#if i run into melee/combat (which is never) then i am certain to get hit by any and every attack swung my way
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hotboiessek · 2 months ago
playing a sorcerer is great because i get to be charming and magical and also hit by every attack
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pants-jones · 4 years ago
(i guess you could call this) A review on Infamous: Second Son
SInce this is my literal first post on this blog, I guess I should start by talking about the first game I really wanted back when the PS4 came out. Although i didn’t know this at the time, Infamous: Second Son is the latest sequel in the Infamous series, a series i know virtually nothing about. I haven’t actually finished playing it myself, but I currently am at least 75% done with the game.
The base plot, to put it simply, is this; In this world, there are people born with special powers, called Conduits. They could be anyone, and of course some of them start causing havoc, using their powers for crime and unintentionally demonizing the rest of the Conduits to the rest of the world. This starts the persecution of Conduits, now dubbed “Bio-Terrorists”, which eventually leads to this game and it’s story which I’ll touch on in a few.
The Game-play
When you start the game, your main method of attack is pressing X/square until your enemy falls over, or shooting them with small smoke blasts. You have the option to shoot a smoke missile that does splash damage, but unless you put some upgrades in, you wont be using it right away. You don’t use smoke like a regular power, instead you need to absorb some from a smoking car, or a fire to use as fuel for certain abilities, like shooting missiles or just shooting regularly. The regular melee attack doesn’t expend any energy, which you can always see in a bar on the bottom left. 
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You can press B/Circle to Smoke Dash, though when you gain other powers this will mostly be used more for travelling the game world. It doesn't expend any energy, so feel free to use it as much as you want because you’ll need it to dodge the many many bullets that’ll be sent your way.
In the top right, you’ll see a symbol- that’s your Karma Strike Meter. The Karma Strike is pretty much an ultimate move, that when used properly can end most fights. But, its also my first gripe of the game. See, a big part of the game is a sort of reputation meter, where you can either play the good guy and fight those oppressing the Conduits the morally correct way, or you can do the same while also abusing your power and using your allies as soldiers for your mission. In my first playthrough which I haven’t completed, I decided to be the good guy, which made getting the Karma Strike harder in my opinion. To fill the meter, you need to subdue 6 enemies in a row, or subdue enemies while also doing something good that would fill your good guy meter. For some reason i just can’t ever find enemies to subdue, or enemies that are off to the side make it difficult to subdue others. A lot of stuff can happen in a fight, and that makes it kind of annoying when i know the best way to come out on top is to make 6 enemies subdue-able before i can wipe out the rest. 
But, a plus for this reputation meter and the Karma Strike is that it’s consistent. I’ve noticed that the further i get into the game, the more civilians cheer Delsin on when they realize he’s fighting for the better. Plus, you get different Karma Strikes if you have more good karma than bad. But, again, you get more combat options if you have more bad karma than good. Which makes sense, since the good karma upgrades help Delsin’s stats with healing and absorbing smoke and subduing enemies. 
The enemies don’t get too many introductions. They all have concrete powers given to them by the main villain of the game, and the more you play the stronger the enemies get. It starts with grunts that just have guns and make shields out of concrete, nothing too difficult though they can get tricky in high numbers. Then, in a mission where you climb to the top of the Space Needle, you fight a miniboss that then becomes a regular enemy. This enemy is especially annoying to me, because until you get the neon power that makes you move faster, they are extremely difficult to hit. They’re like Special Ops, with concrete chunks floating around them. They can trap you in concrete (which can be escaped by smoke dashing) and do some good damage. But ii’s not the concrete that makes it difficult to hit them- It’s the fact that they just run. If you get close enough, they will run and do their own version of a smoke dash to get away from you. And until you unlock neon, that makes them the most annoying enemy so far.
The next enemy is another boss that becomes a regular enemy, just way later. These guys sit in concrete tornadoes, shooting stones at you from a distance, and luckily they aren’t too hard to beat. Just use neon and shoot them from a distance and they’ll fall pretty soon. The next and latest one for me is an extremely aggressive concrete covered enemy that came in a group of three or four(i dont really remember how many). They move way too fast to be able to fight them with the video power, which I’ll touch on in a minute. I haven’t figured out their weakness yet, but i can tell you it isn’t melee because they will steam roll you if you try to get near them.
The Three Powers
In total, you get three powers to upgrade and use, each giving you different play styles and making you use different tactics. I’ll admit, I liked that you can’t switch between them like style switching in Devil May Cry. Instead, you need to find a source of smoke, a neon sign, or a satellite dish for each power. If you’re running low on one, you’ll have no choice but to switch to another and change the game plan. 
The power you start the game with and my personal favorite is Smoke. The kit you get with smoke just seemed best for combat, and its easy and simple to travel around with. It’s the most abundant source to absorb in a fight because there’s usually a lot of exploding cars or ammo boxes you can absorb to fill that meter. The smoke Karma Strike is ok, but I absolutely love how it looks. Delsin sends himself flying straight into the air, and falls back down like a mortar, destroying everything in the vicinity. Plus, smoke just fits Delsin’s design in my opinion. He gets the next two powers from other people, so they obviously seem out of place for him to have (even though he also got smoke from someone else too but thats not the point it still suits him very well).
Neon is the second power you get, and it’s the second best in my opinion. It’s not as easy to subdue enemies with it as smoke is, but its still fun to use regardless. I think the lasers you shoot do more damage than the smoke blasts, and neon lets you run at what the game calls “Light Speed”, which is just kinda faster than usual. You can run straight up walls, and you can suspend enemies in these neon bubbles to attack them mid air. The Karma Strike can hit more enemies than smoke does, and you get to put on a pretty neat light show.
Video is my least favorite, so much so that I kind of avoid using this power because its just so slow and when all the enemies are constantly focused on you and shooting at you at all times, being slow is not what you need. The melee is brought down to two strong hits with a bit more range, but they take way too long to finish for it to even be worth it. The heavy attack is pretty much a couple swords that i think are better against choppers? I haven’t tested it much. You get wings but you can only dash forward and up walls for a bit before having to stop. You can shoot automatic, which is kinda useful. But there isn’t much to write home about with this power. Even the Karma strike is hard to get, since this power gives me no real ways to subdue enemies, just hope they surrender and that doesn’t happen often enough to be able to fill the meter. It’s sluggish, it doesn’t offer anything new, and it’s just not for me.
One more thing about the combat; there aren’t many melee options besides mashing square and a ground pound. You can’t do any aerial combos which was disappointing to me because I thought that would’ve been amazing for juggles and just adding more ways to fight. Unfortunately, it kind of feels like you’re very limited in your options for combat. 
Other than the combat, I think the game looks amazing, even for something thats 6 years old now. I like the Karma Strikes so much less because they help me in fights and more because they just look super cool and make me wanna look at them again. A lot of games don’t look the best on current gen consoles and even on PC, but this is definitely not one of them. My only gripe with the looks is the how much saturation but this can even be fixed in the settings so it barely counts. 
When i first watched gameplay of this game, I had never wanted to be a super hero more in a long time. It was so much fun to watch, and even though it’s not as much fun to play through now, its still pretty good. I know I should touch on the story, but I haven’t finished the game, so I’ll probably do a post about it when i do. But i love the characters, and i love how they interact with each other, and I love how they interact with Delsin. I love watching those dumb brotherly arguments with Delsin’s brother. This game is  a 7.5/10 for me.
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Settle in folks, here’s a story from my most recent gaming session, it’s pretty long but it was such a transcendent moment I have to share it with all of you. Due to length I’m going to try to put it under a cut.
So a bit of background information. We are playing a Kingdom Hearts game and have been for… A while. We can’t quite remember exactly how long. It’s a custom system of the DM and my design (THAT I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE BUT CAN’T GET DISNEY OR SQUARE TO TALK TO ME ABOUT IT).
Our PCs:
Lonnie Clawford, a snow leopard from Zootopia, with an affinity for Ice, and focused on Power abilities (like Terra). Lonnie is functionally immortal in combat, kind of anxious, and grew up in Zootopia’s foster care system until she was like 12 and was picked up by our Master. Played by @thepioden​
Lydia, a young woman from The Corpse Bride (in our defense, we knew it was Tim Burton and forgot it wasn’t Disney until we finished the world) with an affinity for Moon (blame Saïx) and focused on Speed abilities; her combat style focuses especially on aerial tricks and abilities. Gravity is a suggestion at best for Lydia, she’s a hopeless romantic (“MISSION OF LOVE” is a common refrain from her), and she grew up an orphan on the streets until she was about 5-6 and was adopted by our Master. Played by @tsukidoesthething​
Polaris Caelestis, a young man from ??????????? (likely a Final Fantasy World; we didn’t learn my last name until halfway through the campaign so far) who was found as an infant by their Master in the void between worlds (earning him the nickname “Space Baby” from his friends). He has an affinity for Thunder and is focused on Magic abilities. Pol has spent the most time with his Keyblade, tends to try to solve every problem with his knowledge or magic (earning him the nickname “Mage-Wrists” from his friends), and he tries to be a Fixed Point for his friends. I play Pol.
By this point, we have journeyed through so many worlds. Atlantis, The Rescuers, Wall-E, Princess and the Frog, Wreck-It Ralph, Secret of Mana’s Japan-only Sequel, Zootopia, Corpse Bride, Treasure Planet, The Incredibles, Monster’s Inc. And we have ended our first ‘lap’ in Chrono Trigger. We arrive in the bleak, dead, post apocalyptic future, and pick up Robo/Prometheus as our companion. Together, we visit the remains of human civilization, lightly perform a few miracles for the survivors, and end up making our way up to Death’s Peak. All the while, an oppressive feeling of despair, desolation, and Darkness is mounting. At the summit, we find ourselves face to face with a Lavos-Spawn. A horrible tick-like monstrosity the size of a bus that at least in our game was ALSO a variety of Heartless.
