#if i had a lame boyfriend i would hype him up so hard. get ready here comes the specialest boy ever if you don't cheer and clap ill kill yo
fist-of-vengeance · 21 days
last night for my birthday i forced my friends to listen to an hour and a half long powerpoint explaining the entire lost timeline in chronological order. i know lost is a pretty zany show but nothing makes you realize this more than trying to verbally explain time travel and the sideways universe to three people who've never seen it
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cherryjuiceblues · 1 year
➯ Y/N AND HARRY GO TO A HALLOWEEN PARTY AND HARRY HAS THE PERFECT COSTUME. ✰ vampire!harry small warning for a minor encounter with some gross men. suggestive themes. 𝑤𝑐 4k
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Halloween has always been disappointing for Y/N. Every year, the air gets colder and the leaves float down from their branches, and the shops start to stock spooky decorations and pumpkin spice candles. Warm orange and brown hues become the trendy colours and people finally snuggle down in their sweatshirts and jackets that they’ve had stuffed in their wardrobe all year.
It all sounds so perfect, and romantic, and every time October rolls around, Y/N thinks: this year will be better! She pictures herself watching scary movies every night, wrapped in her thickest blanket, with a warm drink and she gets giddy with excitement. And all the hype leading up to Halloween persuades her to stay optimistic. But then the day arrives and her best friend hosts the most amazing party, as always, and Y/N attends in her costume (which she is never completely satisfied with) and leaves inevitably underwhelmed.
Harry, on the other hand, loves Halloween. Well, maybe loves is an exaggeration but he never takes the freedom for granted when the day rolls around. Yet he never relents the rolling of his eyes and the pointing out of all the pathetic ‘vampires’—“We do not look like that,” he would grumble in Y/N’s ear, his mental script of complaints completely memorised in her head.
Of course, he’s never admitted that he doesn’t completely despise the holiday, but Y/N notices the way he ever so slightly lets his excitement show at the fact he doesn’t have to conceal his true self, even if it’s just for one night a year. So since meeting him, her disappointment has subsided; replaced with happiness for her boyfriend, and she’d never take that away.
However, currently, she is really dreading leaving their house, dressed in a costume that she knows is unoriginal. She thinks that’s the worst part of Halloween—the trying so hard to wear something new and cool whilst simultaneously maintaining the ability to blend it. It stresses Y/N out far too much for something that is supposed to be harmless fun. And it’s not like Drew Barrymore in Scream isn’t indisputably iconic, but has it been done too much? She’s staring at herself in the floor-length bedroom mirror, trying not to adjust her blonde wig for the umpteenth time and delaying the completion of the final part of her costume, just in case.
“Love? Are you nearly ready?” Harry pops his head around the door, catching Y/N’s frown before she can hide it. “Oh, you haven’t done the blood yet,” he walks over and stands behind her, brushing his lips along the shell of her ear. “Do you want my help? It’ll be undeniably realistic.” He catches her eyes in the mirror before making a dramatic noise and pretending to bite into her neck, shaking his head with exaggeration.
Y/N releases a stream of giggles and squirms in his grip. “Harry! Drew Barrymore wasn’t bitten by a vampire!” She’s smiling as he stops his relentless tickling and looks at her again, a shameless grin plastered on his face, fangs gleaming proudly.
“I know, but it made you smile,” he places a soft kiss on her neck and rests his chin on her shoulder, squeezing her waist. “Why’re you all pouty, hm?”
“I dunno, I’m just nervous about my costume,” she shrugs, fiddling with the hem of her sweater. “Do I look lame?” Harry lifts his head with a frown of his own.
“No lovie, never. Y’look so pretty, always,” he grabs at her fretting fingers, holding them in his warm palms. “Look at me,” he’s gentle in turning her around, away from the mirror that’s breaking her down. Pulling their joined hands up, Harry dots little pecks on as much of her skin as he can find, manoeuvring her palms open to continue his onslaught of affection.
“Harry—” she starts, watching him with big eyes.
“You look infinitely better than any of the morons that try to dress up like vampires. They’re lame. Your costume is unmistakable, yeah?” He looks at her expectantly, like he does when he wants her to show she’s listening. She nods, turning back around to see herself. “I mean, look at what I’m wearing. I’m not dressed up at all—bet that will really rile some people up,” he boasts, pride in his voice.
“Oh, I’m sure I’ve got a cape in my wardrobe somewhere,” Y/N teases, smiling at Harry’s sudden scowl. Immediately, his hands find her waist and he’s lifting her off the ground easily to turn her around in his arms, eliciting a squeal from Y/N as he trudges to the bathroom and places her on the counter.
“Don’t think I won’t bite you tonight. I’d get away with it,” he taunts, watching as Y/N’s eyes widen momentarily.
She gasps, “But that’s private, Harry! You don’t want anyone seeing me like that, I know you,” chancing her luck.
He only seems encouraged. “You shouldn’t have said that, love, now I’m tempted,” he smiles, pointed canines shining as his irises flood with red. “Come on, let’s get you all bloody,” he reaches for the bottle of fake blood sat next to Y/N. “Where do you want it?”
“Everywhere,” she grins.
Harry is right. His lack of costume does rile some people up… until he bares his teeth, and he’s met with ohh’s and what kind of vampire wears a sweater vest? Y/N thinks he looks perfect, because why would he dress any differently than normal? He was her Harry, in his flared trousers and sweater vests and chunky cardigans. She makes sure to tell him this as soon as the unimpressed crowd disperses. “Think all vampires should dress like you. You’re a fashion pioneer.” He looks down at her, an amused smile on his lips.
“A fashion pioneer? You’re cute,” he coos, as he gives her chin a little squeeze between his thumb. She begs to differ, right now, with the amount of fake blood that is caked in her sweater and up her neck, but she leans into his touch with a smile. “You want a drink?” he asks and she hums in reply, as he intertwines their fingers and walks them in the direction of the kitchen.
The atmosphere is electric, colour changing lights beating in time with the music that seems to be blaring from every corner, as they weave through bodies. Y/N catches a glimpse of the TV playing a horror movie in front of a sofa littered with people not paying it any attention. She’s hyper aware of the lack of recognisable faces, senses heightened with more anxiety than excitement. Harry squeezes her hand, noticing her wandering eyes, face not quite hiding her dazed expression. Her grip tightens in return, looking up at him with a small smile on her face.
“What do you want to drink?” Harry asks once they reach the kitchen, lifting her onto the island and moving to inspect the fridge’s contents.
She hums in brief thought, “Surprise me,” swinging her legs, gazing at her boyfriend’s back like it is the canvas Van Gogh painted The Starry Night on. Harry rolls his eyes at her unhelpful answer, and just pours a vodka lemonade.
“I’m sure you’ll be very surprised by this exotic beverage,” he drawls, handing her the cup and standing in between her legs with his hands on top of her thighs.
Y/N giggles as she takes a sip. “S’yummy though, thank you,” she says. “Gimme kiss.” Her lips form a pout as she tilts her head back expectantly. Harry pulls her to the edge of the counter, arms wrapping her up as he places a peck on her waiting mouth. She kisses back, attempting to suppress her smile and failing miserably. “Another one.”
“Manners, baby,” he teases, nudging her nose with his.
“Please,” she drags out, leaning forward, trying to catch his lips in hers but he doesn’t let her reach. “Harry,” she frowns. He relents and kisses her again as she relaxes in his grip.
“Y/N! You’re here!” The sound has the pair pulling away from each other abruptly, the shrill excitement coming from the lively woman bursting their bubble of contentment. Y/N smiles brightly at Sarah, in her Daphne costume, as she all but bounds up to the island in which she is perched. “And Harry, of course. It’s nice to see you too,” she teases.
“Sarah,” Harry nods, stepping away from his girlfriend’s body to allow her to jump down and greet Sarah as they always do; in a hug that would suggest they hadn’t seen each other in years. Y/N is careful to hold her glass away from Sarah’s back as she sways them from side to side.
“Do you mind if I steal her for a moment?” she asks Harry, arms not breaking the hug. Y/N’s back is facing him but she can almost hear his knowing smile, as if Sarah’s question had needn’t even been asked.
“I think I can allow that.”
“Will you be okay?” Y/N turns around to face him, a look of sincere worry on her face, aware that neither of them really know anyone at this party.
“I’m sure I’ll cope just fine, petal,” he reaches out his fingers to brush lightly against her cheek and she leans into him gently, eyes widening to take in as much as possible of the man in front of her.
“I’ll come back, promise.”
“Promise!” Sarah chimes in, “Promise, I’ll give her back.” She slips her hand into Y/N’s and softly pulls her along as they exit the kitchen. Just as they’re walking under the doorframe, Sarah leans over and whispers, “He’s so sweet to you.”
Y/N can only smile and reply, “I know,” picturing Harry leaning against the counter with a similar expression as he hears the words without even the slightest strain.
Sarah lets go of her hand once they’ve reached upstairs and stopped outside her bedroom door. They’re hardly settled on top of her bed until she’s asking, “So, what’s Harry come as then?”
Y/N smiles to herself, “He’s a vampire.”
“Vampires don’t dress like that,” she says, unconvinced.
“Says who?” Y/N shrugs, “They don’t exist, Sarah.”
“Yeah but—” she sighs, exasperated, “It’s Halloween! There’s nothing scary about a man in jeans and a sweater vest.”
Y/N hums, “I would argue that gives him the element of surprise, no? Looks unassuming so you barely give him a second thought, but then he opens his mouth to reveal rows and rows of razor sharp teeth,” her fingers prod into Sarah’s sides to elicit a squeal. “Pretty effective if you ask me.”
Sarah wiggles away and rolls her eyes, “Whatever. I’m just saying he isn’t winning any prizes for originality.”
Y/N cackles, “And you are?” she waves a hand at her great, but overdone, purple getup.
“Heyyyy,” she whines, swatting at Y/N, “let’s move on.”
About forty minutes and an undetermined number of drinks later, Sarah and Y/N are whirling in giggles, blathering nonsense so jumbled that no one else would even attempt to translate. They have long since caught up on each other’s lives since the last time they’d spoken (which, whilst they do text everyday, they don’t always dive into the details, leaving them with news to share when they finally find time to meet in person) and quickly delved into meaningless chatter which becomes less and less intelligible the more they drink, especially when Sarah remembers the bottle of wine she’s been keeping in her room for emergencies. (Y/N tries to argue that ‘no one keeps wine in their room for emergencies’ but soon ignores the peculiarity of it for the chance to have a nice swig from the bottle.)
They’re both lying on their backs on top of Sarah’s bed and it falls silent for a minute, the alcohol finally making them sleepy, and the lack of conversation to focus on, along with Y/N’s tipsy—bordering on drunk—state, is really making her miss Harry.
“I’m going to find H,” Y/N sits up slowly. Sarah has her eyes closed but she acknowledges her with a hum.
“I think I’ll call Mitch,” she yawns.
“Isn’t he downstairs?”
“Yeah, but I don’t wanna move,” she smiles sleepily, curling into her side and pressing further into her mattress. Y/N only giggles before nudging her phone closer to her idle hands. “I’ll see you before you go, yeah?”
“Of course you will,” Y/N assures, before getting up and shutting the door behind her. She takes the stairs slowly, aware that she is most definitely more drunk than tipsy and hoping that Harry is easy to find.
The crowds haven’t died down in the time that they’ve been upstairs and Y/N is reminded, as she is every year, that Sarah knows how to throw a really good party—which is unfortunate in this moment when Y/N can hardly see through the masses of people.
Deciding to go back to where she last saw Harry, Y/N heads towards the kitchen, blocking out her surroundings as much as possible in order to focus. She has a poor sense of settings when she’s sober, let alone drunk, so she really doesn’t see the footstool as she trips into it, hand shooting out to grab hold of anything that will keep her balanced. What she doesn’t equate for, is the thing she grabs onto being a complete stranger whose cup gets jolted by Y/N’s sudden movement, spilling the near entirety of it down his front.
“What the fuck?” The stranger startles, head whipping towards a very distressed Y/N who has her hands held up in surrender, apologies bubbling out.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” She is merely met with a sneer, the faces of the rest of his group all matching his own expression as he tries to dry his arm off with a shake. Her cheeks are heated, heart thumping with embarrassment.
“Stupid bitch,” he spits. “Drunk girls like you should be more careful.” Y/N’s brows pinch, words slicing deeper than she’d like to admit; the half a dozen men in creepy costumes having their desired effect in making her uncomfortable.
“I—I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you—”
“No shit,” the man rolls his eyes and some of his friends smirk—stares patronising. “Now fuck off princess,” he pauses and Y/N can see his next words forming before he says them, “before I suggest you apologise some way else.” His friends all smile and Y/N feels her breath catch, foot stepping back and making its way to turn when her back collides with something.
She jolts her head to see and swears her bottom lip wobbles in relief when she finds it’s Harry, immediately melting into his chest as she feels his knuckle stroke her forearm softly.
“And what would you suggest, hm?” Harry asks in a seemingly unbothered tone, but Y/N can only imagine what his eyes are saying. She doesn’t have to imagine the look of regret on the man’s face at his sudden arrival.
He laughs awkwardly, “Ah, come on man, she knocked into me. Reckon you should keep an eye on her.” Y/N wishes she felt angry, but her emotions are frazzled from the alcohol and the way he’s talking about her is so mean and just plain sexist and she wants to leave. But before Y/N can turn around, Harry’s voice drops and he grits out:
“You’re a pig. Apologise to her,” and Y/N knows that voice—knows his pupils have widened and his jaw is clenched. She gasps slightly, surprised by his blatant public display.
The man stutters, face immediately apologetic, “I—I’m sorry,” he stammers, unblinking, but Harry isn’t impressed and he clears his throat, urging him to continue. “You’re not stupid, a—and I was in your way, if anything!” he laughs slightly but his face is void of humour, and Y/N can’t look him in the eyes, knowing they’ll look trapped.  
“And you’ll treat women with nothing but the utmost respect, yes?” Harry pushes, fingers sliding down to Y/N’s own, telling her he’s nearly done.
“Yes! Yes, of course,” the man rushes out, head nodding maniacally, and Harry hums, seemingly satisfied before squeezing her hand and pulling them both away from the bemused group and their mesmerised friend. Y/N hears their instant jeers of what the fuck was that, you pussy? and that was weak, man—she’s heavily overwhelmed by the whole thing; Harry rarely displays that in front of her.
He guides her back upstairs but into the spare bedroom this time, before locking the door. Y/N lets go of his hand and immediately crawls onto the bed, flopping onto her stomach. Harry walks around the side and sits down, pulling one knee up onto the mattress. She’s frowning, bottom lip jutted out and eyes red.
“Are you okay, baby?” He brushes her wig away from her face, fingertips tracing the top of her ear.
“I’m drunk,” she blinks at him. “You did your scary vampire voice.”
He frowns, “I didn’t scare you, did I?”
“No silly, you came to my rescue. You always take care of me.” She feels her eyes well up, emotions overwhelming.
“Don’t cry, petal.” Harry cradles her face, leaning down to brush his lips against her cheek, and then his nose against hers. She rolls onto her back and pulls him on top of her with an ease that he makes available only for her. Fingertips digging into his back lets him know she wants his weight on her, as he drops his lower half down to meet hers and leans on his forearms that rest on either side of her head. A single tear escapes her eye and drips down onto the sheet before Harry has the chance to swipe it away with a thumb. She’s got a small smile on her face though, as she takes him in, pupils dilated.
“I love you.” She whispers. How could she not?
Harry’s heart nearly beats then; swear he feels it swell. He would never react any differently to those three words coming from her lips. “I love you too. Make me so happy, you know that?” He moves a hand to hold the top of her head. She nods softly, eyes closing as she feels him scratch lightly through the wig.
“Take it off.” she whispers as he gently pulls, the blonde bob coming away in his hand as Y/N lets out a sigh of relief that turns into a moan when Harry takes away the tie holding her hair in place and continues to massage her scalp. She leans her head into his hands, neck stretching out, and Harry leaves a kiss on his favourite spot. “Will you bite me, H?” His ministrations stutter slightly.
“I was only joking earlier, love.” He angles her head back up. “Look at me,” his voice is so soft it’s melting. She whines at the lack of movement in her hair but opens her eyes to meet his. The sincerity of his gaze would be intense if she didn’t know just how much he cared. “We’ve never done that outside of home before.”
“I know. Want you to. Please?” She knows Harry is questioning her ability to make rational decisions but she’s never been more sure of anything. “Makes me feel better. You make me feel better.” His eyebrows pinch slightly, before he’s dipping his head down to connect their lips. Y/N opens up immediately, making one of the little noises Harry has come to crave so much, pulling him into her—desperately clawing at his back. He pulls away with a quiet smacking sound; she tries to chase him and he can’t help the way his lips curve as he watches her blindly search for him. Her eyes blink open slowly, a faint frown on her face.
“Only a little bite,” his gaze hardens slightly, “okay?” pulling her bottom lip down with his thumb. She nods urgently and Harry can tell she’s one moment away from being unable to effectively communicate. So he complies, cupping her face and pressing a quick but ardent kiss to her mouth before trailing pecks across her cheek and down her jaw. Y/N can’t help but melt into the mattress, letting her brain switch off from any thought that isn’t about Harry and the way he feels against her skin. He is encompassing all of her senses entirely, just the way they both know she loves.
She keens when he nibbles her neck slightly—one hand cradling her jaw with the other one buried in her hair—angling her head the way he likes. When he kisses the spot he wants to mark and licks once, her breath catches in anticipation and he brushes his thumb across her cheek in understanding before sinking his teeth in; inexplicably grateful. Y/N twitches at the contact—much less than she used to when they first started doing this. Still, a fragmented moan gets caught in her throat as she feels his lips suction around the bite, feeding from her—although she feels she gains far more from this than he does, especially in this moment.
The floating feeling that Y/N knows she is safest in, that has slowly been creeping into her head ever since Harry found her downstairs, suddenly hits her full force when he groans into her neck—the weight of his body still comforting her endlessly. Her hands move from his back to grasp onto his hair which only makes him press into her further, heat swarming both of their bodies as they spur each other on.
But he pulls away entirely too soon, licking a fat stripe up her neck where a couple of drops have trickled and placing one last kiss over his tooth marks. Y/N whines, bucking her hips in a plea. Harry pulls away from her neck and she sees his red irises slowly ebb back to their viridescent hue.
“None of that, I told you it would only be a little bite.” He watches her pout, big watery eyes ready to beg. So he changes his tactic, leaning his mouth down to her ear before whispering, “Can’t take care of you properly here, don’t want you getting too worked up, yeah?” He smiles against the shell of her ear when she whines again. But he’s serious, looking at her again in her disheveled state. “And you’re drunk, my love,” but Y/N doesn’t want to hear it, too far gone to accept that he is right, as she tries to pull his head back down to hers. He doesn’t budge, hands firmly planted at either side of her head.
“Please, Harry, please,” her bottom lip wobbles; she hates it when he resists like that, not even letting her pretend she’s strong enough to shift him. “Please.” She feels her eyes well up at his furrowed brows. His thumb brushes across her own eyebrow and then under the eye that a tear escapes from, and he feels very reminiscent of about ten minutes prior. Only this time he can tell there’s something off; she is overwhelmed for a different reason.
“Are you feeling floaty, baby?” he asks, gently stroking her hair. And that’s all it takes for her face to scrunch up and her nodding to shake more tears down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” her voice is thick, “I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry.”
“Shh, don’t apologise. Done nothing wrong, okay?” He kisses her tears away, and then he’s kneeling back, pulling her with him and onto his lap, guiding her legs to cross behind him. “You’re so good.” He tucks her head under his chin and Y/N feels herself melt into him immediately, ear pressed over his heart even though she knows it won’t beat. “Never apologise for feeling floaty.” She nods against his chest and he tightens his grip around her. “How about I take us home and run you a nice bath, yeah? Would you like that?”
Y/N immediately lifts her head up, glistening eyes hopeful. “Yes please,” she stares up at him, “Will you get in with me?”
“Of course I will, darlin’,” Harry traces her features slowly with his forefinger, smiling as her eyes flutter closed and she leans forward slightly. “And I’ll make you feel good in the morning, I promise.” Heat dances across her cheeks, fighting the urge to squirm in his lap—instead pouting her lips and waiting for him to comply. He does and it’s soft, delicate, the most gentle feeling in the world. A kiss to keep her perfectly blurry around the edges as she falls further into the luxury that is someone else’s control. “Let’s go say goodbye,” Harry says into her mouth, standing himself up and letting Y/N stay latched on as they make their way to bid their goodbyes and manoeuvre through the crowds.
She doesn’t bother to hide the bite mark.
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augment-techs · 2 years
Skull: If I had a lame ass boyfriend I would hype him up so much. Bulk: How so? Skull: I would make him wait outside any function we were attending so I could go in first and be, like, “Get ready! Here comes the most special-est boy ever!” Bulk: … Skull: “And if you don’t cheer and clap for him, I’ll fucking blow this whole building up.” (five lightyears away on a distant planet) Billy (vibrating so hard he can’t focus on anything): Huh. Tommy: Something wrong? Billy: I suddenly have a barely controlled need to get back home, immediately.
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aewhore · 3 years
Sour candy kisses~ Nick Jackson x reader (NSFW)
You and Hangman are childhood best friends and you talk/text every day and your boyfriend Nick thought he was okay with it but his jealous side does come out to play slightly however you put his mind to rest and assure him nothing is going on in the only way you know how.  (Sexy time ensues) 
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Hanging out backstage at AEW dynamite was always the highlight of your weeks, seeing your coworkers who became friends and your friends who became family made your Wednesdays just a little brighter. You were sitting in the EVP dressing room, joking and chatting with Matt and your boyfriend of 3 years, Nick. You loved having some downtime with Matt and Nick when you all weren’t running around booking the shows. You sat on the large comfy couch in the dressing room when your phone went off. Your brows furrow slightly at the unexpected interference.  
Hey Y/N! You free?  
You can’t help but smile at your phone when you see a text from your favourite lone cowboy Adam Page. You and Adam had been best friends for what felt like your entire life, You had met on the first day back in preschool and You were both the only wrestling fans in your school so you stuck to each other like glue. Your fingers raced across your phone screen as you replied. 
Oh hell yeah I am! Meet ya in the café in 5! 
You locked your phone and slipped it into your hoodie pocket before beginning to stand from the couch, shimmying out of Nick’s arms. “Hey, where ya going?” Nick pips up, You rolled your eyes at Nick’s protest at the loss of your body heat. “I’m going to meet up with Adam in the cafeteria, do you want me to bring you back anything?” You turn towards Nick in time to catch his face sour slightly. “Oh ok, nope I’m good”  The bitterness towards Adam seeped into Nick’s voice. You shoot him a glare before you shake your head and leave. Not even wanting to justify his harshness towards the lone cowboy. “tell him we say hi” You hear Matt yell as the door closes behind you. As you walk from the EVP dressing room to the cafeteria you can’t help but grin at seeing your best friend.  You don’t make it to the cafeteria when you hear Adam call out your name. You twist around to see Adam jogging towards you with a fast-food bag and two drink cups which you can only assume are milkshakes. “Took you long enough, come on let’s go find a table, I got something real funny to show you”  
Fast forward an hour and you and Adam are still in the cafeteria, empty food containers stuffed back in the fast-food bag as you and Adam huddle around his phone to watch what felt like the 200th funny dog video he showed you today. “Look, look the dog is in the driver’s seat of the truck, why is he there? He can’t drive!” Adam could barely get a sentence out because you were both wheezing so hard. “Man, where do you find this stuff? This is the greatest thing ever!” Ever since Adam was kicked out of the elite, you were thankful whenever you got to see him be carefree and laugh like he used to. You pulled your phone out and nearly gasped at the time, Dynamite would be over at any moment so you had been in the cafeteria for nearly an hour. You see a text notification pop up from Nick. 
Pretty Nicki: 
Me and Matt gonna go with good brothers to grab a bite to eat, I’ll meet you back at the hotel. xx 
Your brows furrow slightly at the bluntness of Nick’s message. Normally if he goes for food after dynamite, he brings you but you dismiss those thoughts and reassure yourself that it isn’t that deep. You reply to him, telling him you’ll get a ride with Adam and that you’ll see him back at the hotel later on. “Is everything okay?” You hadn’t noticed Adam stopped laughing and was looking very concerned at the suddenly sad look in your eyes. “Oh nothing, Nick is just going to get food with Matt and the good brothers.” You explained as you tucked your phone back into your jeans. “Without you?” Adam inquires,  You’re slightly confused at Adam’s question. “I mean yeah, we don’t have to do everything together.” You turn to look him in the eye. “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it, just a question. Do you need a ride back to the hotel then?” Adam was quick to change the subject away from Nick. “Oh yeah, do you mind? I hate to spring this on you” You felt guilty but Adam’s quick response helped put you to rest. “Y/N don’t be like that, you know you ain’t a bother to me. Go grab your stuff and I’ll meet you by the truck out front” You smile at Adam before grabbing the rubbish in front of you and standing to go throw it away on your way to get your things from the locker room. 
There was a comfortable silence between you and Adam as he drove you both back to the hotel. One of Adam’s many country music playlists was softly playing in the background. As you rounded the corner into the Hotel car park you take your phone out to check if Nick text you back and he had read the message. You’re pulled from your thoughts by Adam cutting off the engine and hopping out of the truck. You follow suit and round the back to the bed of the truck to grab your bags when you see Adam handing them to you. “Oh thanks, hangy” you take the bags from him and he leads the way towards the hotel lobby. “Anytime darling, do you need to check-in?” He asks when you fall into step with him. “Oh No, Nick checked in earlier so I already have the key.” You pull your key card out of your purse and wave it towards him. “I see, I ain’t that organised so I gotta check-in, Talk to ya later then.” You and Adam stop in the centre of the lobby to bid your goodnight’s. “Alright, Adam I’ll text ya tomorrow morning.” You pull him into a hug and you give him a tight squeeze before releasing him so you could start walking towards the elevator towards the back of the lobby. 
Slotting your key into the key card reader, you were happy to see that tiny green light flash allowing you into the room. You see the lights in the room are already on indicating that Nick has returned to the room before you. “Hey, baby I’m back” You give out a soft shout as you dump your bags and jacket on the floor beside Nick's luggage. You enter the room to see Nick sitting on the bed on his phone with his back towards you. Before you can say anything he stands and swiftly walks into the bathroom nearly slamming the door after him. “Jeez someone has an attitude all of a sudden.” You roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s attitude before you walk back to open your luggage to grab your nighties to get ready for bed. After you’ve changed Nick exits the bathroom, in his usual bed attire a pair of old basketball shorts and a black tank top. He stops to plug in his phone as you walk around him to enter the bathroom, leaving the door open behind you. “How was the dinner with the good bro’s?” You ask before beginning to brush your teeth. “Oh, you know the usual, Doc messing around, Anderson hyping him up and Matt being an idiot. Normal stuff.” You laugh at the understatements in Nick’s recollection of the night out. You spit out and rinse your mouth out before leaving the bathroom and walking to your side of the bed to plug in your phone and prepare for sleep. 
“So how was your dinner date with Adam?” Nick pipes up as he sits with his back against the bed’s headboard lazily flicking through the channels on the TV. You eye him up before responding “Nick we’ve been over this, Adam is my best friend and that’s it.” He turns his full attention towards you before speaking again. “Oh really, is that why you were cuddling in the middle of the cafeteria?” You could tell he was getting irritated but so were you. “We were not cuddling in the cafeteria, Jesus Christ It’s like you don’t trust me at all sometimes.” You were tired and annoyed at having to defend your friendship to Nick. “I do trust you Y/N, I just don’t trust him” You roll your eyes at his lame excuse. “What’re you rolling your eyes for? It's the truth, I don’t trust him!” It took everything in you not to laugh at that. “Come on Nick it shouldn’t matter if you trust Adam or not if you trust me! You’re just being mean to him because you’re jealous!” 
