#if he shot scenes showing him being worried or leaving messages for alex and they got cut
lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie, recommending that if you watch RNM tonight you pick up some alcohol to fortify yourself with on the way home. Something strong. You already know about the M*ria nonsense (I actually find it funny she had to be involved since every other character was doing plot relevant things and her pointless self was doing her taxes or whatever) and Michael again being reverted to his S1 self (@ladymajavader wrote an excellent analysis on how stupid this episodes Michael-has-to-choose
plot this episode is). If it helps some reasons to watch are Rosa absolutely living and loving her NY life, Liz bringing up a 90's science buzzword and not explaining how it is useful (no explanation is better than a butchered one with these writers), and Dallas wandering around the desert in spectacles with a book muttering to himself like a 20's British archeologist is absolutely adorable. Basically ignore the kidnapping plot we've all been looking forward to and you'll it will all be fine (how badly can you fuck something up such that I miss S2's kidnapping)!! It's been a day or two since I watched so I was prepared to pretend this episode doesn't exist and just enjoy the Michael-loses-his-shit part of the kidnapping. Then I read the 4x10 synopsis and wow, they can keep fucking up this storyline!! Anyway good luck tonight friend and remember booze is your friend in these trying times 😘🍸.
Vodka straight from the bottle it is!
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I saw that amazing analysis post and I’m excited to read it again after I actually watch the episode because it was SO on point! Glad to hear there are some reasons to watch! I’m sooo excited to FINALLY see Rosa, and I love Dallas so much and I’m excited to see him being adorable, and I’m happy for your sake that “the science” was left more vague instead of just blatantly wrong.
I am BAFFLED at how this show refuses to let us see Kyle and Alex being friends, dropped m*ria and Rosa being friends as soon as Rosa was alive, barely lets Isobel and Max speak anymore but for some fucking reason they CANNOT just keep m*ria the fuck away from Michael and Alex. I saw the synopsis for 4x10 and only the fact that I had to be in my office this morning for a training kept me from throwing my phone and shouting “FUUUUUCK” like I would have if I was at home. 
Okay, I’ve managed to put off watching the episode for 2 hours now because I do not want to but I’m gonna swig some vodka and get started. Lord, beer me strength. CH and ever fucking writer involved in this mess are not seeing heaven for this.
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evakuality · 3 years
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Hanna, episode six
1.  This ramp thing.  It’s the MVP of this whole entire school/setting.  I mean I can see why they use it - it allows for some really cool shots and set ups and it genuinely works in so many ways to show so many nuances of the situations it’s in.  But basically I just love the continuity.  There’s something so comforting about this returning over and over and over again.  The sheer joy of ‘the ramp! It’s here again!’ 
2.  Matteo’s little ‘why are you dating Jonas?’ is so interesting too.  This speech carries a different tone, and I can’t tell if that’s because of the way it’s said.  He genuinely seems to be like ‘Hanna, think this through - do you really want this?’ and the answer should actually be ‘no I don’t’ even if his motives aren’t great, and maybe it’s because she’s different to Eva.  Or maybe this is because as always while it leans heavily on the original, the lines aren’t exactly the same and that lends some differences to it.  I don’t know.  Plus her question ‘there’s only 2 options: trust or break up?’ and his reaction ‘or maybe talk to Leonie’ - like yes.  Please.  Do that.  Communicate with people.  But I guess he knows it won’t go well because he likely knows exactly what Jonas is doing, and so he has very little to lose.  He’s not overtly being a dick here, and he looks supportive.  So if it goes well for her, hey he looks like the supportive good friend and if it doesn’t.  Well... that’s not his fault.  He was just trying to help.  At this point, from his PoV, not much can go wrong.
3.  The little scene at school with Jonas telling Hanna she’s annoying (by text! so distant and cold. Ugh, talk to each other properly please), and then Sam making her feel good and sexy and wanted.  You can see why she’d be taken by him.  We can see he’s a bit of a player, far too smooth and good at this, but of course she can’t.  With Matteo’s ‘break up with Jonas if you don’t trust him’ ringing in her ears, you can see why she feels the way she does.  Again, so much of this is modeled on the original, but the way it’s shot works so well here in terms of specifically showing us Hanna’s state of mind.  With Hanna literally feeling like she’s got this barrier between her and Jonas after he sends his last text, shown literally in the way the moment is shot.  Plus, Kiki’s little thing with Alex as a mirror/reflection of what’s happening with Hanna (they literally fistbump over it - Alex over having got his conquest and Sam over pursuing his).  She has all the warning she needs and yet she falls into it anyway.  This whole part of this season is so heartbreaking, and knowing where it’s leading is tough.  This week is a hard one for our little bean.
4.  I know everyone and their dog has talked about this cold war scene but that’s because it’s so damn good.  The imagery and the whole way this scene works is so powerful.  Plus, we’re veering even more into the darker shades for Hanna.  This thing with Jonas is weighing on her and literally sucking out her brightness.  She’d been so washed out at the start, and when she’s with her girls it’s all still brightness etc, but with Jonas this darkness is seeping in more and more and more.  I mean he is lying to her and that’s where almost all of this ‘cold war’ conflict is coming from, but her relentless pushing of the topic is a lot.  AND she never does it when they’re in a place where they can just talk about it, the two of them.  They’re around the boys or in class and by text.  She’s scared of knowing for sure and so she puts these barriers up to avoid having to do it properly.  But this is the entire problem.  I know we say communication is an issue across the board with these couples, but I’d argue (and have at length) that it’s not always true.  For some it’s different.  But here.  Here, this avoiding of doing it properly is the biggest issue.
5.  Okay, so Amira suddenly reappears here.  But???? Where has she been???? I missed her so much!!!  I love Sana, I really really do.  She’s a fabulous character and I adore the way she operates in Skam.  But I do love that Amira is her own character and so, while delivering a very similar message, is much warmer about it.  She tells Kiki she’s stupid for sending nudes, and that Alex really isn’t into her, but her tone isn’t as harsh or ‘straight to the point’ somehow.  But of course Amira is still tone policed by her friends, and told to say things more carefully.  And then she leaves, delivering another blow to Hanna’s confidence in Jonas.  ‘Boys lie’ - thus confirming everything she already thinks.
6.  I’ll hand it to Druck - I always love their party scenes; they feel real, like people genuinely having fun dancing and stuff (though in the most recent seasons that seems to have dropped off, probably because of restrictions having an effect on how they can film).  Leonie looks damn good in a suit too; this is a great look on her.  But wow her attitude to Hanna is so nasty.  It’s fascinating to me to see that Sara acts just as jealous and can’t let it go after Matteo breaks up with her.  They clearly have a model for how they deal with break ups and it’s not a good one.  Obviously Leonie is hurt, obviously it super sucks that it’s her best friend.  But this whole bit is so unnecessarily mean.  She wants Hanna to be hurt the way she was and she’s taking such a vicious pleasure in the way that it works.  Like, yes Hanna is to blame, but man some of this ire should be directed at the Jonas in the situation.
7.  I can see why she falls for Sam’s wiles here, and there’s been so much stuff in the last few episodes leading up to it but gosh it sucks that she falls for it.  He knows she has a boyfriend, he can clearly see she’s vulnerable and he takes advantage of that.  He is very cute, I can see why she likes him, but I don’t like this type of guy and he and Alex really annoy me (though somehow Alex doesn’t feel as slimy with it as William - at least so far).  And then Hanna watching as the scene of another cheating episode plays out in front of her.  No wonder she thinks the way she does: all she has are examples of guys being assholes.  But it does need to be mentioned that she stops this kiss almost as soon as it started.  I’m not sure this exactly counts as cheating.  But I guess what’s important is that Hanna feels like she’s in the same place she already was.  Plus now she knows how it feels from the other side.  This evening is such a stress for her.  The little story that Jule tells her about how Sam ‘would never do that’ is just the icing on the cake.  This is a moment where I always feel so awful for Eva/Hanna/all of them.  
8.  Jonas’s sad little confession comes just that little bit too late, and you can see the regret hanging over Hanna.  Like, she already felt it and now she can see through everything and it all sucks.  And of course the darkness has totally closed in rn.  But I do have to say I love Jonas’s ‘not that I know anyway’ about whether he’s gay.  The characters in this show are far less worried about sexuality and ‘being straight’ and it’s a nice thing.  Matteo was all ‘yeah I like gay songs, so what?’ and Jonas here.  I like it.  But ouch, how ‘you can trust me’ must hurt when they haven’t been trusting each other and it’s become so fraught.  Notice also that they don’t fall back on their kissing this time.  The one thing that’s been going well for them isn’t working anymore either.  At the point where things are ‘darkest’ for them in the cinematography etc, we also get the moment when they can’t connect in any of the ways they used to.  Jonas is talking and being open finally, but Hanna is now hiding things and nothing here is going well for her.
Anyway, this is a really difficult episode and yet it’s one of my favourites.  Like episode 2 I’m just a real sucker for the way it’s filmed.  Again, everything is lifted almost entirely from the original and yet again Druck puts its own little spin on it.  There’s a reason why the original and this one are the ones I like.  Both take a lot of care with how colour and symbols etc work and play out and while this is a straight copy in so many ways, I still love how they chose to interpret it.  Their characters are subtly their own, the filming has its own life and that makes it work for me.
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
Hey this is for your matchups which again yayyy congrats on nearly 200!! Anyways for my matchup:
1-3) My nickname is Em, she/her and idm who you pair me with
4) I'd describe myself as shy at first then once you get to know me I'll open up, an overthinker and I like to be organized
My hobbies are writing, I really love it alot, I also like to draw if I get time and I love music alot too
In a partner I'd look for someone who makes me laugh and who's patient
For dealbreakers it's pretty general but I couldn't be with someone who doesn't consider other ppl's feelings
5) I don't have an aesthetic but I like pastel aesthetics but then I also like dark aesthetics and light academia so it's a mix I guess
6) Colours to describe me would be teal blue and silver, well according to you anyways
7) Right now I'd say my favourite song is  Tru Luv Street by Awfultune or Fight Night Champion by Cyberbully Mom Club
8) Idk about a specific genre but some artists I like rn are: Awfultune, Carpetgarden, Cavetown, Clem Turner, Cyberbully Mom Club, Girl in Red, Joji, Lorde, Matt Maltese and Twenty One Pilots (sorry that's alot)
9) Ooh and I wanted to include that my favourite book is Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Thank you in advance and also ily, you deserve all the love and more!! <3
@sugasfanfics this was so fun wtf like-- ugh i love this
ANYWAY i know i already kinda spilled the beans but im gonna match you with....
✧𝐴𝑘𝑎𝑎��ℎ𝑖 𝐾𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑖✧
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and no it's not just because you're already in love w him i have good reasoning behind this because i said so anyWAY
✧𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑒𝑡✧
how you met, for in case you cant see my fancy text
C a f e
But like
A cafe specifically for nerds
This is just my like 2nd dream job okay but like hear me out
They have coffee & tea & a bookshelf full of old books and a chalkboard
You can write all over the chalkboard
You write super tiny and just let a little mini vent out in the corner because you’re stressed out and need to get everything off your chest
BUT you come back the next day and there’s a little note in the same little corner
Your message is gone
But instead is a little note from someone
“If you ever need to talk to someone, let me know”
And an Instagram username
So you give it a shot and you’re like why not talk to this random person Y’know maybe make a new friend if anything just thank them for the offer
You message him and start talking (and low key stalk his page just to see what he’s like, or maybe that’s just me being a snoop) and he’s actually really cool! So you guys meet up and get coffee and actually start talking all the time it’s really sweet
✧𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠✧
general headcanons
When i think of akaashi, I think of stars
When i think of you, i think of picnics and for some reason, water
Like the ocean
Your ‘spot’ is by this lake where he took you on a date one time
Maybe for an anniversary or something
But you guys did a little picnic dinner thing and were out when the sun went down so sat and stared at the stars
You buried a rock there and both of you like to stand on that spot where the rock is when youre there with the other
Or send the other a picture like “hiii baby look what i found” w your shoe in the picture
Bokuto is your #1 shipper high key
Like he thinks you two are so cute
He loves you so much too like
He and akaashi are kinda a package deal so like if ur dating akaashi ur dating bokuto just with less kissing (bokuto likes to kiss your cheek or forehead) (after making sure this was ok with akaashi of course) (ur his girlfriend of course)
But anyway just bokuto
He’s so sweet
And so clueless
You two will be walking together and then he’ll just walk up behind you and sling his arms over your shoulders
If youre holding hands w akaashi? He’ll put his hand over both of yours
God now i wanna write a fic but anyway
Bo is just the sweetest and is akaashi’s #1 hype man when he’s worried about a date
He’s ur #2 bc im ur #1 sorry to tell u
Bo totally tried to coin the platonic soulmates thing i love you kou but gtfo my em
Im arguing with fictional characters
When akaashi is stressed he likes to wrap his arms around you and lay his head against your neck
He’ll never admit it out loud because he thinks its weird but he thinks you smell nice
When he’s starting to overthink too much + spiral he just will grab you and hug you until all the bad thoughts go away
When he thinks to of course
When he doesn’t, there are times you gotta find him and calm him down
Which he loves so much
Sit him down on the floor so he feels more grounded and hold his hand (or hook pinkies that's so cute i jhbflebf) (not the time spencer gtfo)
That way ur not crowding him but you’re still there y'know
And sometimes he’ll talk, sometimes you need to talk him down, sometimes you just sit in silence
Eventually he will lean forward into you and hug you because he doesn't want to talk, but he wants you to know he’s okay
Rub his back, kiss his head, you’ll both be okay
He’s really good with you too
When you’re stressed out he might push a couple buttons but he means well
He just wants to know who made his star upset (he calls you his star or darling convince me otherwise)
So he pushes buttons until you finally talk about it because obviously it’s bothering you why wouldn't you talk about it?? He just wants to fix it??
Sometimes this gets more irritating, sometimes it helps, it depends on the day
But even if you do get into an argument, expect to hear from him before the end of the night apologizing because he feels so bad for arguing with you that he doesn’t even care what the argument was about he just wants to make sure you still love him
I think im getting off topic but tbh this part is always just me rambling lol
Another thing I think of when I think of akaashi is rain. I don't know why but i do
You have to at least know OF the notebook & the rain scene to get this
I don't know the book lol i just know this much and i'm a dork so we’re using it & some quotes just a heads up
But just imagine its pouring and you’re bored and text him like “i wish i could see you but its raining & we didn't really make plans & i don't want you to get caught in the rain anywhere”
This mfer
And being the freakin
book nerd he is
He texts you and goes “I wrote you 365 letters.”
And then just “(come to the door and I’ll finish the quote)”
So you bolt to the front door
And there he is
Soaking wet & smiling like an idiot
“I wrote to you everyday for a year.”
To which you start laughing and barley are able to make out a “it wasn’t over’ (which is the beginning of the next quote) before kissing him
And this jerk pulls you out in the rain with him because WHAT is more romantic than kissing in the rain
Anyway he ends up with a cold but you give him some of the clothes you probably stole from him to get into dry clothes and you cuddle under the covers with tea
After you smack him (playfully of course) because “you IDIOT keiji it's pouring out here!!” “I wanted to see you too so i ran over” “you're impossible”
Anyway yeah #emkaashiotp
✧𝐴 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎✧
a date idea
I'm really good at naming places aren't i
Bookstore date
But do something fun where the two of you have to go through an aisle and find a random page and read it in the like
How do i explain this
Make it sound suuuuper sexual without it actually being that way and not laugh
Whoever loses buys lunch
Lets just say you lose a lot dear im sorry (he insists on buying anyway, sometimes he wins that argument)
You’re smiley :) (guys her smile is so cute ebflbejfb em ILY)
Oh also doesn’t matter if he bought lunch or not he always gets you something
Whether it be that book you decided you couldn't get this time or a little trinket that reminded him of you, or sometimes it’s just ice cream
It’s all very sweet (hahaha pun)
He always walks you home and gives you a little kiss when he drops you off
Doesn’t leave till you’re inside & he knows you’re good
You make him promise to text you when he gets home
Which he does, without fail
✧𝑍𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦✧
zodiac compatibility
Sagittariuses are very intelligent, fair-minded & honest, similar to a Libra’s cleverness & rationale. Because of this similarity, trust is a huge thing in these relationships. It can be all or nothing, but finding balance is important to keep both people happy. Luckily, Libras are very good at this. From everything I’ve seen, these signs together have a very high compatibility and can have a very long-withstanding and healthy relationship.
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House of Gold - Twenty-One Pilots
Lvr Boy - awfultune
A Shitty Love Song - Jye
Darling Get Up - awfultune
Something Just Like This - Alex Goot
✧𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑈𝑝✧
runners up
Nishinoya Yuu, Sugawara Koushi
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only-here-for-jatp · 4 years
Build-a-Band pt 7 The End
Just me tying up loose ends
Featuring: WILLEX <3, the boys playing with their bears like they’re seven, Juke, hotdogs
As always you can read on Ao3 here
But also below! ~2300 words
The boys poofed back to the studio hearts as full as their arms full of stuffed bears.
Luke and Alex were both jittery with anxiety. Luke hadn’t seen Julie hug her bear, but he also hadn’t seen her not hug her bear and he was growing very concerned at the prospect of when or if she’d hear the lyrics he’d poured into the heart. He hadn’t meant to offer a confession, hadn’t meant to reveal his feelings so blatantly.
What if she didn’t like the song? What if she didn’t like him? What if she didn’t get it and he was stuck in this nightmare limbo waiting for her to realize as she kept hugging and hugging the bear that they lyrics were about her???
Yup he was a ball of anxiety, but at least he wasn’t alone.
Every now and again Alex would shift onto the balls of his feet and then back down. His mind zipping down very similar avenues to Luke. He’d impulsively made a bear for Willie but what if Willie thought it was dorky and lame? Was it weird for a not-dating person to give another a teddy bear? What if he heard the message and didn’t feel the same way?
I mean. Alex was pretty sure Willie liked him? But the more and more it went around in his head the less sure he was that he was interpreting Willie’s actions correctly. I mean they could just be friends?
Reggie quietly noted his friends’ anxiety and while he had no idea why it was happening; he knew a surefire way to cheer them up. Luckily, it was also one of the things he was best at, distraction.
He held up Sir Reginald II, a name he loved and adored since it meant Julie remembered his story about Sir Reginald I, and in his best teddy bear voice ( which mostly turned out to be a weird falsetto) said “Hello there!”
Both anxiety ridden boys eyed him warily and Reggie took this as permission to move Sir Reginald II verrrryyy close to Luke’s face. “Have you seen my friend Lukas? He’s late for band practice.” Luke’s eyes widened and glanced between Reggie and Sir Reginald II as Alex let out a snicker. “Wellllll? Have you seen him?”
Luke let out a sigh, knowing Reggie wasn’t going to let him out of this. He pulled Lukas up in front of his face and mimicking Reggie’s voice as best he could responded. “Sorry Reginald. I didn’t mean to run late.” At this point Alex was nearly doubled over with silent laughter. The sight of Reggie’s face all lit up though made Luke warm inside and suddenly he knew their next move. He raised an eyebrow at Alex who discovered too late what Luke was planning.
Luke bounded over, put Lukas right into Alex’s face and asked “Have you seen my friend Alexander? I’ve been looking all over for him.”
Alex slowly backed away “I’m not doing this.”
A quick exchange of glances brought Reggie on board with Luke’s plan and soon Reginald and Lukas were chasing Alex around the study asking and asking about Alexander their best friend. It wasn’t until Alex tripped, falling onto the bed where Alexander lay (tucked in no less) that he gave in. He pulled Alexander out and in the same falsetto his bandmates used called “Who disturbed my nap!”
The three boys grinned and thus they were off.  They spent the rest of the day pretending with their new stuffies, reliving favorite moments of their life or pretending to play major stages around the world. They even took turns pretending to be Julie and reenacting some of their favorite moments with her.
In fact, the trio was having so much fun that Alex had forgotten about promising to meet Willie, who after waiting and growing concerned came looking for him. Willie stayed out of sight for as long as he could, watching the blonde-haired boy who he wanted to be around every second of every day laughed and joked with his brothers. Willie could feel the smile growing on his face at the sight of these three rock band boys kneeling on the ground miming arms and leg movements of stuffed bears while playing out scenes in funny voices.
However, his spying was up after Reginald and Lukas ganged up on Alexander (he’d long since figured out the names) in a hug pile and he burst into laughter.
All three boys heads whipped around suddenly very shy and sheepish at the thought that someone had been watching their antics over the last couple of hours. Alex turned nearly bright red, stammering out excuse after excuse for missing their plans and finding Willie here.
Willie turned to Alex with a soft smile. “Oh hotdog. You missed our plans AND y’all made bears for everyone except me and are having all this fun? My feelings are hurt.” He couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease Alex just a little. After all, he was incredibly adorable when flustered.
Luke and Reggie glanced at each other smiles growing wide as Alex grew even redder and began mumbling under his breath. In a move to both help and tease him, Luke and Reggie called out “Hey Alex, what is that you’re mumbling? Maybe you should say it louder.”
Willie tilted his head to the side in confusion as Alex took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to speak just a little louder. It was still barely audible, but Willie still caught it.
“I made you a bear”
Willie thought his heart was going to burst. He’d seen the bear-ified version of the band but as he glanced around the room he noticed a bear in a skater outfit off to the side. “You made me a bear?” Willie knew his voice was soft and he knew Alex liked him, but to include him in this little family of bears meant so much. He slowly moved toward the stuffie which had his signature tie dye and skateboard.
Alex began to ramble as Willie began a dedicated perusal of the bear. “I know it’s kind of lame, but I kept walking past it and it has two hearts sewn onto his chest and I don’t know something about its face reminded me of you and yeah it’s lame, you don’t have to keep it….”
Willie burst in. “No. I- I love it. Is it alright if he lives here though? I don’t want…”
“No, no, yeah totally.”
Willie’s head sprang up to look at Alex all of a sudden and a signature mischievous smirk filled his face. “Wait a second. You said there were two hearts sewn into the chest. Why would that remind you of me?”
Alex’s eyes widened as he shot looks to Reggie and Luke who had settled quite comfortably on the couch, bears in their laps to enjoy the show. They offered him an encouraging smile and a couple of nods. Alex gulped, took a deep breath and said as confidently as he could “It seemed kind of poetic. Since you.. uh… kind of… hold mine?” He hadn’t really managed for it to come out as a question, but he’d started to wince as if preparing for a negative reaction from Willie.
