#if you've got more questions or want me to go into something in more detail please say so!
throughalleternity · 1 year
Hi, Im the anon who asked about you using T. I just want to know which emotional and physical changes you went through and when they started. Also, I read often that going on T prevented people from crying as easily as before, one even said that he hasnt cried in 2 years(!), which honestly for me, who is quite an easy crier, and who doesnt believe that men who cry/show emotion are not masculine enough/unamanly, its quite horrifying to hear. So what is your experience with showing emotions/crying before and after T? And how has your partner shown their support? Or have you met them after being an extended amount of time on T?
Physical changes have been pretty much what one would expect I think: lower voice, more and thicker facial/body hair (maybe less than expected?), different body odor, rougher/oilier skin, fat redistribution, more vascularity, bottom growth, more muscle, male hairline, have just starting to treat male pattern hair loss... I'm probably missing some but those are what come to mind. I didn't track them as they happened, unfortunately, but I think they generally happened over the first year/couple years. I know that body fat redistribution wasn't something I noticed until at least a year in, and it probably continued to happen for a while. I lost fat off my face faster though, I think. Voice drop happened slowly over several months.
Emotional changes are harder to isolate since I was already dealing with a lot of stuff when I started T and that might have overshadowed any emotional changes. T and the changes made me less depressed, so I just generally felt better? I don't really remember anything else sticking out - I certainly didn't feel angrier or less emotional.
I can cry pretty easily, and I've cried easier since starting T! But again, kinda hard to isolate from everything else that has happened. The other thing is like. Time and getting older has played a role; I've learned more about my emotions and experienced things that cause new/stronger emotions, and that also makes it easier for me to be emotional. So it's definitely not just T - and even if you were to feel weaker emotions on T, I don't think that's how it always has to be. There are ways to get more in touch with your own emotions and things that will happen in your life that can do the same.
And lol I am single! And yeah, previous partners haven't really needed to be involved, so I don't have personal experience with that.
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reikoknshii · 6 months
Perhaps...a Date?
Francis Mosses - Milkman
Its been weeks you've been working for the D.D.D. , you stayed in your work station and do the usual works.
However, those days passed, you got yourself a motivation whenever he check in. Who? The famous milkman of town, Francis Mosses.
What makes him special? Was it his tired eyes? His soft and deep voice whenever he greeted you for checking in? You have no idea..
All you know you were smitten for the exhausted milk delivery man, and you can tell if he is the real one or not. Though there are times you almost let in the doppelganger because on how they almost perfect their form of Francis, either way you never let it in or else you'll be in trouble for cause of death of the apartment residents.
This day he's one of the listed entry resident, perhaps you can have a longer conversation with him?
You inhaled and exhaled as you open the metal window to start your work.
Elenois and her Twin Selene..
Where is Francis?
You grew impatient after checking in four people and making sure they're not a doppelganger. Atlas Francis arrived, Tired as usual as he shows his entry request.
' Perhaps he's a doppelganger? '
You tapped on the window trying get his attention , when he noticed you questioned where is his Id.
"My Id? My apologies, i forgot to show my Id" He said softly and audible for us to hear from the other glass side of the window.
' looks like everything is in check..wait hold on a minute '
You decide to double check his appearance and his ID, soon enough checking his files and you found the false thing about him.
"I don't remember Francis having a Mole"
"FUCK!" Cursed the doppelganger as he grew angry. This isn't the first time they would be angry, they almost got it perfect but fail because of a small detail.
"I didn't take that into account.
You're not easy to fool.
That makes me want to devour you even more." You shivered as they banged on the protected glass window , you immediately closed the metal cover.
"Can I visit you at night while you sleep? " the doppelganger said from the other side as they continue to hit on the metal cover.
"Yeah no thanks pal, I'd let francis in but not you" you jokingly said and dialed the D.D.D. services.
"Oh? Looks like the stationed guard is hoping for a mutual feeling, ill get you next time.." You immediately regret saying that, especially to a doppelganger, Knowing full well they would use the information they know against you.
You heard the D.D.D. services arrived and waited for it to finish. Soon the cleaning services opened the metal door telling you the 'operation cleaning is done and you may resume your work.'
You felt like a stupid hopeless romantic, now the doppelganger knew you're into Francis and would take that into their account to try getting in.
Soon enough, the real Francis arrived.
He showed both of his ID and Entry request.
ID and expiration date? Good.
Entry Request? Seem Accurate enough.
Appearance? perfect.
Your hands shakes as you checked the list as Francis waited for you to speak.
"Is it all good?" He asked with his usual tired voice as you nodded your head and waited for you to open the door.
"I-" you stammer wanting to say something as Francis stared at you.
"...i-i well..." You started as you scratch the back of your head. "P-perhaps a date ? Only if you're available" you asked as Francis tired eyes widen abit from your offer.
"..That wouldn't be bad, tomorrow sounds good?" He asked with a slight smile , making your face go red from the overwhelming joy and excitement.
"Y-yes! Please!" You blurt out and realized you look so eager in front of him.
"Alright, mind opening the door for me now?" Francis asked as he carried his ID and work bag , You covered your face embarrassed on how you react to his answer and opened the metal door for him.
"See you Y/n "
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crashandlivewrites · 9 months
Spread Your Wings- Part 1
This came from some very, very horny brainrot from a porn star by the name of Manuel Ferrara and got me thinking. And writing.
Pairing: PornStar!John Price x PornStar!fem!reader
Summary: Porn wasn't your ideal career choice, but here you were. Your manager has just contacted you saying a veteran of the field has requested to work with you as he winds down his career. The only issue? You've definitely gotten yourself off to him multiple times, leaving your professionalism in question. And John, well, John's not helping the situaiton with how he treats you.
CW: MDNI 18+ content, NSFW, porn industry inaccuracies, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), fantasy relationship, John being an absolute munch (duh), consent and check ins (because John is responsible in every universe)
Word Count: 4.9k
Part 2 >
Read on Ao3
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It wasn’t your first career choice, nor your second, third, or fourth. In fact, if you were honest with yourself, it was never even a thought. Yet here you were, several performances into your adult entertainment career and on a steady rise with a decent paycheque along with it. But you were yet to experience a big break, one that would just allow you to feel a little more settled, give you the standing to be pickier with the roles you selected to film. And you had feeling that this next one was going to be that breakthrough. 
Holding your phone in your hand, you read and re-read the message from your manager that he’d sent you earlier in the day. 
Got a personal request to film with you. John Price. Details listed below. 
John Price. John fucking Price. That man practically owned the porn industry. One of the most popular male actors for almost the past couple of decades. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t done a deep dive or two into his repertoire of videos on long, lonely nights with a bottle of wine and some toys to accompany you. Porn was one thing. John Price porn was another. He was older, hot, and had thick, veiny, mouthwatering cock that made you squeeze your thighs together every time you saw it. But that wasn’t what had drawn you back to his videos time and time again. It was the way he seemed almost… tender. Rough, to be sure. But also, sweet.
 And he wanted to film with you. You. He had only released a few videos in the past year, slowly winding down his career to instead focus on his hobbies and other interests. Or at least that’s what his team had told the media. 
The document your manager had attached to the text was a simple call sheet with the basic run down of the shoot. It was nothing you hadn’t done before. In fact, it seemed vanilla in comparison to most porn, but that’s what John Price was known for. Soft sex. Romantic sex. Pussy pleasing— if you wanted to be a little crass, but that was the reason he was a massive hit with the audience. You’d also heard from other co-stars that he was incredible to work with. Charming, attentive, and made sure his partners always felt comfortable. 
And he requested you? 
That was the part that stunned you the most. You stared at the two names on the call sheet, his name directly next to yours under the subheading ‘cast’. You blinked, wondering if you’d imagined it. But your name remained, and you were meeting with him in— you glanced at the time and swore. Less than an hour before you had to be on site and the drive took a good twenty minutes on a good day. 
Hopping into the shower, you knew you’d have time to prep on site, but there was something in you that wanted to make a good impression on your costar, craved making a good impression to someone as decorated and well-respected as John Price in the industry. 
As your manager was walking with you to the meeting room, you realised you’d never actually met John Price before. Sure, you’d seen him around at a few work events, but he was a rare sight at social gatherings these days. You could feel the nerves bubbling underneath your skin as your manager scrolled on his phone, muttering comments under his breath as he went. 
“Pretty much one of his last videos. Or at least that’s what his manager said. I’m honestly surprised he chose you over someone more well known, but it’s great for your career.” The subtle dig wasn’t missed on you, but there was some truth to your manager’s words, and you’d been thinking the exact same. Why had he chosen to work with you, someone practically unknown to him? Maybe it was a question you’d never have an answer to as you stopped outside of the door, fixing your hair unconsciously before pushing the door open. 
He was already in the room, sitting next to his own manager, Kate if you remembered correctly, with the director at the head of the table. Smiling at the group, you ducked your head and mumbled a couple of apologies about being late as you hurried to your seat, directly across from him. There was a general murmur from the room acknowledging your apologies before returning to their conversations. You swallowed thickly as you raised your head, meeting his deep blue eyes as he stared at you, the corners crinkled as a wide smile stretched over his face, a smile, it seemed, that was just for you.
“Hey sweetheart, lovely to meet you. I’m John.” He spoke lowly, quietly, as though to the of you were sharing a secret. His voice was rough but soothing, exactly like it had been in all the videos you’d watched of him. Crossing your legs, you held out your hand to shake his with your own shy grin as you introduced yourself. 
“It’s an honour to be working with you, John.” It wasn’t a lie. You had a lot to gain from working with him. Just having your name on the call sheet was enough to open doors for you. The director was Nikolai, who you’d never worked with before, but you knew he was a good friend of John’s. He also shook your hand before getting the meeting underway, outlying the expectations, and going over the general script. There wasn’t much to the story, like most of John’s scenes, but you weren’t complaining. Little story meant less lines to remember and John tended to improv. Next was an overall brief of safety, a rundown of yours and John’s likes and dislikes during scenes before everything started to wrap up.
 Once signing the consent forms, your manager stood up, nodding to you as he collected the form along with Kate and Nikolai. 
“I’ll leave you two to it.” He spoke. Your brows furrowed, feeling your heart race as you glanced over at John who shot you a warm smile.  
“John prefers to talk to his scene partners one on one beforehand.” Kate explained, patting her colleague on the shoulder. “Something he’s always done. Allows you to get to know each other a little better.” 
“Oh.” Your voice was small, but you nodded as the trio left the room, leaving you alone with someone you’ve gotten off to before. 
“I know it’s a little unconventional, but I feel like it smooths things out for the scene.” He explains gently, pouring two glasses of water and passing one to you. “I’ve seen your work. You’re good. I liked the one you did with Johnny.” People often think that working in adult entertainment rids you of awkward modesty, but here you were, face heating and glancing away from the older man as he fully admitted to watching your scenes and was complimenting you on your performance.
Your scene with Johnny had been enjoyable, which had been a rare occurrence in your experience in the field. It was a job after all, not filled with screaming pleasure like scenes often displayed. But Johnny had made it easy, fun. Kept the mood lighthearted during the retakes and scene cuts. 
“It’s probably been one of my favourites to date. Johnny was good to work with. I know you’ve worked with him before.” John nodded. 
“A couple of times for threesomes and gang bangs when he was first starting out. But I stopped doing group scenes once he got on his feet. Wasn’t really my thing.” He shrugged, eyes carefully watching you even as he lifted the glass to his mouth. You hummed, pursing your lips, and interlocking your fingers. Letting out a huff, John placed the glass down and reached out, resting one of his large hands over yours, thumb caressing your knuckles. 
“You’re okay, sweetheart. I know the reputation my name can bring but I assure you, anything you’re not comfortable with, it’s off the table.” Your shoulders relaxed as your head lifted, a genuine smile on your face. 
“Thanks, John. I just… you’re very seasoned in the field.” You winced at the word choice, but he chuckled, standing up to walk around the table and take a seat next to you. 
“With my expertise comes the ability to adjust things to my liking. It’s why I work with Nikolai. He knows how I work, lets me run the show really and works his mastery by getting the angles that make me look mildly flattering.” 