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So, it’s already not looking GREAT for us. As the boss fight begins, our DM starts this music:
Our DM hands us each two notecards taped together along the edges; on one side was a Whisper of Darkness, and the other was a new keyblade (with some flavor text) the Darkness forced us to use.
Lonnie declined to share the Whisper of Darkness she received, but she was forced to use Shattered Steel: 
“If someone has to take hits, let it be you, because you deserve them. Maybe you will be remembered fondly if you keep real heroes alive. Better to spend yourself until you’re battered, broken, and shattered, than to let them see what you really are.”
It lightly corrupted her heart with Darkness if she gave or received a buff, which she does automatically when she stands next to an ally.
Lydia heard this Whisper of Darkness:
“Your mother would have lived if you had not abandoned her and run to spare your own petty feelings. You always have, and you always will flee when you fear pain, and it will always harm those you claim to love and protect.”
And she was forced to use Broken Wings:
“Only unburdened hearts can soar. When you think about what you could have done differently, you only drown in doubt and loathing; cast it aside, and the guilt and regret hang around your neck like unseen weights. Better to give up the skies before you crash, broken, to the ground.”
It lightly corrupted her heart with Darkness if she went into the air or used an ability while aerial.
Polaris heard this Whisper of Darkness
“You spout the tenets of hope, desperate to distract yourself from the ugly truth. Your identity is staked upon it; if there really is no hope, no redemption, then you yourself are a cruel lie to those around you.”
I was forced to use Endless Night:
“Light brings not hope, but casts how much is lost and beyond relief into painful clarity. You cannot heal all wounds, and insufficient healing does more harm than good. Better to do nothing, and turn away from a night you cannot dispel.”
It lightly corrupted my heart with Darkness if my MP pool changed.
With each boss fight thus far, our DM showed us an “Information” notecard that gave a hint to the boss fight’s gimmick.
This one was completely redacted out in permanent marker.
Needless to say, the boss had abilities that forced us next to each other, knocked us aerial, and drained our MP. On top of this, our characters could not communicate.
It was bad.
We fought futilely for a time, and I did crit the bastard with a melee attack to the face, but after we dealt about 100 damage, the boss rewound time and healed itself to full. We were on the ropes; I had nearly been knocked out, Lonnie had nearly been halfway corrupted, and Lydia … well she was actually kind of the MVP but it was still Not Great.
Prometheus spent most of the fight trying to get our attention and was very concerned about how atypically we were behaving. He pulled us back, out of the fight and out of the worst of the boss’s aura. Prometheus started playing some recordings of his creator, a Professor Ashtear (likely a descendant of Lucca, but our DM created the character from whole cloth). As the recordings played, the music swapped to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvEJSvgl9Us Our DM’s delivery of the below was quite frankly superb.
“Okay, diagnostics are complete; everything’s in the green. Ready to go offline and get some upgrades?”
“Professor? I have a concern.”
“What’s up, 66?”
“I understand the mission and I will assist to the best of my capacity, as always. However, my calculations all project that I am insufficient for the role I have been given.”
“That’s what all this preparation is for.”
“Acknowledged, but am I not a sub-optimal model for integration? A military unit such as a mobile defense platform--”
“--Wouldn’t have what you have. It’s nothing in the numbers, 66, it’s something you’ve got to feel in your heart.”
“I am a robot. I do not possess a heart.”
“You don’t think so? I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe one day you’ll understand, but in the meantime I guess you’ll just have to trust that you’ve been chosen for a reason. Do you trust my judgment?”
“Of course, Professor.”
“Then believe in my trust in you. Fate has a way of putting us all where we are supposed to be. And if you have doubts, check in with me, or Lumie, or the people you’ll be helping. You won’t ever be alone. Not really.”
“Acknowledged, Professor.”
“But not really understood, right? Hm, maybe a good first step would be to give you a proper name... I think I’ve got just the one. See you again when you wake up, Prometheus.”
 “No. I appreciate the thought, Prometheus, but we can’t cut out the groundwork we’re laying for short term gain.”
“But if we do not take any measures to accelerate our action plan--”
“I’m under no illusions. The work ahead of us will exceed my lifetime. Even optimistically, I will never live to see the fruits of our labors. Neither will Lumie, nor any child of hers or grandchild. The world’s going to get worse --a lot worse-- before it gets any better.”
“...Regretfully, I have reached the same conclusions. You are not perturbed?”
“Of course I am. I’m a problem-solver. It’s what I do, and I’ve always been very good at it. To be confronted with something like this, where there’s no possible way I can see it resolved? Especially when it’s so important? It’s a bitter pill to swallow, some days. But I’ve come to peace with it, because I know my efforts won’t go to waste. What I do now, I do to fling a light into the future. Every step I take is one that Lumie can follow forward. She can take what I’ve started and advance it a little further. The rest, we can entrust to you, and to those who come after us.”
“Future generations may not be as capable as you are. How can you be certain that they will know how to use what you will leave behind?”
“I can’t. All I can do is have faith. I won’t be the last good man in the world. Where there’s life, there is always hope. Besides, you’ll be there to tell them what I’ve done, right? Our legacies live on in the hearts we influence. If I know that, through you, my example will continue to guide and inspire --even if it’s in ways that I can’t expect or imagine-- then I can rest easy in the knowledge that I’ve done all I can do.”
“Understood, Professor. I will remember.”
“Registration complete. Administrative access and privileges have been successfully transferred to Mistress Illumina Ashtear.”
(coughs) “Excellent. Thank you, Prometheus. When you go down, would you mind sending Lumie up alone, first? There are some things I want to make sure to tell her before I say goodbye to the rest of the family.”
“...As you wish, Professor.”
“Something on your mind, old friend?”
“Regret. If I had returned to escort you here sooner, your condition would not have degraded so acutely. If I had prioritized repairing the medical facility over stabilizing the foundation, Mistress Illumina might have had time to treat your symptoms or cure them.”
“Maybe. Or maybe we’d have lost a promising young mind to that mutant attack that we’ll need in the future. Maybe the building would have collapsed, and all the functioning medical equipment would have buried Lumie and me both. Or maybe all of that would have worked out and we would have learned that there was nothing that could be done for me anyway.”
“Those are only negative hypotheticals. There are an equally infinite number of positive alternatives, and the only concrete data I have to analyze is from this negative outcome.”
“Listen to me, Prometheus: we all make mistakes, believe me, I know. Heated words regretted, or necessary words left unspoken; time not spent, or misspent. Things we’re not proud of, and can’t do over, and good intentions that don’t work out the way we thought they would. But what do we do when we break something?”
“Attempt repairs.”
“And if we can’t fix it, make something new from what you learned. The only way a mistake leads to a wholly negative outcome is when you choose not to face it. It can hurt. Sometimes it can hurt like hell, but that pain will shape you, whether you acknowledge it or not. It can slow your hands from doubt, or it can guide them with purpose.”
“I do not understand, Professor.”
(coughs) “That’s alright. You will, one day. For now, let me just say this: don’t forget me, but don’t let me haunt you. Keep moving forward, Prometheus, even if you stumble. Be who you are meant to be and do what you’re meant to do. Live on. It’s all I’ve ever hoped for you.”
As these recordings wrapped up, Prometheus turned and addressed the monster directly, (DM’s robot voice is exquisite), and the DM swapped the music track to his leitmotif from his original game:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaUNpJAgD4w
“I understand. You are not the creature that has taken so much from this planet. You are its offspring, leaching from our remains as you prepare to invade another world and repeat this heinous tragedy. Defeating you will not restore our resources, or the people we have lost. It will not save our planet; it will only spare a host of strangers I will never meet. And I understand now, that this is a worthy cause.”
“I am a robot. I was not designed or built for this battle. I still have reservations about my aptitude for the role and responsibilities I have been given. I have no statistical evidence to prove that I can prevail. But fate has a way of putting us all where we are meant to be. I have no compunction in my code to fight this battle, but I feel an imperative to achieve victory. It is irrational, but I understand it. Logic and concrete analysis compel me to doubt. My belief in those who chose to invest their hopes and dreams in me instruct me to ignore the odds.”
“I understand now. I am Prometheus, and I am alive. When we prevail over you, I will take what I have learned down off this mountain, and I will get back to work. I will let myself feel loss. I will let myself hurt, and I will grow to be more than I have been. I will continue on, as I know those I have left behind would want me to. I am alive. Their memories are alive in me. There are still people I have to protect. This world is still alive.”
The Professor’s voice sounds one more time. “Where there is life, there is hope.” A woman’s voice answers. “Where there is life, there is hope.” (The phrase echoes again and again, on down through the generations. Finally, the whole host of voices, Prometheus’s among them, rings out in a shout.) We were offered the opportunity to roll an Insight check to join in. Lonnie and Pol rolled first, and we BOTH got nat 20’s; with that, he didn’t even make Lydia roll, and we three joined our voices to the chorus: “WHERE THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE!”
With this, the DM said we were fully healed, the corruption to our hearts gone in an instant, and the DM instructed us to open the sealed notecard-packets. On the back of the corrupted keyblades were new purified (and mechanically magnificent) ones for each of us (also with flavor text).
Lonnie received Resonant Glass:
“No one voice can sing a chord. If I fear I am unworthy for the melody, then let me be the harmony. If I doubt the character of my soul, let me raise my voice with those that know me best, that I may hear my heart resonate with theirs.”
Lydia received Reclaim the Wind:
“Hopes and dreams have ever been the wind beneath our wings. If I sin, then let the hope to mend what may yet be righted and lift my face to the skies --not to avert my eyes, but to pursue the dream of my better self.”
Pol received First Light
“Not even the brightest star can light the void alone, and a beacon saves only those that pursue it. If my spark must pass before the Darkness, let it seed an ember in the hearts of those that chase the Dawn, a reminder that every night ends.”
 Prometheus addresses the boss one last time before the fight begins anew: “Now, Spawn of Lavos. (Dukes up) Prepare for termination.”
