#if you read all these long tags then congrats I guess??
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ok he looks less like a corpse now 👍
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yeonzzzn · 4 months
✨all my little stars: park jongseong
epilogue for no limits duology | the limits series
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pairing: jay x afab!reader word count: 3.2k
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synopsis: jay’s world spins faster after finding out of your pregnancy and making the preparations for the life you both created with a mixture of the normal chaos and the unexpected.
genre: established relationship, blonde!jay, uncle!jay, fluffy, suggestive.
warnings: swearing, the boys being down bad (as usual), mentions of sex, pregnancy mentions, that’s probably it ♡
★ this is an epilogue of the spin-off to the main series, please read off limits / parts 1-2 to this spin-off before reading this one. they are tagged under the title ★
•·.·no limits spotify playlist'·.·•
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“C-can you repeat that?” Jay’s throat went dry and his hands were shaking and his knees weak. 
The doctor smiles at him, “I said, congrats Dad, you’re having twins.” 
Twins? Jay couldn’t believe it. If it weren’t for the handrails he held a grip on the bed you laid in, he would have completely fallen to the floor at the news. 
The surprising thing is, you weren’t even shocked. You saw it coming with how big your baby bump was. Mostly with Jay’s sister also being pregnant, her bump was of normal size. At first, you thought maybe your baby was growing a lot bigger than you’d thought, but as the days went on…it became obvious you were carrying more than one life. 
Jay on the other hand looked like he was fixing to have a heart attack. You were genuinely worried for your fiancé until he looked over at you and his lips curled into a smile. 
“Twins,” he chuckles and smiles wider, “Baby, we’re having twins,” Jay took your hands in his, placing kisses on their tops then placing a kiss on your forehead, resting his head against yours and rubbing the pads of his thumbs in your palms, “I couldn’t be happier.” 
But oh man did the boys not let Jay live this down. 
Jay’s sister took you and her out for some much-needed girl time for dinner and shopping, while Jay stayed behind at the apartment. 
“BROTHER NO FUCKING WAY!! TWINS?!?” Heeseung laughed, slapping the back of his friend, “We get rid of Jake and __ just for them to be replaced.” 
Jay dropped his head into his palms, “I’m so happy over it that I'm exhausted. But it was also such a shock.” 
Heeseung was now running his hand up and down his back, “All jokes aside, I am happy for you man, this is great news.” 
Jake nodded, standing from the solo recliner and ruffling Jay’s hair, “Just think our little Hwa will have not just two, but THREE family members to grow up with.” 
Jay chuckled and sat back on the couch, his smile going from ear to ear. He was genuinely so happy. Twins?? He still couldn’t believe it. And the timing of his sister and you being pregnant at the same time was even more perfect. His children will get to grow up with hers, and neither of the four would be alone. 
Jay let out a yawn, “Jesus. Jake, is this how you felt about the first check-up you and my sister went to for Hwa?” 
Jake let out a soft groan and also leaned back, “Yes. I was shaking so badly and my ears were ringing. But it’s such a happy feeling at the same time.” 
Jay nodded, taking a good long look at his best friend/brother-in-law, his eyes widening as he stood quickly to his feet, causing every male to stare up at up. 
“You good?” Sunghoon asked, “Did having twins get to ya or something?” 
Jay shakes his head, “No. I just realized I need to move YN in, like now.” 
It was the one thing both you and Jay kept putting off. Specifically because of your parents, or well, father. If your father didn’t like Jay when they first met, he sure as hell didn’t like him now. From what you have told Jay, he already isn’t happy about the engagement or the pregnancy or moving out. But it is what it is. Jay didn’t care, he had you and that’s all that mattered to him. 
Sunghoon whistles, “Guess this place will be crowded until Jake and __ officially move out.” 
Jake smirked, “And guess who all is going to help move YN in and us out because the two females are pregnant?” 
Jay also smirked and glanced down at Heeseung and Sunghoon. 
The two males looked at each other, communicating silently. 
“Nah,” Jake said, his Aussie accent coming out thick, “You two aren’t getting out of this!” 
And they didn’t. You and __ sat on the couch with smiles on both your faces as you watched your men do all the work. Even Hwa was clapping and cheering the men on. It was adorable. 
Before you knew it, you broke the lease for your apartment, had everything cleaned out, and officially moved in with Jay. It was meant to be this way, and long overdue. 
The first night with Jake, __, and Hwa gone was too quiet. Jay rolled over onto his back and exhaled out. 
“What’s on your mind, my love?” you asked, not moving from the position you were lying in but shifting just enough to look at his face. 
“Did I wake you up?” he asked, tilting his face towards you. You shake your head, waiting for his response to your question, “It’s just…quiet.” 
You smile at him, reaching your hand over and running your fingers through his blonde hair, “You’ll just have to get used to it, it’ll be okay.” 
Jay closed his eyes as you continued to run your fingers in his hair, and sighed at the loss of your touch and seeing you roll back over. Jay moved to his side and pressed his chest to your back, hand slipping under your night shirt and rubbing at your pregnant tummy, his lips making home against your neck. 
“We can always make some noise of our own,” he whispers against your neck, now sliding his hand down to the waistband of your shorts, “You’re so sexy pregnant.” 
You chuckle at the feeling of his cock twitching against your back, leaning into him and tilting your head to give him more access to your neck, “Do you want to make some noise?” 
He laughs against your skin, slowly pulling down your shorts and panties, “Always.” 
Time seemed to have flown by too quickly. Every day it's getting harder and harder to do normal daily activities and the males of the apartment forcing you to basically be a couch potato. When Jay wasn’t home to help take care of you, Heeseung or Sunghoon was always around to help out in any way they could. You always felt terrible, but they didn’t mind. They did this for __ when she was pregnant with Hwa. 
But at the same time, you couldn’t complain. It gave you time to plan your and Jay’s wedding. The best thing is that you didn’t have to worry about catering for food or flowers since you and Jay both own a restaurant and flower shop. Saves a lot of money. 
Months passed and __ finally was rushed to the hospital to birth to her and Jake’s second child. And to Jake’s lucky stars, they had a baby boy: Ha-Yoon Sim. 
Jay slapped the back of his best friend’s back, “You got so lucky having a boy.” 
Jake gripped the bed rails of his wife's bed, sweat rolling down his face as he stared at her with their baby boy, “You’re telling me.” 
You stood on the other side of her bed, running your finger on his cheek, a small yawn escaping his lips, “Gosh, he’s a spitting image of Jake,” you giggled to her. 
She lifts Ha-Yoon up, rubbing her cheek against his forehead, “Both of my kids look way too much like their father.” 
Jake tilts his head, “You say that like it’s a bad thing?” 
Jay takes a good look at his nephew and laughs, “Still has the Park nose too.” 
Sunghoon shakes his head with a wide smile, “I don’t think either of you will ever get away from the Park's nose.” 
“Ma,” Hwa softly said, clinging her hands to Heeseung’s shirt as he held her in his arms. Her eyes carefully watched her mother and baby brother. 
“Wanna see your new brother?” Heeseung asked, brushing his nose against her cheek and making her giggle. 
“Hee,” she giggles more, now brushing her nose against his cheek. 
“Bring her over,” Jake reached his arms out for his daughter, Heeseung transferring her over. Jake leans Hwa over the rail, her eyes staring down at her brother, “This is Ha-Yoon,” Jake kisses her cheek, “This is your little brother.” Hwa’s lips tried to speak the word brother, she looked over at Jake with a confused look, “Brother,” He said again with a smile. 
“Frother,” she tried, and Jake just nodded and smiled more. 
Jay was now at your side, shifting you over a bit to lean over and hug his sister, “Our little family keeps on growing. I’m proud of you, stinks.” 
With a free arm, she hugged him back, tears swelling her eyes, “I know. I love you so much, big brother.” 
Jay kissed his sister's forehead and ruffled her hair, “I’m going to teach Ha-Yoon how to play the guitar and to cook, be prepared for that.” 
She rolled her eyes but kept her smile, “Of course you will.” 
Watching your family smile and laugh had you placing your hands on your tummy, being excited to meet your twins and grow this family even more. 
Jake glanced up at you, seeing how you trace and look at your pregnant belly and he couldn’t help but smile even more, “You’ll be due in two months, ya?” 
You look up at him and nod, “That or sooner.” Jay was now wrapping his arm around your waist and placing a hand in the middle of your belly and kissing your temple. 
Jake shifted his eyes to Jay and then back to you, “I can’t wait to meet my nieces.” 
Jay whipped his head to his best friend, tilting it to the side and glaring at him, “You want me to fold, don’t you?” 
His sister scoffs, “You’re so girl dad, big brother.” 
Jay looked between his sister and Jake, “You both are manifesting girls aren’t you?!” 
Heeseung pulled up a chair and leaned his elbows onto the bed, “Jay, just accept you’re having twin girls.” 
Sunghoon added, “Both Jake and yourself have shitty luck, you’re going to have girls.” 
“There’s still time!” Jay said with a sigh, leaning his head against yours. Jay wouldn’t mind girls, he’ll love his children regardless of gender. He just knew it would be over for him. If he thought it was bad when Hwa was born…it would be worse when you give birth. 
And finally, that fateful day arrived. 
Jay held your hand, squeezing it tightly as you pushed. Sweat rolled down the sides of your face, holding your breath with each push. 
“That’s it, keep pushing, YN,” Jay said, wiping the sweat off your face, “Keep taking deep breaths, my love. You’re so strong.” 
You flung your head back onto the pillow, gritting your teeth and using every ounce of strength you had to push out the bundles of life. 
“Good, good,” the doctor said, “Baby number one is almost there.” 
Jay rested his head on yours, his knuckles turning white from the grip he had on your hand as you squeezed back tighter. You didn’t take another breath until crying filled the hospital room. 
“One baby out, keep up the pace, YN,” the doctor said, her smile wide as she looked up to you and Jay, “One baby to go.” 
Jay pressed a kiss to your brow, “Almost there my rose petal, keep fighting.” 
You took a few deep breaths and nodded, pushing with all your might, a pained groan leaving your lips as your second baby finally made its way into the outside world. 
“Congratulations parents, you did it!” the doctor said, taking your second child to be bathed and cleaned up. 
Jay chuckled, his smile big, forehead still resting against yours, “It was all her, I’m just here for support.” 
“Your support still did something,” one of the nurses said, walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, “Want to come meet your daughters?” 
Daughters. Everyone was right. He was done for. 
Jay swallowed and nervously nodded, “Yes, please.” 
The nurse smiled and led him over to the table where his daughters lay side by side, their sobs stopping the minute Jay reached the table, their brown eyes staring back at him. 
His whole body shook, hands trembling and knees weak. He gripped the table, trying to steady himself from falling over. His girls…these are his girls. Two lives he helped create. Two lives that are now his entire world and more. His knees buckled, the nurse taking to his left and helping him regain his balance. 
“Everything okay?” you asked out of breath, concern filling you as you watched your boyfriend nearly fall over. 
Jay nodded, tears swelling his eyes as he gently traced his fingers down his twin's faces, “They are so perfect.”
“Want to hold them?” the nurse asked, “I can help.” 
Jay nodded quickly, wanting nothing more than to hold his baby girls. 
He picked one up, reaching his other arm out to take the second from the nurse, holding them closely to his chest and walking over to you, “Baby,” he sniffled but held his smile, “They are so beautiful.” 
You sat up the best you could, reaching your hands out, “Gimme, please.” 
Jay placed one of your daughters in your arms, “This is Aera,” he smiled, then held up your second daughter to his face, kissing her forehead, “And this is Hana,” then placed her in your other arm. 
“Aera and Hana Park,” you smile, tears swelling your eyes and slowly falling, “They are perfect.” The minute Jay held his daughters' gaze he knew their names for them were perfect.
He watched as you cuddled Aera and Hana to your chest, placing kisses on their small faces. 
And that was all it took for him to crumble. Tears streamed down his face as his imaginable barrier of protection was placed over the three of you. Jay leaned over the bed, wrapping the three of you in his arms, and cried into your hair, “My girls,” he took a shaky breath, and placed a kiss on your temple, “My sweet girls, I love you all so fucking much,” He leaned back but kept his arms tight around you three and connected his lips to yours, breathing you in to stabilize him, “My rose petal and little stars.” 
There was a knock on the hospital room door, and a nurse opening it, “Are you the family?” she asked. Jay perked up, thinking his parents, sister, niece and nephew, and best friends arrived, only for his smile to fade at hearing a voice he didn’t want to. 
“Yes,” the man said, “I am the father of the one who gave birth.” 
The one who gave birth huh? Can’t even call her your daughter. 
The nurse let your father and mother in the room, Jay quickly stood upright and walked to the edge of the bed, his protective nature coming out. 
Your father stopped a good distance away from Jay, your mother standing right behind him. 
Jay gritted his teeth, “If you’re here to play some kind of sick fucking game, get the fuck out!” 
You didn’t even stop him for his outburst. It was well deserved. Mostly after the fit your father threw once you broke the lease to your old apartment and the way he got upset over finding out you was pregnant. You held your daughters closer. 
Your father sighed and looked to the floor, “I didn’t come to start any fights.” 
Jay clenched his fists, “Then why are you here?” 
He glanced up at Jay and took a few steps forward, placing his hands on his shoulders. It took everything in Jay to not push him off. 
“I want to be in my grandchildren’s lives, after thinking long and hard, I knew if I continued down this path I would have not only lost my daughter, but my grandchildren.” 
Jay looked back at you, your eyes wide as you stared at your father, waiting for you to respond. But you never did. 
He looked at your father, “I think she needs time,” and your father nodded. 
“Anything she needs, I will do,” he squeezed Jay’s shoulders and then gave them a slight tap, “Welcome to the family, son.” 
Your parents walked to the door, giving you one last look then walked out. 
You didn’t realize how long you held your breath until Jay was back at your side and pushing your hair from your face, “YN, breathe.” 
You looked up at him, “Why did it take birthing my children for him to decide to change?” 
Jay continued running his hands through your hair, “Sometimes it takes something great coming into the world to change everything,” he looked down at his daughters, “The minute I looked at our girls, everything changed for me. My life has a greater purpose. I’m sure he felt the same.” 
You just nodded looking down at your girls. You weren’t sure if you were ready to forgive your father, but the fact he showed up was a start. 
Another knock happened on the door, the nurse giving you and Jay a concerned look as she went to the door, barely sliding it open and peeking out, “Are you family?” 
“Hell yeah, we are! I’m ready to meet my nieces!” 
Jay exhausted out a sigh at the word choice his sister decided to make. 
The nurse stepped to the side, his sister rushing in with Jake carrying Hwa in one arm, and Ha-Yoon in his car seat carrier in Jake’s other hand. Heeseung and Sunghoon trail in after along with Jay’s parents. 
“No one even told you guys I had girls,” Jay teased, reaching out to hug his sister. 
“No one had to,” she teased back, squeezing him tightly, “We already knew.” 
She practically shoved Jay out of the way to run to your bedside, “YNNIE!!” she cheered, leaning at your side to get a look at your girls, “Oh my god they look exactly like my brother!! They have the Park noses too!!” 
Hwa stretched her arms out, “Jay!” her sweet voice coos, Jay taking his niece in his arms and then reaching out to hug Jake. 
“Can’t get away from the Park nose,” Jake said with a smile, hugging Jay tightly, “Congratulations, brother.” 
“Thanks, man, it means so much.” 
Heeseung and Sunghoon were next to hug Jay, then his parents, each of them smiling wide and giving their congratulations. 
“Babies!” Hwa said, pointing at you and her cousins. 
“That’s right!” Jay said with excitement, “You want to meet your cousins?” 
She smiled and nodded, “Cousins!” 
You smiled at little Hwa when Jay sat her on the bed at your side, holding her shoulders, “Hi Hwa,” you said softly, “This is Aera and Hana.” 
Hwa smiles and lifts to her knees, little hands placed against yours that hold the girls, “Family!” 
“That’s right, sweet girl,” her mother sniffled, “We are a big family.” 
Everyone crowded around your bedside, each taking turns holding both of your girls. 
You looked between each of them, tears falling down your face. Family. This is your family. 
Jay pressed a kiss to your cheek, “Nothing can get better than this.” 
You nodded, pulling him into a tight hug. Nothing could beat this.
‧₊˚✧THE END✧˚₊‧
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— perm tlist: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle
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@hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki @vveebee @teddybeartaetae @kookify @abysofsteel @aileeeeeeeeeeeee
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leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 5 | masterlist
an: this isn't super long but i had to include lando winning and some more story progression i suppose. i'll get to work on a longer oart soon! <33 pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 2.863.899 others landonorris P1 BABY!!! WE FUCKING DID IT! couldn't be more thankful! thanks for all the cheers!! tagged: mclaren
alex_albon congrats!!!!💪👏
lewishamilton WELL DONE
maxfewtrell so proud brother 🧡
georgerussel63 congrats mate!!
fernandoalo_oficial bravooooo🙌👏
yourusername told y'all i was gonna be there when lando get's his first win
danielricciardo oh so you werent there for me? got it 🤕 landonorris sorry mate she was there for me 💪 yourusername actually i was there for max but go off i suppose maxverstappen1 and i didn't even win yourusername do better next time >:( maxverstappen1 yes ma'am 🫡
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liked by taylorswift, danielricciardo and 2.985.572 others yourusername guess who's going to be an opener for taylor swift's eras tour 👀 tagged: taylorswift
taylorswift so glad to have you there!
danielricciardo so proud of you 😚
yourusername 🥹🫶
ricsworld do you think we'll get daniel at the eras tour content????
yourusername yes. if i have anything to yes, yes a million times.
landonorris will i be given a free ticket?🙃
yourusername can't make any promises, billionaire landonorris wow 💔 danielricciardo if it helps, i didn't get a free ticket either landonorris wow everything is fixed now ❤️‍🩹
scfty/n omggg!! taylor and y/n!! cant waittt! definitely getting tickets now
tayslover you're going to buy tickets for a 3 hour show just for the opener? 🤨 scfty/n well i like taylor too. y/n is just an addition to why i want to go
yourusername you didn't ask 😚
sooo i know this isn't a long part in ANY way, it will take a bit longer for the next parts. i wasn't even considering continuing it so early, but lando won and i simply felt like i needed to release two little parts related to that considering i couldn't fit in his win yesterday because i was too tired (also because i didn't feel like taking out my laptop again last night so i was stuck with only my phone) anyway enjoy this small part while i brainstorm on what should happen :) also this isn't proof read so sorry if there's spelling mistakes
part 6
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maryleclerc · 1 year
𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 — charles leclerc
pairing: prince!charles leclerc x reader
summary: in which prince charles and princess y/n of monte carlo announce their pregnancy of their first royal baby
vote for the royal baby name here ❤️
warning: english is not my native language and i did use google translation also i did not know much about the royal rule so please don’t take it serious, i’ll be grateful if you leave comment to let me know about my writing if i needed to fix anything
read previous part: 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 > 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
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charles_leclerc with y/n_leclerc
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Liked by y/n_leclerc, lorenzotl and 174,730,461 others
charles_leclerc We are really happy to announce that we are expecting our first child. Y/n and i decided to not appear in any public event until the birth of our child for safety of my wife and baby. And we also receive lots and lots of congrat and with all the best wishes for both of us and baby
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y/n_leclerc ❤️❤️
sofiagraace Love you both
heismydreamman She will join the Christmas Night ceremony with the royal and we’ll see her bump show
princessy/nmyheart Am i the only one here thinks she’s going to name her child Anne?
jessicalauree So freaking adorable!!!!
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Liked by charles_leclerc and others
y/n_leclerc Throwback to our wedding day and honeymoon ❤️ @charles_leclerc
Comment are limited
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The Prince and Princess of Monte Carlo first public appearence since the announcement of Princess Y/n pregnancy. Princess Y/n appeared in public today with a long, flowing black velvet dress to hide her pregnant belly, it seems that Prince Charles has become a protective husband to his pregnant wife when he repeatedly refused to stand for too long at today's ceremony. Towards the end of the session, we had a chance to ask a few questions with Prince Charles and Princess Y/n.
"Prince Charles, how do you feel about today's ceremony?" “Well I feel very happy and excited at the ceremony today, it is a very important ceremony for my mother Queen Pascale” Prince Charles said, and I ask Princess Y/n “And Princess Y/n, how do you feel?” She answered “Since I'm pregnant right now, it's natural to feel tired but this is only a side effect and the main part is that we can enjoy this happy time together with the Royal Family”, “I have Just a few short questions, can the Prince and Princess answer a few questions for me?" “Of course” They both replied at the same time. “First question, surely you also know that the announcement of the pregnancy has shaken all the people with joy, right? So a few people emailed us asking us to ask you about the baby's gender was? Is this information that is allowed to be revealed?” Prince Charles nodded his head and answered my question “I know this is information that everyone is curious about, although we are the Prince and Princess of Monte Carlo, we must always adhere to the principles given by the royal family", Princess Y/n replied, "But of course we'll let everyone know as soon as we have the baby." She laughed, then I continued to ask the last question "Then Prince Charles and Princess Y/n have come up with any name for the royal baby yet?”, Princess Y/n replied, “Charles and I haven't come up with any name yet but we plan to name the baby with our traditional royal name", "Because she likes traditional names, I like more modern names, but I love her and the baby so the name will be decided by her" Charles said then both of them laughed.
