#if there's anything i don't want to mess up is telling my nieces and nephew that no matter what when or where they can call and i'll come
albonium · 2 hours
i had a conversation yesterday about hpv and the gardasil vaccine with a colleague that's a couple years older than me after learning that a colleague might have cervical cancer. i told him how lucky my sister and i had been to have parents who were super open about sex education and health. some of our friends didn't have that chance, that led us to get plan b for some, get them tested for stds or even our mom driving one to the hospital for an abortion. anyway, he told me that his parents and his family never ever would have talked about it because of religion and how they think they shouldn't have these discussions. it's wild to me that people are willing to have kids but won't protect them by having a couple of uncomfortable talks with them. whatever happens kids will be kids, they'll grow and have their first experiences if you want it or not. you can just try to make it so that when the time comes they're as safe and prepared as possible. who cares if that's uncomfortable? against your values? do you think children always respect the parents' values? lol no! they'll do everything behind their backs and put themselves in even more danger. if they don't want to have talks about sex condoms stds and consent then get a younger uncle to do it or something idk. it's your duty to educate and keep your children safe.
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thought--bubble · 11 months
She is Happy Now Part (2/5)
Modern Aemond X (Ex Girlfriend Reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 2,116
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She is happy now Master List
Modern Aemond Master List
Full Master List
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, alcohol use, dubcon, and a bit of angst.
"Is she coming?"
"I don't know. Her asshole cheater ex is going to be there so she might not"
Aemond rolls his eye and clenches his jaw.
"It's been years, Heleana. You think you could maybe stop calling me that?"
" I love you Aem, your my brother but when it comes to you and her I'm on her side. You were a major Jerk"
He groans and runs his hand down his face.
He is sitting at Heleanas breakfast bar in her kitchen. Heleana is moving around the kitchen, getting breakfast ready, and putting coffee on.
"I am aware that I'm the asshole in this story." He lets out a sigh. "I just want to see her again"
"She's happy now, you know. So, any little magical scenarios you have made up in your head where you woo her back to you can be left right there in your head. " she looked at him warningly.
He doesn't say anything and just looks down playing with his fingers.
"She has been with Cregan for a few months now. He's good for her AND good to her. Something you failed at spectacularly"
"We were good together for 4 years! I wasn't horrible the entire time! I messed up once. One time. And she never spoke to me again!"
"If Gwayne had done to me what you did to her.... how would you react?" She looks at him eyebrows raised.
Aemond sighs and puts his head down on the counter. It's pointless Heleana never let's him get away with making up excuses for how your relationship ended and he knows she's right.
He tried for months after you left his dorm to contact you. Apologize. Promise it would never happen again. It was Heleana who ended up making him realize what was done was done.
"Have you heard from her?"
"Yes." Heleana sighed into the phone
"So did you ask her to call me?"
"I did. And then she sent me a video explaining why she didn't want to."
Aemond cringed. "A video?"
"Oh yeah. Like the idiot I am, I told her to record your reaction to her surprise, saying you would be so excited. So she got your entire reunion on video. You're a real prince charming, you know? Do not ask me to contact her again on your behalf. I won't do it and neither will egg. Least you could do at this point is leave her alone."
Aemond is pulled out of his memories by Gwaynes loud. "Good morning!" And the laughter of his niece and nephew.
"Uncle Almond," jaheara yells excitedly. She is only 3 and pronounces his name almond, which Aegon finds hilarious.
"Hey peanut" he reaches down and picks her up placing a big sloppy kiss on her forehead
"Ewwww! She shrieks, wiping her forehead and trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"Everybody ready to go get Uncle Aegon married today?" Gwayne says excitedly towards the kids.
Aemond puts down jaheara and sits on his stool stewing in his own frustration. He never thought that Aegon would be happily married while he was the one alone. Miserable and full of regret.
He never meant to let it get that far with his professor. He knew she was attracted to him right away. He could tell by the way her touch lingered whenever he turned in an assignment or the way her gaze would find him during lectures. He thought flirt with her, and a good grade would be easy. What he didn't plan on was bumping into her on his way back from his first college party drunk out of his mind and having not seen his girlfriend for months. He didn't plan on her offering to help him get back to his dorm, and he didn't plan on allowing her to come in.
He sobered up immediately when he saw her standing at the door, though. The gravity of what he had just done and what was happening in that moment hit him like a freight train.
"Shit! Baby, hold on, let me explain. " Aemond could feel his desperation tightening in his chest. He fucked up, bad, and he knew it .
"Oh, ummm, nope, no thanks"
That reaction was the worst thing he could have gotten from her. No yelling, no fight to be had she was just leaving and not turning back.
He started to panic. If she left right now like this after seeing what he had done, he was afraid that would be it. He grabbed her arm "wait please just give me one second "
You turned on him like a viper pushing his arm away "do not fucking touch me, forget my name loose my number I no longer exist to you"
His chest clenched, it felt like his heart was being squeezed. he swayed on his feet, swallowing down the sickness that attempted to make its way up his throat.
You had turned and went down the hall and out through the doors that led to the stairs
"Shit shit shit! " Aemond ran back into his dorm quickly, putting his sweatpants and sneakers on. His professor was sitting on the bed, strapping her shoes on.
"You know I wouldn't have come up here with you if I knew there was a girlfriend." She looked at him angrily
"I'm sorry" was all he could get out as he ran out of his dorm down the hallway and down the stairs and right through the doors to outside. He ran down the walkway, looking both directions, but didn't see you anywhere.
"No no no no! This can't be it, no, no!" Aemond was yanking at his hair, his eye full of tears. He tries to run to the left but is not steady on his feet because of how much he drank and ends up falling on the sidewalk. He attempts to get himself up but gives up exhausted and lets out a huge loud sob.
He rolls onto his back on the cement of the walkway and just looks up at the sky while tears roll down his cheek.
"This isn't really how we end, is it?" He says to no one
"Hello! Earth to Aemond!" Aemond crashes back into the present with Heleana snapping in his face. She sighs and looks at him tenderly.
"Cmon, eat your breakfast and get ready." She taps his shoulder as she heads out of the kitchen and up the stairs to get her and the kids ready for Aegons nuptials.
He isn't able to get much down, but he takes a few bites and heads upstairs to get himself ready.
He drives to the ceremony with Heleana and Gwayne sitting in the middle of the backseat between the twins in their booster seats.
"I'm gonna marry you one day" Aemond says dreamily looking up at his ceiling.
It's summer of junior year and you are both squished onto his twin bed his arm under you holding you close.
"Oh?" You say picking your head up and looking at him.
"Isn't it obvious, darling? Can't live without ya. Marriage is a given at this point" he laughs, grabbing your chin and pulling you in for a kiss.
"Would you want to get married in the grand Sept or on the beach?"
"Anywhere as long as I'm marrying you," aemond leans in for another kiss.
"I'm serious I want to have it all planned out ahead of time!"
"Then plan it out, baby. Because no matter where it is, I'll show up to marry you"
You giggled as he rolled over on top of you kissing you with purpose
The car door slams. They have made it to the grand Sept, and it is time to get this show on the road. Aemond makes his way inside and heads to the grooms room where Aegon is bouncing around with excitement, putting on his finishing touches.
"Aemond! Smile, man! This is a joyous day!" Aegon yells at him while grabbing his arm and pulling him all the way into the room.
Aemond forces a big smile on his face for Aegon's benefit. It's not that he isn't happy for his brother, he is. He just can't help the jealousy that is flowing through him at this moment.
This could have been them. Should have been them. Would have been them if he didn't screw it all up.
When it's time for the actual ceremony to begin, everyone makes their way to their places. Aemond smiles at Ellyn as they get in line. He can feel his heart rate speed up at the thought that you might be out there. After years of being so far from you, you both might actually be in the same room at the same time.
Aemond waits impatiently for the pair ahead of them to step in front of the doorway and start to walk down the aisle. Once Criston and Maris step out and down the aisle, he and ellyn move forward and stand in the doorway. He sees you right away. You're looking down at the ground, but he could spot that little heart tattoo on the back of your neck anywhere. He has a matching one on the inside of his wrist. He's happy to see yours hasn't been covered or blacked out.
"Matching tattoos? are you daft?" Aegon laughs while looking at Aemond incredulously.
Aemond ignores him slathering on some of the aftercare products he had been told he would need to put on a few times a day.
"And what will you do when you split up? Walking around with that on your arm to remind you forever?"
Aemond laughs and continues applying the balm,"we aren't going to split up egg. This tattoo is forever, and so are we"
"You are 18 Aemond! You couldn't possibly know that you will stay together forever! You leave for university in less than a month! You really think the long-distance thing is going to work? For 4 years?"
"I know it will. Just because you don't understand commitment doesn't mean I don't, " Aemond says haughtily.
Aegon rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say. Just don't let mom see that. She's gonna kill you!"
Ellyn yanks on Aemonds arm and looks at him perplexed.
He clears his throat and starts to make his way down the aisle. Unfortunately for him, he can't really see you now because you're on his blind side. They make it up to the altar and release their arms, each moving to their assigned spot. He flicks his eye back towards you, and you're hard to see. Why did you have to sit so far back?
He pays no attention to how the ceremony continues going on around him, shaking his leg impatiently.
He hears his mother clear her throat from the front row. He looks at her, and she opens her eyes wide and waves her hand at him in a way of telling him to cut it out.
He straightens his back and stands up tall, taking in a deep breath. Focusing on Aegon and Cassandra. They are putting the rings on each other's fingers, and he feels a wave of pain roll through him.
His hands clapsed before him, he started unconsciously rubbing his wrist where the heart tattoo sits. He had no idea this was going to be this hard. His whole body is shaking with emotional overload. When finally Aegon and Cassandra kiss and then turn to their guests, raising their claspsed hands above their heads and starting to make their way back down the aisle he moves forward on shakey legs and joins his arm with Ellyns once more, walking down the aisle he keeps his eye trained on where he knows you are. Your head is turned away from him, looking at the entryway. He can see your arm is looped around the arm of the brown haired man standing next to you. How he would give anything to switch places with him. Even just for a minute. As he continues down the aisle eye trained on you, you turn your head, and it happens. Your tear filled eyes find his, and he forgets how to breathe. Those eyes he has seen filled with rage and hurt for years in his dreams are there right in front of him, filled with tears, and he thinks they have never been more beautiful.
He is forced to stop looking at you once he passes, but he knows your last conversation can't be the last interaction you ever have. No, he has one more chance to talk to you.
At the reception.
A/N: Part 3 is in the works. I have a mid-term tonight and a lot of homework this weekend, so I probably won't get it out until Monday. Thank you to anyone who reads :) ❤️
Part 3
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Can you do Stan, Ford, and Bill (gravity falls) headcanons? If not that’s completely fine! Take your time!!
☆⑅Felony Trio Headcanons⑅⁠☆
(Stan, Ford & Bill)
~No idea if these three have an actual group name or not, but this is what I'm going with. You can't tell me they haven't committed at least one a piece, accidentally and/or on purpose. These sillies will always have a special place in my heart as one of my earlier obsessions. Thank you for requesting!~
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Silly con-man gives me ler-leaning switch vibes. Loves wrecking his family, but wouldn’t mind the occasional giggle-fest.
