#if someone knows what i'm doing wrong please tell me
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its-just-m · 1 day ago
I wanted to post something and seeing this just got me typing so most of this probably won't be related to the above.
As someone that gave up on sexuality as a whole when they were a teenager.
At the time I didn't have much freedom to look into it and anyone I did approach about the subject, regardless of gender, said no.
Trying to figure it out at ~30, as a virgin, sucks.
Not only virgin, never been in a relationship, never been on a date. After the 3rd or 4th person in a row saying the exact same thing "You? Pft, Never" I stopped trying.
Was never that good socially and I often put sentences together incorrectly. The meaning is mostly correct but sometimes the wrong word means the person never talks to me again. Never felt confident, often felt like I was the enemy. My physical appearance does not help matters, people treated me like I was dangerous and I started to believe them. So I stayed away from people whenever I could.
This went downhill quickly.
Edit: It's my eyes that people have issue with. Had them called "crazy eyes", "somehow dead inside and too aware at the same time", told I "see too much", had an army vet I worked with tell me "I feel like you have an incredible capacity for violence but society has told you your whole life it's wrong so you've locked it away and it's killing you". Like, bruh.
I had a bit of a (mid?) life crisis a while back, quit my job, got some piercings, and decided to try being more social and also some dating apps.
With the dating stuff I was so unprepared for a lot of the questions they asked, I spent a couple weeks looking stuff up and playing around with personality/ sexuality/ gender tests trying to find answers.
The answers I got were ...
Not straight, but not bi or gay either
Not cis, but not trans
Not binary but not NB/fluid
Not ace but not alo
There's one sexuality and gender test that has a square chart where each corner has either cis or gay or what have you.
Dead fucking center, both nothing and everything.
Edit: "contrary" might be a better word than neutral, possessing conflicting trais rather than none at all?
Even my looks are just average, not short but not tall, not thin but not obesse, I'm told I'm not ugly but apparently I'm not beautiful either, not ripped but no limp noodle, no big tits or "nice cock" to show off, but not so lacking as to be pitiful either.
I put finding answers on pause and tried to just answer all the dating questions as best I could and figured as I met people I would learn more about myself.
All I have learned is the only way I'm gonna get someone to talk to me or spend any time with me is by paying them. And my financial situation isn't impressive either.
I'm not bothered by the lack of success, I expected failure (though I had hoped i was wrong). More that I want to know who/what I am and I can't seem to figure it out because I don't have anything someone else wants and I can't afford to persuade them financially.
Looking at any kind of romance/ sexual media just makes me feel jealous and lonely. I can't put myself in any of the situations but somehow I could see myself on both sides and it doesn't seem likely to fufil the craving that I have.
Often times I will look at a person and not feel anything. Or I will acknowledge they are aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes I will feel something but struggle to decipher if it's lust or jealousy.
The only feeling I think I understand is the craving for intimacy. I struggle to explain it but it like all the things couples do but without the sex part, or maybe that part too but I don't understand it enough to know where it fits in.
I just want to learn things about them, to touch them in places that aren't inherently sexual but also need consent for.
And the same the other way around. I want someone to see that I have worth (other than the old man that runs the liquor store who's always high). I want to be comfortable enough around someone that being touched doesn't make me want to go light myself on fire.
Got thru all that and only that last one got me teared up.
Anyways, I've come across a couple things with older individuals exploring sexuality but it's usually either "I'm a virgin and I just need a dark-daddy to teach me pleasure" or "haven't had much luck with men and this chick is making me feel some type of way and btw I was so repressed lol" or 40yr old virgin type a story. Or yoai.
Mostly not helpful.
Idk, I think I've run out of words for the moment.
Edit: I want to add that I in no way feel entitled to the attention of others or that it's their fault for not wanting to be around me, more that I'm never going to be good enough anyways so why try. But then like, sometimes trying out of spite too.
Don't hesitate to ignore!
characters in their 30's and older exploring their sexuality and discovering themselves beyond their teens and twenties is so important and beautiful and worth telling
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liminalmemories21 · 1 day ago
911 - Ficlet
"You know what I'm really tired of," he says when Tommy answers the door, pushing past him into the house he's only ever been to a handful of times, but whose address he still has saved in his GPS as Tommy (home).
"Please, come in.  Make yourself at home," Tommy says sourly.  "Evan, what are you doing here?"
He makes a beeline for Tommy's fridge, and god he always has such pretentious fucking taste in beer.  Good, but pretentious.  And he's such a prissy bitch when you call him out on it.  He'd loved that about him.  Loves that.
He grabs one at random, hunting for the bottle opener in the drawer next to the sink.  "Maddie thinks I need to learn how to be alone again."  Takes a swallow.  Tommy just stands there in the doorway, staring at him, not moving.  "She's wrong.  Couldn't manage to graduate from college, but I've got a fucking PhD in how to be alone."  Takes another swig, and then pauses to look at the label, but this is actually really good.  "What I need to learn is how to get someone to want to stay.
He looks at Tommy, who's still frozen in the doorway.
"She agrees with you, by the way.  Also thinks I'm in love with Eddie."  Takes another drink and then goes to root through Tommy's pantry for the doritos he knows are there somewhere, because Tommy won't admit it, but he loves them.
Makes a low triumphant noise when he finds them.  Takes a handful and holds the bag out ot Tommy, "You want some?"  Tommy shakes his head mutely.
He shrugs, "Your loss."  Crunches his way though a few.  "You're both wrong, you know.  Even if it would be really fucking convenient for the narrative."  Tommy starts to say something, and he cuts him off.  "Am I sad that my best friend is gone?  Yes.  Am I not dealing well living in his house?  Also yes.  Fucking sue me."  Crunches a few more chips and chases it with a swallow of beer.  "Eddie's house was one of the first places I found where I was always welcome.  He trusted me to take care of the most important thing in the world to him.  I think I get to be upset that he moved back to Texas.  I get why he went.  I don't even disagree with it.  I wish my parents had loved me half that much.  I still get to be upset about it."  Points the beer bottle at Tommy.  "Okay?"
Tommy holds up his hands.  "Okay."
He nods.  Takes the last swallow of beer in the bottle.  "What was I saying?"
Tommy shakes his head.  "I have no idea.  Evan, why are you here?"
He frowns.  "Oh, I came to apologize."
Tommy's eyebrows go up.  "This was an apology?"
He waves a hand.  Contemplates whether he wants another beer.  "No.  I wanted to apologize for what I said, about not having feelings for everyone I slept with.  That wasn't about you, but I realized that probably wasn't obvious."
"No," Tommy says, and finally crosses the kitchen to get a beer of his own.  "It wasn't."
He takes the second beer when Tommy holds it out to him.  He can uber home if he has to.  "I was mad," he offers.
"Got that, thanks."
