#if somebody is interested
youdontloveme-yet · 2 years
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NF - Hope
+ song references
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pkiir · 22 days
Reverse Stanford
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Getting his science project a one way ticket into West Coast and abandoning his hometown Ford would've believed it was the best decision of his life. Unfortunately, the only thing it earned him was this bitter life goal considering all the other students at West Coast were snobby scientists. Most, atleast. Nobody in the scientific field really cared about the paranormal and dismissed it entirely, considering Ford's fascination with exactly that it was safe to say that people beating down on his chosen scientific field didn't bode well. He still works hard to get his degrees but develops this bitter feeling to prove that paranormal science was infact very valid. How so? Studying them in gravity falls. Regardless of which college Ford had went to he would've still ended up documenting the paranormal in gravity falls.
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Using the same spell that's originally used to encase the Shack from Bill in weirdmageddon Ford instead discovers it and uses it to trap Bill in this tiny little bubble for scientific exploration.
(Kind of like when bill is the jester in the book 😆)
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Fords own dedication to harnessing this power drives him crazy. Bill still does drive him crazy but not from manipulation and simply his own hubris to unlock the secrets. Making the concept of the portal was what he believed would give him access to said power. He's not trying to rule the world, just reveal it to how everything he's worked for all his life is true...
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civetside · 9 months
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hello guys it's me miss consistent art style!!! wrestling AU????? sorry i am smashing my 2 current interests together as ya do, gideons trying to be a cool pro wrestler and harrow is her manager
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thankstothe · 6 months
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think a lot of discussions would be made better by recognizing that masculinity and femininity aren't inherently preferred, but adherence to cishet standards is, which is slightly different.
This is why a masculine trans man* or a feminine trans woman* often still face stigma - it isn't that they aren't gender conforming to the gender they are. It is that cishetero standards do not want trans people to exist at all, in any capacity.
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ovaryacted · 4 months
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Saw this on Twitter today and just thought about pre-outbreak Joel Miller doing this before you go to work as a way to establish words of affirmations into your routine and the entire time you are at work you just have a smile on your face thinking about how he fucked you so good you almost called in sick so you can stay home and he can do it all over again.
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egophiliac · 2 months
he's Hayate from Ride Kamens! 🦩 he is my bird son a very silly guy who's part of a superhero (well...hero-ish) group trying to take down a cult, although his real passion is lattes. also, he is very pink!
(the fancy outfit was just for a game event, alas, although I spent way too much time grinding to get the pink variant so now it is mine forever, mwahaha. >:)
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rattbones · 3 months
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bildad zine exclusivity period is up!!! here’s my piece!!!! enjoy!!!!!! :D
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cinematicnomad · 5 months
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9-1-1 ▸ 2.12 chimney begins
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I feel like this last episode really has been such a big reminder that Jawbone is not in any way trained to be a guidance counselor. Is he amazing at his job yes he’s great he’s helped so many kids but he is not legally qualified, plus there’s the added factor of him only having the job because of a party of students who are currently at the school and his adoptive daughter stepdaughter and the kid whose been living with him for months all go there so he can’t be truly impartial in matters concerning them like he’s supposed to. Do I think he shouldn’t have the job no because he’s amazing at it otherwise but I do think that there should be a second counselor with no connections to any of the students
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hamletthedane · 1 year
Hamlet’s Age
Not to bring up an age-old debate that doesn’t even matter, but I have been thinking recently how interesting Hamlet’s age is both in-text and as meta-text.
To summarize a whole lot of discussion, we basically only have the following clues as to Hamlet’s age:
Hamlet and Horatio are both college students at Wittenberg. In Early Modern/Late Renaissance Europe, noble boys typically began their university education at 14 and usually completed at their Bachelor’s degree by 18 or 19. However, they may have been studying for their Master’s degrees, which was typically awarded by age 25 at the latest. For reference, contemporary Kit Marlowe was a pretty late bloomer who received a bachelor’s degree at 20 and a master’s degree at 23.
Hamlet is AGGRESSIVELY described as a “youth” by many different characters - I believe more than any other male shakespeare character (other than 16yo Romeo). While usage could vary, Shakespeare tended to use “youth” to mean a man in his late teens/very early 20s (actually, he mostly uses it to describe beardless ‘men’ who are actually crossdressing women - likely literally played by young men in their late teens)
King Hamlet is old enough to be grey-haired, but Queen Gertrude is young enough to have additional children (or so Hamlet strongly implies)
Hamlet talks about plucking out the hairs of his beard, so he is old enough to at least theoretically have a beard
In the folio version, the gravedigger says he became a gravedigger the day of Hamlet’s birth, and that he’s be “sixteene here, man and boy, thirty years.” However, it’s unclear if “sixteene” means “sixteen” or “sexton” (ie has he worked here for 16 years but is 30 years old, or has he been sexton there for thirty years?)
