#if anyone knows how to make it bigger pleaseee tell me
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movie night !
still image under the cut:
( sorry the quality is so low. i didn't realise that it would be impossible to scale up :< )
some details:
#lulla's art#digital art#marina ida#pearl houzuki#marina splatoon#pearl splatoon#splatoon fanart#splatoon art#splatoon 3#acht splatoon#acht mizuta#acht dedf1sh#dedf1sh#side order#gif#pixel art#isometric#woke up one morning and decided yeah today seems like a good time to learn pixel art#if anyone knows how to make it bigger pleaseee tell me#agent 8#all the art on the world is real and made by nintendo#i hope people recognise them!#splatoon
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literally this is js abt how Choso would more than likely act if he was Y/N's bf/husband.
Choso's personality: calm, chill, doesn't like attention nor does he crave it, likes to be more in the shadows, clingy, honestly inlove with you & refuses to notice any other woman thats not you.
hes a homebody
fempoc reader x choso
Scenario #1:
Out of you two, you were the one that was outgoing, extroverted & loved being the center of attention around crowds of people. You were always the spotlight in any circumstance, whether you liked it or not (which you always did.)
Choso on the other hand simply hated it, he hated the thought of having all eyes on him or being around more than 2-3 people, or people in general. Anyone who wasn't you simply didn't have his attention, nor did he want to indulge in any conversation with them.
Anytime you two went to a party it was strictly him following you around like a lost puppy, & you jumping from place to place to at least have a small conversation with almost everyone at the large gatherings.
So today when you mentioned you two having to attend a party with more people than the last, he was truly sick to his stomach as much as he wanted to vomit he held it in.
His stomach churned as he wanted to curl into a ball, all he wanted to do was stay home with you, only you.
"Choso comeee onnn!! lets see the light in this one thing!" you encouraged as you tugged on his arm, he wouldnt budge, not even a little. He slouched into the couch beneath him, manspreading in a desperate attempt to make you change your mind without actually telling you to change your decision.
"So stubborn," you blurted out as he huffed and puffed, you two were truthfully opposites. Moving closer to him, relaxing into the couch you begged and pleaded, clasping your hands together while doing so.
"Just this one time, baby, pleaseee.." you whispered into his ear, sending a slight shiver down his spine as the small hairs on his neck rose. the word 'baby' did something to him, made him feel some type of way that he'd never felt before, made him want to beg to be called 'baby,'
Made him act out.
"I don't want to." Chosos rough voice echoed throughout the house, spooking you as you almost forgot the sound of his voice. Despite that, this only made you frustrated, now thinking of it though, you two go out almost all of the time? maybe you could stay in the house this one time.
"Okayyy fine!!" Choso was more than relieved at this point he took this moment as a miracle, in the blink of an eye he swiftly pulled you closer, you sat in between his spread legs as he wrapped his arms around your waist, snuggling into your bare shoulder, although his actions took you by surprise, you were satisfied.
Maybe staying at home wasn't too bad.
Scenario #2
You had your phone turned off for a few hours, all you wanted was to finally get sleep, even if it was just for a little over 4 hours, you barely slept yesterday or the day before that. Your body was starting to feel like you were floating, as if you were naturally high.
Choso had been blowing up your phone for the past few hours, naturally you didn't know that, you felt at peace until..
My door swung open aggressively as it hit the wall behind it, my red, lowlided eyes shot openas I jerked awake immediately.
"fuck.." I whined to myself as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, barely processing that someone was towering over my figure from behind. The second I noticed the bigger shadow that ate mine up alive, I stiffened.
I barely could force any words out of my mouth, I couldn't even pry my lips apart. I soon felt a strong hand putting its entire weight on my shoulder, I swallowed the lump in my throat as my legs went limp. Was he going to kill me? were they even a he?
"I called you 79 times, facetimed you 20, and texted you at least 60, i even went as far as to check your social media account for any activity. I thought you were DEAD." Choso tightened his grip on my shoulder as despite the situation I was in, I felt relieved that I wasn't near death.
Until I took a moment of realization, that's not normal.
"m-my phone was turned off.." I stuttered as I tried to finally form an actual sentence, It was like I had to remember how to speak. Choso loosened his grip on my shoulder and eventually his hand dropped. At that point I hadn't realized that I had been holding my breath the entire time until I let out a loud sigh.
Soon Choso grasped onto the fact that he probably looked like a psychopath right now, especially after saying his actions outloud in the open which allowed him to register everything. Understanding how bad this situation might've seemed.
"O-oh well um, I realized that I might've acted out." He lowly said as he directed his attention elsewhere, to the floor beneath him clearly disappointed in himself. I shifted around as I turned to face him, the vulnerability was clear.
This side of Choso was a rare sight. I let out another sigh, this time a little louder than the last.
"Choso, I don't blame you, I completely understand, my love." I stood on my toes as I cupped the side of Chosos face in my hand, gently grazing my lips onto his. Completely unfazed by him acting like a literal crazy person.
Scenario #3
You had been crying silently for a good hour and a half now, not because something major happened to make you completely bawl your eyes out but because you felt like you needed this.
During your crying session your phone began to vibrate from under your curled up position, lazily searching for your phone as it rung back to back, assuming it wouldn't stop until you decided to answer you finally found it, the caller ID flashed the screen as it was Choso.
Your face instantly lit up, but he couldn't see you like this, in such a spot, such a negative position. Using the little bit of power that you had left, you wiped away your excess tears, leaving your face slightly damp but that was fine.
You repeatedly rubbed your puffy red eyes, trying to get rid of as much evidence of you crying as possible. Once you were fully sure that he wouldn't notice you answered the phone, plastering a gentle smile on your face.
"Hii my heart, hows the trip?" your voice slightly cracked, not enough for it to be too obvious but you naturally noticed it. You tilted the phone up to face you as you noticed how alarmed he seemed.
"Have you been crying? whats going on?!" he was extremely concerned, and more importantly confused, what had happened during the few hours that he had been gone?
"N-no, I mean no I haven't!" you quickly resorted to calming him down, he was usually a calm person until it came to you, until something involved you.
"I'm coming over, the plane is delayed regardless." before you could stop him and beg for him to go on the trip he had been waiting for, he hung up. With barely enough energy to rapidly type your phone slipped out of your loose grip, you fell back onto the bed as you stared at the ceiling.
A little over thirty minutes passed until you heard the sound of the front door unlocking and forcefully shutting. Your room was upstairs and one of the first rooms that you encountered once you started walking down the long hallway.
Before you knew it Choso came barging in, with chocolates in one hand and your favorite flowers in the other.
"Sorry I took too long, I just needed to make a few stops." he said it like it was a normal thing, a normal thing for him to leave the airport, he'd been boasting about the trip for 2 months straight, even when you dreaded hearing about it you still listened to every detail.
"Choso I said im fi-" just when you thought the chocolates and bouquet were the only thing he'd brought, he had also bought a small brown teddybear, you stared in awe as he brought it to the side of the bed you were on.
"You were clearly crying, i wasn't born yesterday." his tone was stern, as he wasn't taking no or anything of that nature for an answer.
You were his first priority before anything.
He began to open the box of chocolates as he gently grabbed you, wrapping one arm around your waist as he held you close, he shifted his figure on the bed just so you were comfortable, the back of your head rested against his solid chest.
"Open." he commanded as you opened your mouth slowly, he stuffed a small piece of chocolate into your mouth, you soon chewed on the little bit of white chocolate.
"What about your trip?" you asked with a hint of concern in your tone, about something he completely disregarded, completely forgot about all for your wellbeing.
"I mean, fuck it."
He said with a slight shrug, resuming to feeding you more of the delicious chocolate.
ugh i love choso // I own none of the artwork used, credits to the artists of any piece of art used.

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*Throws golden coin at you like you are a wishing well and I’m a poor country girl waiting for a miracle* Tell us more of your Valenwind thoughts/headcanons PLEASEEE I’m begging you!
OK but remember, you asked for it. *cracks knuckles*
Physical Stuff: -vincent is half chinese or whatever the FF equivalent is. nothing is ever mentioned about his mother so no one can prove he isn't. (just let me have this one SE) -vincent's cloak/cape and headband are not fabric, they are some kind of organic extension of himself, that he has control over. though sometimes the cloak just does things and vincent is unconscious of it, like a cat twitching its tail -because of his circulation issues, due to his heart being replaced with protomateria, vincent has severe orthostatic hypotension (stand-up dizzies). cid is used to just catching him as he pitches over and moving on, without remarking on it -vincent is a mass of scars and mutilations (replaced parts, missing organs, etc.) which is why he covers his body entirely from the neck down with all that leather armor and gloves. -cid is a huge fan of vincent's monster hand because it has claws and he loves back scratches
Sexy stuff below the cut. And more, I got a little carried away.
Sexy Stuff: -vincent is anxious bordering on panicked to show cid his body, at first, because he thinks it's hideous and repulsive, and honestly there's just a lot of shame associated with being the victim of torture and systematic medical abuse -what vincent does not know is how much cid loves scars. like he fucking LOVES them (to the point where it's almost a scar fetish) -the first time they sleep together, cid slowly undresses vincent, little by little, touches and kisses all his scars, sincerely and fervently adores all the parts of him he thinks are ugly and horrifying, and makes him feel beautiful for the first time in his life -when cid sees vincent completely naked, he tears up because he's so beautiful to him, and he can't believe he got this lucky
-HC adopted from @getvalentined: vincent's already impressive dick was lost or removed during hojo's butchering of his body, but much to hojo's chagrin, it grew back even bigger (my own addition is some slightly monstrous characteristics) -cid is well above average in the dick department (note to self, change ask box title to dick department) but he can't help comparing himself to vincent and feeling a little intimidated
-vincent is a temperate and reserved person, but because of something to do with his chaos-induced fuckery, ever so often he goes fucking FERAL (almost like he's in heat), and cid is the lucky beneficiary of this. he winds up with bite wounds and claw scratches all over his body, over which vincent agonizes, while cid calls them battle scars and proudly flaunts them
Because reasons: -sometimes vincent pulls his hair up into a ponytail, removes the cape and headband, and just wears ripped up black jeans and a faded old black tank top. no one has ever seen him like this, aside from cid, because he has never been able to keep this ensemble on his person long enough to leave the house in it
Family Stuff (I don't usually do kids in fic, but i think these two would be cute with one) -shera is the bro of all time and is their surrogate when they have a baby -projected rendering of what the baby will look like, created by the friend group:

-cid and vincent did that thing where they mixed the sperm donations because they didn't want to know who would 'really be the father' cloud: [looking at their black-haired, crimson-eyed baby] uh…
-their daughter is named olivia. vincent calls her olivia. that is her name. -cid settles firmly and immovably on ollie, which everyone else winds up calling her too
-causing several people to lose egregious sums of money in the group betting pool, ollie's first word is not 'fuck'. that is her second word. her first word is papa. well it was 'bapa' but cid insists that counts
-baby ollie doesn't like anyone besides her daddies but cloud, and sticks herself to him like a little leech whenever he's around cid: hey ollie, who am i [points to self] ollie: bapa cid: who's that [points to vincent] ollie: dada cid: who's that [points to cloud] ollie: mama cid: no--
-sephiroth is vincent's biological child and he has just learned from cloud that he has a little half sister sephiroth: [appears, looks down at the crimson-eyed toddler with deep disdain] i'm still the oldest, so don't get any ideas about taking my place. i'll always be the pinnacle of our genetic-- ollie: gege sephiroth: [kneeling in front of the play swing] here is your juice box, is there anything else you want, my princess? say the word and gege will get it for you. is there anywhere you want to go? anyone you want killed? no? well, you can hardly have enemies at your age, but when you acquire some, come to gege and he'll take care of them for you.
-late one night sephiroth: [appears standing over cid and vincent's bed] cid and vincent: GAAAH! sephiroth: my sister has been crying for twelve seconds, unanswered. DO YOU WANT HER TO HAVE NEGLECT TRAUMA? cid: [grumbling as he clambers out of bed] neglect trauma i'm aboutta have sephiroth jump scarin me in my goddamn house trauma vincent: ….sister?
-they put both surnames on her birth certificate, to give ollie a choice whose surname she wants to use -one day, when she's older, she comes home with her newly printed ID documents reading "Olivia Valenwind" -both dads come down with a sudden case of chopping onions
**i just realized some people might not know that "gege" (pronounced like guh-guh) is mandarin affectionate for "big brother"
@a-schrodingers-fox I hope that was worth your gold coin! NO REFUNDS!
#ff7#valenwind#vincent valentine#cid highwind#cloud strife#sephiroth#ff7 vincent#final fantasy 7#ff7 rebirth#ff7 remake#head canons#for funsies#kid stuff#shera is a bro#this is so cutesy i made myself a little nauseous
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hii :)
could you do a drabble where the reader and yoongi were in an arranged marriage for a while. She thought that Yoongi cheated on her so she asked for a divorce. Yoongi as a cold husband pleaseee !! So Yoongi gives her a rough + angry sex ?? to prove he's not cheating? hehehhe
love all your writings btw, you have so much ideas to be posting lots in a day !!! :)
thank youu !
damn this turned out bigger than normal cuz-- plot... and i didn't want to write a pt2 so i'm just putting it under the cut and let's just still pretend it's a "drabble"
You didn’t remember much from that night. Just some general feelings, like how annoyed and lonely you were. How you needed your husband but he wasn’t there. When you woke up the next morning, head throbbing from your hangover, Yoongi was missing from your shared bed. And even though you didn’t want to assume things, when you noticed multiple hickeys on his neck later that day, you had no choice but to think of the only logical conclusion: your husband was cheating on you.
It hurt. Sure, your marriage had been arranged, so perhaps he didn’t really want to be with you. But somewhere in the process of it all, you had fallen for him. He was always serious and keeping his guard up around you, but there were moments that you thought deep down he was actually a nice guy. And that he cared for you. I guess you were wrong. Who would ever do such a thing to someone they care about even the slightest?
At first, you thought you could put it past you. This was more of a contract than a marriage anyway, from the beginning. But it hurt you every time you saw him, every time he did a tiny, little nice thing for you, like cooking you breakfast or texting you to let you know he would be home late. As if you two were actually a couple. It hurt you so much you needed to put an end to it.
“I want a divorce.” You didn’t wait for the right time or something like that, just blurted it out one evening right after you had gotten done eating in mostly silence.
Yoongi was still in control over his facial expressions, yet barely. A tiny frown, a tiny widening of his eyes gave his shock away. “What? Why?”
You took a deep breath, looking away to be able to keep your composure; looking at him made your knees too weak. “I agreed on this marriage. I agreed to try and make it work even though I knew it would be hard,” you explained. “But I will not tolerate cheating. I want a divorce.”
“Cheating?” His voice was low, truly confused. “What are you talking about?”
“I know, Yoongi. You don’t need to pretend.”
“What? I never-”
“I saw the hickeys you had all over you last Sunday.” The sentence shut him up, blank face taking its place over his shocked expression and you couldn’t read him. You gulped. “Or are you gonna claim those were mosquito bites?”
And then Yoongi laughed. Sound so contrasting to his usual attitude, sending chills down your spine. It didn’t last long, however, face serious again as he stared at you intensely. “Are you serious right now?” he barked, and you were starting to feel a bit scared. He took a step towards you. “You really don’t know who gave me those hickeys?”
You frowned, taken aback by his answer. “How would I- What does it matter?”
Yoongi chuckled again, reaching you across the kitchen until he was just a breath away. Looking down at you with dark eyes. “You were so fucking wasted that night, I guess I need to refresh your memory,” he whispered. And before you could even react, he lifted you up, legs straddling his waist as you yelped, arms snaking around his shoulders awkwardly as you were trying not to fall while he carried you to your bedroom.
“See?” he said, dropping you on the bed sideways. And his body loomed over yours. “This is where you laid while you were begging me to fuck you dumb. Do you not remember?” You gasped at his words, squirming in order to escape. But his hands were on your waist, pinning you down, and suddenly you knew the feeling wasn’t unfamiliar. This had happened before. “Now what?” Yoongi growled into your ear. “You want to divorce me because you were sucking my neck and I was too weak to pull you away too fast? I did. It was so fucking hard but I pulled away and left because... I told you many times that if this was gonna happen, it should happen the right way. Not when you are black-out drunk. But you were crying and telling me how badly you wanted me. I had to jerk off alone because of how hard you got me with your begging. Was that all the alcohol talking? You didn’t even look at me the next morning.”
You had never heard him talk so much. And your face was burning as that night got clearer in your memories. As the realization that Yoongi wanted you as much as you wanted him settled in. “Yoongs, I-”
“No, shh…” He placed a finger over your lips. “You really have the audacity to think I’m cheating on you when all I’ve been doing is falling for you? Trying to turn this marriage into something actually nice? I’ve been trying to fuck you for so long, you really think I give a shit about fucking anyone else?”
The way his words affected you was surely clear to him as well. Your legs tried to close, yet only resulted in caging him against your hip harder, pushing him down until you could feel his hard dick through his pants. “I- I didn’t know, I…”
Yoongi ground down on you harder, breath unsteady and hot over your lips. “Tell me now, once and for all,” he whispered while his hands started roaming over your body, not even touching you anywhere specifically yet making you gasped with every graze. Distance between you so short it was intoxicating your brain. “Tell me if you want me to stop right now, and I won’t bother you again. Otherwise, I will not stop even if you’re begging me later.” His voice was so coarse you could tell his brain was rotten with want as well. Staring at your lips, waiting for the green light to devour them, probably barely registering anything else.
“Yoongi,” you whined. “Need you… Don’t stop…”
His mouth on yours was such a relief, lips and tongue soft as they played against yours. It didn’t last long before he was groaning, backing off to pull your shirt over your head aggressively, discarding his as well, and grabbing you by the waist to push you further up the bed. His skin was hot on yours, his mouth instantly back on your neck, giving you the treatment you had given him that forgotten night. And his roaming hands found your pants to pull them down while you were distracted. One slipping in your underwear to steal a touch of your center.
