#if they're still getting to know each other that probably means buck is going to learn something he doesn't like
sunflowerdigs · 14 days
Just spitballing here, but what if Tommy recommends that Buck stop fighting Gerrard and just go along with him? He suggests that Buck try his best to ignore the toxicity and take the preferential treatment because he can learn some things from the old man. Gerrard taught Tommy what he knows about firefighting, after all. He's like a father to him, and sometimes fathers are old-fashioned but still worth our time.
So, Buck appears to do just that. We see him and Gerrard go out for golf. And while they're golfing, Buck learns the information that he uses to get Gerrard suspended and get Bobby back.
And then he ends things with Tommy because he just can't imagine ever being the kind of person who takes advantage of a situation where others are being hurt. And he doesn't want to be with someone who thinks that is an ok thing to do.
Bonus points if Gerrard's suspension comes right as Hen and Karen get their foster license back, so Hen and Chim are free to do whatever they can to make sure Gerrard can never come back. They file a lawsuit. And guess who shows up to testify on Gerrard's behalf? Buck's ex-boyfriend, Tommy Kinard.
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apassingbird · 4 months
"Hey, baby," Tommy's voice carries through the apartment, "have you seen my shirt?"
Buck's standing in Tommy's bedroom, pulling said shirt over his head and ready to reply that yes, he has in fact seen his shirt and no, Tommy can't have it because Buck's already wearing it, when he pauses. Baby. That's- that's new.
It's just a word. It shouldn't make Buck's heart speed up or fill his belly with far too many butterflies for it to count as healthy.
He closes his eyes and lets the word, that tiny little four letter word, echoe in his head. The memory of Tommy's voice repeating it over and over again, until it eventually ends up in Buck's own mouth before falling out as nothing more than a soft whisper.
"Are you okay?"
Buck blinks his eyes open, mouth still open around the word, and when he is met with a half-naked Tommy who is looking at him with a bemused expression, he all but melts.
"You, uh, you called me baby." Buck offers, as if that's an answer to Tommy's question. Maybe it is. "You've never- you haven't called me that before."
Tommy's face softens at that, his eyes dropping down to Buck's chest before finding his eyes again, eyes sparkling. He steps closer, until he can reach out and grip Buck's waist, the warmth of his hands noticeable even through two layers of fabric. Buck's own hands find their way to Tommy's arms, slowly sliding up until they rest at the soft curve of his neck, thumbs barely brushing the underside of his jaw.
"Well, you are my baby," Tommy says then, matter of factly, gently pulling Buck closer. "Aren't you?"
"Y-yeah?" Buck swallows, eyes dropping down to Tommy's lips for a moment. "I- yeah, I-I am?"
"You are."
Tommy just... looks at him, eyes so incredibly fond that Buck can barely breathe with it, before leaning in to press a soft kiss onto Buck's lips. He doesn't protest too much or at all, actually, when Buck immediately deepens it. Eventually, though, Tommy pulls away, panting just enough for Buck to feel a bit proud in a I did that to him kind of way.
"I'm really your baby, huh."
"Very much so," Tommy hums, one hand leaving Buck's waist to over his belly, up his chest, and then down again. Buck wonders, for a moment, if they're going to be late for work, which- he wouldn't be opposed to that. But Tommy simply pinches the loose fabric of the sweater, pulls at it a little, and says, "you're a thief, too."
Buck opens his mouth to protest, but Tommy just gives him a look then, as if to say try me. A smile is tugging at the corner of his mouth, though, and his free hand gives Buck's waist a small squeeze.
"I mean," Buck starts, heart pounding in his chest. "What's yours is mine, right, babe?"
"Babe, huh?"
"Darling?" Buck tries, knows he probably looks like a fool from how big he's grinning. "Sugarbuns? Pookie? Hot stuff?"
Tommy kisses him then, and Buck lets himself get lost in it again. When one of his hands slips down from Tommy's neck, Tommy's quick to reach up and take hold of it, pressing it against his own chest. He presses another kiss onto Buck's lips, hot and searing, as if he's pouring his entire being into it. When he breaks away, he doesn't go far, his forehead resting against Buck's. They stand like that for a moment, breathing each other in.
"You're still a thief, though," Tommy says eventually, voice low and rough, as he taps his fingertip against the back of Buck's hand where it rests just above his heart, and Buck wonders if Tommy's still talking about the shirt when he whispers, "you can keep it."
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lesbianrobin · 3 months
ok so here is my pitch for my dream buddie catalyst:
eddie and maddie are trapped in some sort of likely-fatal time sensitive situation together (drowning related probably because it's Them) (have they overused it yes is it still thematically appropriate YES) where one person could potentially sacrifice themselves for the other to survive. i want eddie and maddie using their combined experience and ingenuity to survive together and discussing who should be prioritized which means they talk about parenthood and how they both feel they've failed their children by "running," how their lives have been so defined by trauma and they don't want to scar their children any further by leaving them again. of course they're doing everything they can to get out together, but as the situation deteriorates throughout the episode(s) (c'mon something like this could be at LEAST a two-parter) they can't help returning periodically to the world's most morbid debate.
i want buck and chim on the outside both going out of their goddamn minds. they know that eddie and maddie are stuck (wherever), know that they're probably alive, but aren't sure in what condition and if they'll stay that way. rescue operations begin as everybody walks on eggshells around buck and tries to comfort chim, who wants absolutely none of it. time is running out.
eddie says that he couldn't possibly let maddie sacrifice herself for him and look buck and chim in the eye afterwards. maddie says that she couldn't do that either. she says that at least jee-yun would still have her father, and eddie says that christopher would still have buck. maddie says that of course none of them would just abandon christopher if something were to happen to him but—
and eddie cuts her off and says it's in my will. if i die, christopher will have buck. buck will have christopher.
they just look at each other for a weighted moment. maddie makes a decision. she says ...i meant it, you know. that i couldn't let you die down here (wherever here is i don't KNOW okay i'm not here to think up convoluted emergencies i'm here for drama) and look my baby brother in the eye knowing that i could have changed it. eddie says i know, okay, but it's different, you're his sister, and maddie says, yeah, but you're his... and she pauses. and eddie says what? best friend? partner? that doesn't—
and maddie says you're his. eddie, you're his.
and eddie... i want to see something slot into place. i want to watch him understand as maddie spills everything she's been suspecting since the day that buck came out to her and maybe since before she and eddie even met. maddie says you know, when i first came to california, you were all he talked about? you're still all he talks about. you and christopher. you're his. i couldn't... eddie, you're out of your mind if you really don't think that losing you would break him just as much as losing me. he would forgive us both, because he's buck, but i couldn't... i'm no saint, eddie, i want to survive. i don't want my daughter to grow up without me. but i can't do that to him. i don't know if he'd survive it. even if he did, the guilt would eat me alive.
meanwhile. buck is barely holding on to his sanity as rescue efforts are underway and time is running out. chimney is keeping it together as best he can but there isn't much that he and buck can do. he can't let himself fall apart because buck is already a stiff breeze away from clawing his own skin off and somebody has to keep their cool. something goes wrong—suddenly, their short amount of time has gotten shorter, and they may only have enough of a window to get one out before it's too late for the other. buck, who has been ranting and arguing and screaming this whole time... is silent. he is silent, and he stares straight ahead at nothing in particular, and we know that no matter which way the scales tip, his soul will be destroyed all the same.
eddie regards maddie for a moment. grief, heartbreak, anger, all flicker over him, but what settles is determination. he says that neither of them are going to leave again. that they'll survive together, or not at all, or leave it to the universe to decide.
of course they make it out. by the skin of their teeth, they make it out, working together, clawing their way back to life and love and possibility. maddie makes it out first, and eddie sees buck as she falls into chim's waiting arms. he watches as buck sees his sister, and reaches out to take her hand with trembling fingers and white knuckles, but there is no relief, no happiness in his red-rimmed eyes. just a deep, unspeakable grief, until his eyes slide past maddie and meet eddie's.
finally: relief. and then he is in buck's arms, a perfect parallel to chim and maddie, and we see eddie's face over buck's shoulder, and we know. he is in love, and buck is in love, and eddie knows, and he sinks into his partner's embrace with joy and acceptance.
after that, who knows? maybe a grand confession. a moment of quiet understanding. a passionate post-rescue kiss. a chaste, tender kiss in some kitchen or other. maybe eddie panics later, or maybe he's found peace for once. maybe buck has realized something and he makes the first move. maybe it happens immediately. maybe it takes a while, takes discussions about how it'll affect work and christopher and whether it's worth risking all that they have for all that they want.
and maybe they'll ask whether it's even a risk at all.
