#if you don't like it then just block. mute the word for the ship you don't like and move oooooooooon. good god some people are insufferable
lavellyne · 6 months
i will never understand people who are so aggressive towards any other shippers whose ship includes one character of their own ship.
or just same fandom but completely different characters. i just don't get it. there's many ships within the fandoms im in and i will still enjoy art of a ship i'm not apart of. i just think the art is cute/pretty. i won't get angry at the artist or anyone who ships these characters.
why would someone go as far as harass another person just because they create content for another ship?
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ao3commentoftheday · 1 month
How many words is considered plagiarism?
I write for a small ship, and there's a new author (new to the ship but not to fanfic, they say) who not only takes inspiration from plots and headcanons of mine and other authors (which could be flattering for the writer and 'two cakes' for the reader actually) but plain reuses the exact same sentences. I am well aware that writers don't own words, but we're talking about full 10ish word long strings of text here. As I said, small ship, so all these 'similarities' stick out like a sore thumb. We never even saw this person commenting on our works. So, should WE say something? And how? It's a peaceful community, and I'd hate it if we broke that peace.
Generally speaking, plagiarism is directly copying something like 10% of another person's work and claiming it as your own. This is very much a ballpark figure and not a number that you can apply to all cases by running the word counts and doing the math. For example, with song lyrics, it's something like 2 or 3 lines.
Whatever the percentage might be in the cases you're talking about, they're very much feeling like plagiarism (rather than an homage, for example) and that's a really negative situation to find yourself in, especially when you want to keep the peace.
You have a handful of options for what to do, I think, and I'll leave it to you which one to choose.
Pretend it's not happening. Bite your tongue, grit your teeth, clench your fists and just be silently annoyed/frustrated/pissed. This will basically be your current situation, continued.
Block their works from showing up on your feed and mute their comments. The person may likely continue with what they're doing, but there won't be any fandom drama about it - at least not because of you. This way, you don't have to see them doing it.
Vague (or not-so-vague) post about it. The fandom is small and the author or a reader will likely be able to identify who you're talking about. Once the author is aware that you're calling them out, they might disappear from the fandom or it might start that drama trashfire you want to avoid. Less likely, they might edit their works and stick around.
Reach out to the author and accuse them of plagiarism one-on-one. This will probably have the same results as option 2, with the addition of maybe having screenshots of your conversation floating around your fandom.
Reach out to the author and welcome them to the fandom. Let them know that you're glad to see another writer for your small ship. Ask if they're new to AO3 and/or how long they've been writing fic. If they're new to fic or to AO3, you can let them know that they're creating an unfortunately bad first impression amongst the other authors. You can then help them navigate their new fandom waters. No fandom drama should result, and you'll get to keep an additional author for your small ship without the current frustrations. With this one, you really do want to go in with an empathizing mindset rather than a manipulative one, otherwise you'll end up screenshotted in drama like in option 4.
You can report their fic(s) to the Policy & Abuse team. PAC keeps all reports confidential, so the author would never know your name. If PAC investigates and decides it's not plagiarism after all, they'll let you know and the author will never know you sent in a report. If they decide it is plagiarism, they'll reach out to the author (still keeping your name out of it) and request that they edit their work to remove the plagiarism. The relevant fics would be hidden from view while the author edits them. If the author fails to edit them, PAC will delete them from the Archive. Whether this results in fandom drama will depend entirely on how the author reacts. Some people will make a public show about "false accusations" and others will quietly edit or delete their works. The quiet authors will likely end up leaving the fandom. The loud ones? Harder to say.
For more information on the PAC side of the plagiarism report (and how to write a report with all of the relevant info), I'll link two answers from PAC takeovers of the blog: answer 1 | answer 2
Are there any options anon has that I might have missed? What would you do in a situation like this?
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magmythedevil · 5 months
TW: mention of grooming & sexual assault Please dont read If this topic makes your uncomfortable
Quite of a long test ahead. Sorry
Listen, i dont want to sound rude or anything, but everytime someone on the murder drone fandom (twt specifically) gets outed as a groomer, sexual predator, or Just someone who has caused harm to other people in general MD fans on twitter always turn these types of situation into a:
"LMFAO murder drone fandom suck ass!! I hate you all!!!!!! im out of here for real!!!!!"
"i love murder drones But i hate this fandom"
And ...no... Please....dont.
I know these guys are all just teenegers just like me and may or not may have good intentions when they say this, But i have an awful truth about to say about these situations;
Those groomers and sexual predators are not on the fandom bc they are interested on the show and just happen to be groomers just because. They are on the fandom bc they know murder drones Its the type of show that attracts vulnerable teenegers and kids
Stop making these type of situations into a fandom thing, bc Its something serious. These groomers are not genuine fans of the show (most of the time) theyre here to make victims
And yes, these groomers are capable o spending months building their murder drones fandom accounts just to befriends the minors on the fandom, even If theyre not even acctually interested on the show.
Im tired of seeing groomers in the fandom getting outed and then some minutes after some corny;
"lmfao, in out here, im just gonna be a normal account now lolll"
"muted all the words related to murder drones <33333"
"wait??? Thad the cool guy is a groomer??? Cant this fandom be normal for once???"
tweets pop up taking the focus away from the real problem.
Some predators using the show to make their victims doesn't automatically turns the fandom into "an awful place full of disgusting people" and its because of that generalization that these events keep repeating themselfs.
Theres some assholes and toxic people on the fandom? Yes totally. I saw toxic envy shippers trying to turn nuzi into a """pedo coded"""" ship in real time.
But, this is difference, a groomer disguising themselfs as a fandom member is not a fandom problem or drama, and doesn't automatically makes the an entire group of people bad.
If the fandom knew how to handle these types of situations Instead of making;
"block this disgusting murder drones fan!!!!!!! Loll im so tired of this fandom, in out"
posts, people should make;
"therese another predator out there, Please everyone be carefull and block all of their accounts and i feel so sorry for all the victims"
(they do make these posts, but get quickly overshadowed by the fandom focused corny ones)
Things would be so much better.
Remember the murder drones strike thing? The fandom could make a campaingh similiar to that but focused on spreading awareness about predators that use murder drones to attract kids. Its a sad truth, But only facing reality is a way to make things better
Maybe that happens bc MD is the first fandom these people have ever been at, so they don't know how to react to these type of things but trust me i have seen fandoms that are much worst who have had terrible things happening out there.
Anyways, this is all i had to say, sorry if Its kinda confusing, english is not my first language, but i hope i made a clear point here a least
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beatrice-otter · 1 year
completely unsurprising to see you out here whipping up a harassment committee to try and force the otw to let you harass people on AO3 into deleting fics for ships you don't like. don't you have anything better to do, you ridiculous anti?
This is the sort of thing you get as a white person when you try and point out racism in fandom. Imagine how much worse it is for people of color, especially Black people.
But also, let's note the irony here.
There is a long and extremely well-documented pattern of racism in fandom, and fans of color being harassed by white fans, that goes back ... pretty much as long as fandom has existed. For a lot of fans of color, they have exactly two choices: they can swallow down all the racism (from microaggressions to major in-your-face aggression) and allow it to continue ... or they can point it out as a problem. In which case white supremacists in fandom will try to destroy their lives for daring to challenge them.
AO3 is not the primary place where such harassment happens (because communication between people is so limited), but it does happen, and AO3 has historically been really really bad about dealing with such harassment when it gets pointed out to them. AO3 was founded by a majority-white group, and they had a massive blind spot about fandom racism. AO3 has historically not made any distinction between "this fic is about a harmless kink that someone got offended by, but this other fic is active and targeted harassment designed to hurt people." These two things are not the same, and shouldn't be treated the same.
In 2020, AO3 admitted that they had a problem, and announced that they were going to change some things to do better. Those things included practical tools like muting and blocking (which they have since rolled out the first stages of). The promised changes also included things like hiring a diversity consultant to help them figure out what of their organizational culture and policies should change, and looking at the Terms of Service and abuse policies to see what could/should be changed.
AO3 put out the practical tools, but has not addressed any of the other things they admitted were wrong.
A bunch of people think that AO3 should keep their word and want to know what they've done in the last three years. Notably, that is the extent of the pressure. @end-otw-racism has explicitly said multiple times that they are not advocating for any specific policy, whether censorship or banning people from AO3 or any other, they just want to know what AO3 has spent the last three years doing, and what conclusions they've drawn, and what their plans might be going forward.
I reblogged their posts a couple of times, and made one (1) post that had a summary of why this is an issue, with links to a couple of other people who had done much deeper dives into the issue of fandom racism and racism on AO3 specifically. In that post, one person was referenced (but not named) with a link to some discussion of things that they had done. This person was referenced solely as an example of why the policies and procedures needed to be looked at, because they were in charge when those policies got written. I included no details about them or what they had done, and certainly nothing saying people should go harass them; I just linked to enough information for people to decide for themselves if that was a person whose judgment they trusted to come up with fair policies. And said, "hey, it's messed up that people get harassed over this, if fandom were less racist and if AO3 had better abuse policies, fewer people would be harassed."
