#if you dont want to go through the effort of learning art yourself
that-edgy-gal · 1 year
Sees "ai image" tag
Unfollowed. Blocked. Perish.
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ronkeyroo · 8 months
Hi! I'm the amalgamation of every soul who ever left any positive comment or piece of support on your art; past present or future. You had something you wanted to tell us?
I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE ANON HNGHFN, You've left a conflicted, yet all the more warm smile on my face.
Each and every kind soul that shared their support and love with me throughout my struggles is an individual i want to cherish and thank personally ;_;) To cover everything with a blanket Thank you is always something I can do, and if im blessed by an abundance of people far greater in realistic measure to be able to thank individually - I will. But right now, i want to focus on recovering from my blockage, to learn to experience how its like to communicate with people again; Granted, i am going through such a hectic, stressful period in my life - That even that still proves to be a slow process, but its one im willing to put my heart and effort into whenever the time and energy rises for it ;A;
But alright alright, I WILL take the opportunity still!
Everyone, if there's anything I could tell you right now: Please... Imagine me extending out my dumb werewolf arms to hoist you all into a warm hug; my eyes starry and my lip quivering...MAKE SURE YOU STAY WARM THIS WINTER OKAY ITS FUCKING COLD ,GET YOURSELF A HEATBAG AND A CUTE PAIR OF FLUFFY SOCKS, DRINK PLENTY AND PISS PLENTY TOO OKAY, WHEN YOU DONT DRINK IT LITERALLY CREATES A STRESS RESPONSE IN THE BODY YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN BE AWARE OF AND THAT MESS FUCKS WITH YOU ESP IF YOU ALREADY DEALIN WITH SOMETHIN. I KNOW ITS TEDIOUS TO DRINK WATER ALL THE TIME SO JUST MIX IT UP WITH THINLY SLICED CUCUMBERS, MINT LEAVES, AND LEMON AND LEAVE THAT GOODINESS IN A BOTTLE OVERNIGHT, IT COMES OUT HELLA REFRESHING, TASTY, AND YOU GET DEM H20 INTO YOUR BODY WITHOUT IT BEING BORING. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BY BEING KIND TO YOUR BODY AND UR INNER SELF , nONE OF THAT SELF SACRIFICIAL/BERATING SHIT, YOU DON NEED THAT. And lastly - Thank you, thank you for being here to share in the joy, for loving my work and hyping me up whenever I upload ;_;) I keep repeating myself like that one red vox song from my spotify wrapped but i screw it ill say it again; I love being here with you all so much, and i couldn't have asked for a better platform for all of our silly, heartful and disastrous wonderful shenanigans ♥
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
can i have a romantic twst match up, im an esfj, pisces, i use any prns, im not smart nor am i physically well(as in athletic well) I’m more into arts such as literature, music, drawing, etc, im easy to get along with ambivert, has a lot of hobbies i can keep up with, i usually keep things to myself solely bc i dont wanna bother ppl that much, i rarely ask for help cause i want to feel independent, procrastinates a lot, average grades, i dont put effort on things that i deem as pointless only doing decently at it, im always seem to be on my imagination solely bc i have a lot of ideas in mind i just dont have any motivation to do any of em! and may or may develop some bad habits due to obsession! (i hope this is good enough!)
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I hope that you like it! I'm sorry this took a little longer to get out, I've had recital practice for the last week and a half and tonight is opening night!😊😊
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I match you with.......
Ruggie Bucchi
• Now, there are a number of reasons as to why I chose this beloved hyena man and I will try to touch base on most of then here so bare with me here😊.
• For starters, he wouldn't want you to keep anything to yourself, no matter what it was. Bottling things in and never trying to seek for help can only make things worse in the long run. Ruggie is so used to helping others and doing work (looking at you Leona), that he WILL want to help you any way that he can.
• That being said, if you truly do not wish to talk about it, he will not force you nor will he use his unique magic against you to tell him what is wrong. What he WILL do, is take you back to his room in Savanaclaw, and he dies have a habit of letting you wear his clothes, and he (if there is no work to be done), will lay down with you. If he does have to work, then he will still take tou there, but makes sure you have food and water, and anything else that may help before he leaves. He will be sending you messages throughout the day, though, just so you know he's thinking about you.
• For him to leave you in such a place as his room, shows that he trusts you a great amount, something that doesn't come easily to him. You're very important to him.
• He gets the feeling on being independent. After all, he had to learn from a very young age to take care of himself and then to take care of others. While you are fiercely independent, he makes it very well known that you can ALWAYS go to him if you need anything. He is there. Perhaps he will even bring you a meal so you don't have to travel where you are to get something. Another way he shows how much he loves you, he shares his food with you. If you know his background, you know just how important that is for him.
• He admires you talent and ability for art, especially your drawings. Though, the first thing on his mind was that you can easily do commissions and make some money from them. A lot of things his mind goes to is circled around money, again, with his background, it makes sense. But if you draw anything for this hyena, it's become his most prized possession and no amount of money can be given to him for it to be given up.
• Ruggie is an active boy. Between all the running around on his numerous jobs, back home, P.E, running errands for Leona. The boy has great cardio. Knowing your own athletic state, he at least tries to help you out. Nothing to severe, maybe going on a walk with him to Sam's shop. Something simple, easy, but still exercise. He greatly cares about your health.
• He is a great motivator! Yes, you may not want to write that paper, do that assignment, or any other task, but he is there with you through the whole thing. He is not above bribery either. Kinda like, if you can finish this assignment then I'll find a way to get you that art kit you really like, or, say you're working on a task, as soon as we are done, I promise that we can cuddle in bed for the rest of the day. We won't have to do anything at all. He just wants to see you do your best. He comes from a place where no one js really given that opportunity. He was lucky enough to make it to NRC. He's going to make sure both of you pass cone hell or high water.
• Gifts are not the most common with him, the man is on a tight budget, especially especially he sends things back to his hometown as well. Though, if he wss out and about and happened to see a book or any form of literature on a discounted price, he will spare a few madols and get it for you. Seeing the smile on your face makes it all worth it in the end.
• Overall, he is one of your biggest supporters. He wants to see you thrive and do your best while also embracing the hobbies that you have. The hyena is smitten with you regardless. He just wants to see you happy, and to him, just seeing your smile is payment enough for him.
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xi218 · 11 months
୨୧ goals ୨୧
Physical: working on being sober, ab workout routine, getting into bed earlier, not snacking so much, wearing the clothes you're saving for a "special occasion", trying out new looks and clothes, venturing out new styles, upgrading your basic hygiene routine, drink more water
Mental: journaling daily (or near daily..), decorating pages, keeping track of emotions both negative and positive and what triggers them. Get rid of the negative triggers and bring in more of the positive triggers.
Emotional: getting in touch with a therapist, dedicating a journal to release you emotions instead of bottling them in, interpret dreams, talking to friends when things upset me
Professional: working 1 hour more than usual, dont wake up and finish work before class
Personal: find your old hobbies (crochet), discover new ones (shirt making 👀), trying new food even if im nervous, complimenting people out loud, making an effort to hang out with friends when opportunities present themselves, limit youtube time
Finance: learn how to budget, no impulse spending, watch videos about making money with art and follow through
Important habits to have: waking up and going to bed early, using planner, having a morning and night routine but the freedom to change it/ leniency with myself if i dont stick to it
Important skills to build: how to communicate my own needs, learn what the line is between sharing and dumping (rather than choosing to bottle everything ive ever felt lol)
schedule ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
So you've picked your goals. Great. Now take a look at your schedule and figure out what things are taking up most of your time. Is it a long commute? Spending too much time scrolling on your phone? Waking up late? Going to bed late?
୨୧ time blocking / schedule:
☆ Mornings:
5-6am: exercise
6-7am: shower, get ready for class / library
7:30-8am: library for breakfast, get ready for the day
☆ Evenings:
get back from class, shower immediately, change into pajamas
eat dinner
finish homework
plan the next day, journal, go to bed
Assess how you spend your time and utilize it. Instead of scrolling on your phone during your free time, spend time with your loved ones (pets, kids, partner), instead of staying in one place while you're on a call, walk around to get steps in, there is always a way to implement your goals into your daily life.
