#if that didn't do a complete 180 on everything I had planned
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breezypunk · 7 days ago
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zafirosreverie · 4 months ago
Call the exorcist (Agatha x F!Reader)
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For @roseclear
a/n: I haven't watch the show, I just know the basics, so sorry for any plot mistakes.
Spoilers for the ending
Your life was chaotic. From the moment you met that damn charming, chaotic and slightly evil (well, very evil) witch, your whole world did a 180.
From one day to the next, magic was not only something possible, but little by little, it became something common in your life. Something you got so used to that you thought nothing could surprise you anymore.
Rule number one of being married to a witch: Agatha Harkness can always surprise you.
You weren't stupid, you knew she didn't tell you absolutely everything, that there were parts of her past she would never tell you, that they were completely buried and she planned to keep them that way. Not that it bothered you, if you were honest. 300 years of life had to have hard moments, and you decided that you wouldn't push her any further than she felt comfortable sharing you.
Still, that damn woman always managed to give you gray hairs, and you were sure that one of these days she would put you in an early grave. But you still loved her, more than life itself.
The first scare was when she disappeared to go to Westview. You had a hard time getting in touch with her, and she only gave you a hasty and poorly structured explanation about chaos magic before sending you back home.
A week later, Maximoff's escape and what she had done to the town was reported on the news. You came back as quickly as you could, but you couldn't do anything. You were forced to watch your wife live as Agnes for 3 years, powerless and weak to bring her back.
Then the boy showed up. Billy Maximoff, or at least a variant of him? A reincarnation? The truth was that you didn't quite understand, nor did you care. The only important thing was that Agatha was back. And with her, chaos. Of course.
God forbid you have a second of peace with your wife.
The coven, Rio, Billy, everything was too confusing, too much for your mortal mind to understand in all the details how quickly the situation was changing, and Agatha, in the middle of it all, the central pillar, was not much help.
You knew she didn't tell you everything, but that she had gotten involved with death or that she had a child should have been some of the things she could have tell you, right? At least you thought that something like that should be important enough to tell her new wife.
You hadn't even finished assimilating all that when your witch, always chaotic and without explanations, kissed Rio, lady death, to save Billy. You didn't even have time to say goodbye to her, or to assimilate that, just like that, from one moment to the next, you had become a widow.
You didn't think you had known greater pain in your life. Knowing that your wife, the woman you loved, as imperfect, chaotic and evil as she was, was no longer there, broke your heart. You couldn't even stay there for long, you went back home as soon as you could, desperate that everything was a damn nightmare, that when you opened your eyes, Agatha would be there, with that infuriating but beautiful smile that you loved so much, ready for a new chaos.
But no matter how many times you woke up, reality was still there. Agatha was dead, you were alone. And your wife wasn't coming back.
…until she did.
You calmly stepped into the shower, allowing the hot water to wash away the stress of the day, the worries and sorrows. You allowed yourself to close your eyes and focus for a moment on the feeling of the water against your skin, the warmth of the steam and-
"AGATHA!!!" you screamed as you jumped up, and your wife still had the nerve to laugh.
It had been less than a week since Agatha Harkness had come back into your life, ready to turn it upside down again. At first, you thought you had finally lost your mind (sometimes you still thought that it was the case, to be honest), when the ghost of your dead wife appeared in the middle of the living room.
However, in true Agatha fashion, she began to cause all kinds of mischief around the house, moving things around, disarranging things, and giving you those damn kisses that you still couldn't decide if you loved or not. And that was all you needed to know that yes, your wife was back. In the form of a pile of ectoplasm with too much time on her hands and too eager to take you to the grave too, but she was back.
"Come on sweetie, you can't blame me" she laughed, floating closer to you "you know I've never been able to resist your…charms"
You shivered as her fingers, cold and not quite physical, ran down your lower back. Before you could protest, Agatha kissed you deeply. Kisses with her were very strange now, to say the least.
Not that they bothered you, you just still had to get used to the feeling of kissing an ice cube that you couldn't really touch but was at the same time as real as yourself. You never imagined kissing a ghost, but here you were, proving once again how much you loved this woman even in death.
"You're a menace" you said as she pulled away
"But I'm your menace" she smirked
"…we said 'till death do us part', why are you still here?" you crossed your arms, covering your naked body a little
"Oh darling" she laughed and caressed your cheek with those icy fingers "it's cute how you really thought death would rid you of me. No, my love, you're mine, in this and every life after"
Something in her tone and the way her ghostly fingers gripped your chin, told you that she really planned to keep that promise. And you couldn't help but smile.
"That's cute, my love" you said "…but get out of my shower right now"
"Oh come on" she laughed "I've seen you how tou came into the world many times"
"Agatha!" you shivered as you felt her icy fingers on your lower back again
"Yes?" She smiled like the Cheshire Cat
"I love you" you said "but if you don't let me take A FUCKING SHOWER IN PEACE, I'M GOING TO CALL A PRIEST AND EXORCISE THE DAMN HOUSE!!"
And of course, that damn beautiful, charming, chaotic and slightly evil (well, very evil) witch that you loved more than life itself, had the nerve to laugh.
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milevenstancyendgame · 7 months ago
Reasons why Mileven drama/breakup and Byler endgame in ST5 are unlikely
Looking at the whole show, we can see two constants regarding these relationships:
-Mike and El keep overcoming external and internal obstacles, and always end up together again
-Will's homosexuality is hinted at from the start, as well as his deep feelings for Mike.
Regarding the latter, this creates the expectation to have Will accept his own feelings and then his friends do the same.
In S4, it's clear that we got the first. Will's monologue didn't achieve the coming out, but he did express his love for Mike, albeit disguising it as El's feelings. He basically sacrificed himself in order to support Mike, who in turn was able to support El, who then managed to (barely) save Max.
Based on that, I think we have two possible scenarios for S5:
-Will won't confess his love to Mike openly. He has accepted that Mike and El love each other, and we see him having moved on from this right from the beginning of the season. His coming out as gay will still happen though, and Mike's acceptance of that will be crucial for Will.
-Will will confess to Mike that he's in love with him - I'm thinking of the close-up of his face during Mike's monologue in S4, when he says "And somehow I thought telling you how I felt would make that day hurt more." Will clearly feels the same way, but maybe hearing Mike confess this to El gives him the courage to confess it to Mike as well.
No matter which scenario we'll get, I think the focus will be on Mike's acceptance of Will's homosexuality, on him being different, but Mike making him feel better for it. It's possible that Mike might mess it up, not knowing what to say, but no doubt he will be accepting of Will's sexuality, and I think this will give power to Will to be freely himself (and maybe kick some butt).
However, from a storytelling perspective, I really don't see Mike suddenly realising he loves Will and not El. It would be extremely bad writing, because they have been telling us that Mike and El love each other since they first met in S1.
If they had not planned for them to be endgame, they would have sunken the ship already. There were plenty of opportunities. But what we got instead were relationship issues and them being able to work through these issues.
Mike not being very articulate at telling El how he feels about her has also been a constant since S1. However, this finally got resolved at the end of S4.
That's why I think that ST5 will start of with a strenghtened bond between them and their love won't be tested any more.
Mike finally told her how much he loves her, El has no more reason to doubt him. Mike doing a 180 degree turn and realising he lied to El would be equal to creating a new character for Mike. It also would spit on everything they took the pain to show us of Mike and El's love during the whole show.
From a storytelling perspective, this would be total self-sabotage. Why waste a whole series to tell viewers that two characters are in love and then saying "Surprise! It was a lie all along!"? What would be achieved by that?
If it had been their goal to show us that romantic feelings can change, then they would have had to tell a completely different story and would have sowed the seeds for doubt from the very beginning. Instead we got nothing but soulmatism for Mike and Eleven (including their relationship issues, because they overcame those).
Also, remember that this story is about defeating the big evil with love. El is the super-hero. Destroying her biggest source of power (love) would make it impossible for her to win against anyone.
Apart from all this, considering everything that needs to be wrapped up in S5, there simply is not enough time to have Will confess to Mike, Mike figuring out his new feelings, getting up the courage to tell El, the drama of breaking up the main ship of the show, have El get over it, establish Mike and Will as a couple, get all their friends' support, AND defeat Henry.
This is why they resolved Mike and El's conflict in S4. Because there won't even be time for their established relationship to have any drama. This is why they already showed us that Will accepts and supports Mike and El's love, so the love triangle situation has been resolved as well.
The only thing left to resolve is Will's coming out to his friends, which doesn't need to take up a lot of time. It could be one or two scenes.
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fragmented-king · 1 year ago
Naturally, Stolas was the one who came to you with the idea.
He was going through your belongings one day, totally not trying to find and steal one of your soft nice smelling hoodies.
While looking around he found an old letter depicting a snowy mountain, humans skiing down its white slopes with "Winter 2002" written in the corner.
He flipped it around to find a note written by non other then, you.
"I just went skiing with some friends. It was nice, until someone messed up and slammed into me... Now my ankle is sprained... WORTH IT! I got to drink some bomb ass hot cocoa."
Stolas knew about snow, of course. But he never had the chance to experience it for himself, and he wouldn’t let this opportunity slip by.
He carefully puts it back in the envelope before continuing to look around. Next time he sees you he'll have to bring it up.
He finally finds what he came for a few seconds later. Quickly grabbing the hoodie from your bed then sprints out of your room making sure to clear any evidence he was ever there as he leaves.
Later that day he started planning a vacation for you two. Somewhere quiet, somewhere cold, somewhere snowy.
You're sitting on one of the many fancy couches in the palace when Stolas walks in a slight sense of worry emanating from him.
"Ahh there you are. I looked everywhere, I started to get worried after I searched your room and didn't find you or a text... I need to speak with you about something, may I sit?"
You nod and gesture to the spot next to you. He happily takes said spot and gets comfy before turning back to you.
"Dear, I've been wondering. Would you... Like to go on a vacation... With me? Everything is already planned. Transportation, protection, and food of course. All I need from you is a simple yes or no."
You sit there in silence thinking it over while he waits for your answer, he's staring a little bit.
After a moment going over it in you're head you agree, a vacation sounds nice. Even if all you do all day is laze about and receive love from a certain owl it wouldn't hurt.
You step through the portal, the chilly frost bitten air wasting no time trying to freeze you to your core, it fails however because of the twenty something layers Stolas made you wear.
You'll admit it's keeping you warm, but it also makes it hard to see... And walk...
You clumsily follow the owl through the snow covered mountainside eventually coming up to a grand looking cabin.
You turn to Stolas wondering if this is the place only to find him beaming at you, guess it is.
Once inside you take your time getting all the layers off while Stolas brews some hot cocoa.
By the time you're comfortable the sun starts going down. You're about to head to bed before Stolas stops you, asking you to join him for a bit.
You sit down with Stolas on two surprisingly comfortable wooden chairs, sipping hot cocoa and watching the sunset through a large wooden framed window, the high altitude of the mountain making the view more special.
It's cold and blue outside, but warm and orange inside. This really is a nice vacation. You should thank him when you're back home.
Convincing this avian royal to think of, non the less talk about the possibility of a ‘vacation’, is not an easy task.
It took you weeks of prying, prodding, and sometimes even begging to get Stella to consider it.
As right as it feels to congratulate yourself for getting her to consider it, only half your work is done. You still need to get her to go.
Once you finally convince her though, she goes from acting like she would never enjoy a vacation in a million years to acting like she waited forever for this.
The whiplash from her attitude's complete 180 might as well have broke your neck.
Sunscreen! Stella cannot emphasize this enough.
Your puny, spongy, soft human body will not be tainted by Earth's sun rays. And it's definitely is not just her trying to justify her rubbing your bare back, or down your sides.
She's 100% doesn't have ulterior motives, at all, why would you even say that?!
Though… If you did get sunburned, then she’d still get to rub that Aloe Vera all over you… Hmm…..
No! Your skin is far too pristine to be burned and roasted like that, no matter how tempting it is.
You arrive at the door to Stella's room, barely even knocking on it before it was swung open an ecstatic Stella greeting you from her well furbished room.
"There you are! I've been waiting for ages!"
She had a light blue sundress on. It hugged her curves well and you'd be lying to said you didn't stare a bit. All of that topped off with the largest wide brimmed sunhat you’ve ever seen.
You open your mouth to complement her appearance but are cut off by her dumping three giant, incredibly heavy bags in your arms.
"Let's get going, you wouldn't want to be late for our hotel reservation, now would you? And I've heard wonderful things about their wine."
Before you could so much as get a word in edgewise she starts dragging you off towards portal, all while you're struggling to get used to the weight of the bags.
While you walk she starts talking your ear off listing off all the activities she's planned for you two.
You nearly scoff at that. She's talking like she's the one who organized all of this. It's not like you spent multiple weeks planning and convincing her.
After a moment more struggling with the bags you catch up and step through the portal after her.
You're instantly hit in the face with a waft of heat, sun, and fresh ocean air. Despite the initial shock it's a nice change from the palace that you're oh so used to.
She gestures for you to follow then speed walks off towards the hotel leaving you with her bags, again. You're already tired, and you haven’t even gone to the beach yet.
After the workout that was getting Stella's luggage up to the room you and her finally relax on the beach together.
Not a single other person in sight. You turn to her calm but still a little confused.
"Where is everyone, an island like this should have tons of staff... Wait... Did you rent out this entire island?!"
She, not surprisingly laughed at that.
"Of course I did. I may be the prettiest girl you'll ever see but I'm still a demon. And, I thought that some alone time would be nice. No guards or servants. Just you, and me."
Mid sentence she interlocked her hand with yours while progressively getting closer. You lean forward for a kiss but feel a finger on your lips instead.
"You should know by now that you have to earn that darling. This is our first day here and you expect me to just give you whatever you want right off the bat. This may be a vacation, but that does not mean you get whatever you want instantly."
