#if you believed all of that you wouldn't waste a second on my blog
awesomefringey · 1 year
Harry is not lgbtq+. So they are saying the truth that Frank is the first queer artist to headline Coachella. Larry was ever just a conspiracy theory and neither Harry nor Louis are lgbtq+ and Louis said he is straight for a fact. So of course larry was never real and Frank is in fact the first queer artist to headline it. Lying about it takes away from the entire community and takes away Frank's pride and archievements. So stop lying. Stop being a larrie tinhat saying Harry and Louis were real.
Did you ask Chatgpt to write a "handbook anon anti message"?
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So I have an odd request, pertaining to Ghirahim. While I am very much attracted to him, it's a weird kind of thing where I'm also very frustrated with him. Would you mind maybe writing something where it's more of a homoerotic rivalry than anything? If not, that is literally entirely fair. My personal thoughts are something along the lines of "pinning him against the wall and kissing him if it'll make him shut up for five seconds, and definitely for no other reason than that yep"
Ah I think I see what you mean, reader. A type of love/hate yes?
You find him quite attractive but shit you want to wipe that smug smirk off his face.
You want to knock him down a peg or two in a sense.
I think this will be fun~
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Title: Just Shut Up
Characters: Ghirahim x m!/gn!reader
Contains: boss battle fight, make out
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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The sound of metal clashing with metal rang throughout the air.
Ghirahim's sword clanged with your own, the demon looming over you nearly every chance he got. Each time he came close to striking you down, you would dodge or use your shield, and everytime you came close to the same conclusion, Ghirahim would disappear, only to reappear some feet away with a counter attack.
This would go on for some time, leading you to believe there was no way of beating him, and your time was simply being wasted. Amongst the clashing, Ghirahim would shoot an insult on occasion, as if he was tugging at your nerves. His voice was growing annoying, and you vowed to shut him up soon so you didn't have to hear the grating sound. However, one unexpected swipe of your feet, and Ghirahim had you flat on your back, his rapier-like sword pointing down at you.
"How dull...and here I was expecting a challenge." He was mocking you again, already seeing victory in his eyes, but you wouldn't stand or that...or take it lying down for that matter.
Using the shield to knock his sword to the side, you rolled away, pivoting yourself to a kneeling position. Ghirahim sighed, irritation evident on his face. This browless gaze sharpened, as if he wished he could pierce you with his gaze. Instead, he lunged, his anger clouding his judgement.
"Oh will you just fall already?!"
This was your chance!
With one final clash, your sword swiped his, and with the momentum Ghirahim had, you spun him into the wall, his back hitting the brick with a thud and a groan escaping from his throat. The metal of your sword was mere centimeters away from his neck, and the demon, for once, was stunned.
Oh no. No no he had spent all his time talking, now you'd finally get the chance to shut him up.
Your lips locked with his, heat blossoming from the connection. He wanted to push away, but his shock overrode his anger, and he remained in place.
Seconds felt like minutes, but you were soon to pull away, the two of you panting lightly aganst each other.
"For five seconds..." you breathed, staring up at the other with flushed cheeks. "Can you just shut up?" Before he could utter a rebuttal, your lips reconnected, silencing him once more.
The Demon Lord would be lying if he said he hated this. On the contrary, the power struggle was quite fun in his eyes. He would prefer to be on the other end of the sword, but this would have to do for now.
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damnfandomproblems · 13 days
I've compiled several asks regarding Fandom Problem #5754 below:
Going outside IS the problem. In fiction, one can pretend that most men aren't fucking terrible. When we step out the front door, we're instantly confronted by how unkind and awful they are.
In my experience, this is almost always drivel from people who are way too bombarded by certain kinds of posts on social media (you're right, they should go outside!). Many of the posts are somewhat insidious because at first glance, they seem to make cogent, obvious points about behaviour that most women need to constantly put up with from men who are socialized like dogs. Like that post by the terf that went "men are so annoying, they always say get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich! but what about men? YOU belong in the fields reaping the wheat!" and then the next post is, "i will as soon as you go to war and die". It's terfs all the way up the chain, but a lot of people instinctively think, "yes that's exactly how silly it is and how it feels!" and they get sucked in. Not a perfect example, but you can sort of see how that nonsense propagates.
I try not to get into the habit of doomscrolling blogs I block because it's a waste of time, but sometimes I get brain worms lol and just have to see how accurate my impression of someone and my justification of blocking them is. And can I just say for someone who says it's silly to believe that good men exist, implying all men are shit people by default, it's real weird that this is the second or third post I found during my brief doomscroll: "I bring a sort of "it's wrong to hate people based on how or where they were born" vibe to political discourse that apparently right wingers and left wingers both don't really like" So which is it?
Jeeze, according to the logic of one of the commenters; even if a man pulled out all the stops to attend rallies, be an activist, called out misogyny and systemic issues, and avoided contributing to as much patriarchal bullshit as possible, and made it his life's mission, it still wouldn't matter? And he would still be a "bad" man? Literally nothing is good enough for this commenter? That's all the evidence I need to throw away that take. Just say you're a radfem and be on your way.
responding to (well, about) the comment that says good men don't exist (lol)... It's WILD how emboldened and out-and-proud some man haters can be, just because they're behind a computer screen, and on a site like tumblr, where peoples' definition of acceptable "left" behavior is killing billionaires and wishing death on bigots. Sorry, but just because other people who are equally misguided are enabling your shitty reductive views, it doesn't mean everyone is going to. And thank GOD I'm seeing sanity in the comments. I'm a woman, I was AFAB, and fuck people who smear an entire gender and/or sex just because it overheats their brain a little too much to exercise nuance. Do you feel informed? Do you feel knowledgeable? Do you feel like you're making a difference? Good for you. With that attitude, you never will.
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lucreziagiovane · 10 months
you just seem like you hate cesare. I often read your posts, and it seems like you read him in the classic 'sinister' fashion that bad history books do, even when his intentions are no less sinister than Juan's have been many times. I'm just wondering if perhaps I'm missing something?
ok anon this kinda made me giggle <3 first of all i wouldn't be wasting so much time making loads of content of him lol. i've been a fan of cesare for a decade. i love how multidimensional he is and i think he's a tremendous character plus he's my all-time favorite male lead in all media. i love his soulmatism with lucrezia as well as the tragic brotherhood between him and juan, and second, apparently pointing out flaws and canonical facts (just like how i do with juan) means that i "hate" him (?) in fact it proves that i actually do love the guy because i, at least, embrace his characterization and i don't need to woobify him (or any antagonistic character) to love him. if you have any idea about me and my blog, i only tend to like villainous characters because antagonism is more compelling to me than heroism.
"even when his intentions are no less sinister as juan's." in what way is it my fault that cesare was portrayed as hypocritical while juan was portrayed as straightforward? cesare contradicted himself by claiming he acted for the family's preservation when everything he did was for his own ambitions. he even murdered juan to take control of the papal army and allowed lucrezia to be humiliated during the public consummation of her marriage with alfonso as we witnessed how he could've intervened but chose not to. this shouldn't even be a cesare bashing or "hating"; eventually, the guy eventually became power hungry in s3 (and if the borgias wasn't canceled, s4 would've been about how cesare and lucrezia drifted apart because for him it was power >>> lucrezia. read the borgias apocalypse)
on the other hand, juan was a total screw-up, but his actions stemmed from a desire to be accepted and to better the family, even though he ended up causing more harm. his motivation was rooted in deep love, not destruction, but unintentionally he achieved the opposite. if the roles were reversed, and cesare was a gonfaloniere laying a siege at forli and ludovico was coming for him, juan would've definitely warned him because juan's priorities were his family and their betterment, even "if" he disliked cesare (he loves cesare in a one-sided way despite the aggression lol) that being said, juan did kill paolo and hurt lucrezia, but he did it thinking it was for her sake and her reputation (plus driven with jealousy like how he did with djem) he also believed he would receive applause and prove himself as a true borgia as he deeply felt inferior to cesare. he made multiple attempts to make it up to lucrezia, but their disconnect was clear as every time he tried to impress her, she ended up getting hurt in some way and their inability to reconcile kinda represented their troubled relationship. juan's injury, syphilis, and being pushed away by everyone eventually drove him mad in his final moments. yet, he did try to reconcile with cesare and how he wants to be with him as brothers. none of this is an excuse for juan's behavior throughout the show, but it also doesn't justify cesare killing him either. however, the murder of juan made cesare more intriguing to me, as it marked his complete descent into darkness and ruthlessness, it's //not// heroism like how some of cesare stans think it is so...
all in all, most of my insights are supported by mr. arnaud and neil jordan themselves so might as well call them haters while you're at it idk anon
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wildernezz · 4 months
silly analysis for @just-a-living-meat-thing :3
now lemme drop the silly list ya gave me YIPEEEEE:
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ANYWAYS, here's the analysis i could gather so far with just this list of characters and thru scrollin thru ur silly lil blog. hopefully it ends up being accurate, but if not, hopefully i'll get another chance to try again lolllll:
you are indeed a very silly guy. that is apparent. you get very passionate about the silly little things you're into and i have a large feeling that either you're already diagnosed with ADHD + autism or you've been questioning it for a pretty long ass time. if somehow it's none of those two, then you should probably look into it. you're definitely some flavor of neurodivergent, that's all i know. 
i feel like you've definitely dealt with some mental shit in the past but overall you've been pretty alright decently (i only say that because each time i analyze people who remind me of you, i try to see if i can pick out any specific things weighing them down and it always ends up being stuff that they've dealt with in the past but aren't so worried about anymore). however, i do feel like you probably still have a bit of a problem with bottling shit up. you're getting better at it and it's definitely a lot better than how it probably used to be, but every now and then the mental breakdowns seem a little too close for comfort.
you're probably a very sentimental person, but most people probably don't know that about you since you've never really found anybody to exactly share that side of you with. maybe there's a few people who have gotten glimpses of it, and maybe there's even one person who has seen that full side of you, but for the most part it stays hidden. most likely you keep it that way because you understand most people aren't gonna be as sentimental as you are, but i feel like part of you is also partially keeping it stored away because it's been wasted on somebody who didn't entirely appreciate it before. that might be why you know most people wouldn't reciprocate it to begin with.
i feel like every now and then you probably get the reclusive urge to just pull away from the people you care about. i only say that because i also relate to all of the characters you've listed and i absolutely do that a lot of the time. it might just be because you're tired and can't deal with people, or because it's that cynical depressive mindset that makes it hard to believe anybody actually cares about you. if that's the case, i'm gonna slap you right now and tell you "nuh-uh" because even though i do that exact same shit and i have a hard time believing it myself, you're wrong and you're stupid now sit down and keep being you you little shit.
you are mongoose. i will not explain that. you just seem mongoose to me. which is a compliment. go be mongoose.
okay i'm gonna leave it there because i feel like that's the majority of what i can think of right now, so hopefully it's at least a little accurate and maybe ya get something out of it. my bad if my grammar is shit, my brain thinks faster than my hands type and i'm in too much of a speedrun-y mood to go back and proof read all this. anyways thank u for sitting under my microscope and letting me analyze you, it is very much appreciated. i will gladly do it again. :333333
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xxxpu55yslay3rxxx · 11 months
Okay this is not a meta post and more of a real life thing but...