You come into my inbox on anon to harass me with all sorts of blatantly and obviously untrue things (including that I'm trying to stir up a hate mob to harass people), for daring to say "hey, there's a racism problem, we should do something about that."
Thank you for proving my point! My entire point was that there is a racism problem in fandom, and racists harass people who dare to talk about it, and you showed up immediately to harass me!
If anybody is wondering why the lovely folks behind @end-otw-racism haven't linked their fannish pseuds to the blog pushing for accountability, nonny here is why. If one post brings people out of the woodwork like this, imagine what organizing the effort would do.
But also, if you're wondering "well, nonny has a point, why did you link to a place where someone could learn the name of the person you're accusing of racism if you didn't want to harass them?" here's why:
When people in fandom talk about racism and don't specifically name names and link to publicly available facts, there is a wave of people who don't believe, many publicly. "If that were true, I would have seen it!" (you didn't want to see it and/or your whiteness insulated you from it.) "If that were true, they wouldn't have vagueblogged, they'd have named names!" And then people harass you for stirring up trouble when there's no proof of anything wrong. If, on the other hand, you do name names and link to publicly available facts, you get a wave of people like nonny here claiming that pointing out racism is the same as harassing the people who said/did the racist thing. There is nothing you can do (short of being silent) that will prevent people from harassing you. But if you do name names and post links, then at least some of the people who follow those links will go "hey, you're right, that is messed up."
On the subject of censorship, it's important to remember that there's a difference between free speech (which usually doesn't harm actual people or incite harm and should be protected even if you don't like it or find it gross) and hate speech (which is harmful to actual real people and thus should not always automatically be protected). The people most invested in calling it censorship when you reject/limit hate speech, and making hate speech have exactly the same protections as other expressions of free speech which do no harm, are racists and fascists.
But I also want to talk about the irony of you calling me an anti. Because that's the thing that tipped your harassment attempt from annoying to funny (as someone who rarely receives hate).
Antis are "anti-shippers," (aka "feelings yakuzas"). When they see something they don't like in fandom, they want to stop it and drive the people out of fandom who do it. But they know that if they name accurately the thing they don't like, the vast majority of people will not support them. Usually because the thing in question is harmless. So in order to get people on their side, they do two things. First, they find a way to twist the thing they don't like until they can conflate it with something that is harmful (like pedophilia). Second, they take that harmful thing and accuse anybody who disagrees with them of being that thing. So, if you don't agree that shipping a 17 year old and an 18 year old is wrong, you're a pedophile, and they are perfectly justified in harassing you and spreading lies about you because they are saving children from a pedophile.
As for whether I am an anti, a cursory search through my blog will reveal regular and frequent reblogs of stuff about how absurd and harmful anti rhetoric is, and why censorship is bad. And why people can ship whatever they want regardless of whether I personally like it.
You saw something you didn't like (a request for accountability for how AO3 is working towards anti-racist policies). You knew that if you honestly named what I was doing, people would not agree with you that it was bad. So you twisted that into something else that is harmful (a call for harassment and censorship of people who shipped things I don't like and being an anti). Then you used that as an excuse to harass me.
It is exactly the anti playbook. Step By Step.
You, kiddo, are the one using anti tactics.
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im-a-wonderling · 11 months
Rescue Me, Part 1 ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi
I started writing this in August of 2022. Four rewrites later, I’m posting it now in August of 2023. Shoutout to @writing-on-the-wahl​ for inspiring me and helping me smooth this over as well as to my brother for supplying all the military/niche Star Wars knowledge I needed. 
Summary: A simple mission takes a turn, and suddenly Y/N has to work carefully with Master Kenobi to ensure they both survive. 
Warnings: Satine doesn’t exist, mentions of mistreatment, mentions of Pong Krell (yes, this is a warning, Clone Wars fans get it. If you haven’t watched Clone Wars, you should still be able to understand this fic) 
Word count: 7.5k
Rescue Me masterlist
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Never in my entire life had I been so cold.
The cold sucked all the Force-given agility from my limbs, numbness spreading from my toes to my knees. I could feel the hairs inside my nostrils freezing, and every gasp of air burned its way down my throat and into my lungs. My nose felt moments away from falling off my face altogether. 
There was no blushing horizon, no boulders or trees visible, no dynamic landscape whatsoever. There wasn’t even a way to discern where the sky ended and the land began. 
 It was just white. 
The pelting snow obstructed everything from view, keeping me unaware of anything unless it was two feet from my face. For all I knew, we could’ve been walking in circles. 
The very idea set my teeth on edge, and I quickly attempted some deep breaths to calm myself down. I kept pushing forward, practically dragging Master Kenobi along through the snow that had reached my knees.
It was because of this blasted snow that he hadn’t seen the D’oemir bear trap until its metal jaws closed around his foot. I’d been busy studying the defenses of the Separatist base when a shout of pain came from behind me, alerting the Separatists of our presence and our location. 
What had started as a simple scouting mission was now a fight for survival.
I took more deep breaths, trying to lean on the Force for peace, just as I’d always been taught. And yet, like every other time I tried, the mystical energy seemed muted, like it’d been covered in a blanket to hide it from view. For all intents and purposes, Master Kenobi and I were alone. 
As if the planet somehow eavesdropped on my thoughts, the wind picked up, sending an extra bite of pain through my exposed cheeks. “How much farther to the ship?!” I yelled in an endeavor to be heard, holding tighter to the arm slung around my neck. 
Master Kenobi didn’t answer, and my heart sank. We weren’t even close then. 
A particularly brutal gust of wind buffeted past us, nearly pushing us backwards. 
"We can't go on much further!" I shouted. "Master, I don't think we're going to make it!"
Master Kenobi held up his free hand, holding it up to block the gale from his face. His lips moved, but the sound coming from them was lost.
"What did you say?!" 
He leaned in, positioning his lips right beside my ear. "You need to get yourself to the ship!"
A blast of anger imploded in my insides, momentarily warming me up. "I'm not leaving you!" Another squall of wind nearly sent us toppling over. 
"There's no point in both of us being stuck out here when you can save yourself!" Master Kenobi pulled his arm, unwinding it from its position around my neck.
I fixed him with a glare and gripped his arm tighter. "I'm not deserting you!" I didn’t know what exactly the council would do if I showed up on Coruscant without Master Kenobi, but I knew the judgment would be swift and severe. 
Master Kenobi's exasperation grew as well. "I'm your master, you need to do as I say!"
Yet another gust of wind barreled past us, breaking the conversation and forcing us to brace ourselves. 
"The only other shelter for miles is the base, and we can't go back there!" I said, once the wind returned to its previous howling intensity. “So we have to find some other means of staying warm!”
Master Kenobi straightened, studying our surroundings. I tried not to roll my eyes. There was nothing to see except wind, snow, and desperation, yet he surveyed it all with great care. Even a gaze as hypercritical as Master Kenobi’s wouldn’t be able to conjure something from nothing. 
Suddenly, Master Kenobi twisted around, looking behind us. A strange light jumped forth in his eyes. He mumbled something, but the wind blew it away. 
"That way!" he shouted, pointing off to the side. 
"What about that way?!"
Master Kenobi still didn't answer. He took a step in the indicated direction and would've fallen, had I not shifted to take the weight. 
I glanced down at his injury. The sight of the dried blood that long since had soaked through his boot sent my stomach flipping. Ironically, the only thing keeping him from bleeding out was the same infernal cold that would kill us if we were exposed much longer. 
We didn’t have much time.
"C'mon!" he yelled, bringing me out of my thoughts with an impatient look thrown at me. 
"Where are we going?!" 
"There's a bunker this way, I've been in it before!"
I stared at him warily. "How do you know where it is?! I can’t see a thing!"
"I just know!”
He just knows, I thought sourly. The almighty Jedi master in his boundless knowledge just knew everything about everything.
An irritated grunt left my lips. Thankfully, the wind covered up my defiance, and my mental shields kept any doubt from spilling over. Well, I guess it doesn’t matter where we freeze, I thought to myself grimly before obeying Master Kenobi. 
“Just keep heading towards the mountain!” 
I glanced around, checking to see if a mountain had somehow snuck past me since the first time I’d looked around. But no, the terrain was the same.
“What mountain?” I shouted back.
Master Kenobi shut his eyes for a moment, and I couldn’t tell if it was due to exasperation or pain. “Reach out with the Force, and you can feel it!”
The Force? As some sort of land radar?
I wanted to scoff, to argue with him. But while giving into my doubts seemed appealing, I knew Master Kenobi would still be assessing every move I made. So I pushed on, fighting the snow and the wind for every step of distance covered. What felt like an eternity later, Master Kenobi reached out his free hand to point ahead of us. “Look, there it is!”
I peered around us, feeling the snowflakes stuck in my lashes. “I don’t–”
“Just keep going!” Master Kenobi urged.
I’m never leaving Coruscant again, I promised myself with every step. The numerous threats and corrupt politicians would be manageable, especially because death would likely come in a swifter and more exciting package. Like poison. Or a dramatic duel to the death. Not something as rudimentary as snow.
To my utter surprise, I felt the ground underneath us start to slope upwards. Could I really be at the foot of a mountain and not see it? I squinted in the direction of the slope and caught sight of hits of gray mixed in with the white. 