It was electric; we all could perfectly visualize the moment. I think we all had tears in our eyes at one point or another.
The DM changed the music one last time (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWSB3qL5qs8) and showed us an Information card about how we could disable the boss’s temporal rewinding. Furthermore, any Dual-Tech/Team Attack we performed with Prometheus would automatically critically hit.
We kicked its spiny ass.
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new-world-hope · 6 years ago
QuakeCon Fallout 76 panel
Panel begins at around 37:50, but if you want to skip the panel intro (in which nothing happens) and a replay of the E3 trailer, go to 42:18. Panel includes Fallout 76 development director Chris Meyer, project leader Jeff Gardiner, and game director Todd Howard.
Important/noteworthy info (I’m sure this is riddled with spelling mistakes, bad grammar, maybe even conflicting info; if you notice anything, let me know):
In regards to questing and general feel, FO76 remains “very similar to the Fallout you know and love.” Howard describes it as being 80% the familiar feel of Fallout, with the other 20% being “really different.”
FO76 has more “adventure elements,” focuses more on what it means to live in the world. It “has to feel real” to the player. The game “has a slow burn,” and they want you to really feel like you are your character in this game.
FO76 uses the Quake III networking architecture.
According to Gardiner, Bethesda Montreal is working on the game’s graphics, while Bethesda Austin is comprised of gameplay and network code experts.
Bethesda debuts the Fallout 76 Perks trailer (in the style of similar animated Vault-Tec trailers which came out before FO4), including things like mutations.
Character creation in Fallout 76 is shown at 54:40. The CC has been improved over FO4, though no details on how or why are given. Immediately after creating your character, you are taken to a screen where you can take your Vault-Tec ID badge photo, using the game’s photo mode, which allows you to select character poses and facial expressions.
Photo mode can be used at any time throughout gameplay, and photos you’ve taken appear in load screens. These are randomized along with “curated photos.”
Loading screens do not appear often, but there is a “little one” whenever you fast travel.
You can change your character’s appearance at any point throughout gameplay, from your hairstyle to even your gender.
At 56:25, gameplay is shown of emerging from the Vault, including your first level-up.
Leveling up begins with choosing whichever one of your SPECIAL attributes you wish to increase, which is followed by choosing an available “perk card” under that category. This seems much less cluttered than FO4′s perk chart screen. Taking a perk again increases its rank up to a seeming maximum of three. Each perk card has a “point cost” which requires a certain SPECIAL level in order to equip it.
“The levels keep going up and up and up. We don’t want to make a game where you have to stop leveling, but we had to make some very interesting decisions on what that means for a multiplayer game for balance.
We see level-ups to level 2, level 4, and then level 42. At 58:37, at the level 42 level-up screen, the player is wielding a crossbow.
PERKS SEEN: (any words in brackets were cut off; all assumptions are my own, though any indicated with ? I am unsure of--KEEP IN MIND that the numbers are affected by PERK RANKS and are thus subject to change; the numbers here are taken from perks of various tiers; this includes things like “there’s no chance you’ll be addicted to alcohol,” which is a level 3 perk, in which we can assume the first two levels just have a lowered chance)
GLADIATOR: Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.
THRU-HIKER: Food and drink weights are reduced by 30%.
STURDY FRAME: Armor weighs 25% less than normal.
EXPERT SLUGGER: Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.
BEAR ARMS: Heavy Guns weigh 40% less.
BATTERIES INCLUDED: Energy weapon ammo weighs 30% less.
BANDOLIER: Ballistic weapon ammo weighs 90% less.
EXPERT HEAVY GUNNER: Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage.
GREEN THUMB: You have a 25% chance to reap twice as much when harvesting flora.
PERCEPTI-BOBBLE: You hear directional audio when in range of a bobblehead.
PANNAPICTAGRAPHIST: You hear directional audio when in range of a Magazine.
SLOW METABOLIZER: All food satisfies hunger by an additional 15%.
VACCINATED: Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 60%.
DROMEDARY: All drinks quench thirst by an additional 15%.
PROFESSIONAL DRINKER: There’s no chance you’ll get addicted to alcohol.
AQUAGIRL: You no longer take Rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater.
HAPPY CAMPER: Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop.
PHILANTHROP[Y? IST?]: Restore some of your [team’s] hunger and thirst when [you eat] or drink.
SPIRITUAL HEAL[ER?]: You regenerate health for [?] seconds after reviving anot[her] player.
SQUAD MANEUVER [perhaps MANEUVERING?]: Run 10% faster when part of [a] team.
STRANGE IN NUMBERS: Positive mutation effects are +% stronger if teammates are mutated too.
LONE WANDERER: [Wh]en adventuring alone, take 10% [l]ess damage and gain 10% AP regen.
TEAM MEDIC: [Y]our stimpaks now also heal [ne]arby teammates for half the normal strength.
BLOODSUCKER: [Blood p]acks now satisfy thirst, no [longe]r irradiate, and heal 50% more.
PARTY GIRL: The effects of alcohol are doubled.
HAPPY-GO-LUCKY: Your Luck is increased by 2 while under the influence of alcohol.
QUACK SURGEON: Revive other players with liquor!
BODYGUARDS: Gain 8 Damage & Energy resist (max 24) for each teammate excluding you.
HARD BARGAIN: Buying and selling prices at vendors are better.
INSPIRATIONAL: When you are on a team, gain 5% more XP.
FIRST AID: Stimpaks restore 10% more lost health.
CONTRACTOR: Crafting workshop items now costs 25% fewer materials.
MASTER HACKER: Gain +1 hacking skill, and terminal lock-out time is reduced.
EXOTIC WEAPONS: You can now craft Rank 1 exotic weapon mods. (Plans required) [Vault Boy is shown wielding a bow on this card]
MARATHONER: Sprinting consumes 20% fewer Action Points.
GOAT LEGS: Take 80% less damage from falling.
SCROUNGER: 50% change to find extra ammow hen you “Search” an ammo container.
STARCHED GENES: You will never mutate from rads and RadAway will never cure mutations.
MYSTERY MEAT: Stimpaks generate excessive, edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance.
MYSTERIOUS STRANGER: The Mysterious Stranger appears more often when using VATS. [This perk is at level 2 of 3; assume that the Stranger only begins appearing if you have level 1]
LUCK OF THE DRAW: Your weapon has a 10% chance to regain condition when hitting an enemy.
CAN DO!: [30%?] chance to find an extra canned good when you “search” a [?] container.
You can pick any perk that you meet the requirements for when you level up. More become available as you level.
Your stat level determines how many perks you can have active at a time: A character with 12 Strength is shown to have one level 3 perk, three level 2 perks, and three level 1 perks, adding up to 12. Cards can be worth up to 5 points, with each capping at different tiers.
Each SPECIAL stat has a cap of 15.
Charisma in FO76 is designed to share your perk cards with other players in your team.
Perk cards can be unlocked in card packs, which you initially get every two levels, until level 10, after which you get one every five, in addition to the single perk card you unlock every level. They come with four cards and a stick of gum, which can be used as a food item. The gum wrapper has a joke in it, all of which are written by Emil Pagliarulo (writer of such things as Oblivion’s Dark Brotherhood questline, Skyrim’s guard dialogue, and Fallout 4′s main storyline).
You can swap out your perks at any time.
There are “hundreds” of perk cards.
SPECIAL points cannot be increased after level 50, but you can still pick a perk card every level after that.
Beta goes live in October.
They fully expect FO76 to be broken at first; the beta will be used as a stress test.
FO76 will be updated regularly after launch; Todd states it will be a “different game” one, two, five years after it comes out.
On PvP, griefing: When you shoot another player, you do a little bit of damage, not full damage, described as an “invitation” to combat, like “slapping somebody at a bar.” If the other player engages, then both enter combat and do full damage. There is a cap reward to combat based on the players’ levels; you will get more caps for killing a high-level character than a low-level character. When you are killed, you can “seek revenge,” which doubles the reward for killing them.
An attacking player can still kill someone who does not wish to engage, but if they do (i.e., against their will), they become a “wanted murderer,” and get no reward for it (no caps, no XP) and appear on everyone’s map as a red star with a bounty on their head--a bounty which comes out of their own caps. They are also unable to see any other players on their map.
Sneaking removes you from the map (unless you are wanted).
When you die, you drop your junk items--think crafting materials, a large portion of the gameplay loop. You can store your junk in a stash. The point of this is to represent sunk time, to make sure you are preparing before heading into a dangerous area.
You can respawn at any fast travel point; the point closest to you is free, the Vault 76 entrance is free, but everything beyond that has a cap cost dependent on distance from you.
PvP does not “kick off” until level 5.
You are able to “ignore and block” players; ignoring blocks them for the session. (Assuming blocking means you won’t be matchmade with them again?)
There is a “pacifist flag” (mode) which sets the game so you cannot accidentally engage in combat, so that no one can trick you into fighting by jumping in front of your bullets (further preventing griefing)
PvP is balanced so that stronger players will indeed be harder to kill, but if you play cleverly and well you can still manage to come out on top; the cap reward will be incredibly high if you pull off a kill on someone much higher in level
Blueprint system: Save blueprints to a creation so that you can easily rebuild it if it gets destroyed, and so that it can be moved within your camp to fit it nicely with the terrain whenever you move somewhere new.
Camps can be destroyed so that you cannot grief players by trapping them inside a prison.
Example of a trap set by Bethesda employee: Player sat in the middle of the road playing a tuba, but built turrets in the foliage to the side of the road. When players attempt to attack him, the turrets turn on them and fire from the foliage, killing them first.
Camp can be moved so that players can move their camps around when they find a nicer spot, but players tend to settle in to a specific place to keep their camp.
There is voice chat for your team, and for the game world; area-based, so you can hear players near you.
VATS is now real-time. You cannot initially target individual body parts, and the ability to do that is a perk you can unlock. Percentage to hit is based on your Perception. VATS can be used to find players (as you can in other modern Fallout games).
VATS becomes more and more useful the more you invest in Perception.
