#if you need more of a pep talk to vote
navybrat817 · 1 year
Sundresses and Leather
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: Your first date with Bucky doesn't go as planned, but that makes it all the more special. Word Count: Over 4.7k Warnings: First date, tension, flirting, brief moments of insecurity, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Graphics talent and thanks: Banner by @sgt-seabass. Divider by @firefly-graphics. Bucky edit by Nix. Moodboard by yours truly. Previous Part of AU: Sweet and Strong A/N: More Hottie and Sugar from our Sin on Skin AU. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thank you for spitballing), but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Tonight was the night. You were going out with Bucky Barnes. Excited for the date was a bit of an understatement. You may have told a few customers you had a date when they wished you a good day.
Thank God they were mostly regulars and seemed happy on my behalf.
"Maybe a sundress isn't nice enough," you told Tess, regretting the words the moment they left your mouth. She didn’t need to deal with you and your overthinking. Again.
"It's plenty nice. You’re going to look amazing,” she argued, going to check on the next batch of cookies. “And he can lift the skirt and bury his-"
"I thought you said I didn't have to get laid on my first date with him," you cut her off.
"You don't have to, but the visual alone will give him something for his spank bank later."
"Thank you for the vote of confidence," you smiled, but it quickly faltered.
You weren’t sure why a cloud drifted over your sunny disposition. Bucky was a good guy, a far cry from Richard. Gorgeous, kind, hardworking, the whole package. There was chemistry between the two of you that went beyond mere attraction. Maybe it was the fact that you were falling hard and fast for him that suddenly made you so nervous. You didn’t want to scare him away.
But he said he couldn’t stop thinking about me and he wouldn’t say that if he didn’t mean it.
Tess gave you a pointed look. “Stop overthinking. I’m begging you.”
“I’m not trying to,” you sighed, your nerves almost tempting you to grab a treat from the case. “What if I fall on my face?”
“Like Bucky would let you hit the ground. Even if you do stumble, that’s life. It isn’t going to change the fact that he likes you,” she said as you helped her with the cookies. You still had work to do. “The guy said he can’t get you off his mind and to text him whenever you want. He does not strike me as the type to just say those things and I know he doesn’t strike you as that type either.”
It took a moment, but your smile came back. She was right. Life wasn’t perfect and you were far from it, but Bucky liked you just as you are. Tonight would be unforgettable no matter what.
“I appreciate the pep talk,” you said, thankful that she told you what you needed to hear. “I’ll even tell you the dirty details if anything happens.”
“Hell yeah, you will. Remember, at this point, I’m living vicariously through you until I find my own hunk,” she winked. “But I mean it. Have fun tonight and get your man.”
I will.
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After your shift, you rushed to change for your date. You somehow managed to arrive a few minutes early outside of Bucky's shop and took a deep breath to get yourself under control. Catching your reflection in the window, you smiled before you turned away. Since Bucky hadn’t given you any hint for what you were doing, you chose your nicest sundress and kept your makeup minimal. You looked and felt beautiful, though you wished you would’ve brought a jacket with you.
Maybe Bucky will let me borrow his if he has one.
“Holy shit.”
You spun around when you heard Bucky’s voice behind you, your heart fluttering as he met you on the sidewalk. Instead of the jeans you usually saw him in, he wore khakis, a button up shirt, and a blue blazer that matched his eyes. He had his hair down, perfectly parted on the right side. You were so busy staring at the broad, handsome man that it took you a moment to realize he was trying to hand you something.
“Sorry. You just… wow,” he said as you took the small bouquet, sweeping his gaze over you as your cheeks grew warm. “You look so beautiful.”
You giggled and quickly covered your mouth with your hand, butterflies in your stomach when he gently smiled. “Don’t apologize,” you smiled back, taking a moment to smell the flowers. “You look pretty ‘holy shit’ yourself.”
His nose scrunched as he laughed and offered you his hand. “So, you’re telling me I clean up well. Steve insisted on the blazer when I said I wanted to bring my leather jacket.”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Though I wouldn’t have minded the leather jacket,” you said. He would’ve looked gorgeous, as always. “And thank you for suggesting we meet here. We had a last minute order and I was scrambling."
"It's no problem. One of my clients was running a few minutes late and I almost had to take you out in jeans."
"I wouldn't have minded," you said. You both worked hard and understood that things would come up from time to time. "So, where are we headed?"
He cleared his throat as he led you to his car. “Well, do you want the good news or the bad news?”
Your stomach dropped a little. “Mmm. Bad news first,” you said after a moment. “Always better to end on a high note.”
“Bad news was I had planned to take you out on my motorcycle so we could have a picnic in the park. There was going to be live music and I would’ve asked you to dance,” he explained, looking up at the sky. “But…”
“The weather called for a storm tonight, didn’t it?” you mused, a wistful smile on your face when he nodded. The image of being in his arms under the stars as music drifted through the air made your heart skip a beat. It sounded like the perfect evening.
“Yeah. The band is rescheduling,” he said, tucking his hair behind his ear as he looked at the ground. “Then I thought I could take you to this art gallery nearby. They normally have these stunning paintings of landscapes and various statues, but the current exhibit is on human sexuality and reproduction. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but maybe it was too much for a first date.”
“Oh, come on. It couldn’t have been that bad,” you argued as he stopped and took out his phone.
“No?” he asked, tapping his screen before he showed you what you assumed was the page for the gallery.
“…That’s a giant dick,” you said before you could stop yourself, tilting your head as you stared at the phone. “And does that say BALLS?”
An older woman crossing in the opposite direction gave you an amused stare before you and Bucky burst into a fit of laughter. You had to hold on his arm to keep from collapsing on the ground. It was the funniest thing you had seen since you could remember and to think you almost saw it in person.
This date is off to a great start.
“Maybe I wanted to see a giant dick and balls,” you said once you caught your breath, pointing at him when he opened his mouth. “And don’t say ‘all I have to do is pull down my pants’ or something like that.”
But I know he has a big dick. I know.
He smirked as he started walking again. “Only if you ask me nicely, Sugar.”
He’s going to kill my ovaries.
“I’ll ask you very nicely, Hottie,” you teased, wondering exactly where you were going then. “If that was the bad news, what’s the good news?”
“I managed to get us a reservation at one of the nicest restaurants in town,” he said, standing a bit taller.
He’s trying to impress me.
“That's really nice. And I’m sure dinner will be amazing,” you assured him, hoping he didn’t beat himself up over having to change his plans. It wasn’t his fault it was going to rain. He could’ve taken you to a fast food place and it would’ve been fine because you were with him.
“Speaking of, I better get us there so we aren’t late,” he said, opening the door for you to get in. “Maybe if you agree to a second date, I can take you out on my bike and have that picnic.”
“I’d love that,” you smiled, carefully putting the flowers in your lap and trying not to appear too eager that he was already thinking of a second date. You glanced around the car when he got in and drove off, noticing it was cleaner than when he took you home days prior.
Did he clean it for me?
You grinned as he hummed along to the radio, watching as he drummed his fingers along the steering wheel. “You could’ve made it as a musician if you weren’t a tattoo artist.”
“Now you’re just flattering me, Sugar,” he said. “Believe it or not, if I wasn’t a tattoo artist, I would’ve liked to be a science teacher. I loved science and everything space related growing up.”
“Really?” you asked. He would’ve been a wonderful teacher, no matter what age group he taught. “Okay. That’s another date night.”
“What? Playing teacher?” he joked, taking his eyes off the road for a second to wink at you.
“No,” you giggled, carefully shoving his arm since he was driving. “We’re going to a science museum. That's our third date. I’m going to watch you happily geek out over everything.”
“Yeah?” he asked, glancing at you after he parked the car. “You’d do that?”
“Yeah, I would. I think it would be a blast.”
I just want to spend time with you.
A soft expression took over his features when he took your hand and brought it to his mouth. His lips lightly brushed your skin, heat pooling in your gut as he made eye contact with you. The look alone made you want to skip dinner and go right to dessert. Why not throw caution to the wind?
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he promised before he got out.
You exhaled slowly and mentally told your libido to calm down. At the very least, you had to get through dinner. He went through the trouble of getting a reservation at a nice place and you weren’t about to take that away from him.
“Oh, wow. I haven’t been here before,” you said once you got a look at the name. Richard used to brag about the place, but never actually took you. From what you remember, he said the food was supposed to be expensive. You didn’t want Bucky to splurge on you.
“I haven’t either,” Bucky admitted. A fancy place didn’t seem like his style. “But it looked romantic.”
You bit your lip as he opened the door, the flickering candlelight in the entryway alone providing an intimate ambience. The date may not have been what he planned, but he clearly did his research and put thought into doing something nice for you. When was the last time someone tried to do something nice for you? When did anyone go out of their way to make you feel special?
“Hello,” Bucky said as the hostess greeted you. “Reservation for two under James.”
The hostess scanned her screen before she looked up. “I’m sorry. That name isn’t coming up.”
Bucky’s cheeks turned pink when you glanced at him. “It should be under James, miss. James Barnes. Reservation for two for 7pm. I spoke with Charles. He confirmed it.”
You moved closer to Bucky when the hostess searched through her screen again. As calm as he sounded, you sensed he was anything but inside. You hoped he wasn’t embarrassed. Maybe she skipped over his name. A simple mistake.