Instead, Willie wrapped himself around Alex in a fierce hug, never letting go of William. “You hold mine too Alex.”
Alex being too surprised, didn’t hug back right away, but with a squeaky “wait really??” he hugged on so tight that if either of them needed to breathe, they would probably be worrying about it. The two had started to jump around a little making happy noises while Reggie and Luke beamed.
The hug had barely broken apart when Julie joined them in the studio with a questioning look, but before anyone could say anything Alex burst out “I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!” before shooting nervous glances at Willie “I mean, if you want.”
Willie chuckled, “Definitely”
Alex couldn’t stop smiling, but of course now was when he remembered “You should hug William. When I hugged Alexander I could hear the wish Reggie made for me and I uh, may have left you one too.”
Willie looked slightly confused, but sure enough when he squeezed William the Sk8 Bear tightly Alex’s voice whispered in his mind.
I wish for an eternity to hold your hand.
Willie seemed to melt a little, before he entwined his hands with Alex’s. “For eternity” he whispered just loud enough for Alex to hear. They both blushed, but everyone else mostly looked confused.
Luke was the first to speak up. “I also heard Reggie’s wish when I squeezed Lukas.”
Reggie looked entirely confused. “You could hear… my wishes? That’s awesome!!! But also, you couldn’t hear Julie’s?” Alex and Luke both shot a look at Reggie. “She made wishes on both your hearts also, but you didn’t hear hers?”
Julie’s face was growing slightly pale. She hadn’t realized they could hear those wishes. The thought of Luke hearing those lyrics was maybe making her panic a little, but maybe since he hadn’t heard them yet he wouldn’t. It helped her fear a little that there was some overwhelming curiosity about the wish Luke left for her.
Alex’s voice cut through her questioning. “You know, I only tried the one time.” Luke sounded an agreement before Reggie cut in.
“You know it’s kind of cool if you think about it, she ended up leaving a wish on all our bears. Maybe we should try together to hear it?” The boys nodded as Julie watched with concern.
Alex’s face changed first. A small gasp echoing out of him and his eyes pooling with tears as he rushed towards Julie to envelop her in a hug. She’d made him feel seen and valued and the reassurance that he had a special and unique existence to her was a security he hadn’t realized he needed.
Reggie hugged his bear two or three times just listening to the message she’d left him over and over again.
Sir Reginald II please take care of Reggie. Sometimes he doesn’t realize how important he is. He’s the glue that holds us all together and keeps us going when everything seems bleak. He is so loved and so valuable. Please remind him of that when everything seems hard.
Reggie glomped her next. Crying just a little at the words she left him which touched on his biggest and darkest insecurity. He could help but whisper his thanks and she pulled him tighter telling him that he was basically her brother. Reggie could no longer tell if he was laughing or sobbing everything was perfect.
Julie was having difficulty holding up the two emotional boys and she was filled with warmth at their love almost as much as she was filled with tension. She could barely see Luke which meant she couldn’t see his reaction.
Luke was having difficulty breathing and functioning. He didn’t need to breathe but now he couldn’t do it and he really felt like he needed to do it. He couldn’t-
He couldn’t believe it.
We say we're friends, we play pretend. You're more to me, we're everything Our voices rise and soar so high. We come to life when we're, In perfect harmony
She’d poured the same song, the same words, the same wish into his bear as he had into hers. Julie Molina loved him. He had absolute verifiable proof and he didn’t want to waste another second without her. Without her knowing that she was the most precious, wonderful, thing about his life. So he did the only reasonable thing he could.
He yanked his crying brothers off of the girl they also loved more than anything, but not as much as him and worked on gaining her attention. He smiled. She looked slightly terrified, but she didn’t have to be. She just need to hug Jules.
“Julie. Julie. Julie. Julie! You need to hug Jules. Right now. You need to hug her right now. RIGHT NOW.”
His boys looked pissed, but slowly they could tell by the rush and joyous mania radiating from their friend that this was Important and begrudgingly stood out of the way.
Julie looked at Luke with big eyes as he insistently shoved Jules at her. He seemed excited and thrilled and flushed and by god if he didn’t stop rushing her she was going to-
We say we're friends, we play pretend. You're more to me, we're everything Our voices rise and soar so high. We come to life when we're, In perfect harmony
The song filtered through her head as she hugged Jules and she felt her mouth drop as her eyes snapped to his. She watched his grin widen as he saw her figured it out. Her eyes met his and she was drowning. He was too far away and they both rushed into each other. They took another second to stare before wrapping each other in a tight hug.
Alex groaned a little, in a good-natured way, his hand once more linked with Willie’s. “Not that we’re not glad that you both finally got your lives together, but do either of you care to explain what exactly just happened?”
Slowly Luke and Julie moved out of hugging, but they still hovered around each other with their hands intertwined as they explained. They took turns explaining that somehow, someway, they’d left the same wish in each other’s bear. More than that, they were the same lyrics from the same love song they’d written without telling the other.
The shocked faces on all cause Luke and Julie to burst into laughter and soon all five of them were falling together into a hug. Julie carried one more surprise though in her back pocket. Slowly she pulled out three hotdog accessories for their new Build a Bears.
The boys looked at her with shock and horror as she grinned sheepishly at them.
“I couldn’t resist!”
They spent the afternoon playing with Jules, Lukas, Reginald, Alex and William. Then, when the time came for sleep, they couldn’t bear to leave each other so four ghosts, one human, and 5 teddy bear fell asleep in a pile of warmth and love.
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holidaywishes · 4 years
Embers XI
Chapter XI: we’re gonna make it
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  Summary of series: Katie moves from Peachtree, Georgia, to L.A. with her son, Alex, to start fresh after the death of her husband. When she meets Evan Buckley, a young firefighter, she falls fast but will her son be so quick to accept Evan into his life?
  Summary of chapter: As she tries to keep both her and her son alive, Katie begins to learn more about Jeff. Evan begins to panic when he finds Katie’s phone in her bedroom.
  Warning: Trigger warning for abuse/kidnapping, language, angst and fear
  Author’s Note: Alright... so I went back and fixed all the errors in the other chapters and it was a weird process. I’ve never made so many mistakes in any kind of writing before and I am so so sorry that it was so confusing. It was pretty confusing to me so I can imagine it was for you as well. That being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter and that you keep reading the rest of the series!
  the other masterlist
Evan’s P.O.V
  You kept texting and calling Katie but there was no answer. She couldn’t have been that mad at you, especially after that voicemail she left you
  “Evan, I’m.. I need to talk to you. Please call me back.” You listened to the message again, examining it closer to listen to the tone of her voice. Deciding to call her again, hoping that she would answer you
  “Katie, I don’t know what’s going on. I’m starting to worry, call me.” You sighed before sending another stream of texts but still no response, choosing then to call her mom, “Leny, have you heard from Katie? She’s not answering me...”
  “Sorry, sweetheart,” she replied, “I talked to her yesterday but she did say she would come to the Veteran’s Fund Bake Sale this weekend”
  “How did she sound? When you talked to her?”
  “She was a little upset,” she confessed before her tone shifted to fear, “Evan, what’s going on?”
  “I’m sure everything is fine, Leny, I’m just having a hard time getting a hold of her. I’ll get her to call you when I talk to her okay?”
  “You’re starting to worry me. Did you not talk to her yesterday? She said she tried calling you”
  “She did,” you sighed, “I was working all day so I didn’t have a chance to call her back until the end of the night.” After a few more worried words from Helena, you ended the call and got into your car, rushing to Katie’s house, “Mads, have you heard from Katie at all?” you asked your sister as you swerved through the L.A. streets
  “Yeah, I talked to her yesterday. She was wondering if you were ignoring her all day. It was a pretty abrupt call, she was upset but she seemed... frantic”
  “When did you talk to her yesterday?”
  “I don’t know,” she said, picking up on your panic that then found its way onto her tone, “it was pretty late. Maybe like 10?”
  “I texted her at midnight but she never answered me...” you added
  “Do you think something’s wrong?” she asked, “where’s Alex?”
  “I’m heading over to her place now... If she’s not there, I’ll head to Alex’s school -- he should be there. She would’ve dropped him off, her mom hasn’t talked to her yet today so she wouldn’t have picked up Alex.”
  “Let me know, okay?” she urged and you agreed before hanging up. When you got to Katie’s house, things were eerily perfect. No one was home but there was also no mess -- Alex’s toys were put away, there were no dishes, no dirty dish towels like there usually were and everything was quiet -- like someone had cleaned up a crime scene. You started running through the rooms to try to find some sign that everything was fine, that something terrible didn’t happen, when you heard the familiar ring come from Katie’s room. You looked on her screen to find all the messages you had sent her and the failed attempts that her mom had tried as well.
  “Shit” you growled to yourself before running back out to your car to drive to the school, when the school said Alex hadn’t checked in that day, you drove to Nick’s house
  “YO! FIREMAN, WHERE’S THE FIRE?” he joked but his face dropped when he saw your scowl, “what’s up, Evan?”
  “Have you talked to Katie or Alex today?” you said
  “No..” you let out a sigh before looking behind him, noticing Big Jeff wasn’t lurking around like he usually was
  “Where’s your bodyguard?” you snarled
  “Jeff called in sick this morning. I wasn’t going anywhere so I said it was fine...” he furrowed his brow as you ran back to your car, “what’s going on?!” he yelled to you but you were so focused that you didn’t reply. You called in a missing person for Katie and Alex, urging them to put out an AMBER alert immediately, before you frantically searched around the city.
  “They’re missing” you said to Maddie
  “What?” she said
  “They’re not at home and Alex never showed up at school. He didn’t check in or out. No one has talked to them or seen them”
  “What about her client? That kid, Nick?”
  “I was just there. Maddie, I think his bodyguard took them...”
  “You don’t know that” she tried
  “Nick said he called in sick and Big Jeff was always looking at Katie like he owned her...”
  “Even if he does have them,” she said calmly, “she’s tough. And she’s not just fighting for herself, she’s fighting for Alex, too.”
  “I know...” you sighed. It was exactly you were afraid of, knowing that she’d fight to save Alex before she fought to save herself meant that there was a chance neither of them would make it out alive.
Katie’s P.O.V
  You woke up in a dark room with your hands tied behind your back and you searched the room for Alex, trying to be as quiet as you could
  “Alex, baby,” you whispered to your son as he whimpered beside you, “baby, listen to me. I need you to look at me”
  “Mommy, I’m scared” he sobbed, lobbing his head onto your shoulder
  “I know baby but we’re gonna be okay”
  “I wanna go home”
  “Me too, sweetheart, me too.” You kissed the crown of his head before resting your head against his, letting loose a tear that you’d been trying to hold back since Jeff forced you into his car. You looked around the room to see if you could find any light or any clue where you were but there was nothing; The ground was cold so you assumed it was concrete but you couldn’t tell how big or small the room was. When a light suddenly shot on, your heart pounded in your chest and you moved in front of Alex
  “Who’s hungry?” he asked, earning a scowl from you before he turned on a light, exposing the box of a room you were in
  “Why are we here?” you sneered
  “So I can keep you safe...”
  “Keep us safe?”
  “Yes,” he said quietly, leaning in front of you and pushing your hair behind your ear, you backed away from his touch, “the way Jesse would have wanted”
  “You didn’t even know him!”
  “Didn’t I?” he asked and you furrowed your brow, “he had dark hair, almost black but not quite. He was born in Atlanta but moved to Peachtree when he was just 2 months old so it was always home to him. He met a slew of girls over the years who all fell head over heels for him but he never thought anything of them until you. The girl who looked into his soul with only a glance. He would talk about the way your hair danced in the sun and the way your eyes sparkled in the moonlight. You were the one that changed everything for him. It was like you were there with us, I could almost picture you right in front of me while he was explaining you to the squad. But then he showed us your picture, before Alex was born, and we all saw what he saw...” He smiled an almost menacingly smile, forcing a feeling of anger boil up inside you, “then... you had Alex and he was more in love with that boy than he ever was with you. It was the darnedest thing, how such a strong man like Jesse could turn into jelly because of such a small, meek little thing”
  “Don’t.” you stopped him from touching Alex, “you dare touch him”
  “Feisty.” He smirked before standing up to walk over to what looked like a lawn chair, “he said you were like that. Said that’s what he loved about you the most. But the war... that place, it broke him. He had to come back because he had to fix himself, that’s what he said, he said he needed to get better for you and Alex and that being a SEAL would fix him; it would make him better.” He leaned his forearms on his knees so you could get a clear look at his face, “when he felt like his time had come, he asked me to look after you. To take care of you and Alex. To keep you both safe.”
  “You’re lying!” you yelled, “why did I never hear about you? He told me about everyone in his unit, they came to his funeral. I met them. You weren’t there”
  “I was,” he countered, “I was in the back. I left early, Jesse’s wishes. See, he knew you’d never agree to having a bodyguard of your own, so if I was going to keep you safe, I’d have to do it from a distance.” You shook your head in disbelief
  “So you followed me? All the way to L.A.? You stalked me from Georgia?”
  “I told you,” he sneered, anger rising on his tongue, “I had to keep you safe!”
  “Evan was right about you,” you scoffed, “I never liked the way you were around me much either but he knew, he figured you out that first time he met you. And you knew that he knew that’s why you didn’t like him”
  “HE’S NOT GOOD FOR YOU!” he yelled, “he’s going to hurt you. He already did. He left you that night. I watched him leave. You were all alone in that cab when he could’ve been with you. Jesse never would’ve left you like that. He would’ve insisted that you go home with him to fight about whatever you needed to fight about but he never would’ve left you alone.” He continued, moving down to his knees and clutching your face in his hands, “I never would’ve left you alone... I needed to show you.. prove to you how dangerous it is for you to be alone. Without Jesse. Without me.”
  “Stop it” you whispered
  “We’re going to make this work.” He picked you up forcefully, leaving Alex behind, while you frantically flailed in his arms
  “LET GO OF ME!” you screamed
  “BE QUIET!” he shouted, “He’ll be fine.”
  “Please don’t hurt him, please don’t hurt him, I’ll do whatever you want but please don’t hurt my baby. Let him go.” You pleaded, bargaining with your entire might, “you can have me, do whatever you want with me, but let him go. Please, he doesn’t deserve any of this”
  “And leave him without a mother?” he questioned as he finally placed you on a mattress in a pale blue room that looked too familiar to ignore, “no if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done that already. No no, I’m not going to hurt either of you. We’re going to start over, here. Like it was supposed to be.”
  “I don’t understand” you said, looking around at all the details of the room when it finally hit you. He’s recreating your house in Peachtree
  “You recognize it don’t you?” he smiled, “I saw pictures and did the best I could. Of course, there’s things I couldn’t get. But the wall colour is the same, the sheets are the same, the quilt was hand made to look like the one your Oma had made you. There’s pictures,” he pointed at the dresser to the frames that held Photoshopped images of him with you and Alex. Images that used to have Jesse in them, “on the dresser that’s the exact same as you had. I bought it off the lady who bought your house. She said she had no use for it, it was too old fashioned she said...”
  “Wh--” you stuttered before he brought out a black bag, opening it to grab chains, “no no no no no, please don’t!”
  “It’s only for a little while I promise,” he said, holding your arms tightly so he could put the shackle on your wrist, “it will only hurt if you struggle. But look it’s not even tight!” Once he put the rest of the shackles on your other wrist and your ankles, he walked out of the room, leaving the door open and you could hear him making his way back to the basement. You tried to fight your way out of the chains but there was no use, the bedposts were too far apart and the metal was too strong. You looked into the hallway, noticing the room that was made to look like Alex’s old room, right down to the T-Rex wallpaper, when Jeff walked through with your son in his arms
  “ALEX!” you called to your son, who cried out for you, “BABY! I’M HERE, MOMMY’S RIGHT HERE!”
  “MOMMY!” he cried once more. You finally let the tears fall down your cheek when you heard the fear in your sons voice, praying that you would see him soon.
  “Alright,” Jeff said when he finally walked back into the room he’d made for you, sitting at the edge of the bed beside you, “I have to go make an appearance with Nick. I’ll be back before dinner and then we can all sit down and talk about our days, okay?”
  “You won’t get away with this,” you challenged, eyes burning with tears of anger now, “Evan will find us. We’ll get away from you.”
  “See you in a bit.” Once you heard the front door shut, you called out to Alex
  “Mommy when can we go home?” he asked
  “I don’t know, sweetie,” you confessed, “but listen, I need you to be a brave boy for me okay? I need you to go along with what happens tonight, okay? He won’t hurt you, I promise. I won’t let him.”
  “Are you hurt, mommy?” he asked and your heart just about broke at his words
  “No sweetheart,” you tried to contain your sobs, “I’m okay. Are you hurt?”
  “I’m hungry” he replied and you laughed to yourself
  “We’ll eat soon.” And now all you could do was wait. Wait for Jeff to come back, wait for him to fall asleep, wait for him to wake up and do it all again. Wait for him to, hopefully, realize how crazy this all was and let you both go. Wait. Just wait.
Evan’s P.O.V
  “It’s been three days!” You shouted at the Detective who was working on Katie’s case, “and you’re not any closer to finding them! You know the odds of finding a child alive after 24 hours! You should be working harder!”
  “Buck, Buck!” Athena pleaded, “listen to me, you need to calm down”
  “They’re doing the best they can with what they have to go on” she tried
  “’Thena, you know the odds as well, better than I do. Alex could be--”
  “He won’t be,” she interrupted you, “I know the odds. But that’s when the child is alone. Alex has Katie and there is no way that girl is going to let her son die, no Sir.”
  “What if she couldn’t stop it?” you asked, “if he died that first night, she would’ve just given up and you know it.”
  “They’re both still alive. Trust me, they’re tough.” You could tell that Athena was keeping something from you but trying to decide if she should tell you
  “What is it?” you asked, “what aren’t you telling me?”
  “Before they disappeared, Katie came to talk to me. About that night at the bar. She couldn’t place a lot of the night after you left.”
  “She was drunk?” you said, confused
  “She didn’t drink enough to black out, Buck,” she added, “she said she could feel hands and breath on her when no one was around.”
  “I don’t...” it took you a second to fully understand what she was trying to say, “are you saying she was...”
  “She wasn’t sure, so neither of us could be certain,” she admitted, “but yes. From the way she spoke, I think it was pretty clear that she was.”
  “Buck,” Bobby interjected, seeing the fear and anger build on your face, “come on, let’s go. Let these guys take care of what they need to take care of, okay?”
  “I can’t just not look for her, Bobby”
  “You need to take a step back from this. This isn’t like Maddie,” he urged, “you don’t have any idea where this guy could’ve taken her. Nick said that Jeff always just drives him around in his cars so he’s never seen Jeff’s personal vehicle. We don’t know what to look for so it’s gonna take a little longer...”
  “Cameras...” you tried but Bobby shook his head
  “Let’s go.” He repeated, leading you to his car and driving the two of you around the city, which you assumed was a tactic to clear your head
  “Look, Cap,” you started, “I appreciate what you’re trying to do but I can’t ride around town with you. I need to look for her”
  “Okay,” he said calmly and you scoffed in surprise, “where do you suggest we start? You tried the school and her work. You went to her house and you talked to her mom all on that first day. Then you called in a missing persons and put out an AMBER alert. You did everything you’re supposed to do, so what do you suggest now?”
  “I..” you stuttered
  “Should we just knock on every door in L.A. County?” he continued, “who’s to say he hasn’t taken her across State lines?” You couldn’t think of what to say, he was right, you had no idea where to start, you just needed to find them. The car was suddenly quiet until your phone rang
  “Hello?” you greeted frantically
  “Buck?” Nick said from the other end of the line, “yeah, I just thought I’d call to check in. Have you heard anything?”
  “No, nothing yet”
  “So that information didn’t help?” he asked and you sat up in your seat
  “What information?” you asked
  “The information about Jeff. From a few days ago?”
  “Nick, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Did you see Jeff?”
  “Fuck, did nobody call you?” he sighed, “Fuck! Jeff came by that day that you came to my house. Like six hours after or something, after the alert had gone out. He called in sick that day so I was confused as to why he was there. I had a bunch of people here and I asked if he’d seen what was going on”
  “You told him about the AMBER alert?”
  “Not really. I just asked if he’d been watching the news. He said no, I dropped it and asked why he called in sick that day and he said he got really sick that morning -- puking and shit -- so he thought he had the flu but when he got better, he felt like he should come in to check on me.”
  “NICK!” you shouted to get him to focus, putting him on speaker so Bobby could hear, “what information were you supposed to give us?”
  “His car, man,” he finally said, “I’ve never seen it before but it looked like an old car, like a Mustang or something. One of those Classic cars but completely restored. It was black, with chrome detailing. I would say like a ‘65 or ‘67, it had those circle headlights like those old Mustangs used to have...”
  “Thanks, Nick,” you said, nodding to Bobby who was already calling Athena, “and next time. Tell someone yourself okay?”
  “Noted.” He said before you ended the call, letting out a small sigh of relief
  “This is something right? A lead?”
  “Looks like it kid” Bobby smiled 
  “That kid, I swear to god”
  “It was an honest mistake”
  “Yeah an honest mistake that cost us three days...”
  “They’re fine, Buck, they’re gonna be okay.”
Katie’s P.O.V
  Jeff would come and go as he pleased but he’d always curl up next you in bed after unshackling your wrists and ankles -- it was the only way he could spoon you -- and you watched carefully where he put the key on the slim chance that you were able to sneak out from under him and get to Alex. That day never came, every time you tried, he’d shift and your arms would be pinned to your chest, so you’d wait and hope and wish and do it all over again. You would imagine getting out and taking Alex as you both ran back home but then Jeff would whisper in your ear
  “This is exactly how it should be” he’d say and you’d shiver at the feeling of his breath on your skin
  “I forgot what the sun feels like” you croaked out one day
  “What?” he replied
  “I think we should have a picnic,” you added, “the three of us. I think it would be lovely. Don’t you? Just our little family, sitting under the sun...”
  “It sounds perfect”
  “So we can do it?” you asked eagerly
  “Let me set something up in the backyard.” He quickly got up and you could hear him rummaging around in the kitchen before kicking open a door. You turned on your back, your wrists and ankles free for the first time since you got there, and you could taste your freedom. You could see it, it was so close. So you tried to run to Alex but you hadn’t walked on your own in days, it was if your legs had forgot how to work, “oh no, what happened?” Jeff cried when he found you lying on the ground
  “I turned the wrong way,” you lied, trying to push yourself up, “I fell...” He helped you up, putting his arm around your waist and draping your arm across his shoulders while you walked toward where Alex was sleeping
  “Let’s go get our boy.” He smiled before greeting your son, who looked as though he’d been starved
  “Baby, we’re going outside,” you said with a raspy voice, “isn’t that great?”
