#if anyone gets that ref you get a big kiss on the mouth
Hi sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth anyways I am completely normal about Rekrap on Lifesteal 6. Absolutely normal. <- guy who has never been normal in his life
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nothingbutnowhere · 3 months
Hockey player au! John "Soap" Mactavish headcanons
Note: extremely suggestive of ghoap and a little hint of ghoap x reader if you are so inclined to read it that way (she/her used)
Defenseman. Loves getting dirty in the d-zone corners, double teaming opponents and getting his stick in there, but still good at penetrating the o-zone and he's not afraid to drop down and hammer it in. The puck that is. (these are all things I've heard on broadcasts of NHL games, the innuendos that the play by play guys use are insane).
Menace! Absolute fucking menace!!! Mean bastard on the ice, intense in the locker room during games. Sass and tough guy act during media availability, all part of his rugged charm. But practice with the boys? He gets silly. Watch out! You could be getting pranked.
Backcheck, forecheck, paycheck. Heavy hits along the walls, BIG open ice hits, and killer hip checks (my personal favorite). Throws the type of hits everyone is always arguing about on twitter 🙄 He can be found in front of the net pushing and shoving opponents around. If you want a stick in the back he's your guy. Many, many a player has ended up in a headlock, getting a face wash after the whistle. On the shorter side for a hockey player which broadcasters always bring up but you'd never know by just watching him on the ice (they just hate a short king (anything under 6' is short in the NHL)).
He'll fight anyone, including the refs because that was a terrible icing call he absolutely had the guy beat! No he was onside! Tripping?! He dove!
Constantly dropping the gloves and getting into trouble. He'd be an enforcer if he wasn't a damn good player too. It's a good thing the players union keeps the fines low.
There's a whole YouTube page dedicated to his fights and hits with paragraphs of arguments on the legalities in the comments.
Scar on his chin from a skate cut during a game. Very scary in the moment because it bled a lot. Needed a ton of stitches but no major damage. 
Has more points than you'd think for a non-offensive defenseman. He really is good in the corners and swiping pucks off sticks, popping them out to the offense. Many goals have been scored by a Soap takeaway and a stretch pass to spring Gaz for a breakaway.
He'll tackle his teammates during their or his celly. He really truly cares about the boys. It's evident in the way he plays, how intense he is on the bench, and the helmet kisses. Wait, what? Yep, hockey players will sometimes show physical affection via helmet or even a kiss on the cheek. Not often, but it's all very sweet 🥹 Drives hockey twitter wild.
Chews on his mouth guards like they owe him money and he can extract it by destroying them.
Oh, you wanna fuck with Ghost? You're gonna have to go through him first. Will go feral on a guy for so much as breathing in the direction of his goalie. Ghost appreciates him very much. Probably. The bond between a goalie and his defensemen is so special, something you'll hear (in not so many words) from Soap himself. At the end of a win he'll have the longest head bonk to Ghost. Saying what? We'll never know cause neither of them will ever be mic'd up.
I say this for Gaz too but THIGH. This man's thighs are tree trunks. Rucks up short shorts on purpose. For the media. And the guys. Ask twitter and they can provide many examples.
Mic'd up status: You cannot. Under any circumstances. Mic this guy up. You'd have to bleep the whole thing for broadcast. Shorsey levels of explicit, he's gotten unsportman like conduct penalties for it. He and Gaz are a dangerous duo when it comes to chirps.
Hockey hair status: Excellent. Mohawk is 10/10. Starts a new trend with the kids. Absolutely does warmups without his helmet to show off the flow. (Could also see him with a mullet 100%). Ends up with so much facial hair during the playoffs
Roster pic: kinda bad :( why does he look surprised? Why is his face so red? His hair is fucked up?? They didn't even fix his trademark look?! Where the fuck did they just pull him from to take this photo??? (I love when players have shitty roster photos idk it's so funny to me)
WAG status: only recently in a serious relationship. She's sweet and pretty, instantly good friends with the other WAGs and taken under their wing since this is all very new to her. Surprisingly, has dark hair (most hockey WAGs seem to be blond??). Posts a lot on social media, generally seems to be having a great time. Always seems like Ghost is in the background of pictures of her and Soap? Hmmm.... Don't ask twitter about that.
I do NOT consent for my works, part of my works, or my ideas to be used for ANY form of AI.
More hockey au: Ghost | Soap | Gaz | Price
Note: WAG stands for wife and girlfriend or the plural, used to refer to sports guy's significant others. Yes it is heteronormative.
A/N: I didn't factor nationality into this. There have been very few Scottish-born NHL players and all of them were raised in Canada. Do with that what you will. I'll never actually write fics for this, but I have headcanons. I know a moderate amount about hockey and next to nothing about cod so apologies. Completely unserious. Just some silly little thoughts :) plus letterkenny reference!
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arachnidsinavoid · 1 year
He committed felony, domestic assault isnt he so dreamy/ref
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× Simon 'Ghost' Riley headcanons ×
Simon Riley general headcanons this is just me rambling (tw metion of weed and hallucinations vague mention of death)
I hc he can actually draw he just can't be arsed
This isn't s HC but thinking of him drinking tea from a sports direct mug is fucking hilarious to me
Dose drink coffee but genuinely prefers the taste of tea (fuckin Brits)
Kind of wanted to be a tattoo artists and did some of his tattoos himself
Almost forgot when his birthday was because he never celebrates it and he has never told anyone (only person that might know is price at least that's what soap thinks and and trys to pry it out of both him n Simon)
Often tries to use exercise to help with his insomnia but sometimes it doesn't work and he just exhausts himself he sleeps but he feels worse when he wakes up
Occasionally sees Shadow People when insomnia gets bad (same bro)
Is actually really good at cooking but just never has the energy to
I like to head cannon that he used to be a bit of a stoner (love stoner Simon I I'll write for him) but is scared to ever smoke regularly again after what happened to his brother
Genuinely cares so much about the people around him but he's just so used to not being enough and not being able to save the ones he loves
Loves being gifted more personal and meaningful gifts then expensive things
if you gave this man a bunch of different vials of dirt from places you've been he will marry you
Also is a little fixated on bones (sometimes picks up dead animal bones and takes them home)
Price allows it cuz it makes him happy but is like 🤨??
I personally think he's autistic my source because I fucking said so (I'm autistic)
Feels embarrassed about stimming so man stims WITH HIS FUCKING TOES!!!
He does it because it's enough to help regulate him but barely noticeable (but come on man)
Is extremely unhygienic occasionally because of his depression
Like will no shower for like almost a mouth when his depression is bad until someone comments on it most likely price while he also comments on how exhausted he is
On days like that unless Simon needs to do something price just get him to take a shower then sends him to bed
Only surfaces to piss and eat
Go straight back to bed and passes out for another hour
It annoys him when this happens a completely destroys his sleeping routine
Spends like the next week trying to fix it and still be productive
Is particularly protective over kids and is really good with them surprisingly (has prior experience from his nephew Tommy)
Loves to just be touching someone if in a relationship
Not necessarily in aversely affectionate things sometimes he loves just sitting super close or you resting your head on his shoulder
Loves resting his head on the top of yours if ur short enough
Will kiss the crown of your head
Doesn't always have a lot to say but will listen to every word you have to say
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Pairing: Chyna x Fem reader
Description: Chyna comforts you after getting your lung punctured in a match and having surgery
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You were proving yourself well against Ivory despite still being new to the business but you show that you're not only a great athlete but also a wrestler and human making most of the roster like you except the few who knew they couldn't mess with you otherwise you immediately fight back. Chyna stands ringside keeping an eye out for RTC in between cheering you on and even distracting the ref to give you a hand, you run for a spear only to get grabbed, lifted, and thrown on the mat feeling nothing but an unbearable endless burning through your body gasping and wheezing for air as ivory jerks you right back up with chops before throwing you into the ring post moaning and whimpering in pain as you crawl to chyna who knows by the way you looked and acted that you were injured especially when blood flows out of your mouth shoving ivory away and telling Earl Hebner that you were really hurt before running backstage. You rattle as you try to breathe freaking out and almost running away in fear by the people around you had it not been for Edge and Bradshaw gently holding you up while chyna held your hands before paramedics came in and taken to the hospital holding onto chyna with one arm, holding onto bradshaw with the other, and managing to wrap your leg around edge afraid of being alone leading to the three waiting anxiously feeling scared when the doctor tells them of your punctured lung which happened after ivory threw you into the ring post and that rattling was your ribs being cracked from the force of being hit by the post, you wake up after the emergency surgery to see your two friends and girlfriend by your side being pulled in a gentle bear hug by bradshaw going into a coughing fit when you try to speak. You sit up carefully when chyna calls everyone to let them know you were okay noticing how edge and shaw watched you and chyna making your heart stop since the two of you were together but hadn't told anyone at all except Eddie and Lita, finally biting the bullet with your heart shaking erratically "Do they know?" chyna looks at you then your two friends shaking her head no when she realizes what you mean feeling a bit of relief before deciding since you trusted the two and they were your closest friends plus the two of you are closing up on being together for a year as you intertwine your hands but before as you open your mouth to say something they both stop you smiling pulling out a polaroid edge took the week before showing you laughing wrapped in chyna's arms while she pressed a kiss to your temple with a big smile "I caught that while backstage trying to get a picture of Trish but as I turned I saw the two of you and had been meaning to give it to the two of you but it's been hectic" you all burst into laughter as you put the picture in your wallet spending the night in the hospital before spending the next few weeks healing coming back just in time for Wrestlemania becoming both women's hardcore champion against lita and tag team champions with chyna sharing a kiss in the ring which earns a long chant of "Ninth wonder and butterfly" which is what everyone called you because of how many people loved you thanks to chyna when you debuted years earlier.
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mayhemproduces · 4 months
Steph De Lander vs Kaitlyn Marie
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Kaitlyn Marie is already on her side of the ring, bouncing from one side to the other as Steph De Lander makes her way to the ring, looking confused and a little worried right now. As Steph climbs into the ring, she grabs the microphone from Steve Guy, shoving him out of the ring-
“Okay, i don’t know what kind of fucking joke Effy decided to pull, but I shouldn’t be here! I shouldn’t even be on this fucking card!” the crowd start to boo, but Steph quickly tells everyone to shut the fuck up. “what, you all want me to kiss her and get a face full of tits for your spank bank folders? girl on girl gets you off? well fucking news flash! that’s not me! nooooope!”
the whole crowd looks confused, Effy booked someone straight?
“I’m the fucking indie goddess, the Deathmatch queen- I’m better than this little rainbow parade! no matter how bisexual I am, which btw duh, I don’t need this stupid little sho—”
the whole crowd is cheering, not just because Steph stopped talking, but because Kaitlyn did so by shoving their lips together in the middle of the ring!!
the bell rings and Kaitlyn pulls off, and despite Steph’s previous complaining, she’s blushing and looks a little shaken. Kaitlyn takes the distraction to her Steph straight in the cheek with a forearm shot! Almost immediately, Kaitlyn is bouncing off the opposite ropes and it’s not a crossbody but-
Ladies and Gays, I’m don’t think there’s a polite way of saying it! Kaitlyn’s pinned Steph down, hip to hip as her face seems to be… be… she’s face down in the De Lander mountains y'all! The referee is next to them-
I don’t think anyone quite realised that was a pin, but Steph was so shocked by the situation she didn’t notice her shoulders were down until she ref hit the mat! she quickly shoves Kaitlyn off her and  they both scramble to their feet. De Lander re-adjusts her shirt as the whole crowd goes wild at the two of them!!
Steph gets the first chop in, right on the tits and Kaitlyn screams out in pain! It takes a moment, but Kaitlyn gets in one of her own and god! that’ll definitely hurt tomorrow!! SDL returns with another shot, but before Kaitlyn can get a second of her own, Steph takes advantage with an eye watering purple purple to get Kaitlyn to a knee!!
Steph lets go, but as Kaitlyn wrenches over in agony, SDL uses the distraction to bounce off the ropes and slam Kaitlyn Marie to the mat with a vicious big boot!! Steph’s standing over her, shit talking loud enough to hear it in the third row, but she’s cut silent pretty effectively-  Kaitlyn Marie *wanted* to go for a sick looking, Undertaker-esque sit up, but she didn’t realise that SDL was still talking so much that she hadn’t moved an inch, and Kaitlyn sat up to a face full of groin!!
this time Kaitlyn’s the one surprised and blushing, scrambling away from her as realises what she did. before she can get too far, Steph grabs her chin and makes Kaitlyn look up at her.
“you absolutely bloody perv! you think you can get away with that, and not say sorry?!” Steph looks furious, and as Kaitlyn’s on her knees below her, there’s a moment of pure silence before her mouth opens again.
“Sorry mommy- I- I- I meant- mommy- I meant Steph?!” the whole crowd is cheering and chanting mommy as Steph shoves Kaitlyn away, climbing to the top turnbuckle to yell at everyone in attendance-
“You either shut the fuck up or sub to my only fans, dumbass simps!” Steph’s yelling, and the whole crowd is enough of a distraction for Kaitlyn to get underneath her, pulling her into a powerbomb position!
Steph looks down to see Kaitlyn’s head between her legs and she’s shocked- SDL barely has a moment to prepare before Kaitlyn Marie slams her to the mat and folds her legs over for a pin-
1…! Kickout!
Steph shoves her off, scrambling to the corner to get a breath away from Kaitlyn’s barrage of innuendo-dripping offense. As Kaitlyn goes to the other corner to build up momentum, before running towards Steph with a violent hip attack!! Steph just got her head knocked in!!
Kaitlyn may have the upper hand right now, but she doesn’t look like she’s rushing to make the most of it. Instead, Kaitlyn gets the whole crowd cheering, before pulling up the back of her shorts- Oh my God, she’s going for a stinkface!!
The crowd aren’t the only ones realising what she’s about to do, and as Kaitlyn turns around and starts charging backwards, Steph stuck her legs out- Kaitlyn just slammed herself into Steph’s legs and crumbles to the mat!!
Steph pulls herself up and as Kaitlyn slowly stumbles up, SDL slams Kaitlyn down with a Lariat that just about takes her head off!!