“You’re flattering from all angles, John.” At the compliment, he raised his brow, eyes trailing down your body for a moment before snapping back up to yours. 
“Seen my work, have you?” He teased, the smile turning cocky as he leaned back in his chair, rested his cheek on his fist. You shot him a look of your own, which answered everything. “So, you know how I tend to conduct my scenes?” 
“You like to please your viewers.” You answered confidently (answering questions about your scene partners sex scenes is something both normal to want and possible to do, right? You might even get a good grade.) “Your tendency to lean towards softer sex brings in a more female-dominant audience.” The smile reaches his eyes, lighting them up in a way you found particularly charming. 
“I like to please pussy. An important distinction.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “It’s why I became more selective about my scene partners.” 
You were thankful your legs were already crossed over, covering the urge to squeeze your thighs together at the lowering of his tone. A question nagged in the back of your mind. Why you? But you weren’t confident enough to ask it.
“How do you want the scene to run?” You asked instead, turning the conversation back a little more professional. John shrugged. 
“I like to let things flow semi-naturally. Enjoy a lot of sensual touching and kissing. I’m getting older so I don’t enjoy the rough and fast constant fucking like I used to. Also, a lot harder to keep it going for that long.” He glanced over at you out of the corner of his eye. “Besides, I find my scene partner enjoys it more when there’s a lot more sensual physical contact involved.”
“And how would you know that?” Your voice was coyer than you felt, leaning towards him as you placed your elbow on the arm rest. His head tilted the expression on his face overwhelmingly cocky as he snorted. 
His voice lowered to a velvety purr. I’ve become good at reading people, sweetheart. I can tell the difference when people fake feeling good, and who’s actually into it. If I’m going to spend my time coming into a studio, I want to enjoy the day’s work, and for my partner to as well.” 
The hairs on your arms stood on end as his voice lowered, his eyes boring into yours as he waited patiently for you to respond. Running your tongue along the line of your teeth, you processed his words. 
“How do you know that we’ll work out, though? We’ve never worked together before. Wouldn’t it be easier doing a scene like this with someone you’re more comfortable with?” 
“Sweetheart,” John shuffled forward on the chair, placing a reassuring hand on your thigh, thumb tracing over the inside of your knee. “I’ve watched your work; seen what scenes you feel more comfortable with. Had Kate speak to your manager too, to get an idea of what your preferences were. I think we’ll work out fine.” 
“You asked about me?” Your eyes were fixed on where his hand rested, looking at the thickness of his fingers and swallowing. 
“I like to know who I’m working with. But I also had to listen to Johnny talk about you for hours after his scene. Thought I should take the buck down a peg and show him how a real veteran pleases a lady.” His breathing was levelled and composed, the complete opposite to yours, allowing him to hear exactly how much he was affecting you. You swallowed thickly as you tried to keep some semblance of professionalism while his thumb rubbed slow circles into your thigh, and you began to worry about the state of your panties.
“It’s porn, John.” You whispered, eyes blinking rapidly as you tried to surreptitiously shift in your seat. “It’s acting, it’s a job.” 
“Doesn’t have to be, sweets. Who says you can’t enjoy your work? Especially when you’re good at it, huh?” His smile broadened as he lifted his free hand to smooth over the bristles of his thick beard. Squeezing your thigh one last time before standing up, cupping your chin to ensure your head follows his movements. 
“You can back out at any time. Just say the word. But until then, I’ll see you in 30 on set, yeah? You’ll find your uniform in your change-room.” Two fingers tapped your cheek before he stepped out of the room, leaving you alone, hot, and bothered. Thank fuck for the change of clothes. Hopefully you wouldn’t soak through these panties as well, but after all, it is porn.
Taking a bit of time to freshen yourself up, you stood, staring down at the so-called ‘uniform’ John had told you about. A thin satin slip nightdress with some lacy white underwear, bra foregone. You couldn’t help but feel your heart in your throat at the thought of John specifically picking out the piece with you in mind. Surely, he’d done this with all of his costars. 
As you thought back to each of his videos, trying to recall what each of them had been wearing, unwarranted jealousy filled your head instead and you squeezed your eyes tight. He was a costar. Nothing more. This was his job. He was many years your senior. It was silly, childish, and petty to get jealous over the other people he’d slept with, especially professionally. But he’d chosen you to film with, and that stirred some primal, possessive part of you, and you slid the silk over you, wondering how thick fingers might rip it off.
A knock at the door pulled you out of your head, snapping you into gear as you changed. Pulling it open, you saw Kate standing there waiting. Her gaze remained professional as she admired the dress. 
“It suits you well. John’s always had a good eye for things like that. Come, let’s head to set.” Walking at a steady pace, you kept the conversation flowing. 
“Does John usually do things like this?” You pointed down at the dress, trying to keep your tone neutral. Kate laughed lightly, shaking her head. 
“Not always. Usually only with his favourites.” She gazed at you out of the corner of her eye. “But he’s so winding down on his career, so maybe he’s just in a generous mood.” There was something in her tone that left you feeling slightly baffled, no closer to understanding the reason why he’d picked this out for you. 
Stepping into the studio, the first person you noticed was John, dressed in a button-down shirt with fitted slacks. He whistled lowly, eyes unabashedly roaming over your figure. 
“Look at you. Knew that colour would suit you well. Come. The sooner we get started, the sooner we can enjoy ourselves, yeah?” He held out a hand, motioning towards the set.
“You didn’t have to.” You breathed, glancing down at the dress. “But I really appreciate the gesture. Almost makes me feel bad for not getting anything for you.” Taking his hand, he leads you towards the bedroom set, where you were playing his partner in an established relationship, waiting for him to come home late from work. 
“The gift is working with you, sweets, and looking so perfect in that dress.” His stare was a little hungrier this time, raking over your body. Squeezing your hand, he stepped back behind the camera as Nikolai motioned for the scene to begin.
As you stood leaning over the kitchen bench, you hear John step onto the set, placing down the empty prop briefcase as he sighed heavily. 
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m home.” A hand clasped over your hip as he pulled you towards him, burying his face in your neck. Reaching up, you cupped the back of his head, humming softly as you tilted your pelvis back against his. His fingers dug into your hip firmly, a deep rumble in his throat probably not audible enough to be picked up by the microphone. 
“Welcome home, honey. Did you have a good day? 
“Better now that I’m here.” He replied almost instantly, body hands now cupping your body, breath heavy on your skin as he trailed his fingers up and down the lines of your body. “Especially when my wife is lookin’ so pretty in what I bought her.” 
His… wife? That hadn’t been specified in the script. Sure, it said an established relationship, but there was something that stirred inside you at the sound of that word coming from his mouth in reference to you. And so, you played along. 
“Gotta make sure I look pretty for my husband, don’t I?” You purred, turning your head to his as you grinned, pressing your lips to his temple, nails dragging over his scalp. 
“Always look pretty, lovey. Pretty for me, hmm?” God he really was good at making his costars feel wanted, pinging the right receptors in your brain that craved this for real. You moaned prettily, arching your back for both John and the camera as his hands slid up your front, thick fingers ghosting teasingly over your breasts as he mouthed at your neck. Whimpering, you placed one hand over his, trying to urge his hand down, but he tittered in your ear. 
“So desperate, aren’t you? Don’t worry, you’ll get what you want. Just let me play with you first, yeah?” You nodded at him as you glanced over your shoulder. There was no way you were going to say no, not with the way his large hands were running over your body, tugging the pathetic excuse for clothing as he went. Your lashes fluttered as his lips sealed over your neck, sucking softly as he ground his erection into your ass. 
God he was already hard. The voice of reason in the back of your head told you he’d most likely taken viagra like a lot of the men did to keep it up for so long, but the fantasy you were playing through your head liked to think it was all you. Letting out another low growl, John bared his teeth, biting into your neck before sucking soothingly. 
“No marking!” You heard your manager exclaim in the background, before being hushed by Nikolai. 
“Don’t interrupt. He knows what he’s doing.”
As if to spite your manager further, John swept your hair away, latching onto the other side of your neck, drawing out a soft moan as you clung to his short hair, encouraging him further. 
“Yes! Please! Mark me as yours.” John presses his weight against you, causing you to fall forward onto your elbows on the bench. Hands cupped the globes of your ass roughly as he pressed a line of kisses down your exposed spine. 
“My pretty fuckin’ wife, aren’t ya?” His voice was thick with desire as his fingers teased the hem of your dress, scrunching it up until it lifted over your ass. John groaned as he revealed the swell of your cheeks, the thin straps of the white thong he’d bought barely covering anything. “Look at you. So fuckin’ pretty. Too fuckin’ pretty for me. Can’t believe you married me. I’m so lucky to have you, sweets. Perfect girl f’me ain’t cha?” 
Your head was spinning as the words of praise kept coming. Bent over the kitchen bench, ass on display for him, and held down by one of his strong arms made you feel incredibly vulnerable yet secure in a way you hadn’t felt filming before. 
“One leg up for me?” He tapped the outside of your thigh, and you hitched it up obediently, knee resting on the bench to expose yourself further to him. John let out a low breath as he sunk to his knees between your spread legs. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a camera following his movements and so, like you’d been taught, you clenched, causing your clothed cunt to throb for the camera. And for John. You heard him chuckle and glanced over your shoulder to see him staring up at you with a brow raised. 
“Cheeky thing.” 
His hands ran up the backs of your legs, causing you to shiver in anticipation. His breath was close to where you wanted him and you whined in response, tilting your hips back ever so slightly to display your soaked underwear better for the camera. At that movement, John clicked his tongue and slapped your ass. 
“This pussy’s mine, y’hear?” He growled almost possessively, fingers digging into the backs of your thighs, keeping your legs spread for him. “Look at you. So wet and eager for me, huh? Bought you these pretty knickers and you’ve already ruined them.” One finger gently traced along the length of your clothed slit, and you keened, trying to push your hips back to gain more friction, but his other arm wrapped around your hips, pinning them to the cold bench. 
“Don’t get greedy now, sweetheart. You’ll get what you want, just let me admire you first.” Already, your legs were trembling as his thumb brushed against your clit. Gasping a little excessively for the camera, you bit your lip, fingers pressing into the stone below you as you felt him lift up the soaked underwear and pull them to the side. 
“Oh love.” He cooed, blowing gently on your sensitive, exposed skin. “You’re so wet. Have I been neglecting my duties as your husband? Not been treatin’ my wife right and leaving her desperate and utterly drenched. You been wet and wanting all day, sweets?” Though you couldn’t see his face, you could hear the smirk in his voice, hear the cockiness as even he knew you were this wet for him naturally. 
Moaning in affirmation, you shook your ass in his face. “God please… need your mouth on me, sir. Need it so badly.” He chuckled, thumb returning to brush against your clit, this time with no fabric in the way. 
“Being so polite, love. You really do want it, huh? My mouth on your pretty pussy? Look at it. So swollen and needy.” Gritting your teeth in impatience, you glanced over your shoulder, meeting his cocky gaze as lips pulled into a smirk. 
“Please, I need your mouth on me. I’m so wet for you. Want your tongue in my cunt.” The smirk faded slightly from his face and his eyes narrowed as he stared up at you for a moment. One finger steadily tapped against your thigh as time seemed to ooze by. Gulping, your brows furrowed, unsure if you’d said something wrong, but then he winked and leaned forward, licking a fat stripe up your slit. 
Breath hitching at the sudden movement, a broken moan left your lips as your eyes fluttered closed. Your body clenched as your hips twitched, angling them slightly to follow John’s tongue. Chuckling darkly, John whispers into your cunt, your own ears barely able to pick up the words. 
“There’s the real you, sweetheart. Gimme more of that.”
The soft whimpering from your mouth just urged him on, his tongue licking broad strokes over your cunt before he slid his fingers between your labia, spreading them to flick the tip of his tongue delicately over your clit. Jumping at the direct stimulation, you tried to pull away from him, but his arm still held firm over your hips. 
“None of that now, love. You’ll take what I give you like my good little plaything, yeah?” 
“Oh fuck…” You whispered under your breath, eyes fluttering as you nodded. Taking that as permission, he dove back in, lavishing your cunt like he was starved. His tongue dragged up the length of your slit before plunging in to taste you deeply, thumb working over your clit. Then, he kissed his way down so his lips could replace his thumb, sealing themselves over the bundle of nerves, sucking and flicking it at the same time. 
