#if you choose the cute option
kisskissbanggang · 1 year
Jumpspace Renegade - ep. 11 ✨🚀
[5.1k words, <20 min. read - Stray Kids Multi Fic, Scifi!au, Choose Your Own Adventure - SFW/Smut in Other Chapters - Mentions of Changlix, Navigating Feelings, Unexpectedly Not as Exciting as Some Characters are Hoping, Minho is Getting Restless, Minho is Also Indeed Still Acting Weird, Rescue Missions, Prison Breaks, Hints of Motives, Crumbs of Backstory, Dumb and Unusual Punishment, Loyalty Crisis, We’re Still on the Ocean Planet, Mentions of Blood, Scifi Guns, Always Check the Tags]
[Episodes on Fridays 7pm pst, Polling closes Saturdays 7pm pst]
[Series Masterlist | Come Say Hi!]
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“Do you think you’re in a place to be making demands?” Chan was pissed. The bounty was asking for a goddamn cabin?
Minho cocked his head, almost taunting the captain. “Do you want your appraiser back? Ask Nova. She’ll tell you I'm the best bet you have.”
Both men looked at you then. You took a brief, deep breath.
“Minho should be compensated. You’re having him help bring back Hyunjin, and who knows what kind of mess he’s in. Making the bounty do work for nothing is just slave labor,” you determined. Chan reeled. Minho grinned. 
“But-!” you added. 
A mutual pause struck them both. 
“Obviously,” you continued, “there should be conditions.”
“Oh really,” Chan and Minho said in unison. The captain was smug. The bounty was the one reeling now.
“Yes!” you confirmed. “Minho should be locked in and out at all times.”
He grumbled under his breath at this, gaze set hard on Chan even though you were the one coming up with this garbage. “Fine,” he sighed.
“What else?” Chan asked.
“What else?!” Minho repeated, whining.
“And–” you floundered. “And, and… and! To continue paying for this upgrade, you’re on-call for medic duty and other auxiliary crew assignments, like this.”
Chan clapped his hands together. “Yes, even better.”
Minho scoffed hard. “You’re a fucking piece of work, Captain.”
“And you’re a piece of shit!” Chan retorted. “Do you want the cabin or not?! This was your brilliant idea.”
“Yeah,” Minho huffed, “and my next brilliant idea is to put my foot up your ass.”
Chan groaned and pointed accusingly. “Holy shit you’re so annoying, I should’ve fucking shot you when you asked me to! I have half a mind to–”
“Oh my god,” you interrupted, “would both of you shut UP?”
Thankfully, this seemed to do the trick. You turned to Minho. “You want to make it to Daedalus in one piece, don’t you?”
Minho’s glare could kill. Chan paused again.
“... Interesting. You want to go to Daedalus, Lee?”
You winced in realization before turning back to face the captain.
“Uh, obviously,” you floundered. “Minho’s fiance is there, laying low until he gets back.”
Chan raised an extremely dubious eyebrow. “Fiance,” he repeated, unbelieving.
Jeongin chuckled, still lurking in the doorway of the medical office. “Fiance?” he also parroted. “It’s not Momo, is it?”
“Momo would never go back to Daedalus,” Chan shook his head. His gaze fell on you now, wondering where the hell you would get an idea as stupid as covering for Minho.
“Fine,” Minho relented. “I’ll do it.”
This seemed to pacify the captain. “Glad that’s settled,” he casually nodded as he turned to leave the med bay. “Our ground clearance expires at nightfall, so you have the whole afternoon if you need. Now get the hell out of here.”
“Well, hold on–” Minho added.
Chan paused.
“You’re asking me to go out there with no cover, and you haven’t cashed your bounty yet. Can I at least get my obfuscator back?”
The captain thought about this and shrugged. “Smartest thing you’ve said since you’ve been on this ship. Knock yourself out.” He strolled over to a locker built into the wall at the top of the spiral staircase and beeped it open. Inside was a satchel, which Chan pawed around in. He retrieved a small pendant and tossed it back to Minho.
“What’re the chances of getting my bag back before Daedalus?”
“Doubtful,” Chan shook his head. “What are my chances of you thanking me?”
“Doubtful,” Minho mocked. He pocketed the pendant and grabbed your hand before pulling you down the stairs with him.
“What about you thanking me?” you teased him.
Minho stopped dead before wheeling on you, pulling you onto the same step he stood on and herding you against the wall of the stairwell. You felt your eyes widen when he leaned in. “I’m sure my new fiance will be thrilled to hear you got me better accommodations,” he finally retorted, voice low and ominous, but still somehow reminding you of your rendezvous the other morning. 
You got over yourself. Based on everything you'd seen so far, Minho was all bark and no bite. You tiptoed up to kiss his cheek, predictably breaking his concentration. Minho wrinkled his nose and swatted you off before turning to reach the galley floor.
“I said no more of that,” he badgered back over his shoulder. “Just, ugh, don’t overdo the cover story next time.”
“Yes sir,” you complied, only slightly rolling your eyes. He did have a point.
Minho’s expression over his shoulder turned into a smirk. “Sir? I like that.”
He paused by the table in the galley, with Seungmin still peacefully passed out in the booth. 
“What’s the story here?” Minho asked, jabbing a thumb in his direction.
“Not sure,” you answered. “Changbin and Jeongin said there’d been a misunderstanding when he went to drop off the charts for his clients.”
Minho drew out a pen light, likely swiped from a drawer in the med office, and stooped down to get a better look at the navigator.