Over the years, he’s developed the elusive “can say the t-word whenever” power, though it definitely didn’t used to be that way. Ford reminds him of that whenever it’s most annoying.
Can easily admit that he likes tickling others, but receiving it? Yeah, good luck. He’s willing to die on that hill.
A bit rare, but he will get lee moods. He’s a “ride it out in silence” kinda guy, but Ford can sometimes catch onto his bullshit (definitely not bc he does it too what-)
If he DOES try and solve his problem, it’ll be in the most roundabout way possible. Provoking his brother, teasing his great niece and nephew until they try something, you name it. If it works, it works.
Worst spots are his armpits and the area right beneath his belly button. Enjoy watching him lose his mind if you target either one ♡
Melt spot is his ears. You can’t tell me his goofy ears wouldn’t make him giggle his heart out; he’d love every second of it.
Very gruff, choppy giggles. Sounds kinda like he’s been chain smoking, then saw the funniest thing in his life. When you really get him going, deep and rough belly laughter. Occasional snorts if you wanna kill him.
When he gets in a ler mood, he’ll either bother his overworking brother or mess with one of the kids. Sometimes his family can tell, though he won’t normally admit anything.
Such a wonderful asshole of a ler-
Teases, smart-ass comments, horrible dad jokes, and more! Definitely the one to go to if you want a shameless wrecking.
“You’re a lil’ squeak toy, huh? I just squeeze your side and- yup, just like that.”
“Ya know, you could’ve just pushed me away by now. Don’t worry, I noticed.”
“You sure squirm a lot, don'tcha? Like a lil’ worm, could use you as fishing bait!”
“It tickles? Wow, that must really suck for you.”
Pretty good with aftercare. He'll ruffle your hair and tease you, of course, but he lets you lay on him while the TV plays. Fair trade, honestly.
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Can you really tell me he isn't at least a little lee? After all those years with little to no comforting contact, he loves a good giggle fest.
Making his great niece and nephew laugh, though? Even better.
He doesn't always get that feeling, so I'm going lee-leaning switch.
If you even mention it around him, he'll blush, no matter his mood. It's real bad when he's lee.
You can kinda gauge if he's in a mood by just saying the t-word (if you can, that is)
If you don't have that magic, then he's still pretty obvious in other ways.
Extra stuttering, constantly adjusting his glasses, eyes lingering on your hands, wobbly smiles. If you've got eyes, you'll be able to tell.
Will deny it at first, but it's pretty flimsy.
“I-I don't know what you're talking about. I survived the roughest interdimensional plane there is. I don't need…that.”
He falls apart the minute you wiggle your fingers at him.
Worst spots are his hips, followed by his ribs. A few squeezes to either will have him snorting up a storm.
Melt spots are his ears and the tops of his thighs. Like his brother, his ears are lovely to run a feather across for both him and the ler. He loves gentle traces on his thighs, though. Have him a melted, giggling puddle in seconds.
He loses tickle fights on purpose at least 76.4% of the time. Don’t ask me how I got that number: I just know.
His ler moods are rare, but if he’s feeling a bit distant from his family, he’ll try and piece things with some giggles.
Soft, playful ler. He never wants to go too far, but he isn’t afraid to goof around and tease while he’s at it.
“I think I’ve got a leg up here, huh? Thanks to my extra fingers, this has gotta be at least 20% more ticklish~”
“You really do blush quite a lot. It’s pretty cute to watch.”
“As a scientist, it’s my job to conduct experiments. Let’s try now. Hypothesis: if I get your worst spot, you’ll laugh at least twice as loud as you are now. Time for the experiment~”
The moment you say stop, even if you don’t mean it, he pulls away. If you want more, you’ll have to ask him.
Pretty great with aftercare. Will absolutely cuddle you, maybe even tell some stories if you’re interested. He’s got plenty from his time in the portal, though he keeps the angstier ones to himself. Any tale he tells is almost guaranteed to make you smile.
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Believe it or not, the chaotic dorito does like tickling. In fact, after him and Mabel’s interaction, they seem to randomly plague his thoughts at the most inopportune times. It goes in either direction, his moods as random as his personality.
Considering this, we’re gonna go straight-up switch.
These moods are especially hard for the demon to satiate. His friends are insane, but none completely batshit enough to try something like tickling him. When he needs a fix, he usually has to outsource it or suffer until it goes away.
On the off chance he does outsource, he goes for one of the Pines twins. They’re hesitant to let him in, but he’s a sweet-talker. Once he’s inside, it barely takes an hour for him to provoke someone into wrecking him.
His spots vary based on the body he’s inhabiting. The one time he was tickled in his own (Weirdmageddon incident, don’t ask), he found that his hat and feet got him laughing the most.
(don’t come at me, his hat re-grew flesh when he got shot in it)
He doesn’t really have a distinct melt spot, though he loves being tickled right beneath his bowtie. It makes him kick and squirm, but it also makes him incredibly giddy.
I’d tell you to run for your life, but it won’t do you much good.
Evil, sarcastic and rough ler. Good luck breathing o7
The kinda dude to go for all your worst spots first, and only explore the softer side if he’s wanting to spice things up.
Can and will generate any tool he feels like to wreck you (surprisingly enough, he’ll ask first)
Boundaries really need to be set before anything happens. Otherwise he’ll just go until he feels like stopping. If you look on the brink of passing out, he’ll quit, but other than that nah.
VERY teasy, with a large handful of sarcasm and sass.
“Geez, you laugh really loud when I get ya here. Mind dialing it down? I don’t wanna go deaf before I’m 20 million.”
“Ha! You snort? I’ve gotta hear that again, c’mon!”
“You’re confusing. You say ‘no, go away,’ but you haven’t even tried escaping. I’m supposed to be the crazy one here; mind explaining?”
“Wow, this is driving you nuts, huh? We’re gonna match!”
Not super great at aftercare unless you ask. He can make any snack or drink you want by snapping, and he knows some great rom-coms to doze off to (don’t ask why unless you wanna go for round two).
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iris-in-the-rain · 2 months
Alma drags Stede into Claire's because she needs stuff for a sleepover party. Stede has never been in there, but he's right in his element, suggesting stuff to Alma, trying on tiaras, and making silly faces, until his frustrated teenager tells him to just leave her be for a bit while she decides what she wants and he can look around himself. So he does. And his eye catches a guy just outside the window, looking in, kinda loitering even. Stede's paternal instincts kick in, but before he decides to do anything, he realises the guy is longingly looking at the cute hair clips and hairbands, rather than the kids, and he looks... sad. Wistful. Stede decides to take a chance (while still testing a theory, or maybe two)
He asks the guy if he's looking for anything for his kids, nephews, nieces, maybe? The guy (long greying hair, a long earring, purple top, leather jacket, leather trousers, calm down, Stede!) starts stuttering that No no, he's just looking, just waiting for a mate, so he's just waiting, nothing to it, sorry for freaking Stede out, and probably others, it's stupid, he's just gonna go...
'Wait!' Stede says. 'You have really nice hair, erm...?' (What! Shut up, Stede, what are you doing!)
'Ed. Is my name. Ed!' the stranger blurts out (Well done, Edward, cute guy is paying you a compliment, can you just be normal?!)
Suddenly Stede's words stick in his throat. 'I'm, I'm Stede. My daughter...', he turns around to see Alma looking at nail polish. 'She's getting things! Ff-for a sleepover!' he finishes proudly.
Ed nods, still somewhat confused, unconsciously twirling a strand of his hair and Stede suddenly feels more confident about his earlier suspicion.
'Alma will be a while', he sighs, somewhat theatrically. 'Did you maybe want to keep me company while you're waiting for your mate?'
Stede could swear he can hear Ed's breath hitch slightly.
'I mean, if-if you want, no pressure, sorry! Its just' he smiles conspiratorially. 'It's fun! And well, you look like you'd wear fine things well!'
Ed's eyes widen and Stede backtracks. Well, tries to.
'It's fine, fine! Ignore me, after all, you're just waiting fo...'
'Nah mate, it's cool. I'd. I'd love to' (You remembered how to speak, Teach, well done, don't mess it up!)
Stede's smile is brighter than the fake dimonds on the tiara that Ed has been side-eyeing. They go back into the store and after checking in with Alma, Stede starts chattering about everything and before he knows it, Ed feels like he's known him forever. And as Stede places a butterfly headband on his head, giggling, while himself wearing a rainbow one, Ed has never felt so seen or so safe and he knows he's gonna marry this guy. And he's gonna wear that headband while he pops the question.
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whorekneecentral · 9 months
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Thiago Alcantara x Fem!Reader
Warnings: husband thiago is sooooo real, super cheesy and in love couples, bubble baths, thiago has wandering hands, grinding (sorta?), penetrative sex (p in v), cream pies, surprise ending, thiago is so unserious at the end for a second lmao.
Word Count: 1,700 (I love when this happens, so satisfying)
Author's Note: this pic of Thiago has nothing to do with this, he just looks so !!!
merry smutmas series
You find yourself aching from all the holiday prep and your husband being the good man that he was, makes sure you’re feeling okay after a long day. 
The holidays are a big thing in your family, it's the one time of the year that all of you, and I mean, all of you are together. You rotated through the houses over the years and this year was your year to host the Christmas festivities.
Thiago was left at home with strict instructions on what to do, you had left him with the giant box of lights to untangle and put up around the house and the yard.
You, on the other hand, had gone out to pick up various gifts for your nieces and nephews.
After what felt like a million years, your feet were surly swollen and the trunk and back seats were full, you headed home.
Your husband was coming off the ladder when you pulled into the driveway, the man rushing over to open your door. "How was shopping, baby?" He asks, his hand in yours as you get out of the car.
Shrugging, you hand him your car keys. "Exhausting."
Thiago smiles; he often joked that spending his money was one of your favourite pastimes, which was true but in moderation of course.
"Be a darling and bring in the bags?" You asked him and he nodded, opening the trunk. You give your husband a kiss, making your way into the house.
You followed your husband up the stairs to the guest bedroom, Thiago sets what he brought in with the rest of the stuff you had put in there. Though it was a guest room, you used it for whatever you wanted, during the holidays it became your space to wrap your gifts and hide them until it was time to put them under the tree.
He notices your hand on your lower back, rubbing it softly. "Something wrong, mi vida?"
"My back's just sore, too much walking I suppose." You wave him off, knowing he worries far too much. Thiago's brows pull together, a small wrinkle developing on his forehead.
"We can't have that, can we?" He says, his hands reaching for you.
You aren't sure what he's up to but it's typically some sort of no good mischief. You don't get a chance to escape your husband, the man picking you up and over his shoulder you went.
This was a usual between the two of you, Thiago swings you around like a sack of potatoes and you're a giggling mess as always.
He carries you into the bathroom, setting you down on the counter before turning around to fill the bathtub. The hot water creates a cloud of steam, Thiago pours in the lavender scented bubble bath into the water. As that forms into a mountain of bubbles, Thiago helps you off of the counter, stripping you off until your clothes are in a pile on the floor.
