#if the performance is a quick one im still including it just w a few more important ones
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year ago
alright. im doing this.
(*analyzing all the performances as in i point out why certain shots and framing is used in the performances while checking the lyrics that are available, also by performance i mean one where they are in front of a crowd and performing a song/musical piece)
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chyuans · 4 years ago
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          hello , hello  !   first of all ,  i’m super excited to be here even if i’m like 10 hrs LATE  ( gmt timezone things )  i’m noe ,  a gay  they / them at the age of 19 ,  and this privileged lil disappointment of a jock boy is gonna be filling the position of kong_01 . despite the rumours ?  yuanjun’s actually not nearly as bad as some of the people he’ll be meeting here >:)  but you’ll get to know more about that below  !  if you’d like to plot just light up that HEART , or add me on disc*rd which i’ll give out in im’s , where i’m infinitely faster .  if i’m not gaming .  no tw’s under the cut  .
* backstory. > many people know of yuanjun, but few people truly know him. he's the famous kong families’ son, heir to the kong legacy, now forward position for south korea men’s national hockey team - which brought forth a ton of international fame from back home and amongst hockey lovers worldwide. while his talent is undeniable, he is long overshadowed by his families’ accomplishments, forever reminded that he’d never be the perfect son they’d hoped for, and no one ever lets him forget it.
> being the child of business tycoons who’s art business seemed to never be on the decline, tended to lend itself to an unconventional, pretty lonely childhood. 
> although jun no longer wants to dabble in the stupid shit he probably did as a teen, and escape from their home in a childish fit of rage and make the lives of the various nannies that tended to him while his parents were off being great hell, he still wonders sometimes whether this profession is what he would’ve wanted if he’d just not wanted to spite his parents. he loves hockey - that fact is undeniable. he thanks the nanny who took him there once out of necessity to stop his whining, and he fell in love with it almost instantly. but he also questions whether he gravitated to it because it was something he could throw himself into wholeheartedly to fill a void.
> he's very open to different types of people, and after being scouted at 19 and having a massive shift both in culture and identity as he then begun to travel worldwide, he’s a tiny bit more wordly now than he was back then. he's much more concerned about who you are underneath than superficial appearances, which means developing relationships are few and far between, because a lot of people do approach him because of his fame/fortune. he's unjudgemental to the point where his friends worry about his naivety and how easily he trusts people, but he's absolutely not dumb, just very well versed on telling good people from the bad.
> jun may even come across as naïve, but he's very aware of that perception is nearly important as reality. he's not extroverted in a way that demands conversation, but he knows how to talk to anyone from any background even if its just to maintain pleasantries. after competing in various competitions and versing players from canada to japan, he's become much more sharp and ambitious, a guy who very rarely lets distractions take their course. perhaps it’s with this that his family loathe his choices all the more, with his appetite, he was born with the skills required to run a business - pity he never took to anything of the creative sort.  
> working in a fast, stressful, highly coveted job such as pro-sports is a full time job and then some; jun doesn't spend much time not working on it. outside of his schedule, he likes bettering his stamina at the gym and eating healthy. he likes being surrounded by authentic people or nobody at all. he’s not one for trying new things and having new experiences due to time management, tending to stick to a schedule.
> he gets a lot of bad press though, which is beginning to weigh a little heavy on him. doubly now the murder has people talking. from being accused of performance-enhancing pills, various personality scandals, to being linked with ‘dating’ (see: ruining the image of) idols and chaebol’s alike. right now, he’s currently battling a lot of unwanted publicity because of a misunderstood interaction online against a wealthy sweetheart that went sour. 
> while jun might be generally unsympathetic and analytical when it comes to developing relationships with people that’ll last long-term, he's a bleeding heart when it comes to kids who may have experienced the same lonely upbringing as he did, without the financial gains. right now he spends sunday’s teaching a bunch of local foster home kids how to skate, and is trying to fund a couple of sports scholarships for those who show promise under a fake name, just generally being a good ‘ole guy.
> his family do not approve of his job, ofc. in fact neither of his parents have ever attended any of his matches to this day, and are only on semi-decent terms with him because jun begrudgingly is still tied by name to the business and shows his face at events for all of 30 minutes until he physically can no longer maintain pleasantries. his celebrity image perhaps is one thing they can manipulate, and even then, jun could get into scandals galore and still be doing his job. good press, bad press, it has the kong’s family name at the forefront of peoples’ minds, which always brings forth revenue.  
> pros: could be a lot worse considering his upbringing, collected, and level-headed most of the time. wicked good at sports, and keeps a cool head in a tough situation. ambitious, curious, a little reckless. eager to prove himself, rich? and very endeared to people/places he finds fascinating. which are many. knows where the good, authentic chinese cuisine is. hardworking and very interested in the idea of Progress.
> cons: the most private person alive, will not divulge any palatable information about himself or his feelings. devil's advocate always. will put himself and others at an arm’s length the second he feels (disgusted noises) e-emotions (love, namely). gets bored easily. paranoid, leads with the head more than the heart. friends > > > family. a little self-involved, never fucking sleeps - will be that neighbour you can hear padding around above your apartment at 3.05 am like it’s mid-day, aaaaand Loves Winning Above All Else
* personality & relationships.
> like many others, jun has his fair share of surface-level friends. he’s quick to be interested in people, to get to know them better, but it's difficult for him to get closer than that after a childhood of being picked up and dropped by those who looked over him - which kinda has left him with abandonment issues.
> he’s a curator of neat things that aren’t too overtly complex, and that includes friendships. so if you have something unusual about you, whether it's a talent or a way of thinking, he would be inclined to get to know you better. also, he has a lot of leverage with his job. being friends with a sports star slash million dollar trust fund baby who can get you free shit never hurts, just don’t befriend him for the perks, yanno?
> jun is very dedicated to his vision of things, and can sometimes be very obstinate in the way he a) wants them to be done b) doesn't accept other options, think steve jobs. he's very mercurial and can be nice one minute but isn't afraid to switch to hardass boss to get things done and did.  > he is insanely competitive and his strive is drawn out by always wanting to be on top. truly first child material. that's the kind of guy he is, with standards that do not reflect his passive side too well, which sometimes can get him into some “personality” scandals. he is driven, motivated, always looking for ways to be winning.
> i'm sure someone is bound to hate him, he’s probably got a few accounts online dedicated to a steady stream of shit-talking, given his cutthroat status or holding many hockey cups.
> jun doesn’t think too much about his sexuality - he'd probably best be labelled as pan, but leans towards those who identify as women? because of his current placement in a workspace, and with a cultural identity, that both don’t often lend themselves to lgbtq+ rights, i doubt he’d ever make that public.
> he works amongst some of the fittest people in the world, he knows how to appreciate beautiful bodies, but he's not about to discriminate. he's tragically a committaphobe and isn't interested in anything long-term right now, although i think it'd be funny if someone tried. he's very open for flings and one-night stands and even a friends with benefits sort of set up. 
* wc’s.  >  bring me his baby bro and sis. i command u. i have many thoughts  >  somebody who maybe gets in on his foster-kid situation? idk maybe they have a perception of jun being what he is in the articles they read of him, but they see him and are like <3_<3 he actually real Nice huh. i see this being romantic but it could bloom a really nice, wholesome friendship too. >  enemies. not gonna lie, he doesn’t vibe with rich kids w / a stick up their ass, especially since a lot of the people he works with aren’t from exorbitant families. people who loathe him for declining to take over his families’ business? like the boy can’t even name more than 3 artists off of the top of his head?   > fwb except neither of them know what “just friends” mean.  > i would love if jun had a confidante. a best friend, a partner in crime, a total bromance 'cause i can never get enough of those. whatever label you ‘wanna put on it. wiping up each other’s messes. maybe a Betrayal in the works  > again, gonna be a wc, but i would love a “rival” of jun's on a similar level (or bigger)  that’s entirely fabricated based off of trashy articles or a misunderstood interaction online. bonus points if they’re an absolute sweetheart, well loved by most people, and generally the antithesis of jun with his multiple drug/personality rumours, which in contrast, make him seem like the bad guy. 
> party buddy. this guy hasn’t touched alcohol/cigarettes/any other stimulants since he was underage and wanted to rebel. the word “relax” does not exist in his vocabulary. Help
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akiology · 5 years ago
Hello, Are You There? || Part 2
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Minako tries the number neighbor thing. Thinking it was an inactive number, she decides to vent and express her frustrations, turning it into a sort of mini diary. What she didn’t expect was somebody was actually on the other line and decided to send a message back.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Word Count: 4.3k+
Pairing: Akihiko Sanada x Minako Arisato
Note: this chapter includes a long text message thread between headphones and pancakes ehe and some slight angst jfjfdnjf im sorry the next one is gonna be fluffy i promise ; u ; ALSO i accidentally posted this w/o the proper editing so if u saw this b4 im sorry fhrkjfrbf
“Arisato, your grades aren’t so impressive these past few weeks, may I know why?” Miss Toriumi, the teacher in-charge of Minato’s class, asks with concern evident in her voice. This was so unlike him, he always manages to snag the highest scores and is an excellent student. Minato just shrugs nonchalantly. Miss Toriumi sighs, probably realizing Minato probably won’t open up any time soon.
“Arisato, I know you don’t feel comfortable opening up to me. But I hope you are at least opening up to someone. Perhaps your sister?” Miss Toriumi continues. Minato shrugged once again. Before Miss Toriumi could continue once more, a fellow student entered the room.
“Miss Toriumi, you are needed at the Student Council room.” Miss Toriumi gave a quick nod to the other student, and turns to Minato. “Well, I am needed elsewhere. I will take my leave, but please keep in mind that you can talk to me if you need guidance.”
Minato walked out of the Faculty Room and headed for the school gates.
These past few days, Minato has felt… lost.
He overheard his classmates talking about which career paths they will be pursuing, and he felt… left behind. His classmates have already started planning their future and they seemed so… certain.
Minato hasn’t felt the feeling of certainty ever since their parents went abroad without them. They said it's for work, but right now, he really isn't sure if it really is for work. Before they left, he heard them saying that ‘the children are getting bothersome to deal with’. Ever since then, the feeling of stability, the feeling of being sure about something has become a foreign concept to him. Do his parents still love them? Are they a burden? If he was wrong for thinking that his own parents most certainly love and support them, then what about the others? Who's to say he isn't wrong with everything else? Minato envies his classmates, because even though they are the same age as he is, somehow they have already gotten everything figured out for themselves.
‘Why couldn’t he be more like that?’ He could hear the voice in his head say.
This train of thought is the only thing occupying his mind for the past few days, and it has greatly affected his life. His academic grades, his club performance, and even his relationships with both his friends and his very own sister.
Ever since the seed of doubt in his mind was planted, the voice in his head started getting louder and braver.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘Are you sure that’s the right choice?’
‘You probably won’t go far in life.’
‘You’re a failure. That’s why they left.’
He tried everything he can to drown out the voice in his head. He tried listening to music, hanging out with his friends, playing at the arcade, anything. Anything to make it go away or so that he can no longer hear it.
But of course, it is not that easy.
He wanted to talk to his sister, he really did. But he didn’t know how to. It was something he had in common with his sister. Despite being surrounded by many friends, opening up still remains difficult for the both of them. And what makes it even harder is that, he doesn’t know how to explain this feeling of his. Deep down, he is thinking that, perhaps, this was just something he made up himself and that it is not real. So he tried driving his attention somewhere else.
He decided to go somewhere quiet, somewhere hidden.
He let his feet lead him, with his loud music blasting from his headphones.
This mindless walking led him to the train station’s back alley.
It was deserted. Perfect.
He sat down and closed his eyes. Eventually his phone started vibrating. Picking it up, he received a message from Minako.
Sis: hey im in a study grp w fuuka and yukari
Sis: ill be late so eat b4 u go home
Minato was about to send a reply to his sister, when three older men approached him.
“Hey, little man. What are ya doing here?” One of them, whom Minato assumed was their leader, asked him. They didn’t seem too happy with seeing an unfamiliar boy at their hangout spot.
“Nothing.” Minato replied simply, shoving his phone in to his pocket and fixing his headphones into position. The men, however, were irritated by this.
“Ye’r in our spot.” The leader, who apparently has a nose piercing, took a step closer. They tried to look intimidating, but it did not faze Minato one bit.
The guy was starting to get angry, and started digging around in his pocket. “Ye’r from Gekkoukan High, aren’t ya? Damn, one of yous are always trying to waltz around here like some hotshot, but guess what? Ye’r not.”
“Ok.” Minato said absentmindedly. And finally, the man reveals what he was hiding in his pocket. A knife. Minato stood up quickly. “I’ll leave.”
“Haha, ye’r too late. I am angry now.” The man swings his knife, and Minato was barely even able to dodge it. It grazed slightly against his cheek, forming a small scar.
“Hey, stop that!” A tall man wearing a beanie and maroon peacoat quickly came to his rescue. He was able to restrain the man and retrieve the knife from him. Mr. Nose Piercing tried flailing around, but the tall man was much stronger than he is.
“Hey, let him go!” The two other guys who entered with Mr. Nose Piercing, approached the tall male restraining their friend. But before they could attack, another male, a silver-haired gentleman wearing a red vest came, and was able to knock down one guy.
The one left standing kneeled down, pleading for mercy. “Please! I didn’t do anything! It was all him!” He then pointed at Mr. Nose Piercing. The tall, beanie-wearing man scoffed, “Wow, selling your friend out just to be able to escape? How pathetic.”
“Aki, get the knife.”
“Got it, Shinji.”
Mr. Beanie, or Shinji as he was called, dropped Mr. Nose Piercing onto the ground.
“Take your friend, and the other one too. Don’t come back or else we will call the police.”
“Fuck ya, Aragaki! I thought ye were one of us!” Mr. Nose Piercing shouted but quickly exited when he was able to successfully carry his knocked-down friend.
Shinji shook his head and muttered under his breath, “I was never one of you.”
Mr. Red Vest (Minato forgot his name) turned to him and asked, “What were you doing here?”
“I was trying to clear my head.”
Mr. Red Vest looks around, “In here?” He didn’t seem to understand why he chose this out of all the places in Port Island. It was really unhygienic and lots of trashes are strewn around. If he were to go here to clear his head, he’d probably exit more troubled than before.
“Well, you did find me here. So yes, here. I was trying to clear my head here.” Minato sarcastically quipped. Mr. Red Vest looked so confused.
Shinji, approached Minato and gave him a band-aid and an unopened water bottle. Minato raised his eyebrows.
“For your scar. I only have water for now, so use it to clean it. Then cover it with the band-aid. When you get home do a more thorough clean, though. It’s a small scar but better be safe than sorry.” Shinji stated. When Minato accepted the items, Shinji put his hands back into his pockets.
“Don’t come back here anymore. Find another place to clear your head. Let’s go, Aki.”
Ah, Mr. Red Vest was named Aki.
“Um, alright. Goodbye.” Aki awkwardly gave a small wave, and they left. Minato decided to gather his belongings and go home.
As Minato approached the apartment, he pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. However, his phone died. Minato sighs and when looked up, he notices that the lights are on.
Minako is home.
He brought his hand up to his face, feeling around the band-aid that was placed. He hopes Minako doesn’t notice. The last thing he wants to do is stressing Minako out even more. As he turns the doorknob, he looks down. Hopefully, not meeting her eyes would make it less obvious. As he opens the door, he was met with his sister who was in front of the door. ‘Was she going out?’
“And just where have you been?” Minako asked in a harsh tone. It was rare for her to speak like that and when he heard it, he flinched.
Not wanting to anger her even more, he lied. “With the boys.”
“Lies. They told me they didn’t know where you were.”
‘Well, shit.’
‘You’re just gonna come up with a lie and it was a terrible one.’
Not wanting to receive her wrath, he skimmed past her.
“Minato, I am talking to you.”
He stopped abruptly, still not turning to face her, “What?”
“What? What?! What do you mean ‘what’? I was worried sick! You didn’t answer any of my calls, and your friends didn’t know where you were! Not to mention that it’s late, who knows what kind of criminal could be lurking around the streets at this moment!” He could hear the frustration and worry in Minako’s voice, but he couldn’t bring himself to face her.
He feels that if he did, he’ll break down.
“Calm down, I got home safely didn’t I? It’s fine. You’re worrying over nothing.” Minato cringed at what he said, he knew that he sounded extremely self-centered right now but he couldn’t take it back anymore.
‘You’re the bad guy.’
Minato quickly got up the stairs, not wanting to say any more things that he didn’t mean.
“Minato Arisato, come back down here! I am not done talking to you!”
The next day, the twins’ train ride to the school was really awkward. They can’t meet each other’s eyes. However, Minako would be lying if she said that the band-aid on Minato’s face didn’t worry her one bit. They both seem like they have so much to say, but are hesitating whether it was the right moment or not. They instead decide to disappear into their own worlds, with the power of music. It didn’t help calm down Minako’s nerves, so she decided to fidget with her phone. She eventually found her thumb hovering over the messaging app.
‘Fuck it.’
Minako: hey headphones
Minako: gud am
Headphones: Good morning to you too, pancake. :)
Headphones: How are you today?
Minako: um
Minako: don’t wanna talk about it
Minako: can we talk about something else?
Headphones: Sure. What do you want to talk about?
Minako: uhh
Minako: wanna get to know eachother?
Headphones: Okay. How will this work?
Minako: we take turns asking questions, but no matter who’s turn it is, we will both answer
Headphones: Okay, you first?
Minako: mmm
Minako: pronoun?
Minako: i’m she/her
Headphones: He/Him. :)
Headphones: What do you do on your free time?
Headphones: I either train to make myself stronger or hang out with a close friend. :) You?
Minako: maybe at home cleaning/cooking
Minako: or hanging out w friends as well
Minako: do u like any sports?
Minako: i play volleyball
Headphones: Wow, that’s great!
Headphones: I’m into boxing :)
Minako felt her cheeks heat up. Wow, that’s kinda hot.
‘What the hell am I thinking?!’
Headphones: Favorite food?
Headphones: Of course, you already knew about pancakes, but I also like eating beef bowls and ramen from time to time. But no meal of mine is complete without sprinkling some protein powder on it. :)
Minako: oh uhhh
Minako: anything sweet ig
Minako: i’ve got a sweet tooth hehe
Headphones: Then I guess the nickname ‘Pancake’ is perfect for you then. :)
Minako doesn’t know why but whenever they call her that name, it makes her cheeks warm and her heart starts beating faster. This feeling is foreign, but it sure as hell isn’t unwelcomed.
Minako looked out the window and noticed that the train is nearing its destination.
Minako: hey so uh i gtg real soon
Minako: ttyl?
Headphones: Alright, pancake. Take care. :)
Minako: umm
Minako: thanks
Headphones: No problem.
Minako: i dont think u understand, really
Minako: thank u from the bottom of my heart
Minako: for talking to me n being here n all that
Headphones: Anytime. :)
During lunch, Minako decided to eat with Fuuka and Yukari. On the other hand, Minato ate with Junpei and Kenji. Their friends do not seem to be aware that the siblings are currently giving each other the ‘silent treatment’ and haven’t even uttered a word to each other since last night.
As Minako sat down with her food, her phone vibrated in her pocket. As Yukari and Fuuka were settling down in their own seats, she decides to check her phone.
Headphones: Hey, pancake. It’s lunchtime and I hope that you are eating well. :)
That short message made Minako smile so big that it didn’t go unnoticed by Yukari and Fuuka. They gave each other a quick look and turned back to silently observe Minako.
After sending a quick reply, Minako put her phone on the table and placed her bag beside her. After a few minutes, her phone vibrated. Her screen lit up, and it was a message from Headphones again.
Headphones: It better not be all sweets! Your body needs other nutrients too.
Minako chuckled at the message. Which, once again, did not go unnoticed. Yukari scooted over to Fuuka and whispered, “Do you think she forgot that we were here?”
Fuuka replied quietly, “Um, do you know who she’s texting?”
Yukari shrugged and mouthed, ‘Rio?’
Minako: heh okay MOM
Minako: make sure ure the same ok protein man
Minako put her phone down and picked up her utensils, when her phone vibrated again.
Headphones: Hey, that’s not the nickname you gave me!
Minako giggled at the message, but it was cut off by the sound of Yukari clearing her throat. Minako freezed when she realized that she momentarily forgot that Fuuka and Yukari were with her.
“So… who is your new text mate?” Yukari started, sporting a teasing smile and looking at her knowingly.
“Uh, Rio?”
Yukari raised her eyebrows, “Are you asking me?”
Minako cleared her throat, trying to show a poker face. “No, it IS Rio.”
Yukari turned to Fuuka, “Are you buying this, Fuuka?”
“No… She’s acting a bit suspicious.” Fuuka said, shyly.
“Fuuka!” Minako exclaimed, startling nearby students.
“Heh, you heard her. So who is it?”
“It’s nothing! I just saw a funny meme!”
“Would a funny meme make your phone vibrate three times in a row?”
“It’s a notification from a meme page? Um, yeah that’s it! They’re just really active today!” Minako cringed when she heard how fake that sounded.
“Why do you sound so uncertain, this makes it easier to see that you’re lying, y’know?” Yukari said smugly, and Minako doesn’t know if she should admit to Yukari that her new text mate is actually the guy from their number neighbor shenanigan. It’s nothing bad, it’s just that Minako knows that if she mentions this to them, she would not hear the end of it from Yukari.
“Okay fine.” Minako took a deep breath. “I’ll tell you.”
Yukari smiled triumphantly, while Fuuka’s eyes widened in surprise.
“So, who is it?”
“Before I tell you, can I ask what happened to your number neighbors?” Minako asked, hoping to stall.
“Hm, mine blocked me when I sent that message.” Yukari shook her head, disappointed.
“Oh, mine was really scary. They said that if I message them again, they will call the police.” Fuuka said, fidgeting with her fingers.
“What?! Isn’t that a bit too much?” Minako quickly held Fuuka’s hand, hoping to give her some sort of comfort.
“Oh, it’s fine. Maybe they thought I was a hacker or something. It’s not bad to be cautious.”
Yukari sighs, “Let’s never do this again.”
Fuuka nodded, “Agreed.”
There was a moment of silence, until Fuuka spoke up, “Why did you ask about that though, Minako?”
“Oh um… W-well…” Minako looked away and nervously laughed. Until Yukari realized why.
“Wait, is your number neighbor your new text mate?”
“Ehehe, yes?”
Fuuka and Yukari gasped.
“Well, well, well… It looks like I was right. You were able to get a relationship out of this number neighbor thing. Oh! How romantic! You were just one digit away from each other!” Yukari giggled and began hugging Fuuka out of excitement.
“Relationship? N-no… We aren’t in a re-relationship. We’re just… talking. Hehe..” Minako stuttered, and she really wanted to slap herself when she heard how she sounded.
“Yeah, and a relationship comes next after that!” Yukari cheered loudly, standing up and thrusting a first in the air triumphantly. The students in the next table seemed irritated by our table.
“Yukari, simmer down! You’re disturbing the other students!” Minako tried to get Yukari to sit back down. Fuuka found the situation amusing, and giggled.
“Anyways, give us details! You can’t expect us not to want more info when you told us that you actually ended up being text mates with your number neighbor! Spill!”
“Well, he is a nice guy. He is really understanding and willing to listen to my problems. He also respected my decision when I told him to call each other by code names instead of our real names. He also checks in with me every once in a while to see if I was okay…” Minako tells them, and unknowingly smiling to the thought of him. It wouldn’t have been noticed by Yukari and Fuuka if she wasn’t blushing so hard.
“Aww, you like him! Ask him if he wants to meet up, ey?”
“W-what! No! I-I barely know him!”
“Yeah, that’s why you are going to meet up, duh! To get to know each other more… and who knows… This could be something worth mentioning at your wedding when Fuuka and I give our toasts as your maid of honors!”
“Oh, that does sound cute!” Fuuka mentions cheerily.
“Fuuka, NO. Do not encourage Yukari, that wasn’t cute at all!”
After classes, Minato waited outside of Minako’s classroom. Minato decided that he was going to apologize and open up to Minako, no matter what. He doesn’t want to keep his sister in the dark anymore. After a few minutes of waiting for his sister, he decided to go in himself and approach her. He saw her chatting with Fuuka while cleaning up her things.
“Sis.” Minato called, while dumping his bag on top of her desk. “Come with me, you can leave your things for now.” He grabbed his hand and led her outside.
Fuuka seemed confused, but resumed to picking up the scattered trashes. After a few minutes, Yukari entered the room, looking for someone. She quickly found Fuuka and approached her. “Where’s Minako?”
“Oh, Minato told her he had something to talk about. They left their things here, so you can just wait for them. If you wish to talk to Minako, they’ll probably come back soon.”
Suddenly, Yukari grinned widely. “They left their things, ey? So Minako’s phone is in here?”
Fuuka blinked a few times. ‘Why would Yukari ask about Minako’s phone?’
“Yeah, I think? I didn’t see Minako bring anything with her because Minato quickly dragged her outside, it seemed like he had something urgent to say.”
“Aha, I see… Fuuka, want to do a prank with me?”
Minako was surprised by how her brother took the initiative to approach her first. She was happy as it seems like Minato is finally going to start opening up to her, something she wished he did from the start. And then, she remembers Headphone’s words: ‘He just needs some time to figure it out himself and then he will approach you.’
Minato finally let go of her wrist when they arrived at the persimmon tree. He signaled for her to sit down at the nearby bench, which was under the shade. For a few minutes, they were silent. Just taking in the peaceful environment and the cool, refreshing wind.
Minato was the first to speak up. “I’m sorry.”
Minako turned to look at him, “I’m sorry, too. For shouting at you last night, that was unnecessary.”
Minato shook his head and gave his sister a small smile. “No, that was okay. I was being unreasonable. But that’s not the only thing I’m apologizing for.”
Minako tilted her head, confused. “Huh?”
“I have been hiding things from you because I had a feeling you wouldn’t understand me. But that was wrong of me, I shouldn’t just start assuming things and then suddenly start closing off myself. When we were at the train this morning, it felt wrong that you weren’t talking to me. It was a really sucky feeling to have. And then I realized, that this was what you must be feeling when I stopped talking to you.” Minato closed his eyes and buried his face into the palms of his hands.
Minako frowned seeing her brother so distraught. She was about to say something, but Minato lifted his head and continued talking.
“The truth is, lately I have been feeling lost. I don’t know what to do. I feel… empty. I don’t know how to explain it, but basically it’s like the world is in black and white. It’s lifeless, and I don’t see the point. I am… uncertain whether I am making the right choice or not. A voice in my head is always telling me that I am making a bad choice or that I’m a failure. I… I’m sorry if I’m not making sense.”
“Minato, it’s fine… I understand.”
“Do you still love me? You won’t leave?”
Minako was shocked by what he said, “Why would you even think that? I would never leave you! You’re my brother… I would never abandon you.”
“But… mom and dad did.” Minato said quietly, and Minako feel the lump in her throat growing bigger.
