#if theyre out of order lmk
gornackeaterofworlds · 3 months
Butterfly Effect Chapter Four!
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Tag List: @sunnytapioca @little-mouse-gardens @luckycharms1701 @coffeestation @shutupcake @avery73
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toruvi · 8 months
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these are con leftovers for now but I'm working on a lot more aot stuff still and will have another update for the holidays!
totebags are LIMITED and i do not know when those will be restocked yet if they run out!
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ac3ifix · 4 months
req: please do a part two where we are pregnant and he fucks us and then a time skip to fluff with us and him with the kid and or kids🫣 and maybe smut at the end you don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable with it tho❤️❤️
(PS: I didnt add smut at the end bc i think it wouldve been a lil too much!! apologies for it being a bit rushed)
cw: purposfully lowercase, second person, p n v, smut, FTM reader, male reader, teen pregnancy (reader is 18, kage is 19) kinda shit writing, not proofread.
kageyama was THRILLED when you told him that the test was positive, he was smirking from hands to feel and saying praise and how good you are for him.
“I really hope he’s a boy..” He mumbles one day, leaning into your already round stomach
“I dont think id be able to live if there was a mini you walking around,” you groan in annoyance.
“i love you,” he says suddenly
“i love you too,” you reply
“I was talking to him,” he says, looking up at you and smirking.
you glare at him and at that point decide to ignore him for the rest of the day.
now where did that lead you?
here. legs spread while he slams into you.
“cmon baby, you cant ignore me all day,” he groans, gripping at your hips and basically using you like a fleshlight
“ngh…tobio- gnna mess w..with the kid,” you moan, gripping at the sheets as you approach your third orgasm of the night.
“mess with him hm? how doya think hed like a sibling hm?” he says, whispering in your ear before biting down on your neck.
“T..tobs- he isnt even..fuck..born yet!” you moan, moving your hands from the bedsheet to begin to claw at his back.
“alas, you admit its going to be a boy then, hm?” he says, a smirk evident in his voice.
“No-“ you begin, but youre interrupted by your orgasm. “fuck..fuck..Tobio!!” you moan loudly
“M’close, baby,” he groans, his thrusts growing sloppy yet faster, his grip on your hips grows painful and he pounds you harder, releasing into you with one final, rough, thrust. “fuck, my love, you feel so good,” he sighs.
you mumble incoherent words in response. gently, he wraps his arms around your body, pulling his limp cock from your hole with a soft popping sound. “doya think that made our chances higher of having twins..?”
“baby..thats..not how it works,” you sigh in response
“alas, but it should be,” he says, dramatically placing his hand over his forehead and faking a swoon.
you let out an exhausted sigh and he tightens his grip on you in response. “Shh baby, youre safe with me, no matter how many kids we have theyre going to be so perfect.”
“KAGEYAMA ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!” you shout playfully, holding two baby boys in your arms.
“Shh, my love, youll wake them up,” he replies, undoing his shoes.
you sigh and walk over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “how was practice?” you ask gently, whispering in order to not wake your kids.
“it was alright, thanks,” he grumbles back, clearly annoyed. “my days better not that im home with my three favorite boys,” he says, kissing your forehead gently.
you hum in response, smiling happily at his remark. gently, he grabs your hand and leads you and the boys to the bedroom, placing you on the bed and wrapping his strong arms around your waist. he buries his head in the crook of your neck and closes his eyes, content with the situation.
“I love you,” he mumbles
“Are you talking to me or the kids?” you ask playfully.
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sunshikilo · 4 days
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did anyone order a mcsm gravity falls au
rewatched the whole series this weekend and i was like hey lol this kinda reminds me of those blocks and the more i thought about it a lot of the roles kinda clicked into place for me
dont know whether to make f!jesse and m!jesse the pines twins or olivia and f/m!jesse as dipper and mabel respectively... i know the first would make more sense it kind of messed with the rest of my characterizations and this is by no means a serious au i dont really care to keep anything super canon compliant LOL we can just call them fraternal twins if i choose olivia and jesse
Plus hear me out i think liv being dipper makes the most sense because theyre both techy, pragmatic, kinda socially awkward and pessimistic. mabel and the jesses is more of a stretch but they both have pet pigs and are usually the most optimistic #poweroffriendship people in any group theyre in (i guess it depends on how you play jesse but like i said a STRETCH)
ivor, petra, and axel's roles as stan, wendy, and soos are kinda a given i dont think i need to explain much about that decision 😭
though lowkey lukas doesnt fit anywhere in my version of this au gideon is the best i got LMAO 😭😭 the hair is kinda similar! i guess axel and liv could also be grenda and candy and lukas could be soos...?..? completely ignoring shipping? no idea there ehh
im just rambling now like this isnt a one off doodle ok lmk tho
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junkyardstrash · 6 months
my thoughts on the new sleep token masks and what's next:
the boys have been hinting at this type of change for a while now, iii's paint slowly turning red and iv and ii taking off their masks at the show just before wembley. I think thr new album will be more metal and overall more heavy, similar to their songs vore and gods.
