#if he had to suffer bluey or something then so will they
chewbokachoi · 1 month
Big Brother
Kuai Liang sighed as he sat in the waiting room.
How his brothers could be somewhere so mundane as a hospital of all places–he shook his head. Then again, he should be considering how lucky he was things didn't somehow get worse.
Then again, it wasn't exactly the most mundane of hospitals–it was the Special Forces hospital.
"I think you're crazy," Jax said.
Sonya shook her head. "You said you were bored, Jax. It's your fault."
Kuai Liang stood up, knowing that meant they were awake enough for a visit. "Consider this my apology and gift of thanks if things get as exciting as you were hoping for," he said, bowing his head before walking around Jax and Sonya.
Both of his brothers were in the hospital beds and glaring at each other.
"Kuai Liang," Bi-Han began, "I demand–"
"No." Kuai Liang said and grabbed a chair, letting its legs scrape along the floor. Both cringed–Tomáš covered his ears. Kuia Liang immediately lifted the chair, spun it and flopped down in it. He grabbed the remote. "We're starting over." He declared. 
"What?" Bi-Han stared. The restraints screeched but held.
"No way," Tomáš gawked, eyes wide like they had been when he first showed up to the Lin Kuei. Kuai Liang felt guilt at how he hated that stare when they were younger.
Time to rewrite things, he thought, as he turned the TV on. "We're going to pretend things were good, like they should have been, before anyone's parents died." He declared, leaning back, smirking under his mask at the utter shock and horror on their faces. 
Written to "Big Brother" by Fail Better, Heal Faster
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ohnohargrove · 8 months
Billy Lenz headcanons
Here's just a few hcs I have about everyone's favorite attic rat.
He's terrified of loud noises. Screaming or loud parties going on downstairs will have him huddled in the corner covering his ears.
Claude is his best friend. Whenever he raids food from the kitchen when no one's home, he'll always steal a little bit of lunch meat or whipped cream to share. He's always really gentle with him and Claude calms him down enough to sit still.
He's a nervous nail biter. Not just fingernails though, he'll chew on the skin beside his nails until they're raw. He's also a skin picker.
He blacks out during tantrums. He'll get angry or overwhelmed with something and the next thing he sees is the room being completely trashed. He always feels bad about this afterward because he doesn't mean to do it.
He's not a stinky attic man. He actually likes to keep himself well groomed and has to fight the urge to stay in the nice, warm shower whenever the sorority girls leave the house. I feel like he doesn't like messy, gross things and would freak out if he had to touch slime.
If he really likes you, I feel like he wouldn't call you "piggy." Pig is 70's slang for a loose woman and if he really liked you I feel like he would call you a kitty or something. "You're nice like kitty. Billy likes kitty and Billy likes you."
He's a biter. You could be sitting on the couch talking and the next thing you know he's taking a chomp out of your shoulder. It's an affection thing, I promise.
Stims by patting his legs, making little noises and echoing back words or phrases.
Is a huge fan of cartoons. He's Bluey's number 1 fan and thinks Juno is a cunt.
Is hypersexual but also terrified of sex at the same time. If he had to be intimate with someone he'd definitely have the freeze response for the first few encounters.
He sleeps completely curled around you like you're going to turn into dust and blow away if he lets go. He's also like a mini heater so you're either going to have to suffer or deal with sad whining/crying if you push him away. This is probably due to a lot of abandonment issues.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
is that bluey? - dr3
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
summary: being home alone with a migraine, you turn on a show that reminds you of your boyfriend
word count: 803
warnings: if you have emetophobia, you probably shouldn’t read it…
note: i myself am currently suffering from a migraine and i am just listening to bluey to not feel so alone, yay me
masterlist / taglist
The toilet was your favourite place right now. With a blanket laid down on the floor and a cushion under the toilet, you were curled up in the bathroom. You installed a power strip, so every electronic device could be charged, such as the humidifier, your iPad, the kettle and your phone. Plus it was the only room without a window, which usually was something bad, but that day it was a blessing.
You were home alone, Daniel was away with Scotty, either training or doing some shit. You wanted him here, but you also didn’t want to disturb him. You had a migraine, it was one of the milder ones, you had worse of 'em, but still bad enough to stick to the toilet. The cold floor helped you stick to reality. You were sweating like crazy and your left side of your head was pounding. It was like your heart was in your head.
Nausea overtook your body once in a while, but there was something that helped you through it all; Bluey! Even though you usually didn’t like the blue-light of the electronics, today it was some relief because you felt less alone. You couldn’t wait until Daniel got back.
You knew the show because of Danny‘s nieces and nephews, they were always watching the show. Daniel was always invested in the show, trying to watch it at home with you, but you always refused. But now it reminded you of him, especially the way Bandit is treating Bluey and Bingo. It reminded you of him and his sisters kids. You missed Daniel, having a migraine without someone caring for you was the worst.
That’s why, when you heard the key in the door, you were so excited you almost felt your eye pop out of its socket.
„Baby? I‘m home, where are you?“, he shouted through the flat. His loud voice pounded through your head. You loved him, really, but you could’ve killed him that moment. He opened the door to the bathroom and saw you lying on the floor. His mind instantly connected the dots; you had a migraine!
„Aww my poor baby, how can I help?“, his voice now in a hush, not wanting to worsen the ache in your head. You whined and opened your arms. He snickered and tried to fit his lanky body on the floor. You cuddled into his body and closed your eyes.
„Are you watching Bluey?“, he tried to contain his excitement in his voice, but failed miserably. You hummed and he just smiled at you. „Finally“, he whispered.
„But why?“ - „I missed you, s‘all.“
After a while, you felt the nausea kicking in and you wrestled yourself out of Danny’s arms. Thank god you were already in the bathroom, because you didn’t know how long you could’ve contained yourself.
You felt Danny trying to make a ponytail with your hair and a soothing hand rubbing over your back.
„Let it all out, my sweet girl. That’s good, let it all out“, he whispered to you. You hated vomiting, it’s the worst. You were just dry heaving after some time, your body still trying to eject everything from your stomach. Tears were hitting the toilet ring and Daniel wiped your eyes with his thump.
„I know, I know, everything’s gonna be good. Just a few more moments.“
„Can you please get me a glass of water and a new ice packet?“, your voice barely over a whisper. Daniel stood up and came back with all the stuff needed. He even brought you a coke, the wives tale or getting rid of nausea. He also brought a painkiller, having seen you take one only 15 minutes earlier, but when you vomited, you probably flushed the painkiller out of your body already. He was such a thoughtful person.
Later in bed, you had a bit of a moment where you felt better. „I am so happy you finally wanna watch Bluey“, Daniel exclaimed with excitement. You giggled, you knew he’d be happy to see you watching Bluey. „It reminded me of you“, you shyly smiled at him. „Aww baby.“
„You know, I think Bingo is the glue of the family, you know what I mean? Like, she’s the piece that’s holding all of the together“, you explained to your boyfriend. He chuckled lightly, he knew you’d be invested in the kids show. „Yeah, I think so too, honey“, he whispered against your temple. He kissed it and closed your eyes with his hands. „We can watch some tomorrow, hopefully your migraine‘s gone by then.“ You nodded your head, instantly regretting it.
You put the cold packet on your neck and cuddled into Daniels side. His arm snaked around your waist and pulled you even closer. „Night night, love you“, you whispered. „Love you too, darling.“
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21
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vimara00 · 2 years
You'll never leave me (Yandere!DabixF!Reader)
Hi everyone! It's Vi ✨ I received a request from @oyasumimosura and I hope you all enjoyed it! (I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻)
Warnings: yandere themes, curse words
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
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Touya's childhood was field with sadness and disappointment. Every passing day he wished his father would look at him and be proud of how big of a hero he would be, strong enough to surpass All Might!
Not even his brother and sister could understand how he felt; no one ever did! Until a certain someone appeared and brought light to his miserable life. Her name was y/n, a little girl he met at the forest he used to go for training.
At first, he was irritated by the fact that a stupid girl was at HIS secure place but couldn't stop staring from distance how wonderful her quirk was. Apparently, the girl had a water manipulation quirk and was practicing next to the lake. Touya felt envious about how much control she had over her power and how it made no damage to her body.
After a while, the little girl notice that there was someone near the rocks and find a pair of blue eyes staring at her. When she saw a boy around her age, she smiled waving at him and Touya felt his heartbeat fasten. He was accustomed to angry stares that made his blood run cold not pretty smiles that made him feel warm. After that day, y/n and Touya became inseparables. They trained together and share bento boxes her mom made for the two of them (he even went to her house when thing got heavy at home)
One particular day when Touya was crying into her arms and she would whisper that everything was going to be okay, they share their first kiss, a little messy but still beautiful, and promised eachother that someday they'll get marry and he won't suffer anymore.
However, as Endeavour's need for Shoto to be better than All might increased, so did Touya's resentment and he started developing really bad habits that worried his new friend. He would questioned whenever she arrived late and got mad if it was because of others; he started showing up covered in scars and eyes field with tears but when she asked him about it he would leave; Also, his flames turned blue and more powerful that she couldn't keep up with him anymore. Due to his sudden change, she became a little bit afraid so she didn't see him as regularly as before but this did not sit well with the blueyed boy.
The oldest Todoroki started following her to the park where she played with her brothers, to her house and even to her martial arts classes. He couldn't understand why did she distanced herself but was too proud to asked so.
If only that day y/n arrived on time, she could have been able to save him...but she didn't and lost her first love in the blink of an eye. After the incident, she concentrated on working her ass off to be one of the biggest heroes this world has ever seen and maybe, by doing that, she could forgive herself for Touya's death. She even tried to keep in touch with the Todorokis in order to save Shoto from ending like his big brother. She usually would call or text the siblings and went to visit Touya's santuari
Some years later, y/n fould herself patroling the streets at night. Since the appearance of the LOV, she had worked a lot more to keep the streets safe but something has been making her anxious. Everywhere she went, the hero felt some pair of eyes watching her every move and she was sure it has to do with some villian
Y/n heard some noises coming from a near alley and decided to check just in case someone needed help. There it was Dabi leading on the wall and looking at her while smirking, as if he had been waiting for her to arrived.
"Well, well, well I finally found you, doll" He said as he took a few steps towards her "It's not a coincidence that we are here tonight. I think we are destined to find each other" he continued to get closer and the hero took some steps back. Something about the way he was looking at her made a shiver run down her spain. The last time they faced each other, he left her with some pretty marks but she wondered why didn't he killed her when he had the chance but soon enough she'll have her answer
Water started to form around her as she was ready to attack but no before saying "You should've killed me that time" and then, with water manipulation, grabbed Dabi's body while she came closer to give him a big blow of water on his stomach and throw him against the wall while blood came out of his mouth. He stood up as it nothing happened and looked a almost as he was enjoying being hit.
"You are stronger than when we were kids, y/n but there is one thing that haven't changed and it's the fact that I'll always win" Dabi said and took advantage of her hesitation to advanced forward enough to make a fire wall to surround them. To say y/n was shocked was understanding. Nobody new her real name, how did he ? And that thing about knowing each other since they were kids?...
Being surrounded by fire made her body temperature raise and ,because of that, her mind felt dizzy but she tried to move in order to attack again but Dabi speed faster towards her and put a cloth around her mouth till her eyes started to close and her legs to trumble.
Once y/n woke up, she couldn't feel her body and the room was spinning around her. From the corner of her eye, she saw someone moving and she remembered who brought her here. Dabi took a sit next to her on bed (she was sitting on a bed with her back against the wall) and run his fingers crossed her cheek tenderly "You do look sexy wearing my clothes but I prefer that red lingerie you wore on monday to work. Damn I almost lost it, doll!" He said while bitting his lip. Hearing what he he just confessed made her want to vomit as y/n realised that he was her stalker! If her mouth wasn't covert, she would've shout or curse at him.
"I see you still don't know how I am so let me give you a guess" He took some piece of jewelry that was hanging from his neck and put it in front of y/n. Her eyes open like plates and everything came rushing back to her head. The ring that was in the necklace was the one she gave Touya all those years ago when they made a promise to get marry. Tears purred down her cheeks as wipe her tears and said "shhh it's okay. It's really me... Finally we are together again, love. And now that you are here no-one is going to take you away from me and you'll never leave me" His face twisted into a manic smile and laughed loudly. Then he took the cloth away from her mouth and she said " I used to love a boy called Touya but you are not him. You murdered and tortured people. You are fucking crazy if you think I'll stay with you" You tried using your quirk but nothing came and he laughed even louder saying "Oh y/n, I almost forgot to tell you...You don't have a quirk anymore. Isn't it great? I just saved you from that horrible life you had and from now and on, it's you and me! And we are gonna get married and you will never leave me!"
"I would never be with someone like you, fucking monster" she screamed at him as she jump of the bed and continued to run to the exit when suddenly, her felt a huge pain in her right leg, so strong that she fell to the floor and couldn't stand up. She looked at her leg and it was broken. Touya was standing behind her with a hammer with a serious face saying "You are not leaving me again so you better get use to it"
At that moment she understood that there was nothing she could do to scape from him and she cried even harder while he carried her to bed and laid her down. He was on top of her as he took her hand an put the ring on finger and smiled satisfied.
"I will get you something to eat, love. Rice with fried chicken, your favourite!" He pause and then said "I love you, doll " and kiss her forehead.
When he was gone, y/n burst out crying and she prayed that all of this was a nightmare but it was far from the truth, the nightmare had just started.
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anns-works · 2 years
Ok so i've got something that yall would probably hate me for. But ive been holding this simmering pot of angst for a while and the first thing i was taught is to share, so suffer with me.
Rather than being the only one out of his brothers to survive in the no-good-very-bad-horrible future, Leo is the only brother who dies.
Okay okay okay.
But i personally like to think that after the krang come out everything goes to shit in the bad timeline everyone goes oh fuck and start teaming up right? Human yokai cryptids mutants– none of that matters as long as you got eachothers back.
And after the initial stumbles the brothers start their active participation in the resistance.
Heres the thing.
Leo is genuinly terrifying at coming up with a plan. Kid went toe to toe with motherfucking Big Mama and came out victorious. Big Mama, as if the most terrifying yokai crime boss Big Mama. Kid came out with a smile. Its safe to say his strategies were incredibly effective and it kinda pissed off a couple of people.
Military dude 1: I can't believe i'm following a plan made by a 16 yo mutanat turtle.
Military dude 2: Your just upset the kid called out all the flaws your plan had in less than 2 seconds flat.
But the one pissed off the most were the krang. This tiny insignificant insect was able to somehow keep the resistance 3 steps ahead. So naturally, they went to take him down first.
It took a while but eventually they managed to isolate Leo. His brothers were fighting up a storm but the krang got too much and so they had to leave. Without Leo.
