#if you don't like what I cooked we can order pizza
you are keeping us well fed with the disabled!reader poolverine storyline tysm <3
The older boys, once fed and walked settled in with their devices. Content to play games with Wade and annoy you. The younger, Logan noted, velcroed himself to your side. Wanting to be held, wanting to be snuggled. And you were more than happy to do it.
He didn't want to rough house. When the livingroom devolved into a baby cage match, he brought you a book. Clamoring into your lap. And the two men traded a look.
You gathered him up, kissing the side of his head and just started reading. No questions or protests. And even the Older boys, drawn in by their own memories of story time made their way over with pillows to sprawl on. Settling in with their phones.
They felt a pang. You wouldn't get your own babies to cuddle, but it was pretty clear that the kids that you did get to love knew you were safe in your house. Making themselves at home. All day, they hadn't hesitated to get a snack or tease you. They never flinched at what Wade looked like or Logan's brooding. They knew your world was different even if they didn't know how exactly.
When Ronnie, the youngest dozed off you held him for a little bit before wiggling out and letting him lay on the couch and throwing a blanket over him. "Looks like I should start figuring out dinner, huh?"
"Pizza?" Zach, the oldest put in.
"You got, pizza money, homie?" you ask, leaning on the back of his chair, "Because I got 'works for the state' money and that will not order pizza for you three heathens."
"Aww man-"
"I do have mac and cheese stuff and some smoked susage and green beans, though," you muse.
"But is there extra cheese?" Zach asked.
"Do I look like your mother?"
He grinned and you ruffled his hair, heading to the kitchen to go start cooking and he followed you. Logan listened with half an ear, he knew a kid looking for a pep talk when he saw one.
And when he leaned against your shoulder and you rested your head on his for a second, Logan smiled a little. evidently you did too. "What's wrong, bug?"
Zach huffed and you just waited, filling a pot with water and bustling around. "I just- mom's got me signed up for so much shit- and like, why?"
"Mostly because your grandma did it to us," you muse. "And also because she doesn't want you to turn out like us- mostly me."
Zach gave you a look and you smile a little. "I spent an absurd amount of time trying to be someone I wasn't baby. I just... Don't care about cars and having a big ass house. I don't WANT the life they mapped out for me. And even if I DID, I'm not sure I could even do it."
He watched you work for a second and looked at his brothers before looking back at you. "I used to try. And I'm not saying you shouldn't. But. Give yourself some grace... And as hard as it can be, give your mom some grace. She loves you."
He snorted and you crinkle your nose. "She does. Even if she doesn't show it like we want her to- Remember. She ALSO had to survive our parents and live to tell about it."
Zach shook his head, "Grandma is unhinged, dude."
"And she mellowed out once Dad started slipping her Klonopin. So. Imagine what she was like BEFORE that."
"Ugh." Zach shuddered and you nudged him out of your way handing him a soda with a laugh.
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aeruihn · 1 year
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Here’s a stupid meme that I spent probably too long working on and giggling to myself over.
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hurtspideyparker · 1 month
If Civil War didn't end in divorce and everyone lived together Part 2
Read Part 1 here
Tony: Why is Underoos mopping the ceiling?
Sam: Told him since he's sticky that's his chore
Bucky: It's only fair he helps out around the house
Tony: Hm. Makes sense
Vision cooked dinner:
Peter: *pushing around food to make it look eaten*
Natasha: *surreptitiously spitting into napkin*
Steve: *taking small bites with tons of water*
Bucky: *just stares at full plate*
Tony: Well this is disgusting, I'm ordering pizza
Sam: C'mon man stop moping around, you gotta get yourself a girl
Bucky: Ok.
Sam: Ok? Okayyyyy! I know-
Bucky: Give me your phone
Sam: Oh you got a number in mind already hotshot? *hands phone over*
Bucky: *ring* Hi Sarah ;)
Sam: BOY-
Peter: Ned thought you would seperate your colours from your lights but he also thought you'd be homophobic so I don't pay him much mind cuz clearly I'm more of a superhero expert than him but he does have a 2% better average than me in history so like maybe you do hand wash your clothes and that's why I asked what underwear you wear because-
Steve: *listening intently with apprehension and alarm*
Natasha: I can't believe you found the one person on Earth who talks more nonsense than you
Tony: I know right, it's incredibly unnerving. I'm planning on adopting him
Peter: Mr. Stark I have to tell you something. I think Vision is a... *whispers* pervert
Tony: Um, why?
Peter: He keeps floating through my room without knocking! He saw me changing, he saw my nipples !
Tony: Well if anyone's a predator here it would be you. I mean showing your nipples to a 2 year old? Deplorable.
Peter: Oh god, I'm the pervert...
Bucky: Y'know animosity isn't good between teammates. I think we should spend more time together
Sam: Am I being punked right now? Where's the camera
Bucky: I'm serious. I think it would be healthy for us to bond
Sam: Okay fine I'll bite... what did you have in mind
Bucky: Wanna go for a run?
Sam: *slams door in Bucky's face*
*staring at Bucky's sparkly clean metal arm*
Bucky: Dishwasher?
Peter: Dishwasher :)
(later that day)
Bucky: I've decided to let the child live
Peter: YoU wHaT?!
Tony: Who took my coffee cup, It was right here
Bruce: Um, has someone seen my book? I just had it
Steve: I could've sworn I was holding a pen a moment ago
*giggling from the ceiling*
Tony: Young man I will take those webshooters away if you use them for shenanigans and rascality
Peter, muffled: Mr. Hawkeye told me to!
Clint: Oh so you're just gonna rat me out like that?
Peter: Sor- OOF
*falls out of ceiling vent*
Sam: You're in my spot
Bucky: There are no spots, it's a common area
Sam: Well that's my spot
Bucky: Did you buy the chair??
Sam: No, but everyone knows that's where I sit. Right Steve?
Steve: Oops I forgot something in my car, be right back *leaves*
Sam: Still my spot
Bucky: Still not
Sam: *sits on him*
(one hour later)
Steve: Hey so turns out I don't have a car! Isn't that funn...
Sam & Bucky: *Squeezed awkwardly on the chair together*
Steve: I think I left something in my car
Steve: Leave the bedroom door open when you have Vision in there
Wanda: UGH you're so protective
Tony: Teenagers, am I right? Caught Pete reassembling my particle accelerator at midnight because he needed to neutralize a miniature nuclear bomb he nabbed off some guy he neglected to tell me was trying to kill him
Steve: Wanda y'know what do whatever you want
Wanda: Really?
Steve: Yes just keep being normal. At least I can read about our issues in a parenting book
Thor: Ah, new warriors I see! Good to make all your acquaintance. But why are you so grumpy my friend?
Bucky: *glaring*
Peter: He's always like that. It's um, P- P- PMS? Wait -
Natasha: Yes it's PMS
Wanda: He's got it bad
Steve: *genuinely concerned* Bucky you didn't tell me something was wrong. What can I do to help?
Bucky: I like chocolate
Wanda: Welcome to the first annual girls night! This place reeks of men, so I thought we needed some women time
Pepper: Why is Vision here?
Wanda: I get sad when he's gone
Natasha: Why is Pietro here?
Pietro: Slay queens
Wanda: Moral support I think
Maria: Why is Peter here?
Wanda: He looked really upset when I said he wasn't included and I felt bad
Wanda: Anyways... yay girls! Who wants me to paint their nails?
Peter: ME ME ME
Steve: Pancakes or waffles?
Natasha: Pancakes
Steve: Good because I don't have a waffle maker
Natasha: Then why would you ask-
Steve: It's important for your voice to be heard, as team leader I value your opinion
*2 minutes later*
Steve: Good morning Clint, pancakes or waffles?
Clint: Waffles
Steve: Oh no.
Some of these were based on requests (ex. more Sam & Bucky, dad Steve w/ Wanda) so if you have certain dynamics you enjoy let me know !
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joonipertree · 2 months
tags: fluff, just fluff, kenma being a #streamer. i love streamer kenma it scratches that itch in me that craves a parasocial kind of love.
"Kenmaaaa" you drawled while opening the door, leaning heavily against the doorframe of your boyfriend's office room.
It took you five seconds to register where Kenma was sitting, which was in front of the computer unsurprisingly, and the camera that had a red light on. The second monitor to his left was showcasing Kenma on the screen while the third one had an onslaught of comments popping up.
oh shi--
You jumped back, mostly out of surprise.
"Yes, honey?" Kenma spoke, one side of his headphones off as he turned towards you. "The camera won't pick up on you, don't worry."
You crept back in, feeling nervous even though the camera wasn't even on you.
"Sorry, I didn't realise you were streaming."
"Nothing to apologise for. What's up? Need me for something?" He urged you forward and you padded your way inside, the only comfort being in proximity to your boyfriend.
"I-uh- didn't feel like cooking so I thought we could order something?" You were halfway through your sentence when Kenma picked up his phone. He was nodding along, opening an app in it.
"What are you feeling?" He murmured, completely ignoring the eruption of comments blasting on his screen. There was a lot of yelling. You tried not to look at it but it drew you in, most of it was gibberish and question marks. You could make out the words 'WHAT' and 'DATING???' a lot.
"I'm not sure? Feeling indecisive today." You probably had an idea but it had vanished a couple of minutes back.
"Want burgers? Pizza?" Kenma didn't even seem to care at that point, solely focused on his phone. He did take a hold of your hand though, running his thumb through your knuckles.
THAT caught on camera and the gibberish got louder and faster.
"Burgers sound good." You snapped back to him, letting his hand ground you.
"That burger place you like?"
"Yes please."
"Honey mustard one?"
"Mh-hmmm." Kenma dragged out the sound before placing in his own order.
"Wanna get ice cream? Been craving it." He worked quick to add it in, knowing what you wanted but still asking in case you changed your mind.
"I can pay for the---"
"Shut the fuck up." Kenma murmured with only an upward glance at you, a small smile on his face when you pouted.
You finally took a look at the main monitor, a pretty sunset with the main character looking off into the distance on the screen. "What game you playin?"
"It's a fantasy game. Pretty new, haven't even started yet. You'd like it, it's very pretty." Kenma turned the monitor a bit so you could see it, pressing play so some more of the graphics would come on screen. You let out a little gasp, taking it all in.
When you realised that there were a lot of people waiting, you blinked out of your revery and threw an apologetic look at Kenma.
"Sorry, you were busy and--"
"Never too busy for you." Kenma murmured again and scooted towards you till he was just out of frame, his lips puckering up while he craned his neck upwards, too lazy to stand up.
You laughed and gave him a peck on the lips, then the nose and then the forehead. He grinned widely, adjusting back into the same position he was in before.
"I'll talk to you later, okay?" You call out and walk back.
"Okay, baby."
You were about to close the door when you head a very disgruntled, 'shut the fuck up.' from Kenma. Curious about what he would say, you listened in from the hallway.
"Yeah I am dating someone. No, I'm not saying their name....we've been dating for a while now. I am not soft for them....okay chat keep the screenshots between us....what do you mean they're already on twitter??? Ya'll are annoying. No, Kuroo I'm not buying you food. Yeah, they are special, dumbass."
You grinned so wide your cheeks hurt, already scrolling through twitter to see if people actually posted anything...
.....Kenma's name was trending
And oh the thread of pictures after pictures, of his eyes turning into liquid, his smile, the hand holding yours that. It was enough in the frame for his thumb to be seen. The person that posted it was SCREAMING about how soft he is.