“Fuck,” he choked. And then he grabbed a fistful of your hair to turn your head to look at him. “What a nice, wet pussy. And you really thought I’d wanna fuck anyone else’s?” He looked mad when he pulled your clothes completely off you, getting naked as well. Hand wrapped around his thick member, allowing you only one glance before he was over you again, tip brushing against your entrance. “Let me show you, baby,” he rasped, and you were mewling under him. “This pretty pussy is mine, this is the one I want.”
“Yoon…” Your whine was interrupted when he pushed into you, not giving you any room to get used to his dick. His lips were on yours again, hand on your hair pulling it harshly as he started thrusting into you right away. You felt euphoric, your husband finally fucking you hard after all this time of suffering the sexual tension alone. And your fingers scratched his back while moans escaped into his bruising kiss.
Yoongi gave you a few very deep thrusts, hitting your cervix and making you cry before he pulled away again. “Feel that, baby?” he groaned. “Feel how well I’m fucking you- that’ll shut you up, won’t it?” He pulled out, grabbing your hips and flipping you around with no warning. He grabbed you by the ankles to drag you closer to him, and then slapped your ass hard.
“Ah, Yoongi!” You raised your ass higher, on your knees while your face was buried in the sheets.
“That’s right, baby,” he said in a low voice. And he spanked you again. “Scream my name.” Another spank, softer than the others, while he stroked and kneaded your ass. “Scream your husband's name to let everyone know who’s fucking you so hard.” And he buried his cock deep inside you again. “Scream my name to remind yourself that you have me, baby.”
You were a panting mess. Your orgasm building inside you so wildly that you felt like you were about to combust instead of cum. And you dared sneak a hand down to rub your clit while you were moaning his name like a prayer. “Oh, Yoongi, please… Fuck, please…”
He smacked your hand away when he noticed, growling and grabbing your hair to pull it until your back was arched, mouth coming right next to your ear to whisper dangerously. “If you’re gonna cum, you’ll cum because of my cock inside you. Got it?”
You were nodding immediately. Although you were probably gonna cum because of his deep voice and harsh dirty words. “I’m gonna…”
“Good girl,” he growled, diving his teeth in the side of your neck. And it was what did it for you, shouting out while your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your vision turned black, pussy pulsing frantically around him.
“Shit,” he gasped, hips faltering. Then he let go of your hair only to grab your neck from the front, still pulling you back to have his face buried in your nape. “Gonna let me paint those pussy walls white with my cum, baby?” And you were moaning again at that, feeling like you were gonna cum again before you even came down from your previous high. Yoongi smacked your ass abruptly, making you yelp and give him the permission he needed. And he hummed, satisfied, his hips finding the rhythm he needed to finish. “My lovely wife,” he whispered sweetly even though his actions were anything but that. “Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you good all the time. Just so you know I don’t even have the fucking time to be seeing anyone else.” And then he spilled into you for the very first time.
#bts#bangtan#min yoongi#request#yoongi#suga#drabble#smut#arranged marriage au#yoongi drabble#yoongi smut#bts drabble#bts smut#suga drabble#suga smut#yoongi x reader#yoongi x you#suga x reader#suga x you
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Hey idk if I’ve asked for this before but can you do nsfw Bakugo x fem reader fic, where you do work studies with him. He’s obviously going to be a little older 3-6 years, and you two have know each other since you were kids and he’s always just been a little nicer to you and cared about you more than others, and when you are working with him you get hurt and he flips out. You’re really confused and your like “wtf why do you care this isn’t affecting your job” and he gets mad your not getting the hint that he cares about you in a “not friendly” way, he ends up tch’ing and just says frick it and confesses that he has feelings for you and you’re just like cool I reciprocate and he’s like “with”... it just gets frisky from there... Idk if this is like a thing you might be interested in writing about, but like it just an idea😃... Anyways I love your work please keep it up🥺(sorry for any grammatical errors I’m writing this at 2:30am)
What Took So Long? - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugo x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, f!receiving, mutual pining, angst, injury, fluff, cursing, all the good stuff
Summary: you and Katsuki have been close friends for forever, how long is it gonna take to realize both your love is mutual?
Growing up, you and Katsuki got along really well. You knew him before he got his quirk so you got to see his non-egotistical self. You saw the him that was kind and caring and he always looked out for you, always took care of you, always was there for you. In your eyes, you thought he thought it was in a big brother kinda way. Oh how that changed once you both became teenagers.
You both made it into UA, of course at different times, but you still kept in touch. You guys hung out like, everyday! It was always wake up, FaceTime, go to school, text throughout the day, and meet and go to either your house or his. It was like there was nobody else in the world except you two.
Throughout the years, you developed a small crush on the blonde boy. What went from a small crush turned into love. To you, it was unreciprocated love. He was 3 years older than you! He had to have seen you as a little sister. It only made sense! When you came to that terribly incorrect realization, you pushed back your feelings. What you had with Katsuki was special! You’re friendship meant the world to you. It didn’t matter if you wanted more, what you had was already perfect, there was no way it could’ve gotten better than this.
This. These moments. These memories being made with Katsuki kept you sane. As you both cuddled up and watched a trashy reality tv show in your room on your computer, you both threw popcorn at the screen at the cringe scenes.
“BoooooOOOOO!!” You both said as you threw a handful of the buttery snack. You both laughed at the moment as you settled down again. With you both laying on each other, your head on his, while his own rested on your shoulder, you were sure both of you would get neck pains the next day.
“So,” Katsuki started up a conversation, “how’s your third year at UA?”
“Ugh, don’t get me started. Classes got crazy hard outta nowhere. BUT, lucky for me, I have a UA graduate to help me out!” You said while nudging his arm.
“No way teddy bear, you’re finishing that on your own. As a graduate, that means I don’t gotta deal with that bullshit anymore.” He said as he popped some pieces of the snack into his mouth. With that, you pouted. Something he noticed and thought was insanely adorable. He poked your plump lips and told you, “hey, I’m helping you by letting you do your work study at my agency. You’re very welcome for that.”
“Helping? Suuukkiiii, you barely let me go out and fight. How am I supposed to get experience and actually do my work study if I don’t...you know..WORK?” You whined out. Katsuki had always been avoiding this topic. Yeah, he let you get your credits by going to his agency, but he never let you do any real hero work other than paperwork. Don’t get me wrong, you loved hanging out with him as much as you could, but it was beginning to get boring not doing anything at the agency.
“Y/N, no. You’re getting enough experience. Paper work is a big part in the life of a Pro,” he argued.
“Yeah, well saving people and actually getting out there in the field is a bigger part in the life of a pro.” You rebuttled as you flopped down next to him. You looked at him with puppy eyes and he knew what was coming.
“Pleaseee Suki!”
“Sukiiiiiii!!” You whined while tugging at his arm. He sighed before answering.
“One job, WITH ME, and that’s all you get.” He said while staring at you with a stern look. You smiled and jumped in the air.
So now here you are, on job number whatever. You weren’t sure how many you’ve actually been on because ever since your first job with Katsuki was a huge success, he let you join him more and more. You were almost like a partner to him now, fighting crime together. Except this time...things went a little south.
As the villain struck you down mid air with his quirk, you fell to the ground with a now burned arm. Katsuki saw red. No fucking way. No way in HELL is he going to let some shit faced freak bring harm to his teddy bear, his world, his best friend, and the love of his life. Yup. Katsuki Bakugou fell for his best friend. But could you blame him? You knew him better than anyone else, you guys got along so well, you were absolutely gorgeous and he was sure he’d give his life for you. 100%. So when this scum bag thought he could try and ruin you, he saw red. Blasting him a thousand times over and once he was sure he was out cold, battered, bloodied, and bruised he ran to check on you.
You were sitting on the ground holding your left arm where the burn mark was. Your costume was tattered and your head felt like it was gonna blow. Katsuki came along and didn’t really help with that all too much.
“YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!” He screamed. Oh, the throbbing your head had only increased with his booming voice.
“You see?! This is exactly why I hate bringing you along! You’re always gonna get hurt!” He said as he picked you up off the ground to help you stand.
“Of course I’m gonna get hurt Dynamight, my job as a hero includes a little beating every now and then for the sake and safety of others!” You replied, raising your voice as well.
“You’re NOT a hero Y/N!” He said as he reached out for your arm.
“Yet! Not yet at least! But I will be!” You replied while pulling away from him. His eyes were shaken and it was clear he was mad. You pushing his buttons didn’t help soothe his anger either.
“NO YOU WONT. Y/N ITS SO OBVIOUS YOU’D MAKE A SHIT HERO! YOU ALREADY GOT HURT ON SUCH A SIMPLE JOB, DO YOU HONESTLY THINK ANYBODY WOULD BE WILLING TO DEPEND ON YOU FOR THEIR SAFETY?!?!?” Bakugou heard the words he said and he thought he was doing the right thing. Granted, he knew the delivery was bad, but his message was in there. He didn’t want Y/N to be hurt. If she died on the battle field, Katsuki wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Y/N can’t be a hero, for her safety and his sanity. He loved her too much to have to watch her take beating after beating. However, Y/N took it in a completely different way.
“Are you trying to say I can’t be a good hero?!” You asked filled with anger and hurt.
“It’s H/N, Dynamight. That’s the name you’ll address me as for when we’re on the job. That’s the name you’ll have to get used to because I will be a hero!” You exclaimed.
“You can’t be a hero Y/N! You’re gonna get hurt! You always get hurt! You’d be more of a burden on a mission instead of an advantage! So just stop trying ‘Cuz you’re never gonna make it!” He screamed at you. Is this what he really thought of you. That you were weak and wouldn’t be able to do jack shit? As your eyes began to water, you walked away from him in silence.
“Y/N...where are you going?” He asked you as he followed.
“Recovery girl. She’ll heal me up and I’ll be perfectly fine.” You simply stated.
“At least let me help you,” Bakugou said as he tried to reach out to you, but you only stepped away from him again, which made his heart hurt a little.
“Don’t touch me, Bakugou. I’ll be fine on my own.” You said.
“Bakugou? Who the fuck are you talking to teddy bear?” He said as he got all up in your face. You only rolled your eyes and stepped to the side. You used your quirk to get into the air and travel faster. In the dust, you left behind a confused and hurt Katsuki.
“Uhh....Okay! See you later for movie night!” He yelled out as he watched you fly off. You’d still show up, right? Yeah, you’d show. You always spent everyday together after school and work so it only made sense...right?
Well he was wrong. Really wrong. It’s been a week since you last spoke to him, the longest it’s ever been, and he was starting to get into a depressing cycle. Wake up, call Y/N. No reply. Get ready, spam her. No reply. Go to work, text Y/N throughout the day. No reply. Get out of work, go home, shower, eat dinner, do whatever while stalking your social media, go to bed, spam a little more, call twice more, and still. No reply. He misses his teddy bear.
Y/N doesn’t even go to her work study anymore. She’s been doing everything she could to avoid Bakugou, and he’s noticed it all too well. He still gave her the credits, he wanted her to pass of course, but he was also tempted to stop doing that just so she could show up and see him. Thankfully he didn’t.
Now here lies Bakugou Katsuki, watching a movie by himself again, hoping his crush and best friend would show up. But again, like every other night for the past week, she hasn’t shown. The end credits roll in and Bakugou sighs as he looks down, thinking back to all he said.
Bakugou flopped down onto his bed.
“Great idea Katsuki, tell your dream girl she won’t ever reach her goals. That’ll win her heart,” he sarcastically said aloud as he cringed at his own thoughts. Bakugou just let a few tears fall, before rolling over and going to bed. He had patrol in the morning, maybe it’ll get his mind off of Y/N.
Orrrr maybe not. Because here he was, Pro-hero Dynamight, following around his 18 year old crush as she walked home after getting some coffee from their favorite cafe. Should he have been on patrol keeping the city safe? Yes. But was he going to take this chance to talk to Y/N to fix this shit? Yes.
Once Y/N made it to her doorstep she heard a voice behind her.
“Glad you made it home safe..Maybe we could pick up on that trashy reality show now that we’re both here,” Katsuki said while trying to joke around. Y/N only rolled her eyes at the hero and attempted to put her key into the lock. Katsuki was quick to react though. He snatched her keys out of her hand before speaking again.
“Y/N please! I can’t live like this! I can’t live without you in my life. You’ve been absent for a week and it’s been driving me insane!” He said while holding onto your wrist.
“Katsuki, give me back my keys.” You calmly said.
“Y/N, just hear me out.” He also calmly said.
“And listen to you say what Katsuki?! That I’ll never be a hero? That even if I was I’d be a terrible one? That I should just give up and stop trying?! Don’t worry, I already have. So now, let me go-“ Bakugou shut you up with a kiss. You were shocked and froze up. He kissed you with such passion and you melted into it, closing your eyes and letting him hold you as he pleased. He speperated from you before speaking again.
“You are not a terrible hero. Y/N you’re one of the strongest people I know. If anything, you’d be a better hero than me...but if you got hurt, I don’t know what I would do.” He said looking down. You turned your head in confusion at his small confession.
“When you got hurt that day, I was livid. I almost killed that guy, just for scorching your arm. There are so many worse things that could happen to you when you do become a pro and the fact that I freaked out so bad over a little burn is insane! I just want you to be safe. I can’t let you risk your life when I need you hear with me the most...... I can’t let the girl of my dreams get hurt.” He said while placing his forehead on yours.
“When I become a hero, I’d be taking on an oath to put others before my own. And that’s what I choose to do. I’m gonna get banged up from time to time and I understand you’re worried about me, but you have to trust me when I saw I’ll always come back to you. I love you Katsuki.” With that, Bakugou slowly moved in to give you another kiss. This time, you kissed him back, letting your hands travel to his soft, golden hair as he pressed you up against the door.
You heard him unlock your door during the kiss, and as he separated he spoke.
“Let me show you just how much I love you Y/N.” He pushed open the door and continued to make out with you. Kicking the door to close it, he pushed you up against the wall. There he picked you up, and groped your ass, earning a moan from you. With your mouth open, he slipped his tongue in, tasting all of you. He walked to your bedroom, kicking open the door this time, and shutting it the same way as before. He dropped you onto the bed as you both giggled in excitement. You noticed something though. He was still in hero gear.
“Shouldnt you be on patrol, Dynamight?” You asked as he came up to kiss your neck and you pulled him in closer.
“Dynamight has something better to do right now, Teddy Bear. And you know what?” He asked while putting his face right infront of yours.
“Tell me what, hero.”
“That’s the exact name I want you screaming.” He smirked. He tore off his top and mask before taking off your own. He then attacked your breast. He pulled off your bra before taking a second to admire your perfect curves. He squeezed a mound in one hand before taking in the other one with his mouth, biting at your nipple. Leaving hickies all over your chest, he was proud to see the purple marks that now adorn your upper body. He pulled down your pants and kissed your inner thighs. Right at the center was his treat. He pulled at your panties and stuffed them in his pocket.
“Hey!” You said after you noticed what he did.
“My little souvenir. Don’t worry about it princess, I’ll buy you more.” He kissed up on your legs and saw your arousal glistening. He licked his lips as his ruby eyes dialated. He was excited. He took an experimental lick as you moaned at the feeling and he savored the sweet taste. He could help himself, he dove right in for more. As his tongue lapped up against your clit, you moaned out in pleasure.
“Mm...yess Suki! Oh fuck right there..” you said as you pulled on his hair. He smacked your thigh, receiving a yelp from you.
“That’s not my name, princess~” he smirked against your pussy. He stuck his tongue in you and you cried out even more.
“F-Fuck! Dynamight, pleasee...more!” He squeezed your ass in approval as your legs began to shake. He knew what was coming and used his fingers to rub against your bud.
“Fuck..cum for me princess, cum in my mouth and let your hero taste you.” He said as your squirted in his face and Bakugou suck your clit, collecting all your sweet nectar.
“What a good girl,” he said as he came up to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
“You ready for the main event?” He asked while giving you this cocky grin.
“Please..” you whined out.
“Please what, princess? You’re gonna need to be specific.” He knew what he was doing. He wanted you to beg. And you were going to do it.
“Mm..Please Dynamight! Please fuck me with your cock! Please fuck my pussy!” You begged. He smiled and smacked your ass.
“Good girl.” He said as he pulled down his hero slacks and stepped out of the material. Here he was, Pro-hero Dynamight and your now ex best friend completely stripped infront of you. His member hanging out with a hard erection and your eyes went wide at the length. He noticed this and tilted your chin up so your E/C diamonds could meet his eyes. “Don’t worry, it’ll fit,” he kindly said.
“Doubt it,” you sarcastically replied.
“Then we’ll make it fit, Princess.” You bit your lip in excitement. He pumped his cock a few times before placing the tip at your entrance. He rubbed his tip up and down you slit as he spoke.
“I’ve wanted this for so long princess, and now I’m finally gonna make you mine.” He said before he slammed in as you both cried out in ecstasy.
“Oh-oh my god..” you whimpered. He peppered your face in kisses to distract you from the pain. Once you adjusted to his size, you begged him to move.
With your permission, he began to thrust in and out of your heat, with hard, slow strokes. Both of you moaning as the sensation. The way he filled you up completely was euphoric. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, moaning into it as he picked up his pace a little more. You could hear his grunts and soft moans as he sped up, enjoying the way your pussy held him tight.
“Mm...Harder, Dynamight...F-Faster..please!” You whined. Katsuki listened, and he listened well. His strokes went deeper, his speed increased, and he fucked you harder than ever as he went up to your ear.
“Yeah...you want it harder?...deeper?....Mm fuck, faster princess? You like it rough? You like how Dynamight fucks your tight little cunt?” He asked while you cried out in pure pleasure.
“Y-yesss. Oh my god yes Dynamight. Fuck me just like this...ahhh!” Bakugou grabbed onto your ass with both his hands as he pummeled into you. You gripped his hair and he moaned at the feeling. He sucked on one of your tits as he looked at you. God, you were gorgeous. The blush that covered your face, you mouth hanging open with a slight smile as moans fall from it, and your eyes looking up like you’ve been fucked stupid.