About a week later which involved a lot of crying and screaming, the krang brodacast a live footage of torturing Leo (my boi) before krangyfying (did i spell that right) him.
And now the krang have leo on their side. Leo, who knows everything there is to know abt the resistance (hes a gossipy bitch but thats only cuz its important to have the intel) so they are in deep shit now.
And he was a zombie for a while guys. Fighting against him always had people dying and his fam having a mental breakdown.
Eventually they take him down, but at what cost. (One of the brothers killed him. cuz angst. And now the question is who is the MOST angst) Also, Leo is the first person to die in the resistance. (Ouch)
Casey rools up and has no fucking clue who Leo is (ouch) or why his mom wanted him to take up the role as Casey's dad (HC: Cass took one look at tge record of Leo's victories against his brothers in the lair games, strategy skills and medical knowledge; and declared that he would be Casey jr.'s father. Leo was incredibly touched)
But for some reason. For soME FUCKING REASON. Kid is so much like Leo its scary. His family is near tears everytime they see him act like that. That one time he made a shitty pun and Donnie started crying.
Well its probably due to the blue imaginary friend he has that he calls Bluey. Yes we're going towards that direction. His everything comes from being influenced by the cool older brother figure he has as an imaginary friend. (Cuz of ✨Mystic Shenanigans✨ Bluey is still stuck here. Mikey is the only one who can also see him. But he cant. Cuz hes depressed)
Also without Mr. A-Ninja's-Greatest-Weapon-Is-Hope I feel like shit gets really depressing in the resistance. Everyones sad. Baby casey is sad to see everyone sad. So he asks Bluey's help and picks up his general style of humor. Angst shenanigans.
And. AND. AND. During the whole peepaws time travel back after the movie montage (I am a aimple woman w/ simple need) these depressed hunks see this tiny version of their blue brother still covered in bandages and not fully healed from the krangvasion, and their immediete reaction? Protecc.
Leo is confused abt a lot of things. The future version of his brothers that got spat out of nowhere. Casey and how that worked w/ their Casey. The blue projection of HIS angsty future self (who is pretty cool btw). PTSD. You know, the works. At this point my guy is just vibing, and honestly? The story picks up a pretty chill pace from there. Its all abt healing now baby.
So thats the rough outline of the au. And it might sound like a fucking add but heres more abt this silly little idea that came from my silly little head. -> You'll (Never) Never Be Alone
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watashime-ciel · 3 months
more organized RH headcanons +picrews of their (human) designs !!
hello yes the title of this
there are headcanons i'd like to share but they're either too personal or too uh. idk what to call them but i would have to use a trigger warning a lot and i don't want that. i don't wanna include that here- (but just a note, if i ever post human DJ Yellow drawings, i am not putting a tw for his scars as they are healed. that's all)
this is VERY LONG so sit back and enjoy your stay
credits to the respective creators of he picrews! had fun using most of them (Cecil has elf ears because fuck you thats why)
DJ Yellow
or; Yotsuhe/Yellow, age 22
gay boygirlic (a boy who experiences feminity in a way that doesn't affects their gender identity; explanation i can give fron what i understood of the original definition), any/all pronouns (he doesn't cares at all)
he has freckles but only visible on the sun
surprisingly, can take headphones off. just don't ask him to do it, he might just ignore you. but it is now common to see him headphoneless
he lets his hair grow a lot and then refuses to cut it, but in reality he hates having long hair
the idea of being a famous DJ known all around the world like Skrillex or CHU² in RAISE A SUILEN doesn't makes him too happy. that's why he participates as a DJ in most of school events or in local parties. he prefers to be known for his VOCALOID songs/covers or his cosplaying or dancing, or even his MMD videos. being a DJ is more of a hobby for him so "why be known for it when i have something else that's my actual passion?"
sanest Hatsune Miku fan. buys all the cosplays he finds, the figurines, funko pops, dolls, wigs, posters, stickers, keychains, phonecharms, pins, decoration and plushies he finds. basically he is me when i see something Husk, Vox, TMNT or Wakfu related, but with Miku
Yellow knows a lot about VOCALOID and hates you forever if you mistake a VOCALOID with a SynthV etc. also hates you if you think vocal synthetizers are AI
Len Kagamine is like his second identity, as he learnt most dance moves from him, including the acrobatics. he now breakdances whenever he has the possibility. thanks Len Kagamine
Yellow needs glasses most of the time. the problem is that he loses them a lot so he's just. blind. too much roblox
he has three voices: his normal voice (voiceclaim: kokichi ouma english, kyo or yuu from zola project), his more childish or mocking voice (len kagamine soft, elmo or bluey. you read that right. elmo.) and his feminine voice for... uh. doesn't matter (marcille from dungeon meshi in latin spanish or amalia sheram sharm in french). the uses of the last two voices is unknown... for the public knowledge
silly picrew time:
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or; Katsumoto/Blue, age 21
bi male, he/shark pronouns, proud boygirlic protector
after years of dating, he was forced by Yellow to learn some dances for cosplay performances, even if he knows Blue suffers of social anxiety. it was enough for him to GO to a convention with Yellow. now imagine him cosplaying KAITO or Sebastian Michaelis and dancing Cendrillon. poor guy is exploding
number one germs hater. carries 70/30 alcohol+water everywhere, sanitary towels and tiny bags
don't leave him alone at home. he's the living Senshi but in blue. he's baking you 30 types of chocolate cake if you leave the house for 2 minutes
or, you can choose to leave him alone and surprise him singing, which he rarely does to the public. not even Yellow. but, what does he sing? something in spanish for sure, maybe El Cuarteto De Nos. or maybe he's choosing Atarashii Gakko? or maybe he's humming a Minecraft song. who knows
he enjoys drawing and animating, making really smooth animations
he has one voiceclaim for two situations: YOHIOloid for when he is singing, Hazu Kashibuchi for when he's talking normally
Blue has had his phase of long hair but soon enough asked for help to cut it out because the feeling was not letting him live normally. he wanted his "floor cleaner hair" (named like that by him) back
he is THE autism. and also a theathre kid. favourite musical is probably heathers or ride the cyclone
silly picrew time. do you prefer long haired Blue or bald
(needed an excuse to show the human djs kissing picrew)
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or; JayJay/Jason/Leo/Leonardo/Jay, age 24
bi male, he/they/she pronouns, jokingly responds with "my pronouns are i/ta/ly"
HE IS POC and you cannot say otherwise
he smokes, but smells like roses
screams in italian when he is overly exaggerating with his reaction. it's the perfect source of laughter for Cecil
he can also play the bass, being a 'support' when Cecil practices songs on the guitar
he can also sing, but thanks to Cecil's demands of him singing like an agonizing racoon he rarely does. "agonizing racoon" comes from the fact that J.J has an Ado complex and uses a lot of screaming and growling in everything he sings. Cecil is worried about his vocal chords, even if J.J knows what he's doing
she was an emo before switching his life style to visual kei until the end of time. no one knows how his eyes look like without makeup
J.J still lives with his parents, actually. he has his own department but fuck that. he uses that department for music purposes (or he goes there to cry). but he wants his momma
you can't call him a visual kei nerd if he is the visual kei. has played with Cecil's cousin in the past and formed part of Megamasso for quite a long time until he gave up with Ryou's "bullshit" and left the band. Later forming what we know as the Rockers, or as i like to call it, the Rhythm Heaven Watashime Slug thing. but i'm stopping there because i have all things planned for the Rockers and this Watashime Slug thing leave me alone i'm normal (i'm not)
his room is very clean, and he has many figurines around the shelves and desk. there's one in particular that doesn't fit the "vibe", and it's a dinosaur plushie. it belonged to his younger brother who passed when J.J was 15 and his brother was around 12-15. everything that belonged to him was sent to charity or to the basement, except for that dinosaur
for his voice i never got creative. but back in the day, his voiceclaim was Kaito from Danganronpa. back in the day when Cecil was named JAVID.
silly picrew time, i promise i'll make more that look more... drawable or whatever
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whatever you say jason leonardo from rhythm heaven headcanons
or; Sou/Cez/Cece/Soushi/Cil-ly. age 23
pan nonbinary, he/they/ey pronouns
all his life he played the violin. it was at the age of 17 that he started playing the guitar with J.J
his mom is very much against the whole visual kei thing and him looking androgynous, but with time she has learnt to accept the differences™. as for Cecil's dad, he's a super chill adam sandler typa guy. adam sandler as in clothing. it was his dad who introduced him to the guitar world, with guitar hero lol
Cecil has a few voiceclaims for me but it's because i can't decide, only for his singing voice that's on my yt channel; fukase soft/normal. but for a spoken voice, i had Brandon from Team Hot Wheels in mind. but now i can't decide so bro won't talk. he shall sing
Cecil's very clumsy with his eyeliner so he always cries to J.J for help
he is Blue's best friend, and how they became friends is very funny actually. one time when J.J and Yellow were fighting, both Cecil and Blue decided to run away from the problem and hide somewhere until they were done. they were casually walking to the same place to hide. that's when Cecil decided to speak with "I suppose he talks crap about me to you too eh?...", to which Blue responds "...Yeah, but you don't look that terrible...". best friends forever the end
he is actually waiting for J.J to finally let go of his mother so they can go living on J.J department for music™, but that's not happening very time soon
Cecil cries very easily, actually. one time J.J was invited to play with his old band for a few concerts in another city and Cecil spent whole nights crying in call to J.J because he missed them. poor guy
he also enjoys animating, like Blue, but he has a more youtuber animation storytime type of style, more static and less movements depending of the situation. but he has a good hand with MMD
when him and J.J formed Watashime Slug, he spent hours not paying attention in class, writing the first song they recorded. half the school year lost, why ya askin
before singing in front of a lot of people he actually needs to kick or punch something while he hyperventilates. otherwise he id exploding
one of his vocal stims is quoting the life gives you lemons vine, with the voice crack and all
silly picrew time. CECIL ELF EARS JUMPSCARE and kissing rockers oh my god are they even real (they should be. i'm going insane)
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Red Woman
or; Connie, age 22
sapphic girl, she/her pronouns, also a proud boygirlic protector
Yellow's best friend from faaaaaaar. they cosplay, sing and dance together whenever they got the opportunity. one might mistake them for a couple for how close they are, but nope yellow likes mem and connie likes wemen
she prefers to sing metal rather than rapping. mainly she does it because she wants to growl and scream like Lena Scissorhands, her idol. of course J.J then wants to do sing with her. she's also a soprano. how cool is she dude she's the whole package
her voiceclaim is Ruby and v4flower from Vocaloid. Ruby for english, v4flower for japanese. with both she can talk lol
she made black kusanagi nene canon y'all it wasn't me it was connie
she's in a relation with Jenna (blue woman), but many people think she's dating MC Adore due to them being close. she has two situations where she's mistake by someone's partner but no one knows about Jenna lol
silly picrew time look at her gooooo yayyyy
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Blue Woman
or; Jenna/Jen. age 22
sapphic girl, she/they pronouns
i don't have much headcanons about her, but she's also a soprano and main choir singer for Connie
she has auditioned for some musicals but never got the role ever. her dream role is Jane Doe and Miss Argentina
her voiceclaim is CUL from v2 with a lower gender parameter setting. as for english and/or spoken voice, i'd probably say constance from rtc
she loves her gf. a lot. she has a lot of love to give
loves going out for walks, no matter what time is it
silly picrew AND KISS YAY it's the last kiss picrew i promise
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Red Rapper
or; Kohai/Ko/Red/parappa. age 22
transgender man, unlabelled, he/him
he has a cousin-like bond with Connie, as their parents are super close and they grew up together. unlike Yellow Rapper and Jenna, that they're actual family. specifically siblings
also Yellow's best friend and one that stayed most of the time on his side during difficult situations until he met Blue
a rapping voice he might have besides his og voice, is TOPHAMHAT-KYO's from FAKE TYPE. as for talking, i'd say tankman? the one that appears in fnf because i forgot his name so now you know *which* tankman i'm talking about... at least after training his voice. and as for his singing voice, ARSLOID is a close choice for me, but not sure
he has dated Yellow Rapper in the past, but it's not like they felt romantic feelings towards each other all the time? it was more sort of platonic, so they stayed as friends. but remember something...
kissing the homies goodnight
his name was actually gonna be something among John or Noah, but when he came out to his parents and was asked what name he went by, his dad interrupted him and told the story that if he was amab, his name was gonna be Kohai, a japanese his dad fell in love with after living in Japan for years. cuz yeah, Red's american, not japanese. Red found it cool and decided that's gonna be his name. boom. lore.
silly picrew that's actually silly!?!?!?!?!!! please please check this picrew out it's super awoowoo /silly
none have the same vitiligo but they're close to the one i draw
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yes he likes lemon demon
MC Adore
or; So'ra/So/Adieu/Amore. age 23
pan polyamorous female, she/her
her dream was to be a model, actually. but got an emotional attatchement to the imagination movers once, and thus made her insanely interested in music, evolutionating to rap music. then she built her persona, a serious but chill and fancy woman, collaborating with other rappers and artists around the Tengaku school (the biblically accurate rhythm heaven school where everyone with a bit of rhythm and coordination can study no matter how old they are. but that's for another day)
her singing voiceclaim is Merli and IA from vocaloid. for talking, back in the day ive chosen Agatha from O Surreal Mundo do Any Malu, but today i'd say Leslie Kritzer as Miss Argentina (or Delia) or Rosie from HH
as a joke she would smooch Connie until Jenna sees them and gets slightly angry, just to get a laugh. it's just kissing homies which is not gay btw🙀
many years ago, her and Yellow dated as they were the top famous at school, and big fanatics shipped them!? so they were like "...are we supposed to do somethkng about it or-". it was kind of forced, of course, and obviously they broke up because they actually didn't feel anything. textual words of Yellow: "thank God, i was just about to tell you i like men and boobs scare me"
mc adore picrew jumpscare
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or; Peach/Pitch/pinkie. age 19
transgender girl, bi with female preference, she/her
she has a crush on Reporter and hs been there for a long time now, but can't get Reporter's attention on that
she's extremely shy and insecure, but So'ra approached her once to share lunch and she became her friend. so if she feels in danger sometime, she just hides behind the first person that was nice to her: So'ra
she wants to be recognized for playing baseball but doesn't sees any progress on her. so she gets frustrated easily and would stop going to the practice to stay home and do it on her own time
she once got the role for a musical because Reporter signed her in, but she never played the role, as she felt she was going to faint. the reason reporter signed her in was her harmonious voice that could be perfect for Lydia Deetz, Sky the Scout or Heather McNamara. but she simply couldn't
voiceclaims for her include Kaai Yuki and Otomachi Una sugar for singing, two childish, girly and soft voices. for spoken voices, Himiko from Danganronpa and Luo Tianyi are my target options
Peach is super fluid in chinese, and doesn't gets the big chilling (bing xiling) meme at all. "what's so funny about ice cream?"