I don't think these changes are necessarily meant to be seen as a part of the TMBTE cycle, they quite literally said "a new era" on each of their posts, these masks are hinting at and showing us what to expect for the next era. Sleep Token is very deliberate with what they choose to do appearance wise and their lore so although these masks are a very drastic change, it's all part of the plan.
NOW for lore.... TPWBYT and Sundowning were kinda defeat albums, Vessel being at his lowest while TMBTE is a redemption album, Vessel taking control back in his life from Sleep and his insecurities/past faults. that being said- the next album will probably be Sleep fighting Vessel back. I think what's happening is that Sleep takes different forms of Vessels insecurities and past faults so Sleep is using this to their advantage, using the other vessels (ii, iii, and iv) as their puppets. the toxic back and forth cycle between Sleep and Vessel is ending so Sleep is taking the manipulation up a notch. the new masks look very intimidating and it's all deliberate, Sleep is possessing the other vessels and shaping them into Vessels (i) fears as a way to get to Vessel (i), I mean, what would be a better way to get to Vessel if not to use the band as a way to get to him?
people say the masks clash too much and they don't look consistent but I think that's exactly what's supposed to happen. Sleep is using ii, iii and iv as Vessels INDIVIDUAL insecurities. Vessel sees the others and its a mirror of his faults. or maybe they quite literally wanted to look more individual rather than have the same look as one another 🤷‍♀️
the next album will be like a videogame boss fight between Vessel and sleep
some other stuff I noticed and some more theories. do these mean anything? who knows! this is just me rambling:
Vessel has runes written all over his body, I couldn't exactly make out what they say but just going off the fact that it's runes- it can either be 1. a protection barrier from Sleep or 2. another way that Sleep is slowly taking over vessel
it seems like the mouths on the masks are getting wider and wider in order from ii, iv, iii, and then Vessel. while all the others have the band sigil across their eyes, ii is the only one who has it across his mouth. considering ii is the second vessel and Sleep is struggling to control Vessel(i), what if theyre going for ii? using him as the main vessel? he also imo has the most intimidating looking mask out of everyone so...
or maybe iii is gonna get a mic and thats why his mask is open HEHE
my sister pointed this one out- iii had gold on his hands as he was transitioning to the red body paint and as we all know, iii and iv are very touchy on stage, iii always lifting ivs mask up, them kissing, etc etc. now iv has gold on his mask, what if iiis gold paint from his hands transferred to ivs mask? what would this mean? IDK maybe it's another Sleep tactic or we're looking too much into it lmao
iv also has Vessels leg wraps on his arm? what's up with that?
ANYWAYS lmk your thoughts, my mind is going crazy rn and I think people are taking the mask changes at face value rather than thinking about why they look the way they do now and how it fits in the lore
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alithographica · 7 months
hey dyknow what flowers are in skull lake in botw? im pretty sure theyre a type of lilly, but i forgot the name
okay so I haven't booted up my own game to check them out but I think I found some photos online—this is it, yeah?
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There aren't any flowers that bloom like this underwater, so that aspect is definitely a fantasy twist. But I also don't recognize them as a specific non-underwater flower. I don't think they're a perfect analog to anything IRL—so if someone does recognize these, lmk!
Otherwise what I can offer are some possible inspirations. There are four general vibes I'm reminded of:
Terrestrial true lilies: the pattern of having three petals* on top and three underneath is very characteristic of a lily, like you said—specifically a terrestrial lily and not a water lily. (We use "lily" for a lot of plants, most of which aren't "true lilies".) *Technically on lilies they're called tepals, not petals, which is just a distinction about the specific botanical structures on a flower.
Tiger lilies: a type of true lily that has dark spots, like the flowers seen here.
Water lotus: so there are water lilies and water lotuses. Water lilies sit right on the water and have a ton of narrow petals. Water lotuses often have broader petals and emerge on stalks above the water—similar to the broad leaves and long stalks visible in the game. However, from what I can see, the BOTW flowers are missing the characteristic lotus seed head in the center + have way fewer petals.
Narcissus: true lilies aren't the only ones to have that 3-3 tepal pattern! Among others, narcissus flowers also have it, and they remind me of how broad and flat these flowers are.
Photos, in order:
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(Image sources: [1] [2] [3] [4])
Basically, those BOTW flowers have some distinct enough characteristics that I can't just write them off as generic fantasy flowers, but they're probably not based on one specific species either.
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techs-goggles9902 · 3 months
Hello! a couple things
1 youre so freakin awesome and i love your writing
2 what does your nickname ge'tal mean?
3 are you willing to write something sweet and fluffy for fives x reader x echo?? like theyre not dating each other just both dating reader and its all lovey and completely okay w everyone if not maybe just echo x reader? 👉👈
Mr. Echolocation (Echo x GN!Reader)
Summary: Echo’s on leave (thank Maker)
Word Count: 484
A/N: Hi!!! I wish I know who you are, anon!! 1) THANK YOU 2) Ge’tal means “red” in Mando’a and my pookie bear Jamie AKA Ka’ra named me that 😊 3) okay, I spent a long time simmering on this. I’m comfy writing it but I’m not sure how and I don’t want to give you a crap story so I chose the latter option 🥺 I’m sorry though!!! I’ve been dealing with stomach and leg issues so I’m really sorry I took a while to answer :(
Requests are open! See Masterlist for details!!!!
