#if u read thru all that ur a real one. i did just take some allergy meds to the legibility of this was probably subpar. sorry.
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vigilskept · 2 months ago
seeing a take that “the veil would’ve come down anyway, solas was just too impatient/prideful to wait” but…. i don’t think that’s true actually?
he’s extremely prideful that’s beyond question, but based on the conversations in veilguard & trespasser (albeit both conversations where you’re in an adversarial role and can only get limited information from him!) my impression was always that the veil is already in piss poor condition & that it was never meant to function as it does. it was meant to contain the blight & the evanuris who were exploiting it.
it failed to do both of those things and had innumerable unintended consequences (hence the regrets, hence the inescapable guilt as he bears witness to all of this)
“2 more blights and it would’ve been fine” to me is an odd take given the sheer amount of devastation that a blight causes. ferelden still hasn’t recovered 2 decades later, whole swathes of the thedosian continent were irrevocably transformed by the earlier blights (which…. lasted anywhere from over a decade to over a century)
even in a best case scenario, a blight would entail significant devastation across the continent followed by more devastation as the veil weakened AGAIN after the death of 1 archdemon, followed by another blight & the total collapse of the veil before anyone could begin to recover from that second blight.
trying to avoid two more blights is an understandable goal surely?
we don’t get much out of solas, but if he’s taken until 9:52 to tear down the veil when he’s had that ritual dagger since 9:45……. i feel like there’s some merit at least to the idea that he was planning to tear down the veil AND contain the evanuris + the blight by some other mechanism. so that there would be no more blights, ever.
would it have worked? maybe. maybe not.
i genuinely can’t see how sitting back and waiting it out is in any way a preferable alternative to trying to do something unless you’re just making the argument that witnessing a catastrophe you could prevent makes you less culpable than acting in a way that might cause some other (seen or unforeseen) harm.
all this to say it’s an insane trolley problem regardless — and it’s absolutely solas’ pride that makes him believe he has to be the one pulling that lever! — but it’s critical that the side of the tracks solas is trying to swing the trolley over to does not involve those 2 more blights. he’s trying to AVOID those blights. he’s trying to avoid the veil coming down in a way that will release ALL of the contained blight into thedas.
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mooreaux · 1 year ago
Silly questions ahoy. Sorry not sorry.
Who fell first, Deirdre or Gale?
Who fell harder?
Were there any things outside of the main romance plot beats that they had to overcome?
Do they have a Big Waterdhavian Wedding?
Well here is a real time pic of them realizing simultaneously that they were already neck deep in a romance without having clocked it up until that very moment
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So much more rambling under the cut!
Deirdre and Gale started off as respectful colleagues. He had his little ‘o wow a warlock huh’ and she had her little ‘yeah what of it wizard boy?’ Both incredibly polite about it of course. They gravitated to one another immediately because they are both well read and spoken and kinda looked at the rest of their companions like
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So in actuality they buddied up and then got teased relentlessly for being like an old married couple when neither one of them was even in the realm of romantic attraction. Gale because…. Bomb In Chest. And Deirdre having an internal incredibly well hidden behind bardic shenanigans PTSD nightmare from the horrors she witnessed during her imprisonment in Menzoberranzan.
It was only when they started sharing their magic; the weave scene, and the pic above with Dede sharing some fey vibes, that they started to shift from platonic to romantic. I would say Gale fell a little harder and faster because he just seems like that kind of person to me? Like he knows all the reasons he shouldn’t and that kinda unconsciously eggs him on even more. I’d say the crisis with Mystra’s order thru Elminster pushed them both into taking the step of actually admitting feelings tho. Dede couldn’t stand the thought of losing him. Especially to himself.
As for the last two questions… yeah. Gale’s big grand gestures got them into a bit of hot water during and post game. His constant need to prove himself worried Deirdre a lot about his self worth beyond what he could do for her. She had to go through a lot of talks with him to let him know he was enough. Just him. As he was. No magic or pageantry even tho she loves that about him too.
And of course, Dede has a TON of intimacy issues. A lot was done to her without her consent thru her life. Tadpole being the most recent offense. So she doesn’t really like surprises and has a hard time letting people in. Which is funny considering how bright and bombastic her personality is. She uses it mainly to cover the hurt. Not to say she isn’t well adjusted. She spent many many years with her patron working thru the stuff the lolthsworn drow did to her. Tadpole just kinda inflamed the wound again.
So yeah! I think it was actually several years before he even proposed. And several more after that until they got married. But the wedding was HUGE. Her family is gigantic and they have a wide social circle with the folk of Waterdeep, and Baldur’s Gate, and the Druid Grove which they still frequently visited. Gale went above and beyond constructing a castle out of flowers just for the occasion (dedes Patron helped).
Thank u so much for the ask Harding! I love my gnome gal (and i luv urs too)
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
Okay so-- i was reading some sagau posts and came across this one where the reader was an army vet and my brain just Did Its Thing--
So now I'm here to inflict this on to you--
Would guns be considered as catalysts. And would they only do Phys Damage.
Me reading this ask:
😶 😐 🤨 🧐 🧐 😰 🥲 😭😭😭 💀
(Also srry took so long to respond, when i didnt realize how short this was/was just sitting over here 😓)
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^ For the sake of gun imagery being a lot/maybe staff might hate me for it,
we'll put this gay shit instead (i almost mispelled to "gay shot" lmao)
Sun: Army Veteran Reader, Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT Headcanons
Stars: everybody bc i think itd be funny
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: gun stuff, mild violence, mild cursing & Trigger Warnings: Gun fun everywhere
You're out here having a whole gun they let you take for off-base
And u ofc have a license so u can conceal carry
(idk how non-american gun laws work, but tbh ours are so fucked idk how they work here either, just that an army guy i knew once could have his gun when he got back home)
And ofc ur just paranoid enough (more like it just makes u feel safe)
That when u get yoinked into a portal to a silly little brightly colored gacha game fantasy world, the gun comes with 💀
Id like to add in my silly little "ur in a video game, so video game rules" AU version of genshin so:
The only other gun (ish) wielder (Mika) has unlimited bolts
Sooo I'd think your gun would be the same jfc lol
When u first stumble into abyss monsters/hostile creatures of the realm, u nearly scare off a Lawlachurl bc every shot's like thunder to these bitches😭
So not only the monsters but the vision holders think u fucking summoned lightning
STOPP- you're becoming a witchy god or smth to all of Teyvat bc it just looks like hella high level magic atp to them LMAOOO
Rumors of you get out of hand and say u just point or snap ur fingers and things get wounded/just die on the spot 💀
Oh another difference between Teyvatians seeing ur gun vs. crossbow (what they know)
Is that guns are wayyyy more destructive
Like an arrow would get shot but it'd bounce off of things like rock or wood or metal, maybe dent a little depending on how close
But a bullet goes thru that shit so easy, and leaves a whole little explosion behind, once again depending on range
(I once saw a Mythbusters episode? of them proving bullets would definitely go thru car doors, like movies lied to u, this is why drive-bys acc work like for gangs)
Lmao, the image of you in like full armor with a Teyvat made automatic gun after showing it to blacksmiths
Makes u just more convincing as a god, esp bc military training
(Ppl like Gorou and Kokomi begging for military tactics/training ur world has done)
I'll address it.
But only so u dont think im stupid later.
Yes, the Fatui have guns.
No, this not the same as having a glock LMAO
End of story.
(Also, urs runs on bullets, whereas the Fatui rely on magic/delusions to power theirs, plus they dont seem as fast or destructive as urs, more "explosions aimed at you" than real bullets)
Which,,, u leave the managing of ppl copying ur gun to ppl like the Qixing or smth, but make sure to give them advice on good gun laws if teyvat accidentally revolutionizes bc of ur advanced gun that anybody can wield (non-vision users)
Thats the best ive got abt that
Oh, also enjoy being praised as a War god now.
... dammit i had smth i was gonna tell u guys-
Uh what tf was it, it was important
Next post is the Eldritch God Oneshot! Look out for it :) !!
Safe Travels Kid,
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twistedastrology · 9 months ago
- let's talk about pop astrology. -
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u can tell from the singular period in the title that this is not gonna be very positive So let's talk abt why i absolutely hate pop astrology!!!!!!!
and to be fair i will recognize what good pop astrology has done, it popularized the subject ofc and it is partially the reason i got into astrology, so while i cant be Too mad at it, i Did get into astrology thru pop astrology to essentially disprove pop astrology soo... 😵‍💫
real quick btw, and this does actually have significance in this post im not just promoting it to promote it, i have an ig now for my astrology stuff- @twistedastrology on ig go follow me there if u fuck with ig-
But if u saw my about me post on there, you'll have seen the slide where i talked abt why i actually got into astrology- to save you some time ill put it here, but please do go follow me on ig anyway if u like what i do and wanna support me 😵‍💫
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like i said, when i got into astrology, i instantly noticed how many of the same keywords were regurgitated for everything.
that's what i notice most in pop astrology.
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pop astrology is where everyone says cancers are crybabies, leos are narcissists, aries are hotheaded and impulsive, capricorns are cold and unemotional, geminis are two-faced, etc.
unfortunately and also fortunately at the same time, i have ungodly pattern recognition in just about everything, so of course i was gonna notice the same thing being said about the same sign and the same house and the same planet over and over again-
and to clarify before we continue (random disclaaaimeerrrrr- hey. dont do Anything that i say in this song-), this is what i personally have observed and experienced with pop astrology, im not sayin that it's All like this, but im talkin abt the very surface level, shallow kinda stuff.
that kinda stuff is what made me not resonate with my rising sign and be incredibly confused by my sun sign-
i would read "what ur like based on ur rising!!!! Cancer: U cry too much." and feel so shitty bro- id have to go look at every other sign to see which one i resonated with more and it was very rarely one of my big 3.
so naturally i was incredibly confused abt astrology but for me, that didnt deter me.