Son of a mudscuffer, there really was a mountain. 
Master Kenobi brought the hand that wasn’t around my neck to his mouth, tearing his glove off with his teeth. Fingers free, he pressed his hand to the snowy rock.
“Welcome, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” an automatic voice said. The wall of rock slid to the side, revealing a door that opened.
A sudden burst of heat came from the doorway, and I nearly lost my grasp on Master Kenobi as I stumbled through the doorway, leaning against the wall immediately inside. Clearly aware of my exhaustion, Master Kenobi leaned his weight away from me and up against the wall as the door closed behind us.
The roaring of the wind dulled, making me feel as if someone had stuffed earplugs into my ears. But I couldn’t make myself care about that.
The delicious warmth caressed my face, like flickering flames running their soft, welcoming hands up and down my skin. I started to regain feeling in the tips of my ears and my nose. 
Then the burning started. 
The flames grew hotter, setting my skin on fire. It itched. I could feel my joints getting stiffer and stiffer as parts of my body started to swell. The heat that I’d so desperately craved a few moments ago was proving to be just as dangerous as the chill.
“What the–” Master Kenobi said, raising his rapidly puffing fingers. 
“We’re warming up too fast,” I gasped, picturing a description from a med book I’d read once, accompanied with gruesome pictures I didn’t want to recreate. “We have to slow down the temperature change. Is there a refresher in this place?”
Master Kenobi stepped forward to show me the way, and he immediately pitched forward, losing his balance.
My arms shot out, grabbing him before he could fully fall to the floor. “Silly old man,” I said through gritted teeth as I began to drag him once more. 
“I’m not that much older than you,” Master Kenobi bit back before pointing down the hallway with his free hand. Wordlessly, I followed his direction. Scorching pain started where his arm met the skin of my neck, but I only held him tighter as I focused on getting us to the refresher. Master Kenobi tried to help, leaning some of his weight against the wall as we passed, but it didn’t make much of a difference. “Last door on the left,” he panted.
I slammed my hand against the pad, and the door slid open.
The revealed quarters could barely be called a refresher. It wasn’t even big enough for a Wookie to hide in. Would Master Kenobi and I even fit? 
Only one way to find out.
I lowered him to the floor and quickly turned the water on. “We have to get in.” I jerked my hat off, shrugging out of my coat. “If we take too long, our hearts are going to fail.” I pulled off my overtunic, cursing the number of layers I had on. After getting the undertunic off as well, the exposed skin of my arms and stomach started to prickle painfully. It grew even worse when my pants came off, leaving nothing to protect my skin from the heat except a pair of tight undershorts and the fabric binding my chest. All I wanted to do was get under the stream of water for some relief. 
I stepped towards the refresher, my foot touching the water as I glanced over at the master.
Master Kenobi’s shoes lay discarded as his fingers fumbled with the fastenings of his coat. He saw me watching him. “Get under the water!”
I didn’t hesitate, crouching in front of him, clumsily pulling at the fastenings of his coat. By some miracle, they opened, and I tugged the coat off.
“Get under the water!” Master Kenobi ordered, but I ignored him, fisting his overtunic in my stiff hands. “Leave me!”
I met his eyes, ignoring the fire ants crawling all over my skin. “Arms up.”
“The more difficult you make this, the longer it will take for me to get in the refresher,” I barked. “Arms up.”
Looking extremely vexed, Master Kenobi finally sat forward, lifting his arms to allow the overtunic to be tugged over his head. I tossed it to the side, getting to work unwrapping his undertunic. He shifted his weight, hooking his thumbs into his pants and pulling them down his legs. I pulled them off, discarding them as well.
Then I stared down at his body, a new conundrum taunting me.
Master Kenobi’s frame far exceeded mine in size, and it was riddled with heavy muscle. The refresher was barely big enough for us to stand in it together, so he couldn’t crawl in and sit on the floor. But how was I supposed to get him into a standing position and into the refresher? 
“Go.” Master Kenobi’s shove was far from gentle. “Get in.”
I grit my teeth. “I told you,” I learned forward, hooking my arms under his armpits, “I’m not leaving you.”
“You are my padawan, and you will listen to–”
I hoisted, trying to pull Master Kenobi up. He barely budged.
“–me because I am your–”
I tried again and failed again.
I screwed up my face, shutting my eyes and summoning every last bit of strength I had.
Master Kenobi’s body lifted, his arms wrapping around me as he let out an alarmed yelp.
For a moment, satisfaction wracked through my core…but I’d underestimated how much momentum we’d generated.
I stumbled backwards, my arms wrapped around a toned torso and heavy arms wrapped around my shoulder. The stream of water hit my back, it’s chill making me gasp. Then my back collided with the wall, just before a body slammed against mine, knocking all the air from my lungs.
My eyes flew open, and all I could see was Master Kenobi.
His usually voluminous hair stuck to his head as water ran down in torrents. His lips, surrounded by his overgrown beard, were parted, and his chilly blue eyes were wide.
I shoved him away, forcing him to catch his balance by bracing himself on the wall opposite the refresher head. Unfortunately, the refresher was so small, if I wanted to, I’d still be able to place my palm on his chest without even straightening my arm. The tempo of my heart hastened, the little pitter-patter sounding akin to quickening footsteps. What my heart barreled towards, I didn’t know, but my body seemed to.
A shiver ran up my spine, causing me to tremble. 
“Are you alright?” 
“S’cold,” I said shortly. 
“I believe that’s the point,” Master Kenobi shot back. Despite the humor in his comment, I couldn’t find any in his expression, not even so much as an upturn of his mouth. His face was a hard slab of stony displeasure. 
Standing here in a refresher with Master Obi-wan Kenobi in nothing but my undergarments was not my idea of a good time either, but it was better than freezing to death. 
“Next time,” he grunted, “you’d better get in the refresher first.” 
Master Kenobi pursed his lips, still looking upset. “I’m not solely charged with teaching you–.” 
“I get it.” The impertinent words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.
Master Kenobi’s face spoke of vexation, like it always did when he was interrupted. “You are not just my student, you are my ward. I am responsible for you, so when I tell you to save yourself, you are to listen, do you understand?”
I hated that he was talking to me like I was a child. I may not have been his padawan for longer than a week, but I wasn’t a youngling.
“It is not a hard concept to grasp.” His tone danced between stern and impatient.
I remained silent, twisting the refresher dial to make the water slightly warmer and keeping my face impassive as I’d always been told. But his words only fed the fiery furnace roaring inside me.
The crease between Master Kenobi’s eyebrows flattened. “You’re angry.”
My cheeks heated up. I quickly shoved the rage down, frustrated that it had momentarily broken through my mental shields and bled through my Force signature. My previous master had been able to harness the Force to hide his emotions as easily as breathing. I tried to do the same, but the Force rarely allied itself with me.
“I understand,” I said as evenly as possible, keeping my eyes averted and my temper in strong hand. “I'm just a padawan. You're the master.”
“There is no ‘just a padawan’,” Master Kenobi interupted. “Being a padawan is just as crucial a part of the Jedi cycle as being a master.”
I barely withheld my huff as I turned the water slightly warmer again. I didn’t need any Jedi propaganda about the value of life and each stage of it. 
“You’re angrier.”
I quickly raised my mental shields again, cursing them for continually breaking down.
“Tell me why you’re angry.”
I eyed Master Kenobi warily. To discuss this with him was wrong, but to disobey a direct order from my master was even worse. 
“Y/N-” he began, and I snapped. 
“Do you think I’m stupid?” I barked. “That I don’t know this mission is a test? If I show up on Coruscant without you, the council will assume I’ve followed in Master Krell’s footsteps and execute me.”
“Why would you be executed?” 
“Master Krell was,” I said with gritted teeth. “A padawan stands in their master’s shadow, don’t they?”
His mouth turned down in a deep frown. “You haven't gone over to the dark side and killed scores of clones.”
“And yet if the council trusted me, we wouldn't be here on a so-called surveillance mission!” Master Kenobi didn’t immediately reply, watching me, waiting for more answers. I lifted my hands to pull the pins out of my bun, letting my hair fall. My outrage cooled slightly. “Look,” I set the pins off to the side, “saving myself doesn’t do me any good here. Can we leave it at that?”
Master Kenobi didn’t seem to catch the hint. “No.” 
I lifted my eyes to the ceiling. The more my irritation grew, the more he questioned me, making my irritation rise even further. It was an endless cycle.
“You're frustrated.”
I slammed my mental shields back into place.
Master Kenobi tilted his head. “Why do you try to hide your emotions from me? 
Distantly, I knew the more anger I showed, the more likely I was going to get into trouble, but when there’s enough heat to make the pot of boiling water froth and overflow, slamming the lid down only worked for so long. “If you want to quiz me on the Jedi Code, can it wait until we’re back on Coruscant?” 
“No, it can’t.”
I wanted to scream.
“You’re getting angrier.”
Gripping the reins of my temper, I yanked them back so hard, my body hit the wall of the refresher.  “Why do you care?” I bit back.
“Because only a Sith tries to hide their true feelings.” He looked me directly in the eyes. “Are you a Sith?”
