#if there isnt something for them to 'theorize' about
sanstropfremir · 2 years
in all honesty,,, why is jype trying lore now.... they just,,,ugh. SM has lore that is both hit AND miss but they just have more to work with in the end. though now that im thinking about it, whats lore vs a strong concept. i feel like taemin would qualify as lore because he ((did)) have a storyline for his earlier works i believe but as for most of their soloists i think its just,,, concept?? theres a bit of a gray area between soloists and groups, groups all have lore, solists??? its iffy...
..................i'm gonna stop you right there because i think we need to define what 'lore' means in a kpop context. when i talk about a group having 'lore', i am refering to groups that have a specific and intentional storyline/narrative arc/characters that appear consistently across all their content, regardless of what the 'concept' is. aespa has lore, ateez has lore, cix has lore. taemin does not have lore. taemin explores a thematic idea through an album and moves on to something different. taemin's only consistent character is himself, and even then it's not even consistent! he's literally labelled all of his different personas as different people with different personality types!!
also i feel like i need to stress this: 'lore' does NOT matter to the structural integrity of a work. these storylines are tacked on to the general framework of a kpop cb and have no active impact on the audience's reading of the work. you can watch any ateez mv and get an entirely complete reading of it without knowing wtf the halateez are. aespa are always just fighting some kind of techno construct. i'm willing to bet that most people don't even know cix had lore in the first place. a concept is something that is intrinsic to the construction and meaning of the work. when taemin makes a work, he takes an idea that he wants to explore and breaks it down through that work. you cannot separate those ideas from the work itself. someone using a repeated motif or thematic idea is not lore. it's just putting intentional meaning into your work.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Theories I don’t agree with exist on a sliding scale of “Hm. Well I don’t know if I fully see it but if this happened I would be totally open to it” to “Reading posts about this makes my blood boil”
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i cant answer an ask from last night because of the subject matter and i dont want to put the asker on blast but please keep in mind eve is my self insert and i dont think you realize how rude and insensitive it is to make that kind of theory about both 1. a self insert and 2. a character who is literally a child. thats basically making theories about me being [not saying what it is] so please don't ever fucking do that.
im sorry ifi sound angry or something but im extremely upset about hearing someone say that about my self insert
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Sorry about the late reply haha, but I'm absolutely thrilled to hear you enjoyed reading my last ask!
About RGGJo (I've been been calling him a variant of that for ages too, but if I ever slip up and call him Jou, it's out of habit; I like to differentiate them by RGGO and 7's different official romanizations lol), I'd actually say it's not at all hyperbolic to describe him as relaxed. If you ever have a moment, I think going through his voice lines is one of the best ways to get acquainted with his character in a short time! (Article might be a little rough, I basically speedran it all in a day just to show you lol; also a lot of them are uh........ let's say borderline flirtatious)
That said, it is much less apparent before the timeskip. To go on a bit (or a lot) of a tangent, I think that kind of relates to something I've noticed about their relationship with authority. Which is to say, it feels like they have a tendency to walk on eggshells with regard to authority figures. I think that might be the single most consistent thing between their characterizations.
You do see that directly with Arakawa, of course. It's something established really early on for both of them. You can tell right away from Jo's sheepish look when Arakawa walks in on the yubitsume fiasco or RGGJo freezing up when Arakawa walks in on the equivalent scene that he's someone they genuinely seek approval from as an authority figure. And, y'know, 7 has that micro-interaction with Arakawa only needing to put a hand on Jo's shoulder to stop him, whereas RGGO has Mitsu directly stating that the only person who's able to calm him down when he's on a rampage is Arakawa. Honorable mention to the substory where Ichi stops RGGJo from killing some guy by saying it'd put Arakawa in a bad mood.
But I think the clearest example sort-of-outside of Arakawa, one that's more insightful with regard to authority in general (since you could say of course he respects Arakawa specifically), is actually from Ryuji's RGGO story. There was a fair amount of confusion, right, because it's canon to the console timeline, but they hadn't implemented the Arakawa Family's 7 sprites, and they used the RGGO ones. So the funny thing is, I could tell right away that everyone was supposed to be their 7 selves based on characterization
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I did take the time to look over all of RGGJo's voice lines from the link you provided oh my god you weren't kidding about making quick edits i checked the log date and you were making changes just a few hours ago, bless you and your work fr and yeah no, his voice lines definitely give off a different feel from Y7Jo (and definitely no joke about the more 'flirtatious' lines- evidently as someone who's mostly perceived Y7Jo it's jarring to say the least. Not that I'm complaining, it's incredibly interesting to see the difference)! It's almost funny to me how different their personalities seem, I wonder what made RGG decide to conceal his more 'playful' personality..
In regards to his relationship with authority- or I guess I want to talk more specifically about with Arakawa- the backstory each Jo has offers different avenues for explanation as to why he's so readily obedient.
I have to make a disclaimer right now and say I'm not totally caught up on Ichi's RGGO story (I stopped just after their fight on the rooftop), so maybe more background to Jo is given. Nevertheless, for RGGJo, his reasons for being obedient aren't exactly clear aside from respecting Arakawa's influence/power (as noted by his irezumi, I'm pretty sure). On that note though, I haven't seen the bit from Ryuji's story- something I'm definitely going to look into once I get some time this week (and it's neat that the Jo's are distinct enough from each other that you can discern which iteration it's supposed to be despite the sprite used: I'm excited to see that for myself!).
Inversely, the context that Arakawa has been taking care of Jo's son offers a more concrete form of an explanation as to why he's compliant. It's not bad to assume I think that Jo genuinely respects Arakawa's authority, but it's that added context that adds an extra layer to his behavior.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
still thinking about how even just the decision to basically act like the shiekah tech never existed is just ... so baffling to me
bc again you could have done all the sonau tech does with shiekah instead, and they were perfect to be explored more in a sequel, why wouldnt you grasp that potential, the literal building blocks for more??
if you are that tired of shiekah tech .. dont make it a fuckign sequel to the game prominently featuring it???? totk doesnt take place generations after botw in which things could have changed drastically, its just a few years afterwards??