You frown and look away, it was such a romantic moment before she went and said all that. But, you're willing to work for it. You wouldn't be here sitting with her if you weren't.
Good luck getting her to relax. She definitely needs it though, as this owl is stressed. I mean, she's got a lot of worries and she's a teenager, so you've got your work cut out for you.
That being said however, she's easily tricked into relaxing if you say the vacation is for you not her, and it wouldn't be the same without her there. That'll make her change her mind real quick.
Then once there, when she least expects it, you strike. Then before she knows it, she's feeling relaxed. Or at the very least a little better then before.
My professional opinion is to take her somewhere that is completely new to her, like nothing she's seen before if possible.
It'll help her forget her troubles easier. I recommend somewhere quiet with tons of greenery. And animals,
And stick around her, she wants consistency, and reliability. That mixed in with tons of quality time.
Just keep close to her if you can, try to make her have a good time, and most of all try and make it new to her.
Time away from the normal and melancholy is what she needs most.
You walk up to Octavia's door and knock. Nothing. You knock again. Also nothing.
You invite yourself in and see her laying on her bed staring at the ceiling, never a good sign.
You walk over and sit on the bed watching her snap out of it when the bed dips. She turns to look at you not moving much.
"Hey, you doing ok?"
She half sighs half groans then flips over to face you better.
"I'm fine."
You frown at that, 'I'm fine' is not a 'I'm actually ok' kind of answer.
"Rough day?"
"Just my parents, again... UGH WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE NORMAL! Or at least not make their problems mine."
She flops back onto her back, going back to staring at the ceiling her expression shifting constantly as her mind works through her inner turmoil.
"Alright well. Were going on a vacation tomorrow so please remember to pack."
She groans again and flips over this time facing away from you.
"Do I have to... I mean I've told you a hundred times, I don't need a vacation... I just wanna stay home..."
You frown, again. You just gotta convince her to go. You can do that...
"It isn't for you. I want a vacation. And I want you to come, cause it wouldn't be the same without you."
You two sit in silence for a few moments before she groans extra loud. You're about to ask if she's alright before she suddenly gets up and walks into her closet.
You hear things being moved around and assume she's packing. So you'll leave her be, you've have to pack too anyways.
Before you leave you walk up to the doorframe of the closet, peak your head in just so she can see it.
"I love you."
You hear her mumble something along the lines of 'luv you too' before you turn to leave.
You quickly step out of the limo going around to Octavia's side to open the door for her. She quickly gets out before you can.
You know she doesn't like you doing that, but you're just trying to be courteous. Like usual.
Non the less you walk over and take her hand leading her into the medium to large house with a giant glass dome connected to one end.
"I thought you'd enjoy this place. It's a house built in the early 1900's. It has a giant greenhouse with hundreds if not thousands of plant types in it. Perfect place for a week away from home, I think."
You two go inside while some servants unload your things. You start showing her around, just little interesting things you learned from the homes owner.
You walk around for a while most stuff she doesn't react to, but have one more trick left. You pull out a small, old, metal whistle and blow into it. A moment later the dog of the house come padding in.
He's a large old golden retriever named Spike, who's lived here for years. You met him a few days ago to make sure he was friendly. He was, and you know Octavia's going to love him.
You watch her expression change from overall boredom to confusion then finally to a small smile when Spike walks up to her and rests his head against her side.
She look at him for a moment, then up to you clearly a little confused. You smile at her then walk over and start scratching behind his ear.
"His favorites spots are behind the ears, base of his tail, and his toe beans. Just be careful not to tickle him, he doesn't like that."
She cautiously crouches down and starts lightly scratching him behind an ear. You make sure nothing goes wrong then take a step back letting her enjoy some doggo time.
Yeah. She definitely needed this.
Started by Erratic-Sanguine, Finished by @jester089
Cheers Luv, we both appreciate it.
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kichiyosh1 · 2 years ago
He takes advantage of your feelings for him
modern au!scaramouche x reader
Ain't it nice when your crush is aware you have a crush on him and instead of being a prick and outright rejecting you he leads you on instead☺
warnings: it's in the title, good ending
It all started when he overheard one of your friends teasing you for taking a liking to him, which you were doing a horrible job at denying, with how quickly you stuttered out your words in protest. He might use this to his advantage, get you to do a couple of stuff for him and tease you a little bit in the process. Of course, he doesn't plan to return your feelings, pfft, no way in Celestia is that ever gonna happen. Totally no way would he actually start to appreciate you for something as minor as that.
How fortunate unfortunate of you to be his target out of the many others that also liked him, but why did he choose you? convenience? your naivety? who knows.
He wanted to test how far this crush of yours on him was, so the next morning he put his plan into action.
He never actually greets anyone he passes by, usually hanging around outside the school before the bell rings or just having his arms folded on his desk while he dozzes off, but today he put in the effort to say good morning to you before he rounded a corner.
Quickly doing a 180° turn right after to see your reaction, and low and behold you had your back to the wall, slowly sliding down, face in your hands.
Oh, so you really had it that bad for him, huh.
He was playing a dangerous game here, one that he was determined to win, and one he knew he would thoroughly enjoy.
Moves he'd make on you were subtle, but to you, from what he thinks, should be more than just subtle interactions, but meaningful ones.
He'd intentionally lean down right beside your ear, talking in a sweet voice as he pretends to ask questions while pointing at the notes he's seen you write down.
He knows the effect he has on you, can see how your hands struggle to hold your pen while your voice slowly becomes meeker as you explain the answer.
He didn't even realize what he said until he saw your hand stop moving. Luckily, everything still went into his favor when you abruptly stood up and quickly explained you had something to discuss with your friend, but he could clearly see how flustered you were.
He let's out a sigh of relief. 'It's alright, I meant to do that, just trying to butter up that idiot for the next step in my plan, yeah'
Something of uneasiness steers within him, but he ignores it.
These were just feelings of interest he's PRETENDING to have for you in order to gain your trust, nothing more and nothing less. It's all an act to get you to do stuff for him
But he has yet to realize the fast pace of his heart was the same as yours
Most of his assignments were already complete thanks to you, projects and reports he's forgotten to do, you are currently dealing with them.
It baffles him how easy and gullible you are
The guilt nips at his feet, but he strengthens his resolve saying you would have fallen for somebody else, and they would have done way worse things to you. (he gets a little agitated thinking about it, whether they'd use you for their own benefit or return your feelings, it makes him sick)
guilt tripping you didn't make it easier either
he wonders if you are aware of what he's doing, and even if you were then that's alright with him.
He'll keep this up, for as long as your heart continues to beat for him.
Its really short.
was gonna write a nsfw route but idk if i should since I'm really tired😪
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xjulixred45x · 7 months ago
Headcanons of ed,al and ling with a s/o that have a twin? And that twin is protective,like theyre total oppossites,reader is a meek,calm and shy person while their twin is more extrovert,grumpy and protective
Awwww this is cute! I have a Twin myself, so this is pretty much relatable for me
Edward Elric/Alphonse Elric/ Ling Yao x Reader with a Twin
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: none really, Reader is shy while their Twin is grumpy. Fluff
Edward Elric
The funniest reaction of the three
First of all, I think that Ed's relationship with the reader works precisely on the basis that they are polar opposites.
Ed is the hard-headed and temperamental one, Reader is the one who keeps the peace and has a hard time even correcting when they give them the wrong food.
They balance each other in many ways.
However, Reader is definitely what one would consider soft by nature, so Ed himself has developed certain protective tendencies towards them.
The typical thing is to react more than them when someone makes them feel bad/insults them, encouraging them to take repercussions, etc.
Ed has enough anger for both of them.
I imagine that although Ed already knew that the reader had a twin, he had not really seen then due to work issues/they being in another division in Amestris.
However, Reader and he exchanged several anecdotes about their families, including those of their sibilings.
and Ed is definitely happy to know that there is someone else in the reader's life who protects them when he is not there (especially if the reader is a civilian who doesn't know about alchemy).
However, when the mix-up incident occurs, it definitely catches Ed off guard.
I imagine that Ed and the reader were planning to meet at the Amestris barracks, but it just coincided with the arrival of the reader's twin for some work matters.
When Ed started looking for the reader and ran into their, he was MORE than confused.
Reader? What are they doing in an alchemist's uniform? Since when? Isn't it too early? Why are they looking at him like that?
When Ed goes to ask the "reader" directly, he ends up encountering a cold and powerful: "Do I know you?"
Ed would try to maintain his composure and try to ask questions but at the same time he NEVER saw the reader looking at him so coldly, he almost feels intimidated, like he was in trouble...
Fortunately for everyone, the real reader came to Ed's rescue.
and not only that, but also to greet their twin.
Ed saw with horror how the twin's face changed COMPLETELY when they was talking to the reader, a literal 180 degree turn.
Ed didn't seem to want to give him the time of day, and with the reader they were already catching up, laughing and chatting.
He definitely leave it like that🤯
I think Ed and Twin could get along well...in terms of work. If there is a mission that depends on them, then they will do everything possible to get along.
Outside of that... difficult.
On the one hand, they both can't stand each other (which is ironic considering they have very similar personalities) and constantly compete for the reader's attention.
It's like a game of tug of war. They are both super clingy and see the other as a sudden invader of their time with the reader.
Although Ed will definitely leave Twin and the reader alone when they are exclusively family days, it's like an unwritten rule (just like Twin doesn't get involved in dating).
They try to keep aggression at bay when the reader is present, because after all they don't want to make her angry or, God forbid, cry.
It's like a cold war.
Ed also continues to appreciate Twin's contributions to the reader's self-esteem. At least they have a good common topic to get along with.
Alphonse Elric
Bby boy baby
Al and reader are definitely like the opposite of Ed and his reader, mostly because they both fall more on the shy spectrum. It's just that Al is more social and less reserved.
Although that doesn't mean he has it easy, I can see him and the reader having problems in situations like when they bring them the wrong food and they both silently accept the order🤣 or at least try to help the other by removing what they don't like (this obviously after Al already has his body).
Al is the one who does most of the talking, he's used to it, apart from the fact that he wouldn't feel comfortable letting the reader talk knowing that they make themselves uncomfortable.
Since he can't sleep, get tired or eat while in the armor, I can definitely see him carrying the reader everywhere and being their personal shield:3 both from the danger and the world in general.
They also both LOVE animals and on more than one occasion he and the reader ALMOST get away with taking some kittens (thanks Ed..)
In general, Al is super sweet with the reader and has infinite patience with them.
He knows about the reader's family and especially their twin. Al tends to compare several of their misadventures with those of him and Ed (on a smaller scale) and he even finds it cute that the reader is so attached to their sibiling.
Continuing with the fact that the reader is not an alchemist, Alphonse is happy to know that there is someone in the reader's life who protects them both physically and emotionally.
He's probably more curious about this twin than Ed, and already knows in advance that Reader and their twin are practically identical, but Al is convinced that it can't be that bad.
That is, of course, until we get to the incident.
Probably in Alphonse's case, he ran into twin while they were a civilian, which made it even more difficult to tell them apart.
Al saw Twin in the distance and thought it was his partner, so, like the sweetheart he is, he went to greet them and give them a metallic hug!
When Twin started screaming and even going so far as to hit him, poor Al was SO confused.
Did he take them by surprise? Are they angry? Why the violence!?
Since he is not used to seeing the reader shouting so loudly, not even with a frown, that image will definitely stay in his head for life.
When Reader arrived, Alphonse was so happy to see that they were still as shy and friendly as ever, he probably even hid behind them (as ridiculous as it was considering the size of the armor) to escape Twin's wrath.
Al and Twin get along surprisingly well, mostly because while Al has an intimidating exterior, Twin realizes that he is a softie because of their twin, so they trusts him more than Ed.
but it doesn't mean that they have the same level of patience for him that they have for Reader, rather they don't have any tolerance EXCEPT for reader😅 poor Al..
There's also the issue of Al being, well, AN ARMOR for much of the series, so Twin is understandably worried about how this relationship might work (or how CERTAIN ASPECTS of it work...)
Although if we're talking about full-bodied Al, I can definitely see Twin being much more patient and understanding, hell, even helping him recover from going without food for so many years.
and by the time Al fully recovers, you could say that he and twin are friends. and which twin is more open to receiving it into the family.
All in all, he's doing better than Ed🤣.
Ling Yao
Tbh it's the less surprised about it, but not less funny to see.
For the sake of my sanity and the meaning of this scenario, let's say that Ling's partner is from Xing and probably stayed there when he left in search of immortality.
Ling may have met the reader through some clan, on his own, etc. but definitely from the beginning he naturally gravitated towards them because of their reserved and friendly personality.
They are like opposite poles in a more discreet way. Ling is super social and has no problem defending himself (or others) while Reader was much quieter and barely raised their voice.
Ling made it her personal goal to help the reader be more honest and so they began dating seriously.
Ling definitely falls into the category of clingy partner, especially physically.
especially with reader because he finds their shy reactions super adorable!
He also laughs a little at their exaggerated expressions when they are embarrassed, or when they turn very red.
Although he definitely does not make fun of them, he does everything in good faith and thus his partner gains more trust! He will definitely kick the ass of anyone who makes the reader cry.
Considering that the Xingense culture is based on the Chinese, I can imagine that Ling has already met the reader's family in the past, at least their parents to have permission to "court" their child.
and Ling is also very aware of the dislike that the reader's family may feel towards him. more than anything because of what would happen if he became emperor.
I can see the reader's twin believing that it is not a good idea to date Ling solely and exclusively because of the tradition of the children of each clan, they does not want their sibiling to be left with a broken heart because of something they cannot control.
So, when Twin formally meets Ling, it's not very pleasant.
