#if i got their identity wrong pardon me
genderinvalid1 · 2 months
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made a lil meadowlark oc bc @yaelokre 's music has my brain in a death grip.
this is runo, hes a journal and story keeper and occasionally illustrates the stories told to him. also he has an opossum mask.
can you tell ive been fixated on the world yaelokre created for like. a month now.
i hope i can get new ohuhu markers soon to do a better ref of him and draw the other characters theyve made.
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yulin-pop · 7 months
⤷ ✧ 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲
order 84 | Scenario | Cater, Jade, Idia, Silver | gender neutral
❀ NOTE: PRETTY BOYS AHHHH, I wonder if all the characters are canonically attractive or are some characters like Ace considered mid?
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so…”
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➺ Cater Diamond
There’s a reason why Cater has so many followers on MagiCam. It’s because he has a cute face!! You’re not sure if he’s aware but he just has to be.
He does these tiny things like brushing the hair out of his face or slightly turning his head when he laughs. You didn’t really realize how pretty he was for a while. Sure, you got nervous just staring at him but now you can’t even look him in the eye.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so hot…”
He blinked for a moment. He was in the middle of drying his hair when you said that. All he could think is “Oh wow?” He noticed that you’ve been staring at him so intensely for the past few days— maybe weeks.
But you said it straight to his face? He thought he misheard you at first but you definitely said that.
“Wow, I didn’t know you fancied me that way MC!” Admittedly it did fluster him, he was flattering in the best way possible.
“Don’t get it twisted, it’s not in the way you’re thinking!”
You’re in denial.
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⊱Jade Leech
He has that certain look to him. It’s different than Floyd even though they’re identical twins. Maybe he’s not aware how MMMMMMM he is but he has to.
Just the way he looks at you can get you weak on the floor. His eyes… You noticed how his eyes squint ever so slightly when he’s focused. He’s calm under any circumstances yet so amusing in his own way. He’s the type of person you’d want to follow around just for the fun of it. And in his own way… he’s just so damn cute too.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so cute…”
He quickly turned his head to stare at you. He’s not sure what you mean or why. It was so out of the blue. You’ve been stalking him for a while. Of course he knew and allowed it and treated it as if it was normal.
“Pardon? In what way am I… cute?” He turned his head curiously.
“Cute!” You said again.
He wasn’t sure how to feel, the last time someone called him cute was when he was a little kid. Most people would think of Jade as alluring or handsome, cute is something he hasn’t heard in a while.
“If you’re talking about my appearance, you must think Floyd is cute as well.” He says while smiling at you.
“Eh I guess so. But he’s not as cute as you.”
He moved closer, “Tell me, what else do you think of me?”
You put your hands out in front of you, as if to say stop. “Why do you have to be so close..?!”
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*ੈ Idia Shroud
It’s already canon that Idia is very attractive from the character archives book and the ghost marriage event while being complete oblivious. He’s charming in his own way.
It’s hard to believe he’s so oblivious to his good looks. His smile is nerdy yet… attractive. His personality is rough but that’s what makes him so fun. Teasing someone like him is hilarious.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so hot.”
He immediately cranked his head your direction with a baffled expression. He shook his head and let out an irritated squeal.
“Wh-who says stuff like that to somebody’s face?! Online I get it but this is IRL! Why does someone like you even think that?”
He just gets really flustered and ends up rambling about how it doesn’t make sense. But when he looks back on it, it gives him an ego boost for a few minutes and then he’s embarrassed because— it makes him happy that you think of him that way.
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-ˋˏ Silver
Unintentional or not, Silver has been seeing you around a lot. He doesn’t think much of it since you’re in the same school so it’s not anything crazy but when he does see you, you’re always staring at him with this… funny expression.
Did he do something wrong? He tries to wave at you when he can but as soon as he turns his head you run away or start acting like you weren’t the one staring first.
But what were you suppose to do? Whenever you saw him, all your attention was diverted to his gentle yet sharp expression. His resting face was already so deadly, you couldn’t imagine if he were to smile.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so pretty…”
He froze with a puzzled look on his face. This was one of the times you actually started a conversation with him instead of staring and running away and you say something so flirtatious?
“Ah…” He blinked as you gazed into his eyes nervously, “Thank you I suppose.” But in what way was he suppose to take that?
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dannyphantom-zero · 5 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 6
Danny was surprised to say the least. The last time he even step foot in a place this fancy was at Vlad's dairy palace.
"Master Bruce is this way Master Todd"
Danny waited for Jason in the sitting room.
"Would you like tea Mr. Fenton"
Danny jolted, he had been so deep in his own thoughts.
"Yes, thank you-"
"Alfred is fine"
"Thank you Alfred"
"Pardon me for asking but what is your connection to the master?"
Danny squinted thinking about it as if it was the first time he was contemplating this. Well, it was the first time.
"The way I met him was a little... strange, but after that day he wouldn't leave me alone. Like a stalker"
Alfred chuckled.
Danny blushed, "I didn't mean that his is a stalker or anything! He's been a big help to me, I think. We're friends I guess you would say"
Jason walked up to the office. There was an air of tension and Jason wondered briefly if Bruce was fuming with anger on the other side.
Jason stepped in, closing the door behind him.
Bruce was sitting behind his desk with an unpleasant look on his face.
Jason wanted to make a wise crack but the air was too suffocating. You would think someone had died.
Bruce motioned for Jason to sit down, he came out from behind his desk and sat down across from Jason.
Bruce sighed before looking straight into Jason's eyes.
Jason didn't like his tone of voice.
"Are you gay?"
Jason paused and replayed the tape in his head. Did Bruce really just ask him that?
"W-why? Are you asking me that?" He had never been more confused.
"So you are gay?"
Jason suddenly felt hot.
"Maybe, in my defense some men just hit different"
Bruce made a face.
"Not literally, stop looking at me like that!"
"Some men, like that Doctor?"
Jason sighed and looked at the window nonchalantly.
"Yeah I guess."
Bruce nodded.
"So now that it's confirmed, there are some things you should know-"
"You are not giving me the talk in gay edition! I am an adult Bruce!"
"Does he like you back?"
Jason groaned.
"I really don't know. I don't even know if he's into men."
"Have you tried asking him"
"I'm not doing that"
Bruce wanted to scream. Why did his children always take the hard way.
Jason glanced at the clock on Bruce's wall and jumped up.
"Crap! I have to take Danny to the hospital!"
"This conversation-" before Bruce could finish Jason was already gone.
He sighed, "why do I even try?" He muttered into his hands.
He had even gotten to the important part yet, which would be Jason's vigilante identity.
"Do you like Master Todd?" Alfred asked as he sipped his tea.
"He's a great friend, he really is helpful when he wants to be"
Alfred shook his head elegantly.
"Forgive me, I meant romantically"
Danny almost dropped his tea. "Uh, I-I don't know. I've never considered"
Jason burst in at that exact moment and Danny's face went red.
"Your gonna be late if we don't go right now!" Jason almost shouted.
Danny jumped up, very flustered.
"Bye Alfred" Danny said as Jason grabbed Danny's hand and pulled him to the car.
Alfred smiled over his tea.
Jason hopped in the car and noticed that something was wrong with Danny. He was stiffer than a wooden board.
A high pitched "what?" Came out that just made Danny even more embarrassed.
"Are you ok?"
Danny managed to breathe again
"Yea, just nervous about going to work I guess"
Jason nodded.
"Just be careful"
When Danny got into the hospital he noticed something strange. Everyone seemed to be staring at him and whispering to each other.
"Daniel! There you are my good friend " the hospitals general manager said clapping him on the back.
Danny made a face like he had just stepped on a fresh pile of dog shit. This guy hated him, and he called him Daniel.
If they were friends he would've to call him Danny. This was the guy who tried to suspend Danny licence and kept saying he was just going to be trouble for the hospital.
So why was he sucking up to him now?
"We have someone who needs to speak with you urgently"
Who could be so important, that even a dick like this guy would change his tune?
Well it didn't matter, Danny was pissed off now.
"Tell whoever it is to wait, my patients need me, make sure they don't bother me while I'm working"
"You don't have a choice brat, stop soaking up being the big hero and get your ass in that office."
Danny was about to stick up his middle finger and walk away when a voice rang out from down the hall.
"Doctor! I'm so glad I caught you!"
Danny looked past his disgruntled superior and his eyes instantly narrowed.
It was a prominent businessman with lots of rumors of having shady side businesses. Lex Luther.
"You have to excuse me sir but I'm working at the moment-"
"Of course, I don't mean to interrupt your work at all. If you can perhaps take the time to meet with me after your work hours have finished-"
Lex quickly waved off the thought his a graceful twist of his hand, "but you don't have too, you might be too exhausted. At least take my card. I have so much to talk about"
Danny took the card, resisting the urge to rip it up in front of the general manager out of spite.
Still, despite the rumors Lex Luther seemed fairly decent. Danny had no time to mull it over, he had patients to treat.
Danny carefully fixed a cast for little boy.
"There you go, all done"
The boy looked at Danny sadly, "can I be the first to sign it?" Danny asked.
The boy lit up, Danny was supposed to recommend that the cast stay clean and unsigned but hey, its an important tradition.
~Your incredibly strong, keep up that fighting spirit, love Doctor Danny~
The boy showed his mom who smiled and thanked the doctor. Danny just replied with, "it's my job"
Danny was half asleep by the time he walked out of the hospital.
"Hello" a smooth voice said in his ear. Danny whipped his head around his the person in the nose.
"Oh crap I'm sorry, are you ok?" Danny asked.
The person turned out to be Lex Luther.
"It's ok, it's my fault for being too close"
"Yeah but it could be bruised, I hope it's not broken" he said as he examined it.
After a few seconds Danny realized he asked for permission before touching him.
He quickly withdrew his hands.
"It's not broken, just bruised" Danny declared.
"Thank you, I see your off from work. Can I treat you to a meal?"
Danny smiled, "shouldn't I be saying that? I did bruise you"
Lex Luther shook his head, "no, I asked to meet with you. I should pay"
Danny caved.
"I'll follow you in my car-"
"No need, I'll have my assistant drove your car, we'll ride together in mine"
Together? Why?
"Okay, wait- is that your car?"
It was a shiny black Lamborghini.
"Wow, you drive this around Gotham? You so brave. If I had a car like this it would be locked up in storage" Danny said his hands hovering over, but not touching.
Lex pit his hand over Danny's and pushed it on the car.
"It won't break if you touch it"
Danny's face felt hot all of the sudden.
"Y-yeah you're probably right" Danny said nervously as he moved his hand and opened the door. After he slid in Lex shut the door for him.
The car looked brand new on the inside too.
"This is so clean"
"I made sure it was before I came to the hospital. Doctors like things clean"
Danny laughed, "not all doctors are clean freaks, you should see my car. It's a wreck"
"Forgive me, I spoke without thinking"
Danny shook his head. "It's fine, just a little funny"
Danny didn't want to admit it but this lex guy was easy to get along with.