I am at constant conflict whenever I spend quite a bit of time on Tumblr or try to take it seriously. On one hand, there is the drive to just get in to it, enjoy it as much as possible, try customizing it and make this a pseudo blog/diary/interest discussion page. But of course there is gonna be hangups. One is the cold hard material reality: I can't just spend all my time on tumblr, I have things to do and places to go. That is the most reasonable but they'll always be weaker arguments. Like thinking to myself "Why take tumblr so seriously? it's just a website" and that would be the most annoying. On some level, I agree, I have made posts like these before and I express this sentiment but damn is it such a shitty thing to resolve within yourself. It's reasonable when I spend hours on tumblr just scrolling, it feels like a shithead pissing in my ear whenever I customize my tumblr or make a post that's longer than a few lines. Like, I really am negging myself over a few posts 😂.
This attitude also applies to tumblr mutuals. I love you guys and we vibe together but trying to get 'closer' to you guys it's very complicated. Whenever those polls pop up saying "would you like/let mutual do interaction?" I'm always tempted to vote "it's complicated/something else" instead of any other option. And there's so many reasons why I think that. One is that I have IRL people I meet up with, I just don't wanna be the guy who spend all his time with moots and ignore my IRLs. The annoying thing is that it's more just a fear that just fucking negs me, I don't sincerely believe this. The other reason is knowing the person beyond the internet persona. Boomers rant and rave about people hiding so much shit behind a persona and I believe them. For me I feel there's a shitty tension between making posts about myself and how I actually am; I always make myself more sympathetic. Like if people would knew me actually they wouldn't hate me, rather they'd just be disappointed with me in a way that fills me with existential dread. And these doubts are on top of me actually wanting to chat it up with some of you guys. Honestly I am operating on Boomer stranger danger type of internet safety mindset. Thankfully it's not the type to encourage callout posts, far from it, but the type to be anonymous, even more so than some other users. The worst thing is that it just feels like Op-sec LARPING with me feeling so annoyingly smug about it.
This mentality is just reflecting what I mention in my pinned post. When I mentioned I have a "bad habit of doing things online" I meant blogging and creating a persona when my life was kinda going to shit. Sure it wasn't that bad, but I felt guilty cause I was posting online and just ignoring shit loooooooool. Miserable 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. The part of deleting "even if takes one second of my university time" doesn't apply because I kinda wanna waste time here and I am out of university 🤭🤭🤭.
In regards to the points expressed in the first paragraph, I feel like I have gotten better. I am coming into a posting flow and aesthetic and I feel like I have more control over my tumblr account. I honestly believe saying what you want to say and posting what you want prevents you randomly dragging about and just passively reblogging and scrolling. In other words you're more satisfied and waste less time.
Anyone else feels like this 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗????
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Found your blog via the sanditon tag and I couldn't agree more. This season is just so effin boring for the main couple. Like. First time I don't care about an Austen hero? Like going from Theo to this random dude is such a downgrade. Brooding awkward average looking man doesn't feel like the romance hero I'd root for. Arthur's, Lady Susan's and Georgiana's storylines are much more interesting than anything Charlotte has had this season. I wish they would have at least given her Slater after Sidney left.
The thing is... and it's totally fine for people to enjoy the show after Sidney died, I just didn't (and not simply because Theo left, though I'll admit I kind of thought it would be a situation where they would clumsily make up for his departure, and... I was right lol)...
The show was always meant to be an Austen fanfic. What she wrote of Sanditon is not a "final draft", and it's not even close to being finished. It's not a full skeleton of a novel. I never expected for it to play like true Austen, because it's not, and that's fine.
Where you got more complicated, and where the show got to the point that it's just a lame horse and it's better off being put out of its misery, is that it was an Austen fanfic that then lost one of the only solid Austen bones it had, lol. And a really important bone (... his bone could've been so vital to the story). And because Austen heroes *do not die*, there had to be this sort of narrative reshuffle of "well ackshully, what we saw was sort of a prequel, her tragic backstory as a heroine", except the guy who's coming in is not a Jane Austen piece at all, he's the writer's own piece. It became this Frankenwork.
And it was... extremely boring. I saw people responding to my post saying that I didn't like the show because I didn't identify with Charlotte "as written"; I don't need to identify with a character in order to like her, but I do need to be entertained by her. While I pithily said I don't like romances with kids and her arc seems like a nightmare to me... Which is true.... I can and have been persuaded to like stories similar to Charlotte's.
Where you lose me is when I think of the girl who was excited to get off a boring farm where she helped take care of a million siblings, going to a town where she saw things that ~shocked her~ (the moment that got me to watch the show was Charlotte having her entire Awakening in 30 seconds when she saw Sidney in the ocean; the fear of her own feelings mixed with curiosity and being overwhelmed was so real) and helped Georgiana defy this overbearing man... When I say I didn't get "let me be a teacher and raise this dude's kids" (which, cool, she's working, but she is working with KIDS, the entire sum of her life is about KIDS, after she came from a farm where much of her responsibilities were about KIDS, the dynamic evolution didn't exist) as being something Charlotte would want as this young woman, that's what I'm talking about. Doesn't mean she wouldn't have kids! It just means that I thought the show's original goal was to give us more of the girl who ran off to the city and just traipsed into a brothel and gave Sidney an entire heart attack. A girl who seemed bold and reckless and a bit zany.
In what I saw of the Charlotte of subsequent seasons (which was not everything because my time is limited and I'm not going to waste it on a show I don't enjoy) was not that. And I didn't really care for this subdued version that never would have existed had Theo James decided to stick around.
And I'll be honest--if they'd come in with a dynamic romantic hero, I would've come back. At its heart, Sanditon did play like a romance, and I think that having a good romantic hero was so important for its vibe, its success. The guy they brought in was very dull for me as a viewer; the life he offered was not a romantic fantasy. It was a bit of a male fantasy--hey, the wife (who I believe shit was kinda complicated with anyway) is gone, and now you get a plucky hot governess who's gonna help you with your kids and bounce on it for the rest of your life when she's not saving the children. But the setup they were giving in season one felt more like the feminine fantasy--he's hot but he's kind of an ass and but he chills out for meee. Not saying either fantasy is particularly romantic! But it felt very much like the original goal was giving Charlotte something, whereas the next was giving the GUY something.
I'm guessing you got autocorrected to Slater from Stringer lol, and tbh, I disliked Stringer in season 1, but Leo Suter has gone on to really impress me (both as an actor and in simple leading man ways) in Vikings. I think there could've been a path where you had Stringer get an edge and come back as this successful dude with a chip on his shoulder who's not so *eager* to have Charlotte in season 2. Someone she'd have to reevaluate, as I never bought her being genuinely into him in season 1. It could've had Persuasion vibes, but with perhaps an edge.
Again, it's whatever, I'm happy for people who liked the show. To me, it was just a letdown and it felt like Charlotte's character was changed to fit the new guy they introduced. Not interested in debating that; but I don't see s1 Charlotte and s2/3 Charlotte as the same person. Not because Sidney died--because she was changed to fit an unplanned storyline.
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Hi. I dunno know how to start this since your blog has been inactive for years, and I'm really hoping you get this. I just wanna say thanks for all the time and effort you invested here. I had fun reading it. I want you to know, I used your blog, sloansuggestions (also you?) and damarsuggestions for a coursework piece on contemporary literature forms, and you guys got me an A. So, thanks. You guys told a really great story spontaneously without tons of explicit narrative or wish fulfilment. You told a quriky humourous story and still made poignant points about war and friendship. Thanks for being not like the other fanfic writers, I guess.
Hi there, friend,
Thanks so much for your letter. I can assure you that despite my absence (likely due to some kind of temporal fluctuations caused by proximity to the wormhole) I have not yet forgotten the good ol' days I spent with my dearest friends @damar-suggestion and @sloan-suggestion . So, it's fair to say you can always reach me here, should you ever feel like a little reminiscence. I still feel plenty of fond nostalgia towards my time spent on these channels, after all.
It gives me great pleasure in knowing that our antics on subspace could keep you and others like yourself, entertained. Believe me when I say, it was a joy for us as well; all those jokes, all those heists, and all those moralistic arguments I had with my former crewmates made every moment truly worthwhile. I wouldn't call a single moment wasted, especially if there were others who we could lighten the days of or offer a moments distraction for. After all, it's sometimes the small things that bring us the biggest smiles.
Whilst I'd like to take credit for the opinions and discourse from @sloan-suggestion (especially as you've complimented them highly too) I can't; the channel @sloan-suggestion is in fact run by my dear friend Wendell Greer, and they are truly their own man and not merely an alias used by myself as a cover. This is also true of my dear friend Corat Damar, who (as you correctly guessed) is the owner of the channel @damar-suggestion .
I guess I may be as bold to speak for the three of us when I say, that we're all deeply flattered and take it as astoundingly high praise that you would wish to feature our tomfoolery in your important coursework. That you were able to get an A grade is a testament to your own great skills, but I am grateful that I could make such a meaningful contribution.
The subspace posts we made were true to the lives of us individuals, that given a second chance and opportunity to exonerate ourselves, had chosen to make. I wanted to tell my story, not as the naysayers would have me painted, but in my own words, as to reflect my own thoughts and feelings. Instead of those perceived by the bias of others, who quickly read into my actions what they wish to see without allowing for an opinion in opposition to their own. I am sure that is the truth for all of us. But, truly, if there was any wish fulfilment involved, it was the wish to be heard with equity. Of course, it wasn't entirely about the heavier topics, or else we'd have struggled to entertain anyone. And, I can't stress enough, we had plenty of fun in our journey together too. Sometimes, you find that truer words are spoken in jest than with intent. I guess that was the way with all of us.
Well, would you look at me rambling on. This was supposed to be a little nice acknowledgement of your kind letter, but I suppose I got a little carried away. Truly, thank you for your letter. It really made my day to here that our bantering and storytelling, however frivolous, was genuinely worthwhile. I speak from the heart when I say, there is none more touching a sentiment. And if there's ever anymore I can do to help, don't be a stranger. Drop me a line here on subspace.