What do think the Prince and Princess will name their baby? Leave us a comment about what you are thinking!
tag charles leclerc , y/n_leclerc
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diwkjd_ I guess they will name it Charlotte or Carlotta, easily Charlotte is a tradition name and its also Charlotte is female version of the name Charles… isn’t it cute
unclejamees I don’t know what they’ll name him/her but i just love the fact Princess Y/n chose to name their baby with royal tradition name
penelopejanes It’s definitly gonna be named Charlotte
⤷ jaada How are you so sure?
⤷ penelopejanes Idk, just so easy to guess, i mean Charlotte also royal tradition name tho
beaniw I got the opportunity today to talk with Prince Charles and Princess Y/n and they’re super nice and Charles is super protective of his wife lately
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cheapshrimpysheep · 7 months
CONGRATS FOR YOUR MILESTONE!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! And you're one out of the only 5 twst/om writing blogs I have notifs on for, your writing and blog aesthetic makes me so happy!!!
For a request, could you write Kalim sparring with a reader who's a good fighter? It's my personal hc that Kalim can throw a punch of two due to Jamil drilling various self defense techniques into his head. But the whole sparring thing is very lighthearted and fun, since Kalim is not really interested in fighting anyone (especially the person he has a crush on, wink wink 👀) and his fighting partner is not interested in hurting him either. Everything just turns into them being silly and getting into a tickle fight instead or something.
If it's not something in your comfort zone, that's okay! I still wanted to drop by and congratulate you for your hard work. Requests or no requests, writing is content that deserves to be praised and celebrated to thank you! Sorry for the long ask erifidnwyrkd ~ray
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COMMENTS: THANK YOU! 💖 I'm always so happy when people tell me they like what I write that much. That's why I love writing this. This is where I feel most appreciated. 🥰
In fact, I am a coward. 😅 So I'm not very familiar with knowing how to fight. But still, I hope I got around it well. As you can see from the number of words, I ended up having fun writing it. I hope you and all have fun reading it too. 😉
CHARACTERS: Kalim Al-Asim x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader
WORD COUNT: 1.150 words
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CONTEXT: Jamil and Kalim used to train from time to time. One way for Jamil to guarantee that, in an emergency, where he wasn't present, Kalim would have any chance of defending himself and escaping or something like that.
But that day, due to some complication at the basketball club, Jamil couldn't train with Kalim. However, he remembers that he already saw you defending yourself against some NRC students, and thinks you might be a good replacement. And maybe, in a way, it would be an interesting idea to have Kalim fight against you, knowing that he has a crush on you.
So, he calls you and asks you for this favor, and assured you that he would somehow repay you.
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You arrive in Scarabia, without Grim. He knew that in Scarabia they liked to have banquets from time to time and he loves to eat. But Jamil wasn't there to cook a feast and probably most of the food he would get is the food that Kalim likes to shove down his throat. So he decided he would be better off with just tuna in Ramshackle.
You've just walked through the front door when...
“HIIIIIIII!” Kalim greets you, while running towards you. He has the cutest smile on his face. “How was your day? Do you want to eat anything? Jamil left some really good things in the fridge.”
You tell him that you already ate some time ago, so you would be ready to train with him as soon as you arrived in Scarabia.
“Train? Train what? AH! Is there a test I forgot?!”
You say no and ask if Jamil hadn't told you what he had told you.
“Oh! That. Ha ha HA HA! Sorry, I guess I got so excited when he told me you were coming that I forgot to pay attention to the rest of the conversation. Hum... Don't tell him that, pleeease.”
You promise you won't say anything and he thanks you with an appreciative smile. You remember that Jamil had said that he had left some papers with instructions for training somewhere. When you ask Kalim about this, he doesn't know where they are, but he can guess by knowing Jamil. Or maybe Jamil only knew where to put them because he knew Kalim would forget.
You see the papers and as you would expect, they are all self-defense techniques, where you would be Kalim's aggressor. Techniques for him to defend himself from punches, knives, being grabbed by the arm, neck, etc. You didn't like the idea of even pretending to attack Kalim, but it was the instructions and it was for his own good. Right?
“Can I see the papers?” Kalim asks you when he sees the slight discomfort in your expression. You hand him the papers, he takes a look at them and smiles. “Ah, the same as always. Don't worry, this seems to be just a review. Jamil does this a lot since he says I'm very forgetful. It's okay. Nothing very difficult. You just have to pretend to attack me.” But your discomfort doesn't leave your face. “Hum? What's wrong? You're not feeling well?”
You tell him that you don't want to hurt him and that you don't really like the idea of attacking him, even if it's just pretending.
“I don't want to hurt you either. Not even Jamil, despite what he tells me to do. But we don't need to do this training like the ones I do with Jamil, right? I really hope not, otherwise I'm going to lose all the rounds.” He says with a slightly embarrassed smile. You ask why. “Because like I said, I don't want to hurt you, so I think I'll end up letting you win every time. Ha ha. AH! That's it! Why don't we play fight? Some of my siblings like to do it. We don't need to take this so seriously, we can just have fun. Right? What do you think?”
You think about it and agree. And both of you also agree that it's okay as long as Jamil doesn't get upset. Or finds out.
The "training" started normally. But it was when he got to the part of training to defend himself from knives that Kalim had an idea. He went to get one of those thick markers, took off the cap and said: “You know paintball right? The goal is not to get hit by the paint. Why don't we try to do something like that?” He hands you the marker. He removes his coat and other accessories from his torso until only his white shirt remains. “You're going to try to paint me and I have to dodge it. It'll be fun, you'll see.” he says with a big amused smile.
You ask if he doesn't think Jamil will be upset with him for ruining his shirt.
“Maybe, but don't worry, I can buy lots more where this one came from. Ha ha ha.”
He was right, that was fun. You forgot that you were training self-defence and looked more like a couple playing. At one point, Kalim managed to grab your wrist and steal your marker. And he looked at you with that rare mischievous smile of his. “My turn!”
You seemed surprised. What does he mean his turn? Weren't you the attacker? But then he looks at you and straightens up.
“Oh. You should take off your coat first. I'll get a better see if I catch you with the marker on your white shirt.” You hesitate. You don't have many shirts like that. “If I ruin the shirt I can buy you a new one, or two, or as many as you want. No problem!... Pleeease? I'm having so much fun with you!” He's making puppy eyes.
You agree and take off your coat and accessories. You continue that "training" until there comes a time when both of you have kind of given up on defending yourselves and are already covered in paint streaks on your shirts, arms and even your face. You realize you dropped the marker and can't find it.
“You lose your weapon?” Kalim says “Well, it looks like there's now only one way to find out who wins.” And he attacks you with tickles. “Surrender!”
You try to resist, but end up really surrendering. Kalim was too good at tickling. And as soon as you know it, the two of you were on the floor, practically hugging each other. He smiles affectionately at you.
“I wish you were in Scarabia. We could have fun like this every day. I could see you and be with you every day for much longer.”
Your noses were almost touching when Jamil appears and drops his training bag to make a noise that would get both of your attention. He looked bothered. “WHAT?! Why are you two-? OH, for the patience of the great seven.” he sighs.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
The Best Kept Secrets - Marc's Story
dbf!Marc Spector X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Masterlist - AO3 Link
Suggested reading order - Marc -> Steven -> Jake -
Steven's Story - Jake's Story
You've just graduated college and you find yourself developing feelings for your dad's best friend after your graduation party. Three different versions of the same story all with different boys.
Tags/Warnings (for all three fics):
NSFW, age gap (reader is about 22 - boys are 40), reader is not race-coded, reader graduated college in America but isn't necessarily American, p in v creampie, unprotected sex, dbf trope, oral sex, coercion (sort of on both sides), Jake being Jake, Marc being Marc, Steven being Steven, forbidden relationship, forbidden sex, blowjob, mild bondage, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, car sex, bad puns
Word Count: 9.4k (apparently I can't write anything short anymore)
You got out of the Uber when it stopped in front of your childhood home. Your dad was already waiting for you by the front door, smiling wide. He came over with his arms out, pulling you into a big hug. You grunted from the tight squeeze.
“Hi dad.” You choked out.
“I sweetie.” He let go of you and looked you over. “How was the ride from the airport?” He started taking two of your bags out of the trunk and walking back toward the house with you in tow.
“Long,” you said with a tired laugh.
“Well, hope you’re not too tired cause there’s a few people here to see you.”
He opened the front door and you were greeted by several relatives and family friends in the kitchen. They all shouted, congratulations! at once, holding up an assortment of beer bottles and glasses of wine. Knowing your dad, the drinking had been going on for a couple of hours before you arrived.
“Thanks everyone,” you said with a big smile, feeling a little shy having all those eyes on you.
You noticed the black and gold, congrats graduate, banner adorning the wall above the table in the dining area. With the initial excitement over, the crowd dissipated and you watched everyone start mingling once again. Your cousins came up to you and started exchanging quick updates on their lives while everyone else chattered around you throughout the house.
“What do you think, huh?” Your dad asked, coming up behind you while you admired the cake in the center of the dining table. He handed you a mixed drink.
“Dad, this is really great. There’s so many people! I really wasn’t expecting this when you said we were having a graduation barbecue. Thought maybe only a couple people would show up.” You looked to see your aunt talking with one of your dad’s friends in the living room.
“You know me better than that. Not everyday your kid graduates college,” he patted your back proudly, “shit, gotta go check the grill. I’ll be right back.”
While he was gone, you watched your aunt and your dad’s friend finish their conversation. You’d known Marc since you were a kid, but it had been a long time since you’d seen each other. He came over to you and held up his beer as if to say cheers. He still looked so rough around the edges, just how you always remembered him. You looked him up and down, trying not to make it seem too obvious.
Has he been working out?
“Congrats. College…wow.” He took a swig off his beer bottle, “all grown up.”
You gave him a nervous giggle, “yeah, I guess.” You felt inexplicably shy all of a sudden, you tried to make small talk, “How have you been? It’s been so long.”
He shrugged, “been keeping busy, staying out of trouble,” he gulped some of his beer down and then looked at you with those brown eyes that seemed to sparkle when the light hit them just right.
You felt your cheeks getting flush for what felt like, at the time, nothing worth getting flustered over. Marc was handsome, anyone could see that, but you’d never looked at him that way. He’d always just been your dad’s best friend. Then again, he’d never looked at you like that. Were you imagining things? He seemed to be sneaking glances at different parts of your body. His eyes trekked over your neck, down to the crevice of your slightly low cut shirt, beyond your denim jeans and finally onto the floor which is when he rubbed the back of his neck like he was nervous.
“Still fixing toilets?” You sipped your drink, trying to change the subject quickly.
“Yeah…well…sort of. I do all kinds of handyman stuff, not just toilets. I also do home inspections.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card, handing it over to you.
You read the print and huffed out a laugh at the obvious pun.
Marc Spector
The Home In-Spector
“It’s dumb I know.” He rolled his eyes, taking another drink.
You raised an eyebrow, “I think it’s clever. Definitely memorable.” Someone called your name from outside, interrupting the casual conversation. “Oh, I gotta go, see you around, Marc.”
“Yeah…you too.”
After several hours and a few drinks later, you were sitting around the firepit with only your dad, one of your cousins and Marc. You remembered the roaring laughter over a dumb joke that Marc made at your expense. You grumbled and gave him the finger. You weren’t actually upset, and had a hard time keeping yourself from bursting out into laughter as well. Marc flipped you off in return and smiled at you. Marc’s smile was so fucking beautiful. Why hadn’t you noticed before tonight how good looking he was? This feeling you had was so wrong…but you wanted him so badly all of a sudden. It had to be the alcohol, that was the only explanation.
A little while later, you were tipsy and felt your eyelids closing involuntarily, no matter how hard you tried to keep them open.
They closed again, and when you opened them this time, it was only you and Marc left around the fire.
Closed again.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been out, but the sudden movement stirred you awake. You were being carried by a set of strong arms. Did your dad come back to get you? No. He would’ve woken you up so you could walk to bed. You wrapped your arms around the man’s shoulders and buried your face in his neck. Marc, you thought.
He smelled warm, like he’d been in the sun all day. Your lips brushed the soft skin there, and you felt a strong sense of comfort wash over you. Alcohol had a way of making you forget to filter your emotions, and right now you were hoping Marc would never let go. You didn’t know why you felt that way. None of it made sense. It’s not like he’d made any sort of pass at you during your growing up, and he had certainly been respectful all night.
So why did you feel like you wanted him to fill you up with everything he had?
It had to be the alcohol. You drank too much, and it was making you feel flirty, and foolish, like you didn’t care about the consequences of any bad decisions you might be inclined to make. Marc sat you down on your bed. You didn’t lay down yet, you just sat there, clutching his shirt so he couldn’t walk away. He grabbed your wrist and looked down at you through his own hooded and intoxicated gaze.
“Marc,” you said softly.
He knelt down, eyes level with yours, “what?”
You looked between his eyes. What did you want from him? Did you expect him to throw away a friendship that was older than you’d been on the planet so that you could fulfill this seemingly random and new feeling? If you would just let go of his damn shirt, he could leave and you would go to bed. It was so simple, but you felt an ache between your legs and a burning desire for him that you couldn’t make sense of.
“Don’t go, please.”
He gave you a gentle smirk, “I have to go to bed,” his smile almost killed you, “you gotta let go of my–”
“Take care of me first…don’t you know what you did to me?”
You were both breathing so heavily, and his eyes kept darting to your lips. You weren’t sure who dove in first, but you both started kissing each other hungrily, motions made sloppier from the alcoholic influence you were both under. Marc continued to claim every moan that left your mouth while you guided his hand down to the waist of your pants. He tucked his thick fingers in and felt between your soaking wet folds.
“Holy shit,” he commented in a breathy rasp, “did I really make you that fuckin’ wet? How long have you felt this way about me?”
“A long time,” you lied.
You always had found him attractive. Objectively speaking, Marc was a good looking man. Regarding wanting to let him take you on every surface in your childhood home? That feeling was brand new to you. Something between the drunken fogginess and the sweet way he carried you changed something in your DNA. You needed him…badly.
All too suddenly, Marc gained a conscience. He pulled his hand free from your pants, and backed away from you quickly. He looked you up and down, running a hand through his hair, eyes plagued with guilt. It was all too clear that this fantasy of yours was over. Whatever this moment was that the intoxication had afforded you, ended with some sense of clarity that tore through Marc.
“No, no.”
That was all he could say, not one word more before he left your room in haste. He didn’t need to say anything else. You knew deep down you were dumb for thinking Marc would actually do anything with you. You knew that was a one-time thing, and that he would want to go about as though it never happened. For your father’s sake, you would take an oath of silence, despite the feelings you were keeping buried deep.
The next morning at breakfast, Marc had flat out refused to make eye contact with you. Even when you asked him to pass the orange juice, he kept his head down when handing it to you over the turntable. You scowled when you took it from him, but took the bottle without added drama. Of course you understood that things were awkward, but if he kept treating you like you didn’t exist, that was even weirder. If he thought blatantly avoiding you in front of your dad wasn’t suspicious, he was sorely mistaken.
The moment your father went up to use the bathroom, you took the opportunity to talk to Marc who, at that moment, was clenching his jaw and pretending to look at his phone. The man still used a Motorola flip phone. You couldn’t imagine there was anything very interesting on a phone without internet access, unless he was trying to avoid you deliberately.
“Marc, I’m not going to say anything to him or anyone, but you acting like this is more suspicious than if we fucked on the table in front of him so–”
“Can you please watch your mouth. Don’t say things like that.” He said in a harsh whisper, “I just don’t want to think about it, alright?” His thick Chicago accent always came out when he got irritated.
“I’m fine with that, I just mean…you’re not being very subtle. Just pretend nothing happened and treat me like I exist…please.”
When your dad came back downstairs, Marc seemed to make a better effort to act like he always did around you, and it worked. Even you had a couple moments where you almost forgot that there was something awkward between you two. You kept reminding yourself it was only a kiss, and it was only a kiss, but you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t want so much more.
For two weeks you fought off thoughts about your dad’s best friend. You tried so hard not to think about the way his arms felt carrying you up to bed the other night; so hard not to think about the way he smelled when you had your face buried in his neck; you tried so fucking hard not to think about the way his fingers felt brushing over your clit while he kissed you so passionately.
You were surprised when your father left for work and only a couple of hours later, Marc arrived. You didn’t know he was there, and nearly screamed when you heard him whistling downstairs as you were stepping out of the shower. You peered out the window and saw his truck with his company logo on the side. You let out a sigh of relief, realizing that there wasn’t a burglar in your home, but that initial fear was quickly replaced with an anxiety that you couldn’t shake. The only thing you could think about was how badly you wanted to feel his lips on yours again.
After you changed into your shorts and a tanktop, you decided to make your way downstairs to see why he was there in the first place. Marc was laying under the sink, cabinet doors open on either side of him. You couldn’t help but notice the way his biceps flexed under the tight t-shirt he wore, and the dark trail of hair that disappeared under the waist of his pants on his exposed abdomen.
“Marc.” You said gently, as though hearing your voice any volume higher might send him into a rage.
He froze, letting out an exasperated sigh that split through the room. He clanked some of his tools and grunted as he sat up to look at you. He held a furrowed brow, daring you to say something about the night you shared two weeks ago; daring you to bring the memory of that deep shame back to the forefront of his mind. You found yourself having a hard time speaking all of a sudden.
“Look, your dad asked me to come by and fix a few things, just stay out of my way and–”
“M-my air conditioner isn’t working and I was hoping you could take a look at it.” You spat your words out so fast you weren’t sure if he would even be able to understand you.
There was, of course, nothing wrong with your air conditioner, but you wanted to get Marc in your room, alone again, if only for a second. He stood up, aggravation still apparent in his furrowed brow.
“Your ac is broken?” He crossed his arms over his chest, “what’s wrong with it?”
“I don’t know, isn’t that your job? I just need you to look at it.”
He grabbed his toolbelt off the ground and followed you up the stairs with a look that told you he was unimpressed, and hardly believed that you needed him to actually fix something. When you got to your room, he went to the window where your perfectly functioning air conditioner sat, and you silently latched the door behind yourself. You felt it getting harder to breathe.
He turned the air conditioner on to test it, learning immediately that he’d been tricked into going up there. He turned slowly, brow furrowed in frustration. Despite his obvious aggravation, you noticed the quick shift of his eyes taking in your frame before looking back at your face. He crossed his arms tightly, scowling at you.
“The hell are you trying to pull huh?” His accent came out in his peeved tone. He walked up to you, but you stayed firmly in front of the door. “Move.”
You looked up at him, “Marc please, I can’t stop thinking about you since we kissed.”
He grabbed your shoulders roughly and you thought he might slot his lips over yours in a flurry of breathless kisses, but he didn’t. Instead he turned to scolding you as though you were a child, which only served to piss you off.
“It was a drunk mistake that never should’ve happened. I let it go, you should too,” his voice was low and harsh.
It was crushing to hear that he wasn’t even going to entertain the thought, though it wasn’t exactly a surprise. You weren’t sure what you’d expected. Marc was always trying to do what he considered to be the right thing, and now was no different. You were his best friend’s daughter. Of course he wasn’t going to do anything with you. But when you looked over at his flexing biceps on either side of you, and felt the strength in the way his hands held onto your shoulders, you couldn’t help the way you wanted him.
“I can’t. I…I think about you almost every night.”
There was another cold silence, save for the hum of the air conditioner that was still working exceptionally well. You weren’t normally so forward, but it was true. Despite your attempts to not think about him since your encounter, you’d failed. Most nights since then were spent with your fingers two knuckles deep in your soaking wet cunt, thinking about all the ways you wanted Marc to take you under your father’s roof.
“You’re stupid you know that? Just stop, you’re my friend’s kid. He know you act like this? Huh?”
If his tone wasn’t evidence enough that he was through with the conversation, his actions were. Marc moved you aside by force and then made a quick escape from your house. He hadn’t even finished working on the sink downstairs. You wondered if Marc was going to tell your dad about your conversation that day, but when your dad got home that night, he never said a word about it. You tried to move on, despite the ache in your chest.
You wondered if Marc would ever come back to your house again, until your dad was on his way out the door for work and told you he was coming back to finish the sink. Your cheeks grew hot immediately when you thought about it. Your dad left, and you rushed around getting ready for Marc to show up. You knew he’d told you to back off, but thoughts of him continued to plague your mind and you couldn’t seem to help yourself.
What the hell am I gonna wear, you asked yourself.
It was foolish to think about what you were going to wear in a silly attempt at seducing your dad’s best friend. You couldn’t even begin to understand why you were attempting to seduce your dad’s best friend. It was obvious that he didn’t want you, he’d pushed you out of the way the other day. That didn’t stop you from wondering what it would feel like to brush your lips over the soft skin of his throat again. It didn’t stop you from thinking about what his thick fingers would feel like stretching out your pussy while you dug your nails into his toned shoulders.
When he finally arrived, you waited to make sure he was working before you went downstairs. You were silent, knowing that alerting him to your presence might make him run off. You’d chosen to wear a short little skirt, a tank-top, and you opted out of your bra and panties. You needed to make it as easy as you could for him to take what he wanted from you. Despite the way he pushed you away, you knew he wanted you.