basic ahh picrews but it's better than nothing
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or; Debbie/Debs/Bee. age 19
unlabelled, strictly she/her pronouns
voice claim for singing is Megpoid GUMI Adult/AdultMellow. for talking, the pilot Charlie from HH or April O'Neil 2018
she's very bubbly and talkative. open to everyone and direct with her opinions even if they sound a little harsh
runs a fan blog about wrestling and otaku culture news, proclaming herself a celebrity
she enjoys dancing a lot, even if she's a bit clumsy
there's no way to make her shut up if you mention something related to sports or if she hears an incorrect fact about otaku culture
she bought most of Peach's outfits, helping her get more feminine and soft clothing that helped her feel better
has a little job working as a babysitter to most of the children living in the area, having a lot of tiny little friends wanting her attention and storytelling. she also teaches them english if they behave properly, so they have a little language their oarents don't understand that they can use when they play
president of the school newspaper. makes sure everything's perfect
you know what time it is. THAT'S RIGHT
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age 16
questioning female, she/her pronouns
adoptive daughter of Annie and Mark, the two sciencists of Love Lab. there was a language barrier, as both sciencists were still learning japanese, but nothing beats the language of love... and Google translator
she met DJ Yellow when she was a child in the Tengaku's dance club, Yellow being a support teacher for kids that got frustrated easily, finding her pouting in a corner of the room. they developed a sibling-like relation, Yellow obviously being the older one, and to this day they call one another sister and brother
she always skipped class to go looking for her parents around school, as they were physics and chemistry teachers until something happened with Annie. maybe another story for another day but don't worry she's still alive
Mako loves dancing, singing and colouring. she's Tengaku's youngest 'idol', even if she didn't want to he one. but she finds it fun
voiceclaim for everything is otomachi una spicy/sugar !!
she's very fashionable, and loves uniform-like outfits
but she also loves sleeping, and spends most of the day in pajamas. she also makes sleepovers with her friends every once a month
her favourite animal are monkies and she's not sure why. she recalls a stuffed animal of a monkey back when she was waiting to get adopted, that she liked very much. she suspects it all started there
drum rolls YAYYY picrew time
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isn't she the cutest don't you wanna pet her head because i do she's so skrunkly
AND WITH THIS we conclude the longest fucking post i've ever made. i'm missing out on Haruka and Akira (Girl and Boy from double date) but honestly i'm tired and for them i just include music. for example, Haruka plays the piano like PAREO from RAS and she can high kick when she catches the rhythm on metal and rock. or Akira is good at freestyling. very basic shit
these are the bases of whatever headcanons i make of them, specially the rockers and djs. remember that if you don't like a headcanon, do NOT hate. instead keep the commet to yourself or comment your view in a respectful way🫶🏽 because none of these hurt you, although i get it if it somehow makes you uncomfortable to see a headcanon be different from your own, because it happens to me very very often. but let"s respect everyone's imagination and enjoy the community instead !
i hope yall liked these mfs
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reylogirlie · 3 months
(Some of) My other ships
Now, Reylo is my OTP. It is what I consider to be one of the best fictional love stories of all time.
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I mean, look at them?!?With that being said, however, I wanted to make a post about my other ships. None come near Reylo, but I just wanted to gush a bit. I wonder if we have any other ships in common So here in no order, is my list:
Bunnydoll- Amazing Digital Circus
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Okay, I know it’s confirmed we’re getting no main romance from this show. And I know Jax is supposed to be an ass no one likes. With that being said, they were lowkey cute in the episodes shown so far.
The look he gives her when he says “She (Pomni) still thinks this is a dream.” Or when he calls her Dollface 😫😫😫😫 (I’m whipped for pet names) there’s even like a live zoom call between the cast posted on YT where Jax’s va says “I love you Ragatha” at the request of a fan and it’s so cute 🥹 I also got parent vibes from them in the pilot when they were showing Pomni around.
It’s giving strict mom and idgaf dad.
Ik it’s probably not gonna be cannon and I don’t care that much if it is (does not hold the place in my heart that Reylo does) but I think there’s potential there. Maybe I enjoy their fannon a bit more than cannon, idk 🤷‍♀️
Felix and Tamora - Wreck it Ralph
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Now, they are so wholesome like 🥹
He’s so whipped from her from the very start. I love their love story in the first movie. Felix is so whipped for her from the start, and she doesn’t trust easily due to her trauma.
Yet, Tamora warms up to him steadily and eventually realizes that the two have fallen in love- and it’s okay that she’s learned to love again, she’s not betraying her original love and that just because he went out horribly doesn’t mean Felix will.
I also love how Felix is patient and respectful towards her. When he learned their term “dynamite gal” triggered/upset Tamora, he never said that again. He resorted to other names (lady love, Tammy, etc) and I love that. He’s not perfect, and he was clearly a bit tone death towards Ralph in the beginning of the movie, but he really is a great guy. I sorta get the nice landers- I’d wanna be his friend too if I was in a video game tbh.
They’re wonderful, I love them.
Buzz and Jessie- Toy
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Them. I had a Jessie, Buzz, and Bullseye doll when I was little-
(I was also Jessie for Halloween one year)
Anyways, I’ve always loved them. Again, opposites attract. Jessie has extreme trust issues from being abandoned. She still gets anxiety from being in tight spaces.
Buzz knows how to calm her during panick attacks, he always reassures her she won’t end up alone, and he’s who taught her how to trust again.
Even when he’s switched by Lotso, he still finds her beautiful 🥹
Jessie also brings out a different side to him- even got him to Spanish dance in front of everyone at the end of 3 ☺️
They always steal the show, and I can’t wait to see them in Toy Story 5 (Yall can tell Iove Toy Story, right?)
Chilli and Bandit-Bluey
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Okay, as of right now they’re probably my second favorite ship. Like I’ve even written fics about them (not nearly as much as Reylo, but a few) and I could go on.
What I absolutely LOVE about Chilli and Banditis the fact that they give something fresh to cartoon. Most tv parents are either toxic or they simply exist as parents and not a couple. Like not toxic per se but they exist to raise the protagonist.
But Chilli and Bandit? They are still so in love and they have a relationship outside of being parents. They disagree sometimes, but what married couple doesn’t??? They still make time for each other despite their busy lives, and they allow each other to still spend time with their friends and go out.
Not to mention, they show their daughters what they should want in a relationship someday. They’re still affectionate despite their gross (yet typical) tendencies, they take the L for each other (Bandit eating Bingos special so she feels important and Chilli doesn’t have to suffer/ Chilli telling the girls to lay off Bandit when they’re mad about moving despite agreeing with them), they’re gentle with each other when the other is triggered/upset (The Show/ Stockbrid) and overall, they know how to balance parenting, their love, their work, friends, and family all while being so damn cute.
The fact whenever Bluey or Bingo pretend to be a married adult and use the term “bahbe” implies that Bandit speaks like that to Chilli 🥹 (honestly cannon because we see their sweet talk all the time)
They’re just so sweet, wholesome, healthy, and they’re honestly my favorite part of Bluey.
So there’s my other ships. I wonder if we have any in common 🤩 If you want a part two I’m down for it, but don’t worry this is still a Reylo blog and that will still be my main content :)
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sithskywalkerr · 7 months
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if the suspense doesn’t kill you, something else will.
Summary: Vader believes his wife Padmé and their children are dead, but Padmé is alive and well. While she’s in hiding, senses Anakin's presence in the Force and believes he may be the mysterious Vader upon realization five years after the twins are born. Meanwhile, Anakin senses Padmé's presence but is convinced by Emperor Palpatine that it's a hallucination. Despite this, he remains hopeful and is determined to prove that his wife and children are alive. The Flowers Never Bloom Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Sheev Palpatine, Luminara Unduli, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, minor character death, blood, slight gore, cannibalism Ships: Anidala Word Count: 7k words A/N: Hello all! Okay, so I wanted to get this out before March, and idk what bug infected my brain the last week, but here we are!! The boy!!! The bb!!! Of course, this has the birth of the twins, and it's lightly skimmed over detail wise, so if you don't like that kinda thing, it's cool. I get it. Per usual, Anakin is suffering and so is Padmé. Also, don't hold how the kids are against me. My reference is Bluey, and the insp for Luminara's death was Frankenstein. 😭 Read here on ao3
The cool air of Umgul soothed his slowly healing skin exposed to the elements, but Vader was soon stopped on his bike by the rising mountains that threatened the beginning of an easy hunt. Nothing could be straightforward. He knew that defeating Luminara would not be easy without a saber, and his body ached from the replaced cybernetic in his right arm. Even with the ache, he had an advantage of brute strength and speed. That could easily be used against the older Jedi if he could lure her into a cave or dead end. One would make it out alive, and he needed to ensure it was himself.
For Padmé. 
For their baby.
Shaking the past and future from his head, yellowed eyes glancing around the rough face of the mountains with various creatures milling around while bellowing over the lush grass. Once before, he may have toyed with the idea of chasing them, terrorizing them for simple fun, but now he had a complete disinterest in Umgul’s various animals. The cooling air stung at his exposed skin as he climbed up, steps nearly silent as he followed the Force signature that Luminara had left behind while the air thinned. He absently hit a button within the mask, ensuring a higher oxygen output was given to him while he climbed higher. 
Luminara may have forced herself to be thrown into the Diseased territory, but as she observed this pursuer, there was little to calm the dread that began to well up from her belly. It threatened to claw at her throat and blind her eyes to the present, but she kept moving forward. With the news of the death of Windu given across the Jedi’s frequency, she knew she was one of the remaining few. If she had to, she would have to hide to preserve the Order, the Jedi, and the planet from its collapse if she could locate others. She had to survive.
Bright navy eyes watched as the black-clad Sith made his advance, moving more fluidly than a human but not as bumbling as other infected folk had. This only boiled the dread to move into her throat, her chest beginning to prickle with its darkness. No. Keep moving. She could have a better chance if she could find a shallow cave. Then, she could be able to escape. Dark boots carried her across the greenery, shedding her outer layers of the Jedi robes for faster movement. She crossed the paths with more extensive caves, uneasy about waltzing in for safety when the local qiuak was known to defend it’s territory viciously. 
Glancing back, she was relieved to see she wasn’t in sight, so she decided to go in only briefly to try to lead the pursuer to a demise. While protecting life was crucial to the Jedi’s beliefs, she could strongly feel the dark energy from the individual and knew that it was kill or be killed. The Sith were back, and it was detrimental to the fate of the weakened Republic, though now, she was sure that the Republic didn’t exist. Not with so many Jedi dead. However, the Force had been giving her nudges and whispers as she left the cave after leaving the false clue.
That darkness following her was familiar, something she had seen in the Clone Wars, yet she couldn’t place it. Mentally, she softly whispered to the Force for clarity, making her way out of the cave swiftly when she heard stirring deeper in the cave from a qiuak. Exiting the gloomy, chilled air, her searching eyes spotted storms coming from the west, and there was still no sign of her pursuer. The rains would make her progress slow, with the rocks becoming slippery and unstable if there was a torrential downpour. She had to find a shallow cave and fast.
Hopping down from the platform, Luminara carefully moved along the cliffside to climb higher, getting onto a flattened plateau to momentarily catch her breath. Closing her eyes, she meditated, slowing her heart and breathing while her body slowly relaxed. Her Master would be proud of how far she’s come, but what good would that be if she didn’t survive?
The evil that threatened her suddenly was closer, threatening to suffocate her as she opened her eyes and turned to see the masked figure standing meters away while he watched her meditate. Her eyes stayed on him while his head slowly tilted, observing her as she took a hesitating step back while looking the figure over. 
Vader continued to assess her while she desperately tried to figure out something. Yet, why had she chosen to take the opportunity to pause and meditate? Even when being pursued? Hadn’t Obi-Wan mentioned that Qui-Gon had done the same thing before his fateful duel with Maul? Perhaps he would come out victorious this time, even without a lightsaber. He watched while the glimmer of recognition sparked in her eyes, her heart only catching in her chest as she realized who she had been trailed by. 
“Anakin … what happened to you?” Her voice was barely a whisper as she straightened up, hand instinctively going to the hilt of her saber. She found her resolve, voice louder now, accusatory, “You killed Mace?”
He stood in front of her silently, mind working through possible outcomes, but the one that seemed most effective would be to attack her from behind to avoid being hit by the saber. Either way, he will be victorious, and she and the rest of the Jedi will be eradicated. Finally, he spoke,” Anakin is dead, just as you will have the same fate.” 
“Why have you done this? The Order has only given you a home,” she grasped the hilt tighter before letting the bright green hum of the blade ignite. 
A short, cracked laugh escaped through the modulator, his head slowly tilting downwards while he kept his gaze on her. A home would not leave Ahsoka behind when her whereabouts were unclear. They would not hoard the Diseased and barely keep them alive. The unwavering gaze he had given her only fed into the deepening dread as thunder began to crackle. “The Temple was never my home.”
Padmé is.
Luminara knew arguing with him was futile, but as the rain began to fall, her headdress only darkened with the raindrops as they stared at each other. Yet, there was one thing that Luminara could speak to him about, try to bring him to peace. It was her last chance of reasoning, not when Anakin had done so much good in the Clone Wars. He had even been stubborn enough to ensure Barriss and Ahsoka’s return after a high-stakes mission that she was ready to walk away from. 
“What happened with Ahsoka was never your fault, but it was ours for not seeking her out immediately. I know you have always held animosity towards me because of Barriss’s actions against the Order, and I am sorry for the damage it has caused.” She hoped it could bridge the gap and give him the smallest amount of sympathy she needed, but he remained unreadable. 
Yet, the darkening energy was all she needed to confirm he was lost while he began to stalk around her to try to get behind. She had to think of her survival, not seeking his forgiveness for the Order’s failings. He made a false attack to lure her into action, and she immediately swiped towards him as her fear spiked at seeing how much larger he was. Dear Maker, what had happened to him since his disappearance? The dangerous dance began, and she tried to keep herself from killing him, opting to try to just damage him enough to escape. Singed skin ached as the cold rain turned the scarred skin purple in hue at the chill, yellow eyes only seeming to glow in the darkness of the storm as he backed away for a moment while his left arm ached with the saber’s burn. 
Luminara watched while he reached up, undoing the bands on the mask to drop it onto the ground as her heart fell into her stomach. No. Her eyes took in the gnarled skin of his face, the sharp teeth exposed from the healed gash on his cheek, and his strong jaw absently popping while the hunger began to gnaw at him again. 
“Anakin, what happened?”