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Echo’s fingers drum against his chest softly, the only sound other than your quiet snoring. He returned from his latest mission yesterday afternoon, spoiling you with so many loving kisses.
His hazel eyes drift over to you. The gentle curvature of your figure nestled beneath your bed sheets brought a warm feeling to Echo’s chest. He slowly turns onto his side to face you, bringing his warm hand to your cheek, brushing over the bone.
“Cyare… are you awake?” He whispers, soft enough that if you were still sleeping, he wouldn’t wake you.
“Mmmm… no,” you reply, your voice laced with sleep. Your eyes crack open to find Echo’s staring at yours through the darkness.
“Oh, okay,” he grins, his thumb brushing over your soft lips.
“Mr. Echolocation, it’s barely tomorrow… why’re you awake?” You ask as he pulls you closer and curls a leg around your own.
“I didn’t wanna sleep… ‘cause then I’ll miss out on time with you,” his eyes look so innocent, his eyebrows just barely knitting together and turning up in the middle. His little pout that always makes you fold during arguments or spats.
His gentle fingers gliding along your soft skin, down your cheek, tracing your Adam’s apple, tugging slightly at the collar of your sleep shirt.
“You may be here today, gone tomorrow… but it’s the fact you made it home, no?” You groggily mumble, this time pulling him closer and burying your face in the warmth of his neck.
“Yeah… home to you.’ He presses a kiss to the top of your head, your hair ticking his lips.
“Go to sleep… we have tomorrow to have fun.”
”Is that an order?”
”Yes, it is, Mr. Echolocation.”
A soft chuckle leaves Echo’s lips as his breathing becomes more and more even and quieter.
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How you managed to escape Echo’s grasp, you have no idea. The man barely moves in his sleep, his arms never releasing you throughout the night. You would’ve stayed in bed longer, just to watch him get quality rest for once.
The way his ARC Trooper expression softens in sleep, the tight muscles finally smoothing back into his skin, makes your heart melt. Even thinking about it makes a small grin creep onto your lips as you stand at your stove to make breakfast - real breakfast.
You’re so lost in thought you don’t hear the soft footsteps behind you. You only come out of your trance when you feel Echo’s arms snaking around your waist from behind, his chin resting in the crook of your neck.
“You left me, cyare… wake me up next time.”
“No, you need the sleep, Echo. Plus, you’re cute in the mornings.”
”What, I’m not cute all the time?”
”Oh, you…”
His gruff - yet warm - chuckle sends a ripple down your throat and through the vertebrae of your spine.
“I love you, cyare.”
”I love you, Mr. Echolocation.”
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Cyare = beloved [sha-rey]
Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom @isthereanechoinhere96 (<- in case you come back and youre interested:)
Dividers by @ saradika
Lmk if you want to be taken off or added to taglist 🫶🏽
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spacexseven · 2 years
tuna you have nooo idea how many ideas i have about yans falling for their doctors but i will give u something simple: port mafia; ie: chuuya, akutagawa, pm dazai, etc. x good-natured hospital doctor. one day theres a major clamor about how someone turned up outside the hospital with grievous injuries. at first its all hands on deck to help them, but eventually someone figures out that theyre mafia and everyone jumps ship. darling’s colleagues try to persuade them away from the dying mafioso, telling them how getting involved with the mafia in ANY way will turn out bad for them and to just leave them to their fate, but darling keeps to their oath and decides to take over their care.
its tiring work, working round the clock alone to keep this bastard alive, but it’ll all be worth it in the end, right? wrong. yan’s FIRST order of business when waking up and finding themselves in a hospital is to flip out. threats, attacks, the whole shebang. big tantrum. eventually darling reasons with them that theyre far too injured to go anywhere for the time being without like. dying. (this wouldnt work on dazai that well lol) and if they wanted to turn them in or kill them they wouldve done it like 2 days ago. they even agree to submit to the mafia’s retaliation if they find their care insufficient. their patient agrees, albeit very angrily, and darling sets off on the worlds most thankless job. 
any of these fuckers will give darling a run for their money. dazai would spend a lot of time trying to intimidate them into letting him out early or goad them into killing him, stealing things to hurt himself with, harassing the nurses, faking symptoms, anything he can think of to make their life harder. chuuya is just NASTY, nothing to say to the person Saving His Life besides threats and insults. can never leave a check up on akutagawa without at least one bruise. so on and so forth. no support from colleagues either, darlings decision to Do Their Job making them a pariah. even so, they offer their testy patient their care and kindness without falter. as soon as theyre well enough to get up and walk out, thats exactly what they do, and darling would be lying if they said they werent glad to wash their hands of the whole thing. they’re, of course, back the next week with a new injury that they INSIST that DARLING SPECIFICALLY must look at and suddenly acting like they’re besties. darling lets them, of course, even as the injuries they come in with are more and more ridiculous, all the while trying to gently steer them away from ever coming back before they get them arrested. 
well, if you didnt want them hanging around you maybe you shouldnt have been so sweet. are they supposed to forget about you holding their hand through shockwaves of pain? your soothing voice? the way you stayed up all night to watch over them while they slept? do you think they get THAT at the mafia infirmary? say, why dont you come and work there! they see how your colleagues spurn you, how ungrateful your other patients are for you. doctors are VERY highly regarded among the mafia, itd be a great fit for you! itd also let them personally make it up to you for being so awful before. win-win, right?
