#if only he hadnt said that he prefers dogs to cats then i would actually 100% believe if was
httpiastri · 1 month
Alright, so now you've just fully opened the Pandora box in my head... I might just need some more snippets of your Jak Pinterest board if possible. Okayyy thanksss :) -❤️
you ask and you shall receive 🫡
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brelione · 4 years
She Likes Green Cats And Lives In A Tree (Pope Heyward X Reader)
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You know that rule that teachers in the computer lab make about not googling anything that doesn't have to do with the current assignment?No one in Kildare High gave two shits.Well,accept Pope.Pope didn't like distractions,school was always supposed to come first.He tried to keep to himself,never skipping class with JJ and John.B.You were in all of his classes.You never payed attention,content with knowing you could walk out or jump out the window whenever you wanted.The rumors said that you lived in the woods,that you were a witch,that you were a mermaid,that you lived in an abandoned hospital.There were so many rumors about you that no one even knew who you really were.You were that one girl that everyone was fascinated with.A lot of the girls hated you because of it but you couldn't care less.You only showed up for the food and to use their computers.You never did homework or classwork and the school couldn't do much about it.
You didn't even show up to detention.They couldn't call your parents because they didn't know who your parents were or where they were.They had tried getting the police department involved but they couldn't do anything because you hadnt committed any actual crimes.You broke the little rules that didn't really matter unless they were all broken at once.Leaning back in your chair,googling things you shouldn't be googling,texting in class,playing music in study hall.Pope had tried so hard not to be distracted by you.He swore to god that he had tried really hard but he just couldn't do it.He’d find himself watching your screen,trying to figure out why you were giggling to yourself.It was the same thing every time.A teal looking cat.He didn't know why you found it so funny.Doodles of green cats covered everything.Your notebook,the pages within your notebook,most of your index cards and the front of your folder.He had never spoken to you.Not until that day two weeks ago.Everyone in the class was having conversations while the teacher was too tired to care.
You had tapped his shoulder lightly as he was typing his notes.He looked over at you,wondering why you had tried to get his attention. “Do you have a green colored pencil I could borrow?”You asked quietly.He reached for his pencil case,going through it.He only had highlighters and pens for his notes.He found his green highlighter,holding it up. “Would this work?”He asked.You nodded,taking it from him. “Thanks,Pope.”You grinned before starting a new drawing,looking at the photo for reference.He watched as you drew a circle with two triangles before handing the marker back to him. “Can I ask you something?”He asked.You nodded,waiting for him to continue. “Why do you always google green cats during class?”He asked.You pouted. “Look at her!Look at how lovely!”You grinned,pointing to the screen.It looked like an awful photoshop job. “She's in Bulgaria and she rolled around in green powdered paint.Its non toxic though.”You explained,noticing his doubtful expression.He nodded.
 “So why do you google her so often?”He asked,resting his chin on his hand.You shrugged. “It just makes me happy.Have you ever seen a blue dog?”You asked.He shook his head.You smiled,typing away before pulling up a picture of a blurry blue dog. “Look at it-isn't it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”You asked.He wanted to say something cute or flirtatious like ‘you’re the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.’ but it didn't come out.He had just nodded.You showed him pictures of purple monkeys,yellow dolphins and orange sharks.You found brightly colored animals so funny and he just couldn't understand why.Everyday since then you had made him a doodle on an index card of a strangely colored animal.He kept them all,taping them onto his bedroom wall.He never learned if any of the rumors were true until he asked you to hang out. “Hang out?Where?”You asked.You two were walking down the hall to your next class.You never kept your textbooks on you,just a notebook,folder and a pencil case.He shrugged. “Maybe your house?Would that work?”He asked.You giggled.
 “Pope,I live in a tree.”You replied.He furrowed his eyebrows,trying to figure out if you were serious or not.He nodded. “Okay,what about the beach?”He asked.You nodded. “Yeah,yeah that works.”You grinned.At the end of school that day you leaned against the lockers,light backpack hanging off your shoulders.He had learned that you didn't have a phone or anything,really.You two had walked right to the beach from school. “So you really live in a tree?”He asked.You nodded. “Yep,it's not that far from here.Im not a witch though,it would be pretty cool if I was.Its really not that bad unless it rains.”You held your shoes by your side as you walked through the sand.He nodded. “You can come to my house whenever you want,you know.Do you eat a lot?”He asked.You shrugged. “I eat enough,I think I prefer living in a tree over a house as weird as it sounds.”You replied.He had somehow ended up holding your hand,his fingers laced in yours. “How do you shower?”He asked.You shrugged. “Depends on the day.Sometimes I just wash my hair in the library bathroom or i’ll shower at school.”You answered.He had asked you many questions about your life. “What about clothes?”He asked.
 “Lost and Found clothes are always interesting,I always wash them at the laundromat before I wear them though.”You answered.After he had learned about that he’d ‘accidentally’ give you his hoodies and tshirts.He had told his father about your situation so you could come over on weekends to eat dinner at his house.When summer came around he had become really stressed about you getting food,eventually bringing you to John.B’s house to introduce the others to you.Of course they had heard about you.The cute witch that lived in a tree.Only half of that was true.They had taken a liking to you.Kiara had gone through her closet and given you a lot of her old clothes and some hairties.You would sleep with Pope on the outdoor couch or in the hammock.You stayed at John.B’s house 5 out of 7 days out of the week,still staying in your tree.They didn't know how you had ended up like that or how you were able to sleep without falling to your death.JJ had become close to you,giving you a hunting knife to keep with you ‘just in case’.Pope had always talked to you about possibly living in a treehouse when you were older so you could have a compromise.
You had nodded,listening to his plans.He told you that you two could get a cat and dye its fur with natural dye.You had agreed with that,talking about how you wanted to pursue art.Pope was always looking out for you,becoming even more protective after you had gotten your first phone.Kiara had given you her old one and got you on Snapchat so you could message them whenever you needed to.Pope would message you whenever you were not with him.You would send him pictures of the birds that lived in your tree and send him videos of you hanging upside down from the branches.Your clothes hung on the branches along with your back pack.You had two blankets and your own little sleep set up.You’d sit on one of the larger branches,leaning backwards with your head against your other blanket.He had gotten over his fear of heights by staying in your tree with you sometimes,becoming more comfortable with your lifestyle.It was funny to think that this whole relationship had started with pictures of a green cat on the school’s computer.
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