The bristles of his facial hair burned the insides of your thighs pleasurably as he buried his face into your wet pussy, nose prodding your hole as his mouth continued to work you over. His hands ran up your legs, caressed the backs of your thighs, and over your ass to spread your cheeks wider, giving him more room to work with. 
“John… oh my god John please!” You buried your face into the crook of your elbow as you moaned pitifully, feeling a genuine orgasm rising much faster than you were expecting. 
“Lift your head up!” The sharp voice of your manager broke you out of the fantasy and propelled you back to the reality of the moment. You were at work, filming. This wasn’t for personal pleasure; it was meant to be marketable for audiences. Lifting your head up, you tipped it back slightly, putting on a face for the camera as you moaned, not that you needed to fake much with the way John was devouring you. 
Snarling at the interruption of your manager, John’s fingers dug tighter into the meat of your ass, tongue swirling around your clit in sharp circles as he groaned, the vibrations running through your body, causing you to press your hips back onto his face.  A guttural noise rumbled in his chest as you did so, and he pulled away. John was panting heavily as he stared at you swollen, wet cunt, eagerly twitching and throbbing for more. 
“You have no idea how fucking good you taste, do you love?” His voice was gruff, lustful as he ran two fingers through your folds once more, spreading them to reveal your cunt so he could spit, and then plunge two fingers into you. Almost immediately, he hooked them expertly, just right to press insistently against that spongy spot inside you as he trailed soft kisses along your inner thighs. His beard was soaked with your juices, leaving the feeling of sticky wetness behind as he returned to your clit. 
Sucking in air, you felt your body beginning to slide over the smooth surface of the bench as your body temperature rose. John’s mouth returned to your sex, teeth gently grazing over the hood of your clit before pressing his tongue against you and sucking. Letting out a high-pitched wail, you felt yourself clenching around his fingers, hips bucking into his mouth as he continued to pleasure you. Unable to find purchase on anything stable, you gripped your own hair, throwing your head back as you moaned loudly, feeling your inevitable climax approaching. 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t orgasmed at work before, but it wasn’t common. And when it had happened, it certainly wasn’t this intense. Heart beating rapidly and your breathing quickened as the tandem effort of his fingers and mouth brought you closer. John could tell too, with the way he kept the same rhythm of his fingers and mouth, letting out muffled groans when he felt your pussy squeeze around his digits. You felt your entire body clenching before spasming, your orgasm rushing through your body as you twitched and jerked uncontrollably. 
“Fuck John… fuck!” You moaned lewdly, remembering to at least roll your eyes back excessively for the sake of the camera, when all you wanted to do was bury your face into your arm as your body shook from the intensity of your climax. 
John had pulled his mouth back, working you through your release with his fingers inside you and his thumb on your clit. Your juices dribbled down his arm and between your legs, puddling on the floor below you as he crooned. 
“Oh, fuck look at you. Fuckin’ squirting for me ‘n all. Good fucking girl. Good fucking girl! Knew you could do it. You’re so fucking hot, love. Wish I coulda seen that pretty face as you came like that.” He pressed soft kisses to your thigh between his sweet, vulgar words, fingers slapping gently over your clit to extend your orgasm for as long as possible before you jerked, the overstimulation settling in. 
Withdrawing and rising to his full height, John flipped you around effortlessly, so you were on your back and tugged you close. He wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled your body up by the back of your neck so he could seal his mouth over yours. Trying to fight the urge to simply go limp, you gripped onto his thick arms, but you could feel yourself sagging. Noticing, John pulled back, resting his forehead on yours. 
“Need a break, sweets?” He whispered, his voice earnest, and you knew he was looking out for you. His grip tightened around you, making sure he was holding you steady as you made up your mind. 
“I think so.” You nodded, sucking in breaths to try and calm your racing heart. “Haven’t cum that hard in a while, sir. I think I’ll need a breather.” He hummed, pressing a reassuring kiss to your cheek before signalling Nikolai over your shoulder. You heard the director yell to cut as John ran his fingers down your arms soothingly. 
“Tell me what you need.”
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barcaatthemoon · 12 days
better off alone || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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the team finds out that your foster parents left.
you were dead meat. jona wasn't there to vouch for you anymore. this season was sure to be your last. barcelona was on the verge of being done with you, and you weren't ready to go somewhere else and start over. having someone there to take care of you in a new city would be easier than your current situation, but you felt like you had found a family in your barcelona teammates.
they cared about you more than anybody else had. you had been bounced around foster homes and care facilities your entire life. this family wasn't good by any means, they had left you all alone after all, but your teammates more than made up for it. you had finally started to feel like a real person, and it was going to be yanked away from you in a matter of moments.
"where the hell have you been? you do know that we have a game later today, yes?" alexia grabbed onto your arm and dragged you inside. you stumbled a little trying to keep up with her. you were nearly an hour late for the pre-game training, but arrived just in time for the team meeting and the warm ups.
"sorry i was late, i tried to get here as fast as i could," you told her. it was the truth, and alexia was mad enough about you being late that she wouldn't pry. that was something you liked about dealing with alexia, her anger often clouded her judgement enough to never look too closely at the small details. she was easy to lie to because she'd generally accept the first excuse you threw her way.
"just go to the locker room, i'm going to talk to your parents," alexia told you. you wordlessly walked to the locker room and changed into your practice kit. you took the first open seat you saw, which was next to irene near the middle. everybody else was filing in as well, so you didn't draw too much attention.
"we missed you this morning," irene said calmly as she put her arm around your shoulders. you instinctively curled into her side. she didn't know the specifics of what you went through at home, but she always made sure to take care of you when she could. most of the team knew how close you were, but only alexia had an issue with it. she believed that irene babied you too much and that's why you were so "irresponsible" in alexia's eyes.
"sorry, i didn't have a ride here," you told her. you always told irene more than you'd ever tell alexia or the other captains. marta was torn between being tough on you like what alexia wanted and caring for you like irene did. you liked her well enough, but you didn't really talk with her much. patri, however, she was the one who you truly avoided whenever you were in a troubling situation. she took alexia's words to heart, and the two of you often butted heads.
"where are your parents?" irene asked.
"it's a long story," you mumbled. irene didn't like that answer and was about to press for more when alexia burst through the doors echoing the same question.
"(y/n), where are your parents!" you winced at the sound of alexia's voice and all of the eyes turning towards the two of you. you tried to turn into irene, but she wouldn't let you. with everybody staring at you and your secret on the verge of being put out into the world, you did what you knew how to do and bolted.
nobody made a move to catch you as they assumed you'd run towards hte exit alexia was blocking. that was how you made your escape, going the long way and making it all the way out of the stadium from the back. you ran until your lungs were burning, and then you ran just a bit further knowing that nobody was going to just leave and chase after you until after the game. you may never get another chance to play for barcelona, but you were on the way out anyway.
"you've got a lot of people scared right now. i know that you're probably also very scared right now, but i need you to come back with me please." of all the people you had expected to find you, olga wasn't very far up on the list. you knew alexia had to have asked her to look for you, but olga didn't know you well enough to know about your special spot.
"how did you find me?" you asked her as you stood up. you were a good few inches taller than the woman, always having been tall for your age. you seemed to still be growing, just half an inch shorter than fridolina.
"alexia gave me her phone, which has your phone's location. i don't know what use it is for her, she can't figure out how it works in the first place," olga laughed. you let her lead you back to the car without running away. "so, um, do you want to talk about what happened?"
"i was late for team stuff again, and it's not like they'll renew me. my contract has been up in the air for months now, and after this, i'm done for. maybe i can go somewhere else, but that's getting put in another home. i can't do that again, so i ran off hoping that nobody would find me," you rambled. olga took everything you were saying in, staying silent as she processed it.
"has anything happened at the home you're in now? alexia mentioned your parents a couple times, but not in a while," olga asked you. she looked like she was working through things in your head.
"they're gone, like for good. apparently, taking care of me wasn't worth the check. i've got too many obligations to keep up with," you repeated their words to olga, whose grip tightened on the steering wheel. the two of you ended up catching the last bit of the game, and olga brought you up to sit with alexia's family.
there were a lot of eyes on you, whispering going on around you because you weren't on the field. when the whistle blew for full time, you were brought down to the field. you tried to hide behind everybody around you, but it was no use. your practice kit stuck out in the sea of normal barcelona jerseys. it made it easy for your teammates to come and find you.
"ale, before you say anything to (y/n), we have to talk," olga said. you were grateful for the woman as your captain was led away. the other captains followed them at alexia's request, and you could see them talking to each other from the corner of your eye.
"don't be so scared of her. ale's not as scary as you think," alba said as she squeezed your hand. "just look at how olga bosses her around."
"they're going to fire me," you mumbled. there were tears in your eyes, ones that all of the people around you had been waiting for you to let go. it was obvious that you were terrified, and most of the people not on the team could see you for the scared little girl that you were.
"relax, go get yourself a drink and sit down," eli told you. her tone was gentle, yet commanding. there was no room for you to disobey the woman, so you grabbed the bottle with your name taped on it and sat down on the grass. nobody had approached you yet, even though you knew that your teammates had seen you. they were all waiting for one of your captains to go over there first.
instead of one of them, you got all of them. they stood around you in a circle, waiting patiently for you to acknowledge them. "i guess you know about my foster parents now."
"we do, and that's why we're giving you options. you can't live on your own, not this young. you are a part of this team, one of us, and we take care of our own. it's not permanent, but you will need to pick one of us to stay with for a couple of weeks while we talk to the club," alexia told you. you looked at the women standing before you.
"i don't understand. aren't you still mad at me for being late?" you asked her. alexia shook her head as she knelt in front of you.
"my anger has been misplaced, and i am sorry about that. i've been harsh on you, and i have been shown the error of my ways. for official purposes, you have to stay with one of us, but after that, other arrangements can be made," alexia promised you. you looked between all of them, overwhelmed with the option to choose.
"does this make me eligible for the norway camp?" you asked as you looked at the signatures on your adoption papers.
"what are you talking about? you're spanish," marta said as she ruffled your hair.
"actually, i'm not. they don't really know where i'm from, i just play in barcelona," you told her. marta's eyes widened as she raced out of the room to call alexia. you glanced at caro, who was trying to hold back a smile. "you aren't going to try and stop her?"
"oh please, we both know that you wouldn't play for another country. you're spanish in all the ways that count." she had a point, even if you'd never tell marta. you thought it was kind of funny watching her and alexia come up with more and more propaganda and bribes to keep you in a spanish kit. soon enough, they'd enlist the rest of your spanish teammates to the cause.
"yeah, but look at her. it's funny," you pointed out. the two of you walked out to the car, just in time to catch marta trying to plot something over the phone. you sat in the back of the car as they took you home, glad to finally have a permanent home with people willing to truly look after you. you weren't just a check to marta and caro, which was a welcome change.
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veritasangel · 30 days
Ft. simon x therapist!reader / ghoap x reader
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sum: simon becomes dangerously attached to his therapist & soap helps him keep you close.
contains: anypov, unhealthy boundaries, manipulative ghoap, obsessive behaviour
wc: 1.9k
a/n: this was a random last minute thought and i just decided to write it so yeah
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You've been Simon Riley's therapist for months. A man shrouded in darkness, his past being a labyrinth of pain and trauma that would have broken most people. You, however, were trained for this—prepared to navigate the intricacies of his mind. Though, you weren't prepared for how he would begin to infiltrate yours.
It started innocently enough. Simon, or Ghost—you weren't quite sure which side you knew—would linger a bit longer at the end of your sessions, his dark eyes searching yours as if trying to find something beyond appropriate concern.
His walls were high, but you could see the cracks forming. He'd mention tiny details, almost as if he wanted you to know him, to understand him beyond the professional façade.
"You're the only one who understands me," he would say, in a voice low and rumbling in a way that sent shivers down your spine. "You're too good for this job.".
At first, you dismissed it as progress. In therapy, trust was paramount, especially with someone like him. But then the compliments got personal.
"You look beautiful when you smile," he murmured one day, his gaze heavy with something you couldn't place.