Steph grabs Kaitlyn’s leg and drags her to the corner, sitting her up before-
Looks like Steph’s about to give Kaitlyn a taste of her own medicine!! A hip attack from the corner- oh my god, she’s going for a hip attack in every corner!
Kaitlyn gets a face full of ass- sorry, hip from every other corner!! but it looks like SDL isn’t done!!
Steph pulls her shorts up and the crowd is cheering mommy again, she charges backwards and Kaitlyn gets a face full of cheek as Steph makes Rikishi tame with this stinkface!!
Once she’s done, Steph grabs Kaitlyn’s ankle again before pulling her down and sitting on her chest-
1… 2… 3!!!
Steph’s won, but as she goes to stand up, there are hands on her thighs and she stumbles back down- ‘accidentally’ sitting on Kaitlyn Marie’s face who really doesn’t seem to mind as Steph slowly realises what’s happening before pushing away from her and rolling out of the ring.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
On The Wall | John Stones
Also you should write a piece about John coming into the pub where the reader works and hitting on her and making fun of her for having his picture on the wall and you can go from there 👀
Word Count: 1,612
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (Female receiving), fingering, drinking
A/N: an idea I pitched to @bluemoonstonesy who said I should write this myself. Enjoy x
- - -
“We’re closed,” you say automatically when you hear the little bell at the top of the door signal that someone’s come in. You’re wiping the sticky surface of the bar down, not paying attention to anything but making sure the wooden area is spotless for tomorrow.
“Oh, sorry, I must’ve missed the sign,” a familiar voice chuckles and you look up to find none other than John Stones in your family’s pub. John freaking Stones, whose picture happens to be on the wall of your family’s Manchester City-themed pub right next to Aguero and Grealish.
“I-” You don’t know what to say at first, speechless as you just stare at him. You let out a nervous chuckle, ducking your head to hide the embarrassment that you knew was plainly spelled out across your face.
“I can leave if you’d like,” he says when you still haven’t found your words.
“N-No,” you stutter, shaking your head rapidly. “It’s fine. What are you drinking?”
“Virgin of whatever’s your favourite,” he responds, giving you a saucy grin.
“No,” you reply, falling easily into your role behind the bar. “As your bartender, I can’t let you drink a virgin anything - footballer or not.”
John places his forearms on the bar, leaning forward. “And what if I’m an alcoholic?”
“I’d think the media would have let me know,” you retort, smirking.
“You got me there,” he chuckles, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’m out of excuses, and we just won earlier today-”
“You did, and you deserve a drink, so what’ll it be?” You don’t reply, mixing up your favourite cocktail and garnishing it, setting it down in front of him. “After the way you played today, this one is on the house.” You realize you actually hadn’t flipped the sign from OPEN to CLOSED, doing so as he sips on the drink. You can feel his eyes on you, watching as you finish your checklist of things to do to close the pub down for the evening.
“So, how’d you get this job?” John asks, making idle conversation as you continue to clean.
“My family owns the place, so I didn’t get much choice,” you shrug, starting to wipe down the tables. “Doesn’t matter, though - pay’s good even if the hours are shit, but at least I get the luxury of telling my bosses to fuck off without being fired.”
“Yeah, not many people get to say that, I suppose,” John said, wincing a little as the alcohol went down.
“Could have worse jobs than dealing with drunks, honestly. I could spend my days getting yelled at by drunks who think they know more than the refs while I get paid millions of pounds to kick a ball.” You shot him a wink to let him know you were kidding, your stomach dipping when you made him laugh.
“Fair enough. At least I don’t have a framed picture of myself where I- wait, nevermind. My picture’s everywhere at the Etihad.”
You walk back behind the bar, making him another drink - two mojitos this time. “Both of those aren’t for me, are they?”
“Only one of them is, unless you don’t wanna pay for your second drink.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” John laughs, shaking his head but motioning for the drink. “Give it to me.”
You hand him one, your fingers brushing his. Your breath hitches at the contact, your eyes meeting his, and you know he’s heard the sound.
“Who’s your favourite City player?” He asks, his voice barely a whisper.
You bite down on your bottom lip, flicking your gaze down at the bar before your eyes meet his again. “If I tell you it’s you, would you think I was lying because you’re the one in front of me right now?”
“Well, now that you’ve said it: yes,” he jokes, smiling. “But you’re so beautiful and sincere that I’m inclined to believe you.”
“Calling me beautiful to try to get out of paying for that second drink?” You tease in an attempt to ignore how fast your pulse is racing and how turned on by him you are.
“Maybe,” he smirks, reaching out and touching your face. You lean into his touch, his thumb brushing across your cheek in a way that makes you yearn for him to touch you in other places. “But it’s also true.”
“You shouldn’t press your luck, Stones.”
His eyes darken. “Call me John.”
“John.” You sound out the syllable, loving the way it feels coming out of your mouth. You’ve said his name a thousand times - screamed it when he’s scored, cried it when City’s lost, casually thrown it out to your friends or anyone when you’re talking about your team - but this feels different… intimate, even.
The pads of his fingers press into the sensitive skin on your neck and you let out an involuntary whimper. John swallows hard, his tongue peeking out to wet his bottom lip. “If I kiss you right now…”
“If you kiss me right now, I’ll end up begging you to fuck me on this bar,” you say, barely recognizing the words as the leave your mouth. You’re not usually this bold, but this man makes you do things you wouldn’t normally do, the least of which is beg him to fuck you in your family’s pub.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” John growls right before latching his lips onto yours. Your stomach presses painfully into the wood as you lean across the bar, matching him kiss for kiss.
“Wait,” you gasp, breaking the kiss as you pull back so you can walk around and stand in-between his legs, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Much better,” you smirk, leaning in to kiss him again.
“Wearing my kit, eh?” John murmurs between kisses, his hands sliding up your waist and underneath the material. “Sexy.”
The word travels out of his mouth and down your spine, your clit throbbing as it responds to his praise. He lifts his kit over your head, letting it fall to the floor. Your jeans are a little trickier and you kick off your shoes before wiggling out of them while he sheds his own shirt and joggers, toeing off his own trainers. For a moment you hate that your bra and panties don’t match, but you also weren’t expecting to get your brains fucked out by your favourite footballer tonight, so it’s definitely not going the way you’d planned.
“Let’s see how wet you are for me,” John rasps, his hand trailing up your thigh before settling between your legs, nimble fingers pushing your panties to the side to probe your slick folds. Your hands fly to his shoulders, a moan ripping from your throat as he slides a thick finger as deep as it’ll go inside your pussy, curling in to your g-spot just right when the heel of his palm grinds against your clit.
“Oh, God, John!” You cry out, a needy whimper leaving your mouth when he pulls out his finger, his eyes glued to yours as he licks his finger clean.
“You taste so good,” he praises, kissing you again so you can taste yourself off his lips.
“Please, John, just fuck me already,” you beg, reaching between the two of you to stroke his cock.
“How do you want it?” He asks, his eyes fluttering closed as you pump his shaft, your thumb brushing over the tip that’s now leaking precum. “I don’t have a condom so pullout will have to do.”
Your pussy clenches around nothing in anticipation, the thought of John fucking you raw and pulling out making you that much more turned on. “Pullout is fine - just fuck me already, John.” You pull yourself up so you’re sitting on the bar, spreading your legs so John can get the perfect view of your already-dripping pussy.
He lines his dick up with your entrance, letting out a groan as he slides the tip into you. You let him go slow so you can feel every inch of him, finally picking up the pace once he’s balls-deep inside you. Your legs are wrapped around his waist, your hands bracing yourself on the wood as he thrusts into you rhythmically, his fingers leaving marks on your hips.
You’re on the verge of an orgasm when John pulls out, pumping his dick a few times before spilling his seed on your stomach and letting out a groan. Without a second thought, you’re swiping it off and sticking your index finger in your mouth, tasting him like he’d tasted you earlier, making a big show of swirling your tongue around your finger.
“Did you cum?” He asks, and for a moment you think about lying to him, but you decide not to, shaking your head. “Lean back,” he orders before kissing up your inner thigh and putting his mouth on your pussy.
Your hands immediately tangle in his hair, grabbing the curls as he licks at your core. It doesn’t take long for you to cum around his tongue, his name on your lips as your orgasm races through you and you grind your pussy on his face.
His lips are shiny with your juices when he comes up, grinning at you before pulling you in for another kiss.
“When do you close next?” He asks a few minutes later as you’re both getting dressed.
“The same day as your next match,” you reply.
“Good,” is all he says, giving you a knowing smile before vanishing out the door, leaving you all alone with your thoughts as you begin wiping down the bar again to remove all the evidence of what you’ve just done.
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strangelystillhere · 2 years
long overdue commissions sheet
hiiii! apparently I’ve never done an official commission sheet on tumblr, so now here I am. this might get kinda long.
I do art commissions and writing commissions! I’m currently working on and off as an editor, so I’m also trying to do some fic-beta work :)
And I'll preface this by making it clear that I reserve the right to turn down any commission offer. I don’t think I’ll run into any issues but I want to protect myself just in case. If I’m uncomfortable with your commission request in any way I will let you know. I’m not trying to torture myself over this. I also take payment up front, but I’m happy to work with you on terms. Alright, moving on!
art commission sheet--
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(image ID for prices will be in the reblog to avoid this being too lengthy)
I can do: OC art (I love oc art please let me draw your little fellas), fandom art, pfp designs, dnd art, character concept/design 
I can TRY to do: nsfw art, anthro art (i’m getting steadily better at anthros!), mecha designs
(TRY to do means I’ll do a few preliminary sketches and see if I can carry out the full request, and keep you updated as I work. I won’t ask for payment until I’m confident I can do it)
There’s not a lot that I won’t do, but if you have something you’re unsure of, shoot me an ask or a DM! I’m happy to answer any and all questions :) I’m willing to do fan-art for fandoms I’m not familiar with, given that you’re okay with babying me a little as I look for good refs. 
Edit: I am more than happy to do guro/gore art, and anything that veers into horror :) love me some good slashers and eyestrain
writing commission prices--
I write fic, both fandom and otherwise, but I also write poetry, short stories, little snapshots, and more. I proofread/copy-edit all of those as well. I work pretty fast for both, so I can work around your deadlines if you want me to look over more professional material. I can also go through any school papers, though I’ll only do proofreading to avoid any plagiarism risks. 
Writing pricing:
$20 per 1000 words
$10 per 500 words
$2 per 100 words
I can do nsfw writing, with specification on what you want from it (language, headcannons, etc.) mostly because I think custom-crafted nsfw is one of the best forms of fic on the planet. I wanna make sure you get your money’s worth, too! I write mostly in 3rd person, with some dabbling in 2nd person. I don’t do reader inserts in the form of 1st person, just because it’s difficult for me to keep inside the 1st person POV. I’m more than happy to write things for original works/series, and for OCs. Writing fandom fic gets a little funky because I have a weird myriad of fandoms under my belt and can’t make any promises I’ll be familiar with your desired fandom. However, I’m happy to talk it through and make something work! Please reach out with any questions– I’m happy to talk through it even if you don’t end up committing to the request.
editing prices--
$6 per 1000 words
$3 per 500 words
I’ve worked on a lot of different material, from novels to fics to class syllabuses (syllabi?) If you have something you feel is a little unconventional, don’t be afraid to ask! I’m happy working odd jobs. I can be flexible on the pricing for chunkier works.
Mixed bag pricings:
<500 words: $3
>500 words: $8
>1000 words: $12
What’s a mixed bag? A mixed bag is a collection of poems/snapshots/ficlets from my drafts that  I clean up and then fork over. It won’t be too many fandom-specific things, unless you specify that you’re happy to read fandom fic. It’ll most likely be poetry I workshop for my local open mic nights, and some ficlets from my dnd campaigns. I’m still fiddling with this idea, so any tips/questions/requests are a big help!
I’ll attach my carrd in my bio/description so you can poke through my ao3 for reference on my style and my brain rot series that’s on the backburner for now. (if anyone asks for more spiritstein content i will 1. kiss you on the mouth and 2. happily comply)
thanks so much for reading through all this! i hope this reaches the right people (。・ω・)ノ゙
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Better Luck Next Time (USWNT x Baby!Reader)
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Request: Reader is really bad at expressing her feelings and talking about things she loves, so the team helps her as best as they can. And one evening she calls them all into a room and tells them how much they all mean to her and how happy she is to have them
Author’s note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ because without her this imagine would not have been nearly as cute or cohesive. It’s set up kind of like a three times she didn’t and the one she did format. I also couldn’t help the little hint of Mal x reader that i stuck in here. Let me know what you think! i freaking live for feedback. Hit me up with questions, requests or if you just wanna say hi. My inbox is always open!
3 days on the team
Fuck the beep test. 
You fell to your knees panting heavily, sweat pouring off your forehead as you stared in disbelief at Kelley. How the fuck was she still going? The rest of your team had already been eliminated, everyone except for the flying squirrel. 
You had barely made it to the line on time, and there she was, running off to the next one in time to hear the next one like you hadn’t just done 70 reps. You had to up your game if you wanted to keep your spot. Your plan was simple- beat the best players and show them why you belonged. 
A bottle of water appeared in your peripheral vision. You flinched waiting for the icy spray to hit your face, but it never did. 
“You did good kid. Don’t beat yourself up about getting out earlier than Kelley. I don’t think anyone could actually beat her.” She said, pushing the water bottle into your hands and making you take a sip. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but no words would come out. You weren’t sure if that was because The Alex Morgan was talking to you, or if it was because your lungs were no longer in your chest. 
“I swear, the rest of us could tag-team this thing and she would still probably outlast us,” Alex said, shaking her head as she walked away, already used to your non-responses (though she was sure she saw your lips twitch up) “I’ve stopped trying, it’s so not worth the knee pain tomorrow.”
You opened and closed your mouth several times as if you were going to call some sarcastic response after her, but the words just wouldn’t come out. You just sighed, resting your head on your knees, your chin hitting your chest-- better luck next time.
6 months on the team
The bus was a tricky situation. On most days the team didn’t care where you sat, but you knew that would change drastically during important tournaments, like Olympic qualifiers big. You had already been warned that where you sat- where everyone sat really- mattered. 
Screwing it up could bring the team bad luck, and you really didn’t want to be the reason why your team wasn’t going to the Olympics for the first time. 
