#if anything i say could even possibly save another person from years of this hell and all the medical gaslighting
tallymali · 11 months
Don’t know if anon or messages is the better place to ask this. I have friend that’s had uti for 2 months and you came to mind. Would you mind telling your Dr/clinic and the new and previous meds you’re taking? Did both meds work & the new is just cheaper or does new work better also? Thank You Tally!
Oh my god, I'm so glad you've sent me this because I wish more than anything that I'd known about this illness so early on in experiencing it. I have soooo much to say about this so you're absolutely welcome to DM me and relay any questions your friend has.
Okay first off I definitely recommend your friend joins the facebook support group: www.facebook.com/groups/ChronicUTISupportGroup/
Even if they dont use facebook, they should totally just make an account to join. I didn't use it either so I just made a blank profile with a fake name. As long as you answer the questions they send, the mods should let you in with no problem. I said something like "apologies for the blank account, I don't use social media but I was told this is the best place for support" and I was accepted super fast.
So, the clinic I go to is the Harley Street chronic UTI clinic. They don't have their own website but all their info is here: www.chronicutiinfo.com/treatment/conventional-medicine/uk-treatment/prof-malone-lee/
(That website is also an incredible source of info on chronic UTIs)
You have to go there in person for the initial appointment, which costs £250. First thing they do is take your pee and analyse it under a microscope to get a count for white blood cells and epithelial cells. Then you go to the doctor's office (there's a team of doctors that all follow the same protocol) and they discuss your symptoms, any previous medications you've tried, and any other health issues you have. They will almost always prescribe Hiprex and a long term high dose antibiotic. Hiprex is a urinary antiseptic, and it essentially reacts with the acid in your urine to create formaldehyde. Most of us take high dose vitamin C pills with the Hiprex to keep our urine as acidic as possible (high bacteria in the bladder can raise urine pH so we often need help in that department).
At this point they will give you the prescriptions and say you can take them to your NHS GP and see if they're willing to fill them on the NHS. My GP didn't want to get involved with prescribing long term antibiotics, but was happy to fill the Hiprex prescription. I now get my antibiotics from Pharmacierge. Their prices are cheaper than regular pharmacies and they work closely with the Harley Street team. My doctor now just sends my prescriptions straight over to them which cuts out a little admin for me.
After that initial appointment you have to have a follow up appointment every 3 months, which can be done in person or over teams. Either way, they cost £200. If you go in person they will do the pee analysis again, but it's not super necessary to do that to monitor your progress. Patient symptoms are the number one thing they use to decide your treatment. Basically as long as you're in pain, they will keep treating you (the NHS would NEVER). Not a huge amount happens at these check ups, but being on long term antibiotics is risky so they will ask you a million questions about any possible side effects, and switch your meds immediately if you're not tolerating them well. They also ask that you contact your GP and request a blood test 3 times a year to monitor your kidney and liver function. They might also ask for other tests depending on your symptoms and the specific antibiotics you're prescribed.
So yeah, the treatment kind of just boils down to: find the right meds. Take them until you feel completely normal again.
As for the specific meds, here's a list of their most prescribed antibiotics:
For me, before starting treatment under Harley Street, I'd been treated by the Urology Partnership. They prescribed me 3 months of full dose Nitrofurantoin (brand name Macrobid, super common UTI treatment) and I was almost symptomless during that 3 months, but when I finished the course the symptoms returned instantly at full throttle. From that point they would only prescribe me the half dose of Nitrofurantoin which was NOT cutting it. That was when I decided to move to Harley Street. Definitely would not recommend Urology Partnership to people dealing with a chronic UTI.
SO. I emailed the Harley Street clinic with an appointment request and they booked me in for the next week. At my appointment the doctor prescibed Trimethoprim, which is usually the first one they try with new patients. I took it for a little while, (around 2 weeks to a month, I don't remember exactly) but I was still getting symptoms that weren't letting up, so I emailed their clinical enquiries address to let them know. I'd mentioned at my inital appointment that Nitrofurantoin had worked in the past, so they took me off the Trimethoprim and prescribed the Nitro instead, with the note that I'd have to discuss it at my next appointment.
Basically, Nitro is a really good antibiotic but has some of the nastiest side effects and is also the most expensive. So at my follow up appointment my doctor said he was happy for me to stay on it to get my symptoms back under control but he'd like to switch to a less risky antibiotic in time.
So a few months later (June this year) I was switched to Cefalexin, which has some of the least side effects and is one of the cheapest. I've been doing really well on it and I'm really feeling optimistic.
This is all to say that treatment is easy in theory but requires a little trial and error to find the right meds, and then takes a metric fucktonne of patience. There's no set length of time for the treatment, but in general, the longer you've had the cUTI the longer it takes to cure. So if your friend does have cUTI and can get treatment quickly, it shouldn't take too long to cure.
I had mine for two years before starting with Harley Street, which is actually much shorter than the average patient. They frequently treat older patients who have been suffering for over 20 years. I've read a depressing number of posts in the facebook group from people in their 50s+ who have been able to live normally for the first time in their adult life thanks to this treatment.
Knowledge of this condition with the general public AND with doctors (even urologists?????) is basically nonexistent. The NHS and most healthcare systems will slap you with a wastebasket diagnosis (PBS/BPS/IC) and tell you to piss off and live in pain forever. I genuinely don't think I will ever be able to trust a doctor right off the bat to actually prioritise my health ever again in my life. The NHS is full of people who really do care and really do everything they can for their patients but as an institution it does not give one iota of a fuck about the wellbeing of the people it's supposed to care about. It's a big complicated systemic issue but there will never be a good excuse for turning away patients who need medical care to live normally.
If your friend or literally anyone reading this is interested in the more academic/scientific side of this whole thing, I'd definitely read Cystitis Unmasked by Professor Malone Lee. It's written for doctors so it's not an easy read for a layperson but GOD it's so eye opening and infuriating. Professor Malone Lee is the guy who created the Harley Street UTI clinic and I think he spent his entire life raging at all the pillars of incompetance that modern UTI testing and treatment is built upon.
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kadwrites · 11 months
young love | T.S
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summary ; a person from your past makes an appearance.
warnings ; arranged marriage!trope , fem!reader , idk what the hell is happening , SLOW burn
a/n ; i promise that i have a plot but i keep getting side tracked????
"what the fuck are ya doing here?" you pull the front door shut
"hello to ya too."
you look at him again , brows raised "what brought ya here hmm?"
"ya didn't even invite me to your engagement party." he looks down at you, his voice teasing
"oh i'm sorry" you let out a small outraged laugh "i didn't know that inviting your ex boyfriend was an engagement tradition."
"aren't ya glad to see me?" he gives you a sly smile
"what brought ya here?" you grit your teeth , looking up at him
"i came here for ya."
"for me?"
"to save ya."
"from what?" your patience is thinning
"well i couldn't let ya get married to someone like 'im could i?" he chuckles "not after the love we had for eachother."
"jeremy." you pinch the bridge of your nose "that was years ago," you try to not raise your voice "do ya even know who i'm marrying?"
"oh i do."
"ya do?" you laugh "and ya thought trying to convince his fiancée to run away is a good idea?"
"you're making a mistake."
you just look up at him, laughing. "jeremy, ya slept with your sister in law, i don't think you're qualified to give me any kind of guidance."
"i'm a changed man" he leans down to whisper to you
"no you're not!" you let out an angry breath , trying to compose yourself "what do ya think tommy shelby would do if he found out you're here? hmm?" you hiss at him
"i love ya." he looks at you, his eyes bore into yours , inching closer
"oh my god" you put a hand over your face, turning,
"i do, i can't let ya go" he hand touches your arm
"oh my fucking god!" your voice becomes high pitched , your eyes opened wide "why are ya still talking? do ya want to get killed?" you whisper angrily, keeping your voice down
"i can't let ya do this" he begs , he pleads
"yes ya can, ya just walk away" your hands wave at the door
"did ya not hear what 'appened to his first wife?" his nostrils flare in frustration
your jaw slacks , you feel as if your eyes would bulge out of their sockets
"do ya know what would 'appen to ya if he heard ya say this?" your voice is low.
he closes his eyes, licking his lips before speaking "look..."
"no" you raise a hand , stopping him before he could get another word in "i don't particularly like ya, but i'm telling ya this as a favor for old times sake" you point at the door "leave , and never come back"
"i'm not leaving ya."
"this isn't a joke, jeremy" you can't help the angry chuckles that keep coming out of you "this is probably the stupidest decision you've ever made."
"do ya want to marry 'im?" his eyes scan your face, studying you
"this is none of your concern." infuriated wouldn't even begin to describe what you felt, "what i do with my life is none of your fucking concern"
"i know ya , this is not something ya would do."
"ya said it yourself, you're a changed man now" you try to explain, "we're different, ya and i are so different now, we are not the same kids we used to be. this isn't what it used to be."
he doesn't say anything else in return, he walks out, shutting the door loudly behind him
you have a hand over your forehead , pacing around the living room, renee is still in her place, watching.
"you brought him here didn't you?" your mother stood in the living room with her hand on her hips, looking you up and down
"mum ... please stop." you stop in your tracks , frustrated "how would i bring 'im here? with telekinesis? i didn't even know he still lives in birmingham for fuck's sake."
she comes closer , gabbing your shoulders "we need to forget this, never speak of it in front of tommy"
"what if he comes back again?" you start to panic "what if he does something worse than this?"
she closes her eyes at the possibility, she doesn't answer.
"this is just what i fucking needed" you turn, plopping down on the sofa
"jeremy is a sweet boy... he wouldn't do anything, would he?" your mum picks at her cuticles nervously ,
you look up with a raised brow "he fucked his brother's wife while we were dating, his brother who by the way raised 'im." you rub at your temple "his moral compass is as useless as that brain of his."
"god, now i know why i always hated him."
"and yet ya wanted us to get married at 17."
"well i didn't want him to knock you up."
"so ya tried to talk me into marrying 'im?" your mother's logic made your head spin faster than it already was "ya know what, forget i asked that" you wave a hand
"what are ya going to do now?" renee finally speaks,
you and your mother look at each other, before looking at renee
"i don't know.." you mumble "i 'ave to go see 'im today, to talk about the wedding venues" you groan, the stress of it all comes back to her
"okay" renee gets up, and sits next to you "ya just act normal, ya get this done, ya forget about it for today and then tomorrow ya try thinking about solutions."
you smile when you step into his office, your hands clasped in front of you, and he's on his chair, a cigarette dangling from his lips.
"why do ya look like that?"
"like what?"
"ya're too happy to see me."
you raise a brow "ya don't want me smiling at ya?"
"ya look possessed." he deadpanned, exhaling a cloud of smoke, his thumb scratching lightly at his lips, hiding his smile
you kiss your teeth, "i hope ya choke in your sleep." you walk up the chair and sit down
he chuckles, looking at you with his head tilted slightly "you'll miss me?"
"believe me , i won't."
"what's wrong?"
your brows pinch together "nothing is wrong"
"you're a very bad liar."
"i'm just ... tired" you shrugged, your voice squeaked
it's not that you're not used to lying, it's that you have a hard time lying to him
"how's your mum?"
a genuine amused smile pains over your lips, "she's good"
"who told ya?" he nods at you
"who told me what?"
"that i talked with your mother" he continues "was it your two nosy friends?"