All the best, your pal,
Michael Eddington
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Ok, before I came here because I found it interesting to see how they dismantled the lie behind Chris Evans' marriage, because I realize that there are many gaps in that relationship that suggest that it is nothing more than a PR, but after the party VF the hatred and envy towards that woman on the part of you and your anons is chilling, they focus so much on discrediting her and making CE look like she was a victim in all this, my God he is the perpetuator of this whole show along with her work team, and you believe that she is the bad one, my comment is specifically directed at you, the person behind this blog, your hatred of that woman has led you to publish rantings about other mentally insane people, the tarot thing is the great evidence of this, do you seriously believe all that nonsense that any crazy person writes to you and you just go and publish it? That takes away from the seriousness of your content, I left you a message yesterday in which I advised you to leave this for a moment for your emotional and mental peace, and apparently you ignored it because you are more interested in pouring hatred towards AB. What if it turns out that Chris Evans is really married to her and they are really together and they really plan to increase their family soon? Wouldn't that make you feel worse for being in so much denial about that relationship? I'll tell you, for me they are married, whether the world believes it or not, they already have the label and if they are, they carry everything that that implies, such as having children, his family approves whether the fans like it or not, The day that Chris Evan and that girl announce a pregnancy in whatever way they decide to conceive it is not going to erase the truth behind it and the truth is that they have a commitment beyond marriage and will be united for life through that child if they ever had it. My advice to you: free yourself, maybe two years from now when he announces a divorce and has already had a child with her, you will no longer be here supporting him and adoring him as you do and when you find out that news he will even give you Anyway, you will realize how stupid you were for having wasted so much time and energy behind a machine to defend the honor of someone who never had it. I wish you the best and I hope you can get over CE soon, be a fan of his work, not his personal life, what he decides to do with his life is his problem, not his fans.
Hey, Anon.
Sorry you felt ignored. And you really don't see my point.
Why do you think I keep saying that I want this to be over? I'm going to leave for longer periods of time because of school in a few weeks. Something that's really important to me.
If he's really married okay. By then I won't give any fucks about who he has in his personal life, he'll just be another eye candy on a long list of eye candy.
And you think I won't tear him to pieces? I started to tear into him the second he walked onto the red carpet with those colors.
I'm savoring my last few weeks without something important to occupy me. I'm basically on my last few days of vacation, so to speak. LET ME ENJOY THEM AND USE THEM AS I LIKE!
And if I'm stupid for this, I'll gladly laugh at myself. Because the Lord knows I find myself ridiculous for acting like this and that in high school. Trust me, it's a fact of life, that a person will look at their past, laugh and be embarrassed.
And you can stop reading my content and block me for all I care.
My blog, my rules, my only place to vent anything and air it out. And I don't need anymore judgement for that.
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1d1195 · 8 months
Yeah it's not an option completely ruled out....I will always be open to company, like I said, I wanna make friends everywhere I go..but just for the sake of mental health I guess, its not something on my to do list, does that makes sense? But thank you, I really appreciate the hope, I feel like it's such a blessing to be a best friend as much as it is to have one 💓
Time...well I only hate it when I feel like I have wasted it...I really understand what you meant by not feeling old but feeling like you are short of time....in the hindsight I know logically I'm only 19, there is so much left, but then I'm like "Did I do the right things when I was 10, 13 or 16? Will I still get to experience that?" Its more based on "was this time spent purposefully, did it make an important impression". That's the main reason I wanna experience it all cause then I can have that proof of presence, if something good happened before, it will happen again, do not be worried, if something bad happened before it could happen again, do not be ungrateful.
Tiktok is banned in my country😭 I do check insta but only when its like super duper positive and stuff...most of youtube is filled with productive life style motivation vlogs....I miss physical books, I am a hoarder for them and I haven't read a novel in like 4 months my hands are itching, I am, though, finding good recommendations for after exams so if you have them, let me know...and please do take breaks I can't imagine how much mind power it takes to do maths all day everyday...kudos for that 🫠🙃
My week is already made with THAT TRADITIONAL ONE SHOT EICJIEOSJDIE...I died, they're my absolute favourite, she is such a sweetheart honestly and harry is gone gone for her...I feel like you portray Niall and Louis so amazingly its like they must be just like that irl, like a comfort pillow 🤏✨🫶
I totally get what you mean about it not being on your to do list. It's hard to set out and be like, "I'm going to find my best friend today." It doesn't really work that way. You don't want to force it. So I totally get it. I've mentioned it before on here, but even though I told you about my best friend, I don't think I'm someone's best friend. I'm always second-best. Or tied. Or something. It's hard. I know you'll find someone. It's going to be wonderful 💕
You seem way wiser than I am. I'm nearly a full decade older than you. I don't think about 10, 13, 16 year old me much more. Other than she was quite sad and lonely and she would be pretty proud of me now. It's a little freeing, so maybe that's something to look forward to as well as you age. I'm sure 30 year old me will look at 20 year old me and think she was an idiot.
Fascinating about TikTok in your country. It's probably better that you focus on positivity. I am actually very negative by nature, believe it or not (#trauma) this blog is where I'm most positive. I save all my positivity and hope for you and my other followers 💕
I am reading a TERRIBLE book right now. It's extremely traumatizing and I'm only like a third of the way through wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Idk how it was a pick of the month at the bookstore (I do, it's probs really well-written) but idk why I bought it. My goal is to read all 35 books I have had sitting on my bookshelf by the end of the year so I know that hoarder life too.
The math I do is pretty basic I think. It's teaching the kids the math that make my brain hurt hahaha
I would die for any member of 1D no questions asked, but Niall and Louis would be my best friends, I'm sure. I would do anything for them and I like to believe they're similar to how I write them irl.
Glad you liked Traditional good to know they're you're favorite! 💕💕 Sorry for the long reply, I hope you're having a good day/week!
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hereforh · 2 years
Well it's obvious he's playing with both side. I won't expose their blog for possibly gets hateful comments, there's an actual person who is involved in industry and started to runs a pap culture blog and talked about celebrities. Yes she said her every source told her 1)h0livia IS pr, and made it clear 2)neither O & J are angels,,, She said the 3)rumor about harry making out with someone in Coachella is actually true, once she hint at 4)his fans wouldn't like if he let all his messes reach out to media.. 5) hes a certified fuckboy.. I didn't randomly followed this person, she got recommended by a very credible person which neither of them were related to Harry's fandom.
What I want to say: This is harry styles. He entertainme harrries with Olivia and larries with their own consipry theories while he keep his private life, private. and do whatever he want. Bc well those deranged fans are busy making 30 masterposts pre day about their own version of harry and narratives. I'm not lying bc literally what do I gains from this ask? Nothing. But all larries should think about it. My friend used to run an acc debunking larries 'proofs' then stopped it bc it was wasting time and realized that harry (or his team) give both side something to stay happy and he did great jobs.. like he can say he own people NOTHING or explanations and no one can proves that he's wrong he didn't directly said or did that. It was always fans interpreted that lol
hi anon! Thank you for your message, even though I don't believe the first part of it. The second part, though, yes. He does play both sides because it benefits him and it's comfortable for him. Or at least it was, until now.
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
It’s becoming more and more obvious that Yuuna may be part of a system/headspace/DID due to her many identities and numerous attempts of arguing with herself online. I’m not sure it’s for clout anymore but a genuine sign she may have multiple personalities all fighting in her mind at once.
I’m no doctor but the observations I’ve made on her possibly having a system/headspace/DID is becoming more and more clear, but of course, that doesn’t excuse poor online behavior. Yuuna seems to age herself differently depending on which role she’s trying to portray.
Think of Yuuna’s multiple personalities like this… It’s like the Anna Delvy situation, she took on the role of a rich German heiress and scammed a good portion of New York’s elite. Because of her taking such a role, and pulling it off well, they were all fooled. However, with Yuuna, hers is a little different. While she takes on multiple roles, she is, like Anna, very consistent with her goal and her agendas.
As seen, Yuuna has had 9 accounts, 9. 9 accounts just to wreak havoc in a fandom that’s already an unruly hive for drama and messes so slippery it makes a cartoon banana peel left on the floor look solid and not dangerous. I’m 100% convinced that Yuuna is just a child around the range of 13-15 years old, she’s already been following NSFW blogs before she deactivated. I checked her “likes” and some were NSFW and not suitable for her age.
Have you considered making a Twitter or Instagram to spread the word? Maybe even a Google docs? This mess needs to be seen, she’s probably on other platforms right now making the exact same posts and spamming the tags. She’s probably on discord spamming the OC chats.
Hello anon, I needed to give my response to this ask a bit of time because I both needed to organize my thoughts and wanted to give such a sensitive topic the respect it deserves.
I will start off by saying that I don't believe she has DID/is part of a system and classifying it by her erratic, trolling behavior does a disservice to people who do have the condition. I am friends with several systems and while alters can share interests, it does not happen to the extent that Ray's "identities" do. There is no differentiation between Yuuna/Ray/Lumine/Jordan, they all write, act, respond, and apparently think the exact same why, which just doesn't happen.
To continue, if they were all different alters in a system, why has none of them come out and stated they were part of a system? Each account pretends like they have no idea who the previous iteration was, which only added to people's suspicions that they were all run by the same person. Sure, they could be undiagnosed, but that circles back to my previous point. An alter is a completely different person with their own thoughts, feelings, interests, and memories who just occupies the same body as the host. They are not just the same host copy-pasted several times.
I am not completely familiar with the Anna Delvy situation, but from what I read and saw, there was no mention of her having DID. She was just a manipulator who got away with it for a long time by using fake personas, which is very, very different from having dissociative identity disorder. One is a conscious action, and one is a mental illness caused by severe trauma during one's earliest formative years.
I am ready to believe that Ray/Jordan is just some stubborn, dumbass 14-year-old who has no worldly experience and got in way over her head after being given unmonitored internet access too early in life, but that's no excuse. She needs to be taught that she cannot act however she wants in fandom spaces.
I also do not want to spread this outside of Tumblr, first of all because that is not my responsibility, and second of all because Twitter is already a cesspool that is beyond repair. On Instagram, she would gain zero traction anyway because of how competitive the fandom art community is, so I wouldn't waste my breath there either. This blog is the extent of my efforts, and I don't encourage anyone to take it further. This is enough.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Prompt: Soulmates
Summary: THE S0U1MATE SYSTEM. A week-long experience guaranteed to find you your soulmate. Laxus had dismissed it as nothing but crap, and brought himself a ticket to prove it. It would have gone well, if it weren’t for the handsome guy running the program who kept catching his eye.
Notes: This was written as part of Fraxus Week 2021, as always hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. Check out their blog to see all the other content.
Links: Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
Year: 2055
Location: Tokyo, Japan
"Laxus Dreyar," A robotically cheerful voice echoed through the room. "Please step into the preparation area."
Rising quickly, Laxus strode through the reception room and towards the door that had lit up. The animated emoticon projected onto the wall followed him as he walked, and the glass door shimmered out of existence as he approached. Once through the archway, the glass flickered back into place, and the emoticon went back to its unanimated state. So far, Laxus had yet to be impressed by THE S0U1MATE SYSTEM.
It claimed to be an experience that will end up matching an attendee with their soulmate. You paid your fee, gave up a week of your life, trusted in the system that it would work, and supposedly you'd end up meeting the love of your life. Laxus was only there to disprove it.
Well, also because Ever had paid for it, and he knew how much it costed. But mainly he went to disprove it.
So far, he'd undergone a full body scan, had his social media accounts interrogated, and submitted a completed questionnaire that covered everything from best first date ideas to how he dealt with the inevitability of death. This was apparently so the algorithm could create a profile for him, and was not reflective of how the program would be. According to the guidebook Laxus had absently flicked through, the morning of the first day was slightly tedious, so to better match him with potential lovers. It all seemed stupid – as far as Laxus was concerned, romance was born out of coincidence and chemistry, not a list of things you liked and didn't like – but he was willing to undergo it all just to prove how it was a waste of money.