“Oh..I’m gonna cum! Please, I’m gonna cum!” You moaned out.
“Not yet Teddy bear. Hold it,” he said as he gave your ass a hard smack and pulled out of you. You whined at the loss of his cock and looked at him with begging eyes.
“Turn around princess. I want you on all fours.” He simply said as he continued to pump his cock.” You moaned at the sight of it and smirked to yourself. He watched as you dragged your hand to your center and began playing with yourself.
“And if I don’t listen?” You smiled as you moaned at the way your fingers rubbed at your pussy. Bakugou grabbed your hand and got in your face before you could go any further.
“Then the brat who wants to cum so bad will cum for me 100 times over as her punishment.” He said as a threat but you only took it the best way possible.
“Sounds fun..Katsuki.” With that, he yanked your hand away from yourself and flipped you over before slamming back into you from behind and smacking your ass again and again.
“Ohh fuck...Ah...you think you’re funny, huh y-you brat? Let’s see how funny you are when I fuck you so dumb the only thing you’ll know is my name.” He said as he pounded into you. Your cried were muffled as you screamed into the mattress.
“Don’t do that, princess, I wanna hear your pretty cries,” he said as he yanked your hair, lifting your head up. He grabbed onto your neck and kissed you as you both loudly moaned into it. He squeezed your neck ever so lightly but tightly as he placed his forehead on yours to look down at where you both meet and become one. He sped up at the sight.
“I bet you love this. I bet you love having Dynamight’s cock deep inside you. Can you feel me? Huh? Feel me in your guts? Feel my big dick deep inside you?” He asked as he looked back at you.
“Y-Yesss! Oh f-fuck...ohhh so big!” Bakugou smiled at your comments and felt you squeeze around him.
“S-shit...you gonna cum? Gonna come on this big dick?” He asked as his hand traveled to you pussy, rubbing at your clit.
“Do it! Do it now, cum on my cock!” You squirted around his cock and Bakugou continued to fuck you through your orgasm and you cried out, and your upper body fell to the mattress. His hands grabbed at your waist as he pounded your pussy. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and bit his bottom lip as he threw his head back moaning out.
“Fuck! Ohh f-fuck, I’m gonna cum. You want my cum princess? Can I fill your pussy with my cum?” He asked while looking down at you. You had little tears poking at the ends of your eyes due to the mass amount of pleasure and Bakugou came at the sight. His thrust stopped as his hips met your ass in a final push, while his cum went deeper into your pussy, filling you to the brim. You both cried out as he finished and he kept himself in there for a little until you both caught your breath. He kissed up your spine to your cheek as he pulled out and layed down next to you.
As he pulled you closer to him he could hear your soft voice.
“A-amazing...Suki.” You said as you nuzzled into his neck. He only smiled as he realized you forgot.
“I hope so, cuz we’re not done teddy bear.” He said while smirking. Your eyes went wide as you looked at him in shock.
“Your punishment. Remember? I want you cumming on my cock a 100 times over. I don’t even want you to be able to walk for the next week.” He said while looking you right in his eyes. You took on his little challenge and straddled his waist before pumping his cock a few times and hovering over it. He watched the whole thing and licked his lips at you.
“Fine then Dynamight,” you said as his hands traveled to your hips. “Show me what you got,” you said as you slammed back down on him releasing cries from both you and him. This was gonna be a fun, long night.
After rounds 2, 3, 4, and 5, you both lie on your bed completely fucked out as you held onto each other. Bakugou was contempt as he held you under his chin and thought you were asleep. You were only resting your eyes with a soft smile on your face. Bakugou kissed the top of your head before softly speaking.
“I’m so sorry for everything I said teddy bear. You are the most amazing person in the world. I just don’t want you to be hurt. I wanna protect you for the rest of my life. I love you with my everything and I really want you to officially be mine. When you wake up, I’m gonna tell you all of this.” Bakugou sighed. Now it was your turn to speak.
“You don’t have to wait Suki,” you softly spoke as Bakugou looked down at you in shock. “I already heard it all, and I want to officially be yours too.” You said while looking right at him.
“Heh..I thought you passed out,” he teased.
“Well then I guess you’re not as good as you thought, Dynamight.” You teased back.
“You tryna say I didn’t fuck you good enough princess?! Cuz I still got enough for one more round that’ll be sure to shut your mouth real quick!” You only laughed at his little outburst.
“I’m good Suki. Trust me, you did more than enough.” You said.
“You’re damn right. And by the way you were screaming my name, I’m sure of it.” He proudly stated.
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes and softly spoke. You both gently laughed at the teasing and embraced each other once more, but this time a little tighter.
After a few peaceful moments of silence, you heard him speak up.
“So..you’re being serious about really wanting to be mine..right?” Bakugou asked with worry laced in his voice.
“Of course I’m serious Suki. I don’t wanna be anybody else’s but yours.” You said in the cutest voice. Bakugou blushed at the confession.
“Ok then teddy bear. You’re mine now, and I’m never gonna let you go again.” He whispered. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Suki.”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good. I’m great actually, a lot of good stuff happened on my patrol.” Bakugou said as he drank from his glass of water.
“Dude. Seriously?” The red head said in disbelief. What could possibly make up for all the crimes committed on his best friend’s watch?!
“Seriously. Gotta go, talk to you later shitty hair.” Katsuki said as he hung up the phone. As he finished cooking, he brought two plates of food to the couch for Y/N and himself. He had to carry Y/N there.
“What was all that about?” Y/N asked as she took a sip from her cup and turning away from the trashy reality show you both were watching.
“Just another reason why you’d make a better hero than me, teddy bear.” You awed at the compliment and cuddled into him. If only you knew how serious he was being.
Kirishima would know. For he was the one running around like a mad man trying to stop all the crimes committed due to his best friend being absent thanks to his horny desires.
A/N: YAYYY MY FIRST REQUEST! I really enjoyed writing this one and I’m sorry if it wasn’t exactly what you were looking for. I’m hope you enjoyed it tho! Feel free to drop more request for me to do!💗🧸
P.S. New series coming on the way!
#bakugou scenarios#bakugou oneshot#bakugou angst#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugo x reader#bakugou katsuki#bakugou x reader#katsuki x reader#bakugo angst#bakugou smut#katsuki smut#mha bakugo katsuki#mha bakugou#mha angst#mha#my hero academia#bnha bakugo katsuki#bnha bakugou#bnha#bakugou imagine#bakugou blurb#bakugou x you#bakugou thirst
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muse II
A/n: here is the second part of muse!! i had a lot of trouble w the direction i wanted to take this in so pleaseee be gentle with me🥺also big thank you to @harryysstyless and @froggystyles for all the help <3
photographer oc x harry styles
please let me know your thoughts on miss aminah, iman, serena, and harry!
my ko-fi! thank you :)
It had been four days since your encounter with Harry in Malibu. You still haven't texted him.
It’s not like you were scared of him. He was a very nice guy, he proved that to you in the short amount of time you spent with him. Immediately. However, you had no idea how to start the conversation. Should you just text him and say, ‘hey!’? Has too much time passed? What if he wasn’t even interested in talking to you anymore?
Since your beach day with Harry, your roommates would often find you with your phone clutched tightly in your hands as you contemplated for the thousandth time whether you should just suck it up and text him, or leave him be.
“Aminah, he gave you his number and not his manager’s for a reason,” Iman told you, starting to grow a bit annoyed with all your back and forth. “Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position?”
“Yeah,” Serena speaks up. “If you don’t text him then shit, give me his number and I will.”
“What would I even say?” Your mind is beginning to race as you think about all how texting him could go wrong. “I bet he has so many people that text him in the timespan of a day. He probably won’t even see it.”
“You’ll never know unless you do it, will you?” Iman asks. “You know what, Mina? Give me your phone.”
The stern tone of Iman’s voice tells you she’s not playing around anymore, so you give her your phone (albeit, very reluctantly). She quickly unlocks it and you move closer to her from your position on the couch, straining your neck to see exactly what she was texting Harry. Her thumbs hover over the keyboard for all of two seconds before she quickly types something and presses the little blue up arrow, not giving you much of a chance to tell her not to. She wordlessly places your phone back in your hand.
You let out an audible sigh of relief when you said the only thing she said was, ‘Hey! It’s Aminah :)’
“What did she say?” Serena asks from her position across the room. “Was it bad?”
“She just said hey. I don’t know why I’m freaking out so much,” you confess, turning your phone face-down, setting it on the coffee table. “What if it is his manager and he just put it under his name to make it easier?”
“Why are you like this?” Iman asks. “Is Harry not allowed to think you’re cute? It sounds like you're self-sabotaging.” Serena nods in agreement.
“Where did you get him thinking I’m cute from?” You turn to face Iman fully. She lets out an obnoxious scoff.
“Dude, did you see how interested he was in you at the beach? The way he looked at you?”
“How about how he hung back and walked with you when Iman and I were walking way ahead? Are you kidding, Meens? I don’t believe you’re that oblivious.” Serena adds.
You feel your body heating up. “He was probably just interested because I approached him first. It could’ve been any one of us, yanno.”
Iman rolls her eyes. “He had the opportunity to have any one of us and he gave you his number! Stop acting like people aren’t allowed to find you pretty. You’re a gorgeous, talented Black woman and anyone, celebrity or not, would be lucky to have you!”
“One hundred percent, Aminah,” Serena agrees.
“You guys are just saying that because you’re my friends.”
“Yeah, and friends don’t lie to each other. I’m being so serious-–”
The chime of your text tone interrupts the tangent Iman was about to go off on. Your gaze quickly falls to your phone and then back up to your friends, eyes wide in shock.
“He answered so quickly!” Serena exclaims giddily. “Open it!”
“Hell no,” you say with a shake of your head. “I have my read receipts on, that’ll make me look so desperate if I open it right away!”
“Aminah, stop playing hard to get and just open it,” Serena insists, getting up from her seated position across the room. You quickly reach out and grab your phone off the coffee table before she can get to it first.
“Fine,” you mutter under your breath. “I’ll open it. But I’m going to be the one doing all the talking. Swear I’ll change my password if you guys keep thinking it’s okay to just grab my phone.” You wait for Serena and Iman to promise to leave your phone alone before taking a deep breath and flipping it face-up.
‘Hey Aminah, glad to hear from you.’
The typing bubble pops up immediately after opening the message and before you can exit out, another one comes through.
‘Have a chance to look over those pictures? I’d love to meet up for lunch or something and take a look at them with you.’
“He just asked me to lunch?”
“Give me your phone,” Iman demands, trying to reach for it. You hold it away from her, shaking your head.
“All he asked was if I wanted to meet up for lunch so he could look at the pictures. Like I said, being a photographer is my only advantage here,” you can tell your friends are fighting the urge to roll their eyes at you again.
“You’re gonna say yes, right?” Serena asks. “I mean, why would you say no?”
“There are so many reasons why I would say no,” you reply, staring back down at your screen. “What if it doesn’t go well?”
“Then at least you can say you tried and you won’t spend forever wondering, ‘What if?’” Iman quietly hums in agreement with Serena.
“I think you’ll regret it more if you don’t go than if you do,” Iman says, nodding her head at your phone. “We’re not gonna force you to meet up with him–– but I’m already picking out an outfit for you to wear in my head.”
“You know what? You guys are right,” you look down at your phone which was locked from inactivity. “I’m just gonna do it.” With slightly shaking hands, you text Harry back as your roommates watch over your shoulder:
‘That sounds great! Pick a time and a place and I’m there :)’
Not a lot of things made you nervous. You weren’t nervous when you packed up everything you owned and moved across the country to a city you’d never been to before. You weren’t nervous moving into an apartment with two girls you’d never met in your life. However, you felt like your heart was about to beat out of your chest sitting in the restaurant waiting for Harry.
He’d suggested a place you’d never been to before— a Cuban/Mexican fusion place that he swore had the best fish tacos. You had to beg Iman to drive you to Malibu. She reluctantly took you after you reminded her that she was the reason you were going on this “date” in the first place. Out of fear of being late and keeping Harry waiting, you were painfully early. Your waiter had to have come up to the small table you were sat at in the corner at least three times to see if you were ready to order.
When Harry walked in, he quickly scanned the restaurant before his eyes landed on yours. He pushes his sunglasses atop his head as he makes his way over to you.
“Aminah,” he says cheerily once he’s almost to you. “Been here long? I didn’t mean to keep y’waitin’.” He glances down at his watch, a troubled expression on his face.
“Oh no, you’re fine,” you respond. “I’m just a little early. My roommate dropped me off early because she had to go home and get ready for work.”
“That was nice of her,” he smiles. “So, how about those pictures, hmm?”
You nod, reaching next to you to grab your laptop from its case. “I didn’t do much to them, honestly. Just messed around with the exposure a little bit. They’re nothing special.” You felt the need to create a disclaimer before showing Harry your work. He waves his hand, dismissing your insecurities.
“I have a feeling they came out amazing. You’re incredibly talented,” he says. You raise an eyebrow at him and he immediately turns red, shifting his gaze down.
“How do you know I’m talented if I haven’t shown you anything yet?”
Harry’s quiet for a second before clearing his throat. “I may have… searched you up?”
You can’t help yourself. You throw your head back in the middle of the restaurant, letting out a loud laugh. “You’re serious? You searched me up?”
“Heyyyyy,” he drawls, running his fingers through his hair. “Are you laughin’ at me, Aminah?”
“I just find it a little funny that an actual superstar is Googling me,” you explain. You were trying to resist the urge to burst out laughing again because you could tell he was a little embarrassed.
“Yeah, come off it,” he mutters, a small smile filling his face. “Lemme see those pictures.”
You give Harry a coy smile before opening up your laptop and connecting it to your hotspot. You quickly navigate to the folder you created just for the pictures you took of Harry (with a few of Iman and Serena sprinkled in so he wouldn’t find it weird).
“Like I said, I’m sure you’ve seen better,” you mumble, double-clicking the folder. You turn to look at him as it enlarges on your screen, making the contents of it known. He licks his lip and leans back slightly, squinting his eyes.
“Can y’make that one a bit bigger?” he questions, pointing to a picture of himself. You open up a picture of Harry with his back facing the water, arms spread wide and head pointed up towards the sky. “Quite like how I look in this one.”
“Really?” you give him a quizzical look. “This one was one of my least favorites.”
“Oi,” Harry pouts and places his hand over his chest, feigning offense. “I don’t think I look that bad, Aminah.”
“That’s not what I meant!” you exclaim. Some people turn to look at the two of you and you throw your hand over your mouth, feeling your body heat up. “That’s not what I meant. I just meant the lighting was terrible.”
Harry lightly chuckles. “‘M messin’ with you, Aminah. I think it’s a lovely photo. Would probably look better if I wasn’t in it messin’ up your shot but we’re working with what we have, huh?”
“What do you mean? You look amazing,” you feel the need to reassure Harry even though you’re sure he’d be just fine if he didn’t hear it from you.
“Thank you, Aminah,” he clears his throat and you notice that the tip of his ears is starting to grow red again. “Did you order already? ‘M tellin’ you, those fish tacos are no joke.”
You wrinkle your nose. “Yeah, not a fan of seafood.”
“Really? You seemed excited when I mentioned the tacos when we were texting about where to go the other day! You said ‘sounds good’ with exclamation marks,” he informs you, making eye contact with the waiter who kept checking on you earlier and politely waving him over. As soon as he gets to the table you can tell he knows who Harry is and he looks at you, confusion on his face.
“Can we get two waters, please? Are you ready to order, Aminah?”
“Yeah, can I just get the grilled veggie tacos?” you ask the waiter politely, closing your menu. “Oh, and a side of the plantains too.” He nods and scribbles down your order, turning to Harry.
“For you, Mr. Styles?”
Harry lets out a breathy chuckle. “Uh, I usually go with your guys’ fish tacos–– they’re amazing, by the way…,” he trails off, looking down at the menu. “You know what? I’ll have what she’s havin’.”
The waiter grabs your menus and gives you both a polite smile, telling you he’d be right back with your drinks.
“Does that happen a lot?”
“What’s that?” Harry asks, eyes re-trained on your laptop.
“The ‘Mr. Styles’ thing?”
He looks away from the screen and at you, cracking a small smile. “Not as often as you’d think. Can you make that one bigger?” Harry points a ringed finger to another picture of him. This time he’s sitting on his brightly colored beach towel, leaning back on his hands to support his body weight.
You wordlessly comply, watching the photograph flood the screen as you double-click it. “I like this one the most I think.” You tell him.
“Why’s tha’? Is it cause my face isn’t in it?”
“Stop it!” you whisper-shout, groaning in embarrassment. “That’s not what I meant! I just like how the ocean is out of focus but you’re in focus.”
“Jus’ givin’ you a hard time again, Aminah,” he says with a laugh. “I like this one a lot too.”
You continue like this for what has to be at least two hours, only stopping your photograph inspection briefly when your food comes. You and Harry don’t stop conversing once–– things just flowed so easily with him. You didn’t want the afternoon to end.
“I can pay for my own tacos,” you tell him with a laugh, digging in your bag for your wallet. “They weren’t that expensive.”
“Let me,” he insists, digging in his pocket for his wallet. “‘M the one that insisted we eat here and had ya come all the way from Downtown. It’s the least I can do.”
“Oh shit,” you say quietly, palming your forehead. “I totally forgot I was supposed to request an Uber to get back home. Do you know how much that would cost? I don’t usually use things like this.”
“An Uber?” Harry has a puzzled expression on his face. “I don’t even know if there’s anyone that would be willing to drive from Malibu to Downtown and if they are, it can’t be cheap…”
“I figured it wouldn’t be. It’s just kinda my only option because both of my roommates are at work, so––”
“I could take you home if you’d like?”