- 🩹
i am terribly sorry about how long it took for me to answer this 😭😭😭 i did consider a similar idea but w/ darling doing the underground doctor job for extra money (we need to start raising funds for darling) as well if you're interested!!
im gonna use dazai as a placeholder for this if u want one w chuuya and aku lmk :>
cw: yandere characters, obsessive behavior, jealousy, obsession, injuries, harassment, taking advantage, implied coercion.
injuries aren't uncommon in this line of work, and bleeding out with a terrifyingly gaping wound is not a new sight for port mafioso. usually, though, mori already arranges for other people to come in and take care of the injured, and they steer clear of hospitals and clinics. it's not smart to get civilian doctors involved in this.
usually, things go as planned.
today, it didn't. dazai's subordinates were strewn somewhere else, leaving him wounded and isolated. to make things worse, he was positioned awkwardly close to a busy street. he should have anticipated that the enemy would have some other trick up their sleeve. now what? was he going to die here, like a disgraced dog? he would prefer something less painful and embarrassing, but beggars couldn't be choosers...
maybe he should have accepted mori's offer of even more backup.
he couldn't reach for his phone, and even if it didn't hurt so bad and he could get it, his fingers were trembling so much that he knew he couldn't type out anything. god, how pathetic. death was death. he couldn't be too picky about it, could he? he would welcome the end.
to his surprise, he woke up.
he was sure he was in a hospital. the plain walls, the simple bed. the papers nearby and the person in a white coat gave it away. this was bad news, terrible news. he wasn't supposed to go to any hospitals or clinics unless mori said so, and now he was here, getting treated by any regular civilian doctor.
obviously, dazai decides the best course of action is to kick up a fuss. they wouldn't hold him here against his will, right? he screams and kicks and threatens everyone until he's exhausted and the staff is ready to throw him out themselves, but you stop them. he recognizes you as the person in his room when he woke up, and watches as you defend his behavior by telling everyone how confused and frightened he would have been after waking up with no recollection of what happened in between. confused, frightened? he was mortified by your choice of words, and worse yet, it was working. everyone backed down, turned their backs and went on with their day.
and you have the audacity to turn back and smile at him like you hadn't just embarrassed him, telling him that it was expected he would have reacted so negatively, promising to help make sure his stay was as comfortable as possible. what stay? he wants to get out, but when he voiced this demand with a hoarse throat, you look more shocked and rush off to get him something for his voice instead. you sit down beside him with a hand on his and carefully explain why he has to stay and why it's important he works with you for a speedy recovery. you ask him for who you should contact since he didn't seem to have any existing identity, but he only turns away and tells you he wants to leave.
he does this for as long as he's hospitalized, complaining about everything, reminding you he doesn't have cash and that killing him would be your best course of action, since he couldn't afford the bill anyway. he tries to run away and pull off stupid stunts, but nothing works. it's infuriating how calm you are about everything. you leave and go back to your usual routine, stopping by to check up on him occasionally. the other staff, however, look terrified of him, and he relishes in the trembling hands and rushed exits. during one of their visits to sort out his room, dazai pretends to sleep so they can actually get things done without fearing he will kick them all out the window, and overhears a particularly interesting conversation.
he learns that you were the one who insisted they treat him despite everyone else noticing the signs that he was probably part of some underground organization. some determined line about how it's your job and you need to help everyone regardless of personal feelings. he thinks it's all bullshit, but your determination...is kind of cute. it's only a matter of time before you end up as soulless and exhausted as everyone else in the city, though.
then the long awaited day comes, and you announce that he can leave. he doesn't care to ask for a bill or thank you, running out and disappearing to talk to mori again, but he would be lying if he said he didn't think about you even after that day. for some reason, something about you really stuck with him. it might have had something to do with your relentless insistence to help, your unwavering patience, your calm conduct, or maybe your...voice. your sympathetic tone, your firm hold...your presence.
a week later, dazai shows up to your workplace and demands he get his hand checked out. he whines until they drag you down and then he exaggerates his terrible condition, how important and urgent it was and how he needed to be kept inside the hospital for a few weeks at least this time. it's very serious, you know. you saw through his lie, but you don't bat an eyelid, immediately complying to his outrageous demands. he was a little happy that you hadn't changed. so despite how often he showed up, with a new but small injury, you took it in stride and treated him with all the concern and seriousness he expected. could you blame him if he liked to be fussed over like this?
what he didn't like was the knowledge that you treated all your patients like this. none of them deserved the same meticulous inspections, soothing touches, dedicated service, and warm smiles you gave. it wasn't fair that he came in all beaten up and you could only come in for a quick greeting before rushing out after another patient. and for what? your meager pay? well, if he could talk to mori and get you brought over as a personal doctor for some of the high-ranking members, you'd get paid well and you could be with him all the time while doing what you loved. it was the best of both worlds, wasn't it?
