#if you do that btw you’re going to hell sorry i don’t make the rule
zombvibes · 2 years
*trying not to rant about deltarune ships to not scare off my followers*
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cozage · 1 year
ahh! Sorry, I just saw your rules, I'll re-create the request!! Please answer this one instead of the recent one! <3 sorry for the bother.
Can you do hcs for luffy, ace and shanks, when their s/o pranks them by texting them "he's gone, you can come over now xx" Fem!reader :)) I love your writings btw! Don't overwork yourself and take your time!
A/N: I’m pretty sure you put Sabo in the first one but not in this request. but Sabo??? The guy who trapped someone in a burning building because he bad-mouthed Ace..that Sabo??? Clinically insane Sabo????? in this scenario???? I needed it. If you didn't mean to put Sabo the first time, then enjoy the freebee
Characters: F! reader x Luffy, Ace, Shanks, Sabo
Cw: a little angst, a few are kinda suggestive 
Total word count: 700
Prank Text
Literally it would go over his head. He’s so secure in his love for you and your love for him that he wouldn’t even comprehend what you’re trying to do. 
“What do you mean come over I just left???”
“Did you even send that to the right person???”
“Anyways see you tomorrow! Have fun with whoever you’re hanging out with!”
The next day he would ask how your evening was, and when you tell him it was a failed attempt at a prank he would just scratch his head and be like “you’re funny” and laugh it off. He still doesn't get what you were trying to do, but if it made you laugh, that's enough for him.
You put the phone down just for one minute after sending it. Just one. But when you come back to it, there's 10 texts and 5 phone calls. 
“Who???” “What???” “Y/n????” “Can you tell me what's going on?” “Who is coming over?” “Was that meant for me??” “Please pick up i need to talk to you”
Before you can even read them all, your phone starts buzzing again. It’s Ace. You answer, deciding that one minute was enough torture for the poor boy. 
“Hey!” you say, super cheery. “Who’s coming over?” Ace asked immediately. 
“Uh, nobody, actually! It was a prank, that’s all!” you reply. “Oh.” You can hear the sadness in his voice, he doesn’t believe you.
“You can come back if you don’t believe me,” you say. You feel bad about it now.
 “No, no, I trust you. It just scared me. I just thought…” he trails off. “You thought it was for another guy?” you finish. His silence tells you that your guess was right. 
“I’m sorry Ace, please come back. It was just a joke. I want you here. Movie marathon?” you asked, hoping to get his spirits back up. He reluctantly agreed. 
You all didn’t end up watching too many movies, but at least he came back. 
This bastard would play right along back. Just flip the table on you. 
“Good ♡ I just left. Wear something spicy 😘”
That would result in you calling him. He picks up on the second ring, making you wait just a minute. “What the hell do you mean wear something spicy?” You demand.
“Trying to get me riled up, huh?” he smirks, knowing that you’ve played your hand now and that he’s succeeded in flipping it around. 
“Shanks!” you pout. “That’s not funny!”
He laughs at you over the phone. “I meant what I said. I’m canceling my plans. Wear something spicy. Be home in five.” He hangs up without another word
When he gets home, he sure does make you regret sending that text in the first place (or…maybe not). 
You smirk when you see your phone buzzing. Of course Sabo’s immediate response was to call. Better to let him simmer in it. You put your phone down and pick up a book to read.
He calls again, and you ignore him again. Five minutes later he calls again. Ten minutes later he calls. You still ignore him. 
After about 45 minutes, there’s a knock on the door. You open it to find Sabo there, glaring at you. 
“It was a joke wasn’t it?!?” he demanded, and you busted out laughing. 
“Not funny!” he said. “I waited outside in the parking lot for an hour to beat up on any guy that even walked by your apartment!”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. “You did not,” you hissed, shoving him playfully. “I did!” he shot back. “I almost beat a delivery guy with the spare pipe in my car because he looked at your door!”
“Sabo!” you gasped. You couldn’t help but giggle at him and his possessiveness of you. 
He grinned, more boastful than embarrassed. “Since I’m here anyway…wanna go get dinner?”
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sassymax2000 · 1 month
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<Weeks worth of punishment>
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A/n:ok This too forever..but I hope you like it! Btw please don’t hate,some people are into to hard core punishment some people are not, so if this ain’t for you just don’t read,viewers aggression is advised. THIS SI SHORT AHH HELL TOO
Warnings:mommy kink,punishment kink,slight degrading,spreading bar,fluff after!
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“Please,momma! I’m sorry,it will never happen again!” Bill pleaded,as I cuff the last leather strap on his ankle ,I was using a Spreader Bar this time, him still begging.but I weren’t putting up with his behavior. He had been misbehaving all week! First he had been flirting with another girl,then he was giving me attitude for the whole week,then just right now I found him pleasing himself,he knows that he’s not aloud to to please himself without asking!…”no,you’ve been bad ALL week,your bouta get a weeks worth of punishment,you little slut.” I growled. He just whimpered. “I don’t know why you’re whimpering,you know this is what happens when you break the rules,you get punished. You know,if you were JUST pleasuring yourself then you would have just gotten a spank. But you have been giving attitude ALLLLL fucking week.” I said.i pushed his head down,well..he kept whimpering, so I put a gag on him-THEN I pushed his head down on the bed. His eyes closed tight as my strap entered his cute pink hole,I began to speed up,him beginning to get louder. Every minute I began to get faster and faster. His muffled voice began to say something,tears running down his face. “Mmummuh!mmummaunh! I-I- UMGUMMAUHCRUMM…” I heard him,I wasn’t listening 😚 “no,your not cumming” I scolded,he just wiggled around. After 30 minutes,of be going faster and faster,I stoped. And I took the gag out of his mouth, I was so busy pounding it in,that I didn’t realize his whimpers turned into screams of pleasure, damn,I didn’t know overstimulating someone could make them do that. I took it out of his mouth, “ok,are you gonna we good? Or do we have to go longer for it to go through our head?” I talked to him like a toddler,. “No,no,momma I’ll be good” he yelled“Good” I took it him off the Spreader Bar. “Momma! I NEED to cum please!” He cried. I decided he learned his lesson. I grabbed his cock and squeeze it, “go on,go ahead cum for momma” with a big moan,his sweet honey was all over my chest. “Good boy..” I praised him, kissing his tummy. I cleaned him and myself off. As we just cuddled for the rest of the evening.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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So one thing I hate in movies and shows is when they don’t bother conveying the passage of time in a creative way and just go for a card that reads like ‘1 year later’ or whatever. Now that I have acknowledged my hypocrisy, which everyone knows once you do no one can criticize you for it, it’s one semester later! I straight up took one semester off from taking pics to make sure these flops don’t get kicked out of college, that’s how shit everyone’s grades, skills, and aspiration meters were and how close we were to financial collapse thanks to the lack of scholarship money + Lakshmi’s 5k dates. If I ever have the brilliant idea to bring this many sims to college again please remind me of this post.
The only sim unaffected by our gap semester was brainchad June who already had good grades and I wish I could ignore all rules and just crown her as the heir. Alas, I’m cursed with Sugar and Sophito. Two notable things happened during this time: June and I took advantage of the extra time I had to focus on her to finally win over Erik Swain’s flaky little heart, and Stacy moved in, you can see her hot new pop-star look in the background with Julian.
Now, for the moment of truth.. did my hard work bear fruit??
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YES IT DID. I even managed to get Sugar an A+, which is probably my hardest ts2 achievement ever. With our financial and academic worries behind us, it’s time to get back to the normal rhythm of things:
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Eliza this might not be a great time but someone needs to paint those Uni portraits and you’re the one with the highest creativity skill so..
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-Ya, not my problem, Reggie.
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-Dramatic sigh.. Stupid sexy Sophito..
Did you just say ‘dramatic sigh’?
-Oh, I don’t really do actual emotional expression, just the representation of it. Other than rage, of course.
Ya you definitely don’t have trouble with that one, the butler is still returning Sophito’s teeth to us.
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At least someone is perma happy around here, and it’s Stacy and Julian! CUTE
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-Not if I have anything to do with it!
-That doesn’t sound right! My mom said I can have anything I want!
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-Sooo, cuz, everything ok with you and Stacy? Everything solid? No exploitable cracks in the ol’ relationship foundation?
-Oh, Soph, everything’s amazing! I love her so much, I can barely believe how happy I am! I can’t wait till we graduate and get a place-
-Oh, I’m sorry :( Look at me going on when you’ve just had your heart broken :(
-What?! I didn’t have anything broken, except multiple teeth.
-Ok :( I’m here if you ever wanna talk :(
Ya whatever helps you sleep at night, Soph. I’ll tell you who’s actually never been better:
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SUGAR. Bro what can I say, Claire is ALL OVER OUR BOY. We of course immediately asked her to pledge and move in because I don’t see this ever happening for Sugar again.
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AN INCEL NO MORE!!! Sugar, truly, I’m impressed. I don’t know what kind of dark sorcery you’re using on Claire, but clearly it is working and then some. 
-Oh Sug this was great, I’ll be right back!  -Alright beloved, I’ll be right here!
Umm where you going, Claire?
-I just have something I need to do real quick!
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B R O. 
I was so shook by this that I forgot switch out of live mode to take the pic and you can still see her action panel, the next action on which, btw, is to woohoo Sugar again. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS RUN
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I’d also like to point out that Wilfred and Claire are STILL FURIOUS WITH EACH OTHER
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SMH IRL. Wilfred you debased flop, in how many relationships do you need to be the third wheel until you’re satisfied??
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You know what might help, Wil? Throwing yourself out of this window.
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Claire seriously, I have NO WORDS. I’ve been trying to get you with Wilfred this entire time and you PICKED SUGAR ALL ON YOUR OWN. Like why the fuck wouldn’t you just get with Wilfred to begin with and save us all this bullshit??
-I needed to take both of them on a test drive before I decided!
Thanks for that gross metaphor and I hope you did decide because I’ve officially hit the limit on the amount of degenerate affairs I can handle under one roof- 
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-so it’s time to pull the ol’ Gunther-Brittany-Melody on this shit and have you pick for real. Whoever you autonomously interact with is who you’re dating and you’re done with the other one!!!1
-Oh, this is difficult!  -Pick me, Claire, let’s beat each other up forever! -No, pick me, look at my beautiful creepy smile!
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-I pick Sugar!
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hairenya · 2 years
The most stupid concept in American politics is constitutional originalism. Like it would be funny if it didn’t do so much damage to the nation as a whole.
You’re telling me the constitution (which has amendments btw, I can’t stress enough how it has amendments) can only be interpreted to mean what the framers originally intended in the exact words it’s written in and can never be changed. Notice how these people always seem to think the framers would agree with them even when we have letters explicitly to the contrary. But even done in good faith it’s still a stupid concept. Tell me you’re incapable of independent thought and problem solving without telling me. Did you also ask your mom’s permission for everything as a child? Do you need your dad to give you advice on whether or not to eat a grape? Like it’s such a cowardly cop out for people who are too afraid to take ownership of their own opinions and responsibility for their own rulings.
“But the founding fathers”- I hate to be the one to tell you this but they’re dead babe. That’s how the passage of time works. They are d-e-a-d dead. Jefferson is scrubbing a toilet with his toothbrush in Hell. John Adams is getting drunk with the angels. Alexander Hamilton was most recently reincarnated as a squirrel and Ben Franklin won’t stop sexually harassing people via mirror writing at seances. Do you want us to Ouija board them every time there’s a court case? If so Hasbro better release an updated version with caller ID so Dick Cheney doesn’t hide in the vents pretending to be the voice of god to spark a war again. For people who constantly yell about dead people voting, you seem to think we should let dead people make policy.