Then there was a screenshot of him tilting his head upwards and your hair was the only thing that showed up as you kissed him. There was a fire hazard in the comments. It made you chortle. You saved all of them to use as leverage. Seeing as Kuroo was retweeting some of them, he had them too.
A/N: second day in a row im posting kenma hehehehehehhehehehhe hyperfixation tyme
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thirdsaltyhunter · 4 months
Girl's Night
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Jody and Donna ask you for help on a hunt and you all get drunk and call your boyfriend while you're away
Warning: fluff, cuteness, kissing, mentions of a hunt so violence?, celebratory drinking, getting drunk
A/N: not proofread, all mistakes are my own
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You woke up earlier than you usually did. Jody had given you a call to tell you that her and Donna had caught wind of a pack of werewolves just south of Sioux Falls and could use your help taking them out.
You wanted to start driving early so you could avoid most of the traffic and so you could offer your expertise as soon as possible. However, mornings aren't really your thing. You fought back the groan at how much you didn't want to leave your comfortable spot in bed where Dean was currently keeping you warm. Nonetheless, you began wiggling your way out from under his arm. You were trying not to wake him up this early because he hadn't slept enough this week.
As you tossed some clothes into your duffel bag, you thought you might be able to make it out without waking him, but he was always a light sleeper. A quiet grumble of your name sounded from beneath the covers.
"Hey baby," you whispered going back to the side of the bed.
"You leaving?" he asked, noticing your packed duffle bag, voice rough with sleep.
"Yeah, Jody asked me to help her and Donna take out some wolves."
He nodded and reached for you to pull you into a hug which, from the position he was in, meant that you were just laying on top of him. He was always extra cuddly in the mornings and you loved it, despite how much it tempted you to crawl back under the covers with him. "Be careful out there," he said, placing a kiss to your temple.
"You know I will." You propped yourself up on your elbow so you could look down at him. "Besides, you know it's gonna be a milk run. They probably don't even need me, they just want me to come up there so we can have girl's night."
He chuckled at that, because he knew you were right. Now that he thought about it, the last time he saw them, Donna had threatened that she'd drive down to Kansas herself and kidnap you if he didn't hand you over for a weekend.
He leaned up to plant a sweet kiss to your lips. "Call me when you finish the hunt so I know you're ok."
"I will." You kissed him again before crawling off of him. "I love you, go back to sleep."
"I love you too, sweetheart," he said, already burying his face into the pillow.
The hunt ended up being even easier than you thought it would be. You, Jody and Donna made a pretty formidable and efficient hunting team. The hunt was done before the sun even fully set, so you headed back to Jody's house to begin cooking dinner.
You couldn't help but smile at how quickly he gave in to your request. Grabbing your duffle, you headed out of the bedroom to say your goodbyes to Sam before you made your way to your car to start the long drive up to Sioux Falls.
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You all decided to forget the plan of cooking dinner and reward yourselves for a hunt-well-done by ordering pizza instead. Claire was off on her own hunt and Alex was working a late shift at the hospital. That left only you, Donna and Jody, sitting on the livingroom floor around a mostly empty pizza box, passing around a bottle of wine.
About an hour later, the three of you were well past tipsy and were having the best time laughing and telling stories from various hunts.
After catching up on everything and finishing off the bottle of wine, Jody decided to pull out the bourbon and poured a good amount of each of you.
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"Soooo", Jody began with a hint of mischief in her voice. "How's Dean?"
"Yeah we need to hear about our favorite couple," Donna chimed in.
You knew she was talking about you and Dean but you decided to play around. "I don't know what you're talking about," you teased.
"Oh come on you know what we're talk'n about. We want to know what you and ol' Dean's like when you're away from the eyes of the world, y'know, when you put the hunter armor down," Jody inquired.
"I betcha he wears fuzzy socks and watches chick-flics, don't he?" Donna added teasingly.
That had you almost rolling on the floor with laughter. "Oh yeah, definitely."
It was nice being kind of childish like this with them. You had never had many friends in your teenage years and the hunting life didn't typically allow for gal-pals, but you had developed a really good friendship despite not having the time to see each other very often.
You wiped the tears of laughter from your eyes. "Oh shit, I forgot to call him", you attempted to grab your phone out of your bag, which took longer than needed, given your lack of coordination. "Dean asked me to call him after the hunt."
Jody and Donna looked at each other and awwww'ed in unison.
You tapped Dean's contact and put the phone to your ear. After a few rings you heard his voice. "Hey sweetheart."
"Heeeey", you greeted excitedly, voice slightly slurred.
"Hiya Dean-o", Donna said loud enough for Dean to hear.
You could hear him laugh on the other end, clearly gathering that you were all pretty inebriated and having a good time. "So I take it the hunt went well", he said with amusement in his voice.
"Oh it went great, we're badasses."
"I have no doubt of that," he said fondly.
"Hey Dean!" Jody cut in. "Is it true you wear fuzzy sock and watch chick-flicks when you're at home?"
"Baby, what did you tell them about me?" Dean asked you with mock annoyance.
"Oh nothing," you responded playfully. "Anyway gotta go."
You could hear he was barely holding back from laughing. "Hey hold on-" *click*
You bit your lip as you hung up on him before looking up at Jody and Donna. As soon as you made eye contact you all bust out laughing.
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 2: Xavier
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) here's part 2 with Xavier. you can request who you want me to post next if you want
Genres/Warnings: angst, fluff, kinda slow burn
Word count: 1250
Other parts: 1, 3, 4,
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After another long day of battling wonderers, you and Xavier head back to the office to change out of your hunter’s uniforms. A whole day of combat makes you very sweaty and you don’t want to be smelly for your date with Xavier. But was it a date? You and Xavier had been going out for dinner almost every night since you found out you both lived in the same apartment complex. But they never really felt like dates, and he’s never really called you his girlfriend. You told yourself It was just more convenient since he couldn’t cook without potentially burning down the apartment and after a long day, you were just too tired to. Was that all it was, just a convenient way to have a meal? But what about all the dirty looks he gives the other male hunters when you get paired with them for assignments, were you just seeing things or was he jealous? But what does he have to be envious of if you’re not truly his?
“Are you ready to go?” a soft voice breaks you from your thoughts. You turn around to see Xavier standing behind you. You’d been waiting outside the changing rooms for him for a few minutes. “Sorry it took so long there was a problem with one of the showers, I had to rinse off in the sink” 
You give Xavier a small smile as you both start to walk down the empty hall “How do you always end up in these situations? Are you cursed or something” you laugh “Don’t stand too close I don't want your curse to rub off on me” you say jokingly as you dramatically step away from him.
Following your joke he dramatically steps towards you and tries to put his arms around you. “But I don’t want to be the only one that's cursed hold me and we’ll be cursed together for the rest of our lives” he pulls you into a big bear hug as you both laugh while you pretend to escape. You both are having too much fun to notice the janitor glancing at you from over his shoulder while he cleans the windows “Ah, young love” he said with a sentimental sigh, quite enough that you two could just barely hear it but enough to make you realize that you’re not the only people in the building as you had initially thought. You can feel your heart race a little at the janitor's words.  Xavier lets go of you and you continue to walk out of the building. 
Trying to break the awkward silence Xavier finally speaks up. “You know, I heard wishing on a star can break a curse, and since we’re both cursed now you have to help me find a wishing star tonight to undo the curse. What do you say?” he asks looking at you expectantly
“Well yeah now since you’ve cursed me I guess I have no choice but to help you break the bad luck with showers curse” You feigned annoyance. “But first we need food! Where were you planning on taking us tonight?”
Xavier smiled, happy that the awkwardness from earlier was gone. “I saw this new pizza place a few blocks away from our apartment, it's like a DIY place they give you the dough and toppings and you get to bake it in the little ovens at your table” Xavier basically had stars in his eyes when he mentioned baking.
“Uh… maybe we order in tonight, you don’t want to have to pay for repairs when you destroy their oven now, do you ?” you look at him with a sarcastic grin.
“I promise I won’t burn down anything this time, plus I’ll have you right there with me, there's no way you’d let me burn our dinner right?” he chuckles and puts out his hand to grab yours. “Let's go, those pizzas aren’t going to DIY themselves”
Later at the pizza place you and Xavier are having fun making tons of fun, and in Xavier’s case, weird pizza combos. You two spent so much time having fun that you almost forgot you promised to go stargazing tonight before you went home. Xavier gets the attention of the waitress so that he can pay the bill. 
The waitress was a sweet old lady who, when she wasn’t busy helping other tables, made it her mission to make sure you guys hand everything you need. “Did you two have a great time?” she asks handing Xavier the check.
“Yeah it was great, I love the concept it's so fun,” you said with a big smile. Xavier pays and looks up at the waitress “Yeah we’re definitely going to come back here”
“Oh, I’m glad,” The waitress says as she starts to grab your empty plates off the table. “You two are definitely the cutest couple I've seen here in a while, I hope you stay together forever. 
“Um.. we’re…no…” you started to correct the lady but she just kept going.
I heard if you wish on a star by the fountain down the street you’re 100% guaranteed to have that wish come true. Maybe I’ll make a little wish for you two”
You were about to correct the lady again but Xavier cut you off “Thank you that's very kind of you ma’am” Xavier politely bowed as she stacked the last of the dishes and walked away. Xavier puts out his hand to help you out of your chair. “Well let's go find a wishing star to break this curse”
At the fountain, you and Xavier sit quietly for some time just looking up at the sky trying to find a star to wish on. Still feeling a little awkward about what the waitress said, you wanted to say something to make it less awkward but the words that spilled out were anything but. “What are we? 
Xavier, without missing a beat answered “We’re just two people looking up at the stars”
“Just?” you questioned
Before you can say anything more a shooting star passes overhead, Xavier clasps his hands together and starts to wish “ Oh great wishing star please let me and my wonderful girlfriend be together forever, even though she doesn't trust me to use an oven by myself but that just means I get to take her out on more dates. And sometimes it may take her a while to notice things but she’s mine and I want to be with her forever, even though we might be cursed” Xavier finishes his wish and looks to you “What was it you wanted to ask me?
“Uh… nothing … never mind” You looked up to see him staring at you his eyes sparkling like stars a slight blush on his cheeks. This made your heart skip a beat so you looked away quickly and turned your head up to look for more stars.”I hope your wish comes true” you stated bashfully.
Xavier chuckled and also looked up “ Well since we’ll be together forever now, I guess we don’t really need to wish away the curse right ?” 
“Yes, we do! I don’t want to be washing off in the company sinks every day, let’s hurry up and find another wishing star I'll stay here all night if I have to” You say in a joking tone
Xavier places his hand over yours “Well then, I’ll be glad to accompany my girlfriend on her quest to lift our curse.” 