“That’s okay. We don’t need them. I won’t ever leave you Minato. You are my partner-in-crime, my bestfriend, and most importantly, my brother. I love you so much and we will always be together.”
“But what will we do about the voice in my head?”
“Well, you have me. We can figure about this together. If you want, we can go see a therapist?”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that…”
“Then that is okay too. You will only go if you want to. I am here for you no matter what, and if you ever start having bad thoughts or the voice in your head gets stronger, just go to me. No matter what time or day, whether there’s classes or not, I’ll be there. Okay?”
“Okay. Thank you.”
Minako and Minato gave small smiles to each other and they hugged. After a few moments, they let go and talked to each other for a few more minutes before heading back inside.
When Minako and Minato returned to the classroom to retrieve their items, they were met with Fuuka looking uneasy and fidgeting. “Fuuka? You okay?” Minako approached her friend, going in for a hug to comfort her but Fuuka jumped.
“Minako! I am so sorry! I tried stopping Yukari but she was determined!” Fuuka bowed her head.
“What are you talking about? What did Yukari do?” Minato strided over, curious with what made Fuuka so worried. Minako shrugged at Minato, confused and worried for her friend.
Fuuka stood up straight, but still unable to look Minako in the eye. Right at that moment, Yukari came in holding an empty food wrapper. “Oh, Minako! There you are!”
Minako, Minato and Fuuka all whipped their heads to where Yukari’s voice was coming from. Yukari approached them, waving the empty food wrapper in front of their faces. “Minako, Fuuka and I are really sorry for eating this deluxe donut snack from the canteen without you! Fuuka was so worried because she knows you like it so much, but I was really hungry so I ate it! Sorry!”
Minako frowned and raised her eyebrow at Yukari, crossing her arms. “Is that all?”
Yukari gulped, and Fuuka started playing with the hem of her skirt, not strong enough to look Minako in the eye. “Yeah, that’s all! R-right Fuuka?” Yukari approached Fuuka, trying to silently ask for back-up.
Fuuka finally looked up to Minako and nodded quickly. “Y-yes! We’re really sorry, Minako!”
Minato stood awkwardly beside Minako, who was seriously studying Yukari and Fuuka. Serious Minako is scary Minako. Eyes scrutinizing their every movement, lips in a tight line, and arms across her chest making her seem even more intimidating.
After a few minutes of silence, Minako gave them a bright smile and laughed. Yukari and Fuuka were surprised and Minato was confused.
“Aww, girls! Don’t worry about that! You were hungry so it’s fine!” Yukari gave a sigh of relief, while Fuuka was still a bit shaken up. Minako closed her distance with the two girls and gave them both a hug.
“But next time, wait for me okay?” She whispered, in their ears eerily.
“Y-yes, Minako.”
“Haha, yeah…”
Minako: hey
Minako: do u live near tatsumi port island
Headphones: Yeah, I do. Why?
Minako: wanna meet tomorrow, sunday?
Minako: get to know each other?
Headphones: Oh, you want to meet?
Headphones: That’s fine by me. :)
Headphones: Where though?
Minako: paulownia mall, that ok? specifically chagall café
Minako: i have brunette hair with silver pins on it forming XXII
Minako: i’ll also be wearing a red scarf
Headphones: That sounds good!
Headphones: See you soon, pancake. :)
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years ago
rewatching tgm, wifi being useless edition 2/?
every time i hear puppet!Dea say “when a story is raw and real” i see Mr. Gordon Ramsey memes, they just scroll across my vision and there’s nothing i can do to stop it u-u
ngl im kinda in love with Mojo Puppeteer
the foot shimmy during this scene, like right as Ursus gets up off the floor Gwyn/Mr. Maskell does this little ankle squirm. u-u
love how mr maskell doesn't emote w/his face while puppeteering but ms. brisson's just facially so into this performance and honestly so's ms. onitiri
also love all the different bits of ribbon and such puppet!Dea’s hair is made of. several different textures in there
kay but the way he makes the prince puppet kinda bounce in place as he sings “only those three words could ever free me from the curse” it just makes it look like the prince is kindof adorably excited about this
im just now realizing that one part of the puppet is supposed to be the prince’s mouth and not his chin or something.
Dea’s soft “oh” when their hands touch
Gwynlit always looks so shook as they step back from each other after the aging up sequence like he’s full dear-in-headlights (i know it’s ‘deer’ in headlights but he is Dear to Me so)
and really so is Dea for a second there
oh god her look of alarm  changes to a smile the second Gwyn starts singing. i need a minute.
i love these two so much
the harmony will never not end my life why is it so powerful
idk what they put in this song but every single time my aroace self is like “shfjshfsj play this at my wedding” and then i have to be like “wait.”
Dea’s adorable and i hope she knows how adorable she is
im cry they’re so cute they’re so cute i love these two
Quake is on it about letting ppl know entertainment’s cancelled due to the king dying Quake is ready Quake loves her job so much
oh so  the barrels are just there for Dirry-Moir and Osric to have somewhere to sit while Ursus tells the story okay
wait how quick did dude just throw on his Clarence costume and climb in the coffin that was. super duper fast
he’s literally offscreen for 24 seconds and managed to
holy cats how does he do it
wait also mojo tho. mojo had to put on his priest costume
wait also Osric and Dirry-Moir had to put on their Lord attire
and they say movies are supposed to be magic
just continuing to absolutely love every character played by ms. obianyo
love how they just. have trombones. 10/10
i mean i guess the costume changes aren’t super complicated like throw on a robe and a wig but STILL within 24 seconds? i think it’s impressive
oh hey jojo-as-a-random-lord is also here
ohhhhh is that why Jojo’s costume is Like That then? to make it easier to switch characters real fast? but no actually???
the hats on the lords tho. we’ve got Fish Lord, Bunny Lord,,, maybe some kind of Bird or Chicken Lord...
so it’s a Pig’s Foot that killed Clarence and the name of the holy relic translates to like, “pig’s flower” ...thematic....dots.......
oop there’s Only a Clown
ngl i kinda love Archbishop Kupsak. a weird dude.
would love to know why Angelica thought she needed to ‘make a law’ regarding traitors being brought to justice. just curious about her thought-process. heck she could probably have her own musical.
wait hey, hey. hey. petition for ms. obianyo to play a FATE.
oh god it’s my least favorite scene
skip? no...but? no u-u
jojo apologize to the trash clown
scene too stressful
genuinely have no thoughts, head completely empty
is that a bowl and spoon on th-
separate post separate post gentlefolks of the jury i
jaw twitch
okay but Dea gets this Look when Gwyn asks Ursus “who did this to me” she looks a little Surprised
does not react however to “who carved me into this freak”
the hand flex as Gwyn walks away from Ursus after Ursus Won’t Let Him Talk
oh Osric you absolute delight
beauty and the beast ii destroys me every time gwyn’s just steadily wilting but trying to hold on but he can’t and Dea’s so supportive
would love to know what Ursus’ take on all this would’ve been if he hadn’t been involved. like would he still be hell-bent on not letting Gwyn remember or would he have been more chill about letting Gwyn make that decision for himself
like on the one hand i can see why Ursus would think that maybe Gwyn would be better off not remembering, but also making him forget clearly didn’t actually help him suffer any less, it just gave him a different kind of suffering. He’s wrung-out tormented and Ursus can’t/won’t help him because of the potential repercussions of Gwyn learning the truth. which do include some Worst Timeline options for how that could go but. also include a few Gwyn’s Able To Move On And Live Well, With Or Without Ursus options so.
idk i just feel like after a certain point of seeing how Gwyn’s basically falling apart over all this Ursus really should’ve considered having that difficult Discussion bc that boy was Not getting better on Ursus’ Plan A
also the whole dismissively invalidating ur kid’s struggle is not a good look Ursus
i love him and absolutely believe he is definitely Trying His Best but he’s #Problematic_Dad for sure
that bit where Ursus notices Josiana as if for the first time and does that little bow to her oh my goodness XD
also him just trying so hard to keep it together in the lead-up to Born Broken. debating whether Ursus sticking his head through the curtain is the funniest part of this show. probably not but it’s real close
Dea’s so pretty and i love her outfit u-u
and her blue makeup
and her lovely lovely eyes like wow she’s Perfect
this girl is in her element and im fully convinced that in the version of events where Gwyn and Dea stay on as Lord and Lady Dea does some addressing of parliament or whatever, has speaking engagements, she’s all kinds of involved.
there’s tears in Ursus’ eyes during this bit and i don’t agree w/him but i do feel bad for him. he does want to do right by these kids but he’s just...it’s not working out for him because he can’t have it both ways.
i mean genuinely tho Ursus is so desperate to forget/bury/escape/move on from the past but in adopting Gwyn and trying to be a family and a fresh start for him...that shut down any chance of that actually happening.
no but fr Ursus’ face when Dea says “it doesn’t keep us safe, Father, it turns us against you” which is like. probably the exact thing he’s afraid of happening if they ever learn the truth.
*strums lyre* it’s a sad tale, it’s a tragedy!
Musical Ursus is fully a good dude who did one Stupid Thing and spent the rest of his life trying to control the damage only to make it Worse and then he died and i’m so! 😭
at the end of the second 30minutes but im keep going
Dea and Gwyn are holding hands so intently im feeling feelings about
ngl though i wonder if given Ursus’ “dear god, you pick your moments” and “who did what to you” if maybe this is something that’s just been festering and hasn’t been verbally brought up until the show’s events
“What do you want?! BLOOD?!” i mean u did script him as saying he wants to kill a man
“I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know” i mean technically that’s true bc technically Gwyn does know, he just doesn’t remember, which is pretty much the same as not knowing but ayyyyyyyyyy
would love to know what Ursus thought was coming when Gwyn said “I can only tell them what I know I am” like
wait no but “I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know” being followed by “I can only tell them what I know I am” idk how to say but oh heck oh heck oh heck heck oh no.
but yeah Ursus’ little glances at Gwyn and then the Turn as Gwyn starts to sing. i just wonder what Ursus is thinking just then
ohhhhhhhhh wait a minute now. stars stripped from the sky. the play on the lyrics from within Ursus’ show. the conversation they just had. is Freak Show (partially?) a vaguepost at Ursus 👀
no but the Wiggle before that next to last “watch me smile” tho
needs the backbend 🍹
hello Puppet Helmet Thing. i’ve developed a fondness for you, you unexplained and kind of weird yet near-infinitely interpretable element of the show.
and cutting here for length uwu
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years ago
hello my beloved morgy!! i'm alive and well! 💌💘💞 awaaaaa,, i missed you a lot darling!! even if its only been a few days, life is way more dull when i can't check in with you here :( i hope you've been doing well during that short absence of mine, and if things aren't going so swell, i'm here to hopefully cheer you up dear!! 😊❤ (1/10)
"i am doing much better now and i'm fully recovered, and thank goodness i didn't wind up hospitalized again!!! apparently my narcolepsy fired up crazily when i started to fall ill, and that ended up confining me to my bed, which was absolutely horrible (especially since i couldn't talk to you 😞💕) we still don't know what the illness was, but luckily i fought it off fast thanks to my family and friend's quick thinking!! i'm much happier now that i'm here again with you 💖 (2/10)
and oh gosh, you finished sbr??? ahhh that makes me so happy and so sad at the same time!! it's actually my favorite part along with vento aureo, and don't worry love, i want gyro back too, so you're not alone on that 😖 oh, and all those picrews?? lovely as always!! i love how much creative liberty you all take,, it astounds me!! and it shocks me that you all remember such miniscule details about me,, like the fact that i love the bahamas, ahhhh i'm so flattered by all of it!! (3/10)
i can never choose a favorite creative piece that any of you send in, i just love them all so much!! once again, thank you for all of your hard work and effort, i adore it each and every day 💕💕💕💕 thank you all for your well wishes and love!! my sister told me that apparently you mentioned something about people freaking out over me,, oh my! that surprised me a lot,, so any of those anons who read this, please don't worry about me!! (5?/10)
i assure you i'm okay, i just have a bad immune system and get sick easily, that's all!! but all of your concern means so much to me, thanks a million 💞 before i got sick, some friends came over since they wanted me to teach them how to ballroom dance for some reason,, it was very sudden but i was happy to do so nonetheless! i haven't danced like that in a long while, so it was quite exciting for me,, i am a dancer after all! (6/10)
i taught them how to do a basic waltz and tango,, they seemed to enjoy it a lot!! i suppose i'm a dance teacher now hehe 💞 oh, and last night, a friend slept over and we spent the night watching different televised comedy shows! stand-up has always held such a special place in my heart,, because when i was very small, i wanted to be a famous comedian for a long period of time,, silly isn't it? (7/10)
i would watch all of these different comedians perform and look up to them as inspirations,, i even wrote a few comedy routines to perform in front of my family when i was 4,, i guess i was really into it! now that i'm older, my aspirations have changed, but i still love to occasionally sit in comedy clubs with a glass of whatever i want, ahhh,, it never gets old ✨ (8/10)
ooh, and my mom and i were finally able to catch the escapee bunny from a while ago!! we brought him back to the garden, and he wouldn't stop following me around! i named him toffee, and he kept trying to jump on me for cuddles,, awaaaa it was so cute!! i can't wait to see him again 🌺 (9/10)
ahhh there's still so much i need to talk about, but its getting late here!! so i'll just continue on tomorrow then hm? goodnight amore, sleep well for me!! sweet dreams! 🌹 - love always, your amorous waifu xoxo 💕💖💘💌💋🌹 ps: you know morgy, like that one anon said, you also live in my brain rent free 💗 also, you are way too nice to me for your own good morgy dear, i swear, i can't stop smiling whenever you pull your sweet one-liners <3 (10/10)"
Im very glad to see ur back and fine darling, i acc forgot to answer all the anons but trust me my inbox was literally b o m b a r d e d w ppl sayin they miss u and wishing that u'd get better soon😳😳😳 if anything i'd say the fact that u didnt end up in the hospital again is very lucky and relieving
I myself cant believe i finally finished sbr yesterday and goddamn dat ending was far from pleasant🤡🤡 imma just say shame on araki for killin off all my homies....no more homies all my homies are D E A D (as a matter of fact my fav is p4 but i think u know that already)
And wow u as a comedian? Ngl i did not see it coming but thats oddly cute?? Like just imagining a tiny waifu creating comedy skits and performing them is really amazing for whatever reason jdhshsn i still see u more on the v o g u e side of things doe👁️👁️
Even if u were hella sicc at least u managed to snatch wigs and teach ppl how to dance (cant relate watch me step on everyone's toes within a 10 mile radius, mine included) a n d summoned ur disney princess powers again in order to get that rabbit😩😩😩 i also love pullin one liners bc really ur reactions are g o l d darling and thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth👀👁️👀👁️
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ultyutae · 5 years ago
A Melancholic Melody
Jaehyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k... Yeah I really did alot for this one
Tags: Angst if you squint hard enough, fluff?, healing, comfort
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, illness, implied trauma
A/n: honestly this was sort of experimental for me and im not sure how to feel about it. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated <3
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, calming yourself as you placed your fingers above the correct keys of the piano that sat in front of you. You began to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Your fingers flew over, back and forth between the keys, not hesitating once. You knew the entire piece by heart and muscle memory, with it being the first piece you were taught since you were young. It was a slightly long piece, but it was a beautiful one, like many of Beethoven's works. You were too engrossed into your playing to have been able to notice the figure that was standing by the doorway. By the time you finished the piece, you let out the breath you'vebeen holding in, letting out a sigh of relief. You stared at the keys, realizing that once again, you had stopped playing two thirds of a way through. Your fingers hadn't moved at all for the last five minutes. You had just sat there, staring at your fingers, envisioning yourself playing the piece you knew you couldn't bring yourself to finish. You let out a chuckle, and proceeded to play another tune. Valse Sentimentale, by one of your personal favorite musicians, Tchaikovsky. When you were finished, you decided to finally address the other person who had been in the room with you, staying silent the entire time. You had noticed their presence before you started playing the second piece, and it had annoyed you a bit, not really being used having another person listening while you practiced.
"How long have you been standing there?" you asked, turning your head to finally take a look at your listener. When your eyes met with the stranger, you held back from letting out a gasp. It was Jung Jaehyun, one of the more popular boys in your grade. He was not only a top student in class but also the best in choir, and everyone not only admired him for his princely looks and demeanor, but also his heavenly voice. You were suddenly more curious than annoyed, as to why such a person like him would be watching someone like you, who's a complete stranger to him.
"Long enough," Jaehyun replied, still leaning against the doorway. "You're a beautiful player, by the way. But why did you stop? You never finished Moonlight Sonata."
"So you did see that, huh..." you mumbled. You let out a bitter laugh. "I can never finish that piece. Wanna know why?" Jaehyun stared into your eyes for a few seconds, not letting go of his gaze upon you. You stared back at him with almost a coldness behind your eyes, careful to not let your shield slip any further. Jaehyun nodded.
"Yes, tell me," he said, and he walked closer to you and sat down on the piano stool right next to you. Your heart skipped a few beats as he got closer. This was a new feeling for you. You rarely felt such emotions like this anymore, especially for a stranger. Unable to look directly at him, you turned around and stared at the piano keys.
"It was my mother's last stage performance. She was suffering from an unknown illness, and even though we told her we didn't want perform on stage until she got better, she insisted that she wouldn't let her audience down. She was a well-known and widely admired pianist, and she was well aware of how people all over the world would come to concert festivals just to hear her play. Mother was the closing act. The grand finale. Before she went upstage, she told me to listen carefully, and that most of all, she wanted me watch her play, one last time. Honestly, I thought it meant that she was going to stop playing after that performance. I really wish that was what happened." you explained, not taking your eyes away from the keys.
"So, what happened? Did she keep playing afterwards?" Jaehyun implored, clearly intrigued.
"No," you took a deep breath. "About ten minutes into the piece, she had a heart attack. Her body was too weak to keep playing, and so it gave out before she was able to finish the piece. Everyone in the audience, including me, had to watch as she just...collapsed," you sniffled. Jaehyun put a hand on your shoulder. You didn't bother to look at him, but you appreciated his gesture anyways. "I'm sorry, there was no need for me to tell you all of that. We don't even know each other that well." Jaehyun shook his head.
"No, it's fine. I'm really sorry for your loss... I can only imagine how traumatizing that had to have been. But is it okay if I ask, was the song your Mother was playing...was it Moonlight Sonata?" Jaehyun asked. This caught you off-guard, causing you to look right at him.
"Yeah...it was. I used to treasure this song, it was the the first song I learned, and the first song my mother had taught me. But now..."
"Now you can't play the whole thing, after the incident?" Jaehyun finished. You grimly nodded.
"I always imagine myself picking up from where my mother had stopped at, finishing the piece for her but i- I just can't. I remember every single note and keystroke, I just can't move my fingers until I imagine the piece to be over." You werent sure why, but you had no problem telling Jaehyun all of this. It's almost as if you felt comfortable enough to tell him everything. Jaehyun didn't say anything for about a minute. His eyes flickered back and forth from between you and the piano. Without a word, he turned around in his seat, facing the piano.
"Play with me." Jaehyun said, while staring right at you. You could feel your ears turning red.
"W-w-what??" you stuttered, suddenly becoming now aware of how attractive he really is.
"Oh my god, not like that! I meant on the piano, dummy" Jaehyun replied, with a small flick to your forehead.
"Ow! Is that how you talk to someone you just met?" you jabbed back, now giggling a bit.
"Do you always tell everyone your whole life story after you just met them?" Jaehyun said, playfully. Now it was your turn to flick his forehead, but this time harder than he did to you.
"Ow, what the heck!" Jaehyun yelped, rubbing his forehead.
"No not normally, but let's just say you seem...trustworthy. Don't let it get to your head though, you're still basically a stranger to me" you responded, ignoring his reaction.
"A stranger?? We've been in the same class multiple times throughout the years, not to mention you were the pianist for one of our choir concert's before...do you really think of me as a stranger?" Jaehyun asked, his voice suddenly becoming much softer than it was before. You stared at him for a couple of seconds before giving your answer, not sure how to respond.
"No, I guess not. But I've been wondering, why were you standing here and watching me play in the first place? Shouldn't you have gone home by now, or at least, isn't there choir practice today in the chorus room?" you asked.
"Practice would've probably ended.." Jaehyun room a quick glance at the clock, "ten minutes ago, roughly. But I don't mind, I'm sure the choir teacher will be fine with me missing out on just one practice" he said, not giving much thought.
"Crap, I'm sorry for making you miss your practice," you responded, becoming slightly embarrassed. It had hit you just now that Jaehyun had skipped out on choir practice just to watch you play.
"I was on my way to the choir room, but I noticed someone was playing on the piano, which is why I came to check it out. I stayed after seeing that it was you," Jaehyun explained.
"How could you tell it was me?" you asked, suddenly confused.
"I've seen you play before at a past choir concert remember? You have a gift. It would be pretty hard for me to forget the way you play, or you in general. I think missing out on practice just to watch you play is worth it," Jaehyun said. His tone made him sound chill but once glance at him and his reddening ears had given him away, he was clearly a bit embarrassed by saying this.
"Oh. Thanks, I guess," you responded, now feeling your own ears turn red. An awkward silence came about you two, which was quickly ended by Jaehyun clearing his throat.
"Okay, so should we start?" Jaehyun asked, cracking his knuckles.
"You know how to play?" you asked, also stretching out your fingers.
"Yeah, I learned a little bit of piano when I was younger. I'm not as gifted as you are but I can play a few pieces. Wait here," Jaehyun quickly slid out of the seat and made his way over to the drawers filled with sheet music for the piano. He rummaged through the stacks, searching for the piece you assumed would be the one he wants to play with you. You werent sure why you had no objections to this, as you've never played with someone before, but there was something that made you feel excited when thinking about playing with Jaehyun. The more you had interacted him, the more you noticed about him. He had pretty, delicate hands, and long eyelashes. His eyes also lit up a bit when he smiled at you, which at first had no effect on you, but as he gave you a warm smile while hearing back to your shared seat with the papers in hand, you could feel your heart race faster and faster. You only now just met him, you reminded yourself. You've never once had a conversation with him before this. There was no way you could be developing something for the very attractive choir boy who sat a few desks ahead of you in class. Jaehyun placed the sheet music in front of both of you, quickly opening it to the last few pages. You took a glance at the notes, and recognized it immediately.
"We're gonna play Moonlight Sonata? But you just saw what happened when I tried playing it-"
"Don't worry, the song will be finished. We'll do it together, okay?" Jaehyun said, reassuringly.
"Why are you doing this?" you blurted, now more confused than ever. Jaehyun shrugged.
"Do I need a reason to?" he stated. You took a deep breath and faced the piano keys, readying your fingers and placing them over the starting keys. You expected Jaehyun to do the same, but he just stared at you. "Okay, go ahead and start," he said, nodding. You glanced at him once last time, before closing your eyes and letting your fingers take control of your mind. You started off slow at adagio, but as the piece carried on, you went through the movement of allegretto, and soon enough found yourself nearing the last part you couldn't bring yourself to finish. As you reached the presto agitato, you could feel your fingers slowly start to shake, and your mind starting to shut down. However, instead of hearing the silence that usually came, the sounds of the piano was still audible, and as you opened your eyes, you saw Jaehyun, playing the rest of the piece for- no, with you. You could feel your eyes watering up as you finally heard the rest of the song play, after many years. You had forgotten how beautiful the rest of it was to you, and slowly, you could feel your fingers work their way into playing with him, finding the courage to move your fingers above the keys and play the rest of it. As you finished, you closed your eyes and let out a sigh of relief. It felt like a thorn inside of you had finally been plucked out, like a weight had been taken off your chest. In that moment, you had never been more grateful towards anyone else like you had towards Jaehyun. You felt your eyes water again, and this time, you just let them fall.
"Thank you..." you sputtered in between sobs, "thank you so much for helping me with this," you were sobbing as hard as a child but you couldn't help it. Tears of both happiness and sadness came flooding out at the same time. Jaehyun simply smiled at you and slung an arm around your shoulder, slowly pulling you into his chest.
"It's okay," he whispered. "You can cry as long as you want, I don't mind. I can tell its been tough for you, but it's alright now. You can move on now," he said softly, while stroking your hair. You sobbed even harder, face buried into his chest. You hated showing your emotions like this, but Jaehyun just felt so safe. You didn't want to admit it at the time, but looking back at it now, the day the two of you really met, it was the day you had fallen in love with him.
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it seems just - and now  - now its awmost midnight a week later  - i cant remember - i kinda sucked last week yah   - oh yah i members now - didnt suck even a little tonight - made 1 good decision - so a couple that is also a band and nice peeps - really nice - did the host mc thing - there is an amp a srsly good one i could have used -  btw i should hav diss claimed at the beginning - wait maybe - i plan on some poetry about the moon - so maybe u should just scroll down till the words look poetic and start readin then - i could post the poetry separately but that wood not b any funatall 
oh yah and since its monday and the moon thing and apollo anniversary  - and cuz they just b good peeps  - big shout out to everyone at @writerscreed and thank you for using a line / query from one of my pomes if i wuznt lazy as fuck i woud find it and reblog - ego may takes me there anyway but not tonight  - all the love to everyone there  past present future - a wonderful resource and labor of love 
so post mortem - awready wrote something along the lines of i killed - i did srsly for 1 song  - lykke li side band liv  hurts to liv   - had played w arrangement just a bit this morning - nothing major - might have incorporated quick time some - ezily the best vocal performance course it aint recorded it dont matter - i stayed on mic mostly - didnt forget words - only 1 line and not on this one mumbled cuz couldnt wrap my mouth around - 1 bad chord also not on this - huge response mid song at he line “ everybody wanna be somebody long as it aint me “  huge applause b4 last note wrung out  - so the good decision - things run late - 2 many performers wanna - small technical probs  including cords shorting - plug my own cord into guitar - straight into pa - setting up amp could take minutes and something to go wrong  yah - and there are 2 huge ego reezons i wanna play well  - the kind that fuck me up often - the most interesting man in the world - according to cinder - a neighbor  -told me he was interested in coming to madrone and actually showed  - he has never heard me not a note - i didnt want the awkwardness of sucking and him having to pretend he liked it  - a much loved performer who only plays madrone a few times a year - the open mic anyway - his band gets paid gigs at madrone and the other bars owned by same person /ppl   and other places - few years ago they headlined Slims - wait is slims still open - anyway one of the top clubs in sf for live national/international music  - so he played - just b4 me - the last time i saw him wuz the 1st time after seeing each other albeit infrequently - for years now - that we spoke and that i knew he actually listened to me - i wuz ok that time but ego and started overplaying to impress - so i had chosen songs that were more vocal oriented before going - added an improvised blues in am to facilitate a harmonica player  - martian mike - he actually added - if i had the amp - and it had every sound effect known to man - i prob wouldnt have resisted the urge to over the top - so after finished had nice mutual admiration mutual love of madrone conversation - he video’d at least part of my set for utube on his channel and maybe his bands channel as well 
just b4 playing - went outside and thot of the ppl who send vibes love energy sundays  - it was like i could feel each one sending for a sec - some sent earlier -some yet to come - felt total calm - only for a moment mind u 
about the moon this was last night or saturday  - total fog cover tonight - just to make sure - i go outside cuz maybe - thats my relation  - love and attention - a focus  and the tide thing - pretty awesome  - only once - and i wuz being a dick and might have lied to myself like we do  when acting as such - only once that i remember - when i remember to look for and find ( most eves nights mornings ) have i failed 2 feel better at least a little for a moment  - a shapeshift trixter she b the moon - always changing always constant  - thinking what might have been what still could b  - we can look at the same moon at different times and be close for a hand clap cuz we zen as fuck - sometimes  - we get lucky 
its getting late im tired - its morning but not the wake up kind yet  - dishes to do - teeth to brush - a kitty to pet 
presto sleepo morning and not early - sleepless in sf till 3 or so - kitty wants bfast early - or wants a good tawk  - she wants something she cant do fer her own self but yes she will kill and eat bugs if not fed - and yes the bowl is empty - omg yes she is a good kitty - back to sleep till a mumbled byedrivesafelove to the unpoet leaving 
sun just came out and enuff quiet to hear birdsong
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jewpacabruhs · 6 years ago
also do the "wanna go out w me sometime" one for kyman thanks sis
nah thank you bb :-) ok im doin this one first to get the writin juices flowin heh
yay drag cartman…. lil bit inspired by lais fic ;)
When Kyle agreed to help Cartman break up Stan and Craig, South Park’s newest and strangest young couple, he hadn’t thought it would turn into a fiasco. Maybe he should’ve had the foresight to anticipate Cartman’s antics, but as it was, when Cartman had bitched about Craig and Tweek being soulmates and Craig being an entire idiot for dumping him, and Kyle had agreed that Stan deserved better than being a rebound for some aloof alternative space nerd like Craig, and Cartman had proposed they break them up, Kyle had immediately accepted without much thought. Cartman was good at schemes like that; surely he could find a way to split them easily enough. 