Nick let out a shocked breath before smiling. “I am not jealous of that idiot” You ignored his petty attempts to get you to defend Adam. you saw through his mind games. “I think you are” You’re getting giddy now, you’re under the younger Jackson brother’s skin. “Am not” He childishly quips back. “Oh you’re so jealous of my big strong cowboy” You stoked the flames in Nick’s eyes as you sat facing him on your knees. “Why would I be jealous of that bumbling drunk?” You were still smiling at Nick as he glared daggers back at you. “Hmm, that’s a good question why would you be jealous of that tall, muscular southern boy who was one half still the longest-reigning tag champs in AEW history, with golden hair and-” You’re inputted from your mocking when Nick grabs your knees to pull you towards him before you fall back so you’re now on your back with Nick towering over you. Your hips trapped under his with your legs spread to either side of his waist. He’s replying most of his body weight on his forearms which frame your head. His face mere inches from your own. “Are you done?” He leans down to growl into your ear. 
You grin to yourself knowing you’ve won. You let out a small shaky breath before nodding into his shoulder. “Good, now as I was saying, I could never and will never be jealous of that dumbass cowboy because he could never make you feel the things I do.” He has your hips locked against the mattress and you can’t help but try to grind up against him. He smirks at your attempt at more friction. “I know what you want baby girl, but I ain’t gonna give it to you” You whine at this unfair denial of your pleasure. “Why not?” you demanded to know. “I need to hear you say it”  You were confused at Nick’s request. “Hear me say what?” Nick raises himself so that he’s looming over you, his icy Atlantic ocean blue eyes staring into your own. “I need to hear you say that I am far better than that idiot in every single way, I have a better body than him, I’m a better tag wrestler than he could ever dream of being, I got the greatest damn hot tag in the business and I have far superior hair than him.” Seeing Nick’s arrogant in bed was intoxicating, he had never gotten like this with you before but now you knew you would be pushing his buttons more often. “Baby Do I have to? I mean I bet I could call up Adam and he’d give me whatever I wanted” You were being bratty but you loved it. “Oh baby girl don’t lie to yourself like that, he could never give you what I give you, he could never make you feel as good as I do.” 
The passion in Nick’s eyes took your breath away. Nick shifted his weight onto one forearm as he moved his other hand down to roam the side of your ribs and to ghost your breast, arching your back towards his hand did nothing as he’d move before you could get the touch you carved  “Nick I need you, I need you to make me feel good” You wanted Nick so bad at this point. “Hmm, I think I need some more convincing. Beg me for it.” Nick’s arrogant smirk was driving you crazy. “Please Nick, please you know you’re the only one that can make me feel this good” Nick was trailing kisses along your jawline as you pleaded with him. “How could I possibly turn away my needy little slut? I’m gonna make you feel so good you forget how to say your own name.” small moans and whimpers were escaping your lips as Nick nipped and sucked your neck slowly making his way down your body. “You’re wearing too many clothes, off, now” Nick demands as he stands up to tower over you as he strips himself. You rush to strip as quick as you can, throwing your clothes aimlessly off the bed. 
You lay back on the bed on your bed as Nick stands naked between your spread legs. Nick’s hands roam your thighs before bends down to lay open mouth kisses along your inner thigh travelling from your left knee up to your crotch purposefully skipping your pussy as he travels back up your right leg leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake. Your attempt to buck your hips towards Nick is stopped by one of Nick’s muscular arms resting on your pelvis keeping you pressed against the mattress. Nick’s teasing streak continues as he delivers a long swipe of his tongue to your pussy just stopping before your clit. Before You can whine at his negligence of your clit he pulls back slightly only to spit on you before he begins to give gentle kitten licks to your clit, causing your moans to slowly build in volume. He gives more general attention to your pussy before he suddenly latches onto your clit causing you to scream his name. The onslaught of a rhythm he builds, long swipes of his tongue on your pussy before teasing your hole that was clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled before he focused his attention onto you pulsing clit,  has the coil in your pelvis tightening by the second. You didn’t care if the entire hotel knew you were screaming Nick’s name at this point. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as the coil in your pelvis snaps and you cum onto Nick’s face. You don’t get rest as Nick continues to tongue fuck you through your orgasm. Once you’ve slightly caught your breath you look down to Nick still kneeling between your thighs with a sly smile on his face, before you can ask his plans you feel one of his calloused, long fingers tease your quivering hole. Your head falls back against the mattress as you feel his finger plunge onto you. He shallowly thrusts his finger in and out of you. You can feel him brush against your G spot and you are begging him for more before you even think about it. He grants your wish by sliding a second finger into you. You feel him resume his pace, thrusting his two fingers into you, the pressure against your g spot building and building. You felt him slip a third finger into you and your hand moves down to grab onto his head as the feeling of fullness makes your head spin. With the pace of Nick’s fingers being thrust into you, You can feel your second orgasm approaching. Suddenly he leans down and begins to suck on your clit and your vision goes completely white as your second orgasm of the night hits you. 
He continues to thrust into you through your orgasm before he slides his fingers out of you. You whine at the loss. He climbs back up your body before he settles above you. He raises the fingers that were in you to his lips before they disappear into his mouth as he licks off your cum from his fingers. You moan at the sight of him licking your essence off his fingers before he takes them out and he lowers himself onto you to capture your mouth in a breathtakingly passionate kiss. Feeling his body weight pressing you into the mattress with his arms around you and his lips locked onto your own provided you with a level of comfort that only he could give you. Your hands rise from your sides to tangle in his long luxurious hair. You feel his hard erection against your inner thigh and you raise your hips slightly off the bed to grind against it. You hear a groan from Nick as his hand settles on your neck, holding your face in place as he moves back slightly to stare into your eyes. You feel Nick move his other hand down to his dick as he holds the shaft of it to tease you by sliding through your folds before he begins to slowly slip the tip into your hole. You can feel yourself trying to tighten around Nick, you feel the need to have Nick inside of you build and build.  
Before you can beg, Nick grants your wish by thrusting into you. From the get-go, he sets a mind-numbing pace. Fucking you so hard and deeply that you feel like he’s fucking the breath out of your lungs. Nick moves both of his hands underneath your thighs to pin your knees up to your chest in an agonisingly good position. The coil in your pelvis was tightening with every thrust Nick delivers to you. Your moans were mixing with Nicks and you can feel his thrusts start to stutter as his own orgasm was fast approaching. You feel one of Nick’s hands move around your thigh so he could rub tight quick circles onto your clit. The sudden spike of pleasure causing your third orgasm of the night to hit you out of nowhere. Your pelvic muscles tighten and pulse around Nick causing his thrusts to stutter, he thrusts into you a few more times before he paints your walls with his cum. He releases your thighs before he collapses on top of you causing your break out into a smile. You raise your hands to rub his back and comb through his hair. He raises his head slightly to gaze into your eyes. “Did I make you feel good princess?” Nick smiles as you both break into giggles. “Oh yeah Nick, You made me feel real good” You lay gentle kisses on Nick’s face. You loved having Nick in your arms like this, his head nuzzled into your neck. You can feel the gentle smile on his face as he gives your neck lazy kisses. “I love you Nicki” You mumble “I love you too baby.” You hear Nick grumble into your neck as you feel yourself lull into sleep.
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h0tch-r0cket · 3 years
Infatuation (18+) {a.h.}: chapter 3
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summary: you needed a job. aaron hotchner needed a babysitter. the rest was inevitable.
word count: 4.6K
warnings: explicit language, drinking alcohol
table of contents
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"To your new job! Congrats, Y/N!" Esmé hollered over the loud club music as she held her shot glass in the air. You lifted your glass next to hers, clinking them together, before you both threw the vodka back, the liquor giving your throat a slight burn as it went down. You placed the shot glass down in front of you, adding one more to the collection that was slowly growing in front of you.
You leaned closer to Esmé's ear, practically shouting to be heard over the music that was making the club walls shake. "Thanks for taking me out tonight. I appreciate it."
Esmé slung her arm around your shoulder languidly, evidence of the ever growing drunken state that was growing between the both of you throughout the night. "No other way to celebrate your last weekend as a job free woman than with booze and boys!" She nodded her head back towards the dance floor where you watched some attractive men dance, waiting for someone to join them. Esmé hopped off her stool in front of the bar and grabbed onto your hand, tugging on it to urge you to go with her. "Come on! I want to dance!"
You groaned at her request, jokingly rolling your eyes at her. "You know, I think I'm much more comfortable over here."
Esmé scoffed, clearly not buying your lame excuse to not go out on the dance floor with her. "One song?" she pleaded.
You turned your attention to the blonde bartender, a playful smile on your lips. "Another shot please." He nodded, topping off the vodka in another glass for you. He placed it in front of you and smirked at you.
"That one is on me," he said, placing his hands down firmly on the counter. You watched his eyes dart down to your lips quickly and you felt your cheeks heat up. You understood quickly the subliminal implications of the shot.
You dropped your hand from Esmé's grip, standing up from the stool. You placed your elbow on the counter and beckoned the bartender forward to come closer to you with your pointer finger. He leaned over quickly, eager to be closer to you. Once he was close enough, you placed your hand on his shoulder, bringing your mouth up to his ear. "Hate to break it to you, but I'm not interested," you whispered. You heard him clear his throat and he stood back up, clearly being brought down from whatever excitement he thought he might have found himself in for the night.
He nodded in understanding, a cocky smirk growing across his face. He lifted the shot, keeping his eyes on you as he downed it quickly. He placed the glass on the counter and leaned back over to you. "If you change your mind, you know where to find me."
"I won't. But thanks." You turned your attention back to Esmé who was standing there in slight shock as you walked over to her.
"What the hell did you do that for?! He wanted to get in your pants! You should have let him," she exclaimed as she motioned back towards the bartender.
"Not my type," you said bluntly, as you ran your hands down your dress to straighten it out. The dress was a navy blue with an open back and plunging neckline. It ended right at your thighs, hugging your curves along your body.
"Your type is dark and brooding men who have some sort of position of authority," Esmé teased as she led you out to the dance floor.
"I mean you're not wrong," you laughed as you started to dance next to her.
"Keep your eyes peeled. Maybe you'll find Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome tonight."
You shook your head in annoyance but continued to dance with your friend. It's not that you didn't want to be with anyone. It was the fact that you had a hard time opening up to others about yourself and letting someone be with you for every part of your life, whether it was good or bad.
You were so used to looking out for yourself that you never really looked for a partner that often. You only had one relationship that you would ever consider serious, but even then, you had ended things because you were starting college and wanted to focus on school instead of worrying about pleasing your boyfriend. He was understanding of it all but a part of you still wondered about the what ifs that surrounded the situation.
What if we were still together?
What if I let him in more than everyone else?
What if I was wrong about letting him go?
You shook the thoughts from your head as you let yourself focus on dancing with Esmé, not wishing to dwell too much on the past. There was nothing that you could do to have changed what happened, and quite frankly, given the chance to, you weren't so sure that that would have been something that you would have done anyway.
Sometimes, you wished that you could bring your guard down and let someone in but you were just too worried that someone would come in and absolutely destroy your heart.
"Maybe. Guess we'll have to see," you agreed, at least playing along with Esmé to get her to subtly take the hint that you weren't interested nor in the mood to try to find someone in the bar to take home with you.
"You know, I have to admit that the way you turned down that bartender was hot," Esmé laughed as she danced around in front of you. "He definitely thought he was going to be heading home with you tonight."
You couldn't help but laugh at your drunk friend, who even in her current state of being, continued to be your hype-woman. "Well, he definitely thought wrong," you teased.
The two of you continued to dance the night away, downing more shots throughout your time at the club. You were having too much fun with Esmé to think about anything else other than the two of you at that moment in time.
The rest of the weekend flew by too quickly for your liking . For the most part, you spent your time at your apartment, just relaxing and watching movies to pass the time. And as the days drew closer and closer to when you were officially starting your new job, you were filled with excitement with what was to lie ahead.
On Sunday evening, the day before your first day as the Hotchner babysitter, you were walking Artemis on your usual rounds when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. As Artemis was smelling each and every little thing on the sidewalk, you checked your messages.
                                      Aaron Hotchner
-Good evening, Y/N. Just wanted to let you know that Jack's bus normally comes around 2:15 or so. This way you can plan your day accordingly for when you'll need to be here to pick him up. There's a spare key underneath the doormat out front for you to use to get inside. I should be home by 5, but should anything change, I will let you know. See you then.
-And don't be too worried about Buster, just in case you aren't a fan of larger dogs. He'll calm down after a few minutes of you being in the house.
You replied quickly, not wanting to keep your new boss waiting to hear from you.
                                               -Perfect! I'll see him there!
                                                          -Have a goodnight!
-Thanks, Y/N. You too. You continued on your walk with Artemis, the playful pup determined to stop and greet every dog that she passed on the way.
By the time you got back to your apartment, the sun was beginning to set, the sky filled with different shades of pinks, reds, and yellows streaking across the horizon. It was as if an artist had taken careful brush strokes and painted the ribbons of color that stretched across behind the multitude of buildings, amplifying the true beauty of the natural world.
Upon entering your apartment, you decided to take a quick shower to settle in for the night. You took off your clothes in the bathroom and hopped in, letting the warm water run down your body for a few minutes before getting washed up.
After finishing the shower, you brushed out your hair and got in your pajamas, curling up in bed with one of your books that you were currently rereading. It was The Centaur by John Updike, the story of Peter Caldwell and his father George. It was a story that warmed your heart being that it was told from an older Peter's point of view as he looked back on the memories of him and his father with a new perspective compared to the way he thought of his father when he was younger. There was just something about the novel that you loved, whether it was the allusions to Greek mythology, or the idea that it was one of the bildungsroman stories that you loved, but you could never get enough of it. The copy of the book showed its wear and tear, the spine having small creases and the pages being slightly yellowed from your constant reading. But you could have cared less.
You read a chapter or two in the book before feeling tired and ready to turn in for the night. You shut off your light on your nightstand and placed the book on it. "Artemis!" you called out tiredly. You heard the pitter patter of the bulldog's feet on the floor as she came into your room.
With a running start, she hopped up onto your bed, curling into a ball next to you. You ran your hand down her spine as she settled in for the night.
As your mind calmed down and you drifted off to sleep, your last conscious thoughts were wrapped around the idea that tomorrow would start a new chapter in your life and you were ready to start and hit the ground running.
You arrived at the Hotchner household the next day, eager to start your new job. You grabbed your belongings from your car and headed up to the porch, grabbing the key from where Aaron had left it.
Upon unlocking the door, you were immediately greeted by Buster in the entryway. The shepherd jumped up on you, trying to sniff every inch of you that he could. You figured he smelled the remnants of Artemis on your clothes and besides, to him, you were a newcomer in his house so you were filled with unfamiliar scents.
"Alright. Easy boy," you said softly as you scratched his head and urged him to get down. "Better get used to me being here. We'll be seeing a lot of each other." Buster barked gruffly, seeming as though he was still trying to determine whether or not he was going to trust you.
You made your way to the kitchen, dropping off your belongings on the counter before checking the clock hanging on the wall for the time.
15 more minutes until you had to go get Jack.
Buster barked loudly at you, grabbing your attention. He was standing next to the sliding glass door that led to the backyard, his tail wagging excitedly.
"Alright, alright. Here." You opened the door for the dog and watched as he bolted outside to blow off some steam.
Your curiosity got the best of you while you were waiting to walk to the bus stop so you decided to peruse around the Hotchner home and try to learn more about them from the items that you found.
In the living room, you noticed the collection of children's movies that were stacked neatly underneath the TV in the entertainment center. You also saw a picture frame that caught your eye.
Upon looking at it more closely, you came to see that it was a photo of Aaron, Jack, and a beautiful blonde woman. The trio was at the beach, standing proudly next to a sandcastle that you could only assume was Jack's creation considering the way that it was constructed. Aaron was holding a younger Jack in his arms, the boy's legs wrapped around his father's torso. Wide smiles were on everyone's faces, even Aaron, who even from the interview alone, you could tell that he didn't have a genuine smile on his face often.
You figured the woman in the photo was Jack's mother. You could see the features that the boy shared with the woman—her smile, the same rounded face, and more obviously the blonde locks that rested upon his head which was a stark contrast to the more raven colored hair that Aaron had. Looking at the photo, the picturesque family, it made you further wonder what had happened to her and why it seems as though she wasn't in the lives of Jack and Aaron anymore.
A loud bark stole your attention away from the photo. You glanced at the sliding glass door to see Buster standing there, panting like a fool, waiting to come back inside. You set the photo back down on its designated spot on the shelf and headed to let him inside. He bounded through the door, going straight for his water dish which he lapped up instantly.
You took another glance at the time.
You grabbed the spare key that Aaron left for you and locked up the front door as you left to go grab Jack from the bus stop that was at the end of the street.
It didn't take long once you arrived to hear the bus in the distance. You stood on the curb, teetering your weight on the balls of your feet as you waited for Jack. The expectant parents waiting for their children were deep in their conversations as you heard the loud rumbling from the bus from around the corner.
The bus came to a halt at the stop sign, the red lights flashing to ensure that any passersby would stop and let the kids get off safely. One by one, the kids came off the bus with their backpacks much too large for them. You smiled as they all ran excitedly towards their parents, wrapping their arms tightly around their parents' legs for a hug.
You saw Jack hop off the last step of the bus and he looked around curiously.
"Jack!" you called out, waving your hand. "Over here!"
The boy's face lit up with a smile as he came over towards you. He stopped right in front of you, glancing up at you with his eyes squinted to avoid looking at the sun. "Hi, Y/N!" he excitedly said.
"Hey, buddy! How was school?" You squatted down in front of him to be eye level as you talked to him.
"It was good! We got tadpoles today. Ms. Kingston said they're going to turn into frogs," he explained, his voice full of wonder and anticipation.
"That's so cool! Ready to head home? I'm sure you have a lot of homework to do."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Just a math worksheet and some sentences to practice. Ms. Kingston didn't give us a lot today."
"Well that's nice of her," you said as you stood back up. You placed your hand on his shoulder and started to walk back to the Hotchner household.
"Yeah, I like her," Jack said as you watched him absentmindedly kick a pebble along the street as you walked, his feet dragging on the cement softly. His head was tucked down, entirely focused on the pebble as he kicked it, watching it bounce down the street. He stuck out his tongue for a brief moment in his state of concentration. "I got to name one of the tadpoles."
"Oh really? What name did you pick?" You kicked the pebble back towards him since it left its intended path. You saw a small smile fall across his face.
"I named mine Kermit. You know, like Kermit the Frog from The Muppets?" He picked up the pebble from the ground and held it tight in his hand. "It's better than what my friend, Peter, picked out. He picked out the name Hoppy. How lame is that?"
You laughed at the boy's apparent disgust with such a generic name for the tadpole, clearly unaware of the fact that the name he picked out was just as much of a cliché. "So incredibly lame."
He hopped up the stairs of the porch of the Hotchner home and landed on the top step with a big thump. He walked over to the corner of the porch and placed the pebble next to the small collection that he had going on top of the railing. He turned his attention back to you and gave you a small smile.
"I've been collecting rocks for a while. I started with Dad one day and I always look for the perfect ones on our way home from school." He moved by the door, waiting for you to unlock it.
"That's so cool." You unlocked the door and Jack pushed it open, being greeted by Buster.
He dropped his backpack on the floor and knelt down by the shepherd and was scratching him behind his ears. "Hi Buster! Did you miss me?" The dog barked and gave Jack a few licks on his cheek. "I missed you too, boy."
You grabbed Jack's backpack off of the ground to get it out of the way. Locking the door behind you, you went into the kitchen and placed his bag on the kitchen table.
Jack came running in a mere few seconds later and was unzipping his bag, pulling out a lime green folder that was labeled Math and his pencil case. He grabbed a worksheet out of the folder and sat down, tapping his pencil on the table. "Hey, Y/N?"
"Yeah, Jack?" You grabbed a glass from out of the cabinet and poured yourself some water.
"Can you pass me the bowl of grapes from the fridge please?" You nodded and grabbed the bowl of fruit for Jack, placing it down on the table next to him. "Thank you." He picked one of the grapes off of the stem and popped it right into his mouth.
"You're welcome." You sat down at the table in front of him and scrolled on your phone as he did his homework.
The sound of the bowl of grapes sliding across the table grabbed your attention as Jack pushed it towards you. "Want some?" he asked as he put two more of the grapes in his mouth.
"Sure. Thanks, Jack." You grabbed a few grapes off the stem and ate them as you watched him do his homework. "What kind of math are you doing?"
"Word problems for addition. We just started them the other day. Ms. Kingston said they were going to be hard but I don't think they are," he explained as he wrote down the answer for the problem he was working on.
"Word problems can be tricky. Do you need help?"
He shook his head no and tapped the eraser of the pencil on his lips. "No, I'm good for now."
"Alright, well if anything changes, I'll be in the living room if you need me," you told him as you stood up from the table.
You heard a small okay from Jack and you settled on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV.
Soon, you lost track of time as you sat in the living room. Jack's running made you turn your head away from the TV as you saw his backpack slung over his shoulder. "Everything okay, Jack?" You sat up straighter on the couch, trying to see where the boy was running off to.
"I'm all done with my homework so I was going to put my backpack away," he said at the bottom of the stairs that led to where you assumed his and Aaron's bedrooms were.
"All done already?"
"Yeah, I told you she didn't give us a lot of work to do for tonight."
"You did say that, didn't you?" you teased. "When you come back down, maybe we can play a game or take Buster on a walk or something."
"Okay!" He hurriedly rushed up the stairs and out of sight.
He came down the stairs a few moments later with a box in hand, pieces rattling as he went into the living room. He placed the box on the coffee table in front of you, allowing you to finally see what he was holding in his small hands.
"Monopoly, huh? Well, I gotta tell you Jack, when I play Monopoly, I play with absolutely no mercy," you joked as you rolled up your sleeves to your elbows, feigning cockiness.
"You're going down," Jack teased as he sat crisscrossed on the rug across from you and took the board game out of its box.
"I'd like to see you try," you encouraged as you sat down on the rug in front of him, leaning you back against the sofa.
The Monopoly game quickly ensued and the living room was filled with laughter as you and Jack played, trying to outdo one another. He told you stories from school as the game went on and you were amazed at how polite and respectful the child was. It was a shining testament to the way that his parents raised him and it made you excited about spending more time with him. You were truly enjoying his company which was something you weren't expecting.
After playing what seemed like an endless game of Monopoly, just as the two of you were cleaning up the mess, you heard a car alarm chirp which caused Buster to go rushing excitedly towards the door.
"Dad's home!" Jack exclaimed as he bolted up from his seat on the rug to the front door.
By the time he got in, Aaron was already making his way through the entrance, trying his best to maneuver his way between the excited dog and son duo. "Hey guys," Aaron said as he shut the door behind him. His voice sounded tired, like his day was really draining. You stood up from the rug and finished putting away the Monopoly pieces, watching the interaction of the father and son.
Aaron ran his hand through Jack's hair and roughed it up a bit as his other hand held onto a dark brown leather satchel. "How was school today, bud? Did you guys get your tadpoles?" he asked as he headed into the kitchen.
"Yes! I named one Kermit," Jack said excitedly, as he began to recount the day's events to his father. You heard their slightly muffled voices from the kitchen and figured that you shouldn't overstay your welcome and intrude on the time that Aaron has with his son. So you walked into the kitchen to go grab your things and head home for the day.
"Go take your shower, Jack. And then I'll make something for dinner," Aaron urged. The boy nodded and bolted upstairs but not before yelling out to you.
"Bye Y/N! I had fun today!" You felt warm at Jack's words, not only because of the fact that he was being kind, but also because of the bigger picture that he was enjoying his time with you, almost as much as you were.
"See you tomorrow, Jack!" You waved at him as he ran up the stairs yet again. You let out a sigh of relief and grabbed your purse off the kitchen counter. "That's some kid you have up there, Aaron. He's so kind and polite. I don't think I've ever met a kid as friendly and as well mannered as he is."
Aaron nodded his head silently, the tone of the room becoming much more dull than it had been about a minute ago when Jack was still downstairs. You watched Aaron grab a clear glass from the cabinet before going into a different one and grabbing a bottle of whiskey. He poured the amber liquid straight into the glass, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "Thanks, Y/N."
"No problem." You watched as he took a large drink from the glass, placing the cup down on the counter in front of him. He turned to look at you, leaning on the counter.
He studied you for a moment, just as you did with him. His hair was soft and floppy, a few stray strands resting on his forehead. You saw the way that his warm eyes were almost masked by the appearance of the bags that hung underneath them, a testament to how hard of a worker you assumed he was. His thin lips were held tightly together, not even an inch of a smile evident across them.
A part of you felt awkward with the silence that filled the room as he glanced back between you and the half drunk glass of whiskey in front of him. But another part of you felt that it was normal being that you didn't know much about him and he didn't know much about you.
He stood up and dug around in his satchel for a quick moment before handing you a sealed envelope. On the front of it was Y/N written in handwriting that was almost illegible but yet it was easy for you to read it. "Before I forget," he said quickly. "That's your pay for this week."
"Thank you. I appreciate it." You shoved the envelope into your purse and exhaled deeply. "I guess I better be going."
Aaron took another long sip of his whiskey and swirled the rest of it in his glass. "Mhm," he agreed.
You figured that it was just the exhaustion from the day that made him unsociable. But a part of you was wondering if he just was always this distant with people and closed off. It wouldn't surprise you considering you only knew so much about him.
"Same time tomorrow?" you asked as you started to walk out of the kitchen.
"Yeah. I'll probably be home later tomorrow. Some board of education meeting or some shit like that," he said as he leaned his back against the counter, crossing his feet over one another as he finished the rest of his whiskey.
"No problem. Have a good night, Aaron," you said as you adjusted the strap of your purse on your shoulder.
"You too," he said, unenthusiastically.
Your lips turned up into a small smile before you turned on your heels and left the house, getting into your car. You threw your head back against the headrest and let out a frustrated sigh.
"What the fuck was that about?" you spoke to yourself. You stared at the ceiling of your car for a few seconds before rolling your eyes and turning the key in the ignition.
Once you got back home, after settling in and telling Esmé about your day, you turned in early for the night. You couldn't help but have your mind wander back to Aaron and the way he was so curt with you. It made you question whether or not he was having second guesses about hiring you as his son's babysitter.
You tossed and turned in your bed, trying to get comfortable and shake off the feeling that was churning in your stomach.
You were overthinking. You had to be. He just had a hard day at work. Maybe one of his students pissed him off or a coworker did.
Nonetheless, as you would find out in due time, that would not be the last time you fell asleep with your last thoughts before your eyes closed being all about Aaron Hotchner.
Author's note:
Hello hello! I am so excited for this story you have no idea. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See you soon!