Of course, they get around this by claiming the constitution was “divinely inspired”. Okay main character syndrome. I don’t think you should take governing advice from a guy who flooded the earth because he had a temper tantrum but it sure would explain a lot. If we’re going to base our government on a narcissistic autocrat who doesn’t tolerate dissent, may I suggest Stalin instead? He doesn’t have quite as high a death toll as God (he’s only human after all) but at least we’d maybe get healthcare out of it. Plus while I realize it wouldn’t help the country any, putting dead leaders in glass coffins would be personally beneficial to my morale. “Jesus is love”- No sweetie that’s Shrek but okay sure. I’m down. Let’s base our government on history’s most controversial hippie. Oh sorry, not what you had in mind?
The worst part is that this idea that the constitution can only mean exactly what it explicitly says nothing more or less with no room for common sense, critical thinking, or interpretation has been expanded to apply to almost every text. It trickles down. When the people in charge of educational policy can’t read between the lines, you get an entire generation who struggles with the idea that not everything has to be explicitly stated. That you can interpret things without spoon feeding. That an author not having a footnote disclaimer decrying the actions of their character as immoral does not, in fact, mean they condone irl murder.
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praphit · 2 years
Black Adam: the psychopath we need right now
Of course The Rock belongs in a comic book cinematic universe. What the hell took so long?! 
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There are a bunch of characters I think he could have played well:
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The Winter Soldier (imagine The Rock growing out his hair:)
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Apocalypse (no way that movie sucks with The Rock in it)
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(I can’t stop laughing at this GIF, and J.Law’s “Oh, Shit!” face.
The Rock could have played a jacked Professor X (tired of only being the brains)
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Or he could have simply played himself. I’d buy that when Batman is in trouble he runs to The Rock.
But, he's perfect for Black Adam!
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A long ass time ago, there was a lil boy, born into slavery, in a Middle Eastern country called Kahndaq. Him and his people were slaving away trying to locate a mystical crown made of Vibranium... sorry, I meant Eternium... or was it Krytponite?? Doesn't matter.
This crown has the power to... unleash hell on earth or something. Which... why would anyone want to do that? If you're a bad guy, I get ruling the earth or even destroying the earth. But, to bring a literal, demonic, Hell on earth, doesn't seem productive for anyone... except for Hell. But, anyway, this lil boy, one day, says to himself "Slavery sucks! I want to be free!"
If only it were that simple to be free, kid (though according to Ye, it is).
Some ancient wizards show up and grant this boy powers. They have a habit of doing this.
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Why?! Is it just me, or does giving children the powers of gods seem stupid? But, who can tell wizards anything??
This now super-powered, young boy finds his father (The Rock) in peril, one thing leads to another, and SHAZAM!
  Black Ass  Adam is born!
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Buuuuuut, he has a bit of a temper, so he has to be locked away, until the movie comes out.
It's now the present day, and Black Adam is here to protect his people... eventually. He's kind of a psychopath. I mean that in the nicest way possible. He's a charming psychopath tho... well, not really. I mean, The Rock is charming AF, but.... I guess we'll crown B.A. with the same charm as the actor playing him; why not??
But, he needs help from some "friends" (I use that word loosely):
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Ant Squasher or Musher... or something
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Dr. Strange Fate
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And The Winged Black Man
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( I think I may have mixed up a name or two in there, but it doesn't really matter)
These weirdly familiar characters are able to annoy B.A. enough to convince him to limit his anti-hero murdering spree long enough to save the day. Although, I kinda think he enjoyed the killing more than saving the day.
This movie has everything you'd want:
super-powered freaks, a video game level of action and explosions, evil labs, zombie vibes, some tomb raider action, demons/end of days bs, international politics, the funny fat guy, the strong and smart single mom character (in the credits, she's (a Middle Eastern woman) named ISIS... I know these comic books were written a while ago, but... still kinda bleeped up), it's got tear-jerking self-sacrifice, and some Lord of the Rings vibes.
What more could you want??!
All held together by the cornerstone, being The Rock!
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  Whew! That's some good sex right there!
However :) There are some issues.
For one, if you suffer from comic book/action movie fatigue, then don't go anywhere near this movie. It's not trying to be anything else but that.
This movie is a Thanksgiving gravy dump of CGI. Is that a good or bad thing? - depends on your tastes, I suppose. This is some of the easiest money The Rock had ever made. CGI did all of the work. In fact, CGI had to work harder than ever to make The Rock look weaker (pre-powers). Dwayne Johnson doesn't even have all that much dialogue. He doesn't need to be the straight man in a comedy duo. Doesn't need to be in shape.... of course he’s in ridiculous shape, being The Rock, but he didn't NEED to be. Shoot, the powers of CGI even squeezed Pierce Brosnan (loved btw) into spandex.
The CGI does get bad though, towards the end. Like, not She-Hulk bad, but in the same ballpark.
There's a lot of slomo. NO, I MEAN A LOT! It's like someone discovering a new IG filter for the first time, and they always feel compelled to use it. Enough with the beautifying filters already! You know damn well you don't look like that. You're not fooling anyone:)
The Rock, though his people all seem to have Kahndaqian accents, he does not. C'mon, Dwayne! Be an actor! On second thought, I'm now picturing The Rock using this accent throughout the whole film, and in my mind, it turns into a comedy. So, I'll take that criticism back.
It's also a lil long. I wish they would have used the extra length to make this movie less dreary. I mean, I had fun with it, but... DC still hasn't learned how to balance out their tones yet (though James Gunn should be able to help that moving forward). Idk what's in Marvel's secret sauce, but if they had produced Black Adam, part of me wouldn't have felt like it needed a strong drink after watching.
There were two messages driven home by ISIS (still feels wrong to call her that):
1) "Hey, outsiders! Stay the bleep out of OUR business!" - that message,  I agree with.
2) Black Adam is not a hero, but he's the ANTI-Hero that they need.  
Idk, people. I get that sometimes you've gotta murder people (not the best message for the kids, but whatever). But, don't we have enough anti-heroes?? If everyone is an anti-hero... what's an anti-hero? You know?? I mean Black Adam murders more people in this movie than "the bad guy". He murders more people in this movie than Michael Myers murders in "Halloween Ends".  
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At what point in the sport of killing, does one become a villain??
That being said, I get it, and I like it!
Considering the slavery of their people. Considering people coming at you with guns. And considering demonic forces rising up against you (not like you can take demons to court) - yeah, sometimes, you've gotta kill people.
If you're looking for a dumb comic book action flick (for the kids? - sure), fueled by revenge - The Rock delivers.
Grade: B-
They also fixed the problem (at least I personally have had) with characters that are way too powerful. He wasn't dull. I mean his character kinda is, but... throw in The Rock as a heavily (and I mean HEAVILY) flawed character, and you've got some entertainment. I hope Marvel is paying attention concerning Captain Marvel 2.
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Let's give Capt a functional coke and drinking problem, and make The Rock her bartender, and we'll have a less dull winner.
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skazoo · 2 years
the purpose of justice.
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↳ hwang hyunjin x gn!reader x lee minho
he's just a man. he will fall. everyone will fall, and with hyunjin by your side, you will make sure of that.
length. 0.7k+
genre. death note!au, shinigami!hyunjin, L!minho and kira!reader ig, angst
warnings/tags. language, use of pet names, mentions of death and murder, not proofread :((
networks. @kflixnet
notes. ok, not to be a weeb but........ the idea was sitting in my drafts, and red hyunjin............ i'm not god's strongest soldier im sorry.
btw this is not a lot but while we're here why not, enjoy!
p.s. italics is hyunjin speaking!
i'm desperate for feedback and i love comments with your opinion!
(cross-posted on ao3 only)
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“are you scared, Y/N?”
“scared? merely confused, if you must”
yes, my pretty little thing. you have to play with him if you want to keep the power. if you want to keep me.
minho unfolds his legs from his crouched position and gets up, making the wheeled chair lightly roll away. “confused about what exactly?”
you raise an annoyed eyebrow and lift your handcuffed hands from the interrogation table. metal clinks against metal, and you wince at the pressure of the cuffs on your wrists.
“this whole thing is a precaution, it doesn’t mean i don’t trust you, Y/N”
the quick movement of his eyes to the big one-way mirror behind you and the twitch of his jaw doesn’t go unnoticed by the observing entity leaning on the wall to your right, a mild bored expression adorns his angelic face.
the quick movement of his eyes to the big one-way mirror behind you and the twitch of his jaw doesn’t go unnoticed by the observing entity leaning on the wall to your right, a mild bored expression adorns his angelic face.
angelic. the only word that comes to your mind when you try to rationalize hyunjin. the unanswered question that crowds your thoughts is if he’s one of those cherubs portrayed in classic paintings, with red cheeks and big curious eyes, or one of the real ones. the ones with wings of fire and eyes that announce apocalypses. his bright red hair might suggest the latter.
a sultry voice whispers in your mind as you keep your eyes focused on the tired detective before you.
my precious, he knows what we have, and he’ll do anything to destroy us.
“L, we should be friends but i’ll tell you what i’ve learned,” you lean in and whisper as if you’re telling him a secret, “and then you can act accordingly, okay?”
minho nods, his dark hair is pushed back by a nervous hand; his eyebags seem to darken.
“what i’ve learned is that in this world there are very few people who actually trust each other, that are brave or stupid or naive enough to let others see their world, and it pains me to tell you that you’re not one of those people. not with me, not for a long time. hell, i think with this whole kira situation you wouldn’t trust your own family, minho”
the red-haired god cheerfully claps his hands and throws you an excited look.
oh, baby, we’re having so much fun with him, it’s unfortunate you’ll have to write his name soon…
minho's voice is strained by alarm as he wills his mind to find an excuse. “this is different- with kira is different, Y/N, and you know it. whoever is doing this is pure evil and needs to be stopped-”
“only if they get caught they’re evil, minho,” the amused tilt of your lips gives away the madness hiding under your calm and composed mask. “if kira rules the world they’re justice and order. they’re a saint.”
minho imperceptibly flinches in reluctant realization and you bask in the feeble ray of fear that his dark eyes direct towards you.
“they won’t see the glory of heaven, Y/N. they will go straight to hell.”
all humans die the same. the place they go after death isn’t decided upon by a god, it is just nothingness, my love, death is equal for everyone. let him know and maybe he’ll understand.
“you want me to be honest and i will,” you lean back on the uncomfortable chair; the front legs raise off the ground keeping you in an unsteady balance. “everywhere i turn, all i see are people the world would be better off without.”
“and who decides who has to go, uh? justice is made for that, Y/N. don’t you understand?”
look at him, acting all high and mighty, pretending his dear justice isn’t the first cause of all this. of us. but he will know when the time comes. we’ll make sure of it, right sweet thing?
you nod to the invisible god to your right and watch as minho’s head snaps in the same direction.
“all i need to understand- all everyone needs to understand is that this world is rotten,” it all comes down to the dramatic effect, after all, you’ve been learning from a god, “and those who are making it rot deserve to die.”
you can see his hands tremble and for a second you’re brought back to a memory of your childhood with him. it’s gone before you can question it.
“someone has to do it, so why not kira?”
why not you?
the legs of the chair come banging down on the gray floor and you turn to smile at hyunjin, as minho darts out of the room. eyes blood-shot red like the god’s hair.
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jikookpancakes · 3 years
JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)
but im giving anyway because THE TALENT IN THIS FANDOM IS INSANE
long post incoming!! this is probably just part 1 because i wont stop reading anytime soon so i’m inserting that link just in case i do make another one in the future
What’s a Soul Really Worth, Anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth - 130k words, fantasy, demon!jm, witch!jk, listen, this and the next one are my top 2 jikook fics of all time, so well-written, plot so exciting legit reads like a book, better than a lot of books tbh, the world-building is INSANE, jungkook and the gang accidentally summon demon!jimin and chaos ensue, especially for jungkook...and you know why!!!, so funny, angsty, cried so much, happy ending but listen to me: you gotta read the sequel too, YOU GOTTA.
