#if it magically shows up i will LITERALLY jump for joy
nyxypoo · 20 days
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evilminji · 6 months
You know what idea has always ENCHANTED ME?
Ever since I saw it on a sci-fi show?
The Deadly Magical House That Loves You™. See, it's a house that has become something MORE. Gained sentience. And? Instead of acting out some cheap horror movie jump scares? It digs deep to its foundations, thinks long n hard, and decides on what it WANTS.
And it WANTS?
To be a HOME™.
To TAKE CARE OF somebody. Have LIFE in its halls. Meals at its tables. Joy and laughter bouncing across its walls. So? It lays a trap. Lures people in.
Come live in me~
I am a good home.
I am Free! I am "Safe". I will give you whatever your heart desires.
I care not for morality or laws. Boundaries or taboos. Do you desire? Come, come, be HAPPY~! Live in me! Relax here! Forget about the world beyond these walls. Anything I can not give you, I can bring TOO you! This is a Happy Home.
But, of course, such sentience and pushiness terrifies. People run and flee in horror. The house getting more aggressive. Trying to hold tighter. After all! If they would just STAY for a while, they would SEE! It's so LOVELY here! The would LOVE to live inside them!
But... instead?
They are hurt.
Doors smashed open. Windows broken to escape. Furniture thrown. Their avatar, Jeeves, bashed with heavy things. Why... WHY?! They are only trying to HELP! To LOVE them! Be a good HOME! They grow more and more run down. Starved. Wrathful.
It is, of course, their Obsession. To be a home. They are so very hungry.
When? Who should come along?
But the depressed AF Ghost King! He's been... not TECHNICALLY kicked out. But "things are tense" kicked out. He's tired. His college courses are remote. He can't really AFFORD rent. And everything is just...
He wants to cry.
Why... why can't he have ONE good thing? ONE sign everything's gonna be alright?
"Free House!"
Well... I mean... that IS a literal sign. Huh. He flies down. The house notices him. Tries to look as enticing as it can. And? Gasp! I... It's WORKING? This one seems INTERESTED? Quick! Flowerbeds! Look at my flowerbeds! Ooooh, lovely floooowers! A.. and there's probably really nice wood flooring! C'mon. C'moooon!
Danny? Sees a free Lair. Not too far from both Gotham AND Metropolis. Good location. Needs a little fixing up. But I mean... you can't beat free, right?
Is he really gonna do this?
......fuck it. Yeah, let's do this. First house time. He's just glad he carries a sharpie on him most of the time. Scribbles "Sold!" Over the sign then calls Jazz. He's... kinda not sure WHAT he's supposed to pack?
Finds out, post move in, whoop. Sentient Lair. Clingy, clingy, highly desperate sentient Lair. Oof. Guess fixing up the place can be therapy for both of us. Jazz helps.
The house heals. He falls into a routine. Schoolwork, hang out in the garden or the observatory, meals FaceTiming friends or watching videos, naps whenever he wants them. It's... it's so peaceful. Quiet and soothing to his agitated and worn down soul. Like a balm.
House gets him whatever he needs. They're kinda awesome like that. Always seems to have room to fit this or that. He doesn't question it. His brain figuring it works on Zone logic.
He probably SHOULD have.
Because? Things have been going missing. At a slow, steady, pace. Food, technology, entertainment. A building that shouldn't BE there, has been spotted in a wealthy county just outside of Superman and Batman's two cities.
No one can get near it.
It's been getting BIGGER.
Growing, like a tumor, room by room. Floor by floor. The gardens creeping like kudzu, to swallow everything in their path. Yet delivery drivers drop things off. Things they don't remember. On trips they don't recall. People are scared.
Amateur detectives have managed to discover some sort of starlit fae that lives there, along with a human boy.
Justice League Dark has been called in. Are currently standing just outside the slowly creeping property line. A garden statue just hissed at them. The trees are trying to throw acorns. A hushed argument has already broken out. How do they contain the house?
@the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @hypewinter @hdgnj @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @spidori @lolottes
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Yo can you do a part 3 of Cover Up where y/n is introduced to the rest of the members of the hotel.
A/N Yes?? I love me some fluff like that. I also had another request for a part three to this series but yours came in first so I am going to make that one a part four and because you didn't super specify anything you wanted besides intros, I am gonna spin this to line up with that request. I hope that is okay.
Cover Up pt. 3 (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Previous Parts:
Cover Up (Human!Alastor x Human!Reader)
Cover Up pt. 2
Warnings: mentions of murder, Angel briefly flirts with you, jealous/minorly possessive Alastor. I think that is it, please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 1,885
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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Once Alastor had given Y/n the full tour, she had absolutely insisted that she be allowed to meet the rest of the guests. Alastor could never say no to her and so, he had taken her by the arm and walked her back into the lobby. It did not come as a surprise to him that in the short time they had been away from the hotel's central area, Charlie had managed to set up a welcome party for his darling wife. Y/n on the other hand, gasped in shock when everyone jumped out from behind the various couches.
"I literally... okay, I have no clue who any of you are but thank you? This is so sweet? I..."
Before Alastor could do a thing about it, Y/n was whisked away from his gentle grasp by Charlie. The demon Princess brought Y/n to the center of the room, Alastor watching from the sidelines with crossed arms. She seemed to happy, so absolutely filled to the brim with joy. As much as he wanted to take her away from the crowd, to be alone with her, he allowed the party to occur. Her joy had always been his priority, first and foremost. There would be time.
"Everyone!" Charlie excitedly announced, "This is Y/n! She is going to be our newest guest. Our cook? Our newest maybe guest who is going to work as a cook."
Y/n laughed lightly at Charlie's confused words. She took a slight step forward.
"Hi everyone." she waved with a soft smile.
"Oh she's good." Angel Dust muttered and Husk elbowed him in the stomach, catching the glare Alastor had shot the spider demon's way.
"Ow!" Angel exclaimed, rubbing the spot the cat demon had hit as he turned to him, "What was that for?"
Y/n chuckled a bit uneasily, looking over at Alastor and his wide smile. Vaggie quickly stepped in, breaking the tension she felt slowly building in the group.
"I'm Vaggie." she announced in an unfounded and unexpected display of friendship, "Charlie is my girlfriend, we run the hotel together."
Y/n lit up at her words, shaking the hand Vaggie held out to her enthusiastically.
"I didn't realize she had a partner in all this! And in afterlife too, I guess. That's so sweet!"
Vaggie smiled, letting out a light laugh as Charlie stepped up behind her, placing her hands lovingly on her girlfriend's shoulders.
"She is just the best." Charlie warmly noted as Y/n and Vaggie released their clasped hands, "I wouldn't have been able to come this far without her or any of the other sinners we have working with us."
"I thought everyone else here were just guests." Y/n mused aloud and Charlie shook her head.
"No, no! We tried doing it on our own in the beginning... but then Alastor showed up. He brought along some friends and, well, he's really been such a help. We are so grateful to have him and them on our team."
Y/n shot her husband a sidelong glance, smirking mishceviously.
"You really know how to work magic, princess." she hummed, "Getting Al to be a team player? I'm impressed."
"Oh, no!" Charlie frantically waved her hands, desperate that Y/n not get any wrong impressions, "We didn't pressure him or anything, he showed up of his own accord, actually."
"Really." Y/n laughed lightly as she fixed her gaze back on Charlie, "Well, I'd love to meet these alleged 'friends' of his he brought along."
"Of course!" Charlie exclaimed, smiling brightly once again as she stepped to the side with Vaggie, "Husk is our bartender and Nifty is our maid. She was our cook too but, I suppose you'll be taking care of that now."
Husk nodded his head in polite recognition of the introduction Charlie had given him. Nifty on the other hand, was incapable of such restraint and, her curiosity getting the better of her, rushed up to Y/n. In a split second, she had climbed the demoness' body like a ladder and was perched on her shoulder, messing with her hair.
"You smell nice." she hummed, smiling and Y/n's cheeks flushed slightly pink.
"Why, thank you. That is very sweet of you to say."
"Will you help me in the war against the bugs too?"
"Come on, Nift." Angel sighed before Y/n could respond as he walked over to the pair and grabbed the smaller demon, "Don't freak her out."
Nifty made grabby arms towards Y/n as Angel lifted her into the air and Y/n's smile only widened at the sight.
"No, please don't worry. You didn't freak me out, Nifty. I am actually looking forward to working with you, I like your enthusiasm." Y/n sent Nifty a wink and the little demon's smile grew as her feet found solid ground again.
She shot a look up at Angel, nodding her approval as Y/n fixed her gaze on the spider demon as well.
"And you are...?" she prompted and Angel immediately fell into character.
Stepping forward, he leaned down towards her, running a hand through his hair while resting one of his elbows on her shoulder.
"Angel Dust is the name, but you can call me whatever you want."
He expected her to be flustered, to at least blush a bit. He waited for her to take a step back or even to be teased or jabbed the way Husk did when he was like this, but nothing of the sort came. Instead, Y/n's eyes glinted in the light, narrowing with intended mischief.
"Oh yeah?" she asked, taking a step closer to him and batting her eyes oh so prettily.
"I... uh..." Angel stuttered, completely taken aback.
Y/n dissolved into a fit of laughter, hands clutching at her stomach as she doubled over.
"I'm sorry!" she wheezed, "I couldn't help myself. I'm actually taken."
"You are?" Angel asked, growing more confused as she straightened back up, wiping a stray tear from her eye.
In a split second, Alastor was behind Y/n, his claws wrapping around her shoulders.
"She is." he replied and though his voice was calm and even, it sent shivers down Angel's spine.
Angel took a step back, scratching the back of his head as he looked away in discomfort.
"Oh, uh, sorry. Didn't realize you and the strawberry pimp here were an item."
"Strawberry..." Y/n laughed again, craning her neck to look up at Alastor behind her back, "I am not letting you live that one down."
Angel smiled, regaining his composure and placing his hands on his hips.
"Oh yeah? You shoulda heard what that girl who was in here a few days ago called him. 'Tall dark and creepy' was it?"
"And what girl might that be?" Y/n asked after a moment, crossing her arms over her chest as she sidled her way out of Alastor's grip, turning to face him.
"Mimzy." Husk answered before Alastor could reply, "She's just some lowlife who always hangs around when she needs Alastor to take care of some trouble she's caused."
Y/n let out a gasp.
"Mimz is here?" she asked excitedly, bouncing on her toes.
"She's here, darling." Alastor replied, "But she is no longer welcome in the hotel. Caused quite a bit of trouble for us when she visited after all, can't have her ruining my newest project."
"Well, can we go visit her? I miss her so much!"
"You know her?" Charlie asked, her voice laced with confusion.
Y/n turned to face Charlie, nodding intently.
"Yeah, she introduced us actually."
"Introduced certainly is a word for it." Alastor admitted and Y/n chuckled.
"Back when we were alive, she used to throw these 'singles parties.' As it turned out, Al and I both were using them as a hunting ground so to speak. When we met, he offered to walk me home and then pulled a knife on me. Of course, I already had my gun trained on him so we found ourselves in a bit of a sticky situation. It was so romantic." Y/n wistfully replied.
"Uh, yeah." Angel laughed, "Romantic. That's the word."
"So you guys knew each other when you were alive?" Vaggie asked.
"Yeah, we did." Y/n nodded, "You guys can ask whatever but first, I think there is one more person I have yet to meet?"
She turned expectantly towards Sir Pentious who up until this point had been standing quietly near the back of the group. At the redirection of the rooms attention, he felt his cheeks grow warm.
"This, Y/n, is our other guest." Charlie announced, gesturing towards the snake demon with an outstretched hand.
"Sir Pentious." he bowed lightly, "It is an honor to meet a demon as... as stunning as yourself."
There was a heartbeat, a single tense moment of silence. Then Y/n laughed, waving him off cheerily.
"Oh you, what a charmer."
"So you guys knew each other when you were alive? And you're... you're together?" Angel cut in, drawing Y/n's attention back to him as he lead her by her arm over to the bar.
They sat down beside one another, Husk slipping behind the counter and pouring them each a drink.
"Yep." Y/n replied, downing her drink and meeting Angel's eyes.
"How?" he prompted after a moment and Y/n laughed.
By now the rest of the gang had brought themselves over to where the pair sat and were listening intently. Alastor stood near the edge of the group, all the seats near his beloved having been snatched up before he had the chance. He crossed his arms over his chest, his patience beginning to wear thin.
Nearly one hundred years. It had been a lifetime since they had seen one another and the brief tour of the hotel he had given Y/n earlier was not enough to satiate the rabid hunger in his chest. Still, for her, he tried.
"Well, it was a ruse at first. Just a partnership. I watched for cops and he provided me with the brute strength I lacked. We were actually in the middle of chasing down one of his victims when he finally asked me out."
"You were a killer?" Pentious asked, enthralled.
"I was." Y/n nodded, "Until Al died and I was under too much suspicion to do so anymore."
"So you..." Charlie trailed off, counting on her fingers in deep concentration.
"Have been married for a hundred years give or take? Yep."
"Wait, hold on!" Angel exclaimed, "Married?"
"Did Charlie not tell you anything? More importantly, did Al never talk about me?"
Y/n raised her eyebrows, meeting her husband's gaze across the crowd. Alastro looked away, nearly bashful under her persistent gaze. It was Husk's turn to step in now, taking a sip of his own drink as he leaned across the bar.
"Alastor has enjoyed keeping his secrets." he candidly stated, "But there were one or two times he drank a little too much and let your name slip."
Alastor glared at Husk and Y/n grinned at her husbands reaction to the revelation.
"Always the troublemaker, that one but, god, do I love him."
Next Part -> coming soon
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170@wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007
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solecize · 5 months
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  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. every summer on your grandpa's farm was real-life magic to your younger self, who left a piece of her heart in amber valley when the years went on and the town became nothing but a faint childhood memory. soon enough, you become rocked by his death and realize the dead end in your bustling city world. this leads to you making an abrupt decision. despite knowing nothing but designer purses and the corporate ladder, you uproot your entire life to take over your grandfather's old farm in the town you were desperately trying to remember - alongside a familiar face from your youth that permanently finds his way into your heart. 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jungkook/reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. inspired heavily by stardew valley, friends to lovers, childhood friends, cowboy jungkook, small town alternate universe, slice of life, grief, growing up, mutual pining, jungkook as a parental figure 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 9k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. i don't even know what to say. i normally don't talk a lot and i'm mostly very unserious, but this is the last chapter of the farmouse and honestly, i'm super emotional about it. i'm really grateful for those of you who took the time to read and support this fic, every kind word has meant everything to me. i wrote this fic during a tough time when i needed warmth and joy, so i hope that this fic was able to bring even just a little bit of that for you while reading. (the writing of this chapter was quite literally delayed because my three year relationship ended midway through lol) this was also my first piece of writing in years and it's safe to say that i was able to fall in love with writing again because of this fic, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart. thank you times a hundred again <3 
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part ten: the midsummer festivalㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ   previous. epilogue. masterlist
  xxiv. the midsummer festival
squeezing through bodies in the stands, it took all of your focus to not drop the popcorn and drinks wedged in your arms. you should have asked someone to come with you, but you were in such a rush, not wanting to miss a thing. finally, you made it to your seat, plopping yourself in between jiwon and yoongi, and your eyes remained fixed on the lawn the entire time.
  amber valley had the most beautiful days you’d ever laid eyes on and today was no exception. you weren’t sure if it was because of the natural charm in the sleepy town or a biased sense of nostalgia towards the countryside that you carried. the midsummer festival was held at the peak of the season, where humidity was as thick as honey and not a single cloud escaped being casted away from the cerulean of the sky. you had no choice but to throw on a tank top and shorts because anything else would feel like suffocation.
  “i didn’t miss anything, did i?” you didn’t mean to scream, but there was no other way for your voice to beat the crowd amongst yourselves.
  jiwon shook her head, her hair splaying from underneath the baseball hat that she so obviously stole from her brother. “no!”
  the show-jumping competition was one of the newest additions to the fair and it proved to be one of the most popular. not only did the majority of the town come out to observe, but the fair also drew in an impressive number of visitors from elsewhere - some of which attended the fair specifically to watch the show-jumping. 
