#stranger things five
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strangertheories · 8 months ago
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songbirdmunson · 11 months ago
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eddie will call you whatever you want 🩵
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almxndbutter · 6 months ago
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help i’m too brainrotted for this
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artthoufruity · 7 months ago
I don’t understand how people vehemently refuse to believe that a show about being different and not conforming to society’s expectations may actually be different and not conform to society’s expectations.
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astronglywordeddm · 29 days ago
i wish i joined the stranger things fandom after st5… I NEED BYLER RN AND I MIGHT NOT GET IT FOR MONTHS???
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redroses07 · 4 months ago
Might make some people mad over this…
y’all predicting who survives in Stranger Things five based on blurry ass set pictures is silly. Just because a character isn’t in ONE scene doesn’t mean they’re dead, and half the time they don’t even film stuff in order. So stop being like “El dies i’m so devastated” over ONE PICTURE. JUST WAIT TILL THE SHOW COMES OUT OML.
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metalmungrove · 11 months ago
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Eddie is a bit feral
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0aurelion-sol0 · 9 months ago
(So before we start with this theory & new post of mine for a long time since my semi-hiatus, I want to repeat that I do not want any new informations about season 5 or anything related to it whether true or not, same for any leaks, set photos whether true not. I ESPECIALLY DO NOT WANT THOSE!!!!! or interviews that are the slightest bit too revealing UNLESS I haven't looked at it myself and even then, easy on any of these. I know something minor about this season & have seen two things about it but that's it, nothing more.
These theories & analyses might be proven wrong or false already or in the future but I don't care, I do this for fun & as a way to explore different possibilities about the story that can be interesting or could have been at least. I hope everyone understands this & will not be a party pooper towards me just to have a "GOTCHA!!!" moment... With that said, let's get into it, shall we ?)
The Thessalhydra:
Back To The Future &... The Beginning.
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For this first post, I wanted to go back to season 1 as I found it was fitting to explore one of the earliest major fandom theories of Stranger Things since it's final season is on it's way.
"The Thessalhydra as the final threat from the Upside Down."
And while at first everyone at the end of Season 1 thought, obviously, that this creature would be the next threat in it's second season, the Mind Flayer poked it's head and said "not yet!", "I need to experiment with my minions first!" with a Vecna also slowly planning his own armageddon as well. And as much as I don't like him (& his season... 😒), he's here and he proves to be useful from time to time when it comes to theories or analyses because he still part of the show & can help up in terms of parallels, themes & plot.
But now, let's remember the last episode of season 1! The boys playing their new campaign about the Thessalhydra taking a similar turn to the one they did at the beginning of the first season (*wink wink*) & this time Will does a 14 (*wink wink*) & kills the Thessalhydra with a fireball. (*wink wink*)
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Now if this wasn't a tv show with multiple seasons, I would tell you that the boys obviously staged the whole thing for Will to win so that he can be happy and because they're all very nice friends & also not repeat the same game at risk of making him vanish again especially if the monster this time is the size of the Empire State Building, (sorry with the luck these characters have, I simply can't believe they can have a happy ending such as this one. WILL HAD UD SLUGS INSIDE HIS BODY, WTF GUYS???!!!) but this is a tv show with multiple seasons. And now, it has definitely become foreshadowing for what's to come.
Especially since in it's fourth season now, we basically have Nancy having an apocalyptic vision of Hawkins with a large creature which is describe by having a "gaping mouth".
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And if you look at her face here, she definitely did not find that thing beautiful in the slightest, though she is probably more terrified about the fact that she saw most of her family dead. 🤭
But would you look at that ?! What creature in ST fits that description ? Quite a lot actually but obviously you know which one I'm talking about, yes The Thessalhydra! And oh my god, look at what I've found on the Forgotten Realms Wiki:
"Thessalhydras were hideous and terrifying creatures. They had a large, reptilian body with a long tail, 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length, which ended in a pair of large, sharp pincers. It had no head, instead eight hydra-like heads, each about 6 feet (1.8 meters) in length, surrounded a gaping mouth filled with teeth and acidic saliva."
Well well, after that, it's difficult to argue what else could that large creature be!
End of theory! Bye guys! Thank you for reading!
Except I also can do that... 😅 Because I have reason to believe that this future Thessalhydra is a creature we have seen before. One whose campaign mirrors another campaign from the same season.
Yes. I have reasons to believe that the Thessalhydra and The Demogorgon from Season 1 are one and the same.
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Do you remember this ?
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Of you course you remember this, what a stupid question. It's part of a series of trauma that affected us deeply as a fandom, for different reasons (at least for me) but it proves to be an even more important parallel than we originally thought.
I don't need to tell you about the thematic importance of the parallel or what it means for the characters, we've all already gone through that already, I am more interested in it's significance for the plot.
So El kills The Demogorgon & Henry the same way. By disintegrating them. But that action doesn't seem to end the same way for the both of them & El herself.
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What is interesting is that the three of them dissapear in some form, Henry into an Upside Down gate but ends up falling forever through the Hellscape (a different dimension than Dimension X/The Upside Down though likely connected, the same way that Dimension X & The Upside Down probably are the same thing but it's not fully confirmed yet.) before ending into Dimension X/The Upside Down in some way. And we all know what happens from here on out, at least what we know of it since Season 4.
