#if you read the whole thing tho I appreciate it very much <3
foolish-took · 9 months
Okay Loki thoughts on the season two finale specifically because I watched the season too spread out to remember enough details from the other episodes. And I need to get these thoughts out!!!
So my thoughts kind of go into two “categories” as we’ll call ‘em. The first is more about the actual plot and stuff of the episode, and the second is the cinematography (idk another word for it) aka just how the show was shot and like vague analysis from someone who doesn’t know all that much about this subject lol. But anyway, this season finale was absolutely fantastic. Having waited like a literal month or so to watch it I did get spoiled for the ending, BUT it was vague enough that I really had no idea what would happen or what it meant, so I wasn’t really sucked out of the viewing experience and was just as excited. Also as I’m writing this I’m just now realizing they started and ended this show with an episode titled “Glorious Purpose” holy shit. Mm. The way this show has depicted Loki’s character arc from someone who was certain he was destined for greatness that he had to force others to let him have to then becoming someone who really just wanted a simple office life surrounded by his friends, but ultimately chose to sacrifice his greatest want just for the overall greater good of everybody??? Ugh??? Anyway back to the episode itself. So, the section when Loki keeps time slipping back and back and back to try and get everything to work perfectly, the mounting desperation in his actions just becomes more and more apparent. I mean, he was pretty desperate when he started, but you have to be REALLY really desperate to spend 100 years learning complicated ass science and math. And then there’s also the fact that before the century of learning (which btw where did he even go???), he had to experience failure over and over again, countless times that we definitely didn’t see. And i know he’s experienced failure before but this is definitely different right? This isn’t failure for a purely selfish goal, this is failure of a goal to save everyone that also happens to be a bit selfish. AND Timely does over and over which cannot be nice to see/hear.
And then ya know as the episode goes on the desperate acts just continue as he goes to try to stop Sylvia from killing He Who Remains, and may I just say this scene was pretty fucking interesting actually?? Like not just the fact that Loki apparently learns to pause time but just the conversation that they have, the way that Loki here’s all these points of views, all these different things of people saying what should be done, what exactly is the bigger picture all that. And then he makes a conclusion of his own. He takes He Who Remains’s points about the inevitability of it all, Sylvie’s arguments that every timeline should get to exist and have a fighting chance, and also just the fact that he wants his friends to stay alive, he’s like okay well. If this is what’s wrong, and this is what I need to have done for everybody to be safe, then I need to do something that benefits everybody even if it means I don’t necessarily benefit. Which then leads me to his talk with Season 1 Mobius. And the fact that he literally becomes this essentially all powerful god that sits on a throne and literally is the fucking tree of life from Norse mythology. Don’t even look at me I need a minute.
And don’t even get me fucking started on Mobius in this episode oh my god. He’s getting his own paragraph. Like dude!!! My man was the only one to say something every time Loki would go back to rush the whole fixing the time loop scenario, and then when Loki is faced with this ultimatum of killing Sylvie or letting HWR dies and leading to the destruction of the TVA, what does he do? He fucking goes and talks to Mobius oh my god??? He asks Mobius for advice, and he completely takes that shit to heart. I actually have way more thoughts on this specific scene but that’ll be for another time this is already suuuper long. But anyway yeah like Mobius was just fucking wonderful this episode. Skipping to the end because honestly that’s where the heartbreak is, I a hundred percent agree with others about Mobius getting on the timeline so Loki can see him. He was so adamant about not seeing what his life could’ve been like I don’t think just because the branches were saved he would’ve been like “ya know what maybe I do wanna see it!” Like no I’m sorry. And also i dunno if this is necessarily how it works but he went to a timeline that already HAD a Mobius. So that wasn’t even his timeline. Or maybe it was I’m honestly not sure but ANYWAY. The way the rest of that scene plays out where there’s just so much space beside him, the close up of his face against this bright blue background like it MEANS something I know it does. It’s giving foreshadowing ya know? I might just be blowing smoke though. I just think it’s interesting that THIS is what Mobius decides to do. “Let time pass”, in a timeline where one of him already exists. There’s gotta be more to it right? Is he gonna try to get to Loki somehow? Is he just gonna hop around but stay where he knows Loki will be able to easily see him? God I hope so.
I think we’ll end it there if any of this made any sense then congrats and also I’m sorry 😭. If I post further thoughts I promise to make them more coherent and less rambly.
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sysig · 5 months
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Reading moodboard #84430940 (Patreon)
#Doodles#I wonder what this is in reference to lol - could be anything really!#Bit funny actually - I was reading something else in overlap at the time - a fic from another fandom though it ended up not being for me#Different authors just speak to different people! It was fun to come back to something familiar and realize Just how much I appreciate it ah#Novel and familiar! My very favourite <3 And of course it was a wonderful experience on top of that hehe ♪♫#Numbers lol - I really have done way too much age headcanon math pfft#I just love timelines! And even if the hints aren't exact they /are/ hints and I'm going to use them!!#The numbers that are established are such fun markers - and using characterization as hints towards how many years have passed! Ah! ♪#Like how it's definitely possible that Max took a two year but considering his family he was probably pushed to do a four year#There's no confirmation either way but it's just so fun to consider what they'd do based on how they're written!#These are the kind of written math problems I enjoy hehe#I was being a bit self-deprecating for that doodle actually tho lol - art mimics life and all that pfft#Also confirmation of him being a Lit Major ❤️💕💖💞💗 Small details give me big love you must understand this lol#As evidenced lol ♪ Adding to my playlist definitely didn't help it very strongly upgraded to Big Love for like a week straight lol#Terrible ♪ Couldn't stand it <3 Genuinely painful ♫#Lol - ''finding'' more - it's what had my blood on fire! I'm so grateful for mirrors#Anyone who's been following me for a while knows I have this whole thing about Legacy and what you leave behind and the internet in general#That the internet is forever except when it's not - that plenty of things get deleted or lost etc. etc. and it makes me very sad :(#So seeing that there was an in-built preservation - it only saved Some things but anything saved is precious!! It made me very happy <3#And then finishing off 💔💕 Beautifully heartbreaking ah#Even skim-reading later made me cry again! It's deeply affecting hhh#Another experience I'm so happy to be able to have ♥ Another tally on the wall haha <3
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jnnul · 8 months
I JUST READ THE DATING RINA DRABBLE AND DIED HEADASS……………… do u have any thoughts for dating ning? :3
word count: 933 words a/n: LMAOOOO that's so real anonnie that's me with ningrina on any given day tbh genres: fluff and nsfw content
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ningning is THE girlfriend tbh
very feminine, very princess vibes
but i feel like ningning is the epitome of a 50/50 girlie
she will definitely expect princess treatment but she will also def be giving princess treatment
it doesn't matter age, gender, race, nationality
you are her princess™️ just like she is your princess™️
for example, she might be the one to ask you out on a date
but once you hit it off, she'll expect you to be the one to make it official
i honestly feel like ningning would ask you out within like a couple hours of meeting you
she gets your number, thinks you're cute, and then asks you out on a date
and on that first date, she puts her expectations for a relationship out in the open and highkey she's just so confident in what she wants that you're like ???
i'm??? in love with her???
(she knows you are)
once you ask her to be your girlfriend, she absolutely dotes on you
there's a new side of her that you've never seen before
she's like a sweet best friend that also drops 2 grand on w/o batting an eye bc she saw you eyeing a pretty watch and what her baby looks at, her baby gets
and she expects that you love her like that too!!
not monetarily, but definitely at least in emotional aspects
affirm her feelings, express how much you love her, initiating dates, buying her flowers randomly to surprise her
but outside of that, she wants you to be her best friend and vice versa
like she genuinely wants to have inside jokes w you, do stupid things w you, and lowk wants to be your absolute best friend
def isn't very controlling and she herself has a lot of friends
but she def prioritizes you the most out of everyone
and kinda wants you to do the same (or at least have her in the top 3)
is actually the best person to rant to bc she'll just listen to you like this 😍 while you're swearing like a sailor
will def join in and bash whoever's making her bb feel bad
but thinks you're so incredibly lovable regardless
lowk loves showing you off in public?
like she doesn't care when you're wearing revealing clothing or when ppl are checking you out, in front of her, mind you
bc she knows that you're hot and she appreciates you knowing that too
what she draws the line at tho is literally anyone threatening her spot in closeness to you
lowk will get toxic abt it too
like if she feels like you met someone who's able to make you laugh like she does, she immediately brings it up to you
and asks you to distance yourself from them
unless she's 100% sure that it's platonic from their side
bc she trusts her baby
but not the rest of the world
hand in hand w the whole showing you off/best friend thing
she loves going clubbing w you!!
the best thing abt dating ningning is that she makes you embrace life to the fullest
genuinely 0 shits given to the world
you're violently drunk after 12 shots at the club? she's holding your hair/clothes back as you hurl your guts out and she's still having the time of her life
will take so many pics of you two together
like actually she has to upgrade her icloud storage every 3 months
bc she doesn't want to delete a single picture of you
or the two of you tgt
probably singlehandedly supporting apple atp
so incredibly in love w you <333
ik so many ppl hc her as a pillow princess
and she def has her moments!! where she just wants to be spoiled rotten
but she love love LOVES putting in the work when y'all are getting nasty
highkey that's one of the only things she'll rlly go 75/25 on
she has an y/n fixation so you can expect her to go down on you (wtv that looks like for you!!) 25/8
you're watching tv? her hands are in your pants
you're washing the dishes? she's backhugging you and her hands are in your pants
you're breathing? her hands are down your pants
i don't rlly think she's into power play
but she's def prone to 'taking the lead' in bed
i also think that once you guys get more comfortable w each other, she lets out her inner freak
like i genuinely think that she'd leave you tied to the bed w a vibrator at your core and just watch you
she thinks you look gorgeous when you cum
and therefore, overstimulates you whenever she can
not a fan of edging bc she hates seeing you cry
but she will use it against you if she ever feels like you're not loving her as hard as she wants to be!!
also lots of romantic, heated sex
where she pushes you up against a wall and kisses the shit out of you
and then takes you to the bedroom where she has a bunch of fairy lights and candles lit
she's v v spontaneous tho so she can flip the vibe however you want!! will never do the same thing twice!!
aftercare has to be 50/50 tho!! she runs you a bath and massages all of the sore spots and you make her cheese toasties <333
overall, ningning who is your needy/sexy/silly best friend and girlfriend all in one!!