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the stereotypes and stuff offered by pop astrology are incredibly harmful and play a huge part in making people not believe in astrology as a whole.
say someone's an aries sun and they read one of those posts for aries sun right- the post says something along the lines of "ur incredibly impulsive, ambitious and extroverted!!! u probably cant control ur anger" and it doesn't resonate whatsoever because guess what their rising sign is capricorn (side note: why do i always manage to default to aries/capricorn in my examples im gonna laugh 😭😭😭) and their saturn is in cap too-
but ofc they wouldnt know their rising or their saturn sign bc those aren't focused on in pop astrology- it's all sun, moon and rising-
the sun, in my opinion, is actually one of the least important placements in a natal chart- and i can do an entire post on my take on the sun dont worry i actually rly want to- but to explain why i think that real quick, the sun is the culmination of the chart, it's not its own placement.
so every other placement in your chart has influence over it, that's why i never related to taurus sun stuff because i dont have any other earth placements in my chart and mercury in gemini is my dominant planet- so i had to look at gemini sun stuff, but i didnt know that until i was like knee deep into astrology.
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stereotypes are not only harmful, but also largely inaccurate.
and pop astrology also loves to convey the understanding that astrology can be segmented into little pieces, when it absolutely cannot.
"what drives u based on ur mars sign!! cancer mars: ur family :))))" Die.
BUT- say someone Does actually relate to that!!! there's 2 possibilities: they relate to it and they have mars in cancer OR they relate to it and they Don't have mars in cancer
in both of these scenarios, we are completely overlooking the rest of the chart-
you can't make astrology bite sized without also stripping it of all depth. but you can't deliver in depth astrology without it being overwhelming.
kind of a lose-lose, huh?
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here's where we need to understand astrology as if it is a science.
astrology is literally an ecosystem, this is how ive always viewed it. you can't interpret one planet on it's own without taking into consideration the aspects it has to it, the degree it's in, the signs that the planets aspecting it are in.
this is scary, yes, and a great way to ward off beginners, absolutely. But if you think it's scary, then you're overlooking the beauty of learning about something that's an ecosystem.
the beauty is you can't interpret one thing on its own, because everything else will follow.
you cant sit down and learn one thing, because you'll learn a whole slew of things and feel like it's never ending- which can be overwhelming for some and satisfying for others.
imagine walking on a floor covered in wires that are tangled with each other. you kneel down and try to pick up one wire and while you can see part of it clearly, it also brings up like 500 other wires for you to untangle as well.
that's what learning astrology is like.
in my experience, i picked up mercury, and mercury brought with it gemini, saturn, what sextiles are, what conjunctions are, the sun, degree theory, aries, and it just kept going.
and the more wires you pick up, the more wires they bring with them.
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this is why i hate pop astrology so much- they're picking up one wire, cutting both visible ends of it and ripping it out of tangled mess that is the floor we stand on.
now we don't know where the rest of that wire is because it was forcibly removed from the bunch.
SO! this is why i try so hard to make these posts and explain how literally Everything depends.
"what about mercury in this sign?"
"ya sure! so here's what i think it Could mean, but ultimately it depends."
"depends on..?"
"the entire rest of the chart."
anyway i think im abt done yapping now but i hope this made sense- i think the next post i do will probably be the sun one so be on the lookout for that- and again i have an ig for astrology stuff now, link is at the top here- and i have plans to eventually probably make a tiktok as well for astrology but im still figuring that out so ill let you know what happens with that But!!!
thank u for reading i appreciate u and dont be afraid to think in depth abt vast concepts, that is where the mind is exalted 🙏🙏
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tirfpikachu · 5 months ago
Tumblr may have filtered my last ask bc it had a link, or maybe you weren’t interested in responding. If it was a fluke, I’d love to hear your thoughts on a post by butchmartyr/760478305191346176/noooo-trans-person-dont-mistake-your?source=share
My first thought was “there shouldn’t be gender affirming clothes” just clothes you like wearing or clothes that feel expressive. I stewed on it for a while because I definitely support people doing what works for them, but seeing this “no it’s not ur radical self acceptance, it’s trans apathy and don’t die wondering, u could be happier” was kinda wild. Anyway take care out there!!
but honestly from what you've said... i feel like trans ppl, especially those who go for more stereotypical opposite sex gender conforming clothes/hairstyles/etc can 1000% do gender affirming things that are sexist, or at least describe what they're doing in a sexist way. they often don't bother to look at their own behaviors thru a feminist lense. in their defense, they are often dealing with debilitating dysphoria and can't really think much beyond "i want the discomfort to stop" and humans often draw conclusions about strangers based on very stereotypical characteristics like long vs short hair, makeup, skirts/dresses vs shorts/pants, high pitched vs low pitched voice etc so for them, conforming to the opposite sex's stereotype means having an easier time being recognized as the opposite sex/agab. it means the awful feeling inside them stops and they get relief from the distress that dysphoria gives them. so they aren't thinking clearly, and i say this as someone who was dysphoric for like, 13 years.
honestly in some way i don't blame them - often they do this only until transition, and then i've found they (at least transmascs) are more likely to want to be visibly gnc post-transition. so they aren't just giving into the patriarchy's demands and reinforcing stereotypes permanently; it's a form of treatment, in a way. but the thing is that it's also addictive... they get validation from one stranger, whether it's just out of trans allyship or not, and then it makes the following times they're misgendered that much more painful. which makes them seek transition that much more desperately, understandably so.
the problem with this is that many of them don't just affect themselves with this. they affect "cis" gnc people too with how they talk about themselves and how they talk about gender-validating crossdressing ("crossdressing" can be a cringy word, but ykwim). they aren't just talking between themselves, as much as they tend to think they are. they're posting about this shit in public social media spaces with mildly dysphoric ppl and gnc people who can very well develop dysphoria thru reading their "how to Look Like A Man/Woman" type posts. if to "look like a man" or "look like a woman" you need to be gender conforming, what would that make "cis" gnc people reading it feel about themselves? in a world where we're always told that we're not man enough, we're not real women, we don't act or dress or think like a woman should? of course i developed dysphoria. ofc i did. many other detrans & post-trans gyns and detrans men developed it as a result of this kind of rhetoric. i understand that these ppl need tips from each other to figure out how to manage their dysphorias. i get that. but this shit isn't well moderated at all. they don't actually tell people hey, it's okay if you're just gnc. they don't put a dysphoria-inducing trigger warning or something. they don't realize that this is a... okay, this will be a weak metaphor, but kinda how some mental illness communities will give each other tips that really makes shit worse for ppl reading it who might not even have had any signs of mental illness symptoms before reading it. <<< another thing that happened to me btw, those tumblr spaces really made me mentally sick. i was always prone to it, same as how i was prone to dysphoria, bc of my upbringing & genes. but reading about very mentally sick people's deep inner thoughts really fucked with my head!! and reading about very dysphoric people's deep inner thoughts REALLY fucked with my sense of self. reading about them calling their boobs in masc outfits gross and disgusting and feeling slimy or whatever on their chest made me start feeling dysphoric about them; i had always felt insecure abt my body, and hated that it was so sexualized by boys, but suddenly i developed a whole new complex about it. i know gnc male/amab ppl can have similar feelings when transfems talk abt their bodies and how gross they looked in feminine outfits, how they wish they looked like cis women, how they can't wait to have that happened bc their current visibly gnc bodies are disgusting. cis/bio gnc men reading or listening to that shit can really gain so much shame abt their natural inclination towards femininity and traditionally unmasculine things.
trans people, dysphoric people really need to watch how they talk about their gnc bodies pre-transition and how much they casually gender clothes, hairstyles etc (even just in jokes). they also need to make sure their audience doesn't have ppl who are mildly, potentially treatable dysphorics who can fall deeper into dysphoria by reading what mainstream tras say about their gender nonconforming bodies and womanhood/manhood. they have no idea how many vulnerable, insecure people susceptible to new insecurities are reading what they're writing or hearing what they're saying. also, them trying to steal the "don't die wondering" sapphic slogan by making it about transness, making it about transition, is truly fucked up. if they listened to detrans/desisted/post-trans people AT ALL they would know what to do and not to do to prevent future detransitions. and detransitioners makes them look bad, as they always love to remind us, so why the fuck would they be so careless as to create more of us by not moderating their spaces? it harms trans people too, doesn't it?
we need more tra accountability. we need them to call this shit out.
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euthymiya · 4 months ago
Hello, I want to drop by and tell you that I am a big fan of ur work and ur humor! Your aven drabble “I give you myself” is my favorite aventurine work I’ve read. The genshin stuff is also amazing and I thank you so much for being one of the five people to write for ayato. Your ayato stuff is just 😏🙏. I am also a huge fan of ur jjk stuff, ur gojo and sukana makes me want to chew my phone (/pos). Your modern sukana is definitely my fav modern characterization of him, u just write him so abenwiabslauanaoan. I’ve been rereading ur gaslight sukana into marriage drabble work and the gojo Drabble “i do practice round” so much lately because they’ve been some of the MVPs of making me smile and laugh thru these trying times. Your work has brought me a lot of joy and laughs and I thank you so much for writing and sharing ur amazing work!!! Have a lovely day/night!
Hi good morning wow what an ask to start the day am I right 🥹
“Big fan of ur humor” LOL I’m going to order myself a trophy that says “anon approved sense of humor” so everyone knows I’m funny when they walk into my apartment. Jk but that part did have me tucking hair behind my ear
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BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!!! You are the sweetest ever <3 I haven’t written for hsr in so long lmao because I literally haven’t logged on since kafka’s rerun and the funniest part is this blog started bc I was knee deep in hsr from catching up on all the quests at the time but regardless, I’m really glad you enjoy my two main fandoms!! Me and the 5 ayato girlies of this fandom welcome you with open arms to the fanclub (we need more members for real loll)
Thanks again for taking the time to drop by and send me such a heartfelt message you’re the sweetest and I hope you’re also having a very wonderful day/night like you deserve <3
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tending-the-hearth · 8 months ago
Bro I lost u for a hot min! I was combing thru this whole site cuz I couldn't remember ur username😭 i hope ur doin ok
I read "The FightTM" and my goodness let me tell u I had pick my jaw off the floor for a sec there. 1) It's so different from any of fights Ive read in other aus. Like this one felt REAL like i can see the logic in everyones decisions and how it all escalated up to that sweet sweet angst✨2) ur characterization is top notch, and ur descriptions r so good I could picture the whole thing clearly in my head!