For that reason you tried to be the last person on the bus, so you could tell where to sit based on what seats were open, but Emily had forgotten something and so she and Lindsey had run off to grab them, and now you were staring down the aisle of a partially filled bus wondering whether you were about to cast an omen of doom if you set your bag down. 
“Third row on the left is open, or 8th on the right,” you hear a voice pipe up from behind you. One of Christen’s warm hands settled on your shoulders, the other held her duffel bag partially over her shoulder. 
You felt yourself relax at the directions, incredibly grateful for the woman who had become one of your many team moms. You hadn’t ever spoken a full sentence to the woman, but she embraced your shy nature without blinking. 
“You could also crash with Mal, she doesn’t have a bus buddy,” Tobin’s bead popped up on your other side, wiggling her eyebrows. It was funny to most of the girls that their two team babies had things for each other. 
A light blush spread across your cheeks as you nodded. “Thanks” You mumbled, throwing your bag into an empty row, unwilling to sit with your crush. Tobin snorted as she settled back down, propping her feet up on the seat in front of her, her head on Alex’s shoulder as she slumped halfway down in her seat. 
“Better luck next time kid,” Christen winked at Mal and tossed her a small package of Oreos when she pouted. 
9 months on the team
Going against Japan was never fun. They were a technically sound team with none of the friendly players like Leah or Jessie. That and they still held a massive grudge from the 2015 World Cup. 
As the second half had progressed, the Japanese team had become increasingly desperate. In their attempts to get the ball out of their defending half and into the US box, they had left giant gaps in their defense that Linsey and Sam were exploiting. As forwards, you and Alex were getting sent through balls and crosses. 
You collected a particularly nice ball threaded by Lindsey and broke towards goal, beating the two defenders that were marking you and looking for Alex. You were so focused on tracking her position that you didn’t see the center back coming in for a tackle until it was too late and you were staring up at the clouds, tweety birds fluttering around your head. 
You could feel the headache forming, like a growing stress ball where the base of your head met your neck. That was going to hurt once the adrenaline rush was over. 
“Hey Beaker, you alright?” Emily’s head appeared in your immediate vision, her worried form slightly fuzzy around the edges. 
“Meep meep” You huffed, sending the woman a little smile. It was weird to see Sonnett so serious. She put down a hand to pull you up and began brushing the grass off your jersey.
“How the fuck is that not a yellow or a PK, her studs were up and she wasn’t even going after the ball,” Lindsey yelled towards the ref, jogging past you to get right in the woman’s face. 
“Go help your girlfriend, mm fine” You mumbled, embarrassed by the attention you were getting. Emily’s presence was comforting, but couldn’t block the feeling of thousands of eyes throughout the stadium, watching you to see if you were going to be pulled from the field. You wondered if many of them were almost hoping for it. 
Emily sent you a worried look before patting your shoulder. “That was almost a goal too! And hey, they wouldn’t have fouled you if you weren’t killing it out here!”  She nudged your shoulder lightly with hers and released you to the medics, walking over to Lindsey and pulling her away from the ref before she got a red. 
You watched them for a bit before someone shined a flashlight in your eyes. Maybe next time you would find the words to thank them, someday when you weren’t feeling so dizzy. You’d have better luck next time. 
1 year on the team
Oreos were the quintessential after practice snack. It appeased the vegans and catered to the sweet tooth of the younger side of the team, and really, anyone who didn’t like Oreos was surely messed up. 
Normally the team took turns bringing the packets of double-stuff, hiding them in duffel bags so coaches wouldn’t see and remind them about the diets they were all supposed to be on during season (and Dawn was like a bloodhound when it came to contraband). 
But to celebrate something the team would forego the normal packs set out by the coaching staff in favor of double, triple, or mega stuffed ones and some funky flavors. And right now was a celebration if you ever saw one. The team was jubilant after their extremely entertaining scrimmage. Your team, Cool Beans (named by Tobin), had beaten team Hot Stuff (Alex’s team) 6 to 5, you scoring 3 of said goals. 
You smiled lightly from your place on the locker room bench, munching happily on your mint Oreo and listening to several of the conversations happening around you. You felt so comfortable tucked between Mal and Christen, so safe and welcome. 
“You know, I really love you guys,” you said. There was a lull in the conversation, and several girls turned toward you in shock. 
“Holy shit, Meep Meep just talked!” Emily exclaimed, all eyes turning to you and your very red cheeks. Perhaps you hadn’t meant to say that out loud...
“We all knew she could talk,” Mal protested, throwing a balled-up cookie packet at her. Emily only smirked as the piece of plastic drifted through the air, falling about a foot short of its intended target. 
“Yeah but she said more than 3 words,” Lindsey rolled her eyes at the 2nd youngest forward, wiggling her eyebrows at Mal who had wrapped her spare arm around your waist. 
“I just-... you guys make me feel safe and I’ve never had my friends become like family before, and I love you guys,” You said, smiling at the ground. 
“We love you too Kiddo,” Christen said, from behind your left ear. 
“Group hug!!!!!” Kelley yelled before anyone could stop her, the women sharing a conspirator look before rushing you. 
You tried to protest, but in the end, there was no stopping them. A bundle of arms wrapped around you, dragging you to the floor in a dog pile. 
“Isn’t this nice!” Emily said from somewhere above you.
“Would be nicer if your elbow wasn’t embedded in my spleen…” You grumbled, hushing when Mal leaned up to kiss your cheek. Yes, these women were crazy, but right now you felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
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jinkicake · 4 years
Go, Tsukki, Go!
Tsukishima with a supportive s/o who goes to all his games and cheers really loud for him, but one game he starts to lose confidence and so his s/o helps encourage him!
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Here you Anon~ Hopefully this makes sense because even though I’ve watched Haikyuu like five times, I still don’t know how a volleyball game works. I could not tell you the positions or anything! TT Anyway, I love Tsukki~~ Not like Yamaguchi doe (`∀´)Ψ
WC- 1,245
*cracks knuckles* here we go, you know every time I write about Tsukishima I have to state that I think he is such a brat so…
Omg Tsukki is such a brat, but a sweet one
He would secretly love and appreciate all your support, even if he doesn’t say so. We all know he would act as if you irritate him but you just have to read between the lines,,,
Tsukki plays 10x better when you are there cheering for him, not like he would ever tell you….
He looks forward to your cheers that you scream and the praises you drown him in after a game
You’re like his good luck charm </333
So when you aren’t there to cheer for him,,,, it doesn’t affecting his playing skills to say but, he is noticeably quieter and less interactive with the team
It’s not like he expects you to go to all his games, because he knows you have other life priorities and stuff, but he definitely misses you when you aren’t there
Sometimes... he really needs your support
It’s the second set of a preliminary game, and Karasuno is down by three. It’s like the ace of the opposing team can get passed every single one of Tsukki’s blocks and deep down it pisses the blonde off. He keeps looking to where you usually are, but fails to remember that you weren’t there because of an emergency you had to attend to
Each time he sees the empty spot his chest hurts a little, despite that he continues to play as he normally does. Using his head to outthink the other team and come up with new strategies to score points
It’s so frustrating, he can’t score as easily as Hinata or Tanaka but Tsukishima still wants points. He can so easily get the ball right at his fingertips but the volleyball brushes past his fingers, and it’s too late for it to be saved before it hits the floor
“Don’t mind Tsukki!” Yamaguchi yells reassuringly and Tsukishima simply closes his eyes for a brief moment, breathing in and out to calm himself down, because now it is his turn to serve
“Nice serve, Kei!” Your familiar voice calls and Tsukishima wonders if he heard it inside of his head, except when he looks up at your familiar spot, there you are. You’re waving at him cheerfully and clapping your hands noisily to hype him up and Tsukishima can only stare in shock at you 
He barely even hears the ref's whistle blowing but he snaps out of his daydream, he rolls his eyes at you before serving the ball (a lot better than he normally does)
The second set goes by a lot smoother than the first one, it’s almost like your voice calms Tsukishima down when he can’t focus. He usually has a level head whenever he plays but his heart still beats erratically in his chest and he can’t ignore the way his blood is rushing through his veins, yet your presence somehow cures the adrenaline rush
“Yes! Block them Tsukki!!!!” You clasp your hands together and yell, smiling fondly even when your boyfriend glares up at you. His face just reads ‘shut up’ but when do you ever listen to him
The blonde starts being able to block the ball better than before, calling out ‘one-touch’ left and right. Tsukki is finally able to ignore the way his fingers sting,
Much to his relief, and the entire teams, Karasuno wins the second set with a score of 25-22
“Ah, (Y/N) is here!” Nishinoya waves at you after they win the second set while Tsukishima ignores his upperclassmen “I didn’t even notice them”
Tsukishima will never admit to himself or anyone else but deep down, he wants the game to be over. He wants to hurry up and finish this last set, win it, and then talk to you like he does after every game
Which is exactly what he does, it’s obvious to the rest of his team and even the opposing team how much Tsukishima’s energy spiked in the final set. He even compliments, Hinata?
“Go Karasuno!!” You cheer for them and Tsukishima’s eye twitches when he notices the second years tearing up at the support
Tsukishima is like,,,, when is this game over….
“Did you hear me cheering for you?” You stare up at Tsukishima, practically bouncing on your toes in excitement. Your boyfriend only rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh. Tsukishima found you after the match and dragged you to an empty hallway where he can be all kinds of soft with you.
“Yes, I heard you. I’m sure the teams at the end of the gym heard you with that big mouth of yours.” He teases and you puff your cheeks out and push at his shoulders, not at all ignoring the way his arms tighten around your waist.
“You like this big mouth.” You sound proud of yourself and it just makes Tsukishima want to roll his eyes again.
“Sadly,” He snickers and you gasp at his teasing.
“Sadly? What do you mean sadly?!” Tsukishima stops your assault of flailing your arms around by pulling you into his chest, holding your body flush against him so that you can’t move anywhere.
“Why are you here?” He asks, and with the frown on your face, he nearly cringes at his choice of words. “I thought you had to go to the hospital?” Tsukishima was not going to show that he was worried, even though he knows he was, maybe that’s why he couldn’t get you off his mind the entire game?
“Oh, my appointment ended early! I’m all good for my yearly physical!” You tilt your head when you notice Tsukishima staring down at you in disbelief.
“That’s it? You went for a yearly physical?” He asks slowly and you nod a few times before leaning back into his chest.
Tsukishima can’t help but scoff, he worried his ass off (not like he would ever tell you) and you were just going in for a checkup.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks immaturely and your face falls when you look back up at him.
“I did,”
“No, you didn’t.” Tsukishima never will learn, that it always fails when he tries to argue with you.
“Yes, I did Tsukishima! I texted you and told you and you left me on read 7:05 pm!” Your voice rumbles in your chest and Tsukishima internally flinches when you call him by his family name. He gently pats your head and smooths down your hair, though it bounces right back up, to calm you down. 
It works, every time.
“Well, I’m glad you showed up.” He speaks so lowly that he’s not even sure that you hear him. You did. Tsukishima takes a deep breath before continuing. “I really like having you there, even if you’re a loud mouth.”
He thought you’d be angry by the soft insult he slipped in but you didn’t care, not when he is confessing to you like this.
“Awe, you like me Kei! I knew it!” You coo and try to kiss his jaw, your boyfriend rolls his eyes and lifts his face up so that you can’t get your way.
“Obviously I like you if I’m dating you.” He snaps back and you hum happily. “Want to get some food?” You catch Tsukishima by surprise when you hook your hands on his shoulder and jump up to kiss his cheek.
“Of course, I do!!”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
Ufc Fighter Albert Dasilva Headcanons
hello, people who still follow me despite the fact i never post cause i’m a mess. how y’all doin? my favorite ufc fighter won the other day so now ✨this is what we’re doing✨. also i originally sent this thought to @we-are-inevitable ‘s ask box so find that post here (hi jac ilysm mwah mwah mwah)
i also wrote a part 2 so find that here !!
also,,,,, this is fairly obvious. but trigger warning for violence/physical fighting, and well as blood and injury. (it’s a rough gig y’all fjdhdb)
i sincerely apologize in advance for what a mess this post is gonna be i just had a monster and i’m hyped up on the win and this is a hyperfixation i don’t get to talk about very often so feel free to ask questions and HERE WE FUCKIN GO
albert is just,,,,,, a violent sports guy. always has been, probably always will be.
most forms of recreational fighting, football, hockey, rugby, fuck even soccer if he gets too into it. he’s just a Built Person, and he wicked competitive, and that makes for violent displays of athleticism
I think he was probably a hockey or football guy in high school, but he was also on the wrestling team cause i said so
then after graduation he got really into kickboxing, just to have something to do cause he didn’t have school sports to play and train for all the time
and then one day his coach is like ‘hey. you’re like,,, stupid good at this. you should sign up for competitions, you might make some money.’
he does, in fact, ‘make some money’, cause in straight kickboxing? he’s pretty much unmatched on the regional scene, which is ridiculous cause he didn’t start training his stand up game til he was 18 or 19
then American Top Team (ATT, it’s a really big MMA training camp that had trained a boat load of the top talent in the UFC) approaches him like ‘y’know if you worked on your grappling you could be a really solid mma fighter’
which is HUGE, but obviously albert can’t pick up his entire life and move to florida to train with them, so him and race (this is me, of course race is with al. supportive boyfriend and number one fan alert <3) find gyms willing to work with him based in new york. then he starts signing up for shit.
he sticks with stand up fighting when he can, he likes it more and cause,,,,, well. it’s more entertaining. the higher your entertainment value, the more people watch your fights. the more people watch your fights, the more likely you are to get noticed by big promotions (like the ufc)
he uses his wrestling to keep grapplers on their feet (he’s got like a 90% takedown defense, what an icon) and he picks people apart.
he has a lot of technical skill, but he also is fiery and passionate and scrappy. he gets hit too much for his own good a lot of the time.
he’s super durable. this man can get hit clean over and over and stay on his feet, but that’s not gonna hold up forever. it takes a loss or two in a row to motivate him to change it
and oh boy does he change it
he spends a month in auckland, new zealand at city kickboxing (one of the best kickboxing gyms in the world, and they lean heavily on tactics rather than just charging forward blindly)
he’s straight up a different fighter after that. he’s quick, light on his feet, and avoids punches way easier while also setting up the angles for his own. he gets signed to the ufc 2 fights later.