“Obi-Wan,” Vader said simply before advancing in blinded rage, the darkness around him suffocating while he charged. She took a step back, eyes wide, before swinging at his right leg, slicing the limb off, which caused him to fall from the sudden imbalance. While falling, metal fingers grasped onto her robes, dragging her down with him while he gave an inhuman growl. Beginning to lift her hand up again for another strike, Luminara soon cried out in pain when he grabbed her wrist and shattered the joint beneath his grasp. 
“Anakin, please stop,” she protested, dread only filling her as she saw the feral traits of the Diseased in him while he moved to pin her down after disposing the lightsaber to the side. Large hands moved to her throat, and without any thought or pause, the her vertebrae was soon shattered from the strength as the light left her eyes.
While the rain continued to fall, it wasn’t long before the water began to mix with blood spilling over the sides and down the cliffsides while his fingers tore apart fabric and flesh. The scent of blood began to attract other infected, crawling out of the various caves they hid in from the rain before spotting him feeding. One of the younger ones was brave enough to try to approach, and a low, growl of warning soon emitted when Vader paused his feeding, yellow eyes boring into the teenager with sharp, bloody teeth bared.
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“Come on, Padmé, leaving a party early won’t affect how the Senate sees you,” Anakin purred out while pressing against his wife again after another governor had left their vicinity. 
Padmé softly scoffed, trying to suppress her smile as softened eyes moved up to look at him,” You say that every time. People are beginning to notice, Ani.”
“So we leave at different times then and meet at your apartment.” Tilting his head, he gave her a crooked grin, one he knew that she couldn’t resist. “I bet I can get there before you do, Senator.”
A soft voice pulled his wife from the memory, and Padmé let her gaze return to Ahsoka while the Jedi gently grabbed her hand. “I’m sorry, Padmé … but we believe that Anakin is dead. Obi-Wan couldn’t find anything.” 
How easy could it be for them to admit that? She knew the Order had refused to search for Ahsoka, and now she could only believe they would refuse to search for Anakin. While he was one of their best warriors, there was still no doubt about their lingering apprehension towards him. Though, now, she could see it was not without a good reason. Not only had the Sith come into power, but the Republic crumbled into nothing within only a week. Obi-Wan had gone on a mission to relocate Anakin when Padmé begged him to, but only if she and Ahsoka had stayed in Alderaan. 
“I don’t believe he’s gone … I know he isn’t,” Padmé spoke with determination, sitting up straighter as much as she could within the final month of her pregnancy. At least through the chaos of it all, the twins were healthy. “I’ve felt little prods from him through the Force. My husband is still alive.” 
Ahsoka knew it was a losing battle when Padmé was just as bullheaded as her Master, and if he was alive, he would do anything in his power to find them again. She knew that. They had to wait. No matter how long and excruciating it would be, they had to. “I’ve tried to locate him, and Obi-Wan has attempted as well, Padmé, but his signature is so weak.”
“It has changed. I don’t know how to describe it, but Anakin would be the only one to seek me out in the Force.”
“Padmé, we also have reason to believe that Palpatine could be toying with you and trying to locate us,” Ahsoka moved to sit down, shoulders falling. At the same time, she absently played with some of her twists,” I hope Obi-Wan can at least confirm he’s alive. Then, we can begin to formulate a plan.”
Padme’s personal datapad lit up, and she leaned forward, carefully maneuvering around how large her belly had gotten. Leave it to Anakin to give her twins. Still, she was as happy and excited as she could until dread crept into her chest.” The Emperor has an announcement tomorrow.” 
Ahsoka’s brows furrowed as she carefully moved closer,” about what?”
Padme showed her the article, her husband lingering in the back of an official photo with the half mask on, adorned in black. “Bringing Coruscant back, but I need a doctor right now.” She slammed the datapad onto the table too harshly as Ahsoka watched, confused, before she finally admitted,” The twins are coming.” 
Oh, Maker, help us.
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Vader lingered bored near the Emperor while grand, elaborate celebration preparations had begun, the new saber of black and shining silver attached to his hip. At the same time, he watched the influx of people returning to Coruscant within the streets below. The promise of safety caused enough relief to bring the capitol back onto its feet, but the infected still ravaged the lower levels which only caused construction to stretch higher into the heavens. 
“Vader, I want you to ensure the lower-level shields are in place,” Sidious crooned while inspecting a banner’s fabric. Planning for celebration only reminded him of when Naboo had theirs in the joy of being free from the Trade Federation.
Turning at his voice, the apprentice watched as he made final selections, facing Vader again afterward while Sidious’s face seemed to fall into grief. “But, I do have unfortunate news for you, my friend. In last month’s chaos, we have confirmation that Padmé was killed after you encountered her and Kenobi in Kuat. They never made it to their destination.”
“I have felt her through the Force,” he began, pausing as a gnarled hand was raised.
“Try again, my apprentice.” 
Unreadable eyes stared at him a moment before closing as he reached out to Padmé again, trying to find her signature. If he recalled correctly, it was something closer to Alderaan. Perhaps that was the place he truly needed to go. Yet, he was greeted with nothing. 
Sidious watched, turning to hide his pleased smile while he blocked how far Anakin could reach through the Force, making him unable to find her. That could be another task to set into an experiment. After all, he couldn’t babysit his miserable apprentice all the time, not when he had a planet to rule over.
Vader’s eyes reopened, agony washing into his chest, but he would provide his own investigation. He was unaware of how far the Emperor had planned to ensure she would never be found by her husband, and he straightened, squaring his broad shoulders. 
Back to work. “The shields will keep the infected from climbing and ruining your evening.” 
“Good, I know that I can count on you, and again, my boy,” a hand moved onto Vader’s shoulder,” I am genuinely sorry. Losing Senator Amidala is a tragedy we all mourn.”
Yellow eyes stared at Sidious momentarily before he pulled away, giving a slight bow of his head. Silently, Vader exited the office, roughly shoving droids out of his way while moving down the halls to the landing pad for a speeder to check all of the shield ports.
If Padmé was dead, did that mean that Obi-Wan was as well? Brow muscles furrowed while he got into an elevator, hitting the button for the lowest dock of the building. Once the doors closed, his shoulders slumped, his hand moving up to hide his eyes while they closed as the tears threatened while trying to reach out for Padmé again. 
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While Padmé was in labor, Bail, R2, and 3-PO observed outside of the room while Breha held onto Padme’s hand with Ahsoka by her side. “Obi-Wan is trying to make it here for the delivery, but he says ‘no promises.’”
“Obi-Wan being present is the least of my worries,” Padmé softly winced at the pain,” has Yoda been contacted to help keep the twins’s signature from being noticed?” 
“Yes, he’s about to arrive, and if Obi-Wan can���”” I’m here,” Obi-Wan said as he rushed into the room, eyes soft as Padmé reached out to him while Yoda followed closely behind. The joy couldn’t be hidden from his features as he stood beside Obi-Wan, but hiding the force signature would be a feat within the delivery itself.
“I’ll be damned if I missed the birth of the twins,” he softly said, heart still aching since he saw the article on one of the newsstands in the capitol of Alderaan. “We need to focus on the birth and protection of you and the twins, Padmé. We can worry about everything else afterward, but not when they’re about to come into the world.”
Yoda nodded firmly, gently placing a hand on Padme’s arm for reassurance before he signed to Obi-Wan,” Focus on the Force around her, we must. Intelligent, Sidious is.” 
The Jedi nodded, looking back to Padmé as a cry of pain escaped while the midwife droid alerted the first baby was coming. Yoda went meditatively while focusing on protecting the family, and Obi-Wan forced himself to close his eyes, focusing on aiding and strengthening the shield. At the same time, cries filled the room when the first baby was born.
The droid spoke softly while handing the wrapped baby to Ahsoka,” It’s a boy.”
“I’m telling you, Ani, it’s a boy. I’m sure of it.” 
“Oh yeah, and how do you know?” Her husband grinned, eyes bright in the softened light of the balcony, watching as she swayed to hearing one of the clubs blast their music a little too loud. 
“Motherly instinct … and, if it is a boy, I would like to name him Luke.” 
“Luke? That was a fast pick,” he teased while walking closer, softly moving to hold onto her. 
“In some older Alderaanian scripts and folklore, a character named Luke is a healer. He helped the peace settle and the birth of many technological advancements. Many believe that Alderaan was the beginning of the enlightenment for the rest of the planet, and I had to study it extensively in Naboo before I became queen. Without their actions, we wouldn’t be where we are. It’s fascinating, and besides … Luke Amidala Skywalker has a nice ring to it.”
Anakin laughed softly, leaning his jaw softly onto her shoulder,” I didn’t know Alderaanian history was the beginning of what we have. Maybe one day you can take me there to learn it better.”
Padmé watched the boy in Ahsoka’s arms while her blue eyes softened. Dark eyes pricked in tears that soon spilled over while Padmé’s voice cracked,” Luke.” Taking gasping breaths, she grasped onto the side of the delivery table, crying out weakly. Maker, help me. Protect us, protect my family and my husband. She cried out again while the droid had to assist the second baby, gently wrapping her up in a soft towel,” The second is a girl.” 
“Oh, I’m sure it’s a girl,”  Anakin grinned while his warm palm brushed over the oiled skin of Padme’s belly while she brushed her hair. “With your cravings and these kicks' strength, it’s definitely a girl.” 
Blue eyes were alight as Padmé only grinned at him, voice soft while facing him more,” And if it is, what would her name be?”
He thought a moment, thinking back to the tales of those freed in Tatooine, and he leaned down to softly kiss the skin,” Leia.” 
“Leia. It’s beautiful. Does it have meaning to you?”
“An old Tatooine tale, one of the first freed slaves to escape and survive. Mom used to tell it to me all the time, try to keep my spirits up, y’know?”
Padmé softened, leaning down to kiss his head while resting his cheek on her belly,”  I’m still sure it’s a boy.”  She grinned, eyes alight with her teasing as she softly brushed her fingers through his hair.
“You want to make a wager to that?” He laughed, lifting his head carefully with softened features before leaning forward to kiss her sweetly. 
“Leia,” Padmé gasped, body aching from the delivery as Yoda’s brows furrowed in his meditative state. There was a darkness starting to prod, but it wasn’t something he had found from Palpatine months earlier, and it wasn’t like any other user he encountered. Still, there was something, but it didn’t seem focused on Padmé. 
Obi-Wan stiffened at the prods in the force before agony erupted through his body as if it was enveloped in flames, feeling as if all of the air was sucked out of his lungs. Anakin.
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A sign, a little nudge, anything that could give him hope would have made it worth it, but Vader decided to search for Obi-Wan. He sensed he was near Yoda, yet there was a strange barrier he had never experienced before, but Obi-Wan foolishly let him close. The rage sparked back into his chest at the confirmation of Obi-Wan living. However, he still found it difficult to believe that his former Master would live a seemingly horrifying accident as Palpatine had explained, but his wife did not?
The shields were confirmed to be operational, so for now, he returned to the abandoned apartment; using the spare key, he had to enter with a slow sigh as he was greeted with a new emptiness. A slow, soft sigh escaped behind the mask before he shut and locked the door behind himself and removed the half mask that began to imprint on his face. 
Yellowed eyes miserably scanned around, hoping for any sign of her ready to come out in greeting before moving through the familiar layout to her room. Pausing in the doorway, Anakin noticed some items were strangely out of place, brows furrowing as he moved inside. The bedding wasn’t straightened out after she lay or sat on it — presumptuously, and her datapad was to the side. Moving out to peek into the hall, he noticed the cameras weren’t operational either, the usual blinking red dot absent as he saw the state of the apartment. 
She left in a hurry. Had she been threatened? Was another bounty hunter after her? 
Returning to her bedroom, he began to inspect the vanity and the walk-in wardrobe, noticing more of her comfortable clothes missing and a few favorites of hers also absent. His eyes narrowed as he moved through the rest of the apartment, unable to find any indication of where she could have gone.
Maker, keep her safe.
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Five long, torturous years had passed, and the state of the planet was on the few hinges of what remained enough to provide adequate resources, but they were swiftly depleted by the Empire's never-ending need. The infected ravaged most of the lands, yet Coruscant was now a safe haven that kept building towards the skies. Alderaan was one of the few regions that also prospered, and Padmé was one of the reasons for its continued success. Still, she had to remain hidden to keep up the rouse that she had been killed, and it kept the twins safe. 
She listened to Bail's recap of the Senate's call for ecological change and the Emperor's disdain for the call to action. Absently playing with her pen, she knew that if a cure could be utilized to regain the land, the current production areas wouldn't be as stressed and thinned. It wasn't a total loss, especially after the collapse of Kessel's mines. Not when the enslaved had also been freed upon using the opportunity to evacuate. However, there were whispers that the mines' destruction was intentional. Perhaps, even an uprising. 
Returning to the present, when Bail softly spoke her name as other officials were dismissed, she lifted her gaze to his familiar kind features as he sat near her. "Welcome back to the present … what are you thinking about?" 
A soft sigh escaped her while she let her shoulders slump," have we confirmed if the Kessel mining collapse was accidental?" 
"I haven't heard any updates, but I also heard about the refugees making it to Alderaan. They will be safe while here … but we had new reports of extensive deliveries sent to Mustafar while they were freed.
Some kind of fortress finishing being constructed for Vader."
She scoffed then," Oh, he needs a fortress now? Lovely. Think he'll run holiday specials on the extra rooms?" She was unaware of who Vader was, and that Obi-Wan omitted that crucial information from her. She would risk everything if she knew where her husband was, and it was something he didn't think he could live with, not after seeing what Anakin had become. 
Bail only shook his head,” One can hope not … though, it does seem to be constructed near the former compound where Dooku and Windu’s remains were found. This … Vader we know is the Emperor's right hand, so there must be a reason for Mustafar’s location being utilized.”
“Then we should lure him somewhere to put a blaster bolt through his head.”
Dark brows lifted briefly while giving her a disapproving look, causing her to sigh,” Fine. We won’t besides, you know I won’t do it. Not if it can’t be helped, but as you said, Vader does the bidding.”
“Even then, a simple blaster will not do harm since there are reports of him being infected. He is the sole reason many of our armies are decimated so easily once he’s on a rampage,” the Senator leaned back, folding his hands together while pursing his lips. “However, there is still a great mystery around him. No one knows who he is, where he came from, or how he knows the Emperor. I also haven’t heard anything new regarding Anakin. I believe he might be lost with some other infected in a region somewhere.” 
“I will find him, Bail,” she said simply, standing up before she paused at a memory she had repressed for so long at the last interaction with her husband. “I … may know who Vader is.” 
Straightening, Bail’s attention was entirely on the hidden Senator, voice soft,” Who, Padmé?”