“I couldn’t ask you––”
“No, it’s not a problem. If I knew it would be such a pain for you to get home, I definitely would’ve suggested somethin’ closer to you,'' he gives you a dimpled grin. “No worries, Aminah. At least I’ll know for next time.” You smile, looking down at your lap.
“Next time?”
“I mean- well- I- yeah? I had a great time, that’s only if you want to, of course,” he rubs the back of his neck, a sheepish look on his face. “S’also fine if you never wanna see me again. Jus’ tell me to piss off.”
“Do I have the Mr. Styles tripping over his words?” you tease, flashing him a cheeky smile. Harry’s face immediately turns red again.
“Tease me all you want,” he mumbles, signing the receipt the waiter brings back to him. He digs in his wallet and tosses a couple of bills on the table for a tip and you’re not surprised to see they’re large ones. “Do y’wanna get out of here? Someone tipped off the paps.”
“How do you know?”
“That guy sittin’ across the room from us has been sneaking pictures for at least the last twenty minutes.” Harry is very calm when he says this, taking a sip of his water. Your eyes go wide.
“Twenty minutes? Dude, why didn’t you say anything earlier?” you feel yourself growing flustered as you put your laptop back in its case, shoving it in your tote bag.
“Because dude,” Harry mocks, humor lacing his voice. “I didn’t want you to freak out like you’re doin’ right now. It’s no big deal Aminah, I promise. Let’s just get goin’?” Harry’s tone is calm yet firm, but it helps you to relax. If he wasn’t worried about paparazzi seeing you with him, why should you be?
He instructs for you to follow him and to keep your head down, warning you there may be people waiting outside. He thanks the hostess on his way out, grabbing a small handful of mints in the process. Once out the doors you hear a few clicks and shutters of cameras but per Harry’s advice, you keep your head down. Your eyes are trained on his beat-up Vans are you focus on not tripping over your own feet and embarrassing yourself in front of him and a few paparazzi.
“Keep your head down until we’re outta here,” he mutters, opening the passenger door for you. Even when he slams the door shut, you can still hear cameras and feel eyes on you. He gets in the car a few seconds later and immediately starts it, wordlessly looking behind him to make sure it’s clear for him to back out. Once he’s out of the lot you hear him let out an audible sigh of relief. “All good for you to stretch your neck now.” You look up at him, rolling your neck.
“Was worried I was gonna get stuck like that,” you joke. “You handled that really well. I’m impressed.”
“Eh,” he sounds nonchalant. “Been doin’ this for ten years. ‘M used to it. Hats off to you though, Aminah. If I didn’t know any better I would say you’ve dealt with paparazzi before.” You know he’s joking but you still feel your head growing big from the compliment.
“I guess I just don’t wanna see pictures of me all over Twitter later today,” you respond, shrugging your shoulders. “That would be kinda weird.”
Harry lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Trust me, you’ll be seeing yourself later. Not the worst thing fo’ me, though. At least I’m getting photographed next to a beautiful woman.” You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and can see his deep dimples.
“You’re just being nice.” You answer after a moment of silence. Harry hums in response.
“It’s just the truth,” he pauses. “What music do y’like to listen to?”
“I’ll listen to anything. I don’t really have a preference.”
“Do you listen to my music?” Harry diverts his eyes away from the road to look at you. He has an expression on his face that you can’t quite read.
“Against my will, yeah. Watermelon Sugar and Adore You are on everytime I turn on KIIS FM, so…”
“Aminah, you love to hurt me don’t you? You minx,” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “Those songs do get a lot of radio play though, don’t they?”
“I’m joking, Harry! I do listen to your music,” you feel a little embarrassed admitting that because you didn’t want him to think you were like, obsessed, with him. “My roommate Serena is a big fan so I’m always hearing your music around our apartment.”
Harry beams at this. “Well, that’s lovely. I’ll have to remember that when it’s time for my LA shows.”
Los Angeles traffic did as Los Angeles traffic does, and you were stuck in the car for over an hour.
By the time Harry was turning onto your street to drop you off, you were starting to grow anxious. You knew the socially acceptable thing to do when someone drove you around places was offer them gas money, but was Harry expecting that? Would it be rude if you didn’t? Would it be weird if you did?
“It’s coming up on the left,” you say quietly, nodding your head in the direction of your complex. Harry nods and slows down his car, pulling over to the side. He puts his car in park and unbuckles his seatbelt, turning to face you.
“I had a great time today, Aminah. Sorry I had you meet me so far away.” he apologizes.
“It’s no problem,” you assure him. “That place was really good! I’m glad you introduced it to me. I’ll have to go back with my roommates soon.”
“I bet they’ll like it,” he drums his fingertips against the steering wheel. “Can I walk you to your door?”
“You don’t have to, Harry,” you point. “It’s right there, super close. Only if you want to.”
“I want to.”
You unbuckle your seatbelt. “Then sure.”
Harry quickly gets out of the car and runs around to your side, opening your door before you can even gather up your bag. He cautions you to watch your step as you get out of the car and you step out, giving him a small smile. The hot sun beats down on the back of your neck and the top of your head, making you feel even warmer than you were already feeling from the fact that Harry wanted to walk you to your door. He comments on how your apartment isn’t even that far from Malibu but the traffic makes it feel like it’s a continent away, and you nod in agreement.
“Oh, totally,” you reply. “I thought New York traffic was horrible but at least it was really easy to walk everywhere. Everything’s so spread out here.” You abruptly stop walking as you approach the door of your apartment.
“You weren’t kidding,” he laughs. “Your apartment was close by.”
“Yeah…,” you shift from foot to foot, slightly uncomfortable. “I don’t really know the etiquette for this but like, can I offer you some gas money or anything? I just feel bad that you had to go so out of your way.”
“Oh none of that, Aminah,” he has an amused look on his face. “Come on, now. ‘M more than happy to help.”
You smile. “I figured you would say no but I still thought I should ask.” You tuck a flyaway curl behind your ear and look away. Harry clears his throat, looking down.
“Well, I guess I’ll get goin’,” he looks back up at you. “I’ll see you another time then? Hopefully soon?”
“I’d like that,” you respond. “Thank you again for lunch and everything, Harry.”
Harry tells you again that it was his pleasure. As you turn to walk the few steps to your door, he calls out your name. You quickly turn around, eyebrow quirked.
“Do y’think you can send me those photographs you took? I think I look bloody fantastic”
#harry styles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles fic#harry styles fluff#harry styles fanfic#harry styles blurb#harry styles x oc#harry styles one shot
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The winning P.2
Book: Mother of the year
Pairing: Thomas Mendez x MC (Tara)
Summary: The trail against Guy ended and Tara and Thomas won.
Warning: fluff / more fluff / even more fluff / NSFW / sex
Words: 2.828
Note: As always English it's not my first language and I'm open to request if anyone wants 💕 Hope you enjoy this!
Catch up: This is the continuation of The winning with a few references of By her side
Tag list: @chetachisblog @annekebbphotography @princess-geek @malakbesharah @lilyofchoices @ao719 @marycarrillo21 @blackcatkita @kamybelen-blog @randomchoicesblog @cxld-play @drakewalkerfantasy
Permant list: @gardeningourmet
Once they had pick up Luz, Tara turn towards the girls smiling wide, a little nervous, and said "Okay girls, as you both know we are celebrating that Rory won't have to live with her dad and Thomas won another case!" She took his hand for a second, squeezing it, and he smiled, focus on the road but with his cheeks a bit more pink "So, what you wanna do? Go to eat pizza? Or maybe go to a park? Your choice, ladies!"
"Can we go to the carnival? Pleaseee?" Luz asked excited from her seat with a big smile.
"Oh mommy, please! I want to go too!" Rory said, with an accomplice look at Luz. Of course they decide to do some team work. Tara laughed softly and directed her attention to Thomas.
"What do you think about the carnival?" She noticed how his lips rose in a smile, that beautiful smile that she loved it.
"I think…" he said observing the anxious face of both girls in the rear-view mirror. "..That it's a great idea!"
Both girls cheers happily and started to talk excitedly where they want to go first. Tara leaned against her seat and sigh, closing her eyes for a moment.
"Are you okay?" Thomas said, watching her, worry. Maybe her wrist was hurting or she was tired? Since she hadn't told to anyone so far about her encounter with Guy, he decide not asking her in front the kids.
"Mhm" She turned her head to look at him, smiling. "I'm… relax and it's feels so wired!" She giggled softly. "I still can't believe it's over, my face kinda hurt of smiling."
He chuckled "Good. I was sick of see you crying and worried thanks to that asshole" His hands tightness on the steering wheel for a second, the memory of Guy grabbing Tara the way he did, was something hard to forget.
"You were worried about me?" She asked with a mischievous smile, teased him.
"Of course I was worried!" His cheeks blushed, his eyes warm in hers before focus in the driving again.
"I like that" She said with her voice soft and sweet, smiling.
"Yes! We are here!" Luz exclaimed, peeking between the front seats.
"That wheel it's huge!" Rory said, eye wided, excited. She loved the wheels and so far they hadn't the opportunity to visit this one. Thomas parked the car, took off his blazer and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, he putted everything in the trunk and close it. The girls started to walk a few steps ahead of them, chatting and laughing (Tara was sure she hear something about a 'hammer smashing' and 'red velvet cupcake' coming out from Rory's mouth) while they walked together, close, looking at each other sideways, smiling.
"That it's a nice look on you, you know? Although, I prefer the one on the bar" She winked at him, making him blushing furiously.
"You do love tease me, don't you?" She laughed and he chuckled softly.
"Just a little" She saw the girls were distracted, with their backs towards them, so she kissed his cheek. "I love when you get all flushed because of me."
He smiled again, dying to take her hand or kiss her like in the courtroom. He really believe, and was agreed with Tara, that it was too soon to tell the girls that they were dating but neither of them realized how hard would be pretend that nothing new happened between them.
"Just for the record, I liked your bar look too." His eyes went to her belly, remembering the part of skin she was showing, and how badly he wanted to take off the rest of her t-shirt. It was Tara's turn to get blushed.
"Dad! Rory's mom! Hurry up!" Luz shut from the ticket box.
"I told you Luz, you can call me Tara if you like." She said, smiling at Luz. She always had liked Luz, she protected Rory every time she could and, thank to her, Rory didn't felt so bad in the school.
Thomas observed their interaction. Luz seems comfortable with Tara around, she had hugged her in a few occasions and it was obvious how much Rory and Luz adores each other and he couldn't be more happy about it.
"Okay, Tara" Luz said with a shy smile, looking at Rory before they both giggled.
"And Rory, if you like, you can call me Thomas. Mr. Mendez sounds so old" He said, comically frowning.
"But you are old, dad!" Luz said, laughing at Thomas's horror face. Tara laughed too, covering her mouth with her hand and he stared at her, with a mischievous grin.
"You didn't find me old in the bar" His eyes in hers, completely forgotten about the girls for a moment. She blushed and winked at him.
"What happened in the bar?" Luz asked, curiously.
"I-- I mean, we didn't-- I mean, nothing happen in the bar! I mean, we chatted and i--" He was flushed, trying to act normally.
"He just helped me with some heavy boxed" Tara putted her hand in his shoulder, and smiled to both girls that were looking at them with a funny look. "Your dad it's strong, Luz!" He was praying that his cheeks wasn't completely red.
"I know, he carried me in his shoulders sometimes!" She happily answered.
"So lucky! My dad had never carried me in his shoulders" Rory said, looking a little down and Thomas notice how sad Tara's smile was at that moment, caressing Rory's head. Maybe he could do something sometime about that. Rory smiled again and watched at Thomas, with her big blue eyes. "You sure it's okay I call you Thomas?"
"Yes, it is" He smile and Rory returned the gesture. They bought the tickets and started to walk in the fair, Luz won a teddy bear in some game of throwing the ball and Rory won a stuffed lion in a trivia game. Both girls look each other prize and without a word, they exchanged them, happily hugging their new stuffed.
"Dad, Rory wants to go to the wheel, can we? Please?" Both girls smiled looking at them with puppies eyes.
"You two alone? It's that safe?" Tara watched at the wheel, with concern. To be honest it looked pretty safe, it was like a big metallic cage with a door that the operation guy opened and closed from outside, with some kind of lock.
Thomas placed a hand in her waist, without notice how both girls observed the gesture with curious faces, and she turned to look at him. "It's safe, I promise. It been here for a while now and nothing bad had happened so far. A couple of months ago, Luz came with her soccer team and everything went perfectly."
"Okay, fine! Go! But just one ride!" She smiled seeing them so happy, it's had been a while since Rory laughed like that.
"How about we take the next one?" He said with that smile that she adores.
"Lead the way." Once the girls went inside one of the cage and up a little, Thomas took her hand and they entered in the next one. From where they were, they could see the girls backs, looking opposite from where they were. Thomas hold her waist softly with both hands, turned her toward him and kissed her, slowly, making sure she feel the kiss in every single part of her body. Her hands went to his chest gently climbing to his neck until they stopped in his hair. They stayed like that for a moment, lips pressing together while the wheel keep turning, when they needed to breathe, he rested his forehead on hers, staying close.
"I couldn't resist it anymore" He said caressing her waist.
"Thank god." Her hands stroking his hair, twisting it between her fingers.
"How is your wrist?" He sounded worried, the bruise was bigger than he thought. "We should go to put ice on it" He said frowning.
"Hey, I'm okay" She smiled at him. "I know it looks ugly but it not that bad, I promise."
"You still want to do something the two of us later?" His hands warm in her back, refusing let her go yet.
"After that kiss? Without doubt." He chuckled and she kissed him again.
She departed a bit from him, watching above them, to the girls cage. "Maybe I should ask Alma if she can take care the girls?"
"It's an option… I could ask Luz's nanny if she have the night free, maybe they can do a sleepover." His eyes fixed in her, looking her sweetly.
"Okay, let's check what option it's better… when the ride it's over. I'm enjoying having you this close way too much" Her lips on his again, smiling into the kiss before she talked again. "You think they notice something? One day and we almost screw the whole secret part like three times" He laughed before cupping her cheek in one of his hands.
"Maybe, maybe not... To be honest, I just want to enjoy this moment with you."
"Good answer" They stayed like that, in a comfortable silence, just enjoying to be together. Once the wheel almost complete the round, they separated just in time to see the girls waiting for them.
They eat some funnel cake, visit a haunting house (Tara got scared with someone who grabbed her ankle and she took Thomas's hand, laughing, without thinking about it) and played a few more games. At the afternoon, they decide to end the day at the carnival. While they walking back to the car, both Thomas and Tara send a couple of text, one for Alma and the other for Fanny, Luz's nanny.
"Fanny can be with them until 10pm." Thomas said, watching his phone.
"Alma also can take care of them, she said is her celebration gift." Another text ring in her phone. "Oh". Her face suddenly blushed.
"What is it?" He looked her with concern.
"She… uh, said she can take care of them all night if we need it" His cheeks flushed too. He haven't thought about what could happen efter the date, he didn't know if that was even a possibility. "She also added a winking emoji"
"Um.. great! Alma it is then, I mean, if you want to! The extra time would be nice" His neck and cheeks hot and she giggled quietly. "For a movie! Or whatever you want!"
"Dad, why your face is so red?" Luz had stopped in front of them and she was watching them.
"Uh I'm, I'm hot" He answered, trying to sound normal, until he heard a soft laugh and fixed his eyes in Tara.
"You definitely are hot!" His eyes widen and his cheeks blushed a bit more. "The carnival was a little crowded, don't you think?" She giggled again with a mischievous smile.
"I guess" Luz said, unconvinced, sitting in the car with Rory following her.
"I give us a week" He stared at her, raising his eyebrow. "Before this two expose us."
He chuckled "I think you were too generous" They climb in the car and Thomas started driving to her place.
"Hey girls, Alma had invited you both to her place to have a cool no parents sleepover, you want to go?" Tara said thinking in the gift she definitely is going to buy for Alma.
"Omg, yes! Luz, you won't believe it, Alma always have cake in her house! And such awesome games!"
"That it so cool!" Both girls started to chat about the night a head them.
"I come to your place at 7?" He said, casually, when they arrive to her apartment.
"I'll be waiting." And she went inside her building with Rory holding her hand.
Two hours later, a shower, fresh makeup and clothes, Tara was ready for their first date. She had chosen a simple red dress with a beautiful neckline and nude heels. The only thing she hated about it was how much the bruise was visible. She wasn't ashamed or nothing like that and Thomas knew what happened, but she was furious that Guy had to leave his mark on her. And, a top of that, it was a pretty nasty bruise. Before she have time to decide if she should change or not for one with long sleeves, the doorbell rang.
"They are here!" Rory said grabbing her backpack and running from her room to the door. "Hi Luz! Hi Thomas! Come on, Luz! Alma it's making handmade pizzas! Bye mom!"
When Tara come out from her room, the girls had gone and he was in the doorframe, looking incredible dashing in a dark grey jeans and black shirt with the two first buttons open and his beautiful smile.
"Tara…" his gaze roaming her body and his smile wider, stopping in her eyes "You look gorgeous"
"Thank you" she smiled, a little nervous, why if they had shared alone time before and even kiss each other more than ones, calling it a date make her feel like this? "You look so handsome"
When she reached his side, he sneaked his arm in her waist and give her a sweet kiss in the cheek. "Please tell me I'm not the only one a little nervous" His lips in the side of her head, brushing it gently.
She laughed softly. "Believe me, you are not. It's crazy, right? It's not like we haven't be alone before" She looked into his eyes. "You are sure you want to do this?"
"I am. I don't need nor want more time… I like you, Tara, I want to see where this take us." He planted a soft kiss in her lips. "Ready to go?"
"Ready" She gently took his hand and he entwined their fingers together. He drove to a beautiful park with some food booths and fairy lights.
"Wait… This park, it's the one we came after Vanessa give me the papers?" She asked looking around.
"Yes, it's a nice park and I thought maybe we could make a good memories here instead of the one you already have." His hand in the small of her back. Seeing it with the sunset, so beautiful decorated and with him beside her like that, was like see it under a new lens.