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buckevantommy · 30 days
Buck wakes slowly, his sore muscles protesting as he stretches out in the early morning. He needs more sleep, but he can hear tommy moving around the room getting ready for his shift.
Buck hums. "G'mornin'." His eyes are still closed. He takes his time edging towards full consciousness but can't help the smile that stretches his mouth wide as Tommy echoes his words back to him, voice low and gentle.
The bed dips at his hip as Tommy settles beside him. Buck sighs contentedly when Tommy's hand cards through his sleep-mussed curls. "How was your shift?"
Buck makes a face, head tilting this way and that, then deciding to push into Tommy's touch like a sleepy cat. "Gerrard's a real piece of work, huh."
Tommy's hand scritches at his scalp and a whine trips out of Buck's throat. He doesn't want Tommy to leave. He hates that their shifts haven't aligned properly in over two weeks, only managing to catch each other for a few hours of sleep together here and there.
"You wanna talk about it?"
Buck makes a noise of displeasure, his softened smile replaced with a pout, he knows. He folds his arms around Tommy's forearm, keeping him close. He can have his arm back later. And his hand. Buck's not finished with them just yet.
Tommy fits his other hand to Buck's cheek, thumb brushing under his eye. "Hey."
Buck finally blinks his eyes open to find Tommy looking at him, gaze soft and fond and mouth quirking to hold back a smile. Buck takes a breath and exhales in a huff, turning his face to press a lingering kiss to Tommy's palm. He wriggles in place under the duvet, wondering what the likelihood is of convincing Tommy to call in sick and spend the day in bed with him.
"Wish I could bring you to work with me."
That coaxes Buck's smile back. He presses another kiss to Tommy's palm. "Bring your boyfriend to work day should totally be a thing."
Tommy chuckles and it makes Buck want to record that sound and play it on a loop. Tommy fills his senses. He can smell the woodsy note of his aftershave and the ocean pine scent of his soap. The combined scent of their bodies mingled with Tommy's detergent in the sheets. He wants to bottle the redolence and take it to work to sniff whenever he's missing his boyfriend or just having a hard day. Because Tommy's presence soothes him.
"I miss you." His thumbs sweep over Tommy's wrist, his pulse steady beneath his touch.
Tommy sighs and leans down to press a kiss to Buck's birthmark. He melts, but still tilts his head up, pout returning a little, demanding a proper kiss. Tommy obliges. "We'll figure it out. I promise."
Buck wants to believe him. He knows Tommy will do everything he can on his end to get their rosters aligned. He also knows Gerrard has it in for both of them, meaning he'll continue doing everything he can to keep them apart - until Buck gives up and quits, probably. The guy really needs a hobby.
Brushing his nose alongside Tommy's, he nods. "Call me when you're on break? Or if it's not too busy?"
"Of course."
With one last kiss, Tommy pulls away and Buck lets his arm slide from his grip, fingers entangling for a moment before he lets Tommy go. He glances over from the doorway as Buck urges him to, "Be safe."
Tommy nods, his smile a private thing. A promise. "Get some rest."
Buck wants to say it. But they haven't said it. Not yet. Doesn't mean he doesn't feel it, or that he thinks Tommy doesn't. They're definitely on their way, even if Tommy's not there just yet. And Buck has a habit of rushing things and he doesn't want to ruin the good thing they have going. So, he doesn't say it. They have time.
As he listens to Tommy making his way through the house and out the front door, his eyes slip shut again. It's still early, and this time of year doesn't see much sun in Tommy's bedroom in the morning so sleep begins pulling him back under quickly. He lets Tommy's reassurance soothe him as he drifts off, cocooned in Tommy, hugging the covers closer and turning his nose into the pillow. They'll figure it out. Together.
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
canon divergence if Tommy didn't show at the bachelor party or the hospital in time because the fire was still raging and by the time he could go, it was late and Buck was just about to leave the hospital. Tommy still gets kissed, goes to offer his congratulations, and Buck drives him back to his station to get cleaned up and drives him home after, because Tommy's been fighting a fire for way too long and is barely vertical
So in this scenario only Eddie, Maddie and Chimney know for sure, and Chimney's still recuperating so he's not at the station.
"Flowers for a Mr Buckley," the delivery man calls out into the firehouse.
Several people look up. Many look curious. The delivery man waits. After a minute, Buck hurtles down from the kitchen and signs for the bouquet. It's not a ridiculously big bouquet but it's full of oranges and yellows and reds, geraniums and chrysanthemums and roses, even, wrapped in pale pink and snow white paper. There's a card that he sticks into his pocket but there's no hiding the smile on his face. He practically floats upstairs again with the bouquet, no doubt to put it in water.
Ravi nudges Eddie with his elbow. "What's with the flowers?"
Eddie raises his eyebrows. "How would I know? I didn't send him those." But there's a smug look on his face that says that he does know.
"No? But aren't you-" Ravi begins to say, when the alarm goes off, and everyone runs to do what they're supposed to.
By the time they're done extricating a handful of people from two buses that crashed into each other, Ravi forgets all about the bouquet.
The next shift has a delivery of chocolate muffins and a dozen donuts, and again it's for Buck. Except this time, instead of glowing happily, Buck rolls his eyes and his cheeks turn pink.
Ravi sidles up to Hen. "Do you know who this is from?"
"No clue." Hen snaps her fingers at Buck, who's engrossed with typing a message on his phone. "Buck, who are these from? They're safe to eat?"
"Yeah, yes they are," says Buck, distracted, as he snags a jelly and walks away.
Ravi isn't above baked deliciousness. The muffins are awesome.
Buck shows up for a shift after a 72 with a slight limp. No one says anything about it. Chimney's back and everyone is happy to see him around, and while there are a few gaps in his memory, he's pretty much back to normal.
And Cap gave them news about receiving medals for their daring rescue. Ravi is so proud of them, even though he knows he would never have the guts to do that based on a hunch. Probably not.
Buck winces as he sits like he's pulled a muscle, but he has been limping for most of the day anyway - not that Ravi stares a lot at Buck, they just had several tasks to do together today - and Ravi doesn't like to see his people feeling poorly.
Discreetly, Ravi hands him an ice pack when no one else is looking. "For your aches and pains," Ravi says, a little embarrassed. He's not part of them, he knows. He's gonna find his own people, eventually. But that doesn't mean he can't show care for someone who's one of his mentors.
Buck looks... touched? Shy? He smiles at Ravi and thanks him, then slides the ice pack over the base of his spine.
Ah, that explains a lot. Maybe he slid off some steps and hurt his tail bone.
Ravi doesn't expect to meet the Tommy at the firehouse a week before the medal ceremony. He's heard from Buck and Eddie and Chimney and Hen how cool Tommy is, and of course he remembers hearing Tommy fly Eddie out to Vegas to watch a fight.
