#if u want me to take it down or send it to u via ask instead or anything just let me know!!
hyah-lian · 2 years
@skyloftian-nutcase fanfic, for your Healthcare AU? It's more likely than you think.
I hope it's ok to post it and tag you like this ;;;; that one post yesterday got my brain goin. I hope its not too out of character for your boys or too off base on the situation lol
The staff section of the cafeteria had been cleared of tables and filled to the brim with CPR mannequins, gym mats, and a small army of staff in various locations around the space. 
A few, like Wars and Time were pacing through with other educators brought in for the training exercise. Others sat, stood, or laid with index cards; acting out or reading off their cards to the handful who were on their turn for acting as triage and treatment.
"Oh oof ouch, I am dying. My sats are unreadable. Oh no," Legend deadpanned from the blue mat on the floor while one of the hospital's newer hires rocked from foot to foot above him.
"Don't panic, breathe," Time raised his voice a little over the din of the emergency preparedness practice.
"And- and check the leads if they are there? And- or call a code for help?" Time nodded and the new hire ran through the motions.
"Cool, alright Wind, so what is the next step?" Twilight grinned and pulled the young respiratory-therapist-in-training's attention back to the scenario at hand.
"Oh, yeah. Geeze, it's pretty loud and busy."
"Emergencies tend to be. You don't have to get it perfect, that's why we do the course."
"Right," Wind nodded and rechecked the card with the scenario information, "well then, uh, little mister bus crash. Your arm is probably broken and my what big bones you have for a second grader."
"Ha-ha. Take it seriously, please."
"I am. Reading the room, this kid wouldn't take kindly to coddling and lying from what I've heard. Plus it's not a red level emergency so-"
Wind laid Twilight's arm on his own legs on top of his folded up sweater. With slow and purposeful movements he held the hand still gently with one of his own, while the other went for the splinting materials in one of the tubs to the side.
"Your arm is going to get a, uhm," Wind furrowed his brow when Wars and another one of the course leaders walked by, "special jacket that'll hug it and help make it feel better until a doctor can get you a cast."
"My card just says 'inconsolable crying', I'm sure you can imagine what that is like."
"No, no Twi- do it right!" 
Legend was propped up on his elbow staring back at the two of them, oh so casually sipping his energy drink while his caretaker was tearing through the provided bins and listening to Time talk them through their panic.
"I'm not taking advice from an unconscious body with an untraceable rhythm that is somehow sitting up and drinking that crap."
"For all you know I'm asleep with detached leads," he stage whispered before slurping obnoxiously.
"I'm going to tie this here and here to help make your arm feel better," Wind half shouted over the other two.
Twilight flipped his behavior card around to show both Wind and Legend the underlined block lettering saying 'inconsolable crying' and shrugging. 
Wind rolled his eyes and the motion took his whole head lolling back on his shoulders in exasperation. Legend, the bug, just snorted. Then, of course, Wars looped back around to watch.
"Okay, one knot," Wind spoke as he continued, "and two. How brave! Quick, Legend! Wiggle your fingers!"
"Flex those fingies! C'mon!" 
Legend flexed all of one at Wind's smiling face.
"Watch it!" Twi shouted before catching the glare from Wars. "Thats a swear finger. Tsk tsk."
"That's right! You should show him how to properly wiggle your fingers, kiddo," Wind, to his credit, avoided the patronizing tone most of the others put on when working with younger patients.
Sneaky Wind, trying to score extra points. Twilight lifted the splinted arm ever so slightly and wiggled his fingers in a little wave at Legend. One knot slipped and pinched his arm between it and the splint.
"Good use of age appropriate distraction. Mind the location of the knots on the cravat," Wars smiled and made a note on the clipboard he carried.
"Thanks. Patient is breathing fine, and I'm guessing you still standing here is like, another doctor showing up to take over? Or that I just did enough? I'd still try to sling it for real though, right?" Wind asked.
"Yes, a bit of both. If this was a true mass MVC once you got to this point and had the child safe and supervised, I would suggest you move on to other patients after retying the knot to avoid pinching. Sorry to shove you along so fast, looks like you're all having a great time but we need to keep this moving. Here is your next patient, over there."
Wind took the paper slip and his eyes followed Wars' motion. He slapped his palm into Twilight's hair and gave it a thorough messing-up before moving on.
"Watch it-!" Twi called after him, undoing the splint and resetting the bins for the next waiting person.
"Legend," Time's voice, a warning.
"Okay, okay!" He laid back down, "Ah, oof. I am so unconscious. My breathing is shallow, it's there but shallow, ok? You don't need to crack my ribs for real this time."
"Worst actor, isn't he?" Wild dropped off another bin of equipment and handed Twilight a new stack of cards for the next scenario before moving on to deliver other equipment to the different stations.
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shunsuiken · 8 months
pairing(s). kaveh, arlecchino, ayato x gn!reader
genre. fluff + suggestive themes (can u blame me look at that prompt up there like i had to 🚶🏻‍♀️)
wc. 200-300 for each character
an. i need to be thrown around like a sack of potatoes between these three
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“kaveh come here!”
“yes my love, what was-”
your lips immediately come in contact with his and with a delighted hum, his body easily melts into yours. his free hand pulls you closer by the waist as he holds a blueprint in his other hand. he caresses the small of your back and it sends shivers down your spine.
you certainly weren’t expecting this kind of reaction from kaveh for a kiss and you weren’t complaining either! it only makes sense that such a compassionate and loving man would give you the most passionate and tender kisses.
you hum delightfully into the kiss as well, feeling a smile creep onto kaveh’s lips as he slowly pulls you both apart. his eyes immediately flicker to the tint on your lips.
“was there something you needed, my love?” his hand rubs your back comfortingly.
you hold his cheeks, keeping him in place as you stare at his lips animatedly. “was just testing out this new lipstick and…” you bring up the pocket mirror you’ve been holding in your hand and show kaveh the mess it’s made on his lips. “well… at least i know i can’t wear it so often.”
kaveh raises a brow as he looks at his lips in the mirror. “why not? lets everyone know who’s yours.”
your jaw drops at his sentence and you snatch your pocket mirror back to yourself again. “kaveh! have some public decency!” you scold him but kaveh knows your words are empty as you walk away from him with heated cheeks.
“arle, are you busy?” you knock on her office door, awaiting her response.
“come in, dearest.” a smile rises to your lips at her words, you open the door and close it behind you.
“hm.” you hear her hum and your heart can’t contain its excitement as you walk towards her.
as you round her desk, she raises her arm to take your hand and tugs you forward. “what is it?” you ask as she holds your fingers to her lips for a brief kiss on the back of your hand. a classic greeting of hers.
when her eyes meet yours, it’s only seconds before you avert your gaze somewhere else.
“you bought a new lipstick.”
your eyes meet hers again and if you weren’t so distracted by her intense gaze, you would’ve seen the faintest trace of a smile on her lips.
“i did—but if i may be so bold… i would like to try it out.”
arlecchino’s brows raise. “but haven’t you already done that?”
“no, i mean like this.”
when your lips find hers, she’s quick to maneuver you onto her lap, holding you still with an arm around your waist. her free hand busies itself with tucking your hair behind your ear.
“was it this that you wanted?” arlecchino breaks the kiss after a few beats to let you catch your breath. “or did you really need to test out the lipstick?”
the tone she uses with you is teasing and it makes you feel so small on top of her lap. your hands find purchase on her shoulders to distract you while you try to come up with words to say after such a kiss.
“i admit the kiss was lovely, arle.” your voice is quiet but your movements are loud as the pad of your thumb drags across her bottom lip. “but it seems that this lipstick is transferable.”
arlecchino stares at you, a sigh leaving her own maroon lips. she takes your hand in hers to plant a kiss on your inner wrist. “how observant of you.” she then shows you her lipstick stain on your wrist, a dark and mischievous glint in her eyes. “shall we see whose lipstick transfers the most?”
kamisato ayato
“is that a new lipstick?”
the corner of your lip curls at the sound of ayato’s voice. hm, he’s been getting distracted very easily these days.
“why yes it is,” you respond, pressing your lips together to distribute the tint better. you turn around with a cheeky smile. “so i’ll be testing it out now.”
