ignore the immense sacrifice he's making. He doesn’t want to be away from Aspen or miss out on any big moments in her development any more than Dawn does, but he also doesn’t feel right about taking that away from her. My heart kinda aches for him a little, y’know.
I love him so much! And it’s been too long since I’ve gotten in his head and done a proper character development exercise for him, so I really enjoyed this! TYSM for sending me this ask!! 🫶🏻
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i know i'm getting hyper over all the wrong things but
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and whatever these are, i'm obsessed. i think orcas should be allowed to go to school if they want. and phoenix playing the piano here is extremely funny to me
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 6 months
Beautiful Stranger
I've Never Recognized a Purer Face (1)
Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Beefy!Fem!Reader
Summary: You've just moved to West View for collage with your parents and your neighbor has caught your attention.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, R masturbates
A/N: This is an old piece I reworked a bit so here you go until my brain can focus on the prompt requests!
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June 14, 2023
You had recently moved to West View, New Jersey with your parents. You'd be starting college here in the Fall along with your dad starting a new job in a week.
The hot summer air made you sweat even in your tank top and shorts, your tattooed body being shown off almost completely. Trying to get everything inside as quickly as possible was proving to be ineffective as you took a moment to collapse under the tree in your front yard, finding solace in the shade. “Gods it's too hot for this.” You grumbled out.
“Can I interest you in some lemonade?” You heard an unfamiliar, feminine voice ask from just above me as you opened your eyes. Your mouth drying up instantly at the sight of the beauty before you. Red hair flowing in waves over her shoulders, green eye like emeralds, her skin splashed with freckles not unlike your own face.
“H-hi…” You somehow managed out.
“Hi there I'm your neighbor, Wanda, Wanda Maximoff.” She pointed behind her at her house which looked identical to your house from the outside.
“I'm Y/N…Y/N Y/L/N.” Luckily your mother came over to save me from your awkwardness.
“Oh hello! I'm Y/M/N Y/L/N and my husband over there is Y/F/N Y/L/N. I see you've already met our Y/N/N.” You groaned, throwing yourself back down. “We just moved in for our little Y/N/N to go to collage and my husband to start a new job.” Your mother gushed.
“Ma please stop. I'm sure Wanda doesn't care about why we moved here.”
“Oh, but sweetie I do. I love the nick name by the way. Y/N/N.” The way it rolled off her tongue and her accent? Fuck it sent a shiver through you like it was the middle of December.
“Please just Y/N is fine.” You begged slightly not knowing if you could handle her using your name like that. “I'm going to go help dad. It was nice meeting you Wanda.” You told the older woman before leaving her with your mom for them to talk. Wanda was about your mom's age so probably twenty years older than me.
“Mom!” You heard two different boys call at the same time as You came out of the moving van, the boys running up to Wanda. “We're going to go play with the Barton kids is that okay?” One of them asked.
“Of course boys. Go on and be back before the streetlights come on.” Wanda gave each of them a kiss on the forehead. When she leaned back up her eyes met yours. You felt your face flush at the thought of a kiss from the older woman before retreating into the house. The central air cooling you down.
July 2,2023
There was a knock at the front door causing you to pause your game on your switch, getting up from the couch. Upon opening the door you were met with Wanda.
“Hi Y/N I know this is super last minute, but my babysitter canceled. Could you watch the boys?” Wanda asked desperately.
“Oh yeah sure of course I can.” You grabbed your keys and phone, following Wanda, totally not staring at her ass the whole time.
“Okay so here is $40 for dinner. Get them whatever they want it'll probably be pizza which the menu is on the fridge for their favorite place. Bedtime is 8pm. Billy is a little sensitive so if he isn't enthusiastic it's not you I promise. Tommy will probably try to pester you, don't let him. Oh and if I'm not back early and you get tired you can sleep in my bed. I'll wake you when I get home. Thank you for this I really appreciate it. Boys! Y/N from next door will be watching you tonight! Please behave for her!” Wanda called the boys barreling down the stairs and past you she gave each a kiss, “Be good you two. I love you.” She told them as they ran back off upstairs and it seems without much thought she kissed your cheek before leaving. Leaving you there with your face burning.
You were scrolling through your phone, noticing it was past midnight. You didn't think Wanda would be gone this long. You didn't even ask what she was up to this evening? You got up from the couch, putting away the remaining pizza before quietly making your way upstairs. You checked on the boys who were fast asleep. Their sleeping faces made you smile as you quietly closed the door and found Wanda's room. As soon as you opened the door Wanda's scent of jasmine and sage overpowering you and sending a shot straight through your core. Closing the door behind you, swallowing hard as you sat on the bed; it is so soft. You lay down, your head on Wanda's pillow as her scent completely overtakes you and you can't help, but move your fingers between your legs, rubbing your clit furiously as you were completely wrapped up in Wanda. Moaning softly against her pillow as you came to the thought of her. You pulled your hand out, breathing heavily as you sucked your own fingers clean. You were in so deep and You knew it. It's not fair though Wanda didn't look like she was almost 40 she still looked like she was in her 20s and didn't have twin 5 year old boys.
You groaned against her pillow in frustration as You buried your face into it, getting under her duvet making it feel like Wanda was holding you and soon enough you fell asleep.
“Hey, sweet girl, come on wake up pretty girl.” You heard a gentle voice call.
“Mmm?” You turned to look over your shoulder, it was Wanda. “What time is it?” You asked sleep heavy in your voice.
“Really late sweet girl. You can stay if you want. I don't mind, I just ask that you move to the other side so I can sleep here on my pillows.” Wanda's voice was soft and she moved your hair out of your face.
You grumbled a bit, but moved over to the other set of pillows. You did move them ever so slightly to be closer as you turned to face her side of the bed as she settled in.
“Good night sweet girl. Thank you for everything.” You felt Wanda lean over once again placing a kiss on your cheek.
“Mmm s’ no problem…” You mumbled falling back to sleep almost instantly as her presence soothed you knowing she was home and safe now.
You woke up in her bed, sitting up you rubbed your eyes as you heard a door open. Looking up to see Wanda through blurry eyes as you reached for your glasses on her side table.
“Good morning sweet girl. Did you sleep well?” Her unblurred form came into view, her hair was only slightly damp, a pair of dark gray, flared dress pants, a tucked in cream colored button down that she purposefully left the top ones unbuttoned to show her amazing cleavage off. She was currently grabbing a hair clip to get her hair up which once she did looked amazingly effortlessly beautiful.
“Good.” You manage as your breath hitches remembering what you did in this bed last night.
“Well you certainly don't have to stay, but I am making breakfast. Pancakes.” Wanda wiggled her eyebrows at me making me laugh.
“Can you make chocolate chip pancakes?” You ask shyly.
“For you? Yes. Come on.” She started making her way out and you followed, grabbing your phone.
The boys were already downstairs watching cartoons, Wanda giving them each a kiss on the top of the head.
“Why is Y/N still here?” Tommy asked, noticing me as You went to sit at the kitchen island.
“I told her she could stay the night because of how late I'd be getting back, is that okay with you little man?” Wanda asked and he shrugged.
“I guess. She's better than dad.” Tommy off-handedly states catching both Wanda and you off guard.
“Excuse me?” Wanda's voice is stern suddenly and it feels like You shouldn't be here.
“I'm just saying that I like her better.” Tommy spent one night hanging around you and is now stating he likes you better than the father you didn't even consider they probably have somewhere.
“Thomas Oleg Maximoff. I know things aren't the best with your father right now, but that isn't nice.” Wanda is stern with her son in this moment who recoils slightly.
“I'm sorry mom…” he says with his head down.
“I know you're having a lot of big feelings about everything going on between your father and I right now, but he's still your father.” Wanda's voice softens a bit. You hadn't really seen it other than in exaggerated tiktoks, but Wanda seems to have the gentle parent style, much unlike your parents who had a very authoritative style. The two hug it out before Wanda joins you in the kitchen.
She silently moves about the kitchen as she grabs things and when it comes to chocolate chips she has bags just about every kind you can think of.
“Which kind do you want sweet girl?” Wanda asks and you feel overwhelmed at first. You decided to do a triple chip of milk, white, and peanut butter chips. “I see you have a big sweet tooth.” She comments.
“Yeah. I always have. I used to get cavities a lot as a kid cause I didn't brush properly, but I got better as I got older.” You told her, grabbing a handful of chips which she smacked your hand playfully. You laughed and took another, sticking your tongue out.
“Oh naughty girl.” She teased and you felt a heat inside again as you shifted in your seat, trying to alleviate it slightly. You saw Wanda flick her eyes at you, before going back to her pancakes. Had she noticed? Surely she hadn't.
“Boys! Breakfast!” Wanda had gotten out a whole plethora of goodies it felt more like we were having dessert. Syrup, butter, whip cream, peanut butter, chocolate sauce. You'd never seen so much effort go into something like this.
You all moved to the dinning table as the boys dug into their stacks covering their pancakes in syrup until they were drowning.
Wanda grabbed coffee for the two of you and milk for the boys.
“Thank you.” You smiled taking a sip and revealed in the warmth it provided you.
“Of course sweet girl. Now tell me. You're starting college in a month right?” Wanda asked and you nodded as you ripped up your pancake, taking a bite.
“Yes. I took a few years off. Was only supposed to be a year then one thing led to another and it turned into three years.” You explained.
“So you're twenty?” You shook your head.
“Sorry I should explain I was taking a gap year from college after I had to deal with some personal things. I left college when I was twenty, planning to go back in a year, but now I'm twenty-three.” Wanda nodded her head.
“What will you be majoring in?”
“Well originally I was doing psychology. I wanted to go into children's psych, but realized it was a lot of work that I personally couldn't keep up with. Then I was thinking about history, but then I'd have to double major into teaching to do anything meaningful with it, so now I'm going for cyber security.” You smiled, finally explaining your weird college timeline. Wanda laughed a bit.
“You've certainly had an interesting ride, pretty girl.” Wanda leaned on the table and you didn't miss the look Tommy was throwing between his mother and you.