Notice how I say fit your goals around your life. You don't want to be taking away important things like errands, jobs, school, being a parent just meet your goals- no. Use your time wisely. That's all. You can fit them.
On the larger goals like taking up a class/large skill, like dancing and painting. On fridays, you'll have dance class and on other days that you have free, you'll be painting a piece or reading your anticipated book, learning a language, trying out a new recipe, planning the next day, taking a spontaneous art class, etc!
Because I work a lot, I like to use weekends to really do deep work. Intensive study sessions. And because I deep work (work with no distractions) I don't need to study all day. I'm getting so much done in little time that I'll be done by the afternoon and I can go out and do errands, get all dressed up and have a nice day out in the city, or just have a relaxing day by doing chores, watching a nice movie and more!
3. Setting up a system so you can actually stick to those goals.
Keep a journal to keep track of what you did today. If you didn't reach a goal that day (and that's okay), ask yourself why? and how does it make you feel? Then take action on what you can do to reach it tomorrow.
i think post its in planner should be effective
Switching. We all know it’s best to not push yourself so hard. For example, don’t do intense exercise everyday. Walking and dancing throughout the day counts as exercise too, so by switching (depending on YOUR goals), you’ll have time for your other goals as well. Here is an example: on a rest day of no exercising, maybe that day is the night I have a ballet class. That is exercise as well. So instead of exercising in the very early hours of my day, I can use that time instead to do more studying OR have more time doing something else.
which means I can do one do the following: spend more time with my pet, read a few pages of my book, make a new recipe, etc.
Ex. 4am-5am - on a no-exercise day, i can study during that time instead. 6am-7am - more time to tackle my other goals.
Create a foundation. If you have an amazing day, felt very productive and accomplished, what's a habit that really helped? if you had an off day, figure out why and maybe your foundation can help.
★ That’s all!
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wollfling · 2 years
I think if people were more comfortable with the idea of learning a new skill and working at it, accepting you're going to suck at it at first (or even for a long time) and how that's part of the experience, ai art would be less of a "thing".. because I think the two major problems of wanting to create art that people have is 1. It takes a lot of time to make, and takes a lot of time to get "good" at it and 2. Being okay to make something that looks bad. I think too, a lot of people want to have art instead of wanting to DO art, but are mistaking having the program make it for them as doing it themselves. It would be equally wrong and quite frankly ridiculous to claim a piece you commissioned from a human as your own.
I dont think this is a problem with people individually more so a problem born from how everything these days comes instantly (speaking broadly, there are layers to this from country to region to class etc obviously) and how with social media, I think people have increasingly grown self concious and measure their worth by what they look like/are skilled at. I wish we could all slow down intrapersonally. Find excitement in doing things badly, because it means we are learning and exploring and expressing ourselves.
And sometimes I think in extention to the instant gratification- if you don't want to DO art you don't have to. If you don't want to put in the effort you don't have to. But you can't really claim that you've made art when you haven't. And if you just want to HAVE art and aren't wanting to say that you made it just save up and commission an artist. Art is truly about connection & communication and you are robbing yourself of that by turning to a computer instead.
I think for a lot of people art is scrolling on instagram and thinking "wow, pretty :)" without giving it further thought. Which I'm sure contributes to all of this.
Thinking further about the process of creating art, I'm not sure how far writing ai is, but it's like telling the program "write me a poem about the loss of a loved one" whatever it turns out is going to have 0 substance. It doesn't matter how beautiful it sounds. Alternatively if you commission a poet to write it for you, you spill your heart to them and ask if they understand, and they do understand, and they put it in prose for you. And through this you've experienced connection and more importantly what I think a lot of people are more afraid of, vulnerability in pursuit of communication. And the end result is a piece of art. I hope this makes sense..
These are just a small facet of the larger ai issue but I've been thinking of them a lot lately. I just so desperately want others to create and experience the process of creation. It's uncomfortable and time consuming and sometimes embarassing but it's also freeing.
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grub-talk · 1 day
All offense but yall are typing shit out of your ass. Don't play the "Oh i looked up to you" or " I kept you at arms length" I'm sorry but you're throwing and pinning this all on me because your friend was lying and you don't want to actually hold them accountable. This dude have neglected, avoided me and made me think I was the issue when I tried to communicate any flaws we had during our relationship. [ Which, note, they also admitted this TO MY FUCKING FRIEND.] Whatever they fucking skewed or try to blame me on, they neither have communicated it with me or brought it up AT ALL, and even if they did; they used it against me TO HURT ME. I've always been upfront about my problems to you and my friends and if there is actually ANY point you're trying to come across, its not hitting the end goal here. You've seen how emotionally distressed I was, and if there is any thought of actually being genuine and honest with how my actions coudlve been viewed. None of yall did anything about it but said "learn self respect, learn self love" and even RELATED to me on what I was going through. You're fucked for being two faced cunts. I came to YOU for help, I MADE EFFORTS. But im not gonna sit there and let them treat me that fucking way. Its fucked how all of you guys are attacking me and using your good deeds, WHICH BTW, doesnt make your points anymore foul than what it actually is. It does not make you a good person. Thank you for having HUMAN DECENCY to try and help me when I was at my lowest and was considering to fucking end my life, I understand me being thrown into a bad mania episode had left me doing some deplorable behavior. WHICH I DO ADMIT, COULDVE BEEN HANDLE BETTER but your friend still was a piece of shit to me and said really hurtful things and done shit before we've broken up. Which you know, I wish I didn't fucking excuse and forced myself to let them keep doing it to me. DRAWING yourself killing me, calling me a black hole and claiming ive "taken" everything from them, when I have spent so much of my energy and fucking time to love and adore them. I wanted them to make sure they know that they are loved because I was so blind to believe they where an actual nice person. Hell, I went to a whole ass different COUNTRY just to meet them, only for them to be on their phone 24/7 saying they felt "rushed" when I told them about this planned trip SINCE SEPTEMBER. WHICH THEY COULDVE AT ANY POINT SAID "No thank you" oh yeah are we gonna forget they barely communicated about those plans too? Which they slapped that shit onto their friends and made them deal with it? Yes, thank you for inviting me, Kashi. I am so fucking embarrassed that everything came down to this point. I do bare so many regrets on every going because not you, or your room mates had to deal with the embarrassing tension that my ex and I gone through. It still eats me up everytime I think about it, cause its fucking disgusting and I never wanted to go home so fucking bad. Only to find out literally TWO DAYS AGO they've actually stolen OC'S that I praised them on making. Which, my other friends can fucking CONFIRM they claimed it was their art. Get the fuck out. Also, me not wanting them to have a new partner??? FELLA, what are you BULLSHITTING ABOUT. you're grasping at LITERAL STRAWS here. No one gives a FUCK about who they are dating. Least not with me? I don't care about their partner, whatever was exchanged between Evan and my Ex[ Their ex also.] had ZERO of my influence there if rather or not they will actually go to them about it. They told me they where gonna confront them, so they did. Im proud of them for even talking about this PUBLICLY. So DONT YOU DARE PIN THAT SHIT AGAINST ME. IDGAF ABOUT THEIR CURRENT SIGNIFICANT OTHER. WHATEVER THEY DO IS NOT MY BUSINESS. I'm thankful enough I have people who love me. You are deflecting and making yourselves even more stupid than I have thought. Im sorry but no one gives a FUCK about their current partner, youre going off the main point shows how actually blinded you are.
Also PLEASE shut the fuck up about stalking, literally all you guys ever done was do the SAME EXACT SHIT. Why where you on my toyhouse profile, why where you visting my tumblr, WHY where you on MY twitter account? I'm sorry no one gives a fuck about whos stalking who, you said it for yourself you fucking idiot. Its made public so therefore PEOPLE WILL SEE IT. MY FRIENDS CAN SEE IT, I CAN SEE IT. I am fully aware that what I post is public too and will eventually be seen, THATS FINE. OH YEAH, BY THE WAY, I HAVENT EVEN FUCKING VISITED YOUR PROFILE EVER SINCE OUR LAST DISCUSSION! I was hellbent on not checking anyones accounts. I was hellbent on moving on with the idea of ignorance is bliss. IVE ONLY WENT ON BECAUSE I FOUND OUT WHO THE REAL ARTIST WAS!!! I spent fucking time deleting and separating the character to find the signature, looked them up and BOOM. IT WAS YOUR EX?? the main issue here is that your friends A FUCKING LIAR. " My partner left me because of Hazbin" No you fucking idiot I left you because you're where making me run through hoops to try and FIX things that WHERE OUT OF MY CONTROL. Don't you dare ignore that I havent made actual efforts while you sat there doing fuck all nothing. And btw, i'm not the only person youve done this too and said "oh idk what to do" WE KEEP FUCKING TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO. Holy shit YOU'RE ALL SO FUCKING STUPID!! I SWEAR!!! ACTUALLY THINK FOR YOURSELVES, I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU ALL CIRCLE JERK EACH OTHER OFF. Literally SO OVER THIS.