Each day, he would go on an 'Experience' with a match. It was a simulation of a first date, purpose built to the two people's shared interests. Some people went on candle lit dinners, some people went into an escape room, some people were stranded in the middle of the ocean with only each other for company. Every experience was tailored to the participants.
At least it would be interesting.
Laxus walked down the corridor, following the neon arrows that pointed him to another shimmering glass door. The pretentious modernism of the building was obvious, and it showed off every ridiculous advancement in technology in the most frivolous ways. It couldn't be a more obvious money-making scheme if it tried.
As he walked through the door, he saw a man standing at a podium. His date, perhaps.
Well, if that was the case, they at least knew his type.
Tall, long legs with some obvious lean bulk to them. Well dressed, in clothing that clearly was trying to highlight his physique but not in an obvious way. His face, looking down at the tablet attached to the podium, was sharp and angular, with high cheek bones and a slightly jutting chin. A mole rested below one of his vibrant eyes, and a long main of flowing green hair hung down to his waist. He was hot and Laxus grinned; at least he would spend a bit of time with a sexy guy.
As Laxus approached, the man looked up with a polite smile. He didn't make a move towards him, as Laxus expected, and continued to tap on the tablet before him. The lights gained a bright blue and the small room illuminated itself.
"You must be mister Dreyar," The man said in lieu of a greeting.
"Yeah, nice to meet ya," Laxus nodded, stepping forward and offering the man a hand to shake. He took it; he had a good grip on him. "Guess you're my date for the evening."
"Ah, I'm afraid not," The man denied, and Laxus frowned a little. "I work here, I'll be overseeing your simulations throughout the week as part of a quality control test. You'll meet the man who you've been set up with in the simulation itself."
"Thought the system was supposed to be automated?" Laxus asked, retracting his hand, and taking a step back.
"It is. A few times a year someone is called to watch over, to make sure it's as streamlined as possible," The man looked back down to his tablet again and began typing, and a small bubbling of curiosity grew in Laxus. Nothing he'd act on, but the face of concentration on the man was an attractive one. "I'm surprised you weren't informed beforehand; I must admit. It's in the contract you signed that this could happen, but the company does like to warn people before things begin."
"It ain't a big deal," Laxus shrugged, looking around the small room. "I ain't really sure how this part of the process works, so maybe you could help. I didn't catch yer name, either."
"Freed Justine," The man introduced himself, smirking ever so slightly. "In a moment you'll walk through those doors," he motioned to the aforementioned doors, "and the simulation will begin. Your date will walk through another set of doors, and you'll meet then. We like to have dates meet for the first time mid-way through a simulation, as it feels more natural than meeting beforehand. Once you've spoken for a while, the activity of the simulation can begin."
"How do I know what the 'activity' is?"
"It's normally fairly obvious. If you were, for example, white water rafting, you'd be placed on a dock with a boat already attached to the rapids," Freed explained, looking up from the tablet again. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."
Laxus would have rather known what he was getting into before it happened, he felt like it would give him an advantage. He couldn't dwell on that, though, as the floor below him lit up. Pulses of light seemed to guide him to a corner of the room, where an odd glass cylinder stood. Clearly they were informing him that he was to get inside the cylinder and, after a nod from Freed, he did as he was instructed.
The cylinder closed as he stepped in, and a flicker of nervousness dwelled inside of him as the glass seemed to seal itself shut. He glanced towards Freed, who gave him a short smile, before a flash of light erupted from above. It only lasted a moment, and Laxus took a second to understand what had happened.
His clothing had changed. Where once he wore an outfit he saw as worthy for a date, he now wore a tee-shirt, shorts, and sneakers.
"The hell?" He murmured under his breath.
"That's the outfit that best fits what kind of date you'll be having," Freed explained as the glass unsealed and Laxus could step out. "Partly it's to better round out the simulation, but I think it's mainly so we don't get sued for property damage should your actual clothes get stained or damaged."
"How romantic," Laxus murmured, before looking down at himself. "Am I having a date in a gym or something?"
"Yes, actually. One of your shared interests is combat sports, so you'll be placed in a boxing arena," Freed said after looking towards the tablet. He thought for a moment, then frowned. "I probably shouldn't have told you that."
"Glad you did, I like being prepared," Laxus shrugged. "Boxing's hardly romantic, though."
"For the right person, it is," Freed retorted. The lights around the simulation door lit up green, and Freed smiled. "Speaking of the right person, the simulation is ready, so when you're ready please step through. I hope you enjoy your date."
"I'll certainly try," Laxus nodded. "And if I don't, I get to punch the guy."
Freed laughed, and Laxus approached the door and refocused his attention on his goal on disproving the systems worth. He knew that the guy in the simulation wouldn't be his soulmate. If the company was worth it's price, then they would have understood that Freed was a better match for him than some random guy who happened to like to box. Still, once this was over and he'd disproven their complete success claim, he might get Freed's number. It wouldn't be a waste of time.
"So he wasn't the love of your life, then?"
That was what greeted Laxus as he walked into the preparation area outside of the simulation. It had been a day since his first date, and Freed stood before his tablet again as if he'd been waiting for Laxus to approach. He probably had.
"Wouldn't be here if he was," Laxus shrugged. "You saw how it went. Hardly compatible."
"I suppose not."
The date itself wasn't awful, in fact it was pretty fun. As Freed had stated, he'd been taken into a simulation of an old-fashioned boxing gymnasium, where he'd met the guy. He wasn't bad looking, and in pretty damn good shape, but they hadn't been destined for a relationship and they both knew it. Though Laxus couldn't say it was time wasted, as they'd exchanged information and said they'd workout together at some point. Laxus had always found it hard to find a spotter who could match his weight, and the guy could certainly do that and more.
"The first dates don't typically be where people settle," Freed continued, tapping at his tablet, perhaps setting up the next simulation. "The first half of the week has a low success rate, honestly. I believe it's mainly collecting information to better inform the matches later in the week, so don't be disheartened."
"I wasn't," Laxus shrugged. "If I'm honest, I don't believe this is real."
"I thought as much," Freed chuckled. "Though you probably shouldn't have told a member of staff that. It might taint my view of you."
"What are you gonna do. Throw me into a simulated volcano?"
"I could," Freed grinned, and it was a pretty nice look on the man. "But the real danger is that you say it to a member of staff who's gone through the program and who met their partner through it. They can get somewhat defensive, and they'll do whatever they can to make you believe it will work, and they'll be rather annoying while doing so. It's something I know from experience."
"You ain't been through it?"
"No, I'm hardly in a rush to find someone," Freed shrugged a little. "I believe that these things will happen when they're meant to, so why force them? And yes, before you point it out, it's hypocritical of me to say that while working here."
"Never been tempted?" Laxus asked.
"Of course. I know you don't believe it but I've yet to see someone leave the program without meeting someone they eventually fell in love with."
Freed didn't seem like the kind of guy to say bullshit like that for no reason, and the honesty in his tone didn't feel as though he was parroting a line from a corporate memo, so maybe he did believe it. Admittedly Laxus hardly knew Freed, so he couldn't make too many judgments about his person, but the fact he seemed to believe that this could find him true love was a little intimidating. A pragmatist like Freed – that's what Laxus thought him to be, anyway – wouldn't say that if he didn't believe it.
A horrible thought suddenly hit Laxus. He might actually find someone who he might fall in love with. That was… worrying.
"You won't need to change clothes today, your date won't require it," Freed said, looking up from his tablet again.
"Good to know," Laxus nodded, trying to ignore the nervousness that was filling him. "You gonna tell me what I'm doing?"
"No," Freed shook his head. "For all we know, if I didn't tell you yesterday, the date might have been entirely different."
"Nah, I don't think so," Laxus chuckled, walking towards the podium Freed was standing behind and leaning on it. He grinned at the man, who looked up at him for a moment before averting his eyes. "Tell me, I'll complain about you to yer manager if you don't."
"What a horrible threat," Freed said sardonically, though he did look down at his tablet again. "It's a fairground with a circus performance at the end. And apparently your date is something of a gymnast, and so there's a high chance that he'll get on stage and perform for you."
"Is that gonna be impressive or is it gonna make me wanna claw my eyes out?" Laxus laughed.
"He's a professional athlete, so I suspect the former," Freed grinned a little.
They chatted for a few minutes more, and eventually the lights around the door lit up again and guided him towards his second date. Laxus pushed off from the podium he was still leaning on, ignoring the teasing comment that he should adjust his posture if he wanted to impress his future husband, and walked through the door and into the simulation of an outdoor fairground. As he crossed the threshold, he didn't notice how his nerves had disappeared completely.
"I'm startin' to think your program ain't as good as you're saying it is."
Laxus spoke as he walked into the preparation area, and Freed looked up with a small grin on his face as he approached. Laxus had the slightest falter in his step as he saw that Freed had his hair tied up in a high ponytail, rather than using the low band he'd had on the two previous days. Seriously, the simulation had matched him with two random men and not the beauty before him and yet still claimed to be the best matchmaking system in history. Ha.
His second date hadn't been bad, exactly. The guy was hot in his own way – and someone with a scene/punk interest would have been all over him – and he was entertaining the entire time. But he was a little too much for Laxus. Constantly wiggling eyebrows and euphemisms. Good for the right guy, but not for Laxus.
"We're still collecting data, every date is an improvement on the last," Freed waved off the complaint. "For example, you seemed to enjoy the games you were playing, so a bit of friendly competition is something you'll like in a relationship," Laxus had to admit, someone who could challenge him was a turn on, so the system had gotten that right about him. "That's certainly been taken into account for this date."
The way he'd said the last sentence, with a hint of amusement and restrained laughter, made Laxus nervous. He didn't push the topic, partially out of fear.
"We'll see how confident you are when the week's over and I've turned everyone down," Laxus shrugged.
"You're determined for this to fail for you, aren't you?" Freed asked with amusement, and Laxus didn't deny it, instead choosing to shrug. "Is that why you're here, do you see yourself as the man to take the system down and prove how much of a scam it is? Because we've had literally hundreds of people try that and we've yet to have an unsatisfied customer."
"How do I know they've not been silenced?" Laxus joked, grinning as he walked closer to Freed. "Or worse, you killed 'em, blended their bodies up and sold it as a health drink or something?"
"Because we're not in a poorly written young adult novel?" Freed chuckled. "We actually just burn the corpses, it's much less messy."
"Knew it," Laxus laughed. "You gonna tell me what you're gonna put me through today?"
"Absolutely not," Freed grinned. "And I won't move on that today. Because nothing is going to please me more than seeing your reaction to it."
"Why, it's not weird is it?" Laxus frowned, looking concerned now.
"It depends on your definition of weird, I suppose," Freed smirked, and if it weren't such an attractive expression on the man then Laxus might have taken issue with it. "I'll simply say, I expect it's weighted slightly more towards what your date will enjoy rather than what you're going to enjoy."
"Or you could just tell me what's gonna happen," Laxus prompted, and Freed shook his head.
"You'll require an outfit change."