Poor 12kids :(( they r going thru it. It was sweet to see raph get some comfort from xever. How'd that happen anyways? Did Bradford and Xever like evily hungout(enemy recon or sumthn) until they realized too late Raph and mikey had already wormed into their lives? Or like Nuh uh?
I honestly can't wait to see where u take this au. I'm so excited!-🫘
kissing you on the forehead immediately <3
honestly so honored because i was SO nervous about the dialogue and making the fight and the brothers' side convincing, because i didn't want it to feel forced for the sake of the AU, so i'm really happy it came across as a natural escelation!!
so, canonically within the 2012 show, Raph and Xever always have this sort of respect and frenemies vibe, which really came out in "Baxter's Gambit" (aka my one of my FAVORITE episodes), and at the end of the show, Xever walks away from the Foot Clan and from The Shredder, and is implied to sort of have this antihero thing!
I might touch on it later in a fic, but within the AU, Xever and Chris did get mutated like in canon, but they got their hands on retromutagen as a sign of "good will" from Shredder (aka he used the fact that he was the reason they turned back to humans to manipulate them to work for him), and eventually were able to fight their way out of the Foot Clan. After they left, Mikey and Raph sort of figured out that they weren't part of the fights anymore and tracked them down, and without the influence of the Shredder, the four of them were able to create friendships.
I do think it started out as an excuse of "oh we have to make sure you're not doing Evil Things" and then it just spiraled into hanging out and having fun, and it wasn't until April pointed out how close they got that they realized lmao
I've always loved the frenemy vibes that Raph and Xever have, so this AU is also definitely an excuse for me to write them being best friends, same with Mikey and Chris!!!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year ago
hey rae, congrats on winning the costume contest! gotta be honest, i got very curious about what you think about promising young woman's politics and the ending. i remember enjoying it, other than thinking it was a bit irresponsable at some parts... but also i watched it a while ago and dont really remember much from it. im currently reading the zombie essays you rec'd, and im franlky loving it so so much. monster theory my beloved. And this is the first time im reading about zombies through sexuality lens, all essays i've read about zombies so far were about afro-latin religions and black resistance during colonization, but im loving, reading it in bed while giggling and quicking my feet, etc.... bc "queer zombie jesus" deserves to be a bed read cmom look at that sexy combination of words. hope you're doing well!! xxx substack guy
hi substack guy <3 would love 2 share my thoughts abt promising young woman but i will do that in a min + put it under a cut bc. spoilers etc. love that ur enjoying the zombie essays tho!! there are so many different angles 2 approach zombies as a monster; if u have any reading recs abt religion + colonization my inbox is always open...i have a book or 2 downloaded but have mostly read scattered articles in that vein. agree that 'queer zombie jesus' is SO fun that was one of my fave articles from zombies & sexuality lol. also just recently bought a book called dead white & blue that's abt zombies + usamerican nationalism so. excited 2 start exploring that topic as well...
anyway. promising young woman thoughts (got long...also tw sa):
still thinking & working thru them etc but. generally speaking i am not a huge fan of movies that fall into the rape revenge genre so i typically start them skeptical, and ultimately i thought it was...an odd choice to have the main character be seeking revenge not for herself, but on behalf of her dead friend's past assault...talk abt a dead girl haunting the narrative etc...but like. usually one of my issues w rape revenge is the tendency to turn the person who's been assaulted into this figure of the Righteous Victim such that they become less a person + more a symbol onto which an audience gets to project + live out violent catharsis etc...honestly don't necessarily think there's an inherent issue with creating or seeking out that form of catharsis in film but i just. do not think it is particularly politically useful...+ this setup just like. took that to the next level by literally removing the Victim from the narrative entirely, stripping her character of all agency + personhood, and making her friend the Agent seeking Justice on her behalf which. i mean it's a bit ironic innit...
was also not too sure how i felt abt the whole setup of "woman goes to bars, acts drunk, and there's ALWAYS a creep who tries to take her home + assault her"...i'm somewhat torn feeling-wise here bc i used to very much have this sort of "all men are [potential] monsters" mentality that like no matter where u go there will be someone there ready 2 take advantage of u but. i no longer feel like that is a very useful framework 4 discussing or addressing sexual violence. firstly in that it tends to devolve quickly into the sort of gender essentialism that i am fundamentally opposed to, but also bc it seems so defeatist to me. how are u supposed 2 address a problem if u assume that the problem is already so baked in, and in such simplistic terms? so while i do understand that this is a film and it's sort of dramatizing what is a very real issue, i'm not sure i was entirely sold on the way it was dramatizing it...felt like it was trying 2 highlight but in the process was also flattening 2 a certain extent...
and then like. i did to some extent appreciate the way the film is trying to highlight that it's oftentimes "nice guys" committing sexual violence, especially bc rape revenge films often just portray the "bad guys" as like. cartoonishly evil. but i felt like even there the film was still wanting to get back into that black + white territory, which manifested especially in the bo burnham character. like, on the one hand the film wants to highlight the fact that people committing sexual violence are often sympathetic, perhaps even kind, "nice" people and not obviously evil bad guys, but on the other hand it did not seem to want to sit in the gray area of what that means at all (ie, asking the audience to actually sympathize with or relate to anyone implicated in acts of sexual violence), meaning that whenever we found out a character was involved in an assault that character immediately became a completely unsympathetic bad guy. and like, again, i understand why the film wants to do that--nobody wants to encourage someone to sympathize with a rapist. but irl sexual violence is by and large not black and white, and the fact is that most people are able to sympathize with and relate to people who have committed these forms of violence, because they're not cartoonishly evil bad guys--they're friends, partners, coworkers, family members, etc. and so again, this just isn't a framework that i find particularly useful in addressing irl sexual violence, bc i think it leads to this dichotomy we so often seen where if The Perpetrator/The Accused is not clearly Evil, then they must be Innocent. so like. the film tries, in some ways, to trouble that dichotomy, but i think in the end it just falls back into it--it's just that the guys we thought were "nice" are actually "bad"; imo the audience isn't really encouraged to sit in any emotional stew beyond that.
i do give the movie props for the actual way it handled portrayals of assault; i thought it did a pretty good job there. in particular was a fan of the way they elected to never show the actual video of nina, and how in basically any scene with sexual violence the emphasis was largely on the face + emotions of the person experiencing it. and i mean i did enjoy the movie, for the most part, while i was watching it--like i thought it was a pretty engaging film, good acting, etc.
but if anything the ending really. solidified my disappointment in the politics of the movie. not just bc cassandra died--honestly, i think the death was an interesting choice and there are ways they maybe could have played it that i would have liked more. but having the "triumphant" ending be the cops swooping in to arrest al...give me a fucking break lol. like u set up this whole movie abt how the legal system + these various institutions fail people who have experienced sexual violence, and then...i'm supposed to expect the cops to handle it? the justice system that already failed previously in the movie? and the entire framing of the ending--cassandra's final texts, the music, etc--makes it clear that this is supposed to be a triumphant moment. so i was just like. wtf....like in the end both women are dead. what form of justice is the suggestion that their abuser might go to prison? especially when prison itself is a violent + corrupt institution that must be abolished as part of the fight to end sexual violence? just a very shitty ending overall to what was already a movie that had me sort of going "hmmm...idk" throughout lol. so! those r my thoughts currently
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nulltune · 1 year ago
plots please maybe?
plots please,  open !    @resolutepath  ♡
SCRATCHES OUT THAT MAYBE BECAUSE CHAAARLIEE i'm always down for plots with u!!! ❤️❤️ you're always providing be with such great ideas so it's about time i get 2 return the favor!! >:3c
i am not up 2 date with genshin at all but i stare respectfully at your genshin muses always (me always learning more abt them thru ur portrayals and just absolutely loving it 🤧💖) and I RLLY ENJOYED READING YOUR HC POST ABT FREMINET WAHHH it made me wanna interact with him so bad!!! and also pat his head but i think that'd make him feel comfortable so i shall refrain u_u🙏 i think they both struggle with expressing their feelings and while freminet has the ocean hakuno has nothing- so methinks she'd be really curious about that! i read from the wiki that many people would ask freminet if he could do things for em so how would he react to someone who's just genuinely interested to know about his feeling about diving? 🤔 and i know absolutely want to explore emotions with them because i see some bits about freminet wanting(?) to be like an unfeeling machine and that'd be interesting to explore with hakuno who's more of the opposite- she wants to be more emotional and more human. add in their reasons for being like this and i just think it'd be really neat to explore!!