  “Mommy...” he whispered before Jeff took him away from the chains that were strapped to his wrists and ankles, as they usually were on you. You took his hand in yours as Jeff helped you out to the back porch.
  “It’s so bright,” you groaned, “I forgot how bright the sun could be. But it feels so nice on my skin, doesn’t it Alex?” he nodded at you as you both sat down, Jeff sitting across from the two of you and smiling to himself
  “This was a lovely idea.” He added all the while not taking his eyes away from either of you. You hoped you could find some way out, some quick escape route, that you could somehow convince him to do this again another day once you’d found that route but, with him staring at you so intently, you feared he would know what you were planning, so you smiled at him just sweet enough to get him to look down, “can’t you just imagine another little one running around? A little girl?” You looked quickly at Alex as you keep Jeff distracted, “wouldn’t you like to try for a little girl?” You knocked down a glass, forcing a groan from him and he huffed as he went back inside to grab a towel to clean it up.
  “Come on baby, quickly.” You whispered to Alex, who grabbed your hand and followed you down the staircase toward the gate. Your legs were still wobbly, so you moved slowly but you managed to hide the two of you at the side of the fence once you were through the gate, keeping your hand over Alex’s mouth so Jeff wouldn’t hear, “we have to be quiet baby okay. We’re gonna be okay, just have to be quiet...”
  “Alright..” you heard Jeff laugh, “where’d you two go? I don’t like playing games like this...” You leaned your head against the wall while you waited for him to go back inside
  “Quietly, sweetheart,” you whispered, “we’re gonna go to the road okay? But very very quiet, understand?” he nodded and you both crept through the front yard, stopping every once in a while to make sure he wasn’t around. When you didn’t see him, you decided it was as good a time as any to make a run for it
  “YOU BITCH!” you heard Jeff yell
  “GO BABY, RUN!” you called to Alex, hoping he’d listen to you
  “MOMMY!” he cried
  “Get back here, right now!” he shouted, marching toward you when you fell suddenly very aware that you were surrounded by nothing but trees and you could barely walk
  “GO ALEX! DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME, I’LL BE FINE!” Jeff picked you up by your hair and dragged you through the yard, “no no no no, please, stop, leave him alone!” you screamed as he made his way to Alex who had stopped to make sure you were okay, “STOP IT! ALEX BABY GO! PLEASE!” But Jeff made it to him first and dragged both of you back into the house, forcing you to watch as he shackled your son tightly back onto the bed before pushing you into the bedroom
  “You shouldn’t have done that...” he sneered
  “DON’T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME LIKE THAT, YOU CONNIVING LITTLE CUNT!” The back of his hand whipped across your face so hard, you fell back onto the bed, “I’ve given you everything! Done everything for you and you have the nerve to argue with me?! To run away from me? Why would you do that?”
  “Please...” you begged him to stop
  “Now, look at all of this blood...” he sighed, “we’re gonna have to get you into new pajamas.” He stripped you of your clothes while you wiped the blood from your mouth, finally noticing the red stains on the white fabric that he’d torn from your body. He forcefully began dressing you into a fresh set of PJ’s before pushing you onto the mattress, putting the shackles back onto your wrists and ankles. You knew you should probably apologize, that it would make things easier and safer for both of you, but you couldn’t. You were too angry and too exhausted, so you scowled as tears crept down your face, Jeff rubbing his forehead with his hands, “get some sleep, Katerina.” He turned the lights off and slammed the door shut while you struggled in the chains but they were tighter this time and you could feel the shackles tearing your skin.
  “Mommy?” Alex whispered through the vent that the two of you had discovered you could communicate through around the third day you were there
  “I’m so sorry, baby,” you sighed, “I thought he wouldn’t catch you. I’m so sorry” you whimpered as you held back your tears
  “Do you think we’ll ever go back home?”
  “Of course baby, we’ll make it. We’re gonna make it.” You squeezed your eyes tightly as you tried to calm him, “hey do you remember that story that Oma used to tell you when you couldn’t sleep?”
  “About the brothers and the dragons?”
  “Yes. The Four Clever Brothers... Do you remember what they had to learn?”
  “Their crafts! One was a thief, one was a hunter, one knew the stars and the other...” he hesitated
  “Was a tailor.” you chuckled softly, “the four brothers had to save a princess from a dragon after it takes her away from the village. But they don’t know if they have the right skills.”
  “But they did!” he exclaimed
  “That’s right,” you smiled, “together. Each had their own skill that, alone, would’ve killed the princess but together they were able to save her and bring her back to the King safely. That’s us, baby.”
  “It is?”
  “We will get out of this together because we are strong. Stronger together than apart okay? I won’t leave you, I promise. No matter what happens, we’re gonna make it together.”
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cosmicclownboy · 4 years
"Not that I don't mind our little bonding one to ones but may I ask why we are doing this again?" "So you know that my toxic masculinity bro days are over. Me and Rosa did a quiz today and turns out blue is my spirit colour so let's get to it, Manes". 
Excitedly clapping and inspecting the bottle with his fingers Kyle looks at peace so who is Alex to object to it. He can't say teen Alex expected this friendship to flourish again let alone be sitting in Kyle's apartment with a bottle of red painting Kyle's nails with a shade called Sultry Sapphire. But Alex knows more than anyone that adaptability is a huge part of life. Change is inevitable. And this is a change that he's glad for. It doesn't feel weird or out of place. It feels almost like he's slowly refinding everything he once lost. Jenga tournaments as kids turned into drinking games and poker and fishing turned into going to the same gym. Eventually, Isobel fishes out which gym and excitedly exclaims gym buddies. It's actually really fun even if he has to witness his training on her Instagram feed. Being in an alien exist clubhouse is difficult him and Kyle have pretty heavy-duty careers and having the most practical sense vs the people in said group who would prod a bear simply to see how it would react well their friendship blossomed. Finishing the last touches he goes for the wine in a latte mug.
"Right this will dry in a couple of minutes. Then it's my turn, Manes. I hope you're ready for iridescent fantasy 69". He almost groans at the choice in colour with swirls of blues, pinks and purples Alex is immediately taken to the pieces in Michael's bunker all shiny and beautiful. Judging by the smirk he gets the Ortecho Valenti sibling team-up happened behind the scenes. "Seriously where did Rosa get these from? there are two women on the front having sex" "Someone she met in rehab - don't ask"
"So....hows things in the dating universe?" "Forest and Liz signed me to Grindr without my permission.....and there's only so many times I can open up a message to see literal junk mail. I also went out on a date with a man who's fetish was sucking toes he seemed unnaturally interested in the prospect of banging a man with only the one foot. Four times. Four times I've been set up with someone with the oddest fetish". This seems to gage a reaction out of Kyle who rolls a little around the floor with a chuckle holding the brush from the nail polish close to his chest trying his best not to sour the rug. "Alex you've spent the last ten years fucking an alien. You have a rain fetish dude and don't even try it Liz told me about your rain scented angst candle sessions" Oh, he is going to have words with Liz. "Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I got pegged behind a target" Alex groans heavily.
Liz feigns ignorance when Alex corners her in the Crashdown and she, of course, tries to bat her eyelashes at him thinking it'd affect him. He's a man of stone. He will not be immediately forgiving by a kind smile.Nope.Not happening. It at least has to include a free hug and the first round of drinks which occurs a week later dressed in his tightest jeans and Kyle moping because Steph left had him. Liz and Kyle made it to Planet 7 a place Kyle thrives in. "Look it's glitter night Kyle you love glitter night the shots are half off".Liz is doing her best to brighten the mood despite her own romantic failings anytime the name Max is spoken she looks haunted. And hey who is he gonna judge he knows how easy it is to get an alien under your skin he's hitting 12 years in a month and he's wondering what it would be in anniversary terms. Google tells him it's silk he almost laughs at the idea of giving Michael any clothing in that fabric the man was rugged jeans and t-shirts. When his phone is stolen by Liz who pushes a shot in his direction he remembers why he's here. Have fun with his friends. Solidarity in suffering. The drinks flow easily to the booth he's had a pina colada some other fruity drinks and a bunch of shots. At first, he didn't feel anything, not even a buzz but after twenty minutes he feels sluggish and slow. Everything moving at a different rate then it did before. You should call Michael" Liz is shouting it off from the dancefloor of which she's tripped twice on and yet somehow she's beaming. Everything just kind of blurs together after that doesn't even realise he's on his bed until his hands are grasping the pillow. And faintly he feels a kiss on his head.
Drinking is a fun idea until the Hangover hits. He's starting to remember why he doesn't usually drink. His head is just throbbing he's trying his best to turn on soldier mode darting his eyes around trying to survey the room. Okay, the only clothes by the bed are his that's good. That's great one thing he doesn't have to worry about. There are a couple of pills on a plate by a glass of water with the box to show him what it is. And he's pretty sure there's a bin by the bed and end table... Someone took care of him. Who? He takes a very long shower water hits his skin until he feels anew or at least a little more bearable. It's only when he's drying off and hearing a faint hum of music that he remembers. Oh god.
"Guerin, it's me, Alex ... shoul-should of probably said Alex first how can you know it's me it's unspecific. Can you come home now my beds all big and fluffy and I want your fluffy hair in it.I miss your hair it's soft. Can you come save me Kyle keeps waving me over to dance with a drag queen and a stripper and I don't want to- "MIKEY WE'RE AT PLANET 7 COME DANCE WITH US" He really can't catch a break. "You know every minute you stay in there is a minute longer the pancakes get cold. And you should know I make a mean stack of chocolate chip pancakes"
He doesn't know what he's expecting when he first leaves his bedroom. He's nervous. After the song, he promised himself he would not make the first move. If Michael wants him he's going to have to say it in words to his face and communicate it to him. He's tired of metaphors and unspoken words. Trust drunk Alex to immediately ignore what he wants and skip right to the stroking Michael's hair part. Which yes he wants to do all the time. He finds Michael in the kitchen using a metal utensil as a mirror checking his teeth, his hair before straightening his shirt and patting his jeans down. He's nervous too. His heart stutters a little at the thought. Michael places the table settings and looks up with a small smile. "Hi" "Hi" He gestures to the table. "It's not much I had to run to the store you have the cupboard of an 18-year-old student" Even hungover and tired he can't fight the smile on his face. "Between my work hours and alien scooby sleuthing don't always have the time or energy" "I'm sor "If you apologise I will steal all your pancakes, Guerin" Despite his head throbbing and his leg killing him it's probably the best morning he'd had in a long time. A bird is flying past the window. His dog is sleeping soundly in his bed. The smell of flowers from the vase in the middle of the table is melding with the smell of warm chocolate. And if he dares a glance from his plate he sees the man he loves chewing on pancakes slowly with a small smile on his face. It's peaceful like something out of a movie.
"I don't know if you remember the voicemail you gave me you were pretty wasted. I gave all of you guys a ride home. Valenti threw up on my sneakers I uh was glad I wasn't wearing my good boots" Michael looks the most vulnerable he's seen him in years moving his fork around the pancake in front of him. He drops his fork and squeakily moves his chair closer and reaches for both his hands. "I'm so sorry for everything. This past year especially" Michael is trying his best to hold back his tears sniffing trying to get whatever words he wants to get out - out. "You know I've uh been seeing a therapist the last couple of months and she's great you know she calls me out on my victim complex crap and gives me all kinds of homework that sometimes bugs me but it's been helping. She asked me to write a list of things I wanted and at first, I couldn't do it for weeks I just stared at the page and couldn't I didn't think I deserved to write one. Eventually, I did. Can I read it to you?"
He squeezes his hands briefly before bringing his hands to his cheeks softly stroking in encouragement.
"Number 1, Don't be angry anymore it doesn't make you happy it hurts you and it's hurt the people that you love. Number 2, Spend more time with Max and Isobel as a family. Number 3, Remember you are loved and wanted by Isobel, Max, Sanders and Alex make sure to let them know that they are your family. Number 4, tell Alex that you stole his guitar on purpose that day you heard him play at work once and you just wanted to know him. Number 5, tell Alex that stealing his guitar and falling in love with him was the best thing that ever happened to me. You can read the rest if you want" The list is the closest thing to a love letter he's ever gotten off of Michael and everything he reads is everything he wants for Michael. He wants Michael to be happy to love himself to know he's wanted and love. Even seeing minor things like I want to hold Alex's hand makes him emotional. He wants all those things too. He wants a life with Michael. He wants Michael. And everything he reads and hears as Michael reads out the lines without the paper has his heart racing.
There no longer are metaphors in the air it's words pure and simple.
He supposes he should kiss Michael but he chooses a different kind of embrace one he wanted to do for a while he wraps Michael in a hug it's warm and tight he hopes he knows in this hug how much he loves him. And if he doesn't know he can say he'll say it every day until Michael understands it. "Want to watch a bad movie on the couch and cuddle?" Michael's grip on his shirt lessons and a muffled chuckle and a nod is conveyed against his chest. Armed with coffee and a bag of chips they make their way on the sofa. The question of big spoon is gone straight away when Michael makes grabby motions with his hands. His head is pressed into his chest and Alex feels at home and at peace. They flick through the channels. "Have you seen this one?" "Have I seen a film about a flesh-eating octopus fighting a giant shark? no, can't say I have". The movie is terrible as expected laughably so but the thing that makes it one of his favourites is Michael's anger towards the films plot. "So the giant shark was actually a robot designed by a bored rich kid who wanted to prod fish which caused the flesh-eating octopus to become feral and murder a bunch of people? They didn't explain anything about the flesh-eating octopus the whole plot doesn't make any sense" Rubbing his stomach in low circles and dotting a kiss to his collarbone he smirks at Michael's investment. "And another thing -mmph" He leans back. Michael's eyes are closed his lips are puckered he pouts when he realises he hasn't come back up to kiss him "You were saying?" "I'm shutting up now....hey come back up here and kiss me"
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x10 - American Woman
SECRETS OF THE PAST — After uncovering a cryptic message from the past, Alex (Tyler Blackburn), Isobel (Lily Cowles), Max (Nathan Dean), Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Maria (Heather Hemmens) set out in search of answers at the reservation where Alex’s mother grew up. Meanwhile, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) encourages Liz (Jeanine Mason) to reach out to someone from her past after Auturo (guest star Carlos Compean) gets detained. Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingaro & Jason Gavin (#210). Original airdate 5/18/2020. 
Tripp brings Louise to the Reservation in a body bag where the Navajo doctors are able to save her life.
"Your message said that you were gonna bring two women that would be no trouble.  This looks like a lot of trouble."
"I must have gotten the codes wrong."
"No, don't give me that Manes man nonsense. Not here in my own home."
"Her name is Louise. I promised her friend Nora I'd protect them. My brother triggered an ambush before I could get them here. And Nora…"
"Wait, what does the Air Force want them for?"
"They're not from around here. They're from...up north."
"Yìiyáh. No. She can't stay here… What if your brother comes here and finds a fugitive.  I can't put my people at risk for a white woman."
"Please. You're the only person I trust. If she doesn't make it, it was all for nothing."
"I'll have you remember that I was the one that saved your ass in Okinawa. I don't owe you anything. I'm only doing this because you're my family. And because I'm a damn fool."
A few notes on this scene:
--I don't know why Tripp pretends he got the codes wrong.  Unless he's spiraling and talking about the timing of the attack.  But it seems like he means the message that he was bringing them to the reservation.  Clearly things didn't go according to plan.  Though, it is always possible that we're still missing bits of the story.
--OG Easter Egg.  "They're not from around here.  They're from up north." For anyone who didn't watch OG, this is almost exactly how the exchange went when Max told Liz he was an alien in the 1999 pilot.
--Yìiyáh - I found nothing on this word.  I'm assuming that it's a curse word or general exclamation of negativity, but literally got zero results on google. It's possible, of course, that it's misspelled in the captions.  There were a lot of errors in the captions in this opening scene.
--While there really isn't any overt statement that Alex is half Navajo and this town is part of Navajo Nation (which has been in the news a lot lately and therefore is a good place in this country to be aware of), there's lots of clues or subtle enough statements that I feel like it can be accepted as fact, since: Harrison is a codetalker, the necklace is Navajo, tsela is a Navajo word. So I did a little peeking and it could work.  The closest Navajo town is about a 4 hour drive from Roswell.
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Navajo Nation: 
(side note - Navajo Nation has extreme poverty but also is utterly gorgeous. And the Tribe gets income from tourism. Just a few places there that I'm dying to go? Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, Shiprock.  Check it out.)
Liz comments on Max's irregular heartbeat, with literally no acknowledgment of the fact that she's straddling him and has a history of causing his heart to race...and other forms of lack of control (think 1x03).
"I'm excited about this though. You know Alex dug up all that info on our bio Mom. You sure you can't come?"
"Got to take my dad in for his blood tests. I want to check on Jenna too.  Cannot believe she's back in the hospital again."
"She's been in pain for weeks. I have no leads on the mysterious hunting van, and Charlie hasn't made contact."
"Hmm. To be fair, I do hear that phone service is a little spotty in flying saucers."
"Okay, I get that. You think my alien abduction theory is bogus."
"I know you're worried that this has something to do with you, but I don't think this is an alien thing."
"Cam and I had fractal burns on our necks. We had no memory of what happened. That's alien stuff. I just want clarity on something."
--Note that it's past time to abandon all hope of anything resembling a defined timeline for this show...once again we have weeks passing between episodes. This is the second time this season that the time passing has only been generically described as "weeks".  It's been at least a year since Liz came back to Roswell (per her conversation with Diego), but a year would be summer (late May or early June, specifically), and in this episode Isobel mentions that it's winter (which would be a year and a half).
Maria's pitch:
"In conclusion, esteemed members of the Roswell Tourism Board, while the Pony is normally a sanctuary for locals during CrashCon, I think that my plan to turn it into the Contact Cantina Pop-Up Bar will be a hit with alien fans."
"We're talking more money than we first speculated, aren't we now?"
"You know, Mayor Bernhardt, I forgot to tell you about our new morning cocktail… It's coffee, vanilla cream, and our best bourbon. Let me get you a double."
Note: so this is the famous Mayor Bernhardt. Funded by the Long family. Doesn't like immigrants. Had a racist relative who wouldn't give first prize to the black man.
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Maria's vision…
Herself, younger, sitting at the Pony bar. 
"You have to let me go! You're just crazy! And I'm trapped!"
And then she runs from the bar crying.
She's not wearing the necklace.
Describing it to Michael:
"I had a vision, but it was more like a memory. Of a fight I had with my mom when I was younger."
Isobel interrupts Michael and Maria to pick them up for the road trip. Just a few relevant excepts from this scene:
"Pack your bags. We're going on a family road trip."
"Is this why Max wanted the day off?"
"In the photo of Max and Isobel's bio Mom, there was a water tower. Alex recognized that water tower from the town where his mom grew up. You should come with us."
Alex and Forrest talk in the Crashdown:
"Hope that limp isn't from a paintball injury."
"Nope. Those bruises have mostly healed. I just got a new prosthetic. Takes a minute to get used to. You working on your book?"
"I write my book on my computer.  However, I write my angsty emo poetry in an angsty emo journal."
"I'm actually working on some poetry myself. Well, song lyrics, technically. It's a lot harder than it was in high school."
"Yeah, writing was easier for me when I was a kid too. Feelings...we bury 'em now. You just got to find that thing inside of you that doesn't have a voice. Lend it yours. You know? Listen, I have like, zero musical talent, but if you need help with the worst part, we could, uh…"
"Actually I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days to go talk to some recruits."
Michael interruptus, and the conversation goes casual.
--What happened to "angsty nerd isn't really my type." Or...was it FORESHADOWING!!!?! 😂
--Oh hi there clear shot of Forrest's clearly Deep Sky logoed ring…
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Cam has been having debilitating migraines that have been keeping her bedridden since the abduction.
Nurse Kate is a badass. she tries to keep ICE from getting into a patient's room. Liz hears her and hurries to the waiting room, where there's more ICE activity. Liz panics and tries to get Arturo out of the hospital, but she caught the attention of the ICE officers. However, Liz knows her rights.
"He has applied for his green card. I'm his sponsor, okay? This is his G-1145 right here."
"You can show that to the court."
"It's okay. Call the lawyer."
"No. He is a diabetic. It is illegal to detain a patient."
"Exigent circumstances. Move."
"No. Hey, this is an unconstitutional arrest and the ACLU will be all over you."
"Elizabeth, we respect the law in this family. If you're in trouble, who will take care of the mouse?"
--G-1145 is a request for confirmation that your green card application has been accepted:
--The timing of this all. Liz has been prepared for this moment all her life and would fight it to the point of getting arrested herself, if not for Rosa. Rosa's safety is the only thing that convinces Liz to step aside.
--As an only semi related note, this is a really interesting contrast to how they wrote Jeanine's character out on Grey's Anatomy.  
--Also feel like it would be remiss of me to not point out Liz's reactiveness and fightinf mentality is mirroring how Liz initially reacted to Max pulling her over in the pilot.
"Okay. So the Deputy on call says there's one detention center in the county. Here's the info."
"He doesn't have anything left in Mexico. No one. Nowhere to go."
"You can't think like that right now."
"I think like this always. Rosa and I used to recite our escape plan for if our parents got deported and we got separated in foster care. I begged my parents not to tell Santa where we lived because I was afraid he'd ask for papers. My whole life was built on a fear of this day coming, and it's here. If I'd have kept better track of his health, he wouldn't need these tests. I should have made him move to California. I thought we were safe being outside the hundred-mile zone, but after this election I should have known better. And I should have made him wear a sweater this morning because it's freezing out there. And what if he…?"
"...okay think. Is there someone we can call?"
"Kyle's at a conference, but I can have him call his mom."
"Do you know anyone with some real power? You know, Federal muscle?"
Cam gets dressed to take Liz to the Detention Center and Liz calls Diego for help.
The road trip group arrive at the reservation and meet Gregory Manes.  He says he remembers them all from high school.  He takes Max, Michael, and Isobel to learn about Louise while Alex and Maria go jewelry shopping.
Meanwhile Gregory is taking the Pod Squad to Louise's grave, but pauses for some flirting:
"You're still the Isobel Evans who convinced the basketball captain to pull four different fire alarms to get out of AP Gov, right? Yeah, legend. Here she is."
