#if you wanna talk to me about these girls lovin each other lemme know
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Wouldn’t You Love to Love Her?
(a fic based on this post by frogmp3. El hears Fleetwood Mac for the first time and immediately wonders if girls can marry girls and then thinks rather hard about how pretty girls really are, particularly Max...)
The first time El hears Fleetwood Mac, she barely makes a sound. She’s sitting on the ground of Billy’s room listening to his radio. He’s doing his hair in the mirror in the corner, getting ready for a date with Steve, humming quietly to the song as the chords float their way through his room and swirl around in the warm air. Billy has a window open, the warm breeze of the summer night pushing in every now and again and the notes that Steve Nicks is practically crooning are mixed with the faint sounds of the bugs of Indiana making themselves known.
Billy hardly ever plays this music, and definitely not in his car. He’s always playing music that vibrates everything around her when they’re in his car. She likes it most of the time; it’s fun when they get to “rock out” together. Plus yelling at the top of her lungs about shouting at the devil while the world goes by in a blur helps calm her more than most things sometimes. It’s like a release of pressure.
At home, it’s easier to get him to play softer music like this. Sometimes she feels soft. She likes all kinds of music; the hard vibrating music that Billy plays, the lower and grittier music that Jonathan plays, the happier and brighter music that both Steve and Max play (sometimes), and the slower and sweeter music that Mike plays. She even likes the weird “psychedelic” music Joyce plays and the rough-but-smooth music Jim plays. All of it is so nice. She didn’t get any of this stuff growing up. She likes getting all of it now. Plus, she gets to learn new words from music (although Jim isn’t too happy about that, sometimes).
But this stuff… “Fleetwood Mac with the gorgeous Stevie Nicks”, as the guy on the radio said… this is something she hasn’t heard before.
She likes this radio station. They play soft songs like this. The music here sounds… spiritual. El isn’t super sure about all of the definitions of that word, but she feels like that’s the right word for this song. She asked Billy if they could listen to this station, looking up at him in the sweetest way she could, until he said go ahead. It didn’t take too long to get the okay. And as Billy hums along in the corner, El knows that he likes this music just as much as she does. Sometimes she wonders why he doesn’t just listen to it more. As nice as yelling about devils and hell can be, this stuff is just as nice. Sometimes, on nights like this where the warmth feels like it’s developing on her skin like a polaroid picture, or a loving hug, like it’s blooming on her cheeks like the flowers that Mike’s mom grows in their front yard, these songs are <i>better</i> than the vibrating ones.
~She is like a cat in the dark… and then she is the darkness…~
This song touches El in a different way than any other song. She feels it in different places than other songs. This song gets her down at the soles of her feet, and somewhere deeper inside of her chest that she wouldn’t be able to name.
When she heard the name “Stevie” she thought “Steve” and was prepared for a deep, masculine voice. When this woman started singing… El’s brain went a bit fuzzy. It gets her thinking something, every part of her curious.
~All your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind…~
It isn’t until the song becomes just music with the singers repeating a word El doesn’t know that she feels like her voice is within her again. Suddenly she’s back in the room with Billy, who is swaying his hips lightly as he sprays his hair with that stuff that makes El cough. Then, completely unprompted, she asks: “Can girls marry girls?”
Billy drops his hairspray.
“Wha-?” He sputters, looking back to her while bending down to pick the can up off the ground.
“Can girls marry girls?”
He seems nervous. She looks up at him with wide eyes, expectant as anything, and he looks about as helpless as Will trying to wade in the shallow part of the local pool.
“Y’know… kid-”
It’s then that a loud and persistent knock at the front door cuts through the space of the house and right to Billy’s room.
“Hargrove!” Comes a voice from the door. “You better hear me over your damn music this time!”
“Buckley! Let’s ask her.” Billy says with perhaps more excited relief than El has ever heard in him.
Robin is here because it’s what Will calls “date night”. Jonathan has a date with Nancy, Jim has a date with Joyce, and Billy has a date with Steve. Jim’s and Joyce’s date was set before Steve’s and Billy’s was, but Joyce still got concerned about the idea of leaving her home alone once the two boys set up theirs. She suggested Jim and her cancel so that they could all go out to get some ice cream or something.
They don’t like to leave El alone, and El appreciates it, because she doesn’t like to be left alone, either. The house is scary when it’s empty, even though she knows things are safe now. She had asked Max if she could come hang out, but her parents wanted her home for dinner, so she couldn’t. She apologized a lot about it.
When Steve suggested he ask Robin to come over, Joyce felt bad even at the idea of “bothering” her, but Steve swore it wouldn’t be a bother, saying “she doesn’t do much on Saturdays anyway other than hang out with me. Parties aren’t her scene. Plus she keeps saying she wants to get to know the Squirt more.”
El resents the name Squirt.
But she likes Robin. She’s met her multiple times now because Steve is over a lot to see Billy, so Robin is over a lot to find Steve. Billy and Robin like to pick on Steve and make him blush.
But right now Billy is rushing over to the door. El watches him swing it open after she walks into the hall.
El pads up to the door in her socked feel and peeks over Billy’s shoulder, waving a small hand. “Hi Robin.”
Robin looks confused -and maybe a little freaked out- as she waves to El but still eyes Billy.
“Hi El. Uh… what is it, Hargrove?” Robin asks. She looks like she doesn’t trust Billy.
Billy just pushes himself past Robin and turns around once he gets past.
“El has a question.” He says. It’s rushed. He looks over to El and gives a bright smile. “See ya later, kiddo!”
And then he rushes over to his car. It looks to El like he’s gonna start jogging.
El waves goodbye, but Robin is yelling.
“Hargrove! You bitch! I don’t have little siblings and I don’t plan on giving any kids ‘the talk’ any time soon!”
El is confused at the words. Billy just waves sweetly to both of them before opening the door to his car and sliding in.
“This isn’t what I signed up for when I said I’d come hang out and watch soap operas and eat freezer waffles!”
But Robin is yelling to nothing now, because Billy is playing a song El can hear from here and driving away from the house.
She turns to El. El just tilts her head, her widening her eyes a bit in interested confusion.
“Let’s head on inside.” Robin says on a sigh. El just nods and hops in, the question still on her mind. It intensifies when she hears more Stevie Nicks floating through the air.
“Huh…” Robin says as she closes the door. “Was Billy listening to Stevie Nicks?”
El nods.
Robin laughs and crosses her arms.
“Well. Didn’t take Billy for being a fan. But then again, the only one I know who’s crazy enough to not like Fleetwood Mac is Steve.”
She’s laughing, and El giggles a bit too, even though her mind is a little clouded and she’s not entirely sure what Robin is implying.
Robin shakes her head and regards El in a way she can’t describe.
“Now, what was your question, kid?”
And suddenly, El is a little nervous.
“Billy looked like he wanted to run away.” El says in favor of asking her question, her heart beating a little too fast.
Robin laughs with that same weird expression on her face.
“Yeah, he’s… kind of a spaz.”
El giggles for read at that one. Robin’s smile disarms her completely.
“Seriously, go ahead and ask your question.” Her smile is so warm and comforting. “We can sit down or something, too.” she adds quickly, gesturing to the couch. El takes the offer. Robin joins her, sitting on the couch with one knee pulled up and facing El. El mirrors the position, but with both of her knees up. The “gorgeous Stevie Nicks” is still filtering through the warm air.
~Break the silence… damn the dark, damn the light…~
El wrings her hands a bit, playing with the hair-tie around her wrist that Hopper gave her when he took her in.
She was fine, she really was, but when Billy ran, she freaked out. And now she’s scared.
She doesn’t want Robin running away, too. She likes Robin. Robin is soft and nice and sassy. She reminds El of Max. She pokes fun at Steve like Max will poke fun at Lucas. She’s always making El laugh when she’s around.
She has pretty eyes like Max, and pretty hair like Max, and pretty clothes like Max. Her mouth is even pretty like Max’s is. Like Mike’s is. It looks soft.
El’s mind is swimming.
“Hey… El?” Robin’s voice is soft as she reaches a hand out to touch El’s knee. El looks up with wide eyes. Her hand is so soft.
“You can go ahead and ask that question.” That weird expression is still on her face. “I know I… yelled. I uh, didn’t mean it. You can ask me whatever you need to.”
Robin is nodding weirdly. El nods back.
It takes her a second. The song ends before she can say:
“Can girls marry girls?”
The weird expression on Robin’s face is gone, suddenly. Now her eyes are wide and she almost laughs- if that weird bubble in her throat that looks like it just popped is anything to go bye.
“Oh.” She smiles. El is confused, but she smiles back at Robin because it’s infectious.
Just like Max.
“Oh?” El questions.
Robin nods, smile getting smaller as her eyebrows get closer together.
“Uhm…” Robin starts, moving her knee down to sit criss cross. “Girls… can’t… marry girls. Not yet.”
El is confused. She wasn’t expecting that answer. She knows she’s never heard of girls marrying girls… she’s never even heard of girls <i>kissing</i> girls like El kisses Mike. And she isn’t really allowed to kiss Mike, either, but she knows boys kiss girls in public. She sees it at the mall and at the ice cream parlor and at the grocery store. She doesn’t see boys kiss boys in public, but she knows they’re allowed because Steve kisses Billy all the time. The way Billy kisses is gross, but he smiles inbetween and that makes El happy, so she’s okay with it.
But she’s never seen a girl kiss a girl.
And she’s not very sure about marriage. She knows Joyce and Jim are going to get married soon. But they’re a boy and a girl. They’re allowed to kiss in public. At first she wondered if it was just young people who can’t kiss in public, but Murray and Alexei will give each other kisses on the cheek and stuff sometimes, and they only do that inside the house.
“Boys and girls get married.” El states. She doesn’t know what other questions to ask, so she opts for that. Robin seems to understand.
“Yeah. It’s just… not allowed yet. Boys and boys can’t get married either.” Robin says. It makes El kind of sad. Billy and Steve are just as happy as Joyce and Jim are sometimes. Most times. If they can get married, why can’t Billy and Steve? Why can’t Alexei and Murray?
“These are weird rules.” El says.
Robin nods.
“Yeah, they’re not great.” Robin says on a sigh, but she looks back at El with soft and determined eyes. “But that doesn’t mean girls can’t like girls.”
That excites El. She sits criss cross like Robin is. “Really?”
Robin smiles and nods.
“Yeah. I mean, if Steve and Billy can… like each other and they’re two boys, then why can’t two girls? Right?”
“Right!” El says, bubbles rising in her chest and up to her throat. She giggles them out and Robin giggles with her.
When their giggles calm down, Robin still has that bright smile.
“Girls are real pretty, aren’t they?”
El nods. She thinks of the first time she saw Nancy’s picture in Mike’s house. Her long, soft hair and her big, blue eyes. The shape of her jaw and her mouth. El thought she wanted to be her. She thought she wanted to be Nancy. Then when she saw Nancy she realized the picture didn’t show how actually pretty she was. How pretty and smart and strong. Then she wondered if she wanted to be her or if she wanted something else.
And El really likes Mike. He’s pretty too, but in a different kind of way most of the time. His mouth reminds El of Max’s. His shoulders are hard and he has a lot of sharp angles to him, but it’s nice. He’s nice. A lot of the time. Right now they’re broken up because he was being mean to her while she was trying to learn how to play D&D. And he said she likes looking at clothes too much and argued with her about it instead of “talking” like Joyce said he should have.
But she still really likes him. Might love him. His eyes sparkle in a nice way.
“Yeah…” El agrees with Robin. “Really pretty…”
Robin is smiling softer. Sweeter. Like how Joyce smiles at her sometimes when she learns something she didn’t know before or when she learns to do something she couldn’t do before. Like when she learned to ride Will’s bike.
“I mean… if girls are pretty, what’s wrong with liking them, right?” Robin shrugs. “You know, I like girls.”
El’s eyes are wide.
Robin giggles a little and smiles. “Yeah. Like… the same way that Billy likes boys.”
“You mean you’d… kiss a girl?”
Robin laughs.
“Yeah, if any of them wanted to kiss me back.” She speaks quieter towards the end of her sentence.
“And that’s okay?”
Robin makes a face like she just got a papercut.
“Well… okay in the same way it’s okay for Billy and Steve. You know what I mean?”
El nods. “Not in public.”
“Right.” Robin says. She sounds sad as she plays with the end of the band-aid on her knee. But then she’s looking at El with bright eyes. She reaches out and nudges El’s shoulder. “But hey, maybe one day, right?”
El nods with a smile.
They laugh together.
When it dies down, El is thinking again.
“Have you ever kissed a girl?”
Robin’s mouth drops open a bit before she closes it and nods.
“Yeah. A couple times. A couple of years ago.”
“What… was it like? Is it… different? Than kissing boys?”
Robin laughs loudly. It makes El’s heart feel bright.
“That I wouldn’t know.” She says on a chuckle. “I uh… don’t do the whole guy thing.”
El tilts her head at the words.
“Uhm, I only like girls.” Robin explains, playing with a strand of hair that’s hanging in her face. “Guys are cool to be friends with, but… I don’t wanna be kissing them.”
El nods. She can understand someone not doing something if they don’t want to.
“Was it nice though?” El asks.
Robin’s face colors like Steve’s does when Robin pokes fun at him. It’s pretty. She’s pretty.
“Yeah. Uhm, it was nice. A bit… confused. We both hadn’t kissed anyone before.”
El nods.
“But she was… soft. So it was nice and soft.” Robin looks like she’s remembering something. “I liked how soft she was.”
El understands. She likes the softness too. Even Max, who is all hard words and tones and presence, is still soft. Her hair is soft and her hand is soft. Mike’s hand is soft too, most of them time, when El holds it.
El sits there and thinks everything through, listening closely as she realizes there’s a different band playing now.
Robin claps her hands on her knees.
“Alrighty then! I heard that you like soap operas. I hope it’s not Days of Our Lives because I swear that is all my mom watches at home.”
Robin swings her legs around and walks herself over to the kitchen, grabbing a couple of glasses and filling them up with cold apple juice.
“Go ahead and put something on. I’ll make us something to eat.”
El smiles and reaches for the remote.
It’s the following Wednesday and Max has been given permission to stay the night with El. The night is cooler than it was on Saturday, but El leaves the window open anyway because Max likes when it’s a little cold. She says it’s because then they can use more blankets to cuddle themselves up tighter. El agrees. She likes being buried in blankets. Hopper has lots of extras for some reason.
So they’ve swiped lots of blankets from the closet and El is laying them out on the bed for prime cuddle time. Max is singing along to the radio. She has a beautiful voice. It’s nicer to listen to her sing than it is to hear Mike.
Mike is silly when he sings. It makes El’s face burn and her heart beat in a funny way, but it’s kind of embarrassing -even though no one but El can hear him- and that kind of overrides the fluffy feelings sometimes.
Max though… Max sings so beautifully. Her voice is so pretty, just like her red hair as she bounces around and shakes her head to the beat. She’s dancing back and forth, shaking her shoulders around and shaking her head along with them.
“Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world~”
She locks eyes with El then, pointing at her and singing along.
“I wanna be the one to walk in the sun!” She sings, closing her eyes as she sings loudly. It makes El laugh. She’s sitting on her feet, bouncing along to the music as she watches Max run around her room and play with the blankets and drapes the clothes on El’s hangers around her shoulders.
El can’t stop watching her. She’s not even paying attention to the magazines that Max has brought, which is new for her. She loves when Max brings her magazines. But as the song fades, El’s voice rises up in her throat.
“Yeah?” Max asks, coming up to the edge of the bed and leaning on it with both of her hands.
“Uhm…” El begins, her voice bubbling flat when the light piano of the next song comes up. El recognizes it as… Madonna? Max likes Madonna. “I… had a question.”
Max shakes her head around a bit as the beat picks up.
“Go ahead.”
El feels her face get red. She hasn’t found anything this difficult in a long time. She bounces a bit to the beat as Max hops along too. She smiles a bit, humming to the music but not singing the words even though El knows she knows them. She figures she’s doing it for El. She doesn’t want to interrupt her. El likes that about her.
Max’s eyes get a little wider in welcome as she waits for El to speak.
~If you want me let me know, baby let it show…~
El swallows.
“Do you… think girls are pretty?” El asks quietly. Max’s eyes get a little wider but this time El thinks it’s because she’s surprised.
Her mouth moves, but no words come out. El is… panicked. It goes on for a few seconds before she shakes her head a bit. El thinks it means no for a second, but Max is looking at her again, this time with less-wide eyes.
“Uhm… yeah. Girls are really pretty.”
El nods.
“But like, in the way…” El falters. And tries again. “In the way Billy thinks Steve is pretty.”
Max’s face is getting red. It’s cute. And pretty. Max is so so pretty.
Her hair is pretty and her eyes are pretty and her little sun spots (she calls them ‘freckles’) are pretty and wow. El can’t stop looking.
“Right.” Max says, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah. Yes, I mean- yes. I mean… have you seen Madonna?”
She laughs. It sounds different. Nervous.
El shakes her head. She hasn’t seen Madonna. For as much as they listen to her, Max never shows her.
Max climbs onto the bed next to El and goes through the magazines until she finds one with Madonna on one of the pages.
“There. Look at her.” El leans in a little closer, leaning her cheek on Max’s shoulder like she’s done countless times before, but this time her cheek feels like it’s sparking like Billy’s lighter when it doesn’t work right away.
El agrees. She’s really pretty. Her hair is curly, like her own and a bit like Max’s. It’s short in the picture, even shorter than El’s. She thinks maybe her hair is tied up. The shape of her face reminds El of Nancy, but the look in her eyes doesn’t remind El of anything. It’s completely new and it makes El’s chest feel warm and cold all at once. Her mind feels a little dizzy.
“Pretty, right?”
“Yeah.” El says softly, nodding. “Pretty.”
They look at the picture silently for a few seconds more. El doesn’t know what to say. This is so much harder than she thought it would be.
“Do you find other girls pretty? Other than Madonna?”
Max closes the magazine quickly.
“Yeah, I mean… girls are just… pretty. You know? Their hair is nice... And they smell nicer than boys. And they’re smarter than boys.”
El doesn’t know when they started talking about boys, but this isn’t really what she wanted.
Max is currently broken up with Lucas. He mentioned her zits the other day and said it might be because she eats so much chocolate. He also asked if she was on her “cycle”. El didn’t understand. But she does understand that Max wasn’t happy.
“Huh?” Max asks, moving her head a bit to look down at where El is still leaning on her shoulder. El looks up at her.
~Feels like I’m going to lose my mind…~
“Girls are soft.”
Max takes a quiet breath in. El notices when she’s this close.
“Yeah. That’s nice too.” Max is speaking quieter than El has ever heard her.
They look at each other for a second. Max hasn’t sung a single word of this song, even though El knows she loves it. It makes El feel a little excited, but she doesn’t even know what she’s excited about.
“Have you ever wanted to kiss a girl?”
Max’s eyes go even wider, her breath coming out quicker as she kind of moves away. El is worried. Max is gonna run. Just like her brother, Max is gonna run away and El doesn’t even know what she’s done.
“I’m sorry!” El says quickly. She’s scared. Her heart isn’t excited anymore, it’s frightened. Max looks scared too.
“No, don’t-I-uhm… yeah.” Max says, nodding her head and letting her hair flop around.
“Really?” El asks, like she didn’t hear right.
Max nods.
“Yeah. Girls are pretty… why wouldn’t I wanna kiss them?”
They laugh. El is nervous. She thinks Max might be too.
They look at each other again. Another song starts playing and El isn’t sure if she knows it, but the voice begins pretty quickly.
~Many times I’ve tried to tell you…~
El blinks.
“Do you… wanna kiss?”
Max’s face is completely red. It reaches all the way down to her neck. It’s pretty.
Max takes a big breath and nods.
El feels all those bubbles in her chest again. They start at the soles of her feet and go all the way up to her throat. It feels like her lips are sparking with the thought of kissing Max.
El is still sitting on her feet and Max is sitting with one leg folded underneath her and the other dangling off the bed.
They just kind of stare for a couple of seconds, mouths moving inbetween smiles and beyond. Max places both of her hands on the bed and leans forward a bit as El pushes her weight off of her feet so she can lean forward and closer to Max.
They stop close, almost kissing but not quite, as the song plays.
~To the doubts that complicate your mind…~
And El can’t wait. She leans forward right as the chorus hits.
~We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder…~
Their lips press together for a couple of seconds and El was wrong. El was very, very wrong. Max’s lips are almost nothing like Mike’s. They’re a million times softer and gentler.
They end their kiss with a shared giggle against each other’s mouths. El can’t contain it and it seems like Max can’t either. They’re giggling like crazy, El hitting the tops of her feet against the bed because her whole body is overcome with giddiness. This is so different. She’ll have to tell Robin.
She wants more. She leans in again, a smile still on her lips and she can feel the smile on Max’s too.
It’s too much. Too much happiness. They giggle out of the kiss again, quicker this time. The song is still playing loudly in the background and it’s playing in El’s heart and right across her lips and across her cheeks and down her neck and into her heart. They both topple onto the bed on their backs, an absolute fit of giggles.
The feeling is light. Freeing. Max helps her become herself and their friendship is so bright to El that this is so bright, too.
And yes, she likes kissing Mike. She could kiss Mike for hours. She would, if she didn’t have to keep her door open. But she can’t even think about Mike for too long because she feels so bright right now.
This is so different. So so different. It’s the prettiest, most beautiful kind of different.
And they don’t even have to keep the door open.
Her insides are made up of marshmallow fluff. She’s as fluffy and warm as the extra blankets Hopper keeps in the cabinet. The ones that El took and placed on the bed.
Max’s smile is brighter than the hallway light as she turns her head to look at El. El is smiling back. She thinks she’s going to keep smiling for the rest of the night. Maybe even through her sleep and into the next morning. Can you sleep while smiling? El figures if you can, she’ll be able to tonight.
El could lay here forever. She moves her hand so her knuckles lightly touch with Max’s. Max takes her fingers and wraps them around a couple of El’s. Even where they touch feels bright.
A loud thundercrack breaks them out of their giddiness.
Suddenly they shriek, reaching for the blankets and each other as they bundle up tight.
They’re shaking a bit, the song fading away. In a couple of minutes, someone is knocking on the door.
“Yeah?” El asks, voice small.
The door opens to find Billy.
“You punks okay in here?” He asks. El wants to smile at his face. It’s the face he puts on when he wants to pretend like he doesn’t care.
El and Max nod at the same time.
“Alright. This damn storm is probably going to go all night or some shit so if you need anything, say something before I fall asleep, alright?” He asks. El and Max nod to him. El gives him a wave as he leaves.
The two girls hold each other tighter and listen to the new song that the radio is crooning through the room.
~Oh thunder only happens when it’s raining...~
El listens to what she recognizes is Stevie Nicks with as much peace and calm as she did in Billy’s room. They hold each other a little tighter with every thundercrack until they both fall asleep, the thunderstorm forgotten in their calm and shared presence mingled with the soothing sound of the rain.
And when Billy walks into their room to turn off the radio, he looks at the girls and smiles, but he’d be damned to tell anyone.
(find it on AO3 here!)
#elmax#harringrove#jane hopper#eleven#max mayfield#robin buckley#billy hargrove#stranger things#stranger things ficlet#???#first kiss#girls like girls#fluff#it's FLUFFY STUFF my dudes#real fluffy stuff#writing#sorry that i'm not sorry in the slightest#if you wanna talk to me about these girls lovin each other lemme know#fic
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Can I Stay Up Here With You Forever ch. 9
Warning(s) implied sexual content
Taglist: @mediocredetective @it-hurts-when-i-blink @ima-simp-uwu @luckyauthorlampknight
Standing in front of their house, Mammon was in awe. Three months ago, he would have never guessed that he’d see this place or Arella ever again. It was late afternoon- almost evening- so his brothers and Solomon decided to just drop Mammon off, check into their hotel rooms, get something to eat, and drop by the next day.
Without wasting another minute, the white-haired demon took off for the front door, throwing it open in an instant. When he saw her, he grabbed her, wrapping her in a hug and Arella responded in kind.
“I missed ya.” He can’t help the way his voice cracks as he speaks, “I missed ya so damn much. Lucifer- he said that... that..”
“Shhh,” Arella cups his face in her hands, “It's okay. You’re home now. We’re together. That’s all that matters, okay?”
The Avatar of Greed only nods as he buries his face in her neck, slowly relaxing as he breathes in her scent. They sink to their knees, still wrapped up in each other's embrace and for the first time in months, Mammon really does feel like he’s home.
Once they pull away, the demon takes a moment to look over his human. As his eyes fall to her growing belly, Arella takes his hand and holds it against the side of it. When he feels the tiny kick, Mammon smiles.
“This is really, happenin’? We’re gonna be parents?”
“Yeah, we’re going to be parents.” She nods.
“Boy or girl? One or multiples?” There’s so much he’s missed over these past three months. Months he’ll never be able to get back thanks to his brother.
“Just one,” Arella smiles, “A boy. C’mon, I'll show you the ultrasound pictures from my latest scan.” She gets to her feet as she tugs at Mammon’s hand, pulling him to his feet.
“Lemme at least take my shoes off, Baby.” the demon chuckles as he gives her hand a gentle squeeze.
“Sorry, Sorry, I’m just excited to have you back.”
“I know.” he nods as he toes off his boots and places them by her shoes near the door. I’m excited to come back to you.
“Mammon, why didn't your brothers pop by with you- and what about Solomon too?” She asks as they settle on the couch with a little scrapbook containing the scan images.
“They wanted to go check into their hotels and Beel was hungry so they all went to get a bite to eat. They’ll drop by tomorrow morning after breakfast.” he says as he shifts a little so she laying more against his side with his arm wrapped around her, hand placed on her stomach.
Arella nodded as she leaned her head on Mammon’s chest and flipped to the image of her latest scan. The demon scans them over carefully before his eyes notice the little horns and wings that had started to form.
“This feels like a dream...” The Avatar of Greed smiles as he presses his forehead against Arella’s. “The best dream ever. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For lovin’ me- even with all the horrible things about me. For choosing me.”
Arella only smiled as she kissed his forehead lovingly as she took the little scrapbook and placed it on the coffee table. “You never have to thank me for any of that. Even if I had to do it all again, I would still choose you. Despite our rocky start, there’s no one else I could ever imagine loving.”
“That’s so cheesy,” he says as they laugh together, “I love it...” He brushes a lock of hair as he leans in to steal a kiss followed by another and then another. He can’t stop himself after being deprived of it for so long and she doesn’t want him to anyway.
As they pull away to breathe, they lock eyes for a moment.
“Do ya wanna- Is it safe...?”
“Yes... It’s safe as long as you don’t collapse on top of me. Might be a little awkward unless I’m on top though.”
“Don’t care who's on top as long as we both get off,” he says between kisses as he lifts her up and carries her off to their bedroom to make up for lost time.
“You wanna know what the best part of it all was?” Mammon asks while he and Arella ate breakfast in bed together and talked about the time he’d spent away from her the next morning.
“That night before we left for here, it felt like we were really brothers again. Like it had been forever since I played games with Levi and the twins without any of us getting' inta a fight or someone makin’ a nasty comment of some kind. It reminded me of how much I actually missed those days from the Celestial Realm- we even all fell asleep in my room as well.”
“I’m happy you got to experience that much with them,” She smiles as she takes a sip of her peppermint tea. “It sounds like they learned their lesson, hm?”
“Yeah, I guess they did... Part of me thinks they felt a little sorry for me at first when I got back. They all knew I was upset and Lucifer wasn’t helpin’- just tryin’ ta make me believe stupid things that weren’t true- so I thought they were just takin’ pity on me, but then they kept showin’ up day after day. They didn’t give up on me when I kept sayin’ no ta everyone but Satan and his study sessions... but even that was just cuz I wanted Lucifer off my back about my grades...”
“I wish I would have been home that day to order him to leave and never come back- to just let you be happy. Something was telling me to call-in that day and I wish I would have listened to it... I heard from Solomon who heard from Asmo what your... brother…” The word tastes bitter on her tongue, “said to you and I can’t understand it. I knew he was mad at me for bringing you here but I always thought he was approving of our relationship... so it hurts to hear he’s said those horrible things about me- that he thinks I’m bad for you or trying to use you for your abilities or trying to isolate you from your brothers. None of those things are true, you know that right?”
“Yeah, I do... but for a lil’ bit... I doubted it. Lucifer had never lied to me before unless it was ta protect me an’ our brothers... so I had no reason not to believe him either...”
“There has to have been an underlying reason...” Thinking for a few moments it dawns on her, “What if he thought he really was protecting you... It doesn’t excuse his actions in the slightest but think about it. The root of the events that led up to your sister’s death was her falling in love with a human. You know the laws of the Devildom pretty well, are there any arcane laws similar to the one in the Celestial Realm that Lilith broke- the one where an angel can’t tamper with or extend a human’s lifespan?”
Mammon thinks for a minute- there were so many ridiculous ancient laws he’d seen when he studied them right after he became a demon but one in particular, along with its penalty, stood out in his mind.
“Y-Yeah there’s one.”
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Fateful Weather Part Two
Fateful Weather Part Two
Bucky Barnes X Reader
Prompt(s): I was thinking about this the other day, a request in where it’s a rainy day and the reader is walking down town without an umbrella and they meet Bucky and Bucky tries to flirt and it somehow then turns into an ice cream date and Bucky is nervous cos it’s like his first time talking to a girl in a while ? Thanks love
Note(s): Whoa! Where did the time fly?? I found a reminder to finish this and I was like “What?? I didn’t write that second part??” Jeez! Well, here’s that ice cream date! Both reader and Bucky are pretty smitten already and I’m lovin it <3
Warning(s): A lil bit of fluff on this fine Thursday afternoon~
Word Count: 863.
Read Part One Here!