“oh, would you like to borrow a mir—mmphf.” ayato should have seen this coming. of course his sweet partner would do something as brazen as this! (he doesn’t ever seem to complain about this particular behaviour of yours either).
it’s easy for ayato to loosen his stiff shoulders when you invite yourself onto his lap like this. your delicate hands slide up his torso to rest on his shoulders, keeping him close. only your lips provide him the satisfaction he’s been yearning for (the past forty-five minutes when you weren’t paying attention to him).
it’s after a few pats on ayato’s shoulders that he finally lets you pull away, chest heaving against yours as your hot breath tickles his lips. he huffs a soft chuckle, holding your hips to readjust you onto his lap more comfortably.
“so am i what you will test your lipsticks on?”
you nod your head, clearing your throat after how ayato fiercely collided his lips with yours. “i also noticed a decline in your productivity earlier—thought i would offer you a little incentive…” what you thought was an innocent explanation of your actions turnt out to sound more inviting instead…
you only realise this when a smirk curls on ayato’s lips.
“nope! don’t even think about it—you tired me out last time already.” you rush to remove yourself from his lap but there’s not been a single time when you’ve successfully broken free from his arms (especially when he yearned for your attention).
you somehow end up on the floor after putting every bit of your strength into fighting back.
ayato runs the tip of his nose along the column of your neck. “oh darling, won’t you play with me just for a bit? please?”
it’s hard to say no when you’re in this position.
“you get five minutes.”
ayato brings his face up to give you a wet kiss on your cheek. “five minutes is all i need.”
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ham1lton · 4 months
you said u read ao3 fics! what are your f1 recs?
ahhh!!!!! this is the best question you could have ever asked me like ever i love you so much. i’ve been dying to talk abt this for a hot minute. i opened myself up to any sort of ship mostly because i cared more abt the fic quality then the ship you know? kinda glad i did it because my fav ones are not necessarily ships i am a fan of. it’s really long so i put it under a read more!!
okay so number one has to be the fic that was my first fav f1 fic. this is steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it). now this has a lot of elements that i love. guy who’s in his own head vs other guy who’s also in his own head but pretends he isn’t. also idk why but i’m always a sucker for a good medical au and this one fucking delivers!!! another maxiel fic i read was three rounds and a sound which has coffee shop owner daniel w/ stressed out student max. a lot of introspection but it’s also unfolding while the romance is. idk i just love this. it’s so good. last maxiel fic is come on, star boy which is a alt universe where daniel is the american guy he always wanted to be and max is the new transfer to his small town’s football team. it isn’t just incredibly written but everyone feels so real and vivid. i can visually see this in my mind everytime i read it. i listened to a lot of ethel cain while reading so that helped. i love this so much and the brocedes in the background?? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves youuu 🗣️
i’m not really a landoscar girl, i’m gonna be honest. however, where i am going is right where i am, is just incredible. alt universe where the drivers live on a street version of stars hollow? brocedes that influence everything even though they’re long over? charles being insane over max? pierre hating on esteban every second that is possible (i was laughing every time he would just cuss his ass out unprovoked) and annoying george being their street’s version of gilmore girls’ taylor?? what more do u need in ur life?? also oscar in this fic is just my dream man. i think a croissant from him would fix me. actually i read a lot of this author’s landoscar fics and they’re so cute i was sending kudos as much as i can. like already home! just want to bite them both and put them in my pocket. they’re so obviously in love i want to shake them down and scream and smoosh them together. lawyer!oscar i love you. check out their profile!! incredible writer :)))
i’m also not a galex truther but the two of us, in sympathy is so cute!! rich boy!george with broke junior doctor!alex. george attempting to court alex and just absolutely failing. i love it. they’re such a mess i need them in my life. also this loscar future fic is so intense but incredible. i’m really bad at describing but i binged it on my train home and i was really glad i did - i promised to forget you now.
the reason i even got into f1 aka brocedes. this fic i think was one of the first i read. on the faultline which is just amazing. i can’t recommend it enough. read it if u can. another fav is a brocedes threesome with their toxic fucking each other via proxy aka new money, and it’s all cash. cute brocedes!! nico thinks lewis is his sworn enemy but everyone knows otherwise. roseberg’s vs haminkton. this was so cute and funny. cause why was nico saying lewis, the owner of a tattoo shop was stealing business from him… when he owns a florists… he’s so dramatic i want to tuck him in my pocket. this job will take my sole has the same premise but they’re both shoe shops which makes a lot more sense. i just love stupid rivalries and dramatic nico.
now back to my sweethearts, the lights of my life, the fires of my heart - sewis. all of these fics have past brocedes just for context. every tongue should confess talks about religion and queer identity in such a nuanced and delicate way? i adored this fic. transmotion which is another alt universe with fashion designer!lewis and footballer!sebastian both figuring out their careers, themselves and their relationship. maybe together we can get somewhere - this is an mpreg fic which usually isn’t for me but it’s about seb and lewis going on a road trip for an abortion and it’s so good. honestly the ending line of ‘it’s a good feeling, to know that sebastian’s outstretched hand is right there.’ it just stuck with me. i loved it. the numbering at bethlehem which is thee sewis fic to me. professor au?? this was made for me. like perfectly moulded. everything about this is art. i could do a full essay on this fic. just read it, it’s incredible. just amazing. sebastian as the child prodigy who has nowhere else to climb?? i love them both in this fic so much!!! tnab sewis get behind me!! i’m gonna protect u!!
okay i’m sorry this is so long. i just love art. i love writing. i just love the work these authors’ have spent putting together these masterpieces for free!! check them out!! leave kudos!! comment!! <3
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itsdeniini · 3 months
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hi baes ୨🩷୧ my name is deni, i'm 18 >.<
| 𖤓 and ↑ in aquarius | ☾ in cancer |
here you can mainly find tarot readings on enhypen and their dynamics with other kpop idols! 
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𖹭 if my inbox is closed, then please don't request anything until I am done with my other to-do readings! also, avoid spamming me with the same request, i SEE everything 👀 i will take my time and do it earlier or later, hehe >.< (not doing ideal type or fs readings atm).
𖹭 you are a recurring anonymous or you are constantly sending me requests? send me YOUR REQUEST with a distinctive emoji/kaomoji ^.^ that way, it will be easier for me to recognize my baes and interact with them, and it will also help me with my readings because I will know your preferences.
𖹭 any form of hate on my page is a BIG no-no :c it's a safe place for everyone to express themselves and their thoughts, so let's avoid negativity!
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𖹭 if you have tarot requests for other groups other than enhypen, you can also openly ask!
𖹭 i prefer to avoid NSFW, but if you're an 18+ requester and your question fits my own criteria, then i can (proooobably...) do it, but I think it will be more of a SFW. in any case, there will be a TW for the girlies that are not comfortable with these themes, nevertheless, i'll keep it cute without delving too much into things.
𖹭 i turn down requests that have a sensitive character (health, death, legal actions, sexuality, readings about the idols family members or defamatory readings).
FOR UR PERSONAL MATTERS (aka for my lovely baes >3<)
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𖹭 if you want a detailed reading for yourself, then I'm open to helping you with that c: to book a reading, send me a dm on tumblr or on 📧 [email protected] to set the type of reading you want and the price <3
𖹭 it would be great if you provide me with your natal chart (if you don't know how to do it, then i can also guide you in the dm). but if not, your initials (or name), zodiac sign, and email adress (if you want your answer to be delivered there) will be enough. the reading will be delivered within 1-2 days following your payment . ̫. i will send the reading via both email and tumblr.
➜ you can drop your 🪙 on my Ko-Fi (or we can discuss your most convenient payment method in dm).
ko-fi.com/itsdeniini (idk if my link is working 😭)
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#OT7 𖹭
How Enhypen members handle jealousy and possessiveness towards their partner?
How would Enhypen members act if they made their significant other cry?
How would Enhypen members act around their crush? (coming soon)
How would Enhypen members cope with a breakup?
How would Enhypen members ideal dates look like?
Stray Kids x ENHYPEN
Aussie Line: Jake, Felix and Bang Chan
How do Hyunjin and Ni-ki feel about each other?
NewJeans x ENHYPEN
How do Haerin and Sunghoon feel about each other?
How do Minji and Jungwon feel about each other?
How do Yunjin and Jay feel about each other?
How do Iroha and Ni-ki feel about each other?
How do Rei and Sunoo feel about each other?
