#if you want any of these as individual pieces feel free to tell me and i will do it for you
loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
valentine's day headcanons
they have dates in the astronomy tower where they smoke and talk about anything and everything
sirius writes remus poetry, remus writes sappy cards (he tries to make his handwriting readable)
they avoid madam puddifut's. neither of them like it, it's too flashy for their taste. they've gone once, though; she was a dear, but the shop was not their kind of thing
the only day (when they share their cigarettes with each other) without bickering
hold hands under the table; love all the decorations that the school puts up
their absolute favorite holiday as a couple, so they try to make the most of it
dorcas makes marlene jewelry, and marlene somehow manages to find flowers to give dorcas
their date is the three broomsticks and then zonko's. neither of them would miss a good prank, even on valentine's day
go off and crash everyone's dates for fun (none of them actually mind it)
stop by at madam puddifut's but they don't stay; they just say hi to her and off they go
the king and queen of being saps
james writes very cheesy and extra poetry (think eyes as green as a fresh-pickled toad) and lily gives him little handmade gifts throughout the day
they love madam puddifut's, and they would go there even after they graduated
have breakfast in bed (james cooks it; lily always wakes up later than him, and she's not the best of cooks)
lily bakes cookies, though, with little hearts on them, white chocolate and cherry filling; james adores them
regulus pretends to hate valentine's, but he doesn't fool anyone. when he's with james, everything's brilliant
regulus writes poetry; james brings regulus flowers, always a different sort ("a change of decor in your gloomy room, ay?")
they have a picnic outside, even though it's bloody freezing; they do some heating charms and they can keep staying there
lots of affection
raid the kitchens for sweets
madam puddifut's! regulus pretends to hate it, says it's too pink, but he actually likes it, especially if he's there with his friends
lily gives both of them handmade gifts, regulus writes james poetry and lily, love letters, and james writes sappy poetry for lily and gives regulus flowers
at the end of the day, each of them has a huge bouquet of flowers to match
lily and james wear silly little valentine's outfits; at some point, regulus joins them in doing so, too, and they all love it
it's kind of become their thing
mary gives lily jewelry, lily gives mary flowers and sweets
they stay in their dorm, at least in the morning, doing each other's make up and trying on clothes
they have matchy valentine's outfits and make up
their dates always get crashed by dorcas and marlene but at the end of the day they just mix up and the whole thing becomes a double date
both of them stumble in the gryffindor tower with lipstick stains on their faces
they both give the other knickknacks and cool rocjs they found
they walk, together, around hogsmeade and the grounds, and they visit hagrid to meet all the new weird animals he's gotten
xenophilius suggests hunting for nargles and pandora, although she knows they don't exist, joins him in his quest (she never saw anything, but xenophilius swore he saw something in the bush next to the forbidden forest)
they also have a picnic with food they made themselves
they give each other little kisses all the time
narcissa pretends to hate valentine's too, but she can't help herself when alice is her valentine
alice gives her sappy cards throughout the day, and narcissa writes her love letters and gives her jewelry
they spend most of the day in their dorm, giving each other makeover and trying on each other's clothes
alice makes the fudgiest brownie ever and she makes both of them two of them and they get eaten immediately
they're even more affectionate with each other tha usually
give each other (handmade) jewelry
talk about their crushes
always have picnics. it's their thing, and it doesn't matter when marlene and dorcas crash their date, they welcome them to join them, and it turns into a double date
hold hands literally everywhere, at all times
help put up the valentine's day decorations, and make some of them themselves. those always look the best out of all of them
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kentopedia · 10 months
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fem!reader, sfw, fluff, you leave lipstick all over levi before a mission and the scouts find out, just something super cutesy & short while i work on some longer pieces hehe, pls ignore errors lol, 1.3k words
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“promise you’ll come back in one piece?” you say, smoothing the wrinkle between levi’s brow with a kiss. 
he glances up at you from under his lashes, crinkling his nose as a short, breathy laugh escapes him, one he tries to subdue. still, he can’t deny the happiness that slips onto his features, not when joy is so fleeting because of the life that the two of you live. 
cold hands run across your back, down to your hips as you straighten his collar, kissing his sharp cheekbones, the bridge of his nose. “i’ve made it this far, haven’t i?” levi mutters, squeezing your sides gently before shifting you off of his lap.
he lifts you, sets you on the edge of his desk, causing some of the papers that erwin had dropped off earlier to crinkle. a smile graces your lips as levi stands, stretching his limbs behind him, the chair pushing away from the desk with a creak.
“i’m going to be late because of you,” levi remarks, eyes narrowed playfully, but he gives you another kiss on the lips, lingering there like it’s painful to pull away.
“then stop kissing me.” your hands splay across his chest, but you don’t push him away, feeling his heart beat under his ribcage, the melody that you will always come back to. still, levi tugs your hips forward, slots in between your legs, and kisses you even deeper. “it’s time for you to go, captain levi.” 
a heavy sigh weighs against your mouth, his exhale warm as he pulls back. “sounds like you want me gone.” 
“of course i don’t.” your voice softens as you play with his fingers for a moment, before he's tugging them away gently, withdrawing from your figure. “i'm going to have to find someone else to sleep next to while you’re away."
normally, you would’ve been going with levi and the rest of the scouts, but an injury from your last mission prevented you from going on any more for a few weeks. 
levi snorts, putting on his jacket, fixing the leather straps across his chest. “is that all i’m good for? killing titans and keeping your bed warm?”
you make a face at him, then shrug, half-hearted as he stares back at you with amusement. then, you laugh, cheerful and free; you know levi will come back to you. he has no other choice. 
levi makes his way towards the door. 
he turns, the lipstick stains still visible on his cheek, dark against his pale skin. for a moment, you wonder if you should tell him—if he’d be mad if you didn’t. 
but then you remember he’s going to meet with a squad of fifteen year olds that have all almost died alongside him. if they really have a problem with their captain being loved by you, then they don’t care about him as much as you thought. 
you smile and shake your head, voice holding just enough mischief for levi to notice. “just be safe. i love you.” 
he softens. there are times where levi is hesitant to say the words, still worried you will be taken from him. but this is not one of those times. not when you will be separated for days, his life once again in danger. “i love you too, sweetheart.”
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within ten minutes, levi is down to the first floor, pushing into the room where the members of his squad are already waiting. 
he’s only a minute late, but he feels like they must have been waiting for hours, the way that they are all gawking at him with wide eyes, connie’s jaw faltering slightly. “everyone here?” levi asks, doing a quick scan of the room, counting heads like he’s their babysitter. 
no one says anything. eren’s eyes look like they might bulge out of his head, and jean covers his mouth, looking away as him and sasha let out a stifled giggle. 
levi’s mouth draws into an even thinner line. “what the hell are you snickering about?" he grumbles, looking at each of them individually, wondering who will be the first to confess. 
their eyes dart away dramatically, faces red. even eren, who is normally more obnoxious than the rest, seems to have run out of words to say. 
his eye twitches; levi wonders if connie’s head might burst, or if sasha’s laugh will rip out of her first. 
“well?” levi asks again, snapping, already tired of this mission. a hot cup of tea sounds nice, in bed next to you.
armin, as usual, is the one to speak up when no one else has anything intelligent to say. “well, sir,” the blonde says, gesturing towards his own face. “i think…”
levi touches his cheek, remembering all the places you’d kissed him earlier, wearing that pretty black dress and your dark lipstick. a sigh leaves him when he pulls his fingers away, the tips coming back, smeared with a deep red. 
he should've known.
“i see," levi says, staring for a moment, before meeting eren's eyes, his lips finally widening into a grin.
“ooooh," eren sings, his expression smug as mikasa elbows him, her own features pinched tight. "the captain’s in looooove."
levi knows they are expecting a reaction, a spectacle of the fact that he adores you. but he’s never kept it a secret, and he’s certainly not ashamed of all the things he feels for you. 
“and what if i am?” levi asks instead, pointedly staring eren down as the rest of the scouts watch the exchange. “honestly, i am surprised no one noticed sooner.”
eren’s jaw falters a bit; a small wave of silence falls over the scouts. you and levi don't make a point of hiding your relationship, but really, levi shouldn’t have been surprised that no one in his squad was observant enough to notice. 
or so he thought, anyway.
historia’s smaller, high-pitched voice breaks up the quiet, repeating your name back to him, as if affirmation that you’re the one he kisses goodnight. a silly question really, considering levi has never looked at anyone else with the same kind of tenderness. 
“it is her, isn’t it?” historia asks, smiling softly. “i only know because you’re always holding hands under the table when you think no one can see.”
levi raises his eyebrow. “clearly we were wrong about that.” though, of all the things to notice, he thought it’d be the way you kiss him after every mission, the way he’s harder on you than anyone else because he doesn’t want to lose you.
eren shrieks your name like he’s never heard it before, and levi is starting to wonder if the boy actually is an idiot. his old squad had known immediately; petra caught you sneaking up to levi’s quarters when you thought everyone else was asleep, kissing him on the cheek when you thought everyone's back was turned. 
it’s been a long time since then, he supposes. maybe the years have taught you subtlety. 
“how long have you been together?”
“does she actually like you?” 
“do you—” connie makes a lewd gesture with his fingers. “you know.” 
“connie!” jean shouts, whacking him on the back of the head. “what do you think! dumbass.” 
“hey!" connie says, rubbing his head. “geez. i just can’t picture it.” 
"i’d rather you didn’t." levi’s face turns sour, disturbed by a room full of teenagers discussing his private and romantic life. “bring it up again and i’ll leave you outside of the wall on the next mission.” he pauses, crosses his arms with an exasperated exhale. “and she likes me just fine. at least, she has for the past five years.” 
a new wave of questioning starts and levi pinches his temples, shakes his head, the red smear of lipstick still on his face.
levi almost wishes you could’ve been there to field the questions instead. you’ve always been better with the kids, connected with them a lot easier than levi had.
even if it was would’ve exposed his lovesick eyes, the tiny lift of the corner of his mouth when you were around.
he’s never been very good about hiding it anyway.
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temiizpalace · 29 days
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SUMMARY: entering the dream world was such a strange feat.. especially seeing yourself in somebody else’s dream.
CHARACTERS: jade leech-centric
GENRE: fluff, crackfic
WARNINGS: you act cringe because jade leech is a cringy guy with wattpad fantasies + BOOK 7 SPOILERS + canon divergence (some dialogue is not exact cause i lowkey forgot, some moments didn’t actually happen, and i shortened it a lil so i don’t have to write too much)
NOTES: while writing this, it turns out someone else had a similar idea so i was hesitant to upload the writing. however, I’ve decided to anyways. that being said, crediting said individual is still in order since they had the idea first.
please check out @.paralleljoys post here (IF ANY ISSUES PLEASE SEND ME AN ASK, TY!)
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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you didn’t expect this. nobody expected this, actually.
jade leech, cunning, observant, quiet, and mysterious. he was one to keep his cards close to his chest and play it safely to ensure the best outcomes. and yet, here we are, in said eels dreams. a look inside of his thoughts, how he truly saw people, how he—
“jade you’re so cool! i love love love love loveeee the way your mind works sooooo much!” a voice, sounding similarly to yours, chimed. “fufu, you flatter me, my pearl..”
your jaw dropped, grims jaw dropped, you can hear idia falling out of his seat from behind the screen, jamil’s eyes had never been opened wider, floyd cringed, silver looked away, ortho could barely compute, and sebek had the most genuine disgust written on his face.
was that you? you thought azul and floyd looked stupid, BUT THAT WAS YOU? jamil slapped a hand over grims mouth, preventing the direbeast from cackling his lungs out at the sight of your pathetic image. “MYAHAHA, HENCHMAN YOU LOOK SO STUPI—“ “keep quiet.” jamil mutters, slightly smirking. you could tell he was also containing his laughter, making your face change in hue.
“eww, no way. i knew jade was all lovey dovey with the prefect but i dont wanna watch it. what a sap.” floyd groans, looking at dream you, real you, then at jade. “i dont wanna watch this either! if you guys are embarrassed how do you think i feel?!” you murmur, hiding your face in shame.
“my pearl, open wide.” jade grins, holding a piece of shrimp in his hands. “oh my, jade you sweetheart!” you giggle, opening your mouth so jade can feed you. idia snickers, holding back a laugh. you can practically see his smug expression in your mind. “he has the fantasies of a trashy middle school fanfiction, what comedy gold.”
silver clears his throat, trying to regain the attention of the group in order to free jade from his dream. while everyone with a logical mind held an equally logical discussion, you, floyd, and grim were too focused on the scene before you. “jade, you and shrimpy should just get married.” dream floyd grins, pushing you two together.
“agreed. you both are a match made in heaven!” dream azul says in between sobs, wiping his tears away with one of his tentacles. “why, what a splendid idea! azul, please make arrangements right away. we shall wed at once, my dear.” jade chuckles, holding you close in his arms. “j-jade!? i don’t know what to say..”
“do you not wish to marry me?” he asks, his thumb tracing your chin. his voice was low, yet soothing at the same time. “it’s not like i don’t want to..” dream you mumbles, avoiding his eyes by looking at the ground with a pout. REAL you, on the other hand, can’t bear the sight of it anymore. neither can floyd. or grim.
“let’s continue to overcome hardships and conquer many mountains together.” jade laughs, pulling you all in by the shoulders. as the dream variants of jades loved ones cheer, floyd swims in and swoops down, attacking his brother and his dumbed down dream him.
