#if you enjoy it more power to you. you're stronger than i am.
quantumshade · 5 months
🔥Moffat’s tenure?
honestly, i would rather rewatch even the worst, most egregiously moffat parts of moffat era than rewatch chibnall era. like i'll rewatch both but i would pick a moffat episode over a chibnall episode any day because at least his characters are fucking interesting
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delulustateofmind · 4 months
Potions & Shadows (Part III)
Summary: An old neighbor of Feyre's is revealed to be not who they seemed when Feyre was a child. Leading to Feyre needing the once-village apothecaries' help. Inspired by Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
A/n: I LITERALLY could not stop writing this part. No joke, all I could think about at the gym was writing this. I seriously love Nesta and her character in the series and have always wanted to write about her. I hope you all enjoy!
part one, part two, part three, part IV
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: Mentions of loss, more trauma dumping, healing!
Taglist: @cherry-cin, @sassybluebird, @aehllitas-blog
The House of Wind loomed before you, an imposing structure carved into the mountain, exuding an air of ancient power and mystery. The stone walls were cold and unyielding, reminiscent of the dungeons you had once frequented, but there was a certain warmth to the wooden accents that softened the overall austere appearance. Tall ceilings stretched above you, adorned with faelights that cast a gentle, magical glow throughout the vast space.
As Azriel guided you through the grand doorway, you could feel his presence behind you, a silent but reassuring shadow. The house was immense, its scale almost overwhelming. Natural light poured in through the large, curved windows, illuminating the interior with a serene, ethereal brightness. Outside, you could hear the ever-present rustling of the wind, a constant whisper that seemed to caress the edges of your awareness without ever breaching the sanctuary within.
As you moved further into the house, you couldn't help but marvel at the blend of the natural and the mystical, the way the architecture seamlessly integrated with the mountain, creating a haven that was both formidable and welcoming.
Feyre was the first to greet you, her arms wrapping around you in a warm hug as soon as you stepped inside. "I’m sorry I haven’t had time to visit since you arrived. Things have just been so busy with preparations and such," she said, offering you a small, apologetic smile. Feyre seemed to embody the essence of the fae effortlessly, her dress shimmering like it was woven from starlight, enhancing her natural grace and beauty.
Before you could respond, you saw Nesta making her way down the hallway towards you. Unlike Feyre, Nesta was the Archeron sister you were closest to. She had often sought your company, and you had come to appreciate her fierce spirit and unyielding strength. As she approached, it was evident that fae life suited her even more profoundly than it did Feyre. Nesta had always carried a regal presence, and now it was even more pronounced.
However, as she drew nearer, you couldn't help but notice the stark changes in her appearance. Dark circles framed her eyes, and her cheeks were hollow, hinting at self-neglect or something more troubling. The once bright and lively child you remembered now had a cold fire in her eyes, a guardedness that spoke of hidden pain and secrets. She resembled a drake, fiercely protecting something deep within.
A pang of guilt struck you. If only your wards had been stronger, perhaps the tragedies that had befallen them could have been prevented. The weight of those thoughts settled heavily on your shoulders as Nesta reached you. She gave you a nod, her expression guarded, but there was a flicker of recognition and relief in her eyes at seeing a familiar face.
"You're here," Nesta said simply, her voice lacking the warmth it once held but carrying a strength that hadn't wavered.
"Yes, I suppose I am,” you replied softly, searching her face for any sign of the sister you once knew so well. "It's good to see you, Nesta."
The three of you stood there, an unspoken understanding passing between you. Feyre, with her gentle grace; Nesta, with her steely resolve; and you, caught between the memories of the past and the uncertain future. Azriel’s presence at your back was a steadying force, a reminder that you weren’t alone, that you were being watched. 
Nesta finally spoke again, lifting her chin as she peered down at you. "So you’re not fully human. Your stories were true," she whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief. As children, she and her sisters had listened to your tales, thinking them nothing more than fairy tales. Now, faced with the truth, the reality of your adventures seemed to dawn on her.
You analyzed Nesta as she stood before you, noticing how both she and Feyre towered over you. For children who had once been on the brink of starvation, their height was remarkable, a stark contrast to your own shorter stature. A slight bitterness flickered within you at the thought, but you quickly pushed it aside.
"Why would I tell you stories that weren’t true?" you replied, smiling at her. You saw the way she fought a smile, and it warmed your heart. Feyre watched the interaction with a look of mild shock, perhaps surprised by the rapport you shared with her sister. The dynamics between the sisters were complex and often strained, each one embodying a different personality.
"And Elain? Where is she?" you asked, hoping to see the gentle sister as well. Nesta's gaze hardened. "She’s different now, you could say the least." You simply nodded, understanding that there were likely painful changes and experiences that had affected Elain. You decided to leave it at that, hoping you might see her later that night.
As Feyre continued chatting with you, you both moved toward the dining room. The table was laden with various dishes, a feast that was both inviting and overwhelming. Nesta slowed her pace to walk beside you, glancing at you with softened eyes. Perhaps your presence brought a sense of normalcy to her, a reminder of simpler times before their lives had been irrevocably altered.
When you glanced behind you, Azriel was gone from sight. Perhaps he had other matters to attend to. A pang of disappointment hit you, a small ache at the absence of his steadying presence. A strange feeling that you have never felt before. 
As you reached the dining room, Feyre gestured for you to take a seat. "Please, make yourself at home," she said warmly. "We have plenty of food, and I hope you find something you like." Feyre went off to grab the others, though you could not sense the fae or scent them. You assumed you would be meeting Feyre’s mate this evening and the rest of the important members of the court. 
Nesta settled into a chair next to you, and you noticed a faint smile tugging at her lips. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. Moments later, Elain made her way into the room, offering you a shy smile as a greeting. You weren’t the closest, but she would often come to you for seeds or advice on helping her plants. Elain had always been an ethereal beauty, but now she seemed like a haunted beauty, as if her mind was plagued with thoughts that nobody could understand, perhaps not even herself.
Nesta flashed Elain a worried glance before glancing at the doorway. That was when you noticed a large Illyrian male entering the room. It was as if the doorway was made specifically for him, his hulking size filling the entire archway as he made his way to take a seat across from Nesta. While Azriel was classically handsome, this Illyrian male seemed rougher but equally handsome, with a sun-kissed glow on his tan skin. You noticed Nesta stiffen in her chair, glancing away from him.
His booming voice broke the silence in the room. "You must be the new healer. I’m Cassian. It’s a pleasure to meet you." Your gaze met his. He was handsome, with the same golden eyes as Azriel, though Cassian’s had more specks of brown. As Azriel’s eyes revealed the predator behind them, so did Cassian’s. Your eyes shifted to the red siphons that matched Azriel’s blue siphons, an Illyrian tradition to control their magic.
"Pleasure to meet you as well, Cassian," you said softly, before noticing Azriel had entered behind him. Azriel dipped his head in greeting to you, a subtle yet reassuring gesture. You acknowledged him with a nod, feeling a sense of relief at his presence.
You noticed Elain’s gaze shift to Azriel, her posture stiffening and becoming more refined. There was an unmistakable tension in the air, a complex web of emotions and unspoken words binding everyone in the room. The dynamics between them were intricate, layered with history and unhealed wounds.
As Mor and another small fae entered the room, the atmosphere shifted slightly. The small fae didn’t seem completely fae, as if a darker presence lurked behind that delicate exterior. Mor greeted you with a warm smile and a hug, her bubbly nature unchanged since you last met her. 
"Good to see you again," Mor said brightly, her cheerfulness a welcome contrast to the otherwise tense atmosphere.
The small fae, whom you now had a name for was Amren, took a seat across from you. Her piercing gaze felt like it was analyzing your every move, reminiscent of a tiger ready to strike. She swirled a glass of blood in one hand, a clear indication that she was not truly fae. You caught her knowing look and the deadly smirk that played on her lips, a gesture that went unnoticed by everyone else at the table but you two.
Amren's smirk deepened slightly as she realized you understood her true nature. It was a silent acknowledgment, a mutual recognition of the other’s hidden depths. You held her gaze for a moment longer before turning your attention back to the table.
Feyre walked in with Rhysand, their hands clasped together as they entered the room. Rhysand's piercing violet gaze locked onto you, a reminder of the dangerous power he wielded. If anyone here posed a threat to your life, it was him. You sat in a room full of predators, their eyes revealing their true natures. A part of you wanted to sink into your chair, but you fought that feeling. If you had succumbed to fear every time it reared its head, you wouldn't have made it this far. Fear was fuel for growth after all. You kept your heartbeat calm even as every bone in your body urged you to leave. Perhaps this was the human part of you speaking. 
Feyre and Rhysand took their spots at the head of the table, and Rhysand gestured for everyone to begin eating. You felt a subtle pressure at the back of your mind, like claws scratching at the surface, but your shields held strong. You were aware that trust in this court had to be earned, and you wouldn’t expect anything less. You pretended not to notice the mental probing as you filled your plate, focusing on the idle chatter at the table.
The conversation flowed around you, a mix of light-hearted banter and more serious discussions. You listened attentively, trying to piece together the dynamics and relationships between the members of the Inner Circle. Feyre and Rhysand's connection was palpable, their bond a solid anchor for the group. Mates you thought, what an interesting concept. 
Nesta remained guarded, but there was a softness in her eyes when she glanced at you or Elain. Elain, still ethereal and haunted, seemed to sink into her chair as she stared at her plate. Cassian's boisterous presence added a layer of warmth to the gathering, his laughter and teasing lightening the mood. Mor’s cheerful demeanor and Amren’s enigmatic aura balanced each other out, creating an intriguing dynamic.
Azriel, though quiet, was a constant presence. His eyes frequently met yours, and a part of you hated this new emotion you felt every time you looked at him. Your heart wanted to leap from your chest at every glance, a sense of a tug, a longing to be closer. You watched his lips as he brought a glass of wine to them, the deep red liquid staining them the color of blood. You broke your stare away, as did he, with a subtle tug of his lips.
After dinner concluded, Nesta walked with you to the balcony. Feyre watched you both walk away, perhaps sensing that this was the comfort Nesta needed, someone familiar. Neither of you noticed the shadow that trailed behind you.
“Do they always look at you like that?” you murmured, leaning against the cool balcony railing as the wind rustled through your hair. Nesta joined you after shutting the door, her gaze cool and distant as she looked out over the city below, where the lights mirrored the twinkling stars above.
“Like I’m the cruel viper that I am?” Nesta snapped, her expression clearly signaling she wanted to drop the topic. But you pressed on, curious to see how she would respond.
You pursed your lips before continuing, "No, not like that. More like they’re waiting for you to strike, or maybe just trying to understand you."
Nesta let out a breathless laugh, her eyes narrowing slightly, an edge to her voice. “Understand me?” she echoed, her voice sharp. “I let my younger sister wander into the woods alone at fourteen. They see me as the villain in her story.”
You turned to face her fully, the city lights mixed with the starry night casting a soft glow on her features. “Perhaps they do, Nesta, but I think it’s because you make it so damn hard for anyone to get close. Even as a child, your words were sharp like a blade; you are strong like one too. I hate seeing you shrink under their gazes. Maybe it’s my lack of human emotion, but I don’t understand your guilt. You were a child too.”
Nesta’s eyes flashed with something raw, a mix of pain and defiance. "Maybe I was a child, but I was the oldest. I should have protected Feyre. Instead, I watched her struggle while I did nothing."
"Doing nothing can be a form of protection too," you said softly. "Sometimes, it's all we can do to survive. You can't change the past, but you can decide what to do now. Shrinking away helps no one, least of all you."
Nesta looked away, her jaw tightening. "It's not that simple."