"hey hey hey" you put a hand up "don't insult my friends"
"they are nosy, it's the truth"
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz, @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr, @justaproudslytherpuff , @budugu , @twlegit , @amberpanda99 , @aesthetic0cherryblossom , @capswife , @lets-turn-and-burn , @affabletimelady , @edencherries , @globetrotter28 , @eg-dr3amer3 , @sadroses98 , @fairytale07 , @hakudaru , @swordofawriter , @esposadomd , @blogforficslol ، @bearchermer , @n1c0t1n4, @dreamy-caramel , @dragonsondragons , @charli123456789 ، @bunny24sstuff ، @butterfly-lover , @my-tin-can-mans , @powellssaturn , @vlryexsworld , @h0neylemon
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kooqitas · 2 months
how are we now? ... ★ with: bsk
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#pairing: seungkwan X f.reader #synopsis: your best friend show a jealousy towards you after seeing you kissing a random guy... #tags: pwp(!), vaginal sex, friends sex, eating cum, spit as lube, dirty talk, soft dom!bsk, unprotected sex, i little a bit of praise kink? #wc: ~1300 #notes: pls save me boo seungkwan (nd fuck me).
★ m.list | inbox
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seungkwan tries to act natural but the truth is that he was freaking out!
he watches you and mingyu getting close and close. actually, seungkwan is not the kinda of guy to show jealousy towards a friend, but being honest, for him you are really more than ‘just a friend’
he has a crush over you for the past two years, since he met you in college. at first he saw you just as a friend, but he fell in love with you…
he bites his own lips when mingyu and you get closer. god, is that possible? the scene is killing him, his breathing heavy.
then mingyu kisses you, in a wild way...
seungkwan's stomach churns, he sees mingyu squeezing your hips, and he can't think. when 
mingyu takes your ass in his hands, seungkwan makes the decision that it’s too much for him to handle. and in the next second, he separates you and pushes mingyu off.
“what are you doing?” you ask.
“nothing, i just… i…”
“just what, seungkwan? are you crazy?”
“you’re drunk, let me take you home!” he looks a pretty angry.
“i’m not dunk, i’m horny!”
seungkwan feels his stomach churning again,mingyu just left when this hole whing started.
“c’mon, you need sleep”
of course he’s lying, you always stayed up late watching movies or playing games when you were at home, it was still early.
“fuck, i hate you, i haven’t kiss anyone like… in months, you ruined it. god, have you seen mingyu?” you yell.
“i didn’t ruin anything… i just…”
“whatever, he’s gone now!”
“good, he didn’t have any right to touch you like… like he was touching”
seungkwan is angry, he feels so jealous that another man touched you, and that fact is clear from the looks on his face.
“but i want a touch”
“then i…”
he certainly wasn’t sober when he started approaching you. that was just the excuse he gave himself.
of course the whole scene doesn’t make seungkwan just feel jealous… he is… he is horny.
god, just the thought of mingyu touching your hips touching makes him jealous but… he wants to be in mingyu’s place. and giving the fact that he is not the most sober person at the moment…
“what are you doing?” you ask when you feel his hands touching your waist.
“nothing…” he whispers right next to your ear.
he was very close, and his hand now is touching your hips.
“i just wanted to…”
seungkwan is losing his mind, he could feel your breath.
“nothing, i…” he is still close to you. “i just… just… fuck, let me…”
he tries to kiss you.
what’s the surprise?
you kiss him back.
he is surprised, but doesn’t stop. the kiss is getting more and more intense.
“wait. what the hell was that?” you say.
his lips didn’t move away from yours, and his hand is still on your hips, it’s so obvious what is happening.
“i want you, so bad”
“what? since when? seungkwan are you okay?”
“since… two years ago to be honest…”
“is that why you stopped me and mingyu?”
“i can’t accept the idea of some idiot touching you… i want to be the only one doing it…”
it was too much to process, you were still dizzy from the kiss, and fuck, he’s in love with you?
“if i’m being totally honest, i can’t even think properly right now”
“do you… do you want to go to my home?”
“just… let this happen”
maybe is the alcohol? maybe the lust? maybe perhaps the fact that seungkwan is very hot (and a good kisser)? you just don’t know.
the car ride to his house was filled with a lot of silence. seungkwan had his right hand resting on your thigh as he drove, and both your head and his were in a mess at the moment.
when you entered his apartament, you joked about how the house was organized, but he didn't pay much attention, he just took you to the bedroom and kissed you in a somewhat desperate way.
“hey, seungkwan, slow down, i’m not going to run away” you tease him.
"god, you have no idea how desperate i am to fuck you.."
you thought it was a joke, but the next second seungkwan was throwing you on the bed and taking off your shoes
he kisses your ankle, moving up to your calf until he kisses your knee and then your thigh. god, this is crazy! seungkwan’s lips on your body show devotion, and you didn’t even notice that his head, that was once between yours legs, is now close to middle of your leg. he lifts your skirt and kisses your wet panties.
“shit, i lost count of how many times i came imagining that cunt in my face!”
he pulls the lace to the side, salivating at the sight of your pussy exposed to him, it doesn't take five seconds for him to put his mouth there, sucking it as if it were the necessity of life.
you always thought seungkwan was very handsome, but there, between your legs, rubbing his face in your juices, he was the most handsome guy you had ever seen in your entire life.
his right hand pulling your strapless down and when he managed to do so, he rubbed his fingers over your nipple, making you moan.
“i need… god, i really need…” he spits on your pussy.
he took off his own clothes, and you understood, you opened your legs a little wider and let seungkwan penetrate you.
seungkwan on top of you was a sight you would hardly forget, his wet mouth biting and sucking your nipples as he pushed every inch inside… opening you up wide for him.
“you are so wet, fuck, can you feel my fat cock opening your tight hole? my princess being stretched by me?”
when you feels his balls hit your for the first time you moaned so loud that it scared you, and that only motivated him.
and he shoves once, twice, three, and on the fourth time he couldn't keep things slow any longer.
you knew seungkwan was strong due to the gym, but you didn’t expect him to fuck you as hard as he was doing at that moment.
“my pretty princess, you're going to be my toy now, hm? my personal whore”
and then he stimulated your nipple again, making your eyes roll back.
“can i fuck you all day now? please say yes, say that your cunt is mine!”
in all of the two years that you have know him, you never thought that you’d hear him talking in a such dirty way to you, however, it would be a lie if you said that you weren’t enjoying it.
“i want make you cum everyday, with every part of my body, my fingers, my cock, my mouth, my thigh, i will make you cum in every room and piece of furniture in this house”
seungkwan grips your hips tightly, the bed shaking with the speed at which things happened.
“i’m gonna-” you scream.
“oh, wait, please, can you wait? be my pretty girl and wait!”
you didn't understand why seungkwan asked you to wait, because in the next second he removed his fat cock from you and jerked off a few times, cumming on your belly.
he takes a deep breath, his body a little soft, and then he bends down, putting his tongue back into your hole (now opened by him).
“please, cum on my tongue, god, i need feel you so bad”
his arms made a kind of lock on your leg, you could barely move, and that was great because the next minute you were cumming.
“so sweet, so good!” he said as he swallowed every drop of your juice.
“how are we now?” you ask.
“i know you are not feeling things in the same intensity, i won’t force you into anything. but can i at least take you on a date?”
“oh, even two if you want…”
everything would be fine, seungkwan is your best friend… (and future boyfriend, of course).
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elyssialumengard · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel theory ( centered on Alastor ) :
Hello (or good evening), I am writing this post to share with you a simple but interesting theory regarding Alastor. This theory is not from me, but from a French YouTuber (whom I invite you to go see if you speak French) called: Team Taika Raven (name of the video: Character analysis: Alastor, a Devil of Hotel Manager).
At the end of his video, he states the following theory :
Alastor would have made two contracts (not necessarily for his soul). In the last song of episode 8, Alastor shows that he aims higher than Overlord status, he wants to rule all of Hell. But this will only be possible once his wings are freed, once his contract is broken (Alastor inspires power, chaos and freedom).
If indeed Alastor made a pact with Rou for power, then why would he want to break it ? He would lose everything he has acquired, that wouldn't work. Additionally, Rou, the root of evil, and likely the series' main antagonist, is a purely chaotic entity. She succeeds in infiltrating the earthly world when Lucifer gives the apple to Eve. All she wants is to spread as much chaos around her as possible, just like Alastor. The YouTuber later said that it wouldn't be surprising if she didn't ask Alastor for anything in return for the power gain since the latter was accomplishing her will just by being himself. Alastor would in some way be Rou's agent, the manifestation of her spirit in the world of the Underworld. The fact that Alastor is his shadow independent of his body could be a sign of another entity in him, that of Rou, symbolized by his powers. The YouTuber continues by saying that it would even be possible that Alastor made this pact during his lifetime, before his arrival in the underworld through voodoo rituals (which would explain why he had so many powers upon his arrival in the underworld although he was a human before). Therefore, it would seem odd that he would want to get out of the contract with Rou, knowing that he loves what he does. Moreover, why would he suddenly decide to want to break this pact suddenly, like that with Rou after having disappeared for 7 years ?
The YouTuber follows his theory by saying that Alastor, known and feared in the underworld for his power, seems to have lost his abilities, as the Vees mention in their song saying that he does not seem as powerful as before. When he returned, rumors spread that Alastor was a shadow of his former self. This could be explained by the fact that the genocide that Alastor was causing had attracted the attention of Lilith, causing her to enter into a forced contract restricting her powers.
That 7 years ago, Alastor and Lilith fought and that Alastor's defeat forced him to make a pact with Lilith not to die. Lilith would have done this to protect her people, but surely because of her commitment to Adam in Paradise, the commitment being that of preventing the souls of sinners from being saved so that they would not come to Paradise leaving the extermination to be carried out. If Alastor started killing every threatening person in the underworld, the purge would no longer make sense. Seeing the real threat of Alastor's abnormal powers, she decided to seal part of his powers and flee to Paradise, preventing him from following her. Thus, Alastor has every interest in Charlie's project working so that he can access Heaven and find Lilith to break his contract. The fact of having made a deal with Charlie, in exchange for a favor, would be a means of putting pressure on Lilith to break her contract with him.
What would Adam gain by welcoming Lilith? Glory, because being a person full of himself, Adam wanted to become more powerful and known than the seraphim as we can see subtly in his song where he has 8 wings and not 6.
The YouTuber ends up saying that the name "Alastor" means "the spirit of vengeance" in ancient Greek, sticking even more with the idea that he is just a tool, an incarnation of someone's revenge.
Perhaps Eve who would be under the control of Rou, being the character most likely to want revenge, considered just the stopgap for Adam who had not digested his rake with Lilith. It condemned humanity to suffering and mortality thereby depriving Adam of the throne which was due to it. Her stay on Earth must have been the most horrible where Adam had to make her pay for every day of her existence because of her betrayal. Lilith and Lucifer are also responsible for his misfortune, because they are the ones who gave him the apple. Fueled by hatred and resentment, Eve is possibly the one who most wants revenge on both hell and paradise, a receptacle of choice for Rou.
What do I think of it :
I find this analysis highlights several intriguing elements of the story and character motivations, particularly Alastor and his potential connection to Rou, as well as the implications of his past and present actions.
The connection between Alastor and Rou as an agent of chaos and fulfillment of Rou's will is a fascinating idea. This theory suggests that the pact between Alastor and Rou could have been established well before the events of the series, perhaps even during his lifetime, which would explain his powers upon his arrival in Hell. Additionally, the idea that Lilith restricted Alastor's powers due to his potential threat to the balance of the underworld and her own pact with Adam is also an interesting interpretation.