“When Obi-Wan and I were evacuating Coruscant,” she swallowed, her throat dry and thick as cotton while dread of admission filled her chest,” we ran into Anakin one more time in Kuat. We were going through the industry district, and he caught up with us and managed to stop the speeder.”
Worry fell over his features while he watched her eyes scan around the now empty room,” I noticed his movements were far different than other infected individuals. He wasn’t erratic, nor did he have any apparent cognition issues; instead, he was graceful. He also recognized me. Obi-Wan then revealed that Anakin pledged himself to Palpatine, who we now know is the Emperor. I never put it together because afterward, Anakin was engulfed in flames, and we both presumed he had died from the injuries. Now, I fear he did live.” 
Now, Bail understood why Obi-Wan was adamant about keeping Padmé from finding Anakin — even if it was because of the twins. His heart ached deeply for her, but if it was true and Vader was Anakin, there was no guarantee that he would still recognize her or that she would be safe. “Padmé, please, listen to me. Do not go to Mustafar. The air is inhabitable; if it is Anakin, he is dangerous.” 
“Hasn’t he always been?” She drummed her fingers against the back of the chair she had been standing in before moving to the large windows, overviewing the city,” I want him back. I want him with us. If it is my husband, I cannot freely abandon the idea of seeking this ‘Vader’ out to make sure.”
“I cannot send you with good conscience, Padmé, and I know Kenobi will agree with me,” moving to stand, Bail slowly made his way closer to her to let a hand gently rest on her shoulder. “On top of that, I know that at least Leia would try to sneak her way onto the transport one way or another.” 
Padmé softly laughed, nodding as she softened,” she would. She’s already so devious at only five. Then who would we send? If Obi-Wan is sent, it surely will result in a bloodbath between them, given how he was in Kuat.” 
“Perhaps Ahsoka will benefit from this if she is willing,” he softly suggests, pulling back to let his gaze wander the various people milling below on the streets. “I do not recall her mentioning running into him - past or present.” 
“I’ll ask her. Excuse me, Senator,” Padmé gave a soft bow of her head before she exited the meeting room to make her way through the halls to locate the twins and Ahsoka. 
“That’s not fair, Leia, give it back!” Luke reached for the Loth cat toy, but Leia moved just out of reach with a smug grin as Ahsoka broke her concentration from the holonet. 
“Leia, give it back to him. You two have plenty of toys to play with.” 
“I want to play with this one. Luke has had it all day!” She groaned but still listened as she handed it over begrudgingly while Ahsoka softly laughed,” he’s only had it for ten minutes.”
“When will Mom be out of the boring adult stuff?” Leia approached the former Jedi, dramatically leaning over her legs as Ahsoka sipped on her caf. 
“It shouldn’t be too long,” she said as she placed the mug down,” I know she wanted to talk to Bail about a few things, but it should be any minute. Y’know, when I was getting impatient with waiting for your dad to return from duties, I would always say out loud that he wouldn’t show up, and then he would.” 
Leia looked up at her with widening eyes, looking back to the door,” She’s not going to come.” 
It was only a few heartbeats until Padmé opened the door to the playroom, and Leia looked up at Ahsoka as if she had entirely predicted it before making her way to Ahsoka. “Mom, Luke isn’t sharing the cat plush!” 
Luke’s head lifted as he softly said,” I’ve only had it for this long!” He lifted his hands to show the passage of time, and Padmé hummed,” My, that isn’t a long time at all. How about a few more minutes, then you can have it, Leia?”
Padmé picked her up, and Leia sighed,” But I want it now.”
“I know you do, but right now, he has it. It isn’t nice to take it from him, even if you want it. Uncle Obi will watch the two of you briefly while I talk with Ahsoka, okay?” She kissed Leia’s round cheek, making her giggle madly while holding onto her neck.
"Okay, Mom."
“Good, then we can play together before we have dinner.” Gently putting Leia down, Padmé motioned Ahsoka to follow her after Obi-Wan entered, grinning at the twins as they both ran to immediately cling to his legs. Pausing near Obi-Wan, her voice was low,” I also need to talk to you afterward.” 
He looked at her, giving a soft nod as he softly brushed his fingers through Luke’s hair, gently guiding the twins away to begin a better dispute over the Loth cat plush. 
Ahsoka entered the hall, patiently waiting as Padmé shut the door again, gently leading her to her personal room. “I need to ask you something important, Ahsoka, and I wouldn’t ask unless I believed it was important.” 
“I know you wouldn’t, Padmé,” she made her way into the beautiful white and gold bedroom, moving to sit on the white ottoman bench at the end of the large bed. “I can already sense it’s causing you some distress.” 
After shutting the door behind herself, Padmé’s long, baby blue dress moved gracefully above the marble floors as she soon stood before Ahsoka. “I believe that I may know who Vader is.”
Ahsoka’s features fell as she blinked, voice soft,” Who?” 
“I believe that it could be Anakin. When Obi-Wan and I were in Kuat,” she looked away, hands folding in front of herself to keep them from shaking,” he had mentioned how Anakin became an apprentice of Palpatine. Shortly after, Anakin was caught in a plume of fire from one of the factories, but I believe that he survived those injuries. I had felt prods through the Force, and this new signature he has, I sometimes can find it. Though, it is faint.” She turned to face Ahsoka more, eyes watery,” I would ask Obi-Wan, but it would be too dangerous. I need you to try and locate this ‘Vader’ and observe and tell me if it’s him.”
Blue eyes widened as Ahsoka spoke softly,” You can sense him?” 
“Very faintly … I know that you and Obi-Wan would understand. I’m not highly skilled with the Force, but I know that is one of the abilities - something I developed better with being pregnant with the twins.” Moving forward, she sat down to gently grab one of Ahsoka’s rough hands, brows furrowed as she pleaded. “Please, Ahsoka, I need to find my husband. I need my family back together. Even if you just confirm he’s alive, we can begin planning to bring him back.” 
“Padmé, if he is Vader, he will not leave willingly. Certainly not just with me. If he’s pledged himself to the Emperor, bringing him home will most likely be impossible.” 
“I know, which is why we need to plan and see why he’s been disconnected from me. First, I just need confirmation my husband is alive. That is all I ask of you.”
Looking down, Ahsoka slowly nodded,” I will bring Rex with me. Once we have confirmation, we’ll come back, but we will not engage with him. Not until we know at least he’s alive.” A soft cry of surprise escaped when Padmé clung onto her, hiding her face into Ahsoka’s shoulder,” Thank you, Ahsoka. You can take your time to prepare.” 
“Oh, if we believe Vader is Anakin, I’m not wasting time, Padmé. I’ll leave by dusk. The night should give us better cover from Imps, but I don’t know about the infected.”
Pulling back, Padmé nodded,” Whenever you feel is best. After dinner, we can let Obi-Wan know, and Sabé will be able to help me with the twins. If we need to go into better hiding, I’ll communicate the best I can.”
“Of course … but I do not want to believe this is what he’s become.”
“Palpatine manipulated us all,” Padmé said softly,” and with Anakin joining the Order at only nine, that will be harder for him to see.”
“Which will make it harder for him to leave.” 
“Let’s focus on confirming if it is him.” 
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Vader walked through the fortress's winding obsidian and onyx halls in the final stages. It had taken five long years to build, but now he could harness the dark side's power to bring Padmé back. Then, he would have her beside him, and they would be unstoppable and inseparable. Unaware of her being alive or the twin's survival, he opened the door to his chambers, looking around the dark space as lights flickered on. The obsidian walls were shiny and polished as they reflected light easily from the bacta tank two meters in front of him, and to the left, there was a doorway to a highly pressurized meditation chamber to provide better oxygen.
While he didn't need to entirely depend on the mask, he preferred it to keep the anonymity. It would have been better if the Empire believed that Anakin Skywalker was dead, and it would have ensured that he was getting the recommended oxygen. Even if he sometimes did wish that perhaps it would be his final day on the planet. Moving closer to the tank, he could hear the construction workers leaving for the day, but he could feel his belly begin to ache. How long had it been? Perhaps too long, though these days, it seemed like he was in a constant haze, unable to remember the simplest things - especially in various battles across the regions. The medical droids confirmed his health, though his cybernetics could have improved. Yet, that was always put off in favor of some new experimentation by Palpatine. 
Perhaps he often wished for death far more than he wanted to admit. 
Moving to the tank, he quietly checked the solution's calibration on the side panel before he felt a familiar prod. Something he had believed had stopped years ago, and his head lifted up at the familiar scent of Padmé's perfume. Now, his mind was playing cruel tricks. 
Padmé was alone, taking a moment to bathe while Ahsoka and Obi-Wan played with the kids. She settled into the porcelain tub, wondering, wishing perhaps she was right. Yet, she couldn’t help herself, and it was as if a soft voice coaxed her to reach out to him. Closing her eyes, she let her body relax in the warm water while her skin soaked up the oils, grateful she could still enjoy this luxury. There was still guilt that wracked her heart, and she often asked herself how she could enjoy this luxury while so many starved, were displaced, or were slaughtered by order of the Empire? 
Pushing that to the back of her mind, she focused on the nudge, the little whisper through the miles apart that she was from Anakin. Reaching out in the force, her familiar signature found his new one, colder, worn, and filled with so much hatred. Yet, at her nudge, it softened, molding into a weakened yet familiar warmth he had. 
Brow muscles furrowed once he felt her more decisive nudges, and he climbed into the bacta tank after removing his mask and changing into more suitable clothing for a soak. After disappearing beneath the surface of the murky solution, he let his eyes shut, floating softly in the harness that dug into his underarms and thighs. The nudge seemed to grow, still faint. This was a cruel trick. Nothing more than his mind trying to play little games with his heart to make him remember. As the minutes ticked by, it was only twenty minutes until the nudge grew into a brighter warmth, enveloping him fully. 
Padmé slowly relaxed while a warmth enveloped her in return, voice soft,” Ani. Please, come home.” She grasped the side of the tub more, tears welling up before the warmth suddenly vanished, and the loss only caused her to sit up. Hunching over, she couldn’t help the sob that escaped, leaning forward,” Anakin, please.” 
Ani. Please, come home. His breath caught beneath the mask, and he felt like the coldest ice from Hoth had settled in his veins. Padmé. She’s alive. The rage began to boil, melting the ice into the hottest flames as cracks began to form in the tank’s glass. His eyes opened, and by using the Force, he engaged the tank system to remove him despite his skin aching and crying out in protest while the scars snagged. Reattaching his cybernetics, he hastily got dried and redressed before storming his way through the halls. 
Getting to his throne room, he ordered the droid that emerged to connect him to the Emperor as he made his way to the throne. Settling, he didn’t suppress his anger, even when the familiar blue figure came in front of him, surprised by the late call. 
“You’re troubled, my friend. I believe anyone in Coruscant can feel your anger now.” 
“I have sensed my wife through the Force,” Vader growled out, features fully on display as he had neglected his eyes, which stayed focused on the Emperor. “I know that she is alive.” 
Sidious was quiet momentarily, watching Vader before his voice came out lowly,” Vader, we know you have been blinded by your feelings before.” 
“My wife is alive and has reached out to me.” Fingers tightly grasp the throne’s arms, starting to crack at the perfectly polished stone.
“I do not recall the Senator being force-sensitive,” he hummed lowly while mulling over how he could turn this around. “My friend, I fear the last surgery had caused more damage than expected. Perhaps you are now sensing ghosts in the Force that linger behind. Try to reach out to her now.”
Closing his eyes, Sidious could see the muscles in his jaw and cheek tightening while trying to reach out to her, searching for anything. While Vader did, Sidious only hid her markers once again and was pleased by the little hope draining from Vader’s features as his yellow eyes opened again. 
“Have you found her?” 
“No ... There is nothing.” 
The defeat in his voice satisfied his Master as Sidious only hummed in thought,” I have extensively looked into her disappearance and rediscovery, Vader. She was turned and eventually killed. The troopers reported her death, but like all other infected bodies, we had to do a mass cremation. Senator Amidala is dead.” 
It felt like Anakin’s heart was being ripped out again, yet he couldn’t quickly shake it off. Then again, he could never quickly back away when he was determined with something. She was alive. 
He would do anything to prove it, even if he just had to wait.
Anakin would wait fifty thousand years even if it meant learning that his wife and child were alive. He would bide his time, make his plans, and eventually, Maker willing, he would be beside them again.
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for the spn matchmaking thing !
i go by tooth or mabel, and i suffer from depression, anxiety, spd, adhd, and did.
i am gender-fluid non-binary and go by they/he/she (fem presenting) and am biromantic and asexual.
i also have autism, fibromyalgia, and hypermobility.
thanks to those last two up there, i constantly feel like crap (ex., legs always hurting, entire body always hurting, getting pounding headaches at the most inconvenient times, etc.).
im shy, but when i get comfortable around you i will be the most INSANE, chaotic, psychotic, slightly-murderous idiot you will EVER meet.
thanks to most of the shows i “grew up on” being murder mysteries, i know a shit-ton of facts about murder, death, and things like that.
my clothing style is a mix of cozy/grunge/goth, and i’m constantly wearing rings and chipped black nail polish. chances are there’s some paint or doodles/ink on my hands/arms too, lol.
i have short dirty-blonde hair with the underside dyed a bright orange (looks like natural red hair), but if i had a choice my hair would probably be blue or green (lmao). i have pale skin and a slim figure, but i’d be lying if i said i didn’t have some pudge.
i am a very artistic person, i can often be seen drawing or painting, and if i’m not i’m most likely playing a game or watching something.
i’m a huge animal lover, but i’m not great with kids.
some special interests of mine include~! (other than spn lmao) :;
stuffed animals
DINOSAURS (another thing a know a lot abt))
being a weird little guy
detective shows (old and new)
jurassic world/park
taylor swift (what can i say,,)
school bus graveyard/homesick
and way too many more-!
hope i didn’t just overwhelm you with all that info abt me… lmao
You'd fit well w Cas and here's why:
He'd be so so so understanding abt all the illnesses and take such good care of you. he might ask lotsa questions tho
Cas is just a questions guy so he'd ask tons of questions abt ur hyperfixations
I just think Cas would be so so good for you
Also Cas does not have gender preference when it comes to relationships, he just sees souls
Cas would adore you
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1d1195 · 4 months
it's gonna be another long ask bestie, Im sorry 😭 I yap too much when it comes to us talking lol I will try to keep it short!