Once they were in the restaurant and seated Danny got his business face on.
"So, did you ean to meet with me to talk about sponsoring the hospital?"
"Not at all, I already sponsor the hospital, you could say I'm their biggest sponsor"
No he wasn't, Bruce Wayne was Gotham Generals biggest sponsor. But he could be the second biggest sponsor.
"So what did you want to meet me about?"
Lex Luther gave Danny a soft smile, "you, I want to sponsor you specifically. More specifically I'm interested in you"
Danny raised an eyebrow, "I'm not sure I understand"
"I like you and I want to start a relationship with you"
Danny wasn't sure he heard him correctly.
"Like dating? Why?"
Lex chuckled, "I wondered that myself, why I was so attracted to you. In the end I still don't have a reason. I just like you"
"D- I- I don't know anything about you-"
"Could you give me a chance?"
Danny was confused, when he spoke it sounded genuine, but his eyes were silent.
"Can I have some time to think about it?"
"Yes, of course"
They ate and discussed little things, some things Lex Luther's business had been doing and Danny's hectic hospital work.
Jason arrived at the hospital ready to pick up Danny when he saw Danny's car drove away, so he followed it.
When someone other than Danny got out Jason's mood darkened.
The man was thrown against the car hard.
"Where is he!" Jason demanded.
"What! Get away from me!" The guy said.
Jason pulled out a knife, "I won't ask again"
And that's how Jason found himself checking surveillance cameras to find what place they went to eat at.
He arrived just as Danny was walking out with a man.
"Danny, where do you live, I'll drive you home and have my driver bring your car in the morning."
"DON'T TELL HIM SHIT!" a voice hollered from across the parking lot.
Danny looked startled towards the sound, he squinted to get a better look at the person stalking angrily towards them.
Lex put an arm around Danny's shoulder and pulled him next to him.
"Who are you?!"
Jason sneered, "none of your business, come on Danny I explain on the way"
Danny made a move to go but Lex held him firmly next to him.
"Danny this man seems to have anger issues, I don't think it's safe for you to go with him"
Danny couldn't move out of lex's grip. Jason glared murderously.
"I'll be fine Mr. Luther, he's really not a bad person" Danny said as he pried off the arm.
This lex guy was strong.
"Call me lex" lex whispered in his ear. Jason had enough, he pulled Danny away from lex Luther and put him on his motorcycle.
"I promise I'll explain when we get to my place" Jason said.
Lex Luther called his associate from his burner phone, "put plan B on standby, we might need it after all"
Danny sat completely confused on Jason's couch. Jason was kneeling in front of him.
"Are you okay Danny? Did he hurt you?"
"No, he was really nice, I don't get what's making you so anxious"
Jason sighed, "Bruce has dealt with Lex Luther before, he's into some pretty sketchy business"
"That's right, I had him on my cork board as suspicious. I was going to get closer and get more information, but if it bothers you that much I can table it for now"
Jason sighed, "your gonna be the death of me" he muttered.
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agent-calivide · 2 months
Figured it was high time for me to actually share some of my IEYTD Oc's that I love to pieces and.... never talk about really-
These are all pure headcanon/silly things from my/my friends' brains, so pardon anything that seems a bit out there or just. Isn't how something works-
Agent Feline
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Agent Feline is a fresh agent on the field, a rookie with this whole EOD and TK thing, but she's doing her best at getting a hang of things on the fly.
Agent Feline, civilian identity Katrina Praestar, joined the EOD to make a difference, but not for the world. A difference between herself and her fraternal twin, Vivian.
Growing up, Vivian was the golden child, a child actor who flew out to Hollywood with their mother to star in movies and get enough money that their parents could retire before the girls even got out of highschool, but that made life a bit of a challenge for Kat. Not being able to go through a single conversation without "Praestar? Like the actress?" and getting hounded about her sister wasn't a pleasant life, leaving Feline in the shadow of someone who lived several states away.
It was frustrating, especially when it lead to her father growing paranoid something would happen to her for being related to her sister. He enrolled her in self defense classes and helicoptered over her constantly, and between that and attention that she only got when compared to her "much more successful" sister, Kat wanted nothing more than to sink into the shadows and stop getting all the unwanted attention that came with her sister's fame.
So, the prospect of a job where everyone uses pseudonyms and disclosing your real identity was strictly forbidden for safety felt like a dream come true, and it only got better when she discovered that her whole job was to be unseen.
In a terrible, wonderful way, it was everything Katrina wanted.
While she struggled through the EOD training, a lot of struggle with getting in arguments with her trainer and multiple attempts from others to transfer her to more seduction based courses when she wanted to do stealth work, eventually she got to the rank of Secret Agent and she finally felt like her life was hers to live, even if it entailed a lot of dodging death. Having gotten her first chance to truly live for herself recently, she isn't sure who she is as a person, and is currently trying to figure out what she wants as someone who's never had full autonomy over her identity before.
While she does prefer to stick to the shadows, she isn't afraid to get in someone's face and pick a fight if she feels they're doing something wrong, especially if it's just being a dick.
Such spunk is what made her initially loathe her office neighbor, Agent Fox. A smarmy know-it-all who was convinced she wouldn't last a week with her "loud mouth" and "lack of tact." But where many would be discouraged, Feline got spiteful, throwing herself aggressively into her work and getting fast, clean results in record times.
After sufficiently proving herself with results, she took every chance she could to rub it in the bastard's face. The two couldn't stand each other and took every chance they could to get on each other's nerves, from "this could be a bomb and you'd be dead" letters hidden around each other's offices to passive aggressive gift baskets that were full of "advice" on how to survive that was mostly just passive aggressive "in case you didn't know, poison is bad" comments, they got along like oil and water.
A problem the EOD caught onto fast, and one they tried to rectify by forcing the pair to be partners. Either they'd get over it, or they'd die, either way the problem would be resolved. But, working on the field together showed them both unexpected things.
They were very similar, both people with soft hearts hidden behind walls of insults and sarcasm, and, while it wasn't instantaneous, over time they grew to come to an understanding. Currently their arguments entail a lot of banter that borders on flirting, but both are unsure if the other is actually flirting. More so, they're not even sure if they like each other like that even if the other does. They're down bad. And denser than rocks.
Agent Fox
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Agent Fox was part of an... experimental EOD program. Zoraxis is known for destroying families by killing agents, but sometimes children are left with no family and no one to turn to as both parents died in the field and they have no extended family to speak of.
While the EOD usually just lets the kids to go into the foster system or witness protection now, there was a window of time that concerns about Zor harming the children of deceased agents or inducting them into Zoraxis, so they did what they felt was a... rational response. They took the children in and tried to raise them to be able to defend themselves. Private tutoring, training on self defense, and even some training on bomb defusal and reconnaissance in the name of enrichment! How fun!
Fox was one of the kids brought into this program, raised in the EOD to be an excellent agent from the age of 11. While his parents didn't work at the EOD, they also were nowhere to be found. Homeless and on the streets, initially the EOD were unconcerned with him. He was a problem for CPS or the police, not secret agencies.
But, when in hot pursuit of an operative that was integral to an operation the EOD was trying to make progress on, the unfortunate Operative made a B-Line for the homeless kid's hideout. While Fox wasn't one for people messing with his way of life, he was more than happy to help those he could when possible and frequently gave shelter to small families overnight and would direct them to proper shelters and resources in the morning.
So, when an armed man stormed into the abandoned building Fox was squatting in that had other children hiding out for the night out of the weather, he did what he had to.
He tackled the stranger to the ground and raised hell, swinging, biting, and scratching until the agent that was chasing the operative arrived on scene.
The kid's strong sense of justice and willingness to put his life on the line caught the agent's eye and, though his parents were not part of the EOD, he was taken in an inducted into the EOD childcare plan. Thanks to his early introduction into the EOD, he was able to become a jack of all trades in the division. Good at stealth, recon, infiltration, deception, quick thinking, engineering ways out of traps, he was a damn good agent with little to no flaws in his performance.
Now 21 with the life experience of a 40 year old agent, Fox is rather.... cynical. He thinks all rookies are just numbers on the casualty counter and he's more than willing to say that to their face, as many visits to Shawn in HR that may entail.
He made such known quite clearly when Agent Feline stepped onto the scene, finding her brash behavior and cocky attitudes both annoying and dangerous. But, over time, he found himself enjoying their arguments, and it infuriated him to no end.
While he's still cold and standoffish to Rookies, and everyone else frankly, he wasn't able to keep his walls up forever. It was a lonely life, being a solo agent, and eventually he found himself letting the ridiculous, brash, short tempered Feline into his heart.
They still bicker, or as Feline likes to call it banter, frequently, but there's no hostility or hatred behind it. Just the two of them poking at each other just enough to not set anybody off for hours on end. Despite the fact that he's a jack-of-all-fields, Fox more often than not will pair up with Feline on missions and cover a blind spot on the Operation to make sure things go smoothly.
The Vixen
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The Vixen is a Zoraxis Operative who specializes in keeping relations between Zoraxis and the public in the positive-to-neutral range. Having been a local sweetheart known for her theater work in the Praestar home, Vivian wanted to go big. She desperately wanted to be a child star, and while her parents thought the goal was a bit ridiculous, they agreed to give her one summer to try.
This was mostly so they could say an attempt was made and to try and redirect Vivian into a more realistic life goal without crushing her dreams with their own hands. So, they saved up and Vivian and her mother flew out to Hollywood for a summer long trip, leaving her father and sister in their hometown.
Unfortunately, things didn't go as the Praestar parents intended, as certain eyes had caught the reoccurring name that was frequenting any child acting auditions. A child with no official roles on record, and no sponsor.
That was something that could be fixed easily... with the right connections. And find them they did, the most popular brand on the market right now! Known for selling things from snacks to clothes to engineering resources to anything and everything in between, when a letter arrived from Zoraxis, it was practically a sign from above in the eyes of the child diva.
She begged her mother to accept the sponsorship, and while Mrs Praestar was apprehensive, even going to the lengths of hiring a lawyer to look over the contract Zoraxis had proposed to make sure there were no questionable caveats, she couldn't come up with a decent reason to reject it.
The pressure of the practically single mother, with no way to contact her husband in reasonable time to discuss the matter as they didn't have a phone at home and letters took ages to communicate with, Mrs Praestar folded and signed the consent forms.
Once Vivian had the sponsorship from Zoraxis, she was being booked in gig after gig after gig. She was a rising star in Hollywood by the end of the year, and her career only grew bigger and better after that. She was the hottest commodity to have in your films at all times, Zoraxis sculpting her image perfectly into the image of Hollywood's perfect sweetheart. Sweet, pretty, no scandals getting caught drinking, smoking, or with a fella (though that was due to her personal disinterest more than anything) she was the painted into the perfect image of what "young ladies should be." She was an international hit, Zoraxis paying for her to be in their ads, putting her at A-List parties, and even paying for full-ride education at a prestigious school in California.
