#if hannibal were a theatre kid
tensleepshrike · 4 months
out of character. uh oh found my iPad ( more art beneath the cut ! )
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BONUS: a little millie from a character sheet i'm working on, in her little jacket
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murderfathers · 8 months
hey guys your theatre kid hannibal fan has come back with another thought, hannibal x heathers but specifically meant to be yours i can just perfectly picture hannibal as JD and will as veronica…
“you left me and i fell apart i punched the wall and cried then i found you changed my heart and set all that truthful shit inside”
that’s so hannibal coded ….
“i can’t take it alone finish what we begun you were meant to be mine i am all that you need you carved open my heart can’t just leave me to bleed” UGHHH i love that song
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svnnyd4ys · 1 year
(some of the) eah royals as incorrect quotes!
Blondie: Apple noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Lizzie: This reminds me of the Apple who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Blondie: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Apple.
Duchess: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation. Ashlynn: So you're just gonna wait until Briar is in danger and save them? Duchess: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them. Ashlynn: ... Ashlynn: You're insane.
Blondie: *fills up bottle and drinks from that* Ashlynn: *brought 4 bottles of water so this wouldn’t happen* Apple: *drinks straight from the tap* Duchess: *dehydrates* Lizzie: *drinks from the puddle of water on the floor* Briar: *licks the tap, doesn’t even need a drink*
Duchess: Fine! Judge all you want but... Duchess, points at Ashlynn: Married a lesbian. Duchess, points at Lizzie: Left a man at the altar. Duchess, points at Blondie: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer. Duchess, points at Apple: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire. Duchess, points at Briar: Lives in a box!
Apple: From now on we will be using code names. Apple: You can address me as Eagle One. Apple: Blondie is “been there done that”. Apple: Briar is “currently doing that”. Apple: Ashlynn is “it happened once in a dream”. Apple: Lizzie is “if I had to pick a wonderlandian". Apple: And Duchess is.. Apple: Eagle Two Duchess: Oh thank god.
*Briar comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Blondie’s bedroom.* Blondie: Babe, are you.. coming to bed? Briar: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend. Briar: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep* Blondie: ...
Briar: Well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Oh, let me guess: you’re out to save the world! Duchess: Well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment. Ashlynn: More or less, I guess... Apple: That sounds awesome! Let’s do that! Lizzie: I’m new here, but I am open to the concept. Blondie: I thought that’s what we were doing, guys, come on!
Duchess, reading the newspaper: Huh. Did you know Nickelodeon opened a hotel? Briar: Yeah, I went there once. There was a dead squirrel in the pool and I made some of Ashlynn cry by telling them it was the real Sandy.
Apple: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Duchess, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Blondie: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter? Ashlynn: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes. Briar: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one* Apple: I will not let you down. Duchess: Sounds fun. Ashlynn: K. Blondie: No, I'm fucking not. Lizzie: Do I have to be? Briar: Please god, I am so tired.
Ashlynn: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Briar: Aren't you forgetting something? Ashlynn: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Briar's forehead before running out.* Briar: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Briar: *sighs* Blondie: You bored? Briar: Yeah. Blondie: Wanna start drama for no reason? Briar: I thought you’d never ask.
Lizzie: Punch me in the face. Duchess: ...Punch you? Lizzie: Yes, punch me, didn’t you hear me? Duchess: I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ while you’re speaking but it’s usually just subtext.
Apple: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
Briar: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Ashlynn, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Duchess: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
Lizzie: Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
Blondie: I was born for politics! I have great hair and I love lying! !!!
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8, 9, 16 for FT ask game
thanks for the ask!!!
8. How did you discover Fellow Travelers?
I saw someone in the iwtv/hannibal fandom posted about this new show in November and checked it out as soon as my finals were over. tbh I expected the show to be a lot darker than it is because it said political thriller on the tin
9. What is your favourite headcanon(s)?
Jackson stayed in touch with Tim as he grew up and figured out about Hawk, partly why he was so disappointed with his father
Hawk keeps an eye on everyone he's faulted (explains the way he talked about Kenny's death and knew Tim was in trouble)
Tim was into theatre as a kid but never did anything because 1. catholicism and 2. realised he really wasn't one for acting after he'd moved to SF
I haven't read the book so not sure what happened when Tim was in the army but I see headcanon potential there
16. If you could give the show an alternative ending, what would happen in your version?
I'm fine with the quilt scene we have but it does feel a bit too redemptive for my taste. I've heard about book!Hawk being colder and the ending being bleaker, so I reckon the current finale fits well with the showrunners' decision to make Hawk a man transformed. If it were up to me, I'd probably do a scene of Hawk in his Milanese villa admitting his love for Tim to Kimberly and mingle it with shots of the quilt display——Hawk'd changed, but not enough to be physically present at the display to be fully redeemed
If we were to talk about less bitter endings then we'd need a different story where Hawk went to SF with Tim after he came out of prision lol
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silenthillmutual · 1 year
the other night i had a dream that i went to see oppenheimer and barbie as a double feature with a group of people i didn't know but i guess was trying ro befriend? anyway oppenheimer started out as an episode of nbc hannibal thatbwas playing out like if hannibal had a post-series film (a la the x-files w i want to believe) and there was homosexual tenderness between hannibal and will but as soon as it turned to being about oppenheimer i got aggressively bored and fell asleep. in my dream. i awoke when it was time to change theatres to see barbie and we were now in an industrail warehouse type situation where everyone was being corralled like animals to a machine, we had assigned seating and they were patting us down for food and drinks because they were so concerned we'd be hiding cameras in our stuff that we weren't allowed to take anything in. you literally had to sit in a cafe area and eat off brand skittles and sprite if you wanted anything. anyway my group ditched me and i wound up taking residence outside the theatre doors like we were all at a convention and while i was waiting for the movie to start i took out my switch to try and fight calamity ganon who was now a bloodborne boss while the kid next to me gave me tips.
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bakugourising · 1 year
binging iwtv before it gets taken off hbo
ep 1
wait is this the actor that played the bernie sanders guy in succession omg this is my mcu
omg the blue contacts lol
vampire self harm
“you were disrespectful” “i was high” lol
“in the middle of the pandemic” oh shit this is set during covid
ok i’ve read the book so this other guy in the back is armand??
his backstory is so different but it works
omg this is so vulgar
ahh the blue eyes r so scary 😭
i always loved the setting so much new orleans is so pretty
this is the weirdest flirting of all time
“you’re his destiny louis” “destined to be very good friends” lol
the powers anne rice vampires have r so cool
ok i kind of love paul
this is so bisexual
“it’s my brothers funeral” 😭
bruh lestat needs to chill the fuck out
such a good first ep hell ya
ep 2
all this fancy food is giving me hannibal flashbacks
“can we turn down the music” oh i love that
lestat is so bitchy
“i should have told you that” ya probably
the fox :(
i love lestat’s straw hat
the sound design for this show is rlly good
theatre kid lestat back at it again
“i almost ate my nephew lestat” lol
ep 3
lestat is so EXTRA stop harassing the piano guy 😭
“what’s wrong with that man” no literally
“more nuanced portrait” lol
“ya i heard that about you two” lol
i love bricks
“sounds like some kind of russian bolshevik scheme”
“he’s a lot”
omg that’s so creepy with the soldiers wtf this show does the anne rice genre of horror so well
omg i love louis’ red suit
“i’ll let you reload” cold af
i for one support louis killing racists
“i’m a vampire”
claudia pog
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lonely-lost-soul · 2 years
Phantom Of The Opera: Chapter One
(Technoblade x Reader x Wilbur)
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Welcome to the Phantom of the Opera Au, I hope you enjoy my lost souls. I know it's been a while but I hope this makes up for my absence.