you want to reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech? ok fine take LINK into the past then and the focus is for you to find a way to return; do some neat twist where its revealed that link was the one who sealed gan bc he couldnt defeat him without zelda or something if you dare (they wouldnt)
want less work than that and still reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech AND reuse characters? ok then make it some alternate universe thingy like majoras mask in which everythign is the same but also isnt, its weird and creepy how characters you thoguht you knew suddendly dont act like themselves, shiekah tech doesnt exist, malice is now miasma, etc, it would give reason to why you feel so much like something about this world is familiar yet also very wrong
as far as im aware every "sequel" we have had so far were either generations apart from the first one, some alternate universe or a different location altogether- in all of which its plausible that things are different, things seem weirdly familiar but also wrong, or that another continent just works different from hyrule
but totk does none of that, its supposedly just a few years after the first game, same world same character, but its BUILT like some strange jumbled mess of stuff from botw and new stuff out of nowhere that just .. doesnt fit, but feeling a strange sense of otherness, a déja vu of something you know but it acts off, like an imposter, thats NOT intentional and it shows, its a mess of botw stuff, from stuff that people missed from the old games and entirely new stuff; i dont doubt it CAN work but the way it turned out is like a mix of 3 different puzzles forced together and being told 'see it fits!' even tho you can clearly see the pieces dont look right in these places
again it feels like a sequel that desperately wants you to forget the first game happened, that anythign from it mattered at all
and that isnt really ... the sense of a sequel? why insist on it being one when it only creates problems? is it marketing?? just like it was marketing to call age of calamity a telling of what happened before botw but then it wasnt that at all and that is still the sole reason why i dislike it? bc i was lied to? totk is like 10000 times worse than that, its a main title and doesnt even have the excuse of yeah its basically an excuse to play all your fav characters in fun ways and the game beign well aware that being its main appeal; what is totk appeal? a toybox with botw aestethic and none of the flavor?
(on a sidenote; the sonau tech doesnt even .. matter? in botw at least calamity ganon was made of shiekah tech parts and him overtaking other tech is a big point, the sonau tech doesnt serve anything but .. idk minerus useless mech? gan doesnt even aknowledge it, he doesnt care, all it is is toys for the player, not link, but the player. the monsters mining the tech materials? what for? gan doesnt give a damn and they dont work for the yiga either??)
i said it before but it gives me the feeling that the way botw invited you to theorize, to look beneath the surface, the way it intrigued you and laid the groundwork for so many interesting things without denying anything.. was accidental? or perhaps put in the game without the directors noticing? i cant stop thinking about them saying sth like "after botw zelda wondered if the kingdom of hyrule needed to keep existing the way it had been before the calamity, but then totk happens" bc it just feels like they realized too late that botw naturally led into questioning the status quo and they scrambled to fit it back into a flat and boring road we have seen so many times before (or even worse really) with totk
zeldas character naturally leads into her questioning and reexamine their history and set of rules? we gotta teach her a lesson of why she is importante god given monarchy girl that has to keep it bc what if evil brown man shows up again for no reason
maybe im grasping at straws here but looking at it this way the sonau .. make more "sense"; the shiekah were a group that was under the rule of the royal family, and misstreated before (oh no look soemthing interesting) so they dont lend themselves well to be used for teaching zelda that lesson- the sonau however are tailored really to be just that; they are a supposedly godly race from the literal sky that founded this version of hyrule, that had tech even more advanced and better than the shiekah, she gets put in the past to meet the perfect god king of goodness personally, also his very fridgy wifey that zelda later replaces in a way, shes put there and treated like family and then gets to see just how evil that evil big man from the desert is, sonia is falcon-punched to death solely so zelda can feel obligated to take over her role, have her new, better 'family' hurt by gan; similarly so raurus sacrifice, look what a noble and good king he is, he payed the ultimate price to lock that evil man away, now zelda you cannot let their sacrifice go to waste, rebuild that divinely good kingdom like it was!!
and even though they go so much out of their way to put the cart back onto the rails of black and white-good and evil in an even flatter way than the old games, it still doesnt feel right, at least to me, it still feels like zelda shouldnt have gone along with all of that, it feels like even her character from botw was walked back entirely, except for the intro, it made her feel like a stranger to me-
because this is a sequel, i know this zelda, she wouldnt act like that after all that shes been through, this feels ... off
and it all just insulting to anyone who cared about botw more than surface level, or the zelda lore in general, i dont even care much about the timeline, but theres alot of lore and themes beyond it that felt ignored, especially so given that .. its a damn sequel, non AU, not generations apart, directly part 2-
but its not.
it even feels very "corporate", put zelda in a dress again, people liked that, put crazy abilities in the game to flashbang people with how insane it is even if its not the best for the gameplay or the story, put a new asthetic into it out of nowhere bc its 'new' and act like its been there the whole time, put gan in there bc people miss him and find him sexy even if his role is just as flat as that of an evil cloud monster-
you know, i saw a post that said aoc was like a bad fanfic (affectionate) and totk was like a bad fanfic (derogatory) and tbh thats like one of the best comparisons/summaries i have seen ..
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acidichcl · 4 months
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I drew smth based on my notes about my silly lil au cuz i wanted to practice drawing backgrounds. Not sure if i like how it turned out but oh well
Below is the notes i wrote if ur interested. It's about how my turtle island au starts
(During the evil league of mutants episode) As the brothers go on a rooftop after getting grounded and having their weapons confiscated by splinter, an illuminated alleyway nearby caught their eye. Wondering what it is, they check it out without expecting anything significant. They see what appears to be a small mutant turtle laying unconcious in front of a portal they have never seen before.
Raph was hestitant and worried if they should approach, but leo, mikey, and donnie insisted they take this mystery turtle in. Donnie was more interested in learning about the portal, while leo and mikey was more intrigued about their new friend.
Back in the lair, the turtle wakes up and was a bit uneasy when realizing she's somewhere unfamiliar. Mikey, alongside leo, came to her assistance and asked if she was ok. She stayed silent and her eyes looked all around. Mikey and leo took it as a sign shes not comfortable yet and gave her some space. They thought that maybe a snack would help her out, so they went to the kitchen and had their eyes on a slice of cake. It was raph's. He barges in and insisted that it's his, but started feeling guilty once leo mentioned about giving it to their guest. So he reluctantly agrees.
Full of questions, raph goes to donnie, who's on his gadgets, and asked what he found. Donnie theorizes it might lead to another world, or something.
Suddenly, his devices alert an unusual energy signal was detected. Donnie looked into one of his many cctvs and sees the same portal from earlier, and 3 figures nearby who seems to be mutant turtles as well. Connecting the dots, the brothers head out and brings their guest along. As the brothers and the figures encounter eachother, the little turtle runs up to the figures and gets picked up by one of them. Mikey, in awe, asked who they are. They then reveal themselves to be teenage mutant turtles from an island in another realm. In their reality, they take on the role of being protectors of their people. They introduce themselves as Scooter, Hoops, Zen, and their youngest - Harper - who the brothers have already met.
