#if any of you fuckers spoil the rest of the show for me i kill you btw. dont do it
holisticdogpark · 1 month
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assembled a collage to illustrate my experience listening to wolf 359 episode 41 "memoria"
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g-on-ef · 5 months
Omg 👁️👄👁️ hell nah 🤯🤯🤯 like I just saw the asks and that's crazy... Like bran going missing for a whole year 🥺🥺🥺 that's gonna put so much of emotional stress on everyone especially lan and I can already see bran having a severe mental breakdown because of that ( maybe worse than lia's) like not seeing any of his family will put one into depression ( like he is already depressed to the point of cutting himself) damn I just know now how much angsty it will get.
And I agree with you, we didn't get to see much bonding among the king siblings and cousins like yeah we know that they are close but it would have been better if we would have gotten to read about that too.
And I know the reunion between the brothers will be so good too . I am now more curious to see who finds Bran first. Now I am just praying for niko so that he can survive.
I can already see protective Levi, but are we also gonna see protective Johnathan and Aiden? In the book Aiden really did threaten niko
I am just so excited for the next chapters of to kidnap a lotus flower
As for born sinner damn that stalker is so crazy man, like to use bran's vulnerability to get to him. If he can go that far then I can't imagine what that stalker will do. I hope niko and lan team up again to save bran.
Also I can't wait to read the mafia arc and the kidnapping arc in the heart was build to break. I am so excited to see how niko will react about the bruises and learning about bran's past on why he harms himself. I also wanna see what actually triggers niko to take bran away and as I can assume here also bran goes missing for a long period of time. I can't wait to read more of this
Also I am excited for your other fics too
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Oh honey Bran is gonna be a mess !!! Especially after seeing his brother being beaten down and the state Creighton was in poor baby is gonna have the worst case scenarios with Remi he's gonna be a hot mess.
Be prepared for the water works Bran is gonna have a severe case of depression and he and Niko are gonna be in for one emotional roller coaster that is gonna take a long while to heal especially with Bran and his cutting.
The Kings relationship is gonna play a huge role especially Glyn and Lan I wanna heal this relationship and make it better and I want them both to realize they fucked up Glyn with her willing to understand Kill but not Lan and Lan never giving Glyn a reason that he loved her or even cared about her
Jonathan is gonna be the biggest mess ever !!! Chapter 3 is gonna show how much Bran means to Jonathan but he's also gonna hate himself the most because he can't do anything {I'm so excited for yall to read why he can't and your reactions to it ^^}
Aiden is gonna have PTSD and flashbacks on the time he was kidnapped and left wondering if something bad is happening to his innocent nephew hell the poor man is gonna be a mess when he sees his son and the pain he's in
Niko will survive but will he try kidnapping Bran again after they come back since its gonna be a shit show ... ... ... hmmm 👀
But yes once Lan and Bran are reunited they are gonna be inseparable more on Lans part than Bran ^^
The stalker is gonna be a huge pain and yall are gonna how far he'll go no one is safe not even the girls {spoilers one of the girls ends up badly hurt to the point she ends up in a comoa because bran did something he did not approve of}
That stalker is not one to mess with and niko and lan are about to see the extent this crazy fucker will go ^^
Trust me no one is more excited for this arc than me I can't wait for yall to see the Mafia arc especially when Bran finds out omg I'm not gonna say anything else because I don't wanna spoil it ^^
Can't wait for yall to read the rest of these stories and see your reactions ^^
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oersteds · 2 years
so i made the Twiz Lore post without really clarifying a few things. here are some questions you might have. long post below the cut
"why did oersted's corpse show up on the beach" foreshadowing. There Will Be More Beach Corpses
"why did straybow want to be rezzed" the 15% of afterlives that aren't just sleeping are usually painfully boring. Ghost Insomnia, i guess
"why did oersted and straybow immediately fight" straybow just got rezzed, the first thing that he sees is the kind stranger who ressurrected him give a tired thumbs up, then collapse to the floor in a heap of fluffy purple dumbness, loudly enough for oersted to hear. straybow's immediately assumed to have killed twiz. irony's a bitch, huh, straybow?
"why's ressurrection magic a bitch to use" one of the governments (there's more than one. they never agree on anything) tried to seal away all ressurrection magic. twiz personally went and broke the seal, just... not in the smartest possible way. Fucker Spiked The Magic-Sealing Volleyball. the ressurrection magic's gonna take a Very Fucking Long Time to fully return. like, years would be the shortest timeframe, here. Dumb Motherfucker. this is also why she can rez people without needing a corpse. because She Spiked The Magic-Sealing Volleyball.
"well. why'd she do that" she's reckless as fuck. waiting was an option. she coulda just. brought the thing to the rest of the mages that wanted to ressurrect people again, like she was told to do, but she thought "hey, wait, why are the guards (that are chasing me and trying to kill me) also yelling about not breaking the ball... hmmmmmmm" (nobody realized this would nerf ressurrection magic so harshly, though.)
"did she face any consequences for this" well. she would've gotten fired, but... the mages think she's dead. she can't find the mages, the mages aren't looking for her because they're very pissed and want her to Stay Dead. the One Guy who went with her to actually retrieve the Magic-Sealing Volleyball saw her spike the damn thing, saw the explosion, and assumed "oh fuck. she's dead"
"wh. why would a ball of sealed ressurrection magic kill twiz" it almost killed the guards that were chasing her, albeit that was from the density of the magic, not really what the magic was. it was also very physically painful for the One Guy. twiz mainly survived because 1: she's always had talent with healing magic 2: there was a lot of healing magic in that ball in the form of rez magic. the One Guy's just very hasty with conclusions + he didn't see a corpse
"wait. dragons?????" the dragons are a metaphor for More Beach Corpses (some are dragons. some aren't dead. some are dragons who aren't dead. Technically, there are still dragons)
"should i ask about the Beach Corpses" yes. yes you should. Beach Corpses tend to happen when you're trying to ressurrect someone who's Very Much Alive. no, past me, don't fucking spoil the plot.
posting this because Insomnia's A Bitch, Let Me See My Wife Named Sleep.
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Dean Winchester (and the script leaks last night) possessed me to write this.
Dean happens upon Chuck's latest book: Carry On. Except it ends differently than it really went, and the ending? It's really fucking bad.
tw: suicide mention, transphobia (quickly shut the fuck down) 
Dean doesn’t make a habit of going to bookstores. Not because he hates books, contrary to what Sam might think; he just prefers to buy used books. There’s something comforting about a book that has already been worn and read over and over, that already shows how much the previous owner loved it. Plus, y’know, big corporations are evil and all that. And Dean only allows himself to overlook that when his stomach or his wallet wins over his hatred of the shitty mass-produced products. 
This time it was Jack who won; he’s obsessed with this new fantasy series and the new book just came out, so there’s no way he can hunt it down on Ebay. He makes his way to the fantasy and sci-fi section, eyes roaming over the displays of new releases, and his eye catches on something that turns his blood cold. 
“Supernatural: Carry On, The Final Book of the Winchesters’ Epic Journey” takes up a whole table, the generic and overly serious cover jeering out at him. 
He storms over to the display, anger covering up for the way his body feels light as a feather and like lead all at once, and picks up a book. “Why is Sam always fucking shirtless?” he mutters, the only thought that allows itself from the mess inside his head to his mouth. 
“Book sales.” A voice behind him says. He turns to see a teenager with their arms crossed over their work polo, pierced lip fixed into a customer-unfriendly frown.
“People want to see that?”
They snort, a small grin turning up the corner of their lips. It reminds Dean of Cas. “No. But that’s what advertisers think all ‘women’ want,” They use air quotes. 
He raises an eyebrow and asks. “Women?”
They shrug and uncross their arms, leaning back against the display table behind them. Their nametag says Jadyn. “Supernatural’s biggest block of readers is queer. I’d go out on a limb and say a lot of those the marketers think of as ‘women’ aren’t, or if they are, they aren’t itching to see Sam’s six pack.” Jadyn smirks. 
Dean takes a second to digest that, then grins down at the book, thinking past Sam’s apparently badly-received nudity now. “So how’d they like it?” he asks, waving the book a bit and looking up at Jadyn. Apparently they know a lot about the fans of the books, and for once, he’s proud of the way the story ended. 
Jadyn’s face sets into all hard lines. “Most people fucking hated it.” they say bluntly, then, probably remembering that he’s a customer, correct. “Sorry. I mean, it got some good reviews, mostly from people who like Wincest, but beyond that, it had some problematic plot points.”
Dean winces at the reminder of the ship between him and his brother, then scrunches his whole face together in confusion. “Wait, what? Why?” Why would Wincest fans like it? What was problematic about their end?
Jadyn shifts from foot to foot. “I don’t wanna spoil anything for you-”
“I don’t care about spoilers, just give me the short version.” Dean says quickly. A quiet panic is rising in him, and suddenly he has a horrible feeling that he’s not holding the truth in his hands anymore. 
“Uh, okay… Well, the most obvious thing is the bury-your-gays thing, then there’s the fact that it completely contradicted the rest of the lore. And it was ableist, misogynistic, and messed up, like, every character’s arc.” they take a breath, clearly worked up by it. “Even if they changed any of the details too, it was all built on Dean’s death, and that’s just bullshit. Sorry.” they apologize again, apparently mistaking Dean’s stricken expression to be in reaction to their rant and swearing. 
“No, nah, you’re… you’re okay. Uh, thanks.” he waves a hand and wanders away from them, only remembering Jack’s book when he’s almost to the register. He manages to make his way back and find the damn thing, but he’s still in a fog when he gets to the register. 
“Did anyone help you in the store today?”
“Huh?” he looks up and meets the middle-aged cashier’s gaze for the first time. Brent, from the nametag, looks at him impatiently. “Oh, yeah, uh… Jadyn. Jadyn helped me.” Brent scoffs and starts typing with a shake of the head. “Uh, is there a problem?” Dean asks, a little annoyed at this cashier’s unnecessary attitude. He usually doesn’t care if an employee’s rude, because they have to deal with assholes all the time and honestly Dean isn’t much better, but this one gives him a bad feeling. 
“No, no, sorry. It’s just - “Jadyn’s” got this idea that he’s a girl. Makes everybody call him that name now too. Just-” Brent shakes his head. “I mean, you get it. Their generation, everybody wants to be special.”
Dean glares. “No, I don’t get it, Brent.” He says through gritted teeth. “Seems to me like Jadyn probably deals with enough assholes like you that her asking for a little basic decency is the exact opposite of special. Sounds pretty normal, actually.” He can see the fear creep into Brent’s eyes, and he knows the cashier is reacting to the murderous look in his eyes more than his actual words. 
Brent hands Dean his bag of books with a quiet, “Here you go.”
Dean snatches it away. “Oh, Brent?” he checks over his shoulder to make sure they’re alone and then leans across the counter into Brent’s space. “You should find a new job, one where you don’t have to interact with other people. At least until you learn how to stop being a piece of shit.” He starts to ease away but thinks better about it. “And if you think that’s a suggestion, it’s not. My husband likes this book coming out next month that I’ll need to buy, and if I see you here when I come, well… it would be really embarrassing for you to tell all your little friends that you got your ass beat by a ‘special’ guy, huh?” He pats Brent on the cheek condescendingly and leaves with a huff. 
Damn transphobes. 
He only remembers the book once he’s back in Baby, and he takes the time to drive out of town before he pulls over to read it. It’s an old abandoned church, the cross long since fallen from the roof and the doors hanging off their hinges. He sits on the steps just because being in Baby seems claustrophobic for once in his life, and going back to the bunker to look at this is just… not happening.
Dean only skims the beginning to see that it starts the same. The ground erupting with bodies, hell spitting out its most-conveniently placed nasties, Rowena sacrificing herself, Cas leaving. His throat closes up at that, at Chuck’s description of Cas’s heartbroken expression as he climbs the stairs of the bunker. He clears his throat and skips to the end, right past Cas’s death that he doesn’t have the time to think about right now, past them defeating Chuck and then stops. He goes back a few pages, trying to find the disconnect. 
The story’s different.
After Jack takes on God’s power, in the book, he’s totally fine. Not almost vibrating out of his skin or anything, not crying like the three year old he is because he’s scared. Not like it really happened. He just smiles and leaves him and Sam, and they let him go. 
Dean scoffs, skimming over the story as it just gets more ridiculous. 
In the book, he doesn’t even try to save Cas. They barely even mention him. And they never mention Eileen, either. In fact, Dean notes disbelievingly, practically the only characters in the last few chapters are him and Sam. They’re hunting again.
“What, is Chuck trying to keep the series going?” he whispers to himself, anger flaring through him. They let Chuck live, and he decided to write obnoxious fanfiction about them? He’s gonna kill that shameless little fucker. For real, this time. He deserves it.
In the book, Sam and Dean torture some vampire mime, and they enjoy it. Dean cringes; this is really what Chuck thinks of them. Then they tussle with more vamps in a barn and- 
Dean’s brain stops working. He rereads the scene again and again. 
“There’s something in my… something in my back. It feels like it’s right through me.” 
Dean Winchester dies in a dirty barn, on a piece of freaking rebar. 