He snorts without really meaning too.  "I missed this."  Tommy's eyebrows go up.  "The way you're bitchy and mean."  Sits down at the table opposite Tommy.  "I missed you.  I don't know if I'm still in love with you, but I know I'm not over you, no matter how many things I bake."
"Bake?"  Tommy echoes.
"I baked every time I wanted to call you, or thought about you.  I could have opened a bakery with what I made."  Rubs his hand down his jeans.  "With what I'm still making."  Risks a look at Tommy from under his lashes.
"Okay," Tommy says slowly.  "So, if the comment about not having feelings for everyone you sleep with wasn't aimed at me, who was it aimed at?"
He grimaces.  "Everyone?  No, really.  Everyone keeps telling me to get back on the horse, or there are other fish in the sea - and seriously, what's with all the animal metaphors.  It's creepy."  Takes a breath.  "So I did.  I tried that.  Downloaded grindr and hinge, went to a bar.  Hooked up with a girl.  Hooked up with a guy.  Didn't like it."  Rubs his hand on his pants again.  Takes a nervous swallow of beer.  "The thing is, I want it to be true.  I want to have feelings for the people - person - I'm sleeping with.  But the only person I want that with is you.  And you keep leaving."
He closes his eyes at the sound of Tommy saying his name.  "That's not fair?"
"No," Tommy admits.  "It's fair.  I run before I can get my heart broken.  That's my MO.  Doesn't," he lets out a shaky laugh.  "Doesn't seem to be working well when it comes to you."
He puts his hand on the table, palm up.  "Were you serious about Saturday?"
Tommy stares at his hand.  "Yes?"
"Pick me up at 7?  Not," he adds hastily, "Micelli's.  That place has bad karma."
Tommy lets out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob.  He can relate.  "Not Micelli's," he promises.  Then, "I'm not over you either."
He nods.  "Good.  Maybe we can both learn how to not be alone."
"I was always good at math," Tommy says, and finally finally takes his hand.
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borathae · 3 days ago
It's Gonna Be Okay | MYG x f.Reader
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“Life’s gonna be okay as long as you have Yoongi by your side.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Fluff, Comfort
Warnings: she struggles with her people pleasing tendencies, and he is there for her, this is honestly so comforting, i wrote this solely for me bahahaha
Wordcount: 1.4k
a/n: i'm such a people pleaser and it's gonna be death of me one day JFJADFJ i wrote this because i was struggling with something and i needed my comfort boongie to tell me that everything is gonna be okay again. i could have kept this private but i wanted to share it with you besties just in case somebody needs to hear the same things <3 if i can comfort only one person with this story, i'm already happy 🧡
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You are feeling anxious. To the point where you are pacing and biting your nails. You have a problem and it’s really ruining your quality of life. And you know the only thing which will help. Your boyfriend.
Yoongi, said boyfriend, is currently in the garden, taking care of the lawn.
“My love?”
“Yes, princess?” He sets the scythe aside, giving you his full attention.
“Can I talk to you? I’m struggling with something right now and I can’t handle it alone.”
“Of course you can talk to me. What’s wrong, my love?” He instantly agrees, dropping the scythe and his gloves.
“Can I get a hug first?”
“Of course. Come here.”
He closes the distance to give you a hug.
He is hot and sweaty from working outside in the sun, but you don’t really mind. His hug feels so good.
“Is this helping?”
“Yeah, thank you. You’re so warm.”
“I know, sorry. I’m sweating, it’s disgusting.”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind your sweat.”
“You’re weird.”
You snicker, snuggling closer. Yoongi chuckles, petting the back of your head.
“Can you really squeeze me just once? Like, really really hard?”
Yoongi listens, squeezing you in his strong arms and against his chest. Not hard enough to hurt you, but still with enough strength that you feel the pressure. It squeezes a sound of relief out of you.
He increases the pressure.
“Wow, yes.”
Yoongi smiles to himself. He feels very needed right now and this is a nice feeling to experience. Especially when he knows that he is useful for you, his beloved princess.
You exhale deeply, “okay, I’m good. Thank you. You can step back now.”
“Okay, princess.”
He kisses your cheek before stepping back. He keeps contact with you by rubbing your upper arms and giving you eye contact.
“Thank you. You just changed me.”
He chuckles, “whenever you need it again.”
“Yeah, thankies. Can I tell you my problem now?”
“Of course, tell me.”
“Can we walk? I can’t stay still.”
“Sure. Let’s walk. It’s perfect weather for a walk.”
“Do you want to hold hands?”
“Yes, so much.”
So you and he hold hands, wandering through the big garden side by side.
“Now tell me.”
“I’m literally so stressed out. I don’t know what to do. You know the magic convention in Belgium I got an invitation for?”
“I do. Yeah. You are very excited for it.”
“Okay so, you know how I wanted to meet up with someone there?”
“Cool okay. Now I’m literally losing my mind because the one witch coven goes to it too and they asked if we should drive there together and I said yes. And now they want to book an apartment together too, but I already planned to book the other one.”
“Oh no.”
“It’s stressing me out because now I’m scared that I’m gonna fuck it up. The coven said that they will share an apartment which means no privacy for me.”
“A fucking nightmare.”
“It’s the worst thing ever. But I’m scared that I will fuck it up with the coven if I only drive with them but not stay in the apartment.”
“I see.”
“Another thing. The coven already talked about getting no sleep and partying all four days. And this makes me want to cry.”
“So why are you even considering this option?”
“Because I’m scared that they’re gonna think of me badly because I only drive with them but don’t stay at the same place. And because I want to meet other people too. I just don’t wanna be seen as an ass or disappoint them.”
“And why should you compromise your boundaries and comfort like that?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sure that anyone in the coven wouldn’t feel bad for meeting other people at the convention. They would also book a private room if they felt like it. You don’t have to feel bad for doing normal adult stuff.”
“But I-”
“No buts, my love, making yourself palpable to other people shouldn’t mean at the cost of your own comfort. You said that the apartment situation would be a nightmare for you and you’re allowed to make this trip comfortable for you.”
“You think so? What if people don’t get it?”
“Then they don’t get it and they can get fucked. Your comfort matters, my love. Do what makes you most comfortable and which makes you look forward to this trip rather than tread it.”
“So it doesn’t make me a bad person?”
“Not at all. It makes you a person with boundaries and if anyone can’t respect that, they’re showing their true face and you can be glad.”
“Because I can cut them out of my life?”
“Exactly. Because you can remove them from your life. People who respect you, will also respect your boundaries and your decisions. Anyone else?”
“Can get fucked.”
“Exactly. Good job, princess. I’m proud of you.”
You giggle, hugging his waist. He stops and hugs you back, rubbing your back slowly.
“Thank you for saying this and for helping me. It’s so stupid but even now I only feel confident in my decision because you told me that I’m allowed to. Why am I like this? Why do I need to hear that it’s okay to do something before I do it?”