“I CANNOT STAND IT ANYMORE!” floyd grunts, scowling at his dear brother, who held an expression of shock. “f-floyd? there’s two of you..?!” he stutters, looking at his dream twin and his actual twin. “they’re mirror images of each other! how can you tell them apart!” azul exclaims, wiping his eyes to get a better look.
“who is this? can i hug you and eat you? hehe.”
“i originally thought you weren’t interested in other people, but you have a limited memory. “i dont eat dance and eat shrimps stuck in between rocks.” floyd scoffs, staring at his dumbfounded doppelgänger. “floyd.. doesn’t eat shrimps.. or dance..?” jade ponders, feeling his mind begin to waver.
“jade! im scared!” dream you screams, curling up in the boys arms. your eyebrow twitches, tired of the humiliation you witnessed thanks to jades horrible imagination. following your impulse, you run out with floyd, despite the shouts of your name.
“PREFECT! GET BACK HERE! WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TRYING TO ACHIEVE?!” sebek shouts, but his voice falls on deaf ears. he made a point though, what were you doing? it’d be much safer to just stay back and watch this play out, so why the hell are you trying to get involved?! “p-pearl?!” jade gasps, eyes wide in disbelief.
“th-there’s also two of you.? what in the seven is going on here?” he swam back slowly, unraveling the scene before him. two brothers, two lovers (well not officially..), and a whole school of students that seem familiar, but unsure as to where.. you could tell jade was beginning to wake up! it’s only a matter of time..
“jade, don’t be fooled. floyd shouldn’t be that ugly bastard, he should be more innocent and cute. and look at [MC], they love you so much they don’t know what to do with themselves! don’t be tricked by that fraud.” azul sneers, pointing at you and floyd, much to your dismay. just taking a glance at floyd was enough to be able to tell he was this close to breaking every bone in dream azul’s body and frankly you don’t blame him.
“i see.. floyd has been very charming to his relatives and my pearl wouldn’t leave my side so quickly,” jade hesitates, glancing at his two brothers. “i should go. they all really need me.” he smiled politely, swimming towards what once looked like his loved ones, now forming into large piles of dark goo. as jade was nearly consumed by the darkness, floyd swims past quickly. you stood on the eels back, landing a hit on dumb dumb floyd, crybaby azul, and cringe wattpad you.
“I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT.” you finally yell, catching nearly everyone’s attention. “it’s no use. we have to help out.” jamil sighs, lifting his magic pen. “let’s go!” silver shouts, rushing into the spot where you and floyd had already began your attack. as the fight rages on, the others serving as a distraction for jade, floyd had continued to land hits on the watered down versions of yourselves with ease before they finally shouted for help.
“it hurts! help us, jade!” dream floyd cries. “rescue us, jade!” azul cries. “oww! protect us, jade!” dream you screams, finally catching his attention. “how dare you! you fake. get behind me, i got this.” jade hisses, attacking floyd directly. you felt your balance falter on floyd’s back, slipping before falling near the vents. “prefect!” ortho shouts, rushing over to catch you til you fell into jamil’s arms safely. “it’s not safe, the vents are crumbling due to the fighting. retreat for now!” he directs, running towards a safer location.
“your carelessness nearly got you killed, prefect.” jamil sighs, looking down at you with a concerned yet tired expression. “sorry, i just couldn’t take it anymore!” you groan, crossing your arms angrily. “you can set me down now, jamil.” you pat his arm, breaking him from his daze. “..right.” he mutters, placing you down gently. they began to discuss different ways to wake up jade, before sebek finally settled on just electrocuting them.
“be careful, sebek.” silver reminds him, patting his shoulder before the boy ran out. “pierce the cloudy sky, lightning! living bolt!”
the tweels stop their fighting, electricity trickling all over their body leaving them temporarily paralyzed and passed out. after a few moments, their eyes fluttered open, being met with millions of other stares. “jade!” azul shouts, pushing floyd at the way with a grunt. “thank goodness you’re alive! i could’ve lost my cute subordinate!” he sniffles, causing jades eyebrow to raise. “..cute subordinate?”
“i’ll cry if jade is gone! don’t go anywhere!” dream floyd sighs with a dopey expression. “jade you idiot! you could’ve gotten seriously hurt and id never forgive you!” dream you sobs, rushing over to hold his hand hastily. “hm. that’s strange. the floyd and azul i know would never say something like that.” jade scoffs, looking at the two with disgust.
“huh?” they gasp, staring at him as if he said something crazy. “was sebek’s lightning so powerful, jade is finally starting to awaken?” silver mumbles, raising a finger to his chin. “awaken.. why am i here in the first place..?” jade groans, recollecting his thoughts slowly. “so.. i am a student at night raven college.. on land? agh.”
“my head feels like it’s going to split!” he winces in pain, holding his head as he shouts. all his memories finally began to come back to him, all the moments he had during the year turning the gears in his mind til he was finally back to his senses. “how could i possibly have forgotten something so important?” he huffs, looking back at the doppelgängers behind him.
“floyd would never act so obedient, he’s much more domineering. azul would give orders to others without putting himself in danger as much as possible.” he pauses for a moment, staring at your fake before shaking his head. “[MC] would have never acted so defenseless. what an embarrassing feat. i was acting quite strange.” jade sighs, turning his back towards the trio.
they had all began to complain to jade, asking why he would believe such fake things. dream you broke into tears, curling in floyds arms with a sob. jade would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little jealous, but it’s not the real you so he’ll hold back. a little. they all clung onto jade, begging him to reconsider his decision before he finally spared them a word.
“can you please not touch me? creepy.” with a quick slash, the floyd and azul clones were reduced to goo. jade looked at the fake you, slightly hesitating at your trembling figure. alas, they were spared no expense and fell back into the darkness, crying his name and dragging out each syllable.
“no mercy..” idia stuttered, chewing on his nail. “he was protecting them with his life, only to end them once he realized they were fake.” jamil states, scratching his chin while replaying the scene back in his head. “scary..” idia murmurs. “finally awake, jade?” floyd punches his brothers arm, earning a chuckle. “yes, thank you.”
they share a laugh before hitting each other suddenly, startling each and every one of you. “floyd, you dare have hurt your own brother? i thought my whole body was going to fall apart. have you no mercy on your own blood? how terrible.” jade wiped away a tear, floyd not buying it for a single second.
“jade leech.” his banter was cut short by the sounds of your voice, your stern tone telling that this will not end well for him. “w-why, [MC]! how might i be of service.?” jade smiles, remaining his composure well. “don’t “how might i be of service” me! you have some serious explanation to do once we’re out of this stupid dream.” you scowl, staring him down with an intimidating glare.
jade, seemed unfazed. he was certainly embarrassed, but who is he to let it show? “oh dear, is it quite wrong for one to dream of their mate while asleep?” he shakes his head, catching you off guard. “mate?” everyone collectively questions. “uhm, yeah. do you guys not notice?” floyd scratches the back of his neck as if it were the most obvious thing.
what the hell is he talking about? mate? what.. when? that’s.. it’s not possible. “what are you on about, leech?” you sneer, causing him to grab your hand with a smile. “would you care for me to show you?” he grins teasingly, pulling you in til you rested on his chest. “hey! why you—“
“enough. you two are more than free to discuss this mishap after malleus is defeated. right now, we’ve got bigger problems to focus on.” jamil frowns, separating you two from each other. “..right. im not done with you yet.” you glare at the eel in front of you, much to his amusement. “i look forward to it.”
despite the topic being held for later, you couldn’t help but let jade’s words and fantasies linger in your mind for a moment longer. the statements he had said, the actions he had performed, all of it made you feel.. special.
“he dreams of me?”
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A/N: i got lazy at the end whoops. anyways what if i write a jamil one?? double anyways what if jamil and jade love triangl— *gunshots*
im not used to writing long fics for characters by themselves and i think you can tell
date published: 8/22/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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bratbby333 · 5 months
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your beauty never scared me ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️ suguru geto
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ synopsis: after having your heart broken, your best friend helps you pick up the pieces ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ content + warnings: nsfw + mdni !! fem!reader x suguru, reader was in a toxic relationship + cheated on, fwb!suguru, angst, comfort, smut, unprotected sex ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ word count: 5k (+ a smau!! woo!!) ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ author notes: pink indicates reader's pov, orange is suguru's...inspired by Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green <3 also this was not beta read so pls excuse any typos xx i hope yall enjoy !!
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Heartache has its own special way of ruining someone…
...stripping away every ounce of self-respect you work so hard to accumulate. That’s the trouble with letting people in. The outcome is almost always undecided, left in the hands of fate or whatever the hell you believe in. Perhaps it's a moment of weakness, letting a stranger entangle themselves with every fiber of your being, see every inch of your skin, explore the darker parts of your mind– even the things you hide from yourself. Putting trust in the wrong things, the wrong people. Never knowing someone’s true intentions until you discover them in bed, in your bed, with another. When something breaks inside of you, something cynical puts the pieces back together. You are a shell of who you once were. Blame it on soul-crushing character development.
It’s hard to watch the woman you love destroy herself…
...for the sake of holding on to someone who has only ill-intent in their heart. Perhaps it’s best to remove yourself. It’s agonizing, knowing you have the ability to save her from all this. You could relieve her of the heartache, free her from the suffering. Bring her nothing but joy. She has changed, evolved, and is nearly unrecognizable now. You watch as he withers her down into nothing. That man broke her, leaving her to pick up the pieces. And the woman you see now isn’t the same one you knew all those years ago.
The cold air of December flurries around outside as your chest erupts in warmth at the sight of her name illuminating your lock screen. She asks to see you, and you’d be a fool to decline. As she’s sat before you, you take in every part of her that you missed. But she’s different now. Dull eyes, sloping shoulders, her cheekbones are sunken in as her clothes hang from her figure like it's two sizes too big. But it isn’t, you remember the day she bought that t-shirt. The soul that normally inhabits her body has been replaced with something…unrecognizable. You know it’s her, but your mind tells you otherwise. The way her voice lilts from her lips, how chillingly different she sounds while delivering the news, it’s heartbreaking. 
She informs you she won’t be around much, mentioning that it will take time for her to heal from this. You pretend to be supportive of the distance she wants to place between herself and her loved ones, even though it absolutely crushes you. 
There’s something peaceful about loneliness…
…only relying on yourself for company. It can be draining of course. With the few friends you do have, you make the most of it. It’s a serene feeling, private even. People perceive you however they please, but only a few trusted individuals know your ins and outs. It's refreshing. 
God forbid you have to cater to someone else, especially when dating. It's hard enough having to take care of yourself. You make sure your friends know they’re loved and appreciated, of course, but the idea of inviting another person into your life; someone who demands your time and attention in order for it to work out? No thank you. It’s backfired for you many times before, you aren’t willing to go through it again. Your friends have watched you heal from heartbreak after heartbreak, each one more damning than the last. No one blames you for your cynicism, it’s understandable. 
Plus, the emotional upkeep of a romantic relationship is exhausting. And the idea of meeting someone, falling for them, and it not working out in the end? Torturous. Why put yourself through all that?
“You just haven’t found the right one!” 
“They’ll come around when you least expect it!”
“You gotta put yourself back out there!” 
Blah, blah, blah. Not interested. There’s no room for hopeless romance in this ill-fated world. You’re not dealing with that pain anymore. Not if you can help it. 
The trouble with love is that it’s cruel…
…discriminatory, even. Picking and choosing who gets to rejoice in its bliss and simultaneously alienating the unfortunate souls who suffer in its unyielding grip. You attempt to find peace in the silence of her absence, telling yourself that she’s okay, but knowing all too well that her precious heart is still shackled to someone so undeserving. You hold on to the irregular check-in’s you get from her. You hope she’s healing, and you prepare yourself for the outcome; that when she finally returns, she will not be the same person she was. 
Betrayal has a pesky habit of sticking around…
…a lingering feeling that still eats away at you. The night you caught him in his infidelity, something deep within you broke. It wasn’t your heart, no, that would be too simple. It was your psyche, the core of your being. The day he left, a part of you left with him. The chemistry of your brain changed, your atomic makeup shifting toward nihilism. 
So you move through life differently now. Every positive outlook you once had now cast to the wayside, replaced with unyielding suspicion in attempts to keep your heart guarded from the outside world. Hope has finally run out, the idea that there’s good in everyone proven to be a goddamn lie. You shove your desire for love into a padded safe and hide it away on a forgotten shelf in your mind. Hell, you’d burn that obnoxious feeling if you could. Run it through a meat grinder, chuck it into a volcano, nuke it. Doesn’t matter. Anything to stop it from tearing you apart. It’s not like it’s done you any good. Besides, who would want someone as damaged as you?
Part of you feels guilty…
…for sitting idly by, knowing your dear friend was hurting so deeply. But there wasn’t much you could do. You grant her space, knowing she wasn’t given that same courtesy for four years of her life. You pray she returns soon, aware that she doesn’t do well on her own. Her own mind is acting like a prison, holding her hostage, forcing her to relive her pain day in and day out. But, god damn it, you can’t take it anymore. You have been without her for so long. So you reach out, demanding she spend time with you. Self-isolation can only get you so far. It had been months since you’d seen her last. And to your surprise, she agrees.