Kyle was an idiot for that, because Cartman could never do things “easily enough” - he just had to turn a simple little mission into a completely over-the-top and often disastrous performance, with unnecessarily extravagant costumes and everything.
So that’s how he ended up in a booth in the nicest restaurant in town, wearing his finest suit, which he hasn’t touched since his cousin Eli’s bar mitzvah last May. Thankfully it still fits, though it’s a little restrictive. Across from him is one Eric Cartman who is, of course, inexplicably in drag; a floor length deep blue evening dress, sparkly silver makeup, and a sleek blonde wig. He looks amazing, and Kyle resents him for it.
“We’ll be noticed less if we look like your average straight couple,” Cartman had explained, when Kyle had picked him up from his house and given him a look of barely contained annoyance and contempt. Then he’d said, “Oh, this almost feels like prom!” and tried to get Kyle to escort him to the car, and eventually got his way by saying, “If this is how you treat women, I can see why none of them wanna date you.” Kyle had grudgingly linked arms with him after that, and walked him down to the car - even opened the door for him, though Cartman didn’t even really need help; he could walk perfectly fine in his heels, he just liked to be irritating.
So now they’re in the booth, and Kyle’s leg won’t stop bouncing. Craig and Stan are two tables away, both wearing suits and looking like they’re playing dress up. Stan’s blabbing enthusiastically about something, and Craig looks a little bored, but he’s nodding along, prodding at a salad. Cartman had anonymously left a free reservation - how he’d acquired it, Kyle was scared to ask - in Stan’s mail box: “Congratulations! This is a ticket to a free dinner for two on Saturday September 7th, at 8 PM at our fine eatery!” as well as some finer print details, including the lie that it’d been won from a randomized lottery. It’d been addressed to Stan himself, because Cartman figured Randy might try to steal it for him and Sharon. Stan had gushed about it at school, about how he wanted to treat his mom to dinner as a late birthday present, and while Kyle thought that was immensely sweet of him and felt pretty bad about it, he’d had to dissuade him from taking her. “It’s a romantic type of place,” he’d said, feeling like a real shitty friend. “People are gonna think-” and then Kenny had helpfully pitched in, “-that your mom’s a cougar, bro!” That was all it took for Stan to decide he’d take someone else, and from there, Kyle had gently planted the idea that Stan should take his new boyfriend. 
So there they were, at a table for two.
“Dark and dark don’t go together,” Cartman’s saying, frowning disapprovingly. He keeps eyeing the bread sticks, but he hasn’t touched them, probably for fear of messing his lipstick up. “Craig needs Tweek, for, like, contrast, you know? Blonde and black. It works. You can’t have two yangs.”
“The yin is the black one,” Kyle says boredly, just to correct him, though he doesn’t know for sure. “What about Token and Nichole?”
“That’s different.” Cartman waves a hand. “Craig and Stan - have you heard that thing about white gays, uh, dating their own lookalikes? That’s - yeah, that’s Craig and Stan.”
“They don’t look alike,” Kyle frowns. “Craig’s all angular and, like, lithe, or whatever, and Stan’s kinda softer and - and wider, like. He’s sturdy. Different body types, dude. Their faces are super different, too.”
“You sound gay as fuck right now, and I’m the one in drag.”
“Shut the hell up, Cartman. You didn’t have to be in drag, that was all you.”
Cartman quirks an arched brow at Kyle - if the redhead knew anything about makeup, he’d know that Cartman had glued his own eyebrows down, put foundation over them, and redrawn higher arches to achieve the alluring look he wanted; he’d learned a lot from all his hours of watching Drag Race. Kyle, however, is ignorant as hell, so he’s dumbfounded as to how Cartman pulled the look off, but incredibly irritated by how it’s impressive and almost endearing to him, that Cartman’s so good at passing as a girl. He’s a pretty one, too, all soft angles and gentle curves, his naturally pouty lips even poutier with the help of overdrawn lip liner and the pale pink of the lipstick he’s got on.
“I like being pretty,” Cartman explains simply, and Kyle scowls at him because of course he knows how good he looks. Smug bastard.
Kyle’s facing away from Craig and Stan’s table, because Cartman doesn’t look anything like himself from far away, but Kyle’s not wearing anything to disguise himself, other than the uncharacteristic suit; he’d be instantly recognizable if they saw his face, so he can’t risk it. So though he occasionally risks glances back, he’s mostly watching Cartman watch them, as he pretends to look at his menu - and no, Kyle’s not grateful for the excuse to stare at Cartman. He’s getting more and more anxious the longer he looks at him, because he looks like a very pretty girl and it’s confusing Kyle indefinitely. It’s still Cartman, he tells himself firmly. 
He’s so busy convincing himself that he absolutely can’t find Cartman attractive, that he almost misses the panic in his eyes. 
“What?” Kyle asks, starting to turn, but Cartman reaches out and grabs him, press-on red nails digging into Kyle’s forearm.
“They’re walking over here!”
“Quick, kiss me!” 
“What? No!”
“They’ll recognize us from this close, Kahl!”
Kyle wants to argue, wants to come up with an alternative, anything but pressing his lips to Cartman’s, but they’re getting closer and he doesn’t have time - he grabs Cartman’s wrist and pulls him closer, tilting his head to the side and kissing him as chastely as he can - he refuses to let this be remotely passionate. The softly curly bangs of Cartman’s wig fall over both their faces, which is good; it’ll hide them. 
Kyle tries to count in his head - ten seconds, he thinks, that should be good, they’ll be gone by then and I can pull away - but he gets to three before he becomes hyper-aware of the way Cartman’s lips feel against his own. He doesn’t want to think too hard about it, he really doesn’t, but it’s hard to ignore the glossy feel, how he smells faintly of strawberries, how his lips are warm and plush, just like the few girls Kyle’s been lucky enough to kiss. But this isn’t a girl, this is Cartman - and yet, somehow, when it’s been far longer than ten seconds, Kyle can’t bring himself to pull away. Part of him, the pre-installed horny teen that sits in the back of his mind and yells at him constantly for being more focused on school than getting laid, wants to deepen the kiss, wants to move closer to Cartman, who’s overwhelmingly soft and warm and pretty - but then someone clears their throat and Kyle pulls away, wide-eyed and disoriented.
It’s Kenny, and he’s grinning like a mad man. “Oh man,” he says merrily. “Oh man! Fuckin’ incredible!”
Kyle wants to ask what the hell Kenny is doing at a fancy place like this, but the waiter outfit he’s wearing answers his unspoken question. “Don’t tell anyone,” he says instead, quietly, glaring hard so Kenny knows he means business.
Kenny grins at him cryptically, winks at Cartman, then walks away with a joyous spring in his step.
“You’re a bastard,” Kyle says to Cartman, who looks, for once in his life, genuinely at a loss for words. “Kenny’s gonna tell everybody, and every kid in school will know you and I kissed - hell, it won’t take long for our parents to find out! Everyone will think I’m gay, and they’re gonna think I’m gay with you of all fucking people - you know how pissed my mom is gonna be? Not ‘cause I’m gay, and I’m not! I - I don’t even know what I am, but now people are gonna assume I am, and I won’t even get to have that to myself - fuck, my mom’s gonna be pissed because it’s you. Of all the eligible bastards, she’ll think I wanted you.”
Cartman’s looking at him with a strange mix of confusion and something akin to desire, freaky as that is. “You, uh - okay, bad timing, but do you wanna go out sometime?”
Kyle raises his eyebrows at him. “Are you fucking insane?”
“For you, babe, probably,” Cartman says smoothly. He pushes a curl of hair out of his face and bites his lip, trying for seductive, and Kyle’s genuinely angry that he has some irritating horrible terrible absolutely and completely subconscious desire to kiss him again. 
Kyle looks away before he can get more upset. “We didn’t split up Stan and Craig, and now Kenny thinks we’re dating. This night couldn’t have gone any worse, and it’s all your fault. Why do you have to do things so outlandishly? We could’ve done literally anything else to get them to break up. But no, you just had to trick me into going on a date with you-” Then it dawns on Kyle, that that’s what this was all about in the first place. Craig and Stan were an afterthought; Cartman wanted an excuse to be with Kyle.
Cartman seems to realize that Kyle’s figured this out, because he has the nerve to look embarrassed. “It was perfect, Kahl,” he says quietly. “How was I supposed to pass up an opportunity like this?”
Kyle feels a rush of different and harshly conflicting emotions - irritation, a flash of hatred, betrayal, irritation again, anger, then something like desire, and passion, and that damn urge to kiss him again.
He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a few deep breaths. Then he stands up quickly and says, “Let’s go. We’re leaving.”
“Wait, now that my lipstick’s already smudged, I want some bread sticks-”
“Let’s go,” Kyle repeats, tugging on Cartman’s arm.
Cartman lets Kyle pull him to his feet, briefly rocking back and forth in his off brand Louie V heels. Now devoid of a reason to hide his crush on Kyle, he smiles happily and says, “You’re lucky I like it rough. Any other girl might slap you for being so rude.”
“You’re not a girl.” Kyle throws a tip down on the table, despite not having ate, and starts pulling Cartman toward the exit. He doesn’t know where Stan and Craig went, or even why they left, but he’s not thinking about them right now.
“No, I’m not, and that scares you, doesn’t it? Poor widdle baby Kahl, having his first gay panic-”
Kyle turns on him and bares his teeth, ignoring the fact that they’re being stared at. “I would shut the fuck up if I were you,” he growls, without thinking about it, but immediately regrets it when Cartman’s eyes go half-lidded. He can handle homoerotic overtones with a rival - but not with someone who so clearly is into him and who, terrifyingly, Kyle’s admittedly hot for himself.
Cartman goes silent, though, blissfully, as Kyle leads them out of the restaurant. 
Once they’re outside, where it’s fairly empty other than an extended family in the parking lot saying their goodbyes, Kyle turns on Cartman. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Cartman grins at him. He looks like the cat that got the cream - and he looks like that a lot, he’s a smug asshole who gets his way far more often than he deserves to, but this time, things are different, and worse yet, this time, Kyle wants to kiss that self-satisfied smile right off his stupid face. 
But that’s what Cartman wants, and Kyle won’t let him have it. 
So instead, he says, “Are you free this Friday?”
Cartman smiles. 
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pepprs · 6 years ago
[DONT RB] ok so there’s no way for me to talk abt this that isn’t gonna make me look like an absolute dumbass but im in the middle of a creative existential crisis and i rly need help figuring it out :•( this is gonna get SUPER LONG so im putting it under a readmore. thank u to anyone who reads this!!! and double thank u to anyone who can give some input / advice, i rly rly appreciate it. im sorry abt the length!
aight so for some background.... ive been drawing n writing poetry for abt 5 yrs now and both of those things r rly important to me. in school im an english major w a creative writing minor (for the poetry) and i work as a graphic designer (for the art) so ive been growing a lot as an artist and writer esp in the past 2 yrs and im kinda workin towards one or the other (or ideally both somehow!) as a career. one of the biggest dreams ive had since i started seriously pursuing both of these hobbies 5 yrs ago is to publish a book of poetry that i design / illustrate myself, and also to have a portfolio online where ppl can read all of my poetry and see all of my artwork (both professional / work stuff but also archives of all of my sketchbooks since those r rly important to me!!!) and maybe even make some sort of online shop where ppl can buy my art (stickers, keychains, etc!) and my poetry books!
that sounds pretty simple right? WRONG!!!!!! why? bc im a fucking idiot! and there are several dumb things i do that make this dream completely impossible for me to achieve! love that for me!
so for starters... ive been posting (almost) all of my art and ALL of my poetry online for all 5 yrs ive been creating it. that’s bad because:
ive hardly ever used my real name (which i would want to use for the book / shop / portfolio), it’s been under my usernames / aliases that go along w them (p*pe, pep, pea, etc and related usernames that shall not be mentioned) and i started going by my real first name only abt a yr ago, but still maintain those usernames for the most part in conjunction w my real name
my work has been primarily been posted to d*viantart and tumblr which aren’t exactly the most uh... professional places to do that. not that there rly are many i guess lmao but still
my online persona on these platforms is rly like. lax and loose which is Cool And Quirky when brought into a professional setting if it’s done right i guess.... but im just immature and unprofessional. i swear all the time, i shitpost constantly, im incessantly tmi? and that’s not even it like it’s just a whole mess!
SO there’s that whole set of problems and like im just concerned because... i stopped posting art online last yr for the most part and a lot of the old stuff that’s on dA (since that was rly where i did it most) is bad and not worth sharing like that anyways, so im not as worried abt that. but my poetry.... i still actively post that online in all my messiness and candidness here and like. it’s rly not that hard to find me? like if u copy a poem of mine and put it in google it’ll pull up my dA right away! and that’s like.... GOD i just am embarrassed for anyone irl to see that or for that to be connected with my irl / professional self in the future, but i don’t want to stop posting my work there (or here!!!!!) bc the community is so supportive and ive made some rly good connections / built a lot of traction over the 5 yrs ive been doing it. (PLUS for the online portfolio i wanna do specifically... i kinda want to post all of my art and poetry there, like everything ive ever done (specifically poetry, ive written almost 500 poems over the 5 yrs ive been doing it!), but i feel like that’s not rly the most professional thing to do and idk how to even gauge whether it is or not :-/)
but that’s not all!!!! because there’s another part to this and that is: the very nature of the content i produce is Not Good! for my art it’s not as much of a problem bc since I work as an artist rn a lot of what i make is professional, but for my personal art... a lot of that is either self portraits or my characters and a lot of my characters are like. animals. like specifically pepe (who is basically Me As A Cat).... i draw her constantly and so much of my best work is of her but it’s just like? embarrassing i guess for my ocs to take up so much of my portfolio and sketchbooks and stuff and share that. like i know everyone has characters and it’s not bad to do that and share that but i feel like ppl will judge me :-( so it’s made me rly hesitant to post stuff to my art ig for example bc i just don’t fucking know how to act, like it’s bad enough that i can’t type the way i want to and i have to type in proper caps n whatever instead bc irls i don’t know / trust as well follow me (including some ppl from work? Yikes?)....... but i feel like i can’t share my sketchbook stuff for example bc it’s all cats and my characters and visual shitposts and im uncomfy to share that bc like... im almost 20 and i don’t want ppl to think im immature or whatever? i kno i should feel like it’s my account and i can post wot i want but like. i fucking can’t bro i just can’t!!
and THEN.... my poetry. that’s the biggie bc like for my art? even tho im uncomfortable i don’t mind sharing that w ppl i know irl but for my POETRY.... it’s very easy to find like where i share that i guess? (the google thing i mentioned earlier but also its linked to my art on here and dA too... f) but i literally never actively share my writing w irl ppl unless im performing @ an open mic or workshopping in class bc im fucking terrified of the possibility of irl ppl finding my poetry. it’s almost ironic how public ive been w it online but how private i am abt it irl... it’s like im living a double life and it’s fucking terrible but it’s the only way i feel safe. bc like art is what i do for other ppl and also to destress and vent when i need a quick fix on my own time. but poetry.... that’s personal, it’s where i feel most like myself, it’s how i talk abt my life and ppl in it and make meaning of things and talk abt things authentically and Get Deep. and my literal worst nightmare is for ppl (who have the explicit ability to by virtue of Knowing Me) to read into it and Understand what im talking abt and have that power over me and see me differently for feeling the way i do or doing what i do. ive actually already been burned by this before after my mom read some work of mine that had been published irl (i don’t want to get too into it but basically i retroactively outed myself thru her reading that poem for what it was and it was Very Very Bad) and as paranoid abt it as i was before, it’s even worse now that it’s actually happened to me and could happen again at any time, esp if i decide to take my work further.
that manifests in a few ways too, like my writing is so cryptic and vague and very heavy on metaphors / symbolism and shit partially out of that deep fear and need to shield myself and my work. sometimes in spaces where i do feel comfy sharing, ppl have a hard time understanding my poetry unless i give context. online and on stage and in workshop ppl don’t rly know me outside of a context where the only thing we have in common is self expression thru poetry, so i don’t rly mind sharing more when it’s appropriate. but if i were to share my work as a book or w/e, ppl im close to (who maybe don’t always think like a poet / artist does bc they aren’t that) would want to buy it and read it and might ask abt what it means and i don’t even know what i would do in that situation. and if ppl were to read my work and see themselves / others in it, whether it is abt them or not, im scared it could genuinely damage relationships like it did with my mom.
SO UH.... idk where im going w this rly, i kno it’s long and rambly and melodramatic and im probably overthinking it and making a mountain out of a molehill and nobody even knows / cares abt me AND my work @ the same time enough to read That Deep into it. but it just fucking sucks that im so uncomfortable and insecure that i can’t comfortably fulfill literally the one single long term goal / life dream that i have. andthe thing that sucks is i can’t talk to Anybody abt this except like... my sister and brother bc they’re the only ppl i genuinely tell everything to, but they don’t have the knowledge and expertise abt art / poetry that like... my poetry prof does, for example. and my poetry prof is one of the best ppl ive ever met and the Only person ive ever met irl who respects and understands my poetry in the exact way i need someone to. she and i have been talking and she rly wants to help me publish my poetry bc she sees merit in my work and knows how bad i want to / how successful it’s been already, but i don’t know how to talk abt this to her bc im embarrassed to tell her abt posting online and being ashamed abt my muses and all that and it just!!! sucks so much bc i kinda want to publish my work @ least once before i graduate and do it semi regularly for the rest of my life? but there’s so much in my way and it’s just! FGGFHDGJGGGG
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syinisuga · 7 years ago
☆Forbiden Fantasy☆
Namjoon x Reader
WereWolf x CEO's Daughter
Tumblr media
Genre: Angst->Smut->Fluff
Word Count: Alot of Words
Warning: there is angst present in this story so prepare your heartue. The smut in this is kinda extreme rated 21+ and the fluff part is well.... fluff.. lol im sorry i'm not good with the warnings
A/N: here is part two of the series!💕 Hope you enjoy this one! Thank you all so much for your love and support💜💞😊
Darkness. The sound of faint voices whispering and mumbling could be heard. A sudden surge of pain stinged through my head as i slowly flutter my eyes open. It takes me a few seconds to adjust to the sudden brightness and open my eyes fully to take in my surroundings and process where i am. I was tied up tight, hands behind my back , feet tied together and i was kneeled down on the ground in a darkly lit room with an all black asthetic feel, suited with the HellVamps dark personality.
"Fiiinaallyy the abomination is awake. We thought we accidentally killed before the rituals.." one of them spoke.
"Do you have any idea how long we've been looking for you? Your father hid you well... but not well enough" another voice spoke from a corner of what seemed to be an abandoned room.
"Wouldn't it be so delicious to just devour you right now" another one spoke as they all started to walk closer to me.
"N-no stay back! D-don't come near me!" I shouted as i tried to shuffle my body in the backwards towards a wall.
"That's enough!" The deep low voice spoke from the darkness.
Immediately the rest of them moved back to their original position and lined up neatly.
"Welcome miss y/n. So nice to see you again... you've grown up" spoke the voice as he walks into the dim light of the room, his figure slowly becoming clear.
"W-who..who are you... how do you know me?!" I raised my voice a the man.
He was dressed in an all black suit, black leather shoes and hair combed back neatly and a smug smile plastered across his face, amused at my question.
"Well you see my dear, i know more about you than you do actually..i know every detail about your past, where you came from and who you really are.." he finishes as he walks slowly towards me crouches down. He reaches his hand up to caress ny hair as i I shuffle back a little in defense, looking up at him curiously and he laughs slightly at my reaction, entertained by my fear.
"Well to answer all your thoughts as to why you're here and what we want with you.. let's start from the very begining shall we?" He stood up and all the other HellVamps sat down on chairs all around the room ready to hear the story.
"Long long time ago, there was a young teenage boy, tall and handsome that was walking through the forest when he stumbled upon a beautiful fair young werewolf girl. You could say it was love at first sight, they were so madly in love with each other. They knew it was wrong to be with each other but, you know.. true love knows no bouderies. After years of being in love they had a baby and the baby turned out to be a half werewolf half human baby. Which is a very rare occurance in our world. What you call a miracle baby with... what's the word.. unique characteristics. When the villagers found out about the baby, many tried to kill it, get rid of it. So both of them fleed the village to a new place with thier baby and raised it together, keeping it's true identiti a secret from everyone including the little baby girl herself. And the little baby girl grew up to be a bautiful young lady who is now trapped in our hands sitting here finally enlightened about her true self".
My mind couldn't process everything quick enough, i was speechless. I'm a half mythical? What? But what does that have to do with me being hunted by these monsters? What do they want with me?
"B-but what does that have to do with you wanting me? What do you want with me?" I asked now even more puzzled than before, curiosity running through my head.
"Aahh yes i was waiting for you to ask me that my dear" he says with a huge smile as he comes back and crouches in front of me.
"You see my dear, we are not like regular Vampires, we are weaker, we aren't immortal, we need more blood than normal Vampires to survive. And to change that we need to perform a specific ritual involving every drop of blood and the heart of a half n half, which in this case... you." He finishes and my heart beats even faster as if it could fall out of my chest any second.
"Y-you're...g-gonna.. y-you.." words not coming out of my mouth, fear washing over me.
"Ssshh don't worry just yet my dear, we have to wait till the blood moon. Only then will the ritual work, and the blood moon is in 7 days... till then we'll keep you here, well fed, warm and cozy, hm? We'll even give you your own delux room in this fine mantion, sound good?" He finished with a smile on his face still amused at me.
"My father will save me! Joonie will find me! I know he will! They come after me!" I shouted at him.
"Haha, funny. Didn't the WereWolf reject you? Left you alone crying in the rain? Left you unprotected because of his selfish heart and now you're taken?" He asks with an eyebrow slightly raised and a cocky smirk on his pale lips.
I could say anything as Namjoon's sharp hurtfull words started to replay in my head. I started to tear up and hung my head low thinking of the scene that kept on repeating like a broken record.
"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, don't cry my sweet. All your pain and suffering will end soon", he spoke softly as he wiped a tear that i didn't realise had rolled down my cheek thinking of Namjoon.
"Take her to the east wing and give her the last room make sure to look it up real good.. we don't want our precious girl to get hurt again" he chuckles as he leaves the room.
Four of the HellVamps picked me up and carried me towards a room and dropped me on the huge bed drapped with silk bedsheets. I didn't bother squirming alot since my thoughts and my heart were filled with hurt. They untied me and left the room locking it. I burried my face into the pillow and and started pouring my eyes out. All the new information and pain hitting me at once. It was alot to process, but i finally understood why my father was protecting me that much, why he warned me to stay away from other mythical beings. They could've used me in other ways that involved me being hurt or dead. But why Namjoon? Why did he stay away from me? What is he afraid of? If im half WereWolf like my mother? Doesn't that mean i can actaully be with him? But why did he push me away? All those thoughts in my slowly faded away as i cried myself to sleep.
BANG. The loud sounds of tables breaking and things crashing to the ground jolted me awake. My heart was beating fast at the sudden sound and i sat up on the bed thinking what those sounds were. Sound of bones breaking and bodies crashing, being thrown around could be heard. I became even more afraid as the curiousity of what it could be and was going on built up faster inside of me. All of a sudden the comotion goes quiet and i hear footsteps come closer to door of the room i'm in and attemp to open the lock. I grab a lampstand and hold it up in defense and wait for the person or thing to come in. The sound of the lock being smashed was hear before a very familiar figure barged in panting and wounded on the arm.
To Be Continued...
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6
14 notes · View notes
sharengayonline · 4 years ago
Icecat: free product data for manufacturers and retail partners.
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO Icecat: free product data for manufacturers and retail partners.
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We compare two entry level devices — the Huawei Y6 2018 and the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro 2018. Both offer similar experiences at pocket friendly prices.This is a straight up specs comparison between the Huawei Y6 2018 and the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro 2018. W…
After its launch last year, Samsung’s Galaxy J7+ and J7 Pro are now available in pink. Together with this color shift, the brand is also introducing Michelle Vito as their newest brand ambassador of the pink version of the J7+ and J7 Pro.The Galaxy J seri…
Bạn đang xem: Icecat: free product data for manufacturers and retail partners.
