#if i have to replace another one im gonna lose my mind
is-this-yuri · 2 months
can i have working tires for two fucking days in a row please
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serenewrote · 4 months
Hey darling! I'm the anon who submitted this (https://serenewrote.tumblr.com/post/745794658206105600/i-just-read-your-daemon-x-dornish-daughter-and-im) and I loved what you wrote, but I can get the version with princess Martell fem!reader… And… I had another idea, I hope you don't mind… So reader gets pregnant and despite it being a difficult pregnancy and birth she gives birth to her daughter ( lady Martell), and they are living happily until when the girl is 5 years old, reader gets pregnant again, but this time she can't go to term, she is losing a lot of blood and the baby won't come out (and Daemon won't allows them to open her), then reader and the baby die, not before she says goodbye to her precious girl and Dae and makes him promise to take care of their daughter and try to be happy, they make one last vow of love and she dies . In this part, if it's not too much to ask, could you focus on Dae's relationship with his daughter? like how they deal with grief and how he takes care of her (in my head this happens before he marries Laena, but it's up to you) About two or three years pass and although he still loves and mourns the reader, he marries Laena who is a sweetheart to little Lady Martell and doesn't try to replace reader, and is an excellent maternal figure. In this part, the flow continues normally, Laena has the twins, years pass and they are well and happy, but when Laena gets pregnant again and dies, Lady Martell finds herself in the same situation again (she really feels the death of Laena and the baby while remembering Reader and her other unborn brother) She tries to comfort the girls and Daemon tries to comfort the three. They go to Westeros, the funeral and all that confusion takes place, but in the meantime Daemon receives a letter from Dorne saying that it is time for Lady Martell to return home (Dorne) and be prepared to take over the throne that belonged to her mother. Lady Martell is scared at first and goes to Daemon, they have a frank conversation and he says he will support whatever decision she makes (whether to accept it or not) but he encourages her to take on what is rightfully hers. She goes to Dorne and learns her duties quickly and efficiently. A year later, her coronation takes place Dae (who is beyond proud of his eldest daughter) and the rest of the family is there to celebrate. She is a good ruler and Dorne prospers under her leadership, but when the dance breaks out Rhae asks her to support the blacks, but Lady, or rather Princess Martell, says she will not take sides on any side (Dorne will not fight in a war which is not theirs) Rhaenyra, despite being disappointed, respects her decision, something the greens didn't do… please? (Sorry if I got carried away, but the original idea is so interesting that I couldn't help myself…but feel free to ignore this idea and do what you think is best, but if you happen to follow this idea, it will be Can you detail Lady Martell's relationships with Reader, Daemon, Laena, the twins and the rest of the family and her years ruling Dorne, please?)
Ok. Yes, I can absolutely whip this up for you! I had a feeling that is what you were leaning towards but I just had the first idea in mind when you had sent that request. So, I'm sorry that it wasn't exactly to your liking, apologies. Also, I'm gonna have to give y/n from that other one shot a name now. Little disclaimer: moons = 12 months aka 1 year. And here you go:
"It was all part of the story, even the scary nights" - Daemon x Fem! Martell! Reader
Prequel to "And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kind of free"
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Warning(s): death during childbirth, infantile death
110 AC
The battle at the Stepsons ended swiftly. They crowned Daemon, King of the Narrow Sea. To celebrate his conquest, Daemon set out to indulge in the finest of wines and there was only one place where it could be found, Dorne.
As Caraxas landed on the sands of Dorne, Daemon is greeted by the future Lady Y/n Martell, and her sister, Nymera.
"I heard the battle for the Stepsons was a victory. Congratulations, my prince."
The Rogue Prince smirks at Y/n, "Thank you, Princess. I also thank you for sending your fleet. Dorne isn't too font of Targaryens."
Caraxes cries out and you look to see your sister walking up to him.
"Nymera! Leave the dragon alone! Sorry, my sister's curiosity will get her killed one day."
Daemon chuckles, "We were all a bit curious at her age."
Y/n looks Daemon up and down, "My father speaks of you."
"It seems my reputation proceeds me."
"It's mostly just of what not to do and be as heir, my Prince. Although, I'm sure you are of good character."
Daemon scoffs. The audacity.
"I hope that your father won't turn me away, so that you can see how good my character is."
"Why do you think my sister and I are greeting you instead of him?"
Y/n led Daemon into the great hall where a celebration was taking place. She brought him over to her father, Qoren Martell.
"Father, Prince Daemon has come for a visit. I hope you can welcome him peacefully."
Qoren looks Daemon up and down, "A dragon in our midst can only bring trouble. I have half a mind to send him away."
Y/n rolls her eyes at her father's behavior. Daemon bows his head, "I promise, Lord Martell, to keep a peaceful visit and not disturb you."
"I hope for your sake that you keep that promise, dragon."
"Alright, father. That's enough. Come, Daemon. Let's join the festivities."
Y/n leads Daemon onto floor for a dance, "You do know how to dance, right?"
Daemon scoffs at that implication, "I wouldn't be a proper prince if I didn't."
"But you aren't a proper prince. A proper prince doesn't leave for another city instead of returning to his wife."
Daemon places his hands at you waist, "I assure you, Princess. My lady wife is more than joyous for my absence."
The dance starts out slow then speeds up. At the music's climax, Daemon lifts you up. You look deep into each other eyes.
"How unfortunate for you. To be trapped in a loveless marriage.
Daemon's eyes drops to your mouth. His tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"Yes, how unfortunate."
112 AC
In Lady Y/n Martell's chambers, she has begun her labors. Her handmaidens crowd around her.
“My lady, is there anything you need?”
The exhausted and straining Princess grits her teeth, “I would love if the Maester wasn’t wasting his time doing gods know what and help me bring my child into the world.”
Two of the handmaidens run out to see what’s keeping the maester and Daemon walks in.
“Where’s the maester, my love?”
“If I knew, he would be here. It seems he has decided to spend his time elsewher-ahhh!”
Lady Y/n tenses up. She grabs Daemon with a fierce grip.
“My dragon, my maester is nowhere to be found and little sand dragon has took it upon itself to push out.”
“Now? Like right now?”
Y/n took a deep breath, “Daemon?”
“My love?”
“You are going to help me, right now!"
"Y/n, I'm not a maester. I've never even seen a woman birth a baby. I don't know what I'm doing."
"Lucky for you, I have. Now, go and sit between my legs. It's nothing you haven't seen before-ahh!! Go now!"
Y/n's skin shines with sweat. She grips onto the chair. Daemon lifts his head from the sheet.
"Now, do I catch it when you push or....?"
Y/n looks at her lover. Surely he is not this stupid.
"Catch? catch?! If my child has even a second of air time before their first dragon ride, I'll cut your cock off and that is a promise. Now I'm going to start pushing so, focus!"
After copious amounts of pushing, Y/n and Daemon's daughter, named Aelyssa after Daemon's mother, decided to grace Westeros with her presence.
"Such powerful cries for a small little one."
"She's a dragon. Her cries are like roars."
"You, Aelyssa Targaryen, are going to be great."
117 AC- Aelyssa is 5
Aelyssa is conflicted. Her mother is pregnant and she is to have a sibling. She is only 5 moons old, she doesn't know how to be a big sister. She isn't allowed in the birthing room but if her mother's cries are anything to go by it seems like it isn't the place to be right now.
In the birthing room, Lady Martell isn't doing so well. The maesters are concerned with something.
"My lady, it seems as if the baby is breached somehow."
"I just need to push a little more, please!"
Maester Osferth looks at the woman with a solemn look. Daemon notices.
"What is it? Can she not continue pushing?"
"Well, my prince. It would be ill-advised to do so. Perhaps we could try and cut-"
"No, absolutely not! You will not cut her like some animal!"
Y/n looks up at Daemon, "My prince."
"My love."
"I fear the babe and I will not make it."
"Don't say that."
Y/n grips Daemon's hand, hard.
"And Aelyssa will need you more than ever. The rest of the realm will not kind to her. You need to hold her and love her as you do now.
"I swear it."
Lady Y/n's grip on her lover loosens and she takes her last breath
118 AC - Aelyssa is 6
It has been one moon since Lady Martell's death and the baby. Once Lady Martell had died, they cut out the baby for burial. It was a boy.
Aelyssa has not gotten over it. She mourns in her room and has her food delivered to her door.
Her father has dragged her out of her chambers to break their fast. She hasn't taken one bite.
"Zaldrītsos, can you please eat something?"
"I am not hungry."
Daemon sighs, "Aelyssaa. You are grieving, so am I, but I do not want you starving yourself. Your mother would not want you to starve yourself."
"I'm just not hungry, father. It has nothing to do with Muña."
Daemon walks over to her and grabs her hand, "Come with me."
They walk out of the dining hall and down to the crypts. Aelyssa marvels at the her ancestral burial place. They stop in front of Y/n's coffin. Daemon gestures her to kneel.
"Hello, my love. It has been one moon since you were taken by the Stranger. We are grieving, but it is hard without you here. Our little sand-dragon is having trouble adjusting, naturally. Maybe this can give her peace of mind."
Aelyssa places her hands on her mother's coffin, "Hello, Muña. I admit that I am not doing well with your passing. I am not eating, but I cannot find the strength to eat. Not when you're not sitting with us. I know that you wouldn't like it, and I would try to cope better. There are also talks of my ascension as Dorne's new lady. Aunt Nymeria rules in my stead until I am ready."
Tears roll down Aelyssa's face. She makes no move to wipe them.
"I have ignored father which I know I should not do as he is the only parent I have, but it is hard. I hope that you are looking down at us from the heavens and shall be proud of the woman I become."
Aelyssa launches into Daemon's arms unable to hold her sobs.
"Oh, my sand-dragon. It's ok. The hole of grief is never filled, but you learn to live with their memory. I am always here. Do not be scared to come to me with anything that dwells in your head. The ones who love us and the ones we love, never truly leave us."
Daemon and Aelyssa spent that night in the crypt, sleeping beside Y/n.
125 AC - Aelyssa is 12
It has been 3 moons since Former Lady Martell's death. Aelyssa is still having some trouble adjusting.
She and Daemon are sparring in the training yard of Pentos. Instead of putting her all into it as usual, Aelyssa's been lagging and her father can tell.
Aelyssa looks up at her father, confused. "What? Why?"
Daemon takes her sword from her hand and kneels down, leveling with her.
"What troubles you my little sunshine?"
"Nothing. Can we finish, Father?"
Daemon narrows his eyes, "No. We can talk about what's distracting you."
She sighs. Father always knows.
"You have married Lady Laena and she is with child, you will forget about me."
"Why would I ever push you aside? You are my firstborn. Nothing will change that."
"But your children will be legitimate in the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms- well six, Dorne doesn't count. The lords, ladies, and the king, I am naught but a bastard to them. And your children might rule Driftmark, a powerful ally to the King. What am I but a future Lady to a kingdom that will never ally with the rest."
Daemon caressed Aelyssa's face. His eyes soft. He remembers Y/n's last words: The rest of the realm will not be kind to her. You need to hold her and love her.
"You are my daughter. Not a political tool. Legitimate or not, I don't care. My brother can moan and groan about you all he wants. I fell in love with your mother and still hold so much love for her. Every time I look at you, I see her. And that fills me with so much happiness because our love created something so beautiful and precious."
"I am not yet sold on Lady Laena. It will take time."
"I do not intend to rush you. Just understand that I still love you and always will. Nothing will ever change that."
"Love you too."
Aelyssa hugs Daemon. Not too keen on his reassurance but she trusts his word.
137 AC- Aelyssa is 14 (Rhaenyra and Daemon have married and now this is following the last few episodes of S1)
Aelyssa is dressed in gold yellow with hints of red and black. She is pacing in front of closed throne room doors. Daemon is watching her, amused.
"Have you reached the sand yet?"
Aelyssa glares at her father.
"Not the time. I'm nervous and Mother is not here to advise me. I fear I will dishonor her and my ancestors."
Daemon grabs Aelyssa's shoulders to stop her pacing.
"You will be great. You have not dishonored me, therefore you have not and will not dishonor her. Your mother would want you to rule Dorne however you see fit. Now, are you ready?"
Daemon holds his arm out. Aelyssa latches onto him. The doors open. They walk. The room is quiet and all eyes are on their soon-to-be Lady. They reached the front and Ser Cyrbon led Aelyssa up the steps and she sat on her throne.
"I present to you all, Aelyssa Martell, daughter of Y/n Martell, and your Lady! Hail Lady Aelyssa!"
"Hail Lady Aelyssa!"
It's done. You are now Lady of Dorne. You should address the people.
"To my people of Dorne. I welcome you to the new dawn of our kingdom. I intend to rule as my mother did and more. But know this, Dorne will forever remain: Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken!"
The people cheered, the guards looked on in pride. Daemon smiles, and the sun- the sun shines a bit brighter on you.
141 AC - Aelyssa is 18
No body was found. The search was in vain. We burn his clothes in place of his body.
Aelyssa is conflicted. She knows not how to comfort her cousins and her sisters. She walks up to Rhaenyra, careful.