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worstdisastermaster · 2 months
hey i love your blog and fics! do you have any writing tips for a poor soul who cannot write for the life of me
!!!!!!!!!!! Jshdjchsjhskxjckxjkaakxjc thank you so much augsjxhxkahajs-
Ahhhh okay okay okay. Hmm.
1st, read. Read and read and read and dig down deep in the words like if u burrow enough the world won't be able to find u an drag u out. Shred it. What do you like? Why? What stands out? Do you like a particular word, or pov, or type of character? (What else do you like? Do you really, really like dogs? Have dogs be in your story, whether in the background or as a mc. If u love what u write ab it changes everything. Both for yourself, the passion that fuels you and KEEPS you writing after you hate the idea of words, and those who read it. Cuz people read to *feel things*. So show them what makes YOU feel) (similarly, what's a trait you/someone you know has? Flavour ur story with it. Maybe ur habit is the mc's pet peeve, or a guilty habit of their own. Is it a source of contention or is it seen as adorable? It makes ur characters feel real)
Steep it in ur mind. Think ab it. And then, write. I don't care what u write, just DO IT. bc that's the hardest part. Don't fix Grammer, don't read through it, just keep writing. Once you start the momentum, THEN you can go places.
See where your own words lead you. (Accidental foreshadowing my beloved-) let your current emotions drive you. Are you sleep deprived and anxious? Harness that and write a story that makes the most of every shred of emotion festering in ur brain.
Write as an escape, as a way to express, as a way to learn and show your appreciation and bc you want to.
Most importantly, DONT STOP.
Ur gonna feel stupid, probably. I do. Don't let it stop you. (Harness those emotions too,,)
Do nOt worry about looking stupid, sounding stupid, feeling stupid. It doesn't MATTER. You are creating something- lose urself in it.
Be proud of yourself. Every word that makes it onto that page is a victory and you should treat it as such. Bc writing is HARD, but u can DO IT
DO NOT READ IT. I reeat: DONT READ IT. As/immediately after u write it, ur gonna HATE IT. ur gonna despise it and feel disgusted by it and tired and miserable and like u never should have tried in the first place bc at least that wouldn't be an embarrassing waste.
Leave it ALONE. Post it if u like at this point, I do.
Wait AT LEAST a week b4 u reread it, but truly as long as u can.
I promise, it makes a HUGE difference in how you view ur own art. Ur sick of it, tired by the grueling effort of creating something, anxious bc u want to write like the authors you love- loooots of emotions.
But what you should do, is post it. No doubt it will take s bit for people to read and comment, but. Comments are life.
And keep. Writing.
Find something like toapril and do as much as you can, until you stop caring ab the quality of ur fics. Bc it doesn't matter!!!! It's a fic my friend.
Keep reading, keep writing, and make sure to have fun with it :D
(Btw. If this didn't rly answer ur question and u have others or whatever, lemme know!!!!! I'm not overly familiar with answering asks, or giving tips XD I do NOT feel qualified XD)
(Also I'm so sorry this is so much later- my phone died on me :/ I'm lucky I noticed in time to save the draft.....)
It's so weird to me that. People actually read my trash XDXDXD
Have a LOVELY day!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
(Oh and. In case ur curious. I'm following u 2 cuz I love ur blog, v much)
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kaidenshenandoahknapp · 7 months
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this was an absurd amount of effort for what was ultimately an offhanded-joke but i needed to procrasinate lmao
if you watched @henrykathman's "Melody of Moominvalley" stream, (hi, hello, i made the thumbnail art, that was a cool surprise to see in my sub-box lol) Kathman made a comment about being glad no one has made him into a Moomintroll (or Snorktroll, i guess) because he thinks he would look like Snork
i had two thoughts in reply to this VOD:
that's probably because i would assume most video-essayist are on the spectrum of Hemulans (oversimplification: academics) to Teety-Woo/Woodies (oversimplification: big fans, arguably obsessive). you're probably more of a Hemulan? based on how you present yourself in videos? idk, i dont know you in your personal life lmao Hemulan just seems likely considering the hobby being so analytical (and also is easier for me to look at the different styles of since Woodies seem to have less general rules towards their appearance. and Teety-Woo is the only one of its kind that i know of, idk what is Teety-Woo's species and what is Teety-Woo's individuality there. but, like, that's not nearly as fun as my bullshit quiz lmao)
fucking bet
*: assets in not-gif form below Read More
(psa: please do forgive me for misspellings. i am dyslexic and will probably edit this repeatedly for quite some time, but im tired atm so Now It Is Posted)
anyway, i whipped all these up in about 2 or 3 days? idk, my chronic health issues have been a monster lately, its hard to keep track of days rn
but i made:
comics Moomintroll/Snorktroll
90s Moomintroll/Snorktroll and Hemulan
Tales From Moominvalley inspired illustration art of Hemulan where it has those lifeless "bug eyes with tiny pupils" style i love (but that i also understand why Jansson went back and gave them bigger pupils after a certain edition, and drew with more expressive eyes after a while)
why did i do three different styles + 3 different species? because i was torn on which to do and ended up pulling a classic Kaiden-Shenandoah and going "ill do more work and let them choose which one they like best". something something anxiety, i dont know what to tell you, im trying to learn self-acceptance lmao besides, it was fun to do a quicker shuft through style changes than the usual heavier studying i make Google Images help me do
speaking of, i dont often share my references because i worry about clutter, but i want to include it today and i also used less ref than usual, so you get clutter lol
(i learned last time that Tove Jansson doesn' often draw mugs; so i did my best guesses based on the references here + the result of my references the last time i drew in Jansson' style, which was more so her later novel-illustrations, if i remember right, as opposed to today. lots of best guesses today.)
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first of all, i guessed on Kathman's eye-color based on zooming in and it was too pixelated to tell for sure even with the eyedropped tool. secondly, very fun tying in the blue hair dye since 90s Snork has a pink edge to his hair and Mr Hemulan has a green edge to his. last of all: i made them with (and without) a light beard/stubble, since i saw Kathman has one now. but also that was enirely guesswork on my part: Tove Jansson drew heavy-duty moustaches/beards or completely facially-hairless characters, no in-between. so i used educated guesses on how to adapt that. and i feel a bit like i did the male version of that one Snorkmaiden lipstick comic for my efforts lmao but hey! i tried!
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my only thing is idk which set to upload to instagram, bc doing all the assets of with/out facial hair feels oddly excessive and maybe goes past instagram's images-per-post limit, idk, ill upload these there someday i guess. really wish instagram would let me post a gif but idk how to do that. c'est la vie
you also may notice one of the Hemulan sets includes a magnifying glass. i just thought it was thematically appropriate for someone analytical, especially since one of my references above did have it available for me to also reference lol
as a fun detail, i did a more Police Inspector color palette for the 90s Hemulan design, and a more Moominpappa palette for the 90s Moomintroll/Snorktroll designs. hence why those colors aren't the same
and the last thing is that i made the comic assets yellow-y to reflect the aging of paper and the quality of the photo references i have. (Henry Kathman, if you want to edit them to be white for the aesthetic of something, feel totally free)
here's all the assets i made in total. the gif version felt the most succint but yeah. also, Henry Kathman, if you are reading this: same rules apply. feel free to use these in anything you want, credit would be nice. (also, very sweet that you saw my name change away from my childhood nickname, i appreciate that 🫶). credit in the future can be to either here or my instagram (which i changed to match this hyphen-less url, since tumblr terminated my last blog for unknown reasons) i hope you are not upset that i went against your wishes of gratitude that nobody had drawn you as a Moomintroll/Snorktroll, but i hope the fact that i think you don't look like Snork even as a Moomintroll/Snorktroll helps. i hope you also dont mind the Hemulan additions lmao. but yeah, i wont blame you if you prefer the more human (or arguably Mymble? idk species) style i did beforehand in the last batch and don't use these. that one has way more references with lots of drafts and this is more of me messing around and finalizing the first draft i made each time around lol but i think they came out fun! very silly distraction, thanks for the idea lmao
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thanks to Henry Kathman for the fun VOD and the much-(un)needed procrastination excuse. it was a good distraction from a pretty bad flare-up in my disability and a full plte of things to do that i needed an escape from. hope youre having a great day!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
The Doctor Is In
Stephen Strange x reader
Bruce Banner x reader (platonic)
a/n: hey! idk how to build stairs guys. i didnt feel like researching it. i dont care if it’s wrong. leave me alone. part 2/2.