He was working hard, twisting a wrench around one of the pipes. His arm obstructed his view so he didn’t see you coming. Without a word, and without his knowing, you walked over to him, standing on either side of his thighs. He noticed you when you dropped to your knees, straddling him. He looked at you with that signatured furrowed brow.
“What the…you’re starting to be a real fuckin’ problem, you know that?” His voice was dark and threatening.
“Am I?” You asked in a coy tone, dragging your cunt over his crotch, feeling the brush of the denim against your clit.
He sat up fast, and you thought he might shove you off of him, but he didn’t. Instead, his hand grabbed your hip firmly. You gasped when his face got close to yours, eyes narrowed and wracked with guilt. His nose brushed against yours. You felt your hips involuntarily rock against the growing bulge behind his jeans.
“What’s it gonna take for you to let this go, huh?” He used one hand to push your skirt back while the other slid up your inner thigh. “What’s it gonna take for you to stop this shit?”
You put both of your hands on his shoulders for stability. His fingers found your folds and you felt your entire body surge with desire. Marc’s chest rumbled when he leaned in to steal your moans in a mess of deep kisses. His grasp on your thigh was so tight it left divots in your skin. He pulled you forward, sliding his middle finger deep into your channel.
“Fuck, I get you that worked up?” He said against your lips.
You hummed an affirmative into his mouth. He slid another finger in, and already you felt the delicious stretch of his thick digits testing your hole. It was a tight fit, two that is, and it felt better than you could’ve dreamed. If you’d known it was going to be like this, you might’ve been more persistent when he came up to your room the week before. He curved them, touching that sweet spot that made you whine in response.
“Where are all the boys your age? Why aren’t you going after them, hm? You like pissing me off?”
You didn’t want to answer him, because the truth was stupid. You didn’t care about the “boys your age”. Most of them wouldn’t know their way around a pussy if you had an arrow pointing to all the important parts for them. They also didn’t know you like Marc did. Marc was there to talk to you on the late nights after a family barbecue when you couldn’t sleep and your dad was already in bed. He was there to judge your prom date with a threatening glare if the guy ever tried to hurt you, and he was there when you left for college, making sure you knew how to properly use your pepper spray keychain.
He was there for you now when you were wet and dripping down his wrist while moaning one desperately hungry kiss after another over his lips. The third finger hurt a little, but the ache of the burn became more bearable the more he worked in and out of you. Marc brought his face to your throat, leaving soft kisses there that had your cunt fluttering over his thick fingers.
“M-Marc I’m…I’m so close I–”
“Sh, just shut up. Don’t want to hear it.”
You didn’t know if it was the guilt causing him to act so cruel, but it didn’t matter to you at that moment. You were there, seconds from sweet release, but the beep of a car door locking froze you both to your core. Marc pulled his hand from you, leaving you feeling empty. You stood fast and ran up the stairs quickly, leaving Marc down there to deal with your father. You felt bad, but knew he could handle it.
When you got to your room, you could hear them start talking downstairs.
“Hey Marc!” Your dad said as he walked in, “how’s it coming?”
You heard Marc huff out a laugh, “it’s not.”
It would be a lie to say you weren’t thrilled at the prospect of Marc coming by to check on you while your dad was out of town for the week. You wondered if he was excited too, or if he wished that he’d never met your dad now that things had become more complicated between the two of you. Complicated wasn’t even the right word for it, it wasn’t like this was something you did regularly. You hadn’t even seen him since he fingered you by the sink two weeks ago. He seemed to be limiting his time spent at your house those days.
You understood, you weren’t stupid, but at the same time it didn’t change how badly you wanted to see him again. In fact, most days, he was all you thought about. Something about him was intoxicating. Maybe it was the danger of getting caught? Or perhaps it was the thrill of something new? It could also be the fact that he was older, and you had a feeling he knew exactly how to make you come undone like no one ever had before.
When he finally showed up, it was after dinner. You were sitting on the couch watching some crappy movie about five guys taking down a Columbian drug lord. You paused the movie and turned around to see him standing there. He ran his hand over his face and crossed his arms over his chest. You felt your heart rate picking up.
“I’m just here to check in on you, I don’t want any funny business.” He said firmly.
You gulped, and nodded, “okay, yeah that’s…I understand.”
He dropped his hands to his pockets. You watched his entire body relax before your eyes. While you understood that he didn’t want to continue the little thing you two had going on, it didn’t change the fact that you still wanted him, badly. Marc’s face looked irritated, nothing new there, but there was a mild softness to his brow.
“Well, I’m just watching this dumb movie…do you wanna watch with me?” You gestured to the other side of the couch.
Marc sighed before nodding and walking over to sit as far from you as possible on the other side of the couch. You pressed play and sat in silence for some time. Just being in his presence was making your mind buzz. You couldn’t stop replaying him fingering you by the sink on repeat in your head. When you looked over at him, his eyes were trained on the television, not because he was interested, no, it was painfully clear that he was trying to avoid eye contact with you. You couldn’t sit there anymore. The ache between your legs was growing and if you didn’t go take care of it, you were going to do something to upset him.
“I have to use the bathroom, you don’t need to pause, I'll be right back.”
You went upstairs and closed the bathroom door behind yourself. You knew it would be suspicious if you spent too much time in there, but at the very least you needed to clean yourself up. You were soaked, so wet that you probably left a mark on the couch downstairs and you didn’t know what to do. What if he saw it? Surely he’d be upset if he thought you might be thinking about him again.
When you were finished wiping up, you opened the door. You were fully prepared to go down there and tell him to leave, but you didn’t make it that far. He was standing right outside the bathroom door, eyes looking you over like he might devour you.
“Marc I–”
He stole your next words when he slotted his lips over yours. Your mind went blank, focusing only on the way his tongue tasted when it entangled with yours. His hands grabbed your shoulders, sliding down until he found purchase on your hips. A soft moan slipped through your lips while you brought your hands to the waistband of his pants. You weren’t going to beat around the bush this time, you knew exactly what you wanted and you intended to take it. 
You brushed your fingers over his pubic hair, relishing the way it felt against your skin. Marc lifted you by your rear, and you were forced to grab his broad shoulders for stability. He carried you to your room and gently laid you down on the bed, never disconnecting his lips from yours. Marc started grinding his hips against you, the hard prod of his erection apparent through his jeans.
“This what you wanted from me?” He looked at you with a combination of anger, guilt, and lust, “think you can even handle it?”
You whined, “yes, I need it, please Marc.”
In a blur, you and Marc got your clothes off so your bare chests were against each other. His skin was deceptively soft. The feeling of his thick cock gliding over your inner thigh was maddening. You arched your back upward and brought your hands around the base of Marc’s neck. He used both of his hands to pin your wrists down above your head.
“You turned out to be such a fuckin’ brat you know that?” He was almost growling out his words.
“Guess you’ll have to put me in my place-OH SHIT!”
Marc thrust himself into you and buried his face in your neck. You weren’t quiet while he moved at an unforgiving pace. His lips dragged over your throat, leaving soft kisses in their wake. The juxtaposition of between his harsh fucking and tender kissing was making your mind go blank. Everything he did felt so good, better than you could’ve imagined. You still couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
“Marc-feels so good fuck-yes!” You shouted through gritted teeth.
“Yeah, I bet it does honey, bet it feels really fucking good. You happy now? You glad you got me to fuck you? Hm?!”
Marc was taking his guilty conscience out on you. He picked his head up and looked down at you, grabbing your jaw tightly in his hand. You whimpered at his firm grip, but you were enjoying the way he manhandled you. His lips were pulled together in a thin line while he huffed in tandem with his thrusts. A few stray hairs fell down from their normally slicked back place and into his eyes. Fuck he’s so pretty.
“Yeah, I am,” you taunted, knowing it would only serve to piss him off even more. “Are you really going to act like-oh shit-like it doesn’t feel good? You make me so wet-fuck!”
He was slamming your bed against the wall with how hard he would pull back and then snap his hips forward into you. You were writhing underneath him from the sensations all over your body, but you couldn’t move your arms still. He went back to sucking on your neck, and you were surprised when his hands slid off of your wrists and moved to intertwine your fingers in his.
Marc was being intimate with you.
Just when you thought it couldn’t feel any better, he was starting to nuzzle his nose behind your ear, taking a deep breath and inhaling your scent. His movements slowed to a more even pace, as though he were trying to savor every delicious movement, rather than fuck the guilt away. You turned your head to the side, meeting with Marc’s lusty and hooded gaze. Electricity sparked in your stomach at the sight of him.
He started kissing you again, as though the sound of your voice was going to cause him harm if he had to hear you speak any longer. You wondered if it reminded him of who he was sleeping with. You didn’t care that he was your dad’s best friend anymore, you hadn’t for a while. Nothing had ever felt so good in every way. His hands squeezed around you tighter, and you heard him start moaning louder into you.
“Gonna fill your little pussy up baby, then we’ll see how mouthy you are.”
You couldn’t speak as your climax approached faster than you’d anticipated. All you could do was let your eyes roll back and your body melt into the bed. You felt your cunt squeezing around his thick cock as he filled you with his hot spend. Fuck he sounds so good. He was moaning deep rasps into your ear while he fucked his cum into you.
When his thrusts finally slowed and you were both a sated and panting mess, he pulled out of you. You mumbled about the towel on your dresser that he used to clean himself off and then toss to you. You wiped yourself up and then slowly stood, starting to change into your clothes.
“You can stay,” you said to Marc, hoping that he wasn’t going to just fuck you and leave, but you knew better.
Marc finished getting dressed and then he looked at you, brows furrowed and guilt etched into every pore on his face. You knew that he was going to say no, so when the words left his lips you weren’t surprised. That didn’t change the disappointment that you took with you downstairs while saying goodbye.
“We can’t do this again,” Marc said coldly in the doorway, “it’s done…alright?”
You nodded sullenly. He nodded in return and left. You were alone again.
You weren’t sure why it made you emotional to hear him say the words ‘it’s done…alright?’, but you felt a pit in your stomach. Was it because he’d been so intimate with you not ten minutes ago? Was it because he made you feel like no one else ever had? Perhaps it was a combination of both. Either way, you spent the evening finishing that terrible movie with your face buried in a box of tissues, just begging for sleep to take you away from your overwhelming feelings.
You didn’t see Marc again for three weeks. So much happened in three weeks and you were determined to act normal when you saw him again after that time had passed. When your dad had told you he was coming over for dinner, you froze. It had been a while since you and Marc had been in the same room, and even longer since you’d been in the same room together with your father present. The pit in your stomach was already forming.
Your phone buzzed on the counter and you picked it up. Joey, the guy you’d met last week at the local coffee shop was asking if you were still on for tomorrow night. You replied, ‘yes’, and then put your phone in your pocket. As hard as it was, going out with someone else was a necessary step in getting things back to normal. What were you holding out for anyway? For Marc to come in and sweep you off your feet? To tell your dad that he’d been sleeping with you and that you were going to be together now? Maybe if you both had a death wish, that would be a perfect plan.
When he walked into the house, burgundy shirt hugging his chest a little too tight for your sanity, you felt your breath hitch in your throat. He was still so handsome. It’s not like you expected that to change, but you’d hoped that maybe you would’ve stopped mentally putting him on a pedestal by now so you could move on. But you didn’t, and you couldn’t.
“Hey, Marc.” You said softly as he made his way to the dining room.
“Hey.” He actually looked at you this time, as if he wasn’t going to burn alive by meeting your gaze.
The heat rose to your cheeks in a rush, making you feel lightheaded. You sat down at the table and both Marc and your father joined. The small talk was just what you needed; your dad asking Marc how business was going and Marc asking you about your job hunt. Marc was making a career out of drinking his wine. If anything was a sign of his nervousness it was that. You were glad that you weren’t the only one feeling the awkward weight in the air.
“So, why don’t you tell Marc about…you know,” your dad gave you a knowing look.
You shifted nervously, “um, well…” you looked into Marc’s dark brown eyes. His brow was knitted together tightly, “I’m going on a date tomorrow with a guy I met at the coffee shop up the road.”
You swigged your own wine down in one gulp. It was quiet except for the ticking clock above the archway to the kitchen. Your silverware clanked on the plate while you poked the lettuce from your salad. You looked back up at Marc.
“You like this guy?” Marc finally asked, never taking his gaze off of you.
“I don’t know,” you tried to sound indifferent, “only talked to him a couple of times.”
Marc paused before responding, “good…it will be good for you to find someone you can spend time with.”
This conversation wasn’t about you and Joey.
“Yes…and someone who isn’t going to just take advantage of me,” you stabbed your fork into your food harshly.
“Oh definitely,” he sounded sarcastic, “and make sure you’re careful with what you wear and how you act, some guys your age might get the wrong idea about the kind of girl you are.”
“He’s right, you know.” Your dad chimed in, seemingly oblivious to the private conversation you and Marc were having right under his nose.
“So are you saying I dress like a slut?” You stared at him, waiting to see how he planned to answer that one.
“Alright now you’re just acting like a brat, I never said–”
“Who wants more wine?” You asked, getting up and going to the kitchen and trying to end the awkward back and forth that you, admittedly, started.
The glasses of wine were filled while you and Marc continued your eternal staredown that your dad seemed oblivious to. You both guzzled down three more glasses each while your father and he entertained more small talk. When dinner concluded, he got up and went outside to start putting together a fire, and your dad asked you to do the dishes and join them when you were finished.
You did the dishes, but you didn’t join them. You told your dad you weren’t feeling well and instead retreated to your room. The last thing you wanted to do was continue the awkwardness that transpired at the dinner table. You thought that would be the end of it, that Marc would’ve had enough of your attitude and never want to speak to you again.
You were wrong.
Your father had gone to bed almost a half hour before you heard Marc working his way upstairs. You thought for sure he would walk right by your room and go to the guest room, but he didn’t. Marc twisted your door handle and walked in, closing the door quickly while he stepped inside. You sat up and looked at him quizzically, rubbing the fatigue from your eyes.
“What are you doing in here?” You asked.
Marc sat down next to you, leaning over so his face was close. You could smell the alcohol on his breath. He reached a hand up to cup your cheek, you felt him pulling you closer.
“You know exactly what I’m doing in here,” he said in a low whisper.
Of course you did. His lips were soft and tasting of liquor when he pressed them to yours. His tongue tasted even more like alcohol, but you didn’t mind. Whether it was the intoxication, or maybe he was just more comfortable with you now, his tongue felt soft while it melted against yours.
“So you have a date? Hm?” Marc looked at you, eyes dark and brow furrowed.
So that’s what this was about.
You nodded, “mhm.”
“He can’t do for you what I can do honey.” He dropped his hand from your cheek and rested it on your waist. He kissed your neck right by your ear and said, “I know just what you like.”
“I can go on a date with him…in public.” A breathy moan escaped your lips as he sucked on your skin more.
He stopped and looked at you again, “that’s not fair.”
“Nope it’s not.”
“I could take you out if–”
“But you can’t so–”
“-so, he can’t make you feel the way–”
“Maybe he can–”
“Shut the hell up.” Marc’s mouth covered yours, rendering you silent save for the moans escaping you.
He slid you forward so you were laying down and then pulled your covers off your body. That’s when he noticed that you were in nothing but a t-shirt and your underwear. His mouth closed over yours, and his hand trekked over your lower abdomen and tucked into the hem of your panties. You felt the pad of his thick middle finger brush against your clit. You could hear the wet sound it made when he started circling there.
“You’re such a little brat, you know that?” He was so breathless.
“I know,” you said just above a whisper. You arched your cunt toward him, chasing the feeling his fingers gave you .”You sound like you’re jealous.”
“I’m not, you can do whatever you want, not gonna stop you.”
“I want you, and you do keep stopping me.”
Marc sounded like an animal the way he grumbled and pulled your panties down to your ankles. You grabbed his pants and worked on getting them off, hearing his belt clank against the floor when he tossed them aside. You writhed under him, feeling the way his fat cock brushed your inner thigh. You could’ve cried it felt so fucking good to just have him touching you. Marc was right…that other guy would never be able to give you what he did. He could never make you feel the way Marc made you feel.
His erection was prodding at your hole, the leaking tip testing to make sure you were ready to take him. You grabbed his hip, pulling forward while arching into him, feeling it go in just a little further. You were feeling needy and impatient.
“Marc please,” you begged, “please.”
He dropped down to his elbows, resting on either side of your head and caging you in. You leaned up and kissed him. One of his large hands cupped your clothed breast as he thrusted full to the hilt inside of you. If not for his mouth covering yours, you would’ve screamed and awoken your father who was sleeping only two doors down in the hall. He pumped slowly, being careful not to make the bed creak.
“Better be quiet, keep your pretty little mouth shut honey.” Marc was whispering harshly while glaring down at you.
The head of his cock dragged against that spot deep inside that you could never quite reach on your own. You choked on the cries that your lungs tried to punch out of you. You wondered if this other guy would make you feel like your guts were being pushed aside every time he plunged his length deep inside of you. You wondered if he would make it hard for you to breathe every time his girth twitched in response to your fluttering walls. Mostly, you wondered if he would act like you were the most precious thing he’d ever seen every time his eyes landed on yours.
A gasp fell from your lips.
“You trying to wake up daddy? Hm? Want him to hear his little girl getting railed out of her mind?”
“N-no it just…it feels so good,” you whined. 
“I know baby, oh yes I know,” his voice was low, “no one else can make you feel like I do, right?” His voice was rough and wrecked.
“No one…n-no one, Marc.” You were struggling to keep your voice down so he covered your mouth with a large hand.
“That’s my girl.”
My girl, you thought. He said you were his girl…you wondered if he meant those words or if it was the alcohol talking.
“I’m always going to know what you need. I’m always going to know how to make you cry and squirm and fucking-fuck-baby-squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight-shit.” He started moving faster, you heard the bed creaking and you began to panic.
“Mmmm!” You couldn’t get a word out.
You felt numb, and at some point his hand became slick over your lips with the drool that leaked out beyond your control. Your mind was gone, and all you could focus on was the pleasure rolling through you with every smooth glide of his cock through your channel. Your body trembled beneath him. Your knuckles ached from how hard you grabbed his hips.
“Are you going to be a good and quiet little girl for me when you come? Or are you going to embarrass yourself, hm?” Marc’s grunts were getting louder and you started to feel nervous. “Oh honey, you feel so good. Such a tight little pussy baby-f-fuck.”
You both came at the same time, bodies pressed into each other as tight as you could so you could feel it. You noticed the way his abdomen flexed against your tummy with every pleasured groan that escaped him. You noticed how his lips tightened along with his closed eyelids; you noticed the way his cock pulsated, stretching you out while filling you to the brim with his hot cum as your cunt clenched around him firmly.
God you just wished he could stay. You wished so badly that he could just lay there in your arms when he was done and the two of you could drift off to sleep together. There was hope though. He called you his girl. He would only say that if it meant…
“Marc,” you said finally as he pulled his shirt over his head.
“Yeah?” He slid his underwear on over each leg.
“If you’re saying I’m your girl, does that mean we’re…you know?”
He looked at you with a raised brow, “what? Oh…no it’s…it’s not a thing.”
You couldn’t help the heartbreak that fell over you. You weren’t sure what you were honestly expecting. It was dumb to think anything else would’ve come from this. What were you thinking? That Marc really meant he was going to…what…go into your dad’s room and tell him that you were dating now? That he was just going to hold your hand in public and shout to the world that you two were seeing each other despite him being your dad’s best friend?
Of course not. Marc would never. The guilt would eat him alive more than it already had. You were stupid for even suggesting such a thing. He probably wished he’d never slept with you in the first place.
He sighed and put his hand on the door handle.
“You have a date tomorrow, you should go on it and enjoy it.” He opened the door, letting the light from the hall pour into your bedroom. “Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.”
“That’s it then? You’re done with this?”
“Never should’ve started this in the first place. Try to have fun. I’m sorry.”
The door closed, and you just felt empty inside. 
You’d never felt so stupid.
There you were, standing in the rain outside of the restaurant where you’d been stood up. Your dad was gone for the weekend on business, and you didn’t know who else to call, that’s why you called him. He’d always be there for you, you knew that. No matter the situation, no matter the time, he would always come to your rescue.
He pulled up to you, stopping fast by the sidewalk and getting out of the car. He ran over to you and immediately took off his jacket to put it around your bare arms, but not before muttering about how dumb it was for you to wear something so impractical in the first place. You pulled the coat closer to your body as he opened the passenger’s side door for you and you sat down inside.
You looked like a drowned rat as you observed yourself in the mirror. Your makeup was running down your cheeks and your tight red dress was soaked through. He was right, you were dumb, but not just for your clothing choices. You were dumb for thinking you could avoid him, for thinking you didn’t want him, and for thinking even for a second that you could possibly grow to love anyone besides him…but he didn’t love you. He’d made that abundantly clear.
The ride to your house was silent, awkwardly so. You felt a pang in your chest over the fact that Marc wasn’t talking. It meant, to you, that he was serious about his words the night before.
“Thanks,” you said as he pulled into the driveway.
He put the car in park and turned off the engine, “couldn’t leave you out there in the rain. Your dad woulda killed me.”
“You can come inside if you want. Dad has some extra beers in the fridge.” You opened your door.
“I probably shouldn’t I–”
You paused for a moment and then muttered, “fine.” You took off his coat and shoved it in his lap. “Goodnight, thanks again for the ride.”
