#if you guys have any request or just want to talk my asks and dm are open<3
jinkamuraisqueen · 3 months
hello, id like to request if you have the chibis for obscuary! theyve been on my mind so much omg
hello!! sorry for the late reply, I don't really understand tumblr so I'm rarely active here😭
anyway, the chibi for obscuary hasn't been implemented in the game yet, so i currently dont have it</3
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as you can see, they're still censored in the game itself😭 i think they'll be available by the time we can pick lyca and ed at the start of the game! when that time comes, I'll post them:)
in the meantime, you can see them (although in bad quality) here♡ I'll go check the files if the other obscuary chibis are available in the game
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apute11as · 9 months
Chosen family - Barcelona femeni x teen!reader
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Summary: You’ve been keeping a secret for too long and the team start to figure it out and how to help you through it!
Warnings⚠️ Abus3, vi0lence, loss of parents, descriptions of injury, angst, hurt comfort, fluff
Author note: hey guys this is an angsty one, don’t read if you get triggered by any of the themes above! Hope everyone is well, I’ll be posting at lot more soon just getting through exam season right now! But yeah enjoy the story, leave any feedback or requests in the comments 🩷
P.s. My DMs are always open for anything, Woso related or if you just want to talk! Always here for anything xx
You tried to push down the worry of your current situation as you got ready for training in your room. You were only 16 years old, due to your mother passing a year ago, you lived with your father in Barcelona.
The team knew about all of this of course, Alexia more than anyone had been especially supportive, knowing how it felt having lost her father when she wasn’t much older than you. She’d become somewhat of a sister to you. Her, alba and Eli becoming the female figures you lacked in your life, always offering advice and help whenever you needed it.
They knew your father wasn’t the most loving and that since your mother’s passing he’d become a cruel depiction of his former self. What they didn’t know was quite how deep that cruelty ran. He had turned to drinking when your mother had died, you regularly came home from training to find him passed out from the alcohol. It had started as pitiful, he’d just cry and you’d hug him and the two of you would comfort each other, but recently his sadness had turned to anger.
He’d always had a temper and was never the nicest but your mother’s warm presence always made his outbursts bearable but now that she was gone he had no one to regulate that anger. At first it started with hurtful words, some aimed at you and some not but in recent times, his anger had turned physical.
The first time he hit you, you’d wanted nothing more than to cry into Alexia’s arms and have her tell you everything was going to be ok. You decided against that, using your better judgment that it would cause a complicated mess that you didn’t want to condemn her to. It had happened twice more since, on Monday he’d shoved you backwards into a wardrobe, causing you to cut your head, something you’d brushed off as tripping and falling which the team seemed to buy. Yesterday he’d grabbed you by the wrists and squeezed until bruises formed, before pushing you into the table where you bashed your ribs.
Now as you observed yourself in the mirror, you could see the dark bruises that had already formed across your stomach and ribs, matching ones adorned your wrists. You pulled your hoodie over your head and slung your bag over your shoulder, wincing slightly as it came back round and hit your side.
Ingrid and Mapi would be here to pick you up soon as they’d starting taking you to training as you’d told them your father picked up earlier shifts at work (also known as day drinking). Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door you leaped from your spot in the kitchen and went to open it. You of course, were met with the faces of Mapi and Ingrid who smiled widely at you.
“Hola pequeña!” beamed Mapi
“Hola Mapi” you sighed. What you weren’t expecting was for her to barge through the door.
“Sorry bebita I just need to fill up my water. Someone decided to take a sharp turn whilst I was having a drink.” She explained, gesturing to Ingrid who looked unimpressed at the blonde’s antics.
“Woah what’s all this?” She questioned at the various, empty beer and rum bottles that littered your kitchen.
“Erm my dad had some people over yesterday that’s all” you offered nervously
“Seems like they had quite a party” she said, getting at the sheer quantity of it with a raised eyebrow.
“Haha yeah I don’t know I wasn’t there” you replied
“Wait where were you then?” asked Ingrid, asserting herself into the conversation
“Well… I was at my friend’s house for a bit, then I came home” you offered, unconvincingly.
“Oh ok then, well grown adults really should be clearing up after themselves, we can swing by after and help you if your dad is at work?” Added Mapi
“NO!” You yelled, alarming the pair of them. “Sorry, no thank you he’ll be home later and said he’d sort it but thanks anyways” you said, attempting to save yourself due to the accidental outburst.
“Sure that’s fine…” Mapi replied, sounding unsure
“Ready to go now?” Questioned Ingrid from her new found position in the hallway
“Yep so ready!” You responded
The drive to training was slightly awkward, so you’d ask for some music in an attempt to diffuse the situation (it had little effect).
Upon reaching the ground, you hurried out the car and wandered a little ahead, fully aware of the fact that they strolled behind muttering about your odd behaviour. You made it inside with the couple trailing a few paces behind you and were met with the smiling face of Lucy bronze.
“Hey y/n how are you?” She beamed
“Hey Luce I’m good how are you?” You replied, offering her a smile of your own
“Good good, Keira kept pestering me about being late this morning though” she said with a sigh
“You were still in bed when we were leaving in 30 minutes!” Keira insisted with an eye roll.
You chuckled at the couple’s childlike antics as you walked over to your locker and began stripping off your clothing when you heard a sharp intake of breath next to you.
“What?” You questioned the English defender
“What happened to your ribs?” She asked in a hushed voice
“Mierda, I forgot about them. I erm tripped… and fell… into the bed post” you replied, knowing you had to work on your lying.
“It looks quite painful and it’s all around your front and sides, how can you do that from falling?” Asked Lucy, concern lacing her voice
“I just did ok, leave it please!” You demanded with a huff, pulling your jersey over your head.
Lucy didn’t push further, though she did make a mental note to keep an eye on you.
When you finally made it outside you were met with the warm Catalonian sun beaming down on your face. You had a mandatory team talk and then Jonatan, as usual asked you to pair up. Without a second thought, alexia gripped your wrists and dragged you to her to partner up. You winced noticeably at the gesture as her firm grip found its self on the new formed bruises from yesterday.
“Estas bien pequeña (are you ok)” she questioned with a concerned expression
“Si Ale estoy bien (I’m ok)” you assured the older girl.
“What’s this on your wrists?” She inquired with a firm tone. “Did I do this?” she was now increasingly concerned.
“No no you didn’t do it it was already there” you replied hurriedly
“What was it from?” She questioned further
“Erm from… the match? I had a tussle with someone she gripped my wrists too hard” you lied
“You’re lying to me bebita I can see it in your eyes” she scolded “but why are you lying I don’t understand” her brow furrowed
“Alexia! Y/N! Stop gossiping and get over here!” Yelled Mapi in a teasing tone, a tone that only she could get away with using towards Alexia due to their close friendship
“ay dios mío Maria we’re coming” replied Alexia and before she could say anything more you’d disappeared, already jogging over to join the group and no doubt, avoid her further questioning.
Training ended and you rushed ahead, desperate to get away asap to avoid questioning from the multiple behaviours that had noticed your odd behaviour or the state of your body.
You reached the changing room out of breath (more so from sprinting over there than the actual 2 hour training session you’d just attended). You quickly shoved your stuff into your bag and began to scramble away before your upper arm was grasped.
“Where do you think you’re going” rung the voice of Lucy Bronze
“Home?” You replied as if it were obvious
“I thought Alexia was taking you home?” She questioned
“Oh erm yeah tell her it’s ok I’m gonna take a bus” you offered hoping she’d leave you alone
“Alexia come here” beckoned Lucy, her body shielding you from the exit, as you groaned at the implications of this conversation.
“Que pasa?” Questioned alexia with curiosity
“Y/N says she’s getting the bus home” grasped Lucy
“No she’s coming with me? I’m taking her home” she was confused.
“I think the two of you need to have a chat” suggested the brunette
“Yes I think so too” Alexia responded, her disapproval clear in her voice.
The two of you wandered to her car silently, she kept glancing over at you, almost to check you hadn’t disappeared again. She even opened the car door and watched you get in to ensure your presence.
The drive started in silence yet again, with you picking at the skin on your fingernails, but that was short lived.
“Bebita please answer me truthfully when I ask you this…” Alexia began, her eyes not leaving the road ahead. “What happened to your wrists and ribs? Yes Lucy told me about that before you change the subject again” she finished
“I don’t know what to say Ale” you said, your eyes beginning to gloss over.
“The truth Por favor amor” she insisted, her eyes still not looking at yours.
