#if this is not in s5 I will be forced to write it myself
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bragginball-z · 27 days ago
All I’m saying is, if Kripke doesn’t want to give us a 4K HD oiled up Jensen and Misha scene then we should AT LEAST get a scene where Misha’s character slams Soldier boy up against a wall like Cas did to Dean in season 5… JUST SAYING!
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thisshadowwrites · 3 months ago
me: oh, i remember like one episode from season 5 that i had a huge problem with when i listened to it for the first time, the one with doctor daniel. but that's waaaays away, ill be fine!! what's this next one? hm, a spider statement about an addict trying to stay clean while everyone around them tells them that they should just give up and give in? pffff, easyyy, it was a breeze listening to that one back then!!
episode 172:
me, an ex-addict that's been clean since shortly after finishing tma the first time: ..................oh
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red-hood-vigilante · 8 months ago
if you stopped watching spn or continued watching just to finish the series (but did so with disdain or with little to no attachment to what was going on) - what was the moment/storyline/character/something that made you start losing the plot? for me the first moment of disconnect was in 6.06 when sam says 'you're right there's something wrong with me, i need help' to dean who proceeds to beat him unconscious and it's not until the next episode they find out sam's soul is gone and dean does not make amends in any way for beating sam unconscious without grounds
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dragonfly0808 · 3 months ago
So… this is a post I’ve been debating with myself these past 2/3 weeks on whether to make or not.
Some of yall may have noticed that I’ve been taking quite a few breaks from s4 and I have unfortunately just finally allowed myself to acknowledge that I’ve hit a bit of a writing block when it comes to my Winx Club rewrite.
I’ve had a few frustrations during s4 (even though I’ve managed to keep my writing up to my own personal standards, it’s been very difficult) and- despite being halfway through the season, unlike past seasons I still have no idea what I’m going to do with s5 and it’s just been getting to me.
And now I am forced to accept that if I keep forcing myself to churn out chapters and stressing out over keeping you all waiting until I’m satisfied with every chapter, the only thing I’ll do is kill my creativity and my love for this rewrite.
I’ve been working on this rewrite for nearly 3 years and it kinda low-key shames me to say that I am officially placing it on hiatus.
To me ‘taking a break’ and ‘hiatus’ are 2 completely different things, I know I’ve taken breaks before but I always had some vague idea of when I’d return but this time… I just don’t know.
I have been working on my Original Novel and works for other fandoms that have just been filling me with inspiration in a way I haven't been able to feel with Winx Club for a bit now.
I hope I have built up enough trust over these past 3 years for you all to believe me when I say that I will be back. I am not the type to leave things unfinished, especially a story that means so much to me and that I am so very proud of and that has helped me grow so much as a writer and has helped me get through some difficult times and express certain emotions and grief in a way I never could’ve if I hadn’t dived into this 3 long years ago.
I was really hoping to post chapters for Xmas and New Years as I have past years but I just can’t- HOWEVER, on January 28th, the third anniversary of Veiled Wings and Shattered Panoramas, I will post… something. I don’t know if it will be a chapter or not but I will do something for the anniversary.
If you wanna know what I’ll be up to; I will be working on my Original Novel since I have finally landed on exactly what idea I want to work on. I will also be working on 2 projects, one for ATLA (Zutara post-canon self-indulgent thingy) and another one that I honestly don’t know if I’ll go through with since it’d be a pretty big project and I’m still thinking about how I’d go about it, but that I am very inspired and excited about.
So yeah, thank you all for your never ending support and- again, I WILL BE BACK, this is not an abandonment of the rewrite, it’s just me having to prioritize my mental health and protect both my love for writing and my love for the rewrite. I’ll be going through my inbox this next week and answer a bunch of stuff that I just haven’t really looked through in a while.
Thank you so much for understanding and for your support. I hope you will wait for the return of the rewrite and that maybe you will give my other projects a chance when I post them. I will be posting a lot of my inner thoughts on the rewrite and my other projects chapters + thoughts on my Ko-fi if you wanna check that out.
I wish you all Happy Holidays!
With eternal love and gratitude,
Yours Truly, Dragonfly
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fandomgirlz01 · 8 months ago
This Can’t Be The End Pt. 4
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Nick Stokes X Reader
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No  
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Series 
Rating: PG-13 ~ For fluff and cuteness, but more adult commentary or even some triggering content.
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,812
Post Date & Time: August 4th 2024 at 11: 44 PM
Warnings here
Listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}.  
Summary: Based off of S5 Es24 & 25 When Nick gets kidnapped, the reader is forced to fear the worst for her husband as she and the team work the case with hopes of bringing him home safe. 
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Y/n’s Pov:
My eyes shoot open and I immediately sit up. I frown when I see where I am, not fully remembering how I got here. Thinking over where I remember being last, I deduce that Warrick must have brought me in here after I fell asleep. 
“Did you hear they thought they found Nick only for it to actually be a dog?” Isadora, one of the other team members, asks as she leans into another from her team. 
“No. What kind of dog was it?” Marcela questions in an interested tone as they keep talking like they don’t know I’m here. 
“It was a Dalmatian. I hear Warrick's going over the box now,” Isadora continues on and I just listen as carefully as I can. 
“Did the dog survive?” Marcela asks and Isadora shakes her head. 
“Awe, that's sad. Poor dog. People are so cruel nowadays,” Marcela croons and Isadora nods. 
“Yeah. Apparently Warrick lost it,” Marcela comments as she takes a sip of her drink and Isadora shrugs. 
“I mean, can you blame him? That’s his team member out there,” Isadora comments back. 
“Yeah, his sexy team mate,” Marcela adds on with a bounce of her eyebrows and I roll my eyes. 
“Marcela, dear. He’s married,” Isadora tells her with a raised eyebrow and small chuckle of amusement. 
“Doesn’t mean I can’t like him from afar,” Marcela comments with a shrug and Isadora laughs. 
“I’m pretty sure it means that you can’t, but what about Warrick? He’s pretty hot too,” Isadora asks and Marcela waves her off. 
“He's married too, remember? Not to mention he’s got a temper. Guys with tempers aren’t always good to have around,” Marcela explains and I roll my eyes again. 
Finally I can’t take it anymore, not wanting to hear people gossip about how hot my husband or brother figure is when Nick’s out there somewhere, fighting to come home to me. I push myself up off the couch and hear gasps, making me turn to look at the two women before me. They each give me sorrowful yet horrified looks. 
“Oh my gosh. Y/n, we are so sorry. We didn’t know you were there,” Isadora apologizes and I shrug ‘as if that makes it better that you were just gossiping about me… and the people who matter most to me,’ I think as I hold back a roll of my eyes. 
“It’s fine, really. Uhh, I’m going to find Warrick. Do you know what lab he’s in?” I ask, starting to fidget as an uncomfortable feeling washes over me. 
“Oh, yeah. I think I heard he’s in lab 345,” Isadora answers me and I nod. 
“Thanks. I’ll, uhh, see you girls around,” I reply as I give them a small wave before turning and leaving in search of Warrick. 
For the millionth time in the last few days I find myself walking down all the many hallways again. I walk past every lab as I look for the one that Warrick supposedly is in. I pass each lab and look at each number of labs before coming to a stop in front of 345. 
When I come to a stop I see Warrick inside working on a big clear plexiglass box. With a sigh, I open the door and walk in as he continues to work. I watch him for a few minutes as he picks a few parts up and inspects them. 
After a few minutes, I walk over to him and hug him from behind. He tenses for a moment before turning around and hugging me back. 
“What’s up, mamas?” he asks and I blink back a few tears. 
“I overheard a few of the others talking about what happened while I was asleep. They told me where you were and I came to find you,” I tell him and he sighs, nodding. 
“I swear I came to tell you after it happened, but you finally looked semi-peaceful. You needed the sleep,” he explains and I nod my understanding. 