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hi Bunnie! Your Misumi jealousy headcanon was so so amazing! Would it be okay to request the same hc but for Kazu, Tenma + Taichi? Ty and can't wait to see more from you! 🐰
oh my gosh! thank you so much!!! that makes me so happy to hear you enjoyed it; tbh i was a bit nervous due to the different take on misumi’s more thoughtful, erratic side so i’m glad it wasn’t too ooc! for you, i’d love to do a jealous hc for kazunari, tenma, and taichi! let’s GOOO !!!
summary: everyone gets their heart broken, and you were the cause of their broken hearts
warnings: anxiety, cheating, fake/toxic relationships, heartbreak, unrequited love
author’s note: i hope you enjoy it! thank you so much for your support ♡ this is definitely on the longer side for sure, i hope it’s worth the read!!!
i explored different types of jealousy for each person and how it would affect their daily lives! sometimes, the best thing to do is not act on your impulses. is it really worth losing a relationship with someone over? arguably, the only person with a “happy ending” would be taichi~ fair warning!
word count: 4,799 (total) — 2,078 (kazunari), 1,616 (tenma), 1,105 (taichi)
music: ghost heart – closure (kazunari), shouldn’t couldn’t wouldn’t – niki, rich brian (tenma), needs – verzache (taichi)
jealousy (pt.1)
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
it was so hard to always thrive off the attention of others when it was exhausting keeping a smile up
sure, kazunari was a burden when he was excited with his nonstop, loud rant about whatever he learned in his liberal arts university... but people seemed to like him even less when he was quiet and contemplative. he was the butt of the joke, so he had to fake it until he made it
he’d rather be the funny jokester of the group and be remembered as the tolerated clown than forgotten completely
kazunari wanted people to come to him, be his friend, and find him important in their life. kazunari wanted to be everyone’s favorite, the #1, the name you’d say when asked who your best friend was
but no one liked him like that. no one looked to him first when a joke was made to check if he was laughing, everyone assumed he was. but it was so much energy to keep this happy go lucky act and it began taking away from his art
envy made up every cell of his being as he saw groups of supportive friends, students congratulated in front of the class, and just happiness in general. kazunari was always jealous, he wanted so much. he wanted someone to be his best friend
and then, you aced the role with no auditions needed. you made the cut, you entered his life as kazunari’s best friend
you made an effort to include him in group activities, responded to his over–the–top DMs with too many emojis, and even amused him with his spontaneous ideas like road trips to the next town over for the hell of it
it didn’t matter if he called you at the crack of dawn, you picked up before the last ring with just as much enthusiasm to go wherever to make lifelong memories
kazunari didn’t have to pretend like he was full of energy around you, because he was! you charged him up to his full battery and he wouldn’t stop moving until he had you to himself for a few hours
at first, it started out by staying a little bit longer after group project meetings, offering to get absolutely buzzed on overpriced hipster coffee he had to perfect as a barista, and exchanging obvious notes in class while getting in trouble for snickering way too loud
then it became seeing premieres of movies kazunari honestly didn’t care about, he just wanted to do the yawn trick without getting made fun of. he liked dramatically fighting over the popcorn with you before pretending to give up, knowing damn well at the end he’d let you have all his snacks. movies became any event possible: single mixers that were just them huddling in a corner planning to make the most memorable exit ever, mall trips that had inappropiate fashion shows in the dressing rooms before getting kicked out, even beach visits year–round and complaining when the temperatures were too extreme but still having the sickest bonfire
all these moments were posted on his private, more personal instagram where his feed would have your face in every row (he also posted the extremely candid shots of you, he was sneaky with his camerawork). everyone with a social media account knew you guys were platonic soulmates, people destined to meet each other and be by their side for every lifetime
it moved into territory like bringing you to his favorite secret hideouts. eventually, it came down to places he knew his other friends would trash and poke fun at. he began trusting you with his most prized places. his safe space that became yours as well
even his art studio rented out at the border of the urban city with a water–damaged wooden floor. you would drop by everytime he didn’t respond to your text within 10 minutes, with plenty of food because you knew kazunari gets into an obsessive state with completing a project in one sitting. he let you in without a second thought even though you had the spare key; now you were lounging upon a thrifted sofa staring at the sunset
golden hour was gorgeous on you, kazunari thought out of no where, shocking him to the core when he nearly dropped his paintbrush onto the plastic covers. get a hold of yourself man! whatever, he always hyped you up, it wasn’t a big deal. it was just usually, intentional
you didn’t seem to notice, scrolling through your phone as your shadow giggled at something on screen. kazunari felt sick (and it wasn’t the cheap takeout), he hated not being in on the joke and getting left out. jealousy brewed at the pit of his stomach as he faked a childish huff to get your attention. you didn’t look over, too busy sending a meme to someone
“whatchu laughing at?” kazunari asked curiously as he resumed painting, to which you fidgeted under his gaze. shrugging nonchalantly, you pocketed your phone that pinged with a notification. the vibration caused you to read the screen immediately without a second thought. huh...
“just some guy.” you offhandedly mentioned, opening some dating app kazunari could pinpoint. he didn’t know you even liked those types of meet–ups, he dropped his brush this time before fumbling to pick it up as cool as possible
pretending to pay attention to the painting, he lost focus as he glanced at your frame. you looked so relaxed, so casual, who were you so close to? you always told him about the few partners you had, this one threw him for a loop
“guy? don’t tell me my best friend is falling in love~!” kazunari quipped, feigning a pose of shock like it was the worst thing he’s ever heard. honestly, maybe it was, or he was a damn good actor and those hours of practice were working. maybe they were if his best friend couldn’t even see past his facade
you blushed at the implication, but didn’t deny it. you just muttered something about having privacy and rolling over to your side, continuing to text at an inhuman speed
kazunari frowned slightly, drawing his eyebrows together as he couldn’t help but steal glances at your backside. usually he got a joke, a confirmation he was basically your boyfriend, and they both hysterically laughed about it at the end of the day. not this time, apparently
this time, it was different. next time he saw you wasn’t sitting next to him in class, or beneath his arm hiding from the scary film on the projector, it was at the café you frequented to see him. except, you were with someone else. kazunari hadn’t seen you in so long, ever since you were caught messaging someone else
you ordered the same thing as always, you didn’t even have to ask before kazunari had it ready for you. but his whole personality was jittery, like he accidentally ate the entire stock of cacao beans raw. he stammered and his tone fell flat, contrasting his lively speech and flair for drama. he looked... overwhelmed
kazunari spilt your date’s drink last second, his chaotic mind barely controlling his limbs as he knocked over the order. as you tried helping him, every customer saw kazunari hide back in the shell he tried so hard to break. he simply shook his head and delivered his customer service monologue about being very sorry and the next one was on the house
there was at least in attempt in sounding cheerful, but coach would’ve definitely cursed him out for his terrible performance. he knew he was showing too much teeth right now and his eyes were too big to be genuine, but he couldn’t do anything else without his foot tapping repetitively
when you shot him concerned side–eyes from their usual table by the window, you looked different in the orange–hued sky. you were gorgeous in golden hour, kazunari bitterly thought as he wiped down the surfaces until he could see his teary eyes staring back with disgust. he was letting his guard down in front of everyone, how lame
he could hear your walls coming down, you becoming attached to the hip with that date of yours as you two became the only customers left. he heard it all, the flirting, the conversations that would definitely lead to you going back to their place with them. he excused himself to his indifferent manager before hiding in the employee stall, sliding his back down against the wall to sit down on the cold tile floor
kazunari found dates boring. all they led to was him getting his unfinished meal in styrofoam boxes and taking an uber to your place to spill what happened like it was a daily struggle. you laughed and laughed, never having stories of your own since kazunari lived through a lifetime of them for the tall tales
kazunari wanted to go back to that, when both of you were single and laughing together about how absolutely dumb committed relationships were. who else would they need besides each other? kazunari remembered asking, knowing all they could trust in was each other forever
but more importantly, maybe kazunari wanted to be more than your best friend. you were the one who cured his constant artist’s blocks with just words of affirmation, the heartfelt gestures making his serotonin levels skyrocket to oblivion before maxing out on the motivation to create anything that would make your efforts worth it
kazunari thought he just did his best with his friends by his side. but, was it normal for friends to feel like this? kazunari began imagining a painting of a figure, of someone that looked like you, except they were so far away and out of his reach. he wanted to jump through the frame and find you, manifest you for him only
no matter what he did, he couldn’t get the face to resemble anything like yours, like you weren’t his to claim creative rights over anymore
kazunari was jealous. jealous of how easily passerbys fell in love with the way you made anyone feel like they were the main character of their own story. kazunari felt stupid, like he was your comic relief sidekick who so desperately would do anything to be your final love interest
alone, kazunari laughed pitifully to himself as he picked his head up to hear your voice through the thin walls. whatever elaborate joke you were playing on him, it wasn’t funny in the slightest
he only wanted you to laugh with him, hell, he’d go make a fool of himself at any time even if meant you laughed at him
you weren’t one of his artworks, yet you were a masterpiece compared to any canvas he could have made in his entire career
kazunari wanted to paint you in all the colors possible, make you see how you were the rainbow after his rainy life
pushing himself up, kazunari stumbled out of the bathroom before shaking his head. it wasn’t worth it, he got what he wanted, didn’t he? you’re still his best friend, you just loved someone else, that’s all. all he ever wanted was a best friend, why wasn’t he satisfied with that?
when would he stop being jealous? (when would he be your #1 boy? he thought against his will)
taking a deep breath to compose himself, kazunari smiled and waved at the new couple. he saw the relief on your face before you resumed the discussion with the most animated expression he hadn’t seen in a long time. he couldn’t even recall when
everything would go back to normal before you became kazunari’s best friend. you would begin hanging out with the other person more, taking them to all kazunari’s best events. you would eventually stop answering his calls because it interfered with the other person’s schedule. you’d have plans outside of him, and kazunari would go back to being by himself. he’d keep going on dates and stay till the end this time, searching for his #1
(he would have to mute your account after seeing your posts with them, but he never told you that)
kazunari heard something other than you. he looked towards the window: it was raining again, again, and again. he opened his smartphone to take a picture:
kaz–PIKO [new post!]: i hope this rain ends soon!!!
it didn’t, at least, not for a very long time
🌻☀️ sumeragi tenma
tenma was what you would call, gifted. grew up with successful, charistmatic parents who watched his every move like a hawk, never giving him the time to improve from his mistakes
so every time he didn’t immediately get something, he’d give up and find other things to beat others at
the only thing he did that was acceptable to his father was acting, so he never looked back
tenma became a headliner of countless blockbuster movies and walked the red carpet as a fabricated actor with no authenticity
magazines labelled tenma as the playboy with on & off again relationships, although they were staged by his label to make him appear like some heartbreaker
truth was, he’s just like every other high school student who was really bad at focusing on academics (and had definitely not been in a real relationship)
but tenma was famous, fake friends came and went every time his popularity rose, hitting him up for favors. it was okay, he was famous, anyways. it’s not like he needed a bunch of no–bodies
at least, that’s what he told himself every time he sat with his parents at awards banquets with no one to share his success
(tenma was not jealous at all of stars with full rows of people of their friends who were always so loud and supportive)
(it wasn’t awkward going up on stage to receive a trophy with only polite clapping in the background)
you got cast as tenma’s next love interest
you were supposed to be a fake relationship that lasted longer than every other person he’s been with before
you were an up and coming actress full of potential and enthusiasm to boot, ready to take on in the industry like you were the biggest threat around
but it was clear, you loved acting
you loved playing different characters like they were an extension of yourself, paying close attention to other people’s habits so you could incorporate it in your own persona
it was strange—meeting someone who loved acting at its core and didn’t do it for the money. most people wanted their name in lights, drama with them in the middle, to have an adoring fanbase. who actually liked acting as an art form?
tenma was sure you were just hiding something, lying about your sweetheart public image to gain fans
you and tenma became public by having a public brunch date (tenma hated brunch, it was so pointless!) where photographers hid in bushes to take expensive pictures of tenma’s newest girl
tenma at first put on a facade, pretending to be the cocky star everyone made him out to be by flexing his muscles with a charming but practiced wink. why not, right? every girl loved that!
all of a sudden, you were gripping the tablecloth, dying laughing as you tried your best to stifle your outrageous response. tenma grew hot under the collar when it was clear you were very much a real, hard to hide your feelings type person off screen
immediately, he told you off in an aggressive manner but before he could apologize for being so suddenly boyish, you retorted back just as quickly. the friendly banter between you two sent sparks flying from the electric energy
those staged acts didn’t have any effect on you (unless he was in the mood for some serious jokes which he gladly fought back) so a genuine friendship formed
due to you both being competitive at heart, you guys were always caught in a friendly rivalry where you two shared real bonding moments together
your chemistry was off the charts (your managers were both very pleased with the outcome, oblivious to tenma’s defensive no ways!)
tenma’s favorite memory was ditching a panel interview without his parent’s permission to go blow his money on a popular chain arcade im the mall he could most definitely afford with his credit card. it was impulse but he texted you the address and miracously, you showed up on your own
both of you wore the worst disguises possible: snapbacks and funky graphic tee shirts as if you two were just regular students. tenma tried everything that even caught his eye, and you knew he wasn’t entirely happy with anything he got despite winning ten games already
clearly he wasn’t getting distracted enough, something must have happened on set
so you made a bet, whoever won the basketball hoops game would take all the tickets. you knew this would ignite the competitive flame within tenma
“you’re on!” tenma declared, shaking your hand with a firm grip and wolfish grin. that would be one of the last times tenma saw you as “one of the boys”
it was when you finally won against his bruised ego but chose a prize for him that tenma realized, he liked you for you. normally, he’d be showering his fake partner with stuffed animals before being ditched on the street corner, the plastered smiles gone and replaced with nasty annoyance
(he’d never admit it, but even the fake affection was nice while it lasted)
no one really liked him for him, he was just another famous teen actor with passable looks to be the side boyfriend
yet, you still got him something despite winning, giving him the plant and ignoring his surprised face
it wasn’t expensive, but it was the most meaningful gift he’s ever received
it was the first time tenma was given a present like that: a tiny bonsai tree
“maybe that’ll teach you some responsibility!” you joked, pushing him teasingly as he just stared at the little tree, feeling like something inside grew as well
he ignored it by challenging you to a DDR tournament (you won, again)
tenma began seeing the bonsai as a symbol of your friendship with him, and it felt good to finally have someone who would go out of their way to be his friend
(as a result, the bonsai was as healthy as ever)
but maybe, his macho–man act turned you off the wrong way and made him seem like a spoiled rich kid. you never could open up seriously about problems you had without laughing at tenma’s serious face, always messing up his bright orange hair and calling him a loser
tenma was tired of being a kid in your eyes, he wanted to be your manly boyfriend that wasn’t just a legacy actor
he was jealous every time you talked about your actual friends from home, who you shared everything with and made them out like they were the best people on the planet
it was silly, but did you think about him like that? did your friends even know you were with him?
tenma, for the first time, wanted a relationship that was more than just a publicity stunt. he wanted to be your boyfriend, more than just the faker
he wanted to meet your friends, then your family, and learn more about who you actually were. know what you were made up of, past the glamarous movie lifestyle he knew too well
tenma wanted to stop lying to the media because you deserved the truth
tenma wanted to recite his script about love but mean it, pretending like he was staring into your eyes and delivering the best performance of his life (if you ignore the fact he almost said your name)
but every time you guys went out, you acted like you were a babysitter and tenma was a child. you never could see him as a potential partner, just a rival who reacted like a brother would
but you read his behavior all wrong
(though honestly, tenma took every opportunity possible to have you close, because he knew you’d never be his again)
by the time the contract was up, tenma was too late. you were ruffling his hair and smiling like a sibling would, commenting on how fun it was to be with him and he could call you up anytime for tutoring. to you, he was just some high schooler who needed you to study with
but to tenma, he had caught feelings and there was nothing he could do about it
tenma would soon see the tragic news titles of how japan’s favorite it–couple split and you moved onto someone else
(someone much more serious and cool than he was, unfortunately)
tenma began booking roles in much more different films, ones with much more somber tones and melancholy scenes that fit his jealousy perfectly (he was often reviewed as having a “real connection” to his character, like he lived through the pain)
tenma noticed the way you were around the same age as your idol partner, how you actually held his hand while blushing for once. you even kissed them and hugged them in front of the cameras, which you refused to do with tenma, saying it would be weird to kiss a kid
tenma was jealous. jealous how he wasn’t as grown up as you wanted him to be. how he wasn’t mature and had a fiery temper and didn’t think things through. but his next partner was assigned and he had an outing with them soon
as soon as tenma met up with them, he flashed a picture perfect smile and heard the cameras flash behind him. they seemed to like that
his new partner didn’t question a thing as tenma addressed them by your name without noticing
that day, tenma came home to his bonsai dying, despite watering it properly
tenma gave up on you, despite the jealousy. if he wasn’t good at this dating game, there was no need to try anymore
he didn’t return back to that arcade for a while
🍁🛹 nanao taichi
the moment taichi saw you, he was convinced you were the one like every hopeless romantic out there
he was literally blown away. the wind picked up stronger when he saw you and he swore he saw red hearts around you
pretending to skateboard like he was just passing by, he bumped into you on veludo way and pretended like he had no idea where he was going
“sorry! i’m a bit lost... could you help me?” taichi paired it with his puppy eyes and tragic pout, unaware he was a bunny face to face with a wolf in sheep’s clothing
but you recognized him, the famous actor from mankai’s autumn troupe
yet, you pretended to follow his plan, knowing how quickly mankai was regaining its popularity status in theatre
(hey, maybe you’d even get free stuff if you played your cards right)
then began your relationship with taichi, where he was head over skates for you and did everything in his power to make you stay
taichi rearranged his schedule for you, staying up countless hours into the next day just to text you and have every possible moment with you
taichi always reserved you front row seats for every mankai production, sometimes even bringing you backstages despite the warnings from his other members
(they never really liked you, especially not the way you had so much control over taichi)
“taichi... you look tired. are you okay?” omi asked one day, when taichi had been on his phone the entire meal and anxiously fidgeted for a reply
(you sometimes did that just to mess with him a little, by leaving his multiple messages on read) (he hated it)
“me? i’m doing the best i could be!” taichi exclaimed, sneaking a glance at his screen to still see it dark
when omi carefully nodded and turned around, taichi’s posture slouched and the insomnia he was developing just to talk began catching up to his performance
taichi did everything a perfect boyfriend did in plays: wrote you love letters (you never read them), created thoughtful playlists that flowed well (you never listened), even learning new fun talents just to impress you (you never paid attention)
it was never enough to make you see him as more than a key to the theatre industry
to you, taichi was nothing more than a loyal puppy on a leash
taichi didn’t realize how tight his collar was until he was confronted by his troupe members, all who were as serious as it got with them
“what’s up?” taichi offered, faking a grin and suppressing the yawn building in his throat. the bags under his eyes were dark, and his blue eyes were dull. he hadn’t slept in so long. he was low on money for buying too many things. he couldn’t remember the last time he finished a meal
omi exchanged looks with the others, knowing he had to be the one to deliver the news because well, maybe he’d soften the blow a bit better
it must be bad if even juza and banri are not fighting, taichi mused, not really listening until he heard:
“—they’re cheating on you, taichi.”
taichi’s head snapped up, his body becoming rigid from the accusation. his sight landed on a digital image on banri’s phone screen, where you were clearly all over another person
(taichi remebered them, they were your lockscreen. he never questioned it)
(even if he was always jealous of how you hung out with every other friend much more than him, you own boyfriend!)
there was nothing to justify. banri explained how he and juza came upon them at the mall, and he was sorry
(it wasn’t banri’s fault, but he apologized because he was genuinely sorry for all taichi went through)
it’s not like he could say anything, the photo was clear as day! but taichi’s fists were tight by his side and he stood up defiantly
“that’s not true! maybe, that’s just their friend! or family member! i trust them, stop making baseless claims against them!” taichi knew he was making a scene, but it gave him a window to storm out of the front door and run down the sidewalk
“taichi!” he heard, but no one dared followed him. maybe he needed to face it by himself and open his eyes
they’d be back waiting for him at the end of the day when he finally realized he didn’t deserve to be in a toxic situation like this
(taichi did so much to become even better, just so you would like him more... it never worked)
taichi stopped at the park, panting deeply and leaning forward to catch his breath
this couldn’t be possible! he was the perfect boyfriend, right? he did everything for you... what wasn’t enough? when would he be enough?
but the proof was right there. taichi could see you with the same person in the image right in front of him
that’s when it hit. you knew taichi had acting practice right now, he wouldn’t know any better
all the pent–up anger within him exploded, his desperation masking a much more weak, unstable truth: fear of abandonment and the unrequited jealousy of the other person, no matter how much he hated to admit it
taichi was jealous. jealous of how you liked everyone else so much better than him, taichi wanted to be better, for you
but you were gonna leave him, toss him aside like your time together was nothing, like he was nothing
you never loved him, you liked the attention
taichi finally saw the signs, the red flags you were manipulative and knew he was easy enough to twist and break. he opened his eyes and you hadn’t even noticed him
but then, he tried to tell himself maybe he actually liked that, but it sounded hollow and fake even to him
taichi had to say no now
taichi was hurt, but he couldn’t show that to you anymore. you didn’t deserve the privilege having a say in his feelings anymore
walking by and pretending to bump into you, your face didn’t change as you saw him, simply raising an eyebrow in question
“just leave me for somebody else,” taichi humorlessly laughed, staring at the way you felt nothing for him
you stepped onto his heart and broke it, there was nothing else to say. even then, he wish he was the person you loved, even if it killed him
“enjoy yourself.” taichi finished, knowing these would be the last words he would ever say to you before returning back to the dorms
he didn’t look back, not anymore
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Somewhere Out There
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Happy Holidays everyone! ^^ And since I prolly won't do anything new for some time again, happy new year too :P Annie heard about the woman she was matched with today. A known name in the MMA scene, she was among the top-ranked - steadily placing high in various tournaments. Experienced, dangerous, and strong, a welcome change from her first fight and that egoistic wrestler. Annie was looking forward to the challenge. The bell rang and they both moved at the same time.
At first, it was her enemy throwing punches, testing the waters, looking for openings. But Annie didn’t budge. Using the technique she learned from Reiner “the Armor”, she turtled with her hands raised, absorbing the hits. The pain didn’t mean anything, and as long as she protected the important parts of her body, she could safely ignore it. Only a very good striker could get through the armor, find the gaps and slide the damage in, but this girl couldn’t do it and Annie shrugged her hits off. Seeing that there was no progress to be made there, she bit the bait and went in.
The woman went low, Annie went high and they met in the middle, grasping at each other. A grappler then, same as she was. Muscles straining, they fell on the ground, their duel continuing there as they tried to get a submission hold on each other. Her enemy was about the same in both height and weight as Annie and their struggling was more or less equal. Yet as it continued, it was clear that Annie had something the other woman didn’t – cold-blooded dedication. While she was running out of breath, the blonde wasn’t even winded, coiling herself around her like a vice, never letting go, never lessening the pressure. But before she could truly put her choking techniques to work, the woman simply tapped out.
Confused, Annie let go and they disentangled from one another. For whatever reason, the defeated party was wearing a huge smile anyway, almost immediately offering the victor a hand to shake.
“I shouldn’t have taken you to the ground.”, she said, “You’re insane there. Do you ever get tired?”
There was joy in her voice, enjoyment even, and Annie didn’t get it. She got crushed, so why did she look like that she was having fun?
“You don’t mind that you lost?”
“Nah, I kind of expected that to happen sooner or later.”
“Why’s that? Don’t you have faith in what you do?”
“I do, but I know that there are others out there who are class above normal people. I found out about it a few months back.”
Despite not being here to make friends, Annie was interested.
“How so?”
“You see, I was competing in an MMA tournament, all hyped up and ready to go. I was counted between the favorites to win the whole thing, and that did wonders to my ego. It inflated even further when I breezed through my matches. But then I met her.”
Annie didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath, immersed in the story. A bit embarrassed by how easily she was drawn in, she huffed it out, waiting for the other girl to continue.
“She had an impressive streak, but was a newbie, only recently switching to our scene. No worries, I thought, I’ll show her what MMA is about.”, she shook her head, “ I have never been so wrong. She was fast, insanely fast, and far stronger than her build suggested. I did my best, I gave the match my all, but she crushed me anyway and that’s when I realized that some people are just built differently. She was a prodigy, I am not.”
If there was someone like that out there, it would be helpful to keep tabs on her. Hell, she might be even competing in this very tournament.
“What was her name?”, Annie asked, “How did she look like?”
“Asian girl, black hair, pale skin, a scar on her cheek. Her name was Mikasa.”
Annie’s next breath was a deep inhale as she struggled to keep herself calm. The night still haunted her, that fight in the rain, the one where she almost got beaten to death. The naked steel in Mikasa’s eyes when she raised the bloodied fist, that was something Annie would never forget.
“You know, she was giving me a similar feeling you do.”, the girl went on, “Do you know her?”
“N-No.”, Annie lied, shaking her head vehemently, “Never heard of her.”
“Oh well, if you go on like this, I’m sure you two will meet somewhere in the bracket.”
With that, the woman tapped Annie on the shoulder and left the ring. Gritting her teeth, clenching her fists, the blonde’s dedication to winning had reached a whole new level. Because now, she knew that her worst rival was here too. Because now, she knew that she could crush her demons on the way to the top. And Annie would enjoy that.
Eren didn’t even know how they ended up like this, on the couch with Mikasa straddling him. She came down from the bedroom, he wished her good morning, so she kissed him in return and things somewhat escalated from there. Not that he was complaining. She was still in her sleeping attire, a shirt and a pair of panties, meaning that her bare legs were all his for the taking.
And everything was great, until she pulled back, grasping his chin and casting an inspecting eye over the beard Eren was cultivating for a few days.
“You really should shave babe, I’m not sure I approve of that homeless vibe.”
“You’re the one the talk.”
“What’s that?”
Fine then, if Mikasa wanted to play this game, he was in. Eren liked that beard, and shaving was a pain the ass anyway. To tease her, he swapped the circuit in his brain from horny to asshole, the one that was usually reserved for Jean.
“Well, you are… you know…”, it was hard searching for an insult with Mikasa on his lap, so Eren just blurted the first word that stumbled on his tongue, “ugly.”
“Ugly? You think I’m ugly?“
“Yep. Hideous even.“
“Care to elaborate?”
“Well, for starters, look at your hair.”, his hand came up, dragging through the short locks, “So short, so black. And a dyed red streak? How old are you?”, he shook his head, “Everyone knows that long blonde is the best.”
Her own hands found purchase on Eren’s shoulders as Mikasa anchored herself, listening.
“Go on.”, she prompted.
“Your shoulders are too broad, biceps too big..”, tracing that lovely shape, he went on, “what do you need muscles for?”
“I beat people up for a living.”, she grinned down at him, “But continue.”
It was only a half-truth by now, but they both knew that. Taking full advantage of her position, Eren slid his hands to her breasts, cupping them through the fabric of her shirt. Mikasa didn’t wear bra to bed, obviously, so he could feel her nipples through it.
“Your chest is way too small to be attractive, you look like a man. I mean, everyone knows that the bigger the better.”
Amused, Mikasa made a happy noise in the back of her throat. But when Eren’s hands kept groping the same area, she raised an eyebrow.
He reluctantly let go of her breasts.
“R-Right. Sorry.”
Torn from his trance, as it was always so much fun to play with her chest. Eren quickly repositioned his grasp to her hips, the move itself a herculean effort. Mikasa was patient, playing with the ends of his overlong hair, smug on her throne.
“Your stomach is too hard,”, poking her abs, Eren faked his best scowl, “woman is supposed to be soft to the touch.”
Five years back, all this critique would send Mikasa’s confidence crashing down, especially if it would come from her own boyfriend. But now all she did was smirk, watching him pull those words out of his ass. Self-growth is a wonderful thing.
“Thighs, again too strong. What for?”
“Choking people out.”, she scratched his nape slightly, “Maybe you too if you ask nicely.”
A low growl left Eren as the scenario flashed through his mind, fingers digging into those beautiful legs for a second before he re-composed himself. With a deep breath, he moved his hands to the last part of his inspection.
“And your ass…. Your ass…. Err….”
“What’s that?”
“I mean… Uhm…”
But how was he supposed to say anything? Granted, his insults were lame to begin with, but at least he could try to look at it from someone else’s perspective to pass her strengths as faults. However, what was the play here? To reassure himself that there is indeed nothing he could latch on, he ran his hands over Mikasa’s backside, the “inspection” taking much longer than needed. That made her giggle.
“I’ve got nothing.”, he finally surrendered, “Your butt is perfect.”
Mikasa didn’t say anything for a time, simply looked down at him, the smug smirk never leaving her lips. And then she did that the one thing that Eren feared she would do to completely destroy his arguments. She stirred her hips. Just a little, a tiny rock back and forth on top of him, but she was experienced and he was weak, so fucking weak for her, that the little slide almost immediately began producing results. His traitorous body refused to cooperate with the mind, and Eren was hard before he even realized how it happened. With Mikasa on his lap, the change was rather obvious to both parties involved, and her smug smile became even smugger. Worst of all, Eren knew that she’s probably not going to do anything about it and leave him blueballed, because while she knew that he spoke only to tease her, Mikasa preferred her teasing to be done in a more physical way. And to Eren’s dismay, she was damn good at it.
“Still, you raised some valid critique.”, Mikasa suddenly said, halting her movements, “So tell me, with all these faults, why do I have this?”
She wiggled her engagement ring at him.
“That’s easy.”, he replied, summoning his blood to his brain back from the crotch “I love you.”
“Even with my wide shoulders and hard stomach?”
“Precisely because of that.”
“Well..”, she leaned closer, whispering, “You are lucky that I love you too. Even with your girly hair and hobo beard.”
And just as Eren moved in for a kiss, she slipped out of his lap and was gone.
“Mmmhhh……. W-Where are you going?”, he called after her, even more desperate than before.