Laxus sighed a little, apparently the topic was to be dropped. He walked to the glass pod in the corner of the room and allowed it to close behind him, and he turned to look at Freed in expectation. Freed pressed something on the tablet and the light flash of light filled the cylinder a moment later, the same chill running over him as his clothing was replaced.
When he saw his reflection, Laxus found himself more confused than anything. He was only wearing swimming trunks and a large life-preserver. He could swim fine, so didn't know what the hell the point of that thing was, and turned to Freed again in confusion.
Freed, who had apparently been looking at him, immediately turned away, and Laxus could see his cheeks redden.
Huh. Had Freed been checking him out.
"You really not gonna let me know why I need to wear this?" Laxus asked, stepping out of the pod, and lifting one side of the life-preserver. Freed looked back to him, pointedly looking only at his face, cheeks still covered with the slightest dusting of a blush. Laxus wanted to focus on that, and maybe flex his abs to see if he got a reaction, but instead spoke again in a jovial tone. "You know if I drown in a simulation, I'm gonna get a lawyer right?"
"I doubt that will happen," Freed said, seemingly forcing himself to shake off the blush. "It's just a precaution."
"You wanna tell me what it's a precaution against?" Laxus probed.
"No," Freed grinned again. The lights above the door lit up, and Freed's grin widened. "And it seems you'll be finding out now."
Laxus wanted to push the topic more and find out what he was going to endure, and he very nearly ignored the flashing green lights and did just that. He almost did, if it weren't for the fact that he also wanted to take off the life preserver and give Freed an unhindered view of his chest to see what happened, so he clearly wasn't in the right mind to be making decisions. He was trying to disprove love could be found in this place, flirting with the guy was hardly helping his argument.
As he had the previous two times, Freed wished him luck as he approached the door. Thie time, though, it was tinged with amusement, and Laxus felt a swell of anticipation as he walked through the door.
The simulation was… interesting. It took Laxus a moment to realise he recognised what he was seeing, and a further moment to remember what it was. When he was a kid, his grandfather had watched old reruns of a gameshow: Wipeout. It was a ridiculous set of obstacle courses, where idiot contestants tried to win money but usually ended up looking like assholes, falling into water after being hit by giant mechanisms covered in foam cladding. It was cheap entertainment where the contestants were there to be laughed at, and apparently Laxus was going to be enduring the damn thing.
He turned around quickly, watching as the doors flickered out of existence, Freed's smirk being the last thing he saw.
The moment Laxus walked into the preparation room, he was met with a bursting of laughter. He crossed his arms, watching as Freed tried and failed to retain his laughter. It took longer than it should have, and it was tempting to shake the bastard. He would deserve it if he was laughing at what Laxus thought he was laughing at.
"It ain't that funny."
"Oh it truly was."
Laxus grit his teeth. His third date had been the most interesting, that was for sure, but it had also been ridiculous. He'd been forced to go through three stupidly weird obstacle courses, competing against his date, who was a loud-mouthed idiot with stupidly pink hair.
Multiple times, he'd been pushed from the course and into the unnecessarily cold water. The loud cackling from his date seemed to be shot straight into his ears the moment he broke the surface of the water, and the man's amusement at Laxus failing seemed to double each time it happened. During the last round, when he'd been knocked down a slope of gushing water by a barrel of all things, Laxus had to stop himself from swimming over to the man and clocking him on the nose. He'd probably be kicked from the system, so he talked himself out of it and instead put his focus onto winning the game. He had, and the brat annoyingly wasn't bothered at all.
"He was fucking annoying," Laxus muttered as he walked closer to Freed. He leant against the podium again, closing his eyes in exasperation. "Good luck finding him a guy to match with."
"Actually he's on his fifth day here, and everyone other than you said they wanted to match with him," Freed informed him, looking over the tablet. He was being cagey in letting Laxus see the screen surely the next date wouldn't be as bad as the last. "So you're the outlier in the set. He's remarkably easy compared to you."
"Honestly, kinda offended by that," Laxus muttered.
Freed breathed out a laugh, before placing the tablet back onto the podium. Laxus didn't spare it a glance, and instead looked towards the clothes-changing pod to see if he would need a new outfit. Seemingly knowing that, the pod lit up and directed Laxus to enter. With a small sigh, he did.
Once inside, the flash went off and his clothes were replaced by the appropriate outfit. Thankfully, this time he'd been replaced by an actual normal outfit. A dinner suit, perfectly tailored for his body. It was entirely black and white and, while he definitely looked good in it, it wasn't exactly what he would have chosen for himself. He liked his clothes to have at least a splash of colour, and suits could have that in a tasteful way when done right.
"Before you ask, you'll be having dinner today," Freed informed him as he stepped out of the pod. "Fairly simple, but I think that's more than earned. Most people only have one peculiar simulation, you've had nothing but."
"Lucky me," Laxus murmured. "Wanna tell me about the guy?"
"No," Freed shook his head. "Though I should say, it's at this point in the program where the system starts to understand what you're looking for. So it's entirely possible that he might be the person you end up with."
"I doubt it," He rebuffed, glancing at his reflection in the pod.
"Just go in with an open mind, that's all I ask," Freed said, typing on the tablet again. "The gentleman you've been set up with supposedly has a ninety two percent match with the data on you we currently have. There's a good chance that this might go well if you let it."
"You know I wanna disprove this, right?" Laxus grinned. "I ain't gonna help you."
"Well, lets make a deal," Freed smirked. "If you go into your date with an open mind, I'll promise not to put this on YouTube."
Laxus went to ask what, but the lights lowered, and a projection appeared on one of the blank walls. Watching the video, Laxus felt his blood run cold and his body tense, and a glare was soon aimed at Freed for what he'd done. The grin, which could only be described as shit-eating, he got in return only went to further annoy him.
The video was of Laxus' previous date. All the instances of him falling off the course, and into the water, had been put into a montage, with ridiculously obnoxious circus music blaring behind it. Laxus looked like a damn asshole. When the footage slowed down, showing him getting punched in the face by a foam-covered fist, only to lose grip of the handholds and fall face first into a pool of mud, Laxus openly growled.
"Delete this."
"Absolutely not," Freed smirked. "You heard my terms. Give your date a chance and I'll make it disappear. If not, the whole world gets to see you looking like this."
"Yer an asshole, you know that?" Laxus asked, though he couldn't help fighting a grin.
"I do," Freed nodded, and Laxus barked out a laugh. "And your date is ready for you. Have fun."
Laxus waved a hand towards him, walking towards the door and adjusting his jacket as he did so. He supposed he would give this date a chance, just to avoid the humiliation of that stupid video being leaked onto the internet. If it went well, then he'd meet a guy he might be interested in. if it didn't go well, then he could spend the entirety of the next day planning some kind of revenge on Freed for forcing him to endure such a night. That would be fun.
The date had been… interesting. Freed was right, the guy had certainly been the closest to someone Laxus would consider getting into a long-term relationship with, and that had somewhat spooked him after the date had ended. He'd been completely certain that he wouldn't meet anyone even close to what he wanted, and hadn't allowed for any deviation from that mindset. Having that belief challenged was worrying.
The guy was smart, silver tongued, and pretty sexy. He wore a suit to perfection, knew all the right things to say, and was flirtatious by nature. Which was all good, and certainly wasn't a turn off, but it wasn't enough for Laxus. He was all too focused on flirting, and didn't show off the other facets of his personality, which Laxus had wanted.
But if he had done that, what then? What if he had a good sense of humour, or was passionate about random things and would happily speak of them for hours? Laxus liked men like that, and his date had been dangerously close to that.
What if he'd gotten Laxus to match with him? What would happen then?
Those thoughts were plaguing his mind as he walked into the preparation room. He hadn't prepared himself for actually meeting someone, certainly not someone he wanted to get serious with. Laxus didn't get serious with guys, he was more of a love them and leave them kind of guy. It was part of the reason he wanted to disprove this place; not everyone was looking to find a guy to settle down with, and Laxus saw himself as one of those people. But the entire selling point of THE S0U1MATE SYSTEM was that it matched people together in relationships that would last.
Who even was he when he was in a relationship? Would he be one of those people who obsessively cleaned their home to impress their partner? Would he have to constantly be thinking about dates and things to do? Would he have to buy the guy flowers? He didn't know how to do that shit. He didn't think he even wanted to do that shit.
"Laxus," Freed asked, cutting through Laxus' growing panic. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry, fine," Laxus lied. He didn't say anything else.
Freed didn't push conversation, apparently noticing that Laxus wasn't in the mood for their conversations. Laxus walked to the small sofa that he'd previously ignored, sat down, and listened to the gentle tapping of Freed's fingers against the tablet. He closed his eyes and tried to drown out his thoughts.
He wasn't ready for the date this time, because if they were meant to get better each day, then the guy he'd be matched with next might one day become someone important to him. What if he fucked the date up and the guy didn't wanna match with him? What if the guy was perfect for him and he didn't feel anything? Maybe he'd spent years sleeping around, never being with the same guy for longer than a month, and it'd fucked him up somehow.
"If you'd like to enter the pod," Freed prompted, and Laxus looked up to see the clothing pod lit up.
Doing as he was told, he walked into the pod and waited for his clothes to change. After it happened, he felt that his pants had been replaced by something uncomfortably clingy, and he frowned a little. The frown turned to a grimace when he saw his reflection.
"The fuck?" He demanded.
He was dressed in all green, wearing tights and a slightly sparkling tunic. He looked fucking stupid; even more stupid that he had on the damn Wipeout video. He gaped at his own reflection, not entirely sure what to say. The whiplash from emotional turmoil to embarrassed confusion was overwhelming.
"The fuck!" He repeated.
"You'll apparently be performing as Peter Pan for your next date," Freed informed him, and something close to dread built inside of Laxus' stomach. What the fuck? What the fuck! How the fuck had anyone thought that was something he'd enjoy? Who could think he'd wanna be with someone who wanted him to… to perform on stage while looking like an asshole?
"I fucking am not." He snapped.
"The system states that you'll have a very high matching rate with her," Freed replied, before frowning. Laxus also turned to look at him. "You only wanted to be matched with men, didn't you?"
"That's right," Laxus nodded, voice low. It had set him up with a woman?
Freed looked down at his tablet, face scrunching slightly for a moment as he swiped and tapped at the glass, and Laxus tried not to enjoy the sight. He seemed to understand something, flicked on the screen a few more times, and the pod Laxus had left lit up again. Laxus frowned, looking towards it in confusion before turning his gaze back onto Freed.
"There was a blip in the system. Apparently your date and another man's date were mixed up. If you'd like to step into the pod again it'll give you your actual outfit."
Relief flooded through Laxus. There were certain things that he would have outright refused to do, and making an ass out of himself on a stage, dressed like a glorified pixie was certainly one of them. But the contract he had signed said he was obligated to undergo all simulations if he didn't find a match, as not doing so would harm the reputation of the company unfairly. Would Freed had forced him to do it if he hadn't noticed? Laxus hoped not, but he couldn't be sure.
The new outfit was a lot more simple. It was normal clothing, with a large winter coat and, he realised a moment before he tripped, his shoes had been replaced by ice-skates. He knew how to skate, so it wasn't a problem, and compared to what he'd nearly had to undergo, this was perfect.