Ling is the only one who doesn't technically confuse reader and twin, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have something to say about it (to lighten the tense atmosphere).
-"Wow! (reader) told me that you guys look alike but it's like seeing you in a mirror!"
something like that, he is partly surprised to see them in person side by side, but definitely not as much as the others.
and the only thing he gains is a loud SCOFF before twin walks away from him and reader, shuffling their feet.
Ling knows he didn't do anything wrong, but this is probably the first time "diplomacy" has bothered/distress him.
Of the three, Ling is the one who has the hardest time earning, at the very least, the respect of a twin. not because I don't try! but because twin has the typical Xingense standards.
I mean, Twin not only dislikes the idea of what will happen to Reader once he becomes emperor, but he believes that he is committing themself to someone who is not worth it.
And Ling left in search of inmortality(in Twin eyes, an ABSURD quest), it's like giving green light to these thoughs.
Fortunately, when Ling returns, apart from becoming emperor, he also manages (partially) to close Twin's mouth!
first of all, abolishing the law of marriage (that of the children of each clan, let me be happy) and he appears genuinely more mature than before, to the surprise of twin.
Before, Twin simply saw him as a bum, a scoundrel who happened to captivate his brother and who was lucky enough to be royalty.
but now, seeing everything he had done for Xing, for a foreign country, and that he still always came back to reader...you could say that speaking the heart of a twin.
They don't get along at all. Ling and twin definitely shouldn't be left in a room alone for more than 5 minutes (unless you want them to tear each other's throats out), but Ling KNOWS that twin does everything out of love.
and boy does he understand it. So, for now, they are fine.
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fantisyoflove · 1 year ago
Snape's First Year Teaching {Part 3}
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⚠️ mentions of death ⚠️
Chapter word count: 7446
Total work word count: 24,244
Things seemed to turn in your favor as Severus was actually being... nice! He said 'hello' to you in the halls, he waved you over to him during meals, he asked about your day. You felt like a complete 180 had happened over night.
Unknown to you it basically had. During his meeting with Dumbledore he was given the task of getting close to you. Dumbledore had said you were close with several death eaters and this was the 'in' he has been looking for and if Snape got close to you then you would bring him into your world and he could get closer to Voldemort. This was Dumbledore's plan all along, getting Snape in. All he had to do was attach himself to you and rise up in the ranks with the death eaters.
*that night*
"The Burke girl seems quite taken with you." Dumbledore said fondly.
Snape raised an eyebrow, hands behind his back, he fidgeted with his fingers, "I haven't noticed." He said blankly.
Dumbledore nodded and sipped his brandy, "She is pure blood."
"There is a gathering in a few months... it would benefit us if someone was there to listen in." He said waving his hand dismissively.
Snape nodded, " You want me to become friends with her and gain access..."
"Actually Snape, I was hope you could get closer to her than that." Snape was taken aback. Truly started he didn't know how to respond.
"Snape, this is a delicate time. She will not involve you in important meetings if you are merely a 'friend'...." Dumbledore leaves the tension in the air.
He sips his brandy.
"I can't" Snape says flatly.
"But of course you can! It doesn't mean anything and she won't know until everything has worked in our favor... hopefully. You said, Snape, that you would do anything to protect her?" Dumbledore was looking right at Snape.
Snape felt like Dumbledore was hiding something but he couldn't be for certain. He remembered what Melyra had said about his palms, he leaned into the feeling. Suddenly he felt himself overwhelmed with feelings that he knew weren't his own. He pulled back again, Dumbledore didn't seem phased at all. He plunged back into the feelings and the overwhelming feeling of betrayal, contempt, and secret fell over him. He pulled back again and nodded to Dumbledore.
"I will see what I can do."
"I'm counting on you Snape. You are my only hope."
Snap felt sick but he nodded again. He couldn't disappoint Dumbledore.
You leaned into the attention if it meant completing your mission for Dumbledore. You had to find out if Snape had an in with the Death Eaters meeting next month at the Malfoy Manor.
One night you asked Snape if he wanted to come to your place and grade papers together. He accepted a little too quickly for his normal hesitant self but you took it as your attempts to draw him into a more physical relationship actually working. You started wearing perfume that you knew would draw him in.
He had a very distinct smell of parchment, herbs, and pepper specifically. You actually really liked his smell, it reminded you of your greenhouse and of a library at the same time.
Together you sat in your flat, Snap at the table and you laying on the floor. The silence wasn't too still as the scape of your quills continuously writing kept a steady sound around you both. You listened to Snape's subtle breaths and suddenly noticed his breathing changed and you cast your eyes on him without moving your head. He was looking in your direction, then he ducked his head suddenly, only to look right back at you. You held yourself still, faking the controlled concentration you were trying to emulate.
"You close to done?" He asked
You pretended to try and find a good spot to stop in your grading to them acknowledge him. "Hmm?" you hummed in response. He signed in exasperation.
"Are you done yet?" he said exhausted.
"Mmhm, I think so for the night at least. " You grinned at him.
"Well then I guess I should get going..." He started packing up his supplies.
You snorted, "Please Snape, Let me make you a cup of tea and we can sit for awhile, maybe talk .."
He gave you a perplexed look but nodded. He finished pack up his things and you watched his every move.
The way his thick solid hands grabbed onto his ink well and quill with such a delicate touch. His fingers just dusting over each item before putting it away with such elegant flourishes.
Snape felt your gaze and was very confused how you would be making tea just by staring at him.
He raised an eyebrow at you and stared straight at you point blank.
"Oh right," you giggled. "sorry."
You brushed against his arm as you entered the kitchen and started the kettle. He thought it was weird how little you used magic and thought it odd given what Dumbledore had said about you.
You settled a scoop of tea leaves each into two mugs. Once the kettle was whistling you poured the water into each mug.
"Milk? Sugar?"
"A splash and two teaspoons"
You raised an eyebrow, "... Please" he finished unsure your intentions.
You smiled and complied, "You like your tea sweet?"
"Yes." he said defensively as he took his cup and saucer.
You smiled and hummed to yourself as you added a splash of milk into your mug and two teaspoons. You stirred it together and took a tentative sip.
Snape's watched you closely.
"Hmm" you hummed, " I like it! You have good taste." You moved to the couch and Snape followed a little perplexed.
"How do you usually take your tea?" He inquired
"Oh well I don't know, I don't really drink tea often.." You trailed off taking a sip of your tea and looking around the room absentmindedly.
"Hmph" He scoffed and gulped at his tea. It was the perfect temperature and had a hint of lavender to it.
The way you lounged on the couch, completely at home and comfortable in your space, was the perfect opposite to Snape. Sitting up straight, back against the back of the couch, both feel on the floor. The picture of perfect posture.
"So," he took another sip. "Is this 'hanging out'?" he rested the mug on his knee holding it with both hands.
"Well yea Severus, I mean we could talk. You could tell me a story. Or we could just enjoy the silence."
"I would like the silence." he said flatly. You suppressed a bemused smile and nodded. With you back against the armrest, legs tucked under you, you set your tea down on the side table and leaned your head back with your eyes closed.
Severus was staring at his cup of tea but felt his eyes drifting to you. He watched you, the way your chest rose and fell, how your fingers fidgeted; your pointer finger tracing along your thumb over and over. The way your eyelashes fluttered every so often. Suddenly he got a thought and focused himself, slowly allowing his mind to meet yours. A rush of pure calm came over him, how could you be so calm and relaxed?!
He pushed a little more and saw himself, during breakfast, reading and sipping a glass of pumpkin juice. The feeling of content and warmth that surrounded this memory was overwhelming for him. He pulled back out and was glad to see you still in the same position, eyes closed, because he had to bring his hand up to wipe a few tears that had trickled down his face. He turned away from you and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger. Then he took several large sips of his tea. Clearing his throat he got up and went to the kitchen to pour some more water into his mug.
You opened your eyes, your head tilting to the side. You felt a soft smile on your lips and watched him move about the kitchen. He seemed to be getting more comfortable in your home. Which was a good sign. You felt like he was actually starting to open up to the idea that you both were getting close to one another. You tried not to have real feelings for him but the more time you spent with him the more you felt for him.
If Dumbledore was right then Snape was on your side in this war which means .. potentially.. maybe... you both could continue this afterwards too. It was a dumb thought, you had made an unbreakable vow to never disclose the truth to Severus and you knew he wouldn't be pleased once he finds out this whole thing started out with lies and deceit.
"Severus ..." you begin.
"Hmm?" He hums while stirring his tea.
"You know the Malfoy family?"
"Of course, why?" He pauses in his stirring and taps his spoon on the edge of the cup before putting it back on the counter. He was trying to be nonchalant but inside his mind was running a million miles a minute.
"Well I was wondering if they had invited you to the... to a small dinner they are having with some particular friends?" You held his gaze. You were meant to get him in, you had the means, and see what they knew and what he would do with the information. Severus rose one eyebrow and took a small sip of his tea. He moved back to the couch and sat down.
"I haven't had the pleasure, no." He said flatly.
You sat up, crossing your legs, "well I barely know anyone at these things... maybe you would like to come with me." You squeezed you fingers tight in your lap and kept your face neutral. This would be the turning point, this would tell you weather Dumbledore was right or not. You were so nervous, what if he declined.
"Well," he said after a beat. "I'm not much one for dinner parties but if you'll be there too...." He trailed off as he set his tea down on the end table beside him. You leaped at him wrapping him in a hug, "oh thank you, Severus! Thank you thank you" you squeezed him one more time and then jumped up off the couch.
Severus was frozen. Why had you hugged him? What did that mean? Was this how friends acted or was he better at this "more than friends" thing Dumbledore hinted at. 'I am going to break her heart' he thought bitterly and suddenly his mood was very gloomy.
You ran to your table and scribbled a note onto a scrap of parchment then whistled out the open window. Your owl flew in, fluffed their feathers, and clicked their beak affectionately. You tied the paper to their leg and with a stroke to their head told them to bring it to your father. A small who and they were off.
"What's that for?" Severus asked hesitantly.
"Oh just to tell my father I will be bringing a plus one to dinner. It would be terrible to show up without first informing our hosts."
The days leading up to the dinner Severus was very nervous. About being your date or about finally having an in with the death eaters and the possibility of getting closer to Voldemort he wasn't too sure. He tried to be as subtle as possible but unfortunately he hadn't mastered the art of subtilty.
He handed, more like shoved into your hand, a flower he had picked then quickly left with his head down. You couldn't help but smile and shake your head and then shoo the students that had stopped to gawk.
Then he came to get some herbs from your greenhouse and while you were reaching up for the jar he blurted out, "You look nice today!" You turned back to him with a smile. "Oh? Well thank you." You were covered in dirt and your hair was slowly slipping out of the bun you had pinned to the top of your head. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, because of course you were also sweating profusely in the hot greenhouse, and managed to smear a nice line of dirt across your forehead as well. Snape flushed pink and then excused himself.
During dinner one night you rested your hand on his forearm. He was filled with anxious thoughts of you finding out about him, about seeing him for how he actually is, of finally breaking whatever curse you were under that made you want to be around him. He had convinced himself you didn't actually like him, because who could like someone like him, but you were just falling for this fake persona he was putting on to make you want to be with him. But then your hand rested on his arm and all those thoughts left his mind at once. He felt the pull to your mind and soaked in the warm feeling that was you.
'I can't do this' he thought bitterly.
The day before you and Severus were set to leave for the dinner at Malfoy Manor, Severus paid Dumbledore a visit.
"Headmaster, I am not sure it is wise to use the Burke girl like this"
Dumbledore had his back to him and was looking out the window.
"Oh, Severus," He sighed. "Lily Potter is pregnant. Due at the end of July..." He trailed off as he turned to face Snape.
Space grabbed onto the headmasters desk to steady himself, "...no" he breathed.
"Yes." Dumbledore nodded sullenly. "You know the prophecy as well as I." The realization dawned on him.
"You must protect her!"
“You disgust me,” said Dumbledore, so much contempt in his voice. Snape seemed to shrink a little, “You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die, as long as you have what you want?”
Snape said nothing, but merely looked up at Dumbledore.
“Hide them all, then,” he croaked. “Keep her — them — safe. Please.”
“And what will you give me in return, Severus?”
“In — in return?” Snape gaped at Dumbledore but after a long moment he said, “Anything.”
Snape went with you to Malfoy Manor, you both entered through the rear door so you could change robes before anyone saw you.
Snape felt silly for not thinking of what he would wear to such an event. Then he felt utterly ashamed and embarrassed when you asked to pick something out of his closet and you couldn't find anything 'suitable'. You had just shrugged and said you would find him something perfect to wear.
You held his hand as you dragged him up the stairs and then gave him a small push into a room and shutting the door before anyone could see you.
You two had spent a lot of time alone but suddenly it felt different this time to Severus. Alone with you in a room that only had a bed in it. He wondered if you were thinking the same thing as you started digging in a closet and pulling out dressing bags.
"I had my house elf put these in here for us. Let's change and get down stairs before more people arrive." You set the bags on the bed and open the zippers. "this one is for you." You say patting the dark almost black green robes in front of him.
Snape feels the material between his fingers, something very expensive. "You didn't have to do this." He says softly, head downcast.
"What? Severus I wanted to do this for you." You said touching his shoulder. He turned to face you and you pulled him into a hug, your arms wrapped around his waist. Severus didn't know what to do at first but slowly he raised them and wrapped them around your shoulders.
"It's the least I can do for you choosing to come with me." You squeezed him tight once more and then turn around and start undressing.
Snape was frozen, you were taking your clothes off. You were taking your clothes off with him in the room. You were taking your clothes off with him in the room, a room that only had a bed in it. He took in a sharp breath.
You turned around quickly, worried something was wrong, your shirt completely undone. Snape's jaw dropped and he quickly threw his hands up over his eyes and spun around.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't see anything! I swear!"