It was a red flag, but you just ignored it. You had to be professional, after all. Though, it wasn't long before the boundaries began to blur. He'd ask questions about your life, your past, your thoughts. You tried to steer the conversation back to him, but it became increasingly hard, he was insistent.
Then, there was Soap—John MacTavish. He was different compared to Simon, open, more...human in a way. He'd pop in after sessions, light conversation, always keeping an eye on you. You thought at first it was just friendly discussion. Then you began to notice he would always manage to steer you into situations where you were alone with Simon, almost orchestrating your interactions.
One evening, after a very tough session with Simon, Soap invited you out for a drink. It seemed innocent enough—just a way to unwind—and since he wasn't your patient, you figured it would be alright. As the night wore on, though, you started to notice the way Soap's eyes flicked to the door every time someone came in, almost as if he was expecting someone.
Then, out of the blue, Simon appeared.
He slid into the booth beside you. His presence was overwhelming in the small space. Soap excused himself for a moment and you were alone with Simon inside this dimly lit bar. The atmosphere was charged. Air was heavy with unsaid tension.
Simon's eyes seemed to bore into yours as he slid into the booth, a suffocating presence. The closer he got, the greater the wave of heat that washed through you, yet it was not like any warmth that brings comfort. It was something else, something that made your heart race with anxiety and unease.
"Simon," you began, your voice just a shade unsteady, "I don't feel this is a good idea. We need to keep things professional between us."
But Simon didn't budge an inch, didn't even flinch. His gaze remained locked on yours—dark and inscrutable—the weight of his stare holding you in place. He leaned in just far enough that the warmth of his breath was felt against your skin.
"Why?" he asked, murmuring the word quietly. "We're only talking, aren't we?"
His voice was so calm, almost caressing, but with an undercurrent of tension that had you on edge. So very wrong, yet his very look, the way his presence seemed to envelop you, left no room for thinking straight.
You tried to pull away, slide out of the booth, but Simon's hand shot out, closing gently but firmly around your wrist. "Don't go," he sort of murmured, his thumb tracing slow, deliberate circles on your skin. "Just stay a little longer."
The pressure in his touch made you shiver; you were pinned by the intensity in his eyes. You knew you had to go, that staying would only blur the lines further, but something in his eyes, something raw and vulnerable, held you in place.
"I really should-" you began, standing up slightly, but Simon cut you off with his tightening grip, barely enough to keep you in place.
"Please," he whispered, his voice low and filled with some emotion you couldn't quite name. "You're the only one who understands. The only one who sees me for who I really am."
The vulnerability in the words, the near pleading in his voice, tugged at something deep within you. Against every alarm bell ringing in your head, you found your hesitation, your weakening resolve.
Then, as if on cue, Soap reappeared. His expression was casual, but his eyes were sharp as they caught the scene. He guided you back to the booth as he slid in beside you, effectively boxing you in between him and Simon. In any other case, his presence was supposed to be reassuring, but it felt like the walls closed in on you even more.
"You alright?" Soap asked, light, almost too casual. "Looked like you were about to leave."
You opened your mouth to reply, but Simon's grip on your wrist tightened again, not painfully, but enough to remind you that he was still there, still watching, still waiting.
"I'm fine," you managed to say, though your voice came out weaker than you intended. "I just—this isn't professional."
Soap locked gazes with Simon, something wordless passing between them that twisted your stomach. He leaned in, his elbows resting on the table, his eyes soft while looking at you.
His smile was surprisingly broad, but his eyes seemed sharp, cutting. "I understand where you're coming from," he said, his voice smooth, nearly soothing. "You've got your ethics, and I respect that. But sometimes, those rules can feel a bit… restrictive, don't you think?"
His words were so carefully chosen, designed to sound understanding, but there was something more, in a subtle manner, the pressure was there. The push to get you to question your own boundaries. His gaze never breaks; his eyes lock onto yours in a manner that is very hard to slip out of.
"You've done so much for Simon," Soap went on, his voice a degree softer now, as if he was sharing something deeply personal. "You've helped him in ways no one else could. We both know he's not an easy man to reach, but you did it. You got through to him."
Simon's grip on your wrist was unyielding, much like his presence— a subtle reminder of just how tangled in his life you were beginning to become. He said nothing at all, but the silence was loud enough, an unspoken agreement with everything Soap was saying, it felt almost rehearsed.
Soap leaned back a bit, just enough to give you room to feel like you weren't completely cornered but still close enough that it wasn't easy to slip away. "I've known him for years," he said, with a voice like brotherly affection that made it hard not to trust. "I've seen him at his worst, and believe me, you're the best thing that's happened to him in years.".
His words were honey: sweet, smooth. But there was a sharpness beneath, like an edge of metal that kept one on one's defence. "I get that you're trying to keep things professional," Soap continued, his tone almost regretful, as if apologising for what he was about to say. "But have you ever considered what pushing him away might do to him?
The implication set your heart sinking, the feeling of guilt already coiling around your chest like a tightening rope. Soap was making it sound as though stepping back, keeping that professional distance, would abandon Simon when he needed you most. It was an argument carefully crafted to strike at your empathy, your compassion—the very qualities which made you good at your job.
"You've already crossed lines to help him," Soap said, his voice lowering as if sharing a secret. "You've been nice to him, understanding. You've given him hope. And now he's holding onto that, to you. If you pull away now…" He trailed off, tilting his head, letting the silence fill in the gaps, letting you imagine the worst.
Simon's thumb brushed over your wrist, gentle, almost a comforting act, but all it did was remind you that he was there, still waiting for a decision. He'd said nothing, but the silence was loud.
Soap leaned in again, his voice barely above a whisper, but each word was crystal clear. "We're not asking for much," he said, almost pleadingly. "Just be there a little longer. Let him know you're not going anywhere. He needs that from you. He needs you."
The way Soap spoke, the way he phrased it, made it seem as though walking away would be cruel, heartless. As though you were the one with the power to either save or destroy Simon. The guilt gnawing at you, made it more and more difficult to think straight, to hold on to your own sense of what was right and wrong.
"And you're not alone in this," Soap added, his hand coming up to rest on your shoulder, the touch warm, grounding. "We're here for you too. Simon isn't the only one who values you, you know. We both do. We see how much you care, how much you're willing to do for others. That's admirable. But you don't have to do it all on your own."
His words started to envelop you like a warm blanket could, comforting yet smothering. He was turning your very empathy upon you, making it feel like the only compassionate choice remaining for you was to stay, to keep blurring those lines.
"Simon's not just a patient," Soap went on, his voice now low and full of quiet intensity. "He's a good man who has been through hell and back. You're the one bright spot in his life right now. Don't take it away from him. Don't be mean and hurt him." he pouts to emphasise his point.
Simon’s grasp on your wrist relaxed ever so slightly as he turned to meet your eyes with almost-pleading ones. "I need you," he finally murmured, his hoarseness from emotion practically bleeding through his voice. "Don't leave me."
His words hit you in the gut, square, the naked vulnerability within his voice leaving little room to decline. Between Soap's smooth persuasion and Simon's soft, ragged desperation, the walls felt like they were shrinking in on you, constricting the available space until it seemed there was no way to escape, to leave.
The professional bounds you had worked so hard to maintain were crumbling. As much as you knew you needed to stand firm, their words, their presence made it feel like you would abandon them if you did. Soap was right there to support whatever call you made, but his words had long since guided you to the one they both wanted—the one where you stayed.
"Please," Simon whispered again, his voice cracking a little. "I don't want to lose you."
It was a plea you couldn't ignore, one you couldn't deny. And as you sat there, pinned between the two of them with the weight of their expectations crushing down on you, you began to realise that to walk away wasn't only hard but damn near impossible.
Soap pipes up with a smile as he takes your docile silence for an answer, “Soo, another round?”
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༄ pt.2 here
༄ m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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rafry · 1 month
Euclydia, Cults and Need for Control
Disclaimer: this analysis raises sensitive topics. if you are/were a victim of a cult and the topic triggers you, please refrain from reading further(/seek help). Additionally, I am not a specialist on said topic, nor am I a clinician. But I am a survivor, so part of the narrative may or may not be just me projecting the trauma on a silly yellow triangle. That said, reader discretion is advised! :)
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The take: Euclydia is likely to be a cult-like society and the reason Bill, after years of abuse, grows up to be as he is: a power-hungry monster. Let's analyze!
For the starters, The Start. Each state has its own anthem. How lucky that we were kindly provided with the Euclidian hymn (hidden under the code "FORGETTHEPAST")! Lets take a look:
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"Two dimensions to and from, You always know which way to go If you're lost, don't be afraid, In Euclydia you've got it made! Run too far too right of frame, You'll appear on left again! Jump too high, don't fry or fret, You'll pop up from the ground, I bet! In this place there is no fear, Roles and rules, always clear, Euclydia, we hold you dear…"
That tells us way more than we could've asked for, really. The most important: Euclydia is a state of Clear Rules™. Everything works perfectly thanks to The Rules and The Roles, and the state is loved by it's citizens. It's might be a caricature 2D utopia, but how it reacts when the rules are questioned?
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"Eye doctor of a different kind, who wants to make his patient blind The doctor says: 'three sips a day will make the visions go away' Fussy eater, baby Billy Wouldn't drink unless it's silly..."
If there's anything about cults and the way they make people behave, is that the "wrong" ones in the community are usually ostracized and/or heavily medicated to not cause any troubles. Those people are sometimes called 'heretics', but may as well just be called crazy or insane by their peers. Oh look completely unrelated picture:
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"Cipher, Cipher, he's insane Starting fires with his brain"
Honestly, the other time it would be it. Euclydia, if not Is, then sure does Act like a cult in some way. I could've finished here, easily, but there's something missing, isn't?
"The hell do you mean by 'The Need to Control', OP?"
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I mean that the BILLVILLE is important.
There's the thing about trauma survivors: some of us, after living a life with no control over ones societal position (ostracization/isolation), body (forcibly medicated) or even mind (feeling of inadequacy), crave for some form of control to be regained.
It can turn toxic very quickly when the only form of control one has ever seen in their life is being The Leader (cult leader/shitty parent/armageddon overlord/you get the idea, it's about becoming an authority figure).
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And so, Bill becomes a cult leader! Very possibly covering up the need for control and admiration with what I call "The most inefficient way to build an Interdimentional Portal ever", since, well, he's got to lie to himself every now and then, that's his thing (trauma response).
As for the details:
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He uses the dead mans body — the body that wouldn't cause any resistance, thus being perfect for taking under control.
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He sees the position of the interviewer as more authoritative than the position of the interviewee — and he swaps the roles. That wasn't enough though, so he demands (politely) to be called "My Lord And Master" for a good measure.
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He very possibly recreates some of Euclydia-like order in his own "Town" in terms of expressing individuality. They might've been pretty decent in following scripts, I think.
So, I don't think Euclydia has ever been religious in any way, since that would left some other scars on Bills psyche for sure. But highly authoritative, ignorant, strict in its rules to the point of self-damnation? That checks. That's the place that has formed Bill, after all.
That's the place that he wishes to rebuild.
Maybe not consciously, maybe distorted by his illness and broken memory of a loving-paradise-home that has never actually been that way, but he seeks the comfort of familiarity — most of us do. Familiar stings are better than an uncontrollable too-bright future, isn't?
I hope he does well on therapy.
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sophsbookstore · 4 months
Exchanged Glances
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Charles Leclerc x hairdresser!reader 。・:*˚:✧。 
Masterlist can be found in navigation!
Read pt. 2 here
A/N: Not super edited, I wanted to get it posted before the Grand Prix!
Word count: 1,581
Normally when Charles goes back home to Monaco he has his mom cut his hair. Like clockwork he will arrive at his moms salon, say hello to the various hairdressers and then go to his moms station to get a fresh cut. Only, this time things were different. 
A couple days before he was to arrive home Charles called his mom and asked what day she was free to cut his hair, with the upcoming Monaco Grand Prix it, and with it being his home race he was more available for a haircut than ever.
After their brief greetings to one another Charles’ mom told him that she would be out of town up until the day of the race. For the first time since joining formula one his mom wouldn't be able to cut his hair for him before the Monaco Grand prix.