The sisters then start to apologize for the trouble their baby sister may have caused and started explaining about there being a device that have been damaged, opening up portals and allowing otherwordly creatures, that have been trapped in another realm, to cause havoc. Harper’s displacement was a quick decision to prioritize getting her out of the area. Intrigued by this device and the existence of mutant turtles just like him and his brothers, donnie offers to help fix it and the sisters happily accepts. At first, raph was hestitant about leaving without telling splinter. But the lingering resentment and unresolved feelings about their dad's flaws causes him to ignore the hestitation. Raph glances at his brothers, seeing their determination to explore this new world and their shared frustration with splinter, he decides to go along.
They go through the portal behind them and before they know it, they are now on their new friends' island. However, for some reason the island doesnt seem like its in any danger anymore. Before they left, there were cracks everywhere. Shadowy figures going through the cracks, big and small. But now it's as if all those things never happened.
Confused, the sisters now isnt very sure if the brothers' help would be needed at this point. But the guys seems so eager to explore, so they let them stay for a bit and check on the device anyway.
The first destination the sisters brought the guys to was their humble home. After a while, the guys decide to have a look around the island. But Zen has to be somewhere to take care of something, and Harper fell asleep. so Mikey stays at the sisters' place to look after Harper while the rest go out for a walk.
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I love them so much lol. I hope u guys will like them too as i show more of them. ..Eventually ◑.◑;
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miquella-everywhere · 9 months
Miquella Theory: Beef with the Outer Gods (ง'̀-'́)ง 🥩
One of the many things that I find interesting about Miquella is the fact that he is seemingly at odds with a majority of the Outer Gods that are found and references throughout the Lands Between.
The Greater Will: Rejected Fundamentalism in full and went off to create his own Divine Tree
Formless Mother: Ignores Mohgs sacrifices of blood and refuses to wake up or answer him, who is by all means an avatar of the Formless mother lol
The Rot God: Tries to cure Malenia and creates the Unalloyed Gold needle (and possibly the Preserving Boluses) to alleviate scarlet Rot
Frenzied Flame: Again, creates a needle that can cheat fate and nullify the Flames effect, and also according to cut content, tried to help the merchant caravan trapped under the Cathedral of the Forsaken by singing to them as St.Trina so they wouldn't become "one"
Death Birds: Now this one is interesting because Miquella seemingly isnt hostile towards the Death Birds(and potentially the Twinbird as well as the Nameless Outer God she serves) if anything with their Mausoleum Knights emulating the Death Birds I would say that perhaps Miquella has respect for them???? Or perhaps the curse that allows the beheaded to live on is just convenient for Miquellas motives and plans 🤔
The Black Moon: This one is a little more vague as there is very little information about it, but there was once a Black Moon that hung over Nokstella that seemingly vanished one day. Its hard to say whether the Black Moon is an Outer God or not, or if its in anyway connected to the Full Moon and Rannis Dark Moon, but Miquella seems to be interested in the Black Moon, and perhaps it may have something to do with their Eclipse?
With all of this in mind, along with Miquella's apparent disdain for nearly all the Outer Gods, I would say that it isn't too much of a stretch to theorize that perhaps Miquella's grand end goal may in fact be very similar to Rannis. Don't forget that Miquella's initial and whole life purpose was to cure Malenia of her Scarlet Rot, which stems from an Outer God who has been sealed away.
So perhaps in order to do that completely Miquella needs to expel not only the Rot God, but every other Outer God that has influence in the Lands Between? 🤔
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starii-void · 1 month
something about mei and mk being ‘the hero and the warrior’ except they’re more based
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theres been a few instances of mei being upset about not being able to spend as much time with MK (the one i remember more vividly was her in s5 wanting to go on a ‘classic MK and Mei adventure!’ but im p sure there was an instance in s4 too that i cant recall) which lead to some thoughts
ive seen a lot of stuff about them and how mei might end up like macaque, bitter and abandoned by MK, like wukong did. but i just feel like it isnt true. so this is my future theory:
there’d be a build up of more instances like this. mei wants to do stuff with MK, but he prioritizes his hero training/duties. each time, she’s shown subtly being more and more upset until one day she snaps. she confronts him and is visibly upset, yelling at him.
but then, instead of snapping back (like Wukong did) he apologizes. maybe it can parallel the first fight they had in season 1 during the race somehow?
in the end, the two do what Wukong and Macaque couldnt, and make up. MK owns up to his mistake and they both get better. they have their own little adventures together, or something like that
and like that, it shows how they’re different from the Hero and the Warrior. it shows how Wukong and Macaque couldve turned out if theyd just put down their pride and communicated. it shows what they couldve been.
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basically i just think they wouldnt turn out like macaque and wukong. ive seen a lot of people theorize that but they arent emotionally constipated enough for that to happen, plus we’ve seen them argue and make up on screen already.
also i think itd just make for some cool opportunities for art and visual parallels
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silversodas · 6 months
Why do you think Vox is soo obsessed with Alastor? Most people seem more creeped out by a serial killer cannibal demon, but Vox seems to want Alastor more intimately rather than just killing him for power.
I know it has not been explicitly confirmed but the fact that Vox seemed more "excited" at watching Alastor die gives me more "If I can't have you no one else should" resentful ex vibes rather than "I finally have an enemy out of the way " vibes.
Do you think Vox still wants Alastor in both a sexual/romantic way? Why can't he just move on bc he seems pretty happy with Valentino as friends w/ benefits. Do you think he wants Alastor the same way Valentino obsesses over Angel?
I feel bad for Alastor tbh bc he has to deal with a creepy ex friend turned stalker and I believe the only reason Alastor did not kill him yet was not bc of his deal but bc he once viewed Vox as a good friend.
These are all vary good questions, and I have some theories
The reason I think Vox might be obsessed with Alastor, might be because Alastor was his mentor. Alastor and Vox are at least ten years apart in when they arrived in Hell and they may have become friends when they realized they both have similar powers and it probably boost Alastor’s ego to be a mentor figure. And that’s not just a loose guess, have you noticed that while other demons like Valentino, Angel, Velvet, and others may have some magic powers that might get used every once in a while, but Vox and Alastor use their powers every second of everyday?