"It's perfect" She turned and gently kiss him. "There's already a new lovely memory here"
He chuckled and took her hand, walking towards the booths. They ate a little of everything, tasted a handmade beer and, in the end, enjoyed a delicious ice cream. All the time smiling, laughing, holding each other close.
"Thomas" He watched her with a sweet smile in his lips. She planted her hands in his chest and on her tiptoes, kissing him, slow, his hands in her low back, pulling her closer, her tongue playing with his, his lips soft and firm against hers. "Thank you for bring me back here, I love it."
"Thanks for wait for me" His voice was mild, tender.
"You know? A while ago, I was chatting with Alma and… She asked me if I was interesting in anyone…" She hesitated for a second. "You were the only one I could think of." Her eyes fixed in his and her hands still in his chest.
"Really?" One of his hands cupped her cheek, caressing it softly. She nodded, smiling.
"She asked me if I was ready to wait for you, you know what I told her?" He denied with his head, holding her closer. "That you worth the waiting."
He hugged her tightly. He still felt a little guilty about what happened in the bar and the fact that she was thinking about him like that, still wanting him and so decide to wait for him, was one of the most wonderful things he could hear. After walked a bit more in the park he drove her to her place and he accompanied her to the door.
"Do you want to come in?" She asked, a little blushed. They stared in each other eyes, knowing exactly what this means.
"I'd love to."
She opened the door and they both went inside, before the door was fully closed, they crashed their lips together, passionate, needy, her hands on his neck and his on her hips.
"Tara…? You sure…?" His voice husky, his lips never leaving hers.
"Absolutely" She tugged his bottom lip gently. "You?"
"Incredible sure" His voice full of lust, his hands guiding her closer. He pinned her against the wall, his mouth in her neck, his hands raising her arms, stroking them, until their hands met above her head, intertwining their fingers together. She moaned quietly, moving her head to the side, enjoying his lips on her neck and collarbone.
"Your room?" He said in her ear and planting a kiss behind it, his breath hot on her skin, making her shiver a little.
"Second door" He lifted her up, holding her legs as she putted them around his waist, kissing him heatedly. He carried her, kissing her lips hard, stumbling with some furnitures on their way, throwing a vase that neither of them care about. Once they reached the bed, he lay her in the mattress, softly pressing his body on top of her, keeping his lips on hers.
Her hands travel from his neck to his chest, feeling his muscles under the shirt. With her hands a little shaky she started to unbutton it, letting it open, caressing his pectorals and abs, stuffing under her touch. One of his hands gently lowered the zipper of her dress, taking one bretel at a time, kissing his way to her chest as he exposes it. He sit in the bed, taking both side of the dress, sliding it down her body, his hands brushing her skin, leaving goosebumps in his way and a soft gasp escaping her lips. One of her hands covers unconsciously some stretch marks in her low belly, result of her pregnancy, but Thomas gently take it and move away, watching her body like it is the most beautiful thing in the world.
"You don't have any idea how gorgeous you are" He said, before catch her mouth with his once more. She took off his shirt dropping it on the floor, near to her dress.
"Thomas… wait" He separated from her immediately. "We don't have protection"
"I.. um… I have, actually" His neck and cheeks completely flushed, she looked at him, surprised. "I uh bought today. Just in case. Not that I was expecting something happens! But I'm happy it's happening! I mean, if you want to happen, we still--" She grabbed his face and pushed forward, kissing him hard enough to make him groan inside her mouth.
"You are a genius" She said in his ear, nibbling his earlobe. Her palms going down hot against his skin until his pants, unbuttoning it and taking it off. His mouth in her neck, sucking hard. "Hey! You are going to give me a hickey!" She said laughing a bit.
"I know" He smiled mischievous and continued kissing her breasts, moving aside her bra, taking one of her nipples in his mouth, making her gasp, while one of his hands played with the waistband of her panties. She could feel his boner between her legs, through his boxer, wanting her like no one did in a long time. His mouth took her other breast while his hand slowly downed her panties, making her moaned softly. One of her hands in his hair, while the other downed through his back to his boxer, her hips moving eagerly under him.
His hand climbing through her thighs and brushed between her legs, touching her clit slowly, her hips moving with his hand, her mouth opened, moaning softly, his tongue playing one last time with her nipples before going down her belly until her pussy, both of his hand in her hips and his mouth pressed inside her, licking, kissing, pushing his tongue inside her.
"Fuck" Her head falling back and her hands grabbing the sheets, moaning with her mouth open. He never had hear swearing and he love it, he pushed two fingers inside her and she gasped, arching her back a little. Before she could have her orgasm, he climbed on top of her, her hands in his neck, pulling him close, kissing him. He took off his boxers and putted a condom and pushed inside her, slowly and deep, giving her time to adjust to him. "Damn, Thomas" Her eyes closed, her breath erratic and her hands still in his neck. "More"
He went in and out of her, his thrusts deeper, harder and faster, he putted one hand in the bed backrest while the other hold one of hers above her head. He lowered himself to kiss her chest and throat, groaning when her legs sneaked in his waist, pulling him closer, her moans louder, he let go her hand and started to stroking her clit keeping the thrusts. Her back arching, their mouths together, her moans in his lips, they were chest with chest panting and moaning.
"Thomas, I--, shit!" She yelp, coming hard, hugging his neck and shivering. After one last thrust, he followed her, groaning in her ear, collapsing gently a top of her. They stayed like that, catching their breaths, Tara softly stroking his hair, feeling his breath in her skin. He took her lips in his, kissing her slowly and sweetly before roll out of her. Thomas lay beside her, pulling her close by the waist, caressing her skin while one of her hands stroking his cheek, looking inside his beautiful eyes.
"This was amazing" she said and he smiled.
"Amazing enough to have a second date?" His hand pulling her even close.
"And a third, fourth, fifth" He chuckle with a smirk.
"Can you stay tonight?" She asked stroking his chest, it's been so long since she had sheard bed with someone and she wanted to feel him close all the night.
He covered them with the blanket and hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead. "There's no place I would rather be right now" She hugged him by the waist and putted her head in his shoulder, nestled with him, smiling all the time.
#moty thomas#choices thomas mendez#thomas x mc#thomas mendez x mc#thomas mendez#moty mc#pb moty#choices moty#choices fanfics#choices fic#choices fanfiction
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Hello, I hope you're feeling good today! Umm I was curious if you want to share some HCs about modern John and Arthur. What aspects would change if they lived in our present days? Or if they woke up a day and were here? :)
Modern AU | Arthur Morgan | John Marston | Headcanons
OMG yes. So I think about Modern AU Arthur and John A LOT. Both in the sense that they actually grew up in modern AU and that’s all they have know and the sense that they have just woken up in a modern world and have to come to terms with what the world is like in 2019.
I’ll just do a set for each of the boys on Modern AU because this post was getting SO long. But pleaseee if you want to hear about 1899 Arthur and John in a Modern world, send me an ask!
John’s HCs are MUCH more fleshed out than Arthur’s and really more of a narrative where as for Arthur I have a huge bunch of ideas as to who he is as a person but nothing super solid for his actual story.
I have SO many more headcanons about these guys and also Modern AU Abigail. If you want to see more, just ask. ♥
A little background on Modern AU Arthur and John. John’s Father died when he was They were both placed in the Foster-care system where they were taken in by Dutch and Hosea; an older couple that decided to foster instead of adopt. Arthur is still 10 years older than John. He is placed with Dutch and Hosea at around the age of 10 and then seven years later John is placed with them as well at the age of 7.
Arthur isn’t an orphan but he was taken away from his bio Father due to abuse and after that his Father spiralled and found himself in prison. His sentence kept getting extended due to bad behaviour and eventually Arthur writes him off when he reaches adulthood, realising he isn’t going to change. Dutch and Hosea adopt Arthur with his Father’s consent right before he turns 18. His mother died due to illness when he was a toddler.
John’s Mother died in childbirth and his abusive Father was killed when John was 6. He goes straight in to Foster-care and is bounced around from house to house due to his troublesome nature. His Foster parents find him challenging and he continues to be replaced until eventually he lands with Dutch and Hosea at the age of 7. After Arthur, they find John and his anxieties/acting out to not be all that much of a handful.
John isn’t adopted when he turns 18 and as a result has a strained relationship with the people he had considered his family for over 10 years. He attends family Christmas and other holidays but ultimately feels out of place.
Modern AU Arthur:
Okay so first thing you need to know about Modern Arthur is he’s a serial dater
A romantic always looking for ‘the one’
But total self-sabotager when anyone promising appears
Think Ted Mosby from HIMYM
He is HOT but he doesn’t really know it
Really low self-esteem
But at the same time weirdly arrogant because he can pretty much get any woman he wants
He has a new partner every couple of weeks
Always brings them to events and puts them in the photos which annoys his friends
When he is roughly 25 he has a bad break up and decides to ‘be single’ for a while
He meets Eliza and has a one night stand
She gets pregnant
He tries to make it work with her but in the end they are too different
They break up and Arthur is a little relieved
He’s a good Dad to Issac
But Eliza moves away with him when he is around 3
So Arthur only see’s him on holidays and when he can afford to fly out for a visit
He is an Artist
Actually makes some decent money off his work
But hates the whole ‘art scene’
Absolutely despises rubbing noses with “pretentious art folk”
But despite that, is really good at schmoozing to get his art recognised
His friends like to remind him that he’s actually really pretentious himself sometimes
But he likes to think of himself as ‘Down to Earth’
He loves food
Always has snacks
Lives off coffee
Has drank dirty paint water instead of his coffee many, many times
Arthur has a really good parental bond with both Dutch and Hosea
He gets along with them both really well and often voluntarily spends time at their house where he grew up
Dutch is an enabler to Arthur’s womanising
He instils the belief in Arthur that when he meets ‘The One’ he will know instantly
Hosea disapproves and encourages him to try and settle down
Not every relationship is perfect but they still work out etc
Arthur’s sibling relationship with John turned to more of a friendship when the later turned 18
He invited John to live with him for a little while, while he was setting up his business
They didn’t live together for long as they got on each others nerves too often
Arthur doesn’t have many male friends
He finds it easier to connect with women in a platonic sense
Besides John, his male friends are his friend’s husbands
(i.e Jake Adler)
Arthur likes to go away for a couple of weeks at a time
Sometimes he tells people where he’s going
Other times he just disappears
But his Instagram alerts his family to the fact he’s still alive
He never goes on extravagant vacations
Often saving enough for a flight and a stay at a hostel somewhere
Sometimes he camps
He uses these trips for inspiration in his work
Often has a huge influx of stylised work, based on where he’s been once he returns home
It gradually returns to his usual art-style
That’s when he realises it’s time to get away again
He feels content in his life and genuinely enjoys living
He actively yearns for more but deep down isn’t sure he actually wants it
He could live like this the rest of his life and not have many regrets
Modern AU John:
As a child, John never really had anything of his own
Never had anything new
Always hand-me-downs
So once he becomes a teen he is incredibly keen to enter the work-force
He’s very excited to spend his first pay cheque on something new for himself
He never flourished at school
Found that he was much better at working
Especially with his hands and machinery
He took on a trade and worked to become a construction worker
When he reaches adulthood and realises he’s going to have to live by his own means he takes a business course
Starts his own company at the age of 18, doing handy-man kind of work
Dutch and Hosea offer him money to grow it
He turns it down as he feels it’s out of guilt
This spurs him on to work even harder
He wants to prove himself
Eventually starts to make enough money to hire staff
Starts taking on bigger clients
Bigger jobs
Grows his company until at the age of 22 he’s got his own small business and it’s thriving
He does well for himself
He lives off Energy Drinks and coffee
Fast food is a must
Often eats in his car at lunch or on his way home from work
It’s lonely
He meets Abigail and they start casually dating
Not long in to their relationship she falls pregnant
John freaks out but recovers well
He doesn’t want his child to grow up like he did
Proposes because he’s young and dumb
They get married really quickly despite people trying to tell them it’s a bad idea
He takes a mortgage on a house and they move in together
Things are good for a while
But once baby Jack comes they go downhill
Abigail is a good Mother but very young and selfish
This is a whole other set of headcanons if anyone is interested, I’ll write them
John steps up as a Father because he has to if he wants his child to have a good life
He flails a lot
Almost drowns a couple of times
Eventually falls in to a good rhythm of work and baby
His relationship with Abigail crumbles
They separate with joint custody
He has a few good friends
He leans on them hard in during his divorce
He sells his house and moves in with a friend for emotional support/help with the baby
Puts the profits from his sale in to his business and grows it further
As a human; he has a lot of flaws
But they are very different from his flaws in 1899
He is full of anxieties and mental health issues
But refuses to work on them
As a Father he feels he is unfit
But he takes it on anyway and is actually a natural
As a husband he was clingy, yet distant at the same time
Wanting attention and then space when it suited him
He is resentful of Abigail for ultimately being the one to end the marriage
Despite knowing it was for the best
He starts dating a friend
He realises what a good, supportive relationship is like
He and Abigail fight often about what’s right for Jack
John grows frustrated with her childishness
Eventually fights for full custody because he feels like Jack isn’t Abigail’s first priority
Doesn’t win due to being at work full-time
Abigail settles on 70/30 because she is also working and knows John can afford a better Nanny than she can
He never confront Dutch and Hosea about not being adopted
Figures they just didn’t want him to be permanent in their lives
They were his parents for 11 years
It stings but he moves on
He’s in denial about how much it affects him
Affects the decisions his makes parenting his son
#Arthur Morgan#John Marston#Modern AU#modern au john marston#modern au arthur morgan#dutch van der linde#hosea matthews#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#headcanons#hcs#modern au headcanons#modern hcs
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If youre taking requests please a mcdanno family where Steve discover that he will have a son with Cat when he's already with Danny so they decide to co parent tha baby whos name will be Matty you know for Danny's bro... maybe cath die on the birth day ir disapair ? Pleaseee and thnks 💖
Alright, let’s see what we can do! ~~~~~~~~~~~~It wasn’t a secret that Steve had issues with both of his parents, which later in life caused him more issues, mainly with trust. It also wasn’t a secret that because of that, he was very close and cared a lot about Joe. Feeling responsible for both of his father figures deaths left Steve in a very dark place. Though he’d never mention it to anyone, he was a bit surprised he had survived his revenge plot. After the dust settled and he had a moment to breathe, he didn’t really feel all that better about losing Joe. Some wounds that deep don’t fully heal, only scar. He tried his best to honor Joe’s memory and listen to some of the final things he had to say. Especially about the waiting too long thing. At first, he thought he meant Catherine. She’d been an important part of his life, and his revenge plot involved her immediately and initially because she needed to be part of it as much as Steve. He let his feelings at the time rule him and for a moment he thought that that was what Joe meant. But Cat was too much like him. So she couldn’t stay. The job came first, and the need to help and protect, and conquer the demons of the past was way stronger than their feelings for each other. They still loved each other, but...there was a bigger sense in both of them. Something that called Cat back out to battle, and something that called Steve back to Hawaii. He wasn’t sure what it was at first, but when his eyes landed on Danny waiting for him when he got home, it clicked. Boy, did it click. The moment he was back in Danny’s arms, the moment he let himself cry and grieve over the loss he just had, was the moment he had the most obvious epiphany ever. He was home. Not at the McGarrett house, but with Danny. Danny was home. Steve let himself settle for a while, get back into the old grind of the day by day. It was comforting that no matter what happened, he and Danny would just click back together. He was a bit...scared, about making his move and told himself he had time. And he did...until it was clear that some old feelings between Rachel and Danny were resurfacing. That forced his hand and it made him make the most awkward confession he’s ever had. Danny was shocked and more confused than ever. The blond couldn’t deny feelings that have always been there with Steve, but after Joe and seeing that Catherine was someone Steve had called first, he figured that was it. Danny asked Steve for some time, and Steve was happy to give it. Happy that now that Danny had this in his head, he wouldn’t do something stupid like go back to his ex just because he had a very emotional experience with Grace and thought that Steve wasn’t available. They eventually talk. They state where they are in their point of life and what they want. The damn realization that they’ve had basically the best relationship they’ve ever had already but only on a platonic level. They were ready to take it up a notch.“But I ain’t that easy, babe,” Danny told him with a soft smile.“Not even for me?” Steve asked with a smirk. “No, see for that, you’re not even getting a goodnight kiss. You want me, you’re gonna have to woo me.”“Woo you?” Steve echoed, obvious happiness radiating off of him. Danny hadn’t rejected him. He’d risked everything because if he couldn’t have Danny as a lover, having him as a partner was the next best thing. He and the kids were his family too. If he had messed that up, Steve really didn’t want to think about the dark shit hole he’d be in. “Yeah, woo. Meaning you’re taking me out to eat, you’re gonna be gentlemanly, and you’re gonna pay.” Danny said, counting the things with his fingers.“If I’m wooing you then that means I’m also driving you, so no more complaining about that.” Steve countered.Danny rolled his eyes, “Babe, by now I think you know that I’d follow you anywhere...with mild complaining. Get used to it.”Steve smiled and reached out to grab Danny’s hand and interlock their fingers, “I plan to.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Due to them knowing each other for nearly a decade in what could be argued as the longest and healthiest of their relationships, taking it to another level was both simple and complicated. It was all there, they just now had the liberty to act on certain feelings they had to repress before. And once that was a liberty they loved to take, one weekend they disappeared completely and came back Monday morning to zero tension. Needless to say, a lot of money was exchanged as their newfound relationship was confirmed. Grace was very happy for them, which is something Steve thanks God for every day. “You sure you’re okay with this?” Steve asked her once when they were out shopping together. She rolled her eyes playfully. “More than okay. Heck, for a while when I was younger, I thought you were...”Steve looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She shrugged, “Danno wouldn’t talk about anything else but you and when mom tried to say something bad, he’d defend you...it was Danno’s way of loving you, ya know.”Steve nodded and then asked, “I don’t wanna be the evil stepmother in this. You and I have always gotten along but it is different now. And I know that after your accident maybe you...you might have hoped that...”“That mom and Danno would get back together?” She asked and Steve nodded. “I think any kid with divorced parents thinks that at some point but...not me. I’ve lived through their divorce once. I was little so I didn’t always understand everything...but I knew that Danno was angry at some of my mom’s choices and I know he loved me more than anything. He gave up his whole world to come to be with me...I want someone for him who’d do the same. And that’s you.”Steve hugged Grace tightly. When they pulled away he promised her, “I love him. And I will prove to him, and you and the whole damn world that he is the one for me.”Grace smiled, “I know.” Then she got serious and jabbed him in his chest, “Because if you ever hurt Danno...you’ll be sorry.”Steve chuckled, but saluted her in a soldier way, “You got it, Monkey.” It was the first time he’s openly called her Danny’s nickname for her, and it seemed natural. She didn’t correct him at least. This...this is how it’s meant to be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Living on an island for as long as he has, Steve knows that as much of a paradise it can be, when a storm brews, it can be disastrous. A few months later, he receives a call from Catherine, asking him to meet. He feels like something is immediately wrong because she’s never had to ask him to meet like this. He was pretty sure they were both in a clear understanding of how things were left off. Or so he’d hoped. He dreaded to think he’d have to break her heart or any hopes. But he was with Danny now. And he was deliriously happy. They meet and Steve immediately sees what this might be about. He does the math in his head and it fits. “We used a condom.” Were the first words out of his mouth.“Which only guarantees 97%...I’m sure you’ve seen FRIENDS,” Catherine replied. Steve is dumbstruck with the information to make any sort of witty reply. Worry and fear build up inside of him and all he could think about was Danny’s reaction. “Steve?”“I...I’m with Danny...I...I love him...” Catherine smiled softly and placed a hand on his arm, “I know. When we left..I knew that was it. For that chapter anyway. I hoped we could still be friends.”“I still love you Cat. Just...differently. And this...”She placed a finger on his lips to quiet him. “You have a right to know, which is why I’m telling you. I’m not here to cause trouble. I...I know this might not be the easiest thing to deal with. But I couldn’t keep this from you. I’m not going to ask you to choose.”“You’re not?”“No. I know you’d do the honorable thing, but we’re living in a modern world. And deep down, I think we all know you’d still choose Danny. But I’d rather take the option ‘and’ instead of ‘or’. You can have Danny, and gods know you deserve his love...and you can have your child. I still love you...you know I won’t ever stop but like you said...it’s different now. But still as real.” Steve is overwhelmed with emotion and new information. They sit so he could catch his breath and talk over all they know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tell Danny was hard. Even though it happened before they got together, Danny knew how loyal Steve was and assume that was it for them. Steve did his best to reassure him that they weren’t done, not by his account. Danny needed time and as much as it hurt Steve to be away from him at a time like this, he respected Danny’s wishes. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t in a more than depressed state. All he could think about was losing Danny, not being a good father, realizing he was going to become an actual father! “-eve? Steve! STEVEN!” Steve snapped out of it when he realized that Danny was in front of him. He furrowed his brow. “Wh-what are you doing here?”It’d only been a few hours since Steve’s told Danny and Danny had left. “What do you mean what am I doing here? I sort of live here.”“I know but...I thought you needed some time?” “I did. And I had it. Plus your natural impulse control disappears at times like these. I was worried about you...”Steve tried to smile, but the uncertainty he felt deep in his bones made it hard to keep it. He reached over on instinct and interlocked their fingers, “How are you?”“I think I should be asking you that,” Danny replied.“I asked you first.” Steve quipped back. Danny rolled his eyes a bit, but in a fond manner as he placed his other hand over his and Steve’s interlocked ones. “I’ve had some time to think. This will have its hardships but...”“But?” Steve asked, hope creeping into his voice. “But...I’ve had two kids of my own. One in the ‘proper’ way that ended badly. And another kid, out of wedlock, without knowing he was mine for years...I can’t let you go through what I went through with Charlie. I won't be the reason you miss out on your kid’s life. But don’t you dare doubt for a damn second that I’m giving up on you. I love you.”Steve leaned in and kissed Danny fiercely, relief flooding him. “I love you too, Danno. So much.”“Then that’s all that matters. We’ll make plans, we’ll talk with Cat, we’ll tell the team, babyproof the house...looks like we’re having a baby.” Danny told him. And that’s when it hits Steve in that way. It never occurred to him like that. Danny and he were in a relationship. Once they figured out the custody and living arrangements...it would be their baby. Danny’s and his...because Danny was the best father ever, no contest. And his child will have Danny to care and love them. He leaned in and kissed Danny again, he was so happy this was turning out so great. “We’re having a baby.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m falling asleep xD I’ll write the second part later. This was the setup, the next part will be the pregnancy, finding out the sex of the baby, the talking about the name, and the rest of it. But I hope you liked this so far ^^
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Grounded Ch.5 Pt.1
Ch.1: pt1 pt2/Ch.2: pt1 pt2/Ch.3: pt1 pt2/Ch.4: pt1 pt2 pt3
Okay, final chapter! Well, maybe not. Go to part two if you want more info on that.