"You don't have to do all this," you tell him, the man holds your hand and helps you into the tub.
"I want to, you deserve some relaxation before everyone gets here." He tells you, bending down to give you a kiss. You hum, letting the warm water relax your body.
Thiago smiles, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Let me know if you need anything, princesa."
Your hand stretched out, grabbing his. "Stay, please." You scoot forward, making space for him to get in. Who was he to say no to you, especially when you were the picture of beauty?
"Of course."
He undresses, his clothes joining yours on the floor before he gets into the tub, settling in and is now sandwiched between you and the porcelain of the tub. His arms wrap around you, letting you rest against his chest. "I'm not squishing you, am I ?"
"No," he chuckled, "Kos tackles me all the time, this is a walk in the park, corazón."
You playfully rolled your eyes at the mention of the Greek player. "How dare you speak of your husband while you're with me."
Thiago can't help the laugh. "Right, sorry. I forget how jealous you can be." He whispers, nibbling at your ear softly. You hum, giggling.
"Speaking of him though, what are you getting him for Christmas? I saw the cutest sweater that I know he'd love but I wasn't sure if you had anything in mind?"
Your husband hums, listening to you prattle on about what gifts you bought for who, suggestions on gifts for his teammates and he tunes out at some point, finding a much more interesting past time.
His lips find your neck, trialing up and down with soft kisses. The week old stubble scratches at your skin, surely leaving behind a red mark.
"T.." you mumbled, a hand reaching back to rest on his jaw.
He hums into your shoulder, pressing a kiss to it. "What, mi amor?"
"How am I meant to behave when you're naked on my lap?"
You roll your eyes at this response, Thiago was like a teenager sometimes; handsy and annoying. Regardless, you loved him with your whole heart.
It takes you a second, shifting to face your husband. You straddled him, arms over his shoulders and you can feel Thiago's hands slide up the curve of your spine. Your eyes meet his, his eyebrows go up as he waits for your next move.
"You're such a sweet talker."
He hums, a proud smile on his face, "it's true."
Rolling your eyes, you let him pull you flush against him. Thiago closes the gap, his lips meeting yours and you instantly melt, giving yourself over to him.
You were putty in his hands.
Your hand cups his jaw, kissing him or rather making out like teenagers, all messy and entangled, not sure where you end and Thiago starts. His thumb brushing over your skin softly. He smiles at you, wondering how he got so lucky.
Not everyone gets to have someone they love in their life and he was lucky enough to find that in you.
His hands rest on your hips, rocking you on his lap; back and forth very slowly. His head leaned back and he lifted his hips buck slightly. The sudden change caused you to slide forward, clit rubbing against the tip of his cock.
The sound that left your mouth was like heaven on earth to him.
“Que linda,” (how cute) he coos, pushing your hair back off your shoulders. “So good for me.”
You nod, pushing down on his thigh a little harder. “Let me hear all those pretty sounds, you don’t have to be quiet, mi vida.”
It only spiralled from there; hands all over each other, you’re both impatient, wanting more than you can get too at the moment. 
Thiago scoots you back on his lap, letting you position yourself properly before you sink down onto his cock.
He bucks his hips and your nails drop down from his shoulders to the scratches along his back. He lets out a groan, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
"Oh god," you mumble, thighs on either side of the man as you roll your hips, arms over his shoulders. The water ripples with each bounce, the floor soaked and the bubbles slipping over the side of the porcelain.
One of your hands tangles in the hair at the nape of his neck, giving it a solid tug; you're thanking whatever god convinced him not to get a haircut, his curls thick enough for you to grab onto. He tilts his head back, a soft groan slipping from his lips when he feels your own lips meet his skin.
“Fuck, do that again.” He mumbles, feeling you clench around him. 
Soon enough he can feel your hands on his shoulders, letting you set your own pace, bouncing on his cock as your nails dug into the back of his shoulders; surely leaving behind red marks. 
“Thiago,” you whimpered, forehead pressed to his.
He nods, kissing you softly. "I know, amor, I'm here."
He feels you clench around him, your hips stuttering and he knows you’re close. Thiago's hand moving from your mouth to between the two of you, fingers rubbing circles over your clit and your head falls onto his shoulder, biting down to muffle the sounds slipping past your lips. 
You both knew the other was equally as close, orgasm on the verge of happening. His hand shifted to grab your chin, pulling your focus back to him. “Look at me when you cum.” 
His words were enough to push you over the edge, Thiago following quickly after you. 
You fall flat against him and he lets you sit on top of him for a bit, his hand rubbing around your back softly, fingers tracing random shapes into your skin.
"The water's cold," he whispers after a few moments, most of it was on the floor to be fair.
You hum, taking that as you signal to get up and get out of the tub. Thiago helps you out carefully, holding your hand so you don't slip on the spilt water.
The towel's warm, wrapped around your body as Thiago leans down to wipe away the water on the floor.
"I'm pregnant," you tell him.
Thiago turns around so fast, he nearly falls over. "What? I don't think it happens that fast, babe." He jokes, referring to the activities from moments ago.
"No jackass," you huffed, rolling your eyes playfully. You reached into the drawer of your vanity to pull out the test, the positive pregnancy test. "Confirmed it last week, I'm 2 months along."
You watch his face as he looks at the test in disbelief, there's a million emotions on his face at once. You're chewing at your bottom lip nervously before you see a smile on his face.
"You're pregnant?" He asks, setting the test on the counter.
You nod, "I'm pregnant."
Thiago picks you up, squeezing you tightly but already being cautious of your tummy. "This is the best Christmas gift I could ever wish for."
"You see that as if you asked Santa for a baby." You joked, leaning on your husband.
The man smiles, "almost did." He tells you, pressing a kiss to your temple.
for my fellow thiago lovers - @curiousthyme and @percervall
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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opinionsbyaf · 5 months
Family Part 1 Family, what is family? I can no longer answer that question. I don't think I was ever able to answer that question! My family was a complete mess growing up, filled with pain, poverty, infidelity, and physical abuse! I would fantasize about a real father I had that lived in California, that had no idea of my existence. Once he found out, he would fly across the country to rescue me from this horrible life I was living! Alas, that rescue never occurred! I would see friends and family members who were enjoying the kind of family life that I wished I had but was out of my grasp. I was so desperate for a good family life, that I fell in love with an older woman with three small children when I was eighteen, several years later we were married. I did the best I could being a child-parent myself with zero experience and no one as a father figure to model myself after! (My father was a monster!) So the mistakes piled on! I admit I wasn't the best father and husband. I made a shit load of mistakes, but I always took responsibility for my screw-ups. My kids would probably tell you that I was a MONSTER! In reality, I never beat them, I did yell at them and I did punish them when they screwed up. Mainly over poor school habits. I could have been a better husband, I was still a baby when we met and had a lot of growing up to do! I was there for her when it really counted though, and that is by far more important than anything else in our lives together. We had spurts of what a good family life should be, my wife saw to that! She was good at that. At this point in life, I already started to retreat within, so, I was just present. When she died, so did anything resembling a family had died with her, and I was no help at all! I mentally fell apart, and became distant, hooking up with this crazy woman, I believe to punish myself!! Oh boy did I punish myself, we'll leave it at that! Those were some very dark days for me that lasted about six to seven years!! But to my kids, I was just an asshole!! I should have gone to grief counseling in hindsight! I went from the crazy woman to a nine-year failed marriage, to a nine-year failed live-in relationship to where I am now! Still searching for that elusive family life, NOT! The kind of family life that I want no longer exists! Since it no longer exists I'm done trying to find it! Now, I shy away from any prospect of getting involved with a woman with a big or midsized family, for me that just spells, PROBLEMS! I have three stepchildren, whom I've NEVER called stepchildren, one natural son, seven grandchildren and I think by today's count four great-grandchildren! Plus nieces and nephews. I see no one, that's one of the reasons I felt comfortable leaving NYC for Florida! I guess there's always something in life you won't get, for me it was the family life that I desired and yearned for since I was a child! I guess that's why I didn't tell anyone that I left I felt it just didn't matter! CONTINUE.....
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year
Take all the time you need to upload, it just gives us more time to send in our headcannons about all the characters before it's over. And allow me to continue:
Hee and Hoon are both https://img.ifunny.co/images/5259ea5a4ece3f954aeaf6f0f31c168acf2c44d38e916371dff27351331872de_1.jpg this specific image with their girls.
I feel like they would help Jungwon move to where they are, Sunoo and Niki would follow him, and they would just all become one big group, since y/n's friend group would be there too, and it's like 20 people.
Hoon would be way more excited than Ning when she tells him she's pregnant, I feel like Hoon would scream so loud they can hear him four houses down and the neighbors are just like bro did someone just get murdered, but no it's Hoon screaming for joy since he's like the loml is giving me another loml. He then calls the baby Hoon jr until they find out the gender.
Hee would probably go into actual shock when y/n tells him she's pregnant, like bro thinks he's dreaming, thinks this is a prank, is waiting to either wake up or hear I'm kidding. He then cries when he realizes it's not a dream and it's real, and he's just like the girl of my dreams is giving me a child. He then and there decides that they will never do anything their parents did in front of their own kids.
Hoon is the devoted one during the pregnancy, Ning wants fried chicken at 3 am, he's asking how many pieces and what flavor, already slipping his shoes on and grabbing the keys. Hoon is the one causing Ning stress since he's trying so hard to make sure she's not stressing herself, and she's just like calm your ass down I'm only two months along we don't need a nursery yet.
Hee however would definitely be the type to get the cravings with y/n, like it's 2 am and he's just like 'pickles?' and she's just like 'yes'. Hee puts the nursery together like 3 months before the due date, since he wants y/n to have the least stressful pregnancy ever and will do everything and anything for her.
Hoon and Hee would both document every single stage of the pregnancy. They both keep ultrasound photos in their phone case and just want someone to ask about it, but be warned if you do, be prepared to do nothing for the next hour, since they won't shut up. They definitely trade ultrasound photos too, so they have a photo of their niece/nephew to be with them at all times as well.
Hoon is the type to just holding Ning's stomach as she sleeps, something about the moment is just so sweet and gentle. When the baby starts kicking, only then would he feel the need to constantly be holding her stomach, just fascinated by the small life growing in there.
Hee however would just constantly be wanting to hold y/n, like she's gonna have to pry his hands off her to go to the bathroom since he doesn't want them to be apart. And when the baby starts kicking, he's gonna be the type to start talking to her stomach, all 'sweetie I know you are excited but you're hurting your mommy, she just wants to sleep, let's calm down'.
When it's gender reveal time, Jake and Jay decide to let the dad's to be rest and take it on themselves, mostly Jake, he just volunteered Jay, and Jay at that point just couldn't say no. Jake would definitely do something like those wrestling baby gender reveals, would try to talk Jay into doing it with him, but in the end Jay says no, as does Sunoo and Jungwon, so Niki ends up being the only one to do it with him, but only under the condition that he gets to be the baby that wins. I also feel like somehow he would mess up one of their gender reveals and reveal the wrong gender and just be like 'ah fuck I'm so sorry, it's not a girl, it's not a girl, it's a boy' and after that everyone is just like so confused, like is it really, and y/n's friends are just like 'maybe trusting Jake for the gender reveal was a bad idea'.