“I’d love to know what kind of misunderstanding it was,” he casually remarked. He gently ran a fingertip through a dark blue smudge on Seungmin’s glasses and rubbed it between his fingers before smelling it and ultimately tasting it, much to your horror. He reeled for a moment, face scrunched in regret. “Holy shit,” he laughed. “This is Azure. You know what that is?” 
You blankly shook your head, feeling a bit dumb and naive once again. 
“Makes sense,” Minho assured you. “It’s made of ink from a specific type of sea cucumber in the subarctic seas here, so it doesn’t go off-planet that often.”
“What is it?” you asked curiously. 
“At its most innocent? Party drug. College kids and marines on surface leave love the stuff, but I never understood the appeal,” the bounty explained. “At its worst? Well… you know.” 
“Oof,” you winced. “So with Seungmin… You don’t think–”
“Nothing nefarious,” Minho quickly reassured you. “Again, the Phaborians are largely against violence. If the guys say there was a misunderstanding, I'm guessing the navvy’s clients originally intended to tranq’ a possible threat to play it safe.”
“So he’s fine?” you implored. You tried not to sound worried. 
“Yeah, hun,” Minho nodded. “He’ll wake up with a pounder of a headache and a wicked case of minor amnesia, but he’ll be fine.”
Finally pleased with his diagnosis, Minho followed you out to the workshop. You tried to ignore a dot of Felix's blood on the floor at the top of the ramp. Instead, you let yourself be entertained by how Minho apparently knew how to access the weapons rack behind its hidden door. You were interested to see what he’d grab, and were somehow not surprised to see it was only a single blaster before he closed the rack again. He clipped on the pendant that Chan had returned to him while you ventured down the ramp together, tucking the thing into the collar of his shirt. 
“So,” you started, but stopped short. It was hard not to feel like you were being a pain despite your curiosity. You pointed at the pendant. “What exactly does that do?”
“You've never seen an obfuscator?” Minho chuckled. “That’s surprising. I bought mine in T’kaarm.”
“Don’t make me feel dumb,” you whined. More and more, you were being proven to not even be as street smart as you originally thought. Reaching the end of the ramp, you led him around to where you left the four-wheeler. 
“Calm down,” laughed Minho. “You know how most facial scanners are affected by interference or distortion maybe once every ten times?”
“Sure,” you nodded. Obviously.
He pointed at the pendant. “This thing spews out a cloud of interference, it’s like a portable data jammer–”
“That’s what that does?” came a voice unexpectedly. You both jumped and searched, quickly finding the cabin boy gingerly closing the sub-hatch door to the cargo hold. 
“Jeongin?!” you asked, still a bit startled. “What’re you doing out here?”
“Chan’s crazy if he thinks Seungmin needs watching,” he heatedly explained. “Seungmin needs sleep and Jisung still isn't back! Can you give me a ride to the market?”
You and Minho traded glances. Jeongin had a perfectly good reason to go from the sound of it, but it was pretty clear he snuck out–
“You were dropping off the payload with the navigator?” Minho asked, interrupting your deliberation. 
Jeongin nodded in response, confused. What did that have to do with anything?
Nevertheless, this was apparently the right answer. Minho waved him over with a nod while shooing you away from the seat or the four-wheeler. 
“What,” you scoffed, “you don’t trust me?”
Minho tickled your waist, the same move as earlier, to get you out of the way before he sat down at the handlebars. “There’s plenty of room for you behind me if you want. You can cuddle up real cozy.”
You swiftly punched Minho in the shoulder before sitting down on the mudguard. For wanting to curtail any fooling around, your alliance with Minho apparently did not forbid occasional flirting. 
Jeongin’s eyes awkwardly darted between you two before hopping on as well, just before Minho set off to take you back to the market. Maybe it was the new surroundings, maybe it was the events of the day, but it felt like you'd been on Phaborus for weeks. The sunlight on the water was gorgeous as it just started to set. Really, you were beginning to regret you didn't have any time to actually put your feet in the water. 
Rude as ever, Minho interrupted your sightseeing. He shot a look back at Jeongin. 
“Alright. You gotta know what happened to knock out the navvy.”
“What,” Jeongin ogled with a laugh, “you want the gossip or something?! I have no clue, dude. Changbin and I were waiting out in the lobby. Seungmin was taking his meeting solo, and suddenly we hear yelling and this bang like a blaster or something.”
“Oh shit,” Minho remarked. “You think Seungmin pulled a gun?”
“Seungmin?!” Jeongin wheezed. “He'd never. No, I assume it was a capsule gun or something, something to aim the Azure. Changbin and I barged in when we heard it.”
“And?” you asked, more intrigued now. 
Jeongin shrugged. “They were checking his charts and pockets and apologized. And then we left.”
“Oh my god,” Minho groaned. “That’s it?! You’re the most boring crew I've ever met.”
The bounty paused when he pulled you up to the market, at a similar spot to where Felix had parked that morning. He pointed past Jeongin's direction. 
“Go on,” he directed. “Get. Don't come back unless you have Jisung or a juicier story.”
Jeongin’s eyes nearly rolled out of his head. Still, he waved goodbye before venturing off into the market. Minho got your attention again. This time, he was pointing at an open air restaurant at the edge of the marketplace. 
“I went on my first date there,” he serenely explained. He didn't give you a chance to even digest that properly before he revved the engine and took off again, but it stuck with you. You tried imagining Minho as a teenager, head in the clouds instead of invested in civil uprising, maybe even bashful and shy on a date. 