“Yeah I'm just happy to get back on track. The cyber security program teaches from the bottom up and I can get some pretty good offers through the college and freelancing is always an option. I'm already good at programming so maybe I can make my own security program.”
“I'm sure you can do anything you set your mind to pretty girl.” You smile and blush, bashful, at her compliments. You stare down at your mostly finished pancakes.
“Thank you…”
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idyllic-ghost · 7 months
i've been thinking THOUGHTS about uji since nana tour and i just- imagine him coming back home and you're thinking "oh he's gonna be relaxed and pay attention to me now yay!" but he just goes back to work immediately
meanwhile you've seen all the pictures he's sent you from the trip (ALLLL the pictures wink-wonk) and you've been WAITING to finally get to be with him again
basically just, jihoon in his home office late at night and you come in and wait for him to go to bed- when he doesn't you start giving him "come to bed kisses" (wrapping your arms around his shoulders, giving kisses to his cheek and down his neck to whisper "come to bed" against his skin- you know the deal)🫣
title: finally~ pairing: woozi x fem!reader genre: smut, fluff warnings: smut MDNI, sub!jihoon, oral (m receiving), cowgirl, kind of big cock!jihoon, cream pie wordcount: 2.4k taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @pearlygraysky, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang
a/n: thank you for your request! sorry it took so long to get done, but i hope you enjoy!! (took creative liberties with what you had written, it had to be done)
join my taglist
send a request in my inbox!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Jihoon was still sitting in front of the screen. Headphones were on, pushing his long locks out of his face, but you could hear a muffled memory over the clicking of his keyboard. You managed to make him stay home, but you should have known he'd isolate himself in his home office. Ever since you installed it, you knew it was a bad idea. He couldn't separate his personal life from his work life, which didn't make it easier.
Even though he had only recently come back from his trip to Italy, you hadn't seen much of him. From all the pictures he had sent, you could tell he was relaxing and having a good time - but instead of bringing that with him, he had left his calm in Tuscany. Which was torture for you, seeing as he had been teasing you all this time; sending pictures of him by the pool or working out - calling you late at night whenever he could find some alone time. Despite his cold exterior, Jihoon wasn't a fan of distance.
You were on the couch in the corner of the room, watching him. You weren't just watching him - you were staring, but Jihoon didn't notice. He was sitting slightly hunched over, his elbow on his desk and his head resting in his hand. His other hand was softly drumming against the table, his head nodding along with the rhythm that his fingers were making. The clock on the wall said 11:34 PM, meaning bedtime - or at least, lying in bed and not necessarily sleeping.
When he started humming, you were done. Jihoon's humming was quiet and smooth, but you were already annoyed. Your shoulders tensed up and you tried to take a deep breath to let it go. The sudden sound got your boyfriend's attention. He looked over at you and moved one of the ear cups of headphones to sit behind his ear.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine."
Jihoon narrowed his eyes at you. He had been in this situation before and made the mistake of accepting "I'm fine" as a fact. After taking off his headphones, he turned his chair toward you. You looked away from him, trying to escape his steady gaze.
"Are you sure?" he questioned. "You know I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong, baby."
"I just want to go to bed," you admitted and quickly added, "With you."
"Go," he said, "I'll be there soon. I promise."
You were sure that he wasn't lying - but soon for him could mean another few hours. Jihoon lost track of time when he was working. So, you only nodded and stood up. He put his headphones back on and turned back to his computer. You looked toward the door with aversion, your feet naturally walking toward Jihoon's chair instead. Even like this, hunched over and pulling weird faces whenever he didn't like something, he made your knees weak. Maybe it was the black shirt that clung to his arms and over his chest, or the way his hair hung delicately over his features. Either way, you needed him now.
"Jihoon," you murmured as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "Please."
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, feeling them move as he started smiling. Then you pressed another kiss to his jaw, following the sharp line until you got down to his neck. The hair on his neck stood up as you found the sensitive spot there.
"Come to bed," you mumbled against his skin.
"I'm almost done," he answered, but still turned his head to give you more access.
"You said that thirty minutes ago," you reminded him. "Jihoon, I've barely gotten to be with you since you came back."
Jihoon grumbled something unintelligible before pulling off his headphones and putting them on the table. You let go of his shoulders, letting him stand up from his chair. As soon as he was standing, he went to wrap his arms around you - putting his hand on the back of your head and guiding it to rest in the crook of his neck. His other hand made its way to your back, stroking slow and comforting circles.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. "I've been trying to catch up on work... I thought I could finish it up quickly to give you more attention later."
"What kind of plan is that?" You snorted.
"... I thought it was smart."
You pushed away slightly from him, allowing you to take a good look at him. His ears were a bit red, but you could tell that it wasn't just from his headphones by the flustered look on his face.
"Please come to bed?" you asked, bringing your hands up to cup his face.
Jihoon kissed one of your palms before letting you go, only long enough to grab your hand to lead you to the bedroom. Anticipation grew from your stomach up to your chest, spreading through the rest of your body. Finally, you'd get him for yourself. He opened the door to the bedroom, guiding you inside before closing the door behind him. You hadn't slept with him since the first night he got back, and it didn't take long for you to fall onto the mattress from exhaustion - Jihoon falling asleep almost immediately from the jet lag. Long story short, it hadn't been as satisfying as it usually was.
Now, as Jihoon is taking his time kissing your bare skin that he is slowly revealing, you could already feel that you'd be much more satisfied tonight. Your fingers ran through his hair, pulling at his locks when his lips found a sensitive spot on your chest. Jihoon groaned against your soft skin, his arms desperately pulling you closer. His lips trailed up your neck and jaw, quickly finding your lips. He left a chaste and sweet kiss on your lips, unfitting from the rest of his actions. When he pulled away, his eyes stayed shut for a moment - as if he had to savor the feeling of your lips, even though he knew very well that he could kiss you whenever he wanted.
"I've missed you," he admitted.
"I've been right here this entire time," you argued.
"I know, I know." He sighed. "I'm stupid."
"No, you're not," you corrected him. "You just have an interesting way of getting work done."
"I have to admit, you're great motivation." He took your hand in his, backing up until the back of his legs hit the side of the bed and he sat down. "But you're distracting too."
You straddled his lap, connecting your lips to his again and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands instinctively made their way to your ass, groping it and ushering you to grind over his crotch. With only your panties on, you could feel everything against his sweatpants. You moaned into his mouth, days of neglecting your growing lust finally getting an outlet. Hungry hands went to the hem of his shirt and you tried to pull it over his head.
"Eager, are we?" he murmured against your lips before pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it to the side.
"Don't tease me," you whined.
You finally got to feel his bare skin under your fingertips, electricity shooting through your hands to your core. His fingers did work on your bra, unclasping it and tossing it to the side. As soon as he got rid of the material, his lips were on your uncovered tits - sucking bruises on the sensitive skin.
"I need you," you muttered.
In a swift move, Jihoon laid you down on the bed under him. He leaned over you, arms on either side of your head. His hair fell over his face and you reached up to brush it back with your fingers.
"I have to cut my hair." He sighed.
"No, I love it," you said and pulled your fingers through his hair again, it was soft but unruly. "It's pretty."
"It keeps getting in the way..." he argued, deciding to ignore your compliment to save himself from becoming a flustered mess.
"Hair ties exist," you countered.
"I don't have one right now."
"You're going to make me walk around with hair ties on my wrist, aren't you?" You let go of his hair and, with your legs around his waist, managed to flip him over on his back. "No hair tie just means that I get to be on top."
His hair spread out around his head like a dark halo, contrasting well with the white pillow underneath him - his eyes were wide, his pupils were blown out, and his lips were parted slightly. You could study his face for hours. Deciding to put on a show for him, you started grinding over his clothed crotch; you were desperate to take off his pants already. Jihoon's hands found their place on your hips, trying to take control of your movements. You grabbed his hands, moving them to lie over his head.
"Let me do the work, baby," you murmured.
You moved down his body and, to your surprise, his hands stayed where you left them. Carefully, you removed his sweatpants - leaving kisses along his hipbone and right by his happy trail. Goosebumps trailed along his skin as Jihoon shivered. Now that only his underwear was between you and his cock, you could see how hard he had gotten. You pressed a kiss over the fabric before rubbing his clothed cock with your palm. Jihoon went to grab your hair, but you slapped his hands away.
"Keep them above your head," you demanded.
"Okay..." Jihoon's voice was barely above a whisper, weak and shaky.
Your ministrations had already taken a toll on him. You pulled down his underwear, letting his cock slap against his abdomen. Grabbing his shaft, you put the pink tip in your mouth - peering up at him through your lashes. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth in a tight line to hide any noises. One of your hands was still wrapped around his cock, but with the other, you grazed his lower stomach and side.
"I want to hear you, Jihoonie," you chirped. "Please?"
He opened his mouth with a soft gasp as you took him deeper into your mouth. You began bobbing your head up and down his shaft, stroking the part that you couldn't take with your hand. Jihoon squirmed under you, desperately wanting to touch you but not wanting to disappoint you.
"I've missed your mouth..." he soughed.
Your mouth came off his cock with a pop, and you spit on it to keep stroking with your hand. He opened his eyes and looked at you with furrowed brows.
"You should've thought about that before you decided to lock yourself in your office for days," you teased.
"I'm sorry-" He groaned. "I won't do it again..."
"You will," you hummed. "That's okay, though... you always get so sensitive when you've gone a few days without pussy. It's cute."
You let go of him, positioning yourself to straddle his lap again. You watched him, as he struggled to keep his hands above his head. To put him out of his misery, you grabbed his hands again and pushed them against your tits. While he was groping your breasts and pinching your nipples, you grabbed his dick and directed it to your cunt - letting it drag over your dripping slit before finally pushing him inside. It had been a few days since you last took him like this, and without prep, the stretch stung ever so slightly. You moaned as you inched down on his cock, looking on as Jihoon's face contorted in pleasure.