“My papa, he’s taken up drinking lately, quite heavily and it’s changed him” you started
Alexia knew where this was going but she let you finish, unsure of what to say even when you did.
“He-he gets angry now all the time. He used to be an angry person anyways but Mama always used to calm him down and now she’s gone I just-“ you choked back on tears.
Alexia had pulled the car over and took your hand it hers, squeezing gently as if willing you to continue.
“He would shout at me, come home drunk and just scream” you continued. “It wasn’t physical for a while it was just words, b-but recently…” you trailed off once more, finally meeting Alexia’s eyes that were glossed over and full of sadness. “Recently he started to do other things. He hit me and threw me into things, like in something to take his anger out on” Alexia’s grip lay firmer on your hand as she let you finish. “It’s like he’s a different person lo siento” you spluttered as the tears streamed down your face
“Bebita you have nothing! And I mean nothing to be sorry about. I’m sorry that we didn’t notice sooner” she replied with a maternal warmth in voice.
“It’s ok Ale I was trying to hide it” you added, calming down a little.
“But why pequeña? We could’ve helped you” tears were threatening to fall from her eyes now.
“But all that would happen is I’d end up in care or on my own and I can’t do that Ale, anyone is better than no one at all” you urged.
“You would have had me! You do have me!” She corrected.
“I know Alexia and I love you so much for that but I couldn’t live with you, interrupt your life, how would you girlfriend feel?” You questioned the blonde.
“She would understand bebita you know that really” insisted Alexia.
“What am I going to do” you cried
“Is he home?” She asked
“Who?” You rebounded
“Your papa” Alexia winced at the name that in her opinion, that man was no longer worthy of.
“No he’ll be at the bar for at least a few more hours”
“Bueno, we’re going to go back to your apartment and gather some stuff and then we’re going to drive to my Mami’s okay?”
“Okay” you weren’t overly convinced yet you still went along with the older girl’s plan, praying your father hadn’t decided to make an early departure from the bar.
Upon reaching your apartment block, you gave Alexia your keys as she insisted she would go first, keeping a protective arm on your body behind hers. You let out a sigh of relief when you realised your father was still out.
Alexia’s eyes scanned the floor, taking in the broken glass and general mess everywhere, the two of you tread carefully over to your room. The first thing Alexia noticed upon entering was the sheer contrast of your bedroom, to the rest of the house. It was near spotless, with most of your belongings having seemingly vanished.
“I put most of it under my bed or in the wardrobe” you proclaimed, as if you’d just read her mind. “I didn’t want to give him any extra ammo” you half joked, but Alexia didn’t laugh, instead she pulled you into a tight hug, a hug that said more than words ever could.
You pulled away eventually, realising that you were going to have to start doing some packing as every minute that ticked by was time closer to your father coming home. You started by gathering up your football gear, as it was likely your most important possessions, asides from your memory box that you’d made up when your mother had passed. Standing there for a second, you ran your hands over the cold metal of the lid, reminiscing on a time when your family was “perfect” and things were much happier.
Alexia on the other side of your room, was gathering up some clothes for you. On another day, you’d cringe at the fact that your captain was rummaging through your underwear drawer, but today was not that day.
“Almost done bebé?” questioned the midfielder
“So just gathering some last bits” you assured her, before piling a couple of textbooks, your water bottle and your laptop into your bag.
Just as the two of you made your way out of the bedroom, your mind clicked.
“Wait!” you urged
Alexia turned around at rapid speed, a mix of confusion and concern overtaking her. But before she could question you, you reappeared at the door holding a stuffed bear.
“Sorry it’s childish, it’s just something my Abuela gave me when I was younger”
“No no not childish at all, it’s sweet actually” she smiled. “Don’t tell anyone but I’ve still got my childhood teddy bear at the back of my wardrobe” she admitted
“Sí, now vamos cariño” she insisted
You loaded your stuff into Alexia’s cupra before walking around to open the passenger seat door, Alexia following suit.
“I’ve text Mami telling her what’s happened and she said you’re more than welcome to stay at hers” offered the captain “if you’d rather stay with me that’s perfectly fine, I have a spare room, you’ll have to share with the Nala though” she chuckled.
“Thank you Alexia, I’m honestly happy either way I’m just so grateful you’ve been so kind” you replied genuinely.
“Don’t thank me chica te amo mucho ok? If you ever need anything or anyone I’m here, remember that.”
“Gracias Ale”
The journey to Eli’s was short and once you’d arrived, Alexia made quick work of unloading your minimal bags and carrying them all herself, despite your protests.
She did however hand one to you when the two of you reached the door, just so that she had a spare hand to knock with, which she did.
The door opened and you were surprisingly greeted with the face of Alba, Alexia’s younger sister.
“Hola chica, it’s been a while” she hugged you, albeit lighter than normal (the first indicator that her mother had told her everything).
“I saw you last week Albs” you smiled
“Oh yes… well it’s been a while anyways” she laughed awkwardly
“Hola mija” came Eli’s voice from behind
“Hola Mrs putellas, thank you so much for offering me a room” you smiled and hugged her back.
“I’ve told you call me Eli, and it’s no problem at all. I hope you don’t mind but Alexia told us what happened, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, you’re basically my daughter already”
She wasn’t wrong, even before your father’s drinking problem, you were here at least once a week for dinner (Alexia and Alba insisting you were their mother’s favourite child, to which she didn’t disagree with).
“Gracias Eli” you smiled at her
The four of you sat and ate dinner and discussed what was to happen, ultimately deciding you’d stay with Alexia for a little while as her apartment was closer to the training grounds and it would be easier for her to take you with her everyday. Then it was decided that Eli would file for your adoption, something you knew your father would agree to as just he wasn’t himself anymore. You’d set him up in rehabilitation for his alcoholism and see to it that he gets better.
Despite Alexia’s disapproval, you’d decided not to file a statement and testify against your father, stating that it would cause unnecessary issues and that you’d be far away from him anyways. Eventually, all was agreed and you and Alexia returned home to inform Olga of the plans, which to your slight surprise, she was completely okay with.
Alexia decided that the two of you wouldn’t attend training this week, you had no match anyways due to it being Christmas break so the two of you spent some time together. This helped not only you, but her more than you’d ever know. Ultimately, you decided that you’d tell the team what happened after the break, deciding now to enjoy the holidays with your knew found family.
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ophelisstuff · 5 months
hiii! could u write some head cannons for Caitlin?
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authors note : i’ve actually been wanting to do this for a while but procrastinating smmm. But thank you to the person who requested this ! And i’m making a tag list ! dm me to be apart of it <3
requested by : anon
caitlin clark x reader headcanons
warnings : none
• Overprotective girlfriend who hates when you give anyone else your attention.
• “Well it seems like your friends company is better than mine.”
• Her mind is full of smart remarks, always giving an attitude whenever something doesn’t go the way she planned
• You always catching her mid eye roll and scolding her for it.
• Caitlin would try and teach you every sport she’s good at. Or trying to teach you the basics so you’d understand them.
• You two most definitely have a secret handshake, which Caitlin spent hours perfecting
• You help her pack for away games because she has absolutely no idea how to pack a suitcase the right way
• Her camera roll being full of pictures of you, and her lockscreen being a photo of you two
• Caitlin gifting you a necklace with her initials for your birthday, never wanting you to take it off.
• Always having her arm around your waist when in public, giving every stranger that looks your way an intimidating look.
• Hating when you aren’t able to attend her basketball games because she considers you to be her good luck charm
• Caitlin would refuse to talk to anyone except you after loosing a game, too upset to conversation with anyone else
• She’s always quick to shut down any hate targeted towards you, not caring who’s feelings she hurts.
• Caitlin giving you unnecessary attitude for no reason
• “Well no duh. Who didn’t know that already?”
• Her bringing you up in interviews and loving to showcase your beauty during special events
• An absolute sucker for naps, she falls asleep on your chest while watching movies
• The two of you clearing your schedule to have saturday rest days, to just stay home and cuddle all day long
• Caitlin refusing to let anyone touch her hair except you. Not trusting anyone else to do her signature ponytail except herself or you
• Always trying to take you on surprise dates no matter what day of the week it is.
• Always buying you shoes that’ll match hers.
• When she gets a new pair of sneakers, she’ll see if you want them too
• Caitlin having you wear her jerseys at almost all of her games so people know you’re taken.
• Her trying to assemble every piece of furniture you guys own by herself and refusing help
• You two would definitely have promise rings that would never come off of your fingers.
• Caitlin refusing to let you open the car door yourself and always wanting to open it for you
• Asking you to do her makeup for special events, because she doesn’t want anyone close to her face except you.