Me being locked out was so scary bc i've has my blog since like the 6th grade so even though i wiped it when I had my tumblr break a few years ago, I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE IT! oh and you weren't wrong for assuming about classes lol They still are but they were slightly better this week! side note, hot TA is lecturing tomorrow(Friday) and bestie im so excited not bc of the content but for him lol
anways lol If Harry told me off idc if this sounds like Im down bad but I would probably enjoy it lol I for sure saw that their stubbornness and her vulnerability issues would cause conflict between these two so I think that this was the best route to go in for them! I really liked reading it even though it sucks having them fight lol
I love a good backstory! I always enjoy knowing why the characters are the way they are! Like it very much connects the dots for me and I can see how certain events led them to act a certain way! idk I like knowing things lol and i also don't have a great relationship with my dad HAHA like its crazy how easily the thought about my father and I's dynamic makes me easily cry lol
ALSO another side note, the kids show Bluey literally makes me BAWL my eyes out because they have a nice relationship with her father AND the parents have a healthy relationship too 😭😭😭 so I can totally understand how writing this feels good for you!
Trust me, me using your government name is overall a good thing too lol You really GAGGED me with that cliffhanger lol
OKAY PART 7! AHHHHHHHHHH LOVED IT!!!!!!! this was such a perfect way to end it! Okay so FUCK JACK I HOPE HE SUFFERS SO MUCH :)!(i know hes not real but hes real to me so he must suffer!) FUCK THAT MAN! Ngl though was proud of her for breaking his nose which was such win! I was glad she was able to handle it on her own for the most part which is so good! Ideally she would have not gotten hurt but we need the drama lol OKay so I was giggling while reading the locker room scene only because it makes sense that Harry is being such a GUY by punching things lol oh and THE I LOVE YOU DROP?!?!? ADORABLE!!!!!!! and her and Louis's interaction omg that was a cute little moment! VERY MUCH ENJOYED THIS SERIES YOU WILL NEVER DISSAPOINT!
I am manifesting for you to have the best weekend! You WILL enjoy that trashy book and do something that is just for you to enjoy! Enjoy and relax! Wishing you the best my love!-💜
I literally have meltdowns every time I type my password incorrectly when I login. My fear is that I will lose this and all this work. That's why I spent time putting all my work in a drive six months ago. 😭
I haven't baby sat in a while so I haven't seen Bluey! (I'm a Paw Patrol girl) but I've heard ONLY good things about Bluey and how it's good for all ages 😭 Maybe I should give it a watch. Because I've been listening to this song for a few weeks and one of the lyrics is "my parents didn't teach me love but I know how to divorce" and as much as I want to get married (mostly so everyone will stop asking me when it will happen) I don't know if being married will cure everything. Okay, sorry for the heavy vent of this. Let's move on to FUN things. LIKE
HOW WAS HOT TA's LECTURE? I'm 2/3 of the way through my trashy book for the weekend and I am sorry to say I'm wishing for very inappropriate things on your behalf 🤭 maybe it will happen when I sit down to write TA Harry for you 😭
I've had most of Part 7 written for so long that I was like "Omg I need to add more" so Harry got to punch a few things more (I needed to make sure I didn't accidentally write him into legal trouble lol). Then I was like "You know we should have Louis tell her she did a good job too." hehehehehe I really loved writing this one too. It never really felt like I was at a loss of stuff to write.
Thank you for your message as always 💕
0 notes
lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hear me now (Jotun Loki x Female Reader AU) (18+)
Read chapter 22 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 23
Summary : Bluey aka your saviour is here.
Trigger Warning : mention of cancer, disease and death.
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When Loki heard his telephone ringing he knew it was either you or the friends from New York. Who else would call him? He picked it up instantly and it was Phil. It was good to hear from him again but then he started crying and Loki just knew something was wrong.
"Phil is y/n alright?" His lips trembled as he questioned. He knew you weren't okay, he has been feeling that way for a while now, why didn't he trust his instincts?
"I don't know..I.. something is wrong with her, she's coughing blood and she won't tell me, but ..I.. she's dying Bluey I know I just know..she's dying" Loki's heart sank as he heard that. He promised Phil that he'd be there as soon as possible. After the call ended he broke down and cried as he thought about you, you have been suffering for a while and he was going to lose you to death again if it wasn't for Phil informing him. He sworn to himself that he'd never ignore his instincts especially when it comes to you. He can't let anything bad happen to you, he will never be able to forgive himself.
He packed a little something in his bag that he got with him from New York and also kept the gift that he had made for you. He gave the responsibility of Alvis to Debra as he knew that she was the only one who'd be able to take care of him and Alvis was familiar with her. He casted a protection charm around the house so if Priscilla was to return she won't be able to get inside the house.
He bought the earliest flight ticket straight for New York, he morphed into his human form as soon as he was out of the village. He wished he could have teleported but that would nearly kill him. He had to be alive and safe so he could take care of you. You didn't tell him, you got sick but you didn't feel you could share that with him. That made him cry again, you saved him but you didn't think your own life was worth saving. What has he done with you? What has he done with his precious Angel?
When he reached New York, he had the envelope with your address on it in his hand so he showed it to the cab driver and he took him straight to the apartment. He recognised the street immediately and it made him smile. He could feel you and he knew you were okay for now, there was time and he couldn't have been more thankful.
He morphed back into his jotun form as he got inside the building and stood outside your door for a minute to calm his nerves. He could hear you moving in there, all the best memories of his life have been with you in this compact little space. He finally built the courage to knock hoping that it wouldn't startle you or make you anxious, he would ring but you didn't have a doorbell. He composed himself as he heard your footsteps approaching.
Then you opened the door, your eyes flickered, and mouth opened as you looked at him all perplexed.
"Hello my little darling" he tilted his head and leaned himself against the doorway because you didn't invite him in, you just kept staring at him and he wanted to do the same, he wanted to do so much more than just stare at you but he can't.
Not after what he has done to you, he could see how broken you looked, your sunken eyes devoid of any light, your hair thinner than he remembered and you had lost a lot of weight. Maybe all of this went unnoticed by your friends because they were seeing you everyday but he was seeing you after three months and he could tell the difference clearly. His beautiful y/n was hurting and he just wanted her to stop hurting.
"I.. uhh.. Bluey.. I mean Loki..what are you doing here?" You finally spoke to him and hearing your voice again made his eyes tear up.
"Came to see you and our baby" you nodded, still in shock as you studied his features. Still the prettiest man in existence but he would never be yours. Our baby, your mind registered that. He did his hair how you used to do it for him.
"I umm please come in..I'm sorry it's a mess in here" you turned around as you invited him in, it was messy all-over, you could tell that he noticed the books and notebook you had scattered around, how desperate could you be for him. He was married, you should have moved on.
"Were you going to work?" He asked you and you nodded,
"I actually have to, I'm feeling a little under the weather but I can't skip work"
"Well luckily I'm here" he chuckled, it was weird seeing him do that but you always knew he would have a beautiful laugh, the voice made you shiver. You were still getting used to him talking like a normal person. You took a step back, you didn't want him to heal you. You can't do this life anymore, you are done. Besides you knew, him touching you would definitely make you combust and weep in his arms, all at once.
"No it's just..I'm exhausted , nothing to worry about" he nodded "Do you want me to turn the freezer on..I still have it as you can see" you chuckled too in order to hide the embarrassment you felt for still having it on display like that.
"It's fine darling, it's still cold out here still, I'd love to take the coat off though if it's alright with you?" He furrowed his brows and you smiled
"Of course no problem " you walked towards the kitchen to not glare at his sculpted bare upper body. You had your one feet down in the grave but that didn't stop you from oggling. He had a small bag in his hand. Was he planning to stay a few days? Why would he do that though?
"Tea?" You asked him as you put the pot on the stove.
"Always, I have missed your tea" he looked at you as he walked towards the kitchen, then he leaned himself against the counter on your left side. He was adorning a pair of black pants, that must heat him up but you couldn't ask him to take his pants off.
He looked at you up and down, he didn't want to gawk but he couldn't help it, that's his y/n in flesh, this wasn't a dream. He could hold you, touch you and do more. He noticed the dress, it was probably what you wore for work but you made it look good anyways.
"So hmm how is Priscilla and Alvis?"
"Alvis is good" you looked at him as he said that.
"And Priscilla?" He looked at you and your eyes met, you have missed drowning into those rubies.
"Haven't heard from her since I threw her out last week" your eyes widened at the tone he used. As if he didn't care, as if it wasn't a big deal.
"What do you mean blu.. Loki?" You questioned him, as much as you have thought about your dream life with him, you never wanted to be the reason someone's house got destroyed.
"Call me Bluey darling, that other name sounds so foreign coming from you" he smiled and you looked away, you didn't want him to see your face flushed because of his words, the pet name didn't help.
"Okay ummm is everything okay between you and her?"
"Everything is finally alright, do not fret over it sweetheart" and that made you tingle all over. Maybe you should get to work so you could think about it for hours, staying so near to him would cause you to make bad decisions and you didn't want to ruin things between them, maybe they were just having a fight. Couples do that.
"Uhh here's your tea, just how you like, ummm I think I'm feeling okay, I should get to work, you just..stay here or you could go see Phil" you smiled as you placed the cup on the counter and you almost got away with your award winning act but then the fit of cough started so you pulled the handkerchief out of the pocket of your dress and turned away from him, walking towards the sink.
His eyes teared up as he watched you hurting like that, so he walked towards you and you felt his palm rubbing over your back soothingly.
"Bluey I'm fine" you said while your eyes were red and teary from the coughing and the pain you felt in your chest, you were holding the kerchief tightly between your fist but he grabbed your hand and pulled it out to inspect it.
"It's just an infection" you mumbled like a fool.
"Mmhmm" he placed the kerchief on the counter and grabbed you by the shoulder as he pulled you closer to him. You looked up at him and your eyes were filled with tears, hopelessness and the lifetime worth of pain.
"You were going to die on me, am I wrong?" He spoke softly, his one arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you even closer, while the other hand caressed your cheek. You had to remind yourself that he was married.
"I just.. lokiii "
"That's not my name darling" he kissed your forehead then his lips trailed over your cheek. God, you have seen him doing this exact thing in your dreams countless times in the last three months. He smelled so good and the mark on his cheeks brushed over your skin, making you squirm in his hold.
"This isn't appropriate bluey, you have a wife"
"No, I had a wife, I do not anymore" he responded very quickly so you won't fill your head with any negative connotations about him anymore. Your eyes teared up more at the statement "Why didn't you call me hmm?" His thumb kept caressing your cheek, his voice was so gentle in your ears, almost whispery and cooey. He pressed his head between the crook of your neck and purred, it made you gasp and you finally let go of the restraints and held him back. You got on your tiptoes as your arms wrapped around his neck and he picked you off the floor then he placed you on the counter next to the sink.
"You didn't want me to heal you, why?" Your lips trembled, what were you supposed to say to him? That you gave up, that you wanted to die? "You saved my life, you gave me a home and you loved me at my worst but you didn't feel that you could come to me, come to your Bluey when you needed him, why, tell me why?" You didn't want him to blame himself, none of this was his fault.
"I just.. I was done, It hurt so bad, everything hurt and I was ..just done hurting" he kissed your forehead and then he placed his palm over your head, you gasped as you felt a wave running through your whole body, he was working his charm, he was getting rid of everything that was making you sick from inside and making you bleed. He couldn't believe that you suffered for days like this and he didn't want to believe that you were ready to leave him forever.
"Don't do it stop it Lokii" you tried to resist him even though you knew it was pointless. You gave up on yourself but he won't.
"Shhh just take what I'm giving you darling. Pardon my impertinence but you have no say in this, you don't get to make decisions like that, I am the god here" the deep rumble of his voice sent shivers down your spine, even though he didn't intend for it to do that. He might have gone from reading alphabets to using big words you didn't even understand but being so close to him felt the same. He was your Bluey.
"But what if this was supposed to happen? What if I was supposed to die like this, what if you're messing with nature?" He smiled as you said that. Your words hurt him but the way you spoke amused him, he found you all kinds of precious.
"If this really was how the mother nature wanted it to happen, she sure wouldn't put me in your path knowing far too well what I'm capable of doing, we never would have met if you were to die like this" That shut you up really quick, you didn't have more arguments or resistance left.
In a few seconds you went from suffering with almost stage three carcinoma to being your healthiest, you could feel it, you could feel how strong and vigorous you felt all of a sudden.
"Take a deep breath for me little one" he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead as he spoke so you did what he asked you to do.
"Does it hurt here anymore?" He placed his index finger on your sternum and you shook your head as tears strayed down so he wiped them with his thumbs. Then like a gentleman he took a few steps away from you and grabbed the tea cup to sip on it, he hummed in contentment at the taste acting as if he didn't just bring you back from the brink of death. He truly was a god.
"Umm thank you for..for healing me"
You sounded silly and you should have been more grateful but you didn't know what else to say to him "I should go to work" you mumbled and he nodded
"Are you staying?"
"Yes, would you accomodate me here?" Did he even have to ask?
"Ofcourse, uhh how long are you staying? I'll have to buy food for you"
"As long as you would have me"
Forever stay forever.
"I..what happened between you and Priscilla?"
"That is something I'll discuss with you soon I promise, no rush, we aren't going anywhere" he smiled but you didn't fully understand what was happening. This morning you woke up wondering whether you'd see the end of the month and you most definitely didn't expect to see him standing in your kitchen sipping on his tea and looking at you like you hung stars over his head.
"I heard that the facility was ceased?" he questioned and you nodded "Good riddance" you smiled a little at the comment.
"Ummm you met Phil? he has Cat" you mumbled so he smiled again.
"I will do that while you are at work" you picked up your bag, and he walked over to you then he wrapped his arms around you, you still felt as if you were dreaming or maybe you were dead and this was probably your heaven.
"Come back to me soon my beloved" he really wanted to kiss you, but he knew he wouldn't just stop there, he has missed you and craved you in these past months, he needed you like he needed the cold to survive. But he also had to discuss everything with you, he might have healed your body but your mind was still damaged, so was your heart.
You felt so beyond irreparable that you didn't care whether you lived or died and he wanted to heal you slowly, fill you with his love and zeal for this life again. He can't hurt you ever again and he wouldn't want to. But he wanted to take things slowly with his precious girl, you carried a lot of guilt within you and he knew that deep down in your heart you were still blaming yourself for his marriage falling apart. That wasn't true, he needed to make you grasp fully that none of this was your fault and that can only happen when he'd share what Priscilla had done with him.
"I love you darling" your eyes teared up again as he pulled away "Just remember that okay? See you soon?"
You nodded.
"I love you Bluey..I love you, I never stopped, I could never stop" You mumbled and he grabbed your hands to kiss them softly, his own eyes were drenched.
"I know, I will never stop either I promise"
You finally built the will to step out of that apartment, and for the first time since he left, you felt okay. You felt excited to return back to the apartment.
He was here, for you, your Bluey came back to save you.