You giggled, "Oh Severus," you push his shoulder playfully and turn back around to keep changing. "You act like you've never seen a woman change clothes before! We are both adults, right?" you tease.
Severus uncovers his eyes and peaks over his shoulder, "Well yes we are both adults, but umm no"
"No?" you question not turning around as you let your skirts fall to the ground.
"my" Severus says in such a small voice you almost aren't sure if you actually heard him. He cleared his throat, "umm no, never."
You turn around now, just in your bra and panties. They are a lacey black set, he is almost sure its the same ones he saw on your bed the first time he was in your flat.
"Well, now you have." you say simply with a shrug and pull on your blouse and start buttoning it.
Severus's eyes were wide and he wasn't sure to do now. The pit of his stomach was hot and heavy and he was feeling a lot of pressure in his trousers. He was very grateful his cloak was still around his shoulders because it covered him perfectly.
You stepped into your skirts and turn around, "Can you tie this for me, Severus?" You asked. Severus was frozen in place, ' this isn't real' he thought.
"Oh um yes, sorry, what do I do?" He stepped forward and took the laces in his hands. You felt him shaking.
"Pull them tight like a tennis shoe and then tie them together at the top." You sucked in your stomach and held the front of the shirt where you wanted it.
It took Severus a few tries to get it tied right, he hands were shaking so bad.
"Are you going to change?" You asked as you untied the ribbons from your hair and shook it out.
"I am.. I was jjus.. Maybe could you. Can you promise not to look?" he stuttered out.
You gave him a soft smile and touched his cheek, "I promise I won't look." You whispered and turned to the door, hands held over your eyes.
Severus waited a moment and then slowly started taking off his cloak. He kept his eyes on you as he pulled off his shoes and then pulled his tucked in shirt out of his pants.
You heard his belt clink and then the leather slapped against itself as he pulled it free from his pants. The sound created a knot in your stomach. You knees squeezed together involuntarily and you were shocked how something so simple seemed to ... turn you on. You felt your breath catch as you heard his pants hit the floor. Not seeing what he was doing was also very thrilling and seemed to add to the growing arousal.
Severus was so worried you would see his almost naked body and be disgusted with him. He tried to tuck his erection into his waistband so it wasn't sticking straight out as he pulled on the dress robes. He thought maybe he could calm himself down by touching your mind again. You wouldn't be thinking like he was. As he did the buttons down his chest he felt for your thoughts. An overwhelming rush of arousal and pure lust washed over him. His knees felt weak and his hard cock started twitching, precum leaking out. He pulled away so fast and fell backward onto the floor coming back to himself fully.
"Severus! Are you okay? Can I look? What happened?" Pure concern poured from your mouth.
"Fine, fine, just slipped. Wait a minute longer." He said quickly. His skin felt hot and far too sensitive for the heavy fabric draped around him.
Finally he told you you could turn around. He looked absolutely handsome although a little sweaty. 'He must be nervous' you thought.
"Come on lets get down stairs." You said holding out your hand for him.
"Is there, umm like a bathroom? I could use? Could I just have a moment?"
"Oh yea, just through that door. I'll wait in the hall and make sure no one is coming, okay?"
Severus nodded, "yea perfect thank you." He waited until you left first and then went into the bathroom and cast a silencing charm and a stronger lock spell.
With a long deep sigh he undid his belt and the button on his trousers. He let them fall to the ground and then sent his boxers down with them. Taking his cock in his hand he whimpered at the touch.
He thought about how perfect your body looked in next to nothing. The soft curves around your hips and the fullness to your thighs. He thought about how soft your skin would feel under his fingers.
He recalled the deep arousal he felt from you, that couldn't have been because of him, no it was because of something else you were thinking about. His hand stroked along his length again and again. His breathing became shallow and he closed his eyes and let his head lean back against the door. He was so close. He needed to hurry up. He thought about you on the couch, watching your head hanging back as your chest rose and fell. He thought about you looking like that with him on top of you.
He jerked faster, letting his thumb brush the tip of his cock to bring the beads of precum down along his cock.
He thought about the sounds you would make if he got the chance to do everything he thought of to you. The sound of his name on your lips was the last thought he had before he came, his hips spasming into his hand. He groaned and pressed his head into the door.
Casting another spell to clean everything up he righted his clothes and set his face. One more deep breath and then he joined you out in the hall.
You lead him down the stairs and stopped at the last landing. You grab his hand and pull his arm into yours. He isn't shaking anymore but you feel a tremble in your hands. He covers your hand with his and gives you a small smile.
"Ready?" he ask
He nods. Together you descend the steps, Severus feels a strange energy come over you. From the corner of his eye he can see your face. It looks like stone from here. He caresses along your mind and instead of feeling the usual warm glow of your presence, he feels a dark and cold wall of steel. He can't push further into your mind he realizes, how you did this baffles him, he will have to remember to ask you to teach him this spell. He would right now but he didn't want you to know that he was spying into your mind.
The next few hours felt like a blur and a fever dream at the same time. Severus was introduced to several people all at once. He noticed the strange looks he got but those faces quickly turned away as your cold icy gaze landed on them.
"I thought you said this would be a 'small' dinner." He whispered harshly into your ear.
"It is.. for the Malfoys" you say coolly. You grab a flute of champagne and motion for Severus to do the same. You trace the rim of the glass with your pinky and then stick your finger in your mouth while casting your eyes around the room.
"Everything alright?" He whispers in your ear. You nod but then grab his hand suddenly and pull him a little fast into the next room, then down a hall, then into a closet before shutting you both in the dark.
Catching your breath you grab onto Severus's shoulders. I don't want to alarm you but I feel I should warn you. I thought that this was going to be a small gathering but more... influential members have come and Mr. Malfoy is serving very high end champagne. Which unfortunately means HE is coming." you hiss quickly to him.
"He? He who?"
"Voldemort" you let the name fall like air but it hits Severus like a boulder.
"Him! He is coming tonight?"
"Yes, I think so. Are you still okay staying here?"
Severus breaths in your scent, was this a test? Dumbledore would want you to stay... was she seeing if you would truly commit to being a death eater like her?
"Yes." He says firmly. You silently curse in your head. You wished he would have said no and you could get him back home safe in his own bed... away from all this mess. You force a cool smile and nod.
"Good, then lets go back." Before she could reach the door handle the whole thing flies open.
"If you are quite finished snogging your little boyfriend in the closet" A tall broad shouldered man said coldly. "Dinner is served."
Severus blushed and stared down at his shoes but you held your head high.
"Oh daddy, we just wanted some time to ourselves. You know how I don't like busy crowds."
The man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Melyra can you please behave tonight. I want everything to go as planned."
"Of course father. It will all be... perfect." you quipped. Pushing past him you drag Severus along with you.
"Sorry, sir" he says as he passes.
"Don't apologies to him," you hiss. "He interrupted us!" you sneer.
Severus glances back at your father who just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Severus wasn't too sure why you were acting so different but it must be a habit you uphold in certain company.
At the table he pulls out your chair for you and then sits to your left. You father unfortunately sits beside him and a woman who looks very similar to you sits on your right.
You both sounds cold to one another but Severus saw how she squeezed your hand under the table and how you squeezed back.
You lean towards Severus your lips brushing his ear, "love is seen as weakness to those who can not feel it"
He furrows his brow at you and begins to ask what you mean when the clinking of a glass catches his attention.
The grand double doors at the end of the great dinning room glide open and several buff and mean looking wizards stomp through before parting to allow a single man. Tall, thin, and looking a pale grey with snake like eyes floated into the room. Everyone stood, he sat at the head of the table, everyone sat after him.
"Friends..." his voice was hollow and echoed in the otherwise silent room. "... let us eat." Lucius raised a hand and food appeared on the table top just like back at Hogwarts.
Much to Severus's disappointment nothing crucial was said during dinner but he had kept a mental tab on all the names he learned that night. That would be at least something to tell Dumbledore.
The warm summery weather had gave way to the bitter cold fall and then the freezing winter. Snow fell freely along the Scottish hillsides. You loved the snow and curiously Severus did not.
You found him bundled up in his office a steaming cup of tea on his desk as he scribbled away over some parchment.
"Severus it's snowing! Let's go for a walk."
He closed his eyes in exasperation and then looked up at you, "we've been over this before, Lyra, I do not care for the outdoors and least of all the cold."
You sigh dramatically and flop down in the chair across from him. "Ssseeevvveeerrrruuuussss" you whined.
Severus had to push his lips together to stop from smiling. He loved the way you said his name, especially when you were trying to get your way. He also loved how you refused to sit anywhere "normally". You had one leg over the arm rest and your shoulders and head hanging off the other side in a dramatic faint. He promised Dumbledore he would get close to you and he was very grateful that it was so easy to like you. Leaning back in his chair he rested his elbows on the armrests and steepled his fingers.
"Miss Burke. Is this really how you will be conducting yourself?"
You peeked one eye open, "yes!" And closed it again.
Severus sighed, "let me get my coat."
"Yes!" You shouted jumping up and pumping both arms in the air.
Severus rolled his eyes but when he turned to go upstairs he couldn't help but smile to himself.
You walked next to Severus, snow flakes falling around you guys. He tucked his chin into his scarf and gave an exaggerated shiver.
"I don't know why you insist on walking outside. We can walk just as easily inside the halls... where it is warm!" he said pointedly.
You giggled, "Oh Severus, the outside air is good for you! And besides its not that cold out! AND look how pretty it is when it snows!" You held your arms out and did a twirl almost slipping on an icy patch. Severus gave you an unimpressed look.
"My point exactly, not only is it cold, you almost slipped! Who knows what would have happened." He started walking ahead of you. "Could have hit your silly little head on the ground and then what? You start having to teach muggles studies because you've lost so many brain cells."
You roll your eyes and tuck your hands into your pockets and speed walk to catch up to him, his long legs carrying him further faster than your shorter ones. You watch his soft curls bounce as he walks and get an idea. Running ahead you cut him off and stop in front of him making him stop too.
"Kiss me."
He startles and a soft choking sound, "www.hat?" he stuttered.
You took a bold step closer, "you heard me, kiss me" you stared straight into his eyes until he looked away.
"You don't wanna kiss me" he said bitterly his eyes cast down and to the side avoiding you all together. He tried to shoulder past you angerly his hands buried in his pockets.
You caught his cloak and pulled him closer to you, your foggy breath curling around him, you are a foot away from him one strong tug would pull him into your space.
Severus was breathing heavily, you didn't mean it, you were teasing him, trying to humiliate him. You didn't mean it, you were teasing. he repeated in his mind. He wouldn't look at you. You didn't mean it, you didn't mean it....
"Severus." Your tone pulled him out of his trance and he felt his body forced to look at you, but the look in your eyes made him turn away immediately.
"Sev, kiss me."
"First of all, don't call me that. Secondly, you don't want to kiss me" he said. He sounded like he was scolding one of his students.
"Do you not want to kiss me?" You said giving your best sorrowful voice.
"No!" he said in a panic. "no," he said softer. "you don't want to kiss me Lyra, just stop"
You pouted, "I understand, if you don't want to kiss me please just say so..."
"It's not that... persay.. Lyra please..." You closed the distance between you two. Sharing his air you fixed the collar of his cloak and his scarf, you felt his breath catch. "Lyra" his whispered in a heavy breath. "you don't..."
"I want you, Severus." you said firmly and giving his lapels a hard pull. You two were nose to nose now. You traced your nose along his jaw, your breath was hot and quick. "If you don't want to kiss me, tell me." you say into his ear. Your lips are ghosting against his cheek his breath is coming out fast now. You pull back to look into his eyes.
"I've never..." He starts
"Me either." you cut in, that surprised him. His eyebrows disappearing into his bangs.
"you don't want..."
"Don't tell me what I want Severus!" You say firmly. "Do.You.Want.To.Kiss.Me?" you enunciate every word.
Nodding his head he hisses so softly, "yes"
"Then kiss me" you say as you press your temple against his. His body responds and he leans into you. His hands are still balled into fists in his pockets. His breath is ragged and he presses his head into yours. "kiss me" you whisper again nuzzling against him. He nuzzles back, "I.." he chokes out but you are looking at him now. Your cheeks pink from the cold your eyes looking directly at him. He licks his lips, and then licks them again.
Then all at once he rushes forward, you are startled by the sudden movement, but then he stops right before his lips meet yours. Your hand cups his cheek, you forgot your gloves, you look one more time into his eyes and then close the breath of space between you two. Severus puckers his lips to kiss you and you move your hand along his cheek to the back of his head and put a little pressure there. You don't want to scare him away but you want him to know that you want this just as much, or even more, than he does.
You lick along his bottom lip, a small moan escapes the back of his throat and you use that to explore his mouth with your tongue. His tongue responds in kind. The kiss deepens. You gasp against his lips and then his along his cheek. He is gasping and trying to calm himself when you whisper in his ear,
"Do you want to touch me?"
He nods furiously, his hands coming out of his pockets finally and one cupping your chin the other diving into your hair. He steers your lips back to his and kisses you again and again. You are giggling now as he kisses all over your face. One final kiss on the tip of your nose and he finally pulls away. You see the fog of tears welling in his eyes.
"You are so beautiful." You say, Severus blushes .
"Stop. I am a pathetic mess." He pushes you away and shoves his hands back into his pockets.
You grab onto his cloak and pull him back to you, "don't you dare push me away. You always do this, Sev, as soon as I get closer you try and shove me out. I am not leaving just because everyone else has. Let me like you, let me kiss you, let me be with you! I think I've earned at least a little benefit of the doubt." You have a little bite to your tone.
Severus won't meet your eyes. You grab his chin and make him face you. His eyes are still down cast, you kiss him anyways. His body responds to you, leaning in kissing you back.