"Of course it isn't," you agreed. "Life isn’t simple, especially an immortal one."
She was silent for a moment, the wind tugging at her hair. "And what about you? Why do you leave for years on end? Your eyes have always looked like you're lost in another world."
You sighed, leaning against the railing. "Let me give you some context. Elves don’t have human emotions—we lack the need to love, to be happy, to feel sad. I’m only half-elf, but I don’t experience emotions like my human side. So, I joined a guild to learn how to be human. That led me to buy a house in a human village, mimicking their emotions, hoping that one day I could learn to love.” Another sigh escaped your lips. “What I want you to understand, Nesta, is that being immortal is both a blessing and a curse. You have an eternity to be hard on yourself, but you also have that time to be kind to yourself as well."
You could tell that Nesta closed her walls once more. You read her too well, and she pushed you away. You were fine with that; you got your message across. It wasn’t until in a small voice she asked, “You can’t feel emotions?” her gaze shifting to you. You shook your head and with a laugh said,
“While we're out here speaking trauma, for eighty years, I locked myself away from any form of contact. Stories came about in villages nearby that a lone elf lives in the woods. It was true. For eighty years, I did not know what to do with myself. My mentor, who was human, had passed away from old age. As a child, I watched her grow wrinkles; when I turned nineteen, I stopped aging, but she continued.” You sucked in a breath before continuing,  “On her deathbed, she taught me a spell - to create a field of flowers. Her last request was on her grave; she wanted a field of wildflowers and apologized for only teaching me revenge magic. You see, she taught me how to be a weapon, how to suppress my mana, and made me into the mage I am today. When my mentor passed, the only thing I did was create a field of flowers and live by myself in the woods. I did not shed a tear or feel any sadness. Then one day, I woke up and did my usual routine, and a human found me in the woods. He said he needed a mage for a dungeon raid his party was going on, a simple request. That’s when I began to learn to be human.” You shifted your gaze to look at her.
Nesta listened intently, her expression unreadable. “So, you spent eighty years alone in the woods, without feeling anything?”
“Exactly,” you confirmed. “It was a strange existence, to say the least. But it taught me a lot about myself and the world. And it’s what eventually led me here, to this moment, standing on this balcony with you.”
Nesta nodded slowly, processing your words. “I can’t imagine what that must have been like. To live for so long without feeling anything.”
“It wasn’t easy,” you admitted. “But it made me who I am today. And I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
There was a moment of silence between you, the weight of your words hanging in the air. Then, Nesta spoke again, her voice soft.
“Thank you for sharing that with me.”
You gave her a small smile. “Thank you for listening. It’s not often I get to talk about my past. One of my biggest fears is that I would be forgotten from the world.”
She nodded, a hint of understanding in her eyes. “We all have our demons to face, I suppose.”
“Indeed,” you agreed. “And immortality is a long time to face them head-on.”
As you stood there together, the night air cool and calm around you, you felt a sense of connection with Nesta. It was a small step, but an important one. You reached over and on your tip toes, pat her on top of the head. 
“I will always carry you in my memories Nesta, even if nobody else will. Just remember that I will carry your memory.” You murmured in a soft voice. That trailing shadow slithered away into the dark abyss to report the newfound knowledge. 
“I hope you get to learn how to love, Y/n. Perhaps I will too” Nesta said as she walked away back into the House of Wind with you trailing behind. 
Azriel greeted you with a gentle hand extended, his voice soft as he inquired, "We have a meeting tomorrow. Is it alright if I escort you back?" Though he felt a pang of guilt for eavesdropping on your conversation with Nesta, it granted him a deeper understanding of you. You, a three-hundred-year-old who had never experienced love, mirrored his own plight in a way. While Azriel knew how to love, it was a sentiment never reciprocated.
Why did he always find himself lost in such thoughts around you?
As the members of the inner circle bid you farewell, Nesta remained silent but gave you a knowing glance. Azriel then lifted you into his arms, igniting a flurry of sensations that made your heart race. You silently prayed that he wouldn't notice the warmth flooding your body under his touch, or the thunderous rhythm of your heart. Azriel was grateful for your lack of fae senses, unaware of his attraction towards you, and the yearning to draw closer to you.
With a powerful beat of his wings, he took flight with you cradled in his arms, disappearing into the night sky. His wings stretched wide, their flapping a symphony against the backdrop of darkness. His shadows danced around you, their caresses like silk, and their whispers of praise enveloped you. They dubbed you a pretty little mage, prompting a blush to grace your cheeks.
Azriel's internal conflict surged as he carried you through the night sky. His thoughts swirled with a mixture of guilt, desire, and uncertainty. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was treading on thin ice, dangerously close to crossing boundaries that should never be breached.
Every beat of his wings seemed to echo the rapid pace of his heart as he held you close, feeling the warmth of your body against his. He couldn't help but wonder why he always found himself tangled in such thoughts around you. Was it because you were unlike anyone he had ever met? Or perhaps because there was a vulnerability in you that resonated with his own?
As he glanced down at you, he couldn't help but notice the faint blush on your cheeks, a sight that sent a jolt of something indescribable through him. He had to remind himself to maintain a facade of composure, to keep his emotions in check, even as every fiber of his being longed to delve deeper into the connection he felt with you.
The whispers of his shadows only added to the turmoil within him, their words a constant reminder of the forbidden desires that threatened to consume him. But despite it all, he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards you, the magnetic attraction that seemed to defy reason and logic.
As he soared through the night with you in his arms, Azriel couldn't help but wonder what this pull to you was. Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: he couldn't shake the feeling that you were destined to change everything.
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coreene · 3 months
Companions and Astarion on the 7k spawn
Since I am getting close to making this choice in my longfic I decided to compile what Astarion and companions say to the three choices we get on what to do with the 7k spawn once Astarion refuses the ritual and kills Cazador.
They're too dangerous - they need to die.
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If I understand the flags correctly, this option also breaks the Paladin of Devotion's oath, it seems.
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 Pale Petras: And when they're dead? Will you kill us too? Astarion: We're not like those wretches, brother. We've spent lifetimes controlling our hunger - they're all but feral. I don't relish it any more than you do, but putting them to rest may be the kindest thing we can do.
👆 This is Astarion's reaction if Petras is alive. 👇 This is when he is not.
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Astarion: I don't like it, but you're right. Putting them to rest may be the kindest thing we can do.
What I find interesting here is how he flat out says "I don't like it." I didn't get that in game, got the first one but, seeing this gave me a pause.
Now to companion reactions to this choice:
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Lae'zel: Snuffed out in an instant, but to whose satisfaction? They will never feed and never be hunted. And never have a chance to hew their own paths. Shadowheart (Shar path) : Wise choice. Now the streets will be safer and you'll be stronger. Shadowheart: All those lives, just snuffed out... I hope it was worth it. Wyll: Hells. They deserved better. They deserved a chance. Gale: All gone, just like that... I hope it was worth it. Karlach: It's done. Just like that. Gods, help us. Halsin: All those lives snuffed out, just to grasp some power. That was craven - unnatural Jaheira: A cold kind of mercy. But mercy still, I think, Astarion. Minsc: To end so many with only rhyming and words... the sword would have been messy, yes. But cleaner too, thinks Boo. Nightwarden Minthara: No different than burning out an infestation of vermin. It was well done.
Here, Halsin's is clearly an oversight because Astarion didn't just killed them to grasp more power.
Wyll's also feels out of place. He's a monster hunter - why is he mad that seven thousand spawn is not released to the Sword Coast?
Minthara has a unique point of view on the subject as well as Shar path Shadowheart - would killing the 7k spawn really make Astarion stronger?
Out of all the companions Jaheira is the only person who offers comfort in her words.
Let's release them. They deserve the same chance you got.
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This choice breaks the oath of Paladin of Ancients.
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Astarion: You're right. The poor wretches in the cells are innocent. They shouldn't have to suffer just because I lured them here.
And now to the companion reactions:
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Lae'zel: A herd of vampire spawn, unleashed on the Sword Coast. What could go wrong? Shadowheart (Shar path): I can't say I'd have done the same, but your choice in the end. Shadowheart: You did the right thing. Some sacrifices just aren't worth it. Wyll: They're victims, Astarion - just like you. They deserve freedom, too. Gale: You chose well. They may not be the safest types to unleash, but their deaths would have weighed heavy on you. Karlach: Seven thousand Astarions, unleashed on the Sword Coast. It'll be a well-dressed flood of mayhem, at least. Halsin: Good - they deserve a chance at life. Nature will handle their fates from here. Jaheira: And what of the living they'll feast on, should they not prove as admirable as Astarion? They deserve a chance, too. Minsc: Boo thinks you are being hasty, friend. He enjoys the hunt as much as any hamster, but... that is a lot of Astarions. Nightwarden Minthara: If you release those ravenous starvelings, the city's poorer quarters will be their feasthall.
I really like a few of the reactions here. Gale makes such a good point. Their deaths would weigh heavily on Astarion but he forgets - what about the people these spawn will kill?
In both reactions, I feel like writers have completely forgotten Wyll was a monster hunter. It's really disappointing and lacks nuance.
Jaheira being, once again, the only person who mentions the consequences of this and Minthara makes a very good point. That is exactly what the spawn will do.
However, I do like Halsin's point in balance as well. Make no mistake, they will wreak havoc the first few weeks that they are released but I think about a 1/3 of the spawn is not gonna make it a month after being released and slowly their numbers will get balanced out.
Why not just leave them? They're not our responsibility.
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And leaving them be breaks the oath of Paladin of Vengeance. I really like how one of these always break one of the oaths for paladins. It is interesting that leaving them be breaks the vengeance oath, which I interpret as Astarion leaving taking his revenge unfinished.
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Dalyra is upset about this choice the most. And Astarion responds to her.
Astarion: I am done picking up after Cazador. I wash my hands of all of this. This place, this ritual, these people. You can stay if you want, but I have a life and I intend to live it. Come on. Let's go.
This does read as a selfish response to me but I also think, Astarion has a right to say "I'm done." He feels guilty about bringing the people to Cazador but what choice did he have? Can we really blame him for this? His siblings try to fight against Cazador and not bring Astarion back but they cannot, they have to fight. They have no control over their choices, their bodies. It is Cazador's mess and not Astarion's responsibility.
Companions do not react to this choice.
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There are no good choices here, honestly. Astarion being have to be the one to clean up Cazador's mess is a cruel irony.
However, and I know all the companions and writers clearly held some kind of romantic view about letting the spawn go but this is seven thousand uncontrolled vampire that will get released into the world, all at once. They will die, of course but before then, they will kill people who had nothing to do with any of this.
Companions are very worried about killing these spawn but none of them, other than Jaheira, thinks about the people they will kill. Like she says, the people the spawn are going to kill deserve a chance to live as well.
It is also not just people they will kill, they will kill animals and disturb ecosystems everywhere they go and strip them barren like a swarm of locusts. Long term consequences of letting the spawn go is grim, even though it looks like a good choice at first glance but it is not.
Killing them all would also weigh heavy on both Astarion and Tav's conscience. It is not something you do and then walk away then never think about it again.
All in all, leaving them in the cells for the Gur to take care of or releasing them in waves seems like the better choices and a good compromise but constraints of the narrative doesn't give us this choice - it is undeniably more satisfying to see everything find a conclusion in that moment.
Tl:dr - There is no good or morally correct choice here. There is only a choice and its consequences.
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koolades-world · 6 months
Hi :) is hug deprived anon no longer anon, back with another request (if you want to write it obv! No pressure, as always!)
So, this MC is pretty strong as humans go. A bit above average in height, isn’t chiseled and buff like Beel but does have a lot of functional muscle strength. The sort of person who was always the one people back in the human world would call on to lift heavy things, move furniture, carry boxes, etc.