What he really doesn't expect to see is Buck jogging out of the station, throwing his arms around Tommy, and kissing him. With tongue.
Ravi's eyes grow big and round. He's not the only one staring - Hen and Cap are both gawping. Chimney and Eddie are grinning and elbowing each other.
Captain clears his throat. Buck reluctantly pulls away from Tommy and says, in the dopiest tone Ravi has ever heard from him, "Hey."
"Hey," says Tommy, not letting Buck go. Then he smiles, big and bright, at the rest of the 118. "Hi guys. Mind if I steal him away five minutes before the end of shift?"
That smile, though. Ravi gets it now. Heck, he'd ask Tommy out if he were single.
Captain grins. "Only if you promise to bring him back."
Tommy releases Buck and slaps his ass. "Go get your stuff. If we hustle, we can have a leisurely dinner before karaoke trivia."
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Buddie: Eddie supports Buck in everything!
Here's one of the many reasons why Buddie is endgame!
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One of the many things I noticed during the beginning scenes of 7x6 that heavily included Buck and Eddie was Eddie’s undying and never-ending devotion to Buck. He's always been like that so it wasn't a surprise to me but IMO, apparently, TM wanted the new viewers to see it too. Also, it was probably included as a reminder for those who've been watching but may have forgotten.
Here's what I mean.
Chimney clearly said he didn't want a bachelor party and he said it so EVERYONE could hear it, including Eddie.
But Buck was adamant about it and he wouldn't give up (in 5x2 Eddie said it to Buck that he never gives up and Buck learned that from Chris in 3x1 - 3x2 when they were talking before and after the Tsunami). Eddie knew Chimney didn't want one but he never dismissed Buck’s intentions of wanting to do something that he believed Chimney should experience. It's who Buck is and Eddie knows him to his CORE and so much so that he indulged him by not only suggesting they go as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice but also he was the only one who complied with Buck's wishes and came in an 80s costume.
He was the first person there and he made sure Chris was cared for so he wouldn't miss it. And he was THE ONLY ONE IN ATTENDANCE WHO STAYED WITH BUCK ALL NIGHT. They partied like it was 1999!
Eddie’s love and support for Buck was on full display and it's what he needs in a life partner. Buck doesn't need someone who just wants to kid and son him and who doesn't support him in EVERYTHING the way his supposed LI is doing. T*mmy didn't even try to oblige him and his response was nonchalant and stand-offish like he thought it was ridiculous. Also, him being on standby didn't have anything to do with it since they have to CHANGE CLOTHES WHEN THEY GO TO WORK ANYWAY. Hello, they wear uniforms.
My point is Eddie’s still waiting for Buck to get it. He gave him his heart years ago but he's patiently giving him the space and the time he needs to realize it on his own. He's supportive and he doesn't dismiss him and most importantly, he loves Buck unconditionally and that's what makes BUDDIE THE SUPERIOR SHIP.
They have spent years loving each other and being there for one another and IMO, it's the reason why TM is putting them front and center in every episode. He said he was going to show their "coupling" (his word) and that's what he's doing. Anyone watching should be able to see they're PERFECT for each other. Also, there's no denying how much chemistry they have and they haven't even kissed yet. But trust when they finally do kiss on screen, it's going to be EVERYTHING because all the years they've spent loving each other will pour out of their hearts and they'll put their all into it. It will be the most satisfying of beginnings for them. They will be each other's last everything and they'll grow old and spend the rest of their lives together.
They've built a life and a family for the past six years that's based on trust, love and devotion and if the Diaz parents showing up in a future episode is any indication of what's to come, I believe Eddie's WILL is about to come into play in a big way and there won't be any room for Eddie to deny what it means. It was a love confession and he did it in the best way he knew how at the time. He loves Buck and Buck loves him and that's what matters.
They're in love with each other and they share something greater than a couple of on screen kisses since they've been sharing a life and a family for the past six years.
They're best friends.
They're soulmates.
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glorious-spoon · 5 months
tell me all the things that i wanna hear [9-1-1 | Buck/Tommy; Buck/Eddie | 1/1]
1.3k words | feelings realization | episode tag
about a week ago i wrote this post about an eddie feelings realization at the bachelor party, so naturally after last night's episode i had to write the fic.
tell me all the things that i wanna hear [on AO3]
He doesn't remember it right away.
Which is… not surprising, probably. The bachelor party that wasn't marks the drunkest he's been since before Chris was born, possibly the drunkest he's ever been in his life. He wakes up in a bathtub shirtless and so hungover that he wants to die, and then they discover that Chimney is missing, and it's a long, stressful, terrifying fucking day that keeps Eddie way too busy to focus on any of the garbled flashes of memory from last night. Busting down a hotel door and shouting off-key karaoke at Buck and tilting sloppily together while they poured each other shots—stupid party shit that he's honestly too old for. They're definitely going to owe the hotel damage fees out the ass.
But in the end, Chim is okay. Or, if not okay, at least safely ensconced in a hospital bed. Eddie leaves to pick Chris up from Pepa's and he's still there, shooting the shit with his abuela and slowly sipping his fourth Gatorade of the day in the hopes that it'll settle his stomach enough for him to eat dinner, when he gets the text from Buck that the wedding is still on and he needs to get his ass back to the hospital. So he packs Chris in the car, and doesn't fight it when his abuela also insists on coming—Pepa waves them off with an indulgent smile—and doesn't allow himself to be relieved that the short notice means he has an excuse not to mention it to Marisol.
It's a beautiful wedding, in the end. Perfectly imperfect, in the way all the best things in life are. Eddie gets a little teary-eyed when Chim and Maddie slip the rings onto each other's fingers, and he claps with all the rest, and he just happens to glance up in time to see a flash of blue as Buck slips out the door.
For a moment, he considers following, but Karen nearly trips bringing the cake in, so Eddie jumps in to catch her before tonight can turn into any more of a catastrophe than it already is. From there, there's the usual party bustle of divvying up cake and passing out paper plates, and he forgets about Buck for a little while, at least until he tugs Tommy through the door, the both of them beaming like fools and covered in soot in a way that makes it very fucking obvious what Buck just spent the last twenty minutes doing with his mouth.
Eddie doesn't remember it then, either. He snickers while he watches the rest of the room catch on, while Buck introduces Tommy around to the people who don't already know him, and he catches Buck by the arm as he's making his way over to the cake.
"You might want to go wash your face there, bud," he says.
"What?" Buck blinks at him. Then he rubs at his cheek, and looks at his sooty hand, and goes bright red. "Oh. Um. Shit."
"I was wondering why…" To Eddie's relief, he's laughing. "Well, that's one way to come out to everybody. Right?"
Eddie laughs. "I guess so. You feeling alright about it?"
"Yeah," Buck says. He glances over to where Tommy is talking to Chim and Maddie. Like he sensed it, Tommy glances up and grins brilliantly at him, and Eddie watches something in Buck's expression go soft and warm and pleased. "Yeah. I'm—I'm feeling really, really good about it."
Eddie's heart gives a funny little thump in his chest. He pats Buck's arm, then lets go. "Well, good. Happy for you, man."
"Thanks, Eddie." Just for a moment, Buck turns that soft expression on him. Then he says, "I'm gonna, uh, go wash up. Save me some cake!"
"Sure," Eddie says, but Buck's already gone. He threads through the crowd to Tommy's side, says something in a low voice to him that makes him laugh and Chim put a long-suffering hand over his eyes. Then they're both moving toward the door together, Tommy's hand resting low on Buck's back.
"Dad, can I have another slice of cake?"
