#i will definitely add it to my todo hehe
httpiastri · 1 month
Alright, so now you've just fully opened the Pandora box in my head... I might just need some more snippets of your Jak Pinterest board if possible. Okayyy thanksss :) -❤️
you ask and you shall receive 🫡
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kenrik · 3 years
I owe my fellow GoUta fans two fics. 
I just lack like 5% of each oneshots. It’s been sitting on my lappy for a while now~! Hehe~
In the Car Outside
Utahime has to work on a client project supervised by the annoying dick from their head office.
Violin Lessons! (Sequel)
Unhappy that his colleague brainwashed his precious students, Gojo-sensei visits Kyoto Tech to win over its students.
Keep reading for excerpts. Might upload within the day though. 
In the Car Outside
When Utahime finds out that that dick from their head office was at their branch party, she starts to snarl in irritation. And when he starts to walk to her for some unknown reason, she seethes and walks away with her drink.
The whole night -
Her eye twitched.
That whole night, she'd find that idiot's gaze at her. And if she hadn't been cautious of him, he would've approached her again.
Why was he even here? She frowned in annoyance.
They haven't spoken yet, and already, he was giving her a headache.
Finally, just when she thinks things couldn't get any worse, their partner climbs up the stage, taps on the mic to call everyone's attention, and introduces the new regional director.
And Utahime almost spat her drink when Gojo Satoru was called to the stage.
This idiot, Utahime snarled; he walks up the steps to the platform. His hair disheveled. His grin, wide and cocky. His tie loosened and the buttons on his shirt, undone.
He looked like a fool up there beside their partner who wore a proper coat and tie for the occasion.  
"Thanks for the intoduction, oji-chan~!" (old man/grandfather) He playfully smacked the man's broad back.
Oh, my god. Utahime covered her mouth in disbelief, in secondhand embarrassment. This moron!!
"I'm looking forward to working with all of you~!" He grinned at the crowd wide and happily.
Utahime narrowed her eyes at him up at the stage, as he held up the drink in his hand to cheer in their new year;
Was that, she held her throbbing head; was he seriously holding up a chocolate milk box??
Before she could recover from the headache that was Gojo Satoru, her firm's partner approached her and by god's will, they finally meet.
And Utahime could barely keep herself from grimacing at the wide grin on his stupid face.
"Oji-chan tells me you're heading the Gouto merger." He leans back on his heels and smiles, biting the straw of his chocolate drink.
"I am." Utahime hissed at him.
And Gojo could only raise his brows in confusion, intrigued by her unabashed vitriol.
"We'll work closely then."
"I guess." Utahime snarled.
And the second nothing was said, she simply walks away with a frown.
"She really hates me, huh?" Gojo chuckled as he watched her leave, honestly wondering if she was one of his many stilted lovers. If she was, he tilted his head as he gave her a look over, he'd be sure to remember.
He couldn't pinpoint it. So, he walks to her.
And he laughs when she starts walking away, as she's been doing the whole night.
Then, when she runs into a corner, stuck in place by a crowd of their coworkers, he laughs at her red face.
"Did we sleep together?" He finally asks her rather innocently, when they're standing to the side of the room. He was interested himself, surely; surely if they slept together, he'd remember.
He raises his brows at the growing flush on her face.
Surely, he'd remember if he slept with her. And definitely, their tryst would have a repeat. Once, maybe twice.
He looks her over again.
Thrice. Definitely.
"You idiot," Utahime hissed, clenching her fist to keep from hitting his stupid head. "We met at a conference years ago! And you kept disrepecting hierarchy!"
"You were an idiot junior then." She sneers at him, remembering what a headache he was as a pompous new graduate who thought he was the king of the world. "But, I guess you're still an idiot now." She frowns.
And Gojo's eyes light up.
Utahime didn't know whether she was glad he remembered her.
She frowns bitterly at the happy grin on his face and decides it didn't make her happy at all.
They've only ever met once before, in a conference in New York. And they barely spoke. But she saw him. She saw how much of a shameless, loud fool he was.
"What happened to your face?" He laughed and tried to touch her scar; to which she swatted his hand away and hissed. This only made Gojo laugh even more. "You're still the same feral cat!!"
"I'm your senior, you moron!" She cried in disbelief. How could he not have changed after all these years?!
"So what?" He laughed at her. "I outrank you now too!"
Then, he points to himself and revels at Utahime's fuming face.
"I'm your boss now." He snickers, grinning in victory when Utahime could say no more.