“Charles did make a reservation for you, but he entered it for 7pm next Friday,” she said as she looked between the two of you. “We’re fully booked tonight. I'm sorry, James.”
Oh, no.
There was a tick in Bucky’s jaw before he shook his head and you wanted nothing more than to hug him. “No, that’s… It’s for tonight.”
“I’m so sorry. I can see if we can squeeze a table in for you, but it’ll be at least an hour,” she said, shifting uncomfortably on her feet. She probably expected one or both of you to make a scene. "I can get my manager?"
Bucky swallowed when he looked at you, his cheeks still pink. The candlelight danced in his eyes, but all you saw was sadness. No. You wouldn't allow that. This was your first date and it was going to be amazing.
You put a hand on his arm, his muscles relaxing under your touch. "It's okay. I know this amazing place that’s right around the corner."
"Are you sure?" he asked, the hostess visibly relaxing when you nodded.
"You have a good evening," you said to the hostess and tugged Bucky back toward the door. "I'm sure. Trust me. We may even beat the rain if we walk now."
“Okay,” he said, avoiding your gaze as you left. “Fuck. This is the worst first date, isn’t it?”
Your heart broke for him. All he wanted was to give you a nice evening and everything he tried fell through. “Not even close. And you have nothing to apologize for. Charles messed up the reservation, Hottie, not you.”
“Yeah, he did,” he said, his lip tugging like he wanted to smile. “I just really wanted tonight to be special and since I couldn’t give you the date I planned, I wanted to at least give you something nice. I couldn't even do that.”
Hearing that made you stop, even when you felt the first raindrop. "Tonight is special because you're spending time with me. That's all I wanted," you promised, squeezing his hand for good measure.
"That's really all?" he asked as he squeezed your hand in return.
"Well, not completely," you teased as another raindrop landed on your shoulder. "Maybe a kiss at the end of our date."
A wide smile formed on his face as he leaned in, not quite kissing you. "Whatever you want, Sugar."
As romantic as it was to stand on the sidewalk with him, the rain began to come down harder and had you rushing with him around the corner. “If you're still disappointed, you’ll feel much better when we eat. Antonia’s has the best food,” you said, holding out your hand in a grand gesture as you arrived. “Tada!”
Antonia's was a bit of a hole-in-the-wall kind of place. Not extraordinary on the outside, but lively and bright on the inside. The food and service were top notch. It was one of your favorite places.
“Wait, Antonia's?” he asked, a twinkle in his eyes. “This is where you’re taking me?”
“Yeah,” you replied, suddenly nervous as you faced him. Did he not like it? “Is this okay?”
“This is one of my new favorite restaurants,” he said.
No way.
"Seriously. I designed one of Antonia's tattoos. And I decided to check out the place."
He's full of surprises.
"Then you know you're in for a treat," you winked.
The hearty aroma of the restaurant filled the air as you went inside and wiped some of the rain off your dress. Antonia was speaking with the hostess as you went up to the stand. The owner was involved in virtually every part of her restaurant.
"Welcome to…" Antonia began as she looked at you, then at Bucky, then back at you. "Oh! You two… it's a date!"
Antonia looks so happy.
"Hi. And yes. We're on a date," you giggled when Bucky sheepishly smiled. It was sweet. "You wouldn't happen to have a table for two available, would you?"
Antonia put her hand over her heart and flagged down a waiter with the other. "Lover's special for these two. Go."
You exchanged a look with Bucky, who appeared just as confused as you were. "Lover's special?"
"Yes, yes. Come with me," she said, patting Bucky's cheek before she took you through the restaurant. You expected her to seat you at one of the few empty tables, but she passed them to take you to a door in the back. "Tonight is special and that means a special dinner."
Your eyes widened at the sight before you once she opened the door. There was a lone table in the middle of the room, flowers similar to the bouquet Bucky gave you sat in the center. Unlike the bright main room, the dimmed lights gave the room a romantic glow.
"Peter will serve you. And if you need anything, just ask, okay?" Antonia asked, putting her hand over her heart again. Were there tears in her eyes? "Two of my favorite customers. Together! Enjoy!"
You had to pause and swallow the lump in your throat once she left you alone. A restaurant owner showed more enthusiasm for your date than your mom did for anything that involved you. She likely never would.
"You okay?" Bucky asked, pulling out your chair.
"I'm fine," you replied, refusing to let the thought of your mom damper the evening. "A little chilly. I should've brought a sweater with me."
Bucky removed his blazer and put it around you, tenderness in his blue eyes as he rubbed your arms. "I can't wait to see you in my leather jacket," he said, helping you take your seat before he took his.
Oh, he's going to give me his jacket? Am I going to only wear his jacket? Fuck.
"Thank you," you said, inhaling as he rolled up one of his sleeves beneath the elbow and then the other. You reached across the table to lightly trace one of the tattoos on his right arm. "It was nice of Antonia to put us back here."
"Then why did you look so sad when she left?"
He caught that?
"She just looked so happy to see us together and I didn't expect that. It's nice that someone is rooting for us," you said, tracing your finger along his wrist before you stopped. "I'm sorry. I should've asked before I started touching."
"Don't apologize. I like your touch," he said in a low voice.
You lifted your gaze, seeing fire in his eyes that had nothing to do with the dim lighting. When he turned his hand over to hold yours, you made no move to pull away. You wished you could put your hands all over him.
"Hi! I'm Peter!" The waiter greeted as he brought water to the table. Bucky didn't let go of your hand. "I'll be taking care of you tonight."
"Only one taking care of my girl tonight is me," Bucky said. As much as you loved hearing that, you were glad he gave poor Peter a tiny smile so he could relax. "I'm kidding. It's good to see you, Peter."
"Y-You, too, Mr. Barnes. And you, Miss. You have the best cupcakes in town."
"Thanks," you smiled, quickly putting in your order before you gazed at Bucky. "So, James. Tell me more about you. How long have you been friends with Steve?"
"James is my first name. Everyone calls me Bucky," he chuckled before he shook his head. "And that punk."
You smiled softly as you listened to Bucky, not at all surprised by how easily the conversation went. Steve was his best friend since childhood and they served together before they went into business together. It was evident that he took pride in his shop and respected everyone who worked there. He carried the same affection in his tone when he spoke about his sister, Rebecca. He liked to frequent art galleries with Steve, but also enjoyed riding his bike, reading, and everything science in his spare time.
I could listen to him talk for hours.
"You know, you haven't said much about yourself," he pointed out as he set his napkin on his empty plate.
"I haven't?" You asked.
"No, you haven't and I don't want to monopolize the conversation," he said, leaning forward to give you his full attention. "I want to know more about you."
You tightened the blazer around you, unsure of what to say. "My life isn't exactly exciting," you said, wishing you could think of something clever or fun to discuss.
"Doesn't have to be exciting. I just want to know you," he said before Peter showed back up.
"Would you like to look at the desert menu?" he asked as he took your plates away.
"I think you can bring the check. We're going to skip dessert," you answered, giving Bucky an assuring smile when he frowned. "Let's go to my shop instead."
If Bucky wanted to really know you, you had to tell him more of your story. Your bakery was the only place to do it. And it would be the perfect way to end the evening.
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After you left the restaurant, with Antonia asking you to come back again, Bucky drove as safely as he could to the bakery. The rain didn't let up at all. You shrieked as you struggled to get the keys out of your purse, Bucky's blazer now soaked the longer you stood there. "Why didn't I get these out when I was still in your car?!" You shouted over the downpour.
"Why didn't I bring an umbrella?!" He yelled back, putting his hands over your head as if they would protect you.
The two of you practically fell through the door once you unlocked it and shut off the alarm. "We made it," you laughed, careful not to slip on the floor. He had his arm around you just in case. Tess was right, He wouldn't let you fall. "I'll get us some towels and you have your pick of any dessert I have in the fridge."
"You have any cupcakes?" He asked.
Your breath caught in your throat when you stepped back and caught the outline of multiple tattoos through his soaked shirt. "Yeah."
"See something you like?" he smirked, running a hand through his wet hair.
Fuck me.
"I do," you said, glancing down at yourself. "But I'm freezing and I owe you dessert."
Tess might also have words if I let Bucky ravage me by the front door.
You took Bucky to the kitchen and grabbed a few towels. It wouldn't dry you off completely, but it would help. You also put on some soft music. Not to set the mood necessarily, but just in case.
"So, this is where the magic happens," Bucky said, running the towel along his exposed skin.
"It is," you said, placing your hand on the counter. "You said you wanted to know me. It starts here."
"In the kitchen?"
"In the kitchen," you repeated, going to the fridge to take a container of cupcakes out. "I used to visit my grandparents every weekend when I was growing up. My dad wasn't around and my mom said it was for family quality time, but she never stuck around. The reality was that I cramped her style and she passed me off to them because she knew they wouldn't say no."
Bucky's jaw clenched as you let him take a cupcake. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," you said, gripping the lid tightly before you closed the container. "I remember crying because I wanted to take dance classes and try and make friends. My mom said I would be a terrible dancer and that it would be a waste of time and money. A great thing for a kid to hear, right?"
"Jesus," he whispered.
It wasn't exactly the happiest conversation to have, but you wanted to show Bucky a part of you that you didn't show to most people. "My grandma wiped my tears away and brought me into her kitchen. Said she had the perfect cure for the blues. Baking. And that's what we did every weekend until I got old enough to look after myself."