"He will be avenged, I swear it."
They walk into the council room. Making battle plans. Rhaenyra and Aelyssa make eye contact throughout the meeting.
"Cousin, I ask you this because I need it. I could use your help."
"Dorne will not fight in a war which is not theirs."
"I am desperate."
"Lucerys did not die in vain. Justice will come but not from us, I'm afraid."
Aelyssa pulls Rhaenyra into a hug.
"I pray to the gods that you are successful. I can't wait to see you on the throne, Cousin. The Iron Throne.
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And if Aelyssa sent Blood & Cheese instead of Daemon, no one will know.
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belli5 · 2 months
hii i was wondering if i could request an aj fanfic where the reader and aj are friends and the reader is to go on a date with a guy but aj gets jealous to the point he confesses to the reader? thank you in advance, i already love your work so far! youre doing amazing ! :)
Hidden feelings — Aj Shabeel
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Pairing: Aj Shabeel xfem!reader
Summary: reader trying to distract her feelings from Aj, going on a date with a guy, Aj getting jealous and confessing to her.
Contains: friends to lovers, jealousy, idk what else, you lmk 😭
A/n: thank you so much, I really appreciate it 🤭 also i fw Aj’s this curly hair so much. Btw like I said, I’m gonna write other people requests but maybe not today because I’m not home. So please please be patient!
I’ve been talking to this guy named Louis, i met him on instagram atleast 2 weeks ago, it wasn’t Aj, but it was something.
The guy was tall, he had curly hair, he was nice, he was everything you could want in a guy. But did you actually want something? You weren’t sure.
But when he asked you on a date, there wasn’t a reason to not accept the offer. 1st he was a nice, good looking guy, 2nd you’d gladly get to know someone new, distracting yourself from Aj.
Aj didn’t pay attention to you at all in a flirt way or more than a friend way, but still you both were really close.
The date was tonight, you were kinda excited, Aj was over your house and you didn’t tell him you had a date, but you had to tell him one way or another.
“Uh Aj?” You spoke, he was sitting on your couch scrolling through his phone. He looked at you “im going on a date with someone.”
“What?” He said, putting his phone away, because where did this all come from so suddenly? You didn’t tell him about anything. “With who?”
“A guy?!” You said in ‘duh’ tone, “i met him on instagram like two weeks ago.”
“And you’re gonna go out with a guy who you’ve just met?”
You didn’t understand if you were being delusional that he’s jealous or he’s actually worried about you going out with a random guy, well he wasn’t just a random guy..
“Aj, it’s not a big deal,” you hold yourself back from rolling your eyes “you can stay here and wait for me to come back.”
He just shook his head “Y/n, you can’t go out with a random guy..”
“No, im going and that’s it. Can you please help me choose what to wear?” You refused to lose another chance with a guy, just because he worries.
“Fine.” He just said, not only you had the audacity to cancel you plans with Aj tonight hanging out by a date, but you also asked him to help you choose your outfit.
You both went upstairs to your room and opening your closet, Aj looked at it, you had a lot of clothes but one that he liked was from white fox ‘settle for you pink ivy’
“Oo i like that one, it’s so cute.” You smiled at him and went into bathroom to get changed, he would lie if he didn’t choose that dress because he wanted to see you in it on y’all’s date.
You stepped out of the bathroom with the dress, going over where your jewellery was and picked out necklace and bracelets and putting on makeup.
I got a notification, I looked at my phone and saw unknown number “I’m here.” It must’ve been Louis, he gave me his number but I didn’t even bother saving it.
“I’m sorry Aj I had to tell you last minute about this.” You said feeling guilty for real, also feeling guilty of just leaving him like that.
“It’s fine I guess, you look beautiful..” he said shyly, at that you blushed, you hugged him and said you won’t be long.
He took you to a nice restaurant, the date was going good, he was such a gentleman, but not even this could keep Aj off your mind.
In fact trying to replace him, made you even want him more for some reason. He just wasn’t Aj, little did Louis knew that you prayed for the time to go faster so the date would be over and you could go back to your house and see Aj.
He kept asking you all kind of questions, like “how long have you been single?”
“Uhm, I’ve been single for a quite a while now,” you told him, “what about you?” You tried to keep yourself interested so he wouldn’t think that you’re bored, not that you aren’t..
“I’ve been single for 6 months.”
“Are you sure you’re ready for me?”
You finally both finished the date and now he was driving you home, when he drove infront of you house gate, he kissed your cheek to what you just smiled.
“Thank you, Loui, I really enjoyed my time with you.” Lies.
Unlocking your door, you went into your kitchen seeing Aj sitting on a chair again scrolling through his phone, “Hey, I’m back.”
“Hm, how did your little date go?” He asked, why is he acting like this?
“It was good I guess,” you lied again, it was Aj, you could tell him the truth.. “he took me to an restaurant nearby and when he dropped me home, he kissed my chee-“
“HE DID WHAT?” Aj stood up, “why would you let him..?”
“Even th-” he tried to tell him that you didn’t want to, but he cut you off again.
“Y/n, im so sick of hearing about you going on these dates with those guys,” he says, he doesn’t even let me talk “How do you not know that I’ve had a crush on you for years. If you weren’t so obsessed going out with other people-“
“Why didn’t you tell me, you like me?” Does he actually like you or he just doesn’t want to see you with someone else?
“I wonder why..” he says back, “this could get real messed up, I didn’t mean to say that.” He says walking away, not wanting to ruin the friendship.
“Wait, I like you too.”
“How can you like me, if you went out on a date?” He asks confused.
“I don’t even like him, the whole date I was thinking about you, and it was boring. And if you would’ve listened to me I was trying to say that I didn’t want him to kiss me.” You said rolling your eyes.
“Actually? Uhm..” he asks avoiding eye contact, “do you wanna go on a date with me then? I can take you to a better place than that guy Lewis..”
“His name is Louis and I’m sure you can. Of course I want to.” You laughed. You both went to sit on the couch, you found a photo of Kenny and Aj to post on your story so maybe that way Louis would leave you alone.
You quickly went to your room to change into comfortable clothes, when you walked back down Aj said “somebody texted you ‘delete my number’”
You were confused, “who?”
“I don’t know, it’s unknown.” He said, as you took your phone from him and opened it, you saw a message before “im here” you straight up knew it was Louis
“Oh it’s Louis,” you texted him back ‘Ima be real with you, it was never saved so ion even know who this is’ Aj saw your message, “you don’t have his phone number saved?”
“No, I couldn’t bother saving it.”
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simpjaes · 6 months
pls give writing, maintaining motivation tips?
im genuinely the last person to ask for writing, maintaining, and motivation tips.
i tell you, i am messy in my brain. I rely entirely on energy levels to write. If i have a lot of energy, i'll write 10k in a day. The very next day i might lose all that energy and not write for weeks.
so on that front, you're shit out of luck. I do not know how to maintain, nor do i know how to be motivated if I lose it. My brain either runs very fast or doesn't run at all.
Now for writing.
+ write a loose outline so you have a general direction to go in + write whatever you want and don't be super critical. you're the only one writing it, so the only guidelines you need to follow are your own (which is why i suggest a loose outline that can be changed if need be.) you can always remove or add stuff. + if you take multiple days to write one story, when i open my docs again to continue writing, i never go to where i left off. I, instead, re-read the entirety of what i've written and edit as i re-immerse myself in the story and headspace. not only is it easier to find mistakes and re-word sentences with fresher eyes, but more often than not it'll jog your mind so that way there's no shift in your writing when you do get to the point of continuation. + if you write it all in one day, give yourself some time away from it if you want to proof read it. if you don't proof read, post that shit. someone's gonna like it either way. + don't force yourself to write if you lose interest in the plot or if you made promises to strangers online. the best fics are the ones people self-indulge in, not the ones they force themselves to get through. idc what anyone says, people can tell when an author hates what they write. if you don't love it, if you don't want to write it, or if you simply need a break from it, do it. otherwise you'll still hate it after it's posted anyway. my number one rule in writing is that i do not owe anyone an orgasm or a plot that fits their specific needs. you get what you get because i choose to share it. never write for other people unless you want to. always credit an idea, and never sell yourself short of your hard work. there will be hate, there will be competitive writers mad that you're enjoying yourself, and there will be lots and lots of self-doubt. you have to remember you chose to write for one reason or another. don't replace that reason with some bullshit someone says to you. write what you want whenever you want. take as much time as you need, and don't treat writing as a job, because you're not getting paid for it.
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actualbird · 10 months
Hi Zak, hope you're doing all right! :DD If you could pick a song to play (like for a hypothetical credits haha) after Luke's third birthday card, what would it be? Although no worries if there's nothing that comes to mind of course!!
/ luke bday card spoilers, spoilers for SSR Burning Reminiscence
hi hi galena!! this is SUCH a wonderful question which made my brain rifle through its entire songlist of Favorite Songs. my spotify wrapped for my entire life, if you would HAHA. and my answer is this:
Your Universe by Rico Blanco
and i have a Lot of reasoning and an entire imagined animatic for it that im gonna take you through LLSJFSDKJF
so context, this song is my most favorite love song of all time. it's the one that i think encapsulates Love the most, and not just romantic love, but All Of The Loves. love between friends, family, the love you feel when you just see something beautiful on a nice day, to love you feel when you wake up and you realize you enjoy living and youre happy to exist another day. it's The love song to me, because it's about gratefulness. it's a song that says, over and over again without actually saying it, thank you
now stanza by stanza i imagined the hypothetical credits playing along with certain scenes.
warning: im about to get horrendously sappy from here on out
Tell me something When the rain falls on my face How do you quickly replace it With a golden summer smile?
[SCENE: The Past. luke's birth. rena and percival are so happy theyre crying tears of joy, and one of it drops onto luke, who is also crying, as babies do. rena gently wipes the tears off of luke's face, and at his mother's touch, he quiets down and smiles, his very first of many to come]
Tell me something When I'm feelin' tired and afraid How do you know just what to say To make everything alright?
[SCENE: The Past. luke is a toddler now, beginning the arduous process of learning how to walk and as he tries, he falls down and sniffles, about to cry at his failure. rena and percival, who were video taping luke, immediately go to comfort him. the video shows percival taking luke by his small hands and guiding him back up, encouraging him with his words "come on, don't give up! you're almost there, lukey!"]
I don't think that you even realize The joy you make me feel when I'm inside your universe You hold me like I'm the one who's precious I hate to break it to you, but it's just the other way around You can thank your stars all you want But I'll always be the lucky one
[SCENE: The Past. luke's second birthday. hes small and his parents are so happy and while he doesnt understand why theyre happy, even a child's mind can understand that them being happy makes him happy. even though he cant say it yet with the exact words, luke knows he loves his parents, and he knows he'll love them for forever.]
Tell me something When I'm 'bout to lose control How do you patiently hold my hand And gently calm me down?
[SCENE: The Present. we see SSR Burning Reminiscence's scene where luke is still trying to avoid the matter of his parents. it's a tough topic, and after all these years, it still brings up negative emotions of regret, grieving, and longing in his heart. but with mc's insistence and support, he grounds himself and finds the courage in himself to connect with his parents]
Tell me something When you sing and when you laugh Why do I always photograph My heart flying way above the clouds?
[SCENE: The Present. luke's birthday as it happens in the card, and his heart is full of joy seeing mc happy, feeling happy himself, and feeling so grateful for being able to connect with his parents' memory and their wishes for him]
and for the last chorus, it comes together
You can thank your stars all you want But I'll always be the lucky one I'll always be the lucky one I'll always be the lucky one
[SCENE: The Past and The Present intertwined in a montage. we see luke's smiling face eating cake with mc, then we see luke as a baby laughing with his parents as they open his gifts for him. as these images come, one after the other, we get the impression that rena and percival arent just happy and proud for their baby, but also for the wonderful man he'll grow up to be]
.......so yeah, thats my SSR Burning Reminiscence end credits song ;w;
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destinygoldenstar · 2 months
Golden Analyzes 2001 Nominees “Shrek”
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*Have Not Seen Prior, GF Has*
We’ve reached it. The very first Best Animated Feature Winner.
Pay Respects.
So this is the first case scenario where me and my GF, (we’re watching these together) have totally different experiences with a movie on the list.
Jimmy Neutron - We both never seen it
Monsters Inc - We both seen it
THIS movie, I hadn’t watched it in full prior to this. But she has.
Actually, I think I should clarify my stance when I say ‘haven’t seen it’. Cause with Jimmy Neutron, I actually hadn’t seen a single clip of it and knew nothing going in.
With this movie? I mean I haven’t sat down and watched the movie in full before this.
I’ve been SPOILED TO DEATH about this movie. So I know the plot. I know what happens. There are no surprises waiting for me.
But I’ve only sat down and seen a few clips. One was the very end of the second movie years ago when I was walking in on a babysitting watch party. Another was that scene in the third movie of that ogre baby doing a vomit rocket, which was even longer ago back when I was a kid with Windows XP. (Come on Microsoft, make Windows interesting again!)
And we also went on a Shrek themed VR ride at Universal. I don’t remember anything about it aside from we rode it.