Inon Zur is scoring Fallout 76.
Licensed music: FO76 has more tracks than have ever been in a Fallout game. There are radio stations you can listen to. There is a balance of “classic” tracks used in older Fallout games, as well as songs new to the series; they seem to be drawing most heavily from 40s music this time around. Howard says there is an “unbelievable amount” of weird, wacky 40s music.
Private servers are definitely happening, specifically because they want people to be able to mod the game. It’s going to be “very, very complicated,” but Bethesda is “committed to it.” They are in the process of solving that problem.
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a-ghostly-state · 6 years ago
Do the companion meme for Fidelius!
I wasn’t exactly sure which companion meme you were talking about, because when I looked it up two different kinds came up. So I just kind of… mashed the two of them together to create one huge one so that I wouldn’t do the wrong one on accident. Anyways, I saw both of these on @undeadcourier and @shitty-fallout-art ‘s blogs. If either of you want me to take it down I will, but anyways, here's the ‘companion meme’ for Lius!
Name: Fidelius Canis (Lius)
Karma: Good
Alliance: The Followers of the Apocalypse
Location: Mormon Fort, Freeside
Perks: The Pierced Bull: You are now unburdened by previous addictions for as long as you have Lius in your party, as well as gaining a 20% boost to AP regeneration whenever actively in combat.
(After completing his personal quest to its good ending)
Birds of a Feather: You are now 15% harder to detect while crouching. (Permanent effect.)
“I hope it rains soon, a place like this could do well with a few rainy days.”
“Do you hear that, too? Or am I just paranoid…”
“True to Mars, Friend, true to Mars.”
“You’ll have to try much harder than that!”
“I thought it’d been too quiet around here!”
“I knew this would get interesting!”
“I’ve been hit!”
“Mercy… mercy...”
“I yield! I-- I yield!”
“By Mars, that stings.”
“Thank you, I thought I was nearly done for,”
“Much appreciated, friend,”
After combat:
“Well, I’d say that I’m glad it's over, but...”
“Hopefully they’ll rest easier now.”
“I wonder where they go after they die. Maybe they don’t go anywhere?”
Use melee:
“A fine decision if you want to keep your distance from me.”
“An arm's distance from the enemy, and no less.”
“Very well.”
Use ranged:
“You must have faith in me-- to have asked, and all.”
“Sure thing, but steer clear of my shots.”
“Alright, I have been practicing.”
Stay close:
“Of course; as close as I dare,”
“As you wish.”
“Well then, it looks like I’ll be playing your shadow today, hm?”
Keep distance:
“Too suspicious to walk together? Or simply too noisy? No matter, I will keep my distance.”
“Understood, but I won’t go too far.”
“Tired of me breathing down your neck? Alright, I suppose that’s a fair request.”
Back up:
“As you wish,”
“Already on it,”
Be passive:
“Don’t worry, contrary to popular belief this is actually what I’m best at.”
“No doubt a good time to rest, right?”
“Oh. Here? Alright…”
Be aggressive:
“As you wish,”
“You know, there’s something to be said about the art of subtlety…”
“Keep calm, but stay ferocious; I’ll do my best.”
Use stimpack:
“Ah… I… I never get used to that feeling..”
“Is that a wise choice? You shouldn’t waste your supplies on me,”
“I hardly feel injured, but I suppose if you’re worried enough to ask...”
Wait here:
“Won’t move an inch,”
“Don’t keep me waiting too long!”
“Where are you going that I can’t follow?”
Follow me:
“Wherever you lead, I will follow.”
“Off on another grand adventure? Count me in,”
“Wherever you go, I’ll be by your side.”
Send to the lucky 38:
“If that’s where you want me,”
“Really? Hm, If you’re certain...”
“Alright, I’ll try not to make a mess.”
Go home:
“May Mars watch over you in my place, friend.”
“You’re right, the Followers might need me to run more errands, after all.”
“Alright, but don’t forget about me while you’re gone!”
“As silent as a mouse,”
“Make sure you’re radio stays off for this, yes?”
“You won't hear a peep from me,”
Open inventory:
“Of course,”
“To much to carry? Hopefully I can fix that,”
“Do you need anything specific?”
Lovers embrace/ romance:
“I swear, I always forget how much I miss you until you leave my arms again,”
“How lucky I am, to spend so much more time with you than I used to,”
“Part of me dreads remembering the life I had before you, the other part is endlessly thankful for the reminder of how good things are now.”
Location specific:
Nearing Cottonwood Cove:
“I feel as though it’s time for us to part ways for now,”“I’m afraid I can’t accompany you any farther than this. Wherever you go, I’m heading back towards Freeside. Join me, or don’t; It’s up to you.”
“It would be… unwise of me to travel any farther than this with you, I’m afraid.”
The Strip:
“Be wary, the people here are not as nice as they try to appear. I learned that the hard way.”
“The lights are beautiful, but like most things in life they are all to easily overwhelming.”
“I’ve never been the kind to drink, and yet somehow this place makes me want to even less.”
The Old Mormon Fort:
“A garden would be nice, but I fear it wouldn’t do nearly as well in a place with so much foot-traffic.”
“Have you ever noticed that Arcade is a very bad liar?”
“This place… walking through those gates feels just like coming home, I swear it’s a weakness of mine to be so sentimental.”
Personal quest:
To Save A Life: Help Lius aid the former Legion slaves Siri and Melody from their current hiding space to the Old Mormon Fort. (Earns reputation with the Followers and Unlocks new dialogue regarding the quest.)
Aiding the Mormon Fort
Respectful dialogue
The Legion
Harming innocent people
Heavy chem or alcohol usage
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tahirqarn · 6 years ago
-- Prompt 01: Questionnaire
(content warning for: violence, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, self harm........ maybe don’t read this actually he’s a mess)
01. Tell us about your character’s name. Was it given to them or chosen? Does it hold any special meaning? If your character has aliases or nicknames, how did they get them and what do they mean?
Tahir was named by his mother, on Denon. He doesn’t have any memory of what it might mean, but suspects that it’s something unfavorable (he’s wrong). 
He doesn’t have any official aliases because whenever he’s on the run he just refuses to tell people his name... He might have to develop one in the future, though, if ‘on the run’ ever becomes a permanent status. 
The Master he’s serving at the moment has a ton of annoying nicknames for him that if anyone else tried to use he’d have to fight them. She only gets away with it cause he’s terrified. 
02. What is your character’s relationship to their homeworld? Do they hold fond memories of it, or do they hate it? Are they still here, and if not, do they miss it?
Like those of his mother, Tahir's memories of Denon are almost nonexistent. He assumes it was very similar to Coruscant, all tall buildings and gleaming grime. It has a worse reputation, though, so maybe it’s more grime and less gleam. 
He never intends to visit. 
On the topic of Coruscant, though... There are a few too many memories to have a fond opinion. Both good and bad, the emotions weigh heavy on his tongue when he thinks of the planet for too long. He doesn’t miss it. He won’t. Another place he never intends to return. 
03. Describe your character’s relationship with those who raised them. Was it positive? Negative? Neutral? What sorts of ideologies were they raised with, and do they still stand by them now?
The Jedi that raised Tahir were... He wasn’t their favorite student. Tahir was something of a problem child from the beginning, although he did try his hardest. It wasn’t ever that he wanted to disappoint them, the lessons just never really clicked. 
Luckily, he was able to fake his way through well enough-- he learned all the right things to say, and when to say them. If things weren’t so dire for the Jedi at the moment, he might have warranted more attention and restriction, but as things were he could fight well and paid lip service to the code and that was all that really mattered. 
04. What is your character’s relationship with the Force? Is your character Force-sensitive? Whether or not they are, do they believe in it? Do they lean more towards the dark or the light or are they somewhere in between?
For Tahir the force has always been dark. Clearing his mind, meditating, focusing as hard as he could... The light was always weak and thin, as though through murky water. That doesn’t mean he didn’t keep trying, but in every event that went past his training, every time his instincts kicked in and the force reacted without preparation, he leaned into the dark. 
Close, warm darkness, thick on his skin like the pollution of Coruscant summers. Maybe it’s corrupting him, twisting his mind from the inside out, or any of the other horror stories that the jedi warned so strongly against, but he doesn’t care anymore. It feels good, it feels right, that’s all that matters. 
05. What three word would you use to describe your character? What three words would your character use to describe themself? What three words would someone close to them use?
me: cowardly, guilty, repressed
tahir: gone (yes he knows that’s less than three words) 
io, relationship complicated: betrayer most foul (also, ‘i’m going to kill that bastard’) 
06. Describe your character’s aesthetic. Do they tend towards fashion or function? Do they like to accessorize? How does this extend into their own personal spaces, such as their home or their workspace?
Left to his own devices, Tahir is a Mess. As evidenced by his hair growth and shabby wardrobe ever since he officially left the Order. Before that, he at least kind of tried to maintain appearances, but why bother at this point? He thinks the ragged cloaks and beard make him look more intimidating, anyway. He does very much like to collect shiny things, though, which can sometimes be seen in both his wardrobe and his living space.
Speaking of-- he calls the monster that spreads over every space he occupies for too long organized chaos but anyone else would call it a mess. At least he knows where everything is. 
07. What are your character’s vices? Guilty pleasures? Bad habits? Weak spots?
There’s... so many. All of Tahir’s habits are bad, all of his pleasures are guilty, the man is one giant weak spot and I’m not sure he has any virtues. 
But seriously, I don’t even know where to begin. I mean, I guess, he’ll do just about any drugs that are offered to him? Especially at this point he’s eager for any sufficient distraction-- he’s somewhat careful to keep himself from growing dependent, but it’s a thin wire. It’s kind of a... Russian Roulette kind of thing. He’s far too afraid of death to actually take his own life, but he’s not above daring the universe to do it for him. 
It doesn’t help that his force abilities seem to grow slightly in power the more he loses control, although he has yet to try and take on a fight when seriously impaired. Also, he tries to avoid hallucinogenics after a couple of bad experiences. 