Hee and Hoon take one of those parenting classes together so they can better prepare for their babies, but the whole class thinks they are a couple since bromance vibes are too strong, and they constantly gonna be like 'oh you know I love MY WIFE', and "MY WIFE is carrying our daughter/son'. They also make all the other boys take it as well, saying if they don't, then they aren't allowed to hold their children since they want to make sure they can trust them, and the other 5 guys would have taken it for them anyways. Niki and Jake definitely accidentally drop their fake baby on it's head at least once though, causing both Hee and Hoon to seriously question their friendships.
Hee and Hoon would go shopping together for baby clothing and everything for their children, which turns into Hee talking Hoon out of buying the designer baby clothing since babies grow so fast they might only get one or two wears out of it. They would both also get those outfits that have matching parent outfits, so they can surprise y/n and Ning with them, and have little matching family outfits.
I also see Jake meeting someone and introducing her to everyone and referring to Hee and Hoon as his dads, causing her to immediately be confused, and Jay would probably smack Jake upside the head, and his girl is just so confused, but kinda here for the vibes.
nonie the way your brain works is phenomenal bc ive read this three times since you've sent it and every time i GIGGLED and just went full on delusional 😭😭😭 i lohe your depiction of them and every little detail pls just take over the bonus chaps for me bc my brain could never im deadass serious 🫣 and the last part was kinda my favorite bc omg poison!jake and his gf i'm 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
on another not: thank you so much for sending me these my love. i really hope you know how much they mean to me like to know you guys are indulging in this universe just as much as i do is orobably a writer's biggest dream. sending you the fattest kiss and hope you've had/have the best day 🥺🩷
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allylikethecat · 2 months
THE EPILOGUE OH MY GOD. frantically googling how to leave more than one kudos. frantically googling how to work at ao3 so i can make an option to leave more than one kudos. aaahh no it's just sososo sweet i cant take it ☹️💞 once again, apologies in advance for my Terrible lack of grammar, im just going insane and the only way to get my thoughts out is by going AXBQJBXJQBZJSHJZNANSJHS for 200 words. ok. my favourite paragraphs time.
He had started meeting with a therapist weekly and he wasn’t sure if it was helping, but even Charli had commented that he seemed more at peace with himself these days.
just this sentence aaaahhhhhhhhh, he is learning and being Better and aaaaahhhh i love i love i love
“I think you’re right,” George agreed. Matty nodded as much to himself as to George, and bit his lip, his nose, sunburnt as always, scrunched up in deep thought.
screaming crying throwing up omg pls, the fact george takes note of the way matty's nose is always burned oh i'm about to DIE ☹️💞
“Would you maybe,” Matty started before trailing off as if he was still contemplating his words, “want to grab dinner or something? Later? If we get rained out? There is a new Italian place that Waughty was telling me about, it’s small and a hole in the wall, but supposed to be good.”
i didn't know it was possible for a person to turn into an exclamation mark but here i am. !!!!!!!!!!!! <- me. matty's asking him oh i'm SOFT aaaaaaaahh i cannot!!!!!!!! genuine tears in my eyes i love this so much 🥲🥲
Matty smiled, the first genuine smile that George had seen directed at him in a long time. “Good,” said Matty before nodding to himself as much as to George. “It’s a date then.”
😭 I 😭 HAVE 😭 DIED 😭 this has killed me and i want the cause of death tattooed on my entite body aaaaaahhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!! it IS a date!!!!!!!!! cutest cutest cutest cutest cutest i'm losing my mind i LOVE THIS 😭😭😭
genuinely insane that it's over omg, but i enjoyed every single word and would buy this as an actual book, i need it bound with gold thread in latin like omgomgomg i just love it so much. and also know that atkh will never ever ever ever ever leave me. i will be the crazy cat aunt and tell all their grand nieces and nephews about The Story I Read One Time and they wont know what i'm on about but it's fine because all the kings horses brainrot lasts until death (im srs every time i see a horse or anything even remotely related im like :)))))))))))this is just like when all the kings horses chapter x:))))))))))))))))))) it's becoming an issue) OKAY. have the best day on the planet in the universe ever and enjoy ur life 💞🙇‍♀️
HI THERE I AM SO SORRY THAT I AM JUST NOW RESPONDING TO THIS LOVELY AMAZING FANTASTIC ASK. I have been a busy burnt out mess and I am so, so sorry. I also got like weirdly sad after posting the final chapter of ATKH? I was like I don't know how to write words anymore because they are all meaningless now that ATKH is finished...
BUT ANYWAY Oh my gosh I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the epilogue! It was an ending that I was really happy with, because they might not necessarily be back together, but they were working on themselves and there was a hopefulness there! Fictional!George needs a LOT of therapy and thankfully he is finally taking that step!
LOL Just because fictional!George is in therapy doesn't mean he's any less obsessed with Fictional!Matty / that he's not still always aware of him... and the fact that he never fucking remembers sunscreen...
I also wanted them to be more of equals now? Like if they were to try again, it's on equal footing instead of Fictional!George holding all of the power and thus Fictional!Matty is the one that is asking HIM out this time!!
But just AH thank you so much for always being so absolutely lovely and supportive of my writing and sending me the loveliest of asks and I am once again so very sorry for responding to this one so very late. I am so, so grateful to be part of this little community. I hope you continue to enjoy my future works, whatever and whenever they may be. I also hope that you are having the absolute BEST week!
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swampndn · 3 months
Something is in the air. Time for a lil dear diary post.
So I've been going through it. Like THROUGH it the past 2 years, well 7 years technically. But really, it's been the past 9 months or so as the worst of it. This week in particular has not been great.
Part of what I've been having to do and really think about this past week is what is it I actually want for me. And also coming to terms with the very bad reasons why I don't know and I've been struggling to figure that out. We got trauma, people. All kinds.
Well, in my brooding, I've landed on some core reasons why all of that is my unfortunate reality, and one of them is the abuse I recieved from my older sister (and mother, but this ain't about her tonight). I haven't spoken to my sister in over 2 years after she caused the preventable death of my aunt who was more of my mother than my mother ever was. Naturally, I've been angry about that (on top of all the shit she's said and done to me since I was brought home from the hospital until I moved across the country).
But earlier today, I got a phone call from my nieces and nephew. My nephew told me that their mom got engaged. I didn't text my sister or say anything about it because ya know, I don't talk to her.
Well, at 2am I get a text from her telling me that she's engaged, and she asked if I could come to her engagement party in October because she really wants me to be there. (Eventually, she told me the truth that they're going to surprise everyone with their actual wedding that day because they don't want people to meddle in the details and whatnot. Mad respect because her first wedding was a mess because of people, mainly my mother, being insufferable. But she told me not to tell anyone, which not a problem because again, I don't speak to the majority of the family at this point.)
Anyway, I talked to her for over an hour. Honestly, she had such a sense of peace that I've never experienced from her before, and she wasn't just civil towards me, but actually said nice things. I don't know who the hell that woman was talking to me because it sure as hell wasn't the sister I know. She told me about how her fiancé was the best thing to have happened to her, how she's been in therapy, how she went back to school with a plan to actually get a degree, and how her kids are even in therapy too.
She didn't apologize to me (and Creator knows that she got a long list), and we didn't really talk about anything super deep. However, I'm still shocked, and I'm emotional about it. But it felt healing in a way even though there wasn't any deep drenching up of shit - and there's some SHIT that probably needs drenching.
I didn't tell her about what I've been going through. Not yet. I don't know if I will. However, I think I'm partially feeling like a hope that maybe one day I could and maybe, just maybe, have some support from her. I don't know though. I know better than to get too optimistic. However, part of me is experiencing a different kind of grief tonight.
It's just been hard. I'm so alone in a lot of this. Nearly all of this. And I really don't want to be anymore.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 3 months
Our Hearts Collide - Chapter 4 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
The incredibly bright screen of my messages remained unchanged. It wasn't uncommon for Vince to not respond to any of my messages but this had been the one time I wanted him to. Even a simple 'okay' or 'hello' would have sufficed.
I stared at the last message I sent him.
'Rowan loved your gift.'
Above it was a photo of Rowan clutching the brown bear tightly to his face.
It had been a few hours since we got back to Sam's place and in hindsight, that was a fairly short amount of time to respond, after all, Vince has his own life and is doing his own thing.
Yet I knew when it came to Rowan, Jonah or Lilah, Vince enjoyed their company.
He wouldn't dare admit that, according to Xavier but even Aspen had noticed.
Hence why we thought the adorable photo would've rendered a reaction.
For that reason, I had hesitated on sending the message typed up.
I could have said Rowan missed him or myself but in reality, I think we all did that night.
Sarah and Aspen had planned for him to attend and the rest of us thought it'd be a great idea, especially with how much Rowan adored him.
Out of everyone, I felt the most excited for him to be there, wanting him to enjoy a real birthday party for once even if it wasn't for his birthday butut it wasn't just me that missed him that day, so I sent the next message.
'We missed you at the party.'
I waited, hoping to see those three little dots. But still...
"Nothing?" Sam had returned with a bowl of popcorn, resuming the television show we were watching.
He tilted the bowl toward me.
Tilting my cell-phone in his direction, I grabbed a handful of popcorn.
After seeing Vince didn't respond to the messages, he pursed his lips.
"That's a bummer. I thought the picture would get him to cave in."
"Yeah, well, we should've figured he wouldn't."
I thrummed through the past text history I had with Vince, out of all the photos and texts and even a couple of videos of his nephew and niece with Rowan, he had maybe sent a reply two or three times at best.
All of which were one to two words.
He shovelled some popcorn down before mumbling...
"For someone who writes beautifully in letters, you would think he'd be well-versed with texts."
Biting back my laugh, I threw a piece of popcorn at him.
"Whatever. Besides, I remember a certain someone struggling to text a certain Alpha about a meet up."
"Whatever do you mean?" he asked, mockingly.
"You know how Xavier gets, can't boost his ego too much or he'll be a blubbering mess during one of those meetings, beet-red and all. One little compliment and he'll think I'm flirting."
Reaching over to pause the show we had completely ignored, I looked at him curiously.
"So is that why you called him adorable? Wanted to boost his ego in front of me? A little flirt?"
He scoffed.
"I was just messing with you, trying to get you out of your pretty little overthinking head. Did it bother you?"
"No," I reassured teasingly.
"I'm messing with you. Everyone thinks he's adorable, you think I'd be jealous over that?"
He shook his head before taking another scoop of popcorn.
"No, you aren't like that but if you were jealous, you could tell me and I'd stop but in all seriousness, it is difficult to text Xavier. He ain't the brightest tool in the shed when it comes to simple things. Gets flustered when you're too blunt and too oblivious to anything subtle."
"That is true."
He grinned before bopping me on the nose gently.
"Besides, I couldn't do that to you. 'Meeting up' with another guy behind your back? Now that would be presumptuous on my part."
Scrunching my nose at him, I rolled my eyes.