Likewise, their personality is kinda like Beel’s—in that they’re generally helpful and protective, mild mannered, about as talkative as he is. MC grew up a bit too fast though. They were too helpful, given responsibilities before they were ready, put in charge of others because they’re reliable. Their peers and adults alike would confide in them about their issues when they were still too young to handle them well, which they took with the same gentle, old-soul competence that makes it easy for people to rely on them as always.
They’re used to carrying heavy things (including people) both physically and emotionally. Good at it, too.
But then, they arrive in the Devildom and make friends with the bros, helping them like in canon as this MC would instinctively do, but also… these demons are bigger and stronger than them. As much as MC still falls into the babysitter/therapist role emotionally for them, the demons protect MC physically.
This is a huge, life affirming relief to MC! It’s so nice to have other people to take over being the protective strong one for once! It’s so nice to have help! It’s nice to feel cared for.
So, how do you think the bros would react to this MC leaning into their demons babying them? Maybe eventually getting a bit clingy with them? Mc being like, oh, you want to help me? You’re protecting me, you’re carrying stuff for me, you’re genuinely asking how I’m feeling?? Thank fuck! Yes, I am babie, pls carry me
If all the bros are too much/impractical for this one, it’s also totally good if you’d rather write this with just Beel and/or Mammon. Lucifer could work well for this too, now that I think of him. Do whatever you like! Have fun! :)
hi!! great to hear from you :) thanks for always being sweet, it always makes my day to see you <3
decided to do beel, mammon, and asmo because I figured he could be fun to write and felt like he's almost an unlikely pick
enjoy <3
Strong Mc who enjoys being babied
when he's around, which is basically all the time since you're attached at the hip, he doesn't want you to lift a finger
he's absolutely determined to make you feel special and treat you like gold
would give you the world if you stared at it for even a second too long
he doesn't care that you're taller or more buff than him, you're baby
you work so hard and he wants you to know that
please he'd stop a moving car or an angry satan if you asked
while he knows he's not helpful academically, he is willing to help you in any other way possible
you want to go shopping? take goldie from him you can carry her
you need someone to carry the bags? that's what he's here for
you need someone to tell you how your outfits are? he's got you
he's so whipped
this seems unlikely but i think people tend to forget that he's pretty strong too
he's more powerful than beel and it's so funny to me to think that the little twink is more powerful than the body builder work out brother
he would take full advantage of this to catch you by surprise with hugs from behind that lift you off the ground
is overjoyed when you say you love them and that he can hug you whenever he wants
expect lots of surprise hugs
when the two of you are out in public, and someone is trying to both you for whatever reason, he won't hesitate to sock them in the face
while he hates to talk about his own feelings because of the implications that holds for him, he's very emotionally available for you
he will be your ultimate hype man
if you want, he will literally just carry you around while you nap, mindlessly scroll, or do whatever
he will continue on with his day as normal as if he isn't carrying you around like a baby
he's just underrated in general
to be honest, this is new for him too
it's rare for him to meet someone cut from the same cloth as him but he doesn't mind, and actually likes it
because of this, he knows exactly what he can do to help you, or ease your burdens
he knows how tough it can be to carry around something emotionally
always there to talk things out with you
or, he can be your shoulder to lean on
honestly whatever you need him to be, he can be
he's always willing to help and lets you know that
will give the best piggyback ride you've ever had, and will give them whenever
he understands how you feel and is glad he's able to give you the solace you deserve <3
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exhaslo · 6 months
HOLY MURKROW YOU ANSWERED MY ASK!!! SQUEEE!!!! Ahhh, that's so awesome! College is keeping me busy, so I haven't been able to talk much.
But, I had another idea, and since you write for Miguel and did so AWESOME 👍 with the last ask I rambled with.....
😅👉👈 I had an idea! (Hope you don't mind me rambling!)
So.... I had an idea about a witchy spider-person. Like, A spider-person who can use magic! It'd be so cool!
And since I'm addicted to making this big Tarantula man sleep, (because we know he doesn't sleep, don't deny it you know it's true) Miguel or Lyla, in a moment of weakness or (in Lyla's case, out of concern for Miguel) calls the magic spider-person into Miguel's office and while Miguel and our Spell-slinger (Such a cool name) banter and talk, eventually, one of them asks Spell-slinger to cast some sort of spell on Miguel to help him sleep.....
Man, he's out like a light. Super fluffy, super cute. That's all!
Thanks so much! Have a wonderful day! (Also, sorry if your requests aren't open, I didn't see anything about whether they were open or not. Take your time on this one if you want to write it, it'll be great, but don't push yourself friend!)
Aweeee this is a super cute idea!!! Thank you for reading and enjoying my previous stories!!! And thank you for your patience!!!
Warning: None, just Fluff
"A bark of sandal wood!"
"A sprinkle of Kiwi seeds~"
"A dash of Jasmine petals!"
"And a touch of hoping this works magic!"
"AND WE HAVE IT! Feast your eyes folks, for I, Spell-Slinger, New Myth-York's one and only Spider Witch, has created a new and powerful potion!"
You let out a roar of laughter as you spoke to yourself in your one bedroom apartment. Clearing your throat, you gave a small pout towards your pot since no one was there to witness your wonderful creation.
"Oh, what am I to expect? Tis a city out there of many witches and fiends, yet I be it the only Spider-Witch. How doust thou expect to find such moments amusing?"
"You're being dramatic again, (Y/N)" Lyla spoke as she appeared from your watch. You gave the AI a small pout as you approached your large cauldron,
"Oh, but I must. For you have given me such a....challenging task! Far more than the night of Hollow's Eve when my Goblin tried to ruin the yearly rituals for the Werewolves."
"Another reason why Miguel doesn't like sending people to your world for missions. Your mythical creatures and culture might spark the wrong kind of interest in others." Lyla explained before appearing before the bubbling pot, "Is it ready?"
"Yes. I must say, a sleeping potion is quite rare for us Witches to do anymore. Not with modern technology that is."
"Yes, but Miguel won't take over counter medicine. We needed something stronger."
"And me busting out the hundred year old spell book had to be it?"
Let's back track a little. You lived on Earth-54987. A Earth where everyone was a mythical creature or being of some sort. You were born as an average witch, with no outstanding abilities to separate you and your fellow kin.
That was until you were bit by a radioactive Spider that the Sphinx's were experimenting on. In your world, the Sphinx's the smartest of all races...and now because of their experiment...You were a hybrid like no other.
Your witch casting abilities had intensified and you also gained the abilities of a Spider. It was unique and nothing that anyone had seen before. You could either swing across the city or fly on your broom that you customized yourself.
You hadn't thought about being a Super Hero since it was difficult in your world, but things changed when the Black Market started to steal people's abilities and forms away.
You became the hero known as Spell-Slinger. Fighting villains whom wanted to cause havoc and chaos in your mythical world.
"Can you bottle this up into some sort of drink?" Lyla questioned. You smiled,
"I can do you one better."
Fixing your dress, you approached your cauldron and inhaled deeply.
"Summon thee, oh summon thou, of which minor contraption that can hold. Summon thee, oh summon thou, a tool of how to spray on one wist challenge thy be!"
As you chanted, the liquid in the pot had started to spin and float. Above the smoke an item started to form of its essence. A spray bottle was created from the smoke and the potion made its way inside the bottle with ease.
"Bravo." Lyla chirped. You held the spray bottle in your hand,
"This will be easier. Shall we go?"
Miguel grunted lowly as he sat in his dark, gloomy office, working on some paperwork. It had been a while since he last caught some shut eye, but who could sleep when the fate of the Multiverse laid on his shoulders?
"Not to mention Alchemax is getting on my last nerves," Miguel grumbled out as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Miguel had a bad habit of staying up for days on end. His motto was that the only way work will get done is if he did it. There weren't many people he trusted. Not many people could do the work he could anyway.
"Miguel, you need to rest. Your body is going to crash again at this rate." Lyla warned.
"I'm fine."
"No. You're not, but it's fine. I've enlisted help."
Miguel hissed as he watched his AI disappear. Sometimes, he truly regretted allowing his AI to become self aware. Groaning at the thought of what Lyla was planning now, Miguel paused all of his work.
This wasn't the first time Lyla had 'enlisted help'. Honestly, at this rate everyone in the Spider Society knew about Miguel's horrible sleeping habits. They probably thought it was a game to see who could make him fall asleep first.
Miguel's lazily stare focused on you as you came flying in on your Spider-like broom.
"I don't think your hocus pocus will help." Miguel spat. You gasped softly,
"That is actually an insult to me."
"Ah, my apologies then." Miguel muttered. You huffed in response, glancing towards your handsome boss,
"Lyla says you haven't been sleeping much. Need some help?"
"Thank you, but no thank you. I'm fine." Miguel muttered, glancing at your broom and costume, "Are you fitting in well here?" He asked out of concern. You smiled softly towards his concern,
"Aside from. 'Is the witch of the west your aunt?' kind of questions, I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking."
Miguel grunted in response as he observed you a bit longer. You were a special Spider that he found interesting. He liked how unique and quirky you were, but still stuck to your ideals.
"You can forget about Lyla's task. Sorry to have taken time out of your day."
"It's fine, but could you do me a little favor?"
"Start pre-dreaming! It will help you sleep better." You cooed, getting close to his face. Miguel furrowed his brows,
"Mhm, start thinking about what you want to dream about. Gets you looking forward to that sweet rest."
"Fine," Miguel smiled towards you, a rare gem one might say.
"May thy succumb to sweet dreams and blissful rest, oh tense one."
Miguel flinched as he felt his face engulf with a strange mist. Wanting to complain, his body slump as his eye lids dropped.
Spraying your potion against Miguel's face, you hummed happily as Miguel instantly fell asleep. Yes, there was a little bit of guilt since Miguel rewarded you with a smile, but he needed to rest.
"Hehe, it worked~"
Catching the tall man with your broom, you carefully brought him to the softest spot you could find in his office. You casted a blanket and pillow out of air and smiled as Miguel snored. He looked so peaceful,
"Hm, I wonder what he is dreaming out?" You whispered. Lyla appeared and cheered you on,
"You should hide that potion somewhere in this office. That way I can get anyone to use it when he is tired."
"Ah, that would be too dangerous. Best this stays with me. Just summon me whenever Miguel needs to sleep."
"Fair enough."
As you flew off on your broom, you stopped in front of Miguel's door and webbed a sign up.
'Sleeping, Do not Disturb. Curtesy of (Y/N)'
Oh, you knew Miguel was going to chew you out later for it. But it brought a smile to your face. That, and you won the bet between everyone else who was trying to get Miguel to sleep.
This was a good day indeed!
I hope you enjoyed despite it being short! I liked getting creative with the Witch Spider, haha!
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doumadono · 2 years
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At first, Douma is skeptical about the idea of human feelings. He sees emotions as a weakness and doesn't understand why anyone would want to experience them!
However, as his significant other patiently explains the nuances of human emotions to him, Douma starts to become more interested in the concept. He begins to see that there is more to life than just killing and causing chaos.
Douma's significant other teaches him about love, empathy, and compassion. They show him that these emotions can be just as powerful as fear and anger, and Douma is surprised he didn't understand that earlier.
As Douma starts to experience human emotions for himself from time to time, he becomes more introspective. He begins to question his own motives and decisions, wondering if there is more to life than just fulfilling his own desires.
Douma's significant other becomes his confidante as he learns about human emotions. He turns to them when he's feeling lost or confused, and they help him work through his feelings, even though it's hard sometimes because Douma doesn't know how to differentiate between the emotions, and he's unable to describe what he's feeling.