his first fight is short notice. no training camp, he’s got 5 days to make weight, AND it’s against a top 10 ranked opponent. no big deal, right?
and albert, being albert, is super chill about it. sure, this is the opportunity of a lifetime, could decide his entire future as a fighter, and he’s barely got time to prepare.
but he’s in the gym every single day of the week, he doesn’t super cut on weight like most ex-wrestlers, and most importantly, it’s just fighting. all he has to do is get in the octagon and punch some dude in the face. he can do that all day.
race on the other hand,,,,,,,,
he believes in albert with his whole soul, he really does, but Fuck watching your boyfriend get hit in the head is no fucking fun. especially when you know that the guy throwing the punches has been training for months, and your guy hasn’t even had a week
so he brings jack for moral support. also cause jack is DEFINITELY a ufc fan and was the only one that would understand what was happening.
at some point in the first round albert gets caught clean, opening a cut on his cheek, which makes race Panic Even More
but he gets cleaned up between rounds, and it’s not swelling so he can still see, and it’s over by the middle of the second.
and albert wins, cause (this is fiction and i’m telling a story) of fucking course he does, and he probably wins with some stupid dramatic spinning back kick and gets clipped on twitter cause he’s just Like That
the part that makes me, as the ralbert shipper, super fucking happy is coming up but i need to add a lil real talk first
considering albert is like,,,, openly in a relationship with a man when he gets into the ufc,,,,, that makes him the first publicly gay ufc fighter. like,,,, ever.
this is realized after his hand gets raised after the ref calls the stoppage.
bruce buffer makes the official announcement, al gets his hand raised, he gets interviewed by joe rogan, and then his coaches, jack and race get to come into the cage
at first everyone things it’s a best friend or something, especially after the dap up bro hug things he gives his coaches and jack
but then albert sees race, and you can watch this boy’s face light up on the camera. then race throws his arms around albert’s neck and albert half lifts him off the ground in a hug around his waist and ok, sure, that’s not the most platonic thing you’ve ever seen, but that doesn’t prove anything
and then albert kisses race. like full, actual, on the mouth in front of all the cameras kiss. cause he doesn’t give a shit.
and nobody’s talking about his spinning back kick anymore, cause Holy Shit That Wasn’t Very Straight Of You Dasilva
but he doesn’t address it, cause every other fighter gets to kiss their wife or girlfriend or whatever in the cage after they win and nobody bats an eye, so why should it be any different for him and his boyfriend?
also, because it needs to be said, statistically there are ALREADY lgbtq+ male fighters in the ufc. like currently, in real life. they’re just not out publicly. the ufc has openly supported queer people’s rights in the past, and is partnered with 4 prominent HIV/AIDS awareness organizations. there is multiple openly queer women currently fighting in the ufc, including amanda nunes, who has been repeatedly called the greatest women’s fighter of all time. but as of right now, there is no openly mlm ufc fighters, so that would technically make albert the first. we love a trend setter. now back to what i’m supposed to be talking about djdhdbd
and eventually interviewers and fans on twitter realize that they’re only going to get one answer to vague questions about sexuality, which is “i’m dating a man and i fight people for a living. if that makes me a revolutionary, so be it bro.”
he includes race in a lot of his answers, especially in interviews where they ask more personal questions or grill him on his mental game, cause he loves race and thinks he deserves credit for everything he does to make al a better person and a better fighter
also, purely for my own entertainment, i think after he becomes champion (cause of course he does) he goes on the joe rogan podcast, and joe is pretty much the only one who gets albert to talk about any of it in a genuine way
he doesn’t get sarcasm or a blunt “can we talk about fighting, now?” like everyone else, he gets a real answer, cause that’s what albert came on to do anyway
he talks about getting together in highschool, and how it was race’s idea for him to start kickboxing in the first place, and what a fucking genius race is and how he’s getting his PhD right now, and how he didn’t want to talk about it cause he didn’t want to be the “gay fighter”, and how that’s a trivialization of his relationship with race and he refuses to let it be seen as anything but what it is, which is the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to him
just. Ugh. them <3
y e a h. albert dasilva would rock anyone’s shit. if i keep having thoughts about this i’ll make one about him becoming champion. thank you for your time ✨
also gonna tag @soaps-posts cause the brainrot is powerful so here you are my dear <3
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
The Commentator’s Secret (Charlotte Flair x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  I was just wondering about any time in the future could you write a charlotte x G!P reader?? Crazily get if its not your thing no bother, I also know you're suuuuper busy so theres no need to answer to this ask! thank you for all the stories though
Now, this fic is going to be a LITTLE different than most gp stories, I went for a more emotional fic for the first time around. 
A part 2 to this is ALREADY planned, and I’m already working on it, so the long won’t be TOO long. 
I just think that a story like this needs to be handled in a way that is of no offense to anyone AND takes a situation that I’ve only ever seen people write as sexual, and change it to something more emotional. 
Charlotte hums as you strut past her backstage, the woman’s eyes on you as you stare at the paper in your hands, completely enthralled by whatever is written on it.  
She flips around shamelessly ogling you as you walk away.  
“Yer drooling.”  
Charlotte jumps at the sound of her best friend, Becky Lynch’s voice, the blonde rolling her eyes.  
“Shut up.” She growls, turning back towards you, unfortunately realizing that you’re out of sight.  
“She’s gone.”  
Charlotte turns to her best friend with a glare.  
“I can tell.” She grumbles, the Irishwoman snickering as she chases after the blonde.  
“Ya can’t get rid of me dat easy.” Becky catches up with her, the tall blonde throwing her arm around her friend’s shoulders.  
“Yer just mad because ya didn’t get ta ogle Y/N more.”  
Charlotte shrugs.  
Becky scoffs.  
“Maybe my arse.”
Charlotte hadn’t FORMALLY met the newest commentator on Monday Night Raw, but of course, she’d seen you backstage, typically with your attention focused on something that WASN’T your surroundings.  
That was of course until one day, you nearly trampled over Charlotte, a blessing in disguise really considering she’d been wanting to talk to you since she first saw you backstage.  
“I-I-I-I'm so sorry Cha- Ms. Flair.” You clear your throat, Charlotte smiling as she places a hand on your forearm.  
“Call me Charlotte.” She smiles, your cheeks flushing as you rub the back of your neck.  
“Well uhhh, Charlotte, it’s nice to actually meet you, bi-big fan.” You laugh nervously. “I’m Y/N.”  
Charlotte takes your hand, giving it a squeeze.  
“Nice to finally meet Raw’s newest commentator.”  
You click your tongue, shaking your head.  
“Not until tonight.” You wink, the blonde grinning.  
“Well, from what I’ve heard from your Podcast, I’d say you’re going to do just fine.” She grins, your eyes widening.  
“Y-You’ve listened to my Podcast?” You whisper in disbelief, the blonde’s grin widening.  
“Surprised?” She asks and you shrug.  
“Maybe a little.”  
The two of you go silent for a moment, your eyes widening when you realize you’re still holding Charlotte’s hand.  
“S-S-Sorry...” You mumble, pulling your hand away from hers, the blonde shrugging.  
“Don’t be.” She takes a step backwards, her eyes running down your front.  
“It was nice meeting you Y/N...”  
You watch her go, the woman eventually turning around and taking her leave, your mouth agape as you stare down the hallway.  
“Ye-Yeah you too.”  
You clear your throat, the butterflies in your stomach making your eyes widen.  
It was NO doubt that Charlotte Flair was beautiful, and something ELSE was also aware of that, something you’d rather like to keep hidden from any, and everyone.  
“Noticed ya talkin’ ta Y/N backstage earlier.”  Becky gives Charlotte a nudge, the blonde smirking.  
“Thought I’d introduce myself.” Her smirk stretching across her face, earning an eye roll from the woman beside her.  
“I bet ya did.”  
Just as the words leave Becky’s mouth, your voice comes over the television, the blonde grinning as your velvety, raspy voice sounds through your headset, a complete contrast to you nervous, warbly voice from earlier.  
“She definitely didn’t sound like that when we met.” She snorts, Becky, shaking her head.  
“Yer a Flair, ya make everyone nervous.” She teases, earning an eye roll from the blonde.
“I do not.”  
Just as the words leave her mouth, a tech with a clip board covering his face makes his way towards the two.
“M-M-Ms. Flair, you’re on in 5.” He whispers before basically sprinting away.  
Charlotte turns to Becky, the Irishwoman smirking.  
“Shut up.”  
“Didn’t say a thing.”  
The moment you realize Charlotte’s match is coming up next you can’t help but smile, eager to see the woman in action, her music hits and the crowd cheers, the woman walking out onto the stage, demanding attention, the woman absolutely glowing as she spins around, showing off one of her MANY decorative robes.  
You watch with a grin as she makes her way down to the ring, discussing with your commentary mates about what they think is next for The Queen.  
“Without a doubt Charlotte Flair belongs in the title picture, not because she’s a Flair, but because she has the talent and skill, she belongs in that picture.” You say, eyes widening when Charlotte moves towards the commentator’s table.  
She ducks down, covering your microphone with one hand, all the while whispering in your ear.  
“You’re doing a great job.”  
The blonde pulls back with a grin, the woman winking before she gets in the ring, the ref OF COURSE, holding the ropes for her.  
“What did she say to you?” Byron Saxton asks and you grin.  
“For me to know Saxton, for me to know.”  
You clear your throat, again feeling the hints of arousal, the woman’s hot breath on your ear making a shiver run down your spine.  
You again clear your throat, gathering yourself.  
You watch intently as Charlotte clasps a microphone, glancing around the arena, demanding silence without saying a word.  
Eventually, she clears her throat, though before she can even speak, Ruby Riott’s music hits.  
“Ohhh, what could this be about?” Byron smirks and you chuckle.  
“Charlotte Flair is the best in the business, what better way to solidify yourself than stepping up to the Queen?” You ask, a brow quirking when Liv Morgan’s music hits.  
“You’re right Y/N, and if The Riott Squad want ANYONE out of the title picture it’s Charlotte Flair, because when she gets a title, she knows how to keep it.”  Samoa Joe adds.
The Riott Squad doesn’t utter a single word, the two women sharing a glance before they make a mad dash for the ring, but Charlotte is ready for them.  
It’s only a matter of seconds later that both Ruby and Liv are on their backs, Charlotte standing over the two of them, arms outstretched.
She ducks down, picking her discarded mic up off the mat.  
“I was only supposed to face Ruby, but since you wanted to interfere Liv, why don’t we make it a handicap match?” Charlotte smirks, everyone cheering as she drops her mic on Ruby.  
“Always cocky, do you think Charlotte’s biting off more than she can chew?” Samoa Joe asks and you shake your head.  
“I think she’ll be just fine.”
Charlotte was MORE than fine considering she picked up the win, the woman smirking as the ref holds her hand up in the air.  
“So, Y/N, what did you think about seeing The Queen in action live?” Byron asks, just as the blonde turns to you, sending you a stealthy wink.  
“Seeing her live for the first time, I have to say I’m in awe of what she does in the ring, and I can’t wait for next week.” You grin, the blonde grinning as she slips out of the ring, strutting up the ramp.  
“Ohhhh, does Y/N have a favorite?” Samoa Joe nudges you and you grin.  
“I mean, I’m definitely impressed, and I can’t wait to see more.”  
“So, what did you think?”  
Your brows arch as you turn to face Charlotte, a grin stretching across your face.
“I think everyone is right when they say Charlotte Flair is the best in the business.”  
Charlotte smirks.
“Trying to butter me up?”  
You shrug.  
“Is it working?”  
Charlotte in turn, shrugs back.  
“Hey, Y/N.”  
You jump, picking your head up from the paper you’re reading, smiling when you see Charlotte making her way towards you, though she’s not alone.  
Your eyes double in size as you stand up straight, as tall as you can.  
“Holy shit you’re Ric Flair.” You say out loud, covering your face with the paper you’re holding.  
“I said that out loud, didn’t I?” You ask, cheeks flushing.  
Charlotte giggles and Ric laughs.
“You sure did kiddo.” He smiles.  
You pout when seconds later, Charlotte swipes the paper from you, revealing your flushed red cheeks to the two Flair’s.  
“I-I-It's a real honor to meet you sir.” You hold your hand out, the man giving it a firm shake.  
“You too, it’s nice to see a new face on the commentary team.” He grins, the man’s eyes widening when someone, that someone being Randy Orton, gives him a pat on the back.  
Ric turns, pressing a kiss to Charlotte’s cheek before he again holds his hand out, another firm shake shared between the two of you.  
“It was great meeting you kid, can’t wait to see more of you.” He smiles before he and Randy take their leave, leaving you and Charlotte behind.
“Warn me when a literal LEGEND in the business wants to meet me.” You pout, Charlotte rolling her eyes as she studies the paper you were reading.  
“Who doesn’t want to meet Raw’s newest commentator?” She asks, huffing when you swipe the sheet of paper back from her.  
“I’m not THAT special.” You say as the two of you start making your way down the hallway, Charlotte humming.  
“You are, everybody really likes you.”  
You stop, turning to her with wide eyes.  
“Wait, really?” You grin in disbelief the woman giggling as she places a hand on your shoulder.  
“Yeah, what isn’t there to like about you?” She says, cheeks flushing when she realizes exactly what she said.  
You clear your throat, cheeks flushing.  
“I mean, coming from someone like you who is literal perfection?” You snort, your eyes doubling in size.  
Charlotte glances away bashfully.  
“Excuse me, Y/N, mind if we have a word?”  
You jump at the sound of Triple H’s voice, turning to the man with a smile.  
“S-Sure, of course.” You turn back to Charlotte grinning shyly.  
“See you later?” You rub the back of your neck nervously; a tick Charlotte finds endearing.  
“Of course.”  
With that, you and Triple H take your leave, the two of you speaking in hushed tones as you make your way down the hallway.  
Charlotte crosses her arms across her chest, watching you until you round the corner and move out of sight.  
“Whathca lookin at?” Becky asks, coming out of nowhere and Charlotte smirks, shaking her head.  
The way your voice husks through your microphone makes Charlotte feel even more attracted to you than she already was.  