It was a natural thing to ask, yet the question still felt like a hammer between the eyes. 
No! I wanted to scream. Of course not! How could you think such a thing?!
But as I looked into Master Kenobi’s grave expression, a small trickle of doubt started.
Master Kenobi wouldn’t lie. It was against his character and offered him no advantage here. If hiding emotions was a component of the Code of the Sith instead of the Jedi Code…
Pong Krell was my master. As his padawan, I was expected to follow his lead and take his teachings to heart. To be a padawan was to be molded. Master Krell abandoned the Jedi Code, lost his respect for life, regardless of whose it was, and started ending lives instead of saving them. How long ago had he chosen the dark side? And how long had he been molding me the wrong way?
Maybe…maybe I didn’t know how to be a Jedi at all.
Thoughts started swirling in my brain, picking up speed until they were so fast, I couldn’t catch hold of them.
“You don’t want to be one,” Master Kenobi said softly, more to himself than to me. “And you’re worried you are.”
I almost went to reinforce my mental shields, but if that was truly the method of a Sith…perhaps my own impulses were untrustworthy. “I’m so confused,” I managed to say. 
“Why are you trying to hide?” Master Kenobi asked, slowly and clearly. I considered him, no longer with skepticism or a wild need to prove myself, but to see him as he was.
Tall. Pale. Strong-browed. Sturdy-shouldered. Piercingly blue-eyed. Hair charmingly tousled. Mouth sternly set. 
All of it whispered of forbearance. 
I felt it then, deep within myself. A push to speak.
“Because Master Krell told me to,” I mumbled. “He…he said my thoughts were too loud, so…he taught me to conceal them.”
Master Kenobi’s mouth opened and closed, producing no sound as he stared at me. Finally, he closed his eyes, looking pained. “I didn’t realize that his teachings were so corrupt.”
I blinked at him. “What?”
Blue eyes rested on my face, striking me with soft wisdom. “I am sorry. Krell’s failings should’ve been spotted long before they were.”
I nearly gaped at him, discomfort coursing through me as my skin started prickling again. A master, apologizing to a padawan? It wasn’t seemly. 
“His failings?” I repeated.
Master Kenobi squared his shoulders. “To be a master is to be your padawan’s strength so you can aid them in their weakness. To protect them, to respect them, to build their confidence.” Master Kenobi’s eyes turned sad. “Did Krell do that for you?”
I thought I felt bare already, but Master Kenobi’s question stripped me completely. To ask for my opinion…it felt wrong. So wrong, that I couldn’t even fathom giving it. I crossed my arms, bowing my head to let my hair fall forward like a curtain. I stared at the drain at our feet, wishing I could melt and slide away with the water.
A hand rested on my shoulder, calluses gently scraping against my skin.  
I started to lean away from it, but I froze when I looked up, coming face-to-face with the fiery resolution in Master Kenobi’s face. “Now that you are with me, things will be different.” Master Kenobi’s hand squeezed my shoulder. 
A simple gesture. A kind one. 
Different, Master Kenobi said, did I dare to hope it could even be better? 
I immediately buried the hope in an avalanche of doubt. My display of emotion and insubordination surely warranted chastising at some point, as neither of them were signs of a competent Jedi. He was waiting. He would scold me for my actions at a later date, surely. 
Yet no trace of Master Kenobi’s displeasure remained in his face. The moments that passed were only filled with the sounds of water hitting the refresher floor.
My body still felt too big for my skin, like my skin was straining to stay together, but my skin no longer burned. I reached over, turning the dial farther, and the water could finally be called warm. 
A small sigh sounded, and Master Kenobi leaned his head against the refresher wall, his eyes closed. Even with his slumped posture, the ends of his hair brushed his shoulders. With the rapid succession of our last few missions, neither one of us had much time for personal grooming, even by Jedi standards. Judging by the way he’d been absentmindedly brushing his hair out of his face these past few days, it was far past the length that he liked it to be. It’d fallen into his face now, collecting in a tangled clump on his forehead. 
As I watched and without opening his eyes, Master Kenobi lifted a hand, pushing the hair back. As my eyes remained on the locks, a bizarre fluttering started in my stomach. 
The sensation started out subtle, but the longer I looked, the more it grew. 
Was I getting sick? 
Had our traipse through the snow caused some further harm than just the discomfort I was now experiencing? 
His eyes fluttered open without warning, meeting mine. I read the question there, clear as day. Had he picked up on my feelings? “Your hair,” I replied, hoping the Force hadn’t given him the exact subject of my musings. “It’s long.”
He self-consciously ran his fingers through it. “I know, I know. It’s high time for a haircut.”
“I could cut it for you.”
Suspicion bloomed on his face. “Have you ever cut hair before?”
I gestured to my own hair. My work was a bit choppy, but I wore my hair up most of the time anyway.
“Yeah, you’re not touching my hair,” he said, running his hand protectively over his locks. “I’d probably end up having to shave it all off.” He shuddered, and I nearly snorted, reaching over to turn the water off.
“Are there towels in this place?”
“Here, I’ll-” Master Kenobi stepped forward and immediately crumpled.
I sprang forward, but my strength was only enough to slow his descent to the floor. 
I’d forgotten about his wound. I kneeled beside him, reaching for his bare leg, but he quickly shifted out of my reach. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked.
“Taking a look at your injury, old man,” I said matter-of-factly, trying not to show how worried I was.
“I assure you, I’m fine–”
Before he could finish his protests, I grabbed the leg, pulling it towards me. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on it that it was bad.
The punctures oozing blood were not the worst of our worries, nor was the swelling and bruising already making their way up and down the appendage. It was the odd angle of the foot.
I looked up at him. “I think it’s broken.”
A ripple ran up his jaw as he grit his teeth. “Can you set it?” he asked. 
“You didn’t even want me to cut your hair!”
“Can you set it?” he repeated. 
“I-I know the theories of how, but you should really have a med droid do it.”
“I don’t have a med droid.” Master Kenobi paused, his expression softening before he said: “I have you.”
“I could hurt you.”
He glanced at the wound. “I think we’re beyond that now.”
“I could make it worse.”
“You won’t.”
He was…trusting me…to help him.
I shook my head slightly. I was the best chance he had. There was a difference. 
I studied Master Kenobi’s foot. If I did something wrong, would there be lasting complications? What if I did something that delayed his healing? Or worse, what if I made a catastrophic mistake that led to him losing his foot altogether?
I didn’t want to do this now. 
But if we waited, the untreated break would surely take ages to heal.
“I’ll do my best.” 
He nodded, looking determined, and his resolve lent me strength. As gingerly as I could, I prodded the skin.
Master Kenobi’s whole body tensed. “What are you doing?”
“Looking for the exact point of the break. It doesn’t seem as though the bone has pierced the skin, but it’s displaced.” I finally located what I was looking for and got my hands in the right position. Then I stopped. If Master Kenobi tensed up, it’d make it harder to shift the bone. I could put him through all the pain of trying to set it, only to not get the bone back to where it needed to be.
I needed him to loosen up, something I hadn’t seen the Jedi Master do in all the time I’d known him.
“How do you know all this?” Master Kenobi asked. “About the rewarming and the bone setting?”
“Before I was chosen as a padawan, I was studying to be a healer,” I answered distractedly, still trying to figure out how to get him to relax. Perhaps he was ticklish? 
Master Kenobi cocked his head. “You didn’t continue that study after you were chosen?”
I shook my head.
“Why not? The Jedi Order always needs healers.”
I glanced up at him, slightly irritated that he’d chosen this moment in time to ask questions. “Um…I tried to help heal a Clone once.” Maybe laughter would help him relax. What were the odds of me telling a joke that would make him laugh?
Master Kenobi raised his eyebrows. “And?”
“When Master Krell found out, he hit me.” So distracted by my task, the words left my mouth before I could even think about them. 
Master Kenobi’s eyes grew wide as his limbs went completely slack. “He-”
I seized the moment, wrenching the bone back into its proper place.
To his credit, my master only let out a strangled groan. After a moment passed, he shifted. “Y/N–”
“It’s a good thing you’re not a Vodran,” I said, trying to change the subject. “Their bones are considerably harder to set because their skin is so tough.” Sitting down, I pulled his foot into my lap, grabbing my overtunic. The fabric was thicker than the fabric of my undertunic, meaning it would behave more like bandages. 
“What are you–” Master Kenobi started to say.
“I have to bind your foot so that we didn’t just set the bone for nothing.”
“But that’s your tunic!” 
I shot him a confused look. “It’s just fabric.”
He went quiet, but judging by the ferocity with which he started chewing on his lower lip, he was still anxious. Why was Master Kenobi, the most practical creature I’d ever met, worried about a tunic?
Maybe he was experiencing the same weird feelings I felt earlier, where pain and low temperatures met to form a delirium.
I wrapped his foot up as best as I could, but I had no idea how tight to tie it. I didn’t want to cut off circulation, but the bone needed support. He definitely needed a med droid, and that would require us somehow getting back to our ship. But that wasn’t going to happen until the snow let up, which meant we were stuck here for the foreseeable future. We could only hope that the Separatists didn’t find our ship, and that the ship was still functional when the snowstorm ended.