More than that, Dean realizes on his fourth read-through. This Dean? He tried to drag out his speech, Dean can tell by the way he pauses for fucking drama. He would never do that. He would never talk to Sam for fifteen hellish minutes when he could be trying. Trying to live, so he can actually get his life back on track, get his family back. No, he made that speech stalling. He made that speech so Sam wouldn’t try to save him. 
“You gotta admit, I had one helluva ride.” He was strangely calm.
Chuck made him kill himself.
Dean reads the rest of the book through blurry eyes, reading an ambiguous and nothing-ending, one where he’s somehow happy to be dead and driving around in heaven alone while Sam raises a kid into hunting and cries about Dean decades after he’s died. Eileen isn’t mentioned. Cas is mentioned once, and Bizzarro-Dean doesn’t even think about seeing him, apparently. The whole book ends with a hug between him and Sam, both dead. Both alone. 
Dean rips the ending up. He tears through the stupid paper covering and keeps ripping the pages up until they’re the size of confetti. His lower lip wobbles. He throws the whole thing against the side of the building, and it tumbles through the broken doorway and drops into a pile of dust and dirt. “That isn’t the fucking ending.” he grounds out, knocking his hand against the flimsy handrail. It gives a little under his fist and he kicks at it. “That isn’t the fucking ending!”
He’s having a panic attack. Again. He tries to take deep breaths, but they’re gulping, too big, they’re making him panic more. He scrambles back to Baby and grabs his phone, presses the first number on his favorites list and waits for him to answer on speaker phone.
“Hey Dean, what’s up?” Sam sounds like he’s been laughing. There are voices in the background, and Dean tries to convince himself one of them is Eileen. 
“Hey Sammy.” he chokes out, trying to sound normal. “You busy?”
There’s a pause, and then the sounds in the background. “Nah, Rowena’s just over.” he says casually. 
“So those voices in the background were-”
“Rowena and Eileen, yeah. They’re trying to convince me we need to go to Mexico. For the beaches.” A smile in his voice. Dean lets out a sigh of relief.  What’s up, Dean? You need something?” The smile drops, and Sam’s worried. 
Sam’s okay. Sam’s okay. “No, nah. Hey, you heard from Donna lately?” Dean just needs to triple-check.
“Uh, no, not since Sunday dinner… Dean, you okay?”
“Yeah, she just- she hasn’t been answering my texts. Just wanted to make sure.” Dean lies quickly. His breathing is still uneven, but his body is settling into uneven shakes. 
Sam sounds skeptical. “Yeah, well, she did tell us it’s been pretty busy at work lately. Y’know, everybody going out for the first time with COVID, getting stupid. Plus, y’know, nowhere’s drowning in EMTs right now.”
“Right. Yeah.” Dean takes a deep breath, a distant memory of Donna talking about that coming back to him.
“Pretty sure you were setting up a D&D session with Charlie while she was talking about that,” Sam laughs. Dean knows he means it as a subtle jab, but there’s too much relief flooding through him to care. Still, a string is pulled taut in him, and Sam can’t fix that completely.
“Gotta go, Sam,” Dean hangs up before Sam can say anything else, and goes to his next contact. It rings for far too long, and Dean’s heartbeat picks back up to thundering.
“Hello, Dean.”
“Cas,” Dean breathes out. “Cas, you know I love you, right?” He needs to test all the bounds of this, to make sure, just to make sure. Make sure Chuck isn’t still fucking with him. Because apparently, Chuck won’t let him be queer. Not in his story. Not out loud.
He can hear Cas’s eyebrow raise through the phone, and his chest is overcome with stupid fondness. “I would be a little worried if you didn’t.”
Dean grins widely. “Like, romantically. I’m in love with you. Because you’re the love of my life and I’m bisexual.” He says it all like it’s a checklist, like he expects some cosmic being to slap a hand over his mouth before he gets each next phrase out.
“Yes, Dean. We’ve been married almost two months.” Cas is smiling. It happens everytime he talks about their wedding. Dean adores it. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, now it is.” His whole body relaxes, still vibrating with leftover panic, but satisfied. “I got Jack’s book.”
“Oh, good. He’ll be so pleased.” Cas pauses. “Dean, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah.” Dean eases off the ground and sends a last look at the dilapidated church before climbing into Baby. “Just- read a bad book. I’ll tell you about it later. When I get home.”
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
I was rereading the daughter series and just imagine Polly or Ada taking the girl with them to the market but lose her in the crowd and panic ensues
I’m assuming the daughter series you are talking about was the one where he adopts the child he finds and not the one with the black daughter.BUT if you want the latter, then just request again :) Also I expanded on your request a bit.
WC: 1.6k 
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(Y/N) gripped her Aunt Ada’s hands as they made their way through the crowds of the local market. It was a Saturday, early in the afternoon so the market was at its busiest with everybody trying to get their groceries for their families for the week, so (Y/N) tried her hardest to stick close to her aunt. 
They were also with Polly. The older woman had decided to a bonding day with her nieces, so the day involved lunch at a nice cafe and the rest of the afternoon at the market and shops and it wasn’t a secret how much Polly and Ada enjoyed spoiling (Y/N), so Tommy knew they were going to come back with bags filled with clothes and others treats for the five-year-old.
The three of them wandered through the sprawling market, enjoying their time together, but what they didn’t notice was the two people trailing them. They were in Peaky territory so neither Polly nor Ada were on alert since it was pretty much a death wish to do something to one of the members of the family, especially on their territory. 
Polly had gotten distracted by an old friend so Ada and (Y/N) continued to look around by themselves but as soon as they reached the edge of the market, Ada was knocked unconscious by a hard knock to her head and (Y/N) was snatched up and away.
(Y/N) screamed for help at the top of her little lungs, she screamed for her aunt Ada and Polly and also for her father who had promised that he’d protect her from anything and everything but her calls for help were easily buried by the shouts and noise of the market.
When Polly stumbled across her niece’s unconscious crumpled form she froze in shock. The usually headstrong matriarch felt her heart drop before she rushed over to Ada’s crumpled form, screaming for help and it took her too long to realise that (Y/N) was nowhere to be found.
Soon the place was flooded with Peaky boys that Tommy had stationed around the area coming to their aid but it was too late, whoever had done this had more than enough time to escape.
Once Ada was in safe hands and was receiving medical care, Polly ran over to the office where her nephews were, barging in on a meeting.
Tommy turned to give his aunt a tongue lashing but Polly spoke before he could even open his mouth.
“Someone attacked Ada and kidnapped (Y/N)...”
Tommy stood and paced over to his aunt, towering over her, “What did you just say about my daughter?”
Polly finally let her tears fall, “Somebody took her. They knocked out Ada and snatched her up.”
Tommy growled as he stormed out of the office and out into the street but once he got outside, his steps faltered as he realised he had no clue where his daughter was or who took her.
“Fuck!” Tommy pulled at his hair in frustration, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
John, Arthur and Polly watched from the doorway as Tommy took out his frustration on a trash can that had been on the street before he suddenly stopped and looked up at the three of them.
“John, Arthur, gather the men. Send half of them to go searching the streets and the others to find any witnesses or anybody who can help.” He ordered, “Polly, take me to Ada.”
The three of them quickly nodded, the boys going off to gather everyone up and Polly taking Tommy to Jeremiah’s were Ada was being looked at, all of them knowing how dire the situation was. 
Ada was curled up on Jeremiah’s couch holding cloth filled with ice to the back of her head when Tommy stumbled in and she immediately jumped up and made her way over to him when he did. 
She started to cry and blubber out apologies but Tommy quickly calmed her down, knowing that it wasn’t her fault.
“Hey, hey, calm down Ada” Tommy guided her back down onto the couch, “It’s not your fault okay. Just tell me what happened.”
“We were near the edge of the market and I just remember this big burst of pain before it all went dark and then I woke up here.”
“You don’t remember anyone acting suspiciously?”
Ada shook her head with a frown, “It was so busy, there could have been anyone there.”
“Thank you, Ada.” Tommy pressed a kiss to her forehead, “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Ada was reassured but she still looked troubled, “I’m going to help you look for her.”
Tommy shook his head and pressed her back down on the couch gently when she tried to stand up, “You have a head injury, you need to get better.”
“Your daughter is missing, Tommy! I can’t just sit around and do nothing!”
“You have a son, Ada!” Tommy reminded her, “And I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to you and Karl is left without a mother, so please, just stay here.”
At his words, Ada nods and settles backs down and before he leaves he gives her one last hug.
As he walks back to the betting den, he brainstorms who could have possibly taken his daughter. It wasn’t a short list as he had upset a lot of people and a lot of them wouldn’t have an issue kidnapping a small child and he cursed himself for being the reason why his precious daughter was taken from him.
When Tommy got back to the betting den, he tucked himself away in his office with a pretty full glass of whiskey to calm his nerves. His brothers were off doing the tasks he set and his aunt remained with Ada but he stayed at the office in case (Y/N) returned or someone brought back news of her.
He didn’t want to think the worst but it was hard not to since she was little and there were people out there who wanted to hurt him that didn’t care about how she was only five years old.
He was two drinks deep when one of his men barged into his office, a note in one hand and a pair of small shoes in the other.
“We found this in one of the streets sir” He placed the items on his desk before he quickly left, leaving Tommy alone.
Tommy teared up when he picked up one of the tiny shoes in his hand. He had recently bought them for her and he remembered earlier that morning as he was getting her ready that she was so excited to wear them and show everyone how pretty they were. 
He quickly picked up the note before he could dissolve into a puddle of tears and as he read it, he became increasingly angry and threw his partly filled glass at the wall of his office. 
We have some precious cargo of yours.
If you want her back, all you need to do is give us ⅓ of your territory, money and two carts of guns.
Meet us tomorrow at the edge of Small Heath at 2 pm.
Tommy let his anger fuel him as he left the office and began searching for his brothers to call off the search. He was going to stay awake all night creating a plan to make the fuckers who took his daughter pay. They were sorely mistaken if they thought he was going to give them part of his empire and let them go after what they did. 
 It was 2 pm and Tommy was at the location specified but he wasn’t totally alone, he had his brothers and a few of his most trusted men located nearby so that the men who took (Y/N) didn’t get away. While his other men were taken care of the other members of the gang to make sure they’d never be a problem again.
The men were late but Tommy didn’t care once he spotted (Y/N). They were forcing her to walk and judging how she was stumbling every few steps, Tommy guessed they had made her walk from wherever they were hiding out.
(Y/N) was covered in scrapes and bruises but other than a cut above her right eyebrow, she wasn’t injured in any way and though it soothed him a bit, he was still as angry as ever.
“Daddy!” (Y/N) visibly perked up when she saw her father but quieted down when one of the men raised a hand at her, threatening to hit her.
Tommy wanted to blind the man but held himself back knowing that the men will get what’s coming for them soon.
“You got what we asked for?” One of the men shouted
Tommy nodded and pointed at the crates nearby, “Those are the guns and money and the land is yours to take.”
The man who shouted motioned for the other men he brought along to check the crates and once they nodded in confirmation, he allowed (Y/N) to go.
She immediately began running towards Tommy and he met her halfway and swept her up into his arms. They both started to cry as they hugged each other and Tommy did a cursory look over her before he began to walk away, not even bothering to look at other men knowing that Arthur and John would take care of them. 
He clutched (Y/N) close to him and whispered that he loved her and that she was okay in between wiping her tears and (Y/N) never lightened the tight wrap of her arms around his neck but he didn’t care because his baby was home.
Tommy took her to Jeremiah and after he patched her up, he took her home and promised to make sure that nothing like that ever happened again. He would make sure there were always at least two of his trusted men near her and when she gets old enough, he’d get Finn to teach her how to box.
(Y/N) was his darling girl and he’d kill for her.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Chromeskull blackmailing the reader after he sees her kill her abusive father. Her father use to let Jesse use his funeral parlor and such so now the reader has to as well It's tense at first but Jesse ends up gaining feelings for and readers unsure what she feels about him until he saves her life from home invader. Sorry for the word vomit. 😊
Not exactly what you wanted, but I hope it turned out right at last 50%
Chromeskull x Reader- Farewell Job
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There were a few things that Jesse Cromeans disliked, down from having his car scratched to a wrinkled suit, the most were when someone was in debt to him and the fucker had the audacity to play dumb and not answer his texts, especially the threatening ones. Normally, he would let his co-workers deal with such insignificant concerns, but none ignored Jesse Chromeskull Cromeans and got away without at last a broken wrist.
That's why he was driving at midnight full-on speed down the road to the funeral house where the old geezer was doing his business, and where Jesse sometimes decapitated his piggies. He couldn't wait to sink his knife into the man's back, maybe skin his legs off? He will have time to think about it once he has him bound to a chair begging for his life.
After one hour of speeding down and ignoring red lights, he managed to get to the said funeral house, parking the Bentley as the engine's sound died down into the silence of the night. Getting out of the car, he put on the chromed skull mask, smirking at the familiar coldness of it. He took the silver suitcase and waltzed to the front entrance which was surprisingly open.