Though to be fair I never remember VR rides that well.
So I know Shrek. I know it’s story. I know the impact it’s had on the industry. I just never found time or interest to sit down and watch the full movie.
My GF on the other hand has seen all the movies and spin-offs, and she is a pretty casual fan. She’s rather indifferent to these movies, and said they’re good movies.
So… she’s gonna have more to say in the reactions than usual. While I descend into madness.
But due to the Oscars nominations, I will get a descent Shrek fill in. Shrek 2 is 2004. Puss N Boots & Puss N Boots The Last Wish we’re both nominated. I will be required to watch those.
But not the third of fourth movies. I am not required to watch those. And I heard they were the worst of the franchise so I probably won’t. Depends if I get that invested in Shrek.
Okay… let’s go in.
Bold is my GF’s words
“Did this storybook rip off Sleeping Beauty? That looks familiar.” “It’s also odd as these characters don’t look like that in the movie.”
“Sorry, my mind is dirty. That F is way too big. Replace ‘for’ with the f word. Completely changed the sentence.”
“He’s so ugly that the mirror couldn’t stand to look at him.”
”He murdered a fish with his farts. Oh dear gosh he murdered a lot of fish with his farts.” “That’s one way to go fishing I guess.” “Why would you shower in mud if you’re just gonna take a bath right after?”
”This movie’s gross. Especially those slugs just… they don’t look right.”
“Okay, eating eyeballs?! No no no no. Nope… I’ve watched Total Drama though. I havent had a movie that’s made me lose my appetite for Cheeze-It’s yet. Let’s see if this one breaks me.”
(It didn’t. I could still eat Cheeze-Its throughout the movie)
“I wonder if he traumatized these people for sport.”
*He puts the fire out like it’s nothing* “😂” “😂 They’re a bunch of cowards.”
”I’ve had this headcanon as to why Donkey is being sold along with the other fairy tale creatures when he’s not a fairy tale character. You know in Pinocchio the island that turns people into donkeys and one of them talks still? He’s that donkey.”
”Those banners are the Facebook logo!” “Huh? Oh yeah… I was always confused by that cause Farquad’s colors are red and yellow.” “He’s Lord Facebook! He’s the head of Facebook!”
*’Im a real boy’ *nose grows** “That is so depressing.”
“Dang, Tinker Bell is either a failure or a sociopath.”
“I mean, you did save him with no reason to, so…”
“Oh he’s so us.”
“I mean technically it’s his property, and you’re a stranger. He kinda has a right to not let you in.”
“One thing that always bothered me was how everyone looks so old.” “Yeah.” “Is it because fairy tales are old??”
“NOOOO” “What?” “I thought he was gonna eat it for a second. Whatever he pulled out of his ear.” “Ear wax candle.”
”You can’t just put a CORPSE on the table!”
“Over a DAY, they ALL set up a whole civilization here.”
*Does anyone else know where to find him?* “No trust. No respect.”
”‘I am going to save your lives! But only for my own selfish reasons. But I’m still doing it!’”
“Oh yeah, this gingerbread man suffers a lot.”
*I tried to be fair to you creatures* “So murder and enslavement is fair.”
“How is he not a king? He has a castle and is a dictator and everything.”
“She’s DEAD. 😂 Yes marry a corpse. Would you like your bride alive or dead?”
“That’s gotta be one of the worst designed castles I’ve ever seen in a movie.”
“Hi welcome to Facebook.”
”I’m perfectly okay with sacrificing all of you.”
*oh that’s not very nice…* “Shrek gets so much mistreatment that he-“ *Its just a donkey* “Oh… 😂”
*Onions have layers* *Ogres are like onions* "...THAT had to be the WORST metaphor you could've possible come up with."
(It's a SIMILE, actually. I thought I was a writer)
“Honestly I’m with Donkey on this one.”
“I can never look at this scene the same way again knowing they have those hybrid babies” “…THE DONKEY AND DRAGON DO IT?!”
“I don’t ship this. Ew. Ew. Ew.”
“She speaks in old English?” “Yeah. She doesn’t do it all the time though.”
*well I have to save my ass* “😯” “Oh yeah, also there’s swearing in this.” “No I’m fine I just didn’t expect that reply.”
”I don’t ship this… I’m deeply uncomfortable. A dragon is trying to S/A a donkey.”
*Shrek gets his ass kissed* “AAAHHH! NOO!! NO NO NO NO NO!!” “…I forgot about that part…” “AAAAAHHH! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THIS MOVIE?!”
”…oh okay… she has wings…” “Yeah good thing.” “I thought the dragon was gonna get hanged for a second.”
*Why didn’t he come rescue me?* “Yeah. Exactly.”
“No consent. Dragging a woman away without consent.”
“He’s already got the wedding outfits set up…” *sees the bear rug* “OH MY GOD.” “Yeah…” “I’m actually jumpscared…” “Earlier in the movie, the three bears were locked up together and the bears were crying for her… and then at another point in the movie she’s not there and the dad and baby are crying.” “😨NOO.”
(RIP Mama Bear)
*singing to the bird* “Awww…” *the bird explodes* “😳… actually I saw that coming. Still messed up.” *takes the eggs to cook* “NO!!!! NO. NO. NO. NO. THATS ANOTHER LEVEL OF SCREWED UP! NO! NO! IM LOSING MY MIND!!!” “Im gonna go…”
(We took a five minute break)
“Huh. A crass princess. Interesting.”
“…is it bad that I was kinda vibing with that?” “It wasn’t good. And they’re misogynistic… but yeah, I was vibing with that too.”
“…Im deeply uncomfortable but what do I expect now?”
“I was waiting for those frog balloons, oh gosh…” “It doesn’t phase me anymore.”
“…so are those animals dead?”
“She’s gonna marry Facebook.”
“DONKEY. I was digging that!”
“Is it bad that I think she’s really pretty as an ogre?” “Yes! Definitely! She’s real cute like this. Love the curves.”
“I wonder if her dress was designed specifically for this transformation.” “Im pretty sure it’s just magic.” “I think it’s just a very stretchy dress.”
*I thought that wouldn’t matter to you* “What?”
“…what’d she say?”
“Yeah I’m not crazy. She said that SO quiet I can’t even hear it.”
(At least the version we watched, idk)
“Oh here’s the part. The leg part.” *the leg part* “😂”
“Uh…” *she presses the Farquad figure in the cake* “Yeah.”
“I’m very surprised there’s no guards blocking the door.”
“Why don’t you just go in? What’s stopping you?”
“The domino effect on the people 😂”
“…oh it does magic her clothes too.”
”😳 OKAY THEN.” “That’s a dark way to die for sure.” “I was expecting him to put up a fight, but THAT’S how he dies… that’s kinda pathetic.”
“😂” “Wait, this one window didn’t smash. Hold on.”
“I LOVE that she stays an ogre. That’s such a great message.”
(We Stan Fiona in this household)
“And then they all sing Shrek’s style in the end. Having accepted him.” “I didnt even notice that.”
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Yeah, uh… I think I lost it far more than I thought I would. XD
And I’m a Total Drama viewer, which is pretty much this franchise but parodying reality Tv instead of fairy tales.
This is one of those movies that would probably not fly today from how much… rancidness is here. But apparently they’re making a fifth movie, which I, who has only seen the first movie so far, cannot comment feelings about.
I won’t dock points for it though, as it’s pretty clear it’s all done on purpose to serve as the movies distinct identity…
…you know, as one giant hate letter to Disney. If you know its history.
Okay, but putting that aside, this movie was a cultural phenomenon and a huge deal… and I get why.
Nowadays everyone’s trying to copy it, pretty much anyone under the Universal belt copied it at least once. But back then… yeah there wasn’t anything like it. And unlike those imitators that make their movies as childish garbage, this movie knows exactly what it’s doing and what it wants to say.
So much so that they repeat the message of the movie over and over and OVER again. And ngl, I felt pretty bashed in the face every time they said something under the likes of “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Because it was NOT SUBTLE AT ALL.
I think that’s a dialogue issue more than anything else. I would say kids movie, they have to use subtext less, but then I remember Monsters Inc was also an Oscar nomination and that movie knew subtext pretty well.
I think this is my biggest critique of the movie. There’s a bit of a lack of subtext.
There’s a lot of telling instead of showing. And I think the story and the message would’ve hit a whole lot harder if they showed things instead of just saying them.
For example, Shrek talks about how everyone immediately called him a monster before knowing him… but that’s it. He talks about it. What we’re shown is the aftermath of such where HE’S purposefully scaring THEM. Yeah I know he’s not attempting to murder anyone doing this he just wants privacy, but I think they could’ve made these civilians a bit more unlikeable, unreasonable, and unfair going in to make Shrek’s point have more ground to stand on. I think the scene would’ve hit a lot harder for me.
I do have other critiques as well
The animation is… actually not as bad as people make it out to be now. Yeah it aged badly but there are some really pretty skies.
Mostly the problem isn’t even the animation, it’s the designs.
That Lord Facebook castle is… YIKES, that’s bad looking.
The ogres look fine, but the people just look… OLD. Like, far older than I think they’re supposed to be. I think the only human character that looks like the age they’re supposed to be is Fiona.
My GF pointed this out too. She suggested that maybe everyone looking like this is on purpose to add to the fairytale satire angle. And maybe.
Now I have my fair share of fairytale satires in my life… but I am a little confused on how fairytales function in this world??
Like obviously the characters are there, but do they live out their respective fairytale stories? Are they aware their stories are written in stone? What about the people who aren’t fairytale characters? What do they do?
None of these world building questions get answered, at least not in this movie. Like, maybe if Shrek was a fairytale character, even if a very minor monster obstacle character, then the hatred towards him would be much more understandable?? Like, on the civilian’s end not on the message’s end.
Lord Facebook is also probably the weakest character in the movie.
Yes I know it’s Lord Farquad, but over the reaction we made a joke about the Facebook looking banners so we’re calling him Lord Facebook.
There’s really only one scene where I’m convinced he’s a threat as a villain, and that’s him torturing the gingerbread man. He hates and slaughters fairy tale creatures because… why not? (I forgot) And he somehow is not the king??
Why would he need to be king if he already has this much power?
And even then most of his power is used off screen. Like the Mama Bear murder. ON SCREEN, aside from that one scene I already mentioned, he poses pretty little threat. The heroes don’t really try to stop him until the end of the movie, Fiona puts up very little fight for her own character reasons, and in the final battle, Facebook gets eaten and killed very early and very easily without much of a fight. A fight that his GUARDS do.
I’m just saying, the main villain kinda doesn’t have too much of a ‘role’ dictating the narrative. Cause again, it was Fiona’s choice to go with him. She’s not being held captive by him or anything. He’s not the guy that locked her up in that tower.
So this movie has some issues…
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I still very much appreciate it.
Despite the movie being made out of spite (if you go behind the scenes) it has a strong heart of a story of an outcast learning to let people in his life.
Shrek is not a monster. That’s just the stereotype people put on ogres. But he acts like that monster as a coping mechanism for loneliness. Which is a very real psychological thing.
I first assumed the movie was about this ogre getting a redemption arc and changing into a better person, but this is a subversion I’m pretty pleased with. I mean yeah Shrek is… flawed, but so is everyone. And he shouldn’t have to, say, remove his ogre side to fit in.
(Wait is that the plot of the second movie??)
And it’s also why his relationships with Donkey and Fiona, who accept him for who he is, is very important for both him and the story.
And I really liked these two characters in particular. MUCH more than I thought I would going in.
Except eating birds eggs. That’s a big no no.
Donkey, I suppose, fits the ‘comedic sidekick’ role, and I was prepared to be extremely annoyed by him throughout the movie…
…what I got instead was a very wholesomely pure character that was vital to the story. Yeah he’s a loudmouth, but he has by far the best heart in the movie and such an amazing friend to Shrek. Even when Shrek snaps at Donkey for a misunderstanding, he never blames Shrek for anything and remains emotionally supportive and open to listening to Shrek. It’s a friendship I completely bought from beginning to end.
I also completely bought the love story from beginning to end. The main character literally wiping his ass with the notion of true love only to find said true love? Irony at its peak.
And I will say that after watching this movie fully for the first time, I am a Fiona STAN.
I knew the twist with her being an ogre even before I watched the movie, so no surprise there. Again, I’ve been spoiled to death of this movie. What I wasn’t expecting was how well it was used as a thematic purpose to parallel Shrek.
This is something she can’t control. There is nothing she can do about it. Shrek can’t either cause he was born an ogre, but they’re both in the similar situation. In Fiona’s case however, she lies about it. She hides it. She masks herself to fit the society norm of a princess because that is what she’s supposed to be.
And being locked in a tower for god knows how long with no social contact? Of course she’d think no one would love that side of her. All she has to go off of is fairy tale logic, which is why she speaks in Old English at her debut scene.
Kinda wish they kept that part as a running thing for her, cause they kinda drop it after the rescue. That’s a nitpick though.