You tried to wait until you got inside to start sobbing, feeling vulnerable and rejected, but you failed, feeling the tears coming down along with the rain. You never should’ve made all those moves on him over the course of the last couple months. It was all a huge mistake, and deep down you’d always known that, but now after your failed date, and Marc’s refusal to comfort you, you felt the weight of your stupidity on your shoulders. The rain drowned out his footsteps, so it shocked you when you turned to close the door and he was holding it open, pushing through to follow you inside. That’s when he noticed the fresh tears escaping you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, furrowing his brow, eyes darting rapidly between yours.
“No, Marc, no I’m not okay!” You walked to the living room and stood with your back to him. “Just go,” you said when you heard him coming in behind you.
“Why are you doing this? Huh?” He was raising his voice at you.
You flipped around and looked at him incredulously, “excuse me? Why am I doing this? You are just as guilty as I am! I am sick of you acting like the victim here.”
He stepped closer, “I know I kissed you that first night, alright? I know I shouldn’t have done that but everything else is on you.”
“Oh so I’m the one who made you walk into my bedroom last night? I’m pretty sure I went to bed and avoided you.” You prodded his heaving chest with your index finger, “you’re the one who came into my room to torture me last night.”
“Oh really? You call that torture?” He stepped closer, chest brushing against yours. “Didn’t sound like torture honey, sounded like you were having the time of your fuckin’ life! You know what’s torture? When your best friend’s kid acts like a goddamn tease and he’s expected to keep his hands to himself.”
“Oh poor YOU! Big strong guy getting seduced by a little girl? Fuck you Marc! You didn’t have to do anything and you know it!” You shoved him with your arms, but he stood like a brick wall, “get the hell out of my house.”
“That what you want? You want me to go?”
His face was close, nose brushing against yours. You were mad at him. You had half a mind to slap him and push him away again, but you didn’t. You stupidly kissed him, letting his body melt into yours. You were crying even harder now, and Marc stopped, pulling back to look at you and cupping your cheeks in his hands.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No, I don’t ever want you to go, I don’t know what to do but I don’t ever want to be without you.” You said finally, letting your feelings come out.
Marc nodded, breathing heavily while he scooped you up, holding you against him and walking you to the couch with his lips over yours. In under a minute he had his pants around his thighs, and your panties pulled aside so he could plunge his cock into your wet heat once more. You both let out a pleasured cry into the living room.
“Marc please,” you looked at him, not really sure what you were begging for, but you were begging. 
“Please what?” He rolled his hips forward, never taking his eyes off you, “say it honey.”
“Please don’t push me away again, I can’t take it.”
You had more tears trickling down your face. Marc brushed them away with his thumbs. He kissed you softly, moving his hips at a slow, sensual pace. He looked at you with a forlorn expression. He was filled with pain, guilt, and something you couldn’t put your finger on.
“I won’t. I promise.”
He grabbed your hip and started moving faster, pulling you in as he pushed forward. You’d never felt anything like it, the unseen but warm comfort that filled you with his words. You brought your lips to his again, tangling one hand in his hair while the other squeezed the meat of his behind.
His moans made your body feel soft and made you pliant for him. You would’ve given him even more of yourself if it were at all possible. He rested his forehead on yours, eyes boring into you while he continued his smooth glides deep into your cunt. You’d never felt so connected to anyone, you’d never felt so special to anyone.
“Are you ok?” He asked, moving to kiss your cheek.
“Y-yes, mm, yes. Better now.”
“There’s my girl.” He cooed, forcing your stomach to flutter.
“Oh, Marc.” You whined in his ear.
He hummed into your neck, brushing his lips there gently. You felt him thrusting harder, stuffing you and stretching you wider with every forward snap of his hips. His breath was punching out of his lungs right into your skin. You felt an overwhelming swell in your chest, a desire to hold onto him and never let go. You felt him getting harder as he moved. His breathing was heavy and rough against your neck.
“Gonna make you feel good all the time honey, always gonna fill you up,” he started moving faster. “It’s insane how-fuck-how good you feel.”
“Good enough to make a good boy misbehave?” Your giggle was followed by a sharp gasp when Marc nipped the skin on the side of your neck.
He started really fucking you, skipping over the part where he gradually ramped up his speed and moving straight into the skin slapping thrusts you craved. You could tell he was getting close, forcing you so roughly into the couch you thought you might become one with it.
“I think if anyone’s been misbehaving, it’s been you honey, couldn’t just let me be could you? Needed to feel me that bad? You’re always so wet. S-so fucking wet for me.”
“Always so hard for me,” you dug your nails into the flesh of his rear.
“Hear that?” He stopped, sliding back until his cock was about to fall out of you. As he pushed back into you, painstakingly slow, you heard the sound of his cock moving along your slick coated walls until he was flush against you again, “such a wet little girl.”
You were never going to last if he kept talking to you like that. Your pointless contest of who was harder or who was wetter ended with his display. He’d won, and that was fine with you. He was right anyway, you were soaking wet, slick coating your thighs and probably his too. You brought both hands to his cheeks and made him face you, lips pressing to yours while you both approached your climax.
“Are you gonna come for me? Make a mess all over your daddy’s couch?”
“Yes, oh fuck yes!” You kissed him deeper, feeding him your heavy groans while your orgasm overcame you.
You arched into him, feeling his mouth while he kissed through your pleasured cries. He huffed loudly while he came, holding you closely as his cock pulsated hot ropes into you. You felt like, when you were finished, your bodies let out an exhale of relief. All the emotions, feelings and physical desires pent up inside of you both were released with that one moment you shared. You’d come to an agreement, you were going to be together.
“Where do we go from here?” You asked, looking deep into Marc’s eyes while he grew soft inside of you.
He sighed heavily, “we’re going to have to find a way to tell your dad.”
No matter how tough things would be, you knew everything would work out now that you had Marc, and Marc had you.
Moon Knight DBF Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
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faeriekit · 3 months
some venting: on parent fandom acceptance and the danny phantom tag
Honestly, the worst thing that certain Danny Phantom fans have done on this site to other fans is say that dp x dc is its own fandom. It's not. There's no such thing as a "crossover fandom" unique unto itself. You can say that people are too into this crossover or too into this au or whatever, but people who are fans of DC and Danny Phantom are into Danny Phantom and DC. That's just. What it is. Both properties are cool and combining them adds more characters and settings to play with together. All lore leads back to one or both parent fandoms, because those are the source material.
"Well the DC crossovers are so different—" Please. There have been Danny Phantom and Teen Titans crossovers since Danny Phantom was airing. I have read crossovers with House, NCIS, Supernatural, and probably anything else ffn had to bother with. One of my favorite works is a Gravity Falls fancomic that I still hope will update one day. No one cared how it was crossover then. In fact, I would say that we were one of the most crossed-over properties I knew of at the time that wasn't a SuperWhoLock-type popular show. DC crossovers are not new, they're just popular now.
"Well, it's got its own lore! >:(" Oh, like the vivisection aus? The Full Ghost aus? The corpse aus? The Danny-is-a-portal aus?? Tell me more about how new it is for an au to have its own unique lore. Love to hear it. Definitely it's the same for every author with no variation. There's for sure no unique takes from fans at every step of the way.
"Well, there's so MUCH of it." Tell me more about how other people having fun in their own way is your problem. Go ahead. Tell me more about how other people doing their own thing is personally horrible to you. It's really terrible when people do things you don't want to engage with, isn't it. It has to be separate from your fun. There is definitely no place where they blend; it has to be segregated altogether.
"But they're doing it in MY tag!" Oh, the Danny Phantom tag? The one with Danny in it? Where he's a main character? In the art and fic where he features??
The result is exactly as you'd expect; people who would be interested in joining the Danny Phantom community and making art and fic long-term because they like the characters and the show are getting sidelined because they're failing to like the show in the 'right way'. People who might love to join in and participate in community events and discussion and bring new ideas and aus to the table are being told that they like something completely different than the show in a way that, you know, somehow the original and extremely malleable fandom isn't??
I've been following multiple Danny Phantom blogs (or their author blogs that used to post dp fic) on and off on different accounts since 2015. I used to read Danny Phantom fanfic on ffn on my ipod touch during lunch or on my laptop once I made it home from school years before I even made a tumblr. I used to look forward to Dannymay and Ectober and I think I was even on tumblr the year that Narwhals started the Dannypocalypse?? (I for sure only saw the fallout though. I think I was busy that day)
I don't even open the Danny Phantom tag anymore. I still follow the people I follow...minus the people who've talked crap about fans who like Danny Phantom wrong, apparently, and I hope that good art comes my way without the constant underlying message that we're a scourge on our own fandom, I guess.
Congrats. There are no Danny Phantom fans who find the show through this form of crossover content. You've convinced them there's no point. They have their own tag, their own headcanons, their own fics, and their own culture. Are you happy now? Are you proud to be the fandom that doesn't want new fans? Is it nice, that people won't want to see your art and fics now, despite being hungry for new content? Did it help? Are you better for it? Did you maintain that canon purity you craved??
I saw a supernatural x danny phantom art piece today that kicked ass. It's from an artist I really, really like, who makes a lot of great stuff. I've bought their merch before and was excited all the way through their creative journey. No one tried to jump on them for crossover posting in the Danny Phantom space, using lore that's unique to that crossover.
But it's not about the crossover itself, is it.
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months
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I'm back! Thank you kindly for your patience, we're done with Act III! It was probably a terrible idea to wait because this is so long, I'm so sorry.
previously, in harrowhark! a vagrant the ninth:
this happened
also a couple previews that will show up in this but are in the tag
currently, chapters 24-31 (END OF ACT III!!!):
harrow wakes up after sleeping a sensible amount of hours in yandere twin's room
yandere twin, who's into chomping cavaliers, complains about having had some harrow soup
they have a sort of tender moment, I guess
they have a complicated dynamic
harrow falls asleep again
she's in the bed and yandere twin is sleeping on the floor
and harrow is woken by the sound of self inflicted pain and torture
harrow gets tired of this and decides to just rip yandere twin's arm off
@lady-harrowhark reminded me that I called this (!!!) in this recap
I had absolutely 100000% forgot I said that but congrats past me!!!
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so, there's this scene in which harrow rips yandere twin's arm off and puts a new bone-y one in there, remade with her own parts
like this
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some people have told me in the replies that it's a sessual sort of scene, and I get that, I suppose it was the vibe it was going for
total respect to that
but I'm gonna be honest here
it felt like I was witnessing a birth and harrow was the midwife
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so harrow lets yandere twin know that she's been improving her necro powers via studying and practicing to try to make up for her being "lyctor lite"
harrow and alleged gideon aka ortus are the only people here that seem to be getting any work done tbh
so now, with the new arm, inner chad can use the sword again
and yandere twin is happy because she's now a proper lyctor and has senior chad aka augustine's approval
harrow is proud of herself for doing nice necro things like chopping and reconstructing arms
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as a thanks, yandere twin agrees to help harrow to kill alleged gideon the first aka ortus
nobody asked you, but ok
I actually have no qualms with alleged gideon aka ortus
because he's at least direct and honest about it
everyone here has an agenda, at least this guy's like directly trying to physically kill harrow
at this point, I respect the direct approach
augustine and emperor reverend professor john can go fu—
we're back at gideon-less canaan house
canaan house isn't safe in any universe, all the trails lead to death
everyone who's alive or accounted for is having a sleepover
there's a bunch of people unaccounted for, actually
the kiddos from the fourth are allegedly hidden elsewhere
who knows, at this point
I don't trust anyone
there's a fog and rain and water rising still
which reminds me of the movie identity, in which they all were trapped in that motel because it wasn't actually a motel and they weren't actually alive per-se
magnus and abby say that protozoa should have decked mayonnaise uncle
which is one of the reasons why the gideon universe is superior
aside from the presence of gideon and camilla
I miss them so much I'm gonna start biting cavaliers
anyway, where in the hell is duracell bunny nephew???
he wasn't with mayonnaise uncle when he yeeted himself
his soul, which got detached from his body in the gideon universe, is still flying like a balloon across universes and dimensions, I guess
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abby didn't expect regina george twin to die, apparently, and says "if she's gone, then perhaps that means..." but doesn't elaborate
nobody ever elaborates
abby also makes harrowbean read another one of the "harrow texts"
I can't keep adding them all together in recaps because this will end up being super long but here goes the new one
"I will remember the first time you kissed me —you apologized— you said, I am sorry, destroy me as I am, but I want to kiss you before I am killed, and I said to you why, and you said, because I have only once met someone so utterly willing to burn for what they believed in, and I loved him on sight, and the first time I died I asked of him what I now ask of you. I kissed you and later I would kiss him too before I understood what you were, and all three of us lived to regret it—but when I am in heaven I will remember your mouth, and when you roast down in hell I think you will remember mine"
so yeah, we've got a triangular situation, I suppose
I need to put all of them together to continue to draw connections
my though was that this could be ice cube barbie aka annabel lee, because of the long-lost sun, but I'm unsure still
I don't think the timing fits the other side of the 3d model that's the gideon's mom and rebel leader situation
inconclusive still
abby suggests harrowbean she might be haunted
which might also fit with ice cube barbie??? maybe??? idk
harrow says she doesn't remember shit about chad
get perpetually owned, chad
mercygirl asks harrow things about her necro process for the arm reconstructing and the last thing she asks is "what is the name of the saint of duty?" to which harrow says "ortus the first" and mercygirl goes
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me and my "alleged gideon" theory are very happy about this
the hill I will die on
mercygirl continues to use onomatopoeias to express herself
I do not want to think about what that would imply in a later situation I don't want to dig into
"you read unholy omens in the way people say good morning" that's what these recaps are, thank you very much harrow
that's our tagline over here, that's our brand
"how you loathed any sentence beginning with augustine says" SAME, BESTIE
he can go fu— ANYWAY
harrow and yandere twin are having sleepovers so that harrow isn't murdered in her sleep
apparently the nudes are cyrus and his cavalier and yandere twin likes that energy
they gifted them to others as souvenirs too
it's like if you had a university classmate who sent nudes to the groupchat every birthday
yandere twin says augustine the asshole has agreed to help kill alleged gideon aka ortus the first
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I don't trust any of these lyctors if they're willing to kill each other this easily
how do I know they've got my back in combat if they don't have each other's backs—
yandere twin reminisces about not having been apart from regina george twin much in their lives and hoping she's sleeping well wherever she is
I also don't know where she is
yandere twin tells harrow that she was more farsighted than her
which I'm sure she was, but she doesn't seem to remember shit about it, and the letters remain unopened
harrow thinks it's kinda gross that the cyrus lyctor murdered his cavalier to become a lyctor and then took all of their nudes to the emperor's bolthole
none of these lyctors are operating from a place of common sense, harrow
"you were lucky that the memory of your own cavalier did not hurt you—except sometimes in the form of a sick headache in your temples, or in words stuck on repeat in your head"
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so, augustine's plan involves dinner
harrow, hearing that, is like this
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they look for clothes in the cavalier's things
yandere twin says "valancy trinit was my height, weighed more than both of us put together, and —judging by her portraits— had a body that did not quit"
I sure hope she's a thick girl, because I've had enough disappointment with the gideon cover not letting her have the arms she deserves
I hope valancy trinit looks kinda like this
ANYWAY, here's the makeover vibes, as previously shared
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apparently chad could embroider, which I have to admit is a good quality
hate giving him any props, but I must be fair
harrow painted the less cute skull in her repertoire and we respect that
they went to augustine's room and he's still an asshat
I don't like how he treats yandere twin tbh
I feel like yandere twin has a thing with validation because of how her life has been and he uses that
augustine justifies his betrayal to his fellow lyctor saying that he "caused more pain over these last scant forty years than I dare to admit"
mercygirl is also here for the party, all dressed up
I am so embarrassed I didn't pick it up on the fly and it took me the whole chapter to put it together
augustine tells her "dios apate, minor"
at the time, I didn't remember what it meant, and when I finished reading the thing, I was like "oh, it's exactly like the deception of zeus"
I forgot that's what it was called
I mean, I got the "dios" part, obviously, but forgot the "apate"
my ancient greek professor is going to come back into my life to shoot me at my doorstep
to be fair to myself, it was a long while ago that I took ancient greek
god, I'm so embarrassed
palmolive, I'm so sorry, I promise I figured it out eventually
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mercygirl punches augustine in the face, which is great
he insists on it being "minor", which idk where the line is there and I'm not gonna ask
idk which things are or aren't...involved in a minor form of zeus's deception
mercygirl says she's not wearing the right dress, I don't think it matters, it worked just fine
everyone gets drunk except for alleged gideon aka ortus and harrow, because they're the only people in this group project who are doing the work
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augustine and mercygirl start fighting about something their cavaliers did back in the day
they start toasting for cavaliers and talking about how "hot pyrrha was"
there is no respect for the dead in the emperor's bolthole
there's about to be something else in the emperor's bolthole in a minute though
I was excited about them drinking, though, because that's when people start spilling some truths
the lost commander of BOE is a "she", her name is/was Commander Wake, she almost killed alleged gideon aka ortus
I'm still spinning with the gideon's mom theory
and the background telenovela I've got going on
BOE found a Herald, killed it and turned it into weapons against these clowns
good for them, tbh, kill these drunk irresponsible bastards
emperor reverend professor doctor john thinks it's narcissistic of him to toast to himself
I want to murder him in cold blood
I hate this man so viscerally I want to rip him apart with my hands
the twist in this book is that I'm gonna reach to his murder and it's gonna be me
it's like bastian reading the neverending story but it's me killing this man
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his full name is john gaius but I had been spoiled of his name by people not tagging their posts
he also does a "your mama" joke because he's my villain origin story
"part of your brain temporarily calcified into atheism" I'M GLAD, HARROW
so, they start to make out, all three of them
I finally caught up about zeus's deception and all about here
emperor awful is sandwiched between mercygirl on a table and augustine behind him and they forget there are children in the room
well, not children, but same difference, they're a million years old
harrow and yandere twin get the hell out of that display
yandere twin wants to kiss harrowbean before she leaves to kill alleged gideon aka ortus, but harrow doesn't let her
harrow says "my affections lie buried in the Locked Tomb" to which yandere twin responds "Somebody might even exhume them for you"
when harrow mentioned not wanting to be touched while sleeping beside yandere twin, I remembered the pool hug and all that, that was a nice time
people were being killed left and right but it was a nice time
harrow has a whole plan and has it all figured out, it's a really good plan, it works very nicely, but alleged gideon aka ortus isn't where they told her he was
sometimes, life works that way
the man you plan to kill isn't in the training room and all
she goes to look for him in not!dulcinea's crypt or whatever
and she sees this
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and the spear
she follows the children's hospital trail of blood to the incinerator
alleged gideon aka ortus is inside the fire thingy and not!dulcinea is operating the controls
I wonder who could have predicted that this woman could still be an issue even after death
me, it was me
anyway, no time for I-told-you-so's because harrowbean decides to help him out of there
I'm very happy because I need him alive
he knows things and he's less bad than everyone else around here
because he's upfront about the killing
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he tells her some things while he's kind of out of it
like to use blood wards instead of bone ones
that it will make her safe from "us"
"I know you're there. Kill me all you like. I would know you in the blindness of my eyes" he says and, among other things "Just tell me—back then—why you brought along the ba—"
I'm still on my gideon agenda, sorry if it's embarrassing to read
of course emperor dickhead stops him before he can finish it
alleged gideon aka ortus says he doesn't remember shit afterwards and harrow sees her own mental state reflected in his
they can't find not!dulcinea, apparently
she's probably operating heavy machinery elsewhere
harrow is putting up her blood wards when she hears augustine and mercygirl argue about the whole zeus situation
the incinerator alarm apparently interrupted their plan of letting this happen
whether or not they had a hand on the not!dulcinea thing idk
mercygirl says she didn't move her
we end this act with ice cube barbie maybe annabel lee saying "The water is risen. So is the sun. We will endure."
obligatory yearning for camilla moment
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That is the end of Act III and of my commentary because this was way too long and I need to make less chapters at a time istg
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snaillock · 1 year
For your 300 follower event, prompt 8 with rin, nagi, reo and gender neutral reader??
(idk if u take more than 1 character but if no, then do rinrin🤪)
Maybe the context can be reader and them on a casual boba date ( im unhealthily obssesed with bubble tea💀 )
BYEBYE!!! 😚💅
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thank you thank you!! ima just do rin for this to keep things simple
prompt 8: "who let you look so cute today?" (feat. rin itoshi) tags: gn reader, sweet tooth rin(real!) w.c: 400+
event list
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you eagerly stood right next to rin, clearly excited despite having to wait in a very long line that stretched out the shop’s entrance.
what surprised you was rin’s willingness to wait right by your side at the new boba tea place that just opened up. he knew that the wait would take forever yet he didn’t complain at all and he didn’t tell you that you should just order it straight to your place. instead, he patiently waited with you with his hand firmly holding yours.
when you two finally reached the counter, you picked out your order and took out your wallet to pay. but before you could do that, rin immediately stopped you. you were ready to bicker with him about that, assuming he would insist on paying for you like he always does. instead, to your surprise, he spoke directly to the cashier.
rin has always followed quite a strict and disciplined health regime and his diet was definitely a big part of it. so it was quite a shock to see him order the sweetest combination of flavors you ever heard off the menu, in the biggest size as well.
by the time your drinks were ready, you had to resist the urge to take a million photos of your tall broody boyfriend sipping from his extra-large cup of fruity boba tea. it was truly an amazing sight and you wanted to capture this moment forever.
rin put down his overly sweet tea to scowl at you.