“Because you were constantly forced to regulate your parents’ emotions at the price of pushing your own down.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to go this deep.”
“No, it’s okay. You’re right.”
“If it helps, I’m officially giving you permission to do whatever makes you most comfortable from now on and to always fight for your boundaries.”
You smile, “yeah, it helps. Thank you for being so patient with me and for always saying the right things.”
“I love you, princess. I’ll always be patient with you. And for the right thing? I try to bullshit until I get it right.”
He is being funny right now in hopes of making you laugh and it works. You laugh. Yoongi laughs with you, cradling your cheek.
“I like your bullshit. It’s very great.”
“Thanks. I try.”
You lean into his touch, eyes softening.
“And I like you. So much.”
“I like you too, my princess.”
“I want to kiss your lips. Can I?”
He gives you his answer by closing the distance for a gentle kiss. You deepen it just a little by giving his lower lip a soft suck. One he really enjoys with a throaty purr and his thumb caressing your cheek.
You truly charm him by tugging on his lower lip as you break the kiss. His eyes are soft and completely enamored by you.
“This was nice”, he whispers.
“It was.” You caress his cheeks. “You’re so handsome.”
“Thank you. You’re beautiful.”
“Heh. Yoongi, can we walk some more or do you have to get back to your lawn?”
“No, we can walk.”
You and he hold hands.
“I have another question.”
“Tell me.”
“Do you sometimes compromise your boundaries for me?”
“I wouldn’t say so. I like to push my boundaries with you because you make me feel safe and I can grow this way. You know how closed up I was at first, how I didn’t even wanna be touched or looked at. So I definitely pushed them as far as intimacy is concerned, but I did it willingly and because I wanted to feel better.”
“I see.”
“No, just so. I don’t know. I think I’m feeling insecure. I got scared that you only agree to my walks or kisses to please me.”
“That’s not true. I agree to them because they make you happy and they make me happy too. I wanna spend time with you and kiss you. It’s important to me.”
You exhale deeply, “thank you. For being patient.”
“Don’t thank me. You were patient with me too when I was still weird about sex or even cuddles.”
“Of course I was. You’re my love and I want you to be comfortable.”
“I feel the same about you.”
You look at him as if he was your entire world and Yoongi reciprocates it.
“Come here”, he says because he knows instinctively what you crave the most right now. You sink into his embrace, hugging him tightly. It will always be okay again with Yoongi by your side.
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dior-luxury · 14 hours ago
You Call Them A Different Name To Get Their Reaction
( ✧ ) ────── boyfriend stories . drama - she/her .
- [𝐜𝐡.] azul . chen'ya . cater . rollo . floyd
- [𝐩:𝐬] mentions of bulling ofc
Note: This is a very random line-up Lol, I'm also working on requests right now! but enjoy guys!
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul prided himself on maintaining composure, on being calm and collected in any situation. But the moment your lips uttered another name—someone else’s name—his entire world seemed to freeze.
He had been in the middle of discussing business with you at the lounge when it happened. You were laughing about something when, instead of calling him Azul, another name slipped out.
The conversation came to a standstill. Azul’s fingers tightened slightly around the glass in his hand, but his expression remained carefully neutral. Too neutral.
"...I beg your pardon?" His voice was smooth, but there was a dangerous edge to it, like a blade concealed beneath silk.
You immediately realized your mistake and scrambled to correct yourself. "I—I didn’t mean to—"
Azul’s eyes darkened, and he let out a soft chuckle, adjusting his glasses as if regaining his composure. "Ah, I see. A slip of the tongue, is it?" His tone was polite, but you could tell he was troubled by it.
He leaned forward, resting his chin on his intertwined fingers. "You wouldn’t happen to have someone else on your mind, would you?" His voice was light, teasing even, but the way he studied you—analyzing your every move—told you he was far from amused.
It would take reassurance, perhaps a bit of flattery, to mend his bruised pride. But one thing was certain—Azul would not forget this incident anytime soon.
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Chen’ya was used to teasing and playful banter, but he certainly hadn’t expected this.
You had been chatting absentmindedly when you called him by a completely different name. The moment the wrong name left your lips, the mischievous grin on his face widened.
"Oho~? What was that?" His ears perked up, and he leaned in, floating effortlessly beside you. "Did I just hear you call me someone else?"
You felt heat rush to your cheeks. "I didn’t mean to—!"
"But you did~," he sing-songed, lazily looping around you like a cat stalking its prey. "How scandalous! How cruel!" He dramatically clutched his chest as if he had been mortally wounded.
You groaned. "Chen’ya, please—"
"Ah-ah~! What if I just started calling you by another name, hm?" His grin widened even further, fangs peeking through. "Wouldn’t want that, would we?"
Despite his teasing, there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. He wasn’t angry, just… intrigued. Amused. Maybe even a little too entertained.
"You do know I’m the most charming one around, right?" he purred, poking your cheek. "No one else could compare, so I’ll forgive you—just this once~!"
Cater Diamond
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Cater’s usual easygoing demeanor faltered the moment you called him the wrong name.
You were in the middle of scrolling through Magicam together when the slip happened. At first, you didn’t even realize what you’d done—until you noticed that Cater had completely frozen.
His smile was still there, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. "Heh… wait a sec." He turned to you, his head tilting slightly. "Did you just call me someone else’s name?"
Your stomach dropped. "Cater, I—"
"Yikes!" He let out an exaggerated laugh, but there was something unsettling about the way he kept smiling. "Like, what gives? I thought I was your fave~?"
You could tell he was trying to play it off, but beneath that carefree tone, there was something else—something deeper.
"Who were you thinking about, exactly?" His voice was light, but his fingers tapped restlessly against his phone.
If you reassured him, he’d eventually brush it off with a laugh, but later, you’d notice a flood of new selfies and posts with captions like "Cater Diamond, unforgettable as always~! #NoOneBetter #Right?"
You were definitely going to have to make it up to him.
Rollo Flamme
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Rollo’s reaction was immediate.
The moment you called him the wrong name, his entire body tensed. His hands, which had been delicately adjusting the pages of a book, clenched into fists. His usually composed expression darkened as his lips pressed into a thin line.
"...I beg your pardon?" His voice was eerily quiet, and you could practically feel the shift in the air around him.
You gulped. "I didn’t mean to say that—"
"Who is it?" His gaze was sharp, piercing, demanding an answer.
The flames of the nearby lantern flickered violently, casting uneasy shadows across the room. Rollo exhaled slowly, as if reigning himself in. "I fail to see how such a mistake could occur," he said coldly. "Unless, of course… you were thinking of them in my presence."
The way he said it sent chills down your spine. He wasn’t throwing a tantrum or causing a scene—no, that wasn’t Rollo’s style. Instead, his displeasure seeped into the atmosphere, suffocating and inescapable.
"I do not tolerate being overlooked." His eyes met yours, unwavering. "Do not let it happen again."
You knew you had to be very careful with your next words.