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I have a theory for why he ended up there, what is the nature of that place and did not simply disintegrate like The Demogorgon who I also do not think simply disintegrated but we will not go fully through that in this post.
El though ends up in the Upside Down after being taken by the disintegrated part of the Demogorgon or by disintetrating herself (though it didn't really seem that way to me) which I think is probably because the Demogorgon used it's powers on her since he could open gates or send anyone to the UD in season 1. (We will also get into that but not in this post, same for why he was so different in Season 1, both physically and in the way he behaved.)
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But the Demogorgon, from what we saw simply disintegrated and we never heard or saw any significant clue of it's existence again. Which again leads me to believe, if we follow the logic of what happened to Henry & to El in some way, it is still alive, somewhere.
And I believe personally that it is in the Hellscape right now, and in the same way that Henry got electrocuted while free falling in that place which marked the start of it's transformation as Vecna, I think the same is happening to The Demogorgon and is slowly being transformed into the Thessalhydra.
I think that El when she disintegrate something, she sends them into the Hellscape which is connected to Dimension X/The Upside Down as some sort of passage for someone who didn't enter via a gate the "original" or "right" way per say. Because being launched into Dimension X/The Upside Down in a state or in a way such as this one could be fatal so it's some sort of transition in a way.
And while Henry technically went through a gate, he was disintegrated before it's opening & that gate couldn't last more than a few seconds which I think is a result of the barrier between the worlds not being thin enough. Plus I think El gave way more strength into Henry than she did the Demogorgon with her powers which in turn also opened a gate behind him.
So as a result, he went into the Hellscape as some sort of "safer" transition between the two dimensions since as we know, and I hope, no gate before that has been opened in Hawkins before.
And as for the Demogorgon, again I think it's a point of it fighting back against El & using it's own powers against her plus again El didn't seem to launch the same type of strength of her power as she did onto Henry since she was standing much closer to the Demogorgon than she did Henry while also using an important memory of hers to defeat him.
Now as to why we haven't seen that Demogorgon or Thessalhydra in ST again, I think it's because the Hellscape was connected to the original version of The Upside Down, Dimension X in a way that it's not anymore with The Upside Down because what happened November 6th, 1983 changed more than just the environment but also the workings of those dimensions since the barriers between the dimensions are now thinner.
So I see 3 possibilities for the Demogorgon, to me it is still free falling through the Hellscape being slowly turned into the Thessalhydra or somehow ended up in Dimension X instead which is still connected to The Upside Down but is seperate it's own plane in some way since The Mind Flayer still come from there or is in a version of The Upside Down that is still Dimension X outside of UD Hawkins.
But still, some things are still up for speculation for how exactly it all works out in the end.
As I said at the beginning of the post, you take Nancy's description and apply to other creatures in ST like the Meat Flayer/Spider Monster (whatever you wanna call it) of Season 3, a gaping mouth with multiple hydra-like heads who in a way also gets defeated by fireballs via Lucas and it's fireworks which we see Will throw with him but the Demogorgon also fits that description with it's own gaping mouth blooming like a flower whose petals could look like different mouths coming from it.
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And in a way, it would be ironic for The Demorgorn from season 1 to be The Thessalhydra because if we follow the boys' campaign, the very thing that took Will back then, that he couldn't defeat would also be the same thing he will defeat in it's final season as some sort of karmic consequence for The Demogorgon & The UD as a whole but also as a way to tie it's final season with it's first season in a more concrete way.
It started with Will and it will end with Will.
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wistfulenchantress · 8 months ago
ok serious question because i think we all agree but... who says i love you first in canon (season five. we know it will happen let's stay confident guys)
please reblog if you vote!
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mikewheeleredits · 19 days ago
little low effort mike edit
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strangertheories · 2 years ago
I really despise the Marvelification of Stranger Things, because all the interviews nowadays are constantly referencing how fast paced and epic and big the finale will be but the reason people fell in love with the show wasn't special effects or long episodes; it was the plot, it was the characters, it was the mystery. Stranger Things 1 may have been a story about a government conspiracy and a monster, but that's not why we stuck around. The show can throw amazing CGI, Russians, a battle within the American army and an apocalypse at the audience with the biggest budget known to man but if they forget to ground it and keep it central, it'll just get lost amongst a plethora of other "epic" blockbusters. We want Steven King, not Avengers.
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satly-tea132 · 9 months ago
Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler
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almxndbutter · 5 months ago
friendly daily reminder that will IS going to come out to mike in s5 because the writers would never leave something like that unresolved and whatever happens after that, if they just stay friends or get together (or the scary third option of mike not accepting will, which would never happen imo haha), is what keeps me up at night
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artthoufruity · 1 year ago
I NEED smalltown boy to be in s5 you don't understand + I want it to be remixed dramatically for Mike
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astronglywordeddm · 2 months ago
i cant be the only one scared for the teaser
like i KNOW the duffers are going to trick us with mileven
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missingbillyhargrove · 9 months ago
Ross duffer’s new Instagram post- who do YOU think is blurred out 👀👀
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