No wonder...The disgusting bastard had a habit of drinking and always forgot to lock it. Not the first time.
Jesse expected to see the old scumbag passed down on a chair or better yet on the floor, blackout drunk, but imagine the surprised behind the silver mask when he saw the man on the floor with his head bashed in, brains spilling out.
Well, that is surely unexpected.
The old and rusty skin close by with pieces of the brain was probably the primary weapon.
Someone got here first.
Jesse took one step towards the corpse and he heard a door open and felt something sharp slash the black material of his coat along with a slightly deep wound of his biceps.
Brown eye locked on a feral face twisted into a deadly scowl that promised murder. The culprit was a female, young, and was ready to aim another hit, but Jesse was quicker and he knocked what looked like a scalpel from the tiny hand. His hand fisted her shirt and slammed her against the wall, pinning her there.
Despite the position she was in, no fear was in her eyes that were bloodshot, probably from lack of sleep. She was still snarling like she wanted to bite his head off.
"Let me go or I will cut your balls off!" You screamed at him, nails digging into the sleeves of his coat, trying to inflict some type of pain.
Jesse waisted little no time and after some struggling and an almost painful hit to his manhood, he had you bound to a chair, glaring at him with acidic eyes.
For someone so small you sure were a feisty one. He smirked behind the mask at your immobilized form. He couldn't recall the last time he was faced with such a dangerous piggy.
His usual piggies were always begging, pleading for their lives, or just running away, but fighting back was a low occurrence. To say the least, he was impressed, not many had hurt him and you did it so well, the stinging in his biceps hurt like a bitch, but Jesse was used to being stabbed and shot, all the tattoos of covering up his scars were proof to that.
He was looming over you, debating what he should do. He was so tempted to rip your jaw off, but that wasn't the primary reason why he was here. He needed some information because the fucker that was in debt to him was dead.
Jesse pulled out his phone and quickly typed in.
'Who are you, piggy?'
You arched an eyebrow at the tall man.
"Why should I answer you?"
'Because I can do worse than what happened to that corpse over there.'
"The fucker had it coming." You found yourself muttering under your breath.
That piqued Jesse's interest. You seemed to speak with venom when mentioned about the old male.
"Father....But why the fuck do you even care?!" Your aggressive demeanor quickly came back and Jesse had to admit the way your brows were furrowing and eyes blazing with fury were kind of cute.
'Because your DEAR father owns me a lot of money.'
"Not my fucking problem." You snarled and in the dim light, Jesse could see the old purple bruises around your left eye, along with deep fingerprints on your neck.
Not done by him. It didn't take a genius to figure out what your father did to you. No wonder you were like a tiger that came out of a circus cage, ready to destroy everything in your path.
'I must admit, you put on a good show. I'm impressed.'
"Flattery won't get you anywhere, jerk." You snorted.
Jesse licked his lips behind the mask, so tempted to use that mouth of yours for other things that cursing him out.
Yes, killing you won't get him any benefice, although he was tempted to cut your tongue off.
'You own me.'
You spat on his silver mask, making his chest rumble like he was ready to pounce you, but Jesse composed himself.
"I don't own you shit." You muttered in a murderous tone and if Jesse could talk he sure would laugh.
'You have no idea in what deepness you are, little girl.'
You internally groaned at the use of his words, always been treated like you were some hopeless child that couldn't stand up for themselves.
Well, tonight you proved everyone wrong by your masterpiece a few feet away from you two.
"Care to enlighten me why?" you asked, curious about what he was implying.
The skull masked man's broad shoulders moved up and down, silently chuckling at your blind eyes of what was happening. He began to type, this time taking a little longer.
'Tell me if I am wrong, but you just killed someone and you will most likely go to jail, despite that you will say that it was in pure defense. Judges these days aren't so merciful, doll. You wouldn't want to rot between four walls of concrete, would you now?'
You swallowed down at the electronic voice, nibbling on your lower lip in thought. As much as you hated it, he was right and by your expression, his body language spoke of satisfaction.
Egocentric jerk.
Here goes the typing again.
'But I am willing to make you a sweet deal that will assure you freedom. Your father owned me cash that you couldn't make even if you sucked on old men cocks all your life.'
You felt disgusted and if your hands were free you would have shown that phone down the man's throat.
"You're saying that...."
'Work for me and you will be safe.'
"Doesn't sound like freedom to me."
'Better than jail, no?'
Winning asshole.
Your opinion on Jesse Cromeans was that he was a man which you would love go gauge his remaining brown eye out, that was the first month, but in time you learned to live with him being your 'boss'.
Nothing screamed dream job than cleaning the mess after the killings of your boss.
If you looked that over you could say that your life was at last perfect. He always made sure you had everything you needed and you couldn't be happier; down from expensive clothing to delicious rich food, you were spoiled, so different from your past life.
You were currently scrubbing down the tiles of a bathroom after a 'piggy' as your boss liked to call them had her guts spilled out. You whipped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, then you heard footsteps approach.
When you turned around you were meet with the scarred face of Jesse, the black eyepatch covering the empty socket of his eye, the remaining brown one observing your work.
'You get better and better.' he signed.
The first thing that Jesse did when you agreed to work for him was to take you to ASL lessons because typing over again on his phone was irritating.
"I take that was a compliment." you muttered, throwing the rags into a black bag to be burned.
'Are you free tonight?' he signed.
"Another murder scene that needs to be cleaned?" you asked, disposing of your gloves.
Jesse chuckled silently and stepped to your form, taking your chin between his fingers, your eyes moving from his face to his full inked forearms. His hand left your chin to sign.
'No. Dinner tonight. I've got you a nice dress and shoes.' he signed, making you look at him dumbfounded.
"B-But you're my boss and-" you tried to reason, but a finger pressed to your lips.
You wanted to yell at him that this was forbidden, not to mention the age gap between the two of you.
'Taboo? You know I am notorious for being a nonconformist.' he signed with a smug smirk.
You rolled your eyes and stepped away from him, exiting the warehouse and walking outside.
"You are contemptible." you mused and Jesse followed after you.
'So? Tonight? At 7?' he insisted, ignoring your insults.
You couldn't deny that it was tempting. He wasn't like any other man, always sybaritic, fast-living, and exorbitant luxurious vibes.
You could swear that he was the perfect incarnation of pride, not that you minded, because it was attractive, just like the forbidden fruit. You knew how poisonous he was, but the sweetest taste was mind-blowing.
"Do I have to wear heels?" you asked, making him grin, his arms wrapping around your waist, a squeak leaving your lips at the sudden touch.
His expression spoke more: 'What do you think?'
You groaned, resting your forehead against his chest.
"You own me big time for this."
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Blue Eyes Part 32
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 32: Alfie and Ella get wrapped up in the bliss of parenthood. But things aren’t over yet
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      Ella was in the bliss of motherhood. When she awoke, it was almost a miracle to her that the twins weren’t just a dream. They were there in the flesh, cooing softly from their cots.
           Alfie was fast asleep in the rocking chair, snoring lightly. His wife smiled and kissed his cheek. “Good morning, love.” She murmured.
           He stirred and lifted his head with a wince. “Fucking hell, my hip hurts.”
           “Well, you fell asleep in a wooden chair, I can imagine it does.” Ella laughed softly and went to scoop up Sofia. “Hello, chavi.” She whispered affectionately. “Was papa keeping you company last night?”
           The baby girl yawned and wrapped her fingers around one of Ella’s dark curls.
           “Oh, Alfie, aren’t they so perfect?” She sighed adoringly.
           Alfie smiled, watching mother and daughter bond. “They sure are. Our son’s got a set of lungs on ‘im but we finally got back to sleep, didn’t we?” He reached a hand between the bars of Ezra’s cot and rubbed the baby’s stomach.
           Ella beamed. “And you were doubting yourself as a father. I knew you’d be perfect.” She touted triumphantly.
           “Hang on, only been one day.” He reminded her.
           “Mhm, still.” She rocked Sofia softly.
           “I never told you the meaning of their names. Their middle names, at least, you know why we chose their first names. But not their middle names.” He remembered. “Did I?”
           “No, you didn’t.”
           Alfie beckoned her over, patting his thighs. “C’mere, I’ll tell ya.”
           “Your hip.”
           Ella relented and made herself comfortable in his lap, resting Sofia against her chest.
           “Eliana is Hebrew, well they’re both Hebrew names. But Eliana means ‘God has answered’. And Shai means gift. They’re both quite beautiful written in Hebrew. I’ll hafta show you.” Alfie rubbed Ella’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to her temple.
           “Oh, Alfie, that’s beautiful, how perfect and-” Her eyes began to well up with tears. “Oh c’mon, I feel as if I’m crying about anything nowadays.” She laughed weakly and sniffled.
           Her husband gently dabbed her tears away. “They’re tears of happiness, though, ain’t they?” He double-checked.
           “Of course. I’ve never been so happy. Forget the world outside of here, I don’t care anymore. All I need is my family. This family.” She used her free hand to guide his lips to hers. Her hand rested on the left side of his face, her fingers gently resting on the scars and abrasions leftover from the wound.
           Alfie jerked a bit involuntarily.
           She withdrew from the kiss and pulled her hand away. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”
           He swallowed and looked into her blue eyes. “No, love. I just…fuck you’re the only person who could ever still love me like this.”
           “Will you still love me when I’m aged? Wrinkled and grayed?” She questioned, returning her hand to his injured cheek. The pads of her fingers just barely grazing over the marred skin. She wasn’t afraid to look into his eyes, not caring about the appearance of his clouded eye.
           “Of course.” He nodded. “You’d still be beautiful to me.”
           “Then why should it be any different for you? You’re still so beautiful to me, Alfie.” She whispered and lightly pressed a kiss to his cheek before kissing his lips again. “Nothing will ever change that.”
           He sat with her for a moment. “Can you grab me a pen and paper?”
           Ella looked confused but nodded. “Sure.” She stood up and handed Sofia to him.
           “Hello, love.” He murmured softly and cradled her close.
           She grabbed her diary and returned with it to the nursery. “What do you need this for?” She wondered.
           “Here,” Alfie exchanged their daughter for the journal. He found a fresh page and uncapped the pen.
           Ella looked over his shoulder with Sofia resting in her arms. She watched as Alfie began writing in a different script. It wasn’t unfamiliar to her, she’d seen him read it before, it was the Hebrew alphabet. And yet it was still very odd to see him writing it. Very patient and learned. It wasn’t like his normal handwriting, scrawled out without much care. His hand was steady, a practiced skill that must have been taught to him by someone he cared very much about.
           “That’s Ezra.” He pointed to the characters. “Then here’s his middle name, Shai. Sorta short, reminds me of part of a menorah.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Right, Sofia’s spelled a bit differently in Hebrew. They’d spell it T-Z-O-F-I-Y-A.” He wrote the coinciding letters in Hebrew on the page. “Then Eliana. Mum didn’t spell it with a Y but some people do.” He shrugged and handed her the diary.
           “You were right.” Ella murmured. “It’s beautiful.” There was something so special about celebrating Alfie’s culture. He’d been accustomed to some of the Shelby Traveler ways so Ella was glad to learn more from him. It was empowering knowing that Mosley wanted to kill Alfie simply because he was Jewish. But Alfie survived and responded by blessing his children with Hebrew names.
           Weeks passed by at an unbelievable pace. Alfie was worried that if he blinked, he’d miss a big moment. Luckily, Ella was carefully keeping track of every milestone their twins took. She purchased two brand new journals, one a deep teal and the other a light lilac. Inside, she penned the twins’ first moments.
           Ezra’s first smile when Anthea sniffed at his feet.
           Sofia rolled over much to the delight of her father.
           Ezra managed to sleep through the whole night despite his sister waking a few times.
           Sofia laughed when Alfie kissed her cheek.
           Ezra was the first to try sitting up on his own.
           But Sofia was the first to crawl.
           Once the pages started to fill up, Ella was taken aback by how much time had passed. She had become so conditioned to expect something awful to happen when things had been going so well. Times like that couldn’t last long. Inevitably they would end with something terrible blindsiding them.
           But things maintained. It had been the longest Ella was genuinely happy. She had two beautiful children, two playful dogs, and a husband who loved her. It made her a little paranoid, always worried that something would come crashing down on their perfect world. But it stayed quiet for a very long time.
           “Okay, try and…yes, Alfie, stay there. Oh, Anthea.” Ella sighed as she tried to get her family in frame.
           Alfie had spoiled her with a brand-new camera. Naturally, the first thing she wanted was a picture of her family all together. So, they went down to the beach to take a family portrait. Ella was setting up the shot as Alfie tried to keep both dogs still while holding Ezra and Sofia. The six-month-olds were wide awake and giggling at the dogs.
           “Ah, you little fucker, get back here.” Alfie tried to get Anthea before she dashed off to swim.
           “Alfie!” Ella scolded and snatched the pit bull by the collar. “You cannot swear in front of them anymore. They’ll start talking any day now and I don’t want them fucking spouting off your vocabulary.”
           He grinned. “You’re just as bad as me, love.”
           Ella frowned. He was right. One of her first words had been ‘shit’, after all. “We both have to work on it.” She sat Anthea down and returned to the camera to start the timer. “Ready?” She dashed back over and stood beside Alfie, wrapping an arm around his waist.