Out (1)
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There was no hope of Stephen coming back. Every truth you had to face was harsher than the last. Even when you got home and realized that Wong was among the vanished...and he didn’t fix the stairwell.
Maybe the stairwell was a good thing. It gave you something to focus on in these hard times. Sure, it’d been a month since the incident, but that still wasn’t enough time for the world to heal. That meant that contractors were hard to come by. But the roof would have a tarp over it for some time. No way you’d deal with that.
So you took a trip to the hardware store, you stocked up on wood and nails, lacquer and wood stain. Anything else you needed for the project. Anything to keep you busy.
There were so many sleepless nights. You hated being alone in Sanctum, hated being alone in your bed. Every so often you would nap on the couch, but then you’d get right back to work. Weeks on end you spent on the stairwell. How long will you stick around while I talk about the stairwell?
Doctor Banner called you from time to time. His voicemails were kind, heartfelt, but you couldn’t stop now. The gutted stairwell from a couple weeks ago was coming by very nicely. As nice as it could when worked on my an amateur. Alright, it looked awful, but you couldn’t stand using a ladder to get to the second floor.
As you were staining the wood, you played a message from Bruce:
“Doctor L/N, it’s Bruce. I hope you’re doing alright, but you know that if you’re not, I’m here for you. All the remaining Avengers have kind of...gone their separate ways for the most part, they’re pretty broken up about everything. I just want you to know that because you don’t...have to be strong right now. I understand if you can’t be. Just call me back whenever you can? I want to make sure you’re alright. We’re survivors, we should stick together.”
Bruce hadn’t known you long, but he was still a great person and friend. You should call him back, but if you lost focus, you may lose yourself. So you continued to wipe against the grain of the fresh stairs and moved to the next step. And the next. And the next.
The last step was the lacquer and seal. You were scared to finish up. What would you occupy yourself with once this was over? You thought about the answer until the very last step and admired your shabby craftsmanship. It’ll do. Or maybe you should tear it all down and start over? While you were thinking over your newest thought, your phone rang again. Bruce Banner.
“Hey, Bruce.” You answered the phone as you normally would and sat on the floor in front of your work.
“Y/N?” Bruce asked in disbelief. “Y/N, hey! How are you? I don’t know if you’ve been getting my calls..?”
“I have.” You quickly replied.
“Oh.” He quietly nodded to himself.
“I’m sorry, Bruce.” You realized your mistake and knew you may have come off as a little rude. He’d been nothing but kind to you, but you’d just realized you were alone today.
“No, no! It’s okay! I understand, don’t worry. What have you been up to?” His effort to start a conversation may be successful this time around.
“I fixed the stairwell. All of it. That’s what I’ve been doing the past few weeks. I just finished a few minutes ago.” You felt awkward talking to him. Not because of him, not at all. Just because you hadn’t really had any human contact in a while.
“I didn’t take you for a carpenter, Doctor.” Bruce was genuinely surprised with your skillset, you could hear it in his voice.
“And you still won’t once you see the job I did.” You actually managed to let out a chuckle. You didn’t know you could still do that.
“Oh, I hear ya loud and clear.” Bruce laughed, too. I wonder if he was having the same thoughts as you. “Y/N, do you want to go out to lunch like, now? I could use some company, maybe you could, too.”
“Yeah,” you checked the time on your watch, Stephen’s watch, and realized you worked through the night and day, “text me an address, I’ll meet you anywhere. See you soon.” You hung up pretty quickly, only to get ready ASAP. You were sort of covered in “stair supplies” and smelled like...not good. You’d take a quick shower, put on some clean clothes, and take off. Unfortunately, the stairs weren’t dry, so it was another round up the ladder.
You finally took a trip back to your bedroom and shuffled through the closet filled with your...late husband’s clothing. It still smelled like him, surprisingly. You wondered just how long it would last. You hoped it’d be forever, but you grabbed your own clothes and quickly got dressed, then checked your phone to see that Bruce was running “a little late.” It’s okay, you were, too.
You took a seat on Stephen’s side of the bed and decided to snoop. Did it count as snooping if he was no longer here? You knew that he didn’t keep secrets from you, so what was the worst you could stumble upon? Books, books, and more books. But some were important books, ones detailing mystic arts. Maybe...maybe it was time to pick up a new skill. You stuffed the book in your bag and decided to head out now before you got too comfy in an actual bed.
You and Bruce sat at a booth in the empty diner, awkwardly gazing over the menu while trying to stir up some conversation. It’d been a while since either of you had visited someone, you didn’t even know what to talk about.
“So, home renovations, huh?” Bruce asked while peaking over the fold of the laminated list.
“Something like that.” You sighed and set yours down and aside. “I know what I’m getting. What about you?”
“I just need a minute.” The only noise besides your bland conversation was the rustling of dishes in the back, which didn’t last for long. “Got it. A burger. That’ll do it.” Bruce announced and got the attention of the waiter.
Ordering took a second, but soon you and Bruce were alone again and ready to talk.
“How are the other Avengers? I know you said they went their separate ways, but...” You inquired and were surprised to see a smile crack on Bruce’s face. “What?”
“At least I know you listened to my voicemails.” He chuckled and took a sip of his iced tea. “They’re dealing with it. I don’t exactly know how. Nat’s staying at the compound, I’m sure she’s glad to have a home again. Cap went out on his own. Thor went back to his people. Tony and Pepper are trying to separate themselves from the world, I think. I don’t blame them. That’s all I know.” You stayed silent, but nodded along to his outer thoughts. “You alright?”
“I’m sorry, Bruce.” You started. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, leave you hanging. I just still don’t know how to take this. I keep thinking about what Stark told me when he came back. His whole ‘this will all make sense soon’ thing. Nothing about this makes sense to me.”
“Well, Strange was different, wasn’t he? He had that Stone, he had those powers, he might know something we don’t.” Bruce explained to you, an attempt to comfort you. “We’ve tried everything, y/n. Maybe it’s time to wait, maybe in time you’ll see that he sacrificed himself...for you.” You teared up at the scientist’s words and quickly wiped your eyes as the food was placed before you. “Thank you, sir.” Bruce said as the waiter walked off. “Hey, y/n? It’s okay that you’re hurting. I get it. But please don’t act like you’re alone. I’m gonna be here for you, okay?”
“Yeah,” you sniffled while hiding your wet eyes, “Me, too, Bruce.”
When you got stressed out when you were younger, you threw yourself into your studies. Maybe that was why you were such an accomplished scientist. But what studies did you have now?
You had a library full of knowledge. It wasn’t your usual knowledge, but it would suffice. Now, the book that you’d snagged from Stephen’s bedside was a bit advanced for you, but that was okay. You had options.
Where would you even begin? This place was bigger than you remembered. Was this another spell? Did you know what you were talking about? Stop thinking, y/n. Start reading.
You picked out a book. You just ran with it. You recalled stories from Stephen. You remembered you needed the ring. What did he call it? Song ring? Sink ring? Slink ring?
Sling ring.
Not a problem, you could find one. Sanctum probably had tons. Maybe in Stephen’s study? You wished you had asked him more about his arts before, you just didn’t get it at the time.
One was stashed in a drawer. It was Stephen’s ring. The one he used himself. And it was the only one you could find, so it’d have to do. And so you got to studying.