“Don’t worry, B, I get it. Really. I do,” I promise him and he lets out a puff of air. 
“Good. I thought you were going to be mad at me,” he comments and I purse my lips. 
“Now doesn’t really feel like the time for anger,” I whisper out and he chuckles. 
“Only you. Y/n. Only you. You get angry once, then never again even when you’re going through something bad,” he replies in astonishment and I shrug. 
“Mind if I keep you company while you finish this up? It’s a lot better than hearing all the gossip about my husband,” I try to playfully joke, but it comes out sounding more half-hearted than anything and he sighs. 
“You want me to go tell em’ what for?” he asks and I pause. 
“As nice as that sounds… I’d rather you be here working on trying to find Nicky,” I reply and he smiles softly as I sit down. 
“In that case, hang out here all you want, mamas,” he agrees and I give him a soft thankful smile before he turns around to get back to work. 
He picks over what seems to be the fan that would supply the air once again before taking it apart. He puts down the tube that was connected to it before picking up his flashlight and looking down the opening of the fan itself. Then he takes the tube off of where it’s connected to the box and looks through the hole that was left from removing it. 
“So I, ahh… heard you lost it out there,” I speak up as he moves around the box. 
“Uhh, yeah. You weren’t supposed to know that…” he tells me as he takes the grate off the other side of the hole. 
“It’s ok, you know? It’s ok you lost it,” I sympathize with him as he continues to look over the area of the box. 
“No. It’s not ok. It took time off from finding Nick. I should’ve kept my head level,” he plays it off and I shake my head. 
“Rick. He’s like family to you just as much as he is family to me. It’s understandable that you'd lose it. I mean, I lost it on you earlier,” I again sympathize with him and he sighs as he continues to work on the box. 
“You didn’t exactly lose it, mamas. You got a little angry, there’s a difference,” he dismisses me again and I roll my eyes. 
“I bit your head off. There really isn’t a difference,” I pointedly tell him as I cross my arms and he nods. 
“Ok. Ok. You win,” he reluctantly agrees as he now grabs a battery and starts using the wires connected to the box, trying to see how they hook up. 
Once he has it hooked up, the light turns on as well as the fan. He looks over it as the meter he has connected to it counts up higher and higher. He picks up the fan and looks at it before looking at the meter. 
“Damn it,” he mutters as he puts the fan down with a sigh. 
“What?” I ask him and he pauses. 
“I think we need to find Catherine,” he says and I jump as he walks over to the phone. 
He stands there with the phone to his ear and he waits for her to answer. When she does, he talks to her for a moment before looking over at me and moving the speaker from his mouth. 
“Catherine wants you to go to the computer lab. Says Grissom needs you,” he tells me and I sigh before standing up. 
“I’m on my way,” I tell him as I pass him and he goes back to talking to her. 
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Third Person Pov:
Gil, Archie and Sarah sit in the computer lab watching Nick, who now pulls out a recorder and holds it up to mouth to talk into it. Gil, who knows how to read lips, now decides to read Nick’s as he talks. 
“My name is Nick Stokes. If anyone… finds this tape, turn it in to the Las Vegas… PD. There should be a reward…” he starts and Gil watches with sad eyes as he sits up a bit more. 
“Mom. Sisko… y/n….” Gil reads Nick’s lips and decides to start writing what Nick is saying. 
“Hey Sara, would you call Catherine and have her send y/n here?” he asks her as he keeps his eyes focused on what Nick is saying.  
“Yeah. Ok,” Sara agrees as she picks up the phone and calls Catherine. 
“…well, this is a lousy way to say goodbye, but it’s all I got,” Nick continues on and Grissom keeps his eyes trained on the screen as he writes. 
“I love you. You raised me right… and I’m going to miss you,” Nick says into the recorder, getting choked up with every word. 
“Y/n. I’m so sorry I can’t be with you, sweetheart, and our future child. I love you most and I’ll miss you the most too. P… promise me you’ll go on that trip I promised you, even if I’m not there to take it with you. Promise me you’ll find someone to look after you…” Nick goes on saying his goodbyes, only getting more choked up and stuttering every few minutes. 
As he goes on, Grissom’s eyes widen at the mention of a child, but he quickly plays it off.
“As for the rest of you guys. I know you did the best you could to find me and get me home to my beautiful wife,” he continues on as Grissom continues to read his lips. 
“Grissom…” he starts and that’s when Grissom stops writing it down, focusing on what he’s saying to him. 
“No, you never did, Nick,” Grissom sighs as he replies to Nick out loud. 
He continues to watch as Nick cries, but soon he starts to freak out. Grissom watches carefully as confusion washes over him. 
“He’s going into convolutions. He’s losing it!” Sara comments just as y/n walks in. 
Y/n walks over to Grissom, who spares her a quick look before watching alongside her as Nick seems to be thrashing around. Y/n lets out a breath as she closes her eyes, not being able to watch it anymore. 
“What’s going on?!” Sara voices her exact thoughts as they continue to watch. 
“Wha…?” Grissom goes to ask, but pauses when he sees it. 
“Wait a minute…” he says in realization as he picks up his mouse to zoom in on Nick. 
“Ants…” Grissom confirms what he zooms in on, making y/n open her eyes. 
“My God, he’s being eaten alive,” Grissom observes as they all watch the ants in the box with him. 
Together they all watch in sadness as he withers around, just trying anything to get the ants away and not succeeding. He pulls a glove out of his pocket and uses it to stuff up his nose. 
“That’s it, Nicky… stay still… they won’t bite. As much,” Grissom proudly says before looking up at y/n. 
“I have something for you,” he tells the girl and she arches an eyebrow. 
He folds up the paper and hands it to her, making more confusion wash over her. He smiles softly and reassuringly at her. 
“These ants could help us find him, but in the meantime, I think you should hear what he had to say to you,” Grissom tells her as he sets a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 
“T…Thanks,” she whispers out as she takes the paper before turning to leave and head back to Warrick. 
“Oh and y/n. Congratulations,” he replies, making her turn around and look at him. 
He gives her a small knowing smile and she can’t help but to just smile back. She gives him a small ‘thank you,’ in response with a nod before fully turning and walking back to where she’d left Warrick. 
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Y/n’s Pov: 
I start back to the lab Warrick is in before making a split second decision to go into the locker room instead. I quickly look around just to make sure I’m alone and when I find that I am I sigh as I take a seat on the bench. I hold the paper Grissom gave me and I go to open it, but pause. 
I take a deep breath before trying to open it again, but again I fail. Tears of frustration make their way to my face and I sigh as I try to hold them back. With one last puff of air, I open the paper to read over it. 
“My name is Nick Stokes. If anyone… finds this tape, turn it in to the Las Vegas… PD. There should be a reward…” is the first line I read and a gasp leaves my lips.
“Mom. Sisko… y/n….” Is the next line and a tear falls as I suck in a breath. 
I quickly close the paper for a moment as more and more tears build up. I take a moment to let my tears fall before reopening the paper and continuing on with sniffles. 
“…well, this is a lousy way to say goodbye, but it’s all I got,” I read and a choked sound leaves my throat as I put my other hand over my mouth. 
“I love you. You raised me right… and I’m going to miss you,” more tears fall as my lip starts to tremble and I take another pause before starting to read again. 
“Y/n. I’m so sorry I can’t be with you, sweetheart, and our future child. I love you most and I’ll miss you the most too. P… promise me you’ll go on that trip I promised you even if I’m not there to take it with you. Promise me you’ll find someone to look after you…” by the end I’m fully sobbing as I hold the paper close to my chest. 
I sit there for a good few minutes before sobering up and wiping at my face. I sigh softly before getting up from the bench and standing in front of my locker. I pause a moment as I look at Nick’s locker that Grissom so nicely assigned right next to mine on our first day.
I quickly shake my head and bite my lip before opening my locker. I set the note lightly on the shelf and stand frozen for a moment before closing it. With a very heavy breath, I open Nick’s locker. 