• You two definitely being dog moms and spoiling the pets like they’re real children.
• Caitlin hating when it’s her turn to doing the dishes, and procrastinating when it’s time to do so.
• “Well, it’s not my fault the sink isn’t getting hot enough!”
• You buying matching pajamas for the two of you and Caitlin pretending to hate them when she loves them.
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misfitgirlwrites · 6 months
Alastor Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
Since the choice of writing all three won my poll, I'll start with this one because it was in second place! Next is Lucifer!
Here is my first contribution to the Hazbin Hotel fanfic dump, please call me MG, and may we all enjoy our obsession together 🕺🏽
CW: none!
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You could know of Alastor before the appearance of Hazbin Hotel or you could be hearing of him for the first time when you decide to walk through those hotel doors.
He wouldn't pay you any mind at first, just like any other sinner residing in the hotel. After a while though you'd pique his interest a bit. It could be something you said that he overheard, or something you do that he just so happened to catch that day.
It would make him pay more attention to you, but you wouldn't notice right away. It'd always be convenient situations; everyone being in the same room and he decides to stay longer than usual. Joining conversations with you and Charlie would have when talking about the hotel.
You always had unique ideas to try and get the hotel traction, and they amused him.
After a while, he would start talking to you on his own.
This would confuse you at first, since you two haven't really had any real conversation outside of anything hotel-related. It seemed Alastor decided he wanted a bit more than that.
You certainly didn't mind it once you could tell he was genuine with this interest. It started from small conversations as you passed each other to nightly talks at the bar that would last for hours.
Alastor would grow to really enjoy the routine of seeing you everyday. Soon, you wouldn't be seen without him close behind.
He would let you accompany him when he would usually spend the time alone from everyone else.
The first time you initiate physical touch would be when he starts to focus on his feelings for you. One day, you'd ask to hug him, and he'd agree much too quickly for his own liking.
After he hugs you once, please expect more of them. In private, he would 100% just cuddle you close to him but will deny it if you bring it up.
Alastor knows he has some sort of feelings for you but will refuse to acknowledge it for a while.
Because let's be for real? This guy? Having a crush on someone? With Vox attempting (and probably succeeding?) to watch him 25/8? Simple math states that's called a weakness.
Alastor wouldn't have many choices. He could cut interaction altogether, but that certainly wouldn't benefit him that much. He wouldn't have any worries, sure, but he'd miss you, and he knows that.
And he's never denied himself anything before if he wanted something so why start now because of potential bumps in the road? Especially bumps he was sure that he was more than capable of handling.
Alastor still wouldn't openly express any romantic feelings right away but his time spent with you becomes a regular occurrence.
He would so go to Rosie and talk to her about you (they're besties, don't you love it?)
She'd most likely be the one to call him out on his crush and push him to actually do something about it.
THAT is when he'd actually "fuck it" and decide he does in fact want you :)
It wouldn't be anything grand, but the bastard has such a way with words, so it's certainly romantic.
A tad bit possessive but 🤸🏽‍♂️
He simply can't help himself when it comes to you~
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Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Alastor or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all! 💚
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ham-st4r · 10 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽.3 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞 Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
Warnings: smut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, cursing.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung.
Summary: too lazy to make one honestly :/ but y’all know the drill probably a couple errors in here too my bad 😣
Number of words: 1,981k
Feel like this is turning into my other work “cyber sex” and I’m highkey disappointed but I hope y’all will still like it
Pt.1 pt.2
Find your way around!
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“You always make me feel so good, angel.” You hear Ethan panting on the other end after what had been nearly two hours of being on the phone doing and saying things that you never even dreamt of until you found him.
Despite your initial plans of not calling him back, you found yourself coming home from school the very next day and doing just that. You felt pathetic about it, using what little money you had scraped up from your part-time job just to have phone sex with a guy that was probably millions of miles away, and to top it off, he was probably also laughing all the way to the bank with the ridiculous amount of money you had already spent on these risque calls.
You shifted uncomfortably on your bed, pulling up your soaked panties and fixing your disheveled skirt.
“You had a good time, too, right?” He asks a bit hesitantly because of your sudden silence. He knew it always got a little awkward after you both came together, but you’ve never been this quiet after.
“Yes, Ethan. It always is,” you reply quietly, and he smiles from ear to ear on the other end, happy that you’re just as satisfied as him. You cleared your throat softly before speaking again. “Ethan, you don’t always have to pretend that you’re into it too. I’m fine with you just guiding me,” you say shyly, but it was the truth. You didn’t want him pretending that he was enjoying himself when he clearly wasn’t.
“W-what?” He asks, completely and utterly puzzled by your statement.
You giggle softly, finding it amusing how he tried to act like he didn’t know what you were saying, but it didn’t surprise you cause he’d always been professional at his job. “Ethan, I know you’re not really enjoying it, and that’s fine.”
He just laughs on the other end. “Angel, I think enjoying would be an understatement. I fucking love it when you call me. Love how sweet your moans sound in my ear, and you know what I love most?”
Your face feels hot from his words alone, but you’re still not convinced he’s telling you the truth, especially cause his job was all about pleasing people. He was probably just saying what you wanted to hear. “What, Ethan?” You ask him.
“Love hearing you cum for me,” he sighed softly, looking at the mess of cum all over his chest and stomach. “More than you know,” he whispers.
“Ethan, It’s fine if you do-“
“Angel, let me prove it to you, yeah?” He cuts your words, his voice sounding a little desperate to get you to believe him.
“How?” You question, not taking a moment to stop and even process what exactly is happening, only curious to figure out how he’s gonna prove to you that he’s telling you the truth.
“Do you have any socials? I would ask for your number, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he chews on his biting lip, hoping he wasn’t coming off as some type of creep, but this is the only way he could think of to prove it to you.
Your heart rate picks up as you mutter your social to him, hoping it wasn’t a mistake giving your account to some random stranger. Well, not exactly random, but a stranger nevertheless.
“That’s my Angel,” he said softly and quickly typed in your account, following you at light speed.
Without thinking rationally, you immediately accept his follow request and open up a DM from him, anxious to see what it says.
Ethan: Hi angel!
You smiled when you saw what he sent. It was a picture of his palm that read angel on it with a little heart drawn next to it.
But before you swooned over him too hard, that could have been anyone’s hand, so you weren’t so quick to believe him just yet.
You: 🤨.
You typed out your reply, and you hear him laughing softly on the other end.
“Still not convinced, huh, angel? Fine, tell me what you want. I’ll do anything to prove it to you. You have every right to be apprehensive.” Your timidness wasn’t at all surprising by now. After a few calls with you, he was well aware that he had to take things slow, which was fine by him.
“Uhh, maybe a picture of your face?” You say more like a question, and it comes out sounding more than offensive. “I-I mean, n-not like- I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, it’s just- ” you sigh, deciding to just give up on trying to explain yourself, and you hear him laugh once again as you whine in defeat.
“You’re so cute. Fine angel, my face you shall get” he opened his front-facing camera and put his hand in front of his mouth, palm open so you could see the word that he had written prior, and what better way to prove that he was l telling the truth than to show the residual cum coating his upper body from your guys not so quick session earlier.
Your breath hitched the moment you saw it, and your hands fumbled on your phone, trying to exit the screen, shocked by the image you saw. It’s not that you didn’t like it, but it was so unexpected.
So unexpected that not only did you accidentally screenshot it, but you hung up on him as well.
He heard the rustling on your end before everything went silent. “Angel?” He peeked at his phone, seeing that the call had been disconnected. He almost had a heart attack before he realized he could quickly get a hold of you because of your shared socials.
Ethan: Hope I didn’t scare you off ☹️
He anxiously awaited your text. Minutes passed, and you still hadn’t replied. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t want to pressure you into responding if you didn’t want to.
You clutched your chest, face completely on fire from the picture he sent, and you shamelessly eyed every single last inch of his body that was in the frame, and he looked so hot.
While you were having your fun, he was having a complete meltdown, especially cause he saw that you had saved the picture.
Were you sending it to your friends? Were you laughing at him because he looked stupid? Did you find it disgusting?
You probably did. Why did he think sending you a picture of him covered in his cum would be attractive?
Speaking of, he got up and went to the bathroom, wiping himself completely clean. Hopefully, by the time he was finished, you would have responded.
That was wishful thinking cause when he looked at his phone, he could see that his message was left on read.
He had the right mind to just block you and save himself the embarrassment, but it kinda was too late for that already.