A spring evening, 65 degrees, the setting sun…
…a gentle breeze that laps at your warm skin as you sit cross-legged on a checkered blanket. The beautiful flowers of May decorate the ground in colorful clusters. The cicadas sing while the bees are busy buzzing around. It’s a strange feeling; coping with the fact that your life has reached rock-bottom, a total stand-still as you work to heal yourself, yet life continues to move, to grow, to thrive. It’s inspiring in a way. You are accompanied by Suguru. He managed to get you out of the house after weeks of rotting away inside, anchored down by the gut wrenching feeling of heartbreak.
Laughter echoes through the park as the two of you revel in the serenity. Life feels…good. Whole. Worth living. It’s been a while since it has felt this way. It shouldn't feel strange, but it does. Happiness has become a foreign concept to you.
Sitting before you is the woman you love…
…the color in her cheeks has returned, the fullness of her face present once more. After suffering through the many months of thunder and unrelenting downpour in her mind, she has bloomed once more. Finally. You couldn’t pull your attention away from her even if you wanted to, your body and mind drawn to her in the most spiritual way. Even though she’s deep in thought, working to take in her surroundings, her beauty is still very much evident. She isn’t even aware of the power she holds– utterly entrancing. You would do anything to live in this moment forever. You’d do anything for her. 
But in this moment…
…with a forgotten feeling of fulfillment creeping its way into your chest as the soft rays of the sun dance across your skin and the sounds of nature swirl through your ears, you realize something. Something so beautiful, yet so fucking terrifying. You love him. Suguru. Maybe it was just your heartache talking, connecting dots that had no business associating. 
You brush it off, hide it away, and chalk it up to just being in a vulnerable moment. Your heart had been torn from your body only a few months prior. Anger still rips through your chest when you think about it. Four years wasted on someone you had placed on the highest pedestal, far higher than you placed your family, your friends…yourself. You were blindsided. In an instant, everything you had come to love, the home you felt safe in, the person you thought you knew…ripped away. Like it was nothing at all. 
Suguru has done what he could to mend the wounds for you, knowing good and well that if you are left to your own devices you would spiral past the point of return. And as renewing as this spring evening is, you know you will never be the same again. 
But you can’t help but fixate on the way he makes you feel. And as hard as you try to push those feelings away, they continue to bubble up. What happens when it finally reaches its boiling point?
You’re only human. You have wants, needs, and desires…
…so who do you turn to for that release? Suguru, of course. Isn’t that what friends are for?
Some would say it’s an evil thing to do; to use someone for pleasure, your own personal gain. A part of you understands that, too. Sure, it may have started out that way, but it’s shifted. And that scares the shit out of you, how you find yourself searching for his validation, the sadness you feel when he leaves in the morning after a night full of fun. So why not tell yourself that you’re just doing what you need to do, rather than what you want to do. Ignoring the fact that deep down you really fucking love it. 
It’s not like you’re taking advantage of him and the bond you share…not really, anyway. The two of you are very close, having known each other for ten years. Side by side, maneuvering through a decade of emotional ups and downs; personal dilemmas, weird family dynamics, terrible relationships, fluctuating hormones and unexpected cast changes within your friend group. But the two of you have always stayed consistent, the main characters. Your personalities mesh well, constantly riffing off one another. Never ending laughter and smiles. He's seen you at your absolute worst and vice versa. The true definition of unconditional love. So why not get a little more from him? After all this time, it feels warranted, well-deserved, even. Ignoring what you feel for him, it just makes sense that this is how it should go down. Plus, if it was such a bad idea, why would he agree?
You would accept her…
…in any way she chooses to present herself to you. After years of watching her hurt, you finally have your friend back, and there isn’t anything you wouldn't do to make her happy. Especially with guilt that you still feel, knowing there was nothing you could have done that would’ve saved her from her suffering. So when she suggests the idea of being friends with benefits, you’d be insane to deny her that. Is it a bad idea? Perhaps. You refuse her offer? She slips away, seeking refuge in the arms of another, someone who could hurt her…Never again.
You crave her so deeply that this arrangement seems perfect. Even though you dread the morning after, not wanting to leave her side…jumping on every opportunity to see her, showering her in praise every time you’re nestled deep within her warmth– the way her eyes light up at your word makes you melt. Is it possible she feels the same way? The more you think about it, the less crazy the idea seems. Would she leave you in the dust if you told her the truth? You don’t want to risk losing her. Not if you can help it. But you can’t confess your underlying intentions. Even though a deep part of you hopes for more, it doesn’t even matter at this point. Hide it. You get to be with her in a way that you never have before, and that’s enough for you…right? 
It all transpired after one drunken night playing a confessional card game with your friend group. You were shit-faced and horny, and he wasn’t any better off. You’re honestly surprised his dick still worked that night, but god did it work. You didn’t expect it to go any further after that, assuming it was a one-off occasion. The two of you never really addressed what happened, either, didn’t take the time to have a real conversation about it. Just a quick “hey, do you wanna…” followed by an indifferent “yeah, why not?”, and that was that. Which is probably a good thing, because any more talking would have most likely resulted in your true feelings coming to the surface. But it happened, and is still happening, so who are you to complain? It’s perfect.
Your friends and random on-lookers alike say you’re compatible, and yeah, they might be right, but fuck that. Why risk the friendship you cherish so deeply for a title? That's idiotic. It's borderline insanity. The minute you put a label on something it all comes crashing down. So, why ruin a good thing? 
Don’t overthink it. It’s nothing serious, and it never will be. You refuse to open yourself up to somebody else, someone new. No more getting hurt. You’ve let Suguru into your life in a more meaningful way than you have for anyone else. And that’s far enough.
Does he know every little thing about you? Sure. 
Does he care for your well-being? Yeah. 
Is he attentive, thoughtful, and supportive? Of course…it is Suguru after all. 
But so what? That's what friends are for. 
You and Suguru see each other frequently, at least three times a week, whether it’s just a normal hangout or…a hangout. You just get what you need and go; a good laugh, dinner and a movie, casual drinks, or a heaven-sent dick appointment. You both seem content, enjoying one another’s company and…bodies…and minds and souls. 
It’s hard to ignore your totally natural, human need for deeper intimacy. But you try to, and damn do you try hard. It would probably be best for you to stop hooking up with Suguru and just go back to how things were. 
You can’t go through this. Not again. You’ve already shifted the perfectly normal dynamic you once had into something deeper. Something…real. There’s no turning back now. So you continue to hide behind your ego, fighting off every demon known to man in hopes that this will all just go away. 
You’ve been somewhat successful in suppressing your feelings, molding them into something more manageable. You are best friends, with the addition of benefits. Simple. Nothing more, nothing less. You pretend to be ignorant of Suguru's awe-inspiring beauty. How his energy is absolutely addicting, the way his lingering touch burns your skin so beautifully. He makes you feel seen for everything you are and appreciates you for everything you’re not. That sentiment alone propels you through the unexplored cosmos, crossing the line between reality and nirvana as starlight dances across your skin.
Not to mention, when you two are actually fucking? It's like two parts of the same soul finally meeting after centuries of arduous searching. You don’t know where your body stops and his begins, entangled in the most profound way. 
God. You sound insane. This is no way to view a friend…your best friend, at that. Get it together. 
What would you even call this? Touch starved? No, he touches you plenty…and in all the right places, too. Is it desperation? Your insatiable need for love? Karmic punishment for all your failed relationships? The corny trope where you end up falling for your best friend? As much as you want to fight against the feelings you have for him, it’s too late. 
Whatever. Just play it off. You refuse to let your walls down. And you’d hate to give Suguru the satisfaction of being the one who commandeered heavy machinery and sent a wrecking ball toward your emotional fortress. 
If you don’t acknowledge your feelings they’ll just cease to exist, right? Yeah, that’s how it works. And it’s a super healthy coping mechanism, too. 
All this deep pondering and emotional soul searching has got you worked up. You decide to see if Suguru wants to come over. Not because you miss him, or anything. It’ll be nothing more than a casual hook up. Dick only, no feelings. 
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You catch yourself giggling at his messages. Gross. You brush it off with a shake of your head, a violent wave of self awareness washing over you. 
I'm not going through this again. I refuse.
You read the messages over and over. Do you seem desperate? Do your texts carry the perfect amount of indifference? Whatever. It doesn’t matter, it’s just Suguru, anyway. He's stuck around this long, it would take a lot to scare him off, now.
The plan’s in motion, and you’re going to have a good time tonight. You feel your heart rate spike at the thought of seeing him. That's a totally normal reaction for someone who has no feelings involved, right? Just friends…right? 
Suguru chuckles as he reads your response. Excitement floods through his body in anticipation. Is it finally time to confess? His own eagerness catches him off-guard. He can’t. It’s too soon. He takes a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. Keep it together.
It’s been so long since the feeling of joy has drifted between these barren walls. You take a swig of your drink, exhaling happily through your nose as the sweet juice dances with the sting of the liquor, warming your chest as you swallow. Leaning back on the couch with one leg kicked up on the coffee table, you absentmindedly swirl your glass as you gaze at Suguru.
“I’m really happy to see that you’re doin’ better,” he muses, taking a sip before setting his cup down. You offer him a small nod paired with a gentle smile, looking back at the drink nestled between your fingers; the ice that’s creating condensation on the outside, the way the sun seeps between the half-open curtains in your living room, the cooing of birds just beyond your window panes. Quite frankly, you’re trying your hardest to focus on anything but him. Ignoring the thrum of your heart every time you look into his eyes, pretending the smooth cadence of his voice doesn’t make your body tremble. 
Say you do confess? What then? Is that really something you want, anyway? Or is it just nice to lust after someone? No, it’s not that. You really do love him. You haven’t even considered the possibility of him reciprocating these feelings, and odds are if he does, you’ll just run for the hills, not willing to open your heart up again. Your last relationship destroyed you. There’s no way you’ll allow someone to fill that void. Not with the possibility that it’ll all be a farce. 
After a moment of silence, you finally speak up. “Me, too. And it’s all thanks to you, Sugu.” You finally meet his gaze, and it’s as if his eyes are attempting to pierce through you with how intently he’s looking at you. His expression quirks as if to ask what you mean. You decide to test the waters a bit. Fuck it.
“You…you’ve made me feel…whole again,” your words come out a bit choppy and drawn out, still battling with your decision to come clean. Your eyes dart around his face before looking away once more. You fiddle with your fingers, unsure of if you want to elaborate. Even if you stop here, it’s okay. That’s a totally normal thing to say to a friend who helped you in your time of need.
Your head snaps toward him at the sound of your name. More is said, but you focus on the way he addresses you. He says it so softly, so gently, like the very syllables of your title grace his tongue as they sway from in between his vocal cords. For four years, your name was used against you, weaponized with anger and hatred. But his words are relayed to you with nothing but love behind them. 
Your ears are ringing as you stare at him blankly. You shake your head in hopes to clear the thoughts that are clouding it. “Wait…wha? What did you just say? The last part?”
“I said, it’s because I love you,” he smiles as he watches your face flush. Time slows as your heart rate speeds up. You brows furrow a bit, trying to piece together what the hell is going on.  A million thoughts spin through your head as you stare at him. “You…love…me? Like, in a ‘best friends’ kinda way, right?” You’re shocked as he shakes his head. “No. I love you, and I have for a while. In a more than friends kinda way,” he laughs a bit before leaning forward, reaching for your hand. “You love me, too. Don’t you?” 
“I-” your words get caught in your throat as his fingers rub against the back of your hand. As calm and collected as Suguru seems on the outside, he is spiraling on the inside. He isn���t sure where this newfound confidence is coming from, but he decides to roll with it. His heart thrums in his chest as he anxiously awaits your response. He has reached his tipping point, wanting nothing more than to finally be able to call you his.
You look down, staring at the place where the two of you meet, the feeling of electricity coursing through your body. A chill runs down your spine before you look back at him. “I-I do. I love you.” 
You’re laying on your back, your hair fanned out across the bed. Your arms are wrapped tight around his neck as he gently thrusts into you with slow, deep ruts of his hips. His head is tucked into the crook of your neck, his warm breath brushing across your sensitive skin. 
He leans back, looking down at you with a sweet smile, “You are so beautiful.” His eyes run up and down your body, taking in every dip and curve of your figure, before fixating on where the two of you meet. His lips part as he watches himself disappear inside of you, a deep moan breaking through his chest at the sight of your sweet juices coating his length. He rubs intricate circles into your clit, loving the way you sound as your body writhes under his touch.
Tears begin to pool behind your eyes as you gaze up at him, entranced by the way he manages to stimulate every sense in your body. This is what love truly feels like, bestowed upon you by a man who wants nothing more than to fulfill every facet of your life.
He presses his forehead against yours as he continues to pump into you, his movements influenced by nothing more than pure adoration.
The sun bounces off your features, illuminating your face in such an ethereal way. His breath catches in his throat as he watches the way the light makes your eyes glow. You are angelic in every sense of the word. Someone too pure for this realm, unfathomably delicate; sent to this world to be worshiped and protected.
“I love you. So much,” he groans. Every ounce of devotion he has for you is being pumped into your body with every plunge. It’s overwhelming for him. He's nearly bursting at the seams as he makes love to you, moving his hips so tantalizingly slow, but wanting to thrust into you with fervor, to pound the message into you that you are deserving of all love in the world, and that he will be the one to give it to you. But he takes his time, wanting nothing more than to savor you. 
Small whimpers break through your throat. “I…ahh!– I love you, S-Suguru,” you moan, whining as his head brushes into your sweet spot, making your back arch off the bed as your chest presses into his. The pleasure raking through you is immeasurable, every neuron in your brain firing off at once. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, desperate to feel every single part of him.