Here is the link to the musical if anyone is interested ~~~
Paris was always beautiful in the winter, at least it was to Wilbur, he liked the warm sweaters and the light snow that littered the ground beneath his feet. Wilbur let out a small sigh and watched as fog formed in the air in front of his mouth. He stood outside the old opera house and ran a hand through his brown hair that had long since been streaked with grey. It was only when the snow started to cause the curls on his head to stick to his forehead that he finally entered the old opera house. Once inside he was greeted like an old friend and was quickly rushed to the auctioneer's room. There weren't many people in the room, maybe around four or five, but every one of them seemed to be staring right into Wilbur’s soul. The moment passed, and Wilbur took his seat and waited. The things being bid were frivolous to him, he was only there for one thing and one thing only. Wilbur sat there for a few hours until he saw it, a small paper-mache music box. This box was the exact one his lover often spoke of, the one in the shape of a barrel organ with a figure of money playing symbols attached to the lid. The auctioneer continued to speak about the box, he stated that it was discovered in the vaults of the theatre and the music box was still in working order. The bid started at fifteen francs but Wilbur purchased it for thirty, there was only one other man bidding on the old box. Once it was in his grasp; Wilbur's fingers began to trace over the velvet piece of the box. He was seemingly lost in the memories of what the box had brought onto his life and his lovers. Wilbur's head shot up as the next antique being sold was announced, it was a broken chandelier. Wilbur felt his throat go tight and his ears began to ring getting lost in the booming voice of the auctioneer around him. 
“Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera: a mystery never fully explained. We are told ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier that appears in the famous disaster. Our workshops have restored it and fitted up parts of it with wiring for the new electric light, so that we may get a hint of what it may look like when re-assembled. Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little Illumination…” 
It all seemed to start with a production of Chalumeau's Hannibal, the lead of the show was none other than one of the most famous opera singers of the time George Guidicelli. He was talented, anyone with ears could see that the only problem was he was a primadonna in every sense of the word. No one would dare call him out on it, they needed to be careful of his wrathful nature for no one wanted to be on the receiving end of George's fury. The Opera House was in the process of switching owners, even midway through a production two men were overtaking the role of managers. Their names were odd and referred to themselves as Schlatt and Quackity. The two newcomers were immediately scolded for getting in the way of all the ballet dancers by an older gentleman named Phil. Schlatt had scoffed at that insinuation calling Phil an old crow rather rudely which caused him to ‘accidentally’ get hit in the back of the legs with Phil’s cane. As they watched the dancing continue, the old owner hummed in distaste as a young boy with blonde hair become prominent among the ballet dancers. 
“Who’s the kid?” Schlatt grumbled an eyebrow shooting upon his forehead the old owner chuckled softly watching the boy spin with an odd sort of grace.
“Him? That’s Tommy, Phil’s son, he’s one of our most promising dancers.”
The three watched as another dancer was brought into the spotlight, she had (h/c) hair that was curled gracefully, and had a faraway look in her eyes. The men jolted watching as Phil slammed his cane harshly on the old floor of the stage. 
“You! (Y/n) Daae! Concentrate, girl!”
“Daae? Curious name.” Quackity murmured rubbing his chin thoughtfully, 
“Swedish.” The old owner commented with an uncaring shrug,
“Any relation to the violinist?” Schlatt grunted sharp eyes taking in her figure almost hungrily.
“His daughter actually. It’s a shame she always has her head in the clouds. She would have much more promise if she could remain focused.” The rehearsal ended sometime later and the old owner clapped both men on the back marching them towards the center stage and introducing them to the cast. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true and it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, Quackity and Schlatt. Mr. Soot will be here sometime later to introduce himself, unfortunately, the train is running late. For now, gentlemen this is Signor George Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons now.” Both men watched as George made his way towards them all beady-eyed and prideful. Schlatt made a subtle face of displeasure as Quackity began to prattle on about how much he loved him in his other performances, thoroughly kissing his ass. It’s what Quackity was good for…ass-kissing. 
“We would be honored if you could give us a rendition of one of the opening songs in Hannibal? Just as a little sneak peek.” Quackitly smiled eyes lighting up,
Geroge flushed, the apples of his cheeks turning red and smiling like he had been expecting this outcome since the very beginning. He pushed his way towards the center stage and began to sing one of his opening numbers, it was by all means wonderful. Schlatt glanced at his partner and knew if they could keep George he would be able to bring in a ton of money for them and the opera house. However, the attitude changed when the backdrop of the scene shattered onto the ground sending fragments all over the stage. The girls screamed and Schlatt saw Tommy grab onto (Y/n)’s arm, and harshly whispered: 
“He's here: the Phantom of the Opera. He is with us! It's the ghost!” A mischievous smile was etched into his face and the woman clicked her tongue scolding him softly. George was still screaming as Quackity was trying frantically to calm her down, Schlatt approached them calmly holding out his hands.
“Now, now George, these things do happen-” Schlatt was cut off rather harshly by the primadonna’s temper, 
“Si! These things do happen! Well, until you stop these things happening, this thing does not happen!” He pointed harshly at himself eyes blazing with ferocious fire, “amateurs!” He spat, hiking up his dress pants and marching off the sage his husband following behind him. Quackity looked rather worried but Schlatt only scoffed, 
“He’ll be back.” 
“You think so mate?” Phil raised a brow standing in between the two men both of them looked up at the blonde male. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a faded white letter, it was pressed closed with red wax, and the seal was a boar's head. “I have a message from the opera ghost.” 
“Jesus Christ they’re obsessed…” Quackity mumbled to Schlatt under his breath, 
“He welcomes you to his opera house and commands you to continue to Box Five empty for his use and he wants to remind you his salary is due.” 
“Salary?” Schlatt choked snatching the letter out of Phil’s hands, only now seeming concerned about the ghost, Phil only raised his blue eyes. 
“Monsieur Lefevre paid him twenty thousand francs a month. Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Soot as your patron.” He grunted, and Quackity made a displeased face, 
“I wanted to make that announcement…” 
“Calm your tits Quackity,” Schlatt grunted in response, and his friend pouted. “Yeah Wilbur’s comin’ he’ll sit in our box.” Schlatt rubbed his stubble thoughtfully, “We got an understudy for George?” 
“No one…” a choir boy with a mask cleared his throat fiddling with fingers, “the production is new so there wasn’t an understudy cast.” 
“(Y/n) Daae could do it.” The blonde choir boy shot his hands in the air and said girl let out a nervous call of his name. She grasped his arm tight over at him he only smile cheekily in response. “She’s been having private lessons from an amazing teacher!” 
“Who?” Quackity raised a brow staring at the young woman, 
“I…don’t know…sir.” He caught her looking around uneasily, and it caused Quackity to look nervous as well. 
“Oh f- not you too.” Schlatt groaned, “I can’t believe this is a full house and we’re gonna have to cancel. All that money…fuckin’ wasted.”
“Let her sing.” Phil hummed softly a hand pressed to the young woman’s back, “give her a chance to impress you mate.”
“Fine.” Schlatt grunted, “from the beginning again.” 
The stage lights were brighter than you could’ve imagined, and the crowd roared as the orchestra began to swell. There you were in the middle of the stage, you took a breath and began to sing, it’s a sweet melody that seemed to cause the audience to go quiet in an instant, 
“Think of me…” 
Your voice was crisp and clear and carried over the audience instantly captivating them all, from Box Four sat Wilbur Soot. His brown eyes twinkled in the stage lights as he found himself captivated by your beauty and voice. You had a familiar beauty to you that made his heart squeeze in yearning. You had such a cute nose and the confidence you held when you sang was nothing to scoff at, he breathed out a disbelieving laugh, 
“Can it be? Can it be (Y/n)? Bravo!” He clapped laughing louder this time standing up in his seat, “What a change! You're really not a bit the gawkish girl that once you were... She may not remember me, but I remember her…” He sat back down slumping in it in disbelief, god you were stunning in that dress. It framed your body just perfectly as he let your siren-like voice drag him under. 