Ethan: You there? 😬
The ding on your phone finally brought you back to reality, and you quickly typed a reply.
You: Yes
You felt bad you just left him waiting, but how could you be calm and collected enough to type a coherent reply after what he had just sent you?
He sighed in relief now that you had finally replied.
Ethan: So, is that proof enough that I’m not faking it?👀
You cupped your mouth, head hanging low in embarrassment because you practically called him a liar earlier.
You: Yes, sorry for not believing you 😞
Ethan: It’s okay, my angel girl 😘 so I saw you took a screenshot of the picture.. does that mean you liked it👀
You: Screenshot?
You reply confused
Ethan: Angel, you don’t have to pretend you didn’t. It’s fine
Your eyes nearly bulged from your sockets when you saw his reply because you didn’t screenshot anything.
You: Ethan, I didn’t
You told the truth you’d never screenshot anything without his consent.
Ethan: You sure? 🤨📸
He took a screenshot of his screen, clearly showing the part where it said you had taken a screenshot.
You: No…
Ethan: 🤥 yes
He sent back, laughing hysterically because why were you lying over something so trivial? Sure, if anyone else had taken a screenshot, he would have minded, but it was just you, so he wasn’t mad about it. He even thought it was kinda cute, in a way.
You: You calling me a liar? 🧐
Ethan: I never said that. I said, “🤥”
You: That’s the same thing!!?
Ethan: No, it’s just 🤥
You: I didn’t.
You stood your ground, but that screenshot of you clearly saving the picture was not helping your case. It was clear evidence.
You: You know what? fine, I’ll screenshot my gallery and send it to you.
Ethan: K 😌 I’ll give you time to delete it.
You ignored him and went into your gallery, and low and behold, that picture was the most recent one, and the pieces slowly came together.
Ethan: I’m waiting 🤥
You: Umm… so about that
Ethan: You did, and it’s fine, Angel. I’m not mad. I’m glad you liked it enough to want to keep it forever 🙈
You: Hear me out, I took it on an accident.
Ethan: 🥱🤥
You: STOP 😩 When you sent the picture, I was fumbling with my phone and accidentally took it. It was never my intention to save it. I’d never save a picture of you.
Ethan: Never? OUCH 😔
You: No, no, no, that’s not what I meant. I meant without your consent, of course.
Ethan: So you would? 😃
You: Yesn't?
Ethan: Yes or no?
You: I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it…👀
Ethan: So yes? Okay then!
Before you could reply, he had already sent you another attachment, one that made your face heat up by a thousand degrees.
Ethan: You can save that one, too, angel. I like the idea of you having me in your phone 🥰
You hesitated for all of a second to save it, not thinking about the fact that you’d have a random bulge pic in your gallery, but who cares? That would only be between you and him.
Ethan: That was fast. You’re making me blush🤭
You: And you’re turning me on 😶
Heeseung had to look at his screen again, a blank look on his face as he blinked a few times to make sure he was reading that correctly. That wasn’t the angel he knew. How the heck were you so shy over the phone and so bold over text?
Ethan: I can show you more, you know? That’s if you want it.
He’d be lying if he said his boxers weren’t becoming taut. He’d also be lying if he said his heart wasn’t racing in his chest cause it most definitely was cause he was literally about to bare it all to you.
You: More of what?🫣
Ethan: More of this
He took another pic. This time, his underwear around his thighs, his semi-hard cock resting in his palm while he turned the flash on so you could see the scribble of your nickname next to his cock, which had already grown more than an inch.
You: 😳
Ethan: Don’t get shy now. That’s exactly what you wanted, and we both know it, Angel.
You: I know, it’s just so….
You can’t believe a single picture of his cock could have you so turned on. You were heating up down there, and the faint pulse between your legs only amplified the longer you stared at it. He was so big and thick you nearly drooled at the sight on your phone screen.
Ethan: So???
He pulled his underwear back up while waiting for your reply.
You: Big 🫣
He smirked reading your text, and he swears you were the cutest little thing ever, so shy yet so bold he liked that about you a lot.
Ethan: That’s not even as big as it gets 🤫
You: Oh? So, just how big does it get, Ethan? 😝
Ethan: FaceTime me and find out 👀
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback. - 🐹
Permanent taglist🔖 @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist🔖 @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus
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honeyydrunk · 4 months
the nct fuckboy/fratboy agenda has me weakkkk omg give us more whenever u have the time ur so good!!!
ofc thank u !! they have me going delusional feral crazy barking and meowing !! let me do it for you let me write it out ANY MORE REQUESTS LEMME KNOW !!
part 1 link NCT COLLEGE FUCKBOYS PART 2 ten jeno jungwoo hendery yangyang renjun xiaojun winwin
ten lee chittaphon leechaiyapornkul is a whore. absolute whore. he's raising those neos into SLUTS. his reputation precedes him bc he is so pretty, so flexible, so ughhhhhhhhhhh !!!! like you see him for the first time and you know why people say he's got a body count bigger than his age. everyone wants to fuck himmm. he's so pretty, and even even prettier fucked out. messy hair and everything.
he's always flirting with someone new in the hallway when you see him. and like taeyong, his sex tapes get sent AROUND. people come up to him at school randomly and beg for 1 night w him. he's slept w all the neos at one point im sure about that.
you knew about how much of a SLUT bro was. but once you saw one of his sex tapes w johnny, you found yourself showed up outside of his class and begged for him. he responded that you should dm him w your application and he might get back to you about it. lee jeno 💪 bro is ur average athlete player fuckboy. THE cliche. smokes behind the benches, rich family, somehow top of the class. the one that everyone swears they won't fall for but they all want. you see a new girl on his arm each week and it hurts. but you've already fallen, it's just a matter of time. he'll start wearing you down and he didn't even know he did it. but you did. pulling the triangle technique when you lock eyes, catching you when you fall. and eventually he'll be right behind you when you shamefully admit to your friend that you want him. when he fucks you gone in his car? you know you need to get him to stay with you. you couldn't live without this. like you need his dick to even function. you've given up your life for him, just so that when he asks you're available to suck his dick.
JUNGWOO,,,, oh my god. he's so crazy. y'all remember the 2 baddies fuckboy jungwoo era. imagine that, but that's his default setting. man's still sugaring candy, but it's ur candy this time. he's sucking ur pussy if u didn't understand what doja said. he's the quiet slut. the whole school doesn't talk about him like they do mark, ten, taeyong and jeno. but when you see him? you're done for. batshit crazy delusional. his whole demeanour and personality is straight flirting, pulling his shirt up at every opportunity. the way he walks around the school with his sweet perfume trailing, he gets people going feral over him. people will just walk up and beg for him to fuck him, and ofc jungwoo obliges if they're hot enough.
he's so sweet when you taste him, like his cum is sweeter than sugar. his perfume too. everything about him is like a candy drug. a pretty moan when you suck him dry. he's so pretty and sweet that makes you cum too. genuinely, you start following him around school just so you can smell him. you don't even care it's creepy.
H E N D E R Y is the epitome of "so weird you forget he's hot." he's actually extremely popular. genuinely friends with everyone. people are a little hesitant because they know he's part of the neo slut gang, and they see him acting a little unusual special crazy. but they actually have a conversation with him and suddenly they realise, bro this guy is amazing. and jus like that he's friends with everyone.
but then, uh well here comes a strange phenomenon. you've only seen him being silly, a little whimsical even. but when you see him zoned out, or concentrating for once? ..... "oh". because you finally realise how beautiful he is. an actual prince. it's not exaggerated to say he's taken your breath away. you're in love. imagine how much it hurts to go to a party and realise that you're not the only one in the room that is. so many people had that exact experience as you. learning how beautiful he truly is, falling in love, and begging for him. you see him in the corner, zoned out from the loud music and watch one of the guys you're mutually friends with have that phenomenon right there and then, pulling him away to a cupboard.
the same thing happened 3 times that night. liu yangyang international exchange fuckboy. he doesn't realise he's a fuckboy though. with the whole funny and cute personality going on, he thinks he's just got an amazing ability to pull people. sleeping with a different person or multiple people at a party, to seeing someone new every day and asking for their instagram. bro doesn't even know about the horrendous reputation he's got. "dude people say i'm a slut? nahhh that's crazy."
yangyang is of the opinion he's just a funny chill guy. down for anything, including a little fun fuck times whenever someone asks. and while that's his reasoning, he doesn't quite understand how it looks to everyone else. a rich guy coming back from germany, taiwan, and wherever else for weekend getaway bender and driving to school in a luxury car with a new girl in it almost every day.