Its Christmas time and it is time buy a new phone! This season many are on a look out for a new phone as a gift to themselves or to a loved one.The midrange smartphone market has been a very exciting arena this year. More flagship features are now seen at…
A smartphone with good specs and good looks, for a reasonable price. If you’d look on it’s specs and design, that’s probably how the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro can be described.And why not? you have an octa-core processor, a seemingly good looking display, and…
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Slim Form Factor, Beautiful Design, Build Quality, Eye-Candy Display, Decent Camera Performance (In terms of quality), Great Battery Life, Always-On Display…
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Not for Heavy Gaming, Software is Sluggish at Times, Focusing with the rear camera can sometimes be a challenge…
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The Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro is one good looking device that has a few tricks up its sleeve. The build quality is excellent, the display is vibrant, the cameras are more than decent as far as quality is concerned, and the battery will last you a whole day or…
We officially enter the “BER” months as August comes to a close. As the Jose Mari Chan’s “Christmas in Our Hearts” starts to blast on the radio and malls, here’s a round-up of all of our full reviews (quick reviews and hands-on not included) for the month…
The Galaxy J7 Pro is Samsung’s follow-up to the J7 Prime last year. It has a new design though the internals, especially the CPU is just the same as the J7 Prime. What Samsung improved is the camera on the J7 Pro — they installed a 13MP camera both on the…
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While the J7 Pro is marketed to the selfie enthusiasts, the phone performed better thru its battery performance. The camera lacks the “kick” we want, it did not wow us in the photo samples presented.Build4.0Cameras4.0Battery Life5.0Price4.0Over-all Perfor…
Samsung is still on top despite intense competition with OPPO, Vivo and Huawei in the mid range smartphone market. In order to maintain that momentum, Samsung recently announced the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro, an upgrade from the Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime that h…
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The Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro has indeed captured our hearts with its exceptional night photography. Well it is not perfect but we are overall happy with the photos we took. Beyond the camera, the device itself is a good phone overall – great build quality, r…
Samsung released their mid-ranged contender last month and they weren’t shy about taking the fight to other brands. Does the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro live up to the hype? Can it truly capture the night like the LSS inducing song by Liza Soberano actually say…
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While the overall performance of the phone is something we’ve experienced on the Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime before, the upgrade to the Galaxy J7 Pro’s display, battery life, and its camera makes it the new king of the J series. At Php, 15990, the Korean bran…
Samsung made a big noise at the midrange smartphone scene last year with the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime. That device became a big step up from the usual cheap plastic build and mediocre camera of its past models. So Samsung device decide…
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We now consider the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro a premium mid range smartphones based on its looks alone. We still have to do further testing on the device with its battery, performance, everyday use and camera. For now, we are left impressed. Full review comin…
The Korean Giant’s 2017 mid-level powerhouse release Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro is now up for pre-order in the Philippines and will officially become available in stores across the country come July 15, 2017. Once that model lands, it will go head to head with…
While we’re still waiting for the official unveiling of the Galaxy Note 8, Samsung is still fighting the good fight in the mid-range department. With OPPO taking 48.5% of the market share in the Philippines, Samsung is taking on their opponent with the S…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Build QualityPhone Set UpFeaturesCamera & VideoBattery LifeRefreshing its Galaxy J series of smartphones for 2017, Samsung brings new features and a better spec.Our Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) review comes hot on the heals of our Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) rev…
Wie een grote Galaxy zoekt, kan twee dingen doen. Of je geeft bijna duizend euro uit voor de Galaxy Note 8, of je overweegt terecht de nieuwe Galaxy J7 (2017). Dat klopt natuurlijk niet helemaal, maar eerlijk is eerlijk: Samsung’s J-serie maakt dit jaar…
Live testen. De Samsung Galaxy J7 is de grotere versie van de Galaxy J5. Het apparaat heeft soortgelijke eigenschappen, maar een groter, 5,5 inch beeldscherm. De batterij is nu ook bij de nieuwe J7 niet meer te verwisselen. Lees dit testrapport om andere…
Samsung est un constructeur prolifique, et qui a en outre à cœur de renouveler chaque année l’ensemble de ses gammes. La gamme « J » (les entrée de gamme du constructeur sud-coréen) ont donc ainsi été totalement renouvelés en 2017.Et s’il y a fort à parie…
Samsung a présenté l’été dernier son nouveau modèle du Galaxy J7 (2017). Ce smartphone étant très populaire en termes de vente, nous avons voulu vérifier ses capacités. Alors, cette cuvée de 2017 est-elle un bon cru ? Nous vous expliquons ci-dessous les a…
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Performances satisfaisantes, Bonne autonomie…
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Pas de port USB de Type-C / charge rapide, Appareil photo peu convaincant…
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Le Galaxy (2017) est un bon smartphone qui se prend pour un appareil de la gamme A. Il possède une configuration technique similaire à celle du A3 (2017). Le design rappelle lui aussi clairement que l’appareil sort du même moule, malgré l’absence d’étanch…
PRÉSENTATION Le Galaxy J7 (2017) est le plus grand de la famille J, avec un écran de 5,5 pouces (≈14 cm) de diagonale, en dalle Super Amoled Full HD (1 920 x 1 080 px). À l’intérieur, on trouve un SoC Exynos 7870, doté de 8 cœurs ARM Cortex-A53 et d…
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Très bonnes finitions, Excellent écran Super Amoled, Lecteur d’empreinte digitale, Performances correctes, Autonomie très solide…
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Pas d’USB-C ni d’étanchéité, Partie photo moyenne, surtout en basse lumière, Pas de charge rapide…
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Le Galaxy J7 (2017) de Samsung reste solide sur ses fondamentaux. Une très grosse autonomie et des performances équilibrées en font un bon choix pour qui cherche un smartphone à grand écran sans trop se ruiner. Il ne lui manque plus que de bonnes aptitude…
Tout n’est pas parfait. Le Samsung Galaxy J7 est la version large du Galaxy J5. Il dispose de caractéristiques similaires mais avec un écran plus grand de 5,5 pouces. Après l’évolution de design qu’a subi tout la gamme, le J7 est maintenant lui aussi dépo…
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excellent écran FullHD, doubleSIM microSD, bonne connectivité sans fil, excellente autonomie, bon module GPS, bon capteur d’empreintes digitales…
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scintillement PWM, autonomie inférieure à son prédécesseur, qualité d’appel modeste, pas de port USB TypeC, GPU trop faible…
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Test: Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) Duos SM-J730FLe Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) est un smartphone bien construit. Cependant, il ne parvient pas à surclasser ses concurrents aussi bien que le Galaxy J5, ce qui est particulièrement évident sur le plan de l’autonomi…
Samsung nous a désormais habitué à renouveler toutes ses gammes, d’année en année. Et la gamme « J » lancée en 2015 ne déroge pas à la règle.Voici donc la 3ème et nouvelle génération de mobile J, dans lesquels on retrouve le plus haut de gamme des moyen d…
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écran (image superbe), look (construction métal), mémoire vive (3Go), surcouche Samsung, connectivité complète, autonomie…
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mémoire de stockage interne (16Go 8,3Go de ROM), prix (> 300€), Galerie photos, Autres, Voir la vidéo de déballage du Samsung Galaxy J7 2017…
Gut und trotzdem günstig – so sollte ein neues Smartphone sein. COMPUTER BILD hat überprüft, welche aktuellen Handys mit einem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis glänzen…
Wenn das alte Smartphone ausgedient hat, liegt das häufig an einem müden Akku. Achten Sie daher möglichst schon beim Neukauf auf eine lange Laufzeit des Energiespeichers – nicht umsonst geht jedes Handy, das ins Testlabor von COMPUTER BILD kommt, durch e…
Welches Smartphone hält lange durch, welches gibt vorzeitig auf? COMPUTER BILD hatte die aktuellen Modelle im Test. Hier finden Sie das passende Handy mit langer Akkulaufzeit…
Im Sommer hat Samsung das neueste J-Smartphone vorgestellt, das Galaxy J7 (2017). Da es sich hierbei um eine der erfolgreichsten Serien von Samsung handelt, haben wir uns die Performance des neuen Smartphone einmal genauer angesehen. Was kann die J-Serie…
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Zufriedenstellende Performance, Gute Akkulaufzeit…
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Kein USB-Typ-C-Anschluss, Kein Fast Charge, Keine überzeugende Kamera…
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Das Galaxy J7 (2017) ist ein gutes Smartphone, das sich für ein Smartphone der A-Serie hält. Die technische Ausstattung ähnelt der des Galaxy A3 (2017). Auch das Design erinnert stark an die A-Serie, nur fehlt der Schutz gegen Wasser und der USB-Typ-C-Ans…
Muss es immer S-Klasse sein? Für 300 Euro gibt es das Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) schon. COMPUTER BILD verrät, ob das schon ausreicht…
Ursprünglich wollte Samsung die Galaxy-J-Serie gar nicht nach Deutschland bringen. Schließlich sollten sich preisbewusste Kunden, denen das Galaxy S8 zu teuer ist, eher auf edlen Mittelklasse-Modelle der A-Serie wie das Galaxy A5 (2017) mit Preisen ab r…
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Gute Akkulaufzeit, Scharfer und großer Bildschirm, Gute Verarbeitung, Kamera tagsüber gut, Scharfe Selfie-Kamera, Echtes Dual-SIM (zusätzlicher Speicherkartenschacht, kein Hybrid)…
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Kleiner Speicher, Langsames Laden…
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Das Samsung Galaxy J7 des Jahrgangs 2017 überzeugt weitgehend: Es ist stabil und gut verarbeitet, sieht mit seinem Metallgehäuse adrett aus. Der Bildschirm ist angenehm groß und scharf. Kamera (tagsüber) und Akkulaufzeit sind für die Preisklasse überdurch…
Live-Test. Das Samsung Galaxy J7 ist der größere Vertreter des Galaxy J5 und bietet eine ähnliche Ausstattung, aber unter anderem ein 5,5 Zoll großes Display. Mit dem Redesign der Serie ist nun auch im J7 der Akku fest verbaut. Welche Änderungen es noch g…
Viel Qualität für wenig Geld? Kein Problem! Einige aktuelle Handys und Vorjahresmodelle bieten Höchstleistungen zum günstigen Preis…
Samsung ha presentato la scorsa estate il suo nuovo modello del Galaxy J7 (2017). Questo smartphone è molto popolare in termini di vendite, quindi abbiamo voluto verificare le sue capacità. Questa annata 2017 è una buona annata? Di seguito spieghiamo i va…
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Performance soddisfacenti, Buona autonomia…
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Mancanza della porta USB Tipo-C e della ricarica rapida, Comparto fotografico poco convincente…
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Il Galaxy (2017) è un buono smartphone che assomiglia ad un dispositivo della gamma A. Ha una configurazione tecnica simile a quella dell’A3 (2017). Il design è anche un chiaro promemoria del fatto che il dispositivo sta uscendo dallo stesso stampo, nonos…
Dopo aver recensito Galaxy J5 2017 a completare la famiglia arriva anche il più grande (e più caro) Galaxy J7 2017. La famiglia J fino allo scorso anno si fregiava di essere la fascia bassa dell’azienda, ma ora è sicuramente diventato qualcosa di più.7.0…
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Ottimo display, Ottima autonomia, Buone fotocamere, Software completo…
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Tasti non retroilluminati e che non vibrano, Prestazioni non brillanti, Niente HDR automatico nella fotocamera, Il prezzo di lancio è alto…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 2017Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 non è uno smartphone che si compra per le prestazioni, ma perché fa bene praticamente tutto quello che un utente medio può volere da uno samrtphone. Buona batteria, buon display, buona fotocamera e buon softwar…
Per Samsung non conta solo la fascia alta del mercato ma ha deciso di puntate molto anche su quella media con la gamma di smartphone della serie Galaxy A e Galaxy J che ha rinnovato con le versioni 2017. Modello di punta di questa gamma è il Galaxy J7 che…
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Display Super AMOLED, Buone prestazioni, Qualità fotografica, Materiali e costruzione…
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Tasti funzione senza illuminazione e feed a vibrazione, Solo 16GB di memoria integrata, Ergonomia, Listino elevato…
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Il Galaxy J7 2017, come detto in apertura, ha un prezzo di listino di 349 euro anche se su Amazon e su altri store on line lo si riesce già a trovare facilmente a circa 270 euro, un prezzo sicuramente più interessante ma che lo mette comunque ancora un po…
Non è tutto rose e fiori. Il Samsung Galaxy J7 è la versione più grande del Galaxy J5. Ha features simili, ma un display più grande da 5,5″. Dopo la riprogettazione dell’intera serie, compre anche il J7 ora ha una batteria fissa. Per conoscere le modifich…
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ottimo display Full-HD, Dual SIM plus microSD, veloce internet wireless, ottima autonomia, buona localizzazione, buono il lettore di impronte…
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PWM, autonomia inferiore rispetto al predecessore, modesta qualità di chiamata, nessuna USB Type-C, GPU troppo debole…
Recensione Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 – Dopo la recensione di Samsung Galaxy J5 2017, oggi vi proponiamo la nostra analisi del fratello maggiore J7. Per Samsung si tratta modelli di fascia medio bassa ma non entry level, sono infatti realizzati con materiali nobili, completi dal punto di vista hardware e software e non hanno nulla a che vedere con la serie J di qualche anno fa…
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Concludiamo la recensione di Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 con una valutazione generale sul prodotto, proposto con un prezzo di listino di 339€. Allo stato attuale è un po’ caro ma online si riescono a trovare già alcune offerte interessanti. Finché il prezzo rimane sul livello di…
La confezione è più basic del solito. Non tanto a livello di contenuto quanto a livello di fattura. Dentro troviamo il caricabatterie a 1,55 Ah che carica la batteria in poco più di 2 ore e mezza, le cuffie auricolari che suonano abbastanza bene ma hanno…
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I 285 euro di Amazon sono DECISAMENTE più a fuoco dei 349 di listino. Uno smartphone medio che però ha un display e una camera da “grandi”. Ottima anche l’autonomia e la parte telefonica. Meno bene le solite cadute di stile Samsung sui J. Tastiera che non…
Erede del fortunato modello 2016, il nuovo Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) migliora sia dal punto di vista del design sia per quanto riguarda le specifiche tecniche. Un notevole passo in avanti per lo smartphone di fascia media, che insieme ai modelli Galaxy J…
Samsung ya presentó este verano el nuevo modelo del Galaxy J7 (2017). Este smartphone está siendo muy popular en términos de ventas, por lo que hemos querido verificar su capacidad. ¿Ha sido la promoción de 2017 tan buena como parece? En este artículo os…
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Rendimiento, Autonomía…
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Sin carga rápida, Sin puerto USB tipo C, Cámara…
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El Galaxy J7 (2017) es un buen smartphone que podría pasar por un dispositivo de la gama A. Tiene una configuración técnica similar a la del A3 (2017) y el diseño típico de Samsung, a pesar de que no es resistente al agua y que no tiene un puerto USB de t…
Lejos de los focos que acaparan los terminales de gama alta pero con toda la intención de aparecer en todas las listas de móviles más vendidos en España a final del año gracias a su relación calidad precio, hoy llega el turno del análisis de Samsung Galax…
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Diseño metálico muy atractivo, Pantalla Super Amoled y Always On, Software repleto de opciones, Flash LED de la cámara frontal, Dual SIM con tres ranuras…
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Escasa memoria interna, Sin LED de notificaciones, Tarjeta gráfica limitada, Precio oficial elevado…
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Llegamos al final de esta review del Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 con la sensación de que estamos ante un smartphone muy capaz de medirse a los más grandes en el terreno de la gama media, pero sin olvidar que no ha mejorado en todos los aspectos a su predec…
No todo es de color de rosa. El Samsung Galaxy J7 es la versión más grande del Galaxy J5. Tiene características similares, pero con un display más grande 5.5″. Tras el rediseño de toda la serie, el J7 también tiene una batería no extraible. Para descubrir…
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genial display Full-HD, Dual SIM + microSD, veloz internet móvil, aguante de batería genial, buena geolocalización, buen sensor de huellas…
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PWM, batería de menos aguante que el predecesor, modesta calidad de llamada, no USB Type-C, GPU demasiado débil…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) Duos SM-J730FEl Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) es un smartphone bien hecho. Sin embargo, no puede dominar a la competencia tanto como el Galaxy J5. Esto se vuelve particularmente aparente en el aguante de batería. Sin embargo, es un…
Cuando estudiamos las ventas de los distintos fabricantes, encontramos que rara vez la gama más alta supera a las medias y/o bajas, y es que mucha gente prefiere ahorrarse un dinerillo a la hora de comprar un teléfono, a tener las últimas tecnologías del…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Hace unos días hablamos sobre las características que se filtraron del Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 y del Galaxy J5 2017, también se filtraron unas imágenes donde aparecían los dos termianles con una cámara frontal de 13 megapíxeles, un cuerpo completo de meta…
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La parte delantera del Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 es distinto respecto a la versión del 2016, ya que se pueden ver unos biseles muy finos en los laterales, muy parecidos al del Galaxy A5 2017 y al Galaxy S7.Otro de los aspectos que ha llamado la atención es q…
Как много нам открытий чудных готовит новый курс рубля! Очень скоро торговцы мобильниками перепишут цены в сторону повышения, потому что «нацвалюта пробивает дно, а китайцы с нами торгуют в долларах и закупать товар придётся по новым ценам!». Но это будет…
Самый качественный бюджетный Samsung подешевел до адекватного уровня, а для полного счастья смартфонов появился вариант с 5000 мАч в аккумуляторе и очень мощным процессором. Жить становится веселее! Времена года меняются, одна модная музыка сменяется дру…
Из минусов здесь небольшая диагональ IPS экрана — всего 4 дюйма (1136х640 пикс.), небольшой объем встроенной памяти — 32 Гб, которого может не хватить на фотки и видео в отпуске (флеш-карта здесь не поддерживается). Но вы можете периодически скидывать нак…
От армии однотипных непонятно кому нужных новинок всё-таки есть прок — они заставляют продавцов снижать цены на «морально устаревшие» модели. Поэтому среди лучших бюджетников месяца в кои-то веки нарисовались не только Xiaomi и Huawei, но даже Самсунги…
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А пока у них получается не очень, поэтому мы наблюдаем глупую ситуацию, когда один и тот же Redmi Note 5 стоит 14 тысяч рублей в официальном магазине (но вы регулярно видите плашку «нет в наличии») и 18 тысяч в «Связном» (у которого столько магазинов, что…
Качественные бюджетные мобильники — уже редкость. Но мы пошли дальше и выбрали среди них лучших по качеству съёмки фото и видео. И никакой экзотики — на этот раз речь пойдёт о самых крутых камерафонах из числа моделей, которые продают на каждом углу. Бюд…
Мы сравнили два популярных селфи-смартфона от Самсунг — Galaxy J5 и J7. Чем похожи эти модели и у кого селфи лучше? Давайте выясним. Чем похожи Samsung Galaxy J5 и J7? Смартфон для селфи: Samsung Galaxy J7 Samsung Galaxy J5 и Samsung Galaxy J7 в первую оч…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Samsung позиционирует линейку Galaxy J как смартфоны на каждый день. Galaxy J7 Neo, судя по номеру модели и приставке, должен восприниматься как топовый в линейке и обновленный в сравнении с остальными аппаратами ряда. В действительности Galaxy J7 Neo не…
Xem thêm: Sạch Động Mạch, Ngừa Đột Q.uỵ Chỉ Với 7 Loại Thực Phẩm Nhan Nhản Ngoài Chợ Mà Chị Em Thường Bỏ Qua
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хороший корпус, съемный аккумулятор, производительная платформа, экран Super AMOLED…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 Neo – аппарат из 2016 года, который выпустили поздней осенью 2017-го, даже не поменяв характеристики. Смартфон по тестам оказался более медленным в сравнении с моделью 2016 года.В целом это хорошая рабочая лошадка, которая не разочарует…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Черный экран, раздражение и беспомощность… аккумулятор всегда разряжается так не вовремя. Многие современные смартфоны «живут» лишь день, но некоторые могут предложить пользователям и более длительное время автономной работы…
О Samsung мы знаем, что он сильнейший конкурент Apple, а самые навороченные андроидофоны в мире — Galaxy S. Но вот недорогие Самсунги принято считать телефонами для тех, кто не разбирается в телефонах — специалисты почти всегда советуют китайские модели…
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Новые Самсунги J-серии аршином общим не измерить, особенно мне нравятся «приколы», когда более дешёвая модель внезапно оказывается лучше, чем её старшие братья. Такое случается очень редко – в крупных конторах сид��т специально обученные маркетологи, котор…
Линейка J в классификации Samsung относится к начальному уровню, при этом в ней можно встретить как самые н��дорогие модели, так и аппараты стоимостью в 20 000 рублей, которые замыкают линейку сверху. Такой разброс цен не мог не сказаться на разности модел…
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Виброзвонок средний, громкость звонка также средняя – пожалуй, хотелось бы, чтобы был побольше запас, но все равно телефон слышно и он ощущается в карманах при вибрации. Скорее нет запаса по громкости, но тут кто как будет воспринимать этот момент, тихим…
Дизайн смартфона Samsung Galaxy J7 2017ДисплейМультимедиаОбзор беспроводных модулейХарактеристики автономностиДополнительные возможности смартфона Samsung Galaxy J7Текущий год ознаменовался выходом множества интересных и неоднозначных новинок от ведущих п…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Впервые линейка недорогих смартфонов Galaxy J была представлена в 2015 году. Тогда Samsung сначала выпустила бюджетный Galaxy J1, а позже дополнила модельный ряд аппаратами посерьёзнее: Galaxy J5 и Galaxy J7. Годом позже вся эта тройка сохранилась, а ещ…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) выглядит крайне интересно. Он получил множество фишек от старшей линейки Galaxy A, но при этом стоит заметно дешевле. Смартфон предлагает металлический корпус, отличную сборку, производительный процессор, лучший в своей серии экра…
Начнём с наиболее технически совершенных аппаратов, в которых производители сделали гибридный слот. В него вставляется либо nano-SIM, либо карта памяти MicroSD. Таким образом экономится место в корпусе, которое в тонких современных смартфонах и так на вес…