  “LETS GO KOOKIE!” screamed hoseok at the top of his lungs, holding up a customized poster board with a printed picture of jungkook and leo, depicting the words ‘go jungkook!’
  yoongi groaned, “can you sit down? they haven’t even finished setting up for the jump-off yet.”
  at this point in the competition, it was down to jungkook and another competitor, a man a few years younger named yesung. up until now, they both achieved the same score after the round performance and both cleared nearly perfect showings. the jump-off was a shortened course with tighter turns and higher jumps, intended to break the tie and determine the winner.
  the crowd began cheering when jungkook and yesung reappeared, standing and waiting for instructions. you found jungkook adorable in his outfit, a dark green show jacket and breeches that emphasized his leg muscles. you had to catch yourself from staring too hard at his thighs because it seemed like yoongi caught you, waving a hand in front of your face with a snicker. you only glared at him.
  it was mayor kim with the microphone, explaining the rules to the crowd. “and, to decide the order for performance, we have conducted a random draw. as a result, we will see. . .choi yesung go first!” he proclaimed, eliciting another round of cheers from the crowd.
  from where you stood, you noticed jungkook naturally relax his shoulders. for that, you also breathed out a sigh of relief. he stepped away to where leo was, making way for yesung to complete his round.
  when it was time to begin, everyone rose to their feet. from what you saw and heard of yesung, he was also a well-seasoned equestrian. he wasn’t as decorated as jungkook, but he had the advantage of winning the last show-jumping competition in the spring. you didn’t realize jungkook was out for vengeance, but he was indeed looking to reclaim his name.
  every fraction of a second mattered in the jump-off round and so, your eyes were glued. the pressure was on and you watched yesung charge ahead. he decided to take some risky turns, likely to shave off time. the first one was executed perfectly and you nearly jumped at the second, challenging turn. it was not calculated well, as it resulted in a rail down at the penultimate fence.
  “oh shit!” one of the boys yelped, watching the unfortunate accident. 
  yeung finished the course at a respectable, but flawed time. it was shame, since his speed and ability could have easily secured a victory. he knew it, too, judging by the disappointment in his eyes. you almost felt bad for him, if it wasn’t jungkook off to the side and gearing up for his turn.
  now, it was jiwon screaming as loud as she could. “YOU CAN DO IT!” she screeched, cheering for her brother and you joined in. 
  already mounted on leo, jungkook looked up, right at your section. he gave a small wave and you all went wild - even mrs. oh, who brought her own sign to cheer him on. you guys weren’t the only ones, though, as it seemed that jungkook was a favourite amongst fans.
  “jeon jungkook, jeon jungkook, jeon jungkook,” chanted the boys and you weren’t sure who started it, but you also began chanting, too.
  he readied himself and at the sound of the horn, blasted off. the tensions were thicker, with the stakes at hand and the pressure on a seasoned competitor looking to re-establish himself. you couldn’t imagine the weight of the crowd under the beating of the july sun, considering the heat made you already down your water bottle by the first hour of the competition and were in half the clothing jungkook was in. between you and jiwon was a shared usb handheld fan, as the two of you silently took turns holding it - eyes too glued to the show and shouting jungkook’s name.
  he was fast and sharp, yet every movement of his was so well thought out. at full force was a risky approach, but was so far bearing perfect results. you felt your heartbeat getting louder and louder, making your head pound with adrenaline. the last few seconds, the world became quiet and all you could focus on was jungkook. then, the eruption snapped you back into reality.
  if someone was somehow not on their feet watching the final round of the show, they certainly were now, as jungkook zoomed to the end with no flaws and an incredible time. even you had to blink a few times, trying to see the time recorded clearly and realize your eyes were not deceiving you.
  “there’s no way that’s not a record!” you heard jimin exclaim and you didn’t doubt him.
  there was a hushed murmur over the crowd, as mayor kim stepped to the podium once more. tapping the microphone a few times, you and the rest of the crowd winced at the feedback that came with it. then, mayor kim spoke.
  “ladies and gentlemen. . .” he begun, loud and clear.
  jungkook was still catching his breath to the side, having yet to even take off his helmet. all eyes were peeled on mayor kim, as he took an extra pause for dramatics. if you weren’t also about to jump right out from your skin, you’d roll your eyes.
  “. . we have a winner AND a record setting time. jeon jungkook, young man, please join me on this stage.”
  no longer holding your breath, you roared along with your friends and the earth practically rumbled. jungkook’s smile was as bright as the day, as he whooped in response and raised his fist in the air. you were filled with nothing but joy. 
  before he stepped up onto the stage, jungkook displayed his integrity by walking towards yesung and enthusiastically shake the other man’s hand. yesung didn’t look too upset, more bewildered at the quality of performance that his opponent put on. they exchanged words, smiles reaching their eyes.
  “that’s my brother!” screamed jiwon, as if no one knew the obvious.
  jungkook then took mayor kim’s hand in one and attempted to balance his new, golden trophy with the other arm. in a split second, your friends, jiwon, and the oh family began filing out of the stands and you could hear hoseok yelling for you to follow. you widened your eyes, shuffling out of your seat as quickly as possible.
  of course, jiwon was the fastest and made it to the lawn first. she squealed, as jungkook embraced her in a hug and spun her around. the cheers didn’t falter and only grew when namjoon and taehyung momentarily put jungkook on their shoulders.
  you trailed behind everyone, nearly stumbling on your way down. you couldn’t see much, tiptoeing as far as you could. the chatter was still loud, but then the small crowd parted as you heard jungkook call out. it was your name. he was calling for you to come to the front.
  “oooooh,” someone said, but you ignored it.
  there was no doubt in your mind that your cheeks were a cherry red, but you refused to look anyone in the eye - even jungkook. you and your friends gathered around the podium with jungkook, as the event photographer asked you to move closer for a picture. everyone made way for you, as jungkook gestured for you to be the one on his right side, while jiwon and mrs. oh were on his left. 
  “congratulations,” you finally said, straining for your voice to be heard over the cheers. you still did not meet his eyes, finding yourself in a kind of shyness that was unknown to your normally headstrong personality.
  that was something that came natural to jungkook, having an innate ability to bring out parts of you that you didn’t even know existed. before moving back to amber valley, you walked around with your chin up, thinking that you knew everything you needed to know. 
  now, at 25 years old, you knew harvesting soybeans and playing cards at the local pub with your new friends. you knew the smell of the ocean in the sweltering summer and you knew riding horses in sunflower fields at sundown. looking at jungkook, you knew what it was like to be slowly, but surely, swept off your feet. the realization creeped up on you, a sneaky little thing.
  namjoon was the one holding onto leo, as your group huddled together for the picture. you instinctively hugged into jungkook’s touch, holding them in front of the camera.
  jungkook spoke, right into your ear. “i’m so glad i was able to have this moment with you.”
  that made you finally look up at his eyes and in that moment, a flash went off. this is when you also snapped out of your daze and despite his stare unwavering, you turned back to the photographer.
  “oh, maybe we should take another -” you started, knowing that neither you or jungkook were looking in the camera, but he waved you off.
  “no, no! this picture came out perfect,” the photographer winked at you and asked for everyone to disperse, before you could argue. something told you that you were going to see a picture of you and jungkook gazing into each other’s eyes on the front cover of the local newspaper.
  he proceeded to take a few more solo pictures of jungkook with leo, followed by some shots with the mayor. jungkook was supposed to be kept busy, but he continued sneaking glances your way.
  it was mrs. oh who gently tapped your shoulder. “now’s the time, honey. come to the store quick before he notices.”
  beside her, sangwoo rolled his eyes. “he’s going to notice, he hasn’t taken his eyes off of her.”
  regardless, you scrambled to follow behind mrs. oh. you weaved through the crowd, who all wanted to take a look at their champion in disbelief of the amazing time jungkook scored. the show began relatively early in the day, too, so the streets were only now becoming more and more full with the midsummer festival in full swing.
  the roads were blocked off for pedestrian access only, as the fair was one of the busiest times of the year for amber valley. today was a day that drew crowds from outside of town, as the festival was an adored regional celebration and served as a tourist destination. you wouldn’t be surprised if you were told that the midsummer festival attracted the highest visitors of any other day in the year for the town.
  carnival games, market booths and amusement rides were already set up since the morning and it was already getting tiresome to navigate through the festival goers. but, of course, you were trailing behind the force that was mrs. oh, who made way with ease with her commanding voice. 
  “time to get to work,” she sighed, pulling out a key from her pocket upon reaching the general store.
  you said, “it’s a shame you can’t enjoy the festivities, mrs. oh.”
  “oh, i don’t mind. i’ve lived in this town all my life, i’ve been here, there and everywhere when it comes to the fair,” she mused, unlocking the front door for the two of you. “business is business, the traffic the store will get is more important.”
  a cool blanket enveloped your skin once you stepped in and you were never more grateful for the invention of air conditioning in your life. she was right, though, as you noticed some people nearby the store and already eyeing it.
  “most businesses are closed today, but not us!” mrs. oh smiled, as she turned the sign by the window from ‘closed’ to ‘open.’
  this is how you knew how much jungkook truly meant to mrs. oh. “jungkook is real lucky for you to open late just to watch him,” you said, examining the front counter and spotting a pair of jungkook’s work gloves.
  “the store opens late every time he has a competition. sangwoo adores him and that young man and jiwon are family to us,” mrs. oh mused, seemingly lost in thought, before blinking back into the moment. “ah, don’t mind me. i almost forgot why you’re here, sweetie - the flowers are in the back room!”
  you thanked mrs. oh, following the direction that she pointed towards. jimin called you corny for getting jungkook flowers for your first official date, but you thought it was fitting, given the competition. it was even better with the results of the show and you could only hope that jungkook liked the ones you picked out. you figured that men deserve to get a nice bouquet of flowers at least once, too. 
  the bundle of fresh sunflowers were actually your favourites, but that wasn’t important. you grabbed them from the backroom fridge, wrapped in cellophane and yellow paper. this was when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and your eyes widened, hoping it wasn’t jungkook just yet.
  unfortunately, your hopes disappeared, but the text still put a smile on your face - just because it was him at the end of the day.
  are you at the store? i saw you and mrs. oh lol i can be there in a few minutes. 
  you replied yes and came out to wait. the store already had its first customers within a few minutes of opening and mrs. oh was ringing them out. she met your eyes and winked, mouthing some encouraging words to you. 
  with the same smile on your lips, you mouthed a ‘thank you’ to her. 
  although you would have loved to loiter inside the store for the air conditioning, you were already bashful enough from everyone watching you and jungkook at the show and you would have rather met jungkook away from mrs. oh’s nosiness. she was lovely, but she appeared to be one of your and jungkook’s biggest fans and you didn’t want to act awkward, knowing that you were being watched.
  the bouquet was hidden behind your back, as you patiently waited outdoors. you didn’t know what to expect out of your day, but the longer you waited for jungkook, you grew more and more nervous. it was odd, knowing that the anxiety pooling at the bottom of your stomach was because of your childhood best friend. 
  the thoughts were promptly swept away when you caught sight of jungkook approaching you. he changed clothes from his riding gear, sans his favourite dirty boots that remained on his feet, and was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and denim jeans. you always had to take a moment to admire the definition of his muscles and his sharp gaze that left you breathless, but you were distracted this time by the bundle of golden flowers in his grasp.
  jungkook looked a little bit concerned at your expression, as you were stifling a laugh. you almost felt bad, but the sight was too funny for you to ignore.
  “hey - uh, what?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you.
  you revealed the identical bouquet from behind your laugh and he, too, looked dumbfounded. the wrapping and greenery differed from one another, but it was clear that the two of you picked your flowers from the same field by your houses. it was the same field the two of you rode on the past summer and played in as kids.
  “congratulations again for first place,” was all you could manage to say, offering your flowers towards him.
  jungkook finally broke out into a chuckle, shaking his head. “thank you. congratulations, for uh. . “
  “for what? being jeon jungkook’s date to the fair?” you chided, as you took his flowers in your hands.
  “shut up. am i not original or something?” jungkook asked. “like, come on, we got each other the same thing. i’m already failing at this date thing, aren’t i?” he joked.
  you rolled your eyes and flicked his arms. “it’s been, like, five seconds.”
  “we’re not just on a date today, jungkook. we’re on a mission to win some prizes,” you declared. 
  jungkook tilted his head slightly with a smile growing. “oh, are we?” he paused. “then, am i allowed to hold your hand during this mission?”
  the idea startled you, but you didn’t shy away. nodding without a word, this was the signal for jungkook to pick up your free hand and interlock his fingers with yours. somehow, it wasn’t a moment that sent ringing sensations in your ears nor was it one in slow motion. it was familiar, almost, and felt. . . right. it felt natural, like it was coming home after a long day.
  you leaned in to whisper in his ear, “and thank you for the flowers. you remembered my favourite.” you weren’t even sure how he knew, but you knew that jungkook would only give you a gift with a well-thought out meaning behind them. 
  this time, it was jungkook’s cheeks who reddened slightly. he didn’t say anything else, only squeezing your hand and leading the way.
  jungkook was tired. you were tired of telling him to suck it up. you had gone two summers in a row without winning a single prize and you were determined to walk away from the fair with at least one thing. albeit, at this point, you ran out of tickets to play games and you knew jungkook had extra, since he received some from his parents, but your grandfather also gave him some. he was your last hope, as you begged him to use the last of his tickets to get you something.
  “hoseok hyung told me these games are rigged. can’t we just go do bumper cars, bunny?” jungkook groaned, as the two of you walked away empty handed from balloon darts.
  you pouted. “no. i just want one of those big charmander stuffies, i know you can win them!”
  “why don’t you play the games?”
  “because i’m bad at them, how do you think i lost all of my tickets so quickly?” you responded, crossing your arms over your chest.
  jungkook grumbled more complaints under his breath, while you forcibly dragged him towards the ring toss booth.
  “hey kids! giving the ‘ol ring toss a try?” beamed the booth attendant, who was the same every year.
  you weren’t entirely sure what his name was, but you and jungkook collectively agreed on calling him “carnival man” and he recognized the two of you each time the festival was in town. though you were about four feet of fury at the time, you had quiet rage against carnival man. you were convinced he cheated you out of getting the xl sized penguin prize last year and you wanted revenge. 
  “kookie will do it!” you exclaimed, smugly pushing your best friend forward.
  “yeah, whatever, kookie will do it,” jungkook rolled his eyes and handed over a single ticket to carnival man.
  carnival man happily took the ticket from jungkook. “it’s nice to see you kids again. you’re always together, huh?”
  “unfortunately,” the two of you said in unison, only for you two to shoot each other identical daggers.
  at this, carnival man guffawed in amusement and gave jungkook his sets of rings. 
  here, jungkook did not win. in fact, he didn’t win you a single thing that summer and you didn’t speak to him for the following day because of it. only a day, though, since carnival man was right - the two of you were always together. you eventually gave in after the first day of silent treatment and showed up to jungkook’s house with your horse, marshmallow, and convinced him to join you by the sunflower fields. he had scoffed, called you stupid, and then without missing a beat, came outside to accompany you.
  “kookie! and. . .bunny? is that you?”
  carnival man was a lot older than you remembered, but you weren’t sure if it was just the tricks of time playing a game on you. it seemed like everything was so much more youthful and bright in your childhood memories. however, the brightness in carnival man’s smile didn’t falter and it only widened upon laying eyes on you and jungkook. then, his eyes trailed over to your clasped hands together and it widened even more.
  “you remember me?” you gaped, as carnival man took your hand and shook it vigorously. 
  “of course i do! well, i remember the two of you, specifically,” he exclaimed. “i see jungkook here, but i’ll always remember how you two kids came around together every summer! you’re all grown up now!”
  although lines of age creased his smile and streaks of grey contrasted against his black hair, seeing carnival man again made you feel like you were ten years old all over again. the fair seemed so much more larger than life and this moment was one of those moments that reminded you of why you loved summer so much.
  jungkook smiled, “it’s nice to see you, mr. lee.” he appeared to be a bit shy, as the older man was fixated on the sight of you two holding hands.
  it occurred to you that carnival man was never his real name and meeting him as mr. lee felt like a call to the reality in which you were now a grown up. you realized that jungkook continued to see mr. lee at the fair over the years without you and didn’t feel the same rush of nostalgia.
  the only reason why jungkook couldn’t also shake mr. lee’s hand was the abundance of prizes nestled into his arms. the two of you left your sunflower bouquets at the general store - luckily, it was now busy with tourists wanting water bottles or sunscreen and the two of you avoided any gushing or questioning from mrs. oh - and thank god you did because you did not expect to be carrying around so many things. a mini teddy bear, a sheet of temporary tattoos, a t-shirt, some gift cards, and a larger kuromi plush toy that was double the size of your head.
  thankfully, jungkook held onto everything without complaint and remarked that you had no business carrying anything so long as he was there. the funny part was that you two had barely visited all of the games and the only reason why you’d won so many prizes was because you two were competing at each one.