"I'm still older than you!" She thinks to add at the last minute. And Gojo just loses it and starts laughing out loud.
"So what?!" He guffawed. He shook and wheezed and laughed at her vermillion face.
This bastard! Utahime clenched her fists, she writhed in anger. Close to shoving this stupid man in front of their entire office.
This moron was just. Too. Loud!!!
Violin Lessons! (Sequel)
This idiot is too loud. Mai grimaced as she stepped on the batting mat, with Yuuji crouched down behind her, ready to catch missed pitches. And just behind them, the idiot Tokyo School sensei kept snickering for some stupid reason.
Turning her gaze ahead, her frown sours even more at the sight of her sister.
Tokyo people were the worst. She thought as she hit Maki's pitch and ran to first base.
Miwa! She pumped herself up as she walked to the batting mat, gripping her bat tightly. You can do it! You can score a point for your team!
Maki smirks at her.
And she could feel her idol's gaze at her.
Hm. Miwa pursed her lips and flushed.
She misses the pitch and Gojo-sensei cries out instantly. "Strike!!"
And in the distance, she knots her brows - she could hear Iori-sensei's enraged, frustrated, and utterly disappointed cries.
Miwa, she shook her head and frowned. Why are you so useless?
Come the seventh-inning stretch, Utahime stomped her foot at her team and told their grumbling faces to huddle up.
They could only wonder why she was all riled up and way stricter over their performance during a baseball game than their matches from the previous day...
Todo looked up from his phone, from the comforting images of his beloved Takada-chan.
"What?" He turned to her with a sour frown.
Utahime's eye twitched at the pitiful sight before her.
"Win this match, and I'll buy you that ridiculously expensive Takada-chan body pillow."
Flames engulfed Todo's eyes in a burning passion.
And Utahime massaged her temple.
Everyone around her were just complete headaches.
Here was another one. She glared in annoyance.
The Kyoto students flinch at the sight of Gojo-sensei casually stepping into their side of the park, while they were all crouched together and planning out their game.
"What do you think you're doing here?!" Their sensei cried at the grinning idiot in disbelief. "Are you seriously spying on our play?!" She stomped her foot and gave him a menacing scowl, firmly standing her ground even when she was a good foot shorter that him.
They all frown at the sight of their teachers arguing once again.
And when Gojo-sensei steps closer to their sensei, tall and leering down at her with a smirk, Momo narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.
Wasn't this guy getting too close? She glared. From her angle, it looked like the fool stole a kiss from her fuming sensei. And had Utahime not been yelling his ear off about boundaries and staying on your lane, she wouldn've thought he really did.
"What?" Gojo-sensei waved his hand at his furious colleague and laughed to her face. "Your team's too weak to even spy on." He sniggered and casually ducked as she shrieked in rage and threw her cap at him. "I just came for water!"
Their sensei flinched. And they could only narrow their eyes as their gazes followed the oddball sensei in suspicion.
"What the hell?!" Their sensei cried in disbelief, stomping after the man who went ahead to the benches and grabbed a thermos. "There's a jug of water over there?!" Utahime points a heated finger across the part, at Tokyo Tech's side of the park where the students were lounging around and drinking.
"This yours, right?" The Tokyo Tech's sensei ignored her and simply wagged the thermos in his hand.
"It is!" Their sensei cried. And they twitch at the questionable sight before them.
Then, their eyes widen, their face pale in horror when, with their sensei yelling in indignation, the idiot sensei Gojo Satoru took a drink from their beloved sensei's water bottle.
"What the hell?!!" The livid woman cried.
And with a snicker, the other sensei raises the thermos at her, "You thirsty?" He offered. And Utahime just puffed red and yelled and cried at his shamelessness.
"Nice job, minna-san~!" Gojo-sensei turns to the shocked, stricken, horrified Kyoto Tech students as he returned Utahime's jug on the bench.
And they grimace, and they seethed, and they writhed in pure, utter rage.
What. The. Hell.