Militat Omnis Amans: The Beginnings by edaen - 92k words, fantasy, werewolf!jk, vampire!jm, forbidden love, super slow burn but super worth it, JIKOOK IN THIS IS MY FAVORITE JIKOOK IN ANY FIC EVER EVER EVER, this is the ultimate all or nothing will freeze hell over for the other kind of love, and the way this is written is just so... how do i describe it. like you can just tell the author wanted to be very realistic with their feelings. you’ve seen the word count, this is SLOW burn. like you will legit feel their struggle to just be able to love each other and while it hurts, it’s also SO GLORIOUS. i love this one so much and if you like reading angst with happy ending but like cranked up to 200% then read this. bonus feels if you read the whole series
Until Dawn (series) by edaen - this is the long series where the previous one above is part of. highly rec if you love fantasy and you wanna read about bts being a rag tag group of supernatural beings fighting evil yay. also it makes the above fic more satisfying because you see more of jikook just being tgt and in love (with bonus angst because of course)
7 Signs by NamHyora - 27k words, secret spies au, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm who is always used as a raven in their operations aka they use jimin and his attractive self to attract people and gather information or acquire targets and all that spy stuff, and his bestie alpha jk is not too happy about it hehe, friends to lovers, iove this one so much i wish it was longer but i think the author is planning to write a sequel!
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi - 110k words, ceo!jk, age difference, age swap, ahhh i love this fic so much cause jimin smart and mature and has this no bs attitude, and he can keep up with jk despite the age gap and the difference in status/experiences, jk sexy dilf in this one eheh, i love it cause the drama/angst tackles a very real concern for such couples, like there’s no angst just for the sake of having angst, it really makes sense where they’re both coming from, they’re so whipped for eo too so love that for me
Fold it Up Like Origami by annie_vi - 99k words, gamer!jk, model!jm, same author as above and jk is so boyfriend goals in this one and in all this author’s fics in general like wow my standards are so high now i will legit be single forever just reading jikook fics (with no regrets), secret relationship due to their celeb status, well-written as usual, dialogues/banter in this author’s fics are just YES
The Tournament by kinkmins - 34k words, prince!jm, bodyguard!jk, abo, i’ll paste part of the summary here “Prince Jimin gets ready to hold a tournament where 50 alphas compete for a chance to court him, his father the king hires a new bodyguard who is a little too blunt and a little too talkative.“, i really love this oneeeee
Screwed Up and Brilliant by annie_vi - 113k words, escort!jk, jimin needed a date for a work event and in comes jungkook, escort extraordinaire with a no sex rule and jimin is just dasdkjfhasl, a lot of that “is this real or is he just acting” kinda angst, fluff smut angst
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi - 180k words, merman!jm, aquatic vet!jk, ok this is like my 4th rec from this author just read all their fics you’re welcome, this is their first fantasy fic but soso good, i rec’d this to someone who doesn’t really read fics and she really loved it and said “their love is so pure hhh”, she’s right
Track one: I love you by honeydice - 30k words, they’re “just” best friends, lots of pining it hurts, there’s some yoonmin and mentioned past jinmin in this so just noting in case, angst, denial of feelings, siiiiigh
InYou by edaen - 4k words, pwp :), abo, the morning after jikook mating, more sexytimes ensue + fluff
Falling For You Again by Rose_gold715 - 30k words, amnesia au, jk forgets about jimin and idk just something about this hits right in the feels. btw i don’t support the jk hated jm before in real life agenda so i don’t like this fic for that reason but i like this fic because i love me some good painful angst with happy ending.
The President’s Son by AmeliaBedelia - 55k words, bodyguard!jk, president’s son!jm, jk is assigned to shadow jm bc his life is under threat, and things develop :), jm is jk’s gay awakening :) :)
A Touch of Sin by pettey - 102k words, fantasy au, police officer!jk, supernatural!jm, shamanism, LOOK AT THE RANGE OF JIKOOK WRITERS YALL, this is such an interesting concept, so different from every other fic i’ve read, really well-written, sometimes you come across fics and you cant help but go “someone out there rly blessing me with this art for free”
Tears to the Tide by haromame - 65k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, honestly there’s not a lot of abo elements it’s focused more on jungkook having ptsd as he just came from war, established relationship jikook, he comes back home to jimin and things have just... changed. except their love ok THEY LOVE EO SO MUCH this made me cry so f much ugh so good tho.
Zero Hour by edaen - 5k words, canon compliant, a little drabble based around rosebowl jikook, it’s part of a series/collection of canon compliant jikook so if you’re looking for more canon compliant here you go!!, also if you can’t tell already i tend to like several things from a single author, i haven’t read their other fics im legit saving for sad days but i am confident enough to say their other fics are also rec-worthy.
Wonder by wordcouture - 7k words, im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha
The Omega Revolution by PinkBTS  - 158k words, abo, alpha!jk omega!jm, dystopian au, the hunger games more specifically mockingjay vibes, angst with happy ending but there’s some...things... lost along the way and i think that’s realistic for a dystopian war au, well-written
Blind Switch - 226k words, jockey!jk, rich spoiled brat!jm, jm gets exiled to his grandparents ranch where he meets jk yeehaw, im sorry for the yeehaw, anyway fluff smut angst enemies friends to lovers hurt/comfort slow burn happy ending, all the good stuff, ugh jk so boyfriend goals, also the amount of fluff in the later chapters thank u writer
Finally by Rose_gold715 - 12k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, angst with happy ending, jikook mate out of convenience and jimin runs away from jk and his pack feeling unloved and outcasted, but jungkook goes after him :((
Park Jimin’s Guide to Good Housekeeping by Ashlyn17 - 235k words, fantasy au, when i say jikook has the best fic writers i mean jikook has the best fic writers because THE WORLD-BUILDING in this one?, THE PLOT TWIST?, yesyesyes, jungkook is a powerful fae and jimin is assigned to be his housekeeper hehe, listen my entire fic rec has several that could be great netflix shows and this is definitely one of them
A Spell That Reminds Me of Your Name by Chimneycricket - 42k words, wizards!au, enemies to friends to lovers and the development felt natural, well-written plus the author sometimes makes art of their fics and other jikook fics and posts on twitter, both their fics and art are so good, i’ve heard good stuff about their other fics too :)
that’s it for now!
just a quick one about my preferences: idc about tops/bottoms, i read just about anything but i prefer fantasy and multi-chaptered fics, i love established relationship jikook so hmu with recs anytime, i don’t like reading anything with cheating and mcd, i love fics where jk and jm are just so friggin in love they are just IT for eo, and at the end of the day even if there are elements to the fics i wouldn’t normally read, as long as they’re well-written then i’m all for it
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
hey hey hey, could you make sub harry x dom fem reader smut where the reader finds out that harry spying on her in the showers with his cloak, so she takes revenge after the quidditch match on the showers? basically shower sex but reader being dom as hell. face slapping, choking, eating out, lots of degration, just pure sub harry smut!! and i loveee your writing btw love 💖🤧
pairing: harry potter x reader 
warning(s): 18+, dom!reader, mentions of voyeurism, shower sex, oral (female receiving), choking, slapping (like once), degradation, mentions of orgasm control/edging 
word count: 1.6k 
a/n: sorry i haven’t uploaded in a while, i’ve been busy but i have the week off so i hope to post more often! as always, enjoy! 
Once you saw the last of the team travel out of the locker room, you were quick to barge in - knowing your boyfriend, and the team’s captain, was the only one left. 
He was taking his jersey off when you arrived, his muscular back facing you. 
“You were great out there,” you said softly as you approached him, wrapping yours arms around him from the back despite how sweaty he was. You knew you’d be showering with him anyways. It was a little post-game ritual the two of you often loved to share. 
Harry leaned into your touch, letting some of the weight from his sore body rest on you. You almost felt bad for what you were about to do to him. He didn’t even know what was coming. Didn’t even know he had been caught this morning. But you surely weren’t going to let it slide. 
“Where were you this morning?” You asked him, innocently enough. 
“Went to breakfast then came down here,” he answered easily, moving out of your grasp to turn the water on. 
“And before that?” You asked him, raising a sly brow at him. 
You saw him freeze for a moment, but he recovered quickly. It almost made you giggle - the thought of him thinking he could get away with it. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, not turning around to face you. Instead, he opted to begin removing his pants. 
“Don’t act stupid, baby boy,” you said, almost mockingly. “We both know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
He froze for real then, his hands glued to the hem of his pants. You could practically feel him wracking his brain for something to say, but you both knew he already lost. 
When he turned to face you, his expression was filled with guilt and shame. It was almost cute how pitiful he looked. You walked up closer to him, completely invading his space until your chest was pressed against his. You could hear the way his breath hitched before he released a shaky breath, and you knew he was exactly where you wanted him. 
“Did you think it was okay to peep on me in the shower? You’re not slick, you know? I know when you’re using the cloak,” you questioned, referencing what had happened just that morning. 
You had been taking a shower, excitedly getting ready to watch your boyfriend play in his game today, when you heard an unmistakable swishing along the bathroom floor. You barely even had to look up when you saw it hit the light in exactly the right way. To anyone else, it may have just been a trick of the eye, but you knew exactly what it was. You had been underneath it enough times to know. It was Harry, underneath his invisibility cloak, watching you shower. 
And as aroused as you were that Harry had managed to sneak all the way in there just for you, just to see you naked, you refused to give him the show he wanted. After all, he didn’t need to know you knew was there. So you continued your shower as you normally would, finally hearing the unmistakable swishing leave the bathroom once more. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, looking down at his feet bashfully. 
“I’m sure you’re not, but you’ll make it up to me. Won’t you, baby?” You asked teasingly, palming him through his briefs to find him already half hard. When all he could do was whimper, you couldn’t help but chuckle, but you let it slide. “Help me strip.” 
He moved eagerly, quickly helping you out of your layers until you were naked. You moved under the water, letting it encase you before you turned back to him. He was watching you with eagle eyes, not daring to take them off of you. 
“Down on your knees, baby boy. I don’t know what you think you were doing, but I’m in charge now,” you told him, spreading your legs seductively, leaving him with a perfect spot to place his mouth. 
He was down on his knees within a second, not even minding the cold, hard bathroom floor. His lips sucked around your clit harshly, forcing your hips to buck up from the wall. He didn’t miss a single beat, almost effortlessly working your body with his lips and tongues. Regardless of how you felt about this morning, your man was good and you both knew it. 
“Look at you finally being good. Maybe if you had been good all day, I would have been the one on my knees,” you told him between your moans. You felt more than heard him whimper against your body, picturing the roles reversed. 
He got you off quickly after that, wanting to prove to you so badly that he was good, so that hopefully, if you allowed it, he could get off too. You came with a deep moan, your back arched against the cool shower wall and your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him as close as possible to your body. His tongue didn’t stop until you were writhing, forcing him off of you. 
When you looked down at him again, a whole new rush of arousal shot through your body. His hair was a beautiful mess, tousled under your fingers and the water. His lips were swollen and wet, slightly parted as he finally got the chance to breathe. And his eyes. Oh his fucking eyes. He looked like an absolute glorious fucked out mess even though you hadn’t even touched him yet. He looked as breathless as you felt. The power you had over this man was borderline insanity. 
“Do you think you did a good enough job to fuck me?” You asked him lowly, watching his eyes widen. 
“Please. I’ve wanted to all day,” he told you honestly, the plea evident in his eyes. 
“I really don’t think you deserve it after your stunt this morning but I’ll be nice. You can fuck me, but you better make me cum twice of your cock before you even think about cumming,” you gave in with a dark chuckle, watching as a blush crept to his face and his cock twitched. 
He was on his feet in an instant, easily lifting you up and balancing your body between the wall and his strong chest. It didn’t take him much longer to slip his cock inside of you and from the angle, you could feel everything. Every vien, every ridge, every throb. He definitely chose correctly when he picked this position. 