when he fucks? it's just like his personality. fun and hyper. bros fucking for a good time and with him it's definitely a good time. spilling cum on the luxury leather seats, tinted windows and a surround sound system. yeah,,,,, you see why he does this so often. it's genuinely so much fun. better make sure you give him a really good time though, so he invites you to his apartment next time.
renjunnie the most smug class president for some, and nct's little plaything to others. it really depends on who you ask. for people in his class, he is the most obnoxious, smug, annoying ahh know it all, with the biggest dick. (a stick up his ass which is obviously jenos). genuinely, every person he's tutored has ended up unfortunately eyeing him instead of the book. how did that end? with him being just as rude and bitchy as he fucks you. measuring how much he pleases you by how much you can answer while fucked out.
but for the ones that know of the dreamies having their way with him can't possibly see him as anything other than a little toy. the way the other six just devour that man is actually quite shocking. lowkey surprised bro can even walk.
xiaojun oh my lord. this man's moans are heavenly. you actually cum when you hear them. (lowkey think some czennie do when he hits those notes). he's part of the nct moaner gets passed around line with renjun, haechan, taeyong, and ten. horrid sex tapes.
he looks so beautiful. standing in front of the school performance during an assembly, halting everyone with his voice. if you could look around, you'd see everyone frozen. haunted by his siren song and face that launched a thousands wars. everyone in that room was looking at him, and only him. in that room, no one was in a relationship. how could they love anyone else except him.
countless marriage proposals, dowrys of billions. everyone in that room would give xiaojun the world in exchange for a sliver of his love. no joke someone has given him a car in exchange for his private instagram account. winwin bros got the cha eunwoo effect. the campus crush. he hangs out with the china line horrid fuckboys , yangyang hendery chenle. but who cares? that actually elevates his status. literally a rose in a garden of slutty ahh thorns. that's not to say he's not a giant fuckboy. he's just quieter about it.
with his quiet excuses, sneak dates an hour away, his subtle ways of affection. he says he doesn't want attention, so you can't publicly date. but that's just so the other girls won't find out. he doesn't even think he's dating you, just seeing where it goes. eventually you'll call it off, "making it easier on your friendship" you say. that's how he goes through so many girls.
taking you to a beautiful garden several hours out of the city, you think it's romantic. he uses a different phone to text with you, 'so the guys don't go through my regular one and tease you'.
enjoying the sunlight he's slowly fingering you so you're focused on his love, and not seeing what's right in front of you
tags: @stanskzorillkickyou you asked for yangyang bbg !!
prev: haechan, mark, johnny, yuta, jaemin, kun, chenle, jisung next: jaehyun doyoung taeil lucas
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: smooth as butter Steve flirting with Eddie while the CC boys watch in shock as their ruthless Eddie turns red(?) and gets all blushy bc he doesn't know how to deal with this STEVE???? making it better:it happens during DND the one time Eddie gets Steve to play & the entire time Steve's human bard character flirting hardcore with Eddie via his NPC's (the kids aren't involved in this one just Steddie & Corroded Coffin boys)
MY LOVEEEEEEE!!!! Okay I have never played. I know. Hush, I know. My best friend wants me to so bad she bought me dice. And like, I probably will, but like Steve, my brain is trying to not only deal with math, but also just how involved it all is. I like games that take about half a brain cell. I'm also super bad at the flirting thing, in real life and when writing. I just cannot do it my friends. But I did my best here and I hope it isn't the worst😂 - Mickala ❤️
He was doing this for Dustin.
He made a character sheet with Lucas, went over the basics, learned that maybe the math part wouldn’t be so bad.
And then he convinced Eddie to let him do a one shot with the Corroded Coffin guys so he could get a feel for it all without Dustin knowing.
He didn’t get that creative with his character according to Lucas, but he was also supportive and understanding that Steve wasn’t doing this as a regular thing.
Eddie explained to the guys that they needed to be patient, that Steve was genuinely trying to learn.
“Everyone was new once, so I don’t wanna hear anything from any of you about how annoying it is to have to take it so slow and explain everything. He’s trying to do a nice thing for Henderson and we’re going to be nice.”
Everyone groaned, but nodded in agreement.
“Are we talking about your crush on him yet, or is that still off the table?” Gareth had the gall to ask.
“There’s no crush to even have on the table,” Eddie said.
“Sure, dude.”
Things were not going well.
Well, okay, they weren’t going bad.
It’s just that Lucas apparently explained to Steve that being in character was very important and Steve failed to mention that his character’s charisma was the highest possible option.
He shouldn’t be surprised by that.
Maybe he’s just surprised with all the blatant flirting.
The guys keep shooting him looks like they know that he’s struggling, that they can see that he is barely able to hold onto the power the DM usually has.
“The guard stops you, but he recognizes you. ‘You’re the one who stole the sword!’ he yells, catching the attention of the other guards. You panic because your party is still hiding in the bush with strict instructions not to be seen unless they draw their weapons on you. How will you respond?”
Steve smirked.
Not good. Run away. Get out, Munson, you’re fucked.
But he couldn’t leave.
He was the DM, and they were barely halfway done with what he had planned.
He had to see this through and he had to give Steve the best possible introduction to this game.
It was for Dustin.
“I’d probably have to insist that it wasn’t me he saw, but that I sure wish I’d seen him before. Maybe wink at him,” Steve said. “Actually, definitely wink at him.”
Steve looked at everyone else, smile silently asking for approval.
Everyone smirked at Eddie before giving him a thumbs up.
He’d be saying something later for sure.
“The guard is still suspicious, but waves the other guards off. He looks you over, circles you, decides to take your only weapon.”
“Not my only weapon. I still have plenty of time to distract him.”
Eddie squints at him, just as suspicious as the guard in their game.
“Roll for-”
“Persuasion, right?” Steve interrupted.
“Sure. Roll for persuasion, Stevie,” Eddie pretended not to be flustered at Steve remembering aspects of the game.
“18!” Steve yelled. “Plus the 13. So that’s…” he held his hand up while he thought about it. “31!”
Everyone at the table cheered except for Eddie.
He knew what was coming.
“I offer to let the guard check me for weapons in private if he’s still suspicious. I tell him it’s better to take all my clothes off where he can do something about it.”
Eddie hated what was happening.
He hated that he could feel how red his face was, and how much Steve was thriving off of putting Eddie off of his own game.
He hated the way the guys were all watching, literally holding their breath for Eddie’s reaction.
“The guard decides to lead you past the gate, but instead of taking you to the entrance to the castle, he leads you down a side road. It leads to a small cottage, and you start to worry that your party won’t find you.”
Steve doesn’t even hesitate.
“I let him lead me where he wants. I can take it.”
Eddie is going to die. Right here.
Steve knows what he’s doing, what he’s saying.
He knows what he is doing to Eddie.
And, okay, maybe they haven’t talked about it, maybe they’ve both been avoiding the very obvious tension between them for months. Maybe Eddie could have taken a chance any of the times they’ve been alone lately to finally talk about it.
Or maybe Steve would just keep flirting with him through this stupid game until Eddie couldn’t even do what he needed to do.
And everyone around them would just get to watch it unfold.
Jeff, his only friend at the moment, cleared his throat and decided to speak up.
“I think the rest of the party should follow. Just in case he needs backup. Guys?”
Thank God for Jeff.
It continues, the rest of the party finds a way to get past the guards, and Eddie admits to himself that he’s making it easier on purpose.
He wants, no, needs this game to end.
And he gets his wish ten minutes later when the phone rings and it’s Dustin, begging for a ride.
Eddie ignores the fact that he called his trailer knowing Steve would be here already, but the rest of the group doesn’t.
While Steve is on the phone, they all quietly tease Eddie.
“If I knew Steve would fluster you this much, I think we would have invited him a long time ago,” Grant said.
“Yeah, we probably would’ve had much easier campaigns if he joined in high school,” Gareth added.
“Yeah? Next time you all get to die, how about that? Terrible, bloody deaths. Gareth gets tortured.”
Before any of them could answer, Steve came into the room, looking a bit sad.
“Sorry about this guys. I couldn’t really come up with a reason that I couldn’t go without giving it away what I was doing. We could pause and come back to it later?”
Eddie knew the guys would be fine with just calling it here; They’d managed to get far enough along that they knew it would have been a good win for them.
“Nah, you did good. Maybe you can join us for real after Dustin’s birthday campaign,” Jeff said.
Steve beamed back at him.
“Maybe, yeah. If you guys are cool with it.”
Was he…shy?