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costellos · 4 years
LOL A 401K IM DEAD but honestly...... tru
all that tax stuff, retirement plans.... nanami’s got it covered. and then there’s gojo, committing tax fraud 🤧 i’d compare gojo to salt as a seasoning but that’s kinda mean, he does have some flavor. like, sugar probably suits him better?? sweet, can be addicting, but bad for you if have too much of it 🙈 AND THEN NANAMI. man’s the whole spice rack, he wouldn’t have it anything less since he loves food so much 😤 he is, as we say, umami personified 🤌
yeah, it’s unfortunate lmfao but oh well. i do occasionally have them in a smoothie though, like you said!
alsjfhsha it’s def time consuming.... like i’d be sitting down w my family and when i’m finally done picking it all out, they’ve finished eating welp 😭 and yeah, the rational part of me knows that, but i’m that person someone has to go up the service worker for and be like “excuse me she asked for no pickles” (except i didn’t 🙈) i’m much better in restaurants bc the language barrier isn’t as intimidating so i will tell them to leave out an ingredient if it’s something i can’t easily take out
mmmmm i can see that! he’d be the guy who’d eat pizza with a fork and knife wouldn’t he lol. and dab all the excess oil off w a napkin. he probably only goes to the Legit pizza places too haha but i think if he likes you enough he can be convinced to eat almost anywhere
ofc!! ask games are more fun if it goes both ways 😌 and ooooo tsumu! interesting...... 👀 those are honestly such good date ideas w a guy like atsumu! that’d rly be smth he’d enjoy and ngl the moment i read ‘something physical’ i immediately imagined y’all racing LMAO. he’s a prime example of how competition can be good for you w the right person, so i can see you filling in the space osamu left after he decided to focus more on his food aspirations. like imagine making cute lil bets w him and the loser having to do what the winner wanted hehe. omg a double date w the miya twins would be sm fun tho??? from my impression of you so far, i definitely trust you to keep tsumu in line lmfao so catch me there. me and osamu are the ones spectating and judging your guys’ competitions and cheering you on to beat atsumu like we’re olympic commentators or smth LOL
aaaaa i’m honestly p shy but if anything can get me to come off anon, it’d be nanamin 😂 (it’s like we’re todo and yuji bonding over their shared type but w nanami skdjfjsjsjs) let me know if you prefer to keep it here or on discord and i’ll give you my account, whichever platform you like better! also congrats on 1k! much deserved!! 🎉
cut for length!
A;LDSKJ GOJO WOULD COMMIT TAX FRAUD. lmao salt is a lil mean!! sugar is more fitting <3 sugar is also used for more fun foods, and I feel like it matches him bc of his sweet tooth. but Nanami........ o lawd. definitely the whole spice rack yes. 100% agree. pls I would use him in everything. wait was that a weird thing to say?
ah I totally understand! well, u got this friend. the next time u go out for Mexican food, I’ll be there cheering for u in spirit!!
and yes.... ugh... I don’t think he’s particularly picky, he’ll try anything. he just doesn’t like foods that are excessive, if that makes sense? like what you were saying with the grease. I think he’s more the type to like subtle flavors. an obnoxious meat lover’s pizza from The Hut would be a no go, but he’s down for a, quote, Legit Pizza Place. the kind of Italian restaurant that’s authentic! but let’s admit it, by that point it wouldn’t even technically be “pizza.” authenticity comes with a price :’)
ty friend you’re far too kind 🥺 AND PLS YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSH OVER MY LAPTOP HHHHHHH. I would love nothing more than to fill the Osamu-shaped hole in his heart once they both go into their separate careers. and god..... don’t encourage him. or me. I would definitely make bets w him. and I would win. but thank you sweet anon, I would do my best to keep him from annoying the shit out of you!! it would be an honor to have you and Osamu comment on our tomfoolery. 👉👈
MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO KEYBOARD MASH AGAIN. we’re definitely Todo and Yuji.... u like Nanami and so now I’m obligated to imagine a whole life we coulda had together in high school together. even tho I graduated five years ago. and I’m assuming you did some time ago too since you mentioned you’re old...... lordt. anyway! thank you for the congrats!! I would love to discuss more headcanons and such w you over Discord! dm me and I’ll add you so that we can sob over Nanami’s absence in the anime <33
nanamin date anon said: me, rewatching eps 9-13 on replay until the new episode comes out: hahaha i love all the jjk characters equally! nanamin and *looks at smudged writing on hand* the extras
lol i love them all rly, it’s just super refreshing to have an adult like nanami in a shounen
haha yeah, i’m definitely glad i’m not the oldest (bc that’s way too much responsibility for me, idk how they do it) so being player 2 as a younger sibling isn’t too bad, especially since it’s the story that i’m usually more interested in rather than the gameplay itself. i don’t have to worry about remembering which buttons to press in a fight when i can just watch the plot play out lol. (it’s definitely a good game, i just suck at the controls 😅 my brother let me play a bit and i couldn’t get the web swinging down i was struggling so bad aslfjjfsjak) what sort of games are you into? 👀