WIth every thrust, his pelvis was brushing against your clit and the tip of his cock was perfectly hitting your g-spot. You couldn’t even hold the moans back. He was proving just how good he was tenfold, he deserved to hear how good he was making you feel. 
“You were so fucking bad this morning, you know that?” You asked, slowly dragging your hand up his chest and to his throat. You didn’t clench down hard, but the fact that your hand was there was enough to make him moan. “Who gave you the filthy idea that peeping on me was the right thing to do?” 
“Y/N, fuck,” he said back, not quiet an answer, but you knew exactly what it meant. It meant that as your orgasm was building, so was his and he was having a hard time controlling it between your words and your hand so perfectly placed. 
And you knew exactly what to do to tip him over the edge. To make him cum and break the rules some more just so you could fuck with him more later. It was devious, but it was the perfect punishment. 
“You’re not showing me how good you can be. I know how close you are. Are you thinking about me in the shower again? How good I looked touching myself while you watched?” You questioned, your hand only gripping his throat tighter. 
“No. Fuck. I’m being good, please,” he begged aimlessly, thrusting inside of you erratically, just proving how close to the edge he was. 
“If you were good, you wouldn’t act like a desperate little boy,” you told him, trying your best to sound coherent through your own moans. 
You gripped his chin between your fingers to hold him steady before bringing up your other hand and swinging it against his face, a resounding crack echoing around the empty locker room. His head remained steady, but his entire body trembled. He managed to keep you upright, but he was breaking down slowly, spiraling to his release. 
“You better make me cum before you do,” you got out, at least managing to sound menacing enough. 
“I’m so close. Please cum, please,” Harry whimpered, fighting against himself to get you there. 
No matter what, you could never say that Harry Potter was a quitter. He raced to get you to your finish, and when you did, you contracted around him so tightly he hissed and you released with a scream, unable to hold back the sound. He came with a groan, his head buried in your shoulder. 
You took a moment to catch your breath before opening your mouth to speak. “I thought I told you to make me cum twice before you did,” you offered weakly, still a little breathless. But nevertheless, your words had their desired effect. 
Harry’s head immediately snapped up and you could already see the apology in his eyes. You chuckled slightly as you slid back down the wall, gracefully landing on your feet. 
“Don’t worry, baby boy. You’ll learn your lesson for that one later - nothing a few edges won’t be able to fix. But first we need to finish your shower, hm?” You asked softly, moving his messy hair back out of his face. 
He gulped but gave you a steady nod before flashing a barely there grin. He was a little shit - basically asking for a punishment. But he was all yours.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Sick day headcannons!!!!!!!
Hell yeah, I do have a post on this already (linked here) but sick day headcanons are some of my favs so let’s do some more! (Just btw there will be some repeats but that just means I rlly like that headcanon)
Dick: Oh no, god no!
Wally: What’s wrong?!
Dick: I’m dying!
Wally, suspicious: Okay���
Dick: Please Wally this is serious, I need help!
Wally, deciding to take Dick seriously: Okay, what’s wrong? What do you need?
Dick: Just a coffin. Made of maple- no oak! And roses, preferably white, oh or blue! With baby’s breath. And-
Wally: Dick, what’s wrong?!
Dick: I burnt the roof of my mouth.
Wally leaves.
A good rule of thumb for Dick is the more dramatic he is the less serious the situation. The less dramatic he is the more serious the situation.
He will go into work with a cold and complain the entire day.
If he has something serious that’s contagious he’ll call in sick but just say it’s a slight stomach bug.
If it’s not contagious he will act like everything is completely fine.
One time he did this after getting an injury on patrol and ended up passing out and spending that night and the next day in the ICU.
He has become a bit more responsible over the years, mainly bc he thinks it’s adorable how sweet and cuddly Damian gets.
His favorite sick day activity is eating junk food and watching rom coms under a fuzzy blanket .
Dick: Please go to bed!
Babs: I am, I am, just one more line of code.
Dick: You’ve said that for the last three hours!
Babs tries to relax when sick but she has trouble actually taking a step back to rest.
Most of the time she’ll take a nightquil then get distracted by something and ends up falling asleep in front of her screen.
Usually Cass or Steph will come over and take care of her.
Steph always makes the best comfort food. And usually Cass will tuck Babs into bed.
Babs loves dozing on the couch to the sound of Cass and Steph laughing in the kitchen as they make her soup.
If Cass and Steph can’t come over she loves talking to them over discord while eating take out. Usually she and Cass just listen to Steph babble or she watches on of them stream something.
She also usually ends up falling asleep.
Bruce: Are you sick?
Jason: I’m legally dead.
Bruce: That doesn’t-
Jason: So,legally, no. I am not sick.
Jason will forever and always argue that he can’t get sick since he already died.
When he was little he was rarely able to get extra rest when he was sick. Because when he was really little he wanted to go to school to avoid Willis. After Catherine died he was too busy just trying to survive to focus on being healthy.
But when Catherine was alive and Willis was away Jason would stay home from school, and if Catherine was sober she would read to him and sing lullabies. This only happened like twice but Jason cherishes those memories of Catherine.
As a kid if he was ever sent home for being sick he’d get in huge trouble with Willis.
After being adopted the first time he was sent home with a fever he begged Alfred not to tell Bruce and hid in his closet until he stopped crying being sad. Alfred sat by the closet door with soup, a grilled cheese, and tea, reading The Princess Bride aloud until Jason came out. It took two hours.
Jason’s favorite sick day activity is drinking tea and rereading The Princess Bride (with the movie playing quietly in the background) while wearing his Wonder Woman hoodie.
Steph: Cass why are you patrolling while sick?!
Cass shrugs.
Steph, with a sigh: You’re allowed to take a sick day, okay?
Cass looks unsure but nods.
Steph: C’mon, let’s get you a bath and fuzzy blankets.
Cass forgets that she’s not just a weapon/tool. She forgets that she’s allowed to rest when sick.
Because of this she will keep going no matter what and tends to view ‘taking a sick day’ as a failure.
Steph, Tim, and Babs have been working on this with her. She’s improved a lot now that Tim lost his spleen and gets sick easily.
Now usually Steph cooks for her while Babs lays with her.
Cass isn’t against taking medicine but she never feels like the situation is severe enough to require medication. So someone in the fam has to convince her to take her meds.
She becomes extremely cuddly when sick and will cling to anyone near her.
Her favorite sick day activity is watching old horror movies with Steph or Babs.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m- I have a fever of 104, I should rest.
Stephs mom is a doctor, so she’s used to being told “it’s just a cold, you’re fine”.
Usually she keeps going until she can’t then sleeps for like three days.
But it’s less out of stubbornness and more out of habit. So if someone tells her to rest she’s immediately like “okay!” and takes the sick day.
Babs always calls or comes over to check on her every day that she’s sick.
Cass has been learning how to cook and loves making Steph food when she’s sick.
Tim used to come over but now he always calls.
Stephs favorite sick day activity is sleeping with an ice pack or heating pad, depending on the sickness, with a giant cup of ginger ale and Cass curled up beside her.
Jason: Tim, are you sick?
Tim, tiredly staring at case files: No I-
Tim is interrupted by a violent coughing fit.
Tim: Oh, I guess I am?
Growing up Tim loved getting sick because it meant the house keeper would come over and take care of him and he might even get a hug.
But she stopped coming over when Tim was ten, his parents thought he was old enough to handle being sick on his own.
Sick days in the manor were a shock to him because he was rarely alone, there was always one family member by his side.
Now that he’s immunocompromised he’s always surrounded by people, he pretends to get annoyed with it but really he loves how much they care.
Dick always sings Romani lullabies and runs his fingers through Tim’s hair. Jason, Duke, and Steph will cook for him. Damian stay by his side and bring him tea. Babs will play video games with him. And Cass does a bit of everything, at least everything other than sing to him.
The family also takes Tim getting sick very seriously so if they here one cough he’s immediately being interrogated and getting his temperature checked.
Tim’s favorite sick day activity is laying under a weighted blanket with a cup of tea and playing video games with Babs, Steph, Duke, and Cass.
Dick, knocking on Duke’s door: Hey bud, why are you still in bed? I thought we were training together?
Duke: Sorry, I forgot to cancel. I’m sick and don’t think I can handle training today.
Dick: You’re sick?!
Duke: Yeah, but don’t worry I’ve been disinfecting and cleaning so no one else should get sick.
Dick: I’m not worried about getting sick, I’m worried about you!
Duke: …oh, okay.
Growing up sick days were spent at home either resting alone or with one of his parents.
He had to do some fending for himself (like cleaning and making food when his parents weren’t home with him) but nothing extreme or unexpected. So, overall he had pretty normal sick days.
After he parents went missing he was so focused on getting them back and saving them that he never stopped to rest when sick.
Now as a member of the Wayne family his sick days are always spent with someone by his side, at least they are if he tells the family he’s sick.
He’s gotten in trouble several times for not telling Alfred/the family that’s he’s sick. Not because he puts Tim at risk, he like all the family is very cautious about that, but because everyone worries about him and wants to help take care of him.
After several lectures from Alfred he’s finally getting better about telling the family when he’s sick.
His favorite sick day activity is reading Jason’s copy of The Princess Bride while having a bowl of Alfred’s chicken noodle soup.
Jason: Are you sick?
Damian: N-
Damian sneezes like a kitten.
Damian: No.
Cass, smiling: Sick baby brother, cute sneeze.
Damian tries to be offended but ends up having a sneezing fit.
Steph: That’s so adorable!!
Damian has the most adorable sneezes. He literally sounds like a kitten and the entire family and hero community finds it adorable. Damian hates it.
He used to try and pretend he wasn’t sick and just work through it.
Then he sneezes in front of Harley and Ivy and they cooed over him for an hour.
Now he grumpily secluded himself in his room when sick.
Usually the family will check on him and find that Jon flew over and they’re cuddling on his bed watching cartoons.
When Damian’s sick he really craves spicy food. Like everything he eats he’ll add hot sauce or pepper to. His food is so spicy that only Cass can handle it, like it makes ghost peppers look like child’s play.
His favorite sick day activity is drinking masala chai under one of Tim’s fuzzy blankets while wearing Dick’s old hoodies and surrounding himself with various soft things he stole from his siblings. This is preferably done while eating spicy tomato or lentil soup and watching cartoons with Jon.