She had won, she was the second biggest name in all of acting, save for John Juniper, and she could do no wrong in the eyes of the media. So, nobody thought anything of it when she started asking... odd questions.
Prying for gossip, personal information, some things bordering on blackmail even. But she was Vivian Praestar! She was just bubbly and chatty, many young ladies are at her age. When Zoraxis competitors fell, when big name actors that encouraged unions and worker's rights suddenly couldn't get any roles, when entire productions that raised money for good causes got shut down, nobody thought anything of it. That's just how things are after all sometimes!
Nobody would suspect sweet Vivian Praestar of gathering intel, that sounds so malicious! Nobody thought she'd be handing blackmail over to Zoraxis, that was illegal! Miss Praestar wouldn't even smoke, much less commit crimes such as that! Sure, that initiative to help clean out a poisonous pit of water that was swirling with lethal metals due to a Zoraxis mining accident got shut down because the head spokesperson died from being poisoned with the same toxic metals in the very hazard site they were speaking at, but they must have gotten too close to the water without protective gear! Surely the water bottle Miss Praestar passed them at the event she also spoke at wouldn't have water from the very site the activist was trying to get Zoraxis to clean mixed in.
It was the least the Vixen could do for Zoraxis. After all, they made her a star.
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guybitesatgames · 3 months
you know video games, and you know vampires, yeah? whats the best vampire in a video game in your opinion?
Pardon me while I take advantage of the fact that "best" is a nebulous adjective.
If we take "best" to mean "the most closely fit to an archetypal vampire"...
I gotta go with the obvious answer: Castlevania's Alucard.
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Isn't he a dhampir? Shouldn't it be Dracula?
Paradoxically, Alucard's condition as a dhampir makes him closer to an archetypal vampire than Dracula. Vampires are often used as an allegory for liminal identities - an AB person who can neither fit into group A because of their B traits nor fit into group B because of their A traits. Being only part vampire doubles down on this trope, and we occasionally see Alucard grapple with this, whereas Dracula is far past the point where he's struggling with his separation from humanity.
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Besides, can Dracula do this?
Further, it might just be because we're playing as him, but we get to see Alucard doing a lot more vampire-things than we see Dracula doing. He's got bat form, he's got wolf form, he's even got the oft-forgot mist form and he sleeps in a coffin. We can presume that he inherited those things from his father, but Dracula's more likely to take on a war form more commonly associated with werewolves than that of the humble bat.
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If we take "best" to mean "doing the best at vampirism"...
that would have to be Sebastian LaCroix of Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines fame.
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Everyone else on this list plays nice- LaCroix treats people as playthings. As a character you are not meant to sympathize with, he's allowed to embrace the cutthroat-but-genteel nature of a vampire that protagonists can't. He's afforded the luxury of being a monster and that is a luxury he will indulge. Even though we don't see him drinking blood or flouncing around in a cape, he goes so overboard being a manipulative little leech that he has to take the top spot.
He's also the only one here to do the most vampiric thing of all - being undone by one's thirst.
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If we take "best" to mean "my favorite, vampiric metrics be damned"...
I'd be remiss not to mention Valvatorez, best (and only?) vampire in the Disgaea series.
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As one might expect from the Disgaea IP, he's a bit of a trope inversion; he's sworn off blood and he's only interested in power if it can be used to help those under his rule, but that's what makes him so lovable! The only king I stan is one who properly understands noblesse oblige. Instead of being the usual "powerful friend with a tragic cost", he's unflaggingly the friend who wants to make YOU powerful with the only drawback of probably having sardine breath. On all thematic points, he fails to live up to vampiric standards, but that reflects poorly on the standards, not on him. In a just world, all vampires would use their age as a source of wisdom to be shared and their strength as a means of helping up friends in need.
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Honorable mention: myotismon in many of the Digimon games. Usually, he's a perfectly stand-up guy who just happens to have An Aesthetic that gives everyone the wrong idea and gets him in trouble.
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Poor lad
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a-smol-cosplayer · 2 years
im back on my ‘contributing to the wednesday/wyler fandom as a whole’ here are some incorrect quotes for y'all :)
Enid: I am SPEECHLESS!! 
Wednesday: *narrating*: despite being speechless she managed to lecture me for the next ten minutes 
Wednesday: If you had to separate your bees from 49 other identical bees that were all equally excited to see you, how would you determine which bee was yours?
Eugene: I would take my 50 bees home and live like a king
Xavier: who would win a fight, Enid or Tyler?
Wednesday: I cant answer that - Tyler is my boyfriend.
Xavier:  so Enid?
Wednesday: definitely 
Yoko: I hate going into the kitchen only to realise im the only snack in the house.
Tyler: *drops keys*
Tyler: you’ve got to be key-ding me
Tyler: Of course not! Murder is the question 
Wednesday: And the answer is always.
Bianca: All of you are wrong. The answer was 12. This is why you all failed.
Wednesday: I would be the worst PR manager ever. My client would be like ‘there are rumours going around that I’m gay and a satanist’ and I would just be like ‘haha awesome!’ 
Eugene: drug dealer? No, hug dealer! Come here 
Ajax: anyone would be lucky to date me, I was called ‘a pleasure to have in class’ when I was in primary school 
Wednesday: in my defence I was left unsupervised 
Enid: weren’t you with Thing?? 
Thing: In my defence I was also left unsupervised 
Wednesday: idiotsaywhat
Enid: pardon?
Tyler: sorry?
Bianca: excuse me?
Xavier: what?!?!?
Enid: Yoko! Did u know that there is a rumour that you are gay!
Yoko: rumour!?!?! a RUMOUR!?!? U mean people are doubting it!?
Enid: can you turn the lights on?
Ajax: I don’t need to, you’re the only light I need in my life.
Enid: Ajax please I cant see.
Eugene: I’m a genius, I finished this lego set in 3 days!
Wednesday: so?
Eugene: The box says from 4-7 years
Wednesday: we’re so in sync, it’s like we finish each others-
Enid: homework
Wednesday: huh?
Enid, sliding her maths work over in tears: please
Enid: you were so drunk at the party last night
Tyler: no I wasn’t
Enid: actually you were
Enid: you called a taxi to take you home
Tyler: so? Thats responsible, I didn’t want to put anyone in danger by drinking and driving
Enid: the party was at your house, Tyler...
Enid: if a plant is sad, do other plants photo-sympathise with it?
Yoko: I chlorofeel you man
Bianca, tired as hell at 3am: are you guys fucking serious?
Enid: I have a boyfriend now
Wednesday trying to be encouraging: a boyfriend?
Enid: *reflexively does a panicked peace sign*
Wednesday: TWO boyfriends!?!?
Bianca: do you have any chicken or pork?
Waitress: no, but we have beef
Bianca: oh, WE have beef, huh? You really wanna fight? Alright, let’s do this. Kent, hold my breadsticks.
Enid: I changed all of my passwords to ‘incorrect’ so whenever I forget it, it will tell me, ‘your password is incorrect.’
Yoko: genius
Wednesday, already hacking into all her info: dumbass
Tyler: I just hid Wednesdays typewriter so she would hang out with us… how long do you think I have left to live?
Enid: 10
Tyler: 10 what?
Enid: 9
Enid at 3am at a sleepover: how do tall people sleep? Wouldn’t their feet go right past the blanket?
Tyler: Enid it’s 3 in the morning
Enid: you can’t sleep?
Tyler: …
Enid: is it the blanket?
Tyler: Awe look at you Wednesday, getting romantic with all these candles
Wednesday: first of all, I’m summoning a demon
Enid: *stabbing air between Wednesday and Bianca with a butter knife*
Wednesday: what are you doing?
Enid: trying to cut the angry tension between you two
Enid: it isn’t working
Tyler: I haven’t been this happy since-
Tyler: oh, wow. I’ve never been this happy!
Tyler: huh!
Tyler: that’s bad!
Tyler: I really wish you would just own up to it when you make a mistake
Wednesday, calmly stirring her coffee: I prEFER it with salt
Xavier: *hugs Wednesday*
Wednesday: what are you doing?
Xavier: appreciating the little things in life
Wednesday: bitch
*playing scrabble*
Enid: I will put down my ‘A’ to spell ‘A’
Tyler: I will put down my ’T’ to make ‘AT’
Wednesday: and I will add onto your ‘AT’ to make ‘BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC’
Enid: *flips board*
Wednesday: What if I pour coffee into my cereal instead of milk?
Tyler, taking the coffee pot as he walks by: what if you don’t.
Yoko: Wednesday, someone dropped your manuscript
Wednesday: are you joking? That manuscript is my best friend and I will straight up ASSASSINATE-
Yoko: it was Enid
Wednesday: of course she did never mind then. 
Enid: truth or dare?
Wednesday: truth
Enid: how many hours have you slept this week?
Wednesday: uhh, dare
Enid: I dare you to go to sleep
Wednesday: I don’t like this game
Tyler: Wednesday Addams could slap me in the face and I’d say thank you
Xavier: i’d say thank you too
Bianca: theres a monster underneath my bed and its really ugly
Kent, on the bottom bunk: honestly, fuck you
Enid: a Z is just a sideways N
Wednesday, trying to concentrate: can you shut up?
Enid: zo
Enid: what are you guys doing?
Kent, Yoko and Ajax: *taking a quiz to see what kind of dog breed they are*
Yoko: important stuff
[after the gates mansion gets cleared]
Wednesday: Nothing good will ever happen to me again!
[twelve seconds later]
Wednesday: so far my theory has been confirmed.
Wednesday: Tyler annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for my birthday tomorrow.
Enid: but it isn’t your birthday tomorrow.
Wednesday: But there is something special about watching the colour leave his face as the panic takes over
Enid: you were supposed to do something about the rat in your locket
Ajax: I did
Ajax: I named him fluffy. He likes coco pops.
Wednesday: my boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss. What should I do?
Bianca: Punch him in the stomach so he doubles over then kiss him.
Enid: tackle him
Yoko: kick him in the shins
Tyler: just ask me to lean down?!?!?
Tyler: why would you give a knife to a child?
Wednesday: Enid felt unsafe
Tyler: now I feel unsafe
Wednesday: I’m sorry...
Wednesday: Would u like a knife?
Ajax: you’re up early
Literally everyone: ......
Ajax: you never went to sleep did u?
Tyler: my criminal record? The only illegal thing I’ve done is absolutely killing it on the dance floor
Tyler: hahaha just kidding, I’ve killed a man
Enid: why are you smiling?
Wednesday: what? Can’t I just be happy?
Bianca: Xavier tripped down the stairs
Enid and Tyler: You will have a hard time believing this because it never happens but it was a mistake we swear—
Wednesday: A MISTAKE?!? *gestures to the table that is on fire*
Bianca: Have you ever been scolded by Enid?
Wednesday: Im not scared of her
Bianca: So thats a no
Wednesday *doing something risky* : I am going to do this and not you or god himself can stop me 
Tyler: *Starts typing on his phone*
Wednesday: ..Tyler 
Wednesday: *panicking* Tyler what are you doing?!? What have you done?!?!