Although Douma still enjoys causing chaos and destruction, he starts to develop a moral code. He becomes more selective about who he targets, and he tries to minimize collateral damage whenever possible ("you know, love, I've been thinking... I made a decision! From now on, I'll eat half as much women as I used to. It's not only called mercy, but first and foremost it's about compassion. I'm full of compassion lately, isn't it lovely?")
Douma becomes fascinated by the concept of love and begins to study it. He reads books, and observes people in love to try and understand what it means. As he learns more about love, Douma starts to feel it for himself. At first, he's not sure what to do with these feelings, but he's drawn to them nonetheless.
As Douma's understanding of love grows stronger, he becomes more protective of his significant other. He would do anything to keep them safe and happy ("my dear, I just felt something! It's so strange! The warmness within my chest, it's overwhelming. Fascinating! Is this what you call love?")
Douma quickly becomes curious about fear and starts to experiment with it. He tries to scare people and observe their reactions to see what happens. As he becomes more adept at scaring people, Douma starts to understand the feeling of fear himself. He realizes that it's not just about being scared, but about feeling powerless and vulnerable.
As he learns more about jealousy, Douma starts to see the ways in which it can be used as a tool. He starts to use jealousy to manipulate and control others, making them do his bidding. Despite his growing understanding of this strange feeling, Douma is still largely emotionless. He doesn't feel jealousy himself, and he doesn't feel empathy for those who do. Or maybe he does? ("My love, where are you going? Will there be other men there, hmm? You know I'm not fond of letting you go alone, you pretty, little thing. You're too precious to me, my petal.")
Douma's pursuit of happiness starts to become a problem as he becomes more and more obsessed with it. He starts to prioritize his own happiness above all else, even if it means hurting others ("Oh, no, my little pet, I'm not vicious! It's called treating yourself well and taking care of your happiness! I treated myself with just two more women, and I've never felt any better! Oh, how happy and satisfied I am!")
Overall, Douma's journey towards understanding human feelings leads him to become a more well-rounded and ultimately dangerous being for he knows how to act and what to do to touch what's invisible yet the most important for humans - their emotions.
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jaydenix · 27 days
20 years on, Sokka is still one of the best male role models in all of media
We need more young men written like him
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What's there not to love about Sokka? As ATLA's resident comic relief guy, crazy shit that happens to him is always a good laugh. He's full of himself and overconfident which combined with a stellar voice acting performance by Jack DeSena makes for a very fun character. But one of the most intriguing things about him is his relationship with manhood.
Sokka begins the show very close-minded on the subject of gender, he believes he's just innately better than woman (especially Katara) because he is a man. At this point he thinks he's on top of the world and he knows everything. After all, he has been put in a great position of power in protecting his tribe after the men left to fight. For what his world currently is his quite on top of things, but his world is about to expand 100 times over.
Once Aang arrives he's tasked with coming along with him and and his sister to head to the North Pole, but early on they arrive on Kyoshi Island and meet the Kyoshi Warriors, this is what begins to break down his superiority complex where he challenges his later girlfriend Suki to a fight and she fucks up his shit. This causes him to unravel what he believes about gender, that he is better than women because he is a man. But his adventure with becoming a man has only just begun.
Throughout the rest of the show, we uncover more about Sokka having to be left behind by his father, he was just barely not old enough to go away to fight and that hurt him real bad, he feels his ability to fight made him a man, but this robbed right out from under him due to his age. Though having spent 2 years stuck without seeing his father and having spent several months out flying around on a bison taking on the Fire Nation, of course he becomes way stronger and way smarter perhaps not dissimilar to how he would've done if he was able to go off and fight 2 years prior. Eitherway, when he finally sees his father and the men of the Southern Water Tribe again at the end of book 2, he's understandably incredibly nervous because he's unsure of how they'll respond. He's left wondering whether they will see him as a man? And of course, they all do, they shake his hand and one of them is comparing heights as he's gotten a lot bigger, he's now an equal to them. They left him a boy, but they reunited with a man. And the classic moment where Hakoda says to him "aren't you listening? I said the rest of you men get ready for battle" like FUCK yeah man Hakoda doesn't even give a second thought here to his son's manhood he just knows his boy is all grown up I love him.
Now, you all know this, so why am I talking about it? Well, Sokka is such an incredibly positive representation of masculinity: his journey to manhood doesn't involve being better or putting down women or anyone for that matter. It even challenges him on this when he thinks thats what it involves. Being a man to him is knowing where you're needed the most, and he fulfils that by trying to bring about peace in the world and helping his friends and others. This is what masculinity should be.
It seems right now a lot of young men are being radicalised into far-right red-pill ideologies which promote masculinity as mistreatment of others. How on earth do we solve this issue to prevent men diving head first into the brazen misogyny of people like Andrew Tate? I don't know, but a lot of people are increasingly frustrated with hardships in this modern world and look for some kind of scapegoat. Now, don't get me wrong, it's really easy to not be a flaming misogynist, and the grievances that the MRA/manosphere lobby enjoy highlighting like idk men being more lonely supposedly? Or not being able to find "ideal" partners because of the woke anti-men feminism mob or whatever? Whereas feminists point to you know things like rape? And abortion restriction? And domestic violence? Real actual issues that affect millions of women all over the world every single day? Undoubtedly I think a lot of men need to do a bit more critical thinking. But perhaps a small part of solving this problem might just be more shows and movies and media portraying young men like Sokka who learn to embrace a non-toxic and healthy form of masculinity. Maybe this will help even just a few young boys not be pulled into these dangerous ideas as they have their own independent idea of how to be a man that was guided through well written and interesting characters. Though of course there's a lot more to it as well, this is just one thing I've thought of.
"One is not born, but becomes a woman" is a common quote thrown around in feminism, and to me Sokka is the perfect example of someone who wasn't born, but became a man through his own good actions.
👏 More 👏 Young 👏 Men 👏 Like 👏 Sokka 👏 Please 👏
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you want complex characters? here's Gale.
I am fully convinced that people only hate Gale bc it's Liam Hemsworth and because they think he's annoying - and yeah, it's true, he IS annoying, but to like president snow more than him? (its pretty privilege)
Most people know by now that the love triangle in thg is for metaphorical purposes - the choice between peace and war. And it's not even a choice as a reader - there is quite literally no chemistry between gale and katniss (in my opinion). But that doesn't merit hatred for the character himself.
He grows up in the seam, poor and being the breadwinner for his siblings. (how sad) We're supposed to disagree with his motives by the end of it - he shouldn't want to get revenge because that makes him as bad as the capitol (yada yada yada). And Peeta is in the right because he wants to show mercy. (peace vs war)
But Peeta grows up as the bakers son. Has he ever gone hungry? No. Are we meant to feel bad for him because of his mum? idk. His name was in the bowl far, far less times. Does that make it any better? No, because he's picked (and this is meant to be about how the system is awful... you get it). But Peeta doesn't grow up hating the capitol because they don't hurt him... until the games.
Is this an attack on Peeta? No, of course not, but circumstances are important as the actions taken within them (situation ethics). Peeta goes into the games and you'd think his outlook on life changes, but it doesn't. Some people have stronger cores - a lifetime of security within yourself does that.
Peeta goes into the games again, Gale saves the citizens of 12 in the bombing. Peeta's kidnapped. And Gale says this:
"He might have been tortured. Or persuaded. My guess is he made some kind of deal to protect you. He'd put forth the idea of the cease- fire if Snow let him present you as a confused pregnant girl who had no idea what was going on when she was taken prisoner by the rebels. This way, if the districts lose, there's still a chance of leniency for you. If you play it right." I must still look perplexed because Gale delivers the next line very slowly. "Katniss…he's still trying to keep you alive."
So, he's annoying, but is he a liar? No. He's ever the strategist, thinking of things from the logical point of view. (really grasping for straws but I need a pro and less cons😭)
People really hated Gale for bombs - killing innocent people that just want to help the fallen? (ohno how sad). But are capitol citizens ever really innocent? Bystanders that simply allow children to be murdered year after year? The idea that they simply have no idea of the harm being caused is ludicrous. Do they not have critical thinking skills? No matter what happens in life, you KNOW murder is wrong. No matter what propaganda media shows you.
(also Beetee helped make those bombs too like gale was annoying but stop giving him full credit like if I was beetee I'd be pissed)
So, that comes to the idea that killing people as a whole is unethical, and it doesn't matter that they're awful people. Is that untrue? No. Is it far to those that have been oppressed their entire lives, being told that using force against their oppressors is wrong? Maybe. It's not an easy issue to resolve (kinda explains the metaphor, doesn't it?)
Neoliberalism probably wants you to blame the individuals. Coin, Gale, Snow. Coin and Snow were two sides of the same coin (ooh pun) - politicians, adults, playing for their own power. Is it wrong to enjoy power? No, of course not, just don't abuse it. Gale enjoyed power. But he was fighting for the freedom of the country, not himself. And he's only 19/20. You're a lot angrier when you're younger, as many adults forget.
The system is the real problem, clearly. Why should the capitol have all the power? Why are the districts being used? We don't know. But that's unimportant.
And then there's Katniss. She's the one making the decision - peace or war. On paper, its peace anyday. Katniss has seen both Peeta and Gale's hardships - Gale is a metaphor for who she could have been. Bitter, angry and hateful. It's not unjustified hatred but under Kantian ethics, murder is always wrong. Katniss does not want to retaliate because it's a vicious cycle of violence.
As far as we know, the capitol don't really pay for all they do. I know if I was a district citizen who suffered, I'd want capitol citizens to feel the same way. That is not to say that it is ethical, but it is not unjustified.
It would be more of a fair argument if Peeta and Gale suffered equally, but can you really quantify suffering. Their experiences shape them. Its easier for Peeta to want mercy for the capitol because he wasn't starved his whole life. And Peeta's stance is the right one.
But see, that's why we say complex character and not good person. Because the decisions aren't malicious in intent, just with clashing personal values to the norm. Like, bffr, half the people online hating on this guy would NOT have stood for mercy for the capitol.
(anyway have a nice day this was my ethics essay plan and I'd better get a 9 on it or else <333)
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spinningwebsandtales · 11 months
Imagine Being Sacrificed To Sukuna On Halloween Night
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Ryomen Sukuna X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, sacrifice, Sukuna being Sukuna, suggestive themes
Word Count: 1.2k
(A/N:) I am so mad at Sukuna in the manga, but I can't help but still like him. He's too good of a villain and I can't help myself. I had to write something for him for Halloween because reasons. I didn't know I was going to make it this long though. I may have had a little too much fun writing it but hopefully all the Sukuna fangirls enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Until next time happy reading and happy Halloween! ~Countess
Your village was small and prone to attacks from the most powerful curse in existence. Ryomen Sukuna had terrorized anyone and everyone and it was only when he demanded a sacrifice every Halloween did the attacks stop. This year was your turn to be taken to the superior curse. You stood before the window, dressed in white and waiting for evening to come.
Your parents watched you wearily, your mother weeping bitterly when the elders of the village came to claim you. You watched your home get smaller and smaller before it finally disappeared. The lanterns that lit your path swayed in the breeze as the men surrounded you, leading you further away into the eerie woods. Their grim faces made you more nervous as you shivered, from both the cold and fear. You had heard all the tales of Sukuna, but you had never seen him for yourself. A few girls had been returned if they hadn't pleased the curse only to never be whole ever again. They were prone to scream at any moment and they would never have the normal life the others got to have. The elders tried to tell you that it was an honor to be chosen but all you could see it as was a curse.