It’s then I let out another very harsh breath when I see the sonogram he has tucked under his jeans:
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I read the top where Nick had nicely written out: baby Stokes 9 weeks with a small smiley face. I quickly slide it back under and close the locker. With another heavy sigh, I walk over to the sink and wash my face with cold water. 
“He’ll be home. He will be,” I whisper down to my stomach before standing straight again. 
I look myself over and sigh once more before walking out of the locker room. I walk back to where I had left Warrick and find Greg, Catherine, and Hodges in the room with him. 
“This has got to be a prototype. It was probably built to test how long he could keep somebody alive inside,” Catherine observes out loud as she walks around the box with her flashlight. 
“Hi, mamas. You doing ok?” Warrick asks me when he sees me come up next to him. 
I keep quiet with my arms wrapping themselves around my stomach and I shake my head. Warrick finally catches sight of my eyes and sighs before pulling me into his side. 
“Now, what are those?” Hodges questions as he bends down and points to something underneath the box, making Greg, who’s under it, pause to look at him. 
“I don’t know,” Greg replies and Hodges seems to understand that it was a stupid question as he stands up. 
“All right,” Warrick speaks up, getting all of our attention as he straightens up a bit, keeping me in a side hug. 
“Based on this battery and what’s running off of it,” Warrick starts to explain, but pauses for a moment as if thinking over how to explain it better while glancing at me as he hesitates. 
“And the fact that we kept the damn light on for as long as we did,” he continues to explain, pausing again as he takes in a big breath. 
“I figure Nick’s got another 90 minutes left in there,” he concludes and I take in a harsh breath as reality slowly starts to set in even more. 
It goes quiet for a moment, but Warrick lifts his arm with his watch and pulls it up past my face to set it with the hand he has around my neck still. He pulls it away and I see the watch says 1:30 on it. 
“So this is it… I’m going to lose my husband…” I whisper out before sinking to the floor, but Warrick quickly grabs hold of me, slowing me down so I don’t hurt myself. 
“No, no. We’re going to find him, mamas. I promised. When do I not keep my promises?” Warrick asks, but I don’t reply as I shake my head in denial and a million thoughts fly through my head. 
“Y/n. Hey. Y/n. It’s going to be okay!” Catherine shouts a bit and it’s only then I realize I’m having a panic attack. 
“Damn, she’s having a panic attack. Greg, go get some water, Hodges, go inform Grissom,” Catherine commands before she bends down in front of me. 
Both Greg and Hodges nod, eyes wide with worry before rushing out. Warrick now sits with my back against his side as I try to breathe. 
“Ok. Y/n. Honey, breath with me,” she commands me softly as she shows me how to breathe. 
“Ok. In… and out… just like that,” she couches me and my breath starts to slow down, but still not where it should be. 
“Ok. I’m going to have you do the five senses, ok?” she asks me softly and I nod at her. 
“Ok. What do you feel?” she questions and she holds up her hand for me. 
“I… I… I feel your hand a…a..and Warrick behind m…m…me,” I stutter out and she nods with a small smile. 
“Good. Good. Now what do you see?” she asks and I look around. 
“I see that evil b…b…box,” I tell her and she nods. 
“Ok… bad place to ask that. Let’s just move on. What do you hear?” she asks and I shake my head, closing my eyes. 
“I h…hear you and Warrick,” I tell her and she nods encouragingly when I reopen my eyes. 
“Ok. Now taste,” she inquires and my eyebrows knit together. 
“Umm, nothing. I haven’t eaten anything for a while,” I tell her in confusion and she just smiles at me. 
“Panic attack averted. Here, drink this,” she comments as she holds a water out to me and it’s only then I realize Greg had come back. 
“Thank you guys,” I tell them and they all smile softly at me. 
“Anytime y-” Catherine starts, but she gets cut off when Hodges comes rushing back in. 
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Nick’s Pov:
♪ It was Christmas in Las Vegas, 
when the locals take the town ♪
♪ Theresa hit a streak And laid her waitress apron down She’d been playing penny poker over at the old gold spike she’s won at Texas hold ‘em So she switched to let it ride ♪
I sing softly to myself to try and keep calm. Thinking of the lyrics rather than the situation I’m in and how much y/n must be scared. 
The singing doesn’t get my mind off of things for long and soon I find myself thinking of just getting home again. I think about just wanting to sit and watch a movie from the red box with y/n again. I’m soon pulled from my thoughts though when there’s a shifting sound. 
I grab another one of the glow sticks and pop it, making it come to life as the creaking noise gets louder. 
“Hey! I’m, in here!” I yell out as I hit the plexiglass in hopes that I’m being saved. 
“Hey!” I continue to yell, my voice cracking as I keep hitting the plexiglass. 
♪ It was Christmas in Las Vegas, 
when the locals take the town ♪
♪ Theresa hit a streak And laid her waitress apron down… ♪
I start to sing as loudly as I can again, but my breath slowly fails and my head falls back down as I realize nobody’s here. It’s only a few minutes later when a loud crack sound starts and I see the plexiglass start to crack slowly up the sides of the box. I keep the glow stick low as I breathe hard while watching it crack more and more. 
“Stop… no, no,” I whisper out as I put my hand up to the plexiglass. 
“Oh, my God,” I whisper out in fear the more it cracks with no signs of stopping. Soon dirt starts to break those and my feet are under a mountain of it.
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Third Person Pov: 
Once the ant crawls farther into view Grissom hits the print button and as soon as the picture of the screen prints he’s ripping it off the printer. Gil quickly rushes to his office and looks through all the books he has. Soon he’s pulling one from the shelf and flips through it till it lands on the page he’s looking for. 
He pauses when he thinks he’s found it before picking up the screen shot to look at the ant again. 
“Solenopsis invicta,” Grissom says out loud to himself as he confirms what kind of ant it is. 
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Y/n’s Pov: 
“Grissom’s got something. He wants us all in evidence meeting room 4 now,” he rushes out as he stands against the door frame, panting for air. 
“We’re on our way. Warrick, you got her?” Catherine asks as she looks behind me. 
“Yeah. Yeah. Go. We’ll meet you guys there,” he promises and she nods before reaching out for me. 
I grab her hand and she gives mine a firm squeeze. She gives a tight lipped smile before getting up and heading out of the lab. Greg bends down and puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“Hang in there, y/n. Nick’s coming home,” he tells me as he squeezes my shoulder before getting up to follow Hodges and Catherine. 
Warrick sits with me for a moment as I continue to just calm down. Once my breathing is fully back to normal, Warrick gets up. 
“Ok. Slowly. Slowly,” Warrick tells me as he helps me up alongside him. 
“Thank you, B…” I say when we’re both standing and I squeeze his forearm as I give him a light smile. 
“Anytime, mamas. You know that,” he tells me as he smiles back at me. 
I sigh and hold a hand to my head as I start to feel a little tired. Warrick chuckles lightly, making me look up at him in confusion. 
“Tired?” he asks me and I huff at his obvious jokeful tone. 
“I’m beat, but I’m not sleeping till Nick’s right next to me,” I answer his question and he smiles, shaking his head. 
“I wouldn’t have guessed or suggested anything else, mamas,” he tells me as he holds his hands up in surrender, making me finally laugh for the first time since all of this happened. 
“Oh please, you so would have,” I comment with a roll of my eyes and he chuckles. 
“Maybe I would have, maybe not. Come on. Let’s go find your husband,” he tells me and I smile up at him as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. 
Together we walk to meet up with everyone else in evidence room 4. They all rush around getting stuff ready and just Warrick and I walk in, Grissom rushes in. Warrick and I stand off to the side as he keeps his arm around me. 
“They’re fire ants, very rare in Nevada. They don’t like our soil. The only places you find them around Vegas are in plant and tree nurseries,” Grissom announces as he walks around the table to where Catherine is sitting at a computer. 