"We've talked about this, about us or whatever we plan on calling 'this' anymore. You're free to see anybody if you want, Sam. Don't feel obligated to hold back."
"I know but people make assumptions, Simon. I don't want people to think bad things about you when they think we're a couple."
I sighed.
"I know you don't but it's none of their business, anyways. Love and relationships are complicated as all shit. Let them say what they want, you're free to see or love anyone you'd like."
He smiled before snaking his hand through mine.
"You know, you're too kind sometimes. Sweet and adorable too."
"You love to inflate my ego too, don't you?"
He chuckled.
"Of course."
"I love that about you."
"But..." he stopped short, his eyes flicking to the screen before mumbling under his breath...
"You love him more."
"It's the truth."
Searching his face, there wasn't an ounce of hurt in those eyes, something I found hard to believe.
He was even smiling.
An uncomfortable silence filled the air as his words set in as I looked past him.
How could I possibly deny that his words were false?
Breathily, I replied...
"Why can't I love both?"
"We both know it's different."
He let out a breath as I looked up at him.
Noticing the worry and concern on my face his smile dropped slightly.
"We talked about this, remember? You said it yourself that it's different, we realized it that night. What you feel with him versus me, the bond makes it totally different."
A half-hearted, almost timid smile graced his face, for once, his strong, unassuming nature had cracked just a bit.
I wanted to tell him it was false at that very moment, tell him that with him, it was different.
That I did feel more for Sam but it would just be a lie.
I liked Sam, liked him a 'lot' but with Vince, Sam was right.
It was different and bond or no bond, it was evident where my heart leaned more toward.
Even if I wanted to give it all to Sam to see him happy in the moment.
Squeezing his hand tighter, I sent him a firm look.
"You know that I care about you. That I love you, even if it's not like that. I do, Sam."
"I know," he said with those calm reassuring eyes like he always did.
"I know, Simon but like I told you that day and many times after, you know where you belong and what you need. Chase after what you want."
'If only it was that easy,' I almost told him.
Vince couldn't even answer a text or phone call.
Instead, I nodded and leaned my head against his shoulder, taking another handful of popcorn.
Like clockwork, he resumed the show, knowing exactly what I wanted, a distraction from this conversation about Vince and bonds and everything in between but of course, my mind was too fixated on what he had said instead of the show.
Even with subtitles, I was totally not paying attention, repeating Vince's look in his eyes before fleeing from Rowan's birthday party.
Then to the concern that laced everyone's words when realizing he had chickened out from joining us.
Internally, I was right up there with Rowan, throwing a mental tantrum.
Was it too much to ask for us to be in the same room for an hour?
To be okay with seeing each other?
All those letters and things Xavier had told me about his progress, yet Vince still felt like he didn't belong there, that he couldn't face me or any of us there?
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iesuroo · 4 months
Sob crying cause I'm trying to get my nephew to me for the summer for a visit and my sister (who is terrible and sucks btw) is making it so hard. They have a friend who flies and is letting them use his points, the whole trip to me and back will cost them out of pocket 12 dollars. That's nothing! She was supposed to buy them two weeks ago and still hasn't. She saw the friend yesterday and had a chance to get the tickets but told my nephew there were more important things to do. My nephew is so excited to come see me and get out of his shitty home environment (he's trans and my sister and brother are homophobic and transphobic and just urg I hate them they are abusive too) and I just want to show my nephew what a safe environment that's full of love feels like so he knows it gets better
I FB messaged my mom (who is also toxic in other ways) to talk to my sister and my mom didn't even know about the tickets my sister tells her everything. My nephew is the youngest and is the most ignored yet most pushed and they have iron issues that make them exhausted but my sister isn't doing anything to fix it. My nephew said he wishes I was his mom and I swear I would be if my sister would allow it. I lived what my nephew is going through stuck in your room all day ignored and belittled if you mess up.
Anyways my mom talked to her and my sister lied and said the friend was out of town and got back today when really he left for his work trip today and that she would "try" this weekend and I sent a whole paragraph how I was just excited to finally be able to spoil one of my nephews and nieces as a cool aunt. She messages back "we so love you" I sobbed because I could hear her say it with her bland monotone voice. Love huh? You guys don't know what love is, you never have.
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ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ​ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ x
Yoongi's POV
"I believe you," I kneel in front of him wiping his tears, "Your uncle believes you."
A painful sob leaves his mouth and he falls forward onto me clutching my shoulders and hugging me. My crushes from seeing his broken state. If Taehyung's done anything to this poor child then I'm gonna murder him. No one hurts my nephews and nieces. 
"Yoonjin," I call his name softly, "No one will hurt you, okay? I won't let anyone hurt you."
He shakes his head, "No one will believe me."
"Tell me, baby. Please. Your uncle Yoongi believes you," I say patting his back softly.
"Will you?" He sobs.
"I will," I smile and wipe his tears, "I trust you."
Taehyung's POV (second timeline)
"Stupid oven," Yuna mutters under her breath, "My baby had to wait so long for cookies."
I chuckle as she prepares cookie dough violently kneading it with a scowl on her face. Maybe she needs some relief... some way to release all her anger and rage building up inside her. I know she's been affected by my imposter but she doesn't show it. I walk to the old oven, carry it and place it on the kitchen island. She looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. 
"You need to release your anger," I explain to her, "If you don't, you might take it out on the wrong person later."
"I would never take my anger out on you..," she says softly.
"I don't mind if you do," I smile and take her hand, "But not to our kids."
"I won't," she promises, "I love them."
"And we all tend to take our anger out on our loved ones," I kiss her forehead, "It's not your fault."
"Why did you put the oven on the kitchen island?" She asks.
"I want you to smash it," I say with a straight face, "Take out all of your anger on it."
"What?" She chuckles, "That sounds tempting but I don't wanna make a mess."
"You know I can not only make a mess," I run my finger up her inner thigh and she sucks in a breath, "but also clean them up."
"I-I, yeah," she stutters, "You can."
"Then, go on," I smirk, "Smash the oven. Go get a knife, stab it."
"But it's okay," she smiles, "I don't wanna-"
"Go get a knife," I repeat. I really want her to feel what it's like to release all of the anger and frustration that's held in. She silently walks to the knife holder and pulls one out. 
"Stab into the oven," I instruct, "Trust me."
She raises her hand with the knife clutched tightly. She draws in a breath and brings her hand down piercing through the metal of the oven. She quickly flinches almost falling back.
"Did that feel good?" I ask resting my head on my palm, leaning onto the kitchen island.
"Can we take this to the backyard?" She smirks playfully.
"Sure," I stand up straight, "I'm gonna go get the golf clubs."
"I'll be in the backyard," she places the knife on my hand, "Check on the cookies on your way back."
Several minutes later...
"Ugh!" Yuna groans as she smashes the table into pieces with her axe. She stumbles back panting and sweating from all the physical activity. I chuckle and hug her from behind, "Did that feel good?"
"I never knew I had so much anger pent up," she huffs wiping the sweat on her forehead and dropping the axe. She then looks around to see the mess she caused.
"Oh my God-"
Before she could finish, I cut her off, "I can clean this mess up in an instant, baby. Don't worry."
"I still ruined the lawn," she pouts.
"Doesn't matter," I snap my fingers and she sighs with a smile.
"See," I chuckle, "No mess, perfect lawn."
"I see that," she laughs and turns around in my arms kissing me passionately.
Yoongi's POV
"I can," he lets out a few sobs, "read people's minds and hear their thoughts."
"What?" I ask in shock. This kid could read minds? What if he read mine and found out about me crushing on-
"It's okay, uncle," he looks down, "It's okay to crush on someone."
"I- I don't know what to say. This is just so shocking," I shake my head and look at his moist eyes.
"I've read my dadda's mind," his eyes wandering on the floor, "He is evil. He has evil thoughts. He thinks of killing people and torture to release stress. He kills people behind mamma's back."
"What?" I stand up, "I thought he promised  Yuna that he'd never kill again."
"He doesn't keep his promise," he sobs, "He also hurts momma."
My eyes widen in fear. H-he hurts Yuna? How could he?
"He always thinks of making her scream and writhe when he's near her," he sobs, "So, I always try to be near momma. I don't want momma to get hurt."
I blush when I hear his statement. He surely did not mean physical harm by that. He probably meant se-
"And now they're alone back home and I'm scared dadda will hurt her," he says.
"Oh, Yoonjin," I sigh, "Your dadda will never hurt Yuna, okay? He loves her too much to do anything like that."
"I can't understand," he breaks down crying, "He loves mamma but wants her to cry!"
"Baby," I rub his back, "It's not like that, okay? You'll understand when you grow up."
"But he- he killed one of Yuki's classmates because she bullied her," he says, "He tortured her so much. He made it so that no one would be able to recognise-"
"That's enough, baby. Let's not talk about that," I clench my jaws in anger. He promised Yuna that he wouldn't kill unless it's absolutely necessary.
"Why didn't you tell anyone about your powers, Yoonjin?" I ask him as I lift him and take him to the kitchen. I softly place him on the kitchen island and fill up a glass of water.
"I was scared," he whispers.
"Of what?" I lift his chin and hand the glass to him.
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"That he'd kill me."
1058 words
A/N- You might see a lot of Taehyung-Yuna fluff, moments and parts of their life even if it may not be important to the plot.
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ram-de · 2 years
campfire & cowardice
family gathering is one typical event i dread the most. well... not because my (more distant) relative are mean or anything. but, i always feel super anxious i feel like my anxiety is cranked up to the limit of what it could be. i guess there's like expectation and judgement and somehow i always feel like i'm going to mess up or say something stupid or be super awkward and out of place which actually is a self-fulfilling prophecy because i did exactly that.
in the grand scheme of things, one fact that calms me is that i'm not <anyone> but rather the <son of my parents> which made me feel better because people doesn't meet me for me but rather due to the circumstances of things i happened to tag along but they're here for say, my parents, or say, my older sibling. that's good in itself. but still.
there's also this thing, where my age is relatively close to my cousins, but due to whatever happened to me in my childhood that made me more reluctant to open up and more social as a kid, i... i feel like i'm so out of place. i don't know. listen... i think i've calmed down for now but that's because i haven't been called by my mom to go downstairs and meet the uncle and aunts yet. and um. i don't know.
there's one summer vacation. okay, not summer because i live in a country where there's only two seasons. um. it was year break vacation. whatever people called it. there's one vacation i visited the distant relative but also not very distant, and... and i don't know. i think in my head, i was always planned to say hello and just do conversation. but i ended up didn't say anything the whole vacation other than anything necessary. i don't know.
perhaps it's because the enthusiastic lowkey pressure from the parents to sort of made their kid get along or something. "hey! talk with him!" or stuff like, "you two are the same age, why don't you have a talk?" and the me, frozen just be stupid and smiled and let an awkward laugh and just said nothing. i thought i was cool doing that. FALSE. FALSE. FALSE. i'm the lamest. oh my goodness...
it's time like these that made me wish i was more... open to try. just be more outgoing, talk and whatever. it's stuff like these that made me feel like i lowkey influenced my brother to be kind of passive with the cousins too, because i don't initiate acts and well, role figure and stuff.