           They waited for the shutter to go off before they could all take a breath.
           “Bet it looks great.” Alfie set Ezra and Sofia down on the sand so they could play. He grunted as he lowered himself down beside them. “Look at that, aye?” He picked up a scallop shell and showed it to the twins. “What’s that, then?”
           Ezra cooed and reached for the shell.
           Ella watched from behind the camera, waiting for the perfect moment to take a candid shot. It was amazing to see how the twins had grown from little bundles to happy babies. They were healthy with pink, round cheeks. They weren’t identical, Ezra’s hair was much darker than Sofia’s. His hair reminded her more of her hair color. A very dark brown with warm chocolate highlights. Sofia’s was a beautiful lighter color with hints of honey that shone in the sun. They both had blue eyes but Ella knew from experience that the color could change. Already Ezra’s eyes were slowly melding to green. They looked like the ocean. Sofia’s eyes were starting to appear a bit browner. It thrilled Ella to think about how they would look in another month’s time. There was so much to look forward to.
           After Ella took the picture, Alfie frowned and stood up. His eyes fixed above the bluff to their home.
           “Alfie?” She asked. “What is it?”
           “Someone’s pulled up in a car.” He answered.
           “Are you expecting anyone?”
           “No.” He whistled for Cyril and began walking toward the path back up to the house, his hand slipping inside his coat.
           Ella felt a hint of dread as she realized this was it. This was when everything fell to shambles. She felt foolish for believing things would be okay.
           Alfie muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like “Tommy Fucking Shelby.” Apparently, he saw the man get out of the car before Ella could.
           Tommy noticed the two figures on the beach from the drive near the bluff. He walked over and shouted over the ledge. “Alfie!”
           “The fuck does he want, aye?”
           Ella shrugged. “I don’t know. He didn’t mention he was coming.” It had been quite some time since she heard from her brother. She naturally assumed that he was caught up in the business of trying to plan Oswald Mosley’s assassination.
           “Tommy Shelby MP, OBE, thinks he can come calling whenever the fuck he wants.” Alfie scooped up Ezra and began walking back up the bluff to the house.
           Ella picked up Sofia and began to follow them, making sure the dogs were right behind her.
           By the time she reached the drive, Alfie and Tommy were already in a heated argument.
           “You ain’t bringing your mental state here to disrupt me fucking family. That ain’t happening, mate.”
           “What is going on?” Ella paused, taking in her brother’s appearance. He looked even more sleep-deprived than usual. He was twitching and couldn’t stand still. His eyes kept shifting, glancing over his shoulder, waiting for something or someone.
           “Bring the kids inside.” Alfie handed Ezra over instead of answering his wife.
           Ella hesitated but brought the twins and the dogs inside. She could hear the shouting match escalate through the house as she put the twins in their cots. Hoping to break them up, she hurried back outside and drew Alfie away from Tommy.
           “What is going on!?” She demanded again.
           “Your brother’s come here all doped up, that’s what’s going on.” Alfie jabbed a finger at the man.
           Tommy looked ready to either pounce or rip his own hair out. His whole body was tensed up and practically trembling. His hands balled into fists. “This is it, Alfie. All those times you pointed a gun to my head. You fucking do it, right now!”
           It was nonsensical, almost as if Ella’s hearing had gone out for a moment. His words disjointed and not making any logical sense. “Tommy, what are you talking about?” She struggled to get between the two who were in each other’s faces.
           “This is it? Aye? You’ve finally lost your fucking marbles, Tommy? ‘Bout time we locked you up, right, in a fucking asylum!” Alfie shouted, his face turning red.
           “Stop it!” Ella pushed her husband back knowing he wouldn’t fight her. “Stop it right now, the both of you!” She grabbed her brother by the overcoat and physically forced him back a few steps. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t resist her and stumbled backward. “What are you on about?”
           But Tommy’s eyes were fixed on Alfie, almost like a rabid dog that had locked onto a victim. “It’s your lucky day, you finally get to blow me brains out!”
           Ella had enough and slapped him across the face. “Take a fucking breath, for Christ's sake! You're going on like a fucking lunatic.” She snapped.
           The stinging pain managed to knock Tommy back into a bit of sanity. “It all fell apart.” He gasped out; his lungs raw from screaming.
           “What did?” Ella didn’t let go of his coat so he couldn’t go after Alfie again.
           “The rally. Mosley, it all went to shit. Someone knew.”
           “Who did?” Alfie asked.
           “I don’t fucking know!” Tommy shouted. “I don’t know who!”
           Ella’s stomach dropped. She had almost been certain that Mosley was dead. Maybe it was because things had been going so well for her. But that sick man was still out there. And now he knew that the Peaky Blinders were trying to kill him.
           “He knew nothing.” Tommy pulled away from his sister and began to pace in a frenzy. “Mosley knew nothing. Then Barney was shot. Aberama was killed.” His breathing picked up pace again as he began to hyperventilate, his hands grasping tightly at his hair. “Mosley knew nothing!” He screamed.
           Ella had seen her brother in very bad states before. But never to the extreme that he was now in.
           Tommy stopped pacing and looked back at Alfie. He paused and then pointed at the man. “That’s why I’m here.”
           “What are you talking about?” Ella made sure she was still in between them.
           “He’s going to shoot me.”
           “Oh for fuck’s sake, Thomas.” Alfie threw his hands up in disbelief. “Always with the fucking dramatics. You get a grip, right, and then we’ll talk about what we’ll do next.”
           “There is no next! There’s nothing left!” Tommy began approaching Alfie again. Ella pushed his chest to keep him back. “There’s nothing left. You go get your gun and you end it. I’m fucking done.”
           “I ain’t shooting you, mate.”
           “Tommy, please, just take a breath and-”
           “I’m done!” Tommy’s voice roared across the windy landscape.
           “I ain’t killing you.” Alfie crossed his arms over his chest.
           “Fine.” Tommy shoved Ella to the side and stormed toward Alfie.
           Ella only just gathered her bearings when she turned and saw Tommy had withdrawn a gun and was pointing it to her husband’s temple. Her blood ran cold. “Tommy…put the gun down.”
           “You go inside. Get your gun and you kill me.” He replied. “Or I’m fucking shooting him.”
           “Jesus Christ, you’ve gone fucking insane.” Alfie had been at the end of Tommy’s gun before but never had he been so convinced that the man would actually pull the trigger.
           “I’m not going to kill you, Tommy.”
           “Ella, do as I say!” He shouted, his finger fidgeting on the trigger. “This is how it’s meant to be. Shelbys don’t die of old age, you fucking know that. We get killed or we kill ourselves.”
           “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Ella’s voice quivered. “Alfie and I will help you. Mosley can be defeated. He can!”
           “No. No, he can’t.” Tears were forming in Tommy’s eyes. All the emotions colliding together and driving him to madness. He just wanted to sleep.
           “Yes, he can. With Alfie’s help, we can make alliances. We’re smarter than he is, Tom.” She held out a hand to him. “Please, just put the gun down and we’ll do this together.”
           “Listen to her.” Alfie agreed steadily. “Just listen to her. We can sort this out, mate. Don’t hafta be like this.”
           In a snap decision, Tommy lowered the gun and Ella swooped in to rip it out of his hands. Her heart racing, she emptied the pistol of its bullets and tossed it into the gravel. “For fuck’s sake, Tommy.” She gasped in disbelief. “Are you high?”
           The once invincible man looked as if he was crumbling right before her eyes. “I can’t do this, El. Not anymore.” He whimpered in Rokka to her.
           “Stop, just stop.” Ella pulled him into her arms and let him unload his weight onto her. Tommy Shelby carried the world on his shoulders. To hold him was to hold Atlas.
           “He said he hasn’t slept in three days.” Ella came into the kitchen where Alfie was stewing a bit.
           “So, he made it our fucking problem?” He muttered in response, never particularly enjoying having a gun shoved in his face.
           She sighed and put on the kettle. “I’m sorry.”
           “Ain’t your fault. No one needs to apologize for him. That’s his job, not yours.”
           Ella hummed in agreement and walked up to him. “What are we going to do?”
           He dropped his hands to her waist, trying to let go of the tension in his shoulders. “No fucking clue.” He admitted. “I assumed-well I figured he had in under control.”
           “Yeah, I did too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and let her fingers tease the hair grazing the nape of his neck.
           Alfie drew her in close, letting her rest her chin on his shoulder. She glanced out the kitchen window behind him. Gazing out across the small lawn that overlooked the bluff. Something stirring in the garden made her perk up a bit. She almost expected another stray dog to come wandering onto the property like Anthea had. Instead, a dark shadow of a cat slunk out of a bush. Its tail flicked in the air as it crossed the trimmed lawn. For a moment it paused and seemed to listen to something, its ears pointing back. Then as suddenly as it had appeared, it dashed off.
           “We need to find the black cat.” She whispered.
           “Huh?” Alfie tilted his face towards here. “Didya say something, love?”
           “No. No, I didn’t say anything.” She buried her face in his neck and began making a list of all the people who would betray her family.
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duhragonball · 4 years
For years now, I've worried that Luffa #29-36 was too dark, and it would put off new readers from continuing with the rest of it, and actually getting to the part where she murders Demigra and hangs out with Goku, which is what I started writing it for in the first place.
And a few months ago, someone left me a comment on AO3, basically to that effect. This bothered me at first, but gradually I started to accept that I can't change it now, because there's too much that builds off that arc. Also, I was extremely proud of the execution at the time, and if I went back and reread it, I'd probably think it still holds up.
At the same time, I realize that I'm shackled to stuff I wrote in 2015-16, which is kind of the downside to writing a longass fanfic. I've shelved one-shots before, and that's an easy call. "Oh shit, this is actually bad, I'm putting it in a drawer and never looking at it again." With Luffa, I can't do that, at least not as easily. I started it under the assumption that I'm a genius, and that no one would actually read the darn thing and call my bluff.
I never discussed it before, because I didn't want to spoil the story, but I'm currently at the "Fuck it, Mega Chiaotzu" leg of my fic, so I don't think I care anymore. Around Chapter 29 I had Luffa get infected with the Black Water Mist, because I like the Garlic Junior Saga, and I knew that was a piece of DBZ lore I could borrow without being too cute. Mostly I wanted to explore the Makyans and the experience of being infected. What were Chi-Chi and Yamcha experiencing at the time?
There were several challenges to this. For one thing I couldn't use the Sacred Water as an out, because I wanted this to last longer than a full day. I had an idea to set up a band of supporting characters to rescue her, but then I realized it was too similar to Luffa #6-10, where I set up a band of supporting characters to rescue her. So I decided to have Luffa "self-rescue" to borrow an expression from Bear Grylls. But I had already written and published a scene where someone was on the way to help, so I had to figure THAT out.
So I ended up having her hallucinate all these other characters trying to snap her out of it, and she "kills" them in gruesome fashion, until finally she realizes that she's been fighting with herself the whole time. There's some Majin Vegeta vibes to the whole thing.
And this worked out pretty well for me, because I didn't want the Makyans to actually make her do anything that evil. There's a lot of implications that they'll do terrible thinks with her, but it never actually gets that far. This is because I found Master Roshi to be the scariest fucker in the Garlic Jr arc. Maron's terrified of him, but he never actually does anything to her. That became sort of a theme in my arc, where the villains consider themselves "pure evil" but they lack imagination. They're like "Well now we have a Super Saiyan on our team and we can make her do whatever we want!" but they never actually come up with anything. I was thinking of an episode of the George Reeves Superman where a crook tries to extort Superman but he just asks him to rob a bank or dig up a huge diamond. That's kid stuff; Superman could do almost anything and you could rob a bank yourself. So they just make Luffa guard the base and look at her inappropriately.
But it's pretty damn edgy, because this is an OC, and for all you know she's stuck this way. That probably doesn't stick now that I'm 150 chapters in, but my hope was that, at the time, you might see it and think: Holy shit, is he going to kill everyone and end it here? And that was what made it fun to write.
In hindsight, though, it's probably not something I should have done so early in the story, where now you gotta get through that and all the other stuff before Trunks finally shows up. On the other hand, there's a ton of other dark shit in my fanfic too. If I shuffled it around, I'm not sure it'd go down any smoother. The whole point was to make this a tragic character. This isn't a happy shonen protagonist, this is the precursor to that. Goku's the Goonies and Luffa's that pirate skeleton they find in a cave. He didn't end up there for happy reasons.
And I tried to put some happy times in my fic, but mostly that's to make the tragic scenes feel more tragic. It's a mood. I'm taking all my grief and anger and throwing it into this thing, and I haven't run out so far. One of these days I'll probably try to write some other story with different themes, and maybe that one will be happier, but it's not this one. Nor should it be.
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There we go, the very first Carry On...