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fitgirlfemdom · 10 months
✧∘* ✧・゚bigger guys✧∘* ✧・゚
you meet me at the gym. maybe i caught your eye from the squat rack or maybe you watched as a downed a bottle of water during a break. it doesn't matter--we get to talking. eventually, you realize, i come to that gym everyday, and soon we get to exchanging numbers. i come across as this demure, young cardiobunny with a bit of an obsession for you, and maybe you're just looking to score.
it doesn't matter. i tell you that i like bigger guys. you ask me about my opinion of you, and i suggest that you could eat a few more calories. after all, it's bulking season. you don't really think that your 10% body fat is gonna maintain all the way to summer, do you? i suggest a mass gainer shake brand, and although you forget most of our conversation, on your way home, you couldn't help but stop by a grocery store and pick some up.
that's when i start asking you about it. i recommend, after our respective work-outs when we're downing out protein shakes, you take your mass gainer at the same time. it's efficiency, after all. you say you want to ease into it, but after meeting my eyes as the bottle touches your lips, something changes in you.
i go to the gym everyday, and when i see you enter, i ask about the shakes. you did bring some with you, right? you won't get any gains if you don't eat right after! didn't you know that? and that brand isn't even that good anyway. who told you to get that? let's head to your place after--i'll show you how to make a real shake.
that's when it becomes a daily routine--well, it started to, before your lethargy got to you. post-workout, i'd head over and whip up something special for you--gobs of peanut butter, mass gainer, heavy cream, protein powder, the works--all in the comfort of your own blender. you start to question if all of this is really necessary, but i did tell you big guys were better, and are you gonna tell me i'm wrong? look at you. don't get self-deprecating now. i like how much you've gained!
the daily work-out dates turn to me seeing you after, crashed out on the couch. you head to the gym a few times a week, but not as commonly as before. you've just been so tired lately, i get it. rest days are even more important for recovery, though. it's doctors' orders-you need more sleep, and you need more shakes. when you're not ordering DoorDash, i'm the one cooking for you. a shake goes with every meal--it's mandatory. and you love it. they taste good! why think so hard about it when i'm smiling when you do it?
in fact, going to the gym at all is just cutting down the muscle you already have, don't you know that? you need some time to regain mass. you might as well quit your job--it's so demanding, isn't it? i could support both of us easily, and why would i want you to risk burning more calories out and about? it'd be much easier for you to sit on the couch and regroup, watch some TV, watch some porn, and eat.
you quit your job, because it's sucked the soul out of you, honestly. you've moved in with me, because there's no reason to live separately when we spend all our time together. you can't go five minutes without one of my shakes or my meals, after all. you're honestly a real glutton now, if i'm being honest. whenever i return from my daily gym visit, i make sure to bring you plenty of take-out, or three pizzas, or a few Subway footlongs, just to make sure you're well-fed. you've added probably 100lbs of mass at this point. it'd be a shame for all that hard work to go to waste.
you barely move from the couch, and i think it's starting to get to you. your gym buddies are all wondering what happened, and you can barely get the strength to sit-up by yourself, but that mental turmoil seems to dissipate when you're eating. it just tastes too good, doesn't it, baby? you're so full, but you love when i bring a fork to your lips, or a slice of pizza to your mouth. you love when i nod affirmatively, smiling as i watch you down another one of my shakes.
you especially love when i ride you. all those past memories, memories of athletic prowess, of high school cheerleaders, of locker room chats, all seem to fade away. the rush of a new PR, the delight in pumping iron, it's all gone. you spread your thick, plumped-out thighs outward and i straddle you as the TV plays. it's hard to get a good hold on your cock with that gut in the way, but you're so hard, so needy, so hot--i plunge myself on it right away. you feel my tight, toned body squeeze the life out of you, hearing the wet slaps of your balls on my defined, perky ass. you might not be able to move as well now, but i certainly can. i'm the tightest you've ever had, and my tits are pressed up against your face.
you're sweating, and you're not even moving. well, not intentionally, anyway. your tits are bouncing more than mine, let's be honest. everything about me is perky and defined, firm--even my ribs are apparent. but you? you're a pig. your moans almost sound like oinks, that's how much pressure you've put on your body. you stare up at me riding your cock, and because of your porn-rotten brain and how pathetic you are, you cum almost immediately, like always. doesn't matter. i give you a hearty dose of Viagra with your mass gainer shake after, and i use your cock for the next few hours. i get horny after the gym, what can i say?
you've blown at least four loads into my wet cunt at this point, and although my stamina hasn't faltered, you're completely spent. your cock is so overstimulated, you wince at the slightest touch. i know this, baby, and i care about you so much, so i make sure i've licked every inch of it clean. i stare up at you from this angle, but i can barely see your face behind your gut. you've really let yourself go, haven't you? you're shaking, overfed, overstimulated, bound to this couch under your own poor decisions. why even leave the house? they're all just gonna make fun of you. you think your gym buddies won't have a few choice words to say about you when you make your return?
you don't care about this, about any of this. your brain is so melted from the constant dopamine, the constant pleasure, that you've lost all self-awareness. your daily schedules consists of cable TV, countless hours of porn and touching your pathetic cock, and, of course, eating everything in sight. you're a complete degenerate, but you're my complete degenerate.
i did tell you i liked bigger guys.
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daisymbin · 4 months
please don't go - jeon wonwoo
warnings: none
pairings: jeon wonwoo x afab reader
genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, slight angst
a/n: lower case intended! also writing my first fic at 1am so.....
requests open!
check out my masterlist!
''how was your date?'' wonwoo asked the second the door opened to your shared apartment. not that wonwoo would ever admit it but it is currently 1:03am and he may or may not have stayed up to wait for you to return despite having had a very exhausting day himself.
''why are you still up? isn't it past your bed time?'' you asked as you removed your heels. 'i couldn't sleep.' he simply said. ''so? how was it?''
'it was alright i guess. it wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either.'' sighing, you walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge before settling near the island of the kitchen.
truthfully, you didn't want to discuss the details with wonwoo. because aside from the fact that you're in love with your best friend, you've also been going on a few dates with mingyu now to try and get over your best friend. seungkwan had suggested setting you up with mingyu when you confided in him as he knew mingyu was interested in you. the only problem, however, is the fact that wonwoo seemed to not like mingyu. ever since the first time you went out with mingyu, wonwoo had no problem in letting you know how bad of an idea it was. saying mingyu was not your type, or that you both don't look good together; all these petty reasons that make no sense at all and you were slowly getting annoyed.
''are you hungry?'' you asked as you tried to change the topic.
''are you going to continue going out with him?''
''should we order some pizza?''
''mingyu isn't even your type, i don't know why him out of all people.''
''or should we order some pasta if you're not feeling pizza?''
''or maybe i should cook us something? fried rice?''
''y/n can we please just talk about this?''
''do we still have any rice left?''
''what wonwoo?'' you said back harshly. it isn't until now that you realise how frustrated you are. trying to move on from him is so hard when he is around you all the time. it makes it even harder when he keeps being harsh about your dates and points out why each one of them isn't suitable for you, and the worst part of it all is that you know he's right, all of it. but what were you to do? there is no one who could ever come close to wonwoo.
''stop going out with mingyu! you don't even like him!''
''and how do you know that? maybe i do like him! maybe i like him a lot!'' you wanted to scream and shout to get all your feelings out..but this isn't your first fight with wonwoo about mingyu or any other guy you've been on dates with and you were just so worn out by now.
''that's bullshit and you know it. mingyu literally checks none of the boxes for your list of traits for your type.''
''i made that list 3 years ago! things change wonwoo! not all of us stay the same!''
its wonwoo who is silent now. his knuckles have turned paler than ever from gripping onto the edges of the island so hard.
''what the hell does that mean?''
''nothing.'' you said as you picked up your purse and head to your bedroom. you don't get to go far though, because wonwoo is holding onto your wrist now. so tightly yet so gentle at the same time. you wonder how that is possible. you hope he doesn't feel the pulse on your wrist picking up speed, and he hopes you don't feel his hand slightly trembling.
''please sweetheart...just..not him''
you sigh for the nth time tonight, ''wonwoo i can't just not date every guy you think isn't good enough or suitable enough for me. how am i ever going to find someone?''
''do you have to? do you have to find someone? i know you don't like mingyu enough so why?''
''really wonwoo? do i not like mingyu enough or do you just not like mingyu like how you don't like every single guy i've ever been on a date with? why? are you scared i'll call you less? replace you? have a new best friend? spend less time with you?'' your frustration was slowly growing again.
wonwoo feels his heart clench. can he tell you? will it ruin your 8 year long friendship? things are bound to become awkward, there's no way he can tell you how he truly feels.
but wonwoo decides, wonwoo finally decides that hiding his feelings from you for 5 long years is excruciating enough.
''none of that.'' he says so softly you can barely hear him.
''i said, its none of that.''
''then what is it?''
wonwoo decides that if he is to get his heart broken by you, it might as well be tonight. he might as well just....try
wonwoo looks at you one last time for what feels like a good 10 minutes, even though it was only 10 seconds. he's contemplating, he's thinking and then.. he says fuck it.
his body moves faster than his brain. before he could properly process it, he finds his lips on yours. he feels you freeze for a split second, and then he feels you relaxing under his touch. he feels you kissing him back. he feels his heart beating so fast but also, he feels his heart slowly but surely unclench.
he pulls away softly and slowly. ''don't go out with mingyu anymore. don't go out with anyone else anymore. don't have dinner dates with anyone else. don't laugh at someone else's jokes that aren't funny just for the sake of being polite. i won't put you through all of that. i'll hold your hand. i'll have a pair of your converse in the car so your feet won't hurt from heels all day. i'll tell you jokes that are actually funny the way i know you like it. just let me love you and i'll show you all the ways i know how when it comes to you.''
you don't realise your tears slowly staining your cheeks, not until wonwoo's free hand comes up to wipe your tears with his thumb. its now your turn for your hand to reach out for wonwoo's wrist to pull him in for a kiss.
''please...please don't go''
''do you mean it?'' you asked softly
''i do. i love you, and i'll show you.''
and he does. now, he always holds your hand when you're walking on the street, crossing the road, lazing on the sofa, on the bed, on the table when you're waiting for your food to be served. he holds your hair back when you have to puke after having too much to drink. he removes your make up for you when you are too tired or too drunk. he never makes you wait, he always gives you the first bite of his food. he kisses you on the cheek, on the forehead, on your temples, the back of your hand, your fingers and on your lips, all while always telling you how much he loves you. he loves you in all the small and simple ways. but jeon wonwoo knows you love him too.
a/n: im not exactly satisfied with this because while proof reading it, it feels a bit rushed but i did start this at 1am and it is 4am now so this should do. please let me know what you think or if you have any requests! hopefully my first fic went okay hahaha
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cursedlovesstuff · 3 months
Fixing us. Part 5.
Nat heard the door open and close, followed by Y/N’s worried voice. “Nat?”
“I’m in the kitchen,” Nat called out, focusing on the garlic bread. It wasn’t long before she heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen.
“What happened?” Y/N asked, her voice tense.
“What happened?” Nat repeated, looking up from the oven.
“You called me. You called me and asked me to come home. The last time you did that was when Bucky almost died on that mission. So, who got hurt? Who died?”
“Relax, Y/N. No one’s dead and no one got hurt.”
“Oh...” Y/N said, setting her phone and purse down on the counter before leaning against it. “Well, then why’d you call me?”
“Can’t I call my wife, check up on her, and ask when she’s coming home?”
“You usually don’t. You text me, but you never call. Your definition of checking up on me is saying a few words before bed and then going to sleep,” Y/N said truthfully. “So, what's wrong? What do you need?”
“Nothing’s wrong and I don’t need anything. I thought maybe we could have dinner together,” Nat said as she finished preparing the garlic bread, the aroma of garlic and butter filling the kitchen.
“You made dinner?"
"Yes, why do you sound so surprised?"
"In the seven years that we have been together, you've never cooked. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Did you have someone make this?"