i am totally overthinking this.
it made me sad. sad that i couldn't be a proper son. i thought of hiding myself forever, but that'd be lonely and i guess i'll always feel like i'm living a lie. i could run away, i could hide, but at some point, truth will prevail. what good would it bring, saying the truth? well, i'll still be lonely, but at least i didn't have to carry the burden of lie.
i don't know if i am ever going to be ready. i think, as i grow up, my sibling are going to have their own family too. my parents are going to be older. there's going to be cute nephew and nieces to meet and i'm going to be an uncle. i... do i want to let all this go? just for a truth? there's compromise, as always. i could stay here, without telling others what needs to be told. i could do that. but. i don't know.
but. a lot of scenarios crossed my minds. but one thing in common, is that i feel like i'm a disappointment. by telling them that. because i broke whatever expectations. whatever trust. a precious thing. i broke a bond. and i don't know how to ever repair that. i don't know. i'm sure my parents would be upset, and i feel really sad if my mom sad because of this too. will they think that they raised me wrong at some point? will they think that i'm carrying a disease that's going to be spread around? will they think i would be a bad influences to nephews and nieces?
and what about my sibling? will they see me as the same me? will they think of me as the brother they always had? will they be sad that they couldn't change me and known this earlier to fix me? will they be avoiding me from that point on? or will they accept me, knowing i am a false presence?
i don't really care about the distant relatives. certain one, not all. because sometimes their word hurts even without meaning too. i don't know. not all, of course.
my being, my reason. i don't know why i felt the need to think of a hypothetical situation in my head. perhaps because i think it's a real possibility that could happen sometime in the far future. can i handle living alone, with the cost of the bond of my family? am i going to be a burden even by then? will i be the talk of the relatives? will this bring shame to the family? an embarassment? a failure? disgrace...? will they think of me without me around? will i be still, one of the family?
i'm going to be sad. if i were to leave my mom and never have to contact with her. i think... maybe she will understand or try to understand me... but... i don't know. i'm scared. it's not like i'm seeking for acceptance. i know i will never be correct. i just want a nod, an understandment, and maybe a hug to tell me i'm okay as i am. i'm scared. because i know the warmth family gave me. the shelter it always protect me. the hugs that calms me. the eyes that look at me as myself. the smiles that comfort me. the place where i will return to, always.
if it's so hard, why feel the need to leave? i don't know. it's so selfish. i'm so selfish, isn't it? a greedy being, wanting to have it all. why do i have to choose one in the first place. i'm as important as what my family is to me... isn't life is about compromise?
yeah, but how can i compromise this? being still around, but also with the big elephant in the room that everyone that would be too afraid to shoo? telling some but not all my closer family, giving them the responsibility to carry that burden with me? no... that's unfair. that's too much. that's selfish. this isn't anyone else problem so...
if it's me from high school, i would be typing stuff like, "if only i were born another person." or "if only i wasn't myself." but... to me now... i think i understood well that at the core of it all, i'm the only one i have, and this is the only life i have to live. so i try to look up, moving forward. because this is me, and i am whole. not a misfit puzzle, a broken piece, or feeling like i have something wrong with me. mkay, maybe it have some truth in it, but...
aah... i shouldn't think too much about this. it's all hypothetical for now... being me isn't the number one priority for now. maybe i'll have to think more clearly later on, before deciding anything solid. i'll just live and cherish the time and all the moments i have with my family for now. because once i said the truth about myself, i don't think i'll be brave enough to look at them the same way. neither they will, i think. i'll need to prepare, in case i've become an outsider. all is difficult...
edit literally 30 minutes since then
ok maybe i should've been born as a different person because anxiety as a concept... okay, it's fine. alert you when something is wrong. cool, cool. BUT... IF IT HAPPENED FOR EVERY SOCIAL OCCASION, THAT IT MADE ME THINK OF THE MOST HORRENDOUS THING THAT COULD HAPPEN WHEN IT'S LITERALLY HAVE ZERO HARM AND RISK OTHER THAN SOME AWKSIES MOMENTS... IT'S SUCH A ByETCHH.... like FUCK OFF ANXIETY... also i'm not self diagnosing i'm just venting what i feel so💀 in short i'm✨a normal functioning human being✨
0 notes
vividwritinglove · 2 years
next door IX - a Pierre Gasly series
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poor Pierre - you really haven’t been the luckiest lately. Prayers that this will change soon 🙏♥️
pairing: Pierre Gasly x fem!reader
warnings: none
word count: 2k
The night was quiet and relaxed. Pierre and you were able to catch up on a few more hours of sleep, just as he had promised you. However, only under the condition with very close body contact. Pierre loved to snuggle up to you and to have your scent in his nose constantly.
As in the night before, you both woke up before the ringing of your alarm clocks and lay in bed for a few more minutes tightly embraced, looking at each other and exchanging tender touches and kisses. Waking up like that was just beautiful. Throughout the week you sleep next to each other, alternating between his and your bed. Relatively quickly you developed an evening and morning routine together. It was a very intense week with lots of conversations and intimacies.
"Christmas is already in a couple of days..." mumbles Pierre, eating a spoonful of his cereal. You nod and take a sip from your coffee cup. It was Saturday, Pierre had already had his first training session and now you are having breakfast together.
"Are you not excited at all?" asked Pierre incredulously. He loved the Christmas holidays, like every year he would go home to spend time with his big family and friends. Your reaction was incomprehensible to him, after all, everyone loved Christmas.
"Oh you know. I don't know any reflective Christmases. It’s just a few extra days off for me."
"You don't mean that?" said Pierre in shock, looking at you the same way.
You didn't understand his indignation. It was a holiday like any other. You never understood why this holiday was so celebrated. Your parents were always away doing business, most of the time you were home alone with the nanny, now and then your grandparents visited you on Christmas. The lack of love was compensated with countless gifts, which, however, did not interested you one bit. It wasn't atypical for you to spend Christmas with your friends and their families - it never really grew on you, though, because it wasn't your own family.
"Pierre, what can I say...I'm messed up." you laughed, hoping he'd put the subject to rest.
"I think it's sad... are you staying in Milan then?"
"Theoretically I'm off until the 8th, maybe I'll go back home and visit the girls. Or I'll just stay here."
Pierre felt bad and he showed. The last few days had been so nice for him and he felt that things were falling into place between you two. He didn't wanted to leave you alone on Christmas, but taking you to his family after such a short time didn't felt right yet either.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine on my own." you said encouragingly, placing your hand on his. Pierre gave you a pained smile, "I know you will. I'm just saying...".
Pierre spent the rest of the breakfast telling you about the Christmas celebrations and traditions of the Gasly family. It sounded harmonious, loud and hearty. All the Gasly sons with wives and children under their parent’s roof and a lots of food. Pierre worried that he would gain a few kilos, but there were no diets on those days. You fell in love with the way Pierre talked about the things he loved with full dedication, whether it was F1 or in this case his family. He was a family man and the love he had for them was enormous.
"Do you want to go shopping for some gifts today? I need some for my nieces and nephews."
"I don't need anything, but I'll be happy to go with you." you smiled at him.
You two got up from the table and cleaned up together before getting changed to go to the city center.
You would have imagined a shopping trip with Pierre to be easier. He kept getting recognized and to top it off, Christmas shopping was in full swing. Everyone seemed to be taking advantage of the last weekend before Christmas to buy gifts. When fans approached him, you slowly walked ahead. You didn't wanted to draw attention to yourself and Pierre understood. This is probably the biggest burden of being with someone that is in the public eye: the lack of privacy. Would you be able to get used to that?
While shopping, you noticed how Pierre asked you about your current wishes. However, you remained steadfast and did not let it show what gift you would be happy about. Pierre shouldn't give you anything, it doesn't feel right to you. Not yet, at least.
"Are you sure you don't need anything?" asked Pierre who was holding some bags in his hands.
You waved off with a smile, "You bought enough for both of us, I think."
"Shall we head back? I have to go to the second training with Pyry in a minute."
"You can go. I want to go to the bookstore."
"For that Italian study book?"
"Among other things."
"Okay." said Pierre almost wordlessly, leaning forward towards you to kiss you. With one hand on his chest you stopped him, "Not here...".
"Sorry." said Pierre awkwardly, "I'll see you later then?".
You nod with a smile and waved goodbye to him as you two part ways.
You strolled to the bookstore across from the marketplace. After entering it, you browsed a bit through the international section and find a book about Formula 1 along with some Interior books. You flipped through it with interest and there was a picture of Pierre's 2020 Monza win. You shook your head with a smile at the strains of blond hair, that were flashing out from under the winner's cap. What was he thinking with that blond hair?
In addition to the design books, you also took the book about Formula 1. It's Pierre's life and his big dream to become a world champion one day. Between the holidays, you would have enough time to acquire enough knowledge about Formula 1 and Pierre's profession. As you went to the checkout, you also show the QR code for a book order. The cashier takes the Italian book you ordered from the shelf behind her and puts it and all the other books into a bag. When you left the bookstore it was already dark. Some stores were closed. On your way home, you noticed a small boutique that sold beautiful dresses as well as lingerie. You have often walked past this boutique, but only now it really caught your eye.
You stood in front of the shop window and admired the looks that are on display. Especially a lingerie set with a short silk robe has done it to you. The seller noticed you and opened the door.
"Siamo ancora aperti. Vuole entrare?"
"Sorry..." you start, but the sales lady immediately switched to English.
"Come on in!" she now kindly invited you and waved you into the boutique.
With a smile, you entered the small store.
"You liked this one, right?" she pointed to the middle mannequin. You nod tentatively.
"Go to the fitting room. I'll bring you the set."
You do as your told and on your way there you took off your coat.
"I guess you wear a cup size 80B and a regular 36 right?"
Her talent for guessing your sizes right intrigues you, "Yeah, that’s correct!".
"Coming right up." she smiled.
A few seconds later she holds the Bordeaux red lingerie set and matching silk robe out to you in the fitting room. It's a really soft lace material that felt super smooth against your skin. Your breast were perfectly supported in that bra and also the high thong hugged your curves flawlessly. If you were just a little bit more tanned, it would've just looked divine. You slipped on the short robe and stepped out of the fitting room. The seller clapped in her hands enthusiastically, "Belissima!".
Her euphoria is almost a bit too much for you, but you smile kindly at her and turn to the large mirror.
"I also have the matching suspenders for this set."
"Oh, no no!" you wave it off, "That's perfectly fine."
She didn't take no for an answer - you tell yourself that this was related to the Italian mentality and have the suspenders brought to you. With quick moves she put them on you and she was right, it looked forbidden good.
Pierre, on the other hand, was in the middle of his 2nd workout. He was lying on a yoga mat doing sit ups, as Pyry kept throwing a medicine ball to him, which Pierre expertly caught and threw back.
"So are you a taken man again or what's going on?"
"I can't tell you."
"There is a woman in this world who can resist the charms of Pierre Gasly?"
"Really funny!" gasped Pierre, throwing the ball back harder than before.
"I see - difficult subject." huffed Pyry.
"It feels like it's going in the right direction. We take one step forward and suddenly two steps back."