Warrick lets go of me before making me sit in the chair Catherine just abandoned. He starts to look at a stack of papers Catherine just printed and crosses off places not in the search grid. 
“There’s 11 nurseries in the greater Las Vegas area!” Catherine adds on what she found from a quick search. 
“Okay, I’ve got the webcam trace down to here,” Archie speaks next as he circles the area he narrowed it down to on the map and Warrick starts crossing things off his list. 
“And the data from the black box in Walter Gordon’s truck gave us a 23-mile travel radius,” Greg adds on as he too circles his findings on the map, making the circles overlap ever so slightly. 
“Okay, I’ve got two nurseries within the overlap area. Here! And here!” Warrick announces as he walks up to the table and draws two x’s over the spots. 
“Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Kelly Gordon, the daughter, worked with plants,” Sara explains and we all look at her.
“Hold on. Hold on,” Sara says before she rushes out of the room, making us all wait about a minute before she comes running back in with a file in her hand. 
“Hey guys, Nick is here,” she says as she points to the x on the left that Warrick had drawn. 
“Well, pack up everyone, let’s go! I’ll call the owner and talk to him on the way,” Grissom exclaims and I jump up as everyone starts rushing out of the room. 
“Hey. Maybe you should stay here,” Warrick tells me and I immediately shake my head. 
“If you think for one minute that I’m sitting back here while you all go find my husband, you're dead wrong, B,” I reply and he sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“Mama, we don’t know what-” he starts but gets cut off. 
“Let her come, Warrick. She’s allowed to,” Grissom interrupts with a soft smile my way. 
“What! But-” Warrick starts, but stops when Grissom just nods at him. 
“Ok… fine. At least wear your vest? Just in case,” Warrick tells me and I nod at him. 
“If it’ll make you feel better for me too, I will. I’ll meet you at your car,” I promise him with a firm nod before rushing off to the locker room. 
Once in the locker room, I come to stop in front of my locker and quickly open it. I grab my vest out before slamming it shut once again. I quickly strap my vest around me before rushing back out of the locker room and down the many, many hallways. 
I rush out into the parking garage and I stop to watch as Grissom and Sara drive past me with their cars' emergency lights on. Once they pass, I run over to Warrick's car and hop into the passenger side. He quickly turns his lights on before pulling out of the parking space. 
Soon before I know it, we’re pulling up on location and I see that almost half our police fleet are here, making relief wash over me as sirens blare all around me. Grissom’s car is just in front of us and I hold on as Warrick takes the turn into the nursery drive. We follow Grissom all the way up the drive and come to a stop next to his car. 
Grissom gets out of his car and I yank my seatbelt off to follow after him. He meets up with the owner at the front of his car just as I come up beside him. 
“You said on the phone you had a fire ant mound. Where is it?” he asks as he and the owner get close to one another. 
“People usually prefer to stay away from it,” the owner comments as he turns and starts to lead us all over to it. We all stop pointing our flashlights at the mound as Grissom stops and looks at it for a moment. 
“All right, look. Fan out. Look for loose soil. Anything that might’ve been dug up recently,” Grissom commands and we all rush off. 
We all fan out like he said, officers all going in different directions. I stick by Warrick as we walk briskly while searching the ground with our lights. Everyone looks for a few minutes, but nothing seems remotely the littlest bit off. 
“Hey! I’m picking up the webcam transmitter!” We hear Catherine yell out and I look at Warrick. 
“She’s got something! Move, move!” An officer yells out and I smile. 
“We found him, B… we really found him,” I excitedly say and Warrick smiles, nodding. 
“Come on, mama. We’re close,” he agrees with a smile as we both pick up and start to jog to where Catherine is. 
Soon we come up behind her and she slows down to look around. We slow down too and help in looking around with our lights. She turns to her left and continues walking until she almost trips over something, making her turn back. 
She turns around and shines her light on what she tripped on, only to find a tube sticking out of the ground. She pauses a moment before turning and walking a little further only to find another tube. Her monitor picks up in its beeping and I look at Warrick as she bends down to the ground. 
She drops her light and the monitor before she starts to dig around frantically with her hands. She finds what seems to be a clear bag of sorts and she rips off her glove, making it fall back to the floor. 
“This is it!! I found it!!” she screams out as she scrambles to pick the bag back up and open it. 
“It’s here! I found it! This is it!” she screams out again as she looks over the remote. 
“Nick!” she shouts into the pipe as everyone else races over to us. 
“Nick… we’re here. We’re all here! Hang on! Nicky!” she shouts into the pipe as officers run over with shovels and Warrick takes one. 
They all start to shovel at the ground and Catherine wraps an arm around me as she holds her flashlight up with the other. We all watch with bated breath as they continue to pull dirt from the earth. 
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Nick’s Pov: 
“Nicky!” I think I hear Catherine, but decide it’s just my mind playing tricks on me for the millionth time. 
I feel more and more of the ants biting at me and I groan as my heart starts to pound harder. I close my eyes, but open them when there’s a click sound. It’s then I see Doc Robbins and David looking down at me before he sighs and shakes his head in sorrow. 
“It’s a damn shame they didn’t get to him sooner,” Robbins says as he continues to look down at me. 
“I sure will miss him,” David comments and it’s quiet for a moment. 
“You know, David, I’ve seen fire ant bites in my time, but never anything like this,” Robbins tells David as he lifts my hand to inspect it. 
“Do you think he suffered?” David asks as he cocks his head to the side. 
“Do I think he suffered?” Doc Robbins parrots before pausing. 
“Yes. Definitely,” he finishes and I try to yell, but nothing will come out. 
I close my eyes before opening them again to the sound of laughter. I watch as they still stand over me, laughing. 
“All right, on three,” Robbins says before pausing. 
“Uno…” David starts off. “Dos…” Robbins jumps in. Tres!” They both yell out and all of a sudden Bob Newworth starts to play. 
“All right. Would you care to do the ‘y’ incision?” Robbins asks David and there's an audible shing sound. 
“Well ‘y’ not?” David asks as he takes the meat cleaver that passed over me and all I can do is watch. 
There’s a few audible crack sounds and a lot of slouchy sounds before Doc Robbins is getting out a chainsaw. He puts the chainsaw down before looking back at me. There’s another crack as he rips my ribs from my body only to toss them aside. 
“He won’t be needing this anymore,” he comments as he passes my liver to David. 
“Nice!” he says as he pulls more from my body and my eyebrows knit together in confusion. 
“A lung,” Doc Robbins says as he passes that over me to David as well. 
Then all of a sudden my father stands over me across from Doc Robbins. He clasps his hands and gives a deadpan look.  
“So Doc… how did my son die? Anaphylactic shock?” he asks Doc Robbins, who chuckles. 
“No, no, he didn’t live long enough for that. COD was asphyxiation,” Doc Robbins answers in a very cheerful tone. 
“Oh!” My dad says in almost awe and I just watch on in confusion. 
“When the blood oxygen drops to less than 16% and the CO2 builds up there’s a rapid loss of consciousness. Death within minutes. With no disfiguring physical findings,” Doc Robbins explains in a cheery tone. 
“He’ll look great at the funeral,” my father comments with no hint of sadness in his voice. “Oh. Yes,” Robbins agrees. 
“His mother will appreciate that as well as his wife,” my father comments again and Robbins gives a small “good” In response. 
Robbins then reaches into my open chest and rips my heart out. He holds it up and it sounds like it’s still beating. 
“Your son had a good heart,” Robbins says before slapping it down into my fathers hand. 
Suddenly my eyes fly open and find I’m still in the box with ants still crawling all over me. I let out the smallest puff of air as I fight the feeling of the ants biting me. I close my eyes again and try to think of something, anything more pleasant. My mind wanders and I see an image of me at a counter holding a little girl:
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“I love you Daddy,” she whispers into my ear as she lays her head against my shoulder and I lay mine against hers. My eyes fly open once more and more tears fall as my lip trembles my fight to get out renewed. 