Finally, finally, after enduring the rest of the hell that was the work week, (y/n) could see Bucky again. Their date, or umbrella exchange plus ice cream, or whatever it was, was scheduled for noon. (y/n) had arrived early, umbrella in hand, and sat awkwardly in a window booth at the ice cream shop. Her leg wouldn’t stop jittering against the seat in anticipation. It was finally nice and sunny outside and she really wanted to see Bucky’s hair in the sunlight.
God help her, she’d only met the man once and she already wanted to see the ways in which he was perfect. She was so screwed.
Her prayers were answered when one neat looking fella mosied up to the front door of the shop. His hair was once more pulled into a bun and yeah, it looked real cute in the sunlight.
Bucky shot her small, dazzling grin when he recognized the woman in the window booth. “Well hello again, stranger. (y/n), right? I didn’t forget, did I?”
“Hello to you too, stranger. You remembered! Bucky, right?” At his perked and beaming smile (y/n) laughed a bit. “Glad I remembered too. Here’s your umbrella back, by the way.” She reached and tried to hand it over but was stopped by Bucky’s stutter of hesitation. Even nervous he was cute, God.
“H-hey now, if I accept it right away then I won’t have any reason to buy you ice cream. That was the deal, wasn’t it? We buy each other ice cream then make the trade.”
(y/n) retracted her hand with a coy smile. Decidedly, she liked him a little bit more. “Alright then, Casanova, ice cream it is. Care to lead the way?”
“Only since the pretty lil’ lady asked.” He dipped and held out an arm to, indeed, lead the way. (y/n) laughed and let him guide her.
After getting ice cream the two of them walked around the park. The umbrella hung from (y/n)’s wrist as she kitten-licked her cold desert, mouth quirked as she took interest in the story that Bucky was rambling on about. He was waving his left hand around- strangely it was gloved again, and he still wore a hoodie despite the warm weather- as he retold one particular Coney Island adventure with his once-tiny friend Steve, whom he’d mentioned before. It was hard to balance ice cream and an umbrella while gut-laughing to the point of falling over.
“You two sound like real rascals! Also, if you don’t mind me asking, how’d you two manage to pull that off? I swear security would have been on you two in a heartbeat!”
Bucky jolted and he almost lost is ice cream. Now sticky-handed with a blush high on his cheeks, he hissed softly and shrugged. “Well, times change I guess. Doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun- I bet I could still get away with that, security or not.”
His laugh sent (y/n)’s heart skipping. They giggled alongside him and offered over a napkin for his hand. Somehow he was still breathtaking. Actually, come to think about it, something that’d been wriggling in the back of her mind clicked.
“Hey, wanna hear something funny?”
“Hm, doll?”
“Call me weird, but you remind me exactly of the old pictures of Sergeant James Barnes that the history books always use. Come to think of it, you guys share the same nickname too. Wasn’t he like, found alive recently? I know the whole Sokovia Accords blew over, but still.”
Bucky gave them an odd look before laughing softly, his head shaking. His bun shook against his nape with the movement. “You know, you’re real funny. Real smart, too. And cute, but that’s beside the point. Ah, James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. It’s been a pleasure to meet you, darling.”
(y/n)’s jaw dropped as she stared at his outstretched hand. She laughed and leaned her weight on the umbrella, eyes raking him over with a simpering smirk. Of course it’d be her luck to befriend and fall for the once titled Winter Soldier. It explained the old-timey nicknames, the hoodie and the glove, etc. He’d need a way to blend in, after all, and she supposed he looked good while doing it, too.
“Lemme guess, lil’ “Stevie” wouldn’t happen to be Captain America, would he?”
Bucky snorted into his ice cream. “Maybe. Why, wanna meet him?”
She pushed her lips flat and shrugged. “Only if you’re offering. I’m more interested in meeting Bucky, if he’d have me.”
With that she grasped his, still, outstretched hand for a firm shake. Bucky’s eyes squinted at the corners and he smiled so bright that (y/n) knew right away that he was gonna become the sun to her world. She flipped the umbrella end over and offered it up once more.
“Your umbrella, Sergeant?”
“Psh, please, I think I’m well past my Sergeant days. And keep it… I think I’m gonna need a few more excuses to see you, (y/n).”
Her smile stretched wide over her cheeks because yeah, she was gonna need a few excuses to see him too.
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#Bucky Barnes#Bucky Barnes X Reader#Bucky Barnes Imagine#james buchanan barnes#james buchanan barnes x reader#james buchanan barnes imagine#The Winter Soldier#the winter solider x reader#The Winter Soldier Imagine#Winter Soldier#winter soldier x reader#winter soldier imagine#The Avengers#The Avengers X Reader#The Avengers Imagine#Avengers#Avengers X Reader#Avengers Imagine#Marvel#Marvel X Reader#Marvel Imagine
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Sway Pt.4 - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Here / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Author’s Note: Hello! As Promised! This was also meant to be Part 3 so this is NOT the Part 4 that I had to write twice!! I had a hard time finding lyrics I liked for this one... Then had a day where nothing but great lyrics came up on shuffle (oh the dilemma!) ... The reason that there is all the back and forth over her/you wearing stripes is because in my head every time I see your character she’s wearing stripes in some form. I’m really just calling myself out!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but “You” and my OCs. I don’t know how to drive a boat, or if the yacht I’m describing needs a crew (probably does)... Let me live a little in my fantasy land - Thank You! This all takes place in a single day, so no time markers this part.
Premise: A yachting trip out of Miami leads to you finally learning about Danny’s past...
Word Count: 8303 (see why it needed to be split?)
Warnings: Sexual Pre-Amble/Things get steamy... I can’t write smut, so this is as good as I give! Danny’s backstory is pretty prominent (nearly 1000 words of this)... Sarah’s death, his injury... everything...
And I ain’t been the same again, since you rolled in out of the blue, And I’ll never forget it, that moment when… I could feel the tide start turnin’, There was something different ‘bout the current, You were moving in so fast, I was frozen there in your path, Knew you were the one when I saw ya, Loved the way the sun looked on ya, So baby ‘til it breaks let’s take it all the way, Cuz lovin’ you is catching the perfect wave…
You're crashin' into me like waves on the coast Every time we talk, you move in close I don't want you stop, I don't want you to stop tonight We've got the last two glasses on a straw hut bar… String of white lights making your eyes shine tonight…
Your skin is begging to be kissed by a little more than the sun You take my hand in yours, you lean in and Your lips taste like sangria
Only thing I wanna do tonight, Is Drink you like a Spanish wine, Let you let this head of mine, Keep spinnin’ Spinnin’ around
You had arranged to meet Danny down by Miami waterfront this morning. He was taking an unusually large amount of days off for you and you weren’t sure if that was a good influence or not. Only, sometimes when you turned up at the restaurant Javi and Jason jokingly begged you to take Danny on another date somewhere so they would have a break from him. Sometimes these jokes resulted in Danny laughing… sometimes the boys both ended up with bruises. Today you were going to take him out on the water – you figured if he wasn’t going to take you out from Rayburn House any time soon, that you would simply take him out on a boat yourself.
You were checking your watch just as he strolled into view, bag over his shoulder, you’d asked him to come prepared – it looked like he’d heeded that... And right on time! He looked at you for a second, then a clever little smirk crossed his face as he pointed to your shirt of choice; “Sorry?? Almost didn’t recognise you without stripes!” “Oh shut up!!” Though he had you laughing. “See! I took it to heart!” He pointed at himself “I’m not wearing a shirt over a shirt! Just a T-shirt! Are you satisfied?” You folded your arms and leant back to give him the same up and down look he was always giving you – with a smirk “Not until it’s on the floor of my yacht. No.” “Oh.” And his face almost conveyed shock. “Well if that’s how you want it.” You feigned innocence, “What do you mean? We’re going swimming right!? Time to put your money where your mouth is ‘strongest swimmer in the Keys’.” You winked, turning back down the pier you walked passed him, but looked him up and down again as you brushed your arm against his “But… I guess I could go for a bit of that.”
He started off down the pier to the smaller boats making you clear your throat “What are you..?” He pointed “You said boat!” “Yeah I did. You’re going the wrong way.” He looked to the yachts, all gleaming bright white in the Miami sun, all owned by millionaires. “You can’t be serious!” “I am.” “Your family owns one of these?!” “Two of these. My dad is in negotiation for like a liner type party boat... he doesn’t know if he’ll get it. The smaller one is pretty neat, then there’s the bigger one. Kinda modest, all the amenities. Doesn’t need a whole lot of crew to run.” He was still staring at the yachts in disbelief; “So, you in, Rayburn?” “Y-Yeah!” He hopped back up onto the jetty and you walked him a few rows down and then down another pier. On any given day people would be lounging around on here looking like they were on a modelling shoot or a music video. It only ever made you roll your eyes.
Eventually you stopped and Danny had a hard time taking it all in; “You sure this doesn’t need a crew?!” “Sometimes it would have one. Is that what you really want?!” “No. Not particularly I just ...” He made a sweeping gesture, “is it big enough?!” You walked across the gangplank “Yeah... possibly...” The several people who were finishing prepping the boat hopped across, greeting you in Spanish. After a quick conversation they took their leave ready to unmoor the boat at your discretion. Danny followed you across. “Welcome aboard Mr.Rayburn.” You took the stairs, keys in hand “Get settled in.” “Where we going?” “Not too far out, within a safe swimming zone...” You knew the perfect spot of clear water that still gave a spectacular view of the city. “Hey... Y/N! I was just thinking... there’s a marina up a little I think can take this boat.” “Yeah??” You inserted the key into the ignition “What about it?” “Well... there’s actually a restaurant there I’d love to take you too...” You smiled and turned the key as he ascended to join you. Now on the boat Danny could get an idea of the true scale... How much bigger could your Dad want to go? Having said that, scanning around, there were boats in the marina that still dwarfed this one. You gave the signal and the boat was unmoored, grinning you waved and yelled down; “Gracias Ignacio!” “De Nada Y/N!! Enjoy your trip!”
“You know what you’re doing right.” “Why, you wanna drive?” “My family own a boat!” “I know. It’s like the first thing my dad said.” So you let him help you guide her out onto open water and then you were cruising. “If you get a map and mark up your marina we’ll work it out, otherwise I got no plans.” “Can you get dressed up for this?” You raised an eyebrow at him curiously “Can you?” “…I was plannin’ on taking you somewhere when we got back, but if we can get out of Miami why not... y’know.” “I’ll have to check the wardrobe downstairs. I’m sure there’s something appropriate.” “Wardrobe?!” “Babe. Yeah, there’s a bedroom... look at this thing!” “So you weren’t kidding?” You smirked “Nope! But lemme get somewhere quiet first...” “That doesn’t sound like we’ll be in a bedroom” “Just once? Aw, Danny you sure know how to show a girl a good time” “And you should know not to say that to me Y/N” You couldn’t help but smirk behind your shades again as that edge to his voice came back. “Pretty sure that’s why I say it.” “So you’re telling me you like being a blushing mess? That can easily be arranged...” He walked up behind you, he got close, close enough for you to feel his body heat, he swept your hair to one side and then placed his hands on your waist; his grip was firm as his kissed you neck. At first you laughed, but as he put more pressure on your hips and grazed his teeth against your skin it turned into a sigh. “You probably shouldn’t do that when I’m driving.” If you lost focus you weren’t sure you had the nautical skills to get yourself back on track... and you weren’t too sure what Danny’s were yet.
Finally you found it, slowing the boat down to a complete and gentle stop. “Voila!” He was sitting with his head tipped back, sunning himself but he swivelled to look back at Miami; “Okay. This is pretty good!” “Only pretty good.” You set about dropping the anchor “Look at the water!!” He removed his shades and leant over the railing, met by such a beautiful deep blue and nearly crystal clear. The sand dunes here were a little higher making for a shallower stretch of water. To not bank the boat also meant you knew what you were doing.
“Gorgeous.” He smiled turning back to you “You’ve outdone yourself.” “Guess I like to try... for you...” You sat down and wound your arms around him, resting your head against his chest. He wound an arm around your shoulders and kissed your forehead gently. “‘Bout time I really thanked you for that...” “You do thank me for that... you just don’t realise you’re doing it...” You inhaled deeply, taking him in again. You thought back to that very first shirt and then tried to think of the countless others you’d stolen from him - it made you giggle and then sigh; “Can’t we just stay here forever?? Just take Nolan and go...” “Your parents would miss you too much... and with the restaurant I...” He tipped his head “... maybe one day. It’s not like I couldn’t see myself doing it...”
You spent a lot of time sunning yourselves up on the top deck, the only sound that of the sea and only motion the rock of the boat. Danny was plenty happy with this until you stole his Raybans. Then started laughing hysterically; "Oh that’s clever! Rayburn Raybans!" The look on his face remained less than impressed but didn't deter your laughter.
As the heat of the day really set in you both escaped onto the shaded lower level of the boat. You uncorked a bottle of wine and talked. Turned out that it didn't really matter how much time Danny and you spent together, you could talk about literally anything. Sometimes you thought that was because you just liked listening to his voice. Danny loved telling stories; you weren't sure he loved talking, and he wasn't the type of person that loved the sound of his own voice but he had so many stories... And each story he told could make you feel so much. His voice was cool and soothing and sometimes he poured sugar and could give you just the right look to almost drive you crazy...
Today you were just as into telling stories as he was; you were telling him about your first foray into dancing because of watching your parents, and how long it had taken you to find just the right piece of music, when you remembered something. "OH! Hang on a minute...!" You realised you'd stopped mid-story but this was suddenly so much more important. You ran back with your ipod and speakers, plugging it in you turned back to him, taking a breath at your admittance "I - Urhm- God this sounds so stupid now I think on it... I uh, haha... I... I kinda might have made us a playlist..." This piqued his interest "You made me a playlist?" You nodded enthusiastically, encouraged by his response. He laughed "No one has ever made me a playlist before..." He waved his hand at your modern technology "Aren't playlists supposed to be on mixtapes?" "...Yeah, when my parents were making them!" You folded your arms "Aw! C'mon Danny you're not THAT old." "Ow!" He gave you a look "No, c'mon, it's gotta be on tape!" "Does it matter what it's on!?... Will you let me play it?" "Go ahead" he nodded "Please do! I'm, kinda honored!" "Despite the fact it isn't on tape?" You teased, scrolling to shuffle it. "...Well, I'm equally scared..." The first song started playing, making him tilt his head "This sounds very Little Havana dance music to me..." You shrugged "It might kinda also be my dance fantasy playlist..." He put his glass down "You think about that?" You had him laughing again as he stood "You fantasise about dancing with me?" "I think you just like hearing me say it..." You let him take you in his arms and find a rhythm to the music "...When I watched my parents out on that dancefloor I used to always wonder when I would find someone who would know me that well... Who would command that floor with me; two halves of the same whole...With you, it’s different. But... I think I finally found him." You gave him your best teasing smile "So, if you think I don't fantasise about the way you choose to hold me when we dance.... Then you're missing out on what I'm thinking."
