#if you guessed esme for who named these you'd be right
xojinnie · 1 year
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JINNIE — 2nd single album '-J-'
CONCEPT PHOTOS #1 ' fairytale ' version
click below to view all photos !
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volturialice · 3 months
I have a crazy stupid question: if you had to think about the Cullens and Co (or just Jasper and Alice if you'd rather) in terms of a wings!au, daemon!au and soulmate marks!au, what would you give them?? Thinking about Jasper with ragged dangerous looking sandy wings and Alice with humming bird or dove wings, Emmett with a bear familiar, Esme and Carlisle proud of their soulmate marks.... don't mind me, currently obsessed
oh funnnn. love a good AU. I myself have written a short jalice soulmate words piece, and have a (also jalice) soul scars AU in the drafts (because holy shit were they made for that scenario.)
and I happen to know that @goldeneyedgirl has written a daemon AU before! the main thing I remember from it is that Alice's daemon was unsettled into adulthood due to Trauma. I'm gonna try to forget as much as possible about the rest so I can answer without cassandra clare-ing lexie, wish me luck
daemon AU ideas
emmett - you're right, bear is a MUST. specifically a grizzly, let's be real. his daemon fights all his meals before he eats them, and everyone thinks he's a weird cannibal for it
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his parents would have named his daemon a rootin tootin mountain/southern gal name. Alma or Luella or Abilene or something, idk
bella - the obvious answer is a deer but I think it would be so funny if her daemon was a sheep. the lion and the lamb!! my next idea was a pelican because of the morbid fact that they will rip off parts of their own bodies to feed their young. extremely bella-coded. I also liked that time in canon when she called herself a sloth. feels right. three-toed for sure. look at his long brown eyes
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renee and charlie would have named her daemon something classic but up-and-coming for the era. bonus points if it had a vaguely italian feel, like Luca or Rafael
edward - on the flip side, I think a lion is too obvious an answer for edward, and also not an emo enough animal. his daemon should be a beetle (kafkaesque) or a new world porcupine (solitary, likes to hang out in trees.)
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his daemon would have a fancy frilly old-world name, maybe roman-sounding. Priscilla or Portia or something. Faustina would be hilarious
esme - something delicate but cozy. a butterfly? a wren or mourning dove? a guinea pig or rabbit? I'm leaning rabbit. for those of you who insist on girlbossifying esme, she could maybe be a hyena—I've heard that at least one subspecies will adopt and raise orphaned cubs. can't remember if it was spotted or brown? hyena experts weigh in
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esme's parents gave her an unusual name for its time and place, so her daemon would probably get the same. Jory or Ari, maybe something more french like Benoit
rosalie - could also get a hyena tbh, since they're girlbosses who are unfairly villainized in fiction. also feel like a tasmanian devil would be a cool mammal option for her. other than that, I could see her with a cool bird of prey daemon, maybe a falcon
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her daemon would also get an elegant name, maybe one that hasn't aged well. Maximilian, Isidore, Clement, Reginald
carlisle - my first thought was an orangutan because their 'solitary intellectual' vibes remind me of him during his pre-family era. or maybe something else intelligent but more social, like an elephant. very compassionate guys
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and I know carlisle was raised anglican, but i think it would be so funny if his daemon had like a mayflowerass pilgrim name. Temperance or Chastity the elephant
jasper - honestly just like a scarred up, one-eared doberman rescued from a dogfighting ring. I know canon compares him to a lion nearly as often as it does edward, and I guess a big cat could work too (but I wouldn't pick a lion. something more solitary, like a leopard or puma.)
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and I think his parents had boring-er name taste than "jasper" suggests. maybe something nicknamey, like Hattie or Lil
alice - a tough one because there are so many possible answers. maybe some kind of flashy bird like a quetzal, or an agile small mammal like a tamarin or lemur. tbh she could just have Mort
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his name would also be something vaguely classic. maybe Cecil or Marcel or Claude
(yes I realize I just gave everyone cool birds and mammals. and what about it)
wings AU ideas
you have some fun ideas there too! I'll admit I've never really written or read a wings AU. I think jasper should get some ragged buzzard wings since he's desertcore. alice could totally have hummingbird, or magpie would also be cool since they're kinda mod.
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I think esme could get the dove wings, or maybe finch or bluebird. bella would obviously need something brown since that's her favorite color. emmett could get the classic red-tailed hawk coloring, carlisle maybe a barn owl. rosalie something cool like a kestrel
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aaaand this post is already way long so I'll save any soulmate mark ideas for a different one. whew! thorough question there anon
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt23
Temptation Masterlist
"They're coming!" Alice looks in the direction that the Volturi will appear from. Then we all see them walking slowly towards us, all hoods up. Emmett takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze. Then all in sync take their hood off
"Impressive" Jane is the one to speak "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact"
"We were lucky" Carlisle says
"I doubt that"
"It appears we missed an entertaining fight" Alec now speaks
"Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary"
"If you'd arrived half an hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose" Edward almost spits
"Pity" Jane squints her blood red eyes but then her eyes catch on something else, or should I someone else "you missed one" I look at Bree who is stood behind Carlisle and Esme absolutely scared. Jasper moves over to Bree in a protective way
"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender"
"That wasn't yours to offer" Jane replies to Carlisle "why did you come?" Janes then uses her power to make Bree feel pain. I squeeze Emmetts hand tighter from her screams, not from feeling sad but from the anger I feel towards Jane "who created you?"
"You don't need to do that, she'll tell you anything you want to know" Esme being a mother figure carmly says
"I know" Jane responds like it's nothing
"I don't know! Riley wouldn't tell us, he said our thoughts weren't safe" Bree finally says after catching her breath
"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her?" Edward digs
"Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right Jane" Carlisle tries to be peacekeeper
"Of course" she doesn't seem so sure "Felix"
"She didn't know what she was doing!" Esme shouts "we'll take responsibility for her"
"Give her a chance" Carlisle pleads alongside Esme
"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind, Caius will be interested to know that she's still human"
"The date is set" I frown at look at Bella. I look back at Jane who looks taken back a little
"Take care of that Felix, I'd like to go home" Felix then walks over to Bree and kills her. Bree's cries and screams are almost deafening. Emmett pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me. I watch Jane leave, my hatred growing stronger for her. 