Floyd Leech
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Floyd’s reaction was nothing short of unpredictable.
One moment, he had been lounging beside you, playfully poking your side, and the next—his entire demeanor shifted the second another name left your lips.
His grin faded. His golden eyes gleamed dangerously as he tilted his head. "Huh?"
You felt your heart skip a beat.
"What did you just say?" His voice was deceptively light, but the way his fingers twitched against your arm sent a shiver down your spine.
"I—I didn’t mean to, it was an accident—"
"An accident~?" He let out a slow hum, his grip tightening ever so slightly. "Dunnooo~ I think my ears must be playing tricks on me. ‘Cause it sounded like you just called me the wrong name."
You quickly tried to backtrack, but Floyd was already squeezing you into a vice-like hug, burying his face into your shoulder.
"Maaaan, I dunno if I should be mad or just suuuuper sad~" he whined. "Should I bite ya? Or should I make ya say my name over and over till ya never forget it again?"
You yelped. "Floyd!"
At the sound of his name, he suddenly grinned, loosening his grip. "Hehe~ That’s better!"
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trustmypoison · 3 days ago
SVT with a partner who struggles with depression
Requested? Yes!
Request: ‘reading your work brings me so much comfort especially during my lower moods 🩵 im wondering if you can write about how svt would deal with a partner who suffers from depression? thanks so much! ‘
A/N: I'm really touched that someone finds my work comforting. Thank you for requesting!
Sort of knows your mood is dipping before you even do - Seungcheol, DK, Mingyu
Ever observant, they notice that something is off well before you do. Less energy, fewer smiles, not prioritizing taking care of certain things. If you take medication, he’ll be eagle eyed about whether you’re actually taking it. Either way, he’ll gently tell you what he’s noticed and remind you that you can lean on him. Sometimes it will confuse you, because it’s not even registered that it’s a depressive episode coming around the bend. You might even brush it off and say you’ve just been stressed. To his credit, he’s not pleased to be right when the stressful event has passed and you’re still feeling low.
Might as well be a therapist - Joshua, Wonwoo, Minghao, Vernon
He’s sometimes a better therapist than your actual therapist. He knows your full medication list and all of the side effects and potential interactions. When your mood starts to dip, he carefully recommends that you visit your psychiatrists to discuss a dosage change. But sometimes it can’t be helped, so he has no problem lying around with you day and night when he’s free, talking through your thoughts and feelings when you need it. I know people say all the time that you aren’t going through these things alone, but I feel like that’s really the truth with them.
Doesn’t let you forget to take care of yourself - Jeonghan, Woozi, Seungkwan
The first sign that something is wrong is when you start to skip things that are daily habits. Basic hygiene, eating regular meals, sleeping on your regular schedule. When those start to slip, he gently tries to get you back on track, knowing the habits ultimately do make you feel better. He’s coaxing you into a bath with him. He’s making a comfort meal that he knows can’t turn down. He’s doing what he can to soothe you to sleep. And when he feels that you’ve been inside for too long, he’s asking you to go on a walk to get some sunlight and fresh air with him.
Might be a little lost but makes up for it with the concern he shows - Jun, Hoshi, Chan
Don’t get me wrong, I think they’ve all certainly struggled with a low mood before - who hasn’t? However, they might stumble a bit on how to help you. So he just constantly asks if you need anything. I need to stress this - constantly. To the point that it starts to drive you crazy. But you know it’s all coming from a good place, so you let him help. Sometimes it’s a simple chore that you’re stressed about, or sometimes it’s a big task that feels too big to deal with on you’re own when you’re down. But he helps with such eagerness that it often replaces the numb feeling you’ve had.
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airybcby · 19 hours ago
જ⁀♡⊹。° turns out her heart hand fits right in the palm of his hand
( yukimiya kenyu x fem! reader )
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♡ a/n — idk man thinking about high school sweetheart yukimiya // written really late at night so please ignore how stupid it probably is
♡ word count — 1.5k
♡ content — yukimiya kenyu x fem! reader, probably awful story pacing, probably ooc yukimiya, nickname 'love' and 'my love' used, reader calls yukimiya 'ken', high school sweethearts, mention of engagement, mention of pregnancy, fluff
♡ synopsis — you and yukimiya had everyone's dream relationship, but how did it begin? were you just lucky? well...
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If anyone were to ask your close friends what their dream relationship would be, they’d say, “One like Y/N’s and Yukimiya’s.”
That’s just how sickeningly sweet the two of you are together.
And they wouldn’t be wrong. The two of you had that kind of love that made everyone around you believe in soulmates. Everyone who meets you both can tell there's something special about the bond you share—it's the kind of love that makes even the most cynical people believe in fate.
You're the couple that everyone looks up to. 
The couple that can joke and laugh together one moment, and sit in comfortable silence the next. You finished each other’s thoughts, shared the same quirks, and laughed at things no one else found funny.
But of course, you didn’t get to be that way easily. You were that couple everyone envied—the couple.
But the thing no one really saw? Your relationship didn’t start out that way. No, you didn’t wake up one day in the perfect relationship with the most beautiful boy in the world. 
It took time—lots of time—of learning each other’s quirks, navigating the bumps in the road, and becoming the couple that people looked at and thought, I want that.
It was your first year in high school, and you’d never been one to stand out. A little shy, a little awkward—but comfortable in your own skin, just doing your best to get through classes. Then there was Yukimiya Kenyu, sitting beside you as your desk partner, looking effortlessly cool with his perfect hair and that smile that could melt anyone’s heart.
You never imagined a boy like him would even notice you, much less actually talk to you. But one day, when the two of you were on classroom cleanup duty, he turned to you with a serious expression.
"Uh, hey... Y/N?" His voice was shaky as he turned to face you. His usual confident demeanor was nowhere to be found, and it left you confused.
"Yeah?" you asked, blinking at him.
He stammered, fidgeting with the sleeve of his uniform. "I... I like you. A lot. Like, really like you." His eyes avoided yours, his words spilling out in a rush. "And I... I just wanted you to know."
You blinked, not sure if this was some sort of prank. The idea of someone like him, the star of the school, confessing to you—his desk partner—was almost too surreal to believe. "Wait, is this a joke?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "You’re Yukimiya Kenyu. The prettiest boy, Yukimiya Kenyu. And you’re confessing to me?"
He froze, staring at you with wide eyes, as if he'd just realized something himself. "You think I'm pretty?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your heart skipped. "Well, yeah! Who wouldn't? You're... you're…just yeah. You’re pretty.” 
From that moment on, he was yours—and you were his. He was now the person you shared your lunch with every day, laughed with at the back of class, and eventually, loved. No one ever questioned the bond between the two of you, not even when things got a little messy. You were inseparable.
Like two puzzle pieces that clicked together perfectly.