He cups the sides of your cheeks, brushing away your tears before placing two soft kisses over each eye. “Why’re you cryin’, my love?” he coos, concern evident on his face as he rubs his thumbs against your face. His hips pause as his eyes dart between yours. 
“Just…’m just so happy,” you whisper, scrunching your nose up with a small sniffle before placing a kiss on his lips. He smiles deeply before returning to his original pace.
“You deserve it...just wanna make you feel good, baby,” his hips press him into the deepest parts of you, rubbing against your sweet, gushing walls, but his pace remains deliberate. “You deserve all the pleasure in the world,” his teeth grit ever so slightly as he feels you clench down on him. “F-fuck, baby… fuck. You are just... incredible,” he groans, angling his hips to keep brushing against your g spot.
Even though you’ve had each other many times before, no other instance compares to the way you feel right now. Your body brimming with love, fulfillment…with him. His touch makes you feel reborn, like no one has ever hurt you before. His hands glide across your skin, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake, his unyielding passion evident in the way he clings to you, and you to him.
“Sugu…” you gasp as he bottoms out once more. Short pants leave your lips as you feel the tightness in your stomach intensify. “P-please, keep goin’...I’m…gonna cum,” you mewl. His hands reach underneath your body, palming each asscheek as he lifts your lower half off the bed. The new angle makes your eyes roll as stars begin to dance around your head. “Me too…y’feel so fuckin’ good.” The fiction of his pelvis against your clit shoots ripples of pleasure through you. Your nails drag down his back in an attempt to ground yourself, but to no avail. This feels otherworldly. His pace picks up a bit, pushing you to unravel, your body succumbing to bliss. The warmth that engulfs his lengths makes him reach his peak right after you, his hips stuttering as he works you both through your orgasms.
He props himself up on his forearms, making a conscious effort to not collapse on you and crush you with his body weight, though you would most definitely welcome it. He watches as your chest rises and falls, every soft pant that leaves your lips like music to his yearning ears. He can’t bring himself to pull out, loving the way your walls are still spasming around him. You stare into his eyes for a moment, running your fingers down his spine. A gentle moment of silence settles between to two of you. No words are spoken, but they don't need to be. 
He begins to get up, but your legs lock around his waist immediately, resheathing him inside of you. “Baby–”, he begins to object, but your arms wrap around his shoulders once more, pulling him down as you kiss the spot below his ear, “Jus’ a few more minutes. Love having you like this.”
A deep chuckle rumbles from his chest as he smiles into the crook of your neck. “You keep this up and we might just have to go again.”
And you do. For hours and hours, attempting to make up for all the years wasted. Your two souls engaging in the most mesmerizing dance. He is determined to replace all the heartache you feel with pleasure. And he does. You feel nothing but him. And he can’t focus on anything other than you. Rolling around together until the golden hue of the setting sun shifts into a light pink as it rises above the horizon. But it feels like no time has passed at all. 
Suguru draws soft circles into your skin, holding you tight against his sweat-glistened chest. Your body trembles from the copious amount of pleasure coursing through you. A gentle peck is placed on the top of your head before he looks toward the ceiling. A sense of contentment washes over him, dancing with the soft pulse of his many orgasms still reverberating through his body. After years of waiting, you are finally his, and he is determined to grant you your well-deserved peace.
Dawning a robe, you sit on your balcony, listening to the birds sing you their habitual 'good morning'. The door slides open behind you, and Suguru takes a seat, presenting you with a cup of tea. A quiet thank you leaves your lips as the two of you take in the scenery before you. 
“We should probably get some sleep now, huh?” You ask, turning to him as you take a sip, smiling at the fact that he knows exactly how you take your tea. But, of course he does. It’s Suguru. 
He grins, “No…I don’t want to leave this moment behind just yet.” You blush, reaching your hand out to grasp his. 
“Me neither.”
In his eyes, you are precious, the most important person in his life. The deep-rooted fear of not being worthy of love is disproven in the form of Suguru’s undying loyalty to you. He has waited years to be with you, and he would have waited years more. And as the two of you sit together, with your fingers intertwined and heartbeats in sync, you know there is nowhere else you want to be…no one else you want to be with. An unfamiliar feeling of safety creeps into your chest. You’re in good hands now.
Maybe opening yourself back up to love wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.
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author notes: this fic is incredibly self-serving...but i really needed this. i just want a pretty boy named suguru to save me from the heartache i feel rn ugh
my reqs are closed at the moment, but thirsts and chats are always welcome !!
alsoooo !! i just wanted to send out a big big thank you for 700 followers...im literally in shock i cannot believe it. im spinning around my room rn just thinking abt it. yall are amazing n i appreciate every single one of you 🫶🏼
tag list: @anxious-chick @call-memissbrightside @the-weeb-of-the-uchiha @sadmonke
likes, reblogs, and comments are always greatly appreciated !!
© bratbby333 on tumblr. all rights reserved. please do not distribute. 2024.
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572 notes · View notes
beenbaanbuun · 5 months
Hey!! I just read your most recent Addams!MATZ fic and the angst is DELICIOUS. Your talent for writing is incredible and your creativity really shines through with each and every fic. The fluff, angst, and even the smut are so wonderfully well done, you're one of my favorite ATEEZ writers.
If you're up to it, and feel free to ignore this, but I'd love to see a part two to the angst Addams!MATZ where seonghwa talks to hongjoong and hongjoong comes to apologize. If that's not something you see yourself continuing, I completely understand!
Make sure to keep yourself healthy and hydrated and get plenty of rest.
thank you for the compliments!!! they mean the world to me. i’m glad that my passion for writing and my love for these boys shines through in my work. here is a continuation <333
seonghwa doesn’t even bother to knock before barging into his husbands office. yes, he thinks anger is an ugly emotion, but that doesn’t mean he is immune to it. in fact, it’s the only thing running through him as he steps through the doorway and slams the heavy slab of oak behind him. hongjoong hasn’t shown you the courtesy of being polite; why should seonghwa show his husband the same.
upon hearing the bang of the door, the overworked businessman turns around, pen still in hand and glasses low on his nose. he was half expecting to see your feisty little self again, but instead he’s met with the sight of his husband. if it weren’t for the sneer that twisted up his husbands pretty face, he might’ve explained the same thing he’d tried explaining to you. something tells him that seonghwa wouldn’t have appreciated being told ‘i’m busy, i’ll come and talk to you when i’m finished designing these pieces.’
“what’s wr—” hongjoong doesn’t even get to finish before seonghwa cuts him off with a scoff and a petty roll of the eyes. it’s hardly like him to wear his emotions on his sleeve, and yet hongjoong can see each one of them clear as day. hurt, anger, disappointment; emotions that he never wants anyone he cares about to feel. his heart sinks just a touch as he realises who those emotions are aimed towards.
“you are a piece of work, hongjoong,” seonghwa spits, sounding beautiful even with venom laced through his voice. hongjoong knows that’s the last thing he should be thinking right now, but he can hardly help admiring his husband, even when he is seething. it takes the man a second or two to knock himself free of the love-induced haze and allow the words to sink in. “do you think you’re in the right for yelling at our darling? do you think that just because you’re overworking yourself it gives you the right to make her cry?”
hongjoong’s world comes to a standstill. the clock on the wall stops ticking, the heart in his chest stops beating, and most importantly, for the first time in weeks, the brain in his head stops thinking. finally, finally, it’s no longer filled with a myriad of complex ideas, each one overlapping yet individual in its own right. finally he just has one singular thought. it’s just a shame it isn’t a good one.
he made you cry…
hongjoong made you cry…
it repeats in his head, over and over like a mantra. it taunts him, the idea that he’d upset you so much feeling like nails on a chalkboard. his hairs stand on end and his breath catches in his throat. lord below, what has he done.
“where is she?” his voice is weak, pathetic, nothing like he usually sounds. seonghwa has to admit that his resolve takes a hit when he hears it leave his loves mouth. he reminds himself to remain strong; your pain is his priority right now. “seonghwa, please—”
“take a guess, hongjoong,” seonghwa replies, once again cutting his husband off. this time it wasn’t out of anger but of fear that he might cave if he has to listen to hongjoong’s heartbroken pleas for much longer. the pained look on his face is enough to send seonghwa’s heart into overdrive; he doesn’t need any more distractions from the real reason he’s here. “where might you usually find her when she isn’t with one of us?”
the rug in front of the fire—jongho.
hongjoong almost feels ashamed that he even had to ask; he should’ve realised the second you silently left his office that you’d gone to seek comfort in your favourite onikuma. realistically, though, he should’ve realised a lot of things. it hurts him to know that he was too focused on work to do so.
he stands, and he’s grateful when seonghwa shifts to the side to allow him past, even going as far as to re-open the heavy door for him. hongjoong isn’t quite sure he deserves the soft hand that’s placed against his back as he walks through the doorway, but he appreciates it nonetheless. now isn’t the time to be wondering how he ended up with such a beautiful individual as a soulmate, but he finds himself lingering on that thought as the two of them begin their journey to the living room. it’s hard not to when the warmth of seonghwa’s touch never once leaves him.
in fact, it’s only when the two of them step through the archway that seonghwa gives a small shove to the bottom of hongjoong’s spine before going to reclaim his spot on the couch. with a single nod in your direction, seonghwa redirects his husband’s attention and hongjoong lets his gaze flicker to the floor.
the first thing he’s met with is a glare from the mutt he’d been so reluctant to allow into his abode. normally, the beast would be scolded for being so bold as to openly disrespect his master, but he let it slide this time. he can hardly tell him not to give him the attitude he so clearly deserves. in fact, this is light compared to what he would’ve expected from the overprotective creature.
at least hongjoong knows he’ll make a wonderful guard dog…
“dove,” hongjoong coos softly as he dips down to your level. he can’t remember the last time he’d sat on the floor, but this feels necessary. the closeness is something that he finds himself craving, wanting nothing more than to have you next to him again. he won’t lie and claim that the sole purpose of this is to comfort you; he needs it too, to stave off the guilt that has begun to eat him alive. “can you look at me?”
there’s a certain element of pain in his voice that tells you he’s being sincere. that he truly does feel remorse for how he treated you. whether or not it’s seonghwa that forced it upon him, you don’t particularly care. all you want is to feel hongjoong’s warmth again, so you listen. you turn your head until your watery eyes meet his.
“there she is,” he gives you a humourless chuckle, a sad smile twisting the corners of his mouth up and the corners of his eyebrows down. the warmth of his hand as he places it on your cheek is comforting; more so than any words he could say. you just need him close. he seems to realise that as he turns to the werewolf, dangerously aware of the way his ears twitch angrily above his head. “may i take her, yeosang? i promise i’ll be gentle with her.”
“you weren’t gentle with her earlier,” yeosang growls, behaving more akin to what hongjoong expects from him. it almost has hongjoong flinching back in fear of yet another bite-shaped bruise on his hand.
“that’s true, but i would like i make it up to her,” hongjoong is soft as he speaks, less so for the sake of the angry mutt, and more for the sake of you. he doesn’t want you to see any more anger from him. “besides i really think it should be my little dove’s decision as to whether i get to hold her, don’t you?” yeosang snarls, huffing in dismay as he unravels his arms from you and lets hongjoong swoop you into his. manipulation never really has been the man’s style, but he has to admit that it works wonders with the mutt. use you as leverage, and yeosang will behave like a fully trained lapdog. he’s just like them in that respect; so desperate to make you happy that they’d risk everything, dignity included.
it’s not hard for you to let yourself be passed around like some kind of teddy bear as a pose to a real, living human. you’re tired from crying, not to mention desperate for the confirmation that you’re still hongjoong’s good girl. in fact, as hongjoong tugs you into his grasp like a rag doll, you find yourself leaning into his grasp. it’s so soft compared to his sharp words and cutting tone earlier, and his familiar scent of spices fills your nostrils. it dizzies you, but hongjoong is there to catch you…
“i’m sorry,” he whispers into your ear as he pulls you up to straddle his crossed legs, “my darling dove, will you forgive me?”
you don’t answer. you don’t find it necessary to. the way you see it there’s nothing to forgive; you annoyed him, he yelled at you. it’s give and take, and despite your emotions getting the better of you, you refuse to place the blame on hongjoong. not all of it, at least.
“only if you forgive me too,” is the answer you finally settle on, mumbling it into his neck. he squirms a little at the tickling sensation, and in your own mind, you find yourself thinking he’s cute.
“you have nothing to forgive, my dove,” he answers, “but if it will make you forgive me, then yes; i forgive you…”
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saturnbellfromhell · 2 years
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So you've seemed to really enjoy my astro oberservations, so today I'm going to do some more! I hope you enjoy and if there's any questions, feel free to ask.
💧5th house stellium
I've noticed these natives don't like to change their routine for anybody. They can come off a little bit selfish because of it. They also like to tell everyone everything about themselves. If they've finished any college, o you will know. There also really into working out, looking good, smelling fresh and love to be noticed, but don't like saying that. They are also very curious about things only they like, if they think what you're talking about is boring to them, they will let you know.
💧 Aphrodite and Saturn in the 1st house
This can be a very complicated placement. In one way the native is considered a beautiful individual, but they themselves cannot see it that way. The glowup will come later in life and the native will have some complications with their skin, weight etc. But it will pass!