"You are so beautiful like this" you kiss him your tongue begging for entrance from his lower lip. He lets you in, "I like you like this."
He pulls away, "I'm weak" he snarls. You grab both sides of his collar and pull him in a little rougher than you originally intended. "You are NOT weak." You press your forehead into his.
"I like you like this because you are finally being yourself. I like Severus as his is. He doesn't need to hide or filter himself for me." You rub your cheek against his. He finally looks at you, tears still threatening to spill out of his eyes.
"Do you mean that?"
"Of course I do" You kiss him again. "You are so good" you kiss him more. You felt like you could kiss him forever. At first it was awkward and clumsy but now you both had found a rhythm. You moan against his lips, "You feel so good"
He sucks in a breath, his hands are back on you now. Gripping at your cloak and pulling you in.
"mmhmph," you grunt against his lips. He is holding you tight against him now and you feel something pressing against your thigh.
"Such a strong man" you huff in his ear, his hips jerk and he pulls away embarrassed. You didn't know he could get pinker!
You smile at him, "want to show me how much you like me?" you giggle. He gives a half smile and tries to turn away.
"Please don't," You say and pull him closer.
He shrugs you off, "No we better stop..."
"Why? Do you not like me?"
"NO!" He yells then corrects himself. "I'm sorry, I just.. I like.. like you .. a lot. I just don't want you to ... I don't want you to find out.... I don't want you to think..." He can't get a full sentence out. He feels like he is going to start crying again. You feel your eyes get misty too.
"Severus, I've never done anything like this before... with anyone." You say firmly and step into his space again, he doesn't pull away. "But this," you gesture to the both of you. "Feels right. I want you." He melts against you at those words. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in. He won't look at you again, "You don't mean that!" He hisses.
"Severus Snape, Stop pushing me away! I want you. All of you. I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to fuc.." You cut off. His head snaps up and he locks eyes with you.
"What?" He whispers
"I mean.. eventually.. when you are ready .. I would like.. like my first ... time..." Now you are sputtering.
He searches your face and even peaks into your mind and all he can see, all he can feel, is himself kissing you over and over again. He doesn't know what to do with all these feelings and suddenly a panic rises in his chest.
You see the panic in his eyes, "don't feel like you have to! Say the word and I'll back off.. I just thought.. you know.. with the way things are.. that YOU might want to.. and if you did.. I want you to also know... that I also... want to..." You are rambling and stuttering and a complete mess now.
Severus touches your lips, they have started to look puffy from the kissing and a little redder. Then he holds the back of your head and pulls you into him to kiss you. His other hand wraps around your waist and pulls your body against his, you fit together so perfectly. You gasp and then moan, a whimper escapes his lips.
"Come on," you say as you pull him along with you.
"Where are we going?"
"To my flat, we are going to clean up and then we are going to snuggle in my bed!"
Severus's eyes go wide but he doesn't feel like there is really a choice here even though he would choose you again and again. If you gave him the choice his shame and trauma might tell him to go away to his own room and sulk but you wouldn't let him. If he really didn't want you he would have made that perfectly clear. You knew he was just pushing you away because he was afraid of letting anyone close to him. But you would get close to him even if you had to do all the work yourself!
Back in your home you take turns showering. You go first and Severus sits awkwardly perched on your coach until you are done. You come out in just a towel to tell him its his turn.
He nods wordlessly and goes into the bathroom. You go to your room and quickly cast a cleaning spell and put on a pair of comfy pajamas. You lay out some for Severus too.
He asks you to close your eyes again and you do. You pull the covers up over your head and wait until you feel him sit on the edge of the bed.
"Good?" you ask as you peak out. He is smiling "yes" he says exasperated
"Good! Come here." You pat the bed next to you. Severus reluctantly climbs over and sits on top of the covers.
You roll your eyes and climb out from under the covers. You settle down next to him your body turned to him and you pull at his shirt, guiding him to lay turned to you as well.
You trace your finger along his face. Down his nose, along his jaw, over his hairline, and across each cheek.
"You are so beautiful." You say again and kiss his nose.
"Whatever" he mumbles under his breath. "I am disgusting" He hisses and turns away from you.
You huff. "Sev! For all the magic in the world could you just please once enjoy a moment with me! I know it's hard to believe that you are cared for and you are important to me and that I'll never hurt you but I don't know what to do!" You feel tears prick your cheeks.
"Please" you whisper defeated.
He turns back to you, "Don't cry" he holds you against his chest.
"Then stop pushing me away. I want you, all of you, all the time. I want you in my heart and in my head." He just stares at you dumbly.
"I love you" he breaths and kisses you. You are afraid if you acknowledge it it will scare him away so you just keep kissing him. Pulling him closer to you, feeling the outline of his body against yours.
"Severus" you moan and his body jerks towards you. Your chest pressing against him and suddenly the burning in your tummy moves south and you feel a lot of your own wetness. The very pronounced outline of his cock pressed against your clit. His hips start stuttering against you. You pull him in closer, whimpers and moans escape his lips without a care in the world.
"My beautiful man, so strong, mmmph you feel so good, I want you, more Severus, ugh please" You breathe against his lips and then into his ear as he ruts against your thigh. You pull his hips tight and kiss his neck, this seems to be very sensitive as his hips sputter and regain the rhythm they had before. He cries out and then jerks away but you were ready for this and your grip on him tightens and you thrust your thigh between his leg and let him dry hump against you until he is spent. You hold him close to your body.
You moan in his ear and sigh "Severus." You kiss along his jaw and then down his neck. His hips thrust against you again causing him to cry out. His neck was very sensitive.
He catches his breath finally, "I... I'm sorry" he says softly.
"Don't be" you insist and pull him in for another kiss but this time he pulls back in earnest.
"I told you I am disgusting." He tries to get up but you push him back on the bed. You straddle his waist and rest your hands on his chest.
"You are beautiful to me." You pull your wand from the bun in your hair and let it tumble down your shoulders. A small flick and you had dried his pants and then tossed it onto the bedside table.
You leaned to kiss him but he turned away.
"Severus..." you whined. With a sigh he turned back to you, his eyebrows knitted together.
"You don't have to do anything right now." You kiss his lips even though his own don't meet yours. "But I will be here. If you wanna do something like this again." You nose against his neck and a shiver goes down his spine. "Or something more..." You roll your hips over his and he awards your efforts with soft whimper.
You smile, climb off of him, and snuggle yourself into him. One leg hooked onto his and your head on his chest. The soft beat of his heart settles you.
"Stay with me tonight." you mumble against his side. Severus put one hand behind his head and the other hesitated trying to find a comfortable place to rest before he let it touch lightly on your hip. His fingers danced along your waistband and then settled over your hips.
"Tonight?" he whispered. "Anything for you." He kissed the top of your head and heard your breathing slow and become even. He felt so relaxed and at peace. He reached for your mind then and felt completely at ease. He let the feeling surround him and drifted off to sleep holding you close to him.
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panthera-tigris-venenata · 6 months ago
"AITA for dumping my boyfriend which led to him being captured by a bunch of crazy pirates?"
For a bit of context, me (17F) and my ex boyfriend (17M) come from a drastically different backgrounds. My boyfriend comes from a very priviledged and influnetial family (I'm not sharing exact details due to his media notority), and it's only due to his influence that me and my friends (17F, 18M, 15M) were given a chance to live on the right side of the tracks, so to speak.
As you can imagine, that was challenging. Me and my friends were put into a unique position.
We were forced to do a complete 180 of our lifestyle and beliefs.
Some of my friends, particularly E (17F), are taking to the change so well - she's doing so well. She's becoming a big name in the fashion world, which I'm so happy for her, she's been so passionate about everything fashion ever since I knew her, and she's doing so well in school too. She just got the chance to show off how clever and amazing she is, she's really blossoming in this new enviroment.
Right. Anyway. My boyfriend.
He kept asking me to give up every last of my beliefs, every little thing that made me who I am today, and I didn't feel like saying no was an option. As I said, his family is exteemely influnetial, and his parents could very well take this new life from my friends.
So I tried to adapt.
I studied hard any way I could. I was supportive girlfriend and tried planning exciting and cute dates - which is a thing that I never did before, so it was a challenge for me - and he almost never had time for me.
I even dyed my hair blonde and completely changed my style to fit in better.
I kept answering these never-ending questions from media that just kept hounding me - I've never felt more like a prey before, and I grew up in an extremely "survival of the fittest" situation.
But it never was enough. Even with all the support my friends and particularly wonderful E were giving me, I couldn't take it anymore.
I decided to end things with him on a friendly note, going as far as throwing in the obligatory "It's not you, it's me," and to make the move back to my childhood home so he could move on quicker.
I just wanted to be myself again, you know?
But my ex-boyfriend decided that I was making in-the-moment snap decisions and that he needed to come get me.
I did not ask him to follow me.
You see, my childhood home is a very dangerous place, especially for a person in his position.
He knew that, and my friends informed me that they warned him against following me repeatedly. Since he was relentless, they went with him, and warned him to stay with them and in disguise.
Keep in mind, I did not ask him to come.
Failing to follow easy instructions multiple times, my ex-boyfriend wandered off and was kidnapped by a bunch of crazy and murder-happy pirates.
Despite all of this, I went out of my way to help him get out of this hostage situation or whatever. (If we're being honest, the pirates like to put up a bit of a display. It's a thing we all do.)
So, I did as much as I could, even though I had no obligation to help him anymore. I got as much information as possible about his situation, getting insulted in the process. I planned a rescue operation, even though I needed to mend all the relationships that were broken by me moving to my boyfriend's place, basically. Lot of people weren't happy with that, so I had to make a lit of social calls.
I really feel like I did all I could at any point of this situation.
So, Reddit, AITA for getting my ex-boyfriend kidnapped?
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kdwg · 1 year ago
Accepted or Declined? [Dottore x Reader x Pantalone]
First, English is not my mother tongue so maybe i make mistake in grammar or anything, sorry
Secondly, i played chess when i was 5,6 idk and now i almost forgot all of them, everything mentioned chess in here maybe not right
So sorry again... i am really bad at writing in eng
p/s: Dottore does not appear directly, Reader has no feelings for Pantalone
You wait in the eerily quiet surroundings. All the lights in the main hall have turned off, leaving you alone with the weak light of an oil lamp just enough to see the chess set. Fear and impatience are increasing in waves as your fingers tend to tap harder on the marble floor.
When will Dottore finally complete the experiment?
Once again, thoughts of him flashed through your mind, distracting you from the chess match laid out before you. You take a deep breath, feeling the refreshing cold flow into your trachea, flowing into your thoughts like a cataclysm that extinguished all concerns about him. You move the white pawn up 1 space, as programmed, and after completing one step, you rotate the chessboard 180 degrees. You put all your focus on the chess position in front of you, you repeat what you want to do out loud, win yourself, win yourself, win yourself... However, you cannot understand the blurred black and white chess pieces right in front of your eyes replaced by the image of a blue-haired man. Helpless, you can only sigh, knock everything down and rearrange the two sides into two straight rows.
Dottore reigns in your mind like an incurable plague. You threw the pocket watch into a corner somewhere, stopping yourself from waiting so you wouldn't suddenly open it and then be disappointed how long it's been since he's started that damn experiment. All the waiting time is now counted in chess matches, but at thirteen you stopped counting and the games after that are just mechanical, dealing with yourself. You begin to think he had left, half of you believe that Dottore was a man of his word, but the other half suspect that he had completed the experiment and then left, forgetting his promise. Speaking of credibility, Dottore was like that, but I don't know if he has changed with everyone, or just with you. 
Beyond credibility, many things have changed.
You sigh, you should focus on something else to wait for him. Just as you were about to place your pawn on E4, a deep voice ring out at the front door of the hall:
“Sicilian defense as usual?”
You can easily recognize the owner of the voice and it is not good to have the company of other harbingers except number 2. Luckily the oil lamp light is not bright enough to illuminate the discomfort on your face. At that moment, you quickly stand up, bow properly and reply in a very neutral tone:
“Mr. Regrator, it is a pleasure to meet you, even though it is midnight.”
“What I said, you can call me Pantalone.”
You want to say something sarcastic, but this bastard will always respond with an obnoxious, peaceful smile, not paying any attention. Finally, you smile, your knuckles digging into the back of your shirt even more intensely when Pantalone does not leave but sits down opposite you.
"I didn't know you would spend your precious time here with me so late at night instead of a good night's sleep. Do you have something you want to discuss? It's definitely not due to poor chess."
Pantalone still keep his usual smile, he turn the chessboard so that the white pieces are on his side.
"A match, shall we?"
This man is definitely not here just for the reason of having a chess match for entertainment. Surely Pantalone is thinking about something, you wonder if you should find an excuse to refuse and then leave because any more lingering with him will only be disadvantageous. You want to dissect the man in front of you, you want to know what he is planning behind that gentle face. What was the reason for Pantalone's approach? Why you and not Dottore? Looking at yourself, you can't find anything that would be useful for Pantalone.
Thousands of questions constantly appear in my mind, neurons are pushed to maximum performance to encode as quickly as possible. The soles of your feet tingle and itch like an ant making nests, and your body was urging you to run away. Run away for what? You do not know.
"Let's sit down."
Your body stiffen as Pantalone spoke. It was supposed to be a reassurance but underneath the layers of subtext you felt it was more like an order. You sit down forcibly, your fingers gripping the hem of your shirt until they turn white.
"It's just for fun. I definitely won't punish you if you lose."
You feel regretful that you didn't choose to leave.
"What's wrong, Dottore doesn't allow his little friend to socialize with other people?"
Pantalone laughs very politely and sarcastically, you hate the way every time you met him he always mentioned Dottore. In the past, you didn't mind, but right now, anyone mentioning his name makes your anger flare up. However, who can you blame for when you have become his shadow for so long, when did you lose your own identity and choose to stand behind?