To Be Continued…
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boykingscourt · 3 months ago
Do you have any fic recs? (Literally anything SPN)
hell yeah I do!
you will find him even when he is not there by LogicalBookThief (14.2k) in which pre-s8 sam begins dating a charming veterinarian, moves in with him (yes, him) and all is well and good and safe until it isn't. things get even more complicated when dean returns from purgatory acting just the way you'd expect. the cycles of abuse are cycling
Kindred Instruments by PinBitch (6.7k) in which dean faces the consequences of his own actions (sam dying in forced demon blood detox) and he and ruby have to do something about it. an au version of the end of s4/beginning of s5. the way dean and ruby fight over sam in this sets my loins ablaze
Cut to the Chase by idiotbrothers (2.1k) which is simply a very good sam leaves for stanford fic with, imo, characterization consistent with canon, no sugarcoating or trying to appeal to the dean woobifiers. sam's inner monologue in this is really heartbreaking
Lethe by Goldmonger (25.8k) in which s15 sam is hit with an age regression curse and is suddenly his 20yo self again. very good characterization and just sickening (positive) to see what stanford sam makes of his future life
My Ghosts Are Not Gone by longingparadise (22.5k) in which sam dies in cold oak and doesn't come back until amara resurrects him, not mary, for dean's "reward." conceptually this fic just rewired something in my brain and has had me constantly thinking of the s2 sam/late seasons dean dynamic. it makes me want to try writing something similar myself eventually
Awake, Arise by katsidhe (47.8k) okay so fair warning this is the only one not finished, and it hasn't been updated in a few years -- absolutely no pressure on the author I owe them my life -- but concerns s9 sam being transported back to lucifer's cage every few days as part of a curse by abaddon to bust lucifer out. it just so happens to be fresh after the gadreel arc and goddamn this author gets it. the pov switches between sam and dean and the plot just further highlight how misaligned their perspectives are. excellent characterization of everyone imo but if you get hooked and want more you can't blame me lol
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littlemissmarianna · 7 months ago
I’ve been nodding and smiling for weeks…but if I don’t confess this, I’m going to scream.
I’m not excited about S5.
I’m looking forward to seeing Tarlos. I’m looking forward to their husbands era and having new scenes to obsess over. I’m even looking forward to the drama and angst as Carlos figures out his priorities.
But everything else? Nope.
I’m especially dreading – DREADING – the Jonah storyline. And don’t even get me started on Grace’s absence and Wyatt being shoved in our face and down our throats. I didn’t like his storyline from the beginning (unknown love child…really??), but now I find myself being particularly resentful and bitter whenever I see him. I’m even consuming less social media because every time I see a spoiler or another BTS pic or potential storyline, I’m filled with more dread.
Also, will people still read fanfic when the series wraps? I have so many story ideas, but part of me wonders what’s the point in writing them if no one is around to read them anymore? Yes, I write for myself…but it’s not as fun or rewarding if it’s not shared and experienced as a community.
Speaking of…I’ve seen a lot of conversation about enjoying this season on purpose and going out with a bang to show Fox (and Disney) how massively they screwed up. And I get that. I even agree with it. But I don’t FEEL it. I feel sad and disappointed and frustrated and disillusioned and angry…and then I feel guilty because I’m not joining in the forced positivity and collective optimism.
If you feel the same, your feelings are valid. All feelings are valid. We all process things differently. There’s no right or wrong in this.
Anyway…I’m not sure if anyone will see this post, but to paraphrase Carlos: I just needed to say it.
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manic-pixie-aquarius · 8 months ago
Soooo I haven't been active on here but here's a snippet of a short story I started writing last month! Idk, lemme know if any of you find it interesting bc I'm thinking of refining it and then putting it on Ao3
It's mostly from Mike's POV but switches to Will's at one point too. Takes place in a theoretical post-s5 Snow Ball? And this is post Mileven breaking up so Mike is reaaaally deep in his pining over Will and the painting hasn't been fully addressed yet bc things just got back to normal and everyone's tryna have fun
I must look like a sulking idiot sitting here at this empty table while all my friends are having fun, but I can’t bring myself to enjoy the moment, there is still a lot on my mind and I can’t believe everyone is acting like nothing happened. Max and Lucas are dancing together again and after the song ends El comes back to dance with Dustin. 
I feel eyes on me. 
“Don’t feel like dancing?” Will asks me. 
I look up, startled that I didn’t hear him coming. I just nod no. He takes a seat next to me. 
“Me neither” he says with a scoff. 
I smile, maybe for the first time tonight.
“I’m honestly too tired after all that setting up” he continues. 
“It looks nice” I say, taking in my surroundings as if I haven’t done so already multiple times tonight. It does look neat. 
Will smiles.  
“So, what about you? Why are you here? Dustin and Lucas seem to be having fun over-” he looks back to where they were dancing earlier but now Dustin and El are dancing alongside Lucas and Max.  “oh” he says, then gives me a reassuring look, “sorry.” 
I shake my head, “it’s okay.” 
Some girl approaches us and we both look up. 
“Um, excuse me I was wondering if you’d like to dance” she says reaching a hand out flirtatiously towards Will. 
“Oh! Uh, sure” he says, and gets up, and they slow dance to a slow song. 
Hey, if we can solve any problem 
Then why do we lose so many tears? 
Oh and so you go again 
When the leading man appears 
I do another scan of the room and everyone is dancing, some couples kissing, probably for the first time. Jonathan is very reluctantly dancing along to the song because Nancy has forced him to. Ew, romance. I have to focus on something else. I look to the punch table and see Robin and Vickie talking, laughing. Everyone is having a good time, its honestly sickening. I can’t help but look back at Will and suddenly the lack of emotion I’ve been dealing with all day turns into a pit at the center of my stomach as We Belong by Pat Benatar plays. I have to go. I get up and rush through the crowd and push the double door to the gym maybe a little bit too aggressively because some couple on the other side of the door have these offended faces and the guy says, “what the heck?!” and he has bright pink lipstick marks on his face. But then he sees the tears in my eyes and decides to leave it alone. I walk towards the bathroom. 
“Why didn’t you do something?” his girlfriend squeaks. 
“Did you see his face? Probably got rejected. Babe, you know how I feel about that, you rejected me a year before I got these sick guns” he says and flexes. I roll my eyes and then as soon as I get into the men’s bathroom, I cross my arms on the sink and put my head down and start to cry, hoping nobody else is in here. I hear a toilet flush and someone walks out of the stall, great. At least it’ll be a stranger and not one of my friends. 
“Wheeler?” I hear in a familiar voice. Steve. I try to stabilize myself before lifting my head. I look up to him and he says “ohh, shit.” 
To Be Continued...LOL (I have a lot more written and the next part is my favorite because it's Steve giving Mike advice but...you'll have to wait)
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months ago
8, 14, 17 - Choose violence :D And hopefully Tumblr won't eat this one
8: common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
People always say that Barry didn’t suspect anything about Mirror Iris until she kicked him out, but that's literally not true! In 6x11, literally the episode after Iris is replaced by Mirror Iris, Barry’s already suspecting that something is off about her. Joe talks him out of it, saying that it's part of how in a marriage, people grow and change. But...no!! It wasn't!! Mirror Iris was pulling away, and Barry noticed!! He even brings up his concerns to her, and she gaslights him! As Iris’s father, Joe should've been way more concerned than he was.
On that note...the more people say this, the more it strays a little close to victim-blaming for my taste. Barry was gaslit by Mirror Iris every time he dared question her, not to mention her gloating about raping him (“all those days, weeks, talking about our day, sharing your bed...”) and the show then forcing him (and us!) to sympathize with her in the end as a tragic character! It irks me so, so much when the fandom blames Barry for not noticing something off when a) that is literally not true and b) he’s a victim! And this is partly on the show for never realizing/addressing the fact that Barry was a victim, but also...the fans should know better too.