“I’ve got training with Levi.”, she called right back, her voice accompanied by the sounds of her getting dressed.
“Now? Can’t you go in like… five minutes?”
“Aw, I’m sorry babe.”, Mikasa appeared in the doorway, already wearing her signature leather biker jacket, “But you know how punctual Levi is.”
“I have to run, but I’m sure that you and your…”, her eyes dipped between Eren’s legs before coming back to his face, “right hand can figure out the issue.”
Disappearing with a wink, Eren soon heard the door click and he was alone. Knocking his head back against the couch, he barked out a laugh. How could someone not love Mikasa Ackerman, that was completely beyond him. Well, time to shave.
If anything, Levi was even harder on her now. Mikasa’s training was more extreme than ever, pushing limits of both her strength and endurance above and beyond. But she didn’t complain. She knew that the road would be hard and rocky, and Levi was simply trying to prepare for the worst. Yet when her brother said that she should develop a new move, something not seen before, she had to ask.
“Why? Don’t I have enough shit in my repertoire?”
“You do, but they will know that. An ace up your sleeve might be worth investing some time into.”
“What do you mean?
“Rest assured that they will scout you. Watch your past matches, learn what you do and how to counter it.”
“Of course. You haven’t lost yet after switching to MMA, not even once, and now you went and knocked one of the top contenders down on his ass.”
“I see…”, Mikasa scratched the back of her neck, a new idea popping in, “If they do that, shouldn’t we do the same?”
“Way ahead of you. I’ve already done some serious research and, I’ll be honest with you, it’s not looking pretty.”
“How so?”
“There are some serious monsters out there. Last night, I watched a tattooed giant completely brutalize some poor fellow’s face with his elbows. That’s the thing about this tournament. On the bright side, the next to no rules means that you get to fight a wide variety of people, a lot of great experience. But on the other hand, guys like him can be as brutal as they want to without any drawback.”
“I know what I was getting into.”, Mikasa countered.
“Still, be extra careful. Especially if you get into the ring with the guys I picked out.”
Levi had spent about a week or so on this, combing through the huge-ass number of matches, looking for individuals who stood out the most. Those that would be most dangerous to his sister.
“I’ve compiled them into a file with all the info I could dig out, videos of their fights and whatnot. Sometimes it's not much, but it’s better than nothing. I’ll send you an email with the file.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Really.”
He nodded back, turning and leaving back into the gym. Mikasa got out, kicked the bike awake, the engine roaring, and soon she was on her way back home with a new set of things to ponder.
When Eren came home, Mikasa was already deep in her research, looking at the laptop screen with a focused look on her face. He sat down next to her, eager to see who she would be facing later on. There was a guy on the screen right now, a real tank. Blonde, tall and very heavily muscled, with a somewhat sad look on his face.
“Damn, look at this dude, he’s built like a space marine.”
Mikasa blinked at him.
“A what?”
“A space ma-, nevermind. I’ll educate you some other time.”
Eren and his fantasy worlds. Focusing on the page instead, Mikasa read out loud.
“Reiner Braun - Germany. Specialty: grappling – long history of Judo and Wrestling.”
“Dude’s heavy as shit.” Eren noted over her shoulder, “If he ever gets you on the ground you’re finished.”
Mikasa had to agree with him. She was strong, but there was no way she was getting over a hundred kilos of pure muscle from her chest. Worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, she scrolled down.
“Fahkumram - Thailand. Specialty: Muay Thai – also known as the god of Muay Thai.”
Talk about an imposing figure. Over two meters tall with almost unnaturally broad shoulders, arms and legs bulging. Numerous tattoos covered the man’s skin, Mikasa’s own paling in comparison. She could almost hear Eren’s worry increasing. Levi wasn’t lying, these guys were truly monsters, far beyond anything she had faced until now. Hoping for someone that would take their mind from that German tank and abnormal Thai warrior, she scrolled down. And her heart skipped a beat.
“Is that….”, Eren whispered next to her, “No way…”
But there was no mistaking it. Exchanging a bewildered look with her boyfriend, Mikasa’s eyes slid over the page, reading.
“Annie Leonhart – Germany.”
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.70
Keith gave up trying to keep up. First Lance up. Then he was down. Then he was getting angry and upset on Keith’s behalf. Then he was pacing. And now he was crying again as they sat in Lance’s Bronco. They hadn’t even left the VOLTRON staff parking area before Lance was apologising about “his ego” and “wanting to punch people in the dick”. He’s thought taking his boyfriend for a walk would calm him down enough that he’d realise he needed to take things easy. But no. He hadn’t even gotten that far. Sitting in Lance’s car, Keith had his arms full of his crying boyfriend. Lance hadn’t had enough blood as far as Keith was concerned, now that he stopped to think about it. Keith’s blood during his heat had made his boyfriend super horny, and a bit egotistical, which Lance wasn’t right now. Now he stopped to think about it, he was sure he was right when he’d been worried Lance was pushing himself. All Lance’s “extraness” was coming from him being determined to find something before Krolia and the werewolves arrived. He was hyped up on emotion, not blood. What he needed was to rest, not go investigating crime scenes.
Keith wasn’t great at admitting he wasn’t good at resting when he needed to. He felt like resting would only cost people their lives. He had to work harder and be better. He had to be there all the time and be hands on. Being with Lance showed him how much pressure that had been on his shoulders. He wasn’t saying Lance couldn’t shoulder helping, he was saying he couldn’t shoulder helping on the back of yesterday and him being overly emotional that morning. He’d made the mistake he’d nearly made the day before. He’d let Lance rush, when he wasn’t ready to. He should have pulled Lance into his lap instead of letting him pace. He should have pulled Lance out of his head instead of sitting there between Shiro and Curtis.
“Babe. I’m going to say something and I don’t want you to get mad”
Lance sniffled
“I think you’re still emotionally exhausted”
“I’m okay...”
They’d spent so much one together Lance was sounding like him
“You’re not... and I think I worked it out. I think the blood was okay, but you’re not”
“I’m fine... I had too much blood”
“You didn’t though. I think maybe... you did a me. Said you were, then tried too hard to be”
Lance shook his head
“I’m okay... I’m okay”
“I think you ego wants to protect me... I think you maybe feel that you want to solve this really badly because you don’t want them to have anything against us when they get here”
Lance sniffled, bringing a hand up to rub at his face
“Is that what I’m doing?”
“I think so”
As they say “Take’s one to know one”. One of Pidge’s favourite lines when Matt accused her of cheating
“Sometimes I get too focused... I’ve seen Coran for it before. I think maybe... maybe I was looking for something I could throw myself into... especially if I could be some help to you”
“A wise man once told me I can’t be a superhero”
“I feel like a super zero. It’s hard when you can’t forget things”
“You’re not a “SuperZero”. Do you regret not taking that pill?”
Lance shook his head
“I believe you. That’s what Rieva was talking to me about. I didn’t think about how it’d be to be a werewolf in heat and deal afterwards with not falling pregnant. It kind of makes me feel lame for worrying over a broken condom”
That subject was still tender, he wasn’t ready for prodding there
“Does that make me the same for still trying to process it?”
Lance shook his head again
“No. No. No, it doesn’t”
“Then your not lame either. We’ve blown off two briefings now. Do we call it a day?”
“Can we go for a drive instead? Get out of this place and breathe?”
Keith could drive. He’d done enough talking. Taking his bike would have really gotten his mind off things, but Kosmo was too wiggly for a bike ride
“You’ll have to give me directions”
“I can do that”
Lance leaned in and kissed him. Keith happy to kiss him back. One near miss wasn’t going to get between them.
Lance directed Keith to the park where the bodies were found without thinking about it. It was a nice place. Plenty of grass and open space. Not the kind of space you’d expect to see two dead bodies, not with all the people there today. Kids played in the playground, parents sipping coffees as they played on their phones instead of watching their kids
“Babe, what are we doing here?”
“I guess I was thinking about this place. I didn’t mean to end up here”
Keith sighed at him. Lance didn’t blame him. They agreed he was trying to overcompensate for the lack of control in his life and his perceived uselessness. Though Lance couldn’t help it. Every time he thought of Keith being bullied by those wanker wolves, he got mad. Keith was mad too, but he’d let himself feel like he wasn’t worth people’s love or time. Lance loathed it. They’d spent so long talking, learning, and growing together, that sometimes they didn’t know how to follow through after letting themselves be vulnerable. Focusing on the reports meant helping Keith and moving forward. Focusing on reports meant he might be able to help Keith when the crucial time came, or at least show him he really did have his back, despite how much of unlikely pair they made.
Staring across the park through the windshield, Keith sighed as he turned to look at him
“We were supposed to be taking a moment”
“I know. I can’t help it. I miss Garrison, and the open air. Besides, it’s not like the park itself is bad. I don’t see a gaggle of lurking vampires or a scurry of werewolves. We can take Kosmo for a walk and he can do his doggy business. I’ve got plastic bags in the back. And I’ve got my jacket on, so it won’t be too bad out there”
“Babe. It’s not the weather I’m worried about. Krolia is full on. James has no time for anyone he thinks under him. We can’t walk out of briefings with them”
“I know... I mean, I don’t know. I guess I’m assuming. The park was on my mind, but I wasn’t thinking of coming here to work. I just needed air. We won’t even poke around, because that’s not what we’re here to do. Look at the grass. Look how uniform it is. I wonder what kind of lawnmower they use”
Keith raised an eyebrow
“Did you just... Your old man is showing. No one cares about how smooth the grass is”
“I do... my poor garden’s probably half bloody dead. The damn dandelions are probably having a picnic knowing I’m not there to rip the little bastards out”
“I still don’t think I understand what made you come back so fast”
“Rieva did. Honerva’s gone mad. Human experiments. Blood lust. Maids and tourists that go missing. Dead werewolves and vamps. Honerva’s barely... she’s not sane and she’s fae. Lotor’s her son. If he’s here, she’s sent people to retrieve him. People like Sendak. People like Sendak don’t have morals. That’s what Rieva is scared of. Killing us would be like swatting a fly. Lotor painted targets on all of us by showing up. Take into fact that you and Shiro are hunters and you’ll be drugged and off to Europe to be pets between bouts of experimentation. That’s the general gist. They’ve got so much power that they don’t care about the Blades or VOLTRON. They’d easily crush both groups without thinking about it. Between you and me, I think maybe they had something to do with Rieva’s parents being killed. She knows a lot about European wolf culture and even the big bad wolves there avoid Zarkon and Honerva’s territories”
Keith leaned back to rest against the seat
“They don’t teach us about them. They teach us history to a certain point, but it’s not until we’re heading out that we get a full briefing. It’s supposed to be in case someone turns traitor or something like that. Maybe I was too low on the totem pole to know? Krolia would know”
“Yeah, well, we’ve got Rieva. She was raised by werewolves. We’ve got Matt who can hack just as good as Pidge. Coran can use his fae magic to subdue wolves. And you’ve got me...”
Keith reached out, tucking a strand of stray hair back behind Lance’s ear
“Babe, you’re getting worked up again”
Lance couldn’t help it. What good were the Blades if they didn’t share intelligence on targets? No. Fuck. He was stressing Keith out. Keith had been brave opening up to him. He’d wanted to act as normal as possible to show Keith that what he’d told him didn’t change how he felt for him.
“I’m sorry. Maybe you should find another stick, and smack me with it when I’m doing it again?”
“I didn’t know you were into spanking”
Keith gave him a crooked smile, acting like he wasn’t being a tease. Keith could spank him and he’d probably beg for more
“Maybe? Maybe not? Maybe I just wanna be smacked like a piñata? Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out after we’ve taken a walk and taken in the sun. It’s good a source of Vitamin D-grump”
“I’m not grumpy”
“You’re not happy either”
“I’m getting there. I don’t want you pushing it on your walk. You need rest”
Just like that, Keith had him thinking about the broken condom again. This was why he shouldn’t be resting. He could wallow in his room, but he’d rather wallow on his sofa with his wine. He might as well be a wheel of Swiss cheese for all the whining he’d been doing... But if he was Swiss Cheese, he might earn himself a bit of God’s love with how holey he’d be
“I’ll tell you if a need a break. And you’ll tell me if you need one. I can’t wait until Kosmo is big enough to teach him how to play fetch”
Kosmo was trying to eat Lance’s shoes because they were taking so long
“Okay. Let’s head out”
Keith wished he’d had more than his phone camera as Lance played with Kosmo. His boyfriend would jog a few steps ahead and Kosmo would go bounding along after him. There were other people in the park, Keith kind of wishing he’d thought to arm himself before they went out, but it was a much needed moment of normality. Lance laughing and scooping up Kosmo when he chased him. He didn’t feel like a hunter, other than the fact he couldn’t stop scanning the park every so often for potential threats. He felt like he’d felt back in Garrison with Lance. He’d had so much time there to think and be with Lance. Now they were here as two boyfriends taking their fur son for a walk with the sun sitting low in the horizon.
Keith’s idea of Lance taking it slowly wasn’t having his boyfriend jogging, but Lance was so happy with Kosmo and had promised to take it easy. Jogging was probably as much exercise as a brisk walk for a vampire, plus being behind Lance and Kosmo meant he was able to take lots of photos of the pair of them
“Keith, look how cute he is”
Kosmo was nipping at Lance’s fingers, Lance having stopped meant he caught up to both of them
“He is. He is the precious fur son”
“Having a dog is great. But don’t tell Blue I said that. We should bring her. She’s really good on a lead”
Reaching out, Keith ruffled Lance’s hair
“Yeah. We’ll have to head back soon, we shouldn’t be here after sunset”
“Awww, but look at his face. 10. No. 15 more minutes. Please”
Lance raised Kosmo up, pulling “puppy dog eyes” and a pout as he did. Keith was weak
“15 minutes. That goes for both of you”
“Yay! We should totally take some photos too”
Keith drew his brow
“Haven’t you noticed I have been?”
“But they’re all of me and Kosmo. Not me, you, and Kosmo. I won’t forget today, but they’re precious memories for you too”
Keith was a push over as he set a timer on his phone. The next 15 minutes spent taking selfies with Lance and Kosmo. He wasn’t terribly photogenic, and didn’t like the way he looked in most of them, but He couldn’t erase them. Not with the way Lance was looking at him in them. He was looking at Keith like Keith was the only person in existence... and it felt good. He’d lived to survive, now it felt like maybe he was living and not just alive. Lance kissed his cheek, Keith blushed as he hit the button on his phone, just before the timer went off
“I guess that’s it?”
Lance sounded disappointed
“Yeah. We have to head back, but we should do this more often”
Nosing into Keith’s cheek, Lance kissed him again
“I’d really like that”
“Me too. This was nice”
“Yeah. Next time you should try having Kosmo chase you. He looks so happy running around”
“You looked pretty happy too”
“I am. I feel so much better now. I know we vampires are supposed to live in coffins and hate the sun, but I like the outdoors”
“Have you ever been hiking?”
“Years ago. We both know how I feel about unnecessary physical exercise”
“We should go. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it at the end”
“Fiiiiine. But if I let you find a trail, can you promise you’ll go easy on me?”
Lance didn’t need him to go easy on him. He could out walk Keith any day
“No way. You have the advantage”
Lance blew a raspberry on his cheek, before darting away from him
“Be nice to your elders”
Keith wiped at his cheek, nose wrinkled
“You’re fucking gross”
Lance laughed, setting Kosmo down. The puppy bounding over to Keith happily
“You brought it on yourself”
Picking up Kosmo’s lead, Keith huffed
“I’m going to find a stick and stake your undead arse!”
“Babe, you don’t need a stick for that. Hey, tripped over a branch lately? How about a root?”
Groaning at his boyfriend, Keith buried his face in his hands
“Baaaabe. No. That’s terrible”
Lance came back to his side, slinging his arm over Keith’s shoulders
“Why is sex in tents always great? Because it’s fucking in-tents. Pidge made me learn a bunch of pick up lines because she worried I was going to die alone”
“Lance, you don’t need to lie to me. You knew pick-up lines before Pidge, didn’t you?”
Lance sighed dramatically, leaning heavily against him
“Yeah, but I never used them. I mean, the only guy I would pick up, I can literally throw over my shoulder at any time”
“And now I can never show my face in that pub again... You’re lucky your cute”
Lance eased back, smiling as he did
“You’re the only one who’d say that”
Good. He didn’t want to share
“Hey, babe. Go ahead and feel my shirt. It’s boyfriend material”
Lance snorted with laughter, Keith a little embarrassed, but happier that his boyfriend was happy. Today had been salvaged and now he just wanted to go back to Lance’s room and ignore work.
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »17
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 3.6k ▎ ch.warnings: cursing, some angsty themes, smut/unprotected sex (jisoo x jk sorry not sorry again), they’re both a mess and everything is a mess but dw they’ll figure some shit out soon enough. 
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​​ ♡♡♡
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“Okay, something’s definitely up.”
Hoseok snorted, “Yeah, Jimin’s dick when he talks to that dud—“
The smaller boy harshly elbowed Hobi on his ribs, unfazed as the elder hunched over with a grunt.
“Guys, take this seriously.” Namjoon sighed, stretching alongside Hoseok and Jimin, looking over at Taehyung from a distance. The couple hadn’t shared a single word since this morning— much less a sappy glance!
Tae seemed like he’d been crying all night, eyes puffy from the tears shed onto his pillow.
“You think they ended things? I mean, they were— Oh, hey Jungkook!” Namjoon forced a strained smile, trying to appear lowkey about the situation.
“We were just talking about... Jisoo! Uhm, you still mad?”
Fucking hell, Joon couldn’t seem to give himself a break, can he? He’d once again cornered himself.
Jungkook was caught up in his own train of thoughts until Namjoon's voice broke him out of it, the sudden halt in his steps obvious to all. His eyes widened at the mention of Jisoo, and suddenly his eyes flickered between everybody until they landed on the floor, his long curls falling over his eyes,
''Uh,'' He shrugged lightly, ''She's fine.. Uh, she's good. Don't worry.'' There's no way he'd tell them what had happened last night... He looked up at Namjoon and gave him a lopsided smile, ''All forgiven.''
Namjoon wasn't sure what he expected, but surely it wasn't that response. He rubbed at his nape, nodding once, twice,
''Okay, great..? Ehh, alright-- let's begin!''
The other men groaned, they really wanted answers. But it was obvious that right now wasn't the time, maybe during breakfast? Would the boys sit next to each other?
Jungkook stayed close to the group as they began, his eyes finding Taehyung eventually-- and his chest felt like it was being stepped on. It was hard to breathe... So, he looked away, deciding he would ignore him. That was what Tae wanted after all. So, he shouldn't even feel guilty for what he did with Jisoo...
Kook clenched his jaw, shrugging his thoughts off, replacing them by focusing on practice with everything he's got, going hard until he was a breathing mess drenched in sweat.
Taehyung snuck outside during breakfast, perched high up on the bleachers. It was his only doable option for a spot if he didn’t want to be a part of Yerin’s circle..
‘You’re gay? We should totally gossip about guys!”
“Oh my gosh, I have these face masks.. amazing!”
They had the audacity to invite him over to a sleepover. A fucking sleepover!
Tae sighed in defeat, closing his eyes as he indulged himself in the morning’s cool breeze.
Now that he was more at ease, he went over his options once again.
If he sat with his friends, Jungkook would be there.
Sitting with Kai and Haechan was out of the question— obviously. They stared him down like he was some freak every time they passed him in the crowded hallways, succeeding at pointing him out from the rest.
That’s how Taehyung felt, like an elephant surrounded by wild birds. He felt stuck while everyone else had the option to fly away.
“Fucking sucks..” The boy groaned, trying to stay collected throughout all of this.
It was easier said than done.
“So.. Jungkook?” Jin mumbled through a mouthful of cereal, taking notice of the empty seat that was normally reserved for the younger’s boyfriend. “Where’s Taehyung? Is he a ghost or something..” Jin chuckled a bit at his own joke, slurping another spoonful whilst his curious eyes were trained on Kook.
Jungkook munched his sandwich, this time around he didn't feel like eating any sweets at all. The marshmallows would just taste... sour in his mouth at this point.
Jin's question had the younger glance over at the empty seat, replying with a shrug,
''I don't know.''
Jin stopped mid-slurp, eyes widening a bit at the nonchalant response from their youngest.
''You guys fight?'' Yoongi asked, blunt as always.
''Uh....Yeah.'' Jungkook took another bite off his sandwich to avoid speaking further.
''Why?'' Jin chimed in once more.
''I don't wanna talk about it right now, okay?'' the younger groaned, pushing himself off the table, ready to leave.
''hey, hey, wait-- you don't have to, we just worry, okay? You guys go on and off so much lately.'' Jimin raised his hand to try to get Kook to sit back down, for once looking up from his phone.
Jungkook shrugged once more. ''We're done. Don't worry about it.'' He left it at that, even if he just said he didn't wanna talk about it. He picked up his tray and left, a deep sigh pushing through his lips. He knew it was true-- but saying it out loud was... Harder than he thought.
He left the dining hall to go grab a banana milk from the vending machine, impatiently tapping his foot against the floor as he waited for it. When it finally dropped, he grabbed it and headed to sit outside of the building until the next class and sip on his drink, for once his eyes were glued on his phone. Jisoo had texted him a photo of herself and Yuna, the two girls bringing a smile to his lips.
Maybe it wasn't all that bad.
Jisoo waited patiently in her apartment, gaze occasionally switching between the tilted clock on her wall and the TV. It was an hour past the time school usually got dismissed.. Jungkook should be home, right?
The woman felt like such a creep, but her desire to see him was much stronger after last night’s events. She even went out of her way to buy condoms, if that didn’t scream ‘desperate for you to fuck me’ Jisoo didn’t know what did.
Even if they didn’t end up having sex, the woman would be perfectly fine with doing nothing. As long as she was next to Jungkook.
“You can do this, Jisoo..” She hyped herself up, grabbing the container of leftover soup.
The girl stopped in front of Jungkook’s door, knocking on it a few times.
Her heart was beating really fast, it was embarrassing..
Jungkook put his playstation controller aside as he heard the knock, getting up to saunter towards the door. Part of him already knew who it could be, and peeking through the small hole he was right. He fixed his hair up, well-- as far as good would go with his long curls, combing through the mess with his fingers a few times. He'd changed into comfy attire as he got home; a deadly combination of grey sweatpants and a fitted v-neck.
''Noona!'' A wide smile through closed teeth greeted Jisoo as he opened the door.
“Hi!” The woman saluted back, meeting his level of enthusiasm in her voice. Her face, however..
She took a double take at Jungkook’s outfit, jaw permanently going slack. He looked cozy enough to cuddle with, that’s it. Jisoo really shouldn’t make it this obvious..
“Uhm..” The flustered girl tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I just wanted to give you this.” She extended the container of last night’s soup out to him, figuring Jungkook would enjoy it more than her. It was a blessing that the younger praised her cooking, but Jisoo wasn’t too confident in her choppy skills.
“So, yeah.” The woman stuck around, rocking back and forth on her feet.
“Without Yuna home, I had the chance to do a lot more stuff.”
She breathed out, looking up at Kook to see if he got the shitty hint.
“I-I cleaned? Actually managed to set up the kitchen.. it was a productive day!— because Yuna’s at my sister’s place..”
Jisoo poked her tongue against the side of her cheek, stifling a little smile.
She was making it so obvious, wasn’t she? The woman failed to feel embarrassed, though. It was Jungkook she was talking to, he was like family..
Jungkook grabbed the container, his face lit up with excitement at the mere thought of food that wasn't microwaved instant noodles.
"Ahh you're the best noona...." he gave her a toothy grin, and it faltered as soon as she mentioned that the little child wouldn't be around for now-- he did miss her.
"Okay, well, do you want to... come inside? I have to put this in the fridge.." he cringed internally at his lame attempt at inviting her. "I don't think you've really seen my place much anyway-- it's not that impressive, but.."
With her hands tightly clasped in front of her, Jisoo willingly followed Jungkook inside.
The woman pivoted around in her spot, the background sound effects from the PlayStation making things less quiet.
“Woah, it almost looks like my apartment!” Jisoo laughed, studying her surroundings a bit more. The hole in the wall was a little hard to ignore, but she didn’t bring it up.
All was still too fresh, that was her best bet.
Jisoo met him in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she watched him put the container in the fridge. It made her happy that she was able to help out in any way..
“I missed you.” The older woman suddenly blurted out, “I mean.. you’re the only person I know here.”
Jungkook flashed her a smile as he closed the fridge. He almost blurted out 'what about namjoon'-- but that wouldve been really dumb...
"Yeah?" He crooked an eyebrow, stepping closer until he was practically towering over her small frame. He placed each hand on the counter adjacent to her body, tilting his head to the side with an innocent grin, "I missed you too~"
He couldn't help it, Jisoo drew out this side of him-- he became coy, her innocence was almost as alluring as his own. And since he's..well, a guy full of raging hormones, last night only made him feel needier.
His face inched closer to her flushed one, his breath sweet as he observed her features. She looked a little extra pretty today. Did she finally get enough sleep? Or did she put extra effort into her appearance before coming?
Jisoo’s brightly tinted lips curled inwards into a thin line.
Her eyes popped out from the subtle shade of brown temporarily etched onto her crease, as well as a natural reaction to Jungkook’s significantly broader body lingering extra close to hers.
She looked up at the younger man, feeling like a helpless ant in his presence.
He was easily gifted with the strength of hurting her without even trying. Just one flick of his fingers and Jisoo was done for! It was a little degrading that she had to be the one to strain her neck in order to meet his gaze, but maybe she liked the way he made her feel small..
The condom in the back pocket of her shorts pressed against her the more she leaned back against the edge of the counter, wanting to tease Jungkook by making him wait.
“You missed me?”
Jisoo bit down on her lip, stifling a blinding grin. Her eyes gave it away, however.
“I’m glad..”
Her soft hands traveled up to his chest, merely resting them there as she propped herself up on her tiptoes. The woman kissed him slowly, relishing in the intimate taste of banana milk and.. potato chips? Either way, Jisoo was a fan of the strange yet addicting combination.
Anything Jungkook had to offer was worth it.
Jungkook hummed in response, immediately feeling like his lips were melting against hers. They were so small-- everything about her seemed too delicate; another magnetic quality of hers.
"Yeah," he breathes out in a haste as their lips separated for a mere second before his hands finally found her waist to effortlessly lift her up on the counter, giving her an opportunity to meet his height. Kook positioned himself between her spread legs, one hand cupping her face to draw her in for another kiss as his other hand settled on her thigh, squeezing it softly between his fingers.
She yelped in initial shock, nearly tipping over the small vase of dorky flowers from behind her.
Jisoo hungrily dug in for seconds, fingers weaving through his long locks. Her milky thighs closed in on Jungkook’s torso, apparent goosebumps marring the silky skin.
The woman pulled away to snag her lost breaths, hands carefully cradling Kook’s face.
Jisoo shifted around a bit, deepening their clouded gazes.
“What is it that you’re thinking of right now..”
Jungkook caught a quick glance at the vase, the flashback from when Taehyung had given him those flowers replayed in his mind for a split second, causing him to freeze. But just as quickly -- Jisoos question brings him back to the present. He stares into her needy eyes, and he allows himself to simply drown in them, clouding his memories just enough for the initial sting in his chest to go away.
Jisoo was here with him... she's never hurt him. She cares. She wants him.
But does he truly want her?
Maybe he does. And maybe was enough for him right now.
"I'm thinking.... that I want you." It wasn't a lie. But he wouldn't tell her about his swirl of thoughts previous to the need he now indulges in. He needed to desperately forget about Tae.. Kook grasped her hips, hard, and pressed his hips up against her core, the already growing bulge prominent fighting the restraints of fabrics. "Feel that, noona?"
“M-mhm..!” Jisoo nodded with a brisk inhale, surprised at how hard he was.
“I want you, too..” She whined from the close proximity, “All of you.”
Closing her eyes, the woman softly gyrated her hips against his rock hard bulge— impatient to get the private show started.
“Hngh..” The corner of her lips twitched, shamelessly rubbing up on him faster than before, harshly bucking her heated core into Jungkook’s fat cock. A strained moan left her parted lips, lustful eyes fluttering open once again— yet not fully, her gaze was dimmed with want. It was as if she had something lingering on the tip of her tongue.