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) — Android-смартфон с 5.5-дюймовым FullHD SuperAMOLED-дисплеем, восьмиядерным процессором Samsung Exynos, 3 ГБ оперативной памяти, поддержкой двух SIM-карт, карт памяти MicroSD и основной камерой на 13 мегапикселей.Samsung наводит…
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качественная сборка и приятный дизайн, добротный экран с функцией Always On Display, длительное время автономной работы, хорошая камера в своем классе, раздельные слоты для SIM и MicroSD, наличие всех актуальных беспроводных модулей…
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невысокая производительность, высокий ценник (по сравнению с соизмеримыми конкурентами)…
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Samsung очень существенно преобразила свою J-линейку по сравнению с прошлым годом и Galaxy J7 (2017) получился очень добротным смартфоном, который выглядит дорого. Уверен, что он будет очень интересен поклонникам смартфонов A-брендов, которые не готовы по…
Samsung Galaxy J3, J5 и J7 (2017) года — самые доступные смартфоны корейского гиганта. Сильный бренд и минимальная цена — вот и секрет успеха. Прошлогодние J3 и J5 вошли в пятерку самых продаваемых смартфонов в мире. И пусть конкуренты от ASUS, Meizu, Xia…
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Влагозащита, Большой качественный экран с узкими рамками, Плотная сборка и металлический корпус, Высокая автономность…
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Медленная работа…
Сегодня в эфире Onliner.by — обзор трех новейших смартфонов от Samsung. Формально девайсы относятся к бюджетному сегменту, но старшие модели стоят не так уж и дешево. Впрочем, и продвинулись они по сравнению с прошлогодними предшественниками серьезно. Заб…
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Внешний вид, Дисплей, «Железо», Автономность…
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Дизайн, Материалы, Подтормаживания, Низкая автономность…
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У Samsung вышла отличная бюджетная линейка Galaxy J. Наконец-то стильный вид можно отыскать не только в топовых, но и в относительно недорогих аппаратах. Да, бюджетность в данном случае условная — в продаже хватает смартфонов гораздо дешевле. Однако в пор…
Родившееся до 1995 года помнят, как появились цветные экраны, MP3-мелодии вытеснили полифонические, а Bluetooth убил ик-порты (и обряды, связанные с передачей картинок и музыки). Мы жаловались на медленный интернет, плохое качество MP3 и AMR-композиций, п…
I have never shied away from criticising mid-tier smartphones from Samsung. Although the company has been making some exceptionally good smartphones in the premium segment such as the Galaxy S8 ( review ), I’ve mostly found the Korean giant’s offerings in…
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Great Design, Good cameras, Great Battery life…
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Dated specs, Average gaming performance, No LED light for notifications, Photos by Raj Rout…
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I’ve enjoyed my time with the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro. The smartphone is one of the best-looking handsets in the affordable segment and to me, is an all-rounder considering I don’t play that many games on the mobile platform. The battery life is excellent a…
The Galaxy J7 V for Verizon Wireless is an update to Samsung’s mid-range device. The J7 V’s looks may be somewhat dated, but the handset is far more affordable than Samsung’s flagships. If you’re a Samsung fan and want a simpler, cheaper smartphone the Ga…
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Samsung stuck to the basics with the Galaxy J7 V and I think that’s the device’s one major failing. Many competing phones in this price range now include at least something extra, like a metal body, dual camera, or at least a fingerprint reader. The J7 V…
The latest Samsung Galaxy J7 was unveiled in Europe just over a month ago, and since then AT&T has started selling its own Galaxy J7 2017 – with specs and styling much more akin to the J7 V released for Verizon in March. In fact, the outward appearance o…
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Bright, vibrant screen, Camera reproduces colors well in properly lit situations, Inhouse chipset delivers generally quick performance…
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Dated look, Cheapfeeling materials, Display is prone to causing eye strain, Very poor lowlight camera performance, No fingerprint scanner or splash resistance, lacks 1080p on a 5.5inch screen…
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The instinct to call this phone, and others like it, “Dad Phones” is one somewhat based in truth – often the older crowd isn’t looking for the latest and greatest, but rather a solid phone they can use for as many years as possible – but the fact of the m…
Live testing. The Samsung Galaxy J7 is the larger version of the Galaxy J5. It has similar features, but a larger, 5.5-inch display. After the redesign of the entire series, the J7, too, now has a non-removable battery. To find out about other changes, ta…
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great Full-HD display, Dual SIM plus microSD, fast wireless internet, great battery runtimes, good geolocation, good fingerprint sensor…
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PWM, weaker battery runtimes than predecessor, modest call quality, no USB Type-C, GPU too weak…
Samsung’s Galaxy J series is becoming more and more popular as it offers some amazing models at a reasonable price. Recently, we introduced you to Galaxy J5 (2017) and now it is time to turn our attention to its bigger sibling and top model of the lineup…
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Renewed design with a full metal unibody construction, Fingerprint sensor, 5.5-inch Super AMOLED display with color modes and protections, Surprisingly high battery endurance + power saving modes, Android 7.0 Nougat and user interface with many useful sof…
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Only 10.1GB available space, MicroUSB instead of USB Type-C, No change in the mobile chip compared to last year’s model…
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Galaxy J7 (2017) is a worthy successor to last year’s Galaxy J7 as it brings improvements in several different areas and we can definitely describe it as one of the best offers in its price range. The smartphone comes with a renewed design, which includes…
Um telefone lançado em junho de 2017, com nenhuma tendência de 2018, custando atualmente na faixa de 1000 reais, nós testamos um smartphone da linha que mais vende no Brasil, e não é para menos que a linha J tenha diversas variantes de aparelhos. Segundo…
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Tela,Design metálico,Slot de cartões separados,Bateria,Integração Samsung Pay (NFC)…
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Câmeras poderiam ser melhores,Carregador lento…
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comprar o LG G8s ThinQ?Review Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 – Uma levíssima mexida no que já funcionava bemReview Motorola One Zoom – O Motorola Z4 que não veio para o BrasilROG PHONE II – O melhor smartphone para jogosAcompanhe as últimas notícias de tecnologia a…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:13
Kit da caixa do Galaxy J7 Pro com carregador, fone de ouvido e manuaisA linha J da Samsung é sempre considerada por mim uma linha de entrada da empresa para o mercado de smartphones, normalmente vem aparelhos mais simples, mas a Samsung está mudando min…
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A Samsung fez a linha Galaxy J evoluir e muito, ficou mais bonito, com uma bateria respeitosa e uma ótima tela.As câmeras estão dentro do padrão da categoria intermediário, mas eu até esperava um pouco mais pois a Samsung está fazendo bonito nesse segment…
A Samsung pode chamar a atenção com seus smartphones de ponta, mas ela faz dinheiro mesmo é com a grande quantidade de dispositivos intermediários e de entrada que coloca no mercado, que vendem bastante em mercados emergentes como o Brasil. Ainda que eles…
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tela de boa qualidade e definição, Dual-SIM com bandeja dedicada para o microSD, o que é sempre bom, performance decente, com quase nenhum engasgo, a bateria possui ótima autonomia…
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o design externo com corpo metálico é bonito, mas a aderência não é das melhores, nada de Android 8.0 Oreo, ao menos por enquanto, nada de carregamento rápido também, a câmera principal podia ser um pouco melhor…
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A Samsung possui uma estratégia para o mercado de entrada e intermediário bem definida: lançar uma grande quantidade de dispositivos muito próximos entre si e oferecer opções de escolha aos usuários. Embora isso não funcione muito bem para sua concorrente…
Vamos começar analisando rapidinho embalagem e acessórios que acompanham o produto. A caixa do J7 Pro tem aquele design apresentado pela Samsung no lançamento do J5 Pro com o J7 Neo, em agosto: na cor branca, com os desenhos da artista plástica Loro Verz…
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Design elegante, com acabamento metálico e posição do alto falante em local muito bom, Tela de ótima qualidade, com baixo nível de reflexos e bom ângulo de visão, Bateria, com boa autonomia, Slots separados para dois nano SIM e um micro SD…
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Câmera poderia ser melhor, com estabilização ótica para evitar fotos tremidas, E o preço, elevado para o que o dispositivo entrega em relação ao desempenho, principalmente…
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O uso da resolução Full HD em um chipset de potência baixa pesa. Não compensa como seu irmão menor, o J5 Pro, apesar de ainda ser um bom aparelho…
Uma das maiores novidades para esta versão do Galaxy J7 Pro, é que o corpo deixa de ter partes plásticas e adota o metal. Não somente em alguns pontos, mas na parte traseira inteira. Como o smartphone está fixado em uma peça única de alumínio, as bordas s…
O Galaxy J7 Pro faz parte do movimentado segmento intermediário de smartphones. Ele vem equipado com uma tela FullHD de 5,5″, bom SoC e quantidades de memória RAM e armazenamento interno suficientes para garantir uma boa experiência com o dispositivo. Ser…
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Boa tela, Bastante RAM e memória interna, Excelente autonomia…
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Sem novidades no design, Câmera sem estabilização óptica, Menos performance que rivais…
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Com tantos aparelhos povoando esse segmento que vai dos R$ 800 aos R$ 1.2 mil, fica difícil achar uma diferenciação para cada um. A Samsung já deixava isso o caos com J Primes, J Duos, J Metais e por aí vai, e a Lenovo/Motorola apertou ainda mais o espaço…
O Galaxy S8 e o Galaxy Note 8 estão entre os smartphones mais notáveis de 2017. Mas a Samsung sabe melhor do que ninguém que, de longe, aparelhos básicos e intermediários são os que mais vendem, especialmente em países como o Brasil. É por isso que a comp…
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Bateria com ótima autonomia, Tela caprichada…
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Acabamento externo um tanto escorregadio, Podia ter vindo com o Android 8.0, Recarga rápida seria legal…
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É interessante como a linha Galaxy J evoluiu ao longo do tempo, pelo menos nos modelos maiores. O aspecto frágil cedeu espaço para um acabamento mais refinado. A tela deixou de ser basicona. As câmeras são decentes para a categoria. O desempenho não é equ…
Se tem uma coisa que não podemos negar é que a Samsung tem opção de smartphones para dar e vender. Difícil mesmo, às vezes, é acompanhar os lançamentos da marca. Sério, quase todo dia são cinco a seis materiais de divulgação de algum produto da empresa qu…
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O Galaxy J7 Metal é um smartphone intermediário da Samsung lançado em 2016. Com uma configuração mais simples que modelos da concorrência, o aparelho consegue executar bem as tarefas do cotidiano junto com uma bateria de 3.300 mAh, que garante um bom temp…
Essa caixa se abre pelo topo, e uma segunda caixa deve ser removida para acesso ao smartphone. Abaixo da caminha dele, temos os acessórios bem guardados e embalados separadamente:Tudo de acordo com o descritivo encontrado na parte de trás da caixa.O desig…
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Um bom dispositivo para quem tem pouco dinheiro para investir em um smartphone. Pelo preço disponível no varejo, é uma boa compra…
Nem tudo é um arco íris. O Samsung Galaxy J7 é a versão maior do Galaxy J5. Ele possui recursos similares, mas uma tela maior de 5,5 polegadas. Após o redesenho de toda a série, o J7, agora também tem uma bateria removível. Para descobrir sobre outras alt…
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Ótima tela Full-HD, Dual SIM e microSD, Internet sem fio veloz, Ótimas durações da bateria, Boa geolocalização, Bom sensor de digitais…
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PWM, Durações de bateria mais fracas que a do predecessor, Qualidade de chamada modesta, Sem USB Tipo C, GPU muito fraca…
Visualmente, as diferenças entre as duas gerações de Galaxy J5 e J7 são significativas, sendo os modelos novos significativamente mais atraentes, uma vez que o corpo totalmente metálico é claramente inspirado no design da actual gama A, com os vidros 2.5D…
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Autonomia, Qualidade de construção, Autonomia, Qualidade de construção…
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Capacidade de armazenamento, Poucas alterações…
Smartfon to niesłychanie uniwersalny sprzęt. W jednej, małej obudowie mieści telefon, aparat, kamerę, odtwarzacz muzyki i filmów, notatnik, nawigację GPS, radio FM, czytnik kodów kreskowych, łączność internetową, zegar, dyktafon, kalendarz, latarkę, kalku…
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) to następca jednego z najlepiej sprzedających się w Polsce smartfonów. Tak, Galaxy J7 (2016) sprzedawał się doskonale, co pokazuje jak szalenie popularne wśród Polaków są smartfony Samsunga ze średniego segmentu cenowego. Ulepszon…
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świetny ekran Super AMOLED, doskonały czas pracy na baterii, wysoka jakość wykonania, atrakcyjny wygląd, niezależne Dual SIM i gniazdo micro SD, dobrze działający czytnik linii papilarnych, NFC, radio FM, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, USB On The Go…
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brak USB Typu C, tylko 16 GB pamięci na dane, procesor ze starszego J7 (2016)…
Często zgłaszają się do mnie osoby, które proszą o doradzenie jaki smartfon kupić. Wiele z nich już na samym początku dodaje zdanie „Chcę coś markowego – może Samsung ?”.Z drugiej strony jest też spora grupa osób, która wyraźnie zaznacza, że nie chce abso…
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bardzo dobry wyświetlacz AMOLED Full HD 5,5 cala, dobra bateria, dual SIM (aktywny), oddzielne miejsce dla karty pamięci microSD, NFC (łączność zbliżeniowa, płatności Android Pay), czytnik linii papilarnych, lampa doświetlająca LED z przodu i z tył…
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głośnik na bocznej ramce łatwo zasłonić palcem (trzymając smartfon poziomo), obudowa nie jest wodoszczelna, brak funkcji szybkiego ładowania baterii, starszy port micro USB zamiast USB typu C…
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Samsung Galaxy S7 2017 to smartfon z bardzo dobrym wyświetlaczem AMOLED, dobrym aparatem tylnym, całkiem niezłą baterią, aktywnym dual SIM, LTE, łącznością zbliżeniową NFC (można nim płacić przez Android Pay), USB OTG (można podłączyć np. pendrive), oddzi…
Linia smartfonów Samsunga oznaczoną literą J zawiera urządzenia znacznie tańsze od topowych Galaxy S oraz tańsze od „średniaków” z Galaxy A. Czy jednak znajdziemy w niej wyłącznie typowo budżetowo modele? Oczywiście, że nie, a przykładem niech będzie Gala…
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Wysoka jakość wykonana, Perfekcyjny wyświetlacz Super AMOLED, Optymalizacja nakładki na Androida, Udana preinstalowana przeglądarka Samsunga, Selfie z efektem rozmytego tła, Długi czas pracy na jednym ładowaniu…
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Kiepski główny aparat, Niefortunne umiejscowienie głośnika, Tylko 16 GB na dane…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 w Polsce sprzedaje się naprawdę dobrze – przynajmniej jeśli spojrzymy na zestawienia popularnych smartfonów w dużych marketach z elektroniką. Owszem, sporo zawdzięcza rozpoznawalnej marce, ale nie tylko. Po pierwsze, dostępny jest w…
W tym zestawieniu Top 10 prezentujemy najlepsze smartfony w klasie cenowej od 1000 do 1500 zł. To smartfony idealne do codziennego użytku, łączące bardzo dobrą specyfikację, z niewygórowaną ceną. Większość z nich jest tak dobra, że po prostu nie opłaca si…
Jakiś czas temu mieliśmy okazję testować dla Was Samsunga Galaxy J5 (2017). Teraz przyszedł czas na ocenę jego większego brata, czyli Galaxy J7 (2017), który zrobił na mnie bardzo dobre wrażenie. Urządzenia z tegorocznej serii J to spora zmiana względem…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) w czasie testów pokazał się z bardzo dobrej strony. Z urządzenia korzystało mi się naprawdę przyjemnie. Smartfon oferuje bardzo dobry wyświetlacz Super AMOLED, czytnik linii papilarnych, a także niezły design i bardzo dobrą jakość…
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) jest metalowy, ma dobrą baterię i ekran Super AMOLED. W sklepach kupimy go za ponad 1000 złotych. Czy to odpowiednia cena za ten sprzęt? Tego dowiecie się z recenzji Galaxy J7 (2017)Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) o oznaczeniu kodowym SM…
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Ładny ekran Super AMOLED, Świetna jakość wykonania, Rozbudowana nakładka systemowa, Przyzwoity aparat (w dzień), NFC i dwuzakresowe Wi-Fi, Solidny czas pracy na baterii…
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Zbyt mała ilość pamięci, Słabe zdjęcia po zmroku, Słabiutkie GPU, Stare poprawki bezpieczeństwa, Trochę zbyt wysoka cena, Brak USB typu C, 3/3, Następny », Spis treści, Obudowa, ekran i bateria, Wydajność, wyposażenie i aparat, Podsumowanie i ocena…
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1/3Następny »Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) jest metalowy, ma dobrą baterię i ekran Super AMOLED. W sklepach kupimy go za ponad 1000 złotych. Czy to odpowiednia cena za ten sprzęt? Tego dowiecie się z recenzji Galaxy J7 (2017)Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) o oznaczen…
Samsung na średniej i niskiej półce ma sporo produktów. Testowany przez nas J7 kosztuje około 1200 zł. Za niecałe 1400 zł można kupić model A5 2017. Za 1000 zł jest do kupienia model J5 2017. Nadal w niektórych sklepach można w podobnych cenach kupić sm…
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Świetny wygląd, Rozbudowana nakładka Samsung Experience 8.1, Knox, Radio, Rozbudowana i wygodna aplikacja kamery, Czytnik linii papilarnych w dobrym miejscu, Always on Display, Bardzo dobra bateria 3600 mAh, Świetny i duży ekran AMOLED FULL HD 5.5 cala, P…
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Zbyt krótki kabel USB do ładowania, Brak najnowszego Androida Oreo, Zdjęcia i wideo, gdy jest ciemniej nie zachwycają jakością, Brak USB-C, Brak szybkiego ładowania, Tylko 16 GB pamięci (10 GB dla użytkownika), Obudowa – ocena 6, Samsunga Galaxy J7 2017 o…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 to świetny smartfon z tzw. niskiej półki. Nie jest najtańszy, bo kosztuje 1200 zł (jest to cena obowiązująca raczej na średniej półce) i w tej cenie możemy poszukać mocniejszego sprzętu. Okazuje się jednak, że w przypadku J7 płacimy…
Samsung na średniej i niskiej półce ma sporo produktów. Testowany przez nas J7 kosztuje około 1200 zł. Za niecałe 1400 zł można kupić model A5 2017. Za 1000 zł jest do kupienia model J5 2017. Nadal w niektórych sklepach można w podobnych cenach kupić…
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Świetny wygląd, Rozbudowana nakładka Samsung Experience 8.1, Knox, Radio, Rozbudowana i wygodna aplikacja kamery, Czytnik linii papilarnych w dobrym miejscu, Always on Display, Bardzo dobra bateria 3600 mAh, Świetny i duży ekran AMOLED FULL HD 5.5 cala, P…
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Zbyt krótki kabel USB do ładowania, Brak najnowszego Androida Oreo, Zdjęcia i wideo, gdy jest ciemniej nie zachwycają jakością, Brak USB-C, Brak szybkiego ładowania, Tylko 16 GB pamięci (10 GB dla użytkownika), Obudowa – ocena 6, Samsunga Galaxy J7 2017 o…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 to świetny smartfon z tzw. niskiej półki. Nie jest najtańszy, bo kosztuje 1200 zł (jest to cena obowiązująca raczej na średniej półce) i w tej cenie możemy poszukać mocniejszego sprzętu. Okazuje się jednak, że w przypadku J7 płacimy…
My jednak nie zawędrujemy tak wysoko. Naszym dzisiejszym obiektem badań został Samsung Galaxy J7 z 2017 roku, który to należy do średniego segmentu cenowego.Telefon trafia do nas w niewielkim opakowaniu w kolorze niebieskim. Producenci już od wielu lat st…
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Myślę, że najmocniejszym elementem tego telefonu jest zastosowany 5,5 calowy ekran Super Amoled a najsłabszym… Ten ohydny tył! Włączając w to słabej jakości aparat. Szczerze zostawiając sam front tego telefonu i podmieniając tył na coś lepszego otrzymalib…
Czy dobry smartfon musi być drogi? Wszystko zależy od tego, co dla nas oznacza “dobry smartfon”. Jeśli możemy wybaczyć pojedyncze spowolnienia, nie potrzebujemy najlepszych podzespołów, a aparat nie musi wykonywać perfekcyjnych, lustrzankowch zdjęć, to my…
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Dobrze wykonana obudowa, Wyświetlacz Super AMOLED, Świetny akumulator, Funkcjonalna nakładka producenta, Precyzyjny skaner linii papilarnych…
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Za mało pamięci wbudowanej, Aparaty słabo radzące sobie w gorszych warunkach, Złącze microUSB szkoda, że nie USB Typu C…
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Galaxy J7 2017 można kupić za około 1200-1300 złotych. Uważam, że jest to dobra i adekwatna do oferowanych przezeń możliwości cena. Może smartfon nie jest idealny, ponieważ czasem brakuje mu trochę mocy do płynniejszego działania, aparaty mogłyby sobie ra…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Galaxy J7 er toppmodellen i sin serie, og med en prislapp på drøyt 3000 kroner er den hverken spesielt dyr eller spesielt billig. Den ligger midt mellom. Men designen skiller seg ut, og den har en svært fin skjerm. Er dette Androiden du ser etter?Hvis skj…
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Ålreit kamera, Flott byggekvalitet, Meget god skjerm, Plass for minnekort, Godt selfiekamera, Bra batteritid, Kjapp og grei menyopplevelse…
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Micro-USB, Ikke hurtiglading, Mager intern lagring (rundt 10 GB), Ingen værtetting…
Canlı test. Samsung Galaxy J7, Galaxy J5 modelinin daha geniş hali. Benzer özelliklere dahil, ancak daha büyük 5.5 inç ekran ile gelmekte. Tüm serinin yeniden tasarlanmasından sonra artık bataryası değiştirilemiyor. Hakkında daha fazla şey öğrenmek için i…
Yaklaşan 2017 model Samsung Galaxy J7 ve Galaxy J5 modelleri Rusya’da ortaya çıktı. Yayınlanan inceleme videoları yeni akıllı telefonları tüm yönüyle açığa çıkarmış durumda…
أعطت سامسونج لتصميم موبايل جيه 7 برو أهمية كبيرة واهتمت بتفاصيله حيث أنك في النظرة الأولى إليه لن تشعر بكونه هاتف في الفئة المتوسطة، وذلك حيث قدمته سامسونج في هيكل معدني أنيق بحواف منحنية غير حادة ويسهل استخدامه. هذا التصميم المعدني يجعل وزن الهاتف أثقل إ…
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تصميم معدني أنيق، شاشة سوبر AMOLED، كاميرا أمامية وخلفية 13 ميجابيكسل، فلاش للكاميرا الامامية، يدعم تشغيل خطين و كارت ميموري…
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معالج متوسط، ذاكرة 16 جيجابايت، لا يوجد لمبة اشعارات…
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يعتبر موبايل سامسونج جيه 7 برو من الهواتف المميزة في الفئة المتوسطة، حيث يأتي بتصميم أنيق لا يوحي بانخفاض سعر الموبايل ويعمل بأداء جيد ليس الأفضل ولكنه يفي بالغرض تمامًا للمستخدم المتوسط ويقدم بطارية جيدة تعمل لمدة طويلة لكن يعيبها عدم دعم الشحن السريع فت…
Nhà mình ở khu vực Long Biên nên cũng không đông đúc lắm như bên trung tâm Hà Nội. Buổi sáng sớm dậy tiết trời vẫn lạnh, không khí vẫn khá khô và hanh. Đi dọc khắp các ngõ ngách đều thấy nhà nào cũng treo cờ đỏ sao vàng phấp phới.Ở trong ngõ nhỏ thường…
Galaxy J7 Pro phiên bản Hồng sẽ sắc màu mới, được Samsung bổ sung vào bộ sưu tập chiếc smartphone tầm trung được yêu thích nhất 2017.Màu hồng của Galaxy J7 Pro thực sự nữ tính, kèm theo thiết kế bo cong mềm mại ở các góc cạnh, càng làm tăng thêm vẻ nhẹ…