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cannoliparty · 5 months
jadekat & why i love it
jadekats this really interesting homestuck pairing to me! i feel like its because both jade & karkat are cool characters on their own, but their great strengths come with great flaws, and their dynamic balances out these flaws so well. it's a strangely underrated pairing too, considering jade is probably the character karkat most obviously flushes for in the comic, next to terezi. ill be explaining why i think this bond is so overlooked.
jade has a variety of strengths. as a witch of space, it makes sense. space is on a more grand level of intuition and clear knowledge on a vast amount of things, leading to space players sometimes not being able to explain the way things are in detail. this vastness also comes with a "wait-and-see" approach, as space is always growing organically, like an organism/plant. as a witch, jade followed through completing time loops with eagerness and a loss of wanting to know exactly why these loops must be fulfilled, simply believing things like fate knew what they were doing, and everything would come into order. shes also very well-versed in science, rifles, childhood cartoons, plants... she does everything she possibly can with the space around her, manipulating it (therefore "manipulating space") to her own will!
on a more characteristic standpoint, jade is socially isolated. shes nice to everyone she comes across (until theyre mean) but she has isolation problems. living on an island alone has made her used to having things done in her own methodical and scientific way, simply because thats the way she believes in. shes at a loss when it comes to chaotic, unorderly things like karkat's memos with his future/past selves! she just doesnt know how to handle it because she's only known how to be in tune with her own thoughts & feelings.
karkat is well-versed in the way relationships are supposed to go. he's watched an abundance of rom-coms and dealed with all his friends as a leader. it makes sense why he's so good at knowing how others feel and how to care for them. the problem is that he doesn't know how to outwardly express his own feelings or care at all. he doesn't know how to approach terezi without fighting with her, but still constantly pesters these people he likes with his angry, nonsensical ways.
when jade and karkat interact in the comic, it's confusing at first. karkat is constantly pestering jade at random intervals of time, and this ruins her ordered way of working around stuff. she develops these "conversation passwords", an intuitive way of staying on the same time track with the trolls. karkat is obviously angered by jade's action, but after realizing jade won't budge about it he goes along with it. in openbound, it's even revealed he used one of these conversation keys as a password for his own memories in a dream bubble!
in the memos with karkat's multiple selves, jade learns not everything can always be so orderly and clear, and this is very hard for her to stomach. she wants to quit dealing with it, but karkat's stubborness makes her deal with these messy, personal feelings.
in summary, jadekat's this great, balanced dynamic. jade teaches karkat to be more open and true to himself and his own feelings, while also getting him out of trouble with ridiculous things like future selves and all-over-the-time-loop conversations with clear solutions to get him back into the big picture. karkat teaches jade to consider the smaller details and how the more orderly paths can't constantly be taken to solve something.
this is all i have right now, i hope it makes sense!! i tried not to connect this to a lot of classpecting cuz i feel like jadekat's mainly about focusing on the very feelings of the characters (whether clear or messy) instead of just connecting them to a grander thing. lmk if u have any thoughts on jadekat or just jade/karkat in general ^_^!!
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
      OCTAVINELLE x gn reader
    『 azul ,, jade ,, floyd ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> the weeknd w/ octatrio ,, reader has hair in floyd’s part btw
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, comfort maybe ??
  — i recommend these songs omg 🙏🙏 theyre so good ,, lmk if yall want more of these bc ill gladly make more 😩😩
                • wanderlust  -  azul
" brighter than a diamond "
" i leave it all to you "
" precious little diamond "
        eyes bright as he talks ,, cheeks flushed slightly as he rambles on about something new he found for the mostro lounge menu . it was a look youd always adore ,, how he gleemed brightly as he shared his interests with you . it wasnt too often he'd look this way ,, only with certain things .
        hands reached out to cup his cheeks ,, skin cold to the touch ,, you leaned in to place a kiss upon his lips . it shut him up immediately ,, eyes widened behind his glasses as his cheeks flushed bright .
        " you look so beautiful azul ,," you whispered against his mouth . " precious little diamond of mine ,," you purred out before recapturing him in another kiss .
                • professional  -  jade
" i love ,, you love "
" this love "
" we're professional "
" i know ,, you know "
" we're sophisticated "
" at lovin ,, lovin ,, lovin "
        lips brushed against the back of your neck ,, teeth nibbling at the skin before licking at it . " careful ,, you wouldnt want to drop table 3's order ." jade chuckled ,, moving away from your body and turning you towards the lounge .
      you groaned at the eel ,, puffing your cheeks before rolling your eyes . " you owe me tonight ,," you pouted ,, jade's eyes burned deep into your own . " do i ?" he hummed ,, pressing one last kiss to your lips before turning back to his work .
        huffing ,, you turned and walked out the door ,, continuing with your job . it wasnt often jade would act like this in public ,, though it definitely meant he had something prepared later tonight .