The run home was quiet, that is until Emmett asks me a question
"Do you want to go and see Jacob?"
"I don't think I would be entirely welcome. That's still their territory" Emmett and I walk through the front door and in to the living room where Edward is sat at the piano 
"Bella will let you know how Jacob is" he says not looking up from the keys
"What did Bella mean by the date is set?" I ask
"Oh well errm, I wanted to tell you this when Bella is with me, but.." Edward shifts uncomfortably. The others all join us also curious with what secret plans the love birds have been getting up to "you know a couple of nights ago, you all went out to feed and it was just Bella and I?"
"Congratulations brother" Emmett smiles
"Wait what? how did you know?" Edward looks confused
"It's written all over your face. This calls for a celebration"
"Don't you want to wait for Bella? I mean it should be her celebration as well"
"Well I guess if she wants a celebration for taking your virginity then"
"Oh my god" I sigh shaking my head
"What?" Edward shouts
"Ok no celebration? I just thought that because you have waiting over 100 years to lose your virgini..."
"No Emmett, that's not... we didn't..." Edward sighs "I proposed to her" I look at Edward with wide eyes "the deal was she had to marry me if she wanted to be one of us" I hear Rosalie scoff
"Well son, congratulations. We look forward to the wedding which will be?"
"The 13th of August"
"Of which year?" Esme asks
"This year"
"Oh my, we have a lot of work to do before then" Alice gasps.
After all of us saying our congratulations to Edward, Emmett and I go up to our room. I put on some comfy clothes and get into bed. Emmett gets in next to me and hold me tight
"I can't get her screams out of my head, I don't know if I'll even sleep tonight"
"I know, but I'm right here. I'm always here"
"Thank you" I sigh
"Are you happy?" Emmett asks me out of the blue
"What?" I frown looking at Emmett
"I know you would love to have a relationship with Jacob and Billy. They're your biological family at the end of the day"
"And you are my chosen family. Look yes I would love a relationship with them, but you are my family, Esme is my family, Carlisle is my family, Thomas, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Edward and now Bella are my family. I'm happy, I promise you" I place my hands on Emmetts face and kiss him
"I love you" he says making me smile
"I love you too"
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euovennia · 3 years
you were good to me - edward cullen/jacob black
summary: in which edward longs for the past.
pairing: edward/jacob x NB!reader
original request can be found: here
word count: 3,683
part 1: traitor part 2: long story short part 3: you were good to me
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Lyin' isn't better than silence
Floatin', but I feel like I'm dyin'
Marriage is supposed to be one of, if not the happiest moment in one's life. Being able to spend the rest of your time on the world with the person you love most, it sounds like a dream come true. Of course it doesn't always work that way. Like all things in life, there are the exceptions; those who aren't in love, those who fall out of love, or those who find themselves stuck in that hellish grey area in between the two. While all three options were unfortunate, the third caused a special type of pain that would drive even the most sane of people mad. The only problem here however, Edward Cullen wasn't a sane person to begin with.
Upon leaving Forks with Bella and the rest of the Cullens, they found themselves settling down in a small town in Germany. The constant clouds and rain that beat down onto the town paired with the apparent German belief of minding your own business, it was a perfect spot for them to settle their family. Of course, there was some trouble in the beginning seeing as only few of them knew German, but that was an obstacle that was quickly overlooked as they all were fast and eager learners. In the chaos of getting settled in and perfecting their new routines, Esme had almost missed a particular letter that was sent by a familiar face. Reading the name, she quickly opened up the letter and a smile spread onto her face as she called out for the family, "Everyone get in here. I have some news!"
One by one the family filed into the living room as Esme held up the envelope in her hand, "It seems as though our favorite human is getting married."
Eyes bugling, Rosalie sped over to Esme and took the paper from her hands as she read it over frantically.
"No, they can't! They'll be all over that mutt more than they already are!" She pouted.
Alice bounded up beside Rosalie, "Well I for one, think it's a great idea! They're so in love with each other that I'd more upset if this didn't happen sooner."
"I guess putting it that way makes it less annoying. I just wish I found out directly from them and not some stupid paper," Rosalie sighed.
"Then let's call them! We have phones, dummy!"
With smiles painted onto their faces, the duo raced out the room as the rest of the family looked to each other.
"Well, Jas and I are gonna follow the ladies. Been a while since we've talked to our dog whisperer." Emmett spoke before dragging Jasper with him toward the direction Rosalie and Alice went.
Carlisle and Esme looked to each other before turning their attention to Bella and Edward, "We're going to work on the RSVP. We'll talk later." Carlisle spoke before gently taking Esme's hand and walking off to his office.
"So they're getting married, isn't that cool?" Bella spoke with hands shoved into her pockets.
"I guess." Edward replied lamely.
"You guess? Jeez, even when he's with your ex you still don't like Jake. Harsh." She noted.
He shook his head as crossed his arms,
"Something just doesn't feel right about this. I mean, what happens if their marriage doesn't work out? Then we'll have a sobbing mess of Y/N and an angry wolf on our hands."
Bella raised her brows as she shook her head, "I guess, but it'd be kinda impossible for that to happen though, right? I mean, they're his imprint. That's literally fate."
"Maybe, but I still don't like it."
Bella furrowed her brows together as she looked up at Edward, "Hey, are you okay? You seem...Off right now."
"I'm fine, Bella."
"Okay...But you'd tell me if you weren't, right?"
Edward hesitated in his answer for a moment before looking away, "Yes, of course."
With a small frown, Bella only nodded before pushing past Edward and out of the house.
Still, no matter where I go
At the end of every road
You were good to me
You were good to me, yeah
I know it's easier to run
After everything I've done
You were good to me
You were good to me
You were good to me
You were good to me
"You may now seal your vows with a kiss."
Smiles painted onto your faces, Edward watched on in horror as Jacob put his hands on your waist before spinning and dipping you as he brought his lips to yours. Despite his enhanced hearing, all the boisterous cheers and joyous clapping fell deaf to him as he watched the scene before him with a pit in his stomach.