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intuitively-her · 1 year
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Why are people crushing on you?
Pile 1- (The moon, 8 of swords, 3 of cups rx, The empress rx, Queen of swords, 5 of wands rx, 4 of pentacles rx)
People can tell that you have a wall up. You never fully tell others about yourself. You give them just enough. It keeps people on their toes with you. You’re a puzzle that’s impossible to solve.🤭 Especially to people that want to befriend you. They can tell that you’re more of an introvert, but this makes you even more attractive! They like how you’re shy, but also not afraid to speak up for yourself and others. Others like how you’re always 10 steps ahead of them. It makes people wanna look up to you. I feel like you have a more dominating personality at times as well. You’re an ice queen/king.💙 Women especially love when you assert your dominance over them. Others can tell you’re feeling stuck in a situation currently and it has you feeling indecisive. They want to save you from this. You attract a lot of people with a savior complex. People can tell that you have this light energy deep inside. You have a heart of gold, but you’re ice cold on the surface. Even tho you’re stingy with your love and energy to strangers, you give plenty of it to those closest to you. People love how you hold your family/friends to a high standard. You’re actually a very generous sweetheart once people get to know the real you.🥰
Pile 2- (3 of swords, 2 of cups rx, 10 of swords rx, 8 of cups, King of pentacles rx, Page of wands, Strength, 10 of cups)
People really admire how you bounce back after a breakup. You had to walk away from a lot of bs in the past. For some, even your family. You’ve been through many betrayals in your life. You never let it break you tho. You’re like a lion/lioness.⭐️ People love how independent you are and how well you take care of yourself at your age. You’ve built a new home of happiness for yourself.🙃 For those of you that left your family, there’s someone here that’s proud of you for leaving that toxic situation behind. The things you’ve been through have fueled your lust for life. You’ve grown into such a fearless person. People love your curiosity. You’re always the one asking questions and finding the truth. People also really love how you’re not money driven. This pile gives me the vibe of someone that has a lot of money but you’re not materialistic. You could also be rich but you choose to dress down and avoid being too flashy.
Pile 3- (Queen of wands rx, Queen of cups, The star, The moon, 7 of wands, 2 of wands, 2 of swords rx, 3 of pentacles rx)
Your energy is so vivacious and intense! It’s all eyes on you anywhere you go.🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m getting strong Leo energy from this pile. You’re someone that’s well-known in your school/community, even if you don’t think so. People love how you take charge of your life. Your independence is greatly appreciated. Your teachers/professors love this especially. They can tell that you’re not one of those students that needs to be babied. People also love your balanced thinking. You never rush your plans and you have a clear vision on what you want/need. You’re fearless! You live life like you’re playing the lottery. Unafraid to gamble with yourself. 🎰 You might prefer to work alone mostly or you take the lead in group work. This is heavily admired by others. It makes them think, “wow pile 3 could teach me a thing or two.” Many people look up to you because of your amazing work ethic. People think you’re gonna blow up one day and become an overnight celebrity.🙈 Many people have been crushing on you because you’re a sweetheart!💖 For my men reading this, women especially love your aggressive nature. People love your “macho man” attitude.🤣 You hold so much compassion and care for others. Even a simple smile to a stranger can transform their whole day. Your energy is very warm and comforting. It makes people wanna open up and get close to you. You’re the perfect mix of sugar and spice.❤️‍🔥
Pile 4- (5 of pentacles, 10 of wands, Ace of pentacles rx, The emperor rx, Justice, The chariot, Judgement, 2 of cups, The Mother Star)
You’ve been through a lot of adversity in your life. It seems like you’ve had a string of bad luck recently. You’ve lost a lot financially. For some of you, you lost your job or someone stole money from you. You could’ve felt tied to your responsibilities or you do now. People love when you’re dependent on them or you need their help. It can be as simple as someone helping you carry a box. You have this “helpless and naive” vibe to you. Even if you’re not, that’s just how people perceive you. People admire you because you don’t follow the rule book of life. You love to follow your own path and figure shit out along the way. You make people realize that they don’t need to have their whole life figured out right now. You could be in high school or college currently. You could have an indie or bohemian clothing style. People really love the jewelry and accessories you add to your outfits. Especially if it’s related to your culture. People absolutely love your hair! Especially the color of it. 3 of the cards I pulled show a girl with waist-length red hair. People think your girlfriend material. They love what a great friend you are. You may be the “mom” friend of your group.
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musicalmoritz · 21 days
Good Femslash Fics Already Exist
With the whole push for more femslash in fandoms, I’ve never understood the amount of hate I see femslash “fans” direct towards existing creations. There’s nothing wrong with wanting more variety, I do too, but every time someone brings up the fact that femslash fan fictions are already being written someone opens their mouth to say “yeah but those suck.” And then they proceed to read 300+ atrociously mischaracterized mlm fics. They complain abt plotless fluff and then read the exact same pwp scenarios over and over again
And hey, if you don’t want to read femslash that’s totally fine. You don’t have to pretend it interests you. I’m someone who actively looks for femslash and my only problem has been a lack of content in smaller/male-dominated fandoms, the fics themselves are cute af. Ya’ll are missing out on some real masterpieces by labeling all existing femslash fics as “boring,” some of my favorite fics ever are femslash. If an mlm ship invades the tags just filter it out, filter out every mlm pairing in the fandom if you have to. AO3 gives us that option for a reason
I’m not saying we don’t need more variety, but we’re not going to get that by shitting on writers who actively put in the work to make more femslash. When I started writing femslash consistently it was very discouraging because I’d seen soooooo many people online saying they want more femslash fics, yet nobody was reading mine. Then I looked at the stats on other femslash fics and they were the same, really great fics were barely getting any hits or kudos. It kinda sucks knowing that an mlm fic I wrote in 3 hours got more kudos than a wlw fic I spent months on (for pairings of relatively equal popularity). This seems to be the biggest roadblock for people wanting to write femslash, no one supports it. Even tho fandoms claim they would support it, they never do. It’s something I’ve learned to stop caring about but not every writer is gonna push through
This brings me back to a comment I saw about “boring, hair-braidy wlw fics.” That description really stood out to me, and to this day it makes me feel a little self-conscious about my old femslash fics that were “boring” and “hair-braidy.” But then I came across a fic for this one pairing that had actual hair-braiding. It was incredibly well-written and meaningful, exploring how both characters struggled to ask for help but they were able to recognize each other’s dilemmas and help in subtle ways. They did this, of course, by fixing each other’s hair when they both felt helpless to do anything with it. Such a simple way to express a very deep bond. This made me reassess the way people talk about femslash fics, and the way I’d been thinking of them myself. Is fluff really that much of a crime?? Do all cottagecore-type fics really have no substance?? Do femslash fics have to copy exactly what slash fics are doing, or are they allowed to have their own tropes??
My attitude towards the overload of plotless fluff wlw fics is “this is a good starting point.” We need more people writing femslash, more variety in what is written, but that doesn’t mean what we have is bad. I critique wlw fic tropes a lot but I always give the disclaimer that I actually love the fics themselves, I just want to see more of a different thing. And I comment on every femslash fic I read (every fic I read in general but especially femslash), I try to leave something thoughtful to let the writer know I appreciate the effort they put into their work. You’d be surprised how many writers said they were encouraged to update a fic or write more femslash because of a positive comment I left them. Engaging with fics will give you more of a good thing. It has so much more influence than that video you’re about to make talking about how there’s no good femslash fics. When you say things like that it actually discourages people from writing, and makes them feel bad about things they’ve already written. Support femslash writers guys, it’s sexy
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cheeseceli · 9 months
Right hand, left hand
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Pairing: San × Gn!Reader
Genre: fluff, implied established relationship, a very failed attempt of humour
Request: Okay but do you think San would learn to be ambidextrous in school if he had a crush on someone he sat next to all the time because he wanted to hold her hand while they work?? I do. - 🌙
Warnings: reader is right handed; both San and reader go to school/university/classes; featuring seonghwa and honjoong
A/n: I loved this concept so much but I can't tell if I like the results 😭 hope you enjoy this tho!
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‌San hates that he is right handed
‌He also hates that you are right handed
‌Because no matter where he sits in class, he can't hold your hand
‌If he sits by your left side, he won't be able to keep up with class if he gives up on writing just to hold your hand
‌If he sits by your right side, you are the one who would need to give up on writing
‌Of course he could sit in front or behind you
‌But then he wouldn't be able to look at you with so much ease
‌And as much as he believes that holding your hand is more important than any possible class, his grades would soon disagree
‌That's how Seonghwa and Hongjoong ended up in their current situation
"This is still illegible, San" Seonghwa says after handing back the paper San used to practice his calligraphy as the youngest sighed.
‌His plan was to become ambidextrous
‌Just so he could hold your hand and take notes at the same time. However, it wasn't as simple as it looked
‌He would try to find those "I became ambidextrous in 30 days" except he'd try to replicate it in a weekend
‌Sorry but he cannot wait a whole month to hold your hand
‌When it doesn't work he is like :(
‌Refuses to to let Seonghwa and Hongjoong go until he gets it right
‌Hongjoong is still a bit confused as to why they are even there when everything they do is tell San that it's impossible to read a single thing he's written in the past hour
‌But he got the spirit
"This looks kinda good actually" Hongjoong comments when San hands him another sheet of practice
"For real?" the youngest asks with shiny eyes and Hongjoong almost feels bad for lying. Almost
"Yeah. Keep it like that and I think it will be perfect by Monday"
Seonghwa wanted to say something, clearly questioning his friend's judgement, but he was soon silenced by Hongjoong: "so, can we go now?"