Pierre talks about your horror of Christmas and how you don't seem to care to spend the holidays alone at all. He couldn't even figure out what he could do to please you as a gift.
"You know Pierre...not everyone celebrates Christmas as hard as you do. Maybe it's just because she's never had a nice Christmas before or can't associate anything positive with it."
Pierre continued his exercises without comment.
"And gifts aren't always the right way to express affection to someone. Maybe she just needs to experience it to know the difference."
"You mean like, taking her to my parents' house for Christmas?"
"No, but maybe do something with her after Christmas?"
"Like a vacation?"
"You guys already talked about that, didn’t you?"
Before you went over to Pierre's, you took your purchases to your apartment and put on something comfortable. Pierre was already waiting for you. You greeted him with a loving kiss. For Pierre it is new to gauge a potential partner so badly. He was happy about every tenderness coming from you and returned it only too gladly. But he also didn't wanted to be intrusive and push you into something you didn't want at all.
"Are you okay?" you asked with a smile, tenderly stroking his cheek.
Pierre smiled slightly and shrugs his shoulders. You're a little confused by his reaction. To you, everything seemed fine.
"Come let's sit down." you asked him and sat down on the sofa, a little more distant than usual.
"What's wrong?"
"I know we agreed to see how things are going between us and I accept that." Pierre began, barely able to look at you.
"But I'm someone who just needs clarity in life!"
You nod in understanding, "You want to know what you mean to me."
Pierre nods tentatively, now looking at you piercingly with his beautiful blue eyes.
"I can understand if you don't want to make a big deal about it. After all, we don't have to rub it in everyone's faces. You're a very private person, especially when it comes to social media. I respect and understand that. We are very different at that point. I don't want to force you into anything either..." he talked his head off.
"Pierre, are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" you interrupted him, before it got even worst.
Pierre's heart was beating faster. That's exactly the question he wanted to ask you, only it was very hard for him to find the right words. He was afraid to scare you away and ruin everything. He sighed, "Yes!".
You hesitated with your answer and let him wait. You noticed how he got nervous more and more. As far as that, he still had a lot to learn. He now looked at you demanding.
You smiled mischievously at him and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips. This only confused him more.
"Is that a yes or a no?" he asked, irritated, after you two break off the kiss.
With a roll of your eyes, you shook your head, giving him a little heart attack, "Jeez Pierre! You really are slow on the uptake!".
You took a deep breath, "I, Y/F/N Y/L/N, am in a serious relationship with you, Pierre Gasly. From now on.".
You've never saw a wider grin on Pierre's face before. Immediately he took your face in his hands and pressed a passionate kiss on your lips.
part X
taglist: @hungryhungarian @scotlynaurora @justthatgirlxox @hannahholland1811
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Por amor al arte (Julieta x Fem!Reader)part 19
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part1 < > next
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"Tío Bruno!"
The man jumped out of his skin at Mirabel's cry and turned just in time to see most of his sobrinos running towards him. He gulped. He loved his nephews and nieces! But he also knew that they had a habit of getting into trouble and dragging everyone down with them, and he really didn't want to be dragged into another mess, not when he'd barely been able to convince Pepa to cancel her plans to hook you up with Julieta.
"Tío! We need your help" Mirabel said, taking the older man's arm.
"W-what do you need?" he asked her, immediately regretting it as she and Isabela began to lead him to his room, with Camilo and Antonio right behind them. Oh no.
“We need you to have a vision!” isabela said
“About mom and Y/N!” Mirabel added
"I-I don't think that's a good idea" he said, stopping in his tracks.
"But tío Bruno-" Mirabel started, trying to grab his arm again, but he escaped.
"Nope. I'm firm on this” the older man crossed his arms “Pepa already tried, and I'll tell you the same thing I told her: I'm not going to have a vision about Julieta and Y/N”
"Why not?!" Isabela frowned.
"Because Julieta told me no to!"
“Wait, tía Julieta knows about-” Camilo asked, not needing to finish his sentence.
“That you are trying to bring them together? What did you expect after that night in the kitchen?” Bruno asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Damn it Camilo!" Isabela grunted in annoyance.
"Anyway!" Mirabel intervened before her sister could kill her cousin “A vision could help us. Please, tío Bruno. We just want mom to be happy."
"And I understand, Mirabel" he sighed "but my answer is still no"
"Why not?!"
"Julieta is terrifying when she gets angry"
"...confirmo" Camilo said, remembering that time his mother gave him as a sacrifice "there was fire in her eyes" he shuddered.
Mirabel frowned and Isabela was about to say something when they all heard Eliza's unmistakable laugh and Julieta's voice from the kitchen. It was dinner time. Bruno flinched as the three older children looked at each other with mischievous smiles. They were planning something and he didn't want to know what it was. At least Antonio seemed blissfully oblivious to everything and that was something he envied.
“Y/N, dear, could you pass me the cream?” Alma casually asked you.
You nodded, finishing swallowing a piece of meat before taking the bowl and extending your arm to her. Alma smiled to herself when she noticed the way Julieta held her breath as you leaned closer to her to pass the cream. At this point, it was no secret to anyone in the family that the oldest triplet was completely in love with you and would need a little push.
The problem was that everyone seemed to think they were the only ones who had noticed and made plans to get you two together that usually ended up colliding with each other's plans. Alma realized that the grandchildren were working as a team while Pepa and Félix were another team (she suspected that her daughter had tried to involve Bruno, but her son, bless him, knew better than to mess with his older sister and risk waking her wrath). The matriarch let them act for a while, watching in silence. However, there were times like this when the family would understand a silent agreement and come together without having to plan anything.
She liked you and she would be lying if she said that she hadn't realized how much you had helped her oldest daughter in her grief and the way Julieta smiled more when you were around her. Her girl deserved to be happy.
As a widow herself, she knew the pain her Julieta went through, she felt it in her own bones. The difference was that she was alone while her daughter had you. Perhaps, she wouldn't have been so hard on her own family if only she had had a Y/N by her side.
So she decided to help the rest of the family a bit, knowing that if any of them messed up and made Julieta angry, she would be sinless. After all, who would suspect her?
"Thank you dear" she smiled at you, taking the bowl you offered her
"You're welcome, ma'am" you smiled at her.
"Oh don't call me like that, Y/N, you make me feel so old" she joked "call me Alma"
"Okay, Alma" you agreed "Although I don't see what's wrong with being older"
You noticed the way Julieta froze for a moment, halfway to popping a piece of corn into her mouth, before remembering that the family was present and pretending she was okay. Usually, you would make some joke to embarrass her more, but the new discovery of your feelings for her still made you nervous. You just prayed that she didn't notice the change in you.
“Oh? Could you elaborate on that, Y/N?” Pepa smiled mischievously, ignoring the look of death her sister sent her.
"Well" you thought for a bit, giving Eliza another spoonful of porridge. Despite everything, who were you to miss the opportunity? "I just think there's something especially attractive about a person's maturity" you shrugged.
"Is that so?" Alma smiled "why?"
You looked up from your daughter to see how the whole family seemed to want to hide their smiles behind crystal glasses or eating. Next to you, Julieta was red and she seemed to want to disappear, leaning a little in her chair, as if she was praying that the earth would swallow her. You didn't know why she reacted like that when it was obvious that they were making fun of you, not her.
“I just think there is something beautiful in a life already lived. There is so much someone older can teach you if you are willing to learn.”
“That is a beautiful conception, my dear” Alma smiled at you
You returned the smile and Julieta was grateful that that seemed to be the end of the discussion. Until Camilo decided that a warning hadn't been enough, or maybe the boy really did have a death wish. Because his next question made her blood run cold.
“And what about relationships? Would you date someone older, Y/N?” the boy asked
You blushed deeply and clenched your fist under the table. Beside you, Julieta choked on her wine and began to cough, giving you a momentary escape. You turned to her and patted her on the back to help her recover.
"Are you okay mom?" Mirabel asked looking concerned, but you could hear the sneer in her tone.
"Y-yes, mi amor" Julieta replied haltingly "the wine went the wrong way, that's all" she lied
“Have some water” you said, passing her your glass.
The brunette took it gratefully, and neither of you realized that Isabela whispered something to Dolores, who smiled broadly and nodded. Mirabel waited until her mother recovered and handed the glass back to you to bring up the subject again. No, she wasn't going to let you get away that easily.
"So? Would you go out with someone older?” she asked you
“Well…” you thought for a moment. If Julieta didn't know you were talking about her, it was fine, right? "Yes, I would" you replied
“And what about the women?” Isabela added “Would you date a woman?”
"Isabela!" Julieta scolded her, feeling her face heat up. Why did it seem like her family had agreed to embarrass her to death tonight?! It didn't help that you just laughed and actually answered.
“Well, my only relationship was with Daniel and it didn't turn out well” you joked “Maybe I'd be better off if I switched sides…so yeah, I guess I'd date with a woman”
Julieta tried to continue eating and ignore them all, but she knew that the little brats knew what they were doing and were enjoying it. She hated the way her heart jumped with hope when you said that you would consider dating a woman. But she gently reminded herself that just because you had a good idea of ​​old age and said you'd date a woman, it didn't mean you'd date an older woman.
“So let's put the pieces together” Camilo said “would you date an older woman?”
Julieta snapped her head up and looked intently at her nephew. Oh, now she was going to kill him. At least the boy had the decency to appear remorseful, but it was too late. God better catch him confessed.
"...Yes" you answered, feeling your face and chest blush deeply "if she asked me to"
A part of you wanted to die of shame, but another part of you desperately wanted Julieta to take the hint, for her to hear the message: ask me to be yours that way.
“Interesting” Felix shared a conspiratorial smile with his wife
"You better take care of yourself, mom" the redhead said "Y/N could have other intentions behind that kindness"
You blinked a bit before laughing out loud, causing the rest of the table (except Julieta, who suddenly seemed too interested in her soup) to join you.
"Damn Pepa" you said "have I been so obvious?" you joked
"It's just that I know you well, Y/N" she joked back
"Well, I'm flattered" Alma joined the joke "Maybe we'll talk about this later" she winked at you
“I can't wait” you smiled.
However, you jumped a bit when Julieta jumped to her feet and mumbled something about being full, taking her plate with her before fleeing back into the kitchen. It worried you a little to see that her face was redder than Pepa's hair and her hands were shaking, but you couldn't do anything when Eliza growled for you to give her more food, reminding you that she was, in fact, still there and wasn't going to be feed from adult jokes.
Julieta clumsily left the dishes in the sink, leaning against the cold china and closing her eyes to try to calm down. She knew she had made a scene, but she couldn't help it. Hearing you say things like that, implying that she might have a chance with you, then simply flirting with her mother had left her in a bad mood. She knew it was just a joke, that you didn't feel anything for Alma, but she couldn't be completely sure either. You had been spending quite a bit of time with the woman lately while she was teaching you how to play chess or something. She felt bad that she was jealous of her own mother, but she couldn't help it. She just hoped you wouldn't notice.
"Are you okay?"