i've seen some stuff abt lyney and 👀✨️ (BASSBOOTED) CHARLIE AND LYNN BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH EXPLORING IDENTITY ?! listen i saw his line about the "real me" and i went So Bonkers. the one who knows his true self but can't express that and the one who doesn't know herself but wants to find it??? idk i feel like there's sooo much to unpack there and i am extremely intrigued!!!! on a lighter note though! wow lyney pls show this moon lady your magic tricks because i just think she would be so fascinated by it! 😳✨️✨️ it doesn't have to be anything fancy either! he could just take a coin from her ear and she'd be like O_O How Did You Do That. her expression is stoic but i feel like he could see her eyes all sparkly like ooh... ✨✨✨
thiis is gonna sound kinda wild but i want hu tao and hakuno to talk abt death!! :D SVJCJWFN HEAR ME OUT- hakuno's someone who very strongly does not want to die (even though she has no reason to live either </3) so interacting with a funeral director? it could be rlly neat! hakuno's living status is Weird(TM) but i think it'd rlly help her to understand that it's how you spend your life which is important- and that she should live it to the fullest! hakuno tends to be on guard and serious all the time so being around someone as playful as hu tao could really help methinks! 🥺 and for how calm and reserved she is, hakuno's got a pretty mischievous side so her pulling a (hak)uno reverse card and pranking hu tao for a change? very possible! and it'd when she least expects it too ✨️
charlie you were so gigabrained about bringing up bosacius btw... it'd be super interesting to see em interact with someone in the same boat and i especially wanna know their differences when it comes to this!!! i'm also peeking at your misc hcs for him and first of all I LOVE HIM 😭😭🫶🙏💖💞 ( and second of all- i love the difference in vibes?? temperaments?? whatever you call it!! bosacius having those naturally welcoming presence and hakuno just being so aware that she is not like that at all. for all her efforts to do so, she really struggles in making that personal connection with others and always feels isolated on some level so :,) i just wanted to say thaaat </3 there might be some comparisons that she unintentionally makes between em methinks, and she'd definitely admire him in a way + think he's much better than her 🥹✨️
i'm staring at kai and his genshinverse (but i'm also down with exploring other verses too >:3c) because as the darknight hero's no. 1 fan i need hakuno to somehow stumble on him fighting and seeing the similarities between his fighting style and diluc's!! and from there i really want em to talk about why they fight ??? hakuno only does it when necessary and she doesn't care about strength and all that- she really only fights out of self-defense/self-preservation or to protect something and idk i feel like that difference in attitude also reflects their approach to interpersonal relationships 🤔🤔 idk but i just think it'd be pretty interesting 2 explore! and ough man i just think if she someday found out about his past and upbringing then 💔💔 IT'S GONNA HURT and hakuno would have a lot of Thoughts(TM)
i also want to talk about elio real quick because i adore their interactions so far and i just think the concept of fate or destiny in general would be real interesting to explore with these two!! elio being like a slave to destiny has me all 👁👁✨️ and it definitely seems like a heavy weight to carry?? i can't even begin 2 imagine it 🤯  but i want to know more abt it!!! hakuno def would be curious too ! and like- her whole character is about identity and the free will to be who you are so i think she'd definitely wonder- if everything is predetermined then what's the point of making choices? definitely would be lots of mixed feelings abt that concept! on a sillier note, if hakuno finds out that elio has a black cat form then she would be 👁👁✨️ Especially Intrigued (<- cat luvr)
i read lynx's line about how "In the Landau family, things are quite simple: If you want to do something, just go ahead and do it." and the hakuno muse just went what i want to do... do i even have something like that....? 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️hakuno does have a tendency to overthink things though, so i think that kind of simpler way of thinking could be pretty good for her mayhaps! also maybe have em talk about socialization because hakuno would think that "aren't all socialization necessary..?" (<- girl who really wants to properly interact and connect with others) alsoo methinks hakuno would def ask lynx for some wilderness survival tips!! 🫡🫡✨️✨️ i think she'd be interested in seeing in exploring more of the world and it definitely won't hurt to be better at surviving! and imagine them exploring the snow plains together 🥺 could be fun methinks!!
also this is getting pretty long already BUT I JUST GOTTA SAY- i rewatched bnha recently so i'm staring respectfully at them 🥺✨️ big yes to the ideas from your post from a while back (ALWAYS BIG YES TO ALL DA PLOTS WE'VE TALKED ABT OKOK 🫶 I ADORE EMM) and i'm grabby hands at kirishima in particular just bc he is so your brand methinks!!! i think they both have issues with self-confidence and deal with it by doing their best to help others ..... idk just yet but i think that'd be p neat to explore!!!
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theuniverseawakens347 · 10 months ago
You gotta be fucking kidding me. You paid ppl off to not say anything and then got Malcom and Alissa and Ian and julian and CASY to hack their accounts to take back the money put it in an account for me these last..til January and then act like nothing ever happend and I all of a sudden get married to Tristan’s and start my new life … and then basel pressed a lawsuit on her and Therese bc their accounts got drained by those dummies up there Alissa siae Malcom and Ian McDowell can ATest w Julian Harrell for crypto.. whatever day I wrote about her trying to “help me get my life together while AGAIN sending me mental warfar” and I went to the psych to talk and relieve my head …that’s the day basel called her WITH EVIDENCE and she DIDNT say anything to Howard.
And then the day I came over talking about I’m on 5 spiritual retreats they all lead to ONE PERSON ONLY AND OUR FAMILY BEING TIED TOGETHER AND KNOWING OUR SPIRITUAL TRUTH.. TRISTAN❤️❤️ ..THATS the day she then what …wanted to admit the bullshit to me but then found ways to further gas light me about what my ex’s had done and then build a case in HER HEAD why I was unfit STOOPID excetera to think neffi would come back bc Daniel said she attacked his dog and he had to put her down per Lee request …so then decided fuck I gotta build a FAKE MENTAL CASE ON CASHAY SO SHE DOESNT KNOW HER FAVORITE THING NEXT TO TRISTAN IN THE WORLD IS DEAD 🤯 bruh u gotta be so fucking for real. THIS WHAT I BEEN LIVING W?? Then put the fucking crazy rollercoaster of bullshit on me …cause what I put on the blog about AFTER THE PLAY OF 44 THANK I BRODY FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH TO ME THRU VIDEO CLIPS OF OUR ACTUAL HISTORY… 👽tology ..hit me with a “wise words of wisdom” the VERY NEXT MORNING AFTER READING MY BLOG WHILE DOING MY HAIR …then watched law abiding citizen knowing that was going to be her truth ..and the fucking psycho nurse my truth 🤯🤯🖕🏽🙂 ..reverse that. The right ones get it .. basically admit THRU MOVIES THIS SHIT IS REAL AND IM ADVENGING MY OWN FUCKING FAMILY FOR THEIR MURDER OF MADS DESTRUCTION ON HER HANDS …and then something happened w Vivicca me admitting Tristan and I been talking TELLATHICALLY .. told her I had a message / package from him cause she was suppose to turn me over to him by then and didn’t decided to send me to Vivicca to let someone else care for me while she cleaned up her fucking mess.. but me saying me n Tristan been in communication and HOWARD backing her up saying no you had not just what ..fuel for more fuck shit to prove I’m crazy and she’s sane 🤯🙂🖕🏽 that’s retarded as fuck Lee. I CLEARLY FUCKING KNOW / KNEW. And ur FURTHER helping me prove EVERYTHING I OUT ON THIS BLOG. Alissa morris did some fuck shit to Lee garlington and wants to get back at her…they in a weird tit for tat …Alissa got her government official computer breaking into our house and Alissa did all the nudes to the White House the day vivcca and I came over to speak to her and Howard ABOUT THE INDUSTRY TRACKING / SHIT BOYFRIENDS that came by way cause Lee + Alissa fucked all of them ..so ur telling me Alissa is a miniature terrorist w Aja and they’re getting back at u w Tony .. THIS AINT TRUE AT ALL U LYING ASS SHIT. U PAID THEM OFF TO DO THAT DUMB SHIT W MALCOM AND THEY ALL TOOK PARRT AND IAN WAS THERE TO KNOW THAT U THREATENED THEM ALL W BIG MURDR CHARGES OF PAST MURDSERS .. like wtf kind sense does that make Lee . UR A REALLY WDIRD FUCKING PERSON IN THE HEAD AND UR STILK HOLDING ME HOSTAGE BC U LEGITIMATELY WANT TO KILL ME OUT OF THE FACT THt u WONT BE THE LFIRST LADY IE KAMALA HARDIS .. sorry fucking the spelling. This sooooo childish u gotta be fucking kidding me … and yall nighas say i got adult issue ain’t no fucking way this what’s been going on in ur brain and u just been keeping cool.. or this bitch real life lost her rockers when I started awakening the first day she seen me at st Francis psychward .. the condition in which I was in.. this bitch really made At herself for failing as a fucking mother when she worked sooooo hard to prove she’s a good mother .. like what was the point of the planned breakin .. that’s what happens when u don’t know pol in yo circle .. u got extra weirdo ppl around u looking for a hand out u gon say someone Ian took over and did things his way to prove I’m not fucking crazy and ur a shitty ass fucking mom because nighas been watching this blog and watching me on my fucking growth ..so u know Howard paid these ppl off to stop the fuck shit but nighas h4_eazy still did the weird shit and stole my laptop til Ian told him put it back then stole Howards.. that had child pornography on it of me as a minor .. ALISSA IR FUCKING WEIRD U TEO CONSPIRING RN W MALCOM AND NICKI HOW GO GET OUT OF THIS SHIT INSTEAD OF ADMITTING YAL ON WEIRD SHIT .. as pissed off and upset as I am w Howard rn Zfor not STANDING ..
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
c3x22 to love & die in LA
Ooh a plot heavy episode lol acab Dude it might be easier to hop than it is to crawl idk. Wow mafia lookin dude Lol the sarcastic "scary"
What time of day is this? Castle is here first! Lanie <3 I keep forgetting that bounty hunters are real. Arrest probs. Yep arrest. At least he still has a face.
Just like Murdoch! Ryan taking things back to s1 rly quick here with his outfit like that huh Silencers don't make them completely silent, they just dampen the noise
Royce has nice brown eyes & freckles
Beckett shut it Girl. Girl no.
She has a pic of him with her? That's sweet. (Also reminds me of george crabtree with a picture in his house with an awkward murdoch. if he wasn't so head over heels for julia he would be in love with... well pendrick but if he wasn't head over heels for pendrick he would be in love with george. Remember that time when william asked george out to the christmas ball?)
This is what it's like sitting in the back of a car with my two brothers & they put me in the middle Bro you could stand up to let her out, it's like the bus! It's castle obv. (could clip, but I won't)
I'll be your backup <3
"under the radar" cut to a fancy car Castle is so cocky Ew neat mural... I like maurice. Beckett has some really LA type clothing here...
Mob ties?
WAIT WHAT Guest house, reminds me of Japan. "Me too" XD apparently they went thru several iterations before settling on that.
Their little handshake
y'all PLEASE watch the bonus features if you can. Apparently this IS where they shoot Castle & even the camera ones are literally the ones who work on Castle. She's in rehab???
Raley & ochoa? That's VERY original castle /s. lmao doesn't huerve mean egg? what is that handshake? I love it RC: You're a cop, so it's your job. Rick go talk to ryan about his motivations & then make smth up for Raley! Update: I have now watched the audio commentaries & stuff for s1. Apparently Ryan was a boring character so Dever started carrying around Richard Castle books, probably borrowing them from beckett. Dever went "what is my character's motivation^/" & they said "idk" so he started reading castle books.