"Would I have had to do the fucking performance if you didn't notice it?" He asked.
"I'm sure the system would have picked up the mistake before you went in," Freed dismissed, tapping on the tablet, and lighting the door to the simulation room. "You should go now. Don't want to keep him waiting."
Laxus glanced towards Freed, not commenting on how obvious Freed was being in his dismissal. He walked through the door to see an ice rink empty of everything but one man, who was skating towards him. As Laxus skated towards his date, all he could seem to think of was how much better this was than Peter-Fucking-Pan.
His previous nerves about the date were the last thing on his mind.
"So here's the thing," Laxus said as he walked into the prep room. "I think you lied to me yesterday."
"Lied about what?" Freed asked.
"This is supposed to be the most successful, most advanced matchmaking system in the whole world, right? It's unmatched and has years of coding and advancements in technology inside of it, right?" He asked, and Freed nodded. "So it kinda seems a little bit bullshit that it wouldn't understand that a guy who's gay would only wanna go on a date with other guys. Feels like that's one of the basic things it should get right?"
"That would be a fair assumption."
"So, if that's right, then it seems unlikely that it'd just happen to me. Seems even weirder that it'd happen conveniently when there's a guy watching over the sessions to pick up the mistake," Laxus walked towards Freed, maintaining eye contact. "All seems coincidental."
"I suppose it does."
"Yeah, it does," Laxus nodded. "So why don't you admit that you're the reason it happened."
"If you already know, what would me admitting to it do?"
Laxus laughed. He didn't know what he had been expecting when he decided to confront Freed with his realisation, which had happened half way through the date with the guy, but he hadn't thought he'd get an honest admission without a moment's guilt.
He wasn't angry about what Freed had done. If he'd gone on the date wearing the costume then he'd certainly be pissed off, but in reality he'd only worn the stupid clothes for a minute or two, and Freed had quickly replaced them with what he was actually meant to wear. In reality it was just a weird thing that Freed had decided to do for a reason Laxus didn't quite understand.
"You really just wanted me to look like a jackass?"
"No, that was coincidental," Freed admitted. "A happy coincidence, mind you, but not the reason I did it. You clearly had gotten overwhelmed by the possibility that the system might actually work, and you were getting in your own head about it. You needed to be shocked out of your own self-doubts, and it was the easiest way to do it. A simple ice-skating date is hardly a challenge when you've just avoided something ridiculous that you'd never enjoy."
Oh, that was actually kinda nice. Weird, but nice. Not what he expected. It was almost flattering, in a way, that Freed had chosen to help him at all.
Of course he couldn't actually say that. He'd entered the room with a build-up of energy, having expected he would need to force the truth out of him by repeatedly asking him. He had been so certain that it would take their entire time together, and it would end with Freed laughing and Laxus trying to salvage his own pride back. He'd half thought that his costumed self would be edited into the fucking Wipeout video to further add to his embarrassment. A kind, if not slightly odd, action was hardly what he expected.
"So, is it actually automated?" He asked, instead of voicing his thanks because it was the only thing he could think of saying. "Or have you just been saying it is while doing everything yourself."
"No, it's automated, but I can override anything should I want to, which is what I did."
"Show me," Laxus demanded.
Freed nodded, moving slightly so Laxus could stand beside him in front of the tablet. Laxus stood behind him, trying to ignore the fact that this was the closest he'd been to Freed, and he could almost feel the heat radiating off him. It was hardly an appropriate thing to think, particularly when he was going to be on a date with another man damn soon.
He focused on the interface. He saw a quick flash of what his date would be – another meal with a guy – before Freed overrode the system. He pressed a few buttons and ended up controlling the clothing pod. He loaded the program up, and was given a large interface of different outfits, all with pictures to show what they'd look like.
"It's surprisingly user friendly," Freed said, pressing a random outfit and loading it into the system. "Now if you went inside, you'd be wearing that."
"So even I could do it, then?" Laxus asked with a grin, and Freed faltered beside him.
"I suppose."
"What you did for me was pretty nice of ya, but I still ended up like an idiot in a costume because you made me wear it," Laxus mused aloud, and Freed audibly sighed beside him. "So if you think you're getting away without me turning the tables on ya, you're an idiot."
"I probably should have expected that," Freed murmured to himself, and Laxus laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder, and gently guiding him towards the pod. Freed didn't fight him.
"You should have," Laxus agreed, pushing him into the pod before Freed could second guess anything.
He stood at the tablet a moment later, knowing Freed was watching him. He swiped down the hundreds of outfits before inspiration struck him. He pressed the button for the search bar, typed in his idea, looked over the ten or so options before picking the one that looked the most ridiculous. He added it into the system, pressed the apply button, and grinned as the pod flashed with light. A moment later, Freed was revealed, and Laxus burst into laughter.
Freed looked ridiculous. Dressed entirely in an old-fashioned jester's outfit, purple and yellow, with a stupid hat covered in golden bells. He looked at himself in the mirror, crossing his arms unimpressed as Laxus guffawed at him.
"Holy shit," Laxus cackled. "What kinda date would need you to be dressed like that?"
"The system needs to cover all bases," Freed grunted, expression showing annoyance, but Laxus felt like a smile wanted to break through when the bells on his hat jingled. "Can I have my own clothes back, please?"
"We've got a couple minutes before the sim starts, that's enough time to have fun," Laxus grinned, scrolling through the recommended costumes. He found one, applied it to the pod and activated it.
A moment later, Freed was dressed as a circus clown, and Laxus spluttered into laughter all over again.
"Very mature," Freed mumbled sarcastically, though his words were slightly nasally because of the large red nose he wore. "I'm glad you're having fun."
"I am," Laxus grinned, holding back sniggers as he took in Freed for a moment before he began scrolling again.
This was an opportunity that he couldn't waste, and he'd get the man in as many stupid costumes he could before the date began. He quickly settled on a vampire costume that looked equal parts cheap and ridiculous. Once he applied it, he was slightly disappointed to see that Freed managed to pull it off with startlingly good looks. It was twenty-fifty-five, nobody should be able to look good while wearing a cape.
"The fact you're not complaining about this kind of takes the fun out of it," Laxus teased. "You like dressing up or something?"
"Not particularly, but I'd rather you be doing this than stressing about your date," Freed shrugged, seemingly all too comfortable dressed like a vampire. "Night six has the highest success rate. I thought you'd be panicking, this is better."
Laxus paused for a moment, but didn't say anything. He instead found another costume, and grinned when he saw how little it suited Freed. A clean-cut man like Freed didn't make a good caveman.
He fiddled with the tablet for a little while longer, flicking between costumes. Freed managed to make them look better than he had any right to do, but some of them looked ridiculous and Laxus decided to enjoy those as much as he could. A small timer at the bottom of the screen told him the simulation would be ready within the minute, and in a scramble to further annoy Freed, Laxus quickly picked a random outfit from the selection of superhero costumes. He had applied it before the lights to the simulation lit up, and smirked.
The smirk fell when he looked towards Freed. He'd expected it to be a cheap thing covered in cushioned muscles. The reality was… snug. Too snug for Laxus sanity, truly. He'd expected that Freed was hot as well as handsome, but having it clarified wasn't helping things. The guy was muscular, had a tight body, and biceps that strained against the fabric. Laxus pointedly didn't look down. That would be too much.
And he managed to pull off a bright red cape too. How? Capes were stupid. Not hot.
"You've had your fun," Freed said, and Laxus found solace in looking at his face rather than his very, very visible body. "May I have my own clothes back before you start your date?"
"Why?" Laxus asked as he stepped away from the podium. "Can't you do it yourself while I'm in there?"
"No, I can't," Freed muttered, and Laxus grinned.
"That kinda sounds like a you problem," He smirked, and Freed's face darkened for a moment as he stepped out of the pod. His cape billowed behind him and Laxus smirked. He patted the man on the shoulder. "I don't wanna leave my date waiting, after all," Without any reason to, he actually winked at Freed. "Enjoy your walk home, Superman."
As he entered the sim, he was fairly certain those few seconds of seeing Freed blushing unabashedly would be better than any date the system had in store for him.
"Is there something wrong with me?"
The high of messing with Freed hadn't lasted throughout the date, and the feelings had been replaced with a maudlin sense of nothingness. That was a feeling Laxus couldn't seem to get rid of throughout the day, and had persisted as he walked into the preparation room for the last time.
On paper, his date was his perfect man. He was intelligent and suave, well lived and happy to talk about his passions. He was hot, had the long hair that Laxus had always favoured on men, and had been pretty good company. He knew the guy was into him, and he felt like he should have reciprocated the attraction. This man should have been ideal for him, and yet Laxus had felt like he was going through the motions. It made him wonder, if that man wasn't right for him, then who the hell would be?
"What makes you say that?" Freed asked, who had been hunched over his table, furiously tapping at it before he'd entered.
"You said most people match with their sixth date. The guy was nice, good looking, we had interests in common," Laxus muttered. "Didn't feel anything for him."
"That doesn't mean there's something wrong with you."
"Maybe," Laxus didn't believe it.
He'd wanted to be the person who ruined THE S0U1MATES SYSTEM'S reputation. He'd wanted to be the person who proved that soulmates were pointless because they didn't exist, and even if they did, a computer program wouldn't be the way to find them. He just hadn't realised that, if he did prove that to be true, it would feel like a punch to the gut.
The system had a complete success rate! Everyone who had ever been involved found love. It was fact. Laxus was apparently going to be the exception to that. He was the first unlovable person to enter the program, and he would be the idiot who couldn't get a boyfriend no matter what.
It was shit. It was just fucking shit.
"Laxus, they're just dates," Freed said softly, placing a hand on Laxus shoulder in a comforting gesture. It felt like fire against him. "We dress them up with fancy technology, and we can explain the science in a way that makes it sound impressive, but a date is just a date. When you get two people together, they can fall in love within a moment, but they could also hate one another. That can happen to anyone, no matter what the statistics say."
"The statistics ain't got it wrong with anyone else."
"And you don't know that they have with you. People wait for the seventh night, and it works out for them," Freed assured him, the hand now gently massaging him. It was electric, and Laxus could almost allow himself to be thrilled by it. "And even if the man isn't the person you end up with, you'll find someone at some point. Don't put this on some kind of pedestal, all you'll be doing is meeting a man for the first time."
"The guy's meant to be my soulmate," Laxus scoffed. "It ain't exactly like meeting for coffee."
"It is what you make it, Laxus," Freed placated him. "Not matching with him isn't a failure of personality. It's just a thing that has happened, and it doesn't shape you."
"I guess," Laxus muttered, not exactly confident in his own words.
"You will find someone Laxus," Freed said firmly. "You're fun, intelligent, confident, good looking. A man is out there, and he will find you. Just give him time."
Freed didn't say anything else, and instead patted Laxus on the shoulder and returned to his tablet to do whatever it was he did. Laxus looked down at the floor, his nerves and self-pity only slightly at bay as he tried to agree with what Freed had said. He had come into the program wanting to prove that it was false, and he should have known this would be the outcome.