But after hearing Shrek having experiences that are relatable to her fears, she opens up far more to her real personality, which Shrek falls for. She’s crude, she’s cynical, she has no problem getting her hands dirty, she can kick ass without much issue. That’s another thing I like. She played the traditional damsel in distress at the tower, but it was clear it was just a gig for her and she could’ve escaped if she wanted. But it’s her willing choice to go to Farquad after the misunderstanding, and Shrek isn’t saving her physically at the wedding, he’s saving her mentally.
That was a nice subversion of the trope.
I also LOVE that she stays an ogre at the end and that’s her ‘beauty’. Cause despite not being born an ogre, it IS her. It’s genuinely very beautiful.
“Man, gotta love ogre, one of my favorite genders”
Idk how much of a hot take this is, but she’s prettier as an ogre than she is as a human. I said it.
I’m not one of those people that love romanticizing obesity, as it is a genuine health concern that be damaging to one’s life. But there is a good line between that and just having a body type that is more plus sized than others. And that’s okay. Especially if there’s nothing that can be done in some cases. I cannot speak for the plus sized women that watched this movie, but I hope it really touched them in a positive way and made them appreciate themselves more.
And to this day, Disney hasn’t made a princess with a chubbier body type. But if they ever do we all get to claim that Fiona was the first.
…and also that Red Shoes movie that’s pretty good and also did body positivity well.
Shrek’s bond with both of these characters is the heart of the movie, at least for me. It’s genuinely so touching to watch a guy who got isolated for so long be able to open up again to people who can love and care for him for who he is. Maybe it’s not the best version of this story in the world, but it’s still a well told one.
And, uh… idk how controversial it is… I like the pop music in this movie.
Nowadays its overdone and serves no purpose besides advertisement and songwriters getting a paycheck, but in this movie it serves a genuine narrative purpose and the movie would be worse without it.
It’s SHREK’s style of music. It’s HIS narrative being narrated not in a traditional fairy tale way, but by his playlist.
Every other character in the movie tries to sing traditionally like a Disney Movie. Donkey tries a lot and Shrek keeps stopping him. Fiona sings and kills a bird with her voice. (Yeah the mockery of Disney is strong here) Shrek meanwhile doesn’t give a damn about his reputation.
(I’m sorry)
And it really works for the ending after everyone else is singing the song ‘I’m a Believer’ together at Shrek and Fiona’s wedding. They join in on Shrek’s style of music because they have grown a sense of acceptance of Shrek.
(At least I think they did)
So yeah, good movie with some rough edges to it. I honestly wish I loved it more than I did. But I’m glad I didn’t hate it. At least I am now scarred by a dragon sexually harassing people.
And according to the nomination list, I will be required to watch the second movie and both of the spin-off movies.
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Anyway, that's it for this movie and this concludes all the 2001 Oscar Nominated Movies For Best Animated Feature. I'll make a post where we come to our own conclusions on our opinions on the win and what movie we think should've won instead.
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- THEY ALL ALSO THOUGHT THE THREE DIFFERENT COMBAT SCENES WERE REALLY COOL AND WANT TO DO IT MORE LIKE THAT !!!!!!! bizly was really excited to do something like that so bad because he wanted to make combat more interesting (AND IT WORKED)
- rehydrating tide like william and dakota were both trying to do would have woken him up and restored a little bit of his powers, but not heal him!
-TIDE BEING A CLONE HAS BEEN PLANNED SINCE THE BEGINNING <3 the principal (magma) is another one, there are others!
- charlie, about wavelength: "and youre WELCOME for interrogating him, because now we're off to a great start with our NEW FATHER"
- bizlys favorite moment of the episode was when dakota tried to call the prime force and jt went to voicemail and he cracked his phone :)
- grizzlys favorite part was setting up the team attack! and the confrontation with doug in the beginning
- condis favorite part was william ending up in the spirit world with mal. also he says "vyncent is gonna be really fucked up about this, because this was the only place in this world that was familiar to him that he could even think about kind of calling home"
- charlies favorite part was also ending up the spirit world! in his words "a scary amount of my character wanted to know everything right then and there. i think straight up if my friends were not in a burning building and this wasnt such a dire situation, i probably would have taken this guys hand. a huge part of williams character is needing to investigate things like this". AND ALSO THE MAGICAL GIRL TRANSFORMATION.
--> "william doesnt hate mal because hes evil, he hates him because hes the same thing william is" << fucked up implications of that. and also bizly: "hes not necessarily evil, its just that the concepts of life and death are trivial to him"
charlie: "and i think william is kind of thr same way to a lesser extent" << fucked up implications of THAT!!!
- "i think a huge part of where william and dakota are gonna clash is that william operates in way more shades of grey than dakota does"
- the prime defenders are being trained as a team specifically because theyre meant to replace the prime force... eventually. but theyre fucking teenagers. thats not supposed to be for a LONG time, theyre just kids, theyre supposed to be in training right now. oh the tragedy of it all
- bizly: "i know that dakota cole has such a rigid sense of morality so the idea of approaching him with 'you can save the hero, but you have to work with the villain to do it because the heroes dont care' was just such an interesting concept to me"
- "its not that dakota *cant* see in shades of grey, he just has nothing else except being a hero, so hes so desperate to look up to the prime defenders" << hey what if i cried
- MAL IS SPECIFICALLY INSPIRED BY VLAD FROM DANNY PHANTOM EXCEPT SCARIER. THIS IS A HUGE WIN FOR ME. ("william hates him and is scared of him because hes everything im afraid of turning into" hey what if i cried (again))
I RLY DID LIKE THAT COMBAT WITH THE DIFFERENT SCENES i like when they're split up and doing different things i get a lot more invested
vyncent losing the only place he's been able to call home since he left his world. hey what if i cried. hey what if i lost my fucking mind
and dakota struggling morally because he had to work with a villain oh my god dude. dude. dakota i love you. u have so many problems king <3
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bloodcoveredgf · 1 year
(i hope its okay if i send a lot of these im so curious lol)
💀= what horror movie scared you to death?
💅= who is the greatest horror movie badass bitch?
🦇= favourite horror movie?
🐺= favourite type of horror movie monster?
🧨= most shocking ending to a horror film?
⚰️= favourite horror trope/cliche?
🎥= can you recommend me a horror film?
omg its totally okay tysm this is so fun :) gonna leave the answers under here because i rambled so much hgdkjf
what horror movie scared you to death?
the most recent time was back in 2018 when i watched hereditary for the first and only time... so hereditary but it was mainly for emotional reasons that movie just cuts deep for me and makes me deeply sad and uncomfortable and it genuinely horrified me back then
who is the greatest horror movie badass bitch?
queen akasha from queen of the damned like i dont care.... its always been her for me i know theres many more and they popped into my head but shes soooo iconic and badass! another that came to mind was erin from youre next and ellen ripley from alien and laurie strode from halloween.. but id have to shoutout like 80 more badass horror women to feel satisfied right now so im gonna leave it at that <3
favorite horror movie?
i am constantly fighting myself on this one but i think its officially the lost boys :) im comfortable saying that no matter what because of the sheer amount of love i have for it and how many times ive seen it and the fact i own 3 copies of it on physical media now
favorite type of horror movie monster?
ohhh you know.... vampire forever and always <333
most shocking ending to a horror film?
okay im going to mention many again because i cant control myself everrr... so saw (2004) still hits... the others (2001).. a tale of two sisters (2003) and lake mungo (2008) < all kind of plot twist movies but theres also inside (2007), excision (2012), and audition (1999) which are endings you can mostly see coming or somewhat expect but arent any less shocking or upsetting!
favorite horror tropes/cliches?
oooh soo many honestly. gotta love tropes and cliches of a genre that is most beloved to you! im definitely going to leave some out because theres so many effective and great ones like an easy one could be the final girl or weird girl and another could be creepy music swelling to signify that something is about to go wrong or tricking you into being wary of that or the scare that you wait for but it never comes/the fake-out, fear of the unknown like things shrouded in darkness or things that arent visible to the naked eye or something, the "one last scare" trope where the killer or whoever comes back for one last scare, or the twist of "it was actually this other thing/situation all along!"which isnt always effective or interesting but great when it is and is original... but a few lesser known or used fun ones im thinking of are weird/creepy/fucked up twins, losing a limb and replacing it with some kind of weapon, also technology is the mind killer and will actually kill you!
can you recommend me a horror film?
bliss (2019) or the pit and the pendulum (1961) or black sunday (1960) or phantom of the paradise (1974) ^_^ hopefully theres one in there you havent seen hehe
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babyloniastreasure · 1 year
oh boy im stressed. gonna vent if you dont mind
im stressed about money again
everything seems to be going wrong financially at the worst possible time, all at once
our rent was raised by two hundred bucks. we’re barely scraping by as it is, and this drained what little we had in the bank. there’s no money for food or gas for two weeks. we’ll be lucky to be able to afford next month. my graphics card is dying and i get blue screen errors DAILY. when it does kick the bucket, I wont be able to draw so theres no chance of even earning anything to get a new one, which is like another $200+ at best. I have a doctor’s appointment next week that costs $160 out of pocket, which again we don’t have gas money to get to, but if I don’t get to it I can’t get my hormones. not to mention i’m losing my EBT benefits until mid september because of an error in paperwork, so we dont even have that to fall back on.
im. ugh. ugh dude. its like $600. between the replacement part and gas and bills and medication and food for the family for two weeks. i don’t even have SIX dollars to spare, let alone six hundred!!!
fuck man. im so tired of this
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aponian · 9 days
WUWA OC Reference sheet: Yanxin
This post contains my baby’s overall abilities, backstory and all of that whatever is in the game that he has lol. This is going to be long, and I’ll keep things updated if I can! (lmk if theres smth *slightly wrong* cause im shit at scaling.)
not like hes gonna be added anyway xd i just like coming up with shit for fun
notes: some information may be incorrect or just flat out made up for my OC to fit into the wuwa universe, but i’ll try my best to make it somewhat canon compliant.
keep this in mind, and keep reading!
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Flameborn Maelstrom
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Attribute: Fusion
Weapon: Gauntlets
Combat Roles: Main Damage Dealer, Basic Attack Damage, Stagnation
Class: Mutant
Gender: Male
Birthday: N/A
Birthplace: Huanglong
Affiliation: Jinzhou, Midnight Rangers
Yanxin is pragmatic and down-to-earth, with a playful attitude that makes him approachable. He’s friendly and enjoys lightening the mood with humor, even in stressful situations. Though he can be teasing and casual, Yanxin is focused and efficient in battle, offering straightforward advice when needed. His loyalty and genuine care make him a reliable leader and a beloved friend.
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* Flare Strike Combo
- Basic Attack: Perform up to 5 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG.
- Heavy Attack: Perform a charged attack at the cost of STA and dealing Fusion DMG.
- Mid-air Attack: Perform a plunging attack from mid-air at the cost of STA, dealing Fusion DMG.
- Dodge Counter: Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
- Parry: After a successful parry, enhance Crit Rate (ends after attack) and go behind the target to attack again, dealing Fusion DMG.
* Resonance Skill: Crimson Pulse
- (Tap): Attack the target in a straight line, and slightly restore Ignition and consume 4% of max HP.
- (Hold): Charge skill, releasing a long wave of Fusion DMG upon release or once the ability duration expires. DMG dealt scales with the number of times Yanxin is attacked during the duration. Restores a significant amount of Ignition upon release and consumes 8% of max HP.
* Resonance Liberation: Burst of Fury
Dealing Fusion DMG in a large range. After that, his ATK is increased by 12% for 10s and restore health. Targets affected by Burst of Fury have their Fusion RES decreased and their movements slowed down for 10s.
*Forte Circuit: Ignition
When capacity is full, using a charged attack triggers the Ignition state. Replaces basic attacks and resonance skill with enhanced versions. During the state, gain 10% resistance to all-type damage and 5% boosted ATK. Switching characters does not interrupt the state. When Ignition ends, automatically trigger Crimson Pulse, enhanced by the amount of Ignition consumed.
* Intro Skill: Cold Blood
Attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG.
* Outro Skill: Ember Fade
Summons a lingering Ember in place. After a brief delay, the ember explodes, dealing Fusion DMG over time equal to 588.92% of Yanxin’s ATK to nearby targets.
* Passive Skills
- Mastery: Fusion DMG Bonus is increased by 20% during Ignition.
- Desperation: When health is below 50%, boost ATK up by 400% of Base ATK.
* Nodes
1. Set Ablaze: Resonance Skill DMG Bonus is increased by 30%.
2. Tenacity: When Yanxin’s HP drops below 30%, he gains another ATK increase.
3. The Spirit’s Call: Upon switching to the next resonator, “Huojing” will appear and help attack the targets with Fusion DMG, equal to Yanxin’s base ATK for 7s.
4. Resilience: In the Ignition state, basic attack 5 restore HP to 10% of total HP lost on hit.
5. Stay Down: Increases duration of decreased Fusion RES and slow movement of enemies affected by Burst of Fury.
6. Inferno Heart: After activating Burst of Fury, boosts Crit DMG by 25% until the duration ends.
Basic Information
Yanxin is the Vanguard Captain of the Midnight Rangers. He’s a grounded and practical individual, never one to lose sight of reality. A man with perseverance and indomitable will, once Captain Yanxin has set his eyes on a target, he won’t back down, even as his decaying body betrays him.