"Your grandma sounds amazing," he said, carefully examining the cupcake in his hand. "And baking became your passion."
"It did. She taught me to pour love into every creation I make. And that's what Tess and I do for others. If someone is having a bad day, at least they can have a treat and feel a little better," you said, pride in your eyes as you looked around. "My grandma supported my dream, but my mom almost disowned me for wanting to run this place. It isn't good enough in her eyes."
I'm not good enough.
Bucky's nostrils flared as he set the dessert down. "Your business isn't good enough for her? What the hell? It's flourishing. I can barely find a lull to come in to get some undivided attention. And your customers love you. She should be proud of you."
His defense of you was heartwarming. "Doesn't matter how successful my business is. She wanted me to marry rich, probably so she could get money from me, but I didn't. She berated me when I broke up with Richard. No matter what I do, I'm never going to be good enough in her eyes," you told him, patting the counter with your hand. "But this makes me happy and that's enough."
"That's why you were sad that Antonia was so happy about our date, wasn't it? Because your mom either doesn't or wouldn't support it," he guessed, reaching for you and pulling you into his arms. "She'll probably hate me. I'm not rich. Covered in tattoos."
"I don't care what she thinks of you. I don't need a rich guy or fancy dates. I just want someone who can provide companionship and support. Someone who respects and cares for me," you said, wrapping your arms around him. "A good, hard-working guy like you deserves the same."
It was too soon to voice it, but Bucky was the kind of man you needed in your life. Someone you could share parts of yourself with and know he wouldn't judge. A man who made your heart race beyond lust.
A partnership.
He stared deeply into your eyes and you had no idea what was going through his head, but his gaze told you so much. How could a pair of eyes be so expressive? "You're perfect, Sugar, and more than enough. You hear me?"
Tears welled up in your eyes before you blinked them away. He sounded sincere and unashamed at his declaration. You hadn't done anything to deserve such praise. "No, I'm not," you whispered.
"You are to me. You took a chance and asked me out. Soothed me when tonight didn't go the way I thought it would," he said, gripping your chin to recapture your gaze. "And you trusted me enough to share something vulnerable with me when you didn't have to. It means everything."
"I feel like I can open up to you," you said as the two of you slowly swayed to the beat. You couldn't remember why you were nervous about your date to begin with.
"And I'll take care of you. I mean it."
I hope he knows I'll take care of him, too.
"You know," you began with a soft smile. "Our first kiss was in your shop."
"It was," he smiled.
"So I think it's only fair that we have our second kiss in my shop," you said.
"You did say you wanted a kiss to end our date," he said, bringing a hand to the back of your neck, but giving you a chance to stop him.
You didn't.
Even though you expected it, you still gasped when he molded his mouth against yours. Your heart pounded furiously in your chest, making you both eager and pliant as he licked his way across your lips. When he brushed his tongue against yours and took possession of your mouth, you mewled. Desire nearly blinded you from the taste of him.
I want more.
"I don't want our date to end," you breathed, clutching his arms to steady yourself.
"It doesn't have to," he said, resting a hand on your hip. His eyes were dark and full of want. To have him look at you that way, how could you possibly end the evening with one kiss? Why deny yourself what you both wanted?
"No, it doesn't," you agreed with a coy smile. "So. My place or yours?"
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So. How do we think the evening will go? Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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leviathanspain · 1 year
i love you more than i can ever scream
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finnick odair x reader
synopsis: you wonder if finnick’s sacrifice was truly worth it
you sighed deeply, hoping to contain your feelings for when you were alone. but as katniss neared to sit down next to you, you flinched, “stop. please.” your voice quivered and you looked down, knowing that if you looked up, your face would be covered with tears.
finnick was gone. he had died, a horrible, painful death.
katniss stopped in her tracks and she sniffled, “i’m sorry. im so sorry.” her voice was hoarse. you looked up and met her eyes. “finnick and i both knew what the consequences could be, if this were to happen. i- i just didn’t think it actually would.” you whispered, quietly and moved to slump back down on the ground.
your face felt hot as you saw the group just overhead. you had lumped in with johanna, you had parted from her the moment you saw his familiar head of hair. but there was fog all around them, and you screamed as you recognized what it was.
“finnick! run!” you screamed, but it was useless, for they were too far, and the fog was too close to them.
johanna dragged you away, “we have to go!” and you screamed as the fog took him with katniss and peeta.
“finnick would’ve voted-“ annie’s voice echoed out into the room and you slammed your hands down on the table, all the attention turning to you. you realized with a deep pang that this was the only time they all had voluntarily looked at you, without any pity lining their eyes.
usually everyone gave you bowed heads, whispers and awkward smiles. but now, there was the flash of acknowledgment that you were still a person.
the sinking feeling that he was in danger didn’t leave you alone, and you walked through the jungle, hoping that you would find them. and you did, you found katniss and peeta holding finnick in the water. you screamed, running towards them, your hands shaky and your palms sweaty, you kneeled down next to finnick and watched as his eyes opened to see you. as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders, he heaved deeply, “y/n..” he whispered.
“you don’t get to say what finnick would or wouldn’t say. you don’t get to say that.” your voice came out as evenly as you had hoped and she faltered, “i-“ you shook your head and annie quieted, “this is all bullshit.” you stood up, the chair kicking back with force that it hit the wall with a cracking sound.
you shouted his name as he ran after katniss, hoping to stop her as she frantically ran back into the jungle. but you saw her screaming, and finnick began to whip his head around as he too, began to scream.
silence met your ears and you felt disoriented. finnick’s face was nothing but anguish as he cupped his ears, and birds, jabberjays, flew all around him and katniss.
peeta too had ran after them, and he launched himself against the force field that kept them apart. you neared the force field and stood speechless, watching finnick scream in pain.
the pain of his death still felt fresh. it all did. you felt like a ghost most of the time, you hardly felt apart of the revolution at this point, feeling like they only kept you around because your husband had paid a price they couldn’t pay back.
“you need to get a grip.” johanna had tried her best to be there for you, even if she was still recovering from the things the capitol had done to her, she had made a promise.
you shook your head, “stop. just stop, okay? im not strong enough for this, it’s eating me alive.” you sighed, “everyday i wake up and he isn’t next to me, i feel like a shell of who i am.”
johanna grabbed your hands and held them tightly, “he wouldn’t have wanted this for you. he probably would’ve given you some harsh pep talk, made you spar with him and call it a day.” you laughed weakly, knowing she was right.
you nodded, “thank you.” johanna nodded, “anything for you, just like finnick did, i do too.”
you looked down at your hands with hers and realized that maybe telling johanna would be a good thing.
“i’m pregnant.” your voice didn’t feel like your own as you finally said the thing that had been in the back of your mind for weeks now.
“is it-“ she spoke slowly and you whispered, knowing what she meant “yes.”
the silence was deafening as your bodies collided. you grabbed the fabric of his shirt tight in your hands and cried hard, “oh finnick.” you hadn’t known when you would see him again, but here he was, his calloused hands running up and down your back, he kissed your forehead, “y/n..” his voice sounded shaky and you looked up at him and he smiled, his eyes twinkling brightly.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Okay hear me out. What if the darling is like the goddess of fate, luck and constalations and she is close to other gods but most especially other celestial gods (yes, even apollo) so what if she decided that when buddha announced that he would fight for humanity, she got up, people thought that she is angry that one of her close friends decieded to abandon her but instead walk until she reach the human side, shocking everybody.
What are the characters reaction that she just basically on the human's side (lmao I bet during the voting stage both her and buddha didn't attend the voting due to the fact that he is a former human and she is busy since she is the goddess of many things. They would for sure vote no lol)
-You were known by many titles, Goddess of Luck, Fate, Constellations, Celestial Figures, Sun, Moon, Stars, and many more, making you not only a very busy goddess, but a very powerful one as well, but most knew you simply as Y/N.
-Since you oversaw so many different things, it made it a little hard for personal time for you, so you couldn’t go to parties like others could or attend the ‘mandatory’ meetings of the gods.
-You had friends, mainly other gods and goddesses who oversaw the things you also oversaw, like Apollo, Artemis, and the Seven Lucky Gods, as you were gentle and sweet to all you met, even crass beings like Ebisu or flirty beings like Apollo, something they all respected you for.
-Many knew not to cross you- as you wouldn’t hesitate to put anyone in their place, even Zeus, and you would do so with a bright smile on your face, which was honestly more intimidating than if you were just glaring at and scolding them.
-When you heard about Ragnarok, from Apollo of all people as he was bragging about how easily he was going to win his fight, you were absolutely furious.
-You hadn’t attended that meeting, due to your busy schedule, but had you been there, you would have fought for humanity, as you loved humans- they were hard working and never seemed to stop learning and growing.
-Seeing you in attendance made many of the gods worry, mostly in fear, as you weren’t hiding your anger or displeasure at this, as you had been telling Zeus and the other gods that, as gods, you all should have done more to manage and guide humanity, because it wouldn’t have gotten to this point, and now they were just trying to take the easy way out of wiping humanity out rather than dealing with the problem they created, refusing to acknowledge or manage them.
-When Buddha announced his desire to fight for humanity, you smiled, standing and many gods were quick to dive out of your way, thinking you were going to deliver divine punishment to this traitor.