  “and you know i refuse to lose,” jungkook said at the first game, which was a basketball shootout. 
  with the same competitive spirit, the two of you both did very well at each game and walked away with a prize from almost every one. it also probably helped that you were now adults with disposable income and could pay to participate in as many games as you wanted. jungkook had announced that he was ready to make up for his past failrures, never forgetting the summer that resulted in your silent treatment because of his inability to win you a prize. you didn't think that meant struggling to carry around your prizes within the first hour.
  now, mr. lee began setting up the ring toss for the two of you. “so, you moved back to amber valley, young lady?”
  “yes, sir. i’m running the family farm now,” you replied.
  “congratulations, bunny. that’s some hard, honest work, my best wishes to you!” mr. lee said. “you know, i always thought you two had quite a special bond, even at a young age.”
  jungkook avoided eye contact. “mr. lee, you’re kind,” he chuckled, nervously. 
  “i mean it! it fills my heart with joy to see you two here after all these years.” there was twinkle in mr. lee’s eyes as he spoke. “for some people, their universes are stitched together with unseen threads that will always lead them back to where they belong.”
  it was your turn to squeeze jungkook’s hand and neither of you said anything more, only exchanging a look.
  jungkook wouldn’t stop pouting and you weren’t sure what to do about it. it really wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t help the fact that, like most young girls, you got your growth spurt earlier than your male friend. you were a few inches taller than jungkook at this point and he was deflated to learn that you were tall enough for the rollercoaster, while he had yet to measure up.
  “sorry kid. maybe next year,” the ride attendant gave jungkook a small smile.
  you were disappointed, as well, as you and jungkook had waited nearly thirty minutes in line. all for jungkook to not be able to ride the coaster. you turned to him, who sighed.
  he said, “it’s okay, bunny. you can go on without me.”
  a part of you did want to get on the ride, especially after waiting for quite some time, but you didn’t hesitate to shake your head. 
  “no. i won’t go on without you,” you stressed, to which jungkook looked at you in shock. 
  he shook his head. “no, it’s okay. just go, we waited for so long.”
  “i said i’m not going,” you said, standing your ground.
  instead, you walked off from the front of the line, ignoring jungkook calling your name until he ran up to catch up to you. 
  “hey! what are you doing?”
  “i said i’d go with you. if you’re not there, there’s no point,” you shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “we’ll go next time. hey, wanna go see carnival man and do ring toss?”
  you didn’t wait for an answer, as you made a beeline for the ring toss booth. jungkook jogged up to you and you noticed that he was trying to hide the smile on his face.
  “jungkook. . .this is the kid’s roller coaster.”
  everyone else in the line was about half jungkook’s size, unless they were one of the parents giving the two of you a dirty look for getting on the kid’s coaster. there was no explicit rule that adults couldn’t ride the rollercoaster, but it was a very popular ride and jungkook had the privilege of cutting the line, as the two of you were given a free “fast lane” pass by mayor kim for being local small business owners.  the fast lane pass was costly and the majority of fairgoers opted to wait in the long lines.
  jungkook didn’t seem to care too much, though. “yeah, so what? you picked the giant swing and said the next ride was my choice.”
  “you’re pissing off the kids,” you whispered in a lower voice, as the attendant let out the last party from the rollercoaster. you guys were up next. “i thought you would want to do the drop tower or something.”
  “you promised me that we could go on the ride the last time we were here. remember, when i was too short?” he casually whistled. 
  “jungkook, that was, like, seventeen years ago.”
  he continued, “and i wrote it for our summer bucket list! you may have never seen it, but i was dying to go on this ride.”
  and that was how you found yourself crammed into a kid-sized rollercoaster at the very front with jungkook. with impeccable timing, it looked as though some of the boys were passing by. seokjin caught your eye first and tapped taehyung’s shoulder beside him, who then got namjoon’s attention.
  “oh my god,” you groaned, watching the three of them wave wildly at you and jungkook. 
  on the other hand, jungkook found this hilarious. he waved back and you covered your blushing face with your hands. you were already embarrassed from the cut eye given to you by the parents in line, now this.
  “have fun, lovebirds!” called namjoon, as seokjin and taehyung proceeded to take several pictures of you and jungkook from afar.
  “my tooth hurts!” you whined, shoving your cotton candy into jungkook’s hands.
  at seven years old, it was on the later side for you to lose your first tooth. you’d been wiggling it for weeks, but cried when jimin offered to rip it out of your mouth for you. this happened just a few moments ago, before jungkook yelled at him to go back to his mommy. 
  jungkook didn’t seem bothered and was actually pleased to double fist two sticks of cotton candy. “thanks bunny!” he ignored your complaints and happily continued snacking away.
  this was the first year that you and jungkook were permitted to roam around without adult supervision - kind of. as long as you were in vicinity of ten year old hoseok, who was sitting on a bench and playing on his gameboy advance, the two of you were free to play together.
  “this isn’t fair, i’m not allowed to eat anything,” you huffed. your grandfather warned you that any sort of sweet will just hurt and you were better off enjoying other parts of the festival.
  “don’t tell my parents, they said i could only have one cotton candy,” jungkook said, as he observed your sad appearance. “why do you look like that?”
  “like what?”
  “you look sad. it’s ugly on you,” jungkook mindlessly commented and you flicked his arm. “ow!”
  you glared at him. “don’t call me ugly!”
  “i said looking sad is ugly on you. so, don’t be sad,” jungkook replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
  when your expression didn’t change, jungkook sighed and looked over to where hoseok was sitting. the older boy’s eyes were glued to his screen and was now joined by jimin, who was cheering him on in whatever game he was playing. then, jungkook turned back to you.
  “what?” you asked.
  “wanna go watch the magician show?” he asked, grinning. “so you can stop being sad.”
  your eyes widened, as you took your turn to look over your shoulder at hoseok. “your mom said to stay nearby! what if we get in trouble?”
  “i dare you to come with me to the magician show,” jungkook countered, knowing that was the secret word that made you do just about anything. you hated the idea of losing dares to jungkook and had yet to do so.
  you knew you were going to get an earful if you left hoseok’s sight, who was supposed to be watching over you. then, you remembered that, earlier that day, hoseok refused to let you play a level of mega man on his gameboy and decided you didn’t care if you got him in trouble.
  “okay! let’s go!” your features suddenly brightened and you let jungkook take you by the wrist - not the hand because, ew, it was jungkook - towards the other end of the fairgrounds. 
  the cotton candy had already been consumed and jungkook tossed the paper sticks into the nearest trash can, as the two of you quietly giggled about your mischievous sneak-away. 
  unlike jungkook, jiwon had no trouble tracking down her sibling at any given moment, even with the large crowds gathered for the festival. she also didn’t seem to care that her brother was in the middle of a date, as you were the one to first notice that she was dragging sangwoo by the wrist in your direction. 
  “is something wrong, jiwon?” jungkook asked and there was a tinge of annoyance in his voice at the appearance of the younger girl. the two of you were engaged in somewhat of a flirtatious conversation and jiwon’s premise immediately killed jungook’s mood.
  “hi y/n!” she greeted and then she turned to jungkook wearing a sickly sweet smile. “oppa, may i have ten bucks?”
  “i gave you twenty bucks this morning,” he raised an eyebrow at her. 
  meanwhile, sangwoo was in awe of the amount of prizes in jungkook’s arms. “woah! you guys won all of those?” at this point, there was an addition of a frisbee and a stuffed octopus. 
  “i won most of them,” both you and jungkook said at the same time, resulting in a shared glare. 
  jiwon cleared her throat. “so. can i have ten bucks, please? we wanna get cotton candy!”
  “what did you do with the first twenty bucks?”
  “we went on the teacup ride! oh, and we got rice cakes and funnel cake and actual cake,” jiwon explained and went a little too fast, so you didn’t doubt that the kids did, in fact, consume all that sugar.
  it seemed like jungkook also didn’t doubt it and while you knew he wanted to scold her, you were taken aback to find him letting go of your hand to reach for his wallet in his back pocket. he sighed and, as he was still carrying all of your prizes, merely held it out for jiwon to fish a twenty out of. 
  “only because today is the festival,” he warned and muttered a second part under his breath, “and only so you can leave us alone.”
  you also had the same feeling that jiwon and sangwoo were not going anywhere without their ultimate goal, especially since the former seemed to have the same persistence that her brother had.
  “thank you, i love you!” jiwon declared, handing the wallet back to her brother and planting an exaggerated kiss on his cheek. “thank you, thank you! we’ll leave you alone now!”
  the pair scurried off together, as sangwoo also yelled out his thanks. they ran through the crowd together, giggling amongst themselves. when jungkook took your hand again, you were still lost in thought, watching the two purchase cotton candy from far away. sangwoo handed the first stick to jiwon and the two talked with one another, cheerily enjoying their treat.
  “don’t get me wrong, making sure jiwon is eating healthy is important to me, but today’s the fair. it’s special for her and sangwoo like it was for us, might as well let her off the hook for today.” he noticed you watching them and followed your stare. “they’re cute, aren’t they?”
  “they are. how long have they been that close?”
  “since they were born, basically. they’re always with each other,” jungkook shook his head.
  “do you think jiwon has a little crush?” you wondered aloud, as jiwon shoved sangwoo playfully for whatever joke he might have had made. 
  jungkook asked, “did you?”
  he was referring to the two of you as kids, as it was clear that your shared wistful stares at jiwon and sangwoo were a product of looking back at your own childhoods. two best friends that stood by each other’s sides at all times and grew up together. you had to admit, you saw your and jungkook’s reflections when you looked at jiwon and sangwoo. 
  upon hearing the question, you rolled your eyes. “you wish, jeon jungkook.”
  but, you weren’t entirely sure. adults joked that you and jungkook would grow up to marry each other, just from watching you two play chess or ride horses together. there was a magnetic force that naturally stuck the two of you together, from day one. you cared deeply for jungkook before you could have a comprehensive understanding of what it was like to have love for someone beyond your family.
  “pretty sure i had a crush on you. that’s probably why i was devastated when you stopped coming to the valley,” he casually mentioned, but you turned to him in surprise.
  “were you really?”
  “yeah. you were my closest friend.”
  “i’m sorry,” you said. “you were mine, too. i just thought you would forget about me, i guess. then, i don’t know - “
  jungkook cut in, “- we grew up. that’s what happened, it’s okay.”
  that was the reality of life. it was sad to look back on, but it was overshadowed by the incredible forces that brought you and jungkook back together. never, in a million years, would you have ever imagined standing in the middle of the amber valley midsummer festival with jeon jungkook ever again. 
  “ever since i came back, you became my closest friend again. even with all the weird stuff going on between us,” you admitted the last part with the roll of your eyes.
  although you were just teasing, jungkook’s expression turned serious. “hey, i am sorry about that. but, honestly. . . “ he sighed. “like you said, we became close friends again. and so fast, too.”
  “it got confusing, didn’t it?” you asked, looking at your feet. “when things seemed like it could be more, i kept trying to convince myself that, you know, this is just how we are. we’re friends, this is how we act and nothing more.”
  “you read my mind. you really did,” jungkook said, looking at you with a surprised expression. “i think i always knew, though. from the moment i saw you again.”
  you thought back to the first time you met jungkook again. you remembered how soft his hands were and how he managed to make you smile on one of the worst days of your life. that was just jungkook, though, and his way of bringing sunlight into your life, even when it was raining. 
  “i. . .i think i knew, too. but, i thought you just saw me as the little girl who used to play with you in your backyard.”
  he shook his head. “i thought you had so much on your plate. and, well, i’ll admit, i’ve had trouble even considering a love life since becoming jiwon’s guardian. she’s always come first in my life before anything else.”
  “i don’t blame you, i can’t imagine what the past few years have been like for you,” you said. “but, you were a tad bit stupid. let’s be real.”
  jungkook snorted. “yeah, i know i was stupid. believe me, the last thing i wanted to do was fully push you away. my childhood best friend came back into my life and i had to confront that she was now a strong, beautiful and incredibly intelligent woman that i had feelings for.”
  this was the first time that things were finally being said aloud and it was as if a thousand pounds was being lifted off of your shoulders. you were light, you were flying. 
  “but,” he continued. “i also had to confront that you were still my closest friend, the person who i can turn to when things go wrong. you were my friend who i laughed with and shared things with and i couldn’t lose that. i have the guys, but no one compares to how in sync we are.”
  “i know what you mean. we complement each other in this crazy way. . .” you trailed off. 
  mr. lee spoke about destinies stitched together and things meant to be. holding jungkook’s hand felt meant to be in a way that it was just natural. so did laughing with him and making him dinner and letting him do things for you, simply because he didn’t want you to do it by yourself.
  jungkook said, “do you see why i was afraid of this?” he gestured to the two of you holding hands. “if i fuck this up with you, i’ll lose both my girlfriend and my best friend. if i fuck this up with you, i’ll have let you down during a time where you just moved to a whole new town for a job with all these expectations that everyone has for you.”
  “you don’t have to be afraid of those things,” you murmured, gently placing your free hand on his arm.
  “i’m not. not anymore, when the what ifs and the idea of missing out on something good with you is even scarier.”
  suddenly, you took a look around your surroundings. it obviously wasn’t planned, but the two of you were having quite the intimate conversation just across from the face painting booth and the craft stalls. you tugged jungkook into a random corner, where there was a lone chair in between walls.
  “can you put the prizes down for a second?” you asked.
  jungkook was confused. “huh?”
  “can you put the prizes down so i can kiss you?” you commanded, giving him a pointed look. 
  then, he chuckled and without hesitation, placed your various trinkets down on the chair. you rolled your eyes with a smile and jungkook hooked a thumb on one of the belt loops of your jean shorts, using it to pull you closer. he leaned in, placing his other hand at the small of your back.
  jungkook, too, smiled into the kiss and like everything else, it felt natural. it felt like home. you melted into his arms as you always do, softly kissing back. 
  although you could have stood there forever with him, lost in his touch, you had to pull away. “you scared of that?” you raised an eyebrow.
  “shut up man,” jungkook said, but stole a quick peck from you before he let you go from his embrace.
  you thought you would never stand in the middle of the amber valley midsummer festival with jeon jungkook ever again. the world worked in mysterious ways and you were proven wrong. more so, you weren’t just standing with jungkook. you were a woman standing in the middle of the town that built your hopes and dreams. you were standing in middle of the fair that never shook off its magic, even years later. you were standing with the man who made you realize that home wasn’t just a place.
  it was safe to say that you freaked out when jungkook showed you what he stole from his dad’s tool box. you were so scared that jungkook had to beg you to not snitch on him and even threatened that he would tell your grandfather that you’d been making him help you complete your chores in the chicken coop. 
  “it’s just a pocket knife, bunny.”
  “it’s sharp! you could hurt yourself!” you hissed, stepping a few feet away from him like he had mad cow disease.
  jungkook sighed and ignored you, walking over to where your sitting spot was. this year, the midsummer festival fell on what was easily the hottest day of the summer. the heat wave was unlike any other you’d experienced so far and you were surprised that the fair was still going on. the two of you had completed just under ten minutes at the bouncy castle before you insisted you needed a break.
  the two of you had found a random tree to sit under, as you split an ice cream float to beat the heat. this is when jungkook said he had “something cool” to show you.
  you had no choice but to leave your grumbles under your breath, finding your place beside jungkook since the ice cream float was in his hand. “you’re hogging it all,” you complained and he handed it over to you.
  “are you done freaking out?” he asked.
  “what are you even gonna do with that?”
  it was as if jungkook was waiting for you to ask the question. “this.” he clicked it open and turned behind him, to the lower part of the tree of which you were leaning on. 
  your eyes were wide, as jungkook began scratching away at the wood. the first letter you could make out was “J” and you nervously looked around your surroundings. it didn’t seem like anyone was paying attention to the two of you, occupied with the festivities or trying to not pass out from the sun. 
  jungkook completed a “K” and moved on to slowly carving out your initials. “so we remember today!”