Like how Vox uses his electric powers for something as mundane as just getting around a building and Alastor does the same but with his shadows, or Vox with his hypnosis powers or Alastor with his manifestation powers, they use their powers as often as they inhale and exhale, so it leads me to theorize that Alastor helped Vox exercise and unlock the potential of his powers, while other sinners don’t really seem to either have them or just not use them because they wouldn’t know what powers they might have because the sinners are vastly different from each other so it’s hard to find one similar enough to you to get a teacher. I have also noticed that they are the strength to each other’s weaknesses, one example Vox being annoyed and drained by dealing with the public and Alastor thriving on the attention in contrast.
Vox finds a kindred spirit in Alastor, and it’s probably why he isn’t bothered by his quirky or unhinged behavior enough to still want him to join his team in spite of Alastor not matching their vibe, Alastor would be a personal asset to Vox, not his team or even his brand, because out of all the clues I see I can’t find one where Alastor is an asset to either his team or his brand, he would only benefit Vox, but Alastor probably had more deal breakers then pros in their relationship.
I don’t 100% know if he wants Alastor sexually (I am leaning towards yes though). I do 100% believe HE WANTS alastor, romantically? Maybe, but a crush or infatuation isnt really the same as romantic feelings. But he vary much wants Alastor, I do think part of the reason for his big reaction in stayed gone was because he can’t have Alastor. And yes, I do think his obsession over Alastor vary much mirrors Val’s obsession over angel. Vox is just a lot more subtle, it’s not even about sex or romance it’s about wanting to obtain.
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HMS: Needs and Wants
Now, I’ve been trying to figure out what exactly HMS are to whole. Sure, they’re the emotions, logic, and aspirations, but how do they work?
I figured something out, so if you’re having a similar problem (or just like seeing hms being metaphorically dissected), you can keep reading.
(Also, if anything doesn’t make sense or if someone has a comment to add on this, reblog! I love to brainstorm and theorize with others :] )
Let’s dum them down to their basic concepts. Feelings, reason, and ambition.
Heart, as the feelings, decides based on feelings. He feels hungry. He feels tired. He feels sad. He feels empty. He tells you what the problem is.
Mind, as the reason, decides based on reason. He should eat. He should sleep. He should cry. He should get help. He tells you how to help him, or better yet avoid the problem.
Together, Mind and Heart create Whole’s needs. He feels hungry so he should eat. He feels tired so he should sleep. He feels sad so he should cry. He feels empty so he should get help.
Now that just covers the basics, what’s required to survive. What makes one sentient?
Soul, as the ambition, decides based on ambition. He wants to eat cereal. He wants to stay up. He wants to make music. He wants to deal with it on his own.
Soul is Whole’s want. His driving force. He feels hungry so he should eat; but he wants cereal. He feels tired so he should sleep; but he wants to stay up. He feels sad so he should cry; but he wants to make music. He feels empty so he should get help; but he wants to deal with it on his own.
Now whether or not his wants are telling him to be healthy or not doesn’t matter. What does matter is what Soul wants and therefore what Whole wants. Soul, as ambition, can push past feelings and reason and do what he wants. Sure, he typically acts based on what’s being felt or what’s most logical, but it’s not required.
Yet, this shouldn’t make sense. Heart says what Whole needs, Mind says how to get that need. That should be how it works.
And yet is ISNT.
Have there been times where you wanted to do something, knowing full well it’d impact your health? Your body and brain are screaming at you to sleep, and yet you keep your eyes glued to the screen?
That’s a want.
That would be Soul.
Soul has the most control over Whole, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
But what if you want this control?
To… let’s say get one over on your nemesis? Become the true sovereign?
Well, that can’t happen. Of course it can’t.
Wants will never equal Needs, no matter how hard Heart and Mind claim to have Soul as their own. Especially when one claims they’re better than the other.
Soul recognizes this too. He even says in TSE “You must be so arrogant to / think that either of you can / control the Soul so wholly”, “Here in my kingdom, I am your lord”. Sure, he’s going a bit off the rails, but the message is still there: {You can’t control me. Neither of you.}
It’s why Soul has his power: he is Whole’s wants. Heart and Mind are Whole’s needs. Wants > Needs
Switching gears here: Now how does Heart and Mind’s fighting make sense? Or lack thereof?
Well, the reason why they hate each other is more about the characters and less about what they are: They both believe they are more important than the other. (How can you be healthy when you don’t know what’s wrong?) [How can you heal when you don’t know how to?]
The reason it doesn’t make sense ties into what they are though, the problem and the answer.
Heart is the problem finder. He finds the problem. He notices what’s wrong and wants it fixed. Problem is, he doesn’t know how.
Mind is the answer finder. He can find the solution. He can fix what is wrong. Problem is, he needs to know what’s wrong, and he doesn’t know what is.
They need each other to be efficient, and that’s what they realize in the end. After many, many arguments and fights, that is.
idk how to end this properly so insert jazzy ending here
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megalodons are fucking extinct, buddy.
cause this is something that pisses me off so much. i got three main things to say here, and i will not try to summarize, cause this is tumblr, i do what i want on here.
just give it a quick read
1. the evidence your seeing is fuckin fake.
hey y’all, welcome to section one. have you been seeing megolodon proof on the internet? cause it’s popular. chances are, what your seeing is either: a misidentified basking shark, or from a fuckass fake documentary by the discovery channel that staged megalodon proof. let me elaborate (threat)
misidentified basking shark-
basking sharks are the second largest shark in the world, behind the whale shark and the largest ever recorded was just over 40 feet (thats real big). contrary to whale sharks, which have a very particular shape, basking sharks have more of a traditional “shark” silhouette. this leads to people seeing BIG SHARK and immediately thinking megalodon, because people dont know their sharks. which is fair, i’m just informing y’all. basking sharks are filter feeders, part of what makes them able to be so big, and stay alive. you may notice that really really big sharks tend to be filter feeders, which ties into a point i’ll make later. so, if you ever see a BIG SHARK, especially from above, check if it’s a basking shark before jumping to conspiracy conclusions.
picture of a basking shark from above, for context.