Anyway, pt1 of this chapter is in a different point of view, incase you couldn't tell, or are confused. Here it is!!
Tag list: @nerd-in-space @satisfied-sanders-sides @omlwhatamidoing @thebaagelboy @sparklyshiz @let-me-be-the-nerdiest-of-nerds @minietina @sassy-and-messy @bookwormravenclaw @creepy-cupcakes @lizziepopanime @kittenvirgil @lizethemotherlycat @sunshine-goblin @otpislife2002 @sick-sushi @pink-and-purple-flowers
I’m sorry! Tumblr isn’t letting me tag @otpislife2002 and @pink-and-purple-flowers! i don’t know what to do!!!
It was luck that he found Virgil's art. He was searching online for tickets to play he had been wanting to see. The first piece Virgil posted was set as the websites header. It was a complicated design of different swirls. Blacks and different shades of purples mixed together with slight bits of pink here and there. Roman was so glad the owner of the website had credited the art, otherwise he most likely wouldn't have found Virgil.
Since then he followed his art blog, similar to a stalker. Every piece that was uploaded he made sure to leave a positive comment. He really wanted Darkwings to do a commission for him. At least at first. As time passed he noticed that Darkwings has been taking more hiatus's. Saying 'sorry guys, but I'm not really making enough for food, so I'll be back later'. After the seventh hiatus post, Roman did all he could to get Darkwings to open up commissions, just so he could give the poor artist money.
Roman frequently vented to Patton and Logan about a "poor artist, who has so much talent! Come on Patton, Logan, you have got to see this! Dark's art is amazing! It just pulls your attention, almost like the artist himself wants the attention so bad! But he's suffering! Please! Help! Me! Help! Dark!"
Patton and Logan ending up helping Roman. Patton just wanted to help his Ro. Logan wanted Roman to be quiet for just a little while. However, once they saw the artist's art, they felt the urge to help Darkwings. They couldn't quite explain it.
When Dark opened up commissions, they were so happy! 'Finally! We can help him.' They thought. Roman sent a commission with 30$ extra. He was planning on doing the same thing every week. He has money to spare. His acting jobs pay a pretty penny. He did not expect, however, to end up getting Dark's number.
That was a happy little surprise. After getting Dark's-no, Virgil's number, he immediately wanted to share with Patton and Logan. After all, even they were pulled to Virgil, for some reason. He waited two weeks, though, 'cause Virgil didn't seem to be very trustworthy of anything and anyone.
Once they were all able to talk to Virgil, the pulling feeling toward him increased. Logan suspected that maybe, just maybe, Virgil is their last missing soulmate. That's right, they have four marks. They had been lucky enough to meet and grow their soulwings together, but they each had one empty soulmark left on their backs. They felt incomplete. The idea that Virgil could be their missing soulmate excited the three. They were planning on asking to meet him.
Before they could, Virgil's texts alerted them of an more important issue. They didn't know why, but the poor boy doesn't seem to think of himself very highly. Roman, when ever he texted Virgil about how a 'Prince must save everyone in need!', Virgil would respond with something similar to 'not everyone deserves it'. Patton, when trying to be kind to Virgil, would be shown dismissal or rejection. (In a polite way, Patton could tell.) Logan, by reading over all Virgil's texts, could tell that Virgil thought of himself as worthless.
So when Virgil texted 'well then you don't know the same world I do', Patton hit a breaking point. He was going to call him. Logan stopped him, telling him to wait a few hours. Patton reluctantly did, but an hour or so later, when something in his heart told him he needed to call now, he did.
Patton got the others to join him on the call. However, when he realized that Virgil had been crying, his heart broke. Logan and Roman shared similar feelings. They convinced the exhausted Virgil to give them his address, after calming him down. "Let's go guys! We have to help him! The poor kiddo is suffering on his own."
When they finally saw Virgil, they knew. They knew he had to be the missing soulmate. It was almost as if their soulwings were telling them, 'That's him! It's him! Touch him! Touch him! Touch! Touch! Touch!' But they held back. If they touched him now, it would only have negative effects, as much as it hurt them to admit.
Sitting through Virgil's 'story' was the most painful thing the three of them ever had to do. 'How could someone do that to their own child?' The thought that Virgil went through all this alone, had all of them on the verge of just jumping on the poor boy and showering him in so much love.
But they held back again. They had too. It wasn't time, not yet. So they took him out. Showing him that the world wasn't out for him.
When he smiled at the movie, they almost died. His smile was just, so...precious. How could a family throw out a wonderful child who could smile like that?
When they told him that the three of them were going to bring him to a restaurant, they were able to see an even bigger smile. Along with tears, but they were good ones. From the beginning Virgil looked so skinny, unnaturally so. They all wanted so badly to give him all the food they possibly could.
They took him to their favorite restaurant. It was small and had great food, so it would be perfect. Or so they thought. The object of their affections had just run out the front door, after looking like he saw something terrifying.
Roman wanted to catch him, "Virgil! Wait!"
"Roman, it's too late. He's already gone." Patton seemed as if he was on the verge of tears.
Logan had seen the look on Virgil's face before he left. He turned towards were Virgil was looking. 'A family?'
There was a simple family of three you could see everywhere, sitting just two tables away from them. A Father, Mother, and daughter. 'Huh? Why are they getting up?'
The family started getting ready to leave the restaurant, so it seemed. However, something looked off. Logan couldn't place it, so as the family was passing by the table he was currently at, he focused as much as he could.
"Hah, so it's that brat. He still alive, I'm impressed. Should we go talk with him, honey?" The father chuckled.
"Pff. Why should we waste our precious time on a waste of oxygen like him?"
"Mooom~! I wanna have fun with Virgil again! Pleaseee~?"
"Oh, fine honey. You know I just can't say no to you."
The family left the restaurant. Logan quickly got the attention of Patton and Roman.
"We have to get to Virgil, quickly."
"Well duh, that's what I was gonna do anyway."
They all got up to leave. Patton realized Logan's serious look. "Lo, what's wrong?"
"The family that just passed us, is Virgil's."
That certainly got the attention of both of them.
"What!?" "Huh?!"
"I heard them mumbling as they were on their way to the exit. It seems Virgil must have noticed them," Logan's face scrunched up slightly in disgust, "and the rotten family, noticed back."
"But! They didn't want Virgil! Why would they go after him?" Patton was hoping, 'Maybe they want to apologize?' Logan's next words shattered that hope.
"The father wants 'talk' with him, while the daughter wants to 'play'."
"Despicable." Roman spat out.
They hastened their pace.
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Recovered Jonsa Fic #19
Another Creepyfinger fic for my Fic Repost Project!
Anonymous asked: Jon/Sansa- Petyr sees how much Sansa adores Jon and plots to get rid of him, not wanting to lose her to another Stark. It doesn’t end well for him.
Can you write more dead!Littlefinger fics? Either Jon gets to kill him, or Sansa or Ghost. Pleaseee????
Hope that I managed to please you all!
Whenever anyone gets too near, she tenses up. She balls her hands into fists. She tries not to flinch.
But with Him, she leans toward him, she meets his eyes, she smiles. She even laughs. Petyr realizes that he’s never actually witnessed a moment of true joy from her. Satisfaction, relief, bitter amusement, yes. But there’s a naturalness, an ease to her smiles and laughter when she’s with Him that he’s never seen before. He’s furious. That, along with everything else she is, is supposed to belong to him.
The Bastard must be disposed of. He will not allow another Stark to take what is his.
At first he tries to sneak poison into the Bastard’s cup. But the night he brings it to the Great Hall, ready to slip it into the bastard’s tankard, is the night when the Bastard reveals that he’s hired a taster for his food. Baelish curses. The Bastard had been so resistant to hiring attendants. But apparently the Princess finally convinced her King.
He starts trying to bribe servants, build a network within Winterfell’s walls. He’s halfway successful. There are some servants willing to tell him the king’s whereabouts, even fetch him things. But none of them are willing to act against the king themselves. Petyr considers sending for an assassin. But then the Bastard announces that he will be traveling from Winterfell within the fortnight. There is no time. Petyr realizes with a cold chill that he will have to do it himself.
He manages to get one of the stewards to give him a key to the Bastard’s bedchamber, slip some sleeping drop into the Bastard’s evening mead, and send for him when the king has retired. He even gets one of the kitchen boys to feed that blasted wolf some spoiled meat, so “Ghost” spends the night in the kennels, splattering the place with vomit. It is now or never.
Purposely draped in one of those absurd furry cloaks the northerners favor, he clutches a dragonbone blade to his chest and creeps through the halls of Winterfell to the Bastard’s chambers. He smiles as the key fits the lock perfectly.
The solar is pitch black. But Petyr knows how to move in the darkness. He’s not Varys, but he’s no stranger to creeping. He manages to open the bedchamber door without waking anyone. The bedchamber has some light from the dying fire. He vaguely makes out a large form beneath the furs. He grins. At last. He just wishes the Bastard could watch him do it. Try making her smile now.
Still, as he draws closer and eyes the silhouette, the nerves get to him. Sleeping there, somehow, Jon Snow looks… bigger. Petyr can only see his head peeking out of the covers, but his body… Was he always so big, so powerful?
Sleeping giants still sleep, he reminds himself. He thinks of killing Lysa, the satisfaction of it. This… This is even better. Perhaps he’ll slice the bastard from navel to neck. Yes…
Slowly, carefully, he takes the furs in hand and draws them—
There’s a scream, banging. The wind is knocked out of him and Petyr falls back, forced to the floor by a figure. He’s flat on his back, weighed down, struggling. A blade finds his throat. He gapes. He’d thought Jon Snow would weigh more—
And then he manages to regain his senses and realizes it is most certainly not the Bastard atop him. It’s a woman. A tall, slender woman with the sort of breasts that would guarantee her to fetch a high price, with long white limbs and long red hair that hung so he couldn’t make out her face. She was naked and—
“CAT?!” He sputters.
The woman leans down. “Littlefinger!”
It’s her. It’s Sansa. Sansa, atop him, naked. How many times had he dreamt of Sansa naked atop him?
But this is no dream. It’s a nightmare. She holds a blade to his neck. Petyr’s eyes dart everywhere, and he spots him. The Bastard, hurriedly climbing from the furs, naked as well. In a second, he is crouching over Petyr as well, holding him down by the shoulders.
“You don’t have to do it, Sansa,” the Bastard says, “I can…”
Petyr only now notices that she’s crying. She relaxes, though, pulls away, hands the blade to Jon. She turns away too. She won’t even watch.
The blade is at Petyr’s throat again. The Bastard has him pinned. He weighs a ton. He glares at Petyr with a fury and malice that Baelish never, ever saw in Ned Stark.
“Wait!” Sansa says, and Petyr feels a moment of hope. She looking over her shoulder now, through a curtain of hair. “Why?” She asks, “How? What made you do something so stupid?”
“You’re… Mine…” He sputters, gazing at her nakedness. He struggles some more, wanting to cut the Bastard to ribbons. But he can’t. The King in the North pins him effortlessly.
Sansa looks away again.
The King presses the blade closer, close enough to draw blood. His face is soon an inch from Petyr’s. He’s all Petyr can see. He’s Ned Stark, back for revenge.
“I gave Ramsay to Sansa. But I’d hoped to kill you,” he says, “I’m not an enthusiastic killer, normally. Usually I don’t like it. But there are exceptions. You’re one of them. I’ve seen how you look at her. Don’t you think I knew? Always knew? She told me everything. I’ve wanted to kill you since we met. I was so happy when we met, and I had a face for the name. It was easier to imagine doing it that way. But this… This is even better than I could have ever imagined. You die by my hand, never having what you wanted, never being wanted by who you wanted. I am so glad that you’re going to die knowing yourself to be so repulsive, so low, that she would rather belong to her brother than ever go near your little-finger. She picked me. And now, I finish what my Uncle Brandon should have.”
He’s being crushed, being cut, being drowned all at once. He realizes he’s choking on his own blood. The Bastard throws the knife aside, then gets to his feet. He spits in Baelish’s face.
Petyr desperately tries to find his own blade. If he dies, he’s taking the bastard with him. Or at least drawing blood. But he can’t find it. He clutches his neck, trying to stem the flow of blood. He spots his blade. It’s near Sansa’s feet. He can’t reach it. He stares now, stares at the knife and the feet and legs near it. A second later, the Bastard is standing close to her. He’s embracing her, kissing her forehead. She buries herself in his arms. And those Stark hands stroke that red hair…
The sputtering finally stops, and Jon cannot help but smile in satisfaction. Finally, he’s gone. He only wishes Sansa would stop sobbing. “Sweetling, he’s dead. We… We have to…”
Sansa pulls away, wiping her eyes. “I don’t mourn him but… It’s just so awful. I should have done it myself.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” He’d wanted this one so badly.
She swallows, glances at the corpse, then looks away again, shuddering. There’s silence. Jon tries to think about how he’ll go about explaining this to the Vale Lords. Sansa wanted him alive long enough to gather all the evidence she needed to expose him, but that wasn’t happening now…
“Why didn’t you tell him?”