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rinzis · 3 years
what your favourite genshin impact character says about you: no holding back edition
i’m finally allowed to post again!!! great joy
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aether/lumine: you’re basic as hell sorry . also stop fighting over who the better twin is they’re literally the same person but different genders. you’re pretty fun to be around ig but i feel like you eat food off the floor. 5 second rule not 5 hour rule ok
amber: ok i’ve actually met a bunch of people whose fav is amber and you guys are actually really sweet but pls learn when to stfu you’re so loud . also you guys go feral whenever someone (everyone else in the fandom) says amber sucks like chill bae
kaeya: jesus fucking christ your horny is off the scale. every kaeya stan i’ve ever met cant keep it in their pants. and we know the only reason you like him is bc of his giga bouncer supreme ultra man rack 3000. stop saying you want him to smother you with his tits. get some help.
lisa: YOU GUYS ARE COOL AS HELL!!!!!! as someone who relates to lisa you’re very cool. most chill people to be around and you’re definitely super smart. not lazy but just reserved. 11/10. oh btw do you use her for climbing?
diluc: do you have daddy issues? you guys definitely have a thing for the tsundere archetype and you probably like zhongli too. just admit you want diluc to do the kabedon thing on you and move on. we know what you’re like. also how does it feel being so short? i swear every diluc stan is small as hell
jean: YOU GUYS are so sweet pls whenever i play co op with a jean main it’s just like wow you’re so strong and nice and thanks for healing my entire team wow........ however although you’re so responsible you probably enjoy cancelling people on twitter for fun . sorry
venti: VENTI STANS. I LOVE YOU. is it partially because i myself am a huge venti stan? yeah no. you probably missed out on his first banner and are saving for his rerun..... same......... anyways you guys give off the best vibes n it’s always so fun to be with you. i love you all
razor: i have one question for you guys . did you either like warrior cats or were you a wolf kid?
albedo: you guys are so smart wtf !!!!!!!!! you’re so rational in co op mode too and if you have albedo you probably use him as a sub dps for your teammates bc you’re so good at reading situations........ then again you also have some weird shit going on like cmon it’s milk after cereal you psychopaths
sucrose: you either kin sucrose or are creepy sorry . ok but she’s so underrated like her passive 3........ WOAH.............. you definitely use her in spiral abyss,,, also are you a burnout successful kid who used to kiss teachers’ asses and middle school was a breeze before getting to college/university and realising that professors don’t give a shit anymore? wow who would have guessed
diona: wannabe catgirls assemble! please move on from your warrior cats phase you’re almost as bad as the razor stans but you’re adorable too. you probably want qiqi or klee but don’t have them so you’re settling for diona
barbara: thanks for healing my team in co op barbara stans !!!! you guys are genuinely so nice omg thank you for being so reliable all the time,,, do you highlight your notes so it’s more art than notes? yeah that’s what i thought
mona: ok if no one else is gonna say it i will,,, no one understands shit about your astrology thing going on. i’m a caprisun? great
bennett: YOURE ALL ADORABLE. thanks for helping us out in co op!!!! you definitely advocate for bennett rights and yes pls do,,,, we all love benny deep down!!!! you either don’t have him or have him at like C218372
fischl: jojo stans
just kidding but you all probably act like fischl irl. also did you have an emo phase
klee: ok if your favourite is klee you definitely don’t have her . waiting patiently for klee’s rerun!!!! shes just so adorable and so are you guys,,,,, so fun to be around !!!!! you probably have diluc and hate him
noelle: you guys....... the rarest of the rare. you love trying to convince people that she’s a great healer dps n everything else...... no bae you probably use her because you like geo and claymores like hmm yes i will now hit things hard with my big sword and rock power
ok onto liyue now sweats nervously
childe: you guys are ALL simps. ALL OF YOU. go n touch some grass bro!!!!! you either think he’s super sexy or you bully him and make the ed sheeran jokes (not funny) . you follow griffin burns on tiktok too dont you
zhongli: you either love him for his gentle demeanour or you want him for his fat giga dumptruck 3000. make up your minds!!!!! you guys are so clueless in co op mode but you’re hilarious. you probably have his energy recharge at like 200% so you can use his ult and hear I WILL HAVE ORDER every 4 seconds
xiao: STOP GROWLING AT PEOPLE. every xiao main is so aggressive not joking . yeah the only reason you saved for him is because you want to stare at him all day n listen to him growling . you guys genuinely scare me . no he would not hold ur hand and do cute things with you,,,,,, if given half the chance he’d probably decapitate you
ningguang: alright jeff bezos, hand over the cash. yeah so you’re either rolling in it or want to be her sugar baby. but you guys have such an intimidating aura like playing with ning mains is just .... you always build her so well she’s an absolute tank!!!!!! thanks for scaring the shit out of me but also protecting me
beidou: YOU GUYS. you’re fun to be around but i also feel like you could probably destroy me in 3 seconds flat !!!!!!!! do you hate diluc too? i love playing with you guys because all i hear is TO ASHES every 2 seconds and she’s just cool as hell so yeah i really like beidou stans. i feel like you all have her so congrats
qiqi: you’re so cute,,,,, best healer !!!! you probably love playing qiqi because her skills look so cool and you prefer playing heal/support,, if you don’t have her you just love her bc she’s so tiny . spoiler alert but do you have a thing against xiao for killing her lol
xiangling: you’re so chaotic help,, you definitely pair her with xinyan too because you give off the most uncontrollable vibes,,,,,,, did you level her to use her in the spiral abyss or do you just think polearms are neat and don’t have xiao or zhongli
xinyan: please reread xiangling paragraph but replace polearm with claymore . you like either bring me the horizon or bubblegum pop there’s no in between
chongyun: you’re all the nicest people ever and you’re so chill . you love chongyun with your whole hearts and i adore you !!!!!! the animation of him eating the popsicle melts your hearts (no pun intended) and you just think he’s really cool :( ily all
xingqiu: chongyun vibes but make it kinda unnerved . burnout successful kids 2.0 ,,,,, are you clever too? you also love xingqiu and believe he’s worthy of being a 5 star with his heal and damage reduce !!!!! he’s so helpful wtf and so are you . please stop going on about his legs though it’s highkey weird asf
keqing: COOL PERSON SYNDROME! i main this gal so i love you all . do you get as mad as i do when people say she doesn’t deserve to be a 5 star? yeah . are you a procrastinator and try and take lessons from keqing but are just so lazy? do you use her teleport because you can’t be bothered to climb mountains? yeah that’s what i thought
ganyu: you’re all the nicest people alive and i adore you all . thanks for being so kind in co op mode . every ganyu main i’ve met is so sweet and you’re all so powerful too woah....... you hate the cocogoat jokes too >:( pls mihoyo give her more attention !!!!!
scaramouche: you have rights guys we know you exist. also we know you want him to be playable. we know that you think his hat is neat. we know you love this shawty but please be quiet.
signora: wait you guys exist
hu tao: you prank people for fun like pls stop im so on edge when youre around . plus i feel you laugh at videos of babies falling over n shit,,,,,,, you cant wait for her banner but also please shut the fuck up
dainsleif: please leave me the fuck alone we did 1 (one) quest with him and you’re all obsessed with him . ok second hand dmitri from fire emblem you want a medal for being a fucking simp?
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elentiyawhitethorn · 3 years
When Passion Rules the Game | Part Seven
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CW: NSFW, language
AN: Wow, I wrote seven chapters in seven days and I feel so accomplished! This fic has been so fun to write, and I hope everybody enjoyed. (Last chapter btw)
Part Six//Masterlist//2835 words
By some miracle, Aelin made it through the rest of the day. She introduced herself to Nox, showed him the ropes, and got some work done. And as soon as she had completed the day’s tasks, she just about bolted out to her car, headed to Rowan’s apartment.
There was no hesitation in Aelin’s mind as she firmly knocked on Rowan’s door. He would let her in, explain, and she would realize that this was all some cosmic joke.
Aelin heard footsteps approach the door, and she braced herself, straightening her back and plastering a smile on her face.
But the door never opened. After a moment, Aelin heard the footsteps retreat, and she blinked in confusion.
She knocked again.
Another minute passed. No more noises sounded within the apartment, and Aelin started to scowl. What right did he have to ignore her? She was his boss! Well, not anymore—but that was beside the point.
Aelin reached for the handle and jiggled it, but it was locked.
“Rowan,” she called. “Please let me in.”
“Dammit, go away, Aelin.”
She hadn’t been expecting a response, and to hear that animosity toward her frightened her. Rowan must have quit because she was sleeping with him, and he wasn’t comfortable with the situation. Aelin had never done anything like this before, never unintentionally harassed someone out of their job, and her heart started aching. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
Coming to terms with the fact that Rowan wasn’t going to let her in the door, Aelin pulled a bobby-pin from her hair and inserted it into the lock. She had been a rambunctious teenager, always causing poor Aedion and her parents trouble, and picking a lock was second nature to her.
She smiled internally as the last tumbler fell into place and the lock clicked. Aelin absentmindedly discard the bobby pin in her purse and turned the knob.
Rowan was sitting on the couch, hunched over with his head in his hands, clearly upset about something. His head snapped up the instant Aelin walked in, and his eyes narrowed. “How did you—”
Aelin shut the door, cutting him off. “Why did you quit.” She was slightly angry at herself, and it came out in her tone.
Rowan sighed. “I resigned.”
“Same difference. Tell me why.”
Rowan stood up, but still kept his distance. “I found a new job. I thought it would be a better opportunity for me.”
Aelin scoffed. “You were just relocated to Terrasen. Don’t tell me you’re moving again.”
“I’m not moving. I got a job at Salvaterre Enterprises. It pays more.”
“If you wanted a raise, I—”
“I left. It’s done. There is nothing to say.”
Aelin frowned, trying to cover up the fact that her heart was fracturing in her chest. “But—”
“Do you always break into the homes of employees who decide they don’t want to work for you anymore?”
The ice in Rowan’s voice had Aelin trembling. “I want to know if you’re leaving because of me.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re sleeping with me!” Aelin yelled. “And you’re quitting because you’re worried about it or you’re not comfortable with it or something and I can’t just let you do that! I can’t just sexually harass one of my employees and let them leave.”
Rowan’s eyes widened. “You’re not… Aelin, this is not your fault.”
“Then what is this?” she rasped. “Why did you even apply at Salvaterre Enterprises anyway?”
She could see the hesitation in his eyes. Rowan took a step forward, then paused. “I can’t… I just needed to go. I’ve never been uncomfortable around you, Aelin, I swear.”
“Then why, Rowan, did you go? Because I’m going to keep believing this is my fault if you don’t prove otherwise.”
He hissed out a breath and turned around, running his hands through his hair. “It’s because I…”
“Because you what?”
“I can’t… I shouldn’t say.”
“Tell me,” Aelin’s demanded. She dropped her purse on the floor so that she could cross her arms.
“Because I’m in love with you!” Rowan shouted, spinning back around. “Because I love how passionate you are about your work, and how funny you are, and how you pretend to have an attitude but spend your whole life trying to help people. I love the way you tuck your hair behind your ears when you’re nervous, and how red your face gets when you’re embarrassed, and I even love the way you eat your gods-damn bagels with a fork. And I can’t do it anymore!”
Aelin couldn’t summon words. Rowan loved her?
He was breathing hard, surprise evident on his face. Maybe he hadn’t meant to say all that.
“I think you should go, Aelin. Don’t feel bad. You’re not to blame.” Rowan sighed, turning his head.
He expected her to leave. To walk out and pretend this had never happened, to forget about him. Aelin didn’t know what she was going to do next, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to forget about him.
Rowan took a deep breath, then looked back at Aelin, who wasn’t breathing at all. “I’m sorry, Aelin. But I need you to leave now.”
Aelin didn’t do that.
Rowan gasped in surprise as he felt Aelin’s lips crash into his. She had mindlessly surged forward with no intentions of stopping herself. Aelin fisted her hands in his shirt and pulled him closer, tangling her tongue with his. Rowan kissed her back for what could have been a minute or an hour; Aelin was too lost in him to tell. When he finally pulled back, they were both panting.
“What does that mean?” Rowan gasped out.
“I think I might be in love with you, too.”
Rowan yanked her back to his mouth, and Aelin felt herself melting into his touch, trying to get closer and closer, touching as much of his body as she could.
They parted again, and Rowan raised his hand to her face. “You really feel the same?” His thumb stroked her cheek and Aelin leaned into the touch.
“Of course I do. You’re amazing and kind and hilarious, and despite your protests to the contrary, you’re a total sweetheart. I love you, Rowan. I should have noticed it a lot sooner, and I must have been blind not to until now, but I see it now. I love you.”
Rowan leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. “I love you, too. I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve cared about people, but no one has ever driven me so insane.”
Aelin laughed. “I drive you insane? I have never broken so many rules because of one man. And that’s really saying something.”
“Oh, I know,” he replied, their noses brushing. “No goody two shoes knows how to pick locks.”
“Don’t ask me about that,” Aelin said, laughing. “Or I’ll ask you why you have a picture of a scowling teenage boy with chains dangling from his jeans hanging up on the wall.”
Rowan groaned. “My mom made me hang that up when I moved in.”
“Oh, you’re a mama’s boy, then?” Aelin teased.
Rowan smiled, but the expression turned fond as he leaned forward that last half-inch and kissed her. It was nothing like any of the kisses they’d shared before; this one was soft and sweet. This one was full of love.
When they pulled apart this time, Aelin whispered, “I still can’t believe you love me.”