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fake ass documentary-
In 2013, the discovery channel (a channel reserved normally for science) aired a documentary called “megalodon: the monster shark lives”. the problem, is that the documentary was staged, in it’s entirety. the “scientists” were actors, and the evidence was created for the documentary. the only warning is that the documentary was faked, was a extremely quick warning that flashed across the screen in the beginning. since the film was treated as a documentary, people were quick to believe the “evidence” it provided. this is bad by itself, obviously, but is made worse by (you guessed it) THE INTERNET! Short form content, and posting clips of other things is like, the main form of media for people on the internet. many megalodon “proofs” are clips from the film, or its sequels chopped up and stuck in compilations. this mixed with the lack of
Alright, so. this means that there are two things you should do when you see megalodon evidence.
- take a closer look to make sure it aint just a basking shark
- take a look to see if it matches footage from megalodon: the monster shark lives.
dont get misled people. it’s real easy to be.
2. it isn’t physically possible for megalodons to sustain their life without us seeing them ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
basic fucking thinking skills here. big ass shark who needs to move all the time. burns alot of calories or the shark equivalent. needs to eat alot. needs to eat a lot of bigger things. you understand what i’m sayin?
people love to theorize about shit like:
“megalodons in the mariana trench”
“megalodons in the parts of the ocean we havent explored yet”
let me tell ya a little fun fact about both of those places.
sure, stuff is there. tiny stuff, that could only fuel a megalodon for like, never? it would be biologically impossible for a megalodon to survive for 3.6 million years (at the lowest). say a megalodon was in the mariana trench 3.6 million years ago, it would not be able to sustain life, let alone survive for 3.6 MILLION YEARS in a ecosystem not built for it.
say a megalodon in the mariana trench SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY managed to evolve before it fucking died, the descendants of that megalodon in the mariana fucking trench/deep ocean would be so far from megalodon that it wouldn’t be recognizable.
so, basically. megalodons ate big shit on the surface. if there was ever a megalodon in the mariana trench/deep ocean, it’s dead.
big sharks, especially predators, are real hard to sustain. thats why the buggest modern sharks are filter feeders. also probably why great whites survived and megs didnt.
(also like, we’d see the whale carcasses if there was one just in the regular ocean. we’d also see it, cause like, big fucking shark. we see great whites all the time and they dont grow nearly as big, or eat nearly as much)
3. why are you buying into this shit?
seriously guys, why do you want to believe theres a big ass shark in the ocean so badly?
it doesn’t make any sense. all the conspiracies are all like
“the government is hiding shit from us”
i mean, yeah, probably.
how? why?
listen, i know you want to believe your conspiracies, and it makes you feel better or whatever. it’s easier to have some big scary monster than the unknown. but for the love of god, do your research.
sharks are hated enough, the ocean is scary enough, and science is important. please. critical thinking.
pick a different conspiracy, like, idk, mothman.
stop with the misinformation, and the fear mongering, and the STUPID FUCKING TIKTOK VIDEOS. and maybe actually research this cool ass ancient shark? like, really.
anyways, if you want to talk about sharks or some shit, my asks are always open.
do your fucking research
-a very pissed shark enthusiast
(please ask me about sharks)
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basslinegrave · 6 months
i was being a completely sane person today (/s) and was creating a timeline tree for snm would anyone even be interested in that. and collecting my shipping thoughts (or specifics about them being a couple etc). know that i still consider my knowledge of the franchise as poor. its just tidying it up in my head so when i talk about something i can pinpoint a specific thing (i was too deep in fnaf theorizing so now i have to suffer thru a franchise that doesnt even have a canon)
in short/tldr the comics are the base that happened in every possible timeline and everything else is derived from that, happening after, except the cartoon, which shows some events the same way so that would be more intertwined; not everything is connected/within one timeline. and the cartoon is my most fav and where i see them as a true couple.
long rant ahead
on one hand i really like the time travel theory where its like comics -> ttg -> cartoon etc by them travelling back in time for that, however there are many holes especially thinking about their families and stuff so
i like the idea of things branching off. one branch is comics - htr - cartoon, as something more intertwined
second is comics -> ttg -> poker night 2 (since it references ttg events) (idk bout 1 i havent played/seen that)
third would be comics -> ttiv (or comics -> htr -> ttiv, i have no idea atm if bosco's is mentioned in the comics but it is in htr and mentioned in ttiv. ttiv is also set in the year it came out, so theres a huge gap inbetween ttiv and htr but i wouldnt say its where the ttg games happened!)
and i dont mean this in like a multiverse way, since the creator seems to dislike that, its simply just a very loose canon that differs with each installment (simply due to different people working on these imo. nothing too deep imo)
but the juicy part!! i even made brackets that im too lazy to remake digitally so i will just write it out for each bigger installment. im excluding poker night 1 as i havent played it nor watched much gameplay
M = married, BF = best friends (in all technically)
comics: M - unlikely; BF - yes absolutely
htr: M - possible; BF - yes
cartoons: M - i take it as canon here. BF - yes million percent
ttg all seasons: M - no; BF - yes.
poker night 2: M - not sure, implied dating, i take that as good enough; BF - yes
ttiv: M - absolutely not. not a couple at all. BF - they seem too tense, yes, but from my experience playing, their interactions were imo the worst in all of their media, so i wasnt buying it at some points
note - ttiv has to be like the straightest they ever were and i also see it in S.P.'s more recent work. im looking too deep into that, perhaps, but im just thinking were never gonna get anything similar to what we got from back in the 90s again, if theres any future projects
people are also saying they got married like 4 times and its making me a bit confused here. do people mean cartoon, htr dress up card, cake topper and tdph ring scene or am i missing something big?? because to me that is married once, other ones being just for jokes (first one as well but its less vague), and in the ttg games its so extremely vague i cant count that (being realistic here) that said its still fun to joke about them getting married several times, but in this case wouldnt it be more of a marriage per timeline?
and to end this, a personal tierlist
my most fave obviously is the cartoon. not only is it the easiest to work with for me, with the fast pacing and short watch time (but ofc i wish it was longer) i absolutely love how their relationship is depicted there, even if a lot of stuff there is just jokes, but if everything is a joke then its also fine to take everything as canon within this media, to me! like when haters say that people only take the wedding scene out of the intro and ignore the rest - as if the other stuff couldnt happen (isnt one of the shots them fighting a giant octopus, which they end up having an episode about too. like cmon. anything goes here) even if it was contained within this specific part of the franchise, im ok with calling them a couple here. and its S tier overall
another S tier is the comics. nothing else to say
HTR is like A tier to me, only taking off points because its soooo sloooowwww and playing it after watching the series took 3 years off my life immediately. otherwise gud game.