“Call me Jisoo..” The said woman curtly left it at that, loving the way her name dripped from his mouth.
"Jisoo..." He let her name roll off his tongue, his tone lowering several octaves at her desperation for him. He loved being wanted like this. He decided to swiftly lift her once more, arms tightly wrapped around her, hands grasping her ass to keep her pressed against his body as he headed towards his bed. At first, he'd glanced at the couch-- but that was too stained with memories...
He gently placed her on her back on top of the soft duvet, her legs dangling off the edge & his eyes blown wide with awe at the sight beneath him. Wasting no time, he curls his fingers around her waistband to tug it down-- eager to once more see what he'd gotten a taste of last time.
She stared up at the swirling ceiling with obvious suspense, biting down on her lip as she awaited Jungkook’s next move. The man was so unpredictable, yet not.
Jisoo would be one hell of a liar if she said it wasn’t the least bit nerve wracking. Despite what everyone else might think, she wasn’t the most confident in her body. One of her hands rested atop her stomach, scared that Kook possessed the freaky power to make out the faint stretch marks through the fabric of her shirt. The woman’s soppy cunt clenched around nothingness, excited for Jungkook’s touch.
Jungkook peeled the fabrics down and threw them on the floor, dropping to his knees by the foot of the bed between her legs, hands pulling her further down closer to his face. He takes a good look, curiosity and arousal evident in his gaze. He's a little nervous, honestly. He's never done this before-- but man, would he try his best. He always wants to do well, whatever it is.
''Gonna taste you, okay?'' He gives Jisoo a heads up, but doesn't wait to actually get a reply before he inches closer, a flattened tongue licking one long, slow lick along her slit.
Her spine promptly arched up from the duvet, the perky nipples on her soft chest straightforwardly pointed up towards the ceiling. The hand that once rested on her stomach now gripped a handful of Jungkook’s hair, hips jittering as the latter gifted her pussy the slightest bit of attention. Still, it was more than enough for someone as sensitive as Jisoo.
Namjoon didn’t take his sweet time with her.. maybe that’s why she was enjoying Jungkook much more.
A low groan emitted from Kook’s throat at the sweet taste, nothing like anything he's ever had on his tongue. Different, for sure. He wasn't sure exactly how he liked it, but it wasn't...terrible.
He started to feel more confident by the reactions he managed to draw from her, allowing his tongue to explore her folds, spreading them with his thumbs. The glistening juices seeped out for him-- it was incredibly alluring.
''So sweet..'' He murmured into her cunt before lapping at her juices, growing greedy for more of her sounds. As he went on, continuously and slowly licking at her pussy, he found her swollen clit; giving it a gentle suck as he used one finger to tease at her hole.
Her frail body squirmed under his brazen administrations.
Jisoo’s other hand grasped onto a handful of the sheets whilst her spread legs quivered, Jungkook’s long curls occasionally grazing against her inner thigh.
“O-oh god...” The woman threw her head back with a pitiful whimper, losing the common ability to string together coherent sentences. She was too caught up under Jungkook’s spell— more specifically the way the man’s dexterous tongue worked on her smooth folds, cleaning Jisoo up only for her to wet his nose and lips even more. Her rosy cunt was a watergate. She liked giving the younger man something to look forward to..
Jungkook groaned quietly when she gently tugged at his long curls, the way her body tensed up and relaxed under his ministrations only spurred him on to want to do more, to make her feel good. His long, calloused finger sunk into her soppy hole, some of her juices leaking down to his knuckles. The younger's mouth never stopped working her clit, alternating between flicking his tongue and gentle sucks. He felt her cunt throb around his finger, deciding to add a second digit to fill her up further as his other hand reached down to unzip his pants and pull his own length out to jerk himself off.
''Jisoo..'' he pulled back momentarily, placing chaste needy kisses on her lower lips, ''Want you to taste me too...please?''
Jisoo was fucked— completely and utterly stuffed with the overwhelming sensations bursting from within her, causing her to jolt in her own skin. For a supposedly gay man, Jungkook was doing one hell of a satisfying craft. He knew where her sweet spots hid, how to drive her over the edge just enough for Jisoo to incoherently beg for more, her soaked cunt squeezing onto his thick, nimble fingers.
The younger man was.. everything.
His unpredictable skills in the bedroom only added to her intense infatuation.
At the hot, raspy sound of her name, Jisoo detached the back of her head from the mattress.
Her skin was a crimson color as she lustfully gazed down at him; Kook’s chin and nose were smothered in her juices. And despite the circumstances, he mirrored a perfect painting.
The woman slowly sat up on the duvet, biting down on her lip at the enticing sight of Jungkook’s large cock.
“You’re already leaking..” She cooed to herself, hands sensually running up his muscular thighs, dipping at his noticeable V-line.
Jisoo sat up, only to kneel down in front of Jungkook.
“Jisoo noona is going to make you feel good, okay?”Her smaller fingers wrapped around the girthy base, giving the rigid skin a teasing squeeze. “Jungkookie, you’re so big..”
She pressed an open mouthed kiss onto the reddened tip, deliciously staining her lips with the man’s precum. “I don’t know how it’s going to fit..” A string of glistening liquid ran down her inner thighs. With one last look at his face, Jisoo’s warm mouth engulfed the mushroom tip, slowly sinking down onto the remaining inches.
His eyes quiver at the switch in her demeanor, his aching length already twitching in her mouth with every graze of her nails on his thighs-- aside from the obvious tongue that was teasing the underside of his cock while she sunk down on him. Now this sensation was something he was more familiar with..
"Shit..." he hissed out in no direction in particular, eyes widening at how well she took his cock, "S-slower...." he stuttered out, jaw clenched. He knew he wouldn't even be able to hold himself from cumming if Jisoo went too fast.
With a vague hum, she paced herself like he’d demanded her to do. Jisoo hollowed out her cheeks whilst she hungrily swamped the remaining inches into her tight mouth, tongue skillfully lapping over the gritty, yet smooth foreskin. She immersed herself in her work, the tip of Jungkook’s cock effortlessly prodding at the back of her throat. Jisoo’s nails clung on deeper to the protruding muscles, bobbing her head to a continuous beat as she desperately fought the tears stinging at her clenched eyes, the soreness in her jaw not a main factor as she continued to suck him off. All Jisoo could think about was having his cock in her, stretching out her cunt instead of her mouth.
Jungkook allowed himself to indulge in this feeling for a short while, but as his greed is begging for more, his hands gently moved the fallen strands of her hair away from her face. He places a palm on her cheek, urging her to stop.
"I want..." his voice was breathy and needy, cock still twitching in her mouth at his own words, "I want to fuck you…?" Maybe it sounded like a begging, or maybe he was asking himself; did he want to? He was pretty sure. His entire being was clouded with lust, all he wanted was to find out just how Jisoo’s cunt felt.
When she pulled off his cock with a pop, he did not spare a moment to reposition them both, jisoo on her back and himself on top, legs spread wide for her. He finally got rid of the remaining strains of his clothes, fully exposed to his noona.
"Jisoo." the way her name rolled off his tongue was like a plea and a question, hands placed behind her thighs to spread her further. He gazes down at her, as if waiting for her to tell him to continue.
She lastly discarded her flimsy shirt— not without hesitation. One hand tightly squeezed at her own breast, causing her nipple to jut out in between her delicate fingers.
Jisoo moaned, the way her name slipped past Jungkook’s lips had her weak.
The woman felt the cool air graze against her bare, rosy pussy, her wet folds parting further the more Jungkook spread her pale legs. She felt extremely exposed, yet not exposed enough.. Jisoo’s dimmed eyes traveled downwards to the ground, remembering about the spare condom in the back pockets of her forgotten shorts. She debated if it was even worth it.
The woman gulped.
Of course it was.. this is how she ended up pregnant in the first place. However, Jungkook was much more mature than her ex.. Surely he’d try to be careful, right?
She desperately wanted to give him the raw, tender experience.
With a shaky exhale, Jisoo nodded softly.
“Just don’t cum in me. I won’t be able to afford to take care of your baby..” She jokingly teased in the midst of the situation, although a small part of her was serious.
Jungkook's wide eyes quickly softened at the joke, leaning down to hover over her body and place a kiss on her nose.
''Okay.'' He whispered, moving down to kiss her on the lips in reassurance, one elbow placed next to her head to keep himself steady as the other reached down to guide the tip of his length to her hole. Slowly, he advanced his hips forward to let it sink in-- even with the wetness and preparation, it was a snug fit. Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut, eyebrows gradually pulling together as he continued to move forward until he bottomed out inside of her. He remains still for a moment, lips parting in a breathy curse at the new sensation.
Jisoo bit back a drained string of moans, whimpering softly at the inward drag of Jungkook’s hardened cock planting itself deeper into her tight cunt, the tip unknowingly poking at her sensitive cervix. She squirmed, shamelessly groping at her sore breasts. The woman patiently waited until he opened his eyes to grant them her gaze. “H-how does it feel, Jungkookie?” Her hands settled for Jungkook’s rigid shoulders, not daring to move an inch until the younger felt comfortable enough to unfreeze.
His eyes opened halfway to meet hers, a smile tugging at his lips before his jaw fell back open when he drew his hips back, only to slowly drive himself back as deep into her cunt as possible, the tight, wet warmth treating his entire length with the utmost pleasure.
''It feels good... Tight...'' he sighs in content, his cock twitching inside of her already as it craved more friction-- and he decided to repeat the slow, long movements of his hips, every single muscle in his torso dancing beneath the skin to keep himself steady and his rhythm gentle. Jisoo's cunt felt great, but a small part of his brain couldn’t help the way it kept reminding him that it wasn’t Taehyung-- And another part of him shook it off. That was the point entirely.
“Good..” Her sharp nails swam deeper into his skin, leaving behind crescent-like marks along the flexed flesh. “F-faster, baby..” Jisoo paid no attention to the pet name, instead fully focusing on deliberately clenching down on Jungkook’s throbbing cock, liking the way it twitched from inside of her.
A set of her fingers smoothly weaved their way through his curls, brushing away the strands that streamed down his hazed eyes. Jisoo wanted to make sure she was all he saw.
Jungkook obliged to her wishes, his thrusts gradually speeding up-- and with every snap of his hips, the bulbous tip of his cock nudged her deepest parts. Low, breathy moans began to escape his plush lips as he kept his gaze transfixed on her face for reactions.
It was weird in a sense, how his mind constantly wanted to subconsciously compare two entirely different people. How his ex-boyfriend’s face morphed into pleasure when he did this specific move-- and then Jisoo during the same. No... he shook his head to get rid of any thoughts. Thinking was bad. All he wanted was to feel, so he sped up further, sitting up on his knees to place his hands behind her knees once more, firmly pushing her legs up to give this new angle a try. Kook was less tender now, desperate to drown himself in pleasure, fucking into her squelching hole as he gave her a perfect view of his sculpted body working her.
"You're so gorgeous," he praised through breathy grunts, sweat forming on his brow as his gaze focused on her breasts bouncing with every jolt he forced through her body.
Jisoo’s clouded eyes nearly rolled back to her skull, crying out in utter satisfaction the more Jungkook relentlessly screwed into her dripping pussy, the slickness making it easier for his cock to slide in and out without budging.
“Jungkook..!” She gaspingly screamed out his name, forcing her eyes to fall on the strong muscles projected in front of her, before they shifted over to the man’s face. Jisoo playfully squeezed and tugged at her nipple— as best as she could with Jungkook’s every sloppy thrust, secretly wanting him to get a taste.
“S-suck on them, Jungkookie..” The woman pleaded, fingers hastily rubbing over the erect bud, lips parting in a whiny whimper.
Jungkook gave her a few more punishing thrusts before once again changing his position, letting her legs fall to the bed as he leaned down, one hand cupping her breast to guide her nipple to his mouth as the other served as leverage on the mattress. A muffled moan rumbled in his throat as he sucked on her perked bud, flicking it with his tongue whilst his thrusts never wavered even once. Instead, his hips picked up the tortuous phase, now fucking into her with greed for more of her noises; wondering if she could cum from his cock alone.
A layer of sweat formed on his skin, dark locks clinging to his forehead-- other strands of hair dangling freely with the rocking of their bodies.
Fuck, it felt good. He wouldn't be able to last much longer like this.
Kook’s eyes peered up at Jisoo, making a show out of the way his lips encased her nipple, his doe eyes blown out with his playful arousal.
The woman’s frail body couldn’t handle the intense amounts of pleasure seeping in from what seemed like every direction. Her swollen cunt was getting close to fucked out, every quickened, harsh slap of the younger’s balls against her folds further toyed with Jisoo’s electrifying senses, making her wriggle helplessly underneath his towering body.
With tired eyes, she looked down into Jungkook’s playful pair, moans becoming higher in pitch from the way his tongue lapped around her hardened nipple.
“So good..” The devilish sight was endearing in a way, the woman never would’ve thought she would find herself in this situation— taking all of Jungkook’s cock like a pro.
“I-I’m going to cum-!” Jisoo’s back arched up from the bed, pushing more of her breast into Kook’s mouth. She tightly held onto him for needed support, feeling her high painfully take its time to burst.
Jungkook pulled away from her nipple with a pop, strings of saliva falling onto the younger chin, unbothered by anything. He was a man with focus, and he was adamant to make Jisoo cum as hard as possible. He placed both of his arms on each side of her, able to use his core strength further; fucking her like it was the last thing he'd ever get to do in this life.
"Cum, J-Jisoo...." he nods, begging her to find her release through his cock. Quicker than he'd hoped, he felt his own orgasm slowly making itself known in the firm of a pool of heat, muscles tensing in his Lower abdomen. And if his heavy, breathy grunts and moans were anything to go by-- he too would have to cum.
"You're so good, Jisoo--- fuck... I’m gonna cum too.."
“O-oh my god..! Just— just like that, baby!” Jisoo was close to tears, the blurred effect in her eyes tricked her into seeing clear stars, unable to focus on anything else but the way Jungkook was dead set on reaching her wanted climax.
“Fuuuck..” The woman’s head relentlessly snapped from one side to the other, the knot in her lower stomach coming loose with every determined thrust of Kook’s hips, her full breasts whipping harsher than before. She felt the sheets shift from underneath her, spawning a slight sting on her naked back. That didn’t matter, however. It was as if everything else was incapable of garnering her dizzy attention, all Jisoo was focused on was the way Jungkook was entering her over and over again, his raspy grunts comparable to music to her stuffy ears.
“A-ah! Jungkook..!” Not fully expecting the bomb to go off so soon, she loudly came over the man’s wet cock, squirting onto his pelvis and staining the sheets.
A tear managed to escape, slowly rolling down the corner of her eye.
Jisoo was fucked. Again.
Fuck, Jungkook wished that he could come inside so badly with the way Jisoos cunt was practically squeezing his cock as if it was begging for him to release inside-- but he promised not to… It took him every single drop of his strength to pull out of her, his length coated and glistening in her cum and juices. His eyes quickly flickered between his cock and back to her body, one hand reaching to hold her hip as the other wrapped around his length to stroke himself with vigor. A series of curses later, a high pitched whine choked into a broken moan got caught in his throat as his hips stuttered into his hand. Ropes of his thick cum dribbled onto Jisoos stomach, pooling at the dip of her bellybutton and trickling down her skin.
Kook threw his head forward, his eyes screwed shut as he slowed down the abuse he put his cock through by still stroking himself-- making sure every last drop of him was on her.
She drowned herself in the enticing sight unfolding before her, sticky skin shivering whilst Jungkook’s warm cum fell onto her gasping stomach, further adorning the sweaty flesh with his white-ish trail.
“That was amazing..” Jisoo breathed out through her heavy panting, a tired smile on faint display. The woman took a few more seconds to catch her breath, feeling Jungkook’s shed cum trickle down her slightly still stomach. She slowly opened her eyes, her pupils dilating at the glimpse of the younger man. With a small grunt, Jisoo sat up on the bed for easier access to his hand, gently pulling Kook down in a lying position next to her.
“You went out all the way..”
Her face inched closer to his, not hesitating in pressing a soft kiss onto his flushed cheek, then on his nose.. forehead, chin, and lastly, on Jungkook’s strained neck.
“So I’m gorgeous, hm?” She giggled, recalling what he’d called her during sex. Anything to keep the conversation going, Jisoo didn’t want to be left alone. Even if they were done fucking, she loved having Kook’s company.
Jungkook wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, letting it rest above his head as he took deep slow breaths to collect himself.
Glancing over at her, a small smile through closed teeth, "Yeah, so pretty."
He closed his eyes, exhausted from this entire day. He never seemed to have a calm day.
Jisoo didn’t allow her disappointment to seep onto her face, simply nodding with a small smile.
Was aftercare silly to want..? She wanted to feel Jungkook’s strong arms around her— in an innocent hold, hugging her close until they both fell asleep from exhaustion..
“Thank you,” The woman ran her fingers through his hair, looking up at him with obvious heart eyes. A touch of sadness lingered within them, though.
“I should get going..” Jisoo sighed, detaching herself from Jungkook’s side.
Jungkook reached out to graze the skin of her arm, gently squeezing it as his sleepy eyes lingered on her.
"You can stay...?" Honestly, he was exhausted-- but he didn't want to be left alone with his silence. Call him selfish, but it's what he needed. He didn't really ask for her reply before pulling her close into his arms.
Confused was an understatement, but Jisoo obliged to Jungkook’s leading touch. She snug closer into his chest, trying to put a stop to her heart’s drumming rhythm.
This wasn’t good.. Any of it. Jisoo had been aware that she was simply the younger man’s way out. She was his shitty sexual rebound, but the woman enjoyed his attention nonetheless.
It made her feel dirty.. used. Her liking towards Jungkook was far too strong, though. For someone as smitten as her, it would be stupid to pass on the opportunity to sleep in your crush’s arms.. There was always a part of Jisoo that wondered if she’d ever have a chance— slim to none. No other guy had caught her attention the way Kook held hers. So for right now, a casual fuck helped stitch the cracks in her heart.
Jungkook hummed in intent as he held Jisoo close, her cheek pressing against his chest. He gently stroked her back, the pads of his fingers feeling the smoothness-- and the vague dents of faded stretch marks.
"Noona..." the common name for her slipped through his teeth, his eyes remaining closed as he breathed slowly. But as he was about to figure out what he wanted to say-- it didn't come out. Instead, he simply shook his head and forced himself to fall asleep, the hold around Jisoo tightening, as if wordlessly telling her not to leave until morning.
“Yuna~ Open up for mommy..” Jisoo was sat cross-legged on the ground, trying to feed the little one her share of ‘carrot mush’ by airplaning the small spoonful in between Yuna’s pouty lips.
The woman even added silly sound effects, knowing how much she loved them. Still, her baby was extremely persistent. With a defeated sigh, Jisoo’s eyes wandered over to the tilted clock on her wall. School was dismissed, meaning Jungkook would invite himself into her apartment anytime soon.
As if it was pure magic, her daughter always ate whenever the younger man was present.
For some odd reason, Kook had little Yuna wrapped around his fingers..
They’ve spent a lot of time together; over the course of a week straight, he spent most of his time in her cozy apartment, helping her with Yuna. They had sex almost every night, without protection— Jisoo attempted to make Kook wear a condom once, but it turned out to be three sizes too small.. She was wise enough to know it was extremely irresponsible, but Jungkook seemed to always get a grip on himself.. The woman trusted him.
Her fingers desperately swam through her tangled hair, about to try and guide another useless spoonful to Yuna’s mouth when the little one’s doe eyes enlarged.
She’d caught them by surprise a few nights ago while Jisoo prepared dinner.
Jungkook was playing with her when all of the sudden, Yuna said her first word! It still made the mother’s heart pound..
The woman glanced over her shoulder, smiling at the sight of ‘Googie’ whilst he discarded his shoes.
“Jungkook, hey.” She tiredly greeted, enamored with his presence.
Jungkook's toothy grin was wide, the warm greetings from the two girls had become somewhat of a habit by now.. and being deemed Yuna’s favourite 'Googie'.
"Hey," He chirped as he let his backpack fall to the floor by his shoes, a sign that he hadn't even bothered to go home, but went straight to Jisoo after school. He plopped down between the two of them, legs crossed. Leaning in, he placed a quick kiss on Jisoos cheek as he took the spoonful of carrot mush to sniff it. Kook pretended to eat some of it; a loud coo from Yuna echoing as she suddenly wanted all of the food to herself.
"Wow, you won't even share?" Jungkook scrunched his nose, feeding the little one as his eyes went back to Jisoo. "I want food too." He fake pouts.
Jisoo retracted her chin from Jungkook’s shoulder, hand playfully swinging at the younger’s bicep whilst her lips jutted out into a pout of their own.
“Yah, you were supposed to help me take care of one baby.”
Nonetheless, Jisoo sat up from her spot— not before returning the favor and stamping a chaste kiss onto the faint scar on Kook’s cheekbone.She rubbed the drowsiness out of her eyes, leaning down to smooth her dainty fingers over Yuna’s poof ball of raven hair before dragging her feet into the kitchen, rummaging through her pantry.
“Noodles sound okay, Googie?” Jisoo quietly chuckled under her breath, pushing aside the jars of baby food scattered along the counter.
Okay, maybe she was a /little/ jealous. She’s been trying to get Yuna to say ‘ma-ma’ for the longest time, but apparently the little one had different priorities..
"Yeah~" Jungkook puts the baby food down when the little one had devoured every single spoonful he offered, whining for him to pick her up with little chubby arms outstretched.
What a personality.
He did as Yuna wished and picked her up into his arms, rocking her carefully as she immediately tugs at his hair and burps.
"Such a lady.." kook jokes as he stood up with the child in his arms, heading into the kitchen to keep Jisoo company.
“How is it, does the burnt taste add a lil kick to it?” The corners of Jisoo’s beady eyes wrinkled as she laughed, vocally putting the blame on Jungkook for making her lose track of the stirring.
As it turns out, him and Yuna made quite the comedic duo. Which— would’ve been fine, if she didn’t suck at making noodles in the first place.
It was a bit of a challenge when Jisoo was trying to /not/ pee her pants from laughing too much..
Also, it didn’t help that the burner was too hot.
Sparing a quick glance at her daughter’s playpen; she slurped up another bite, stuffing her cheeks with the (somewhat) yummy goodness.
"It's delicious," Jungkook states matter of fact-ly. Even if it wasn't the most insanely delicious meal, it was made for him-- and that's what made it good. Plus, it beat his microwave noodles and granola bars any day.
"Noona, did I tell you that the big game is tomorrow?" He jumped in excitement, he'd been working his ass off for this.
"Do you think we will win?" He wiggles an eyebrow as he tilts the bowl back to drink up the remaining broth.
“Do I think you guys will win?” Jisoo seemed to ponder about the idea a second too long, dropping her skeptical act when she’d deemed enough.
“They have you on their team, don’t they? I’m sure you guys will win.”
The pad of her thumb gently brushed over Jungkook’s pouty lips, wiping away the temporary stains from the sauce. With a blinding smile, Jisoo slid closer to him, a fluttering gaze nailed to his soft eyes.
“You won’t mind us coming and cheering for you, right?” She leaned in closer, cupping the side of the man’s face.
“I’ll make sure to bring a big sign that says, ‘Go Jeon Jungkook! Noona is super proud of you’ with bright sparkly letters.. and— and glitter..” Jisoo was getting caught up on Jungkook’s inciting lips, her brain scrambling with her mumbled words. “..And a big cutout of your face..”
The woman broke out into a giggle, lips feathering against his.
“How does that sound~?” Not giving Kook any time to respond, she broke the distance between the two of them, pleasantly humming into their sweet kiss.
Jungkook smiles into the kiss, his large arms wrapping around her small frame to pull her closer, his hands settling to grip at her waist. He pulls back just enough to speak,
"Make it so sparkly that it blinds the other team." A nose scrunch grin later, he leaned back in to kiss her again. This one deeper, his plush lips gently sucking on Jisoos lower one, not ashamed to add a little tongue into his kisses, always loving the way her body reacts to his small ministrations
The woman blindly sat her half-finished bowl of burnt noodles on the coffee table— or desk— and as if her arms had a mind of their own, they fluidly circled around Jungkook’s neck.
Jisoo adored the way he took his time with her. Adored his touch, his particular taste, the dorky smile in between their kisses..
Kind of everything.
It was her turn to pull away, to scrunch her nose at their evil master plan.
“Blind the other team. Noted.” Just like that, Jisoo dived back for wanted seconds; and thirds, fourths as well, fifths.. So on until she didn’t bother to keep count.
Whoever thought Taehyung would last two weeks without stepping foot into Jungkook’s apartment building? No one, absolutely no one.
There he stood, antsy outside of his shitty car whilst he rocked on his feet. To make matters worse, Tae was accompanied by a relatively large stuffed animal— close to his height, to be precise. Bystanders’ drawn stares were to be expected..
He’d been wanting to gift the bear to Jisoo for a while now, but the fact that his ex boyfriend’s door lingered right next to hers was the bump in the road. It had taken a lot of self-restraint on Taehyung’s end to not reach out to Jungkook— to ask him if he could transport the stuffed animal to his close friend, of course. It’d make everything so much easier..
However, every time he thought he’d grown the balls, Tae just.. couldn’t. Plus, Kook appeared to be engrossed in his phone at all times, some might say he’s caught the ‘Jimin disease’.
What was so amazing about that damn phone? His thumbs always moved at the speed of lightning, obvious he was texting back and forth between someone..
Fuck. Taehyung’s jaw hardened at the thought.
Kook was horrible at texting, who seemed to have broken him out of his habits? Shaking his mind out of the gutter, the boy took a couple steps forward, hoping he wouldn’t come across Jungkook out of the blue. Practice was already awkward enough.
Taehyung knew the younger’s apartment number by heart. He decided to go off of his rusty memory, stopping a door too soon. He stared at the next door down, his grip on the stupid bear tightening out of deep dejection. Maybe if he just knocked on— Taehyung shook his head, frustrated at his intrusive thoughts.
The elder needed to get this done and over with, maybe then he’d go back to not thinking about Jungkook. This place triggered a lot of memories...
With a quiet sigh, Tae’s hand traveled upwards to knock on Jisoo’s door. He halted his movements midway, noticing it was cracked open. Confused, Taehyung pried through the noticeable gap.
And it was at that moment that he wished he wouldn’t have.
Jungkook was holding Jisoo close, and if that wasn’t enough to shatter his fucking heart, they were caught in a make out session. The elder’s breath hitched in his throat, the want to pull Jungkook away was too strong— too powerful.
Tae didn’t expect it to hurt this much.
Jungkook leaned in closer, kissing down Jisoo's jaw to her neck, his back facing Taehyung's way, her face in perfect view for Tae to see her expressions as the younger littered pecs and openmouthed kisses on her soft skin, hands roaming from her waist to sneak below her shirt up her back, her warm skin heating up his slightly colder hands. Completely unaware of the audience, Jungkook whispers into her skin between gentle bites on her collarbone,
''When we win tomorrow, you will reward me, won't you? I want something sweet,'' He squeezes the soft love handles by her hips.
Jisoo’s petite body livened up from the traces of Jungkook’s ghostly fingers trailing along her spine, her neck slightly angled to the side as she quench her thirst for the younger man’s guilty caresses.
“I-I’ll make it as sweet as you’d like, Jungkookie..“ The tremor in her lacking voice was obvious.
With one quick glance over her shoulder, Jisoo was glad to find Yuna absorbed in her rattling toys, unaware of the situation just a couple feet in front of her.
“H-hmm..” She quickly bit down on her lower lip, half-lidded eyes fluttering open only to meet a stranger’s face.
Well.. not necessarily a stranger.
The boy had tears in his eyes; he was visibly hurting.
Both their gazes clashed— the passion swirling within them so different, one of lust and the other of burning distress.
Jisoo’s smaller lips parted in a soft moan, having a heavy stare down against Taehyung’s bruised ego. Tae, on the other hand, fled from the duel and roughly wiped away a stray tear, pretending he didn’t see anything. Internally panicking over what to do next, he left the stuffed animal outside of Jisoo’s door before getting out of there.
Jungkook's hands were travelling further up her back, about to attempt to pull her shirt up when a cry interrupted him.
"Ah...." he chuckled, nuzzling his nose into jisoo's neck, "guess that's it for the fun time.. little one has spoken."