Enid: *bursting through the door* wedNESDAY ADDAMS DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL--
this ended up being way to long congrats to anyone that made it in the end
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clonerightsagenda · 8 months
i would love to hear anything more about communications director minkowski that you would care to share, it sounds like a very fun route for postcanon! 👀
It IS very fun. In lieu of writing a coherent post I just spent quite a bit of time scrolling through 3 years of discord messages for good tidbits:
Gill spent part of my day wondering “you know you’d expect Lovelace to have some Loud And Pointed Opinions about Minkowski being offered the post of Communications Director but maybe instead she’d be the first to figure out there’s no better way to dismantle the company than from the inside out” Kat If you want a job done wrong you gotta do it yourself Gill Minkowski: They… want me to be the next director… and I think I’m going to take the job. Lovelace: …actually. That sounds like an amazing idea. Minkowski: Minkowski: who are you and what have you done with Captain Lovelace Kat Careful Renee. That joke has a bit of an edge to it Gill Nobody’s getting out of post-flight quarantine without an identity crisis of some kind it seems Kate I bet Lovelace would jump at the chance to have a woman on the inside… who has a lot of practice ruining Goddard's plans. Gill Lovelace, probably: You’re gonna need your own version of Cutter’s hypercompetent Right Hand Minion, and it seems to me that the person who kept him distracted while you put a harpoon through his torso would be the ideal candidate. Lovelace: Also, it’d be fun to deface Kepler’s old office.
Kat was thinking about Minkowski marriage drama in the context of her voluntarily signing on to be comms director under the same contract as the last one fully aware this means everyone will try to kill her just in case she can keep everyone else safe and then having to explain that to her husband tfw your wife never prioritizes you bc she's too busy prioritizing a) dying in space b) dying on land now Gill Dominik Koudelka, maybe: it just feels like I have to get myself kidnapped by shadowy corporate goons if I want to spend time with you!
Kate Communications Director Minkowski 1) definitely publishes her own adapted fifth edition of the Survival Manual that’s not a joke and full of useful things and 2) mostly inspired by things Eiffel did that his justification was “well no one ever TOLD me this would happen in space!” Gill “Leprechauns are not real. Ghosts, however, are.” “In the unlikely but theoretically possible event that leprechauns are discovered at some point in the near future, disregard previous. It’s important to keep an open mind.” Kate Adaptability! Flexibility! Priorities! Acknowledgement that space is full of unpredictable and incomprehensible bullshit! The spirit of the new space age Gill Tip #1002: You may say “fuck”. Once.
Kat thought: re Goddard possibly having prison labor going on, maybe when they got Eiffel out of jail they just transferred his sentence to them, and Comms Director Minkowski finds out she technically owns two of her crewmates now and isn't super happy about it Eiffel: so for the next 23 years my ass is yours I guess Minkowski: I don't want it Minkowski, sifting through paperwork: why… why do I own prison laborers now? Can I pardon them? What is this news anchor voice: Goddard Futuristics stocks dipped today as new director Renee Minkowski gave the entirety of their asteroid mining staff early release, quoted as saying "Go home. The fuck." Gill Comms Director Minkowski like ok first off we’re actually giving our workers benefits Kat we'll reroute some of the money headed toward all the R&D for evil shit Gill we’re also defunding our paramilitary branches. Why do we even have those?? Kat Jacobi, raising hand: To do stuff like break into Elon Musk's Mars colony and take him out with extreme prejudice Lovelace: ok that one sounds justified actually Gill Lovelace: Can I go fuck up Elon Musk’s stupid libertarian summer camp? Minkowski: Later, I need you here right now. Lovelace: Aw, ok. ): Kate Okay project Fuck Up Elon Musk can stay
Kat underappreciated aspect of the comms director Minkowski concept: DC girl Minkowski finds out she now owns like 75% of the politicians on Capitol Hill. Is not sure how to stop owning them It's like feeding wild animals, they keep coming back for your money even when you try to cut off the lobbying Gill Minkowski: next time a senator shows up at my house I’m siccing Lovelace on them Kat Minkowski: Cutter had an entire budget line for funding ballot initiatives and…. wow, that's a lot. Hey Doug, what are your thoughts on felons being able to vote? Eiffel: Felons can't vote? Minkowski: …. yes?? Eiffel: Oh. Huh. I don't ever vote so I didn't notice. And I see from your expression that you don't approve of this.
Gill Comms Director!Minkowski: If you need me, I’ll be in a meeting. /crawls into the vents Kat Local unions still talk about the super weird HVAC remodeling the new director insisted on
Gill You are an astronautical engineer at Goddard Futuristics’ special projects division. You were handpicked by the special projects manager herself to work on this new prototype. The craft you and your colleagues poured untold hours of work into is commandeered by Warren Kepler, Legendary Local Douchebag, and two of his minions (an entire ship! For three people!!) to go off and babysit one of your boss’s boss’s ultra-secret pet projects, which you quietly believe is actually an elaborate fraud scheme of some kind. You rage at this. Then, you mourn. Perhaps you drink heavily. Either way, you move on, setting aside your quiet hope that the Urania one day re-enters terrestrial skies, but gradually making peace with the idea you may never see this particular fruit of your labor again. And then a year and a half later you get it back and the interior is just plastered in printer paper that looks like a brigade of toddlers just went nuts on it with their crayons. And also your boss is dead and the apparent leader of said toddlers is the new communications director. Kat Hey at least the astronautical engineering division can feel vindicated that that shuttle a few years back didn't malfunction Gill Engineer: So that shuttle didn’t malfunction and Cutter was actively orchestrating a fake explosion and cover-up. Then he sent Warren “Oh just let me fire off this prototype in a civilian area” Kepler and his goon squad up in our prototype to go fuck around with you guys some more. Minkowski: Yup. Engineer: And you killed him. Minkowski: …yes. Engineer: …did you kill him painfully? Tell me it was painfully. (Minkowski is mildly worried about how she acquires some of her new supporters) Kat Lots of long simmering resentment Kate I imagine she gets a lot of goodwill points for taking out Cutter and Kepler… imagine
Kat comms director Minkowski having to do tax fraud to protect her team somehow Gill Jacobi, having just another day in the office, doing taxes: god this is so dull, I hate tax season. I wonder if Minkowski’s gone and holed up in the accounting department, she probably lives for this kind of thing. /smash cut to Minkowski threatening an IRS agent at harpoon-point Kat Minkowski making Hera her own LLC so she has rights now: This is legal according to Citizens United as long as no one looks at it too closely (my dad became an LLC today so he can contract with his work after he retires. I joked he will be the last person able to vote in the household once they take everyone else's rights away but corporations are people) Gill “Minkowski Commits Tax Fraud” would be an amazing chapter title for a fic at some point though Kat Minkowski early in the mission diligently doing her taxes in space because she's a good American citizen Minkowski like 5 years later: fuck capitalism Gill That one meme image but it’s, Minkowski: You mean the game was rigged all along? Minkowski @ herself: always has been. Kate This is my strongest Minkowski belief Gill Minkowski: wow, capitalism sucks, and growing up in a Soviet satellite state was also awful. Perhaps… the true problem… is giving people the power to wholly dictate other people’s lives…
Kat after the story of the Hephaestus crew breaks and they're famous Eiffel gets Minkowski a funko pop of herself it has a little harpoon Kinsey i support this wholeheartedly Gill It is both unsettling and adorable. She sets it proudly on her desk at work Kat someone coming into Comms Director Minkowski's office: uhhhhh Minkowski sitting next to her funko pop: what it's got the same psychic damage potential as Cutter having a #1 dad mug on his desk and everyone's too scared to ask about it Gill Concept: Minkowski eventually being gifted the Funko Pop versions of her entire crew They’re referred to affectionately(?) as her minions Kate If you’ve been called to her office because you’ve done something Sketchy and Capitalistic, you might even prefer looking into the creepy flat soulless eyes of the funko pop rather than Minkowski’s very, very sharp and angry human ones Gill Another mental image. Lovelace, beholding her funko pop: I mean, I don’t think my eyes are that terrifying even when I’m possessed by unknown cosmic entities, but other than that, it’s a perfect likeness. Lovelace: Look, she even has her arms folded because she’s mad at the other little plastic crewmates for being idiots. I love her.
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sl-newsie · 6 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 2: Mrs. White
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Thankfully on top of Bond’s knowledge of being a spy, I’ve also picked up on his knowledge of proper dress attire. My apartment’s closet may be small, but I’ve filled any available closet space with clothing for every kind of occasion. Tonight, I decide on an emerald green dress with a v-neck. Not short enough to be distracting, but something a nun might frown at. Paired with silver earrings and simple black flats, my appearance seems reasonable.
“Wish me luck, Cricket.” I give a wave goodbye to the gray tabby as I shut the door.
M seems to have spared no expense, because when I exit my apartment building I find a sleek black Bentley waiting for me. The driver ushers me in without a word and drives straight to the glamorous Blixen. It’s mid-evening, which has produced a decent crowd of wealthy patrons. If it weren’t for my business here I’d feel very out of place. I walk up to the host, about to question about a table-
“Ah, Mrs. White. Your husband is expecting you!” The host greets me and begins leading me down the aisle.
Husband?! Is this what Bond goes through on a daily basis? This new Quartermaster better be as nice as Eve insists, because this whole situation feels like a gag. The host shows me to a table near the back next to a window that displays a gorgeous view of the city. It’s empty, meaning that my ‘husband’ is yet to show.
“Mr. White said he was running late, but you should still order anything you like. Our special tonight is lamb and chickpea stew. Please, enjoy!”
“Many thanks to you, sir.”
I unfold the menu and discreetly begin searching the surrounding patrons for any potential threats. There are none, only a few happy drunks near the bar. I check my watch, seeing that ten minutes have passed. Is this whole thing a joke-?
“Well hello there, Mrs. White.”
My made-up name almost makes me smile. The voice that said it seems strange, almost-
I look up, and almost think the lanky man has the wrong table. His face is young enough to pass as a college bloke, almost child-like. Dark, quirky eyebrows are arched over his brown eyes, full of curiosity. Simple glasses with a black lining cover these inquiring eyes. He’s wearing a very elegant suit, though not as expensive as Bond’s. Coincidentally his tie’s color is almost identical to my dress. I’ll admit he does clean up nice for a younger fellow. If it weren’t for his disheveled brown hair I’d say he was on a first date trying to impress me.
“Hello, Mr. White. I didn’t think they’d allow anyone to have such a messy haircut. I'm even required to keep mine up.”
The geeky man seems unfazed by my comment and settles down in the chair across from me, giving the menu a good search. 
“I don’t do field work.”
My face can’t suppress a smirk. “Of course. You’re just the nerd behind the computer.”
Now I’ve got his attention because his eyes shift up to look at me, almost seeming to belittle me. “I’m the nerd behind the computer that can save your life, agent. Do you want this evening’s conversation to be effective or would you rather go down the street to the local pub to chat in a more childish manner?”