Feeling a small and sharp amount of pain on his foot, Edward looked to see Esme's heel digging to his shoe as she mouthed, "Bad manners!" Getting the hint, Edward brought his hands together in a clapping motion as he willed himself to bring a smile onto his face despite the annoyance and disgust that dug deep into his chest. He watched on as you and Jacob made your way down the aisle with bright smiles adorning both of your faces. Being sat in one of the edge seats, Edward got a clear view of you as you passed by and by god was he happy. He watched on in awe as his eyes took in your perfectly styled hair and the small bits and pieces of jewelry that sat atop your skin. His eyes widened slightly as his eyes fell to your face that was glowing so bright and happy as your hand intertwined with Jacob's. As you ran by, he couldn't help but inhale your scent before going rigid as Bella mindlessly wrapped herself around his arm.
Why did he feel like this?
Leavin' isn't better than tryin'
Growin', but I'm just growin' tired
It was only a week after your wedding ceremony with Jacob had taken place. Edward and Bella had decided to stay in town for a bit longer so she could spend some time with Charlie while the rest of the family had decided to leave back to their home in Germany. Things were relatively calm, especially since you and Jacob had decided to take off to the Amalfi Coast for your honeymoon.
Ever since the wedding, Edward couldn't help but feel a deep pit in his stomach every time his mind drifted off to the two of you. Being alive for so long, Edward knew that weddings were bound to happen, especially in the world of vampires and werewolves where soulmates were no longer a product of fiction but a fact. Yet still, he found himself cringing every time he recalled the way you looked at Jacob when the two of you were under the altar. The way your eyes drank in his appearance and the way you smiled at him as if he was the one to paint the stars that lit up the very sky. Anyone with eyes could tell that the two of you were madly in love and there was no doubt about it...but Edward couldn't help but recall the time you once looked at him that way. He could clearly remember how you perked up whenever you saw him and during nights like these, lonely nights in which Bella was off doing something by herself, he swore he could still feel the faint touch of your hand on his skin and the sweet nothings you would once whisper in his ear. To watch you do that with Jacob now was devastating to say the least. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he missed you. He was happy with Bella of course, she was still his mate, but his mind couldn't help but wonder what a life between the two of you would be like. He often found himself fantasizing of a life in which the two of you had your own house, he imagined you coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist while he turned back and kissed you on the lips as you melted into his touch. He longed to see you talk animatedly about your day as he put the finishing touches on the meal he cooked for you. He just wanted you.
His picture perfect daydream was ripped away from him as Bella shook his arm as she stared up at him with brows knitted together and pink lips turned down into a frown, "What's going with you? I've been trying to get your attention for a while now."
He didn't respond, his eyes glued to her left hand that rested on his arm. His gaze trailed to her fingers and stopped as he saw the wedding ring that hugged her dainty finger. As he turned to look at Bella, he felt the pit in his stomach grow as he felt a faint feeling of disappointment rush through him as he looked into her golden eyes; he missed yours.
As he removed her hand from his arm he didn't spare her a second glance as he spoke, "I'm going hunting."
Now I'm worried for your soul
And I'm scared you're growin' old
You were good to me
You were good to me, yeah
And I'm so used to letting go
But I don't wanna be alone
You were good to me
You were good to me, yeah, oh
As the years passed, Edward had eventually come to a startling conclusion; you were still human. A year was no match for the immortal vampire, but for you it meant birthdays, dates, vacations, the whole nine yards. Edward had always known you were going to age and eventually have to pass on, but it was a thought that was always neatly tucked into the back of his mind.
Until now.
He watched on with a blank stare as the family fawned over your newborn child that you and Jacob had brought home from the hospital just over a week ago. As you watched the family, mainly Esme and Rosalie, coo at your child, you were sat on the couch with your back leaned up against Jacob as he massaged your aching shoulders while catching you up on all the happenings with the pack you'd missed while you were in the hospital. He knew the baby was the main attraction, it was what the family had visited for in the first place. Yet still, even after all this time, his eyes managed to find their way to you as they observed your every move. He watched on as your hands moved to pull Jacob's hands away from your shoulders before bringing them to your lips, a habit that was still engrained in his head from the first to the last time you ever did it to him. He knew he should take his eyes away from you but he couldn't stop looking, especially when Jacob and you stared down at your matching wedding rings with such tender love and care.
Why can't I have that?
He was cut off from his thoughts as he felt a hand come down onto his shoulder, "Do you need a breather son?"
Edward tore his eyes away from you and Jacob before shaking his head, "No. I'm fine Carlisle, thank you for asking."
Carlisle gave a single nod, "Do you want to hold them? I'm sure Emmett and I can convince Esme and Rose to step away for at least a minute."
Edward stiffened up at the mention of your child. His thoughts began racing as he tried to quell the growing anxiety that rose up in his body, "No. I'll be fine. Let them have their moment."
Carlisle who was well acquainted with the behaviors of Edward didn't let his unusual behavior slip by him, but still he only nodded.
"Okay, let me know if you change your mind."
"I won't."
Carlisle removed his hand from his shoulder and gave his son a disapproving stare before shaking his head and walking back over to Esme who was cradling the newborn in her arms with a bright smile.
I wonder what our child would look like if we had one.
God only knows where our fears go
Hearts I've broke, now my tears flow
You'll see that I'm sorry
'Cause you were good to me
You were good to me
"So what was your plan then? Just to come out here and spill all this on me and hope I'd be okay with it? You can't just drop a bomb on someone like that, Edward."
Edward's lips turned into a frown as he looked down at his shoes, a nervous tick of his that you were still able to recognize even after all these years.
"I-I don't know what my plan was honestly. I just...I've been sitting by on the sidelines for the past few years watching everything pass right by me and I didn't want to do that anymore. I just needed to get everything out."
You scoffed, "So you thought coming forward and telling me you about the sick fantasy you've been having about us running off together was the best way to do that? I didn't need to know about that, Edward. I didn't want to know about that."
"You're the one who always told me to let out what I'm feeling. What's the difference now?"
"The difference is that is I have two kids and we're both married. God, I mean what were you even expecting to happen? Did you think I'd just leave Jacob and the kids so I could run off with you? Did you?"
Edward let out a huff as he turned to look at you with a glare in his eyes, "I don't know what the hell I was expecting, ok?! All I know is that no matter how hard I try or how far I distance myself from you, I can't get you out of my fucking head! Everywhere I go, all I see is that you're not there and it kills me inside! You think I want it to be like this? I wanna be able to look at Bella and love her the way she deserves to be loved without having that stupid voice in my head trying to convince me that I'm betraying you by doing so. Getting with Bella made me feel alive for the first time in forever, but now I can't get that anymore because all my time is spent thinking about you and how I fucked up!"