Furthermore, regarding Lilith and the extermination of sinners, I think she grants it to protect her people who are the real demons and not the sinners, which would explain why she allows such carnage while she is portrayed in the series as a queen who loves her subjects. Sinners being only the beings who are supposed to be the worst of humanity, harming demons for the most part. ( and for the romance, so that Lucifer is less confronted with the spectacle of sinners which he does not appreciate at first from the serie. )
This would explain his interest in the hotel and why he was so hostile towards Lucifer, not wanting the two to get close, wanting to take advantage of Charlie's slightest vulnerability as much as possible, making him believe that he is on his side ( that's why he went to see her when she wasn't comfortable in bed in episode 7, manipulating her into finally agreeing to make a deal). Alastor is a greedy and manipulative being, if he went to see Rosie to help him, it was certainly to save the hotel, but to show Charlie that she can trust him, since he manages the situation to save his project.
Finally, the idea that Eve could be an instrument of vengeance controlled by Rou, due to her grievances against the Underworld and Heaven, brings another layer of depth to the plot. This raises questions about the nature of power and manipulation in the world of “Hazbin Hotel,” as well as the motivations and desires of each character.
Overall, this theory offers a fascinating perspective on the characters and plot of the series, and it raises many interesting questions about the relationships between the various characters and the forces that manipulate them.
The YouTuber puts forward other interesting theories, don't hesitate to watch his video.
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graysnetwork · 11 months
Hey!! I recently found ur acc and I love ur writings!! I wanted to request a spider noir x reader where a bunch of creepy drunk guys tries to cat call y/n and spider noir swoops in and beats the shit out of them lol. If you can’t write anything like this that’s totally fine! Make sure to take breaks :)
Hii, tysm for the request!! Ik I lowk took a while to respond sooo…
But thanks for this idea I liked it a lot!!
Idk if you wanted me to make them in a relationship so ima do it like Tobey’s Spider-where they only know each other because he saves her a lot.
Friday, 8pm?
Info: I literally had to search up if the subways were a thing in 1933, ALSO THIS ISNT PROOF READ OR HAS GONE THROUGH GRAMMARLY SO IGNORE TYPOS OR DOUBLE WORDS
Warnings: weird creepy guys, cat calling
Summary: (the request)— as you walked out of work a bunch of creepy guys tried following you home, luckily your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man saved the day
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You we’re walking out of work, it was a normal day, if you could call any day normal it’d be today, it was fresh as the sun began to set, and the sky got darker. Your shift had ended earlier than usual, so you walked out and began walking to the subway, so you could go home, and eat something as quick as possible.
You walked down the streets of the city, your bag in one hand, your waist apron in the other as you began stuffing it inside your bag along with your other possessions.
Of course this nice evening had to have turned wrong in some way, it would’ve been much more terrible if New York was invaded by a monster, but for you; New York decided to gift you with men who invaded your space.
A whistle was heard two feet away from you, before a man walked up next to you and began talking to you, saying several things; “what’s a pretty girl like you doing out right now?” The man asked, you tried walking faster but only followed “could you leave me alone?” You asked him, being nice about this never worked for you. But it was worth a try, right?
He continued following you asking more things; he was being a little too personal, and now you had to walk through several streets that led to places you didn’t even know, the one thing you didn’t want him knowing was your address so you just walked through the city, and your stomach was grumbling from how hungry you were.
You lost him eventually after a while of walking, he had lost you in the subway, which you couldn’t be more grateful for. You got on and after getting off walking through the city some more, going to your favorite pizza place, you walked out the building and once again; you were found by another, very much older man.
He couldn’t have been thirty years old, he looked much, much older than that. “What’re y’doin out tonight honey?” The man obviously sounded drunk, he put his arm around you and you took that as your cue to push him away.
“Where y’goin hon?” He asked as he jogged over to you and placed and hand on your waist. You were about to push him away again and jog or run away, but before you could even turn your head, he gasped and pulled his hand away; almost pulling you with him as he fell to the ground.
You let out a quick gasp as the man fell and went completely unconscious before you felt yourself being pulled away, you couldn’t comprehend anything before you were standing faced to face; or mask.
In front of a familiar black goggled mask. “what the hell-” you said with a sign as you realized it was Spider-man. “You okay?” He asked, his hands were placed gently on your midriff, “mhm, yeah I’m good..” you nodded at him as he looked you up and down.
“You sure..?” He asked as he continued looking you up and down “yeah, I’m fine” you reassured him “you have a thing for needing my help, huh?” He said, you could almost see the smirk form in his mask.
You chuckled and nodded “yeah, maybe, but I’m fine thank you for saving the day” you smiled at him, his knees almost buckled as your lips curled up. “So, you don’t want me to swing you home?” He asked, a smirk behind the mask, you wished you could see his face so badly right now, you always wanted to see him.
“Well, no, I’m not denying a swing home” you grinned, “so is that a yes?” He asked and you quickly responded with a nod. He held you by the waist and soon enough he had you in the alleyway, next to your complex. You two walked to the front of the bricked three story building.
“Thank you, again” you smiled at him once more, “it’s no problem, I’m Spider-Man remember?” He said as he walked back through the alleyway, you wished you could invite him inside to have a coffee, or just a conversation. But then again, you didn’t know him, he probably wouldn’t accept the invite, and you had no courage to ask.
So you walked inside and headed up the stairs to your small but cozy apartment, you immediately headed to your room to set down your bag. Noticing a shadowy figure through your window to the fire escape.
You noticed his goggles again, “you we’re waiting for me?” You asked opening the window, “you thought I wouldn’t?” he chuckled, “are you sure your not just stalking me?” you giggled, “m’no” he shook his head gently as he let out another airy chuckle.
“I’d be worried if you were” you smiled, you put your hands on the ledge and leaned a little closer to him, “I wouldn’t do that, without your permission” he said, smiling dumbly under the mask, you could here the playfulness in his voice, but also how sincere and sweet he was.
“Take me to dinner first” you smiled, feeling heat rise up your cheeks, “I could, if you wanted too” he said sweetly, “I would say yes, so you should” you leaned a little closer, you almost thought he leaned closer as well.
“I’ll get a reservation than” you could see the wide grin imprinted in his mask, it made you smile more, you nodded hoping that was a good enough response, you hoped that he couldn’t see how flustered you were beginning to look.
“I really like you..” he whispered, the smile under his mask never faded, “I, like you too” you nodded “yeah, I really, really do” you told him, leaning in closer, he noticed it this time and pulled his mask down to his nose before he leaned in and kissed you.
To say this was perfect could’ve been an understatement, but that was the only word you’d use.
You leaned closer, as much as possible, gripping the ledge of window, one of his hand let go of the web he’d been hanging (upside down) on. He placed it in the back of your head, gently pulling you closer to him, as if you weren’t close enough.
You hadn’t even noticed how your hands had been holding the back of his head too, “I, uhm..” you gulped as the heat rushed to your cheeks. “So, dinner next Friday eight pm?” His grin was visible now.
You nodded smiling sheepishly, “good, I’ll make sure to forget the mask” his grin widened, “thats, good” you smiled at him. He nodded off and said his goodbye, you turned back and walked over to your dresser thinking about how
You just kissed Spider-Man.
You just kissed Spider-Man?
He watched you from the window, as you took off your work shirt, he wanted to knock on your window so badly. If only he had the courage.
Hope y’all like thisss🙈
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billpottsismygf · 2 months
Episode 7 (The Very Long Stairway)! I didn't put it in my last review, but I had a strong feeling we were going to get a flashback to the start of Edwin and Charles' relationship in this one. I had wondered if it would start with it, Good Omens style, so when it didn't happen immediately I thought maybe I was wrong. I was vindicated, however! And I love the use of the Night Nurse's already established powers as a framing device for it. I got so into what was happening, though, that I forgot that was how it started and was surprised when the camera panned to her watching everything.
So, oh my god, Edwin sat and talked with Charles as he died!!!! Edwin is so incredibly kind to him and it's heartbreaking that he knew this boy was going to die in front of him, and decided to make sure he had the most calming death possible. And Charles instantly decided to stay with him. I think it's very telling that he latches onto Edwin so quickly. Charles is someone who values kindness and helping people - he literally just died because he saved another boy from being bullied - so when he understands what Edwin did for him, he knows this is a person to hang onto.
I had wondered for a while if Charles had been the one to rescue Edwin from hell, given that they met 30 years ago, the same time he got out of hell. Turns out that no, Edwin had already just got out of hell by himself, but this was still a really satisfying flashback. Speaking of their relationship, we also finally got the love confession. I really didn't want Edwin to say anything, but it went about as well as it possibly could have. Still, gah, reeling from the secondhand embarrassment and the fact that this is not the time, Edwin! I was about to be so annoyed if the thing 'worse than a demon' had caught them because they spent so long dawdling on the staircase.
The scenes in hell themselves were really effective. Loved the page ripping punishment, very Sisyphean, and in fact the entire scene that followed with Simon was so touching I had to watch the whole thing again immediately. He was a stupid boy who didn't know what he was doing, and their reconciliation reminded me a bit of Pat forgiving the boy who shot him in Ghosts. Anyway, it seems that everyone has a crush on Edwin apart from the one boy he wants. Still, Edwin and Simon reconciling and Edwin telling him that 'if you punish yourself enough, everywhere becomes hell' but that being queer doesn't have to be a punishment, was incredibly moving. Again, Edwin has empathy for him and shows him kindness.
Relatedly, I also loved the scene with Despair. The moment she came on screen, even with her face obscured, I realised who she was. She barely features in Sandman, far less than Death anyway, but I recognised her instantly. Obviously I'm intrigued about the whole 'I'll call you if ever I need you' thing, but for the purposes of this episode I really love how that scene solidified the importance of Edwin having compassion. Edwin can be very bitchy (which I love him for), and he had every right to be mean to the boy who sent him to hell, but he chose kindness instead.
Conversely, Crystal got to choose violence and I love that for her. It was very satisfying seeing her literally get to bury David. It's fitting, as well, that David once overpowered her mind and now she's using her mind to overpower him. It is, of course, 'bad for the tree' if he stays there long, so I wonder if we'll see repercussions from that further down the line.
What else? Oh, the opening scene! The Cat King is such an interesting figure. He's creepy in the way he pursues Edwin, but it feels like they're on slightly more level ground now. He's a wild card character who's not exactly a villain, but will always act in his own interests. I'll be interested to see where his character goes from here, especially now it's been established that he's less powerful than Esther. His line about how strong and great Edwin is and who does Esther think she is trying to beat him, while obviously a problem in terms of giving her ideas, was also interesting in its own right. He clearly knows a fair bit about Edwin and genuinely thinks highly of him. Until this point we've only really seen him interacting with Edwin, where he taunts him the whole time, so this has made me all the more intrigued and invested in him.
Small things:
Edwin explaining to Charles that he doesn't fall through the floor because of the vague and weird ghost rules once again gave me strong Ghosts vibes.
I continue to love Mick, so really hoping he'll be okay after his confrontation with Esther.
Maxine in hell was interesting! I thought we'd learn more about her after her death, but it was a very fleeting appearance.
I thought Jenny might actually learn about ghosts and demons and psychics (oh my), but it seems not, alas.
Simon got a blue light after Edwin left, so does that mean Death came to him? Can people in hell get closure from unfinished business and move on? Or is it something Edwin specifically is good at doing for people?
Monty's still around and doing Esther's bidding! Someone turn him back into a human, please! Maybe Crystal?
I loved Niko getting to save the day (for now) through the power of reading comprehension!