14: that one thing you see in fics all the time
so ofc I don't read a lot of Flash fics outside of my little bubble, pretty much by design, but I've talked here about a trend I've seen with Cisco/Caitlin fics set during or post-s5 (fics that bring up Kamilla, in other words) 💀
17: there should be more of this type of fic/art
More Savitar x Mirror Iris fics!! I’m in the process of writing one myself (shared a snippet from it earlier today), but I’m shocked there aren’t more. Like...come on, the evil Westallen potential is right there!
choose violence ask game!
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 1 year ago
SHAMELESS OPINIONS: S7 (cause Mickey's write off hurt and after s5, I watched again from s1 and forced myself to keep watching + no one around me likes Shameless so I need a place to vent)
overall: i actually loved it, had me pretty hooked all throughout
ok, i kind of like s7 Trevor, he's charming, got this lil sassy banter going off, he's cute and nice y'know. I just *HATE* that they so obviously tried to recreate some dynamics he had with Mickey straight away without letting us warmup to him, how can you deepthroat aspects built from 5 seasons into half of one??? No. Sorry. Him settling so quickly into the Gallagher house as if he's spent a decade there, idk. And the patient scene with Ian? foh man, no. 1x09 was special for a reason, and this would've played differently if Ian actually came to Mick if he was still around. They play out so much better as friends or fw/b ig but that deepthroat can't help me see a relationship between them. Not liking s8 Trevor so far, my god. Also his nonchalant attitude towards Monica threw me off. I get it, he's new and doesn't know much, Ian never mentioned her before apparently, but like "she's a lil crazy i can like her" eek, idk. Like almost downplaying his situation with her.
Caleb can suck my ass along with JW and his hate for bisexuals. My bi ass cannot approve. Cheater McCheater my ass. I can almost walk through Ian's ignorance cause for all he knew, Caleb was just gay, and I feel he said the bisexual thing out of frustration and betrayal towards his actions than actual disdain for the orientation, but yes. He was ignorant in his convo with Lip, and so was him anyway. I guess they just didn't know it is a thing. But thing is, I BET YOU ASSES that Caleb is the type of douche to STILL justify his actions even if JW didn't display his hate towards bisexuality in his writing, he just is *that* douchy. At least he motivated Ian to get his job, I'll give him that.
OH MY GOD THE THROUPLE... AND ITS SLOW BURN. it's hard cause you can understand both sides of the situation and it was just a clear issue of misunderstandings and miscommunication... I just wish they could've handled things better because I was really rooting for them. They fucking worked so well, with their little schedules and organization. I have such a fat crush on Isidora it's actually embarrassing. Anyway... I miss their dynamic. They deserved better.
Lip was a dick to Fiona about the Laundromat, but Fiona also just jumps the gut to these impulsive decisions, and I get that if she does ask for opinions, they probably won't agree with her, and it's not like I can blame lip, I mean look at the Club situation, yeah she made profit, but didn't break even, and that where his worry comes from. But at least, if she still approached him, and did it anyway against his say, he can't rub it in her face that this entails a family meeting and she can't just make those decisions without consultation. Overall, Lip was so arrogant and dickish with her, and for what... he couldn't even bring the money he so desperately wanted her to believe he could.
I love Sue. I just love EMT Ian stuff with all my life, idc what it is, I kick my feet cause he's so happy.
I fucking loved Carl and Mr. Luthers dynamic. Such an epic lil duo tbh.
I loved Frank's storyline here fsr 💀💀 it's so silly and he gets his way like always, but idk, I loved seeing his adventures at the shelter, he still remains a POS that's for sure.
I fucking LOVED seeing Debbie this season, I was a little disappointed last season cause there is so much lost potential on her pregnancy journey last time with where she was staying, but I fucking loved her here and putting her scamming skills to the test. Don't love how she ends up treating Neil in s8 cause... Well, I just feel bad for him, but also, if she really wanted to stay true to her convenience relationship, she probably should've stuck it out more so it lasted more, idk. But enough of that, I loved her setting a goal for herself at the end of the season, and I honestly commend Monica for helping her get Franny out of the house, I understand Derek's family's concern but they were so cunty in how they handled things.
Monica's death hit me like a truck... Idk why, there are so many mixed emotions here, she couldn't dare to tell the kids the real reason she was there, and all she wanted was to be there one last time. My heart goes out to her tbh.
Gallavich. Oh dear God. FERAL, FERAL EVERY TIME. it's like receiving crumbs and eating them up like a vacuum, nothing I can say that hasn't already been said... I just... Wow. Fuck. And to know that, after needing Noel for ratings, that this was gonna be the end for them? No, I could throw up. I couldn't imagine watching shameless as it aired with that knowledge in mind. FUCK ME THOSE TWO EPISODES I ATE THEM UUUP. anyway, I'm normal about Gallavich.
Lord bless Etta... my dear soul. 7x11 was vicious for that, my heart crumbled fr. I can see this was all in Fiona's best interest for Etta and stuff... It was just so sad to see.
Lip and Sierra, I don't really know what people's opinions are about Sierra but I kind of liked her? She was sweet, and had traces of boundaries with Lip even if the fucker attempted to break them every now and then. But she was sweet.
Lips second spiral was even harder than the first one to see. Him crashing at Helene's apartment, and she still doesn't seem to grasp that she essentially groomed him, and he's just so devastated still. Fuck.
That ending montage was truly a piece of cinema I tell you. It was beautiful.
I probably have more to say I don't remember but I really liked s7, not on the priority of a constant rewatch, but it was really good...and truly served as the finale it was meant to be. EXCEPT FOR GALLAVICH, holy fuck that would've pained the whole audience.
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atticusdoesthings · 1 year ago
Pretty cool || Enid rhee x fem!reader
Warnings: None <3
Summary: first meeting with Enid (s5)
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"Jeez, Y/n, you're so slow!!" Carl yelled at me, running through the streets of Alexandria.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, walking after him, not bothering to walk a bit faster.
Carl stopped walking and looked back at me, "What, you don't care that you're going to get some new friends?"
I sighed, "Yeah, yeah." Finally catching up with him, "They'll probably not live long, the people here are pussies."
We walked up to one of the houses, "You're an asshole." Carl said before knocking on the door.
"I know, i like it." The door opened, a boy around our age stood in the doorway, giving us a small smile.
"Hey! Carl and.. Y/n, right?" He asked.
Carl smiled back at him, "Yeah, that's us." I rolled my eyes, 'well, this is awkward.'
"Cool, im Ron, come in." He stood aside, letting me and Carl walk in.
Ron showed us around the house a bit, eventually getting to his bedroom.
He opened the door, letting me and Carl walk in, i took a quick look around the room, spotting two other kids, Ron spoke again,
"Alright guys, this is Mikey," Ron pointed at the boy sitting at the desk, who gave us a smile, "Hello!"
Ron pointed at the girl, who was sitting on the bed, "And this is Enid." She didn't look up from the comic she was reading, replying alot less interested than Mikey, "Hey."
"Alright, so," Ron spoke again, looking at Mikey, "Maybe you, me, and Carl can hang out, we'll leave the ladies here to get to know each other."
Carl looked at me, trying to see if it was fine with me before answering, "Uh, yeah, sure." Ron smiled,
"Alright, awesome, let's go, we'll play some video games. Come on, Mikey." Ron walked out of the room, dragging Carl with him, Mikey following.
I sighed, now being alone in the room with Enid.
"So.." I spoke, trying to get a conversation going, "I guess we're alone now, huh?"
"Mhm." Enid replied, not bothering to look up at me, 'Well, this is awkward.'
"Mind if i sit?" I motioned to the bed,
"Sure." She replied, still not looking up at me,
I sat down on the bed and sighed again, now looking around the room, thinking about what to do.