💧 Mercury in Aquarius
These people are known to be book worms and love to learn, constitley. But they do have this tick about them where they always think they know the best.
💧 Gemini Moon
They're so fucking funny without even trying, I swear. If you ever want to hear something chaotic, call a Gemini moon. They are the feral club rats and can befriend anyone. But at the same time they maybe have 1 or 2 people they really open up to and tell them how they really feel. I feel like they can be even more detached than Libra and Aquarius moons. They can also be prone to sleeping with someone and than regreating it the next day.
💧Pluto in the 4th house
This can mean a very turbulent family life. A very love-hate relationship with their mother. They maybe didn't grow up with the mother and than reconnected with her later in life. The mother can become very ill later down the line and it falls on their lap, making them have a symbiotic house life. The native takes cares and adores the mother, but the mother also becomes a burden to deal with. These people also have a very strict way at looking at family life, children. They don't relate to people wanting a white picked fance and 4 kids running around the yard. Try to understand these people, they really have a soft spot. .but don't be too aggressive with your questions.
💧Earth Venuses
I think what they all have in common is they're really big pleasers in the bedroom. Quite dominant and right to the point. The guy earth Venuses love to be small spoons when cuddling, but will never ever admit it! The girls are really big sweethearts in private, but seem really cold and profesional outside the house.
💧12 house stellium
I've never met a 12th house stellium person who wasn't the sweetest person ever. They are so down to earth and try to understand all. They are the shoulder to cry on, for sure.
💧 North node in Leo
They love tattoos, standing out, having piercings, having some bold jewelry piece. Having some sort of style everybody wants, but can't recreate. But they deal with some much self doubt at the beginning of their journey. Since their South node is in Aquarius, they are prone to go back to their humanitarian ways, people pleasing etc. It's also tough in relationships, since they feel the need for independence and shinning on their own, but also want to understand their partner and help them. I would recommend them to shift your priorities to bettering yourself, career etc, not other people. It's your time to shine and you deserve it, more than anything!
💧 6 house stellium
They are prone to join the army and actually are really good at it. I mean this this is house of routines and discipline after all.
💧Sagittarius Moon
These people are something, let me tell you that. A Sag Moon is prone to work in other cities or countries. Their mind is very sharp and clean about what they want. I've noticed they can be big loners in their free time. Like they live to be the head of the party, cracking jokes and doing their thing, but in their house they are very reserved and quite. They need to recharge for the day, that's for sure.
💧 Air- Water dominant people
This is very confusing to the native. I mean on one side we have a emotional and semi psychic sign and on the other a rational and mental sign. These people are prone to heavy changing over the years, really stepping into their personality can be difficult and always altered by surroundings and people. They are a little bit bipolar also. Some days they'll want to speak with everybody and party their butt off, the next they want peace and quietness. Sometimes they want to travel the world and others they never want to leave their home. It depends on the day, I guess..
xoxo nk
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Just came across your blog and I ended up binge-reading everything! I'm in love with the way you write the characters, specially the Proxies. And the female Proxy is definetly my favourite👌.
How it would be if, instead of being Slender's trusted minion and already a experienced Proxy, she was a newbie and fresh meat? Kinda like Cody, younger and dragged there with little to no choice because the Operator saw potential in them. Would the dynamics change, since she doesn't have a high rank to rely on?
Maybe Brian is appointed as her mentor and he gets advantage of her inexperience by corrupting her?
Creepypasta Proxies x Newbie!Female Proxy
The overbearing silence after the buzzing static faded away was bringing in a new damned life.It's been a month since you were bought here,locked in your room until The Operator decided it was enough for you to settle in
It was time for you to meet again with the masked men that dragged you here-the same killers that were supposed to be your team, "allies" even
Every resident was looking down on you,even EJ that pitied you and looked at you with mercy behind his blue mask.The first time you had to pay a visit to his clinic he even asked if you are scared because deep down,his instinct made him to enjoy it
The harassing is real,but this time it's more dangerous.Remember,you're a helpless outsider in a place full of rapists,killers and awful fantasies.Walking down dark hallways is always in a hurry,same as eating and showering.
Since Brian was assigned to your ass,you're almost totally saved and worry free next to him,but he's also a piece of shit
He sees your potential,after all, if The Operator views you as valuable-then you're most certainly priceless.
He's a gentle guy,takes his sweet sweet time to teach you everything you need to know.
Sure,he respects you,but during training sessions he will do everything in his power to get you under him,sort of helpless.
"See,it's not that hard" he breathed out as he guided your hands on the right places "if you ever happen to find yourself in this position you know what to do now,right?" he smiled in a gentle manner,slowly standing up from above you,taking you by your hand with him."Do you want to reverse the roles?"
He will defend your name even if you are in the wrong during proxy meetings.He will keep on bringing up how fucked up all of them felt when they arrived there,and this point always works.(more or less for Masky)He knows how to pull the strings when he wants to
You already know the drill,Masky is a menace to work with,especially with newbies.Don't get me wrong,he doesn't expect you to be fully prepared to know shit,he enjoys having you dumb,but he will always make you feel like shit,he will try his best to bring a pained expression to your face because it makes him feel better and he's bored of Toby
Definitely uses you as a vent chat,no restrictions for him,from inventing some fucked up story to telling you about his miserable life from before the mansion and during the present since he doesn't expect you to stay
The only time he stops is when his friend gives him the sign.It's crazy,but he respects Brian more than he cares about breaking some of your lovely bones
Toby was more than glad to know another woman "joined in",especially since you're new and vulnerable,he now has the chance to look out for someone and to be needed
Altough Toby was the most unusual individual,Cody was the one to give you the creeps most of the times.And he does it on purpose
Since he's no longer the fresh meat everyone looks down to,he feels superior that now he has you around
He wouldn't bully you or make you feel bad on purpose, but he will definitely baby you around A LOT
Kate is complicated.She doesn't talk,she doesn't look at you,she doesn't make any effort to teach nor to train you.She looks down on you,and the only time she will open her mouth is to either tell you to stop what you're doing or to answer any of your questions with a phrase so vague it will make you have even more questions
Time is precious,so don't waste it.Every hour can be spent becoming stronger,but also every hour goes by terribly slow when around every fucking corner someone is gawking their eyes at you
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laura1633 · 7 months
Fic list and introduction Thought I would add a pinned post as a bit of an intro and also to provide a list of some of my stories (which are contained below the cut). My blog is mostly Lestappen related although I do post other F1 bits and pieces from time to time. I am a huge Max Verstappen fan so I am always happy to talk about Max, although only in a positive sense because I want to try and keep away from negativity as much as possible on this blog. I also adore Charles and not just in a Lestappen sense. I love Charles' racing style and I love it most when Max and Charles are battling on track. There are various other drivers I like such as Oscar, Fernando, Alex and more.
My ao3 name is - LaurawritingF1 I have written far too many stories to list them all here but I have included quite a long list of Lestappen fanfics I have written below the cut. I have tried to organise them into bottom Charles, bottom Max, omegaverse, silly, cute and drama. Feel free to send my any questions you have about any of my stories but please know that I am really still practising and learning so please try and be nice. Also please check the individual tags on each story on ao3 as there is a large variety. It's not a full list and doesn't include the other pairings I have written for (inc Landoscar, Maxiel, Max/Oscar), all my other fics can be found on my ao3 page.
Feel free to send me any questions about anything x
********** Links to various ao3 fics:
Bottom Charles: Good Boy - Multi Chapters - Trainee sub Charles and soft Dom Max. All the gear, no idea - Large cock Max, Size queen Charles. My first time - Virgin Charles. Daddy - Charles accidentally calls Max daddy. Curious - Charles' first experience with rimming. Princess - Max giving Charles the babygirl treatment. Nice Guy - Max comes to Charles' rescue when he is handcuffed to the bed Jealous - Max cuckolds Charles and Charles realises he is jealous of his girlfriend My Pretty Princess - AU -Multi Chapter - F1 driver Max and Camboy Charles. Safe - sub Charles safe words out of a scene, Dom Max gives him aftercare. Two Minutes - Charles tied up and vibes whilst Max is in a meeting. Solo - Charles lets Max watch him masturbate. Keeping warm - Charles cock warming Max to help him relax. Wake up call Charles riding Max whilst the Dutchman is asleep Like a Prayer - Sexy Priest Max and sex in a church I do - Multi Chapters - Angst with happy ending - Sex in a church Save a Bull, Ride a Thigh - Charles rides Max's thighs after a padel game How to properly care for your boyfriend’s thighs; A lesson by Charles Leclerc Red - Angst - Max fucks Charles in front of Charles' boyfriend Two Things - A developing relationship told through sex. No way at all - Max and Charles in a M/M/F threesome but interested in each other.
Bottom Max: Sounds from above - Charles hears Max having sex in the apartment upstairs The Sweetest Deal - AU - Sponsor Charles/Driver Max - Babygirlification Favourite Activity - Developing relationship told through sex 50 shades of red - Charles praises Max and makes him blush Pretty Cute - Charles telling Max how pretty he is The Auction - Dom Charles/sub Max - Charles bids on a night with Max All Yours - Multi chapters - ongoing - Dom Charles/sub Max 5 times Charles helps soothe Max to sleep - inc non sexual bondage Picture perfect - Max and Charles get Grindr Fast learner - Virgin Max Knock Out - Charles walks in on Max masturbating Can't even get it started - Frustration for Charles means he can't perform You play the role so well - Virgin Max Your hands on me - Charles chokes Max as he fucks him Earn it - Bratty sub Max and Dom Charles Late night question - Max is horny so goes to Charles - topping from bottom Pretty in red - A history of Max's experiences wearing panties Still Pretty in Red - Max in panties (again) A not so private show - AU - Camboy Max / Driver Charles Feel nothing. Feel something. Feel .... Charles is upset and needs to fuck it out A Late Night Snack - Charles eats Max out. Sweet like sugar - AU - Sugarbaby Max and Sugar Daddy Charles Other: Misunderstanding - Hand job - Max is oblivious to Charles' flirting with him An outfit fit for a surprise Charles in a crop top and Max masturbating over his waist Practice makes perfect - Max help Charles practice his blow jobs Pens, fingers and most definitely cock … - Max has an oral fixation Fia approved stress relief - Charles uses a sex doll that looks like Max, Max watches You're Hot - Charles praising Max in front of the mirror and giving him a blow job The Impact of errors - AU - boss Max spanks secretary Charles Red, Don't leave - Max providing Charles with aftercare Coming together - Soulmates - AU Porn start Charles and F1 driver Max Omegaverse Stories - List can be found here Tentacles: Don't touch what isn't yours - Max fucked by a tentacles sex toy Beautiful, unique and made for pleasure - Max has tentacles
Cute: A million times over - Max wakes from an operation and hits on his husband Charles Carburettor - Max and Charles have to look after a baby doll as part of grill the grid Tomato Soup - Max helps Charles prepare for his dinner date. Compliments -Max'f girlfriend never compliments him but Charles does. Falling in love - Love Confessions through a game involving a series of questions Just Pretend - Fake relationship trope - Angst with a happy ending A Different Kind of Hook up - Max asks Charles back to his to cuddle Caregiver Charles and Cute Little Max - Fluff - Multi chapters- Age regression
Silly: Zombies - Max gets scared by a zombie movie whilst at the cinema with Charles Heartbeat - Max is dressed up as a nurse and it's really affecting Charles' health. A shower, a spider and ...- - Max and Charles scared by a spider
Drama: On the line - Angst with happy ending - Charles gets his drink spiked In the morning - Angst with a happy ending - Max gets his drink spiked. Birthday Drunk - Multi Chapters - Falling in love over a series of Charles' birthdays Like a cat - Charles has a panic attack and Max looks after him I wish you could have known the person ... - Angst with happy ending - Coming out Not quite ready - Angst with hopeful ending - Max is outed against his will Drag me to the show - Charles shows Max his dresses - Supportive Max A love song - Angst with hopeful ending- Max comforting a stressed Charles Hitching a ride - Very Dark themes - True Crime AU - Hitchhiker Charles Enough for now - Angst with a happy ending - Max pining for Charles Red and Blue - Soulmates - Asexuality - Angst with happy ending Holding on to you - Charles navigates his relationship with asexual Max
The other Lestappen pairing: Firsts - Multi Chapter - Virgin Arthur - Falling in love - Max/Arthur Leclerc Threesomes/Foursomes/Groups involving Max/Charles: A Handful of Winner's Medals - Multi Chapter - Max fucked by multiple drivers The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Wolff - AU Anatomical model Max - Max x multi drivers An Unconventional Surprise - Top Max, Bottom Pierre, Bottom Charles Sleepover in 816 - Top Charles, Bottom Max, Top/Bottom Oscar Two's company; Three's even better - Pierre/Max/Charles - Free use bottom Max A weekend away - Foursome - Max/Charles/Carlos/Lando Three - Max/Carlos/Charles - Threesome from three perspectives with a twist Both so good - Lando and Charles give Max a blow job The Show - Carlando are stuck in a closet and watch Lestappen fuck Naughty or Nice - Competitive Threesome for Max's attention- Daniel/Max/Charles Double Date - subs Lando and Max with Doms Carlos and Charles A Lot to Handle - Max is too much for Daniel to handle alone - Daniel/Max/Charles A Little Bit of Max Time - Poly Daniel/Max/Charles There are other stories on my ao3 page &lt;3
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melefim · 2 months
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Crystal Palace Surname-Von Hoverkraft
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115 curses total, 12 different words said in 8 episodes.