By the time six months had passed, the relationship was comfortable, settled. You knew each other’s little quirks, the way Yukimiya would chew on the edge of his pencil when he was deep in thought, or how you’d bite your lip whenever you were nervous. Everything was... well, easy.  
But then came that one game, and things got a little... chaotic.
Yukimiya’s team was playing a high-stakes match, and you’d been so caught up in the excitement that you let your emotions get the best of you. You were screaming at the ref for missing an obvious foul and yelling at the other team for their dirty play.
One thing led to another, and before you knew it, you were being escorted out of the stadium.
You found yourself sitting outside, trying to calm your nerves, when Yukimiya appeared after the game ended, his usual calm demeanor replaced with concern. “What did you do?” he asked, his voice gentle but thick as he held back a laugh.
“I’m soooo sorry, Ken! I really don’t know what came over me,” you said, feeling mortified.
You weren’t sorry, though. You’d do it all over again if it meant standing up for him.
He raised an eyebrow, clearly amused, but his smile softened. “It’s alright, my love,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “I thought it was cute.”
And that’s when it happened. That was the moment he called you “love” for the first time. The nickname stuck, and it became his go-to for you—something you cherished. 
Even when things got tough, hearing him say “love” always made you feel like everything would be okay.
It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, though. About a year into your relationship, things got rocky for the first time. You two had always been able to talk things out easily—no major fights or arguments. 
You were supposed to be enjoying Valentine’s Day, but instead, you walked into Yukimiya’s house , basically a part of the family now according to his mom, and saw him surrounded by chocolates.
And not just any chocolates—Valentine’s Day gifts from other girls. And some from guys. Your stomach churned. You couldn’t help the irritation bubbling up inside you.
“You didn’t tell them no?” you asked, trying to keep your voice calm, but failing miserably. Your eyes scanned the pile of chocolates, a small mountain of affection from people who weren't you.
“Huh?” He glanced at you, nonchalant. “No, I mean... I didn’t keep track of how many there are.”
“So you’re telling me you accepted chocolates from other girls—”
“Well, there were some from guys, too,” he interrupted, looking sheepish.
“Oh! So not only did you take chocolates from other girls, but from guys too, and you never once thought to say, ‘Oh, I have a girlfriend?’”
“Uh...” He scratched the back of his neck, clearly realizing where this conversation was headed.
“You’re impossible, Kenyu!” You threw your arms up, frustration boiling over.
For a moment, there was a tense silence, and then he sighed, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around you. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I didn’t think it through. I’ll do better, okay?”
And just like that, the tension melted away. You softened, resting your head against his chest. “It’s just... I don’t know. It feels weird. I don’t like it.”
“I’m sorry, my love. I’ll do better.”
You couldn’t stay mad at him for long. Not with the way he held you, as if he would never let go.
And from that day on, you two learned to communicate better, to open up more. Your love was never perfect, but it was real. You were in this together, for better or worse.
The day Yukimiya got the letter for Blue Lock, you were with him. The excitement in his eyes as he read the strange letter should’ve been enough to calm your nerves, but instead, your heart tightened. 
This was it. The moment he would leave you behind. 
You had always known this day would come, although you assumed it would be a university recruiter or even going straight to the pros…not thing “BlueLock” thing. 
As much as you’d talked about his dream- this dream- with him, nothing could prepare you for the reality of it.
“Ken… It’s a good thing, right?” you whispered, trying to push past the lump in your throat.
“I know, but…I can’t leave you behind.” His voice cracked slightly, betraying his own fears.
You cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing gently over his skin. “You can’t worry about me the whole time. I’ll be here, cheering you on. And I’ll wait for you, no matter what.”
His eyes softened, his brow furrowing in thought. “Then… just marry me.”
You froze, blinking rapidly. “Huh?”
He flushed, suddenly stumbling over his words, clearly flustered. “I mean, not like right now, but... just... engaged? Or something? I don’t have a ring, though...”
You smiled, a soft, loving smile that only he could bring out of you. “I’ll wait. And then I’ll marry you, okay?”
It wasn’t a promise of an immediate future—it was a promise of love, of always. 
And as you leaned in to kiss him, a small but meaningful kiss, you both knew that your love would outlast any distance, any challenge.
Present Day—Now, at 23
Now, as you stood by his side, a loving wife to a pro soccer player, you knew the hardships were worth it. The jealousy, the misunderstandings, the long nights of missing each other when he was away for training—every moment had led to this.
He was still the same Yukimiya Kenyu you fell in love with all those years ago. And now,, you can’t help but feel like the best chapter of your love story is only just beginning.
Your shared secret- one that only you and Yukimiya had known. You were expecting your first child. And somehow, the love you two had felt in high school, the connection that had started so shyly, had only deepened.
Your love story wasn’t easy, but it was the kind of love that made everything else fade away. Because you knew, deep in your heart, that the two of you were always meant to be.
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your honor, i love him
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
⋆.˚✮ 2025 ©airybcby ✮˚.⋆
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lemotmo · 2 days ago
They exist in a world entirely of their own making
Q. I can't believe this needs to be explained to people in the year 2025, but having feelings for someone doesn't mean love and definitely doesn't mean being in love with someone. Of course he loves Eddie in a particular way. Eddie is his best friend and brother. Forcing yourself to see it as romantic is a delusion entirely of your own making. The show is not telling that story and it couldn't be more obvious. You all need a reality check immediately because it's embarrassing at this point.
A. There is a growing part of me that is starting to believe that many of you all are 100% just trolling because it's simply not possible to be this stupid. If the thing between Buck and Eddie seems brotherly in any way to you then you need medical assistance because if that's how your brothers behave with one another something is drastically wrong.
"He doesn't believe he's lying IN THAT MOMENT. He believes what he's saying IN THAT MOMENT. IN THAT MOMENT that is what he believes". - Oliver Stark
"I've written them like that from the beginning. That's just who they are, I just stopped fighting it. Eddie's introduction was shirtless with 'Whata Man' playing over it". - Tim Minear
"Look what I would say is Tommy exists in this universe outside of being Buck's bed buddy" - Tim Minear
"Tommy's part of Buck's romantic past for sure". - Tim Minear
Referring to Tommy as a bed buddy is not a good thing. There was absolutely nothing romantic about a drunken hook up on a sheet less mattress on a literal floor. They're not setting up a rom com for Buck and Tommy. You calling me delusional is the height of idiocy. You all invented an entirely different show entirely from your own delusion. I understand that you went so hard to the floor for the man that admitting your mistake now just feels like something you can't do so you're deciding to just go down with the ship. Well your ship officially sunk on March 17, 2025. They wrote Buck's feelings for Tommy into the actual dialogue. "I USED TOMMY TO FEEL LESS ALONE". "I DON'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR EVERYONE I SLEEP WITH".