Yuna cooed when he withdrew from her mother, giving a quick peck on Jisoos cheek before getting up to pick the child up in his arms. "Wanna watch some anime? There's a new episode out today~"
He nuzzled his nose in Yuna's hair, earning a small giggle as he nods, walking over to the couch to sit down next to Jisoo. "The child has spoken, it's anime night!"
“..And so, I caught them kissing. I just.. I don’t know. It made me realize how stupid I was for letting him go?” Taehyung feebly mourned, broad chest rising in sync with a deep inhale.
“I love him so much.. Ow! What the fu—“ Yerin shushed him, continuing to pluck away the overgrown hairs of Tae’s narrowed eyebrows.
“Sorry, just know they’re going to look fleek. Anyways, you were saying?”
The boy relaxed his tense expression, shifting a little on his spot. The background noise of Taylor Swift’s ‘You Belong With Me’ made it a little hard to think, and the tingling sensation on his skin wasn’t helping..
“Wait, it burns.” Tae hissed through his teeth. Mina, who was in charge of the clay mask, simply brushed him off.
“That’s how you know it’s working, your skin is gorgeous by the way! Do you exfoliate?”
“I don’t even know what th—“
“Taehyung, do you want something to drink?” Areum stopped trying to fight against his tangled hair, her wrist was sore from all of the harsh tugging. The boy’s eyes immediately lit up, practically smiling through the pain whilst Yerin fucked with his eyebrows.
“That’d be great… Uh, beer would be fine.”
“It’s bad for your skin!” Mina reminded, making sure she’d gotten every spot covered.
“How does sparkling grape juice sound?”
“Right..” Taehyung was starting to rethink his last-minute decision of showing up to Yerin’s sleepover. Is there no drinking in sleepovers..?
He desperately needed it for the pain they were putting him through.
‘Beauty hurts, Taehyung. Beauty hurts.’ He internally repeated to himself, Areum’s voice still so crystal clear.
“Sure. I’ll take some juice.”
As he watched Areum run out of the room, the boy sighed. He felt lost..
“How do you think I should win Jungkook back?”
Taehyung asked no one in particular, simply throwing it out there as he was desperate to get something. A blueprint would be nice, he’d never known how to undo one of his fuck ups.
Tae never felt the need to.. until now.
Yerin finished the torturous clean-up of Tae's eyebrows, examining with a content nod before raising her own at his question.
''Ladies! Assemble!''
She clapped her hands, all girls scooting closer-- and as if she was being summoned, Areum sprinted back with the drinks on a tray, placing it on the floor by them.
''Step one, you need to look your best,'' Yerin continued, glancing over at her friends that nodded in agreement, ''Which, thanks to us, you're even further than that.''
''Jungkook is gonna be unable to take his eyes off of you!'' Mina cooed, moving his long curls away from his eyes, ''But you need to talk to him.''
''Obviously he has to talk to him,'' Areum snickered, handing him the glass of juice, ''But you were the one who broke up with him, weren't you? I don't know how easy he is to talk to, but it doesn't take half a brain to guess that he's still hurting.''
''Right! You need to apologise-- soften him up! It'll be easy after drawing him in with the cuter visuals we've blessed you with.''
The girls kept throwing their 'wisdom' his way, different ways and words to reel Jungkook back in. The gist of it was, get his attention, find space for a conversation, apologise; and work from there.
Taehyung’s brain processed the girls’ main pointers.
Get Jungkook’s attention, talk to him, and apologize.
Seemed easy enough..
But Tae knew his boyfriend— or ex— well enough to know Kook tended to hold grudges. Understandably.
“You think so?” Maybe the younger would surprise him. Maybe he’d agree that all of this was worthless; the dirty looks, awkward tension— everything.
Taehyung just wanted to be with him, no matter what kind of vulgar, cliché names outsiders hurled at them.
“Yeah.. okay.”
He took a sip of the sparkling juice, a hint of a boxy smile evident behind the clear glass.
“You’re gonna get your man back!” Yerin proudly exclaimed, the rest of the girls joining in to express their excitement.
“Yeah!” Tae softly giggled, the tingling in his skin no longer his main concern.
“I’m gonna get my man back!”
Tomorrow he’ll be able to put their suggestions to the test. Taehyung could only hope his confidence wasn’t for nothing..
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Plucking Petals
Wanna One’s Lee Daehwi X Reader Word count: 3582 FLUFF WDYM FLOWERS DON’T GO WITH FLUFF • flower boy cafe! Daehwi ( oh god i’d pay to see that 😂 ) • your friends really like this cafe…especially Daehwi ;) • you just don’t get the hype • but Daehwi hyPES YOU UP 110% • ft. bffs Lisa and Somin tbh…. I haD ZERO ZILCH CLUE WHAT A FLOWER BOY CAFE WAS WE DON’T HAVE IT HERE but I now know because of my intellectual friend @woojinstinygf  tysm beb 💓 Daehwi would fit this I hate it he fits everything how dare he anyways, I hope my lack of experience with flower boys ( or boys in general ) doesn’t come off strongly. Thank you for requesting this anon ! :) - admin L fun fact: Daehwi and I have the same uneven eyelids ‘problem’ but he has taught me to recognise them as a cute trait better. guYS THIS IS SUCH AS MESS I’M SORRY __________ “Oh my god, oh my god Y/N please! Please!” Your best friend, Lisa, begged. “Please! Please! I’m begging you right now.” She grabbed your hands in hers and tugged on them gently. For the past half hour, Lisa and Somin had been pleading with you to hang out at the new flower boy cafe that had just opened in your estate. Somehow, your best friends were crazy for the idea of cute guys, cakes and aegyo but the thought of it made you feel a little sick. Of course, it was nice to have cuties attending to your every need but it was all a fabricated fantasy and you didn’t exactly like your feelings to be played with. Your friends had been there without you twice but they had enough of going by themselves and thus, were nearly on their knees for this. “Please! It’s almost my birthday!” Somin pointed out, sticking out her bottom lip. You shot her a flat look. “That shit doesn’t work on me, Somin,” you fired back, referring to her puppy dog face. Y/N, how bad could it be? Isn’t it her birthday soon anyways? Just endure that place for a little while then you can leave. Maybe it isn’t as bad as you think. A voice inside of your head piped up. 
You groaned. “I hate you guys so much.” “Does that mean you are agreeing?” Lisa pestered. “No,” you said, shaking your head. “But now, I will consider it…more than last time. I’ll think about it.” Somin beamed and clapped. “Yes! I know you would cave in!” “Y/N, did you know that Lee Daehwi is working there for the summer?” Lisa blushed, nearly letting out a squeal of delight. Ahh, Lee Daehwi. He was the president of the English Language Drama and Debate Society ( ELDDS ) of another college not far from the one you attended. You had seen him at plays once or twice and even complimented his good looks. Daehwi was incredibly smart and well-mannered but he also emitted this aura of enthusiasm. Flower boy cafes were bound to be his thing, it didn’t come as a shock. He had the brains and beauty, it was no mystery as to why people fawned over him. “I’m sure that cafe would be flooding with people because of him! All the more we must go! Daehwi is a limited time offer!” “Stop objectifying him.” You said flatly. “Sorry…but you know what I mean! Don’t you think you would look cute with him?” Lisa suggested, wiggling her eyebrows. Somin 'oohed’ and high fived Lisa, smirking. You nearly spit out the water you were drinking. You coughed violently, trying to pump out the water from your lungs. Once you had more or less regained your senses, you continued. “What? What! Lisa! Stop it, that’s too much. Don’t be like this, for both our sakes.” Lisa tsked. “Just wait and see, Y/N. No one can withstand the charms of Lee Daehwi.” You pursed your lips together, they were coated with a new shade of red today. “We have to see, Lisa. We shall see.” Lee Daehwi wasn’t going to steal your heart, you were sure of it. No matter how flowery his words may be. … Somin’s birthday quickly approached and it was her wish that she could celebrate it at the flower boy cafe with you and Lisa. At first, you opposed as strongly as you normally would have but softened when you realised how irrational you were being. It was your best friend’s birthday, it was going to be her day. So you sucked it up and agreed to celebrate in the flower boy cafe with your friends. To say they were ecstatic was an understatement. “Guys? What are you doing here?” You asked, wide-eyed and still clad in your pyjamas. You examined every inch of your best friends, they were well dressed, hair curled and probably had much more makeup on than usual. They looked ready for the red carpet. “Oh! Happy birthday Somin!” Somin squealed and hugged you, “Ahh, Lisa, we have one hour to transform this ugly duckling into a beautiful swan!” You didn’t know whether to be insulted or insulted flattered. Against your will, you were thrown into a hot bath with scented rose petals which you didn’t even know existed, so it came as a shock when Lisa plucked it out from the cabinet under the sink. It was like she knew your life more than you did. Once you were all fresh and clean, Somin dried your hair while Lisa began applying makeup to your face. “Yah, I envy your skin so much. So smooth, you should be in an Innisfree commercial,” Lisa said. “Did you guys know that Daehwi was in an Innisfree commercial? I’m pretty sure some shops still screen his photoshoot. It was a blessing,” Somin announced, her eyes clouded over as if she was dreaming. “Lee Daehwi…..” You clapped your hands in her face to signal that your scalp was getting too hot from the hair dryer. “Somin, …please concentrate! My hair is going to catch fire!” You shrieked but ended up laughing and nearly smacking the bb cushion out of Lisa’s hand. For the next hour or so, you let your friends doll you up in preparation for your first and last time ever setting foot in that damned cafe. Somin looked every bit the part of a party princess from her black crop top and red mini skirt, delicate golden crown earrings hung from her ears. No one would be able to take her eyes off her. But her gaze was fixated on you and tears nearly welled up in her eyes. “You…look amazing! Thank you for agreeing to go with us! My birthday would not be the same without you.” You could only hug and reassure her that as long as she was your best friend, you would do almost anything for her. Even going to weird flower boy cafes. … I take that back………..Why did I agree to go to this ridiculous place? Today’s concept appeared to be flowers, flowers and more flowers. Every single waiter had either a flower crown on his head or some sort of flower related ornament as part of his 'uniform’. How is this legal? You tentatively shuffled a step forward into the cafe. “Hello! Woah, someone call God because I think he sent down an angel.” A voice complimented, it’s owner gently placed your hand in his before bending down to kiss it. “I’m Daehwi, at your service.” It took you everything to not recoil and punch some sense into the president of English Language Drama and Debate Society, his pickup lines were awful! (bomb pickup lines created by yours truly™) Instead, you forced a smile on your face and gently removed your hand from his grip. Apparently, that wasn’t the reaction he had been hoping for, he pouted and whined in a small voice. “Am I not cute enough for you?” Daehwi allowed his puppy dog eyes to take centre stage, behind you, your friends were bursting with happiness, you could pretty much feel it radiating off them. You had to admit, this scene surprisingly fit him well, plus, he was naturally adorable so it made his aegyo either ten times more cringy or ten times cuter. For now, you could tolerate it. You sighed, “You are adorable. Could you please show us to our table?” Have Somin and Lisa suddenly become mute? Why am I doing all the talking? Daehwi snatched a couple menus off their place at the cashier and nodded. “Certainly, right this way.” You couldn’t help but admire his legs in those skinny jeans as he walked. ( i nEed to mAkE SURE MY BABIES ARE GETTING FED ) “You must be tired since you have been running through my head,” he proclaimed, shooting you a suave wink as he pulled out a plush velvet chair. You opened your mouth to protest but Somin and Lisa had already settled onto the love seat across and sent you a 'zip up’ gesture. Without an audible reply, you sunk into the armchair and quickly grabbed a menu in hopes of Daehwi taking the signal and leaving you alone. Quite the contrary, he took this opportunity to kneel down to your level and pushed the card down so your eyes met his. It was then that you realised how gorgeous his eyes were, especially his unevenly folded double eye lids, they made him more quirky and unique. “Did you know? I’m sweeter than all these things written on the menu combined?” Daehwi said smoothly, fluttering his long eyelashes. You giggled despite how lame it was, satisfied with finally eliciting a reaction out of you, Daehwi bounced away but hung around his group of tables. The other customers whispered about his obvious attention directed towards you. You tried hard to tune out to those, cheeks already turning red. “Ahhh, and who said they would hate this place forever?” Lisa teased, squealing. You frowned at her, shaking your head but the pinkness of your cheeks was a contrast to what you said. “S-stop it.” You stuttered out. You nearly smacked yourself for being so affected by Daehwi’s actions. He does this to like two hundred other customers three times a day. Why are you so affected? Get a grip, Y/N! Stop feeling so special. It’s literally his job, it’s not like he likes you. “Yah! You’re crushing so bad on Daehwi right now! Look at your face!” Somin giggled, she subtly pointed to the boy with silvery dirty blonde hair who was fixing his peach coloured flower crown and let out a small annoyed huff when it didn’t seem to cooperate with him. It was true, Daehwi was the most charming boy you had laid your eyes on. Major crush material, huge boyfriend material. You smiled smugly, playing with a lock of your perfectly curled hair courtesy of Somin. You weren’t going to fall for the flower boy, you were going to make the flower boy fall for you. … Daehwi set your cup of tea down on the coaster without messing up any of the intricately displayed macaroon towers - Somin had insisted on it -. Skills. You were mildly impressed he hadn’t messed up on anything yet. Before he left, he tapped you on the shoulder and made a heart with his fingers before pressing it to his plush lips and blowing you a kiss. Though you were screaming internally, you kept your unfazed look on and pretended to catch it, only to crush it and let it go. It did hurt when the smile on Daehwi’s face fell but he quickly recovered. “Does Y/N not like Daehwi? Daehwi is hurt!” He wailed, sticking out his bottom lip and crossing his arms over his chest. ( guys kms idk how to describe aegyo and I’m not good at it either ) “Can Daehwi show you more aegyo? Will you love me then?” Oh my god. He should be paid double to act like this. Without any warning, ( someone come collect their mans ) he cupped the sides of his face and squished his cheeks together, furrowing his brows and pouting. “Y/N? Do you like me now?” ( bOii I’M SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO DO YOU LIKE thIS ) He’s so extra…… “Daehwi, you’re already prettier than the flowers in your hair,” you complimented sincerely. For the first time, Lee Daehwi, the confident, assured President became flustered. His eyes went as large as tea cup saucers and he opened his mouth multiple times wordlessly. He covered up with his 'bbuing bbuing’ and shuffled back to the counter, pink blush extremely prominent. Another boy with black hair saw what had happened and punched Daehwi’s arm playfully, repeating his actions and mocking him. He seems like a perfect fit for Somin. Doesn’t Lisa know him from somewhere? School? Oh! They were in the same theatre department before he graduated. She hid her face when you glanced at her. Lisa reached over and smacked your shoulder, grinning. She raised her hand. “Seongwoo oppa, it’s Somin’s birthday today. Does she get anything…I don’t know…special?” Lisa tapped a finger on her lip, looking deep in thought. “No-” “Somin! Oh gosh, happy birthday!” Seongwoo wished her, a bright smile on his face as he plucked out a flower crown from his apron pocket and placed it on her head. Seongwoo took her hand in his and kissed hers gently. You struggled to hold in your giggles. Back in the kitchen, Daehwi was plucking petals off a daisy violently. “She loves me, she loves me not….she loves me, she loves me not. She…..” His best friend, Bae Jinyoung, saw the state he was in and sighed. “Yah, Daehwi, just tell Y/N how you feel.” “I can’t! I’ve liked her for so long yet I’m messing up every chance here! Why is my job so hard!” It was his eighteenth time re-tying the flower crown around his head, a sign of his anxiety increasing. Eventually, he gave up and let his bangs flop, it was long enough to conceal both eyes. At least it hides my weird eyelids…..Wait, why tf is Jaehwan hyung mopping the floor now? Daehwi wondered as he exchanged his half bare daisy for the tray Jinyoung had arranged nicely. Suddenly, as if a light bulb ignited, he had an idea. Without a second thought, he gracefully used the lack of friction to his advantage and slid all the way to your table, tray balanced in hand. Daehwi made eye contact with you and delivered his line perfectly. “That’s how I slid into your DMs, babygirl.” ( fckboi alert! ) Your small smile was nowhere near Somin and Lisa’s excited clamours. Disappointed, Daehwi hastily set the tray down and rushed back to the kitchen. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans and Jaehwan’s cleaning skills were terrible. Too!! Much!! Soap!! He let out a tiny yelp as he slipped on the damn patches of marble, landing with a thump. Without thinking, you rushed out of your seat to check if he was all right. “Daehwi! Oh my god! Are you hurt?” Your hands found his, you helped him to his feet, completely unaware of the eyes boring holes into your back. “Oh! Your flower crown!” You retrieved it from the ground and carefully nestled it on Daehwi’s curls. “No prince is complete without his crown,” you blurted out before slapping a hand over your mouth. “I-I…I think I just fell for you,” Daehwi declared, pun-intended. You gaped at him in disbelief and lightly slapped his shoulder, unable to stop the laughter. “You’re awful.” “But you love me.” “No, your aegyo sucks.” He gasped in mock offence, eyebrows creased, arms folded, cute little foot stomp. “Yah! Daehwi’s aegyo is the best! I can do the gwiyomi song for you!” “Don’t you do that for everyone,” you pointed out. “I never come here. Make my first time special.” You trotted back to your seat in triumph, not really sure what you were happy about though. Maybe it was because you challenged a cutie to do something special, personalised just for you. Somin and Lisa’s jaws dropped, however, there was still some sort of smugness and 'I knew it’ that emitted off them. ( you know, 'pretends to be shocked’ ) The rest of the went by joyously, you were glad to catch up with your best friends even though you saw them every single day. Lisa updated you with the latest gossip - “Did you know that Lai Guanlin hasn’t been in school recently? People think he’s travelled back to Taiwan to train as a professional basketball player.” “Everyone thinks that Ha Sungwoon is in love with his sugar daddy, Yoon Jisung. I ship it.” - Somin unwrapped her presents - “Because I want to capture you crying on camera.” - and pulled a fake shocked look many times yet cried in the end. Seongwoo was there to dry her tears. Shameless couple. Daehwi had not returned to your table since then, in fact, he didn’t seem to be in the cafe anymore and that sparked your curiosity. When you asked Ong, he shrugged and apologised. You hoped you would see Daehwi at least once more before leaving but when it was Seongwoo and Park Jihoon who carried out Somin’s birthday cake, you began to lose hope of seeing him ever again. Maybe I’ll just start attending school plays more often….just for Daehwi. I’m so hung up about this I can’t help it. With Lisa at your table, the cake disappeared in record time. It was no surprise, really. You took time to savour the sweetness, creaminess and softness. Also an excuse to spend extra time here waiting for Daehwi to make an appearance. “Y/N has got it so bad for the flower boy! Finally! I thought she’d never like someone,” Somin rejoiced. “You have to thank us if you do end up dating him, Y/N. Two of us made it happen.” “I’ll ask him out only if you kiss Seongwoo…uh, on the cheek of course,” you retorted back, taking a sip of your beverage. Where! Is! Lee! Daehwi! Somin groaned and her eyes narrowed. “Fine, if that’s how you want things to be.” It was an easy task for her. Somin never struggled with dating, regardless of who it was. “Let’s go. We still have about three other cafes to go to before the sun downs,” Lisa beckoned, grabbing her fancy cross body bag. “I can get the bill. You guys can pay me back later.” You marched over to the cashier. “Yo, Seongwoo, are you sure you don’t know where Lee Daehwi is?” you hissed. Seongwoo bit his lip, sighing. “Okay, okay. He just told Jaewhan to cover for him and ran. His break is ending in a couple of minutes though but it doesn’t seem like he’s in the area.” “Oh….” Your face fell, mildly upset. “It’s fine. Thanks. How much?��� Seongwoo told you the price and you nearly dropped dead. “I can add a 20% employee discount! You guys are my friends anyway.” He tapped a few buttons and the price decreased. Still, it blew a hole in your wallet, bank account dented. “Thank you, Seongwoo oppa! Please date Somin. Please!” You chirped. He laughed. All of a sudden, the door to the back room burst open and a frantic Lee Daehwi came tumbling out. He looked like he had returned from running a marathon. His apron wasn’t on and his flower crown was lopsided but in his arms was a bouquet of deep red roses, all fresh and lush. “Y/N!” He rushed to your side, somewhat out of breath and flushed. “Daehwi? Are you okay? What happened?” You quizzed worriedly. Why was he so anxious? Did he run? In those ridiculous shoes? “Y/N, you-you called me a prince just now but what prince would be fit without his princess. Here, I-I bought these for you. I hope you enjoyed your time here, no matter how much you hate this place.” Daehwi beamed hopefully at you, placing the flowers in your arms. “Daehwi….you didn’t have to!” You squeaked, lost for words. You covered the left side of your face with your hand, avoiding other customers gazes. “Y/N, I’ve never done this for anyone. You are saved in my heart,” he paused to perform his aegyo.  ( Park Jeojang is shaking! ) “I’ve had a crush on you for forever. Ever since I saw you at one of the debate tournaments supporting Somin. I fumbled so much in my speech because of you. Then, I managed to know more about you through your friends as creepy as it sounds. Now I’m confessing, oh god. How crazy is this?” He babbled, clearly flustered and worried. His face reddened and his eyes could only linger on the floor. His weird shoes scuffed together. “Hey, Y/N!” Somin yelled, once she had your attention, she pressed a quick peck to Seongwoo’s cheek, right on his constellation. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “So, what are you doing later on?” Oh my god. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, your grip on the roses grew tighter. “Uh, Daehwi?” He looked up at you, smiling shyly. “Thank you, I’m flattered but-” The crestfallen look that crossed his face as enough to make anyone burst into tears. Your hand enclosed his, squeezing it comfortingly. “But, are you free tomorrow?” “Considering the fact that dyeing my hair alone cost $350, I’m worth a dime. But princesses deserve diamonds.” Daehwi winked cutely despite his heart gradually cracking. “Let’s go on a date. Call me,” you managed to squeak out without messing up before slipping him a napkin with your number scribbled on it. You winked as you let go of his hand and practically skipped out of the shop, leaving a shell-shocked Daehwi in it. He gaped at your disappearing figure for a good thirty seconds and then neatly folded the napkin before stuffing it into his wallet. His blush was comparable to the strawberry cake Jihoon was serving. Once he came back to his senses, he fist pumped and jumped for joy. Seongwoo rolled his eyes at the amount of half bald flowers and flower stems scattered around Daehwi’s locker. “I’m glad he doesn’t have to pluck petals anymore.”
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premiumbtstrash · 7 years
Yoongi x Reader | Sometimes I Hate you more than I Love you PART 2
Based on the BTS Reaction: “meeting them again after you disappeared for 2 years without an explanation”
Pairing: Min Yoongi (Suga) x Reader | PART 1 PART 3
Words: 2,2k
Contains: fluff, angst, angst, angst oh and angst 
Author’s note: This was initially a one shot but after the positive feedback I tried to create another part. Hope you’ll like it as well (: 
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You woke up to the smell of fresh coffee outside the room. You pushed the sheets down, slipped out of the bed and grabbed Yoongis Shirt that he wore yesterday and was still lying on the ground to throw it over. The door cracked as you slowly opened it, making sure you don’t wake everyone up. You went over to the kitchen and saw him standing in front of the stove, making pancakes and moving along to the music that played from the radio. You approached from behind and placed your chin on his shoulder.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He said before turning around and kissing your forehead. “Did you sleep well?” “Well you didn’t let me sleep that much last night.” You smirked at him and he replied with biting his bottom lip, wrapping his arms around your waist and whispering in your ear. “I’m always ready for another round baby.”
“Good morning you two!” You heard Jimin yelling from across the room, walking over to you and obviously ruining the moment, because Yoongi let go of you and focused his attention back to the pancakes that were still on the oven. “Good Morning Jimin.” You said in a sarcastic way as you saw his flirty smile.
After all of the members gathered you served breakfast and poured everyone their coffee in. It was all like two years ago. The same boys at the table with their precious laughter around you and the love of your life besides you, slowly running his hand up and down your tights under the table. He wasn’t the one two show his affection in front of everybody but he surely was very touchy and always had his hands somewhere near you. 
They told you about what happened the past years in their life and you listened carefully, regretting that you missed all those moments.
“What did you do in the last two years after you left?” Taehyung burst out after a while. He said it more in a funny way, probably not thinking about it, but you let your spoon drop to the table after you heard his question. Yoongi could see you tensioning out of the corner of his eye and his grip on your tight got more intense.
“You don’t have to answer it.” He said while continuing to eat. Taehyung now got his mistake and immediately raised his hands and waved to apologize. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t want to bring you in an uncomfortable situation.” “No it’s ok.” You assured him. All eyes were fixed on you now so you gave them a lighthearted smile. “I swear that I won’t let you guys down this time.” “Yes, we have our Y/N back.” Jungkook said to break the silence and raised his coffee. “Welcome back home.” He said then.
Time just flew by and you enjoyed every minute you could spend with Yoongi and the band members. You cooked with Jin food for everybody, played games with Jungkook and Taehyung and helped Jimin and Hoseok with their dance practice. Today you wanted to bring Namjoon and Yoongi self made cookies into their studio room, as they were working on new songs the whole day and probably hadn’t had any food since the morning.
After finally arriving at the building you shoved yourself out of the car and wanted to run towards the building, as it was pouring down and you forgot to bring your umbrella with you. But you didn’t have to. An umbrella appeared over your head before you closed the car door. You turned around to see your boyfriend you thought, but it wasn’t him. Your eyes widened as your eyes meet the ones of their manager. It wasn’t one that you saw as on a regular basis, it was more one of the higher executives that take action in the background. You never really did see him often but sometimes your path crossed when you visited Yoongi in his Studio. He smiled but you knew it was a fake smile, he was clearly not happy to see you. You felt the urge to step back, run away, yell for help, everything literally to get out of this situation.
“What a surprise to see you here after all this time?” You grabbed the cookie box from the car seat and quickly locked the car to pass by him but he grabbed you by the wrist. 
“Let me accompany you. You’ll get wet otherwise.” Your hands trembled slightly. Was it because of the cold rain or him? You weren’t sure in this moment. Silently you waked by his side under the umbrella but with as much space between the two of you as possible.
“You intend to stay?” He said after a while without looking in your direction. His look was fixed on the entrance of the building as so was yours. “I do. Yes.” Just three words but they were so hard to spill out for you, not sure of his reaction.” To your luck he hasn’t said anything more until you reached the entrance. “It was nice to meet you again Y/N.” You nodded in response before you heard Yoongi calling your name from behind. 
He stood in the hallway with two cans in his hand and a bright smile on his face that vanished quickly after he saw you turning around. You looked over your shoulder to meet his look and he could see the growing fear in your eyes. You tried to cover it quickly with a smile but it was already to late. The corner of his mouth went down and he walked over to you. He placed one hand on your shoulder and leaned forward to look you deep into the eyes. Your eyes were slightly watery and there was no way to hide it. The manager was already gone but your hands didn’t stop trembling. He noticed it and grabbed them, bringing them up to gently kiss your knuckles. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked worried. You started to shake your head.
“It’s nothing really.” “Don’t say that. I see that you’re not.” “It’s just … the hormones … you know girl problems.”
That was lame. You wouldn’t even believe yourself, so why should he believe your lie? He was one of the persons that know you so well that no lie would apply on them but you didn’t want to explain it to him; yet. “Sure.” He said, clearly knowing that you’re lying but accepting it for the moment. He placed his arm around you and you went to his studio were Namjoon already waited.
“Hey! What a surprise. I thought you got us something to drink but now he have company as well.” He waved you over to sit besides him. “You wanna hear what we’re working on?” “Of course.” You replied. Namjoon was so excited for the new content they created and you watched him being hyped over it like a child in amusement. You listened to every song, complimented them on it and gave a little bit criticisms here and there on unfinished songs. Yoongi was more on the passive side. He sat in front of his phone, typing most of the time and just giving random comments from time to time to keep the illusion up that he is actually listening to the conversation. Your gaze wandered down to his phone, wondering with whom he is chatting so much, as you knew that the other band members are all working right now.
“Get home safety.” Namjoon waved goodbye before leaving with his car while you stood with Yoongi still in the parking lot. “Should we go as well?” You turned to Yoongi but he already opened the car door and went in without letting you even finish your sentence. 