You were preoccupied, feeling a little mentally exhausted when Minho pulled up to the temple. The feelings of ease and curiosity that shaded your previous trip here were replaced with wariness and paranoia. This had gone so wrong earlier that suddenly, there was no doubt in your mind that it wouldn’t get any better or easier. Minho seemed to sense this, judging by the way that he hesitated  when he got off the four-wheeler. He was, as always, surprisingly gentle with you. A mindful finger nudged under your chin brought your momentarily unfocused stare to his eyes. The setting sun reflected beautifully off the circuitry in Minho’s otherwise rich, dark gaze.
“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
You nodded in acknowledgement but pushed Minho’s hand away nonetheless. “We need to get Hyunjin back,” you reasoned.
“It’s not like you know him or anything,” Minho reminded you.
“Sure,” you nodded, “but we’re a crew. Tell me the plan.”
Minho’s normally hard expression softened a little and he let you hop off the four-wheeler. He checked the charge on his blaster. “My plan, honestly, is that we storm the place and start firing if we don’t get any answers–”
“Oh no, I don’t think so!” came a familiar voice from the temple.
The old priest was standing by the door, arms folded across her chest.
Minho was a bit caught off-guard by this. So were you, to be honest, but you weren’t the one preparing for a firefight. He gave you a dubious look before he walked over. Soon enough, Minho and the priest were having a heated discussion, both squaring off with their stances, pointing any which way, pointing at you, and nearly shouting at each other – all in Phaborian. You’d thought it earlier, but this practically confirmed Minho being modest about his abilities when you first mentioned stopping at the Hatchery. But soon, with the bickering and discussing and arguing seemingly past, the tall, elderly priest placed her hand on Minho’s head, seemingly reciting a small rite or brief blessing before sternly dismissing him, back in your direction. The whole exchange had taken minutes.
“So about your firefight…” you smirked.
“It sounded so much more grave up until now!” Minho reeled. “They did the respectful thing and dumped him. Your appraiser is in jail at the port authority.”
“Is that far?” you worried.
Minho scoffed. “Not at all. It’s on the other side of the market.”
This time, hopping on the four-wheeler, you surprised Minho by sliding onto the seat behind him, calling his earlier bluff. When he questioned it, you teased that it was for better balance. He didn’t argue when you wrapped your arms around his middle for more security. Cutting through the market this time meant Minho was patiently weaving through swaths of passerby. You nudged your chin closer to Minho’s ear, asking him if Phaborus still felt the same as when he was younger.
“As similar as it can when you’re older,” he shrugged. “Everything feels smaller, more quaint, I guess. I missed it, though. Feels like going back to a simpler time.”
“Simpler all around?” you asked. “Or simpler for you?”
“Simple for me,” Minho admitted. “I don’t think I’ve let myself have a simple notion in years.”
A blaring horn behind you alerted Minho to a coming vehicle, moving much faster than the crowd. He navigated to the side of the road as much as possible, a tall task for a crowded street, but managed to get out of the way just in time for a speedbike to come blazing through.
With Jeongin riding it.
He noticed you both, too, judging by the way he braked suddenly. Now that the bike wasn’t in motion, you recognized it as the one Jisung had been using. 
“Where are you going?” you called over.
“I’m trying to follow some leads!” Jeongin answered while Minho pulled up alongside him, yelling over the ambient cacophony of the market along with both your idling engines.
“No luck?” Minho asked him.
“Folks have seen him,” answered Jeongin. “I didn’t bring a headset with me so I’m working with a language barrier. But he’s been around, and I don’t think he’s made any positive impressions by the sound of it.”
“Finally,” Minho sighed. “Something exciting, hopefully. Come with us to the port authority. We can get your appraiser and if Jisung has been getting into trouble, they might know about it.”
“Is Hyunjin in jail?” Jeongin grinned. He laughed out loud when you nodded. “I gotta see this,” he explained. “Hyunjin is either the king of the drunk tank or dying of germ exposure.”
You traded glances with Minho again before gesturing for Jeongin to follow along. It turned out you weren’t much further to the port authority, and it was only a couple minutes more before you were able to park outside. Unlike the gorgeously amber-hued clay buildings of the Hatchery with their storm windows and alternating roofs of tin or tile, the Federation installations were all a gross combination of concrete and steel. The port authority jail wasn’t an exception, it being a sterile looking building that was probably enjoying a break from the typically unrelenting rain.
The clerk was a bored, likely conscripted Phaborian, looking through paperwork when the three of you came in. There was no greeting, no acknowledgement.
“Officer, we’re looking for a crew member,” Minho confidently began.
The young Phaborian, masculine in stature, looked up at him. “And you’re…?”
“First Mate Lee, tradeship Ambler.”
Jeongin raised an amused eyebrow at you from where you both flanked Minho. The clerk tapped into a computer.
“And you’re missing…?”
“Hwang? Hyunjin? We think we lost him during surface leave at the start of the day.”
“Found him,” the clerk boredly remarked. “Can’t release him yet, sir.”
“What?!” Minho sputtered. He leaned forward, striking up another hushed argument in Phaborian with the clerk this time. The language was difficult to parse out tone from, but whatever Minho was saying to the clerk, it involved some elaborate hand gesturing and emphatic repetition. At one point, you could’ve sworn Minho was miming a stabbing motion. The clerk finally reacted somewhat interestingly, eyes widening before he ultimately nodded. He tapped into the computer some more and pulled out some paperwork to sign before scurrying to a back office.
Minho sighed and turned around, leaning back on the desk. “This is garbage,” he whined. “I’m paying for room and board on my way to a prison sentence with this?”
“What’d you tell him?” you asked. 