Hyung line approach to kids
Hyung line emblematic tattoos
Jakehoon turn ons and turn offs
Jakehoon bond
Heejay turn ons and turn offs
Heeseung as a boyfriend
Could Heeseung date a foreigner?
Jay as a boyfriend
Is Jay the type to get back with his ex-partner?
Could Jay date a foreigner?
Jake as a boyfriend
Jake's feminine energy and inner demons
Could Jake date a foreigner?
Jake's twin flame (coming soon)
Sunghoon inner demons
Sunghoon as a boyfriend
Could Sunghoon date a foreigner?
Sunghoon's twin flame
Maknae line approach to kids
Maknae line emblematic tattoos
Maknae line inner feminine energy
Maknae line turn ons and turn offs
Sunoo's healing methods
Sunoo as a boyfriend
Sunoo's future paths in career
Jungwon's dominant emotions in his relationship
Jungwon as a boyfriend
Jungwon's twin flame
Could Jungwon date a foreigner?
Ni-ki's future paths in career
Ni-ki as a boyfriend
Could Ni-ki date a foreigner?
Part I: Concept and Success in the US
Part II: Group synergy and personalities
last updated: 240725 𖹭
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slutshamethesquirrels · 2 months
Shamesy's Declassified Fanfic Writing Survival Guide - Part 3
Help! The world is burning and everything sucks!
hi hi friends!!! welcome back to the fanfic writing survival guide!
today i'm gonna cover a bit of a "no-no" topic, if you will. its something i've been struggling a lot with here recently and something i'm witnessing other authors go through as well: writer's block... or, at least, what you might think is writers block.
today, we'll be talking about what to do when you lose interest in your fic. and, respectively (possibly more importantly), what not to do.
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1) Beat yourself up
Look, I know, I know. Theres a chance right now you're kicking yourself and loosing ur marbs because your little writer peanut brain has convinced you that you are satan's incarnate and everyone hates you and wants you to die.
this is, undeniably, untrue. i implore you to do whatever it takes to get out of this headspace before you do anything at all. go outside, touch some grass, maybe eat a bug, just really get in touch with the real breathing world with no fictional dick n balls for a while. however long it takes to realize your intrinsic value is not tied to the fictional dick n balls. there are no fictional dick n balls out there, friends. only real ones.
here u go, look at this:
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feel better yet? if not, keep staring until you do. it'll get funny eventually, i swear.
2) Force yourself to write the damn thing anyway
this is only gonna result in a sub-par product, and your readers can tell. no, they can, i promise. it's always evident to me when an author has lost steam.
i dont want ur poo poo writing, and neither does anyone else. i would rather you abandon it entirely than ruin it-- AHT AHT! TAKE UR FINGERS OFF THE KEYBOARD RN!!! NO!!! BAD FIC AUTHOR!! BAD!!
3) Think you owe your readers anything
another controversial statement but what am i good for if not being a big ole bitch??
look, we love our readers. we ALL do but you simply cannot pour from an empty cup for them. you come first, your mental health and general health comes first. your interests come first and your wants and needs come first. if they want superhot!chad!alphamale!jimmy neutron x reader or whatever that fucking badly, they can write it themselves.
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1) Write other things!
Yep yep!!! Write a one shot, a drabble, a personal self indulgent story, some poetry, whatever floats your boat!!
Remember, this is supposed to be fun! You are allowed to indulge in whatever you want to, shocker, I know!!! the world is your oyster baby! branch out to other fandoms, re-visit old dead writings you've re-gained interest in, write a character you don't usually write, jump on a roleplay forum and just chill, my dude. kick back and remember why you enjoyed it!
2) Put it on hiatus!
"NOOOOOO!" the readers shout and then immediately explode. "YEEEESSSSSS!" I respond just as violently. Seriously, push it away from your nog for a bit. Let it rest. I would rather see a good chapter from you in six months from now then to get something soulless. If you just cant rn, thats fine!!
3) Grab a buddy and have them critique you
god, i will forever be in debt to @vallification for having this type of friendship with me.
we often think of critique and feedback as a negative, but it can often breathe a new life into your work!! message your most down to earth and honest bud, send the draft over and just say "hey i fucking hate this why do i hate this" and chances are a pair of fresh eyes will be able to point out things to you you didn't see before. nut up and quit being a baby, we all have shit we can improve on. who are you, jesus christ? if yes, could you PLEASE answer my prayers and send me a hot n' spicy mcchicken to my door via drone and/or angelic delivery?? im not asking for much, dude its the best fast food sandwich.
"but shamesy, im super hermit basement dweller core and don't have a friend thats kind of a bitch that would--" yes the fart you do. im right fucking here, rude ass <3 my dm's and asks are always open.
3A) Bounce ideas off said homie
again, val could absolutely sit on my face for this. we throw ideas back and forth constantly. you have no idea how absolutely megamind brain your dogs can be until you ask them.
4) Just start virtually sharting onto a page
this is how suguru blue AND a first time for everything were created!!
just start typing and see what happens! sometimes it doesn't work out (#shamesy's failed ficlets ) but no matter the case it'll help you loosen up a little
5) Take your writing on the go!!
ooooo I LOVE THIS ONE!! Take your laptop or phone to the park, the beach, a coffee shop or cafe and just make it feel less like work and more like play! this can do WONDERS for your creativity! the library is also a great place, because you have so much literary inspiration to quickly reference!
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hope this helps!! you can check out my masterlist to find the other two survival guides as well as all my writings! stay cooch!!!
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lowkeychenle · 1 year
Lost & Wayward [NJM] (2)
Description: After the worst couple weeks of your life, you finally break down in the middle of an alleyway. Jaemin hears you and comes to comfort you, and little do you know, he's about to change your life--in more ways than one.
Genre: Fluff/Eventual smut
Content Warnings: I'm thinking maybe I'll put smut in the next part but for now still just fluff sorryyyy
Word Count: 2,833
Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader (Canon!AU so all the Dreamies will be mentioned/appear)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Lost & Wayward Mini-Masterlist
Juliet's Masterlist
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It’s been a couple days since you’ve heard from Jaeseok. You’ve come to enjoy his company, even if it’s only electronic. You also haven’t received any updates from Minji. You try not to worry, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Although not hearing from Jaeseok put a damper on you. You hope Minji will get back to you soon so you can have a reason to text him. Logically, you know he’s busy with something. The man works crazy hours apparently, because he’s always there…wherever there is.
Minji doesn’t call you until the end of the week. She comes with good news, though—you got the job, and you’d be starting the following Monday. In three days.
You debate even telling Jaeseok at all. If he wants to talk to you, certainly he’d do it, right?
Mid-thought, your phone dings.
Jaeseok (6:34pm): sorry i’ve been mia…things have been really hectic here. how are you doing?
Oh, for the love of God. This man was too caring and nice for his own good. You try to think of what to send back, but you draw a blank. You’ll have to just tell him what’s on your mind, apparently.
You (6:35pm): no worries! i figured you were suuuuper busy considering they give you breaks for dinner instead of just letting you go home Jaeseok (6:35pm): clever You (6:36pm): you wish you could be as clever as me Jaeseok (6:36pm): you got me there. any job updates?? i’m on the edge of my seat and i’ve gotten zero texts :( You (6:38pm): Minji called me a little earlier today. i got it!! i’m so freaking excited Jaeseok (6:38pm): HELL YEAH Jaeseok (6:38pm): didn’t doubt u for a second
You pause. You’ve talked to him via text nearly every day, all day except the last few. Unfortunately, you also get attached easily. You can only hope this friendship will last. He’s been the best friend you’ve ever had in the course of a week.
Jaeseok (6:40pm): are you doing anything to celebrate?! this is seriously great stuff You (6:41pm): unfortunately u are the only friend i have…what am i gonna do if u can’t hang bc u’re working Jaeseok (6:41pm): first of all…unfortunately?? i’m so offended right now Jaeseok (6:42pm): and second of all, u don’t need to do anything crazy. just go…get your favorite meal or something. u deserve it You (6:43pm): are u working? Jaeseok (6:44pm): nope. dogsitting for my shithead friend You (6:44pm): come with me
When it takes a few minutes for him to respond, your brain whirls. You shouldn’t have done that. He’s probably only being friendly because he feels obligated. You’re the one who broke down in the alleyway, and the longer you think about it, the longer you wish you could erase that. What he saw was probably the worst version of you. Great.