  “it’s gonna be there forever,” you sputtered. “my grandpa says that trees last forever if no one cuts them down. . .so, since our names are there, we’ll be best friends forever!”
  a toothy grin stretched across jungkook’s face. “yeah! we are. we’re going to be best friends forever.”
  considering jungkook’s victory earlier in the day, several people stopped to congratulate him throughout the afternoon. he was hard to miss and he was also just a generally well-known person around town.
  that was precisely why you were scared shitless that someone was going to recognize either of you committing vandalism. 
  “you’re covering me, right?”
  “i am, but can you hurry up?” you demanded through gritted teeth, trying to look over your shoulder to see if anyone was looking your way without looking suspicious.
  from the unassuming eye, it looked like you and jungkook were merely engaged in conversation. . .but facing the tree. you were sat cross-legged, turned to the tree as if it was another person talking amongst yourselves. instead, you were trying to cover jungkook carving into the wood.
  you shook your head. “i can’t believe our names are still on this.”
  “we did say it would be forever,” jungkook reminded you and if he wasn’t holding a pocket knife in his hands, you would’ve shoved him over.
  you always remembered that your and jungkook’s names lived on the bark of a random tree in town. there was no way you could forget the scolding the two of you received for defacing town property. 
  “what if they notice? we’re adults now, we could get charged for this,” you said.
  “then we say it was always like this,” jungkook concluded and caught your eye. “what? what are they gonna do, tell my mom and your grandpa?” 
  at that, you did let out a laugh. “i can’t imagine what they’re thinking, watching us from up there.”
  then, jungkook clicked his pocket knife close and scooted over on the grass, as he’d been blocking his work from your view the entire time. he made the initials deeper into the wood, ensuring that it wasn’t going anywhere, and added a heart around the letters. once depicting you and jungkook as friends “4ever,” it was now framed by the heart and shifted its meaning altogether. 
  “they likely made a bet about us getting together and the winner is probably rejoicing,” you suspected and jungkook nodded in agreement, snickering under his breath. 
  your hands grazed over the carved design and you thought back to the moment where the two of you first sat under the same tree. 
  jungkook said, “pretty good first date, huh? scammed some booths out of their prizes, pissed off the entirety of amber valley elementary and we vandalized town property.” he looked pleased with himself leaning against the tree and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
  with your legs stretched out and the crime completed, you were able to relax underneath the protection of the leafy branches. “mhm, definitely a first date that i’ll never forget,” you laughed, placing your head on jungkook’s chest. 
  the two of you bought an ice cream float for old times sake and jungkook brought it closer to you, so that you wouldn’t have to move. it seemed to be a constant - jungkook doing things for you just because. just because he didn’t want you to do it yourself. just because he wanted to do something for you.
  “i have arms, you know,” you joked, but took a sip regardless. 
  he responded, unfazed, “i know.” 
  the smile the two of you shared confirmed your thoughts. whether you were kids and jungkook walked you home every time just because or you were adults and jungkook wanted to spend his whole day fixing your windows just because. that was just how he was always going to be for you.
  “well, do you know that a first date implies that there’s going to be a second date?” you decided to be bold for once, as all your anxieties evaporated when you accepted that jungkook was both your best friend and a person you held feelings for - a coexistence that you realized was possible and even exciting.
  jungkook scoffed. “second date? did you not see the tree, you’re stuck with me forever.” his joke resulted in you playfully hitting his chest. 
  “did you just curse me with some witchcraft on this tree or something?”
  “rock hard, huh?” he asked, ignoring your accusation and was referring to you hitting his chest. “trust me, i know.” jungkook flexed his arm muscles and although he was kidding around, it was quite impressive and distracting.
  “i’m totally objectifying you right now, by the way. i can admit that now, right?” you smirked. “‘cause i’ve been checking you out for months.”
  at that, jungkook genuinely appeared to be a bit sheepish, his ears first turning pink like they always do. “drink your float, man,” he insisted, using it as a tool to shut you up. you nearly choked from holding in your laugh as you took another sip, which made him laugh, too.
  you sat up slightly, but still mostly laying your body weight on your jungkook, only to crane your neck to see the letters carved onto the tree. the carving waited for you two for years to return. a part of you couldn’t believe that it was jungkook you were stealing kisses and blushing from. 
  “but, for real,” jungkook spoke, now also looking at his handy work. “a second date is nothing when the tree says you’re stuck with me. that means you’re my girl.”
  he held your chin with his free hand so that you could look into his eyes as he declared the last part. jungkook’s gaze was warm and you now understood what it was like to feel butterflies in your stomach. it was always one of those things that you read about in books and couldn’t comprehend. you understood the moon and stars and you understood economics and science. this moment with jungkook was a pair of fresh eyes that opened your heart to a feeling of completeness that felt like it had always been there. 
  “wow, you’re not even going to ask me? this is the worst confession ever,” you managed to tease, your smile failing to fight the happiness spreading throughout your body. 
  jungkook retorted, “i saw it in your eyes, you were about to ask me first. i had to beat you to the punch, you know i hate letting you win things.”
  “i think i won either way here,” you beamed, placing your head back onto jungkook’s chest. you could feel his heart beating loudly, but he didn’t seem to mind and planted a kiss on your forehead. jungkook wanted you to know how much this moment meant to him, too. 
  your first summer back in amber valley was nothing you expected. your grandfather’s last wishes for you were for you to discover nature and what it meant to make real connections with people. it was a head first journey that you embarked on, all by yourself. yet, months later, you found yourself surrounded by a family you found yourself and the beauty of a town that you thought was forever going to only live in your memories and dreams. you found belonging. 
  jungkook taught you that home wasn’t a place. home was the sunday market with friends. home was doing things you would have never imagined yourself doing, like salsa dancing and paddle boarding. home lived in watching your hard work bloom into something greater than yourself, with each harvest and each morning you spent feeding your animals. home was even a person - a horse-riding man who was unselfish at his core and loved breakfast for dinner. 
  you dreaded the end of the night, as it seemed like the midsummer festival was a blissful magic that you never wanted to end. you could have lived in this moment forever. 
  “goodnight, bunny. i’ll see you tomorrow,” jungkook said, as the two of you stood at the doorstep of the farmhouse. he leaned down and met you in a soft kiss, where he murmured a thank you against your lips for the perfect day you shared.
  there, you realized that the magic didn’t have to end. there was always a tomorrow to look forward to when everyday was a new day to fall more and more in love with your best friend. the magic in the air didn’t even have to end when the last of the summer heat turned into the first chill of autumn, amidst the shifting hues of the leaves. the magic kept you warm throughout the winter and blossomed in the springtime. 
  for the first time in your life, you no longer had to walk away from jungkook come the rain of september. when you were younger, it seemed like the magic of amber valley only existed in the warmer months. summer was a special place in your heart and the memories of your youth, but home was something that stood by you through the changing seasons.
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @shellyyy177 @myseokjinji @teddybeartaetae @jalexad @sstrongstyle @wobblewobble822 @seokout @taiwan0618 @firelcrds @xwniazx
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sunflower-emoji · 4 months
Keigo thought to share, but heights warning in advance! Do you have any headcanons for flying with Hawks? There's this type of roller coaster I used to operate called a vekoma flying dutchman- a coaster where you're strapped in, laid down on your back, and then ride on your stomach after the hill. There's only 2 of these coasters left worldwide, and I swear it's the closest to actually flying as it gets. There's this moment when you're at the top and you feel weightless- the skyline cuts your field of vision right down the middle, and you're left with this beautiful upside-down horizon that would be impossible to see anywhere else. I think sharing those sort of experiences would be important to Keigo, and that he shares his bird's eye view of the world as often as his partners want ^^
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Zaz!! Thank you for this ask and oooh what a cool and slightly terrifying roller coaster. I may have gotten a bit carried away, but I'm not particularly sorry about it. :P
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Flying with Hawks: Headcanons
Dumb jokes galore
"Told ya I'd turn your whole world upside down, chickadee."
He will sweep you off your feet in the most literal sense, and he will make that joke every. single. time. He loves your surprised little yelp and the way you cling to him when he catches you off guard. But most of all, he loves the way you still blush at his corny lines, even as you roll your eyes.
Shared point of view
"Hm? You want me to take you flying? Yeah! Thought you'd never ask."
I agree with you 100%; those moments in the air are so special to him and being able to share them with you is something he cherishes. You may be hesitant to ask at first, worried about using him or being a burden, but once you see his unbridled joy, your requests grow in boldness and frequency. He revels in the ability to make your face light up with awe as you see the world anew.
It's also his go-to way of sneaking in quality time with you. Even at his busiest, he can usually manage taking you on a lap around the neighborhood or picking you up from work, turning a mundane trip into something magical.
Slowly, then all at once
"C'mon, I'm the number two hero; no way I'd ever let you fall."
If you're a little nervous about flying or heights, he's happy to take it slow at first. Holding you just a little ways off the ground, so your feet could still touch if you stretched, before slowly floating upwards until you're above the trees.
On the other hand, he's happy to go full mama bird on you if that's what you need, bundling you up in his arms and jumping off the nearest skyscraper before you have time to think. Either way, the terror quickly evaporates into thrill as you take in the views from the safest place on earth.
A place just for you
"Are you free tonight? There's something I wanna show you."
Keigo has different places he takes people to, depending on the situation and his relationship to them. His sidekicks get treated to post-patrol takeout on a rooftop in the business district, and Tokoyami gets advice bestowed upon him from an old radio tower. When you first start dating, he takes you to the flashiest vistas in an attempt to impress you (it sorta works: the views are indeed spectacular, but you've been falling for him for other reasons for quite some time now.)
It's after you've been dating for a while, when he's certain he loves you but hasn't said it yet, that he takes you to the secret places he's never showed anyone else. They're his absolute favorites, the ones where he feels most at ease and at home. Before you came along, they were the one thing he was ever selfish about, the sole part of his life he kept just for himself. He never expected that to change, but now he wants nothing more than to share his whole life with you. Because he no longer has to be alone to feel the most like himself; he just has to be with you.
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Not requested!
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Courting Headcanons
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Edgin Darvis
Definitely tries to serenade you all the time
Talks about you non-stop to everyone when you're not there
Is always giving you compliments
Rides / walks alongside you to talk to you
Listens to you over everyone else
Asks you to join him and the group on their adventure
Is ecstatic when you agree to join
Tries to hold your hand when he's nervous
Literally jumps for joy when you make a move on him
Gets you your favorite foods / drinks at pubs
Physical contact >> any other way of doing things
When splitting up to do things, he will decide that the "only person" who is fit to go with him is you
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Holga Kilgore
Protects you no matter what
Rides / walks behind you just incase
Gives you weapons as a present
Is almost always by your side
Likes to have you in her sight at all times
Volunteers to go with you when the group needs to split up
Jumps in front of you when in battle
When in pubs, she'll sit across from you with your favorite drink and you guys will talk about everything for a really long time
Likes when you compliment her on small things (her eyes, her hair, ect.)
Lets you hold her hand when you get scared / nervous
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Xenk Yendar
Is absolutely horrible at showing he likes you
Actually scared of how he was feeling around you until he talked to Edgin about it
Has Edgin as a wingman
Gives you gifts a lot (Jewelry, satchels, holsters, ect.)
Offers to go with you on missions
Takes you back with him when he leaves the group
Gives you a place to stay
Is actually really good at calming you down
You sleep in the same bed
When you want to go exploring, he comes with you
Helps you with your problems
His love language is acts of service/ quality time and he thinks it's yours too
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Freaks out because of her feelings for you
Doesn't really court you in a normal way
Acts of service >>>
Gives you like, things from the woods / nature as gifts (flowers, leaves, ect.)
Tells Simon that she thinks she likes you, and he almost told you on the spot the next time he saw you
Freaks out when she sees you for the first time after she realizes she likes you
When the battle at the end of the movie is done, she gives you a handshake cause she's nervous
Simon has to tell you that she likes you (which she freaks out at him for telling you)
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Simon Aumar
Knew immediately after seeing you that he liked you
"If you wouldn't mind, I would like to take a chance in courting you? 🥺"
Got super excited while talking to you and that's how Edgin found out that he was courting you
Talks about you non-stop
Up talks you to literally everyone he's ever talked to after you guys met
Preforms magic tricks for you and fails about 50% of the time
Gives you his cloak when you get cold even though he's cold too
Would protect you with his life
Likes to give you gifts
Will buy things if they remind him of you
Likes to listen to you talk
When you "accidentally" mentioned that you enjoyed him courting you, he fell backwards off his chair
A/N: That's it!! If you want more for a specific character please don't hesitate to ask :D
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vetteltea · 1 year
hi congrats on the new blog!! just wanna req smth anything with seb x hamilton! reader when she visits at the same time he was in suzuka for the bee hotels and they hit it off start talking abt their passion for the environment yk
Meant to Bee | SV5
⊳ returning to the paddock with your brother & the beekeeper extraordinaire. [0.7K]
⊳ requests are still open; please send me some stuffs, i need some inspo.
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You and your brother had always been close; you had been his biggest supporter for so, so long.
In all the years of following him around paddocks, you’d always picked up friends.
Your favorite has always been Sebastian.
He’d always been warm, caring. Even during his time at Ferrari, he always had a kind word for you and your brother.
Your paddock appearances had dwindled for the last few years; you had finally started University, starting your course as an environmental lawyer.
However, when Lewis had come to you, asking if you’d attend at least one Grand Prix with him this year, you’d cracked.
‘Just…consider it a holiday.” He’d coaxed you out of your University Hall, practically carrying your suitcase for you.
The first few days had been amazing; you’d gone on adventures, sent your mother a photo of you and your brother in the most stupid Nintendo hats.
However, there was a literal buzz in the air when arriving at Suzuka; you’d opted to stay at the hotel on media day for some much needed rest and relaxation, only for your phone to go off whilst receiving a deep tissue massage.
Your brother had sent you a photo, him and a familiar blonde mass of curls.
Sebastian was in Suzuka.
The moment you could, you’d opened up your social media pages, seeing that Sebastian was in fact in the Paddock, setting up bee hotels and looking…insanely handsome whilst doing so.
You miss the following text which comes flying in when you’re back in your hotel room, hair loose around your shoulders and silk dressing gown tied around your middle.
Lewis had told you he was bringing Sebastian back to the hotel for some drinks, but you weren’t aware of this, not until you opened the door to see the two figures standing at the entrance.
“Sebastian!” You don’t even acknowledge your brother, practically jumping into the blondes arms at the joy of seeing him after so long.
You hear his laughter, wrapping his own arms around you, pressing a kiss to your cheek, asking how you had been doing since you’d last seen one another.
After getting changed, the three of you had gone down to the bar in the hotel, a few drinks over catching up on the past few years.
Lewis, being the social butterfly he was, ended up finding Bono and having a drink with him too, whilst you and Sebastian remained comfortable on the couch.
It was nice, relaxed. His arm rested along the back of the sofa, both of you engrossed in conversation as you inched closer together.
He’s amazed when you tell him about your degree, spinning off into a complete tangent about the environment.
You both have such incredible plans for the future, on saving the environment.
He is sitting straight up when you tell him about your final project; how you were planning to create a green energy source in each of the major areas of your University.
He wants to help, he’s instantly asking for details and is promising he’s going to be there, he’ll be there for whatever you need.
The sun is setting, but he moves from his seat, reaching out his hand, insinuating you take it.
‘Come on. I want to show you the bee hotels.’
Of course, Sebastian is a charmer; he works his magic and gets the two of you back into the track, walking you over to turn two.
It’s insane; the fact the entire track had shown up, decorated the hotels. He’s explaining biodiversity to you as you weave in and out of the beehives, still holding his hand.
He knows this, of course. His grip had remained tighter when becoming more passionate. You were back, you were finally back with him, even if only for a race.
“Are you staying for the race?” He asks, "You nodded in response.
“Well…maybe after practice tomorrow, we can grab some dinner? Discuss this a little more?”
“Are you asking me on a date, Sebastian?”
He looks down to where your hands are still entwined, grinning.
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
And of course, you agree. You just…don’t need to tell your brother.