“Don't worry Cha, I can refer you to another hairdresser at the salon.” She offered, trying to give him another solution.
“I don't know, you've always cut my hair, no one else.” 
“Then this will be a perfect time for you to step out of your comfort zone. Don't worry I know the perfect person, she’s new, around your age and she's magic in the salon.” Trusting his mom this easies Charles' nerves slightly.
“Ok maman.” The driver sighs in defeat.
“Wonderful! When you go to the salon ask for Y/N.'' With that his mom bid him farewell, telling him when to be at the salon, not going into any more detail about this mysterious hairdresser.
Before he knew it the day had come, he was going to step out of his comfort zone and have a complete stranger touch his hair. He hoped his mom wasn't lying when she was hyping up Y/N and her skills, he didn't want to go to the paddock looking a mess.
Charles enters the salon, all the employees giving him waves and greeting him. He's known some of these people his whole life, whenever he stepped foot in the salon it was like he was being greeted by family.
“Hello Charles, what can I help you with today?” The lady at the front desk asked.
"Hello, yes, my mom told me to ask for Y/N?” The boy shrugged in confusion.
“Oh of course! I'll go get her.” The lady that once sat in front of him was now off searching for the mysterious magic woman that was going to cut his hair.
Charles felt like he was waiting for hours, the salon wasn't that big was it? Maybe it was all in his head. He stood to the side of the waiting area, too consumed with stress to sit down and relax. Before he knew it the front desk lady came back, the woman he assumed to be Y/N trailing behind her.
This is when he finally got to have a good look at her. She was beautiful, why didn't his mom tell him that they started hiring part time models at the salon. The two stood awkwardly, both taking in one another, waiting for someone to make the first move.
Y/N cleared her throat. “Hello Charles, I’m Y/N. just follow me back to my station and we’ll get started”
Charles was too dumbfounded to respond, instead the man stuttered silently before nodding and following Y/N to the back of her salon. During the short walk to her station, Charles thought of questions to ask the beautiful girl, desperately wanting to hear the sound of her voice again.
“Thanks for trusting me with your hair today, your mom told me that you don't really let anyone else cut your hair.” She giggled.
“Oh! Yeah, she's been cutting mine and my brothers hair since we were kids.”
“That's so sweet. I understand where you're coming from I don't let anyone cut my hair, only myself.'' This put Charles at ease. Knowing that she thinks the same way he does, even about something so simple as hair.
After some comfortable small talk Y/N led Charles further back into the salon, sitting the boy down in a chair before leaning him back and washing his hair. The driver seemed to melt in her touch as she ran her fingers through his hair.
When Y/N pulled her hands away to apply more product Charles felt incomplete, like he was missing a sense of stability and peace within himself. Just as soon as she removed her hands she placed them back, continuing to massage his scalp with the shampoo.
Y/N pats Charles’ shoulders signaling to him that the wash was done and that they had to make their way back to her station. Y/N led the way, Charles trailing behind the girl before taking his spot in front of her in the salon chair.
“Are you excited for the grand prix?” Y/N questions taking some of his hair between her fingers, beginning the cut
“Very. I have a good feeling and my son will be there, hopefully we secure P1 and P2.”
“You have a son? What's his name?” Y/N questions, his mom not mentioning anything about a grandson.
“Oh! My apologies he's not really my son. He's a driver on the grid that I've somewhat adopted for the race weekend so that he can claim the Monaco grand prix as his home race.” Charles looks at Y/N hoping she doesn't find what he said both weird and confusing.
“HA!” The hairdresser laughed out loud. “Well congrats to him, I hope he has a fun and successful home race as well. I'll be sure to congratulate your maman about her newly found grandson.” 
Charles sat up a little higher in the chair, “Are you coming to the race?”
“I wish I could but I have to work, don't worry though, the salon will be playing the race so everyone can watch.” Y/N stopped cutting for a moment, looking at Charles through the mirror placed in front of them before giving him a warm smile.
Y/N picked up another section of his hair, continuing to snip away leaving Charles to examine the girl through the mirror. Y/N looked up from behind him, making a quick glance at him before the pair broke eye contact, looking separate ways.
Slowly their eyes started moving back to the mirror. The scissors snapping shut as the pair hold eye contact. Charles felt the tip of his ears getting hotter, the pair both noticing one another's subtle hints of red creeping onto their faces.
“Notice anything Mr. Leclerc?” Y/N questions, the corners of her mouth turning upward.
Charles opens his mouth to speak but words don't come out.
“Don't think I haven't noticed the subtle glances, there is either something on my face and you're trying to figure out how to tell me, or something going on in this head of yours.” She turns her attention back to his hair, the haircut almost over.
“I-” he clears his throat, “I was admiring you. You're very good at what you do.”
“I deeply appreciate Charles, truly.” Y/N made her final touches to the haircut. Unbuttoning the cloth that was draped over Charles, before dusting off his shoulders of any hair. “You're all finished, let me find a mirror so you can see the back.”
Y/N walked toward an unknown part of the salon, Charles' eyes following the girl through the mirror until she came back. This is it, if he doesn't say anything now he might never see her again.
The hairdresser came back, handing Charles a small hand held mirror for him to examine the back of his head. He admired her work, impressed with her skills. Placing the mirror down on a ledge near her station he got out of his chair and turned to her.
The two stared at one another, practically chest to chest. “Will you come to the grand prix?” He asked breathlessly.
“Nothing would delight me more but I have to work.” Y/N sighed looking away for a moment before her attention was pulled back to Charles.
“If you can't come to the race can you accompany me for dinner after?” Y/N looked at Charles, her cheeks getting ever so pinker.
“Mr. Leclerc are you asking me on a date?”
“That depends, would you like to go on a date with me?” Charles asked, not missing a beat.
“Yes Charles, I would love to.” 
Charles smiled from ear to ear, desperately wanting to bounce off the walls with excitement, stopping himself before he could embarrass himself. “Then I will see you tomorrow.” He nodded in satisfaction.
“See you tomorrow Charles.” Charles walked away from the hairdresser, giving her a quick glance back before making his way back to the lady at the front desk.
“Hair looks great! What did you think of Y/N?” She asked, ringing him up so he could make his payment.
“She's fantastic, I think maman will have some competition.” The two laughed, Charles paid, giving her a quick goodbye.
As soon as he exited the salon he called his mom, updating her on his post race plans, greatly thanking her for offering Y/N to cut his hair.
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gottagobuycheese · 7 months
You've probably heard by now, but from March 4th to 10th 2024, Help Gaza Children will be sending all their donations to families in northern Gaza, where food prices have skyrocketed even more than in the south. Their goal is $25K by the end of the week; at the time of writing this post, it's about halfway a quarter way there! (OG post about it) [EDIT: my mistake, I misinterpreted the numbers in the original post; evidently I cannot do arithmetic anymore]
This is their notion site, which has their donation link as well as additional info, their FAQ, important updates, and proof of purchases from donations they’ve gotten in the past. You can also donate directly to their paypal here.
As such, I'll be open for sketch commissions up from now (March 7th, 2024 ~02:20 PST) through March 10th in exchange for proof of donation to Help Gaza Children!
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Tier 1 - Basic head/bust sketch for $1-5 USD, +50% for basic color. Up to 3 characters.
Tier 2 - Basic screencap resketch for $5-15 USD, +50% for basic color.
Tier 3 - Posed sketch for $15-25 USD, 1-2 characters ONLY.
Tier 4 - Colored clean sketch: $25+ USD, 1-2 characters ONLY.
Please provide a visual reference or detailed description of the character(s) you want drawn (and depending on the tier, a screencap or pose/expression you want to go with it)
DO'S: OCs, humans and human-like creatures, other creatures that don't have a lot of mechanical or anatomical detail (as in, I can TRY to do mecha stuff, but I think you and I will both be better of if I don't lol; can ask for further details)
DON'T'S: any NSFW stuff, real people currently alive (as in, historical figures in the setting of historical fiction may be okay, but other things may not be; can ask for further details)
If you've made your donation in a currency that is not USD, I'll give you something of equivalent value according to the tier based on whatever the conversion is at the time that I look it up. If one or both of our economies crashes spectacularly in between the time you send it and the time I look it up, I'm very sorry in advance
DISCLAIMER 1: I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason; however, if this ends up being the case, I may reach out to you to see if we can come up with a middle ground that suits us both.
DISCLAIMER 2: I don't anticipate being able to do a lot of these, as I've got a full-time job that's in the ballpark ~80+ hours a week with really weird hours. That being said, depending on how far this goes, turnaround time will probably be ~2-3 months, give or take...something. I'll update you monthly until it's done.
If you're interested in nabbing a sketch from me in exchange for your donation, email a screenshot (devoid of any personal info please) of your donation receipt and details of your sketch request (e.g. reference, tier, etc.) to [email protected]. For your donation to count for a sketch, it must be made after I wrote this post! (March 7, 2024 ~02:20 A.M. PST)
If you are NOT interested in nabbing a sketch from me, feel free to donate anyway!!
(And if you've got any questions about anything feel free to email, DM, or send an ask!)
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123ohwell · 21 days
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I FINISHED SEASON 1! Shoutout to @grandma-waldo for the idea
Extra details in the parameters and the job list. I kept a list of all grifts in order they occur through season 1. If I thought about it before hand I would have draw a line between each episode but oh well hindsight and all that.
Any questions? Yes I welcome them and I'll try to answer them. Want to know why I split something? Just ask - there was definitely an overthought process to my madness. Any ideas on adjusting job titles? I want to hear it please. I invested too much in this lol but it's been fun.
Season 1 was tough in trying to decide what the jobs would be while trying to keep them broad and trying to think so I wouldn't need to add anymore come later seasons . Also me and excel nearly got into a fight.
I'm going to do the rest of the show but that will be slow coming. When I figure out how to make a master list with links, I'll make one. Since this is like my 4th post on the topic and there will be a bunch more to come
Surprises and Revelations
- Hardison grifts in intense spurts
- there was only 1 real royalty grift in season 1??? And it was hardison?? But there were 5 Southern Belle/Beau grifts
- Sophie was the first athelete?? Ik I already posted that but it still shocked me (Olympic luge)
- Parker interacts with people more than most of the team - she thieves in the shadows but she talks to people often as a misdirection
- FBI and just an ordinary person (Civilian) were the most common grifts of season 1 > not surprised since everyone played FBI in pilot part 2
- runner up was The Damsel. Plenty of times the team did the Damsel and Damsel's Knight grift together as a misdirection. But going "oh no I need help" to a stranger/mark was more popular
- Hardison and Parker were the most likely to play the Damsel card
(Sidenote: i thought about wanting to know all the scams the team calls out in the show. "Burn scam" "the cherry pie" etc. But I think someone has already made a list but I can't find it. Also my family might kill me if I restart the show - again. I was already getting side eyes for skipping back a few seconds to check out who was grifting when I wasn't paying attention)
If you've read this far! Thank you! Hope you have a great week!
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thebibliosphere · 5 months
Hello, I apologize if this is something you've already talked about or you've answered this question before or don't want to speak more on it but I saw that ask you responded to the other day that your 'mast cells burnt down your gi track' and I wanted to ask what the name of that condition is called? Several years ago I randomly lost 45 pounds and couldn't explain it. And while I already had gi issues before, after it happened I started developing new ones that got worse with time to the point that now I am physically unable to work. There are a lot of other factors with my situation that could be to blame but I've gotten an absurd amount of various tests with no answers to show for it. And now I'm wondering if maybe whatever happened to you has happened to me.
Oh, bestie, you're all good; all I do is bitch on this app about having mast cell dysfunction.
There are a handful of different mast cell disorders, but my condition is known as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, or MCAS for short. If you want to know what a mast cell is and how it operates in the immune system, I'd recommend checking out The Mast Cell Disease Society:
They're currently redoing their content, but there's still a wealth of information on there.
You can also search my blog for #MCAS and find a handful of posts where I break it down in detail, along with the current flaws in testing for mast cell patients.
The reason I lost a lot of weight was because my mast cells made my GI tract so inflamed that I couldn't digest anything I was eating. It was going in through my mouth, causing excruciating pain and giving me no nutritional value whatsoever.