You (6:50pm): sorry if that was weird…i don’t know why i would say something like that Jaeseok (7:34pm): holy shit i’m so sorry! this dog is driving me up a wall and i didn’t see you texted. it’s definitely not weird to ask and i really really wish i could come celebrate with you but i’ll have to raincheck ):
You don’t even have the courage to text him back. Instead, you turn off your phone and toss it to the side. None of this should really upset you—he’s extremely busy. Seeing him that night must have been a major fluke, and you’d rather talk to him via text when he had time versus not at all.
At about 9pm, you get an Instagram update notification that Chenle posted. You click on it absentmindedly, pausing at the photo. It’s Chenle, Jaemin, and Daegal. Jaemin cradles Daegal to his chest and pouts at Chenle.
The caption reads, “I’m gone for three hours, and now Jaemin doesn’t want to give her back…”
For some reason, it makes you stop and think. You like the post, close the Instagram app, and open your messages with Jaeseok.
You (9:12pm): how’s dogsitting? Jaeseok (9:15pm): ahhh my friend came to get her a little bit ago…i need to get a pet
That’s one hell of a coincidence. You slide to the Instagram app once more, noting Jaemin’s blue hair. With your heart sinking in your chest, you shake your head. There’s no way.
No. Way.
Plus, Jaeseok wouldn’t lie to you like that. Not about something like this.
You (9:21pm): maybe try cats…if dogs are too much work for u Jaeseok (9:22pm): plus we all know cats are superior You (9:23pm): i’m gonna go to sleep…we’ll celebrate soon? i start work monday Jaeseok (9:24pm): as soon as i can! promise (:
The start of Monday is absolutely hectic. You get your own office up on the third floor. It’s everything you ever could’ve wanted, and you feel as if Jaeseok really is your good luck charm. Not only is this better than your dream job you lost, but it also pays nearly double what you were making.
It’s only when you’ve settled in that you realize your job is hyper-specific. Yes, you work in marketing, but more specifically, you do NCT Dream’s marketing. You almost choked on your water when you saw that on your paperwork.
And unbeknownst to you, you’d receive a visit from the group later in the day. You’re going through the paperwork the previously employed person left for you when a knock sounds at your door.
Your head shoots up and you allow whoever it is to come in. Mark walks in first, a smile on his face. You try to stop your jaw from dropping, but it gives way slightly anyway.
The other boys—the other six—tumble in the door afterward.
“We like to welcome new staff members,” Mark says, holding out an envelope. “It’s nothing crazy, just a card. But I hope we’ll all work well together.”
You grin, surprised your vocal chords work. “Thank you so much. I’m very excited for the opportunity, and I’m sure I can help you guys achieve great things.”
Your eyes scan over the boys, heart stuttering when you see Jaemin. His dark roots are starting to show through the bright blue, but you’re sure the hair stylists will fix it.
They all introduce themselves to you, even though you’re positive they’re all aware you know who they are, and you follow suit after. Again, you find your gaze wandering to Jaemin. He’s staring right back at you.
They leave shortly after their introductions, leaving you alone in your office to ponder on how to wake yourself up. This has to be a dream, but no matter how hard you pinch yourself, it’s not working.
With coincidences adding up, you decide to test your insane theory about Jaeseok being freaking Na Jaemin.
You (12:23pm): guess what
As you suspect, it takes him quite a while to respond.
Jaeseok (1:35pm): hmmm what You (1:38pm): i met nct dream. like for realllll. but also idk if i’m supposed to tell you that? but you’re my only friend so ig do with that what you will Jaeseok (1:39pm): are we close enough for you to tell me your bias now? i’ve been so curious
You grin. Let the games begin.
You (1:39pm): guess Jaeseok (1:40pm): Jisung You (1:40pm): love jisung, but he is so baby Jaeseok (1:41pm): alright then…no baby men. okay what about Mark? You (1:42pm): you’re distracting me from work with your incorrect answers dude Jaeseok (1:42pm): you always distract me from work. call it payback. andddd can you just tell me who it is??? i’ll just go down the list in age order smh You (1:43pm): ooooh you’re a dream stan too if you know age order. okay okay my bias is Chenle!! i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:45pm): chenle?! why him????? why daegal’s mom??????? You (1:45pm): the man has the voice of an angel and a jawline for days. why wouldn’t i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:46pm): that’s so foul that you only like him for his face You (1:47pm): and to think i was gonna tell you my second fave too… Jaeseok (1:48pm): tell me immediately You (1:49pm): i’ll just tell you the list in order Jaeseok (1:49pm): i’m waiting You (1:50pm): Chenle, Haechan, Renjun, Mark, Jeno, Jisung, Jaemin Jaeseok (1:51pm): ok now wait a minute because you said no babies but jisung is higher than jaemin??????? make it make sense
Even though he’s all but confirming your suspicion of who he is, you can’t help but laugh. What are the odds? Na Jaemin finds you crying on the street and comforts you? You thought you’d be a bit more upset about this, but in reality, you get it. He was nice enough to want to check in on you, regardless of his fame status and busy schedule.
Either way, you let him stew for a little bit. You actually do have some work to do planning for Dream’s upcoming comeback, so you put your phone away for a while. At the end of your first day, you gather up your things and send a text back.
You (5:46pm): Jaemin is the ultimate baby…that’s not a bad thing!! Jaeseok (5:47pm): but CHENLE is ALSO baby You (5:47pm): he’s a meanie and that’s how i like my men Jaeseok (5:48pm): the longer we talk the more i am convinced u need therapy… You (5:49pm): i’ll have you know i tried that and it didn’t work Jaeseok (5:50pm): jaemin is not more baby than chenle and jisung You (5:50pm): prove it
You grin to yourself as you walk out of your office. Waiting by the elevator, you press the button and scroll through Instagram on your phone. You find the picture Chenle posted from last night and linger on it for a few moments. Could you call him out? That’d be too much, wouldn’t it? He’d probably stop talking to you. At this point, you were happy to say he’s a friend, whether he’s really Jaeseok or if he’s Jaemin.
When the doors slide open, you walk in with a smile on your face until you’re confronted with Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin. You blink in shock, obviously still not used to being in their presence. Bowing your head, you smile at them before turning toward the front. Nerves poke along your spine the longer you’re in there with them. They’re all incredibly nice, so the intimidation factor must be in your head.
You decide to test your theory a little further. You pull out your phone.
You (5:57pm): i see u cannot. i’m always right, u should know that if we’re friends
Mere seconds after you hit send, you hear something buzz behind you. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling.
You (5:57pm): hope work isn’t killing u. that would suck to lose my only friend like that
It buzzes. Again.
“(Y/N),” Chenle says.
You clear your throat and glance over your shoulder at him. “Yes?”
“We’re about to go grab dinner. Our manager’s waiting outside if you want to come along with us?”
You look down at your watch, pursing your lips. It’s almost 6pm. You’re not sure if you’re supposed to hang out with them, but when he’s offering so nicely, how could you say no? You exchange looks with Jaemin and Jisung as well before nodding.
“Sure, why not?”
Everything you see about their friendships in videos is true. They have the same personalities on and off camera, which is pretty rare for people in the spotlight.
You didn’t decide the seating arrangement, but you ended up next to Chenle and across from Jisung. Chenle tells you a story about Daegal from the other day, Jisung listens to it even though he’s probably already heard it before, and Jaemin quietly eats his food.
“You know, you elbowed Jaemin in the face in the Broken Melodies performance video,” you tell Chenle.
“His face bumped into my elbow. He shouldn’t have been so close,” Chenle replies, sending a sly grin over at Jaemin. “He’s alright.”
“I can’t believe they left that in there.” Jaemin chuckles, running his fingers through his hair.
You pull out your phone, almost gasping when you see the time. “It’s almost nine.”
“Yeah, we don’t really get a ton of evenings to ourselves,” Jisung says. “I’m honestly surprised we got out as early as we did today.”
You feel bad for them, truly. They barely get a free moment, and here they are, bringing you along for it. By the time 9:30 comes around, the boys prepare to leave. As much as you vehemently say no, Jaemin pays for everyone’s food. You all climb into the van, and the manager drives everyone home. Jisung is the first to be dropped off, then Chenle, and then you.
You sit in the car alone with Na Jaemin, awkwardly avoiding conversation with him. He glances at you occasionally, but he’s too respectful to stare.