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sirowsky-stories · 4 months
The Lost Island
Chapter 20 - Found
Recap: After saving the world by sacrificing yourself to allow a matriarch tree to grow impossibly fast, you've managed to use the last remaining strength of your soul to send Marcus back in time to when he first met you. And as the two timelines begin to merge, you and Marcus are left trying to rediscover each other, just as the island once again beckons for you.
Author’s Note: It's been a year and a half since I abandoned this poor thing with just one chapter unfinished. But thanks to @scorpio-marionette I've finally been able to finish it! Hope it won't disappoint!
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Warnings: Cursing, comfort, fluff, reference to smut. Word Count: 5130 Masterlist (this story) Author’s Masterlist
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   Unsurprisingly, things got somewhat awkward after that impromptu reunion. Your clothes were scattered on the ground, some of them even lightly torn due to the sudden urgency of your need for each other, so once you’d both regained your breaths, it was a scramble to recover them and make your way inside.    Thankfully, Missy had clocked what was going on out back and opted to hide in her room, hoping that none of the neighbours would’ve heard the two of you. But it wasn’t until you and Marcus climbed into his bed and just held one another, that you really began to grasp everything that had happened.
   Again, it wasn’t as simple as memories. It was strong emotions and a lot of sensory input which was suddenly just there, as clear and real as they would’ve been to the version of you who had lived them.    But after your rushed and bewildering coupling, you began to feel less like she was this other being which couldn’t be more than loosely connected to you, and more like you might actually be the same person.
   Something which became a tad unsettling when you were getting ready to leave the following evening, and realized that both you and Missy had acted like old friends from the moment you’d walked into the kitchen that morning.    Also, you knew where everything belonged in the entire house, which foods were the seven-year old's favourites, and even what Marcus’ morning mood was gonna be. And it was only after you’d stepped outside to fly the helicopter back to HQ, that any of this felt at all strange.
   You’d had dinner with the two of them, chatted, cracked jokes and laughed, cleared the table and helped with the dishes, all without once noting that this was the first time you’d set foot in there, the first time you’d hung out with them.    Hell, it was the first time you’d socialized with anyone other than what had been absolutely necessary, ever since you were sixteen. And it had felt completely natural and easy.
   It was only when you stood there, by the aircraft, turning back to say goodnight to Marcus, that it even occurred to you, and you could see the sudden uncertainty in his eyes as he read the confusion in yours.
   “I… wow… This is so weird,” you tried, failing to find words to describe the feeling.
   “Are you okay?” was all he could manage, clearly unsure of what was going on with you, but unwilling to pressure you or do anything which might jeopardise your rekindled relationship.
   And then it hit you how this had to be just as strange for him. Suddenly having you back, presumably exactly as it had been in the time he’d lived, and you were abruptly worried that he’d fall apart if you left again.    He loved you like nothing you’d ever seen in anyone before. Like you’d never even believed possible.
   “Are you?” you countered, and then watched him suck in a deep breath.
   “I don’t have a clue…” he started, before it all came flooding out as if he’d been sitting on this all evening. “But I’m so scared. This all felt like before, and god, I missed it so much… feeling like a family again.    But I’m so fucking scared that this was just a random thing and that you’re gonna fly off and everything will fade, and I’ll be alone again, and I can’t do it, Pita… I can’t fucking do it again. Please, don’t go.”
   He was all but sobbing towards the end, and it tore at your heart to see that pain in him.    You stepped away from the machine and hugged him, and the feeling was right there. That same desire and affection and devotion, telling you how much you loved this man, how you’d do anything for him.    And suddenly it seemed impossible that you’d even contemplated leaving him just to return a helicopter that was unlikely to be needed during the night anyway.
   You let him lead you back to the house, no longer sure what you’d been so confused about before.    And when you fell asleep in his arms a little while later, it was with a feeling of comfort and familiarity, free of all doubts or troubles.    This was where you belonged.
   Marcus woke up the next morning to a phone that simply would not stop ringing no matter how many times he ignored it. Which he did because his arms were still around you, and he wasn’t gonna let you go until someone forced him.    Eventually, he got annoyed with the insistent disturbance and used his threads to move the device away to the kitchen, not even glancing at the screen to see who was trying to reach him. All he wanted to see was you.
   He’d lost this. He knew what it felt like to have to give this up, to know that he’d never again get to feel the warmth of your body against his, or the steady rise and fall of your chest, the rhythmic beating of your heart and how his own body synchronized to match.    If this was really happening, if you really were somehow merging with his version of you, then there was a chance he’d never have to give you up again.    But if it wasn’t… then he’d have to suffer that pain all over again, and he knew now he couldn’t survive that. So yes, he’d hold on to you for as long as he could.
   The day was still young, and you showed no signs of waking up yet, so he just laid there, enjoying every second and trying not to think about the fears which still lived in his heart.    But of course, it wouldn’t last forever.
   “Dad! Will you please answer your phone!” Missy called from further away in the house, apparently having gotten up already.
   It was a Friday so that wasn’t surprising, she was good at getting up in time for school, sometimes getting some reading done during breakfast, or just sitting outside in the morning sun, listening to her favourite music.    Where his phone hadn’t bothered you, Missy’s voice instantly made you stir, which made a wonderful sort of warm softness spread through him. You cared about her, as much as he did. Reacted to her as readily as a mother would.
   “What time is it?” you sleepily grumbled, clearly fighting against having to get up, but also clearly fine with waking up in his bed and arms.
   “Early. You can stew for another half-hour if you want,” he answered in a whisper, to keep from fully rousing you and let you slip back into sleep if you wanted.
   “Mmm…” was all you responded with, which he interpreted as you feeling much too good to get up.
   But he still had to.    He squeezed you just a little tighter, pressing a light kiss to your head, just behind the ear, and then carefully pulled away, hating how the sudden loss of contact made him feel cold as he padded barefoot to the bathroom and closed the door.
   You’d only gone to bed and slept last night, but the few heated minutes out on the patio would never leave his memory for as long as he lived. Because it had been you.    He’d seen it in your eyes, the exact same expression as you’d had that one and only time the two of you had been together prior to this one.    It didn’t matter that that was all the experience he had to go on with you, because there was so much more to your relationship than the physical, and in those few minutes, everything had been just as he remembered.
   Standing there, staring at his own reflection in the bright vanity lights around the mirror, he could clearly see the fear that still held him in a tight grip. The crippling fear that even after everything that had happened, everything he’d been through, he might still lose you.    But he couldn’t live under the constant weight of that fear without turning into a wreck of a human being. So, he tried not to think about it, tried to focus instead on getting the day going, planning the morning out in his head while he did his morning toilet, before sneaking back out into the bedroom, somehow still relieved to see you there.
   Taking a breath, trying to keep himself levelled, he left the room and headed to the kitchen, where the fucking phone was still ringing incessantly.    He picked it up, noting that the caller-ID said Granada, but whatever she wanted, it couldn’t be good, and he wasn’t in the mood for bad today.    Could he not get to take one day off from bad stuff?
   “It’s work, right?” Missy wondered, already seated at the table with her cereal bowl.
   “Yeah,” he replied simply, still just staring at the phone.
   “Then you should answer, it might be really important.”
   “I know, I just don’t wanna be the Heroic right now. Not today.”
   Technically, both you and Marcus had been a bit awol for the past day and a half, seen as how you both still had a job to do, which you’d completely ignored in favour of just being together.
   “Because of Ace? She stayed last night, right?” she probed, trying not to sound overly interested, but not quite succeeding.
   Apparently, the same melding process which seemed to be happening with you, was happening with Missy as well. Suddenly she too appeared to know about things that had occurred in his timeline, as though she’d lived them herself, which only increased his hopes of this being a permanent displacement.
   “She did, and I really wanna focus on her right now. Things have happened lately, that… well, it’s complicated,” he tried, but it was a poor choice of words.
   “You guys aren’t like… having problems or anything?” she sounded worried now, which in a backwards kinda way made him happy, because worrying meant she cared about his relationship with you.
   “No, not like that. We just, uh… need to figure some stuff out.”
   “Dad, that’s exactly what grown-ups say when they have problems,” she said, starting to sound genuinely concerned now.
   “And I’m also saying that you don’t need to worry, she’s not going anywhere as long as I have a say,” he reassured her, which appeared to be enough to calm her down.
   But then that took her focus back to his phone.
   “Gosh, just answer her already. She’s not gonna stop.”
   He sighed again, deeper this time, but reached for the device all the same.
   ��God damned it, Marcus, I was about to send a tac-unit to your house!” Granada shouted in his ear, making him twitch his head away from the speaker for a moment.
   “Well, good fucking morning to you too, Boss…” he snapped back, earning a snicker from his daughter in between bites of cereal.
   “I need you to come in as soon as possible, we’ve got a major problem,” her tone was enough to get his blood going, and he threw a worried glance at Missy, who had now buried her nose into one of her textbooks.
   “What is it?” he questioned, trying to keep his tone casual.
   “It’s the island. And since you’re the only one that knows what might be going on, I need you to get your ass over here.”
   Shit. He should’ve known something would happen to disturb his chances at a quiet week. It wasn’t like he’d had more than a moment’s chance to relax and recover ever since that damned plane crash.    How long ago was that now?
   “I’ll be right there,” he promised, and then ended the call.
   “Should I call Abuela to come drive me to school?” Missy asked, still looking at her book.
   “Yeah. I’m sorry, kiddo.”
   “You’re not going back to fieldwork, though. Right?”
   “I might have to,” he admitted, not wanting to lie to her. “To stop something really bad. I don’t know yet.”
   “What about Ace?”
   The chopper was still in his backyard, and he didn’t know how to fly it, whereas you did.
   “She’s gonna take me to work and return the helicopter she borrowed in the process.”
   “So, you’re gonna go together?” she puzzled, sounding quite pleased with the idea.
   “Like I said, she’s not going anywhere unless it’s with me.”
   It took you no time at all to get up, get dressed and get the aircraft warmed up, once Marcus had made it clear that you were needed at HQ. Not that Granada had said anything about needing you.    He did, though.    It was amazing to observe how you kissed the top of Missy’s head in passing, both of you acting as though it was the most ordinary thing, wishing each other a good day before you left the house with him.
   The flight was also dealt with in record time, meaning that the two of you stepped into Granada’s office just twenty minutes after the call.    She didn’t look surprised to see you walk in behind him, and just asked you to close the door before her focus landed on Marcus.
   “Ah, the runaways return,” she remarked, but then got straight to business before either of them could mount a defence. “The island has become visible to our satellites since yesterday. Do you know why that might be?”
   “I’m not sure,” he pondered, genuinely surprised by the news. “Our theory in my time was that the island itself was responsible for the cloaking, since it vanished when I killed it.”
   “You killed what? The island?”
   “Yes. But so far as we know, it’s still very much alive right now, so I really don’t know.    Although… it is possible that the portal has something to do with this.”
   “How so?”
   “It created the time-displacement which started when we arrived there, probably because it sensed my powers. So, maybe our recent visit was enough for it to react the same way, or perhaps it actually remembered me. Either way, that thing is a lot more powerful than we can ever fully grasp, and considering that it’s been a prisoner there for a long time, I’m prepared to believe that it could’ve disrupted the island’s cloaking capacity, if it somehow figured out how to free itself without our help.”
   “From what you’ve described, I don’t think we want to get up close and personal with that entity again. But we obviously don’t want the island to develop or distribute deadly spores either, which is what I gather will happen if the cloak stays down.    So, any suggestions?”
   “Yeah. We figure out how the tree produces those golden particles and try and bring some of it to the island, so we can kill those spores and then send the Ozsha home without destroying their world.”