"See?" You let out a breathy laugh. "Already so fucked out."
"... so warm." Jihoon moaned and put his hands on your hips again. "Baby, please..."
"Please what?"
You put your hands on his chest, slowly moving your hips up and down while you teased his nipples. His milky skin grew pink under your touch - and you adored the way he squirmed under you. Short gasps mixed with moans came bubbling out of his throat, and he only got louder the faster you moved. His hips started moving against yours, and soon enough he was holding up your hips and fucking up into you.
"Gonna cum..." he whined.
You weren't close, but an idea popped into your mind. You let him keep fucking you, not even trying to stop him as he came inside of you. But, as his movements died down, you didn't let him pull out. Once his limbs were slack, you grabbed his hands pinned them against the bed, and started moving your hips again.
"Too much-"
"You can take it, pretty boy," you hummed. "You want to make me cum, right?"
"Yes, yes..." He groaned.
"Then you'll let me use you... you're already getting hard again, I can feel it," you moaned. "Won't you help me, Jihoonie?"
He nodded furiously, and you let go of his hands. One of his, now free, hands went to rub your clit, while the other rested on your hip. A knot started building up in your stomach. Your breathing grew heavier as you desperately worked towards your high. Jihoon was already sensitive, and your contracting walls didn't help - he was getting close too.
"Cum inside me again, baby," you murmured. "I want you to cum with me."
Your movements grew sloppy, your hips stuttering over his crotch, but Jihoon never stopped rubbing circles on your clit. As the fire pooling in your lower stomach bloomed throughout the rest of your body, you dissolved into pleasure and slumped against your boyfriend's body. You could feel his second load leaking out of your spent hole. The two of you lay there, the only thing that could be heard in the room was your heavy breathing. However, soon enough Jihoon's hands made their way to your back. His palms rubbed slow circles over your skin, making you whine and bury your head deeper into the crook of his neck.
"We should go to the bathroom..." he muttered.
"Do your legs work?"
"... no."
"Neither do mine."
The two of you chuckled, and you managed to move around enough to lie down beside him. You felt so empty without his cock inside you, but you didn't have the energy to do anything about it.
"Thank you for taking me out of work," he hummed.
"Thank you for finally coming to bed."
Jihoon wrapped his strong arms around you, getting to feel his bare skin against yours. The two of you lay there, trying your best not to fall asleep - you'd only regret it when you woke up. However, for just a moment, you let yourself relax in his arms and savor every second of his embrace.
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inferencesarchives · 11 months
Hello! Could you do Pure Vanilla Cookie x Fem! Ancient reader, whose kingdom is like a spiritual kingdom and The Reader Is just very stressed?? Like, very little time to eat, sleep, ect. How could PV maybe comfort her?? Have a nice day!!
`•- Time for Yourself
pure vanilla cookie x fem reader
summary: pure vanilla notices you haven't been acting like yourself lately. how does he help you feel better?
warnings: physical touch, pure vanilla is kind of a worry wart, also im not super proud of the writing on this one so im sorry if it's not as good as my other stuff :((
a/n: is it bad that when i went to the store today and saw pure vanilla extract on the shelf i thought of pure vanilla cookie
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Pure Vanilla Cookie has noticed the lack of letters you've been sending him recently.
Of course, he knows that ruling a kingdom is no simple ordeal, and, of course, there's no way you would be able to send him a letter every day. However, despite that, you've always made sure to send him letters frequently and inform him of every nifty little thing going on in your life.
That is, up until roughly three and a half weeks ago.
You used to send him letters every four or five days to keep him updated on everything going on in your kingdom, and he always wrote back when he received your letters. However, when he responded to a letter you sent about three and a half weeks ago, you hadn't written anything back to him.
He found this behavior very strange, as you were always enthusiastic about being able to talk with him whenever you got the chance. Pure Vanilla Cookie was, frankly, getting rather worried about you and how you were doing. So, he decided to take a trip over to your kingdom to see for himself what was wrong.
When he finally arrived, Pure Vanilla Cookie was quick to stride towards your castle, making haste towards your office, where you spent most of your time. Gently knocking on the door, he quietly entered the room, as to not disturb you too much. He immediately notices your eyebags, the empty coffee mugs littered around your desk, and the way you don't even glance at him when he enters the room, thinking it was just some servant needing to ask a quick question or something of the like. Needless to say, when he spoke up, you immediately turned and stared at him in surprise.
"My Dear, has everything been okay lately?" He gently asks. "Ah! Pure Vanilla Cookie? What are you doing here?" You respond, shocked. You had no idea he was coming, you had no time to prepare, you didn't want him to see you like this.
"Are you alright?" He slowly walks toward you before draping his cloak over your shoulders, "You haven't responded to my letter for weeks, and you look awfully tired. How long have you been sitting here working today?" He looks at you with worry swirling in his eyes.
As you sit there failing to answer his question, he gently places a hand on your head and caresses your hair, sighing, "You need to remember to take care of yourself, you know. You can hardly handle this much work in the state that you're in. Why don't you rest for a bit?"
You look at him with tired eyes, attempting to provide a counter-argument, "I know, I know, but-" "No buts. You're going to go lay in bed and read a nice book to help you de-stress. I'll also fetch you some tea. Then, perhaps you can take a nap. You'll feel a lot better when you wake up," He suddenly picked you up, carrying you back to your bedroom before you can even say anything. Perhaps he was right though, as you were indeed doing a lot better the next morning. Perhaps self-care really is important after all.
a/n: not me writing a fic about self-care at 2 am when i haven't slept and i am in fact not taking care of myself lmao uhhhhhh i promise ill get some sleep once i finish up the rest of the requests i swear i pinky promise i swear
thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourself! don't be like me lmao
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mikachacha · 1 year
𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: After many years of being with Bada, you have decided to walk away. Not because you stopped loving her but because you felt like it was the right thing to do, not only for your relationship but for yourself as well.
Warnings: heavy angst, just a lot of tears for this one, mentions of cheating, language
(A/N: i would like to thank @apreer for suggesting this song ❤ really love it)
You thought it would get better if you stuck with her for years but it only got worse. From blatant lying to cheating, Bada has done it all. Not just once, not just twice but multiple times. You chose to forgive her as she would always promise to be better. She'd then shower you with love, attention, gifts.. She'll do that for three months at most then the cycle goes back. There were many instances that you thought enough is enough and just simply walk away but each time, she'd pull you right back in with sweet words and empty promises. But now, enough is enough. You're done. You gave her everything and now you're taking back control. It's time for you to love and choose yourself first.
"Y/N, I wouldn't be home until late tonight. I'm sorry baby that we couldn't spend our anniversary together but I promise I'll make it up to you after my schedule clears up." Bada says which you knew was another lie but you nodded nonetheless. She kissed your cheek and rushed out the door while you just sighed before heading back to your shared bedroom.
You began packing your stuff and made sure all your documents are in your bag. You wanted to have a fresh start, away from Bada and from everyone who knows you. You booked a flight to the US so she couldn't follow or track you easily. You just wanted to finally have the freedom to do what you want, to be happy and to regain your old self that you lost while loving Bada.
"If only I wasn't that stupid to come crawling back to you each time you betrayed me, Bada.. Three long years I spent with you. Three years of my life wasted for the likes of you but today I'm putting an end to this. Goodbye, Bada." you smiled bitterly as you looked at the framed picture of you and Bada together, seemingly so in love with each other. You also took off the ring she gave you and placed it on the night stand. With a final look at the house you shared together, you called a cab and headed to the airport.
Bada almost dropped her phone when a notification popped up. It was from the alarm system of your house and it says that you have removed your access to the system. She immediately checked the surveillance tapes through her phone and saw you packing your things. The recent one is you loading your bags into the cab and leaving. Her heart was pounding inside her chest, she felt lost. She felt a pang of pain inside of her as the thought of you leaving her for good flashed through her head.
"Fuck! Y/N please pick up, baby.. Please.." Bada is now frantically pacing around as she tried to call your phone but you weren't picking up. She also sent lots of messages but you just left her on read. She doesn't want to lose you yet she didn't really made too much effort to make you stay.
"What do you want, Bada?" you finally answered as you arrived at the airport. Bada wanted to sigh in relief but she doesn't know where you are and the fact that you're leaving her is still there.
"Baby where are you? Please tell me.. Let's talk things out, you and me.." Bada is now desperate. She doesn't want you to leave but you've had enough of her bullshit.
"I'm about to board the plane. I'm leaving, Bada. We're over. I don't want to be part of your sick games anymore. I'm tired of you taking me for granted and would only pretend to love me just so you can hurt me again.. This will be the last time that we will be talking to each other. Goodbye, Bada. I hope you treat the next girl better than how you treated me the past three years." you said and ended the call before turning it off. You took a shaky breath as you willed yourself not to cry. You're done crying for her.
At that moment, Bada felt truly alone. No one was there for her, the girl she was with earlier has since left, annoyed that Bada paid more attention to you than her. She couldn't stop the tears from falling down as regret and sorrow washed over her like a tidal wave. Today, on the day of your anniversary, Bada lost you. She lost the woman who loved her more than she could ever love herself, the woman who was there for her through thick and thin. It was too late to regret and beg you for forgiveness now as you had made up your mind of walking away from her and from her life for good.
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trixree · 12 days
he is RISEN baby girl
hello hello! yes i'm alive, just very mentally ill. things are on the up and up and i have mega brainrot right now so i decided to try and get back on the "being a person" horse. you may see i've just posted some poolverine smut to AO3 here.
if you've sent me messages during my year hiatus (especially regarding commissions) I love and appreciate you and will be responding SOON, i PROMISE!
long ramble about where i'm at/life update below the cut.
