Random ass question but I think your name is so cool and I was curious if there was a certain meaning/reference to it, I always stop to read it cuz I just think it's awesome
hey, oh my god i’m so glad you asked.
so, holy the hallucinations is a direct quote from the poem “footnote to howl” by allen ginsberg. i highly recommend it.
i also just think it sounds cool
so yeah! wicked, thanks for askin.
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dear god. (finished season three)
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Yo, if these writers don't want us shipping Sydcarmy, then idk why they're always writing them as soulmates
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carmy deciding to go with his original recipe with the blood orange for that dish and it ending up going to sydney and being the meal she said was the best thing she had ever tasted that’s some red string type shit fr oh my god
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actually fucking sobbing (just finished “ice chips” and have a complicated relationship with my mother)
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ayo directed the best episode so far
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Funniest fandoms are where the fans are like, "I'm obsessed with this. I don't recommend it even slightly."
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˙ʇɐqʇᴉnɹɟ ɐ ǝɯoɔǝq oʇ pǝpᴉɔǝp ǝʌ,I
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ah yes they call me “No Queue” Jones because I post everything I reblog at once with no breaks in between and then vanish into the night for extended periods of inactivity
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i will die on this hill y’all
dean winchester and autism because this man is autistic and i will not accept otherwise:
his reaction to sam giving him the giant slinky at the end of 7x14 'plucky pennywhistle's magical menagerie'
actually physically stimming when he enters the bunker with sam in 15x14 'last holiday' and sees the christmas decorations
the boxing episode, 11x15 'beyond the mat', where dean spends the entire episode fanboying and (for lack of a better word) plays in the boxing ring
wearing the same thing (flannel, jeans, in earlier seasons the leather jacket) almost all of the time while not in disguise to work cases
eating the same thing (cheeseburger with extra onions or pie) at almost everywhere they go, as often as he can (about dean winchester and food, i could talk about that for hours he has so many issues with it and it's all john winchester's fault)
his ability to recite movies line for line, and his tendency to communicate almost entirely through references and movie quotes, and expecting people to understand what he means
about references, he makes jokes and references when it's not appropriate, he doesn't understand that something isn't appropriate in a situation where it isn't specifically pointed out to him, and he generally has a pretty messed up sense of empathy and inability to 'read the room'
‘you’re always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every led zeppelin song, backwards and forwards. you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between ’67 and ’84… and you watch ‘jeopardy!’ every night.’ - directly quoted from sam winchester in 14x20 'moriah'
in 13x06 'tombstone' when they go into the motel and dean talks about the cowboys, identifying all of them and going into quite a bit of detail about a few of them, even though nobody asked him about it and he is absolutely infodumping. 'he really likes cowboys.' 'yes. yes, he does.'
his knowledge of cars, particularly baby, and how he takes her for a ride when he's sad because of the comfort she provides him. also about baby and comfort, the way he offers to let people drive baby when he realises that they're sad, thinking it'll make them feel better as she makes him happy and he doesn't understand how else to help
in 1x03 'dead in the water' he talks to lucas about how he didn't speak as a kid, he plays with the toy soldiers and it doesn't come across as playing with them to make lucas trust him, it actually comes across as him finding genuine enjoyment in it
in 1x15 'the benders' when he's talking to the kid who mentions godzilla, dean brightens immediately and goes off topic talking about his favourite godzilla film, and has to be reminded that he's working a case by sam
the entirety of 14x04 'mint condition', how dean gets to express his interests and be himself and how a lot of people have mentioned that he seems to be genuinely himself in that episode instead of the act he puts on
larping with charlie, no explanation needed
he shuts down when things go badly, often blasting music and ignoring everything and everyone around him
he always picks scissors when playing rock, paper, scissors, and it's actually something that comes up multiple times within the show - in 2x17 'heart', sam says, 'dean, always with the scissors,' and along the same lines, his excitement both times he actually wins the game
in 1x04 'phantom traveller', dean is terrified because of the plane and sam points out that he's humming metallica. he replies that it calms him down, and that just seems very autistic
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she balls deep on my clear text til i y yo a ti
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rip team free will you would've loved finding out what your love languages are
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having irl friends on here is cool but does unfortunately limit my ability to post unsettling things which inspire concern for my personal safety
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Tumblr media
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recognising your parent's mannerisms in yourself and physically feeling psychic damage occur
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big day for annoying people (me)
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the writers of supernatural were actually so misogynistic that for fifteen years they would pretty much only write complex relationships for their main male characters with other male characters, where if somehow any of those male characters had a meaningful relationship with any woman, she would eventually be killed off so the men could go back to their Natural State of only forming close relationships with other men, and then...they had the audacity to wonder why everyone thought all those men were gay
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