Edward trained his eyes on you as you let out a bitter laugh, "Even after all this time, you still can't make up your mind. God you're such an asshole."
Edward let out a sigh, "Listen-"
You cut him off by shoving him backwards and speaking, "No, I'm not gonna listen to whatever shit you're about to spew out at me because I don't care. When you left me it felt like I was dying. Every single day I opened my eyes, all I wanted to do was scream and cry while praying to God that it was all just some fucked up dream. I loved you with everything I had and I would've done anything for you, and you knew that. You knew I wouldn't leave no matter what so you strung me along like a little puppet while you went off and screwed around with Bella because you knew I'd love you regardless. Everyone told me we weren't gonna last but I held out for you because I thought you loved me but you were just waiting for your real mate to come along, then suddenly it's like I didn't even exist anymore. Jacob found me and he fixed me. He knew what it was like to be tossed to the side so he made it a vow to make sure I never felt like that and I haven't. He's been there for me through thick and thin and he sure as hell wouldn't leave me in the dust just because the next pretty thing walked through the door. I'm happy, Edward. I have a husband I love and two beautiful kids who look at me like I'm some kind of superhero, I'm not giving that up for anything. We're done, Edward and it's gonna stay that way."
It was as if Edward had gone completely still, he felt as though you had personally ripped his dead heart out his chest and stomped on it right in front of him, he was pained.
You crossed your arms as you looked at the clock on the wall, "You should leave, Jacob and the kids are gonna be back soon. I'd like to get dinner started for us before they come."
He nodded silently before turning away from you and walking out the door. He couldn't bring himself to think of a single coherent thought as he numbly started the engine and sped off toward a lone and empty road.
You weren't his anymore.
And now I'm closin' every door
'Cause I'm sick of wantin' more
You were good to me
You were good to me, yeah
Swear I'm different than before
I won't hurt you anymore
'Cause you were good to me
With slim fingers dancing across the black and white ivory keys of the piano, Edward listened intently as the notes sprung out from the piano and into the atmosphere around him.
Gymnopédie. 1 by Erik Satie, a personal favorite of yours that he'd play whenever he'd get the chance just to see the smile that came across your face whenever he did. God how he missed your smile.
"Edward! We're back!" He heard echo throughout the house.
Removing his hands from the keys, he quickly covered the piano before speeding off downstairs to meet Bella and his family. His arms wrapped around Bella upon seeing her as he gave a nod in greeting to the rest of the family.
"How was it?" He asked.
Alice was the first to speak up, "Oh it was great! I feel like we haven't seen Y/N and the others in a long time so it was a nice vacation. They also make a great Barbie Doll." She finished with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"I for one, loved playing around with the kids. I hate being away from them for so long," Rosalie pouted as Esme gave her a few comforting pats on her shoulder.
"I love seeing Y/N and all, but I have to say that roughing up some the newer pups is something I'll never get tired of," Emmett proudly boasted as he puffed out his chest.
"Yeah, until they finally knock you on your ass," Jasper spoke with a smirk.
"Of course they will when you're giving them little tips and tricks on the side, cowboy," Emmett retorted causing Jasper and him to bicker.
Edward shook his head at their antics before turning to Bella, "And you? Did you enjoy it?"
Bella shrugged as she loosened her grip around his waist, "It was alright. I wish you would come with us like you used to."
Edward felt a small pang of guilt as he imagined Bella standing by herself while the rest of the family spent time with their mates, "I'm sorry Bella. I just think it's better that I stay here, you know? Even after all this time, you never know what could happen."
"I know," Bella frowned, "I just miss you when we're apart is all."
"Well, we've got all the time in the world now."
Bella then pushed herself away from him and took a step back, "Right after I get back from hunting."
Edward smiled, "Right after you get back from hunting."
He stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her temple before she sped off into the nearby forest. His smile slowly began to fade as he watched her figure disappear into the thick greenery. With a sigh, he turned to walk away from his family who were still mindlessly chattering amongst themselves before finding himself on the balcony area. He took a few moments to look out at the varying plants and trees before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a photograph; one that Alice had taken of you and Edward. It was during one of the rare sunny days in Forks. Edward was made to stay home and you decided to tag along with him under the guise of a faux illness you'd managed to convince your mother of before she went off to work. You two spent the day together tucked away in his room before you fell asleep on his chest with a small smile lingering on your face. Upon being photographed, Edward was tense as he sent a hateful glare toward Alice. Once seeing the photo however, his lips turned into a small smile as he knew he'd be able to keep both you and the photograph in his memory.
As he stood on the balcony in the crisp German air with an ocean separating the two of you as well as an invisible boundary, he still somehow felt content. Maybe he'd never get his forever with you and maybe he'd never have the courage to ever show his face in front of you again, but he knew he could at least hold onto the glorious memory of you and your relationship. He knew he could at least daydream and take some solace in the fact that, despite it all, you would at least be able to get your happy ending even if it wasn't with him.
You were good to me, it's about time I start doing the same.
With an unnecessary exhale, Edward tore his eyes away from the photo and tucked it back into his pocket before walking back into the house, the thought of you lingering the air as he went about the rest of his life.
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All I Need.
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Jasper Hale x Reader
I’ve made this so it can be a two parter if people want! Let me know what you think and I hope everyone is staying safe during this scary time, my inbox is open for anyone needing a chat.
It started like the first snow of winter – light and gentle – nothing at first to be concerned with, the numbers of runaway teenagers and drifters gently began to increase, but just as innocent as the snowflakes appeared, it quickly became an avalanche as the bodies of workers around the coast and hunters began to appear in the vast woodlands surrounding the isolated town.
It wasn't until the echoing sound of a glass vase, smashing against the hardwood flooring, a single shiver travelled throughout your body as the whole room became slow-motion. The entire Coven turned it what would have been lightening speed – if your vision hadn't slowed – to face Alice, her large eyes, blinking rapidly yet somehow remaining blank and glassy – a wave of confusion and concern spread throughout the household as Edward's and Jaspers faces sunk with dread.