"You ever think about swimming out here?" "No, I’m wearing a bikini for NO reason, Danny." He turned from looking at the clear water and eyed you up and down "No. You're wearing shorts and a man’s shirt." "It's called OVERSIZED and it’s a fashion trend, it’s not a man’s shirt!" He laughed and turned back to the water; “You're just jealous it's not yours." You could tell by the way his shoulders tensed and his stance changed that you'd hit a nerve. This time he turned back slowly. However, as he did so you were shimmying your shorts off of your hips and unbuttoning your shirt. You looked back up at him and the way his jaw tightened and couldn't help but smirk. He shook his head; "Damn. Okay... now I need to cool off..." He stepped up onto the edge of the boat. "You're going in in a shirt!?" You looked him up and down "Like that!?" "Yeah. You coming or what?" With that he took a step backwards and disappeared from view. You rolled your eyes, dropped the shirt and slid your shades from your hair before crossing to the side of the boat. You tested the water temperature and, satisfied, took the step up and jumped in. Compared to the heat of the sun, once submerged the water was refreshing against your skin... You swam up to meet Danny who was waiting for you by the surface. "Quicker than expected. Maybe you'll give me a run for my money..." "Still gotta prove you're the strongest swimmer in the Keys." "Don't worry Darlin', I can do just that." He winked pushing himself back to the boat he wriggled out of his now soaked shirt and swam back to you. "Take a deep breath." "Why?" "Just... Do it..." He took his own and disappeared below the surface, did he want you to follow him or..? You gasped and almost swallowed salt water as he ran his hands up your legs, over your thighs; "DANNY!" He didn't stop, continuing his travel up your body, hips, stomach, pressing kisses there also... over your ribs and higher. GEEZ! What the heck is he--!? He resurfaced and you could have slapped him. “Saying my name is NOT taking a deep breath." "I could kill you Danny Rayburn." "You either want me to touch you or you don't?" He smirked playfully "You're just so full of mixed signals Y/N... Now take that breath." He kissed you once quickly, salt on his lips, making your protest useless as he sank again. This time you took one, and were glad you did as he promptly pulled you under. Within seconds you were back in his arms as he tangled your body with his. You had to lock your arms around him, now completely dependent on his swimming ability. You realised he was showing off, but you weren't sure this was exactly the way you'd had in mind. Then he kissed you, and it wasn't just a kiss. He ran his hands back over your body, pulling you even closer to him. He rolled you through the water to keep you closer to the surface but he didn't break the kiss; instead continuing to deepen it. You ran your fingers into his hair; knowing you were completely at his mercy. He untangled your legs from his, allowing you to keep buoyancy as he pulled you closer to him, almost so you were sitting on his lap underwater. You ran your hands back down his arms and across his chest. It made sense that Danny was a strong swimmer; the muscles under your fingertips were all toned for it. For a man now into his 40s, apart from his salt and pepper hair, there was nothing about Danny that made you believe he was that old for a second. He had a good 10 plus years on you, but damn when he was doing this it didn't feel like it.
You were beginning to get lightheaded, and it wasn't just the feel of your boyfriend. You pushed back against him releasing air bubbles. His reaction was so quick it could have been nothing more than instinct; pushing you towards the surface he didn't break until he made sure you had. "You okay!?" Panic edged his voice as he watched you take on air; "Yeah... Yeah I..." you laughed "You have the physique of a strong swimmer... I'll give you that much..!" He kissed you again, gentle, soft... and you looked at him, the way the sun broke over the water and hit his eyes... Today they really showed up his cute freckles and gave him an almost innocence, to couple with those ocean blue eyes and the grin he was now giving you as he gathered you back in his arms; "So... I win!?"
He took you hand and you swam back to the boat back under the waves. You allowed him to drag you along, watching the way he swam. The tide was changing, and over this particular area it was even more shallow - the water warm. Still, he swam so skilfully that he didn't stir up sand. He pulled you back up to the surface. Twisting you so your back was to the boat, he swam underneath you; this time with warning. He pulled your legs over his shoulders and pushed up until he hit the surface. You were just about high enough to pull yourself up onto the side, but he held you steady until you sat. Droplets fell from your hair into the water as you swept it back off your face with your shades. He was staring up at you, making no attempt to exit. "What?" "You are so damn gorgeous... I just don't know what to tell ya..." He pushed himself out of the water and hoisted himself up next to you. You handed him his damp shirt. "Sure you don't want this?" He, too, pushed his wet hair out of his face. You laughed "It’s NOT a man’s shirt..." You kissed his shoulder gently as he pulled it over his head with a laugh; "But that’s what you do right? You collect men’s shirts." "What do you think one-night stands are for? I was gonna add yours to my collection... It's a testament to you that you got it back..." "Only for you to steal about 4 more?" "I love your shirts, where do you get them?" "Aw nah, if I told you that you'd go buy 'em and I would outlive my usefulness." You looked down at the water again, at the way he swung his legs lazily over the side of the boat. But you smiled; "They wouldn't smell like you if you didn't wear 'em..." He leant back, laughing "Uh huh! That’s it!" You grinned "Somethin' like that, baby, yeah!" He shook his head, twisting so he straddled the side, hands on hips "But you don't want this one?" "You need to wear a shirt. Ok, or Ima die!!" He laughed even harder and took your face between his hands; "Oh! Baby girl! Where the hell did you come from!?" He kissed your forehead, then your lips, before he stood; "Lunch?" You nodded; "As If I could ever refuse?" You caught his lips again before he wandered to the kitchen; He laughed; "Okay, gorgeous. Try not to miss me too much." You pouted; "Awww... I miss you already!"
You had a book open on your chest, glass of wine on the table next to you. You were lying lengthways across the seats - simultaneously sunbathing and drying off from swimming. You were still in your bikini but to ward off the chill from the breeze that would every so often catch you, you’d put your oversized shirt back on. You’d started to read but your eyes began to get heavy, so you’d decided to give it a miss for a minute and rest your eyes instead. Danny had been busy preparing lunch... and marvelling a little at the kitchen on a boat like this. But when he walked back out onto the sun-drenched deck, he couldn’t help but push the thought of lunch to the back of his mind.
You were still wet from swimming and that was only soaking into the shirt you were wearing, leaving even less to his imagination than usual... He took a gulp of wine and crossed to you, placing his glass on the table next to yours. The sound of his glass hitting the surface didn’t stir you... He knelt on the seat and pulled you towards him by your legs, running his hands from your ankles, he brushed away the salt that was stuck to them. As he kissed from your ankle to follow the trace of his fingers you hummed, shifting your body slightly to get more comfortable. When he got to your inner thigh he figured you were teasing him by not responding more than you were holding back. He shifted himself, placing his hands either side of your head so you were pinned under him, legs on either side of his. You let out a content sigh, closing your book you threw it onto the table, expertly missing both glasses, you reached up and removed your shades, opening your eyes to stare into his.
“You’re blocking my sunlight, you know?” He narrowed his eyes but said nothing, opting instead to lower his body further and beginning to kiss your neck. The next hum you gave reverberated into his body as you crossed your legs behind his, winding your arms around his shoulders you pushed your body up and were met with a sound of approval; you laughed. “I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying the view!” “That’s what I thought!” He growled against your skin. You tasted like the sea, like sunshine. Like everything he’d ever wanted. You were a warm safe place... Even though he knew you’d said the same about him... He felt like he could wrap all his secrets up in you, too... And like he might have finally found the one person who wouldn’t leave... Who wouldn’t let HIM leave.
He reached for the buttons on your shirt at the same time you started running your hands under his. “Should we take this inside?” You quizzed him as he relieved himself of his shirt, his eyes left yours and he traced the opening of your button down, it was much more obvious with you dressed like this of your body’s reactions to him... and your hips were pinned down by his. He wasn’t that sure he wanted to move this anywhere. He undid the final buttons and your shirt found a new home on the floor, he laid you back and his hands went for the straps of your bikini. And then he was decisive; “No.”
*** You opened the wardrobe and scanned quickly through the clothes. “Aw, crap.” “What?!” Danny’s voice echoed from the bathroom “I must have taken all my stuff off the boat!! This is all my parents...” You leant against the wardrobe door “... I mean it’s not a total loss my mom has some nice things...” He exited the bathroom running his hands through his still wet hair from the shower you had shared. “Only as long as it isn’t nautical stripes again...” You had to laugh “Just for that comment I’m going to make sure it-“ You had to stop and stare at him for a minute. “What?” He looked around the room and then back to you. Dressed in smart dark blue jeans, and a white and faded navy striped shirt (top buttons undone, of course) with a black jacket Danny looked the smartest you had ever seen him. And your heart was telling you exactly how that made you feel; “Oh my god...” you breathed “... When you said you were going to take me out you really meant it...” “Yeah. What did you THINK I meant?!” You shrugged unconvincingly and turned back to the wardrobe. You’d have to go classic black... there was nothing else for it. It was cut a bit like a sundress, but had teardrop shaped diamanté’s around the neck line. “Belt. I need to belt it... I think...” You threw off your cover up, not even caring that Danny was still there after today, the unmade bed now told that story, and pulled the dress over your head. As expected, it was a little too big for you. “Tell me you have a belt.” “Yeah, one! What are you...” “You have a skinny waist so it’ll have a good amount of notches!” “I’ll do you one better. It doesn’t even have notches.” He smirked “But you have to come get it.” You narrowed your eyes at him; “What, like your belt buckle is ever going to be a challenge for me?” You opened a second draw and pulled another belt out. Then approached Danny. His face almost read disappointed. “Don’t get too excited...” You ran your hands around his waist band to his belt buckle as you whispered it seductively, you released the buckle with a click, realising that his belt was a slide system. You pulled it from his dark jeans whilst never taking your eyes off his. Looping it over your shoulder you unravelled your dads; “It’s Zegna. Ermenegildo Zegna… Italian men’s fashion boutique, also does the suits for Tom Ford, Gucci and YSL if you must know…” You flashed the name on the belt at him before passing it through his belt loops and pulling it tight to fasten it; “Now you can look like you own this boat.” You stepped away from him and he released a breath you hadn’t realised he’d been holding. “...And you can get off your luxury yacht straight into you Zegna Maserati, to match your flashy belt, of which only 100 were made…” You cracked a smile “Not that my dad would let you borrow it or anything, but you could always ask!” Danny didn’t miss a beat – “So your dad is into cars huh?” “Small house, MASSIVE garage.” You agreed, knowing full well Danny had seen a host of them sitting on the driveway before now. “Explains yours.” “Uh. I’d like to take credit for my own car thanks! But yeah, guess he’s the influence. It wasn’t HIS money though.” “I would NEVER imply that!” He tilted his head; “Why are you telling me so much about Zegna anyways!?” You winked, pulling his jacket straight and smoothing his shirt; “Context is everything.”
You passed his belt high around your waist and pulled it tight to pull the dress in, looping it in a neat knot on the other side of the buckle. “There. Better.” You looked him over; “Oh Yeah. You look like new Miami money...” You pulled a box out of the same draw and opened it... selecting some of your mother’s earrings and a statement piece necklace. You were content to leave your watch and bracelets are they were. Finer pieces suited you, you turned back to him; “So, do you think I look worthy of your new Miami money?” He raised an eyebrow “You look beautiful… As long as the suggestion isn’t that I bought you?” “Baby, I would never—!” You crossed to him, picking up your bag on the way, thankful you always carried make up for touch ups. You kissed him gently “Tonight though... all eyes are gonna be on you!” *** He took your hand as you hopped off the boat; “So?” “So…?” You questioned his question. If he was asking about the location, then a marina was a marina. It was a small dock, old wood, but pretty… strings of lights welcomed boats and bathed the water in a soft glow. He asked the expected question. “What do you think?” “…It’s pretty… but it’s all boats, wood and water… Where are you actually taking me?” He smiled and linked your arm with his. “It’s only a short walk…” He took it slow, and explained how he’d found this place completely on accident when he was exploring ideas for his own. According to him, it was the only restaurant he actually trusted himself to take you to without complaining about anything. Anything had a wide scope, so you wondered if he meant sometimes he wouldn’t complain about the food but something else. He left that avenue unexplored. You pondered aloud if it had inspired anything from his own; he explained that the location was waterfront, so he’d got as close as he possibly could. He described, in detail, that when creating his own menu he’d taken a lot of time experimenting, which is why his menu looked normal until you took a close look. This place had a lot of classic items, but its fair share of the weird and wonderful. He’d simply tested flavours and combined them. You wondered what that meant your evening was to consist of. He stated that it wasn’t the only restaurant he’d been to that had inspired either of those things, but you knew him, so you’d be able to pick up on the influence right away.
When you arrived, the restaurant was decorated in the same strings of lights and it spilled out onto the small waterfront. Danny was “old-romantic” enough to have asked for an outside table and like a true gentleman, helped you into your seat before sitting himself. You studied the other clientele carefully. Everyone was at the very least smartly dressed. Some even a little overdressed, if you and Danny were anything to go by. Your dad’s boat was the biggest in the marina so… They weren’t coming from the Miami heights. Or, they’d driven? You hadn’t scanned the cars in the parking lot. You were glad you’d borrowed one of your mom’s dresses. You were about to open the menu when Danny held his hand out for it; “What? You have one?” “Yeah. Alright…” He retrieved his hand and studied his own meticulously. But that got you curious; “What?” “It doesn’t matter.” “No really!” He shook his head, but you could tell by the smile that appeared on his face that wasn’t the end of the conversation. You opened yours and almost immediately on first scan you could see elements that had been copied over to Viva Caputa. But, for a restaurant that didn’t seem all that big, the menu was far more extensive. And some of the prices were almost eye watering. Ah, the price of waterfront real estate. Even this far out of Miami. “You are NOT paying this.” “Shut up and let me take you on a date.” Danny waved away your protest “Its-” “I WANT to spend my money on you. That should be the end of the conversation…” And so it was. Until the waiter turned up. Danny took a deep breath, in a way that made you look up at him. He looked across to you; that same smile on his face. “Do you trust me?” You looked to the menu and shut it in answer; “Yes.” “Okay…” He cleared his throat “Let’s do this- you sure!?” You nodded; he was about to order for both of you, but he didn’t want to look like he was controlling. He ordered four different dishes, two that were classic, two that almost made you want to scan the menu again – but felt that would defeat the point of you trusting him. Then flicking through the drinks menu he ordered a wine. The waiter was hesitant for a moment. “Trust me man, I’m a chef. It sounds odd, it’ll go perfect…” He winked across to you; “You better get your drink in. I think I’m complimenting flavours.” With that you were allowed to order your signature. The waiter disappeared and Danny looked more than just a little smug; “The kitchen will get it. Don’t worry.” “Are you going to do this with dessert too?” “God – that’s your forte…” He traced his lips with his fingers; “Maybe. I’ll see how well this goes down.” “I’m sure it’ll be fine. You told me you knew me.” “…I know what you don’t like, yeah, I skipped all of that. It’s a shame, you’re missing out.” “You told me I had great taste!” You folded your arms defiantly; surely he would admit he HAD said that when editing his menu and listing his target markets qualities. “Yeah…” he smirked “In men!”