We’re left in a silent glaring battle. How does this guy have just as much spunk as Bond? I’ve not known him for five minutes and he’s already referred to me as a child. Two can play at that game.
“I don’t intend to chat with someone who’s mother still ties his shoes. Either tell me why M sent you to mock me or I am leaving.”
The man keeps a laid-back demeanor as he rises and rounds the table to lean down and whisper: “Pardon my french, love, but I’m your fucking Quartermaster and you better listen if you want to make it through your next mission alive. Do I make myself clear?”
His icy words leave me stunned, only being able to nod in response. Thankfully the waiter arrives now to save me from more arguing.
“Good evening, Mr. White. What will you be having this evening?”
“I will only have a cup of hot tea. Earl Gray, please.”
The waiter is surprised by this simple request, as am I. But he masks it well and turns to take my order.
“I’ll have a lavender lemonade martini.”
“Really, dear? I thought you might be hungry.” God this man really gets on my nerves.
“I lost my appetite,” I reply sweetly but with fiery eyes.
Once the waiter leaves looking rather frazzled, the Quartermaster gives me a skeptical look. “I see you picked up Bond’s love for alcohol.”
I shake my head and toy with the silverware. “Not in the slightest. I just really like lemonade. But if I’d ordered that you’d think I was a child compared to your choice of grown-up tea.”
He actually laughs at my small joke. “Earl Gray tea, only the best. But I wouldn’t think of you differently if you ordered lemonade.”
“Hm. So you don’t like alcohol?”
“I don’t drink on the job. Matter of fact, I don't drink at all.”
The waiter is very quick to drop our drinks off despite me trying to give him a friendly smile.
“Very mature of you. Yet it’s strange of you to only order a cup of tea in a fancy place like this. Ever been here, Quartermaster?”
The man sips his steaming mug of tea. “First, call me Q. It’s much easier. Second, no I’ve never been here. This is probably the most expensive restaurant I’ve ever set foot in.”
“So we both agree that M has exquisite taste?”
“Yes. Speaking of which, let’s get back to the task at hand.” Q pauses to take out a messenger bag he’s brought with him, then pulls out a silver necklace with a blue pendant on it. “For you, Mrs. White.”
“Thank you, dear husband,” I mock in the same cheesy tone. “If this whole dinner was to bribe me with jewelry then M obviously doesn’t know me so well.”
“Haha, we’re all laughing,” Q states dryly as his steady hands clip it around my neck. “It’s actually a disguised tracker. And this-” He pulls out a small box from his bag and opens it to reveal a pouch. “This is a sheath for one of our best non-metallic knives. Undetectable, very elegant and light weight. Which is why I named it Mrs. White in your honor.”
“Yeah, um, why the whole charade of you and me? You could’ve just said we were two old friends meeting for a chat.”
“People don’t ask questions when a married couple is involved,” Q replies lazily as he hands me the knife sheath. “It’s designed for you to wear it anywhere in order to avoid suspicion.”
I smirk. “Oh, like my bust?”
Q doesn’t even flinch. “Yes. Obviously Bond’s also schooled you in flirting, so this jewelry as you called it should suffice.”
“You’re having me model the necklace.” I raise a brow. “Would you have me try on the sheath as well?”
Q takes a deep breath. “Moving on. With the state Bond’s left the current espionage situation in, he’ll be sent to Hong Kong and you to Ireland.”
I almost choke on my drink. “You’re splitting us up? Bond and I are usually joined at the hip for missions.”
This seems to pinch something in Q. In the corner of my eye I see his eyes flick up to search my face for something.
“Figuratively or literally?”
Is this jealousy I detect? “Oh don’t flatter me. Bond never acts like that with me. He knows I put business before pleasure. So why Ireland?”
Q relaxes and takes another sip of this tea. “Closer to home. Better for us to keep an eye on you.”
My nose scrunches. “Are you saying I need a babysitter?”
“In a word, yes. You’re one of our youngest agents, which is why you’ve always been paired with someone.”
I take a good swig of spiked lemonade, then stare him square in the face. “Alright, just say it. You don’t think I’m qualified. You’re just like my last Quartermaster, who thought I belonged as a secretary. I may be young, but I am not dumb, Q. Just ask M. She knows I can go the distance.”
No matter how hard I’ve trained I never seem to control my temper. My own self-pride seems to betray me in delicate situations, and this is probably going to make Q dislike me even more.
However Q seems to take my small outburst surprisingly well. He finishes his tea and takes another deep breath. “I understand, agent. Being one who is also part of the outnumbered youth, I’m afraid our stereotyping of being under qualified only dissipates with age. But please let me finish: This time we are sending you on a solo mission under careful surveillance.”
Did- Did I hear that right? Solo mission? Bond guessed I wouldn't be eligible for those for years.
“Are you bluffing? How on Earth did I get waved for a solo mission?”
Q smiles at my giddy reaction. “I pulled a few strings. M and Eve both told me you could handle it.”
Keeping silent, I rise, move around the table, and pull in a surprised Q for a tight hug.
“Oh thank you! Thank you!” I whisper with contained excitement.
Q keeps stiff as a board, then grunts. “Um, first off, no hugging the Quartermaster.”
“Why? Are you a germaphobe?”
“I don’t do hugs.”
I partake in his request and release him, still smiling like a madman. “Ah. So how about a handshake?”
He considers this, then nods. “That’s acceptable.”
I vigorously grab his skinny hand and give it a firm shake. “I will not disappoint you!”
Q finally mirrors my smile as we begin to make our way to the cashier. “Better not, darling. I’d hate to have to attend your funeral.”
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boneswriting · 1 year
Purple Flowers ; Antonio x Reader (SFW)
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art is official by netease!
shoutout to @callimaria
tags: Antonio Paganini, Identity V, The Violinist, Antonio x Reader, fluff, flowers, Robbie, the Axe Boy, Memory, Little Girl
warnings: none!
side note: the reader is depicted as gender neutral and has no predetermined attributes, other than they wear an apron. reader does have a feminine-ish nickname
word count: 1,872
The Survivor’s side of the Manor was, more often than not, nothing but chaos. There were some individuals who attempted to keep peace but other than that it tended to be a free-for-all.
Emily Dyer, the Doctor, usually made food for everyone at breakfast and dinner. Sometimes, other Survivors would lend an extra hand when she was particularly overwhelmed with her work. She had once complained to Miss Nightingale that they needed someone to help with upkeep. Yes, they were victims held hostage in a murder game, but they were still people and wanted to find comfort in the few things they had. Emily never heard anything back, so she assumed Miss Nightingale ignored her. Emily, for once, was wrong.
Mary, better known as the Bloody Queen, was quick to make use of the new Caretaker. She often sent them her dresses to be mended and such, as Nanny was adept in sewing and the likes; they enjoyed fixing clothes for the Manors inhabitants.
“Memory, my dear, would you like to go outside and help me plant these seeds?” Nanny asked, currently in the Little Girl’s room folding her clothes. Said girl was sitting on the floor playing with her plushies, looking rather bored. The second she heard the offer, though, she was quick to jump up and began tugging on the Caretakers apron.
“Yes, yes!” She pleaded. “Please! I’m so bored and I don’t have any other matches today. I may just die of boredom…”
“Don’t say that, silly goose.” The Caretaker pinched her nose, which made Memory giggle and swat their hands away. “Would you mind if Robbie joined us?”
It was an unspoken rule that Nanny was the pseudo-parents of the younger ones, specifically Memory and Robbie, better known as the Axe Boy. The 2 kids got along rather well and, in the odd chance they have a match together, they act like they don’t see the other. Nanny could also be found with Helena, the Mind’s Eye, helping her with tasks that she was unable to do. Helena would wake up each morning with an outfit neatly folded at the end of the bed. She knew it was Nanny trying to help out, as Helena tended to wear clothes that didn’t match at all. A note, printed in braille via a printer, would say the young lady’s matches for the day. Helena had no complaints, though. She enjoyed the Nanny’s help.
“No, let’s go get Robbie!” Memory agreed happily, raising her arms so her caretaker could pick her up. The Nanny did just that, balancing the Little Girl on their hip. The two navigated their way through the Manor before walking into the library. The duo didn’t know where Robbie was so they just started checking where he usually hung around: the kitchen, the library, or the garden. His reasoning was he “didn’t like to be left alone.”
Nanny looked around, seeing if they could find the telltale sack he always wore. Much to their surprise, they found the young boy sitting next to a tall and pale Hunter. From what they could see, the Hunter was helping Robbie read, their long finger guiding Robbie’s focus on the words and helping if he mispronounced anything, a smile on his face the entire time. Nanny grinned, happy that someone else was fond of the child. Even if he was dead, he was still young and deserved the education and affection he never received.
Nanny walked up to the two hunters, stopping a few feet away from them before clearing their throat.
“Pardon for Memory and I’s intrusion,” they gestured to Memory who was still sat on their hip. She was taking a small nap, it seemed. “We just wanted to know if you would like to join us in the garden, Robbie? I did manage to get my hand on some juniper seeds if you would like to help us.”
Robbie looked up from the book the other Hunter was holding before jumping up from the couch and crashed into Nanny’s torso, giving them a tight hug.
“Yes, please!” He giggled. He tugged on Memory’s foot in an attempt to wake her up. “Wakie-wakie! Let’s go play outside!” He cheered.
Memory quickly woke up before wiggling around, happy to see her best friend. Nanny quickly, but gently, dropped the Little Girl to the floor. Robbie immediately grabbed her hand and they ran from the library and made their way to the garden. Nanny watched them run with a fond look on their face, happy they could find consolation in one another despite the circumstances.
“I apologize for interrupting your time with Robbie.” The Caretaker said, turning to the unknown Hunter. He had long black hair and wore a rather dirty looking purple suit.
He gently closed the book, set it beside him, and stood up from the couch. His joints popped from the pressure they were under and he stood up as tall as he could go. He had a permanent slouch and slow walk due to his catalepsy, spasticity, and dyspepsia from his former life. Despite the limitations of his body, he tried to ignore them and enjoy what little life he had.
“It is no issue,” he dismissed, his smile somehow getting a bit bigger. “I was unaware he had a friend, but I am glad he does.” He held out a hand before introducing himself. “I am the Violinist, Antonio Paganini. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”
“I am the Caretaker, but everyone calls me Nanny-“
“No, dear,” Antonio interrupted. “Your name.”
Nanny, slightly perturbed, gave the tall man their preferred name. He repeated it, the action sending small shivers down Nanny’s spine. They wouldn’t deny he was rather attractive.
“Lovely to meet you. I shall call you Nanny, your name will be a secret. I shan’t speak it to another soul.” He promised.
“Thank you, Mr. Paganini.” Nanny smiled before shaking his hand. Antonio lifted their hand to his mouth before placing a small kiss on their knuckles.
“Please, just Antonio. Would you mind if I accompany you to the garden? I would enjoy the honor of getting more acquainted with you.”