She couldn’t deny what she was feeling for you, but she KNEW it went well beyond coworkers and FAR beyond friendship.  
Watching you cockily smirk at the commentary table, the way you’d laugh when Samoa Joe cracked jokes at the expense of some WWE Superstars, mainly Seth Rollins, and Byron Saxton himself, BUT you at times would stick up for the man, considering before you joined the team, he’d been your favorite.  
Charlotte couldn’t get enough of your smoky voice sounding throughout the backstage area, the way it would demand attention, contrasting from the way Byron and Samoa Joe would talk.  
The woman had a habit of going back on the WWE Network to listen to your commentary during her match, each and every time you sung her praises.
Unbeknownst to her, you’re currently standing behind her, the woman smiling when the camera snaps to you at the commentary table.  
“What are you watching there?” You ask, the blonde letting out a squeak that makes you snort, your arms wrapping around your middle as you double over in laughter.  
Charlotte growls, giving you a half-hearted shove.  
“Shut up.”  
You gasp, attempting to catch your breath as you wipe the tears from the corner of your eyes.  
“I’m sorry, that was just TOO good.”  
Charlotte huffs, leaning against a nearby wall, the woman sending you a mock glare as you lean against the wall beside her.  
“I WAS watching my favorite commentator, not sure now.”  
You pout, putting your best puppy dog eyes on display.
It only takes a millisecond for the woman to cave.
“Alright, stop with the puppy dog eyes.” She demands, nudging you playfully with her shoulder.  
“Wow, that was easy, I’ll have to remember that.”  
Charlotte sends you a mock glare and you grin, the woman chuckling.  
“I was listening to a certain someone’s commentary on my match.” She smiles, a smile you mime.  
“Anyone I know?” You ask innocently.  
“No, you don’t know them.”  
You gasp, sighing loudly.  
“AND HERE I thought I was your favorite.”  
Charlotte smiles, her head lolling to the side as she turns to you, she examines your profile for a moment, tracing your sharp jawline, the woman’s smile widening when she sees how tiny your ears are.  
During her perusing, she completely misses the fact that you’d turned towards her, your eyes wide and cheeks flushing bright red.
Charlotte blinks rapidly, the woman biting her bottom lip as her eyes lock with yours.  
“You are.” She whispers and your brows furrow.  
Your eyes widen when Charlotte reaches for you, the woman fixing the collar of your shirt and adjusting your tie.  
Charlotte simply stares at you for a moment, her green orbs darting from your eyes, to your lips and back before she grins.  
“You are my favorite.”  
You swallow hard, taking a deep breath as the woman takes her leave, attempting to rein your emotions in, but it’s to no avail, your forehead resting against a nearby wall.  
“Thank fuck for compression shorts.” You mumble under your breath, wiggling for a second before you push off the wall and head down the hallway as if nothing had ever happened.  
After your last interaction, you knew what you felt for Charlotte was more than friendship.  
You wanted her, in a less than friendship kind of way, but what you wanted wasn’t just driven by lust, you really, really liked her, her smile made your heart skip a beat, her green orbs sent a warmth spreading through your chest that filled you with complete and utter delight.  
You were falling for the woman, but there was NO WAY she could possibly feel the same, she was a Flair, she had men dropping at her feet, why would she fall for the WWE’s new commentator that she’d only known for around 6 months?  
AND a woman no less.  
You shake your head.  
“Not a chance.” You mumble under your breath.  
“Not a chance of what?”  
You jump, turning on your heels to find Lana, the woman smirking as she makes her way towards you.  
“Uhh, nothing.” You shrug, the woman grinning as she places a hand on your forearm.  
“Didn’t seem like nothing...” She caresses your arm and your brows furrow in confusion, the thing you’re trying to hide twitching slightly.  
You swallow hard.
“Uhhh, what are you-
The clearing of someone’s throat makes you turn away from the woman and to the newly appeared Charlotte Flair, the blonde making a smile stretch across your face.  
“Hey.” You say as you move away from Lana, and towards Charlotte, the taller woman smirking as she sends her a glare.  
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Charlotte snarks, the blonde huffing before she stomps away, heels clicking on the backstage floor.  
You sigh, swiping the back of your hand across your forehead.  
“Dodged a bullet there.” You say, placing a hand on your heart.  
Charlotte meanwhile isn’t looking at you, she’s glaring over your shoulder at Lana’s retreating form.  
“Hey, you there?” You ask, Charlotte glancing from Lana, to you and back, the muscle in her jaw jumping.  
“Are you alright?” You ask, the woman taking a deep breath before she abruptly turns away, leaving you to watch her go with a sad frown.  
Your shoulders hunch as you too walk away, in the opposite direction, away from Charlotte.  
Charlotte growls angrily.  
“Bitch.” She snarls angrily, stomping through the backstage area, wanting nothing more than to literally snap Lana in half, in fact that was what she MAY end up doing.  
“Whoa, where’s da fire?” Becky asks as she round the corner, stopping Charlotte in her tracks.  
“Why do ya look so pissed?” She asks and Charlotte huffs.  
“Y/N...” Charlotte starts, Becky’s brows knitting together in confusion.  
“Wat about Y/N?” She asks and Charlotte growls.  
“Lana was hitting on her.” She grumbles and Becky smirks, a brow arched.  
“Ahh, so ya were jealous?” She teases and Charlotte sends her a deadly glare.  
“I was NOT jealous.” She says, her nose crinkling and Becky snorts.  
“Sorry ta break it to ya, but ya were jealous.”  
Charlotte’s lips part to AGAIN deny the accusation, but slam shut seconds later, the woman knowing she can no longer deny what she was feeling for you.  
“Figure it out?” Becky smirks and Charlotte groans.  
“Shut up.”  
You weren’t sure why, but Charlotte had avoided you for the entire day.  
Unfortunately for you though, Lana hadn’t, she’d cornered you, multiple times, but thankfully for you, you always had a way out, by luck, techs needed you, legends, superstars.  
Though unfortunately for you, you had nowhere to run when Lana caught you again.  
“Lucky for me you’re not busy this time.” Lana smiles seductively as she walks your way, hips swaying.  
“Ummm, actually I was-”
“She was just leaving.”  
Your eyes widen when Charlotte Flair appears from basically nowhere, the woman’s green eyes full of fire as she glares Lana down.  
Lana lets out a lengthy sigh, turning your way.  
“When the two of you are done, how about you come find me?” She winks before again, taking her leave, Charlotte glaring daggers into her as she goes.  
Charlotte, without even glancing over her shoulder at you, again goes to make a hasty retreat, but unlike the last time, you catch her wrist.  
“Charlotte, what’s wrong? Why do you keep running away from me?” You ask, confused as to why the woman is again, trying to leave.  
Your questions are answered when in one swift motion, Charlotte turns on her heels, shoving you back into a dark corner, her lips slamming against yours.  
Your eyes widen, hands finding purchase on the woman’s waist.  
Charlotte’s lips are soft, insistent, it’s then you realize you aren’t kissing back.  
Charlotte’s heart lightens in her chest when your lips start moving, your hands sliding around to the small of her back, pulling her closer, your bodies flush.  
You get lost in the kiss, lips meeting again and again until Charlotte’s tongue probes at your bottom lip, your lips immediately parting, allowing the woman’s tongue to invade, the two of you moaning when your tongues meet.  
Your tongues tangle in a tantalizing dance, your hands slipping from the small of Charlotte’s back, to her tight covered ass, giving the firm flesh a squeeze.  
You’re so lost in kissing that you don’t realize what’s happening until Charlotte grinds against you, her and your eyes flashing open.
Bile rises into your throat, your heart slamming hard, your ears ringing as you stand stock still for a moment, Charlotte���s green orbs falling to the noticeable bulge in your pants.  
Charlotte’s eyes dart to yours as your cover the bulge with your hands, tears streaming down your face.  
“Don’t tell.” You whisper before sprinting away, leaving the bewildered blonde behind.  
Charlotte was confused, completely and UTTERLY confused.  
What she saw was what she thought it was, right?  
She’d seen it, felt it, and still she couldn’t believe it.  
Though the thing that stood out to her MOST was the look of utter fear on your face, the tears streaming down your cheeks as you spoke.  
“Don’t tell.”
The look on your face had completely broken her heart, the utter terror, the way your throat bobbed as you swallow, the way your chest heaved as you breathed heavily, your fight or flight response kicking in, and in this case, you had fled.  
Charlotte leans back against the wall you just were leaning against, her own chest heaving as she thinks about what you’d been doing BEFORE you’d retreated.  
What mattered now though, what mattered most was that she find you, because right now, you needed her.  
Yes, she still COULDN’T believe what had happened, but right now, all that mattered was finding you, because you needed her.  
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You couldn’t believe it.  
You couldn’t BELIEVE it.  
After all this time, after all these YEARS of keeping your secret hidden, your secret had been revealed to none other than Charlotte Flair.  
Everyone watched as you sprinted, you passed a number of your co-workers, superstars, techs and security alike, all looking at you in worry, but you didn’t stop, you didn’t stop because Charlotte was the ONLY one who was going to find out about your secret.  
You sprint towards the room where you’d placed your suitcase and snatch it up completely ignoring when someone calls your name in favor of sprinting to your rental, refusing to look back.  
Luckily for Charlotte, the two of you were staying in the same hotel, your rooms not far from one another since the two of you had rode together to the venue.  
Charlotte takes a deep breath as she stops in front of your hotel room’s door, the woman eyeing the door’s surface intently.  
You’d come to mean a lot to her, the woman wanting to be around you more than anything, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy what was happening before you’d made a hasty escape.  
Charlotte’s cheeks flush as she thinks about how large the-
She shakes her head, clearing her throat.  
After taking another deep breath, the woman reining in her courage.  
A beat.  
A third.  
Then, she knocks.  
You let out a groan from where you’re lying face down in your bed, knowing that the knock on your hotel room’s door must be the pizza you ordered considering the hotel’s desk was sending up the delivery boy.  
You roll out of bed, glancing down at the front of your sweats, JUST to make sure what happened earlier didn’t happen again.  
You shuffle towards the door, tugging the door open without looking through the peephole.  
“How much do I-
You stiffen, eyes widening when you realize the person at the door ISN’T the pizza delivery boy, but it was Charlotte Flair.  
“Ch-Char... Charlotte... I was...” You stammer, the blonde taking a deep breath.  
“Can I come in?” She asks, voice below a whisper and you swallow hard.  
You debate for a few seconds before you take a step to the side, allowing the woman inside.  
Just before you go to close the door, the pizza delivery boy makes his appearance.  
“Ms. Y/L/N?” He asks, his eyes widening when he sees who you are.  
“That’s me.” You smile. “How much...?”
“Uhhh... O-O-On the house, I-I'm a huge fan.” He beams, his smile contagious.  
You move into the room, grabbing your wallet before making your way back to the door.  
“Nonsense.” You smile, fishing $100 out of your wallet.  
“Keep the change.” You smile, the boy’s smile widening.  
“Tha-Thanks so much! W-Would you mind a picture?” He asks. “My friends will NEVER believe me if I say I met Y/N, you’re the greatest commentator on Raw!” He says excitedly and you grin.  
“Yeah, of course.”  
You take a few selfies with the boy before he giddily slips your pizza out of the bag he’d brought and hands you the pizza box.  
“Thank you so much Y/N!” He smiles, the man grinning further when you hand him a slip of paper, your autograph scrawled across the paper.  
“No problem. Have a good one bud.”  
“You too!”  
You kick the door shut behind you and head back into the room, turning to Charlotte who’s sitting on the bed.
You nod to the box.  
“Want a slice?” You ask the woman humming.  
“I probably shouldn’t...”  
You shrug.  
“I won’t tell if you won’t.”  
Charlotte smirks.  
“Maybe just a slice.”  
A slice turned into the two of you knocking out the entire pizza, but with the food gone, you have to talk about the elephant in the room.  
Charlotte clears her throat, turning to you.  
“I-I’m sorry about earlier.” She whispers and you frown, shaking your head.  
“You have nothing to be sorry for...” You shrug, fidgeting nervously in the chair you’re currently sitting in.  
“If I hadn’t...” Charlotte clears her throat, cheeks flushing.  
“If I hadn’t have kissed you, we wouldn’t have...” You swallow hard, finding the courage to stand, making your way towards the end of the bed and sitting down. 
Charlotte follows suite taking a seat beside you.  
“I’m uhhh...” You blush, shrugging.  
“I’m glad you kissed me.” You bite your bottom lip, seeing Charlotte smile out of the corner of your eye.  
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while now .” You confess in a whisper, Charlotte turning your way with a blush.  
“You have?” She asks and you nod.  
The two of you go silent, simply staring at one another before you clear your throat.  
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you...” You frown.  
Charlotte shakes her head, scooting closer.  
“No, don’t be sorry...”  
“I have to be, I doubt you uhhh...” You glance away, the tips of your ears burning. “Wanted to, feel that...”  
The bed shifts slightly and you quickly realize Charlotte has scooted closer, the woman resting her hand on the bed between you, palm up.
An invitation.  
You look at her hand for a moment before taking it, interlacing your fingers, Charlotte giving your hand a squeeze.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” She says, the woman stroking the back of your hand.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” She says softly and you shake your head. ‘
“I want to.”  
Your eyes widen, surprised the words had come out of your mouth.  
You didn’t want to tell ANYONE your secret, at least, you didn’t before, but with Charlotte sitting in front of you, your hand in hers, you find the courage to say something to someone that you’ve never said to ANYONE.  
“I’m intersex.” You mumble, Charlotte nodding, though her brow knits in confusion.  
“I was uhhh, born a female but uhh, have different uhh, parts.” You say, swallowing hard, watching as Charlotte’s facial expression changes into one of understanding.  
“You realize that doesn’t change who you are, right?”  
Your eyes widen as you let out a humorless laugh.  
“You’re kidding, right? By normal world standards, I’m a fre-
“Don’t call yourself that.” Charlotte bites, your brows furrowing in confusion at the look in the woman’s green orbs.  
“No, Y/N, you’re as normal as I am, as anyone, there is nothing wrong with you, and you are NOT a freak.”
You blink once, twice, a third time, before your eyes fill with tears, tears leaking from your Y/E/C orbs and streaming down your face.  