"Oh my God, it's covered in flowers.  It's winter."
"Rumor is they grow year-round unattended. She was a healer. I'm told she helped with trauma, addiction, that sort of thing. All without speaking."
"This another grave?"
"She was pregnant."
"Louise arrived gravely injured. And the baby didn't survive.
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--Louise died the same day the Pod Squad came out of the pods, confirming that she is probably the old woman on the reservation that was described in 1x09.
--Michael found the mysterious purple flowers growing on Louise's grave.
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Alex and Maria at the trading post.
"Are you okay? Seem a little off."
"I had a vision during a meeting this morning. It almost cost me a deal that could save the bar. Maybe I should just wear the necklace. Go back to being a social media guru. Slash barkeep. Slash magical trope in our redneck mayor's fantasy."
"So why did you really come today? Your ideal day off isn't fighting for the radio silence with Isobel Evans, so…"
"This is the back of my necklace. The word stamped in the silver says Tsela. The necklace is Navajo, so I thought maybe that was the jeweler, but no one I've asked here seems to know who made it. I just want answers."
"Well, there's a ton of silver jewelry for sale here. So why don't we just keep looking for something with the same stamp?"
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Pod Squad sharing a bottle of acetone by Louise's grave.
"Noah said our planet was war-torn. But the hell they found here can't have been worth it."
"Do you think that Louise's baby died from her injuries or do you think maybe it was never going to survive?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I was pregnant. When you died. Obviously I'm not anymore. I just can't help wondering if that was my last chance. Assuming that humans and aliens can't procreate because they're different species. Maybe that little baby wasn't viable."
"You almost died during the abortion, didn't you? I could feel it. Noah almost killed you again, huh? Oh, I need a minute."
After Max leaves Michael offers to be a sperm donor for Isobel if she ever wants to have a kid.
Liz at the Detainment Center
"It's Ortecho. Arturo Ortecho. He's my dad. And he needs gliclazide and beta-blockers. I brought both."
"We can't take contraband here, but there is an infirmary on-site, if he's here."
"You know, out of curiosity, did Nebane Abienwi visit an infirmary before he died of a brain bleed in your custody? What about Johana Medina León? She was 25 years old, okay? People walk through those doors and they die...Who's your supervisor? You need prior approval before conducting enforcement in a hospital. There was a compliance memo."
"Right, a memo, which is just like a law only not. Unless you calm down, I'm gonna arrest you for obstruction."
"Okay, Liz, maybe sit down.  Sir, I'm Deputy Jenna Cameron, and we appreciate your interpretation of your guidelines, but we have an urgent health concern about an inmate here, if you just wouldn't mind checking the system."
Jenna goes with the agent…when she returns...
"Do you have a court case next week for a vandalism charge?"
"What? Yes, but I didn't do it. I'm just gonna plead guilty and pay the fine. It's nothing."
"They denied your dad's green card application because of a misdemeanor on your record. You can't be his sponsor."
Jenna's headaches overtake her. Meanwhile, the ICE agent comes back with news:
"Here just came up. Ortecho is being transferred to El Paso for his deportation hearing. You can see him there around Tuesday."
--Liz's misdemeanor is taking the fall for Rosa's vandalism from when she was arrested by Sheriff Valenti in 2x02.
Gregory takes the Pod Squad to see Harrison who is on his death bed.  Manes boys are always welcome here, the woman tells them. Harrison is the only one Louise ever spoke to on the reservation.
"He met my great uncle Tripp Manes fighting in WWII.  Harry was a code talker."
Michael gets Gregory to leave with him so that Max and Isobel can go inside of Harrison's head. Their conversation:
"You look like her."
"Harrison.  You look different."
"That was a lesson I learned from Louise. How to take your mind to a better time when you're in pain. Come on. I haven't seen the sky in a while. I'll tell you about her...I taught Tripp the codes in the Pacific. That's how we set up the rescue. He was supposed to snuggle Louise and Nora here, but the plan fell apart."
In the past between Harrison and Tripp:
"You've changed. The man I met on that ship obeyed orders."
"Guess I saw what happens when good men fall in line with bad orders. I'm a Christian, Harry. When evil itself tells me to kill a woman with child, I disobey. Even if the evil looks just like my brother."
A nurse rolls Louise into the room in a wheelchair.
"Did you find a family for her?"
"There should be music where you take her. I think she's a dancer."
"You can give her a house full of music, Louise. Nora wanted me to protect you so that you could protect the child."
"No. He's coming for me and I can't even move. No. When the devil comes, I won't be able to fight for her. Please. It is hard to be a woman on your planet.  It's only gonna be harder still for her. Roy Bronson believed in meeting hatred with compassion. And I want her to be like him. A light in the darkness. A little star on the ground. I want that for both my girls."
"Where did he take the baby?"
"Can't say."
"No. Tell us where our sister went."
"She isn't your sister. Louise rarely spoke, but when she did, she spoke of two daughters. Two stars on the ground. She had no sons. You aren't hers. You came from something else...She lived for decades longer than she should have, trapped inside of a body that could no longer dance, waiting for a sign that you would be all right. She loved you."
Jenna wakes up back at the hospital.
"I asked them to run a new test. Your headaches are spinal headaches. Because there was a hole torn into your spinal cord."
"I'm sorry, what? My kidnappers gave me a spinal tap?"
"Do you mind signing off so I can look at your tox screen?"
"Yeah, of course, but, Liz, you don't have to do this, okay? Your dad, and…"
"I need a distraction. I can't leave for El Paso until tomorrow, and they're not letting him have visitors other than his lawyer until Tuesday, so...thank you for being here. You used your privilege to help me. I'm furious that I needed it, but I needed it."
--Reposado is a type of tequila
--Spinal Headaches:
Isobel and Max on what they learned from Harrison:
"You've always been different than me and Michael, okay? Always. You were the leader. From the start. I mean, you're the special one. You're the healer."
"I was. Now I can't even sneeze without my heart skipping a beat. All my life, no matter how weird things got, I never felt alone. Because I was your twin. Maybe I'm different. Maybe I'm a freak...I can't stop thinking about being chained up when I was a kid. It didn't feel like someone bad chained me up. It felt like I was the someone bad."
"Max, you're not dangerous."
"Saving people destroys me. But killing Noah? That felt good. I was high. And whenever I think about what he did to you, I want to chase that high. I wish I could kill him a thousand times. Louise mentioned the devil. Maybe something evil was chasing them. And maybe that something was me."
"Okay. I want to show you something. You see this hand on her shoulder there? See, Michael thought it was just someone who got cropped out of the photo, but no. Any female would recognize that body language. She does not want that hand on her. Louise said the devil would come. I think something evil was after them, but it wasn't you. I want to find out who it was."
Alex and Gregory:
"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you before we go. I also feel like I should congratulate you on getting out."
"Of the Navy?"
"Of the family. Getting out from under Dad."
"You got to break free of him, man."
"Do you feel free?"
"I don't think I get to be free until you are, Alex. You know, you're my brother. I wish that I would've stood up for you more."
"You know, I think he's actually getting a little bit better. It's like the stroke melted away the psycho in his brain or something." 
"If you can forgive him you should. Cast off the stone. Let me hate him for you. I owe you that much."
Back at the trading post with the whole road trip group.
"We scoured the store for jewelry that said Tsela on it, but nada. Although I did manage to spend an entire week's worth of tips anyway."
"Yeah it was printed on the back of my grandmother's necklace. I thought I might find some answers here."
"Well, apparently, it is Navajo for star on the ground. So, you guys ready to go?"
"Star on the ground.  Maria? What year was your grandmother born?"
"Uh, '48, I think?"
"Was she adopted?"
"Yeah. Oh my God."
"Your grandmother was my sister."
Note: The direct translation of Tsela is stars lying down. Interestingly, it's often a name in Navajo. When I googled it, the top results were names for Navajo boys.
Diego and Liz's conversation:
"Diego, I never would have reached out if it weren't an emergency. Thank your mom for me."
"The Senator was more than happy to call in a favor. She's always liked you."
"I like her too. We need more people like her."
"Look, we got lucky your dad got out at all, much less without an ankle monitor. And you pissed a few people off back there, so it's not likely that this is the end for you. Who's your lawyer? Or should I make some calls?"
"No, you've done enough. After what I did, I can't even believe you listened to my voicemail...How did you get here so fast?"
"I was at the airport in Phoenix when you called. Just had to reroute real fast."
"And how have you been?"
"Well, my fiancée left me. I'm kidding. No, I'm seeing someone.  It's getting pretty serious, so…"
"Good. Me too."
"Good. We can be friends...And don't take this the wrong way. Please tell me you're not wasting that incredible brain of yours writing alien hamburger puns."
"I am working on a few projects. Nothing I can talk about, but, I'm not wasting anything."
"Well, all the coolest studies make you sign NDAs anyway, so…"
"You know what? There actually is something...Do you know what butyricol is?  Worth a shot. It's this chemical I found in my friend's tox screen. I had never heard of it."
"Maybe you're slacking, Ortecho."
"I am sorry, it has only been a year. Did you literally forget everything about me?"
Note: I'm very pleased to say that when I googled butyricol, half of the top results were RNM related.  Definitely not a real drug.
Malex fight in the bunker:
"We're closed!"
"Hey, that alien console piece that Jim Valenti left me...You still have it?"
"No. I sold it on eBay."
"You didn't attach it to your console."
"I tried. Doesn't fit."
"So, Tripp left this for my dad before he died. My dad thought it was a code, but this is a reference sketch of this exact piece. My dad's been looking for this thing for 30 years and Jim Valenti had it all along...I'm gonna give it to him. I want to see what he does with it once he's got it. Look, if it didn't fit in your console, then it fits somewhere else. My dad could lead us there.""Your dad hunts aliens, Alex. He'll lead my family right off a cliff."
"I've protected you so far. That's not changing. Besides, he's different these days...I don't trust him, Guerin. I just…I'm asking you to trust me.""When we were kids, you believed people were good, despite humanity doing everything to prove you otherwise. And, God, I loved you for it. But what was charming when we were 17, it's just stupid now. How do you not see that? You believe there's some good in your father?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do. God forbid I have faith in people who don't give me a good reason to."
"That's not fair."
"No? Why is your hand covered? You miss your injury because you want to hurt. Your anger made you feel safe. I will always hate my father for what he did to you, but I don't want to live in that toolshed for the rest of my life. I don't want to walk around thinking that people don't change, that one day everyone's just gonna let me down, 'cause I am not building a damn rocket ship in a hidden lair. There's one way for me off this planet. And I need to believe in a reason to stay. I promise I'll keep you safe."
"Can't let you leave with that."
"What are you gonna do? Fight me for it?"
And then Alex leaves and is kidnapped. Hit over the head by an unknown assailant. The note from Tripp blows away.
Max and Liz are talking back at Max's house while Max drinks a lot of bourbon.
"You know, you never told me why your parents immigrated here in the first place."
"My dad wanted a family, but not in Juárez. There was no opportunity, no money. Women were disappearing there all the time. He didn't want my mom to be one of them. So he fled. You're wondering why your family came here."
"If I even had a family. I know so little about my own story. And the parts I thought I understood are just unraveling."
"Max. Family is the one area where I am certain that biology does not matter. Look, when I found out that Rosa was only my half sister that didn't change anything."
"This is different...There are only three of us on this planet, as far as we know. I mean, feeling disconnected from them makes me feel completely alone."
"Completely alone? I'm right here."
"When you needed a rescue today your Mensa society, old money son of a senator ex was there to answer your prayers. I couldn't even answer a call. You didn't need me."
"Oh my God. Okay, so would you prefer that I did need you? Would you prefer to come home to find me crying into my dad's windbreaker so that you can swoop me up and drive me to El Paso for his deportation hearing in the morning?"
"That's not fair. You wanted me to talk about today."
"Yes, okay. I'm sorry. I want you to feel better."
"Well, you think maybe you could go back in time and not meet someone as handsome as Diego? Seriously. He's like if someone mixed a cologne ad with a Kennedy. It's ridiculous. I will never feel adequate again."
"You're wrong. Max, let me be clear. You are objectively better in bed...And I never woke up on a Sunday morning to him singing Hank Williams in the shower...He never snuck unreasonable tips into my dad's checks. Or quoted Henry the Fourth. Coming home to you at the end of my worst days and my best days is the only rescue I need."
I actually found this background on the Ortechos to be fascinating.  In case you don't know Juárez is a pretty big city directly opposite the border from El Paso. It does have some huge crime issues. But it also is one of those border cities where the border is a little thinner. Like San Diego and Tijuana.  People live in Juárez and work in El Paso and vice versa.
If you want to see a really dark & gritty portrayal of Juárez, I'd highly recommend you to check out the American version of the show The Bridge.  Which literally deals with an investigation related to disappearing women.
Isobel and Maria at the Pony:
"She looks so determined."
"Yeah, neither of us would be here if she hadn't been. You know she was paralyzed 50 years and she still managed to use her powers to help ease troubled minds. You know how hard that is? To take on someone else's suffering? I mean, it doesn't just disappear. She would have been carrying all of that."
"She suffered so much loss."
"I don't know how to be worth it."
Michael on the bracelet.
"The beads are made with pollen from the alien flower. I found another plant growing at Louise's grave. Okay my working theory is that they grow from alien remains. There's this UFO lore about that Libyan desert where the flowers have been discovered before. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I know better than to think I can save Maria DeLuca. I hope you decide you can save yourself."
Max is still drinking after Liz went to bed.  At 4:04am Diego calls and wakes her up. 
"I made a call, about that toxin in your friend's system. Butyricol. It's a drug. It's a memory eraser. It was developed by a private organization and purchased by the military for weaponization. There's no approved application outside of violent combat."
Liz tries to call Alex, but he's too busy being unconscious in the back of his SUV.  So his kidnapper pockets his phone.
Max has a memory flash. There's fighting, weapons clashing, a woman's voice...all while he's chained down in the cave. Louise appears and kneels down to touch his shoulder.  He looks afraid, but she's trying to comfort him (even though she has blood splattered all over her white clothes). She smiles and nods and then cuts Max free of the chains with her alien weapon. She offers him her hand, but before he can take it a figure in white appears and he and Louise fight. Max cries out and hides his face.
Present day Max is visibly shook by the flash.
1.  Shelly Fairchild "Worry No More"
2.  Powerslide "Just You And I"
3.  Will Fox "Against The Tide"
4.  Tommee Profitt feat. Sam Tinnesz "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"
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angelkurenai · 6 years
Guardian angel - Alexander Calvert x Reader
Title: Guardian angel
Pairing: Alexander Calvert x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3k+
Prompt: Hello I loved reading your dating your co-star Alexander Calvert one-shot. So maybe you could do another one like maybe the reader gets injured (car accident or on set stunt gone wrong) and your bf (Alex) and the Supernatural cast and crew get the news and rush to be by your hospital bed/side? Just something to think about, I just really liked how in Co-Star you could Really tell they were a family and that was great to read about some more, Thanks!:)♥
A/N: I thought of adding an extra touch of fluff at the end and more romance throughout, so here we go!
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��My mom... She-” Alexander paused for a second, adding that much-needed small stutter for his character but in realityhe wasn't doing on purpose for Jack, but because he had forgotten his own lines “She said you'd- you'd-” he frowned in deep thought but in the end sighed heavily, burying his face in his hands.
“Cut!” the director yelled “Alright, uh Alex this is totally not working, I really hope you can see it too. Please just gather your thoughts, go through your lines once more, we'll need to go through the entire scene. Everyone else, take five minutes.”
“I'm... sorry.” he ended up mumbling, sighing heavily when he knew nobody, not to mention the very pissed off director, heard him. Truth was everyone was starting to get a little frustrated over his lack of concentration and struggle to remember any of his lines because it had made filming this scene take longer and every scene they had to film be put off. And that just meant more time on work and less time for sleep or time with family which nobody really liked. As if he didn't have enough things to worry about, being the reason to such a problem made it all worse. Because it meant he had to be kept away from you even longer and gosh was that painful.
It was hard for a close couple such as the two of you to be kept apart, let alone during a time he had no news from you.
“Hey” Misha's sympathetic voice made him look up, his own tired eyes meeting his “Don't stress yourself out for this, yeah? You've been the only one besides (Y/n) doing some actual work behind the cameras too, you just need to relax a little.”
“Yeah, no. No, I mean-” he rubbed his tired eyes “It's nto the only thing troubling me. It's that I- I can't concentrate at all, you know? My mind's always on-” he clenched his jaw, his head hanging low “I think I'm going crazy with worry here or I'm probably too paranoid but I- I can't help it because you know (Y/n), and you know us! We- we are sickly sweet, yes, and terribly clingy but it's all because we love each other a-and we've promised each other than even if there's distance between us we won't let it affect us a-and-”
“Whoa whoa! Alex! Hey! Alex, calm down!” it took a second for the younger actor to realize Misha was standing by his side with wide eyes, his hands on his shoulders shaking him to bring him back to reality “Is something wrong with (Y/n)?”
“Shit, sorry Misha. I just-” he dragged a hand down his face, hastily getting up from his seat “I gotta go check my phone for a second and then I'll- I'll be right back and we can practice the scene.”
“I- sure.” Misha only could mumble as he watched the young man rush towards his belongings with such seriousness it made him actually worry, so he couldn't help but follow but keep his distance.
“Hey, Misha!” Jensen whisper-shouted his friend's name, making him turn to look at him.
“Hey, good we found you!” Jared spoke to him as they both approached him “You have a scene with Alex right? I was thinking about this joke if you-”
“I really don't think now's the right time guys.” the blue-eyed man looked at his friends with a clenched jaw, shaking his head.
And their smiles immediately fell when they followed his line of sight and took notice of Alex look in frustration and, it became soon clear, worry at his phone. They shared a look and without needing to say a word they approached him.
“Hey Alex, is everything ok bud?” Jared's voice was low and gentle, worry on his features when he saw the actualdesperation on his face.
“Still no text or call.” his arms hung by his sides before he rubbed his burning eyes.
“No text from who?” Jared blinked as Misha's eyebrows raised in realization.
“(Y/n)” he breathed out, everything falling into place, but his stomach only tying in knots when he saw how desperate “(Y/n) has sent no texts and that's what's been worrying you.”
And it was true. He had not been able to pull a single scene off because he couldn't stop thinking about you and the fact that you had yet to call him back. He tried his hardest to be reasonable, that you were just too busy, but his mind kept coming up with the worst possible scenarios as to what could have possibly happened to you. And that was driving him crazy.
“I've-” Alex tried to swallow over the lump in his throat “I've been trying to reach her for hours now a-and she hasn't sent a single text back. She had the day off but kept busy by running errands but- We've- we've promised each other that no matter how busy our days are that we'll keep in touch one way or another. You guys know us a- and I've already sent countless messages and voicemails! I've tried calling but she hasn't answered and I just know that's not like (Y/n)! She-she never misses my calls and...” he looked around him only for his glossy eyes to widen “It's nighttime.” he breathed out instead “Sh-she didn't let her bodyguard drive her... she took her car.”
“Son of a bitch.” Jensen breathed out with wide eyes “I'll try her home number.” he hastily pulled out his phone.
“I'll call Gen in case they talked today.” Jared said, doing the same just as fast.
“You try calling her, again.” Misha rushed to get his phone as well “I'm gonna call-” but he paused mid-sentence and all four of them mid-movement when Alex's phone lit up and started buzzing.
He looked down, all-too-eagerly, but even the tiniest hint of smile faded from his lips. He felt his throat tighten when he muttered “I- it's an unknown number.”
“Alex, hold up. You need to calm down first.” Misha's words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the younger man rushed forward and the rest three trailed behind him, worried too but unable to understand the real fear cursing through his veins.
“They said she's in this floor, we need- we need to ask someone. Someone.” the panic was obvious in his words, expression and his frantic moves as he rushed down the long hospital hallway.
The second they got that phone call it felt like his entire world came crumbling down. Seeing an unkown number was scary enough in such a situation, but hearing a woman on the other end hearing they were calling from a hospital made the weight on his chest crush him like an elephant. The older actors had seen the way Alexander's eyes widened, filling more with tears and a choked gasp leaving his lips. He had whispered something hoarsely and it had taken him a some time to gather his thoughts and choked out the truth. It had made all of their hearts fill with panic as well.
You've been a part of the cast for years, even before Alex joined the show – they had actually gotten to know him trough you before he was casted, that you practically grew up with them. You were a family member and there was no denying it. And knowing how everyone in the cast and crew viewed you as that too, they didn't have to say a single word to the director more than what happened before he was cancelling all filming and kicking them out of the set to go find you as fast as possible.
They needed to make sure you were alright and they too knew they shouldn't leave Alex alone. The man was in a shook but as soon as the hard truth set in he was in utter panic and if he got hold of a car then he'd break every driving rule possible before he got to you, and they couldn't afford another accident either.
He paused, looking around with red-rimmed and frantic eyes in search of either a nurse or a doctor. The moment he spotted a reception desk he didn't hesitate to make a run for it as if his life depended on it, blurting “(Y/n) (Y/l/n). Th-they-I got a- a phone call saying sh-she was brought here after an-” a painful lump in his throat prevented him from saying the word “After an accident. We were told we'd find her here, do you know where they have her?”
“Uh miss (Y/l/n)-” she mumbled, typing your name “Yes, she's in the 221B but-” and no sooner had she said the room than the young actor was dashing away to find you, ignoring her calling after him “Sir, no. Please, you can't see her now, there doctor's in there with her.”
The three older men were more calm and able to hear but the words didn't register for them either because their own hearts were hammering painfully inside their chests, faster and harder with every step they took closer to your room. They did notice the the doctor exiting at that very moment but Alex's eyes were fixated on your room and doing anything to get in that he didn't stop until Misha held him back.
“Are you miss (Y/l/n)'s family?” the man asked with a frown.
“I'm- I'm her boyfriend and these are her- her friends. Are you the doctor?” Alex spoke up, his eyes moving back and forth, wide and desperate “Did you see her? Is she alright? Is she hurt? Is she- is she awake? How is she?”
“Alex, calm down.” it was until Jensen spoke in a calmer voice that the younger man realized his voice had raised and his looks probably gave away a man near the edge of breakdown, his hair a mess and his eyes red and glossy.
“She is awake, you don't need to worry sir.” Alex choked on his sigh at the doctor's words, but he was more than thankful “But-” it didn't last long “I cannot tell you for how long this will last. We barely saved her from falling into a coma, she has multiple injures some of which on integral organs and a few broken bones and ribs. It was a serious accident I'm afraid.”