In the panic of getting his foot set, the water clinging to our skin had evaporated. Grabbing my pants and undertunic, I shrugged them back on, getting to my feet. “I’m going to go see if there’s food.” I nodded towards his foot. “And you should elevate that.”
An exploration of the bunker didn’t reveal much. It was small and almost completely empty, save for two bunks that had been built into the wall, one on top of the other. There were some empty boxes here and there, but there were no provisions to fight against hunger or cold. This bunker functioned as a hiding place and nothing more. 
I returned to Master Kenobi to find him not elevating his foot, but instead struggling to put his pants on over his undershorts. I briefly considered helping, but if he wanted help, he would ask for it. 
“Did you find anything?”
I shook my head. “Just empty boxes. What is this place anyway?” 
Master Kenobi shifted side to side, slowly inching the pants up his legs. “Anakin and I once had to lay low here for a week. It was originally a hideout for some workers from the shadowport on Socorro, but Anakin reprogrammed everything to only respond to us two.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Why were the two of you here for a week?” 
A mischievous glint gleamed in his eyes. “We might have had a bounty on our heads.”
“What did you guys do?”
“Anakin made a bet with some mine slavers on Socorro. They lost and had to free fifty slaves.”
A pang shot through me at the casual pride in Master Kenobi’s tone. 
Anakin Skywalker. 
The chosen one himself. 
The relationship between master and padawan was a profound thing. An eagerness to learn and single minded devotion on one side, and knowledge rooted in deep compassion on the other. Given the Jedi stance on attachment, it was the most important relationship a Jedi experienced. Everyone in the Order, padawan, knight, or master, had heard stories of Master Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker. No pair got in more trouble nor accomplished as much as they had. It didn’t matter if Skywalker was no longer a padawan; the admiration and respect they held for each other was unmatched. 
I didn’t need to hear it from Master Krell’s lips to know that he never felt that way about me. All I ever received from my old master was guidance, and stern guidance at that.
Suddenly I realized my mental shields were up again. Without meaning to, I was again trying to hide my thoughts and feelings. I frowned. I didn’t want to lower my shields, to expose myself to Master Kenobi, but…if I wanted to be a Jedi, I needed to act like one. Slowly, I let my defenses fall, carefully watching Master Kenobi for a reaction. Master Kenobi’s gaze remained on his foot. Perhaps his pain was blinding him to my feelings.
Master Kenobi put on his undertunic, but he left his overtunic where it was on the floor.
I shook my head, letting the thoughts fall away. “C’mon,” I said lightly, holding my hand out to Master Kenobi. “Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable.”
Lifting his arm to wedge myself into his armpit, I hoisted him to his feet, and together, we shuffled towards the bunks. I helped him sit on the bottom bunk and stepped back, stretching out my neck.
“When you say Krell hit you,” Master Kenobi started, causing me to freeze, “what do you mean by that?” I shifted uncomfortably. “You don’t mean that he physically struck you, right?”
As I hesitated, a wave of discomfort washed over me so suddenly, I nearly staggered back.
It wasn’t my own, I realized, as I looked at Master Kenobi’s face. 
As a youngling, I hadn’t heard of any physical punishments being used by the Jedi to discipline their padawans, but it happened often enough with my previous master, that I’d assumed it was common practice. Did Master Kenobi’s reaction mean that it wasn’t?
“I can feel your turmoil,” Master Kenobi murmured. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
He was apologizing again?
“It…” I licked my lips. “It wasn’t that bad.” 
Really, it wasn’t. 
He raised a hand to me once in a while, but most of his aversion was reserved for the clones. Unlike them, I was never intentionally put in danger for the purpose of furthering strategy. Master Krell treated me more like an ally than them, and that counted for something. 
Still, a memory surfaced from a few weeks ago, shortly before Master Krell’s deceit had been uncovered. 
Master Krell had caught me dragging the battalion’s captain out of danger during a conflict, but he hadn’t said anything until the battalion had camped for the night.
The deep tenor of his voice and his related stance with all four of his hands clasped behind his back hadn’t matched with the accusation in his words when he’d asked me what I was doing, neglecting my duty in a fight to save a clone.
I didn’t have time to reply before Master Krell took matters into his own hands. A phantom burst of pain across my face, the memory as clear as when it’d happened.
“Caraya's soul,” Master Kenobi said softly, the color draining from his face. “He hurt you.”
Out of habit, I threw my mental shields back into place. “It could’ve been worse.” It could have been so much worse.
Master Kenobi must’ve been in a lot of pain, for his face was screwed up in an unpleasant expression.
“Is your leg alright?” I asked worriedly. Maybe the bandages were too tight, and he was losing blood flow.
“Leg?” he asked slowly. “Oh, my leg…it’s fine.” He seemed almost distracted, as if he’d not only forgotten that his leg was injured but that he even had a leg in the first place. Master Kenobi sat up, leaning closer with such intention, I knew more questions were coming.
“I should go check the status of the storm,” I said, getting up.
I grabbed my coat off the floor, pushing my hands through the sleeves. “The snow might have stopped.”
“I’m coming with you.” Master Kenobi sat up in his bunk.
Master Kenobi blinked at my outburst. “You’re injured,” I said abruptly. “You shouldn’t be putting any weight on that leg.”
“You can’t go on your own.”
“Why not?” I rubbed nervously at the inside of my wrist. “I can secure a perimeter.”
“You should have someone watching your back.”
“It won’t take long.”
“Wait!” Master Kenobi held up his overtunic. “At least wear this. You can’t go out in the cold with just your undertunic.”
I hesitated.
I gingerly took it, wrapping it around me as carefully as I could before walking to the door. 
As I lifted my hand to push the button on the pad, a strange, masculine smell drifted up into my nose. 
Master Kenobi’s smell.
It made my head spin a bit, and I quickly hit the button before ducking back into the harsh winds. I couldn’t be angry with the pain flashing through my face, not when the winds seemed to blow away my momentary vertigo. 
I glanced around. The snow had stopped, and the planet had lightened, meaning I could decipher where the sky ended and the land began. The wind continued to blow, and that was probably the reason that there was no sign of our footprints.
Now was the time to make a break for the ship.
The biting wind continued to harass us on our trek back to the ship, but being able to see made the journey much quicker. I kept us moving, worried that when we got to the ship, we’d have to commence the warming process again, especially Master Kenobi, since he’d insisted I wore his overtunic. 
As we neared the ship, I noted with relief that the astromech droid was still in its droid socket. It beeped and whistled in droidspeak, relaying its concern for our tardiness.
As soon as Master Kenobi was inside, I went straight for the cockpit, turning the ship on while thanking the Republic fleet for allocating us a ship designed to withstand freezing temperatures. The ship turned on with a slight hum. Wasting no time, I maneuvered the ship off the ground and into the air, straight for the atmosphere.
Once we left the planet’s atmosphere, I relinquished the ship to the astromech droid, quickly ducking back into the hold to check on Master Kenobi, who lay on the cot, using the stiff pillow not for his head but to elevate his foot. 
“We’re maybe a few hours away from Coruscant.”
Master Kenobi didn’t say anything and didn’t spare a look in my direction. I lingered for a few moments, waiting to see if he would break the silence. If reputation was to be believed, he didn’t stay silent for long, prone to questions, criticism, even wisecracks. Perhaps he would dig more into my past or shed more light on the actual teachings of the Jedi code. 
But the silence remained unbroken.
Unsure of myself, I walked into the cockpit, and the door slid shut behind me. The astromech was doing all the work, so there wasn’t much point in sitting here. But to go back in there…for some reason, the idea of it made my stomach twist. 
I realized, as I sat in the pilot’s chair, that my mental shields were up again. Frustrated, I lowered them.
And then, what I could only describe as the humming of light came from behind me. 
Master Kenobi, I realized. I could feel him. Not his thoughts or his feelings, but his presence. Here, in a separate part of the ship, I felt closer to him than when I’d been standing skin-to-skin with him in the refresher. 
“What in the name of Chobb?” I muttered to the stars, who of course, offered no answers. 
“Master Kenobi, we are pleased to see you and your padawan returned safe,” said Master Windu, clasping his hands in his signature, thoughtful look. “I will say, your mission took quite a turn.”
“That it did,” Master Kenobi said. “I certainly didn’t expect to nearly lose a limb.”
Chuckles rippled through the councilroom. I nearly rolled my eyes. When we’d landed, I brought Master Kenobi to a healer right away, who declared that Master Kenobi would heal just fine. From my position slightly behind Master Kenobi, I could see that he was still favoring his uninjured side, despite the healing sheath that was currently wrapped around his injury. Even so, the healer had never even mentioned amputation.
“What did you observe of the base before the snowstorm hit?” Master Murag asked.
As Master Kenobi rattled off the information we’d gained, I subtly gauged the expressions of the masters.
Their expressions were pleasant, but revealed nothing. They kept their attention on Master Kenobi, barely sparing a glance in my direction. I couldn’t tell if that was good or bad.
“Well done,” Master Koon said once Master Kenobi had finished. “This information is valuable. We have another mission for you, once you have healed up.”
I bowed, expecting the meeting to be over.
But Master Kenobi didn’t move.  