"I had someone teach me how to make this so that I could surprise you. I know it's your favorite."
"It was my favorite... I haven't eaten it in over a year. Once you have too much of a good thing, you stop appreciating it."
"I— It's fine. I can order pizza."
"You don't have to order pizza. Thank you for dinner, but I'll eat it when I get back."
"When you get back? Where are you going?"
"Carol invited me and the girls out to talk and for drinks since we were, well, interrupted."
"When did she invite you?"
"She called right after you did. I told her I wasn't sure if I could make it because you needed me."
"I do need you."
"Dinner's ready and no one's hurt. It seems like you've got everything handled," Y/N said, looking around the kitchen. "I won't be gone long. I'm going to get dressed. I'll see you later."
Y/N left the kitchen, leaving Nat confused. She quickly wiped her hands clean before heading up the stairs to their shared bedroom.
"Yes, Nat?" Y/N said, looking away from her clothes.
"You can't go out with Carol."
"Why not?" Y/N asked, pulling out a dress.
"Because Carol doesn't have your best interests at heart."
"When was the last time you had my best interests at heart?" Y/N shot back, making Nat let out a frustrated sigh as she ran her hands through her hair.
"I get that you're upset with me, especially after last night, but—"
"I'm not upset about last night."
"You're not?" Nat asked, confused.
"No, I'm not upset. If I were, you would be the first to know."
"If you're not upset, then... why would you go out for drinks with Carol?"
"Because I need a break, Nat. I need to breathe. You can’t just call me up and expect everything to be fine because you made dinner for the first time ever."
Nat’s shoulders slumped, and she took a step closer. “I know I’ve screwed up. I know I haven’t been here the way I should be, but I’m trying, Y/N. I really am.”
“You’re trying?” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head. “How many years have we been together, Natalia?” she asked, the use of her full name stinging Nat.
"Seven years."
"Seven years. Married for four, dated for two and a half years, engaged for five months, and you're the one trying?"
"For the past seven years, I have been trying. I have cared for you and protected you with my life. When you come home bloody and bruised from missions, I'm the one cleaning and stitching you up."
"When a part of your suit rips, I'm the one putting the pieces back together so that you don't get grilled by Fury."
"When something happens and it triggers you and you start to remember your past and lose yourself, I'm still here putting the pieces back together. And you're the one trying? One dinner isn't going to fix all of our problems."
"I know."
"Do you, Nat? Because it's only been 24 hours and that is not nearly enough time for either of us to decide what we really want."
"For either of us to decide what we want?" Nat repeated, her voice cracking slightly.
"I know what I want, Y/N, but I don't know what it is that you want from me."
"I don't know."
"You don't know? What does that mean? What do you mean you don't know?"
"It means I don't know, Nat. Okay? I finally started to figure things out for myself. I started going on morning runs and working out. I have a job now, and I have friends. I don't just sit around and wait for you to come back to me anymore. And now that I give you an ultimatum, you want to take it seriously."
"I have always taken our relationship seriously," Nat said, earning a skeptical look from Y/N.
"Do not look at me like that. I know lately I put my job and the team above you and our relationship. I realize that now and I'm sorry it took me this long to figure it out."
"Sorry doesn't fix things."
"I know that, Y/N, but I can't fix things if you don't talk to me. I can't read your mind and I won't know what's wrong if you don't tell me."
"What's wrong is me, Nat. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"I keep thinking about the past and how things used to be. When we used to be happy. When I used to be happy."........
Is this what you guys wanted? I had a friends advice and help but im stuck on part five I know where I want this to go but I can't get pass this part. Should I just drop the rest of part five or switch it up?
Also I'm writing so many other story's at once it's hard to keep up.
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juniperdugong · 3 months
Pizza Boy - DK/Lee Seokmin
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It's been weeks since the incident but it still lives rent-free in Seokmin's mind.
An off-hand comment made one night when the two of you had ordered pizza to your place. How were you supposed to predict that calling the pizza boy "kinda cute" would have such detrimental effects on your poor boyfriend?
That's right, you couldn't have predicted it. Which is why you're surprised when he says no to ordering pizza after a particularly stressful day in which neither of you have the energy to cook.
"Why not?"
"I don't know, I just don't feel like pizza tonight..."
"C'mon, you are always in the mood for pizza, babe. You were literally telling me how much you wanted some yesterday."
"Well, that was yesterday. And tonight I don't want pizza."
"Min, this is crazy. It's the only good place open right now that will take less than 15 minutes to deliver." You're looking at him with an incredulous look, and he's staring back at you with a slight pout.
He knows you're right and he knows that both of you are starving. And the truth is he really does want some pizza right now. So with a groan and a stomp of his foot, he lets out a reluctant "Fineeeee.....".
"Look, Min, if you really don't want pizza then we don't have to ge-"
"No no no, I do want pizza it's just..."
"Just what?"
"Nothing." he resigns from the potential argument.
With that, you get up from the couch to grab your phone quick enough that you don't see the insanely cute pouty face Seokmin leaves in your wake. A quiet disgruntled huff comes from him before an idea hits. He'll just have to stop you before you get to see the pizza boy again.
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10 minutes. In just 10 minutes you're pizza has arrived and the doorbell is ringing. As per usual you get up to get the food but this time Seokmin grabs your wrist, forcing you to sit back down.
"What are you do-"
"Don't worry! I'll get it!"
With confusion written all over your face, you see him jump up and begin to stride towards the front door.
Just as he'd expected...It's the same boy. One very obvious annoyed groan in his direction later and Min finally says "Thank you very much." with a twitch in his face nearly snatching the boxes out of the guy's hands. As he turns around letting out another huff of air like he's a dragon he kicks the door allowing it to slam into the guy's face. "Hmph he's not even that cute..."
He doesn't notice that you're staring at him in confusion and shock. His face immediately drops, eyes wide as you walk towards him. Completely expecting you to chide him but instead you walk past him and open the door again.
"Sorry about him haha. The...umm...bill."
"It's no worry." A sunny smile washes over the pizza guy. "Oh and here's the soda..."
"Yep, thank you! And sorry again!" The boy just nods and gives a small wave to Seokmin who's standing back just glaring him down.
You smile as you watch him walk away before closing the door gently and spinning around to face your boyfriend who is avoiding your gaze. "What the hell was that?!"
"Do not try and bullshit me right now, Seokmin. You slammed the door in the poor guy's face as he pulled out the card reader."
At the mention of his name in full he's as good as putty in your hands. He quickly walks the pizza boxes over to your counter before clinging to you. "Please don't be mad...", he says as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck.
"Min...seriously, what was that? You're never like that with people."
"I know, I know. I just don't like the way you look at him..."
You're truly baffled at this point, "What are you talking about?".
"You called him cute remember? And then right now, right outside, you smiled at him...you smiled at him like how you smile at me." You can feel it against your neck as he says this with sadness, the pout on his lips evident.
You just have to scoff at this. You grab him by the hand and sit him down on the couch before forcefully grabbing his shoulders so he can face you. You smile a smile of adoration at him as you see his puppy dog eyes that look up to meet you.
"Min" A sigh before you continue, "You know that I love you and only you right?" He gives a small nod still looking deep into your eyes.
"And you know that I would never in a million years try to make you jealous on purpose, right?"
"Well, I don't know about that..."
"Min. I would never. You're the sweetest boy I've ever met and I would never try and hurt you. Please, take my word on this."
"Okay. I believe you." His face softens into understanding and calm at your reassurance.
"Good because I'm starving and the only thing I want to do right now is eat some pizza with my boyfriend while watching TV. Would my boyfriend like to do that too or is he too busy thinking about some guy that I don't love?"
His smile grows immediately, "I'll make your plate!", he's joyously going back over to the counter and making food for the both of you before you can even comprehend his actions.
You guys begin to eat having almost forgotten what has transpired tonight you look at him completely in love with the way he eats and sits and smiles as he watches the TV. What you said was the complete truth; you only have eyes for him.
"You know Min, the reason I said he was cute was because he reminded me of you so much..." you say quietly as he's focused on the screen.
"Hmm? Oh, nothing! Could you pass me the remote?"
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{If you're interested in being on the Taglist for my Seventeen works please let me know!!}
{A/N In honor of his "Happy" cover that dropped today! He blessed us with silly seventeen clips and I just had to write something to celebrate. EDIT: I just checked and this is 1005 words??? What the hell? I swear I didn't mean for it to be this long...}
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Culinary Lessons
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MILF Wanda Maximoff GN! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Amab! Reader. Unprotected sex.
Taglist: @ginnsbaker
Wanda and Vision seemed to have a happy relationship with two hyperactive twin boys. That was all until a certain person moved in across the street. Y/N Y/L/N was a mystery to Wanda. In the suburbs, almost every residence was occupied by a family. Married couples with children. Y/N moving in was quite out of the ordinary.
So Wanda took it upon herself to welcome them to the neighbourhood, taking over a pot of paprikash, her mother's famous recipe. Knocking on the door with a nervous smile on her face.
"Hi, I'm Wanda. I just live across the way." Wanda introduced herself as Y/N opened the door. A soft smile adorned on their face as they ushered her inside. "I would have come over sooner to introduce myself but I wanted to make sure you were settled before."
"That's ok, thank you." They smiled as they led her towards the kitchen. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
"I brought over some paprikash." Wanda told them as she jiggled the pot slightly. "I thought you might like a homecooked meal."
"Thank you so much." They beamed as they took it from her, placing the pot on the stove. "I have been wanting to learn how to cook but I never have the time with work and Lila."
"Lila?" Wanda questioned.
"My daughter, her mom and I divorced a few months ago, that is why I relocated here." Y/N told her.
"I have two 10 year old boys." Wanda told them with a smile. "It would be nice for her to have two new friends whenever she is here."
"So far it is just the holidays." They shrugged tearily. "But anyway, I won't keep you too long Wanda."
"That's no problem Y/N." Wanda smiled at them before bidding their goodbyes and leaving their house.
As the weeks went on, Wanda found herself watching them every moment she could through the window. She noticed how every night they had ordered some form of takeout or came home late with a pizza box in their hands.
So she made her way back over to their house one night, leaving Vision and the boys doing their homework. Knocking on the door briefly, only waiting a moment for them to open the door.
"Wanda hey." Y/N greeted her as they opened the door for her to come in. "What can I help you with?"
"I remember that you said you wanted culinary lessons when we first met." Wanda reminded them.
"I still do but my schedule is pretty hectic." They told her as they made some tea.
"What if I could teach you. Completely around your schedule?" Wanda suggested, thanking them for the tea.
"I don't want to put you out of your way Wanda." They told her softly as she shook her head.
"You won't be." She told them. "I don't really have a job and the boys are with Vis in the evening. Besides, it would be nice to have a bit of company outside of the house."
"Ok." They finally agreed. "I do have Lila in a few weeks so it would benefit the two of us if she would have home cooked meals."
"So just tell me when you're free and we will get cooking." Wanda told them with a bright smile before she left, heading home to her husband and sons.
As weeks went on, Y/N and Wanda enjoyed the time they had alone. It was nice for Y/N to spend time with someone who isn't a colleague as Wanda loved being away from the house. But the more time she spent with them, the more she would fall for them.
Her marriage with Vision is extremely vanilla, hell he doesn't even make her cum anymore. He just finishes before her and then turns away, leaving Wanda hanging over the edge but not completely falling.