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Episode 1: 2 Fuck, 2 Shit, 1 Ass, 4 God, 3 Jesus, 2 Screw
Episode 2: 6 Shit, 6 God, 1 Jesus
Episode 3: 4 Fuck, 6 Shit, 1 Bitch, 1 Ass, 2 Damn, 2 Hell, 3 God, 1 Jesus
Episode 4: 2 Fuck, 1 Shit, 1 Ass, 2 Hell, 1 God, 1 Jesus
Episode 5: 1 Fuck, 4 Shit, 4 God, 1 Pussy, 1 Dick, 2 Screw
Episode 6: 4 Fuck, 2 Shit, 1 Ass, 2 Hell, 3 God
Episode 7: 2 Fuck, 6 Shit, 1 Ass, 4 God, 1 Jesus, 1 Screw
Episode 8: 5 Fuck, 5 Shit, 2 Bitch, 7 God, 1 Jesus, 1 Prick
Curses Per Episode:
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Episode 1: 14
Episode 2: 13
Episode 3: 20
Episode 4: 8
Episode 5: 13
Episode 6: 12
Episode 7: 15
Episode 8: 21
Uses Per Word:
Crystal’s favorite curse words are Shit and God, which she says 32 times each! In third place is Fuck, which she says 20 times.
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Shit: 32
God: 32
Fuck: 20
Jesus: 8
Hell: 6
Ass: 5
Screw: 5
Bitch: 3
Damn: 2
Pussy: 1
Dick: 1
Prick: 1
Unique words:
Crystal and the Cat King are the only characters who say Pussy.
Crystal and Charles are the only characters who say Prick.
Crystal, Jenny, and Esther are the only characters who say Screw.
Crystal, the Cat King, and Twitchy Richie are the only characters who say Dick.
Percent of Total:
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Crystal swears 115 times throughout the season, which is 35.9% of all cursing in the show.
Who Swears the Most: Crystal is in 1st place, with 116 times.
Most Curses in an Episode: Crystal holds 7 spots on the top 10 ‘Curses per Character per Episode’ list:
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Curse Word Variety: Crystal comes in 2nd for swearing variety, with 12 different words used throughout the show.
Individual Words: She holds the top spots for usages of seven different words: Fuck (20), Shit (32), God (32), Jesus (8), Hell (6), Ass (4) and Screw (5). She is also tied for first for her unique word usages of Pussy (with the Cat King), Dick (with the Cat King and Twitchy Richie), and Prick (with Charles) one use of each.
Episode 1: Oh my god, why can't I remember?
Episode 1: It's just a stupid fucking name.
Episode 1: Jesus, where did he go?
Episode 1: Oh, Jesus. I'm gonna wait in the bathroom until they leave.
Episode 1: Holy shit, did you take some of my memories? I don't have some screwed-up amnesia, you took them.
Episode 1: God! I just need a second, okay?
Episode 1: So maybe he's our fucking demon now!
Episode 1: God, I just want to take their heads and just crush them together, I am so mad!
Episode 1: Jesus, I am such an idiot.
Episode 1: Oh my god, I never even thought about the fact that they could still be alive.
Episode 1: Which was totally my bad and very screwed up and I should have told you everything.
Episode 1: Holy shit. (Edwin tells her about girl turned into small piece of plastic)
Episode 1: He's still a stalker, still an asshole. But I am going to get my memories back.
Episode 2: Ok, props for the like, Herculean-level effort, but vandalizing my shit isn't getting us anywhere.
Episode 2: Oh, shit. Sorry. (Almost runs into Niko)
Episode 2: Oh my god, holy shit! (Niko collapses)
Episode 2: God, I feel lonely too.
Episode 2: Jesus, you guys are like a dead married couple on acid.
Episode 2: Oh my God! Holy shit, how does today keep getting more disgusting?
Episode 2: God (After Edwin asks 'And were there any graves or decaying bodies near her in the woods?')
Episode 2: Oh my god, Charles back me up.
Episode 2: Oh, shit, uh... (Sees sprite-controlled Niko in butcher shop)
Episode 2: Oh my god, Niko! (Niko starts seizing)
Episode 2: Niko? Holy shit, your hair!
Episode 3: Holy shit, who knew this town was such a Mecca for troubled ghosts?
Episode 3: I just heard some people talking about it in the um, God, it was the… malt shop and it sounded super crazy.
Episode 3: What the actual fuck?
Episode 3: Jesus, I can't watch this again.
Episode 3: Just what the fuck is it?
Episode 3: So ok, if we figure out what sent that piece of shit dad over the edge, we can what? Free the family?
Episode 3: Good luck finding it now, asshole.
Episode 3: Where the hell did he go?
Episode 3: Thank god, there he is.
Episode 3: His dad was bad, Edwin. Royally fucked-up bad.
Episode 3: And if I have to hear that goddamn song one more time, I am gonna lose my shit.
Episode 3: Oh shit, yes.
Episode 3: Oh my god. Son of a bitch owned an electronics store.
Episode 3: Damn it, I know you choose the worst times to show up on purpose.
Episode 3: Go to hell.
Episode 3: I am done wasting my energy on your fuck-boy bullshit.
Episode 3: (Crystal we did it) Holy shit, we actually did.
Episode 4: Sorry, I've just been dealing with some shitty stuff with my ex.
Episode 4: God, it's driving me crazy.
Episode 4: What in the hell was that?
Episode 4: Jesus, she thought about it too, like she definitely knew something and then it was just riddle.
Episode 4: You fucked with my head, I'm gonna fuck with yours.
Episode 4: Niko- thanks for like, saving my ass today.
Episode 4: And I am tired of riddles and spirits and demons and not being any closer to finding out who the hell I am.
Episode 5: Holy shit! (Waking up from nightmare)
Episode 5: Oh god. Cash and condoms. Thanks.
Episode 5: Oh, no it's porn, it's all just porn. Oh my god.
Episode 5: Deep down, guys that make gay jokes are always the biggest pussies.
Episode 5: Because all nice guys give their girlfriends date rape drugs to screw with their future.
Episode 5: You walk around acting like the sun always shines, and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying 'what the actual fuck?'
Episode 5: I am really not sorry the world is short two toxic dickheads.
Episode 5: It's a really shitty thing to have in common.
Episode 5: Hey Jenny? Hey, what's with the fl- Holy shit.
Episode 5: No boy is screwing my life up.
Episode 5: I can't keep him out of my head. God, he just keeps coming, I don't… I don't know how to stop him. God, what if I can't?
Episode 6: What the hell? I have to pay my rent. I can't be a homeless person with a heart-shaped gem.
Episode 6: I want to keep this demon the fuck out.
Episode 6: God, I just want to be normal.
Episode 6: God, I feel totally useless.
Episode 6: So no, I didn't read the stupid tree! … Shit.
Episode 6: It's like he's fucking haunting me.
Episode 6: What the hell just happened?
Episode 6: I gave up my powers, OK? I got you out of my fucking head.
Episode 6: You can't get in anymore, asshole.
Episode 6: I am nothing special, So why don't you just leave me the fuck alone?
Episode 6: OK, enough uh, emotional bullshit.
Episode 6: Oh my God, are you guys OK?
Episode 7: Holy shit, you're still alive?
Episode 7: What kind of bullshit is that?
Episode 7: Jesus. You have never been to hell, stop acting like an expert. Look, when I got possessed, when I nearly ran off a cliff, when I screwed up and lost my powers, you both helped me.
Episode 7: God, Edwin is my friend too, whether he likes it or not.
Episode 7: God, if you really won't let me go, then I'll find my own way to Hell.
Episode 7: Fucking bullshit, like I can't help.
Episode 7: God, that's fucking insane.
Episode 7: Holy shit, Jenny. You shouldn't be here!
Episode 7: Just cut this shit!
Episode 7: These are mine, asshole.
Episode 7: Oh, bullshit. A good detective does what he has to in order to close the case.
Episode 7: God, I gotta figure out what I'm going to tell her.
Episode 8: Am I ever wrong about this shit?
Episode 8: My parents won't say shit, they don't even--
Episode 8: Jesus Christ! You guys scared me!
Episode 8: God, it's like being punched in the face and the stomach.
Episode 8: Yeah, well blame my parents. Holy shit!
Episode 8: Mom? Oh my God. Mom is that--
Episode 8: Maybe karma is just a bitch.
Episode 8: Oh, my God. Oh, I'm a fucking awful person. Oh, God, I'm the worst.
Episode 8: God, I was a bad person before him.
Episode 8: Because if you did, God, you'd hate me.
Episode 8: Oh my God, Jenny are you OK?
Episode 8: Shit! (digging Niko out of rubble)
Episode 8: Fuck! (Esther has the boys)
Episode 8: Because whatever fucked-up little thing you have going on with Edwin, you must care about him a little.
Episode 8: She probably put a, like, kill-you-instantly spell or some witchy shit on the door.
Episode 8: I am so sorry he was a colossal prick.
Episode 8: Hubris is a bitch, am I right?
Episode 8: I don't have to give up my new fucked-up life while I'm trying to sort out my old fucked-up life.
Not Included:
Crystal flips Edwin off in the malt shop in episode 1.
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Added in top spots for usages of a couple words I missed.
Added in Twitchy Richie for unique usages of the word dick.
Added in a god I missed in episode 2.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
Can I request a bot Reader that’s taller than Rodimus and likes to Kabe-don him against a wall when flirting? Bonus if he gets super flustered by it and he doesn’t know how to react
Okay! Never done something like this before, but it was a fun challenge to do!
Hope you enjoy!
Tall Bot Buddy doing the hand against the wall thing to their Conjux Rodimus
SFW, Romance, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
For this piece of writing, Bot Buddy has a similar personality to Ultra Magnus… with a little flirty side.
Being Rodimus’s Conjux is an experience not for the lighthearted. They have had enough time to get to know each other and to have their own share of misadventures.
“Rodimus! What did you do! Ultra Magnus and Megatron are stuck in the habsuite and the key cards aren’t working.”--Buddy
“Hey! How do you know it was me? How do you know it wasn’t Whirl or Swerve?”--Rodimus
“Reason 1: Whirl would have told me of what he had accomplished and then tell Cyclonus and Tailgate. They haven’t heard anything from Whirl. Reason 2: Swerve respects Ultra Magnus and Megatron, to an extent, and would break if someone made a comment about them. So far nothing from him.”--Buddy
“And I saw you trip them inside the room, then smashed the key codes through the camera’s.”—Buddy
Rodimus while being a brave and courageous individual, sometimes can be a bit immature when it comes to certain things. Buddy still loves him… even if there are times when they want to literally knock some common sense into him.
“What if I shot myself through the canons?”--Rodimus
“What if you didn’t?”--Buddy
Rodimus can get Buddy out of their strict shell and loosen up a bit. Buddy on the other hand reigns in on Rodimus’s impulsive behavior and acts as a second thought to whatever action he is going to make. He prefers them telling him that he is wrong about something than magnus or Megatron. There’s no screaming or questioning of his place as Co-Captain, plus free cuddles after a long day!
“That was extremely irresponsible Rodimus! How could you even—”--Buddy
“I want cuddles.”--Rodimus
“I am not going to give you cuddles after you pulled a stunt like that!”--Buddy
“…All right…”--Buddy
“I am so weak.”--Buddy
“But you love me!”--Rodimus
“…Yeah I do…”—Buddy
Buddy to the crew was a near Ultra Magnus 2.0. Buddy with Rodimus was a flirty bot that sometimes didn’t have any shame in their flirting.
He still remembers their first flirty line. It was a late night at Swerve’s and Rodimus had decided to get a drink before going back to the bridge. Buddy, who at the time had just acknowledged their feelings for Rodimus decided to, as the human’s said, ‘shoot their shot’. After countless hours of research, Buddy finally figured out what to say to their (hopefully) future Conjux.
“You know Rodimus, I never believed in the concept of love at first sight. Thought it was a foolish thing.”--Buddy
“Ummm… okay? Why—”--Rodimus
“But of course, changed when I saw you.”--Buddy
“Rodimus? Are you alright? Oh, Primus I said something wrong, didn’t I?”--Buddy
Rodimus bursts into flames
“Someone get the fire extinguisher!”—Buddy
After that he was sold, and things were great!
Sure, he had to wait for private time for the flirty side to come out, but it was worth the wait. However, as time grew on and their relationship grew stronger, Buddy started bringing out their bold flirty side outside their private time.
He honestly thought it was just going to be the same indoors. Rodimus was not expecting the cliché servo above his head and their helm near his audial whispering even more flirty comments.
“Ack! Buddy—”--Rodimus
“Oh, I’m sorry dear, I just got lost in your optics.”--Buddy
“Oh, that was just cheesy! I could do better than that.”--Rodimus
“Oh, really?”--Buddy
Leans closer nearly covering Rodimus with their frame.
“If I had a star for every time, you’ve managed to brighten my day Roddy, do you know how many I would have?”--Buddy
“I—umm…--can—you repeat?”--Rodimus
“My dear, I would be holding galaxies in my servos.”--Buddy
Bursts into flames
“Buddy, you need to stop doing this! It’s been 5 times this week!”--Swerve
He is not used to being like this outside of private time, but he loves it. Rodimus has tried to do the same to Buddy…but it doesn’t work out the same way.