May of 2023, I graduated with my masters. yaaay woo but also booo because it didn't help me get a job at all! i finally landed a paying gig in September of 2023 after sending out quite literally hundreds of applications. i only had two interviews total and a mountain of auto-rejections to show for it and it took an immense toll on my mental health. It started what was (in hindsight) a year of a prolonged downward spiral.
i already really struggled with self worth and turns out riding the merry-go-round of job hunting rejection cranked my depression up to new heights. for the first time in a long time, i found myself so low as to be entertaining thoughts of suicide. my eating disorder peaked the hardest it has since high school. i had also moved out of my parents house and in with my partner May of 2023 and was readjusting to being out of a traumatic environment. i had panic attacks anytime he came into a room too quietly and surprised me for months. I found myself isolated from most of my friends (partly because of my own communication death-spiral depression paralysis) and also because i moved to a different city than all of them to live with my partner again (0 complaints there, i love the city i live in and love my home with my partner and our bird children. however i miss my fucking friends, and the loneliness compounded the Despair Arc i was having.) My fucking health insurance changed because my previous policy holder retired and i lost some medications for a period of time, stressing my body in bad ways. a really bad spell of migraines compounded things chemically for the worst.
i borrowed some money to return to my therapist and my doc recently upped my antidepressant dose, and I can tell that both of those things but ESPECIALLY that last one there has helped already. My partner, closest friends, and even some coworkers have said I seem much better, too. I'm hopeful about it. Optimistic, even!
i did get a job working for a behavioral health nonprofit that provides outpatient psychiatric services in administration. It pays in fucking sheckles and pennies (nonprofits be like) and psych is a challenging environment to say the least. it was another 6-month fight to hammer out disability accommodations with HR. my body is a machine that consumes paid leave. as any of you that have danced an accommdations dance can probably attest, it sucks so goddamn bad. i had basically round after round of requests for my doctors to fill out paperwork that amounted to "will they get better? Are you sure? Alright, please estimate how often this person will need this accommodation in hours per week." of course it took an immense mental health toll, too. i kick ass at what i do and i do it chronically understaffed but it's really hard to feel secure anywhere when you're constantly missing work due to uncontrollable Body Bad Times (migraine, explosive diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, my three horsemen). especially if someone has a grudge, and someone did, which added extra layers of complexity.
i'll be honest, it's good to have something to get out of bed to go do 5/7 days of the week (i was going stir crazy without employment) but i'm running myself ragged and barely making it financially. not only was this body i have NOT built for an 8-5, i have less than 15$ to my name right now to show for it and i keep having to borrow money from my family for medication. but i truly love the people i work with and feel like i get to do good for my community where i'm at, and that's something folks!
speaking of health, i kind of got my gut stuff figured out? not really. but also yes! i don't have a diagnosis of any kind but i have a treatment that's WORKING for the constant nausea i was always blogging about last year. my GI put me on domperidone before meals and oh my god, total fucking game changer. no longer am i burping up half-digested food and walking around with 24/7 debilitating nausea AND my appetite even kicks in when i take the damn pills!!! the only down side is that domperidone is not FDA approved in the USofA because of sudden cardiac failure or what the fuck ever so i have to pay out of pocket for all of it. that's a good 150$ per month on top of all my other medication, so that's a bummer. but god, to have something that works!!! it's been so nice. no sudden heart failure yet, fingers crossed.
i have really bad executive dysfunction when it comes to responding to messages (i currently have 100+ unread text messages from friends and family) but i'm challenging myself to work through my backlog of messages in the coming days, so stay tuned if you've DM'd me in the last year. thank you for thinking of me and i appreciate you endlessly.
as for commissions, my life is just too unpredictable for me to be as consistent with those as i'd wanted to be. as much as having the bonus income was really amazing, i just feel like i'm too flakey and unreliable to deliver on that regularly and that's just a shitty thing to do to someone. (please check your DMs if this describes an interaction we had with me.)
i'm sorry if this decision is disappointing to anyone, but i think i'm going to stick to having a kofi live if folks feel inclined to show appreciation for any fic i post and maybe taking a comm very very rarely, once in a blue moon when circumstances allow. I do want to honor anyone that messaged me about a comm during my year hiatus. Please check your DMs. for my casual reader: none of my current projects on AO3 are abandoned. i've never stopped working on them this past year, even if it has only been in my notes app. i really want to start posting more regularly again. i miss the outlet immensely. I think it's good for me, creatively and for a sense of community. i hope you all understand and thank you. thanks for still being here.
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bratbby333 · 4 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ blog update ! ] ࿐ྂ
+ some housekeeping and info on new writing
hello my loves !! i wanted to give y'all some insight on what's been going on in my mind palace lately. there's a lot...so...cmon, take a walk w me...and maybe bring some snacks.
ੈ♡˳ first and foremost ! my work has received a lot more attention recently and i am so excited. with actual tears in my eyes, im happy to report that i surpassed 1,000 followers the other day. i am at a loss for words...just...stuck in a perma-state of disbelief.
im sending out the biggest thank you to everyone who has supported me, who's interacted with my work, to the lovely friends ive made though this account and to the heartbreakingly beautiful anime that brought me here in the first place. i am genuinely in awe...overwhelmed, even...i didn't expect any of this to happen when i started this blog and i am forever indebted to all of you for getting me here. im actively fighting off the inevitable surge of imposter syndrome as i type this out...i just love y'all so fucking much. this community means the world to me and i wanna scream at the top of my lungs in order to demonstrate my deepest appreciation for each and every one of y'all.
ੈ♡˳ secondly ! a message for my little angel babies, my day one followers; thank you for taking a chance on me. for watching me grow. for sticking around as i worked to get better at writing. im sure a lot of you started following me for my gamer!bf sukuna series...trust me, i love him and i know y'all do too. but i feel like my writing is heading in a different direction...and with a heavy heart, i'm absolutely gutted when i say that i am taking a pause on that series. i am forever grateful for the support and may return to him soon, though i cannot promise that. i owe so much of what my account is now to that series and i will never forget that.
for everyone who joined me as i delved into dark/dead dove content, thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me a safe space to explore different forms of story-telling. my choso fic was the first stepping stone and then i skipped every other stone on the path and jumped head first into the deep end with my dead dove gojo fic...i deeply appreciate all the positive feedback i received on both of those. after posting them, i realized that i am very into writing dark content. i know that taboo themes/dark content/dead dove subject matter isn't for everyone and i understand people's apprehension in regards to it. but with that being said, i will be moving forward with publishing darker content.
ੈ♡˳ so here's the writing update !
i did a poll asking y'all what kind of content you enjoy. a good chunk of people said long form fics (which is great, cause i do too !! mommy needs plot). so, i am migrating away from one shot writing. both because i've been thinking about it for awhile and because y'all are into longer stories, as well. but fear not, i will still write shorter stuff along with headcannons, drabbles, etc...it just won't be the main focus of my blog anymore.
ੈ♡˳ now, time for the big reveal ! perhaps it's a bit anticlimactic, but bear with me...
im so excited to announce that i have two new series coming ! it will be a dark, modern!au featuring choso (with a few other special guests) and a dead dove sukuna series.
i'm almost finished with the outlines, and have fully completed the theme layout + mood boards for both works. i hope to get the first few chapters wrapped up in the next couple weeks. if you want to be tagged in either of these (or both), just leave a comment or send me a message !
(also !! i may or may not be cooking up a dark medieval au series in collaboration with another writer on here...so be on the lookout for that hehe)
while i take breaks from writing my two series, i'll be working through my requests ! so if you've sent one in, i promise i will get to it, unless i literally cannot think of a good way to write it (im only human, im so sorry). also, im sure we already knew this, but im a slowww writer. i wish i could churn content out quick as fuck but i am too hypercritical of myself…it's both a blessing and a curse, honestly.
if you made it all the way to the end of this nightmare of a brain dump, i love you. if you've been with me for a while, i love you. if you're just now joining me, i love you. everyone who’s supported me in any way, shape, or form, i love you.
i present you with the sloppiest kiss with tongue (only if you want it, of course. i can also give you the tightest hug, the gentlest head pat, or my social security number...access to all my bank accounts? a mansion in the hills? my passport? hand in marriage? my first born child? literally whatever you want, babe).
okay !! i think that's all for the updates. feeling: very ambitious and motivated but also overwhelmed and mildly stressed but overall super excited for what's to come. im looking forward to this new adventure and i hope y'all come along with me ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
thank you again…for literally everything. yall hold a special place in my heart and always will. so, here we go !
see you on the other side, my loves.
— jade 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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yandere-yearnings · 2 months
I won't keep this up for very long, but I think I do owe it to all my mutuals, followers and those who'd just browse on occasion or who found a safe space in this blog.
My previous account under the same name disappeared about a week ago, and it was sudden enough that I'm sure some of you may have chalked it up to Tumblr deactivating it. In actuality, it was because I deleted it myself.
I haven't been in the best mental state as of recently, even before I first started the blog, but I thought things would get better over time. My intention isn't to turn this into a rant or vent, so I won't expand but, I think all the self-imposed pressure I was placing on myself to write, paired with other factors had just pushed me to the point of breaking. I had a panic attack, and didn't give myself the time to calm down and think things through after, when I had decided to just give up.
My biggest regret is not making at least one final post, because I know how jarring it can be to have someone there one second, and find out they're gone the next. I can't imagine the worry I put some of my friends on here through, nor can I ever apologise enough that I still won't feel guilty.
I have a habit of leaving abruptly like that when I'm overwhelmed. Every time I promise myself I won't do it again, I end up breaking it. At the very least, this time, I'll try and have realistic expectations of myself and take breaks when I need them instead of impulsively deleting weeks and months of time and effort.
It's ironic to me because I'm the type of person who saves every single thing I write just in case anything happens, but I didn't do that with most of the content that I had on this blog — because I wasn't expecting things to turn out this way. Some of my works are probably still floating around Tumblr thanks to reblogs, so if anyone sees anything and lets me know, it'd help me find them again. For the most part, I'll probably have to start over from scratch anyway.
Unfortunately, all my unanswered asks are also gone, and I had a lot of them. I'll try to put out things for the ones I can remember somewhat. If you've sent any in that I never came around to, you're free to send them in again if you still want a response.