The curtains closed around you and that’s when you finally were able to take in a big breath of air, relief filled your lungs before Tommy crashed into your body. He was speaking a mile a minute only making out a few words, he was praising you that much was clear. Phil walked over and stood in front of the both of you, a smile appearing on his face, “You did well. He will be pleased with your performance.” Phil mused giving you a soft pat on the head before eyeing down Tommy and the other dances, “You all, however, were disgraceful!” Phil pulled Tommy off you and began to chew out the other dancers, Tommy wasn’t listening much more inclined to follow you to your dressing room. You seemed lost to him, acting out of character, and if Phil noticed him slip away the man said nothing in response. Your hand touched the knob on the door to the dressing room and stilled a voice, gruff and deep, echoed around the room,
“Bravi, bravi, bravissimi…” A shiver racked down your spine, it wasn’t an unpleasant one however and you turned around to try to face the figure. Instead of seeing the figure who was praising you, Tommy came running down the stairs. He crossed his arms with a scoff, 
“You think you’re too good for me now is that it?” There was a teasing edge to his tone, “you get the lead and now you disappear on us huh? Well…this is where you’re hiding huh?” His nose scrunched up noticing a few stary cobwebs, “you know I don’t say this often…but you were seriously perfect tonight.” His face softened considerably as he took your hands within his own, “Who is your new tutor?”
Tommy watched as a sad smile spread across your cheeks, you looked far away eyes glassily, hazed over with something Tommy couldn’t quite pinpoint. “My father once spoke of an angel, I used to dream he’d appear to me one day when I sing…I feel like I can sense it and I know he’s there.” You took in a shaky breath a dazed smile spreading across your lips and Tommy frowned worryingly, “like for example in this room he’s calling me softly. He’s somewhere inside hiding I just know he is, the genius is always with me.” You cupped your hands to your chest in awe meanwhile Tommy was staring at you bewilderedly. 
“(Y/n) you must have been dreaming. Shit like that can’t come true, you’re not one to speak of ghosts or phantoms. It’s just not like you.” Tommy grabbed your hands, and you shivered underneath his touch. 
“He’s with me even now…all around.” 
“Your face it’s pale…”
“It frightens me.” 
“Don’t be frightened.” 
Both of them jumped at the sound of a cane pounding on the stone steps and Tommy visibly flinched. “Did you skip out on practice?” You breathed and Tommy smiled sheepishly as he heard Phil’s voice shout his name. “Go Tommy, you’ll get in trouble,” you shooed him away and he left, but not without a moment's hesitation. Once he officially left you turned back to your dressing room and stepped inside the gorgeously decorated room. You were hit with the scent of flowers, specifically, dahlias and roses and they seemed to fill in every area of your dressing room. A ghost of a smile drifted across your lips, as a knock sounded on your door, “Come in!” A tall man entered the room, he was lanky with chestnut hair and a pair of round glasses that rested upon his nose. 
“(Y/n) Daae where is your hat?” He spoke, his voice wasn’t accusatory instead it was light and teasing. He watched your brows furrow in confusion, “oh come on now. After all the trouble I went through to give it to you as a memento!” 
“Oh my god, Wilbur! It is you!” You exclaimed in delight running up to him and wrapping your arms around his body. He was much more muscle than bones, a stark difference from your past, you felt him chuckle beneath your arms. You pulled away eyes shining with delight, Wilbur hummed pleasantly lightly running his fingers through your hair.
"Little Songbird let her mind wander . . ."
“Oh god, you remember that, too . . .
"Little Songbird thought: Am I fonder of dolls, or goblins, of shoes…" He mused with a grin and mused yourself, 
"Or of riddles, of frocks. Those picnics in the attic…” You breathed fondly and Wilbur brushed the pads of his fingers over your heated cheek. 
“...or of chocolates…"
“Or Father playing the violin,” You sighed dreamily pressing your body against his, and Wilbur continued swaying with you gently, 
“As we read to each other dark stories of the North…”
"No what I love best, The Songbird said, is when I'm asleep in my bed, and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head! Father said, "When I'm in heaven, child, I will send the Angel of Music to you". My father is dead, Wilbur, and I have been visited by the Angel of Music.” You expressed looking up at his face only to find him looking back down at you with amusement, 
“No doubt about it little one. Now however we'll go to supper together!” Your eyes widened in horror and you pulled away from his hands fumbling with the lace of your costume, 
“No, Wilbur I can’t, the Angel of Music is very strict.”
“Then I won’t keep you up late!” He laughed fondly, “you should change. I must get my hat. Two minutes Little Songbird. Then I’ll be back for you!” Wilbur shouted with glee leaving the room as you called out to him, almost desperately.
“Things have changed Wil…” 
The air in your dressing room felt hot and thick, it was so bad you felt as if it was choking you. You glanced over to the mirror only to see a figure standing inside it, he had long pink hair tied into a tight braid down his back. His ears were pointed and a pure white mask covered half his face, eyes a vibrant red and he almost looked to have tusks. His outfit was glorious a deep red cape and a black suit and you knew immediately this was your angel. He sneered at you in the mirror, 
“Insolent boy. This slave of fashion basking in your glory!” He scoffed tone unkind but not towards you, “ignorant fool! This brave young suitor, sharing in my triumph!” You reached forward placing your hand right around the mirror, 
“Angel! I hear you! Speak - I listen…stay by my side, guide me!” You pleaded, voice almost breaking with a sob, “Angel, my soul was weak - forgive me…enter at last, Master!” You watched as your angel’s face visibly softened, glowing eyes shining with eternal kindness and satisfaction. You stepped back as the mirror seemingly opened on its own but you were too mystified to care, 
“Flattering child, you shall know me, see why in the shadow I hide! Look at your face in the mirror - I am there inside!” A hand stretched out from behind the eternal darkness of the mirror and you felt your excitement grow. You gently grasped his hand within your own, it was warm but not unpleasant, you felt his fingers brush across your knuckles like he was making sure you were real. “I am your Angel of Music…” He breathed and you nodded allowing yourself to be whisked away into the darkness. The hidden passageway was made out of stone brick, clearly made decades ago, candles lined the walls illuminating you and your angels’ journey. As you and the angel moved deeper into the cavern mist began to gather and swirl at your feet and a large underground lake came into view. “Please my siren, allow me,” His breath fanned your cheek and you felt them burn with embarrassment. He stepped in front of you, and then into the water pulling a boat to shore. You gasped in awe and he chuckled fondly, “Come to me.” You did as you were told grasping once more onto his hand as he helped you into the boat, he grabbed an ore and began to grow into the ever-expanding cavern. 
“Techno’s fine my Siren. Compared to your beauty I am no angel.” He smiled eyes crinkling at the sides watching you flush a deep red. 
“Where are we going?” 
“My home. Just watch, keep your eyes ahead my dear.” 
You nodded swiftly and almost as if his words were magic a gorgeous candlelit cavern appeared in your vision. Candles were the only source of light provided, and your amazement only grew as your Angel- Techno docked the boat. He helped you step out of it making sure your costume wasn’t damaged in the movement. Techno seemed to preen at the awe sparkling in your eyes, your dainty fingers tracing over every nook and cranny of his home. “How did you get a piano in here?” You exclaimed with a disbelieving laugh, moving to stand behind it, he only responded with another fond chuckle. Your fingers danced across the keys pressing them down as you went, the noise was like a melody to Techno’s ears. 
“May I show you something?” 
“Anything.” You breathed in a way that made Technoblade’s insides twist in delight, once more you took his hand. He led you down the steps to a giant bedroom, curtains framed the bed and he nuzzled his face into your neck. “What’s this?” 
“A bedroom genius,” He snorted and his heart jumped hearing you giggle in delight, “for you.” 
“Me?” You whispered in disbelief, “How? Why?” You turned to place your hands on his cheeks, 
“If you want it.” 
“I barely know you.” The rational part of your brain argued against your angel's wishing, even though the other part of you felt as if you belong here, should stay here with him. After all, you already felt as though you knew the man for years.
“You can learn to,” Techno cupped your cheek with his hand and brushed his thumb across your cheek. You shivered pleasantly at his touch, he could see the conflict in your eyes, “just stay the night at least. Then you may venture back into the light so long as you stay far away from the boy.” Without meaning to you found yourself nodding completely entranced by him, “That’s my good girl.” 