“To say, more have you, Master Kenobi.” Master Yoda said, showing his famed clairvoyance. 
I tried to keep my face impassive while desperately wishing I could see Master Kenobi’s. What was he doing? What more could he have to say about this mission that hadn’t been in his report? I’d been both at the mission and in this room when he gave his report. There was nothing he missed.
Master Kenobi rounded out his shoulders, standing tall.
“Padawan Y/N’s diligently-gained knowledge kept me safe from threats I myself would not have known how to approach.” My breath caught, and I stared at the back of his head, wondering what he was doing. “Without her, I would not have made it back. She was invaluable.”
None of the masters reacted, their faces not showing a single hint of surprise, as if they had no investment in the conversation at all. I, however, felt like I’d swallowed a box of fireworks and been told to stand still. 
“Is that so?” asked Master Tiin.
“Indeed. I believe she is well on her way to being a great asset to the Jedi Order.”
Master Windu glanced over at Master Yoda. “Well, thank you for your words. You both are dismissed. We will inform you of your next mission once your injury has fully healed.”
Master Kenobi nodded to his fellow masters and walked out of the councilroom. 
I followed him through the door and through the Jedi temple, completely at a loss for words.
“Why did you say all that?” I managed to ask once we’d passed the library. 
Master Kenobi didn’t even bother to act confused or clueless. “Because it was the truth. And they need to know the truth.”
“But they weren’t asking about my conduct.”
Master Kenobi stopped walking, looking at me dead in the eyes. “The way Krell treated you was abominable. I suspect I know very little of the true extent of his mistreatment, but had any of us known what I do know, we would’ve put a stop to it immediately. But you spent years under his tutelage, suffering.” He paused, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “It is my responsibility to right his wrongs. That starts with clearing your name.”
“Because I am your Master. It is my job to help you become the best Jedi you can be.” 
“But–” I froze, wishing I could recall the interjection. It wasn’t right to question my master like this. 
Master Kenobi gave me a meaningful look. 
I shifted. “You’re not going to pass me off to someone else?”
Master Kenobi smiled softly, like there was some secret joke between us. “I may not have chosen you traditionally, but I did choose you.”
“Why would you–”
“Because you saved Captain Rex.”
My mind went utterly blank, and it was only by some miracle that my jaw did not drop. Saving a clone—the action Master Krell condemned me for—was what appealed to Master Kenobi?
“Who told you I saved him?”
My only answer was a tiny gleam in Master Kenobi’s eyes. “I believe it is time for you to wash up and get some sleep. In the morning, we will start to fix Master Krell’s teachings.” He turned and started limping down the corridor.
“Master Kenobi?” I called, and he turned to face me. “How...how am I supposed to know which of his teachings were good and which were bad?”
“Simple,” Master Kenobi said. “You ask.” With a nod, he went on his way.
I watched him go.
When I’d been informed after Master Krell’s death that I would now be reassigned to Master Kenobi, I expected a period of adjustment, but I hadn’t known the two masters would be so different.
Master Krell accomplished much in this war, because his single-minded approach meant nothing else mattered besides victory. He was brutal and untrustworthy. Because he’d been my master for so long, I’d nearly forgotten what the Jedi Order valued.
Over the course of this mission, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had proven himself to be the epitome of everything a Jedi should be.
A selfless, powerful warrior equipped with bravery and strong with the Force. 
I didn’t…I didn’t have the words to explain it, this feeling rising up in me. The feeling that made me hold my head high. The feeling that challenged some of my long held beliefs. The feeling that perhaps I wasn’t completely alone in this galaxy. 
I only knew that whatever it was, it was because of the Jedi Master with hair too long and heart much bigger.
Part 2
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle​ @valiantlytransparentwhispers​
Rescue Me tag list:
@penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @starlazergazer
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percahliaweek · 22 days
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FAQ '24
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek is our designated tag - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Where are the prompts?
Ah, seems this has escaped containment then. You can find them HERE!
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like! Just understand that without a Tumblr post we can't exactly RB your entry.
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. That too. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Wait - what might get spoiled for me here?
The #cr1 spoilers tag should broadly cover anything TLOVM hasn't yet, but do note that Percival and Vex'ahlia pop up in Campaign 3 and so some fics might contain mild spoilers for the events of that campaign and the decades between their epilogue and now.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
Yes! HERE it is, ready and waiting for your fics! If interested in last year's fics (which definitely deserve some love), you can find them over HERE!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 5 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] Wild Magic Surge table Life events table If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were selected by a combination of admin discussion and voting in our Discord server to try and ensure a good mix of evocative prompts (we see y'all voting disproportionately for the Scars prompt! We see it!).
Where can I find last year's prompts?
You can find the list and links to individual tags HERE. Given last year was our first year, we unfortunately didn't think to tag Day 1 until after the fact (we'll need to go and clean that up).
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll last year on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode. And, with TLOVM S3 airing the next week, who knows - we might get the animated version to go with it soon! ;3
Is it okay if I only do one prompt?
This event is intended to be relaxed and fun - one entry, or seven, or fourteen, however many you want! We've tried to announce the event earlier this year, to allow for more time for everyone to work on their entries, so please don't feel pressured to do them all the week of. And if you can't finish on time, there's no pressure: late submissions will still be RB'd and added to the AO3 collection. Mind you, after a month or two we might stop checking the blog and tag regularly, so your best bet is to @ us or post in the Discord server!
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell, @blorbologist, @crithaus, @essayofthoughts and @rightpastnowhere! If you have any questions or concerns (i.e. we didn't see your post and missed RBing it :c) please let us know!
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I agree that DNIs are best used as a boundary warning / "excuse" to block (not that you need an excuse to block someone, but you know).
Are minors physically capable of pressing a "follow" or "reblog" or "like" button on an account with "🔞 NSFW so minors DNI" in bio? Are antis capable of following someone with "antis not welcome i hate you" in bio? Yes they are, in the same way anyone is physically capable of touching the "do not touch" display in a museum or anyone is physically capable of cheating in a class with a zero tolerance for cheating warning on the syllabus. But once you do it, you have a "reason" to get expelled from the situation now. (yes i know none of these things are on the same level lmao dont worry)
Even then, the group being asked to "not interact" will likely have a miserable experience on the account if they DO interact, so what even is the point? if a terf follows someone who says terfs don't follow, the terf has no right to be shocked when the person starts posting pro-trans stuff. . .if someone hates otherkin and follows someone with an "anti-kins don't interact", and gets upset when that person posts about their kintypes, they only have themselves to blame. . .it almost has troll energy when you get to a certain point? A common thing I see in younger groups on fan twitter (not using younger as an insult nor even as anything to mean "ha cringe teenagers", it's just a genuine observation that this is most common in ~-25 people) is "DNI if you hate my fave (characters/shows/ships/etc)s." If I follow you despite hating your fave shows because I like another fandom you're in, I don't exactly have the right to get annoyed when you post about them. What I do have the right to do is mute the words or unfollow, or realize, "hmm, yeah, maybe that silly DNI i rolled my eyes at initially is there for my own benefit as well as OP's."
I think the only time DNI is a sorta weird thing to expect to be obeyed, is when your post "breaches containment" so to speak. "If you're anti self diagnose, don't follow my mental health blog"? Valid. "Anti self diagnose, don't interact" banner on your posts you post to that blog? A little bit cringe, but overall can still be an out for "I'll block you if I notice you're reblogging my posts and you hold this opinion." "Anti self dx don't follow" warning that's deep in your carrd, that is deep in your links page, that is deep in your blog's pinned profile? Yeah, I'm not gonna check for that just in order to reblog your funny mental health meme that you made. (I'm now realizing this is a bad metaphor as I'm not actually anti self diagnoses so I'd be able to interact with this guy i just made up, but whatever.)
I would like people to phrase them as "I will block if" and not "DNI".
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drunkin-kong-donic · 11 months
Hey, I just gotta say...
It's ok if you ship Vecpio. Really. Everyone knows I do. I don't try to hide it.
From what I've seen, new fans automatically ship them until some 'anti' pops up with the tell tale 'espio is 16 and vector is 20.' bullshit. BUT GUESS WHAT.... Espio isn't actually 16, and Vector isn't actually 20. I can tell you right now, no Vecpio fan ships them at those ages or ever have. Everyone can agree that's MESSED UP. Same with a 20 year old raising a 16 year old as their own kid. They're peers. Can't everyone at least agree on that? Platonically or not. (listen, we can all go on for ages about the characterization of each of these characters, but I digress. I'm trying to keep this short) For as long as those two existed, they were never written as their listed ages, which is why recently, Sega officially got rid of those ages and removed them from Sonic Channel. (remember, the wiki's are fan run) Espio and Vector have always been on equal grounds in the Chaotix, and just because Vector is the leader, doesn't mean Espio's any lower in status. With their personalities, its just why they click so well. Vector is naturally a leader, and Espio's a natural follower given his ninja background. Throw a rambunctious bee in the mix for them to take care of and you got a perfect found family. What's to hate? (again, platonic or the two of them as Charmy's guardians) People in fandoms NEED to stop letting other's force their headcanons onto others And if you don't ship Vecpio, that's fine too. Block it, mute it! Just like any other pairing you're not into. But don't go around to OTHER people and tell them what they can and can't do. And call them 'proship' like its a bad thing or say they're liking a pedo ship with no basis besides the intention to scare them onto your side with that word. (also plz look up the actual definition of proship i beg u) Trust me, I'm old enough to know that as soon as you stop caring about what other people think, life'll be so much easier on ya and you'll have a lot more fun in a fandom. I promise. UNTIL THEN....