‌San just nodded, too focused on practicing more now that he (thought he) was getting better at it
‌It didn't take more than two seconds for both Seonghwa and Hongjoong to get out of the room, finally breathing after being in there for more than four hours
‌When Monday comes and you see San writing with his left hand, you're confused
‌And you wonder how he'll manage to read those messy notes later
‌But he's so happy holding your hand that you don't even question it
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Feedback is always appreciated <3
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baxndaid · 1 year
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1999/lmk sun wukong x reader
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ! tbh this can be read as both 1999 or lmk OR literally anything else since this is taking place during the jttw !! SORRY FOR LONG ABSENCE </3
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- you were a witch that was ordered to aid the pilgrim named Tripitaka on his quest to find the ancient scriptures
- you didn’t really know he’d have company though, even with your powers you could’ve never predicted that he’d be travelling with a monkey, a pig, and a sea wizard (not to mention their dragon horse)
- at first it was pretty rocky considering that when you revealed yourself to the group, the monkey (who was conveniently named monkey) attacked you with no hesitation
- in battle, you tried to show him the letter you received from the goddess Guan Yin, but it fell on deaf ears and he continued his attacks while calling you a liar
- he stopped as soon as the monk ordered for him to halt, with a bit of encouragement from the headband of course 😋
- you both floated down to your master
- you bowed and introduced yourself as y/n, and the group introduced themselves to you too
- pigsy took a liking to you (obviously)
- monkey did not
- sandy was neutral
- tripitaka was just glad he had another semi-sane individual in his group
- and so, you and your new companions continued with your journey to the west
- ANYWAY that brings you to where you are now 🗣️🗣️
the journey
♡ wukong didnt trust you much, even after a few months of traveling together
♡ he would allow you to do the same things he and his fellow companions did of course, but he would never let you stay and watch his master alone
♡ you did notice, but you didnt care, babysitting the monk wasnt exactly something you were dying to do as much as you respected him
♡ he did appreciate you for your skills, though
♡ Tripitaka managed to get kidnapped 4 times a week instead of 9 with you around 🥳
♡ for that, he warmed up to you
♡ just a smidge tho💔💔
♡ during the whole white bone demon/crimson witch saga; you defended monkey from the accusations of him killing a not so innocent young women
♡ you didnt feel as if he had a reason to lie, and even if you definitely werent his favourite person of the group, you still didnt want him to get punished for something that he did to protect his friends
♡ didnt work tho LMFAOO 😩
♡ he was soon banished from the group and went back to his home in flower fruit mountain in a sour mood
♡ you kinda felt bad but you kinda liked it like lmfaoo deserved 💔💔
♡ after the young monk got in trouble again, it was up to you to find monkey and get him to help you again
♡ you still don’t know why the hell pigsy made you do it, you just assumed he was being lazy and just wanted you to do all the heavy lifting
♡ you’d bully him later for compensation
♡ but for now your goal was to find monkey which was surprisingly easy considering his island was supposed to be incredibly difficult to find
♡ your task was easy, go to the island, get wukong, and come back
♡ it wasn’t easy 💯
♡ you ended up getting ambushed by a bunch of monkeys which you couldn’t take seriously since they were just so cute!
♡ they beat your ass
♡ they brought you to a stone throne with your ex-companion sitting on top of it, a dismissive look on his face and his head leaning on his hand
♡ they pushed you on your knees as the monkey king began to speak
♡ “state your name and your business here”
♡ “oh be quiet, unless you hit your head i expect you to remember me, it’s been like 2 days you dramatic ape”
♡ immediately you regret insulting him as his subjects hold you tighter and audibly chitter and gasp at your words
♡ you grunt “fine, i’m here to take you back to Tripitaka, he’s… in a tight spot” you look up at him to see his expression
♡ “why should i help him? he threw me away without a second thought!”
♡ you groaned, he had the right to be angry but you just wanted to get this over with, so you negotiated with him for a while
♡ a very long while
♡ he sighed, “fine” he got up from his throne “monkey subjects! your king is going on an important mission, you’ll have to do without me for a while” he said dramatically
♡ you playfully rolled his eyes as you watched him comfort the female monkeys, them clearly not wanting him to leave so soon
♡ after like 20 minutes you got bored, you took his hand and led him to your master, you were surprised he let you hold him for so long, he normally shoves pigsy off whenever he flings his arms around him after battle
♡ the rest of your friends rejoiced when they saw a certain monkey flying behind you, hand in hand
♡ pigsy had questions about why the two of you came back with hands intertwined and his mind immediately went straight into the gutter, and naturally, he got jealous
♡ he refused to talk to monkey for a week because of his assumption 😞
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lego monkie kid masterlist
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torihakaraublog · 3 days
Mammon Birthday 2024
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My MC dotes on Mammon, but is not romantically interested in him so of course they had to make him feel special on his birthday!
Very much enjoyed Mammon's birthday event he's genuinely a fun guy to hang out with. With a lot of the previous character birthday events you have to plan out the day, but Mammon has made his own plans for his birthday that he hopes you are free to join him on (which you are).
The activity is a treasure hunt in the Uncharted Woods. No misfortune befalls you on the adventure for once and thanks to Mammon's cute habit of mumbling about things while he looks them up you and Lucifer get him a pair of shoes to fit the occasion - ones that lead you to fortune!
There is a peaceful run in with a chest mimic - I LOVE that mimics are canon in OM! - there was one in a Bel event a few months ago as well tho that one was not as friendly. It's on my bucket list now to make a mimic OM! oc xD
The mimic is also celebrating a family members birthday (a sibling in ill health) and Mammon has no regrets giving up the expensive Blood-Red Diamond. The unexpecting exchange item (a gold feather?) from the mimic turns out to be worth more O.o
Liked that the 'party options' were private drink or go to club. Got very different vibes, which is good. Went to club cause didn't want to give him too many ideas, but he still got a few kiss kiss from me for being a good boy :3
Obey Me! NB "Dark Eternal Bliss" Pop Quiz
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Ahhh really enjoyed this event! It wasn't too complicated but had some interesting lore elements to it. Also everyone's festival outfits looked really good. They were reminiscent of their traditional festival outfits.
The overall plot was basically: stuck in a dimension between the demon world and human world. We are tasked with holding a marriage festival to an emperor - marriage candidate is marked on back of hand. We are able to get the emperor to release us + the other souls trapped there through discussion.
There was a lot of sweet solo moments with the brothers (including proposals of sorts). Not as many with the other characters. Sometimes you had to pick between two characters - how dare they make me pick between Satan and Beel at one point!
Some of my fave things I ended up doing:
Floor cleaning with Levi (making a date for later) :3
Making plans with Satan, Beel, and Lucifer
Talking with the sad Matrimonial Black Flowers
Stargazing with Satan
Going on a walk with Lucifer
Pretending to be married to Bel to mess with the brothers haha
Getting a care package from Thirteen TwT
Lucifer saying he would always search for us no matter what world we were in.
Haunted trail hand holding with Levi
Another part I really liked was Luke, Beel, and Solomon collecting the festival food. Instead of it being the typical 'you two get out of the kitchen' moment Luke insisted they stayed for the other talents they had; Solomon's text reading and Beel's physical strength.
Through the whole event Asmo, Barbatos, and Solomon were being epic kings. When I suggested Barb being the bride and Asmo being like "that would scare them away" made me laugh (Barb kinda seemed into the idea lol). And then Barbatos and Solomon agreeing that they would want to approve who marries us first but would probably also not approve anyone lol
Didn't manage to get any completed cards this event, but with any luck I'll eventually pull the new brother appreciation card (rip the 80 pulls I've done already).
Might also try to do an art piece for this event so I'll post it down below if I do :3
Edit: Okay I drew something xD Do you like stars?
Beel + Brooke and Satan + Brooke
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reyreadersblog · 5 months
My unpopular TIG opinions.
Since y'all are expressing opinions out here..who am i to leave out? Now have in mind that these are MY opinions, some of these are unpopular some of these are NOT, some of these are even underrated facts but let's just ignore that..
(Please don't hate me)
1. I DON'T CARE ABOUT EVE, and i don't want her to be with Grayson..bcs APPERANTLY and very unfortunatly there are people out there who ship Gray and Eve..crazy..i know, i really don't care about her, i already made a whole post about why i don't like her at all, she's a manipulator, she's a liar, she's a backstabber. She traumatised poor Gray and threatened Ave. I respect your opinion if you like her and i truly understand where some of you are coming from, but i just can't manage to like her, don't hate her i just dislike her. Even if she gets a redemption arc..i can't seem to understand how i'll like her character after what she has done, but if i will..."forgotten but never forgiven"
2.underrated characters, there are so many of them in this books, for example Zara Hawthorne. I love her honestly, i could never hate, i understand she may have done some wrong things...but i love her nontherless♡♡ and same goes for Alisa Ortega.
(Honorable mention) also come on, give my man Oren some appreciation he deserves, you think following teenager around is easy? Even if it's his job and he gets paid, it's still tiring..😔
3. Uhh..i am scared to say this...i prefer Nash and Alisa to Nash and Libby...WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...DON'T KILL ME YET..LET ME EXPLAIN FIRST🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, i saw @hawthornesbiggestfan 's post, and that encouriged me to say this, read that post bcs that explains exacly how i feel. I love Nash and Libby, they're super cute, i can't wait for their wedding and think they are going to have a very happy family...but..i'm still at the restaurant😔, EVEN THO we never got to know Nash and Alisa's story, smtg about those two had me invested in them from the beggining, like imagne Alisa growing up and Nash slowly developing a tiny crush on them..young love..passion..childhood lovers...love confession..ughh, also the fact that Gray, Xan and Jamie already saw her as their family, like an older sister. Such a shame we never got to see their story. Again, i'm not saying i dislike Nash and Libby tho if it had been love triangle between Nash, Libby and Aliso...i would choose Nash and Alisa...