This got lengthier than I anticipated, but I hope it was a sufficient enough explanation. I'm sincerely sorry for any distress or just negative feelings I may have caused. I'm sorry to my mutuals who I left without even trying to talk to. I'm sorry that I took away a safe space for some of my followers, because I used to get the sweetest messages about how my writing helped and how my ocs would make everything feel less lonely. I truly hope this can become a place like that again. I'm gonna try my absolute best.
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writers-ex · 2 years
can you do an mean girl reader with principal!Yeji g!p, reader keep testing the authority of everyone and being an reckless in general, reader love to wear revealing clothes and keep coming to school with less and less clothes so Yeji fuck her raw on her desk office
So English isn’t my first language, it’s a little bit messy I hope you’ll understand.
hope you like it i had much fun writing this one ^^
its the third time this week you've been sent to the principal's office and yeji was starting to leave her door unlocked so she didn't have to leave her desk and open it for you, blowing bubble gum you walk in with your crop top and mini skirt waiting to get this over with
"you don’t turn in homework, skip lunch lines, are loud in the cafeteria, sleep in class and binge shows, are you in school or stuck in some teen coming of the age movie? not to mention your…'lack of clothing' when you attend" rolling your eyes you lay back in your chair and sigh, "please-please i’m at my last straw one more visit and there will be consequences, be a good student for once in your life will you?"
"it won't happen again ma'am…"
"what did i say?!" the next day you're seated in front of her desk with a fishnet top wearing no bra and booty shorts, "you dropped coffee on everyone's exams right before your teacher goes to grade them- and you post it on insta???"
"and the problem is…?" getting up yeji closes the door and turns the lock. sitting back down she pinches her the bridge of her nose in exasperation
"i guess i have no choice but to teach you a lesson, especially when you're dressed like that. lucky for you i anticipated this so i already cancelled all of my meetings for today just for you. now just do me this one favor and tell me what this says." pointing at something on her desk you lean closer to get a better look while she opens a drawer and pulls out a pair of handcuffs, attaching your wrist to a drawer handle yeji walks around and unbuckles her pants, hearing them fall to the floor you try to turn around and say something but are stopped by your shorts also being pulled down, without warning you feel something hard enter your hole and starts pounding inside you, "you were really that desperate for attention, weren't you slut?"
"b-but-AHHHH!!!" spanking your pussy yeji glares at you
"bad girl. you need to keep it down or else i'll turn on the intercom and let everyone hear what a whore you are for my cock." biting your lips you nod and let her continue
"only good girls get rewarded, you've been testing mommy’s patience and that hurts mommy, i have no choice but to make sure you learn your lesson. i'll keep thrusting into your tight little hole until you’re in tears."
and that's exactly what she does for a solid hour yeji edges you against her desk making usre that the only words coming out of your mouth were promises of being a good girl and never making another mistake while you were in school, mkaing sure you were telling the truth yeji makes you swear to it and when you do she finally gives you what you want and you cum all over her desk.
releasing your hand and pulling out yeji kisses your wrist and sits you on her lap with the intention of cuddling you with her jacket wrapped around your shivering body as she soothes you with praise for the rest of the day
much to the surprise of everyone around you the mean girl with the rags on her body suddenly becomes the poster student with…longer rags on her body, you make it to one full month of good behavior when yeji calls you into her office, a stern look that makes you bow your head confused as to why you were there
"lock the door before you sit down please."
"yes ma'am" sitting behind her desk yeji waits until you've taken a seat before clearing her throat
"i suppose you wonder why you are here. well actually its because of your recent behavior…" standing up you notice something off about her lower body and gasp when she walks in front of her desk, yeji had no pants or panties on other than her dick wrapped around in a pretty white bow, "i thought you should get a special treat for behaving so good, now its your turn to punish me for breaking the rules~"
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stormblessed95 · 30 days
Thank you so much for answering me Storm!
When I sent that ask I had just come from twitter where some ARMYs where claiming that dropping Muse and Who to support Yoongi is what Jimin would want, that his album has been out for a month already so it not a big deal to move on.
I saw you reblog that post about Jimin standing with Yoongi, along with not seeing you post much about the hate Jimin has been getting lately, and my frustration towards those that are dropping Jimin to support Yoongi may have been projected on to you.
I don't expect you to be a "content creator", I'm very grateful for the time and energy you give to answer our questions and make thoughtful posts about Jikook and BTS. I have seen you post asks with reporting links before, so I was under the assumption that was something you allowed on your blog (especially for serious issues). If that has changed (which is fine! some people want their blogs/accounts/fandom spaces to be free of reports and anti discussion), I'm sorry for not knowing or not remembering!
It was not at all my intention to victimize Jimin, as I said people have resorted to saying things like "Jimin would want us to do this" and thus using Jimin's loving friendship with Yoongi as a way to justify not supporting Jimin anymore (or as much).
I have noticed that you hadn't posted about Yoongi! I was actually wondering if you were doing alright seeing as he is also your bias. I had even wanted to ask you if you knew some good sources to get information on what was happening, because there was a lot of misinformation and I was genuinely scared for Yoongi.
Seeing as this was a misunderstanding on my part, I don't wish to unfollow you if that's okay? Chapter Two and this recent year has made finding actual ARMYs who support ALL SEVEN members hard. I'm sorry if my ask made you uncomfortable in any way, and again hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy 💜💜
I know we are all under the assumptions at times that our personal moral panic is unique and unprecedented.... But I promise that it's not, and it's important to remember that too 💜
Like everyone else, I'm not really okay with seeing all the hate and slander that's been happening lately. I want to cry if I think about it too long or hard.
To make things a little more clear, if you send me "what are your thoughts on *insert essay length ask or paragraph length ask over hate x member is experiencing*" I probably won't answer it. I'm not sure what it is I'm expected to say in response? Yeah, it fucking sucks. And I can say "report and block silently, do not engage" until I'm blue in the face, but that's not what those asks actually want. They want my rage, for me to be emotional about it. I'm not inclined to perform that for anyone here. I follow my own advice.
Which leads me to, the asks I'll post are from reporting links. If you see hate, and you want to ask me to help spread the word to report and block an account or ask for help in the best way to go about reporting something, please send it in and I will post it and/or give advice over it. And that is what you've seen me post here before. That is how it will stay
As for following me or not, you do you boo. I'm not here for the numbers or the followers. I didn't ask for anyone to be here actually 😅 the fact that the follower count ever made it anywhere over 20 is something I'm baffled at constantly. I've been on Tumblr for years solely as a lurker lmao so I still sometimes don't know how I ended up here... I blame Jikook. 🙃😂
And honestly though. Thank you for coming back and walking your first statement back and apologizing. Almost no one here has ever really done that before, so it's greatly appreciated.
Have a good day 💜
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Prompt 1 with Alastor
"You're the only family I have left."
Okie dokie.
Dear Friend
Alastor & Reader
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Childhood friends.
That's what you and Alastor were. You met at the age of eight. Him finding you burying a dead bird with a stick near the woods.
"What are you doing that for?", he asks.
"Its what we do for people, and I think animals should also get the same.", you say and place a rock as a headstone. "Do you know if there's any flowers around?"
He leaves and comes back with a rose from his mother's garden. Watching you as you took it and placed it in front of the rock and told the bird goodnight.
After that, the two of you would meet up around the same area. Either just to chat or to play.
Sometimes you'd visit his house and you got to meet his mother, she was very pretty and nice.
You promised to be friends forever.
"You're moving?", he said softly.
"Mhm. My papa got a job in another city, so we have to move.", you say with a sign. "I don't wanna leave. I want to stay here, with you and with my cat."
Alastor felt his heart warm, but then he tilted his head to the side. "Cat? You have a cat?"
"Well, it's not mine but they come over to the back yard and meow a whole lot.", you fiddle with your fingers. "My parents don't like cats and throw rocks at it whenever they can."
"That's not nice.", he says and earns a nod of agreement from you.
"I made a little house for it in one of the bushes across from my bedroom window and feed it leftovers.", you smile as you say that, but then it turns into a frown. "It'll be lonely."
The boy knows his father doesn't like any animals, but his mother won't mind.
"I'll take care of it for you.", he decides.
You turn to look at him, eyes gleaming with happiness. "You will?"
"I will, I promise!", he says and lifts up a pinkie. "Will you write to me?"
"Of course! We're friends!", you say and lock your pinkies together to seal the promise. "Right?"
He smiles wide. "Yes, we're friends."
You moved a few days after that, but not before his tenth birthday. The gift you gave him was the first letter with your new address.
Alastor looks down at the paper on his desk, pen just above it, ready to write.
Years had passed, and now you were both around the age of twenty-three. You often sent pressed flowers in your letters, most of them small red ones nearby your home.
At the moment, the young man was dreading having to write what had happened recently. However, his mother asked him to let you know when it eventually happened.
It was almost as bad as the time he had to let you know about your cat, the poor thing "ran away."
He tightened his hold on the pen in his hand. That bastard found it. He takes a look out the window and takes a breath, calming himself down.
Finally, the pen meets the paper.
" 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭,
𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓼𝓪𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰. 𝓢𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼𝓷'𝓽 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓱, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓫𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯𝓯 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓬.
𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝔀𝓸 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼.
𝓘 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮.
𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭,
~ 𝓐𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻. "
You re-read the letter about four times, still not able to believe it.
She's gone?
Alastor's mother was the nicest woman you've ever met. She'd feed you when your parents were too busy.
"Moma! I'm leaving!", you shout out and quickly go to get your luggage bags from your closet.
"Leaving!?", she responds.
You hear her stomping up the stairs as you go through your drawers.
She slams your door open. "What do you mean leaving!?"
"I have to go see my friend, I've got a train ticket already.", you tell her, folding your clothes into the bag and move to pick up the letter. "Read please."
You swipe up the ticket and invite, hiding it in your shirt just in case, giving her the letter.
She skims over it and frowns. "My child, think this through. You've never traveled before!"
"I'll be fine! I've got a pocket knife.", you reassure.
"Since when!?", she asks.
Finishing up with packing, you turn to find your mother in the doorway.