Charlotte tentatively cups your cheeks, the woman ridding them of tears with the pads of her thumbs. She leans forwards, resting her forehead against yours.  
“There’s NOTHING wrong with you Y/N. Nothing at all.” She whispers, bumping her nose against yours. “Do you hear me?” She asks, earning the slightest of nods.  
Charlotte tilts her head back, pressing a kiss to your forehead, something that makes your eyes widen and your cheeks flush.  
Your eyes flutter shut, as you exhale loudly through your nose, Charlotte pulling back with a small smile.  
Your face scrunches up as you let out a long, loud, yawn.  
“You need to rest Y/N.” She whispers, brushing strands of hair out of your face. “You had a rough day.” She whispers.  
You take a deep breath, your eyes locking with Charlotte’s green orbs.  
“Could you...” You pause, clearing your throat, shaking your head. “N-N-Never mind.”  
Charlotte chuckles.  
“Tell me.”  
“Y-You could stay if you wanted.” You shrug, your cheeks blood red as you look at any and everything but the woman in front of you.
Charlotte smiles, glancing around the room, quickly realizing there’s only a single bed.  
You quickly realize that in the same moment, jumping to your feet, your heart in your throat.  
“U-Uh, I forgot it was ju-just one bed.” You stammer, shuffling from foot to foot.  
“I’m sorry.”  
You’re about to make an escape to the bathroom, but before you can Charlotte catches your wrist.  
“Hey, breathe, it’s okay.” She whispers, moving to her feet. “I never said I didn’t want to.” She smiles, your eyes widening as you turn to look at her, your cheeks blood red.  
“Wh-What...?” You ask in disbelief, the blonde’s smile splitting into a grin.  
“You heard me...  Just let me go get my things.” She smiles, your eyes widening when she takes the key to your hotel room, sending you a wink before she heads out the door.  
You stay stock still, staring at the door the woman had just disappeared behind, your jaw slack.  
“W-Well then.” You clear your throat, sprinting around the room to clean it up, even though it was in no way a mess.  
Charlotte comes back not long after, the woman smiling when she sees you in the bathroom brushing your teeth, toothbrush hanging out of your mouth as you turn to her.  
“Hmmmph...” You say, grimacing, pulling the tooth brush out of your mouth and spitting into the sink.  
“Hey.” You snort, the blonde shaking her head.  
“Hey to you too.”  
Charlotte makes her way further into the room and you take a deep breath, rinsing your mouth out before you head back into the room.  
“Comfy?” You ask Charlotte, who’s currently lounging on the bed, the woman shrugging.  
“I am.”  
You take a deep breath, shuffling towards the bed, your eyes on your feet as you stand beside it, nervous to get into the bed.
“Hey.” Charlotte whispers, reaching for and taking your wrist, giving it a tug. “Trust me.” She whispers, giving your wrist a squeeze.  
“I-I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” You whisper, Charlotte giving your wrist another tug.  
“I won’t be.” She whispers and you swallow hard.  
It takes a few more tugs on your wrist for the blonde to get you into the bed, your eyes locked with hers as you slowly sit down beside her.  
“Y-You’re su-
Your eyes widen when Charlotte cups your cheeks, pressing the softest of kisses to your lips.  
Charlotte’s green orbs dart around your face, the woman smiling when a smile stretches across your face.  
“I’m sure.” She says, her fingertips tracing your jawline.  
It takes a moment for the both of you to get situated, the two of you sliding beneath the covers, a noticeable distance between the two of you.  
Charlotte shakes her head, shutting the lights off before she shuffles closer to you, your eyes widening as she drapes an arm over your waist.  
“Relax.” She whispers, smiling when you roll on your side and shuffle backwards, your back resting against her chest.  
You let out a deep sigh, the blonde smiling as she buries her face in your neck.  
“As horrible as you thought it would be?” She asks and you chuckle.  
“Not even remotely.”  
You let out a lengthy sigh, your eyes fluttering shut as Charlotte nuzzles into the space behind your ear, your cheeks flushing when Charlotte presses a kiss to your earlobe.  
“Goodnight Y/N.” She whispers and you grin, all earlier nervousness fading away in the blonde’s arms.  
“Goodnight Charlotte.”  
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Be a little Rough (Brandon Cutler X reader)
Summary- Reader loves being with Brandon, but she wishes he would be a little rougher in bed
AN- Not nearly enough Brandon Cutler fics, let’s change that. Got this idea after see his tweets about being daddy long legs. Shoutout to my fellow Brandon lover @junglecassidy
Sex had never been anything but great with him. He was the first guy to actually care if I got off or not, but there was something missing. I wanted him to be rough, to take control, but I didn't want to mess anything up. Everything was perfect, and what if he looked at me like I was crazy and left me right then and there?
"Y/n? You still there?" I blinked a few times as Brit took me out of my head and back to the real world.
"Ya Sorry, what are we talking about?" I asked looking back to her. We were both backstage getting ready for our tag match. We had been tag partners for a bit on the independence stream, and had gotten back together when we signed to AEW.
"I was asking how things were going with Brandon." She said stretching a bit.
"Oh it's going great. He's definitely the best guy I've been with, especially after Kenny." I said thinking about my break up with Kenny about two years ago. It had broken me, and had been really hard to get over.
"As happy as I am that your over him, you know what I mean, how's the sex?" She clarified wiggling her eyebrows at me. Most would be uncomfortable about talking about that kinda of stuff in public, but with Brit I was used to it.
"Same as it was last time. He's super sweet, and great in bed.."
"But, I wish he would take control sometimes, be a little rough you know?" I tried explaining.
"I really think you should talk to him about that. I mean, maybe he'd be down for it." She offered but I just shook my head.
"Maybe one day. Now come on, we've got to go beat the shit out of the Nightmare sisters." I said wrapping my arm around Brit as we made our way to the ring.
Me and Brit stood with our arms held above us, smiles on our faces. I motioned first a mic so I could speak. But as I waited I noticed that Brandon wasn't standing where he normally did for tappings. I quickly pushed that away as I had a mic pushed into my hands.
"Another Wednesday goes by, and another week of beating the shit out of anyone who gets in our way!" I said a big smile on our face. "But, I think something's missing, do t you Brit?"
"Oh absolutely! I mean, we are the greatest tag team. And I think we deserve something for that." She explained. "We deserve tag team championships." The limited crowd around us started getting really excited at that.
"And until we get that, we will be protesting. If Tony Kahn wants any of his women to survive, he will give us what we want." I said boldly. We rolled out of the ring and grabbed Red Velvet by here hair and yanked her into the ring and we started beating on her. The crowd around us was booing, but we didnt stop until a few refs pulled us off.
As we walked backstage we had our hands running across our waist to show we would be champions. "Good job out there." Cody said nodding to us we got backstage.
"Thanks" we called out as we continued walking. "You gonna stick around for the rest of the show?" Brit asked as we got to the locker room.
"Depends on if Brandon needs to stay. Even then I might leave to take a nice bath. The hotel bathroom is pretty nice." I pointed out as I slid on some sweatpants and one of Brandon's sweatshirts.
"Your not changing?" She asked making a face as she grabbed some cloths.
"Did you not jus here me? I'm going to leave and take a bath, no point in changing." I said picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. "I'll see you latter." I called out as I heard one of the showers start.
I wandered around backstage looking for Brandon but couldn't find him. He wasn't answering his phone and I was getting slightly worried. Where could he have gone? Just as I was about to go ask Matt and Nick my phone let out a small ping for a message. All it said was 'Meet me back at the hotel'
I frowned looking at the message. Another one fallowed quickly. 'You can take the car. Don't ask questions.' This confused me more. How was he going to get back? Why was he having me leave? I started to type out a message when another one popped up. 'I said no questions'
"Fuck it." I mumbled as I made my way to the car. I threw my stuff in the back and climbed in. As I drove I listened to the music, humming a bit. I was tired and ready to take a bath and get to bed. The more o thought about it the more I figured Brandon had to do a bit or something for the show.
When I finally got to the hotel I forced myself to hurry to our room. I could barely keep my eyes open as I pushed the door open. I saw Brandon's shoes by the door, as I slipped mine off. He must have gotten done earlier then expected.
"Hey babe." I called out setting my bag down. I didn't get a response but walked towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick." Just as I reached for the door I felt hands land on my waist making me jump in surprise. "Brandon, what are-"
I was cut off as he spun me around and our lips met. It wasn't the slow sweet one I was expecting but hard and rough. His tongue pushed past my lips and into my mouth making me moan. My hands went up to grip his shoulders, witch let me know he didn't have his shirt on. Finally he pulled back a bit, both of us breathing heavily.
"What was that?" I asked my hands running over his shoulders. Without answering he pulled me into another kiss. His hands slid down to the back of my thighs and squeezed lightly. He pulled back just a bit.
"Up." He mumbled before moving to kiss my neck. I jumped lightly letting my legs wrap around his waist. One of his hands moved down to my butt, and the other moved up to the small of my back. My head fell back a bit allowing him more access to my neck, causing me to moan loudly.
"Fuck Brandon..." I mumbled as he walked towards the bed in the room. As he continued the assault on my neck he sat on the bed and I was now sitting on his lap. He pulled away and pushed me so I was standing in front of him.
"Strip." He said, his voice was rough like when he first got up in the morning. I was breathing heavily as my hands slid down and pulled the sweatshirt off, then the sweatpants. I looked up at him to see his eyes looking me up and down. Even though I wore this on live television every week I felt slightly nervous standing in front of him. "Keep going."
I brought my hands up to my back to unhook the back of my top, letting it fall onto the ground, leaving my breast bare in the cold air. I bent down a bit to push my bottoms down and step out of them, leaving me completely bare. I bit my lip lightly as Brandon watches me. He makes a come here motion with his finger so I walked up to him. He stood up to great me his hands going straight to my hips.
"You always look so great in the ring, do you know how hard it is to sit on the side and watch you every week?" He questioned his hands rubbing little circles on my hips. I wasn't 100% sure what he had planned, but I could tell by the look in his eyes he was giving me an out right now. I could tell him to stop and he would. I reached up and pulled his head down kissing him again. It was a mix almost of the slow sweet kiss he normally did, and the fast rough one from a few minutes ago.
As we kissed he spun us around and pushed me back on to the bed, his body landing almost on top of mine. When he pulled away I reached down and pulled lightly at his shorts. "I don't think it's fair that I'm naked, and you still have your pants on." I panted still trying to catch my breath from that kiss. He chuckled and stood up, taking both his pants and boxers off. My eyes fell to his dick, it was hard and caused my mouth to water. I moved a bit, intending on going to my knees, but Brandon's Body was blowing me, and my hands were pined to the bed above me.
"Maybe another time. I just want to fuck you." He said bluntly. He bent his head down and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I threw my head back moaning as his teeth raked over the sensitive bud. He moved between the two of them, giving each one equal time. I was so occupied by the felling I didn't notice Brandon shifting until his shaft was pushing into me.
"F-fuck Brandon!" I moaned, my hands fisting the sheets as my back arched of the bed. He gave me a moment to get used to him before he started to move fast and hard making me cry out. He was letting out small grunts of his own has he thrust into me. Has he hit a sweeten point I get a spark go through my body.
"D-Daddy!" Both of us froze when I said that, my eyes going wide. Fuck, why would I have said that! Instead of getting angry or something Brandon started to trust headed.
"Fuck y/n, say that again." He mumbled biting my neck lightly.
"Daddy!" I moaned as he continued to thrust, his arms going down to push my legs up to his shoulders, the new angle giving me even more pleasure. "Fu-fuck daddy I need to cum." I painted, my eyes screwed shut.
"Fuck me to. Cum on my Dick y/n. Cum for daddy." That was all it took for me to come undone, practically screaming out as I came hard. He thrust a few more times before he pulled out and came on my stomach. He collapsed into the bed pulling me to him kissing my head.
"Fuck Brandon, where did that come from?" I asked looking up at him. He blushed a bit before explaining.
"I went to find you to tell you good luck before your match, and I heard you and Brit talking. You said you wanted me to be more rough." Now it was my turn to blush, a bit embarrassed that he caught me talking to Brit about that.
"Well, it was amazing." I said kissing his cheek. "All though now I definitely need a shower." I joked making him laugh.
"Is there room for two in there?" He asked winking at me causing me to laugh.
"I'm sure there is." I said sitting up and swinging my legs over the bed to stand up. I started to walk towards the bathroom and when I looked over my shoulder I saw Brandon still laying on the bed. "You coming daddy?" I asked, making him sit up immediately.
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thebluenoteblog · 4 years
Summary: You really didn't handle the break up well, that is after all, how you ended up in the bed of a member of the opposing team the night before a big game. What could possible go wrong (spoiler: a lot).
Player: Colton Parayko
Word Count: 2500
Warnings: Drunk one night stand and cursing. 
***Tyler Seguin is sort of the bad guy in this fic. I have nothing against him. I’ve written many fics about him. I just wanted to play on a central devision rivalry and this is an old fic. At the time he was the only player on one of those teams that I knew enough about to write without having to google anything. I did not mean to offend anyone and I would like to clarify that this is just a story and I do not think that he would actually do this in real life.***
You tossed back yet another shot, knowing somewhere in the recesses of your fuzzy brain that you really shouldn’t. You should have stopped three drinks ago. You should have stopped the first time you almost fell off your barstool. The bartender should have cut you off. But none of that happened. Instead you pursed your lips at the burn in the back of your throat as the liquor ran down it for the umpteenth time that night.
Your phone was dead, and you had no idea how you were getting back to the hotel, at this point you didn’t care. It had been so long since you had seen Colton outside of work and you were broken. You couldn’t remember how to function. Going to work every day, taking pictures of the boys for the social media accounts, seeing him on the ice, on the plane, and not being able to touch him or talk to him… everyone knowing that things ended… you couldn’t do it anymore.
You were days away from checking yourself into the hospital. For your liver’s safety and your own. If you were in the hospital though, you lost all of your crutches, liquor and rebounds, and you couldn’t call Colton at five in the morning and pray that he would answer.
He usually did, because that was the kind of man that Colton was. He wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything important. Someday he would stop answering. That thought had you ordering another drink.