“A-And what does that mean?... For her life?” Alex barely could barely hold back a sob but his fear was very much obvious.
The doctor sighed, making them all hold their breath “The first 24 hours are crucial and she will be kept under strict supervision but we have every reason to be hopeful. She is young and in good health, there are high chances she will be alright. Especially if she has friends and family by her side at this moment.”
Alex gave him a slow nod but it was mostly mechanical because his mind was only on you and his worry couldn't help fear of the worse “A-And-” he started in a hoarse voice “Can we see her now?”
“I wouldn't really-”
“Please” he spoke up before the doctor could finish his sentence “Please, I- I need to see her. She needs to see me. Believe me, it will help her a lot. It- It will make her feel much better.”
“Well, I do suppose that it will help to know she's not alone.” he nodded his head “Alright, but only one can enter now and only for a small amount of time. No more than ten minutes, alright?” he asked and got nods from all of them “You can decide. Have a nice day gentlemen.”
“You too.” was murmured softly by the three men as the fourth and younger one stared at the door while holding his breath. He placed his hand on the doorhandle but didn't move. It didn't take more than an encouraging pat on the shoulder, nod and reassuring smile from his coworkers and friends for him to just push it open.
The first sight that he took in was you, as it usually happened there was always something that drew him to you. Naturally so he could find you even in a crowd of a thousand people, as funny or impossible as that sounded. But this time he really wished he didn't have to, not with all those machines linked to your body; supporting you and practically keeping you alive.
“'Lex?” a weak, small voice caught his attention.
He blinked, his vision still blury from the unshed tears as he made his way towards your bedside “H-hey pumpkin.” his cursed himself in his mind for how shaky it was. He wanted to be strong for you the way you'd been so many times for him.
“You- you're here.” you choked, tears forming in your own eyes and your heart instantly swelling inside your chest when he gathered your one hand in his and pressed kiss all over your fingers and knuckles.
“Of course I am. Didn't you know it already?” he smiled “I'll always find my way to you, that's what guardian angels do.”
“I know, and you have never left my side once.” you nodded your head, smiling despite the tears forming in your own eyes “I'm sorry I- I didn't get to call you first. It happened out of nowhere and I-”
“Hey, hey it's ok. It's all fine, it's not your fault after all.” he cupped your cheek with his one hand, leaning in to kiss your forehead “I've- I've been having a bad feeling about it as well. We're probably the world's most needy and clingy couple, I don't think there is any other way I can describe it, but when you didn't answer my calls I knew something was wrong. So much so that I was starting to piss of the entire crew when I couldn't focus on the scene, I couldn't stop thinking about you.”
“I- I'm so sorry about this, Alex.” you closed your eyes, letting out a shaky sigh “Gosh you must have gotten so worried. And I- I would never want that for you.”
“You're far too perfect... I don't deserve you, (Y/n).” he whispered, pressing another kiss on your temple “How can you think of me right now? Baby, it's all about and getting back up on your feet I don't care about anything else. So- No, no don't apologize about anything, alright? None of this is on you. None of it.”
“B-but I- you had work and I just-”
“How can you seriously think of work at a time like this? You-” he rested his forehead against yours, looking deeply in your eyes “You nearly lost your...” but he couldn't say it “I nearly lost my world, I ain't gonna think about anything else but you. Because I don't care about anything else, you know you are the most important thing in my entire life. I gave up on everything and everyone as soon as I found out and I'm gonna stay here for as long as it takes.”
“No Alex, you can see I'm fine, you shouldn't give up on your work now. You must-”
“I told you it doesn't matter. Besides, I've got a free pass for as long as it takes. Everyone's worried and on edge for you as well, no work is being done as they all are worried about you. They're only waiting to make sure you're alright, you know how much everyone cares about you. Even the boys are outside waiting. And I'm gonna be alright as long as you are. I need you to promise you'll keep fighting for that.”
“Don't worry, you aren't gonna get rid of me that easily.” you grinned, bringing a hand up to run though his hair “Even guardian angels need someone to watch over them too.”
“Accepted... only once you're fully healed, though. And until then... you won't be getting rid of me all the while you're here or once they let you leave. So that means...” he kissed your cheek “You're moving in with me and I won't take no for an answer.”
“No, Alex I can't be a burd-”
“Nope” he shook his head, shushing you with a quick kiss on the lips “You're not a burden. Just consider this... practice, for when you finally move in with me for good, something that's gonna happen soon anyway.”
“I- alright.”
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Season 11: What’s worth watching
This is the second of 3 installments (season 10, season 11, season 12) because I think 13 and 14 are worth watching fully **I personally LOVED season 14, I haven’t loved one that much since season 5** && plus, this way you can watch the very final season of Supernatural without being confused!
Thanks to @longkissgoodnightbatmanandtwofac for asking me to do this. I actually really enjoyed it <3
Season 10 HERE
Season 11
Ep. 1 is… eh. I feel like you have to watch it, since it introduces you to ‘The Darkness.’ 
Ep. 2 isn’t worth watching in my opinion. The angels still have Cas/torturing him for info - they say he’s not their brother because he’s always picking the Winchesters over heaven (duh… you’re just now figuring this out??). We meet the new “Death” which is pretty important - her name is Billy, and she has it out for the boys. Promises that the next time they die, she’ll be the one to reap them, and they won’t be coming back. Baby Amara is going crazy/eating souls. They do the angel needle-in-the-head brain hacking thing to Cas, but then he escapes, kills them, goes to the bunker. And Crowley steals Amara to raise as his own. 
Ep. 3 You don’t need to watch this either. Rowena is recruiting witches, Cas is at the bunker still dealing with his curse (boys helping him), they have to keep the poor guy chained up because they can’t control his curse/reactions yet. ** Cas is super adorable all cuddled up in his blanket that Dean’s always wrapping him up with. Amara is a kid now (like 9 or 10ish yo). Crowley is feeding her souls and giving her an education (basically watching hitler speeches and shit like that). Rowena cures Cas. 
The last 5 minutes are worth watching. It’s Dean/Cas. You get some adorableness with Dean cupping sick Cas’ cheek, and some happy feelings with the boys at the bunker. 
Ep. 4 is a MUST WATCH. Shot entirely from Baby’s perspective, and is just overall amazing. 
Ep. 5 I didn’t like this ep. at all. In fact, I don’t even think I watched the entire thing when the season aired. There is a little Ghostfacers reference by the couple that gets killed at the beginning, though, which is cool. Shows at the very end of the episode Amara watching Dean the whole time and she says this creepy, “Bye, Dean. I’ll see you soon.” 
Have I mentioned yet that I hate the darkness/amara? I do. I hate her. 
Ep. 6 Not worth watching either. Amara is still walking around all barefoot and creepy, eating souls. Papa Crowley is mad. Sam wants to bring Cas in to help with the Amara hunt and Dean isn’t happy about it, wants him to get a break since it’s been rough for him lately (awww). Cas has been binge watching TV (he’s watching a show that’s the equivalent of Jerry Springer or Maury, one of those “the results are in and you are the father!” shows). Dean teases him for it and Cas gives him some sass. Dean’s super worried about him. Cas tries to get himself to leave the bunker and gets a huge anxiety attack/flash-backs to when he hurt Dean under the spell, when he killed the angels, then when Dean beat him up and almost killed him when under the influence of the mark of cain, breaks down and can’t leave the bunker. Cas eventually leaves, tracks down Metatron who has been videotaping crap to see to the news. He interrogates Metatron about the darkness. Metatron breaks and tells Cas that God had to give up the only thing he had ever known in order to create the world - his sister, which is Amara. Dean & Sam show up to Crowley’s to kill Amara, Crowley tries killing Dean, Amara stops him. Dean can’t get himself to kill Amara. Amara points it out to Dean. She cups his cheek and is all creepy talking about how linked they are/how neither of them can fight their connection and it’s weird because she’s in a teenaged girls body and just… ew. Ew. Ew. EW. She says she came there to settle a score “the oldest score,” which is obviously talking about god. Oh, and Sam is getting weird visions about Luci in the cage. I know that was a lot of info, but I’m serious, the episode just isn’t worth watching in my opinion. 
Ep. 7 I have to say this is worth watching, because Donna is in it, and who doesn’t love Donna?!? Plus, it’s a good old fashioned hunt, which is so rare in this season. 
Ep. 8 Is a good one too. It’s a flashback episode, which anyone who knows me knows those are some of my fav.’s. Plus, it’s a pretty funny hunting episode. 
Ep. 9 Pretty important episode, so I’d suggest watching it. Big for plot. Amara is killing preachers left and right to piss God off. Sam is convinced talking to Lucifer will help because of his visions he’s been having, so he and Dean go to Crowley to see if they can talk with him somehow (Dean’s obvi not happy bout that). It is kind of entertaining watching Amara with the bible and trying to understand why all these people believe in him/think he’s great/yada yada. 
Ep. 10 Isn’t terrible. A continuation of a lot of the same stuff going on in 9. There’s some great Dean/Cas in this ep. so I’ll give it that. Post whump hurt comfort between the two of them is always my fav. Kind of a cool ep. bcuz it’s Luci and Sam walking through memories. A huge thing happens at the end, too. 
Ep. 11 Not that great of an ep. But it has a character that turns out to be a bit of a fan favorite, so I’d watch it for her (Eilene). Also, Lucifer/Cas is interesting. Misha does a great job there. There’s a bit of character development/insight with Dean, too. 
Ep. 12 This is a MUST SEE. Ep with Jodi, Claire, and Alex. Great dynamic to see. Plus a nice classic hunting ep. And, of course, the awkward family dinner at Jodi’s where the sex talk comes up? That’s just fantastic. Probably the best of the whole damn season. I loved it. 
Ep. 13 Honestly, this is boring as all hell. (in my opinion). I will say there’s a part where the monster shows people their deepest darkest desire, and it appears as Amara. Dean tells that to Sam and is very conflicted/hates it, and Sam points out that Amara is the sister of God, and it’s not Dean’s fault, because she picked him and now he feels these things because of her power. Says Dean can’t be blamed or judged. And he tells Dean that he believes him that Dean doesn’t actually want her, and that he wants her dead, but that Amara is controlling him. Which is like YEEEEEEEEEEEES. Because I hate Amara, AND I hate the whole Amara/Dean weird romance-esque type thing. This is literally the only plot, though. For the whole ep. They talk about this, and then Dean tells Sam Sam has to be the one to kill her when it comes to that because of the control Amara has over him, and Sam promises he’ll handle it. Save yourself 41 minutes and don’t watch it. 
Ep 14 This one is interesting. It has some time travel/Dean sent back to WWII times. Badass woman of letters in this ep that Dean gets to meet. Plus, Lucifer as king of hell is hilarious. Some decent plot going on here too. 
Ep 15 Honestly, I hated this ep. I also hate anything related to WWE and that shit too, though, so I dunno. Maybe you’d like it? It felt extremely pointless. Crowley escapes hell, goes to find a new weapon (Aaron’s rod), but Luci tricked him into thinking he escaped just so he could get ahold of the weapon. But then Crowley tricks Luci back, uses weapon against him. But then runs out of juice, and Luci is able to disappear. So. Basically. All that fucking happens is Crowley gets out of hell. 
Ep 16 This is a cool one because it involves flashbacks from when Bobby and Rufus hunted the same thing. We find out why Rufus gave Bobby that battle of Jack with the note that Jodi and Sam found in that episode from way back when, when they fought the time god. (I wanna say that was s9, but I’m honestly too lazy to look atm) 
Ep 17 This is a good one if you have time/feel like watching. Not really any plot, though. Dean takes some pills and overdoses in order to talk to Billy, and Billy mentions something called ‘The Empty’ that’s waiting for Dean when he dies. Tiny little thing mentioned there. BIG THING way later on in the series. Like… 3ish season from now? Other than that, though… eh. 
Ep 18 This one should be watched. Very plot heavy. If you feel like skipping it, you can read the paragraph below, it’s not vital to watch. Rowena is alive, explains how she survived (a magic thingy). She’s helping heal Amara. Crowley went and got the horn of Joshua for the battle against Amara, says he’ll give it to the boys if they promise to help him exorcise Luci from Cas and put him back in the cage. Luci is up in heaven terrorizing the poor angels. Has decided to become the new ruler up there. Amara attacks heaven with her dark smoke crap. Luci just giggles. Rowena is afraid of Amara/starting to fear her/regretting working with her. Rowena sends the boys a message that she’s alive, they work together to trap Luci. There is a great scene in here (starts around 26 minutes into the ep.) where Dean uses a spell to try to talk to Cas inside Luci. It’s so sad :( && Luci mocks Dean for being so upset/sad. Crowley possesses Cas’ vessel, so then all three of them are in there. There is some adorableness there when Crowley tries to tell Cas to eject Luci and Cas tells him no, but then when Crowley explains that Dean wants him to do it, Cas is like ‘oh, maybe I should then.’ Luci gains control, tries killing Amara with the horn of Joshua, doesn’t work. Like at all. She takes Luci captive and tortures. Dean and Sam agree to go find Cas and bring him home. 
Ep 19 MUST. WATCH. This is the gay hunters ep that got everyone so excited. And for good cause. Who doesn’t love seeing two manly hunters in love with each other, and who doesn’t love seeing Dean’s reaction to that?!?
Ep 20 is a must watch as well. You meet God, which is - ya know - a big fucking deal. It’s also a very entertaining/well-done ep. 
Ep 21 I’d say you have to watch this one too. Dean & Sam meeting God. Or, well, re-meeting him I suppose. There is SO. MUCH. EMOTION. In this ep too. Sam & Dean (even Luci) have so much to address when it comes to God. All of the things they’ve been put through. Their feelings of being betrayed. Abandoned. Especially Dean. Oh, my poor baby Dean. I just… he has such a hard time in this ep, but it’s a great ep. Much needed. Well done. Among other things. I could talk about this ep for a really long time, but I’ll just stop there. Oh, and a new prophet pops up, which is always great. He’s not my favorite (no one can replace Kevin) but he’s fucking hilarious, so that’s nice. 
Ep 22 Have to watch this too. If not for ALL THE PLOT, then for Luci and God going at it. Oh my. Such a great situation (And Misha did so so so well at it). Luci locked in his room listening to loud music like a pouty teenanger. God cooking pancakes and drinking coffee from ‘World’s Greatest Dad’ mug. I mean, Dean and Sam have to do a family therapy session for the two. Who doesn’t want to watch that?!? 
Ep 23 From there, ya might as well finish off the season. 
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Druck season 2, episode 7 reaction
Goddamn, Druck. I’ve been dragging my ass with the rest of the S2 reactions because honestly, the content is pretty rough and rewatching it requires a certain amount of emotional fortitude, lol. 
Anyway, here’s me putting myself through S2 hell so I can catch up to recap S3 hell!
Episode 7
Clip 1 - Interesting choice of entertainment
As I mentioned in the last reaction, I thought we might start with Mia calling off their relationship, as if last night was her way of saying goodbye to Alex, getting in just a little more time together because she did as Kiki asked. But obviously that wasn’t the case, because Mia and Alex are very much still in bed together.
They are sitting up and watching a movie on a laptop. In the movie, a woman kisses another woman. We cut away to Alex and Mia sitting there stiffly, sneaking glances at each other, as we hear the scene get sexy, with zippers unzipped, lots of panting and wet smacking sounds. Both of them clearly getting turned on by this video. Alex shifts and I think he covers his lap a little more, lol. He shifts closer to her and “subtly” puts his hand out for the taking. I love that Mia notices and smirks a little but doesn’t seem to take his hand. 
This whole part of the scene was so weirdly true to life, lmao, if you’ve ever ended up watching a film that was more explicit than expected with someone. I had a friend who ended up watching Y Tu Mamá También on like a first or second date, neither of them knowing what the movie was about, and it was apparently very awkward.
Finally he turns off the film and kisses her. She leans away eventually and starts asking him about the scene - whether he was turned on by her or the scene. He’s like … both? He asks whether Mia watches porn and she says yes.
There was some debate about like … whether it’s in-character for Mia to watch porn or whether it’s hypocritical of her to do so as a feminist, and I don’t want to even get into the larger debate about whether porn can be feminist because holy shit is that a can of worms, but whether or not you think it’s compatible for Mia to watch porn with her being a feminist, people do a lot of stuff that isn’t 100% in line with their ideals. A lot of feminist criticism also opposes makeup and believes it to be a product of patriarchy, but Mia wears lipstick anyway. So just on the level of whether this is consistent with her as a character, i don’t think it’s wildly OOC.
There was also a lot of (understandable) debate about them watching a lesbian sex scene while still dodging a clear answer about Mia’s sexuality, especially right after Kiki made that comment about Mia being bi in the previous night’s clip, which again went unanswered. By the end of the episode they did give us an answer, but watching in real time made it feel more like they were drawing out the answer. I guess I’m wondering just why they chose to do so? Was it to tease the audience, or were they trying to find a way to drop the answer in naturally (because I can think of places where they could have done so earlier), or was there intended to be a reason story-wise that Mia’s a little vague? Is it just because it’s related to her romantic history, and it’s difficult for her to mention? Because she could mention her bisexuality without talking about specific relationships, although it’s true people might ask whether she’d ever been with a girl.
I think the most likely reason is perhaps that the Druck team didn’t expect just how much people wanted from them about Mia’s bisexuality, and they wrote in more scenes mentioning it after they saw fan reaction.
About the video they’re watching - it’s called Wach and it’s apparently by Funk (the channel that does Druck). You can watch it on YouTube although it seemed kind of dreary so I confess I didn’t watch much of it, lol. If it’s really good and I’m missing out, let me know! Anyway, the movie’s about two girlfriends but in the scene Mia and Alex are watching, they’re having a threesome with a guy. Not sure if there’s any bigger significance other than the nod to something else from Funk, and nudging at the topic of Mia’s sexuality, or the sex topic between Mia and Alexander.
He suspects she has a bigger reason for asking and draws a question mark on her forehead. This dude needs to take improv classes already, that’s clearly where his heart lies. Also, I think Mia might be asking why he’s turned on to get his opinion about two women together? I mean, I guess that could be the in-universe explanation why the talk about her sexuality is a little vague is that she wants to see how he’ll react first.
They have a pillow fight and she shoves him out of bed, he runs back into the room and tackles her and they roll around. WATCH THE LAPTOP! Eh, I guess Alex can afford another one.
They’re playful and cute. Things get heated and he slips his hand to crotch level, which makes her shake her head and back off. He asks her what’s allowed. LOW BAR, I know, but at least he doesn’t pressure her to go father than she wants. It’s sad and I don’t want to praise him for showing basic human decency, but William’s comments when Noora didn’t want to sleep with him, saying it was a funny joke and such, or that he’d managed to sleep with her soon anyway, always bothered me, so I’m glad this wasn’t recreated in Alexander.
Mia gives him the finger, and then adds another, which is deeply fucking iconic, and we end as he slides his hand down her pants. Well, damn. A big departure from Noora, not so surprising because Mia has a lot of differences from her (such as drinking alcohol when Noora did not). Part of me is proud of Mia for being upfront about what she wants and setting boundaries for what she doesn’t, the other part is like ohhhhh nooooo, girl. You told Kiki you’d break up with him, you don’t want to go any deeper with him! (...pun intended.)
Clip 2 - Bubble bath
Mia and Alex are taking a bubble bath together, lying at opposite sides. That’s quite intimate. They are doing some types of The Sex at this point even if it is not The Whole Shebang so maybe not surprising, but certainly we’re seeing their physical relationship escalate as a faster pace than Noorhelm. They seem comfortable in there together. Alex says they should stay in there as long as they can. Like, days. Well, if you can tolerate pruning, cold water, and marinating in your own filth for that long, go for it.
Mia offhandedly mentions Alex’s grade retention and he looks tired and not ready to talk about it. That water just got a few degrees colder.
He asks why she’s so cautious, if it’s because of Kiki. Mia lies to him that she talked to Kiki and everything’s cool. MIA, NO. Really???? Not a good idea. You’re not only disrespecting Kiki with what you’re doing now, and lying to your friends, but now you’re lying to Alexander, too. I know that she probably just wants to stay in this bath and in this bubble of Alexander’s apartment where everything’s OK and she gets what she wants and no one is mad and her personal life isn’t messy, but this is not the way to go about it. 
OH SHIT he actually asked about negative experiences and whether that’s why she’s bi. Errrr, is he implying that she likes girls because she’s been burned by men? YIKES. Mia tells him that statement alone is reason enough to only date girls from now on. Okay, so is that confirmation of her bisexuality? (I guess if I have to ask, probably not the clearest it could be.) And she says that she could also ask why he only does one-night stands and moves fast. He says it’s complicated. So basically, despite becoming more intimate, literally lying here naked in this tub together, both of them still have some friction, both aren’t completely opening up to each other. 
She chides him for his so-called hard life, with his nice car and apartment, and he reminds her that this is his sister’s flat, and we finally get an answer of sorts that his sister is in Bali. (By now we know the truth, but when this aired I wrote in my notes: “Super dark theory: the sister is dead and he means they scattered her ashes in Bali or something like that.”)
He talks about it’s hard with his parents and then says he wants to get out of the tub as the water is getting cold, which is one hell of a turnaround from wanting to stay in there for days like a minute ago. Mia says things are difficult with her parents, too, and she’s sorry. That makes him lie back down in the tub. Tension averted for now. They fist-bump. I guess their couple thing is hand gestures? Like Jonas has Hanna’s nose, meanwhile Mia and Alex are just flipping each other the bird and knocking knuckles. I can get into that, they certainly have a lot of options.
Clip 3 - Truth or dare
Mia and Alex step outside and turn off airplane mode on their phones. So they’re really hiding from everyone, huh, not even letting text messages come through. This is shady as hell that Mia’s doing this when she told Kiki otherwise. She’s lucky because this is holiday break, but she can’t camp out in Alexander’s apartment away from the rest of the world forever
Mia told the girls she was ill. DUDE. All of them were worried and checking in on her. I wonder how many of them truly believed her and didn’t have any suspicion of what she was really doing? Kiki in particular seemed to wonder how she was doing, and I’m not sure she totally bought Mia’s excuse. But whether she did or not, that must make Mia feel a ton of guilt. (Though she still doesn’t break up with him...)
I love this shot of Mia and Alex looking so small and uncomfortable once they stepped outside, like it’s overwhelming and harsh to leave their bubble.