When the dishes arrived Danny was quick to point out exactly what he’d done; “Look! I’ve got all your food groups covered! Meat, Fish, Vegetarian, Pasta… That sauce is dairy based… and you’ve even got fruit here look. Can I have done any better? No or No?” “…You are crazy.” “Not a God damn sweet in sight. Good natural sugar!” He sat back and watched your face “You’ll ruin it with dessert but I want to say I tried my hardest.” “I’m impressed. But it’s gotta taste good.” “It will taste better than good.” He nodded to the wine, “Now I get to pour this!” He hadn’t actually let you have any before your main courses arrived. You were fine with your drink; with his promise that it would be complimented by what he had chosen you’d only taken slow sips. He had stuck to water. Danny was clearly eager to make a great impression. He held his hand out for your plate; “See, now I’ll balance it right and you can tell me what you think…” He moved his chair so he was sitting next to you, rather than opposite. And in accordance with what you had seen from an actual food group chart he began the process of mixing the dishes on your plate appropriately. He set it in front of you, and then poured your glass of wine. “Your choice if you mix them up or not. But, you should probably get a feel for each flavour first.” You almost burst out laughing at how serious he sounded. “What?!” “Oh god. You’re going to remind me of every time Jason mimics you…” “Oh does he now?!” “Cooking is all about FEEL! Jason! FEEL!” You did you best impression of Jason impersonating Danny. “God, I’m sorry… He just… Loves you way too much.” At least Danny saw the funny side of it, plating up for himself “Oh yeah, I BET that’s why he does it…” You picked up your fork, but you weren’t exactly sure where to start, and you wanted to follow Danny’s lead. “… What’s wrong sweetheart?” He picked up his own and looked across to you “You think I know where to begin!?” “The choice is yours.” “You should know how bad I am at decisions. Amanda and Evelyn should have…” you suddenly realised that Danny hadn’t actually met your two best friends properly yet. They’d been present a couple of times you’d been out for drinks but… “…They didn’t though. God, I need to introduce you to my friends… OH! There’s my parent’s Anniversary party…!” “Oh God…” His eyes widened and shifted to the table “Suit and Tie - Danny Rayburn! YES!” “Don’t ruin tonight, please God no!” You laughed at the look on his face, “Okay.. Lemmie help you…” He pulled your plate towards himself and loaded his fork. “Is this too much?” “…For me or the fact that you’re gonna…” Wasn’t that supposed to be romantic? Did Danny think he was being over the top? “Oh my god, don’t you start overthinking!” “Okay…” You took his fork from him and thought the bite over. “OH-!” You covered your mouth for a second “Oh my God!” “No no no, hold on a sec, now you gotta have some of that.” He pointed to your wine glass “It’s not complete without that…” You gave yourself a second to mull over the flavours you were experiencing, swallowing you reached for your glass and took a sip. And suddenly eating became something a little bit more than sensory. He clapped his hands together at the look on your face and you were surprise he didn’t pat himself on the back right then and there. “Oh my god! She likes it!” He announced to no one in particular. “What-!? Oh my god-!? How!?!” “I may be the artist. It doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the hell out of other people’s art.” He looked as impressed with your reaction as his own analogy. “So, I made a good choice?” “Incredible.” “Better than my place?” “Oh-! NO! You can’t!” “I don’t mind you telling me yes…! It just makes me work a bit harder. This is like the level I’m going for. Only that mix is what I’m trying to put into one dish, rather than separate ones…” He gave you a smile as you nodded to his explanation with a smile of your own. You knew where he was coming from. He liked having you on the same page. His was an acquired wavelength, he liked that you could be in tune with that.
You cleared your plate more than once and he was more than just appreciative at that. There wasn’t even all that much that he had the waiter box up. You’d been through a few glasses of wine too, and were getting a little bit of a kick. You weren’t sure you could go for dessert – but Danny wasn’t having any of your excuses. “You’re only gonna complain if I don’t get you any…” He took the menu gratefully and took your hand; “Look, listen to this… you don’t even have to go heavy…” “You going to confine me to food groups again?” “No… Baby girl… This is all you… How about this…” He listed off a few different things and you tried to pick a couple that sounded like they would go together in the same way he had done so expertly for your main course. But also that didn’t sound heavy on top of what you had already eaten… He nodded along to your suggestions and you came up with a couple together. But, that wasn’t too hard. He was right, you had an incredibly sweet tooth.
Even here Danny was expertly trying to mix your choices, and by the time you’d both finished you felt like you could probably happily slip into a food coma. “That’s it. I’m not going to eat another bite for the next week!!” “She says… Coffee?” “Ugh. Go on.” “…Keep it light…” he took your wrist to check your watch; “We gotta get you back home too, remember! It’s probably an hour straight shot to Miami. Water shouldn’t be too rough, if we stick costal we’ll make it home with pretty good light on our side. But I can drive, it’ll be fine.” It was nearly 10:30pm… You didn’t care all that much. He ordered coffee and the check. Stopping you from taking it from him; “Can’t we please split it?” “NO.” “Please…” “Nope…” He pulled out his wallet and his card “Danny…!!” “Not even that voice is going to work on me today. Finish your coffee!” He handed it back to the waiter quickly, ignoring your whines of protest. He wouldn’t even let you help with the tip, flowing his signature across the bottom of the receipt to complete the transaction. “You make me feel terrible.” “You better not after that meal. How often do I take you out Y/N? Be honest. I make money! Is it cuz I said the restaurant doesn’t pay all the bills?! Consider it a thank you, in fact I noticed your clients are bring their own people around… and your dad… Well, that’s another story. We’re doing so well I’m considering extensions, refits… and… Well, y’know that’s another conversation for another time…” He put his card back into his wallet and turning to observe you finishing your coffee, took a different line of conversation “…About this Anniversary party?” “Wedding Anniversary. Yup.” “Do you really want ME to go? You don’t want to do what we usually do..?” He was referring to your slightly strange arrangement of if one of you didn’t want to go to a party or engagement the other was going to you would simply be allowed to take someone else as your plus one. Danny didn’t often try to take female ‘friends’, but he was cool with you taking guys from work. He figured it made sense for you to take people who ‘fit the description’ to your upper-class parties (those you couldn’t miss). He went to all sorts of strange sounding events that it often didn’t sound like he wanted to get you involved in. The arrangement suited you both, and you knew nothing would ever happen between the two of you and the third person-of-choice. “Not to this one. I want it to be you. It HAS to be you.” “…Suit and tie?” “Black tie, actually.” He made a choking sound “Geez… Okay… I’ll see what I can do…” His mind thought back to your earlier conversation, his voice questioning “context is everything?” “If you wanna rock a Zegna suit... be my guest!” You tipped your glass to him, impressed “But yeah that’s the kind of eyerolling discussions you need to be prepared for!” “Can’t wait.” He dripped his usual sarcasm. You chose to ignore it. “My parents will want you there… And I want you to meet my friends and family… I love you… And this is… the first real serious… thing I think I’ve ever had…! And, that party will be the perfect place.”
He took your hand and helped you stand, linking your arm back through his he walked you back to the boat, pondering the situation; “How many years?” “Huh?” “How many years have they been together? It sounds like it’s more than just a little party. Black tie?” “…35.” “Oh my god.” “I know. Met young, danced together young, married young. Literal life partners…” “And you want that?” “…I guess I want… Similar?” You shrugged and gave him your best smile “Kinda depends on what he wants too, doesn’t it?”
*** He looked uncomfortable as he leant over the side of the boat, staring at the marina lights flickering across the surface of the dark water. You approached his side slowly, your voice gentle; “…Are you ok?” He didn’t answer, but realised in doing so he might be giving the wrong impression of his evening. His evening with you had been great. But this…
“Is it your shoulder again?” It’s something you’d never asked him about. But you’d noticed for a long time. If Danny ever looked in pain he would always reach for his left shoulder. On the few occasions you’d been in his apartment you’d also noticed he had a substantial amount of painkillers and at least one of those bottles had made its way onto one of your bathroom shelves. He glanced across to you, and his face voiced the question he couldn’t. You waved your hands as if to say you meant nothing by it, “It’s just something I’ve observed over time…” you turned so your back was against the railing “…Personally though, if it’s as bad as you make it look… you should probably have it looked at…” He almost laughed, “No… No! The last thing I need is all that being dragged up again…” He took a deep breath and turned side on to you. He studied your face carefully, but he already knew it, how much he trusted you… So he knew he could tell you this. Hell, he HAD to tell you this.
“I never told you about my little sister right? Not – Not Meg… Sarah…” You realised this was a lot more serious than you had thought, turning your full attention on him, you shook your head slowly. “Well… Mom and Dad were fighting. Like a LOT. We’re talking daily screaming matches. We were lucky it never got any worse. I mean I was always one for getting out of dodge anyway, but let me tell you, that would have cemented it. Anyway, Sarah hears one such argument, she probably shouldn’t have but mom asked me to take her somewhere. And I mean, I’m just a kid what do I know, I thought the best place was as far away from that house as possible…” He bit his lip and gave a shrug; “And we had a boat, not the one we have now, a different one. There was one rule, don’t take Sarah out on the boat without an adult. See, John was right there on the pier and he shoulda come with me, but he didn’t. And I was way more focused on leaving that house than anything else… And… Sarah… She had this…” He stopped, and looked back to the water, you moved closer to him. This was hard, this was so hard for him and you knew it couldn’t have ended well. For one, Sarah wasn’t ever mentioned… He swallowed hard and his voice almost broke over his next sentence. He continued to stare at the swirling depths as the waves lapped against the side of the boat “…gorgeous little seahorse necklace, and she loved it. Absolutely LOVED it, guess a thing like that is everything to a kid that age.” He laughed, but it wasn’t genuine; “…I mean, I dunno what I was gonna do with her, go swimming maybe? Anyways – we get to a reef and she drops it, doesn’t she. Necklace, gone, and it’s disappearing through that water quicker than I can stop her going after it.”
You covered your mouth with your hand. You knew exactly what he was about to say. “So she’s gone, and I didn’t react quick enough to going after her. We’re both under the water now and the necklace disappears through a crack in the reef; but she’s a kid right? She just will not let it go – and how – how in the world she got stuck I will never know; her hands were tiny. But her arm gets stuck, and I’m a strong swimmer, I wasn’t particularly athletic ever, but I could take licks from John and Kevin pretty good, right? Pulling her arm out should have been easy. I should have had this. But see, I didn’t. Cuz I was running out of air. So I had to leave her… SO I’m panicking, I get back to her as quickly as possible, she’s unconscious. Finally I get her arm out, I get back to the boat. No necklace, by the way. I turn that thing around and bam – I’m heading back home. I didn’t know CPR, hell, if I did maybe I could have done something…” He tapped the railing with his fingers, affording another pause. “Now I’m almost home, and I’m screaming for someone ANYONE to come help me. God, someone must know CPR right? John was smart! My Parents… Well you know what, maybe this would get them over fighting… Geez…” He placed his hands against his forehead and took a breath out “I get to the pier, I’m still yelling for someone. Apparently the house is deserted.” He snorted “Like that ever happens? Kevin, Meg, John?! Where the hell were they!? Anyway, my Dad… Sarah’s his favourite, because of COURSE she is… comes out. And, damn if I knew my dad… I guess he tried to help but I was too scared to find out. I mean… I guess she was dead at that point…” He fell silent again, and you realised that his injury didn’t come from helping his sister. “…The next thing I know, he is screaming at me. We’re not even talking angry, Y/N, I’ve never seen anyone…” He went quiet again “…He chases me through the house. And God, yeah, I guess John was there… I mean I’m quick, but I couldn’t outrun that. And screaming that it was an accident didn’t help anything either… He catches me and pins me down and that’s the least of my problems, cuz then Daddy dearest…” He bit his lips together, you knew what he was about to say and you wanted to, but you couldn’t stop Danny now; “…Proceeds to beat the shit out of me. And that is nowhere near an exaggeration.” He leant back “And this…” indicating to his shoulder “…This is a constant reminder. As if I didn’t have that day permanently ingrained into my head as it is… And then things were never the same…” He looked back to you, story he was willing to tell clearly over, and if it was possible his face fell. You didn’t realise you were crying until your tears started to run over your fingers. He didn’t have time to react to you throwing your arms around him – you didn’t sob, you kept your crying silent but you buried your head in his shoulder. You didn’t even know how to say you were sorry.
Eventually he moved in your arms, sniffing like he was crying because you were crying he mumbled into your shoulder; “…We should get back to Miami…” “You’re not going ANYWHERE.” You held him strong “We’re staying here. We’ll head back tomorrow…” you ran your hands over his shoulders tenderly, now you’d just have to make sure you were extra careful about this. He moved his hands to touch your shoulder too; “…What does that quote even say?” Running his finger across the scripture on your left shoulder, significant or ironic you weren’t sure, but you were sure he wanted to change the subject. You pulled back from your embrace; “You’re really NOT a church on Sunday type, are you?” You gave a half smile “…I used to be. I kinda got disillusioned more than once…. I guess I go occasionally. That quote struck a chord. So much so I guess I wanted it permanently on my skin…” He tipped his head; “That doesn’t tell me what it says…” “Depends on which bible you’re reading from. But, for me… Psalm 23:4 - ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me’…” You watched him run it through his head, trying to process it “…And what…what is it you’re… walking through?” You gave a secretive shrug life, maybe? “…I was working through some stuff… It doesn’t necessarily have to be about me, always.” “So, who?” You gave him a significant look and he followed what you were thinking. Now? Him. “Baby… Context is everything…”
*For which the Thou, is you. Of course.
@stcphstrange - Hope you had fun with nearly 15,000 words! 😘
#Danny Rayburn#danny rayburn x reader#danny rayburn x you#Ben Mendelsohn#Bloodline#Sway#Linzi Writes#2 gifs!!#Danny x Reader#4#Liliana
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table of contents
total: 78
💦 = smut / 18+ || 🔥 = angst ||🌺 = fluff
💰 = commissioned pieces
(variations may apply, but these are the three categories that each story falls under)
series (5)
🔥🌺 you are my sunshine [jjba] 4 stories (hiatus)
💦🌺 this side of paradise [yttd] 3 stories (hiatus)
🌺🔥 life through rose-colored glasses [tpp - rose!verse 🌹] 8 stories (alpha version) [co-author: @dahliasolisrose]
💦 roses after dark [tpp - rose!verse 🌹] 3 stories (alpha version) [co-author: @dahliasolisrose]
🔥🌺 heavy is the crown that wears like a collar [tpp - royalty au 👑] 1 story (ongoing)
🔥🌺 commissions [multiple fandoms 💰]
jojo’s bizarre adventure (16)
🌺 let’s get married ch 1 | ch 2
💦 verbatim
🔥🌺 this is enough
🔥🌺 À la claire fontaine
🌺 the addams family
🌺 everything stays
🔥 goodbye, my almost lover
🌺 you will always be my favorite form of loving
💦 be a valentino, just for you
🔥🌺 dedicated to the one i love ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4
🌺 when disco plays our tunes ch 1 (haitus)
🌺 kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
🌺 how far must i go to prove that i love you?