You were met with a shrug from Minho. “It was an easy story. They think Hyunjin did it, and they just want him to say sorry. So I said he did it. And that he was deeply ashamed about stealing it, but he was in a sordid affair with a rich woman who betrayed him, and maybe it made him a little crazy, so he just decided to return it.”
Jeongin was failing to hold in a snicker. “He’s going to love this.”
“Why lie?” you balked.
“Too much back and forth,” Minho tiredly explained.
The clerk came back with a huge officer who ushered the three of you back into a row of holding cells. Hyunjin, unlike Jeongin’s prediction, was not king of the drunk tank or apparently dying from germ exposure. Instead, the appraiser was napping, sitting up against the wall in the first cell, sporting a bandage on his jaw that could possibly have been hiding a bruise or other small injury. A much heftier dressing adorned his hand where he’d been shot back at the temple. The officer banged on the bars, roughly rousing Hyunjin from his rest, but he quickly woke up upon seeing you all. He hopped to his feet and grabbed his bag. The officer opened the door for him and stepped aside, letting him through with ease. Hyunjin was very confused why the officer gave him a pitying look as he passed.
“Is that all you’ll be needing?” the officer asked.
“We should be fine,” you replied, feeling more like you were checking out at a hotel. You regarded your compatriots. “That’s all we needed, right?”
Everyone shrugged. You were ready to leave, until a voice rang out down the aisle.
“Nova? Guys?!”
You and the rest of your party processed this for a moment.
You would’ve thought you’d realized first if Jeongin didn’t run right away.
Sure enough, there was Jisung in the last holding cell. His enhanced eye had apparently been punched at some point. He clung onto the bars when you all arrived.
“When did you get here?!” Hyunjin ogled.
“When the fuck did you get here?” Jisung asked in return.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” the officer ushered you all away from the cell. “Not him.”
“Why?” asked Jeongin.
“Still doing paperwork. But he should be fine tomorrow.”
Tomorrow? Not good, you realized. Chan had told you the ground clearance would expire at nightfall.
Minho’s lips brushed your ear. “Pretend to be Jisung’s wife,” he instructed in a whisper.
You shot him an entirely involuntary but very necessary glare in refusal. “What? Why?!” you demanded. 
The bounty rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll do it.”
In a stunning theatrical display, Minho reached for the bars and immediately began arguing with the officer now, really playing up something supposedly personal and emotional before the officer gave up with a sigh. He begrudgingly opened Jisung’s cell, too, and Minho dramatically collapsed inside, cradling Jisung’s confused face and kissing him full on the lips. Jisung exclaimed, muffled by Minho’s mouth before falling backwards. Minho hauled him up to his feet and profusely thanked the officer over and over and over again while pushing all of you back out to the lobby.
Minho continued to graciously thank the officer while he tried to pass the clerk’s desk with no trouble, too, but that was too good of a hope to come true. The front doors barred shut with a heavy clank. You all panicked, looking for what reason there could be to still be here… until the clerk held out a hand.
“1,200 Credits,” he boredly requested, holding out a number pad. A deathly silence fell over the lobby.
“... For what?” you finally asked.
“His–” he pointed at Hyunjin, “damage to the temple.”
“And Jisung?” Minho asked, amused.
The clerk pulled out a report. “Han, Jisung,” he read, “responsible for damage to five market stalls, one restaurant, and three civilian vehicles.”
Jeongin and Hyunjin were practically rolling on the floor with this revelation. And Minho was nearly about to launch into yet another cloying argument–
–when the lanky cabin boy simply walked up, wiping away a hysterical tear, and punched in his credit number.
The four of you: Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, and you, all traded bewildered looks at the exchange. Afterwards, the clerk still had his hand outstretched when you finally realized. You pulled the pendant out of its pocket in your waist pack and handed it to him. He briefly marveled at it before delicately placing it into a locked drawer.
With the clerk satisfied, he waved over Hyunjin and Jisung, who had their faces scanned before the doors unlocked.
You all felt a bit dazed when you left the small jail. There were a few more questions humming around your head. What exactly did Minho tell the cop to get Jisung out of holding early? What the hell did Jisung get into that got him that heavy of a price tag to get out? Because a majority of that couldn’t have been Hyunjin. And where the fuck did Jeongin get all that money?!
“What the hell was the tortured lovers routine for?” Jeongin snorted.
Minho’s eyes rolled back in his skull. “Holy shit,” he impatiently blustered. “There’s a theme here, can’t you tell?! The Phaborians value love and relationships above anything, that’s what makes them so peaceful but also fucking terrifying if you mess with them–”
“But I didn’t get a smooch,” Hyunjin pouted. Jeongin howled another laugh beside him.
“Want one?” Minho shot back. “Come here, I’ll even – what do you think you’re doing?”
Jisung was about to get on the speedbike when Minho stopped him.
“Sorry, dear,” Jisung sardonically answered.
“Get your ass over here,” Minho demanded. “Someone has to have a juicy fucking story for me or I will lose it.”
“Yeah, I have some questions, too,” Hyunjin ribbed, sitting himself down in his same spot from the morning.
“What about us?!” you asked, gesturing to Jeongin. Jisung reluctantly sat himself across from Hyunjin.
“I dunno. Meet us there!” Minho gleefully yelled, revving his engine and speeding off.
You turned to see Jeongin patting the seat of the speedbike. “Room for two,” he grinned.
Fair enough, you reasoned. You’d hardly interacted with Jeongin at all since you’d arrived. He straddled the bike before you and waited until you settled in before he also gunned it out onto the main road. Unlike riding with Minho earlier, this proximity felt a bit more sudden. The sun on the water was gorgeous as it was setting. But now you were burning with curiosity.