Histamine type 2 blockers, such as famotidine/pepcid used to treat acid reflux, can help with GI inflammation from mast cell dysfunction (the GI tract is lined with histamine receptors), but I needed extra support, which I finally got late last year when my GI doctor realized after a biopsy that I was being undermedicated and needed more help managing my MCAS.
If you want to ask more specific questions, I'm happy to try to answer them, but I'd suggest reading through the above link first to see if any of it resonates with you.
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tarotmundomonde · 3 months
Love reading 18+ , astrology themed
So this is actually a Venus conjunct Rahu aspect based love reading. The cycle lasts about 10 months and this time it began in April 2024. So keep in mind, this is not an overall next 10 months PAC reading, but it's about what that aspect will add, what lessons it will bring to your love life for the next 10 months. I also added to it an 18+ part. It's my first time doing so, so let me know, what you think about it.
pick a number 1-5 OR an emoji 👰‍♀️ 😛 🎡 🤷‍♀️ 💥
PS: The messages are really long, so I had to replace texts with screenshots. Thank you for your understanding~
(ps. this reading is for practice and for fun)
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And you know, what's so great about that? Because that's then, what you attract. Someone, who glows, someone magnificent, someone super attractive aka to your taste, someone you'll have a heart to heart connection with. And then you will have a very blossoming sacred union with a lot of embraces and affection expressed to one another. They will reach out to you. Like said, maybe this sacred union is with someone you already know, but it's like they can't come forth, before you are in your power first. But the cards say that miracles will happen and to remember to be playful! Then 18+ messages. The shifts shows. It's the same message as before. For example in intimacy, at first your energy makes it difficult for anyone to approach you. There is intimidation and fears and awkwardness. And if you learn your lessons, then there is this quick shift and the rest is history. Like the intimacy will reach the stars! This pile actually shows that you will have a s*x life. Most definitely. The attraction is going to be very intense, but it looks like you will both try at first to hold back till you just can't. Like the energy will be very heavy and intense. And then you find each other in each other's embrace going at it 🤣 It seems you will discuss your preferences and a lot of tease can be seen from the cards. You are gonna love your person's body! This person, they know how to enjoy the pleasures of sx. They know their pace and their speed. This person will be like their body is a present. Kinda like they are the cake and you should come and… enjoy. Yeah, this person has some real stamina, just saying. And you know what's great? Reciprocity, equal give and take. This person knows, how to be generous and make sure you both equally enjoy it. And it's gonna feel very natural to be with them. No wonder the cards talked about a sacred union. So pile number 1, you've got nothing to worry about. It looks great!
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possibilities. And that it seems there will be new love coming in. Very deep emotions and feelings, happiness and love. So that's great news for you pile 2! But especially, if you have multiple options, those are things to really pay attention to. Like, can the person make you laugh? Then 18+ messages. What comes to intimacy, it looks like it will take some time for someone to melt, to open up to it in the connection, whether it's you or them. It's also possible you could be dealing with someone at a distance. There is also a more intuitive approach to intimacy with this pile. Someone here doesn't want to open up, unless they think this is love. Whether this cycle adds to your s*x life or not is 50/50. For some of you, it could be due to physical distance. It looks like this pile will attract some flings or hook-ups, friends with benefits. So in more details, this is how it's coming through. If you are at a distance, you will must likely only dream about each other. If you meet, you'll have questions like will you meet again, when will you be able to be together again, etc. If it's a fling, random hook-up, friends with benefits, it looks good, but it's lacking something. Maybe it's just uncomfortable, for example doing it in a tiny car with very little space. Or simply the fact that it's lacking a foundation, so there is no real bonding, no sparks. It looks like you will be thinking, who is next and is there someone better out there and such. It seems like you'll be left thinking that in general it could be even better. Like said, it's good, but if you'd have a real connection, if they were your partner, then it could be fantastic. Something like that.
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give it to you, same in bed. Now, what comes to the hot stuff, there could be quite a lesson there for you. I'll tell you, what it literally looks like. That you think the size will do it. That the key is the size of their D. And you will be shown that it's far from enough. Basically, it looks like you'll do your best, you'll put on your best performance for your partner, but it's one-sided. Only you put in the effort. And they'll just use their body once and that's it. It looks like you'll feel left out hanging. You will feel robbed. And based on the cards, this is explained in the most nice way possible. So your dreams of a big D being the magic wand that will give you all you need will be shattered into pieces. The key is going to be to understand that chemistry is really important and that your partner knows how to use their magic wand and that they want to use it. Basically if they have the hots for you, they should embody it and want to show you their passion for you, if you catch the drift. But like the cards show, you can always bring it up and talk about it with them and see then, how they react to it. If they care about you, it would show. If they don't wanna even hear it, don't wanna change, etc, then think about it, think if that person really is for you.
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fleeting chemistry or true bond. And it turns out to be true bond with fiery chemistry. It looks like you are saying no to temptation and no to just lust. You demand love, and patience, time will show you what the person is about. And they are patient and they respect you. It's like they are literally saying that you are gorgeous and so hot and they want you, but you decide. Like they are leaving an offer on the table, saying they want you so if you want them, call them -type of message. Hope it makes sense. So if you need someone's touch, this person is willing to give you it all. And interestingly, the cards are showing that you focusing on yourself and on your solar plexus chakra healing and in general focusing on yourself and being true to yourself in regards to s*x and love, it's bringing you good karma. Just so you know.
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possibility that you are trying to manifest someone in particular and of course, if you are not into manifestation rituals, it seems someone is manifesting you. But the cards talk also about love messages coming in. And about a long-term commitment coming in. Perhaps even engagement. Then 18+ messages. It seems you are more open to intimacy than your possible partners. So you could feel like they lack vulnerability. Physically they do want to touch you, but it feels like you are more gentle than them and they might be more rough. Like they offer you the temptation and the D, but it's like what they do comes with the intention of doing the deed, whereas you seem to want more intimacy and closeness and hugs. It looks like a lot of temptation, doing things to make you do what they want you to do, to make you do the things they want to get from you. For this pile, everything is possible, you may have or not have an active sx life, at least based on the cards there isn't really any additional energy adding to it. The same theme of lack of vulnerability is strongly present in the cards. It feels more like friends with benefits or a rebound. But the person here is not vulnerable and not open to open their heart. It just like sx that is agreed on, it looks even like your person would be absent-minded. And they only want it when it's convenient for them. And definitely the cards show someone, who'd want to have a rebound, as all they want is the healing and that's it. So yeah, friends with benefits or a rebound. If you meet someone, who is serious about you, then it seems this person does not want to rush things with you and want to first take their time to enjoy the romance with you.
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forpiratereasons · 9 months
i found a genre of longform videos that is just 8-10 hours of someone driving around freeways during thunderstorms and i have a lot of thoughts about this but also: stede the driver who films long pov driving vids and extremely stressed ed who gets addicted to his channel
it's meditative, and it reminds ed of being in the car with his mum, driving across aotearoa. he feels like she's there with him sometimes. but the more he watches, the more he becomes aware of the driver--a sigh here, the shuffle of fabric in the seat there.
there's almost no information about him on his channel, the gentleman driver, not even a name or a pic, and ed becomes a little fixated on picking up details about him. doesn't happen often, but once or twice ed catches the driver humming a few beats before falling silent again, clearing a throat, sighing, clicking his throat like he's talking silently to himself.
once, on hour six of a ten hour vid, ed's rewarded by the view of an elegant hand reaching across the screen to grab something that must be on the dash in front of the camera. four seconds ed plays over and over.
"is there someone in the car with you while you drive?" ed asks in a comment. "or is it just you?"
the gentleman driver writes back, "just me and the open road!"
maybe it's the format that makes ed ask, the anonymity. maybe he's just half asleep. "don't you ever get lonely?"
it's days before the gentleman driver writes back again. "do you?"
ed's not got an answer for that. or, he does, but not one he's willing to face head on. he asks instead how the gentleman driver chooses his routes.
the driver doesn't get very many comments and definitely not very many questions, and soon they're having little conversations in the comments of every video. ed gets another glimpse of that elegant hand, with a big turquoise ring, freckled forearm; hears another few bars of 'here comes the sun' hummed.
then the driver does something new: he stops at a rest stop.
and he leaves the camera rolling.
ed watches in rapt fascination as the driver crosses the screen in front of the car, goes into the rest stop. blond hair, broad shoulders, floral shirt. he's actually wearing jeans for an eight hour drive which is insane, and ed gets a glimpse of his profile as he smiles. insane.
if the driver's ever stopped before, it's been very carefully edited out. maybe he forgot this one. maybe he wanted ed to see. that's delusional, ed thinks, but he still navigates to the driver's about page and pokes around until he finds an email address.
nice shirt, he sends.
oh god, the driver sends back, and the video disappears from his page half an hour later. i forgot the editing. i'm sorry if it was distracting.
no, i liked it, ed tells him. it was nice to see the man behind the steering wheel. and then, hesitating only a bit, he adds: i'm ed.
hello, the driver writes. i'm stede.
the emails go on, and on, and eventually they turn into texts too, and promises from stede to check in on his longer drives, to "call if you ever need someone to keep you awake."
"i'm supposed to be sending you to sleep," stede argues.
"i'll sleep better knowing that you're safe," ed writes back.
the next video stede posts, he lets the camera run all the way until he's pulled into a parking spot at a roadside motel just outside of denver. the camera runs one minute, then five, and any reasonable person would've turned it off by now, but ed waits until he hears, very quietly: "safe and sound, now. go to sleep. goodnight."
is it stupid, to think you can fall in love with someone after just one sentence? is it still stupid, if that one sentence repeats at the end of every new video?
then one night the phone rings. it's late, dark out, and ed knows stede was doing a drive that wouldn't have him at his next stop until nearly one in the morning. he picks up. "hello?"
"oh, ed," the voice says. "you've no idea how good you sound just now."
it's a voice he's only heard before in hums and whispers, but it doesn't matter. lots of things about love are stupid, ed decides. this isn't one of them.
stede's blown a tire. "i'm okay," he insists. "i was just hoping for some company while i wait for the tow."
"where are you?"
"middle of nowhere," stede says, but when he names the spot, it's only two hours out. ed can be there faster than a tow probably would, and there's a note of anxiety in stede's voice he doesn't much like.
he's got his shoes on and his keys in his hand before he can think twice.
stede hems and haws but in all his fussing he doesn't actually tell ed not to come, and he stays on the line while ed piles blankets in the car and as he gets behind the wheel and as he sets out on the freeway. he stays on the line and they talk until they're both creaky with exhaustion and dry air, and then they're quiet, just like in stede's videos, but together this time. then ed crests over a hill and there it is: a car pulled off to the side with its hazard lights blinking. reminds ed of a lighthouse. 'i'm here,' the lights say. 'i'm here.'
he pulls to a stop behind, starts his own hazards. the driver side door of the car opens, and then there's a leg, and a body, and there he is. stede. he's still got his phone pressed to his ear; ed can hear him breathing.
"i'm going to get out," ed says.
"okay," stede says.
it takes another long moment, watching stede stand there in the dark, waiting for him. stede, with his hair and his voice and his hands and the way the quiet in him already feels like home.
"i might kiss you," ed says.
he watches stede swallow, hard. eyes widen. "okay," he says.
ed reaches for the handle. pops the door open. puts one foot out on the pavement and looks up to meet stede's eyes as his cabin lights come on, as the car starts to ding its door-open warning.
"oh," stede says.
ed takes a step. they both still have their phones in their hands, their breathes in each other's ear. ed takes a step and takes a step until he can reach out to take stede's phone from him. press the call end button.
"hi," he says.
stede kisses him.
after that there are other, shyer hellos, and other, more awkward ones too. there are ten minutes to a 24-hour macdo drive-thru for coffee and another ten to a motel and a late night that becomes an early morning by way of conversation. there's laughter, and more kisses, and careful fingers learning the planes of each other's faces. in the morning there's breakfast and a tow truck and an invitation to a place just two hours away.
and there's a long break in updates to the gentleman driver's channel.
when he comes back, weeks later, his update schedule isn't quite as frequent, and his drives don't usually go as far. there's giggles sometimes, in the background, like there might be someone else in the car with him.