"If you want to talk to Dottore, you should find the owner."
"Okay but the main topic tonight is you."
This time Regrator laughed heartily, not the commercial smile in meetings. You want to correct yourself but Pantalone doesn't give you the chance:
"Do you ever use any opening other than the Sicilian defense?"
Pawn to D4.
"Sometimes I open with The Ruy-Lopez"
Pawn to D5.
"So two openings, why don't you try some others? The other openings didn’t bring victory?"
"I tried..."
You're a little confused when you remember the last time you used other openings except the Sicilian defense and The Ruy-Lopez. You suddenly realize it's been a long time, maybe since you were an Akademiya scholar. That's when you started practicing chess, choosing the suitable openings to master them.
"I tried Ponziani and the Slav defense but it wasn't effective."
If you don't want to say you lost badly to Dottore when you were trying to find a third opening.
"As a scientist, I see you have no tendency to innovate."
This time you couldn't hide the irritation in your tone, but you were calm enough not to express anything too extreme.
"What do you mean by that?"
Even though you are not an official scientist, you chose to become Dottore's assistant, but each of those words severely attacked those in the field of research and development.
"Don't get angry," Pantalone seemed happier when you no longer remained neutral in your actions and words, "I mean, sometimes you should step out of your safe zone, choose a bold decision that can end the chain of thoughts: worries, hesitation and negativity."
Pawn to C4.
Looking at the situation in front of you, you can partly feel the suspicious message he is conveying. What Pantalone wants to say has also appeared in your subconscious countless times. They appear every time you realize that you were slowly drifting off to sleep while sitting on the chair waiting for him to return every night. They persistently whisper in your ear when Dottore and you argued about unnecessary issues. They become a ghost that resides in your left chest when you crossed out past your birthday on the calendar, reminding you that Dottore has completely forgotten you.
Pantalone can clearly see your trembling hand playing with the lock of hair on your cheek.
"You know, there are things that have to be sacrificed for a greater purpose."
Your gut is tearing, you feel bile rising into your throat, you don't know how to show exact expression to him. You are becoming more sensitive than ever, 7 parts of you are agreeing with Pantalone's words but 3 parts are shaking your spirit, you should not trust him, you must choose Dottore. You raised your face, eyes unable to hide the fear that was locked on Pantalone's every move.
Pantalone walks towards you, bend down to face level, his fingers wearing a sparkling ring trying to touch your cheek but you backed away to avoid him.
He makes a fake sad face, not giving up, his ten fingers cupping your face and pulling you closer. You try to pull Pantalone's wrist away, but your limbs feel as weak as plants.
You are not afraid of Pantalone, the terror that is coming at this moment is the competing thoughts of Dottore going on in your head. You know Pantalone is not the cause of your rebellious thoughts, they have always existed in your mind every time Dottore's credibility dropped. But you always pushed them away, burying them all deep in some corners, overpowering them with the illusion of justifying yourself to Dottore. And, Pantalone is the catalyst, igniting the fire that allows them to escape and burn down the stronghold you have built. Why does Pantalone do this? Does Pantalone know that Dottore is an unambiguous person? Even if Dottore still has feelings for you and if his plan of separating was successful, Dottore’s collapse because of love is still extremely unreasonable. So what is the key to doing this?
"Look at me."
The sweet words make you shiver, he brushes your strands of hair into your ear. You can feel his steady breathing on your nose, it took your breath away. His purple eyes under long eyelashes seem to illuminate your frustrated heart. They consider, open each layer of skin, see through thousands of thoughts that are tangled together like a ball of wool. But those eyes did not untie every knot, they burned like a volcano, burning everything to ashes. They leave your mind as hazy white spaces, and in your eyes everything is gradually fading, only the silhouette of the ninth harbinger remains. Rough gloved fingers touch your lips, Pantalone smiles happily, he parts your teeth, and blows air into your mouth. You startle and cough when the smell of cigarettes hits you. You are not aware that you had stopped breathing since he held your face. You want to remove your face from his hands, but they are on your waist. He leans in so that his nose touches your skin. You are irritated, your eyebrows furrow to show your displeasure for him to let go. As for Pantalone, he seems a bit regretful when he didn't put two fingers in your mouth.
"Accepted or Declined?"
You blush when you feel his lips playing with yours, you blame it on your anger from waiting for Dottore and the banker's weird joke. You remove Pantalone's hand, quickly stand up and lay your king down.
"I resign."
You leave, leaving Pantalone laughing happily at the game he had created. You leave, this time you didn't care if Dottore was still at the palace.
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astxrailzz · 4 months ago
FEAT: osamu dazai, chuuya nakahara, nikolai gogol, fyodor dostoevsky, sigma, atsushi nakajima, akutagawa ryunosuke
CONTENT: written from a british school pov!! mentions of vaping/dazai n nikolai selling overpriced vapes, atsushi n akutagawa scrapping, fake asthma attack (giggling writing these down)
AUTHORS NOTE: FIRST POST ON THISS ACCOUNT AND LOTS MORE TO COME!! will defo be doing another ones of these it was so fun to write (nikolai was my fav)
dazai would defo be one of those popular boys who does absolutely NOTHING in class. all he does is piss around and fucks with chuuya
somehow he’d be in top set in a few classes and everyone else is like what???? HOW????
brings nothing to school and end up with a bunch of pens
i feel like in yr7-8 he was more introverted and quiet (like he was in the pm) but did a complete 180 change in yr9
LOVES the pepperoni pizza slices in the canteen, forces chuuya to buy a slice for him and throws a fit if they’re not being sold that day
”Chuuyaaaaaa! D’ya have any money- please please pleaseeeeee- they’re not even that expensive! You’re just broke, you seriously gonna let a poor guy like me starve?“
if chuuya doesn’t buy him it he gets atsushi to buy it instead
blows up everyone’s phone. please you’d think he lived in his phone if you texted him he’d respond in less than 15 seconds
had braces in yr7-8
started a business with nikolai scamming the younger years bc he was bored. they planned it out n everything in a maths class and not even a day later had set it up in the toilets. once people acc started falling for it and they were getting money he locked tf in
"It’s 15 quid for a vape.. hey bruv I don't make the rules! (he does) If you're gonna complain and not buy owt' you can piss off."
lowkey wishes it was true
always has dts so he walks home with chuuya
does gcse pe bc he's super athletic
once again the yr8-10 girls think he's fit (he is)
got called a leprechaun and he started FUMING, same with being called scottish
got so pissed off at dazai once that he lobbed a pen into his eye which prompted dazai to dramatically fall off his chair and hit his head againnst the floor (chuuya didn't gaf)
every time he sees a yellow car he immedietly thinks abt dazai and starts looking around for him
"why's that car so fuckin' yellow- where's dazai."
50/50 chance that people know he is gonna punch the shit outa him or js think he's into him
stuck up for akutagawa once bc the poor boy was being dragged and now aku follows him around though he’d never admit it
he denies it like his life depends on it
kouyou even teases him abt it please everyone hangs up on him
Nikolai is 100% the class clown you cannot change my mind
owns all the school beef accounts and has videos of all the scraps (makes people pay to see them)
gets fyodor to help him with his homework
He’s the one who stuffs toilet roll down the sinks and blocks the toilets. He drags sigma along with him and sigma js attempts to get him to stop (it never works)
“WHAT?? no miss I would never- wha- why would I do that?? it was litch sigma miss please you gotta believe me, fedya was watching- weren’t you? WEREN'T YOU??”
(fyodor rats him out 9 times out of 10)
In class if he has a sub and gets told off he whines about it saying ‘oh it’s because I’m russian innit’
draws when he’s bored. doesn’t matter what on, he just vandalises everything
drama teachers are the only ones that like him
sits with sigma and fyodor at lunch, some year sevens sit behind them so he spins around and taps them then spins back and acts like nothing happened (they think he’s weird and moves)
tried selling a yr7 a empty vape once and a teacher caught him, also hides behind toilet doors so when you open them he jumps out and puts you into cardiac arrest
for the business with dazai, he js pissed around the whole time. their business only lasted a week then they got found out bc some kid was pissy abt how it was extremely overpriced, they ended up getting suspended over it but pleaseeeee they went after that kid HELP
he sometimes put random stuff in the vapes like soap AHAHAHSHSHAH
gets out of pe bc he's anemic. had to fight a war with the pe teachers to get out of it bc they claimed it wasn't a valid excuse, only let him out of it when he passed out playing badminton (nikolai took a video of it and constantly uses it as blackmail)
reads at lunch
got reported once bc somebody bumped into him and he threatened them saying smth corny like 'you better watch your back buddy' or ‘I will stab you at lunch’ and they got scared (tbh i would as well man is intimidating)
slt was called and a bag check had to be done, all they found were books (nerd 🤓)
sometimes quotes authors of the books he reads and completely denies everything if you mention it or question it
"hm? what? why would i quote that- i didnt even say that, what're you on about?" (starts sweating)
i think this is ooc buttt its funny so idgaf, watched deathnote in yr7 or 8 and acted like light as well as bought his own rip off book on temu, he'd wip it out if anyone got on his nerves and everybody took the piss out of him
so so soooo awkward
doesn't have ANY friends in his year, lingers around older years so his classmates stay AWAY.
only friends r nikolai and fyodor (nikolai dragged him to his table after seeing him being emo and fyodor tolerates him)
i think he'd be in middle set for most things, the exception being top in english.
common sigma phrase when anyone talks to him
"uh.. well- I uh- I mean-.. yes..?"
was walking behind atsushi one day and a pin off his backpack fell off (read atsushi's section for context). he picked it up for him and gave it back to him leading to atsushi buying him a radnor fizz as a thanks
lowkey wants to be friends with atsushi bc of how nice he was but IS TOO PUSSY TO TALK TO HIMMM
has a bunch of cute keychains on his bag and people RIP THEM OFF ALL THE TIME he gen gets so upset over it
gets all his teachers small gifts like chocolates for holidays
most people in the school like him and the yr11s stick up for him bc he's mates with dazai
waves and smiles at sigma every time he sees him
him and akutagawa eventually made up and they're semi friends purely bc aku doesn't want people to start saying shit like 'ooo the emo can make friends'
he is so judgy he will fucking side eye you in the hallways and shit
follows gin and Chuuya around and gets them to batter people if they say anything to him
CONSTANTLY picked on for being edgy
"OI EMO! WRIST CHECK?????" or "barcode"
heard abt how fyodor got out of pe and faked having a asthma attack whilst running track, ATSUSHI THOUGHT HE WAS BEING FR AND STARTED SOBBING AHAHAHAHAH
watches horror movies with gin and buys her stuff occasionally (HEADCANNON THAT THEY SHOW THEIR LOVE THROUGH ACTS OF SERVICE)
semi friends with kaiji and higuchi (by this i mean he lets him yap and doesn't complain)
shaves his eyebrows off to seem edgy
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deducter · 1 year ago
Fluorescein | the experiment
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Well, you see, making fluorescein isn't as easy as snapping your fingers and voilà! It requires a bit of scientific know-how and experimentation. In this particular experiment, I attempted to make fluorescein. Unfortunately, the first try didn't go as planned due to a shortage of equipment and having to make do with whatever we had at hand. But hey, that's the beauty of science—it's all about learning and trying again. Now, let me break it down for you. To make fluorescein, we need a few key ingredients that are always the same, regardless of whether we succeed or not:
Phthalic anhydride
In the first step, I mixed ten millimoles of phthalic anhydride and twenty millimoles of resorcinol in a two neck flask. I also added a magnetic stirrer to ensure everything blends together nicely. Now, the crucial part is achieving a uniform mixture, and for that, we need to heat things up in an oil bath at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, I didn't have silicone oil, which is ideal for reaching that temperature. So, we improvised and thought using a sand bath might do the trick. It wasn't perfect, though, as the magnetic stirrer didn't work properly, and the mixing wasn't as uniform as we hoped. But hey, I'm not one to give up easily!
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Once the substances were heated and combined, it was time to introduce twenty millimoles of zinc chloride into the mix, adding it slowly through one of the flask necks. Now, we let the substances mingle at the same temperature for a good 45 to 90 minutes. Patience is key!
When they turned a deep red colour, I switched off the heater and let the temperature drop to ninety degrees Celsius. At this point, I added twenty millilitres of water and one millilitre of concentrated HCl. Now, here's an important note: toxic vapours are produced during this process, so it's crucial to carry it out in a well-ventilated space or under a hood. Safety first, always!
To ensure complete dissolution of the substances, I placed the solution back on the heater. Once that was done, I filtered the solution, washed it with water, and finally, dried it in an oven.
Now, here's where things took a turn. The first attempt didn't yield any precipitate, which meant starting over from scratch. But I didn't let that dampen my spirits.
For the second try, I used an oil bath with silicone oil, which provided better results. After going through all the previous steps, it was time for the purification stage.
In this stage, we have to make a solution containing NaOH and HCl.
After adding them (dissolved in NaOH solution and precipitating with dilute HCl), filter the solution several times and wash it with water. Then, dry it in an oven at one hundred degrees Celsius.
And there you have it (I will show the results in the post I'm going to make in the future. So, stay tuned)! Fluorescein is ready to shine its vibrant colours. Science can be a bumpy road, but with determination and a bit of improvisation, we can make amazing discoveries. Allons-y!
— Deducter
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the-blossica-fan · 5 months ago
Crazy thought Evil! Or Opposite Lilya.
Or better yet. Completely Sober Lilya.
Overall her being evil would be a nightmare, one of the best Zeno pilots and we dont know if drinking slightly or at all impairs her abilities (tbh her passive should be alcohol tolerance)
Either take the evil scenario and shes the red baron or a flying devil raining hell everywhere.