Hamlet knew Yorick as a young child, and the gravedigger says Yorick was buried 23 years ago. However, the first quarto version version of Hamlet says “dozen years” instead of “three and twenty.” This suggests the line changed over time. (Or that the bad quarto sucks - I really need to make that post about it, huh…)
Yorick is a skull, and according to the gravedigger’s expertise, he has thus been dead for at least 7-8 years - implying Hamlet is at least ~15yo if he remembers Yorick from his childhood
One important thing sometimes overlooked - Claudius takes the throne at King Hamlet’s death, not Prince Hamlet. That is mostly a commentary on English and French monarchist politics at the time, but it is strange within the internal text. A thirty year old Hamlet presumably would have become the new monarch, not the married-in uncle (unless Gertrude is the vehicle through which the crown passes a la Mary I/Phillip II - certainly food for thought)
Honestly, Hamlet is SO aggressively described as being very young that I’m fairly confident the in-text intention is to have him be around 18-23yo. Placing his age at 30yo simply does not make much sense in the context of his descriptors, his narrative role, and his status as a university student.
However, it doesn’t really matter what the “right” answer is, because the confusion itself is what makes the gravedigger scene so interesting and metatextual. We can basically assume one of the following, given the folio text:
Hamlet really is meant to be 30yo, and that was supposed to surprise or imply something to the contemporary audience that is now lost to us
Older actors were playing Hamlet by the time the folio was written down, and the gravedigger’s description was an in-text justification of the seeming disconnect between age of actor and description of “youth”
Older actors were playing Hamlet by the time the folio was set down, and the gravedigger’s description was an in-text JOKE making fun of the fact that a 30-something year old is playing a high-school aged boy. This makes sense, as the gravedigger is a clown and Hamlet is a play that constantly pokes fun at its own tropes and breaks the fourth wall for its audience
The gravedigger cannot count or remember how old he is, and that’s the joke (this is the most common modern interpretation whenever the line isn’t otherwise played straight). If the clown was, for example, particularly old, those lines would be very funny
Any way you look at it, I believe something is echoing there. It seems like this is one of the many moments in Hamlet where you catch a glimpse of some contemporary in-joke about theater and theater culture* that we can only try to parse out from limited context 430 years later. And honestly, that’s so interesting and cool.
*(My other favorite example of this is when Hamlet asks Polonius about what it was like to play Julius Caesar in an exchange that pokes fun of Polonius’ actor a little. This is clearly an inside-joke directed at Globe regulars - the actor who played Polonius must have also played Julius Caesar in Shakespeare’s play, and been very well reviewed. Hamlet’s joke about Brutus also implies the actor who played Brutus is one of the main cast in Hamlet - possibly even the prince himself, depending on how the line is read).
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Hey, let's overthink werewolves some more. Why does the full moon make them change, anyway? Do they have to get Maximum Moonlight, and any other night isn't enough? What about when the moon is full during the day, when it's just not as noticeable? What's so special about the moon, which is just reflecting light from the sun? While we're at it, stars are just suns that are far away.
Sounds like their particular brand of magic is a delicate balancing act of how much solar radiation they get at a given moment. And possibly there's something about lunar dust that kicks it into high gear.
*Do the moon rocks that the astronauts brought back do anything?
*What if an astronaut was a werewolf?
*Since werewolves change even when they're indoors, then the relevant bits of moonlight can pass through such things. Are there any scientists around who can tell us whether there's a wavelength of light that could bounce off the moon but not off a door?
I mean, the alternative is "because the magic says so," and that's just the easy way out.
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diggilooo · 1 year
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this was the image for the eurovision tag on july 22
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mysteriousmissme · 1 month
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teru’s taking his role as a fifth wheel pretty seriously
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chasiufan · 3 months
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art trade with my girl @dorkfruit cause that’s the only time I venture out <3
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Sometimes, I'm sad about the hobbies I have abandoned or have been too intimidated to pick up. But... what good is it, to just beat myself up over that? My bass is sitting in the corner, patiently waiting, and so is everything else. My life isn't over, and I've got nothing to answer to. I'm wading through a sea of time, and I'll pick up the seashells that interest me, and it's okay to put one back in the sand. The current's waves will bring it back to me if that is to be destiny. I can not hate myself into productivity, so I must swim on.
I think the same can apply to anybody. It's okay if you have dropped something, such as a hobby or passion. Human beings are like that sometimes, it isn't reasonable for you to beat yourself into submission. You, too, can not hate yourself into being a well-rounded person. You must cultivate it like you would a garden - with patience, time, and care.
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