"do you miss it," ed asks. "driving the long drives?"
"no," stede says. "i found what i was looking for."
@ kninjaknitter also podficced this one!
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murdrdocs · 2 months
chad charming with a little girlfriend who’s from the isle and who’s completely inexperienced in more ways than one! chad charming with a corruption kink!! chad charming!!!
corruption kink; egotistical chad (typical); MDNI 18+ w/ CHAD CHARMING
you know this is going to fan the flames of his ego.
compared to how you knew him back at auradon prep, chad's calmer since coming to college, at least you thought he was. less egotistical, finally accepting that he would never be king of auradon, starting to realize that the world didn't revolve around chad. but he's still chad charming, so for now, the world revolved around him and you.
chad's little girlfriend from the isle. his project in some ways, an excuse for him to explain every little detail about auradon, down to why the roads are paved the way they are. he liked feeling needed, you liked the look in his eye when he got to explain something to you, it was a win-win. even more so when chad's experience, and your lack of, worked out like this—the two of you locked away in chad's dorm, sitting on his bed facing each other.
chad's question still sits in the air, hovering around you, breathing down your neck.
you're a virgin? he asked you, his tone incredulous, his eyes wide, and his mouth pulled into a small grin.
you don't mean to respond how you do, but it's second nature to scoff, roll your eyes, and cross your arms over your chest like you're nothing but an impertinent teenager.
he instantly attempts to do damage control.
"no, i didn't mean that in a bad way, okay? i swear." he holds up his pointer finger and draws an 'X' over his heart. "cross my heart."
when you don't make a move to leave, he places his hands on your hips, tugging in an effort to get you to cooperate and move with him. you do as told, shuffling forward until you're straddling chad's waist.
he looks up at you, hazel eyes squinted and his lips parted. "you want me to show you?"
what follows is one of the only times where chad's cockiness becomes useful, because he does know what he's doing. he doesn't second guess himself when he pulls your panties down and lifts up the skirt of your dress. he asks you if you're okay and if you're comfortable, and then as soon as you nod, he has a hand between your legs and pressed up against your center.
there's barely any nervous fumbling, nothing but an adjustment or two. he knows what he's looking for, and as soon as he finds it—a spot deep within you and off to the side—he doesn't miss it again. he watches you the entire time, lashes framing his lidded eyes and the corner of his top lip arched up, the slight furrow between his brows slightly covered by blond curls.
he looks equal parts amazed and concentrated, possibly the most focused you've ever seen him before. having all this attention placed on just you has your stomach churning, a feeling unlike something you've ever felt before crawling up your spine.
you've touched yourself before, you're not completely inexperienced (not that chad knows ... that's something you'll save for another day) but having someone else's hands pleasure you is different. the foreign touch makes it so much better, not knowing what to expect makes you want it even more.
the sudden urge to beg twists in your throat, slipping into your voice box and almost sliding up your throat. but you stifle the request for more, knocking your head into chad's shoulder as your fingertips press into his shirt.
you don't even have to say anything, chad knows what you're feeling.
"you're close, right?" you nod, not trusting your voice at all at this point.
"look at me," he says, his free hand sliding up your back until he cups the back of your head. "i wanna see what you look like."
it's like you can see the ego boost flooding his brain when he makes you cum. you see the way his eyes widen just a bit when your pussy clenches around his fingers and your lips part. you see the astonishment and the gratification entering him as you twitch and moan, chanting his name through it all.
chad loves feeling needed, knowing that he's the one who got you here like this. it makes him want to show you more ways he can make you feel good.
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yayll · 1 month
~ a little something about Dazai's impeccable detective skills... only when it comes to you ~
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"Uh-huh... And you said you were meeting someone last night?" Dazai pretends to jot down this information, his brows slightly furrowed as he scribbles into the notepad he conjured up from his long tan coat just a few seconds ago.
"Yes, that's correct."
"Ah, I see.. Fascinating. And how was it?"
"How was what?"
"Your date." He says, smugly. His head tilts in mock innocence, and his smile stays plastered on his lips while he watches you practically choke on your own spit. Now he's really going to start writing details down...
"Oh, no, it wasn't like that. Nothing that official, heh." You fidget with your fingers, looking down, and suddenly your shoelaces are the most interesting thing you've ever seen. You didn't think questioning would last this long, you weren't even involved in the crime, but this eccentric detective before you says all witnesses are vital for the investigation and you're just doing your civil duty as a valued member of society!
And this drives Dazai insane... how ridiculous that you don't have a clear standing within the life of whomever you were seeing. It should be a crime, really! If you were his, no one would ever hear the end of it. He hums to himself, nodding as if in deep thought as he draws a heart around your name in his notepad, adding his own name right under yours. He clears his throat and looks back up at you, making sure his knees don't give out at the way you seem so bashful around him.
"I beg your pardon? Do I hear that a young and beautiful person has not been swept off their feet successfully?"
Just before you can answer, a young man with white hair and a peculiar asymmetrical haircut runs to Dazai's side. He peers at his notes, and nervously chimes in.
"Er, Dazai? Mister Kunikida wanted me to come find you, but I didn't think you'd actually be working- Why are there so many hearts drawn-"
Dazai immediately moves his hand over the young man's face and comically shoves it away from his notepad, still smiling at at you. He speaks through gritted teeth and a nervous chuckle.
"Not now, Atsushiiiii, I'm working~"
This causes Atsushi to grumble, his face deflating into an annoyed sigh as his gloved hand scratches the top of his head.
"But Dazai, this is kind of important, and I really don't want to have to be the one to tell Kunikida that you're slacking off again..."
Dazai instantly snaps his head to look at Atsushi, pointing at you with dramatic flair, his voice reaching a mocking pitch.
"Oh, but I'm not, young Atsushi! I've come out here on pure basic instinct... I'm conducting a very serious investigation, and so unfortunately Kunikida and the rest of the folks at the agency will just have to wait for my genius intellect to come up with a tantalizing resolve. Get Ranpo to help. 'Kay byeee!~"
Dazai grabs you by the arm and though the gesture is hasty, he's surprisingly very gentle as he drags you away from the white haired young man. You're now standing outside a cafe and Dazai takes out what looks like a business card, presenting it to you. He scans your slightly confused face, and thinks about what other precious faces you'd make for him if he stuck around you long enough like the hound dog he is. He wonders if you'd let him touch your arm again, maybe even your hand... maybe even your-
"Are you okay, Dazai?" You ask in slight concern. Oops! He's been nonverbal for too long. He shakes his head rapidly and lets out a soft chuckle.
"Never been better! Here, take this, it's my personal contact. I think I've got all the notes I need to finish my work, but I seem to be missing one last thing-"
He proceeds to lean in a little, his now softened hazelnut eyes looking into yours intently, and his voice becoming drastically more serious. There's a glint of sincerity, and an emotion you can't quite place, but it makes your blood pressure spike and your cheeks flush at the casual intimacy of it all.
"... A time and date so I can see you again, perhaps?"
You feel yourself feeling giddy, and slightly stammer as your response flows out of you coyly.
"Ooh well, maybe tomorrow in the evening? I'll be off of work then. We can um, get coffee here?" You nod your chin up at the cafe sign, and flash him a soft smile. A smile that will keep him happily satiated until tomorrow.
"Ah, then it's a date! An official one..." He winks at you, and pats the top of your head, the feeling is light and angelic. By the time you recover, he's gone. You get a last glimpse of the way the tail of his coat swishes as he sharply turns the corner of the street, and you stand there smiling like a giddy schoolgirl. What you don't know is he does the very same thing, thinking about how playing with the fire of his own destiny is worth ruining if he could cement himself into your heart. In his adoring eyes, you could do no wrong. That's his job.
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oracle-of-dream · 5 months
Stress Relief
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Minors DNI
Summary: You've been away on a business trip that's making you miserable. Wonwoo has just the thing to make you both feel better...
Warnings: Male reader, Business worker reader, Fluffy hair Wonwoo, Jerking off, Filming, Phone sex, Wonwoo is so perf
Wordcount: 1.2k
You let out a heavy sigh as you closed the door to your hotel room. Today was the worst.
You were out of town on a business trip for a few days, which was pretty normal. But the irritating part was that your boss was up your ass about the details, bearing down on every single little thing you messed up on.
You didn't greet the client right
You didn't offer them something to drink
You should've held the door for them
You didn’t offer your umbrella since it was raining (Letting you get soaked)
You could hear your boss' voice grating in your ears, dreading tomorrow as you did. But worst of all, you missed your boyfriend, Wonwoo. He's extremely self-sufficient, so he doesn't check in with you to see how you're doing until the end of the day when you call him. You knew he was trying to be respectful and not distract you while you worked, but maybe a little distraction was needed from the disaster of a day you had...
You changed into your pajamas as you called him.
"Hey, baby!" Wonwoo's deep voice rolled through the speaker.
"Woowie!" You cheered in a babyish voice, feeling the responsibility of being an adult lifted off your shoulders. Wonwoo always loved taking care of you and letting you do whatever you wanted, even if that meant you got a little spoiled because of it. He couldn't care less.
"How was your day?"
Your expression soured instantly as you thought about that day you'd had. "It was super bad! I hate it here!"
Wonwoo chuckled at you pouting. "Don't be like that. Go on and tell me all about it, I'm listening." There was some shuffling from Wonwoo, probably him getting into bed... You talked to him about your day, every detail your boss picked at you for–even critiquing your boss sometimes. Wonwoo silently listened to you, occasionally throwing in an "mhm" or a grunt to let you know he was still listening as you ranted. Some of them sounded more like moans, and you felt your cock twitch at hearing it. By the end, you'd tired yourself out and melted into the bed as Wonwoo spoke, "Jeez, baby, I'm sorry he gave you such a tough time."
"I know right!? He's so unbelievable." You heard another grunt from Wonwoo while you spoke, this one was more audible, making you trip on your words. "A-Are you alright?"
"Huh, no, yeah, I'm fine. It's just my game," Wonwoo assured you. "Please keep talking," His voice was a little hoarse this time and his tone was almost begging. You told him what you'd had for lunch and dinner, skipping over that you'd missed breakfast. "That sounds so good, baby," Wonwoo moaned.
You squirmed in the bed, turned on by the base of his voice. "I don't know what to talk about anymore... What game are you playing?"
Wonwoo was caught off guard by your question, strangely stumbling to answer. "It's–um, a new release. You wouldn't know it. Fuck..."
"Well tell me about it anyway, I know you like sharing." You listened closely as you could barely register him breathing heavily.
"Sharing. Right," your boyfriend's voice shook. "I-It's–um... A platformer, the ones where you need to jump from place," Wonwoo's voice caught in his throat.
"And?" You added.
Wonwoo whined, "More?"
"Yeah, keep telling me!" You closed your eyes as you listened to him closely, your hand sliding under your covers to rub your member.
"Well–it's just, I-I don't know..."
"Is the game hard?"
"It's so hard..."
"Well, I know you can do it. You're such a smart boy." Wonwoo groaned again, enjoying your praise. "Is the game long?"
"It's pretty long..."
"And are you going fast or slow?"
"...slow at first. Faster now."
"You think you can go faster?" You touched yourself to his words. Long strokes, starting slow but getting faster, squeezing your shaft hard.
"I-If you want me to."
"I like it fast," You say as a moan slips past your lips. You bite down on your tongue to stop more from coming out as you notice Wonwoo's gotten quiet. "Are you still there?"
"I-I'll be right back!" Wonwoo blurted out before hanging up. You blinked at your phone in shock. He hung up!? You immediately called him back but instantly got sent to voicemail. You sat in bed, stunned at him. Did you push him too far with the tease? You thought it was a weird cute mutual thing...
After a few minutes, you started getting ready for bed and turned off the lights. As you checked your messages, you had one from Wonwoo, with a video.
"Sorry I hung up, I was making this for you. You mentioned wanting a video like this a while back, but it was embarrassing."