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IT'S OK to ship Vecpio and not feel bad about it. Don't let other people bully you away from having fun about a harmless pairing in a fandom. Everyone can stay in their own lane and live their lives peachy keen like. SssssEEYA!
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howtohidethat · 2 months
Hi! This will be a blog dedicated to making sure everyone has the best fandom experience possible.
It can be really uncomfortable to come across certain ships, tropes, kinks and fetishes. I frequently suffer from that problem.
Unfortunately, the way the internet and apps work now (commonly referred to as Web 2.0) means a lot of things are served up to us based on what the code "thinks" we want to see. (This is commonly referred to as "an algorithm" but that's just a word for any set of instructions for a program.) This means that people who are just going about their business and properly tagging their fanworks will often have their work served to people who do not want to see it.
Luckily, a lot of sites have started offering filters or ways to remove the chance of encountering things you don't like.
Here are a few common sites mute/block pages
Tumblr Content You See
X (Twitter) Mute/Block Menu Mute Keywords Search Result Moderation
BlueSky Moderation
Wattpad Adjusting your Content Preferences Guide to Muting a User
AO3 (Archive of Our Own)
How to Mute a User on AO3 (Muting is for when you don't want to see their stories, whereas Blocking is for when you don't want them able to comment on yours) Create a Site Skin Skins FAQ Guide to making Site Skins Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin by Eli0t Premade Permablock Tag List Resource ✅RECOMMENDED How to Use Filters to "Exclude" on AO3 (If you have a lot of exclusions and you don't want to re-enter them every time, try Bookmarking the page after you've entered all your tags. It saves them all!!!) Highly useful AO3 CSS Accounts
@highlight-ao3-tags ✅RECOMMENDED (this is a really useful easy beginner way to make your own skin! You just fill in the spreadsheet, and it generates the CSS code FOR YOU. No messy coding required!)
@ao3css Wonderful blog that takes questions about different AO3 CSS questions. Great resource for when you're looking how to do stuff.
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knific · 5 months
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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autumnslance · 1 year
Search, Tags, and Tumblr
Tumblr's search functions are notoriously weird, but there's a few common things to know about how it works in conjunction with Tagging. First things first:
-Tags are for searching but also personal blog organization as desired. This is why some folks have weird/funny personal use tags. Tags can use dashes and spaces, but not regular double quote marks ("), though single marks are fine (').
-Tag for what's in the post; adding other, unrelated tags "for visibility" is against Tumblr's TOS and gets you reported for Spam!
Example: if you make a post for your new Clive Rosfield screenshots, make sure you're only tagging terms relevant to Final Fantasy XVI and Clive Rosfield (and any personal organizing tags like "screenshots"); don't add tags like "Star Wars" and "SpongeBob", as Clive has nothing to do with those!
-Tag without censoring words! We use filters/blacklists here to avoid things we don't want to see. Can also work for words in the body of a post. There's no rules here against using "kill" or "death" or other terms defining common human experiences determined "too negative/dangerous" on other sites (stay civil to each other).
-If you do alt-spell things, it's only in the body of a post and usually when it's dislike of a fandom thing as a courtesy to those enjoyers. If I make a shipping post and say, for example, "I can't stand R3y|o", that's when I want to use weird spelling and symbols--and no common tags for that fandom! If you do use tags for organizing, keep it to things like "#anti (thing) or "#(thing) critical", again spelled correctly for others' blacklisting purposes and to keep it out of the Reylo Search and Tags so those fans can enjoy their ship without seeing negativity. Because...
-General Search pulls from Tags and Also terms found in the body of a post. If I just put "Thancred" in the Search bar at the top of the page, it'll show me any and all posts with "Thancred" in them, including 1) if the name is in the body of the post, 2) if the name is in a tag that's a sentence/includes other words, and 3) even if not tagged for Thancred.
This caused some wank a couple years back for certain fans when someone tagged a lascivious picture set with what they knew was a triggery NOTP for many...but they also put the characters' names in the post body, not realizing simply searching for either of those characters would pull it up (They also, IMO, should have put the images under a Read More to be doubly safe, for themselves and for others they knew might be upset stumbling onto said images, but the crux was not realizing how Tumblr Search worked).
-Tag Search specifically pulls from the tags; per Tumblr's info pages, the first 20 tags (out of 30 total allowed) now will show up in search. Common, consistent tags first are good for visibility. You can also Follow tags you want to keep track of; there's even a tab on your Dash for it.
-Reblogs do not show up in the searches, even with additions and new notes. However, a blacklist filter will catch tags put on the original post, even if the reblogger doesn't add it when it ends up on your Dash.
-You can also blacklist blog names/URLs. Think of it like Twitter's muting rather than a full block (though one can do that too, and should as needed).
Example: someone following Seanan McGuire doesn't like frogs, but she reblogs a lot of frogs. The follower blocked and blacklisted the blogs she often reblogs frogs from to minimize the number of frogs they see while still following a favorite author for her book info.
-If people ask you to tag a thing cuz it's a squick or full-on trigger, you can just do it, or you can politely say no; that's valid. It's up to that person then to decide if they want to blacklist or unfollow or block or what. Just be civil either and both ways.
In summary: if you're talking about bunnies cuz you took pictures at the local farm show, just write "bunnies" normally in the body and/or tags of the post, so anyone with "bunnies" blacklisted can avoid it--and folks who want to see cute pics of bunnies can find it!
Even if you use proper tags, or no tags, or only use alternate spellings in the post body to keep things out of the tags/searches, consider still using a Read More as a last line of courtesy to any followers or random folks you don't want to catch in the crossfire. Also consider hiding your blog from Search results, and/or Private posts.
Tumblr's Help Center (On Desktop browser, go to the "About" link, and then the "Resources" menu; on Mobile App, go to Account settings, General settings, scroll down to "Help" under "Account") has further info about Searches and Tagging (and everything else!), and as that info changes, it's a good idea to keep track of those page updates, as well as the @changes blog to keep track of new updates, bugs, recent fixes, and upcoming info.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Tips and Resources for curating your fandom experience across platforms
Hi loves,
I wanted to write up a curating resource post for fandom spaces, so here are some things I’ve learned along the way, and though only you can decide what your digital boundaries look like, I do hope that for anyone looking for them, this list might find its way to you.
For tumblr
How to make your DM’s only open to people you follow
How to make it so only people you follow, or people who follow you for a week can reply
How to have your ask box open, but closed to anon’s - no longer needed, there's a simple toggle button near the ask settings for whether to allow anons or not :)
Use the filtering function for your dash (this is also an option for a blocked user - who you might still see if a mutual reblogs them.  You can add their name to your filtered list, and then their post will be hidden on your dash).  This tip brought to you by @quiquimora tumblr resource post (great post if you’re new to tumblr)
For AO3
How to filter out keywords that might appear in summary or author notes, but not in tags (handy for when an author is trying to understandably avoid spoilers in the tags)
A script option for filtering (especially nice if there are certain tags you'll always avoid across fandoms).
Muting authors (a nice option if you don’t necessarily mind engaging with authors in comments, etc, but don’t want to see their content) - this secondary link includes a how to video you can now use the muting feature on AO3, no scripts needed :)
You can block authors now on AO3 as well, and here’s a tweet thread that shows you how, but also what it does, and doesn’t do
If you’d like to avoid certain ship pairings
How to use a few extra search symbols to filter out certain content
Quick tip: don't forget to save your curated search results in either a bookmark, or as a link on your mobile home screen - that way you can just do all the filtering once, vs typing it all over again every time you're loading up AO3
For twitter
Muting words/content
How to set up various privacy settings
For discord
Privacy & Server settings master list
Accessibility settings
Please feel free to reblog with your own tips!
Under the cut, a few extra tips for dipping into new fandom spaces:
Interact with reblogs and hashtags (this isn’t the end all to be all, but one way to showcase your sense of humor with commentary, or digitally applaud a content creator). People can get to know you a bit ;)
If you enjoy content creating, sign up for fandom events: big bangs, reverse big bangs, zines - a fantastic way to connect with several people at once sharing the same hyperfixation as you <3
Look up certain hashtags in someone’s blogs - not in the sense of digging up ten years of posts, but a quick search if you have squicks and triggers that someone might blog about a lot.  It’s not a judgment on them, for many might not follow you for the things you post about either.  It’s just self care to be aware of things you do not want to see on your dash and keep your following list to things that bring you joy - nothing says you can’t do the occasional reblog, or even connect with them on other platforms!
On the flipside - block liberally.  If you look up their blog and you both are on opposite ends of a spectrum on a topic?  Want to ensure they can never say such things to you in DM’s, etc?  Block.