He looks down at Chris. "I don't know, mijo, it's kind of…"
"Come on."
"Alright, fine," Eddie says, caving, if only so he doesn't keep looking at the door that Buck and Tommy left through.
They reappear a few minutes later, freshly scrubbed, and Eddie watches Hen hug first Buck, and then Tommy, who looks startled but hugs her back. Then they head through the crowd together toward the cake. Their hands are linked together. Eddie decides that's a good moment to go give Maddie and Chim his congratulations.
He doesn't remember it then, either. It's not until later, when the crowd is finally trickling out ahead of the end of visiting hours and Maddie and Chim take turns hugging a sleepy Jee-Yun before handing her over to Mrs. Lee, that Buck sidles up to him. 
"I'm gonna get going," he says. Then, to Chris, "Hey, Superman. Awesome party, huh?"
Chris shrugs, all studied adolescent indifference like he didn't insist on coming along. "It was okay. The cake was good."
"Actually, we should probably get going pretty soon too," Eddie says. "Abuela, you good?"
She flaps a hand at him and goes back to her conversation with Mr. Lee, and Buck says, "I'm gonna, uh, give Tommy a ride back to the station so he can drop off his gear."
He's blushing again. Eddie quirks an eyebrow at him. "Just to the station, huh?"
"Shut up," Buck mutters, but he looks pleased. He looks happy, the way a smile steals helplessly onto his face when he glances up at Tommy, who's standing by the door with his turnout coat slung over his arm, talking to Karen. Who glances up like he could tell Buck was looking at him, and smiles back.
"I mean it," Eddie says, instead of ribbing him some more. "I'm happy for you."
"Yeah, yeah," Buck mutters, slinging an arm over his shoulders and pulling him into a jostling half-hug. "I love you, man. You know that, right?"
Eddie tilts against him, his nose just bumping the edge of Buck's jaw, and that's when the memory hits him like a bullet, or a lightning bolt, or something equally sudden and devastating.
That couch in the hotel room. Sitting there with Buck's arm around his shoulders and one of Buck's legs flung over his knees—his shirt was gone by then, and Buck had lost his jacket, and Eddie could feel the warmth of his body through the thin tee he had on underneath. He was waving his hands as he spoke, jostling Eddie, and Eddie turned his face toward Buck and bumped his nose against his cheek just like he is now, and thought with perfect, sober clarity, I could kiss him right now. I want to kiss him.
He goes still. Buck must feel it, because he jostles Eddie a little, his warm, stubbled jaw rough against the bridge of Eddie's nose for just an instant before Eddie turns his head away. "Eddie? You good?"
"Yeah," Eddie says. He doesn't look up at Buck. Isn't sure he could stand to see his face, this close: his blue eyes, his soft lips, he was just kissing Tommy, he wants Tommy, not you, and anyway you're not—you don't—you can't— "Yeah, I'm good. Just kinda hoping I never see another shot of tequila as long as I live."
"Oh, tell me about it," Buck says, and finally releases him. "In retrospect, that was so fucking dumb." "Swear jar," Chris remarks, without looking up from his Switch. 
"Put it on my tab," Buck says, ruffling his hair. "See you guys later."
"Yeah, later," Eddie says, a beat too late. Buck doesn't seem to notice, thankfully. He gives Eddie a quick grin and heads back to where Tommy is waiting. Karen hugs him, and then Hen does, and Tommy waves at Eddie, who manages to gather the wherewithal to wave back. And then they're gone.
Eddie rubs his knuckles against his sternum, where a dull ache has taken up residence, then lets his hand and pulls a smile on before anyone can see.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Ok dude, hear me out. Steve’s dad is a very traditional man. Anything not masculine enough or traditional enough isn’t good enough. Steve’s not allowed to have hair grease so he has to hide it or his dad throws it away, and if he catches him leaving the house with it in he usually either makes him rinse it out or just beats the tar out of him (let’s face it, it’s the 60s, not just Johnny’s parents are gonna be abusive since it was super normalized in society to beat your kids. Johnny’s was probably more focused on since he was pony’s best friend and he didn’t really like Steve much nor did he talk about him much.) so he usually only leaves when he knows his dad isn’t gonna see him or just sneaks out of his window. He used to force Steve to keep his hair short but he just stopped cutting it after a while since he liked his hair long like the other greasers. His dad forces the family to go take family pictures usually, well it’s not much of a family since it’s just him and Steve but still. Whenever they do that Steve’s dad doesn’t let him put grease in his hair and has him put on the nicest clothes he has. both guys have one suit each, they're old but they work fine. He might be a bad dad but he still loves his kid so every time he makes him go to get a photos taken (which is usually whenever he had enough money saved up on the side to do it) he gives Steve a few bucks. Any thoughts?
i love when ppl send me their ideas n r like “any thoughts🤔🤔” right after, like u wanna hear MY commentary??? aw yea,,,
LOVE THE IDEA, i think ppl tend to forget that being abusive isnt just like doing what johnnys parents were doing, a LOT of the parenting styles in the 60s was just generally toxic
i dont think steves father was rlly talked about a lot but what i do maybe remember is that he would kick steve out????and that he was an alcoholic??? idk i forgor, but point is i think him being this traditional man is a very interesting take on him!! i love when ppl try to characterize these mfs parents bc we know so little about them but we have an idea of the trauma theyve left on their kids, so maybe they acted out like that bc their parents also went through something and they never rlly got help for it considering its the 60s n all, its just this cycle of abuse, the abused becomes the abuser type of thing, even if its unknowingly
hope i phrased that right n u get what i mean
anon im loving this idea of urs, i WILL be gobbling this up
to add on, maybe steve doesnt rlly talk about his dad so much especially to the gang in general is bc he feels like others have it way worse than him, like yea, his dad kicks him out, but at the same time his dad at least acknowledges him, feeds him, gives him money, that kinda thing, his dad still somewhat cares for him so he feels like he cant rlly say much about the bad things his dad DOES do, maybe only soda rlly knows
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epicbuddieficrecs · 8 months
Weekly Recap | January 15th-21st 2024
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My ao3 history is still fucked. Gonna have to figure out if there's something I can do about it :/
hot cocoa by evcndiaz/ @evcndiaz (Established Buddie | 3K | Teen): Buck is freaking out about proposing. He gets an assist from Athena, Bobby, and. Well. Eddie himself.
A Message To You by Mad_Lori/ @madlori (Media fic, Getting Together | 9K | Teen): Two firefighters both write to an advice column on the same day, with the same problem - they're each in love with their best friend. You won't believe what happens next!
🔥 Life Cycles of the Southern Coastal Husbro series by Mad_Lori/ @madlori (Post-Season 5, Queer Platonic Relationship to Lovers | 5 works | 92K)
🔥 Courtship Behaviors of the Southern Coastal Husbro (QPR, Getting Together | 49K | Explicit): “I want you in my family, I want us to be a family. Officially. A family can be a guy, his son, and his best friend, right?” Buck’s lower lip was trembling. “You’re really asking me to be your…what, now?” “Frank called it ‘platonic life partners.’” Observational Notes on the Southern Coastal Husbro (Fluff | 10K | Mature): A day in the life of two engaged firefighter husbros and their smartass son. Migratory Patterns of the Southern Coastal Husbro (Coming Out | 13K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie visit El Paso to tell the Diaz parents that they're engaged. Also, they go viral (again), eat King Ranch Casserole, pontificate on queer identities, get a visit from the Fire Chief, and the Hot Firefighter Calendar makes a reappearance. Ancestral Lineage of the Southern Coastal Husbro (Parental Reconciliations | 13K | Explicit): The Buckleys surprise Eddie at home when Buck's not there, hoping to work around Buck's no-contact edict and attempt a reconciliation. Later, Eddie surprises Buck with the news that hey, he has grandparents on his mom's side, too. Surprise number two: they suck. Eddie and Buck remain disgustingly in love with each other. Sexual Alignments of the Southern Coastal Husbro (5K | Teen): Eddie goes out for drinks with the dispatch center folks, gets hit on at the bar, and has personal epiphanies about his sexual orientation.