He was just flirting up a storm! Absolutely taking the lead in a game he’d never played before! And now he was being shy?
“Hell yeah!” They all agreed.
Great, Steve was making friends with his friends.
“Alright!” Steve clapped his hands together. “I’m off to get the kid. Thanks guys!”
He started to leave, but stopped by Eddie.
Then his lips were on the top of Eddie’s head.
“Bye guys!” He said as he continued to walk out.
Eddie’s eyes were wide, unblinking. The guys were all staring at him with the same wide, unblinking eyes.
The front door to the trailer closed.
“Uh,” Eddie said.
“Did he-”
“He just-”
“On your head.”
The front door opened.
Steve was standing in the doorway to the kitchen area, eyes wide, unblinking.
“Did I-”
“Uh huh,” Eddie answered.
“Is that…okay?”
He was looking nervously between the guys and Eddie, like he expected someone to punch him.
“Oh! Yeah. No, they’re good. Um. Did you want to kiss me?”
“Yeah. I kinda…always do?”
“Yes. It’s kind of all I think about.”
Eddie took it all back; This was the best and he had never been happier that Steve wanted to play D&D.
He didn’t even care about the guys watching as he stood from his chair and walked to Steve in the doorway.
“Me too.”
He pulled Steve against him, ignoring the whistles and cheers from the table, and kissed him.
The kiss left them both breathless, despite being barely more than a peck.
“Um, I should go get Dustin,” Steve whispered.
“Yeah. Come back after?”
“Will everyone still be here?” Steve asked nervously.
“Nope, just you and me, sweetheart,” Eddie replied.
“Good. I’ll be back soon, then.”
When Steve left, Eddie turned back to the group, lovestruck grin on his face.
“So it’s off the table now, right?” Gareth asked, smirking.
“Shut up.”
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bokutooooo · 9 months
𝗛𝗶! 𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘆𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀!!
Summary - 𝗬/𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼, 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗬/𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 "𝗗𝗿𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻" 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. 𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝗹𝗹 𝗛𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀? ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
WC - 700
POV - Sean
"Y/n I want you to meet Sean, he just moved here and I was hoping you'd teach him a thing or to."
Twinkie had wanted to introduce me to the so called “Drift Queen”, said she was one of the best that I had to get her to teach me. “What’s up country boy? Ready to start driving” now y/n she sure was something, she wore her hair up and wore a short skirt with a white tank top. “I’m ready” I gave her a small smile as I followed to what I’m assuming is her car.
It was a Subaru BRZ with a Matt grey wrap, leaning against the hood was a guy who seemed to be munching on.. a bag of Koikeya chips? He had long greasy dark brown hair and dressed like a homeless man.
“Sean meet Han, he’s the one that taught me” she had slinger her arm around him and he smiled a put out his hand for me to shake. “This yours y/n, it’s beautiful” she nodded and walked around getting in the driver’s seat turning on the engine. Han walked around to her window and whispered something on her ear and she just chuckled and rolled up her window. “You comin’ country?”
"that was sick y/n really happy you showed me, I'm glad Twinkie's got connections." Me and y/n were sitting in her care talking about anything car related really "I'm glad I got to show you, not everyday we get newbies" we talk for a bit longer but suddenly a bright orange Mazda RX-7 pulls up beside her window. Once the driver rolls down the window you see Han with a grumpy look on his face. Y/n starts laughing at Han "what's with the sad face handsome? "C'mon get in, let Sean drive I'm sure he wants to"
"alrightyyy, Sean follow Han and don't crash." she hoped out and sat on Han's lap giving his a kiss on the cheek. Han's quick to speed up and I try to keep up.
As we slowed down Han pulled up to a garage, there were people dancing and music blasting. Once I got out Han and Y/n were waiting for me “not bad country boy” I smiled and we walked deeper into the garage, passing tons of people who were all grinding on each other and jumping to the beat of the music.
Han later disappeared and Y/n was dancing with who I’m assuming are her friends. She did that motion with her finger to come over, we were dancing together and she started grinding on me. That ended quickly when Han dragged her away and up the stairs.
“Why were you dancing all over him like that?” Han was angry that was for sure but I wasn’t sure why. We were never official and he never cared about those kinds of things. “Why do you care? it was just dancing, and we were just dancing”
“Oh come on y/n! You know how I feel about you, how do you think I’m gonna feel seeing you like that?”
“No han! I actually don’t understand how you feel about me! One minute you’re all over me, asking when I can hang out next or asking me out on dates but never actually talking about how you feel.”
I was upset, I mean the one time I’m with another it’s this huge thing but he can leave me and go with however many girls he wants. “That’s not fair, you never want to go further!”
It was silent for a few minutes “listen”
“I’m crazy about you, and I don’t care if some little country punk thinks he has any chance, just go out with me” I thought about it for a second. I don’t know why I was crazy about him to. “Fine, but you have to take me for a ride.”
Okay yayyy my first request 🤗 I hope you like feel free to DM me and any suggestions or more requests. ᰔᩚ
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mattybsgroupie · 14 days
— open here to read my stories ♡⊹𑄽୧
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hello! my name is maria, i'm 21 and a matt girl for life. i became a fan of the triplets last year, but only had the guts to write again a few months ago and i'm so thankful i've been receiving great feedbacks from you guys and having such a good time here in this community.
i do not talk very often here cause it’s mainly for my stories, but i am online everyday at @bimboparis, my main account! that’s where i’ll be liking and following you guys from! im pretty chill and silly so feel free to dm me whenever you wanna chat! :) i don’t bite (unless you want me to)
i only write smut and the only rule in my blog is that i don’t do drama. i won’t be participating in any of it, so don’t even bother putting my name out there or inboxing me with gossip. i’m here to post fanfics and have a good time, that’s all.
 MINE ➳ when matt claims that you’re only his, you show him he’s also gotta be only yours.
LATE NIGHT RIDES 1 ➳ you and matt have some fun in his van while waiting for his brothers at a party.
LATE NIGHT RIDES 2 ➳ you and matt know you shouldn’t be doing this so often, but matt just can’t resist you in that dress.
MISBEHAVE ➳ matt kept calling you “mama” because he wanted your attention, even if that meant being punished later.
PRETTY ➳ matt needs reassurance after reading nasty comments about his looks, and you make sure to show your boy just how pretty he is.
SLEEPOVER ➳ you and matt can’t fall asleep, and him calling you “mommy” definitely didn’t help.
HOMEWORK ➳ matt is the smartest guy in class, and you’ve been needing some help with your homework.
SECRET ➳ matt finds out you have a dildo and wants to see if you can fuck him as good as he fucks you.
MOVIES ➳ you and matt have fun at the same movie theater you started dating as kids.
ASSIGNMENT ➳ matt is a very good tutor, but he’s getting distracted by how short your skirt is.
FIRSTS ➳ after a rough week, matt gives you a massage that leads to your first time.
TAPE ➳ you lost the flashcard where matt kept all of your intimate moments and as your punishment, you're recording a sex tape on a new one.
TRIP ➳ after going to las vegas, matt misses you more than you’d imagined.
CALL ➳ matt can’t keep his mouth shut after seeing your new lingerie set. he needed to see you wearing it, even if it’s through a video call.
MORNINGS ➳ waking up to a needy matt and having slow, sleepy sex with him.
BIRHTDAY ➳ after not celebrating his birthday, matt punishes you, even when you wear his favorite lingerie.
SECRET 2 ➳ matt knows you love his cock, but he also knew you had a good time with your dildo. he wants to fuck you with both.
DRESS ➳ chris gives you a helping hand when your earring gets stuck on your dress.
ATTITUDE ➳ you and matt never clicked well. this until you guys had to spend a whole night sleeping on the same bed.
RIDE ➳ it’s your first rodeo and matt teaches you how to ride.
CAUGHT ➳ matt needed you so much he didn’t mind the risk of getting caught.
if you want to be tagged in my new stories, please leave a 🌸 emoji in the comments down below!
requests are always open — i might take some time to post but i’ll definitely write it, please be patient with me. same goes for my inbox and dms, come talk to me whenever you want!
asks, requests and chats are under the #ask maria tag!