You gently touched Alice's hand but in her frozen state, only one word manages to force itself from your mouth. “Victoria.”
That single name confirms everything we all dreaded the most. Those drifters and runaway teenagers weren't just a coincidence. She was making an army, but not just a regular human army – an army of Newborns, the most powerful and cruel creatures to exist, they have no drive except to hunt and kill.
Carlisle’s eyes flicker towards Jasper and yourself as a aura of concern surrounded him. A familiar feeling blossoms in your chest as you stare at Bella and Edward, your eyes and face couldn't hide the glimmer of resentment towards the pair, if he hadn't bought her along that day, if she hadn't of been so numb to the danger, then we wouldn't of had to hunt down and murder our own kind, Victoria's mate – James.
“Y/N.” Edward speaks lightly, clearly breaking the rule about reading your mind.
His hand coasts across the skin of your upper arm but you pull away like his touch burned you.
“We need to start preparing,” Jasper said, taking the focus off you for a minute, “We all need to train and plan a location that'll work to our advantage because trust me, if we want to survive this, we'll need it.” Carlisle nods silently.
“Bella, you better go talk to Jacob, we'll need the help of the pack too.” you mutter, loud enough for the human to hear you before leaving the room in silence.
The frosty ground crunches beneath your feet as your dart through the dense woodland, dodging the towering trees, upturned shrubs and roots with large rocks and ridges with ease, throughout the years you'd memorised the area like the back of your hand.
From the corner of your eyes, you spot the large clearing and slowed down towards the edge of the trees, allowing your sprint to turn into a walk. The tender ground turns from soft moss and dirt to a tough, grey stone; the clearing is several meters wide and across before leading to the edge of a vast cliff.
You stood in silence as you sat on the very edge of the cliff, the toes of your shoes hanging over the edge as you look down at the thrashing waves beating against the cliff bottom. Your mind wanders as you stare out at the water, you twist the small ruby ring on your middle finger, watching as the small rays of light dance across your skin making it sparkle, a young child had once told you, “It's like you made of diamonds.”. Breathing deeply you look out at the calmness in the distance is the opposite to what was about to occur.  
After a few more minutes, you notice out of the corner of your eyes a blonde haired man watching you intently, a small smile on his lips as he takes in your stance, Jasper had always admired how strong you are, the way no matter what happened, you always had a strong aura around you but with Jaspers powers, he knew exactly how you felt – scared.
He approaches you carefully, “Talk to me darlin', you've been distant.” he speaks softly, his rich southern accent peaking through, making you smile.
“I guess I'm a little sceptical about fighting Newborns again.” you admit, subconsciously running your nails softly across one of the scars that decorates your body, this one is what made you what you are today, and it covered the small patch on the middle of your shoulder.
Jasper nods slowly, his body radiates with your emotion of fear and nervousness. He wants to make you feel better but you made him promise he would never mess with your emotions, so instead, he reaches out and touches your cheek with his hand, grazing his thumb across your cheekbone tenderly. He engulfs you in a loving hug, peppering light kisses on your forehead and cheek, causing you to erupt in giggles, you pull away and look up at him, taking in the beauty of his golden eyes, thick light hair and sharp facials features, you tip-toes up to peck his lips quickly causing Jasper to smirks before wrapping his arm around your shoulders, almost of though he was attempting to keep you warm.
“Come on, let's go train some mutts.” Jasper half-joked before detaching himself from you, pushing you gently and sprinting off into the distance with you hot on his heels.
About a mile from the training ground, you and Jasper slow down and walk leisurely the rest of the way. Everyone was wearing workout gear with the girls wearing their hair out of their faces. Carlisle and Esme are the first to greet us – Esme affectionately kisses your cheek – before you greet your adoptive brothers and sisters, Emmett is excited to start training, any excuse to show how strong he is, Rosalie is stood with a stiff upper lip as Alice chats to her excessively. A few minutes later, Edwards car screeches round the corner and stops abruptly, he jumps out before dashing round to open Bella's door, helping her out like she was made of glass.
“Are they coming?” you ask.
Edward nods silently as a growl echoes throughout the woodland and a few seconds later, eight huge wolves of a variety of difference colours and shades appear, their muzzles pulled back in a constant snarl as they approach us. The Coven opens from the circle we had created to stand in a line facing the wolf pack.
“They don't trust us to be in their human forms.” you say, breaking the silence between us all.
Edward nods, Carlisle steps forward confidently, “They came, that's what matters.” he says before turning to Edward, “Will you translate for me?”
He nods silently and approaches with Carlisle, Jasper moves us forward slightly as Alice stands by Bella and Rosalie and Emmett hold hands. You watch as a medium brown wolf with shades of ginger kept looking over at Bella, you smile gently when you realise it's Jacob. Carlisle thanks the wolves for coming, who bark or growl in response before turning to Jasper and yourself. “Jasper and Y/N have experience with Newborns,” he announces, guesting to us, “They'll teach us how to defeat them.”
Jasper nods at the creatures as you offer a friendly smile, your eyes link with the large black wolf as he takes in you for a minute before turning back to Carlisle and growled. Your stomach twisted slightly at the response to you but Edwards glance assures you it wasn't aimed directly at you.
“They want to know how the Newborns differ from us.” Edward says.
Carlisle went to speak but you interjected, “They are stronger and more lethal than us. In the first few months of our new life we are the most powerful because our human blood still lingers in our bodies.”
Jasper smirks at you, “My beautiful mate is right, that's why they are created...” a bitter tone takes over his voice as he slips into his natural deep southern accent making you watch him intently, the Major in him began to peak through making you smile and your eyes darken. The Major was someone you hadn't seen fully in a number of years, Jasper felt your arousal and turns to look at you momentarily before continuing on with what he was saying, “A Newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army and no human army can stand against them.”
Jasper took a step backwards and motions to you, “The two most important things to remember are, one; never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly, and two; never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that and that's how you die.”
You turn to Jasper, “You want to go first?”
He laughed, “No my darling, ladies first.”
A small smile settles on your lips as you turn to your big brother, Emmett, you teasingly gesture at him with your index and middle finger like an old kung-fu film, he returns your smirk and both take positions, Jasper acts as a referee giving tips to us as we fight, “Don't hold back,” you tease cracking your neck.