They go back inside because it’s cold, or because they don’t want to face the outside world, and Mia is pensive. She spins around the thermos like it’s spin the bottle (and lmao when it lands between them, fixes it to point toward Alex) and says truth or dare. I wonder why she chose that moment to get some truth between them? Because she feels guilty about the lies she told her friends? Because she wants to know this thing she’s lying to them about is worth it, and that means she has to open up?
He says truth. She asks, “Why me?” He says it’s because she knows who he is. Which true, if you assume he means all the way from when she told him off about Kiki back in season 1. She’s been pointing out his flaws all along. And I mean, maybe he has a shit opinion of himself, but she wasn’t wrong about him (at least not entirely) and she didn’t fall for an idealized version of him, Alexander the rich bad boy with the cool car who’s the most wanted guy in school. She saw through that and she saw him at much of his worst, and yet somehow she’s here anyway. And I don’t know if this is exactly what he meant, but she also knows him in the sense that they have some things in common, like dealing with difficult parents, being Christmas orphans, etc.
Mia directs the thermos at herself and says truth. Bold move considering she knows what he’s probably going to ask; she’s really just ready to talk to him about it, and this is maybe an easier way to do so, framing it as a game. Alex takes a moment to think about what to ask and then asks why she’s so cautious. She tells the story of when she was 13 and she had a crush on her friend’s older brother, who was 18. He paid her a lot of compliments and she thought he liked her. He pressured her into sleeping with him, she didn’t want to but did it anyway, and then he never texted her again. Some people are school knew about it. She felt bad about herself and couldn’t talk to anyone.
The age of consent in Germany is 14, making what happened to Mia statutory rape. This adds perhaps even more impact to Mia reporting Bjorn later in the season, because it doesn’t sound like the first guy faced any repercussions for what he did; with Bjorn there is hope that justice will be served.
I think this explains a lot about why Mia was cautious about Alexander in particular, because he’s the kind of guy who was feeding girls compliments, sleeping with them, and cutting them off. Didn’t Alexander compliment Kiki’s stomach or something? And then of course Mia had a front-row seat to him ghosting Kiki after sleeping with her, and then seeing it all happen again like a slow-motion car crash. I really, really hope this makes him think about what he was doing with girls before Mia. Remember how he tried to justify himself in episode 2 about what he did to Kiki, not making her promises and saying how he couldn’t have torn down her self-image all by himself? Here he sees the long-lasting effects of that behavior on someone. Just think, there are probably Mias out there who will end up telling their stories to someone else, and the guy they’re talking about will be Alexander.
Alex is about to turn the bottle back to himself, but Mia stops it and says she also had a thing with a girl that ended before she came to Germany. No details on why it ended, if it was something really bad or more of a mundane breakup. Since she’s not going into details, I’m assuming whatever happened wasn’t horrible, but I’d still like to know more details about it.
Could they have handled Mia’s sexuality better? Yes, of course. But at this point I was just glad they addressed it directly. It would be nice if they touched on it in the future: we haven’t yet had the build-up of Matteo living in the flat, or being rescued by Hans, but with both Hans and Mia being members of the LGBT community, it would be really nice if they were able to support Matteo, and then we could hear more about Mia’s sexuality, too, like her past relationship, how she realized she was bi, etc.
He says no pressure, they have all the time in the world. THANK GOD. Low bar, I know, but I also still think there’s value in showing men being respectful and not pressuring women into sex? If you consider that the target audience is teen girls, this is a message that they need to be hearing - that they are allowed to set sexual boundaries and that boys have to respect them. And for teenage boys, while Alex has done a lot of messed-up stuff regarding girls, this part can still be used as a model for respecting boundaries and getting consent.
Clip 4 - I bet Hans and Linn ate the soup later
Mia and Alexander are in Mia’s room, ostensibly trying to study but very clearly hot for each other and making this a kind of foreplay. However, they don’t get very far until Hans comes into the room. He asks whether Alexander made “grumpy cat” angry, lmao. I love that nickname for Mia. He flops on the bed as if checking out the view of Alexander. Hans, what about Michi??
UNFORTUNATELY the doorbell rings and Linn opens Mia’s door, saying there’s a girl with soup. We hear Kiki’s voice. UH OH. Damn, Mia didn’t even really have time to like, try to shove Alexander under the bed or anything, did she? 
Alexander says it’s totally OK with him. Um, I bet it is. Would be a great opportunity to be like, hey Kiki, sorry for dumping you on NYE? Although he doesn’t look totally OK with it, though that might just be because Mia is so visibly worried.
Lol, Hans thinks for a moment, clearly recognizing Mia’s distress, and then strips off his robe and throws it over Alexander, and hey, he was the only one doing anything smart in the moment? Maybe not honest, but smart? OK, not smart, but it was ... something. 
Well, Alexander ain’t up for hiding under a robe, he takes it off as Kiki walks in with a big pot. She eyes Alexander and Mia, saying she made soup. She looks stunned at first, but then gets pissed and says it’s one thing for her to fuck up and apologize, but this is the worst. I have to agree, honestly. Mia put the burden on Kiki to tell her what to do, and then she didn’t even respect Kiki’s wishes. And then she lied to everyone. After that whole performance with cooking Kiki a nice dinner to talk about how sorry she was? This makes it seem like Mia just doesn’t give a shit about Kiki’s feelings, her crying and apologizing was an act to make Mia feel better, not Kiki.
I wonder if Kiki was really thinking Mia broke it off, or if she wasn’t suspicious. Like she was definitely suspicious after Sam put it out there a few episodes ago, and some of her moves were kinda calculated toward figuring out the truth. The soup may have been genuine goodwill, but maybe she also wanted to see if Mia was really sick, or if she was hiding something. Kiki did look very shocked when she saw Alexander, but maybe she was telling herself that no, Mia wouldn’t lie, Mia meant what she said, Mia cares about her. So this moment was confirming her worst fears.
Kiki angrily puts down the bowl of soup and I have to give her some credit for not throwing it or dropping it, which is what I was expecting.
Alexander asked her why she lied, and Mia says she doesn’t know. Errr, not a great answer, Mia. I have an idea why she lied. She wanted the moral high ground of “making things right” but didn’t want to actually give anything up. She wanted to ignore or run from the problems instead of dealing with them.
Mia says she can’t do this to Kiki. Alexander is pissed. Honestly, I can’t blame him for that. He has his flaws, too, for sure, and has been a shit to Kiki, but he also asked Mia if things were OK with her and Kiki, and she said they were, and now he’s finding out they weren’t and she’s using that as a reason to break up. I’d feel pretty betrayed. She also gave them a few days where they were extremely open with each other, took their relationship to the next level physically, got vulnerable with each other, and after that, she’s calling it off. When she knew all along that it was a bad idea - like she could have nipped this in the bud at the benefit concert. Instead it’s like she dawdled and made their relationship more intense and meaningful before ending it for a reason that’s been there the whole time, which is so much worse. (For Alexander, a dude who doesn’t get close to people? Even worse.)
Mia has massively fucked up but from a story perspective, I don’t mind it? I mean … that’s good for the protagonist’s growth. I like how messy Mia has been. I think it takes her off the “perfect girl” pedestal. 
Clip 5 - Panic attack
Mia is lying in bed in the dark at 21:00, so you know, she’s called it an early night. I feel you, girl. She reads her texts from earlier, where she and Alex flirted and discussed him coming over to study. How nice things were just hours earlier. No new messages. 
By the way, I can see the tear streaks on her face when she’s in bed, nice detail.
However, after she puts it down and rolls over, her phone lights up. She checks it and Alex is telling her to come over. Typing in all caps so it seems extra urgent.
As she’s running to Alexander, you hear some heavy breathing and rewatching the scene, it definitely sounds masculine, but when I first watched this clip I was so surprised by this development and why Alexander needed Mia that I wasn’t paying super close attention (also not watching with headphones), and I thought it was Mia’s breathing as she’s worried and running out the door. The reveal that this is Alex’s heavy breathing during a panic attack really stunned me. It adds so much tension to the scene as Mia is running to his place, obviously heavy breathing is something that reminds you of dangerous or tense scenarios.
She runs up the stairs to his place and his door is open, the lights are dim. The way the camera follows her is really disorienting, it’s hurried, it’s shaky. The lights make everything eerier - it’s dark and the sign on the wall makes the room pink, it’s not unnatural. Watching Mia run through his apartment trying to find Alex feels like navigating a maze.
Mia calls out for Alexander and eventually finds him in his underwear in a corner, sobbing and hyperventilating. You can see him clearly in the light but there’s still something unfocused about it. Mia grabs a paper bag from the kitchen and has him breathe into it. He’s crying and saying he wasn’t there. Holy shit, this is a panic attack?
Mia holds him as he cries and gasps for breath. He asks her to stay, she says she’s not going anywhere. She makes a joke about it still being 50 euro with breakfast and he manages to laugh.
This pose at the end is definitely giving off Pietà vibes.
The camera goes from extreme closeups as Alex is gasping to pulling back once he lays in Mia’s arms and calms down a bit, once he’s able to breathe and laugh at her joke. Like we’re getting breathing room. The music also goes from really tense to something more gentle once he relaxes in her arms and she says she’ll stay.
Goddamn. So instead of Mia having panic attacks/trauma, it’s Alex??? It was Noora who was panicking in OG, but we’ve switched the roles, Mia is the one to calm down Alexander. 
Props to Druck for showing a dude having a full-blown attack like this, in a very non-glamorous and vulnerable way. Panic attacks in general can be pretty visceral and they’re not pretty, and I think some media shies away from showing male characters in really fragile states like this. And it’s definitely a reversal of a lot of media gender roles to have Mia the fully clothed one who’s “in control” helping out Alex, the half-naked, sobbing and shaking one. And for this not to be portrayed as something weak, but something healing. Also, big props to the actors. Chris Veres didn’t hold back in this scene.
This clip really got to me, especially as someone who has experienced panic attacks. The earlier scene with Kiki discovering Mia and Alexander together had ratcheted up the drama, but this was one of those clips where I couldn’t really do anything else after I watched it for a little while, it had gotten under my skin that much. It’s hard for me to unpack it. Even rewatching it unnerves me, though Mia’s gentleness and compassion, and the ending where she says she’s not going anywhere, make the experience more uplifting. Bravo, Druck. 
I think it helped that it was so surprising too, like we already got a very important clip earlier in the day, and it was the drama we were all expecting, the next step in the Kiki/Mia/Alex situation, but this definitely was not what I was expecting next, both in that it’s a divergence from the original storyline and that I figured the next clip would build on Mia dealing with estrangement from both Kiki and Alex.
Clip 6 - Giddy up
Mia wakes up in bed with Alex the next morning. I like the contrast here from the last scene, just what a difference the daylight can make, feeling so much less threatening, and I like Mia’s reaction, as if she’s taking in all that happened last night. She looks at a Polaroid picture at the side of the bed, of Alex and his sister. The fact that it’s beside the bed tells you how much Alex probably looks at it and misses his sister.
Alex stir and wakes up. Heh, the crinkles of their pillows and sheets are so damn loud? I kinda love it, though, it reminds me of how good it feels to slowly wake up after a good night’s sleep. He tells Mia that he had a dream where he was feeling bad and cried in front of Mia, weird right? Mia agrees. It’s very quiet and they’re whispering. Comforting, talking about it and acknowledging it without having to go into the ugly details right now. And Mia isn’t grilling him over why he was having a panic attack or anything, just being gentle. She strokes the hair behind his ear and kisses him. They kiss softly and it gets a little more intense until Mia reaches for the jar next to Alexander’s bed and grabs a condom. They smile and Mia sits up on him and takes off her shirt. The music helpfully proclaims, “I’m a cowboy” so I mean, we know what position they used. Not surprising Mia would be on top.
I have zero problems with Mia and Alexander having sex sooner than the season finale, as with Noorhelm, although I was kinda like … is this reeeeally the best time to take this step, kids? Not because of Alexander’s panic attack, but more about Kiki walking in on them and finding out, and Mia thinking she can’t do that to Kiki, and what the hell they were going to do. It felt like they had a lot to talk about. But even so, I can definitely see why Mia felt it was the right time to take this step. There was no way Mia was leaving Alexander after last night, and clearly they care about each other a ton. It must have felt not just like waking up in the morning, but that they survived the night. The panic attack made Mia realize the total depth of her feelings, I think, and so I can fully see why it led to increased tenderness and intimacy.
Comparing Mia and Noora, Mia has trust issues and a bad experience with sex like Noora, but William did more stuff that would’ve broken Noora’s trust and made her question her feelings for him before they had sex. Noora and William kissed, then William was cold to her in front of his brother, so Noora was upset, then they made up, then William smashed a bottle over a guy’s head, then Noora was upset at that and questioned whether she could be with William, then before they could get back together, Niko happened. Since they’ve kissed, Mia hasn’t really had so many reasons to be upset with Alexander himself - it’s all about the situation with Kiki putting stress on their relationship. So I can see why the sexual element of their relationship, and the relationship as a whole, escalated much faster; Mia had more time to build up trust with him without that getting interrupted.
Clip 7 - Crew love is true love
Hanna and Mia are in the bathroom and Mia’s been telling Hanna how fast everything has gone in the last few days. It sure did! By the way, Hanna’s looking very pretty.
I like how they went from the cowboy song in the previous clip being a non-diegetic song and transitioned into this one as a diegetic song, with it playing at the Abi party now. That kind of stuff is clever, and it’s smoother than just choppily switching songs between scenes.
Alex is going to therapy now, which I love. I love that we have the Bad Boy Rich Dreamboat character seeking professional help for his trauma, I love that Druck is mentioning therapy rather casually, normalizing it. It’s not something that’s considered shameful or embarrassing, just a potential avenue for help. Mia says she doesn’t think it was his first panic attack, but she doesn’t really know why. (I’d understand if people were ehhhh about Mia telling all this to Hanna if you want, like IDK if Alexander gave her permission to tell people about his panic attack. Mia and Hanna seem to be pretty trustworthy about stuff like Matteo’s sexuality and they’re not trading it as juicy gossip, but I would get it.)
Hanna says Jonas also won’t talk to anyone, not even Matteo. Ohhh no. That boy might need some professional help, too, if he’s that much of a mess.
Hanna’s totally hugging turtleneck guy/not Gereven when they enter the club. Mia looks around and sees Kiki with Carlos. KIKI, TREAT HIM RIGHT. CARLOS, TREAT HER RIGHT. Kiki glares at Mia. 
Carlos gets a drink the same time Mia does and says, “What’s up Judas?” Not gonna lie, that’s mean, but it made me laugh. He does the typical “ugh girl drama BITCH FIGHT” thing, and lmao, I can’t help but think of like Jonas/Toilet Sam tussling in the stairwell in S1. Yes, it’s all girl drama, boy fights just don’t exist, ever!
Carlos is like, it’s none of my business, he doesn’t want to get involved, but he’s getting involved (lmao) and tells her how Kiki was in a very bad state the last few days, and says it would be a good move to smooth everything out. He’s like, good talk, and walks off. Without paying either, lol. Mia pays for him. Well, I guess she has some groveling to do. God, that talk was ridiculous but benevolent of him? He’s looking out for Kiki’s well-being. 
"Two angry birds” aka Sam and Amira (and lmao I love that nickname) come up to Mia. Indeed, they look angry. Mia says she’ll make it up to Kiki. I mean, she should probably apologize to the other girls, too, for lying and putting them all in this awkward position where they’re torn between friends.
Heh, there’s some banter among the girls about Sam being the only one who’s single and when Amira is like helloooo, Sam says she has Allah. Although it’s played more as a joke, this follows the same pattern of people disregarding the Sana character as someone who can have romantic relationships and feelings. She doesn’t count in the conversations about who in their group is alone and who’s not.  
Mia follows Kiki to talk to her. She apologizes and Kiki just looks annoyed. I don’t blame her considering that Mia’s last apology with the dinner turned out to feel hollow, all words but not backed up with actions. Kiki points out she was a hypocrite. I love Mia and I feel sympathy for her, but Kiki is really really not wrong.
Maybe this is obvious, but I’m seriously just realizing how close this situation is to Eva/Jonas/Ingrid in S1 (or Hanna/Jonas/Leonie), even more than Vilde, Noora, and William were to that situation. Mia fucked it up with Kiki to a level Noora didn’t with Vilde. 
Kiki interrupts and tells Mia what’s what - that if she had been honest from the beginning, Kiki wouldn’t have stopped her. But instead, Mia went to her when Kiki was heartbroken and basically made Kiki tell her what to do and give her her blessing. That’s exactly what happened! Mia put the burden on Kiki and basically said her happiness was in Kiki’s hands, like either Kiki had to be the villain and tell Mia to break up with Alex, or put aside her own feelings and be OK with it, even when she was the person who was wronged. Kiki didn’t feel like doing giving her blessing when she felt like shit and had been betrayed by a friend. And she didn’t expect Mia to listen, but Mia should’ve cared about her from the beginning. Kiki calls Mia out on being honest not just with others, but with herself. Kki used to compare herself to Mia, Mia gives all these moral lectures that sound smart and clever, but it’s not about what you say, but what you do. Well, shit. She’s right. And Mia needs to hear this. I’ve said this before, but I think their relationship is really complex this season. Messy, but complex. And this dynamic between them, with Kiki feeling like Mia didn’t really care, or was judging her, goes beyond just Alexander’s involvement. It’s not just fighting because of a boy.
Mia is apologizing and Carlos comes in to ruin the moment and be like “You straightened it out?” Lmao dude, don’t interrupt. He gives them all a shot, which is his attempt to play mediator, I guess, so he’s dumb but he’s trying. Kiki clinks glasses with him, then walks out. When Mia calls after her, Kiki says you still want my blessing? But you need yours. Whoaaaa.
Carlos and Kiki walk off hand in hand talking about her breasts. Well, I guess it’s nice that they’re appreciated without the surgery. Though obviously it’s about how Kiki feels about her body, not Carlos.
Mia stays behind and has a Moment, I guess she’s thinking about how she needs to go all in with Alexander, get rid of her remaining doubts. Then she goes out to meet her girls, they smile and dance. Finally Kiki smiles at Mia and they dance together. I love their little glance of reconciliation. The girl squad has a group hug. Awww! 
Toilet Sam comes in and greets everyone! He’s talking to Hanna and OF FUCKING COURSE that’s when Jonas and Matteo roll in. Jonas sees Hanna and Sam and legit pulls a Granpa Smpson exit, lmao at Matteo’s exasperated exit after him. Poor Matteo.
Mia and Kiki dance together in the closing moments of the clip, and it’s a fitting ending. Yay, they’re happy again! Truly the next three episodes will only be good times and no more suffering!
Social Media/General Comments:
LMAO, I fucking lost it at all the passive-aggressive Instagram stories that Kiki posted after the dinner from last episode. She tagged only Amira, Hanna, and Sam, not Mia, posting pictures that didn’t include Mia, set to Little Mix’s “Shout Out to my Ex” for that extra bitter flair. Which you know, fits Kiki’s relationship with Alexander, but honestly feels more like Mia is her ex going by the pictures, lol. Then Amira, Hanna, and Sam respond by posting Kiki’s posts WITH Mia, like good lord, the dramaaaaa of it all. I mean, they’re all making a statement, that they’re not ditching Mia, but how must that make Kiki feel? But it’s all so teenage and petty and immature that I love it. 
Jonas flakes on Matteo, saying he needs to study, but it’s more like he’s staying home and getting wasted. Matteo is worried and says they barely see each other anymore. Jeez. This is a total reversal of what we’ll likely see in S3, unless they are BOTH total messes in that season. Then it’ll be up to wise men Carlos and Abdi to step up for their bros. We did see Carlos having some sage advice in this episode, so maybe it’s not such a wild idea?
Matteo and Hanna talk later and Matteo lets Hanna know that Jonas isn’t doing well and that he failed a math test. I don’t think it’s Hanna’s duty to fix Jonas’ problems at all, but it’s nice that Matteo and Hanna are talking together and trying to help Jonas.
The other girls were gossiping about Mia and Alex. Amira figured out that Mia probably wasn’t answering because Mia was at Alexander’s place. Sigh, Mia. How long did you think you could keep your relationship a secret? It always gets out, as you just learned last week!!
Kiki posts a LOT of stuff about fake friends on IG after she discovers Mia and Alex together, and it’s pretty juvenile, but you know, hashtag relatable. And understandable. Super teenage.
I like that Amira reached out to Kiki and said she was there if she needed to talk. Kiki has been a shit to Amira on multiple occasions, but Amira remains a true friend. And I hope Kiki keeps this in mind the next time she wants to say something racist or insensitive (not that she would recognize it as such, probably).
Druck gave out hotline information for teenagers after the panic attack clip, encouraging them to talk to someone, which is great. Again, I love how they’re encouraging teenagers not to go through their problems alone, whether it’s through therapy, hotlines, or talking to trusted friends and family.
Amira talked about religious discrimination on Instagram and how difficult it is to get into public service in Germany when you wear a hijab. She’s mentioned this before, when the girls were meeting with career counselors, and I really hope that we somehow get a S4 despite the girls’ graduation so we can get an Amira season. I would love to see her story talk specifically about her ambitions and how she tries to achieve them despite people constantly telling her she won’t be able to make it as a Muslim hijabi. Just send Amira to Australia and she can have a life-changing backpacking adventure. It would be amazing. (Skam never gave us the Evak + boy squad Morocco trip we deserved, so I am down for Druck providing that awesome travelogue content.)
I am not German so please feel free to correct me or clarify me on cultural and language matters.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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kashaifilms · 5 years
So this was my next major project in university, it was quite a big jump going from live studio magazine show to pre-recorded drama. The biggest change was the actual flow of production. Instead of being put into large groups, that class was split into groups of 4-6. My group was a group of 6. The brief was to make a film that was 10 minutes long but with the main focus being on telling a narrative. So when we asked the Lecturer if the 10 minute thing was heavily enforced he said that it was more of a guideline and to use as much time as necessary to tell the story we wanted to tell. For this production module the whole class was given training on new equipment that we could use, those being the canon c100 mark ii camera’s and also learning more advanced premier pro techniques, with the only major thing being how to use green-screen (which we didn’t end up using).