“What?” Jon asks, bewildered.
Sansa looks at him. “You told him I chose my brother over him. But we both know that isn’t technically true. Why not have him die knowing who you really are? So he can die thinking that I’m not only by your side, but that I’ll probably be next to you as you sit the Iron Throne as well.”
Jon does a double-take. While he’s obsessed over the revelation of his true heritage in a variety of ways, the throne, for whatever reason, is always something he forgets. It’s the one aspect of what Howland Reed told him that he’s utterly unconcerned with.
Still, he must admit, with Littlefinger, given the man’s ambitions, he sees Sansa’s point. But he shrugs.
“I suppose I found the idea of him believing himself more revolting than incest to be just as satisfying. And besides…” He looks over at the bleeding body, “I like the idea of the man who prides himself on knowing everything dying as the only one who doesn’t know.”
She nods and gives a ghost of a smile. “I see the humor there, I suppose.” She sighs. “I must go back to my chambers. If they find me here…”
Jon reluctantly helps her back into her clothes. He kisses her at the hallway door.
When she’s gone, Jon returns to his bedchamber and watches Baelish’s blood ooze all over the floor. He doesn’t like death. But this one is an exception. He suspects burning the body shall prove just as satisfying. Not half as clever as you thought, were you, Baelish?
Jon pulls on his breeches and tunic, then shouts for the guards.
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Don’t let me down
Not sure why I laughed so hard at this GIF, but it doesn’t take too much to amuse me. Figured I would break the ice before I continued (hahaha... ice + penguins.... Okay I’m done.)
(I want to make a quick comment before I begin this one... Okay, so sometimes when I write, things seem clear in my head but they may not be to you. SO. If you backtrack to my post about my mom, when I said my ex had compared me to her- that was not “J”- it was my bf before him. That would’ve been really ironic though, right? Ha. Anywayyyys)
We’re almost through the really bad stuff, I promise. Thanks for sticking with me this far. My last post was almost as hard to write as I’m sure it was for most of you to read.
12/10/2017 was easily one of the worst days of my life. I was numb. I couldn’t think or I wouldn’t of made it. When I was about 15 minutes from my Dads I had received a phone call from “J’s” sister. She had asked me what was wrong with him (his odd behavior) but I really was no help. Guilt. I had failed him once again. I couldn’t answer because I didn’t know. I couldn’t answer because right now I couldn’t worry about anyone except myself. Immediately after I hung up I received a text message from a friend wishing me luck and that they hoped I got the help I needed. REALLY? I had JUST crossed the state line and my ex’s brother had thought it was his place to tell others. I thought at that moment that I would never be more angry in my life (silly me, you’ll see later). That was exactly the LAST thing I needed to worry about at that moment. You’ve read my prior posts. You read why I didn’t tell anyone myself. Just hours before that I had been teetering off the edge of the cliff and the slightest bit of wind could’ve knocked me off. We’re just going to chalk it up to the fact that people don’t K N O W or T H I N K. This is what I’m trying to get at. YOU don’t know what state of mind anyone is in at any given moment, whether it has to do with addiction or not. Please, please, pleaseee stop and think of how your words and actions can effect others. WORD OF ADVICE: If someone is going through active addiction or is in recovery - IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL OTHERS!!!!!!! You are NOT helping. Remember how I emphasized my loneliness because I felt like I couldn’t turn to anyone else? The only person now that I could go to with this, the only person now that I wanted to tell, was my Dad. I had my reasons for not telling him through the phone the night before. However, I had bigger fish to worry about. By the time I reached my Dads the first symptoms of withdrawal had already started. I remember when I first got there I couldn’t seem to get my legs to move to get out of the car. Panic had set in. How do I tell someone this? How do I tell my Dad this? I was so ashamed and so scared that when he opened my car door I opened my mouth ready to tell him but all I could do is cry. He brought me inside and we sat down. How quickly would it be before I REALLY started feeling the withdrawal? What was he going to think? What if he gets mad. I’ve let him down. I had to get it out. I had to tell him. But I couldn’t. The words that would come out of my mouth were just beating around the bush. How do you look into the eyes of the person who means the most to you and tell them what an awful thing you had done and that you needed help? I couldn’t look at him. Bless my Dad, because if I was ever in his position I feel like I may not of handled anywhere near as well as he did. Finally, the words came out. This is not how I wanted it to go. I wanted to be able to explain. Really though, there’s no good way to admit to your Dad that for the past two years you’ve been addicted to heroin and that your body was going into withdrawal and that you needed him to help you SOMEHOW, NOW.
I was finally going to get help. I was finally able to tell someone. I was finally not all alone. Remember how hard it was for me just to get to THIS point? My Dad & I both immediately got on our phones. Looking for a rehab or detox facility. I remember laying on the floor while my Dad called place after place. Problem #1 : I had chosen to do this on a Sunday (I know silly me, what was I thinking) So all of those 24/7 things you hear about alllllll the time- are BS. Monday- Friday or Monday- Saturday at most. A lot of places were closed. How? Beats me. Shouldn’t this be a 24/7 thing? Hmmm. Problem #2: I had no insurance. I had no money. Problem #3: I was not a resident of IN. So, every place we were able to actually reach someone at would turn me away for either both or one or the other. Two places I could’ve went to: 1) They required $3,000 up front. My total stay would’ve been somewhere around $25,000. No, no typos you read that right. Cool, cross that one off. 2) They stuck you in a room for 3 days, and on the third day they made you get up, do chores, and go look for a job. My dad hung up on that place. (Thanks Dad, really)
I was out of options. I didn’t know what to do. Did I make the right choice? I was beginning to feel so awful. I should’ve stayed there. No, that wasn’t possible. Why did “J” say I was going to be okay when I wasn’t? He lied. I couldn’t go into withdrawal. I was in full panic but I managed to hold on. The idea arose to go to the hospital. Maybe they could help me? You see the thing with me is when I was in withdrawal I would get really bad chest pains. It literally felt like someone was squeezing the life out of me. That was my worst symptom (it’s different for everyone). (I had only experienced these chest pains a few times before but it was never for long and it was one reason that held me back from wanting to stop using) I was desperate for it to stop and I knew it would only get worse. (When I said before that people would rather D I E than detox, especially with no medical help, it’s no lie. People who have went through detox them self that are reading this will understand. It is the worst feeling in the world. So bad that yes, death can seem like a better alternative.) So the hospital it is. I had googled if hospitals would help in such a case prior to leaving and I read a lot of negative comments about how they’ll just turn you away and won’t do a thing - but I could only hope for the best. What other choice did I have? I was sinking again but thankfully I had someone willing to help me. That would lighten this load just a little bit for me. That was willing to help pull me up out of this hole and ask questions later. I was no longer alone.
to be continued.
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How do you get insurance?
How do you the following insurance Health insurance dental insurance homeowner insurance car insurance life insurance I know health insurance, dental insurance, and life insurance you can get as benefits from your employer. How do you get car insurance and home owners insurance. How much does health insurance pay for if you had to go to the hospital. Do you get medical bills from the hospital for you to pay how much you have to after your insurance pays for most of it.""
What is the cheapest car Insurance ?
I own my car. What do I have to carry?
Affordable health care?
Does the affordable health care act say that as a family member of a state emplyee I can't be on my wife's insurance after she retires ?
How much would insurance be?
How much money would it be to add someone to my insurance, for farmers?""
Cheap car insurance PLEASEEE :(?
I passed my driving test yesterday and now really finding it hard to get insured, its so expensive what ive been quoted is redictulos, its like 3000 up to 12,000 !!! can anybody help me and tell me how to find a very cheaop car insurance place, i am only able to afford around 2000 a year but i need to pay monthly. i live in the UK Thanks guyssss much appricaited xxxx""
Would my health insurance cover for vision?
I currently have Aetna Health Insurance. On their insurance plan, they say they cover vision for free. However, when I was filling out my insurance plan, I forgot to check the box that said I wanted vision covered because it said it was free. Now when I went to get a prescription for glasses, the insurance company said they wouldn't cover it because I did not check the vision box. Would the company still have to cover it, because they said vision would be covered for free.""
Things that could lower my insurance rate?
I am most likely buying a 2001 ford mustang: -v6 engine, 5 speed manual 140,000k miles 2 seater it has a stage 4 racing clutch, its blacked out.. paint, rims, tinted windows, (headlights might have a tint idk tho) i am a sophomore in highschool, i have never received anything lower than a B, and my gpa is a 3.75. i want to know as many things that i can get done to this car in order to force the insurance rate down: iv heard of theft systems and keeping grades low.. but what else? i was thinking of getting a bluetooth? thanks""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Insurance would cost for 21 male?
how much would it cost me if i get liability not full coverage ... i havnt bought a car as yet but im thinking of buying 95 accord 4 dr or 96 maxima ... just curious to know what my insurance would be...
My sister insurance covering my brother car but she wants to cancel?
She is cancelling her insurance for a lower rate with a new company and he wants to have the car insured in his name. The car is registered in his name. How would they go about this? can she say she no longer wants to insure the car?
How does a Deductible on car insurance work?
Is it a good idea to have one on my car insurance ? And if i have one will my payments go up each month?
Can you get life insurance on a non-relative?
I am legally still considered a minor child, although I am 16. My parents are divorced and I live with my Mom in Georgia. My natural father is dying of cancer, and lives in Illinois. Is it possible to get a life insurance policy with me as the benefactor even if me and my father live in 2 different states? Technically my Mom & Dad are divorced and she would not be able to get a life insurance on him on her own, as she is a non-relative. But I am his only son, so couldn't I get one on him? Even though by law children cannot legally engage in any sort of contract.""
Do i need insurance to clean a church?
do i need insurance to clean a church?
Can i pay for my dads car insurance?
my dad hasnt got a credit or debit card i have a debit card and im only 16 can i pay for my dads car insurance
UK ONLY: Cheap car insurance for 17 years old male?
I passed my 1 and half months ago, and insurance seems to be no less than 3000 on every sites i look. I havent bought a car but the car im looking to insure is 00-02reg VW Polo 1.0ltr or 00-06reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.0-1.2ltr Both of them are manufacture standards without any modification or accidental repaired. I dont think i will be buying a car before i find a cheap and affordable insurace, happy to pay under 2000 Cannot have an additional driver as my parents do not drive. So can anybody please help me out or recommend me a company? Thank you in advance.""
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Average insurance price?
I am a 19 yr old female. i am married and owm my car not financing it. it is a 4 door autimatic 1994 nissan sentra. 1.6 liter. is there and average ball park guess as to how much my insurance may be? im just now licensed and have never been insured or had a ticket
Where would be the cheapest place for insurance??????
ive recnetly turned 18 and i want to get a suzuki jimny soft top where is the best place
How much will it cost to insure my business?
It's a grocery delivery business. I have a few drivers. I am concerned about the following: Protecting employees while they are driving/delivering, Protecting my customers from any negligence or criminal activity done by my employees, Insuring inexpensive (about $5k each) delivery cars""
International health insurance question. ????
I'm planning on moving to Finland this March-October and have been looking online for health insurance while I am away from the US. Can anyone recommend some companies which offer good coverage, but is also affordable?""
Were do i get classic insurance for 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.?
Were do i get classic insurance for 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.?
Car insurance??
Do yesterday i accidentally back up into a metal pole and slightly scratch my rear bumper, and there are another couple bigger damage from before. should i report this to my insurance. it cost 500$ to of deductible to get it fix.so should i report it to my insurance company??""
The best car insurance for a beginning teen?
I want to start driving, however one responsibility is paying for my own car insurance. I am 16 years old and am interested in a 2005 Volkswagen beetle. I was wondering what is the best car insurance company for a teen beginning driver, something affordable for a teenager's income please lol. Thank you.""
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
Temporary car insurance problem...Help!?
My car has to go away for repair and I don;t know how long its going to take, so I want to get insured on my parents car. Because I am still 20, I cant get temporary car insurance and the insurance policy on my parents car won't insure me as an additional driver because of my age and because the car is fairly new. Any ideas on how I can be insured on this car would be welcome, as I still need to get to and from work! Thanks.""
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Do I have to have car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm getting my first car that I'm paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don't have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?""
Where can I get insurance for an older car?
I have a 1969 VW Beetle and need cheapish insurance. Very few insurers will cover a car that old unless it is a classic , but as this means it can only really be driven to shows and whatnot, it won't work for me. This is my daily driver. Thanks in advance.""
Full or Limited Tort with no car or insurance?
I was in a single car accident in March. My car is not drivable and I am donating it. I want to cancel my insurance on the car and my agent said that I would have a lapse insurance which would make it more expensive for me to get insurance in the future. I live in PA and also wonder that if I no longer have car insurance does that mean I have limited tort if I'm passenger in someone's car or get hit while walking. I'm currently driving my mother's car which is registered and insured in DE I have concerns as to my liabilty and hers if I were to be at fault in an accident in PA. Doing some research today has just made me more confused.
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
Can I be reimbursed for birth control paid for after Affordable Care Act took effect?
After paying my co pay for birth control for about a year, I finally asked my pharmacist what he knew about the Affordable Care Act. He ran my insurance and found out that I was eligible for free birth control. Is there any way for me to be reimbursed for the birth control that I paid for after the Affordable Care Act became effective?""
How much is my car worth?
I just totaled my 2003 nissan sentra gxe. I have full coverage insurance and was wondering how much I should expect the insurance company to give me for the car? I looked on kelley blue book website but I am not sure if it should be considered private party value or trade-in value. It was in excellent condition prior to the crash.
What is the cheapest car insurance for women college students?
19 year old female. 1999 Toyota 4runner
How much might they charge me for no insurance ticket in wyandot ks?
was following my boyfreind in my brothers car and I took a wrong exit near the speedway. I went down stateline rd looked for a gas station for directions. Found a gas station to ask for directions and the guy did not speak understandable english so tired and lost I took off down the road and forgot to turn my head lights on was puulled over and given a ticket for the lights and it turns out that my brother did not have insurance on the car and that I had forgot my purse way down in pittsburg. I am being told that I may have to pay a $1200 fine and get some weird insurance that cossts $300 or more a month and that it is possible htat they will take my liscense away. This can't be rite?!!? I have a clean driving record and only make $250 a month can't hardly pay rent. Sombody who knows awnser please!!!!!
Will my car insurance rate go up?
so yesterday, I rear end into someone car but damage at all. His car still look new and my car still remain the same. But he said he will go check up his car, if there are some damage inside. He will claim my insurance. Suppose he claim my insurance, how much will my car insurance rate go up?""
""What is the average insurance rate for a 19 year old male in Austin, Tx?""
PLEASE give me an actual number, not just how I could find out and what important information I left out. I have had no accidents and an attending school and will be buying an average car. Thanks in advance""
Health Insurance for 18 going to 19 year old?
My boyfriend is currently 18 years old. In January he will turn 19. He has no health insurance.We live in Texas. He's currently working/has his own income but still lives in his grandma's home. He started working making roughly about 250-300 every week, this has however only been for half the year before he was only making minimum wage. Should he get insurance from where he works? Or can he qualify for Medicaid or something of that sort? How does insurance work when you move out also?? Who qualifies for Medicaid? How? We're honestly clueless about all this, and no one has given us information. I've tried doing online research but it's all confusing.. I was hoping someone would help me out. Anything will help. Thank you.""
How can I prevent a speeding ticket from making my insurance go up?
I got pulled over and as of right now the insurance is already high. I am 18 living in KY. First time offense. Any way I can prevent insurance going up?
High car insurance cost?
why does car insurance cost so much for first time insured? where can i find cheap car insurance that cost less than my car payment?
My car is totalled and the at fault insurance company won't pay. What do I do?
I was recently rear ended. The lady who hit me was not the owner of the car. The car is insured with Access General under the boyfriends name. Access General came to assess my car and deemed it totalled. They gave me a dollar amount of how much the car is worth and what they are willing to pay for it. Heres the problem, Access General is claiming that they can not get a hold of the boyfriend and that they can not process anything and will close the file if they do not make contact with him. So basically, I would be stuck. Obviously, I am going to get a lawyer, but has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Am I missing something here?""
UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online?
What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest""
Life insurance? i dont feel right about this company?
Hi i applied for life insurance through sun life financial. are they a good company? who do you get your life insurance from? is it even important? anyways, they still havent drawn up my policy since i have applied, even though was approved. All i was looking for was a simple life insurance i can afford, and they added in a whole bunch of accessories to go along with it. anyways, they keep coming back for many tests. which would have been hell of a lot convenient if they did these tests all in one place in one time. rather than having to do 4 or 5 tests over the past 4 months. it drives me crazy now that they are always phoning, needing this and that...now im starting to consider if i even want my life insurance with them also, is it even necessary to have life insurance along with critical illness and disability? i am just a studetn on a budget with two young boys at home. whats your take?""
Insurance coverage question?
I was involved in a three car accident, the car that started it came in to main street and got hit by one car, consequently he lost control of his car went across the next lane and hit me. His insurance already told me they are taking liability and will pay both drivers' damages, but he said that California minimum liability is only $5000, so they are planning to divide the $5000 to cover both drivers. However the damage in my car and the other guy's car exceeds $5000. I thought the limit if indeed is $5000 it should be $5000 for each driver and not for both. What do you think? Maybe they're just giving my the short end of the stick or twisting things for their convenience. Anybody knows for sure how it should work?""
""Ran a red light in NYC, what can I do to avoid having my insurance increase?""
Today, I ran a red light as I was going downhill in the rain to avoid hydroplaning into an intersection. As I ran the red light, a camera from above flashed and I'm 99% sure I'm getting a ticket in the mail now. I don't live in New York state (I live in South Dakota which is like 30 hours away), so I don't have a means of going down to the DMV in NYC once I get my ticket in the mail. In the meantime(or once I get my ticket), what steps can I take to not have my insurance rate go up?""