Emmett laughs loudly before launching himself at you, for the first few moments you let him throw you about to make him overly confident before you launch yourself up his body, legs wrap around his head, you throw your body around causing Emmett to flip over onto his back, the ground beneath the pair of you shaking slightly as the dirt cakes the clothing you both wore.
Jasper smiles at you, “Never get to confident and lose focus.” he says as the pair of you separated.
Next you up was Edward and Carlisle, Jasper remaining the referee as the wolves allowed you to stand next to them, giving them tips and tricks that they can use, the wolves accepted your help, letting out noises and expressions to let you know if they want more information. You even went as far as to show them where you most vulnerable places are and where the best places to bite and claw at will be.
Jasper called you away for a minute to pair us with Rosalie, you winked at her to tease her, she always needed to be the best at something, the fight was actually a smidge harder than Emmett, Rosalie was more graceful in her moves, quicker in the sense that she was strategic but even with that, you had her in a headlock in less that ten minutes, tight enough to cause her to panic but not enough to do her any actual harm.
You allowed Jasper to train Alice, the way he smiles at her made you wince a little inside, especially because of how she blushed – not literally of course but figuratively – he was easier on her than the rest.
Once training was over, you headed back over to the wolf pack with Edward to ask if there was anything else they felt they needed to know or learn, you even offered to do one-on-one training with them so they knew what it was like to fight a vampire. The large black wolf – the Alpha, Sam – bowed his head at you.
As the rest of the Coven and pack mingled amongst themselves, you spotted Bella sitting on the bonnet of Edwards off-roader, you headed over at human speed not to startle her. She looked up from her palm and smiled at you.
“Hey.” you speak, hopping up on the bonnet with her.
Bella's aura softened, she had always been worried that you didn't like her, in that respect you were a lot like Rosalie, just softer round the edges, you trusted but when it was earned and you protect yourself with a hardened exterior because it was drilled into you during your first years as a vampire.
“You know I don't blame you, Bella.” you spoke after a few minutes, touching her arm with your hand gently. “This is all just one huge flash back for me, and Jasper.”
Bella turned to you, “How do you guys know all this stuff?” she asks, her voice in a whisper.
“We didn't exactly have the same upbringing as the rest of them,” you mutter, pulling up one of your sleeves to expose a series of bite marks all the way up, some overlapped, others weren't neat. “Battle scars.”
Bella gripped your arm and inspected them closer, you smile at her inquisitive side, before pulling up her sleeve to reveal the bite James had given her. She looks at you momentarily and you just nod, confirming silently that vampires had made the marks on you.
“How? I mean...” Bella trailed off.
You let out a small laugh, “I'm originally from England, if you couldn't tell from the accent, but when I was turned my maker realised I had a rare... ability, shall we say... he saw more benefit for him in trading me,” you say, Jasper stood several meters away, leant up against one of the large trees, listening to you, “We arrived in Texas waiting to meet Maria, the leader of the Coven my maker wanted to do a trade with but we were attacked by her Newborns, my maker was killed almost instantly but I... let's just say I cost her ten Newborns that day.”
Bella studied your face as you bit your lip, memory lane for you wasn't the happiest, “She was making an army?”
“They were apparently very common in the south, constant battles for territory. Maria always won, she was careful and smart but she one important weapon – Jasper, he was a Major  in Texas Calvary, when I arrived he was in charge of training us and his ability to control emotions served her the best. She never let them live beyond a year, it was Jaspers job to –”
You swallow hard, Jasper felt a sudden wave of sadness echoing through him.
“Dispose of them.” Jasper said, appearing in front of you making Bella jump slightly, “I could feel everything they felt, the fear, the disappointment, the wondering of worry. I thought what Maria and I had was love, but I was just a puppet.”
He paused, glancing at me.
“It wasn't until Y/N arrived I realised what love what,” he laughed look at you, “She was just as stubborn and strong then as she was now, she started training the Newborns with me but she was also the one to convince me to runaway. If it wasn't for her, I have no idea what I would of done, or what I would be now.”
You smile widely and smugly, “I sound awesome right?” you wink.
Jasper and Bella laugh along with you, soon enough Edward approached us, “Come on, we better get you home.” he says, scooping Bella off the bonnet carefully before pushing you off, Jasper catches you bridal style as you flip Edward off.
Your mate hugs you into the side of him as we watch them leave, a comfortable silence settles over the clearing, everyone else had headed home leaving you and Jasper once again alone. You look up at Jasper with a loving expression.
“You saved me.” you whisper.
Jasper smirked and looked down at you, “No, you saved me and you have saved me every single day since.”
You lean up, wrapped your arms up around his neck, pulling his lips to you. The pair of you work perfectly, tongues soon battle for dominance as the kiss heats up, soon Jasper pushes you against the trunk of a tree, his forehead against yours as you both pant – unnecessarily of course but something's are just naturally going to take your breath away.
“So Major, what's you plan now?” you tease.
Jasper shakes his head at the nickname, “Well ma'am, I plan making you very happy and moaning a hell of a lot, how does that sound?”
You can't help but laugh loudly, you put on your thickest southern accent impersonation, “Well sir, that sounds mighty fine.” and wink at him.
Your mate laughs loudly before kissing you again. A smile remains on your lips throughout the kisses, you may not be like Alice and see the future but you know for sure that everything you will ever need, is right here with Major Jasper Whitlock.
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panlight · 4 years
Do you think that Bella and Edward were destined to meet? Maybe Bella doesn't move to Forks, but the Cullens pass through Florida and meet her there? What about the other Cullen couples? Does your answer differ from what you'd think would be Meyer's? I would guess that she'd say that every couple in the series was "fated" to meet, but what about your take?
I think SM would say they were. She says she’s about free will but she also has a character who can see the future (and sure, she says the future changes, but only on some things--apparently Alice becoming a Cullen and loving Jasper WERE set it stone) and sets up a scenario where Jacob is supposedly only interested in Bella because he’s destined to spend forever with her daughter so like . . . she’s also pretty big into things being destined and meant to be, which negates free will to a certain degree. 