Kilty Pleasures by JamesPearce911/ @diazsdimples (PWP, Established Buddie | 8K | Explicit): Or, Buck and Eddie discover they have kilt kinks.
melt your headaches (call it home) by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Pre-Relationship, Sharing a Bed | 2K | Teen): hypothetically, Buck types. if someone hit their head in the morning, they probably shouldn’t go to sleep alone, huh The phone vibrates in his hand before he can even put it down, Eddie’s face flashing on the screen. Buck sighs and picks it up. “What did you do?” Eddie asks immediately. “Hypothetically, the Scrub Daddy tried to kill me.”
Fractals from the Lightning Bolt by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (One Shots Collection | 41/54 | 78K | Not Rated): A collection of oneshots, some originally posted on tumblr. Each chapter is individually rated.
44. We Gotta Create Our Interludes: Rated E - some soft established relationship fluff and smut 45. My Application to Hell: Rated E - shameless smut of the "they could never get away with this in real life" variety.
what my heart just yearns to say (in ways that can't be said) by mimibegins/ @itiveseenthisfilmbefore (Post S06E15: Death and Taxes | 5K | General): “I didn’t know that,” Eddie replied, eyebrows furrowed. And then he added so quietly that Buck almost missed it: “I mean, how would I? As I don’t see you.” And Buck was struck through the core and taken back in time. From one moment to the next, he was back at the graveyard, looking at Eddie and saying “I feel like she sees me” and then he recalled the broken look behind Eddie’s eyes and oh. So that’s what was wrong.
Twice Struck by Tizniz / @tizniz (Post-Lightning | 3K | General): Buck finds out he wasn't the only one struck by lightning that night.
dusk until the dawn (you're where i wanna go) by mimibegins/ @itiveseenthisfilmbefore (Post S6E14: Performance Anxiety, Getting Together | 5K | Teen): “So, would you say that you’re worried about dating because you never really dated,“ Buck said as he shifted his weight, draping himself over the couch in a way that was almost obscene for a public space. “Is that a question, or– ?” Eddie wondered, slightly amused as he looked up at Buck, who looked so pensive, if not a bit stunned as he was seemingly still trying to wrap his head around the disastrous dating experiences of Eddie Diaz. “No, it’s– yeah, okay, I guess it’s a question but– have you?” Buck asked, almost bashful, with a faint blush sitting high on his cheeks as he met Eddie’s eyes. God, Eddie thought as he felt how the blood rushed into his cheeks as well. These feelings are definitely not platonic.
he's a big boy by oklahoma/ @malewifediaz (Married Buddie, PWP | 5K | Explicit): Eddie has a thing for Buck's big dick.
one is one too many, one more is never enough by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon (Drunk Confession | 2K | Teen): They say hangovers get worse as you get older. Buck never believed that until his first hangover in his thirties hit him like a fucking freight train. He had vowed to never get that drunk again. And he’d kept that promise to himself for over a year. That all changed at Maddie and Chimney’s wedding. He’d like it noted that it wasn’t his fault that he got so drunk. He hadn’t had any of the mimosas that were flowing while Maddie and her bridal party got ready because he didn’t want to risk anything going wrong when he walked Maddie down the aisle. In fact, he hadn’t had a drink until after he gave his speech. 
🔥 Don't Push Me So Far Away I Can't Reach You by giselleslash (Friends With Benefits | 12K | Mature): or the one where Buck thinks he and Eddie are just friends with benefits so he pushes Eddie to date other people because he’s an idiot
if you keep reachin' out (then I'll keep comin' back) by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): It probably wasn’t the best idea to flirt with Buck before a rescue but Eddie couldn’t help himself. He’d been struggling with keeping his feelings for Buck locked down for months now, maybe even longer if he was honest with himself. 
i love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard? by rarakiplin (gmontys)/ @hoediaz (Post-Shooting | 9K | Teen): or, in which eddie's will reveal is a love confession, and buck takes a second to catch up
🔥 maybe love won't let you down by sibylsleaves (Season 5B, Getting Together | 15K | Mature): Buck tells Eddie he’s in love with him. Eddie pines. or, five times eddie watches buck leave, and the one time he goes after him
Rope 'n Ride by rosebuddiekin/ @giddyupbuck (PWP | 2K | Explicit): Or: Eddie rides Buck wearing the cowboy hat.
search history by forgottenwords (Getting Together | 8/10 | 11K | Explicit): Eddie opened the Safari app to find a specific recipe Buck was looking for, but something was already typed in the search box. Beefy blonde twink gets railed by— Buck's voice calls out from the kitchen “Did you find it yet?” and Eddie hastily closes the tab, opening another with a surprising speed from someone considered technologically illiterate. As close as they were, he’d never had a thought about the type of ‘adult entertainment’ Buck was partial to. Now, it was all he could think about.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 107/? | 296K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
🔥 and if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Canon Divergent Season 6, Friends with Benefits | 5/18 | 23K | Explicit): or, an alternate look at season 6 where buck and eddie have been casually sleeping together since before the beginning of the season. somehow, this changes both everything and nothing at all.
Winter Prayer by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Road Trip, Buck&Bobby&May | 1/3 | 5K | General): When a work conflict prevents Athena from accompanying Bobby to Minnesota for the ten year anniversary of his family dying, Buck and May offer to go instead. Over the course of the trip, they all learn more about each other, and Bobby faces his grief.
(when i die) i'll die loving you by lecornergirl / @clusterbuck (The Good Place Fusion | 1/? | 2K | Teen): OR: buck and eddie are in the afterlife, and they're soulmates. but it's not quite that simple.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 21/? | 14K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
22. 82. Whispering "I love you" in-between kisses  23. 1. Whispering "kiss me" to your lover  24. 18. Grabbing your lover by the collar 
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 706 first watch reactions
Buck and Eddie setting up the bachelor party are so funny. They're married to a degree that the bride and groom can only aspire to one day achieve. And Madney are raising a kid together! Then again, so are Buddie, and have been since day 2... (day 1 is forever Buck ogling Eddie at the station, and Eddie strutting his stuff for him, with Buck's now canonically jealou-traction being the, ummm, lubricant)
Oh, Tommy just arrived, Buck and him have done nothing but hug, and Eddie's already bringing on the jealousy jealou-traction. IDK what is the etiquette about bringing your date to a bachelor party, but what's the rule about bringing your hubby who's jealous of your bf?
Oh, and an extra jab at Buck bringing Tommy officially as his date to the wedding. I love me a jealous Eddie. My dude, your closet is shaking so hard, it's about to push you out of itself if you don't make the move already.
Okay, in all seriousness, Tommy not dressing like the 80's, Buck showing that he really cared about that silly party theme, Eddie rolling with it, the two of them being dressed more as a couple than the actual guys dating, Buddie seeing things so much in the same way (down to both seeing themselves as the same character from Miami Vice) while Buck and Tommy are totally out of sync... I love that Tommy is there to help Buck figure himself out, but also, this is the stuff that will forever keep me shipping Buddie.
I know the flashback is mainly to show that the bachelor party is Buck's idea, and goes against Chim's wishes, but Eddie suggests the couple costume? And Buck was so readily on board? Even when he knew Tommy would also be invited? This is my house catching fire, while I sit here, mumbling to myself how fine it all is...