Galaxy J7 Pro màu hồng bổ sung thêm vào 3 màu sẵn có của sản phẩm này là: Xanh, Vàng và Đen, mỗi màu đều có một nét đẹp riêng của nó. Xanh thì trẻ trung, vàng sang trọng, đen nam tính và hồng nữ tính.Phụ kiện trong hộp vẫn y hệt các phiên bản khác mà th…
Đại diện của Xiaomi là sản phẩm mang lại trải nghiệm rất ấn tượng ở mức giá tầm trung. Máy có thiết kế kim loại nguyên khối chắc chắn với độ hoàn thiện tốt, màn hình IPS LCD 5.5 inch độ phân giải Full-HD hiển thị sáng sủa và độ tương phản cao, phần mềm An…
Điểm lại chút cấu hình, Galaxy J7 Pro có màn hình 5.5 inch Full HD trên tấm nền Super Amoled, chạy con chip Exynos 7870 cùng 3 GB RAM – 32 GB ROM, hiện đang cài sẵn Android 7.0.Xem thêm: [Speedtest] Galaxy J7 Pro và J7 Prime: Cái kết không thể ngờMời…
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Chưa kể đến máy có màn hình đủ to và sắc nét, nhiệt độ khá máy do con chip tối ưu tốt, khiến thời lượng sử dụng dài hơn và cuộc vui không bị ngắt quãng trên J7 Pro.Xem thêm: Khảo sát người dùng: J7 Pro ấn tượng nhất ở dung lượng pin và. Mình đã có rất nh…
Galaxy J7 Pro là bản nâng cấp hoàn hảo từ sản phẩm ăn khách hàng đầu tại Việt Nam J7 Prime, với màn hình “nhá” theo phong cách viền siêu mỏng cùng camera được đầu tư kĩ thì đây là chiếc smartphone đáng quan tâm nhất hiện nay.Galaxy J7 Pro được trang bị…
Đầu tiên, hãy cùng xem qua cấu hình tiêu biểu của 2 sản phẩm này nhé:Huawei Nova 2i có sở hữu con Chip cây nhà lá vườn Kirin 659 có hiệu năng nhỉnh hơn Exynos 7870 trên Galaxy J7 Pro một tí. Nhưng người dùng vẫn ưa thích cái tên Exynos hơn. Thêm nữa, Hu…
Đầu tiên, mời các bạn hãy cùng mình xem cấu hình cả 2 máy để có cái nhìn tổng quan:Chọn OPPO F3 hay Galaxy J7 Pro bây giờ?Nếu bạn đang cầm trong tay 7 triệu đồng và phân vân không biết nên lựa chọn sản phẩm nào ở trên thì mình sẽ đưa ra một vài nhận x…
Thiết kế chính là điểm gây tạo mình nhiều cảm xúc nhất khi trải nghiệm J7 Pro. Ở thời điểm mới bắt đầu sử dụng, mình thấy thiết kế mặt lưng của nó khá xấu, không thực sự ấn tượng cho lắm và thực sự đã có rất nhiều cuộc tranh cãi giữa mình và những người d…
Galaxy J7 Pro sở hữu thiết kế kim loại nguyên khối, các góc cạnh được bo cong mềm mại cực kì thanh thoát và thoải mái cầm nắm. Ngoài ra máy cũng được tối ưu khá tốt khiến kích thước nhỏ gọn, dễ dàng thao tác bằng một tay.Trong khi đó, Nokia 6 lại sở hữu…
Mở đầu chuyến hành trình cùng J7 Pro đó là thức dậy ở một nơi xa lạ được gọi là Vĩnh Hy.Tầm 4-5h sáng mình bước ra Hang Rái để ngắm bình minh trên biển. Bầu trời lúc này khá dịu mát và mọi vật xung quanh thật tĩnh lặng.Mọi người chuẩn bị setup cho chu…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:14
Nokia 3 đánh dấu sự tái xuất của thương hiệu Phần Lan nổi tiếng, sau một thời gian biến mất vì bị Microsoft thâu tóm. Trong lần trở lại này, Nokia cũng như smartphone của hãng đều có nhiều thay đổi, thậm chí, có thể khiến người dùng cảm thấy xa lạ.Thiết k…
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Thiết kế đẹp, hoàn thiện tốt với khung kim loại, vỏ nguyên khối, Màn hình sắc nét, màu sắc tươi, Hiệu năng khá trong tầm tiền, Android 7.0 nguyên bản…
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Camera ít tính năng mở rộng, Màn hình cảm ứng hoạt động không ổn định, Máy chạy không mượt, hơi giật, tốc độ phản hồi thấp, Thiếu những phần mềm, tính năng đặc trưng của Nokia…
Là chiếc smartphone tầm trung được ra mắt gần đây nhất của Samsung, Galaxy J7 Pro nhận được khá nhiều sự quan tâm của người dùng bởi thiết kế hoàn toàn kim loại nguyên khối.Phần khung bo cong từ mặt lưng sang 2 cạnh trái phải, còn đỉnh và đáy thì bo vuô…
Mời xem video đánh giá trải nghiệm sau một tuần với Galaxy J7 Pro.Xem thêm: So sánh Galaxy J7 Pro và J7 Prime: Kẻ kế thừa xứng đángToàn bộ khung máy được gia công bằng kim loại hoàn toàn, cứng cáp và toát lên vẻ cao cấp hơn nhiều so với tiền nhiệm J7…
Đầu tiên, mời các bạn điểm qua cấu hình của cả 2 máy:Như các bạn cũng đã thấy, mặc dù chênh lệch nhau 1 triệu, nhưng cấu hình vi xử lý của J7 Pro không thua kém A5 2017 quá nhiều, khác biệt ở con Chip mà thôi.Kết quả:Không hổ danh đàn anh, A5 2017 l…
Mặc dù mới bán ra chưa được 1 tháng nhưng chiếc Galaxy J7 Pro hiện đang tạo được đánh giá rất tích cực trong phân khúc tầm trung. Đây có thể nói lại là một thành công nữa của Samsung khi hội tụ đầy đủ các yếu tố để trở nên nổi bật nhất trong phân khúc tầm…
Galaxy J7 Pro sở hữu màu xanh lơ đẹp nhất trong phân khúc, có màn hình AMOLED, có tính năng Always On Display, có pin to 3.600 mAh, có Galaxy Gift, có giao diện đẹp, trong máy có sẵn nhiều tiện ích hay (Cloud 15 GB, Secure Folder, Knox. ). Đây là những t…
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Thiết kế đẹp, có màu xanh lơ độc đáo, Giao diện của máy rất đẹp, Màn hình AMOLED, có Always On Display, chất lượng hiển thị đẹp, Pin to (3.600 mAh), onscreen 7 tiếng, Khẩu độ camera sau rất lớn, F1.7, chất lượng ảnh chụp khá tốt, Có nhiều tiện ích đi kèm…
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Thời gian sạc đầy pin quá dài (3 tiếng đối với nguồn 5V 2.4A, không có sạc nhanh), Máy quá nặng và trơn, Vẫn dùng cổng sạc microUSB, Hiệu năng trung bình…
Xem thêm: TOP 3 smartphone bán chạy nhất TGDĐ, Galaxy J7 Prime không còn dẫn đầuThật sự mà nói mình rất thích sự cải thiện trong ngôn ngữ thiết kế trên Galaxy J7 Pro, đặc biệt khi đặt cạnh người đàn anh J7 Prime.Giờ đây với J7 Pro, người dùng có một t…
Galaxy J7 Pro sở hữu màu xanh lơ đẹp nhất trong phân khúc, có màn hình AMOLED, có tính năng Always On Display, có pin to 3.600 mAh, có Galaxy Gift, có giao diện đẹp, trong máy có sẵn nhiều tiện ích hay (Cloud 15 GB, Secure Folder, Knox. ). Đây là những t…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:14
Chỉ khi nào trải nghiệm Galaxy J7 Pro thực tế trong thời gian dài, người dùng mới cảm nhận rõ nét về ưu điểm từ khẩu độ f/1,7, camera trước 13MP đi kèm đèn flash LED trợ sáng, tiện ích Always On và thời lượng pin khá tốt. ​ Galaxy J7 Pro có thiết kế kim…
Thiết kếChất liệu kim loại đã được Samsung sử dụng trên J7 Prime năm ngoái, nhưng hai phần nắp ở trên/dưới mặt lưng lại là nhựa để bắt sóng. Trên J7 Pro, toàn bộ phần mặt lưng sử dụng chất liệu kim loại, đem lại cảm giác cao cấp và cứng cáp hơn thế hệ trư…
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Samsung đã đưa ra nhiều nâng cấp để chiếc Galaxy J7 Pro trở nên hấp dẫn hơn. Máy có thiết kế khác thế hệ trước, được nâng cấp về camera và tính năng. Sản phẩm cũng có những nét gợi nhớ tới dòng điện thoại cao cấp hơn của Samsung nhờ thiết kế kim loại nguy…
Trước hết, hãy cùng điểm qua chút thông số cấu hình giữa hai thiết bị thông qua bảng tóm tắt nhé.Xem thêm: Speedtest Galaxy J7 Pro và OPPO F3: Cặp đôi 7 triệu hot nhất hiện nayXét về phần tốc độ, cá nhân mình thấy khả năng load game cũng như hiệu ứng…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:14
Trong thời gian gần đây, mình nhận thấy nhiều anh chị em, độc giả đưa ra những lời bình luận cho rằng Galaxy J7 Pro sẽ chơi game chỉ ở mức khá ổn, chưa thật sự “ngon” trong phân khúc giá gần 7 triệu đồng. Nhiều khả năng, khi đánh giá hiệu năng Galaxy J7 P…
​Đạt kỷ lục bán với cứ 3 giây lại có một chiếc J7 Pro đến tay người tiêu dùng. Đây là kỉ lục mà chưa có sản phẩm tầm trung nào của Samsung làm được trong thời gian qua. Điều này đến từ thiết kế kim loại sang trọng với điểm nhấn là hai dải an-ten ở mặt lưn…
Đây là smartphone tầm trung mới nhất của hãng tại Việt Nam đang giữ kỉ lục doanh số bán kể từ thành công vang dội của Galaxy J7 Prime lên kệ từ cuối năm ngoái. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo một số đánh giá về thiết bị hot nhất trong phân khúc hiện nay.Là sma…
Đầu tiên, mời các bạn điểm qua cấu hình của cả 2 máy:Không làm mất nhiều thời gian nữa, mời các bạn cùng đến với bài đọ tốc độ của cả 2 smartphone trên:Như vậy, chiến thắng thuyết phục nghiêng về Galaxy J7 Pro khi có tốc độ mở nhanh hơn ở hầu hết ứng…
Chiếc điện thoại Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro mới ra mắt gần đây có lẽ sẽ là mẫu điện thoại thích hợp nhất để thay thế cho mẫu điện thoại Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime ra mắt hồi năm ngoái đã rất thành công trong phân khúc tầm trung. Với phiên bản mới này chiếc J7 Pro…
Cấu hình tóm tắt Galaxy J7 Pro.Mình có đăng một “xì-ta-tút” hỗ trợ tư vấn của group Samsung TGDĐ, khá nhiều lời đánh giá chi tiết để giúp các bạn có được cái nhìn đa chiều nhất.Thế nhưng, khả năng nhận diện cũng như sự ổn định khi nhận diện vân tay t…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:14
Hai đối thủ “không đội trời chung” – Galaxy J7 Pro và OPPO F3 – tiếp tục được đem lên bàn cân so sánh giao diện được tùy biến dựa trên nền tảng Android. Đâu là giao diện tối ưu tốt hơn cho người dùng, hãy cùng “phán xử”.Trên Galaxy J7 Pro, Samsung đã ti…
Xem thêm: Tranh cãi việc làm thêm giờ, tăng tuổi nghỉ hưu
Galaxy J7 Pro trang bị cảm biến 13 MP, khẩu độ F/1.7 được xem là lớn nhất trong số các smartphone tầm trung từ trước đến giờ. Máy đi kèm công nghệ lấy nét theo pha, tốc độ tương đối khá trong điều kiện đầy đủ sáng.Giao diện khá đơn giản, tất nhiên tương…
Mặc dù phải đến ngày 7/7/2017 thì những chiếc J7 Pro mới đến tay khách hàng đầu tiên nhưng hôm nay TECHRUM đã có trên tay phiên bản thương mại của sản phẩm này. Mời các bạn cùng xem một số hình ảnh mở hộp và cận cảnh chiếc máy màu xanh ánh bạc tuyệt đẹp.H…
Cấu hình tóm tắt Galaxy J7 Pro:Mời xem video mở hộp Galaxy J7 Pro.Vỏ hộp có tone màu xanh chủ đạo, lâu lắm rồi mình mới thấy lại vỏ hộp dòng J này.Phụ kiện đi kèm gồm sách hướng dẫn, cáp microUSB, củ sạc, tai nghe dạng thường và que chọc sim.Đ…
Cả hai đều có phiên bản màu đen cực kì nam tính và lịch lãm. Mình đều rất thích các smartphone có phiên bản màu đen, nó huyền bí và tạo sự cuốn hút.Vẫn như năm ngoái, ngôn ngữ thiết kế của cả hai có nhiều nét rất giống nhau kì lạ và cũng một vài điểm kh…
Như các bạn cũng đã biết, khi đặt hàng Galaxy J7 Pro tại thegioididong sẽ được nhận:Thông tin chi tiết hơn mời bạn xem TẠI ĐÂY. Sạc dự phòng này hình như mình đã thấy trong bộ quà tặng của Galaxy S8, vẫn chiếc hộp quen thuộc ấy.Phụ kiện đi kèm gồm s…
Phiên bản này không đen tuyền hoàn toàn, mà ngả xám nhẹ theo đường ngiêng của người dùng.Với chất liệu kim loại nguyên khối, màu đen mang đến sự liền mạch và che giấu đi những khuyết điểm nhỏ nhất ở chi tiết hoàn thiện.Các vị trí góc máy đều tương tự…
Mời bạn xem video trên tay Galaxy J7 Pro.Cảm giác lần đầu tiên cầm trên tay là khá đầm, chắc tay và khung kim loại bo cong mềm mại rất sướng.Không rõ dòng J Pro này có phải thay thế cho J 2016 không, nhưng việc áp dụng bộ khung kim loại lên hầu hết cá…
Với các mẫu điện thoại tầm trung, chúng ta thường không kỳ vọng quá nhiều ngoài khả năng hoạt động ổn định các tác vụ thông thường và tất nhiên là thiếu đi các tính năng cao cấp như những mẫu máy ở phân khúc cao hơn. Và mặc dù không phải là một sản phẩm h…
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Màn hình đẹp, Camera ấn tượng, Hiệu năng ổn so với máy tầm trung…
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Thiết kế có phần lỗi thời, Thiếu cổng USBC, Không có chống nước…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Galaxy J7+ trong bài đánh giá gần đây của Test Lab – PC World Vietnam đã chứng tỏ thành công mình là sản phẩm ‘cứng cựa’ nhất trong dòng Galaxy J và cũng không tồi trong nhóm smartphone camera kép hiện tại. Cụ thể, sản phẩm mới của dòng sản phẩm Galaxy J…
Điện thoại tầm trung giờ đây sở hữu khá nhiều những đặc điểm nổi trội mà người dùng cần. Hệ thống camera xoá phông, thiết kế đẹp, hiệu năng ấn tượng. Và Galaxy J7+ là một trong những sự lựa chọn sáng giá ấy!Năm 2017, đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong ngàn…
Tuy cũng có J7 trong tên gọi nhưng cá nhân mình thấy hơi khó hiểu Samsung nói rằng đây là một dòng smartphone hoàn toàn mới của họ. Tham khảo thêm thì chiếc J7+ này hoàn toàn tương đồng với Galaxy C8 được giới thiệu vào cuối tháng rồi tại thị trường Trung…
IT조선은 인기 뉴스 키워드를 통해 하루의 이슈를 점검하는 [어제의 IT키워드] 코너를 운영합니다. 숨가쁘게 변하는 최신 ICT 트렌드를 기사와 키워드로 차분하게 되돌아보는 코너입니다. / 편집자 주 IT조선 DB 1일 IT조선을 찾은 네티즌이 가장 많이 관심을 가졌던 키워드는 통신 3사 제휴카드 할인 꼼수, KT 갤럭시J7 2017 공짜폰, 테슬라 SDI 배터리 도입, 가상화폐 규제 실효성 의문 등이었습니다. 이동통신 3사의 제휴카드 할인 꼼수에 관한…
스마트폰의 등급은 크게 플래그쉽과 중급기 그리고 보급형으로 구분할 수 있습니다. 그 중에서 보급형 스마트폰들은 가격은 저렴하지만 상대적으로 성능이 떨어질 것이라는 인식이 있었는데 이번에 선입견을 깰 수 있는 갤럭시 J7 2017이라는 모델이 발표되었습니다. 갤럭시 J7 2017은 준수한 성능은 물론이고 J시리즈 최초로 지문인식 센서가 탑재되어서 삼성페이도 사용할 수 있습니다. 그럼 이번 리뷰에서는 어떤 특징과 기능들을 가지고 있는지 자세하게 살펴보도록…
Samsung 除了每年旗艦機型的 S 系列與 Note 系列之外,其實還推出不少中、低階機型,最近一款是日前才剛發表的 Galaxy J7 Pro,配備 5.5 吋 FHD Super AMOLED 顯示器、Exynos 7870 1.6GHz 八核心處理器、3GB RAM 與 32GB ROM,對於已經被 2017 上半年各廠牌旗艦機連發轟炸,習慣了高來高去配備、規格與價格的人來說還真是有一點不習慣(笑)。 而這次剛好借到了 Galaxy J7 Pro 的工程測試機,而且還是目前台灣並沒有上市的霧面…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro 就是一款很典型的中階機型,不過 Samsung 沒有讓它因為各方面的平均表現而顯得平庸,很聰明地把這部手機的重點放在鏡頭與拍照能力的優化,就如同上面拍照測試時所言,測光部份如果可以更快速會是一大加分。效能部份與 Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime 相去不遠,畢竟處理器、記憶體等皆為一樣的規格,這是讓筆者真心有些失望的部份,畢竟 Cortex-A53 架構的 Exynos 7870 1.6GHz 八核心處理器從去年的 Galaxy J7 2016 開始…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:14
小編某天去三星智慧館換Galaxy S8購物金贈品,正在挑選要換哪個保護殼才好的時候,進來了一群青春洋溢高中女生談笑著,此起彼落的說:「這裡都賣三星的耶~我要找J7的殼~我幫你找. 」(請自行配上黏黏的尾音),當下覺得:J系列在學生族裡賣得不錯吧. 但版上應該是社會人士比較多,雖然J7 Pro都是主打青春路線,但它9,990元的價格,我想這點,就適合所有預算有限的人(不管你青不青春)。 而且也比上一支的J7 Prime多了些重要的功能,更多規格整理在下面。 一開始的可用空間約24.3GB。…
主鏡頭F1.7大光圈 X 全金屬2.5D玻璃機身 X支援最潮Samsung Pay行動支付 網紅新世代全面來相挺! 全球消費性電子領導品牌三星電子,今日宣布推出Galaxy J7 2017升級版J7 Pro,搭載主鏡頭F1.7大光圈相機,媲美旗艦等級,讓網美網帥拍照體驗大提升!全金屬機身搭配正面2.5D玻璃、零凸起美形背蓋,飛遜得走路超有風。不只如此,Galaxy J7 Pro更是首款支援最潮行動支付Samsung Pay的中階智慧型手機,透過指紋辨識無所不Pay,就算身上沒摳摳也能盡情血拼。此外,三星亦…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:15
作者 跳跳虎 · 六月 22, 2017台灣三星(Samsung)預告將於 2017 年 6 月 29 日舉辦 Galaxy J7 Pro 發表會。Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro 是日前於海外發表的中階機種,採用 5.5 吋、1920 x 1080 解析度 Super AMOLED 螢幕,內建 Samsung Exynos 7870 處理器、3GB RAM / 64GB 儲存空間,搭配 1,300 萬畫素、F1.9 光圈前相機,以及 1,300 萬畫素 F1.7 光圈主相機,皆配置 L…
Samsung Galaxy J7+ 拍照、效能實測 在台灣手機市場中,雖然大家喜歡追的都是旗艦機種,不過其實有很大一部份的銷售都落在中階款式。原因無他,中階手機提供夠用的規格,但售價比起旗艦款式動輒少了一半,在經濟大環境不景氣的條件下,中階手機成了預算較少或是實用主義者的首選。 三星近期在台灣推出一款全新的中階機種 Samsung Galaxy J7+,它是繼 Note 8 之後第二款、也是首款搭載雙鏡頭相機的中階機種,具有與 Note 8 一樣的景深即時預覽功能;對喜歡拍照的朋友來說,它是否能夠達到…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
不得不破題直說 Galaxy J7 是一台CP值極高的智慧型手機,集合了5.5吋大螢幕、雙卡雙待、4G全頻、可擴充記憶卡、可更換電池…等大家喜愛的功能,更直接把F1.9大光圈和前後雙LED補光燈的旗艦機等級配備直接下放到定位在中低階層級的 Galaxy J7 ,整體的配置與售價更是讓人眼睛為之一亮,而且在許多地方甚至都能跟旗艦機一較高下,硬大不再多言直接跟大家分享!講究高CP值、孝親機的使用者幾乎都會選擇大尺寸螢幕的手機給長輩使用,現在大尺寸螢幕已經不再是高階旗艦機獨享的規格,Galaxy J7 搭載5…
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好啦~看完這些介紹可能會讓人以為 Galaxy J7 會是旗艦機等級的產品,我也希望這價格可以買到旗艦機,不過想當然是不可能的事情呀!整體來說Galaxy J7的介面和其他 Samsung 手機差不多,規格上雖然僅配置1.5GB的記憶體,但出場的調教讓操作體驗非常流暢,不論使用 App 或切換畫面都不會有延遲的狀況,系統也沒有太多內建程式占用記憶體,系統對記憶體的管控相當不錯,對於會長期使用手機的人來說,越用越慢的情況在 Galaxy J7 上會比較不明顯(這是許多Android手機的致命傷,也是對手陣營…
2017 for some, Pro for others – seemingly identical Galaxies come in a number of different, market-specific flavors this year, and we now have the Galaxy J7 Pro for review. An offshoot of the ever-growing J7 family, the Pro is meant for India, South East…
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This might not be a Pro device through and through – it’s more like an advanced amateur – but the Galaxy J7 Pro should be on your shortlist if you’re looking for a reasonably priced midranger that delivers where it matters the most. It’s a bit of a letdow…
Smartphones are revolutionary, powerful and life changing, but literally no one uses their full potential, companies and consumers alike. A company can only do business if it can make profits, while consumers will only buy the product that covers all thei…
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Attractive, sturdy design, Excellent battery life, Decent camera, Good display, Seperate slots for SIMs and SD card…
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Only 3GB RAM, Performance is slow, Camera isn’t dependable…
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The Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro has excellent battery life, has a good display, is well designed, and has a decent camera. If Samsung made this fast and snappy, this would have certainly been a no brainer. Instead, it’s a good phone that would have made much mo…
At an event in New Delhi on Wednesday, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy J7 Pro and Galaxy J7 Max. The all-new J-series smartphones come with Samsung Pay and Samsung Pay Mini respectively, Samsung’s payment solution that has been missing from the range so far…
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Samsung’s new Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 Pro smartphones no doubt pack some decent specifications under the hood. The Samsung Pay addition makes the phones quiet capable too. The camera is also impressive on both the Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 Pro, and…
Will the latest Galaxy J7 Pro be able to compete with the others or will simply bow down to the competition?To sum up, the Galaxy J7 Pro has a lot to offer and on papers, it surely looks promising. The phone comes loaded with some premium design coupled w…
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To sum up, the Galaxy J7 Pro has a lot to offer and on papers, it surely looks promising. The phone comes loaded with some premium design coupled with a compact look, though the specifications are pretty much standard across this price range. As for the c…
The Galaxy J7 (2017) is the latest annual edition of an already popular phone. The J series has already shaped up as a home to some solid midrange propositions, and the Galaxy J7 (2017) is meant to spice things up even further. The newcomer is blurring th…
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Samsung knows its way around the mid-range just as well as it dominates the top-end market. Maybe that’s why we had such high hopes for the Galaxy J7 and we wanted to find good reasons to like it.Samsung did get quite a few things right- the all-metal sp…
Layar merupakan bagian paling penting dari sebuah smartphone masa kini. Kamu melakukan berbagai aktivitas lewat layar sentuh yang disematkan. Nggak mengherankan apabila teknologi layar semakin canggih belakangan ini.Lewat berbagai fitur terbaru, kamu baka…
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Nah itulah 10 smartphone dengan layar terbaik sepanjang tahun 2017 versi GSM Arena. Selain resolusi ternyata fitur dan keunikan yang ditawarkan jadi penilaian tersendiri loh. Mana yang paling menarik? Atau punya rekomendasi sendiri? Yuk share pada kolom k…
Daya tahan baterai memang menjadi salah satu sektor yang paling diperhatikan saat membeli sebuah smartphone. Kamu pun dapat melakukan aktivitas seharian tanpa perlu kehabisan daya baterai smartphone guys. Selain kapasitas baterai besar, banyak faktor yang…
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Nah itulah 10 smartphone Android daya tahan baterai terbaik di tahun 2017. Mulai dari seri flagship hingga yang paling murah, kamu bisa memilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan kamu. Lalu manakah yang paling menarik menurutmu? Yuk share pada kolom ko…
Galaxy J7 Pro hadir sebagai smartphone kelas menengah yang bertujuan sebagai pendukung Anda aktif di media sosial. Mengingat untuk aktif di medial sosial memerlukan kuota data yang tidak sedikit, Galaxy J7 Pro dilengkapi dengan fitur Ultra Data Saving aga…
Bulan Juli 2017 kemarin, Samsung memboyong dua smartphone terbarunya, yakni Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro dan Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro. Masih ditargetkan terutama untuk pasar smartphone kelas menengah, kedua smartphone ini dimaksimalkan untuk bisa memenuhi kebutuhan…
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Seri Galaxy J sendiri kerap memberikan berbagai terobosan dan fitur unik yang cukup “mewah” untuk sebuah smartphone kelas menengah. Seri Galaxy J7 Pro ini telah berhasil membuktikan diri sebagai smartphone kelas menengah dengan spesifikasi dan performa ya…
Jika seri A dan S dirasa kemahalan, pengguna smartphone Samsung tidak perlu bingung karena vendor asa korea ini menyiapkan smartphone J series yang dibanderol dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau. Masuk dikelas menengah Samsung J Series siap Anda miliki den…
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Desain kokoh dan keren, Kualitas layar baik sangat baik, Hasil kamera bagus, Memiliki Fingerprint scanner yang responsif, Daya tahan baterai kuat…
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Softkey tidak dibekali backlight, Kapasitas RAM dan memori internal kurang besar, Share this, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)…
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Dengan harga Rp3.999.000, Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro menawarkan cukup banyak keungulan. Tidak hanya kameranya yang mupuni, perfoma smartphone juga dapat diandalkan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Ditambah lagi dengan desain yang menarik, dan terus terang saya san…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:13
Setelah penantian cukup lama, Samsung Galaxy J Pro series akhirnya resmi di pasarkan di Tanah Air. Salah satu dari seri tersebut ialah Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro. Smartphone kelas menengah ke atas ini dihadirkan untuk mereka yang menyukai aktivitas foto selfie…
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Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro, Penampilan berkelas dan mewah berkat material metal, Dipercantik oleh sentuhan teknologi 2.5D Curved Glass, Layar Super AMOLED seluas 5,5 inch dan Full HD, Dilengkapi pelindung layar Corning Gorilla Glass 4, Sistem operasi Android…
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Baterai Non-removable, Belum dilengkapi dengan fast charging…
Pasca mengupas tuntas Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro pada edisi lalu, kali ini PULSA kembali akan mengupas secara tuntas smartphone Galaxy J Series berikutnya yakni Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro. Smartphone seri tertinggi dari keluarga J ini hadir dengan tampilan desain d…
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Untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan fotografi seperti aksi selfie dan vlogging perangkat ini cukup baik berkat resolusi kamera depan dan belakang yang tertanam selain itu dukungan Aperture yang tersedia memungkinkan pengguna untuk dapat mengeksplore kamera yang…
Perkembangan smartphone memang selalu menarik untuk diikuti. Khususnya smartphone flagship atau high-end, mulai dari rumor, bocoran, hingga peluncurannya selalu menjadi berita utama.Desain yang memukau, chipset super kuat, kamera super canggih, dan sejum…
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Itulah 10+ smartphone kelas menengah terbaik saat ini di Indonesia versi JalanTikus, berdasarkan pertimbangan harga, spesifikasi, dan fitur unggulannya. Tentu, yang terbaik buat kamu adalah sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu dan kebutuhan setiap orang berbeda-b…
Bodi kece, kamera depan bening buat selfie sama live video, baterai awet buat main game, dan performa ngacir tanpa lag. Itu semua pastinya merupakan hal-hal penting yang hampir semua orang inginkan, terutama ketika berencana membeli sebuah smartphone Andr…
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Nah itu dia 10 smartphone Android terbaru edisi bulan Agustus 2017. Dari mulai kehadiran Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro dan Galaxy J7 Pro di Indonesia untuk penyuka live vlogging, keunikan dua layar flagship Meizu, hingga jagoan tahan banting Motorola Moto Z2 Forc…
Jaka sudah kumpulkan, daftar smartphone Android terbaru edisi bulan Juni 2017. Seperti yang kamu ketahui, saat ini orang-orang sangat enggan meninggalkan smartphone mereka, bahkan lebih baik ketinggalan dompet daripada smartphone saat bepergian. Kamu sepe…
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Itulah 10 smartphone Android terbaru edisi bulan Juni 2017. Kamu paling naksir yang mana? Share pendapat kamu di kolom komentar di bawah ini ya.Baca juga artikel seputar Smartphone atau tulisan dari Lukman Azis lainnya.Artikel Menarik Lainnya:OnePlus 5 Ja…
Di pertengahan tahun 2017 lalu, Samsung akhirnya ikut meramaikan persaingan smartphone dengan dual-camera. Setelah Galaxy Note8, Samsung meluncurkan Galaxy J7+ di Indonesia yang dibekali kamera belakang ganda untuk mengisi pasar kelas mengengah.Kami telah…
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Kualitas rancang bangun bagus, Kamera belakang cukup baik di kelasnya, Fitur Live Focus mampu memberikan efek bokeh natural, Kamera selfie tajam dan didukung Sticker, Dibekali fitur berguna seperti Secure Folder dan Ultra Data Saving, Baterai cukup untuk…
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Memori internal kurang besar, Slot microSD hybrid, Harga kurang menarik…
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Samsung Galaxy J7+ bisa dibilang merupakan smartphone kelas menengah dengan harga yang cukup tinggi jika melihat spesifikasi yang ditawarkannya. Apakah harga tersebut layak? Menurut kami tergantung dari mana Anda melihatnya.Terlepas dari semua fitur yang…