"How is Vision and the boys?" Y/N asked her as they waited for the food to cook on the stove.
"The twins are at my brothers for the weekend while Vis is on a business trip." Wanda told them. "It's just really lonely at the house right now."
"Whenever you feel like that Wanda, and I am here. You are more than welcome." They told her with a smile, which she just smiled at them as she checked the food on the stove.
"This is done." She smiled as she stirred it, Y/N coming to stand right behind her as they looked over her shoulder.
"It certainly smells amazing." Y/N smiled, remembering the first dish that Wanda had brought over for them. "It's your mother's recipe isn't it?"
"It is." Wanda breathed out as she felt their hands on her hips. She was afraid to move in case her knees failed her.
"Are you?" They whispered as Wanda sighed as she felt Y/N press against her. Completely molding into them as their arm wrapped around her.
"I am." She whispered as she felt their nose in the crook of her neck. She hadn't realised that overtime, Y/N had gained feelings for her, although she is married to another. Neither can deny the obvious attraction towards the other.
"Do you want this Wanda?" They asked her as their hand wandered under her blouse, making her shudder at the contact.
"Yes." She answered confidently. Turning off the stove before turning to face them, pushing them against the door and kissing their lips hard. Y/N squeezed her hips making her gasp, allowing their tongue access as they explored her mouth. Tasting the paprikash on her tongue. Sucking on the muscle, making her moan as they helped her remove her top. Their eyes raking over her toned form before reclaiming her lips as she hurried to unbutton their shirt, pushing it off of their shoulders. Y/N flipped them around so Wanda was now stood with her back against the cold surface of the counter.
Y/N had started to unbutton her jeans, pulling them down as they got on their knees. Helping her slip off her pumps and jeans. Leaving her in just her underwear. Wanda watched them curiously, not knowing what was happening as Y/N pressed their nose against her clothed centre. Inhaling her scent as it pooled within her underwear.
"What are you doing?" She asked them breathlessly as they started to pull her underwear down her milky thick thighs.
"I want to taste you." They husked as they looked in her eyes before Wanda stopped them, becoming nervous all of a sudden.
"Isn't it filthy?" She questioned as they quirked a brow.
"The sounds that come from you will be filthy as you enjoy it." They told her before diving in, sucking on her clit as she held on to the counter to keep herself up.
"Fuck." She moaned as the teased her hole with their tongue, diving right in as their nose applied pressure to her clit. "Oh god." She whimpered as they went faster than before, her climax getting incredibly close quickly. "I'm going." She tried to push them away, which theu fought against her. She came as they lapped up every last drop.
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her once they were stood before her, cupping her face as she calmed down.
"Yeah." She whispered before she took their lips again, moaning as she tasted herself on her tongue. Moving to undo their trousers, pushing them down as Y/N turned her around to face the counter.
They massaged her ass cheeks before they pushed her legs further apart. Soon running their hardened member through her folds, teasing her before ramming it right inside. Not giving her chance to adjust as they thrust their hips at a steady pace.
Wanda failed to keep herself up as her arms failed her, her chest touching the cold surface beneath as Y/N's hand found her hair. Holding her cheek against the surface as they went harder and faster.
It didn't take longer for Wanda to cum once more as Y/N continued to pound into her. Not giving her chance to calm down so she soon squirted all over the floor as they came inside her. Y/N helped clean her up before letting her lay in their bed before they cleaned the kitchen and the floor.
Neither realising that someone was approaching the house, looking for his wife.
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If the Ros had to tell the mc a lie In order for the mc to stay with them or tell the truth and have the mc leave them. Which would they do? (For wlgl)
That's a good one and a tough one. Hope you're okay with some hard truths, said in the form of lies.
So at the end of each one you read, just add (That's a lie)
So I'm going to keep it silly and serious.
Silly lie: I'm the best baker in the world and my muffins save lives.
Serious lie: I know you said you didn't want kids. I don't either.
Silly lie: I can cook and I'll cook you a meal every day.
Serious lie: What happened to me at the foster homes before the Barlows adopted me, I've made peace with it. So, yeah, therapy kind of helped I guess, and I'm ready to be a parent.
Silly lie: I'm really smart and know what I'm talking about most of the time.
Serious lie: It's okay. I don't miss the BDSM thing.
Silly lie: I don't get jealous when I see you talking to other people.
Serious lie: No, I'm not terrified that my partner might leave me one day for someone else, just like my mother did to my father. I'm not hiding my insecurities under my charm and good looks, I know how to be chill.
Silly lie: I don't always just eat frozen pizza for breakfast. That would be bad.
Serious lie: No, it has never crossed my mind that people might think I'm only with you because you're financially stable.
Throwing Costa in for good measure.
Silly lie: I hate donuts.
Serious lie: I totally get why C.C. didn't make me a full-blown RO. I mean, why would she? It's not like I'm the type who cares about building a family or having someone waiting for me after long, grueling nights out on patrol. I don't need that, right? I don't need someone to meet my chaotic, oversized family and join us for BBQs every weekend, laughing at jokes only we understand. And I definitely don't dream about having kids. Five, maybe. All named after my grandparents, carrying on the legacy. A house with a white picket fence? A dog running in the yard? Yeah, that's not me at all.
It's not like that's what I've always wanted.
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gretavanfleetposts · 1 year
Give Me Shelter
Author's Note: The long awaited sequel to Make Her Happy that literally no one asked for lol here's the first part
Content Warnings: dirty talk, penetrative sex (18+ minors do not interact), swearing
Word Count: 5.5k
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Jake stood on the other side of the door with a grin plastered to his lips that you knew he hoped would make up for the fact that it was him rather than his brother.
It almost did.
It doesn't.
"He could at least call me," you said angrily without so much as a 'hello' in his direction before you turned and let him meander through the door in your pursuit. This was an occurrence you were getting all too used to and formalities had been done away with long ago. You certainly weren't in the mood tonight.
"Maybe he was worried he'd feel the icy stare through the screen," he quipped from behind you, placing the bouquet of flowers in his hands that you hadn't even noticed on the counter as he followed you into the kitchen.
"He'd deserve it if he did."
You were beyond frustrated with him truthfully. Josh had sent Jake in his place several times since the first, although the first time had been the only time things had gone as far as they had. But you were beginning to feel like you were dating his twin. Not that he wasn't good to you when he came over. He just wasn't the one you wanted.
Well, maybe it was a bit more complicated than that.
"You want me to fight with you? Let you pretend I'm him?"
"He wouldn't fight with me," you sighed as you rummaged around in your kitchen cabinets looking for a container large enough to hold the full meal you had cooked. "He'd be understanding and sweet and make me feel heard and it would annoyingly take all of the fight right out of me."
"I'll be me then and fight back," he said with a wide smile that you didn't return as you moved to put dinner into the tupperware you had pulled out. But when he saw what you were doing, his brows furrowed and the smile disappeared. "Woah, what are you doing? It's still hot, we should eat it."
"I don't want to. I'm just going to order something," you answered flatly.
"I can do that." He took your wrists in his hands to stop your movements, even as you tried to pull them away. "Hey, wait, stop, I can do it. I'll put it away and do the dishes while the food is on its way. Just tell me what you're in the mood for."
It felt like a dam breaking as you let your face fall into his chest, his arms circling your body as tears began to flow.
"I just don't understand why he can't at least call or give me some kind of warning. He always does this, he does this more and more, and more and more I just feel like an accessory that sometimes he wants to wear and sometimes he doesn't."
"You're not an accessory to him, I promise you." He soothed you with a quiet voice and a hand snaking up into your hair to hold you against him. "He wanted to be here, he always does. It kills him that he's away so much but he really does love you."
"You're off, you have a break. Why are you here and he isn’t?"
"Well, I don't require nearly as much maintenance as that little diva," he answered with a laugh at his own joke. The joke didn't reach you though. It only seemed to solidify the feelings you'd been having more and more lately: Josh didn't have time for you.
"Come on," he jostled you from your thoughts before they could spiral, holding you away from him so he could meet your eyes. "You're hangry. Food will put things into perspective."
Food won't fix this.
Pizza does sound really good right now though.
You swiped tears away from your eyes with the back of your hand and sniffed back whatever waterfall needed desperately to fall.
"Pizza?" you asked quietly.
He smiled.
"Pizza it is. Go put your feet up; I've got this." He nodded toward the living room and with a sigh, you resigned to let him take care of things for the night. But before turning to head toward some actual relaxation, you met his eyes with gratefulness seeping into yours.
"Thank you."
"You can thank me later," he said with a smirk that had your stomach doing somersaults despite your internal reprimanding.
"Food's here."
Jake's voice woke you. Well, that and the smell of piping hot pizza. You hadn't realized you'd fallen asleep, hadn't even realized you'd been tired. But needing to cry often did that: lulled you into a frustrated slumber of avoidance.
"God, that smells so good," you commented, stretching and sitting up to make room for him on your couch as he set the large box down on the coffee table.
"I know. Way better than whatever you were cooking." He joked as he took a seat next to you, fiddling with the TV remote while you threw open the box and pulled out a piece.
"Be nice, I'm still hangry," you mumbled as you began eating in a way that betrayed how much the cheese was burning your tongue.
"I mean it," he added, dipping his head a little to see your face better. "You can yell at me if it would be cathartic."
There was a sincerity behind his eyes that warmed you. He always was too sweet to you, to do this so consistently. And surely he was busy some of those times. Never too busy for you though, it seemed. Because he always showed up.
Why do you always show up?
"Wouldn't be the same," you shrugged, abandoning the slice of pizza you had grabbed on a free space of the box as you decided to let it cool a bit more before you burned the rest of your mouth.
You felt his fingertips suddenly brush against your skin as he pushed hair behind your ear almost absentmindedly. And meeting his eyes, you saw more of that sincerity. But this time, your eyes plunged down to his lips, a movement that surely didn't go unnoticed as his followed suit. And you suddenly felt nervous under his gaze, anticipating what he might do as a result of that look and unsure of what that would mean to you.
"Jake…I don't know how much I'm in the mood for date night."
That's not true.
It was an easy way to put a swift end to the tension and had him dropping his hand back into his lap with a soft smile that didn't look the least bit wounded.
Maybe he's just good at hiding it.
"That's fine. I don't have to be Josh tonight. I can be whoever you want me to be."
You knew deep down what you wanted him to be that night but you didn't let yourself acknowledge it. You couldn't. Not before dinner, anyway.
"Can you be my friend right now?" you asked instead, ignoring how hot you suddenly felt and how good the exposed skin on his chest suddenly looked.
His smile widened a tinge as he caught the path of your eyes again but he didn't acknowledge it.
"Easiest thing in the world," he said in a soft voice, sitting back further as if to welcome whatever you were about to lay at his feet.
You sighed and turned your eyes toward the pizza box as you thought about it, the fact that Josh wasn't there and Jake was.
"I'm so proud of you all but it's getting harder. Undeniably. And I just don't see him ever having the time for me. At least not more than he does now. And even now, the time he has for me is…dwindling."
"Have you told him this?"
"No," you admitted. "Not lately and not in those words. With the tour ramping up and having him home this week, I was trying not to give him anything to dwell on on the road. No distractions."
Maybe that was stupid but you hated the idea of him being far away and worried about your relationship. You hated the idea of him being onstage and not being able to fully enjoy it, worried about you the entire time.