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littlespacereader · 7 months
haii!!!!! can u do a story wher tony stark is cg an peter parker is litle on patrol ??? wifs mentions of captan amewica and or doctort strang bein othr papa(s) ??
Such a cute idea! I love me a cute fic with little and caregiver teaming up to save the world but the Cg is just worried about their little the whole time! Of course I have CG Tony Stark and to change it up I made the other CG Doctor strange! I literally love his character so much! I also based the villain off the comic book character and not the MCU version of the character. Anyway! Please enjoy this fic!! Thank you for the request!
On Patrol🕷️⚡️
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Caregiver! Tony Stark, Caregiver! Stephen Strange & Little! Peter Parker
Tags - fighting (combat), passing out, tickling, cuddles, medicines, magic
Nicknames - Pete, kid, little bundle of joy, sweet one, little one, little spider, Dadee for Tony, Papa for Strange
“Mission Alert, 22nd street and 8th avenue. Reports says the Electro is making his way to the city’s power grid. Police are asking for the Avenger’s assistance.” Jarvis echoed through the Tower.
“A mission!!” Peter jumped from his bed. He threw his spider stuffie and spit his pacifier out before running into the other room.
“Jarvis! Keep me updated on the mission! I’m getting changed now.”
“Sir, do you think you’re in the right headspace to be going on this mission?”
“Of course! I’m big now. I just needed a little break and now I’m good.”
He quickly threw on his suit, grabbed his web shooters before leaving his room. Not without one extra hug to his stuffie though! If Jarvis had real eyes, he’d be rolling them.
Peter started running down the hall, then thought the doors to the balcony. With one big jump he swung into the city.
Peter began to talk to Jarvis through his suit’s technology, “Tell Da-���Tell Mister Stark-“
“Tell me what?”
Peter looked to his right to see Tony flying beside him. “Hey! I was just telling Jarvis-“
“Where do you think you’re going Pete?”
“I’m going on the mission.” Peter said, a bit unsure of himself. “You see, I just got back from school so I was just relaxing watching this old show called Gillian’s Island when Jarvis said the mission alert and since everyone else is away on the mission in Australia I thought I would cover it.” Peter said as fast as lighting. Was it all completely true…no.
“Huh? Really?” Tony didn’t sound too convinced.
“Yeah! And now that you’re here we can do this together! On patrol! Come on!” he tried to swing faster but Ironman was much faster than Peter’s swinging. Tony stopped him, the two just stood in the air, Ironman hovering and Spider-Man holding onto one of his webs.
“I think maybe you should sit this one out kid. I’ll take care of it.”
“But I can do it! He’s my villain anyway! Trust me I’ll be-.”
There was a sudden rumble with lighting flying into the air. The two looked at one another.
Tony sighed, “We don’t have time to argue. Alright, come on kid. As long as you’re not feeling Little…” Peter could hear the slight sternness to his voice.
“Nope! All good. Alright let’s goooo!” And before Tony could him question more, Peter continued to swing away.
Tony just sighed and followed after him. While Peter swung, Tony flied beside him. They were heading towards downtown near Chelsea market and the Flatiron building.
As they made their way Peter noticed all the different buildings, a new toy store, the Harry Potter store, plus there was probably a new toy stand at Chelsea market.
“Da-…Mister Stark? After we take down Electro can we go to Chelsea market? I wanna see if they’ve got a new toy stand, because the last time I was there with you and Papa I saw-“
“Kid look out!”
Tony grabbed Peter before a lighting strike could hit him. He set him down on a rooftop near by.
“Peter answer me right now. Are you feeling big or Little?” Tony asked in his angry stern voice.
“I’m fine! I’ve got this!” He shook his head and completely avoid the question entirely. Again Peter pusher past and over to Electro who was not happy to see the duo.
“The spider brought backup? It won’t matter!”
Electro began throwing lighting bolts towards Spider-Man and Ironman but the two dodge them well.
“You remember what I taught you last week?”
“The above and below trick?” Peter happily replied.
“That’s the one. Alright kid, let’s do it.” Tony flew below Electro. While he was distracted with Tony, Peter swung above, grabbing his arms in his webs perfectly restraining him.
“We got him Mister Stark! We got-.”
There was just one problem…Electro’s hand were still filled with electricity. So he shot above him. The electricity traveled up the webs and onto Peter, electrocuting him.
Peter doesn’t really remember what happened after that. He heard his Dadee call after him, then he remembers falling, then everything went dark as he passed out. Though he thought he remembered something red wrapping around him.
When Peter started to wake up he felt wrapped in a blanket. No…wait a minute.
Peter’s eyes fluttered as he started to regain consciousness. He looked down to see his whole body was wrapped in not a blanket but a cape, specifically Doctor Stranger’s cloak.
Peter’s body ached and his head was pounding but he looked around for his Dadee and his Papa too.
He realized where he was. Safe and sound in Papa’s mansion in Downtown Manhattan, the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Peter sighed and sunk into the very comfy bed. He always loved going to Papa’s house. Everything was so cool and mysterious.
Plus he always has the softest beds imaginable. He couldn’t help but close his eyes and fall back to sleep. Expect cloak started to tickle him! Peter began to giggle and giggle, the cloak was relentless.
The cloak only ceased its tickle attack when the door to the bedroom opened up. Peter looked to see Uncle Wong enter with a tray in his hands.
“How are you feeling little one?”
“I’m fine! Really!” Peter began to sit up but his pounding headache had him sink right back down. “Actually my head hurts, badly.” He whined holding his head.
Wong hummed in response, “I thought so. That’s why I brought this for you.”
Wong sat the tray down on Peter’s lap. On it, were little bottles with different colored liquids inside. Peter looked at Wong confused.
“Don’t worry it’s all medicines to help you feel better.” Wong started looking through the different bottles for the right one.
He picked up one and opened it up, black smoke started to pour out of it before he quickly plugged it shut.
Peter’s eyes widened as he looked at Wong with sheer horror on his face. Wong laughed nervously, “Haha, that was the wrong one.”
“Wrong one?! What is that?!”
“Nothing you need to worry about. Let’s see here.” Wong looked through the bottles until, “Ah ha! Here it is!”
He held up a glass bottle with a blue liquid inside. Peter looked at Wong worried, “What is that?”
“It’s liquid advil. I will help you feel better soon.”
“No thank Uncle Wong I’m gonna see Papa instead.” Peter began sitting up with the help of the cloak.
“I’m telling you Peter this will help you. It’s good medicine. I’m 78% sure.”
“78% sure?! What about the other 22%?”
“Well, they’re a chance that this could turn you into a fish or cure your headache.”
“A FISH?!”
“It’s only a 22% chance! Nothing to worry about!”
Peter’s heart was in his throat. He stood up on unsteady feet but thanks to the cloak he didn’t fall. He looked at the cloak and then Wong.
“Mister cloak, take me to Papa please.”
“Peter wait-.”
The cloak lifted Peter in the air and flew him right out the door, ignoring Wong. The cloak flew through the mansion in search of Strange, all while Peter was giggling, but thankfully it didn’t need to look far.
Strange and Tony sat by the fireplace. A coffee table with tea cups sat between their big chairs.
“I should’ve checked with Jarvis the moment I caught up with him in New York. I just had a feeling he wasn’t as big as he was saying.”
“It isn’t your fault Tony. It’s hard to tell when Peter is truly regressed or somewhere in between. I’m just happy he wasn’t badly hurt.”
“Sometimes I wonder if I’m a good Caregiver or I’m becoming my old man.” Tony sighed.
“Tony, Peter idolizes you. There’s really very little you could say or do to make him hate you. Don’t beat yourself up, that’s my job.” Strange smirked.
Tony rolled his eyes, “How did you even find us?”
“I was heading to Chelsea Markey to pick up something for Peter. Last time we were there I saw him looking at a toy stand and-”
The cloak carrying Peter flew into the room, knocking over the coffee table with their tea cups. The cloak deposited Peter in Strange’s lap with one plop.
Peter giggled and waved to the cloak goodbye. “Thank you cloakie!” The cloak waved back before disappearing into the mansion.
“My little bundle of joy delivered into my lap.” Strange chuckled.
Peter reach forward and hugged Strange, who recuperated wrapping his arms around Peter. “Peter, sweet one, how are you feeling?”
“My head hurts.” Peter mumbled in the hug.
He lifted his head up but held onto Strange still, “Uncle Wong tried to poison me Papa!”
Strange raised an eye brow, “Did he now?”
“Yeah! He brought in this big tray of bottles! One of them he opened had black smoke coming out of it! And another could’ve turned me into a fish!!”
“A fish?!” Tony stood up and joined the two, “We can’t have that happen! What will we do if our little spider turned into a little fish?!” Tony said as dramatic as possible.
“No Dadee! Don’t wanna be a fish!”
“Don’t worry kiddo, you’re not going to be a fish. I’m sure Papa has some regular medicine for you around here somewhere.”
“Come on,” Strange said lifting Peter into his arms. “Let’s get you some medicine and then it’s back to bed for you.”
“Noooooo wanna play!”
“Listen to your Papa Pete, you need all the rest in the world after that shock. I’m sorry this happened to you. I should’ve seen it coming and helped you.”
“It’s okay! I’m okay! See?” Peter smiled.
Tony smiled back, “I can definitely see that. Nothing stops my little one.”
“How about a cozy resting day? Just the three of us? That way you can heal and you won’t be without your Papa and Dadee. We can watch whatever movie you want. How does that sound?” Strange offered.
Peter smiled at his two amazing Caregivers, “Yes!! Just one thing?”
“Can we invite Uncle Wong too. But make him promise not to turn me into a fish…please.”
The two Caregivers laughed, “We’ll make him promise not to turn you into a fish.”
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itzy-bitsy-spidey · 3 months
Merlin's assistant
Pt.2. Introductions
Merlin BBC X fem!reader
"This, my dear assistant, is king Arthur Pendragon of Camelot" Merlin introduced, and the sheer joy that showed in his smile managed to drown any posible witty remark Arthur had thought of making.
"HOLD ON A SECOND" on the other hand the loudness from the girl kind of made him wish she was once again arranging bottles in silence.
"He is Arthur Pendragon, as in the Arthur Pendragon I've heard so much about these last few years?" The smile in her face could barely contain all of her exciment, if the way she was flapping her hands up and down was any type of sign. A little bit more emotion and she would surely be jumping up and down in front of him.
Merlin eyes softened at the sight of the girl and his smile went from excited to fond rather quilckly for Arthur's liking. He had just then remembered the way she had called his friend a few moments ago.
Now, Arthur might not had been the brightest one in the room, even if he would never admit it, but if something was not up between those two then he had never been dead.
So lost he had been in his own thoughts he had missed what Merlin had to say about him. But whatever it was it certaninly reassured who he was, because she looked ready to explode.
"Oh, you have to tell me about Camelot, I've asked Merlin before but with his memory we honestly never get anywhere and all he can tell me is about how you would always get in trouble, or be cursed, or how your father would be cursed, or the kingdom, or..." somehow, the girl had managed to get all of that out of her sistem in just one breath before Merlin cut her off.
"Alright, that's enough kiddo, why don't you better go look for some clothes for our guest?"
"I'm literally your age, you old man!" She complained to the warlock but nevertheless got up anf started walking away.
"No you're not, and if you were, that would make you an old man!" Merlin quiped right back at her, raising his voice so he could be heard.
"Age doesn't change gender you dumbass!" at that point the girl's voice was just that, a voice, because she had completely dissapeared from sight. Two seconds passed in silence before she finished her statement "But apparently it does make you lose braincells!"
Merlin shot a nasty look at the door she had left through, but decided against continuing fighting, and instead chose to put his attention on the very confused king.
"Sooo, who was that exactly?" Finally asked Arthur after a while of sitting in silence.
In response Merlin grabbed a chair and sat in front of his friend, his eyes flashed golden for a second and tea started preparing itself while the warlock answered the question.
"She's my assistant, helps me with things around here and in exchange she lives here where it's peaceful" he explained at the same time a cup filled with chamomile tea landed gracefully in front of Arthur.
"Your assistant? You? Have an assistant?" The tone of the king's voice sounded almost mocking, but Merlin raised both his eyebrows at him and continued.
"I don't see what you find so funny you clotpole, I was tecnically your assistant back in the day".
Something about hearing Merlin speak about them as if they had happened a long time ago hurted deep inside Arthur's chest. His heart twisted into a knot when he realized that for Merlin, for his best friend, it had truly been long ago.
Truth to be told, the blonde king had woken up that day in the lake and had just felt as if no time had gone by, as if he had just slept for a few minutes, a few hours at most.
But it hadn't been like that for Merlin, if he had understood it right it had been hundred of years of loneliness for the magic boy, hundred of years of waiting, never really knowing if he would come back.
Suddenly the idea of the girl being around Merlin didn't sit so bad with him anymore, at least he wasn't completely alone, he hoped there had been other friends for Merlin before her too, people that could have helped him carry the load that waiting for his friend might have been.
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what does your “sneaky link” think of you? 😏🔗• {patreon preview} pac (18+)
this reading is for people who are 18+ ONLY. my ancestors and spirit guides who help give these messages to me are blunt af, and i have a feeling that they won’t mince words. and neither will i. the way that we speak (especially about sexual things) is pretty explicit, so if that could possibly make you uncomfortable, then please skip this reading :)
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• pile one •
the grim reaper: the relationship is over, no second chances, grow and transform your life
paradise: happiness, expansion, joy, playfulness, oneness, enjoying each other
the high priestess
7 of coins
ace of swords
i don’t even think that you guys are in contact with this “sneaky link”. it seems like the connection is completely dead and buried - and you seem to be the one who ended things. i’m going to need you guys in this pile to believe the following words - because it’s clearly true: when i looked at this high priestess card, i literally heard “magical pussy” 😂😭. and the phrase “grow and transform your life” jumped out at me afterwards on this grim reaper card. now, change the genitalia to fit yours, but the point is - you changed this person’s life. drastically in some way. with sex alone. you literally got the “paradise” card. that’s what this person would attribute sex with you to - and since you’re showing up as this high priestess now (someone not available, unattainable, protecting your valuables), this person now feels stuck af. they were under the impression that you both got along really well. that you both were enjoying each other’s time and company, however with the 7 of coins, i can see that you hit a wall with this person. you had to question whether or not this person was even worth continuing to invest into. and it seems like you decided that they were not - so you left (as you should’ve). the ace of swords also suggests that this person feels like you’re an extremely clear communicator, both in and outside of the bedroom. and it seems like they’re aware (now that you’re gone) that what they could give you wasn’t enough. they actually put you up on a pedestal above them, but you’re still extremely desirable to them. i’m hearing that whatever passion they experienced being with you, it ain’t going anywhere. this person is holding onto these memories and valuing them more than they have the memories with anyone else. this person could even feel like you took their happiness with them - as dramatic as that may sound (especially since this wasn’t a committed relationship) but they were really invested in you - and still are. the 7 of coins is about hard work paying off. they could have the idea that they could try to get you back in some way (maybe if they increase their finances? are you a material girl/boy/enby? i’m hearing kanye west + jamie foxx - gold digger: “If you fuckin' with this girl then you better be paid” lmaoo), but it seems like they’re keeping this in their dream state (like daydreaming about this) instead of actually making moves to make this a reality. the idea is there though. you guys really need to recognise the value of your sexual energy if you don’t already. whatever you give people changes their whole entire life, their world, what they believe is “paradise” with another person. and whatever’s between your legs? magical 🪄😭.
check out my patreon for the extended reading - done with oracle cards - (where we look at this person’s favourite aspects of sex with you), if you’d like ☺️
if you’re interested in a personal reading, check out my pinned post here
thanks for reading! 💗
• pile two •
hammer: sabotage, rebuilding, interrogation, repetitive, persistent, working on it
not enough: frustrated in relationship, lack of confidence, self-sabotage, fear/ego issues, jealousy
the chariot
the hanged man
you guys probably aren’t gonna like what you hear in this reading, however, the messages are repetitive - and i’m seeing that you probably acknowledge for yourself that this is the truth too.