Which car insurance should i go with?
i've been with mercury insurance for many years now. but since i've never had to file a claim, i don't know how good they are. i got two lower quotes from esurance and response insurance. i don't know if i should switch. any experience feedback with your car insurance companies would be great.""
How much would insurance be for a jeep Cherokee?
i am planning to get a jeep cherokee or wrangler and want to know how much car insurance would be. i am 16 and want to know how much money i should pay insurance to see if it is in my budget.
A car insurance question...?
So... I had a 1998 VW beetle that I traded in today for a 2003 VW beetle. I purchased this car in the state that I am currently in for college (MD). In order to purchase the car I had to get a MD tag. My old car is insured under Farm Bureau in NC. Can I transfer my old insurance to cover this car? I am not a Maryland resident, but NC resident. Any help/advise is greatly appreciated. My 98 beetle was in great shape, but the newer car had more additives like sunroof/less miles etc.... The difference was around $5000 that I am having to pay.. Because of the financing I had to get MD tag and such.. Thanks in advance for your help!""
What happens if u get caught driving alone on a permit in California?
So last night, I was stupid enough to go out and get food on my permit around 8pm alone. I also forgot to turn on my headlights, I thought I turned them on but apparently I only turned on my parking lights. And I got pulled over, he gave me a ticket for 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed driver, and 24250 cvc for driving with no headlights at night. I wasn't driving bad, I just didn't have my headlights on. I have to show up to court next month, what is going to happen?... I live in California. Thanks. AND JUST WONDERING, WILL IT SHOW UP AS A POINT ON MY RECORD? AND HOW MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE RISE?""
Auto insurance in florida?
okay heard a rumor that as of october 2007 NO auto insurance is required in the state of florida.... anyone else heard of this ?
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
What are the topics for research in insurance?
What are the topics for research in insurance?
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Beware this Scam on Car Insurance.!!?
A friend of mine was telling me about how his son was Scammed by a fake online Insurance Company. They are advertising car Insurance 50% cheaper, which of course is attracting young drivers. He paid 620 by his visa card for full cover, and was sent His Insurance documents. However, he was stoppd by the Police late at night for a Routine check, a few Months later, as It had come up on the NPR that he was driving without Insurance cover. He showed the Police his Documents and he was told that this company does not exist, and he is the 20th driver they have stopped and found that they have fake documents. However, the police did not press charges in this instance, but told him they have been trying to track these scammers for a whilr, but all they know is they are operating from Nigeria, and Latvia, but keep moving around. They advised the Lad in future to use a well known Insurance company or visit a good insurere in person to get Insurance. So God knows how many other drivers are on the road with useless Insurance cover.""
Where can I find classic car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey guys I've recently received a classic 1992 Mazda Miata from my dad, which has been a treasured possession of our family for a number of years. I myself am now a member of the owners club and take great care of the car, but am obviously unable to drive it without insurance. While insuring the car with a normal provider would be far too expensive for me (at 17 years), classic car insurance is not only cheaper but fits my needs far better. I was wondering if anyone knows of a classic car insurer who would be willing to insure me, taking into account my situation? Thanks, Laurence""
Does a written warning affect your driver's insurance in Massachusetts?
I just got a written warning tonight in MA. I have a couple of questions, does it affect my insurance (I heard that it does not increase my insurance, but my insurance company is notified and my rates for next year will not decrease, is that true?). Also, how long does it stay on record? Much Thanks!""
No insurance on used car?
i bought a used car on a Wednesday the guy i bought the car from only gave me a bill of sale had no registration on the car. i left with the car i got pulled over for speeding 72 on 55 it was a stick shift and i didnt really think i was going that fast and that same day and i had no insurance on the car the cop gave me the ticket for speeding and for no proof of insurance and he let me go. then i sold the car 2 days later on friday to make a quick buck out of it. my question is if i sold the car can i still get fined for the no insurance if i don't have the car any more. hopefully the judge waves it and just fines me for the speeding i live in california
Insurance and mental health treatment?
I work for the state of Texas and sign up for health select insurance will it cover MHMR treatment for depression?
About how much will ensureance cost me?
Heyy ya'll, I'm 15 (ill be 16 next month) and I'm saving to buy a car next year! My mom says since I'm young they're going to charge me more for insurance, so what I want to know is about how much will they charge me a month since ill be 17 when I buy the the car?""
How much would it cost to insure a 1995-2000 Ford Mustang?
Something with around 80k-100k miles. Everything stock no mods or tuning. Not convertible. Im 18 so i know itll be a decent amount. Im going to have my dad co sign on the car to help lower the insurance. Itll be used for maybe 3 times a week and ill put maybe 5k a year on it. Im on gieco currently and they wont give me an accurate qoute and i know you wont really be able to but if you give me the same number itll be the set amount ill asume. Thanks
How am I supposed to afford car insurance?
I'm driving uninsured right now because for me to get car insurance is $900 every six months. That would crush me financially right now. Between rent and gas, and what little Starbucks pretends to pay me, not to mention food (and sometimes that's one meal a day, and even then it may be stealing expired sandwiches and pastries from the garbage can at Starbucks). So, it's utterly naive of the government to think of driving as a luxury , when in reality- when you have to travel 20 miles a day to get to work at Starbucks- walking is unrealistic. The bus routes do not go by there, by the way. How the hell do they expect a 24-year old man to afford car insurance, when he has to work to earn the money to pay for it, and he has to drive to work, and in order to drive he has to drive illegally?! The @#*%ing system is completely screwed up if you ask me. Don't get me started on how the hell I'm supposed to afford gas these days, either.""
How can I get car liability insurance without USA drivers' license?
I am a foreign citizen and we would like to buy a car in San Francisco for a cross country trip. The only problem seems to be the car liability coverage insurance, which is obligatory to have when driving. How the others do, who make such trip? Are there insurance companies offering daily rates, or periodical packages with not American drivers' license? Car rental places offer liability insurance for 12.99 per day, so I think of something, like that. Thank you for the responses. Zsolt""
Would it be cheaper to insure a 88-93 mustang rather than a 99-04?
I have been wanting to buy a mustang someday when im older. But i'm only 16 and still I dont have my permit. But since i'm so young and decided to buy a mustang, would it be cheaper on the insurance to buy a older one rather than a new one? Or would it be the same?""
Why do we NEED car insurance?!?
Why is it the LAW that we have car insurance?? I honestly think it's stupid. Shouldn't we, as free Americans, be able to make the choice of whether or not we want insurance, and still legally drive a vehicle, as long as we have a license, at our own risk? Kind of like if you go skiing or snowboarding, you go at your own risk, you're not forced to get skiing insurance , or boarding insurance , or anything like that. I mean, think of this situation: I have no insurance, and I wreck into somebody. They have insurance, so they are covered. I don't, so I will either have to get rid of my car, or pay for repairs myself; that's the risk I took and this is how I'm paying for it, by being car less or spending tons of money on repairs. But why must we be forced by law to have it, or NO DRIVING FOR YOU says big ole' government?? This is angering me because I'm currently in college, without a car, and while I can walk to my work and school, it's still about 30-45 minutes each way to walk, and if I could get an old car for cheap, it would make my life MUCH easier and less of a hassle.""
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
How long can I not have insurance before my car is repossessed?
This month I am not going to able to pay my car insurance due to other bills coming up. If I cancel my policy this month how long will I have before they repo my car? I live in New Hampshire.
Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
Insurance payments for a car?
I have a 2007 nissan altima sedan. Obviously 4 doors, v4 engine. And I wanna know how much I would pay for insurance a month. I have mercury insurance and I want a rough estimate. Here's the thing. I'm 18. And a guy. (Idk if that matters) but since I'm gonna pay for the insurance. I wanna know a little more info on everything.This isn't my first car. I had a 92 Honda Accord and my mom told me that my portion was a little more than 200/more. I read that they may charge more for cars older than 1997.so if any one has experience or if they are dealing with the same issue I'm having. Any info would help. Thanks.""
Car Insurance company asking for dependent's SSN.?
She doesn't have one as she is on H4 visa. she has ITIN. We are in Texas. Is there any way out for this? My wife doesn't drive and is not listed as a driver on the insurance.
How do you handle car insurance on a road trip with multiple drivers?
I'm going on a road trip from Canada to the US, and we have four people driving (including the owner of the car). Since any accident (no matter the driver) will impact the insurance of the car owner, what's the best way to deal with an accident? Driver agrees to pay direct costs associated, if anything were to happen? (though it may still impact their car insurance premiums in the long term?) Pre-pay an informal fee like $100, and if an accident happens you are absolved? If no accident, then it's free money for the car owner? How do you equitably handle it? The trip hasn't happened yet, but I figure it's best to iron out issues now rather than when it actually happens, then we become bitter enemies.""
Pregnant with no insurance?
im only 6 1/2 wks pregnant but im a planner. i have no insurance and do not qualify for any government health so we are paying the hospital $200 a month til my baby comes to cover all the ob bills and hospital bills and my 6 wks check up after the birth. my question is......is there a such thing as infant insurance? ive looked all around online and cannot find insurance that will cover a baby til their first birthday. i know that a baby has to go to the dr alot the first year so i'd love for our child to have insurance. my hubbys work does not offer insurance. thanks for your help
How To Create An Insurance Plan?
This family of four consists of a mom, dad, a twelve-year-old girl, and a sixteen-year-old boy. The family is about to move into a new house. They also own two cars. Help the Martin family create an insurance plan. An insurance plan simply lists the types of insurance they have or will be purchasing. The plan may also include some details about the insurance. For example, it may list life insurance worth $500,000 or health insurance with ABC Agency. For your assignment, create an insurance plan for the Martins. Create an insurance plan. As you create the plan, think about all of the risks this family faces and how they can protect themselves from financial loss. Next to each type of insurance that you list in the plan, write one to two sentences about why you think they need this insurance. I'm not sure how to create an insurance plan, can someone give me some guidance? Thank you.""
Can we also get free car insurance? Obamacare?
we are very poor,,, and quality for free health care with this new plan that tax payers are so nice to pay for,,, can tax payers also pay for my car insurance?""
Will my Car Insurance Go up?
ok so im 17, i got my lisence last week.. well like 6 days ago to be exact and we all know winter driving is alot more dangerous than regular driving.. anyways i was driving home from work, and none of the country roads were plowed, as always.. i turned the corner in my moms car (im insured) and the car slid and went right into the ditch at the side of the road, so i called my dad he came and helped me pull the car out, but during that process, the car got stuck up against a wooden street sign and well crushed or indented part of the car right behind right side wheel. and once we finally got the car out, we noticed the alignment of the back axel was completely f**ked. so i drove it home very slowly, cause it was driving horrible from that.. just wondering if we report this to our insurance company what will happen? will my insurance go up? it was a complete accident and no police were involved. i dont know how much the damages will cost but im sure its not too cheap.. maybe a complete writeoff? the car was bought for 10000$ like 4 or 5 years ago. damages are: rear axel and front by right tire. can anyone reply? id just like to get this off my back i dont see how it can be my fault, the city did not have the roads properly plowed.. i know i cant blame it on that but it really was an accident i dont know how i can make it up to my parents, i work part time and goto hgihschool i dont make nearly enough money to pay for the damages they want me to.""
How much would insurance be for...?
A 2001 Audi TT, Turbo I think. It would be for a 16-17 year old. Kept in the drive way or a locked garage. I think the car itself is about $6,000 without tax. Dont tell me abunch of stuff like all these statistics and stuff like depending on .... I just want your personal opinoin/rough estimate how much it would be per year or month. I would probably be the occasional driver, and my dad would probably be the primary driver, even though Id drive it more often. Just give me a rough estimate in your opinoin.""
""Why is the lowest quote i get on insurance websites 4,352.46, I'm 17 and have passed, isnt this excessive?""
Im not sure if im doing it right, As my car is a new Citroen c1 which is a 1.0, insurance group 1?""
Who has the best home insurance in georgia?
I am about to buy a house and I got to have Ins. I just need to get the best deal. Whats your opinion?
Cheapest young driver car insurance?
Hi, I will be driving soon and know insurance is very expensive for young, new drivers. Does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies OR techniques of how to get cheap car insurance? Thanks.""
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allstate pet insurance quote
Car insurance issues help wanted?
have a few issues I could really use some help with. The family car that I have been driving wasn't in my name but I was still covered on the insurance until one day I hit a mailbox with the passenger side mirror. The mailbox did not sustain any damage but the mirror somewhat did. I didn't call the police when it happened since the damage was extremely minimal. Anyways, then a couple weeks later a different family member (not the owner) had a little bit of a bigger accident when an animal suddenly appeared in front of the car forcing another accident. I have not had an accident in over 12 years but since I was mentioned after that second accident, I was also excluded from the insurance policy for that vehicle. The insurance cost is something like $158.00 per month but now they want the owner to add about $50 or $60 more per month EACH for the 2 people that were excluded because of the accidents.The car payment is about $415.00 per month and the insurance was $158.00 per month for just the owned which does not even drive the car at all but now they want an extra hundred per month for those 2 excluded drivers if they want to drive that car. Will this change if we switched insurance companies? And if I haven't had an accident in over 12 years, would it be possible to appeal that? Thanks in advance""
Illegal Immigrants and Helth insurance?
Do Health insurances check social security numbers to see if they are real or fake?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Should Keep or Look into term Life Insurance Quotes?
I have a whole life policy which I have been paying 45.00 per month for 16 yrs. I have to pay this amount until age 99 so they say. The amount it was for when I bought it was 50,000. It builds cash value. I am now 62. Should I keep this policy or look into term insurance?""
Does my insurance rate go up for next year?
I got a citation for an infraction recently. I was sober and I drove my friend back onto campus. There were two stop signs at night and I did not see any lights so I thought no car was there and I passed right through the stop signs. When I parked a police officer came by and wrote me a citation so now I have to show up to court. I was wondering if my insurance rate goes up for this and if so, by how much? My insurance company is AAA.""
Switching car Insurance companies?
With lower rates given by other insurance companies, wanting me to switch. What is the catch . My current company says watch out for hidden fees and their drop clause. . Is the coverage the same? May be dropped or hugh increase after a claim.Been with current co. more than 10 years. Looking to save some money.""
Breast Reduction/Will my insurance cover it?
I submitted my request through my primary doctor and of course they denied it. However, they sent me an approval to see a plastic surgeon, so I went. She said I was a great candidate and that she will send pictures and notes to my insurance. The insurance hasn't approved the reduction, but again they sent me an approval to get a mammogram done. is that normal? i got it done and of course everything is fine. I called the PS and they are resubmitting my request a long with the mammogram results. Am i on the right track? Do you think they will approve it?""
How does progressive auto insurance work?
i have never bought insurance for myself, i am on my moms insurance. i want to get my own insurance and when i did a qoute in the progressive site it said like 56.02 for a 6 month policy but then i see it says 178.54 a month....sooo....i dont get how that works....so if you have progressive do you like it? and this is a stupid question but are you able to buy it online and it just automaticaly starts covering your car? because i see they have a buy online button and then im assuming they can take monthly payments from your card or something. basically all information you can give me please.""
Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
What is the best Insurance company for car quotes ??? (Cheapest)?
Im looking for a cheap reliable insurance company i can get a qoute for a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2
Car Insurance think my car is a write-off but independent garage think otherwise?
My car (an 05 Peugeot 206) was involved in an accident (which was my fault but thankfully no other vehicle or persons involved) and there's been some damage to the front of my car (bonnet, grill etc.) - I've rung my insurer and they believe it's a write-off but I've asked them to send an assessor to check the damage. I've also had an independent garage look at the car (as someone else said that they did this in a similar scenario) who believe its not a write-off and they can repair it (450 was quoted for parts!!). He's sending me a quote for insurance work and a quote if it was done for cash. Can I get my insurer to use this garage if their assessor still deems it a write-off? If not, what are my options? This is my first time claiming insurance and I've got no real idea!!""
Car Insurance and Plate under different names?
I want to put my car's insurance under a relative's name and the Plate tags under my name? Is that possible???? Answers Please!! I want it under a different name because I am young and Insurance costs a lot when you are young.
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
What would I need to do to get car insurance (new driver)?
I plan on leasing a car and paying monthly, but I'll need car insurance. I'm 21 and a new driver, Where should I get my car insurance? And how much will i be looking to pay for a car in the 2004-2006 range? Thanks.""
Health insurance question?
can your parents drop your health insurance he your not 26 yet????
How much will be my car insurance for new or used car?
I am planing to buy a car.I am thinking to get a new one but i am afraid of high price for its insurance.I am a new driver,till 25 years old,no driving experience,NJ.I need a professional advice,please. Maybe to buy a used one is a good idea but the new car is less headache.:)""
Can i register a car under my name but put it under my parents insurance?
hi i live in New York and am about to buy a car but im not sure how to insure it. im am currently under my parents insurance as a secondary driver. if i register the new car under my name can i stay a secondary driver or will i have to change to primary driver? being a secondary driver is obviously way cheaper than primary. also does anyone know how to transfer ownership of the vehicle when i buy it? i know i need a bill of sale but how to transfer the title? and is there anything i need to do? i went to the DMV website but its pretty confusing. thanks in advance
How much would insurance be on a Nissan 350z?
Hi guys!! Ok so I'm soon to get a 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Maybe around 9000$ to 15000. I'm almost 18 and what would insurance be like for me??? Allstate, State Farm, ect. I just need a basic monthly quote! Thanks!!""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Car insurance cost?
How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I ...show more""
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Replacement Cost Insurance vs Regular Insurance?
WHich is better I live in a area where home owner's insurance is increasing and I'm trying to get the lowest premium possible within reasonable coverage limits. I know replacement insurance is good but what is not so good about not having replacement costs.
Do you need motorcycle insurance in iowa?
im 16 and im moving to iowa from florida and in florida you dont need insurance. so i was just wondering if you need insurance in iowa
Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)?
Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... ...show more""
Insurance on a '98 Mustang?
16yr old girl in Ohio, just wondering the cost before i try and sell the idea to my dad lol. Yellow w/ body kit. Help? :)""
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