“why are you looking at me like that?”
realizing you’ve been caught staring, you gave him a seemingly innocent smile.
“looking at you like what?” you chuckled when he furrowed his eyebrows at you suspiciously. you took another glance at his already half-full cup. “just didn’t think you’d get that sorta drink, especially something so sweet… and pink.”
“so what? i just like the taste,” he grumbled, trying to hide to embarrassment as he took another sip, completely unaware of how adorable he looked.
you laughed again, “god, who let you look so cute today?”
he bashfully turned his head away and covered his reddening face with his hand. “shut up,” he muttered, “i’m not cute.”
what you loved about dating a closed-off person like him is the satisfaction you felt whenever you broke through his walls.
“come on. don’t be like that, rinrin.” you removed his hand from his face and intertwined his fingers with yours. “you know the more you deny being cute, the more i’m going to keep calling you that.”
rin scoffed before giving you a shy smile as he squeezed your hand.
“fine, whatever. i guess i can’t really stop you.”
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please read and respect my dni/byf before reblogging/following
taglist(sign up): @userwithlotsoftime @lucas2060 @kiiyoooo @remy-roll @starchivves
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akutasoda · 5 months
hellooo, I saw your event and congrats!
I was wondering if r1999 slots still left? If it's still available, can I have Zima x fem reader? I heard his b'day is on April 28. ❄️
Where his significant made him a poem about him on his bday? Even they tried their best to write a poems to their love for Zima.
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a poet's gift
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synopsis - where you write a small gift for his birthday
includes - Зима (zima)
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned), fluff, wc - 761
a/n: thank you! yes his bday is the 28th so i guess this is an early present :)
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zima was a talented poet and that much was obvious, the only issue was that not many knew nor got to hear his poems. one of the poets biggest downfalls was the fact that he was quite socially inept, preferring to recite his works to animals that all seemed to enjoy his works as well - you had seen many kinds of creatures flock towards him as if they actually understood him.
your lover wasn't exactly open to sharing with you at first either. if you caught him writing or reciting his poems, his normally expressionless face would crumble and he'd avoid you for a couple of hours out of sheer embarrassment. you felt rather bad that he had such a reaction and so you came to peace with not hearing any of his poems - sometimes you could find a few laying around when he was out and as long as you put them back exactly, you could read them.
you'd know when he became more comfortable sharing them with you. it wasn't really him sharing them but it counted as the bird that normally perched upon his shoulder would come to find you with a rolled up piece of paper containing zima's newest work that he wanted to hear your opinion on. it was rather cute but you knew if you brought it up to much he'd stop.
eventually he'd start handing them to you in person, ready to receive your opinion immediately and in person. zima would also come to develop the habit of allowing you to tag alongside him, if you weren't too busy to go read his poems to some animals - atleast you got to hear him read it outloud. it was nice, seeing how passionate he became over his poetry.
it would take a while but eventually he would allow you to sit beside him as he wrote from scratch. zima wouldn't confess it to you but your presence was very calming to him and it actually helped him focus, so he did prefer you to be by his side nowadays. naturally from watching your lover write a couple of times, you wanted to give it a try. you may not be an exact master of words but that's why you had zima to help.
a rather nervous coach but he tried his best to give you a few pointers and ideas to improve the small piece you began drafting alongside him. it was a nice change. a warm, quiet room filled with the scratching of pen against cartridge, it became oddly calming after a while. you would come to notice the extra pens and paper that resided on his desk, it didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant by leaving them there.
one day you had happened a glance at the calendar and saw that the upcoming event was in fact zima's birthday. a gift hadn't really crossed your mind yet, you didn't really know what else he liked that could be gifted apart from poetry and animals. you figured you still had a few days until his birthday and so maybe the perfect gift would cross your mind before then.
it didn't take long before the sight of pen upon paper to make up your mind on what to get him. zima liked poetry and so why didn't you compose him a personal piece? sure you weren't exactly the greatest poet but it was the thought that counted. as much as you would of preferred to write beside him, you knew if you did that your surprise would be spoiled and so for the first time, you started writing completely on your own.
all the hours you spent toiling over words had finally paid off. the day of zima's birthday you gave him a scroll of cartridge that was neatly tied over with a small bow. while he normally referred to his birthday as 'the begining of misfortune', he doubted it could be today when he felt weirdly optimistic at the sight of you and your gift. he carefully unrolled it and observed the contents for a while before he brought his hand to cover his face as he muttered out a small thank you.
zima really never had the habit of preserving his work, but this was your work. a beautifully written proclamation of your love that he would keep forever.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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AYYYYY CONGRATS ABOUT 100 FOLLOWERS!! You totally deserve them all and even more!! I mean, your story with Kid and reader about scottish mafia was 11/1 score! Truly mesmerising!!!
And I wondered if you wouldn’t have anything against writing Killer x male!reader, nothing nsfw, maybe a little smooch and cuddle session in the end, that would be awesome!
And this is one of the ideas I had roaming in my head; original OP au would fit the best)
Killer went to investigate area, got bitten by a wild wolf-alike thing, got back to the crew, he acted normal after going to infirmary, but every hour it got darker outside he was ‘not like himself’, while Victoria Punk is still docked at an island — he transforms and freaks out completely, then he runs away and reader is beyond than worried, crew was alarmed and they all went to search for him, he’s a grown ass man — we all know — but the unpredictable happened and it’s all going to the point of reader finding him inside a forest, then… you decide what happens. Comfort? Tragedy? Attack? Peace?
I understand that it may not be your cup of tea and I totally understand, anyways, thanks for reading this! (It may be Kid x male!reader also huehue)
Hello anon!!
First of all, thank you soooo much for your kind words! They truly warm my heart! Second, I'm so sorry for the delay on this request, but with vacation, wanting to finish the Highlander Kid story, and... well, life (!) this took a while. Also, I meant this to be short and sweet, but it turned out long and a bit angsty! I guess my need for angst keeps showing... 😫 I do hope you still like it! I had fun with this story because it explored so many new things I'd never written about! Without further ado, and seriously hoping you'll like it, read on!
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Source for Pic
Word Count: 5112
Tags: Male!Reader x Killer; Supernatural AU; Mentions of blood; Cursing; Fluff and angst; Angst with hopefull ending (if you squint hard enough); Feelings;
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: Killer gets bitten on a routine scouting mission and dismisses it as a minor wound. Turns out it was anything but a minor wound. As he starts to transform into something else, you try with all your might to bring him back home. Back to you.
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz
It was routine. 
Scouting a new island was routine work. Boring, repetitive, mind-numbing routine work. And Killer wasn't even the one who usually did it. But this island was special. This island was fabled to have a single tree, hidden somewhere in the midst of a thick forest, that was said to produce the most fragrant, delicious, mouth-watering fruits known in the New World. 
And Killer just had to get his hands on it. Period. 
Perhaps if he wasn’t so worried about finding this fruit, he would’ve noticed the unnatural fog that permeated the forest. How its thick tendrils wisped their way around him, grasping, enveloping, and suffocating. 
Perhaps if he wasn’t so keen on tasting that new flavour, he would’ve seen a pair of glowing, bright yellow eyes, following him from the shadows, moving as swiftly as the fog.
Perhaps if he wasn’t already inventing recipes in his head, trying to figure out if the fruit paired better with meat, fish, or dessert, he would’ve heard the faint rustle of the leaves, the low snarl of the wolf-like creature, the soft crunch of twigs beneath its paws as it jumped to strike.
Perhaps if he had turned a second earlier, or ducked, or rolled over… perhaps, only perhaps, he wouldn’t have been bitten. Instead, he felt a sharp, intense pain right on the shoulder blade, sending throbbing jolts of discomfort through his neck and down his arm. 
A heavy grunt left his painted lips, muffled by his mask, as he turned, releasing his punisher and fending off the creature that fled with a loud yelp. It was bigger than a wolf, larger than a wolf, heavier than a wolf. 
And it disappeared just as fast as it appeared.
Killer passed by you on the deck of the Victoria. His mask had a streak of red across it and he was clutching his right arm against his bare chest, his shirt pressed hard against his shoulder blade. Under normal circumstances, the sight of the Massacre Soldier half-naked, usually brought a grunt and pulled a smile from your - often - pursed lips: he was a sight!
Today was different though. 
He seemed to be in pain, from the slight strain with which he carried his arm, his steps heavy while grunts and puffs left his veiled lips. 
“Kill, you alright?” You asked, worry lacing your voice, his hisses of pain shadowing any previous lewd thoughts that crossed your mind. 
“Yes, yes. I'll manage. It’s a minor wound, I just need to get it stitched. Go back to your duties.” His barks were laced with a commanding tone and a very out of character irritable timbre. You and Killer were very good friends - in fact, he was much more than that to you. He was an unattainable crush, the recurring wet dream, the never-possible love story you wished to fulfil. 
Yet, you knew better than to disobey an order from the first mate. So you stayed on deck and finished your duties, a slight hurry to your step and gestures, a frown of worry distorting your face. 
“What the fuck is that?” Kid barked as he got his face close to Killer’s wound, nose scrunched in disgust and lips pulled upwards, showing his sharp teeth. 
“Fuck off, Kid. I got bit by a fucking wolf. Where’s Doc?” Killer grabbed a whole bottle of rum and poured it on his shoulder, hissing and grunting as the golden-brown liquid poured down his back and front, dripping onto the floor. 
“Hey! That’s a waste of good rum!” Kid growled as Killer lifted a bit of his mask and took a swig of the liquid before pouring the rest over the wound. 
“Fuck, it hurts!” The first mate threw the bottle on the floor and punched the wooden table, gritting his teeth under his mask.
“Doc went to buy supplies. I can stitch that up.” Kid offered. Killer’s snickers were muffled by the mask, but still heard.
“No, it’s better if you don't. I’ll wait. It’s just a minor injury.” Killer grabbed a bunch of bandages from a nearby cabinet and sat down, a disgruntled groan leaving his lips. “Just help me bandage it up.”
Your duties took way longer than expected and by the time you finished, the orange in the sky was turning into a purplish blue, nighttime approaching fast. That meant Killer would be by the galley. It was Thursday, and Killer usually indulged the crew with some pasta on Thursdays. 
After washing up, you decided to help him - it was not an excuse to check how he was! - since from the looks of it, his arm might’ve been too wounded to cook properly. 
Yet, as soon as you got to the galley, the kitchen was eerily empty. There were pots with simmering water that still hadn’t reached the boiling point, and half-peeled tomatoes on the counter. 
But no Killer in sight. 
“Kill?” You tried to sound cheerful, but worry laced your voice turning it raspy and hoarse. “I came to see if you needed help.”
Listening carefully, you tilted your head to the side as you slowly went around the counter. “Kill?” You heard a soft sound - a muffled whine - coming from the pantry. The door was closed so you approached carefully. Each step you took seemed to be met with another whine. Was it Killer?
Your heart beat rapidly against your chest, your breath came in shallow, fast waves and you felt a drip of sweat run down your back. Inhaling, and unconsciously holding your breath, you pushed the door open. 
“Kill?” You almost didn’t recognize your own voice. It came out in an altered timbre, much higher than usual. And much more frightened. Because the man cowering in the corner of the pantry, curling his body against the lower shelf, was Killer. 
Yet… not quite.
“Are you alright?” You started, taking a very small step inside. He had removed his shirt - or never put it back on - and had ripped the bloody bandages he must have used to wrap his wound, as they were scattered on the floor, all around him. 
But what startled you the most, was the fact that he had removed his mask. You had never seen him without his mask on. Though his face was still obscured by his long, blonde bangs, you could make out the smeared purple lipstick on his lips and - gods, this made your heart jump into your throat - his tear-stained cheeks.
That set your fears to the back of your mind and your determination took the spotlight as you took two big strides towards him, hands outstretched and eyes wide open. “I’m here, Kill. Whatever you need, I’ll help. Need me to go get Doc? Kid? What do you need? Speak to me.”
You urged as you knelt in front of him. 
A ragged cry left his lips as he wrapped his arms around his torso. He seemed to be in pain, yet you were confused, wasn’t it his shoulder that got hurt? Why was he clutching his body?
“My wound!” His desperation cut like knives through your heart. “It’s almost healed!” He moved his shoulder towards you and you gasped. You weren’t quite sure what he meant by ‘almost healed’, because the whole thing seemed pretty inflamed to you. 
He had an assortment of red gashes, the middle ones more pronounced than the others, and the flesh seemed torn. As if something had bitten and just ripped it apart, leaving tendons and muscles exposed. It was a wound that required stitches! Yet, upon closer inspection, you realised he was right. The smaller gashes seemed to have scabbed over, and the bruises around them were already turning a greenish-yellow, instead of being at their most inflamed. 
From a wound made a few hours ago, that seemed impossible! In addition to that, the veins in his arm seemed to be protruding and were dark and purple, almost visibly pulsating . 
“Okay, okay, I can see that. Let’s get you to the infirmary and see what the Doc can do to help you, alright?” You said calmly, your hands reaching towards him, but he whined again as he shrank deeper beneath the shelf.
“No, no, no. I don’t feel like myself! I don’t want to hurt you!” He grunted as his hands clawed against his chest, leaving angry red marks across it and you managed to glimpse his fingernails. They looked sharp - almost claw like - and blackened. “It hurts! On the inside! It’s like I’m being ripped apart! Fuuuuck!” His animalistic, primal roar made you take a step back.
Whatever the fuck had bitten Killer was not a normal beast.
“You won’t hurt me, trust me.” Extending your hand to him, you prayed that Doc knew some mythical way to heal him, because from what you were seeing, you had already come to a conclusion about what was happening.
And you didn’t want to be right about it. 
Though you were rarely wrong.
“Get the fuck away! I can't hurt you! Not you! I-...” Except he didn’t finish his thought because in the next moment, Killer let out an ear-piercing, mind-shattering scream that bristled all the hairs on your body, trapping your next breath in your throat. 
A quiet, eerie silence surrounded you as Killer crouched, his breath coming out in ragged pants as he got on all fours. You could barely describe what you were seeing to anyone who dared ask. His back was twitching, expanding, growing bigger and bulgier. His blonde mane fused to his back creating what seemed like a coat of fur that spread to his body. His arms and legs twisted and turned into unnatural shapes as bones cracked and elongated. 
You could scarcely believe your eyes as you realised that, where once there were hands and feet, now stood paw-like extremities, complete with sharpened nails - resembling lethal claws - perfect instruments to hunt prey and run through thick forests. 
Your initial thought was right.
He was transforming into some kind of creature, a werewolf would be your first guess.
Killer’s scream died out in a decrescendo as his ragged pants dissolved into a heavy, guttural breathing. As he crawled out from under the shelf, his hands - paws? - clicked against the wooden floor in slow, deliberate motions, you glimpsed his eyes peering at you from behind his fur-like bangs. 
The blue had turned into a sickly yellow, his pupils enlarged and black as the darkest night. His face seemed to have elongated somewhat, though he still had some humanity left in him. However, what terrified you the most was his smile. A feral-like grin that showcased large, sharp canines. 
He didn’t seem like the Killer you knew at all. 
“Kill?” You tried hesitantly. You didn’t know much about werewolves, as you thought them to be mere lore and myth. Yet, here you were. Face to face with one. The man you loved, to be more precise. “Are you still there?”
A deep growl was your answer. 
If he wasn’t completely gone, he was teetering on the edge. “Stay with me, Kill. We’ll find you a cure.” As with any animal, you were sure that if you showed fear, he would attack you. So you needed to remain in control. Cool and collected. 
Which was easier said than done. 
“Come on, Kill. I’ll help. Come out of it.” A sure step forward elicited a small, gentle yelp from him as he shook his furry head. Though, just as his eyes turned more blue than yellow, and his body lost tension, the door to the galley burst open and boisterous crew members came inside laughing and jeering, asking for pasta, startling Killer into a frenzy.
He growled and snarled as he lowered his head in position to strike. “No, Kill. It’s okay, it’s just our crewmembers, it’s alright.” You tried to remain calm, but the way his paws retracted, his claws leaving deep scratch marks against the wood, was making you tremble.
It took just one surprised scream.
And Killer leaped over you. His hind legs hitting your head with such brutal force that they knocked the breath right out of your lungs. And just like that he was gone.
“What the fuck do ya mean Killer’s gone?” Kid’s snarl was visceral.
You gulped as you pressed the ice pack against your temple, which was still throbbing. The crew members who had seen Killer rush out of the galley were gathered around Kid, relaying all the information they could to your flabbergasted captain. 
You were being seen by Doc a few paces away. 
“He turned into a werewolf, Captain.” You groaned, nausea hitting you as you bent, placing your head between your knees to stop the world from spinning and keep bile from rising up from your stomach again. 
“Lad, ya’ve said that three times. I can’t hear it one more time. The fuck do ya mean by that? Doc, are werewolves real?”
“Yes!” You hissed as you swallowed hard, a bitter taste in your mouth from the earlier vomiting you’d done. 
“There’s some records, Cap,” Doc began. “But not specific, concrete evidence of it.”
“What fucking concrete evidence? We’ve all seen it!” You stated, getting upright with a swift motion and grasping the table until your knuckles turned white as your vision blurred. “He turned right in front of me! He jumped over me! They all saw it!”
Kid looked at you in disbelief. Your tale was so wild he had no idea what to believe. 
“Even so, what are we all waiting for? He ran onto an unknown island and he’s all alone! Let’s go after him before he hurts himself or anyone else!” Anger kept rising within you every minute Kill was away from you. But the fear… the fear was overwhelming. It clutched your chest in its grasp, snaking cold tendrils to your stomach and bowels, twisting and turning, making you feel helpless and agonised. 
“He's a grown ass-man.” Kid said gruffly, though the strain in his voice betrayed the worry he was feeling. 
Silence surrounded the crew as Kid's scowl became more pronounced. After a moment he got up, determination setting his pace. “Fine. Four search parties, no fewer than three men on each. Careful if he's really turned into… something else. Avoid hurting him.” The Kid pirates exclaimed ‘Aye Captain!’ in unison as they started to disband. 
You got up on wobbly legs, discarding the pack of ice and taking a deep steadying breath. “Where the fuck ya think ya going? Ya stay behind.” Kid snarled at you. 
“I'm the best hunter on this fucking ship. I can track a snow leopard in the middle of a fucking snowstorm. That's how good I am.” Rage seethed through your pores, urgency filled your veins, and desperation gripped your heart. 
“Yer compromised, lad.” Kid stated gravely. 
“You mean my wound? I won't let it slow me down. I can-...”
“Ain’t yer wound. Everyone with two eyes and ears can see ya care about Killer. Care, care.” He grunted with a smirk and you were left speechless. But Kid continued. “What if the unthinkable needs to be done? Can ya do it?”
The unthinkable? Was he talking about… hurting him, or killing him? Would it come to that? Would Killer want that? There had to be a cure somewhere. Lycanthropy had to have been around for ages. Someone must've found something out, at least how to snuff out the symptoms. Still… Kid’s question was a pertinent one. Could you do it? 
“Can you?” Defiance laced your voice and Kid’s snarky laugh reached your ears. 
“Valid point, lad. Yer still staying. Captain's orders.”
The search parties kept returning, each more dismayed than the last. And your heart kept wanting to flee from your chest. What had happened? Was he safe? Kid still hadn't returned so there was still some semblance of hope. Kid would never give up on his first mate - his friend - like that. 
But you could no longer sit still. 
You had been restless and preoccupied. Fortunately the worst of the nausea had gone away and your strength had returned, though your head was still throbbing like a son of a bitch. 
So you decided to mutiny. And you knew you would be punished - severely, even - yet you could not help it, for how could you stay still when part of your heart was out there? Alone, scared, maybe even hurt? 
Gathering your weapons, you stealthily left the ship, eluding some stationed crewmates guarding the deck, and immediately started to look for tracks. You tried to identify some wolf markings, yet, with all the search parties that had left the ship earlier, the tracks were all muddled together. 
Clicking your tongue, you cursed your hot-headed captain. If you had gone out earlier, you would have tracked him faster. 
Instead, it took the better part of an hour just to - finally - be on the right track. The full moon was shining brightly in the sky, casting its glowing light against the tops of the dense trees. The hoots of the owls lent a semblance of sobriety to your hunt and the approaching howls of wolves told you that you were near. 
The only other thing you could hear was the disjointed beat of your heart thrumming in your eardrums. 
After a few moments you tensed. The thick mist had come out of nowhere and surrounded you completely, the forest had suddenly turned eerily still and you could vaguely make out distant shapes of yellowish orbs staring right at you. 
You counted eight different pairs of eyes. 
You were surrounded. And, most likely, very dead in the next few seconds. Gripping the handles of your weapons and gritting your teeth, you vowed not to go down without a fight. 
At least there would be no punishment awaiting you back on the Victoria. 
However, before the wolves launched an attack, you heard pained and muffled grunts in the short distance. Your heart jumped to your mouth as your eyes widened. You could identify your counterpart in the middle of a crowd, blindfolded and with your ears covered. 
You made a move to rush forward but all the wolves growled at you, turning your legs to jelly and halting your movements. After a few moments, Killer - your Killer, not the thing he transformed into - came into view. He looked dishevelled, tired and still in pain.