After more polite conversation, the two walked side by side to the garden, lightly joking around with each other. Antonio noticed that Nanny had slowed their pace significantly and chose to walk alongside him rather than hurry on without him. It brought a warm feeling to his chest.
Some days passed and the two adults quickly started a routine. After lunch, Nanny would collect Memory so she could play with Robbie. They would go to the library where Antonio taught Robbie. The kids would immediately run off, two little partners in crime.
Nanny and Antonio had grown rather closer, too. Instead of remaining a respectable distance from one another, they now walked and sat shoulder-to-shoulder. It looked like they would’ve known each other for years if you didn’t know them.
“I kid you not, dear, with his chalice full of wine-“ Antonio, giggled, retelling a story with animated gestures. Nanny was sat beside him, clutching their stomach and slapping Antonio’s knee as they laughed. Antonio loved making them laugh. He loved any noise they made for it was a symphony to his ears. Their laugh like a brass sections part, their giggle like the violins, and their cry like soft flutes. He cleared his throat before starting again, already waving his hands in the air. “- this fool drank it in one heaving gulp before looking at the empty chalice. He looked so furious, he was convinced someone had drank all his wine when he wasn’t paying attention.
He rounded everyone in the room —I’m serious I mean everyone — and forced them to be stripped to their undergarments so they weren’t ‘hiding his damn wine’.” Nanny began laughing harder to the point where they were crying yet no noise was coming out.
“Woo- I refuse-“ They had a quick fit of giggles before resuming. “- to believe anyone that idiotic has survived as far as that baboon had!” They laughed once more before quieting down, clutching their pained stomach.
“You and I both, darling,” Antonio smiled before redirecting their attention. “Do you need to care for the plants before we return back to the Manor?”
“Oh, shit!” They shot up and went to a nearby shed to gather all the tools needed to attend to the garden they had cultivated.
Antonio watched the Nanny in content, eyes closed as he basked in the sun and swayed to the humming of Nanny. His “second life” at the Manor wasn’t quite as bad with them around. The tall male continued to daydream before checking the time. His body complained as he stood, yet he ignored it anyways and stalked over to Nanny.
“My dear, I believe it is time to stop for today.” He spoke up, standing behind them. He extended a hand, waiting to help them up.
Nanny shot him a smile that made his heart hurt and fill his stomach with butterflies. They accepted his hand before clearing their throat, a slight blush on their face.
“Antonio,” His heart sung hearing them say his name. He would almost think he was in heaven if he hadn’t sold his soul. “I wanted to give you this…”
They trailed off, presenting a small cluster of light purple lilacs. Antonio just stood still, hoping this was not a dream. Nanny continued to get more red in the face waiting for his response.
“Can you put it next to the other one in my breast pocket, please?” He requested softly, a sincere smile on his face as he bent down a little giving them better access to the pocket that held a small, dead flower.
Nanny, still red as fire, shakily placed the flower in the pocket before brushing small specks of dust and dirt from the chest of the man in front of them. A finger suddenly hooked under their chin, forcing them to meet Antonio’s gaze.
He whispered their name, making their heart flutter even more. “May I kiss you?”
A moment of silence passed by before the Caretaker jumped up, wrapping their arms around the Violinists neck and pressing their lips to his.
He laughed into the kiss before wrapping their arms around their waist, spinning them around in joy.
For once, Antonio was in control of his choices. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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celestiall0tus · 8 months
Reawakening - Love
Table of Contents
            Chloe headed down the stairs of the school’s dormitories to the main common room. Behind her was Barkk disguised as a human girl identical to Chloe with high pigtails instead of a ponytail.
            “I’m nervous, Cheri,” Chloe said to Barkk.
            “You got this, Chloe! Don’t forget that I’ll be right with you.”
            Chloe gave a nervous smile. She took a breath and headed into the common room. She glanced around at the mix of students that mingled in their friend groups. She gulped and clutched her study book as she stepped inside. She dug her nails into her book as she looked around. A few students glanced her way, then returned to their conversations.
            Chloe sighed and found an empty area and retreated to it. She curled up in her seat and hid in her book.
            Barkk leaned over the arm of the chair. “I thought you wanted to make friends.”
            “I can’t do this. I’m so scared of messing up. Through all your coaching, I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing. That they’ll all see me as a monster too.”
            “Chloe, you have to try. Socializing is just like any skill. You need to learn what is the right and wrong thing to say through experience. You’re going to hurt people and they’re going to hurt you, but that’s all part of the process. Only then can you learn and grow and, most importantly, love.”
            “Could you help me, you know, break the ice?”
            Barkk gasped and nodded. She glanced around the room and settled on a group of students with two girls and three boys. She grabbed Chloe and dragged her over to the group. They paused their conversation as the girls approached.
            “Hello, everyone. Pardon the interruption. We wanted to introduce ourselves. I’m-,” Barrk started.
            A boy with brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin spoke. “You’re Cheri, right? I think we have seventh hour together.”
            Barkk tilted her head. “And you are?”
            “I’m Jake. Who’s your friend?”
            Barkk nudged Chloe. “Go on.”
            Chloe gulped. “I’m… Chloe. Uh, Cheri’s twin.”
            A boy with ginger hair spoke next. “Would you ladies want to join us?”
            Barkk nodded and pulled Chloe into a chair they shared.
            “So, introductions. I’m Cheri Bourgeois and this is my twin, Chloe Bourgeois. Pleasure to meet you all.”
            Chloe hid behind Barkk as the others introduced themselves. The ginger boy was Aden. One of the girls, the one with strawberry blonde hair, was called Shannon. The other girl, who had olive skin and black hair, was Erika. The last boy who was another ginger but had a bulker build than Aden, was Nioclas. They returned to their conversation before with the addition of Barkk.
            Chloe shrunk back in her seat as she watched the conversation. She was asked a few questions, but she gave simple answers, careful not to offend. She more watched Barkk interact with everyone with such ease and how the others absolutely adored her. Bitterness struck her heart. Even if what Barkk said was true, this felt impossible. She just wanted to be good at this already. She didn’t want to worry about being seen as a monster again. She didn’t want to be a monster at all. She wanted to be good.
            The bell rang for the start of study hall.
            “Did you two want to join us?” Jake asked.
            “Yeah, Aden could use the extra help,” Shannon teased.
            Aden feigned offense and struck a dramatic pose. “How could you? Oh, my poor heart is wounded.”
            They all laughed and teased Aden more while Barkk looked at Chloe. Barkk’s heart fell seeing Chloe’s distraught eyes.
            “Maybe next time. I can’t guarantee tomorrow, but maybe in a couple of days.”
            “Cool. See you girls later?” Erika asked.
            “Absolutely!” Barkk cheered.
            The group headed off, leaving Barkk and Chloe.
            Barkk sighed and turned to Chloe. She took Chloe’s hands and lifted her up. “You did good.”
            “But I didn’t do anything.”
            “You didn’t run. You didn’t yell or bark or bite. Those were important steps. Baby steps, but important all the same.”
            Chleo smiled and hugged Barkk. “Thank you.”
            “Of course, sis! Now, let’s go. We have a test to study for and a project to finish.”
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distort-opia · 2 years
I have no idea if you already answered that or not, I tried to find but I’m bad at searching and it would made sense if you did but I’m fairly new to Batman and bad at interpretation so. Is Joker insane or super sane or what? I do not understand the whole concept, I see people talking about it constantly and I just don’t get it? I always thought he is mentally I’ll but some people do say he just pretends? And your last answer to an ask definitely made me more interested in the matter, especially with the way you handled it. I feel like it did helped me understand some things about Batman more so that’s why I’m asking you. I hope I’m not bothering you with it too much
No worries, Joker's sanity has always been a matter of debate, even among veteran hardcore DC fans! And I'm glad my former answers helped with getting some insight. I did sort of talk more broadly about Joker and his origins, and especially his relationship with his identity as a clown (or rather, a comedian), here. There's discussion in there about Joker's mental state, but I didn't go into the supersanity theory too much.
The "super sane" term has a long history. It was introduced by Grant Morrison, in their seminal Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on a Serious Earth. In the story, a psychotherapist working at Arkham tells Batman that their current theory isn't that Joker is insane, but that he is "super sane":
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This had an immense influence on the way Joker got to be portrayed, and understood, in subsequent comics. Morrison continued this way of characterizing him in their Batman run as well. Joker gets shot in the face at some point, having to undergo plastic surgery, which leads him to reinvent himself during the (also classic) Clown At Midnight, or Batman (1940) #663. The supersanity theory itself is referenced as something established by Harleen Quinzel:
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But what does it mean? Why is this supersanity? I'll get more into it under the cut, so this doesn't clog up people's dashes. Kinda got long again.
First of all, it has to be noted current comics have pretty much made it clear Joker is not insane. King especially has delved into this, but Tynion's writing of Joker and his Joker (2021) comic point towards the same thing; Joker is putting on a performance. In Jim's own words, in #3:
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Despite the persona he puts on, Joker is incredibly calculated. The reason why he's Batman's archnemesis is because he's a genius of the same calibre as Bruce Wayne. Joker wouldn't be able to outsmart him again and again, otherwise. He's very intelligent and always ten steps ahead, even though he likes to make it seem he's always improvising or winging it. The degree of control Joker has over his own person is astounding, and contradicts the label of insanity. Because insanity, by definition, means not being in control of your actions. It means losing your ability to reason, being incapable of distinguishing between what's real and what isn't, what's wrong and what's right; this is why the insanity defense exists in the legal system. The concept of insanity is inherently connected to the one of responsibility. If a defendant can prove they were not in control when committing a crime, they can often get a more lenient sentence or be pardoned.
There are different criteria for being considered for the insanity defense in different countries. Just as an example, in the US, Model Penal Code stipulates that a defendant is not responsible for criminal conduct "if at the time of such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of their conduct or to conform their conduct to the requirements of the law." Joker has managed to avoid the death penalty by seemingly being unable to tell right from wrong, and to control himself, but as mentioned... that's bullshit. Joker knows wrong from right, and he's got so much control over his conduct he managed to fool Batman for a whole year while assuming the fake identity of Eric Border in Batman: Endgame; and that's just one example. So clearly, he isn't insane, but that's the thing -- one of the main reasons he's super sane is that he's too in control.
As the psychoterapist in A Serious House on a Serious Earth describes, Joker perceives huge amounts of information (both from his world and potentially others), but he is incapable of assigning intrinsic value to any of it. Good or evil are simply constructs; everything is. His understanding of the world is the most extreme form of nihilism and existentialism you can imagine, where absolutely nothing matters because everything is subjective and malleable... including himself. Joker is capable of erasing his own memories, his own past, in order to recreate himself as who he is now. And even as Joker, he's went through so many different iterations of himself, on purpose (excerpt also from Clown at Midnight):
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Joker is hypersane in the sense that he can take who he is and destroy it, reacreate it, reinvent it, again and again. It's a level of control over your own mind that's very difficult to fathom in real life, which is why we're talking about a comic book character. But to summarize... if insanity means lacking control entirely, Joker has too much of it, and that's the main reason he could be called supersane.