Focusing on his own problems, he didn't notice the slight change in posture from Freed. His eyes had widened, and he was tapping somewhat manically at the tablet. His teeth were gritting together and his heart hammering. A moment later, he stood up, and Laxus frowned when he saw how tense he looked.
"Don't overreact to this," Freed demanded, voice too calm. "This is a glitch, nothing else. The system has flaws, this is apparently one of them."
He took a moment before speaking again. "Apparently you haven't been matched with someone tonight," Freed spoke quietly, almost under his breath, and Laxus felt as though he had been shot. Freed was quick to speak before Laxus could spiral. "This is the program not being able to work as intended. It is not a reflection of you. Do you understand me?"
"Fucks sake," Laxus growled, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck!"
"It's not you, Laxus," Freed tried to tell him, but Laxus was walking towards the door. He needed to leave, to get out of this damn place as quickly as he could. Why the hell had he gone there? He was an idiot. He shouldn't have gone. "Wait. Laxus, don't leave."
"Why the hell shouldn't I?"
"Because I don't want you to," Freed said quickly. "I don't want you to feel like you're… whatever it is your feeling. Because whatever it is, whatever you're telling yourself, is false."
"How the hell do you know?"
"I've watched every date of yours, Laxus. I know you, and you are a good man, and anyone would be happy to have you," He insisted, stepping towards Laxus, and placing a hand on his forearm. "If I'm honest, I found myself somewhat jealous that those men got to be with you. I'm sure I could find hundreds of men who would feel exactly the same. Truth be told, I had to stop watching you talking with that little blonde ass last night. It's unprofessional, I know, but it must be said. You are a man who, one day, will be adored and you will deserve it."
Laxus scoffed. "Sure."
"You're incredible, Laxus," Freed stepped closer, placing a hand on Laxus' cheek. Laxus blushed at the action despite himself. "And if this program has made you think otherwise, even for a moment, then it is pointless. Do you understand me?"
"You think I'm incredible?" Laxus asked, voice a little raspy as he looked down at Freed.
"I do."
"Then do something about it," Laxus whispered because he needed Freed to do this.
And he did.
Freed leant forward without hesitation, tilting up his head and slowly, cautiously pushed his lips against Laxus'. His hand remained on Laxus' cheek, and slowly he started to move his lips in tandem with Laxus', opening his mouth slightly as he pushed himself up against him. Laxus wrapped an arm around Freed's waist, and felt himself clinging to the man as if he were a lifeline.
The kiss could only last a moment, and when Laxus pulled away and was met with the slightly flushed, kiss swollen expression of Freed in his arms, all of his doubts seemed to flow away. This was more important.
"Damn," He whispered, and Freed breathed out a laugh.
"Yes," He agreed. "Damn."
"Wanted to do that from when I first saw ya," Laxus admitted.
"And I you," Freed confessed, smiling. "I must admit, watching you with those men became somewhat torturous by the end."
"Would've stopped if you told me," Laxus shrugged.
"Then you might not have come back, and I didn't want that any more than I wanted to see you match with someone," Freed chuckled.
They stayed in their embrace for a moment, Laxus gently stroking Freed's lower back with his fingers in a slow and comforting gesture. Freed was still cupping his cheek, and it was a delightful sensation that Laxus didn't want to break. He would have to at some point, and he found himself at a loss of what to do next. For a moment he considered asking Freed to set up some kind of simulation for them both, but he felt he'd had enough of the damn place for now.
"You wanna maybe go somewhere and get something to eat?" He asked, and Freed pulled back slightly with a smile.
"That'd be nice," Freed agreed, though then smirked. "Though are you sure it's not too boring? Wouldn't you rather ice skating? Or maybe a boxing match? Or an obstacle course that you keep failing at?"
"Don't be a dick," Laxus laughed, pulling himself off of Freed. "Or I'll drag you back to the pod and you'll have to go to dinner dressed as batman. Dunno how happy a restaurant is gonna be with the Dark Night's cape falling in the soup."
"I'd rather avoid that. My roommate already thinks me odd after what you did yesterday, I don't need anyone else agreeing with him," Freed laughed, and Laxus grinned at the confession. He wrapped an arm around Freed's waist as they began to leave the room. "Though, if I could get you in the Peter Pan costume again I couldn't complain. Those tights were rather flattering."
"Didn't realise you were lookin'," Laxus smirked.
"I was more subtle than you were, then," Freed grinned, and Laxus laughed.
As they left the room, the simulation unused, neither man noticed the screen of the table lighting up with an updated message.
Laxus Dreyar.
Profile = Matched.
Soulmate Level = 100%
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there's soemtbign so attractive about D2 being the sequel to Agust D . when Iisten to agust d , all I can hear is so much fucking pain and regret and angst . the last , the title track , give it to me . it's overwhelming sometimes the intensity of the emotions in it .
then we have d2 right . it's relaxed . it feels like hes let go of so much of the anguish in him . I'm just imposing here . but there is so much more calmness in him right ? in d2 he's way more talking about things like his growth than the people who affected it . he's fwlkig but him as a lyricist as a band member as someone who has a dream but can't really feel it anymore as someone who's finally feeling himself turn into an adult .
I think it reassures me that he's around the right people , to have his emotions so much more calmer . not that I didnt think he wouldn't have gotten the help he needed but , it feels good to know that he has such a good support system .
as someone who's literally trying not to think about death everyday its comforting to be around honsool and 28 and people and set me free . when im hurting or frustrated or just emotionally blocked i listen to agust d . its crazy how much music affects me . and I'm so grateful I found bts .
what are ur opinions/expectations from the solo mixtwpes ? I feel lik each one will have such diverse sounds !!
You might know already, but this blog is named after 'People' by Agust D. If you read 'heartspace' you'll know that song is important to me in many ways. I am always listening to music while writing and in general. I don't only listen to BTS. Sometimes, when I can't see my own inner turmoil, the music I'm currently listening to is how I know I'm suffering.
When it comes to Yoongi's mixtapes, he has said before he was in two different places mentally when writing them. People change all the time. I'm glad he's allowed to release them and that he lets us to see a little glimpse of his life and his thoughts. I'm not someone who has expectations, but rather I appreciate what he was willing to share.
I enjoyed the first one, but the second one really shocked me. I appreciate he sings / raps in Korean because honestly the similar thinking patterns of him and I spook me. Not sure if I can take it if he suddenly started speaking in English to me, I would prefer to struggle myself lol. 'People' is my favorite, then '28', 'What Do You Think?', 'Daechwita'. I like how he celebrated his own culture and made it the title song. And I feel like someone is going to ask me, so I'm going to say it and it's gonna be controversial and maybe some if you might leave reading this. I don't think he should have removed the sample from the intro of 'What Do You Think?'. I know why he did it, because he has an image and a name and with that comes responsibilities. Did he know what it meant? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it was too extreme of a comparison to make in relation to the content of the song. And yet, you don't learn from history by pretending it doesn't exist. We know that. How many of you would have known who the speaker was if Yoongi didn't use that sample?
Yoongi said during his VLIVE that he doesn't want to explain his songs, and that he wants the listener to interpret them for themselves. There's a lot going on in that head he can't say because he's SUGA of BTS and a lot he doesn't say because he doesn't want to or can't share it. I know that feeling all too well. My writing reveals more than you know. You just don't realize it because you don't know where to look or what to look for. I believe it's the same with Yoongi's solo music and I always enjoy everything he shares with us. My favorite thing about his work is that he uses simple lyrics to convey complex emotions. He dosn't waste his words and they all have a purpose. I admire that about him.
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sorry-sorry-sorry · 4 years
Alright, to start off let me explain how I want you to play this. All I expect of you is to just to either copy the questions or the numbers of the questions and answer them, and once you are done, I guess just re-blog it so others can play this too. I will include my answers under each question to inspire those who aren’t sure what to write or what they would do, and for those who want to get to know me more.
I actually made this because I want to see how everyone actually would react to specific situations so I can, when it comes to writing stories for you all, make them more relatable and not something where you would read the story and think “Umm I/My MC would never do something like this.... “ alright let me stop wasting time now
1. Is this going to be about you or your OC/MC?
this is going to be about me, I think it will be about the things I would do realistically
2. What were you wearing when you first arrived? (Casual, smart, PJs, etc. Describe your outfit) 
Realistically speaking, I imagine myself arriving to devildom wearing my favourite BNHA hoodie and some black joggers/sweatpants
3. What we're you doing before you got teleported into devildom?
I actually like to headcanon/imagine that MC originally signed up to study abroad and as they go to the airport and sit on the plane, 2 hours into the flight as they are staring out of the window, they suddenly notice how the light suddenly went off around them and everything went quiet, so when they look away from the window to see what's going on they see that actually somehow everyone feel asleep around them, even the stewards and stewardess. When MC looks back out of the window they suddenly see everything is actually upside down, the plane is flying normally but the city/ land that they saw is suddenly now in the sky and the clouds are at the bottom, and suddenly the airplane starts lowering itself into the clouds which start looking more orange and grey. That is when they suddenly hear Belphagore's voice calling for them as they slowly drift to sleep and then end up waking up in devildom.
4. First reaction when you get there 
Once again Realistically speaking, I'd think this was all either A) a dream (based on Q3), B) A big joke or C) A game show or like a Darren brown kinda thing.
I would probably just be laughing at the whole situation out of nervousness and be like " ya guys are joking right? Hahaha very funny.... ok how do I wake up now?"
5. Reaction to finding out their names
The amount of times I'm going to repeat the word 'Realistically' in this post is uncountable, but realistically speaking I would start bursting out laughing when Satan and Lucifer would introduce themselves. I can imagine myself making fun of it and be like "SATAN AND LUCIFER??!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA IF YOU GUYS ARE SATAN AND LUCIFER, I'M BEYONCE! BWWAAAAHAHAHAHA"
I can clearly imagine them getting pissed at me due to this, because imagine someone laughs at you after you tell them your name, quite rude isn't it ? Lolol
6. Reaction to them actually dancing (dance battles )
In the beginning I'd start laughing but then also die out of second hand embarassment. I don't know why but seeing people dance makes me uncomfortable.
7. If you were to stand next to the characters where does your MC/ OC / Do you imagine yourself to reach up to?
(Going from tallest to smallest )
Beelzebub/Lucifer/Diavolo - around the chest area, Def not reaching up to their shoulders.
Simeon / Solomon / Satan / Barbatos - up to their necks
Leviathan / Mammon - up to their chins
Asmodeus / Belphagore - their ears
Luke my cute little sweet baby that I'm ready to kill for - he would reach up to my shoulders lmao
8. Would you miss anyone? When would you start missing them ?
My family? Lolol no, I wouldn't miss them.
I would only miss my friends and my cats probably after satan would talk about cats. I can imagine me missing them after the first week or the second week
9. Who would you be closest to ?
I can imagine myself being close to the following : Leviathan, Asmodeus and Satan. I think I'd be really good friends with levi or asmo though since they are both invested into things that I'm also really into. Ah! I forgot to mention, I'd try to be friends with Mammon if I saw the brothers getting rude to him.