And guess what?  People have the right to do the same to you.  Do not under any circumstances block evade.  This includes going to other platforms to engage with them if you know you’ve been blocked.  Just.don’t.do.it.please.
And if you've made it to the end, you get a digital cookie or hug of your choice 🍪🫂
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Hi!! Same anon with a foot in the fandom and the shipping servers of hazbin here! (The one who told you about how everyone of the creative side that ISN'T always blowing steam up Dani's ass, HATES HER GUTS). Literally, SO MANY active people in the fandom have her quietly muted. Another fun fact, Husker//dust is actually one of THE MOST DEVISIVE ships in the fandom. Hazbin fandom is sort of broken up into ships. Husker//dust is the loudest but NOT the biggest: just look at AO3: Radio//dust fics: 2,024 Husker//dust fics:  809 
Val//vox: 583 Radio//husk: 504 It's not overwhelmingly more popular than any other ship.
Here is the issue, for as many people that ADORE Husker//dust, it is as many people's ALL TIME NOTP. I can't tell you how many creators i know who have had both the word and tag blocked for years (and have been PISSED the last year how the husker//dust people stopped tagging their ship because they were "sure it was cannon so everyone just has to deal with it."
It isn't just a petty ship war reason, most hazbin fans are very pro multiship. It's the fact that the spindle crew's love of husker//dust lead to all of the fandom's number 1 bullies and bootlickers to hop on that bandwagon. The husker//dust fandom is UNBEARABLE to interact with because it has captured all of the cloutchasers, Viv ass blowers, fandom police and 13 year olds in the greater hazbin fandom and put them in one place. It is single handedly the most toxic section of the Hazbin fandom. By having it blocked people like dani just DISAPPEAR out of your feed. (unless you also follow sto//litz) A lot of creators have had very personal negative interactions with the Husker//dust fandom and it soured the ship for them (even if they were once into it). They used to regularly hop onto other ships' fan art and say "do husker//dust next!" there was an OVERWHELMING wave of fandom harassment in 2020-2021 lead by people with husker//dust bios explaining why all other ships that weren't cha//ggie and husker//dust were problematic and bad (and they did this by harassing some of the BIGGEST artists and writers from other ships. Constantly. In call outs, in the comments of their works, using their ship tags, etc) Tiktok was FULL of videos making fun of all ships but Husker//dust while literally stealing fanart of creators to make fun of their ships. (examples of videos: a HUGE radio//duster's gorgeous ship art over a soundtrack of barfing noises or with cartoon edits of characters like sponge bob pointing at the art and freaking out about how hideous it is)
I see a lot of people upset with the art style of the new show, a lot of people upset about the voice actors, a lot of people upset about the direction of the plot but you'd be surprise how many people are okay with all of that but their ONE straw for dropping the series was 'if husker//dust became cannon or teased and I can't avoid it's fandom anymore on twitter' So tl:dr: promoting one ship after letting the fandom go unchecked and wild for 4 years wasn't the great show promotion they thought it was either. I think they thought it was THE favourite ship of the fandom simply because they are the loudest and most drama prone and because Viv only follows the accounts that idolize her and therefore ship Husker//dust because it was the 'most likely ship to be cannon compliant and GOD FORBID you ship something that isn't cannon or part of Vivzie's grand vison)
Well...shit! Looks like we're about to get Stolitz 2.0
Everyone cross their fingers and pray that the comparison ends exactly there, because if one of these characters extorts sex out of the other, I don't know what we're all going to do.
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percahliaweek · 1 year
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What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek should work nicely - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like!
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
One can definitely be set up closer to the start date!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 7 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator 
Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?]
Wild Magic Surge table
Life events table
If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were chosen over a day or two while talking with friends - they were intended to be open-ended enough to allow flexibility while also touching on key elements of the ship! Some obvious ones (ex: courage, heart, that sort of thing) were left out so that, hopefully, they could be included next year. If there's enough interest, future prompts could be chosen via fan poll.
Will this be an annual event?
We sure hope so! Hence optimistically keeping back some prompt ideas for the future. Let's see how this goes ;3
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode.
So why did you announce this so early?
Because Maggie has been a gremlin about the idea since April. Also, most fans in this space are adults with jobs and responsibilities - allowing more time to create without a rush benefits everyone.
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell and @blorbologist! If the event expands beyond our abilities, we will look into taking on other users to help out - you'll know if we need a hand <333
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 9 months
A few words about trolling and harassment
I've had quite a lot of asks recently about how to deal with trolling, hate and negativity in fandom. There are too many to answer individually, so I hope you don't mind me answering like this.
Sadly trolling and hate is nothing new, it's always been a feature of fandom, and the Eruri fandom is no exception. Because the Eruri fandom has quite visible and popular artists and writers, I think it tends to attracts more trolls than you might expect for such a small fandom. It's also noticeable that incidents of hate and trolling always increase when the whole fandom becomes more active in the run up to anime season releases. Trolling can happen at any time though, sometimes it's a single sorry individual with no life, too much time on their hands, and no imagination to do anything more creative.
Being targeted by trolls can be understandably upsetting and I know that some people get really anxious and upset by the low level ship hate that buzzes around in the background. So how to deal with it? It might sound trite but the best thing to do with trolls is ignore them. Trolls are desperate for your attention, so don't give it to them. I know that's easier said than done though so my advice is that if you can't resist responding, do so with humour. Trolls rarely appreciate being laughed at. I have a strict policy of ignoring all the anon hate I get here on tumblr, but occasionally I get an ask that is too hilarious not to share, so I post it on twitter for everyone to point and laugh at.
Dealing with disingenuous fans can be a bit tricker, as it's not always easy to tell when someone is arguing a point in good faith or if it's bait and they're just trying to start shit. Like trolls, bait is best ignored. Don't let them hook you in and don't argue back, it's not worth wasting your time trying to change their mind. You won't. Just walk away. Spend your precious time on something that you enjoy instead, like reading your favourite fanfic, or creating something new for your fandom. And whatever you do, don't engage with ship hate and ship wars. Leave others to enjoy their ship, and you focus on enjoying your own. Shipping isn't a competition; it's not something you can win or lose. If people are bringing negativity and hate into the tags block them, and curate your timeline to minimise their visibility.
If you find that trolling, harassment and fandom discourse is making you really anxious and upset then you need to disengage. It's vitally important to establish your own boundaries and to stick by them. Don't hang out in spaces where there are people who will upset you, block and report obvious trolls, and mute anyone who brings negativity into your fandom spaces, even if they're from your own side of the fandom. Don't feel that you have to engage with the fandom at large. The best advice I've ever heard is that fandom is best enjoyed with a small group of like minded weirdos who you can share your kinks and headcanons with and who you can bitch to in private. Its sound advice and it's worked for me for years.
Way back in 2018, my friend and fellow Eruri fan @valisi-clark did a fascinating survey of why people send Anon hate. The anonymous responses they got were really eye opening. if you're interested you can read the whole thing here: Anonymous Hate Survey.
I can also highly recommend this beautiful post from @ladymacbethsspot with solid practical advice on how to deal with all kinds of bullying and harassment.
I hope this helps folk to navigate fandom's stormy waters. If anyone needs to get anything off their chest, my ask box is always open. I can't respond to every ask I get, but I do read them all.
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evilwriter37 · 26 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @lifblogs
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly How to Train Your Dragon/DreamWorks Dragons. Been diving into The Elder Scrolls lately, and I've written for Good Omens and Teen Wolf, among others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Infernal Fascination
Not So Stoic
Didn't Have to Think
Ball, Chain, and Dagur
Okay, I'm super surprised by Didn't Have to Think and Ball, Chain, and Dagur being there. Didn't Have to Think is a one-shot about Hiccup taking an arrow for Tuffnut. (He lives). And Ball, Chain, and Dagur is abandoned. It even says so in the official ao3 title, but I get new kudos on it a lot. Wow.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to! Sometimes they pile up and I get overwhelmed by them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to go with my more recent fics. No Dragon Rider Left Behind. For sure. Like, Ruffnut just had a forced miscarriage, and the Riders are feeling hopeless and like their lives have been ruined.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sounds weird because of all the torture and war and shit that happens in it, but Infernal Fascination. The last line literally is: "and he was happy." Like, if that doesn't make you cry, I don't know what will.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Lol, yes. If you don't like me, block and mute. No need to leave hate comments. (Also, no, they will not deter me. I will just write more out of spite.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Y'all know the answer to this one. I will write most kinds of smut, so m/f, f/f, m/m, multi... Yeah. It also involves a lot of kink.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. But hm... Hijack/Frostcup looks tempting sometimes.
11. Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
I don't know if I have one. Or, if I do, I can't remember what it was.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had some translated into Russian and Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@mdoodlerfandomart and I have co-written fics in a way where one starts the story and the other finishes it. It's very fun to do.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Viggo/Hiccup. I just... I can't, guys. Them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god, I don't want to say An Heir and a Throne, because I really love the concept of it, but I might abandon it...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Conveying emotion, I think. I'm very good at that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting. Like, help. What is this?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Sounds tough.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
To quote my sister on this: "The Lord of the Rings. I was 8."
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I... don't know at this point. There are just so many!
Open tag to anyone who wants to do it!
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