Your escort stopped abruptly in the middle of the darkest part of the forest. Trees seemed to quiver in the shadows, when four red eyes pierced the shadows. Your breath wheezed out, your knees becoming weak, and heart racing so fast you feared it would stop. The men at your side fled leaving you alone to face your doom. Sukuna's form seemed to part the forest as he finally stepped before you, the moon lighting his features. He stood heads taller than you, the largest man you had ever seen. With his extra arms and tattoos that covered him, he was the most terrifying thing you had ever seen.
"So you are to be my sacrifice this year," he spoke his voice matching his terrifying appearance. "You're stronger than most. Majority of the time the women faint at the sight of me."
It wasn't that you didn't want to faint, or run, or throw up. Your whole body had quit functioning, it didn't know which movement it wanted to make first. He chuckled darkly knowing that you didn't know what to do. At lease you weren't screaming, that was the most annoying trait about women. While he enjoyed a good scream it did get old when that's all they would do. Not you as you stood frozen in fear. You would make a nice toy, he figured he could get some fun from you before he sent your mutilated corpse back to your village.
Grabbing your arm, you had no choice but to follow him as he drug you through the pitch black woods. You tripped and walked awkwardly trying to keep up with his fast pace. It felt like your arm was about to be ripped from your socket before Sukuna scooped you up holding your body in his four arms. Your wide eyes watched his features carefully as he brought you further into the trees. You had lost your way hours ago, even if you did escape there was no way you could find your way back to the village. Even if you could, they wouldn't accept you back as they would see you doomed them all to suffer the wrath of Sukuna. What he did with the girls, no one knew. You knew majority of them were killed as some of the corpses would be brought back. Whether he ate the others or whatever he deemed worthy of their bodies no one would know. You would know later, you shivered at the thought, but you would never get the chance to tell a soul.
He set you before a shrine carved into the base of a mountain. He shoved you inside, causing you to sprawl across the stone floor. He stepped over you, his robes pulling at your clothing and hair before he took a set upon a throne of bones.
"You are boring me," he muttered. "No screams, no fighting. I was hoping for a little bit of fun before I killed you. Did you just accept your fate?"
You stood up, brushing the dirt from your robes before nodding.
"You do know you can speak to me?"
You shook your head and Sukuna sighed.
"You're no fun."
You blinked and he stood before you once more. You shrunk back as he gripped your chin.
"Shall we play a game," he cooed.
You gulped.
"If you can entertain me and keep me from getting bored. I'll let you leave at the first sign of dawn. If you bore me, I send your head back to your village and your job will be done. Think you can handle that? I am being very generous."
"Yes," you whispered.
Sukuna cackled, "You're starting off well little dove. Continue and you'll be home before you know it."
Hours passed and you were learning more about the curse Ryomen Sukuna than anyone ever had. You felt like you were walking a tight rope as you tried to keep him pleased. Your body wouldn't stop shaking, especially when his red eyes would glow in rage. You would quickly soothe him over. Sukuna had never met a human female like you and he was beginning to like having you around. He liked the way you felt as he dared you to kiss him, he liked the way your hands felt tangled in his hair, and how much smaller than him you were. So fragile. So human. The sun was beginning to rise faster than he realized, but Sukuna was used to having whatever he wanted. And as a curse he would get whatever he desired, no matter the cost or dirty deed he had to do. He had made you an offer and you had proved yourself worthy in winning, but he wasn't going to let you leave. Not when he finally found a sacrifice worth keeping around. The village could keep the other girls, you had proved to be the one. Your home would be with him and he was ready to see that light leave your eyes when you noticed the dawn. He was ready to see the despair replace the excitement.
"Congratulations you won our little game," he grinned ferally. "Too bad you made the game too much fun. I won't let you leave. You can stay with me."
You deflated, tears flowing freely from your eyes. Sukuna stalked forward leaning over your sobbing form. You looked at him with such hatred it gave him a thrill, your body jolting in revolt as he licked the tears from your cheek.
"Welcome to your new home little dove," he growled.
You had been given an honor you never wanted. The Bride of Sukuna as the curse scooped you up. You kicked and screamed, the fight finally coming to your body as he dragged you deeper into his lair. You wished death upon yourself as the hope he had given you that evening was stripped from you. You cursed him and yourself for thinking a curse such as Sukuna would keep his word. You lost sight of the entrance as the sun was taken from you. Those little rays you had gotten to see were to be the last you ever gotten to enjoy as Sukuna kept you deep in the cave. You were his prize and he would never let you go.
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kishibe-kisser · 11 months
Hi! You could write something fluffy with Gojo. You are both spellcasters. Please
A/N: this isn't very long but I still hope you like it!!!
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End of the day
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Going on jobs and saving people was incredibly rewarding. Coming home at the end of the day knowing you did something good was always nice and it left you feeling a good kind of exhausted. Not to mention working with Gojo, that always left you exhausted. His energy, his jokes, his personality, his power. You absolutely adored it, but you'd be lying if you said there were days you couldn't keep up.
"You look exhausted." He remarked as you came in the door. You knew it was true, you could feel it through your whole body. The curse you had to take care of was a lot stronger than you had anticipated and your energy was drained faster than expected.
What was more infuriating was that Gojo was sent to take care of a curse alot stronger than the one you were dealing with and he looked completely fine. Better than fine even, he looked perfect, like he had hardly broken a sweat that day.
"I love you but right now looking at you makes me angry." You said, walking past him and heading to your bathroom. You could hear him following you as you trudged along, only stopping when you reached the sink. "What why? What did I do?" He asked with a smile and you shook your head, letting the faucet run. You splashed cold water on your face, grabbing your cleanser and lathering it on. You looked at Gojo through the mirror and you could see he was watching.
"You didn't do anything." You admitted and rinsed it off. Gojo moved to stand directly behind you, handing you your towel and placing his hands on your hips. "You just look so good after a whole day at work while I look like I've been hit by a bus dealing with something not nearly as strong." You sighed, tossing the towel on the counter. Gojo wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush to his chest as he rested his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm tired." You apologized and he chuckled.
"Don't apologize. Also, you don't look like you've been hit by a bus. You just look like you're tired." He said, enjoying the way you were melting in his touch. He hated seeing you down, especially because of how talented you were at your job. He got tired too, it just didn't show as clearly.
"Thank you that's what everyone wants to hear from their boyfriend." You told him in return and he let out an exagerated sigh. "You know, you're making it hard to comfort you." He joked and you laughed, patting his hands on your stomach. Gojo turned you around in his arms, pressing you into the bathroom counter as he now hugged you. You were at least now smiling, it might have been a tired one but it was a smile none the less.
His hands moved to your face, cupping your cheeks and squeezing them a little, squishing them and pinching them. Using your cheeks, he pulled your face closer to his and planted a big kiss on your forehead.
"You know what I am a little tired. That curse today was pretty hard." He lied, seeing you smile up at him lazily. "Is that so?" You asked and he shook his head. "No but it made you happy to hear didn't it?" You both laughed and he kissed your head again. "Come on, let's go watch a movie and lay down on the couch. We're not doing anything else today." He ruffled your hair before pulling you out of the bathroom.
"I'll even order in your favorite."
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year
Little Place In The Back Of Your Mind
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Character: George Karim x Gn!reader
Type: Fluff/comfort
Length: 656 words
Summary: You’ve always been clumsy and slow. You feel so bad for keeping the group behind and you feel especially bad for how George always saves your ass. One early morning it finally gets to you and George reassures you that it’s okay.
Trope: Friends to lovers (Honestly could be read as platonic)
A/N: Here's a shorter Drabble one-shot thing to tide you guys over until I finally post some of those requests very soon!!!
I dropped my bag of supplies by my bed in the shared space me and Lucy had. This had been a disaster of a case. The Type 2 somehow snuck up on me and if it wasn't for George I would have been ghost-locked in a instant. I was being reckless and I could have gotten George hurt during this or even the others.
I let the angry and guilty tears flow as I sat on my bed. Lucy was showering downstairs, Lockwood was in the kitchen and George could be anywhere in this house. I was glad to be alone.
I felt like an embarrassment to them. I'm constantly tripping, daydreaming and god knows what else. I pressed my hands to my face trying to get those harsh tears to stop. God, I'm such a wreck.
No matter what I do, I always manage to get in the way.
I heard a knock on the door making my head snap up. I figured it was Lucy coming back from her shower so I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up.
"Come in," I called out. I sat there staring at the floor. I heard gentle footsteps patter up the staircase. Then when they reached the top they stopped.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" I heard no other than George's voice ring out. I looked at him and smiled softly. His face was puzzled.
"Yeah, I'm fine what's up?" George had a tray of tea in his hands but he put it on a small table in our shared space.
"No, you're obviously not. Your nose is red and your eyes look glassy. What's wrong?" I felt bad for getting him to worry about me like he always does.
"Really It's nothing I wouldn't want to bother you." He sighed.
"If it really had bothered me I wouldn't have started this interaction. So tell me what's wrong." He said firmly. He proceeded to sit next to me and wait for me to talk. He had his full attention on me and I love him for that.
"I just feel like I'm keeping you all behind. I'm constantly messing up on our cases and I feel like a liability to our team." I stared down at my roughed-up shoes I hadn't taken off yet. “I always mess everything up.”
"You know you make this team stronger?" He spoke truthfully. "I've seen you use your powers. Sometimes me and Lockwood aren't even capable of doing what you can do." I slowly started to look at him. He was so serious and I could tell it was all genuine. "You're always the first one to cheer someone up after a hard blow for a mission. You're constantly asking to help with any chore around the house. Whether it be cooking or oiling chains you're always willing to help the team and I admire that."
His face was soft and calm. A way that I haven't seen many times before. He's always so invested in something.
"Yes, I can admit that sometimes you're a little wobbly on the battlefield but you have other strengths besides combat. So many other qualities that make you amazing. You're so insanely smart and kind. So don't think about yourself like that. Or I will be mad and I'll have to talk some more sense into you." I chuckled softly. A ghost of a smile emerged on his lips.
"Thank you, George." Then I felt his arms around me. For a boy who isn't into "Touchy-feely" things this is a pretty touchy-feely situation. I soon melted into his touch and hugged him back.
"Is George Casper Karim hugging me right now or am I going crazy?" I joked. He groaned at my comment.
"Do not mention it. If you tell Lockwood I'll never hear the end of it." He hissed out. "Just enjoy the kindness I'm returning to you."
"Yeah, okay." I playfully rolled my eyes.
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peachymilkandcream · 5 months
Fraud | Part 14 | Yandere All Might x Hero!Reader
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(A/N: A chapter in which All Might takes out his anger issues on Reader (sorry guys, but it's your fault for trying to run obviouslyyy) Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, cheating, forced orgasm, suicide, etc.
It took Shade a moment to spring from frozen to fear to rushing into action. A moment.
But even that was too late.
She lunged for him, knife in hand that had been used to hack at the locks. The scream of bloodcurdling anger filling the penthouse as she charged, aiming to put a knife in his heart. She figured that he wouldn't expecting her to lunge like that and would be caught off-guard.
She was wrong.
All Might was always commended on his speed, and in a time like this it was no exception, his hand grabs hers and bends it at an irregular angle, the wrist cracking. Shade cries out in pain but he's not done, without so much as a care his fist connects with her stomach, throwing her to the ground like a doll.
"I knew you were naïve but I didn't think you would actually be this stupid." He stands on her leg, pushing down until it too cracks.
She cries out, and struggles to claw away from him, but his brute strength keep her pinned.
"Listen well woman, I own you body and soul now. You are nothing to me but a punching bag, a form of stress relief. The sooner you realize your place under my heel the more likely you'll be to survive." When she visibly pales he continues. "Does that shock you? That you have to fight to survive me? The Symbol of Peace?" He laughs cruelly. "You are not the first, many have come before you and I'm sure many will come after. It's inevitable. All you women do is fight to be free of me and end up dying in the process. In the end you all come running back again and again. Because I am inevitable. Do you understand that?"