-Buddha grinned up at you as you walked down to the edge of the arena before hopping to the ledge and walked along it to the side of humanity, where many were quick to make room for you, seeing such a beautiful goddess coming.
-Buddha roared with laughter as you took a seat alongside the humans, a smile on your lips as many of the gods shouted their outrage at you now.
-Your eyes lifted to meet many of their own, making their complaints die easily before you looked up at Zeus, who flinched, panicking lightly as you spoke, your voice carrying around the arena, “I’ve been telling you all for years to be the gods you claim to be and manage and guide humanity- but obviously you’ve ignored that and now you want to take the easy way out. I fully support your decision, Buddha.”
-He sent you a wink, flirting up at you, “Thanks for the pep-talk gorgeous.” Buddha grinned more as many of the other gods began to scream at him, furious that he was flirting with you, while you had just smiled, thinking it was amusing.
-While you couldn’t interfere directly with humanity, you silently prayed that humanity would win, earning their salvation and earning the respect of the gods, who, hopefully, would finally listen to you and do what they needed to do as gods.
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i-like-rocks22 · 10 months
I watched the Squid Game reality series so you don't have to.
1. It is just as grim and psychologically intense as the show. I went into it not knowing anything about the set up and expecting the format to have been changed to be less nightmarish; maybe the games would be fun versions, maybe smaller prizes would be available for individuals or teams, or different stages of the game would have different casts. Nope.
2. It isn't funny. It's overly dramatised (it's produced in the style of US reality shows so it really focuses on the worst in people). Something I didn't expect and was absolutely astounded to see is that the contestants have to fake being shot as a black inkpack on their chest explodes when they're eliminated. Some of them have a bit of fun doing an over dramatic fall to the ground. Most just sit down looking completely destroyed which, when you consider the format and the reasons people are there (severely in debt, can't retire, disabled children that need care) it's just absolutely vile.
(Honourable mention to the only funny bit of editing in the show: when the remaining 20 contestants get together in a circle to discuss the next task, the very American team captain gives a motivational pep talk consisting entirely of buzz words, then goes 'let's pray' and it immediately swaps to focus on the remaining Brits who look absolutely horrified (for those outside of the UK most Brits are either non-religious or very quietly religious and find overt showings of religion like group prayer really weird)).
3. Deeply uncomfortable by the editing and voiceover choices that repeatedly portrayed black people, particularly black women, as the 'villains'. It was very very noticeable. There was a particular interaction where a black woman was shown in a very negative light, and I am still unclear on what happened during the show (due to the choppy and unclear editing) and cagey responses from contestants in interviews after. VERY very strange, and has led to that black contestant receiving a lot of hate.
4. The amount of contestants breaking down emotionally through the show makes so much sense not only when you consider the conditions they were being kept in, but the sheer amount of bonus psychological fuckery that was included. Not just the main tasks but additional challenges, individual tasks, and public votes for eliminations. A lot of these happened at random in the dorm rooms meaning they had no true safe space in which to relax. The filming was evidently over at least a week and I can't imagine how emotionally exhausted they must have been. I hope the contestants would have been offered some therapy on leaving but I don't think that's likely.
5. The one shining light in the whole show was how, very differently to the original series, individuals started to work together much earlier and more thoroughly through the tasks. Lots of people offered support and words of kindness to those struggling and appeared to really bond. In the end, while a grim and unsatisfying watch, that was the one thing I took away.
I am perfectly happy to watch some trashy TV from time to time and I don't believe every thing you watch should necessarily be dissected for it's greater meaning. But, not surprisingly when considering the source material, this was so far beyond trashy; it was exploitative and depressing and I can't believe it actually got (excuse the pun) green lit.
TL:DR; the black mirror episode that would be based off of squid game? Yeah that was it.
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eagna-eilis · 1 year
Star Wars Characters at a Family Wedding in Ireland
ANAKIN - Gets extremely nostalgic about his own wedding and makes his adult twin children groan in embarrassment. Is in such a good mood that he isn't even mad when Leia calls him a fascist for voting Fine Gael, and manages to give his grandson an effective pep talk.
PADMÉ - So resplendent that the bride is almost jealous but honestly how could you be upset with her she's just so nice. Gets giggly tipsy over dinner and waltzes with C3P0 afterwards. Touches up literally everyone's makeup for them throughout the night and does a better job than the actual makeup artist.
OBI-WAN - Waits til the night is winding down then magically locates a squeezebox, fiddle, a guitar, and a tin whistle and hands them out to start a sessiún. The sing-song goes on until 5am and it's all his fault. His signature song is 'The Lass of Aughrim' because it makes him feel all literary.
R2D2 - Has at least four too many double Jamesons and literally starts arguing with the wall. Shmii finds him passed out under a table the next morning, wherein he swears he's not drinking until Christmas.
C3P0 - Wrecks the heads of the hotel staff over dinner with all his requests, to the point of embarrassing the other people at his table. Conducts impromptu ballroom dancing lessons while the band plays and charms the pants off everyone with his patient explanations of how to foxtrot.
LANDO - Pulls out a deck of cards and starts a game of 21s in the corner. Absolutely swindles everyone. It's okay though because he puts his winnings behind the bar so nobody has to pay for their drinks after that.
AHSOKA - Brings enough weed to share with a chosen few, like an absolute queen. Ends up hanging out in the loo for ages rolling for herself, Sabine, Maz, Kanan, and eventually Ben. Despite her relative stillness and quiet, she enjoys the music more than basically anybody else and people will quote her fondly slagging Anakin over dinner for the next 20 years.
SABINE - Camera queen who tries to look like she isn't enjoying herself. Fools nobody because she keeps grinning and snort-laughing. Her photos are a thousand times better than the photographer's and are the ones that the couple use for their album.
HERA - Helps Leia gang up on Anakin about politics because goddamn it, Leia isn't wrong. Hands out isotonic powder sachets and paracetamols to everyone before they go up to bed. They're gonna need it.
EZRA - Gets so hyper after consuming so much 7up that Hera has to send him to bed before the DJ takes over from the band. Sneaks down later for the cocktail sausages.
DIN DJARIN - Couldn't get a babysitter so he's tucked up at home watching The Late Late and hate-tweeting it.
GROGU - fell asleep in front of The Late Late. Delighted when somebody brings wedding cake to the house the following day.
KANAN - Literally will not be at peace until the DJ plays Kenny Rodgers' 'The Gambler' because it's not a wedding without it. Once that's done he insists on 'Come On Eileen'. Somebody's gotta be the keeper of the flame of tradition, after all.
CHEWBACCA - Requests all the group dances. Rock the Boat, The Siege of Ennis, The Macarena, The Walls of Limerick, Chain Reaction. Bullies everyone into joining in, except Ben who is the absolute antithesis of craic.
LUKE - Every wedding requires at least one merrily drunk uncle and Luke does not disappoint. Suit jacket? Gone. Top buttons? Open. Tie? It's now around his head while he stands on a chair playing air guitar to 'Hotel California'. Ends up puking in a flower pot. Iconic.
LEIA - Would have been okay if she stuck to wine all night but a single gin and tonic on top of the shitty hotel merlot and suddenly she's having an hour-and-a-half political argument with Anakin. Embarrasses the hell out of her parents, brother, and son by smooching Han repeatedly while dancing.
HAN - Organises the pre-ceremony pints. His sotto-voce asides are funnier than anything in the speeches. Quietly sings along to 'Brown Eyed Girl' by Van Morrison in Leia's ear while they dance, prompting all that smooching.
FINN - Sneaks into the hotel's public bar to check the hurling scores on the telly then reports them back to all the lads. Keeps his wits about him regards alcohol so he can take care of Poe later but eats so much cake he feels sick.
POE - Holds court in the bar, telling long anecdotes about his life that are only 75% true. Dances and flirts with all the aunties and nanas and makes them feel great about themselves. It doesn't convince Ahsoka to give him a spliff, though, because she is immune to his charms.
ROSE - The boomers yell at her for getting the DJ to play 'Celtic Symphony' by the Wolfe Tones, but she calls them hypocrites who are oozing postcolonial shame. Anakin offers to adopt her because now she's the centre of the politics argument. Knocks it out of the park at the sing-song because she knows all the words to at least 20 rebel songs.
MAZ - The first to place her handbag down on the dancefloor so as to coax the other nanas onto the floor. Jovially flirts with every man over 18 and under 60 that isn't her blood relation. Asks Poe to marry her.
REY - Finishes at least three other people's dinners. Sings along very loudly to every song that the band AND the DJ plays. Can't dance at all but it doesn't stop her. Should probably check on Ben because she knows what he's like but decides that tonight he's his family's responsibility. Loses her entire shit when ABBA plays.
BEN - Zero craic, God help the poor craytur. Drinks brandy as an affectation and starts quoting James Joyce after four of them. Gets extremely mopey after brandy number six and ends up having a long heart to heart with his Grandda Ani. Cries then throws up. Auntie 'Soka gives him a joint to settle his tummy. Subsequently feels better and then knocks everyone's socks off singing 'Raglan Road'.
SHMII - Begs off the party at 10pm because she's 97 years old. Still makes sure that everybody takes their hangover down to breakfast the following morning for a Big Feed of rasher-sausage-and-pudding, and maybe hair of the dog if they're desperate.