Your ship is dead, anon. It was never much a ship to begin with, but its dead. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Your tantrum throwing from inbox to inbox isn't going to change that. By all means continue to shout that the sky is purple instead of blue. It won't make the sky purple, but you're allowed your delusion. The rest of us will stay in reality of the actual show we're watching because the story is quite clear.
Thank you Nonny!
As for Ali's answer?
I'm tired of talking about Tommy the plot device. I'll be so happy to finally see the man leave the show in 8x14/15 after he has finished his Buddie plot device role. I sincerely hope that his whole fandom will follow him out the door. 👋😋👋
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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emeraldtortoiseshell · 3 days ago
@cabbt made an interesting observation about The Ancient One's nickname for Leo, and it got me thinking.
So, throughout the episode that shares his name, The Ancient One repeatedly calls Leo "kumquat".
I must admit: I had no idea what a kumquat was back in the 2000's. For some reason, I thought it was a type of cucumber or gherkin - maybe I just assumed it was something green to match Leo's skin? Plus, cucumbers and turtles/kappas have a connection in Japanese folklore, so it made sense in my head, at least 😅
But no. This is a kumquat:
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It's a small citrus fruit, like a sour orange.
So, why did The Ancient One repeatedly call Leo "kumquat"? It's not even remotely connected to Leo or his colour scheme.
Maybe it's like the British expression of calling someone a "plum" as a lighthearted way of saying "you silly fool"? But the only source I can find for the use of 'kumquat' as slang comes from this site, which takes the wording directly from Urban Dictionary. And since neither gives a source (and anyone can submit anything to UD), I'm hesitant to believe that The Ancient One is repeatedly calling poor Leo "a young individual who goes through life constantly disappointing people with his/her infinite failures.” Ouch.
I dunno, I could well be wrong. If anyone is familiar with the term, or has heard it used in such a way, please let me know. But it just seems too harsh for what was, at the end of the day, a kid's show. Plus, the episode Fathers and Sons reveals that The Ancient One had already met Leo before, and seemed quite fond of him and his brothers. Even if Splinter wrote to him to tell him about what Leo was going through, such an insulting nickname seems uncalled for and unexpected.
I'd like to suggest 2 different, but complementary, explanations for The Ancient One's choice of nickname for Leo.
1. Kumquats may be orange when ripe, but while still growing, they're green
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Perhaps The Ancient One is linking Leo's green skin to an unripe kumquat, telling him he's inexperienced and still growing/learning. Perhaps, in a roundabout way, he's saying "Give yourself time. You're not yet ready to understand the emotions churning within you, but you'll get there."
Or 2. Kumquats have got a thick outer rind, and the fruit within is said to be rather sour. Perhaps The Ancient One is noting the heavy walls Leo has put up around himself, and how bitter he has become on the inside. He drops the nickname "kumquat" once Leo lets go of his inner anger and starts to forgive himself for what he couldn't do.
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He only uses it again to warn Leo to go home when his family is in danger, and even then, he uses his real name twice and "kumquat" only once.
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Perhaps "kumquat" is a nickname with a meaning - like 'Splinter' - to warn Leo not to fall back into the darkness that almost consumed him?
But I don't think it's ever meant harshly.
Or, maybe the writers just wanted a silly nickname for the Ancient One to call Leo, and the picked the first East Asian fruit they could find ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I may be wrong. But that's just my interpretation. I'm interested to hear what other people think, and if anyone else has any other theories.
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schelluminium · 11 hours ago
Part 3:
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This is the first time I noticed that Wille commented a heart-eyes emoji under Felice's post. I never really looked at the names. It's kind of cute.
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Sara has been at Hillerska for only a month and is already trying so hard to change to meet their standards - and change her family as well.
Of course there is nothing wrong with table manners but the way she corrects everyone and tells them what to do, including her own mum (who after a hard work day has every right to sit however she pleases at her table), is pretty rude. But that didn't even bother me as much as the next thing she says:
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Talking about the students at Marieberg like that with Ayub sitting right there... that made me so mad. Ayub is a chill guy and maybe he didn't care, maybe he guessed or knew(?) that Sara didn't include him in that statement but it's just as likely that it did affect him. It was simply uncalled for.
Also it shows how Sara has already adopted a "them" vs. "us" mentality. She thinks the Marieberg students are losers who will never get anywhere in life, when she was one of them not too long ago. Makes me wonder if she's always felt like she is better than them. And now she is at Hillerska, part (but not really a part) of the elite and it's obvious that that means a lot to her.
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And on the other side we have Simon, who doesn't care about Sara's quips and is a little shit about it. I can't really tell whether he is simply amused and irritated by his sister's behaviour or if he is already worried she will change permanently.
In any case he is looking out for her (talking to her about the way Felice treats her and keeping an eye on her to make sure she feels better at Hillerska than Marieberg) and not only her but his mum too:
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You can see him think of what to say to make her feel more at ease. He's such a mama's boy and I love how much he cares for her. But it's sad that he feels the need to step in when Sara and Linda have an argument and reassure Linda that Sara will be fine and that Linda is a good mum and generally mediating to bring peace to their home.
Simon tries so hard to make sure his family is okay and that everyone is happy and untroubled. It might partly be his role as the man in the house that pressures him to take so much responsibility but I think it's more about Simon seeking harmony in his family life after the fallout of Micke's addictions.
And this need for harmony in his family and for his loved ones to be happy and carefree is ultimately the reason for any rash and irresponsible decision he makes. Like getting alcohol for August. Simon doesn't care for himself that much but he cares a whole lot for his family.
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On a lighter note: look at this cutie!
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Like mother like son <3
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God, it must be so exhausting to never know what others are really thinking when you are talking to them. In this instance it is pretty obvious but I'm sure Wille has been and will continue to be in situations in which it's hard to tell whether someone says something because they truly believe it or because they think it's what Wille (or rather the Royal Family) believes and wants to hear.
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I'm a little unsure about this scene.
With the way the upper class often justifies their status, beliefs and the hierarchy through religion, I'm not at all surprised that they take it seriously in this elite school. The monarchy is tightly tied to Christianity as well and Hillerska has a lot of students from noble families.
What I'm confused about is how clumsy Wille looks here. Him folding his hands and his "amen" are delayed, as if he doesn't know what's happening. I would imagine that he knows his way around a church and praying, considering he must be baptised and had his confirmation. But maybe I'm reading too much into this and he is simply distracted because of the whole situation and him feeling uncomfortable here.
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I don't know if this is a controversial opinion since I've mostly seen fans love Simon's friendship with Ayub and Rosh but I am very conflicted about them to be honest. And this is one reason.
If I had an addicted parent, I would be heartbroken to hear that my friends went behind my back and bought drugs from them. Not only are drugs a sensitive topic anyway but Simon's friends buying from Micke also means that they are supporting him financially in his drug abuse.
Ayub apologizing for it shows that he knows that was wrong. He's lucky Simon is so lenient here because he'd have every right to be upset about it.