Forte Examination Report
Resonance Power: Flameborn Maelstrom
Resonance Evaluation Report
Evaluation Basis: [Resonance Assessment 2141-H]
Resonator Yanxin's Forte-Awakening was observed at the ◼◼◼◼◼◼ Outpost situated in the rugged terrain of Desorock Highland. This event was marked by the eruption of intense flame currents encircling his form, which coalesced into a swirl of fire. Consequently, Resonator Yanxin allegedly burnt some of his peers by accident.
The origins of his Awakening remain undetermined.
Resonator Yanxin bears a distinctive Tacet Mark located on the right side of his mouth. Post-Awakening observations have indicated the presence of flame-like patterns around his forearms, though no significant progression in their appearance has been noted. Resonator Yanxin exhibits the power to channel intense fire energy, besides that, his raw strength is impeccable. His control over the element is complemented by keen tactical acumen and resilience, enabling him to harness his flames effectively in combat scenarios. Resonator Yanxin’s Forte similarly aligns with the legendary fox spirit in Huanglong’s folklore; it’s also possible that he has a connection to the spirit itself due to the “Huojing” (Fire Spirit) taking a similar form, though this is just a hypothesis and Resonator Yanxin presumably doesn’t seem to remember having relations to such tales. Empirical testing has demonstrated a remarkable proficiency rate of 97.45% in dynamic battlefield conditions.
Analysis of test samples has revealed a non-convergent Rabelle's Curve with a steep rise in its middle section. Resonator Yanxin is classified as a Mutant Resonator.
Overclock Diagnostic Report
The waveform graph for Resonator Yanxin reveals non-periodic triangular pulse fluctuations, with pronounced peak values observed during high-intensity periods. These waveforms indicate substantial fluctuations within short intervals. Two primary waveforms have been identified, both with significant peak amplitudes.
Resonant Criticality: Moderate. Resonator Yanxin’s frequency displays good stability, with a minimal risk of Overclocking.
No instances of Overclocking have been reported. Routine examinations are advised.
! Updated Examination Report !
Following a severe confrontation with TDs (presumably), Resonator Yanxin’s condition has notably deteriorated.
Recent observations have revealed the emergence of faint red veins and dark purple spots around his body, notably around his arms, pupils and chest. Signs showed that it may continue to spread and significantly deteriorate his body. He continues to exhibit control over his resonance abilities but shows signs of physical stress.
Empirical testing now shows a decreased proficiency rate of 89.67% in dynamic situations.
Resonator Yanxin’s Resonance Spectrum Pattern exhibits irregularities compared to earlier profiles, with increased variance in the pattern. The cause of these deviations is likely linked to his condition.
Overclock Diagnostic Report
The waveform graph for Resonator Yanxin reveals highly erratic rectangular and triangular pulse fluctuations with extreme peak values. These waveforms show frequent and severe fluctuations, suggesting a high risk of Overclocking.
Resonant Criticality: High. Resonator Yanxin’s frequency is unstable, with a significant risk of Overclocking. Multiple instances of Overclocking have been recorded. Immediate intervention and enhanced monitoring are required.
Routine examinations and intensive counseling are strongly recommended to manage his health and mitigate further risks.
This report was requested to be made private by Resonator Yanxin.
Yanxin's story begins when he was just an infant, left on the doorstep of a kind, humble couple who lived on a farm. They were surprised to find the baby, but they took him in without hesitation, naming him Yanxin.
Growing up in the farm, Yanxin quickly became familiar with the hard work and rhythm of life in the fields. His foster parents were farmers, and from a young age, he learned the values of dedication as he helped them with daily tasks.
However, Yanxin wasn't like other children. He was born with distinctive animalistic features, including a tail and ears that almost stuck out like sore thumbs. These traits made him feel different, and as he grew older, he became increasingly insecure about them.
When Yanxin turned 10, his life took a drastic turn. One evening, while he was working in the fields with his family, they were ambushed by TDs. The attack was sudden and brutal. Yanxin was gravely injured, and in the chaos, he had lost his tail, leaving him in unimaginable pain. He barely survived and was rushed to a local field hospital. There, he spent weeks recovering, both physically and emotionally scarred by the incident.
During his stay at the hospital, Yanxin would often sob quietly, overwhelmed by the traumatic experience and the loss of his tail, which had been a part of him for as long as he could remember. He wanted to hide it, sure, but not like this.
One day, as he lay in bed, a boy his age approached and offered him some candy, hoping to cheer him up. To Yanxin's surprise, it was his classmate Jiyan, a teal-haired boy he hadn't spoken to much before. Jiyan had been helping out at the hospital, and through his kindness, a friendship was born. The two boys spent a lot of time together during Yanxin's recovery, and after he was discharged, the bond only grew stronger.
By the time Yanxin was 15, he joined the Midnight Rangers to fight in the front lines. Yanxin quickly stood out for his raw strength and combat prowess. However, his fighting style was reckless, and his behavior toward some of his peers was distant and stern. He especially clashed with the previous Vanguard Captain, Huifen, who tried to temper his impulsiveness and recklessness.
Their tension culminated in a heated argument. Yanxin, frustrated by the Captain's constant reprimands, lashed out harsh words, accusing her of not understanding his pain and criticizing her leadership. In his anger, he left her standing alone, fuming and hurt. It had left a bad mark on Yanxin’s reputation. It wasn't long before Yanxin came to regret that moment.
Not long after their last conversation, a particularly brutal battle against the TDs occured, and in the chaos, Huifen sacrificed herself to save Yanxin's life. She took a fatal blow meant for him and in her final moments, she assured him that she had no regrets about him on the team. Despite their differences, she respected his determination and saw great potential in him. As she was dying in his arms, she gave him her distinctive coat, a symbol of her trust and the weight of her responsibilities that she had carried. Overcome with guilt and sorrow, Yanxin vowed to change. He swore to honor her sacrifice by getting his act together, becoming more mindful of his reckless behavior, and leading with a sense of purpose and resolve.
From then on, Yanxin lived up to the title of Vanguard Captain. He began to take on more responsibilities, learning to guide others and make tactical decisions with the same wisdom the previous Captain had ocne shown him. Despite his cheery personality, there were feelings of hidden guilt, sorrow, and uncertainty. But just as he was about to find his footing, Yanxin's life was forever altered during one particular battle. He was ambushed by a mysterious figure, whether it was a powerful TD or something else; he wasn't sure and he didn't seem to remember. The figure struck him through the chest, leaving him in agonizing pain, yet he survived the attack.
The incident marked the beginning of his strange condition. Yanxin began experiencing frequent signs of Overclocking, something that should have been rare based on his previous examination report. His insides sometimes felt like they were burning, and he had been experiencing physical stress often, and though he was in constant pain. He kept his condition a secret. He didn't want to burden his comrades, his friends and even his parents. Instead, he chose to push forward, continuing his duties as Vanguard Captain despite the growing toll on his body.
He fought not just for the safety of others, but also for his pride, refusing to let his condition define him or make him appear weak.
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ellieswaifu · 2 years
ellie x f!reader where reader rides ellie's abs?? im so horny wtf ahahaha bonk me pls and btw ur writing is *chefs kiss*
earn it | ellie x f!reader
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⌕ summary. riding ellie’s abs!┆masterlist
⌕ content warnings. mdni! smut, ab riding, mentions of thigh riding and oral, use of pet names (just baby i think), also not proofread!
a/n — hello everyonee:) i am back from my huge ass block and will slowly be trying to catch up to the requests in my inbox rn,, very very sorry for the long wait.
also would like to note that i will be adding a new character that i will write for; my beloved jill valentine from resident evil, so please if you are interested, submit some requests and i will do my best to respond!
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ellie williams + ab riding! if there was one thing ellie would lose her mind over, it was sight of you writhing and grinding, chasing a high that you’re so desperate to reach all by yourself. she loved watching you. loved teasing you. loved telling you how well you were doing, trying to come all on your own. on most days, it would usually happen on her thigh, but she had another dream that she wanted to come alive. the first time ellie gives you the idea to do it, a sense of nervousness washed over your body. you didn’t know why it made you nervous. you couldn’t really pinpoint the difference between riding her abs than riding her thigh. it sounded the same, just a little bit higher on her body. but then again, it was her stomach. the same toned, hardened stomach that drove you crazy every time her shirt would ride up after stretching or pulling her hoodie off, only to reveal a small snippet of her underwear just beneath her pants.
she knows how much you love her abs. she could tell by how you looked at her and stared when she would just lay casually in the room with no shirt in sight. or when she would work out only in some shorts and a sports bra. and ellie just wanted you to prove to her how much you practically worshipped them.
“you wanna cum, babe?” she whispers softly in your ear, her breath tickling you, making you shiver down your spine.
after pulling all of your clothes off of you, you’re immediately seated right on her lap as the fabric of her boy shorts rubs against your bare thighs and her hands gripping you softly at your hips, caressing your skin with her thumbs. her breath on your neck is suddenly replaced with her patted lips grazing against your skin as your hands on her shoulders grip her tighter.
“you’re gonna have to work for it, hm?”
a moan escapes your lips just as one of her hands moves away from your waist and travels slowly down to your slick pussy. ellie pulls her hand away from you center. you watch her lips curve into a smirk as you lean your head against her shoulder after failing to suppress the whine that falls from your mouth.
“remember what i told you, baby? you think you can do it?” and of course, you never ever want to disappoint.
ellie leans back until her head is against the mattress of her bed, chuckling underneath you as you crawl up slowly to seat yourself against her bare stomach. her abs. so tight and defined. harder than the muscle on her thighs when you would ride them. it doesn’t take much for ellie to melt underneath you the moment your cunt makes contact with her skin.
and ellie looked fucking magnificent underneath you with one her hands at the back of her head as if she was relaxing and the other on your hip, firmly holding you in place. she’s smiling, excited for the next set of events all ready to play for her and that cocky smirk on her lips only made you wetter, your slick dripping onto the creases of her stomach.
“go ahead, (y/n)… make sure to make a big mess right on there, okay, baby?”
ellie’s smirk only grows wider the moment you nod your head and begin to slowly grind your clit against the firm muscle underneath you. you can’t help the small gasps and whines that bubbles up in your throat as you lean your head back, eyes closing shut as your pussy slicks up ellie’s skin quite nicely. the hand on your hip slides down to the fat of your thighs, squeezing slightly when ellie watches your neck strain as you lean back slightly.
“f-fuck, ellie…” it felt filthy almost; the way your clit constantly drags over her hard ridges, the cold air meeting the space inbetween your legs occasionally, and the way ellie looked at you. so amused. watching you like you were her prey.
“how bout we go a little faster, (y/n)?”
ellie brings both of her hands over to squeeze your hips once more, only this time, guiding you and establishing a rhythm far faster than your could have ever managed on your own. you shiver and moan as ellie drags you hard against her abs at a way faster pace than how you were just doing it before. the stimulation on your clit has your legs shaking in a matter of minutes. a groan leaves ellie’s mouth as she takes a glance down at the shiny mess you were making all over her stomach. such a pretty fucking pussy, she thinks, rubbing all over her.
and you’re close. she can feel it. the way your eyebrows scrunched up, the way you bit your lip, trying to suppress you rapid breaths and the way your thighs would squeeze her torso. she her hands away from her hips, chuckling in delight as you kept the same pace. the rhythm you tried to keep was erratic. god, it felt so fucking good. the palm of your hands pushed against ellie’s chest as you tried to chase your high, fingernails digging only slightly into her skin, surely leaving marks the next morning, knowing it’ll drive her crazy. and ellie pushes you even harder against her stomach, pressing down just at the right moment and at the right spot against your clit up until the band that held you together fucking snapped, gushing even more against her tummy as ellie tries to soothe your quivering legs.
“that’s it, baby…” ellie smiles again, her hands still helping you speed up against her tummy. “atta girl… how about on my face this time, (y/n)?”
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a/n - a little short but i hoped u enjoyed :) also pls request some jill fics ;-; pls
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
Thinks about househusband Katsuki who waits at home for his mistress while he’s wearing a plug 😩
tags ;; gn reader, dom!reader, 18+, katsuki in an apron hnggghhhoh my god, anal (m. recieving), anal fingering, househusband!bkg, praise kink <33
a/n ;; im losing my mind actually so much. head so empty. god please bring this man to me im so tired.  literally almost died writing this. 
he hates waiting. 
of all the things in the world that bother him, other than deku and scratchy tags and forgetting to soak dishes - the thing he hates most is waiting for you to get home everyday. he knows you have to leave and he knows you kiss him every morning so he’s not so irritated about it. and he lets you leave begrudgingly. 
he’s awake before you despite being upset no matter what. he wakes up, brushes his teeth and sets out to do his tasks for you before you’re awake. a towel in the dryer so it’s warm for you, making you breakfast at the crack of dawn, ironing your clothes. he takes care of all of it for you and sneers at you when you descend down the stairs, half asleep and pressing kisses to his cheek. 
you’re the same always, a soft “morning, katsuki” followed by the squeezing of hips. and he cusses you out for it, but you continue cause you know he likes it. you know he likes you and that he’d be pissed if you didn’t. 
you eat breakfast, grateful and praising him for how good it is and then you drink coffee and kiss him for a while - at least ten minutes or he fusses about it. and then the sun rises and your off to shower and get dressed. 
when you come back presentable - suited up and dressed to yards, he blushes down the neck because he never gets over how attractive you are. he has a bento for you and everythings ready for you and you kiss him again. 