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay you weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
The Colt, the Demon, and Sam
all things come to an end
Bobby, what a lovely man
He cares so much about Dean
This is the lowest point of Dean's life
His entire existence has been about taking care of Sam, taking care of his baby brother
and now
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and so
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Yellow Eyes (still calling him that because they don't know his name yet and to be honest, it's kinda cool)
Dean's still talking to Sam
You know when we were little, you couldn't have been more than five, you started asking me questions. Like, how come we didn't have a mom? Why we always have to move around? Where'd dad go? When he'd take off for days at a time. I remember I begged you to quit asking, Sammy, you don't want to know. I just wanted you to be a kid, just a little while longer. I was trying to protect you, keep you safe. Dad didn't even have to tell me, it was just always my responsibility. It was like I had one job. I had one job and I screwed it up. I blew it and for that I am sorry.
I guess that's what I do, I let down the people I love. I let dad down. And now, I guess I'm supposed to let you down, too. How can I? How am I supposed to live with that? What am I supposed to do, Sammy?
What am I supposed to do?
Deal with a demon
Sam's back, alone and confused
Wow, they got pizza and fried chicken and chinese
my dream meal
Dean doesn't want Sam to know
because he wouldn't agree, he would have preferred to stay dead
Oh shit, the Roadhouse
I forgot
Dean's like "You fucker! I did this secret thing that you don't know about to save your life and you're gonna go and get yourself killed again?!"
Bobby, man
I just love Bobby
Goes with it for Sam's sake but about to rip Dean a new one
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Ellen made it out, thankfully
Samuel Colt's secret giant Devil's Trap
imma spoil: the Gates of Hell, my love
and that's why Yellow Eyes needed Jake
man Yellow Eyes is so funny
like, he's a Bad Guy™ but he's such an interesting and entertaining Bad Guy
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Bobby's concerned look at Sam after he Extra Murdered™ Jake
All of hell literally breaks loose
Dean didn't deserve any of this
None of it
That poor man
John's out of hell, for now
Which, you know
I'm glad he saved Dean but
he's still an ass
The first quest of the show is over
They got the Yellow Eyed son of a bitch
but oh man oh God do they not know what's coming for them
not a fan of the Disney-esque music here as they insult the dead Demon
once again, the one question
How long?
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The War's just begun
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preface2adreamplay · 4 years
No More Light (Chapter 7)
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Summary: John is on a stakeout. But finds his attention is on a woman who moves into an apartment below the one he’s meant to be watching.
John Winchester & original fictional character. Eventual smut, plenty of angst.
Warnings: Cursing, talk of sacrifice, violence, mentions of abuse, light smut (nothing x rated)
Word Count: 2,643
Chapter summary: John and Red put their plan into action.
Italics are flashbacks.
I don’t remember if I had any places to go. The job with the stolen blood bags had been the main gig, I don’t usually like planning anything too far ahead of time. I don’t know who I’m gonna let down by not showing up somewhere. I didn’t wanna think about the next job, the next person in trouble. Red was it. All I could think about was her. I was invested.
My foot was pressing down hard, the miles building up behind us. The sun was setting and the thirst was real. I had to get to a bar quick. 
Pulling up at a clean lookin’ establishment in the main street I hopped out. When the door swung open I could smell the beer soaked tables, that shit just stays in the wood. A bit of sawdust on the floor to cover the blood stains. Real nice.
The barkeep ignored me when I sat at the bar, chair squeaking as I shifted. 
Red slapped her bag against the counter top and sighed heavily, getting the attention we needed.
‘Glass of Irish and something sweet for the lady.’ I grumbled, rubbing my hand across my beard, damn thing itches and hurts at the same time. It’s gotta go.
Red leaned over to me and brushed a hand across where I’d been touching. ‘I like it.’ 
‘You been reading my mind, doll?’
Crinkling her nose, she took a sip from the rum and coke that was handed to her.
‘Just what I needed. Back in a sec.’ Red disappeared into the ladies, leaving me to scope out the bar.
This was the place alright. It stank, it was dark and a few guys had eyes on me since I walked in. No one followed Red, at least. 
It wouldn’t take long for her brother to arrive if any of these guys were his cronies. I starting tapping my foot, I didn’t like how long she was taking, if she were back here with me I could rest easy.
I swallowed the whiskey in two gulps, it burned so good. Her familiar scent hit me before she sat down again. 
‘Fresh as a daisy.’
I chuckled. ‘You’re always fresh as a daisy.’
‘Thanks, John. That’s sweet.’ 
Red leaned in smiling and pecked me right on the lips. The barkeep gave us a sideways glance and threw open the cellar door, the clang as it hit the bar gave Red a jolt. She made an ‘oof’ sound. 
‘Jumpy are we?’ 
The bottle of whiskey was within reach, fuck it. It took another shot.
‘I’m ok…considering.’ 
I grabbed hold of her hand, it was soft and small in my calloused ham.
‘I’m itchin’ to get going.’ With my free hand I shifted my leather jacket aside, giving her a glimpse of my 9mm tucked into my waistband. 
The door swung open, a brilliant blast of evening light hit us where we were sitting. The silhouette was burned into my eyes, the fucker stood there that long. 
‘Give us the girl and you can go.’ It said.
Red grabbed hold of the crook of my elbow. 
‘Who is us?’
The speaker stepped in and stood aside for someone else, someone much larger. ‘Fuck me,’ I groaned. 
Realisation crossed the big dopes face. ‘You!’ he pointed a finger at me from his one good hand. 
‘Gigantor, let’s be friends.’
‘My name is not gigantor,’ he seethed, spit coating his bottom lip, leaking onto his chin. 
I held up my hands, ‘take it easy big guy. I’m tryna be nice here. But, ‘fraid to say, my girl is not going with you.’
‘Oh she’s your girl now?’ The first guy stepped forward, abs pulled in, arms clenched as if he were going to run up on me.
‘Step back, brother or you’ll get a whole lot of me comin’ at you.’ 
I didn’t reach for my gun, I was trying to keep a cool head. 
‘Why do men always think violence is the answer?’ Red’s statement to me a few nights ago rang through my mind like a bell.
Gigantor crossed an arm over his compadre’s chest. ‘Just give us the girl.’
‘Why do you say ‘the girl’? Like you’re in a movie or something, idiot.’ Red piped up behind me.
‘Get in the car, Mona, Ray’s waiting on you.’
‘Fuck Ray and fuck you.’
A click came from behind us. The barkeep had his barrel pointed at me. 
‘If you take her, I go free?’
Gigantor shifted his eyes to Red then back at me. ‘Yeah.’
Yeah right.
‘I’ll go. Just leave him alone.’ 
Red bravely stood from her barstool, pushing her skirt over her knees. She glanced at me, giving me a nod that said ‘it’s cool.’ 
I stood down and watched her leave the bar. The arms surrounding her, blocking her from my view. 
I can’t describe how I felt right then. My red headed dream woman disappearing with dangerous men, their hands on her. 
Time stopped as I made my way across to the door, all eyes watching me go, I felt them searing into me, pecking at the shell of my very being. 
But it had been the plan. It was our plan and I was to follow.
They had done nothing to her…yet. But I knew I was gonna kill them all.
Hours later, I was huddled in a swamp, soaked to my knees in foul smelling water. I didn’t notice or I didn’t care. 
I could hear her voice carrying across the night air. 
‘Nothin’ will hurt you Red, I’m here.’ I whispered in to the heavy stillness. Southern nights, I hated them.
With the raucous of the followers surrounding her, you wouldn’t think I could hear anything else but I was tuned into her. I could feel her around me, just as she was last night.
The softness under me, I was all sweaty and gasping while she purred sweetly. Clinging to my arms, she raked at my skin, pouting. The initial push had made her shiver, her eyes widening. But I went slow, talking to her like she was the most precious thing on earth, telling her how good she felt and how good I wanted make her feel. 
Her head was thrown back between the pillows, the crescendo reached with a wail she didn’t know she had in her. ‘Do that again, John.’ She grinned down at me, biting her lip and giggling. 
My mouth found her perfect lips again and I drank her down, that sweet slick I wanted so bad. She took everything I gave her with a wide eyed excitement. 
‘I’d done it before but I’ve never felt it before,’ she gasped when I lay next to her. 
Sleeping on her back for an hour or so, chest rising and falling with her dreams. Waking and smiling before she opened her eyes. Resting on her elbow to look down at me. I’d only caught a few minutes here and there. 
‘John, can we do it again? All the way this time.’ 
‘Anything you want, Red.’ I kissed her like I hadn’t kissed any other woman for years, my arms keeping the weight from her before she begged for it. She wanted all of me, head to toe, my skin on hers. 
Sinking in and feeling the resistance was a thrill I’d never experienced. ‘Take a breath, sweetheart,’ I whispered while I ran my lips down her neck, sucking the sweet dip between her collar bones. After a few shallow thrusts she let me in. 
It could just be the hunter in me but I felt something change in her right at that moment, there was a heat shimmering through the air that hadn’t been there before. 
Was it true what she’d said? She’d own the demon if she took ownership of her body? 
Red fell asleep a little after that, asking me to gently rub her thigh. I tried to stay awake but c’mon, I’m an old man, I’ll drift off after a good fuck. 
The sound of a door creaking open reached me, the main man, Raymond Caro, Desdemona’s big brother sashayed into the circle of robed followers. He held up his hands as if to quieten the rabble.
‘Brothers, we come here to celebrate the ascension of myself. A special night indeed, only made possible by my beautiful sister, Desdemona.’ Raymond pressed a hand against his sisters forehead, stroking his thumb back and forth fondly. 
The anger boiled in me, I set it to simmer…for now.
How dare he say her name as if he revered her. As if he loved her.
My sweet Desdemona. Was it me that whispered it?
Red whimpered in assent. ‘All for you big brother.’
I could see Raymond’s ego flare, the hay-headed fucker. His blonde hair had grown wild, beard unkempt as if he were the 21st century Jesus.
The chanting started up again and Raymond started waving his arms about. 
I was just about to roll my eyes as the infantile display but something caught my attention.
The swamp had stilled, the sound of the night had stopped. The hairs stood on the back of my neck when I heard the shrill sound. I don’t know where it came from, neither did the robed men surrounding Red, they were turning their heads this way and that trying to figure out the source of this rising vibration. There was a crack and a boom. The branches of the trees around me shuddered.
What the fuck was happening?
I stood to my full height, still covered by the leaves. No one had spotted me yet. 
Red groaned again, writhing on the stone slab where she had been bound. 
From here I could see the night gown clinging to her sweat sodden skin. She was scared, I didn’t need to see it to know. My heart sank at the thought of the woman laying there, afraid of what was to come and no one was helping. 
None of the fuckers surrounding her would help her because they had been promised a share of the spoils. 
A chill wind whipped past me and rustled the trees.
Raymond was shouting, his face lifted to the night sky. 
Red thrashed back and forth her limbs uncontrollably flailing painfully. 
It was memory thankfully, coz I had nothin’ with me. The words rolled off my tongue like it was the lyrics of my favourite song. I had my eyes on Red and only Red. The air feeling like it was closing in on me, shifting colour from black to grey, flashes of images like a tv screen was projected for all to see.
Red was there, gyrating on top of men, all men for all eternity. My hands spread wide, palms down to the earth. You’ll be cast back to the pit from where you came. 
The ground swelled beneath me, yawning wide and threatening. 
Red was in a fevered dream, telling me all of her secrets. If I could, I would tell her it was all ok, whatever the demon had her do was not her fault. None of it was. 
Raymond found whatever balls he had and tried to square up to me.
‘It’s my demon, give it to me.’
‘I’ll give you somethin,’ I think I said. Or maybe I was too focused on this one thing. This ball of hateful black energy convulsing against the endless dark above me. ‘Back to hell with you.’ I managed to say between the words I didn’t know I’d memorised.
‘John!’ She sounded relieved, alive.
Thank god she was alive.
The demon was gaining shape, Raymond was engaging it, urging it to come into him and live within his skin. 
The cacophony was deafening.
Keep calling my name, Red, I urged her. I won’t forget myself.
One last push, I had the strength to do it. The ground opened up, flames licking at my boots, threatening to pull me down with it.
A scream and a swirl of smoke and it was gone. 
‘What have you done???’ Raymond cried. 
I ran to Red, freeing her from her bonds, but she was tied too tight.
‘It’s gone, help me get your sister out of the ropes.’ 
Raymond was looking at the ground where the hole had been. 
The screech of car tyres told us any of the losers that stuck around for this bogus ceremony had gotten outta here fast. 
My flick knife was in my hand and cutting into the ropes. 
‘Ray.’ Red rubbed the marks on her wrists, sitting up with my help.
‘Why would you do this?’ He looked to me. 
‘You could hurt any more people, Ray.’
He ignored his sister, his red rimmed eyes fixed on me. ‘Motherfucker, don’t you know who I am?’
‘I kinda wouldn’t give a fuck, only you’ve made a show of getting your sister away from whatever kind of life she wanted and into your fantasy of stealing her power. Don’t you know that’s the one thing you can’t do?’
The dumb fucker just titled his head, confused.
‘You can’t take a woman’s power. Nothing earthly or otherwise has that influence.’
Red grabbed the gun in my waist band, I dared not stop her.
‘Wow, baby sister, cool it.’ Raymond put on a facade of submission, reaching over to her all the while, his intent clear. 