"You're part of his life, not a distraction. If he wants to make this work, he'll have to find a better balance. I think he'd understand that if you just talked to him."
Maybe he couldn't make up for the lost time. Or maybe you'd grown too attached to what seemed to always be right in front of you, like you'd been an afterthought for too long.
That's not fair to Josh and you know it.
"Aren't you worried he's gonna stop sending you?" You shot Jake a smile that masked the thoughts you'd begun to spin in your mind. But he only shook his head and sighed heavily.
"He knows I'm not the answer," he said candidly.
You thought about that for a moment before meeting his gaze again and asking the obvious.
"Then why does he keep sending you?"
"Because I'm always free," he suddenly smiled, masking his own thoughts he'd begun to spin in his mind, surely.
You couldn't stop your own smile, even knowing it wasn't the truth.
He was quiet a moment, turning away to face the TV you'd both been ignoring and the pizza that was cooling as he seemed to lose himself in thought. But god, he looked pretty that way. You hated to admit it but he did. He was a good listener and easy to listen to. He'd been your sounding board for the past few months on the date nights he'd filled in for, helping you finish off bottles of wine and working through a list of classic movies one or both of you had never seen. He'd eaten countless dishes meant for you and Josh and even learned the card game you had meant to teach Josh, although he was a much poorer sport than his twin would have been. But still, it had made you laugh watching him try to cheat using the reflection of the wine glass sitting in front of you and throwing the cards all over the table when he'd been caught. He'd only done it because you'd been crying when he had arrived and he was determined to take your mind off the obvious. And then there were the flowers, which were becoming a more common occurrence…
"Did you talk about it the first time after I left?"
You felt like you were pulled out of a reenactment of a dream but you knew without asking what he was referring to.
The first time. When you said filthy things to me and I loved it.
"No. It didn't feel like we needed to. We just woke up and went about our day together."
Like nothing even happened.
"Maybe that's why he sends me," Jake suggested. "He isn't worried about it."
You were unsure what to make of it and even more unsure of what to say. So instead, you nodded silently and reached for your pizza, deep in thought and ignoring whatever Jake put on the TV despite your eyes fixing to it. And you ate mindlessly for what felt like a long moment before you finally spoke again, a half-baked sentiment that was more formed out of anger and frustration than anything else.
"I'm not dating you though, I'm dating him. He could act like it."
Jake didn't turn to you.
"Is this your way of telling me you want me to leave?"
"No. It's better than being alone."
"Well, I'd hardly call that a raving review," he laughed, seeming to fake hurt that was probably somewhat real.
"It is nice of you to do this," you quickly added, getting a glimpse of how it had sounded without.
"I don't mind," he answered before taking a bite of pizza that effectively jumbled his words as he continued speaking. "Not in the slightest."
"Well, to be fair, you got to fuck me so no, I imagine you don't mind."
He looked somewhat shocked as he tried to swallow his bite rather than choke, mumbling out a, "Jesus-", that you didn't let him finish.
"Am I wrong?"
"I don't keep coming over here with my hopes up if that's what you're implying."
Would it be so bad if you did?
"You don't think about it?" you questioned, feeling emboldened by God knew what and hoping, praying even, that you liked his answer, especially given how much you'd thought about it as of late.
Fucking annoying, honestly. He could have at least done me a favor and been bad in bed. Maybe that would have made things easier.
"Of course I think about it," he admitted, "I think about it all the fucking time. It's indecent how much I think about it."
That brought a smile to your face, one that you couldn't stifle even if you tried.
"But I'm happy with whatever you're happy with," he continued. "I don't come over here expecting anything. I'll take whatever you want to give me, whatever that means for you. I told you, I'm whoever you want me to be and that, tonight, is friend."
I don't want you to just be my friend tonight.
You played with the hem of the oversized t-shirt you were wearing, suddenly far less hungry than you had been as you thought about what he was saying and how he had made you feel over the past few months.
And why does he always have to look so fucking good?
"What if I didn't want it to just be friend?" you asked hesitantly, unsure of how he'd respond.
It suddenly felt more dire that he could find a way to make that work too, as easily as he could the friend part.
God, you were nervous.
"Then I'd say can you at least let me finish my pizza before you jump me? Geez," he joked, presumably not taking you seriously.
So you tried again.
"I mean after," you responded with a much more serious look, "when this horrible movie you put on thinking I wouldn't notice is over and the leftover pizza is cold and he still isn't here. What will you be then?"
He leaned forward to discard his crust back in the box and brush off his hands before he drew in a long breath, fuel for the thought he was trying to carefully voice.
"After," he began slowly, "when the movie is over and the leftover pizza goes cold…and Josh still isn't here…" He paused to look at you, something cryptic written in his features that you wished you could shake out of him. You needed his thoughts and his honesty to help you mitigate yours. You felt far too alone in your desires at the moment, the one person who never seemed to hold back finally doing just that. "I'll walk you to your room and I'll tuck you in. And if you ask me to stay, I'll stay. Because I'm your friend."
You gave him an understanding nod and a quiet, "Okay," before turning back to the pizza.
You couldn't even say what the movie was about. It was a documentary that had started about aliens but somehow had drifted well into pirate territory in a confusing arc that you clearly hadn't followed. To be fair, you were watching without seeing, hearing without listening, enraptured in a swirl of self-destructive thoughts that actually weren't so self-destructive but more left a path of destruction in their wake. And just as predicted, hands stopped reaching for slices of pizza and cheese stopped boiling over the edges as the air took it to its chilly grave. The movie somehow came to a meaningful conclusion that only really meant something to you because credits rolled across the screen. And Josh still wasn't there.
"You look tired," Jake commented after a moment of sitting in darkness next to you, the only light being the tiny white names scrolling across the screen.
God, how many people could it have possibly taken to make that?
"I could sleep," you lied. Well, maybe you could sleep but that wasn't what you intended to do.
Nonetheless, he nodded and stood silently, taking the pizza box to the kitchen and returning to take your hand and lead you from the couch to your bedroom, implication suddenly heavy in the air as he led.
He said nothing as he stood in the doorway letting you walk past him into the room, nothing as you approached your bed before turning back to face him, nothing as you waited for a move he clearly wasn't going to make on his own.
"I think about it too, you know. The first time…" You trailed off without further explanation, your hands suddenly fiddling with the hem of your oversized shirt as you hoped it incited some action on his part.
Jake was silent for a beat before understanding washed over his face and he nodded quickly.
"I’m flattered," was all he said with a soft, almost shy smile as he finally crossed the room to your bed to pull down the comforter, turning expectantly, waiting for you to get in.
He wasn't typically one to be humble but there was something endearing about the rosy hue growing brighter on his cheeks. It almost reminded you of Josh to be honest. And you weren't sure if that made it worse given how much you wanted him.
Without any warning, instead of climbing into bed as he'd expected you to do, you closed the space between you and pressed your lips to his jaw, reveling in the sound of a sudden hushed inhale as he instinctively leaned into the feeling. But his words, hushed and quiet as he spoke them as if he were hoping you wouldn't hear, betrayed the struggle in his mind that was much less willing than his body.
"I think this is a bad idea…" he trailed off quietly as he tilted his chin ever so slightly to let your lips continue their attack along his jaw. And when he heard no response from you, you felt his Adam's apple bob with a gulp as he mustered up the strength to speak again. "I know that you're upset-"
"You said he wasn't worried," you interjected quickly as your mouth moved to his neck where you felt goosebumps prickling against your lips and tongue. You continued your movements as your hands weaved their way into his linen shirt, only to be met by his hands grasping your biceps as if he were going to stop you but the fight had evaded him before he could.
"I know what I said-"
"I just want to feel you," you said finally, pulling your face away to look him in the eyes and put your desperation on display for him.
He was better than being alone. Far better. And fuck, you wanted him.
He seemed to give in almost immediately as his lips found yours more earnestly, losing himself finally in the way you tasted. It felt like a relief to have his hands on you, any hands really as the nights you'd spent alone had grown longer.
"This is the last time," he murmured against your lips as his hands traveled up under your baggy t-shirt to explore the smooth skin that lay beneath.
You agreed with a half-hearted hum on your lips as your own hands traversed over the thin material of his shirt, slipping downward in search of the belt he always wore. You worked quickly to pull it off, setting your hands to work on the button and zipper as it clamored to the floor.
"I mean it," he mumbled again, never really pulling his mouth from yours entirely.
His hands were warm on your skin and did their best to distract from what he was saying, words you'd process later when your mind was no longer numb and flooded with him alone. If there was a line you were crossing, you'd see it in the morning when you woke, drawn perfectly on the floor and smudged only where you and Jake had danced across it.
"Yes, sir," you whispered that time, pulling back ever so slightly to bat your lashes up at him, only to be greeted with an eye roll in return. But a smile adorned his lips nonetheless.
"Gonna get me in trouble," he whispered back as he shook his head, the rosiness of his cheeks growing hotter and redder thanks to your mouth and hands on him, now prying his shirt from his body to send it floating to the floor.
He pushed into you again, squishing any space between you so you sent your arms circling his shoulders instead. He held you closely too, hands pulling you in at your waist impossibly closer even while he walked you backward toward the edge of your bed. You felt magnetized to him, utterly incapable of prying yourself from him even as the thought of Josh's impending arrival swirled somewhere in the back of your mind.
Jake started with the hem of your leggings, tucking his fingers in and doing his best to work them down your legs without his mouth so much as leaving yours. And when the material moved beyond his reach, he helped you shimmy them down the rest of the way and step out of them. And the moment your legs were freed, he spun the two of you so he could take a seat on the edge of your bed and pulled you into his lap.
Pulling his face away from yours finally and letting his hands drop to his jeans to finish the work you had started, he spoke again in a much more serious voice, gravelly and grave.
"You're going to ride me. Take exactly what you want from me."
It was a little glimpse of the Jake he had been the first time he had filled in for date night. And it was exactly what you hadn't realized you were missing.
"Can you do that for me?" he asked as he freed himself and coaxed you into a hover over him with one hand at your hip while the other pulled your panties to the side.
You were speechless, his eyes boring into yours and his hands guiding you even without your answer until the head of his cock brushed your entrance. Your eyes watered with anticipation, every muscle in your body tense as you waited to feel him push inside. And not a single word formed on your tongue or a single thought in your mind.
"Yeah, I think you can," he answered for you with a smirk on his lips and his hand wrapped around himself, already guiding it into you. "And I'm gonna talk you through it."
With his arm snaked around your waist, he brought you down onto his cock in one swift motion, earning a sharp gasp from you as he filled you, a sudden stretch that felt somehow more delicious than it had the first time. Maybe because you knew what you had been missing out on this time around.
"Fuck, I missed you," you breathed, your eyes falling shut for a moment while your thighs warmed against his and the familiar sting of the stretch began to turn to pleasure.
His hands moved to your hips, finding the skin just under the material of the oversized shirt you still wore and digging into the skin there, not so hard so as to leave bruises but hard enough to keep you steady as you leaned forward to drop your forehead against his shoulder, suddenly overtaken by feelings you didn't quite understand.
He felt the shift, something akin to desperate to have him turned desperate to keep him. He felt it in your hot breath against his neck, felt it in the heat radiating from every point on your body, felt it in the unsteady beat of breaths you were taking, almost overtaken by the fierce pounding of your heart as desire and hurt and guilt all fought to take hold of your body. But he didn't retreat from what he felt, only held you that much tighter.