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dmedrrt · 4 months
I badly wanna start my own podcast
Please I need some help, vote for my podcast name. Just type the number if you agree.
(1) Simplifying By Irish
(2) Adulting Gen Z ph
(3) Self care pep talk ph
Please add recommendation if you have...
My content focus on what and how.
*What does it looks like growing as an adult, how to manage our lives, how to take care of our selves, how to know that you are in a comfort zone, how to detox, how to process your thoughts and more.
*It is about encouraging, motivating and to influence.
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 10 months
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Montgomery/Ralph (Fame 1980) Vs Nijocest (Argonavis) Vs Narrator/Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
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(No images provided for Fame 1980 and Fight Club. Vote for whichever one you like more. Only one will proceed.)
Propaganda under cut. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Montgomery/Ralph propaganda
"Montgomery is rather in love with Ralph, but Ralph just wants to be a famous comedian, and is incredibly self-destructive along the way. He also uses Montgomery to give him pills from his psychoanalyst (who Montgomery is in love with) and at one point Ralph kicks Montgomery out of his own apartment to make out with their mutual friend after Ralph has a breakdown. Ralph and Montgomery do kiss at one point, after an incredibly homoerotic pep talk."
Nijocest propaganda
"Kanata and Haruka's parents basically always compared Haruka unfavorably to Kanata because of Kanata's musical talent, but Kanata thought his twin was The Hottest Shit Ever, which mutated into obsessive posessiveness. As of now in the canon (they've just soft rebooted it) Kanata has been driving every single one of Haruka's friends away from him and trying to take over his interests, all in the means of "protecting him" because other people will always abandon him, it's not his fault that being constantly emotionally abused by his twin brother is driving him kind of insane and making him come across as a crazy person, but that's okay, Kanata's always there for him, the only thing that Haruka ever needs in his life, he knows he's kind of inherently unlovable but that's what brothers are for, right? They should win because they're both a hot-ass incest ship while also being a viscerally realistic depiction of abuse. I love them so fucking much."
Tyler Durden/Narrator propaganda
"Where to begin? They’re literally the archetypal toxic yaoi. That burning kiss on the back of the hand, the starting a cult, the getting a whole load of guys to try to destroy the world. The Narrator has no identity, and Tyler Durden is everything, consuming the Narrator completely. They deserve to win. To finish this off, a few quotes from the Narrator about his relationship with Tyler: “I love everything about Tyler Durden, his courage and his smarts. His nerve. Tyler is funny and charming and forceful and independent, and men look up to him and expect him to change their world. Tyler is capable and free, and I am not.” “We have sort of a triangle thing going here. I want Tyler. Tyler wants Marla. Marla wants me. I don’t want Marla, and Tyler doesn’t want me around, not anymore. This isn’t about love as in caring. This is about property as in ownership.” “Tyler tilts the can of lye an inch above the shining wet kiss on the back of my hand. “This is a chemical burn,” Tyler says, “and it will hurt worse than you’ve ever been burned. Worse than a hundred cigarettes.”” And another quote from the author: “On a plane back to Portland, an airline flight attendant leaned close and asked me to tell him the truth. His theory was the book wasn’t really about fighting at all. He insisted it was really about gay men watching one another fuck in public steambaths. I told him, yeah, what the hell.”"
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novumtimes · 7 days
Walz hails fellow cat owner Taylor Swift as he quotes Tortured Poets song
Sign up for the daily Inside Washington email for exclusive US coverage and analysis sent to your inbox Get our free Inside Washington email Get our free Inside Washington email “Coach” Tim Walz took a moment during a fired-up speech in Superior, Wisconsin, to give a shout-out to the Harris-Walz campaign’s most high-profile supporter — and reference a song off her Tortured Poets Department album. Kamala Harris’s vice presidential running mate, accompanied by his wife Gwen, was in full pep-talk oratorical flow on Saturday afternoon when he decided to share some advice with the men in the crowd. The Governor of Minnesota said: “Here’s my life hack for all the guys out there — surround yourself with smart women and listen to them and you’ll do just fine.” “That includes my fellow cat owner Taylor Swift,” he added, having shown off a Swiftie-style friendship bracelet from the campaign merchandise store. He continued: “It’s really great to have all of these women help us beat the smallest man in the world… Donald Trump.” That was clearly a cheeky reference to one of the songs of her latest album, titled “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.” Walz was speaking to a crowd of approximately 1,200 people in the Marcovich Wellness Center on the University of Wisconsin-Superior campus. This was his fourth visit to the battleground state of Wisconsin and comes as part of the four-day “New Way Forward” tour of swing states. Democratic vice presidential nominee, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, delivers remarks at an election campaign event in Superior, Wisconsin, on September 14, 2024 (REUTERS) Walz visited Michigan this week, holding events in Grand Rapids and Lansing, and Wausau, Wisconsin. For her part, Harris made two stops in North Carolina on Thursday before heading to Pennsylvania and then returning to Washington, DC, for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Phoenix Awards at which President Joe Biden was given a lifetime achievement award. Pop megastar Swift endorsed the Harris-Walz campaign on Tuesday evening, moments after the end of the presidential debate against Trump. In a lengthy post on Instagram, she said: “Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most,” she wrote. President Joe Biden introduces Vice President Kamala Harris at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 2024 Phoenix Awards on September 14, 2024 (Getty Images) “As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country. “I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. “I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.” Taylor Swift’s Instagram post endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 election (AFP via Getty Images) She added: “I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make.” In an apparent jab at Trump’s running mate JD Vance, the singer signed off her post as: “Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady.” The accompanying photo showed Swift holding one of her cats – Benjamin Button. Source link via The Novum Times
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Hi love! Been some time since I last spammed you, so I hope this is okay again.
And aaahh I can definitely see Bel try and slip the reader into every conversation she’s having, and try and do it smoothly too. Can definitely see her accidentally saying something she found out through someone to the reader and the reader then knowing Bel has been asking talking about her (in a positive and wholesome way). As someone who struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, I definitely need to read Bel calming down the reader. (Maybe something shitty happened with the campaign or at home and she feels like she's lost all control and Bel's there to anchor her?) Maybe that’s a turning point for both of them. For reader, it’s the start where she realises how much she’s drawn to Bel, who she’s felt seen and safe with for a while now, the fact Bel is coaxing her through her state of panic only proving her point further. But for Bel, it’s the same realisation, but she pulls away. Like, she’s never cared this much for someone other than Carter and it’s a different kind of caring too, and that truly scares the shit out of her. It’s a ‘No, I can’t and I won’t do this’ born out of utter fear from her trauma. Maybe reader worries if her panic attack has scared Bel away? But if anything, it’s shown Bel that the reader is only human after all and that she struggles too, but still shows up with a smile. It gives her hope, and she realises then how tethered her own happiness is to that of the reader, no matter how hard she doesn't want it to. 
And OH GOD. Reader catching Bel stand in front of her door stalling and thinking of what to say???? I’m kicking my feet and giggling thinking about this. The way you wrote reader makes me think she knowns a lot of people, yet perhaps Bel was the only one to truly show up and see how she’s doing instead of sending a little text, and that speak volumes to the reader. Maybe Bel promises to text (if they have exchanged numbers by that point?) the reader little updates so she stays in the loop of things, maybe some homework pointers too? Probably offers it herself because I can see Bel being a considerate wholesome bean for the people she cares about. Maybe taking the piss out of Jimmy a lot during school and reader playfully texting her to behave. But like Bel said, no one really usually cares about others as much as the reader does, so maybe that also alienates her a little bit. Like, surely she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is it all just an act to get votes? Will you treat her the same way? See her as a project that needs fixing or show the school she’s friends with circus animal Bel Price? But the more she’s around reader, she senses how genuine it all is. 
Maybe reader also catches Bel smiling like a little kid to herself on the camera after she’s closed the door, and walking down the street with a little pep in her step. That, or she’s still a furrowing and worrying mess because of how she feels. Ugh, I love her, your honour.
x 💌
Oh how I miss our little bel price chats!!!! Spam me whenever you like love!! All these points made me so happy!! I definitely see reader as someone whose had a hard life therefore views life as ‘treat people the way you want to be treated’. I add a lot of background and depth to her that I hope you’ll enjoy! And bel…I just love her. I didn’t incorporate the flu scene into the one shot, I wrote it separately but I definitely am going to add key elements such as bel being confused as to why reader is so kind and genuinely cares about others. (I feel like bel would find that confusing. She’s been raised a certain way and sees people as enemies, rather than seeing them with a fresh perspective) I really liked how you added bell analyzing it and asking if it really was for votes.
I will most definitely get that segment I wrote about bel helping reader with her panic attack out as soon as I can (or when you want to read it) I have missed you and hope you have a wonderful upcoming week! Thanks for being awesome! 🫶
(Also just had a thought! I can imagine in the early stages of the “relationship” upon meeting reader she begins asking Carter a mountain full of questions, but less of asking and more of an interrogation. Eventually it gets to the point where bel lets her logical side out and asks her questions such as “is y/n always that kind? She’s never not doing things for people? Can you think of a time where’s she’s…ya know-?” Bel wiggles her eyes and gives the middle finger. Carter eyes her cousin with uninterested tired eyes, it’s the redo of the whole “you keep Rachel busy while I look at her phone” fiasco. “No I don’t know bel…why don’t you just say the word? You cuss a shit a ton what’s the difference?” Carter says, but she knows the difference. Bel shakes it of, not wanting to say the word ‘asshole and your name’ in the same sentence. She may be a barbian and cuss like a sailor but she is a gentlewoman. “So you really can’t think-“ it’s followed by a large sigh and an annoyed “shut up bel!!”