"Never-" She forces out. "I'll- never-"
"Then I'll just have to beat the lessons into you. I'm your mentor right? Well I'm mentoring you right now in how a pro like you should behave to your betters."
"And how is that? To lay down and watch you torture me?"
She looks at him with horror as he picks her up like a cheap toy, throwing her back onto the ground hard enough the wind is knocked out of her.
While she struggles to pull in air he's on top of her, pulling at his clothing until she hears tears. Shade desperately tries to be free, knowing what will happen next, but can't stop it when she feels him penetrating her ass totally unprepared as she cries out in pain.
"You seem new to this, I suppose that boyfriend of yours didn't want to experiment with you."
He thrusted, and her insides felt like they were ready to burst. The first time he was with her was bad enough, but at least then it had been at least a hole he didn't have to deflower. This was a whole new level of pain and humiliation.
This was to be her life now.
Her body begged for mercy, her ass still spurting out his cum as he looked down on her with contempt and cruelty.
"Look at you, you're pathetic. Thinking that you had any hope of escaping me. In all my years of doing this no one has managed to escape. Strong women, stronger than you have crumbled and submitted to me. You will be no different, eventually you'll be nothing but a cock sleeve to use and abuse as I see fit."
She tried to call out, to defend herself but she could only lie there in her shame and humiliation. There was nothing she could do, no way to get out of this deep pit he had put her in. She couldn't get free on her own strength, she would have to lie and wait for another, stronger pro would come save her. She would just have to hold out until then. Survive.
She glared up at All Might, hatred in her eyes. She would survive.
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rikisakai · 8 months
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genre / content vampire king ! riki x wolf princess ! oc, born enemies, betrayal warnings death, torture, poison, blood, profanity sypnosis the werewolf princess sneaks into the vampire prince's coronation, who is unbearably charming and beautiful, but also her lifelong enemy, which is exactly why she needs to kill him. wc 4.5k
part one.
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Most people think only good things can be satisfactory.
But my folk? We know differently. The wolves know that even doing evil can fulfill their needs. Perhaps only that can.
We do not pretend to be good, but that does not mean we are not on the right side. Not everything is split into good and bad. Sometimes one side is bad and the other is worse.
Of course, nothing is right when you're monsters. Though if you have no other choice, none other than to spill blood, you stop caring about what's right and wrong.
Is that why I am doing this? No, not exactly. Not entirely. The more I think about it, the more I do realize I am doing this for no good reason at all, but justifying it by classifying it as revenge, to do justice for people I have never known.
As I said, I stopped caring.
He sputters, clumps of blood landing on the floor before me, leading him to cough even harder than before. My eyes are something he tries his best to avoid.
He has a nice face, attractive features. Pretty doe eyes. Like a deer. The kind that wolves chase. Also the kind that we enjoy seeing the light snuff out of. For now, though, he is only tied to a chair.
But most importantly of all: he is a vampire.
With tight ropes and cold, metal chains binding him to the stool and me—in front of him and ready to attack—it appears evident that he is not getting out of this room anytime soon. This castle is a fortress, and he is not finding a way out of it. Not with me guarding him.
Whilst he is not looking at me, he observes every obstacle in the room, everything that he believes could grant him an escape attempt. Even though I captured him and defeated him, he likely still thinks he's superior to me.
These vampires are always so overly confident, as though no one and nothing could ever cause real harm to them.
Even if something did. Me.
"Let me out. Let me out and we can talk. Promise. Just let me out."
A second long I let him believe I'm considering the offer, and then I shake my head with a pout. "I'd rather you talk just like this. You're comfortable, are you not? As much as you will get."
"Please, I beg you. I wasn't trying to—"
"No, no. You didn't try anything, I'm aware. Just that it was truly unfortunate for you that I happened to be in the area, looking out for the bloodsuckers. Unlucky."
He gasps as he starts to feel the fluid coating the chains. Poisonous for vampires, werewolf blood. Not just any. Royal wolf blood. Grunting, he struggles against them, giving up with a pained expression on his face when he figures out that even if he got out, it would be even worse for him.
Quickly, his desperate, whiny demeanor changes, and he gets agitated, pretty doe eyes converting into fury.
"You fucking wolves. Always messing with us. Think you're stronger. Think you're better. Catching me by surprise proved absolutely nothing. When I'm out of here, these chains and ropes, I'll show you what it means to have power. I'll fucking kill you."
Sighing, I shake my head, playing with the wooden stake in my hand. "A shame. I had wanted to do this the easy way. Now you leave me no other choice." With that, I take big, swift steps toward him, too fast to be of human speed.
The small glassbottle on the floor beside his chair would have been used once we needed to free him, to erase his memories, to leave a blank in his mind where his capture and his stay at the palace had been supposed to be. I guess I am forced to use it now.
Opening the lid, I tip the fluid down, just so it spurts right into his eyes, and he screams.
It is so loud that for a second, I wonder if I might have mixed up a banshee and mistaken it for a vampire, but then his eyes turn a dangerous shade of red. There it is.
"Fuck! I'll fucking rip you apart, bitch!"
"What were you doing in these woods?" I ask, holding his chin that drips with the poison. It only stings me partly, though I do not feel the pain.
For a split second, he blinks, like that event slipped his mind, even if it was where I captured him in the first place. So I remind him. "The blood forest. You were there. Heading toward the Nishimura Castle. Why?"
Agitation is not something I feel quite often, but I do now, when he does not answer me. "What were you doing? Answer me or I will make it so much worse." I squeeze his throat in my hand, and he chokes.
The shade of red that could be mistaken for blood in his eyes slowly turns white again, and his head tilts, somewhat in pride, but also in defeat. "The vampire prince will be crowned. Tonight."
And a smile sets on my face.
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I wonder what my father would have to say about this. The wolves, especially the ancient ones—which he is a part of—are not to be messed around with. It does not even matter that I am his daughter and of royal blood, he would fucking kill me if he knew about this.
Well, hopefully not literally, because by what I plan to do, he will know.
Smiling at those who smile at me and glaring at those who do not is no problem, but getting past any of them without getting squeezed to death might will be.
And in case they push and make me push back, they will know I am stronger, much stronger than the average vampire. I cannot forget that even if they were to attack me, I would always have an advantage even if I was standing before an equal, I'd still have a weapon against them, because one bite from me will kill any vampire.
With that, I decide to dive into the crowd, roaming my eyes around in search of the king and queen, the princesses and the prince. Soon-to-be-king. Or perhaps not.
Perhaps the wolf princess is here to cause havoc on the prince's coronation ceremony.
Facing the vast assembly of people, I recognize how unproblematic it was to slip in. Despite the crowning of the new monarch, the vampires are not capable to protect their king, who stands amidst danger, since he is not crowned just yet. That only further shows what we all know, which is that vampires are not meant to work in packs, unlike us wolves.
They are so easily fooled. Despite me undeniably standing out, looking lost and a little mischievous, they have no idea that someone that was not supposed to be here, actually is.
When I blend in, lifting my chin and following the vampires, I come to realize that I have arrived a little late. Either that or Heeseung gave me the wrong time on purpose, hoping something would come in my way and I would miss the ceremony altogether.
Without me killing him afterward.
Well, unfortunately for him, the prince stands in the middle of the chamber to my right, his quiet words echoing across our ears.
"My dear people, today, we gather to honor a joyous event, this ceremony marks a historic event in our kingdom's existence."
He seems everything but stiff, his confident tone bringing a grin to my lips that I hope is not suspicious, but when I look around I notice that no one is paying attention to me either way.
They are all looking at him.
And I cannot say that I don't understand it. It is not only that soon, he will be king, but also that he is charming. I will not deny that, because he is. Apart from his speech, the prince has an unforgettable face and has something so captivating about him that it is hard to look away.
"As I now stand before you, clad in this elegant regality, I feel the utmost sense of pride and responsibility for my role as the nation's new leader."
My eye roll is hard to contain, but I manage. A ridiculous sight, a vampire pretending to care about anyone but themselves.
"Many moments of struggle, strife, and heartache have brought us to this moment where I stand before you all."
I would not be so sure.
"However, I shall not attempt to walk this path alone. I shall have you all by my side, to guide me and support me, as I make this transition."
He says that with such certainty, as though he might actually care. I guess vampires can both deceive and be deceived.
"Us, creatures of the night, let us join hands and embark on this new chapter together, one that is full of unity and prosperity."
Vampires and unity cannot coexist. That is a known fact, yet they all nod and believe his words so easily that it makes me wonder if they actually brainwash their folk.
Even though we are enemies from birth, meant and trained to kill each other, we have never actually met.
My family has kept me hidden since I could think, so much so that people know I exist, but they do not know even so much as my name. Therefore, I never got to witness how the prince looked like, how he grew and how he ticked.
This might be the reason why. Now that I see and hear the lies they tell, all I want is to rip it apart. To my family, it is no secret that I am driven by anger and by revenge, perhaps part of why they were afraid to let me show myself in the first place.
Everyone moves at the same time, raises their glass filled with red fluid that leaves no room to question where it comes from. Perhaps a single human, too, lying on the ground with blood pooling around them. Picturing it makes me tighten my fists, and it is only then when I realize I have made myself become conspicuous yet again, since I am the only one that has no glass raised into the air.
Hungry vampire eyes staring at me from every direction, and I wonder if I have truly fucked up and they'll either discover I am an outsider—since I was not even smart enough to ask my captive how the ceremony was going to go and how to blend in well—or if I can get away with this. Somehow.
In the midst of the chaos in my own head, thoughts filled with rage and hatred that is all directed at myself for once, I do something stupid.
I glance at the vampire next to me, glaring in my direction, and that's how I make my choice.
Grabbing his shoulder, I bury my teeth in his neck, but I do not rip the skin from his body, instead, I drop his now passed out body to the floor and lick the blood on my lip, nearly throwing up bile. I grin as I stare at the bloodsucker folk, who I have just tricked into believing I sucked another vampire out.
They cheer for me. The unconscious boy on the floor is forgotten by all.
For a moment, I think all is right. I have managed to fool them, they believe me to be one of them and I have decreased the chance of them identifying me as otherwise.
But when I look at the new king, he is not smiling. He stares at me weirdly, but not suspiciously.
I decide one thing in that moment, going against myself: I will wait. Until the ceremony is thought to be nearly over, I will wait, patiently. And then I will strike.
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By the end of the ceremony, there are dead human bodies on the floor, the lives sucked out of them.
It is nothing new to see corpses discarded where it will bother none, though I can't deny that right now, it bothers me more than it ever has, for a reason I can't say. I have always known vampires were cruel—no less than us—and yet, I want to make them all eat my poison.
Perhaps it is exactly that. Perhaps I do not want to find any similarities between us, because that would remind me that while we are enemies, we are also alike.
A fact that I wish was not true.
After having taken care of the man I bit—which translates to having put him into an unguarded basement and let him rot—I made it my mission to focus on the king, find a weakness of some sort, even if I am not certain if he is stupid enough to showcare vulnerability in front of hundreds.
When I found none, I found my familiar anger returning to me. Once I find it to be stronger, with more force, I smile, knowing what's to come.
The moon is visible from here, nearing a perfect circle, fully luminated from where we stand. Just a few more minutes, and there will be no one alive at this ceremony, and no one—not even the king—will be left standing.
"You do not seem to enjoy the ceremony, darling. What is it that you don't like?"
I spin around and am fairly surprised to see the king in front of me, confident in his stance and an arrogant grin on his face, as though he might not be the king after all, or as if I am his friend.
His use of the nickname "darling" has no effect on me, and whilst I cannot roll my eyes—since I have to pretend to be an obedient little vampire—I can make him see that his charm does not work on every woman he blesses with his presence.