For bad habits, he chews his nails pretty consistently (the ones that are left), and has a hard time leaving wounds alone. 
And if anything hits one of his big guilt spots, the will to fight might just leave him completely. 
08. Tell us about your character’s relationship with food. What are their favorites? Do they enjoy cooking? Are they adventurous? Will they eat absolutely anything or are they hard to please?
Tahir has a surprisingly strong sweet tooth! And, when he’s not being a grumpy butt and denying himself things he doesn’t think he deserves, he’s kind of picky too. Not enough that he’d make a big deal about it, but it’s definitely not uncommon to see him pushing his food around his plate and delaying until he can reasonably say he’s full and leave to find something better. 
He does enjoy cooking, but it’s a secret secret, partially because he doesn’t commonly get around to it. A few old friends might miss his experimental dishes, though-- he has a fantastic grasp of flavors, even if he doesn’t always get ingredient ratios and cooking times quite right. 
09. How does your character feel about engaging in relationships—romantic and / or sexual—with others? What is their history like? Do they fall in love easily? Are they constantly in and out of relationships?
He’s deadly allergic to love, to be honest. Tahir’s felt its poisonous touch before, even let himself become fully infected at certain points. but he’s always done his best to rid himself of it quickly. Love’s a stubborn bastard, though, isn’t it? Sometimes even when you’ve severed ties to someone completely, it lingers. 
Sex is a different matter, though. Like several of his other indulgences, it’s a good distraction and nothing more. He’s never officially been in a relationship but he has had a number of sexual partners over the years. 
10. What is your character’s pain tolerance like? Can they hold their own in a fight, despite injury? If someone hurts them with the aim of gaining information, how much can they take before they cave?
Higher now than it used to be. One doesn’t really lose an arm, get a new one, and deal with the ongoing maintenance of a mechanical prosthetic without getting used to a level of pain. 
More than that, though, there’s always been a certain allure in pain. At times when nothing else can cut through the haze, it’s there, strengthening him, reminding him he’s alive. Reminding him that at least his body cares if he’s alive, even when he can’t muster that instinct anywhere else. It’s a stalwart friend. 
11. What is your character’s weapon of choice? Are they more skilled as a melee fighter or do they have more skill with ranged weapons? What’s their fighting style like? What sort of training do they have behind them?
The boy has a double bladed lightsaber (w a white crystal) !!  Cause he’s just that stupid. Listen. He just wanted more stabby parts. And lightsaber is actually one of the few things he excelled at in the academy, so he spent as much time training as he could-- so far he’s managed to avoid seriously injuring himself. 
As with many that wield a double bladed saber, his fighting style relies more on agility than strength. On the battlefield, on a good day, he becomes a blur of whirling light and robes, hopefully as difficult to hit as he is to track. He tends to rely on many small injuries to weaken his opponent before going for the kill rather than a more aggressive strategy. 
Without his saber he goes from ‘good’ to ‘okay’. In cases of unarmed combat, he resorts to force tricks immediately. 
Actually, what am I saying, he uses force tricks the whole time. If he can use his abilities to up the confusion of the moment and weaken his opponent in any way, he’s going for it. 
12. Does your character have any words or catchphrases that they say frequently? Tell us about how they picked them up.
Not as much catchphrases, necessarily, as certain speech patterns that pop up consistently. That is, Tahir back pedals like every other sentence, and is constantly contradicting himself or dancing around the subject. What do you want from him he’s a chicken shit. 
13. Tell us about a negative experience your character has had with either the Jedi or the Sith, and how this has affected their standing. Whether currently aligned or unaligned with either faction, if forced to choose, how would they side?
Ahem. I mean his experience with both has been pretty shit. Growing up among the Jedi wasn’t a wonderful experience for him, and it could be argued that he’s lost even more since he joined the Sith. Tahir would be hard pressed to say anything good about either organization, but then again at least the Sith let him be himself.... Sort of. 
Besides, he’s already aligned with them, right? That’s not really a decision he can really take back at this point, not after all that he’s done. 
14. How would your character react to seeing a relative or friend on the opposing side of a battle or mission?
I mean I guess we’ll find out won’t we !!!! Or, we already did at least! 
So far it hasn’t stopped him, or even really made him hesitate. He’s killed... At least one of the people that helped raise him at this point. Hard to say what he would do if it was someone he actually cared about, though.
(That’s a lie.)
(If it was someone he really loved on the other side of the blade he’d let them kill him.) 
15. Describe a memory that your character finds embarrassing.
All of them... How terrible, to recall existence. 
But for a real answer-- take your pick of any of the times he accidentally force cloaked at the academy and couldn’t undo it until Io came and calmed him down. The idiot. 
16. What goals does your character hold for themself and what steps have they taken towards achieving them? How far are they willing to go to reach them? What is their be-all and end-all?
Survive! Survive!! And when you’re done keep surviving!!! The goal is to somehow be alive at the end of all of this bullshit! 
Maybe someday if he heals somewhat he’ll develop like... Things that are worth living for, but right now it’s down to base instincts babey!! And moral obstacles are no match for raw instinct!! 
17. What is the one thing your character would change about their life if they were given the chance? What other lives could they have lived as a result?
Just one thing, huh.... You drive a hard bargain. Fine. If he had the choice to only change one thing, he’d rip his stupid inconvenient emotions right out of his chest. They’re fucking everything up. 
18. Living in such a high-conflict time, how does your character feel about doing what they must to survive? Will they hurt or kill others—either directly or indirectly—to protect themself and / or those close to them? If so, do they regret it when all is said and done?
Doing what you have to to survive is the name of the game babey!! He’s killed before, he’ll kill again. He’s killed strangers, masters, friends. No one is off limits. He would have a hard time getting himself to kill innocent kids but that’s no guarantee he wouldn’t do it! If they wouldn’t get out of his way! 
That’s a lie he likes to act tougher than he is and kids and animals are his weak points! 
He loses no sleep over any of this! 
That’s also a lie he hasn’t slept unaided in like........ years. 
19. What is the biggest problem your character is currently dealing with?
He’s supposed to hunt down the one person that might actually give him pause to fight. How is he supposed to cope with that? I mean, he’s gonna, but he’s not gonna be happy about it. How does he even find this fucker, anyway? Bait him into a trap, probably. 
20. Give us 3+ headcanons of any length or subject matter.
1. Force Cloak: The ability that Tahir has always found easiest to access and activate is the ability to cloak himself in the safety of the force and disappear from view. Unfortunate that he instinctively reaches for the dark side to do this, but it’s very effective regardless. When he was a child he could barely control it, but over the years he got it firmly in his grip... And then lost it again when he started relearning the force through the dark. Now it’s more powerful than ever, but mildly out of control again. Any sufficiently strong fear or fear-adjacent emotion prompts him to immediately vanish, whether he likes it or not. 
2. Force Healing: Something he had zero talent for in the Jedi academy, this is something he’s actually been working on in secret since turning dark. Approaching it from a different angle has given him new insights, and while he has yet to practice much on others (there are few willing participants and even fewer people he would trust to know about his pet project),  he’s gotten to the point where he can heal himself fairly well. Not from anything mortal, but flesh wounds are easy enough. Splitting skin only to watch it knit back together again under his own power has become something of a mild fascination. Not that anyone can know. 
3. Sith Civil War: It’s a secret, but given the power struggle among the Sith at the moment, and that his base of operations is on Korriban, and that his master is pretty powerful and politically involved, Tahir has fended off his fair share of assassination attempts. He’s probably killed just about as many Sith as he has Jedi at this point. 
bonus. Give us a list of any length telling us why our “fave is problematic.”
listen, you read this far, you Know
there is nothing un-problematic about this boy except for MAYBE his fondness for creating tasty eats. 
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zydrateacademy · 6 years ago
Review: Conan Exiles
Quick disclaimer; I’ve only played single player with some interest in coop. I’ve yet to attempt open servers. As a result, I probably haven’t run into the more annoying stock of communities like purges and raids. I’ve played alone, modded, and at my own speed; that may color how I see this game. I’m okay with this. Let’s talk about Skyrim for a moment. Yes, it’s relevant. Do you all remember the first five to ten hours you played it? You were still weak, dealing with iron and steel swords and slashing your way through new caverns and dungeons while scrounging every bit of material you could for your smithing skill. Everything was new and different, and every new playthrough with a different race or weapon type. Then something happens. Several hours in, your smithing and sneak is 75+, you’re level 40 on Expert Difficulty one-shotting every bandit in every dungeon because you took a couple of very specific perks that make the entire game a cakewalk. Or you used alchemy to hilariously boost your stats in the several hundreds or thousands and now your armor rating is at a complete maximum and you’re doing sixty times melee damage on sneak attacks. At a certain point, Skyrim gameplay becomes less about mechanics and just about exploration. However, Exiles basically takes those first few hours and expands them across the entire experience. I get a bit of a Skyrim meets ARK and a lesser used comparison is that I’m honestly getting an Assassin’s Creed: Origins vibe, if nothing else certainly the aesthetics. Large sandy dunes and mountains with spotty greenery and oases, and I’m pretty sure I have an identical screenshot of climbing up a red mountain. My exile and Bayek would probably get along.
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For whatever reason, I find Exiles to be a bit more accessible than ARK ever was. I think it’s perhaps the single player admin menu which if ARK has I have never found. Through it you’re able to manipulate things to an insane degree, like ten times the amount of experience and resource gain, as well as modifying how much damage you do and enemies take. I went through a largely unaffected run (though I did bump my experience up to 2X) the first time around and that sucked me in for several hours. In future games, I made it a little easier on myself with quality of life workshop mods including upping armor durability and reducing boss health pools. That last one might sound like a cheat, but when they have up to 30,000 health and I’m alone in the world, lowering it down to 10,000 or something makes the experience a LOT more bearable. I’m not saying ARK does not have these features (it does have workshop support) but it just wasn’t nearly as compelling as Exiles, which does in fact have a story contrary to what some reviews claim.