even if it’s boring to some ppl, watching is a good way to experience the game for yourself as well, esp if it’s a single player game! ofc i do tend to prefer multiplayer games, but it’s not too dissimilar to watching someone play a sport tbh. AND NO KENMA IM PRO-SIDEQUEST LIVE OUT YOUR COMPLETIONIST DREAMS. if we gotta fetch that dude a super rare item to unlock his backstory we MUST do it ok
YEAH! mikorin is also voiced by noya’s va! it’s honestly a shame gsnk didn’t get a second season, it’s so good 😔
me: lol does that mean kuroo’s your tomoda
kenma: ok this date is over
LMFAOOOOO not my fault the popular choices are the ones that get you the good end 😤 and it’s all good, i’m also guilty of replaying to see how the other choices impact the story haha. if there’s no save system tho, i’d make him switch out w me every time we replay bc i’d zone out at all the repeat stuff (bless games that have a skip option 🙏)
UGH TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! ok so I love the other charas too but.... Nanami’s so good. so good. iono about you, anon, but I went back and rewatched his episodes from the dub and it made me Feel Things. and I agree, it is refreshing to see an adult like him in shounen. esp since he treats the kids like kids. and he makes it clear that their being kids is never a bad thing. I will reiterate: he’s so good.
ahhh friend that’s so nice!. your brother sounds really chill. plus it sounds like a good balance: you get to watch the story, and he gets to dick around!! win-win. and as for my fav games, I’m up for anything! I try to avoid co-op games like Overwatch bc I get too competitive and I’m a sore loser lmao (but they are fun!). the last games I played were the Last of Us 2 and Persona 5, two very different games, but stuff that’s a good time nonetheless. tbh as long as I can immerse myself in the story and there’s tons to explore, I’m down. what about you?? you’d kind of mentioned otome games and Animal Crossing, but I’m curious!
hm. interesting. that’s a nice way to look at it. I guess if it’s a really good game, it’s no different from an interactive movie! also Kenma would love that omg you’re going to save so many villages in the rpgs he plays w you.... gotta max out EVERYTHING. every side quest! every mundane task!! collect literally every feather!!! but I feel like he would pass the time by making idle conversation. like some dumb shit Lev had mentioned earlier that day. such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day, shit talking Lev w his fav person 😌
anyway! going back to completionist stuff: Kenma would have such a blast going back and replaying games w you! and yes bless games w a skip option hhh. thankfully he’d remember all your previous choices together, so he can help navigate where to go next. he has no qualms handing the controller over, I think he’d love to curl up next to you and analyze how you play! but I also feel like he’d be giving unwarranted suggestions....... thanks, Kenma.
also, about Mikorin’s va: WHAT. OH MY GOD. so many things to learn..... pls. indulge me w your trivia.
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Questions 1-85 🤷🏽‍♂️ if you're down lol
Faaaacccckkk okok lol
1. Are looks important in a relationship?Tbh kind of2. Are relationships ever worth it?Yeah you just have to wait for the right one to come uk3. Are you a virgin?No sometimes I still wish I was tho like I wish I would have waited until I was married like how I planned to lol i wanted to lose it in a special way but it didn't happen4. Are you in a relationship?Hellll naaaaa5. Are you in love?No6. Are you single this year?Yeah and next yr too and the yr after that7. Can you commit to one person?Yes I can. Rn I can flirt w the whole world but I swear once I'm in a relationship I cut everyone off and keep you happy even if I can't keep myself happy and it sucks cus that's how I get taken advantage of 8. Describe your crushI don't like anyone rn 9. Describe your perfect mateTaller than me, kind of gordito, always talking, always giving me attention, down to stay in on a Friday night and watch movies w cudddles, able to smoke a fat bluhnnnnt w me, funny, mean to everyone but only nice to me, enjoys to fight w me like being able to roast me so I can roast back I don't want to pussy ass bihhhh, able to handle me cus there's days I have an attitude I love to talk shit lmaooo, respects me, treats me good, buys me food, likes hickeys, opens the door for me jus so he can smack my ass hehe, grand my ass 25/7, is a lil freak in the sheets JUST 4 ME like if we can't bust a quick upstairs while th fam is downstairs u ain't for me, and one who loves me ((((:10. Do you believe in love at first sight?No it's just lust 11. Do you ever want to get married?Yes. Nothing beats waking up to the love of ur life every morning and sleeping every night, being able to kick him while u sleeping and eating all his food that he said not to eat and fighting bcus he eats my Greek yogurt after he specifically said he didn't like it or fighting over who gets to sleep in the side of the wall and being able to jog all the cobijas hehe and being able to travel w him 12. Do you forgive betrayal?It depends tbh. I feel like some people deserve second chances bcus if you know they have good intentions and didn't mean to fuck up then give it a second try cus everyone makes mistakes you just have to learn from them uk 13. Do you get jealous easily?Already answered this one14. Do you have a crush on any one?No15. Do you have any piercings?I have double piercings on each ear, and my belly button 16. Do you have any tattoos?No I want one tho )))):17. Do you like kissing in public?Fasaack yessss like grab my face and show these nigguhs u own me hehe 20. Do you shower every day?Yeah right before I go to sleep bcus I just lay there naked lol 21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?No