@el-zef @pinestwinssimp     @froggiecky @snigdha-14     @howdidurhammergrowchris     @annoyingsweetsstranger     @michelleleewise @123forgottherest     @nada-duskwood   @mcufan72     @xorpsbane @colifower     @daddylokisqueen @juulle987     @asgardianprincess1050   @perhaps-just-june @lokisgoodgirl   @athwna @eyesbluelikethetitanic @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @lokisninerealms @huntress-artemiss @justasecretwriter @emma-laufeyson @catalina712 @nixymarvelkins @disneyismyworldforever @multifandom-world8
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countessofbiscuit · 3 years
If it’s not rude to ask, would you write a post war-no order 66 with codex, I just read joiuny command, and loved the way you wrote them. And also of course I always want a happy future for them instead of depressing canon
:3 ask and you may receive, with a hefty scoop of Self-Indulgence. 
Field Day | 1k, Teen | also on Ao3
. . .
The room was cold and the birthers were miserable, just as Marshal Commander Cody, GAR (Retd) intended.
Drawdown had been good to him.
He wouldn’t have predicted so, two years ago, when the only thing worse than war was the Great Unknown looming at its end. Sure, he bitched, but that was a soldier’s god-given right. Privately, Cody figured a forever war would be fine. Forever wasn’t that long for a clone.
But then a series of unexpected events occurred.
Skywalker stowed away with the 212th, General Grievous was eliminated, and Special Advisor Tano popped into Cody’s palm in Pau City, sheepishly asking for Master Kenobi.
Why? Because she’d kind of ditched Mandalore with Maul and he wouldn’t fucking shut up.
Shut up about what? This guy named Sidious.
Everything afterwards was a holosoap wrapped up in a spice dream. A cascade of the most bizarre reports and message chains to ever brighten Cody’s HUD. Even before the twins.
General Skywalker, Dad (Busy) was praised for ending the war with the press of a button. It wasn’t that simple. Nothing ever was.
But after months sweeping up droid cysts and pockets of dyed-in-the-jar Separatists and excising the corrupt cancer of Palpatine, the Jedi Order had done the most extraordinary thing. They’d taken joint responsibility for the creation of the clone army. In public. Before a horde of holocams. And after stepping forward for the clones, they’d formally stepped down.
Overnight, the cadre of marshal commanders became the flavor of the month. They were tapped for every paying civ-mil role going, from Coruscant to Csilla.
Cody had survived Kenobi and his Padawans. That wasn’t something to celebrate behind a desk. There were plenty of junior officers who’d mastered interoperability, C2, force design, and all that other big-brained shit in daily expectation that Cody & Co. would snuff it. Proximity to a Jedi often did that to a person.
Cody celebrated by saying no to the Chancellor of the Republic.
That he’d turned around two minutes later and said yes to a different job offer wasn’t the point.
The point was this: this morning, Cody had rolled out of bed, gone for a run, and molested Rex in the shower, all in his own sweet time; and he was now holding court before a platoon of birthers to declare without any regret:
“Ladies, gentlebeings, and other people who aren’t clones, welcome back to Self-Defence and Incident Response 101.”
His audience remained unmoved. They were a motley crew of Senate aides, interns, and staff. The sort of folks who could afford anything but complacency.
“You all made some real progress last week,” he continued, lying through his teeth. Barring the dug, most possessed all the proprioception of a whiff-whaff ball. GARMAP this wasn’t. “Today we’ll start practical hand-to-hand drills. And I’ve invited a special guest to help demonstrate the manoeuvres.”
He turned to Rex, who’d turned out in blacks and limmie shorts, to really test Cody’s commitment to professionalism.
“Rex Torrent. Decorated former army commander, current skipper of Anaxes LC, and veteran of more than his fair share of brawls — oh, and my little brother.” Cody ruffled his partner’s handsome hair. “Like last time, we’ll start with calisthenics, before moving into the main body of instruction. After lunch, there’ll be presentations on mobile urban assault, PERSEC, first aid, and other shit you best remember if you want to survive in the Federal District. Estimated finish time: 1900. Any questions?”
A nervous wobbling of heads indicated a negative. For now, anyway.
“Right. If you could please pair up — ”
He was interrupted by a dull throbbing that shook the plasteel walls.
Music. Shitty music.
Cody frowned. This was a converted Guard drill hall. And the redjobs still lived next door.
Clearing his throat, Cody deployed his field voice. “Please pair up with somebody of roughly equal weight, height, and limb count and join Rex on the floor. He’ll lead the warm-up while I fix this.”
Rex chuckled, knowingly. “Fix this. Someone is so dead.”
“Just take care of them,” Cody said, indicating to his students as he marched out.
He may have been only a civilian himself nowadays; but Cody’d never had trouble visiting the fear of Fett upon anyone. Least of all pink-nippled shinies who were probably finding inventive ways to waste credits.
He crossed the wall of noise into their gym.
Whatever he expected to find, it wasn’t Marshal Commander Fox, RG (Active) benching 300 and Prime Ambassador Chuchi to an audience of guardsmen.
They broke off ogling to glare at Cody.
“Got something to say, Sunshine?” Fox shouted over the godawful din, as he suspended enough weight to dent the floor.
Cody did. But with an eyeful of Chuchi’s ass, if it didn’t jettison right out of his head.
He shuffled a couple feet to his right. “Yeah, I do. Turn — this — racket — off.”
He was actually suffered to wait a few reps and one obnoxious chorus more before being acknowledged. Fierfek, Cody still hated this guy.
“Jams, cut the tuneage,” Fox grunted, racking the bar and his girlfriend, who swung down smilingly into his arms. He rolled up and regarded Cody coolly. “Yes?” he prompted in the silence, cocksure as a crime lord. Which he basically fucking was these days, sitting pretty atop the Republic security food chain. Even the Senate Blueys bowed to him now.
Cody rolled his eyes. “I just needed you to lower the music. I’ve got a class.”
“Well, why didn’t you just say,” Fox deadpanned. He stood, chucked Chuchi into a fireman’s carry, and led his posse to a different machine.
“Fuck you, too,” Cody shouted after them, leaving them to their occult rituals. The Corries had been decanted in a separate facility and remained a breed unto themselves.
As he walked back, Cody marvelled how little martial order remained in his life.
He wasn’t ready to wish for another war, though. Not even when he returned to find Rex signing autographs.
Happiness was an undisciplined thing.
. . . . . 
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honeyhenry · 5 years
Traitor - b.b (part 2)
part 1 here, hope you enjoy! 
warnings: miscarriage, please do not read if this is a trigger for you. also one swear word.
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Bluey-Green eyes. Blond hair. 
A bruise marking his cheek from the night before.
Rarely had Steve seen his friend so angry - at least since he had broken free from the pain and guilt he had suffered after being HYDRA’s soldier for decades. Bucky had fought with his fists and he had fought hard, sending the Captain back into the wall of the living room with a thud. Anyone who had been around to witness the attack, had watched in awe as they see their captain, their leader, fail to fight back.
Steve took every hit like a champ, moving only to wipe at his bloodied lip before spluttering to catch his breath. Bucky had been seething, the poor guy had so much pent up frustration and Steve had always been there to help his friend out in any way he could. He felt he deserved it somehow. Life hadn't been going well, with distance only growing further between him and his wife, after a series of complications due to sad, unforeseen circumstances.
So how much harm could a couple of bruises from his best friend cause?
“How dare you, you fucking moron! Thought you could have your own girl and mine too huh, punk?! You have a wife of your own and you still fucked mine!”
Steve blinks. Truthfully he’d had no idea what had made him prone to such an attack, when he came to think of it, as he lay on the floor with his bust lip and a bruise forming just below his eye. He hadn’t intended for any of this to happen and now his best friend was threatening to rearrange his face, and leave him writhing in pain on the floor beneath him.
He just wanted to feel something, and he definitely felt physically hurt after Bucky grips him by the shirt to have at it again, and again, and again. But emotionally, Steve was numb. Despite the ferocity of the Sergeant’s punches, he couldn’t process the pain. Despite his status as Captain America, Steve Rogers was weak and defeated.
Steve can still remember the day his wife told him that they were having a baby. He was so excited to tell all of the team about the exciting news, a little baby Rogers that he’d already nicknamed sweetpea. And so he had been just as devastated as Bucky was, to leave for the mission, as Mrs Rogers had hit the 7 week mark.
He remembers getting an early message from his wife whilst he was gone, telling him that you had visited their home while him and Bucky were on mission. She had told him how you and Bucky had been desperately trying for a baby, and how their own baby Rogers might have a little best friend around after all. With the news of you potentially carrying a friend for sweetpea only a month behind in the form of baby Barnes, Steve realised that no matter what, all of you would be one big family together, raising your beautiful babies at the same time. And so he’d eagerly awaited the end of the month, just as Bucky had.
Steve remembers getting that phone call in the early hours of the morning. It was halfway through the mission, when his wife’s number had called his, but it had been your panicked voice on the end of the phone, explaining his wife’s pain, and the baby, and the blood: “oh steve, shit, there’s so much blood!”
He hadn’t even been able to leave to accompany his wife to the hospital, with only days to go until the mission was complete. He needed to see his wife. He needed to know if they would both be okay. From that first panicked phone call though, he knew that he was only going home to one Rogers, not two. He hadn’t ever recovered from hearing his wife’s cries. Not fully, at least
He never was the same after that, couldn’t even look Bucky in the eye after starting to picture the big happy family you would all be together. 
Steve had stepped off the quinjet, only caring about racing off towards home to be with his heartbroken shell of a wife. He had seen yours and Bucky’s embrace while walking through the compound, and how the Sergeant had dropped to his knees to touch your stomach. Bile rose in Steve’s throat but he had swallowed it back, not rising to the situation. He had one priority, and that was to comfort and grieve with his wife.
Bucky was going to be a father. While he had it all ripped away in a matter of seconds.
And now, a year later. His best friend is moments away from lashing out at him again. He wishes that he knew what was going on in Bucky’s head. He usually has a grasp on it, but Steve’s struggling with keeping his head just above the water right now, trying to help his wife cope, help them both move on. He can’t see to Bucky’s every problem like he used to.
Steve questions what he had possibly done to hurt Bucky, or you. You had promised Steve and his wife that you wouldnt tell Bucky about the miscarriage until they felt comfortable sharing. But Bucky wouldn’t be so mad about such a secret being kept from him - would he?
The Captain is unsure what to do with himself. With the state his marriage is in, with anything at all, truly. Especially unsure about what to do with the empty room at the front of his home, that was so ready to be a nursery.
“Why would you take my baby from me? Huh?” Bucky stops his yelling, quite finished with his physical and verbal attack on poor Steve - for now. His voice lowers until Steve can barely hear him, and that’s what really scares him. A void of all emotions and yet so full of each and every negative one, too. Bucky’s eyebrows furrow and he looks at Steve like he’s the dirt on his shoe. 
“This is all your fault” Bucky scowls at Steve, each word hitting hard as he spits in his face with every word.
And Steve just takes it. He takes the punches and the kicks and the spit in the face all in his stride because he’d rather have the physical pain in his chest - where his happy heart once stayed -  than have to think about his sweetheart at home, and the baby that never was.
He would rather hear Bucky tell him it’s all his fault, that he deserves this physical pain, than to feel that pain in his heart and think that it was all his fault that his sweetpea was gone.
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Once in a Lifetime - CB
(Part 1)
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Requests are open
I did start writing this a few days ago then i watched the new TFIL video and decided to finish it 😁 this will be a 2 part imagine.
Warnings: mentions of Anxiety
She hated flying, there was something about flying over open water that made her uncomfortable. Trying to keep her anxiety at bay, she edited the video that she was going to upload in a few days. She had cut too far off a segment, she hit the keyboard, “Dammit,” she muttered to herself. The man sitting next to her looked at her strangely. She felt his eyes digging into her so she looked up at him. He wore a grey business suit and carried a tatty black briefcase. Either a businessman or a lawyer, she thought. “Sorry.” She said to the man.
She looked up at him and met his judging eyes. Her purple highlighted brown hair made her stick out like a sore thumb. She hated being judged but loved her hair, it made her feel confident.
She silently wished she never agreed to this TFIL trip but she had promised her brother, Elton. Y/N had to meet Elton in LA before heading out to wherever they were going.
Turbulence hit the plane and Y/N gripped the arm rests like her life depended on it. Anxiety rising further and further until she was certain that they’d plummet to their deaths in the sea below.
“ELTON!” Y/N yelled the classic iconic line from Corey while running up to her her older brother and jumped into his arms.
“Hey sister.” Elton said while hugging her. “Can I introduce you to everyone?” She let go of Elton and watched as he pointed to each of the members. A boy with blue hair (mainly the front), a boy with blonde hair, a boy with brown hair and a girl with brown hair.
“So you got all the names right?”
“Sorry bro, I wasn’t paying attention.” Y/N said honestly.
“Right because you were staring at Colby.” Elton points back at the blue haird man standing in front of her. “Andrea’s the only girl. So that should be pretty easy. Sam’s the blonde and Corey’s the brunette.”
Overhead, their plane was called, Y/N followed behind the group of 5 silently. She was usually more up to it than this, maybe once she got a bit more sleep it would be a little easier.
Elton had her sit between Sam and Colby hoping that she’d talk about her love for adrenaline and supernatural. But alas she didn’t speak to the two during the full 2 hour flight.
“Is she okay?” Colby asked the older man once they got off the plane.
“She hates flying, once she calms down a little she’ll be alright. She’s suffered from anxiety from a young age, she’ll take control of it.” Elton replied. “Talk to her, if she sees that one or all of you are making an effort, it’ll distract her.”
Colby stopped dead in his tracks and waiting for the short girl with purple highlights to catch up. “Thought you’d might like some company.” Colby said to her.
“You thought right. Sorry if I haven’t spoken much, just a bit of anxiety. Normally i have a hold on it but we struck turbulence just 10 minutes before we landed and i lost my hold.” She explained to the young man beside her. “I love your videos by the way, i love supernatural shit as well.”
Colby was taken aback a little. He thought he’d have to produce a full on monologue but she opened up right then and there. He loved it.
As they waited for the motorhome to arrive the pair continued to talk. The more she distracted herself the better she felt and soon she had made a few insults towards Elton making the rest of them laugh. Elton pretended to be upset but he was thrilled that she was joking and laughing again.
“I watched Elton’s video where he trashed you car.” Y/N told Colby.
“Please tell me you disliked the video!” Colby whined.
“Eh, i thought it was pretty funny. Your reaction? Even better! So i liked it.” Y/N retorted. She heard how crappy his old Corolla was from Elton many times. Even watching his old roommates complain about the car in their own videos, it made Elton’s “prank” 10 times funnier.
The motorhome arrived and Y/N drags her luggage toward the vehicle. Colby stopped her, letting everybody else get on. “But it held emotional value!”