You start the game creating your character and get a randomized set of “crimes” which can include anything from punching a camel to lewd acts with corpses. It ranged wildly and there’s quite a list that can be quite comical, though the game itself is largely void of humor. Conan himself shows up to remove you from the cross and the game dumps you in a desert road, entirely naked and scrounging for fibers, rocks, and branches; all the things you’ll need to quickly craft a set of clothes and basic tools. The story doesn’t really hold your hand, nor does it tell you what to do. There are runestones dotted around the land that give you snippets and clues. The idea is that you have a magical slave bracelet that’s holding you in what is literally called “The Exiled Lands”, which is the whole area of the map you’re in. Go too far, and you’ll find a green shield that will automatically kill you. What’s involved in this is finding a large variety of bosses and McGuffins that will eventually remove the curse of the bracelet and allow your exile to leave.
That’s the basis of your presence in this strange world. What happens after that point is really up to you. Since you can hardly take on an undead dragon right out of the gate, you pretty much engage in the usual ARK/Minecraft flare. Build a house, hunt animals for hide, and generally spend a lot of time working your way up.
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Eventually I found that I had the most fun when I had a decent set of medium armor and a good stock of weapons that I could repair on the fly and that allowed me to make various expeditions outside the comfort zone of what people call the “newbie river”, the southern-most landscape that offer you the most resources within a reasonable travel time. I eventually made it to the Hinterlands where I was able to harvest heavier leathers for better armors, which in turn allowed me to travel farther and take on more intimidating enemies. As you’d expect, you have to manage some resources including hunger, thirst, heat and weight. Thirst can be fairly easy to manage if you’re hanging around the southern portions of the map. Hunger isn’t too bad, and weight I’ve modded out entirely, which I’ll justify shortly. Beyond that there’s a full listing of RPG elements with various perks and stats you can acquire as you level up. In an unmodded game you can only max out a couple so in multiplayer or co-op games you may want to split roles between survivors, gatherers, and combatants. The most fun I’ve had in this game is just the unrestrained exploring, which for me has only been with the help of some workshop mods. I got an insane encumbrance mod early in my career because once I acquired a legit “decent” set of armor, my weight was at 70% regardless of how much stuff I tried to store away. Even in my most purist playthroughs, that mod will always remain. I am less irritated with weight in the likes of Skyrim because I typically have fast travel and stores to sell my crap to, but here I do not have that convenience. Fast travel in Exiles is possible but more of a mid- to end-game perk once you explore enough of the map. There’s a bunch of obelisks you can purify and then travel to through a map room, of which I haven’t done a lot of research and I’m not sure where to find that. As it stands, everything you need you have to get on foot. No horses, no mounts, just hauling all the ass.
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The lack of fast travel is indeed a late-game annoyance. Alongside that are a variety of bugs that you’ll come across for a post Early-Access game. I’ve found that engaging in combat within certain variables will have me and the NPC I’m fighting just... sorta flail at each other for a bit. Neither of us take damage, and I noticed that it is because we had some buildings and terrain above us. I lured them out and now we both took damage again. Speaking of, the combat leaves a lot to be desired. It gives me Origins vibes again with some blocking, dodging and health bars. However there’s absolutely no lock-on and hit detection is very wonky when I try to do some light attacks right next to a crocodile only for them to miss entirely. I had to back up and try again and it would work. This happens about twenty percent of the time, depending on my attack. Conversely, a heavy spear attack always hits my enemy.
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Some enemies also have knockback effects. I’d be fighting basic bird type enemies and they’d reel in, walk towards me and I’d be knocked over. Apparently they’re “charging” but they don’t go faster than walk speed and thus are difficult to detect. Maybe that’s my fault but it’s just a bit annoying. I also find base building to be vaguely irritating and I find myself doing the ol’ Fallout 4 thing of turning on god mode (in this game, admin mode), getting unlimited resources and at least starting with the basic shape of the building that I want. I’ve only resorted to that once in my ~5 playthroughs and my next semi-purist play will try to be a little more conservative and patient. Patience is really the key here if you want to get the most out of the game. I’ve tried rushing towards the revered “Star Metal” for the endgame gear but found myself perfectly content with some normally crafted heavy stuff, or light armor if I want to dodge enemies more often. Exiles is kind of a slow burn at first but once you find an established area with decent walking distance to most forms of resource, you’re probably in good shape. My experience shined when I was in expedition mode, treating every corner as a new experience. Maybe in a few hundred hours nothing in this game will be new to me, but for now all I can do is stare wide-eyed at the world before me.
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years ago
The Munchkin Nein - Jester Jay
I’ve been sitting on this one for-fucking-ever (like half a year a full year). Everytime I try doing this I somehow end up not procrastinating on the thing I was trying to to avoid by doing this. Idk its weird, but now I have somewhat a free moment and am looking to finally polish off this piece on cleric abilities - specifically one leetle blue tiefling. Will do Caduceus in another post since despite similarities, Laura and Taliesin play very differently. For those unfamiliar with this series, it is one where I ramble on the M9′s abilities, hoping to inform about the mechanics and let Critters indulge in the metagaming pigeon and optimize combat and damage numbers. You can find the rest of the series (now very outdated) here 
Ok clerics have so many spells I can’t cover them all, especially now they are level 8 and have access to Lvl 1-4 cleric spells. So I’ll mostly go over the ones she uses and maybe explore some I think are pretty cool. But first, an overview. 
Jester has the mechanics of a hybrid melee/caster character due to her above-average stats across the board. Her AC stands at a respectable 18, 2nd highest of the group by default (beat out by Caleb’s 19 if he has Mage Armor and casts Shield). Sadly her HP is relatively low at 67, 3rd last (though Nott, Cad, Jester and Beau) all fall within 65-69 (nice) HP. 
Next her WIS mod is maxed at +5 and her STR and DEX are at +3 and +4 respectively. Which is somewhat a shame she is limited to simple weapons, since a finesse weapon such as a shortsword/scimitar or rapier would be a straight up mechanical improvement in both to hit chances and the actual damage (although her handaxe is +1, evening it out but a +1 finesse weapon would be better yadda yadda whatifs and maybes)
Aiding her in melee damage is her Trickery Domain Divine Strike that adds 1d8 poison damage once per turn on hit in melee. Sadly many things are also resistant to poison, such as the demon they faced in C2E55. 
Ok first things up: Spell slots and spells prepped. Clerics recover their spell slots on a long rest and at Level 8 have the following: 4 L1s, 3 L2s, 3L3s, 2 L4s. 12 spells, seems adequate right? NOPE as the last fight in c2e55 proves. You never have enough spells to keep your squishy party alive. 
Next, clerics theoretically know a lot of spells. Like 70 over spells they could know how to cast. However, at the start of the adventuring day, their god gives them X number to work with. For Jester at Level 8, this is 13 and increases by 1 every level in cleric. Additionally, she has 8 spells that don’t have to be prepared every day (as listed in the Trickery subclass spells). So a large part of cleric (and druid and wizards who have this spell prep mechanic) is choosing the “right” spells for the day. As we know, CR is not exactly combat optimized, so suffice to say not all the following spells will be available in any given scenario. But still, here are some of the options. 
Her much beloved and iconic spiritual weapon the lollipop is a level 2 spell that is cast on a bonus action (good for action economy). It does 1d8 + 5 damage on a hit and 2d8 + 5 instead if she uses her Lvl 4 spell slots (with +d8 every 2 level spell slot increase). And best of all, it is NOT a concentration spell, so she is then free to whirl it about in all directions whilst opening other cans of whoop-ass.
Like Spirit Guardians, a 3rd level AoE 15ft radius centered on self of 3d8 radiant damage. Enemies can make a WIS save to halve the damage, but are still subject to halved speed while in the area regardless if they make the save or not. Casting at higher levels scales the damage by 1d8. This however, is concentration, so she cannot maintain other spell effects such as Blink and Pass without a Trace.
She has 2 nuke spells: Guiding Bolt and Inflict Wounds. Both are single target level 1 spells, and casting with higher level slots give better damage. Guiding bolt starts with 4d6 radiant damage and has a comfortable range of 120 ft while Inflict Wounds does a horrendous 3d10 necrotic, but requires melee range. Inflict Wounds scale better with level +1d10 vs +1d6, but Guiding Bolt (if hit) gives advantage to the next attack from the party. Due to initiative order fuckery and flanking stuff the advantage may be redundant sometimes, but I believe the best combo is Nott (the best detective agency) using the advantage for sneak attack in the absence of other sneak attack conditions. For inflict Wounds, if Jester has her duplicate in melee she can cast it from the duplicate. 
This presents an interesting conundrum for Invoke Duplicity, one of her Channel Divinity options (2 uses per short rest). Invoke Duplicity is a concentration action (bad), but can be cast 120 ft out. I think it isnt optimal to invoke duplicity to Inflict Wounds from a distance since it takes 2 full turns to do so + a bonus action to move the duplicate if when the enemy repositions. Instead, the duplicate can be used to double team an enemy in melee range, giving advantage to any attack rolls. 1. Inflict Wounds is an attack roll. 2. Spiritual Weapon is an attack roll. So perhaps Invoke Duplicity at 30 ft out as a first turn distraction as well as Spiritual Weapon, then move in for the kill. The positioning of both will be key, since she can only move one of them with her bonus action (30 and 20 ft respectively)
I forget how Matt rules with regard to distracting with duplicates (i.e will intelligent enemies attack the duplicate instead?) A parallel situation occurs with the Mirror Image spell. Not concentration (excellent) and is automatically prepared (also very good). When an enemy rolls to attack her if she has cast it, she rolls a d20 and above certain numbers (based on the number of duplicates remaining) the enemy attacks the duplicate. For Mirror Image, the duplicates are destroyed on hit (AC 14 for Jester’s dupes). But I believe Invoke Duplicity ones cannot be destroyed. Either cases could take the heat off Jester (which she has been on the receiving end of TOO MANY times).