It was awkwardly silent. He didn’t say anything but you should feel that there was something on his mind. “What is it?” You asked, slightly pissed at him that he doesn’t talk to you. “Nothing.” “Nothing?” You raised an eyebrow and let out a loud sigh. “Ok, so we’re not gonna talk about it?” “About what?” “About that something that is on your mind, that you’re not talking about-“ He gruffly drove the car to the side and stopped it abruptly. You fell a little bit forward before your seatbelt held you back. You wiped away the hair that did fall into your face and turned your head to him. “What the hell are you doing?”
He unlocked his seat belt and let it flinch backwards. Before you could even react he was out of the car and walked a few steps away into the field that was nearby the street. He stopped and fold his hands in his neck, letting his head fall back. You got out of the car as well, slowly approaching him. Partway he stopped you by raising his hand over his head, without turning to you. 
“Don’t come closer.” His voice was shaky and you wanted nothing more than to hold him and soothe his pain, as you were clearly the reason to it; again. “Please talk to me Yoongi.” “Talk to you?” He started to laugh before turning around and walking towards you. He walked rather fast, forcing you backwards until your back reached the car behind you. He pressed his weight against you and rested his hands on the car. His hands were on each side of you, letting you no way to escape. 
You looked up to him but he gave you nothing but an empty look. “The problem is that you don’t talk to me. Not about what happened today with the manager nor the real reason you left …  because there is another reason, right? ” You stayed in his situation for a few more seconds, eyes fixed on each other and just centimetres apart.
His breath lingered on you but you could feel the coldness from his eyes consuming you. You didn’t say anything. What are the right words even? You didn’t know anymore. How stupid of you. You could have imagined that your lies would come up one day. He looked away and pushed himself back, went over to the other side of the car and got it. “Let’s drive home.” He said but you remained there while tears were running down your face. You wiped them away before getting into the car.
You turned your face away from him and starred outside the window at the stars. The radio volume was all up, trying to cover the silence while rain started to pour again. 
Back in the apartment, Yoongi didn’t look at you for a second. He avoided any eye contact but yours followed him with every move. You got changed while Yoongi went under the shower, surely taking his time. You lie down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, preparing for the awful argument you’ll have any minute soon. 
You got torn out of your thought as his phone started to ring. You saw it vibrating form the corner of your eye but didn’t make any move to see who is calling. Another phone call got in, you ignored it again but as the third call started to annoy you, you decided to answer it.
“Hello?” You asked. The person on the other side didn’t reply at first. “Hello?” You repeated. “Who are you?” The voice asked. The female voice to be precisely. Your heart suddenly felt heavy inside your chest. You knew every female friend Yoongi has and all of them were in his contact list but this was an unknown number, plus a female voice that you didn’t hear ever before. 
“A friend of Jimin. I’m just answering Yoongis phone because he’s away at the moment. Should I tell him that you called?” You tried to sound friendly and make this lie work. “Tell him that he should call me back and that I miss him.” 
What? What was that? No. Who was that would be the better question. “I will. What is your name?” “Just April. He knows, who I am.” “Okay. Good night then.” You hung up, not waiting for her reply. Your heart was beating so fast now that you didn’t hear anything anymore but your loud heartbeat. Is this how a stab through the heart would feel like?
The air around you turned cold. It was a warm summer night outside but inside this room it seamed to be the coldest winter night ever. Your hands started trembling again when you put the phone away. You started to scratch the back of your hand, you hated your nervous habits but you just couldn’t help. The thought of Yoongi with another girl killed you right now. That was just not possible. It must be some kind of misunderstanding, right? 
The water stopped running and just a few seconds later the door of the bathroom opened and Yoongi stepped out. His look wandered from the ground up to your hands, where he saw the red marks. He knew that you were really nervous whenever you did this. His look wandered further up to your eyes and he saw you staring at him with watery eyes. “Who is April?”
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gayliansquad-blog · 7 years
Dating Kim Myungsoo
Myungsoo is an introvert so him getting comfortable with you may take awhile , but when he does , be ready to a ‘talkative’ REALLY ‘talkative’ Boyfriend to hangout with
In opposite to  his ‘cold city guy’ image , Myungsoo can be quite 4D at times , so he can go from ‘ The waves sound is so soothing to , LET’S DIVE IN’
Cute couple nickname 
Couple fashion
Always taking pictures of you/together
‘Babe look here ~’
‘Stop I look ugly’
‘Then my eyes must be the problem cause all I can see is beauty’
‘ No more hanging out with Woohyun omg’
If you don’t get candid taken , got some news for you,he’ll have a whole album/folder just of your candid
‘When did you take all these??’
& he’ll just smile shyly while looking at your reaction when going through them
Eskimo kisses on your eyelid , corner of your lips , cheeks then lips
You’ll probably have one of these hanging in your apartment 
Low really low key pervy jokes
When the weather is cold , get ready to a lazy cuddle with the sole light source scented candles & dim light  with Jazz playing in the BG
Telling each other about how your day went in a semi-whisper like voice
In time like these , if you had a dispute or misunderstanding that you couldn’t find a solution to , it’ll be the best to talk about it , you’ll start with soft topics to deep ones than just talk & giggle about random things.
On other days , he’ll be playing  the guitar for you while you’re curled up  on the sofa quietly listening to him
Movie or binge watching series & not leaving the bed all day
At times , you’ll have to drag him out of the room because that man is a huge otaku ,thus he’ll be glued to his Manga book & the only thing that will make him put that book down is , well go figure xD
Catching him daydreaming most of the time
Playing with Byeol together 
Sharing playlists
Coffee date 
Amusement park dates on work days
Late night walk 
Road trip to the beach
Either Fancy restaurant date or going to a food-stand and eating tones of fish cakes 
ice cream dates
‘Hey wanna go eat something?’
‘Myungsoo babe , it’s nearly 2 am’
‘So,when does a stomach close?’
On your anniversary get ready to pack , because you’re gg on a journey
He’ll mostly take you places where there isn’t a lot of people
As much Myungsoo likes spending time together but he’ll also need time to recharge his battery so when he doesn’t reply to your messages for a day or so , just let it be , once his battery is full , he’ll be your lovely and dorky boyfriend again.
You need to know that the boy got hurt once , and he got hurt for real , so he may be still wary about things and probably not be so flexible when it comes to couple-items or just hinting that he’s in a relationship , he loves you , yes , but after what happened he’d probably want to be as lowkey as possible. He may go for things like mugs and pillow something you can put in the house other than that not so sure.
Face timing while he is on tour
Staying up late at night talking & telling each other lame jokes and laughing like there is no tomorrow
Taking care of Byeol when he’s away
Asking you to send him pictures of his cat & yourself every time you talk , for hmmm,science.
‘Good morning’ & ‘Good night’ texts are a must
Reminding him once in awhile that work is important but so is his health 
‘You worked hard today,babe’
‘I’m proud of you Myung’
‘Make sure to rest’  messages will bring him so much comfort
Especially on days where he is too busy with his schedule to contact you
‘ Wow , i’m dating the whole package , talent , visual and personality?, I must have saved a country in my past life’
‘ Y/N , please omg’
You guys will either be the cliché cheesy couple or the derpy one , there is no in between
Myungsoo would love a relationship where he and his partner can just be themselves & enjoy time together
Gentle reminder that you’ll eventually be introduced to these dorks
‘So,remember , that Woohyun may be a bit flirty and Dongwoo probably gonna be calm but once comfortable don’t get startled when he get hyped’
‘I got it , don’t worry ~’
Shyly introduces you to his members 
Again , no PDA infront of them if you want to get through the day without getting teased
Seungyeol and Myungsoo talking the nightaway
‘ Y/N come watch TV with us , he isn’t yours for the moment’
Holding your hand under the dinning table
Going on a double date with Minseok
Shy precious Myungsoo  
The way he laughs
This cute boy 
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
UshiTsukki + 29, and Ushijima-san saying the line, please~ :3
Hi Val
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Send me a pairing and a number here! 
Kei never thought he’d be the type to visit hisboyfriend’s matches, especially when said boyfriend was technically a big rivalto his own team, yet here he was.
The Shiratorizawa side of the stands were as lively asever, overwhelmingly purple and with the addition of lively cheerleaders tocreate as much hype as possible. Too noisy, if Kei had anything to say aboutit. But oh well, it wasn’t like he was here for anyone except—
“Wow! Did you see that spike?” Someone in the crowdbehind him spoke with awe, and Kei couldn’t help the small feeling of pride inhis chest. Annoying. “Ushijima is on fire today!”
“Yeah, it feels like more so than usual!”
“Maybe there are scouts somewhere he’s trying toimpress?”
Kei couldn’t help but laugh. Not scouts, Ushijimawouldn’t try so hard for something like that…his motivations were simpler…
Kei felt his face flush, and he bit his lip tosuppress the traitorous smile which wanted to express itself on his face. Belowhim, on the court, Ushijima was getting ready to serve again, and Kei doubtedthe other team would be able to stop it.
The team which Shiratorizawa was up against wassignificantly behind. The gap in points was actually impressive, even tosomeone like Kei. Maybe that was the pride again though.
As Ushijima got ready to serve, Kei saw his eyes dartto the left, scanning the stands until…
Their eyes finally met, for the first time since thegame had started, and Kei felt his breathing stall. Ushijima had been too busybefore then, and Kei had been too stubborn to let the ace know he would bewatching the game until last minute. Instead he’d made a rushed phone callright before warm ups had begun, and the thought of it alone had him feelingmore and more lame.
“I’mcoming to your dumb game, so don’t suck.”
“Yeah…don’tsound so shocked.”
“I’mnot. I’m just very happy you’ll be there, Kei-kun. I want to see you.”
Ushijima really was an idiot, with his harsh honestyand unexpectedly affectionate words, but Kei acknowledged that it was what heliked best about the ace. He trusted Ushijima to always tell him the truth, notto mislead or sugarcoat things. Communication, which was never Kei’s strongsuit, was easy with him.
Kei liked him. He liked him more than he was ready toadmit aloud, but he hoped it came through with his presence, if nothing else.
Ushijima’s eyes seemed to light up upon finding Kei’s,innocent and gentle in a way which drove Kei mad. The ace’s posture straightened,as if he was about to show off and needed the serve to be perfect.
Lookslike the crowd was right after all.
Ushijima wanted to impress Kei, how stupid. He should’veknown, Kei was already impressed enough by him, in many different ways.
Right before he served, the ace’s eyes drifted furtherdown Kei’s body, smiling slightly before turning away. As the game continued,Kei looked down at himself in confusion, when he finally realized…
The purple shirt, which had the Shiratorizawa teamname printed in bold on the front, had been a genuine gift from Ushijima afterthey’d first started dating. Originally, it had been somewhat embarrassing,since it had some less than appropriate implications. Of course though,Ushijima didn’t see it that way. To him, the thought was for Kei to have apiece of him, and mostly, Kei wore the shirt to bed (god knows he couldn’t wearit around his teammates or in public, not when he was from Karasuno). But today…todayit had seemed appropriate. It was loose on him due to Ushijima’s broaderstature, but otherwise it fit him well, and he couldn’t deny the satisfactionhe felt when Ushijima became noticeably more fired up upon seeing him in it.
Hm,maybe I’ll come to these games more often.
“Are you wearing my shirt?” Ushijima asked after thegame had ended. He was notably sweaty, his hair slightly matted to hisforehead, and he raised his jersey to wipe at his neck. It gave Kei a good viewof his abs, which he hated to admit pleased him greatly. Ushijima was obliviousto Kei’s less than innocent thoughts however, and Kei didn’t know whether to bepeeved or thankful for it.
Kei scowled at him, clutching the bottom of the shirtin question. “Yeah, you gave it to me to wear didn’t you?”
That was the other thing about dating Ushijima, he wascompletely unaffected by any of Kei’s biting remarks.
“Yes, but I didn’t think you would,” the acecontinued, smiling softly. “It looks very good on you. I’m happy to see you.”
Kei felt his face light up, and he swore he sawUshijima’s eyes glint playfully in a rare show of teasing. Kei rolled his eyes,looking around to see if anyone was watching them before he stepped forward,letting Ushijima rest his forehead against his own. It wasn’t enough, but they’dhave time later.
Kei smirked lightly, feeling Ushijima’s hand slowlygrasp his. “Well, I might wear it more often then…when I come to more games.”
Judging from Ushijima’s low chuckle and the way hishand squeezed the blond’s, Kei knew the other was on board with the plan.
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G O T 7 PT. 10
They shot a few more takes and different angles until BamBam was satisfied. They helped him pack up his things. As he was getting ready to leave Guerin couldn't help but notice JB was making no moves to leave himself, clearly intending to hang back after BamBam had left. BamBam looked curiously at the two of them before giving an obnoxious knowing grin and eye wiggle on his way out. Guerin tsked and closed the door in his face before feeling guilty and cracking it open to thank him and wish him a safe trip home. She mentally steeled herself and turned to see JB standing awkwardly in the center of her living room, swinging his arms gently, mouth slightly pursed as he looked around trying to seem nonchalant.
"I'm starving. Should we order some takeout?" Guerin said suddenly, drawing his gaze back to her with a blink before he nodded.
"Chicken sound good?" She asked, pulling out her phone to pull up the ordering app as she wandered to the kitchen.
JB brightened visibly at the mention of his favorite food, "Yes chicken! Let me order it though."
"It's okay, I've got it." Guerin responded, voice slightly muffled from her face being in the fridge as she pulled out a couple water bottles. She didn't see JB come up behind her and snag her phone away from the hand holding the fridge door open as she straightened up. "Im Jaebeom!" Guerin scolded, pressing her hand to her chest, "You startled me."
"Sorry." He said disingenuously with a bratty grin, holding his own phone and perusing it as he chose a chicken delivery restaurant.
"Ya. Punk. Give me my phone back." She shoved a water bottle into his chest and he laughed, taking it from her and moving back to the living room still focused on his phone. "Hey don't ignore me. I said I would do the order!" Guerin protested, following after him.
"Do you want some beer too? We should get some beer." JB said, still not responding to her protests other than the shit eating grin betraying his amusement.
She huffed, and looked around to see where her phone had gone but she didn't see it anywhere. Guerin changed tactics and pouted, "Jaebummiiiieeee." She whined and pouted, "Why are you being mean to meeee?" JB looked up at her, startled and then laughed as she ramped up her aegyo by swaying her shoulders, lowering her head and looking up at him through her eyelashes. He covered his mouth as he yelled in amusement before laughing again.
"Ya, what is this?" He asked, still in disbelief. He had seen her act cute before but it was usually much shorter or more natural. This full blown attempt at aegyo was throwing him for a loop.
Frustrated and embarrassed she tried to take advantage of his distraction by lunging for his phone instead. He side stepped her reflexively, but as she passed him he stepped in again trapping her against the wall, his hand above her head propping him against the surface. His face was lowered toward hers, broad shoulders and loose fitting sweater combined to make her feel surrounded. Guerin was taken by surprise in this turn of events and in a weak moment she sank back against the wall, especially as she caught his expression. JB's smile had switched to a seductive smirk, his eyes scorching into hers with an eyebrow raised in a challenging manner. She felt like all of her breath had left her body, not that it mattered because she didn't seem to remember how to breathe anyway.
JB's free arm moved behind him, pulling Guerin's phone from his back pocket and handing it back to her with a wink, "I placed the order already."
He straightened up and began to step back looking quite proud of himself before Guerin decided to act. Grabbing the front of his sweater with both her hands she pulled him back to her. His face inches away from hers she spoke a breathless command, "Kiss me."
JB didn't need a second invitation. He stepped close to her, pushing her back against the wall. His movements weren't rushed, but they were deliberate as he lowered his face to hers, pressing his lips against her own, but only for a moment. He broke this kiss, following it with another and another before he felt her arms snake around him, pulling him close as she deepened the kiss. He couldn't help but smile at her pushy display.
Once she pulled back for air he kissed down her jawline to her ear, kissing the colorful feather tattoo behind her ear before moving to her ear lobe and neck. Breathing deeply, mostly from the sensation he elicited from her she spoke again, "I like you too." She almost whispered.
He beamed against her neck as he responded, "Say it again?" He requested, pulling away just enough to look into her eyes.
"I like you, Im Jaebeom." She said louder for him. His hand cupped her cheek as he kissed her again. Beaming he pulled her in for a hug, peppering her face with kisses before ending up back on hip lips, silencing her giggles at his sudden playful joy. Getting fed up with waiting for him to escalate she pushed him back, turning them until he fell back onto the couch. Guerin grinned at his startled expression, straddling his lap boldly. He licked his lips, hands moving up her thighs to her hips. She didn't move in right away, resting her hands on his wide chest, luxuriating in the feel of him. Her hands slid along his body, to his shoulders, neck up until her fingers ran through his shaggy hair, pulling it back away from his face. She gently used this leverage to tilt his head back finally leaning in to kiss him again, slowly at first before increasing the intensity as she gave in to her hunger. His hands tightened on her hips, then worked their way up under her shirt to her waist before they were interrupted by Guerin's door buzzer.
Disoriented she sat up, wondering who it could be and cursing their timing before she groaned remembering ordering food had been her idea. She rolled off JB who laughed at her undisguised frustration before he hopped up, cleverly adjust his pants, then padded to the door to take their food. Thanking the delivery person he closed the door and turned back to Guerin who was running her hands through her hair and they made eye contact. Wordlessly he held up the food with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah let's eat." She laughed, beckoning him over, "I guess we have some stuff to talk about anyway." She added with a grimace.
JB watched her with an unreadable expression for a moment but then moved back to the couch, taking the food and setting it all out.
"You got tteokbokki too?" Guerin gasped suddenly, watching him work.
"Mm." He grunted in the affirmative, handing her chopsticks and setting her favorite dish closer to her.
"You're the best wow." She dove right into the food.
"The best? I'm lucky you're so easy to please." He teased.
"Yeah I'm pretty cheap I can't lie." She fed him a bite of tteokbokki.
They ate in silence for a minute before JB spoke up again between bites, "Did you... talk to Jackson?"
Guerin nodded as she finished chewing and swallowed, "Yeah. At his party he asked me... I told him I wouldn't date him." She used her chopsticks to stir around a piece of tteok. "It was honestly really hard. I didn't want to do it." She blinked as her eyes stung, remembering the rapper's hurt expression.
"Why did you then, if you didn't want to?" JB asked curious in spite of himself.
"I just don't think we're compatible. As much as I adore him, I need downtime. Jackson is always going, he doesn't stop to relax. He works to relax. I think that would cause insurmountable conflict." She shrugged sadly, now squashing the tteok with her chopsticks but not picking it up. JB reached across, picked up the abused food and fed it to her.
"Do you have doubts about me?" JB asked.
"Yeah but... they were mostly alleviated. Really my biggest concern is about me. I'm not great at romantic relationships. But I guess I'm selfish enough to try." She took a big piece of chicken interrupting herself by putting the whole large bite in her mouth.
"Dummy." JB rolled his eyes and patted her head. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him sideways until he continued, "That's what dating is. We learn each other."
"Lame." Guerin said through her full cheeks as she shoved his hand away, but she had to cover her mouth as she smiled.
"So... are you my boyfriend now?" Guerin asked after she swallowed. JB looked at her like said something ridiculous and she quickly tried to explain, "I just... wanted to check? It's different in the states we usually have like... it's just different."
He reached across her shoulders and pulled her as he laid down, her head resting on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, "Yeah, I'm your boyfriend." He kissed the top of her head.
Guerin rested her head on him, blissfully comfortable in his arms.
"You look so handsome." Charlie couldn't help but gush at her boyfriend as they went into the hotel hosting the wrap party. Jinyoung did indeed look sharp in his custom fitted, classic black suit complete with bowtie and perfectly coiffed hair.
"I needed to, or you were going to take all the spotlight." He slid an arm around her waist an pulled her in as he kissed the side of her head and murmured into her hair, "You look extra pretty tonight."
"If you say so." She said disbelievingly, perpetually unable to accept a compliment. Jinyoung frowned but didn't argue with her just yet. The bronze dress she and Guerin had found complemented her shape well and suited her purple hair that she further accessorized with purple contacts and shoes. He thought she looked radiant. He offered her his arm, which she took and they entered the room together. It wasn't long into their partnership that they had admitted to dating to the crew and JYPE had made a formal announcement. As an actor he had a lot more leeway than he would have as an idol, and most of his fans were smitten with the story of them meeting on set so there had been minimal blowback. In fact it had served to hype up his drama even more and viewership had increased.
"Do you see JB and Guerin?" Charlie asked, glancing around. They had found out their mutual friends were officially a couple a week prior and had invited them along to the party as their plus ones.
"It's hard to miss Guerin." Jinyoung snickered as he spotted her easily.
"Oh no what is she-" Charlie's eyes landed on the beacon that was her friend and she couldn't help but smile even as she raised a hand to her head. Guerin was wearing a light pink blazer, hot pink bandeau showing under a fairly translucent black shirt tucked into a pair of hot pink high waisted trousers with predictably matching black lipstick, "Is she stuck in the 80's what is wrong with her?" Charlie grumbled as they made their way over to their friends. JB was dressed very fashion forward but still paled in comparison to the highlighter masquerading as his girlfriend. His long dark gray suit jacket and loose fitting trousers hung off his body seductively, with a black and white patterned shirt that he had skipped the tie on in favor of his usual unbuttoned appearance and his hair, just too short for a ponytail hanging around his face and falling into his eyes. Guerin noticed Jinyoung and Charlie approaching first and she lit up.
"Charlie!! You look incredible oh my god!" She gushed, holding her hands out to take in the view, eyes practically sparkling. "Jinyoung, you also look very dapper." She dropped the last word in english. She found it fun to keep him guessing as he cocked his head to the side, glancing at Charlie who smiled and nodded at him.
"Thank you, Guerin. You look. Bright." He offered as she chuckled in turn.
"I'll take it as a compliment." JB wore a slight smile as he stepped up to Guerin and greeted his friends, seemingly undaunted that her black platform shoes made her slightly taller than him.
"Have you two been waiting long?" Charlie asked.
"No, it's still pretty early but you know how I am about being on time." Guerin shrugged.
"She was very strict about me getting ready." JB said with a raised eyebrow at Guerin.
"I was surprised to see you here before me. She must have done something right." Jinyoung admitted with a mischievous expression. JB could only shrug in acceptance, he knew he was chronically late.
The foursome got drinks and chatted more before Jinyoung had to peel off. Guerin and Charlie left JB to his own devices as they meandered around and caught up.
"So you and JB..." Charlie gave her friend The Look.
Guerin glanced around, shushing her friend, before shaking her head.
"What the hell, Guerin? That's super unlike you." Charlie whispered.
"I know, I know." Guerin made a face, "I think i just keep waiting for him to get sick of me. Like... most people only really can handle me in small doses. Or they think I'm so quirky and fun and then the novelty wears off and it gets annoying or it becomes normal and they get bored... or I just do something to fuck it all up. I really like JB and I don't want to get even more attached and emotional just for it to end." As she talked it became clear to Charlie that this had been something Guerin had been holding close to her chest for a while now.
"Guerin." Charlie said.
"Charlie." Guerin responded with the same tone.
"Get over it, and get under him." Charlie stated matter of factly.
"Oh my god. Charlie." Guerin sputtered and tried not to laugh loudly in shock.
"I'm serious. You don't know how a relationship is going to progress if you're walking on eggshells or always waiting for the other shoe to drop. It might end yeah, but the more you hold back the more likely that is to happen." Charlie lectured her friend.
Guerin's lips were pursed thoughtfully as she listened to her friend before she spoke, "Yeah. You right." She memed as she nodded.
"God you're such a nerd. He definitely already knows that about you." Charlie rolled her eyes and Guerin chuckled.
"What are the odds that anyone near us speaks English well enough to have understood our conversation?" Guerin asked, suspiciously looking around. Charlie glanced as well and shook her head.
"No one most likely."
"Most likely. There's a vote of confidence." Guerin finished her drink, "C'mon, let's get some more!" She took her friends arm and led her back to the bar. Once their beverages had been refreshed Charlie glanced up.
"Hey, I think one of our interns is hitting on JB."
"Oh?" Guerin looked around. Sure enough a young pretty woman with long silky straight hair was showing all the signs of flirting. She giggled, tossed her hair, played with her necklace, "Oh yeah look at her go." Guerin nodded and took a sip.
Charlie looked at Guerin astounded, "Is that it?"
"I mean, I'll go interrupt in a minute, JB looks kind of uncomfortable." Guerin shrugged, "But it's kinda funny."
Charlie stared at her friend, "Literally five minutes ago you were telling me you felt insecure with him."
"I mean. Yeah. I'm worried I'll do something to mess it up. I don't think some pretty young thing would successfully get him to cheat on me." Guerin shrugged again. Charlie stared some more and Guerin sighed, "Listen. Look at him. He's a mega babe. There's no doubt he could have any woman he wants. The fact that he pursued me? Appearance isn't his biggest priority. Besides, I trust him. If I didn'ti
I wouldn't date him."
Charlie frowned, turning back to watch the interaction, "I wish I had your confidence."
Guerin put a hand on her friends back sympathetically, "Keep working on it. It doesn't happen overnight, and it takes a lot of work. I can tell you all day how amazing you are but at some point you have to start telling yourself too. You didn't score a hottie like Park Jinyoung by being less than worthy."
Charlie glanced up at Jinyoung, who was chatting with the director and another actor. He glanced at her and caught her eye, smiling briefly before continuing his conversation. Her heart fluttered at the eye contact, and it managed to lift her spirits just a little.
"Ah shit, JB saw me watching." Guerin said suddenly as her boyfriend made eye contact and his eyes widened ever so slightly as he tried to plead with her over the distance.
"Go save him already, he looks like he's trying not to die." Charlie scolded her friend.
"Yeah, he's been doing the slow steps backward to try and leave but she keeps walking with him. It's super funny. Guess the show is over though." Guerin chuckled, "I'll find you soon." She broke off an headed toward her boyfriend.
"So you're friends with Park Jinyoung-ssi? How do you two know each other?" The young woman talking to JB was twisting a lock of hair in her fingers as she swayed in place flirtatiously.
"Hey honey." Guerin stepped up to JB and slid an arm around his waist, his hand automatically snaked around her back. Guerin kissed his temple, grateful for her durable lipstain as he displayed very subtle relief at her appearance. Guerin smiled at the younger woman who looked shocked, "Hello, I'm Go Guerin, it's nice to meet you." She held out her hand, subtly asserting herself.
"I'm Bang Minsoo." The girl took Guerin's hand with only of hers and barely inclined her head as they shook hands. The rude gesture was not lost on Guerin but she didn't let it phase her. JB's brow furrowed at the impolite display.
"Minsoo, that's such a cute name, it suits you well!" Guerin said pleasantly.
"Guerin is my girlfriend." JB said suddenly, as Minsoo looked back and forth between them with growing disbelief.
"Are you serious?" She asked and frowned, "This isn't one of those things where a friend pretends to date someone to chase of someone else?" She raised an eyebrow and her lip curled ever so slightly.
Guerin raised her chin, eyebrows up as she cast a now disparaging gaze at the woman in front of her, eyes flicking down then back up to Minsoo's face. "Would you like to explain that?" She asked.
"I just mean... you two are mismatched." Minsoo said, still informal with the same disbelieving expression only growing more pronounced.
"Ya." JB was seething, his chin jutted forward as he began to speak, eyebrows furrowed.
"Hold on sweetie." Guerin soothed him, "I'd like Minsoo to explain what she means by that."
"Oppa, I don't mean to upset you. I mean you can do better than some fat giant foreigner with the fashion sense of a toddler. It's so obvious she really isn't your girlfriend. If you didn't want to date me you just had to say so, you don't need to lie." Minsoo finished off her explanation with a pout.
Guerin laughed at Minsoo, which made the younger woman angry, and Guerin's next words sliced deep, "You're so adorable on the outside. It's a shame you've got such a bad personality. It must really hurt to know someone like me is with someone you so desperately want, someone who wouldn't even look at you twice." Guerin had dropped her hand from JB and stepped forward to tower over Minsoo.