Also try not to think of bel and reader meeting up to swing on some abandoned swing set in the park, just them. And Rachel happens to stumble upon them while driving or an errand and she’s so surprised but so happy that bel is laughing and jubilant. She goes home and as a small cry because she’s so happy that her baby is getting the love she needs.
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warningsine · 6 months
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Politicians across Haiti are scrambling for power after Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced Tuesday that he would resign once a transitional presidential council is created.
But elbowing their way into the race are powerful gangs that control 80% of Haiti’s capital and demand a say in the future of the troubled country under siege.
No one mentioned the armed groups as Caribbean leaders congratulated themselves late Monday for setting Haiti on a new political path, and experts warned that nothing will change unless gangs become part of the conversation.
“Even if you have a different kind of government, the reality is that you need to talk to the gangs,” said Robert Fatton, a Haitian politics expert at the University of Virginia, noting that gangs largely control the capital. “If they have that supremacy, and there is no countervailing force, it’s no longer a question if you want them at the table. They may just take the table.”
Gangs have deep ties to Haiti’s political and economic elite, but they have become more independent, financing their operations with kidnapping ransoms to buy smuggled weapons, including belt-fed machine guns and .50-caliber sniper rifles that allow them to overpower underfunded police.
More than 200 gangs are estimated to operate around Haiti, mostly in Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas. More than 20 of them are based in the capital and rally around two main coalitions: G9 Family and Allies led by Jimmy Chérizier, a former elite police officer known as “Barbecue”; and G-Pep, led by Gabriel Jean-Pierre, who is allied with Johnson André, leader of the 5 Seconds gang and known as “Izo.”
“Gangs have become stronger, and they have the upper hand in terms of security,” said Renata Segura of the International Crisis Group. “This transition is not influencing the day-to-day security of Haiti. We are very concerned.”
Shortly before Prime Minister Ariel Henry said he would resign and Caribbean officials announced the creation of a transitional council, Chérizier held an impromptu news conference and rejected any solution led and supported by the international community.
“It’s the Haitian people who know what they’re going through. It’s the Haitian people who are going to take destiny into their own hands. Haitian people will choose who will govern them,” Chérizier said.
As the upheaval continues, Henry has been unable to enter Haiti because the violence forced the closure of its airports. He arrived a week ago in Puerto Rico, where he announced his resignation in a recorded statement.
“The government that I’m running cannot remain insensitive in front of this situation. There is no sacrifice that is too big for our country,” Henry said Tuesday. “The government I’m running will remove itself immediately after the installation of the council.”
Chérizier has yet to react to the looming resignation, which he has long sought as he claimed responsibility for coordinated attacks on critical government targets that began Feb. 29 while the prime minister was in Kenya pushing for the U.N.-backed deployment of a police force to help fight gangs.
In recent weeks, gangs have torched police stations, forced the closure of Haiti’s two international airports and stormed the country’s two biggest prisons, freeing more than 4,000 inmates.
Scores of people have been killed, and the U.N. says more than 15,000 Haitians have been left homeless by the recent attacks.
It’s unclear whether Chérizier, considered Haiti’s most powerful gang leader, and other armed groups will accept the plan to create a transitional council.
The council will be responsible for appointing an interim prime minister, and the new leader will work with the council to select a council of ministers.
It would have seven voting members and two nonvoting ones. Those with votes include the Pitit Desalin party, run by former senator and presidential candidate Moïse Jean-Charles, who is now an ally of Guy Philippe, a former rebel leader who led a successful 2004 coup and was recently released from a United States prison after pleading guilty to money laundering.
Also with a vote is the EDE party of former Prime Minister Charles Joseph; the Fanmi Lavalas party; the coalition led by Henry; the Montana Accord group; and members of the private sector.
“The process that led to this presidential council … is deeply flawed and is going to make that process more difficult,” said Jake Johnston, a research associate at the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research. “Announcing a new foreign-backed government will be an uphill battle to try and earn any legitimacy in Haiti.”
Critics of the prime minister noted that he was appointed, not elected, to his position with the backing of the international community shortly after the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.
While Chérizier and other gang leaders have long demanded that Henry resign, Johnston said it’s unclear if they seek power for themselves or for someone else, such as former rebel leader Guy Philippe, which he believes is the case.
Segura said the role that Philippe and Jean-Charles will play in upcoming days is critical.
Philippe “is one of the few politicians who has an open channel with gangs at this moment,” she said, adding that it’s likely negotiations with them are ongoing. “He has a foot in both worlds.”
Gang violence has eased in recent days as public transportation resumed and some banks reopened, although schools and gas stations remain closed. A growing number of Haitians are returning to their daily routines, but food and water remain scarce in some areas.
Jonas Jean-Pierre, a 40-year-old high school social science teacher who was withdrawing money from a bank, said he doubts that Haiti’s current course will change.
“Knowing how our politicians in this country can never put their heads together, Ariel could be in office for another year,” he said of the prime minister.
Jean-Pierre also said he was bothered by Henry’s brief speech in which he announced his upcoming resignation.
“This is not the first time a prime minister left through the back door without saying ‘excuse me’ to the Haitian people,” he said.
Even if a multinational foreign force is deployed in Haiti at some point, that offers no guarantee of resolving the crisis, Jean-Pierre added.
Johnston agreed.
“You can’t stop the proliferation and activity of armed groups through force alone,” he said. “If you draw this hard line and rely solely on external forces to try and sort of kill the problem away, you’re not actually disrupting the root causes that generate that violence and these dynamics.”
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Did you see the Sebastian photo with him in the leather jacket and Bucky hair? The black and white one? He looks so good!!!!!!!!
Is it the image below, nonnie? If so, yes! He looks amazing. So much that I had to share more rocker!Bucky. If not, I'm happy to receive the pic.
Everybody Wants a Taste
Pairing: Rocker!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Are you really Bucky's girl? He thinks so. Word Count: Over 1.5k Warnings: Implied explicit sexual content, oral implied (m. and f. receiving), possessive behavior, slight jealousy and insecurity, swearing, slight feels (it's me), sort of getting together, communication is key, Rocker!Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: Some White Wolf and Luna that no one asked for! This can also count for Week 4 of the @the-slumberparty for Across the Universe!❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner by the amazing @sgt-seabass and banner by the lovely @rookthorne . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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When word got around that you were seeing Bucky Barnes, some of your friends back home told you to be careful. Not because you couldn't keep up with the rockstar, but because they didn't want him to throw you out when he eventually grew bored of you. Touching as it was, it was also insulting.
"We're having fun." you said in the group chat. "Nothing wrong with that."
"But everyone wants him!" one of them replied. "What makes you different from the rest?"
What makes you special?
"Nice fucking pep talk. Really. Appreciate the vote of confidence!" you sent.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"I'm a big girl. I can handle myself."
That was the last thing you sent in the chat.
You may have given your phone the finger, too.
As if you needed another reminder that girls, and guys, lined up to get just a glimpse of the man you somehow got to call yours. Some were better looking than you and others were nicer, but you refused to let it shatter your confidence. They didn't click with Bucky the way you did. If he woke up one day and decided he didn't want you, it wouldn't be the end of your world.
You took care of yourself long before you left home and wouldn't depend on a guy for anything. That was something you made clear when you started spending more time with Bucky. At least, you told him once you could form a coherent sentence since he fucked every sane thought out of you.
"It's okay to keep wanting me, Luna."
Being addicted to him wasn't something you anticipated nor did you want to admit that he had a hold on you. If you did, he'd have the entire deck stacked in his favor. But the cocky fucker knew he had you in the palm of his hand and you couldn't bring yourself to care.
Not when you were on your knees worshipping him like the god everyone made him out to be.
You waited for Bucky after rehearsal, knowing he could do with a bit of stress relief. Steve gave you a knowing smirk as he walked by. "Hey, baby," he teased.
“Hey, blondie,” you winked back.
"Don't call my girl 'baby', punk," Bucky said as his friend laughed.
Am I your girl?
Shamelessly allowing your eyes to roam his body as he walked closer, you wondered how he even got his jeans on some days with the heat he was packing. The rest of the band nodded to you as they passed by, knowing exactly what they'd witness if they stuck around.
"I don't remember texting you," Bucky said when he stopped, running his ringed fingers through his hair. "You don't have anything better to do than wait for me?"
Asshole. You're lucky I adore you.
Your eyes narrowed as you pushed yourself off the wall. "Plenty of other things I can be doing that don't involve you."
"C'mon, baby. I'm fucking with you," he smiled as he moved to stand in front of you. "I just figured you might be hanging out with Alice and Sunshine."
"Oh, we did each other's nails and had a pillow fight. Almost fell out of my top as I jumped around," you smiled, leaning against the wall once again.
You liked Alice and Sunshine. You'd be a bitch not to and they understood things that people back home wouldn't get. Jefferson was certainly more cheerful now that he had his girl back in his life. And Hal still adored his high school sweetheart just as much as he had the day before.
What's it like for someone to be loved the way they are?
"And I missed it? That's too bad. Didn't get a facial?"