Control Water I think I’ll go update Fjordy after all this; its more his spell than Jester’s now they are out of the water.
She also has a lot of other utility spells that can be clutch outside of healing and hurting (ok I have yet to mention her heals but that seems fitting we’ll get to that in a bit). Polymorph and Banishment can take enemies out of the fight temporarily (both concentration), with polymorph being easier to break if anyone accidentally hits them too hard. But polymorph can also be used on allies to turn them into a bag of hitpoints and melee prowess (generally speaking). But maybe not the most appropriate use (Polymorph Nugget/Sprinkle into the BBEG XD)
Dimension Door helps reposition Jester as well as an ally in melee range completely, enough to flee a fight or make a huge chase or get help. Dispel Magic is to nullify some of the magic thrown at the party and can be extremely useful, especially if enemies are limited in their spellcasting. 
And finally when she runs out of leveled spells to throw, she has cantrips. Toll the Dead is an above average damage cantrip (2d12 necrotic at her level unless enemies are at full health, then 2d8) WIS save. Sacred Flame is 2d8 radiant damage and enemies dont get cover bonuses to their DEX save for this. Sadly Matt seems to be very good at saving versus these, and saves mean no damage at all. But still, they are useful when she casts bonus action spells such as Healing Word, Spiritual Weapon and Sanctuary 
And finally the healing stuff. Cure Wounds and Healing Word. They are a parallel to the Inflict Wounds and Guiding Bolt conundrum. Cure Wounds heals for 1d8 + 5 (average of 9.5 HP) at level 1, while Healing Word heals for 1d4 + 5 (7.5 HP). Cure Wounds needs touch, Healing Word has 60ft range. Cure Wounds scales better with level (1d8 vs 1d4). Honestly in D&D 5e, thats not much healing. And the variance can screw you over. So prioritizing damage dealing is a pretty good strategy. In fact, with the presence of Caduceus, Jester has a comparative advantage in dealing damage (her opportunity costs of attacking are actually lower than Caduceus’, situationally).
However, as we see, Revivify is a very, very good tool to keep in one’s back pocket since you never know when an ally might accidentally blow up another. That part of healing, yeah no its a quintessential cleric role that Laura has played completely true to. And everyone needs to thank her for it. 
All in all, the hybrid nature of Jester as a Trickery Cleric has some growing pains, but I think she is a very very dangerous character (Matt acknowledges the value of clerics and is rather fond of focusing them). If she went full beast mode her damage output could probably match Beau’s, so really no one should hold her back with silly things like healing and worrying about her squishy friends. Dr Clay will be with you in a moment (after you’ve gone unconscious that is)
If anyone wants to debate the risk/return profiles of various spells, attacks, damage rolls and dice gods, feel free to drop me an ask!
Edit: her racial features are as follows for completeness sake: Cold resistance, Hellish Rebuke once per day, reaction when taking damage. 3d10 cold damage with DEX save for half damage. DC 12. Darkness once per day. Thaumaturgy as cantrip. Darkvision 60ft
0 notes
dragons-bones · 8 years ago
A Spectacle for the Ages - Crack Edition
In deference to the fact that I’ve got friends still progressing through the FFXIV ARR and Heavensward storylines and that this got way too damned long, the following bit of crack is behind a cut/read more. Beware spoilers and scroll quickly if you’re on mobile and the cut decided to not work!
L’anywhoodle, CRACK AHOY.
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Heron and Rereha, observing: *EXCITED SHRIEKING, lots of Raubahn Aldynn (Heron) and Pipin Tarupin (Rereha) fan memorabilia being waved about* UL’DAH! UL’DAH! UL’DAH!
Alakhai: *holds head in embarrassment*
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A BUNCH OF SUPER GORGEOUS BADASSES (and one little shit lordling).
Rereha: *dreamy sigh* I want to climb Lucia like a tree.
Heron: Saaaaaaame.
Alakhai: *waves to Hilda*
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Rereha, Heron, and Alakhai: *thunderous chanting* SYN-NO-VE! SYN-NO-VE! SYN-NO-VE!
(Note: So apparently the Unending Journey cutscene playback doesn’t include the House Fortemps armor glamour you actually had for the grand melee. As luck would have it, the glamour Synnove’s been trotting around in the past few days looks like the Foundation watch’s uniform, just in Synnove’s trademark deepwood green instead of a blue. Anyway, ONWARD.)
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Synnove: I am here to save your asses, yet again, and sic Ivar on someone.
Ivar: *sitting at his mama’s feet like a good carbuncle**contemplates murdering everyone*
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Aymeric: (My girlfriend is so amazing.)
Ivar: *contemplates murdering someone specific* Rrrrrr-
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Synnove: Just so you’re aware, free-for-all combat is absolutely an appropriate romantic date for Ala Mhigans.
Aymeric: Duly noted.
Lucia: Flirt later, you two.
Temple Knight: I heard and saw nothing.
Ivar: RrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRR-
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Rereha: *peering through a spyglass* Shite, he’s smiling.
Heron: They’re fucked.
Rereha: Yep.
Alakhai: He’s missing an arm.
Heron: He’s the Bull of Ala Mhigo! Undefeated in a thousand matches in the Coliseum! General of the Immortal Flames! It doesn’t matter.
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(Insert giant free-for-all scrummage combat where your illustrious hostess Shadowflared and DoTed and Deathflared everything in sight.
Right up until the officiants marked two specific individuals with the Fury’s Gaze...)
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Rereha: *practically falling out of the observation box as she shrieks and flails excitedly* WHO DO I CHEER FOR
Heron: *hauls Rereha back in, also screaming excitedly* SYNNOVE DUH HOLY SHITE SHE’S GONNA DIE BUT YOU CHEER FOR SYNNOVE
Alakhai: *rolling her eyes* Swiving Ul’dahns and their swiving bloodsport.
Synnove: (*internally screaming in equal parts delight and terror*)
Synnove: Sorry, sweetie, I’m gonna need the Immovable Force for this. *loud, piercing whistle*
Ivar: *grudgingly pops over to the observation box*
Tyr, Lord of Aggro: *tumbles out of the aether, lands with a loud, ground-shaking THUNK* Rah!
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Cyclops: RAWR!
Rereha: Oh come the fuck on.
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Thancred: I got this.
Heron: Thancred, are you certain you can-
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Everyone: O_O
Alakhai: That was-
Rereha and Heron: Hot.
Alakhai: *vigorous nodding*
(Synnove: So that shot up to, like, third on my list of Sexiest Things I’ve Ever Seen.
Aymeric: ...What are the first two?
Synnove: Well, the second on the list is that ridiculously extra dragoon jump Estinien performed at the Aery when he stabbed out Nidhogg’s eye.
Aymeric: Ah, I’m familiar with that particular feat of arms, yes, that’s... an accurate rating. *ahem* And top of your list is...?
Synnove: Every time you sit down.
Aymeric: *BLUSH*
Synnove: >:3)
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Thancred: As I said, I got this, carry on, everyone.
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As always, Hilda remains one of the few sane individuals present.
And with the grand melee resuming, and having their most valuable combatant now doubly so on the field before fucking General Raubahn Aldynn -
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The only thing worse than Ishgard losing: his girlfriend being KO’d.
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The Bull of Ala Mhigo is Not Impressed with what the Ishgardians consider a proper shield wall.
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Or their charge.
Synnove: I’m gonna die. It’s gonna be awesome, but I’m gonna die.
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Aymeric: Fury take me.
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Rereha: *pounding her fists on the edge of the observation box* HE’S GONNA CHARGE. HE’S GONNA CHARGE HEADFIRST I HAVEN’T SEEN THIS SINCE HIS LAST COLISEUM MATCH
Heron: :D!!!!!!!!!!
Alakhai: *covers her eyes, peers between fingers* Dusk Mother preserve...
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Synnove: D:!!!!!!!!!!
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Aymeric: Halone preserve, I’d rather face a dragon right now.
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Rereha: Thal’s balls, I heard that hit from here.
Heron: *stars in eyes* I am reliving all the best parts of my childhood right now.
Rereha: RIGHT?!
Alakhai: Swiving Ul’dahns and their swiving bloodsport.
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Aymeric: (You’re deliberately trying to piss her off, aren’t you?)
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Raubahn: (And it’s working so well. Sorry about this by the way.)
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Aymeric: NO YOU’RE NOT
Raubahn: Nope, not even a little bit.
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Alakhai: *winces* Owwwwwww
Heron: :D!!!!!!!!!!
Synnove: *incoherent noises of RAAAAAAAAAGE*
Tyr, Lord of Aggro: *concerned for Mama*
Ivar: *peers over edge of observation box, makes encouraging chittering noises at Mama that probably translate to, “Yes, give into your anger!”*
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Raubahn: And now that that’s taken care of...
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Heron: Kill me now, I’m ready, I never thought I’d see that trick again, nothing will ever be this amazing.
Alakhai: As awesome as that is, there is something very wrong with you two.
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Flame Veteran: Godsdamnit, General, watch the range on that!
Storm Veteran: Bleedin’ hells!
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Aymeric: Are you kidding me.
(God, isn’t he pretty?)
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(Rereha: Two men enter, one man leaves!
Heron: Wrong universe, Rere.)
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Synnove: I’m going to beat you to death with my book.
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Raubahn: Bring. It. On.
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Hasn’t been hanging around Synnove long enough to pick up the worst of her Lominsan vocabulary yet, clearly.
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Aymeric: Synnove!
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Synnove: Don’t worry about me, babe.
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Synnove: I’ll be just fine.
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Raubahn: Going one-on-one against a sufficiently motivated and extraordinarily pissed off Warrior of Light.
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Raubahn: Yep. Today’s a good day.
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(Rereha: *careens out of observation box, hustle up the tower the other Grand Company commanders have been using* Your Grace!