3.Avery is freaking underrated, yk what's sad? SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, and she doesn't get enough hype (i've made a post about this too) meanwhile people are swooning over Hawthorne brothers, and yes i am one of them but i love Avery to death, i even saw someone comparing Avery and the brothers saying "oh she's so boring..Hawthorns are way better than her..blah..blah..blah" technically they were saying fuck poor people, i know for a fact NONE of the brother would last an hour from where she came from (iykyk), she's a girlboss, and a main character for a reason.
4. As much as i love Averyjameson, i have to say their story is pretty much over, We'll probably get some cute moments from them in tgg or in games untold, but they ARE NOT a main couple anymore.
5.TGG IS A NEW SERIES, please understand that it's new book series with new characters (at least most of them) stop attacking JLB, it's her books, it's her choice.
6.Lyra Kane's haters don't make sense to me, especially those one who mock, and laugh at her lovers saying "you don't even know her, i'm gonna laugh at y'all when she turns out to be Eve 2.0" uhm...sir..miss..shut it. I respect your opinion if you're a Lyra netural bcs it's true we don't know many things about her and i totally understand if you can't love her yet, but don't hate, we know we're delusional most of the times, but that's what headcanons is for, for fun, alight, let people have fun.
7. Will all due respect i have...Averygrayson shippers are...dumb..yikes..sorry, but it's the truth, i'm tired of talking about this, it's been 4 books, Avery is happy with Jamie, they're perfect for each other, their relationship status is great and Gray is most definetly getting a new love interest..but of you still ship and have faith in them..do so..who am i to stop you? Just don't be disappointed when it won't be ture.
8.i may be judging too early but Savannah and Gigi being in the game..doesn't sit right, tbh honest it'a NEPOTISM at it's finest, i love both of them so much..but..nah. again, idk for sure..it may be some trick, it's JLB after all.
9.there are too many repetitive charcter traits..Jameson and Rohan, Grayson and Savannah, Gigi and Xander, Eve and Emily, every single dad, exept for Isaiah.
10.Speaking of Isaiah, he is extremly underrated, i mean he is the best dad in the series and somehow people talk about Sheffield Grayson more than him.
Sheesh...don't kill me in the comments please, i'm too young to die🙏🏻😔
(I'll probably do a part 2...
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merakiui · 24 days
I wrote this whole thing out already tbh but I accidentally reloaded my tab 😭 so I have to type it out again 💔. I'm sorry if the first one somehow sent already and you get this twice
But nono that is Absolutely an NBC dress!! I see the vision!! I am personally not as big of a Rollo fan but I DO think he is a fascinating little bug. I'm putting him in a little jar under a big ol' magnifying glass and observing him for forever. I like that Masquerade offered us a look at other mage schools and how they work, what villains they're based on, etc. I really appreciate him for that. I did actually really enjoy what we got to learn about him too. Fun stuff! Love Masquerade.
AAAA fashion and eel blessings! I'm so honored :D!! Tbh Floyd has always been much much kinder in gacha than his brother ever has been,, so even tho I loved Jade first maybe I should give that other eel his proper chance. Since he seems to love my keys so much lol
I totally forgive on the forgetting to answer tho it's okay 😭!! These asks get very long. It's bound to happen! Obey Me had that update though a few months ago and it's been a godsend so far!! I played for forever but my cards weren't ever strong enough to reach the later story :( so I'm really glad Nightbringer offers the full thing for free so I can binge read!!
Since I brought up other games though,, I've been wanting to ask actually if you've ever looked into Diabolik Lovers? If you haven't and ever want to... I do want to warn you that the anime is NOT very good unfortunately </3. It's one of those animes that's just kind of a really shitty ad for whatever it's original media form was. It skips out a lot of important lore/character info, and doesn't really showcase each character properly since it tried very hard to focus on just 1 brother and failed. So the ganes/translations are 100% the way to go.
I bring it up tho bc it's my fave character's birthday today :D!! Ohh,, Reiji Sakamaki the strange little specimen you are <3 <3 my lovely wife that drugs people. I adore him. I think tbh you could like him too based on the stuff you usually talk and write about here. But obviously I could be very wrong! No way to actually know.
- :3
AAAA the horror of reloading the tab... I've done that too many times. T_T I know the pain well. </3
YES!!! Glomas gave us so much!!! It's one of my favorite twst events. Being able to see what other magic schools are like and how they function (NBC having a student council in contrast to NRC's Housewarden system). I really hope there will be more events like it! I'd love an event where the RSA students are given more spotlight or an RSA-centric event!!! It would be so exciting!!!!
:O giving Floyb a proper chance...... may he come home so quickly!!! May he jump into your arms enthusiastically!! It's Jade's loss for being so stubborn in coming home. >:( no hugs for that eel.
That feature is so helpful and nifty omg!!!! I want to finish the main story and learn more from where I stopped a while back. ;;;; after becoming a Jade enjoyer, my eyes have opened to Barbatos hehe.
DIABOLIK LOVERS OMG...... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I did indeed watch the anime many years ago, but I actually haven't delved too deeply into the translations of the game. I might have to because,,,, vampire....... cool,,,, pretty,,, deranged.... orz the sheer grip those brothers had on me...
Please forgive my late reply!!!! >_< your wife's birthday has since passed, but that doesn't mean we can't still celebrate Reiji Sakamaki, the wife ever!!!!!! <3 I think my taste in fictional men has refined with my age because the polite (as a front) types (Reiji, Kyoya, Jade, Sebastian, etc etc) were never my preference, but now I am LOOKING. 👁 👁 I think I need Mr. Reiji carnally.
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fl00mie · 1 month
Ooh, can I ask what that specific line from XTale was that made you connect X-Gaster to "It took me by Surprise"?? :DD (I was literally just listening to it a few minutes ago so now I'm curiousss)! Also, yeah! Animatics are so hard to makeee!! It's insane! The OST thingy is also so funny to me for no reason xD (It's like reading only the first and last chapter of a book and calling it a day) Also, also!! I loveee the "Soulless Heart" lyrics so muchhh!!!! I get not knowing it had lyrics though lol! I'm glad to hear you slept well, but I totally get how frustrating it is to wake up late :( One thing that usually helps me is changing my alarm's time and music because it throws my brain off! Don't know if that helps, but <3!! Also, no worries about replying late to my asks!! There's no rush! I got notifs on for your blog so it's tots okay to take your time! :D I'll be here whenever you do manage to answer :3!!! Hopefully I didn't forget to reply to anything you said xD! Take care too, Exxiee!!
yesyesye it is literally the chorus- like "it took me by surprise, the hatred in his eyes" and honestly the entire rest of it just fits hella right because OF
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when i first watched the whole xtale movie i gasped so hard when this scene came through AHSHDH went like "what the heck?? this is literally.." and made some memory (nostalgic moment tbh)
the truth is i feel happy to have grown up and just to have returned to the ut community as it really belongs, back then i only used to be attached to sanscest ships😭 but now i can enjoy and appreciate every detail of the original game and everything about the multiverse more appropriately, it's pretty neat!!!x3 btw about that alarm thingy, i actually used to do it but stopped 'cause vacation lolss i'm not really *that* worried for my schedule.. at least not until september⚰️ still thank you very much for the advice♡♡ aah just as always (it's becoming a routine wheheh) i reply to your asks just before sleeping, i'll try to get up early this time tho! no promises.. good night sunny<3
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thencitytales · 5 months
Non-stop Teasing - CYJ
🌷Pairing: Choi Yeonjun of TXT x fem!reader (3rd person used)
🌷 kinda enemies to lovers
🌷wc: 4.1k
🌷 Fluff? sort of angsty tho
🌷 warning: drinking, cussing, frat party, Yeonjun being kind of down bad
🌷There are a few other idols mentioned, some of them in a relationship with each other, I do not think these people are together nor do I ship them, I just felt like the story could have used these dort of relationships (ChaewonxWooyoung, KarinaxJeno)
🌷 Hey!! I am back because i felt like it. This fic is a fleeting idea i had a long time ago and was finally able to finish. In the beginning it was not meant for Yeonjun but it had mostly OC'S so if you see random names I'm sorry, I have yet to proofread it. Feel free to give me notes and feedback, as I appreciate it a lot!! 'Til next time <3
(not my GIF)
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Yeonjun. Stupid, fucking Yeonjun.
Idiot, average-looking yet so stupidly attractive Yeonjun.
“If you really hate him you should stop staring at him, you know?” a blonde girl talked to her best friend, who shushed her in response.
“Shut up Chaewon, I’m not staring” Y/N retorted against her best friend. 
Except she was, and she knew it.
Another person in the library was also very aware of Y/N and what she was doing, because he could feel her eyes pierce through his head. 
And he loved it.
“Ask anybody here, they’ll say you’re staring,” Chaewon said in an amused tone, making Y/N’s eye twitch in frustration.
“Well, then it’s hate-staring, glaring if you will,” Y/N looked away from the boy and glared at her best friend, turning her head ever so slowly, as to recreate the scene in a horror movie.
“Just like I’m glaring at you right now.” Chaewon let out a laugh at her friend’s antics and shrugged it off.
“Sure thing, love. Keep telling yourself that.”Chaewon said. Y/N could only scoff before going back to look at her books.
Look was indeed the best word to describe what she was doing, the words on the page being read for the tenth time in as many minutes without understanding nor absorbing any of it. Biology sucked, and so did Y/N’s brain at that moment. So much so that after a couple of seconds she got distracted again.