KB: *talking abt the case* KB: *trails off once she sees bootleg rysposito* (clipping)
GIRL "HOLA CHICA" IS EASIER TO WRITE THAN "GREETING IN SPANISH" WTF Aw look at them kiss in the morgue. LP: Wait is your friend that top-heavy tramp in reception? JE: Hm? What? HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DISSOLVE? YOU MIGHT WANT TO SNAP SOME PICS QUICK. (clipping)
Did they call? How did rick learn abt the dissolving bullets? (love how he is on conspiracy websites tho lol) Girl??? Also the lockpick scene was ok except for the fact that she didn't physically unlock the door after getting the pegs aligned Watch ur fingerprints. No all the way back to new york? they're going to go back & then once in new york they'll have to come back to LA If royce can't hunt bounties then he'd totally be a PI Nice to hear LAPD instead of NYPD.
Ooh robbery homicide LMAO IT REALLY IS MUCH WORSE THAN ARREST. IT'S LIKE WHEN YOUR DAD SAYS HE'S NOT MAD JUST DISAPPOINTED. They often say "welcome to new york" & now it's "welcome to LA" & I think it's a nice change of pace.
Ryan outfit: patterned shirt, collared button-up as usual, tie. I love the little brother things here. Imagine if it was martha's acting school. Ryan just held up his fingers to say "line two" but montgomery saw & hun he might just hop on the phone too. JE: Sup girl? Hey she's genuinely being useful in the investigation. Or maybe not, maybe she's just telling them what to do even tho they can do it on their own See? Castle is smart enough
Now this is intense I love it. I also love how the man goes into the office just wearing his surfwear.
Ha not that good. Way ahead of you bro. These two are a great team. (tbh I'm clipping this bc I like seeing them do smart stuff)
Just like castle! Making up stories to mess with you! You're not so bad yourself castle??? Are u in a relationship? If she wasn't I'd say kiss kiss kiss. Huh her nails are painted.
Maurice my beloved lmao no it only melts nazis ok bud Could have yelled "coming, one sec" "We're not on the case anymore" I like Seeger's tie No, seeger went to the house for something. Wait it was for the gal who stole the stuff nvm.
Mum caught on right away that they would use the props YES RALEY/TAYLOR & OCHOA/HERVE! That's the dumbest thing ever I love how he just accepts that
This is so great. Apparently this is the same interview room as usual, they just changed it up a bit to make it look like the movie set. I mean you're right child molesters are the lowest of the low but they usually get killed so they are not actually IN prison. I like how we get to see the dramatic upset behind the set. update: OH it's bc we usually get to see people in the observation room like montgomery $500 is cheap af I wonder if they filmed that for the bonus features of the nikki heat film but they probably wouldn't include Reggie in there. Does this mean I can leave?
She's just walkin by stripping from all of the costume stuff they gave her None of the other ones are before a height measure thing, only Mannis is. He also looks to be above 6' even tho his profile says 6'0" update: THE EASTER EGGS FURIED CROWS
MAURICE! Also I can't tell if this guy is fancy, european, or gay. It's like that song, gay or european, & it's like dirk gently, possibly gay & definitely european.
Wow definitely not new york. Man has a tattoo. Oh of course they couldn't resist a shot of this. Does she have any bullet wounds? Appendicitis scars? I'm into girls but I'm not into this. (I'm into girls like Ryan who is not a girl. He is a lesbian to me though.) What accent is this? She grabbed his wrist now he's the one holding her hand? Weird
I thought that was the original plan lol RC: DOn't poke me! KB: Poke you? I want to kiss you! SO DO IT ALREADY (won't clip)
Decently obvious lie... (BESTIES HOW DO THEY BECOME GOOD ACTORS FOR 5X10 & HOW DID ESPOSITO LOSE ALL OF HIS "WE WERE TRAINED NOT TO GIVE UP INFORMATION" SKILLS?) Why did RM say this to espt instead of saying "you or you"? Also I'd def excpect esposito the "we were trained not to give up information" man to be good at lying. JE: *nods to ryan* RM: *Smiles as the two walk away* They are her brothers <3
RC out of the blue: Can i interest you in one of these robes? Seeger: ? No! Thank you!
Where in the world are they meeting her? Ok but the way Ryan whips his jacket around mm These two are partners & I love them He just answer's some stranger's phone with "yo" lol KB: ... ESPOSITO??? JE: BECKETT??? KB: Are you with mannis? JE, casually: Yeah I just shot him KB: JE: Why r u calling him? KB: Look we need to know where & when ganz is selling those bullets JE: Done JE, to mannis: Where's the deal going down? *gun pressed to his throat* DM: I'm hit man call an ambulance JE: Well my partner's on that KR: Nine, one... what comes after that one? DM: I;m in pain here man! JE gets the location out of him by pressing in on him & putting him in pain (acab) & then bringing the cell phone to the screaming man's voice & then he cracks, that easy, tells em where to go. KR comes in after that asking who shot royce which was a good call. It was Ganz.
the heck does "quarter of six" mean? Do you mean 5:15 or do you mean 5:45 or do you mean 6:15? I would say quarter TO six for 6.30, quarter PAST six for 6.15, third PAST six for 6.20 & half PAST six for 6.30. Yo where did beckett get a gun?
That's a sus buff tattooed guy She says "police" instead of nypd bc she doesn't have jurisdiction here & she is not lapd. Yo, nice knife! Mmm a smouldering cigar Hun u better have the safety on & the gun not cocked. easy way to lose a buttock. Glad we got a shot of her booty tho. She's not my type (except for maybe s1 beckett) but I can still appreciate a pretty lady.
Apparently she had to learn how to vault a gate on set that day in front of a hundred plus people. She tries to do most of her own stunts tho. I never imagined hell looked like you ugh good line good line First names <3 Girl u put the safety on right?
I like their little friendly ending together & then DX rick gives him a housecoat that's so great lol
I thought about it. But I knew I never would. I knew I couldn't
NOTE FROM A DEAD GUY SHIPS THEM. Care & love does not need to be romantic ig... Wait he wrote the note in all caps
I loved the costumes in this episode. V nice. v good.
It was a different episode today! I enjoyed it a lot! & I went five minutes overtime in my watch (I give myself double time to watch it) but other than that yeah I'm happy!
(Got some good clips here today)
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einsatzzz · 1 month ago
Thank you so much for this Butter! Please take your time with my other one hehehe although just know I always thirst for the oc crumbs, I'm very patient tho hahaha besides oc stuff, i love reading abt ur thoughts, takes and analysis on canon characters, so this is a buffet for me too! 🥰🥰🥰 Just gonna type my (delusional) thoughts as I read thru it below, so it might get long (no need to reply!!)
And yeah, I agree too that he's such a foodie!! My impression of him is that of a very open-minded type of person (like just from his cosplay choices, travelling, strange ways of training tsuna etc.), so our vision aligns hehe "he can greatly appreciate in someone else (as long as it’s not blind and reckless devotion)" kana…look away, reborn is about to give you failing grades sdjvfashvdsh BUT THIS IS ACTUALLY SO REAL, U WROTE A BANGER WITH THIS "So yes, while Reborn’s loyalties can be bought if you’re hiring him for his skills, his heart is something that can not be!" he very much has standards! I think it's shown a lot with the inital Apple lore you mentioned to me, the one related to her being a civilian iirc!
And I see that striked out sentence Reborn 👀✨ And through Apple, would it be correct to say that he discovered that he likes being taken care of then? Or just being spoiled unconditionally? (may be why he's fond of Nana taking care of him too lmaooo *delusions mode starts here* apple is not present during this period, so being taken care of reminds him of her and so he misses her extra mayhaps haha 🥴🥴🥴 i want to see Reborn yearning content)
Tsuna missing his mom's cooking tho awwwww 🥹💖 I think it's funny that he misses japanese food when in italy, then he misses italian food when in japan. I guess that means he's gotten accustomed to italy being a sort of home to him too at some point! (but ofc as a hibari stan: namimori>>>>>>, so sorry italians). AND THAT LOVE HEADCANON SFHFVSGHVFSGHVFEH WITH HIM BEING SHY AT FIRST THEN BEING PROUD EVENTUALLY KJFBHSJDSKJBFSJ READING THIS IS EQUIVALENT TO ME GETTING SHOT POINT BLANK IN THE HEART 2763 TIMES SDBFASDHJDBS (Kurumi initially being the one to initiate, then eventually Tsuna is one who initiates ehehehehe OCXCANON DELUSIONS ASIDE, IT SHOWS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SUBTLY TOO)
and then after getting shot firing squad style by the previous hc, i then got shot 8059 times by the next one !!! AND YOOO THIS IS SO GOOD??!!! I love Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamammoto trio sm and I love that Reborn+Yama/Goku are taking care of him when got sick in Italy ueueueueueue 😭😭 they love u a lot tsuna!!!
For the Hibari section!! "action over words person" THIS IS SO TRUE, I FIRMLY BELIEVE THIS AS WELL!!! And I feel like we had this convo b4, but yes, he even smiles a lot in Daily Life arc! (Mukuro just ruined his flow in Kokuyo Arc ahhahaaha /hj) He's very subtle with the way he expresses his affection, in a way that stays true to himself 😌✨ (he doesn't like getting restricted after all, even by common sense!) "Crowding around is fine as long as it’s with the right person <3 /hj" I AGREE---i gotta mention that at some point b4, i put this in a hbkn shipping chart "three is a crowd, two is a company" 💜
And that hospital episode will always be one of my faves in Daily Life Arc for a reason!!! 🥰🥰🥰 A lot of patients (incldg Tsuna 😭) definitely got extended hospital stays because of that fussiness of his, rip bozo. Anyway, let's fucking go Hibari!!! My self-care king!!! *selfish self-care. (I think it's lowkey supported by canon too, because he did go to the hospital for a "little cold"! --- I still want to know the deets of whatever got the hospital director be 😊😊😊 at him lmaoo)
For Reborn, Tsuna and Hibari for canon characters? 🥺✨ I'm curious abt ur thoughts on them too hehe
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send 💕 for a love headcanon
send 😵 for a sickness headcanon
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
Hello Ein, slowly but surely I am answering these questions hehe 💕 Thank you for sending these in I had so much fun answering them!!! I hope they are to your satisfaction!!