   “And you’re sure you could convince the portal to cooperate?”
   “Actually, I don’t think I have to. In the future, I was able to pull it to me and control where and when it opened, and since my powers don’t seem to have changed by coming here, I’m pretty sure I can still do that.    But I also think that the portal kind of wants us to help the aliens get home.”
   “Wait, wait… Did you just say you can manipulate space-time?” she sceptically questioned, to which he shrugged.
   “To some degree. If I’d been able to assert complete control over it, I would’ve found a way back to Pita much sooner, but I couldn’t create a permanent displacement on my own.”
   “Then how do you know if you can put the Ozsha back on Eqlo’e permanently?”
   “Because I know that this isn’t their original time either, and the cosmos wants things to be in their correct time and place. That much I’m certain of.”
   “Right. Well then, I’ll get the departments working on those particles.”
   It took two weeks for the science department to crack the puzzle of the matriarch, and in the meantime, the line between you and Marcus’ Pita kept on blurring. Until you could usually not even recall how you’d only known him for a fraction of the time it felt like.    You really were merging though, because you could still recall the events that had happened in your own time, as well as his, which meant you weren’t being erased or replaced with her. It was more like she was being added to you.
   Your lives were identical up until the moment of Mo’s transition into this time, so it was really just those three years which were being imparted to you, but they sure left behind some massive impressions.    Going back to the island once again only strengthened your experiences from there, helping you to recall every detail, and leaving you incredibly grateful that it had somehow not ended in utter failure, because holy shit had there been a lot of close calls.
   Six canisters of golden spores had been prepared for you to set up on locations around the entire island, before an automatic trigger would open them and disperse the shimmering particles evenly across the small patch of land. And since this felt more personal to the two of you than anyone else, you’d opted to do this alone, although a ship carrying the entire Heroics team was anchored nearby, just in case.
   One canister was to be placed right on the forest line of the beach where you’d first washed up that day after the crash, so you left it for last.    When it was done, you walked down further onto the beach and just stood there, looking out at the ocean in silent remembrance. Not about anything in particular, just the fact that you’d survived all this crap.    You made a mental note to call Chris as soon as you got a chance, because the spores reminded you of the painful goodbye that day. The regrets you’d felt.
   Then you registered a movement in front of you, and refocused on the present only to find the Ozsha having appeared in the waves as far as your eyes could see.    But they weren’t behaving threatening, and it took you a moment to realize that it was probably because Marcus was talking to them. Letting them invade his mind so he could show them his memories and help them understand that this was all an effort to save them.
   “It’s okay, Pita. You can press the button, they’re gonna stay right there and let the spores infect them,” he reassured you, and you did as he asked.
   The canisters performed their function as intended, and within minutes, the entire island and the surrounding waters were covered in gold, sparkling under the sun.    Mo then nodded at the Ixo, before turning away from the water, heading up the beach and towards the west side of the mountain.
   “That just leaves the portal,” he said while he took your hand and settled in for the trek.
   “Do you think it’ll come out swinging like last time?” you pondered, remembering your first trip to their home-planet, and how cataclysmic it had been to your relationship with this man.
   “I don’t know. I’m kinda curious to find out if it somehow knows about all that. It seemed to know absolutely everything before.”
   “Yeah, but if memory serves, that was only after it first emerged from its hibernation.”
   “So far as we knew, you mean. It could’ve understood everything from the start, manipulating us with its every move.”
   “Hm. I guess so. Did we ever figure out why it plopped us out with a three-month delay after we’d sent the Ozsha home?” you asked, and saw him smile a little, probably at the way you expressed these past events as your own experiences now.
   “I believe that was related to us learning that the island could still destroy us. Although, why we needed to be that far into the future after destroying it to understand it, I still don’t know.”
   “Maybe the goo got it wrong. No one’s infallible.”
   He chewed on that for a minute, while you made your way through some thicker underbrush, but then he grumbled quietly, like he’d been arguing with himself internally.
   “No, I don’t think it did anything at random. We might not be able to suss out why it did such a thing, but I’m certain there was a reason.”
   “Like what?” you wondered, not challenging him, just curious about his reasoning.
   “I think it might’ve looked at every conceivable way to avert the disaster of this planet being destroyed, finding just one viable solution. And I think that everything it did was with surgical precision, specifically to get us to the places we needed to be in the exact moments we needed to be there.”
   “Which would mean my sacrifice was the only solution, all along. And nothing we did differently could’ve changed anything for the better.”
   “True. But what if it also saw this?” he pondered, lifting your joined hands to indicate your restored closeness. “What if it knew that you are so fucking powerful, you’d find a way back to me, even after death?”
   You just smiled at that. There was every chance it was true, just like there was every chance it wasn’t. But either way, however strangely and complicatedly you’d gotten here, you were together.    Against all odds, you’d found a way to each other across space and time. How could you ever argue against that?
   Reaching the black lands, you were once again met by the portal’s defences, but Marcus easily averted them as you made your way to the center of the area, and the large flat rock.    You stood silently in the middle of it, waiting and watching the surrounding rocks, until that same screech could be heard from somewhere to the north. It quickly multiplied until it was coming from all directions, and then hundreds of little black pools of liquid were converging around you.
   But unlike that first time, they didn’t try and engulf you now. They gathered into the black gateway between all of the cosmos, right in front of you, and you felt Marcus laugh lightly beside you.
   “What?” you asked, and he looked at you with a puzzled brow.
   “You can’t feel it?” he responded, smiling wider, but you had no clue what he was talking about, so you shrugged, and he threw a thumb towards the portal. “Don’t be afraid of it, cariño. You know it, just like it knows you. Let it show you.”
   Still not clear about what he meant, you turned your focus on the thing, feeling ambivalent about whether it really was a friend, after everything it had put you through.    But then a feeling started to creep up your spine, and suddenly, images flooded your mind.    Like a movie being played out inside you, Marcus’s entire life was shown to you, from his childhood to his marriage and the birth of Missy, all the way to everything the two of you had been through, including all the lost time you couldn’t remember.
   The three months you’d mentioned earlier, now revealed to you in full, as you’d been brought to the Hawaiian Islands back before Akela’s party had left. You’d lived with them in their time, gotten to know them, shared in their joys and sorrows, for no other reason than that your fates were linked, and it was important that you’d always know each other, even if the memories were no longer there.    That was how Akela had so easily read you. How he’d known you even when you’d been brought before him three years prior to the events which had supposedly been your first encounter.
   From there, the black liquid took you to the memories of Marcus’s Pita as she’d been merged with the matriarch tree. How she’d spent an entire year conserving energy, refusing to grow while she’d waited for the right moment, knowing she could do it. That she could give him everything back.    That she could give you both everything you’d ever dreamed of.
   When the images faded, you and Mo both dropped to your knees, crying with the overload of sensations, the months and years of emotions you’d experienced in the space of mere minutes.
   “Oh, god… I saw your life,” you started, still squeezing his hand while you tried to stop trembling. “I saw everything we missed.”
   “Me too,” he panted, struggling to get his breathing under control, having clearly experienced something similar. “I saw your parents, your birthday… your career. And then…”
   “Hawaii,” you filled in when he had to pause for a moment.
   “Yeah. I finally know what Kahele means,” he breathed, smiling despite the strain to his system, and you mirrored him.
   “The home,” you whispered. “The most fitting name I’ve ever heard for anyone.    You’ve been my home all my life, I just never knew it.”
   He pulled you to him then, embracing you as you both sat there on your knees before the giant black door, finally able to understand everything, and therefor, finally able to let it go.    Akela had asked you to deliver a message to his daughter after he’d passed, but now you knew that it had always been meant for you, since the Chief had always been meant to live on. That the message had actually come from the portal itself, taking the shape and sound of a man you trusted so that you would always remember it.
   ‘Eha ke ola – Life hurts
   He’d said that she would know what it meant, and you did. You knew it wasn’t about pain, but about the struggles of life making you impossibly strong. That the real message had been for you to believe in yourself, because every day of your life had prepared you for this battle. Every moment of self-doubt and fear had been there to teach you just how much you could endure. And how much you could give.
   The portal vanished then, and a moment later, so did the island and the Ozsha, leaving just a barren piece of rock under your feet. A dead volcano, completely natural to this world, not cloaked by any alien lifeforms or sprouting any blood-sucking trees.    Your work was done.
   You agreed to marry him just a few weeks after your return from the island, and the wedding was one for the books. All the Heroics and their families were there, your brother, and some of the senior staff, and it was mostly just a lovable kind of chaos.    It hadn’t ended until the following morning, after the last bouts of games and wrestling matches had finally drained your guests of their energy, leaving you and Marcus to drive off into the sunrise together.
   But you hadn’t travelled anywhere for your honeymoon. You’d been away for long enough already. Instead, the time off work had been spent in an oceanside cabin not far from your now shared home, in the throws of affection and unbridled passion, resulting in the arrival of Missy’s little brother, nine months later.    She adored being a big sister, doting on the baby boy every chance she got, insisting that you name him Kal, after Superman’s real name, because she had decided that any kid who had managed to get born in spite of spacetime displacements and interdimensional warfare, had to be the most superpowered kid to have ever existed.
   Needless to say, you’d both caved. Baby Kal it was. But he soon earned his own nicknames as well, such as Mini-Ace, MM Junior, and Kaliber, all based on his large and utterly charming personality.    Surprisingly, just like his big sister, he never developed any abilities. And Marcus was actually glad for it, because it meant that Missy would never feel excluded. That the two of them would always be equals, and therefor, hopefully develop a strong and lasting bond.
   Not that you would’ve allowed them to drift apart even if they’d been in danger of it. That was where your experiences of a shattered childhood turned you into supermom, because whatever they did, you always knew how to keep them together. How to keep them united against the struggles of life, so they would always have an ally and a safe place to run to if things got difficult.
   Marcus often sat and just watched you teach them these invaluable lessons, marvelling at how naturally you’d taken on this role which had seemed so impossibly difficult and frightening to you at the start of this relationship.    He remembered how you’d panicked at the mere mention of your childhood during that first dinner, and how scared you’d been of somehow ruining Missy by just being in her life.
   It all seemed so far away now.    But he also remembered how it had felt when you’d died in his arms. First on the island, then with the tree. And whenever those images and feelings gripped him, he understood every nuance of the panic you’d suffered. The crippling fear of knowing that you could utterly destroy those you loved, simply by loving them.
   The rewards of that love, however, would always outweigh the fear, which was why those memories never darkened his spirit or made him doubt anything about his life.    He would go through it all again, a hundred times, if it meant he’d get to see you play with your children, cheer at their successes, share their burdens and carry their pains.    He would never take it for granted and he would never stop thanking your soul for the strength it gave him, every single day, to know how hard you’d fought to get to be with him.
   The island was always doomed to be lost, a mere footnote in history, the scope of which most people would never even understand. But to the two of you, it would always be the place where your lost souls had found their way to each other.    So, every year, on the anniversary of the plane crash, you went back there and planted a tree, leaving it to the elements with the hope that it would survive until the next year. And by the time you’d grown old enough to have grandchildren, an entire forest covered the island once more.
   No one had wanted anything to do with it after it had been deemed safe, so you and Marcus had claimed it. Not to be turned into a resort or even your own private vacation spot, but simply to keep it alive, as a monument to your story.    And together, you’d named it Loa’a.
If anyone has come back to finish this with me, just know that you're amazing! I'm letting the taglist tag along since this story pre-dates my writing blog, so my apologies to anyone who didn't wish to be notified about this anymore.