"You're not leaving.", she says and shuts the door, locking you in.
This isn't the first time you've been locked in your room. Going to the window, you push it open and look down.
The ground isn't that far.
Tying your bed sheets into a rope, you toss out the end after tying the other to the leg of your bed. Giving it a few tugs to make sure it doesn't loosen.
You don't wait. Dropping your two bags outside, hearing them land on the grass, you start climbing down soon after.
Alastor waits at the train station, fiddling with a pocket watch.
Did they get my letter? Are they coming? I wonder how they look like now. I hope nothing happened..
The train comes in and a lot of people get off. Alastor looks around, hoping to find a slightly familiar face.
Once you get off the train, you realize that you have no idea how Alastor looks like. With a quick idea, you cup your hands around your mouth.
You sing out one of his favorite songs, making many heads turn to you. Midway you hear a voice tune in and look over, finding a man with glasses and familiar fluffy hair.
"Alastor!", you cheer and go through the crowd of people, some kind enough to step out of your way.
Once standing in front of each other, you let out a low whistle.
"You're handsome.", you say.
He stutters, a bit surprised of how blunt you said it. "You sound like my friend Mimzy."
"Well, they are right.", you smile. "It's nice to see you again after so long."
"Likewise, my dear friend. Though, I hoped it would have been under better circumstances.", he says with a sigh.
You nod, smile falling into a straight line.
"Let's get you settled. I hope you don't mind staying over for a while. I don't trust putting you in a hotel.", he says and takes one of your bags, staring to walk away.
"Don't trust? What do you mean?", you ask, walking a bit faster trying to keep up. "Is it because of that one time? It was an accident!"
Both of you arrive at a nice brick house. Alastor places your bag down to get the keys out of his pocket. You look around, taking in the rose garden and seeing a few crows nearby.
"Sometimes I forget how much you like red.", you say, turning once hearing the door open.
"Its a color that can be used for anything.", he says and brings your bag inside. "Come in and just set your bag to the side. I'll bring something for you to drink.", he sets your bag on one of the couches in the living room and goes off into another room.
Looking around, you see the color red again. In the cushions, the couches, the petals of the flowers and on the vase that they are in. There's also hints of yellow gold detail, like the picture frames and the pillows, and some candle holders.
It looks like a lords home from history books. You think and notice a small chandelier. Fancy.
Its been a few days since then.
You've helped out with as much as you could by placing orders for flower arrangements. Alastor had already picked out a casket, making sure to pick out only the best for his mother.
Right now, you are writing to your parents. Letting them know that you're fine and not to worry.
I bet they're furious. Oh well, they don't really care. You shrug with a hum and finish up writing your letter, making sure to put the post office address instead of Alastor's.
"They'd barge in here if they knew.", you mumble.
"I'm back!", you hear your friend announce from downstairs and the front door closing. He calls out your name as you make your way down the stairs.
"I'm here.", you say and see that he's putting his coat away into the coat closet. "How was your day?"
"It went well, I got to let my boss know when I'll be out.", he says, coming out of the closet. "Someone will be taking over my shift."
"That's good.", you say. "For how long?"
"Two days.", he answers.
"Two days!?", you say in shock. "Are they heartless? They can't just give you two days off! You deserve more than that!"
"Really dear, its fine.", he sighs.
"Its not fine Al.", you frown, crossing your arms. "You need time to go through everything."
"I'll have the time. Don't worry.", he says in an unfamiliar tone.
Your brows furrow but Alastor quickly snaps back to his smiley self.
"Let's get dinner ready, yes? I've learned such wonderful recipes from my mother.", he says and puts an arm around your shoulder, dragging you to the kitchen.
You know he's avoiding the conversation, but let him do it anyway. There will be time to deal with it later.
It's the day of the funeral.
Pulling out the appropriate clothing from the closet, you get dressed in black from head to toe. Stepping out of the guest room and down the stairs, you find your friend already dressed, sitting at the small table in the kitchen with black coffee in hand.
"Morning.", you greet and go to pour yourself a cup as well. "Did you eat?", you ask.
"I haven't the heart to.", he mumbles, staring down at his cup.
"I know.", you sigh, taking out some bread and jam. "Trust me, you'll feel terrible on an empty stomach.", you say, getting a butter knife.
With coffee and a simple breakfast, you go over to the table and set everything down. "Eat something. It doesn't have to be a lot but just eat. Please?"
He nods and cuts a slice of the bread.
You don't say anything and open the jar of jam before cutting a slice of bread for yourself.
Better than nothing.
Both of you leave the house soon after. Its still early in the morning, almost 6 a.m. to be exact. Alastor leads you to the car, getting a bouquet of flowers on the way to the funeral home.
He parks the car and turns it off, and both of you just sit for a while.
There's an ache in your chest. It feels wrong, like none of this is real.
But it is real.
Taking a breath, you look to your friend and give a small smile, remembering what his mother used to say. "You're never fully dressed without a smile."
Now's not the time, but one of us has to put on a mask.
"Let's head inside when you're ready.", you say.
He nods, taking a few more minutes before getting out of the car. You follow.
The funeral home is almost finished being set up with the flowers that you ordered. You made sure to pick her favorites.
"Oh, you're early!", the funeral home owner says and walks up to the both of you. "We're almost done setting up. Like you requested, there will be a closed casket viewing and the burial will take place soon after.", he says with a smile, one too bright for such a day.
"Yes, thank you.", you say after noticing Alastor doesn't want to give a response.
The man nods and walks off, going who knows where.
You take your friend to the front row of seats. Soon, more people come into the funeral home and come up to Alastor, staring up a conversation and saying sorry for your loss.
That feeling in your chest is still there and you try to go off to the side, but before you can do that, Alastor takes a hold of your hand.
A silent plea for you to stay.
So you do, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
A short blonde woman holding a handkerchief comes up next, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Oh Al! I'm so sorry for your loss!", she sniffles and dabs the corners of her eyes with the cloth. "You must be hurtin' so much! I can't imagine!"
"Thank you Mimzy.", he says in a dull tone.
Her eyes wander down and she notices your hands, snapping her gaze up to you.
"Who are you?", she asks.
It sounds more like a demand.
"This is my childhood friend.", he introduces you to each other. "I've asked them to come."
"Oh. How nice.", she says with a smile, a forced looking one.
She heads off to the side, not before giving you a cold glare, as if you were the reason for all his pain.
The burial is short, friends and few family relatives start leaving soon after. All that is left is you, Alastor, and the flower bouquet.
"You're the only family I have left.", he tells you so quietly, looking down at his mother's headstone.
The feeling in your chest worsens, feeling like a veil that isn't supposed to be taken off of what it's hiding being lifted.
Slowly, he sets the bouquet down in front of the headstone, staying in the kneeled position. You stand just behind him, just being nearby for as long as he needs.
"You can cry now. No one's around."
And he does.
You feel the tears you've been holding back run down your cheeks, staying quiet as you get closer to your friend and kneel down next to him, beginning to rub his back. Hoping it gives some comfort.
We're all we've got left.
Before leaving, you place her favorite colored rose down. "Don't you worry, I'll take care of him.", you whisper. "Goodnight."
While heading back to Alastor's car, you hear a jingle of bells sound throughout the air. However, you don't find what made the noise, brushing it off you get into the car.
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I didn't plan for this to be long. I got carried away.
~Seline, the person.
Prompt-list: here
ML for Alastor🎙
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Chiaki had been living with Izuru and Nagito for a couple months by the time she got a message alerting her that Kyosuke, Juzo and Chisa would be checking up on her. The other check-ups were always carried out by lower ranking members, so she found this suspicious. She had been careful to tell Izuru and Nagito in advance when people would be coming so they could conceal themselves, and Makoto and Kyoko stayed true to their promise to be quiet about it.
If they're not here for Kamukura-kun and Komaeda-kun, then what could it be? I hope it's nothing bad... ...Oh, but, this might be my chance to tell Munakata-kun about Yukizome-san. I... just hope he'll believe me. And... I'm worried about how Yukizome-san will react to me outing her... Nagito hasn't been home recently, claiming he had some work to do elsewhere, and she already told Izuru to hide, so she couldn't discuss what to do with him.
Finally, the dreaded knock on her door came. She tried to act casual as she went to open the door. "...Ah, hello, Munakata-kun, Sakakura-kun and... Yukizome-san. You're here already. ...Come in." She cordially opened the door and beckoned them all inside. "Nanami-san! It's so good to see you again! You've been so busy I've barely been able to talk to you! We really need to catch up a bit!"
"Don't get too excited now, Yukizome. We're not here to chat. We've got something more important to talk about."
"Are you saying that getting to talk with my former student isn't important? I'm hurt, Sakakura-kun! How dare you! Kyosukeeeeee, Sakakura-kun is being mean to me agaaaaaain."
"Sakakura-kun, don't be so insensitive."
"...Hmph. Whatever. Let's just get started already." Juzo glanced back at Chisa, looking at her somewhat suspiciously. ...Maybe Sakakura-kun figured it out. Or, he has an idea at least. He wasn't this hostile with her the last time I saw them. "...I apologise for their bickering. Now, you must be wondering why we came to check on you instead of the ones usual responsible for this task. Well... we have a bit of a secret mission for you."
"...A secret mission? Secret how?"
"...The Future Foundation recently got an anonymous tip about a certain group of captives being held in Towa City. These captives are people that were close to the participants of the Killing School Life, and were originally used by Junko Enoshima as a motive. Now that the Game is over, we can safely retrieve them. ...At least, that's the assumption that our leader seems to have. However, we think it may be a trap set up by one of the Remnants of Despair. It's simply too convenient. Chisa reccommended we send you as back-up to ensure the rescue mission progesses smoothly." Kyosuke spared no unnecessary chatter and got straight to the point.
Juzo looked ready to say something when Chisa swiftly cut him off. "If you go on this mission, you might run into one of the Remnants! I know you must be so worried about everyone, they were all your former classmates after all. I can't help but worry too..." Liar. You don't want to help me. Sending me on this mission is probably a trap. ...But I can't just let it be either. What to do...