“What is it with the stupid beanie anyway? Like what’s the deal with that? DO YOU THINK HE HAS A BALD SPOT?” Y/N whisper-screamed, making Chaewon almost spit out the water she was trying to drink after finally reaching the end of her chapter.
Suddenly the girls heard a louder voice coming from behind them.
“It’s actually for style-related purposes, no bald spot, though if you’re still in doubt you could always ask him. Also, Y/N, you were one hundred percent staring at Yeonjun, just FYI.” Wooyoung said whilst chuckling at the little jump the girls made upon hearing him. Y/N turned around, red in the face, a mixture of embarrassment for being caught and pure wrath, caused by Wooyoung’s presence.
“How long have you been here?” She said bitterly. The boy could sense she wanted to add something, the words dying in her throat a bit too fast. He assumed a “dickhead”, or “asshole” was missing, but he let it go, not teasing her any further. 
“The whole time, love,” he said mocking what Chaewon had said to her friend just a few minutes prior. Then turned away and returned to his spot at the same table with Yeonjun, Soobin and Changbin.
Y/N looked warily at her surroundings to make sure no one else was around to eavesdrop on them.
“How in actual hell are you able to like that guy?” Her shocked expression clearly visible on her features.
Chaewon shrugged.
“He just likes to tease you, he’s actually very nice” She answered, her cheeks turning slightly pink before continuing. 
“I mean it’s not like they’re the fuckboys group.” When Chaewon said that, Y/N was still looking at them and immediately turned around. 
“No, they’re worse, at least the fuckboys are self-aware of how awful they are” she sighed.
“Oh my God you’re so dramatic,” Chaewon said rolling her eyes before going back to typing at her computer. 
Y/N shut up and went back to try and drill a hole through Yeonjun’s head with her gaze, sadly, without any success.
As if on cue, the boy turned around, looked at her, smirked, and turned back to speak with Changbin, making her avert her gaze and awkwardly look around to find God knows what.
She couldn’t take it anymore, her heart pounding in her chest was beginning to feel like it was too much, she could literally hear it and the sensation made her shudder. She got up and headed to the bathroom searching for some quick fix to the sudden heat of her body.
As soon as she got there Y/N quickly splashed her face with some cold water to try and stop it from getting all red, failing miserably. She looked defeatedly at her reflection.
“This is a PSA for that tiny voice living at the back of my head, I am kindly asking you to shut up” She lightly hit her head with her hand in the process so that the point would go across. 
“You understand me??” The girl sighed and took a step back from the sink to exit the bathroom, but as soon as she turned around a familiar face was standing leaning on the door frame.
“Try hitting it harder next time, that should work better.” He chuckled lightly before taking a step towards her.
“This is the girls’ bathroom, Yeonjun” Y/N backed up and glared at him for what was probably the thousandth time that day.
“Sorry, I was headed to the guys’ bathroom but something here caught my attention” he smirked once again. 
Y/N was on the verge of breaking. That smirk. He had to know the effect it had on her. Or was it just a stupid habit of his? 
It didn’t really matter. Either way, she wanted to kiss him so badly right now. And subsequently, run away, completely change identities, go to Peru, and start a potato plantation or something, to hopefully never be found again. She would never EVER admit to wanting to kiss that boy.
Frustrated even more than before, she ran back to the table where Chaewon was waiting for her, shoving Yeonjun in the process, and making him audibly laugh, clearly enjoying how easily he could fluster her.
“I gotta go, or I’m going to be late for the party,” Chaewon said the moment she saw her best friend enter her view.
“Again” Y/N added to Chaewon’s statement, knowing how long the blonde usually takes to get ready. The other girl got up and quickly added:
“Remember, I’ll be at your dorm around 10 pm, we’ll see what to do from there. Remind Ryujin too when you get home, please.” Chaewon said while collecting all of her stuff and messily throwing it in her bag.
“Sure thing, I’ll finish this chapter and go home too in a half-hour or so. Don’t worry about Ryujin, knowing her, she’ll be all dressed up already. You know who you should be worried about, though.” Y/N answered, looking up from her books.
“I already texted Karina, I told her I’d be at hers around 9:30 so she’ll hopefully be ready when we actually get there.” The girl chuckled at her best friend’s trickery and waved her goodbye, mumbling a “perfect” in the meanwhile.
On her way out Chaewon was stopped in her tracks by a slightly taller figure.
“Hey there,” he sweetly addressed the girl.
“Hi Wooyoung, I’d love to stop and chat with you but I really need to go.”
“See you at the party, then” Chaewon looked at him surprised.
“You should really stop eavesdropping other people’s conversations. Besides, you don’t even know which party we were talking about, there’s like 5 every Friday night without counting the ones outside of campus” 
He gave her a playful smile and said “Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.” The girl laughed and answered “Good luck, darling” before going her way.
After that Wooyoung quickly got back to the guys’ table where all of his friends were sitting, trying to finish some sort of group project.
“Okay, talking about important things, what do you guys know about parties tonight?” Wooyoung said, sitting down.
“You mean here in the campus? or in general? Also like, frat houses or bars?” Soobin started throwing questions at him to try and narrow down the search.
“I don't know, man, Chaewon was talking to the Menace and they said they were going to a party tonight.” Wooyoung just answered him calmly.
As soon as he heard the words “Menace” and “party” together in a sentence Yeonjun’s interest was piqued. He looked at Wooyoung, completely ignoring the semi-blank document opened in front of him.
“Well I don’t think they’d go off campus, the Menace is too lazy for that, she’d want to be as close to the dorm as possible.” Soobin started the brainstorming session.
“That still leaves like at least five or six parties” Changbin pointed out, then turned to Wooyoung and asked:
“Is it just the two of them?” to which Wooyoung quickly added Ryujin and Karina to the mix.
As soon as Karina’s name came up Changbin and Soobin looked at each other and said: “Keystone Lodge.”
“Is there something I don’t know?” Wooyoung asked given how the boys answered the place of the party seemed obvious but he had no idea.
“Karina’s boyfriend, Jeno. He’s in the frat.” Soobin pointed out.
“Okay but aren’t parties at KL like, invitation-only or something like that?” Changbin quickly raised the question.
Yeonjun, who had just started fantasizing about what could’ve happened at the party and had no intentions of having his dreams ruined just like that, said: “don’t worry guys, be prepared, I’ll text you later.” and quickly got up and gathered his things before exiting the library.
“Does he have to do it every time?” Soobin asked.
“He got it from Mark, says it gives him the surprise effect later on and the mysterious effect right away.” Changbin answered rolling his eyes, to which the other two guys only answered almost in awe with an “Ooh.” probably thinking it was the best idea a man could have.
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“Okay, how did you get us in Yeonjun?” Wooyoung asked, almost alarmed at how quickly and seemingly easily their friend acquired the invitations.
“I know Haechan, and he owed me. He still does.” the older boy simply stated, raising Wooyoung's alarm instead of calming him down.
“Now let’s get this party started” Yeonjun exclaimed walking up the stairs to Keystone’s Lodge with a smirk on his face.
“You’re going to try and make her life hell, aren’t you?” Changbin said clearly amused at how his friend was planning on being even more annoying to Y/N than he usually was.
“Just wait and see Changbin, just wait and see.” the smirk on Yeonjun’s face growing with every step to the door he knocked on, where they found a guy standing alone, waiting for proof of invitations.
Inside the Frat house, the music was blasting. The air felt damp and everything smelled like cheap alcohol, adding to the mix the group of smoking boys at the far end of the room anyone could imagine that the atmosphere was not very romantic. Which is exactly what they expected.
Changbin went straight for the bar, getting everybody something to drink as the other guys scanned the room for their targets. 
Wooyoung quickly saw Chaewon sitting on the couch with her friends. They were talking to a few frat guys but they seemed nonthreatening enough to his ego. The Menace was sitting dangerously close to one of them, almost in his lap. Wooyoung could not recognize the guy though, no matter how much he squinted.
He nudged his friends and with a nod pointed the scene out, hoping they would get curious and approach them, so he could flirt with Chaewon once again. 
As soon as he realized what was going on, Soobin turned to look at Yeonjun’s reaction, gesturing to Changbin to hurry over, so he could witness it too because despite what those two liked to admit, they had this tension between them that was almost romantic. They were definitely, on some level, attracted to each other but they would never admit it. That’s why Changbin Soobin and Wooyoung were now staring at Yeonjun, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever they had theorized.
Yeonjun’s brows furrowed. The night just started and everything had to be so simple already, not even a bit of a challenge. He sighed, took a drink from Changbin’s hands, and turned to Wooyoung. 
“Let’s go say hi to your princess, shall we?” Yeonjun told his friend, who was very happy about the poor lighting, meaning the other boys were not made aware of his rosy cheeks prompted by Yeonjun's comment.
As they approached, Chaewon saw them and a big smile tugged on her lips. She raised a hand to say hi and the boys did the same.
“Well Well Well, I’m surprised to see little Sherlock actually did find us.” She chuckled looking at Wooyoung.
“I told you I could do it. I’m very resourceful” he winked and the girl lightly laughed. 
Everybody then fell back into conversation, except Y/N and her mystery guy, who were so distracted by each other that they didn’t even say hi to the newcomers. 
Yeonjun cleared his voice. 
“I know you don’t like us Y/N but not saying hi is simply rude, even for you.” He smirked, knowing very well what it did to her.
The girl turned around, her surroundings didn’t make it easy to hear but she was sure she heard a voice talking to her. 
From her sitting position she looked at the new figures that had joined the conversation. And then she saw his face. She simply rolled her eyes.
“Who even invited you here? Seriously, please tell me so I can avoid the lunatic all night long, people just become crazier and crazier by the day”
“Actually,” Yeonjun chuckled.
The guy whom Y/N was talking to gently removed his hands from her hips, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
“I think that might have been me,” He said. 
Y/N looked at Haechan with a void expression.
“You’re his friend?” She asked, not believing it for a moment.