                • pretty  -  floyd
" and you will never feel so pretty "
" and you will never feel this beautiful "
" when i make it there "
" oh when i make it there "
        hands brushed through your hair ,, kisses pressed lightly against your head . arms tight around you as he held you in his lap . " so pretty shrimpy ,," he smiled and pressed a few more kisses .
        the moonlight shined down upon you both ,, waves crashed against the shoreline . it was way past curfew yet floyd insisted on staying longer . cuddled close to his body ,, seeking heat from the cool air .
      " i love you shrimpy ,, my beautiful shrimpy ,," he tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to your forehead .
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typoraccoon · 6 days
tally hall data
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Hello hi
Here is what ive been up to in the past few days
Warning! It's a bit laggy
This is a spreadsheet of all the lyrics spoken/sang by each tally hall member in the album Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum. This took me 5 days-ish and has around 1000 rows of words
here is a drop down if you want more details + process (if ya wanna make one yourself :D):
How many words the tallies said in my list:
5540 (there are duplicates cause they do duets and groups)
Most used words in the album:
who sings/speaks the most to least:
Joe (1971), Rob (1746), Zubin (1218) , Andrew (380), Ross (225)
each member's top word + graph of when they say it in the album
Andrew: and
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Joe: you
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Rob: you
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Ross: ba
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Zubin: I
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Everyone's top 5 words and graphs are in the spreadsheet if u want more numbers
If you need specific data like how many times they say a certain word it's in the spreadsheet, there you will find graphs (there's a huge one on the right most side), a pie chart and numbers. If you need a graph that isn't on there lmk and i'll put it there
Now for the process
This was made with a list organizer cause im pretty bad at counting lyrics when theyre apart so this will help speed up the process. Hums are not counted cause i used the HITS lyrics which did not include them in most songs which have humming. 13 and Dream are not in the list due to them not having lyrics. All songs use the HITS lyrics but i edited some of good day cause the members sing different parts in the 1st verse which was not noted.
Lmk if i got some lyrics wrong so i can correct the excel
step 1
I put all the lyrics into a google doc and put each song in the word sorter in groups of 5. I deleted the duplicates to get one of every word then combined the 3 groups of 5 into 1 long list consisting of around 1000 words.
step 2
Typed out each word into excel which i probably should have looked into more cause this seems inefficient but i was lazy.
step 3
Then separated every line spoken by each member to sort their lyrics, count them, and input them into the excel. This took me the longest
step 4
make all the major graphs and equations which are mostly "=SUM" (addition) and "=LARGE" (ranking)
sites used:
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dazed--xx · 10 months
What are your favorite Hyunjin five you’ve read?
Lol this is a long list but if you’re asking for series then my favs are (in no particular order)
Watercolor by @jinhyun ( ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH THIS SERIES!! Lol and the writer knows it. I will recommend this to literally everyone if I had to choose a number one of my favs this would definitely be a contender. Female lead is cute and determined and Hyunjin….JESUS Hyunjin made me want to put my head through the wall at one point but he was literally just adorable after certain events. It’s so good full of Fluff angst and then occasional smut but not really a lot so good.)
Star lost with you and Only fools fall for you by @hyunjinspark (this counts as one cause it’s the same writer 😭) (I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS ABOUT ONLY FOOLS ITS LITERALLY AMAZING AND FRUSTRATING AT THE SAME TIME. Full of angst and smut if that’s your thing I really like this fic cause I’m in love with the enemies to lovers trope it’s so well written and I just can’t get over it. STAR LOST is still being written and the last update made me cry 😭 it draws you in and has so much going on I’m so invested like these people are real)
The guy next door- @jl-micasea-fics (so one of my favorite movies in the entire world is the girl next door and I could tell off rip this has the same concept. Love Hyunjin in this yet I just absolutely hate porn names lol 😂 only thing that makes me cringe is the porn names but you have to have that in this it’s amazingly written and heartbreaking and ugh you’ll dream about Hyunjin tbh 😭)
Maybe it’s not our fault by @cosmic-railwayxo (incomplete 🥲🥲🥲 unfortunately but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth the wait if the writer gets back to it it’s so good. Exes au tbh and I love it so much there’s so many misunderstandings and heartbreak yet there’s fluffy warm moments ugh you’ll be rooting for them for such a long time and always find yourself looking back to see an update cause you have to see what happens next. I love every character in this and idek why they’re so compelling and just make you feel so many things)
Lol as you can see I couldn’t just pick 5 fics so I picked 5 writers 😭 but I find myself just enjoying a whole bunch of stuff and there’s one fic that I literally can’t find it’s older and about hyunjin but I think the writer deactivated it’s my fav fic and I’ll describe it for you but I wish I could link it cause it would be my legit number one but it’s about a struggling relationship with hyunjin he’s been distant not answering calls texts and the reader decided she had enough so she asks to take a break and he begs her not to, that he wants to be with her and he’s sorry so she gives him a second chance. Her best friend is Chan and there’s multiple parts to it. At one part they go to some party or something and hyunjin gets jealous she was hanging out with Chan so he makes it seem like he was flirting with some girl and the reader sees and storms out Chan gets rightfully pissed and tells him he fucked up for the last time and ugh it’s so angsty and good they do end up together but I can’t ever find it but I hope you enjoy reading those if you haven’t and if you have lmk which ones you like
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mintiicinnamonii · 5 months
(FYI: as of posting this, I’ve only finished season 1 and 2. Might be edited as I get more and more dragged into it lol)
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Name: Wanyi (Wahn-yi)
Age: 20
Pronouns: it/its
Macaque’s apprentice
Not actually a ‘angel’ (bc of the whole chinese myth thing)
cursed as an infant to not be able to touch anyone or they kill that person (rapunzel basically)
serves as MK’s ‘foil’ throught the story
didn’t like using a staff, so it decided to use a sword (shadows can be changed into different things, so when they learned their magic, they changed it to a sword instead of a staff)
has eyes all over their body, glowing purple with no sclera (thanks shadow magic)
(description comes from @namusthetic)
cold stares and blank faces 
looking cold but have strong morals 
observing before making any assumptions 
extremely rational 
always pessimistic about humanity 
believing that no one is completely innocent, so they never judge
nothing can really surprise them anymore 
repeating to themselves that they don’t care but they end up caring too much in the end
gut instincts 
living on coffee, fast food and bad habits 
the rational ones out of the group
could actually pass off as the main character of a hard-boiled detective novel if they wanted to
determined to never give up until the case is solved 
Role as MK’s Foil
what is a foil?