“You live by yourself?” he asks, shattering the silence between the two of you.
Thankfully, the darkness obscures your blush. “Yeah, I do.”
“And you usually walk?” Jaemin’s dark eyebrows furrow, his head slightly tilting to the side. “That doesn’t seem safe.”
“I’ve been doing it for years. Really, it’s fine.”
The car stops outside of your apartment building. You go to open the door, but Jaemin reaches out and grabs your wrist. Recoiling in shock, you look between his hand and his face.
“Sorry,” he says, letting you go. “But…I live down the street. You should let me at least walk you home when I can.”
“I appreciate the thought, but I really don’t need that. And the last thing you need is for someone to take it the wrong way.” You reach out for the door handle again. “Thank you for dinner. That was really kind of you.”
He pauses, letting out a small sigh. “Just…don’t worry about my end of things. You shouldn’t be walking home alone. Especially now that you work with us.”
“I’ll consider it. Goodnight, Jaemin.”
As soon as you’re inside your apartment, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out, a smile forming on your face on its own accord when you see who the notification is from.
Jaeseok (9:58pm): luckily for you, your only friend is still alive. You (9:59pm): ah yes, so lucky Jaeseok (9:59pm): also i don’t need to prove jaemin isn’t a baby, you’ll see eventually. they all do You (10:00pm): who is they? Jaeseok (10:00pm): everyone Jaeseok (10:01pm): but that’s besides the point. i hope you’re enjoying your new job You (10:02pm): loving it. especially considering I spent the whole evening talking to Chenle about Daegal Jaeseok (10:03pm): just chenle? You (10:04pm): wouldn’t u like to know Jaeseok (10:04pm): don’t ditch me for chenle. i will be very upset You (10:05pm): idk…chenle hangs out with me at least…
He should really just tell you. At this point, you have an NDA signed, so it’s not like there’s much you could say to anyone anyway. After hearing the way he talked to you in the car, you’re certain Jaeseok and Jaemin are the same person. Without a doubt.
Now, you just have to come up with a way to get him to admit it. Or you could call him out on it, but that’s nowhere near as fun.
That night, you toss and turn, unable to fall asleep. It seems like you’re not the only one—your phone buzzes against your nightstand.
Jaeseok (12:03am): there’s something i need to tell you.
So much for sleeping tonight…
You (12:05am): it better be good, cuz i’m trying to sleep Jaeseok (12:05am): depends on your definition of good i guess. i think this would be easier in person. can i come see you? You (12:05am): when? Jaeseok (12:06am): right now
Nerves blossom in your stomach at the thought. You stare at the conversation a bit longer than you should before shooting out of bed and trying to make yourself look presentable. Your phone buzzes again.
Jaeseok (12:10am): i really need to see you
You can’t say no to that. Your palms sweat at the idea of him coming to your apartment. At the end of the day, you’re fairly certain Jaeseok is Jaemin. But even if he’s not, knowing you have someone who craves to see you in person is a new sensation for you. It doesn’t matter who he is. He’s your friend.
You text him your exact address.
Jaeseok (12:12am): be there in ten
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benasabrina · 6 months
Could u write about Kakashi coming home from a long mission and see Anko sleeping with a tiny baby bump ty<3
ANON, MY DEAR FRIEND!! I am writing this fluff thanks to yooooou!
Edit: IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG!! I hit a writing funk for like two years 🥺🥺 But here’s the fic!!
Ficlet under read more~
Kakashi had always thought he'd be used to long missions away from Konoha. It gave him some quiet time, away from everyone, to reflect on his past and things he could do for his future.
But, this time around, he has someone waiting for him at home. Someone he's happy to call his significant other, despite them only doing so in private. Kakashi's still happy all the same, regardless.
It has been a long three and a half months and while the mission was successful, he just wanted to go home and embrace the woman he grew to love even more while being away.
"Anko..." he breathed and decided to pick up the pace to make it home by morning. A faint smile formed under his mask as he jumped from branch to branch. Hopefully, she'd be happy to see him too.
As the sun light broke over the horizon, Kakashi crossed the gate into Konoha. He skid to a stop, faint dust picking up behind him, and took a moment to catch his breath. The silver-haired Jonin glanced over to his left and saw the guardsmen. Nodding his head in hello, Kakashi took in one last breath and calmly walked the rest of the distance to see her... to see Anko Mitarashi.
While they both haven't been sending each other messages via hawk, snake, or hound, Kakashi knew that Anko was fine... right? At least, he hoped. Truth be told, not hearing anything for those three and half months made him a bit nervous. Things were fine between them. They had to be.
Soon enough, he saw her apartment coming up and jumped the rest of the distance to her door step. Since it was so early, he opted to using the key she gave him and slipped in quietly. Once entered, he took off his sandals, backpack, and discarded his flak jacket. Kakashi decided to say good morning to her before he decided to take a shower (thankfully he has some toiletries at her place) and removed his headband. Blinking to restore some sense of vision in his Sharingan eye, he sighed then made a beeline to Anko's room.
He cracked the door open and smiled at the sight of her. His eyes travelled along her body and came to rest on... "Huh?" he whispered and tiptoed to see her closer.
The blankets were resting at her hips and left a soft mound exposed on her abdomen. Had she put on some weight? he thought to himself. No where else seemed so… plump. Her face was still slender as were her arms and thighs.
But her belly? He shook his head. Even if she did put on some weight, he loved her all the same! Kakashi’s gaze traveled back up to her sleepy features and he smiled once again. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.
This caused her to stir. An eye opened up blearily and suddenly both eyes shot open when she realized who was in her room. “‘Kashi?” she mumbled tiredly. “You’re home already?” Anko stretched and carefully contorted herself to sit up. She pulled the blanket up and ended up not bringing up her belly. “I thought you weren’t coming home til the end of the week?”
Kakashi shrugged and stretched as well. “Mission ended up ending earlier. So I made a beeline here.”
She smirked. “I can tell, go shower.”
He laughed and lowered his mask, then he felt the need to get serious. “Are you okay?” Kakashi asked gaze going towards her abdomen.
Anko blushed and looked away. “Yeah… I am. I’m perfectly healthy still,” she mumbled. “I’m just pregnant.”
“Ah.” Kakashi stood to head to the bathroom then stopped in his tracks. The Jonin immediately turned around, eyes wide as saucers. “Wait, pregnant?!”
“Yeah? I mean, we did do it right before you left on your mission.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Anko shuffled a bit uncomfortably. “Because I didn’t want to distract you from the mission..?” She felt like she was getting scolded and she groaned. “Plus I didn’t feel this would have been appropriate to, ya know, just send through hawk or dog mail.”
“Pregnant,” Kakashi trailed off and padded over to Anko once again. He looked to her for permission and once he received a nod from her, he lowered the blanket and placed a hand on her belly. “Woah.”
“Our baby is growing in there.” Anko looked to Kakashi to try and gauge his reaction. “Just letting you know, you’re not leaving me, ever. This is your kid too, and you’re stuck with the both of us.”
His gaze went to Anko’s chocolate brown irises. “I would never plan on it. You’re both stuck with me too.”
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asktherejectsau · 4 months
It’s been a while, huh?
Hello everyone.
I apologize for the incredibly long hiatus as I did not expect to be away from this account for over a year but a lot has happened in my personal life that was out of my control and unfortunately, I was not in the correct mental state to be pumping out content in the way that I was with this AU.
While I’m not going to explain the full brevity of it here, I’ll try to put it as simply as I can without divulging too much personal information. I don’t want any further questions regarding my life irl as I want to keep that separated from this project completely. But for this update, I will say this once.
Firstly, what’s been going on?
I have been struggling with my mental health for many years, primarily because I am neurodivergent. But 2023 was what I would consider one of the worst years of my life. I was nearly made homeless by an abusive family member, my grandmother had passed away, and I had failed my 3rd year of college due to what was thought to be symptoms of an undiagnosed mental disorder, which turned out be a post-traumatic response to stress.
I tried to power through it by distracting myself via this AU and in extension, this fandom. But I have since realized what I was doing to myself was not in any way healthy nor productive.
For the longest time my “worth” was tied to my work. Up until this point in my life, I was conditioned to believe from a young age that if was not successful, then I did not deserve to live. I felt ashamed of myself for not being able to fulfill what I thought were “simple” deadlines, creating grand projects to complete in just 2 weeks or less and when I didn’t hit those goals (much like with the completion of the EP) I nearly broke down.