You woke up to the melodious sound of a piano, you could hear a deep baritone voice singing an enchanting song. The music washed over you and you felt like you were floating on the bed. Speaking of, the bed was soft beneath your body and you felt as though you could sink into it and stay there forever. There was a swell in the song and you finally lifted yourself from the confines of the bed, you made your way over to the piano where Techno sat. You couldn’t help but stare, he caught your eyes and you smiled in his direction the boyish smile he sent back made your heart skip a beat. He pats the piano bench beside him and you sat down at his side, he smiled resting his face on your shoulder hands moving away from the piano to rest on your thighs. He has your thighs a gentle squeeze and your eyes fluttered beautifully, “you are absolutely stunning my siren.” 
“I’m hardly stunning but thank you.” Your cheeks turned pink and Techno tutted taking your chin between his fingers, “Techno?” 
“Don’t ever say you’re not stunning. You absolutely are, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen my dear.” His words shook you to your core, his voice was so stern so genuine and you brought your own hand to cup his mask. He flinched away from your touch but you followed the movements, 
“How can I believe that to be true when you’re sitting right beside me.” You heard Techno choke back a sob nuzzling against the hand on his mask. Your fingers found the straps behind his head and the mask came apart in your hands. Techno shot off of you like you’d burned him, his hand clutching the side of his face, his one visible eye beady and frightened. He kept his face from your view but you could sense the air around you grow thick, he was furious. He grabbed the collar of your dress and you let out a yelp of fear,
“Damn you! You little prying Pandora! You little demon-is this what you wanted to see? Curse you! You little lying Delilah! Now you cannot ever be free! Damn you…Curse you…” He choked back a sob and you saw the fist against your collar shake, his hand dropped from his face and your pupils blew wide. The left side of his face was littered with scars and burns, jagged deep cuts that marked his otherwise pristine face. You said nothing, completely in shock by the man in front of you, the same beautiful man from before. “I will burn in hell, but secretly yearn for heaven, secretly…secretly…” Techno muttered his voice wavering, “But, (Y/n)...fear can turn to love! You'll learn to see, to find the man behind the monster: this…repulsive carcass, who seems a beast, but secretly dreams of beauty…” You shushed him softly, moving to run your fingers over the scars but he flinched away, instead you silently handed him back the mask. A barely audible thank you left his mouth snapping the mask back into place. You moved to press a light kiss to the side of the mask and his eyes widened considerably, “come we must return - those two fools who run my theatre will be missing their star.”
~~~ Tag List: @bloodrose0723, @lovestruckfool, @judas-draws, @friday-dsv, @xx-smiley-xx, @dreamslittlebitch, @thatguythatsshy, @little-odd-dude, @theultimatewifu32, @hee-hee-haw, @thegeekisheere, @honeyco0kie, @victory-is-here, @theoneandonlyyeti, @abovenyx, @boiled-onionrings, @fiorenc, @sandyy-woo, @pastelmoonwitche, @royaltytheo, @mack4676, @luluwinchester
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dirtycccat · 4 years
the demon bros+ undateables showing their love
thought about this for 5 min then had to write it out so enjoy
first off you notice he treats you differently
and by differently i mean like you’re his favorite child  sibling
you get away with anything??? and he’s softer with you than with the others (which is canon)
then you see that?? he keeps buying you stuff you said you wanted when he was present
and you’re ofc impressed
but you’re more impressed by how open he’s around you
he’ll leave most of his walls down around  you
which means you’ll get to experience unfiltered lucifer
he’ll laugh around you more, make dumb dad jokes, nap with his head in your lap, complain drunkenly about his work and bros, give you sloppy cheeks and forehead kisses
you find it rly cute though
if you’re in the human world he’ll 100% take this chance to send you beautifully written letters asking you how you are and leaving some verses that reminded him of you on the back like a 19th century vampire
“dear mc, how is your life? mine is filled with woe and unease since i do not  have the light of my life around anymore...anyway here’s a poem about being horny and alone by a 18th century romantic author hope to see you soon, xoxo lucifer”
you try to respond in the same way and send him memes on the back instead of  poetry (or real poetry depends on your mood)
protective of you 100% will throw hands with anyone that even glances weirdly your way
but also wants to show you off? like look at this human!!! this is MY human!!!
gives you random thoughtful gifts that reminded him of you
wants to be around you 24/7 so he invites you to all the events that he thinks you’ll like
you wanna party? perfect. you wanna go on a weird ghost stories tour around the city? cool. you wanna waltz in one of those old people parties? he’s already reserved two tickets. you just wanna lay around and nap? he’s already on your lap.
it doesn’t matter if you’re in a romantic relationship or not this man WILL serenade you outside your window
rapunzel style with an acoustic guitar or with a boombox like a rebel 80s kid
anyway here’s toxic by britney spears babe this is for YOU
considers you his bff ofc
but also at first he’s still really awkward around you and doesn’t really know what to do for you and feels bad thinking only you do things for him
until you reassure him you enjoy just being around him so it’s fine
he blushes and starts inviting you more to his room to game/ watch stuff
at some point he starts buying two tickets to all concerts he goes to and invites you along
but also? he asks you what you’re into and starts marathoning your favorite animes/ movies/ series so he can talk with you abt them
you feel really moved that he’d do that for you???  like??? bruh...
your relationship is basically friends respecting each other and wanting to know each other the best through their passions even if it means getting into some weird shit
it’s rly wholesome tho
if you’re romantically involved he’ll totally do roleplay as your favourite character and you do the same for him and it’s really cute
also imagine: artistic collabs. you make fanart together??? you can program games together???? you do cosplay together??? the possibilities...
he’ll hate to be compared to his dad brother but he does show how much he trusts you by showing his unguarded side too
when he first talked about lucifer without the filter of his nice guy persona you were pretty shocked
like he was really going at it
but then you realize? he’s just like that when he’s comfortable
and it’s not all mean spirited, he just has,,, a strong personality and a lot of opinions about stuff (which you sometimes share with him)
but you also found out it’s really fun to gossip with satan
since he knows all the juicy gossip from his multitude of ties (he’s sharing the title of gossip queen with asmo that’s why they get along so well tbh)
also if you even find a teacher you hate he’ll tell you all their embarrassing moments to make you feel better
he also recommends you books and poems and sends you quotes that made him think about you
so you sure as heck don’t need to buy books while you’re in the devildom bc he’ll buy you an entire library 
compliments you without comparing you to himself which is the highest compliment he can give
like mammon he’s more into the showing everyone his favorite human around while also protecting them
he’ll take you to his parties and gatherings as a guest of honor, he’ll make you meet all kinds of people and open up opportunities for you
he’ll be the one that pampers you
you’d think lucifer is the sugar daddy of the family but nope it’s asmo
he’ll buy you cute clothes, shoes, beauty products everything that he saw and imagined would look bomb on you
if you’re not into clothes he’ll buy you art supplies, books, anything you want but he’ll still probably  buy you at least some clothes he thinks are cute
if you’re romantically involved,,,, he’ll buy other toys for you as well which you can try together wink wink
cooks for you
no questions asked when it’s his turn to cook he’ll think about what YOU would like to eat first before making something
which is??? really touching coming from beel
and also means sometimes he’ll make the same dish three weeks in a row and annoy the others while you just get excited bc ??? you get to eat your favourite dish??? again and again???? 
thank you beel you truly know how to touch someone’s insides
also opens up to you and talks to you about his fears and thoughts
expect to get 4 am msgs from beel if he had a nightmare
which would end up in you coming to cuddle him (and belphie also joins sometimes)
which tbh is that even a thing you can complain about?