“you know i love you more than anything right?” 
“get to work, dipshit,” which is katsuki for “obviously” 
and you leave with another quick kiss and grabbing a handful of his ass and he threatens to cut your clothes but you’re off after that. and when the door clicks shut he just barely masks his disappointment. 
it’s.. rough to say the least. bakugou never imagined himself being in this positiion but he met you and all you ever wanted to do was take care of him and he let you. and he hates it because it’s.. weird how happy being like this makes him but it does. 
maybe it’s because you reward katsuki so much. you never make him feel unappreciated and he likes that.  you notice every little detail in his careful crafts, in the food he cooks, in everything and you praise him so sweetly it leaves him shaking. and you reward him with all of your attention time. 
you don’t bring work home and when you have free time, no one can get to you. you’re not neglectful but adoring and honeyed and katsuki hates himself for getting so cozy with you but he can’t help himself. 
but the worst part of his day is that he’s alone. he has stuff to to keep his busy - housework, laundry, going to the gym and grocery shopping and it works for the most part - he’s always in a rush to make dinner but when everything is set up and he’s waiting for you in the evening - he just.. hates it. 
it’s easy to do things for you because you make it easy for him to trust you. and the little glowing look in your eyes when he does something you like is enough to make him embarassing. which is why at 6:26pm he’s in the bathroom - bent over the sink. 
bakugos body is always pristine. he keeps himself groomed and cleaned and noticeably pretty though you’re unbothered by any of it. and it’s convenient for him when he has himself spread like this - one hand reaching behind him. he stretches himself out with two fingers first and a soft groan leaving his mouth when he does. 
this lube is cherry scented and he thinks it’s evil you picked it. but the smell is soothing to his heavy head, the way his body falls forward when the plug stretches him and then comes to a snug fit. and once it’s in he can feel it. he’s had bigger but the light stretch is enough to make his knees buckle when he tries to stand at first. 
he turns around and stares at before blushing.
“god i’m fucking embarassing,” 
but he keeps it in, slides his boxers back on and tucks his stiff cock up against his belly so it’s not too obvious. and he makes dinner while he waits for you to come since it’s supposed to be a surprise. 
and you come home about 20 mins after and dinners still on. the routine is usual for you, placing your bags on the couch, kicking your shoes off and immediately rushing to him. a back hug, arms around his waist - humming something soft. 
“smells good baby,” are the first words out of your mouth, breath warm on his neck. god he’s flustered “you smell good too.. like.. perfume or something,” 
he’s not sure if he’s happy or sad you’re so dense so he sighs. his ears burn and your touch makes him squirm. and he turns the heat down just a little as he greets you. 
“...welcome home,” 
you grin, shit-eating. knowing. 
“missed you today,” ― you hum, brushing his ego the way you know he likes ― “always miss you, know that?” 
“you’re so corny,” but he’s so content like this. he wants you tell him again but he bites his tongue when he feels your hands on his ass. this too, is typical of you, but he’s not expecting the rough grab. and he moans - loud and unusual. 
and you pause and he pauses and he’s so humiliated - but you’re so sweet about it, like always. and he whimpers when you do it again. when your thumb presses against the crystal stop and pushes hard and his knees buckle. and you chuckle, biting his neck. 
“that’s why you smell like that huh?” 
and that’s how he ends up - with the stove turned off and his hands gripping the counter top. your body folded over him, a hand so softly fucking the plug in and out of him. you’re so amused by it. how he looks with his knees bent. pale skin and thick thighs trembling as you fuck him so good he drools on the marble. 
“you’re always good to me baby, you know?” ― you quip, pushing the plug deep before pulling it out all the day only to shove it right back ― “got yourself nice and ready for me today, right? just for me?” 
and you lick up his neck, bite his ear as he groans. everything in his body is hot but he replies. 
“..j-just for you,” 
you smile at him, kissing him with your tongue and shifting his head to the side. the plug ends up somewhere and you replace it with three fingers and that makes him cry. it’s so much better cause it’s you and his cock drooling - red and aching between his legs. you wrap yourself around him and stroke. 
“such a good fucking boy. ‘m so lucky to come home to you, huh? my cute little husband who takes care of everything for me.. ‘m blessed aren’t i?” 
he knows the questions rhetorical but the praise and the inevitable orgasm leave him devastated and he’s sobbing and drooling. it’s so much and so good. 
“ah, don’t worry. ‘m gonna take care of you, okay? gonna fuck you nice and stupid tonigh so just cum and don’t worry. good boy,” 
of course he cums. cums so hard he almost falls, all over the counter top and losing his breath as you finger him through it and whisper about how good he is to you. how much you love him. 
god he hates waiting but you.. you always make it worth it. 
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yintsukareta · 2 years
Another request! I wonder what will charas react when player log out to play their friend's account? Will they feel betrayed? How will the charas from the friend's account react to the charas in reader's acct? Will they fight? Hahaha
note: i have no idea which characters to add here so im gonna reference me and my friend's characters, if you don't mind!
Friend's Foe
"Can you show the PIN?" (name) asked.
"Yeah its 529740." (friend's name) replied.
"Okay, thanks."
The door opened to a new team. The usual team replaced by different people, different builds and such. The team consisting of Xinyan, Aether, Venti and Zhongli.
(name) played for awhile on their account, helping them collect some electroculi and such. Jokingly scolding their friend if they missed a chest.
They logged out of their friend's account, logging back into their normal account to make sure they don't accidentally log into it again, then closed Genshin. Going out on a walk with their friend and talking.
Behind closed doors, there was a little interaction between two worlds, despite them not actually crossing.
Ganyu looked at Zhongli worriedly, he was on the other side and seemed deep in thought. Itto shouted at Ayato and Thoma to join him in beetle fighting. Hu Tao smiled warmly at Qiqi who turned away. Aether and Lumine just stared at each other.
"Hey!! Will we even talk much? It's boring.. And it is our first time meeting each other." Venti shouted.
"Will you shut it Venti." Diluc shouted back.
"Says the one who's almost never on the team." Venti tried to hold back a laugh. "DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE'S C3."
Diluc responded with an annoyed grumble.
"Say, aren't you Yashiro Commissioner?" Venti asked the blue-haired man. "You were the one who invited me to the Irodori Festival! Anddd, we were both pulled on the same banner times. Such a shame (name) didn't pull for me instead."
"(name) didn't need you on their team at the time." Ayato replied, trying to keep his tone polite and civil, not wanting to start an arguement.
"At the time? So they need me now?" Venti laughed a bit.
"Venti." Zhongli glared at him.
Itto noticed that Thoma and Ayato were talking to Venti, so he went to talking to Sara. Who unfortunately, despite being built, was level 2.
"HEY KUJOU! WHY DON'T YOU BATTLE ME NOW?" Itto taunted the indigo-haired woman, who only turned away, not wanting to give Itto any attention.
"Oh come on! I was just joking, I know you can do 1k! So c'mon! Let's have a rematch!!" Itto shouted.
Noelle looked worriedly at the situation, there seemed to be a few fights, yet she didn't have much power to say anything. Thoma and a few others felt the same way.
"Aether!" Lumine shouted.
"Lumine!" He shouted back.
They couldn't hug each other, or feel each other's warmth. The barrier didn't allow them to do so.
The fights seemed to disperse at the sound of their shouts, the characters looking at the twins in sympathy. There was nothing they could actually do to get them to reunite.
Suddenly, the characters on the other account stared to disappear. Lumine banging on the barrier in despair of losing her brother again, Itto shouting to his friends to come meet him another time, Venti and Hu Tao shouting byes.
The interaction couldn't last forever, and there were people who were sad that it didn't. Especially Lumine, who lost her brother for the 2nd time, and this time they both wanted to go back to each other.
note: I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO DO THIS IM SORRY also, i didnt expect this to go into slight angst lmaoo
Do NOT repost my work without permission.
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thekingofwinterblog · 4 years
It’s all for his sake - Endeavor and the Sunk Cost Fallacy
My hero academia 301 is a pretty interesting chapter, but for me, the most notable piece of it was how Endeavour reacted to the realization that Touya couldnt surpass All Might.
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upon realizing that his son might not be able to do it because of inborn physical limitations, he immediatly stopped his training, which frankly was the responsible and adult thing to do. 
This stint of real parenthood did not last long however.
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After taking the matter to a doctor, he is flat out told that not only cant Touya achive what endeavor wants, but it is a direct result of his incredibly selfish and irresponsible attempt to play god, by trying to breed the “perfect” hero into being.
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It is how you react when you lose however, that shows who you really are, and endeavor illustrates that very, very well.
Upon being told in no uncertain terms that his attempts at Breeding an heir failed magnificently, producing a child that was not capable of resisting his own immense power, but also admonished by his doctor for even attempting it, and adviced not to try again, Endeavor instead doubled down, while focusing on the child he screwed over from the start with his attempt at genetic manipulation.
It was all for him you see. Endeavor doesnt use those words, but that is how he spins it here. it was all for Touya, all for his sake. if i stop now, then Touya was all for nothing, a mistake, im doing this for my son.
if im doing this for my son, then im not responsible for any of this.
his wife however, calls him out on it, as she understands Touya much, much more than endeavor does. or rather, she sees him fully as a human being, instead of as a thing, a weapon, a failed attempt at an heir.
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Unlike Endeavor, Rei is able to see the way this all is affecting her son. She is able to see, and understand that Touya has fully accepted what Endeavor wanted him to be. a stronger, and better version of himself. however, unlike Endeavor, she only cares about him as a person.
Endeavour by comparison isnt completely uncaring about Touya. like most abusive parents, he does possess love for his offspring, but it is forever tainted by the fact that however much he might care, or not care about Touya, any familial love he has for his son is tainted by the fact that to Endeavor, he is a failed experiment, a failed heir, not his child. 
He is the golden child that Endeavor was building up as his true and only heir, who he breed, trained, and molded to for that single purpose, and now that he’s reached a point where he cant continue that legacy.
so, its time to abandon him, and start over new, despite literarily having just learned how stupid this plan was, and that it can, in fact, go completely wrong, with a quirk that will fuck over the person he brings into the world.
Of course, Endeavor doesnt use those words to frame it. there is no way to pretend to be a hero, if you phrase it like that after all. Intead, this is the words he uses.
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this is a very important series of panels for a great number of reasons, some that can be debated, argued, and we will probably never know the full truth to the questions because this is a series published in 2020′s shonen jump, and there are things that probably wasnt gonna fly with Hori’s editors, if it was the case.
but lets start with what can not be debated. Endeavor’s words here.
“If we want him to give it up, then we have no choice... Touya... Cant surpass him.”
These are very telling words, and however you believe The third and fourth children of the Todoroki family was concieved, there is not denying the meaning of what he’s saying here.
The only way that my son will stop being an idiot and fall into line, is if we have another baby. that is the only Right way to move forward. it is morally right, because if we dont do this, then he’s going to destroy himself.
there are two ways to interpret this scene.
The charitable way is to read it as the fact that he used Rei’s oldest son’s mental state as a justification of guilting his wife to have a third child, to give this attempt at a superpowered breeding project another shot, despite the fact that they now know that this can lead to a child who is essentially born crippled from his own powers, and despite the fact that Rei obviously understands the effect of them continuing this insanity will have on their oldest son.
the uncharitable way to look at it, is that he used this as justification for flat out raping her, and forcing a third, and then later a fourth child on her.
I personally believe the last one, given a number of factors shown in this chapter(the way this page is framed, the fact Rei obviously didnt want a third child, given she predicted exactly how touya would react, the way her eyes would latet turn when she looks at who is presumably touya which really brings to mind how she would later react to her youngest son’s face after her mental breakdown, etc.), but i’ll frankly admitt that withouth a direct quote from Hori, its impossible to know for sure one way or another. 
either way however, this is a very good example of Endeavor both being influenced by, and using Sunk Cost Fallacy to justify bringing another potentially crippled child into the world for his own, selfish goals.
sunk cost Fallacy, is a mental reaction to when you invest more time and resources into a project, that you becomes so emotionally invested into said project that you will continue to invest into it, even if it reaches a point that it becomes clear that the resources you put into it, far, far outweighs the potential gains you can achieve.
because if you give up after having invested years, and years of effort to breed, raise, and train a kid, and then all that effort was absolutely wasted. hence he choose to keep going, despite having learned what a terrible idea this is.