Red’s hand shook while she pointed my gun at him. 
‘For years he’s been using me to service his friends, the men that wanted to sit with him in the heavenly courts. For his own gain, for fun. I couldn’t live with myself if he took it, John.’
We were sitting on the floor of Faye’s kitchen while she told me her plan.
The goons would find her quick enough. Everybody was afraid of Raymond in her hometown.
Once she was taken, her brother would start the ritual, he was afraid of losing time. It could only be done under the full moon and the pregnant belly of the wench hung low tonight.
‘If I don’t kill him, he will kill me and countless innocent people. No one should have that kind of power, John. When the ritual starts, you have to find some way to stop it.’
And I did. My old journal had given me some ideas. I’d been around the block a time or two.
‘The demon is gone. Now there’s only me, plain old Desdemona.’ She gripped the handle of the gun with both hands, her strength giving out.
‘Just a little slut with nothing else to give the world but what’s between her legs,’ her brother laughed, reaching behind his back to what I assumed was a weapon.
‘Steady on now, buck.’ 
‘Fuck you, Raymond.’ 
The scorched earth opened up next to him, a long arm of black mist enveloped him. With a screech, Raymond fell to the ground, his belly scraping against the cement while he clawed in panic. 
A strange popping noise followed him as he disappeared into the ground. 
‘Did you do that??’ I held myself steady.
Red smiled, ‘I told you I could control it.’
‘You did?’
Red shimmied to her feet, standing next to me over the spot her brother had been standing. 
‘When I gave myself to someone, the demon would be under my control. That’s the sneaky ways of it. Raymond had me for so long locked away he could do whatever he wanted.’ 
‘Ok, I heard you say that I just didn’t realise you could do THAT.’ I gestured to the area around us.
‘Are you impressed?’ Red beamed up at me.
‘Hell yeah I am.’
I risked a quick kiss, hoping it wouldn’t awaken the ground demon again.
‘John?’ She whispered against my mouth.
‘Take me back to your motel?’
‘Yes ma’am’. 
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thewinterwaifu · 5 years
How would Griffith, Guts and Serpico react to having his s/o kidnapped? And when they finally find them, they are severely injured and maybe even missing body parts? What if they make ir out alive? What if they die?👀
A berserk request! I’ll start by saying I’m extremely weak to angst so I haven’t read much and as such have little to no experience writing it, but I hope I did okay!
Trigger warning for gore, torture, death and the like. But then again, Berserk has all of this in almost every chapter so…Also spoilers for the Golden Age arc!
•We all know making Guts angry is not a wise decision and most likely a death sentence. Once he realizes what happened, he doesn’t waste a second, tracking down the kidnappers on the spot, a blind rage boiling in his blood. He is ready to get his hands and sword stained with red. He has gotten people taken away before. But not again. No, he can’t allow that. History won’t repeat itself this time around. He will get his beloved Y/N back, no matter the cost or who dares to stand in his way
•When he finds whoever is responsible, he goes all out , without a single drop of mercy to spare. These peopled signed up for this when they decided it was a good idea to defy the branded swordsman. He has survived legions of monsters. If these kidnappers think they have even the slightest chance against Guts, they are very, very wrong. He will destroy every last one of them
•If he finds them alive, he will gently pick them up and carry them back while he asks them about what happened “Y/N!”WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?!They better not have done anything…Or else I will go to hell just to fight them again and make them suffer more this time…” the anger still clearly hasn’t faded away, despite these people being dealt with and Y/N being alive and well
•If his s/o is injured, his anger prevails even more “Don’t worry Y/N. I gave those fuckers what they deserved!” He says before carefully inspecting them to see just how severe their injuries are. They’ll be fine…He takes back from the group and helps them treat his s/o’s injuries, he just wants to see them recover…
•Seeing his s/o is missing body parts because he didn’t get there on time feels as if he was stabbed right in the stomach. “Y/N…I…” unable to finish his sentence, he starts shouting and clenching his fists. He should have made those kidnappers suffer more for what they did to his beloved…”Come on…” he says after he is done “Let’s go home…” even if they are moving on the road, anywhere with them and the rest is home for him, as cheesy as that sounds. He becomes a lot more protective now, never taking an eye off his s/o. He will not allow them to be harmed any further
•Finding them dead is a completely other story though. Guts collapses and falls to the ground. He can’t believe history repeat itself again now. He let his guard down for one second and those who matter to him are gone again. He screams his lungs out and bites his lips until they bleed, not caring at all. He probably goes on a monster killing spree just to let off some steam. He becomes even more hot-headed and irritable and thinks about this every single day. He will never be able to forgive himself
•When Griffith is in love for real, he is really passionate about them. His partner is the best person of Midland in his eyes, his princess/prince that deserves the best and only the best. Those who dare bring harm their way are victims of his rage, he won’t stop until they’re dead and pay for what they did. How dare they?! They’ll see what it means to mess with the Hawk… He takes his best warriors and rushes to get them back. Oh Y/N, his precious Y/N… He will get them back safe and sound, he has to…
•His more sadistic side shows in this situation. “Don’t give them any mercy…If you manage to catch any alive...bring them back to me. I will punish them myself. That scum doesn’t even deserve an honorable and quick death in battle. They will die by my own hand, let them serve as an example for anyone who thinks challenging me is a good idea” he commands his soldiers
•To be honest, behind his confident facade, he is worried sick about not being able to save them so when he finds them alive he is really relieved and holds them in his arms lovingly. “I’m so glad you’re safe Y/N…” when he takes them back home, he spoils them and gives them tons of affection, despite usually not being very cuddly. He cuddles them under the blankets, kissing them all over their face. He’s happy to have his beloved Y/N back
•When he sees his s/o is alive but injured, he picks them up and tries to soothe them “It’s okay my darling…you’re safe now” he whispers, running his fingers through their gorgeous hair. Of course, he has the best medics in Midland take care of them, they deserve the very best and he wants them to heal quickly
•Griffith knows from first hand experience how it feels to be tortured, hell, he had his body almost completely destroyed and reduced to dust. When he sees his s/o is missing some body parts, he can’t help but cry for the first time in a long time. His memories of that time come back to him, and it’s as if he was reliving those moments. He can’t believe his darling had to go through the same…”Y/N…” he gently strokes their cheek. “You know I’ll love you no matter what. I’ll always stay by your side”
•His partner dying would completely destroy Griffith. It was the first and only time he had ever truly fallen in love with someone, the first time he truly cared for someone as much as he did for his ambitions. He will become even more apathetic behind his charismatic mask, nothing but his dream matters anymore. Griffith will never be able to fall in love again, nobody can compare to Y/N and what they made him feel
•He is pretty much his s/o’s bodyguard, just like with Farnese and would probably never forgive himself if they got kidnapped. “I should have been there, I should have tried harder. It’s all my fault” he thinks to himself if he wasn’t there. Alternatively, if he actually was there when they got abducted he would think something more like “I couldn’t protect them no matter how much I tried. I don’t deserve them, I’m a failure”
•It’s not usual to see Serpico cry, as all this years in Farnese’s army have made him quite emotionally strong as he has seen all sorts of things. But this time around, oh , tears will flow. He is overwhelmed with anxiety and guilt. His dear Y/N that had he had sworn to protect…the love of his life…taken away from him like that. What if he can’t get them back? What if they are…dead?
•Serpico doesn’t enjoy killing. He does it because he must, in order to protect Farnese,Y/N, anyone else in the group or in self defense. But when he finds the ones who hurt his darling? Oh he is mad. He enjoys giving those wicked people what they deserve, nobody hurts his loved ones!
•Upon finding them alive, he is full of joy. He hugs them tight as soon as he unties them. “Y/N…I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you back then…But I came back for you!I’m so glad you’re okay, I can’t live without you…” He takes them back to the group and promises to himself to not let this happen ever again
•If he finds them severely alive but injured, he will still be mostly happy. What matters is that they are alive and now safe in his arms. “I’m sorry they did this to you my love…It will all be okay, I promise”. He takes care of them until their wounds heal, helping with their bandages and what not.
•In the worst case scenario of him being too late to save them, he is completely devastated. When he comes back to the group with their corpse in their arms, everyone knows something about him has changed. For the following days, he barely speaks, and when he does it’s usually one word or too in response to someone else’s question. He sometimes gazes at the horizon, completely lost in his melancholic thoughts. It will take a very long time for these emotional wounds to heal
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kannra21 · 4 years
okay, some headcanons for ya; 1. overhaul's reaction to a confession and 2. overhaul as a boyfriend
Asdfghjkhgfds thank you for sending me this he's the best boi I can't!!! 😍😍😍 I decided to turn headcanon into a scenario so I hope you enjoy!
Warning: T/M, don’t read if underage
Genres: fluff, angst, self insert
Overhaul's reaction to a confession-
First and foremost, we all know that he's pretty blunt regarding those things, so getting in touch with his feelings would be really weird, considering that he never let emotions interfere with his thoughts.
There's never the right time to talk to him since he's always so busy in his office. You'll often find him typing something on his laptop, roaming through his documents and filling his paperwork. He doesn't have time for trivial things, Shie Hassaikai needs him and he has to finish his project as soon as possible in order to repay his old man.
When you confess your feelings for him, he's genuinely confused and lowkey awkward. "What is the person supposed to say in this type of conversation?"/"Are they nuts? Why would they go after a person like me?"
Don't blame him, he never had this kind of experience and everything he's ever done in his life was restoring yakuza and producing Quirk erasing drugs. It's a miracle Hari even considers him a friend.
Since he doesn't really know how to give a proper answer, he'll grow frustrated, tell you not to bother him with stupid stuff and leave him alone.
When you exit the room, he'll feel terrible. He doesn't know what he did wrong, but there's a certain bug inside him that's telling him he messed up. He's growing uncomfortable, he can't finish his desk work because of the guilt eating him up. It felt as bad as his mysophobia.
Why does he feel this way? He decided to take a break to analyze his every thought. Why he tolerated you more than the rest of his underlings.
You were the only person after pops who showed how deeply you loved and cared for him. It was new, it was rare, and he couldn't brush off the fact that this affected him in more ways than he'd like to admit. No one really loved him for who he was, the monster that he's become. And still you decided to stay by his side, refusing to leave despite all the danger he persistently exposed you to.
And then he felt an odd ache in his heart. He's had enough, he really wanted to return to his project and not waste more time than necessary, but first he needed to get rid of these thoughts plaguing his mind.
He went to Chrono since he's the only person he can openly talk to about anything. He described what he's been going through, how disgusting it felt and that he recently started experiencing weird heart palpitations, making him seriously worry for his health.
Chrono gave him a sympathetic smile, he didn't want to laugh at him because he knew that this would only upset him even more. He calmly explained that he fell in love and that his so-called heart palpitations *he almost snorted but he was lucky he possessed enormous self-control* were a natural response from his body, that it was normal and that it was nothing he should be worrying about.
After his talk with Chrono he reached your room and almost knocked on the door if he hadn't barely made out your quiet sobs coming from the other side.
Fuck fuck FUCK! He knew he messed up. You were always so respectful of his space and fulfilled his every wish that, when you finally decided to be a little selfish, you became so coldly rejected by him. And that hurt him more than anything else. Pops was right, he always toyed with people and treated them like rubbish, he was a terrible person. He focused so hard on his goal that he completely forgot about everything around him. He handicapped his old man to make him happy, abused his granddaughter to make him happy, killed and mistreated his subordinates to make him happy. All for him, all for that grandiose goal that he had on mind, his sick mind. To make it clear, he wasn't sorry at all, but that didn't mean he couldn't realize his own mistakes. He wanted to conquer this world, but doing so alone would be kind of sad and miserable, now wouldn't it? For the first time in a long time he wanted to do something right.
He knocked on the doors to announce his presence, not expecting you to open and greet him. He started to apologize and confess his feelings for you, not expecting you to answer anything in return. He basically talked to a door so if anyone were to accidentally walk on him like this, they'd probably think that he's gone nuts. But he couldn't care less, he was that desperate.
After he finished, he slowly distanced himself and planed on walking away if it weren't for you opening the doors and stopping him in his leave.
You were so happy your feelings were reciprocated. You wanted to hug him, kiss him, anything. But you knew perfectly well that he couldn't stand human contact because of his mysophobia, so you held your respective distance and thanked him. He came to you and intertwined your pinky finger in his. He said that he's ready to take small steps. He was ready to change for you, and nothing could make you happier.
Overhaul as a boyfriend-
He's pretty awkward regarding relationship things. He's still learning how to open up and properly talk to you about feelings. The only way he can show it is through money so he'll spoil you and buy everything you want. But he himself isn't so affectionate as you'd like. You walked beside him carrying all the bags while he held nothing, and ofc he won't, he's the yakuza boss. Until some random people walking by shouted what an asshole he was for not helping his lady. Only then he realized and took all of your bags. Don't be angry with him, he's trying to figure out how all of this stuff works.