Minsoo's next action was obvious as her face contorted and she reached back an arm to swing at Guerin. Guerin stepped back at the movement, JB pulling her to him and out of the way in the same moment.
"Bang Minsoo." An approaching voice sternly said her name. The three looked up to see the director approaching, behind him Jinyoung and Charlie watched, as well as a few other people who had gone silent to watch. The three automatically bowed in apology to the other guests, Minsoo looking especially terrified. The director bowed to JB and Guerin, "I apologize on behalf of my employee. Please know that she will he held accountable for her actions." He turned to Minsoo, his expression cold, "Security will escort you out. Your manager and I will meet with you first thing tomorrow morning." True to his word, a shocked Guerin watched as a stern looking suited security guard stepped up to a mortified looking Minsoo and walked her out. By the time she walked through the doors she had hidden her tear stained face in her hands as she clearly attempted to not outright sob.
Guerin couldn't help but feel a bit guilty, "Sir, I appreciate the apology and I accept. Please do not be too harsh with her, she is still so young."
"Whatever words were exchanged might be forgivable, but she did attempt to strike you and violence will not be tolerated." The director said firmly.
"She didn't actually hit me-" Guerin started to protest, but JB interrupted.
"We appreciate your help sir, and we are sorry for the trouble we have caused in turn." JB bowed, with Guerin quickly catching on and following suit. The director walked away as Charlie and Jinyoung came up.
"I assume I just missed something cultural?" Guerin asked JB, feeling embarrassed.
"We're just lucky we didn't also get kicked out." JB shrugged.
"It was pretty obvious to everyone that Minsoo was the problem, even if we couldn't hear what was said." Charlie sighed, "I also maybe mentioned to the director that you two were our guests and pointed out the was harassing you."
"Though maybe next time don't step up like you're ready to fight." Jinyoung scolded Guerin.
She sighed, "I just feel bad now. I did egg her on a little. She was being such a punk and I just found it funny but now she has probably lost her job."
"It's not your fault. She is responsible for her own actions. And she was being rude from the moment you showed up before you even said a word." Charlie argued with Guerin.
"You're too soft. This is how she is going to learn." JB patted Guerin's head, his anger seemed to have mostly abated.
"You did really well. I'm proud of you." Guerin said suddenly, bumping JB with her hip, "I thought you might lose your cool but you kept it in and let me defend myself."
"Do I get a prize?" He asked, hand tightening at her waist and flicking his eyebrows up suggestively.
"Okay that's enough, you have two more people in the conversation that don't want to be involved." Jinyoung said disapprovingly as he covered Charlie's eyes.
0 notes
chaoscrystals · 7 years
Every note in my phone 5
My final note before I kill myself I'm not actually going to kill myself. I'm letting the dying parts die. Say goodbye to them. Wow holy shit my whole back just got a wave of feeling. This is it. I know if I don't go for what I want I'm going to lose it. So I'm sharing everything that I have inside. Because I've been wanting to for a long time. For many reasons, some more noble than others. Daqui a pouco to escrevendo nas outras linguas. Hey duke Well, I have to completely go for what I want. You will know what that feels like. I had a dream last night that turned out to be symbolic of what happened today. Its not that hard because your subconscious mind always knows what's going on.I have a considerable amount of magic to my person but ill tell you now I lose things, I have anxiety attacks and a fixation on food and body type, and I'm telling you this because I can't let you think I'm a no faceted perfect lady. Hey lady. Molly plays with my feelings I wonder how many years that could last. As long as Natalie is my friend. Kad thinks I'm a Nazi. That makes me upset. Now I'm thinking about Mikala from midtown west. Dont know why. Cause I'm not a fucking Nazi damn. That's extremely offensive Why are all these thoughts coming into my head? Whups. Lost it again. Sex is sacred but our movies and tv shows over hype it and put ideas in our head. One time I told Jamie I was gay.I actually thought it was true at the time...that's such an awkward thing to explain. I know I don't have to fucking explain myself but I want to because I care that the other person is on the same page as me!! No I miss you too in a weird way I've been wanting to share all my real thoughts for a long time. And now is the only time because the last couple days I have been dangerously close to having a breakdown. I have been crying in the street for 2 days And I also have been wanting to tell everyone what I actually think all the time I think my problem is that I have a habit of thinking about things ruim like I just think about sad shit a lot. And my comfort levels are always unstable Shailesh balla I don't know whose name that is. Shoulda brought my journal but I didn't think I was going to want to write. I want to do something to soothe my worries. My top worries are money, food, having something stolen from me, being raped. Its weird that I'm so worried that someone is going to rape me when I haven't been raped in this lifetime. But I would always get strong images of being raped. Except I was black so it wasn't in this lifetime. I want to soothe my worries telling myself that expecting the worst isn't good for my health. My focus goes rotten sometimes. I have to go to where I want to go to. I'm grateful for what I have. And not in a lame way either. I think I'm most worried that something will be taken from me. Money or whatever. When has that caused my death? Only when I sunk into the sadness and grieving. Grieving for my jewelry. Don't have a choice but to keep going. My grandparents on my moms side were such a huge influence on me throughout my life What is life anyway? We are all here wondering what to do with ourselves. And I can only have these thoughts because I have money I wanna work like Malcolm x did Tryinng to soothe my chronic worrying. Maybe ill find a paradise somewhere. Kalien photograph Deangelo Silva Thais is a sexy name. I'm tired and a little gassy but I'm going to go out anyway to see what the fuss is about. Because I wouldn't be satisfied if I just went to sleep Reflecting on resentment. I can feel this is a strong hook. This is a strong feeling in my body. I resent the cruelty of survival in the midst of civilization built by half asleep beings. My thoughts lead me to duke and this is what I have to say about that. I resent being treated wrongly by him. He treated me wrongly because he was my soul mate and he was supposed to help me and love me through everything I can't have sex!!!!! I hate having sex with people that suck at itI Which is almost everyone I resent everyone because I am so shy it hurts to see people who I connect with sometimes. Something inside of me is very tender and sore and I have been neglecting her. She's not ready to see anyone. I can resent and I do. For. Not being there with his feelings and not being there with mine. But i have to admit its not fair of me to just expect someone to take on all my problems with me. And I know this has something to do with the fact that my mother would throw crying fits at me and I had no idea how to act. Because that's what you do right? You don't say anything to people so they think your nice and then you have an explosive breakdown on whoever gets caught in your shit. Right? Oops Still letting go of my feeling of resentment. I'm a self help queen. Not sorry. Maybe just a little bit. But listen, I'm actually getting somewhere in my emotions. The blocks I have to getting what I want are emotional so if I can move and change my emotional body, I'm set. Sex Everyone sucks at it except for Ursula and mau 90 percent of males I meet think about fucking me That's pathetic Don't you think you're craving a closeness?instead?no? I don't know you its not my business I acho que tó errada I can pretty easily see what I did wrong. But I'm a sad sack and its easy for me to get into self blame. Those thoughts make me really depressed. But I guess it doesn't matter I don't have to have a perfect personality I don't even have to have a personality NOT UP TO YOUR STANDARDS AM I DUKE? Oops I've said so many bitchy things to my friends who I love so much..somebody needs to slap me. I hope they can forgive me. Well we're still friends so... Who the fuck taught me to be afraid of everyone? Walking around feeling like I'm rotting from the inside and I can't trust anyone and yet I want to meet all their eyes and see what's inside. When you're thoughts are just swimming with someone else. Julia, Duke, Kaara Someone who I barely talk to. I'm the pathetic one. It feels good to think that right now...die ego die!!!! So I will begin to close of this meditation. I would like to let go of my resentment. It will be carried away by the strength of the planets. Just saying what I believe. A very powerful tool. I had to re-read what I had written and confront that maybe my focus is terrible because I live in an age full of distractions and sometimes I have to be distracted to avoid major depression and having a fit and getting arrested. Sometimes I want to just break the glasses in the cafes. Or the stores. That urge has been with me for months and I still haven't acted on it. Stay tuned. So if I'm letting go of resentment, I'm letting go of my feeling of entitlement to. I will always give myself the best of what I can. But I cannot live off of taking from other people.I don't want to. Their money or their prana. Sorry Kaara. Half asleep over here. You did it too. I liked your insecurity because I could feel better about myself. And my own insecurity. Someone shut me up nobody wants to hear about my emotions. Oh that thought again. I'm expressing myself not trying to.....be right...but I am I came down to the beach because I thought it would be the best place. I was living in the street for a week. I'm not now we are paying for a room. Its cheaper than anything else but this is such a popular location that its still a fair chunk of money. But its worth it to drink the healing waters (there's a natural fountain of groundwater. Clean and delicious if your gut can handle it. We wanted to leave but I think we were both resisting the healing....me and my friend rua. I'm paying for all of our food (and we're been to restaurants a few times) but its because I know my core beliefs are not in line with me keeping my money for myself. I think I jumped the gun a little here anyway. This is another topic. Dissolve my resentment. Sometimes I was treated wrongly. Sometimes I just felt entitled to get what I want and when whoever couldn't meet my needs, I get upset. Flashes of bring abused in past lives. Nothing I could write today. My collective head gets it but I needed to write for nova, the 3-d being I can't believe I'm missing that show I can't believe it I must be missing out fuck fuck fuck I have to be away I have to be here I am doing good here I am doing good here I just need something in my stomach to settle I need to sleep a little more. Ooohhh if I had some weed and I could sleep a little more id have it made. But I'm shyyyyyy There is a voice in the back of my head asking me to write and to learn new languages. God damn, I think I'm an Artist. After reading some writing by Patti Smith, I feel a little confused and jealous. My writing is so....unprretty specific and not artistic. I want to write something beautiful. If it is beauty I am after...well, I already know what that looks like. I already know who owns beauty. Earth beauty. Eternal beauty Nobody leave me alone. I wouldn't want to be alone anyway. On my own some angel meets me Oh maybe I can write pretty things Write an essay of something Masses of pissed off folk are gonna have something big to say in this life or next just you wait mr big shot. Big gun nuclear ammo. I bet you thought you could stop the art from saving us all. What rennessaince would you try to stop then who are you trying to stop and why don't you love me!? Mister big thing My boyfriend keeps me safe I don't love him but he's good company and when we have to have sex its pretty good I don't think he feels the same way. I think homeboy was looking for a real namorado. Never seen anyone who looked like me. I made a cheese sandwich for my friend and now I want one cause I ate them when I was a kid. I feel like a baby still! Cosmic smoke womb. I don't care, ill take it Bad coffee Oi viado Its not that hard to learn a new language if you think you can do it I have been waiting years to learn about the stars. I always new the universe was a synchronized conglomerate of matter, but coming across systems I can keep record of. Beleza There's a feeling that sometimes overcomes me in my dreams that I'm being choked and can't breathe. These mosquitoes are biting me Somehow I manage to superimpose my fears on reality. Na janela aberta entrou meu convidado da noite, meu inimigo pior e o amor infernal que guardo para me gozar And, choking, I cry out for help. Cry out to whoever can hear me and be here with me. I don't care who I have to hide from myself. Excuse me for a second. My heart saw a pain and took it. Walking around shopping malls My candy heart Left my heart in Mexico City She was bed-ridden like me. But that's beside the point. We were frantic when we met and frantic when you held my hand and I breathed my first sigh of relief there. He loves me. I'm squirming in my seat Left my heart in Mexico City I THINK about YOU STILL but I think its more about me than it ever was about you. Still in Mexico City With its booming economy And great tortillas. All the cars and things that make up a city nowadays I went backpacking and somebody loves me still Left it in Mexico City. Now the reason for me to write The greatest poem I've ever written We were saying goodbye. I said I wanted to stay and I meant it but I didn't think I was going to stay. I have to go to work Still in Mexico City He must have thought I was going to stay I should have stayed. But I was lost in my work and I couldn't find my rights. So I ended up in Brazil with a hurt sciatica nerve and he's still in Mexico City with my heart that I left there And I think about him still but its more about me...right? I am undeserving As the words form my heart (the one that came with me) remains confused I hope you pick up on this and reveal yourself to me. But you don't have to. I didn't mean to make you think I wasn't going to leave. I was always going to leave. Tipo assim. But I just wanted to stay... Left my heart in Mexico City My back is cracking way too much it hurts and this can't be good for me. I want to go home. Wheere is home? My back is stressed out. I'm worried. Worried not looking I don't think I've ever been so offended. I just lost a friend. Telling me about my insufferable privilege. Hiding. I don't want to pay because I can live without money...........and fuck me if its only my privilege that lets me do that and think like that and write like this. I'm going to do it. I understand that I am privileged I feel incredibly guilty like I am not like, worthy of love because I have money But I never tell people that because no one will ever understand! Sad because I have money. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous I should be rejoicing but I'm not I I just want to die and be buried in my 10000 reais and die. Every time I hear the word money I wanna die. Give it all away slowly to people who appreciate it. Rua never hears me. I don't have time for that. I just need to sort out my thoughts A new poem Sugar eaters God again god blessed to have you to have found you Walking down the street in my hometown new york city Walking down the aisles but I'm in my mind Again Blessed are these sugar crystals that feed my teeth eaters we're sugar eaters blessed are these sugar crystals And a calm comes over us A little upset a little unrest its all the sugar eaters eating your teeth. My words are twisted like mind. You have to run around loaning me your time. How lucky I am to have found you. You bring me sweet coffee and I do not resist. The hot sun beats and we refuge in the shade. Our hot Brazil sun but I am walking down the aisles in my mind in my hometown I have money for all the sugar crystals I could ever need. But she doesn't want to have it from me. Blessed are these sugar crystals brought to us by the sugar goddesses, just trying to be sweet. Just trying to be sweet I have all the money I need Try to be sweet I have all the money I need There's something under the surface you're not seeing units swimming under. Your feet and I feel a little bit afraid. That the whole. Thing is going to collapse and crumble under my feet. Or lava will come up of its will and displace all of us Walking around with latent fear There's something under your feet maybe a bug lurking in your belly You're writing because you're a smart girl. You get into a new feeling and slip away quietly. You left. Joker Is jesting Later I saw him crying I had a flash of the future And it didn't come true exactly butt I swear I saw something like it My privilege is a bunch of dead flowers My privilege is rotting fruit More privileged than you for not having the need of water Have to walk miles for water I had to walk about 10 minutes for water and I felt a little bit like a prophet, or something of the sort Live in a house Live in a city In a country where you are not under threat of being bombed Your house could be bombed My privileges are rotting Watch tv Hear about the wars Light up your green and laugh with your friends Until your gut hurts We are friends, I don't want to take it there again My privileges are rotting fruit My journal January 25th 2017 Sitting in my boyfriends bedroom inn araial dajuda. I hope he's watching me. He has been my boyfriend for a few days only. I asked him what he wanted today and he said "I want what you want" my heart just about melted. I knew I liked him because I felt my heart get warm and I knew his lsd was pure, which is rare. And briefly, I am going to write some of the best poetry I have ever written. But not yet. I'm not ready Sometimes it's just not worth it and you have to let it go. But you always speak to the moment and you always try your hardest. And even though I have lice eggs in my hair I know the universe is going to protect me and my problems are going to pass. Write like I have a problem that needs airing out. But I don't have that mood exactly. My systems are more or less okay. Some of the best poetry I have ever written. He is the reason for my poetry. Nothing but a man and he's skinny. Taller than me and I don't think he can defend me. He has a penis and breath like everyone else but he sees energy and he loves seeing energy and neither of us understand it...but we love it and we want to know as much as we can about it. I need to.......oh right He will be the cause of the best poem I ever write. I don't know if I believe that. Money worries have to be let go of. I can't hold on to everything all the time. Universe synchronized. Daily mundane things going about your things and you just notice how good the breeze feels and that you're right by the sea in a beautiful city. Here isn't a good place to eat. My memory with Julia the rock star. Time to write my autobiography. But take it seriously. Make it right. I love my feelings so much I don't feel like I'm done writing. Nobody was really trying to con me that hard. Just trying to amuse themselves at the expense of others feelings. Uh, is that too bleak for you? Get over it. Gentrified vegan crab cakes. Oops. What? She's gonna kill me. I'm afraid and I have poop in my gut I feel it. I'm tired but something is missing. In tired to go to bed with my boyfriend who I just met but I know I love. In my way.too tired to worry His smell is intoxicating. That boy smell. She told me to follow my heart but I think my heart bate papo its not the strongest...but I can feel it. Morre than a lot of people could say. Stuffed some cotton in my underwear because my menstrual blood is releasing. And all this money and packaging. I'm hungry. Nobody understands me. I'm hungry. Nobody understands me. Nothing is in the way of me doing something except for me because I'm scared. I'm scared. This place has me held happily as prisoner. I give up. Rob me. Kill me. Not if I get you first. Writing for you writing for you. Nothing is stopping me except my fear and my concept about money I left arraial dajuda and now I want to go back because I was loving it....it was time for me to just take a break....I want to just stay with people who I know are my friends. I want to stay where I feel safe. And I want to kiss guilherme again. Its not fair that I could spend almost 500 reais just to try to get away. Fuck. I am going back because I feel the most happy that way. I don't want to be alone any more.... I don't want to be alone not knowing where the he'll I'm going and these things. If I was here alone and feeling fine....I could bee that person...maybe ... But I would rather just not be alone right now honestly. I don't wanna wait and wait until I feel love again. I want the love I felt already. I'm scared that I'm going to show up and I can't have him anymore...but I know that's not going to happen. Lice and all. I needed to leave. I regretted it pretty quickly Part of me wants to keep traveling forever...and another part wants to go home and be with my family again...or both. I don't know if I want to volunteer with this yogic nun in her biodiversity organic yoga thing. Part of me wants to go home. But I also have an intense interest in this. I don't know. It doesn't make sense to go back and forth. But I don't really wanna stay in the city of brasilia Make up for it. Compensate. Sitting at the bar alone. Like a character in a movie. Waiting on my love to walk in the door. Thinking many of the same things at once. Tired but I know I'm not going anywhere. Its so easy to fight your feelings and write what you didn't want to write something about the universal flow and how it affects you how your stars have been so aligned recently and how they always were bus you just didn't notice. I sit in a state of wonderment and disgust as I am interrupted by a greedy old man with no money making his presence very known to me Just remind yoself help remind your self. I need another distraction to distract me from the pain of needing to eat and needing to steal and depending on millions of other people for my food. I need another distraction. The earth is quickly dying as I see it, but I know people who think otherwise. I should have stayed in Brazil. My friends just want to poison themselves with alcohol and I want to run away with my love but I left him in Brazil. I need to eat For many years I've obsessed over my corporeal form, my body. What it says about me. I can't get out of this.....its my way of dealing with my feelings. Its just in my being but I mean, I'm gonna end up tearing out to shreds I already know. I can't stay here with these demons eating at me. I see real I wish I had someone with me. Makes me feel like I need to eat something. Probably end up a pedophile like my dad Why doesn't anyone understand thoughts and feelings? This is pathetic. I wish I had someone with me I could be screaming but she wouldn't hear. Known her for years I just want to be with her again. No one can stop me if I just show up Its so hard to feel things. Its so hard to actually sense things. This world is set up for profit for invention and for narcissism!! Oh god what did I do I slept with my ex I slept with my ex he's a beacon of truth like me or a liar I don't really know Cause its not that straightforward at all I can't just read mounds so easily as I wish I could but I'm not bad when you compare me to most people. I think that my new haircut suits me . on nahrt okay my own energy reading is a little faulty. . A few days later and unrealized how badly I am conpartmentalizing things I wish I wasn't so emotionally cold but I believe I have to be this way to be an artist...that can't be true. ... Get up and talk to someone but it tires me what's so bad about being tired I can't ignore my bodily needs why does it make you tired because they only like to hear certain things and I have to think about it.   Sometimes I write cause i don't know what else to do.. Like now...my head will hurt if I go talk to other people I'm just trying to maintain a high vibration no I'm serious this is town in doing it and I'm not belittling my mission no way I'm not gonna hurt myself I want to maintain a high vibration and sometimes its hard for me to do that when I talk to other people. But I can't let this exclude people from my reality because everyone is worthy of attention and love!!! Everyone is worthy of it and I'm not letting it go for all the money or all the fame in the world everyone's feelings matter sometimes I am the absolute worst when it comes to that. I want to message michael maybe he can distract me from my problems. Everryone does. He is different. He is just the same I knew I felt something strong with him I love his ambition and I want to see it develop and that means staying with him for a bit I want to see his ambition develop his!!I'm starting to think I gotta let go of that whole shit with sam, cause I don't really like being jealous. You know why my head really hurts? Cause I'm letting myself be alone too long . I'm obsessive is what I'm actually trying to say. I'm not sure who you think I am but I don't mind much. I'm not a cool person all I want from you is conversation and cuddles There's this black of my connection like I'm talking to a wall and not to michael I think I'm fucking up I could be talking to myself in various ways. Maybe his souls just close to mines anyway enough that it feels like I'm with myself? I'm aware of the seperateness but I really would rather live in the thought of we are all one soul
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badgirl2chainz-blog · 7 years
Since I’m back and ready to express my thoughts and feelings about everyone’s favorite festival, here I am! Yes, my first blog was about Stagecoach, however it is no surprise that I would prefer Coachella over Stagecoach. Not in a conceited way, but I was one of the first people in my High School to attend both in the same year and have been fortunate enough to keep that going ever since. When April ends, the typical questions follow, “Which one do you like more?” or “If you had to choose which one would you go too?” As much as I loved country growing up, it’s no surprise that the vibes and the atmosphere you see and feel at Coachella are much more me. The most “eclectic music festival” they said, and man they weren’t wrong.  
After experience quite a few festivals, I think I can safely say what festivals are worth going to at least once in you're life and Coachella is 100% that one festival, no matter if the lineup isn't up to your “par” you still gotta go. Ya, just gotta.
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The reason I was so infatuated with attending this festival was because one of my pal’s was very into EDM and always talked about the Sahara tent. The Sahara tent this, the Sahara tent that. And he kept blabbing about something called the “Do Lab” and he would constantly say, “Mas you gotta go, you would love coachella!” I figured he knew me well enough that he wouldn’t suggest I go to some lame event. The more research I did the more I realized I had to go.
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My first Coachella experience began with my pal and I making sure we went to our Senior year English class because attendance mattered, but once the bell rang we were sprinting to the senior parking lot, yelling “Bye Triana!” It was literal go time. I had never been more giddy in my entire life, so giddy that I fell asleep immediately in the car on the way to La Quinta. Classic Carly for y’all.  But don’t you worry I woke up just in time for some in n out.
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I had worked hard and paid for my ticket with my own money, which at the time $350 seemed like a lot for a ticket, I do even remember my parents telling me I was rather insane, but little did they know how much money I would be dropping on festival tickets in the future. Anyways sorry I got a little off topic there, SO we get to my pals house and she is much more girly than me and she was ready to go, knew all the outfits she was going to wear and all I really had to my name was a mesh tank top and a flower headband, literally so Coachella of me, am I right? Don’t worry my outfits have definitely improved over the years, or so I would like to think. Not that it matters what people think of my appearance because I have always been one of those people to actually attend something for the music and the experience.
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Disclaimer - the thing about looking cute is really tough because you might walk into the sahara tent at 3:00 pm in 95 degree weather to see What so Not or Thomas Jack and you might just come out looking like you ran a 5K and haven’t showered in days, so just don't over do it with the outfits. Trust me your outfits that you ordered online in January will still be cool.
For someone that isn’t very crafty or artistic at all, the artwork at Coachella enlightens me every single year. I followed the snail around for about an hour and I took pretty heinous selfies of myself with the caterpillar. In all seriousness though, the art is much, much, more than a new twitter header, it’s interesting to see what artists are thinking and to think about why that piece of art is here.
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Now lets talk about my favorite topic once again; food and drinks. Yes there is the infamous lemonade. One year I counted that I drank 8 in one weekend. Raw talent, I’d say. This could also be because Coachella does have designated drinking areas. So unless you sneak something in you can’t just roam freely with alcohol. Last Coachella was the first Coachella that I was allowed in the Beer Gardens. Now this craft beer was extremely expensive but it was so necessary as a newly 21 year old gal. It was really cute and fun to be in there but not as worth the hype as I had anticipated. Now this doesn’t mean I won’t make my way into the beer garden again this year. I will of course, but I won’t be feeling like I have to in order to complete my Coachella weekend experience. Okay enough about the alcohol, I swear I am not an alcoholic. In reality I enjoy about 2 popsicles a day because it’s cheap and SO bomb. Plus if you have a few minutes it’s a great food to grab right after you’ve filled up your camelback.
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Talking about food and drinks is a great segway into my thoughts of buying a GA or a VIP ticket.  VIP at Coachella is extremely fun and well organized. The bars are fun and there aren’t designated drinking areas in VIP. There is also more food options in VIP and no lie they are much more upscale than the rest of the festival. So if you have a couple thousand to spend why not get that VIP ticket, ya know wha I’m sayin’?!
Weekend 1 or Weekend 2? Now that is the million dollar question, isn’t it. This upcoming Coachella will be my first time attending weekend 1, so based on my last 4 years at Coachella, I was a huge advocate for weekend 2.  The very first time my pal and I bought tickets we couldn’t get weekend 1 tickets so we were honestly just thrilled to get weekend 2 tickets! Then before we knew it, it became a tradition to always go that weekend, no questions asked. Is the grass truly greener at Weekend 1 than Weekend 2? Well time will tell and do promise to report back my thoughts.
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Watching Mr. B rap every single world to every Ice Cube and NWA song really made me realize that yeah, he is the golden child. Honestly, I’m still kind of getting over it, but in all seriousness, he was killing it and I couldn’t have been a more proud big sister. Now as for my Father, he was a whole other story. We were getting ready to take a family photo and Guns N Roses was starting and my Dad literally left the photo op and sprinted to the stage. My Mom, brother and I were standing there shook as hell, but we decided we might as well enjoy ourselves so we went to the show and I swear we could still hear Dicky screaming “Paradise City” at the top of his lungs from 20 plus feet behind him.
Getting Mamafred to see Baaur in the sahara tent was the move. She was always so afraid of “tents” but she handled herself wonderfully. She looked so precious with her bandana and her special festival dress. My favorite tent is the Gobi tent. The way the stage lights reflect off of the chandelier lights made my first time seeing Flume, Kygo, Purity Ring, Odezsa, all so special.
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Surprise Guests - Coachella has really done it all, from reuniting bands back together, incorporating Holograms, and simply shocking you more than you thought you could ever be. Now flashback to 2015, Drake brought out Madonna weekend 1 and even though they had an extremely awkward make-out session, I was so jealous, don’t worry not of the swapping of saliva but because I was thinking I wanted to see someone cool like Madonna. So weekend 2 rolls around and it’s Saturday night and my pal and I were at the Weeknd and as if Abel’s voice wasn’t enough he brought out Kanye. I was DEAD. I was screaming like a child. I remember being LOL at everyone who said weekend 2 sucked, because who truly received a better guest? Yeah most definitely weekend 2. Never forget last year that G Eazy brought out Lil Wayne. Mom was like “woah who’s this a milli guy”.
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Even though it’s my favorite weekend of the year, it can be extremely stressful. Now I know that sounds super lame but once the set times come out, my hands get clammy and I get a nice sweat going with the fearful thought that all my favorite people will be interfering. I once sprinted from Major Lazer to 2chainz to Ben Howard, it was absurd but I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I feel at ease with going to multiple sets during a set time. Now a lot of people aren’t like that, but I would rather see 4 songs of 3 artists in a set time than just one.
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It’s hard to decide what my favorite memories from Coachella are but I think a few would be seeing Kid Cudi as the sun was setting on that Saturday evening, maybe it was getting in a mosh pit by myself at Floss (no worries I survived), or it could’ve been sitting on the ground eating noodles watching ACDC, or maybe it was chugging Heinekens with my pal right before Tchami threw down the most epic set EVER. 
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However if you know me you know seeing my boyfriend Porter Robinson for the first time, front row is something I’ll talk about 5ever !!!
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Over the last 4 years I have spent 12 days at Coachella, eating high end food, attempting the running man, meeting new foreign friends, making Freddy memories, pulling all nighters, and craving the next year even more than the previous.
I can't wait to go this year and have friends who have never been see what the hype is all about and I can assure everyone, no one will be disappointed.  
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Besame Mucho & thanks for reading :)
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