Or a fun scenario in the suitcase where Lilya for some reason is completely sober and shes got a 180 personality shift everyone is confused about
Guys we got an epic addition to our Evil Phenomenon gang but instead of being actually the Evil Phenomenon it's just sobering up a drunkard
Lilya is good at planning, especially when it comes to thinking ahead of someone. Despite being under countless bottles of vodka, she's still pretty smart and down-to-earth. Almost doesn't act like she's drunk at all!
Sober Lilya (or, as Laplace had added her during investigation: "Evil Phenomenon Lilya") is messy. She's not saying much, apparently sobering her makes her quiet.
She does know how to fly, she probably learned that when sober due to restrictions, so she doesn't change much in that aspect. Instead, she gets... Creative, to say the least.
Lilya epic pilot just terrorizing people by flying a little too low while saying nothing. Her lovely broom (I like calling it that) being used for evil purposes, pretty much the opposite of what she would do.
Non-talkative, not a single thought behind her eyes. She acts more drunk when sober, people have decided that alcoholic drinks are a must after this.
For everyone's mental safety, this is the "Evil Phenomenon", but those who know are aware this is just sober Lilya.
Also, she doesn't play pranks in groups. She chooses to do things very low-key and in public she follows every restriction. A rule-follower who keeps terrorizing people when no one is looking.
She's low-key creepy ngl. Imagine getting followed by a Zeno pilot but she says nothing. It's a "prank" but she's not laughing she's just following you dangerously close.
If she were to be ACTUALLY infected by the Evil Phenomenon...
She broke a thousand rules without a care, didn't follow the rules or exploit them like usual she just destroyed everything.
She's in Jain and Vertin is giving away every single sharpodontry in her pocket to bail her out.
People hated the lack of money for a couple days, they rate this evil Lilya a 2/10. Lilya disagrees and says it was actually the more fun she's had, right after kidnapping Vertin in chapter 4. A 10/10 would not do again coming from Lilya herself!
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blackdigitalrose · 2 days ago
Sat - Delicious Party♡Precure - EP 26 - 28
Definitely going to need to keep it at five next time, clearly I need a fall-back day ^^;
EP 26
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Excuse me, I thought the plan was to eat it mixed in and hidden within other dishes, that's just flat out eating the green pepper?
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This is rather snazzy though and would definitely work for the younger audience.
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So this guy isn't sticking multiple kitchen utensils together, he's just adding what ever he feels like to the mix? Although, wondering why they're using him to pad it out some? Narcistoru is now no where to be seen as we approach EP 30 and there is still at least two members of the Bundoru gang?
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He ran all that way... to more than likely do very little but he does seem to be getting more group inclusion, little by little.
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Oh, some one else finally got a default upgrade.
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The woes of a secret double identity XD but he still managed to beat them back though.
However, my gripe is this, they talk about eating anything and everything but at the end of the day, people have taste buds and there will be stuff they don't like. The closest that got to on touching this was probably Amane who said she didn't eat spicy food but is open to trying everything else. I feel this message would be a confusing one, it is ok to dislike a food even if everyone else seems to like it. (or is this conflicted because it was more so overcoming a phobia???)
EP 27
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Is there a Ren and Ron to? Those siblings came out of nowhere, I thought she was an only child.
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Why is that information you would share? What happened to low key or blending in? But that's an unexpected point, that carries a load more questions with it.
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We've gone full circle back to this again, which is a nice nod actually.
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Well, that was a nice subtle little character dive.
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Good gravy, strikes it home again, this is a really good lesson. (Inventor Ran was also quite a surprise)
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Just how many stages is she going to get? It does overshadow the other two quite a bit because they have no storyline what so ever, they're just there for plot device reasons in comparison. But maybe more notably, he's back again! Creating ourselves a two parter in the process. This ep was just full of surprises.
EP 28
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What's this, like our fourth one now? Delicious Party certainly don't have a shortage of monsters of the week. The constant variations are actually a nice touch, helps shake up the formula a bit (Smile does the same to an extent)
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The guy is actually doing some productive! This ep has had a fair share of moments to shine, especially for the boys. Even Mem Mem had a chance to step up. Serious Mari is a weird sight to see, a complete 180 to how he usually is. Unfortunately, this looks like the end of the fun with Narcistoru, the guy was the right level of prick to be enjoyable.
The Precure got a power up and a new finisher but I've ran out of pic space ^^; so I'll save it got another week. (why are they so bridal looking though?) I am actually surprised how few power ups we've seen so far across the six, I thought they were more common than they've appeared to be.
Alas, the actual Cookingdom next week, which one would think we'll be getting some plot laid out for the second half. This was a really fun trio of eps though. (It still has time to derail and yes I haven't seen many all the way through but Delicious Party is proving to be quite fun, I was led to believe it was bad from the reviews/lists I've seen?)
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extasiswings · 2 years ago
it’s wildly apparent to me that they fully pivoted and went in a whole new direction from what they originally planned for a slower, more drawn out 6B and I’m not mad about it but I do think it’s hilarious. <- how so? I'm curious about the direction change and from what to what? 🤔
Sure! So, we all complained about the pacing of 6A, right? And how weird it felt to have such strong Vibes right out the gate in the premiere setting forth the couch metaphor and the theme of "missing what is right in front of you" only to then shift away from that completely to the sperm donor arc, which itself felt oddly paced? By the end of 6A, I was still fully on the train of "S6 is the season of some sort of Buddie canon, I'm just not 100% sure what that looks like," but couldn't tell if the pacing issues were a matter of working out the kinks with a new showrunner, or if there was something more at play behind the scenes that was leading to creative tension (and to be clear when I say that I mean something above Kristen's level because the haters don't give her enough credit for everything she's done for the development of this ship).
But regardless! We got 6A, it was what it was, including Tomorrow which was not only a gorgeous love story for Henren but was loud as HELL with Buddie parallels, and then what we saw on our screens with the sperm donor arc was that Buck 100% had not thought through the "donor-not-dad" situation, he literally announced he was going to be a father, we got to see Eddie react but not really respond at all...and after all that when they started teasing 6B is was all about how Eddie was suddenly going to start thinking about dating again (which was framed as much more thoughtful and a major 6B arc), and how Buck was going to be "struggling with boundaries" over the sperm donor situation right off the bat because he hadn't thought things through, etc etc (which FULLY tracked what we saw with the onesie etc at the end of 6x09). So I started thinking, okay, if that's the game, it seems like despite the heavy-handedness in the beginning, they're taking a much slower path to Buddie canon where the season ends with Buck using the sperm donor arc to accept what he is to Christopher/what he already has there but leaving the question of his love life couch unresolved, and if Eddie is dating then it's probably at least partly a reaction to the sperm donor situation and feeling like that flicker of hope about how maybe some of the things you think are only "fantasies" can actually come true was dashed.
Except...then 6x10 happened. And suddenly Buck had done a complete 180 and was totally fine with the fact that he was only a donor. There was no struggling with boundaries, there was no scene with Bobby unpacking that struggle (which iirc Oliver had specifically teased), and suddenly both Oliver and Kristen in interviews were basically like "if you ever heard us say Buck was going to have an issue with this or saw anything in canon to suggest that, no you didn't actually" which...okay? And Eddie fully lost it over Buck getting struck by lightning? And was then framed as a grieving spouse all through 6x11? And then 6x12 came out of nowhere with Buck on Eddie's damn COUCH (after Oliver confirmed that the couch metaphor is real and Buck absolutely equates couches with romantic relationships etc etc) and another kitchen scene + shooting conversation that I'm still in shock over? And then there were other, little things that I probably wouldn't have thought anything of under normal circumstances, but that felt relevant once 6B actually hit and everything seemed so different.
Like how they seemed to have done pretty extensive reshoots for 6x10. Like how the first mention we had that the Buckleys were coming back was in reference to 6x11 (which itself seemed to me at least to be framed as sort of comic?), but oh hey, actually they're in 6x10, sike. Like how it took ages to get episode titles and other 6B info (writers, etc). Like how 6x12 feels like it could have easily just been exclusively a Bobby episode (and frankly with the way they talked about it, I expected more flashbacks with Wendell and Bobby) and while the Buck (and Buddie) subplot works, it also feels like almost a totally separate episode. Like how Ryan is apparently in every episode of 6B despite traditionally being gone for two episodes per season. Like how there has been zero mention of Eddie's love life in canon yet despite the fact that Eddie dating was originally framed as if it was supposed to be a major part of 6B. Like how Marisol's actress posted about not knowing if whatever she filmed (I'm assuming related to Eddie) had aired yet despite the fact that this is a major network tv show (which at least to me reads as if things were moved around). Like how Eddie dating no longer appears to be the deep, thoughtful, potentially angsty arc about him choosing to explore himself that it was originally framed as, but looks like instead it's mostly comic and the result of his aunt?
Anyway, to me at least all of that is super sus and feels like whatever issue there was behind the scenes was resolved somewhere around the time of the midseason finale, they totally flipped directions on whatever slow, drawn out plan they had, and now they've slammed on the gas and are hightailing it towards full out Buddie canon in the finale. Idk if it's because they're worried about renewal or if they just don't want to fuck around anymore, but whatever the case, I am extremely curious about the next six episodes (and really really really want to know if I'm right about Buddie trapped dads in the finale).
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lover-of-mine · 7 months ago
Hi 👋 can I say how much enjoy your blog? reading your opinion it's always a delight to me. And you are never rude so that's always a plus when I follow someone here on Tumblr.
So when you say the writers could truly decide to develop Tommy as a character in which circumstances do you think this could happen? (For me that ship sailed already but it's interesting to think about it) what would need to happen for the writers to make this choice and with what purpose?
I actually don't think LFJ is that bad of an actor (I actually enjoy him on swat) my opinion of him as a person is a whole other issue, but for some reason his acting felt flat on 911, like he's just there you know?
Hope you have a wonderful day today 💞
This is actually very nice, thank you, I appreciate you saying this!
Okay, I will tell you something I don't spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to incorporate Tommy because I just want this to be over with, I don't think he's worth the chaos he created so I don't try to figure out how to make him stay. But there are ways when you look at the fact that he has other openings to the storyline besides Buck. We have the friendship with Eddie that was completely written off after he got together with Buck and we also have the previous connection to the 118. Personally, I think the easiest way to incorporate him is through Eddie but the more effective way would be through Hen and Chim, it would be doing something that makes it clear that his relationship with them improved, yk? It's not just friendly, we worked together and I'm polite type thing, like actually evolving it into something that "oh we're friends now. They've been through shit, we acknowledge the fact that Tommy helped create the toxic environment and we have Tommy actively doing something to make amends, Hen and Chim seal of approval or whatever and then you keep developing his relationship with Buck in whatever way they want. But the thing is that only works if they do like a full 180 of his personality, yk? Like he would have to suddenly become extremely genuine for it to actually work with the general audience when you consider everything that happened and the way that he was used, in the second half of the season.
Because the thing is I don't think the problem is Lou's acting, at least not all of it, he was not doing a lot but the script that wasn't doing him any favors, if you look at him during the cruise and in 704 he doesn't fall as flat as he does during 709 and 710, so it's not fully a Lou's problem, it's probably something about the way that they want Tommy to come off because if they actually needed Tommy to come off a different way they would do different things with the script too, the delivery makes Tommy look a certain way, but what he's saying would contribute to it anyway, Lou's not that bad of an actor as everyone keeps saying he is, if he was 704 wouldn't work and 704 does work, so the thing is I think that they didn't plan on having Tommy sticking around all that much or at all for the rest of the season, and I think that's the main reason that 704 Tommy is so different from 709/10 Tommy because they realized that they had to make him look a certain way because people were rooting for the relationship and they didn't want people to root for the relationship. It all comes down to them actually putting effort into the character as a whole but the only effective way to make him part of the family is making him part of the family literally. It is dealing with the issues that come from his relationship with Chim and Hen. But I also don't think that the show's going to go there because they made a point to show us the deleted scene that shows the Hen doesn't trust him and that he's not interested in her approval so they filmed that scene, and they know that if they incorporate Tommy with more than Buck then Tommy starts existing in the plot and they avoided that at all costs. So much so that the second after they kissed Tommy was kind of like isolated he just doesn't do anything with anyone else even though there is space for that, even all that was the expectation for at least his friendship with Eddie to stick around, so I don't think they're going to go that route but it would be doing something with Hen and Chim if they want to be effective, I mean they just need him to exist outside of Buck and then you can actually start working towards the development of the character, it wouldn't be a thing that goes like it's one and done, I think it would be something that they would have to work with because they made a point that Tommy is a bad fit on Buck's life and we have the the begins episodes that were never addressed (and it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth but they kind of decided that gay excuses complacent which is bullshit) but they could have tried the same way that they tried to redeem Taylor, they didn't but it works if they decide they want to go there. There are ways to write it, I don't know exactly how they would go about it in specifics but it would be they would have to bring Tommy into the firefam for it to work. But he wasn't at the actual wedding, he was isolated during the medal ceremony, he wasn't at the hospital and they released that scene so they know they are purposefully keeping him out, I don't think they'll try to turn this around especially with the chaos.
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 months ago
The Story of the Boy Who Left to Pick Up Sand from the Moon (Sagrada Reset 4) - Chapter 4
The next day—July 24th, Monday.
Kei met Haruki shortly before noon and they started making their moves after Saving.
They called Kusakabe Shouta's home, introduced themselves as Nonoo Seika's acquaintances, and invited him to the park near his house. He asked Haruki to meet Nonoo and explain the situation.
Kei headed to the park alone.
Kusakabe Shouta was a short, skinny, and generally colorless boy. His skin, hair, and eyes were all very pale. When paired with Nonoo's doll-like paleness, they could be mistaken for siblings.