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And then Ayub has the audacity to tell Simon to stay away from his dad. Who he himself bought alcohol from. I get that he is trying to look out for his friend but it's honestly fucked up to advise Simon to keep his distance while Ayub is still in touch with Micke.
Ayub seems to be an old friend and has likely seen or at least heard all about the situation in Simon's family until Micke moved out. He very likely also knows about the promise to break tie with their dad that Sara wrenched from Simon. So he must know that not keeping in touch isn't what Simon himself wanted but a choice he made for Sara's sake.
I'm really angry on Simon's behalf that everyone around him tries to dictate how he should handle that situation and expects him to stay away from his dad, when that should be his - and only his - decision to make.
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Wille checking his own picture (the one Felice masturbated to no less) is very interesting. Is he checking whether or not one can tell that he hated that situation? Is he checking whether or not he succeeded in faking it and "keeping up appearances"?
And of course his mom dismisses his plea to come home. But we'll get to her and her parenting methods later.
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The frog snow globe!
I think I completely missed it the first time watching. Now it feels like there is a lot in this tiny scene.
Foreshadowing to Wille becoming Crown Prince of course. But also generally being part of the Royal Family and the pressure Wille has always been under because of it. Wille's "I want to come home" seems to be a plea to get out of this life altogether but his responsibilities as the Queen's son are keeping him bound to it, the snow globe looming over him as a symbol of that.
It's possible I'm going a little overboard here but with art you never know. Literally anything can have a deeper meaning in the grand scheme of things and the way this scene was composed, it's possible I'm not too far off.
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I don't agree. There is no excuse for child molestation and rape. It can never ever be excused. Whereas murder can have various motivations and some are very understandable (not saying that means it can be justified) and there definitely is a grey area here. Weird to think these students all agreed on that rating.
But I'm also fascinated by the wording here. Because from what I hear in Swedish it sounds like they were talking about pedophilia. That got translated to child molestation, which makes more sense anyway since they are talking about crimes. Pedophilia is a disorder that obviously results in child molestation if acted on. But in and of itself it isn't a crime. So I agree more with the translation here than with the original wording.
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Maddie wears glasses???
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God, these ignorant, privileged kids make me mad.
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This is one of my all time favourite scenes in the whole show <3
Get their asses, Simon!
With the way he talks you can really tell that he knows his way around this topic and is invested in politics and social justice. I love Simon for speaking up about it in a class full of upper class teenagers who all share the same opinion. That's brave.
Then there is Wille, who looks kind of confused. I wonder if it's because he's never thought about things like that (very likely) or because he is taking in the class dynamic, watching how Simon is up against the rest of them. Or maybe he is transfixed by the fact that Simon dares to speak up against the others at all. Or you know, a mix of it all.
I also wonder whether Sara is silent in this discussion because she is shy and doesn't feel as brave and comfortable as Simon to disagree with the masses, or if she simply doesn't feel as strongly about that topic as her brother and is on her way to blend in with the Hillerska kids. It could also be a mix of both but I'm leaning more towards the second option because it looks like she is eyeing Simon disapprovingly.
S1 E1 Rewatch of
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The first thing I'm only noticing now that I'm rewaching the show, is how Wille's talent for holding speeches is being introduced as he has to address the scandal he caused publically. And yes, I really think Wille has a talent for speeches. He is anxious and uncomfortable with having to do them, to stand in front of expectant people and seem like the confident and responsible prince he is expected to be. But despite this, he manages to do it. And as he does it, he refuses to recite the words that the royal court is trying to put in his mouth. He goes off script and talks freely, spontaneously and while he does, he finds just the right words to convey what he needs to. Of course in this scene he is still going along the lines of what the royal court wants from him but as the show progresses, he learns to apply his talent for finding the right words to convey what he himself wants. It's part of Wille's journey to learning to stand up for himself.
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The next thing I am only just now realising is the foreshadowing of Wille becoming the Crown Prince. Just before he has to talk to the press about transferring to Hillerska, he and his family are asked to sit down onto the royal sofa. At first, on the left sits Ludvig, then comes Wille, then Erik and then Kristina. This could very well display the succession to the throne. On the right the current Queen, next in line the Crown Prince Erik, then his younger brother Prince Wilhelm, and lastly Duke Ludvig. But then Wille and Erik are asked to switch places. Now Wille sits right next to his mother, the Queen, as the next King himself.
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Wille's famous look into the camera... it now seems to me like an "I see you (the audience). I know you are there." He was just talking to the whole nation who is going to see his statement on tv, and we, the viewers, saw him do it. We belong to the people. Wille is a public figure and gets constantly watched and we are watching his every move too.
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The way August touches Wille's cheek looks so condescending, oh my god. I remember watching that for the first time and thinking "I fucking hate this guy"... it's such an interesting introduction of August's character considering how his story progressed.
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Somewhere I saw someone theorise that this scene is foreshadowing the fight for the crown between Wille and August throughout the show, until in the end Wille gives up his title as Crown Prince and August has to take over.
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This moment is so fleeting but so important to me. We see Wille be annoyed and uncomfortable at being paraded around in front of the school staff and then he is told to take a picture with the headmistress. That is when he turns to Erik. His gaze seems to say "Seriously? Do I really have to do this?" and Erik answers with an expectant look like "What's the matter? Just take the picture". It's the first look into their dynamic as brothers and their different view on things, even if it's just such a short moment.
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Another great shot. In front we have Wille who is obviously uncomfortable in this situation, at being in the spotlight and having all eyes on him. He is unable to hide that. And in the back we have Erik and August who are smiling and seem relaxed and happy to be here. Another tiny glimpse into how these characters feel about and handle the role they have within the Royal Family.
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The meaning of August's words got lost in the German dub. Weirdly enough, the German sub is right.
In the German dub August says: "Solange man sich noch nicht zu 100% sicher ist, sollte man weiter üben", which translates to "As long as you aren't 100% sure, you should keep practising". Which is not as nasty as what August actually said. I was really shocked when I found this out.
I really don't know why Erik laughed at that...
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Oh my god, I still remember watching this scene for the first time and being mesmerized by Simon. I'm sure I'm far from the only one but thinking back on it now, I must have fallen in love with him right then and there, just from that beautiful face and the equally beautiful voice alone.
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Knew right from that moment that I hated Vincent.
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Remember these two? No? Don't worry, no one does... when Simon sings, all eyes are on him and only him. You could show me pictures of Hillerska students and I wouldn't be able to tell which of them were in the choir. Obviously they were just background characters but still. I feel a bit sorry for them not getting even an ounce of a moment to shine, because Simon is the star of the show.
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I love how Simon straightened up, squared his shoulders and sang loud and proud after Vincent was being a dick.
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This one, on the other hand, still doesn't seem too happy to be here. Maybe he should look for another hobby.
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The wonder in Wille's eyes...
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…and the transition to a smile. The first genuine, happy smile we see of his character, actually. And it is because of a boy with an amazing voice.