Edit: aahh!!! I'm so sorry I suddenly realized I forgot to do the sadness headcanons for them all!!! I gomen 😭
🍯 for a food headcanon
So… This isn’t even a headcanon but is canon as I’ve come to happily learn as I am a crazy and delusional Reborn fan my apologies ♡ but Reborn is a big foodie. Loves to eat and is actually not very picky about his food. One of his favourite things about travelling is trying all the different cuisines! Not to mention he’s definitely someone who has had the opportunity to try some of the best and even fanciest foods in the world. All that being said his favourite meals will always be a home cooked meal made with love. I won’t go into it too much here because it isn’t the right place (this is about food not family!) but I have always headcanoned Reborn as an orphan so to him being able to have a home cooked meal is a privilege he will always acknowledge in his heart and never not appreciate. 
💕 for a love headcanon
Two words I would use to describe Reborn are loyal and devoted. When it comes to the ones he loves (Both romantic and platonic/familial) Reborn believes in absolute loyalty. You may not expect this coming from a murder-for-hire hitman but once you become a loved one in his eyes you’ve gained his loyalty and devotion (So don’t make him regret it or else… Well you’ll soon be the one regretting it 🔫/j) . And he naturally expects the same from those he let’s into his heart! In fact, loyalty is a quality he can greatly appreciate in someone else (as long as it’s not blind and reckless devotion). So yes, while Reborn’s loyalties can be bought if you’re hiring him for his skills, his heart is something that can not be! 
This got quite long so the rest are gonna be put under the cut!
😵 for a sickness headcanon
Reborn himself has a good immune system! And he doesn’t allow himself to get sick often but when he does catch the occasional cold, flu, or fever, he does ignore it for as long as he can. Maybe allows himself a moment of bed rest before he’s back to the usual grind. He just doesn’t have time to be sick and naturally hates the weakened state it puts him in. 
But… after he meets Apple, and the very first time he gets sick around her she’s immediately on his case forcing him into bed and not in the way he would prefer lol and she’s fluttering and tittering around him like a worried mother hen. And for once he's being taken care of and isn’t being allowed to ignore his health. He’s understanding for the first time what it’s like to be doted on and cared for and he finds he quite enjoys it. And maybe… Just maybe, he’ll even stay in bed an extra day or two and allow his body to get some rest… 
🐟 Sawada Tsunayoshi
🍯 for a food headcanon
It takes a while for Tsuna to get used to Italian food. When he first moved away from home and relocated to Italy permanently the novelty wore off pretty fast and he found himself missing and craving Japanese food every day. The restaurants just didn’t quite make it the same way, and he especially missed his mother’s home cooking. He did teach himself to cook as he grew older, and so even when he tried to replicate her recipes it just never quite hit the same. Then when he went to go visit his mother and old friends in Namimori that first bite of the hambagu his mom made for him was just so divine… And yet… He couldn’t quite help but miss the taste of Italy as the days passed.  
💕 for a love headcanon
At first Tsuna would be rather reserved and shy about his affections. It’s not like he wants to be, heck if he could I’m sure he would love nothing more than to flaunt and show off his partner/significant-other. But he definitely has too much self-awareness and shame to do it so brazenly it’s okay Tsuna as someone with social anxiety I so get you. But this is something that changes with time and comfortability. While at first, he may even be reluctant to take their hand in public (or he'd get overly blushy and in his head about it sorta like in canon when he gets lost in his own daydreams and starts to get distracted and drool lol), but with time and growth eventually acts of affection come more naturally. He has no problem grabbing his partner's hand, putting his hand on their waist. There’s no unsureness or reluctance as he proudly introduces his partner to others, the pride in his voice even more obvious actually. One thing though that never changes is the look of love and adoration he has in his eyes when he looks at them. Still as love-sick and head over heels as the day he first fell in love. 
😵 for a sickness headcanon
Growing up whenever Tsuna was sick it was always his mom taking care of him. He never had to really think or worry much. Just rest and get better. So, the first time when he was older, and he was away from home and sick. He couldn’t do anything but lie there feeling awful and miserable in bed. Too tired and worn to even get up and get himself some water to soothe his aching throat. In that moment he missed his home in Namimori more than ever. Missed his mom, the kids and he never realized how lucky he was before to have a noisy but warm home. Eventually, he falls into a fitful rest.
When he awakens there’s a cold damp cloth over his forehead. To his side is Reborn reading some of the unfinished files he left out. No doubt judging his messy work. He hears the sound of something breaking in his kitchen before the door of his bedroom door is bursting open with flustered (and slightly angry) Gokudera holding a bowl of congee comes in. His face immediately lighting up when he sees Tsuna awake. Then, just as quickly Yamamoto is entering his room too, an apron tied around his waist. They both take a moment to ask how he is and fuss around him in their own ways. Reborn would tell them they’re both being too noisy but, in a way, only Tsuna can tell is filled with fondness. And… Tsuna knows his kitchen (and probably his living room too) are gonna be such a mess. He definitely heard something break earlier. But right now, it doesn’t matter. Instead, he just lays back down. Tired but content. 
🐥Hibari Kyoya
🍯 for a food headcanon
Hibari to me doesn’t feel like a very picky eater. Yes, he has his preferences, which lean on the more traditional side, however he’s pretty open to eating most things! And not to mention he can eat quite a bit in one sitting too thinking back to that one ova where he steals all the food lol. That being said I do think Hibari is the type to not like take out and instead prefers home cooked traditional meals instead! Now, do we think Hibari can cook? Honestly? I don’t think so. He could maybe if he really tried but why would he? He’s always had food prepared for him and if for whatever reason there wasn’t food already cooked for him, he has no problem just taking someone else’s meal. Anything within his presence is his now good luck trying to get it back❤️
💕 for a love headcanon
Hibari is absolutely an action over words person. I think a lot of people will initially think he’s not a very affectionate person, but he is! He just shows it very differently from others. In fact, I feel like Hibari often gets mischaracterized as not being very emotive but he really is! He shows his emotions with his whole body. And I think this is especially obvious when he’s with someone he’s with someone he likes/loves. He’s not gonna say outright he loves them but he’s gonna find subtle (and not so subtle) ways to be around that person. Crowding around is fine as long as it’s with the right person <3 /hj… Will he still probably fight that person though and be the absolute menace that he is? Yes absolutely.
Also, his love language is acts of service so he’s your guy if you need help hiding a body.
😵 for a sickness headcanon
He doesn’t get sick often actually! Takes pretty good care of his body but my god he is fussy as hell when he is sick. By this I mean he’s demanding. Needs to be waited on hand and foot, make sure he’s got any liquids or foods on call or already ready just when he wants it. His bed needs to be set up made just the way he likes it and better not let anyone disturb his rest or else he’s gonna make it everyone else’s problem. In general, he’d just be the worst patient to have. Perhaps that’s why he prefers to just go to the hospital when he’s feeling under the weather as that means he already has many people at his beck and call and having the hospital director bribed certainly helps with that too. Original Prompt List ☆
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moemoemammon · 4 years ago
I just found ur blog and read thru some of ur stuff and im in love !! Ur writing is nice to read, and always gives a nice picture of the situation
If its aight, could u do some headcannons for the demon bros Finding out mc goes real hard on housekeeping ? Im talking fast and good cleaning, does chores without problems, propably even cleans after them (totally doesnt mother them in anyway), all without complaint, mc just cares
Housekeeper MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
The fact that he didn't have to shove a mop and bucket into your hands like the evil stepmother has him like 👀👀
Out of every person he's met, you and Barb are the only ones that actually enjoy cleaning? And now he's wondering if you've been influenced by him in some way because got damn are those floors sparkling-
Ever since you've arrived, the house has been immaculate. But as much as he enjoys that, he worries that you aren't leaving enough chores for his brothers to do.
They're gonna be lazy at this rate, especially if you keep cleaning up after them like that. He's planning to sit you down and have a good talk about how you should rest a bit, and- D...did you polish his desk????
"MC... as grateful as I am to you, I thought I asked you to rest? You don't have to clean every little thing in this house. You're here as our guest, and more, so I won't have you behaving like a maid. But if you're that interested in keeping your hands busy, you may feel free to maintain my desktop. It looks as good as new, thanks to you."
Oh, so you're one of THOSE types, huh? The goody goodies that like to make everything clean and sparkly, huh?? Well don't expect him to help ya!
Was an asshole at first. Made messes to see if you'd clean them, tried to dump his chores on you, etc. But now that you've stolen his heart? Yeah, he wants you to sit down.
You're messing up your hands with all that time spent scrubbing crevices and dusting ugly old paintings, when you could be spending time with him!
Tch, that's it! If it's chores that're keeping you from looking his way, he'll just finish them before you can do anything! Checkmate!
"You're always scrubbin' somethin'! Let my brothers take care of the messes, while YOU sit down and watch this movie with me! Ain't no point in watchin' it by myself, so I ain't takin' no for an answer!" "Huh?? Waddya mean 'when was the last time I vacuumed'??"
Oi oi oi...! What do you think you're doing with that feather duster?! You don't think you've got the right to approach his figures with it, do you?! WRONG!
But you quickly discover how ticklish Levi is, and he squirms out of your way while watching in horror as you... delicately handle every figure? And dust them from top to bottom, without so much as an accessory out of place..?
Wait... are you seriously okay with picking up all that trash?? S-some of it's sticky from all the junk food, and- Gah! Don't go messing around in his closet!!!
Yeahhh Levi doesn't let you clean his room lmao. It's way too stimulating to watch you carefully touch every surface in his room... I-it's like you're heaven everything with your presence, and...
"S-so yeah! The only things you're allowed to clean are the figures and the outside of Henry's tank! Nothing else, got it?! Anything more and I seriously won't be able to handle it...I won't even be able to sit still in my own room......." 👉👈
Satan found it funny how willing you were to take up every little chore there was to be done in the house and he's got to admit, reading is much more enjoyable in a tidy environment.
But what he REALLY wants to know is how you managed to dust off every single book in the house, his room included, without him?? Knowing?? And you've done every shelf as well, cleaned out the cobwebs behind it, and even repaired that little tear in the upholstery of his favorite arm chair????