Grunting your name, he fell to his knees, clutching his head between his hands. “Kill!” You urged, surging forward and kneeling near him. “You're fine! You're all right!” Were you assuring him, or yourself? 
A groan escaped his lips as his face contorted. It almost seemed as if he was using all his strength to stop from turning. “I'm not fine!” He hissed between his teeth, every word coming out of his mouth strained and hoarse. “And you shouldn't be here.”
“I came to get you, Kill. The Doc knows what's up. They're working on a cure now. You need to come back with me, come home.” 
His blond locks shook at the same time as his head. He had twigs, leaves and dirt on his once pristine golden mane and you longed to help him clean it. “They're calling me.” He uttered as he retreated from you. 
“Who's calling you?” You didn't push into his space, but you didn't fall back either. Your arm reached for him, just to assure him you were still there, as he had his eyes shut with tension and hurt. 
The wolves surrounding you started to howl at the moon. Killer repeated the word ‘them’ incessantly, as if it were a litany, a sort of prayer to a God you were not privy to. Then, he started to howl at the moon with them and the sound that escaped his lips was feral and primal and terrifying. 
“They need me. They need a leader of the pack, an Alpha. They want me to be their Alpha. Without one, they’re mere prey for other packs.”
A surge of questions begging to be answered swallowed your brain, yet, what frightened you the most, was the very real possibility of him staying behind. 
“What do you mean, Kill?” Your voice was a mere whisper. You crawled forward, tentatively approaching his crouching form. He whimpered and groaned and your heart clenched some more. This was not your Killer. The Killer you knew and loved was strong and self-assured. You’d never seen him like this.
It was very disarming.
“I have to stay!” Your name came out of his lips in a low snarl. “They need me!” He repeated, and this time he looked up at you. One yellow eye seemed determined and set with fiery will; the other one carried a very soft blue and with it a frightened, disconsolate look. 
“You can't stay, Kill… What about your dream?”
His dismissive scoff was very uncharacteristic and it sent a cold shiver down your spine. “I don’t have any dreams…”
Lies. He had dreams. He had to have them, right?
“Even if I did, they don’t matter. They’re nowhere near as important as Kid’s.” He shook his head fiercely, grunting and snarling at the same time.
“Fine, then. What about Kid’s dream?” Once he was safe back on the Victoria, once he was resting in your embrace, or at least within your sight, you could speak calmly about his own dreams. What mattered now was bringing him back.
He stuttered, his mismatched eyes staring back at you, both very uncertain and wounded. “Like this I can only slow him down.” He sounded resigned. “At least they can use me like this. They need me!” He returned to the same line of thought. 
“Kill…” You approached again and he didn’t pull away, so you leaned your face closer to him, focusing on the blue eye, the one that held the soul of the man you loved deep within. “I need you. So, so much.”
As your words reached him, the yellow eye trembled and Killer shut both eyes, cursing and clenching his jaw. Was it working? You just wanted to bring him home. You could all think about the consequences and cures later. He was all that mattered - his safety.
“I go to bed thinking about you;” You placed a rough calloused hand against his tangled hair. “I dream about you;” Another one of your hands cupped his cheek, your thumb tracing his soft lips. God, he was beautiful. “I wake up thinking about you.” With a deep breath you pressed your forehead against his. He shivered, whined and stilled against your touch.
“I love you Kill. I need you. With me, near me! You can’t stay here. The… pack is not your family. The Kid Pirates are.” Could you reach him? Far away in the confines of his mind where he was running to?
When he opened his eyes, there was blue staring back at you. In both of them. There was a tenderness in his gaze, a softness that you didn’t know if it was always there or not, because you had never gazed at his eyes. 
At his beautiful eyes. 
Whispering your name softly, Kill leaned his head slightly, his breath tickling your lips, his warmth warming your heart. 
“I also-...” A deep growl interrupted his sentence. The wolves restarted their howling at the moon and Killer stepped back from you, his hands clutching his head again.
“No, no! Kill, come back! This is not you, we can do this together! Killer!” You pleaded, getting up and trying to reach him once more, but then you noticed - with horror and surprise - that he was, once again, transforming into the beast from before. 
Faster this time, and more complete. He resembled a fully grown wolf. But so much bigger and much more frightening. 
And the way he stared at you stole all the bravado you had left. This was definitely not your Killer. 
When he lunged and struck, you immediately lost consciousness.
By the time you woke up, you were aboard the Victoria. The ship swayed gently, lulled by the soft waves. Your bed was familiar to you, the briny air of the seawater and the roughness of the sheets waking you up to a throbbing headache.
You opened your eyes slowly, feeling bandages wrapping around your head, with moisture in some places indicating that whatever wound you had was still recent and slightly bleeding.
You winced and closed your eyes again, trying to regain your bearings. 
Until the events of the past night came rushing in, all of a sudden and all at once. Unrelenting, savage, and unbridled images and memories.
And your extremely painful loss.
“Killer!” You grunted as you got up. Everything was still spinning and you didn’t get too far, but someone must’ve been near you to relay the news of your state of consciousness, because after a few moments your captain was by your side. 
Kid donned a more pronounced scowl on his lips, the lines near his eyes deep and worried. He was angry.
Gulping, you realised you had disobeyed his order, last night. 
“Lad.” He barked as he took a seat and you leaned against the bunk bed. “Ya didn’t do as I told ya.”
“I’m sorry, I-...”
“Shut the fuck up, ya speak when I tell ya to.” 
Lowering your head, you nodded while clenching your teeth. “Yes, sir.”
“Ya didn’t do as I told ya, and ya could’ve died. Killer brought ya to Victoria.” You raised your head, already opening your mouth to ask about Killer, but Kid’s look told you that he would not be lenient if you interrupted him again, so you stood still, hanging on every word your captain uttered. “We’re sailing now. He stayed behind. Something about the pack needing him. Ya were right. He turned into a wolf-... werewolf-thing. But he managed to turn back after he hurt ya and came to find us.”
You slumped down on the ground, your knees hitting the hardwood floor as you felt air leaving your lungs in heavy, ragged breaths. 
“He hurt ya. Ya were bleeding so much he thought he killed ya, he was inconsolable. But it turned out ya were only out cold.” Kid sighed as he pressed his flesh index finger and thumb against his nose. “We are finding him a cure. I can guarantee ya that. Even if I have to visit every goddamned island in the world.” Kid clenched his metal fist and you could feel the slight tremble of all the metallic objects around you. “Until then, and until we come back, Killer said to tell ya that he also needs ya and that he’s always thinking about ya too.” When your lower lip trembled, Kid scoffed. “Sappy motherfuckers.”
The air was too thick to inhale. Your breaths were too shallow and the pain in your chest kept building up and up in unrelenting waves. He left you. He stayed behind. 
Yet you mattered to him. He cared about you.
But he was gone. And he was not himself.
“Lad, calm down. I’m upset about this situation too. I hated having to leave him behind.” Kid cursed as he slammed his hand on a desk near him, splinters of wood flying everywhere. “But this was his choice. He didn’t want to endanger anyone on the crew, nor did he want to leave those wolves behind.”
“He’s too good for a fucking pirate…” You muttered against your will, the scowl on your lips deepening as you felt the pricking of tears behind your eyes. 
Kid’s laugh was like a balm to your ears. Kid understood. And he was hurting just as much as you were. “He fucking is, that wanker.” Your captain sighed as he got up. “Once ya’ve rested from that nasty wound, ya have a month of bathroom cleaning duties to attend to, starting today. I’ll figure out the rest of yer punishment as I go.”
You nodded. It was less than you deserved, really. 
But the ache in your chest was terrible and you just wanted to let your sorrow out. Killer was gone from the Victoria and you could barely conceive of a normal life without him by your side. How could you wake up to a cold Killer-less galley? How could you go to sleep without telling him goodnight? 
How were you supposed to live? Period.
“He’s strong. He’ll be fine. And we’ll fix him.” Kid assured you as he got up and placed a hand on your shoulder. However, before he left, you stopped him with your words.
“He told me he didn’t have dreams, that your dream was the only one that mattered, and that he’d only slow you down like this.” You sighed, biting back a sob. “If he realises you’re giving up your dream to find him a cure, he’ll never forgive himself.” You were as sure of this as the sun rising every day.
Kid stood in silence for a moment, his jaw moving as he clenched and unclenched it, tension filling the room. “That fucking arse.” Another scoff. “When we find him a cure and he comes back, I’ll let him know that my dream ain’t worth shit without him by my side. And ya, lad, can show him he’s yer dream. Maybe that’ll keep him focused on himself more.”
Kid was not a man of tender, gentle words. So this soft speech about the man you loved left you speechless. Without another word he left the quarters, leaving you to your misery, probably chasing his own at the bottom of a rum bottle. 
He was right, though. Killer was tough. As tough as they come. And this had been his choice, though it stung a little to know he had chosen to stand by a pack he wasn’t familiar with instead of being with you.
Even if he thought that he was doing it to protect all of you.
Lying back down on the bed you let the beginning of your tears mar your dirt and blood-stricken face. Kid was also right about something else. Killer was your dream. A dream you didn’t think you could fulfil, until he told you otherwise. 
So you would be relentless. You would cross every single island off the map, visit every goddamned civilization there ever was (in the mountains, in the woods, underwater or in the sky) and you would buy, steal, beg and kill, if you had to.
Just to find him a cure.
Just to get your dream back.
That was a vow you didn’t intend to break.
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Got an ignorant hate comment. Felt it deserved it's own post. It's a long one, and technically isn't doing anything productive as I blocked the person. I just like yelling into the void. Mind the tags.
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1) You're funny. I'm agnostic, and wasn't even raised christian. It's like an atheist saying "Oh my god" (this can't be real/that's ridiculous) or "God save me" (I'm doomed). "My brother in Christ", what would normally be a term of endearment and familiarity in a christian setting becomes very condescending and 'holier than thou' if said to any non christian (not just jews). Because of that, outside of a christian setting, it's now a term of sarcasm and mockery to point out someone's stupidity and ignorance. So the fact you jumped into a defensive standpoint, calling someone you know nothing about antisemitic over a post that wasn't even directed at you, tells me a lot more about your insecurities.
2) Yes, you're right! It is perfectly reasonable to not WANT people with an involuntary attraction to real life children to INTERACT with your work. But let me lay out a few things. Stop using that word, it does not mean what you think it means. Being attracted to fictional characters depicted as kids in a form of media that is (at least in a non indie setting) designed, and written by a team of adults, fudging up the looks and behaviors of their characters compared to reality to be more appealing to a wide demographic, is not pedophilia. Pedophilia is a mental disorder, where an attraction to children who can't consent is causing direct harm to yourself or those around you in your day to day life. This usually presents itself as crippling distress for the person with the disorder due to their intrusive thoughts, and fear of losing your friends and family should they find out about your disorder. By calling an attraction to fictional character depicted as children "pedophilia" you are doing what's called pedojacketing. Which is a false accusation against someone in attempt to rally others by appealing to their disgust to ruin the life of another person. It causes major harm by both trivializing a serious and often debilitating mental illness into a "voluntary perversion", while also trivializing the seriousness of child predator allegations by equating the sexual abuse of real, breathing children, to that of fictional story that never happened. Most predators aren't even pedophiles, they are attracted to the power imbalance and control, not the kid itself. But that's not what proship is, it's an ideology that people should be allowed to have their own space to enjoy whatever fiction they want without harassment or censorship. And guess what, that doesn't mean we aren't entitled to your space. If our ideology makes you uncomfortable, it's your right to block us and keep us from interacting with your art.
But get this, consuming and interacting are two completely different things. Consuming means you've looked at a piece of art, you watched a video, read a piece of literature, or played a video game. The moment you post something to the public, and not somewhere with restricted access, you forfeit all right to decide who can consume your media. AO3 is a public website, even if you choose the lovely option of only showing your work to people who are logged in (which anyone can get an account), you can't then decide who is allowed to view your work. When you post media publicly, it is impossible to discern every single person who has consumed your work. At best a site may have a "views" counter, or in AO3's case, hits, but it will always remain anonymous. As such, if you don't like the idea of a proshipper consuming your work, congrats, you will never have to know.
Interacting however means that you've consumed a piece of media, and are now making a public display about your consumption where the creator can see it, that individualizes them from the rest of the crowd. A comment, a post, if the media has a non-anonymous "like" function, or non-anonymous subscription/follow function. Most people are sane, and don't go out of their way to do background checks on every single person that interacted with their work. But if it comes to your attention that someone who makes your uncomfortable is interacting with your work where you can see it, then you have the tools to make it so you'll never be able to see or hear from them again. They will still be able to consume your public work, but now you've curated your personal experience.
But if you're so paranoid and disgusted by the idea that someone you find icky or gross might be able to consume your content without your consent, then you have to take responsibility for your own experiencing it and revoke your consent from the wider public by removing your content from a public platform.
This person was deluding themself into believing that consumption was the same thing as interaction and that the existence of a dni means it was the public's responsibility to regulate their online experience for them, and was getting upset at the realization that they can't regulate a public space the same way as a private one, and that people they don't like will be able to see their public work even if they will never know about it.
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oh-no-another-idea · 3 months
WIP Update Tag
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Tagged a long time ago by @thewritingcoroner -- thanks, friend! Sharing a little about some WIPs sounds like a lot of fun--and I will try try try to be brief :)
The Invisible Girl
Operating out of the first half of draft 2, we are moving very slowly, because draft 2 is really about tightening the plot, and in some places, there is very little plot to be found! (this is clearly a place where I thought previous oh this is a problem for later Cass. Later Cass is here, guys. this problem still is too) I just need to tighten up motives and...figure out the plot. ughhhhhhhhh ;)
Here's a bit of the last written scene:
“Do you paint?” Paris’ lips twitched. “No. Paint is expensive, you know.” Antonio ducked his head. “Ah, yes. Of course.” “Charcoal,” Paris said. “Nice pencils, on occasion. I’d like to get a set of watercolors sometime.” “Are you good?” Paris held up his hands. “Well, I don’t know—” “I’m sure you are,” Antonio blustered. “You’re excellent at the violin.”
Stars and Ships
Very much on the back burner right now, our space crew is also stalled in draft 1 due to my biggest enemy, and if you're guessing that it's plot, then you are correct! I know where they're going. I know how they get there. I just don't know why, yet. But I'm still writing ideas that come to me about how the characters interact :) that's the most fun part.
Jax swiped and grew more bored by the second. If he saw one more diagram of an engine room he was going to scream. Too bad. Someone else could deal with the problem when the engines overheated. Surely Sepia would whip out some clever anecdote, like oh, the engine rooms are equipped with service bots that cater to their every need.
Bonus: Bent Nails or Something
Currently still quite excited about this one! We are in our zero draft phase of slinging out scenes like our lives depend on it, and praying they'll string together soon. Since this is a quieter slice of life story we don't have to worry about plot as much--we just point the characters in a certain direction and then try to get them to cry. Haha but also seriously. ;)
“Are you knocking it down?” Michael said, unable to keep his vows when faced with the calamity of the porch they were standing on, Sutton supposed. The boards underfoot were of dubious disintegration. Jacob had been waiting for it, apparently. “Nope,” he fired back, hands in his pockets. “Ain’t getting paid for that.” “Who’s paying?” “Owner,” Jacob said. “Wants it spruced up, doesn’t care how I do it. I get free rent while I’m here.” Michael looked affronted. “Why’d he hire you?”
Congrats if you made it all the way down here! (and thanks for reading) Passing on the tags to @charlesjosephwrites @writernopal @zmwrites @sparrow-orion-writes @dontjudgemeimawriter and anyone else who'd like to report in!
Putting some taglists below here 🥽
Invisible Girl Taglist: @a-sunflower-at-night @blind-the-winds @drippingmoon @elgringo300 @thats-my-type-writer @sleepy-night-child @writing-is-a-martial-art @viskafrer @croctears @talesfromaurea @necros-writing-stuff @ashen-crest @conundruminprogress @teaflint @princeofthecactus @imaginationxlost @fiercely-raging-writer @memento-morri-writes​ @josephinegerardywriter @stuffaboutwriting @outpost511 @reneesbooks  @jellybeanswriting @charlesjosephwrites @yejidoesthings @sparrow-orion-writes @somealienquill @theunboundwriter​ @lady-grace-pens​ (ask to be added or removed!)
Stars and Ships Taglist: @indecentpause @memento-morri-writes @jellybeanswriting @blind-the-winds @outpost51 @cilly-the-writer @charlesjosephwrites @yejidoesthings (ask to be added or removed!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Waa congrats on 3k daze! i've been here since 1400 (or maybe even before that. I can't quite recall) and it's really heartwarming to see my favourite writer grow so much ♡ For the event, can i please ask for the tower, the hierophant & temperance from the tarot prompts for mika? :)
Whoa, it seems like you´ve been around for quite a long time then! A lot of time has passed since the 1.4k followers event so it´s kind of impressive to hear that someone has been reading my stuff for that long, thank you for sticking around!☺️ And your favorite writer? Omg you´re flattering me and it´s working😳
And of course I´m always happy to write for Mika <3 I guess you can consider this a late birthday gift? Since I haven´t actually written any of the other stuff I´ve been meaning to write about him yet silnfls
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, delusion, violence, allusion to murder, possessiveness, stalking, taking pictures of the reader (mentioned), worshipping the reader, implied kidnapping as a throw-away line
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The Tower - If this yandere saw their darling in danger, how would they respond/react?��
Okay so if you somehow got put into a dangerous situation, there´s no way Mika is going to be unaware of it because he´s always by your side, whether that´s him just tagging along no matter where you go and being generally clingy, or him stalking you from a safe distance away to “make sure you´re safe”.
And well, either way, he´s very glad that he made that decision to stay close to you ( and totally not for his own interests) because his beloved darling actually is in danger now, right in front of him!
Of course, Mika´s first reaction is one of shock and panic but that quickly turns into a blind rage after he has fully assessed the situation.
You´re right in front of him, calling out for help while someone else is endangering you.
And Mika just can´t have that. No one is allowed to touch his darling and he sees it as his duty to save and protect you.
So how does he deal with this tense and difficult situation? Violence.
Charges in screaming, probably yelling death threats and demanding for you be let go while he jumps at the attacker´s throat, fully intent on just killing them if you weren´t there to ground him a bit.
He doesn´t want you to see him as a violent person because that wouldn´t make for a good romantic partner so Mika hesitantly refrains from actually killing this person right in front of you and instead just beats them into a bloody pulp until he´s sure that they´re never ever going to try and put you in danger again.
Immediately afterward makes sure that you´re safe and checks up on any wounds you may have suffered while offering you words of comfort ( and candy from one of his pockets). Don´t worry, he´s going to take great care of you while you recover from that horrifying situation, he´s going to serve you in any way he can!
Of course only after searching out your attacker once more on his own and actually finishing the job now. They didn´t think they could get away with putting his darling in danger, did they?
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The Hierophant - Could this yandere´s darling fool them easily? Or be manipulated by them? 
Oh, it´s almost too easy in fact! Mika is an obsessed and worshipping yandere that puts his darling onto the highest of pedestals, you´re basically a deity to him.
He´s absolutely hellbent on pleasing you in any way he can, so it´s very easy to get him to do things for you. Mika will bend over backward just to hear your praise.
On that note, yes, praising him will get you pretty far and it will keep him satisfied for quite some time before he starts demanding more attention and affection from you.
He sees himself absolutely beneath you and so anything you say goes. In his eyes, it´s all to show you what a good boyfriend he could be for you by doing things for you all the time.
There´s also the fact that Mika is a very delusional yandere so as long as what you say or do fits with his ideal fantasy of you being a loving couple destined to be with each other for all eternity, he´ll believe it.
He´ll believe almost anything you say with a smile on his face because you could never be wrong.
He also just sometimes.... outright ignores things that would go against the delusions he had built himself about your relationship. All the times you accidentally let a hateful comment toward him slip? Oh, he simply didn´t hear you correctly!
The only thing that might be your downfall is Mika´s rampant jealousy though. If he has even a hint of suspicion that you might like someone else more ( even if it´s completely unfounded), he´s going to be quite a bit warier when you try to manipulate him.
The same counts for when you´ve done it too many times or have, in his eyes, “betrayed his trust”. Like trying to escape from him by making him take off your shackles.
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Temperance - What made this person yandere for their darling? 
Most of all, I feel the cause of Mika turning into a yandere is a combination of his childhood and his linked self-esteem issues.
As we know, Mika was given up by his birth parents into an orphanage and he had wondered for many years if they simply found him hideous. Always wondering about why they didn´t want him.
Mika is also very touch-starved and has said that he just craves love, it doesn´t matter how much it hurts him, how painful it is.
So when he meets you, someone that is so kind to him and willing to give him the attention and love he never really got? Well, he´s smitten and quickly starts to idolize you.
Mika is experiencing a feeling he has never felt for anyone else before and he soon grows obsessed with it, wanting to keep feeling all warm and fuzzy when you look his way or give him a compliment. Wanting to finally feel alive.
And while their relationship has grown and gotten a lot healthier in recent times, Shu´s past treatment of Mika also probably had an impact on him turning out this way.
He tries to accept that he´s no longer a doll, he´s a human with his own thoughts and feelings.