But once I realized how much harm I was doing to myself, I felt like I had to take a step back and reassess myself before it had the chance to seep into my art and other fandom spaces I occupied.
I apologize for not giving any notices or updates whatsoever on this project. I never meant to abandon this AU. I love it way too much to let it go for good. There were other factors that kept me away here too, such as the brief influx unwanted sexual comments made by anonymous users in mid 2023, as well as my own internal struggle with my place within the Gorillaz fandom as someone who wants to share more nuanced content with mature themes in a space that has become increasingly filled with a much younger audience than intended.
But I’ve decided I want to come back to this project so I can tell the story I want to tell. Not just because of my love for the IP but simply because I want to finish. I want to finish it as a way to end a saga for myself.
Now that I have finally been given the green light to go forward into my senior year after repeating junior year, I feel that I’m finally in a healthy enough mindset to do so.
What will happen to this blog then?
I’ll be uploading questions as I get to them. But I must make note of this again as stated in the rules. Please stop sending me NSFW questions about the characters or myself. While this AU does deal with mature themes and does contain some suggestive elements, that does not give invitation for you to ask for that type of content about the characters, and especially from me. This is not directed at any specific user as most people were incredibly kind and respectful. But I beg you if you do like this project and want to submit a question or fanart, please don’t do this. It’s made me incredibly uncomfortable every time I receive them and it overall sours the experience of answering questions and continuing to work on this project. I would like for that boundary not to be crossed so please be respectful of that.
Secondly; as it stands, the EP and Thru With U animated music video are postponed.
Thru With U will most likely stay as a storyboarded piece as I unfortunately, do not have the luxury to animate a full three and half minute long piece by myself as that takes a lot of time and money that I do not currently have. And if I wanted to hire people to help me in animating it, I would want to give them proper compensation. Which again, I cannot currently give at this time.
The EP will probably come out eventually, but I would have to do some intense fine tuning in order to get sounding as best as it could be. That isn’t to say that I won’t be making anymore music/MVs for the Rejects later down the line, but I ask that all of you please be patient with me a more of those projects come out.
With that all being said, thank you all for your support. I’m incredibly proud of the community that’s been fostered from this AU and all of you who’ve sent me fanart, written kind messages, asked questions to the characters, and have written supportive tags onto each post, it means so much.
I can’t wait for you to see what this project has in store. Stay tuned!
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raccoonfallsharder · 9 months
if ur still taking requests, can u write about rocket stopping me from picking at my clothes? kinda hyperspecific but I've ruined many shirts by pulling at the stitching until my sleeves are split in half and the bottom of my shirt is all frayed
so sorry this took me so long, nonnie-honey. i really, really hope this is helpful and that you feel loved. ♡♡♡
✩࿐࿔ stop destroying your frickin clothes. [new 12/18]
smut-free| no use of y/n | gn reader | drabbles | word count: 1,209.
✩࿐࿔ take what you need.
࿔ eat somethin. at least grab a frickin’ snack. (wc: 576) ࿔ go to frickin bed already. (wc: 737) ࿔ get outta bed & get your shit done. & stop doomscrolling (wc: 925) ࿔ take a damn bath. (wc: 1,375) ࿔ leave your frickin skin alone. (wc: 1,579) ࿔ take a fuckin study break. (wc: 1,020) ࿔ drink some goddamn water. (wc: 1,209) ࿔ stop destroying your frickin clothes. (wc: 1649) for this sweet nonnie. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ࿔ just buy the damn thing already. for sinikettu [est 1/1] ࿔ get some goddamn sunshine ࿔ did you take your meds today?
take a minute. where are your hands? are you pulling apart your clothes (or something else you'd rather not be pulling apart)? let's try to find something else to do for a little while.
this is about as wholesome as it gets (for me) i think. can be read platonically or romantically. mcu-based, meant to take place post-volume 3, but headcanon however you want ♡
“All right.”  You nearly jump out of your skin, eyes wide and guilty when Rocket slams a bundle of cloth down onto the low coffee table in front of you. You’d been lounging in Groot’s apartment, waiting for the Big Guy to come home from whatever task Rocket had him doing today. The Flora Colossus has been begging you to play a new game he’d gotten, and you’d finally found the time to stop by.  Unfortunately, time not spent busying your hands with something else means time spent demolishing the seams of your clothing. Little threads here and there, plucked and unraveled. Loops and pockets detaching themselves from you, seemingly at random — floating off somewhere into the ether, and leaving only holes and gaping tears behind. “You were doing it again, weren’t you?” he asks. There’s no reason you should have to answer. He already knows. You flush and look guiltily at your fingers, lacing them together to keep them hostage.  “All right,” he repeats briskly, not bothering to prod you once he realizes you’re not going to say anything. “C’mon. Got a job for you.”
read more on ao3
if you find any of these at all helpful, they're meant for you.
feel free to ✩ request reminders ✩ via reblogs, asks, and tumblr or ao3 comments if they would be helpful for you. it may take me a hot minute to get to them depending on life n stuff, but i will do my best
if you’d like to join my fanfiction taglist, please comment or send me a message or ask! ♡
@suicidalshitstick ✩ @glow-autumz ✩ @evolvingchaoswitch ✩ @wren-phoenix ✩ @pretty-chips
(total word count: 9,061)
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mauveberries · 5 months
i always use u as a point of reference to the tomarry/harrymort fandom coz ur my only mutual who ships them,, but after reading a couple of ur posts I have come to the impression that u are.... quite the polarizing figure in the fandom.
what's the tea?? is there drama in the harrymort fandom?? do they have just as bad fanon takes as the marauders fandom do?? im so curious 0_0
"quite the polarizing figure in the fandom." HELPP 😭 this ask is SENDING MEE 😭😭
i have been fighting for my LIFE in this fandom because of my... unique opinions that do not conform with the consensus the fandom has decidedly settled upon. i wouldn't say there is drama in the fandom. it's just that my opinions sometimes trigger people who are out of touch with canon. just like in the marauders fandom, (although, to a much lesser extent) this fandom suffers from Warping The Character Beyond Recognition Syndrome (tm) 🙄
i think a reason why my opinions differ from those of a usual tomarrymort enjoyer is because i like voldemort more than harry.
i know this fandom usually loves harry more than voldemort, so, obviously, voldemort is usually depicted as grovelling for harry which Pisses Me OFF he would NOT grovel for harry what are you people on? 😭
harry is just inflated as being this super special character that voldemort would be suuuper interested in, which i find hard to believe. (in timetravel aus and such.)
i hate the way this fandom treats bellatrix. like, they make fun of bellamort as if tomarrymort doesn't give off the biggest crackship vibes, like brother sit tf down, cause i know You ain't talking.
i hate the character this fandom has warped voldemort into, it's actually sad. he's treated like a freaking clown/a big joke, and i Know fandom isn't that serious, but i just want to see a nuanced, interesting voldemort that has a personality outside of being obsessed with harry.
this fandom can't understand that voldemort has relationships outside harry potter. he is like 50+ years his senior, of course he wouldn't just be an angsty, brooding man waiting to bang harry 😒.
which brings me to my next point. this fandom has such atrocious takeways from canon, it actually hurts. they think voldemort would be obsessed with harry in every timeline, which.... is just not true. without the prophecy, harry is just truly Some Guy who voldemort wouldn't take notice of.
voldemort isn't ever canonically obsessed with anyone in a romantic way. he's trying to kill harry. there's a big difference. voldemort is the type of person to eliminate a threat, no matter what. he isn't suddenly going to be interested in harry because.. *checks notes* oh.. right, he's sarcastic! and.. and witty! and is defiant! sorry this is deranged, i'm just really annoyed.
people saying tomarrymort is peak enemies to lovers grinds my gears because it's not. yes, they are enemies in the sense that they stand on the opposing sides of ideologies and yes, voldemort killed his parents. but that doesn't make harry a worthy enough opponent to be called the Enemy of voldemort. harry's a child soldier. that title is solely reserved for firstly, voldemort himself, and secondly, dumbledore.
i don't know why it's such an unpopular thing to not like harry? i like harry, but not to the same extent as i like voldemort and a lot of people seem to have a problem with that? yeah, that could also be a reason why i'm a polarizing figure XD
also, some people are like, "it's the passion that makes it exciting! the line between love and hate can blur!" for who?? the teenager that made you lose EVERYTHING for 13 YEARS?? oh helllll naahhhhh imma pass, voldemort is Not having that line blurred thankyouverymuch.
if i could keep talking about this, i wouldn't ever stop, the fanon takes are so bad, i'm pretty sure i have half the fandom blocked lol. but yeah, no drama, just me being annoyed and having illiterate people harrassing me via anon asks.
this ask made my day ily 💕💕
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user-rui · 1 year
Getting A Kiss: Seme!Male!Reader x Uke!Male!Insert
(U/n) = Uke name
(Y/n) = Your name
Whoops, hehe. I got busy. Have some fluff ' v '.