“Neither can I,” he replied softly. “I never expected you to say it back. Though I’ll admit, I wasn’t surprised to find you stubbornly knocking on my door.”
Aelin smiled, then tugged Rowan down to the couch, plumping onto his lap. “So now that we’ve gotten the love confessions out of the way, maybe we can try to be in a relationship? Be together?”
Rowan smiled. “I would love that. But I might have to dump you if you ever call me a sweetheart again.”
Aelin let out a choked laugh. “But you’re so sweet. Like a little cinnamon bun.”
“I really hope you did not just say that.”
Aelin grinned. “Now that we have all this sorted, you’ll come back to the company? Nox was good at the job, but he doesn’t have your work ethic, and I had to tell him how to—”
Rowan smiled sadly and interrupted her. “Babe, you would be my boss. We may be able to keep a lid on friends with benefits, but you think no one’s going to be upset to hear you’re in a relationship with me?”
“I don’t care what people think,” Aelin insisted, despite the sinking feeling in her gut.
He tugged her farther onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s still wrong. I can’t do it.”
“But… Rowan, you can’t give up your job for me.”
“I’m not. And if it came down to it, I probably wouldn’t. And neither would you, I would guess, should you ever be in that position. Your dedication to your career is one of the things I love about you.” At Aelin’s sad nod, he added, “But I got job with Salvaterre Enterprises, remember?”
Aelin rasied her brow.
“I wasn’t lying,” Rowan said with a grin. “I got a good position there, nothing worse than I had with you. I’ll miss working with you, but I’m excited to be working there, and I’m excited to be with you.”
Aelin bit her lip. “Okay, but I don’t care that you already got hired. I’m sending a recommendation for you. Not just because I love you—never because of that—but because you are an amazing worker. Besides, I know Lorcan.”
Rowan blinked in surprise. “Lorcan Salvaterre?”
Aelin flashed a grin. “We went to college together. Like you, he pretends to be an ass, but is super sweet.” Rowan scowled, and she laughed. “And he’s head-over-heels for Elide. I’ve been trying to set them up for ages.”
“Wow,” Rowan said.
“Underestimating my connections?” Aelin asked snarkily.
“Just shocked that you have friends with money. After all, you just about swiped my savings last time we played poker.”
Aelin smirked. “Lorcan always paid up in other ways.”
“I really hope you didn’t just imply…” Rowan trailed off.
“Imply what?” Aelin asked innocently.
“Did you sleep with my new boss?” Rowan asked, dreading the answer.
She laughed. “No, I was just kidding. I made him do my homework for a month every time he lost.”
Rowan breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll admit, I’m surprised you would trust someone to control what grade you get.”
Aelin snorted. “Oh, I wouldn’t. I turned in my own work. I just wanted to make him do it for the fun of it. He went ballistic when he found out I never turned any of his hours’ worth of work in. He’s been trying to get me back for it ever since.”
“Um, perhaps I won’t tell him I’m in a relationship with you, then?”
Aelin cackled.
After another hour of chatting and laughing, Aelin decided she would tell her cousin and friends about this tomorrow, and Rowan said he would do the same by calling his mom. She could barely contain the joy that flowed through her thinking that people would know about them, that he cared about her enough to tell his mother already.
The hand that Rowan had resting on her thigh started stroking her, and Aelin started trying to recall what underwear she had put on his morning. Hopefully something nice.
Aelin ground down on Rowan’s lap, and he stood in one sudden movement, pulling her legs around his waist. Aelin sighed against his neck as he carried her to the bedroom. It sure as hell wasn’t the first time she’d been in here, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Aelin smiled into Rowan’s shirt, but that smile dissolved when Rowan threw her onto the bed. She smiled up at him prettily, the epitome of virtuous and wholesome. Rowan just snorted and said, “Take your clothes off and touch yourself.”
Feeling blood race to her face, Aelin sensually stripped off each piece of clothing, a bit more urgently than she’d been attempting to do. It was hard to act sexy when Rowan was shirtless and smirking at her.
Once she finished, Aelin lay back and spread her legs slightly. She let one hand tug on several strands of hair, delighting in the way Rowan’s eyes tracked her hands.
Then Aelin licked her lips and moved one hand to her stomach to stroke the smooth skin. She smirked at Rowan as she moved her other hand to her mouth and sucked on her thumb, making sure he was able to see as her tongue swirled around the digit. Aelin brought her wet thumb to her nipple and rubbed it roughly, parting her lips in a breathy moan.
She noticed the bulge in Rowan’s pants becoming more apparent as she played with her nipple and teased him with the hand moving on her lower stomach, and she grinned. “Get on with it,” Rowan growled.
Laughing, Aelin spread her legs farther and trailed her hand down, pressing a finger into her entrance. She immediately gasped and inserted another finger, unused to having control over when she got what she wanted.
Knowing exactly what she was thinking as she started thrusting her fingers harder, Rowan smirked and pulled his shirt off. No matter that seeing him watching her made her even wetter, Aelin couldn’t concentrate on what she was doing when she looked at him. She averted her eyes to ceiling and started pumping her fingers in deeper, groaning.
But it was not to be. “Look at me,” Rowan commanded, and Aelin had no choice but to obey.
Holding his gaze, Aelin thrust her hips into her hand and and brought the second hand down the rub furiously at her clit. She was moaning now, making more noises than she did when she was by herself, turned on by the way Rowan rid himself of his pants and started pumping his own length.
“Stop,” Rowan ordered, right as she felt release nearing. She couldn’t. She couldn’t stop. She was so close, and just few more thrusts and she would be at the edge and—
Aelin’s hands were forcibly removed from her pussy, and she cried out as she was flipped over on the bed and spanked.
“What did I tell you?” Rowan’s voice was the sharpened edge of a blade, and Aelin shivered.
“You told me to stop,” she whispered.
Rowan’s hand smacked her ass once more. “And did you?”
Aelin whimpered. “No, sir.”
He spanked her again, his hand stinging the sensation flesh of her bottom. “Why not?”
“Because,” Aelin rasped, trying to summon even a single coherent thought, “I needed to come. I needed to.”
“Hmm,” Rowan said, trailing his finger along the curve of her ass. She shivered at the sensation. “But you knew I wouldn’t let you. And look where we are now.”
Aelin squirmed in his grasp. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you?” He brought his hand down, the slap sound filling the air. “Or are you just saying that so I’ll stop?”
“I’m sorry. Please, I’m so sorry.” Aelin clung to the sheets, burying her face.
Rowan hummed thoughtfully and spanked her again. But before Aelin could beg him to stop again, callused hands gripped her thighs and spread them, Rowan’s cock filling her almost instantly.
Aelin moaned loudly into the sheets. “Rowan, gods.”
He grabbed her hips, pulling her onto her knees and farther onto his cock. She whined and lifted her ass higher in the air.
Rowan’s grip was bruising as he slammed into her. He started pounding into her, and Aelin wondered how she was supposed to walk into work tomorrow and concentrate on her job, let alone walk at all.
The fingers Rowan had on her hips dug harder into her skin, and Aelin felt even wetter knowing that he was marking her right now. His cock was hardening fully inside of Aelin, and the immense awareness she had of him was driving her crazy.
Rowan’s balls slapped her pussy and she screamed into the sheets, her orgasm forcing its way over her body in a shattering earthquake of pleasure. Rowan kept moving, fucking her senseless as she shook and screamed, finally coming and spilling into her.
Once he separated their bodies and rolled over, Aelin turned on her side and put both an arm and a leg across his body. “I love you.”
Rowan kissed her neck. “I love you, too, darling.”
Aelin snuggled closer and, instead of reflecting on her previous shortsightedness and poor judgment, thought about how much she was looking forward to a life being teased, laughed at, fucked, and loved by Rowan.
Little did Aelin know, Elide would owe Dorian twenty bucks after losing the bet about how long it would take them to confess their feelings. What an interesting day tomorrow would be.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 292: You Say Jeans
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “well anyway here’s that Touya reveal I foreshadowed like a million years ago, viva la 2020.” Dabi was all “hello world, I’ve killed 30 people and today I’m going to explain to you all why” before he proceeded to explain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but everyone was so distracted by his tale of child abuse and hero conspiracies that they didn’t much seem to notice. Can’t Ya See-Kun’s Shark Friend was all “IS THIS THE END OF HERO SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT”, and Horikoshi was all “STAY TUNED”, and then Dabi set himself on fire and leaped off of Machia’s back like the chaotic evil, I-just-bleached-all-my-brain-cells weird little fire man he is, ready to burn everyone to crispy bits before they could even react properly to his whole big revenge speech. Fortunately he did not succeed on account of THE RETURN OF THE JING, THE JOAT, BEST FUCKING JEANIST, back from the dead by popular demand in what critics are calling “the best fucking comeback since Jesus himself.”
Today on BnHA: Best Jeanist snatches up Machia and the rest of the League with his fiber steel cables before you can say “more like BEAST JEANIST amirite.” Dabi gets all worked up and lights Hadou on fire which is a real JERK MOVE, and is all “THIS RIGHT HERE IS ALSO ENDEAVOR’S FAULT”, which, NOT SUPER CONVINCED ON THAT, BUT OKAY. Anyway so then he burns up all the cables holding him which is crazeballs btw, and then he and Shouto start fighting, and so basically the whole thing is a literal hot mess and we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile Tomura wakes up and summons some Noumus, and poor Jeanist has to deal with those on top of the still-attempting-to-rampage Gigantomachia, and everyone else is all “we can’t help you on account of we’re all half dead”, and so it’s looking really bad. And then -- and I can’t stress enough how much I don’t even have the faintest idea how to segue into this next part -- the chapter ends with Mirio!?! just sort of POPPING UP OUT OF THE GROUND all, “SURPRISE, BITCH”, and it literally was so surprising that I am still just kind of speechless. WELL-PLAYED, I GUESS, lol wtf.
lol okay so the first page in the RHA scan is just the “three musketeers” movie promo image that we all already saw a few days ago. but it does confirm that (a) it is indeed a movie, and (b) that it’s set for a summer 2021 release! how exciting
okay so now back to our special Dabi edition of Making a Murderer
“ray of hope” oh hell yes. SAVE US MR. JEANIST
I guess he had a TV in his private hero jet or something?