“So…” you began, holding Jeongin around his middle as platonically as you could. “You’re, uhm, fucking loaded with cash?”
You could feel Jeongin laugh, the way his broad shoulders shook. “I guess so?”
“And despite this,” you continued, “you’re cool being a cabin boy?”
“As opposed to what?” Jeongin asked over his shoulder. Just like Felix, any of Jeongin’s tattoos were decorative. A small one of a creeping vine was tucked behind his ear. So far, he was the only member of the crew that you’d seen without a military brand. “I wasn’t anything before Chan, so I kind of just took what I could. If that’s as a cabin boy, then so be it.”
“Right,” you nodded blankly, “but what was before? What did you leave behind?”
“You got a hell of a lot of questions, Miss Nova,” Jeongin smirked. “But whoever, whatever I left behind was nothing of note. It wasn’t any way to live, that’s for sure.”
This struck you harder than you expected. You definitely understood leaving behind nothing of note. It just surprised you that someone with as much cash as Jeongin could feel that way. 
But it was valid.
No way to live was no way to live, no matter how you sliced it.
You lamented not being able to feel the water or the sand one more time when you met up with Minho at the workshop. Well, you were supposed to meet up with them. Weren’t you? You and Jeongin searched around the ramp and the ship, even peeking into the galley, but no sign of them, until you sighted them a few minutes later pulling into the port.
Minho looked pissed. Hyunjin looked more disgusted, but both men were unmistakably put off.
Jisung was babbling something when Minho drove up the ramp. Jeongin began retracting the bay door, equally confused as you were. Minho flapped a hand at Jisung to shut him up.
“I’m ashamed to call myself your fake husband,” Minho pointed accusingly at him. “I need to hear that you apologized tomorrow. Get the hell out of my face.”
You tried to reach for Jisung, who leaned out of the way, mumbling about needing something from his cabin. Minho turned his threatening point to you now.
“Babe, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll have no mercy on that idiot.”
All this noise apparently summoned Chan, who stalked out of the cabin by your room and donned a welding mask. He pointed his laser torch at Jeongin.
“You!” he bellowed. “What the hell are you thinking? You had me fucking worried sick. I gave you a direct order! I had no clue where you were!”
Jeongin stood quiet, like he was withstanding a scolding from a parent.
Chan pointed with his torch beyond the workshop. “You go clean the head and report back to me. You’ll love the stupid chores I’ve been saving up.”
You watched Jeongin nod affirmatively before leaving for midship, not hanging his head in shame or anything, but his eyes trained on the floor nonetheless. When you brought your focus back to the current commotion, Hyunjin was adding to Chan’s stress levels, apparently, by explaining Jisung’s absence.
“ARRESTED?” the captain shouted. He took off the welding mask to run his fingers through his hair in distress. “Why the fuck was he arrested?!”
“He can tell you all about it,” Hyunjin grumbled. “I’m sweaty, I’m gross, I have a headache – I’m taking a shower.”
“I just directed Jeongin to clean the head,” Chan argued, exasperated.
“Then he’ll either wait or close his eyes,” groaned Hyunjin, brushing past Chan on his way into the ship.
This left you and Minho. Chan took a deep, heaving, steadying breath before grandly gesturing towards the cabin he emerged from.
“I’ve prepared Sir’s stateroom during his expedition.”
“What’s with the torch?” Minho grinned, peeking into the room. 
Chan proudly gestured with his welding mask. “I sealed your stupid hatches shut, you son of a bitch.”
“Great,” deadpanned Minho. “What if there's an emergency?”
“That doesn’t sound like my problem right now,” Chan shrugged. “Now, thank you for your service, but get the hell in there.”
“Yes sir,” Minho mocked. Unexpectedly, though, he leaned over and kissed your cheek. Except, of course, his gesture catching your attention meant it was pretty much a peck on the lips. He ducked into his new room before either you or Chan had a chance to react. 
You tried to process this for a second before you caught Chan leering at you. Now you got it. You were a dumb little bartering chip between the two men. The key card Chan forgot to get back from you was burning a hole in your pocket for some reason. 
“You’re sure there's nothing going on with you and the bounty?” the captain asked while he walked back out to the workshop proper. The grease and sweat smeared on him was almost as endearing as it was gross. 
“Yes, Captain,” you teased. “I'm more worried about Felix, though.”
“Felix is doing fine,” Chan assured you. “He’s resting… in Changbin’s room.”
“Really,” you gawked. 
“Right?!” Chan laughed. “And Seungmin's resting in his room, too… If you’re wondering.”
“Why would I be wondering?” you deflected. 
Chan chuckled to himself, packing up his tools and setting the welding mask back in its compartment. “You’re cute, you know that? And you have time. There’s only one boost lane on Phaborus so we’re backed up until well into nightfall.”
“You don’t need me for anything?”
The captain looked puzzled. “No? There's such a thing as free time, love, go cherish it. Just don't leave the ship in case our time gets moved up.”
Chan left for the galley, leaving you alone in the workshop. A heavy ball of restlessness weighed you down. You wondered what should be next. If you couldn’t leave the ship, what could you do? The first thing that came to mind was Felix, checking on him and seeing how he was doing. However, there was also Jisung. Minho was fuming on your behalf. Or, you mused… you could check on Seungmin. You couldn’t deny you were worried about him, and Minho did manage to make you wonder just went so wrong in the first place.