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goodwitchhour · 1 month
stephen nedoroscik boyfriend headcanons
requested: yes / no
summary: what the title says baby !!!!
cw: idk man it’s mainly just some fluff!
notes: quickly wanted to do this while writing all of your stephen requests!! promise they’ll be up soon but uni is taking up a lot of my time for the next two weeks would also like to add that I am not, in any way, trying to disrespect stephen OR his 8-year relationship (tess ur an icon and ily, pls share ur secrets for having such a good relationship bc ya girl is desperate), this is purely for funsies & obvs fictional!!! let me know if yall want another part & what your own hcs are! okay byeeeeee
stephen nedoroscik x reader ♡
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he fell first. he knows straight away if he likes someone and if he does then thats that and it was no different with you. he didn't have eyes for anyone else, especially after he learnt that you liked him as well
my guy is a little spoon. sometimes he’ll be the big spoon but he also really just wants a cuddle
speaking of.. hugs! all! the! time! will hug you from behind if you’re busy doing something or when one of you have just come home he’ll scoop you up like it’s the easiest thing ever
honestly can’t imagine ever fighting with him likeeee if one of you is upset then he’ll make sure you talk it out! will sit down with you and would be SO patient but he also won’t force you to talk it out if you’re not ready to — either way yall won’t be getting into a screaming match bc frankly I think he’d rather die
on the other hand, if the relationship is more new & fresh he might be hesitant to bring up problems in fear of potentially ruining or making things awkward between you
but once you become more comfortable with each other and your relationship he finds it much easier to come to you, especially because the trust between you is much stronger
will send you videos when he’s at practice! or he’ll actually facetime you and just be on call until it’s basically time to go back home to you! and if you're not busy then you're coming with him to the gym!!
sends you memes all the time! like if you go a few days without checking your dms on instagram or tiktok, trust that he has flooded with them with cursed posts
he will also send you photos & videos of kyushu ALL THE TIME!!! and if he’s away, he’ll ask to facetime just so he can say hi to him lol
will teach you how to play chess and will teach you about his favourite rubiks cube algorithms
will also teach you how to play rocket league if you don’t already know, like will do the whole sit you on his lap and put his hands on yours as his teaches you the controls
speaking of lap sitting, one of his love languages is physical touch fr! if you’re at home he’s practically smothering you but if yall are in public he needs to at least still hold hands or have a hand on your leg/arm/shoulder. he isn’t big on pda really but he also needs to be on your space in some way so it’s something he has to try & balance lmfao
like the scorpio he is, he’s very intense in his love for you! like he’ll keep things private about specific relationship details but he’ll still talk about you all. the. time. without compromising said privacy!! he gets especially good at keeping this balance during the olympics when the press are all over him
if you’re a gymnast like him then he loves training with you!! will help you with routines and vice versa
if you’re just a regular lil person then he loves hearing about your job! always ready for you to come home and unload on him about your day
andddd if you’re famous in some capacity then trust he’s the MOST supportive of you and your career!! like he is your n.1 cheerleader!! (side note… stephen x famous!reader anyone??)
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Look! Another boundary! PLEASE READ
Hi guys! I just want to send a quick reminder out there!
I LOVE answering your advice questions, and I want to continue to do so. However, I am not online 24/7 and I've said before that I try to answer advice in the order it's sent in. I am also just a person, and I am not a professional, so I cannot be responsible if you are in an active crisis situation. It's not healthy for me to take on that role, nor is it healthy for you.
Please understand- I care deeply for you all. I love you and I want to help, and I love being there for you. I know that you need it and I am happy to give that support. But It is completely unhealthy for me to take on the responsibility of any life other than my own. I need to be a role model here, and make that clear.
I have a link to a list of international crisis help lines on my pinned post. Please use it. Send me an ask, and I will respond when I am able to. I will give you love and support and advice. But remember that this is something I do outside of my job, my family, and my hobbies, and it would absolutely kill me if I thought that someone sent me something thinking I could respond right away when that simply is not possible.
Also please remember that if you need advice, please send it to my asks, not in a DM or discord message, unless I've requested you do so. I know it seems silly, but when advice asks are sent in DMs/on discord, I feel pressured to answer right away, and it makes it more difficult. If you want to be FRIENDS and you are over 18, I am happy to talk with you on discord/dms. I love making fandom friends! But other than that, I want to try to keep advice to asks.
Again, I love giving advice and I don't want to stop. I just need to set these boundaries in order to do so in a healthy way.
Thank you all, and sending love!
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okwonyo · 1 year
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이희승﹒the pink light is clear, it drew you.
staring﹑ lee heeseung + femreader genre﹑ fluff && est. r.s warnings ﹑ no proofread. skinship kissing && english isn't my first language wc ౨ৎ 717 © ( wonuslust )
JIAH'S NOTE. i'm sorry this is probably be bad and rushed. (⌯︎˃̶᷄ᗝ˂̶̥᷅⌯︎) but i tried my best, as always. thanks to my favorite hee girl for this beautiful request ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝.
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• listen, lee heeseung is a perseverant man. so if he has a crush on you, he will not be afraid to show it.
• he would be so serious about it, you almost thought he was joking. he would even ask you out many times and you would refuse because you thought it was some kind of a joke.
• therefore, when you actually started to take him seriously and you both got together, he would tell everyone that you rejected him many times. which is partially true, but you didn't know he was serious in the first place.
• heeseung would not only have you as his lock screen but widgets too ! might as well have you as his tik tok and instagram pfp for a while before you tell him to remove it.
• asks you to @ him on every post or story you make. he wants to be first to see them and will spam you comments or dms after.
• you are always on the last slide of his instagram posts.
• @ you on his posts or stories, even if you didn't ask for it. would put your user in a very obvious place so everyone can see he is yours.
• thinks he might die if he isn't touching you in some kind of way. hand on your hip or thigh. arm around your shoulder or waist. holding your hand or locked arms.
• would tell you to sit on his lap even if there is plenty of room for you to sit.
• he would tap his lap like "come here" and you would be like "bro? there is like two armchairs and a whole couch in this place????" OR would just pull you on his laps without any warnings. it was a bit surprising at first but you ended up being used to it.
• also gratuated from the school of showing affection in public with a doctorat in PDA'olgy with mention. got a 100/100 in his examen of making people mad and jealous at the same time.
• no because he is not afraid of touching you in public. back hugging when you are talking with your friends. whispering things in your ear and giggling at social appointments. kissing you in front of everyone if he feels like it.
• is obsessed with your lips and isn't afraid to show it.
• would kiss you out of nowhere. when you are talking, for exemple, making you completely forgot what you wanted to say in te first place.
• is REALLY annoying about you.
• mentioning in every single sentences he makes. "yeah my girlfriend said it was good", "yeah my girlfriend likes this song/movie too", "actually this weekend me and my girl we are going to...", "this reminds that me and my---" "heeseung, i asked you what hour is it."
• he wants to make sure people know he has a girlfriend and that you are basically, well, his whole personality.
• on his phone 24/7 texting you when you are not around and can't call. doesn't listen to whatever people are saying. his friends say that his phone will become a part of his face he keeps on going like that.
• on the phone with you most of the time when you do can call. you are his only friend at this point.
• don't know where heeseung is? well he is probably with you or on the phone with you somewhere.
• calls you everything but your name too. things like "my girl", "love", "babe", "honey"
• and compliments you every second.
• would make everything in his power to make it up to you if you guys went into a fight.
• comes to you after a little while, as you do the dishes to clear your mind a bit. hugs you from behind, presses himself against you and puts his chin on your shoulder.
• "are you mad?" and wait til you answer. however, if you are still mad and won't talk to him, he would still want to have a physical contact with you and would be attached to your hip until you forgive him.
• heeseung is overall a loser boyfriend who is very obsessed with you. 100% approved by the boyfriendism academy founded by me.
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taglist open ❕ @manooffline network @kflixnet
(*¯︶¯*) requested .ᐟ
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seoups · 8 months
rules for requests!
milestone: idk yet bruv
refer to my masterlist before requesting!
i love requests, please keep sending them!
do not send me requests with specific plotlines. if you have an entire plotline ready, write it urself lol - i need to have creative freedom or i just wont feel enticed to do it
i will delete requests if i do not like them, are uninspired by them, or i'm made uncomfy by them.
i post once a weekend so there is a high chance that it will not be your request.
i will prioritize whatever I find easier to write and what I find the most enjoyable to write so pls don't harass me to write ur request and do not send me a dm to write ur requiest, only asks!
no smut. please. I'm begging u. i don't want to write that. pg-13 is fine but no smut. no sexts. nothing like that please and ty.
i only write for JJK dear lord do not bring up my bnha past
i do NOT accept requests via comments or dms
i do not write for every jjk character. mahito, choso, yuta, todo, and any characters who haven't been introduced in the anime are the characters i do not write for. this is why.
and please feel free to just talk to me in the asks! i love talking to you guys!