If they didn’t meet in Forks, my best guess is that they’d meet in college somehow. Maybe Bella never moves to Forks but when it comes time to go to college, she decides to get her gen. ed. requirements out of the way at the community college in Port Angeles to save some money and spend some time with her dad. Or whatever. And the that’s how she ends up meeting Edward. She’ll be a little older than him already but I still feel like being 17 for almost 100 years makes you not really 17 or 100 so it’s going to be weird no matter how you look at it honestly. Or maybe she’s so brilliantly smart and mature she starts college a year or two early--that sounds like something SM would do, actually. 
I don’t mind “fate” in fiction so long as I still feel like there’s choice involved. Carlisle/Esme and Rosalie/Emmett work for me in that regard because it’s that they just so happened to cross paths, but it could be a coincidence, it’s not like Bella’s silent mind and delicious blood being perfectly designed to tempt and torment Edward, it feels a lot more organic and accidental. Fate brought them to the same place at the same time, but whether they ended up together didn’t feel quite so heavy-handedly destined. 
And then there’s Alice and Jasper which by the nature of Alice’s gift is SUPER predestined, in a way that doesn’t even really make sense with the way Alice’s gift is suppose to work. It’s supposed to be based on decisions people make, but she saw Jasper pretty much right away--no decision involved really? It was just 100% pure Fate. You could rewrite things so they just so happen to meet and Alice immediately knows that they Belong Together, which would feel more like C/E and R/E, but in canon it’s definitely fated. 
I think we can infer a lot about SM’s opinions on if these couples are ‘fated’ or ‘destined’ from her descriptions of and comments about them.  Alice and Jasper, definitely. Bella and Edward, yes, given how everything about her is designed to complement and challenge his own specific gifts and issues. Carlisle and Esme . . . maybe? The odds of them both being in the same town again when Esme jumps are astronomical, but not totally impossible. It COULD be coincidence, but it’s a stretch. But given about how she writes about Emmett and Rosalie, how Rosalie is “shallow” and she and Emmett are the most physically passionate of the couples she might say that Rosalie would have fallen for any handsome hunk she found in the woods. But she also says that Emmett is exactly the kind of person Rosalie needed/would have asked for if she had known herself well enough, so in that way it does seem a little fated. But I’d say that’s the order on the Most Fated to Least Fated scale according to SM: A/J, Ed/B, C/Es, R/Em (and seriously why so many E names in one family?)
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
5AM - Finn Shelby x Reader
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Requested by @violetsdicaprio “Okay so, can I request a Finn Shelby fic where he uses the prompt “you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe.” Maybe Season 4 when Changretta is there and he has ordered an attack on the reader maybe because she found out something, like she overheard something in a bar?” Hope you enjoy it love xx
We run into a dark room, And we spasm to the sounds
You shouldn’t even have been at that bar in the first place, You should have been at a Shelby family meeting (something which you had been introduced to a few months ago, when Finn and yourself had gotten engaged,), but for the first time, you blew it off. That was what bugged you afterwards, and if you could communicate with your past self, you would scream not to agree to a night out with your sister and her husband. But you did. You were excited, not having seen your sister since she found out she was pregnant several weeks ago, due to clashed schedules, and a hell of a lot of work commitments - because working at the Shelby Company wasn’t your typical nine to five job -  you had yet to congratulate her in person. Finn was supposed to be accompanying you, but he had said he couldn’t at the last minute, saying Polly had insisted he was at the meeting (and wasn’t best pleased that you weren’t going to be there, either).
And so, that was how you had found yourself in your current situation, irritated at Finn after yet another argument,  tired from work, with the swollen ankles that came from the precariously high heels you insisted on wearing. You were nursing your second glass of a rather strong whiskey, standing and waiting for your sister, who was never on time, as scatterbrained as she was. You half had zoned out looking around at the people in the bar, laughing and dancing to jazz music. You looked at a young couple, smiling at each other, positively lost in each other’s eyes, and wondered just when Finn and you had lost that childhood sweetheart innocence.
You were half in another world, until you heard the utterance of ‘Shelby’ behind you, in a thick accent that sounded rather suspiciously Italian. 
Of a copy of Morrissey , Or the blues of the Deep South
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You barely even moved whilst you tried to listen to what the men were saying. They probably didn’t expect for anyone associated with the Shelby’s to be here, in this bar several miles away from Watery Lane, a place that was nowhere near where the Peaky boys patrolled, with their guns that gleamed in the light of the streetlamps, that inspired fear in others, but a feeling of safety in you. They were speaking English, surely a way for them to fit in more with the scenery around you, to not arise any suspicion, but you’d know that accent anywhere. It had been drilled into you, practically, and as one of the men said Luca in a low tone, you knew it was the Changretta’s sat behind you. You should have ran then, sprinted away, never looked back. But you stayed, swirling your drink in your glass, watching the intoxicating amber liquid go round and round and round.
And the drugs will only hide it
“You are being stupid, Luca.” A man’s voice spoke harshly.
That fucking name Luca. The name of the man who had so ruthlessly and callously ordered his men to kill your future brother-in-law only weeks ago. He had had no thought about Esme, a woman who you loved like a sister, or John’s seven children, or his youngest brother who was slowly being forced to take John himself’s role, a role that distorted Finn so quickly it was like you had woke up one morning next to a completely different man. No, Luca Changretta hadn’t thought of any of this, and you would be happy to see him put to a stop.
The feeling never really goes “Attacking them in their own home? It is suicide, my boy.” The words he spoke were so filled with meaning that you half froze in your chair. You were sure that their was only one family that they could be talking about.
“I guess we will see tonight, if you are correct. But it was not so difficult to kill the last one, now was it?” A gloating voice, one that must have been Luca spoke, and it was all you could do to not turn around in your seat and punch him for his words. 
Your hand shook slightly, as you placed the glass down on the counter again, picking up your bag from where it had been, and slipping from your seat, a poor attempt to look casual, pushing through the doors into the cold early January air, your breath fogging in front of you, as your heart beat so violently and loudly that you heard it in your ears.
You had to warn them. At any moment Luca’s men could be at their door. You squeezed your eyes closed for a moment, trying not to picture it, not to think of Finn, because if you thought of Finn you would panic, and you couldn’t, not right now. You pulled off your high heels, feet hitting the frosted cobblestones, as you made to begin to run. You barely made it a few meters, before you heard the click behind you, the calm, cool voice.
And we won’t find love, at the bottom of a glassy hole. 
“Y/N Shelby! A pleasure to finally meet you.”