Beyond that, I'm just so pleased to have this finished, and a huge THANK YOU to anyone who gave or gives this crazy story a chance!
@deadhumourist @idreamofboobear @dornish-queen @ladyphantom96 @sarahjkl82-blog @shsoba05 @cannedsoupsucks @toomanystoriessolittletime @tintinn16 @nolanell @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @myfavpedrothings @generalfoolish @tanzthompson @harriedandharassed @spishsstuff
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LOOK, I don't know if this is gonna make sense, but it's cute to me, so here ya go just in case u like it
Glitchy Red x a Reader who's now trapped in the game after releasing him. Like, once they both were finally besties and Reader managed to help him... Now the tables have turned
So now it's time for our baby boy to help his friend >:3
I mean, he already has the knowledge, and now he also has the power since he's free, so I doubt it would be too difficult for him to save his friend (and possible love interest but that's another story-)
Btw this isn't supposed to be connected to my other Glitchy request, just saying in, just in case uwu
Finally, I don't have a pokemon quote but... Puns about Cubone are usually humerus (ba dum tsss)
- Fairy Anon 🧚🏻‍♀️
I am living for these requests, thank you. Also I hope this is okay/makes some sense
"Alright, Glitchy Red, are you ready to give this a try?"
"I'm ready when you are, Y/n." You nodded as you set your gameboy to the side. Ever since you received Glitchy Red's cartridge from a nearby game store which sold older games, and finding out about him and his past, you were determined to help him. Glitchy Red was unsure about this at first, considering he did not exactly trust you and had initially thought you were going to throw his cartridge away or give it up to someone else. However, when you did not do any of those things, he was actually quite relieved, and hopeful that you were going to help him like you had promised.
After two years of searching for answers, you two were pretty close to giving up, until you ended up finding a possible solution. You didn't want to get your hopes up too quickly, but you had written it down in a journal in your room, as well as saving the site you had gotten the information from, as a just in case it did actually work and you needed it again for whatever reason. How this person had an idea of what you were attempting, not even you knew. Hey, you can't be too careful. Now you two were going to give it a try, hoping that it would work.
"I hope this works..." You mumbled as you attempted a sequence of button presses and a few other things as you read the words you had written down on your journal. Once you were done, you looked back down at the screen of the gameboy to see if anything had changed.
"Anything?" You asked. Glitchy Red looked around, seeing no changes.
"No, nothing yet. Maybe we need to wait?"
"Oh, sure, let's give it a moment." You waited for a few moments to a few minutes, but still nothing.
"Damn, I really thought we were onto something there." You sighed softly, crossing your arms.
"I guess it's back to the drawing board- wait what is that?" You noticed the screen of the gameboy was glowing more so than usual, which was odd since this required the use of a flashlight to actually see the screen.
"I have no idea what you're seeing, but I feel... different, I can't explain it." Before you could say anything else, the whole room was filled with the same white light, causing you to shield your eyes. When you uncovered your eyes, however, you found yourself... not in your bedroom.
"Where the hell am I?" You rubbed your eyes, looking around the area, which looked rather familiar to you. It then hit you: where was Glitchy Red? "Glitchy Red?!" You suddenly called out, looking for your friend in a bit of a panic.
"Y/n?" You heard him, but you couldn't see him. That is, until you looked up towards the "sky" only to find that your little experiment worked!... sort of.
"Hey, you're finally out of the game!"
"That may be true, but now you're trapped inside." Glitchy Red sounded rather worried about this, not wanting you to be trapped inside the game like he had been.
"I... don't want you to be trapped in there because of me." He was thinking of the worst case scenarios, that you wouldn't be able to leave the game, that he would end up back in there with you, that-
"Red." He looked down at the screen. You only called him that when you were being serious or when you wanted to get his attention.
"Stop thinking like that. I'll get out of here, and I'm going to show you everything that I had promised to show you, and spend all the time with you that I possibly can! I got you out, didn't I?"
"Well, yeah, but now you're in the game."
"So? Now that we've figured out how to get you out, if we just do it again, then I should get out too!"
"and if we end up in this situation again? But I'm back in the game and we're back in our original situation?"
"Then we'll keep searching! We will keep looking until we're both out out there, together." Glitchy Red chuckled a bit, shaking his head.
"Alright, I trust you."
"Great! Now let me out of here! Look for my journal, I have it written in there." He nodded and looked around your room, which he had seen parts of here and there from when you carried your gameboy around to show him around. He looks around and finds your journal on the floor and picks it up.
"Alright, let's give this another try." You waited patiently as Glitchy Red input the button combination and other things you had done to get him out. Once he finished, he set the journal and gameboy down, waiting. After a few minutes of waiting, the bright white light filled the room once more, causing both of you to cover your eyes. After the light faded, you uncovered your eyes to find yourself back in your room, with Glitchy Red beside you.
"Y/n?" You heard him say before uncovering his eyes, which you couldn't really see from the shadow of his hat. You smiled and pulled him into a hug, which caused him to flinch in response as you had caught him off guard.
"I... I can't believe it worked." Glitchy Red hugged you back, a faint smile on his face.
"I'm glad it worked." You nodded in agreement, the two of you not letting go from the hug. You knew you would be like this for a while, but you didn't mind. You were happy that Glitchy Red was now out of the game and here with you, and vice versa.
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silurisanguine · 3 months
15 lines of Dialogue game
As ive been away for the weekend, not sure if anyone tagged me with this but saw it open tag so here we go. Tagging @vorchagirl @despicablediet and anyone who'd like to do it! 15 Lines of Dialogue Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well! Since i've written the most with Seren Jones, I shall pick her for this!
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1 -"Maybe I am, but there isn’t anything left in this universe worth staying for. Whatever is in the next universe has to be better than this one Barrett, it has to. I can't bare to stay here any more, not without him, not when I could have done it so differently."
2 - "Cora… she was there, saw her dad die…She hated me, blamed me for not saving him. After the funeral, Lillian took her and that was the last I ever saw that wonderful twelve year old. I realised then I had no reason to stay in my universe as everything i loved had been taken from me. I hoped maybe another would give me a second chance. To fix things..to try again…
…That’s why I do this.”
3 - "I came here the first time with no preconception of what I’d find. I was in awe at the location, just as you are now. But what I learned here has guided my hand in relation to how I see the Artifacts, how I see Unity and the Starborn. Anyone who wants to complete the Artifact collection, needs to know the full story for themselves.”
4- "Now you see how dangerous this place is, and this is just the start. The Starborn Guardians here have lost all empathy, all compassion, their humanity in pursuit of their cause. They have nothing left in their existence except to stop anyone else reaching the Temple. …I sometimes wonder what is the point of their existence before I wipe them out of it for good.”
5 -”You washed them clean. I can say one good thing about Lillian in that she gave you the chance to do that. You’re not the same man, Sam.”
6 -”They makes me smile every time I come back here. But I’m not entirely alone, the fish there get a view unlike any other.” She pointed to the couple of little fish swimming in their tanks, sitting right at the edge of the massive view screen. “If you don’t mind taking care of them for me, they’ve been a good little crew, never complained once.”
7 - "I've never met you before. Until today I'd never met a single pirate here." That was the truth, if a little stretched Seren thought.
8 -"All this, this universe is a nightmare. I've been to so many variations and… You… everyone here is so different, so wrong. It’s like Unity decided to show me the worst outcome possible just to make me appreciate who I’d - what I’d lost.”
9 -"Neat trick, have to remember that next time I'm in a hell-hole universe."
10 -"Sorry, Sam, just picturing you over Vlad’s head brought on images of you in ballet tights and…yeah, sorry, I have too much imagination.”
11 - "Yes, justice, Delgado. See that’s behind most things I do now. In this case justice for those your fucking coloured coded Spacers have harmed- have murdered. It’s interesting really how far I got here without anyone realising who I really am... I wondered why no one noticed the SIN of my ship. Even Jess surprisingly. It was a gamble using it of course…But no one ever clocked that I was flying the Razorleaf."
12- “Until I knew for sure you felt the same way I did, I wasn’t sure how to really act around you. But now I know, expect more of this, Sam Coe.”
13 - “You know I would! I mean she called me darlin, you know that makes me melt.”
14 - "…He always said he was bad with words, yet he could say things that were like love poetry to me, that would dazzle me. He was so open with his feelings when he trusted you. Funny, absurd sometimes and he cared deeply and loved passionately. He was an amazing father and I-"
15 - "I've no idea. Being Starborn didn't exactly come with a manual."
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Just saw a post that says Elain and Lucien won’t be together because…
1. She loses her boldness around him and not with Az. (When? You mean when she was recovering from being thrown in the cauldron against her will and her fiancé leaving her?)
2. SJM also hasn’t set up anything romantic with them. (I would argue she hasn’t set up anything significant with Az either since they were both in love with other people for at least two books but ok)
3. The bonus chapter is irrelevant (then why even write it at all?) 4. Az and Elain are a unique couple…(you mean…3 bros and 3 sisters?)
5. Az doesn’t consider Gwyn a friend (Neither did Feyre and Rhys at first but ok…)
6. He saved Elain bc he wanted to, he saved Gwyn bc he was told to? (You think Az wouldn’t have stepped in anyways…Jesus) 7. Out of all the couples, only Eriel has consistent foreshadowing & an actual plot. Huh?????
I swear I try to ignore a lot of the tik tok “reasons” to why Eriel is sooo “obvious”. It’s like I didn’t even read the same book. Though I understand difference in interpretation and SJM hasn’t written the book yet…there are so many things that I feel like certain people just make up in order to force this to work for them. Out of all the reasons listed, the most bothersome to me is implying that Az only saved Gwyn bc he was told to and he saved Elain bc he wanted to. That comment was icky to me.
I think they're referring to SF when Lucien gives her his Solstice gift and Elain shrinks back into herself, "no trace of that newfound boldness to be found".
And Elain has been showing boldness as of late. When she stood up to Nesta. When she went to the Hewn City even though the cruelty bothers her. When she offered to find the Trove (which Az didn't believe in her ability to do).
But you know where else Elain hasn't been bold? Around Az.
Azriel offered her a small smile that Elain quickly looked away from. Cassian tucked away his puzzlement.
She extended the wrapped gift, her hand shaking. “Here”
as she said softly, "put it on me?"
She opened her eyes, hurt and confusing warring there before she whispered, "I'm sorry."
Does any of that read as the same girl who told Nesta she wasn't a child to be fought over? Does that sound like the girl who squared her shoulders and declared she'd do what was necessary for this court?
Elain shies away from Lucien but we don't know the exact reason. It could be that their bond and the draw to him scares her, it could be that she wants to be stubborn and refuse to get to know him because she hasn't fully gotten over what happened with Grayson. We do know she's avoided getting to know him at all possible costs though so her drawing away is not her drawing away because she doesn't like the person Lucien is. She doesn't even know Lucien well at this point.
But after a year of being in close proximity with Az, after being receptive towards conversation with him, she's awkward as hell around him (and he her). Nesta and Cassian had more meaningful conversations before their near first kiss than E/riel has had. We've seen them talk about gardening, that Az rubs his temples, whether flying is scary for Illyrians and how Elain can use TT because Az was sitting out of the war. I mean, that's the stuff love is built on right there 😂 Obviously her being made into an entirely new species isn't something they should have spoken of. Whether she's over Graysen, what she's going to do with her bond, how he feels after Mor's rejection, his feelings of self worth, etc. Why talk about those things when there is headache powder!?!