is more baby less murder when you’re around
naps on your lap, naps on your shoulder, naps with you anywhere
but also let’s you nap on HIM
besides being soft around you he actually opens up to you too
and talks to you about his traumas and issues
which he has in common with his twin what can you do
so you have weekly cuddle parties with him and beel where you talk about shit and actually make them resolve their issues instead of just,,, ignoring them
also if you’re into each other you probably tease each other and flirt really shamelessly in public while the others cringe and or blush at your language
are you a cowboy? because i want you to ride me all night 
writes you fancy letters with poetry like lucifer, but his ink is scented and  his envelopes contain pressed flowers more often than not
if you’re together you even do letter sexting if you’re into it
creates characters based on you in his stories (which you don’t believe even if levi points out you that the two of you are kinda similar)
asks you to spend more and more time with him and luke
invites you to picnics, reads to you while your head is in his lap, cooks you snacks
if you’re a theatre kid too,,, you do musical love confessions too,,, sometimes by just reciting the lyrics of really popular musical theatre songs in a death panned voice
cough a heart full of love from les mis but read like poetry through the fence of the house of lamentation cough
asks you cryptic shit hannibal style like “tell me mc what does it mean to want to be consumed whole by another? is it a desire to become something bigger than yourself or is it related to our need to become one with our loved one like some cultures pointed out before?”
you’re either really into his cryptid talk or just roll your eyes and smooch him
invites you around to his castle all the time
sometimes he even pulls some weird shenanigans just to make you spend more time with him
expect tea parties with him luci and barbatos in no particular combination
gives you compliments 24/7  even in public
remember how he treats lucifer? he’s that for you too but he’s learned from the lucifer experience to focus on complimenting you as a person more than how you look
if you’re into pda he’ll touch you all the time
if you ever wanted a gomez - morticia romance, here’s your goth big titty himbo that’s way too full of love
if you’re lovers expect to be pampered, i feel like? he doesn’t buy a lot of gifts and such because he’s probably tired of material things but he will make time in his busy schedule for you and spend a lot of time with you
which means more to him than gifts
(we will buy you anything you ask though)
actually talks with you about stuff outside rad, the demon bros and diavolo
also invites you to alone time tea or wine time
where you drink and gossip
if satan and asmo are the crowned queens of gossip barbatos is the king of gossip but he doesn’t share his knowledge to most people so nobody knows what he knows
but he knows,,,, a lot
and not only that he knows a lot about people nowadays,,, but imagine the things he knows about like historical figures and such,,, 
so prepare for story time with barbatos where he  talks about how oscar wilde was almost summoned by drunk inccubi during a party once, or how  diavolo cried when he was a kid because he sent a letter to caravaggio asking him to paint his portrait and he said no
also if you get drunk together expect really energetic talkative barbatos destroying DESTROYING everyone (except diavolo ofc)
“lucifer please i once saw you crying because you thought diavolo was ignoring you when you actually forgot to press the send button to your messages ”
if you’re romantically involved diavolo will always be first in his hear but that just means you’ll have to invite diavolo along on your dates which  just means you’ve got a new lover and a new bff
he invites you on all kinds of wacky adventures
you  visit witches, go to weird magical forest parties or orgies if you want, you go travelling the mountains for rare herbs
it’s like you’re faust and he’s mephisto  haha the irony and he’s showing you another side of the world you never knew 
ofc the others know about all this but??? they thought it’s normal and didn’t even consider you know nothing about it
but solomon knows what it was like to be just a human
and since he likes you he empathizes with your situation
he also make you meet all kinds of people
since he has 72 contracts and hundreds of years of doing wack stuff he must know some interesting people
and now his friends are your friends 
i feel like romantic solomon would be just him?? but less shady with you especially since now you understand him better 
but also he’ll probably bring you weird shit from his alone expeditions
did you ever want the tears of a mermaid? a carnivorous plant that feeds on emotions? a crying portrait? no? well too bad because now you have a room full of weird items
...that you love and treasure thank you very much
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
N 🌜💕 anon again!!! i just read ur dadsfriend!marcus hot tub drabble and WHEWWWW also as an art history major those references 😚🤚 chefs kiss u even fr mentioned my fave sculpture (that i wrote an essay abt last week lmao) i guess i have another q that popped into my head while reading
if pedro characters were professors what would be their subject 😫🤚 we for sure know marcus is the art history prof who stays late and answers all the questions 😬🤚 and well.....(redacted scenario here) but what do u think the other characters would teach well?
I have a soft spot for the Hellenistic Period which should surprise no one considering how fucking horny they all look as they're dying. Anyway. Maybe I'm just transferring my own feelings on them at this point. But you know what anon, you got me thinking. Pedro characters as professors is just *chef's kiss*. Let's see.
The Mandalorian - Physics or Astronomy (or even Geography)
I have taken physics and geography courses once and both professors were so freaking quiet. Din Djarin may be a hunter but I think if he was in an alternate universe, he would be the most introverted human being ever. The man is intelligent if ep. 5 proved anything so he would definitely dive deep into the quantum physics world or something similar. He's one of the few professors that doesn't have a lab and that's because he loves spending time with his kid since he's a single-father. (I'm sobbing as I'm writing this right now).
Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels - International Relations
This was the last one I wrote and only because I was having a difficult time figuring it out. I was going to say chemistry because of the whole distillery thing but I feel like international relations suits him better. He's worked with many government and non-government organizations so he knows his shit. The only reason he's a professor is because he almost got killed on the last job. He jokes about it often when he's asked why someone as young as him wanted to be a professor when he could be traveling the world. Time for a drink again.
Javier Pena - Criminal or Immigration Law
I mean, this is the most obvious one I think. Pena retired after the Escobar case and he wanted to do something good because if his experiences showed him anything, it's that people deserved to live better lives. He practices law for a couple of more years, and he's known for having a soft spot for charity cases...then when he's done, he is hired immediately as a professor where he talks and talks and talks about how this new generation needs to fix the system. He never saw himself in this position but he enjoys how low-key it is...and you know what, he likes it even better because that's where he met you, a TA that wanted the extra money until they graduate.
Pero Tovar - Ancient Civilizations (Babylonian or Chinese to be more specific)
He would simultaneously be the most lenient professor but also the one that voices his irritations when someone asks a question that's kind of obvious. The man knows several languages but he doesn't brag about it, and no one can convince me otherwise. He loves talking about the history of beer and how it was an important part of all ancient civs.
Oberyn Martell - Theatre Arts/Drama
Oberyn Motherfucking Martell is that professor. The definition of 'make love not war' except when he sees someone getting bullied while they're practicing. He gets offered favors every other day but he declines them because he would never presume to use his power to do something so abhorrent. He almost thinks about it when you come along though but he keeps himself in check until you graduate and then he emails you and tells you that he would love to have you in one of his new productions. And the rest is, as they say, history.
Dave York - Criminal Psychology
Marcus Pike - Art History
The man will wax poetry about the Farnese Hercules and how fucking tired he looks but also how thick and perfect he is and then he'll probably bring close-ups of the arms and the chest which have sweat drops and he'll go on about how if he ever had the chance to meet a sculptor, he'd probably choose Glykon because look at the goddamn masterpiece. He'll follow it immediately by the Aphrodite of Knidos and how Praxiteles was doing the lord's work in making this sculpture which is the first of its kind and then he'll fangirl about her for perhaps too long because she is a masterpiece and she is the essence of feminity but then he'll get angry when he starts telling the stories about how men would sneak into her altar at night and jack off on here like the misogynistic fucks they were because such a figure did not deserve this and he would change the subject quickly when he hears one of the students say that they couldn't blame the men for doing that because this was not the time to get into a debate about how the goddess, even in her inanimate form, deserved more respect.
Frankie 'Catfish' Morales - Aerospace Engineering
Frankie is intelligent, let no man say anything otherwise. I have a friend who's doing this at the moment and he always tells me about the professors in this field and I think Frankie's personality is perfect for this because they can be hardasses at times but they love when the projects and the research comes along nicely. He goes out of his way to help his students because he cares a great deal about them. He's probably the only other professor as shy, if not more shy, than Din.
Marcus Moreno - Journalism
Professor Moreno was a war correspondent that just needed to rest you know. So he puts his expertise to good use to prepare the next generation of journalists. Truth is the most powerful weapon humanity has and he reminds his students of that every single fucking day.