ttg is like A to B tier for me, because of some specifics and preferences but thats just me being nitpicky so, the games overall are good. A- it is. thats all
poker night 2 is fun, i watch the gameplay a lot lately when im too tired at midnight to do anything else, A tier
ttiv. oh how mixed i am about you. gameplay by itself and my first experience with the game - S tier. it made me so giddy more than one time and i kept wanting to come back until i finished the game fully. i dont mind the bugs, its just what i expect in VR games and even tho it made me a bit frustrated at times it wasnt all that bad. its also the only vr game i played for over an hour once and didnt get motion sick - the exception was the level at the store which seemed too bright and actually made me nauseous. which is a feeling that somehow comes back whenever i think about this game. what i dislike was the dialogue, while most of it was fun and fine, i had moments where i just burst out laughing, they (or max especially) were way too mean towards the player. i know its a joke and you could chalk it up to max being unhappy with us/jealous, but it got like, generally unpleasant very quickly. with stuff like good throw - "nice!" bad throw - *neverending insults* and the second was how painfully straight it was and like. the vibes i got from them two was like, oh theyre fed up with each other and my shipping self was just left quite disappointed. i did not get all lines during my gameplay which made it great but upon going thru every line manually after, i was just more and more uncomfortable with what they said in their banter. this drops the game to like C for me? maybe B if i squint. being generous. i also got sick of their talking animations over time... the models are fine just got to be too much. bonus points for max ragdoll physics tho. coming up with a conclusion that this is a completely separate timeline and has nothing to do with anything other than the comics and perhaps HTR. i talked so long about this one cause its the one thing that prompted all of this lol.
but its not that serious! i just knew this franchise for ages as "oh its the two animal guys that are married and its funny" and now that i got into it fully, i see a lot of the shippers are obviously daydreaming and taking things out of context - which is fun, i agree!! i also do that. but it just painted a completely different picture for me. so no. theyre not married, theyre not a couple, except for the cartoon, where its implied, which stays on top for me. but in ttg at least, they love each other, its not as romantic, but i can ship them there (so i ship them in the context of the cartoon and ttg basically)
anyway. nothing is canon for them, everything is canon for them, and everything they say or do is a joke so. its not that deep at all. they gay tho
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bitwynn · 2 years
Cast away by the world with you
A SAGAU Impostor AU Songfic.
Song used: Castaways from The Backyardigans
This song has been stuck in my head for the past three days and I've just been brainrotting abt this song and my current main team-- which honestly is just a team composed of my favorite characters and has no synergy with each other in fights WHATSOEVER but fuck meta, lemme wander the world as my faves AHAHA
I might add on to this and turn it into a series, as it hints at past events. Hm... a songfic sagau series... fun concept isnt it?
Blue for Barbara, Yellow/Gold for Zhongli, Green for Wanderer, red for Diluc, Italics is Reader/General, Combined is Everyone. Colors only used for singing parts.
After the disaster that was earlier-- AKA risking Heizou's vision and life by holing up in his home and detective agency, Raiden ordering daily raids on any and every building, practically leaving Heizou to the wolves as you and the team ran for your lives out of Inazuma City, finding out the hard way that Raiden had once again disabled Teleport Waypoints (you still felt embarrassed by the full chested "WHAT THE FUCK" that alerted every single treasure hoarder, fatui agent, and nobushi in the area), booking it the second Diluc let out his burst which while eliminated everyone in the surrounding area ALERTED EVERYONE ELSE TO WHERE YOU ALL WERE, panic screaming directions and profanities the entire time you were hauled over Zhongli's shoulder with Wanderer dealing with enemies in the rear and Diluc and Barbara vaporizing everyone at the front, barely making it to Amakane Island and completely missing the Electroculus you needed for 5 minutes thanks to sheer panic, and finally FINALLY being able to access the Waverider Wavepoint and pointedly ignoring Wanderer's panicky jabs at your eyesight the entire time-- you and the gang were exhausted.
Last night was spent by everyone catching their breath and you sailing your tiny Waverider the entire time. Though everyone did have their own different definitions of "catching their breaths" as Wanderer just panic-snarked at you the entire time and Diluc looked like he was heavily considering his personal policy on drinking alcohol because of it. Good times.
You had sailed for days, deftly avoiding the large main islands of Inazuma and raiding hilichurl sea camps for food and materials. The memory of Wanderer laughing his ass off at everyone looking like "drowned rats" because they had to swim to the camps, and getting promptly shut up by Barbara using her Vision to drench him was something you'd never want to forget.
And now, you had finally reached it. A safe little island far and away from the main five islands of Inazuma, and relatively close to the abandoned and forgotten Tsurumi Island. You had plans to maybe try and stay there, considering the fact that its a ghost island at this point. Wanderer and Zhongli had even theorized that the Waypoints there might work, with the mystery and magic that practically oozes from the place. And if not, they could maybe try to use the vast underground systems and ancient knowledge there. Apparently Zhongli still remembered the hours of agony you spent there as him, trying to complete its many lore filled quests,
But now wasn't the time for scheming and planning your next moves. Not the time for wondering what to do and how to stay alive. Not for risking life and limb for merely just existing. Now was the time to simply just rest. To rest and lick your wounds, to recover energy spent and the blood and sweat spilled. To have your deepest thought to be that of what to eat for dinner.
Right now, Barbara was tending to the Wanderer's wounds as Zhongli continued to tend to his bamboo shoot soup that he'd been simmering all day. Diluc had been talking to Zhongli about Venti, and Barbara had gone red with embarrassment when she admitted how she and the other nuns had treated him. Which prompted Wanderer to tease her to hell and back for it saying, "the most devout of them all didn't even realize he was her god?! AHAHAHA, you even have a giant and ACCURATE replica of him outside your church! And you never thought to put the dots together? AHAHAHAHA--"
It was nice.
With the moon high in the sky and bellies full of warm and excruciatingly slow cooked bamboo shoot soup, your tiny little camp fell into a comfortable silence. There was nothing but the breeze, the gentle rustling of the leaves, the crackling of your small fire, and the lapping of the ocean waves.
This too, was nice.
You pull out your lyre and began to strum a simple little tune. Everyone's gaze turns to you as you take a few moments to get it right. You feel yourself begin to sway to the song as your mind fills in the silence of the missing instruments, and you get lost in the beat.
"Castaways, we are castaways,"
You feel yourself break into a smile as you start shimmying to the beat.