I'd try to get close to Lucifer but be a bit intimidated by him though and Mammon's tsundere act would kinda hurt me, but after I would realize that he's a tsundere I would be be friends with him.
10. Realistically speaking would you go up the stairs when Lucifer tells you not to? 
Honestly, I would respect Lucifer's wishes and not go up the stairs but if Belphagore doesn't shut the fuck up and keeps telling me to come to him, I'd probably go.
11. How would you react after Belphie kills you? What would you say to him ? 
After the whole killing thing and me seeing my dead body, I would be shocked and probably start swearing worse than s sailor and then lunge at him and beat him up out of anger. Honestly If I ever got the chance to make one of my wishes come true, it would be to get in a fist fight with Belphagore, where I would beat the living hell out of him.
12. How would you react after finding out you left the original timeline?
I would honestly be sad about it, yes I get it that in this timeline we still have the same characters but honestly I would struggle accepting the new ones, and end up missing the original ones.
I think it would also result to me constantly thinking, if this Satan likes me, would the original Satan also like me? What would he have done in this situation, etc.
13. Reaction to finding out about being Liliths descendent? 
One word : shit
I would think it would be cool at first but then when I'd realize that the brothers are technically like my great-great¹⁰⁰⁰ granduncle ( ik that it says that human Lilith is not related to the brothers by blood ) I'd be a bit .... disturbed. I'd definitely crack a lot of grandpa jokes with them and joking call them "grandpapi" randomly.
Honestly though it would also make me feel bad about myself because I'd start thinking that they would start treating me as Lilith's replacement or that they are actually trying to find Lilith in me. But I guess after some time I'd get over it.
14. Reaction to the demon brothers being in their demon form ?
It's simple, if they are angry while being in their form, I'd be wary of them for a while, but if they are calm while being in it, I'd be amazed and ask a lot of questions, resulting to me jumping around excitedly and trying to touch them.
15. On the last day, realistically what would you do? Would you hug the brothers ? If you were to leave devildom who would you stay in contact with?
Honestly I'd kiss the character that I'd fall for the night before I leave. I can imagine that it's either Satan, Mammon, Lucifer, Leviathan or Solomon. It's either go big or go home!
I'd take one of those typical Victorian family pictures with everyone in it, meaning diavolo and barbs, the demon brothers, the angels and Solomon, and I'd make a copy for everyone to keep. I'd also maybe make something that they call all remember me by such as personalized keychains or bracelets.
I can definitely imagine myself staying in contact with Leviathan because... You know... Anime lolol and Solomon since he is the only human who I could talk to about devildom and everything that happened there. I'd love to stay in contact with the others but I feel like I won't be able to entertain them much via texting. I'd also love to stay in contact with the angels but I think we all know that won't be possible. Sad sigh
Would I cry? ... Yes, I would get ready eyed and hug them
16. Lastly, What would you tell your family and friends when you return, what will you tell them when they ask you about where you disappeared off to?
Honestly, I would tell my family about everything that happened, I'd tell them about devildom and everything I experienced since I know they would believe me because our family already has some history with demons and spiritual stuff.
However, I'd definitely lie to my friends saying something such as me breaking my phone when I went to study abroad causing me to lose contact as I was gone.
To be honest, this was really fun to make and answer, it really got me thinking about myself and my personality. I really hope you guys also end up doing this, and enjoy yourself. If you guys want I can also make part 2 which will contain scenes from season 2.
Once again I hope you enjoy yourself, and don't forget to re-blog this with your answers so I can see your responses and so others can play this too.
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harry-sussex · 3 years
You're lovely, and I enjoy seeing your blog on my dashboard. I'm sorry this has been such a difficult thing to process. It's always really difficult to rework an image of someone you once thought you knew. However I'd like to just put it out there - sometimes (I think the large majority of the time) news is presented in the most sensationalist way, such that nowadays I make a point of de-sensationalizing any news I read in my head. In the case of the whole Harry's memoir thing- I can sympathize with Harry as a person possibly just wanting to take back some control of the narrative for himself. Not just in the most recent events with family (that I tend to think are less horrifying than the fandom/Twitter sussex squad discusses it anyway), but in all aspects of his life. I do not at all think he's going to put his family on blast. I can easily imagine Meghan reigning that dialogue in; she has the tendency to think before she speaks that he seems to lack. And he loves his family. Similar to The Interview promos, I imagine the publishing house knew to increase the interest by implying it to be a tell all memoir. I think he's just done a lot of growing up that he didn't know he had to do over a short period of time, esp re: implicit bias/racism in the setting of media's blatant attack on someone he loves, and is disappointed by the institution's and his family's response to it. I think he's emerged a more introspective and aware human, albeit a disillusioned one. Yes it breaks my heart to think that Meghan won't get a break from the tabloids any time soon. If I were him I'd counsel him to write it & sit on it for a few yrs. But I don't want to give the media the power to destroy Meghan in my mind, and I pray she & Harry won't either. I think she'll be okay. She's a strong one, and I think he's able to draw that same link for himself and be thoughtful about what he does. No one likes being misunderstood/misinterpreted, and I wouldn't be surprised if Harry's especially triggered by that given his history with the press. Maybe this idea emerged from therapy, idk. I can empathize with that, even if I wouldn't do it myself. I hope and pray Meghan gets the support she needs from him and her loved ones in the meantime. I'm honestly not going to read it. I think the less attention I give the BRF the better off they are, unless they're doing something immoral/illegal (see: Woking pizza alibi). And I think at the end of the day, people will unfairly judge other people, especially public figures that have tragic pasts and are publically fighting with the media. A lot of it is going to be noise and I'm not going to give my energy into figuring it out. I like to think I've got a good sense of who they are as people - flawed but ultimately well meaning and earnest. I'm a huge admirer of Meghan and think Harry got really lucky with this one and I'm proud of him for choosing her in more ways than one. I believe Harry and Meghan are lovely people, and I 100% believe their interview. I believe that there are people in the palace with a lot of unchecked power who deliberately uncovered her and Archie from BRF protection for reasons of believed superiority over Meg & Arch. And they're figuring out how to deal with that as a couple and a family. And it's none of my business past that imo. I pray for them and hope it'll eventually end in peace for them all. Just wanted to add another perspective, and hopefully some levity. xx M
Hi, dear. First thing’s first, I really appreciate that this is off anon lol. I love it when people own their opinions, and it says a lot that you did. So thank you for that.
Second of all, I really appreciate the nuance and perspective that is in this message. I agree that the news is sensationalist, and my initial reaction was based off of that. I did watch the promotional clips of the interview and I believe it did sour my expectations going into it when I watched it nearly a week after it aired. I did my best to stay away from Tumblr because I didn’t want that to hinder my view, but it was impossible to separate the promotions that presented the information one way from what it actually was, and thank you for bringing that up with respect to the memoir because I hadn’t considered it. I will say that my knee jerk reaction is pretty on par with the way I still feel about it 24 hours later, especially since I got the news directly, not from Tumblr or Twitter or anywhere else, but you’re right that it could have soured my view from the very start.
I appreciate that he wants to take back some of the narrative but I think that ship has sailed, tbh. He did that with the interview and now I just think it feels like information overload. At some point, people are going to get tired of hearing the wealthy, privileged, powerful Prince complain about his life while more than 4 million people have died due to a global pandemic in less than 2 years. Not to say that he doesn’t struggle - in the words of Roxane Gay, there is no oppression Olympics (and that can be extended to struggle Olympics) - but people view it that way and will get tired of it, if they haven’t already.
I also agree that Harry’s past with the press has tarnished the way he has handled the media and the public post-exit, when he’s finally in a position to strike back without being somewhat obliged to them as part of the circumstances of his birth. I understand and sympathize with him but I just don’t think the public does, and the public matters much, much more than the perspective of one single American fan, to whom he’s never been obliged, and I simply do not think the public will afford him that same understanding, sympathy, and leniency. The public and the media are critical to his humanitarian work - his mother never realized that towards the end of her life, and I truly don’t think she would have been the martyr/saint she is perceived to be now if she had lived, because she did not know how to meet the media in the middle and eventually that started to piss people off. He’s starting to piss people off now and if it doesn’t bother him personally (which it definitely does), I don’t want it to affect his causes. The Invictus Games, Sentebale, Walking with the Wounded, WellChild, Mayhew, Smartworks, Archewell, etc. deserve better than to suffer the wrath of the media and an apathetic public because their patrons simply will not shut up lol.
I guess my point is that they will be unfairly judged (regardless, but especially due to the way they’re handling things), and I think it would suit them better in the long run if they adopted a different strategy. I really sympathize with the fact that he feels frustrated with the narrative that has been manufactured but I really, really think the narrative will only get worse and worse as he continues to go on and on about how badly his life sucks, basically. Again, I don’t deny that he struggles - we all do, some more than others, especially when there are mental health issues - but the public, to me, simply does not care. My own therapist has told me to simply stop caring about the things that I discuss with him. Not to say that they’re not relevant, important, or worthy of discussion - they absolutely are - but his point is that you cannot change people and you are wasting your energy and struggling yourself because you want to change them so, so, so badly that you’re neglecting your own self care in the process. I hate that I do it to myself and I also hate that he appears to be doing it to himself. I’m sure a lot of this conversation has been brought up in his own therapy, and I’m no professional, but I’m doing my best to heed the advice of my own therapist - which is the opposite of what Harry is doing - and it’s done wonders for me, when I actually can do it.
If there’s anything I know from this whole thing, it’s that Harry is absolutely punching above his weight, love him as I may, and that he adores, adores, adores his wife. He has chosen her from the very second she came into his life and I couldn’t want anything more for him or from her. I’m not going to lie, I would have been in this thing for any wife that Harry chose, because I was here long before Meghan specifically came into his life. However, I am glad every day that he chose her, that he loves her, that he wants to protect her, that she loves him back, that he lives the life with her that he’s wanted as long as I (and I’m sure he) can remember. I love her because he loves her, and I would have no matter what, because at the end of the day, it’s his happiness and comfort that matters to me, that has mattered to me since I discovered him and how wonderful he can be more than 7 years ago. What more could I ask of Meghan? What more, as his fan to the end (annoy me as he may), could I want for him? Who could say anything about her in that regard? If there’s anything that has come of this mess, to me, it’s that Harry loves, loves, loves his wife. I will always be happy for him and I will always be proud of him for choosing her, even if I don’t always agree with the way he goes about it.
I’m looking forward to peace, too. I cannot wait for things to just die out, for them to work things out as a couple and as a family, and for everyone to move on. The family will still do their thing and the Sussexes can do theirs, but I cannot deal with this back and forth, tit for tat, petty nonsense anymore. They’re wonderful and flawed, like the rest of them (except Andrew), and I just hope that they can all come to some kind of agreement or terms that lets this die down. It’s exhausting for everyone - themselves included. If I’m this tired, I can only imagine how tired they all are.
Thanks for stopping by, and sorry for the essay (essays, these past 24 hours lol). I really appreciate your kindness in this message, your presence in my notifications (I do see them!), your nuanced perspective and like I said before, I really, really appreciate that you own it!
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