Julieta jumped a little and looked at you over her shoulder. She noticed that you had a stack of dishes in your arms and stepped aside so you could put them in the sink. She simply nodded to answer your question and moved to get the soap.
"Juli" you sighed.
She hadn't returned to the table after getting up so abruptly, which had left you worried. Did you say something that made her uncomfortable or upset? Maybe it was because of that comment with Alma. Whatever had happened, you knew it was your fault that she was hiding here, so after asking Pepa to take care of Eli, you had offered to carry the dirty dishes, in an attempt to talk to her alone.
"Please talk to me" you begged her
Julieta clung to the sink for a moment before she began to wash the dishes without saying anything. She knew she was being childish, but she couldn't admit out loud the reason for her annoyance. But of course, you weren't going to go easy on her and you made that damned face that you knew made her weak. Your eyes sparkled and your quivering lower lip jutted out in an adorable pout. She wasn't going to fall for it.
"Please" you begged, moving from place to place when she turned her face away "Por fiiiis"
The older woman kept avoiding you as best she could, but she cursed her heart and you when she felt a smile tug at her lips. She was never capable of staying upset with you for long and you knew that, if the way you crawled under her arm to force her to see you was any indication.
“Am I seeing a smile, Juli?” you innocently asked
She still didn't say a word to you, but you two knew it was a matter of seconds before she gave up, she just needed a little push, which came in the form of you taking some foam and putting it on the tip of her nose, making her jump a little before laughing.
“Y/N!” she scolded you lightly, taking a rag to wipe her hands and her nose "get out of here if you're going to make a mess"
“I promise not to if you don't ignore me” you smiled at her.
Julieta looked at you for a moment before sighing and rolling her eyes affectionately. She knew you weren't going to give up, so there was no point in fighting.
"Sorry, it's just..."
"Is it because of what I said to your mom?" you finished for her
The brunette looked down at her wet hands, unable to look at you as she nodded. You put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently.
“You do you” she cut you off. “It took me by surprise, that's all” she said, trying to sound casual, though she knew you could see her hands shaking.
"Julieta...you know it was a joke, right?" you asked.
You frowned when she didn't answer you. There was something she wasn't telling you and you hated the fact that you had been responsible for upsetting her so much. Gently, you cupped her chin, giving her time to pull away, but she only closed her eyes for a moment, leaning slightly into your touch before looking up at you as you turned her face toward you.
“I like your mom, but not in that way” you assured her “I swear it was just a joke, Juli, but I promise not to joke like that again…I didn't mean to bother you. I'm sorry"
The brunette looked at you for a while, looking for any hint of lies in your eyes. But she should already know that you don't lie to her (or when you did, it was to hide from others, because you knew she knew you well). She felt her jealousy and annoyance fade away, replaced by a bit of guilt and embarrassment.
"I'm sorry" she sighed "I shouldn't be mad at simply joke…it's just…"
"You don't have to explain anything to me" you told her, caressing her cheek "But...are we okay?"
"...we're fine" she smiled at you.
You smiled back and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before letting go of her face and returning your attention to the dishes. Without thinking, you took another sponge and began to help her. You two fell into a comfortable silence, moving as one and happy that you could so easily fall back onto the friendly ground.
"It was a good distraction, tho" you said after a while
The older woman knew you were talking about Karim, still unconscious upstairs. She wished she could give you comfort, help him wake up sooner. But there was nothing she could do.
“You are an older sister” you continued “how did you deal with your injured siblings?”
Julieta looked at you for a moment, noticing that now it was your hands that were trembling. She wiped her hands and approached you carefully, hugging you tightly against her chest and letting you lean against her shoulder.
"He's my little brother, Juli...and I couldn't defend him" you said with a voice full of guilt
She held you tightly, rocking you a bit and planting a kiss on your forehead. She knew that feeling too well, that of having failed a younger sibling, the day Bruno disappeared came to her memory.
"I know how you feel" she admitted "I was mom’s golden girl when we were growing up…I always thought I could have done more for them”
"What do you mean?" you asked as you parted so you could see her
“My siblings’ gifts have never been easy, Bruno was always branded as unlucky while Pepa was forbidden to feel anything other than happiness…and I saw everything. I saw how that hurt them, how they suffered... and I couldn't do anything"
You looked at her as she stared at the wall, lost in her thoughts. A new face of hers was opening up to you, one that was filled with guilt but also with love. She was a child who was scared as well as a hurt mother.
“I should have been braver” she continued “I have always been the healer. I always treated their wounds, comforted them when it all got too much, tried to be there for them, be a shoulder to lean on. I am the oldest, it is my duty to protect them. That's something I've always admired about you."
That last one made you blink in confusion. What did she mean by that? There was nothing to admire in you, especially not when your brother had been hurt because of you. She must have sensed your confusion because she smiled at you and she caressed your cheek gently.
“You have always been so brave, you don't keep quiet or let yourself be intimidated by anyone. I saw you defend your brother several times while we lived with you. I was never able do that for Pepa and Bruno, I always stayed behind while people hurt them. I heal them, but I was never able defend them."
“You are the best big sister and your siblings love you” you said, caressing her hand on your cheek “trust me, Pepa made it clear” you added when she didn't seem to believe you.
The brunette frowned and looked at you for a moment. She admired and appreciated the fact that you tried to lighten the mood, not allowing her to wallow in her own guilt. Then something clicked in her mind.
"Oh God" she sighed "what did she say to you?"
“Not much” you smiled “...just that if we ever got into a fight and you cried because of me, she would hit me with lightning and keep Eliza. And I've lived in fear ever since."
Julieta looked at you for a moment before laughing heartily, making your smile widen more. She was beautiful and you wanted to see her always happy, she deserved it.
"Now I understand why you are so kind and affectionate with me" she joked
“Yes” you laughed “It's that…that and also that I just like you” you added, enjoying the other's blush.
"Being a big sister is a lot of work, isn't it?" she murmured
"Yes...but it's worth it" you said
She couldn't help but agree with you. She took your hand, squeezing it gently, hoping to comfort you a bit. It worked if the way you brought her hand to your lips to kiss her softly was any indication.
“We can do a lot for them” she said “but in the end, our ducklings grow up and we have to watch them fly and there is nothing we can do to stop them”
"...what I am hearing is that you speak from experience" you smiled with a raised eyebrow "did you threaten Félix when he started dating Pepa?"
“Oh, believe me, he is still afraid of me and I take great pride in it. Besides, I cried more than my mother at her wedding. Imagine, my girl was getting married” she told you
“Oh god, I don't want to imagine when it's Isabela, Luisa, or Mirabel's turn” you laughed.
Julieta waited for you to finish making fun of her before sighing again and looking at you more seriously.
“You are the best sister Karim could have” she promised you “I saw it in the way he has always supported you. He returns the love you have always given him”
You considered her words for a moment. You had never thought of it that way and it was a little comforting to think that despite everything, you had not completely failed your brother. Although no one would take it from your head that your boy would always be better than you, and that made you proud.
"Thank you" you said after a moment "now let's get to work these dishes won't wash themselves"
Julieta laughed heartily and untangled her hand from yours to get back to work. She couldn't do anything to make your brother wake up any sooner, but she could do her best to keep you safe while you waited.
Julieta tag: @emril-osvigne @smolgayhooman @arination99 @kitthedino
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emeraldtart · 3 years
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104 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 14:41:53 GMT
CROB + CRK Headcanons
The one named Constable Whiskers is Walnut, the same goes for her pet, which Almond named it.
Gingerbrave and some other cookies like Strawberry and Wizard don't have parents since they were baked from the Oven. The adults take care of them because... Let's be real, they can't just leave these children on their own. They're not even one year old yet (in Cookie Years)
Sorbet Shark Cookie is helping Mocha Ray Cookie in her search for Lobster Cookie. So far, their search is unsuccessful.
The angler fish is still whispering lies to his ears... Except now he became doubtful of it.
Walnut is waiting for her invitation to Kingdom so she can solve cases with her dad.
Chili Pepper Cookie steals valuables and sells them for money to pay for her and Muay Thai's living expenses. Muay Thai doesn't agree with her ways, but no matter how much he tells her about it she still keeps doing it.
Muay Thai do odd jobs while he's not training. At the very least he wanted to take his sister's burden a bit.
Pancake Cookie likes to perch on top of Rollcake's roadroller. Sometimes he even fly around while his big bro's driving.
This one is canon though; Dark Choco has bad eyesight.
Dark Choco very rarely sleeps in peace. The sword whispers disturbing things in his mind and mocks him of his mistakes and sins he can't atone.
104 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 23:45:44 GMT
KNY Reincarnation AU
Tsugikuni twins are born as Kamados, being the older sons of Sumiyoshi and Tanjurou's elder brothers.
You bet those two spoil their niece and nephews.
And yes, Yoriichi performs Hinokami Kagura at festivals every single year.
Douma was born with emotions, and he looks more normal, black eyes and silvery hair.
The Demons remembers their past lives, so Douma avoided Shinobu because he remembers what he said to her.
Surname is Hashibira.
He took the Shabana siblings (Ume & Gyu), before taking in Kotoha and Inosuke a few years later.
Gyu and Ume taught Inosuke how to be chaotic, if he isn't wild enough to begin with.
Akaza and Koyuki has a good life together.
Koyuki no longer being bound to sickness, so they can watch fireworks every year.
They 'married' when they were kindergartens, Hakuji having asked Koyuki to marry him one day.
They still keep the small, plastic ring they use for their 'wedding' back then.
Hakuji is still embarrassed about that day.
Kaigaku tried to be a better person.
He heed Zenitsu's words about being grateful for what you have now, because you might won't get a chance like that again in your lifetime.
Was adopted by Himejima.
Mess with Zenitsu, he'll break your nose. (And probably your bones, too, while he's at it)
Sayo is his baby sister, and he's trying to make up for what he did back then.
105 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 16:27:00 GMT
"Hmm...? Cream Puff Cookie, you're not going home yet?" Espresso Cookie asks the younger cookie.
Cream Puff Cookie looks at the coffee wizard and shook her head, "No, I'm waiting for my big brother. He said that he'll come to pick me up."
'Her older brother?' Espresso never knew anything about Cream Puff's family. Like most of the cookie population, she was baked in the oven of a witch rather than being made by another cookie's hand.
Although, it's possible that she has a sibling and he just didn't know about it.
"Cream Puff Cookie, there you are!"
Wait. That voice...
Espresso watched as Madeleine Cookie opened the door with a smile on his face and a box of doughnuts in one hand.
"Sorry, I'm late because I wanted to buy some food."
"It's alright, I was just talking with Espresso Cookie just now."
Madeleine then notices the coffee cookie in the room, "Oh, Espresso Cookie! Thanks for keeping Choux company. Say, do you want to join us for tea?"
Espresso snapped out from his shock, "Very well... But, may I ask. Cream Puff Cookie, why didn't you ever say that Madeleine Cookie is your... Brother?"
"I thought you knew about it?"
It took Espresso a few seconds to realize they have the same cream icing on their head and the similar way that the sugar in their eyes sparkled when they happy.
See the full post
129 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 14:05:00 GMT
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They're holding hands.
154 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 10:24:21 GMT
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