The first time the air sparked by your hand was magical. Literally. But it made you feel something for the first time in nearly three months. And that was just the beginning. It felt like you were carrying on Stephen’s legacy in a way. You’d never be “Sorcerer Supreme,” but you didn’t have any intention of that. You just wanted his memory to live on, even if it were through you.
So you’d practice and you’d learn and you’d practice and you’d learn. You’d see Bruce whenever you could, and he soon noticed your mood change.
“I’m glad to see you happy for a change.” He told you while you walked through the park.
“Yeah, it feels great.” You told him while watching construction vehicles cleaning up the debris that had been lying around for months.
“I’ve been meaning to ask. What’s with the ring?” He looked at your hand and you lifted it closer.
“Oh...it’s Stephen’s.” You simply stated.
“Is it like a wedding ring?” He took a closer look and let you laugh it up for a quick second.
“No, no!” You shook your head at the ridiculous question. “I might as well show you. I haven’t told anyone yet, but that’s because you’re the only person I talk to.” You stopped in your tracks and shooed him back to give yourself enough space. “Ready?” Bruce looked terrified, but nodded a response and watched you raise your hands ahead, concentrating on the small portal you had began to open. Bruce recognized the opening since he’d fallen through it before.
“You’re one of the sorcerers?” Bruce’s eyes widened. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I just started learning!” You exclaimed with a bright smile. “I needed something to get me through this all...and I wanted to protect Sanctum like Stephen and Wong had always stressed doing.”
“That’s...amazing, y/n. Self-taught magic? By a scientist, no less. Look at you go!” Bruce had a knack for being supportive. You were glad that he crashed through your roof and into your stairs.
“Thanks, Bruce. Maybe in time I’ll be able to cast a spell that fixes my roof.” You shrugged.
“Oh? Come on! I said I was sorry!”
And then five years went by. Flew by, actually. You’d become a skilled sorcerer and used your skills around Sanctum. There wasn’t much to do here on Earth. It was a bit quiet.
Bruce was still a close friend of yours! You’d advised him in his quest for balance. He was no longer at war with himself.
The roof was fixed! You had Bruce spectate your very own spell to repair the damages he’d inflicted, but all was forgiven.
Then one normal day you got a call from him.
“Hey Bruce! How’s it going?” You answered, even though it interrupted your meditation.
“Can you meet me at the diner ASAP?” He sounded a little off, but still upbeat, so you opened a portal and stepped through to find yourself right out front. It was easy to spot him through the window, but there were others with him. Avengers.
“Hey, all.” You took a seat beside an unfamiliar one. “Hi, I’m y/n.” You told him as a plate of food was set in front of you.
“I ordered you your favorite. Hope you’re hungry.” Bruce smirked at you and let you get to it.
“So, it’s been a while, huh?” You asked the two Avengers across from you.
“It has.” Natasha sighed. “I wasn’t aware you were...also a sorcerer.” She began.
“I had a lot of free time.” Last they saw you, you weren’t as cool, calm, or collected. They were glad that you’d found peace. “I have a feeling this isn’t a social lunch.”
“I’m sorry to pull you from your calm, Doctor L/N—” You cut Steve off.
“Y/N is fine.” You replied.
“Scott here,” Steve motioned to the awkward man sitting alongside you, “was stuck in the Quantum Realm for some time, if you’re familiar. He thinks that there’s a way to...to undo what Thanos did.” You peered over at Bruce and watched him shrug as your heart started to beat faster and stomach started doing turns. You hated the thought of getting your hopes up, but you still dearly missed your husband.
“What can I do?”
You had a hand in opening the dozens of portals around the ruins of the Avengers Compound, but you weren’t the only one. Stephen, Wong, and hundreds of other sorcerers were assisting to bring an army to combat the troops of an outdated Thanos, and you were so close to Stephen.
Using your magic to create a pathway to the sky, you leaped from step to step to get a clear look of the battlefield. And to let Stephen see you. He did. And so did the cloak.
You’d never used your powers to fight, so you’d have to step it up out here. But you knew Stephen wouldn’t let you get hurt. And you believed that you could handle this yourself.
“Y/N!” Stephen called to you as he flew to your altitude and held you in a special embrace that you’d nearly forgotten the feeling of. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Are you kidding me, Stephen?” You chuckled through tears that you just couldn’t hold in, tears that dragged through the dirt and dust on your face, clearing small lines down your cheeks. “I have missed you every day since the moment you left. I am so glad to have you back.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye, y/n. I truly am. But I knew that you would manage without me. You always have.” He explained to you in such a heartfelt way, admiring your capability to still be standing in the air.
“You knew I’d become a sorcerer, didn’t you?” You cocked a brow and watched him smirk.
“I had an inkling.” He joked with you as the firefight below was still rampaging.
“It’s very unprofessional of you to be talking to your s/o during times of crisis like this.” You chuckled and broke your spell to fall back to the ground, stopping yourself before it was too late in what could only be described as a “superhero landing.” Now that you were on the ground, assistance was required for your own side of the battle.
You and your fellow sorcerers had to defend more than anything. Shields popped up across the battlefield in an effort to keep your people alive. There were too many close calls and you wanted to survive long enough to go home with your husband.
“Y/N, over here!” Stephen beckoned you to the flood that would have made this fight much harder, and you were delighted to defend alongside him. The cloak rushed to you and gave you a fast track to the edge of the water, you couldn’t help but that it for it’s kind service. “Ready?”
“Of course.” You lifted your palms and motioned towards that water, redirecting it and keeping it at bay for the time being. “I love you, Stephen.” You remembered to tell him.
“I love you, too, y/n.” He replied with his focus still on the flood. “And I’m proud of you. So very proud.”
“Couldn’t have done it with you.” You joked and stabilized the rushing waters, giving you a true load-off before the end was clear. Dust passed through the sunken hole you all stood inside. Dust of your enemies that had finally lost. You and Stephen stared at each other in disbelief, yet couldn’t help but run into each other’s arms. “This is real? We won?”
“In a way.”
Stephen and you dressed in all black were standing in the back yard of your savior. Tony had given his life to give others a life. You were just sorry that it had to be him.
Bruce stood alongside you with a long face and an injured arm. It was time for you to be there for him like he’d been there for you.
“Thanks for bringing back my husband, Bruce.” You whispered to him while holding Stephen’s hand tightly. Over the past few days, you just couldn’t seem to let go of him.
“Oh, yeah? That was nothing.” Bruce playfully answered through his sorrow.
“How’s your arm feeling?” You asked him, making sure the sling wasn’t twisted up an any way.
“Not the greatest, but I’ll be okay.” He assured you and watched as you leaned your head onto Stephen’s smile with a sense of relief. “I’m really happy for you, y/n...”
“But?” You raised an eyebrow with a hint of worry.
“But you better still hang out with me.” He smiled at you and you even heard a chuckle escape Stephen’s lips.
“You can count on it, Bruce.” You lifted a hand for a fist bump and collided your knuckles with his, even if they were a bit oversized.
“Shall we get going, dear?” Stephen asked you while he hooked his arm around yours and opened a portal home. You waved goodbye to Bruce and went on your way, stepping right into Sanctum as the way closed behind you.
“So you really meant it, huh?” You asked your husband while setting your belongings down.
“That I love what you’ve done with the place?” Stephen laughed at your oncoming smirk and walked forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you forward to kiss the top of your head. “Of course, dear.”
“Even the stairs?” You peeked your head up to look at your husband and watched his smile grow. You’d never bothered casting a spell to properly repair them. Maybe you were just too proud of your work. Maybe it was a reminder that you got through these five years on your own terms.
“I do.” He leaned down to kiss your lips. “It adds character to this place.”
“More character than the magic?” You prodded at him.
“I think you mean ‘sorcery.’” He corrected as you leaned into his chest and slightly swayed back and forth, taking in his presence for the 50th time since he’d come home.
“Oh, of course. Silly me.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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alexnettlesrants · 3 years
this is anonymous so im gonna brag aight?
this is my daily study routine (except Sundays bc yes)
Wake up at 6 am SHARP
Have a shower, meditate for 5 minutes, drink a lot of water and have some fruit.