He doesnt care about the fact that his next child might be even more crippled than his firstborn, he doesnt care about his son’s actual wellbeing. he cares about the fact that if he doesnt continue this insanity, then not only will he not achieve his dreams, but everything he did to get to this point was for absolutely nothing.
and endeavor cannot accept that. and so long as he can justify breeding more children into the world, and there being any chance they might inherit both quirks perfectly, he doesnt care about anything else.
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and the moment he realised that this kid wasnt gonna cut it either, he did it again. it is not a coincidence, that the age gap between Endeavor’s second, third, and fourth children were all 3-4 years apart. because thats the age where you can usually tell when a quirk will manifest or not, as established earlier in the series.
While she isnt brought up directly by Endeavor as a justification, it is very telling that Endeavor decided on having a third child, only after his second child was old enough that he could tell that that there was no chance she could take the place as his heir instead.
So, he had his third child, and as time passed and it became obvious that he wasn’t gonna be able to fulfill Endeavor’s goals either, he dumped him, and instead breed a fourth child into existence.
and finally, he struck gold. he did it. he produced Shoto.
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everything was finally worth it, and now, everything would be absolutely fine. the cost fallacy had reached its end, and it was now all full sails ahead.
except of course it wasnt.
His oldest son, now in middle school, had been raised from birth to believe he would surpass his father, only to be thrown away, and getting to see his father try to replace him, not once, but twice.
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frankly, this scene is probably my favorite in the chapter, because it goes to show Endeavor’s mindset. Natsuo made a point that their father completely ignored his older children. and he did... from Natsuo’s perspective. however, having a more thourough picture of things, we can clearly see that this wasnt the case with Touya.
Endeavor genuinly cared for Touya, enough that once he got that child he tried to breed into existence 4 times, he genuinly wanted him to just abandon trying to be a hero. he genuinly thinks of himself as a good dad here, wanting his son to abandon the mission he set out for him before he was born. of course, with context, this heartwarming scene is incredibly sad and insidious, because we understand why Endeavor got so attached to his oldest child. because he WAS the golden child. he was the child Endeavor genuinly cared about, and invested in, and trained personally with great warmth and enthusiasm.
And not only did he abandon him as a failed project the moment he realized he wasnt gonna live up to his ridiculous standards, but he literarily created 2 more kids to try and replace him, just as his oldest son was old enough to understand what exactly his dad was doing. over the course of this chapter, we get to see Touya’s start as a 5-8 year old, his deteriorating mental state over the years, until he finally seemed to reach the breaking point with Shoto’s birth sometime in his middle school years 12-15. 
Endeavor is in this scene, just not capable of understanding why Touya so desperately wants to become a hero, when obviously he isnt physically able to do so. he isnt able to understand that he is 100% to blame for the fact that his son is having a full emotional breakdown after literaly being replaced by his siblings. 
In other words, Endeavor genuinly think’s he’s a good person. a person who has made a few mistakes along the way sure, but a person who was always justified in the end, and now that he’s having to face the fact that as dabi would later say “The past never dies” and has to face the aftermath of his inane attempt to play god for the pettiest of reasons, things simply arent going to work out.
He isnt going to have a happy family, who can now put the awful early years behind them, he put way too much effort, caused too much suffering and sacrificed too many years of his life for this not to work out as he wants.
after all, if he walks away from this project now, and lets Shoto have a normal childhood, and decide for himself, with no pressure from him, wheter or not to become a hero, then the sunk cost fallacy will have reached a negative end. it will all have been for nothing.
and we know he did eventually double down on this mentality, literarily beating into Shoto that he WAS going to become a hero, and there was not but’s or no’s about it.
there was no way that Endeavor was EVER going to let things be for nothing. His treatment of his older children could not be for nothing. His treatment of his wife could not be for nothing. His treatment of Shoto, and the way he beat him black and blue to train him, could not be for nothing.
Because if it all was for nothing, if everything he feels guilty about was for absolutely nothing, then he was in fact, a bad, bad person, who had no justification for anything he ever did.
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
insecurities | l. juyeon
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🧸 pairing: idol!juyeon x (insecure) fem!reader 🧸 word count: 2.7k 🧸 genre: angst, fluffy end 🧸 tw: mentions of insecurities, doubts 🧸 a/n: sorry i forgot to post, i had a busy day and im exhausted, i hope it's gonna be enough! 🧸 requested: yes! thank you, it is very cliché but i hope this is what you had in mind! 💝
Juyeon came home tired but happy, excited to see you again after a long day of intense practice and a show where he participated as an MC. You, on the other hand, were not as happy as he was, but you were for sure tired of something.
You couldn’t deny it, dating Juyeon had positive points, he was everything you could ask for in a man, but there were just as many negative points. He was an attractive, sweet gentleman, and it was almost impossible for him not to attract other girls, not even doing it on purpose. And it was one of your many insecurities even if you considered yourself pretty, you couldn’t help but get insecure every time he talked to someone else.
Because let’s be honest, in the Korean music industry, every single woman looks like an absolute goddess. So, when he interacts with someone, and they’re a bit too friendly, your heart pinches in pain as he gives them the smile he keeps for you and you only.
You think that they are more interesting, prettier and funnier than you, which has the ability to send your thoughts to the dark side of self-consciousness, not feeling pretty or enough next to those women. And tonight, it was hard to watch on National TV your boyfriend being extremely friendly with the other MC.
You had tried to comfort yourself that it was just a mask, that he had to look friendly and handsome on TV. However, you couldn’t help feeling disappointment and anger as he gave attentive eyes to the other MC as she explained something, his eyes falling on her lips pressed against the mic.
Juyeon walks through the main door, tossing his keys on the chest of drawers, getting rid of his jacket and shoes before joining you in the living room, happy to see that you were watching the same channel he appeared on. Eyes glued on the screen, your thumb rubbed against your lips, feeling the skin of the cuticles you scratched while watching your boyfriend feeling rough against your lips.
“Hi love,” he said as he sat next to you, pressing his lips on your cheek. You didn’t react, only emitting a slight hum as he sat comfortably.
Juyeon frowned but didn’t raise your bad mood, trying to think what was going on inside your head. Maybe you had a bad day, or you were just tired, despite scratching his head and think, he couldn’t pinpoint what had brought you in such a bad mood.
“Did you have fun?” you bitterly spat, and Juyeon’s eyes widened, surprised by your tone, the wrinkle on his forehead deepening as his brows furrowed at your attitude.
“I did. Are you mad or something?” he bluntly asked, and you sighed, taking the remote to turn the TV off, falling in an unpleasant, uncomfortable silence.
“Oh no, I’m super fine. I really enjoyed my boyfriend giving heart eyes to another girl on national TV, it was such a nice thing to watch,” you bitterly chuckled, and Juyeon’s eyes widened even more, not expecting you to pull out the jealousy card on that.
“Babe, what are you talking about? You know-”
“Please, spare me your fake confusion and lame excuses, I clearly saw what I saw. My eyes never deceive me,” you said while standing up, but Juyeon was quick to imitate you and grab your wrist to prevent you from walking away. You tried to free yourself from his grip, but he only tightened his hand around it.
“Juyeon, let me go,” you said through clenched teeth, trying to prevent the tears from escaping your eyes. Breaking down was the last thing you wanted to do in this situation.
“Not before you explain to me what this fuss is all about,” he said, irritation replacing confusion in his eyes. You let out a mocking scoff, your eyes filled with anger and disdain boring into your boyfriend’s, holding eye contact for a few seconds.
“You really think I’m this dumb? I clearly saw the eyes you gave to the other MC when you were both animating the show. Cracking jokes, giving her smiles that could outshine the sun, your eyes ogling her lips when she was talking or smiling. Did you really think I wouldn’t catch that?” you raised your voice, letting anger take over your body.
“I never did all of that, I don’t know what you are insinuating,” he spat, trying not to show it, but your words hurt him, hating the fact that you could imagine him cheat on you or fancy another girl.
“Go on social media then, you will see what I am ‘insinuating’! Everyone is already talking about how whipped you are and how cute of a couple you would look together. Some fans are even starting to make edits!” you shouted, shoving your phone in your hoodie’s front pocket.
Juyeon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to calm his nerves a bit, a gesture that had the ability to enrage you even more. Your family used to do that when they found you annoying or wanted to belittle you, and now seeing Juyeon doing the exact same thing as them really made you even more insecure about this whole situation. Your family made you feel like a real burden during your childhood and teen years that it hurt you to think that Juyeon was probably agreeing with that thought right now.
“Y/N, I don’t know what you are talking about. I was just trying to be nice, I can’t be rude or it’s mine and the group’s reputation that I’ll take down with me-”
“No it’s okay, no need to explain yourself, the message was very clear,” you said, and you finally freed yourself from his grip, your heart breaking as Juyeon sighed in annoyance again, seeing him almost roll his eyes.
“It’s not what I meant, and you know it. Don’t react like that, please,” he started, but you waved your hand in front of you.
“No, no, I got it, you-”
“Y/N, for the love of God, stop being so fucking insecure, it’s getting so fucking annoying at this point! I can’t do anything without you getting fucking doubtful, start having faith in me and in this relationship, dammit!” your eyes widened as Juyeon eventually snapped, his mouth slowly closing as he stared at you, realisation hitting him that his words and tone made a lot of damage once he saw the tears gather in your eyes and roll down your cheeks.
The couch separated the two of you, creating the illusion of a painful wall that made you shiver, feeling like your apartment had lost all of its warmth on the spur of the moment. His words were brutal, and they bounced around your skull, your head turning towards the corridor to swallow the lump forming in your throat, trying not to break down in front of him.
“Y/N, I’m-”
“Leave me alone,” you replied, voice wavering as you walked out of the living room, slamming the bedroom door shut before locking it.
Juyeon sighed and carded his hands through his dark locks, closing his eyes as he thought of the words that had escaped his mouth too quickly. He cursed under his breath as the living room fell into a deafening silence, his hands linked at the back of his neck as he thought of what just happened.
“Why did I say that,” he muttered under his breath and collapsed on the couch, unlocking his phone and scrolling on social media to try and momentarily forget your beautiful face painted with a hurtful expression because of him, but it was to no avail.
He saw what you saw; the fiction, the edits, the collages, he saw and read everything. He already hated seeing you cry and being hurt, but he actually loathed himself for being such an idiot and not comfort you about the whole situation with what was happening on every social platform.
His heart shattered in millions of pieces as he pictured you crying in your shared bed, holding the stuffed animal he got you for your anniversary tight against your chest, letting you drown in your insecurities and intrusive thoughts. He loved you very much, but despite him trying to remind you every single day, your intrusive thoughts always managed to get the upper hand when you found yourself hanging out on your own or with some friends. It was as if your brain shut out everyone who tried to reassure you or make you feel better, letting you drown and struggle in your sorrow.
Yes, the other idols were pretty, but they were nothing compared to you. Juyeon had only eyes for you and cared about you and, of course, his members, but never had he thought about leaving you for someone else. His intentions were just to sound and appear nice and welcoming on TV because he knew that some fans, antis and media wouldn’t hesitate a second to bash him on different platforms and articles for his rudeness and insensitivity towards his idol colleague. And not only would he break his reputation, but also the group’s, and that’s the last thing he wanted.
However, he also understood that it was something hard to watch for you, even if he reminded you every single day that you were the only one that mattered in his eyes.
Sitting on the couch, he started reflecting, putting himself in your shoes for a second. How would he have reacted if he saw you being super friendly and affectionate to another man? Someone more handsome, nicer than him, cracking jokes here and there to see you smile and laugh.
He tossed his phone on the couch space next to him, where he wished you were instead of crying yourself in your shared bed, watching the device bounce, collide with the armrest and fall on the ground. He didn’t even fret checking if the screen cracked, head too high in his thoughts to bother.
Resting his elbows on his knees, he pressed his joined hands against his mouth, tongue poking his inner cheek as he realised he had really messed everything up. His knee started bouncing at the disgusting thought of losing you, perfectly knowing that he had to do something before you could slip through his hand like grains of sand.
Juyeon stood up and knocked on the bedroom door, softly calling for your name.
“Y/N?” he asked, and you didn’t respond, faintly hearing you cry on the other side of the wall. “Go away, please,” your strained voice barely making it to his ears, his fingers drumming against the surface of the door in frustration.
From your side of the bed, still holding that teddy bear close to your chest, you let your tears damp the top of its head, feeling the exhaustion of crying kicking in. Juyeon didn’t knock another time, trying not to push your buttons too much to save his chances to talk to you.
You heard a small thud on the lower part of the door, frowning as you wondered what it was. Deep breathings filled in the silence lingering in the corridor, selfishly feeling a bit relieved that you weren’t the only one hurt in this situation. Juyeon was a smart, tolerant man, he knew when to put his pride aside and not blame you for something you said or did. Well, it’s not the case for this time, and it’s probably exhaustion that spoke for him, and that, of course, doesn’t excuse anything, but he wanted to apologise and make up for everything.
“I know you probably don’t want to see me or hear my voice after what I’ve told you, but I really want to apologise for what I’ve said,” you held your breath to hear his faint, low voice on the other side of the door. You sat up and felt dizzy for a quick second, still holding the teddy bear against your chest, your face buried in its head as you let the tears keep rolling on your cheeks.