He's still busy with his work but he always makes sure to dedicate some time to you. He's asking Chrono for tips and keeping him regularly informed in case of emergency. Once when he payed you a visit, he accidentally let it slip and you laughed. You never guessed that the big bad yakuza boss would ask his subordinates for love advice. He felt embarrassed. You told him that this was very unlike him to which he replied that he's slowly starting to lose his guard around you. He's finally trusting you to the point where he's letting his guard down. Your presence made him feel comfortable and the sole thought of it warmed your heart.
He asked you to join his work in order to spend more time with you, you know, combining comfort with useful. Only to realize this wouldn't work out so well considering you two were doing everything but work, you were more of a distraction to him than anything else. He needed to continue on his own but he'd always miss you.
He's taking a walk with you and holding your pinky finger, this time he's not wearing any gloves. He thinks there are some things he'd need to get used to, and he can't feel you touch thought the latex material. He's edging every part of your being but you kind of felt grateful for it, it was a way of showing you his trust and love.
He loved to spend his time with you at night. For a disaster man he surely valued his peace a lot. The two of you would sit on a bench outside in his hydrangea garden, with lamp above you being the only source of light. It was quiet and you'd listen to the sounds of the night and his calm breathing. It was the most relaxing thing. You weren't cold since you wore warm clothes and seeing him in a good mood brought a smile to your face. He started to talk about his childhood and how he used to hang in this place with pops, more times than he can remember. He admitted that he brought you here because you were special to him and that he wanted you to be a part of his positive memories. You kissed his covered lips and this was the first time you saw him blushing. He expected his skin to break out in hives but nothing happened since you were sitting outside on the fresh air. The two of you decided you'll do things like this more often.
The next day you wanted to prepare a surprise for him. You cleaned your room entirely from each and every corner and aired it out. You also did the top-notch hygiene and made sure there wasn't a single ounce of dirt left, and then you told him to come over. Just by entering he could sense how clean and disinfected everything was. And you also smelled beautiful, like something flowery and sweet. He asked you why you did all those preparations and you told him you wanted to touch him without worrying about his problem. He understood and took off his gloves and mask. It was so unusual to see him like this, completely exposed without a care in this world. He carefully took your hands in his and you noticed how small they were compared to his. This was the first time you could feel his hands at full display, it was a special experience, a feeling you'll never forget. He kissed your fingers *and risked having Kardashian lips haha*, but surprisingly nothing has happened. He could feel your skin all he wanted and no reaction would be made. His lips were so warm and soft against your skin, you wondered if they felt any different from the night before. And although you wanted to reach them so badly, he slightly pulled away, teasing you like an overhole he is *yes fully pun-intended*. You were mad at him, you waited what felt like ages for this faithful moment to come and now when you're finally allowed to do so he's messing with you. You wanted to take all that dirt from the outside and smear it across his freakishly beautiful face. The fucker was lucky he looked good otherwise you'd throw him through the window, ending him once and for all *although you were Quirkless and didn't possess this sort of power but still*. Then you asked him why he started untying his tie to which he replied that he wanted to take things further with you, of course, if you're allowing it that is. You were worried because you had no protection with you, he told you he'll just use his latex gloves instead which made you yell at him for being an idiot and he laughed. This was the first time in a while that you heard his laugh, it sounded wonderful and you couldn't bring yourself to be angry at him anymore. It was so unusual to see him joking around. Was this really him? Or has someone drugged him perhaps? You weren't entirely sure but you wanted this moment to never meet its end. He said he'll enter his room for a second just to get the stuff from his drawer. Did he really just prepare for all of this? Has he seriously been thinking that one day something like this could possibly happen and decided to take precautions? He never ceased to surprise you, you thought to yourself. 
Long story short you had a great time and managed to take a nice nap afterwards. Overhaul's phone started buzzing and he saw that Chrono sent him a message to call him as soon as possible. He didn't want to wake you up so he went to the bathroom and answered the phone. Chrono sounded worried beyond belief and asked him where he had been. Apparently, he didn't leave a single message to anyone and they all thought something bad happened to him. Overhaul just answered that he's ok and that he'll join them soon after he takes a shower. Chrono wondered why he sounded so calm and dreamy but didn't want to push the conversation any further. After he showered and put his gloves on, he kissed your forehead before he left, leaving you in the warmth and comfort of your bed.
One day he decided to roam through your stuff while waiting for you since he thinks that he owns you so basically all of your stuff also belonged to him *the audacity*. And he accidentally found your diary, bingo. He went through some pages and read them at fast pace. He found out what stuff you liked and he took a note to himself to use it at the moment of need. From now on he's giving you presents you actually liked and you didn't have any idea how he knew all of this stuff. But you never got the chance to ask him about it, you just took everything you've been given.
He's very possessive of you. He's trusting Shie Hassaikai members with you but if any other germocarrier dared to hang with his precious lady he's ready to overhaul them at any given moment. Is he overreacting? Of course not. He's just giving you the treatment worth of a queen. And no, he's not joking around, he overhauled a person for real. It was some nice guy who was selling magazines and newspapers. He stood a bit too close to you for his liking and he killed him right on the spot.
You two broke into a terrible fight, you shouted that his possessiveness took the best of him but he insisted that this was the only possible solution to things. You distanced yourself for some time, refusing to talk to him or whatsoever. It has been three days by now and he can't take it anymore, he felt terrible and he wanted to do anything to return things as they once were. He bought you your favorite things, still no response from you. He took off his mask and gloves to show his vulnerability once again, still no response from you.
In the end he got to the doors and imitated the same apology he did a month ago, it worked.
He told you how horrible he felt and that he'll never repeat the same mistake again. You held his bare hand and even though it got covered in hives he couldn't care less. He was just glad this entire complication had reached its end.
One day you washed your hands together. He dried them in some cloth and then he handed you over to use it as well. As you dried your hands you felt something thin and cold underneath, you picked it up and noticed it was a ring. You started crying and he got genuinely concerned, he started blaming himself that he messed it up again but you shouted the word "yes" and he hugged you. You were both so happy to be with each other and share beautiful moments like this together.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 28
Warnings: none
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @alievans007​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​
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After lunch they pay a visit to Port Douglas beach. The town is popular among tourists and the area is packed; every inch crammed with families in swimsuits and pop up shelters, young adults playing football and frisbee, children building sandcastles and running in and out of the water. There’s no rush to get home. Kyle and Ovi have the boys under control and there are still a lot of hours left in the day. It’s been a long one already; the panic attack in the middle of the road, the disastrous ending to what had started as a relatively positive and pleasant visit with Tyler’s father.
Neither of them speak about it; Millie is young and impressionable and over the moon about having a grandfather in her life and neither want to ruin that for her. She’s done nothing but talk about her time there; the kisses and the cuddles and the silver dollar and getting a chipmunk to eat out of her hand. And it made them both smile as they listened to her; that joyful rambling and those musical giggles and the exuberance over her upcoming birthday party. Neither have the heart ro rain on her parade; not wanting to break her heart with the cold hard fact that her grandfather probably won’t even show up that day. It’s who he is. Who he’s always been. And while she’d be initially crushed, having all of her friends at the house -and the appearance of her new puppy- would help her recover quickly, telling her too soon would cause her to dwell. Which would only work her up into an emotional frenzy that would be almost impossible to control.
While she plays in the surf -princess dress and all- they lounge in the sand; spreading out a tattered and well loved blanket that Tyler had brought along from the truck. It’s seen a lot of years; the same one they’d sit on when they’d take Millie to the beach when she was Addie’s age. Or on trips to the park or out for picnics or on camping trips when they’d live in Colorado. And had been around since before then; the edges frayed, holes patched together with messy stitching, the colors faded. Sometimes she wonders just what that blanket has seen; the history and the memories that those fibres hold. If it had ever been taken on excursions like this with his first family. If his ex wife had sat on the very spot where she sits now nursing their baby, if Austin had ever laid on it when he was Addie’s age or if he had ever been wrapped around his wet and shivering body when there’d been no towel to be had.
She knows it sounds stupid; even thinking about things like that and allowing them to get under her skin. And in the past six and half years the only part of his previous life  she’d ever thought about or they’d ever really discussed was Austin’s illness and eventual death. Even after Sarah had shown up at the hospital following Dhaka, she’d never sat back and thought of the fact he’d been someone else’s husband first. So caught up in spending every waking moment at his bedside and then finding out she was pregnant that everything seemed irrelevant. And normally it doesn’t bother her; the thought of him being with someone else. Hell, he’s been with lots of women by his own admission and she’d never thought twice about it or even cared what or who’d been done prior to her. Aside from Nik.  His past is just that. In the same way hers is.  But when your father in law –sick or not- constantly refers to you by the ex-wife's name despite the fact it’s been sixteen years and the two of you look nothing alike, it tends to weigh you down.
She tries to put it out of her mind, concentrating on the baby pressed to her chest as she feeds, and Millie twenty yards away already making friends.
“I don’t know how she does it,” she comments. “Everywhere we go it’s like this.”
Tyler lies on his stomach beside her, a cheek resting on the forearm he’d been using as a pillow. And he raises his head and glances over his shoulder to where his daughter is sitting in the wet sand, playing and animatedly conversing with other kids.  
“Give it a few minutes,” he says. “She’ll punch one of them in the face and that’ll be the end of it.”
Esme frowns.
“She’s like you,” he says with a yawn, and rests his back down on his arm, face turned towards her.
“I don’t punch people in the face five minutes after I meet them.”
“I don’t mean that. I mean she’s social. She makes friends easily. People are drawn to her. It’s the same way with you.”
“I was paid to be that way.”
“You can’t fake shit like that. People either like you or they don’t. It was just a plus that it made it easier to sweet talk and manipulate them afterwards.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or...”
“I mean it worked on me didn’t it,” he chides.
“You’re such an ass sometimes,” she complains, but there’s a smile on her face as she leans down to place a chaste on his lips.
“You think you’d be used to that after almost seven years.”
“I obviously am. I’m still here, aren’t I.”
“Yeah...”  he grins and reaches out to lay a hand on her thigh. “You are. For some goddamn reason you’re still around. And I’m still putting up with it.”
“You’d be miserable if I suddenly wasn’t around anymore. Well, more miserable than you already are,” she teases, and then gives a small yelp and directs a kick in his direction when he pinches the inside of her thigh.  
Rolling over onto his back, he groans at the stiffness in his shoulders and neck as he props himself up on his elbows, knee audibly cracking when he stretches out his legs.
“Baby, every day your body is making more and more noise.” she comments, and while it’s meant to be playful, he can hear the concern that tinges the words.
“You think the noises are bad, you should feel what it’s like to be in this body.”
He’s been pushing himself too hard in the gym; extending hour and a half work out to nearly three. More work than he’d put into getting into the shape he’s in now. He’s already thirty pounds heavier than he’d been in Dhaka; shoulders and chest wider, arms bigger, calves and thighs more powerful.  He’s the most confident he’s been in years; physically he knows he’s up to any challenge that he could face IF he has to go get back into the game. The skills never leave you; they’ll come back quicker and sharper than ever once he trains Ovi.  His worry is his mental state; if his brain will be able to handle the strain and the pace and the things he’ll have to resort to in order to stay alive.
“She’s more like you than you realize,” Tyler says, as he watches Millie with her new friends; smiling at the sound of her laugh and the sight of her smile.
“Oh please,” Esme laughs. “Where do you see this? Because she is all you. Head to toe. You even have the same ears and the same feet. Never mind the facial expressions and the attitude.”
“There’s a lot of you in here. I see it more every day. How easy she trusts people and makes new friends. And never mind how fucking smart she is. She’s scary almost. That she’s THAT smart.”
“She’s the perfect mix of both of us, I guess. Everything that’s amazing in you and everything that’s amazing in me. Although I think we both know where she got all her bad stuff from.”
He stares at her pointedly.
“As if Tyler. She totally got her asshole side from you. You can’t convince me otherwise. Where do you think she got her temper and her mouth from?”
“And luckily for her, she got the looks from me too.”
“You’re such a fucker,” Esme laughs, and flicks her thumb and forefinger against his earlobe. “Are you calling me ugly?”
“Never. Look how beautiful Addie is and she looks just like you.”
She smirks. “That was an extremely good save on your part.”
“You know you’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me, baby. There’s no one that can come close to you and you know that.”
She does. It’s one of the things he’s always been good at ; making her feel like she’s the most incredible woman on the face of the earth. Always finding ways to let her know how beautiful she is in his eyes. It could be in his eyes when he simply looks at her; whether she’s dressed up with makeup on or it’s five thirty in the morning and her hair is a half assed ponytail and yesterday’s eyeliner is smudges and she already has baby puke on her pajamas. Or the little compliments he tosses if when she’s least expecting it, or how he kisses and touches her when their love making is slow and tender and he spends his time worshipping every inch of her body.  There’s never a time where she hasn’t felt unattractive in his eyes. Even when she’s constantly bringing attention to all her faults and blemishes.
“And I would be miserable,” he says. “If you weren’t around anymore.”
He hates thinking about it; what it would be like if -for some unknown and horrible reason- he found himself as a single father to give kids. And it’s been weighing heavier on his mind since Michael McMann had revealed all of the sick and twisted things he would have done to her before killing her. It has only added insult to injury; for years he’s been carrying around the secret of the real details behind Gaspar’s five million dollar offer and what Asif had had in store for her. Some of things are just better left unsaid, and it’s a burden he’s willing to carry for the rest of his life.