And yet. And yet he still wants to be controlled by you, he wants to have a purpose by serving you and making sure that you´ll always be happy ( with him at your side of course!)
Watching you every single day and taking photos of you when you aren´t looking just makes him even more enamored with you.
Mika is convinced you´re the most wonderful and divine person that has ever walked this earth, your beauty and benevolence second to none.
And he almost thinks he doesn´t deserve you.
But maybe just this once, he wants to be selfish too
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krysmcscience · 10 months
Get ready for Amogus Spam!!!
Characters belong to @crinklytinfoil - I just came up with the designs and outfits~ All appearance details are taken directly from either the fics themselves (which, as always, approach with caution and MIND THE TAGS) or the comments sections of said fics, though I have also relentlessly poked Crinkle IRL for additional details, such as each character's name and individual fashion sense...or lack thereof (Finnegan) XD
(If you want to read the fics, keep in mind that you will need to be signed in to an Ao3 account first! And again - MIND THE TAGS! Shit gets dark FAST.)
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The Skeld bois! The fucked up crew that started it all~ Only like five actual decent human beings on this crew, and all but one of them fukken DIED, lmao. (Congrats on surviving, Devon, you used to be Kind Of An Asshole but you got better. XD) Clark is such an Obvious Dad - it's why he had to die first, he was the only thing keeping shit together, True Facts, sorry you had to find out this way. <:/ Adam is so Fishing, I bet he fantasizes about having a trout boyfriend girlfriend in his spare time. :) Brown is Babby (stabby-babby), but we all knew that already. And then there's wannabe High Class Fuckboi Purple and his emo "boyfriend", yaaaay, can't wait to find out how Purple dies or anything like that, noooo... All that aside, White's outfit makes me want to die inside, why would anyone want to mix hippie and ouji lolita aesthetics??? White, please, no, even your fashion sense is torturous! D:>
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
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Corpatch babbies! Everyone on this crew is certified Babby. (Yes, even you, Skylar. Sorry I had to separate you from Pink in the final image, it was too wide and I hated it, please I'm sorry, put the wrench away-) Love that I got to mostly copy-pasta Devon, made my life so much easier after the artistic nightmare that was Stacy's outfit. Fun Fact: That dress is one of over a hundred jellyfish-themed lolita dresses I've designed! This one has a box jellyfish on it, along with other pretty deadly sea creatures, and is called 'Killer Cuties'~ Wilhelm gets to have some matchies with his platonic girlfriend as a treat, also (Fun Fact: he absolutely wears those novelty glasses to Serious Events). Skye's outfit upsets me personally but it's not as bad as fucking Finnegan's so they get a pass. Pink is, of course, The Best One, and let it be known that the little leaf pin is a reference to Bay~
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Doncaster folks! Such a long image...I blame Vance. Because I always blame things on Vance for some reason. It's just fun, okay? And also I'm bitter about how long it took to draw his damn Bobblehead mech. Him and Aurora both took what felt like a million years to finish, so now Vance has given me additional Drawing Wires trauma, and Aurora somehow seems Too Expensive for me to afford looking at her. Obviously the best part of all of this was everyone's favorite polycule of Brown, Green, and Red (I dare you to suggest they are not Precious), but I also enjoyed trying to come up with an outfit for Umber that screamed 'I think I'm the main character'. XD (If anyone can guess what's supposed to be on Black's shirt, meanwhile, they get a Gold Star!)
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
And, as a bonus, a goofy scribble comic of the Doncaster AU, which I threw at Crinkle after initially requesting (read: attempting to commission) a What If Scenario where Brown never got brought along with White to the Corpatch, and so never met Pink, thus ensuring Brown remained Terrified of impostors. Because my brain wouldn't stop going hog wild over the concept for some reason. 8|
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Finally, a WIP of the Parmenides bastards- uh, I mean, Totally Normal Crew of Fine Individuals who are Not At All Terrible. (Apologies to Danni, Marek, and Ashley for getting mixed up in all this, y'all deserved better.) Bet no one was expecting Johnny to be a certified Gamer Catboi, huh? But I bet everyone was expecting Kyle to look like a Born Republican, and possibly Mitch McConnell's estranged half-brother - cuz that's just how the guy is. So Delightful. Also I was totally not salty about having to look at Purple's stupid smug face again while modifying the copypasta of it, No Sir, why would that ever be the case? He's just so great and not the most hateable character ever or anything. (eyerolling intensifies) In other news, Kage's head is way too small and it's driving me crazy but I'll have to fix it later for the finished full-body chibi+bust piece and I'm D Y I N G. Anyway, no icon spoilers for this one - the fic itself is meant to make the readers wonder who the impostors are, so I'm not going to reveal anything on that front.
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
The Best Kept Secrets - Steven's Story
dbf!Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Masterlist - AO3 Link
Suggested reading order - Marc -> Steven -> Jake -
Marc's Story - Jake's Story
You've just graduated college and you find yourself developing feelings for your dad's best friend after your graduation party. Three different versions of the same story all with different boys.
Tags/Warnings (for all three fics):
NSFW, age gap (reader is about 22 - boys are 40), reader is not race-coded, reader graduated college in America but isn't necessarily American, p in v creampie, unprotected sex, dbf trope, oral sex, coercion (sort of on both sides), Jake being Jake, Marc being Marc, Steven being Steven, forbidden relationship, forbidden sex, blowjob, mild bondage, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, car sex, bad puns
Word Count: 8.6k
You got out of the Uber when it stopped in front of your childhood home. Your dad was already waiting for you by the front door, smiling wide. He came over with his arms out, pulling you into a big hug. You grunted from the tight squeeze.
“Hi dad.” You choked out.
“I sweetie.” He let go of you and looked you over. “How was the ride from the airport?” He started taking two of your bags out of the trunk and walking back toward the house with you in tow.
“Long,” you said with a tired laugh.
“Well, hope you’re not too tired cause there’s a few people here to see you.”
He opened the front door and you were greeted by several relatives and family friends in the kitchen. They all shouted, congratulations! at once, holding up an assortment of beer bottles and glasses of wine. Knowing your dad, the drinking had been going on for a couple of hours before you arrived.
“Thanks everyone,” you said with a big smile, feeling a little shy having all those eyes on you.
You noticed the black and gold, congrats graduate, banner adorning the wall above the table in the dining area. With the initial excitement over, the crowd dissipated and you watched everyone start mingling once again. Your cousins came up to you and started exchanging quick updates on their lives while everyone else chattered around you throughout the house.
“What do you think, huh?” Your dad asked, coming up behind you while you admired the cake in the center of the dining table. He handed you a mixed drink.
“Dad, this is really great. There’s so many people! I really wasn’t expecting this when you said we were having a graduation barbecue. Thought maybe only a couple people would show up.” You looked to see your aunt talking with one of your dad’s friends in the living room.
“You know me better than that. Not everyday your kid graduates college,” he patted your back proudly, “shit, gotta go check the grill. I’ll be right back.”
While he was gone, you watched your aunt and your dad’s friend finish their conversation. You’d known Steven since you were a kid, but it had been a long time since you’d seen each other. He came over to you and held up his drink as if to say cheers. He still looked nervous as you remembered, and you wondered if that would ever change. Looking at him now though, you found it a little endearing, the way he stood awkwardly next to you. He gestured to the cake.
“Looks like someone’s a genius,” he sniffed out a laugh, “you. Can’t believe you’ve graduated, seems like only yesterday you were leavin’ to go on your big college adventure.”
You pulled your lips into a tight smile, “yeah, I guess I’m a pretty big deal,” you giggled at your attempt to sound conceited, “heard the job market sucks though. Not looking forward to that.”
“Well, as long as you’ve got a good resume, shouldn’t be a problem for someone smart as you, right?” He gulped some of his wine down and then looked at you with those brown eyes that seemed to sparkle sometimes when the light hit them just right.
You felt your cheeks get flush over Steven endlessly complimenting your intelligence. This was the first time you’d really looked at Steven. He’d always just been your dad’s best friend. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, but he always had a disheveled appearance, oversized clothes, and a nervous demeanor that didn’t exactly scream ‘lady's man’. The way he looked at you now though had your stomach fluttering with excitement. You noticed the way his eyes went half lidded as he looked you over too, as though you were the thing making him buzzed instead of the wine.
You cleared your throat, breaking the awkwardly silent trance you were both under.
“I actually don’t have a resume,” you said softly, realizing that he was probably going to think you were an idiot for not having the most basic thing you needed for a job in the first place.
“Oh we can’t have that can we? Tell you what,” his eyes seemed to light up, “I’m going to be gone two weeks on holiday after tomorrow, but when I get back, why don’t we go over that resume together? I’ve had to make one or two in my career.” Steven gave you his usual dopey smile, but this time you felt your stomach flutter.
You nodded, sipping your drink, “that would actually be amazing.” Someone called your name from outside, interrupting the casual conversation. “I gotta go, see you around, Steven.”
“Yeah…you too, love.”
After several hours and a few drinks later, you were sitting around the firepit with only your dad, one of your cousins and Steven. Steven was always telling fascinating mythological tales around the fire that had apparently bored everyone else in the audience. Your father was struggling to keep his eyes open while Steven rambled on about Khonshu, the moon god. Truth be told, you found it all extremely fascinating. You leaned on your hand, watching him and listening intently. He looked over at you and smiled. Steven’s smile was so fucking beautiful. Why hadn’t you noticed before tonight how good looking he was? This feeling you had was so wrong…but you wanted him so badly all of a sudden. It had to be the alcohol talking, that was the only logical explanation.
A little while later, you were tipsy and felt your eyelids closing involuntarily, no matter how hard you tried to keep them open.
They closed again, and when you opened them this time, it was only you and Steven left around the fire.
Closed again.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been out, but the sudden movement stirred you awake. You were being carried by a set of strong arms. Did your dad come back to get you? No. He would’ve woken you up so you could walk to bed. You wrapped your arms around the man’s shoulders and buried your face in his neck. Steven, you thought.
He smelled like fresh linen sheets that had been on a clothesline all day. Your lips brushed the soft skin there, and you felt a strong sense of comfort wash over you. Alcohol had a way of making you forget to filter your emotions, and right now you were hoping Steven would never let go. You didn’t know why you felt that way. None of it made sense. It’s not like he’d made any sort of pass at you during your growing up. He certainly had been respectful all night.
When you got to your room, you stirred and looked up at him. He put you down gently, one foot at a time, but never took his eyes off of you, nor did you take your eyes off of him. You grabbed either side of his baggy denim jacket. You weren’t sure if the attraction was one sided or not until Steven grabbed your hip in one hand, and cupped your cheek in the other.
You went for it, closing the gap between your lips, not wanting to give the nervous man a second to reconsider. He must’ve drank too much as well just based on the way his tongue tasted in your mouth. It was delicious, exciting, and forbidden. Steven pushed you back onto the bed, never letting his mouth disconnect from yours. He climbed over you, taking you completely by surprise. You thought for sure that the usual ‘by the book good boy’ Steven wouldn’t dream of doing something with his best friend’s daughter, but here he was on top of you with his tongue down your throat.
Steven kissed along your jaw and moved to your neck, peppering soft and wet kisses there. You grabbed his hand, guiding it to the waist of your jeans. You clasped your hand over your mouth when he dragged his thick finger over your folds, finding your clit with ease. He teethed your earlobe, inciting a high pitched and muffled squeak from you.
“This is so stupid of me, shit,” Steven said through gritted teeth.
“It’s okay, we can just…we’re drunk, it will be like nothing happened tomorrow okay?” You looked at him, desperate for him to stay.
He peered up at you with a hooded and drunken gaze. His lips were swollen and glossy. He went back in for more sloppy kisses, moaning deeply into you while his fingers kept working over your greedy clit. You brought your hands up and tangled them in his locks.
You felt him churning his hips against your knee. He was hard, and from what you could tell he wasn’t lacking in size either. He never stopped working on you with his incredibly dexterous fingers though, rolling his fingers over that little nub that made you do the most morally questionable acts. You bit Steven’s lip, letting it snap back on his bottom teeth. He whimpered and you felt him start thrusting his hips faster against you.
“Steven, you feel so good. Don’t stop touching me please. I’m so…ah–so–close–I’m–oh shit.”
You came, cunt contracting in waves as Steven stole every moan from your mouth into his. He was grinding faster and faster against your leg until finally he stopped. You felt a wet heat soak through your jeans and onto your thigh while Steven was open mouth panting on top of you. Neither of you moved for a while. You weren’t sure what had him frozen in place, but for you it was the fear of looking him in the eye and realizing what you both had just done.
You couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
You were the first to move, pushing him off of you and rushing to the bathroom to clean yourself up. When you saw yourself in the mirror you felt immediate disgust and regret. You shouldn’t have done that. That was your dad’s best friend, and you’d just let him get you off while he came in his pants on top of you.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
The next morning at breakfast, you and Steven kept stealing awkward glances at each other. He managed to make small talk with your father, not sounding much different than usual, but you and him both remembered what had happened the night before. You were struggling to figure out how things were going to go back to normal after that. How was he supposed to just keep coming over for get togethers and barbecues all summer now that you two had this weird thing between you?
“C-can you pass the orange juice?” You asked Steven, holding out your hand.
“You cold honey?” Your dad asked.
“Um, yeah a little, I’ll just put on a sweater when I go upstairs,” you damned your nervous stammering.
The moment your father went up to use the bathroom, you took the opportunity to talk to Steven who, at that moment, was clearly pretending to look at his phone. You were surprised to see someone like Steven using a smartphone. He always seemed like he was a little behind the times. You took a bite of your pancake and pointed at his phone with your fork.
“Whatchya lookin’ at?” You asked.
It seemed that actually talking to one another and pretending like nothing happened worked. Steven loosened up and showed you some pictures of the place he was going on his vacation. He was going to visit London, and talked excitedly about the museum they had there. He even joked that he’d like to bring you there some time. Except…it wasn’t a joke. Steven’s eyes were dead serious as he looked over at you.
“Steven I…we can’t…”
“I know…I’m sorry, sorry I shouldn’t have said anything, sorry.” He put his phone away quickly and sipped his orange juice.
When your dad came back downstairs, Steven seemed to have a hard time recollecting himself after his little comment. Breakfast ended abruptly with Steven looking at the clock and feigning surprise. He thanked your dad for letting him crash there for the night, made up some excuse as to why he needed to leave so suddenly and then waved goodbye to both of you before making a quick exit. You wondered if you were ever going to see him again.
For two weeks you fought off thoughts about your dad’s best friend. You tried so hard not to think about the way his arms felt carrying you up to bed the other night; so hard not to think about the way he smelled when you had your face buried in his neck; you tried so fucking hard not to think about the way his fingers felt brushing over your clit while he kissed you so passionately.
You were surprised when your father left for work and only a couple of hours later, Steven arrived. You hadn’t heard him come in, and nearly screamed when you heard papers shuffling downstairs while you were stepping out of the shower. You peered out the window and saw his car parked in the driveway. You let out a sigh of relief, realizing that there wasn’t a burglar in your home, but that initial fear was replaced with an anxiety that you couldn’t shake. Steven was there. He was actually there.
“He’s just here to help you with your resume,” you said to yourself in your vanity mirror, as though that was somehow supposed to stop the ache growing between your legs.
It wasn’t like it was easy to push away the thoughts that crept into your mind. You had to admit that there were a couple nights where you’d made a panting, wet mess of yourself while you imagined him buried deep inside of you, making you so cock dumb you could hardly breathe. Now you were alone together, and he was supposed to be helping you with your resume. You needed to pull yourself together. This was your dad’s best friend, and no good could come out of fulfilling your stupid fantasies.
When you finally came downstairs, dressed in something modest to help you both suppress your desires, you thought you were going to be able to stay strong. He was sitting on the couch, back to, fluffy dark curls in disarray as usual. Your mind, for a mere second, flashed to your fingers entangled in them, but you quickly shook he thought from your head.
You can do this, you said to yourself, it’s just Steven. It’s just good old–
The fucker turned around, bright eyes shining like it was the first time he’d ever seen you. You stopped in your tracks, pressing your hand to your chest like he’d just punched the air from your lungs. There were no words coming out of your mouth. You wanted to ask him how his trip was. You wanted to start discussing the pros and cons of putting certain extracurricular activities on your resume.
He stood up, wiping his hands on his pants. He was nervous. Why wasn’t he talking? You clearly weren’t going to be the one to say the first word, you couldn’t even if you wanted to. He didn’t talk, he just walked closer, each scuff of his shoe was deafening in the quiet air of your house.
His lips were over yours before you could think, and you were falling into it hopelessly, grabbing the hem of his denim coat to pull yourself in closer. How was this happening? This was Steven, the guy who your dad trusted more than anyone, and he was grabbing both of your hips and pulling them tightly against his. You felt his prodding erection so strong and needy against your lower abdomen. If he couldn’t be the bigger person, you had to be. You pulled away from his arms while simultaneously pushing him back. He looked at you like a kicked puppy, lips pressed together tightly.
“Steven we can’t. We can’t,” you insisted, despite your wanting to let him bend you over the arm of the couch.
He nodded slowly, “I’m sorry I know. Sorry, I understand, truly love, it’s just…damn…sorry.”
He ran a hand through his hair and turned back to you. You walked up to him and put a hand on his back, looking over to meet his eye. He looked hurt by your rejection, but you knew he wasn’t stupid. You knew he understood why this, whatever this was, couldn’t continue for a moment longer. You both cared about your father so much, you couldn’t bear the thought of hurting him.
“S’not like I have girls throwing themselves at me y’know? I know I’m your dad’s best mate but…you’re so smart, you’re talented, not to mention incredibly beautiful I can’t–”
“-and all they’ve ever done is laugh at me when I ramble on about the things I like, and you looked at me like—”
“Steven,” you repeated.
“-no one’s ever really cared about anything I’ve had to say. Not really and—”
“Steven!” Finally he stopped and looked at you. “I get it, and I’m sorry too. We just…can’t.”
You didn’t realize Steven had felt that way about you. It wasn’t like you didn’t feel the same, but you knew you couldn’t act on it. It wasn’t fair to your dad. After several more apologies, Steven determined he couldn’t bear to stay there and help you with your resume, so he grabbed his papers quickly and hurried out of your house.
After three weeks passed, you wondered if Steven would ever come back to your house. That is until your dad was on his way out the door for work and told you he’d received a text from Steven yesterday. Apparently he felt bad that you still didn’t have a job after being home all that time. Your cheeks grew hot immediately when you thought about the prospect of being alone with him again. Your dad left, and you just stood there wondering what you were going to do.
You could still remember what Steven’s lips tasted like, and what his hands felt like. You still thought about him when you were alone in your room gasping quietly with two fingers plunged deep inside your wet channel. You wanted him, but you were afraid. What if your dad found out? You couldn’t risk it…but maybe…maybe, Steven was worth the risk.
You thought for a moment about your alternatives; the men you were supposed to be interested in; the men who weren’t best friends with your father. In your experience, most of them treated you like you were an idiot and not worth their time. None of them acted like you were important to them. They certainly didn’t look at you as though you were the only woman in existence and tell you that you were smart, talented and beautiful.
They also didn’t know you like Steven did. Steven was there to talk to you on the late nights after a family barbecue when you couldn’t sleep and your dad was already in bed. He was there to help you with your impossibly difficult homework assignments, and he was there when you left for college, making sure you knew how to get around paying full price for your textbooks. – ‘Just buy them an edition or two under the one the professor asks you for, yeah? They’re pretty much the same thing and way cheaper.’ –
By the time he arrived a couple hours later, you realized that Steven was the obvious choice above all others, it was so clear. You walked down the stairs silently. Why were you still denying it? Was it because you knew there was no way it could really work out? Surely you’d be stuck perpetually lying and sneaking around to avoid getting caught. It would be an exciting endeavor at first, but it would stop being fun and eventually be downright exhausting. When you saw him this time, sitting there in your living room back to on the couch with his laptop and notebooks, you didn’t care anymore. All of that could get dealt with later. You wanted him in every way.
You wanted him now.
“Steven I–”
You froze in your tracks, seeing his laptop screen over the top of his head. He had a website open, a dating site. You could see the lewd messages between him and a pretty girl on the screen. Steven said a few curses while he tried to close the window, meanwhile you were trying to calm yourself down. You had no real reason to be upset. You’d turned him down, he was just doing what he should’ve been doing from the start, dating women that weren’t his best friend’s kid. That didn’t stop you from feeling the disappointment pool in your gut like a bad meal.
“Sorry, just…there.”
He finally got the window moved and now had a text document open. You took a deep breath, trying to stop yourself from collapsing on the floor. Why was this bothering you so much? It should’ve been a relief. He was moving on, and now you could too. It was simple. Life could go back to normal.
“Actually…” You gulped harshly, holding back the tears that threatened just behind the surface, “actually I wish dad had asked me before he texted you. I don’t need…” you gestured to him and the area surrounding, “this anymore.”
“What, you don’t need—oh, I see what’s happenin’ here,” Steven’s smile grew over his face, and for a moment you felt hopeful that he was going to scoop you up and kiss your sorrows away.
“Y-you do?”
“Yeah…I do…you missy got a job and you haven’t told your dad yet!” He walked over and grabbed your shoulders. Was this the part where he kissed you?
“Congratulations! See, I knew you were brilliant. Didn’t even need me after all.”