Nanamo: Yes?
Nanamo: *narrows eyes* I’ll take that bet.
Merlwyb: Two thousand on Lieutenant Greywolfe.
Kan-E-Senna: Hmph, rubbing it again about that, I see. Two thousand on General Raubahn.
Rereha: >:D)
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Raubahn: That. Was. Awesome.
Synnove: Gods damn right it was, hmph.
Heron: Holy shite.
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Flame Veteran: Uhh...
Temple Knight: o.o
Rereha: *running around in a circle, screaming excitedly*
Alakhai: Okay, starting to see the appeal of this kind of nonsense.
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Nanamo and Kan-E-Senna: Damnit.
Merlwyb: *smug as hell*
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Aymeric: What is- oh.
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Lucia: Hah!
Commander R’ashaht: Damnit, this is what we get for not calling dibs on our lieutenant ahead of time.
Hilda: You snooze you lose!
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Way to state the obvious there, honey.
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(I don’t have a witty comment here, just admire Aymeric’s jawline with me.)
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Aymeric: All right, love?
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Synnove: I just achieved the childhood dream of going one-on-one with my favorite gladiator and winning, I’m fan-fucking-tastic!
Raubahn: Worth it. So awesome.
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Aymeric: My girlfriend is amazing.
Lucia: And I officially have no idea which one of you I’m more jealous of right now.
Hilda: Both!
Lucia: Mmm, yes, we’ll go with that.
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Aymeric: VICTORY!
Ishgardians: WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!
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Aymeric: So, dinner?
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Synnove: Hells yes!
And so the Grand Companies lost way too much gil, the Ishgardians saved face and gained some (self-)respect, and the Warrior of Light totally got laid.
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Aymeric: Emmanellain, if you don’t stop bothering Synnove, I will throw you off the Steps of Faith myself.
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whiplashed-maximoff · 8 years ago
Die To Save You
Prompt: Peter x reader where they're the reader saves his life (nearly dying in the process)
Requested By: @sygin
Editor: @fetus-twink-howell
Warning/A/N: Um... cursing? Almost dying?
  Of all of the stupid, idiotic, purely ridiculous ideas for Peter to have, and he choses the most risky, treacherous, fucking perilous idea. And it was going to get you both killed. You glanced over your shoulder, trying to stay focused. You’d lost Peter in the chaos, and you needed to find him again before the two of you could escape.
  But that was going to take a while, you knew, because you had made it to the outskirts of the facility, and Peter was still in the thick of things. He was an idiot, no doubt about it. He’d gotten you both into this mess, and now you weren’t sure you would be able to get you both out of it unscathed. You went over everything you’d been told about this place, trying to sort out the best way to find Peter and get out without much difficulty.
  There wasn’t one. Of course there wasn’t an easy way out. Nothing’s ever easy. Especially not with Peter.
  You narrowed your options down to two: risk being hurt to get Peter back… or leave him here. In your mind, there was only one option.
“Dammit, Peter…” You mutter to yourself, moving swiftly out of your hiding spot. You would have to move fast. Very, very fast. Almost faster than Peter. You scaled the closest building, deciding to keep to the roofs of the buildings rather than traverse the grounds. You were less likely to be caught on the roof, and your high position would make attacks easier. The base, you thought, was not fortified enough for what they were pulling off. Which meant there had to be something they were keeping close. And you didn't like it.
  You took a deep breath, calming your mind and compartmentalizing your thoughts. You knew that you had to move quickly and cautiously, but this was easier said than done. You could not move quickly without sacrificing caution nor move cautiously without sacrificing speed. You would have to balance the two, moving just cautious enough to keep a steady pace. This wasn't a choice so much as a necessity. Peter’s life depended upon you.
  You found it odd how, despite the dire situation, you were oddly calm. Your heart rate was up, but your mind was perfectly focused. You knew what you had to do, and you knew what it might cost. You'd made up your mind the moment you'd realized what happened. It was worth your life for Peter’s, and you would make the same decision a hundred times over, even if you didn't love him. Which you did.
  You shook your head, focusing your thoughts on the situation and moving across the roof as quickly as caution allowed. You had to find him, and fast, and you had a sneaking suspicion of where he was. They would be taking him to the main compound, if he was captured - for the only reason he would not be with you already was that he had been captured - and so that was where you had to go. You would go and rescue him before they had a chance to interrogate and kill him.
  You observed quietly, absorbing all the details you possibly could before making your move. There were ten guards, at least four of them armed more heavily than the rest. Ten guards. One mutant. One mutant with a power entirely useless for the situation and combat skills only half developed. Great.
  Peter himself was in the center, a power-suppressing collar clasped around his neck and shackles on his wrists and ankles. How they got the drop on him, you did not know; though you suspected sheer number overwhelmed him.
  This was not going to go well, you knew, but if you did not act soon Peter would be dead, and you would rather die than let that happen.
  So you would risk the odds, even if it killed you.
  You shifted your eyes to the rear-most guard, studying him intensely. The others diverted to him for orders, perked up when he spoke, and even their formation suggested he was the most important. Ambush formation - the lead car always gets hit first in an ambush. It was almost too easy. And that worried you. Perhaps the guards had merely assumed you would attack the lead first. Perhaps they assumed you captured, dead, or gone by now. Perhaps they were simply overconfident.
  Any way you looked at it, the whole situation stank of deceit, but you were running out of time. There was no time to worry about a trap, you had to act now or let Peter perish. Even had  there been a choice, it wouldn't have been one for you.
  You were upon the guards in an instant, and chaos ensued just as your foot connected with the first guard’s face.
  You whirl around, trying to process the situation. You were right about the trap; on top of the ten guards surrounding Peter, four more had joined the melee armed with power suppressors and more guns than you could count. Peter wasn't faring well, for after having attempted to help he had to back away and lean on a wall, trying to stay out of the way of any stray bullets or thrown knives.
  You slam your foot into one guard's crotch, elbowing another effortlessly and then proceeding to swing around and disarm another, wielding the stolen gun as a club. There were cuts and bruises and graze wounds all over your body, but you felt nothing. Not that it would have stopped you much if you had.
  You turned, eyes falling on the final guard. The only one not incapacitated and disarmed. And he was aiming right for Peter.
  You leapt in front of Peter, feeling the numb sensation of a bullet entering your stomach, tearing at your insides. His aim must be awful. You felt no pain, for adrenaline coursing through your veins combined with your powers prevented it. Sometimes your mutant ability to feel no pain came in handy. Sometimes.
  You lunged at the final man, rotating your body in a spin and smashing your elbow into his temple. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, his gun falling to the floor next to his limp body.
“Y/N,” Peter's voice is quiet but steady as you turn to face him, his eyes trained on your face, “Y/N.” He was bleeding from a gash on his temple and a jagged cut on his thigh he obtained during the melee. You were losing blood quickly, and you could feel yourself becoming fatigued. You moved over to Peter, yanking the collar from his neck and removing the shackles with a key you picked off of a guard.
“We need to go now,” you say, tearing pieces from both of your shirts to wrap around his leg and head, “or we won’t make it out.” He looked lightheaded and about to pass out, and you you slung his arm over your shoulder, trying to support his weight.
“Y/N, you’re bleeding.”
“I know.”
“Y/N!” He grabs your wrists, eyes focused lightly on your face, “You got shot.”
“I know.” Your vision was beginning to fade at the edges, and your thoughts were fuzzy. You didn’t have long, and you knew it even without the pain to tell you. “Stop arguing with me and let’s go.” You leaned on him as much as he leaned on you, and you began to lead him out of the base before the both of you passed out. You were finished if you ran into any more guards, and you couldn’t let that happen. You remembered from classes that it takes roughly ten minutes to pass out from blood loss alone with heavy bleeding. You glance at Peter, looking over his injuries. You estimated he had about fifteen more minutes, seeing as his injuries were less serious than yours.
  Your best chance was to make it out of the base and signal the Professor - the walls prevented any telepathic communication going in or out - for evac. Until you could get outside of the base, however, you would have to make do with keeping the both of you alive. Each breath was agonizingly difficult, but you kept pressing onward.
  There was no time to think anymore; no time to strategize and plan. There was only pure, animal instinct. And that instinct said to flee. You turned another corner, spying the door at the end of the hall. Thirty more feet. Just thirty more feet. Your vision was fading fast, faster than you'd anticipated, but blood was leaking from your stomach and you knew that if you didn't get medical attention soon that you would die.
  You burst through the door, not caring if guards saw any longer. You could communicate with Professor X, and that was what mattered. You dragged yourself into a small space between buildings, making sure Peter was hidden from view. Then you began your message. You could feel his presence in your mind, and you use the last ounce of mental energy you have to get across that you two need out now.
  You start to hear his response, but the world is fading around you; plunging you into darkness.
  Your senses were jumbled, tangled within one another to the point where you were unable to distinguish properly between real and fantasy. You didn't know if reality was living through your wound or dying from it, if reality was Peter's worry or his anger, if it was his hands through your hair and gripping your wrist or if it was indifference. You didn't know if you were dead or alive or some place in between, but you knew one thing for certain.
  Peter lived. That was enough for you.
“Will Y/N be alright?” He asked, probably for the eighth time that day, his eyes searching the Professor's face for an answer. I'll never forgive myself if Y/N doesn't live. There will be nothing left for me here but emptiness. Xavier sighed, looking at him with unreadable eyes.
“Only time will tell. Y/N has been stabilized thus far, but the battle is an uphill one, and I… am unsure of what the outcome will be.” He let out a breath, eyes darting away from the Professor and looking over at your hospital bed. The Professor looked over at him, reading the stubbornness on his face as if he was reading the pages of a book.
“Y/N… Y/N will live,” he stated firmly. It wasn't stated as a question, or a weak attempt at denial, but as a firm, cold, hard fact. The Professor followed his gaze, his eyes landing on your steady breathing.
“Yes,” he said slowly, his lips curving upward in a small smile, “I believe so.”
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