You turned, raising your hands slightly, to see Luca, standing alone, smoking a cigarette, his eyes calculating and humourous, locked with your own. He looked so casual, that to anyone else, it would look as if you two were just having a conversation, albeit one at gunpoint, the gun you could see now, aimed directly at your abdomen. If he shot it, it would guarantee a rather slow, horrifically painful, death for you.
“Y/N L/N, actually.” You snapped, your mind whirring, telling you to keep him talking, until you could figure out some fucking way to get out of this. You could feel the cool metal of your own gun, strapped to your thigh, but there was no way you could grab it without him realising.
And you don't know what you've got until it's gone
“Ah yes, you haven’t quite sealed the deal yet, have you?” He exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, as he walked closer to you, until he was only half a metre away, and you could smell the smoke. “When is the wedding?”
“We’re not going to have one of you keep killing off my guest list.” You spoke sardonically, trying not to seem as deathly afraid as you were. To Tommy, or Arthur, or even Finn, this wouldn’t be a big deal, you thought. They’d have plans for this sort of thing, but this was your first time being held at gun point. You wondered if it was the sort of thing you got a cake for at Shelby Limited, like normal companies did for an achievement.
He laughed, though his eyes didn’t express any emotion.
“You’re a funny girl, Miss L/N. It’s a shame, really, that I have to do this.” He gestured towards the gun. “But, needs must. You overheard my conversation, didn’t you?”
He stepped even closer, and you were almost sure you could hit him with the element of surprise, hit his gun from his hands. But your shaking hands betrayed that thought. What if it didn’t work? What then?
And you don't know who to love until you're lost
“You really do have to be fucking stupid if you don’t think that Tommy won’t have preempted any of the shit you plan to pull.” You spat, lowering your hands a tiny fraction. He didn’t notice.
“He seems rather distracted lately, doesn’t he? And anyone in Birmingham can tell you about the... ah, what should we call them? Cracks that are beginning to show in the Shelby family.”
“Perhaps he is distracted because your family murdered his fucking wife, Changretta.” Your hands were now barely raised, but he was distracted, each of your staring into the others eyes - fear and anger versus power and arrogance.
“As he killed my father.”
“This is nothing to do with me. Just let me go, okay?”
“You have already ruined my plans. Someone will have already found your boyfriend, I assume, and he and the rest of the Shelby’s will be on their way here.”
“So go. You know you can’t win against them. Not tonight.” Your heart was thrumming in your ears so loudly everything felt almost quiet in comparison.
And you don't know how to feel until the moment's passed
“But I can take something from them. Your time is up, Miss Shelby.”
“Y/N?” You heard a yell, an almost terrified one, but it was at least a street away. Finn would never get here in time.
Changretta turned his head towards the noise, and you took that moment, grabbing the gun in his hands, trying to wrestle it out of them, desperately. There was a bang and then there was silence, and the gun slipped from between your fingers, clattered to the floor. Your eyes regarded Changretta with shock, as your knees began to buckle, and you landed onto the cold hard cobbles, hands trying to find what was wrong.
“I’m sorry I had to do this.” For a second, you almost thought he sounded genuinely sad. “But your family took something from me. Now, I must take everything from them.”
“Y/N!” The voice was louder now, and you turned, to see a group of men at the top of the street - Finn amongst them. They came too late.
I wish you'd live like you're made of glass
You turned back to Changretta , but he had already gone, disappeared into the shadows.
It only felt like seconds before Finn was in front of you, and you had raised a shaky hand to point the direction where Luca Changretta had gone, directing the rest of the Blinders with him. Soon, the way it had always been, it was just the two of you. Finn and Y/N.
His eyes scanned you for injuries, before they landed on your abdomen, the dim streetlights enough to see the scarlet liquid on your dress, spreading across the cobblestones. It was too much, for such a small person, you thought. You weren’t shocked, as you saw it, you knew as soon as the gun went off you were hit, and now you could feel the metal bullet, lodged somewhere inside you, feel the pain that extended to your fingers and toes.
“No.” He said quietly, his eyes locking with yours. “No.”
“Finn-“ Your hands reaches out to cup his face, the blood on them leaving marks on his cheeks, but you didn’t care. You wanted to feel his warmth. You were so cold. So fucking cold.
“I need an ambulance.” He roared, looking towards the pub where you had been only ten minutes before, where several people were looking out at the scene. “Right fucking now!”
They weren’t ones to ignore a Shelby, and so they dissapearwd from the window. You knew it would do no good. You knew you-
And we've got work in the morning, But it's nearly 5 a.m.
“I’m going to die Finn.” Your eyes were filled with tears, as were his, as he tried to press your wound, ripping off his jacket, holding it against your abdomen.
“No you’re not. You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.” He repeated like a mantra, his voice shaky and cracking at every word.
Finn knew death. He had seen what felt like a hundred people die, had been the cause of several, and he knew from the look in your eyes, the paleness of your skin, that this was the end. Somewhere, deep down, he knew you were going to die, right there, on this rainy street, cold, and scared. He knew he could do nothing about it.
“It’s okay, Finny.” You said gently, hands still caressing his face. “You’re here. That’s all I need.”
“Don’t die on me now, yeah? Please.” That word, filled with so much emotion, as he almost begged you.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry we argued ... tonight. I just ...” You trailed off, your mind not really working, not letting you find the words. God, it hurt so fucking much. In the distance, you thought you heard the ambulance.
“It’s fine. It’s fine.”
You nodded, leaning up against the wall behind you, feeling the cold start to set into your bones. The world felt almost fuzzy. You looked up, into the night sky. The pollution in Birmingham never allowed for stars in the sky, but you wished you could see them, right now.
You felt your eyes become heavier, like someone was weighing them down with pennies.
Is this really what we envisioned?
“Love you.” You mumbled, looking back to Finn. He was crying freely now, and you wanted to wipe away the tears, but it felt like you had forgotten how to move.
“Come on, the ambulance is almost here. Just a few more minutes.”
You shook your head, a tiny movement. You smiled at the boy, the boy who had made the last five years of your life bearable, who was your first, and last, love. You thought about the house you were planning on buying together, and the crib that you one day were going to have, and the honey suckle in the garden.
And you closed your eyes.
We won't be 21 again
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