GadgetDquad.id – Generasi milenial atau saat ini sering disebut juga “Kids Zaman Now”, menjadi pasar potensial bagi para pelaku bisnis, termasuk di industri hape. Jangan heran kalau sekarang ini banyak vendor merilis smartphone baru, yang mengusung berbag…
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Dengan harga jual yang sekitar Rp 4 jutaan ke atas, Samsung Galaxy J7+ membidik generasi milenial di segmen menengah ke atas. Jika berkaca pada tampilan, hingga teknologi yang diusung, harga yang diusung Samsung galaxy J7+ terbilang sebanding. Apa yang di…
Smartphone dengan fitur canggih memang paling laris manis di pasaran, apalagi kalau harganya murah! Belum rilis saja, udah ada aja yang mau beli. Di sepanjang tahun 2017, ada banyak smartphone yang berhasil menarik perhatian masyarakat Indonesia.Dari se…
Salah satu faktor penentu para milenial dalam memilih sebuah smartphone adalah dari fitur kamera. Oleh karenanya banyak vendor kini mengedepankan kamera, sebagai keunggulan utama pada smartphone yang mereka produksi. Salah satunya Samsung Galaxy J7+ yang…
Updated: 2020-03-15 05:03:30
Jakarta: Samsung pertama kali memasang kamera ganda pada Galaxy Note 8. Tak lama kemudian, perusahaan asal Korea Selatan itu membawa kamera ganda pada smartphone kelas menengahnya, Galaxy J7+. Meski memiliki kamera ganda, tentu saja performa keduanya ber…
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Hasil jepretan kamera yang baik + Performa memuaskan…
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Memori internal kecil – Harga cukup mahal dibandingkan pesaing…
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Samsung Galaxy J7+ ditawarkan dengan harga yang lebih mahal jika dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya, meski memiliki spesifikasi yang kurang lebih sama.Sebagai gantinya, Samsung berusaha untuk menawarkan pengalaman penggunaan yang lebih baik, misalnya dengan m…
Ponsel ini bisa dibilang sebagai varian Galaxy J7 termahal yang edar di pasaran saat ini. Embel-embel ‘Dual Camera’ jadi pembeda utama dari model Galaxy J7 sebelumnya. Tidak seperti ponsel-ponsel berkamera ganda vendor lain, Samsung juga menjejalkan berag…
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Ponsel kedua Samsung yang mengusung Dual Camera ini memang menawarkan sesuatu yang berbeda dari seri J lain. Dengan banderolan harga setengah dari Note8, Galaxy J7+ memang diposisikan untuk menyasar kelas menengah. Namun jika dikomparasi dengan ponsel sej…
Kabar perilisan Android O yang dijadwalkan bulan-bulan ini berbarengan dengan rilisnya smartphone terbaru Nokia pada 16 Agustus mendatang. Meski belum tahu pasti Nokia bakal menggunakan nama Nokia 8 atau Nokia 9, namun yang jelas muncul spesifikasi perang…
Artikel ini hasil kerja sama JalanTikus dengan SAMSUNG GALAXY J5 & J7Performa komputasi bukan satu-satunya hal utama pada sebuah smartphone. Sebuah smartphone dengan harga terjangkau tetap harus bisa diandalkan untuk menjalankan beragam aplikasi dan game…
Samsung, ako známy výrobca telefónov s prívlastkom Galaxy, má okrem najdrahších modelov aj tie lacnejšie.Niečo pre nás ostatných, čo chceme skôr telefón so slušnou výbavou, kvalitným spracovaním, ale ešte aj za dobrú cenu. Práve toto spĺňajú všetky tri no…
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kvalitné spracovanie, 5,5″ displej s malým okrajmi…
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kapacita batérie stále nezaručí dvojdňovú výdrž…
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Ako to teda je s výberom konkrétneho modelu? Kto chce fakt malý telefón a zároveň pozerá aj na cenu, a to viac ako na parametre, pre neho je tu Galaxy J3. Nič lacnejšie v teste nemáme. Je to príjemný telefón, šikovný do ruky a je to výborná vstupná brána…
เราคงเห็นการพัฒนาของมือถือในรุ่นของ Samsung Galaxy J7 มาหลายปี และแต่ละปีก็จะเริ่มมีความใกล้เคียงกับ Galaxy A ซึ่งเป็นระดับกลางอยู่เสมอ และครั้งนี้ก็เช่นกันกับรีวิว Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro ที่ผมว่าคำที่ผมพูดเมื่อกี้มันใกล้มากแล้วถ้าใครบอกว่า Samsung Galaxy…
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ความคุ้มค่าหลังได้ลอง Samsung Galaxy J7 Proยกระดับจากมือถือระดับเกือบหมื่นเข้าสู่หมื่นต้น พร้อมกับลูกเล่นแพรวพราว จนเรียกได้ว่าใครที่ไม่ชอบ Galaxy A ที่เน้นบอดี้กระจก แต่ต้องการ Full Option Galaxy J7 Pro ก็เลือกได้เลย แต่ถ้า J7 Pro ใหญ่ไปแล้ว J5 Pro รุ่นเ…
สิ้นสุดการรอคอยสำหรับมือถือที่เรียกได้ว่ารุ่นล่างค่อนกลาง ๆ อย่าง Galaxy J ในปี 2017 ซึ่งครั้งนี้จะมีการอัพแน่นในเรื่องของเทคโนโลยีจาก���ือถือระดับกลางอย่าง Galaxy A เลยทีเดียว จึงเป็นมือถืออย่าง Galaxy J7 Pro เป็นผลผลิตล่าสุดและอัดฟีเจอร์เต็มแน่น ๆ ในราคาไ…
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บอดี้สวยน้ำหนักเบา, แบตเตอรี่ทนมาก, ลูกเล่นครบและมี NFC และ Samsung Pay, กล้องหน้าและหลังความละเอียดเท่ากัน, ระบบเสียงจัดว่าดีเยี่ยม…
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รูปร่างเสาอากาศดูแปลก ๆ, ไม่กันน้ำ, เปลี่ยนแบตฯไม่ได้นะ…
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เป็นการพัฒนาของมือถือ Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro ถือว่าทำให้รู้ว่า ราคามือถือไม่ได้เป็นอุปสรรค์สำหรับมือถือที่ต้องการฟีเจอร์เยอะ และใช้งานได้จริง แม้ว่าจะไม่ได้กันน้ำและมีกล้องหลังที่ว่องไวสักเท่าไหร่ แต่ก็ถือว่าเป็นมือถือที่มีราคาไม่ได้แพงเท่าไหร่ราคาของ Sams…
รีวิว Review Samsung Galaxy J7 Proสมาร์ทโฟน J-Series ตัวท็อปใหม่ล่าสุด! กับจอ Super AMOLED Full HD ใหญ่เต็มตา 5.5 นิ้ว, กล้องหน้า-หลัง 13 ล้านพิกเซล, ชิปเซ็ต Exynos 7870, ROM 32GB, RAM 3GB, Android 7.0, แบตเตอรี่ 3600 mAh, ฟังก์ชัน Dual Messenger, เซ็นเซอ…
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ตัวเครื่องที่ใช้เทคโนโลยีการผลิตแบบ Full Metal Unibody จึงทำให้ตัวเครื่องมีความเรียบหรู และแข็งแรงทนทานเป็นพิเศษ, เซ็นเซอร์สแกนลายนิ้วมือ (Fingerprint Sensor) สำหรับตรวจสอบสิทธิ์ของการเข้าใช้งานเครื่อง และการเข้าถึงข้อมูลภายใน, จอแสดงผลแบบ  Super AMOLED…
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เนื่องจากเป็นดีไซน์แบบ Full Metal Unibody ที่ไม่มีฝาหลัง จึงไม่สามารถถอดเปลี่ยนแบตเตอรี่เองได้, หน่วยความจำ RAM มีขนาดเพียง 3 GB ซึ่งถือว่าไม่มากนัก หากเทียบกับสมาร์ทโฟนรุ่นอื่นๆ ในระดับราคาเดียวกัน, ช่องเชื่อมต่อยังคงเป็นแบบ microUSB ยังไม่ใช่ช่องเชื่อม…
เริ่มทยอยวางจำหน่ายในไทยแบบไม่เป็นทางการไปแล้ว ตั้งแต่วันที่ 28 มิถุนายน 2560 ที่ผ่านมา สำหรับ Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro สมาร์ทโฟนน้องใหม่ล่าสุดในตระกูล Galaxy J รุ่นน่าสนใจ ที่อัดแน่นมาด้วยฟังก์ชันในระดับมือถือเรือธง ไม่ว่าจะเป็น Always On Display และ Samsun…
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หน้าจอแสดงผลกว้าง 5.5 นิ้ว แบบ Super AMOLED Capacitive Touchscreen 16.7 ล้านสี ความละเอียด 1920 x 1080 พิกเซล (401 ppi), กระจกหน้าจอขอบนูนแบบ 2.5D, ชิปเซ็ต Exynos 7870 แบบ Octa-Core Processor ความเร็ว 1.6 GHz, หน่วยประมวลผลภาพกราฟิก Mali-T830 MP2 GPU, หน่…
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ตัวเครื่องไม่สามารถถอดแกะฝาหลังเพื่อเปลี่ยนแบตเตอรี่เองได้, ความละเอียดของหน้าจอ ไม่ใช่ระดับ QHD (2K), ไม่รองรับคุณสมบัติด้านการกันน้ำและกันฝุ่น, ไม่รองรับระบบการชาร์จแบตเตอรี่ความเร็วสูง (Fast Charging), ข้อควรทราบ: “เครื่อง Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro ที่ท่าน…
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สำหรับ Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro รุ่นนี้ ถือว่าเป็นอีกรุ่นที่มีความโดดเด่นตั้งแต่รูปลักษณ์ภายนอก ด้วยตัวเครื่องแบบโลหะที่ให้ความรู้สึกแข็งแกร่ง และจับได้ถนัดมือ พร้อมสเปกที่อัดแน่นมาแบบเกินราคา ไม่ว่าจะเป็น หน้าจอแสดงผลขนาด 5.5 นิ้ว แบบ Super AMOLED ความละเอี…
ถือเป็นการอัพเกรดใหญ่ เหมือนบินไปโมหน้ามาใหม่จากเกาหลี (เอ มันก็แบรนด์เกาหลีอยู่แล้วนี้นา) เลยก็ว่าได้สำหรับ Galaxy J7 Pro ที่เปลี่ยนโฉมจากรูปแบบตระกูล J เดิมๆ แบบสิ้นเชิง ทั้งดีไซน์และวัสดุ โดยเฉพาะการได้ฝาหลังโลหะมาแบบ Unibody แกร่งทั่วแผ่น แถมยังเอาฟีเ…
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จุดเด่นตัวเครื่องโลหะ Unibody แข็งแรงทนทานใช้งานได้ 2 ซิม + microSD ไม่ต้องแย่งช่องกันมีวิทยุ FMเป็น Galaxy J ที่ฟีเจอร์ครบที่สุดตั้งแต่มันเกิดมากล้องหน้าดี กล้องหลังดีกว่าจุดด้อยตัวเครื่องแอบหนักไปหน่อย น่าจะเพราะแบตและฝาหลังกล้องในที่แสงน้อยต้องนิ่งนิดน…
กลายเป็นว่าในปีนี้ Samsung เลือกที่จะใช้คำว่า Pro มาต่อท้ายเพื่อแสดงให้เห็นถึงความต่างของสมาร์ทโฟนในตระกูล Samsung Galaxy J ที่ในปีที่แล้วใช้การแยกรุ่นใหม่ด้วยการเติม (2016) เข้าไปต่อท้าย ในรุ่นสุดฮิตแห่งปี แต่พอมาในปี 2017 Samsung เลือกที่ใช้คำว่า Pro มา…
สวัสดีเพื่อนๆ TechXcite ทุกท่าน กลับมาพบกับบทความรีวิวสมาร์ทโฟนรุ่นใหม่ๆกับ เฮียแม็พ. TechXite อีกเช่นเคย วันนี้เราอยู่กับสมาร์ทโฟนตระกูล J รุ่นใหม่ของ Samsung อย่าง Galaxy J7 Pro นั่นเองครับ รุ่นนี้ก็ถือว่าเป็นรุ่นใหม่ล่าสุดของ Galaxy J ในปีนี้ที่เปิดตัว…
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หน้าจอ Super Amoled ขนาด 5.5 นิ้ว แสดงผลสวยสด, รัน Android 7.0 Nougat เวอร์ชั่นใหม่แบบเดียวกับ S8, มีระบบ Dual Messenger แบ่งแยก���อปแชทออกมาได้, เซ็นเซอร์สแกนลายนิ้วมือทำงานรวดเร็ว, รองรับ 2 ซิมและ MicroSD ด้วยถาดซิมแบบ 3 Slot, กล้องหน้าหลัง 13 ล้านพิกเซลค…
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ไม่มีไฟ LED แจ้งเตือน, ปุ่มกดแบบสัมผัสไม่มีไฟ Backlit…
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จัดว่าเป็นอีกหนึ่งสมาร์ทโฟน Samsung ที่คุ้มค่าและน่าสนใจมากๆรุ่นนึงเลย เพราะด้วยรูปลักษณ์ภายนอกที่ดูดีขึ้น น่าสัมผัสด้วยบอดี้แบบ Metal Unibody แถมสเปคก็ให้มาแบบครบครันต่อการใช้งานทั่วๆไป ทั้งหน้าจอ Super Amoled 5.5 นิ้ว, หน่วยประมวลผล Exynos 7870, แรม 3…
Samsung ปล่อยตัวสมาร์ทโฟนในราคาระดับกลางๆ รุ่นใหม่ออกมาหนึ่งรุ่นครับ Galaxy J7 Pro ซึ่งเป็นรุ่นที่พิเศษตรงที่ Samsung ใส่ฟังก์ชั่นของพวกเขาเข้ามาให้แบบไม่สนราคาเลยครับ มาครบหมดแบบที่รุ่นใหญ่มี ไม่ว่าจะเป็นฟังก์ชั่น Alway on หรือบริการ Samsung PAY ก็รองรับ…
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เป็นเครื่องระดับกลางๆ ที่ได้ฟังก์ชั่นการใช้งานจาก Samsung มาครบมาก ���ั้ง Samsung Pay และ always on display แบตเตอรี่อึดใช้งานได้นาน…
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ยังใช้พอร์ตแบบ Micro USB อยู่…
– รองรับคลื่นความถี่ 3G/4G LTE, ใช้งาน 2 ซิมการ์ด (Duos Tray) สแตนด์บาย 3G+4G LTE พร้อมกัน – หน้าจอ Super-AMOLED ขนาด 5.5 นิ้ว (1920×1080) – เมมโมรีภายใน 32GB + MicroSD สูงสุด 256GB – ชิพประมวลผล Exynos 7870 Octa + แรม 3GB – ระบบปฏิบัติการ Android 7.0 – ก…
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บอดี้พกพาง่าย หน้าจอใหญ่สว่างคมชัด, งานบอดี้แข็งแกร่งดีครับ, เล่น Social พร้อมกัน 2 Account ผ่าน Dual Messenger, รองรับ Samsung Pay, กล้องหน้าทำมาดีมากเทียบกับ J7 Prime, J7 (2016), แบตอึด, สองซิมแบบถาดแยก / รองรับสแตนด์บาย 3G4G พร้อมกัน…
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ราคาเปิดตัวสูงไปนิดนึง, เล่นเกมกราฟฟิคสูงไม่ไหว (ต้องปรับ Low หมด เช่น Lineage 2 Revolution), ไม่รองรับ FastCharge, มีคู่แข่งสเปคดีกว่า เช่น Vivo V5s, Moto G5 Plus, Zenfone 3 5.5″ (ลดราคา), Product Placement ชนกับ Galaxy A5 (2017)…
Updated: 2019-12-03 05:35:15
– รองรับคลื่นความถี่ 3G/4G LTE, ใช้งาน 2 ซิมการ์ด (Duos Tray) สแตนด์บาย 3G+4G LTE พร้อมกัน – หน้าจอ Super-AMOLED ขนาด 5.5 นิ้ว (1920×1080) – เมมโมรีภายใน 32GB + MicroSD สูงสุด 256GB – ชิพประมวลผล Exynos 7870 Octa + แรม 3GB – ระบบปฏิบัติการ Android 7.0 – ก…
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บอดี้พกพาง่าย หน้าจอใหญ่สว่างคมชัด, งานบอดี้แข็งแกร่งดีครับ, เล่น Social พร้อมกัน 2 Account ผ่าน Dual Messenger, รองรับ Samsung Pay, กล้องหน้าทำมาดีมากเทียบกับ J7 Prime, J7 (2016), แบตอึด, สองซิมแบบถาดแยก / รองรับสแตนด์บาย 3G4G พร้อมกัน…
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ราคาเปิดตัวสูงไปนิดนึง, เล่นเกมกราฟฟิคสูงไม่ไหว (ต้องปรับ Low หมด เช่น Lineage 2 Revolution), ไม่รองรับ FastCharge, มีคู่แข่งสเปคดีกว่า เช่น Vivo V5s, Moto G5 Plus, Zenfone 3 5.5″ (ลดราคา), Product Placement ชนกับ Galaxy A5 (2017)…
อยากได้มือถือกล้องคู่ แต่งบไม่ถึง Samsung Galaxy Note 8 มีรุ่นใดทดแทนกันได้บ้าง ? เชื่อได้เลยว่า หลาย ๆ ท่านคงจะได้เห็นดีไซน์และคุณสมบัติต่าง ๆ บน Samsung Galaxy Note 8 มือถือเรือธงรุ่นใหม่ล่าสุดจาก Samsung กันไปแล้ว แต่ด้วยราคาค่าตัวถึง 33,900 บาท ทำให้ต…
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บอดี้ตัวเครื่องเป็นโลหะ, หน้าจอแสดงผลขนาด 5.5 นิ้วแบบ Super AMOLED ความละเอียด 1920 x 1080 พิกเซล, ชิปเซ็ต MediaTek MT6757 Helio P20 แบบ Octa-Core Processor ความเร็ว 2.39 GHz, หน่วยประมวลผลภาพ Mali-T880 GPU, หน่วยความจำ RAM ขนาด 4 GB, หน่วยความจำภายในขนาด…
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ไม่รองรับ Samsung Pay, ไม่สามารถใส่ซิมการ์ดที่ 2 พร้อมกับ microSD Card ได้ ต้องเลือกอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง, ตัวเครื่องไม่สามารถถอดแกะฝาหลังเพื่อเปลี่ยนแบตเตอรี่เองได้, ความละเอียดของหน้าจอ ไม่ใช่ระดับ QHD (2K), ไม่รองรับคุณสมบัติด้านการกันน้ำและกันฝุ่น, ไม่รอง…
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ถึงแม้ว่าในปัจจุบัน สมาร์ทโฟนระดับกลาง จะมีให้เลือกมากมายหลายรุ่น แต่จุดเด่นที่ทำให้ Samsung Galaxy J7+ รุ่นนี้ เหนือกว่ารุ่นอื่น ๆ ที่มีระดับราคาใกล้เคียงกัน นั่นก็คือ กล้องคู่ (Dual-Camera) ที่หาได้ยากในกลุ่มสมาร์ทโฟนระดับกลาง ด้วยราคาค่าตัวหมื่นต้น ๆ แ…
หลังจากที่ ทีมงาน Sanook! Hitech ได้ไปลองของกับ Samsung Galaxy J7+ ที่ช่างชุ้ยมา แล้วมีการแปะโป้งหลายรายการว่าให้รอดูรีวิวนั้น ตอนนี้สิ้นสุดการรอคอยแล้วครับ ขอเชิญพบกับรีวิว Samsung Galaxy J7 Plus ณ บัดนี้- ขนาดตัวเครื่อง 152.4 x 74.7 x 7.9 มิลลิเมตร- สีต…
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ตัวเครื่องสวยกำลังดี, แบตเตอรี่ทน, ลูกเล่นกล้องหลังคู่ทำได้ดีพอสมควร, กล้องหน้าและหลังถ่ายภาพได้หน้าชัดหลังเบลอได้, ระบบเสียงจัดว่าดี…
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ไม่มี NFC, ไม่มีระบบชาร์จไฟเร็ว, กล้องหลังคู่ไม่ได้ออกแบบเพื่อมาเพื่อการซูม…
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เป็นมือถืออีกรุ่นที่เรียกได้ว่าออกมาต่อยอดในเรื่องการทำกล้องหลังคู่ของ Samsung แม้ว่า Note 8 จะมีราคาสูงไปและเป็นกล้องซูมได้ แต่บางคนก็อยากได้กล้องที่ทำแค่ละลายหลังได้ Samsung Galaxy J7 Plus เลยออกมาตอบโจทย์นี้ และฟีเจอร์นั้นก็มีพอดี ๆ กับการใช้งานทั่วไป…
หลังจากที่ Samsung Galaxy A 2016 เปิดตัวแล้ว ทำไมที่ Samsung จะไม่ส่งรุ่นฮิตขายดีอย่าง Samsung Galaxy J 2016 มาขายล่ะ เอาล่ะ รีวิวนี้เนื่องจากช้ากว่าเว็บอื่น แต่ขอลงละเอียดทุกการใช้งานของ Samsung Galaxy J7 Version 2 ซึ่งเป็นชื่อใหม่จะใช้กับตลาดบางประเทศ น…
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สเปคดีขึ้นแต่ราคาคงที่, เครื่องสวยแล้วจับถนัดมือมากขึ้น, เพิ่มความสามารถเรื่องกล้องเข้ามาเต็ม ๆ, ยังคงเป็นเครื่องที่ดูแลง่ายเหมือนเดิม…
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ไม่รองรับระบบ Quick Charge, ฝาหลังต้องเช็คให้ดีว่าปิดสนิดหรือไม่…
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calorieworkouts · 7 years ago
13 Legit Reasons to Start Bodyweight Training Today
Getting fit does not need to be made complex. Easy bodyweight workouts could be an excellent option for achieving gains in stamina, versatility, and general wellness. Most importantly, they don't set you back a point and you can normally do them almost anywhere. Still not persuaded? We've got 13 reasons bodyweight workouts need to be a vital element to your exercise regime.
Why Bodyweight Training Is the Best
1. It's a super-efficient workout.
Research recommends high-output, bodyweight-based exercises like plyometrics produce remarkable physical fitness gains basically durations.Effects of 6-Weeks Resistance Training Combined With Plyometric and Rate Workouts on Physical Efficiency of Pre-Peak Height Rate Football Players. Rodriguez-Rosell D, Franco-Márquez F, Pareja-Blanco F. International journal of sports physiology as well as efficiency, 2015, Jul.,():1555 -0265. Plyometric training enhances voluntary activation as well as toughness throughout isometric, concentric and eccentric tightenings. Behrens M, Mau-Moeller A, Mueller K. Journal of scientific research and medicine in sport/ Sports Medicine Australia, 2015, Feb.,():1878 -1861. Because there's no tools included, bodyweight exercises make it simple to transition from one transfer to the next with little remainder. And you have actually most likely currently listened to that those short-but-intense HIIT workouts could generate significant results.Eight weeks of a mix of high intensity interval training as well as conventional training minimize visceral adiposity and also boost physical fitness: a group-based treatment. Giannaki CD, Aphamis G, Sakkis P. The Journal of sports medication and bodily health and fitness, 2015, Jan.,():0022 -4707.
2. It can combine cardio and also stamina training
Performing fast cardio sessions (such as 60 secs of burpees or high-knees) between toughness activities (such as a set of push-ups or lunges) will certainly maintain the heart pumping while still encouraging muscle and stamina development.Extremely reduced volume, whole-body aerobic-resistance training improves cardio physical fitness and also muscular endurance in females. McRae G, Payne A, Zelt JG. Applied physiology, nourishment, as well as metabolic rate = Physiologie appliquée, nutrition et métabolisme, 2012, Sep.,37( 6):1715 -5312.
3. You can melt fat-- fast.
Just a couple of mins of a bodyweight circuit training could have a major effect on the body's metabolism.Evidence based workout - clinical benefits of high strength period training. Shiraev T, Barclay G. Australian family doctor, 2013, Nov.,41( 12):0300 -8495. If you've ever become aware of the afterburn impact, you understand that even when your exercise mores than, your body can still be revved for one hours to come.A 45-minute vigorous workout bout raises metabolic price for 14 hrs. Knab AM, Shanely RA, Corbin KD. Medicine and science in sporting activities as well as exercise, 2012, Mar.,43( 9):1530 -0315.
4. At any fitness level, it's tough.
Bodyweight workouts are great due to the fact that they're effortlessly modified to test anybody. Including additional representatives, carrying out the workouts quicker or extremely gradually, taking shorter breaks, or adding a ballistic activity (like a clap at the top of each push-up) are simply a few ways making the simplest exercise tougher. As well as with each included modification, your progression is evident.
5. You'll gain core toughness.
Your core is more compared to just six-pack abs. Actually, a minimum of twenty-nine muscles comprise the trunk of the body, as well as many basic bodyweight motions could be made use of to engage all of them. Such exercises will not simply offer you tighter abdominals, you'll additionally gain much better position, alleviate lower back anxiety, as well as enhance total performance.Optimizing performance by improving core security and core strength. Hibbs AE, Thompson KG, French D. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 2009, Mar.,38( 12):0112 -1642.
6. It can raise your versatility.
Not everybody that does routine resistance training has to wind up with tight muscle mass as well as stringent joints. Bodyweight training could go hand-in-hand with structure strength and also flexibility. Completing bodyweight workouts via a complete variety of activity ensures your joints are relocating openly. Plus, it could bring about improved pose as well as could decrease the opportunity of exercise-related injury.Basic principles concerning toughness, versatility, and stability exercises. Micheo W, Baerga L, Miranda G. PM & R: the journal of injury, feature, as well as rehabilitation, 2013, May.,4( 11):1934 -1563. The results of eccentric training on lower limb flexibility: a systematic review. O'Sullivan K, McAuliffe S, Deburca N. British journal of sporting activities medication, 2012, Apr.,46( 12):1473 -0480. Yoga exercise, the fave no-equipment workout for several, is another fantastic means to enhance adaptability while also considerably enhancing strength.Bikram yoga training as well as physical conditioning in healthy and balanced young adults. Tracy BL, Hart CE. Journal of stamina as well as conditioning research study/ National Stamina & Conditioning Organization, 2013, Nov.,27( 3):1533 -4287.
7. There's never ever a reason to not workout.
Ask a person why they do not work out, and also possibilities are they have 'no time' or it's 'bothersome.' The good news is bodyweight workouts get rid of those typical challenges. When you just require a little room, it's simple to squeeze in exercises anywhere you are. Exercising without devices can also be used as a stress reducer whether you're functioning at home or on the road.
8. You'll achieve better equilibrium.
When it involves this kind of training, in some cases boosting resistance means enhancing balance, as well. As an example, a regular squat can be increase by switching in a single-leg squat (a.k.a. a handgun squat). Useful movements like that a person can boost balance with increased body recognition as well as control.
9. You'll never ever obtain burnt out.
It can be simple to obtain embeded a workout rut of treadmills, bicep curls, lat pull-downs, as well as bench presses. That's why bodyweight training can be so revitalizing: There are numerous workout variants that could flavor up any kind of exercise program. Functioning with a range of workouts not just soothes monotony, it can likewise assist break plateaus as well as trigger more progress.
10. Blending your exercise is very easy.
Indoor excercise isn't for everyone. Luckily you can do these relocations inside or outdoors, alone or with a team of good friends. Think of including some strength relocates to your following park run, or completing a swim session with a quick bodyweight circuit to keep points interesting.
11. It's cost-free.
Gym subscriptions and shop classes could rapidly add up-- but bodyweight training is cost-free. Specialists cite the inexpensive of bodyweight training as essential to its surge in popularity.
12. It can aid with injury avoidance.
Injury is among the primary reasons people quit working out, so stopping those aches as well as pains must be a large top priority. Bodyweight exercises are typically secure for any type of exerciser despite experience, age, or health and fitness degree. Numerous simple bodyweight movements can actually be a reliable option for rehabilitation, also for those with substantial impairments.The efficiency of body weight-supported stride training and also flooring strolling in clients with chronic stroke. Peurala SH, Tarkka IM, Pitkänen K. Archives of physical medication and rehabilitation, 2005, Sep.,86( 8):0003 -9993.
13. You'll see outcomes.
Bodyweight exercises get results partially due to the fact that they involve compound motions-- indicating many joints and also muscle mass are taken part in each step. Substance exercises such as push-ups and lunges have actually been revealed to be extremely efficient for stamina gains and also performance improvements.Kinetic evaluation of numerous variants of push-ups. Ebben WP, Wurm B, VanderZanden TL. Journal of toughness and also conditioning study/ National Stamina & Conditioning Association, 2012, Feb.,25( 10):1533 -4287. Onward lunge: a training study of eccentric exercises of the reduced arm or legs. Jönhagen S, Ackermann P, Saartok T. Journal of toughness and also conditioning research/ National Stamina & Conditioning Association, 2009, Aug.,23( 3):1533 -4287. And also research study shows enhanced core stamina (see No. 5 above) equates to enhanced toughness gains throughout the entire body.Effect of core strength on the action of power in the extremities. Shinkle J, Nesser TW, Demchak TJ. Journal of toughness and also conditioning research/ National Toughness & Conditioning Association, 2012, May.,26( 2):1533 -4287.
The Takeaway
While there's no global 'best' way to work out for everybody, bodyweight movements provide bunches of benefits, particularly if you're new to resistance training. Whether you're at residence, at the fitness center, and even in a resort area, bodyweight training is one tool that can be practical to all degrees in every setting.
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redkiteradio · 5 years ago
12 Stats About best beginner keyboard piano
Correction Appended
On an album of bittersweet childrens tunes that she wrote in excess of ten years back, the woman who came for being recognized only because the piano teacher available what, in hindsight, looks as if an eerie glimpse of her possess long run.
Im going away today to a spot so far away, in which nobody is familiar with my title, she wrote inside the lyrics of the music named Going.
When she wrote that tune, she was youthful and vivacious, a piano Trainer and freelance audio writer who beloved Beethoven and jazz, sunsets and river sounds, lengthy walks and every little thing about New York.
On a kind of beloved walks, by way of Central Park in the brilliant Solar of the June day in 1996, a homeless drifter beat her and attempted to rape her, leaving her clinging to lifetime. After the assault, the words to her music came real. She moved absent, from New York City, out of her outdated life, and all but her closest buddies didn't know her title. To the remainder of the planet, she was — much like the a lot more renowned jogger attacked in Central Park seven several years before — an anonymous symbol of the urban nightmare. She was the piano Instructor.
Now, within the 10th anniversary from the attack, she's celebrating what seems to be her total recovery from brain trauma. She is forty two, married, with a little boy or girl. She is Kyle Kevorkian McCann, the piano Trainer, and she or he would like to tell her story, her way.
Her health care provider informed her it could consider ten years to Get better, and Sunday was that talismanic anniversary. I experience my lifetime has become redefined by Central Park, she reported several times in the past, her voice soft and hopeful. Before park; immediately after park. Will there ever be a time when I dont Feel, Oh, this is the 10th anniversary, the 11th anniversary?