“Let me buy that for you?” A voice asked from behind you, you turned your head and stumbled a little. A hand reached out and steadied you, landing on your back. “Careful,” He laughed.
Bingo, you found a ride home. And a crutch for the night. He was cute. Tall. Not as tall as Colton by any meaning of the word, but that was good. You didn’t want that. He didn’t look anything like Colton. That was exactly what you needed. He looked oddly familiar, but you were too far gone to place it. “Sure,” you said.
“You aren’t from Dallas, are you?” He asked, taking in your faded blues t-shirt.
You shook your head as he sat down, and you closed your eyes, the motion making your head spin, “No, I’m from St. Louis. Just visiting for a couple days.” Your words were barely slurred, and you were surprised that you were stringing that many together coherently. You must be spending too much time drunk. Your poor liver.
The bartender delivered your shot and it was gone in a second. You made the same face you’d made before, he was smiling at you when you opened your eyes. He handed the bartender a card, “Cover her tab,” he said.
“You don’t have to do that,” you said, making a sound of protest.
He waved a hand, “Its nothing.”
“You underestimate how much I’ve had to drink,” you responded.
He shrugged, “Like I said, it’s nothing.”
The two of you talked for a little while, you avoided what you were doing in Dallas and he didn’t mention what he did for a living. Eventually, you said, “Do you want to get out of here?” your head was still fuzzy but you were starting to sober up a bit and you were pretty sure that you could walk by that point.
“Fuck yes,” he said, and he placed his hand on your back as he showed you to his car.
You woke up the next morning to an alarm going off, naked, in the bed of a strange man. You snapped your eyes open and were immediately thankful that you were mostly immune to hangovers. You jerked up in bed and noticed the naked form of Tyler fucking Seguin lying next to you. This was a new low. Even for you. As the social media manager for the Blues, you couldn’t be hooking up with the Alternate captain of the Dallas Stars. It just wasn’t something that would fly if anyone found out.
Besides the fact that they were playing tonight, and you didn’t want to think about all the chirping that would occur if Seguin found out you were Colton’s ex-girlfriend. It was a nightmare waiting to happen. Thank god neither of them were fighters. Not that you would expect Colton to pick a fight over you after all of his insisting that he didn’t care about you, but it was a pride thing.
If everyone heard a guy say he fucked your girl the night before, and he was clearly serious, even if it was your ex-girl, you were all but contractually obligated to hit him. It was like in the unwritten rules of hockey.
You jumped out of bed and began gathering your clothes, praying that Seguin was a heavy sleeper and you would get out of the room before he woke up to the sound of the alarm. Unfortunately, that mission was a failure. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you back onto the bed. “No round two?” He asked, “No good morning kiss?”
You hesitated, then decided that this would be a good time to come as close to clean as you could without endangering lives. “I’m in Dallas because I’m the Blues social media manager. I was to drunk last night to realize who you were and now that I know, I can’t sleep with you in good conscience,” you paused as a look of understanding dawned on his face, “They would run me out of my office with torches and pitchforks if they found out.”
Seguin released you and backed up, “Jesus, I didn’t realize you were that drunk.”
You nodded as you pulled your shirt over your head, “Well, this was fun. Don’t mention it to anyone. And I mean anyone.”
“What, do you think they’ll fire you over it or something?” He asked, leaning back against his headboard, not seeming to care that he was barely covered by a thin sheet, “You’re a big girl. I’m sure they understand that you have needs.”
“And they expect me not to meet them with the opposing team the night before a big game on a road trip,” you said, covering your tracks, “I have to go, I’m supposed to get pictures of morning skate for the accounts.”
He shrugged, “Whatever you say.”
Colton had a shit night. He hadn’t slept worth a damn. He’d laid in bed and stared at his phone, waiting for your five am call that usually came but sometimes didn’t. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what happened on the nights that your calls didn’t come. He was always an emotional mess the next day, but he played his best. Big aggressive hits and hard shots that tore the net and shattered the glass. He’d accidentally hit Binner so hard in the mask with a puck one day at practice after you didn’t call that the poor guy had to sit out for a solid five minutes.
Today was bad though, because you were in Dallas, and what the fuck were you doing out in Dallas? Who were you with? Were you safe? All those thoughts raced through his head at twice the rate they normally did. You knew people back home. You had friends. He could convince himself that you were just busy with the girls. This was different.
He made his way down to morning skate and as all the guys entered the ice, he saw you standing at one of the Zamboni entrances. He was tempted to skate over to you and ask why you hadn’t called the previous night, but instead he just skated a circle around the rink, noticing when he did that you had a hickey on your neck. Mostly concealed by foundation and a jacket, something one would only notice if they were looking for it like he was. He ground his teeth on his mouth guard and focused his eyes forward.
The puck dropped at seven o’clock and Seguin started a brawl at seven fifteen. It was between face-offs, they were just standing next to each other and he said, “So funny, I found out who runs your social media accounts.” He was met with a blank stare from Colton, so he continued, on a mission to throw the giant of a defensemen off his game. “Well anyway, I found her personal Instagram and it turns out the two of you used to be a couple!” He laughed “isn’t that funny? She hasn’t taken your pictures down yet, you know?”
By this point, they had started to draw a small crowd. The team knew how sensitive of a subject you were for Colton. If there was any way to get him to drop gloves, this just might be it. “Why is that funny?” Colton asked, going stiff. He thought back to the lack of a phone call and the hickey on your neck. No. You would never screw another hockey player. Not a Star. Not someone with a reputation like Seguin’s. You wouldn’t do that to him no matter how much he hurt you.
Still, the longer he stared down into Seguin’s eyes, the less he believed what he was telling himself.
“Well, it’s funny because I fucked her last night.” He said, a devious and amused look on his face.
Blood was pounding in Colton’s ears so loudly that he almost didn’t hear the next part of his statement.
“She’s a freak, but you already knew that didn’t you?”
A few things happened at once. First, the refs gave up on the face off upon hearing what Seguin said. Second, Colton threw his stick on the ground, shook off his gloves and pounced like a lion on a gazelle. He didn’t even wait for Seguin to drop his gloves first, though he did a second later, before the refs even made it over to break up the fight. All the stars were on Colton, trying to stop him and pull him off of Seguin who was definitely not a fighter and did not have size or anger on his side.
His teammates had his back though because they all grabbed a different guy and went to town. Within seconds they had a full-on line brawl and the refs were struggling to decide who to break up first. They both seemed slightly hesitant to mess with Colton who looked ready to murder and Seguin was now on the ice but still fighting back as much as he could when pinned to the ground. He was bleeding, his nose looked broken at the very least. Both refs grabbed a shoulder and pried Colton off of him.
Colton seemed to realize what he was doing and backed off. He stood up, raising to his full six-foot six height and looked over to where he knew you were standing, mouth agape and camera hanging limply by your side. He knew you would be pissed and confused. He hung his head, equally pissed at himself and skated off the ice, head hung, running a bloody knuckled hand through his hair as he headed straight to the locker room, leaving his equipment on the ice and not even waiting to be told that he was being called for a ten-minute misconduct. It was obvious. The trainers were already making their way to Seguin. Besides, his hands needed to be iced or they would be bruised too deep to move his fingers tomorrow.
Colton was sitting on his couch staring at the wall, wondering how on earth he’d managed to avoid a suspension when he heard a knock on his door. He made his way across the house and pulled it open to revel you, standing out in the snow in nothing but a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. “Jesus (Y/N), you have to be freezing.” He said, pulling you inside and closing the door behind you.
You were shivering but he knew you would never admit to being cold. “I came to tell you you’re an idiot,” you said.
He paused and furrowed his bows. “You came all the way here to tell me that?”
“You got a game misconduct on your nearly pristine record because you let something some guy said about me get to you. You’re an idiot, you said, crossing your arms.
He pushed his lips together and took in a deep breath before responding, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re lucky you didn’t get suspended. Those refs went to bat for you. That and your reputation are the only thing that saved you.”
“I said I’m sorry okay!” He snapped, “It hurt!”
You looked taken aback, “What hurt?” You asked.
He sighed, “You being with someone else. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much.”
“You’re going to stand there and tell me you haven’t been with anyone in the last two months?” You asked him, your chin rising in defiance.
“Yes, (Y/N), because I can’t.” He said shaking his head. He took a step closer to you. All of the times that he’d wanted to touch you since the two of you had split crashing down on him and crushing his will power. “I still love you and it feels so wrong to look at anyone else.”
You sucked in a shaky breath, “You left me. You broke up with me.”
“It was the biggest mistake I ever made.” Colton said, finally bringing his hand up to rest on your cheek. “You don’t know how sorry I am.”
“What are you saying, Colt?” You asked, looking up into his eyes, ignoring the bruise on his jaw that made you unreasonably angry.
He swallowed roughly, “I’m asking you to forgive me (Y/N), I’m asking you to take me back.”
You blinked your eyes closed and a tear ran down your cheek. He swept it away with his large thumb. “I forgive you, Colt. I could never hold a grudge against you.”
“But?” He asked quietly.
“But… how will I ever trust that you won’t leave me again?”
He resisted the urge to pull you tight against him and press his lips against yours and prove to you in a thousand ways, just how dedicated he was to never leaving your side again. Instead he said, “Baby, if you take me back, I will do anything in the world to prove to you that I will never hurt you again. I’ll spend as much time with you as I can. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go. Anything. Just for you. Just please,” He said, dropping his head to meet your eyes as you opened them, “Give me another chance.”
You swallowed roughly and studied him. After a moment, you said, “You don’t have to take me anywhere. I just want you.”
This time, he didn’t stop himself. He pulled you into his arms and pressed his lips against yours, putting all the emotions that he had been suffering behind it.
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macybeckham7 · 4 years
Tattooed Heart - Jack Grealish
tagged: @luc-57x @cinnnabaee
Part Two 
Jack was sat watching as Yn dancing on the table with Tyrone, the two had the biggest smiles on their faces as they danced, they were holding hands as the footballer spun her around before they swayed from side to side. Jack smiled as he saw how big their smiles they had one their faces. It was one of their teammates birthday party which was 90′s themed. He raised his glass up to her as she spotted him and instantly said something to Tyrone before making her way over to him.
‘There’s my favourite’ she giggles as she sits beside him, instantly stealing his drink and taking a sip and instantly grimacing in somewhat pain as she didn't like how strong, and the burning sensation running down her throat.
‘That’s what you get for stealing my drink asshole’ he mutters making them chuckle with each other. 
It had been a few months since Jack did the tattoo on her, and they had been nonstop talking, he would text her ever morning hoping she had a good day, and every night asking her how her day was and to sleep tight. They would have hours long facetime calls, where Jack was working out while Yn was drawing some tattoo details, while the other weren’t looking the other found themselves just in complete awe of the other. Yn always texting Jack wishing him well for the game ahead, and often finding a photo of her IG story of her either at home or in the shop and showing that she was in fact watching. Jack had invited her to a few games, especially the game against Chelsea which she brought her dad along. After the game he took her onto the Villa Park pitch, the two playing under the flood lights as they both had massive smiles on their faces as Jack was somewhat surprised at her skill. She scores and instantly jumps into his arms as they celebrate as if it was a goal in an important match. Yn had often been midway through a design when a delivery guy had popped in and brought either her favourite smoothie or a doughnut from her favourite place or a bunch of flowers with them all having a little slip with a small J writing on it in mark, making her feel butterflies in her stomach. 
They had countless sleepovers together, but nothing really happened between them, a few kisses here and there but then they finish the night just snuggled up with each other, just enjoying being close to each other. 
As the two sat watching Tyrone now dancing on the table with one of his teammates girlfriends, Yn rested her head on his shoulder as they both laughed and tried to get the other to hear what they were trying to say. Jack followed her outside as she looked through her little clutch bag and pulled out a cigarette, he watched as she placed it in between her lips and flicked the blue lighter and burnt the end and took a long drag, he watched her as she exhaled. 
‘So are you coming home to me tonight?’ he asked with a small smirk.
She walks towards him and gently places the cigarette in his mouth as they looked deeply in each others eyes. She gently caressed her cheek before kissing him softly. 
It was currently 2am in the morning, YN had her  heels in her hands as she walked carefully along the road. They both had McDonald’s milkshakes as the two laughed and joked with each other. The two getting a few weird glances from people, as they probably looked like they had just walked out of a time machine and was lost in the present day Birmingham. They both were being pretty rowdy and every so often they brought out a rather questionable dance move, or started playfighting, which ended up with YN dropping her milkshake which she wasn't too happy about. The two of them felt like they were best friends, but also could be something more. With Jack he had never had a feeling for something like this before and it kind of scared him. Previously his other relationships had finished because he had always put his career ‘first’ and he didn't want to fuck anything up with YN, because how cheesy it sounds he doesn't want to think about his life without her in. 
The two stumbled into his house, as they were in a heavy make out session, he pins her to the wall as his mouth moves along her jaw, he picks her up and takes her to the bedroom. He lays her down on the bed and undressed her, his eyes took in her beautiful body before her starts leaving a trail along her skin, making a gentle moan escape before she bites down on her bottom lip. He leaves a small kiss on the tattoo on her hip bone before he looks up at her and sees her smiling at him. He pulls off her panties and pushes her legs apart, he leaves a kiss along her inner thigh making her whimper. He moves closer to her as he watches her reaction to his touch, her back arches as he slots to fingers inside her, before he starts to eat her out, she enjoying how good he was making her feel and the how good his stubbles feels against her skin. 
YN was feeling somewhat fragile as she entered the tattoo complex, she waving to her dad who laughed at how she was feeling as he saw the Mr Bump plaster on her knee. Which she got last night from tripping over a few times. Her first client was already sat on the sofa filling out a form, so she luckily didn't have time for a grilling from her family. She quickly set up and called her over, the two girls with her came along and sat next their friends. YN wasn't as chatty as she usually was but tried to make the best experience for them, her mum appearing and offering drinks and snacks which she usually does.
‘Are you the girl who is dating Jack?’ the girl asked as YN was getting the area ready.
She looked up shocked about the question. ‘Grealish’ she mutters, as if she had to be certain she knew which Jack they were on about.
The other piped up, mentioning that they had been seeing you on Jack’s and Tyrone’s IG accounts, with even the #40 mentioning in a recent video ‘imagining being with a tattooist and not getting freebies’. YN couldn't help but giggle as she knew that was such a Tyrone thing to say. She decided to keep quiet as she focused on getting the tattoo stencil on. 