My roles during this production were as a Co-writer, the Director, an Assistant Editor. My role as a Co-writer consisted of me and James spending hours coming up with sass and quick wit for Lucifer to have as well as deciding what jokes and religious references we’d put into the project. We were heavily inspired by the (then) FOX show ‘Lucifer’, the version of Lucifer from the Neil Gaiman Sandman series, and the version of Lucifer from the book ‘I, Lucifer’ by Glen Duncan. We wanted our Lucifer to be an amalgamation of the 3, having the anger at god that Glen Duncan’s version had, the childish yet very sinful version of from the FOX series, and finally the main inspiration for his appearance being the Neil Gaiman version. We also, much to our own disbelief, managed to actually write a copy of the book that Lucifer talks about during the interview in time for the submission date, which we are currently getting printed for the crew and cast as memento’s of the project. 
Now after writing the script for everything and got the teams approval that this was definitely what we were doing the next step was casting for the role. To do this I set up a starnow account to try and find some actors who needed to add to their portfolio or who were willing to work unpaid. However after setting this up and posting the ad for the search I was shocked at how many people applied ofr Lucifer alone . After only a week we had 86 applicants and after 2 weeks there were 114. We closed the ad after the third week because we believed we had enough applicants and we also were shortlisting as we went. and thought we had quite a good number of people for the project. After looking through all the applications and shortlisting we sent out a task for everyone to do, which was to read a section of the script and then record and send in a video audition based on how we described the characters. The deadline was set for two weeks after we sent the message. All people who didn’t apply were automatically sent a message saying that they didn’t get the role. The boy who got the role, Isaac, sent his application in on the day of the deadline. It had us worried as he was our personal top pick for the role, as he looked the part and his portfolio and theatrical background would add to the role. He sent in his application wearing the signiture purple suit that he wears in the interview and as soon as he began James and I looked at each other and we knew that he was the one. After casting Isaac as Lucifer we then put out and add for the role of the interviewer, not as many people applied but it was still quite a lot, with 46 applications in the first week. after doing the same process for shortlisting, instead of having them send in a video audition we wanted to actually sit down with them, with Isaac, to see if they had the right dynamic. And once we met Dani we knew she’d be perfect for the role. Then we put out an add for Interviewer 1 and done a similar process, with a phone interview instead of a video audition. after this we got Ben, who played his part exceptionally well.
After this all we asked the cast how long it would take them to learn the script, which they responded with 4 days, and so all needed to do was secure dates for the studio and book out equipment which didn’t take long at all. 
As a Director my role was to be in charge of pretty much everything while on set. The role as a whole was a very fulfilling one and luckily for me the cast and crew we had for the project were very very good at what they did. The whole experience was amazing. seeing the talent work had me mesmerised to the point that I forgot to call ‘cut’ a couple of times. The cast themselves needed little direction after the set was ready and all the camera and lights were in position. All I had to do was say ‘action’ and then let them do what they were doing.
During the actual set up process I have to thank my DOP Alex and my cameraman Matt for their amazing efficiency in setting up the camera’s and tripods while I dealt with the set and Lighting. I literally didn’t have to tell them anything apart from the type of shots I wanted and then just left them to it, It helped a lot and allowed us to get straight into filming when the actors arrived. 
We had 4 days to film so I decided to have the first be rehearsal and then get straight into it for the rest. On the second day we managed to film the entire first half but then when we went back into the studios for the third day, someone had moved our lights, meaning we had to preposition them even when we did the scene didn’t look the same, so we re-done the entire first days worth of shooting, leaving the last day for the rest. When the last day came round everything was left alone after I left some notes and had some words with the technician/studio supervisor. This meant that everything could carry on as planned.After shooting concluded it was an amazing feeling that we were almost done. 
We had about 3 1/2 weeks left to edit the project, which was more than enough time, but gave us more time to polish the film into a shining beauty it is. James was the head editor for this project, and I had the role of assistant editor. Even though I was the assistant editor, my role consisted mainly of me walking James through things that he couldn’t do or doing more complex things myself due to me being the more experienced and knowledgeable editor. The things that I walked him through were the ending credits and a few effects used for colour correction and the like. Things I did myself were the Opening title sequence thing and the effect on Lucifer’s eyes when he wakes up in the bath. 
As a whole I am very proud of the experience and filming the short was the most fun I’d ever had during a production thus far. I am very happy with the results or our hard work and I believe that I learned quite a lot during the production, especially in terms of directing. Before this I had little to no experience as a director of works and I had always said before I even got into university that I would definitely like to do it, or at least try it to see if i liked the role, and yes, I like the role. This gave me the confidence that I previously lacked in a leadership role.
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a-sky-full-of-skams · 6 years
Cries in French: Skam France Episode 1
Skam France is the first Skam Remake. Poor Skam France didn’t have much time to shine because Druck and Skam Italia aired before the first season had even finished. Skamfr has completed Season 2, and is renewed for Season 3 & 4. Despite its success, it doesn’t seem to be the most popular remake judging by the response on Tumblr. often called a “copy and paste” version of the original.
While there’s definitely a lot of similarities with the original, I still liked and appreciated some aspects of this episode.
This review is my opinion only and isn’t meant to offend anyone.
Clip One:
The episode begins with Yann’s video. I have issues already; isn’t the same dialogue as the original? Additionally, the video contains clips of the girl squad that occur later in the series. It breaks the realism. All criticism aside, when I watched this episode the first time I still felt chills seeing the yellow Skam logo again after the original ended.
Emma and Yann discuss his video project like the original. Ingrid and Sara (I see you Alexia!) walk by, with the Skam theme playing. Jonas tell her she’s better off without them. I guess Emma is supposed to feelsad seeing the girls, but the actress doesn’t convey any emotion. Hopefully, she’ll improve. Anyway, I’ll list a few thoughts on Jonas’s line.
1: It’s more reassuring and sweeter than the original scene.
2: I don’t think Yann has the right to say Emma is too good for Ingrid and Sara, when he used to date Ingrid.
3: For new French viewers who’ve never seen the original, it’s spoils the eventual confrontation between Emma and Ingrid at the party. They now already know the girls used to be friends.
I do like how the scene is shot. It’s a sterile, cold environment symbolizing Emma’s isolation, with the only color being Yann’s bright red jacket.
Bragging about his essay grade, Lucas walks up to them. The rest of the scene plays out similar to the original;Lucas and Yann tease Emma about her grade and then leave. I like Yann’s line about Emma making great pasta, it’s sweet.Yann and Lucas are decent actors, it’s only Emma who is unconvincing.
“Don’t Kill My Vibe” by Sigrid plays at the end. The lyrics highlight Emma’s loneliness and frustration at Yann.
Clip 2:
The song from the first clip continues. This scene is pretty similar to the original, Emma tries to write her essay and Lucas Skypes her. She questions him as to what time Yann left french!Elias’s (forgot his name, sorry). Yann climbs in through the window and sees Emma’s actual grade and reads the essay.. The only line I’ll point out is when Emma says he could have used the door as her mom isn’t home, alluding to the later reveal of Jonas never having met her mom. Skamfr is definitely more obvious than the original.
Clip 3:
Sitting in the library, Emma watches Ingrid be rude and dismissive to Daphne. I liked this little glimpse into Daphe, it makes her eventual attempt to reconnect with Ingrid’s group that much sadder as they didn’t treat her well to start with. This part wasn’t in the original and it’s one of the few changes that enhances the story. Theatre kids approach Emma, they’re amusing as usual. Emma agrees to attend said party.
Clip 4:
Emma tries to convince Yann to attend the party with her. Emma’s argument involves saying how cool is it that Adrian’s whole family will be there. First of all, neither she nor Yann know this guy so neither would care his family is coming. Secondly, how does that make the party more entertaining?
At the end of the clip, the camera lingers on Lucas’s disappointed face. For viewers unfamiliar with the original, it’s definitely a clue. They probably wouldn’t guess he likes actually Yann, but they’d think Lucas has a crush on Emma. The fake “reveal” of Lucas liking Emma is definitely foreshadowed. Most of these hints mentioned don’t add to characterization, they just make the plot more predictable.
Clip 5:
Emma sits at home, and there’s no watching Dr. Phil like in the original. Emma decides to attend the party after looking at Ingrid’s Instagram. I wished they’d replace that with an equivalent because “don’t let yourself be a victim” was a theme of Eva’s season.
Emma arrives at the party and is approached by the theatre kids who tell her about their after party. There’s a brief moment where Ingrid kicks Daphne off...whatever the french equivalent of Russ is. She finds Ingrid and the conversation happens similarly to the original. Manon approaches Emma. She seems a little nerdier than Noora, mentioning lab rats which I liked. The conversation has issues. Emma is barely listening to Manon and is dismissive, watching Ingrid dance in jealousy. Emma is physically not looking at or facing her. Manon is the one who is more invested. I can’t see Emma obsessing over whether Manon accepts her friend request like in the original or awkwardly fumbling her first message to Manon and worrying whether Manon dislikes her. Emma doesn’t care about her.
She heads to the bathroom and runs into Daphne, who is crying and asks for Alex. In the original, Eva had to ask a lot of people if they were male!Chris. He’s the first person she finds. It doesn’t have the same impact when Daphne tells her she has the wrong Alex. In the original, Vilde and girl!Chris talk about all the paper they bought and now can’t sell, later we find out Vilde was kicked off Ingrid’s Russ bus and can infer that the crying scene was after Ingrid kicked her off. Alexia tell Daphne they don’t need Ingrid or her friends. I like that Alexia seems more actively supportive than Chris, but after seeing Ingrid oust Daphne it’s very redundant and again, obvious.
Emma walks away after Daphne tells her to leave. male!Alex asks if they were going to talk as well, I really like this line a lot better than the original don’t be a dick tease, it’s a lot nicer. “Homeless” by Maria Kaye plays. It’s a lot more overstated than a lot of the more understated music played in the original, but I like it. The shot of Emma walking through the crowd is very nicely shot, with the music they chose this is the first time I feel like Skam France has a district identity from the original. Also, there’s a scene of Emma walking outside the building texting one of the theater kids about the afterparty. They don’t respond and she heads home. They’re background characters, Emma, they aren’t coming back! Anyway, it’s sad because it’s another failure at a potential friendship for Emma and she’s feeling lonelier than before.
I liked the music. There’s a greater examination into Daphne’s character so far than Vilde. Alex and Emma are cute. Yann and Alex seem nicer than their original counterparts. Some of the shots are very aesthetically pleasing. Hopefully, Alexia receives more character depth than Chris in the original because I prefer her at the moment. I enjoyed the final scene. The added diversity is also great.
Skam France not only struggles as a distinct show separate from the original, but also struggles even as a copy and paste version. Almost every change they make cheapens the plot by removing suspense or emotional impact. In regards to originality, there isn’t much yet. The actress portraying Emma’s acting isn’t great. I could be biased though, because Eva was my favorite character in the original.
I hope you enjoyed this review! Druck’s first episode is next.
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emarasmoak · 7 years
Mon-El' actions and words in 3x07
I have rewatched all Mon-El’s scenes in Supergirl 3x07 trying to focus in what he does and says so I could analyse his actions about Imra/ Kara and the rest of the passengers of the spaceship. I basically want to know what’s going on in his head.
Description of the scenes with my thoughts after the break.
SCENE 1: Mon-El is found by Kara. He is not with Imra and the others. He speaks a strange language. When he sees Kara he drops his gun, accepts that she is caressing his face and hugging him. His face shows that he is affected by her, weak and astonished. He hugs her back and then he seems to be also sad and scared.
I find interesting the moment when he looks at his other friends. Winn’s appearance is probably telling him that he is pretty close to the moment when Mon-El left the 21st century (Kara and J'onn will not age that fast).
Does he do anything to get his “wife” out of the pods. Nope. He could have asked for help. Is he already behaving as a worried or loving “husband”? Nope.
SCENE 2: Mon-El is in the DEO med bay. He seems to be tired. Kara has his hand in hers and is constantly touching and caressing him and he doesn’t stop her.
J'onn says that his ship doesn’t look like anything he has seen. Mon-El hesitates when he says that the spaceship is alien.
Mon-El says that the other people just are passengers, that they are like him and not dangerous (they are most likely his friends of the Legion of Super-Heroes). He doesn’t seem particularly worried or affected about talking about his “wife” that he hasn’t seen or talked too for a long time, even if he knows that there is a power problem that could affect her life support (he will say that later in the episode, when Imra is still unconscious).
Winn asks why he woke up and he says he everything is hazy because of the hypersleep. They leave and when Mon-El is alone with Kara he is all sad hearteyes. The first thing he does is admitting that he missed Kara with unshed tears in his eyes.
Mon-El finds out that only 7 months passed for Kara. He then says that he tried to send her a message and this seems to be very important to him. Kara is still all touchy and tells him that he can tell her everything about what happened later. She then kisses his forehead and he says “Kara, no…” while touching her arm. “No” to what? Maybe he was trying to stop the kiss. Maybe he wanted to tell Kara something else. She then tells him just to sleep and he agrees. He looks like sleepy.
Is he already behaving as a worried or loving “husband”? Nope. He has been telling his ex that he missed her and sent her messages. All this while being all hearteyes and clearly affected by her. But at least he tried to stop Kara’s forehead kiss, but not her taking his hand or caressing his face. Still not trying to see or help Imra.
SCENE 3: Mon-El wakes up. Sneaks out in the DEO and tries to get the thingy but Kara finds him. He clearly knew what he was doing. Well, he is finally doing something about Imra and the others.
SCENE 4: Conversation in the cell with Kara. He looks closed off, worried and determined to not talk. He doesn’t even look at Kara most of the time.
He responds to the accusation of almost killing two DEO agents. He admits that he is the Mon-El Kara knew. He is unable to keep looking at her. Briefly glances at Kara when she mentions that she dreams of him dying. He looks at her again quite affected when she says that she sees him dissapearing into the darkness of the space forever. And then cannot look at her anymore and looks like hurt when he says that having him back was all she wanted and that she felt that she felt that she could hope again. Then she says that he is different. And he glances at her. And when she asks if he has nothing to say he looks at her and just says that he is sorry, looking quite affected and stops looking at her again. He sighs. Then Kara says shame on her for having a human heart. And then she leaves and Mon-El looks back at her now that she is not looking at him and he is crying.
Is he already behaving as a worried or loving “husband”? Well, at least he tried to get the thingy but he is clearly strongly affected by his ex’s feelings about him.
SCENE 5: Conversation with Winn. During this conversation Mon-El seems to be less guarded than with Kara. He is a bit more like his old self.
He was brooding in his cell and Winn arrives and tells him he looks different. Mon-El asks how is he and there are unshed tears in Mon-El’s eyes when Winn says that he is better than Kara.
Winn says that he imagines that he won’t tell anything to him either but it was worth a shot. Mon-El stays up, clearly agitated and Winn says that he knows that something is going on and that it was not just any alien ship. Mon-El says that there is a lot that he doesn’t understand and that it’s different now. Winn asks different how and Mon-El gets upset and says that it’s just different. Winn and Mon-El have unshed tears in this moment.
Mon-El seems to take a decision and says that he acknowledges that there is a lot to explain here. He then says that he is sorry and that he needs Winn as a friend right now. He says that he needs him to believe him and his help to get back to the ship. Winn scoffs and tries to leave. He says that people will get hurt if he doesn’t. That Kara will get hurt. He begs with a “please”.
I think that Winn is right and it’s not a normal spaceship. It’s for time travel. But I find interesting that the Legends’ ship does not have hypersleep pods and that Mon-El says later that he thought he would never see Kara again. Maybe Brainiac 5 had just invented their technology for time travel. Maybe they travelled through a similar wormhole that the one who took him to the future and they were planning to stay underwater until the moment when they could complete their mission (12,000 years ago and/ or during Reign’s childhood) and then until the 31st century.
SCENE 6: Winn and Mon-El are in the ship. Mon-El uses the thingy. He doesn’t look like he is planning to wake up the others. He very briefly glances in the direction of Imra’s pod when he checks at the stasis fluids levels. Asks Winn to reset a circuit. Kara arrives and while explaining he made Winn help him, Mon-El is still paying attention to the panel. Kara asks who is deciding what her best interests are and Mon-El almost rolls his eyes and smiles. It’s like he is thinking “that’s so annoyingly Kara”.
Kara says that he is going to take the thingy and Mon-El back to the DEO and he says that he can’t let her do that and moves to stop her. She tells him to get out of her way and discovers the necklace around his neck. Both freeze. Mon-El is clearly affected and all hearteyes. She says “my necklace” and he then steps back, put its back inside his shirt and moves to a control panel, saying “why did you have to come down here, anyway?”. He is quite upset now. She says that if they hadn’t he would have died and he says “it doesn’t matter, I’m not your problem anymore”.
She is angry and asks how could have changed that much in 7 months and he then yells that it have been 7 years for him. She frozes and he looks at her like pleading. He explains that he went into the future through a disruption and that he has lived in the 31st century in Earth for 7 years. He still looks at her like pleading. He then says that L-Corp developes a cure in the future. Kara then asks if he forgot about her and he then turns out to look at her a bit annoyed and like he cannot believe that she would ask that.
She then asks why is he still wearing the necklace. They both stare at each other with unshed tears. I think that he is trying to decide how to answer to that. Before he does there is an alarm on the controls. He seems to get very worried now and he says that the power of the chambers are failing and that he can reroute the power to all the pods except Imra’s.
Mon-El then focuses on saving Imra, very distressed. He says that she is drowning (how does he know? Is this because of a mental connection?) and tries to break the white dwarf glass 4 times. Kara breaks it and he then takes Imra in his arms, falling to his knees with her. He calls her name 3 times, takes her hair out of her face, moves his face to put her ear close to her lips. He then seems to be relieved and looks at the others to tell them that she is okay and breathing. Weirdly, he doesn’t try to feel her pulse, he just puts his ear next to her lips. She could have whispered him something there because there is a moment when neither we nor Kara or Winn see her lips. Mon-El doesn’t kiss Imra or embraces her tightly although I admit that he is very gentle and clearly cares about her.
It’s worth noting that Mon-El and Imra’s pods are not next to each other in the control panel. Their pods are separated too.
Here he looks a bit more like a worried “husband” specially once the systems fail although still making hearteyes and being affected by his ex before it happens. I don’t think that he was particularly loving as his reaction to her almost dying was underwhelming to me, specially compared to the Karamel reunions in 2x17 or 2x22.
SCENE 7: Imra is in the DEO med bay. Mon-El is not sitting next to her or taking her hand, he is just standing up looking mostly at Imra. He asks if there is any updates. Alex says that she’s stable for now. Winn asks if he can tell them anything about her to treat her properly and he says that she is from Titan and that without power to the ship she may have been off life support longer than they think. Kara asks who is she and Mon-El looks at Kara briefly and says that her name is Imra and he then asks Winn to let him know if her condition changes. He then leaves the room.
He is behaving a bit more like a “husband” as his attention is focused on Imra and not on Kara, but he doesn’t look like particularly caring or loving and he is not staying with her or taking her hand, even if he says that she may have been without life support longer than they think. Which as a doctor I know it means that she could have had brain damage.
SCENE 8: Mon-El is brooding in the balcony. Kara goes to him and he seems to have unshed tears. Before he starts speaking he nods to himself like he is telling himself to do something that he should do. He looks like very sad.
Mon-El then says that he is sorry for all of this, that he never thought he’d see Kara again and that he had too keep living.
She mentions that he kept the necklace and he then says, all hearteyes, that of course he did, as a reminder of everything that she taught him and did for him. A reminder of her. She then says that it meant a lot and then Mon-El tells Kara that she has to believe that no matter what century, or universe or world that he would live in, that he would never forget her. Never.
He then says that he was wrong of him to keep the truth from her. Kara tells him that the truth never hurt as much as secrets and then he says that he should have known better and that she never needed his protection except for the one time when they went for the all-you-can-eat ribs and she was inhaling them and he had to stop her. Kara said that he was a limited time offer and then Mon-El laughs. Big smile and happy laugh. He then says that it is a fair point and then Kara tells him that it is the first time that she had seen him smiling since he came back. Mon-El then says that he hadn’t had a chance to say it yet but it was really good to see her. He is all hearteyes here.
He then looks like worried and says that there is something he has to tell her. Imra calls Mon-El’s name and it takes a couple seconds for him to go to her half embrace her and give her a 2-seconds kiss. He says that he is very glad she is okay and that they thought that her life support failed. She says that she is tired but fine. He did not smile during this scene.
Mon-El then stopped touching Imra and stepped back to look at Kara now. He physically moves away from Imra. He then says to Imra that this is Kara Danvers, Supergirl. She seems to be in awe and says “I can’t believe it’s really you”. While Imra says this Mon-El is completely focused on Kara’s reaction and nods to himself. He then gets closer to Kara and says that this is Imra Ardeen, his wife. We don’t see Imra’s face during this moment.
Is he behaving like a loving “husband”? Well, at least he kissed and half embraced Imra (shortly) but his attention was focused on Kara when he introduced them to each other. No worries at all about Imra’s reaction about finding him with the wonderful ex whose necklace he never takes away. Also he used a lot of words to make clear to Kara how important she is to him.
I have rewatched 2x22 today and the moment when she returned with Clark and Alex he greeted her with a long warm hug and a very relieved face it’s so different to his reaction to getting Imra back. Also his reaction to the moment when they see each other after the Lemon almost-wedding was full hearteyes. Or the moment when they see each other again at the end of 2x17 is full hearteyes and another long warm hug and a very affected face.
Seriously, if Mon-El and Imra are a couple this doesn’t look like an epic love. I do think that he cares about her, but I still believe that he only truly loves Kara, because:
a) He knows that there was no power to the ship and that could damage her life support but didn’t went on a rush to protect her. I cannot picture Mon-El in season 2 doing the same with Kara.
b) He didn’t seem particularly focused on Imra when he went back with Winn to the ship.
c) He didn’t kiss or embrace Imra once she was out of the pod.
d) He didn’t stay with Imra once she was in the DEO med bay. He didn’t take her hand like Kara did with him earlier in the episode. Mon-El was always very touchy with Kara.
e) He didn’t seem to be too worried about her in the balcony. He was worried and focused on Kara.
f) No unshed tears when talking about Imra. Lots of unshed tears while talking to Kara or Winn. Seriously, the MonWinn scene looked like a love scene more than his seconds with Imra.
g) He spent all episode focused on Kara’s feelings, affected by her, cried when she left the cell.
h) Mon-El was not worried about Imra’s reaction of him being with Kara again. He was focused on Kara’s feelings.