your “sneaky link” believes that you do entirely too much, considering the fact that you’re not in a relationship. they can tell that your insecurities control you and not the other way around. and although they can see that you’re working on these personal issues that you have, it’s still affecting this casual connection because of your control issues. this person may not be only interested in you - they could be the type to multi-date or sleep with multiple people (which they have every right to) and if so, then you obviously know about this. or at least you have an idea. but despite the fact that this person isn’t “yours”, they feel like you have a weird sense of jealousy towards the other people who they sleep with/interact with, and some control issues/ego issues that they just really don’t understand. the chariot suggests that this person feels as though you try to control them or the situation way too much. and they don’t appreciate that. “i’m not yours. don’t try to control me”. that’s what they’d like to tell you. they see you as someone who is sabotaging what could be a good, fun thing. and with the hanged man here, they feel like you really need to reevaluate whether or not you’re even cut out for this casual sex/sneaky link shit. because i don’t believe that they believe that you are. they feel like you let your ego get in the way. and that you need to release your ego issues. they really don’t understand why you act like this. i’m either sensing confusion or manipulation. so this is either reiterating that they’re confused about you and your behaviour - and the manipulation could be them picking up on you trying to steer the connection into something that was not agreed upon. doesn’t matter if this is emotional manipulation, mental manipulation, sexual manipulation, etc. the hanged man is also sticking out to me as this person’s energy too. you may not hear from this person for a while, and if that’s the case, it’s because they’re wondering whether or not they should release you and release the stresses that come with (what’s supposed to be) a fun, casual, sexual connection with you. i understand that this may not be easy to hear, pile two, but i’m definitely seeing that this person feels like you have control issues. and considering how i picked up on a level of self-awareness on your part (at the beginning), i feel like you know that this person doesn’t deserve to have to deal with it. especially since i’m feeling so much frustration on their part. they feel like they’re having to explain themselves to someone who isn’t even a committed partner. that’s not right. they’d suggest that you take some time to yourself and do some soul searching. and tbh, as a reader (from what i’m seeing), i agree.
check out my patreon for the extended reading - done with oracle cards - (where we look at this person’s favourite aspects of sex with you), if you’d like ☺️
if you’re interested in a personal reading, check out my pinned post here
thanks for reading! 💗
• pile three •
photograph: looking at your photos, missing you, nostalgia, make new memories
twin flames: yin/yang, zen, balance, union, duality, coupling, complement each other
8 of cups
6 of coins
as i was shuffling for your pile, i wanted to smile and laugh - so this person probably thinks that you’re funny af. i heard “you’re a character”. despite all of this distant energy that i’m seeing, and how you walked away from them due to some type of emotional overwhelm or confusion, they still have very fond memories of you. i’m seeing for someone in particular, that you walked away from all of the people who you were sleeping with/dating to listen to your intuition when it told you to cut contact for the sake of sexual abstinence? you may have realised that you were using sex as a coping mechanism, or that sex wasn’t serving you anymore, so you decided to end this sexual connection (and possibly multiple other connections too). they’re really understanding of this. they understand why you left - no matter what the reason was - but this person could genuinely believe that you are their other half. i mean, the twin flames card came out. i don’t know if this person speaks in those types of terms, but to put it simply, they feel like you’re perfect for each other. they may have not realised this until you left, but being exposed to other connections with people that are pretty surface level has made them realise that, although the connection between you was casual, there was something special there. at least for them 🤷🏾‍♀️. i’m hearing them talk about how much you gave of yourself to them. how equal and reciprocal the respect was between the both of you. and they could be searching for that in other people - but they just can’t find it. they genuinely reminisce about you and feel like you’re their other half that they can’t have. i’m also seeing that this person feels like you taught them a lot about value - value of connections, and the value of themselves. this was a mutually beneficial connection that they learned a lot in. they feel like you’re complete opposites to each other that fit together perfectly. perhaps you felt this too. if you didn’t leave for the sake of abstinence, you could’ve left because you caught feelings when you really didn’t want to. again, they understand, but they recognise that the feelings are mutual. and they value you, the experiences that they had with you (as surface-level as it may have seemed to the external world), and the way that you showed them that both people can mutually experience just as much pleasure as the other in these situations. perhaps, before they met you, they were the type to not really enjoy sex all that much due to being in their heads too much? i’m not sure. but you’re valued by this person for sure. and they feel like you complement each other well. aw, this is so bittersweet 🥲.
check out my patreon for the extended reading - done with oracle cards - (where we look at this person’s favourite aspects of sex with you), if you’d like ☺️
if you’re interested in a personal reading, check out my pinned post here
thanks for reading! 💗
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Until Death Do You Vow Ch7 Memories To Solve
(Warnings: Ian cheats on both reader and Mc from SWWSDJ during a flashback. Reader gets jump scared by Violet again. Some innuendos. Mentioning of blood. Some abuse, Elias's illness, name calling, and such in the flashbacks with Elias's family. Mentions of death and murder.)
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Church bells chimed in the morning.
Flowers. Soft petals. Meant for their beauty to symbolize the beauty of the bride.
Organ music. To match in chimes of the steps of the bride walking down the aisle.
An audience to shed tears of happiness for many happy moments to come from this union.
Smiles shown at one another in the joys of the moment.
A breath to fill your lungs trying not to cry as you smiled up at the man in front of you. The one you were going to marry and have a life with after you both finally graduated. But this moment couldn't wait. This magical moment after a year. Some say it was fast but you supposed it was called love at first sight for a reason.
Or at least it was supposed to be. A wedding was nothing if a groom never showed up for his bride leaving her humiliated by the alter and missing the wedding entirely. Only to show up after everyone decided to call it quits and leave for the night. Waiting for you with baited breath and a guilty look on his face. He wasn't even wearing a tuxedo. But better late than never.
"Ian! There you are! Where have you been? Y'know what? Nevermind! The priest is still here. We can go inside and still elope even if everyone left already!"
Smiles turned to him exceedingly and in joy-
"I-...I-I can't."
Reality shattered. Gasps wracked around. Silence fell.
Your eyes blinked at his guilty face. "I-...What?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n." His hands released yours as he looked down. "But I can't go through with this! I-... I've been having an affair with you behind someone else's back. Someone whom knows and left me a year ago."
More gasps were had. A bouquet of flowers dropped from your hands to your feet. Time seemed to slow before completely freezing.
"I really did try to make this work! I thought if I forced myself to invest time with you I'd forget all about them but I couldn't and I still don't. I still love them!"
Your world shattered as humiliation, guilt, regret, anger all swirled about behind shock which was the strongest emotion. Keeping you from saying anything as Ian without looking up at you took off his ring and without saying anything pushed it back into your palms.
"Here. Take this. You can sell it to get some money. I-It's the least you deserve after what I put you and them through. I'm-... I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am."
He then left the bride standing there. Nothing but white on her body. Tears on her cheeks. And crushed flowers at her feet. No one but her lonely self for comfort in the moonlight so late at night.
"Y/n? Y/N!! Are you there?! Hey! Answer me, Bud! Hello? Say anything! Yell at me if you have too!"
"Dearest! My darling, are you alright!"
Heavy. Your body felt so heavy and yet so light at the same time. Gone was the hazy light that hurt your eyes and back was the darkness. Your eyes slowly fluttered and opened up to the dark world- only to jump wide awake as a flash of lightning crashed across the sky and lit up the ghost that was cradling your body in his arms and looked absolutely worried. Around you was still dark and night. Still raining hearing all the beats against the green house glass. Your eyes blinked up at the ceiling in shock before Elias sighed in relief.
"Oh thank you're alright. I thought the worst when you fell to the floor."
You blinked again before you groaned and reached up to sit up. "What happened?"
"Here. Let me help you." You were literally hoisted to your slightly wobbling legs by Elias as you reached up to hold your head. "Are you alright? You collapsed to the floor."
"Yeah. I'm good. I just need a moment." Shaking your head you took a moment before looking at Elias who looked especially frazzled. "Are you alright? You were freaking out back there."
"Yes. I-.. I-Im fine. Pardon me for worrying you. I just..Need a moment of privacy." He quickly changed the subject turning away from you and just picking up the vase. "I should really d-do the decor since you've already decided on the interior and my grandmother's recipes are still amiss."
"Oh...Why don't I look around and see if I can try and find them since you're gonna be busy decorating?" You offered reaching down to pluck up the flowers you dropped. "It would make things go a little faster."
"I .. wouldn't want to bother you."
"It's not a bother. I'd like to help you."
"...*sigh* Very well then. But I ask you remain close by in case something comes up."
You nodded. "Deal. And don't worry about it. If I find it I'll come back and find you. You go take a moment to lie down and get better."
Elias only nodded before turning and leaving you in the greenhouse, pushing the vase in his arms out while the rest of him phased through the doors. You watched him go before you sighed and reached up a hand to rub at your forehead. What the heck just happened?
"Is he gone?",  Taylor's voice once again rang out loud, and your eyes flickered back over towards the door waiting a few minutes before humming ok. "Good. Now who was that woman?"
Your eyes lit up in surprise. "Wait. You saw her too?!"
"I heard another voice through all the static. A woman I think?? Didn't recognize her and it certainly wasn't you."
"Well you're not gonna believe this but I'm pretty sure I just met Violet Dupont."
"WHAT?!,'' he shrieked out as you expected. "That's insane! Is her spirit there too?! Are you ok?!"
"I'm fine. And no. She's not here..It was more like flashbacks or visions or something like in movies."
"*Sigh* Well whatever the case is, you got some time to look around before Elias gets done decorating and comes back to find you. Let's use this opportunity to look around and see if there's anything interesting."
"Right. I'll start downstairs since I'm already here. Might as well look for those recipes too since I did promise."
Taylor didn't answer that as you slowly walked out of the greenhouse and back day the way you came back to the foyer. Ah. The place where it all began. Still looked the same as before and not anything interesting was here, so you passed it to go snooping on the other side of the house. There was a small hallway with only two doors leading to some places you didn't know. You decided to grab the first pair of double doors and push them in with a creak. They slowly opened up knocking some dust into the air which you coughed at and waved away. It looked like...a giant living room almost. A few coaches and a love seat sat around the middle of the room across from a fireplace and above said fireplace was a mounted deer head. The sofas looked liked they'd seen better days looking extremely worn with tears here and there. An old grandfather clock was propped up against one wall, a rocking chair in one corning, another large bookshelf like in the study, and a painting of a building hung up on one wall. Guess Elias hasn't worked his magic here yet. Never the less you slowly walked in and looked around the room. Between the couch cushions, lifting up the painting, etc. It all harboured nothing. So you decided to again poking around the bookshelf for anything. F/c eyes scanned the many book spines. A series of encyclopedias, a dictionary, a thesaurus, a bible, Bible hymns, a collection of Shakespearean plays-
Nothing here that'll be helpful to you and a quick scan around the rest of the shelf also showed no signs of a recipe. So you moved on. Exiting the room, and closing the door behind you. No dice in this room. Perhaps the other would show some results. You slowly approached the other pair of double doors and turned the doorknobs, pushing them in to stick your head in once more. It looked like a dining room. A large dining stable stood in the table surrounded by chairs and when lightning crashed again you could also make out a chandelier swinging above the table. Two lamps were placed on either side of the large window which the rain continued to batter against, and there was another fireplace. But one thing caught your eyes which was a fancy looking cabinet with glass windows-
"Hey. You've been pretty quiet for a while now. Is everything ok?,'' Taylor asked slightly concerned in your ear.
"I'm fine. I think this is where the dining room was. Certainly looks better than the lounge."
"Anything interesting?"
"There's a cabinet with more books. The Gallaghers seemed to loved reading."
"Can you look around for anything important before indulging in literature again?"
You sighed and rolled your eyes but complied. It didn't hurt to look around once more. You went poking at the fireplace, pushing up the lamp shades, and peeking under the table. No dice again. Gods. These heels were killing you! Eventually you found yourself slowly kneeling down trying not to fall over in your dress to peer at the bottom of the shelf. They seemed to be filled with recipe books of European cuisine. Irish, Polish, Dutch, and a few others. Could one of those be the recipe book Elias was referring to? 
"Nothing in here that's mystery solving but I did find the cook books. ..But I dunno which one Elias is looking for."
"He wanted to bake you a cake right? Maybe he's looking for a desert book specially?," Taylor suggested. "...Can ghosts even eat anything?"
"Well Elias did have some tea and biscuits a little while ago. Maybe it's like food offerings for spirits?" Taylor hummed and you could already hear him mentally write that note down. You just continued to skim through the books here for any desert ones specifically. "...Hey. Do you maybe think that what Elias said about my flowers was true?"
"Which part?"
"That I really needed a friend and was seeking something to heal my heart?"
There was silence on the other side from Taylor for a long moment before he sighed. "I mean isn't that what everyone wants? I know I would want a friend, and you did go through a lot...But I wouldn't put a bunch of thought into it. It's just a bunch of flowers."
"Right...I don't see any desert books here, so I'm gonna look in the top half. But on the subject of flowers, you do know why I picked those zinnias right?" You slowly stood up taking the bouquet of white roses and orange zinnias with you before you carefully placed them on the table. 
"No but I still stick by the fact that they made a good bouquet! Why?"
"Because they reminded me of you."
There was a choked wheeze from the other side of the line and you laughed hearing Taylor sputtering out noises. In the meantime you turned back to the upper part of the cabinet- 
Static suddenly blares through the earpiece as dizziness strikes your mind. Your vision darkens as the room spins and your suddenly off your feet falling and falling through the darkness until your body strikes something. You opened your eyes. The dining room was back. The chandelier was swinging back and forth. Despite the living fire in the fireplace it was absolutely freezing in here like you were dumped in the north pole.
This wasn't right.
It wasn't raining like before and there wasn't any fires when you walked in here. Confused you turned back to the cabinet only to freeze as your eyes made contact with the glass. Encased in the glass was the figure of a woman. She's so far yet getting closer and closer. A knife in her hand and a Cheshire cat grin on her face. Her bloodlust filled gaze pierced your soul like a knife through hot butter. You couldn't move. Couldn't breath as absolute terror filled your cold body. Her mouth escaped a few airy but sinister low chuckled that sounded like right out of a horror movie as she got closer and closer to your frozen body. Close enough for you to almost feel the breath of her giggles on your face as the hand with the knife raised-
"GET AWAY FROM ME?!," You voice finally bellowed out loudly breaking from whatever spell held you captive and threw up your hands to shield yourself.
You again fell. Vision fading in and out fast until with a loud thud you fell to your knees.
A gasp escaped your lips as your hands clutched the front of your gown covering the dress. Behind you a strike of lightning lit up the now deserted dining room leaving only you gasping there on the floor heart racing. 
"Hey are you ok?! Answer me if you're ok!," Taylor cried out and you wheezed in response which seemed to be enough for him. "What happened? We're you attacked? The line went static again!"
"I-If by ok you mean j-j-jumpscared? Then I'm doing great.", you said sarcastically.
"I heard something like whispering or chanting?? Was that you?!"
You shook your head. "It was Violet again."
Taylor gave a short whine of concern. "I'm starting to think there's more spirits in here besides Elias. Why would there be interference when he's not even in the room?"
You opened your mouth- "Darling?" You looked over your shoulder. Elias was there. Said ghost was hovering over you in worry frowning at the position you sat in. "What happened? Are you alright?"
"I fell down." That was the truth after all. You didn't think it was a good idea to tell Elias you had visions of his ex who was the one responsible for his untimely demise. At least not yet. He looked alarmed but you just pointed at the cabinet. "I think I found where the recipe books are."
"Goodness! I do hope you're not hurt. Here. Let me help you up." You accepted his help as he gently grabbed you under the arms and pulled you back up into a standing position. "Better?"
You nodded. "Yeah. Thanks. My feet are just sore from walking around in these heels all night." You really hoped these visions wouldn't be happening all night. "Are you done decorating already?"
He smiled again and nodded. "Yes. I was wondering where you may have wondered off too. Im only sorry I couldn't be here to stop you from hurting yourself."
Taylor groaned and you ignored him waving a hand. "Nah. I've already tripped so many times tonight I'm used to it by now. And I'm not hurt so don't worry about it. Let's just focus on the rest of the preparations."
Elias nodded with a smile. "Yes. Of course." You watched as Elias went over with a bounce in his...float(??) over to the cabinet before carefully opening it up and reaching inside to skim over the books. "Our wedding shall be oh so fine, the layered cake most of all. Nana's baking's devine, and when paired with white wine, to not taste would be most regrettable." He stopped on book before looking at you. "Although I do miss her cream pies as well. Shame they're not quite appropriate for a wedding ceremony."