7 am SHARP, start studying
7:00 am - 10:30 am study (genuine, proper study, not just loathe around) and with 10 minute breaks after every hour ok? AND NO TOUCHING THE PHONE IN THIS BREAK
10:30 breakfast, 11 am - 1:30 pm online school (which I'll be honest i do not pay attention in, Im on my phone all the time)
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm study (yes)
3:15 pm lunch, have a chill relaxing time till 5:00 pm
5 pm - 6:30 pm online class again
07:00 pm hobby/study/ Netflix anything in general
8:15 pm dinner
11 pm "bedtime" sike i do random stuff at this hour (hobby/study whotevah)
Go to bed at 1 am
Now of you see this, throughout the day i study approximately 5 hours, I do not pay attention in my online classes and I also waste my time, procastinate and loathe around
But still, the five hours I study, EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT I STUDY BY HEART because I wish to do so. And it pays off. I got all A's in my recent exams.
Also these are a few study tips :
Read the chapter atleast twice beforehand, the first time just a fair reading, the second time highlighting few points here and there AND THEN put the book infront of you, take a notebook and write your own notes by yourself. Believe me, this may be the tiring way but is the best way to learn.
DONT. MAKE. YOUR. NOTES. FANCY. AND. AESTHETIC. LIKE. ON. PINTEREST. AND. TIK TOK. those are your notes, keep them simple and written in a way you can easily understand, don't make them too stuffed in, colourful and doddly and shit. NO. two pens and a notebook are ENOUGH
Every day, revise all the short notes you have. ALL OF THEM. even if you take 15 mins to read through the , do it. When you keep on reading the same thing everyday over and over again, it'll be registered in your brain (like song lyrics)
While making notes, don't make them all in text format. Make them in form of questions, any type of question you see in the book or anywhere? Jot it down. You never know what sort of question will turn up in the exam.
As for mathematics, do any TWO questions from each chapter every day. ANY TWO QUESTIONS it doesn't matter what kind wheter it be the simplest one or the hardest one. Two. Questions. Everyday. (This way you'll remember how to solve certain kinds of problems and won't have go through the entire book the night before the exam)
Stay up to date on what chapter/topic is being taught at time at school. Like supposedly they started chapter 3 of geography today, study it by yourself. It's fun and you'll understand better.
Don't stop doing what makes you happy, you don't need to suffocate yourself by being surrounded by books 24/7. For me what keeps me going and makes me happy is doing art and listening to music.
Find a purpose. Why are you working for this? What is the reason behind all of your effort? Imagine yourself achieving your dream, picture yourself being the person you want to be. I call myself the crazy rich asian, why? Because I WILL BE THE CRAZY RICH ASIAN ONE DAY that's why
You get one chance at life darling, and there's litterally nothing to stop you NOTHING AT ALL so why don't give it all you get?
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
One day all of these 6 AM's, hardwork, pain and sweat will make you legend.
It takes 21 days to develop a habit, but 62 days to break one, and only 19 days to substitute and old habit to a new one. Think about it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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valdotpng · 3 years
any tips for regaining confidence in your art/overcoming art block and improving?
tbh.... i dont have a consistent way of dealing w/ art block myself lol. which is valid, i think! ppl become artblocked for different reasons, and everybodys experience with this Very Vague concept are gonna be different. i do have a couple of suggestions, but please keep in mind that i myself have no idea what im doing 99% of the time, so my advice might be Bad actually, and my confidence in.. well, pretty much anything, is oftentimes low as u can probably tell sudfgsduf
-the most common tip is, of course, try to keep drawing. doesnt really matter what-- any little doodle still counts and might end up being a catalyst for you! 
-if youre dead set on improving your art skills, then you could do some studies! figure drawing, sketching, painting, etc etc.. theres a lot to pick from, and it can be quite overwhelming, so dont forget to take it easy and take one step at a time. learning anything takes a lot of time and effort, but even if you dont see any immediate progress, remember that its not in vain: your understanding of certain subjects improves with every little sketch, and so does your muscle memory/general art skills. you could also try watching/reading some tutorials on topics youre interested in
-try new things!! coloring, shading, lineart, art styles.... in my experience, its usually really fun to experiment w/ that kinda stuff. try picking smth that you think you would enjoy doing!! and dont be afraid to be messy, or ‘lazy’, or weird w/ your art in that moment. just try to have fun :]
(additionally, i’d recommend trying out new things when youre not artblocked too obvs, cuz then you can discover funky new techniques outside of your comfort zone more easily)
-if youre particularly frustrated/are running low on energy/nothing else seems to help, then consider taking a break? idk if it works for everyone, but sometimes im just able to like.. wait out an art block. and like, duh. sometimes thats all it takes! burnout is a rather common problem, and its healthy & encouraged to take breaks when you need to
(if youre afraid that the break will end up being way too long or will kill your motivation/want to draw, then at least try to like.. ease into drawing again. draw smth youre good at drawing! doodle smth you Really enjoy doodling! do smth that will remind you of what youre good at already. pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is good for improvement (which is important, so dont forget abt it), but when youre running on fumes, so to speak, being extra self-indulgent might be what will reignite that artistic spark of yours!!)
oh and watch kikis delivery service. /hj  sdhfuisdhf.... when im going through an especially nasty art block i come back to it cuz its got a nice message abt this kinda stuff, among other things. plus its a feel-good ghibli movie, so it might cheer you up idk <:]
hope this helps at least a little bit!!!!
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
Hey girl, i need some advice and i hope you can help me. I don’t know if you’ve been through this but i guess so bc i saw some asks ago where you were talking about this and yeah
How do i deal with someone i love (ex partner) moving on so quickly and being with another girl?
And like, when that happened to you did you compare yourself to that girl? Because that’s also a huge issue of mine, im always comparing myself to her and stalking them like ugh HELP
the first thing you’re gonna do is, hear me out: you’re not gonna get involved with ANYONE. not for a good while, not until you’re ready. trust me when i say that the one who moves on the fastest after the breakup is the one that’ll suffer the most. even though it might not seem like it now, even though he might be experiencing happiness right now, in some months reality’s gonna hit and it’s gonna hit him hard. why? because he didn’t process the breakup. he didnt allow himself the time to get over you and just moved on so he wouldn’t have to deal with the bad feelings. literally a few months after what happened to me, his best friend texted me saying how he tried covering up a huge hole with a quick bandaid and now he was realizing how it had only been a temporary solution to a permanent problem.
the second reason why you’re not gonna get involved with anyone else is because that’s what he’s expecting you to do. he immediately moved on to someone else in part to hurt you — and he WANTS you to move on with someone else so that he can feel the satisfaction of you trying to replace him. it’ll boost his ego and it’ll make it easier for him to warp his perception of you into someone who he doesn’t respect.
if there’s one thing i know is that men always come back, no matter how toxic or healthy what you had was. they come back when they sense you getting over them, they come back when they see how amazing you’re doing, they come back when they realize how much they messed up.
so what you’re gonna do is focus on yourself. im not just talking about a physical glow up, im talking mental. when i went through that i couldnt stop comparing myself to her, i used to have an amazing confidence but i let myself shatter it, constantly feeling like i wasn’t enough, like i wasn’t loveable, like i was replaceable just because he replaced me. you know what helped? working on my individuality. right now im focusing so much on developing my style, wearing things out of my comfort zone, things that make me happy, things that make me feel so sexy and confident. unique things. working on my makeup skills too and how to express myself with makeup. skincare and haircare too, there’s something so healing about taking care of yourself and being gentle and dedicating all the love and care you deserve and start seeing results. go watch hyram on youtube if you want to learn about skincare! it’s so much fun. about the mental part: astrology has helped me so much. you gotta be infatuated with yourself, with learning more about you and your past and your traumas and unhealed shit that you need to acknowledge and work on. also manifestation and saying daily mantras to myself about how pretty and smart and interesting i feel, and listening to music that makes me feel sexy. i find exercise boring bc i need to be constantly stimulated so what i started doing was dancing to just dance videos on youtube and now i cant stop LOL ITS SO FUN, gets my blood pumping makes me feel sexy when im dancing to rihanna songs AHDJDJDJ and makes me feel more energized. and for the love of god: PLEASE get a hobbie. you don’t need to do a lot right now, just ONE. hobbies give you so much self-worth and make you feel so capable and like you’re art creating art - i dont want to be cheesy but it is true that interesting people have interests, this is the time for you to get into something you’ve always wanted to do or that you used to love doing as a child but stopped because life got in the way.