🌺 hey baby, i think i wanna marry you
🔥 but i lowered my sword when you held me and swore you'd stay, stay, stay
the magnus archives (9)
🔥🌺 we're starting over and I love you darling
🌺 what if when he sees me, i like him and he knows it? ch 1 | ch 2 (incomplete)
🔥🌺 i will see your body bare, and still i will live here ch 1 | ch 2 (hiatus)
🔥 you'll leave me lonely at best
🌺 nothing's perfect, i'm hoping i'll do
🔥🌺 he said come with me, i'll take you back
💦bitchboy bitchboy, lemme be your bitchboy! ch 1 (hiatus)
🌺 i can be a handful, but that's why you have two hands
🔥🌺 the opposite of ire is grief
the penumbra podcast (35)
🌺 when he calls me pretty, i feel like somebody
💦 been a minute since i had something so sweet
🌺 it starts with love and it ends with you
🔥 all i do is grit my teeth
🔥🌺 imagine being loved by me ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
🔥🌺 'til i'm with you then, i'm with you there ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 6 | ch 7 | ch 8 | ch 9 | ch 10 | ch 11 👑
🌺 so start me up and watch me go 🌹
🌺🔥 and it feels better when i feel your breath ch 1 | ch 2 🌹
💦 love in my eyes, blinded by you 🌹
🔥🌺 i wish we were all rose-colored too 🌹
🔥🌺 and if i could take it all back I swear that i would pull you from the tide 🌹
🔥🌺 a wicked dream needs a wicked schemer 🌹
🔥 say you’ll see me again, even if it’s just in your wildest dreams ch 1 | ch 2
💦 sticky hair, sticky hips, stubble on my sticky lips 🌹
💦 the definition of intimacy
🌺🔥💦 translating love from my skin to yours ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 6 | ch 7 | ch 8 | ch 9 | ch 10 | ch 11 | ch 12 | ch 13 | ch 14
🌺 but she's a comet coming on with a pretty, pretty face
🔥🌺 i can pretend that i don’t want it and i’m afraid
🔥🌺 talk about our future like we had a clue
🌺 oh no, there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good 🌹
🔥🌺 you’re not getting older, you’re getting better
🔥 i hope for your life you forget about mine 🌹
🌺 rita minute 4.5: the super spectacular valentine card extravaganza!
🌺 in my mind you're the angel on the painted glass 🌹💰
🌺 astronomy(ish)
🔥💦 she haunts me in the color red
🌺 the winning hand
🌺 two slow dancers
🔥🌺 floriography ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 6
🔥💦 unforgotten old flame
🌺 unspoken poetics
🔥🌺 i wanna get to you ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3
🔥🌺 incident report no. 127821-3
🔥🌺 like (costumed) mother, like (temporary) son
💦 lovin’ you twice is my daydream
your turn to die (8)
🌺 loser ch 1 | ch 2
💦 i wanna boi
🌺 i noticed your eyes are always glued to me ch 1 (hiatus)
🌺 i'll take a hit of whatever you got
🔥🌺 what’s in your head?
🌺🔥 alishin week (sept 26th - oct 2nd) 2021 ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 6 | ch 7
🌺 girls in bikinis
🔥🌺 dance dance revolution! and other fun mini-games to die in 💰
promare (2)
🌺 What are we?
🔥🌺 Coming Out
the adventure zone (2)
🔥🌺 the water's sweet but blood is thicker
🔥 desolation comes upon the sky
the walten files (1)
🌺 life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans
infinity train (1)
🌺 i can feel your heart beatin’ with mine
welcome to nightvale (2)
🔥 and autumn comes when you’re not yet done
🌺 mientras reías, el sol acarició mi corazón
genshin impact (1)
🌺 fragile like i’ve never seen
greenhouse podcast (1)
🌺 we were once upon a time in love
#cecil stories#masterpost#jojo's bizarre adventure#jjba#the adventure zone#taz#the penumbra podcast#tpp#roseverse#the magnus archives#tma#your turn to die#yttd#your turn to shine#ytts#kimi ga shine#promare#the walten files#twf#infinity train#welcome to nightvale#wtnv#genshin impact#greenhouse podcast#atypical artists#commission piece#bang fic#podcastbigbang#penumbrabang#corvidszines
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My Ultimate Fantasy
My Wett Dream 💦💦💦 Written by MrsKandiiBaby (DISCLAIMER:I know I’m not Tyga’s type but he can get it and here is my fantasy, only wet dreams of mine NOTHING REAL SO PLEASE DON’T TAKE IT SERIOUS ) I’m in the studio recording a single. Wearing daisy dukes shorts. And a double knot crop top blue plaid shirt. Black LastKings SnapBack silver hoop earrings adidas shoes. Tyga walks in he wanna see how I’m doing. I say one line especially for him.. “Tell him to holla at me he said he wanted a ass so phat he need a lap dance and a lady in the streets. But a MsMakeItNasty in his Kingin’ bed sheets. Treat him like a real King when I give him some Queenin’ Head.... “. And he stopped me. We look at each other and bite our lips. He tells the engineer to take a break, he’ll take over. Speaks into the mic and says to me “is that right?”. And I respond with “you wanna find out.” He said “quit playin”. I took the head phones off went out the booth and walked up to him. Leaned in slowly and said “what was you saying Papí ?”. He look at my body up and down and lick his lips. “I’m tryna see if you’re really Ms.MakeItNasty” “....I want some Kandii”. And I’m like “I want some T–RAWW ”. We move closer and closer and we kiss a few times. Then a few times turns into a French kiss and a make out session. Touching on each other. He rubs my pussy. I rub his dick. He’s rock hard. I’m soaking wet. He picks me up. And puts me on the soundboard... Pulls down my shorts. And begins to eat me out. Licking my pussy. Licking my clit. Nice and slow. Taking his time. “Mmm Damn you taste so fucking good.” He had my legs shakin and my body trembling. My heart skipping. This man tongue action was good he had me twitch like I was having fits. Moaning so loud but I grabbed his hand to put it underneath my shirt and bra so he can rub my breast and pinch my nipples just a lil’bit... for now. Then I put his finger in my mouth and teased it as if I was sucking his dick. As good as his tongue game felt I had to push him off and push him down on the couch. Unzip his jeans and whipped out his dick that was at full attention and ready for me. Wetting my lips nice and slow while I seductively look at him. I proceeded to put the head in my mouth and lick in circles and I take him in whole and fully. And cave my jaws in making my tongue move smoothly like a paint brush. Bobbin my head up and down giving him serious neck. I notice his legs are stiffening up and I’m assuming his toes is curling. Looking up at him and it set him on fire his eyes rolled back he pulled and tugged on my hair. His sexy smooth moans “mmm fuck yeah.” made me wetter. So while I was giving him head and jacking him off with one hand I pleasured myself with the other hand. Causing me to moan as I deep throat him making like sound like I’m humming on his dick. Fingering myself deeper. Sucking him longer. And us moaning louder. Only made us up the ante.. He pick me up and lay me on back on the couch and insert his large king size dick into my slippery wet tight pussy. Made me fuckin gasp for air Thrusting his hips hitting my pussy just right. I couldn’t help but thank God bc he stroke game was that good. Clothes are on the floor. My legs are in the air. I’m scratching his back up. We French kiss. He leave hickeys on my neck. I leave some on his. He sits up right and puts me on top. I take control. And ride his dick like a soldier. Bouncing my ass up and down Making it clap. While he smacks my phat ass constantly. Moving my pelvis like I’m riding a horse. Squeezing my pussy on his dick I do a quick trick where I’m still riding him, but I lean back and as he holds me and I notice once again his legs is stiffened and his toes is curled up. Then I lean back up and told him “Make that sound that I like.... Mmmm please... “ And this where the conversation..made me extra wetter and freaky “Please what... mm please what?” “Mmmm ahhh fuck please—pa—“ He went deeper in me without me even having to ask him. He went deeper and hit my G-Spot made me cum but this man was an animal he kept on going. “Please Daddy.... please make that sound I like.” He leans over to my ear.... “RAWRRR” “Ahhhhh fuckkkk shit !!!!! Oh shit oh shit “ “Damn baby you squirting while you riding? I like that shit.” “Mmmm I can’t help it daddy you make me so wet and horny.” He grabs my breast and licks my nipples and puts each one in his mouth. While I’m still enjoying the ride leaning my head back. Placing my hands on his shoulders. I notice when I was I flipping my hair to the left someone was watching I quickly let him know someone was lurking. He asked me do I want to stop? I said fuck no I’m not stopping till you nut in my mouth. He said aite then. He lift me up and put me against the corner of the wall. He made sure my legs was up doing a split or else I will get punished. That just sparked even more of my freaky interest Moving his dick in and out In and out ... In and out ... Mmmmm...Shit!!!! Constantly hitting my spot like damn he made shed tears. Kissing and licking my neck. Made these words slip out my mouth. “Damn I love you Tyga.” He look at me and said ...... “I love you too Kandii” Even though we both know right now this is full lust And we cool with that But I think we both think that possibly it could be something more later on All I can say after that I’m repeating was .... “Hit It Daddy, Hit this pussy.” “Kill it Tyga, Kill it !!!” “You want me to kill this pussy, baby, huh? You want daddy to kill it?” “Yes, yes, yes, daddy kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it.” “Mmmm fuck!!!!!! This some lit pussy” “I’m lovin this dick daddy.” “Yeah baby gimme dat Kandii.” “Ahhhh shit I’m bout to cum and squirt again daddy.” “Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum” Mmmmm ahhhhh fuckkkk shit. He then puts me down on my knees and jacks off for a few. Tells me to stick my tongue out and lean my head back and catch his nut I do as I’m told. As he explodes I put my mouth on his dick completely and catch all of his nut and swallow it and continue to give him head while he squirm and tries to push me off. But I ignore and go for another hour and make him nut one more time Swallow that nut too lick my lips and wipe my mouth. And we both laugh at each other and chill and cuddle on the couch until he finally hear both of our phones blowing up. We quickly get dressed and fix ourselves up to look normal like before I grab my back pack. And try to walk out until he stop me and said “You know we doing this again right ?” “I don’t know that, I think that was a one time fling cause you playin and you’re not into a thick all natural chick from NC like me. You like Hollywood Girls. laughing out loud.” “Ok I’ma call you tonight and pull up at yo crib and we’ll see who’s playin’” And we have one last passionate kiss. And we hear somebody walking up “Yo Bro you in here.. oh shit!” It was Chris Brown. I was tired of playing innocent so I said “wassup Chris Breezy.” And face forward to Tyga and said “you know the number and the address if you not playin then prove me wrong.” While I rubbed his dick and kissed him like he was officially mine. Proceeded to walk away then I said one more last thing. “Oh yeah and lemme know if you want a threesum I know a bad bitch who can come thru” and blew a kiss “later fellas.” As I walked away I can hear them talk.. Chris was like “Damn bro you got a real freaky one this time how was it .” And Tyga said “Hell Yeah it was fuckin incredible amazing mind blowing ...I gotta make that one mine officially .” All I could do is grin and smirk and talk to myself “Bitch you did that.” To Be Continued.. For sure... Well that is my fantasy about Tyga I’m not the only one who has fantasies about celebrities and I won’t be the last so don’t judge me about what goes on in my dirty little mind. You’re probably thinking about your celebrity crush and doing every freaky thing to them.. as we speak.. Thank you for reading my ultimate fantasy MrsKandiiBaby💋🍭👅💦😏😘😜
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Friday Night Gurus - Chapter 4
Series: JJBA Ships: josuyasu, koichi/yukako (others will eventually happen too, but im tagging as i go) Tags: celebrity au, modern au, pining, recreational drug use (smoking that wacky tabaccy), lots of talking and cuddles in this one, lads Rating: E
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HAHA, SO MY COMPUTER ATE THIS CHAPTER AND WHAT I HAD FOR TMBTP, SO, I HAD TO RESTART FROM SCRATCH. i rewrote this garbage dump from memory, and here we are. TMBTP is forthcoming once i stop weeping. may the powers that be take pity on this elderly woman (ed. note – author is only 24).
shoutout to TheSmuttiestPrincess and their fic Talk To Me That Way I Like for introducing me to praise kink!okuyasu, which is something i never knew i needed until i read it.
as always, comment the fic, kudos the fic, and bookmark the fic to see more of the same fic content.
Josuke woke up the next morning feeling like someone had cracked him across the face with a baseball bat. Fucking storms causing pressure headaches; he’d meet Mother Nature in the pit if she was a real person. He would have gotten up to get medicine if he hadn’t been trapped in the arms of a particularly buff octopus. Okuyasu was spooning him, legs and arms firmly wrapped around Josuke to prevent him from escaping (not that Okuyasu had to worry about that to begin with). Josuke could feel Oku’s slow, even breathing on his neck and it was giving him goosebumps. It felt like it was too early to exist. “What fuckin’ time is it,” he muttered to himself. Blindly, Josuke groped for his phone, but couldn’t seem to find it. “S'about 8:30.” Josuke didn’t hear Okuyasu speak so much as he felt him. “You awake?” Josuke whispered. “Mmh.” Josuke made to turn over, but Okuyasu held him in place. “Lemme roll over.” “I got morning breath,” Oku’s voice was slurred with sleep, voice rougher than usual. “I don’t care, dude. I do too.” Josuke tried rolling over again, but Okuyasu steadfastly held him in place. A power struggle ensued; Josuke valiantly did his best to break free, but Okuyasu had both the upper hand and strength to keep him in place. He felt Oku’s chest shaking with laughter, quiet chuckles in his ear. “I swear to God,” he huffed after a few fruitless minutes of wrestling, resigning himself to Little Spoon status, “I’m firing Polnareff.” That just made Okuyasu chuckle even harder, “No you won’t, that’d break his croissant-lovin’ heart.” He shifted closer to Josuke, and put his face into the junction where his neck met his shoulder. “Hey, uh, is it okay if I…?” Okuyasu faltered, nervous.
“You can kiss me, goofball. We’re dating, remember?”
Josuke could feel Okuyasu face flush before he zealously trailed kisses from Josuke’s shoulder, up his neck, to his corner of his jaw, settling on his earlobe which he nibbled on slightly. It sent shockwaves through his body, and Josuke couldn’t help but hiss.
Okuyasu backed off, “Oh shit, sorry—“
“No no don’t be,” Josuke rubbed the arm that held onto him, “It’s just been like, a long time since I’ve done anything like this. And, uh,” Josuke cleared his throat, “that felt really good, s-so, you know.” It was his turn to flush, and his face was scarlet.
“I just don’t wanna fuck this up. I really like you,” Okuyasu’s voice was small.
“You ain’t gonna fuck this up, I promise. Unless you wanna like, put something fucked up in my ass, like a centipede—“
“EW!” Okuyasu sounded horrified, “That’s disgusting. You just killed my boner, Higashikata.”