Okay, everyone leaving the bachelor party, even the guy Buck is dating, while Eddie stays, sure is something. And by "something" I mean "a couple." That's a couple. That's Buck's partner in everything, even dumb ass 80's costumes and failed bachelor parties, he's the one who jumps in whatever stupid plan Buck comes up with, and stays to deal with the mess.
LOL And then we got some REAL mess. Again, dumb Buck idea, and Eddie just rolling with it. Making it worse even, by suggesting how to take the party (made up of people who don't even know the groom) to Chimney. These two deserve each other. XD
Buck was behind Eddie while his shirt was being torn? Presumably helping with the tearing? That's it, 911 does not want me to make it to the end of the season with my sanity intact. I guess it's good that I'm not even trying...
I'm glad there was a representation of Chim and Kevin, and a Korean tradition, I just hope it was a truthful one. (do we have Korean viewers in our midst to chime in on this?)
Maddie using her 911 skills to find and help Chim is pretty badass (and a nice gender reversal of the 'damsel in distress needing to be saved a sec before her wedding' tale). Love it!
Maddie and Chim looked so happy during their wedding. Honestly, at the end of the day, my little hopelessly romantic heart doesn't need more than that. <3
Awwww, the Buck and Tommy kiss was nice. I think the most important part of it is we got to see Buck for the first time daring to kiss another guy, rather than wait to be kissed. I may bbe a Buddie shipper, but I think this r/s is important to Buck as well, to his ability to find what he wants, to not be scared of it, to not wait for others to want him as was the case with all the women he'd dated, but rather figure out what he wants in a certain moment, and that it's okay for him to go get it.
(I still don't think Tommy is Buck's endgame, though. Much as his probably my fave Buck r/s so far other than Eddie. Tommy not being there for Buck when the bachelor party flunked, him not being there at the wedding itself, to share this significant moment with Buck, being almost incidental to Buck's coming out to his colleagues and parents, other than being a gay that was obviously kissed by Buck just a short while ago... Again, just not the stuff great love stories are made of)
Hen going, "Finally!" to Karen was funny and cute. Everyone (almost) just smiling at Buck's coming out was nice. But the way his mom reacted in particular felt more realistic, and made me wish that at least with his parents, who we know he has a strained r/s with, the should would have allowed this to be more explored. Hopefully in a future ep if not now.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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hi! hope you're doing okay—I've got a holocaust-history-in-media question for you. I was talking to my brother the other day, and he mentioned how his 10-year-old son tried out "Anne Frank mode" on the meta VR headset. I was kind of horrified, because that sounds deeply exploitative and disrespectful—but he went on to say it's just a VR version of the Anne Frank house, and that it let my nephew explore history in a new way. He was able to touch things and move them around in a way he wouldn't be able to IRL, not to mention the accessibility of not having to travel.
My nephew's kind of an unusual kid, and he chose this "game" while at a friend's house. All the other kids got bored and left pretty much immediately, but he stayed to learn, and my brother says that at the end his takeaway was, "It's so sad. It's so sad and awful what human beings do to each other."
Part of me is just like "No, absolutely not, that is not for VR companies to profit off of in any way, this feels inherently exploitative." But idk. If it increases accessibility and education in a meaningful way, then perhaps that disquiet is simply reactionary.
Then I remembered I have access to an actual Holocaust historian, someone who even specializes in women's narratives and the media portrayals of same.
So, no worries if you're busy/don't have time to respond to this, but I thought it might be an interesting question for you. Do you think the VR Anne Frank house is a good thing?
Ooooooh this is an interesting one. It's also a question that I think I would have answered differently a few years ago. I mean, I've posted here about my issues with central role Anne Frank has been accorded within Holocaust memory, I've posted about the politics of people playing Pokemon Go at sites of atrocities and disasters...
But. Technology changes SO quickly. I read this fantastic article probably 10+ years ago now about how the millennial generation began to express collective nostalgia SO quickly and so young, because technology and the norms it introduces change so quickly. I'm 34 and while that's hardly ancient, the technological world inhabited by children and adolescents is effectively alien to me because of this massive, rapid, ongoing change.
Moreover, I think the pandemic gave us all an...unwanted but helpful bootcamp in what works wrt education over the phone/computer, and what doesn't. In my personal and professional life, I've met and spoken with STEM companies/individuals who specialize in working with museums, historical societies, etc. And they're not just in it to make a buck--they're there to work with museums etc in increasing access and keeping up with educational trends because they know it's important and smart people value STEAM education.
So, despite my acknowledged concerns issued in the first paragraph, and the kneejerk negative reaction I think you and I share, I think my conclusion is that this is a good thing. Like, as a Holocaust historian, pubic historian, educator, and now a Hebrew School teacher of 7-11 year olds, I think whatever gets kids interested and engaged is Good; whatever draws them and gets them thinking about it is Good; even if the tech and infrastructure involved is something that I previously took (philosophical) issue with.
This doesn't mean I don't still have concerns about the centrality of Anne Frank, but let's be real: I lost that battle a long time ago. I've said my piece, and if Anne Frank is going to be kids' gateway into learning about the Holocaust, I'm glad to see that it's being done responsibly, well, and in keeping with how kids engage with education and tech in 2024.
There are, obviously, many theoretical conversations to be had about the implications of this kind of thing, and I hope a grad student applies like, Walter Benjamin to it for a first year paper, but this is my answer purely in terms of access and education.
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thecosmosproject · 4 months
Akko: Guys it's pride month! Yk what that means?
Amanda: Here we go...
Akko: Everyone needs to give me 10 bucks! Amanda you first
Amanda: Oh hell nah, I'm just as gay as you!
Akko: No you're not!
Amanda: I'm a lesbian dumbass!
Akko: Ugh, fine fine! Lotte give me 5 bucks
Amanda in the back: Why does she have to give you 5!?
Lotte: Sorry Akko, I'm pansexual
Akko: Okay okay, Sucy yo-
Sucy: I'm asexual and dating Lotte.
Akko: Okay who's straight!?
Diana: Hannah is gay, Barbara is bisexual
Amanda: Jasmika is bisexual and Constanze is non binary and a lesbian
Akko: Jeez... Fine fine, I'll go ask Professor Chariot to give me money
Diana: She's a lesbian
Akko: Professor Croix?
Hannah: She's gay too Akko...
Akko: Awe man! I wanted to get money!
Amanda: At least everyone in school owes us money
Akko: Oh yeah!
Hannah looking at Diana with a deadpan look: They do know that half the school is gay, right?
Diana: They'll know soon enough...
Happy pride month y'all!
I wanted to share my headcanons on every characters sexuality and who their partner is (aka my fav ships in all honesty)
Akko- Bisexual and Demi-girl/They are dating Hannah and Diana (However both Hannah and Diana aren't, they see each other more as friends then lovers. They have tried dating but they both didn't feel the spark)
Lotte- Pansexual and Asexual, she had a crush on Frank once, however she and Sucy began dating after they saved magic (they took forever to realize their feelings)
Sucy- Asexual and unlabled, Sucy doesn't like labeling herself, it's complicated for her so she rather sticks with saying she's dating Lotte
Amanda- Lesbian and questioning, she's unsure if she's gender fluid or demi, she's still figuring that out. She's dating Barbara and Constanze (She likes blue haired ppl fr)
Jasmika: Bisexual, she's known for a long time she's attracted to both genders and that they're both beautiful, she's currently single
Constanze- Lesbian and Non binary, since they don't talk a lot, most ppl don't know they're non binary or even dating Amanda. They like it like that, but if you ask they'll gladly tell you
Diana- Lesbian, she's known that she liked girls ever since she began going to Luna Nova, at first she was scared to admit it but she slowly started to accept it. People have thought she was dating Andrew and she straight up scolds them for thinking that
Barbara- Bisexual, she likes both genders what can she say? Her biggest crush was Edgar from Nightfall and Amanda (and now she's dating Amanda and Constanze)
Hannah- Lesbian, Hannah had a lot of celebrity crushes, making her believe that she was straight. However, when she began to talking to Akko more she realized that she was attracted to girls. She refused to believe that and was homophobic, but she later accepted it
Chariot/Ursual & Croix: Both are the biggest lesbians I've ever seen omg, and guess what? They're dating!