"So, what're you reading?" It was pretty clear that she didn't want to talk, but she did anyway, "just some comics."
"Ah, cool, cool..", I laid back on the bed a bit, staring at the ceiling.
'Should i just leave? I should just leave, she doesn't want to hang out with me.'
"Hey Enid?", This time, she actually turned to me, i immediately noticed how pretty she actually is, "Uh, if you want me to leave.. you can just say it, OK? I don't want you to be forced to be around me if you don't want to."
Enid sighed and placed her comic book on the bed, "Look.. im sorry, im not really good at being social, and stuff like that.. but, i don't want you to leave, you don't seem bad." That made me smile.
"Come here." Enid motioned for me to sit beside her, which i did, she handed me a comic to read,
"Im sorry for being rude to you earlier." She said, i chuckled a bit,
"I wouldn't say you were rude, im honestly just like that, i don't enjoy being social either."
Enid smiled, "You're pretty cool, y'know?"
"Im cool?" I asked with a smile.
"Yeah," Enid looked away, but looked back at me again, "I thought you were going to be boring, but i don't think you are, you're cool."
I smiled, "Thanks, Enid." She smiled back, "You're welcome."
Yeah this took way to long to write, and honestly im not that happy with how it turned out and i do really feel guilty for not really writing anymore, but I'll try to do it more, this is really short and very badly written but yeah, its something, thank you guys so much for all the support. <3
(Also quick note that this story and everything else i write isn't proof-read just to save myself from embarrassment, so if theres any mistakes, thats why)
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blacknidstang · 11 months ago
spn related but rather personal vent
For various reasons i've been needing to distance myself from spn in particular beside spending less time on social media and it's been because of number of extremely harmless little things that weren't even upsetting even but making me feel down a bit and now i suddenly remembered one of them was s5 and how sam was treated, how everyone was calling him incompetent and shit when he was literally offering to get himself locked in hell for eternity with satan himself, how that was their biggest worry. I think while i think undeniably Bobby did care about Sam and i mean, i think it would be so fucking absurd to claim Dean was ok with Sam jumping into the pit, but there's this persistent dissatisfaction of how these were never.. expressed.. and i love s5. I love swan song. It still wrecks me but there's a growing annoyance.
But here's the thing, when a thing or two about a show start to piss me off i just rather pull back. Clear my head. It's not that important. I dont like to log into tumblr and cry about spn's writing and a be a bitter samgirl™️. I dont wanna spend my mental energy on something quite destructive, for myself at least (and i'm sure that wouldnt make me a joy to be around anyway). Anyway. Why am i saying these? Idk. I think i'm trying to accept that i have issues with the show that really forced me to break out of heavy obsession and become more normal about it. I think admitting it gives me some peace bc i still love the characters and i still love so much of this show so unironically, even that cursed s5 itself is forever a favorite of mine. But at one point the dissatisfaction of it wasn't worth the stay. I'm still sticking around tho but i needed to vent it out in order to go back and focus on things that i love.
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ven0moir · 2 years ago
As someone who's been obsessively analyzing ST for about a year now, it makes me so sad that the only thing keeping me at 99% certainty of Byler being endgame is the fear that we might get queerbaited.
It pains me that if Will was a girl, I would have 0 doubt left. Especially because with all of the evidence there is to back up the writers INTENTIONS (yes, they 100% intended to queercode both Mike AND Will at this point), if Byler isn't endgame then that means the Duffers INTENTIONALLY queerbaited us. In the year 2025.
And then I circle back on this thought and think ... why would they queerbait? Why would they specifically use Byler to do so? If they wanted to draw in an LGBT audience it would've been as easy as given Will a different love interest in Lenora and confirm him queer in that way. Why would they so meticulously and elaborately write a queer slowburn friends to lovers only to queerbait in the end?
I know some Milkvans are COUNTING on this, they are HOPING this is all queerbait because THEY SEE THE SIGNS as well, they're just refusing to accept it. Of course I fear they're right deep down, but do I actually think, if I go about this logically, that the Duffers would do something so ... anticlimactic? When they've described S5 as 'S1 and S4 on steroids'?
When it comes to the romances, Byler IS the big shock. The biggest surprise. Because whether Nancy chooses Steve or Jonathan or remains single, we know Nancy's options, we're just waiting to see who or what she chooses.
But most of the GA does not even see Byler as a real possibility. Hell, some of them haven't even picked up on Will liking Mike (yes, even after the painting, I've seen some people still debate this and some straight up thinking Will likes El).
And yet when you rewatch the show after considering Byler as a possibility, it becomes SO OBVIOUS. It is the perfect plot twist when it comes to Mike and Will. And I wouldn't be on board with Byler if Milkvan was written in a way that truly showed they loved each other, were compatible and thought of each other as an equal. As someone going into S4 as part of the GA, I was expecting that S4 would finally, FINALLY make me ship Milkvan because I am sorry but I picked up on that Born Sexy Yesterday bs since S1 and I did NOT like them romantically, not at that point. I wished they had been a slowburn friends to lovers that got together in like S3 or something, but even if they felt forced and rushed as fuck I was still willing to allow myself to be swayed into liking them later on. And that never happened, instead S4 presented Will as a potential love interest for Mike and I was SEATED. I was SO DONE with milkvan's drama.
When it comes to romance, it would be the dumbest writing decision I've ever seen in my life not to get Mike and Will together. And I know the Duffers might not be perfect but they cannot be THIS dumb when they grew up loving Dawson's Creek. There is no way that show did more for its gay character in 1998 than the Duffers potentially could in 2025 let's be for real.
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aprillikesthings · 1 year ago
OKAY last one tonight
and it's a doozy
s5 ep5 Save the Cat
I always wonder if people get the joke in the episode title? There's a famous book about writing scripts called Save the Cat. I kind of assume at least one person in the writer's room for She-Ra has actually read it.
Also Daci got me Strawberry Oatly (vegan ice cream) hell yes
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she tells them she's alone??? hm
oh the others were clinging to the outside of the ship in space suits lol
roll intro
okay Entrapta and Bow are gonna fuck with the computers and Glimmer is gonna find Catra
god it must be weird for Glimmer to be on the ship again???
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okay so Adora tells Horde Prime: hey you're gonna let me leave with Catra okay?
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"The Heart of Etheria. And if you don't do what I say, then I'll use it...and destroy you and your empire for good."
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"You would never risk the safety of your Catra."
(Ever noticed he always says this? Your Adora. Your Catra.)
Adora: "You don't know me. And you don't know what I'm capable of." Horde Prime: "Oh...but I do." Horde Prime: "I am old, far older than you can imagine. My brothers lend me their life force, and when one vessel fails me, I simply elect another."
(Like a Time Lord but WAY creepier)
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"There is something so...familiar about you, Adora."
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"Not since I faced your ancestors, and crushed their once-mighty empire beneath my heel. You call them the First Ones. And you are one of them, are you not, Adora?"
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Meanwhile Entrapta thinks she's spotted her boyfriend
She's got the little chip she gave him ;_;
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not good!!!
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BAHAHAH oh right that's how this guy starts. Anyway this poor clone is panicking because the jolt removed him from the hive mind
he starts SOBBING. "how will Horde Prime see my thoughts?? how will he know I am faithful???"
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but then:
Entrapta: "Can you open this door?" He does Entrapta makes a happy little squeaky noise
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Entrapta: "But we broke him! We're responsible for him now. Pluuuus, he can open doors!"
He says he'll take them to the server room, and Bow gives him his nickname of "Wrong Hordak" lolol
Glimmer went back to her old cell, and Catra's not there
And that's when Glimmer realizes their little earbud comms aren't working
Horde Prime: "I thought the First Ones were all gone, but clearly...some faction remains. That race of tyrants...abandoned you on a forgotten planet in a shadow dimension. They made you their weapon, their...She-Ra."