Ezra - Literature/Poetry
Even when he's not reading Shakespeare passages, he speaks like a poet which irritates many of his students but by the end of the semester, they all realize that it's because he's so well-spoken that his classes are always so full so the interest in the field grows. A lot of the other departments don't like him because he managed to switch over many students over the years to this major. He is known as the 'body snatcher.' I don't know why that just came into my head but yeah.
Maxwell Lord - Political Science
Only because I hate the three poli sci classes I took and Maxwell scares the fuck out of me. I think he'd try to justify lots of theories and applications that humanity should not humor for a split second. I don't know why. Prove me wrong in the comments I guess.
Max Phillips - Business/Accounting (or maybe even Economics)
He's lived long enough to see how the socio-economic patterns change so his classes are also always so full because besides teaching the core material properly, he teaches the history of the patterns which help in the modern world, and he also tends to predict a lot about cryptos and stuff like that, and the predictions are almost always true. He can get them right all the time but he doesn't want to be too suspicious.
I feel like I'm forgetting some characters but I cannot work my brain right now.
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cipher-fresh · 3 years
today in my arts & society class we were discussing storytelling, we touched on Shakespeare and Greek classics and my teacher asked us why we might think Plato looked down in theatre as a medium. One kid suggested the whole videogames argument we’re still having to hear that Seeing Bad Thing makes people want to To Bad Thing, and i piggybacked on that saying that there’s a misplaced element or romanticism that Videogame Bad people ascribe to storytelling, as the audience is not expected to sympathize with the main character in every story, but in ones where they are, you’re still not expected to idolize them or think they’re a role model. I used Hannibal as an example, where you are supposed to feel bad for Hannibal, and engaging with him emotionally and emotionally investing in him makes for a richer experience. Both sympathizing with him and him being one of the main characters still gives no expectation to the audience that they should start killing or eating people because the main character of the show like and sympathize with did it
TLDR I talked about NBC hannibal in my theatre class
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muselin · 3 years
What kind of tv shows did you watch growing up? What was your childhood like? I'm always curious to know the small details about people hehe. I didn't watch much tv but I was very much a spongebob kid. Still am tbh 😂 I spent most of my childhood in the woods with my brothers, or playing super smash bros. We had dirtbikes, awkward hideouts made of branches and ferns, a few tree swings, it was awesome. +I have learned that questions like these offer a sense of common ground and humanity. Its helpful if you're talking to someone you don't get along with. We're all friends here though 💞 -🌨
Ooh I love this question! The very very first shows I watched were things like the Flintstones and Tom & Jerry and some Disney Movies on VHS tapes. I was born in '93, just after Cartoon Network launched in the US, but I didn't grow up in the US and where I lived all the new things came a bit later. So I essentially watched Cartoon Network's shows since they launched. We didn't have Nickolodeon where I lived so I didn't watch their shows, e.g. Spongebob.
Cartoon Network initially had a lot of Looney Tunes, Flintstones and Jetsons reruns, I watched a lot of those. I'm very familiar with the old Cartoon style of the 50s through 80s because of that. Then I watched pretty much every show on CN up until about 2007, when I grew out of cartoons (sort of).
I watched The Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, Ed, Edd & Eddy, Cow and Chicken, Courage the Cowardly Dog, even more obscure ones like Mike, Lu & Og. Some of the newer ones I liked were Spy Kids and Ben 10. By the time Adventure Time started airing i wasn't watching TV much anymore so I didn't watch that.
Around that time I started watching more grown up series. I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a teenager, even though it originally aired when i was younger. I rewatched it during the pandemic and I will always love it. I always loved supernatural shows. As a young adult I watched The Vampire Diaries and True Blood. I watched more anime as a teenager. I watched a lot of Naruto haha (never finished it though, stopped at about 500 episodes). Lighthearted sitcoms I love to death are The Nanny and Friends. I've rewatched them several times, they always make me happy.
Adult series I love are Vikings, Hannibal and Black Sails. Most recently it's the Witcher.
I spent my childhood playing outside and watcing cartoons much like you but in a more urban setting (post-Soviet tower blocks more like). As a teenager I was very much into fanfiction, both reading and writing it, playing computer games, teaching myself languages and doing theatre. Definitely a theatre kid. The second half of my childhood was definitely happier than the first.
Tell me more about what shows you watched and what hobbies you had when you were younger! And you're right, it absolutely breaks down barriers and gives you insight into how someone has grown up without asking them more directly.
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chiyohsrifle · 4 years
Got tagged by the marvelous @hvnnigram and I can't wait to bare my soul to you guys. this is a long one, so let's go!!
Rules: Tag people you want to get to know better 🖤
Your name and then what you would've named yourself: My full name is Montserrat (I'm Mexican, in case you couldn't tell. Well Mexican-American but anywho) but I typically go by Montse. Mainly cuz people struggle to pronounce my full name hehe but I also just think it's less of a mouthful. Idk, I honestly really love my name and don't think I'd change it given the chance. Maybe something shorter just cuz paperwork can be a bitch. I like Rene but otherwise, I'm pretty attached to my name lol.
Astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): I'm a sun Pisces, a moon Aries, and a rising Virgo, I believe :)) All in all, I'm an emotional, empathetic bitch
When did you join Tumblr and why?: Was going through my emails yesterday and I've been here for a year?? apparently. So yea, I joined Aug./Nov. of 2019 and I'm almost certain it was cuz I wanted to see more Good Omens fanart lol. But I got more active this year cuz quarantine do be forcing me to have some wack coping mechanisms. Also BBC Merlin had me reeling and I needed somewhere to scream.
Top 5 fandoms: Hannibal (obviously), BBC Merlin, Killing Eve, Good Omens, and The Umbrella Academy 😊
Top 5 favorite films: (oh Lord, the cinema buff in me is Panicking rn) God, there's so many I love but I'll try to give varietyTM. But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Parasite (2019), The Wind Rises (2013), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), and Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014).
Go to song when you wanna Feel something: if we're talking like emotionally charged, TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan always sends me reeling. Endorphins wise, Ahora Te Puedes Marchar by Luis Miguel always makes me wanna jump and move around. And La Vie Boheme from RENT, just pure serotonin
What's your religion or faith, if you have one?: I was raised with a heavy Catholic background but I'm agnostic, I believe is the term. Basically, I don't think there's not a God or higher power(s). I just don't align with anything specifically. But I do believe there's something running things, whether that be spirits, the stars, gods, etc. I can't say.
A song that makes you feel seen: Not to be a theatre kid on main but, Breathe from In The Heights. That song and whole musical hold such a special place in my heart, esp with Nina's character cuz I'm Nina. Every part of that song just Gets Me and i ugh, can't articulate it but yea, that song be me.
If you could pick a career: A writer or painter. Anything creative/artsy really cuz crafting is just so calming to me.
Do you have a type?: ngl, I'm kinda the 'falls in love with their best friend' stereotype but beyond that, not really. I kinda just see attractive people and mentally short circuit
What does your soul/heart yearn for?: Not to sound like a character from Hannibal, but to be understood. To be cared for and feel supported. To allow myself to rest and be comforted/loved. Just to feel safe ig. Whoop, that got personal, anywho
If you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: intelligent, caring, awkward, Very Queer, and chaotic
Favorite subject in school: English and History!! I think they're absolutely fascinating and I'm gay so obviously I connect way too much with literature
Where does your soul feel most at home at?: Close to someone that I love, in comfortable silence. Or any situation where I have wind blowing in my face, it's super comforting and idk why
Top 5 fictional characters: Rowena from SPN, Bella Crawford, Beverly Katz, Eve Polastri, and Jack Crawford
Top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry:
1. The ending of Your Lie In April. Idk if any of yall have experienced that, but let me know if you have cuz shared trauma. I was crying so hard, I couldn't breathe. Dry heaving and everything, it was Not Pretty
2. Like literally all of One Day At Time. I know, it's cheesy but that show means a lot to me and I get so emotional watching it cuz I connect to the characters so much. Anything with Elena makes me sob cuz like she's me but also my baby, ya know
3. Um Queer Eye in general but specifically the episode with the gay pastor. That hit close to home on so many levels and boy, was I sobbing the entire time.