In any narrative, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character, typically, a character who contrasts with the protagonist, in order to better highlight or differentiate certain qualities of the protagonist. A foil to the protagonist may also be the antagonist of the plot. (according to wikipedia)
While MK thinks hes the warrior when he’s actually the hero, Wan ‘thinks’ they’re the hero when theyre the warrior
they believe that they’ve gotten stronger and don’t care about him
who is ‘he?’ I’ll let you speculate
pushes people away to protect them from itself, while MK lets people in to hide his insecurities/prove his worth; ones mean for selfless reasons, another is kind for ‘selfish’ reasons (Mk isnt selfish, the reason is self centered)
Both didn’t choose these paths; MK joined out of ignorance, Wan joined out of awareness
both believe that no matter what they do, it leads to pain. But while MK decides to try anyway, Wan accepts it and becomes a villain/numb to pain (others and their own)
unlike the other character’s Wan’s eyes don’t have the shine. They’re blank. has a meltdown scene
Queen of Mean from Descendants
Revived by Deriviakat
Mr. Bones by kroh
Drift Away from Steven Universe
Other Friends from Steven Universe
Hurt Incantation from Tangled; the Series
Alastor’s Part of the Finale Song from Hazbin Hotel
Open Up Your Eyes from MLP: The Movie
ADDICT by SilvaHound
everybody likes you by lemon demon
World Burn from Mean Girls
Arms Tonite by Mother Mother
“Wanyi, Macaque’s student, has, DIED FOR THEIR FRIENDS! Sorry to disappoint, but that’s NOT how this ends.. I’m hungry for feeling like never before. The constraints of my curse surely have a back door.. Once I figure out how to unclip my wings, GUESS WHO WILL BE PULLING ALL THE STRINGS?!”
”Feel? I stopped feeling a long time ago.”
“Sensei was right. You are Monkey King’s successor. Dumb and emotional like him too.”
“It’s me again~!”
What MK would look like if he had the same eyes as Wanyin
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(Wan has glowy purple eyes with white pupils all over their body for compensation but still)
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doorlene · 1 year
pandalily academic rivals to lovers/summer/coffee shop au.
like, ok, hear me out: theyre long-time academic rivals and the summer before lily moves to a diff country/school, they run into each other in igleheart (a silly little piece of fictional land that has a beach and shops and comfy inns. it's like stars hollow but a beach). turns out, it's pandora's first summer in igleheart and it's lily's last.
there's a small coffee shop there that lily has worked at for almost every summer she's been there (because the evans usually stay there for weeks + theyre well-known in the little community), and that's where pandora sees her.
i don't have a lot of details worked out, but i do have:
#1 pandalily shipper mastermind evan rosier
yea obviously pan and evan are twins
a bit of banter/harmless pranks done out of spite in the beginning (example: pandora wiping off the coffee shop chalkboard lily worked on </3 and lily messing up pan's order on purpose)
beach days/nights
a looooooot of opening up and heart-to-hearts
petunia & lily content because we dont give them enough justice like theres so much angst potential there
basically a "summer love!!! oh and we'll probably never see each other again" kind of thing
that's all so far!!!!!! plspslspspsls lmk if this is an interesting idea and worth continuing :(
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birbs-n-cats · 10 months
Im really curious on your thoughts on monkey mk = evil mk
That take makes me sick but I'm curious on your opinion on this or on lmk in general
It disrespected everything that swk had ever done.
Bc it absolutely reduces him as one note character by implying mk monkey form as evil. Do you get how disrespectful that is to the original novel? Bc i assure you not even og swk was considered absolutely evil.
I know im talking mainly about swk but by implying mk monkey form as evil disregard why swk never had the will to changed himself. Bc all that layer of complexity of being something that defied the natural order if what make swk the stone monkey be much more compelling than evil me bc form is evil!! Bc hes a monkey but actually he isnt hes a stone monkey. Oh so hes a yaoguai? But then not really bc he became part celestials? But then again no bc he *is* quite malicious and brutal but that because his actions is not because its in his nature then again he managed to receive enlightenment and gained buddhahood sooo…he all of it at the same time as hes not just simply one or the other.