He had killed his own one man salute too, but that had been the plan. “Is that why you didn’t want me to roll over?” Josuke asked slyly.
“Uhm. Maybe?” Josuke went to turn towards him, but Okuyasu was obstinate. “I also don’t wanna smell ya mornin’ breath! It’s hot like thunder.”
“Oh my god, you stubborn mule,” Josuke tried to kick him, but Oku just wrapped his legs around Josuke’s tighter. “If we get up and brush our teeth, can we like, face each other?”
“Hm. Hm. I guess.” Okuyasu finally relinquished his iron-clad grip. Josuke sprang up, free to piss and scrub his nasty breath away.
Josuke was rinsing his mouth out when Okuyasu trudged in after him. “About time, lazy ass—“ He raised his head to get a good look at his boyfriend and would have spewed water everywhere if he hadn’t spit it out moments before, “God almighty, Oku, you look terrible.”
Okuyasu looked like he had been rode hard and put up wet. Cheek still bruised from Keicho’s left hook, eyes bloodshot, saddled with bags underneath them, skin looking a little colorless, “I feel terrible. This always happens if I’m out in the rain for too long.”
Josuke moved to let him brush his teeth before questioning him further. When Okuyasu finished, Josuke passed him a towel to wipe his mouth off, “How long were you out there?”
“Dunno. An hour? Two hours?”
“What the fuck, why didn’t you just call me??”
Okuyasu threw his hands up, “I did! I called like, at least 30 times! Your phone was dead or somethin’.”
“Oh shit,” Josuke completely forgot, “I turned it off before passing out on the couch.” He cringed, “Sorry.”
“S’fine,” Okuyasu rubbed one of his eyes, “I was close to just bustin’ a window and comin’ in that way.”
Josuke snorted, “Yeah that would’ve been great. Pissing myself when I wake up to a big ass, sopping wet burglar looming over me. Real romantic.”
“Fuck you dude, I was worried.”
“Worried?” Josuke arched an eyebrow, “Why were you worried?”
Okuyasu shifted from one foot to the other, “You weren’t answerin’, and I knew you were probably upset. I just—You know—“ he gestured vaguely, “jus’ wanted to make sure you were okay.”
That made Josuke’s heart turn over, “Aww, you big sweetie.”
Being called a sweetie made Okuyasu roll his eyes, unable to belie the blush on his face, “Shut up.” He threw the towel back down on the sink and rubbed the back of his neck, “So uh, can I kiss you?”
“You don’t gotta keep asking me that.”
Okuyasu fidgeted, “Sorry. I’m nervous that I’m gonna accidentally make ya uncomfortable, so I feel better when I ask.”
Josuke stepped close to him, placing a hand on his cheek, “You won’t make me uncomfortable. If ya ever did, I’d tell ya.” He stroked his thumb over Oku’s poor, bruised face, “But if it’ll make you feel better, then ask away.”
“Okay.” With that, Okuyasu gave him a kiss on the lips. It was sweet and soft, and it made Josuke’s chest soar. Oku hesitantly wrapped his arms around Josuke’s neck, hands in his hair; Josuke took that as a sign to pull his hips flush against his own and slide his tongue into Okuyasu’s mouth. His actions elicited a deep groan from his boyfriend, who awarded him by gently backing Josuke against the wall. It went from chaste and slow to messy and urgent in almost an instant.
“Fuck,” Josuke breathed as Oku pulled away to put teeth against his neck. When Okuyasu stopped momentarily, Josuke wove his fingers through his hair, “Leave marks.” Oku did as instructed; Josuke couldn’t help but grind his rising erection against Oku. “You’re too good at this,” he moaned, arching his back. That seemed to trigger something in his boyfriend. Okuyasu growled, tugging Josuke’s shirt off of him so he could get better access to his chest. There was a twitching cock pressed up against Josuke where there wasn’t a moment before. He was doing something right.
“God, keep talking,” Okuyasu rasped against Josuke’s collarbone, raking his teeth against it.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he panted. Okuyasu broke off momentarily to rip his own shirt off, before going back to leaving bruises on Josuke’s chest. Josuke ghosted fingers up Okuyasu’s sides; he really was sexy.
This was quickly turning into something a lot more than just a hot and heavy makeout session. Not that Josuke minded, considering how the only thing he had on his mind were how badly he wanted Okuyasu’s mouth on his dick at that very moment. Okuyasu seemed to read his mind, and looked Josuke in the eye with a single-minded ferocity that sent chills down his spine.
Which was ruined when both of their stomachs rumbled audibly.
They stared at each other for a moment before they busted out laughing; Josuke had to hold Okuyasu up to keep him from tumbling into the floor. It took a few minutes, but once their hooting died down, Josuke still held onto him, resting his cheek against the side of his head. “We should probably get food,” he said.
“Yeah…raincheck on this?”
Okuyasu straightened up, pecking Josuke on the cheek, “You got pancake mix?”
There was no pankcake mix, but Okuyasu did a bang up job on eggs and bacon, so breakfast wasn’t a lost cause. Really though, anyone who remotely knows their way around the kitchen is a great cook in Josuke’s eyes. It was still pouring the rain, so no weed smoking for them, which was fine since they needed to be sober for the conversation that needed to take place.
“So,” Josuke started, “Does anyone know you’re gay?” They were back in his room, laying on the bed under one of his cotton blankets. Okuyasu laid on his stomach with a pillow propping his head up; Josuke laid on his side facing him.
“Yeah,” Oku shifted to look at him better, “Everyone in the band knows, plus Tonio and Hazamada. Akira too.”
“Unfortunately. I didn’t, uh, come out in the best way…”
Josuke frowned, “You don’t gotta tell me—“
Okuyasu waved a hand, “Nah, s’fine.” He rolled over onto his back, “See, like, I dated this girl when I was 19. Which, she was the only person I ever dated before you, so you’re my first real relationship. You should feel special,“ Oku looked at Josuke through his lashes, grin on his face. Josuke blushed furiously and punched his arm, because he did. Chuckling, Okuyasu continued, “She ended up cheating on me after like a year of being together, which was a relief because I finally had a good excuse to break up with her—“
“Damn. That’s awful,” Josuke scrunched his face up, “How’d you survive pretending to be straight for that long?”
“We were actually good friends before we dated, and she told Keicho that she was madly in love with me. So he, being my big bro who didn’t know I was gay, but did know I’d never had sex, hooked us up,” Okuyasu gave a wry smile, “Didn’t even fuck her. Ended up losing my v-card to some guy in a dirty bathroom after a show.” He rubbed his face at the memory, “Anyways, so like, I was relieved, but kinda upset because you know, she was still someone I cared about and the breakup was really messy. She was cryin’ and apologizin’, all that bullshit. So they, Keicho, Yuuya, and Akira, all decided to get me shitfaced at this huge party some guy Akira knew was throwin’,”
His eyes grew distant as he recounted the story. “So I get pretty hammered. I dunno if ya noticed, but I tend to uh, get nervous when flirting or kissing—“
“Really? Didn’t have a clue,” Josuke said dryly.
“Shut the hell up. Anyways,” he absentmindedly rubbed the hickies on his neck that Josuke gave him as a thank you for breakfast, “when I’m drunk, I ain’t like that. So there was this cute dude, and I thought everyone else had fucked off to do their own thing. I decided, in my dumbass drunken haze, that kissing him was a good idea—“
Josuke gasped, “Oh no—“
Okuyasu held up his hands, “That’s not the bad part. He was into it. We ended up making out and then he like, dragged me off to some room. What I didn’t notice was that Yuuya witnessed all of this, and went off to get Keicho to come save me, I guess. Long story short, the dude sucked me off, and then after I started goin’ down on him, Keicho and Yuuya busted into the room and pulled me off of him—“
“No!” Josuke covered his mouth with his hand, “They didn’t hurt ya, did they?”
“It wasn’t me they hurt,” Okuyasu chuckled without a trace of humor, “Both of them started whooping this dude’s ass. Me, a damn moron, starts bawlin’ like a stupid baby. I was buggin’ the fuck out.”
“So they thought—“
“That he forced me to? Yeah. It was bad.”
Josuke sucked air through his teeth, “So, what happened next?”
“I actually don’t really remember anything after that. Good ol’ Yuuya filled me in the next mornin’ when I had the worst hangover of my life, the bastard,” Okuyasu scowled. “I ended up crying so hard, I upchucked all over my clothes, so they stripped me down to my pants and hauled my drunk ass out of there. The next mornin’, they had a lot of questions, and I had to answer ‘em.”
“What did you say?”
“That I liked dudes, and everything that had happened last night was because I wanted it to,” Okuyasu sighed, “It wasn’t a… fun conversation. I was cryin’ again, like a fuckin’ idiot, and that made my head hurt worse. Keicho was pissed, and Yuuya wasn’t happy either.”
“Not over you likin’ guys, right?” Josuke clarified.
“No, not over me likin’ dudes. It was over me putting myself in that situation in the first place, like a fool. ‘Bad things coulda happened to you, what if we hadn’t had been there, blah blah blah’. Keicho really reamed my ass over it.”
“They had a point,” Josuke said, “so what happened after that?”
“Nothing really. Keicho said he didn’t hate me for being gay, he just hated me for being stupid. Yuuya said that he didn’t care, as long as I’m happy, it’s whatever to him. Akira was a dick, but Akira is always a dick.”
“Your brother is such an asshole.”
Okuyasu shrugged, “Yeah, but he’s always been like that.”
“What about everyone else?”
“As for Hazamada, Yukako, and Tonio knowin’, Hazamada was home when it all went down, so he heard. Tonio knows because I told him, same with Yukako.”
Josuke nodded, then scooted close to Okuyasu and planted a smooch on his cheek, “Thanks for tellin’ me that.”
“You’re welcome,” Oku turned onto his side to look Josuke in the face, “now your turn. Who knows you’re gay?”
“Basically everyone in my personal life. Like, friends and family.” Josuke brushed a stray hair out of his face, “It’s kind of an open secret, I guess? Most people in the industry assume I am.” Josuke grimaced, “It doesn’t stop me getting hit on by women, or rubbed up on, unfortunately.”
Okuyasu chortled, “Yikes. I’m lucky I’m ugly.”
Josuke jabbed him in the ribs with his fingers, “You’re not ugly, stop talking about yourself like that. Anyways,” Josuke huffed, “I came out to my mom and grandpa when I was like 14. They were trying to set me up with the daughter of one of my mom’s friends. I panicked and blurted it out in car on the way to dinner one night.”
Oku cringed, “Ouch. What happened?”
“They were like, oh okay. And then mom started plotting to get me set up with the son of one of her friend’s,” Josuke shook his head, “They were both cool about it, told me they loved me and supported me. The Joestar side of my family was also chill about it. That didn’t surprise me, since Jotaro, my nephew, has a husband, Polnareff has a boyfriend, and my cousin Johnny is seeing some Italian guy.”
“That’s good though. I’m happy for ya,” Okuyasu propped his head up with his arm, “So, you’ve dated guys before right?”
“Yep. I’ve had a few boyfriends, last one was about…” Josuke looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember, “It’s been two years…? Yeah,” he nodded, “Two years ago. That didn’t end well, so I kinda swore off relationships until I met you.”
“Really?? Why me?”
Josuke shrugged, “Dunno, you’re just special.” He wasn’t too surprised to see tears flood Okuyasu’s eyes, given how emotional he could get.
“Jooosukeeeeee,” he whined, tears rolling down his face.
“Don’t cry, you marshmallow fuck,” Josuke wiped the tears away.
It took a minute, as it always did, to get Okuyasu to calm down. Oku pulled Josuke into his arms, big giddy smile on his face, “That last guy must’ve been awful if you think I’m better than he is.”
“First of all, you’re amazing so never say never say that about yourself again, asshole. Second, yeah, he was massive penis.”
“What happened? You don’t gotta tell me if it’s bad,” Okuyasu quickly amended.
“I was just partying waaay too hard when we were together and he was like, an enabler? I think that’s what Koichi called him. We were together a little over 10 months, and during that time I stayed super high or really drunk. It wasn’t good. And he was a huge asshole, and treated me like shit, so,” Josuke shrugged again.
“I’ll kick his ass if I ever see him.”
Josuke snorted at Okuyasu’s threat, “You don’t even know who he is.”
“Do I care? I’ll drop that motherfucker in a heartbeat.”
“You fuckin’ dork,” Josuke kissed Oku on the jaw, “It’s fine, I moved onto bigger and better things. I got you now.”
He felt tears; Okuyasu was crying again. “Damn right you do,” he sniffed.
“Don’t cry again. Come on, let’s watch something.”
“Josuke, wake up.”
“Wake up, you’re drooling on me again!”
Josuke’s eyes snapped open, “Goddamnit, sorry. I’m so gross when I sleep,” he sat up to wipe drool off of his face and Okuyasu. His headache had eventually gotten the best of him, and he’d fallen asleep with his head resting on Okuyasu’s chest. It wasn’t completely his fault, Oku start playing with his hair while they watched some bad show about vampires, and it relaxed Josuke so much, he passed out. And when he’s that relaxed, Josuke can’t control the flow of spit coming out of his mouth.
“It’s fine dude, I still think you’re cute. How’s your head?”
“Better,” he settled back down into Oku’s arms, “How’s your everything?”
“Eh, I’ll live.”
“Do you wanna switch places? You can sleep on me.”
“Nah, my glasses dig into my face if I try to cuddle like that while watchin’ somethin’. I’m good like this,” he resumed running his fingers through Josuke’s hair.
“You’re gonna put my ass back to sleep doing that. Turn it on something I’ll pay attention to.”
Okuyasu grabbed the PS4 controller, “Whaddya in the mood for?”
“A tacky reality show,” Josuke yawned, “Let’s binge Rock of Love.”
Josuke picked up his phone off of his nightstand as Okuyasu loaded the show, having rescued it from the corner he threw it into earlier. After listening to Okuyasu’s panicked voicemails and reading the avalanche of worried texts he got from him, Josuke made sure to give his boyfriend extra kisses. He felt guilty for causing that much distress.
“Hey, Oku.”
“How open do you wanna be about…us?”
“I dunno man, I ain’t got much experience in this,” Okuyasu scratched his chin with his free hand, “What do you wanna do?”
Josuke thought for a moment, “Well, I’m not ready to be out in like, the public eye. But I wanna tell our friends and family.”
“Sounds good,” Okuyasu kissed the top of his head, “I uh, already may have told people?”
Josuke froze up, “Who?”
“Everyone who already knows about me….Y-you ain’t mad about that, right??” Okuyasu’s fingers stopped moving.
He relaxed, “No, it’s okay. I figured you’d want them to know anyways”
Josuke heard a sigh of relief, “Okay, cool. Also I took a video of you sleepin’ on me earlier, that’s what I sent to them.”
“Oh god,” Josuke groaned, “Don’t tell me you could see the drool in it.”
Okuyasu grabbed his phone and pulled up Snapchat, “I’m an asshole, not cruel.” He had posted the video to his story; it was just of him playing with Josuke’s hair as he slept, with a little heart sticker in the corner. It was adorable.