(Before y'all ask, honorable mention to Mizumono, TWOTL, and the ending of BBC Merlin cuz I may have been too tired to cry, but trust me, I was emotionally wrecked after all three)
The earth, the sun, the moon, or the stars: Ooh, I'm gonna have to go with the stars but I love that lesbian space rock too
Favorite kind of weather: Thunderstorms, rain, cloudy, grey weather. Fall, I love the fall, give me autumn pleASE
Top 3 characters to kin you with: Guinevere Pendragon from BBC Merlin, Vanya Hargreeves from TUA, and Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal
Favorite medium of art: I love all art very much but I guess drawing and film especially
Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Gonna say ambivert cuz I can be shy but buckle up, cuz the second I'm comfortable around you, it's absolute chaos. You will learn too much about me and that's okay 😌
Favorite literary quote: If poetry counts, it's something like "And if the devil was to ever see you, he'd kiss your eyes and repent". Idk who wrote it but it's an Arabic love poem. Actual book quote tho, "But I'm tired of coming out. All I ever do is come out. I try not to change, but I keep changing, in all these little ways." from Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda cuz damn me too.
Some of your favorite books: Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, the Carry On series by Rainbow Rowell, When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Lee, Autoboygraphy, and Copper Sun
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Europe or New York. No real specifics for Europe, defiently leaning more towards Western Europe and the Mediterranean cuz they just seem so pretty. And NY cuz I want a studio apartment hehe and also I adore NY. I went a couple years back and just fell in love. Although live is a loose term cuz I've always thought of moving around a lot. I like traveling and settling down isn't really convenient for that so these are kinda just ideals lol
If you could live in any time in history, when would it be?: Oh, defiently 60s/70s. Also, anytime matriarch societies were common cuz I wanna see what that looked like
If you could play any instrument masterfully, it would be: the acoustic guitar and piano. Maybe violin, but those two for sure
If you have one, which god or goddess do you feel more connected to?: I've always really vibed with Athena so her. But also Diyonuses cuz man's is the ideal.
And finally, your favorite recent selfie in your camera role:
(Excuse the eye bags and look in general, I was sleepy when I took it)
Tumblr media
Whoo, that's all folks. I'm just gonna say that any of my followers/mutuals who want to do this, feel free to say I tagged you. Thanks for tag, once again, babe!!
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clown-femme · 4 years
Tagged by @kingfucko (i’ll do the one amy tagged me in in a sec!)
Name: Casey 
Gender: Femme Ladytype 
Star sign: Leo sun cancer moon sag rising. 
Height: 5′0″
Sexuality: Lesbian 
Favorite book: How I Paid For College A Tale Of Sex Theft Friendship and Musical Theatre by Marc Atico 
Current time: 9:25PM
Average amount of sleep: 5-7 hours 
Dogs or cats: I like both leave me alone 
# of blankets: As many as possible 
Dream job: Fuck labor! Right now it’s being a fursuit + doll clothing artist full time and working for myself. That’s not a joke 
Blog established: 2011
Favorite animal: Rabbits
# of followers: ~1100
Reason for url: Was once described by someone as a “whimsical gay lady” 
Something I’m grateful for: friends and the kindness of strangers 
Favorite color: pink
Last song: I think the last song i listened to was Hi High by LOONA?
Last movie: what we do in the shadows <- same answer as luna bc we watched it together 
Last show completed: I rewatched a season of GBBO for funsies 
Currently Reading: Nothing atm 
Currently watching: Hannibal 
Sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet
Craving: poke <- stealing luna’s answer 
Coffee or tea: tea 
Named after someone: Named after my late godmother (her initials were K C... Casey... get it) and my late great grandmother for my middle name (her name was Leatrice, my middle name is Lea) 
Last time you cried: Yesterday morning 
Any kids: no thanks (same answer!) (same answer!) 
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: not really because I don’t generally understand it when people use it around me. 
What’s the first thing you notice about ppl: eyes 
Eye color: blue-green
Scary movie or happy ending: happy ending because I’m a baby 
Any special talent: I can balance SO many things on my head very well. Luna pointed out that my head is flat, which might be a reason for that. Also improv. 
What country were you born in: america
What sports do you play/have played: ew? k (luna reached over and typed that) 
What are your hobbies: draw, write, ball jointed dolls, dolls in general, doll customizing, making fursuits but not being a furry 
Any pets: I have 1 cat, Suki, and I also live with Babycat and Speedwagon 
Favorite subject in school: 3D Animation... those were the days. 
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Embrace your past and get to know your friends’ fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fandoms / ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you’d like to learn about!
Tagged by @stitching-in-time <3 
disclaimer: i am gay and a theatre freak. sorry this is long but believe it or not this is the culled down version. i’m not posting gifs bc i tried and the whole post crashed lol. hope these stories entertain ye
from most recent backwards:
hades/persephone (specifically recently from hadestown)
i’ve been obsessed with greek mythology since middle school, so it was basically destined that i would obsess over hadestown when it came out, but patrick page and amber gray hit me like a train
crowley/aziraphale (good omens)
read the book ages ago but the tv show rlly catapulted this into insane levels of obsession....it’s about the 6000 years!!!!!!!
fleabag/priest (fleabag)
wheww......the confessional scene changed my biochemistry
clarice starling/hannibal lecter (silence of the lambs)
not much to say about this one other than i usually get a weird look when i mention that sotl is one of my favorite books. also i initially picked up the book because it had a pretty butterfly on the cover
beatrice/benedick (much ado about nothing)
got into this because of doctor who’s tate and tennant...i contain multitudes
mulder/scully (the x files)
i love unexplained mysteries. i love science. i love women with red hair. i love himbos
elizabeth/darcy (pride and prejudice)
went through a big austen phase in high school...this isn’t even my favorite austen romance but it was the first one i read 
jane/rochester (jane eyre)
picked this book up at my grandparents’ house when i was really bored...it spiraled into me watching every adaptation (2006 or bust) and reading a lot of (mostly bad) gothic fiction for a few months. it is now my favorite book ever <3
sherlock holmes/john watson (sherlock holmes)
went through the obligatory johnlock phase, and then read all the stories and watched the granada series. i too want to live with my most dearest spouse best friend in a nice flat and later retire to become a beekeeper 
phantom/christine (phantom of the opera)
yes i shipped this because i secretly wanted to date christine yes i later realized how much better raoul is yes i EVEN LATER realized that christine should be with meg
marisa coulter/lord asriel (his dark materials)
i love morally gray characters and the idea of rebelling against god is sexy (even though i could not have articulated this to you at age 13)
zutara (avatar: the last airbender)
listen. i will never love a tv show as much as i loved atla in middle school. my entire friend group was obsessed with it for like three years straight
eliza/higgins (my fair lady)
favorite musical favorite play favorite leading lady!!!!!! my parents had an audrey hepburn collection when i was a kid and this was in it
maria/captain von trapp (sound of music)
listen. i had crushes on these two before i knew what crushes were. we should stop making romances in movies because no actors can have what julie andrews and christopher plummer had
tagging @illuminaticns, @nerdgirlnarrates, @cisphobebucky, @witchfinder-major-saucepan, @khaleesiis, @oliviermiraarmstrongs, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Defending Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny
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Ah oxymorons, one of my favourite literary devices... If you don't know what an oxymoron is, let me enlighten you: it's a phrase that contradicts itself (kinda like verbal irony), like "jumbo shrimp", "chilled hot chocolate," "clearly confused" or "defending Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny".
Because, you know, Raoul doesn't need much defending. Seriously. If there's going to be any defending going on here, Raoul's the one who does the defending for most of the play (up until Final Lair where the roles are reversed and Christine is now the one who does the defending but more on that later.) Are we clear on that? Good.