-Narrator's Pov-
(U/n) (Last name). Also known as your adorably cute cinnamon roll. He was your ideal boyfriend, takes care of you, showers you with attention, gives you good sex, you know, all of the small things. But he had one flaw, something you wished he could change.
"(U/n), do you need anything from the store?" You asked, putting on a jacket. "Here," was all the smaller male said, handing you a list, looking at you with a bright smile. "Please tell me it's not what I think it is..." You mutter, hesitantly looking down.
My list 0v0. (Insert an unhealthy amount of sweets here).
You sighed, pocketing the list.
"You can only choose one treat to buy," You informed, putting on your shoes and picking up a pair of keys. "Send it to me via text message. And if you can't decide, I'll make the decision for you by buying none of them," You reason, patting him on the head and giving him a goodbye kiss before leaving. Almost immediately, you could hear your lover shouting and pouting.
"I really need to get sound proof walls," You muttered as you got into your car and drove off. Quickly, you made your way to the grocery store and located the necessities you needed. (U/n) did send you a sugary treat for you to buy, and you added that to your shopping cart.
It didn't take long for you to get back home, and you were greeted with a pouting lover. "Here's you snack," You said, handing him a small package. "You can't keep on eating so much sugar, (U/n)."
Yes, you're adorable little cinnamon roll practically lived off of sugar. And it was a habit that needed to dial down a little.
"(U/n), let's talk about something," You said as the smaller male had already began to devour the treat. He looked at you with a puzzled look as you explained: "You can't keep on eating nothing but sugar. It’s not good for you."
The (uke hair colour) male looked visibly upset.
"B-but I need sugar!" He retorted.
"You're going to get sick."
"No I won't! I-I need this to survive!" He cried.
It was definitely over exaggerated, but (U/n) protectively held his treat to his chest. "That's the last sweet snack I'm going to buy for you. I'll still give you snacks, but it won't be junk food," You stated as you went to put the bought items in the fridge.
"No! Y-you can't make me!" 
"I know you won't agree, so I have a reward for you as well. For every time you snack on something healthy, I'll reward you with a kiss. But if I find you eating something unhealthy, I'll confiscate it and ignore you." (U/n) looked conflicted. On one hand, he wanted snacks, but on the other hand, he couldn't go without kisses. The smaller male was mumbling to himself as he thought about what he wanted.
"F-fine, I won't eat anything unhealthy," The (uke hair colour) haired male mumbled in the end. You smiled and patted his head.
"Finish that, and then we'll begin, okay?" He nodded and slowly chewed on the treat, savouring the sugar he wouldn't be getting soon.
The next couple of days were practically torture for the smaller male, able to see sugary snacks, but unable to actually eat it. "(Y/n)! Please can I have one chocolate?" The smaller male whined. "You can eat a snack once a week, so tomorrow," You informed, handing him a glass of water.
(U/n) pouted, but didn't say anything else. He looked at the water, in which he would usually drink (flavour) juice. The smaller male slowly drank the water and finished the glass in no time.
"Good job," You praised as you gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled a goofy smile and leaned into your side. "M-maybe, this isn't too bad.." The smaller male mumbled as his face started burning up.
You played with his soft (uke hair colour) locks, gently untangling any knots you found in it. (U/n) leaned into your touch, making small sounds of satisfaction as you two spent some time together. However, you realized that your lover had began to ever so slightly rub himself against you.
"(U/n), you know what'll happen if you keep on doing this.." You stated, letting out a low groan as you felt the other speed up. "I-I wouldn't mind it happening..."
Your lover had a huge blush as he connected your lips, seductively licking yours in attempt to try and get you to dominate him, which you happily did, taking him into the bedroom for some 'lovely' time.
A couple weeks had past since that day, and (U/n) was only doing better and better at staying healthy. The amount of times he would revive kisses was increasing slowly, and the amount of sex that lead to was uncountable.
"It isn't too bad living without sugar, right (U/n)?" You asked one day as the two of you were just lousing around at home. The smaller male nodded in agreement as he laid his head on you chest. "I didn't even think I could do this.." He sighed.
His (uke eye colour) orbs looked up at you, shining bright from the light that was shining outside the window. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" (U/n) asked with a chuckle, which was honestly one of the most adorable things you've seen.
"No, but I'd rather you show me instead," You responded with a smirk, carrying him to your shared bedroom. You laid him down, roughly touching sensitive parts of his body as you observed his member slowly rise.
"I-I think I might be addicted to you.. Instead of sweets..." He panted, grabbing onto your shirt. "Why did you stop (Y/n)?"
Oh shit, he's addicted to me, like sweets...
"Maybe we should start banning kisses and sex... Before you get another unhealthy addiction..." You muttered. "(Y/n), you better be joking," (U/n) said in a threatening tone.
You couldn't hold the serious face anymore and burst into laughter. "You can see right through me, can you?" You chuckled, leaning down to kiss the other male, gently pecking the tip of his nose. "Meanie... You scared me," (U/n) pouted, his arms finding a place around your neck.
"Mhm~ Ah, (Y/n).. T-there," the (uke hair colour) haired male mumbled as you worked magic on the uke's neck, littering it with hickeys of all different sizes. "Should we... Go.. Deeper?" You asked, aroused and turned on.
You stared at the other with half lidded eyes, as you kissed him again. "If you don't respond, I'll take that as a yes." (U/n) nodded his head, looking up at you with a smile. Gently, you began to strip the other, putting his clothes off to the side.
"Please get addicted to me, (U/n)," You said before the two of you went for another round of 'fun'. It lasted the whole night, and your lover was sore from doing it way too frequently in the past couple of weeks, but it didn't really matter~
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leelesbo · 1 month
that helped a lot thank you so much hkjfghdg i definitely wouldnt have thought to do some of that, literally making a list of it to make sure i remember. due to distance reasons, we're currently long distance (but planning to visit soon, so all the stuff for irl is very very helpful), but since you offered to help more, do you have any other things that would be good for over the phone or via texting? some of what youve said ive picked up already and been doing, but just anything that might not be obvious to think of. or any kinds of pics or videos that would be flustering to see? he gets too shy to request for anything but i dont have any problem sending stuff like that, and ideally i'd wanna take more for him that lean into knismo stuff.
and thanks for saying its sweet hdfgjdkfj i wanna do my best for him and thought asking someone else might be the best place to get ideas. dont apologize at all for how much you wrote, it was all genuinely very helpful and insightful
YES OFC!!! im more than happy to yap >:3
okok so over text teasing Is Different but still essentially the same. and having such an easily flustered partner honestly makes it easier
so, if this is the kinda thing yall are into, i like my tickle teases over text to be almost like a play-by-play of how the other person would tickle me if they were there. this might sound weird, but genuinely something that’s really helpful for this is reading tickle fanfic. dead serious. because these authors go into detail of how characters are tickling each other, the extremely specific spots, how characters might react to spots like that, all the methods of how to do it and it’s written so you can take inspo for texting!! for non-knismos i can easily see how it’d be difficult to fully visualize the specifics of how to tickle someone when you’re trying to write it out, so genuinely a helpful tool is taking inspo from good tickle writers!! i’ve found a lot of good fics on ao3 and tumblr from critical role, magnus archives, bungou stray dogs, mha (a lot of the fics with the ADULT CHARACTERS are really good shut up), and many more, but if u want any specific recs lmk!! (im literally not even in those fandoms i just love the way a lot of the tickle fics in those fandoms are written hdjshf)
so, like i said, a play by play. how you’d get them in the position where they’re about to be tickled (maybe you pinned them, maybe you want them tied up). anticipation is a huuuuge factor. the buildup works knismos up like CRAZY, it makes us feel more sensitive and it literally does make us feel shit even over text. tell him how you’d hover your fingers over specific spots, maybe lightly tease his worst/favorite spots with just a single finger until he’s begging you to get it over with. it’ll get him squirming in no time, trust me.
