tyyyyyyyze07 · 7 years
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Meet me offline tonight, ‘cause a 73 x 73 thumbnail isn’t enough you. I want you in the highest resolution, in four dimensions, the only way I know how to look at something beautiful. You weren’t made for the screen you know, and neither was the broken skin where you cut yourself shaving and the almost-invisible hairs that paint the corners of your upper lip and that one crooked eyelash that bends at a 45-degree angle. Who was foolish enough to think they could squeeze everything noteworthy about you into an avatar? You’re too pretty for pixels.
Put up an away message and let’s go away, somewhere we can power down and still feel electric, somewhere that doesn’t need password protecting. Let’s lose ourselves and find ourselves in a place with no Yelp reviews, no Google results, no Foursquare check-ins. The distance between your eyes and mine is uncharted territory, that’s a good place to start. Let’s look there first.
Tonight, I want to push all of your buttons except the one that says Like. I want to eat too slowly and argue over Tim Burton’s best film and take your mother’s side; I want you to look at me like you want to strangle me or kiss me or both and maybe then I’ll undo a couple of your buttons or my buttons and how’s that for a notification? I want to be the one to alert you.
Sign off and log out and shut down so we can meet up and go out and get high on fingers touching fingers and tongues pressing tongues instead of fingers pressing buttons. What I want to give to you is too large to attach, what I want to give to you can’t be uploaded or emailed or right-click-saved. Meet me so that we can remember how to connect without a router and a modem and a satellite, do it so that we don’t forget.
Just unplug for a while, ‘cause I can’t download the space between your shoulder blades and I need your back in my hands to remember how bodies work. I want to relearn your skin with an open palm, not a single finger, you know what I mean? ‘Cause what I mean is I want to touch you, not Poke you; I want to like you, not Like you; I want to love you, not Heart you. I want to live in a place void of scare quotes, of capitalized letters that inject semantics, a place void of tonal ambiguity. I want to live in a place where the space between your back exists, where it’s wire-less and not wireless, a place where I can like you in lowercase. Let me like you.
(Source: thoughtcatalog.com)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 7 years
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Remember - its better to be single than with the wrong person.
(Source: thoughtcatalog.com)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 7 years
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You are a masterpiece. You have a beating heart that thrives to fit in to this world. You have endured enough despair and heartbreak that makes you crave for a love that would finally stay. You have a deep sense of longing for yourself, wondering when you will ever be enough for the world and for yourself. You have scars within you to prove that you have fought and that you are still alive. You have demons in your head that come out at night, appearing to fight any form of light that comes through you, making you doubt if good could ever conquer evil. You have lived in a world that breathes fire and is constantly burning you alive, finding ways to extinguish the fire inside you. You have eyes that have chosen to see so much beauty in a world that is full of chaos and destruction. You have hands that have touched the purest and kindest of hearts along with the most damaged and broken of souls, attempting to save the lost.
You are not a waste of space. You are not an unfinished sentence, waiting around for people to complete you. You are not the ghosts of your past, haunting you with every regret and mistake you have ever had and done. You are not sand to be stepped over just by the mediocre people of this world. You are not glass waiting for someone to destroy you through the most vulnerable of emotions. You are not mundane. You have a wild fire inside you, waiting to be released.
You are the most exquisite form of art that anyone would be lucky enough to stare at. You are the perfect combination of paragraphs and sentences inked on paper to complete a beautiful novel. You are someone’s definition of euphoria as the sky explodes with the most vibrant of emotions as he professes his love for the ocean and together, it forms a beautiful disaster. You are the intensity of the depth of the ocean that not everyone would be able to comprehend. You have the wings of an eagle, desperate to go somewhere, anywhere at all, just to get away from the cruelty and injustice of the world. You have galaxies inside you that contain the mysteries of the world.
You are human.