Anyways that's all, I'll probably post tmr a list of all my favorite lwa ships. So yah
Happy pride month!
(Also Andrew is gay and Frank is questioning)
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
i think, in the beginning, tommy sl was connected with the gerrard one but know i don’t really know
i fear they are going to do a time skip since aisha was doing fitting for more fall/winter outfits so i think a time jump or maybe we start s8 with a scene (for us in the future) in the present and then pitch black "x weeks before" and we go back in time since gerrard and 8a ending could coincide with the opening scene
because i can't phantom the idea of gerrars staying at the 118 for more than a month
going back to tommy i think he's connected with gerrard but if we really have a time skip idk if he's going to be there as buck situationship but maybe as a mentor?
there is this ostark interview right after 7x04 where he said:
"I don't know what that story is going to end up being, but I would really like for Tommy to stay a part of Buck's life, regardless. He's obviously opened this door for him, and I think it would be really nice if [Tommy] was able to continue to hold [Buck's] hand and could help guide him through this process. As somebody who's a little older and more experienced, to kind of help shepherd Buck into this new phase of understanding who he is."
so maybe he’s going to stay to help buck
Okay, we need to stop with the Tommy as a mentor thing, PLEASE. It wasn't cute in April and now it's just wrong. That man has proved he doesn't understand Buck, what is he mentoring Buck on? Sex? In the show where the couple we saw get pregnant barely kisses? In the show where Buck gets an implied sex moment that's just Taylor and him going up the stairs? Come on. Also, we need to disregard anything they said during the 704 interviews because those happened before they had the scripts for 7b and before this chaos. Keeping Tommy in Buck's life after they break up in any capacity is feeding the situation, they released a scene that further undefines the relationship and highlighted how bad of a fit in Buck's life he is, if he stays in Buck's life, no matter how they do it, the madness will only get worse. They're not gonna risk feeding into a situation that even has people going after Aisha now.
We're not killing each other in some normal ship war. Tim himself is talking about how ugly things have gotten. No one wants to fuel this fire. Dragging it out will not accomplish something positive. They don't need Tommy to take down Gerrard. And the show needing to adapt to the circumstances in which it is airing includes adapting to everything that's happening now. Buck doesn't really need his hand held through his own feelings. And if he does it's not like he doesn't have queer people in his life who understand him better. I believe they had a plan to make Tommy a positive presence in Buck's life. But that went out the window the second this chaos started. They had chances to create some sort of emotional understanding between the two, looked it in the eye and ran the other way. If the season had actually given us something on screen that shows that they had some sort of emotional connection, then sure, I would sit my ass down and accept we are going there, but they didn't when there were very clear chances. And yeah, we're probably getting some sort of time jump, that's gonna drop Buck in a defined relationship, which is not gonna make anyone root for Tommy because we didn't see anything to justify them staying together, or it's gonna be months and they'll still be dancing around it, and for Evan wants to be a husband so bad Buckley it's just gonna be sad. They wrote a relationship that's a bad fit for Buck in universe and that's creating havoc for the production. That's gonna affect how they use him.
(ps because I realized this sounds a bit too aggressive, I know everyone wants this to be a nice experience for Buck, I want that too, but it's not what the show is actually doing, this isn't against you, I promise I'm not trying to be mean to you, I understand where you're coming from, I just think that ship has sailed)
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kitteneddiediaz · 4 months
Hi Baz 🩵
If inspiration strikes for Buddie:
hello/goodbye hugs that linger
Hi Tanis! Thank you for the prompt! <3
Buck arrives at the Diaz house at exactly 6:44 in the morning, already dreading the emptiness he's going to feel this afternoon.
Eddie and Chris are awake, suitcases parked by the front door, doing last minute double-checks of all the stuff they need to bring for a two week trip to Texas.
And Buck's happy - he really is - because this is the first time that he's ever seen Eddie seem... actually excited to go home. Things with his dad have been really good, and things with his mom are... getting there. But from what Eddie's told Buck, Ramon came to Eddie's defense once he felt comfortable enough to confront his mom about how she had hurt him. So there's that, plus, Eddie's always ridiculously excited for when he gets to see his sisters.
So yeah, Buck's happy Eddie's going on a family trip that he isn't dreading for once, but that doesn't mean Buck isn't dreading being on the other side of those state lines, roughly 800 miles and a whole timezone away from his best friend.
He's pulled from his thoughts by Eddie tossing a duffel bag at his feet from across the room, asking Buck if he can start loading up the Jeep so they can all head over the airport. With a triple check that the front door is locked, Buck pulls out of the driveway and begins the journey to the airport.
It's pretty quiet for most of the drive, with all three of them being too tired to really talk too much. Parking is, as it always is, a nightmare. And then before Buck knows it he's standing on the edge of the security line with Eddie and Chris, ready to send them off.
"You gonna be okay?" Eddie asks, probably sensing Buck's anxiety over being without his Diaz boys for a whole two weeks.
"Y-y-yeah. Yeah, I'll be alright. Gonna spend a lot of time with um, with Maddie. And Tommy."
"Okay," Eddie mouths, and then he's stepping forward to wrap Buck in his arms.
Buck sighs into it, relaxing into it, breathing Eddie in and holding on to him for as long as he can right now. It feels like Eddie is doing the same, burrowing into Buck's neck, hands tucked tight over Buck's ribs.
They're close enough when they part that Buck has to tilt his chin down to meet Eddie's eyes, it's not an angle he gets to be at often, but like always when Eddie's looking up at him from his long thick lashes, Buck's heart swirls around in his chest, love and attraction ricocheting around his sternum and up into his throat.
Eddie squeezes his sides one more time, and then he's stepping back to pick up his and Christopher's bags.
"Say bye to Buck, bud."
Buck leans down into the small hug Chris gives him, and Eddie's still looking at him fondly when he comes back up.
"I'll see you in two weeks?" Eddie asks.
"Two weeks."
"Alright, try not to have too much fun without us."
It draws a laugh out of Buck, definitely sure he's going to actually be sulking for two weeks. But still, he can't have Eddie knowing that.
"No promises," there's a pause as they look at each other, both oozing affection Buck is surprised the gross airport carpet isn't getting more stained. "Please text me, when you land. And call me if you need, my ringer will be on. And let me know when you're leaving El Paso next Thursday so I can come pick you back up."
"Sounds good, Buck. I'll see you later."
"See you..." Buck says. He stays standing there for 30 minutes though like an overprotective parent, watching Eddie and Chris weave their way through the line to the TSA screening. It isn't until they both round the corner into the actual terminal that Buck turns around to head back to his car, feet already dragging on the carpet.
Two weeks later, on that same carpet square he's sure he dripped overly sappy love and affection last time he was here, Buck waits by the security exit for Chris and Eddie to walk out.
Eddie had texted him that they were taking off two hours and 15 minutes ago, and even though Buck knew traffic wasn't going to be bad enough to make him leave his apartment as early as he did, he couldn't help himself. Rushing out the door, giddy with excitement at seeing his best friend and his best friend's kid again. He sat in his car for about an hour before he got out to walk over to where Eddie and Chris would be coming out. It's now been thirty minutes since he got to where he is now, bouncing back on his heels and then on his toes, excitement spikes every time he sees someone walk around the corner to the waiting crowd.