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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izanori · 2 years
idk who needs to hear this, but if it hasnt already been done i want to clear up some things
Fashion Dreamer is not Style Savvy. BUT. It’s created by Syn Sophia, just like Style Savvy was. So, if you’re still holding out for a title that’s specifically called Style Savvy it’s time to give up, because it’s very safe to assume that Fashion Dreamer is meant to be Style Savvy’s spiritual successor. This may be due to influencers and other internet personalities being way more popular than wanting to run a store among children these days.
so… yea. ^_^
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ambagel · 3 months
Worst decision of my life
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Also no matter what you pick, Grim is all like "That's MY hench-human!" *SOB*
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aria0fgold · 6 months
A confession of wishes for a future without you.
Ren sat up from the bed, he couldn't sleep. He's been lying down for hours now, eyes closed even, and yet he still couldn't find his own sleep. Morgana laid beside him, sound asleep. He carefully got up, so as to not disturb him. Making sure to walk quietly in his room while looking for something, anything to help him sleep. A book, a distraction, whatever it is that he can find. So he began his search and not even a minute later, stumbled upon a box. One far too familiar that he froze when he saw it. How many months had it been since he had that box now? He doesn't know, didn't want to keep track of that time, didn't even want to think about anything in regards to it at all.
A small black box with intricate designs painted in red, it wasn't locked, in fact, it can easily be opened. But Ren never did open it. He didn't want to, he didn't want to know what's inside it, didn't want to face the reality that Kaito— that he— that his friend is… He wanted to bathe in the pool of lies he made for himself, that Kaito's sudden disappearance isn't too much of a big deal, that someday, maybe just maybe, he'll come back again. He continued to lie to himself like that, ever since Kaito disappeared.
Perhaps, it's time to face reality once more.
Ren took a deep breath, opening and closing his hand in an effort to steady its trembling, in an effort to gather enough courage to open the box he had been avoiding ever since he first saw it, days after he lost all contact with Kaito. It was hidden underneath the bed, Ren moved it somewhere else, farther from him yet in its own safe place. Just like what he wished and hoped for Kaito as well, far from him yet safe. So he kept wishing, over and over again.
Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe.
That's how wishes work, right? To think it three times, say it thrice, and believe with all your heart for it to be real. So he held onto that hope. No matter how small it was, he held onto it like a precious gem nestled within his palm, threatening to shatter at the slightest jolt.
Ren took a few more deep breaths, until finally, he reached for the box and lifted its lid. In it was a letter, white with a blue ribbon, and a monocle beside it. Ren can feel the gears in his brain coming to a halt, slowly… slowly… it'd freeze in time, but not now, not yet. Mechanically, Ren stood up and walked towards the bed, he sat by the edge, near the window to put an arm on, to lean his body on. For support maybe, for a hope perhaps, that once he's finished reading the letter. Kaito would appear in his white suit with his cape flowing in the wind, the magician in the moonlight.
That's what this is, isn't it? A confession of secrets. He had an idea about it, infamous internationally wanted criminal, Kaito KID was Kaito Kuroba's other identity. He had a feeling that was the case but never pursued the thought, it'd be unfair, won't it? For Ren to intrude into Kaito's secret when he has his own secrets to hide. So it'd just be fair, to not know. To pretend to not know anything. To pretend that the thief he saw on the rooftop that day isn't someone he knows even though he's so painfully aware of it. It's only fair that way.
Ren took another deep breath, swallowing hard as he prepared to open the letter, setting aside the box with the monocle still inside by the window sill.
His heart skips a beat at the sight of his name, written by Kaito's hand.
“Dear Renren,” it starts, “How are you? Knowing you, you probably didn't open this letter until months had passed, I bet! ”
Ren quietly chuckled at that, he was right. Kaito was always too good at reading people. “That's alright though, I won't blame you because I'm such a gentleman,” A small face was drawn there, it looked like Kaito smirking at him, how cute. “I'm sure you've already seen the other item in the box, it was right on top of the letter you're reading now after all! ” He drew a monocle then. Ren held his breath as he read through the next passage.
“What I'm about to tell you, is a confession of a secret! You can't tell anyone about this! This is our own little secret.” A winking Kaito was drawn there, adorable. Ren giggled as he whispered to the wind, to himself, and to the Kaito that wrote the letter.
I promise.
“I'm Kaito KID.” Party poppers were drawn on both sides of that phrase, confetti doodled around it, he really was adorable… “Although… I had a feeling you already knew about this.”
He really was good at reading people.
“It's so anti-climactic doing this on paper too. I wish I could tell you in person instead, I'd love to see your reaction.”
Ren's breath hitched then. His mind slowly drawing a blank, please be safe, please be safe, please be safe. He repeated in his head. Like a chant, a good luck charm, filled with the hope burning his chest, threatening to explode.
“Renren… I know this is kinda cliche but by the time you're reading this, I probably didn't make it after all.”
Ren gripped the paper tightly then, and immediately let go. He shouldn't… ruin Kaito's letter. There was… there was still more to read through… A prank, maybe, a mistake perhaps, please let this be a nightmare he can wake up from. Ren took a deep breath, gathering himself to continue reading once more.
“Hey, Renren, I may not be there while you're reading this but I can tell you're sad right now! Come on, turn that frown upside down! You know I don't like seeing you sad, right…?
…I'm sorry.”
Ren inhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of his nose to stop the urge to cry growing deep inside him, like a dam waiting to burst, a pipe waiting to break, a heart waiting to shatter. It took him a moment to continue reading it.
“I know, I know... there's a lot of questions you want to ask right? And I… I don't think I can answer any of it, after all...
Hey, Renren… How about a magic trick? It'd be hard to pull this off in a letter but here! ” In the next part, four cards were drawn face down, or rather, drawings of four small face down cards were partly glued to the paper, a small tape keeping it shut. “Pick one!”