"Are you still with me?" he asked softly, just above a whisper against the shell of your ear, a brief pause from the man he seemed to become when in your bedroom.
You were with him. Maybe a little too with him, you realized. Josh had sent his brother to the rescue so many times, you were beginning to want to be rescued.
"I'm with you," was all you answered back, saving him from your inner turmoil in hopes he'd let you keep going through it.
He seemed keen to let you, too. Or maybe keen to let himself was more accurate. Regardless, wherever your mind had begun to drift, you were suddenly snapped back into place within his arms as he breathed out a rather unfair, "Good girl," and pulled your hips forward once, sliding you easily along his cock thanks to the slick that had been building since the moment you had seen him standing there at your front door. Shamelessly.
"Shit, Jake," you hissed as searing hot pleasure seeped into your body the longer you warmed around him. It incited you to move your hips, slowly at first, searching for that delicious push and pull and stretch of him inside you that felt like a too-distant memory.
He dipped one arm around your waist as his other curled up over your back to bury his hand in your hair, keeping your forehead pressed into his skin as he mumbled words of encouragement. Not that you needed encouraging. His cock, thick and hot inside of you was certainly encouragement enough.
"Ride it, just like that," he murmured as your hips worked up into a steady rhythm. "Just like that, that's it."
You clung to him as you did, clung to the feeling of being full, of his arms holding you. And it only spurred you on, your movements quickening their pace as you moved around him and the sound of skin on skin and both of your heavy breathing began to fill the room. Gentle curses whispered in nothing but a breath betrayed his always cool and casual demeanor and only seemed to fuel the feeling growing hot in your abdomen.
You slid easily along his cock, up and down, taking him fully each time before retreating. His arms helped you move too, encouraging your pace and squeezing you hard like you were grounding him even though you were certain it was the other way around.
"You're so fucking perfect like this," he whispered against your hair, the words punctuated by a noise you'd never quite heard him make, a shameless moan that you suddenly felt desperate to hear again. But having let the sound slip, he seemed to regain his control as he used his grip in your hair to pull your face back to meet his eyes. They were glassy, almost glazed over with euphoria, his lips parted as he struggled and failed to breath evenly, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his forehead and matting his hair to it. He was breathtaking, as usual.
"Jesus fuck, Jake," you breathed, your voice hitching in your throat as the words turned into a pathetic noise.
"Yeah? Tell me all about it," he asked in a breathy, hushed voice like it was a secret meant only for the two of you. "Did you miss me, beautiful? Does that feel as good as you remember?"
You gave him a desperate nod, answering all and none of his questions at once, your brows furrowed and bottom lip sucked between your teeth and the tension building within you clearly visible on your face.
He nodded back with a whisper of a smirk on his lips, breathless as he was himself. "Yeah, poor thing missed my cock, didn’t she? Tell me how good I feel," he urged.
"Fuck, Jake, you feel so good," you practically chanted, stealing a moment to gaze down at where the two of you connected while something about blurred lines fizzled out of view in the back of your mind. "So fucking good."
Like you belong here with me.
A groan ripped its way through his chest as his hips began lifting slightly to meet each of your downward motions, driving his cock into your sensitive spot with each thrust and only making you want to ride him that much harder despite the burn creeping up into your knees.
"You take it so well for me, such a fucking good girl," he praised you through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. "Bouncing on it like you were fucking made for it, that's my pretty girl."
You reveled in his words and the way they heightened the pleasure of his cock pressing against that sweet spot inside of you on each inward thrust, pushing you closer and closer to your own orgasm.
He could see the impending release in your eyes, too, given the way he suddenly gripped you harder and brought his mouth close to your ear to whisper to you his words of encouragement, using one hand splayed flat against the bed to hold you both up. "I know you want to come. Let it go for me, I'll talk you through it just like I promised. I've got you, baby."
"God, Jake," you moaned against his throat, fighting through the strain of your muscles to ride him harder, to take him deeper and faster, wet noises now echoing obscenely through the room.
"Yeah, just like that, let it go," he urged in what was something like half-coherent words, half-moan. "I want you to come all over my cock. Make a mess of me like you're so good at doing." And then a light, "Fuck," after meant only for you.
You were close but it threatened to tumble back downward without reaching its peak, a mental block that you felt you were suddenly fighting, desperately trying to push through before you lost it altogether. But Jake's voice suddenly came softer, finding you in your struggle and bringing you back up to the surface.
"Just relax, let it happen," he coaxed as he took your jaw in his hand to direct your eyes to his, warm and inviting and safe. "I've got you, I'm with you. Just let me feel you."
With his words, you were done for. You felt it ripple through you lightly at first, quickly growing more intense as you pushed your body through it, spurred on by his continued movements matching yours. Your eyes struggled to stay open as it washed through you but watching you and, in turn, you watching him, seemed to push his own orgasm along. His own face began to show the control that was quickly evading him.
Suddenly he was flipping you onto your back, your bodies still connected, and driving into you as his name spilled from your mouth over and over again. Hiking your leg up over his shoulder, he pushed himself over the edge and you along with him for a second time, his hand still wrapped beneath your jaw but his forehead now falling against your sternum as he basked in it and fucked you both through it.
You each came down slowly, neither of you moving from your place where your arms still held one another. If reality was that he had to leave your arms, you didn't want to face it. But finally, with a sigh, Jake withdrew and pulled his exhausted self from your grasp to grab a towel and clean you up, cleaning himself up shortly after.
You maneuvered into the warm embrace of your comforter to watch him move about the room, collecting his shirt and belt and redressing silently before he crossed back over to you. But this time, he didn't join you under the covers. Instead he stood beside you and let his hand cradle your cheek for a moment, looking like he was memorizing your fucked out look. Or just all the little details he had missed.
"You should get some sleep," he said quietly, looking almost forlorn.
"I don't want you to go," you argued immediately, knowing his next steps would either carry him out the door or bring him to your side.
But he only shook his head, much to your disappointment.
"You said you would stay if I asked."
Maybe that was mean to throw at him but he had said it and you weren't really in a good place to be abandoned by another of the Kiszka brothers.
He swallowed hard and let his thumb swipe gently along your jaw. He looked…remorseful.
"Josh will be home soon. I think the two of you should talk. And I don't think I should be here when he gets here."
With only a quick kiss pressed to your forehead, he was out the door without another glance your direction before you had more time to protest, quietly padding through the home to collect his things. It wasn't until you heard the front door shut that you felt truly alone in your own home, wondering when Josh would arrive. And you felt tears well up in your chest and begin to spill from your eyes.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 2 months
L&DS Rafayel: Crab Wars | Drabble - Comedy
Ahahahaha so this is a comedic post. I feel like every day life with Rafayel would have these moments of just "Bro wtf are you doing?" and this encapsulated it perfectly.
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Pairing: Rafayel x Reader Warning: None Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
Blog Information | Masterlist
There were so many things you had come to accept when it came to Rafayel. He was eccentric and tended to just do whatever he felt like. So, how did he still manage to get you at a loss for words? Absolutely stunned as you stared at the situation right in front of your eyes,
He had invited you over for dinner, and this is what you came to? You looked at your beloved boyfriend standing in the middle of his kitchen. Around him were five living crabs. Their claws were up and snapping as he stood in the center of a circle. He looked at you, then back at the crab directly before him.
"Okay, what the ever-loving fuck is happening, Raf?" You finally managed to say. You pinched the bridge of your nose and crossed your arms over your chest. You honestly didn't know what to do with this man anymore.
Rafayel seemed almost sheepish, but he had gained control of his emotions and schooled them to appear nonchalant about the ordeal. "Well, I wanted to let them walk around a bit before I cooked then," he said, already a bad start to this story. And then they just surrounded me…I think they assume I'm their king."
You gave him the most deadpan stare you could muster, smacking your lips together, "Okay…so why are their claws unhooked?" you asked next. You knew damn well at the seafood market; they had tied the crab's claws so they didn't get any funny ideas before they died.
"It felt too constricting for them," Rafayel said, "And as their leader, I needed to do what was right by my people,"
"Are you sure they chose you as their king?" you finally asked, "It looks more like you're going to be sacrificed," Rafayel's eyes widened. He placed a hand over his heart and gave you the most offended look he could muster.
"They would never," he gasped, now pouting with his lip jutting out. You looked down at the crabs and then back at him. Why were you even having this conversation in the first place? This was…was it too late to call a pizza place?
"Can you just…put them back in the pot and cook them, Raf?" you huffed. Rafayel looked away from you as he cleared his throat.
"So that's the issue," he said, "I don't wanna grab them. I tried before you arrived, and one snapped at me, and I don't know what to do now," oh so he was being held hostage by a bunch of crabs that should've been their damn dinner. "Can you help me out?" he said, doing his best puppy dog eyes for you.
You blinked slowly before sighing. You reach down to your thigh holster and pull out your gun, taking aim at the one directly in front of where Rafayel is standing. Before you could pull the trigger, you heard Rafayel screaming at you to stop, calling your name multiple times in a panic.
"Can you not?!" he shouted again, "You can't shoot them!" he said and looked at you like you were the crazy one here.
"It would solve the issue, wouldn't it?" You asked, "You were the one begging me for assistance, I came up with a solution, and now you're backing down," you huffed in annoyance, "Such beta bitch behavior,"
Rafayel was stunned to silence, but that only stopped him for a moment, "Did you call me a beta bitch?" he finally muttered, and you smirked.
"Uh ya? Now we either do this my way, or I'm going to chill in the living room and order pizza while you figure…" you motioned towards the floor, "This out."
"Call Thomas?" he finally asked, and you thought for a moment…why hadn't you considered doing that. You pulled out your phone and dialed the man's number, letting it ring a few times before he finally picked up. 
You heard him calling your name in a confused tone: "Hey, is there anything I can help you with?" He was always the professional one, it would seem.
"Thomas, we need help at the studio ASAP." you began, "And yes, this is an actual emergency this time," you didn't even let him reply as you got your phone and took a photo of the situation. "I'm sending over the situation,"
Thomas was silent as he checked out the image, and then suddenly, you heard a loud sigh and a click as he hung up. You paused and looked at the phone, then back over to Rafayel, "Well…looks like you're on your own, bye babes," you turned around and began your journey toward the living room.
You heard Rafayel shouting your name a few times, trying to get you to come back. He could figure it out. He got himself into this mess, and he can get himself out. You, however, would not be risking getting pinched by a crab today.
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Imma be frfr I ain't touching live crabs. No freaking way. I am baby.
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hirayaaraw · 10 months
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Of Taxes and Marriage
Tags: friends to lovers; marriage for convenience / fake marriage; pining
It's Saturday and you were supposed to have to watch a movie downtown with your bestfriens Wonwoo but plans were changed. Here you are in his dining table with your laptop and cramming your tax file that is due on Monday.
"Why no one has taught this in college?" You complain while you were dizzy with the amount of payslips you got from your main job and side hustle. "I'm really sorry for cancelling our plans, Won."
"It's fine." Wonwoo said before sitting next to you and peek on your laptop. You can see his grimace on your peripheral view.
"Should I call my mom's secretary to fix your tax file so we can eat our dinner now?" You roll your eyes. Wonwoo, of course, the rich kid he is, knows and have anyone to fix your tax.
"I doubt you call them to fix yours."
"Well, right." And Wonwoo, the rich kid he is, doesn't like using his connection. He likes doing his stuff on his own. "I don't even want to call my mom right now because that means another blind date to arrange with another daughter of someone."