"Ahoy there, ahoy, we are castaways."
Barbara giggles and she begins to clap. Wanderer snorts in fond amusement as everyone listens.
You hand the lyre over to Diluc as you stand. Everyones eyes are on you, rapt with attention as Barbara keeps clapping and Diluc quickly finds the melody. You climb atop your tiny boat stage as the next words leave your lips.
"We're stuck where we are, with no house, no car.
Castaways, ahoy, we are castaways."
"We were out at sea, on a sailing ship,"
You sway and move your arms, almost but not exactly dancing, as you gesture out the lyrics. You quickly wet your hands and with a little splash at your little audience, you keep on singing.
"The rain began to rain, and the wind began to whip-- oh hey--!"
You laugh as Wanderer indeed made the wind start to whip. "Thats for getting me in the eyes." The smile is evident in his voice. You chuckle at him as you dramatically lean against the boat, continuing with your song.
You finally jump off your makeshift stage to join the others on the soft beach sand, dancing your one-man salsa to the strumming of the lyre and the clapping of the beat. Though you certainly aren't dancing alone.
"We felt the ship tip, it was going down.
So we launched our lifeboat, so we wouldn't drown!"
"Castaways, we are castaways,"
Your face brightens into a wide smile, as Barbara joins into the song. You pull her to her feet with a laugh, your lone salsa not so lonely anymore. Everyone sways and claps to the beat, as you keep singing.
"Ahoy there, ahoy, we are castaways!"
You let go of her hands, letting her copy your movements and preparing for the last few parts of the song.
"On an island at sea,"
Though her singing of the lyrics were a little rushed from the sudden lyric change, you still appreciate it, giving her a smile. You abruptly stop moving, a cheeky little smile on your face.
You quickly point to Barbara standing beside you. She startles with a squeak but quickly understands, once she sees your cheeky face.
You point down the line, the chorus of their voices filling the sea air. Little smiles appear on their faces as it goes down.
Your finger lands on Wanderer, smiles on both your faces. You keep pointing as he stays silent. He raises an eyebrow. "Seriously?" "Yeah, song won't end til you say it." He stays silent for a moment longer, before finally letting you win.
You burst into smile, pointing your thumb at yourself as you finally finish the song.
"--and me!"
"Castaways, ahoy, we are castaways.!"
With a smile and a flourish, you bow as everyone erupts into cheer and applause. "Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night!" Diluc hands you back your lyre. "That was a nice song. I really liked it." Your smile turns sheepish as you poof it back into your inventory. "Oh, its nothing-- the vibes, they were just-- y'know?"
As he settles back down onto his log, he says "Still, it was nice." You sit back down on your own log, throwing in a couple twigs to the fire Diluc restarted.
A soft smile graces your face as you poke at the few sticks that made up the fire. "Thanks, you guys. For uhm. Joining in."
You pull your knees to your chest to hide your quickly heating face. "I... really appreciated it..."
Barbara puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Oh, no worries! I had fun!" "I have to agree," Zhongli says with a pleased little hum. "It was quite a pleasant way to spend the time." "It's not the best music I've ever heard but it was certainly better than just sitting here and twiddling our thumbs."
"Oh my gosh," you gasp, dramatically turning your head to him. "did I just get a compliment from THE Wanderer himself?! For real?!?!?" "Ah!-- Tsk." He turns away, adjusting the brim of his hat. "I just tell it as it is, got a problem with that?" "Awh, my little emotionally constipated boy!"
You immediately smother him in a hug, practically pouncing from your seat as you had perfectly anticipated the fact he'd run. "H-Hey! Put me down!" He's like an angry little cat in your arms as he hisses and scratches at you to put him down. "Oh, don't you worry Wanderer, we love and appreciate you too-- AHHHH--"
You started screaming as he ascended into the air, carrying you along with him. And that was how the rest of the evening went-- just a strange group of misfits messing around on a tiny deserted island. The sounds of your mirth heard only by nothing but the breeze, the gentle rustling of the leaves, the crackling of your small fire, and the lapping of the ocean waves. Maybe far into the future, an echoing conch would sing an otherworldly tune by a voice not of this plane.
And maybe, for just these few moments, you can pretend that your little ragtag group is just that-- a ragtag group of friends enjoying a wonderful night on the beach.
For but a few moments, Barbara Pegg-- once deaconess and endlessly devout, now the "brainwashed betrayer"-- is just Barbara, a girl who loves to sing.
Zhongli-- once god, once funeral consultant, once god once again, now "the one who falls endlessly from grace"-- is just Zhongli, an aged man who makes a mean soup despite it taking hours to simmer.
Diluc Ragnvindr-- once the "Uncrowned King of Mondstadt" and master of its wine industry, now the "new Lawrences - the tyrant aristocrat"-- is just Diluc, a stoic and handsome young man whose hands are deft with the lyre.
The Wanderer-- once God-Puppet, once Balladeer, once struck from the annals of history itself, now the "nameless wind fiend"-- is just that, a Wanderer roaming the world with his fellows.
And you-- once person, once player, now "divine deceiver"-- is yourself once again, laughing and singing along with friends.
And even if this beautiful little lie lasted for but a few moments...
It was nice.
damn, its been a while since ive written something semi-seriously. hope that my time off hasnt degraded the quality of my writing too much. if it has then eh-- i can just sharpen them again by writing some more :))
life hit me h a r d boi. also time management. yeah. rlly need to fix that.
hope you enjoy :)))
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
Questions about So(u)l's worldbuilding:
Can a soulmate connection be broken or changed?
If your soulmate passes unexpectedly what happens with the string?
If one soulmate is mute what will the other person's arm say is the first thing to be said?
If your soulmate changes as a person - like is radicalized into q for an extreme example - would the soul string still exist if the other person is very much not involved in rightwing conspiracy theories? Is it the soulmate's job to de-radicalize their person?
Can someone who is polyamorous have multiple soulmates? If one of their soulmates isn't poly and dislikes having to share is that something that could ruin a soulmate connection?
How much of the soulmate stuff is fate/destiny and how much is chance?
How frequently do people never have soulmates?
Specifically about Matt and the DJ - does that mean Matt never had anything tying him to a soulmate so it just appeared out of nowhere?