again, being specific it’s important, at least to me 😭😭 talking about the way in which you’d tickle spots is great. pinching ribs (especially if you’re pinching each specific rib and working ur way up or down), scribbling over sides to make him squirm, one finger in each underarm, digging ur thumbs in the pockets of his hips. just saying “i’ll tickle your hips” isn’t really be enough (again, at least for me!! personal preference 😌☝️) so if you’re able to figure out methods he likes best, it’ll work wonders for you.
also!!! sending stuff!!! if you find out spots he really likes, sending gifs or clips of people being tickled in those spots is a great way to get him blushing!! especially if u tell him that’s how ur gonna get him when yall visit :3 pretty much letting him know you’ve been researching and finding videos/clips/gifs so you’ll know how best to tickle him when ur together is Great
if you’re wanting to send something of You to him, i’ve seen a lot of lers make videos of them . tickling pillows? or just like, hand videos in general (wiggling their fingers n shit lol). i think wiggly finger videos are really cute and pretty flustering but the pillow thing isn’t really my cup of tea, just depends on what ur partner would prefer :) idk ive just seen stuff like that floating around here so if u think he’d like it u could try that out lol
alright!!!! again, hope that helped any, and if u need anything else hmu again bc im happy to help!!!! yapping abt tickling is my specialty
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bathroomcorpse · 3 days
hi hi your armand opinions and thoughts are so so good. i'm afraid to touch tva with a ten foot pole i think ill throw up and die so im glad i can microdose via trusted tumblr blogger
i hope u do not mind that i’m posting this ask publicly but like being complimented on my thoughts on The Character Who Lives Inside My Brain is probably top ten compliment genres of ever so. thank you and also i wanted to brag.
i will say that being about a third of the way through TVA i am…… enjoying it. but in a way that is like. i feel like my brain is being chewed on (by armand’s little kitten fangs) and i do physically recoil from sentences i read and i do rant at my partner so frequently and so intensely that they had to ask me to not send book rant texts before 9am. but there’s really no getting around the fact that it is a deeply upsetting book. i just happen to like when things are deeply upsetting.
anyway armand characters of all time i want to take the battle axe he used to break down marius’ door one time and cleave marius in half with it 🤭
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satoruzlove · 2 years
HELLO HELLO HELLO CONGRATULATIONS ON 1K 😳😳😳😳😳👏👏👏👏👏 !!!!! Im still new here but i love ur works and ur blog in general ure awesome and u def deserve more recognition 😤😤😤👏👏
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And if you dont mind me joining ur 1k event, mayhaps a yamaguchi tadashi with the prompt hallway crush? 🥺🥺
AAAA TYSM BABY, I APPRECIATE U SM💗thank you for reading !!! and of COURRSSEE!!!! i was hoping someone asked 4 him cus there isn’t enough writing for him):
[ yamaguchi tadashi ]
tadashi’s locker closes with a soft ‘click’ and a deep gulp.
tsukishima had bumped his shoulder softly, sending him a sly grin. the freckled boy knew what this meant, seeing as they had made up a little code gesture for whenever you came around. this gesture came about maybe two weeks after tadashi laid his eyes on you - his hallway crush.
he was just joking around with his best friend on a certain december 3rd, it was chilly but he hadn’t felt a single tinge of cold that day. his skin was warm, flushed and felt as if there were little bubbles of adornment popping under it. his pupils dilated widely, lashes fluttering as his neck moved smoothly because in that moment, he felt as if he would simply whither if he ever took his eyes off of you. the movements you made were soft, elegant, affectionate towards your friends. he loved how your hair was done, the way it complimented your outfit. he thought your smile was gorgeous, your teeth sparkling under the sunlight streaming in from the hallway windows. tadashi thought you were unreal. he had even told tsukishima that you reminded him of a butterfly .
so as the boy heard your shoes against the tacky flooring of your school- his heart rate sped up dangerously and his palms began to sweat. what was he gonna say? were you gonna bully him? no, you would never. he knows that. you’re far too kind, too compassionate to do that. it’s what he loves about you- although he’s never experienced it first hand- via stalking your social media he knows. you tap his shoulder and apart from him towering over you, he feels tiny. “hi, tadashi right?” you start. he nods with a boyish smile, “ yes! yeah! that’s me. do you need something, yn?” he asks nervously. your eyebrow quirks at him knowing your name, and of course it doesn’t go unnoticed. he makes a mental note to kick himself in the shin later.
“ no, i just wanted to say i love your sweater actually,” you explain shyly. tadashi’s heart thumps loudly, a single beat felt in his throat and in his tummy as the already existing butterflies uproar. he giggles, fiddling with the hem of said sweater. it was a pretty greyish blue - and it had little daisies on it. it suited him. when you made a comment about it to your friends, they had all pushed you to tell tadashi because oh- what d’ya know?
tadashi was your hallway crush too.
“oh! thanks it uhm,” he pauses, stuffing his hands into the pockets, “ it has pockets !” tadashi exclaims. you laugh, fully and happily at his excitement towards the pockets. he laughs along, attempting to ignore the affection growing in his stomach, his chest, the dizziness he felt. your laugh was beautiful. soft, melodic and dreamy : standard qualities that you also held. “ that’s awesome, huh?” you reply, your laughter dying out. he nods again, words evading him as he admired the flutter of your eyelashes while you tried to stop laughing. he would never know that it was from your own nervousness.
“the sweater wasn’t the only thing i came here for, actually,” you say. his head perks up, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. you looked up finally from your hands, “ i actually wanted to ask if uhm,” you pause. taking in a breath and trying to ignore tadashi’s sparking eyes. “ do you wanna maybe , go out? with me?”
tadashi felt warmth. light, giddish and free. like the wind in a field of cold air and warm sunlight, like cool sheets on a hot day, like sprite down your throat. happy, nervous, beautiful .
just like a butterfly.
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ozzyeelz · 1 year
Are you still taking art requests? I recently fell down the TF2 rabbit hole and wanted to maybe get Heavy holding my self insert in the air Lion King style (they’re part cat) but I didn’t know if requests were still open
Yes requests are still open!! If u want to request an oc of yours, you can send me refs of them via Asks or DMs, Whatever you’re comfortable with!!
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messrsbyler · 2 years
mint and cherry. at the same time. lemon even though you cause me pain i am always genuinely happy to see you chili except i have a feeling that sometimes the answer to that question is me fern
lava steel
plum (again sometimes this may be my fault but ur angstposting makes me want to give u a list of therapist phone numbers) french rose. the painting wasn't actually for vecna, nic.
lollipop like of course i want to be friends with you i am sending images of friendship via our horrifying psychic bond that i also use to torment you
Mint/Cherry: you deserve all the rights/you deserve none of the rights
okay well love to be multitasking like that
Lemon: little happy pill of the dashboard
WELL GUESS WHAT NEXT TIME YOU WANT TO SUE ME I'LL USE THIS AGAINST YOU and now you can't take it back huhu (but also don't mind me feeling all soft bc you are happy to see me look away)
Fern: in love with your big brain energy
OKAY RIGHT BACK AT YOU? you are literally the smartest and most right person in this fandom i will never shut up about it
Lilac: love to see you on my dashboard
shush 🥺
Lava: something is most definitely wrong with you (affectionate but also worried)
you are right and that something is "em's posts bringing angst to my life" thank you for asking!
Steel: i constantly wonder if you are okay
well, dear em, that's called guilt because you know what your posts do to me, so maybe we should unpack that huh?
Plum: therapy is a must for you
okay then, we'll go together then because if i'm going down so are you ALSO BOLD OF YOU TO POINT AT MY ANGSTPOSTING AS IF YOU HADN'T YOUR OWN SHARE OF GUT PUNCHING ANGST?
French rose: and if we kissed to break the tension? what then? (platonic)
[tender emotional music starts] okay come here, i made sure to lock jonathan up in the basement, it's smooch time
Lollipop: mutual i wanna befriend so let me adopt you
okay GOOD bc at this point we've emotional scarred each other too much to be only mutuals. this level of harm calls for a friendship. i will look forward to keep tormenting you through our psychic bond *wipes a tear*
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