It's only another three minutes before he spots them though, Buck running forward to wrap Chris and Eddie in his arms, warmth finally bleeding into his system again now that he's gotten to lay his hands on them.
Christopher pulls away after a minute, no doubt grouchy and tired and sore from a long flight, but Buck doesn't mind. Content to wrap Eddie up in his arms and breathe in his scent again.
Eddie pulls back first again this time, but he pauses before he's completely out of Buck's space to bump their noses together softly.
"I missed you." He says.
"I missed you, too." Buck replies, pressing his face forward to nuzzle Eddie right back.
They've never done this before, and as sure as Buck is that it may mean something important that he's excited to crack open with Eddie in a few hours, days, weeks, he really just wants to get his boys home and unpacked and comfortable right now.
The rest can wait.
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bucksdaffy · 4 months
'buck wasn't jealous that tommy was stealing his best friend from him. he was jealous because it was eddie who got tommy's attention and not him.' yes but he Thought he was jealous of tommy stealing his best friend. just like he thought he was jealous of eddie being all hot and cool and taking his spot in the fireman calendar. and as for wanting to get to know him better... that seems pretty self evident. buck assuming that maddie was talking about eddie when she called chimney cute, gushing over eddie to maddie to the point where she jokingly asks if it means he's got over abby, skipping down the street when that lady thinks chris is his son, the infamous kitchen scene...
sigh, i really don't get what you're trying to prove here.
although we are watching 7x04 from buck's pov, we don't really sit in his head. we don't get to see his thought process. so we don't know for sure what he thought about the whole situation with eddie and tommy. we can only theorize. you think he thought he was jealous of tommy stealing his best friend? okay. i, for one, think he wasn't quite sure whose attention he was after. i think he wasn't consciously aware of what was going on inside of him and he just went with the flow. but that's the problem – all of this happens inside of him, and as the audience, we have no way of accessing that. so ultimately it doesn't matter what WE think was going on in buck's head. why should it? by the end of the episode it's clear to both buck and the audience what was actually happening with buck all this time. and that's all that actually matters. and because we lack the context, which is buck's inner journey throughout that entire episode, we also have to believe that buck is telling the truth once he realizes that eddie wasn't really a factor in his pursuits. saying he's still confused, when he openly admits it was tommy who he was after is... a choice, considering this is probably the most honest and vulnerable he has been.
when it comes to him being jealous of eddie in 2x01, we don't really have enough of canon proof to question if what he thought was going on was actually the case, because nowhere in canon is it contradicted, as opposed to 7x04 where the bait-and-switch is actually introduced.
and all these little moments you mention... well, again, we're stepping into fanon right now.
when i headcanoned buck as bisexual, i actually considered almost all of these as hints of him being bi. little did i know i was wrong in some areas, because i assumed buck more or less had known about his bisexuality since before s1. but he had not. and because of that all these hints pretty much lost their significance for me.
the thing is you can still interpret all of these moments in a platonic way. buck assuming that maddie was talking about eddie when she called chimney cute? yeah, probably because eddie is conventionally attractive. maddie joking that buck has a boy crush on eddie? yeah, they're siblings and siblings love teasing each other. a random lady assuming chris is buck and eddie's son and buck not correcting her? could have been very well because he didn't feel like explaining to a total stranger how he is not gay. or perhaps he was so confident in his sexuality that he didn't feel the need to correct her. the only scene i have never seen as something that indicated buck is bisexual is the "wanna go for the title" scene that is very famous in buddieland. i have always viewed it as a platonic banter between two friends and nothing else. but i think it's also worth noting i had already stopped shipping buddie at that point.
because of all these scenes i used to think that buck might have had a small crush on eddie in s2. i believed it was largely subdued by his situationship with abby and him being completely oblivious of his attraction to men, and that it naturally died out by the time s3 came around. but now that buck is canonically bisexual i have a hard time believing it again. i don't completely discard the idea, so if the writers confirm it in canon i won't be very surprised. but it is no longer something i consider to be the case at the moment. and neither does canon.
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buddiebeginz · 6 months
In the beginning of this season we had Chris talking about Shannon and how it didn't matter if he wasn't being serious about the girls he's dating because all people did was leave anyway. They kind of wrapped all that up in that episode but I feel like there was a lot more to that scene than just the surface stuff.
This could have been just a convo with Eddie and Chris or even just Chris and Buck but instead it was all three of them. They put Eddie in that scene for a reason. Because it's not just Chris that's afraid of everyone leaving it's Eddie too.
More accurately Eddie is scared to lose the one person who knows him better than anyone else (think about who was there during the worst parts of Eddie's ptsd) and who was not only there but saved Eddie during the shooting. Buck is who knows him and who he depends on not just as a friend and partner but as a co parent. Just look at when he was worried about Chris this season he went straight to Buck to talk about it and ask for help.
What if Eddie has known about his feelings for Buck since he almost died in that well. If you watch that ep what he sees in his flashes of memory are predominately Buck and Chris. And what did he do after that? He added Buck to his will. Sure it was to make sure Chris was safe and looked after but if you watch and listen to Eddie when he tells Buck about the will it's clear that he was trying to say I love you to him in the only way he felt he could. Also if the will wasn't that big of a deal why did it take him a whole year to even tell Buck about it?
We've been so focused on Buck and his jealousy and insecurities (rightfully so given his past) we haven't been talking about how Eddie has a lot of those himself. What happened with Shannon scarred him a lot especially where Chris is concerned. She hadn't even been back in their lives all that long before she died and it clearly still impacts them both.
If you look at how few relationships Eddie has had since then and how he always seems hesitant to be vulnerable or invest much of himself in them this is why. I also think it's because his heart already belongs to Buck. These relationships to me have all feel very hollow like we're watching a guy just go through the motions. I mean look at how he broke up with Ana.
I think it's very likely that Eddie knows how he feels about Buck is more than just friendship but 1. He doesn't think those feelings would be reciprocated. 2. Even if they are I think Eddie is going to be scared at first to risk their friendship and change things. To lose the one person who has been a constant since he came into it. But I think Eddie's biggest hesitation will be Chris. He knows the kind of bond Chris and Buck have had so I think he would be worried about doing something to fuck that up. He still likely blames himself over Shannon's death and blames himself for why his son doesn't have a mom, so he'll likely be scared to risk losing the only other parent Chris has known.
Ultimately I do think we're going to get canon Buddie (probably not until season 8) but I do think this is one way they could drag the story out for a little bit. Like we could have Buck with his whole jealousy thing which leads him into figuring out his sexuality and at some point during all this in season 7 he'll have his Oh moment.
Eventually Eddie either finds out about Buck's feelings for him or Buck tells him and maybe we even get a kiss between them but then Eddie stops it and says he can't do it he can't risk what they have for something they might have and lose.
So into season 8 they're a little weird around each other until Buck decides to start dating a guy and we get to see Eddie being jealous and realizing he doesn't want to be without Buck anymore (and can't stand the thought of him with someone else). And this forces him to have to deal with a lot of the stuff he's never really dealt with from Shannon's death. Maybe we get some Frank scenes. Or maybe some Eddie and Maddie scenes because despite what the show would have a us believe I do think they hang out sometimes. But at some point maybe towards the end of season 8 we get one of those big sappy romantic gestures where Eddie tells Buck he loves him and he's always been his person. I'd also love it if season 8 ended up with Buck moving into Eddie and Chris' place. Buck has always been searching for where he belongs when his home is right there with his boys.
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