“Shit, that’s cute. What was everyone’s reaction?”
“Uhh, got congratulations from Tonio, Hazamada sent me a snap of him miming throwing up, Yuuya asked if we banged yet, Yukako told me to not tonguefuck you in front of her, and Keicho only sent me that straight-faced emoji, which is better than I expected. Since you know, after last night—“
“That fistfight was over me, wasn’t it?”
“Ehhh, kinda?” Oku sounded like he didn’t want to talk about it, “Mostly about how I was with you all the time and he didn’t trust you, it was fuckin’ stupid. I don’t think it was really about you? I think it was about like, me not wanting to be up his ass all the time anymore. I dunno, it was typical Keicho bullshit.”
Josuke grumbled under his breath about kicking Keicho’s ass, but Okuyasu flicked his forehead, “I got it handled, don’t worry ya pretty head over it.”
Too late, Josuke groused to himself. Instead of bitching about it, Josuke opened up Snapchat on his phone. He started recording, “Hey Oku, kiss me.”
The video of them kissing was worth the shitstorm of replies, texts, and phone calls Josuke had to deal with for the rest of the day.
It was late, and the rain still hadn’t petered out. “You’re staying tonight, right?” Josuke asked, speaking softly into Oku’s ear. This time, he had won out on being Big Spoon.
“Do you want me to?” came the sleepy reply.
“Uh, duh. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want ya to.”
“Don’t be a dick, Higashikata. I’ll roll my fatass out of here too quick to talk about.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”
“Me too. ‘Sides, we all know you got the fat ass in this relationship.” Okuyasu cackled despite Josuke jabbing him in the ribs, “What?? It’s a compliment.”
Josuke pouted, “You’re lucky I like you, Nijimura, or I’d push your ass out of bed.”
“Don’t do that, I don’t got the cushion like you do, it’d hurt—“
He launched Okuyasu off the bed as hard as he could. Oku landed in a heap on the floor, snorting and rolling around like a pig in a sty. He peered down at his porcine boyfriend, “You’re a mess, you farm animal.”
Josuke miscalculated; Okuyasu grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him down on top of him, knocking their heads together. Another power struggle took place, with Okuyasu winning yet again by tangling himself firmly around Josuke. With some effort, Oku pulled down a pillow and blanket, and wrapped it around them snuggly. “Bedtime, Jojo,” he kissed the top of Josuke’s head.
The floor wasn’t very comfortable, but when Okuyasu started snoring, Josuke followed him to dreamland.
The next morning, Tamami accidentally nailed Josuke in the dick when he stepped on what he assumed was a pile of blankets on the floor. Tamami was kicked in the cock and balls by an enraged Josuke, then booted downstairs. Okuyasu bypassed laughing and went straight to crying, tears of mirth leaked from his eyes. He promptly shut up when Josuke told him to kiss it and make it feel better.
Maybe next time.
#josuke higashikata#okuyasu nijimura#josuyasu#josuke x okuyasu#jjba#quick q: would it make sense if i changed my url to my ao3 handle? anyone got any thoughts on that
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For Old Times Sake Pt.4-6
For Old Times Sake Pt4 So here we are yet again On the phone Wondering what's about to happen Passing nervous small talk Like before Wyd Oh same old same old Watching Martin and sucking on A blow pop Oh for real that's wassup Whatcha got on Laughing out loud really Really what We gon do this again I told you we got to So stop playing girl I'm not saying Please Why fool Because you know you wanna Tell me and plus I wanna know What's covering that sexy body It needs to come off I'll tell you but it's not coming off Yeah ok under your breathe What you say nothing just tell me What you wearing I'm wearing my blue shorts With a black crop top Mmmm damn that sounds good Send me a pic Ok tease you and send a gag text "Use yo imagination" Man come on boo stop playin Send me a pic of what you got on I wanna see and I ain't gon lie I wanna have some more fun Sent the image And your response is Three emojis with kissy face Once again we here go With that smooth fuckin' voice Of yours Making me clinch my thighs Together getting a lil' wetter I must resist but then again I can't Damn you sound so good right now Your voice sounds sexy too I miss you Close your eyes and sit down Let me move your hair to other Side of your neck and slowly Kiss you kiss your cheek then Your neck While you softly let out a moan Mmm You so tense you need a massage Rub your shoulders from behind And continue to kiss your body While you moan again Got the candles burning Music in the background I'm in the mood for a lil Joe "*music fade in* 🎶Hey love you say you need some one to be there for you to love you all night long🎶." 🎶Kinda funny but, I don't think you have to look no further because I'm right here and I'm ready to do all the things your man wouldn't do. Tell me what kind of man would treat his woman so cold, treat you like you're nothing when you're worth more than gold...🎶 I can picture us on the beach when The sun is setting After getting your body all relaxed Like it's suppose to be Flip you over and get on top Kissing you from your lips Your neck Mmmm Left Mmm To right Ahh mmm To Your breast Unclipping your bra Licking your nipples Mnmmm damn Nibbling on them just a lil' bit Shit You like that ? Hell yeah Kissing and licking your sides And your stomach Inserting one finger in you Rubbing your clit nice and slow 🎶All the things your man won't do, I'll do them for you...🎶 Ahhhh mmm ohhh Just relax baby, let me take your stress away You don't have to.. But, I want to Now I got two fingers in and deep I'm leaning my head back and Biting my lip twirling my hips To match the sync and rhythm Of your movement Boi you betta stop Or what Or you gonna get some shit started Whatcha tryna do? Shit let's go Shidd, I'm tryna to eat you out You looking so sexy like a tropical Goddess in you two piece Bikini You body glisten and shining When the sun hits you just right Lemme open your legs Kiss my way down Mmmm ooouuu Taste so sweet like candy and Pineapples 🎶Nothing can be sweeter than the sound of making love. Baby when I start I just can't stop🎶 🎶Baby. I wanna do. All of. The things your man won't do. I'll do them for you🎶 Shit_________ that feels good I know baby mmm 💦💦💦 ________ damn you taste so fuckin' Good Gimme more stop tryna run away I'ma be defiant and run any way Ok pull you closer to my tongue And lock my arms down on your Thighs now you can't go no where Now let's take this to the Hotel room You got me feeling some type of way You got me saying 🎶My, my, my, my, my, my, sure look good tonight 🎶 Ooh no you didn't got some Johnny Gill playing what you Know about that song I know a lot let me show you Kissing you so passionately You picking me up And we fall on the bed Rolling on top of each other Untying your hair and let it fall Brushing it out of your face Kissing you once again Letting my tongue trace The places where I left off Mmmm your lips are so soft Mmmm thank you mmm mmm Damn _____ 🎶I wanna show you things that you never never ever seen before. Put your night gown on, let your hair hang low step in our room. I'm in the mood to love you all night long🎶 My, my, my ________ All of sudden you flip me over Pin my arms down And kiss me on my lips Shit the sweet hint of your lips Got me secretly and low key Fallin' In love with you all over again Damn got me thinking what have I been missing out on Go ahead mamácita take control I mean damn it, got me hard as Fuck. Got me ready to fuck the Shit out cha but I'ma take it as Slow as you want it It's ok baby let's follow each other's Pace this time tonight Shit I'm down you ready Ready Set Both of us biting of our lips I'm getting wet and I'm getting hard with anticipation Go Both sets of our clothes Thrown and hitting the floor Kissing you here You kissing me there Getting on top Rocking back and forth On your boat loving Your motion In my sweet ocean damn nicca Got me over flowing Making angry sexy sex faces Scratching up each other's backs I'm going so deep inside of you Making me a sexy pouty face Bending you over on all fours Arching my back so perfect Griping on your hair Gently massaging your back While I'm hitting your soaking pussy Oooh shit yassss________ right there You like that? Hell yeah don't stop Say my name baby _______ mmmmm ohhh ________ Mmm fuck yea Don't stop baby keep doing What you do Shit daddy you making so fuckin Wet ooouuu .... To be continued ... Pt.5 Oooh damn ohh damn Ahhh fuck shit Got damn it The climax of the music Got us climaxing too But keep going though 🎶Here comes my darling. Here comes romance. Here comes my love will you dance with me baby. Pretty Brown Eyes🎶 Damn they so beautiful When you look at me deep Now here I go going deep You bending flipping your hair Back looking up to the ceiling While I'm holding your body tight Got damn riding me so right Don't stop baby shit don't stop I'm not daddy don't stop going Deep deep deeper deeper inside Me I got you mommy _________ fuck your pussy feel So good Ahhhh dick is amazing__________ Shhit Yeah baby there you go Take this dick Fuck you got me gripping the Sheets And you got me toes curling mamí Bodies tumbling and turning Round and round like clothes At a laundromat Girl you keep being bad I'ma smack that ass Go ahead you ain't bout that life Ohh I'm not ok Ahhhhh Smacked yo ass so hard Left a hand print It's cool tho daddy cause I love it Rough the rougher the better Bring it come on Don't slow down now Got damn I feel you sweetness Flowing down on my dick Damn baby I'm loving How nasty you is with it Watching our reflection in the Mirrors turning us on even more Got damn it leave before our Lips damn we sore But fuck it We fuckin so mothafuckin' good We in the mood for an encore So dear reader if you are intrigued And interested I got you please believe me Pt6 is a real panty wetter You prolly sweating getting hot and what not So here's what we gonna do and Get straight to it and get it done We gon Take a quick intermission Go get some ice cool off for a bit come back and have some real fun ....... Welcome back hope you ready For some naughty turns and tricks Let's go already and get into Pt. Mothafuckin' 6...... 🎶she said she want some Marvin Gaye, some Luther Vandross, a little Anita we'll definitely set this party off right. She said she want some Ready For The World some New Edition. Some Minnie Rippleton we'll definitely set this party off right yes we will🎶 Do it faster baby I need it faster baby Please daddy please I got you mamí Get ready cause here we go Ahhh shit Yes yes yasss yassss beat this Pussy up Like the bedroom bully you is Yeah girl that's right girl Take this dick there you go Now I'ma put you against the wall I want you to do a spilt Ready ? Yass I can't hear you I said are you ready Yass You are ready Hell yea Hell yea fuckin right Shit it's make no sense How wet you is Lips smacking and juicier than Juicyfruit Haa I know right Now lay yo fuckin back Ima jump up and do a spilt on yo Dick like Thisssss...... Oohhhh ahhhh Shit Mmmmm ahhh Bouncing on you harder and harder Griping yo hips smacking yo ass Leaving hickeys on yo neck And I'm leaving em on you titties Ohh fuck this you ain't bout To make me tap Flip yo sexy ass over Back on top Rocking the bed More than bedrock Ooouuu shit yasss 🎶ooouuu I can make yo bed rock ooouuu I can make yo bedrock girl I can make you bedrock ooouuu I can make yo bedrock🎶 You loving this dick, huh? Hell yea I see you lovin yourself This sweet pussy too Damn sure is You want me to stop Girl you better not stop till you cum I ain't ready yet so ha good luck Going at it like fight night In a boxing ring Boi you know you can't handle me I got this special technique Something like a 69 But instead you won't be able to Eat me this time cause I got you Tied up and you didn't even know Hope you ready cause I bet you Ain't seen this coming tho I might be thick but I can do a Back bend I can bend all the way back And insert yo dick my mouth I can do push ups too Let's calculate what this Equation come up to Me doing a back bend Sucking yo dick Me doing push-ups Upside down constantly Yeah nicca now I got yo legs Trembling and toes curlin' Got you cussin' and moanin' my Name _________ hell yea baby go ahead Yell it out It's ok boo just Scream and shout How good it feels How good I'm killin' it Suckin' and devouring yo soul Mmmm shit damn it Yea nicca that's what I'm talking Bout Let em know bout me word of mouth Should I untie you now Since that's your 3rd nut hmmm Idk I can untie myself And tie yo sexy ass up now Put yo legs in the air And have a pussy eating fest On you Damn________ it feels so good Just like it use to be Back in High school Yeah baby I told you I got you Ooouuu shit keep flicking yo Tongue like that Bout to make me squirter jet Wet wet all over the place That's what I'm talking bout baby Get wet I don't give a fuck If you splash all over my face Mmmm ahhhh shit mm ahhh Come on baby come on Let's go 3 for 3 I nut 3 times Now squirt 3 times for me Don't slow down now You ready ? Here we go Spinning my tongue like a AK On your pussy lips and your clit There you go tryna run again But you can't escape It's feeling some type of good to ya All saying is "ahhhh" Ahhhhh 🎶As I stand here contemplating On the right thing to decide will I take the wrong direction all my life ? Where will I go ? When life's ahead of me? 🎶 🎶I have strong determination and I'm not afraid of change I have yet to find that some one who has cared to satisfy me to stay right by me, oh, who can I run to to share this empty space ? Who I can run to when I need love ? Who can I run to fill this empty space with laughter? who I can run to? when I need love?🎶 Aghhh mmm Sweet kisses Setting our lustful bodies On Fire with blissful passion As we slow it down and make love Feeling some kind of good All we can say is Mmmmm Ahhh Our moans Taking over the room Our bodies take control As we groove to the classic jamz CD damn we having so much fun I don't want this to end Especially when I hear Jodeci Fading in next 🎶I'm lying here waiting for you Girl you can get it anytime you want it. Every moment is so sweet🎶 Boi I swear you don't know what these songs and our voice Is doing to me Oh I know I can hear how wet you are over there pussy just talking Damn don't stop tho baby Keep going let's keep it going Ring the bell time for the next Round You sure you not tired I'm positive I'm full of energy So stop stalling Let's go Aite Bring it But let's continue to slow it down As we lay here kissing and touching Bodies still in such smooth sync Mmm ahhh ooouuu Yea that's it baby Let's do something a lil different Let's role play Oohhh ok name some one you Always wanted to fuck Tyga Ok baby girl I'll be Tyga and you be A fan not a groupie I see you for the first time I ask you if I can take you out And I say yes you can One thing lead to another Yo shirt and my skirt hits the floor You kissing on my tattoos Mmmm damn "Tyga, Tyga, TRaww" 🎶 I ain't seeing nothing else my eyes closed tight On the living room couch one hand up my (uummm) putting fingers In my mouth cheating on my man I'm getting my freak on long as it ain't real I ain't doing nothing wrong just a dirty fantasy on the Football field me layed in the grass wanna love how it feel🎶 But I see us back stage in the dressing room No one around just you and me We was on the vanity against the Mirror now we on the floor Mmmm yasss "Tyga" make that Famous sound you do "Rawwr" Make me drip got me On the faucet wetness type of Flow Oohhh shit Here we go Put me in the air Bounce me up and down on You dick Like you just don't care Make it Nasty baby Ohhh yasss daddy I love to Make It Nasty just For you Don't forget when you bend me Over remember Don't worry I'ma pull your hair too Hold up hold up This freaky shit is just too good We gotta have another To Be Continued.... Pt.7 MrsKandiiBaby💋🍭👅💦😏😘😜
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