"Poor you." You said nonchalantly. You couldn't care less about his rich boy problem because when you saw the amount of tax you will be paying. "I'm doomed."
Wonwoo pulled your laptop as you try to process the fact that you owe the freaking government a huge amount of tax. "Woah. You made that much in your side hustle?"
"Made that much, gave away so much to my family, and now I need pay so much to this government." You stressed out as you comb your hair in frustration. You are thinking to delay the payment and paying the penalties. "Not to mention my monthly rent."
"You need some help?"
"No, I'm fine. I can handle this." You said and close your laptop. "What should we eat tonight?"
"Orange chicken?"
"That sounds nice. Do you the ingredients?" You stood up and went to his refrigerator.
"Yeah, I did some grocery when you said we gonna cancel the plan tonight." He said then start preparing the utensils that will be used.
This is how your weekends usually happen. Dinner with either of your apartments. Cooking together or if you both feeling lazy, you order pizza and do some movie marathon. This started during your college days as broke students and now you two are inseparable.
Once you are done cooking, you felt a bit better as you see Wonwoo become excited about the food. He prepared the table and pull you a chair.
"Thank you for the food." He said before closing his eyes to mutter a short prayer. "Finally a real food."
"If only you can stop being lazy about cooking."
"I told you I can't cook."
"Then what did we do earlier, Mister?"
"Well, I chop and you do your magic." Wonwoo said then ate a spoonful of rice. He continued explaining how shitty he is as a cook. You just agreed he is a bad cook and settled on cooking on weekends for him so he can stay alive or else he will live through instant noodles and canned goods.
Once you finish eating, you clear the table and he wash the dishes. He notice how your aura is still gloomy despite trying to make you laugh.
"You know I can help you if you tell me." He said while rinsing the plate.
"If the government can give tax break to corporations for doing charity, why can't they do it for single women who are breadwinners?" You whined at him. "If you happen to know who to contact to lower my tax bracket, then I will gladly ask for your help."
Wonwoo wipe the plates dry and put it on the cabinet. He bit his lower lip and turn to you.
"What? Do you know how?"
"Yeah" Wonwoo said in low voice. Unsure if he should say it.
"Really? You know how?" You said excitedly and you hugged him. Wonwoo gulped as he smelled your perfume. You pulled away from him and waited for this information.
"You need to marry someone to get a tax break." He said in a matter of fact tone. You groaned and slap his chest in annoyance.
"Where can I find a husband? I've been single since we graduated." You frowned at him while he smiled at you. He ruffled your hair to annoy you more.
"You can marry me."
You blink twice at him. It seems like your brain is playing at you. You scanned his face to see any sign if he is joking or what but Wonwoo is just smiling at you.
"What did you say?"
"I sad you can marry me." Wonwoo said in a very serious tone then gave you a small smile. You can feel your heart beat jumps.
"You shouldn't joke about marriage, asshole." You pushed him towards the sink and walk to his sofa. He followed you like a lost cat.
"Hey I'm serious." Wonwoo said when he caught your hand.
"Marriage for tax? Are you kidding me?" You looked at him with disbelief on how he came up with that idea. "Marriage should happen between two people who love each other."
"We love each other!" He said as if it is the easiest thing on the world.
"Platonically."You said and Wonwoo still holding your hand slowly kneeling on one knee.
"You get a lower tax bracket, my mom will stop pestering me about blind dates."
"You can pay me half of your monthly rent or even nothing if we get married."
"I can believe you are talking me through this and I am seriously considering it."
"Y/N, will you marry me? For the sake of taxes and everything that bothers us." He asked you with that endearing smile. How could you say no?
"You'll help me file my tax?"
"I will shoo away your blind dates."
"I am literally on my knees so please."
"Half of my rent and I cook for you everyday."
"I will be forever grateful."
"When's our wedding?"
That's how you ended up Monday morning at the city hall in your white skirt, coat, and strapped on heels. Wonwoo arrived at your appartment with a bouquet yellow tulips and to add the wedding vibe according to him. He looks handsome in his black tuxedo and slick back hairstyle.
Now you both stand in front of a judge as he precided your wedding. You drag a janitor and a court clerk to be a witness to your wedding. Wonwoo held both of your hands. You listen to the judge intenly while he looks at you endearingly.
"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
You and Wonwoo's eyes widen in surprise. You forgot the part where you need to kiss each other. Wonwoo slowly remove the veil from your face.
He held your cheeks gently and you look at him before closing your eyes. This is not the first kiss you shared with him. However, this is is special as you are now his wife. He lowered his head and gave you a kiss. You can feel his smile against yours and you couldn't help but reach his face with your free hand.
"Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Jeon!" You pulled away and hugged him. Wonwoo laughed as he hugged you tighter.
Just two idiots who will never admit they love each other romantically.
2017 December
A day before you both leave the campus dorm to celebrate the holiday. You are sitting side by side in his tiny couch with a bowl of popcorn on your lap. Love, Rosie playing on the screen.
"Do you think we will be in love at each other like them?" You asked him out of the blue. Just pure curiousity.
"I don't know. Maybe? We don't what fate holds for us."
"But is that fine with you?"
"Fine with?"
"Falling in love with me in the future."
"Yeah there's not to love about you." Wonwoo said calmly as if it is a non brainer question. You put the popcorn on the coffee table.
You don't know what went on your mind. It is suddenly hazy. You turn to him while Wonwoo is watching Rosie confess.
"I want to know something."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Okay." Wonwoo looked at you. Without anytime waster, you pulled him towards you and kiss him. It took few seconds for Wonwoo to respond. His hand grab your neck to deepen the kiss. You were never kissed like this before.
You pulled away to breathe. He rested his forehead to yours before giving you a peck.
"Was it that you want to know?" He asked you with breathy voice. You stood up before you were completely trap by the spell he puts you in.
"Oh look. It's late. I have a bus to catch on tomorrow morning." You pick up your phone and ran towards the door. "Merry Christmas, Wonwoo!"
Your curiousity is satisfied. You just learned that Wonwoo has the ability to make your heart go crazy and your heart is ridiculously beating for him.
But no, you don't need love as senior college student clinging on scholarship. You set aside the feelings and burried it the whole holiday season.
It was the first but certainly not the last kiss you shared with Wonwoo as friends.
2019 July
Drinks flowing as the campus celebrated the night before the graduation ceremony. Everyone is inebriated as well as you and Wonwoo.
Wonwoo never left your side and his free arm is stucked in either your waist or shoulder. Both of you were laughing like idiots at the corner of your batchmate's house, you legs resting on his lap and your head on his shoulder. The party music blaring in the whole house.
When the laughter between the two of you ensued, you both notice how there is almost no distance between the two of you. You can smell the beer and his musky perfume.
Wonwoo raised your chin and you can see the hesitation in his eyes. You held his hand and took this as a sign. He kissed you tenderly. A little bit sloppy but you can feel his yearning as if he is scared that he will be losing you.
Once you are both out of breath, you rested your head on his chest. Hands still intertwined.
"Y/N" Wonwoo called you. You hummed against his chest. He felt that he has the whole world. He is nervous but it feels like a now or never situation. "Have I told you that I love you?"
He waited for a response but nothing came out from you. Wonwoo looked down just to see you sleeping on him.
If he told the 2019 Jeon Wonwoo that he will end up marrying you, his old self will never believe it. If he told his past self that you both spent the night of your wedding playing board games, his old self will laugh at him for being loser.
He is happy and content for what he has right now. His confession can wait.
Right now, you enjoy defeating Wonwoo in every scrabble round. Your heart beats like first time you both kissed. Just like the first time you kissed, you wanted to put aside your feelings and focus on the pressing matters at hand.
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mymelodymia · 11 months
Hey hun ty for writing my request with the bullying one I love it bby I got another one for you I promise this one's better and pure fluff 💗 so basically our Mikey man works to mf hard he has a younger sister(sorry I like the sister and big brother relationships there cute asf) like 7-8 surprises mike from work she makes him dinner, makes him a cute little bath, to the best ability an 7-8 your old can do lmaoo and idk maybe saves up some of her allowance and gets Mike something super nice and he's not sure how and is probably like "Baby where did you get this??" I don't fucking know but super fluffy and adorable. Ily hun ty! ✌🏽💜
aww, thank you sm for saying that and requesting again!
Best baby sister // Mike Schmidt x young!sister!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: just fluffy big brother Mike 🥰
Warnings: none :']
Age: 7-8
A/N: "mikey man" very funny 🤭
You sat up in your small bed, you hopped up to say good morning to Mike. He was the only person in the world that mattered to you.
You walked into the kitchen and was greeted with the smell of bacon, you wrapped your small arms around him. He looked down at you, having not noticed you were there before.
He patted you on the back and returned to cooking. "Hi mike" you giggled, "morning y/n/n. How'd you sleep?" He asked you.
"Good" you answered, "good." He responded
"Thats what I just said" he chuckled at your comment, you were very sassy, of course.
"But i gotta go to work soon, okay?" He said strictly, pointing the spatula at you.
"Uuoohh, but why?" You complained "because, we need money right?" You groaned in response, you ate your breakfast with max instead. (Rude)
there was one hour until Mike got home, you were playing with your dolls when you got the idea.
he works too hard, so you thought to treat him with a little something, you made him a very nutritious meal (microwaved mac n' cheese) and drew him a warm bath, overflowing with bubbles.
You also made a small fort in the living room, facing the tv. When you heard Mike's car pull in the driveway you ran out to him. You opened his door for him, and led him inside by your side.
You ran into the kitchen, passing the living room, Mike saw your fort and pointed at it. "Whats that?" He asked, but was quickly pulled away by you.
"Youre not allowed to see that yet." You said as you dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down. He chuckled as you sat across from him, a fork and knife in both hands, smiling from ear to ear.
You both ate your meals and you led him to the bathroom. He looked down at you, and kneeled down to hug you.
You shut the door and waited in the living room. He eventually emerged from the hall in a comfy sweater and soft pants.
He climed into the fort after you signaled for him too come in. He lied down on his stomach beside you, you both continued to watch cartoons for a while.
You rested your head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around you tight.
He pecked you a few times before taking one of the many blankets in the fort and putting it over both of you.
You snuggled into his chest, his warmth comforting you as you listened to his heartbeat, you fell asleep soon after.
The next morning after he left, you went out with max to surprise him, you had been saving up for months to buy him this. You handed the cashier tons of quarters to pay.
You folded it neatly and set it in a small gift bag. When he got home you gave it to him immediately, shoving it in his face.
He took it out carefully as max left to go home. He gasped as he read it. "Do you like it?" You asked as he kept staring at the hoodie that also had the words 'best big bro' on it.
"Do i like it? Of course i do! I like everything you give me!" He said picking you up. "But, how'd you get it baby?"
"Ive been saving up on my allowance! And searching the streets for some loose change" you said in a raspy voice, making a funny face as well.
He put it on and you both ordered a pizza, and you gave the delivery man the last quarter you had as a tip.
You ate three pieces before you complained about being to full. You fell asleep in Mikes lap while he was playing with your hair. He picked you up and tucked you into bed. Placing a kiss to your forehead.
He went to sleep smiling, still wearing the hoodie, of course he wouldn't tell you that he worked at the shop you bought it from and saw you get it for him but, he was still over the moon nonetheless.
@white-wolf-buckaroo //
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