And it has come to my attention that Raoul has got a lot of flak from phans for various reasons. And in this post, I'm going to refute the stupidest Raoul bashing arguments.
Also, we're not counting Love Never Dies because I think it's just an alternate universe and that it ruined Raoul's character for the sake of that fanfiction.
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It is a truth universally acknowledged (or at least in the wee Raoul Defense Squad Circle) that Raoul is one of the greatest and most underrated boyfriends to ever exist in musical theatre. There seem to be two kinds of people in this world: those who appreciate Phantom of the Opera, and those who don't know what they're missing. The ones who appreciate Raoul as the hero, prince charming and cinnamon roll he is, and then there's the other camp. The ones who villainize Raoul and think he is nothing but a stupid, wimpy, abusive fop who crushed the Phantom (aka. Erik's) dreams and never truly loved Christine. They seem to be laboured under the mistaken delusion that Raoul is a cowardly pretty boy who is pretty much Gaston 2.0. (Technically, there's a third group: those who know nothing about Phantom of the Opera (POTO) but we can only hope that they will come out from under their rocks as soon as possible)
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In case if you couldn't tell, I'm Team Raoul. And the bashing he recieves is unfair tbh. This is where I will appreciate and explain why I love him.
First of all, I'd like to combat the theory that he is boring. Ladies, puh-leeze. He's much more relatable than you admit and that we all have a little bit of Raoul in us. Failure to see things staring us in the face, saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, having a 'see it to believe it' attitude when we have little-to-no evidence on something... yeah, don't pretend you don't see a trend. Raoul is relatable whether we want him to be or not.
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And just because Raoul has boy-band hair and dresses well, that doesn't make someone a fop. He's a navy man and a nobleman so he is expected to look nice. But Erik is the one who takes it to the extreme. I mean, c'mon, a fedora?
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I also noticed that when he asked Christine out for dinner after reuniting with her ruffled the feathers of many phans. What right has Raoul to fall in love with Christine? What does he need from her? He only fell in love with her for her voice and beauty! And he only noticed her when she was in Hannibal! Can't he just go get someone else?
News flash people. It's been YEARS since Raoul last saw Christine. And they were kids when they last saw each other, along with the fact that he travelled in order to train as a navy man! So it's understandable on why he got excited to see Christine again after so long. Plus, his love for her is more than just her voice and beauty. Sure, they have mutual memories and he likes the way she sings, and he likes how beautiful she is. But there's nothing wrong with thinking of how beautiful a girl is AND how beautiful is her voice (within reason).
I admit, Raoul and Christine's relationship at first struck me as being sappy and overdone. You must know that I was only nine or ten when I first discovered POTO, and so excuses must be made. By the time I listened to it again at fourteen, I was completely won over. Raoul fell in love with her because she was a nice, beautiful person (both on the inside and out) and they knew each other since they were kids! His love is genuine AND stable for Christine. He represents everything she needs- stability, protection, a guiding hand and affirmed affection. She represents everything he needs, in turn, someone to show affection to and the woman he has loved since childhood. Plus, he was brave enough to ask Christine to marry him despite their class differences, risking that his family might disown him for being married to someone inferior to his rank. It just shows how strong his love for her is.
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And now, let's get this point clear, I believe the claim that he was gaslighting Christine is bogus. He's been raised as someone who doesn't believe in the supernatural and 'phantom' literally means 'ghost'. But here’s the kicker. He doesn’t leave. Like, no matter how much he doubts her love of what she says, he still loves her and stays with her. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him thinking Christine is a little delusional with all the Phantom stuff. None of it added up to him, and it all seemed illogical. Its natural for any human being to not believe those kinds of things, so stop using that to make him look bad. Plus, if he said something like "Oh Christine, you're SO stupid!" and laughed at her about it, phans could definitely have a valid reason to hate him. But he doesn't do that! Instead, he tries to find the Phantom's voice calling out to her and when he saw nothing, he began to comfort her and was like" There, there, shh... Don't worry... Everything's gonna be alright. I'll help you make all the bad things go away." And due to dramatic irony, he has little-to-no evidence to prove the Phantom's existence compared to the audience who saw it all!
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If you still aren't convinced, then listen very closely to what I'm about to say: Here's some 'Raoul's I highly recommend to look up before y'all hate on him.
I highly recommend John Cudia, Michael Shawn Lewis, Jordan Donica and Patrick Wilson who play VERY princely and adorable Raouls. Trust me, their Raouls are IMPOSSIBLE to hate!
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One last point before I wrap this up: The only reason Raoul asked her to agree to be the lead is because he realized that if Christine does that, the Phantom would be there. And he knows it's their chance to get rid of this elusive Opera Ghost. And the only reason Christine doesn't want to is because she is afraid of what the Phantom will do. Now this annoys many Raoul-haters and call me a broken cassette tape but... Even though I agree it was a teensy bit callous of him to persuade Christine into performing her stalker's opera, Raoul hoped it would catch the Phantom, and he was willing to do it to get protect Christine from the Phantom in the future. Was his plan risky? Probably. Did he honestly think Christine would be in danger? No! He was going to get all the cops to come and protect her. How was he supposed to know the Phantom had other plans? Plus, running away is a big no-no for Raoul. Because as shown in "Why Have You Brought Me Here/Raoul, I've Been There" and "Wandering Child", whenever and wherever they run to, the Phantom ALWAYS finds them! Therefore, to his naive, young mind, he believed that doing Don Juan Triumphant would stop the Phantom from doing more harm to Christine and the opera house. So stop using this to vilify him!
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I should like to also take this time, while I still have your attention (you are paying attention, right? Right? Hey! Wake up!) to point out some other important events that showed Raoul's character and bravery; namely, him fighting his way through the French sewer system (aka. The yuckiest parts of France) to save Christine, he didn't keep his hand to the level of his eyes to comfort a terrified Christine, he dodged some fireballs thrown at him in the graveyard just so he could protect Christine AND last but not least, he nearly died for Christine in order to save her from Stockholm syndrome/an abusive relationship!
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In short: Raoul de Chagny is a knight in shining armour who loves Christine more than his own life. He stands by her, fights for her, comforts her AND was willing to sacrifice everything for her! And how the audience writes him off as an one-dimensional bad guy who does not love Christine, I will never know why. Are you convinced yet? If not... *hands list of what are the differences between a healthy and unhealty relationship* Yours, I believe.
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15 Questions Tag
Tagged by @hannibal-shits-people
1. Are you named after someone?
Not that I know of but I do have my mums name as my middle name
2. When was the last time you cried?
This morning. I lost someone in my family this year and I’m dreading Christmas without them
3. Do you have kids?
No but I’d like them in the future
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I don’t think I do but I’ll admit I sometimes use it as a defense mechanism
5. Eye colour?
6. Scary movie or happy ending?
I’m happy with both but if I had to choose it would be happy ending. The only scary movies I like are ghost films. I’m not good with blood and gore
7. Special talents?
I like to sing a lot and I’ve been told by people that I sound good. Other than that I’m not very talented
8. Where were you born?
England. More specifically the South West but the majority of my family is from Manchester
9. Do you have any hobbies?
Singing and dancing (especially tap and ballet)
Video games
10. Do you have any pets?
Not anymore but I used to have a cat who was basically my best friend
11. What sports have/do you play?
I used to be super into netball and was on my schools netball team. I also did a bit of cheerleading. And I dance a lot, if that counts
12. How tall are you?
I haven’t measured myself in a while but I’m around the same height as my mum so I’d say about 5’4ish
13. Favourite subjects in school?
I was a total theatre kid. I lived and breathed the Performing Arts (I still do). I was also a huge fan of English because of the creative writing stuff and Science because I’m obsessed with space and the solar system
14. Dream job?
I’ve thought a lot about this and part of me still wants to be an actress either on tv or the West End/Broadway but another part of me would love to be a zoo keeper
15. Tag 15 mutuals (I don’t do these things often so I chose the ones I was most comfortable with 😅)
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