Yes, but only in extreme circumstances It passes with them Not everybody gets the same signs, the universe would most likely just skip that one for them The string would become frayed in that situation. It can be mended, but it can also be broken The universe isnt cruel enough to give you a soulmate that wouldnt be perfect for you. If you're poly, your soulmate will be as well, or it will be something they dont mind. If they do mind, its a matter of communicating with them openly and honestly Fate is prewritten, but never set in stone about 0.1% of the population do not find their soulmates. It is theorized amongst scholars that the reason for this is that by chance, the situation resulting in their soulmates existence has been altered. For example, if the daycare attendant was never shocked by the generator, the y/ngineer would never have had a soulmate. Matt had a soul string tying him to his wife, and the new one for DJ appeared on a different finger when the DJ was awoken. Usually strings dont appear the instant you're fully developed mentally, they appear when you're ready to meet them.
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mychlapci · 8 months
Megatitties! Apologies for the 2nd post sent recently cause i wanna add onto the other anon who spoke about the megaboobs.
Megatron would definitely feed his bitlets whenever they demanded it, 100% spoiling them because they’re so demanding and he’s proud of their angry, half-babbled glyphs repeated until their carrier finally scoops them up, opens his chest-plates and let them greedily drink from his nozzles, giving the odd growl when they didnt share with their eachother. Him being oddly soft when one of the sparklings falls asleep, still sleepily trying to hoard a nozzle for itself, that he ends up sitting on his throne, going over some datawork with sleeping bitlets cuddling against his titties <3
Maybe it gets out to the autobots that Megatron has bitties, and now theres faction wide interrogation, clearly led by prowl and Maybe Optimus, because why do 4/5 of the bitties have blue optics. Unless Megatron carries that gene (he 100% doesnt since 1 little bitty has red optics) the sire is an autobot. Prowl has his suspicions and intel-reports show that these tiny bitlets share a decent amount of red..
Nobody admits it, nobody wants to admit it. But when a intel-report comes in saying Megatron is sparked again, all hell breaks loose in the middle of a battlefield. Nobody can do anything to stop prowl as he storms over to Optimus and DEMANDS an explanation. The Decepticons have definitely made bets on who would be bold enough to fuck their leader until he was sparked up, Who would put their spike anywhere near their crazy, stubborn, psychotic leader’s valve? And who would do it TWICE? But now they’re all making bets on how many times both leaders have gone at it away from the battlefield, or even on the battlefield depending on the horny meter. And making bets on when Prowl is gonna crash / bluescreen.
- Chase anon <3
Also, whats your opinion on Megaratch and Megop? I definitely favourite Megaratch but rambling about the two leaders, because technically they can say them fucking isnt treason since they make the rules, is needed.
oh god, Megatron's angry little bitlets rocking red plating and blue optics, which isn't something that the autobots find out until someone who was in Megatron's capture escapes and explains to the high command that one of their comrades, not pointing any fingers, seemed to have put their dick inside Megatron and created these oddly adorable abominations. The decepticons clearly realize that their leader's sparklings were co-created by an autobot, but none of them are going to say anything about it, what are you, nuts? The only one who says anything is Starscream, and he got his ass kicked by Megatron the moment the words “autobot spike” left his mouth. So everyone is just silently placing bets, but they're pretty sure it's gotta be Optimus. They theorized Prowl for a while, but the guy just isn't red enough. 
Prowl literally realizing it must be Optimus the first time he sees the sparklings on a recording Jazz brought back from a spy mission, but he tries to not jump to conclusions. Until rumour comes around that Megatron is sparkled again. This means that sometime during their last big battle, Optimus and Megatron must have strayed into the shadows and their dear, beloved, righteous leader shoved his spike into Megatron, out of all bots, and made him mewl over and over again until his gestation tank was so full his frame had no choice but to start making another batch of bitlets. The first batch is still getting breastfed, Optimus, what the fuck - Prowl, probably, in a fit of rage, not really aware what he's even saying anymore.
also btw Chase anon… why must your brain be so big. i am now forced to admit that megaratch is actually my guilty pleasure ship. I love megop dearly with my life, theyre my toxic old man yaoi, but… shit, you hit the nail on the head. Can I just indulge and say... Prowl screaming at Optimus, demanding to know what was he thinking, and Optimus is thoroughly confused until Prowl just straight up asks him if he'd fucked Megatron. Everyone's so angry that their bets fell through when Optimus swears he didn't. Well... then who did the blue optics and red paint come from?
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bonnieura · 8 months
I think my favorite thing in the world is connecting/referencing historical figures for clone characters. i dont think i am Being clear right now. like get this: referencing the historical figure the clone was cloned from?? I love that so much. making the little connections between them and the person they were based off. as much as i love the idea of the clones being their own person n shit in the end (and in the lore imo) they ARE a clone . They have their DNA and they share almost the same attributes . like what do you MEAN jfk doesnt have blue eyes????? Like if the guy he was based off, the president, had blue eyes he has a right to have them too. i think thats the only headcanon ive ever had for a character and i dont even THINK its a headcanon because like? why wouldnt jfk have blue eyes did they fuck up the dna or something?? labrat malfunction?? i think the reason why they dont appear in the show is because of the show's style. and with this logic that means abe has blue eyes too, and im not just talking about eyes im speaking for every single other attribute the h!figure had [im just using eye colours as an example]
i also like to believe this when it comes to facial features too. because again theyre clones of the dna so likeeeeee why wouldnt they look exact! if not exact then at least considerably similar. that's just my opinion though. like you cant tell me this isnt what any of the characters look like
Tumblr media
okay KIDDING! but like i do enjoy and completely support the idea of the characters at least showing some great resemblance to the people they were cloned from . like thats just a must. and honestly i really love little references OUTSIDE their appearance, like secondary personality traits or something. parts of their childhood (which is honestly not a wide field of interpretation because.. 16 still IS childhood at least compared to the real ages of the historical figures so theres not a lot of room for improvising i suppose) or even references to their later life? I find that so cool. i really enjoy it whenever i see someone's interpretation of a clone containing little neat trivia that directly corresponds to their clone father. I am such a sucker for u.s history you do NOT know how HAPPY it makes me see to see people actually talk about like abraham lincoln or something or lem billings when referring to whether or not jfk (clone high) was/is bisexual or not ((((and ive seen people theorize his sexuality based off john f kennedy's sexuality which is a whoooole other can of worms)))))))) like i just get so excited because That Means I Can Add A Lot More Trivia And Fun Facts For Them And I Like That . I Like being Historically Accurate and adding Fun References for those who Do Know. I would write more but im tired like shiiiiiiit ok god goodbye
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