BONUS: Imra’s reaction when she found out about Kara’s name was not fear or worry that her “husband” was in the balcony with the ex whose necklace he was wearing. Seriously, I think she wanted Kara’s selfie. That is not normal behaviour for a wife either
I still believe that this is a fake marriage that Mon-El and Imra agreed before it was announced. It could have agreed before their time travel, she could have told him to fake it just after being taken out of the pod, or they could have mentally agreed to do it before the balcony scene. Or Imra could have implanted thoughts/ emotions (as the character has done with other storylines in Smallville or comics) so he would stay apart of Kara and focused on the Legion’s mission.
I wanted to finish saying how insanely good Chris Wood was with all the non-verbal acting. Melissa and Jeremy were amazing too.
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tvserieshub · 8 years
Jake (Jerry MacKinnon) and Alex (Rachel Melvin) are running a youth obstacle course. Alex asks Jake why he’s obsessed with competing with 12-year-old girls. She notes that he’s clearly worried about working for an agency who had Davy Crockett and Sacajawea as progenitors. He says he wants to guarantee he’s physically ready. She points out he took down a djinn.
Molly (Oona Yaffe) is in her class, but is very depressed. Her instructor, Mr. David (Michael Scialabba) asks her if she needs an extension because her work is incomplete. She walks away from him mid-sentence in front of her mother, Diana (Janina Gavankar), who is mortified. The instructor says he’s used to short attention spans, but wonders if something is wrong, because this isn’t typical of Molly. Diana and the instructor agree to meet later to discuss the issue. Molly and her mom talk in the car, and Molly is worried. Diana says she wants to show her something, and they go to the Vault. Jake and Alex excitedly show Molly some of the cool stuff. Diana leaves Molly with #TeamVault.
Malcolm (Jeremy Davies) has Jobe (Kamar de los Reyes) add weight to him while he is impaled by a nail embedded table. Malcolm is using this to enhance his access to his visions, and this is fruitful, as his vision shows him having a meal with Molly, who is drawing him as a present, a thank you gift. (Side note – this sounds like a creepy new TV show “Malcolm and Molly”). Good thing that Malcom heals quickly. Somehow, Malcolm has a very significant role to play – but in this case Molly is her current age, not like the prior vision where Crane was a lot older.
Molly and Crane (Thomas Mison) discuss monsters. Molly shows Crane Mr. Stitch. Although it evokes really bad memories for Crane (Jeremy’s toy) he maintains his cool. Molly sings a song, which activates SOMETHING in the tunnel. Crane shows Molly the secret passageways. Shouting echoes agitates the monster. This activates something which shuts down the vault. Jake and Alex are able to communicate with Crane and Alex is convinced this is a security system.  They see a “federal ID” and trace it to Claudia Russell (Claire Byrne). It turns out that Claudia was the last agent before Alex and Jake. Diana explains that she has an appointment with Molly’s teacher. #TeamVault convinces her to go meet with the teacher as Crane and Molly are secure inside the sealed vault tunnels.
Mr. David hears someone enter his classroom, and he’s attacked by something. Diana comes in and sees him on the ground. Diana sees that Mr. David is holding a piece of fabric and suspects it is Mr. Stitch. Crane confirms that it likely is a gollum. He warns her that this magic shouldn’t be trifled with.
Jake and Alex go to Claudia Russell’s home, which is booby-trapped and comes within an inch of taking Jake’s head off. Inside, they find Claudia, dead and mummified.
Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood) comes to help Diana, who has pulled out the baby blanket, which is intact. Diana wonders how this creature could come out of Molly’s head. Diana can’t figure out why Molly’s protector would go after her favorite teacher, and Jenny explains that Molly is likely angry and frustrated with her mom, but doesn’t feel like she can say anything. So, the monster is going after people that she’s angry with for her. Jenny points out that Abbie being a Witness helped overcome some serious issues between the sisters.
Alex and Jake watch a video left by Claudia, in which she says that people forgot how bad and dangerous evil could be, even with all the protections that were collected in the vault. She mentions sacrifices and someone named “Michael.” “Evil never forgets.” And, it explains her leaving the booby-trap.
Back in the vault, Crane continues to work to free them from the vault and says “always help yourself.” Crane tells Molly about Pygmalion. How artistic talent and intensive emotion can bring things to life. This was Crane’s way to tell Molly that they think it’s Mr. Stitch. He helps work with Molly to think about where Mr. Stitch might be going. Molly thinks about the scene, and it’s clear she’s mad at her mother.
Jenny and Diana are at the house, when one of the sigils is activated. Mr. Stitch (Derek Mears) attacks and they fight him. He leaves and they are wondering – the irony is that Mr. Stitch is controlled by “bedtime.” They discuss that this is an Id monster. Jenny helps clarify that Molly doesn’t hate her mother, but is frustrated. She also says Diana is lucky that she gets to receive this message, so she can address it.
Jake and Alex find the plans for the vault and see that there were mechanical as well as physical controls. The opening is too small for non-Lilliputian Crane. Crane is not happy with Molly doing this, but she convinces Crane she must take action (she’s been listening). So, Molly squeezes in. Only two of the levers Molly sees can be moved. She unties her rope (always a bad move). She finds a grate, and gets lifted out. BY MALCOLM DREYFUSS. Malcolm tells Molly that he knows things feel like they are bad, but they are going to get better. He leaves before being seen by Alex and Jake.
Jenny executes a ritual to draw the gollum to the amusement park, so they can dispose of it. It attacks them. Molly arrives, and stops the gollum, explaining that she should have talked to her Mom instead, and explains what’s been frustrating her. Diana explains that it’s ok for Molly to be angry. They burn the gollum (in a very impressive shot).
Alex and Jake are having a conversation while Jenny is opening the vault. Alex is very upset about Claudia and the danger. Jake reassures Alex that this won’t happen to them, because they are a strong team. The door releases finally and Crane emerges. Fortunately, they have provided “delights of the Far East” for Crane. He leaves, and they look at an e-reader that fell out of Molly’s backpack. Dreyfuss was head of a charity that donated the e-readers, and this device had a hex embedded in it.
Dreyfuss shuts his company down (“decluttering”), and all the employees are leaving, but one of his associates shows promise as a recruit. Jobe asks about Molly, and Dreyfuss has figured out that he has significance to Molly as a father figure. (ew.)
It is a true pleasure to watch the interaction between Oona Yaffe and Thomas Mison. He is genuinely enjoying being with her and with the other cast members and it shows. The ratings situation makes a future season uncertain, and that’s a pity, as this season has been a real return to the first season’s feeling (Yes, I absolutely miss Abbie, but I love this season and its cast as much). The Dreyfuss story arc is extremely compelling. I am looking forward to seeing how Malcolm insinuates himself into Molly’s life, when they are all aware of his evilness (except Molly). I liked the back story on the Vault, as well as Jenny being able to offer independent advice to Diana. The tight relationship continues to grow between Alex and Jake. The only thing I didn’t like about this episode was the running gag about Jake not understanding they had a radio connection with Crane inside the chamber. He’s not that stupid. It was an odd misstep in an otherwise strong episode. The special effects were good for the gollum and its destruction.
Grade: B
Next episode: “Insatiable” airs on Friday, March 10, 2017 at 9 pm on Fox
Sleepy Hollow (S04E09) “Child’s Play” Jake (Jerry MacKinnon) and Alex (Rachel Melvin) are running a youth obstacle course. Alex asks Jake why he's obsessed with competing with 12-year-old girls.
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lightsandlostbells · 7 years
Skam France episode 8 reaction
everybody’s favorite gross-out scene, made even grosser
Clip 1 - Emma going for blood
I didn’t think that anything could live up to Woodkid’s “Run Boy Run”, which is one of my favorite songs even before it was on Skam, but surprisingly they managed to pick one of my other favorite songs, “Hard Times” by Seinabo Sey. I have both of these songs on a writing playlist titled “revenge.” And I actually like the sequence of her walking over there and yelling for him outside his door.
I do like Yann. I’ve been critical of him but I don’t actually loathe him as a character or anything. I’m just really have not rooting for him and Emma to get back together in the same way that I had feelings for Eva and Jonas, like that relationship had plenty of problems but part of me still wanted those wacky kids to work it out. I really don’t feel Emma and Yann are good together, like I think being with Emma makes Yann less tolerable for me and a lot of his beef with her feels less like disappointment or betrayal, but a growing problem with who she is as a person, who her friends are and what she’s interested in, and that’s a way bigger red flag. It’s a big surprise because I had a good feeling from them at the start.
Clip 2 - Daphne “back” with Ingrid
The girl squad dynamic is certainly one of this remake’s strengths and I enjoyed this conversation. Imane’s comments about Obama are a good point and an interesting perspective. Actually I think it fits with the message of Druck’s opening monologue pretty well.
I am here for Alex’s version of the Hunger Games.
Daphne is so deeply awkward. Even more awkward than Vilde, because Vilde managed to put on this cheerful smile and say some positive (wistful) things about the girl squad’s bus, and when Pepsi Max walked in she managed to keep it together a bit more and come up with “I’ll go get my jacket” which is not a terrible excuse in the moment, but Daphne got so flustered and like WHOOPS GOTTA BLAST.
Clip 3 - Boy fight
I like Yann so much more when he’s not with Emma. Like it feels like he shows his not-so-great qualities in this relationship, which is not actually her fault, but it makes me want them to be apart.
Even compared to Jonas, Jonas suggested that Eva contact Isak and when she’s like oh yeah,  forgot, he just has a little confused look. But when Yann tells Emma to contact Lucas and she’s like, oh yeah, I didn’t have time, he questions it and pushes her to do it. Now I get it, he’s looking out for his friend in a hard time and “I forgot” (mistake) =/= “I didn’t have time” (excuse), but it’s just a subtle difference in their relationship dynamic.
Raptor Alex is even more a dick than P-Chris, man. Alex actually seems like he’s entertained by the situation while P-Chris seemed over it and well, awkwaaaaaaard.
This fight feels so forced, lol. Charles just stepping in and getting hailed as a hero … bruh, whatevs.
Literally my favorite thing William ever did on this show was slowly descend the stairs without any hurry or change in his expression and casually intervene in the fight. Charles seemed more on top of it.
Yann for fuck’s sake, Emma did not actually make Alex be a dick to you and she didn’t make you shove him. That’s your own fault. I get it, he’s still mad that she kissed Alex and this is just a reminder, but also, chill. Again: I really am not rooting for Emma and Yann to be together at all.
Eva seemed like she was trying to calm Jonas down and he stomped off, but with Emma apologizing and Yann glaring and walking off it straight up seems like Yann is blaming her for what just happened.
Clip 4 - Camille invites Emma
This scene doesn’t quite have that tone of “girls gotta support girls” but there is at least the message that girls should start paying attention to stuff other than boys who cause drama.
Yeah that food looks nasty, I wouldn’t touch it either, Camille.
Clip 5 - Girl squad love fest
I am all about that Eva/Noora in OG Skam but I think I kinda ship Emma/Ingrid here. And I’d be kinda down for a French Ingrid season, unlikely as that is. Loved her sitting with the squad.
Also good: Alex telling Manon how sexy she is in a random (made-up?) language. As well as hoping girls will “fight” over her at the party. Missed opportunity to see some of that in action!
Oh thank god they moved the Lucas confrontation to a bedroom. Can you imagine how awkward it would be in that open kitchen area within earshot of everybody?
I loved how Emma is like Lucas 😊😊 I have to tell you something! Making it seem pleasant.
Man, okay. I don’t want to rag on these actors, but my initial reaction to this scene was like “if Lucas’ big secret were that he has a bunch of bodies buried somewhere, I would believe it.” 
I just don’t get much ambiguity, vulnerability, or subtlety from him? I know they can’t all be Tarjeis but he was so damn good in this scene, even better on a rewatch, when you knew what was really going down, you could feel all the conflicted emotions underneath. Lucas just feels super blank. I think some of it is his eyes? They don’t feel very expressive.
His body language and facial expressions are so weirrrrd and stiff. I know Isak/Lucas is supposed to be fake fake fake prior to S3 but this doesn’t feel like there’s anything below that surface, and I need something to go on to have some sort of attachment to him, especially when he’s done something very shitty and hurtful. Like the way he segues between these mood shifts/ personalities is robotic.
Even the way he asks Emma not to tell Yann is creepier! It’s less like he’s worried or vulnerable and more just like ominous, though some of that is the lighting. I don’t think it’s intentional, it’s just the acting, sorry. I can see that he’s trying? It’s just not coming across well.
Was some dude taking pictures of Daphne after she collapsed? How helpful.
The way all the girls carried Daphne together was lovely.
This scene had a lot to live up to and for the most part it did a good job. The girls were sweet and had some good reactions. Though I think some of the irony/humor was lost from the fact that the song choice was pretty damn serious. The contrast of Vilde vomiting to this angelic Christian song is a funny part of a serious scene, here Daphne vomiting here and the girls laughing did feel more out of place, tonally.
Also the vomit effects were so gross. Grooooosssssss.
Imane’s facial expressions after Daphne barfed in her lap were great, though.
How much do I love that shot of Imane curling up around Daphne? How muuuuuuch ❤️❤️
The ending overhead shot of all five girls was great.
Clip 6 - morning after
It’s really odd that this scene was placed at the end of the episode instead of leaving it on the girls in bed? Especially since it’s not a Friday clip. IDK what the logic or reasoning was except juggling time limits for each episode.
We didn’t get Eva’s iconic line about blackouts but there was a nice line from Imane about God having better things to do than erase drunk people’s memories. And Manon cuts more to the chase and is more directly comforting and huggy than Noora, who brought up Vilde’s pregnancy in an awkward, roundabout way and lightly tried to play it off as just a trip to the school doctor. Manon has more of a nurturing personality.
Yo, not to take away from this touching moment and all, but am I the only one who’s concerned about the proximity of those pastries to a stick that’s been peed on? My priorities.
General Comments:
I don’t know how I feel about some of these text messages where the girls recap whatever just happened in the last clip. It happened in the original sometimes but IDK, I prefer to read random conversations about silly stuff, or stuff we can’t get in the clips.
Emma being like “Charles was great” about the fight in the chat … girl … Daphne is still in the chat. And Daphne was massively hurt by that asshole like a week or two ago. Him stepping into a fight isn’t a call to glorify his ass.
I’ve been kinda ehhh on a lot of the social media, mostly from overkill, but my favorite IG post so far is Yann and Lucas reenacting the bike scene from ET to the theme music.
The music felt a bit downplayed in this episode and used most in scenes where it was relevant, so good job.
The girl squad group dynamic is definitely one of the strongest parts of the show.
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tvserieshub · 8 years
After the shocking conclusion to last season, involving the death of Abbie Mills, one-half of the demon-fighting duo, this season began with a reassuringly strong episode.  “Columbia” accomplishes the introduction of the ongoing villain, as well as the operating parts of Ichabod Crane’s new team.  It deftly shifted the action from Sleepy Hollow to Washington, DC. (a most wretched hive of scum and villainy).
The episode begins by very quickly, but efficiently, recapping the loss of Agent Mills in completing the final task of last season.  Shifting to the present, Crane is being interrogated by people working for Director Walters, who forced Crane into the car at the conclusion of Season 3.  The interrogators apparently are worried about electronic surveillance, as they use a slide projector, rather than a computer, to show Crane images.  Using the oldest trick in the books (“and that’s coming from me!”) Crane incapacitates the interrogator, and while exiting, takes note of drawings of monsters AND a rendering of the Lincoln Memorial.  Crane escapes into the forest, and in a wonderful callback to the series premiere episode, comes upon a road, which is really a runway at Reagan National Airport.
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The next scene introduces us to Agent Diana Thomas and her partner, Eric, who are discussing her unique, but strongly held, opinions on music and meat.  Eric asks about Agent Thomas’ daughter, Molly.  Agent Thomas and Eric are called to an unusual crime scene at the Lincoln Memorial – turns out Lincoln has been decapitated!  Violating Special Agent rule no. 1, the agents split up. This proves fatal for Eric, who has an encounter with a pointy-fingered, hat-wearing entity, whose touch turns Eric’s eyes black and kills him.  A crack of green light (vaguely reminiscent of the crack from Doctor Who) closes up on the side of the monument.  Crane and Agent Thomas meet and battle “Pointy Finger” who runs away. We see through a green portal.  Crane and Agent Thomas have a tense meeting (she’s armed and he’s not!)  Crane notes that his behavior shows he’s an ally of law enforcement.  Crane pursues Pointy Finger.
Pleasingly, the show uses the same music and a modified version of the series’ titles.  At least five new regulars are shown.  Who could Jeremy Davies be playing?
Agent Thomas thoughtfully notes some material on the ground.  She tracks Crane to the location where he was being interrogated.  She finds Crane there, which earns his grudging respect for her investigative skills.  Thomas asks Crane for an explanation, and when she resists the term demon, Crane rattles off several synonyms (“Fell Specter” etc.).  Crane charms Agent Thomas with his Revolutionary War language style (“eeeeevil”) and suggests that they team up at least long enough to determine who killed her partner.  She agrees.
Next, a darkened room appears, with a man reciting an incantation.  An amusing cell phone tune interrupts the man, much to his annoyance.  His temper is not improved, as while strolling out of the darkened laboratory into a modern office, he is informed that his strongly-desired business deal is being thwarted by a Japanese business person.  In the light, we see the man rocks Dickie Bennett’s wild hairstyle.  In a sinister move, he licks up some blood off the back of his hand.  This is Mr. Dreyfuss.
Crane appears in a car, leaving a mournful message for Jenny Mills. It’s clear he deeply misses her and Sleepy Hollow.  He seems a little scared of Washington, DC.  Agent Thomas appears and it turns out that her trust level was low, as Agent Crane turns out to be handcuffed to the steering wheel.  She points out his flee ratio is 1:2.  This is an amusing parallel to Crane’s introduction to Abbie Mills in the series premiere.  Agent Thomas recalls a place which might actually help.  She shows Crane a sheet with a logo and Crane realizes “the Vault” is actually George Washington’s Archives.  When they arrive, Crane’s expectations are dashed.  They enter a very ordinary looking office with a somewhat nondescript individual who hesitantly confirms that they are indeed in the Archives.  Crane doubts this.  Jake (the ordinary file clerk) finally recognizes Crane as “Captain Brownbeard” and notes that Crane’s been involved in a lot of supernatural activity in Sleepy Hollow.  It turns out that Jake’s job is to take note of these kinds of supernatural type occurrences.
An explosion sounds, and as the three go to investigate, we meet Alex, who has blown something up in the way-more-appropriate actual Archive.  Crane’s eyes light up at this more suitable location.  Alex’s job is “hardware.”
Crane looks at a book and notes that it is actually a cipher that he learned “when he was apprenticed as Benjamin Franklin’s typesetter”, oh wait, no.  It turns out that Booth was a Confederate Occultist.  With his efforts to kill Lincoln thwarted by Mary Todd Lincoln, Booth summoned (“don’t say it”) a demon directly into his body.  After Booth successfully assassinated Lincoln, Mary Lincoln sealed the demon into a chamber over which the Lincoln Memorial was built.
Alex notes that based on what the Memorial is made of, it would be difficult to remove Lincoln’s head.  Crane says that the demon used magic.  Agent Thomas notes that Crane seems to be very familiar with decapitations.  Crane wryly observes that he’s had experience.  Jake notes that they use secret passageways installed around the Revolutionary War to secretly enter and exit the Archives (leading to an amusing Downton Abbey reference).
As they wander through the passages, Agent Thomas tells Crane that she left the military after having her daughter, Molly, who is presently suffering from aphasia.  They run into a chamber with a scored wall.  They identify that the images on the wall are flags and it’s evident that the demon is focusing on the flag during all the time he spent trapped.  Jake, Alex and Agent Thomas remember that there is a Freedom Concert in which people are encouraged to show up dressed in flags.
Back at Home Base, the team figures out that copper is the demon’s Kryptonite (“Oh, yes.  The Superman”).  Alex creates copper bullets to be used in a sort of Gatling gun and they head out to the Concert.  An attendee razzes Crane for his (authentic) outfit, saying everything’s Hamilton now.  Crane is annoyed and says, “there were other people involved, too, you know!”  And, he says he’s not a fan of musicals.
Crane attracts the demon’s attention by waving a flag and singing.  The group ends up in an open building, waiting for the demon.  The demon arrives and tosses Alex and Jake around.  Just in time, Jenny arrives and takes the demon out with the copper bullet Gatling gun.  Like magnets, Jenny and Crane hug each other and Crane introduces Jenny to the group.  Jenny reassures Crane that he’ll never be alone, even in DC and Crane explains that the District of Columbia is named after Columbia, who was the colonists’ personification of liberty.
We revisit Dreyfuss and learn that that pesky Japanese business person blocking his deal has been handled – killed by a “wild animal” (Dreyfuss’ creepy assistant).  Dreyfuss then explains that he’s completed the hex and the head is ready.  The assistant destroys Lincoln’s head, leaving a round tablet in the rubble.  Dreyfuss explains that he can’t wait until he collects more of these tablets.
Agent Thomas and Crane meet again.  Crane tells Thomas that his demon hunting mission is not necessarily her mission, but she has decided she wants to partner up with him.  Besides, she says “Alex is building a guillotine and is going to test it on Jake.”  So, she wants to keep an eye on them.
Agent Thomas returns home and Molly is there on the bed.  Although Agent Thomas asks Molly questions, Molly doesn’t answer and it’s clear this hurts Thomas.  The episode concludes as Thomas leaves, and Molly opens up a sketchbook with several drawings. It’s not evident who is in the first drawing, but the next several are ALL of Ichabod Crane, and the episode ends as Molly continues drawing on the latest version.
It was a relief that this episode was strong.  It’s possible that Sleepy Hollow will not regain a certain segment of the audience who were very unhappy with the demise of Abbie Mills, when the chemistry between the leads was so strong.  In the new configuration, there is room for growth for Crane, and exploration of several new characters.  It was nice to see Jenny and Crane reunite and Jenny appears to be a continuing strong presence.  The direction was smooth and the cinematography was excellent.  Although some interior shots were too dark, this wasn’t a consistent problem and hopefully, it’s temporary.  The demon was suitably scary and the effects were enjoyable.  Considering the complexity of structuring a “monster of the week” with the introduction of a new team, home base AND villain, this was nicely and compactly done.  The snark level was appropriate and cultural references (Hamilton, veganism and music) were entertaining.  There were thoughtful remembrances of the late, and very lamented, Abbie Mills.
Grade: A
A new season begins! #SleepyHollow S04E01 "Columbia" Introduces the new gang & place. @kiddle After the shocking conclusion to last season, involving the death of Abbie Mills, one-half of the demon-fighting duo, this season began with a reassuringly strong episode. 
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