"...I see. I'll need to think about. There's a chance that getting someone secretly sent is a trap, too." Kyosuke looked confused by her answer, not picking up on what she's implying. "...What do you mean? I'm sure the Remnants are expecting us to launch a simple rescue mission. No matter how calculating you are, there is a limit to what one can predict." In the back, she noticed that Chisa's smile grew colder, and Juzo tensed up. ...It seems Sakakura-kun and Yukizome-san caught it. Convincing Sakakura-kun doesn't seem like it'll be hard, but Munakata-kun...
"...Munakata-kun. What... would you think if I said there might be a Remnant hiding within the Future Foundations ranks? And... what if I told you they were very close to you?" She couldn't just say it outright. Honestly, even if she was well aware of Chisa's current condition, she didn't want to admit it. Saying it was just... too much. But she had to. "...What are you implying? Are you saying there's been a Remnant among us this entire time? One so cunning as to hid themselves completely from us?"
"...That is what I'm saying. And... I know who it is, too. ...But... you're not gonna like it. I'm sorry for not telling you all before. I haven't had the opportunity to tell anyone yet, so I was getting a little desperate. It's... only a matter of time until they make their move."
"Then who is it? Get out with it already. If there's a Remnant among us, we need to deal with them immediately." Juzo impatiently demanded she answered. ...Sakakura-kun probably already figured out who I'm talking about. "...It's Yukizome-san."
A heavy silence filled the room. Kyosuke looked at her as if she'd grown two heads. Behind him, Chisa's smile fell and she gave Chiaki a cold glare. Murderous intent was shown clearly in her eyes, making a cold shudder run up Chiaki's spine. "...What. You're saying that... Chisa's been a Remnant of Despair... this entire time? There's no way... that I can believe that. Chisa is the kindest and most caring person I know, there's no way in hell she's been working for that... that vile woman! There is no way!"
"I know it's hard to believe but-"
"No! It's not true, it can't be true! You must be mistaken! It's not Chisa, it's-"
"She's right, Munakata."
"...Sakakura-kun...? What are you talking about...? You don't seriously...?" Juzo looked uncomfortable, feeling guilty for not speaking up sooner. "...I noticed a long time ago that Yukizome was behaving... oddly. I couldn't really put a finger on it, so I figured I was imagining it and I said nothing. Recently, thought, she started acting even weirder. Ever since Enoshima died, she began running off and doing stuff behind the Future Foundations back, being awfully secretive about it too. ...I didn't really know how to bring it up so I never mentioned it."
Kyosuke stared at him in silence, not knowing how to respond. After a few tense moments, he hesistantly spoke up, "...Sakakura-kun... You..."
"...Chisa, tell me... it's not true... is it? You're not a Remnant... right? ...Say something. Please." Chisa hadn't spoken a word since Chiaki starting talking about the insider Remnant. When Kyosuke aimed his questioning at her, she gave a too-innocent smile. Chiaki began to worry she was going to try and lie herself out of it.
"Aw, you got me! That's right, I'm a Remnant of Despair. I can't believe I managed to fool you for so long!" Her saccharine smile turned cold. "You really are an idiot, Kyosuke. You were so blinded by love that you didn't notice a thing! Really, I gave you so many hints and you never caught any of them! Or... maybe you willingly ignored them. How stupid, how... despairing."
"C-Chisa...? Do you really mean...? You're..." His face showed nothing but pure shock and despair. He could barely get any words out. "Aha! And there it is! That's what I've been looking for all this time!" Chisa clapsed her hands together and smiled gleefully, despair swirling in her eyes. "That wonderful look of despair... Oh, how I've waiting so long to see you with it!"
"Fuck it, I've had enough of this shit-" Juzo ran and tackled Chisa from behind, pinning her to the ground. "Munakata! Snap out of it! We can't have you falling to despair too!" The words seemed to get through to him, as Kyosuke flinched back and shook his head. "...Your right. I... don't want to believe it, but... she admitted it. There's no way I can deny it now. ...I... need to contact Tengan-kun about this. Please excuse me" With the little dignity he had left, Kyosuke took out his phone and left the room.
Now it was only Chiaki, Juzo, and the restrained Chisa in the room. The air was thick with tension, to the point Chiaki found it hard to breathe. "...I'm... so sorry. I didn't want to do this. I-I'm so s-so sorry, for everything." She couldn't hold her tears in anymore, the gravity of what just happened, and what would later happen to her old teacher, weighing heavy on her mind. "I-it's all *sob* my f-fault that th-things end-*sob*-ended up l-like this. *sob* If O-only I'd just *sob* Took K-Komaeda-kun and r-ran then *sob* s-she wouldn't h-have had to come s-save us *sob* a-and then she-"
"God, stop your annoying crying already. What's done is done, you can't do anything about it now so who the hell cares. ...At least you told us before it was too late." Juzo cut into her guilt-fueled ranting, tired of all the sniffeling. "...Just. Go to your damn room and take a nap or something. I'll handle Yukizome here, and Munakata will handle the... other stuff. ...You did good, kid. Get some rest"
Not expecting him to try to comfort him, she gave a slight nod and got up to take that reccommended nap. Behind her back, she faintly heard him say, "...You're much braver than I am. If only I had that courage back then..."
She closed her bedroom door behind her, falling onto her bed and immediately falling asleep.
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manonamora-if · 9 months
Another late weekly devlog... but this time I didn't forget, YAY! Also taking this space to announce I will be more or less offline for the next two weeks at least. I may pop up here and there, maybe dropping some stuff unannounced...
Anyway, let's recap what's been done this past week(s):
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This is super recent - aka just now - and completely done last minute, but I've added another template to the Template Assets page! The Title Page Template, with 7 different ways of making a simple title/menu/landing page for SugarCube Projects (both with the BaseUI and Custom). Download it here!
Also complete, published and downloadable, is the SugarCube Guide! Loads of words, loads of code, updated explanations and fixed examples. And now you can use it offline! Get it there!
Also, I should have access to a Mac laptop in a few days (for a week), so I'll try to see how to make the Tweego Folder useable for Mac computers!
Also, also, I'll be adding all these to GitHub soon (promise) so to track issues report in the repos...
Anyways, if you've tried any of those assets, consider leaving a little comment or a rating :) Or send me the link to your project!
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MelS completed all edits for Chapter 5 and sent it back to me. I'm doing one last sweep at the document for missed comments and grammar before I'll start coding.
In the meantime, he's back writing for Chapter 6.
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It's been busy town here lately, so not much more progress on anything else. I've mainly been playing games in my down time (see @manonamora-if-reviews, I'm trying to finish the Comp 2 months late!) or trying to hack at projects, or organising secret stuff.
Loads of stuff happening in the close future:
The ShuffleComp entries will start trickling in in the next few weeks. Voting will start just after the New Year!
The SeedComp Round 2 has started! If you are looking for an idea to make a game, almost 100 seeds were submitted this season. Deadline to create a game based on those seeds is end of February!
Made a short game this year (>30min play)? Want people to talk about it? Check out the IF Short Game Showcase! They accept up to 3 entries!
Also recently started, the annual Partim 500. It's like the @neo-twiny-jam but in French and with a theme!
The Second Round of the XYZZY Awards will be happening very soon.
Other fun stuff happening soon:
The Queer Vampire Game Jam starting in January
The Zack Jam starting in January
The Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 (parser IF) starting in March
The SpringThing also in March (you need to submit an intent before March!)
Other jams happening with the @neointeractives (TBA)!!
I think that's about it for now :)
I'm going back to pressing business :/
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enigmatist17 · 4 months
The basis for this idea:
Cordy and Wesley are the reincarnations of the bank robbery woman and the bookseller from the episode Are You Now or Have You Ever Been. Angel didn't let the Thesulac demon take over the hotel, killing it after running everyone out, and Judy and Denver sort of guide him onto his path as a Champion way before he does canonically. They died in battle a few years apart, and Angel threw himself into his work of protecting L.A./being its Master, and Whistler is sent to help Angel reconnect with humanity because all he's done is mourn them for about 20 years :(
Los Angeles. You see it at night and it shines; a beacon. People are drawn to it. People and other things. They come for all sorts of reasons. My reason? It began with a girl in a hotel, and a guy who owned a bookshop.
"So, this is where the great Protector of L.A. likes to hang out on his off-time? Pathetic man, really pathetic."
"Who are you?"
"Name's Whistler, an agent of the Powers That Be." The standoff that had been going on in the lobby of a, quite frankly, beautiful hotel ended when Whistler pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a hum. He didn't seem to mind the vampire across the room who was glaring daggers his way, a cup of now cool blood forgotten in his hand as Angel sized up the strange man. Whistler was clearly not human, but Angel couldn't smell any of the underlying hatred that lingered in most with ill intent, so his initial guard lowered slightly.
"What do you want?" Setting his mug down, Angel watches the demon circle around the expansive lobby with a click of his tongue, eyeing the stairs until Angel clears his throat.
"I've got a mission for ya, or well, They do."
"I already have one." Angel deadpanned, pointing to some files on the desk in front of him. "I protect this city, pretty sure that's a good thing for these Powers or whatever."
"Oh, they're grateful, don't get me wrong, but this is a two-part mission. Say, got any snacks?" Angel blinked as he finally emerged from around the former check-in desk, crossing his arms with a slight frown.
"Ah, shame. Anyways, you've noticed a lull in evil baddies going after the helpless, right? That would be due to the new Slayer and the Hellmouth she's about to move to in about, uh, a week." Whistler pulled out a small notepad and nodded at whatever he'd written down, Angel just watched with a glare. "That's where you're going, big guy, and the Powers even scored you a whole ass mansion that you own as of two days ago."
"The hell you mean no?"