I mean, it sounds bad when you say it that way (because it is, actually)
Adora: "I don't fight for the First Ones. I fight for my home, for myself, and for my friends. Now for the last time, where is Catra?"
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oh, god
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he's not...wrong
Horde Prime: "As she would've said, 'You are so very predictable.'"
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I knew this was coming, I knew it was this episode, and it still makes me want to crawl out of my own skin
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Horde Prime: "I have made her anew. I saw her mind...so ensnared in grief and rage and pain...and I brought her to the light."
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(okay but if he saw into her mind did he see all the times Catra thought about kissing and/or having sex lol)
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Adora's absolute horror here is so relatable
Adora: "Catra, you have to fight it!" Catra: "My place is with Horde Prime, Adora. I don't want to leave." Horde Prime: "Tell her what I've done for you." Catra: "Prime has given me peace. Something you could never do."
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"But he has made it whole again."
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"I'm happy here. You could be happy, too."
(It's genuinely hard to rewind this to get decent screenshots because hearing/seeing Catra act all weird with the chip is just SO UNCOMFORTABLE)
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And there we see it--the first hint that Catra is actually being actively tortured and forced to say/do this shit like some kind of sentient puppet, having to experience her own body doing/saying these things without her permission. Her eyes even keep twitching.
Horde Prime: "I will give her to you, if...you want her... But first, you must do something for me. You...will give me She-Ra." Adora: "Never." Horde Prime: "Very well."
He snaps his fingers and everyones in-ear comms shriek with static and electricity
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(okay I gotta stop just copy/pasting the script)
He squeezes poor Catra's neck and for a second her eyes go back to normal, she looks at Adora, and then they start glowing again. Adora notices!!
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aaagh look at poor Catra
but yeah Adora can't bring out She-Ra on command right now (and he knew that)
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OH SHIT THAT'S RIGHT oh god oh fuck
okay so Glimmer's in the trophy room thing and she kicks the ass of a couple of clones, that's cool
but also
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"I know you're still in there. I'm not leaving without you."
Catra gets a good slice into Adora's leg
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Adora: "I don't want to hurt you!"
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jacquesthepigeon · 10 months ago
how would u rank the miraculous seasons. just curious cuz i tried to rewatch some episodes and was surprised to find stuff from seasons 2 and 3 were more watchable to me, a bunch of s1 is fine ig but so boring i can’t do it, s5 is unbearable, and s4 is so annoying on rewatch. idk
I only watched most of the eps at the time of release and I’ve only rewatched a couple I enjoyed but I think mine aligns somewhat with yours
S1 is more about the wonder of endless possible directions the show could take than it is about the actual quality of the content. The episodes were entertaining enough but left a lot to be desired in terms of the overarching plot, something I was willing to forgive knowing they were just getting started and foolishly believing that they would follow through on the points the season finale set up. You had to be there to truly appreciate it y’know?
S2-S3 are blurred together for me but I think it’s where the most fun episodes episodes come from. However, it also introduced the never ending trend of disappointing writing decisions and spawned some of the most glaring issues with the series that have since then snowballed into S4-S5’s big issues. It was an era of simultaneous confusion and realization. Confusion over wtf they’re doing and Realization that the crew doesn’t know either.
S4 was bad in pretty much every aspect except for maybe entertainment value. It has fun episodes but the overarching storyline is exhausting and convoluted and makes no sense. I think at this point a lot of us were just sticking around over sunk-cost rather than bc we were expecting a good conclusion to the story.
S5 broke me. It’s so bad. Legit I owe so much to serhat for saving me the time and investment of forcing myself to see it through to the end. It’s rushed, nothing makes sense, nothing matters, plot, characters, setting, pacing, continuity, nothing. I’m not gonna lie and say it didn’t have it’s moments, but the moments were only enjoyable if you divorced them from their context completely. It’d at least be Iconically Bad if it’d been that guy’s last hurrah before leaving the series and fucking over the rest of the crew by leaving them to clean up his mess but, for some reason beyond me, he not only decided to stay on the show and live with the consequences of S5’s terrible writing, he’s actually proud of it?
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seeasweetsmile · 2 years ago
To my miraculous fans followers
I'm sorry but more the serie continues, more I’m turning myself into the dark side (aka the ml salt).
Maybe you saw that I didn’t reblog gifs from episodes since S4 (just a few) like I did for S1-S3 and to be honest, the wait between seasons/episodes and the way I’m slowly detached myself from the show to discover others cartoons or animes didn’t help either.
For S4 and mostly S5, the traitement of the characters, the Ladynoir/Adrinette chaotic relationship, the way Lukanette and Adrigami were killed at the first two episodes of S4, Marinette’s hypocrisy, Gabriel’s madness and his growth grudge towards Marinette, Chloé’s caricatural treatment, Lila being mastermind, no adult has a brain anymore, even if there’s globaly good ideas and so much potential, the fact they were awkwardly or badly executed were a pain to watch.
And you know what is the most painful? I loved that show.
Because is that : I loved that show.
It’s been 7 YEARS (almost 8 years in september if I remember correctly) since the serie debut, and like so many fans, I grew attached to the worldbuilding, the characters, the bond between all of them, the humor or the banters, the lore about the miraculous, the design of the superheros and the supervilains, their powers and how complex/funny/interesting they were... and if you have the inevitable urge to read/write fanfics, look/create the fanarts, or even read analysis/meta post about the episodes, you grow even more attached to the characters and the show!
But when you watch from a objective point of view, you realize there’s so much problems consistency issues (I don’t list them, others fans on tumblr and salty hashtags do it better).
Like I said in a previous reblog, if the writers didn’t want to make episodes just for shocked the viewers (remember when they said each episodes of S4 were equivalent of Chat Blanc??) because all the excessive drama around ladynoir or adrinette, if they didn’t push these things to the extra way, if they didn’t get anyone involved (Alya, classmates, adults) to tell Adrien and Marinette what to think or what to do, it could have been so much better. I firmly believe that friendship is a fondamental piliar to any relation. Adrinette started with a good way (cf origines), but they shaped Marinette into another girl who idolazed Adrien without sincerly knowing him (and when they start to give Marinette some retrospective of her behaviour, what we got? we got Alya to tell her she kNoW AdRiEn instead of listening genuinely her best friend and step back), and Adrien, even though he sincerely liked Marinette and held her in high esteem, he ends up becoming the perfect boy madly in love with her who forgets everything as soon as she is in his field of vision or as soon she breathes. If the others characters had LISTENED to Marinette when she questioned herself and preferred to remain friends with Adrien because she realized she didn’t fully know him, and if the others characters had LISTENED to Adrien when he told them he wasn’t agree with their crazy plans (they didn’t listen and the MCs sighed, abandonned their spine column when the classmates insisted a little bit too much), I repeat myself ; it. could. have. been. so. much. better.
To leave Marinette and Adrien figuring out how to do the things at their own rythm. Instead of a healthy, good and solid friendship that transform into romance, we get a forced ship. Because “ThEy MaDe FoR eAcH oThEr” like everyone said in millions times (I was temped to rewatch since the beggining to counts exactly how much the characters say this stupid sentence but I’m not strong enough). And they say this as if we were dumb and we didn’t know Adrinette was the endgame since day one.
Also, another thing that bug me : since S4 to S5 –and I don’t know if anyone felt that– but I have this distrubing impression that Marinette and Adrien mostly  were just puppets in the theater/playhouse and they didn’t have a soul. Sometimes it push me out of the show when I watch the episodes.
Anyways, if you made it until here, thank you for reading my rant post. Two more episodes to left for S5 that will air early july (I read the script of the finale and boy...) and I still don’t know if I will watch the S6. With Gabe and Chloe out of the picture, Lila stepping as main vilain (still wait for her background) and Emilie being here, maybe they’ll do something correct ? But as I said in a previous post, if I watch the first few episodes and if it irrated me, I’ll stop.
I’m tired to hurting myself.
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