(Source: thoughtcatalog.com)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 7 years
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You don’t get me yet the words echo into the mist of the green jungle ferns heavy with almost rain I feel a lightness as they escape my brain no you don’t get me yet you get to chase me and woo-me and court me I am not going to simply just lay down like a prize without you picking me off my feet I don’t give a fuck about what has worked in the past what hasn’t how busy we are what engagements we have or don’t have if we can meditate and find stillness and fullness in our hearts I lied I need you to collect me to pick my heart up with delicacy and swallow me.
(Source: thoughtcatalog.com)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
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Don’t ever apologize for loving whoever you want to love, for being with that person — openly. Successfully. Happily. You don’t have to apologize for feeling sad and not knowing how to explain why, even when people tell you that you have “no reason” to be. You don’t have to apologize for cutting out toxicity from your life in order to live more purely and freely; for choosing something or someone that people don’t understand — especially when you feel in your gut that it’s where you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to do. You don’t have to apologize for not liking someone, or for leaving people, places, and things behind, even if it hurts you. You don’t have to apologize for having a bad night, week, month, or year, or for realizing you don’t like your life. You don’t have to apologize for wanting to change, for wanting to start over. You don’t have to apologize for spending all day in bed even when there were errands to run and dishes in the sink because you just needed a break. You don’t have to apologize for being “too much” every now and again, or for grieving however you need to. You don’t have to apologize for needing time, for being a “little bit of a mess right now.” See, you don’t apologize for having a past. Because you are choosing to live in spite of it. You are choosing to live.
(Source: thoughtcatalog.com)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
Here's a challenge to myself. A silent dare that even the silent night couldnt hear it. I am not a fan of eating spicy food. Today it was a battle of i dont want to and i have to. So i set myself up. Got a pen and paper. Write yes and no. Then i close my eyes and have me pinpoint my answer. I went for yes. So i drove myself to an Asian store and bought 4 packet of Chilly and spicy noodles. Yes, u read it right. So i went back home and cook it. Well it's a 2-mins process so it was quick. Quick as well for my doomness. And so i mixed everything in. Got my chopsticks and start to count my life out. Then yes i was breathing hard, i was into tears, my mouth was in complete madness..it was burning inside, i was totally freaking out. I finished one glass of water yet i only have a few. The struggle. Never again.
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
I know that in the end I’ll probably just be a page, or maybe even a chapter in your book. Even if that’s the case, I hope I’ll be one you go back and read often. And as you run your fingers over our words, I hope you smile.
Daren Colbert, Our Story (via wnq-writers)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
“ Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present & make it beautiful. ”
https://twitter.com/goodquoteco (via thelovenotebook)
 (via thelovenotebook)
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
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Ease your soul here
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
How do y’all kids even afford these apple macbook laptops I can’t even afford food
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
When enough is a final word. When effort is overlooked. When it pour it rains. When good deeds becomes useless. I guess it all adds up. When You never learn, you will always be a victim. Cray cray at its best. But...u have chosen it in the first place. Now choose, to leave or to stay. Time will tell the answer. Think.
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
Transition Words For Your Essays
Transition Signals:
Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.
To repeat and ideas just stated:
In other words,
That is,
To repeat,
To illustrate an idea:
For example,
For instance,
In particular,
To illustrate,
In this manner,
To announce a contrast, a change in direction:
On the other hand,
In contrast,
Instead of,
On the contrary,
In spite of this,
At once,
In the interim,
At length,
At last,
In the meantime,
At the same time,
In the end,
To restate an idea more precisely:
To be exact,
To be specific,
To be precise,
More specifically,
More precisely,
To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:
In addition,
To show cause and effect:
As a result,
For this reason,
In short,
To conclude,
In brief,
On the whole,
In summary,
To sum up,
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
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When everything desserted you. Walk in a cafe and drink that awesome coffee.. such a lovely Wednesday.. sun is bright as always..that scorching hot rays on ur skin..meh! Don't care.
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
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tyyyyyyyze07 · 8 years
Kala mo yun na.. ndi pa pala.
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