“Hey Buddy.”--Rodimus
“Oh Roddy! What are you doing here? I thought you were hiding from Ultra Magnus and Megatron again. Something about some data pads?”--Buddy
“That’s not the point. So, how is the most beautiful person in all of Cybertron?”--Rodimus
“I don’t know Roddy, how are you doing?”--Buddy
“What—No that’s not—”--Rodimus
“Buddy, I swear if he bursts into flames! We don’t have fire extinguishers in ever hall.”--Swerve
Ultra Magnus once walked in on the pair in this position and had to give out a new set of regulations to the pair for PDA.
“…”—Buddy and Rodimus
“…”—Ultra Magnus
“… I’ll be taking my leave…”—Ultra Magnus
Does Buddy follow them?
Kind of follows them. There are blindsides the cameras can’t see anyways.
Does Rodimus follow them?
No, the rules are meant to be broken in the name of love!
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witchthewriter · 4 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: I did one of these ages ago, but I thought I would update it since my knowledge and skills have developed 🐦‍⬛🏴‍☠️☠
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Good
Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Libra Rising
・You had two weddings; one on land and one at sea
・One traditional and one the complete opposite
・It was mostly Elizabeth's idea. But you would happily follow wherever she went anyway
・In saying that, Elizabeth always listens to you and takes your opinion into account.
・(Obviously) going on adventures and finding the most glorious objects. I.e., gold, silver, jewels, and other valuable goods.
・Your favourite piece of jewellery that you found was a necklace that seemed to be apart of a matching pair.
・A marriage with Elizabeth would most definitely involve a life that's full of adventure and excitement.
・As a pirate, as well as a resourceful individual, Elizabeth would constantly put both of you in thrilling journeys and perilous situations.
・She would never make you accompany her, but she would love if you followed her
・Meeting (Captain) Jack Sparrow is one of the things you didn't really think would happen. Elizabeth's stories always seem like they're from another lifetime, which is ridiculous because you've experienced the same amount of danger since meeting Elizabeth.
・When you do meet Jack, he meets your expectations and more.
・Your wife was very honest about him (because you swore to each other to always tell the truth, no matter how much it may hurt the other).
・When you saw Jack in the flesh, he took your hand and kissed the back of it. It ... was on the verge of sleezy you couldn't deny. But he redeemed himself later that day by saving your life (okay well, he was the one to put you in harm's way ... but at least he got you out of it...)
・Whenever Jack tries to pull you into his escapades, Elizabeth is always there to shut it down.
"She's mine, Sparrow. Go get your own wife."
"Ohh, wife... I see it. My apologies..."
・Elizabeth is a fierce partner. She will always stand by your side, ready to support you and protect you no matter what.
・Even though Elizabeth does love being around you, she is a free spirit. The adventures she goes on, she asks if you want to come along but never makes you.
・Living/being married to Elizabeth, is unconventional... and that is putting it mildly. Your home is a grand ship. Cosy, in the Captain's quarters, which overlook the sea behind the boat through big glass windows.
・As her partner, you would likely find yourself breaking free from the constraints of conventional life and embracing a more adventurous and unconventional lifestyle.
・Elizabeth's love and loyalty are unwavering.
・Once Elizabeth says she loves you - that's it, she truly loves you. There's nothing in this world or the next, that could separate you two.
・She would move heaven and earth to find you
・Go to the most influential people and bargain with her soul to get you back.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
"Hey can I have a…" (You) x "Yes. Whatever it is. Yes." (Elizabeth)
Dumbass (You) x Oh God That’s My Dumbass (Elizabeth)
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (Elizabeth)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Challenging Social Conventions
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
HOT TO GO by Chappell Roan
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・Elizabeth likes all sorts of sex, and although she hasn't been with many people at all, she is quite kinky.
・Leaving bite marks, hickies on your breasts and thighs; having you lick her finger at the dinner table when she's got something on it (when you're alone obviously)
・She's a soft lover, gentle; touching you with so much love.
・Foreplay is very important; she loves grinding against you. Licking your skin - she feels like she needs to bind your soul with hers.
・The most sex you have is after a raid, or when something dangerous has occured. Almost losing you puts her in panic mode, and when she knows your safe; that hot determination doesn't erase so quickly.
・She needs to feel you; to touch you, caress, lick, bite and suck.
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quotevarchive · 4 months
hey! hope this ask finds you well. so, im a bit of an amateur digital historian (in that i take internet history seriously) and i like to write casual essays about websites from time to time. quotev flew up on my radar when i saw some yall on cohost, and ive been reading everything i can about it for the last several days. from what i've gathered, nobody really knew quotev's double life except for q users themselves. in fact, it's been such a well-guarded secret that most are unaware of quotev's existence, much less that it was a quiz site with a secret component to it. so i am putting out a call to you and any quotevians reading: would any yall be open to contributing to a quotev post-mortem? it seems like it was a pretty monumental site to many users, and as for the pain of its loss, i understand it myself: the website i consider basically 'my highschool years' went dark just last year, and knowing that it's essentially lost to everyone but those who were there for it bums me out. BUT quotev is still fresh in the minds of the people who called it home, and i'd love a chance to learn more about its unique culture and what made it so special to its users, even if many users now feel betrayed by it. if you do publish this ask (which you are under no obligation to do so), anyone reading it is free to send me an ask directly and i'll make sure my anon is on in case anybody wants to remain anonymous. also just in case i need to clarify, i'm not trying to write a smear piece or anything tabloidesque involving individual users - i want to know quotev as users knew it, whatever was loved and hated and why it will be bitterly missed.
yes hi!!! This ask is so exciting to me because I have been a little too into quotev history and dynamics and social interaction (hence the blog) for a few years now. I only started “archiving” in late 2022, but feel free to look through my older posts for any info. everything's a bit clogged up with the “quotev death” posts but back in the archive there’s a decent amount of stuff. I collect whatever i can. also feel free to hmu if you have any specific questions.
the hidden social media of quotev was always such a funny thing to me. Even older users who used to roleplay or make quizzes and fanfics there didn’t seem to be quite aware that it had become so centered around the activity feed, and of course any mentions of it on bigger platforms like youtube were always like “cringe 12y/o fanfic haha.” (Not that anything we actually did was any less silly.) anyway, i was always torn about this because i did NOT want quotev to become more popular, but i wished people knew about the crazy shit that really went down there. Your post-mortem is a great idea because you’ll be telling the story of social quotev with no worry of sending new users to the site…because he is already dead
I highly encourage any followers who have fond memories or stupid stories to submit them!
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thezombieprostitute · 5 months
Hummingbird - Part 8
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Summary: You didn't want to break into someone's party but you were desperate to see the art at the gallery before it was gone. You're so busy trying to make sure no one sees you that you miss the ever present gaze of Steve Rogers who is wondering why you crashed his party.
Word Count: ~1.8k
A/N: Reader is AFAB. No physical descriptors used.
Warnings: Rough sex, Smut. Please let me know if I missed any.
Part 7 -- Epilogue
Series Masterlist
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In the weeks following Steve made sure your move was as easy and simple as possible. During the days he gave you free reign to reorganize and redecorate whatever you wanted, except for his office. During the nights he made sure to hold you tight and cuddle you as you fell asleep. You’d never felt more relaxed than when you were with his strong arms wrapped around you. 
After the dust settled from your move and redecoration, Steve suggested an art gallery visit to celebrate. You put on the dress you wore during your first art gallery date with him, the gift from Monica’s mothers. Part of you wonders if Steve knew, way back then, that you would eventually be living together. You know you certainly had no idea. It was amazing how much had changed for you since you crashed that party. 
Steve finds you getting ready and he smiles at you, eyes full of love and your heart flutters. He’s so good at schooling his expressions and body language that you treasure how genuine he is with you. 
“Are you ready, Hummingbird?”
“Just about. I’m guessing, given the late hour, it’ll be just the two of us at the gallery?”
“Correct. But don’t worry about it looking like a break in. I got the curator to let us in.”
“Thank you for that,” you chuckle. “I know you like the roleplay but I really do prefer the easy way.”
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The gallery had a special theme for the month based around flora of all kinds. There were plenty of paintings based on native flora but the main event was a wing that had been filled with sculptures and made to look like a park. They called it the Garden of Wonders. Glass flowers, some made to look like they’d been encased in ice. Bronze trees with copper leaves, already showing signs of turning green. Marble lilac bushes where you could make out the individual petals. There were even small animal depictions mixed in to add to the ambiance. You felt like you were walking in a magical garden. 
Every bit was breathtaking.  
As was your custom, Steve let you take the lead. You would flit between pieces, occasionally staring, divining the most subtle of touches as he smiles at you. Steve never told you but after every visit he made sure word got to the various artists about all of the details you loved, noticed and appreciated. He never told you because he was worried it would temper your reactions or make you feel guilty for not noticing more. But he knew you’d appreciate the artists getting their due praise. 
Your happiness was probably the most important thing in the world for him. You’d never once taken advantage of his power or money. You supported his plans and ideals. You were so much stronger than you thought. He smiles fondly at the memory of how nervous you were when you’d been “caught’ crashing his party. How your eyes widened in surprise when he finally got you to take him up on his offer. How deliciously evil your smirk was when you showed his guests that you were his partner, not his charity case. 
True to your word, you never did tell him who it was that put those ideas in your head. He did figure it out, though, and had to agree that Carter and Lane’s faces of anger and frustration were a lot more fun than not inviting them ever again. He had to give it to you, you know how to do revenge right. You really made his social obligations that much more fun and enjoyable, making it easier for him to do his work, support his communities, keep his people paid and well taken care of. 
There were still moments you doubted, though you tried to hide them. Steve hated that you could still doubt yourself, or doubt his intentions. He hoped tonight would help allay some of those. 
Flitting through the Garden you pause at one of the pathways and blink. A small table had been set out. There was a small bouquet of purple roses with a card. Steve refrains from chuckling as he watches you circle the table, trying to figure out if it’s part of the display. Your eyes light up when you get close enough to see your first and last name on the card. You look to Steve and he nods as he moves behind you. 
Opening the card it reads, “turn around”. You do, confusion giving way to surprise as you see the open box in Steve’s hand. Inside is a gorgeous golden ring, made to look like a hummingbird holding a blue diamond. Your hand flies up to your face in shock as tears start forming in the corners of your eyes. You search his face for any indication he’s not serious or has hesitations. Of course you find none.  
“Y-you, you mean it, Steve?”
“I do, Hummingbird.”
You hold out your left hand and he gently places the ring on your finger. Of course it’s a perfect fit. Just like with the dress you’re wearing now, Steve has always been able to size you up. You smile, eyes full of happy tears, before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. 
“Thank you, Steve.”
“No thanks needed, Hummingbird. You saying ‘yes’ is all I need.”
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The second you had gotten home he helped you out of your dress and started kissing every inch of you. He’d ended up not being able to wait for the bedroom and bent you over the back of the couch, smacking your butt-cheeks until they were sore and your pussy was dripping wet for him. He’d barely undone his zipper before shoving himself into you, making you cry out in pleasure at the stretch. 
“You always feel so good,” he grunts as he keeps slamming into you. “Always able to take me so well, like the good girl you are.” You can barely hear him over your own lewd moans. He reaches around your hips and starts playing with your pearl, making you cry out appreciatively. 
His other hand goes to your throat and moves so your back is right up against him. “Look so fucking pretty with that ring on your finger. Can’t wait to make it official. Make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” 
“Yes, please, Sir,” you pant. “Please mark me as yours.”
“So fucking pretty when you beg,” he nips at your skin. “Come for me, Hummingbird.” Your response is immediate and he groans as your walls clench around him. “Always feels so damn good,” he grumbles. His hips stutter as he finds his own release and he starts kissing along your back. “So good for me. So wonderful.”
He pulls out slowly and your whine is replaced by a gasp as he pushes his fingers into your pussy. 
“Not gonna let a single drop spill out,” he states. “Gonna mark you in every way, Hummingbird.”
“Yes, Sir,” you gasp. “Yes, please mark me with your come, Sir! Want everyone to know I belong to you!”
Instead of switching to aftercare mode Steve gets you to the bedroom and gently pushes you onto the bed. You proudly note that you’ve ruined his pants with your slick. Steve lays over you, one of his arms holding his weight, the other continuing to play with your oversensitive pussy. 
“Yes! Yes! YES,” you scream as Steve makes you come on his fingers yet again. 
“I don’t recall giving you permission, Hummingbird,” Steve snarls as he nips the skin on your neck. “You’re gonna have to make that up to me.”
“Y-yes, Sir,” you moan, fighting the urge to pull away from Steve’s hand that hasn’t stopped. You’re so sensitive it’s almost painful but Steve’s hands have always made you feel so good. So have his lips, his arms, his everything.
He stands up away from the bed, finally removing his fingers. You’re simultaneously grateful for the reprieve and missing the fullness his fingers gave you. 
“On all fours, facing me,” he orders and you move quickly to obey. He undresses and you let yourself ogle at his figure. You’re not surprised he’s already hard again as you wait for your next order, mouth open. “Always so eager for me,” he chuckles. 
“Yes, Sir. Just for you.”
Steve puts his hands on each side of your face as he shoves his erection into your mouth. You lick, hollow your cheeks, moan, whatever you can to make sure it feels good for him. You love when he uses your mouth so roughly you’re left hoarse for hours. He fucks your mouth with abandon as you focus your energy on keeping yourself from collapsing. You can feel yourself leaking down your thighs and it only makes everything feel more debauched, more erotic, more pleasurable. 