Ren reached for the second card, carefully peeling off the tape, behind it revealed an 'Ace of Hearts'. Ren bit his lip then, to stop it from trembling.
“Hehehe, You chose the second card, didn't you? And no! Before you start thinking, 'it doesn't matter what card I pick, all of them is the same.' Well, then mister! You can open the other cards to double check it! I assure you that they aren't all the same! ”
And so Ren did. He carefully peeled off the tape from the rest of the cards.
The first card revealed an “I”
The third card revealed a “You”
The fourth card revealed a “Forever”
The last card, was stained with a droplet.
The droplet, was accompanied by another then.
Ren couldn't stop himself anymore. He put the letter on the window sill, slowly, carefully, with a trembling hand, he reached for the box, brought it on top the letter as weight. He reached inside it, for the monocle for him to hold, to steady his trembling hands. Ren sobbed, quietly, soundlessly, he cried in silence so as to not disturb anyone.
But that was all in vain at the sound of Morgana's voice.
“Are you… crying?! What happened?! What's wrong?!” Morgana shot upright at the realization, immediately running to Ren's side. Ren couldn't really answer him even if he wanted to, so Morgana looked around for answers. He didn't need to look far.
He stared at the box, at the letter, and at the monocle Ren was clutching. It was enough.
“…Oh.” Morgana's ears drooped and twitched, he didn't quite know what to do, Ren's cries makes his heart ache, he wanted to comfort him but how? Grief isn't so easily comforted. After thinking awhile, Morgana settled upon sitting beside Ren. “I'm… I'm here for you, okay?”
Ren couldn't answer still, but he was grateful for it. Grateful for Morgana, grateful that there's someone there for him while his world was breaking. Kaito was so unfair… selfish…
. . .
Seconds passed, and then minutes, Morgana had found where the tissue box is and moved it near Ren, he had found a water bottle nearby too, placing it just beside the tissue box. Minutes passed, and then hours. The empty trash can that Morgana moved near Ren as well now contained tissues, the water bottle that was once full was nearly empty. And the quiet cries that filled the room turned into quiet sobs.
Morgana rubbed Ren's back with his paw, in hopes of comforting him further. Until finally, Ren calmed down. Enough to take deep breaths to compose himself.
“…Thanks…” He whispered, voice hoarse.
“Mn… How are you feeling now?”
“…Tired.” Ren glanced at the letter.
“Why don't you wait until tomorrow to continue reading it?” Worry was evident in Morgana's voice.
He should, he really should just wait a bit before reading again, that fit of crying made him tired enough to want to sleep already but… He wanted to finish reading it tonight.
Ren gazed out the window, he stared at the sky, as dark as it was that faithful night. He stared at the stars flickering on and off, he remembered the split second he saw the stars reflected in the eyes of that magician as he turned to face them. He stared at the moon, peeking through the buildings, it was a full moon, much like that night. The view of the moon behind a mysterious magician donned in a white suit and top hat with a cape flowing behind him. It was a magical sight that Ren will remember no matter how much time has passed.
Ren took a shaky breath. He reached for the letter, the monocle in the other hand.
“I'm sorry…” Ren's eyes stung, “I deserved to be yelled at right now, you can call me unfair, and selfish, and stupid! You can shout it to the sky, I'll be sure to hear it. But Renren…
Ren. I wanted to tell you how I felt, because I doubt I'd have a chance to say it to you if not now. I'm sorry, maybe I should've told you about it before… this. But then I think, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for hurting you way more than how you're hurting now, all because of me. Just know that, I love you, and I want the best for you, even if I'm not around you anymore, even if I'm not there anymore. I'll always love you forever and ever! All the times we spent together were the most precious memories I have… Well, had.
Hey, Renren… Promise me you'll find someone else to make you happy, alright? Someone, something, anything! I want you to be happy. You better be looking up at the night sky with a smile! I'll be sure to see it.
I love you, Ren.”