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gotta say, “dammit Dabi” does not even remotely sound like Authentic Best Jeanist Dialogue to me though. gonna need Caleb to see to this. well but what do you guys think? does Best Jeanist curse?? I personally feel like he’s one of those guys who NEVER EVER swears no matter what, except under the most hilariously trifling circumstances. like he’s eating an avocado one day and he accidentally stains the cuffs of his beloved jostume green and he’s all “FUCK”
btw how fucking rich is Best Jeanist though that he has his own fucking plane? the thought just suddenly occurred to me, you know? like even Endeavor, whose agency has its own on-site luxury apartment suites for all of his interns, still drives around in a dinky little car that Bakugou has declared to be too small. which, I guess we know why he felt that way now, seeing as the guy he previously interned with apparently gets around in Jeans Force One
anyway so back to the part where Jeanist shows up to save the day!! YEAH JEANIST WOOOOO
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lmao we just saw Gigantomachia take out like a hundred guys not ten chapters ago. and Best Jeanist shows up and takes him down in like two seconds. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. BET YOU’RE WISHING YOU’D TAKEN HIS QUIRK NOW, AFO. GET FUCKED YOU OLD SPUD
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I legit almost thought that was Tomura for a second. you two look so alike now with the white hair and the crazy eyes
meanwhile, Shouto is still crying and it’s a lot to take, you guys. lotta feels
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ffff come on Jeanist you better do something awesome again here, the mood of the chapter is starting to slip now
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ffff now Spinner is trying to wake Tomura back up. nah, how’s about we not do that
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fucking son of a... fffkfkff... someone please reassure me that fire isn’t Hadou’s weakness. someone. anyone. also could someone please dial an ambulance and send them to Horikoshi’s house. but not just yet. first I’m gonna need you to wait about fifteen minutes or so while I take care of some things
well all right then, Dabi. so you wanna go on then and explain to us all how this, too, is somehow Endeavor’s fault?
oh I see, you’ve decided that since he’s responsible for “creating” you, everyone you hurt and kill is in truth really being hurt and killed by him! well now, that sure is convenient as fuck I guess
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(ETA: that’s a nice effect with the panel sides getting all warped by Dabi’s quirk though, just noticed that.)
amazing how quickly you used up that sympathy card my guy. Shouto please kick his ass, I’m fucking done lol, you can all sort out the rest in therapy later
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“if the number one suffers a total loss here, this country will fall to pieces” well okay, real talk though, I think the “country falling to pieces” part is pretty much unavoidable at this juncture. you all are just gonna have to try your best to pick up those pieces after the fact and see what you can do with them. if I were you I’d be less worried about the number one’s reputation and more concerned with the half-dozen child soldier interns who are still on the field and very much at risk of being burned to death should you suffer that “total loss.” please try to keep it together here for them
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I really thought RockLockRock was gonna come into play here. USE YOUR QUIRK TO LOCK THE ROPES IN PLACE YOU DIP!! if he seriously just sits there and does nothing when his quirk could be the deciding factor I am cancelling his useless ass cute kid or no cute kid shfkjdls
(ETA: is he even there?? did he and Manual just hightail it out of there?? “well good luck, children.”)
also, we’ll put this aside for now to perhaps speculate about later, but what’s with Tomura remembering his dad’s house yet again in that far right panel?? and being itchy again?? I still have yet to fully work out the psychological mechanisms at work as far as his itchiness goes, so I’ll admit this is intriguing to me. it seemed like it was connected to his decay quirk, but then why is it acting up again now. what is this lol
yuh oh
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forgot about these guys. looks like these heroes aren’t having such a fun time
oh fucksticks
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excuse me ma’am but I don’t like this. you do know that my kids are all there, right. all burnt and impaled and broken-boned and the like. well except for Iida. he’s fine still. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN I FEEL LIKE WATCHING HIM GET TORN APART BY FOUR HIGH ENDS, WTF
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god fucking... okay look. Horikoshi. you win, okay!? congratulations, you win, this is your show and we’re all just sitting here at your mercy. fine. go ahead and just kill off everyone ever, then!! what am I even gonna do about it. stop reading?? fuck
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this whole thing really went from zero to fucked before I could even blink huh. I really thought this was gonna be a turning point chapter for the heroes. shows what I know I guess??
meanwhile this motherfucker is just SCREAMING
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ngl, if I wasn’t currently terrified on account of things suddenly taking such a drastic turn for the worse, this would be the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Jeanist my man, I hype you up like it’s my job because you are the greatest fucking meme character in the history of time, but make no mistake, you are also highkey WORTH ALL THE HYPE AND THEN SOME
seriously, though. don’t fucking mind him you guys, he’s just standing here in the coolest pose of all time taking on Gigantomachia all alone with one fucking lung because the substance pumping through his veins is COLD-BLOODED LIQUID DENIM, and DENIM FEELS NO FEAR
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Best Jeanist really needs to get his own theme song. -- oh my god I just finally thought of a title for this post. lmao and it’s the dumbest thing. omg
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which one do you think is the Mario and which is the Luigi. well, but I mean, Dabi clearly thinks that he’s the Luigi though and that’s why he’s so mad. nobody wants to be Luigi. what a life
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BUT OF COURSE. THAT WOULD MAKE IT ALL WORTHWHILE, holy shit. okay I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, Dabi is a piece of work. I really thought this arc would make him more sympathetic at long last, but it seems like it’s doing just the opposite?? this is like an anti-redemption arc. I don’t relish the thought of venturing into the fandom tags once I finish reading this lol
(ETA: well folks, I’ve done it. and actually it was pretty interesting because there are apparently like ten different things that people are mad about, and so it’s like. each post is a new adventure lmao.)
so Shouto is all “BRUH HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST IT” and Dabi is all “YES”, basically? like, he says he’s completely lost his feeling for anything. omg. but you were so sweet. how does that even happen
“finally I can kill you” okay for real what the heck is your damage bro?? can we not. I like Shouto just the way he is, un-killed
oh shit and now the Noumus are here
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cue Bakugou diving in to save his mentor, STAB WOUNDS BE DAMNED!! actually it would make more sense for it to be Iida, but if Kacchan is really fixin’ to go full Shounen Dumbass here then he might as well go all out, y’know
-- unless of course, Deku decides to activate another quirk??
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(ETA: okay look, all the love in the world to the brave scanlators who take time out of their lives to translate the leaks every week just so we can read the chapter a couple of days early like the addicts we are. that said, translating Mirio’s signature “POWER!!” -- which was already written in English in the original scan -- to “POG-CHAMP” is just a whole new level of wtfuckery from them lmao. is the Lida person back at it again?? amazing.)
hot damn. Tintin really saw the writing on the wall with the impending Dabi Discourse and was all “NOT SO FAST” lmao. “HERE’S A BRAND NEW THING FOR YOU ALL TO DISCOURSE ABOUT” MIRIO YOU WILD CHILD. YOU GLORIOUS THUG
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st0nesnglitter · 3 years
can i request a smut where the reader punishes sirius for having an attitude. sub!sirius btw and dom!reader if you’re comfy with writing about that😁
I’m a sub so idk how to dom someone, but tried my best ;)
Also this is not really good uuuuuuh
Sirius Orion Black is one cocky, arrogant bastard.
Somehow it was part of his charm but it still got annoying as hell. Especially when he went around and told his friends lies. You weren’t really eavesdropping, you just happened to be around the corner when you heard Sirius telling James ”some tips” for the bedroom. But these tips and tricks had some stories sprinkled in between them that were not the most truthfull. So you decided to walk around the wall you stood behind and sit down in the loveseat opposite of the boys.
”Oh really Sirius?” You challenged him as he told James how to keep up a dominate role when he gave head, ”have a lot of experience with that, have you?”
Your eyes were trained on his shiteating grin, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked over at him.
”Well you should know best in this room, love” his tongue peeked out to wet his bottom lip and your eyes darkened considerably.
”I would watch my mouth if I were you” you muttered and picked up a book, playing uninterested as the raven-haired boy tried to rile you up.
The boys changed the subject for a while when Peter walked in and wanted help with some fireworks. You kept a stoic face as you read and didn’t let your eyes glance over on Sirius once.
But right as you were about to leave for dinner you stopped him from leaving the dorm. The door closee behind you and clicked as you locked it. Sirius still donned a grin and you sighed.
”Did you have fun earlier today?” You asked slowly as you moved closer to him, hands nonchalantly fixing the collar of his shirt.
”Have no idea what you are talking about, darling” Sirius kept smiling at you.
That was until you gripped his jaw, pushing his cheeks together making his lips pout, and made him look straight in your eyes.
”I don’t appreciate the attitude” you pushed your fingers together and he winced slightly, ”come on get on your knees”.
Sirius dropped hesitanlty and looked up with very authentic puppy eyes. His bottom was still jutted out, even without your hands pushing his cheeks together, and you dragged your hand through his hair.
”Now, who do you think is in charge here, pretty boy?” You asked sweetly and pulled at the ends of his hair.
”Y-you” he muttered as his eyes dropped to your feet, shoulders slumped down in embarrassment.
”So why did you lie to Jamsie earlier? You know good boys don’t lie, don’t you?”
”I’m sorry, m’ so sorry” he whined, his hands coming up to your thighs but you grabbed them quickly and shook your head disapprovingly.
”First you lie and now you touch me without my permission” you tsked at him and his eyes got infinitely bigger, ”gonna break every rule out there?”
”No, I promise I’ll be good, m’ sorry” his head came down to softly nuzzle your legs and you pulled at his hair again.
”On the bed, naked and on your knees please” you said and in a split second Sirius was on his feet again.
He scrambled to get off his clothes and sat prettily on top of his bed, anxious for what was to come. You sauntered over to him, bending over to pick up his red tie from the floor. Your fingers played with the material as you got to the bed and you lifted his arms.
”Since you can’t keep your hands off I have to restrict you, you understand that don’t you?” You asked rhetorically as you wrapped the red fabric around his wrists and then around the headboard of the bed.
When you were done you backed away to watch the beautiful scene before you. Sirius sat on the back of his calves, cock red and hard against his stomach, with a look of pure desperation on his face. You dragged your nails down his stomach, enjoying the feeling of the ridges of his muscles, before your hand landed right by his happy trail.
”Aw who did this, pretty boy? What got you this hard?” You questioned as your hand slowly started to stroke him.
His eyebrows furrowed but his lips were in a tight line, trying to surpress all his sounds.
”C’mon, use your big boy words, who made your pretty cock so hard?” You demanded as you squeezed your hand at the base of his dick.
”You did, fuck, y-you did!” His thighs flexed as your hand worked up and down his length again, careful not to buck his hips.
”Where did the big bad wolf go, huh? Just a little puppy left” you mumbled as you sped up your movements making him let out a loud whine.
”Makin’ me feel so good, feels so good!” Sirius moaned out and his head fell down, eyes screwing shut.
”Yeah? And that’s only from my hand puppy” you giggled, ”imagine what my mouth could do to you”.
His head shot back up with wide eyes and his mourh opening and closing as he tried to come up with something to say.
”Please, please I want your mouth”.
”Now you’re forgetting that this is your punishment, can’t take requests then, can I?” You asked and pushed the thumb of your free hand into his mouth and pushed his jaw down, ”been goin’ too easy on you”.
Your lips came down to his neck, leaving angry red marks under his ear as your hand moved up to tease his tip.
”Fuck, m’ close” he whined out desperately and he tugged on his restraints, leaning forward.
”Yeah you’re gonna cum?” You teased and he nodded fevershly.
”Too bad” you said simply and pulled your hand away from him.
The groan that left Sirius’ lips was closer to a scream as he looked down at his cock, still very much hard and himself still very much on the edge of cumming.
You let him lose of his tie and wiped your hand on his covers.
”C’mon, time for dinner”.
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lordkambe · 4 years
Hey 💕 I literally discovered balance: unlimited because of ur page lol so in honor of my new obsession with rich boy detective can we please get hcs for sugar daddy kambe and Silva from hxh they fit the part, sorry if it’s a bit much it’s not mentioned in ur rules if it’s okay to ask for different characters from different things in the same request if it makes u uncomfortable please ignore this, love ur page btw ❤️
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💸   title, type: daisuke as your sugar daddy headcanons , request.
💸   character, fandom, type of reader: daisuke kambe, balance unlimited: millionaire detective, gender neutral / woman reader. 
💸   genre, rating: -
💸   themes, triggers: brief nsfw headcanon
💸   author’s note:  hello ~ i’m only going to including daisuke if that’s alright ! idk i just don’t vibe enough with silva to write for him just yet. i apologize for that but i hope the rich boy detective is up to your expectations ! thank you for requesting as well as your kind words i appreciate it so much. ( also i’m so flattered that you got into balance unlimited because of my acct like my heart is all fidhihodgh lmaoo )
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+  daisuke as your sugar daddy puts every other sugar daddy to shame. he’s got an unlimited balance. you name it. you got it. but the great thing about daisuke is that ... he doesn’t wait for you to ask. he simply provides.
+  let’s say he’s bored one day. expect a few grand in your account in seconds. it’s followed by a simple not “get yourself something cute” he’s probably hinting for you to buy a sexy piece of clothing / lingerie. of course you send him pictures afterwards. 
+  just loves it when you brag about him to your friends ... or literally anyone. he feels so proud that he plays such an important role in your life. he brags about you too. some people might give him shit for having a sugar baby, but he’s quick to remind them that you’re loyal and you give him gifts that money just can’t buy. wink, wink.