“I know i may have shed a tear, happy?!” Colby laughed and hugged his new friend and loaded her luggage into the motorhome.
She stepped on, closing the door behind her. “Ok everyone pick your beds.” Elton said. “I’m in the front as the driver and I will be swapping throughout the trip.”
Sam and Colby rushed from the back bed leaving the rest of us to claim beds, Corey top, Y/N middle and Andrea on the bottom.
As the trip came to a close Elton decided to hire a boat for the day and do water sports. Y/N was weary about the whole thing but this was once in a lifetime. Between her college life and her own YouTube thing, she couldn’t come out often. When Elton made a trip exclusively for her, she jumped at the opportunity.
She placed herself comfortably between Colby and Andrea. “Do you like bluey there?” Andrea asked pointing subtly to the blue haired man beside her.
“I don’t know, maybe?” Y/N replied.
“You sure? Because ever since you two started talking you become giddy. I’ve been a huge fan of you since you started youtube so i knew that you don’t act like that.” Y/N whipped her head back to Colby then whipped back to face Andrea.
“Nope don’t feel a thing but friendship.” Just as she said that Colby subconsciously placed a hand on her waist. Deep in a conversation with Corey, Elton and Sam. (Elton filming the entire thing). Y/N felt her cheeks become hot. “Okay, maybe i lied.”
“Thank you!”
“What were you lying about?” Colby asked, who clearly had been eavesdropping.
“Nothing!” Y/N yelled a little startled. “I’m just going to go up front with Sam real quick.” She walked over to Sam and pulled him towards the front of the boat.
“Woah, everything okay?” Sam asked, concern hitting his words.
“I like Colby and I don’t know exactly what to do. You’re his best friend so I just kinda figured ...”
“Wow! Um.”
“Sorry this is stupid. Just forget i said anything.” As she turned to leave, the blonde pulled her back.
“Hold up! I was just going to say to go for it. Colby likes you, if he thought of you as a friend he wouldn’t be putting an arm around your waist. You’ve surely seen the pictures of him with Andrea right? His arm’s around her shoulder most of the time.” She looked in her side vision and spotted Colby looking at her, his eyes trailing up and down.
“Oh.” She waved at him causing him to blush and look right away as if he wasn’t checking her out.
“Haha. Classic. He’s afraid. Most girls want him for clout or money. You view him the way he wants to be viewed, as an actual human.”
“Thanks Sam. Can you bring him here?” Sam nodded and moved to his best friend. The two tag teamed and Colby comes forward.
“You called.” Colby said faking a posh accent.
“I uh, saw you checking me out so don’t deny it Brock!” Colby laughed. “I like you a lot. I just, uh, thought you should know.”
“I like you too. Maybe when you’re on holidays next I can take you out?”
“I’d like that.”
The two walked back towards the group just as Elton started getting prepared to wakeboard. Once again Colby’s arm rested lightly on Y/N’s waist as she was talking to Andrea and filming Elton.
The memory of a few seconds ago started playing in her mind
Maybe when you’re on holidays next I can take you out?
Colby had said. Does this mean he’s willing to wait about 3 months for Christmas break?! She thought. No, can’t be, can it?!
The trip came to an end and the 5 arrived back in LA. Elton had to rush off as did the rest, except Colby. Colby opted to stay with the girl for 5 hours until her connecting flight. “You doyhave to stay.” She said.
“Seriously? What kind if boyfriend would i be if i let my girlfriend wait alone for 5 hours?”
“A bad one!”
“Hang on, boyfriend?!” Since the boat ride, Colby never brought it up ever again. Except the subtle touches, leg, hand, waist. Nothing was ever said.
“Oh i just thought - ”
“No no. I don’t mind. It’s just we haven’t spoken about dating since the boat.”
“Well, it’s just, i want to do it properly. Just you and me.”
“Who knew you were a romantic!?” The two laughed and sat in a comfortable silence.
A few hours later, Y/N’a flight was called, she hugged Colby good bye and headed down into the plane.
Just before she couldn’t text him, she sent a text
To Colby🖤 - no one’s next to me, whole row to myself baby!
From Colby🖤 - get some rest and I will see you soon
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chimmyboii · 5 years
The Lost World - Kim Namjoon x Reader (featuring; Jimin and Taehyung)
Genre: Fantasy, angst, smut, fluff, au
Summary: After an expedition gone wrong; Y/N teams with Jimin and Taehyung to find their best friend Kim Namjoon who miraculously disappears in a hidden tomb. 
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Prologue  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
“Where is he!?” Commander Roth screams in my face, I spit the blood at him. He wipes his face whilst sighing. He had been torturing me for hours now, screaming the same question at me, one I can’t answer. The soldiers guarding the door stare at the scene ahead of them, their faces blank; they know what is coming. Eventually, Roth will get bored of beating me and not getting the answer he’s looking for and kill me.A punch to the stomach knocks the air from my lungs, the blood trickles from my lips, splattering on the floor below me. My arms ache as I hang from the metal chains – I have no strength to try and release myself. Another punch lands on my face, an uppercut to the chin causing a groan to leave me.
Roth grabs my chin forcing me to look at him – I glare weakly. He smirks evilly at me. “Tell me where he went, Y/N. Maybe then I’ll consider sparing your life.” I shake my head, a weak laugh escaping me.
“Like I said; I don’t know. You may as well fucking kill me, Roth. I’m not telling you anything.” He growls angrily, his fist coming into contact with my nose. I whimper, the stinging pain travelling up my head. Roth goes to hit me one more time but is interrupted.
“She doesn’t know anything.” Roth stands straight turning to the voice. Veronica stands at the door way, her blue eyes clouding with concern as she takes in my injured form. “You’ve been at it for hours now, if Y/N knew something she would have talked by now.” I shake my head in amusement, causing it throb more.
“She must know something, Veronica. The boy doesn’t just fucking vanish into thin air!” Roth chided, he turns back to me grabbing a handful of my hair and tugging it back. “WHERE IS KIM NAMJOON?!” He screams at me.
“Boss!” A young soldier comes rushing in, “The security has been breached! The police are on the way!”
“What?!” Roth turns to me, before looking at the young soldier again: “You get the cars running; I’ll deal with her.” Roth walks over the pipes in the side of the room, he unscrews them, releasing gas into the air. Walking back to me, he once again grips my hair and pulls my head back roughly, I wince; he kisses me roughly on the lips. My blood now stains his lips. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I wish things could have been different.” Letting me go roughly, I swing slightly due to my confinements. He leaves the room dragging Veronica along with him. I’m alone, the air filling with gas.
Coughing, the gas begins to choke me, my throat burning as I cough. As my mind begins to fog over; I think about the boy with the thick nerdy glasses. He was so smart; he loved to ramble on about the recent history book he read, about the myths that occupied his mind.
His face is what I last see as my head begins to droop forward, eyes growing heavy. Just as I was about to lose consciousness, the door slams open hitting off the wall. I feel cold hands gripping mine above my head; I weakly moan. The metal chains suddenly loosen, my body collapsing into the person releasing me. Dragging me out into the corridor; the alarm is buzzing; the person continues to drag me out of the building. The urge to vomit comes over me causing me to stop abruptly, gripping onto the wall as I cough up blood.
“Come on, Y/N. We need to move now!” The person drags me, almost falling as my weight falls heavily onto them. As we get outside the sun shines brightly, blinding me a moment and causing severe pain across my forehead. The person drops me on the grass, my eyes shutting over with exhaustion. “I have to go now, Y/N. Keep your head low.” Their shadow leaves me, but, cracking open one eye I see a figure with short blonde hair running away.
“THAT’S HER!” I hear a voice yell and the sound of running. “Hey, can you hear me?” I groan as I feel cold hands touch the side of my neck, feeling my pulse. Opening my eyes, all I see is blue and pink leaning over me, groaning I shut them again. “It’s okay, Y/N we’ll get you help.” I heard the sirens sounding closer to me. I just wanted to sleep; my whole body was aching. I groan as I feel the hands shaking me.
“No, Y/N, you’ve got to stay awake. The ambulance is almost here.” The deep voice commented. Groaning again, I try to swat away his hand. There was a tiny giggle at my actions, causing me to open my eyes with difficulty. Once again, my vision locks on blue and pink. Blinking rapidly, their features finally come into place, I realise that it is their hair colour. Looking at the two males; I don’t recognise them at all, yet they know me. Just as I was about to force myself to ask who they were; the ambulance arrived. The paramedics are quick to the scene, checking me over before gently lifting me onto the stretcher. They ask the two weirdly hair coloured males if they are friends or relatives of mine; to which they both replied no. However, I heard the one with the deep voice comment that I knew their friend. After that, I lose conscious.
The sound of beeping wakes me. I blink a few times as I open my eyes. Siting up slightly, I moan in pain. My ribs are aching, the burning pain causes me to stay in a lying position. The doctor comes in with the clip board in his hand.
“Ah Miss Y/N, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
The doctor lets out a laugh before looking at his clip board. “You’ve suffered a concussion and three broken ribs. You’ll be in hospital for the next couple of days.” Letting out a groan of annoyance. “Now Y/N, the police are here to ask some questions, regarding the state your in.”
Rolling my eyes, I glare at the doctor. “I fell down the stairs.” I lied. The doctor shakes his head before once again looking at the clip board.
“Not according to the two young men waiting in the reception area. They said you were held hostage.” My eyebrows furrow as the image of pink and blue come back to mind. Who the hell were they? I think to myself, shaking my head once again: I lie. “Sorry doctor, I don’t remember being held hostage or anything. They must have been mistaken. I remember falling down the stairs.” The doctor still doesn’t look convinced but proceeds to sigh and ask if it was okay if the police ask some questions. I just nod, wanting it to be over and done with.
The police didn’t believe my story either, they promised they’d keep an eye on me and told me to contact them if I remembered who it was. Of course, that wasn’t happening. As far as Roth is concerned, I’m dead and that’s the way it’s staying. A nurse comes in to check over me and give me food and water. Before she leaves, she asks if I’d like to see my visitors which causes me to freeze mid-bite.
“What visitors?” I asked, trying to remain calm.
“The two young men outside, they’ve been here since you were admitted yesterday.” It’s got to be ‘pinky’ and ‘bluey’. I just nod, suddenly curious. The two enter the room; their hair colours still as bright as I remember. The pink one smiles brightly whilst letting out a sigh of relief, coming to stand at my side.
“Thank goodness you’re okay, Y/N.” Furrowing my eyebrows, I grab my plastic knife and aim at him.
“Who the fuck are you?” I spat, in hopes of scaring them. The pink haired boy’s eyes widen in fear, backing away slightly. The blue haired boy barked out a laugh, he leaned over and clutch his stomach. I throw my water over him; soaking his white shirt, which sobered him up instantly.
“Hey!” he whined.
“Shut the fuck up! Who the hell are you!” I yell. Pinky grabs my hand in a panic.
“Sshh, Y/N. I’m Park Jimin, a friend of Namjoon’s. That’s Kim Taehyung. Please, we need your help.” At the mention of Namjoon, I freeze. My mind automatically visualising the blonde boy with thick rimmed glasses; my heart suddenly aches.
“What about him?” I whisper, looking at the disgusting food on the plate. Jimin sighs before taking a seat on the chair next to the bed. Taehyung moves to stand next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“We can’t find him.” Jimin whispers, “We contacted Commander James Roth, the leader of the expedition but he said Namjoon decided not to join the expedition, which doesn’t make sense. He wouldn’t shut up about it – he loved ancient history. Hell, he graduated top of his history class because he such a geek!” Jimin massages his face before continuing. “He still hasn’t contacted us. We know you were part of the team with him, do you know what happened to him, where he went?”
It was silent in the room, I contemplated on whether to continue with Roth’s lie or tell them the truth. The sound of Namjoon’s voice in the back of my head told me to go with the latter.
“Namjoon was on the expedition.” Jimin’s eyes lit up; he reached over and gripped my hand. “I don’t know what happened to him, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.” I whisper, pulling my hand out of Jimin’s grip. Jimin lets out another sigh. I could see him fighting back tears which causes me to turn away slightly.
“He found it, didn’t he?” Taehyung’s deep voice questioned; my eyes widened instantly connecting with his. “He found the artefact.” I said nothing, just continued staring at the blue haired boy. My silence was confirmation to him, he taps Jimin on the shoulder, pulling at him slightly before turning back to me.
“Thank you for your time, Y/N.” he hands me over a card, “If you decide you want to help us, then call us.” I take the card and watch as Jimin leaves with his head hanging. Taehyung spares me one last glance before shutting my door.
How could I help them? I don’t know what happened to Namjoon apart from he was there one minute and gone the next. However, Roth was right; you don’t just vanish into thin air.
Kim Namjoon was somewhere; where was the question.
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solcordc · 5 years
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     It had seemed to Cloud as if it were the beginning of simply another day; the start to his routine he’d carefully crafted so as to avoid becoming too caught up in his thoughts while his husband was away. The sky was blue and bright, almost unbearably so and the bright light had the blonde seeking darker corners so as to not burn his pale skin. Deliveries had been slow and mundane; but then life always seemed to be off without Reno around to cause chaos. It wasn’t bad per say, just different. Leaving the package on the doorstep he glanced down the alley, blue gaze piercing through the shadows. It was his last package of the day so he could just go home after this, but something made him linger. Call it a sixth sense but there was this feeling tingling in the back of his mind that something was off. 
      Turning away from where he had come in, he headed deeper into the alley and there--huddled under a thin and worn blanket--was a child. Well, he likely wasn’t that young, but his frame was far more slender than it should have been. His health had clearly suffered and a sense of anguish bubbled in Clouds chest, reminded of all the children who had suffered because he wasn’t strong enough. It haunted him daily, this duty Zack had left him. He could never fulfill that wish; some living legacy he was. Reno was constantly reminding him that living in the past was dangerous--he knew that but still the ghosts of his friends haunted him. He brushed aside these thoughts, kneeling down in front of the young boy and placing his hands on his knees in hopes of seeming as non-threatening as possible. 
         “Hey...” he called out, carefully reaching out so as to only tug on a corner of the blanket and get the child’s attention. “Hey are you ok?” bluey-green eyes glanced up to meet his gaze but there was no recognition there--instead his eyes moved to Clouds lips and he seemed confused. The understanding was almost instant; he knew that look too well. How many times had he been unable to hear someones words clearly and sought understanding from the shape of their mouth? Too many times to count he was sure. His hands moved up from his lap til they were almost even with his shoulders and he began to shape them accordingly. Name mine, Cloud. Your name what? 
            It wasn’t anything fancy and if the young one could hear clearly he’d just look silly, but he had to take the chance. If his own disability could help this frail figure, he’d be glad of it. 
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