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crystalandbow · 4 months
HIII! Today we will dive into how you can manifest anything, whats the technique for you, what can you do to accelerate the process, etc. SOOO.... lets begin!
note: paid subliminal requests/ custom subliminals are available. and also paid tarot readings are open, for more details dm!
pick a barbie character 👇🏻
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if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the answer is: simply by asking and letting go. some methods i'd recommend are the love letter method, or any letter / paper method (specifically anything that has to do with folding paper) for that matter. the 17 second methods and the surrender method.( you can either ask me doubts/questions about this in the comments or search them up on yt)
you are the people that think of the first case scenarios first. y'all overthink sm, which is obv not good. and i'd say that you shouldn't supress those negative thoughts but rather face them. 2 major things for you guys is facing your fears and doubts, 2- letting go and trusting the universe/spirit/god (whatever you believe in) also you guys could resonate with the little mermaid's story.
ask and surrender. believe in the universe (444) and you've LITERALLY got this.
Okie so if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the angel numbers that you see are not just co incidences, no, nope. they mean something. they are a reminder! they are a sign!!
the way that you guys manifest is through emotions my dear empaths. like even before i started your readings that is something i picked up upon, and if you want to know a litlle more scientific stuff about it then do check out barbara fredrickson's broaden and build theory. that will help you know what i mean. . whatever you feel within is what you attract, so think of good stuff, happiness, celebrate small victories.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are gratitude, crystal work, green witch kinda stuff? water manifestation (especially sun water) , fake it till you make it, journaling & shadow work.
hello! if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
you are my prayer peeps, doesn't have to be very religious but you do believe in the power of prayers or asking the universe.
right off the bat you guys are my socially? "weird" people. the kids that are creative and different. yall are ENTHUSIAISTIC fssss. sm energy,sm passion ong. and the way you can manifest is through directing that energy into the right place. yall seem mis-directed in some way. another way you can manifest is through talking and connecting? writing? something around those llines like sharing your work/thoughts in some way.
i think you guys should read about ancient greek wisdom.
old literature and ancient knowledge will guide you towards an entire new perspective/world.
also calm tf down, like yeah we get it you want to have that thing rn/in a week but calm down my friend, ground yourself. also y'all need to relax & guide your mind it seems veryyy excited. its good but NOOO (its not helping atm)
basically redirection,taking steps, community, sharing knowledge & gaining knowledge, anient related stuff, prayers and staying happy/motivated, being free spirited, working with animals?.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are vision boards, prayers, ancient manifestation tricks/methods? connecting with people/ sharing your knowledge., having a white pet could be lucky for you. or white is your lucky color and color magick too and taking actual actions/steps!!.
i think that you guys are pretty good at manifesting already, its more like a confirmation? (okay i fucking just realised y'all chose the weird barbie, its so reallll)
lmk your thoughts!!!
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ghost-rattan · 1 year
Hi I loved your pet hcs 😭😭 (I was the one who did the req). Could I be 🪶 anon if it's not taken yet?
Also can I req for some hcs for Aku, Chuuya, Kunikida and Nikolai with a s/o who can copy abilities? (Maybe they started off as enemies in a fight or something but ended up falling for each other.)
OMG! Hi again! SO quick funny story I had no idea what you meant so I had to dm one of my best friends about it B) BUT ofc you can! excited to see what request you come up with! sorry Kunikida's is short he is so hard to write for!
Reader who can copy other abilities
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he hates you (at first) you where new to the pm and climbing up the ranks fast
people preferred to work with you as you where much nicer to everyone and as well powerful but he played it off like he didn't care
so Mori thought that you both would make a good duo on the battle field because you both had powerful abilities
Akutagawa was not impressed by this "why must I work with them, they are clearly beneath me"
He was quiet that whole mission quiet until you and him had to fight a blood manipulating ability
The opponent used their ability quickly on Akutagawa seeing him as the bigger threat
Big mistake you quickly copied the mans ability and made him choke on his own blood
AFTER THAT HE WAS LIKE SHIT ok they are powerful
He told you good job and just like that the mission was done
He saw you as your ability and wanted to know more but when talking to you about it he started to see what your personality was like and boy did he fall hard but he personally didn't pick up on his own feelings
ya know how he wants Dazai's approval well shit he needs yours now
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So you worked at the ada but I don't think he would care much about you because you are over shadowed by his hatred for Dazai
Ok so one night you went to the bar and saw Chuuya you ignored him and he ignored you
That was until he saw you get hit on
he doesn't care to see people get hit on unless they look unconfutable then he will help people out
which any one can tell you where extremally unconfutable by this man hitting on you
"Dude fuck off they aren't interested"
this guy looked angry
"Go fuck your self they would have said some thing right kitten"(ew)
Chuuya slapped the guy but little did chuuya know he had an ability one that could control peoples movements
the man used it on chuuya so he couldn't move and made him walk away
you used your ability to take control of this gross man and make him leave the bar (and punch him self a few times <3)
Chuuya was impressed
"Good job doll"
"Wow! A complement from a pm executive!"
you both exchanged numbers and started talking
he thought your ability was bad ass but he would be pissed if you copied his and used corruption
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You and Dazai where bff's so he kinda assumed you where like him
Like with Akutagawa you had to team up with him
He was also annoyed but maybe you wouldn't be as bad as Dazai?
To his surprise you where a lot more serious about work when on a mission
You both spent time chatting With each other
You had a huge crush on him for a while now so talking to him meant a lot to you
he asked about your ability and when you told him he was quick to write it down
he found it really interesting!
thinks you might have the best ability he has ever seen!
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He never hated you (im sorry) but he was smitten by you after you both first meet
Fyodor tells him about your ability and bro was like :O
kinda went like this "Dos, tell me about them~"
Fyodor let his friend ask away because he did know a lot about you cause Fyodor was your boss!
He loves watching you copy abilities he finds it so cool!
He thinks you have more freedom then him because you aren't 'chained down to one ability'
Wants you to copy Fyodors but you refuse cause lets be fr Fyodor is scary af!
He's honestly really glad you have an ability like that because you can protect your self if you come across a powerful
ALSO if you copy his ability he will some how make a game up with it that you can both play
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Ok so, like, Stu or Billy (or both separately) with virgin reader who’s like TERRIFIED of sex? Like just being sweet and talking them through it
Also anon, you are litteraly describing me, pls why yall are so relatable
I use she/her pronouns but if you want them changed just dm me or comment also I wasnt sure i you meant billy lenz or billy loomis so I did both!! I made tittle short, but its basically 'slashers with virgin s/o who's scared of sex'
Slashers with virgin! S/o
Billy Loomis
So basically, dude is very understanding! Will take it slow if you need to! And won't ask for sex unless s/o clearly says that she's ready
Like in og movie, Sidney wasnt very keen on idea of sex either! So yeah my dude is respectful, even in canon!
My guy won't even joke about it, your not ready? Understood
Can just lay down, watch moves and kiss! Also loves holding hands😊
If anyone ever said mean stuff about you bcs you never did any sexuall stuff my dude is putting that ghostface mask and calling his bbg Stu asap
When yall are finally doing the sex, he will be very gentle and tell s/o exactly what he will do and ask if shes okay
He is not some animal who desperately NEEDS it. Yknow he can wait!
Stu Matcher
Jesus chirst he is an animal
I mean he won't force anything obviously, but o my god, he will be teasing so hard!
He is typical horny teen, my guy will evaporate
Will constantly ask her if she's ready or nah
Tbh he doesnt want to force/pressure anything on her, cuddles will be enough for him😊 cuddles and snuggles
But omg if s/o decides that she's ready, my guy will litteral jump out of window (in positive attitude) he wkll be so exited
First time with him might be goofy, but he will be gentle, will try to break your ball of nervousness by silly jokes or tickles
Overall 3/10 i recoment biting his hand off
Bonus: Stu and Billy together
Then s/o isn't around they argue who will be the first
Stu isnt so needy with cuddles and Billy with kisses, since they have eachother too 🥰
Stu bough yall those necklace that look like heart when combined together 😊
Billy totally punches stu everytime he makes some weird ass comments
Billy Lenz
What so you mean???
:(( b-but sex...
Buy a spray bottle and fill it with water with soap. Use it everytime he is in 2meter radius
Will bite her as signs of affecion, and curl into ball and lay in their lap
Everytime he questions you, change the topic of conversation or just use spray bottle from before (he will hiss)
Vents to Claude about the spray bottle
First time with him? Oh god why. My guy will try to be gentle and tbh s/o should be on top if she wants to have cute nice first time
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