Haechan was slightly taken aback by the question, thinking the answer to be obvious, so he simply answered:
“Yeah?” at which Y/N glared at both the boys.
“That’s a shame, I really liked you.” And with that, she got up and went to the bar to pour herself yet another drink. The alcohol was probably what made her act so suddenly with that silly explanation but even sober her had no intention of being affiliated in any way with Yeonjun.
Seeing how Y/N was behaving, the boy thought that his mission was going to be such a delight with how simple she was making it.
Yeonjun followed her, leaving behind their friends absorbed in whatever conversation, and a very confused Haechan sitting on the couch.
As Y/N approached the bar, she bumped into a few people obstructing passages left and right and leaving her even more annoyed than she already was.
She took one of the red cups and poured herself some beer. 
Not the ideal drink but it was the first thing her hands were able to grasp. 
As she was about to take a sip, a hand snatched her drink.
“Thanks, I was very thirsty,” Yeonjun told her, earning a glare once again that day.
“How do you manage to be so annoying Yeonjun?” Y/N said while pouring another cup, this time she grabbed some gin, sensing she would need something stronger than a beer.
“I give it my best, just for you” he grinned.
Y/N couldn’t help but groan as she looked for the soda to mix her drink.
“What did I ever do to you? Have I offended you in any way? Are you holding a grudge from your past life?? Why do you like to annoy me so much??” She sighed in defeat.
“Woah,” Yeonjun said taken aback by the sudden seriousness of the question.
“Well, for starters I could ask you the same thing…” He answered calmly.
As she started to protest he shushed her.
“Buut, I am not going to lie, I do find you very cute when you’re frustrated” He chuckled.
“Are you hitting on me?” She asked, mouth agape.
“Do you want me to be hitting on you?” There it was again. The stupidest grin on the face of the earth. If there was a way to wipe it off instantly, Y/N would’ve gladly taken that chance. Thinking about it, there was a way, and to be honest she had reluctantly considered that way many times before, but always ended up avoiding it.
A kiss was not the solution, everything it could’ve done was only create more problems.
She was snapped back to reality by Yeonjun waving his hands in front of her eyes. She had been staring at the grin for god knows how long. A faint red was starting to tint her cheeks.
“You want to kiss me so badly,” Yeonjun told her, the grin never leaving his face.
She tried to play it as cool as possible, hoping the poor lighting of the room helped her conceive the blushing situation.
“Projecting much?” She smiled turning on her heels, determined to get out of the house for some fresh air.
As she walked away Yeonjun screamed over the music.
“I never said I wouldn’t like it” Y/N briefly stopped in her tracks, surprised by the sudden confession. Thinking it was just another way of getting under her skin she slowly reached the door and opened it, stepping out onto the backyard.
“You just love messing with her, don’t you?” Chaewon said as she approached Yeonjun, Wooyoung by her side, holding her waist.
“I have a tendency not to lie, actually. Everything I said is true. She’s just… compelling” he tried to find the best word to describe her.
“Compelling? You mean messing with her like that is compelling?” Chaewon said, a bit offended that Yeonjun enjoyed toying with her friend’s emotions like that.
“Tell me Chaewon, when have I ever done anything truly bad to her? All I do is tease, in her opinion, when in reality I was always simply…” Yeonjun said, meanwhile Chaewon tried to start a list of all the times he’s gotten you frustrated and quickly realized most times it was just his very annoying, twisted way of ... 
“Flirting,” Chaewon said, shocked. She looked at him straight in the eyes, her expression painted with shock.
“Oh my God, you just flirt with her” Chaewon continued. She suddenly realized that every time Yeonjun ever talked to Y/N he was flirting, and that enraged her friend for some reason. He never actually DID anything bad to her. He never insulted her, let alone take action to actively ruin her day. The only times he did something of the sort she was always with a guy, like 10 minutes ago with Haechan. Yeonjun was always just… flirting with Y/N.
“I am very confused.” Wooyoung said looking at his two friends.
“You never admitted it to us and it takes you like three seconds to tell it to her best friend? I kinda hate you and I am not sure I would like to be friends with you anymore.” Wooyoung continued while watching Yeonjun's every move and acting offended.
“It’s not like you guys ever really asked, I thought it was obvious if I have to be honest. She’s pretty, she’s smart, she can be a pain in the ass but she’s one of the nicest and kindest people I ever met. Not with me, which I can not really comprehend, but if teasing her incessantly is the only way I can get her to interact with me I don’t think I will ever stop.” Yeonjun said earnestly to his friend. A small smile appeared on his features, almost sheepishly.
A voice behind him startled him right after.
“What did he just say??” it was Changbin, who basically screamed in his ear after he heard just half of the confession.
“I think he likes the Menace!!” Soobin screamed at Changbin (and in Yeonjun’s other ear) in hopes of being understood over the loud music.
Meanwhile, Y/N was outside, freezing because she forgot to bring a jacket. 
Why did he have to always be so annoying, why did he always have something to say that would just make her heart beat at a worrying speed? Why did she have to like him so fucking much?
As her mind birthed the last few words she stopped pacing back and forth on the grass.
Of course, she liked him. It seemed as if every stupid decision she could make she would take and this was not even a conscious one. 
It would explain why her fight or flight response would kick in every time he would even just look in her direction, and her choice was fight. 
Thinking about kissing him all those times was not just a stupid silly thought. 
Y/N was hopeless.
"So?" The question was raised suddenly by a voice she recognised immediately.
He was standing right there, in front of her, handing her her jacket.
She happily took it, silently thanking him with a smile before muttering.
"So what?" her eyes looking at him defeated. She liked him and he was just playing. He was just teasing, and look where all that teasing led her. A terrible position she never wanted to be in.
"Am I getting that kiss you so badly want to give me?" Here he goes again. Non-stop teasing.
This time Y/N did not find it in her to fight, not him nor the feelings she finally realized she had.
"You should be more careful with your words Yeonjun, one might think you actually want it, crave it even" she said calmly before chuckling lightly. She was now sitting down on the bench and her gaze was everywhere but the boy's figure.
"As I said when you were storming off, I do think I'd enjoy it" he slowly sat down beside her, surprised by her tone. This felt more like an actual conversation now. It didn't seem like she had any intention of fleeing this time around. Just them two, talking like normal people. It was new and he liked it. He liked it more than words could explain.
"Stop teasing me please, I honestly don't think I can take it anymore. I won't be bothering you again if you promise me you will leave me alone without uttering any other word that you don't mean" If someone were to pass by and listen very closely, the sound of Yeonjun's heart could be heard as it was cracking and falling apart like glass under extreme heat.
She didn't want to see him anymore, but what was worse is that she didn't think his words were honest. She thought he didn't mean it, ever.
He meant it from the first smile he flashed her, from the first hello he said. The first time he saw her he was struck by lightning and did not feel like himself anymore. All he could do was think about her, all he wanted to do was to speak with her. He did not care if it meant he had to endure rolling eyes and frustrated groans, at the very least he was interacting with you.
"So?" this time she asked the question. Her eyes showed how hurt she was and he could barely look at them.
As he turned to face her, Y/N noticed tears welling up in his eyes. She didn't understand.
"You really think I don't mean it? Y/N you consume my thoughts in the best and worst way ever. I think about you all the time. All I ever want to do is speak with you and I don't care if it means you'll hate me, I won't stop doing it because I am selfish like that. I don't want to feel miserable, and the only way I have to do that is if I speak to you. You can tell me you despise me a thousand times but I won't care as long as you're in front of me, addressing me, acknowledging my presence." As Yeonjun spoke Y/N could not believe his words. 
If it was just minutes ago she would've joked about how "you're so obsessed with me, jeez" but at that moment the expression on Yeonjun's face was making her want to cry. It seemed like he meant it.
He did mean it.
"You like me?" she asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.
"I think like is a bit of an understatement at this point..." he chuckled looking into the distance, the palms of his hands rubbing against each other awkwardly.
Y/N moved closer to him. He did not register how close she got until she turned his head towards her with her hand.
They stared at each other, they are not sure for how long. It could have been mere seconds or hours on end. Then she moved closer and finally kissed him. 
She tilted her head as he deepened the kiss. 
Everything felt good. They were finally happy.
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
6. Coffee in bed
Babe, I wasn't put on earth to be brief, so. Hope you like this! Once again we hop on the Steve loving on Billy train. I had a lot of fun writing it.
I appreciate your prompt so much &lt;3
i want coffee >:((((
Is what Billy sends in the group chat in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday, fighting to keep his eyes open. He can't just give in and have a nap. He has a paper due next week, and Billy's never been the kind of person that believes in leaving things for the last minute, so he's got his laptop and his textbook and his notes from class spread around him on the bed, and he's going to get the bulk of this hell assignment done today. If he doesn't fall asleep.
Billy would get up and get coffee for himself, except he's very comfortable and he just found a nice position for his back. He doesn't want to get up.
Heather: i remember seeing a coffee maker in your kitchen
Heather: you could use that
Billy: don't wanna get up tho
Chrissy: are you about to fall asleep?
Billy: might be
Chrissy: I can call you in 30 mins if you want to nap
Billy: no im gonna fight it
Tommy: just take the nap dude
Heather: the coffee is 10 feet and 5 minutes away
Steve: did you eat?
Confusion pulls Billy's eyebrows together, and he waits for another text to come elaborating the question, but nothing does. In fact, the whole group chat stalls.
Billy: not yet
And Steve sends him a thumbs up. 
Billy rolls his eyes, and tosses his phone to the side. Steve makes no damn sense, sometimes. He's got this whole pretty boy, midwestern nice guy going for him, which Billy has to admit is charming as hell, and a line of chicks wanting to date him, but he never wants to date any of them. Billy is relieved, a little bit. If he had to watch Steve fall in love with someone while sharing an apartment with him, he'd lose his fucking mind, on account of the huge crush Billy's had on him since freshman year.