‘You’re really pretty’ she smiled. 
YN only had a half a day and she felt like she had spent the whole day talking about Jack, either clients mentioning him and gushing how cute they were or how they met, or talking about the Villa captain might be moving away to Manchester United, YN just keeping quiet as she listened to everyone’s comment. 
They didn't see each other till the weekend, when Villa had a game, YN wore his jersey and went to Villa Park to support the boys. She felt her heart in her throat as she saw him get clattered into and was left on the deck on the floor, she could tell he was hurt, luckily the ref stopped the game. She felt like she didn't breath until she saw him get up, he winced but managed to carry on in the game. After the game they both were at his house, YN showing some attention to his ankle, his eyes trained on her as she gave soft delicate touches. 
‘Can you tattoo me..’ he mutters. 
Her eyes meeting his as she looks at him questioningly, the two jumped in the car and drove down to the shop. He wanting her to free hand draw a heart on his ankle. She asked a few times if he was sure with him nodding and telling him to colour it in too. He noticed her hand shake slightly before she took a deep breath and started the tattoo gun, she looked at him again before leaning in and concentrated as he was going to have a piece of her art on him forever.  
She looked at him and saw him wincing in pain, his thigh tight as she could see his muscles contracting. She decided she needed to get his mind off the pain 
 ‘Do you feel the pressure to be the captain to your childhood club?’ YN asked. 
He shook his head. ‘No I think I thrive with it’ he mentions. 
She smiles as she wipes the tattoo. ‘How did you get into football?’ 
‘I think any boy gets thrown into football’ he smiles. ‘But I just wanted to be Gazza’ he explains. There was something about YN for Jack, where he thought he could just talk to her about anything and she wouldn't judge him like someone else would because they didn’t understand him. He felt safe with her and that kind of scared him. 
A few weeks had past and just like YN said the tattoo was coming alone nicely, YN and Jack are still at the awkward ‘what are we’ point, both set of friends kept trying to get them to ask the other one out and questioning ‘what is the worst that could happen?’ and for them both they both couldn't help but think what if they had read signs wrong. It was only really behind closed doors and when they were alone when they would show any affection to each other, when they were around anyone else they just casually flirted with each other. 
It was a nice summers day when YN suggested they should go on a bike ride and have a little picnic together. Jack invited his sisters as they enjoyed the day together. 
YN was laying on the blanket as Jack was watching his sisters mess about, Jack gently leaned down and kissed her. 
‘I like the new hair colour’ he smiled as he gently played with her hair, as he noticed his two sisters watching them. 
He had already got a grilling from the two of them, they were getting attention from his fans, a few of them turning up at her store, having to stop with her clients with a few people wanting to know if she was dating Jack. She didn't understand how people even knew where she worked, because she kept her IG separated from the business IG. A few just choosing her just to spent a few minutes with her. He knowing this was all new to her and was probably scary, he kissed her again with their lips moving perfectly insync with eachother, the two not caring about the pressure or anything else in the world when they were with eachother.
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travellvogue · 4 years
“Meet Tottenham’s new mascot”-Harry Winks
Baby Imagines: Season 2- Day 12:
The kids' Spurs kit reached her knees, the material flapping around with each step she took. She was a small baby, she had been from the second she was born, remembering the midwife being slightly concerned at her birth with how tiny all her features were. Harry liked the blame that on himself- always aware that he was never going to be able to bless your babies with the height gene, but you always told him; what she lacked in height, she made up for in freckles, the abundance of “brown fairy dust” (as she likes to call them) scattered across the bridge of her button nose and chubby cheeks, grew with every minute, painting her face like a perfect dot-to-dot. 
The two of you watched on as she explored the walls of the stadium, weary to rush back to mummy and daddy’s side when she ventured out too far. Watching her and wondering where the time had gone, it seemed to had slipped through your fingers, your little Emmy-Rose was a big girl now, walking without gripping onto your fingers- even running, her brown locks now long enough to braid into two little plaits, just like today, the blue and white ribbon in a bow at the ends of them to compliment her outfit. It warmed your heart to see her dressed in a full spurs kit, ‘Dadda’ printed on the back, deep blue shorts hidden under the oversized top. 
She didn’t exactly know what it meant when you told her you were going to be daddy’s mascot for the north London derby, but you’d taught her good manners so she simply nodded and smiled when Harry asked her if she would like to do it. She’d mentioned it every passing day since then, gradually learning more of what it meant for her involvement. As soon, the day quickly arrived. The stadium was no doubt daunting for a girl her size, her nerves grew along with the volume, a few tears shed when you had to let her and Harry go off to the tunnel without you. 
“I’ll be waiting at the side, pretty girl, you run to me when daddy puts you down ok?” you stroked her cheek gently as she nodded timidly, she didn’t think of the idea of being in front of thousands of fans- anyone would be nervous to do such a thing. “You’re my big brave girl” your voice is gentle, yet strong enough to lend her some confidence, Harry kissing her gently every other minute to ensure that he’ll be right by her side the whole time. The collar of her top damp where she’d sucked on it nervously, hair still neat and tidy (Harry said she’d learnt her styling skills from you). 
“You gonna be brave for daddy?” he whispered into her ear as he gave her a gentle kiss, the rest of the boys pilling out of the changing rooms as they found their matching mascot, the majority of them young boys who were a lot older than your eighteen-month old, looking far more confident and excited then she currently was. Dele and Eric stopping to tickle her quickly, making a smile beam onto her face for a few seconds, acknowledging the fact that she knew most people here, even Hector Bellerin who gave her a quick wave, blowing a kiss which she caught- injecting some courage into her veins. 
A confident nod came from her as you sighed in relief. Kissing her head quickly, then pecking Harry on the lips before making a swift exit before she changed her mind. “Meet Tottenham’s new mascot” Harry held her little hand and waved it in the air to celebrate, her giggles soothing his nerves, wanting her to be as comfortable as possible in this moment. The team clapped for her as Dele chanted “Go Emmy, go Emmy” making her bounce against Harry’s hip. 
“I’m daddy’s mask-off” she said confidently, a sea of giggles coming from a few of the players, finding her version of ‘mascot’ very cute. A shout from the ref to capture everyone’s attention made her jump a little, reminding her of the settings she was in, clining hold of Harry’s jersey as the teams began to walk out, the crowds growing louder and louder for her little ears with each step daddy took. Taking in everything once they were out of the tunnel, the never ending wall of cheering fans making her mouth drop agape, the red sea of Arsenal fans seeming quite intimidating to her, knowing those weren’t daddy’s colours. 
She couldn’t see you, but you watched from the sidelines, heart bursting with pride, beyond proud of your little girl for being so brave, knowing you would never have the confidence to walk out in front of the thousands of prying eyes, especially during the North London Derby. Waiting patiently as you observe her high fiving all the players as they walk past, Harry whispering in her ear as he pointed in your direction, a quick wave from you and she’d spotted you. Not getting away without a quick to daddy’s lips.
“Good luck dadda” her little voice was barely audible over the chants of the fans, hugging onto daddy tightly before turning and letting her little legs sprint towards the comfort of mummy. “I love you” she turns mid way to scream to Harry who was still keeping a close eye on her, making sure his most prized possession got back to the safety of his other. 
Beaming smile and pumping heart, a mix of adrenaline and pure love as he watched his baby Emmy-Rose run back to her mother’s arms, waving to the two of you before jogging to his starting spot on the field. 
All the sleepless nights, the night feeds, changing nappies, the seemingly small insignificant moments had all led up to creating memories like these, his favourite memory standing on the pitch that held such history for him- but now, it was all about the future.
(ignore)tags: @footballdaydream @luc-57x  @tahith44 @cinnnabaee @shakila-k @inlovewithamess @trentaafc​ @dreamingdcl​
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wwenhlimagines · 5 years
Hurts So Good
Requested by @yoncelikeliquor
Warnings: cussing, dirty talk, smut(?)
Sitting at home, you feel your stomach churn as you watch the tv to see Dolph's face turn bright red with pain and anger. Otis had gone for the Caterpillar just when Dolph got his knees up and although they had practiced, Dolph's left knee got tweaked. Now, your boyfriend is holding his knee and stomping his right foot on the mat to tell the ref he is really injured. Robert Roode helps him get up and guides him backstage to the trainer's room. You can't even watch the rest of the show as you think about how you are going to help Dolph recover. Luckily, the show tonight is only a few hours away, so you won't have to wait long to see him.
Your phone starts to ring and you pick it up frantically, "Babe, are you okay? Oh my god, you are probably in so much pain. I'm so sorry I'm not there right now. I'll get in the car if you need-" "Whoa whoa whoa...Take a deep breath sweetheart. No need to get in the car, Robert is going to give me a ride home so don't worry about it. I just need you to get ready to be my nurse for a while." You take a deep breath before replying, "Okay...so what's the injury?" He sighs, "We'll have to get it checked out on Monday, but for now they think it could be just a dislocated kneecap." His voice gets lower as if he doesn't want anyone to hear, "Either way, I just want to be home and relaxing with my baby, so we are going to take this one day at a time and enjoy our time together. Does that sound good babe?" The tone of his voice makes your skin crawl as you await his return. "Of course baby, I'll make sure you enjoy every second in many ways." He chuckles slowly, "I like the sound of that. Be ready for me when I get home babe. I'm all yours in a few hours." "Just how I like it. See you in a few hours...Daddy." Dolph groans and he tries to cover it up as he grabs his knee when Robert looks at him suspiciously. "I gotta go before you make it even harder to hang up." "I thought harder was the goal Daddy, I know you like it hard...and slow." You moan lightly as the words leave your mouth to tease him and because your own words are turning you on. "Fuck babe, you've got to wait for me. Chill out and take a bath. I'll be home in a couple hours." You finally decided to stop teasing, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you babe." You hung up the phone and decided to take Dolph's advice and ran yourself a bath.
A couple hours later, you have cleaned up the house and yourself in preparation for Dolph's arrival. Eventually, you see the lights of a car shine through the window, so you rush outside to help Dolph inside. Robert got his bags as you help Dolph hobble his way into the house. "He's all yours now, good luck! He didn't stop complaining the whole way here." He turns to Dolph and pats him on the shoulder. "Be nice to your woman, otherwise I'll come back and make you hurt some more." Dolph laughs and puts his arms around you. "Don't worry, I'm always a gentleman to my baby girl." You smile and thank Robert as he walks out the front door.
You turned to face Dolph and sighed, "Welcome home babe, I've got the bedroom ready for you." He smiles at you and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and he reaches down to give you the sweetest kiss. As you pull away, you can see the sleepiness show in his eyes. "Let's get you to bed baby, you look tired." He nods his head slightly, "Okay but I'm making it up to you tomorrow." You giggle and get some extra pillows for him to prop his leg up on to reduce swelling along with some pain meds and a glass of water. He settles into the bed and you get his leg propped up before you go over to your side of the bed and cuddle up next to him. "Goodnight babygirl, thank you for taking care of me." "Goodnight Dolph, you're welcome, now get some sleep." He sighs, "You know I love you right?" You giggle, "Of course and I love you too." He smiles to himself as he falls asleep with his favorite girl next to him.
All weekend, you take care of Dolph getting him ice, food, and meds whenever he needs it. You watch a lot of Netflix and just relax together the whole time. Despite the spicy talk on the phone before he came home, you both decided it was best to wait for doctor's approval before engaging in any physical activity.
Finally, Monday morning came and Dolph needed your help to take a shower before his doctor's appointment. You step into the shower and let him get settled before you start shampooing his luscious locks and giving him a nice head massage. He moans lightly at the touch of your fingers to his scalp and you smile as you wash out the shampoo and start to condition his hair. Next, you take some soap in your hands and start to wash his shoulders and arms before moving to his back and lightly dragging your nails down his back teasingly. "Babe, you know we have to wait. Don't tease me." He lightly pants and waits for you to finish cleaning him. You grab his ass and squeeze it before moving to stand in front of him. "Sorry, I just really like what I see and I literally can't keep my hands off you." He smirks as you start to wash his chest and abs tracing every line you see and licking your lips in the process. "Focus baby girl, we've got an appointment to get to." You smirk as you sink down to your knees to clean his legs and carefully take care of his knee. You look up at him to see him biting his lip and looking away to stop from moaning. Soon enough, you let the water wash off all of the soap and then help him get out of the shower. You quickly take your own shower and then get both of you dressed before driving to the doctor's office.
You pull into the parking lot and help Dolph into the building and wait for his appointment. The doctor takes Dolph back to get x-rays and an MRI done. When they come back out, Dolph has a big smile on his face. You stand up and walk over to them to hear what the doctor has to say. "Nothing seems to be broken, but we will need to look at the MRI to make sure the ligaments aren't too damaged. He needs to stay off of it for the most part, but he needs to try to move it for a few minutes every couple of hours." You look at Dolph who still has a giant smile on his face then you look at the doctor. "So can we...umm..." The doctor cuts you off chuckling lightly, "That was his first question. I told him as long as you take the responsibility of watching his knee, you can be sexually active." Dolph wraps an arm around your waist and kisses the side of your head. "Thanks doc, my girl will take great care of me. I'll see you in a week for the results." You thank the doctor and wave goodbye as Dolph tries to lead you out to the car. You get him in his side and then get in the driver's seat. Before you can even put the car in reverse, Dolph's hand is resting on your thigh. You look up at him suspiciously, "Dolph...I'm driving." You back the car out and start your way down the road. "Well, I'm impatient and I want to taste you so you better drive faster." His fingers start to creep their way up your shorts and you groan. "How about you just tell me what you want to do to me Dolph? No touching until we get home." By the smirk on his face, you knew he was down. He leaned closer and started to whisper into your ear. "I want you sitting on my face moaning my name as I lick on suck on your clit until you soak my face. Then I'm going to make you cry out my name as you ride my hard cock and grind your pussy down on me. My hands are going grab your ass as it bounces perfectly up and down and then I'm going to cum inside you and really make you feel how much you mean to me babe." Just as he finishes his fantasy, you pull into the driveway and drag him inside to put his plan and many others to work for the rest of the day.
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