Has also deduced that you're probably the maid character in the books that knows everything. Actually, you're a lot like Barbatos. What secrets are you hiding human 🔫
Just kidding. But yeah, when you insist on dusting his room, he follows you around the room and watches you. You know, just in case you fall or something falls on you! No other reason.
"As much as I like having you here all to myself, it makes me feel bad watching you do that by yourself. Why don't you we clean together? We'll get it done twice as fast, and when we're finished, I'd like to read a book to you. You remind me of a certain character from a murder mystery novel I've started."
Eeehhh?!?!? You've seriously managed to organize both his endless skin care product collection, and his ENTIRE wardrobe?!? You're amazing...!
And you don't stop there. You were more than happy to clean his tub for him and everything, and you know how hard it is to get oil off the side of a tub, right? You're a lifesaver!
Asmo casually pawns off his chores too you. Oh, he just did his nails! Can you do the dishes? Ah, he just bought this outfit. Can you take out the trash? He's about to go out with his friends to a party, so be a dear and take care of the common bathroom for him?
Lucifer scolds the shit out of him every time he catches him doing that. You're welcome. But don't think Asmo won't repay you! He'll give you so much love, you'll be drowning in it! Figuratively or literally, depending on your preferences-
"Fufufu... if you wanted my attention, you should've just told me! You didn't have to go tidying up my shoe collection, but I'm happy you did~! If you keep spoiling me like this, I might not be able to keep my hands off of you! Unless... that's what you wanted?"
Things tend to get pretty messy with Beel around, with the trail of crumbs he always leaves in his wake, and how he manages to get every surface he touches sticky. But you must be a miracle worker...
You're like a living roomba, and his ravenous appetite is no match against your cleaning skills! You seem to predict when the food bits will fall, and it's thanks to you that he can eat without a care in the world!
It's actually kind of scary, though. He'll drop a bite of his sandwich and move down to retrieve it to eat, and... it's gone. Poof. Into the ether of the garbage can...
You can still rest once in a while though, you know? Beel offers to help you with the cleaning, and he's more than happy to let you climb up his shoulders to reach those high places. It makes him happy to know he can lend a hand.
"MC, I already cleaned over here so you don't have to do it. I cleaned there, too. That means you don't have anything else to do, so why don't you have a lunch break with me? It's not good to work so hard all the time."
Belphie's one for the more observant brothers, so your clean freak habits didn't go unnoticed. He didn't know if you were obsessed with cleaning, or if you genuinely enjoyed it, but at least you were doing it without a fuss?
And man did you do a good job. Everywhere you cleaned was left with the lingering smell of vanilla and lavender, and... you know, the smell is making him sleepy.
Every pillow his head touches seems especially fluffy, too! When he found out you made a regular habit of washing and fluffing them, and they smell amazing... He feels like he's laying on a cloud...
He won't admit it genuinely, but he really does love what you're doing with the place. It makes him feel a little fuzzy inside when he finds his pillow on his bed, freshly laundered and soft to the touch. He clings to it extra tight those nights.
"You know if you keep this up, I might prefer the pillows to your lap. Ah, but don't worry, I don't really mean it. There's no way a pillow could replace you, no matter how good it smells. I think."
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crookedkryptonitebeliever · 2 years ago
I almost hate how much i switched teams from 2718 to abacus, but its just bc he's new and shiny and pretty and pushy. He stifles autonomy so i know 2817 is better in the long run bc u can reason w him and he puts mcs best interests first. Abacus gives me the kind of vibe that he'd let mc get hurt so long as shes his, and tbh i feel like he might enjoy it? Like he'd like to fix her up and *accidentally* press a lil too hard into her wounds wheras 2718 would just use his abilities so that she wont feel the pain to begin w. That's just my assumption tho given what we've seen. Abacus seem the type to only use his powers thingy to subdue reader.
We know that 2718 has met readers past forms/reincarnation w.e u call it and i originally thought abacus did too. Maybe he was her affair or lover in a previous reincarnation methinks? I just felt like he knows her before. This changed a bit towards the end when they were walkin thru the streets while he was giving her the endoscopy (😮‍💨💦) and we learned just how badly mc is seen. Now im starting to wonder if aba is just greedy n wanted her as his lil disabled spouse genuinely, no past relation. Idk. I still feel like they know each other previously. Or maybe he sensed something abt her back when 2817 brought her in to that place all the way back then. Mc is key to the universe type thing. Doubt that tho.
Neyways i think aba is gnna take her home where he reveals that he not only has four arms, but also two dicks n he's gnna try to fawk her but some event will inconveniently stop him. I also think he lives in an oasis like place, their version of natural wood everywhere, running waterfalls from the cieling, tons of glass that he can mentally control and shatter at will to threaten reader while having a saccharine smile on his face, the works really.
I wnna believe translator(TA) is gnna get 2718 and theyll find mc but now im thinking maybe they might not meet up like that. 2718 might find TA n ditch her to find mc and TA has to scramble to keep up, might even meet her on the way back after 2718 saves the day. Also wondering whts gnna happen to TA bc i dont think anything criminally bad happened to her even tho we heard her screaming. Be real interesting if she were screaming bc 2817 found her and juuuust missed mc and aba. I think when 2718 finds mc and aba they're gnna be familiar w eachother but not fight bc aba is one slippery bastard. Or maybe itll be convenient where aba leaves mc unattended for a bit and someone tries to harm her and then 2718 makes him big appearance, like when mc was first dropped into the world and 2718 saved her. I have more thoughts on that but ive already wrote an essay here and in my other ask 😭
Anywhooo ty fr the chapter, hope your healing well 💕💕💕 -🐰
Damn this sure is a well written essay 😳 its either ur a really good analyst or im just a predictable writer cause it almost seems like u have access to my drafts
Cuase that... Kinda exactly whats gonna happen ngl, its still pretty rough around the edges part 15 is just still in its embryo stage with a 50 word list of whars going to hapoen, but yea it pretty similar to what you just described , havent been writing cause i regained my leg freedom finally and i spent literally every waking hour outside, driving and shit
There is going to be a fawking scene in p15 ill tell u and whoevers reading that. Similar to what you descibe with their anatomy but a little different in sequence of events
Thanks for sending in this ask bunny anon this is so cool and i had a great read ❤️❤️ lovely motivation youve given me and i really appreciatte the essay asks -- like, i appreciate if A LOT actually, thanks for reading language barrier too
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peskyfirefly · 4 days ago
i hope our sleepover and yap session helped ease ur night darling
im a simple gal, im bringing black tea and some chocolate chip cookies
omg mood lighting? 😳 now this really is a vibe tho
also thank u for being so supportive and reassuring!! 🥺🫶
well he is OUR boyfriend. and fujis too. ofc i think of yall when i see him!! and i think joining the kn8 universe as a libero would be a power move tbh. u know how oikawa is the greatest villain in every anime universe? thats gonna be how the kaiju see me
childhood friends for hoshina just works soooo good. cause all the history and buildup to finally joining the defense force. and then being responsible for each others safety and lives. for years and years. being each others literal lifeline. UGH!!! such high emotional stakes, i eat that up.
i know ur not a tsukki fan so i appreciate u listening to me ramble about him so much asdfghjkl.
omg as for the real life lore 👀 i was about to be like oh im not bringing much into it! just the sharing earbuds and listening to music together. (i remember one day in class. god we must have been doing a test or something? cause it was deadly quiet. and my crush sat at the table behind and diagonal from me and he got my attention and beckoned me over. and i crouched in front of the desk while he leaned over so we could share earbuds. and he played me a song that was. heartbreaking!!). aND THEN THE PART WHERE U WERE TALKING ABOUT. HIM SEEING ME IN THE CROWD CHEERING HIM ON FOR THE FIRST TIME. REMINDED ME THAT. i did go to a silly sports match for my high school crush too. like i pretended i didnt go just for him but i absolutely did and it was probably SO obvious to everyone. head in hands im so embarrassed i completely forgot about that. i guess im bringing more lore than i even realized LOL asdfghjkl;
bUT THATS IT!! tsukki is nothing like my high school crush was. so its just the setup thats similar i guess.
do u have real life lore u like to weave in? 👀 ur baking skills maybe making an appearance? working in the kitchen with ur fave? oops i spilled this all over u now u have to take ur shirt off type beat?? 👀👀
hahaha my friends would be actually looking at the museum exhibits while im looking all over trying to find my lanky nerd. and once we spot each other, we'd be doing that thing where he looks at me while i pretend to be interested in something. and id glance back when i think hes not looking at me. aND YES he'd be giving me a personal tour. just the two of us. and its not a date. but it is a date. dreamy sigh.
im so sorry to have made u think u have something in common with tsukki. im sure that may have been insulting to u as a tsukki hater... 😭i love it tho. i want everyone to send me paragraphs of their interests at 3 am. it makes me happy<3
and yesssss he'dbe SO nervous. and lowkey panicky. he's not gonna show it tho. he's just gonna try and cover it up by overanalyzing volleyball 10x more than usual. which is just gonna make his nerves worse. but he'll work thru it. i think. i hope. asdfghjkl
im wishing he wins so hard too<3 i wanna take him out to dinner and celebrate after!!! aND YEAH NOTHINGS GONNA STOP ME FROM GETTING ON THAT COURT AND PRAISING MY BOY!!!!
thank u for reading all my yapping. u will have a front row seat at our wedding. it would be an honor to have rice and/or confetti throwing at us!! i can imagine u sprinkling confetti on me gently and then pelting tsukki with rice.
Mish mish I am antsy and restless on this chill Friday night and so I am stopping by to ask if you have any selfship lore you would like to share 🎤
hi my beloved cheesy !! sorry ur feeling antsy and restless tonight ): im making u a warm drink and bringing u a sweet treat and wrapping u in a blanker and building a pillow fort for u
ok u know im not a yapper. and also im at like.....very entry level self shipper levels (im shy and uncreative ok).......but let's talk about a couple of the members of my harem.