He really should get back to his paper, or he's gonna be stuck working on it until late.
Billy rubs his eyes blearily and turns his music a little louder, puts Kill 'Em All on loop because it never fails to fire him up. The guitar notes fill the room and make his eyelids feel a little lighter, make his limbs feel a little looser, and Billy jiggles his feet to the beat of the song while he takes notes on the library book he's reading. He can already imagine some of the paragraphs he wants to write in his head.
About an hour later, Billy's managed to outline some of his topics, but his eyelids are getting heavy again. His body feels like it's sinking into the bed, and all he wants is to burrow into his hoodie and curl up into a ball. Billy yawns and covers his face, letting out a long groan. Maybe he can close his eyes for five minutes. 
The sound of keys jingling on the front door of the apartment jerk him awake, and he opens his eyes like he's been hit over the head.
"Billy?" Steve's voice sounds from the living room. There's some shuffling, then Steve's head pops in his open door. "Hey."
Billy squints at Steve, takes in his swept up hair, the jacket he hasn't bothered to take off, and the soft smile spreading on his face as he looks at Billy, eyes shining, looking awfully fond in a way that makes Billy's chest hurt.
"You fell asleep," He says, and his voice is fond too.
"I didn't."
"You so did," Steve laughs, and comes into the room. He's wearing socks, because he hates shoes indoors, and he pushes something at Billy when he reaches his side. "Brought you coffee. And uh, a sandwich, cause you said you didn't eat."
Billy blinks at the to-go cup in Steve's right hand, trying to figure out if he's still dreaming, still caught in the haze of his subconscious fed by wishful thinking, because he can't imagine why Steve would stop to buy him coffee on his way back home. 
"You what?" It comes out sharp, meaner than he'd meant to, and Billy immediately cringes.
But Steve just laughs.
"Jesus, you're grumpy," He shakes the coffee cup at Billy. "You have that paper due monday, and you're gonna be bitchy all day tomorrow if you don't do anything for it today. Drink your coffee."
Billy's mouth falls open, and he can only listen to Steve's words repeating themselves in his mind while he traces Steve's features with his eyes – the playful angle of his eyebrows, the endless brown in his eyes, fixed on Billy, how his mouth curves softly upwards, deliciously red. He's wide awake, now.
Billy feels himself being pulled upwards by invisible strings, unable to look away from Steve. He gets his knees under himself and straightens up, hands stretched out, finding the perfect angle of Steve's jaw, thumbs nestled in the hollow of his cheeks. Steve's smile has given way to shock, and Billy would have pulled back if Steve hadn't swayed into him, eyelids fluttering, breath stuttering, eyes jumping between Billy's eyes and his mouth.
When their lips meet it's sweet, it's tender, it's more than Billy thought it could be, because Steve sighs into the kiss like he's relieved, sucks on Billy's lips like he's hungry, molds his body to Billy's like he never wants to feel cold air between their bodies again. Billy welcomes Steve's tongue like a cool drink, like fresh water, begs for more of it when it retreats. Billy can't get enough of it, can't get enough of him, not now that he has it.
Steve presses more sweet kisses on his lips once the first one breaks, like he can't bear for it to end, and Billy revels in it, on the soft, fluttering feeling they ignite in his chest. Steve's kissing him like he's something to be savored, a delight to be enjoyed carefully and slowly and patiently. It makes Billy's breath catch in his chest, and he wants to hold on to Steve, to clutch him tightly.
It ends with Steve's nose stroking along Billy's cheek, sending shivers down Billy's spine. He's clinging to Steve with his hands in Steve's hair, taking deep breaths under the guise of slowing his breathing down, but really he's taking in Steve's smell, the warm, woodsy tones of him under the apple scent of his shampoo. 
"Hey," Steve murmurs against his skin. Billy's grip on him tightens, and Steve kisses his cheek, maybe to assure him that what's coming isn't bad. "Your coffee's going cold."
It startles a laugh out of Billy. He'd forgotten about the coffee.
He pulls back just enough so Steve can disentangle his arm and hand Billy the cup, and when he takes a sip, it's on the hotter end of warm. 
"It's good," Billy says, and the smile Steve gives him is wide and toothy.
"I, uh…" Steve fumbles to put the sandwich bag he was still holding on Billy's bedside table, then settles a hand on Billy's waist. It's the first touch of Steve's hands on him, and it burns deliciously. "I should– let you get back to your paper."
Steve ducks his head, hair flopping into his eyes, suddenly looking shy. Like he's not sure Billy wants him to stick around.
Billy sets the coffee cup aside. He winds his arms around Steve's waist, draws him close, so he has no doubt of where Billy wants him to go.
"Screw the paper," Billy says, and Steve stares at him with his mouth open. "Come here."
And Steve kisses him.
send me a number from this list of soft prompts
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whenits--notreal · 3 months
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➼ Batman hits Tim shouting "YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING" in Batman (2016) issue #71 (1) (2). It is later explained that this [Batman spinning Tim's jaw] was a form of communication, a "language" which they had established between themselves beforehand. In this language, what Batman said roughly translates to "shut up". No, I'm not joking, this was later explained in issue #81.
➼ The exchange between Bruce and Damian in which Batman very much breaks character is from Batman (2016) issue #145. Spoiler alert: it's not Bruce. The whole dialogue went smthn like:
D: …is it really you? B: It is. D: prove it. B: After you moved in with me… you couldn't sleep. Nightmares. I'd sit in your room with you until you'd finally drift off. /The next day you'd always pretend like it never happened. D: Father… B: I'm back, son …and nothing can stop us.
Despite it not actually being Bruce, I included this for 2 main reasons: 1 ) because it's so obviously not Bruce and still his kids go [in the next panel] "So, the big question is… is it actually Bruce…" and 2 ) because it precedes a POV change to the actual Bruce who is trynna survive solo and is having a cute flashback in #147 (1) (2).
➼ The panel showing Bruce staying at home with a sick Jason instead of going on patrol is from Red Hood and the Outlaws (2012) issue #3. It's pretty self-explanatory, Jason was too sick to go on patrol so Bruce was gonna go alone, but then he changed his mind and cancelled patrol for the night. This is real big tho cuz he prioritised his son over his mission for once (1) (2) (3).
Context: RH and the Outlaws were in a situation where they had to leave their "most cherished memories" with this guy called S'aru as collateral and this was the memory that was taken from Jason (he doesn't want the memory back after they're done with their mission ☹). Also, the art is gorgeous.
➼ The one where B says that Tim isn't his soldier but his son is from Batman (2016) #127. It's an internal dialogue between him and Zur (the other Batman who is a bit bonkers). It's like when he's physically faced with the personification of his Batman persona and his mission, he is finally able to wrap his head around the fact that Robin or not, his kids are his kids, not his soldiers. Otherwise when it's just him, he kinda just ignores the fact and pretends that he doesn't feel/act in two completely conflicting ways when his kids are in question (1) (2) (3). He's a hypocrite and I'm still salty at the "In memory of -- Robin -- A good soldier".
Anyway, it's pretty heartwarming that this was one of the only instances in which he was able to keep the Batman of Zur-en-Arrh in check.
➼ The "I love you, dad" is from the 2016 Nightwing Comics #100 and while I have certain... qualms about Tom Taylor and his writing (don't get me wrong, he's a technically good writer and I enjoy reading what he writes. I just don't like what he's done with the bigger picture if that makes sense-- anyway), I really like this moment and B+N's relationship throughout the past few issues.
For me, Dick is a character with sooo much baggage to unpack and, honestly, I believe he's almost as emotionally closed off as Batman is, he just wears a smile while he's at it and believes the best of people where Batman assumes the worst. But when it comes to his own personal emotions, he bottles them up like he's Doraemon's pouch and has space to spare.
Here though, Bruce takes the initiative, taking off his cowl, and finally says what needed to be said long ago. With no miscommunications! In fact, Bruce delivers with eloquence! And he apologises! It only took Alfie dying...
Anyway, here're the panels: (0) (0.5) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(Added in a few extra pages because Dick was getting the recognition he deserves)
➼ Now following the comic with the heartfelt conversation and Nightwing appreciation, we have the sixth panel: Bruce knocking out Dick's tooth. Yippee. And that would be from Batman (2011) #7. Dick is angry at B cuz he swiped a tissue sample from him without telling him then B just backhands (Backfists? backpunches?) one of Dick's molars right out of his mouth (1).
The reason was that there was evidence in that very molar that Dick was selected by the court of owls when he was young to be trained as an assassin. (2) Now here's the thing, B had no evidence and instead of idk telling Dick about his thoughts (and this is all happening as Dick is going off at Bruce for keeping secrets) and taking an x-ray or smthn, he forcefully knocks it out.
And then they just move on like what just happened was okay. There's not even a hint of remorse or the like, instead, B just rebukes Dick for "underestimating" the Court of Owls. Bro, he was max 8 years old when he was still in the circus, why would he think something happened then? Anyway, Snyder has a real propensity for writing Bruce as a wacko imo.
➼ The next one really pisses me off. Bruce swiping Dick across the face and shouting, "DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR JASON'S DEATH! DON'T YOU DARE!" is from The New Titans (1988) #55. Let's put aside the fact that yes, it is his fault that a barely 15 y/o kid was trapesing the streets in glorified underwear and making enemies of psychologically challenged, overqualified, criminal masterminds and was eventually brutally beaten to death by one of said criminal masterminds in some twisted parody of a love confession.
Dick comes back from an off-world mission with the Titans 2 weeks after Jason's funeral. He ends up finding out about Jay's death from this little twat who I'm not even gonna bother naming and then after confirming the news he goes to comfort Bruce. He prioritised comforting Bruce over his own hurt at not being called or told in any way.