So yeah, I'm more worried about the status of Elain and Az's behavior around one another than I am around Elain and Lucien at this point. It's par for the course for an Archeron to refuse to get to know the male she'll end up with it at first, to push him away, to ignore him (are we forgetting how Nesta acted towards Cassian multiple times? Gave him a look then walked away as if he were nothing?) to tell him she hates him, and so on. But no FMC has ever spent a year getting to know an endgame MMC and still be in the awkward phase that E/riel are in.
2) Why does SJM need to set up anything romantic with Elucien? She started off Chaol's book where he was romantically coded with another female yet he still ended up with someone entirely new? And Chaol had met Yrene yet he still kissed Nesryn after that.
3) I think we all know the bonus chapter is relevant, just as Cassian's bonus chapter was relevant to the future of his story. It's basically a sneak peek at the direction SJM will be going. No you don't have to have the bonus chapter but it doesn't change the fact that those who do are getting an early glimpse into where she's heading with the series.
4) Az and Elain are a unique couple because they are a YA romance done by an author who doesn't write typical YA romance. Which should concern them.
SJM does not do couples who are shy and quiet with one another. She does couples who argue before getting together, where they talk about the real and the raw before getting together. Where they call out the other for their behaviors. The fact that E/riels say E/riel is in love yet we've never seen any of that heat from them, in my opinion, spells doom for E/riel. Az telling Elain she was a mistake? An endgame SJM couple would have had the female turn around and give the male a peace of her mind, not whisper "I'm sorry." 🤢
5) And neither did Rowan with his mate. He literally said, "we're not friends and I'm still training you". Which should be very concerning for anyone who doesn't ship Gwynriel because that has literally been their exact setup so far.
6) He saved Elain because he saw Cassian tell Nesta they would save Elain. Nesta told him it would be impossible for Cassian to retrieve her with his injuries and only after watching Nesta crying and hearing that Cassian couldn't go in did Azriel offer to save Elain. Sorry but that's not all that romantic to me considering Nesta and Cassian had an entire conversation before Az ever spoke up. And he KNEW Elain at that point yet he still wasn't the first to say something When he was ordered to Sangravah, he'd never even met Gwyn in his life. They don't realize how poorly their arguments stand up to actual scrutiny.
7) E/riel definitely has romantic hints. But so did Feyre and Lucien. So did Feyre and Tamlin. So did Azriel and Mor. So did Celeana and Dorian and Celeana and Chaol. Dorian and Sorscha. Chaol and Nesryn. So do Graysen and Elain.
And just as some of those romantic hints led to friendship only, just as some of those romantic hints led to a relationship, they all ended up ENDING. So to me it doesn't matter what romantic hints there may have been, it doesn't mean anything. E/riels have never shown me an argument that can't be easily dismissed by every other SJM book and what happened with those characters.
Does anyone honestly think she was going to make Elucien mates in book 2 and spend the next 2 books making it blatantly obvious to us that they were going to end up together? A good author would have created a "will they? won't they? situation and that's exactly what she's done. Created a rebound(ish) between Elain and Az to throw us off.
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wordieworld-woo · 11 months
If only I could save you
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Prompt: “I’m falling for you and it's scaring the shit out of me” 
This is an unedited one-shot set in my OC-Supernatural story. Some background, this is set at the end of Season 3. My character Abbie was raised into Hunting like the boys, and was raised by Bobby after her parents never returned. This is intended to be an eventual Destiel x Oc, but is subject to being changed.
Dean x Oc angst word count: 486
“Shit,” she mumbled glaring at her coffee that was now spilt across the table. After the day she was having it just made sense for yet another thing to fuck her over. It had only been a week since she left, bag in hand ready to start a normal life; away from the chaos that was Dean though this feeling of guilt and regret was drowning her to the point she couldn't breath. Abbie would have given anything for the deal she had made to become void, anything to get back on the road with the two brothers she had left behind, or help Sam one last time on his research. But she couldn't, all because Lilith had plans that she couldn’t interfere with. 
She remembered the night she left under the pretence of an old friend in need, and how they were ready to assist in any way possible. She remembered the dread as she hugged Sam for what would be the final time until Dean's death, and the heartache that came with saying goodbye to Dean. But it wasn't like last time, there was no way out of her contract that didn't end with her being the one to send the man she loved to Hell. In spite of everything she kept close, watching over the boys and getting frequent updates from Bobby. Abbie was forced to stand by and watch as his time ticked away, as the end of his final year got closer to the point she couldn't avoid that pit in her heart. 
It was, the night before he died when she saw him in person again, saw him sleeping peacefully through the night for once. She hadn't meant to end up there with the hell-hounds on his trails, she should have kept her distance. Abbie hadn't even noticed as she pulled up in front of Bobby's house where she was. Nor did she remember going in that room. Her heart sank at the sight of him, the knowledge of what would be waiting in hell made her sick. However she couldn't leave without saying something. 
She leant down to him “I fell for you so quickly and completely,” she sighed “loving you sunk up on me Dean,” She paused the last few months sticking with her, the guilt of being away catching her off guard. “Honestly it’s scaring the shit out of me,” 
“What happens to you in Hell… know you will survive it,” 
“I’m gonna get you out, I swear.” 
Pushing some hair from out his face she kissed his cheek, unlikely to see him again she left. Refusing to look back, knowing that if she did she wouldn't have the strength to walk away again. When she returned to her car; for the first time in six years she cried. Cried for all the missed opportunities, missed chances, and for the man she had never let herself love.
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
thinkin about heroes day bugbite
Catalyst's arms were bound behind her back by a string she couldn't break, no matter what she tried to use. She had to snap it with her hands, twist it until it tore, even attempted to bite it, but the string seemed to repair itself even before the damage was fully done. It was humiliating to know Gabriel was watching her struggle like a bunny in a bear trap, writhing as it considered gnawing a leg off just for a chance at survival. She wondered why Gabriel had even allowed for her to possibly get caught to begin with.
The massive figure in crimson pulled in the rope slowly, making it seem like Bugbite was dragging in a caught fish or a harpooned whale, a predator delighting in the ease of the catch, grinning through bloodied gums and yellow teeth. The blood in that case was one of Catalyst's few blows to Bugbite that was truly successful. But while kicking an opponent in the teeth would be enough to keel a man over... Bugbite was no mere man.
"You know the deal," Bugbite smiled, still towering over Catalyst even while kneeling down to get closer to her level. "So let's say we cut to the chase, hm?"
Catalyst tried to scoot away from Bugbite's grasp, but to no avail. She knew Hawkmoth could see and hear it all down to her own panicked breath, and yet nothing seemed to be coming for help! Not another akuma for reinforcement, not a swarm to be a distraction, not even Hawkmoth himself.
"You either tell me who you are, and I let you live. Or," they laughed, unholstering a knife from their belt. "I find out who you are anyways!"
Hawkmoth wasn't doing anything. He wasn't even speaking to Catalyst anymore. All these years, and Gabriel would just let her die?!
"You don't know that I'll detransform upon death!" Catalyst spat. "There'd be no reason to kill me, you'd gain nothing from it!"
The knife was raised, glinting in the harsh sunlight, and Bugbite smiled as if to answer that the killing was the reason in itself. Catalyst couldn't see the blade anymore, but she knew it was leveled diagonally above her head. One fell swoop, and she'd be dead in an instant at best. If Hawkmoth didn't care to save her now, would he care to save her if she was bleeding out from the head in a pile of rubble?
"You're right, I don't know!" Bugbite laughed. "...Do you?"
Pawltergiest had been busy doing his usual job of trying to evacuate the crowd; He was cataclysming the debris in the peoples' way and leading them into safe avenues and roads, all far enough away to both protect them from harm and from possibly seeing Bugbite 'strike' again. Something had felt off about this day, and he'd just assumed it was because he used to hate being a hero. But now, there was a tenuous balance between him and his partner, and people thought he was useful again. He was the 'good cop' to Bugbite's 'bad cop', in a way.
When he finally caught up to see how Bugbite was dealing with Catalyst..... Nathalie Sancoeur was being carried away, a crude letter "B" carved into the side of her stomach.
"And let that serve as a lesson to your employer," the bug had barked to Nathalie, "That the longer he tries to hide, the more of you will crawl back to him branded!"
Bugbite turned around, finding Pawltergiest entirely still and entirely silent.
"Well, another day's work," she had said, picking up her partner and letting him sit on one of her shoulders as per the usual routine. "How did it go for you, kitty-cat? You hurt at all? -Hell, what am I saying, you probably did great—"
"Claudia, I know her."
"Hm? The uh- Nathalie Sancoeur person? ...I mean, that's good that you recognize her, I suppose."
"No. I know her. She's my dad's secretary."
Bugbite stopped in her tracks. She'd tried hard over the past few days to close off her own emotions to make herself less susceptible; Claudia already had trouble even giving names to her feelings, so she had taken to it quite well.
But she knew what guilt felt like. Regret.
"Ah, look," Bugbite said, scooping Pawltergiest off her shoulder and holding him up. "You know I don't really mean it, kit. They get healed too in the end, y'know. And I, I just get a bit carried away here and there, it wasn't a personal thing."
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halowritesthings · 4 months
i love learning about things a week late through youtube recommendations from random channels i've never seen before
(bad grammar and typos cause i'm shooting my shot as fast as possible so I can get back to Important Adult Stuff(TM))
i suppose i can't really gripe because i'm still largely logged out and wouldn't have heard otherwise so maybe I should take it for what it is
i know i'm a random person who writes as a hobby so I don't necessarily "owe" anything to people online, but y'all have been so sweet to me and I feel it would be unfair to keep dropping off the face of the planet like I have been, plus, I have been stewing over quite a bit of my thoughts these past few months and making a large "get all my thoughts out in a word vomit" post is a good way to A.) sort out my shit and B.) to procrastinate homework
college is BEATING MY ASS and i'm not even at the harder junior/senior year type stuff so even if my writer's block wasn't the worst it's ever been I highly doubt I would be writing anything anyway. i cannot say for certain when I'll be able to get back (it seems the universe is tailored specifically to punch me in the face whenever I have the slightest inclination to do so) but i will say it is always on my mind. i don't ever want to give up writing fully because of how many good things it's brought me but i want to be mature and say that it has taken a backseat in my life.
i still don't regret the things I've created and i will always be thankful for the experiences I've had + the friends I've made (even if we haven't talked in a while :') sorry guys) BUT this situation has just become the nail in the coffin for me in terms of what i want to do with my ds/mp and other adjacent fics. i can't say for certain what I'll go through and orphan/keep or just outright delete (WIPS/unfinished series will probably get deleted is what I've decided so far) so this is a BIG WARNING sign right here and now: if there are any ds/mp fics of mine you are fond of, please go and save them now. even if you think the one you really love is "safe" it's better to be cautious and have it yourself than hope for the best outcome.
now's a good time to mention that i have been feeling similar feelings toward my fl0wer husb4nds fics (gonna come out and be honest: i don't particularly care for sc0tt anymore, sorry) so if you like those you should also search them out. i think a hard majority if not all of them will be orphaned, so they'll still be up, but it never hurts to be able to read something while offline anyway
however, due to the aforementioned Important Adult Stuff(TM), i won't be able to get to the whole Properly deleting/orphaning process for a hot minute. that does not mean you should put off saving my fics because my brain could decide one night that i HAVE to do it IMMEDIATELY, but i can promise that it's not happening tonight (might hold off for at least a week just to give people time to see this post).