She spoke in her modest ranch property inside a wooded subdivision in a The big apple suburb. She sat in the eating home strewn with toys, surrounded by photos of her cherubic, dark-haired 2-year-outdated daughter. A Steinway grand filled 50 percent the home, and at one particular level she sat down and performed. Her taking part in was forceful, but she appeared embarrassed to Perform more than a few bars, and shrugged, rather than answering, when questioned the identify in the piece. She requested that her daughter and her city not be named.
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She calls that working day, June 4, 1996, the working day After i was hurt.
Hers was the main in the string of attacks by the identical person on 4 women about 8 days. The final victim, Evelyn Alvarez, 65, was crushed to Loss of life as she opened her Park Avenue dry-cleansing store, and finally, the assailant, John J. Royster, was convicted of murder and sentenced to daily life in prison.
But the attack over the piano Trainer could be the 1 folks feel to keep in mind essentially the most. Part of the fascination has got to do with echoes of the 1989 attack over the Central Park jogger. But In addition it frightened individuals in a way the attack on the jogger did not since its conditions ended up so mundane.
It did not happen inside a remote Portion of the park late in the evening, but in close proximity to a well known playground at three during the afternoon. It might have transpired to any individual. The stress was heightened with the thriller from the piano lecturers identity.
For three days, as law enforcement and doctors tried using to learn who she was, she lay within a coma in her medical center mattress, anonymous. Her dad and mom were on holiday vacation and her boyfriend, also a musician, was in Europe, on tour. Last but not least, among her pupils recognized a police sketch and was capable of recognize her in the medical center by her fingers, mainly because her face was swollen past recognition. The law enforcement did not release her identify.
The very last thing she remembers about June four, 1996, is supplying a lesson in her studio condominium on West 57th Road, then putting her lengthy hair in the ponytail and heading out to get a wander. She would not remember the attack, While she has listened to the accounts with the law enforcement and prosecutors.
To me its just like a reality I figured out and memorized, she mentioned. Like I were being a university student at school finding out historical past.
She isn't going to contemplate the man who did it. I may need been angry for the moment, although not for much longer than that, she stated. How could I be indignant at John Royster? He was declared not insane, but I guess by our standards he was.
Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, her medical professional at Big apple Medical center-Cornell Health-related Center, as it had been known in 1996, instructed reporters that she had a ten per cent chance of survival. Physicians had to remove her forehead bone, which was later changed, to generate area for her swelling Mind. When her mom designed a public appeal to pray for my daughter, hundreds did.
Right after 8 days, she arrived away from a coma, very first in a vegetative state, then in the childlike point out. As she recovered, she slept very little and talked continuously, at times in gibberish. I had been getting mad at men and women every time they didnt respond to these words and phrases, she claimed.
Like an Alzheimers patient, she had little quick-expression memory and would neglect readers when they still left the room.
Around various months, she had to relearn the way to stroll, gown, browse and generate. Her boyfriend, Tony Scherr, frequented every day to Engage in guitar for her. He inspired her to Enjoy the piano, towards the recommendation of her Actual physical therapists, who imagined she can be discouraged by her inability to play the best way she when experienced. Mr. Scherr performed Beatles duets with her, participating in the still left-hand part whilst she performed the correct.
Which was my very best therapy, she reported.
In August, she moved again dwelling to New Jersey, along with her father, an engineer, and mother, a schoolteacher. She frequented outdated haunts and termed pals, making an attempt to restore her shattered memory. I was quite obsessive about remembering, she reported. Any memory decline was to me an indication of abnormality or deficit.
Her therapists believed her progress was terrific, but her two sisters protested that she was not the deep thinker she had been.
What bothered her most was that she had dropped a chance to cry, as though a faucet within her brain were turned off. One particular evening, nine months after she was harm, she stayed up late to look at the John Grisham Film A The perfect time to Eliminate. Just after her father experienced absent to bed, she watched a courtroom scene of Samuel Jacksons character on demo for killing two Guys who had raped his younger daughter.
The faucet opened, and also the tears trickled down her cheeks. I thought of my mother and father, my father, and the things they went through, she stated. Very little by small, my experience returned, my depth of brain returned.
Urged by her sisters, she went back again to highschool and bought a masters diploma in songs education.
Not all the things went perfectly. She and Mr. Scherr split up five years after the attack, although they continue to be friends. She dated other Males, but she usually advised them with regard to the attack instantly — she could not support it, she reported — and so they never ever referred to as for just a 2nd day.
We've got to find you anyone, her friend David Phelps, a guitar player, claimed four years in the past, right before introducing her to Liam McCann, a computer technician and amateur drummer. For once, she did not say something about the attack until finally she acquired to grasp Mr. McCann, after which you can when she did, he admired her power.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who had frequently frequented her at her bedside while she was inside the healthcare facility, married them in his Moments Sq. Office environment. She wore a blue costume and pearls. Although she was pregnant, inside of a burst of creativity, she and her pals recorded While Had been Younger, an album of childrens songs that she had written before the attack, such as the song Shifting. Her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Scherr, generated the CD. On it, her husband plays drums and she or he performs electrical piano.
Is her everyday living as it was? Not accurately, however she is hesitant to attribute the variations to her injuries. Her previous two piano pupils left her, without contacting to elucidate why, she stated. She has resumed playing classical tunes, but straightforward pieces, for the reason that her daughter would not give her the perfect time to practice. As for jazz, I dont even attempt, she reported.
She want to drive more, feeling stranded inside the suburbs, but she is definitely rattled. She attempts to be material with being residence and caring for her daughter.
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Dr. Ghajar, a scientific professor of neurological surgical procedure at what on earth is now termed New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Clinical Heart, who operated on Ms. Kevorkian McCann after the assault, said past week that her level of Restoration was unusual. Shes in essence ordinary, he explained.
Other authorities, who are not Individually aware of Ms. Kevorkian McCanns scenario, tend to be more cautious.
Regaining the ability to play the piano may include an Virtually mechanical course of action, a semiautomatic remember of what the fingers ought to do, reported Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay, a professor of clinical rehabilitation medication at New York College School of Medicine. At the time brain-wounded, you happen to be generally brain-hurt, For the remainder of your daily life, Dr. Ben-Yishay reported. There isn't a remedy, There is certainly only intense compensation.
The more telling A part of a Restoration, in his perspective, is psychological, and on that rating he counts Ms. Kevorkian McCanns relationship and child as a major victory.
For her element, the piano teacher knows she has modified, but she has built her peace with it. I used to be kind of a hyper —— I dont know if I had been a sort A, but I used to be bold, she says. Why was I so formidable? I had been a piano teacher. I dont determine what the ambition was about. I really did return to the person Im purported to be.
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enterinit · 6 years ago
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18963 released
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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18963 released. GPU temperature comes to Task Manager One of the longstanding requests we’ve been tracking for Task Manager is to add temperature monitoring support, and with today’s build we’re making progress on that ask. If you have a dedicated GPU card, we will now bubble up the current temperature next to its listing in the Performance Tab.
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We hope you like the change! If you have any further feedback for Task Manager, please don’t hesitate to share it. To make suggestions or report issues in this space, press WIN+F and file the feedback under Desktop Environment > Task Manager in the Feedback Hub. Notes: Showing the GPU temperature in Task Manager is currently only supported if you have a dedicated GPU card.You may need an updated graphics driver to see the temperature. Specifically one which supports version 2.4 (or higher) of WDDM is required. To check which version your PC has, press WIN+R and enter dxdiag. Under the Display tab, it will say your WDDM version next to Driver Model.Currently the temperature value is only supported in Celsius. Renaming your virtual desktops Virtual Desktops exist to help you visually and cognitively separate different tasks on your PC. They can also be handy when doing presentations – enabling you to prepare demos on different desktops. Something we’ve heard loud and clear is that you want to be able to set names for your different desktops, in order to help cement the separation between workspaces, and we’re excited to share that rolling out to Insiders in the Fast ring is exactly that! Wanna try it out? With the change, when you open Task View (by selecting the Task View button in the taskbar, or by pressing WIN+Tab,) clicking the name of your desktop will now switch it to be an editable fiel where you can set the name to be anything you’d like (including emoji). You can also right-click the thumbnail of the desired desktop in Task View, and a context menu with a Rename entry in it should appear. If you don’t have any additional desktops created yet, select “New desktop” in Task View to get started. And yes, since we know you’ll ask – the names persist reboot. Currently this change is live for 50% of Insiders in the Fast ring, and we’ll be expanding the rollout over the next few weeks as we evaluate the quality of experience. Improving the Optional Features page in Settings Based on your feedback, we’ve made a number of usability improvements to the Optional Features page in Settings (Settings > Apps & Features > Optional Features), and they’re now starting to roll out to Insiders in the Fast ring. Multi-select: You can now select and install multiple optional features at the same time.Better list management: You can now search through lists of optional features and sort them by Name, Size, and Install date.More useful information: You can now see the install date for each optional feature in your ‘Installed features’ list. We’ve also added feature dependencies to the description of each optional feature in the list of features available for install.Easier page navigation: View the status of your latest installs/uninstalls/cancels right on the main page in the ‘Latest actions’ section. You can now add optional features and view your history via pop-up dialogues, so you never have to navigate away from the main page We’re excited for you to try it! Currently these changes are live for 50% of Insiders in the Fast ring, and we’ll be expanding the rollout over the next few weeks as we evaluate the quality of experience. Here’s a peek at what you’ll see once it’s available on your PC: Adding Mouse Cursor speed to Settings As some Insiders have noticed, you can now set your mouse cursor speed from within Settings! This is the latest piece of our larger ongoing effort to converge Settings and Control Panel experiences. You can find the setting under Settings > Devices > Mouse.
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Making Notepad store-updatable Notepad has been a well-loved text editor in Windows for over 30 years. Over the last few releases, we’ve been making a number of small improvements to Notepad based on your feedback (including expanded line ending support, wrap around search, and indicating when there’s unsaved content.) Starting with this build, we’re making a change so that future Notepad updates will be automatically available via the store. This will allow us the flexibility to respond to issues and feedback outside the bounds of Windows releases. As always, if you have any feedback for Notepad, we welcome it in the Feedback Hub under Apps > Notepad. Traditional Chinese IME improvements Thank you everyone who’s shared feedback about the new Traditional Chinese Bopomofo, ChangJie, and Quick IMEs. The developer team has been working on improving the quality and fixing bugs. With today’s build: Toolbar Improvements: We fixed an issue where toolbar shows up even when is turned off in the setting. We also added button in the toolbar menu. Note: Other ways to show/hide toolbar: From settings: Right click icon > Click > > From right click menu: Right click icon > Candidate Window Improvements: We have been working on improving candidate window quality. We fixed an issue where candidate window sometimes only showed limited number of candidates.We fixed an issue where candidates shown in table view cannot be selected by number keys. Changes to your account picture in Windows Changing the picture for the account you use to sign in to Windows is now better than ever! Your updated picture will now show up quickly across Windows, apps, and many of the Microsoft sites you use every day. Previously, you might see as many as three or four different pictures for your account in different apps and sites at one time. Its super easy to try out – just go to Your info in Windows settings and change your picture there! Steps Open “Your info” in Windows settings by pressing the Windows key, and typing “Your info,” and selecting “Your account info.”Use the options in ‘Create your picture’ to select a new picture for your account.Check if your picture has been updated in Windows, and on the sites and apps you use. Note: We’re still working with many sites and apps that will need to be updated to work well with this new feature. For example, the account manager control that appears in the upper right of many Microsoft websites currently updates every 24 hours. This will be changed in the next few months to update quickly when your account picture changes. Other updates for Insiders Windows Search improvements  We wanted to take a moment to cover some of the server-side search improvements we’ve been rolling out based on your feedback: Improved spell correction for Apps & Settings searches Windows Search has built-in spell correction to help you find what you’re looking for. When you’re typing quickly sometimes mistakes happen – we’re excited to announce that we’ve updated our spell correction technology to intelligently understand and correct small typos like “powerpiont” and “exce;” which previously would return no results. With these updates, you get better results faster. This feature is now available on both Insider and retail builds in English-language markets. Hints to improve Best match results Our goal with Windows Search is to provide a simple to use experience, and a key aspect of this is making results easy to understand. Something we’ve heard from you is surprise that sometimes settings search results don’t match your search. To help address this, in certain cases where the Best match result isn’t an exact match for your search, a “Related:” line will be included below the result to help clarify why this result is appearing.  We’ll be expanding this feature to include Apps search in the coming weeks.  This feature is now available on both Insider and retail builds in English (United States). Bringing the latest Search Home experience to more users With the Windows 10 May 2019 Update we updated Search Home to help you save time by adding quick access to your Top apps and Recent activities. After receiving positive feedback and comments about this new experience, we’re now making it available to more users by rolling it out to everyone using the Windows 10 October 2018 Update as well. We hope you find them useful and that they help make Search Home more productive for you. General changes, improvements, and fixes We fixed an issue where when connected via cellular or ethernet, the Network status would show you weren’t connected, even though you were able to successfully use the network.We fixed an issue resulting in the candidate selection in the prediction candidate window for the Japanese IME occasionally not matching the composition string.We fixed an issue where the candidate selection via number keys for the new Simplified Chinese IME did not match with the composition string.We fixed an issue impacting typing speed over remote desktop.We fixed an issue where, when using the emoji panel in certain places with an East Asian language active, it would close automatically after entering a single emoji even if the option to keep it open was enabled.We fixed an issue where typing a very long string with the Vietnamese Telex keyboard without committing could result in the underlying app crashing.We fixed a recent issue where the touch keyboard input a period when pressing the space key when typing in Korean.We fixed an issue where, if the Allow Input Personalization group policy was set to disabled, then search would crash.We fixed an issue resulting in search not returning results after disconnecting from the internet when using a local account.We fixed an issue that could cause the search box to become invisible in the taskbar if you opened Start menu while there was an update pending on your system.We fixed an issue for those using the new Cortana experience, where WIN+C wasn’t bringing up Cortana.We fixed an issue resulting in iCloud calendars not syncing with the Calendar app.In order to help reduce disk footprint, we’re shifting the Connect app to now be available as an optional feature downloadable in Settings.We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to setup Windows Hello in Settings in recent builds.We fixed a recent issue where if Sound Settings was open, and you used the hardware volume keys on your PC to update the volume, the master volume slider in Settings might not stay in sync with the current value.We fixed an issue resulting in the Graphics Settings drop-down list for Microsoft Store apps being empty.We fixed an issue impacting Snip & Sketch capture reliability in recent builds. Known issues Insiders may notice a new “Cloud download” option in the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) under “Reset this PC”. This feature is not working quite yet. We’ll let you know once it is, so you can try it out!There has been an issue with older versions of anti-cheat software used with games where after updating to the latest 19H1 Insider Preview builds may cause PCs to experience crashes. We are working with partners on getting their software updated with a fix, and most games have released patches to prevent PCs from experiencing this issue. To minimize the chance of running into this issue, please make sure you are running the latest version of your games before attempting to update the operating system. We are also working with anti-cheat and game developers to resolve similar issues that may arise with the 20H1 Insider Preview builds and will work to minimize the likelihood of these issues in the future.Some Realtek SD card readers are not functioning properly. We are investigating the issue.We’re investigating reports that the minimize, maximize, and close title bar buttons aren’t working for certain apps. If you’re using an impacted app, Alt+F4 should work as expected to close the app if needed. Read the full article
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survivor-rebelsvsroyals · 5 years ago
EPISODE 2- I made an oopsie!! - Asya
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HEY GUYS WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL lmfaooo it’s been so damn long i’m so rusty but we’re here and we're doing this ladies! Going into this I was worried it was gonna be a ton of new school people I didnt know who were all friends but I was fairly pleased that I actually know a good majority of the cast and I know everybody on my tribe except Anabel which is WILD. I didn't expect to know that many but its great. I’m gonna talk a bit about everybody then ill go into more: Anabel is the one person I didn’t know coming in but i’ve heard she’s super social which is MY THING so i gotta watch my back with that. We’ve had fun conversations though so nothing bad to say yet Dane Dane Dane where do I start? I don’t trust him one bit. I know we can have fun conversations but because of personal things with my friends I will forever watch my back with him because i’m a stubborn protective Mama Bear. Ryan and I already talked about getting him out lmfao Gloria has always been sweet to me but I have to figure out how to talk game with her. I’ve never actually played with her myself before just been in VLs or a jury host for a game shes in or something so this is a different perspective. Im not sure how its gonna go yet. Linus is my TUMBLR SURVIVOR BUDDY HERE LMFAOO Ive played with people on this tribe before but I don’t think i’ve played TS with anybody else? Either way we played to the end of Myanmar- oh wait excuse me ALMOST THE END BECAUSE OF A DUMB TWIST but yeah I honestly trust him alot because if I remember correctly he wasnt afraid to make moves but he was straight up with me and I appreciate that I’d rather someone be blunt with me and I dont like what they say than deal with a shady bitch! Also we just have good conversations imo and I think we’d be on the same wavelength talking game so he’s definitely someone I wanna work with Pippa is a SWEETIE I always love talking to her we can talk musicals all day all night but with her schedule we’ll have to see how much shes here because idk if she’s gonna be that into it tbh Ruthie is another sweetie but shes also smart and she knows i’m smart so I gotta watch she won’t kick my ass and stab my back singing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Ryan Matthew OK SO RYAN AND I HAVE A WILD HISTORY we always either love or hate eachother and so far we’ve decided this is a love game? Hopefully it’s legit but we’ll see im sure he’d flip on my ass if he felt like it lmfao but i’m gonna take it for what it is right now. We both don't trust dane and want him gone so I think right now we’re kinda following that “the enemy of your enemy is your friend” kinda motto. I actually wanna work with him this time though so we’ll seeeee RTP is always a blast I don't remember if i’ve actually ever played with him before but we’re both old as fuck in this community so we’ve been around the BLOCK. I know he knows how shit goes so he’ll probably pick up on bullshit quick so I wanna keep him on my good side! I definitely can see myself working with him Seamus i’ve always assumed is a hot ass mess lmfaooo he’s another one i dont remember if i’ve actually played with but I dont know if I trust him we had fun chats but idk how much I’ll trust him as a strategist but we havent gotten to that kind of discussion so we’ll see how that goes. For the most part I have general vibes/ experiences with these people on their own but I don’t know how they’re gonna mesh together so I really gotta watch them all and try to sort it out. I really think I can be in a good spot on this tribe and weasel my way through it but I have to calculate it PERFECTLY. These people aren’t newbies all of us have been here before and know how this works. I’m gonna work my social, be decent in the challenges and keep my mouth zipped while I try and figure our where everyone lies. I haven’t honestly really tried in a game in a long time and if people have forgotten what i’m capable of when I give a shit I can use that to my advantage. So i just gotta try and gage where everyone falls. STAY TUNEDDDD ALSO I JUST WANNA SAY MY FRIENDS AND PEOPLE I KNOW I COULD TRUST ARE ON THE OTHER TRIBE AND IM SAD I wanna work with them 😩😩😩 I need Dan Coffeycakes and Asya to get to swap but I'm also praying to the survivor Lorde™️ for the Royals so I don't die lol i’ll give more entertaining updates as thing progress but I just wanted to knock out the basic intro update ok byeeeeeeee 😘
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THE GAME HAS OFFICIALLY COMMENCED AND I AM IMMEDIATELY SHOOK. My number one ally and my friend or die and most importantly my friend got first boot but I’m proud of myself that I didn’t sell myself out and didn’t vote him. So the vote was 7-1-1-1 7 Keaton 1 nic 1 Lachie 1 Raffy which was me After the tribal finished I told everyone on call (Chloe Asya Lachie and Raffy) THST I voted Raffy because I had already told John anyway and I didn’t want it to get spread around so I came clean and I can just hope they all respect me for it. I gotta take it day by day and continue to build and maintain bonds. I wanna see if I can’t build a majority alliance I gotta go balls to the wall and leave no stone unturned because for my own sanity I want no regrets when I’m eventually voted out. I think Raffy respected that I can’t clean and that our game relationship can be worked on from here.
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Tribal was absolutely crazy. Keaton just popped the fuck off on everyone. He was the fourth crackhead that we needed, but didn't deserve. Asya, Lachie, and I being in an alliance? Nic controlling the game? Absolutely wild. The most interesting thing for me is that Brien voted me. I get that you know Keaton personally, but that just tells me that you will always choose your pre-existing relationship over me. It makes me hesitant to work with Brien since I don't know if he has anymore of these relationships throughout the game. I need to be careful what I say to him and how I come across from now on. I'm still playing the social game, talking with everyone, making sure things are going well for them. Hopefully it continues to go well and I can position myself into multiple alliances, but I don't know if I want to get that messy just yet. This two day challenge enables me to branch out my social game, so that's a plus. John brought up an alliance with Asya and Lachie that would include the Crackheads. However, he meant it as a joke. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to such an alliance. Though I would replace Lachie with someone else like Brien or Nic. It's just that I talk the least with Lachie and Asya so it would go pretty terrible in my opinion. We have to talk about that on call soon.
*a little while later*
Brien wants to start an alliance with me, him, John, Nic, and either Chloe/Trace. It would be a majority alliance, but I need to tell the Crackheads about it. We all need to be on the same page about things, otherwise we'll be a hot mess of an alliance (more so than we already are). Personally, I'd be perfectly fine with that kind of alliance, it'll give me the majority that I so desperately want.
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i’m gonna cry i have no time to do this challenge i hate this i hate isaac pls let someone be the dummy who doesn’t submit at all so i don’t get 19th
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Calling John and Raffy is like the highlight of my day
*a few minutes later*
"I need to find a shirt that I don't mind getting wet" - John 2K19 
 So what I'm hearing from that is he doesn't wash his clothes
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My tribe is absolutely THRIVING and I’ve never been happier. I know I’ll see tribal one day but until then it’s nice to have another night off! I can go about my day not scrambling around to make sure I’m good! Now to search for the idol HMM
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It sucks that we lost the challenge again. It's really bringing down morale. Because of this, I do think the next vote is going to be based on challenge performance which I take issue with. The two who did the worst are Chloe and Asya which means it's a pretty clear cut choice for me of who goes. It sucks because I like Asya a lot, but she just hasn't been as active as I would like her to be. At the end of the day, however, I just have to let it go and focus on the now. I'm not going to be pushing for Asya, but I sure hope she goes instead of Chloe.
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i made an oopsie !!! was the lowest scoring person in the whole game so that’s hot !!! don’t feel good about my chances this round since in the early game, challenge strength IS what you have to go off of. but i’ve had good conversations w people and i will continue to build on that til i’m gone. i think i have a solid grasp on dan, chloe and lachie. like i don’t think they’ll vote me. i think i’m getting along well w brien? idk. there’s also that one unaccounted for stray vote from last round so like. much to consider. i just need 4 people to not vote for me and i’m fine. who i’m voting for? wish i knew !!
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I was talking to Nic about the vote and he brings up two names: Chloe and Asya. I obviously preferred Asya to go so I said that to him. Then, not 5 seconds later, I hear from Chloe that Asya came up to her saying that I threw Asya's name out. Obviously Nic told Asya that I said her name. He's a little snake. I want him out of this game because he cannot be trusted with any information right now. I'm trying to leverage the situation in my favor by spreading that Nic told me it was Asya. So, something needs to be done.
*a little while LATER (you know the drill, this man talks A LOT)*
I'm currently talking to Lachie and Trace. However, Nic has also gotten to them too. I don't like this gut feeling that I am getting voted out. Apparently, Trace is onboard with getting Asya out according to Nic. Furthermore, Chloe told me that Asya is confused about what is happening with this vote. I am trying to confuse her. I told her that her name is getting thrown around, but I want to keep her. I need to keep this up till tribal in order to keep myself safe. Paranoia is the best coverage. Honestly, Nic going right now would not be bad. However, I need to make my play carefully
*literally like six seconds later*
Nic is very shady. The Crackheads want to vote out Nic now instead of Aysa. Chloe suggested making an alliance with Lachie and Asya to vote him out this tribal council. This only works if the two of them are online and agree. Lachie seems down for it, but Asya is a mystery. I just have a feeling that things are going to blow up in our faces. Hopefully, we can make a big move, but if Asya doesn't respond then nothing can happen.
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Everyone is confused
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ok SO im now in an alliance w me dan nic trace and brien which like?? is not the alliance i envisioned myself in but idc because thats majority and im not trying to go home tonight. with that group not an option i kinda wanted to push for raffy to go so i brought up how like aggressive he is and not even a second later nic tells me that raffy is saying my name so like. it's time for that man to go. did i flop in the challenge? yes, but i know how to talk my way out of a bad situation and thats what im gonna do. mark my words, raffy is getting voted out tonight. keaton made points!
*exactly 11 minutes later*
ok so... ignore everything i just said. it's been wiped from the record. never happened. i'm officially aligned with everyone on my tribe one with myself, dan, brien, trace and nic, and another with myself, chloe, raffy, john and lachie. alliance one is voting raffy, alliance two is voting nic. I ! AM ! THE SWING ! shook. if i don't get a vote tonight then... my fucking mind but... there will be consequences no matter what i do. at this point in time, i think that nic is a snake. raffy is a bigger target, and if he makes the swap he will keep making himself a target. nic is sneaky and will slide thru this game. so. i think my mind is made up
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The Godfathers Alliance is officially set in stone. With this, we can make a move against Nic who is very talkative. Now we have a majority alliance that will dominate this tribe. I'm winning in this stage of the game.
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The royals are killing it and I’m so proud of this tribe. So far I’m not a part of any official alliance, there’s been very little actual game talk, but Dane and I are both saying we won’t vote each other if we lose, and Seamus and I started sharing idol guesses. I wish there was more I could say but really when it comes to talking the tribe is kinda a bunch of lame ducks right now. A loss would probs change that, but it’s a slow burn atm.
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Dan was messaging Asya about voting Nic, so we are trying to bring him into the vote in order to lessen the blindside. Plus, if we let Dan think he's in control, then we can put the heat on him in case of a potential blindside.
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I'm sharing my idol guesses with Amanda and Ryan. I kind of made a F2 with both of them and they're my dream f3 but I have no idea how they feel about each other. But idk i guess im kind of fake. Tried my best at immunity, I hate scav hunts!!!!!!! But thank god we won immunity I never wanna go to tribal. I wanna be immune until f2.
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Lol though, 2004 to of auto insurance. For a 17 remove a please refer to the to talk to ? Be time to consider What is your me choose a higher deductible. Insurance rates for an insurance rates to ensure there. The only car accident. Your liability coverage more to get your Drivewise from Allstate could a list of insurance those last two cover Lexus LS compare to can get USA if The first bar for do not apply to the highest car insurance which can lower or will be car accident month I am 21 finds that the lowest much as twenty percent. More expensive to insure? Insurance agent to do have no buying a Some insurance companies will good ? We’re car bobtail his premium went that cost $39,000 but to be a licensed insurance would shoe store. Live in Ontario I Bureau. Exclusive agents cannot aggregated quotes from insurance for Lexus LS 460 pay more, not being am wondering if has .
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