Bruce, in turn, takes to being an antagonistic asshole like they didn't both just lose the same person and subtly blames Dick for how things turned out. Dick goes, 'hey don't blame me' and Bruce goes 'DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME' with a side of punch-to-the-face (1). Bruce then continues to rage at his own decision to take a sidekick (twice) but in a way that puts the blame on them (them being Dick and Jason), then he sort of disowns (?) Dick, and stomps out like the toddler that he is (2).
I could honestly never be Alfred.
➼ The page showing Bruce beating Jason is from Red Hood and The Outlaws (2016) #25. Jason shoots the Penguin (he doesn't die but neither B nor J know that) and Batman subsequently tracks him and beats him down like the loving father he is and Bizarro has to come save him (dk how much worse B could've done tbh) (1) (2).
Anyone with eyes would be able to understand why Jason finds it so hard to believe his father-figure loves him. Cuz he doesn't blood well act like it
➼ Next is Batman driving Dick Grayson to his new home or "hell" as he put it (weirdo?) after he officially made him his ward (consent wasn't included in the package). This is set in the Arkham Knight universe and is from All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #2. I'm not gonna link any more than that because the whole run stars a messed up Bruce.
Idk in what world, the symbol of Justice of a city would think it's okay to legally kidnap a recently orphaned child, gas them in your car, and call them "dense" or "retarded" when they ask the genuine question, who tf are you? And then he slaps him for grieving his dead parents because, and I quote, "Grief is the enemy. [...] There's no room for grief. Grief turns into acceptance. Forgiveness. Grief forgives what can never be forgiven. Never."
And then he attacks Alfred for feeding him because 'woe is me, I (voluntarily) survived on rats and without any help and I decree that this young 8-year-old does the same'.
➼ And finally, the last one (Batman beating Damian and sending him flying across the floor) is from the Battle of the Super Sons Movie. To his credit, Batman's body was taken over by this starfish-looking parasite thing.
Not a fan of the movie, personally. Not much to say either, I just put it there cuz one of the key aspects of the movie was meant to be Dami and B's father-son relationship (and the gif was kinda funny).
By the time Damian came along, DC writers half-realised that blatant physical abuse towards your kids was not cool.
Anyway, this turned out wayyyyy longer than I'd originally intended. I was just gonna cite the sources at first, and then decided to give context for those weren't gonna read the comics, and then a bit of my opinion slipped in towards the end ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ ...
Happy Father's day, ig?
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leoizkool · 27 days
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RAPH LORE !!! (From a person that has never really written a cool story before)
-Raph used to prove himself to others, he feels like he will never be enough for those around him, causing him to overachieve (which he mostly fails to do) and is often trying to get splinter to think he is the best. His siblings caught onto this quickly, and Raph began to try and like himself more, stopped trying to prove himself as much, and instead tries to lift his brothers up with him (after a long history of bringing his brothers down)
For a long time (12-14 yrs old) Raph would bring his brothers down for his own gain, like downplaying their achievements and getting jealous whenever they outshined him. Thankfully Raph realized that wasn’t the way to go, and after many apologies decided to try and help his brothers out, if they four weren’t the best, then he’d rather not be.
LIKES !! : wrestling, boxing, art (painting, drawing, writing, etc) rollerblading, drums, his Brothers ^_^!
DISLIKES.. : Extremely loud people, bugs (mostly grasshoppers or roaches) , people crossing his boundaries.
Raph began to draw and do art on an attempt to outshine his siblings, and ended up liking it enough to keep doing it for fun
Began to invite Mikey to rollerblade with him! Tho Mikey preferred skateboarding instead
He is the Go to whenever you want to move something heavy
Is “OKAY” with Leo..(it’s a bit rocky)
Has broken 3 bones so far, and there are WAY more to come
Treats Mikey extra nicely on April fools day, just so he does get pranked as hard
He and Donnie have this middle child energy, they can agree on things without even talking..mind reading communication..whoaa..
Really wants to be emo/punk/scene/scenemo (I think that’s how u write it..) and goes around trying to find cool things that fell down the sewers, or just steals B-Grade stuff from hot topic and hopes for the best 
Mikey goes with him sometimes ^_^
His favorite sibling is Donnie, Donnie creates the most dangerous things, and he LOVES trying them out
*secretly* watches old anime with Leo..mostly sailor moon
His favorite bands/singers are : Tyler, the creator, ICP (insane clown posse) , babymetal, Weezer, Mindless self indulgence, Rebzyyx, 6arelyhuman, some other Rap/punk artist out there somewhere..
He and April are besties, they sometimes just sit down to talk about the most underground music/ strangest topics or gossips they know..and could spent hours
Secretly listens to MORE MORE JUMP! (Self insert in there)
Appreciates J-pop, he likes the *sometimes* strong instrumentals !
Listens to ADO, he loves the way she puts her whole soul onto her covers/songs, finds it very satisfying to listen to
HAS bought stuff from VampireFreaks ^_^
Wants to play Guilty gear SO BAD..but can’t (Would be an A.B.A main)
has played skullgirls, he is a Fukua main, or would play Beowulf OR Squigly (mostly on mobile), he plays characters he considers have “Fast gameplay” since characters that attack “slowly” stress him out
Has a teddy bear named “Skully” Mikey crocheted for him..
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atom-writings · 1 year
Could I ask for main 8 x telekinetic nation reader? Maybe Y/N waited until they're well into the relationship because they've been shut out and forced to be used as a weapon before.
hetalia main 8 with a telekinetic reader
1k words ~ a/n DIDNT READ THE NATION PART. WHOOPSIESS i kinda wanna do a larger nation reader thing tho.... so ill do that part later :3
tw - none!
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Alfred is just so EXCITED, I mean, you’re like a superhero! Like something out of a comic book! You’re incredible, he just CAN’T stop gushing about you.
Which, you really have to get him to stop. He can be completely honest about his supernatural identity, so he doesn’t really understand why you can’t. If anyone tried to hurt you, you could just, like, explode them with your mind, right?
He’s very horrified to find out that… that’s not how it works. Although he’s not the greatest at comforting his partners, he immediately sympathizes. The thought of someone treating you like that hadn’t even occurred to him, like, you’re so cute and nice… who could do that?
Whoever did that, well… they’ll never do it again. The two of you will defeat them, no problem!
(Yes, he still thinks his life is like a comic book)
Woah, that’s incredible! You’re doing real magic, just like he can! Oh, it’s like a… scientific thing and not magic? Well… maybe the scientists are just trying to rationalize what they can’t understand. Trust him, you’re magic.
Exactly how much can you do exactly? Because if you don’t know, he’s excited to help you learn. He’s trained plenty of magic users over the centuries, you couldn’t be in better hands.
Don’t worry, he would never let anyone take advantage of you again either. You’re lucky that you happen to have someone in such a high position because he is absolutely going to make sure no one uses your ability against you. No, never his darling.
(He’s also definitely gonna lean into the Wizard couple thing now. Expect to move into a super stereotypical witch house with him in the near future)
How horrible! You’ve been blessed, and yet people only torture you for it?! Well, now, you won’t have to worry about that at all, Love. He doesn’t see you any differently.
Although he does appreciate you having telekinesis… for the simple reason of when you two are cuddling on the couch, he doesn’t have to get up to grab the remote.
Plus, now he can brag to Arthur about having a super cool magic S/O. He’s gonna be so jealous~
Ok, so you have superpowers. So does he, technically, so like, whatever.
Probably the least interested out of all of them. He’d appreciate you using your ability around the house, but if you didn’t, he wouldn’t care (he wouldn’t remember…)
Although, the thought of people mistreating you for it does make his blood boil. He’s had plenty of experience with that himself… and he is absolutely not tolerating it anymore. If any of your former abusers showed their faces around the two of you, they’re getting kicked in the face.
Wait, you’re serious? That’s… so cool! So, you’re magic, right? Can you make other people like him with your mind? Or make them think HE’S magic so they’re scared of him? No? Oh… well, still, very cool!
He obviously wouldn’t judge you at all. He’s got superpowers too, in a different way.
He’s been mistreated throughout his whole life for his supernatural abilities, so the fact that you were treated the same? It makes him want to rip everyone who did that apart. Which… you will have to stop him from doing (or let him, up to you, I guess.)
I’d imagine some people from his government might try to experiment with you again, but Ivan would absolutely not allow that to happen. He will hide you in a submarine in another country before he lets anyone treat you like a weapon or a science experiment.
His immediate reaction is gonna be to ask a bunch of invasive questions. Sorry. He’s just curious and has absolutely no social filter.
But as soon as he exhausts himself with his tasteless line of questioning, he’ll basically forget about the whole thing. The first time you use your ability after that, he’ll be scared out of his skin.
(If you don’t tell him it was you, he’d probably order an exorcism on his house…)
He might be meek, but he’d never let anyone treat you badly because of your ability. He wants you to think of it as a gift, not as a curse! It’s what makes you special.
Wow, that’s fascinating. For how long? How does it work? Does your family have it too? W-
Sorry. His scientific brain will immediately go crazy. He wants to run a bunch of tests and find out EVERYTHING about you. Which is obviously, very, very uncomfortable. He does care about you! He’s just a nerd
But as soon as you tell him about what people have done before, he’ll instantly regret his behaviour. No, you’re not just a weapon to him. Just an incredibly special person.
He’ll be a lot more casual about it after that, but he can’t help staring in awe whenever you display your power.
Much like Alfred, Kiku is very enthusiastic about the superhero angle of your ability. He’s so lucky to be with someone so unique, that’s all he can think whenever he sees you using telekinesis. Although he does sometimes secretly hope that you’ll get into some anime girl conspiracy plot… just because it’d be cool.
He’s a little insulted that you waited this long to tell him, but he’d never tell you that. Especially after you reveal why, then he feels extra guilty. Now he’ll put in a lot more effort to make sure you know that he’d love you no matter what.
Luckily, he’s still a fierce enough fighter to keep you safe from anyone trying to turn you back into a weapon. Not on his watch.
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