You can tell Steve’s ready to come and prepare yourself but he pulls out of your mouth. You whine and his hands guide your face to look at his. “No whining, Hummingbird. Only one of your holes is getting my come. Now get on your back.”
“Y-yes, Sir,” you croak as you move to obey. You’re slower than he’d like but he recognizes that you’re dazed and strokes himself as he watches you. 
As soon as you’re on your back he pushes your knees to your chest and thrusts into your pussy. You moan appreciatively, though he doesn’t give you time to adjust. His eyes are fixated on where your bodies meet and he’s relentless in his movements. One of his hands moves to your overly sensitive clit and starts rubbing. You gasp at the sensation and he groans as you clench down on him. 
It doesn’t take long for you to become a babbling mess of, “please, Sir,” “yes, SIr,” “thank you, SIr,” “need to come, Sir, please!” 
“Go ahead, Hummingbird, come all over my cock. Push me over the edge.”
“Thank you, Sir,” you scream as you fall apart. You’re so lost in your own pleasure you don’t hear Steve’s pants and grunts as he spills into you. 
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The next morning you wake up in Steve’s arms and smile at the ring on your finger. You snuggle in closer to him and he sleepily kisses your hair.
"Good morning, Mrs. Rogers," he coos.
"We're not married yet," you gently chide.
"No, but we will be soon enough. And hopefully by then we can start looking into making a nursery." You feel your thighs clench at his words and he chuckles, "maybe should go a few more rounds to make sure it sticks."
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Part 7 -- Epilogue
Series Masterlist
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @texmexdarling
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voxofthevoid · 8 days
For the ten(10) people who wanted to see Yuuji calling Sukuna slutty and to compensate for my very pissed-off posts about the latest chapter—behold, Yuuji being Weird enough to creep out a literal demon.
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He tightens his hand around Sukuna’s ankle with every intention of dragging it away to somewhere less delicate—or maybe the right kind of delicate, says his dick—but like his hand’s got a mind of its own, it slides up—and up and up, till the leather gives way to…skin?
“Huh,” Yuuji says dumbly. “You’re not wearing pants.”
Sukuna blinks slowly. “You have worse problems right now, brat.”
“Didn’t say it was a problem,” Yuuji mutters, squeezing an obscenely thick calf. God, he can feel the individual muscles. “Are you wearing anything under this?”
Yuuji checks for himself before Sukuna can really reply. It’s not like he was going to be helpful anyway.
First, there’s only darkness, the dim lighting barely reaching past the shaft of the boot and thick fabric not allowing any of it filter in through it, and Yuuji’s not really making it easier for himself by sticking his whole head in there. But his night vision comes in handy though, the shadows resolving into very obvious shapes.
He touches too, just to make sure. Shapely calves, bulging thighs, then—
His fingertips brush something soft and warm. Something that dangles pretty distinctively.
There’s a shift in the air, a tension Yuuji can feel in the muscles pressed up against his arm, and he wraps his free hand around Sukuna’s foot right as it tries in earnest to crush his throat, and it’s surprisingly easy to slip out from under it, a rough shove unbalancing the bastard enough that Yuuji can push his leg away and sit up—further into the shroud of shadows under his clothes.
He gets a faceful of balls.
From somewhere above, there’s a strangled sound.
Sukuna kicks him away, the force of it making Yuuji skid back almost to the edge of the platform. His chest hurts like a bitch too, his breaths coming out thin and wheezy, but it’s worth it for the way Sukuna backs off with a disbelieving expression.
The back of his legs hit the altar; he sits down, hard.
“What is wrong with you?” he asks Yuuji, offensively sincere.
“Me?” Yuuji sits up, grimacing when his ribs protest. He heals pretty fast, but he can tell he’ll still be feeling this tomorrow. “You’re the one walking around with nothing under that! Pervert!”
“You goddamn piece of—”
“That’s blasphemy,” Yuuji cuts in. “I think.”
“Do you?” Sukuna asks scathingly.
“I’ve been reading,” Yuuji says, nodding with way more confidence than he actually feels. He read maybe three articles. Most of them. Alright, maybe he skipped a part or ten. But he’s still sure— “You’re a very bad priest.”
Sukuna bares his teeth in what could pass for a grin if Yuuji squinted and ignored all of his common sense.
“I’ll ask again, brat,” Sukuna says, flashing those gleaming teeth in between every word, “who are you going to complain to? Your god?”
“Pretty sure it’s your god,” Yuuji says. “I’m not really religious.”
“Bold of you to assume I have a god.”
“You’re literally a priest.”
“Such delusions you have,” Sukuna murmurs, his voice and expression much calmer all of a sudden, “about the men of god.”
“Sure, whatever,” he says, choosing not to mention that he didn’t spend more than two seconds thinking about churches or priests or gods before coming here. “What I'm saying is—you’re pretty slutty for a priest.”
Sukuna’s facial muscles look like they’re having a seizure.
Yuuji scrambles onto his knees, rolling his shoulders and flexing his chest, ignoring the fresh flare of pain. He briefly considers standing up before deciding to just crawl. It’s not exactly dignified, but he kinda likes how Sukuna’s eyes widen and then narrow, boring into Yuuji with an intensity that makes his skin spark all over.
He crawls all the way to the altar and straightens into a kneeling position, putting his hands on Sukuna’s thighs for leverage he doesn’t need but wants, the power pulled taut in that flesh more seductive than Sukuna’s hooded eyes or plump lips.
Sukuna watches him like Yuuji’s a bug on his kitchen floor, but it doesn’t translate into any real violence, only a sneer that’s still slick with their mingled spit.
“I don’t mind,” Yuuji says, honest but probably a little crazy. “It’s kinda hot.”
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jacksprostate · 8 months
me and @a-forsteri were talking about how the narrator like, desperately wants someone to tell him his life is fucked up, what he does is fucked up, he desperately wants someone to respond with the gravity he desires.
Like, he tells these people on the plane what he does. Trying to fuck with them. Desperately hoping!! One of them will go: holy shit!!! That's really fucked up how do you live with that!!! But all he gets is people thinking he's the freak and just asking what car company he works for. Because it is easier to pretend he himself is the problem, maybe just his company, rather than actually face and recognize the systemic, widespread nature of what he's saying.
It leans together with his sense of where he is in his office, too. He feels separate from all these people. They feel fake. They feel like people going on as normal even though they're all working to hasten the apocalypse, and no one acknowledges it! They're all perfectly happy to turn a blind eye to any of the distant consequences of their actions. That is what their jobs are for. Keep them up in the cubicles, nicely fed and watered with inflated salaries, and then they'll have no issue with the distant sense that they may be contributing to a corrupt system. They can't change the system, but they need to feed their kids, so hell, just don't think about it too much.
But he doesn't have that option. He is the one who actually does go out into the field and he sees the direct result of all of their collective actions, but especially his. Every crash related to a faulty part he sees is because someone like him before him, or him himself, ran the formula and let this happen. He has no choice but to see the very real result of his actions.
And he feels INSANE over it. Because he returns to the office and it's just numbers. Applying the formula. Hearing your coworkers chat about a potluck. You're not contributing to a horrific system, you ARE the horrific system, and it's like you're the only one who sees that. He literally cannot sleep over it.
And when you tell people about it, they try to minimize it. To your company, to you. Because that is easier than acknowledging just how many things have to be corrupt and uncaring of human life to allow this to be the case. It's too much. Stick your head in the sand.
He desperarely wants someone to scream at him: how could you do that? How could anyone do that? Why is this allowed to happen? Doesn't anyone see something wrong here?
He imagines his plane crashing. Free him from this. The burden of every piece of normality manufactured for satiating any thought and discomfort he has about his job. It's all petty, pointless fluff. It's putting some artificial grass on the feedlot. Why does everything and everyone say it's all worth it for this garbage?
He wants someone to tell him all this. He doesn't want to be alone. He already feels catastrophically alone. In his life, whenever he talks about this, whenever he does anything. He loves the support groups because you're allowed to have abject misery there. You rejoice in it. Everyone's life is falling apart and ending and nothing means anything good ever. They're all honest about it, too. He plays coy when he talks about his job, but these people, everyone knows they're falling apart, and it's recognized and treated as the horror it is. This is freedom. Hitting bottom is freedom.
But he's supposed to be happy, because he's got his cushy little IKEA nest. It is only when people think he also has cancer and parasites causing his deep dissociation from his own life and general aura of resentment and misery that it's treated as something that isn't just... an individual flaw. Because it's easier for there to be something wrong with him than for that thing wrong with him to be how society makes him be this way. Rewards him for it.
So he invents someone. Tyler. To stop his little dance. To interrupt him. Drag him away and tell him all those little sundries are meaningless. Like he knows. But now he has someone saying it's true. The world IS falling apart. Everything is fucked up. It's everything he knows and has been too cowardly to say and now he finally has someone to say it for him and push to make some changes in his life. To expect him to actually do something. To feel his rage for him. And it's a catch-22, because a large part of what he hates about himself is that he's too cowardly and noncommittal to just do this all on his own.
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laxmiree · 2 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Sweet Scheme ASMR translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an ASMR that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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T/N: The ASMR name 蜜谋 (mìmóu) consists of two characters: 蜜 (mì), meaning "honey" or "sweet," and 谋 (móu), meaning "plan"/"plot"/"scheme". In this ASMR, it refers to Lucien scheming to get punished (and also the other way around) LOL
⚠️ This ASMR is NSFW and NOT suitable for individuals under the age of 18 due to its sexual nature. It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
Twitter link [click here]
GDrive link [soon]
Transcript under the cut~
[sounds of door opening + clinking of things]
I'm back.
Today's experiment
went much smoother than I expected,
so I came back early.
Just in time,
I also wanted to see you sooner.
What are you doing
Are these… gems?
[chuckles] I have only heard about it on the phone before
when you were filming a jewelry show
you bought a very beautiful emerald rough
[the fact that the emerald is still rough is important for the later part because it means that the edges are sharp and can cause pain-]
I just didn't expect…
there to be so many.
There's only one,
and the rest are candies?
[chuckles] So that's how it is
If I find the gem,
will it and you both belong to me?
It seems that
this is a "test" for me from my little lady.
Of course, I am willing to accept all your challenges.
However, before we begin,
I would like to understand the rules of this game.
For example,
how many chances do I have?
if I guess wrong,
what will the punishment be?
[the way he said it… man is looking forward to the punishment🤪]
You want to keep it a secret for now?
[Lucien reaches out his hand to pick up one of the "gems", but is held back]
Am I not allowed to pick it up,
and can only observe it here?
I'll choose this one.
Did I guess wrong?
Then can you tell me now 
what the punishment is?
Close my eyes?
[some rustling noises in the background as he is being stripped open-]
…although when you stripped open my clothes
I probably knew what the "punishment" would be,
the "gem" you just placed on my back
is even a little colder than I imagined.
This little lady looks a bit disappointed…
Because I don't look surprised?
Maybe it's because,
when I guessed wrong, the mischievous look in your eyes was too obvious.
[T/N: he affectionately uses the title “little classmate” (小同学); I'm using ‘you’ for better flow~]
Compared to my back…
The waist areas around ribs,
and lower abdomen below navel,
are densely populated with nerve endings
and are much more sensitive.
[some DELICIOUS soft moans as he’s being punished in those places-]
[breathlessly] These areas
might better achieve the effect you desire.
[hell yea I sure wonder what kind of another ”””effect””” she's looking for-]
I'll continue guessing
This piece has a cooler color
The cracks in the crystal are also more natural
It seems to be the one
Did I guess wrong again?
I didn't expect this game
to be more "challenging" than I imagined.
It seems this little classmate is going to win another round.
Bring it on.
[chuckles] You can use a bit less force.
the stimulation felt by the nerve endings
will be overshadowed by other sensations
[other sensations here might refer to pain caused by too much force��� pain play doesn't work as well as temperature play on him due to him canonically having an absurdly high pain threshold and is less sensitive to pain]
Just like this…
[Lucien takes one of the “gems” and runs it on her body]
Did it feel cold to you?
I just think that
personally experiencing this feeling
will help you do it better.
[I think he doesn't mind the pain itself, BUT if you want to give him ‘better’ punishment, focus more on the temperature play🤪]
the way you opened your eyes wide just now 
was really cute.
It made me want to be a bit more "excessive."
The one I have in my hand
should be the emerald you asked me to guess.
Of course, it can't be wrong
In the emerald ore,
there are some granules and textures
emeralds are called beryls
and are mostly in the shape of hexagonal prisms.
When you were preparing the show,
I also secretly "stole" some knowledge from you.
Did I guess wrong on purpose before?
You caught me.
Within the rules,
experiencing everything the game has to offer is what makes it enjoyable, right?
[chuckles] Don't get distracted,
the candy in your hand is already starting to melt.
Although this beautiful and translucent gem
is also very captivating.
To me,
the candy in your hand is more attractive.
[sounds of him rolling the candy to his mouth and licking the melting sugar on her hand]
Although it looks just like a gemstone on the surface,
it's sweeter than I imagined.
It has a bit of a green grape flavor.
Miss Producer,
haven't you tried it yourself?
[kissing noises as he ‘shares’ the candy sensually]
Let's share the fruit of this "victory" together.
[MORE delicious kissing noises before it fades away. With him being stripped off, I think we all know where this is going iykwim-]
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