#ariawrites#persona 5#magic kaito#jokid#mkp5#ren amamiya#kaito kuroba#morgana#angst#no tw here i thiiiiiink? its just pain.#okay so like-- smth i didnt get to include here cuz it messed up me and akiren tbf#basically so like that part with the cards. i originally wanted it to just have the normal suits on it#but while i was writing that. and well with sirius' heart in the bg fueling me. the song got to be morse code part#and i was like: hmm i love you-- and it was like a lightbulb went off above my head#sooooo brightly it practically shattered cuz i realized theres 4 cards suits so i was like#ouuouoghhghghhh?????? so yea the card suits got changed to say i ❤ you forever#and basically during my initial idea before i changed it. kaito was supposed to#proudly say that akiren always chooses the 2nd options when faced with 4 options#so like-- hc in this au is that whenever akiren and kaito is tgt and akiren is faced with 4 options#for practically anything. he always chooses the 2nd one cuz for him thats kaito#like-- the 1st and 4th are like walls keeping them safe from danger and the 2nd is kaito and 3rd is akiren#considering the fact that theyre both wanted criminals. kaito esp being more worldwide#and at that point akiren only has speculations but doesnt rlly stop him from thinkin bout 4 options like that#cuz he feels the safest with kaito and want kaito to feel safe with him too so its like--#theyre each others safe place. kaito doesnt know that reason know. mr so observant esp to akiren#only knows that akiren chooses the 2nd option so like i was supposed to write bout#akiren thinkin bout the cute lil reasoning he has as to Why he does it but well the reveal#of the i love you forever hurts so much and hits harder you cant just think at that point anyway
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, Urdnot Wrex, and Dr. Mordin Solus With: Urdnot Bakara And a Special Guest Appearance by: Kalros, Mother of All Thresher Maws I MADE A MISTAKE! I made a mistake... big picture made of little pictures- too many variables. Can't hide behind statistics... can't ignore new data- my responsibility. Need to go- running out of time. Not your work, not your cure- not your decision. Had to be me- someone else might have gotten it wrong... Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#urdnot wrex#mordin solus#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i'm gonna continue the rambles in the part 2 gifset but one of the things i adore about tuchanka is the scenic shots#there are literally so many gorgeous ones that about half of part two is scenic shots because holy fuck tuchanka is beautiful#the kalros reaper ones especially? like those are so cool i had to include at LEAST a few of them bc that fight is awesome#and when the cure disperses?? literally the prettiest scene in the game#EDI and james have really cute dialogue together too!! i adored their moments towards the end of the mission#although i did say i was gonna give thoughts on mordin in sur'kesh and i think it boils down to him being an okay?? character in my book#like mordin definitely isn't one of my favorites but i will respect that he's definitely a very complex character and he's interesting imo#especially in terms of how he's written and his motivations/how he sort of grows and evolves over both ME2 and ME3#like the quote i subquoted the post with is the one you get when you try to stall him from going up into the tower#(so it's not from soph's canon- but i love the scene so i used it anyways)#and one of the things i really like is that you can see the switch from mordin in ME2 who argues that what he did was RIGHT#versus mordin in ME3 who is starting to see what was wrong in the context of all the new information he has#and for me- seeing a character who can grow to recognize that they're flawed and made mistakes- i can respect the HELL outta that#even if mordin isn't my favorite character in the trilogy i'm gonna give him massive props for his character growth arc#because it's always interesting to see someone grow and recognize their mistakes and find a way to be a better person#to own their mistakes and fix the shit that they fucked up#i don't think i'd ever choose the option to not cure the genophage but mordin will always get props from me for his character arc tbh#i'll stop rambling now! have a good day wherever you are <3
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sometimes, i'm like, "eh, i don't like jakob that much" and then i reread his support chain
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yo9urt · 6 months
video games....
#mine#i love my steam deck sooooooooo much im so happy i can actually play games again like a big proper library of them#and everything#everything on steam AND emulators is available to me. do you know how many games that is!#i started a new beegee3 playthrough on the HARDEST DIFFICULTY (!) today. which is also a single-save difficulty#and im in one of the most difficult parts of the game right now (level 4) and kind of nervous lol#but at the same time im really proud of myself for learning the game to the point i feel comfortable challenging myself in it#and im happy i get to at all :D i love you video games#and sooner or later ill come back to stardew valley cause there was that big update and i have some games on my wishlist too#and its not verified yet but i might play that pomeranian making the house dirty game cause it looked cute#oh and yakuza also because my friend got two of the yakuzas for me#YAYYYYY GAMES#also kind of sad though because tomorrow i pack and sunday i go back for babys last quarter of college#and im worried about how busy its going to be with classes and job apps and then of course actually graduating#and moving out and haivng a job and stuff#when all i want is to enjoy being able to play video games again.... sig#sigh*#WHATEVER...future mes problem#oh i almost forgot...one of the best parts of the deck imo is the versatility because with games like beegee3#you can play it in controller mode which has its pros and cons but you can also swap to computer mode#which also has its pros and cons so like. i can adjust as needed#when im just exploring or trying to loot an area etc i go controller#but when im in combat i go computer because the hotbar is REALLY helpful for decision making#its really nice to have the option to choose since no console players have that it seems#and the only pc players who can do that are the ones who have and are willing to connect controllers#and most of them dont seem to be into that#but im really glad to be able to do both#ok done yapping now
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madthebad · 8 months
Please note that I’m not asking which was the ~best~ but which one is your favorite.
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4giorno · 10 months
they are so cute <3333 yeah ignore me im just getting emotional abt this sweet fun date at the circus
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insomniakingdoom · 11 months
The best part about egg reset is that I get to date Waldo in between each time
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kiqilinn · 1 year
can you give me someone from bsd to draw!!! (i know it started with can but you are actually being forced to do this!!! suffer!!)
Damn, it's four am where I live hmm
You should draw... Kunichuuzai if you don't mind, if you don't want to draw them Mushimizo would be nice
But thank you either way!
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acekoomboom · 1 year
characters that are very me-coded but i can't explain how:
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Thanks for tagging me in @outer-edges ;) Gah I wanna explain why they're all me so bad but I can't bc that's not how you play.
@watatsumi-island and @the-portal-rule-book you're next :) if you wanna.
Wendy Darling, Peter Pan (2003)/ Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games/ Jane Villanueva, Jane The Virgin/ Kara Danvers, Supergirl/ Samwise Gamgee, The Lord of the Rings/ Melissa McCall, Teen Wolf (TV)/ Dawn Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon (1992)/ Angela Montenegro, Bones.
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ginaporterr · 1 year
I love your hsmtmts gifs! Will you be doing maybe this time?
thank you!!!!!!!!!! i do plan to in some capacity but there's a lot happening in that sequence, if you have something specific in mind i can push it up on my list?
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ardent-honey · 1 year
The fandom with the announcement of Season 6:
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This one is hilarious.
I didn't go asshole route (i had thought about it but i kinda cringe at the romance routes especially if it doesn't even make sense to me, but all good if anyone likes it. I did one btw, just not harem mode) but it is clearly hilarious if you take into account the game's theme and how they apparently don't even blame the main character?! And instead they prefer to buy the fake truth and believe him
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