Putting on my best pleased face, I smile warmly, hoping he doesn't see through me and that I can act after all. "Oh, worry not. I am enjoying myself a whole lot. I have been the whole day, seeing you has been a true blessing, my king." I bow slightly, and he looks at me oddly, which makes me question if they are ever this polite.
Another thing that would make me appear suspicious.
But he only tilts his head, seemingly not noticing at all, and inspects my face. His gaze wanders, curious. When his thumb touches my chin, I am astonished. I have to force myself not to shy away, because no other woman would. This is their king, and he is all too beautiful, not a single one of them would refuse this.
Even if, were the given circumstances different, I would use the opportunity to come closer and bite hard.
"May I ask what you are doing?" I try and keep my voice soft, but by the way he looks at me, my eyes froze into a hard glare. That doesn't stop him. He has never had anyone reject his advances, and it so painfully shows.
"You may tell me your name." Unlike my question before, he does not ask, he demands. Spoiled little prince. Or king. "And then I might tell."
I feel my body changing.
The blood in my veins is pumping faster, my heartbeat accelerates, my head pounds. It's happening, and he is standing right before me, awaiting me to answer him. Everybody is still here, no one has left.
The kind of perfection you only find in books.
Full moon. What a terrible time to be crowned, and even more so not to consider an intruder during it.
Grinning wide, I know I've won. "It is truely unfortunate that we didn't get to talk before this, otherwise I would have told you. A shame, really."
He frowns, not understanding, but when his eyes widen in surprise, I realize he must think I am about to leave. Without having answered him. It comes as a shock that his mouth turns downward, as though a little upset.
How different. At least the last lesson he ever got was that it was possible to be stood up, after all. After all, I am a great teacher.
I grab the little container in my jacket and gulp it down, reducing pain and duration of the alteration. Just a few moments after I fall to the ground, I will be killing everybody in sight.
"Do not feel bad, Zee, you will realize that monsters do like to kill." My father had told a thirteen year old girl, scared for her life when she had killed her first human, even if it had been in self defense.
"I will never be a monster, Dad. I will never enjoy taking lives!"
What an unfortunate turn things took.
The king stares at the bottle, recognition lighting up his face, and then horror. He is about to scream at me, since vampires don't take anything other than blood, and then he sees my eyes.
"You're a werewolf."
For a second, I feel dizzy, but the commotion around me is impossible to ignore. They yell, they screech, they call for help. If one werewolf is here, they assume I did not come alone. There is nowhere for them to go, though, not anymore. The doors are already locked, every single one in this castle. They will not get past them in time.
"Don't get me wrong, yeah? More than for myself, I'm doing this for my family, you know? To end all of the rivalry between yours and mine. I'm so fucking sick of being trained to kill you when all it took was one fool of a vampire roaming around my territory." I giggle towards the end, drunk on the feeling of my bones shaking in my own body.
He turns bright red. "You're their princess. You're the one they warned me about all my life." His fangs are visible now, ready to bite. But his bite is not nearly as deathly as mine.
"Truly a shame, perhaps we could have been something like friends in another life." I giggle once more as I say it, letting him know that I don't actually mean my words.
I do not expect him to retreat so suddenly when I fall to the floor, bones breaking. The last thing I see, really see, are his eyes contorting in fear.
I groan in pain, and for a split second, I do feel sorry. It has always felt like an obligation to kill him, like I never had another choice. And yet, he had a certain time frame in which he could have attacked me. But he didn't.
Perhaps he doesn't feel the way I do, forced, or he just does not want to destroy me.
It is truly a shame we are meant to shatter each other by nature.
"You're a dirty little killer. Like the rest of us. It's what you are, so why would you fight it?"
The next few seconds are a blur.
As is the next hour.
And the hours after.
When I wake up, everybody around me is dead.
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I cannot differentiate the vampire and human bodies as they lie next to each other on the ground.
There is not a single soul I did not get. Everybody is dead. No one was spared, but I feel so empty that I cannot smile. I do not feel guilty, nor do I empathize with any of them, but the satisfaction that I thought I would feel is being ripped away from me.
I wonder if it kicks in once I see the king himself dead.
My clothes are ripped, but in the places to cover, there is still enough fabric so that I don't walk around naked.
I step between the torn up corpses, a blank look on my face. Searching for a certain one, I grow frustrated when he is nowhere to be found. Until I realize one thing: I have looked everywhere but the throne room, where I had last seen him.
Whilst I feel like I am in a hurry, I do not run. I walk calmly, since I have no time to lose. Arriving at my destination, my eyes roam around the room that seems significantly different and torn up since I have last seen it.
And then I find the boy on the floor.
And register the sick grin on his face.
"You missed. Killed anyone but me. You should've sharpened your claws, darling. Unfortunate for you."
He stands, and in my head, I'm going through all the ways I am going to kill him now. Stopping in front of me, he puts his hand on my jaw. There's that look again. The king stares at my face again, now I believe he might just be trying to memorize my features, but that would be so stupid that I cross that idea right out of my mind.
"I knew you couldn't be a vampire from the first time I saw you," he whispers, so low that it might have been meant to be a secret, even though no one alive is around to hear.
"You were too beautiful to be one of us."
I cannot believe he is telling me this. Especially right after I killed the entirety of the empire he was supposed to rule over.
"And you're insane. Like, real fucking insane. How do you not care about anything?" I do not know why I ask, considering I do not even care, but then I glare at his wicked smile and the way his eyes light up the slightest bit.
He doesn't answer. Not to my question, at least. "All of my life, I have been told the daughter of the wolves—yes, that's your title—was a weak, ugly and arrogant girl. And now, I find out she is powerful, flawlessly gorgeous and definitely arrogant."
Before I can interrupt angrily, he continues. "So can't I enjoy this? Our rivalry is definitely over now, anyway. You won. Boohoo for me. I never gave a fuck about being the king, but I do care about finding out your name."
His confession of not caring about being king catches me by surprise. I thought he had seemed quite happy and definitely in his element when he was speaking to his folk earlier.
I should be killing him. I should be shredding him to pieces. But something about him not caring about being enemies from birth even closely as much as I do makes the fight leave my body. I swallow. "Zee."
With an interested tilt of his head, he asks, "Zee? What's that short for?"
"For Zeve. Nobody calls me Zeve." I grow a little uncomfortable mentioning that detail, and he does take notice, and the silliness of this interaction catches up to me once again. Why am I talking to him like this is totally normal?
"Call me Riki. Or your king. Or just yours. Whichever you prefer." He winks at me, and I roll my eyes dramatically.
"Pleasure," I return in the most bored tone possible, which gives me a snort, "but I do have to go back, otherwise they will find me first. So, it was nice, I guess. Sorry for the mess." I turn around, not awaiting an answer, until I hear howling.
"For fuck's sake."
"Uh, I am guessing that's not too good."
I grab him by the collar, sneering whilst I drag him with me. "You're so fucking observant."
Riki actually takes it as a compliment, and his cheeks flush a little. Or is that why? "Well, thank you. You're so quick to fall in love, darling. Let me catch up and I promise, the love story will be epic."
"Funny you say that when you're the one that keeps flirting with me." I push him into another room, into a shortcut I found when I was snooping around the castle, and I am thankful that werewolves can see so well.
"You make it so easy."
I end the conversation by not replying, and don't even know why I am trying to protect him, since I am dragging him into what I believe to be safety, and that if I were to give him to them—the werewolves—they would give me everything I wanted.
My folk would fall to my feet. They would not only serve me, they would accept me as their queen. They would bow to me. The wolves would be mine. I would have my empire, right after I had taken his.
The thought crosses my mind and lingers.
"Lost in your thoughts? You thinking about me? About how attractive you find me? I can read your thoughts so well," he snickers, and I smile genuinely for the first time.
He thinks it is because of his teasing. Poor, naive little prince. Not enough to be king, after all. As I walk, I am content with my choice of not having killed him. That makes this so much more rewarding.
In that moment, I do not even think about the guilt that will strike my chest.
"Come, let's get you out, Riki."
My friendly tone surprises him, and he shows me a happy smile, so much so that it is nearly giddy. He does seem to grow attached to me, and I cannot say that it makes this easier for me to do. The guilt sets in.
He's the vampire king. I am the princess of the werewolves. We cannot coexist, cannot be friends, nor can we live even slightly friendly alongside each other.
We have been made to take. We are monsters. If he had gotten the same opportunity—the one that feels like a betrayal to me even if we are sworn enemies—he would have done the same. He would have taken everything from me, too.
So it has to be done. I have no other choice. That's what I tell myself as I step out the castle with him walking in front of me. Trees rustle, and I am not enough of a moron to think it is actually the wind.
I keep telling myself that as I kick him to the ground with force, which makes him stare at me in utter confusion, and he opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he gets the opportunity.
"I have him! You can come out here, everybody else is dead!"
No other choice, as they come together in a circle around us, curious gazes turning into pure hatred when recognition hits.
No other choice, as I tell them that I caught him for them, like a trophy. The vampire king in possession of the werewolves. A victory that could never be forgotten, not in a thousand years.
No other choice, my mind tries to convince me when I tell them he is a gift, an offer, and most of all, a promise to enrich them with more if they swear to serve me and make me queen. My father looks so proud of his little girl, and he seems to not be able to wait to make me queen.
No other choice, when I tell them my only condition: keep him alive.
No other choice, once he is being dragged away and still screams my name for help.
No other choice, as he stops screaming when he realizes I was never truly on his side after all.
part 2 will be published soon.
© all rights reserved, rikisakai.
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rottenzomboy · 2 years
Samuel Seo/Seo Seongeun relationship headcanons (Gender neutral)
i have no clue how to use tumblr but i need to share this with the world.. enjoy..
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remember,, this is just my take! i personally am not a believer of the headcanon that he would have a soft spot for someone he's in a relationship with. i cant see him being protective or spoiling a partner or anything like that..
♚ samuel's partner would be someone above him; stronger than him, or in any position of power over him. he needs someone that he seeks the approval of.
♚ if you happen to be this person, contrats! everything he does, he does to impress you, to gain your approval, to make you proud. he would kill if it meant you'd give him so much as a pat on the back.
♚ you shouldn't praise him too much, though. toy with him. he'll tell you everything he does in hopes to get your approval. switch it up between: 'you did well' and 'why should i praise you for something you're supposed to do anyways?' dont let his ego get too big, keep him as your dog
♚ samuel isn't the type to put a name to relationships. there wouldn't likely be a time where he would call you his partner/boyfriend/girlfriend, and in turn you probably wouldn't call him your boyfriend. if he was asked to describe what the two of you had, he wouldn't call it much more than a 'companionship' or something similar. this doesn't mean he's not completely wrapped around your finger, though.
♚ he doesn't tend to initiate physical touch, but welcomes it. essentially, any form of affection towards him should be used strategically and with purpose; make him earn it or use it to get something from him
thats all i have for now folks.. i am a firm believer in submissive samuel though
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cousmemes · 9 months
dialogue starters from DOCTOR WHO SEASON 8. feel free to edit for context / continues under the cut.
"I'll wager you've not seen anything like this before."
"Listen to me. You need to calm down."
"I'm not flirting, by the way."
"What have I done wrong?"
"Are you judging me?"
"Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do not assume that I am so easily distracted."
"Whatever it takes, I will keep you safe. You will be at home again."
"I'm cold. There's no point in us both being cold. Give me your coat."
"Are you cross with me?"
"You were talking about me?"
"What is happening right now to you and me is more important than your egomania."
"Nothing is more important than my egomania."
"You've redecorated. I don't like it."
"You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like?"
"I was being funny. I just do that."