You arched an eyebrow as he moved a finger along the swell of your breast. "How could I when you weren't there to give me one?"
"I can give you one now," he smirked.
You laughed and shook your head as you tugged him closer by his t-shirt. "I don't know if I want one anymore. I could find something else to quench my thirst."
"We both know you love the taste of my cock."
"Almost as much as you love the taste of my pussy."
He placed both hands on the wall and looked into your eyes as you bit your lip. "My favorite treat. You gonna let me get my mouth on you so I can have my fill?"
"Maybe after you fuck my throat. Maybe," you said before he brought a hand to your throat. He held it there, but didn't squeeze. "So you'd rather choke me with your hand instead of your cock?"
"Luna, baby, don't tease me."
"Isn't teasing just another form of foreplay?" you asked.
The flirty, fun banter never got old with him. Even on the days you didn't have sex, you found yourself smiling at his words and antics. It made it difficult to protect your heart. But like your body, it was yours to give the person you wanted and he had the key to the lock before you knew it.
"I want to see those pretty little lips wrapped around my cock," he stated, tightening his grip when you moaned. "Want you to choke on me before I make a mess of you."
The mere suggestion was enough for your thighs to rub together, tour panties dampening more at the thought of him using your throat to get himself off and paint your face. His thick cock filled every hole of yours to the brim time and time again, reminding you that you belonged to him. But you couldn't always give in so easily. Call it pride or a power move.
You'd both get off in the end.
"Sure you don't want one of your other groupies to suck your cock?"
Everybody wants a taste.
His smirk vanished instantly as he leaned in close enough that you could feel his breath against your lips. You didn't shy away from his gaze, captivated by the blue of his eyes. He liked that you didn't try to hide.
Caught in his trap, you couldn't duck and run if you wanted to.
"I haven't fucked anyone else in weeks," his voice dropped as he shoved his knee between your thighs without warning, your core pulsing as he brushed his lips against yours. "Thought I made it clear that you're my girl."
You swallowed hard enough for Bucky to loosen his grip. If Bucky let you in, that meant something because he didn't give himself away lightly. Sex, he could find that anywhere. Someone to stick around through the highs and lows after was another story.
One you wanted to write with him.
"You never actually asked," you said above a whisper.
It was weak to say it out loud and make him put a label on it, but you wanted to hear it.
"I didn't think I had to ask," he said, kissing the spot between your eyes with a small huff. "I thought you were already mine.”
Your stomach swirled with butterflies. "I thought you were mine, too."
"Because I am. I’m all yours," he whispered, playing dirty by rocking his knee a bit more. You were tempted to slide up a bit more and ride his thigh and weep from knowing he was really yours. "C'mon. Be mine. Be my fucking girl, Luna."
You whined when he brought his lips to yours again. You would have said "yes" regardless. "I'm your girl, but don't you dare break my heart. 'Cause I'll hunt you down and make you sorry if you do. I'll curse that glorious dick of yours, too."
Bucky threw his head back and laughed. The sound brought a smile to your face. "I'd expect nothing less. You better not curse my dick or break my heart either."
His casual tone had an underlying vulnerability that you wouldn't dare joke about.
"You're my guy, Wolfy. I won't hurt you."
And I'll be your Luna no matter what.
"Don't let anyone hear you call me that," he grinned, pulling his knee away to leave you wanting more. Tease. "I have a reputation to uphold."
You smiled as the atmosphere shifted back to the sexual charge. He didn't need to dwell on the emotions for the moment and neither did you. Your heart was full and that was more than enough for today.
"Guess you better shut me up then," you suggested as you reached for his belt.
"Oh, no. Still wanna hear you moan and whine when you take me in your mouth," he stated, stepping back so you could unzip his pants and sink to your knees. "When I'm done, you're gonna sit on my face and sing for me. Those pretty sounds of yours might inspire our next song."
"Call it 'Howl at the Moon'," you smiled up at him. "Dedicate it to me," you added with a wink.
You'd find out later that Bucky already had.
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Oh, these two. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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But before that...
Today, I’d like to talk a little about so-called generational wealth. Because all crime is organized here, I got to “wait” at every single intersection walking across town from here, because a chorus from Phil Collins song was playing in Ashland Safeway. Waiting because someone had *decided* gang notification style, to return no less than about $100 worth of bottles around collection closing time. 
I got to “wait” (in quotations because gang style) at every single intersection on the way here, the Ashland library, too. Minus the two different -337 variant license plated cars on the way to nowhere in particular. Amidst the crowd sourced mini coopers. Drunken “jaime” expy currently watches something “bullet train” themed on 9″ for me to see walking in (because same gang). REALLY crazy old guy sits on 2 watching “when I had my newborn” in red and white lettered subtitles (while wearing headphones) for me to see and read. Yeah, he drives a white van with a red stripe. All the same gang. 1, this terminal, was open because I sat down at 1:32; a minute before a 1:33 lee reference. Computer augmented gang activity within consolidated cartel power is fun.
So...*deep breath* generational wealth is everything you don’t need to buy, from hand-me-down clothes, to dishes, to books, to eating utensils, to furniture, all the way to houses, cars, land, corporate interests and the like, and anything beyond. We have food at home. Saying this means that “eating at home is cheaper” but only if you happen to have a fridge/freezer/cooktop, non-perishable food storage that’s secure, and safe commutes to and from where food can be obtained with some sort of shelf life intact. Without generational wealth, as in the projects, you’re going to be living out of convenience stores (for liquids with calories), fast food places, because even with markup, it’s cheaper than all the appliances you’ll never afford (I should mention that I grew up *on the other side* of the rich poor gap; so I’ve seen both sides). Childhood obesity/diabetes is when you don’t have generational wealth.
Sports cost money and couch potato-ing conserves caloric content and nutrients that would otherwise require replenishing; a life that orbits a coffee table between a couch and TV in modern times, is no coincidence. Pep-boys! Oil Stop! Drive through 50-point inspection! Exclamations referring to continuing inability to afford a mechanic; meaning you can’t afford the currently mechanically sound car you have recently driven from a used car lot. Having at best a several month window of drivability (You were wondering why cars parked in the yard on blocks are an Oregon staple, now weren’t you?)
College is never going to happen sans scholarship, because you have neither credit nor equity or financing. Where will you stay? How will you afford books? How will you relocate to where the college is, which happens to always be just outside redlining range? Where will you make the time between the multiple jobs to support all the siblings owed to limited healthcare and non-existent birth control? Street prices for handguns hovered around fifty US dollars for a long, long time. Will you hunt your way from poverty in the inner cities? A silencer to subsist on pigeons? This is really really important because most Americans now have no generational wealth, and moreover, no wealth generation capacity in sight for the foreseeable future. 
An important curiosity for the Latino contingent: You get to keep cartel proceeds, you get all the slave labor subsistence jobs where blacks aren’t welcome, you ABSOLUTELY must continue to live in the barrios (which are considered dangerous by non-latinos, to non-latinos, meaning nobody will ever visit), and you can’t buy white privilege which could make you feel more naturalized as Americans. So when you vote, what does that mean to you guys personally?
(Curiosity overlaps with the Japanese mappo problem; you can’t afford to follow traffic laws like speed limits because of where you have to live vs where you have to commute to, and what that window looks like. *They* have to be ever vigilant for *you specifically as singled out* by your necessity to speed, in order to career on by meeting quotas (that make them look busy enough to take care of them financially the rest of the time)
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thebad---catholic · 2 years
dems have had literally decades to codify roe v wade. i'll vote for my local elections but as a very young person, that's it. all of em are the same. talk a big talk then proceed to do jack shit in office other than make themselves richer. besides, i'll worry about my personal rights once i can afford rent/gas/groceries, which have skyrocketed in the last few months. sorry if this comes off rude, I'm just super frustrated w how awful everything is right now :(
It’s the fillabuster, love.
American politics is deeply, chronically, prodigiously stupid. One of the many ways this shows itself is the filibuster.
In a logical world, the senate could pass a law with a 51-49 vote (rlly, in a logical world, the senate wouldn’t exist at all, but that’s not the point rn)
There is no limit on debate time in the senate. This means that a bill can be argued for hours, days, or even months at a time. Debate must conclude before a law can pass. As it stands currently, 41 senators can issue a filibuster. 60 are needed to end it, and then the 51 can pass a law.
Now, in theory, this isn’t…terrible? Like it’s dumb, but there is value in letting the minority party say their piece without fear of being steamrolled every single time. Checks and balances or something. You can read more about it here
However, as you might imagine, this system is rife for abuse. Ted Cruz read green eggs and fucking ham to halt the vote on Obamacare . For 21 hours. Straight. The “debate” doesn’t have to make sense or be about the bill, you just have to keep talking.
The votes needed to change senate rules to abolish/amend the filibuster is again, 60. The last time democrats had control of the senate by that much was in 1978. While I’m not familiar with party demographics for that time period, it was more of a gray area than the sharp partisanship we have now. Party allegiance was a little…weird back then. Progressives like JFK and FDR, who both favored a strong federal government were in the same party as states rights anti-equality segregationists. So, it’s likely that in 1978, the democrats wouldn’t have had any motive to get rid of the filibuster like they do now.