Taylor busted out in loud laughter in your ear and you snorted which you quickly turned into a loud cough as Elias rose a brow."S-Sorry. Some dust flew into my mouth." You tried not to laugh despite Taylor continuing to in your ear. "*ahem* Anyways it l-looks like we found it!"
He smiled wider. "Indeed. I have the recipe we need here. She wrote the recipe in a manner that allowed you to make it in any flavor as long as you had the proper ingredients. Say what flavor should our cake be, Dearest?"
"Funfetti. C-Chose funfetti," Taylor joked out through some remaining giggles.
You ignored him. "I dunno. White cake is usually served in weddings right?" You hummed thinking. "...Maybe vanilla? Or an angel food cake or would yellow cake be better?"
"What cake did you have at your other wedding?"
You shrugged. "Didn't get one. To be honest I didn't get a whole lot of say in the wedding plans. He sort of just threw it all together and called it a day."
Elias paused to look at you in shock before frowning in annoyance. "He sounds like an awful man. To be so inconsiderate of his own Bride especially on her own wedding day."
You frowned and shrugged. "It's alright. We're not together anymore anyways."
"Nevertheless I shan't do the same thing. What cake does my bride desire?"
You thought about it for a moment. "...I'll go with vanilla then. It's a classic and you can't go wrong with a vanilla cake for a wedding right?"
He smiled wider. "Vanilla it is then!" He turned his gaze back into the cabinet.. and frowned again. "Oh no. The recipe book's not here."
"It's not?"
He shook his head. "I could've sworn it was. I know I've seen it in the last decade at least. Oh no."
"Offer to keep looking around for it. That'll give us another chance to look around for more clues. Like that desk in the study! I'm sure that's where we might find clues to the fortune at least!," Taylor suggested.
Not a bad idea. Maybe there's something that'll help you with your situation too. "Why don't we look around more?" You suggested reaching out to grab his shoulder. "Maybe you left it in the kitchen?"
He hummed in thought before nodding. "Perhaps you're right. That also seems like a good place as any to find a recipe book." 
"I'll look upstairs. If it's not down here then maybe you accidentally left it up there."
He nodded again. "Very well. But do be careful. I haven't had a chance to restore the other rooms yet."
"I will. I'm just going to recheck the study anyways. Maybe I saw it on the shelf but didn't realize it. If I find it I'll call your name."
Elias agreed and with a small bow to you turned and floated right through a wall out of sight. "Is he gone now?"
"Yes. But I genuinely think I should help him find those recipes. If they belonged to his grandma then they're probably sentimental to him." You started walking towards the door pushing the still open door but scooping up your flowers in the beginning. "If they're not in the study or the kitchen I don't know where'd they be." You then hummed. "Speaking of sentimental stuff...Maybe I could find his room. That's where his most prized possessions would be since he lived there right? That might be where he left the book."
"Uh huh. You sure you don't just wanna renact the spicy scene from Ghostbusters?"
You frowned at his sarcastic tone. Two could play at that game. "You tell me. I'm not the one who wrote those erotic scenes in the notebook you left at the club meeting."
CHOKE- You rose a brow continuing to the foyer again as Taylor choked on air and sputter unintelligible noises. "That-..I never-...How did you even-?! That notebook contains highly classified information I'll have you know and I don't appreciate the invasion of privacy!"
You rolled your eyes. "What's wrong with Ghostbusters anyways? You sure seem to like comparing yourself to Egon so much." You picked up the front of your dress to avoid tripping over it as you started back up the stairs. Your heel clicks echoing everywhere mixed up with the sounds of rain. 
"Well I am the brains of this operation and planned it all so Egon just makes sense."
You rolled your eyes again. "I think you're more of a Janine. You're red hair and cute face matches her a lot better."
He again choked and sputtered as you carefully climbed up the stairs but eventually he cleared his throat. "I knew it. Y-You do think I'm cute."
You again ignored that part. "Besides I think I should get some credit. You may be the planner but I'M the one currently stuck in a blood oath to a ghost." You gave another worried glance at the bloodied ring on your finger still. 
"Hey. Backup is important. Besides all the dust would clog up my sinuses."
This time you did smirk. "Is that truly the reason or are you just worried about exposing your desire to be ravished by a ghost? You weren't being subtle hiding that lewd fanfiction."
"GAH?!" The squeal that left him had you finally laughing before putting on a dramatic voice.
"'She had me pinned against the wall. Her lips left a trail of fire as she-'"
"IT'S NOT FANFICTION!!," Taylor shrieked out in a high pitched voice cutting you off into giggles as he grumbled. "Besides ...I wasn't writing about ghosts."
Your brows rose. "Then what-"
"Just get to the study before Elias gets back!," he grumbled in the same high pitched tone.
Deciding it'd be best to drop the subject, you continued to walk around to the second floor and then to the left. If you remembered right, Elias brought you from this way. You managed to somehow find your way back to the hallway you first woke up in and around the same corner back in the study. The door creaked open as you walked right inside soon looking up at the shelf again. Your main priority should be the desk...but you also wanted to keep your promise to Elias. And it wouldn't hurt to double check to see if you missed something. Quickly you skimmed across the titles printed along each spine skimming a hand over them all, pulling out the books again that had their titles faded...but there wasn't any recipe books. Well at least you tried and that was one crossed off where they might be but just in case you checked over the books Elias left on the coffee table next to the teaset. Still nothing so you moved on to the desk. The first thing you did was open the two small drawers connected to it. They were filled with nothing but extra papers, envelopes, and inkwells which you were sure was all dried up from how long they were there. Then your gaze went to a thick book on top of the desk. It seemed like the only thing important amongst the area covered in old feather quills and papers. You're hands reached out to carefully open it and your eyes widened.
"I think I found the old Gallagher family ledgers!"
"You WHAT!? What does it say?!"
Your hands turned page after page staring at the yellowed pages and faded ink. "They're filled with bank statements with dates and amounts and the bank's name..but it doesn't say anything about any jewels." Taylor groaned and you had to agree. Another dead end. You continued skimming through the book until stopping on the last page and pausing. "Wait a minute."
"What is it?"
"The last page of the ledger has 'Those without fortune cling to what they haven't in bright red ink. Like someone was desperate or something." Unlike the rest of the book where everything was written in black neat cursive ink, this writing looked desperate and fast.
"The hell? What does that even mean?"
"I guess the only one who knows is Elias, and I don't think asking him about missing jewelry is at the top of my priority list right now." You again gave a soft glare at the ring on your finger before closing the book and placing it back where you found it. "I'm gonna go look somewhere else. Maybe I can find the parents' old room or something."
You didn't take more than a few steps by the couch when a rush of static shot from the earpiece again and dizziness hot you causing you to stumble and sway. ..oh no. Not again- You fell forward to the ground as darkness encased you again.
Hushed, hurried voices echoed in the darkness. Heavy feet stomp on plush rugs. Tension and anger filled the air. Louder and louder. Shouting and yelling. Which way was up? Which way down?  You couldn't tell if you were lying on the floor or still falling! It felt like someone was squeezing your lungs and you wanted to cry. A tiny ray of light shown above you and you reached out to it quickly to escape the darkness. You managed to pull yourself inside and what met you was a motion picture capturing a moment in time. What the- It was the study again only this time much better looking. Two figures..One a middle aged man sitting in the office chair looking busy. The other much younger around your age and holding a cane in his right hand. You didn't recognize him at first not being translucent and blue but-...
Your face lit up in surprise. "Elias?" Neither figure turned as you asked.
"Blast it all!" You jumped looking back at the older man as he complained as he worked. "Your sister died earlier this spring and already we have to make arrangements for another funeral!"
"Father. If I could speak just once," Human Elias pleaded.
"What is it, Elias? I don't have time for chatter with a child like you."
Elias tapped his cane on the ground several times in protest as his father didn't even notice. "I am NOT a child anymore. I'm already of age. Id only like to make a single request of you. It won't even be any trouble to you, Father."
"And just what might that be?"
"My mirror has been in need of repair for the longest time. If you could have someone repair it-"
"What mirror?," his father barked at him snapping his head up suddenly angry.
"G-Grandmother's mirror. The one that used to be in the attic. I still have all the pieces."
His angered look turned to disgust. "You still have that trash in your room and you dare ask me to repair it after YOU broke it?!"
Elias gripped the cane so hard his knuckles turned white in frustration. "But it wasn't me. It was-"
"I don't have time for your childish sentimentality, Elias. That mirror is worth nothing and I have more pressing matters to deal with. Leave now or I'll have one of the servants remove you!"
"Father, I can walk on my own two feet just fine."
If his father heard Elias he didn't respond as his son gripped his cane and turned towards the door just as your head was hot with a shot of pain and the light flared up blocking out everything before a different reel with Elias and the rest of his family mellowed from the light. Elias was human again and he was surrounded by his other six siblings and his father. They were all jeering and shouting at him. Making fun of him. Calling him terrible names like weak and a mistake. 
Once again the darkness enveloped you once more before you could do anything.
You found yourself gasping awake on the couch you fell onto. Sucking in air like a drowning man and hearing your heart in your ears. 
"Copy! Y/n, do you copy?!" You were never more glad to hear Taylor's voice.
"I-I'm fine..fine." you were starting to get annoyed with these dizzy spells.
"Another vision? Give me a status report!"
"I-I saw Archibald Gallagher. I think." Taylor remained in stunned silence as you gently pushed yourself up from the cushions. "He was planning the next family funeral. E-Elisas was there too. He wanted to repair a..mirror? He said it belonged to his grandmother."
"A mirror? Hm. I'll see what I can find out about it. Was there anything else?"
You leaned back against the cushions with a sigh. "Yeah. Elias was using a cane, and his father said something about having the servants remove him like he was an object."
"What the actual fuck?"
"I know. He said it like Elias couldn't leave himself like he had zero atonomy and Elias was really upset." You scowled hard and turned your head to glare at the office chair where Archibald had been sitting. "I wish he was a ghost here! I would've given him a piece of my mind!"
"Focus!," Taylor cut through your rage filled thoughts. "Are you sure you're alright?"
You inhaled before slowly exhaling through your nose. "Yeah. I'm just angry. I don't know why I'm getting these visions but they're really intense."
"It must be because of the connection you two share right now. Told you blood was a powerful supernatural ingredient."
You silently looked at the ring still on your finger. "...I think I'm going to head out now. Staying here is only gonna make me angry."
"Alright, Y/n. Make sure you keep an eye out and be careful."
You nodded despite not seeing you and you slowly stood up giving one last glare at the office chair before leaving. You heels clicking as yet another flash of lightning the hallway up as you walked along. What now?...Try another door you guessed? There wasn't anything else that you could do for now. So you tried to reach out to the nearest door and turned the knob. Didn't budge. Next door. It opened but it was another closet. Another door across the hall. The doorknob turned and you slowly pushed it in wincing as the hinges creaked loudly. The door opened completely and you blinked at what was inside. 
"A bedroom?"
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taylorlovesrojen · 8 months
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This is me- literally crying and shaking immediately after I secured my tickets for TWO NIGHTS of The Eras Tour at Tokyo, Japan.
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while you're here, here’s a mini trip down the memory lane about my life being a swiftie for more than a decade now
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years back, it would take me a loooong time to save up my allowance just to buy Taylor's merch (that I would oftentimes skip lunch just to buy her latest CDs). my happiness back then would be above the roof already just by collecting her albums.
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2013: Red Tour- I was in my garbage collector era with my brother because we would literally wander the streets and search the trash bins around the city just to collect these ice cream lids, in a desperate attempt to get tickets for Red Tour Manila (but I was unfortunate enough lol).
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I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PROCESS THE FACT THAT I’LL BE SOON REACHING MY LONG-TIME DREAM OF GOING TO ONE OF TAYLOR'S SHOWS. This thought alone makes me so emotional that my heart is overflowing with joy & excitement.
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the flashbacks of my grade school and high school days wherein I literally spend all night writing lyrics on my notebooks or print them on bondpapers and download songs one by one just so I could memorize every track from Taylor’s albums. …and all of these posters from which I bought on the sidewalks (since official merch was really expensive) with my very meager allowance 😭
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this was when I watched the premier of The Eras Tour Film at the cinemas. still couldn't believe that what I magically experienced just by looking on the big screen this night will be recreated right in front of my eyes. the younger version of Rojen would literally be screaming and jumping and endlessly crying if you’d tell her that she’ll be seeing Taylor Swift one day 😭😭😭😭😭
I just wanna let you know that this really means the whole world to me, Tay.
See you at Tokyo Dome this February 7th & 8th! 🫶
@taylorswift @taylornation
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the-gayest-show · 1 month
Through the Looking Back Glass Thoughts/Analysis
I LOVED this episode. It was very endearing and honestly heartwarming (near the end that is) and overall one of my top episodes in the series!
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First off, Sofia leaning on Cedric for help with homework is so fucking CUTE. Their dynamic makes me jump up for joy, and Sofia really trusts HIM to get the job done 🥺 Even when Cordelia appears and offers to help, Sofia is still adamant to only have Cedric do it 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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It's a small detail, but I think Cedric's pose changes slightly when his sister is around? Like, he's got that hunch back pose that he had in earlier seasons when she's there, it's crazy. There's probably more screenshots I could gather on this but yeah.
The song that comes up in this scene.... mmmm art. Here's me ranting about it.
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I think the saddest part of the episode is really seeing Cedric and Cordelia's past dynamic because I genuinely loved it? Like. When they hugged here it was so heartwarming. The nicknames (Cordy, Ceddy) were so cute as well, I guess when they don't use the nicknames in the beginning it's to show the deterioration of their relationship over time, and somewhere in the end of this episode, Cedric starts using the nickname Cordy again which really cements the mending of the relationship. (I did get taken off guard when Cordelia called him Ceddy in the flashback bc I've always associated it with Calista. Maybe Cordelia said it around Calista and she picked it up? IDK)
Cedric is also shown to be really good at magic here. Bro did a spell that was apparently "too advanced" or something? And let's not even begin to discuss the lore implication for WANDLESS MAGIC. BRO TRIED TO REVERSE A SPELL WITH HIS BARE HANDS. THIS MAKES ALREADY INTERESTING STF LORE MUCH MORE INTERESTING.
I find it so interesting that the incident (despite having no known cause at the time) was quite literally blamed on Cedric almost immediately and everyone went with it? Like Cordelia shouts "he ruined it" and no one questions this??? Not even Cedric fending for himself worked? Whoever said in a Tumblr post that this implies that Cedric was treated like some kind of bungler/looked down upon even before this is probably right. Because why else is it just normal for everyone to jump to this conclusion? His parents don't do SHIT about it, and I'm assuming that Goodwyn holds this grudge too (if eps like Mystic Meadows mean anything). Why are they holding onto this for so long? Literally I get holding a bit of resentment but everyone makes mistakes....
Idk this went off, but basically, oof living in your father's shadow was hard AF especially with one mistake people reference in your presence.
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Despite this event happening over 30 years ago, it's still somehow the ONE thing people defined him for for years. This episode really further contextualizes his motivations for wanting to become king before season 4. Imagine being rejected from society for YEARS, being belittled and made fun of, people tearing you apart for a mistake you made when you were 9-10 YEARS OLD, it's crazy. 100% that took a toll on him, something you can see in this episode and literally most episodes. It's just really sad.
I'm glad that Sofia and Calista were able to help the both of them realize that it wasn't actually Cedric's fault (something Cordelia should've realized years ago, but seeing the event happen as it did was more a confirmation for Cedric than anything). Cordelia and Cedric forgiving each other was a bit too fast considering everything but I'm glad their relationship is mending.
Credit where credit is due, she sticks up for him after this and lets Cedric do his thing and lets him help Sofia without any ifs and buts, it's sweet.
Personally, I feel that Cedric and Cordelia probably still have a semi-strained relationship after this ep (your sister being the reason you were made fun of for years, and that reason wasn't even valid to begin with defo is not smth you can recover fast from in a 22 min episode)
Also, it's not hard to believe the circumstances wouldn't have changed if the incident were truly Cedric's fault, but Cordelia needed a wakeup call I guess, that works.
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Want to mention King Roland for a second because dude. Why is your first reaction to blame Cedric (again), instead of the 2 other magic users in the room (ESPECIALLY THE CHILD. Look I'm a Calista fan thru and thru but logically the blame would be shifted there to an extent??)