Bc honestly by saying mk monkey form is evil is just like saying swk’s human form is evil!! Like huh?! That just out of nowhere—theyre still they same person.(despite the fact swk will never ever have a human form but pls bared w me)
Mk is still just mk—he cant just simply become evil when its just himself becoming apart of him again. Also it makes his circumstances be like the og novel of swk v lemh except it mk n his monkey form.
What makes a demon a demon is in his actions to be quite malicious and brutal to humans and disregards their lives to the point of eating them to achieve a higher standing of power. (Like og bdk, OG the camel ridge trio, FUCKING OG LEMH AND WHITE BONE SPIRIT SO MANY OTHERS
And thats why swk was considered evil in the sense he was being brutal and malicious in his actions and would have continued that path of destruction if weren’t for his redemption arc being the journey to the west.
And mk never got to the point of disregard lives bc theyre beneath him and that why his monkey form shouldnt be considered evil bc its a monkey form. Had he did then it should have been shown throughout the show that he was being corrupted in his actions due the addiction of powers way before his monkey form was ever reveal.
Actions dictate the nature of a person’s not their state of being.
(Ima edit this once i get a full night sleep but yeah, jttw is complex that i do reccomemd @journeytothewestresearch for more in-depth info
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Mk being a stone monkey gives me sm headaches like no it doesn’t mean swk is his father. They’re family depending on how u look at it. For example they could be brothers or mk being swk grandkid in the similar vein as Sun Luzhen.
My issues is just that literally pulled a naruto on all of us
Like he pull out the cudgel and it gave him his powers but are those powers actually his or swk??? Wgeres those it start and end??
DONT GET ME STARTED THATBY HAVING MK BEING A STONE MONKEY N PULLING SWK MOVE OUT OF THE MOVE UNDERMINE THE YEARS OF EFFORTS SWK TOOK TO MASTER IT(i know mk did a little training but that not what im talking about. It seen like him being a stone monkey had bypassed him the need to do actual cultivation one must need to do in order to do cool shit or be immortal. Remember that scene when he plucked his hair n then it became a clone? Yea like this kid hasn’t even exercised n yet?? Hes able to use qi like that?? Huh??? even wukong was mortal at his early stages n didn’t do the thing mk was doing besides that one timehe shoots laser from his eyes)
Like mk became a daoist immortal in a day than the 50+ years swk took to be one😭😭 it doesn’t even work like that mk. It just feels like they made mk be this way to show hes a better swk than swk himself.
N it already complicated the idea of swk somehow giving mk some of his powers(this kid would actually be dead like how azure lion was w je golden core) that u don’t actually know if its mk that’s doing these things naturally or is infused w that.
Did swk do ritual like how hd did in the novel with the three prince??(the arc introduces three prince who became the pilgrims disciples n so theyre were to wield weapons similar to that of the pilgrims via a ritual. One of the prince got extra buff stats in order to wield his replica of the riyu jingu bang that still the same weight ss the og)
^i doubt this bc lmk had diverge sm from jttw that u can swapped out the names w others and its be its own show completely unrelated to jttw.
Monkie Kid spoilers & complaining below:
Hmmm well you know anon as it is I actually found the insta-powers in the first few seasons pretty funny and charming specifically because they were often played for laughs in a pretty light hearted way. And it made sense for what the show was at that point! Monkie Kid set itself up as a relatively low-stakes and fun cartoon where a goofy and kind hearted delivery boy would get to go on all sorts of wacky adventures under the tutelage of the Great Sage, often going against some delightfully hammy villains in the Demon Bull family. Even when the stakes were still "save the world" the tone of Monkie Kid still made it pretty clear that we weren't dealing with the grimdark dramafest that has come to define so many other works. But of course a grimdark dramafest is in many ways what this cartoon would soon become (even while there is still some silly funtimes to be had), what with the world routinely being in danger of destruction, the constant trauma MK has been subjected to significantly because of his connection to the Monkey King, and with everyone and their mother yelling at Sun Wukong for being a terrible person, with the cartoon itself then often bending over backwards to prove just how true these statements are. Hell even SWK himself admitted that he's a bad teacher and described his entire existence in the season 4 special as little more than multiple lifetimes worth of mistakes (maybe he'll go on another genuine journey of self improvement and atonement but tbh I'm not holding my breath given that his miserable spot was where the journey to the west got him lol), and yeah at this point you do have to kind of laff that Xiyouji's ruthless murder monkey SWK is a more loyal friend, selfless individual, intelligent leader, and even a better shifu than Monkie Kid's. It is these writing decisions that have made me pretty leery with where they might be taking Qi Xiaotian being another stone monkey, especially since yeah lot of people seem to think this is going to lead to a fight between the two stone primates. Plus given the very recent indications that MK was both enraged that Azure Lion was using him for his own ends--something that other characters besides Azure have said SWK is also doing to Qi Xiaotian--along with the pretty blatant hints that MK's terrified he'll end up exactly like SWK I can easily see that fear turning into violent anger :(
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