All this is to say- no, the democrats have not had decades to codify roe. Things are even more all over the place on a state by state level. In PA, for example, I’d say a slim majority of the population (that votes, any way) is democrats. The problem, of course, is that they’re concentrated in cities. So, we usually end up with a Democrat governor, but a split or majority Republican legislature bc they’re from specific districts.
It is a right wing myth to say the parties are the same. They are not. The democrats are, at worst, spineless tone deaf liberals who’ve been in office way too long. Republicans, at BEST, are like Mitt Romney, who is a rare example of a “normal” conservative. As a whole, the Republican Party is a fascistic organization. They are explicitly racist, misogynistic, queer phobic, and anti-democracy. If you don’t vote in every capacity that you can, you won’t have to worry abt your personal rights, because you won’t have them.
We are dealing with a party that does not care about the democratic process, but does not CURRENTLY have the ability to fully act on that impulse. The way to stave them off is to keep them out of positions of power. Forever, on every level of government.
Also, affordable living IS YOUR PERSONAL RIGHT. Take a wild guess over which party is overwhelmingly against rent caps, raising minimum wage, unionizing, UBI, or having a social safety net of any kind.
I don’t think you came off as rude at all anon, and I am deeply sympathetic to your frustration. But I will not respect or placate your apathy. Apathy means oppression. Apathy means death.
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Can you do a klitz hc for when his s/o is 'popular' and is a cheerleader/football player thanks🌼
(I love this request anon<3 my guilty pleasure and fanatsy is nerd x popular LMAO I’m gonna do a fem and masc reader for this)
-Klitz x fem!reader/ Klitz x masc!reader
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Cheerleader!reader reader
Klitz likes you since freshmen year when you performed for the schools pep really!
You stood out from the other girls, you had something about you that drew him in closer
Senior year, english class is where you two would formally meet
the teacher picked partners for a scene analysis project of all the books you have this year or books before this year
and you we’re partnered with him
you greeted him with a warm smile and a wave, he could’ve sworn he melted on this inside
“I think we should so Romeo and Juliet since it has lots of symbolism we can build on…and I like it.” you laughed a bit at the end.
he thought you’d be more ditzy but he thought it was cute that you loved that Shakespeare classic
and hey, two unlikely lovers…like i don’t know…maybe you and him
You came to his house to work on the project! It very productive and you guys got to know each other!
After many study dates and hanging session, you asked him out!
at first he thought it was a joke
but you told him “Klitz you’re super smart and genuine and actually listen to me when I talk about smart stuff…plus you’re really really cute and I really like you as a person..you’re my type..”
He could’ve cried. We know Klitz thinks he’s ugly so to hear one of the most popular girls tell him he’s cute and her type. He’s in heaven.
Tells Matt and Eli, they’re both shocked. Eli is more jealous than Matt but they’re both happy for Klitz
When you go to school, walking hand in hand many were shocked. It’s Y/n and….who? Klitz? never really hear of him before.
You two realize your colleges are actually close each other! So going into college with this relationship will be easier <3 he loves it so much
feels on top of the world when you kiss his cheek in-front of the popular guys that liked you but like you said, he’s your type not them <3
Always comes to your practices and helps you stretch (his favorite part)
You bring him to cheer nationals and he hypes your up!
Need water? Here’s a cold water bottle! Feeling cold? Here’s your varsity jacket or would you like his? Oh you want his? You can have it!
Prom time, he think you look so beautiful in your dress <3
That night was the best ever. Slowing dancing with the love of your life and soon….the devil’s tango at your house ;)
He’s flustered when you tell your friends how amazing he is in bed and how big he is. Such an ego boost
voted the “weirdest couple” in the yearbook, submitted by Eli
Football player! reader
Okay let’s get this out of the way, Klitz is bisexual with a female lean
but when he sees you freshmen year, he’s swoon. The only people who know of his sexuality is Eli and Matthew
You look so handsome in your football uniform. He can’t help but stare <3
It’s now senior year and math class, he was surprised to see you in an advance math class but hey, it gives him a free pass to stare at you.
One day the teacher told Klitz to stay back, he didn’t know why he’s passing and he does well on his homework and tests
“I need you to tutor Mr. Y/n L/n, you have had the best grades all year and he’s starting to slip. I know he has football but he needs good grades to be able to play and graduate.”
Are you for real…? He gets to help you… just you two alone??? YESSS <3
You two meet up in the school library. You guys had a scheduled time. 5 minutes pass and you’re still not there. Gosh are you not gonna show up…? His only chance to-
“Hey! I’m so sorry dude! Practice was running later and I wanted to shower first so I don’t smell like grass and sweat.” you panted, sitting next to him, hair still a bit wet
God you looked so hot…anyways Klitz introduced himself and the two of you went to work
You were actually pretty chill to talk to and you guys actually have a lot in common. You two start to hang out more, sometimes inviting Eli and Matt along.
But the one night would be different. Klitz went to your house as planned for him to stay the night. He walked to your room and heard crying .
He came in and asked what was wrong
“Klitz..I don’t know what’s going on but…I find myself..thinking about you a lot and I…I think I like you..I’m so sorry..” you sobbed at the end
Klitz didn’t know what to say, he was shocked yet so happy. He came over and hugged you, “Hey…it’s okay Y/n…if I’m gonna be honest, I-I like you too…I always have..”
You turned to him asking if he was serious, he nodded his head yes. You couldn’t help but kiss him. Klitz embraced the kiss and it went on for a bit
Let’s say that night was filled of tears, kisses, confessions, and cuddles
But the only problem was school. You two didn’t know if everyone would accept you two, but you didn’t care, you wanted to show off your amazing, nerdy boyfriend
You will beat the shit out of anyone who insults him, you, or your guy’s relationship. Seeing that you do this, everyone respects you two and doesn’t try to start a fight with you
Klitz will ALWAYS come to your games, he’s your cheerleader <3
after winning or losing games Klitz runs to you and you pick him up as he showers you in praise and kisses. Even if you guys lost the game horribly, your boyfriends kisses made it much better <3
Prom night was kinda nerve wracking for you two, but when the both of you slowed danced together, it was like only you two were there
and later that night was…different yet special. It’s canon that Klitz is huge but you’re just as impressive and you made him feel so loved that night <3
IDC what anyone says Klitz bottoms for you <3 he likes to I won’t take constructive criticism on this
He’s brains and you’re brawn, no one can stop you two <3 Eli and Matt are so happy to see their best friend happy
in the year book as “class couple” y’all look so cute <3
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 11 months
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Montgomery/Ralph (Fame 1980) Vs Nijocest (Argonavis)
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(No image provided for Montgomery/Ralph. Vote for whichever you like more.)
Propaganda under cut. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Montgomery/Ralph propaganda
"Montgomery is rather in love with Ralph, but Ralph just wants to be a famous comedian, and is incredibly self-destructive along the way. He also uses Montgomery to give him pills from his psychoanalyst (who Montgomery is in love with) and at one point Ralph kicks Montgomery out of his own apartment to make out with their mutual friend after Ralph has a breakdown. Ralph and Montgomery do kiss at one point, after an incredibly homoerotic pep talk."
Nijocest propaganda
"Kanata and Haruka's parents basically always compared Haruka unfavorably to Kanata because of Kanata's musical talent, but Kanata thought his twin was The Hottest Shit Ever, which mutated into obsessive posessiveness. As of now in the canon (they've just soft rebooted it) Kanata has been driving every single one of Haruka's friends away from him and trying to take over his interests, all in the means of "protecting him" because other people will always abandon him, it's not his fault that being constantly emotionally abused by his twin brother is driving him kind of insane and making him come across as a crazy person, but that's okay, Kanata's always there for him, the only thing that Haruka ever needs in his life, he knows he's kind of inherently unlovable but that's what brothers are for, right? They should win because they're both a hot-ass incest ship while also being a viscerally realistic depiction of abuse. I love them so fucking much."
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strangertheories · 2 years
apologies if you’ve answered this before but i’m curious - what are your thoughts on mike possibly coming out/talking about his feelings for will to karen?
If Mike is queer then I think a scene like this is likely. Mike loves his mother a lot, he goes to her when he needs to cry and she tries to create an environmental for her kids where they can be honest. As she said, if Mike needs to tell her anything, she's there. I know she's a Reagan supporter based on a sign they had in their yard so she's not exactly an ally in the people she votes which isn't great but she clearly loves her kids and I think if Mike came out to her, she'd be supportive.
If there was such a scene, I'd imagine it would follow either Mike and Eleven breaking up or Mike getting with Will. Mike would be overcome with emotion and he'd go to his mother for a hug. Maybe (wishful thinking here) he could cycle to his mother and it could cut between footage of the deleted scene in S1 where Mike is cycling home crying after seeing Will's body. And then he'd reach her and she'd ask what's wrong and he'd just start crying and then it might cut to later on when he's calmed down a bit and he's talking through his feelings with her. Or not, I don't really mind. And then Karen would console him and give him some pep talk about how people might reject him but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him.
I know Karen is a Reagan stan who never knows where her kids are and nearly slept with someone who was way too young for her (freshly 18) but one thing you can't deny about her is she does love her kids. She's had a moment with Nancy when we got to see more into Nancy's mind so I think it'd be nice for them to something similar with Mike. It'd be a good way to hear his thoughts and also have a happy coming out scene. This is all a big if and they'd probably do it differently to me, but I think if they were to do such a scene, they could write it like this.
Thank you for the ask! I love your blog by the way (:
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