But there's a second dimension to it, that the psychotherapist in Morrison's story mentions -- the fact Joker is constantly assaulted by sensory streams, from all sides. This is something mentioned in multiple comics, actually; Joker's mind being constantly under siege by input, and in some cases it's described as an attention deficit disorder. But, if you take a bird's eye view of Joker's portrayal over the decades, it's not just an ordinary kind of sensory overload -- it's Joker's perception extending to our world. And that's the kicker: on some level, Joker knows he isn't real.
I've talked about Joker's breaking of the fourth wall, and the way he can tell there's something off about the Universe he's in, in this other ask. To summarize it, Joker can sense he's a fictional character, and it's part of what others perceive as insanity within his own Universe. When Joker says that nothing matters in their world, that only him and Batman are real, that meaning does not exist -- there's this aspect of him being factually right, and knowing it. The people he kills, the atrocities he commits in the DC universe, indeed do not matter. Because they aren't real, and having partial awareness of this is what Joker genuinely despairs about. This is what he needs Batman for; to give him any reason to live at all, to make something matter.
To conclude, I wouldn't agree with the simplistic description that Joker pretends. In ways that are similar to Bruce, Joker desperately believes his own lies. While he does choose to portray insanity, he needs to believe it's real in order to keep functioning, so he buries that awareness. Joker is mentally ill, there's no question about that; but he's also definitely not insane, and due to his status as fourth-wall-breaking character, his mind is something psychologists within his own Universe can't even categorize.
Obviously, this is just my understanding of the character, but I do hope this helped make some sense of it, Anon! And I'm sorry for the belated response.
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Dincember 2022 - Day 3 Gloves
I was perusing my favourite Mandalorian blogs when I came upon this event (I've already missed a couple of days D:) so... here's an entry for day 3 :3 let's see if I can keep it up!
prompt list
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CW: y/n is used, I usually don't do this so it might come off slightly awkward? I hope not. y/n is gender neutral. Din x Reader. I also haven't written anything for Din in ages so pardon if something feels a little off!
The Mandalorian had fallen from the sky. Literally. A mission had gone wrong, and he had crash-landed near your remote little farm. As you had patched him, the little green fellow watching intensely, almost protectively, the Mandalorian had awoken with a gasp, grasped your wrist to stop you from touching him – and then loosened his grip when he came to his senses.
You had not taken his helmet off. You were just patching him up the best you could through his armour.
“Relax…” You had whispered at him with a smile that showed no indication the Mandalorian’s grip had been harsh just seconds ago – dangerous even. “You’re hurt. Let me help you.”
It had been like a fever dream. Someone so beautiful looking down at him, helping him… Each time he awoke from dreamless darkness, you were there. If you weren’t checking up on him, then you were sitting by the warm fire with Grogu.
The kid had taken a liking to you.
The Mandalorian quickly did too.
The more he healed despite the lack of Banta spray you owned, the more he moved. Eventually, he joined you and Grogu by the fire too. Eventually, he even started helping out around the house to show his gratitude – to repay his debt.
It was a nice occurrence during the harsh winter months… which then turned even harsher which made sure that the Mandalorian went nowhere. You had little technical knowledge, and the ship had remained some distance away, crash-landed and still in the same derelict state it had been all those weeks ago when the Mandalorian had appeared.
Din couldn’t go out there in that awful, cold weather. He especially couldn’t go trapsing through a tall layer of snow with his bad leg and still bruised ribs.
So, he stayed. Not that he complained, nor did you.
He had, however, complained for the first time when the snow got too heavy for the roof of the kitchen. It bent, creaked and started leaking water when the hot air of inside started melting the snow slowly falling through the cracks.
It was bad, really.
But you knew what to do. This wasn’t your first winter.
“It won’t take long.”
“It’s freezing out there,” the Mandalorian complained, voice masked by his helmet. His secret identity had not been a hinderance in your developing relationship, which had skipped the friendship state and turned straight into the awkward but endearing ‘I am 99% sure I am in love with you but I am too shy to admit it’ stage.
“It won’t take long,” you repeated with a smile. You put on your thickest coat, boots, hat and scarf. Winter lasted a long time on this planet, hence why the farming was done inside in the adjacent cave connected to the house, not outside. Food was not the issue. The water leaking into the kitchen was.
“We can fix it from inside.”
You eyed him with a confused look. “I can handle this.”
It was unlike the Mandalorian to be this outspoken… actually, it was unlike him to say more than two sentences in a row at all. All you did was smile when he remained silent, defeated. You went to put a reassuring hand on his arm, aware he didn’t like being in control of his own safety, and aware that he, the gentleman, wanted to do the heavy lifting.
But he couldn’t. And he needed to accept that.
Grogu cooed from the side. You imagined he had voiced his agreement with you, and went to make a joke about that – when the kitchen’s ceiling gave off a loud roar in offense at being forgotten.
Hurrying toward the door, you realised you had little time to get the snow off and fix this mess before it all came caving in – but the Mandalorian stopped you before you reached the doorknob.
“Here.” He took off his gloves, showing the first bit of skin you had seen since his arrival there.
Truly, patching him up had been awful. You wondered what a mess you had made being so blind as to work through his armour.
He handed the gloves to you.
At your confusion, he said: “It’s cold.”
That was when you realised you hadn’t put on any gloves, and forgotten where they were at all, really… So you also couldn’t deny his sweet gesture, despite your shyness and geedy butterflies in stomach made you feel.
“Okay…” you only said, forgetting your manners. But it was alright, because the blush you presented to him was enough of a reward.
He also proceeded not to hand the gloves after all, but instead gently grasp your wrists once more and guide your fingers into the fabric. They were slightly too big, but that was alright…
Because you had felt the feeling of his fingers touch your bare skin, and now felt the warm embrace of his body heat around your hands.
You hurried outside, but couldn’t help but wonder whether the snow would melt away just by the sheer warmth this man put into your heart…
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bisexualseraphim · 9 months
wait you’re actually Christian but also lgbt? how does that work?
So I’ve got a bit of a funny relationship with religion — I was actually raised Iehovah’s Witness at first (yeah that’s a story to tell…), decided I didn’t like that one bit, was then raised Protestant for a while, became antitheist out of rebellion, studied religion in depth, went through a few different phases, and then finally rejoined the Church as a Protestant again.
However, I would describe myself as more of an agnostic-Christian; I do not take any edition of the Bible at face value or, pardon the pun, as gospel. I also don’t see God as some bearded old dude in the sky who loves us yet has nothing better to do other than spread disease and watch us destroy all species.
Some people might find that contradictory and I do understand that, but I personally find it a lot more productive and comforting to see the Bible kind of like Aesop’s Fables — these events did not actually happen the way they are depicted, but there are valuable lessons to be learned from them and they are personal and open to interpretation by everyone who reads them. Every Christian you meet will have a different opinion on what it “actually” says and means. You’d be surprised how many claim that Ezekiel’s descriptions of angels are “wrong” despite literally being there within the text. At the end of the day it is a book, just like any other. No interpretation is strictly right or wrong.
…Which is exactly why I despise Christians who use it to excuse their hatred. “I interpret the Bible as saying that men having sex with men is wrong.” Okay? That’s personal to you. So just don’t have sex with men as a man if you don’t want to. However, many other people don’t interpret it that way or just aren’t Christian to begin with, so for you to tell them that their identity or their personal lives are against God is cunt behaviour. You are not Christ himself, it is not your job to “save” them or whatever the fuck. Mind your business.
I just think trying to apply a magical story that was written thousands of years ago in many different languages that can be translated and interpreted in many different ways to the real world in the 21st century is pointless and can only lead to a life of misery. I mean, Hell isn’t even spoken about in the Bible the way that 99% of Christians speak of it. Dante made up most of that shit in Inferno about 2700 years after the Bible’s first ever conception. They’re literally basing their idea of Hell off of, essentially, a fanfiction poem when they tell us that that’s where us gays are headed. They don’t even actually read the text they hold so dear lmao. You’re not technically supposed to wear mixed fabrics or shave your beard or cut your hair or get tattoos according to the Bible but that always goes ignored too 🤷🏻‍♂️ You can’t do all that but then rag on trans people for “rejecting His image” or whatever the fuck. People are the way God made them, and God made trans people. Not that anyone follows the Bible to the letter anyway. That would be practically impossible. (And, as I said, not everyone is Christian and interested in abiding by the Bible.) In short, do whatever the fuck you want as long as it’s not hurting anybody else. Love yourself and love each other.
So yeah, it’s a bit of a weird one for me. I think the Bible is a very interesting story regardless of whether it’s “real” or not and many could get something out of reading it if you just see it as kind of a cool comic book or something. I find the idea of Heaven and an afterlife comforting and I value the teachings of Christ. At the same time, I am open to all other religions and their teachings. Everyone has their own perspective on who or what God actually is — or many Gods, of course — and nobody has any right to tell them that they are wrong, because we simply don’t know. I think anyone who has studied the Bible would also greatly benefit from reading the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, etc to open up their world view a little more.
I just think it’s such a shame that religion is often used to divide when it could instead be used to connect and relate with others. I had many Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu friends as a kid and I greatly enjoyed discussing with them our respective texts and how they differed, but were also in many ways similar. And I do admit I sometimes feel ashamed for being part of a group who so often see an ancient book as the entire meaning of life, the universe, and everything and use it to deny human rights or even fucking science.
Facts and science should always come before faith, end of story. Science is a universal truth whereas faith is personal belief. And you should always, always, when you can, be kind. “Love thy neighbour as thyself” and all that. Funny how that always gets ignored. Just goes to show that people who spread hatred have some serious self-esteem issues.
And I hate all forms of bigotry but one that especially gets on my nerves is antisemitism by Christians because it is entirely baseless and Christianity literally would not exist if it weren’t for the Jewish people. (Not that bigotry ever has an excuse but you get my meaning.) Jesus was not killed by “the Jews.” Jesus WAS a Jew and he was persecuted by — who else — the Romans. And even if he was killed by Jewish people (he wasn’t) that still wouldn’t excuse any of the horrific things done to them throughout history. Antisemitism has been a problem since Judaism first became a concept thousands of years ago and I cannot express how much it saddens and disappoints me that it’s still so commonplace today. Many people are even antisemitic without realising due to all the dogwhistling (“lizard people rule the world,” anyone?). It’s abhorrent.
But yeah. It’s complicated. To sum up: I love Jesus. I believe in Something that created us but not necessarily exactly as the Bible says. I believe most if not all of the Bible is metaphorical and therefore using it to justify treating others shittily is bullshit. I believe science should always come before faith and church should always be separated from the State. Religion is deeply personal and therefore trying to enforce your personal beliefs and values from it onto others is, at the very least, fucking rude and preachers can kiss my well-bathed arse. I believe all religions are valid and have value and, if I’m being honest, I am primarily Christian rather than anything else due to its familiarity to me. If me from 20 years into the future time travelled back here and told me I’d end up becoming Jewish or Buddhist or Hindu or something else, I’d be completely fine with that. I am always curious about the world around me and try to be as open as possible, and, above all else, compassionate. (Except to bigots and to anyone else who’s plain cruel but I don’t feel like I can be particularly faulted for that.) And I believe Christianity and the Church as an institution has a lot of issues that it needs to answer for.