It would seem that the universe was looking out for you anyway. Your dad walked through the door having forgotten his lunch in the fridge earlier that morning. He mumbled about how he was glad they let him leave to grab it, but damned himself still for forgetting it in the first place. If you and Steven had been standing there, tongues down each other’s throats…you wouldn't have been caught so easily. It would appear the rejection was a blessing in disguise.
Steven kept your ‘secret’ about the job you didn’t really have and proceeded to strike up a conversation with your dad while you just felt the world crumble around you. You’d never felt such a pit of dread in your stomach. You felt numb, and walked up to your room, deciding to stay there for the remainder of the day.
You weren’t thrilled at the prospect of Steven coming by to check on you while your dad was out of town for the week. Steven had seemed to have moved on easily from you. You even heard your dad talking about how he had a girl he’d taken on a date a couple of times. You wondered if it was the same girl he was messaging on the dating site. Two dates within the last two weeks. He must’ve really been smitten with her. Meanwhile, you were spending your evenings trying to stop thinking about that stupid night you’d spent together, and how much you regretted all of it.
But mostly you regretted pushing him away when he’d come back from his holiday.
When he finally showed up, it was after dinner. You were sitting on the couch watching some crappy movie about five guys taking down a Columbian drug lord. You paused the movie and turned around to see him standing there. He was so handsome. Your stomach fluttered wildly, making you feel nauseous. You turned back to the tv and pressed play again, not saying a word.
“Hi love. Just coming in to check on you, y’know? Your father asked me to so…here I am,” he sounded timid, like he was trying to calm down a wild animal. He knew you were upset…was it that obvious?
You didn’t respond. You didn’t need him there anyway, checking in on you. You were twenty-two, not seven. He had no reason to be there other than your father acting over protective in a way that was even more annoying than he could possibly understand. Steven walked around to the other side of the couch and sat down. Looking up at the screen, he pointed and chuckled.
“Never seen this film before, but don’t think that’s very smart, burnin’ their money like that yeah?” He shifted, wiping his hands on his pants.
He was nervous again.
You finally looked over at him, “you don’t have to stay here. You can tell my dad you checked on me and just go.”
“I’m guessing you heard about Jane…”
“Didn’t know her name,” you said coldly, “but yeah, I heard about her.”
“I just thought that…if you really didn’t want this, whatever this is, then I’d better find some way to move on. Maybe you should—”
“I’ll be right back,” you slammed the remote down and started for the stairs.
“I’ll pause it if you—”
“Nope! Enjoy the movie Stevie!”
You had no right.
You had no right to be as angry as you were about Steven finding someone that he could spend time with out in the open. He could kiss her in the street, he could take her on a date, he could bring her over and put his arm around her in front of your dad. She could give him all the things that you couldn’t.
Now it was too late. You were sitting in your room, trying desperately not to cry so loudly that Steven would hear you from downstairs. Either you failed in your attempt to be quiet, or he was going to come up to your room whether he heard you or not, because he pushed your door open with a low creak. You looked up at him, standing there with his hands balled up in fists in front of himself. He looked almost like a child who was afraid of getting in trouble.
“Love?” He asked.
You wiped your eyes quickly, turning away so he couldn’t see you.
“Please go away, Steven,” you said in a nasally tone.
“Yeah, I will…in a minute.”
You felt the bed shift next to you and you turned your back to him completely, crossing your legs on the bed. You felt uncomfortable knowing he was right behind you. Your feelings of discomfort were amplified when you felt his hand on your shoulder with a light tug. He was strong, and you weren’t in a position to fight back, so you fell into his chest.
“Are we gonna talk about this or are we going to keep pretending we don’t feel…something?” He asked, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Y’know I only went out with her because you made it exceptionally clear that you were finished with me...but I never stopped thinking about you.”
“We’re going to keep pretending,” you turned around and looked at him deeply, “because it’s wrong, Steven.”
“So then let’s just…” he leaned in close to you, “we can just let it go if…” you leaned closer, “if you want.”
“We really shouldn’t…” his nose brushed against yours, “if we get caught my dad…” your mouths were almost touching, “he’ll be so mad I–”
It was over. You pushed Steven back onto the bed and kissed him sloppily, desperate to feel him again. You straddled him and already felt the strength of his erection pressing against you through his pants. He grabbed your hips and held them in place, rubbing himself against you hungrily. While it did feel good, having him dry hump you and feeling the sweet friction of the clothes you wore against your needy clit, you wanted more.
“Get your pants off, please,” you practically begged, working on discarding your own bottoms.
Steven complied, and when he did you froze in awe at the size of him. He was bigger than you’d thought he would be which excited you as you climbed over him again. You felt his fat tip prodding at your entrance, becoming slick with your juices. He rested a large hand on either of your hips, squeezing hard. You thought he was going to let you set the pace but…
“Sorry love, sorry I–” he grunted and thrust upward into you while simultaneously pulling you down, gasping as he did, “-oh just had to feel you—oh shit. Been thinkin’ about it f’so long now.”
“Oh-Steven oh my–” you fell forward, leaning down to kiss him while he jackhammered into you at an unforgiving pace.
The sound of skin slapping skin was deafening and he never slowed the speed at which he fucked you from below. You tried to keep your lips over his but you couldn’t so you sat upright, looking down at him. He licked his bottom lip and then trapped it under his top teeth. Both of his large hands were gripping your thighs, holding you in place with a bruising strength.
“Lean back f’me, love. Grab my legs.”
You whined as you did what he asked, arching back and grabbing onto his shins.
“There you go darling, now slide back and forth.” You started rocking your hips as he’d instructed, dragging his cock along your walls in a delicious rhythm. “Yeah, there y’go, just like that.”
Your jaw fell open when Steven pressed the pad of his thumb on your clit. He started rolling his finger over the sensitive nub, circling gently. You whined at the touch, looking down at him. His strong jaw was still clenched while he bit his bottom lip. You kept sliding yourself back and forth, taking his cock as deep as you could and feeling the way it would twitch inside of you on every pass. He felt so good, any reservations you had were gone, he was all you wanted…all you needed.
“Does that feel good, love? You’re squeezing so tight–god–it’s so…” 
Steven was still using his free hand to hold onto your thigh and help your movements. You could feel him churning his hips what little bit he could in rhythm with your own. Thank goodness your father wasn’t home or there would be no denying what you were doing. You were practically screaming Steven’s name while he dragged his fat cock against that sweet spot deep inside of you. His thumb kept brushing over your clit, sending electric currents through your entire body.
“Feels so good Steven–yes ah!”
He shocked you when he sat up so suddenly, bringing his face close to yours. You kissed him deeply and started sliding up and down over him. He disconnected his lips from yours and looked at you, eyes so hooded with desire that you’d think he was drunk if you didn’t know any better.
“Love the way you work yourself on me darling. You look so pretty when you’re taking what you want from me. Don’t stop–mm yes–just–like–that.”
You’d never heard Steven’s voice sound so rough and wrecked before. He lifted your shirt and took one of your nipples into his mouth, humming into your breast as he did. When you looked down all you could see was his brown curls peeking out under your shirt. His hands worked to spread your ass cheeks and help you move while you continued grinding down on top of him. You felt a bead of spit trickling down your torso from Steven’s continued mawing at your chest.
“Steven, not gonna make it much longer!” You whined loudly.
“I know love, I can feel it,” he grunted. “Just let go f’me, I’m right there.”
If not for Steven’s strong arms continuing the pace, you would’ve stopped moving the moment your orgasm took over your body. It felt so good your legs went completely numb, struggling to hold you up. You felt your cunt squeezing around his girth, contracting and releasing while you gushed over him. His hips shot up, one harsh snap as his own climax peaked, hot white spend filling you so full that you felt it leak out around the sides of his cock.
You were both a breathless heap when you were done and coming back down from your high. You found yourself wrapped in his arms in your bed while sleep took you both over. You never thought in a million years that you and Steven would’ve done something so intimate, but now that you’d actually felt him, and been so close to him, you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Steven had awoken the following morning next to you and you wondered what would take place after that. Was he going to want to continue seeing you, or was he going to continue seeing that Jane girl?
He was going to continue seeing Jane…and then he didn’t see you again for another three weeks. When he’d left that morning after he ‘checked’ on you, he assured you that continuing to date her would be a way of throwing your father off your trail. The two of you would be able to keep seeing each other in secret, and your dad wouldn’t think anything of it. The only problem was, you weren’t seeing each other at all. Steven straight up blew you off, so when your dad told you he was coming over for dinner, you felt anxious almost immediately.
Dinner was almost ready when your phone buzzed on the counter. You picked it up. Joey, the guy you’d met last week at the local coffee shop was asking if you were still on for tomorrow night. You replied, ‘yes’, and then put your phone in your pocket. As hard as it was, going out with someone else was a necessary step in getting things back to normal. Steven clearly had no intention of pursuing things with you further, so why were you going to wait for him? It didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell to let him go though, after everything you’d been through together.
When he walked into the house sporting his usual nervous smile and disheveled dark locks, you felt your breath hitch in your throat. He was still so handsome. It’s not like you expected that to change, but you’d hoped that maybe you would’ve stopped mentally putting him on a pedestal by now so you could move on. But you didn’t, and you couldn’t.
“Hey, Steven.” You said coldly with a glare to match as he approached the dining table.
“Oh, hey!” He looked genuinely happy to see you. 
You tried so hard not to look like you wanted to turn him to stone with your gaze, but you couldn’t help it. After the night you’d shared together, and the things he said you would do under your dad’s nose, him standing you up had done nothing but piss you off. You didn’t even want to go on a date with the loser from the coffee shop, you’d just wanted something…anything to help clear your mind from Steven, and yet here he was, sitting right in front of you, acting like nothing fazed him at all.
You wasted no time telling him about the date.
“Steven, I wanted to tell you how excited I am about tomorrow night, I’m going on a date!”
You looked up from your plate to see Steven with a forkful of mashed potatoes sitting in front of his wide open mouth. He seemed to be frozen by your words, and a snide smirk rested over your face. He popped the mash into his mouth, getting a little on his chin and shirt while he just kept looking at you.
“Well…” he said, mouth full and using his napkin to dab his chin, “that’s…erm…that’s good innit?” He took a huge gulp of wine.
You shrugged, “I suppose. Sometimes you just have to take what you want when things don’t go your way.”
The conversation wasn’t about you and Joey anymore.
You swigged your own wine down in one gulp. Steven’s whole demeanor changed, like he was mentally disconnected from the conversation, even while he spoke.
“Oh, erm, you like this guy then? He’s nice?” He wasn’t looking at you, instead he was poking the food on his plate nervously.
“I don’t know,” you tried to sound indifferent, “if nothing else he’ll be a good distraction. Keep things interesting.”
Steven nodded, and looked back up at you. He was forcing himself to eat, you could tell by the way he popped his fork into his mouth again unenthusiastically. His eyes were glossing over. You knew he was seconds from the waterworks and you hoped that your dad didn’t notice. When you looked in your father’s direction, he was fixated on his own phone, likely something to do with work.
Steven finally responded, “good…it will be good for you to find someone you can spend time with then.”
“He’s right, you know.” Your dad chimed in, seemingly oblivious to the private conversation you and Steven were having right under his nose. “You’ve got a good job, now it’s time to find someone who makes you happy right?”
“Yeah, he is right isn’t he? I mean…he’s got someone to make him happy, Judy, right Steven? So he should know how nice it feels.” You kept your eyes on your dad who admittedly looked at you quizzically when you said something so clearly pointed at Steven.
You just made it uncomfortably awkward…even more so than it already was.
“Who wants more wine?” You asked, getting up and going to the kitchen, effectively ending the awkward exchange.
The glasses of wine were filled while you and Steven continued to avoid looking at each other. You both guzzled down three more glasses each while your father and he entertained more small talk. When dinner concluded, he got up and went outside to start putting together a fire, and your dad asked you to do the dishes and join them when you were finished.
You did the dishes, but you didn’t join them. You told your dad you weren’t feeling well and instead retreated to your room. The last thing you wanted to do was continue the awkwardness that transpired at the dinner table. You thought that would be the end of it, that Steven would have enough sense to just let you walk away and let the spark between you both die down.
You were wrong.
Your father had gone to bed almost a half hour before you heard Steven working his way upstairs. You thought for sure he would walk right by your room and go to the guest room, but he didn’t. Steven twisted your door handle and walked in, closing the door quickly while he stepped inside. You sat up and looked at him with confusion, rubbing the fatigue from your eyes.
“What are you doing in here?” You asked. He stumbled so you got up quickly and put your hands on his shoulders. “Hey! Careful. Here…sit down.”
You helped him onto your bed hurriedly before your dad woke up to his drunk friend being a little too noisy in your bedroom. Steven groaned and covered his face with his hands, slouching over.
“I’m so dumb, I’m sorry. Listen to me love, please, just listen and don’t kick me out.” Steven looked at you with those eyes that made your body melt into a puddle every time you saw them.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “What?” Maybe you sounded a little too harsh, but to say you were angry was an understatement.
He took a deep breath, “I made a huge mistake. I am so sorry I tried to gather the courage to reach out to you, but then I thought about your dad and I started to feel a bit guilty.”
“It’s a little late for that isn’t it?”
“A bit…yeah a bit…but I still felt it. And like, wakin’ up next to you was the best moment of my entire life. I can’t even begin to describe it, it was like–“
“I know Steven, I felt the same.”
Relief flooded over his body and that love-dumb smile spread across his lips. He grabbed both of your hands and pulled you to stand between his legs, resting his face between your breasts. You felt a vibration across your sternum from him mumbling to you. You stepped back and looked down at him.
“I said, I’m sorry.” His eyes were glossy again. “I didn’t have the courage to reach out to you, and then it had been over a week and I thought surely I shouldn’t reach out to you now because you’d be angry no doubt. I wanted to, I really, really–”
You were a certified moron for kissing him right then. He didn’t prove to you in the slightest that he cared about you, not with his actions anyway, but you were still a little buzzed from the wine you’d had earlier, and you felt the arousal building between your legs. Not to mention the small part of you that actually believed the words coming out of his mouth. When you tried to pull away from the kiss, Steven wrapped his arms around your bottom and pulled you close. You conceded, cupping his cheeks and sucking his lower lip in between your teeth.
If kissing Steven was one thing, it was messy, sloppy, and wet. He tasted like wine and something entirely unique to Steven. You wanted to devour him in every sense of the word, to feel him around you and inside of you all at once. He was faster than you, quickly removing his pants and getting them down around his ankles, staying positioned still on the edge of the bed.
The cheap lace panties you’d worn must’ve had a small tear already started, that or Steven was deceptively strong, because he ripped them all too easily. He threw them aside like they’d personally wronged him and you moved to straddle him on the edge of the mattress. The thick head of his cock was already prodding so hungrily against your greedy hole. You finally took your mouth off Steven’s and looked at him. He was so pretty, lips glossy and swollen from your oral onslaught.
“Did you fuck her?” You asked, breathless.
Steven shook his head, “no, couldn’t bring m’self to do that to you love. Not a chance.”
He leaned up and kissed you again, even harder than before, which you didn’t think was possible. You took your frustration out on his lips, still mad at him for leaving you high and dry for so long. Oh but you weren’t dry now, you were anything but dry. Steven grabbed your hips in both of his big hands and pulled you down roughly over his length. You moaned deeper into his mouth, attempting to keep yourself from alerting your father who was, hopefully, sleeping down the hall.
Steven grabbed your asscheeks firmly and started bouncing you like you were weightless over his girth. He was hitting you so deep, filling you so full you could hardly stand it. You couldn’t bring yourself to take your lips from his though. The way they felt, the fixation you had on making the flesh there all raw and slick was maddening.
He was so noisy, not only in the way the bed creaked with his movements, but his hungry moans that you gladly swallowed whole would wake the neighborhood if you didn’t stifle them somehow. You broke it off and looked down at him. His puffy lips, so swollen from your relentless sucking, were spit soaked and shining.
“You need to quiet down Steven or my dad is going to hear us,” you whispered softly.
“I know love I know it just-oh my God–it just feels–it feels so good.” 
He grabbed the back of your neck for more sloppy kisses, as though they were his life support. Now one-handed, he relied on you to take over the motions, and you were happy to comply. You slid yourself up and down over his fat cock, feeding him your whines and whimpers while it split you open. He pulled your head back, breaking your faces apart once again.
“Don’t want you going on that date love, I don’t like it,” he looked at you so heartbroken you slowed your movements.
“I have to go Steven, we can’t let my dad know that we’re up to something, and if we’re both dating someone else then–” He interrupted you with his mouth again, “—then he’ll never suspect that–” another, “—we’re together.”
Steven shook his head, “don’t like the thought.”
He picked you up and laid you on your back without pulling out of you. Now you were both on the bed, him on top of you, thrusting slowly in what you assumed was an attempt to keep the noise to a minimum. You wished he could slam into you harder, despite knowing it would be a huge mistake.
“Don’t want you with someone else. Don’t want you makin’ these sounds for anyone else.” His face buried into the crook of your neck, leaving soft kisses there.
A sharp gasp escaped you when he nipped your neck. He started licking and sucking the skin there. You whined from the pain; he was drawing the flesh into his mouth harshly.
“Steven, you're going to leave a mark,” you warned, trying to pull yourself away from his mouth.
He hummed against you, fucking harder and sucking harder. You had to cover your mouth with your hand to keep yourself from alerting your father to what you and Steven were doing. That’s when you felt the arousal pooling like hot lava in your core. It came on so fast, hitting you like a wave until you were gushing and clenching around his wide girth. Steven choked out a low moan, finally releasing the hold he had on your neck. You felt him filling you, hot cum squelching out around him as he thrusted through his orgasm.
When you were both finished, he was breathing heavily with his face still resting on your neck. You knew why he was staying. You understood what he was feeling because you felt it too. You didn’t want to let go. An eternity could go by and it wouldn’t be enough time with him. He lifted himself up on his elbows and then leaned down to kiss you one more time.
“You’ve got to go on that date darling, I know you do but…I don’t want to ever hear about it alright? When we’re together, we don’t need to talk about any of it, I won’t talk about…her either. Please.” His eyes darted between yours rapidly.
You nodded, brushing your thumb over his cheek, “okay, not a word.”
You’d never felt so stupid.
There you were, standing in the rain outside of the restaurant where you’d been stood up. Your dad was gone for the weekend on business, and you didn’t know who else to call, that’s why you called him. He’d always be there for you, you knew that. No matter the situation, no matter the time, he would always come to your rescue.
He pulled up to the sidewalk, stopping fast right in front of you, a little water splashing up and nearly getting all over your shoes. Steven was fast to run over, umbrella at the ready for the short walk to the car. You didn’t even need the thing, truth be told, but you weren’t going to tell him that. He looked so damn happy just to be your knight in shining armor.
“It’s pourin’ out, love! Why didn’t you wait inside?” He yelled over the rain.
You ignored his question, finding yourself only focused on the way his dampened curls framed his handsome face. Maybe you did need the umbrella after all; It kept you both dry while you grabbed his coat and pulled him close, slotting your lips over his in a deep, passion filled kiss. He used his free hand to tug you in even closer by the small of your back.
“Steven…” You looked up at him and found yourself lost in the beauty of his sparkling eyes.
“Darling, you’re gonna catch a cold out here if we don’t get inside the car,” he held out his arm, “how about I get you home to change and then take I’ll take you out on a real date, hm?”
Your stomach fluttered at the thought. A real date? With Steven? You took his arm and let him lead you to the car, but your mind was still racing. He got on the other side and started driving off.
“You want to take me on a date?” You looked over at him incredulously.
He started his usual stammering, “w-well I mean…if you’d like to, y-yeah. Not gonna make you do anythin’ you don’t want to, I was just thinkin–”
“No, it’s not that I don’t want to.”
You pulled down the mirror in the car. You looked like a drowned rat, and felt grateful that Steven had offered to bring you home prior to taking you out on a date. Your makeup was running down your cheeks and your tight red dress was soaked through. You chuckled and flipped the visor back up. You really did look like shit. You wouldn’t even want to take you out looking like that.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, it’s just, what about my dad? We can’t just go out together, what if someone sees us? And what about Jane? I’m sure if she catches you out with another woman she won’t be too happy.”
Steven pulled into the driveway. It was awkwardly quiet except for the rain pitter pattering on the windshield. You didn’t get out right away, you were feeling too overwhelmed to move. On one hand, you were seriously considering the future with Steven. It was clear that you were both too hung up on each other to keep this hidden. On the other hand, you couldn’t fathom telling your father about this. What would he say?
“Well for starters, I broke up with Jane,” you looked over at Steven, eyes wide and buzzing from his words. “I felt too guilty stringing her along while I knew my heart wasn’t in it and…” he took your hand in his, pressing his lips to your knuckles softly, “every time I was with her, I felt miserable that I wasn’t with you.”
“What do you think we should do then?” You asked, looking at him and hoping he had some magical solution that didn’t involve telling your dad…ever.
“We have to tell your father, love. I know it’s not what you want to hear but…I can’t keep doin’ this. I want to be with you. Not hidin’, not sneakin’ about. I want to take you out and spoil you and be a real couple, you know?”
Damn it.
“Alright,” you let out the breath you’d been holding for far too long. Despite the anxiety pooling in your chest, you smiled, “let’s go on that date then.”
Moon Knight DBF Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
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