i also want you to allow yourself to feel. don’t repress - whenever you want to cry, cry. whenever you miss him, allow yourself to. whenever you remember all the amazing things he did, or all the terrible things he did, or that YOU did, allow yourself to feel all that. time heals nothing, it’s you who’s gotta put in the work to heal yourself.
also, this is the time to focus on your friendships. join an online community or talk with your current friends, talk with them through what happened, be with people who can make you laugh just as hard as he did. communicate all that you feel to them, about your past, about how much you love them, doesn’t matter.
a thing that i did that helped so much was that i’d imagine him coming back and begging me to get back together with him, and i’d imagine being at a point that i felt so good by myself, that i was so confident and so focused on my shit that i’d tell him no. and eventually i became that girl, who was over him and deserved so much more than some childish kid who thinks i’m replaceable, and that’s exactly when he came back. so, please remember that just because you feel like he replaced you, it doesnt mean he did. you are irreplaceable, unfuckwitable, unlinkable, way too good for ANYONE.
and PLEASE STOP WITH THE STALKING LMFAO THAT’S THE WORST PART OF ALL, IT’S SO HARD TO STOP STALKING AND TO NOT ANALYZE EVERY LITTLE THING THAT HE LIKES AND TWEETS AND EVERYTHING THAT SHE POSTS BUT YOU’RE GONNA STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. you dont need to block them, there’s an option on twitter that lets you silence them so you’ll never see them on your tl, if it’s on other social medias where you can’t silence, unfollow and block. know that it doesn’t matter who’s prettier or smarter or hotter, SHE’S NOT YOUR COMPETITION. know that as much as you’re comparing yourself to her, she’s comparing herself to you ten times worse. sending your pics to her friends asking them if they think you’re pretty and shit. she’s not your enemy and it’s not her fault he’s an asshole. so you’ll just let them completely out of your life. also, out of sight out of mind. avoid seeing him. if you have work together or school together or ride the bus together or whatever, avoid all the places where you know he’ll be. make an effort to never be around the same places as him.
i wish you good luck my love, know that you’re the shit, literally the hottest and smartest bitch alive and that’s something he’ll never be able to take away from you. this is what helped me through the worst times, so take it with a grain of salt pls im not an expert. I LOVE YOU
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cityjacket · 3 years
(This is a positive post even if feelings expressed are intense)
Oop im oversharing again (warning: kinda trauma dumpy)
DUDE i am SICK of codepent tendencies in romantic situations. I am OVER IT. I am SICK of my emotions being dependent on if the other person still likes me, i am SICK of my sense of self worth being tied to whether or not a person wants to talk to me, IM SO SICK OF BEING CODEPENDENT OH MY GODDDD im so fucking over this "im not okay if youre not okay, how i feel and view myself is entirely dependent on how you feel and how you treat me" BULLSHIT. I want my trauma to evaporate NOW and for my healthy healed heart to be RIGHT NOWWW but I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THATS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE and now any romantic relationship i start is inherently unhealthy for me, even if that person is actually super normal and reasonably healthy themselves, BECAUSE MY STUPID BRAIN HAS STUPID HABITS IDK HOW TO FIX.
You know u have to get the point of being really absolutely fucking DONE with something in order to truly begin removing it from your life, so this feeling of hatred for this stupid thought process is a good thing, but oh my god i am just FED UP right now
One time i read someone on here say something (much more concisely than me) about drawing or writing or developing any skill "there is a time where you have no skill and just draw, and you dont know that it's bad and you're proud. But the further you go and the better you get at it, the more you learn about what makes good art, you grow your skill. but the more you grow your skill, the more you notice the flaws in your work. This can take a toll and become frustrating, your work seems ugly no matter what you do because you know how it should be but your skill isnt there to make it so yet. This transitionary period is encouraging though, because it means you have surpassed being a novice and learned enough to know how to improve. If you stick with it through these growing pains, eventually you will see yourself become a master at this skill and accomplish the quality of work that you want. You now know enough to know whats wrong and can put in the effort to fix it."
Theres levels to learning a skill:
Being bad at it, unknowingly
Being bad at it, knowingly (the hardest one to overcome)
Becoming better at it
Being good at it
So i guess i'll take it as an encouraging sign that im so frustrated and fed the fuck up with my unhealed pieces that still aren't as well-trained in being healthy as I would like them to be. it means ive gained enough knowledge to know whats not right and im just practicing as much as i can so that my skill can catch up with what my brain knows. But god i just hate waiting for it. Im bad at interdependence and healthy relationships knowingly now, so at least i can be encouraged that im gonna get good at them soon.
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I told you I had a lot to say about tracing, so here it is. If you're going to read this, please read the whole thing because I dont want people getting the wrong idea.
Tracing is a 100% valid form of learning new art skills. It's super helpful and helps build muscle memory and movement, teaches you composition of a good art piece, and teaches you which parts of different styles you like. It's especially helpful if you try tracing all different kinds of art and poses. In fact, I would recommend tracing as a tool to most beginner artists.
However, and this is very important so listen carefully,
Posting those traced pictures is not okay
While it may feel like you put in effort and drew it yourself, you did not. Posting that art you traced is stealing from and artist. It takes credit for their hard work. Tracing is good and wonderful, but it is a learning tool only so the pieces you trace you need to keep to yourself. If you really really want to post some traced art, trace photos of yourself. Go through your camera roll or family photos and use those as your base picture. You have claim to those photos and it isn't lying or cheating to use them in any way you please.
Moral of the story: trace away, but keep it to yourself
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poobit · 3 years
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I posted 8613 times in 2021
1270 posts created (15%)
7343 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.8 posts.
I added 1966 tags in 2021
#art - 479 posts
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#samsa´s art stuff - 124 posts
#jthm - 93 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#im never forgetting the villa gessel argentina scene in x men first class like ÑlkdÑlkdsÑldsk where is that ldskjdsÑlkdsÑkdÑlkdsÑlksdÑlkewÑl
My Top Posts in 2021
if we want body neutrality to be an actual movement in mainstream, you Have to push for body neutrality at work. No more obligatory makeup and messed up dress codes for women , no more “no tattoos” and piercings rules, no more obligatory shaving. It cannot just end at “feel ok with yourself at home” , people are made to feel as if their bodies are inadequate for WORK in PUBLIC.
131 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 22:39:28 GMT
i dont think white pop girls will ever recover from the “welcoome to myy kitchin” vine
351 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 22:20:16 GMT
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new brush pack !
Stroke, splat and square brushes.
zipfile can be downloaded here -> (X) 
file includes these two pics, a terms of use text file, and both .MDB and .MDP files (includes blending brush)!
reblog if you plan on using !
463 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 01:23:40 GMT
i know its good to talk about the efforts of lgbt creators to be able to show off representation in the latest decade in kid´s shows.....
with that said im not gonna lick rebecca´s sugar racist boots for making their convoluted annoying gay show slfdkjsfdlkj
1079 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 19:15:56 GMT
Tips to not fall into unnecessary anger (long post below)
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this is meant to help anyone who is having problems with getting caught up in things that have no immediate harmful repercussions but are in an environment that makes them feel like they have to care about very trivial discussion that gets sparked out in any kind of social media or even just with friend groups, or feeling like they lash out very quickly at any person that just annoys them a bit, i know its hard but i know you can get out there and work on your own emotions to not end up driving people away. 
im not a certified therapist or anything like that, im just an overly observant autistic schizoaffective 20 something who has learned from up and downs of trying to socialize in my late teens when i had been caught up in my own head without understanding how people work, for years. i can only hope anything i say can help even just a little!
take care of yourselves and dont be afraid to share this around for either yourself or someone you care about who could be going through a similar situation.
im also open for anyone willing to do a transcript of this whole thing, as i am not good with transcriptions.