I don’t know if I’ve at all explained myself well here but if anyone has any more questions my inbox is always open. (But if you come in to say anything homophobic or transphobic or antisemitic or whatever the fuck in the name of the Bible you can go fuck yourself ✌🏻)
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
7, habits; 1, personal life; 1, motivation for Tantalus? (@commanderhorncleaver)
Habits 7 - What sort of clothes do you wear? Would you make changes to your wardrobe if you could?
"When I'm out an about, I'm always in my leather armour and thick coat, prefer not having my scars on show. At least not the back ones, can't help much with the ones on my face. My hat helps somewhat with that at least, keeps my real identity from the Legions too."
"Though I do have a casual outfit I wear when going to locations I know are on the down low. Nothing fancy."
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Personal life 1 - Who are your parents? Do you have any siblings? Are they still alive?
The charr snarls viciously. "You just had to get me started on those. My dam was Unglot Fearripper, Blood Legion, she died when I was still in fahrar. My sire... Clement Forktail. Left Iron for Flame before I was even in fahrar."
The bared fangs on his face shows this is something harsh in his life. "Bastard came crawling back, and that damn Tribune Brimstone chose my brother Marcus Furyclash over me for the job. He got our sire pardoned! He got fucking promoted to centurion! And they're both still alive, Marcus is even thriving as a damned celebrated hero with all the freedom of the world and I got left in his shadow, trapped in the Legion machine!" He huffs frustratedly. "Damn him all the way to hell, and the Legions too..."
Motivation 1 - Is your cause noble? Do you care?
"I don't care if it's noble, I just want everyone who ever wronged me to suffer for it. And that encompasses the entire Legions themselves. I did not deserve to go through what I did, I was just as loyal as Marcus was, and got shit all!" A growl rumbles from the Deadeye's throat. "Noble doesn't matter, the Legions ain't noble, never have been. I'll see 'em dragged down one soldier at a time..."
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fics With Titles That Start With J Masterlist
part two
Jailbreak (ao3) - justmattycakes mj/peter T, 3k
Summary: Dr. Michelle Jones knows all about soulbonds, but that doesn't make her a fan. In fact, she wrote the book on how to break them. But will her opinion change once she meets her own soulmate - NYC's favorite superhero?
James Rhodes in 8C (ao3) - what_alchemy rhodey/tony E, 5k
Summary: Tony has always known.
Jaw-Dropper (ao3) - LiquidCaliban steve/natasha E, 3k
Summary: Steve breaks his jaw during a mission and has to 'suffer' through Natasha's idea of being nice so he can heal.
Just a Blast From the Past (ao3) - InNeedOfInspiration steve/natasha N/R, 41k
Summary: Natasha watches Steve die and decides to use a time travel device from Asgard to go back in 1942 and prevent Bucky from turning into the Winter Soldier. Forbidden to meddle with the past because it could affect the future, she changes her appearance and introduces herself under a false identity. But as they grow close, Natasha finds it harder and harder to resist the charm of Steve from 1942.
Just A Memory (ao3) - justmattycakes mj/peter T, 24k
Summary: With Chitauri aliens pouring through the Breach, humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction, pinning its final hopes on Tony Stark's ailing JAEGAR program and his brilliant plan: a washed-up former Jaeger pilot (Michelle Jones) and his own eager protege (Peter Parker). Will Peter and Michelle find love - and each other - in the drift? And can these dumb kids cancel the apocalypse? Tune in to find out!
Just an Asset (ao3) - soniclipstick (veriscence) clint/phil T, 3k
Summary: Coulson is probably just being polite; it’s obvious that he prefers Thor. That’s fine. Clint is just an asset, after all. And Coulson has real friends now, he doesn’t need to waste his time on Clint.
For anonymous tumblr prompt: Phil and Thor are good friends, Clint doesn't understand.
Just Another Guy With A Bow (ao3) - myrmidryad clint/phil, darcy/steve, jane/thor N/R, 94k
Summary: Clint's life is a steady progression from point A to point B, but it's everything that happens between those points that make the story interesting. Things like joining the circus, losing Barney, finding Barney, stumbling into SHIELD, trusting Coulson, making a different call when he's sent to kill the Black Widow, and becoming part of the dysfunctional Avengers team.
Just a Rose on a Star (ao3) - road_of_ruin loki/tony T, 54k
Summary: It wouldn't be the first time Tony Stark flirted with death, but no matter what the others said, reading stories to the quarantined God of Mischief was definitely one of his better ideas.
Just a Touch (ao3) - The_Buzz bruce/tony T, 8k
Summary: When Bruce and Tony are trapped under the debris from a bomb, Bruce can't afford to transform into the Hulk without risking Tony's life. To make matters worse, Bruce is badly hurt and help might not be on the way for a while.
Just Be Me (ao3) - Daiya_Darko bruce/tony E, 8k
Summary: Bruce can’t accept the most intimate parts of himself until Tony does.
just between us (did the love affair maim you too?) (ao3) - dharmainitiative sam/bucky E, 33k
Summary: “So, guess you’re headed back to Wakanda?”
“I might,” Bucky says. “Honestly, I was banking on going back to Brooklyn. Closest thing I’ve got to home, so, just made sense. But seeing as I’m a fugitive…” He glances over at Sam with a wry smile. “Why, what about you?”
“Rhodey found a spot,” Sam says. “Some safe house on the outskirts of the city. Hasn’t been used in a few years, so, gonna head there and stay low till the pardon is official. Or try to, anyway.”
Bucky is quiet for a minute before he turns to Sam and asks, “Want some company?”
Just Come Home (ao3) - Pearl_Unplanned steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: It had been four months since Tony had last seen his Alpha. It was supposed to be a normal mission, infiltrating A.I.M. But something must've gone wrong, because they'd lost all contact with Steve, the day he was supposed to be back. He was going to tell his Alpha the second that he was home that he was going to be a father.
Only, Steve didn't come home.
(Or pregnant Omega Tony is scared when his Alpha goes missing. When they do find Steve, four months later, he isn’t alone, and the Rogers-Stark family will never be the same.)
Just Dance (It's Gonna Be Okay) (ao3) - ficbypen steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: The Avengers get body-swapped for about a month; Tony and Steve maintain their relationship through it.
just friend things (ao3) - flying_snowmen mj/peter M, 5k
Summary: Peter doesn’t bring anything up at dinner even though May is giving him some serious side eye and can’t stop looking at him with that contemplative look of hers. And then, while he’s washing the dishes and handing them to her to dry, she asks, nonchalant as she can manage, “So when did you and Michelle start dating?”
“MJ and I are just friends.”
Or, a story in which Peter and Michelle insist that they are just friends, to the belief of no one around them.
Just Keep Trying 'til You Run Out of Cake (ao3) - K_R_Closson bucky/clint M, 11k
Summary: Clint Barton sometimes has a name on his wrist. Sometimes he has a couple letters. Sometimes he doesn't have anything at all. By the time he's an adult and working for SHIELD, he figures his soulmate is a ghost. Figures he's never going to meet whoever it is.
He's got it half right.
just know you're not alone (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor tony/sam T, 10k
Summary: Tony was settling into his new life being an Avenger. Everything was going fine, great even, and then suddenly a kid was thrown into the picture. Peter Parker becomes Tony’s world, and he’s doing everything he can to keep his son out of the spotlight. Unfortunately, some things don’t always go to plan. But would it really be such a bad thing if his fellow Avengers found out about his son?
Just Me, You, and These Shitty Cigarettes (ao3) - dabblingwithwords steve/bucky, clint/natasha, bucky/brock E, 39k
Summary: Steve Rogers is pretty sure Natasha's new roommate is trying to kill him. Which he wouldn't mind considering he's been helplessly in love with him since they were thirteen.
just say you do (ao3) - biblionerd07 steve/bucky T, 173k
Summary: Steve just wanted a job. He wasn't expecting a marriage proposal. And he certainly wasn't expecting to accept.
just won't do right (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky G, 7k
Summary: Sam's eyebrows go up, impressed, and he reaches over to squeeze Torres' shoulder, "This is amazing, kid. Thanks, really."
Bucky sits and watches in utter horror as the pink darkens on Torres' cheeks.
Oh, he realizes.
just you and me (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky, past steve/tony, past/bucky/sam T, 1k
Summary: Steve and Bucky are best friends, childhood friends. Somehow, they've both ended up being single parents with daughters and shitty ex-husbands. Steve secretly has a crush on Bucky, and would do anything for him, even if it means watching his kid for the night so Bucky can go out on a date.
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antiopesayingthings · 2 years
On my parents of implying (heavily) that I'm ungrateful and selfish since I started setting boundaries, (and eventually went NC):
It's taken a few years of therapy, but just now I finally got to a point where I can notice what the words ungrateful and selfish mean, separate from the way they're often weaponized against me with shaming tones etc.
My decision to go NC was ABSOLUTELY selfish. It was enormously difficult and painful to choose to remove myself from all those upsetting visits and text messages and interactions with them. And it was hard because my sense of obligation was so overwhelming.
But ultimately yes, I did cut them off out of self interest. I didn't do it out of motivation to hurt them, but despite knowing that it would. Which is pretty human, to make a good portion of our choices out of self interest. 🤷 If I was only exclusively altruistic, I'd have no home, no job, no food etc. Can't give everything away!
In general, I definitely don't feel grateful for parts of my childhood, and also adult relationships with my parents. I'd imagine that there are also a wealth of things that I feel pretty neutral about; things that weren't harmful and were perhaps even helpful, but just don't inspire the intense appreciation and gratitude that they seem to expect and want.
But "grateful" is an emotional state, not an identity. I can't actually be a "grateful person" or an "ungrateful pardon," because like all humans I sometimes experience both!
They're really wrong, I think. But I guess they need to be to feel as ok as they're able to. (Though it's probably grandiose of me to claim 'the truth.')
They're angry that I'm not "repairing" the relationship like I always did no matter who had things they might need to take accountability for.
Even just in writing that, I wonder if all my repression and people pleasing and placating and rug sweeping of my own self was *actually* relationship repair. I mean, all evidence would point to a slow death of what connection we did have. All of that fawning on my part was probably repairing their egos and sense of self more than anything.
We both asked too much of me, for too long. We both did that. In a way, it was arrogant and grandiose of me to think that I had an unlimited capacity for repression and ability to curate myself out of fear.
Maybe they've been in my shoes in other relationships in their own lives, like with their own parents. Maybe it's just a power differential thing for those of us who have room for emotional growth.
Anyways, here I am. Selfish and ungrateful, amongst other things. 🤷 It's just what is.
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