You played the video. Wonwoo was wearing his glasses and a plain white shirt, at his desk in his office at home. He awkwardly looked at the camera as he set his phone down and answered your phone call from before. You could hear your voice from the phone, but your eyes were glued to Wonwoo as he stared into the camera. Slowly, to make as little noise as possible, he lifted his shirt to his lips and held it with his teeth, showing his abs. Then he slid down his pants just enough for his cock to pop out. He started pinching his nipples and jerking off to you as he listened to you. His face was pink, his nipples hard, and his dick leaked in the prettiest way. His eyes were heavy-lidded as he stroked faster and harder, right when you asked about his game. When you called him "smart boy" he almost fell out of his chair, ripping his hands off his cock so he didn't finish.
He didn't stop for long.
Hand now attached to his cock again, "It's pretty long." Wonwoo's strokes moved his full length. "...Slow at first, faster now." Wonwoo's hand worked himself over so fast his body started shaking. You could hear the slight sound of his hand with precum around his member.
His body glistened, his shirt stretched as he tried not to moan louder, and his hair stuck to his forehead as sweat dripped onto his stomach. When you asked him to go faster, Wonwoo's fucked out expression as he looked at the camera told you everything. He was gonna blow.
"I-I'll be right back!" He blurted out. As soon as he hung up, he stood so his cock was above the table and finished. His cock shot ropes, making a mess of the table, his phone, and even shooting onto the camera lens. Through the blurry video, you saw Wonwoo collapse into the chair as he tried to catch his breath. "I... love you, baby," He whispered as he wiped the lens clean, giving you an up-close look at him. "Come home soon, I miss you." He smiled goofily and turned off the camera, ending the video.
You texted immediately, "Wonwoo!?"
"This was so fucking hot. I need another."
"I tried recording it on my own. But it was so hard to cum, without hearing you..." You imagined Wonwoo's expression when he texted that, probably covering his face in embarrassment.
"When I get home, we're fucking. End of story."
"Okay, babe."
You watched the video again, jerking off until you were satisfied. As you drifted off to sleep, you wondered how you could repay him...
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citruswriter · 3 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Comfort fic of THe Hazbin Crew (Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Lucifer, etc.) x Reader, where they're not having the best, probably the worst day actually, and they get some comfort and hugs from reader, the feel goods~?
Hazbin Hotel x Reader Having a Bad Day
Listen with me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Warnings: Fluff, comfort, angst?, kinda open ended.
A/N: I'm assuming you didn't have the best day? :(( If so then I'm so sorry love and I hope you enjoy this. Lemme know if you want a pt 2 with the angels and Vees!
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It was a horrible day. More horrible than any of the other horrible days you've ever had. And that's saying something. So after a long day, you had returned to your humble abode to cry it out. On the way, you caught the eye of a certain someone...
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Lucifer x Reader 🧡
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A knock was heard at your door and you groaned. "Go away Charlie!" You shouted out as you heard the door crack open. "Um... actually it's me, but I can still go if you want me too". Mumbled a voice. You immediately sat up and turned around. "Sir! I'm so sorry". You sniffed. Lucifer studied your face, gaze softened as he stepped closer. "Dear what happened?" He asked, hands hesitantly reaching up to touch your face. Your eyes widened at the question, lip trembling once more as you sobbed out. "It was a horrible day! Like, I know it's hell but fuck! It was just so bad." You wailed. Lucifer jumped up on the bed beside you, reaching out to you and drawing you in his arms to give you a tight hug.
You hugged him tightly, burying your face in his shoulder and crying out everything. He just sat there, thumb rubbing circles between your shoulder blades. Eventually your sobs quieted down, and you pulled back slightly, sniffling and hiccuping. "Sorry, Sir..." You said and Lucifer just smiled at you. "No need to apologize. And please, call me Lucifer. Come. Let's get you cleaned up". He gently took your hand and drug you to the bathroom, wetting a washcloth as you sat down. He took the cloth to your face, wiping your bleary eyes and wet cheeks. "Thank you... I-I, um, I didn't expect the King of Hell to be washing my tears away". You said, offering a pathetic laugh. He just clicked his tongue and waved a hand. "Think nothing of it, my dear! A friend of Charlie's is a friend of mine!" He said with a grin.
You looked down bashfully, smiling shyly but he grabbed your jaw and tilted your head to continue cleaning you. You felt your face flush at the action. He laughed softly, seeming to pick up on your flusteredness. "You know... If you're feeling up for it," he began, eyes looking around the room, "I've been told I make excellent pancakes". You giggle softly in response, causing the man to give his own shy smile. "I think I'd really like that... Lucifer."
Eyes met, gazes held, tension rose. You could stay like this...
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Alastor x Reader 🧡
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You threw yourself onto your bed, sobbing into your pillow. "You know, a frown doesn't suit your pretty face". Said a voice. You screamed and almost fell off your bed as you whipped around to stare at Alastor. The red demon just chuckled at you, smile grinning a little wider. "Haha. Not fucking funny Al". You glared, propping yourself up on an elbow. "But it got you to stop crying". He pointed out and you scoffed, even though you knew he was right.
"What even happened, my dear?" He asked, hands resting on his cane, his gaze softening ever so slightly. A detail one wouldn't notice unless they were looking for it. You sighed and rolled onto your back. "Just a stressful day is all." You said softly, rubbing your wet eyes. The man hummed softly, seeming to think before turning to you more. "You know, it's almost time for my radio show. Would you like to join me?" He asked and you looked over at him, eyes wide with surprise. "Oh... Sure, that would be nice actually". You replied gently and he outstretched a hand to you to help you raise from the bed.
You trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he led you to his office. You entered as quietly as you could, standing as you watched him start to set up. "Where should I sit?" You asked softly and Alastor blinked, seeming to remember that his shack really was only built for him. But with a snap of his fingers, his shadows conjured up a plush red couch and you happily sat down on the comfortable little couch. You continued to watch him as he flipped switches and turned knobs. "Stay quiet for me while I broadcast, ok fawn?" He said and you just nodded.
A few hours later Alastor finished. He stood up and stretched. Looking over at you, he saw your sleeping figure. He didn't wish to rouse you so he simply took his coat and draped it over you. You hummed in your sleep, curling up into the fabric. Alastor couldn't help but feel warmed by the unconscious action.
What a peculiar little creature you were.
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Charlie x Reader 🧡
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A knock came at your door. "(Y/N)? Hey you good in there?" Charlie's worried voice came. You didn't answer, only sobbed into your pillow. Gentle hands came to rub your back and you sniffed, lifting your head to look at the hellborn. You didn't even hear her open your door. "Hey. Talk to me, what happened?" He cooed, a hand reaching up to cradle your face, thumb swiping to wipe away some tears. You whimpered and leaned into your touch. "It was just a bad day, Charlie. That's all".
She smiled gently, seeming to understand. "Well scoot over! Your bed looks comfy!" She chirped and you couldn't help but giggle, rolling over to make room for her. She flopped onto your bed and sighed. "Wow. Your blankets are super comfy." She said, flashing her beautiful smile your way. You softly smiled and shrugged. "They were on sale when I got em". You said simply.
She rolled to look at you. "Hi". She said softly and you felt your face heat up. "Hey". You murmured back. Her hands came up to cradle your fave once more. "You better now?" She asked softly, her heart seeming to flutter as she watched you bite your lip and meet her eyes. "It's hard to stay sad around Miss Rainbows and Sunshine". You said, tone teasing. She giggled, her own cheeks heating up. "You flatter me". She giggled, making you smile.
Charlie looked at you curiously. What was she feeling right now? It couldn't be what she thought it was. Was it...?
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Vaggie x Reader 🧡
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"Alright. Who am I killing?" A voice came, cutting through your whirling thoughts. "Everybody!" You wailed as you rolled over, hugging your pillow. Vaggie gave an empathetic smile before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Just one of those days?" She asked and you nodded. She sighed and scooted up a bit more. "I'm not as great as this as Charlie is, but do you need a hug?" She asked. You sniffed and looked up at her, nodding softly.
You crawled over to her and she gave you a tight hug, fingers moving up to your hair to scratch at your scalp for a few moments. "Is that better?" She murmured. "Yeah. Thanks". You replied, wiping your face. "Uh, here". She grabbed a tissue from your bedside and began wiping your face and eyes awkwardly. "Sorry. This usually isn't my thing". She admitted with a chuckle. You giggled and grabbed her spare hand, holding it in hers. "That's ok, Vaggie. I appreciate you trying". You said.
Vaggie felt her cheeks flush and she smiled bashfully, gently pulling her hand to her heart. "Ah, look at you. Comforting me. I'm supposed to be comforting you right now." She said and you laughed softly, resting your head on her shoulder.
You gazed at her softly and she felt her heart flutter. What were you doing to her? What was she feeling?
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Angel Dust x Reader 🧡
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"Aye toots. Ya good? You ran by me without giving me a hello kiss". He said, tone light and playful. You looked up to glare at him. "Fuck off, Angel". You scowled and his whole facial expression immediately changed. "Oh shit. You ok, sugar?" He asked, rushing to your side. You sobbed out and shook your head. Angel wrapped you up in his arms, holding you tightly and whispering sweet things to you. Eventually you calmed down, hiccups leaving your mouth as you pulled back to wipe your face.
"Come on. Let's clean you up." Angel led you to your vanity, sitting you down and brushing your hair back. He took a face wipe and wiped you down. Two of his hands went to play with your hair while his other two hands went to grab some lotion to moisturize your cheeks. "There. All better." He cooed, standing up before tilting your head up to kiss your forehead. You hummed and closed your eyes before gently resting your chin on his stomach, eyes fluttering open to gaze up at him.
Angel felt his face heat up as he gently cradled your face. "Seriously though, who am I shootin?" He said and you laughed. "Nobody Angie. It's just been a bad day". You muttered. Your hands reached up to hold his other two hands.
He was so warm. So gentle. This was nice.
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Husk x Reader 🧡
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A knock echoed through your room and you sniffed. "Fuck off, Charlie!" You shouted and you heard a scoff. "I definitely ain't no Charlie. But if you want her, I can go grab her". A voice came. You groaned and sat up to glare at the cat demon now in your room. "What do you want Husk?" You hissed out. You really didn't need his ass judging you right now. But to your surprise, he just pulled out two glasses and a bottle of some sort of alcohol. "Heard you crying. I'm not good with emotions but I am good at listening". He said with a shrug.
The next hour was filled with you just venting to him about your shitty day. Sometimes he would fill either yours or his glass and before long you had calmed down, although you were also tipsy now. "I know it's hell but shit." You muttered and Husk gave a chuckle. "Ah you'll be ok. You're stronger than you think you are." He said with a smile.
You looked up at him and laughed softly. "Thanks Husk. You always know what to say. I think you're better with emotions than you think". You chuckled softly. Husk felt his cheeks heat up under his fur and his chest tighten, but not in a bad way.
Well aren't you something?
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Amunet x Reader 🧡
A/N: Why yes. Yes I am inserting my own OC with a background character face claim. Fight me.
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"(Y/N)? Hey, you ok?" A soft voice came. You heard your door crack open. "Can I come in?" You pondered her request for a moment before sighing and rolling over. "Yeah, I guess so". You replied. Amunet opened the door and upon seeing your crying face, her gaze instantly softened. "What happened?" She asked softly, approaching the bed. You sat up, sitting close to the edge. "It was just a shitty day. Just a bunch of things added up". You explained. She got up on the bed with you. "Oh habibi". She cooed softly, drawing you into her warm embrace.
"Cry as much as you need, ruhee. I'm here. I've got you". You couldn't help but let the flood gates open as you ugly cried into her shoulder. One of her hands patted your back while the other held firm to your hip. Eventually you calmed down, face nuzzling into her shoulder as you hiccuped. "Are you better, habibi?" She asked gently, pulling you back to look at your face. "Oh dear, look at you."
She left before you could reply to her question. A few minutes passed and she came back with a wash cloth and a cup of water. "Hydrate. You cried a lot". She said, handing you the glass before hurrying off to your bathroom to wet the rag. "Thank you, Amunet". You croaked but she waved her hand, sitting back down to wipe your face. "Think nothing of it, albee". She soothed.
She smiled under her mask as you closed your eyes in content. You nuzzled into her wrist as she wiped at your tear stained cheeks, causing a blush to rise to her cheeks. Weren't you just such a cutie?
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This took me all day to write bc my coworker and I kept talking shit all day. Lmfao. But enjoy.
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