lololol22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?Highly doubt it23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?Yesssss already did 24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?Nah I'll be too busy working on my masters 25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?Kind of cus a big getting lonely asf ya feel26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?Yes but he lied lmaoooo he broke up w me cus I went to college 27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?Not that I remember 28. Have you ever been cheated on?Yaaaaa29. Have you ever cheated on someone?Nope30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?Tiddy implants and liposuction 31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?Duh lmao u didn't have a childhood if u didn't play some t-pain and cried lol 32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?What does that mean lol 33. Have you ever had sex with a man?Yeah 34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?No35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?Oh yeahhhhhh lol older guys know what they doinnnnnnnnngggggggg omg 36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?Yes37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?Yes 38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?Yes39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?Yes40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?Yes41. Have you had sex so far this year?No )))):42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?Already answered 43. How long was your longest relationship?1 yr 3 months 44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?Only 2 serious relationships 45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?46. How many times did you have sex last year?Uhhhmmmmm idk like 247. How old are you?1948. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?Que le vaya bonito y que chingue su madre todo lo que no sirva hahaha 49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?Their hands and laugh and cuddling abilities 50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?Ehhhhh i think I would lol I miss him at times and all the live we shared 51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?My dad52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?Yeah cus they weren't serious about me so why even keep trying 53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?Yeah probly lol 54. Is there someone you will never forget?Yeppppp55. Share a relationship story.Too lazy to type 56. State 8 facts about your bodyIm fat. My left thumb is fatter than my right thumb. I have a scar on my left ear. Uhmmmm i don't have s thigh gap. My belly is pierced. My right eyebrow is better than my left. I have a scar on my forehead. And I'm fat 57. Things you want to say to an exPos58. What are five ways to win your heart?Already answered 59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)Ugly 60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?7 yrs lol 61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?Answered 62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?Make breakfast for me and take it to bed then start besándome and uk how that gooooes63. What is your definition of “having sex”?Answered 64. What is your definition of cheating?Answered 65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?A deep passionate kiss then kissing the neck then nibbling the ear then leaving bites in the neck and chest and going down the tummy then the rest is for me to know66. What is your favourite roleplay?Teasing w my tongue hehe 67. What is your idea of the perfect date?Anything w food lmao 68. What is your sexual orientation?Str869. What turns you off?Too much aggressiveness like demanding aggressiveness that's not sexy lol idk hard to explain 70. What turns you on?Answered 71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?Uhhhhh .....72. What words do you like to hear during sex?"Who's daddy" "you're so wet" "oh fuck" "baby" haha I'm wild 73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?Give me a million dollars 74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for???? I don't get it 75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?When it would be cold outside my ex would pump my gas for me ))))):76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?Give him my virginity lol 77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?As long as both people are not underage you good 78. What’s your dirtiest secret?Lmaooooo too private 79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?Everytime bae adds girls in Facebook and likes their picture 80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?Today 81. Who are five people you find attractive?Idk everyone ugly lol82. Who is the last person you hugged?Bae83. Who was your first kiss with?My 8tj grade "boyfriend" lol84. Why did your last relationship fail?He started becoming really abusive and we were both too hard headed so when we would fight we'd throw everything from the past to each other's face and say shit to each other that we didn't mean just to get each other mad, our first official break up I talked to someone else and he got mad and ever since that he would call me a hoe and a slut and call me names and it just wasn't the same anymore we would only fight bcus of his trust issues and shit and eventually I moved to a diff town for college and he ended things 85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?Yeah depends tho
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creatory-blog · 7 years
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