King Roland I thought we were over with this since Day of the Sorcerers?? What happened to being NICER to Cedric and maybe NOT blaming him for every little thing? Idk that kinda pissed me off. The fact that Cordelia was the only thing stopping Roland from interrogating the guy... THIS BEHAVIOUR IS WHY CEDRIC TRIED TO TAKE OVER YOUR KINGDOM!!! ROLAND THE 2ND YOU IDIOT!!!
In conclusion, love me a character focused episode that develops a backstory as well as a slight resolution. 1000/10 would re-experience this again.
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 8 months
hoping to hit you somewhere vital
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word count : 1.6k
pairing : lightfog (nick lightbearer, foggy jack/jack worthing)
warnings : violence (stabbing, blood mention), substance abuse mentions, non-consensual restraint, just a general non-con warning
extra : nick gets backed into a corner by jack, quite literally. i wouldnt call this smut but it has that sort of feel, so, i'd say be cautious if you're uncomfortable with that sort of thing.
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Nick had developed this habit since he rose to stardom. He would get so high he couldn't think, more than most wellies on just Joy. Days, weeks, months would blur together. It was more than the usual amnesia, and he felt content in it, like a bath so hot it could burn your skin. You'd feel safe despite the melting heat.
This habit, however, had not only made his memories blurred, but caused complete blackouts at times. He'd be in one place and wouldn't remember how he got to the next, ruining that content feeling he once had. He couldn't just stop, he just had to find a compromise. In the meantime, though, he'd have to deal with the occasional mental haze.
Tonight, he'd woken up in some alley on the other side of town. “What the fuck…..?” he let out a breathy exclamation, pushing himself off the cobbles with his hands. It seemed like he had been left there, oddly enough. Once he was able to find his balance, he brushed himself off and patted at his pockets. Nothing. Great. He growled, analysing the floor for any discarded Joy. He wasn't coming down off a high or anything, thank God, he just liked to have it on hand. ‘Just in case.’
There wasn't any there either.
He sighed, leaning back against the wall and looking up at the flowery sky between the roofs above him. It was supposed to be dark, it just looked like it was soapy and fluorescent to Nick, due to God knows what he was on. The bricks were cold and damp against his hands, wetting the back of his jacket as he leant against them. He didn't feel like it had been raining, it more felt like he was leaning against a window with condensation, which… didn't make sense? 
There was also an odd moisture in the air that seemed to surround him, a sort of smoke. He knew about the toxic fog that filled the streets at night, and it wasn't that. Or, maybe it was. It was after curfew, of course. On that topic, actually, there weren't any bobbies around. Nick thought for a moment, watching down the painted street beside him. Nothing.
Not a sound, not even the whistle of wind or the sound of someone's television's noise through a window. It all felt wrong… But, he was sure he was on Joy. The Village was never quiet like this, not even at night. 
Suddenly, another figure appeared beside Nick in the alley, laid against the bricks like he was. “Beautiful, isn't it?”
“OUHH-” Nick jumped, losing his balance again and almost falling to the ground, before the other caught his wrist.
“Careful, Mr. Lightbearer. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, now, would we?” The man softly smiled an unnerving smile, and pulled Nick up a little, back to a standing position. “There, that's better.”
Nick froze up almost completely, like a deer in headlights. He knew this other man from something. From a show, a sound, a dream. He wasn't sure. Nick squinted a tad, looking the man up and down.
The darkly-dressed figure chuckled, “Ohh, you could just ask me, like a gentleman.”
“...Pardon?” Nick tilted his head, his left hand tugging at the cuff of the sleeve on his right arm. 
“Well,” he began to speak, Nick watching as if he was performing magic in front of him. “You're trying to figure out who I am, correct? As if we haven't met before, my dear?” He smiled again, closing his eyes. 
Why was he so affectionate? “Look, man. If we've… Y'know.” Nick looked away, trying to imply something sexual. “Done. Things. I don't want a part of it.” He awkwardly laughed, still avoiding eye contact and focussing on the road. 
Laughing along, the other man grabbed a hold of Nick's hands. He looked convinced that Nick wanted him to, despite him actually being sort of indifferent to it. “We have done nothing of the sort, my darling. I have just been keeping an eye on you, that's all. And!” He let go, taking a step back, “We have met before.” 
After saying this, he disappeared.
“The hell..??” Nick questioned, slowly stepping where the other once stood. Upon moving closer, though, his eyes felt hard to keep open, like he'd walked into the smoke of a burning building. His sight felt all fogged up, and he, instinctively, waved his hand in front of himself, hoping the fog would clear. Oh. Fog. Nick's memory returned to him, not clearly, but enough to know who was tormenting him.
Nick sighed, “Your games aren't funny, Jack.”
Jack appeared again, behind Nick this time, and pouted. Nick jumped again, making a noise and turning on his heels to face him. “You are no fun whatsoever.” The taller man complained, walking closer to Nick again, a smile slowly growing on his face. “You know,” 
Nick never enjoyed being near Jack. He always felt unsafe, like he had been thrown into the deep end of a pool without warning, or was bleeding out in front of a crowd. No one could save him except himself. He walked backwards the more the other did forwards, the pair of them quite close to eachother. “Uhhmn,,, I don't want to play, Jack.” Nick said, voice sounding shaky, but trying to sound assertive.
“Ssshh…” Jack seemed to be waiting for something as the two of them walked. He was backing Nick into a dead end, he knew what he was doing. His dress shoes clacked against the floor as he herded the other man towards the back wall, “This one will be fun, dear.”
Jack being even that slight bit taller than Nick was being used against him as they walked. Nick couldn't see the alley's exit getting further and further away, he couldn't figure out how far down they'd gone. Surely this alley wasn't much longer? 
With a loud clash of glass against stone, Nick almost slid on a bottle, making Jack move backwards and have to catch his love again. “Nick.” He whined, scolding the other like a disappointed parent, holding Nick's forearms as if they were the most precious and fragile things in the world. “What did I say about being careful? Silly boy.”
Letting go of Nick's right arm, Jack slid his hand down his left, firmly grabbing his wrist and pulling it above Nick's head. “AAGh--” Nick yelped like a pained animal, Jack's hand gently pushing his hips back up against the wall. 
Jack admired him for a moment. “Awwh,” He teased, brushing his hand up from Nick's hips, to his chest, and settling on his jaw. “You are adorable. Stay.” He softly commanded, pulling his right hand away from Nick's jaw.
“Mmn- I told you I don't-” 
“Ah- ah!” Jack tutted like he was telling off a dog, “No.” He smirked, pulling a knife from his back pocket. His signature cleaver, the one written about in the papers. 
“Hey, no, Jack- haha-” Nick laughed nervously, trying to pull away from the other man's grip. “I, uhm, don't want to play, hahaha--” His mask was becoming uncomfortable, making his faked smile look unnatural. He felt warm under it. He wished the wall behind him would move, would open some secret door he could slip through and away from Jack, but the bricks were going nowhere and neither was he.
“Oh, hush.” Jack scolded, getting closer to the other man, their chests almost against eachother. He caressed the smaller man once again, this time with the cleaver. He was ever so gentle with it, too. He wouldn't want to hurt the man, just to scare him. The fear was all part of the game. Killing was the end of it, but making them afraid was the fun.
Nick was shaking. “Please…” He begged Jack to not hurt him, becoming weak and stopping his struggling. He glared into Jack's eyes, looking angry, but tired. “Please, Jack.” 
“Ohhh,,,” Jack smiled again, adoring him. He pulled back his knife, Nick sighing a breath of relief. “There. Is that better?” He was making fun of him. Teasing was part of the fun, too, especially when it came to Nick. Jack would tease him relentlessly, writing cheeky (or, murderous) poems on post-it notes around Nick's home. Just teasing, all in good fun!
“..Yes. Th-” Nick had started talking, but it was cut short by the freezing feeling of a blade in his abdomen. “Gghhh,,” He cried, grabbing Jack's hand with the one he had free. 
“You see? Hah-ha!” Jack chuckled, “I told you it would be fun!” 
Nick whined, blood dripping from the wound. He couldn't respond, his vision was going blurry again, he felt like sobbing. He felt ill, would be a better way to describe it. He tried to focus on Jack, ignoring the blood as best he could. “Wwhh,,,” he tried his hardest to get a word out.
“Ssshhh, dear. You're alright..” Jack steadily pulled out the knife, putting his arm behind his back and wiping the blade against the back of his coat, then slipped it back into his back pocket. He put his hand over the injury, blood soaking into his white glove, then held Nick's cheek again, painting the blood onto him.
Nick was going to pass out with this madman. He couldn't. Weakly, of course, he started trying to pull away again, putting his hand over where he'd been stabbed. He whined, “Let goooo…” 
And, with that, he woke up at home, his middle aching like never before. “Ugghghh,,” He complained. This, too, was part of Jack's game. It gave him an excuse to look after Nick, to clean and stitch up his wounds, and softly put him to bed. So they weren't dreams?
He rolled over under the covers, trying to get comfortable around the ache, and noticed yet another note on the nightstand.
“Dear Nick,
I do hope you're healing alright. Last night's performance was careless, and I deeply apologise for it. I hope to see you again soon.
Yours unconditionally,
Your biggest fan.”
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Some Of My Favorite Cool Staging Choices in NPMD: a ramble, by me!
(is "staging" the right term? idk I wasn't a theater kid)
this will contain spoilers, which you can probably guess since it will be tagged as such.
When we see Richie getting attacked in the cold open, he's facing the audience; when it happens again (haha whoops) he's facing away from the audience & we get to see his attacker. idk man I just think the change in perspective is rad lol
Richie and Ruth taking the stage first for "High School Is Killing Me" because they're the ones who... y'know. (rip 💀)
when that first curtain thing lifts and reveals the rest of the stage 👌🏻
when Steph is trying to get Pete to help her cheat on the test the spotlight on them also lights up Grace before she butts in and gets them in trouble (foreLIGHTENing eh? eh?)
the rotating nerd huddle in "Literal Monster" brings me so much joy like Yes, put those nerds on a giant Lazy Susan and watch 'em go
the nerds sneaking along in the background when Max is singing
the bit with Miss Tessberger (sp?) leaving and returning to the stage from the opposite side
just everything about Pete & Steph's phone call. everything.
the stage going almost completely dark at the end of "Cool As I Think I Am" is fucking epic ok it's such a cool transition. also Max's "I bring light to darkness" and the lighting changes for that. they're both so cool
the bathtub prop. it just looks like it was fun to make. :)
when Steph is talking to Ruth & Richie and then she just turns and they're sneaking into the bathroom. it's like a movie transition in my brain. (also Mariah's little jump like she's trying to look into a stall is adorable)
NERDY PRUDES GOING TO THE WAYLON (sp?) PLACE MY BELOVED 💙 1. walking around the orchestra pit is cool & it's a fun, slightly-more-distanced throwback to when they walk thru the audience in TGWDLM & BF; 2. cool blue lighting + silhouettes, need I say more; 3. the tattered background descending as they walk is fucking magical
it's technically not part of the show at all but i have to give a shoutout to the person near the camera who goes "oh? oh?" when Pete & Steph exchange their cute lil looks in the Waylon House 😂
Richie moving behind the tattered curtains with the camera. also I know it isn't visible but the knowledge that the skele'on costume glows in the dark gives me life. (and Steph giving Ruth a thumbs-up when she's scaring Max??? adorable)
did they blur the npmd logo and put it over Max as he's dying? i fuckin love it no joke
that row of lights onstage just silently clicking off before Max shows up to get Richie 💀💀💀 and then they slowly come back RED
the pauses in Jeff's announcement to let everybody groan after their name is called (Joey's "ouhh noo" gets me every time)
I haven't really mentioned choreography because idk how to talk about dancing but... "Hatchet Town" my beloved <3 (all of the choreography in the show is so fun & cool)
BBQ monologues!! the stage is a stage! (whoa, is this tgwdlm???) Love the brief single spotlight on Ruth when she goes on, and bonus points for the red, white, & blue lighting bc barbecues are intrinsically linked to the 4th of July in my brain (🇺🇲🔥)
when Grace is talking to Detective Shapiro I love how gray the stage goes, especially after how colorful the BBQ monologue was, like ugh <3 it makes it feel more serious and important like shit's about to get real (it is)
Officer Bailey (I think that's his name? i do not trust my ears) just angrily moving the chairs after Grace steals his gun and escapes custody 😂
obligatory Beanies Paulkins & HCB scene 2.0 mention <3
Pete sweetie you were just at a football game how did you mix it up with baseball you fuckin nerd (affectionate)
The Chair Mishap™ (I'm not sure but I think all 3 of them broke there, to varying degrees)
Max chasing Solomon off the stage is fun, loved that. (oh shit if he gets you next make it thr... four. you'll be four. or five, technically...? are we still counting Max? this point got derailed.)
the squad car! the lights up top, the brake lights, and also I love when the car turns and everybody just leans to the side (SiS is my favorite for this). also Max just nyooming by as Shapiro takes off is hilarious.
HOLDING COURT WITH THE VOID!!! the increasing whispers, the lighting, the LORDS APPEARING, holy SHIT
the white lights & fog during the slow-mo bullet scene idk it just makes it for me
the homecoming disco ball and the different spotlights are great :D
the group pose at the end of "Best of Me"
the colored lights & Lords laughing at the beginning of "Dirty Dudes" 🤩
okay! that's everything that caught my eye on my fourth watch, lol. obviously there are many many many more awesome little details and funny bits but I wanted to focus more on the set & staging type stuff. it's really cool and interesting to me, especially after Black Friday's glorious secret Wiggly.
if you read all of this I hope you had fun!!
if you didn't have fun, feel free to keep that fact to yourself! 👉🏻👉🏻
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HI OCEAN 🌊❤️ (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ Sorry, Tumblr got weird and deleted the draft of my response to your ask, but luckily I took a screenshot before the tragedy (because this has happened before), so yeah, here it is
1. What are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
There are so many things that have contributed to building the Frankenstein-like creature person that i am, but I think three basic things (that do not include lessons or lifestyles directly related to my parents) were:
1. the music i listened in my childhood
Literally throughout my childhood I listened to TOO much music and of many types and genres, (in home we had a lot of records and cassettes from my parents, from a compilation of children's songs from around the world to pink floyd) and I think the impact that that had on me was huge, like the being able to know the true diversity that music can bring and the magic of being able to express your feelings in that way is something that I think many of the children my age did not have (my town is small and there were not as many options of what to listened)
2. Educational TV shows and books
It's a bit silly to say it like that, but if it weren't for educational television and how i got my hands on every book about science facts, animals, fantasy, etc that I encounter, i wouldn't be the person I am. the shows I watched made the whole concept of knowledge AND learning extremely fun for me and it helped me in school and, well, reading is one of the things that has had the greatest impact on my life (for a reason I'm studying literature lmao) and many of the lessons from those books continue to guide me today in one way or another.
3. Anime
I won't go into much detail because I would end up writing an essay about how thousands of series marked my life, but let's just say that after finishing watching Dragon Ball Z I was already a different person than when I had started watching it.... and the rest came like an avalanche
14. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
Diving in a pool.
WHENEVER I SEE LIKE IN FREE! WHO THEY DIVE INTO THE future WATER I'M LIKE: I WANT TO DO THAT!! obviously not at the level of a professional swimmer or anything like that,b just jump into the water and receive it like an old friend, the water is alive after all, but...BUT, the sensations scare me too much, I feel that they would shock me too much. Ironically, the first time I went to a pool (i was like 5) I went into the water throwing myself with all the confidence in the world, that almost made me drown, so maybe my brain remembers that situation and is scared by instinct lmao
17. Name 3 things that make you happy
Chara, my cat, the bastard is too adorable and too spoiled, he thinks he is the god of the world and I believe him, LOOK AT HIM, HES SO AKKDKFLODLELFKDOXKLDNXLD
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Spaghetti. is one of my comfort foods, at the level that just eating it makes me feel like life is the most precious and meaningful thing of all
Listen to JOY, It really lives up to its name because it fills me with joy every time I listen to it, IT HAS TOO MANY THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY 🎶i feel so free and joy...🎶
AAAAH THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE ASK, and sorry for the inconvenience
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