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I always wondered about what these two were thinking. I think the guy says "Simon?" in answer to the girl but I can't really tell from his expression whether they are enjoying his singing or making fun of him. What was everyone else's impression?
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Also when I first heard this song, that part really stuck with me:
of becoming like the others who become unhappy mothers and the fathers of unhappy kids
I don't know, it might be my own experiences and fears but this line gave me chills. But in the context of the show it's also so important, since family is a huge topic and both Simon and Wille have a difficult family life in different ways. You can apply this line of the song very well to the both of them, which is very interesting.
Of course the whole song, its lyrics and meaning are important and perfectly fitting for the show anyway.
It's just generally an amazing scene with Wille hearing Simon sing these words and hold his head high as he does, sticking out from the masses and that captivates Wille.
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This scene was so wholesome and really made me feel as if they were kids again, misbehaving and having fun. Also Farima looks so done with them, it's funny.
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jarchivussy · 2 years ago
why can't i type 再见 using zhuyin. hatred and rage
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deweyduck · 1 year ago
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@pscentral​​ event 22: 2023 wrapped
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causenessus · 10 months ago
i once again call upon my very very rad and cool ice skater readers and the general public everyone's opinion matters !!!! i have new song choices (thank u @eggyrocks & @kitnootkat <3)
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forgotten-daydreamer · 1 year ago
doctors and nurses should be forced to work in retail before being allowed anywhere near patients
#had to tell the stupid nurse “if i'm not familiar with any of this why am i expected to know everything about it? it's your job to explain”#“i- but-” no no shut up. i'm done with these things. honestly. shut up.#put them in their place. don't be scared to raise your voice when they act allmighty#“you're old enough to-” shut up. would you tell that to someone who's +30?#just because i'm young it doesn't mean you can talk to me like that. at all. stay in your fucking place.#i did every fucking thing by the book. shut the fuck up. it's not my fault if you guys don't fucking communicate#and you know. this happened to me when i got surgery. one doctor told me to take idk what before it.#then the aneathesiologist gave a second dose to me. and i was like “hm. i think i already took that one tho”#“oh really? you shouldn't have”#sir?? it's your colleague's fault. he prescribed it to me. said “take it before the surgery” and i did#how was i supposed to know that the two of you don't communicate??#“what do you study?” “translation.” “ok then you know languages and this isn't your field of exp-” fucking exactly#so why the fuck are you coning at me?? i'm not saying anything#imagine pulling up to the hospital and a nurse decides to patronise you for being a patient?? uh??#sir your people told me to do this and that. wtf.#coming*#“say something if you get lightheaded” i'd rather fucking die than rely on you. this is between me and god now. shut up.#* anaesthesiologist. i can spell.#“ok but if you got a weak immune system you should have-” sir. sir. i do what you people tell me to. i can't fucking do whatever i please.#you prescribe me the wrong stuff & then complain when you make a mistake as if it were my fault?? wow.#medical malpractice
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daddestboyhalo · 2 years ago
I think I'm going insane. Like my eyes feel weird and nothing feels real. I honestly don't even know if I'm dreaming or not right now. I think I'm driving myself insane like actually. I gotta stop. I feel sick to my stomach.
What did I do wrong?
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spacehusbandsks · 25 days ago
I interrupted M's daily top surgery spiral and told him he needs to start telling people 'I'm a man that happens to have massive tits, so what? Got a problem with it?' Cause at the end of the day if he never is able to get top surgery, he's still a dude. People can respect him or shove it. bUT WhY nOt bInD aT lEaSt? First off, try having bigger than average breasts (that's AFTER a breast reduction even mind you!) now let's add chronic pain from a list of different conditions, oh and hot flashes too, can't forget debilitating anxiety, plus sensory issues. Go on, see how simple it is to bind now. 🙄Fuck. You. Guess what, even if he simply wanted to keep his breasts for any reason, he's still a dude. End of story.
#text post#👽#trans stuff#no wrong way to be trans#also don't you dare compare rich able-bodied trans folks to poor disabled trans people#while everyone has hoops they must go through the privileged have less hoops#being poor directly affects our ability to transition we can't afford it#the only way we could is through the government and for the longest time there weren't any psych doctors available...#...yet a psych doctor's letter is needed for insurance to cover it#for everyone that says how easy it is and act like the government is handing out surgeries and hormones left and right#every year we have to fight with insurance to cover our fibromyalgia/antidepressant meds that we can not function without#but tell me again how I can just request top surgery and get it done within a few months#no dentist within a three hour radius takes my insurance but let me know how easy it is to get a gender therapist that will#we have to wear glasses with super thick lenses because they don't want to shell out for the lighter weight material...#...I'm sure the same people that can't be assed to cover a little more for our everyday comfort would gladly shell out thousands of dollars#please pick up my sarcasm cause I'm laying it on thick#besides cost we also have some medical conditions that need treatment and that takes up time and energy#we also have been worried about transitioning and getting turned down for treatments for being trans...something we can't risk#If we had the funds we would have gotten top surgery years ago we wouldn't have to worry about in-network consequences or requirements#CJ is able to be a traitor and as delusional as she is because of her privilege#allies please listen to the actual whole community not just a few celebrities that can kind of speed run transition#that isn't to invalidate their own struggles but how they transition will look very different from someone who does have to wait#someone who can afford to buy a whole new wardrobe in a day will be perceived as more legit and trying harder...#...than someone that can only afford a few new clothes items here and there. Soley based on presentation. Tell me how is that fair?#which also brings me to facial surgeries#look how many rich trans people have facial surgeries vs poor trans people#unless it's a major cause of dysphoria it isn't as often pursued yet it can add another layer of passability and signal to others “valid”#I can tell you a lot of trans people would do more things to affirm their gender and alleviate dysphoria if they had the funds#we're just out here trying to survive not to be judged how valid we are or aren't by others who don't know shit#TL;DR take what rich trans people say or do with a grain of salt and listen to what the community is saying
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elljayvee · 2 months ago
Genuinely don't know what it's called but there's a particular way of violating reality that doesn't work. For example, I am willing to accept an omegaverse university AU of nearly any fandom you care to name (except, for some reason, Sherlock, because I have an inexplicable hatred for unilock). However, a lot of Star Wars university AUs specifically fail on this aspect: they make Anakin an engineering PhD student and Obi-Wan something like literature or classics, and then they make Anakin his TA or GA.
You can't do that. Absolutely not. Anakin is unqualified for that and a university would not do it in any case. A university would literally hire a junior or senior undergraduate workstudy student to do as much of that work as possible first. They would do NOTHING other than do that and make the prof do all his own grading.
Is there a name for "I will accept [wild fantasy premise] but not [ordinary wrong thing]?" Please tell me there's a name for this. Probably someone who studies lit will know? I'm a systems person I don't know from lit theory just like Anakin
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