Kei introduced himself with a casual smile.
"Thanks for coming all the way here. I'm Asai Kei."
Shouta spoke with a slightly nervous tone.
"What… do you want?"
"My job is to investigate your ability. I'm a Service Club member and the task came from the  Bureau."
He noticed Shouta gulp.
His eyes opened wide and trembled.
Kei provided a detailed explanation of the three days deleted by Haruki's Reset.
"You're planning to disappear before Nonoo's eyes tonight at 8. Telling her that you'll be back after picking up sand from the moon."
Shouta lowered his head slightly and bit his lips.
"I have nothing against that. All I want to know is what is your ability. To make sure it's not dangerous."
The boy raised his gaze.
"My ability is to go to the moon", he answered with a glare.
"Have you ever tested it before?"
"I have. I've been to the moon. Nothing bad happens."
"How long does it take to come back from the moon?"
"Two days… and a half."
(Two and a half days, huh.)
"So you're saying that if you used your ability to go to the moon tonight, you'd be back on the morning of the 27th?"
"Yes. Exactly."
July 27th. The day Shouta will leave Sakurada.
"You're lying.", calmly said Kei.
"I'm not lying.", Shouta denied.
"But you never have been away from home for over two days."
Kei confirmed that with his parents before Resetting.
If he had used his ability in the past and had taken over two days to return from the moon, that would be an elementary schooler missing for a significantly long time, and there's no way his parents would have been unaware.
Shouta shook his head.
"I have. Maybe mom doesn't remember because it's been so long."
Another lie.
"An inspection was carried at your school in June to determine who had abilities and who didn't. It's hard to believe you already had your ability earlier than that."
Kei sighed internally.
(What am I even doing? Interrogating a 10 year will get you nowhere, idiot. There has to be a more peaceful way to do this.)
"Shouta, please tell the truth about your ability."
Shouta hung his head in silence for a long while.
And then, suddenly,
"I need sand from the moon."
Shouta turned 180 and dashed away.
Kei stretched his hand on reflex. His fingers pulled the sleeve of Shouta's T-shirt.
He looked at him with a shocked expression. And then—
He disappeared before Kei's eyes.
The feel of his T-shirt's texture on Kei's fingers were all that was left of him.
One boy vanished under the moonless summer sky.
At that moment, Haruki was in front of a small shrine.
She was there because Kei asked her to tell Nonoo what happened before the Reset.
Haruki had already finished talking about the 3 days undone by the Reset. She had nothing left to do, but Kei would be there later, so she decided to watch the cats until his arrival.
Haruki's favorite was a cat that had a grumpy face like everything in the world annoyed it. She crouched in front of it and circled her index finger in front of its nose, but it yawned at her, not bothering with her games.
"You're interesting.", said Nonoo Seika.
Haruki turned to her. 
Nonoo was sitting on the stone staircase, resting her face on her hand and her elbow on her lap.
"Are you like this with everyone?"
"Like this how?"
"Apathetic, to put it in one word. You look completely uninterested.", Nonoo laughed.
Haruki didn't know what to do. It's true that she wasn't interested in Nonoo, but would it hurt her feeling if she said it to her face? Haruki didn't know, so she stayed quiet.
"I mean, look at what you're doing. This cat is unresponsive to your finger and that doesn't bother you?"
"I wasn't ever expecting it to do anything.", Haruki nodded.
"Did you not want to play with him?"
(Him? She must mean the cat. I can't tell if it's male or female.)
"You could say so. But that's for the cat to decide."
"True. I agree. But your thought process there is a bit unique and interesting."
"Despite you thinking the same?"
"My case is different. I think I don't treat people and cats differently. I take their will into consideration because I respect cats."
"So do I."
"You're just… indifferent. You don't seem to like cats that much."
"I'm a cat merch collector."
"Oh, I wasn't expecting that. Then you do love cats?"
"Not much, actually."
She didn't like or dislike them. But if she had to give a concrete yes-or-no answer, that'd be pending more to the side of like.
"Why do you collect cat merch?"
"For no reason."
There was a cause, but it's nothing she considered worth telling others.
The cat next to Nonoo clawed her blouse. It seemed to be trying to climb her body. She tenderly watched the cat.
"This is something of an exceptional situation.", said Haruki.
"What situation are we talking about?"
"It's Kei who gives accounts of what happened in Reset time, not me."
Haruki herself also loses her memories with a Reset. Which means everything she narrated was information she heard from Kei.
The more direct the transmission of information was, the more it accurate it got. Inserting unnecessary middle men is wrong. Information gets distorted as it passes through others, to the point that the telephone game is a consistently functioning play activity. Kei generally didn't appreciate the distortion of information.
"Why did Asai ask you to pass the message?"
"I don't know. But I believe something was a priority over the reliability of the information."
"Perhaps speed. Kei is not here because he's currently meeting Kusakabe Shouta."
"You mean he's in a real hurry to tell me something?"
"The sooner you receive the message, the more time you'll have to think about Kusakabe Shouta."
The cat that was trying to climb Nonoo put its front paws on her shoulder, falling into a state where it couldn't advance or go back. It meowed feebly and uneasily.
With gentle hands, Nonoo lifted the cat and moved it to a stable position on her shoulder. In a gesture of insatiable defiance, the cat made its next challenge to get atop her head. Another cat lay down on her lap. Sooner or later, a pile of cats would form.
"I don't have any clue what Shouta's thinking."
"None at all?"
"Do you?"
"I do not."
"Do you think Asai does?"
Haruki nodded, then had an epiphany.
"That might be the reason why I came here to talk to you in Kei's stead."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you were with someone who knew the correct answer, would you not feel inclined to ask it?"
Nonoo's eyes widened in shock slightly.
"So he's trying to tell me to think for myself?"
"That's a possibility."
"Heh, you're not completely indifferent after all.", Nonoo smirked.
"Disagreed. In general, I'm completely indifferent.", Haruki answered before returning to waving her finger at the impudent cat.
When Kei got to the shrine, Nonoo Seika had a cat atop her head and Haruki Misora had another cat coiled around her right arm.
"Looks like you're having fun.", said Kei.
"Jealous?", answered Nonoo.
She minimally lowered her head for the cat to drop off. Haruki shook her cat off and went to Kei's side.
Kei opened the paper box he had in his right hand. It contained cream puffs from a Western confectionery store named March Hall.
It was 3:30 on a summer. The three ate cream puffs under a painfully blue sky. Custard cream full of sugar, inside lightly crisped dough.
"So good.", said Nonoo.
"They sure are.", answered Kei.
Haruki nodded without saying anything.
"Did you hear about Shouta?", Kei asked after finishing his cream puffs.
Nonoo nodded while licking the cream off her fingers.
"Yeah, I did."
"Nonoo, we'd like to keep this up to your discretion."
"What are you talking about?"
"If you want to forget everything, we Reset again. If you want to let Shouta have his way, we won't do anything."
"Is that allowed? Aren't you doing work for the Service Club?"
"That's pretty much over."
"Uh-huh. I figured out Shouta's ability. It's nothing dangerous."
Kei explained Kusakabe Shouta's ability.
Nonoo was momentarily speechless. The cat curled up on her lap yawned widely.
"Ugh, humans are so difficult.", she finally sulked.
Kei giggled at her grumble.
"That's an awfully heartless thing to say."
"Yeah, but it's fine when I say it because I'm also human."
"Do you also consider yourself difficult?"
"No matter how hard I try, I can't lead a life as simple as a cat's."
(That's great to hear.)
"Believe it or not, I prefer humans to cats."
"I prefer cats."
"But you do like humans, don't you?"
"I'm not so sure. But I do have a few favorites among them.", she said in serious tone.
The sky had few clouds.
Under the moist summer air, Nonoo Seika and Kusakabe Shouta sat down on the stone staircase of a small shrine to watch the night sky. The moon was visible slightly over half, about to become full in a few more days. 
The two talked about a cat who died 6 months ago. A small, skinny stray with white fur and yellow eyes, who sought to reach the moon before it died.
Kusakabe Shouta stood up and faced Nonoo. The moon stood white, silent, and beautiful above his head.
The boy smiled.
"You see, I can go to the moon now."
Nonoo wasn't sure when had this all begun. It could have been when it was decided Shouta would move away, or it could have been the day the cat died. It could even have been on the day they first met.
"I'll pick up some sand from the moon. To give it to the cat."
He looked straight at the moon.
He silently disappeared, dissolving into the summer air and the moonlight. It truly looked like he traveled to the moon. Only the moonlight remained after he was gone.
Nonoo Seika closed her eyes.
She felt a faint smell of grass.The perfume of damp summer grass. Bugs and toads could be heard in the distance. It was such a quiet night that even the most ignorable sounds reached their ears.
Nonoo Seika thought about Kusakabe Shouta.
She had been thinking about him since the morning.
Why would he leave to pick up sand from the moon?
What was the point of that?
Why did he have to never be seen again?
After much, much thought, her only answer was "I don't know".
She still didn't even now. But she had a good idea of what to say to him.
"Shouta.", Nonoo said after slowly raising her eyelids. "I thought long and hard about what I should do. At first, I thought I should accept the moon sand to appease you. I thought I should tell you you made that cat happy.", she told, looking at the silent moonlight. "But I feel like that's not what this is about. I'm not too sure, but I feel like that's not it."
Only her words echoed in the moonlit quiet.
"I don't know what you want. I truly don't."
(That's a heartless thing to say, but I can't think of anything else that works.)
"I don't need any sand from the moon. I never wanted it. You don't understand me, just like I don't understand you."
(Those are necessary words, so I don't have a choice.)
"This ignorance is not sitting right with me. I'm too human to have the simplistic pragmatism of a cat."
She felt a little sad when he disappeared before her eyes.
Monologuing alone when the moon was so beautiful in the sky was very sad.
"I think I want to learn more about you."
He wanted an answer, if she could have one.
"Get back here, Shouta."
A warm breeze blew.
"I'll miss you when you're not here", Nonoo Seika said.
Her voice trailed, then disappeared.
And then, a boy appeared under the moonlight.
He was tearing up.
Nonoo Seika stood up and walked to him.
The girl stopped in front of the boy and smiled.
"Welcome back."
Then, she put her hands on the boy's cheeks and whispered.
"You're shaking. Was it cold at the moon?"
The boy closed his eyes.
"I didn't go to the moon.", he shook his head.
July 28th, Friday.
On 11:30 AM, Asai Kei and Haruki Misora were sitting side by side on a park's bench. The park with the clock exactly 5 minutes late. Kei never told anyone about it, but he really liked that clock.
The effects of a Save only last 72 hours. For that reason, Kei and Haruki arranged to meet every 72 hours to Save, as they were doing now. In about 20 minutes, the previous Save—from July 25th—would expire.
The park was barren of people.
Two boys sat at the sandpit. No one else there. Kei watched the sand hill that formed between them.
"Come to think of it.", said Haruki.
She waited for Kei to look at her before she continued.
"There are a few things I didn't understand about Kusakabe Shouta."
It's been 3 days since Kei and Haruki were involved in the boy's incident.
The incident probably didn't interest Haruki much. But it did interest her enough for her to bring it up as a way to pass time.
"What is it?", asked Kei.
"You concluded that Kusakabe Shouta's ability wasn't the power to go to the moon, correct?"
"Yeah, his ability is to disappear and nothing else."
But an outside observer was unable to differentiate the ability to disappear and the ability to go to the moon.
"Then he was lying about picking up sand from the moon?"
"Well, he couldn't have been telling the truth. Not that it ever matter if the moon sand was real or fake."
A boy tried to give a girl the best gift he could provide. That's all there was to it.
Haruki was confused.
"Couldn't he have come back immediately if he was just pretending to go to the moon?"
He was invisible for two whole days on purpose.
"He wanted to vanish before Nonoo's eyes in a moonlit night. He must have thought this would make the farce more convincing. And the night he got to find her coincidentally was July 24th. From there, the situation demanded he'd stay hidden until the day he'd move out."
"What was forcing him to?"
"His real ability needed to stay a secret. People would be able to tell he was lying about going to the moon. In short, he was hiding from the Bureau."
This entire plan was only to validate one inept and almost pointless lie. 
"How did you find out that his ability didn't do anything more than disappearing?"
"Oh, that was so easy it's almost dumb."
He didn't want to talk about it for how easy it was, but it was also nothing worth hiding.
"I was grabbing Shouta's shirt when he was disappearing before my eyes."
"Right. And?"
"He vanished, but I could still feel myself holding his shirt."
That wouldn't happen with an ability to go to the moon. Kei could still tell where the invisible boy was.
"Understood.", Haruki nodded.
Kei checked the time on his phone. They were 10 minutes away from being able to Save again.
Right when he was about to return his phone to his pocket, he heard the notification sound.
It was a call. The screen displayed Nonoo's name. He pressed the pickup button and heard her voice.
"Anything you're wanting to eat?"
(That was abrupt.)
Kei answered the question anyway.
"I could go for some ice cream right now."
The day was hot enough that simply sitting on a park bench already made him sweaty.
"Sure, I'll buy you some. I'm even willing to pay for Häagen-Dazs if you like it."
He was surprised. That felt extremely wrong. She was the only high school girl he knew that felt out-of-character saying the name Häagen-Dazs.
"Ask if Haruki has anything she wants and call me back.", she continued.
"She's right next to me, actually…"
Kei looked at Haruki.
She looked at him with no expression in particular. If anything, she looked upset.
"What's this about?", Kei asked the phone.
"It's about Shouta."
"He moved yesterday, right?"
"Yeah. But that part doesn't matter."
As usual, her phrasing was heartless.
"Whenever someone helps me guide someone lost in the mountains, I feed them something of their choice. Last time, it was cheese.", Nonoo giggled.
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