(we are discussing this while we are in the pillow fort btw)
i knowwww we were just fawning over tsukki art. or I was anyway asdfgnmkl. BUT I FEEL I SHOULD START OFF WITH HOSHINA. cause he (and 'rumi) are how we started off interacting and becoming friends. so I associate him with u too hehehe
well I definitely would NOT be a combatant in the defense force. i can tell u that much. I think I'd fill a role really similar to konomi. responsible for monitoring kaiju activity, watching the members vitals, relaying important info during attacks. that kinda thing! id be stressed af and keeping a close eye on hoshina. whether he's in battle or not. he so works hard and is always pushing himself. (and I know he's trying to hide just how much work he puts in too 😭) and while I admire that, i worry for him 🥺 also we're childhood friends (im a sucker for this trope sorry). i wanted to stay near him and that's what pushed me to want to work for the defense force in some way. we don't really tell anyone about our past together or our bond. cause we're private like that. but people around us can tell we have a deep connection to each other 👀
phew ok why am i blushing. i think im getting embarrassed. aNYWAY
it's tsukki baby time. we could meet in a million different ways, it doesn't matter. i will find this lanky nerd and I WILL LOVE HIM!!! we meet in high school, I don't take his shit and he loves that I throw it right back. eventually we become friends and bickering is our love language. neither of us are good at expressing our emotions. so we share songs. sometimes he pulls me aside in class and gives me an earbud and he watches me while I listen. or we meet at the museum he works at and we feel a connection right away. but we're both too shy to exchange numbers. but he keeps hoping I show up again. and I'm trying to convince every friend I have to go to the museum with me for the next month just so I can happen across him again. (while also hoping the museum doesn't notice I am there every weekend and find me suspicious). or we met online in a discord server and he sends me paragraphs about his interests at 3 am. or he sends me whatever wikipedia page he has stumbled on. and sends me pics from his volleyball practice during the day. and I show up to one of his games for the first time we meet in person. he knows im going to be in the crowd and we're both so nervous and excited.
sorry my mind is so scattered about my men i will put myself in many scenarios to just be with them !!!!
and also sorry that's a lot LOL thank u for asking and reading I love u I hope the night goes easy for u lovely
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years ago
why do you hate the 2nd manga route?
i DONT HATE THE SECOND MANGA ROUTE I DONT I DONT I DONT i really dont. the more i deny it the more it seems im lying but i truly dont hate it LOL its just..... VERY different from the regular routes and im. very. particular. about things changing from what i am used to. my friends keep linking me to something called the autism test but dont worry about it
and while i was reading and seeing the story i am so, so used to and SO, SO obsessed with be so different i was very. not super happy about it. after noticing it was some sort of origin story i kinda started liking it though. i keep saying shit like skip it and etc because i wouldnt call it beginner friendly likeee i rly would place this route as the LAST kagepro thing to consume out of everything else lmao NOT BECAUSE I DISLIKE IT but bc like A LOT FUCKING HAPPENS its so difficult to keep up with it and also i read it once and it was a while ago so. idk i might be misremembering and it might not be that confusing but nah im pretty sure anyone can agree with me. it differs a lot and its like a lot happening
.......BUT. there IS one thing. i do fucking hate. like truly truly hate. and makes me just be like eugh to the whole route because they just DONT. GET. SOMEONE RIGHT. AND IT MAKES ME SO FUCKING. INSANE. yes baby. im gonna talk about harutaka. more particularly takane. lost days happens to be the only bit of second manga route ive reread a few times too and i have very. very. very strong feelings about it. UNDER THE CUT THOUGH. IM NOT SO EVIL TO MAKE U SCROLL THRU IT <3
(warning spoilers for second manga route lol also lots of swearing and me being. honestly an annoying person. dont take my yelling to heart please i am just very passionate) (and when i say you or call u stupid i do not mean you as like the person sending the ask or anyone reading. imagine im talking to a wall i just need to get my feelings out)
everyone: omg vinnie u must be so happy with the harutaka in second manga route they reunite theyre so cute
me: *throws up inside a bag*
ok. let me make exactly 3 points.
1. haruka and shintaro become bffs4ever in the regular route too. haruka and takane are friends BEFORE haruka and shintaro become close in the regular route too. haruka and takane meet secluded, just the 2 of them with only each other, BEFORE haruka and shintaro become close in the regular route too. there is. absolutely no fucking reason for this takane to just be THAT insecure about haruka having a new friend. like absolutely none. what is the reason. that she's not in the hospital anymore? that she doesnt meet shintaro alongside haruka? that ayano isnt in the picture? none of these things should MATTER to make that big of a change. the only thing i can imagine is the fact takane sort of has to leave the setting where he's usually at arms reach to haruka and she felt replaced? but that's like such a reach and it MAKES NO SENSE. AND SHE WOULD NOT DO IT. TAKANE WOULD WALK IN THERE WITH ITS SILLY LITTLE GIFT BAG and even if they did get jealous/feel insecure, he'd do it AFTER FUCKING WALKING IN AND VISITING HARUKA. real takane would NOT LET ANYTHING come between them and seeing haruka. u are sick in ur head and its WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. takane would be happy haruka has a new friend even if she doesnt like shintaro. her "selfishness" as they'd call it to see haruka would be stronger than any kind of "waaa im no good for him he has another friend i better leave then he HATES me" girl no lmao takane's desire to be by haruka's side will always be stronger than any insecurity. this is fundamental to the whole fucking "haruka i love you" thing. it is fundamental to ene and shintaro, bc she feels this kinship over being a "selfish" person. idiot. ugh. this pisses me off so much.
2. takane. would not. KILL HERSELF OVER HARUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY. WOULD KNOW. HARUKA WOULD WANT THEM TO LIVE THE LIFE HE CANT. AND EVEN IF THEY DIDNT KNOW SHED END UP REASONING IT. hi. headphone actor. have u read it. have you. hey. TAKANE DOES NOT WANT TO DIE. even if the world was ending. takane would not. want. to die. takane wants to live. id add the screenshots but tumblr wont let me add pics in my huge insane text but its in the second novel last headphone actor chapter, azami(?) tells takane even if they go back out the daze there is no place left for her and takane says that's fine, they'll find somewhere. they will make a place for themselves. takane would NOT. kill itself. especially not because of someone else. even in a world where no red eye shit happens and haruka dies of his disease naturally and takane would still just grow up without him. ofc itd hurt like hell and it'd mourn her like crazy but they wouldnt kill themselves over it. oh my god. u fucking UUUUGHHHH IT PISSES ME OFF SO BAD YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HER AT ALLLLLLL IM GONNA EXPLODE. yuukei quartet where the healthy pair wanna kill themselves but the unhealthy pair wanna live so bad *my descent into madness is complete* anyways. TAKANE WOULDNT COMMIT SUICIDE. also its fucking ridiculous that they'd do that and end up involved in the red eyes shit by the PURE COINCIDENCE that they kill themselves that day over something unrelated like LMAO thats fucking stupid and love interest syndrome shit dont you DARE do my guy enomoto takane like this. dont you DARE. TAKANE. WOULD NOT. COMMIT. SUICIDE. LET ALONE. OVER. HARUKA.
and 3. take ive read maybe twice but have made me so angry theyve burned a place in my heart waiting for the day i could get an excuse to get it out is... people saying the harutaka in this route is the best because "takane doesnt treat haruka badly like she does normally" erm. ur an idiot. GOD i fucking know the whole tsundere punches crush trope fucking sucks but honest to god anime DOES THAT and everyone in universe takes it lightly bc ANIME. DOES THAT. and its obviously not as SERIOUS as it would be in real life and i will tell u what we do we IGNOREEEEE it bc it adds fucking nothing. like get some fucking nuance come on we got a whole other character like kido telling her brother who was beat as a kid that they wont stop punching him "for his own good". i think we can realise when the writer is being stupid instead of being like yeah these people that dont exist are bad people and abusive. girl no like just stop theyre fictional, someone is WRITING THEM.
and in hs takane's attitude towards haruka in regular routes is grumpy, YEAHHH OFC and theyre snarky and rude and pushy and whatever u want but also god hes a 17 year old with a stupid crush and yknow WHAT I LOVE about them which is HOW i got so obsessed with these 2 in the first place. that theyre friends first and foremost. its always shown and said takane is haruka's most direct support and something that fucking irks me in some fan content is takane being portrayed as this blushing mess that cant talk to haruka GIRL u dont UNDERSTAND THEM. theyre best friends. takane is normal to haruka even if she gets flustered sometimes. like... idk yknow how in the sixth novel i think its like the first lost days chapters where takanes chewing haruka out for not drawing anything yet and generally being a huge bitch but like. thru the whole thing she's described as like smiling and sorta just fucking with him. bc theyre in a truly ridiculous situation and yeah haruka doesnt receive it lightly he thinks shes being harsh but like wow. takane is a flawed character who would fucking imagine do u want a fucking medal like thats THE POINT why do u think this bitch just swallowed her feelings and shit and like shintaro drowned in their guilt and self hatred for 2 years. are u serious. obviously takanes attitude to haruka in highschool isnt the best but also that is the POOOOOOOOIIIIINNNNTTTTTT. why do you THINK she feels so much self hatred. and also despite that THEYRE BEST FRIENDS WHO HANG OUT AND LOVE EACH OTHER and haruka thought highly of her and adored her and ough ok this is about takane dont get me started on haruka but like. yeah she is harsh and silly abt its crush but theyre best friends first and foremost is nice to him and usually people like when people are nice so haruka likes her. there's loads of instances where takane is as nice as they are in the second manga route. so jot that down.
takane's love interest syndrome in second manga route. literally the most tragic thing in the world. i do ADORE the goodbye she has with shintaro like that bit is genuinely one of my all time fave kagepro moments and it is from this route but second manga route takane during the prequel bit??? absolutely fucking TERRIBLE. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS HER LIKE I DO. NOOOOO ONE. AND HAVING THIS "CANON" SHIT TREAT THEM THIS WAY MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL. i hate it so much to the point yeah i could say i fucking hate the second manga route. like i just wrote this huge ass text that i spent *looks at time*a whole hour writing so im all fired up and ofc when i calm down im gonna say waht i said at first like No i dont hate this route bc truly i dont but i hate this takane thing so fucking much i might as well just hate the whole route. do not fucking mess with my blorbo. i didnt have it under the microscope for 10 years only for you to do this to it.
manga: i give you haruka pov!
me: YAYY
manga: in exhange of takane getting love interest syndrome <3
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