"I'm not leaving my city at the word of some weird guy I've never seen before, who apparently works for some higher power, just because I've not been running around as much recently." There was now a low growl that normally sent annoying people away, but Whistler just seemed amused. "If I leave, the city will-"
"Be fine for a little while; I'm not sayin' you need to leave forever, big man. You've got people who can help out while you're gone, and I think a new locale will do ya good! When was the last time you even tried to go beyond the city? I'm assumin' wh-"
"Say their names and I'll rip your throat out." The snarl Angel let out just about echoed around the hotel, and Whistler took a step back with a slightly soft expression. "I am the Master of this city, I don't just leave."
"Sunnydale is two hours away, and if ya want, I'll see to gettin' a good portal installed so you can zip over anytime." Angel's glare deepened as Whistler held his gaze with the vampire, clearly more and more disgruntled with this stranger. "I was hopin' to save this card, but there is one other thing Sunnydale has for ya, if you go."
"A chance to see some old friends again." Angel raised an eyebrow as his anger changed to suspicion, Whistler giving the first serious look since his arrival. "Can't say much else, but it'll be worth it."
"...I'll check things out, no promises I'll stay and help." Angel isn't sure why the words that came out of his mouth were so far removed from what he wanted to say, but they felt almost...right.
They ring in the back of his mind as Angel gathers the leaders of various demon clans for a meeting, stating he will be gone for a short time, and that he wasn't leaving his city for good. There is some apprehension as the leaders talk amongst themselves, but ultimately, their trust and loyalty in the vampire who had run L.A. and kept it safe for both human and demonkind the best could won out. No one was going to be stupid enough to try and challenge his claim, stories of the last poor idiots who had tried five years ago still circulating to tourists who come to L.A. with stupid dreams.
They always end up leaving, no one stupid enough to try and mess with Angelus.
Angel finally heads to Sunnydale a week after the new Slayer arrives, nearly calling the entire thing off when the familiar prickle of family travels up his spine.
Even b e t t e r
It does help to see the home these Powers had gotten him, a mansion overlooking the town in relatively good condition, as he pulls into the driveway and parks by the house. He doesn't linger long before heading into Sunnydale to scope the place out; Angel is surprised to see so many graveyards for a relatively small amount of residents.
Hellmouths were weird.
Angel is very impressed by the sewer system that wound under what had to be most of the town. He maps out a good chunk before he stumbles across a section that leads toward what had to be the Aurelian court, wisely retreating for what little of the evening was left.
Hm, what a strange town.
Angel meets the Slayer quite by accident, and to say it was awkward is an understatement. He had saved a young man from becoming bait for the Slayer, escorting the annoying kid who wouldn't stop talking despite trying to sneak away to a nearby hatch when a blonde woman and brown-haired man ran right into them.
"Jesse! You're alive!" The man gapes as the teen behind Angel runs around him, tackling the other teen in a tight hug.
"Barely man! H-Holy shit, we need to get out of here before more of those vampire freaks show up!"
"You mean like the one with you?" The Slayer moves faster than Angel can open his mouth, slamming him against a wall with a strake pressing right over his heart.
"Wait, he saved me!" The kid, Jesse he thinks, sprints over with a panicked look on his face, the Slayer raising an eyebrow. "The dude saved me before I became bait, please don't kill him!"
"I'll have to save all three of you if you don't go now, scouts are already honing in on all the yelling, and they don't like you or me." Angel cursed as he looked back the way he'd come. "Take your friends and go; you've got a minute, maybe less."
"Come on Buffy, let's bail." The other teen urged, and Angel let out an unnecessary breath when the stake was pulled away.
"Follow us, and you're dust."
"Believe me, Slayer, I've no such desire." With a hum of his preternatural speed, he's gone before she can turn back to say something in response, making sure the three humans escaped into the sunlight before making his own way out of harm's way. Angel hadn't come across too many Slayers in his time, but he was sure none of them had dressed like they were ready to hit the runway, a chuckle escaping his lips as he emerged near his temporary home. While she may have been able to run, Angel knew the Slayer would be back in the fray that evening, hoping she and her Watcher had figured out what the Harvest meant.
The idiot kid he'd saved earlier was with the Slayer and her Watcher when the Master made his move via a proxy, along with the other male from before and a redhead who nearly screamed when Angel emerged from the shadows just out of staking range.
"Hey hey, it's the guy!" The teen he rescued grinned, and the Watcher raised his weapon as the Slayer did the same. "Are you going to help us?"
"Depends on the Slayer." He can hear faint chanting from inside the bar they stood outside of, the blonde crossing her arms after a moment.
"My name is Buffy, and if you're here to help, I'll take it." It was all Angel needed, giving a sharp nod before motioning to the bar.
"Let's get to work, they're about to start feeding."
Buffy was young, but what she lacked in precision, she made up for in ingenuity at using the environment to her advantage as she took out vampires left and right. Angel spent more time making sure her friends and civilians didn't end up as snack food, striking one vampire who had cornered a terrified woman near one of the exits.
"Oh thank you thank you!" The battle that was petering out behind Angel faded away as he stared at the woman who was hugging him tight, the stake in his hand falling to the floor with a clatter. "I thought I was going to die."
"I-" Words are stuck in his throat when she pulls back, a familiar face framed by long brunette hair giving the vampire a smile before she fully pulls back, running for the door to get away from the fighting. Every part of him is screaming to go after her, to see this woman again and dare to touch her, but Buffy needs his help, so he helps make sure every vampire is dead as she fights the leader.
Angel is gone after Buffy defeats the Master's Vessel, leaving the small group confused yet grateful for his aid. It took him a very long time to fall asleep that day, and memories he'd carefully blocked from his mind flooded his subconscious.
"Judy, if I find my Daemon Rituale Romanum Tome on the roof again, I'm going to curse every dress you own!"
"You'd never do that, you like me too much!" Angel smiles as he descends the stairs just after dusk, watching two bickering humans pacing around an expansive lobby of the hotel they all owned.
"This book is incredibly fragile and costs more than all those shampoos you like to collect." Denver Rickopache scoffed, adjusting his glasses as he cradled the book like a newborn babe.
"It's a book, and I did have it under the umbrella you know." Judy Kovacs rolled her eyes, feathered brown hair bouncing as she crossed her arms with a smile. "Happy?"
"This time," Denver grumbled, eyes flickering up to catch sight of Angel grinning at the pair of them. "What?"
"Nothing, just enjoying my morning drama." The vampire chuckled as he finally headed over to the duo, one arm open so Judy could hug his side. "Morning."
"Morning, we got some fresh O-positive in the fridge for you, and drink up because you're going to need it!"
"What's on the agenda for today?" Angel listened to Denver recite what they knew about their latest case, grabbing eggs and bacon to cook while nursing his blood. It had taken the two of them three years, but Angel had grown to enjoy food again alongside his blood, rolling his eyes when Denver stole a slice of bacon. Judy was at least nice enough to add a second plate beside his with a smile, getting some extra eggs he always added for her to enjoy no matter the time of day.
"So, what do you think? Easy case or what?" Angel smiled as they all settled around the kitchen table, sipping his blood with a shrug.
"Sounds like it to me."
Judy is smiling at him when Angel awakens that night, and for the first time in years, he weeps.
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
So I've recently made a new AO3 account (completely separate from my main one, different email and everything lmao) bc I want to start writing porn, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use some of your asks as like, prompts or ideas? Especially ones that were my own (this is PP!Tim Anon btw, and I've sent in. A lot of asks without signing them off as that, like I could make an entire list and it would probably hit double digits of which asks you've gotten that were mine lmao)!! I would ofc credit you and your blog! I don't know how to imbed links to the individual asks (I'll still try but I can't promise anything lmao), but I'll at least mention your Tumblr name and AO3 account!
I really wanna try my hand at some random, filthy oneshots without a bunch of world building or context, bc that's something I tend to get hung up on in my writing, and I wanna stick to some short and sweet smut oneshots about Tim being a pregnant, underage nympho slut, or a puppy factory, or a cocksleeve for the rogues of Gotham and their goons, all that good stuff!!
On that thought tho, do you have any pieces of advice for like, consistent writing, or motivation to write? Bc that's my biggest struggle tbh is sitting down to start writing. Usually once I start I can churn out a couple thousand words in one sitting, but I gotta start first, ya know? Any words of wisdom would mean a lot ❤️❤️❤️
answered out of order:
yes of course❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't believe how happy that makes me to hear!!!! so many of the asks i get sent are just so brilliant and well done and it would make me so beyond happy to know people started writing or got inspired to write out their ideas!!! and i'm sure that people who submitted other posts you get inspiration from would love to see others expand further on their asks ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!
one shots are a really great way to really get back into a sort of groove of writing because it can be shorter, the plot may be not as dense or complex as something from a multichap (though you can also write VERY long one shots that are incredibly detailed too), and it can be mainly composed of "fun" writing in the sense that you don't have to do buildup for bigger things like you would in longer multichaps or those that are heavily plot driven. i totally get struggling to get motivation to write, for me it was always like i had to wait for my brain to be turned "on" or in a working mode for me to get any writing for my fics done which meant it usually only happened when i was studying for exams or doing projects for school. however for me that meant when i was in the 'off season' like breaks from school it meant that even though i had time, i no longer had motivation to write. that's something i'm still working to break myself out of and i think one think that is pretty effective is thinking of a scene or piece of dialogue i'm excited to write and look forward to getting to so it motivates to write to reach it. that works sometimes, other times i think of a reward i'll get myself once i finally finish. something like candy or some snack or food i don't often get or go out of my way to get. and another thing that works for me sometimes is basically planning the fic, for a short one shot the major bullet points of what happen would be a short list and so it would pretty much trick your brain into thinking 'wow a short task list i can do all of these pretty quickly/complete them without too much hassel or procrastination!'.
ultimately i think writing one shots takes a lot of pressure off since as a single chapter there's basically no further commitment needed like it would during a multi chapter fic which can be very relieving for people who get easily stressed or pressured by commitments with no hard deadline.
im very happy to hear you'll be expanding on your tim ideas and look forward to them!!!!!! also if you need any help with embedding on aow the reference collection on ao3 is really helpful and its where i learned to embed links with this tutorial ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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