“I know it’s hard to date me, and I’m really sorry, I wish we had a simpler life, where we could hang out and go on dates like two normal people. It’s also hard for me to not be the type of boyfriend everyone wishes to have, but I’m so damn grateful to call you mine.” Juyeon marked a pause and ruffled his hair, pushing the front pieces away from his hair while thinking of his following words.
“I… you don’t know how much I’m sorry for using your insecurities against you. I shouldn’t have, it was the dumbest move I could ever do, but I just didn’t know what to answer. You are so pretty, so beautiful, amazing, and absolutely wonderful to have around to me, so seeing you this insecure makes me mad every time you compare yourself to someone you think looks prettier, thinner, or more perfect than you. It’s... really frustrating because I try my best to make you feel like a goddess and worth it every day, but those unrealistic society standards and god damn social media make you feel like you are not worth an ounce of love,” he took in a big breath and raised his knees upwards, letting his forearms rest on them.
You slowly opened the door behind him and dropped the teddy bear by his side, letting him know of your presence. He was quick to notice it and turn around to hug your legs tightly, your hands finding their way in his hair and started massaging his skull.
“I’m so sorry, Ju,” you faintly whispered, and he breathed in deeply against your skin as if he finally found you again after being separated from you for years.
He grabbed your cherished stuffed animal and stood up, holding it against your chest with a tender smile. He sat you down on the bed and gave you a proper hug, mouth pressing loving kisses on your forehead and temple as his hand caressed the back of your head, holding you as close to him as possible.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I really am. I love you so, so much, I’m really sorry for all the stupid words I’ve thrown at you,” he said, and you shook your head, squeezing your arms around his middle tightly as an answer.
“I guess I have to accept that you have eyes only for me. But you know, it’s hard to acknowledge it and believe it when you find everyone around you ten times more beautiful than you are,” you mumbled against his chest as you sat on his lap, and he nodded, feeling a lump rising in his throat.
“I know Y/N, I know. I wish I could rid you of those insecurities, my heart breaks each time I see you so unsure of yourself. You're just so beautiful and amazing, it honestly kills me to see you like this,” he whispered, and you bitterly chuckled, gently pulling away to look at him with pearly eyes, his arms around you holding you still tight, making sure that you wouldn’t go too far from him.
“You can’t do that, but maybe you can help me soothe them by keeping loving me the way you’ve done since day one,” you mumbled, and he smiled, his eyes shining with tears just like yours.
You both cupped each other’s face and sadly smiled at the other, Juyeon feeling comforted at the sensation of your thumbs wiping the tears away from his cheeks and vice versa.
“We just need time, love, but I promise I’m going to help you realise how much you mean to me and how beautiful you are. And how much I don’t care about other girls,” he mumbled, and he gently drew your face closer to his, your lips grazing against his mouth. You closed your eyes at the proximity, feeling so much love and passion in his kiss that it was getting hard to breathe.
“I love you so much, Y/N,” Juyeon pulled away from your lips and whispered against your mouth, his hot breath mixing with yours.
“I love you too,” you smiled, burying your face in his neck, your boyfriend kissing the crown of your head while hugging you tight.
You giggled as Juyeon applied pressure on your waist, making you fall on your side on the bed. His hand gently cradled your cheek, thumb caressing your cheekbone with a soft smile on his face. You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead against his, feeling him chuckle and gently press his lips against yours.
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multimilfs · 4 years
Miranda Priestly x Fem!Reader: A Little Nudge
Summary: Anon requested “Could I request a slightly angsty Miranda Priestly X Reader? Maybe the reader is in the hospital (it's up to you why they're there) and they're panicking because they think they're gonna get fired. Miranda can replace them within the hour, after all.Miranda shows up to the hospital after hearing what happened and reassures Reader that they're fine. She confesses to the Reader because she was so scared something horrible had happened to them and she was gonna lose them. (sorry im just in a sad mood and im weak for hospital scenes)”
A/N: It’s been ages since I’ve written for TDWP so be kind to me, please! I really hope you like it!
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul​ @multifandomfix​
Warning(s): None
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“Why is nobody ready?”
Miranda drawled from behind her desk, glancing at her watch with annoyance. Everyone near her held their breath; nobody having the guts to tell her that it was because you weren’t back yet. 
You were supposed to be back with the accessories from D&G ten minutes ago.
Jocelyn and the run-through team exchanged terrified glances. Someone was going to lose their job today. And knowing Miranda, it was going to be one of them.
They had been relying on the accessories to complete the outfits they’d prepared. An abysmal thing to do, but you’d promised that you would be back early. Now you were nowhere to be found.
Miranda was conveniently unaware of your absence. She was under the impression you weren’t supposed to be back for some time, thanks to a few carefully worded statements from Nigel. If she got wind that you’d gone awol, it’d be hell on earth for everyone in the Runway offices.
Standing beside Miranda’s desk, Nigel saw Serena approach the office. The model stopped when Nigel shook his head. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Talk to Emily.” He mouthed silently.
She did just that, turning elegantly on her heel to see the Brit dialing numbers frantically. Poor Emily hadn’t even noticed that Serena was there.
“Why is Nigel telling me to talk to you?” Serena asked softly.
Emily startled slightly, before looking relieved to have some type of help. She put the phone down on the hook quickly.
“Y/N has vanished,” Emily whispered, “I can’t get her to answer her bloody cell phone and she was supposed to be here ages ago!”
“What do you mean she vanished? She doesn’t vanish.” Serena asked.
“You’re telling me. Jocelyn needed the accessories from the winter collection for the run-through and she promised to have them here. Miranda is two minutes from firing them all if we don’t come up with an excuse.”
Emily let her head fall into her hands, repeating her low mantra that she loved her job. Today was not going to be an easy one, it seemed.
A moment before Serena could suggest anything, Miranda’s cold voice echoed from her office.
“So what I’m hearing is that you failed to prepare? After I gave you countless days to finish a simple task.” Miranda asked.
Everyone winced at the chill in her voice. La Priestly wasn’t known for being warm, but this felt like frost-bite.
“We’re just missing the accessories for a few of the outfits.” Jocelyn offered.
Miranda’s hard gaze settled on the girl, making her regret speaking. Drawing attention to herself was the last thing she should have done.
“‘Just’ the accessories,” The editor said dryly, “If you were to go skydiving, I’m sure you’d be fine without a parachute then?”
Jocelyn shook her head quickly. The only way out of this would be for a miracle to strike. She was mentally kissing her job goodbye.
Then Emily’s cell phone rang.
Scrambling for the device, she could have jumped for joy to see your name on the caller ID. She was furious, mind you, but glad to see you were okay.
“Where the bloody hell are you?” Emily hissed in lieu of a greeting.
“Em, I can explain-“
“I’m sure you can, but it better be good or I’m throwing you La Priestly.”
“I’m in the hospital.” You said.
Emily inhaled sharply. She didn’t miss the way your voice cracked over those few words. It may mean more work for her, but an injury like that could cost you your job.
“What did you get yourself into?” Emily asked.
“The heat today exascerbated something and I collapsed, the doctors are running tests now.” You explained softly, lacking the energy you normally had.
Serena watched worriedly as Emily put her forehead down on the desk, letting out a defeated sigh. This felt like the icing on the cake of an already terrible day. She had no idea how to break it to Miranda. The woman was practically reliant on you and your abilities.
“Em?” You whispered over the line brokenly, “Tell Miranda I can have my desk cleared once I’m d-discharged, okay? I understand-“
“No. You-You don’t get to abandon me so close to Paris. I’ll find a way to fix this…”
“It’s okay. I understand what it takes to be one of Miranda’s girls. Collapsing on the job isn’t part of the description.”
“She can make an exception.” Emily snapped.
You sighed on the other end. It broke your heart that you’d probably lose everything now, but you understood that Miranda was far too busy to accept an injured assistant. Even if you did hope that she cared enough to keep you on.
“Do what you can, okay? Just don’t get yourself sacked. I’m at Presbeterian, room 311.”
There were a few more words exchanged before Emily hung up the phone, looking hard at Serena, who stared back with concern.
“Y/N is in the hospital.” She said quietly.
Serena stood with a look of shock on her face. What could have happened to put you in the hospital?
“How are you going to tell Miranda?” She asked instead.
“Beats me, but someone has to.” Emily laughed bitterly.
She stood and walked to the doorway of Miranda’s office, where the woman was regaling Nigel with the incompetence of her staff, who were standing in the room. Nigel noticed Emily and raised an eyebrow in question, to which she shook her head. His face seemed to pale.
Unsure of what to do or say, Emily remained standing in the doorway. She kept her hands clasped in front of her to keep from ringing them.
“Is there a reason for your hovering, Emily?” Miranda asked, her icy gaze resting on her poor assistant.
“Um, well.” She tried, but nothing came out. She froze.
“Do take your time. None of us have jobs to do.”
The editor rolled her eyes, a devious smirk resting on her face. She drew a sort of horrible glee from seeing her employees squirm.
“Y/N is in the hospital.” Serena said.
Any movement in the room stopped immediately. The run-through team held their breath, looking to Miranda.
Upon hearing the words, Miranda felt her heart drop into her stomach. Her hands gripped the edge of her desk hard. Besides something happening to her daughters, something happening to you had become her worst nightmare.
“Excuse me?” She asked, tone just above a whisper.
“She’s conscious, she called to let me know herself where she was,” Emily rushed out, before anyone could make the situation worse, “Something occurred that caused her to collapse, but-“
“I’ve heard enough.”
Miranda was out of her seat the second Emily mentioned that you were awake. That you weren’t gravely injured or in a coma. Her fear eased slightly, but it wouldn’t vanish until she saw you. She was barreling through the office without a care for what was on her agenda.
“Cancel any meetings for the rest of the day and get Roy here immediately. I want access to her room upon my arrival; I don’t care what favors you have to promise or whose egos you have to stroke, get me into that room.”
She snatched her coat and purse from Serena’s hands, rattling off the demands without slowing her pace. Then she was ensconced in the elevator while everyone looked at one another in shock.
“Do you think she’s going to fire her?” Emily asked Nigel, who laughed.
“I think that is the last thing she plans on doing. Now I’d get on the phone with Roy…”
Eyes widening, Emily let out a yelp, rushing towards her desk. Nigel just shook his head; of course Miranda would hold out on her feelings until you fell injured. She apparently just needed that final nudge. 
In your hospital room, you were trying valiantly to hold back tears. Your head was leant back against the pillows, eyes closed. All you could see was Miranda’s face in your mind.
You weren’t sure what happened; one second you were walking down 35th, the next a paramedic was standing over you hounding you for information. If you hadn’t been in an ambulance racing through traffic, you would have demanded they let you out. You had a job to do.
Now, you couldn’t. You had let down the editorial team and Miranda by proxy. It hurt you in a million different ways, but you accepted that you were out of a job. That you would no longer spend the days around the woman you secretly loved.
It sent a pang of pain through your chest. You squeezed your eyes shut against it. Remaining strong, even now, was important to you. It wouldn’t do to let your resolve crumble.
Absentmindedly, you heard someone walk into your room. You let out a loud sigh.
“Look, doc, I told you I’m fine. My head may be throbbing, but I’m not going to die on you. Though I may if I don’t get something other than hospital food.” You laughed.
“I’m sure that can be arranged.”
You snapped your eyes open at the voice that was clearly not your doctor’s. Standing there, looking divine as ever, was Miranda Priestly. The woman you were hopelessly in love with.
“No, Donald Trump.” She deadpanned, a smirk pulling at her mouth.
Did Miranda Priestly just make a joke? Your mind asked, though you couldn’t stop the grin that spread on your face. She looked pleased at your reaction.
“You didn’t have to come all this way, you know,” You said softly, reality creeping back in, “I told Emily that I could have my desk cleared as soon as they discharged me.”
“I beg your pardon?” Miranda said, feeling as if the breath had been stolen from her lungs.
“I know how busy your schedule is- Hell, I arranged it. You didn’t have to come all the way here to let me go.”
“Is that why you think I’m here? To fire you?”
“...Isn’t it?”
Miranda let out a hollow sounding laugh, pinching the bridge of her nose. You watched her with thinly veiled confusion. Then she walked to your bedside, hesitantly placing her hand on top of yours. Your heart stopped.
“Silly girl,” Miranda said softly, “Do you think I would come here for something as menial as that? Do you think I’d race here, heart pounding with fear, to fire you?”
You felt like you were in a dream. Given that you were in a hospital, it didn’t seem too outlandish that you were imagining it. But when Miranda leant in and placed a soft kiss on your lips, you knew this was reality. This was no mere dream.
She made to pull away from you, offended at your lack of response, but you wouldn’t let her. Grabbing the lapels of her blazer, you dragged her lips back to yours for a long kiss.
When you finally separated, you felt like you were riding a cloud. This was never what you expected to happen. It was wilder than your wildest dreams.
“So… I take it I’m not fired?” You asked with a cheeky smile.
And so overcome with happiness, Miranda let her normal mask drop, throwing her head back and letting out a joyful laugh.
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