TSALP, my pride and joy, is perfectly safe and fine. when i think about whenever ill be able to write again, this series is the First thing to pop up in my mind. i have so many things i want to do with that series (and h3rmitcr4ft as a whole) that make me smile despite all that has happened surrounding mc/yt. someone will need to threaten me with death to make me even consider giving that up. hell, even taking a step back, i can say that i will never fully let go of mc/yt. i straight-up have tickets to go see tommy's america show later this month (send my dad well wishes as he's the one taking me LMAO) .
remember to drink water, take breaks, tell your friends you love them etc. I'm terrible at giving advice since I'm a bonafide mess of a person, but i will say that the best thing you can do for each other is support one another. i've always been a bigger fan of giving support to those who are hurt than trying to go and cause more pain to the people that you can argue "deserve" it. the people you care about are going to be with you much longer than the assholes, so be sure to put more energy into focusing on them than the ones that don't even deserve your scorn.
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caitlynnrosespn · 10 months
Another Rant. More Like A Response.
So I was going to make a video about this because I have a lot to say. But I realized that the stutter I thought I had gotten rid of Freshman years comes out heavily if I'm pissed, which I currently am, so I'll just save use the headache and type this out.
Also tagging @apexious cuz they wanted to see this.
Look. I could totally tag people. I could name names. But I'm not going to. Because at this point everyone has probably either seen this post or knows who this person is. And goddamn do I have a lot to say about them.
Number 1: If you're gonna call me out call me out bestie. Coming after me for a post I made expressing discomfort at a NSFW self ship is fine and all, but then you go ahead and say stuff like "adult people can have adult thoughts about other adults" when my post was referring to a fanfic written by a KID? Get your facts straight before you say anything that's public. Here's the thing, was my post in poor taste? Quite possibly. Was there an adult way to handle it and get the results you wanted? Oh yeah. Did you do the adult thing? Nope! Instead of either A. taking it to a private message and explaining what was wrong or B. making a respectful post that highlighted what was wrong in a mature way, you made a disrespectful, arrogant, self righteous post bashing an entire fanbase despite the fact that only a few people were at large. So now, instead of placing the responsibility of accountable parties, which I would have been included in, and allowing to own up and apologize, you have now not only included yourself into the problem, but also blown the problem wayyyy out of proportion. May I remind you that we are a fairly tiny fandom based on a video game directed at children? I've been playing since 2012, so believe me when I say these games have come a long way. Hell, these characters now in fanfics didn't have names until The Traveler season happened. Remember the days of referring to characters as "the coach from One Kiss" or "Jessy's guy in Swish Swish" or "P1 in Lean On"? Yeah, that was surprisingly not that long ago. So it is responsible to believe that the concept of NSFW or self shipping in a fandom is relatively new to us. Shit, we are not going to act like a normal fandom! This fandom is very different then others, so if we make a mistake like bagging on things that are all normal in other fandoms, then be fucking patient! Call it out in a respectable way, and let us fix it! We always do!
Next, the other problems you discussed? Are they currently in the room with us? I have not seen these problems like, at all. There is no mass shitting on people who have comfort characters. People who fetishsize and disrespect characters? Hell yeah (we took care of people like youngjackissohot and others), but not genuine comfort/kinny characters. The vast majority of us have a comfort character and that's why we are in this fucking community in the first place! Maybe i'm just blind as a bat, but I have not seen anyone tear apart anyone watching maps on Youtube. Bitch, most of us don't have a Switch so those maps on Youtube are our saving grace to stay in this community. Is this happening on another site, like Reddit or Twitter? Cuz if so maybe you should have gone and bitched to them instead of complain on here.
And you don't think we should benefit from your presence in this community? Ok Jesus, sorry you're leaving! Seriously though, while I appreciate everyone in this community and think you make an impact no matter how big it is, this is a classic case of "someone got a little too big for their britches". Sure, we hate to see you go. But like you said, you haven't been active since Lover Coaster (which you couldn't even remember the name of btw-how in the absolute fuck are you going to get involved with Fandom matters if you can't even name the last season you remember?) and we all survived without you. So don't pretend all of a sudden you're some hotshot celebrity whose mere absence in this community will affect anything. I have a few good fics that I am updating frequently that I know people will enjoy, and I've active for a good while, but I know if I fell of the face of the earth right now my absence in the fandom won't cause any major issues. Get a reality check.
Lastly, you're dealing with a fandom here. A group of humans who are all flawed and all make mistakes and all have their moments. If you're not happy with the ugly sides of that, then I'm sorry but you don't deserve to benefit from the many good sides. We are by far the least problematic fandom I have so far heard of. For the most part, we are kind to each other and care for each other and we love each other. If we make mistakes we make sure to fix them and then we carry on. If you have a problem with us not always getting along and us sometimes having our moments then don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I'm sorry you have to see this side of me, but come after this family and call us nothing more than a group of fucking assholes and see what happens next bitch. Cuz next time I won't hesitate to nane names.
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oexen · 17 days
cw hoarding + mentions of animal and child neglect
is it really gonna take me telling my mother its extremely concerning to have PILES of cat waste just. around. in the house
like i know shes going to flip the fuck out at me in some way or another, be very angry or sad or hurt or some secret other option and like. she misgenders and deadnames me as if i never shared the info with her, the crux of our relationship is financial and thats even pretty minimal. like yeah maybe its sincerely not my problem and i KNOW you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, but i dont want to inherit a cat piss soaked infested brick.... thing. no fucking way dude. that shit realistically probably has to be gutted ngl, its fucking awful. shes a hoarder and never really touched my old bedroom so i have some stuff there, stuff id actually like to take even, but the smell is literally pervasive to the point that books smell like it on the fucking inside.
like shes actually at the point her neckbeard nest doesnt register as a problem to her. even with... another person who is not me having to actually go inside of the house??? i like cannot fathom whats going on inside that god forsaken head of hers, she asked me why i was wearing a mask inside and turned around and walked away before i could even say anything, lmfao.
i couldnt spend more than one night in her house and had a mask on the whole time because it fucking blew so hard to be in there. this fucking idiot got 3 huge WORKING dogs (pyrenees and a burmese mtn dog) because its "in her life plan" (news to me lmao!) and tldr she impulse bought them because theyre cute. shes never fucking home, works 9-5 and theyre crated a lot of the time and its fucking horrible to see, i freaked the absolute fuck out on her when i first heard that she had new puppies like what 2 years ago? fucking neglecting the elderly dogs she already had in favor of getting these for some fucking reason, "no more dogs after this one dies" turns into 3 giant stupid fucking untrained, neglected mistakes. the singular saving grace is that they have a big yard to run around in, but that doesn't do a hell of a lot of good when it's hot and this idiot refuses to walk them when shes home anyway. couldn't possibly be because theyre untrained and will drag her stupid ass down the street fr. i think im going to literallt snail mail the next door neighbor or maybe even both of them because like.... what the actual fuck is she doing with these dogs. GET HELP.
ive been telling this absolute knob for YEARS she needs to chill out and do something else (like 3 of her closest blood relatives died in the past several years, 2 of which she was literally caretaking, and she still volunteers at a fucking hospice and has NEVER SOUGHT BEREAVEMENT COUNSELING, LET ALONE COUNSELING IN GENERAL), she keeps saying shes fucking fine and we have LITERALLY had the exchange where she says it to my face and i gesture around and say CLEARLY!!!!!
Anyway. the dogs. shes going to get worse and i know it and im just so disgusted by the prospect of having to like lay it all out probably because no one else will, and i guess i care because its literally affecting me, i sat and wrote all this because im cleaning stuff i took from her house like books and SEALED ITEMS THAT ALSO SMELL LIKE CAT PISS ON THE INSIDE OF THE PACKAGING????????? and got triggered. but whatever. this woman treated me like shit and neglected me for my entire childhood and turns it around and goes WHATDIEVERDOTOYOU if i so much as refuse a hug even this far down the line, its been nearly 10 years since ive lived with her, and like. holy fuck. and she doesnt have a single fucking clue lol like idk its also just like pathetic and sad to see a person go through this, even though she gives me mmmm essentially nothing but feelings of disgust when i really think about it. its just fucked and everyones dying or doesnt care or doesnt feel like they can say anything and im like. idk. i could literally bring this up to lots of people she knows, i could find a damn way, but like yaknow..... it fucking sucks so hard to have to do all this bc this woman is literally severely mentally ill and needs a fucking hand but it sure as shit isnt going to be mine, at least not physically. god.
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swagexpertsong · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Zestial X Alastor's Ancestor Female Reader {Part Two}
{POV. 3 Person}
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Louisiana. (Y/N) was currently in her radio studio making another broadcast.
"It's time for some news, my dear listeners! Last night, another attack by our famous murderer "Bloody Rose" took place. The victim was a twenty-year-old man who allegedly intended to rape one of the women that same day. The victim of this man wanted to remain anonymous, but passed on I was informed by letter that "Bloody Rose" is her heroine. I don't know about you, dear viewers, but in my opinion, the murderess is making much better progress than the police. While it would take them months to find the culprit, she did it in one evening. But enough about "Bloody Rose." - (Y/N) said, smiling evilly. She liked to compliment herself sometimes, but sometimes she had to hold back so that the police wouldn't get suspicious. For now, this little comment won't threaten her because it's a woman saying it compassionate woman.
She has been doing this for several years and so far there has been nothing stopping her from continuing it. Except maybe her career as a radio presenter, which she liked very much. But no one said you can't do both at once.
So far, she has killed about a hundred people and, as always, she hid the bodies in the forest near her old school, which had been closed for over a year. Before committing a crime, she prepared herself for a long time so as not to get tired later. Overall, her crimes were almost perfect.
However, (Y/N) sometimes felt like her end was near. Not because anyone was watching her or anything. She just felt like she was getting closer to her death every day. She shrugged it off at first, but only after nightmares about death began to haunt her did she become more vigilant.
She was not afraid of death. She had long ago come to terms with the fact that one day her time would come. Of course she wouldn't go to Heaven because she killed a lot of people. And the fact that they were evil and cruel people themselves did not justify it. This Hell would be waiting with its doors open to gain another member.
(Y/N) sometimes imagined how she might die. Be it a drunk driver or a heart attack. There were many options. But she could never have guessed that she would die just like her ancestor.
After finishing work, she said goodbye to her co-workers. A few tried to go out on a date with her, but she always turned them down. She wasn't aromantic or asexual, in fact she was Bisexual, but leaned more towards men. Although she liked seeing pretty women.
While walking, she decided to go through the forest, the path of which led to her small cottage on the outskirts of the city. The sun was slightly warm, the wind was playing with the leaves, and animals were running around the meadows.
Suddenly, terrible pain shot through her body. She fell to the ground and grabbed her waist, from which crimson blood flowed.
"Shit!" - (Y/N) cursed under her breath. She was shot and there was a bullet in her body. To go to the nearest hospital she would have to turn around, or she could go home that was closer and patch herself up. She wasn't a doctor, but she could remove the bullet. She started getting up slowly so as not to make her situation worse. - "Ugh! I-I have to as soon as possible-"
She didn't finish the sentence because something interrupted her again. It was also a bullet, but this time it hit her in the head. She fell to the ground and her ears began to ring unbearably. She put her hand on her head and when she took it off she also saw blood.
After a while, her vision began to blur. She knew her time had come and there was no saving her now. She was not as desperate as her victims, who begged God for help. Unlike them, she has already come to terms with her fate. The last thing she thought before she let out her last exhale was.
"You better get ready Hell, because you're not ready for what awaits you. Welcome new arrival (Y/N) Hartfelt."
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