2887 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 21:18:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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stinkfacestories · 4 years
Thor Corp: Initiation
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After the events of the destruction of Asgard and the loss of life fighting Thanos, King of New Asgard, Thor Odinson, in a joint effort with the Avengers set out to make the Thor Corp; a group of humans, or near humans, under his direction. Trained by him to fight off threats to New Asgard and to join Thor on his adventures across the Nine Realms. 
You and the other four Thor Corp members met in the rear room of Thor’s cliff top house. You had heard so much about him, but for all you could see, this house was a dump. The furniture was dirty, there was laundry piled in the corner, beer cans and take out boxes everywhere.
The other members could sense your apprehension.
“Don't worry,” said the oldest member. His name was Gudrik. That wasn't his real name. When you proved yourself Thor gave you a new name. His real name was Allan Frankson.
Thor was laying down some store bought martial arts pads. He was lining up the puzzle piece like edges. You had watched him push the couch off into the corner. He lifted it with such ease. The god of Thunder may not have been in the best shape of his life but he was still as strong as ever.
“All right”, Thor said, hopping up. “Now who knows why we're here.” He didn't give anyone a moment to respond. “We are here because it is Mister. Smiths six month anniversary with us.” He pointed to you. “He has gone through all the grunt work that I used to put you lot through.” There was a chuckle. You had been doing alot of less than heroic jobs. You returned Thor’s bottles and cans; paid his bar tabs, picked up his pizzas; anything Thor would ask of you. For six months. You only got to hear about him and his adventures with the other four while you did the dishes.
“Now before we go taking him off to Asaheim or Jotunheim, we gotta teach him some basic Asgardian Self Defense  techniques. We all know what happens when we for get the basics right, Svar?” Everyone looked at the shortest, red haired red beard member of the group. “Remember Rule 9? Tell us rule 9” Svart sighed “Dont stick your head in strange holes in other worlds”. 
Thor laughed. “We eventually got him out, and his hair grew back.”
“Come on over here Mister Smith.” Thor waved you next to him. You joined him. He put his arm on your shoulder. This was the first time you were ever so close to him, let alone he had his arm around you. You wanted this to be special, but the only thing you could focus on was the sour smell of his pit. You glanced at it. It was a sweaty busy mess of blond hair. You could swear you saw a Cheeto in there.
“Were going to teach Smith here today how to play Hrunkrinkuuu” Thor said. You looked up at him. “Hrunkrinku?” Thor held up a finger. He coughed into his hand, spitting up a wad of phlegm. “Ugh…” he stepped forward and wiped his hand on Gudriks chest. “No, that was just something in my throat. Were going to teach you Herunkirinkr. It’s a game to teach basic self defense. You mortals on Midgard here do a fine job replicating it with the Wrestling show on cable
“So we are going to wrestle?” you ask
“Kinda. Mostly. Yes. But with the goal to learn how to get your enemy into a position where you can finish them off.” He slapped your back and you almost fell over. “Of course I won't be finishing you off. Though I could. So easily. Just, snap. And you're gone. I won't though. Don't worry”
Thor didn't bother to explain the rules. He put you on one side of the mat and he took up the other. “First were gonna learn a real simple technique. Most of your foes are going to be stupid and there just going to throw themselves at you. We don't want you to be bowled over so easily. So this is a way to reverse a knock down in your favor. Come on” he waved at you. You looked at him and cocked his head. “Just try to run at me and knock me down” He said.
You shrugged but knew Thor wouldn't hurt you. You lazily jogged the few steps forward and attempted to tackle Thor. You cracked into his chest and gut and he fell to the floor. Your face pressed into his chest. You could feel his gut heaving bellow you.
“See, this is a bad spot to be in. But with a little twist here.” Thor rolled his legs back and with a grace and speed counter to the way he looked, you felt his legs wrap around your shoulders. He pulled you off him. He didn't let you go though. His powerful legs slid up to your neck and held you in a scissor lock. When the world stopped spinning you were looking up his back side.
“Simple as that.” He gave his legs a playful squeeze. “If you work out like me, you can even pop off a head or two when you have them between your legs here.” he squeezed a little more and you slid up till your face was near flush with the seat of his pants. “Course you gotta get them real far up there. Also we wont be popping off heads today. But we do need to have a way to end the match. Any idea smith?” He asked. You had not played this game before, but you knew that in most martial arts you just had to tap out. You reached with your free hand and gave his gut a tap. Three times. “Oh. No. Thats not how this works. Tapping if for safety. Asgardian warriors do not tap out unless they are about to die. Here we go until humiliation” Thor said.
Humiliation? You thought.
“Any suggestions lads?” Thor asked the other four
“Kiss the moon.” said Gundrik. “Thats a good one for a scissor lock. All you gotta do it bend the knees and stomach a little” Thor said. He bent down and your face was pressed into his ass. He held you there a moment. “Remember to not do it too fast. They need to know it happened, plus you need to give everyone a moment to laugh at him” There was a few chuckles then Thor uncrunched. You could still smell the sweaty funk from his pants.
“There is a variation to this. Mr Smith, as you know I have been working to get back into shape. This means in addition to exercise a proper diet. I have carefully picked a diet high in legumes, lentils, fresh beans, both green, black and red, and as luck would have it last night I crushed an entire thirty case of Miller Lite and for breakfast I devoured an entire container of sour cream that I had left out on the counter” As Thor described his diet there was some soundless laughter from the four other men. You tried to think the last time you even bought sour cream. It was a week ago and it had been on the counter since that night.
“Oh man. You cant be serious, your not really going to right?” you struggle trying to get free, but Thor’s legs are far too powerful.
“See mates, you know you have a good humiliation move lined up when your opponent starts to struggle.” Thor gave a little chuckle. “I like to call this humiliation Thunder Gods Kiss”. Thor crunched again. Despite your protests he very easily pressed your face between his cheeks.
“When you perform this one, you should let your opponent stew a bit at first. He may be holding his breath.” You heard Thor say. You sure were trying. If Thor was about to do what you thought he was going to do you didn't want to take any risks.
“Now after he has had a good few seconds you can feel his struggle start to wane. That is your cue.” Thor raised his hand up high. He pulled down as if he was pulling an invisible lever.The room was shook with a hefty, wet, thunderous rolling blast. You could feel your face vibrate from Thor’s fart. It was stunningly long. You tried to hold it off, but the force alone blasted its way up your nose. The smell was like a garbage dump at low tide in mid July heat. Just when you thought it was over an after shock hit. Your ears were ringing. You could hear the flabby echoes.
“Now same as before, you want to let them stew a bit to give it maximum effect. You can also” He squeezed his arse cheeks and gave a wiggle “Put a little wiggle on it” Thor let you out.  Your face was slick with sweat. You feel like you went Ten rounds with The Might Thor, when in reality it was just one of his farts at close range.
“Now to finish you ask” He cleared his throat and looked over his shoulder at you. “Have you had enough or shall I give you a second helping?”
“Meeuu?” You try to speak but you’re senses were still fried “That wasn't a yes.” Thor reached back with his hands and pulled down the hem of his pants. This time when he pressed your face into his ass he did it slow enough for you to take in the pale,rotund, blond-hair-forest that was the crack of his ass. You slipped between his sloppy cheeks and he did it again. You could hear him grunt, summoning up another fetid blast. This one was just as worse as the one before. Even expecting it your body was unable to deal with the powerful stench of the God of Thunder. He released you again.
“Hungry for more?” “No..please..no more.” You blurt out. The room erupted in laughter. “Hah. Weakling” said Svart. Thor pointed his finger at him “Don't speak lies; he took two blasts. Svart here pukes when I had his face in my Arse. ‘Please Mr. Thor, please. I can’t stand the smell’ he cried. Literally he had tears in his eyes because that year I was on an all onion diet” Svart looked angry, but the others laughed. “Please…. Fresh… air…” You said. Thor was still holding you dangerously close to his ass.
“Oh right” he released you and stood up, pulling his pants back up. He helped you to your feet and slapped you on the chest. 
“Now you are officially part of the Thor Corp. I shall name you: Torquil Thorson”
You cheer weakly. Your legs were still weak.”No more shit work?” You say. Thor nods. “No more farts?” Thor let out a laugh that shook the house. “Oh no. Now that I know you can take it with out being killed I wont need to hold them in around you. You have years of farts to look forward to! Now… who wants to go on an adventure?”
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