+  likes to be annoying and say “my balance is... limited.” but all you have to do is give him a pouty face and go “please daddy.” and he’s telling heusc to buy you a new car. 
+  nsfw | you’re joking if you don’t think he fucks you on silk sheets covered in money. you get to keep whatever he throws down on that bed too. it adds up to a few grand, you’re both happy about it. | nsfw end.
+  yeah buying you stuff that’s already available is cool and all but he wants to give you the best and nothing but the best. expect custom items, limited items, all of which are made for you and only for you. 
+  most likely gives you a piece of jewelry to symbolize what role you play in his life and what role he plays in yours. it’s not necessarily an engagement ring or a couple ring but it sure does look like one.
+  gets mad as hell when people refuse to accommodate to you. does anything in his power ( or makes it his power ) to make sure you’re treated with nothing but the best service. 
+  closes down a store or an entire shopping center so you can shop easily without distraction. maybe he’ll buy you the whole store, if you’re up for it. 
+  trips to luxurious locations are a frequent thing. he has his own private jet plane and he’ll get you you’re own too. 
+  the two of you are powerful together. when you walk in a room every head turns to look at you two. 
+   having a bad day? he’ll buy you an entire garden just to see your face light up at the beautiful flowers. “they bloom just for you.” he compliments. 
+   he’s loyal to you. if you’re his sugar baby, you’re the only one. so all that love, affection, and money ? it’s all just for you. 
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doitwritenow · 3 years
Supreme Super family gets sucked up into WandaVision(let's imagine Tony's alive in this or is from the multiverse). Ironstrange think they're married with a high school kid. Tony is a science teacher, strange is town doctor, and peter is a regular kid. No memories of they're real life. Rhody, Pepper, and Aunt May and Morgan could be added to this too if you wanted.
OHHO! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this; I had to finish the show, for one thing, and then my brain started going all sorts of places with the prompt... and well. I have on heck of a ramble coming, so buckle up! 
(Also, spoilers through the series, so watch out!) 
— — —
It starts with a question on Vision’s job application.
That’s all. So simple, so innocuous, so innocent. Vision is casually recording information that he doesn’t yet realize he can’t remember, and he arrives at a line that asks his family history. It’s nothing complex, left on the application only because Wanda’s subconscious had glossed over the question. So does Vision’s, as a result. But he wants this job. They want to fit in, and so they answer the question truthfully.
Vision writes ‘Stark’, unaware. ‘Tony Stark.’
And pop. Just like that. 
On the edge of Westview, there suddenly is and has always been a small, well-kept mechanic’s shop. It’s run by an aging man with a bright mind and a brighter smile. He’s lived here since he came back from the war, but no one knows for how long. And he has no memory—no memory at all—of what came before. 
Of the round scar in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t need to know. No one needs to know; he’s just a side character, after all. Just the answer to a line on a job application.
Just so that something, anything, about Vision’s life here isn’t a lie. 
Yeah, so Tony gets manifested within the Hex—but because he’s one of Wanda’s creations and not someone being mind-controlled, he is able to exist with agency within Westview. He has no reason, however, to believe anything is amiss; he’s been resurrected only to play a character, and his memories and surface-level motivations only extend to the limits of that character.
But Wanda has other regret. Wanda has other anger and understanding and forgiveness and gratefulness, and she knew Tony Stark, once. 
She knew his worst nightmare—and it’s easy to craft a soul from that, really.
(But it’s fine, of course it’s fine. Tony has no reason to pull down the walls of that hidden spirit. He’s content in his role, just like Vision. So it’s fine. 
… Right?) 
Agatha stands at the base of a towering barrier with her hands on her hips. One side of her mouth is quirked up into a considering, scheming smile, and her magic probes out around her curiously. This is the source of the power she’d felt; she’s sure of it. The spell work… the instinctual, unconscious spell work is so intense she can almost taste it.
How is it possible? What’s the secret? 
Agatha must know. And besides; this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to her since the seventeenth century. 
She’s about to reach out, about to cross into the heart of the magic, when she hears it. A footstep. Quiet and dark and making no attempt at stealth. 
Agatha grips her magic. “Who’s there?” she demands. 
Someone steps out of the trees. A human, Agatha thinks, though you can never be sure nowadays. He wears a hood of green and his hands are dark where they hang at his sides. 
“Witch,” the figure declares.
Agatha raises an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” says Karl Mordo. “I rather think you can.”
Okay, cut to New York. Stephen Strange is exhausted, wrung dry trying to keep the edges of the universe from deteriorating now that the stabilization factors of the Infinity Stones have been destroyed. One task runs into the next, one morning into the night. One future into all the others. 
But Stephen likes the work; it keeps his mind in one place. He’s always alert these days. Always listening. 
So when someone calls out to him from New Jersey, he can hear.
It’s Mordo luring him in, of course, but he doesn’t know that yet. After Dormammu, and certainly after all those futures, Stephen has too much experience for Mordo to hope to get the better of. The old Master is still dedicated to his ‘too many sorcerers’ shebangerang, though, so he’s employed help. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone. Two world-threateningly powerful magic users with one stone. 
Stephen follows the call, because of course he does. It sounds like a call for help; what else is he supposed to do? The kelpie situation in the Thames can wait. Wong waves him off, tells him to be careful without much hope of Stephen listening, and takes over the Sanctum for the few hours Stephen intends to be gone.
(It’s not for a few hours.)
But there’s someone else we should mention before we see what Westview has planned for Stephen. See, a certain spider-kid has just had his identity outed, and his only allies once called themselves Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill, Peter discovers, are not Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
“You’re aliens?” Peter demands, his hands warding the space in front of him. 
Of course they’re aliens, part of him sighs. Of course. Why wouldn’t one more thing just go crazy in his life? Why let him remember what ‘normal’ even felt like? Why the hell not? 
“Er, yes,” says not-Fury. “My name is Talos. But we do still want to help you.”
Helping Peter doesn’t go according to plan. See, the Skrull try to approach SWORD for Monica Rambaeu’s help regarding the kid who saved their lives, but Monica has disappeared. 
Talos only turns around for two seconds. Really, it’s only a moment. But when he turns back, Peter Parker has disappeared, too.
Stephen stops, a hand coming up to shield his third eye as he squints into the absolute maelstrom of power swirling in a hexagonal wall in front of him. It doesn’t feel like the Order’s magic—not like something of the Mystic Arts. It’s something far more human and gritty. Stephen’s perception can’t extend through it. He frowns.
He takes a step forward, the Cloak swirling around his ankles, and begins to stitch his mental walls into place. His wards are strong, even unconsciously.
That’s probably what saves him, in all honesty. 
Two strong, human hands plant themselves in the small of Stephen’s back and shove him into the barrier. Stephen opens his mouth to yell, raises his hands to cast a spell— but blue and red are surrounding him now. Devouring him, now. They lick at his mind, slamming against unbreakable walls.
But they are unbreakable too. 
Stephen disappears. 
(Mordo used a portal to get behind him and knock him into the Hex, btw.) 
It’s those hasty mental walls that keep Stephen from being completely consumed into the Westview spells. He is not fully mind-controlled, nor is he left half-animated and frozen like most people near Ellis Avenue. But there is one main rule of Wanda Maximoff’s Westview, and that, Stephen can’t escape completely. 
‘No one remembers outside.’
Stephen doesn’t. In fact, he doesn’t remember anything at all. 
Tony Stark finds the man lying on the side of the road. He’s just finished dropping his kid Peter off at the Westview high school (it hasn’t occurred to him that it’s weird how he never sees the boy’s classmates. Or that Peter never seems to have stories from school. Or that the kid is always waiting in the exact same place that Tony dropped him off at whenever Tony comes to pick him up. Tony has no reason to think too hard; he’s just a side character—right?). 
“Uh, hi?” Tony pauses, the car puffing it’s irritation when he stops it too quickly. He cranks down the window and leans out. 
The man blinks, slowly, at the sky. He sits up hesitantly, like he hasn’t noticed Tony, and rubs his hand across his face. He pulls it away after a moment and frowns at it. Tony wonders why he looks so confused—it’s not like there’s anything wrong with the man’s hand. No scars or anything. 
“Hi, sir,” Tony says again. “Are you alright?”
The man jumps. He looks over at Tony—and there’s something weird about his eyes. Something… really weird. (Color, says a voice in the back of his mind that he hasn’t heard for a very, very long time. That’s color.)
“Who are you?” Tony asks. He parks the car completely now. 
The man looks down at his hands again. “I’m—” he begins. He’s frowning again.
“Come on now,” Tony encourages. “How hard can it be?”
The man tugs at the scarf around his neck—and it must be windier than Tony thought, because the edges of it are swaying as if of their own accord— and swallows. 
“I don’t know,” he says.
So of course Tony brings Stephen back with him. He prods at the man until Stephen manages to blurt out ‘Doctor Stephen Strange’ for no reason either of them can remember. But it makes Stephen relax, a little, to have it on his tongue. 
Tony catches Stephen staring at him after that. A lot. When he asks him why, Stephen has no clear answer; just a vague “you remind me of someone.” For Stephen’s part, all he knows is that seeing Tony gives him an indistinct sense of relief. Like he’d been missing someone deeply, and has now found it again. 
Still. He can’t quite put his finger on it. Just like he can’t quite put his finger on why his hands don’t hurt when he tries to write…
Vision visits Tony, sometimes, whenever he remembers, or whenever someone in the town mentions the old mechanic. He brings Wanda. They have fun, but Vision always goes home feeling slightly baffled. And Tony always feels like something hurts, deep in the center of his chest. 
Vision likes his adopted younger brother. (And Peter gets along just fine with the twins, too, when they come along, so Wanda doesn’t change anything about it). But when the man with the bright eyes stares at him with just a bit too much calculation on his face, Vision starts to be reminded of… things. Of suspicions. Of Geraldine and how she had no home and no history. And he doesn’t quite look Wanda in the eye that dinner. 
“What do you do?” Wanda asks, her voice a little hard, a little suspicious. Vision tries not to wince. Whatever it is she’s not telling him, this man at his father’s dinner table reminds her of it. 
Tony flips his fork, balancing it like one might a wrench. “Stephen’s a doctor,” he says.  
Wanda’s face flickers. “That’s funny,” she says blankly. “Because no one in this town ever needs one.” 
For a while, Tony Stark didn’t see anything amiss here. He was created, was consistent, was emptily and vaguely pleased. But Tony Stark is Tony Stark, whatever character he’s been told to play. Tony Stark wants to help people. 
And this man, this strange doctor with the eyes that would sometimes go blank for long minutes and the tears that would stain sharp cheeks for a reason he claimed not to remember, needs help.
So Tony Stark begins to scratch at Wanda’s walls. 
 “What do you mean he’s here?”
“I mean your little plan didn’t work,” Agatha says. She stands on the edge of Westview, speaking through a mirror of magic to the man outside. She’s liking this sorcerer less and less the more she works with him—but he has been rather helpful so far, so she continues to put up with him. 
“Does he remember?”
“No,” Agatha says. “The dad that Wanda made up for Vision has taken him in. It’s kind of adorable, actually.”
“Hm.” Mordo’s mouth twists. “You’ll finish the job?”
Agatha shrugs nonchalantly. “Sure. When I get around to it.”
“You don’t want to wait. Deal with Strange now, before he remembers how to be a threat.”
Agatha laughs. It’s brittle, fully conveying her hostility. “Ha, my good sorcerer, listen. Unless you want to come in here and do the job yourself, you’ll let me handle this my way.”
Agatha’s way involves getting to the bottom of things, of course. And that’s rather convenient… because Vision has begun to try to do the same thing. 
— — — —
Okay that’s all I have for now? The other bits are still solidifying in my mind, and it’s basically all Horrible Angst. I hope this scratches a little of the itch of your ask, though! Feel free, anyone, to add onto this if you’d like! I really enjoyed the show, and I think it has some really awesome AU potential. 
Thanks for the ask!!!
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