"How long have you been there?"
"Are you going to look that terrified when you take me out for a drink?"
"You were smiling at nothing. I'd almost say you were in love."
"I need you."
"An anti-climax once in a while is good for my heart."
"We cannot waste this chance. It won't come again."
"Isn't the universe beautiful?"
"I think you're probably nice. Underneath it all, I think you're kind and you're definitely brave. I just wish you hadn't been a soldier."
"I don't know if you're a good man. But I think you try to be and I think that's probably the point."
"Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned storybooks."
"Do people ever punch you in the face when you do that?"
"Well then, draw your sword and prove your words."
"People are so much better at sharing information if they think the other person has already got it."
"Right, you do that again and you'll regret that."
"We can't just let them kill him!"
"She should not have told you any of that."
"Perhaps others will be heroes in our name. Perhaps we will both be stories. And may those stories never end."
"I wasn't making assumptions about you."
"You just have to squeeze through."
"How did you get in?"
"You know, you should have more than one chair. What do you do when people come round?"
"The deep and lovely dark. We'd never see the stars without it."
"I mouth off when I'm nervous and I've got a mouth on me. Seriously, it's got a mind of its own."
"Tell me the truth - because I know when people are lying to me."
"I am not going to leave you in danger!"
"Sorry, who put you in charge?"
"However this goes, whatever happens, don't let me end up like that."
"They have no power over you now. You can do exactly what you want to do now. Exactly what you've always wanted to do."
"Go and enjoy yourself. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"There's no way out of this. We're going to die here."
"Why are you being nice?"
"Every time I see you, it's like you're in a rush."
"The next few days are all about you. I promise."
"Human beings have incredibly short life spans. Frankly, you should all be in a permanent state of panic."
"How can you think that I'm her dad when we both look exactly the same age?"
"He's my boyfriend. I thought you'd figured this out."
"Why wouldn't I be okay? I was fine till you blundered in."
"It's funny, you only really know what someone thinks of you when you know what lies they've told you."
"Please, tell me how I fix this."
"I'm bored. Let's go somewhere fun. What do you say?"
"I know men like him. I've served under them. They push you and make you stronger, till you're doing things you never thought you could."
"Is there some sort of fancy dress thing on this evening?"
"I am so sorry. I've had a wobble. It's a big wobble, but it's fine. Forget about it."
"Where are you and are you in trouble?"
"Lying is a vital survival skill. And a terrible habit."
"Do you want the good news or the bad news?"
"We're in the bad news! I'm living the bad news!"
"Why can't you just say it? Why can't you just say I did good?"
"You are enjoying this just a little bit too much."
"Don't make me say it."
"I don't want to be the last of my kind."
"I don't want to see more things. I want to see the things in front of me more clearly."
"I just want to know the truth. I don't care what it is. I just want to know it."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up. I need to talk to you."
"Oh, everything is better when you're here."
"Please speak to me. This is - this is killing me.
"I love you. And you are the last person who's ever going to hear me say that."
"By now, I'm sure you've heard the rumours, and it is with great sadness that I must confirm them to be true."
"He was alive, and then he was dead and it was nothing."
"Don't. Be very, very careful with that."
"I know what you're doing. You're trying to take control."
"I am in control. Do as you are told."
"I was curious about how far you would go."
"You betrayed me. Betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything that I've ever stood for."
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
"Speak for me again, I'll detach something from you."
"This isn't possible. The dead don't come back."
"Be strong, even if it breaks your heart."
"Say something only you could say. Tell me something only you would know."
"Whatever it takes, I will be with you again, I swear."
"So you know who I am, right?"
"Look, are you going to help me? Because I can't do this alone."
"And didn't all of those beautiful speeches just disappear in the face of a tactical advantage?"
"I wasn't very good at it, but I did love you."
"There's something that I have to tell you and, er, it's not good news so just - just listen, okay?"
"Never trust a hug. It's just a way to hide your face."
"Thank you for making me feel special."
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teyvathandymenclub · 2 years
Hello can I make a tighnari request tighnari x pregnant reader where the reader goes into Labour and tighnari has to deliver his own child and collie has to stop him from fainting the whole time
(Ps can the baby be a fox I adore baby foxes) 
Thank you for your request. I am really sorry that it took so long, I was not active here for a while. And - Also sorry that I have made it longer than it needs to be. It´s written a little bit as a joke, especially in the last part, so keep that in mind. Hope you enjoy it.
Oh no, it´s comming!
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“What a beautiful night.” Tighnari says leaning out of the window. “Look! The sky was not this clear since… Forever.”
“We should make the most out of these last summer nights.” You say as you come to him. “Soon it will get much colder.”
“And...” He makes a long pause to wait for you to complete his sentence.
“And?” You frown.
“The baby will come!” Tighnari suddenly jumps to you and quickly gets on his knees to hug your belly.
“Don´t do this! You scared me.” You laugh. “Don't you know that it's dangerous to stress this pregnant lady?” You say as a joke while putting both hands on your hips for additional dramatic effect.
“No, pregnant lady. I didn't know that.” Tighnari laughs and kisses you. “What would you say about a little walk?”
“Now?” You frown.
“Yes, dear. Why not? We can enjoy this nice evening and count the stars as we used to.”
“Like on our first date.” Your face brightens up, you love that he remembers every small detail about your relationship. Sometimes even better than you.
“Exactly.” He smiles at you and his ears make a happy wiggle.
“I would love to, but I don't think that we should go far, especially in this state.”
Tighnari laughs when you point your index fingers at your belly.
“Don't laugh. I'm due in three weeks so it can happen anytime now.”
“I know.” Tighnari takes both hands in his and places gentle kisses on them. “But we are ready. We did everything that we were supposed to. Took the courses and read all the books. I am here for you and I will be by your side the whole time. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah… Except for the whole childbirth thing.” 
“I am so sorry. If there would be a way to help you to ease the whole process…”
“I know, I know.” You smile.
“I have always told you that you are the stronger one, Mrs. Forest Watcher.”
“No, no. I am Mrs. Forest Ranger. Like power ranger, but forest edition.”
“What is a power ranger?”
“Oh, nothing.” You laugh as you grab a water bottle and head out on your night walk.
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“It's getting cold, we should come back. I don't want you to get sick.” 
“You're right. I will just… Do you hear that?”
“Tighnari! Tighnari!” A familiar voice echoes in the forest under the small hill where you currently are. 
Tighnari´s ears stretch and try to locate the source of the noise, and after a short moment, he sights “Collei.”
And then you finally see her running towards you.
“Master! Master Tighnari!!!” Collei screams, almost choking on her words, trying to talk.
“What is it now?” Tighnari frowns with his arms crossed at his chest.
“Let her catch a breath.”
“Yes, thank you. That hill almost killed me.” Collei nervously smiled. 
“So… Collei. Tell me what is that important, that you had to wake up the whole forest with your…”
“Tighnari.” You frown at him.
“I am sorry Collei. Now, tell me what happened.”
“Master Tighnari, someone has set up a bonfire in the middle of the forest… And it burns.”
“Well… That usually happens with fire.” He scratches his head. “Even though it is a forbidden act in our forest to leave an open fire, anyone can deal with it pretty quickly. So why…”
“It already burned a few acres!”
“Oh. Wait, what? So the forest is burning?!”
“It shouldn't be a big fire. I haven't seen or smelled any smoke.”
“It's on the other side of the forest, but it's spreading really quickly! It doesn't look good, and many people and their homes are in danger.”
“The forecast for tonight is not good, we will get a strong wind that will help the fire spread even more.” Tighnari´s ears fall flat. “Not good, not good. We need to act quickly.”
“Part of our team is already on the spot and others are currently meeting in…” Collei looks at you with a strange expression, but after a short moment she continues. “I can lead you to…” She looks at you again.
“Collei! Come on, we don't have time.”
“Yes Master Tighnari, you are right. We don't have time.” She says and points at you. 
He looks at you and when he sees that the lower half of your dress is completely drenched, he freezes. “Oh. Oh no! It's coming!”
“Who is coming?!” Collei asks nervously while looking around hoping to see the intruder.
Tighnari just stands there without any movement, shocked, staring at you. “Not now.”
“I am sorry, it's not up to me.” You throw your hands in the air.
Tighnari´s tale nervously jumps from one side to another as he tries to think.
“If I may suggest, there is a small Watchers cabin on the way.”
“Yes, yes. Of course, you are right. Please, tell everyone that I cannot come. Contact every watcher's unit that you possibly can so we can stop this catastrophe. I will… I don´t know. We will figure something out, but if you meet someone from our medical team, send them to the cabin. We will be there…”
“Yes, master!” She says and runs away.
“Now…” He sights. “Let me take you there. At least you will not be cold. And then… I don´t know. Everything is happening at once.”
“Tighnari, calm down. It just started. Contractions are irregular and far apart, so we have enough time until someone will come to help us.”
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“Collei! Finally! It's been hours! How does it look? What is happening?”
“Master! Everything is fine!” She jumps happily.
“What do you mean?” He stares at her. 
“False alarm, master! There was a fire, but all the information we had came from some hysteric granny that lives to spread rumors, so you can imagine…”
“So there was no fire?”
“No. Well, yes. But when the second part of our team came, they had already finished extinguishing…”
“Oh god!” You scream as another contraction comes.
“Master, I think I will go now…”
“I am just joking!” She smiles nervously.
“Contractions are only two or three minutes apart.” Tighnari says.
“I think it's time to start pushing.” You look at him.
“Oh god. I don't feel good.” He hides his face in his hands.
“Tighnari… Ouch!” You shrug. 
“I can't do this… Did you get help? Any help?” 
“I am afraid that I forgot.”
“Collei…” He looks at Collei hopelessly.
“Master! Are you ok?”
“He already fainted. Twice.” You smile, trying to hide that you are scared, but unsuccessfully.
“We can do it, don't worry.” She looks at you. “I think… Yes, I can help. No, I WILL HELP!” Collei grabs Tighnari that already lays on the floor, half dead.
“Master! Do you hear me?”
“Mmmm… Yes. I need water.”
“No water for you! Your wife is ready to have your baby. Do you understand?”
“Oh no.” Tighnari whines.
“Oh yes. Time to wake up!”
Collei helps him to stand up. After a moment, he looks ready until he doesn't.
“Not again! You are one of the best forest watchers! You know everything about nature and you are scared of this?!”
“I… I don't think that I can do this.” Tighnari looks at her with a blank stare on his deadly pale face.
Collei comes to him and shakes him like a paper doll. “Get it together! The baby will come right now and right here! Whether you like it or not!” 
“Oh my… Collei! Damn.” You smile at your friend's enthusiasm. “I would love to watch this drama, but I don't think we have any more time.”
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“Okay, okay! One more push!” says Collei with a supportive smile.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. You are amazing.” Tighnari looks at you while holding your hand tightly, and out of nowhere, a huge relief comes through your body like a tsunami.
“He is here!” Collei screams louder than your crying newborn baby.
Tighnari squishes your hand even harder while his gaze jumps from you to your son and back.
“He is so beautiful.” You cry. “And has huge lungs like his auntie.” You smile through the tears at Collei.
“Me???” She looks at you and starts sobbing uncontrollably while wrapping the baby in blankets from the cabin
“Let me, I will do it.” Tighnari comes to her with a wide smile. After a moment he comes to you, puts a long kiss on your forehead, and shows you your baby with proudness radiating from his face.
You take your baby in your arms and the blanket slips a little, exposing the baby´s beautiful ears.
“This is our baby. Our son.” Tighnari cries.
“Our son.” You repeat after him. “With the cutest ears, I have ever seen. And yes, even cuter than yours.” You grin with your heart so full of love that it could burst.
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