“You’re that used to me, are you?” She chides, attempting to inject a little humour into a suddenly tense situation. She knows how his brain works; the wheels that start turning when he begins to dwell on the ‘what if’s’.  And she hates the way his smile disappears and his features harden and eyes darken.  “You’ve gotten that spoiled? Having someone do your laundry, clean up after you, put out whenever you want.”
That manages to get a grin out of him, and he rolls over onto his side, pressing a kiss to her thigh before resting on his elbow, side of head in his palm.
“That’s your bad shoulder,” she points out.
“It’s fine. Hardly bothering me today.”
“And by hardly bothering you, you mean on a pain scale of one to ten, you’re at a twelve instead of...I don’t know...a hundred.”
“You worry too much.”
“Oh I’m sorry. I’m sorry I care about you and want you to be okay. I’m sorry that I’d you to live past fifty. That I’d like us to grow old and gray together and constantly drive one another instead until I take my last breath.”
“A bad shouldn’t isn’t going to kill me.”
“You said yourself it’s getting worse.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s going to put me in an early grave. So stop…” he reaches across his body with his free hand and rubs her knee, kissing her thigh once more. “I’m fine. I’ll get it looked at as soon as this shit with Ovi is done. I promise.”
“You’re so goddamn stubborn,” she huffs.
“So you tell me. Every single day. For the past almost seven years. I’m fine...honest…” his hand rests on her legal fingers brushing against the smooth, sensitive skin at the back of her knee. “If there was something really wrong, I’d tell you.”
“You would?”
His eyes fix on hers.
“Don’t give me that look,” Esme scolds. “Don’t use those eyes against me. You know they’re my weakness.”
“I thought your weakness was my back and shoulders.”
“The eyes are what get me the most. And the easiest. How do you think you managed to seduce me as easily as you did?”
He gives a sly grin. “I thought it had something to do with the hand I had around your throat.”
“You’re dirty.”
“You like it.”
She just grins.
“You don’t have to admit it. You’ve made it pretty obvious. I mean, we don’t have five kids for nothing.”
“We could have made them all through boring old vanilla sex,” she points.
“Only we know we didn’t, so…” her rolls onto his stomach once more, attempting to relieve some of the discomfort in his joints. And he drapes an arm over her thighs, side of his head once again resting on a forearm.
And he closes his eyes; the calmest he’s been all day with the sun beating down on his tired and aching body, relaxed by the sound of the ocean and the feel of her skin against his.
“Are we going to talk about it?” Esme inquires.
“About what?” Tyler mumbles sleepily.
“About what happened today. On the way to your dad’s.”
“It was a panic attack,” he states matter-of-factly.
“I know that.”
“I’ve had them before. You’ve been with me for most of them.”
“And I know that too.”
“I thought we got past it. It was only a few minutes and…”
“Forty five.”
His eyes flicker open. “What?”
“It was forty five minutes.”
Tyler frowns. Had it really been that long? Time hadn’t seemed to drag that slow. He would have swore it was ten minutes, tops. Not closer to sixty.  “Are you sure?”
“I timed it. From the time you got out of the truck and when you got back in. It was forty five minutes.”
“That has to be some kind of record,” he dryly remarks.
“This isn’t a joke, Tyler. They’re getting worse. They’re getting more intense and they’re lasting longer and…”
“I’m taking the meds if that’s what you’re going to ask next. I haven’t skipped any days.”
“Maybe you need to be on different meds,” Esme suggests, as she peeks under the edge of the receiving blanket that protects Addie from the sun. She’s fallen asleep mid feed and her mother runs a finger tip along the bottom of both feet to tickle her awake. And the baby gives a small start and then returns to eating. “Stronger meds.”
“I don’t want to be on any meds.”
“Well that’s not an option, is it. What is going on with you, Tyler? Ever since this whole Ovi thing. You’ve just been...I don’t know...off.”
“Do we have to talk about this now? Here? Can’t we wait until we get home?”
“There’s people at our house.”
“There’s people here too,” he points out.
“Strangers. Who aren’t even listening.”
“I already told you. The shit with Ovi’s brought a lot up to the surface. Things I haven’t thought about since we left Colorado. About the job.”
“And the fact you miss it.”
“Are we going to fight? If we’re going to fight, let’s just stop now, yeah? Because I do not want to fight with you. Especially about this.”
“I don’t want to fight with you either. But that hurt. Hearing that. Hearing you say you miss it and you’d rather be out there than home with your family.”
“First of all…” he pushes himself up onto his elbows. “...that is not what I said. I did not say I’d rather be doing the job than be with you and the kids. I’d never fucking say that. I said I miss it sometimes. Not that I want to go back to it. That’s the last fucking thing I want.”
“How can you miss it and not want to go back? That makes no sense.”
“It’s not the actual job I miss. It’s the pace of things. Constantly moving from one thing to the next. No time to think too much and dwell on shit. Now I have too much time to think and it’s doing my fucking head in and I feel like I’m going insane. I went from that to this…” he nods in Addie’s direction. “...and it’s two entirely different things and I’m having a harder time dealing with it than I thought I would.”
“Do you regret it? Going from that to this?”
“Of course I don’t. All that matters to me is you and the kids. You know that. But sometimes I miss the way things were. Not the beating the shit out of people, not the blood, not the killing, not the crazy shit. Just the pace. That’s it.”
“The escape of it.”
“Yeah. I don’t know. I guess. I can’t explain it. I just know how it feels. Do I want to go back to it? Fuck no. I have way too much to lose.”
“Would you go back if there was no me?”
“Esme, I never would have stopped doing it. And if there was no you, I’d be dead. So that question doesn’t even make sense. If there was no you, I would have died in Dhaka. That’s not a maybe. That’s a sure thing.”
“And if I was to say that I’d be okay with it if…”
“But you wouldn’t be,” Tyler doesn’t give her the chance to finish. “So why even ask that?”
“Because if it’s the only thing that’s going to keep you happy and sane…”
“You’re not listening to a word I’m saying. I am happy. With you and the kids. I’m happy with my life. I’m just having a hard time letting go of who I was before.  Just because I miss it sometimes doesn’t mean I want to go back. The job was an escape, like you said. From my shitty fucking life. If I hadn’t had the job, I would have killed myself a long time ago. But now I have you and I have my kids and that’s all I want. I just need time; to let this go. And I need you to stop taking it personally. This isn’t about you and I, this isn’t about the kids. It’s all about me.”
She nods slowly, considering his words. And neither speak for several minutes; her eyes fixated on Millie and her new friends as they laugh and splash in the water, his eyes intently watching her.  Chewing nervously on her bottom lip and fidgeting with a loose thread on the edge of the receiving blanket; eyes hidden behind the sunglasses she’d stolen off him earlier.
“If going back is what you need to do, then…” she shrugs. “...you need to do it, I guess.”
“I already said I’m not going back. I don’t want to go back. Why…?”
“If the job is what’s going to keep you sane, you need to do it. Because I don’t want you staying home and then finding out six months later or a year later or two years later than you were unhappy the entire time. Because that will turn into a lot of regret and a lot of animosity and I don’t want that. Because that will destroy us. A lot quicker than the job will.”
“Fuck me…” he groans, and rakes a hand through his hair. “Are you even listening to me? I don’t want to go back. You’re assuming I do because I said I missed it. I gave it up. To be with you. To be with my kids. I walked away. For you. For us. And now you’re telling me it's okay I go back and abandon my family like all the times I did before. That makes no fucking sense.”
“I just want you to be happy,” she explains. “And if that’s what makes you happy.”
“For fuck sakes,” Tyler snarls. “That’s not what makes me happy. You make me happy. Our kids make me happy. Not the job. Fuck the job. All I said was that sometimes I miss it. The pace. The not having time to sit and overthink shit and dwell on everything. That’s all I said.”
“I don’t know what more to do,” she confesses, sounding dangerously close to tears. “I don’t know how else to help you. And it just seems easier if I just give up and you back. Because I’d rather you do that and things go back to somewhat normal than see you going through what you’re going through now. Mauve that was our ‘normal’.  The job. You being gone so much and me just dealing with it.”
“None of that is normal,” Tyler argues. “That’s a fucked up version of normal.”
“But it worked.”
“Until it didn’t. Until things really started to go to shit in New Zealand. Or are we just going to pretend that never happened?”
She sighs heavily.
“It was my decision to leave. I gave it up. Willingly. Because I couldn’t do it anymore. Because I was sick all the bullshit that came with it. I was tired of leaving you and the kids and constantly worrying about whether I was going to make it home or not. And I know you don’t want to think about that every time I walk out the door; whether or not I’m coming back.”
“That’s the last thing I want. But…”
“How can there be a ‘but’? How is this making any sense to you? The job would only make things worse.”
“I could learn to deal with,” Esme insists. “And I did deal with it.”
“Until you couldn’t anymore and you kicked my ass out. Or did you forget about that? Six months, remember? We were apart six months and I was a fucking mess. All I did was work and drink and fuck things up with you and my kids. I’m not going through that again. And you shouldn’t want to either.”
“It wouldn’t get that bad this time. We wouldn’t let it. There were other things going on then, too. Not just the job. You went back to drinking and the meds, and it all mixed together and it was a complete and utter shit show. But this time…”
“It’s a stupid fucking idea and you know it and I can’t believe you’d even bring it up. Like what the fuck, Esme?”
“So what do we do? Because I am all out of ideas, Tyler. I don’t know what more I can do to help you deal with whatever you’re dealing with. I get you miss it. I do. And I knew it would be hard for you  to walk away; it was a huge change in your life. But there’s many things going on and you’re keeping them inside and I don’t know how to get through to you.”
“So you just want to give up? Just say ‘fuck it, go back to the job and get yourself killed’? Because that’s what it sounds like. That you’re giving up. On me. On us.”
“I am not giving up,” she argues. “If the job is the one thing that can actually keep everything together…”
“Esme…” he sighs heavily, then closes his eyes briefly, hand splayed across his forehead; thumb rubbing at one temple, fingers working at the other. “...it’s what nearly destroyed us before. What makes you think this time would be any different?”
“Because this time I’m telling you I’m okay with it. If you feel it’s what you need to do, I’m fine with it. I’m giving you my permission. It’s not like you’re just going ahead and making the decision on your own like last time.”
“No. You’re making the decision for me. You’re deciding it’s the only way to fix things and I’m telling you it’s not the answer.”
“So what is?”
“I don’t fucking know,” he snaps, voice louder and much harsher than he’d intended it to be. And he sits up turning his body to face the water, their shoulders pressed together. “The job is not the answer,” he insists. “I don’t know what is, but it’s not that. I won’t survive if I go back. I already know that. Not with everything else that’s going on.”
An eyebrow lifts. “Everything else? What…?”
“There’s something I need to tell you. And I should have told you soon as it started. But we just had Addie and you were going through your own shit and I didn’t want to add to it and make things worse for you.”
“Oh God,” she grumbles. “How bad is it?”
“It’s pretty bad.”
“Are you having an affair?”
“What?” He gives an incredulous laugh. “No. Fuck no. That is the last thing I’d ever do. I’m not a cheater. You know that.”
“So it’s worse than that?”
“Yeah...I guess...in its own way.”
“Tyler, what have you done?”
“It’s pretty fucked up and you’re going to be pissed or disgusted or both. I don’t know.”
“I started about a week ago. When Ovi brought all this job shit up. I didn’t think much of it at first. Because I’ve had weak moments before. You know that. That there’s times I’ve felt like I was slipping.”
“With alcohol.”
He nods. “That day we went out for lunch. That place he picked was a sports bar.”
“Please tell me you didn’t…”
“Drink? No. I didn’t. But I could smell it. I could even taste it. So I just got away from it the best I could and I never thought about it again the entire time I was there.”
“Okay, so you had a weak moment. That’s not unusual. Even the doctor said…”
“I thought that’s all it was. I’ve had them before. Where I thought I wanted to drink; something to just take the edge off. But then it started getting worse and worse and started thinking about it all the time. Especially when the nightmares started. And suddenly I couldn’t control it. The need for it. Especially after last night.”
“Tyler…” she inhales deeply and exhales slowly, attempting to keep her composure.  “...what did you do?”
“Nothing. I wanted to, but I didn’t. But I was so close, Esme. I was so fucking close. To actually leaving the house and finding a way to get it. And not just the booze. The meds too. The Oxy. I was so fucking close,” his voice falters; a mixture of shame and defeat. It’s the first time he’s actually let the addiction beat him. For months he’s been battling it. Confidently. And although there’d been times he felt as if he were slipping, he’d always been able to shake it. Now he feels as if he’s drowning; addiction pulling him down and refusing to let him go unless he surrenders.  
And that’s the last thing he wants.
“Even the Oxy?”
He can hear it in her voice; the emotion that weighs down every word. And he closes his eyes in a vain attempt to hold back the flood of tears that threaten to escape. “Yeah…” he admits. “...even those.”
“Why? Why all of a sudden? Why…?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never thought of them before. It’s always been just the booze. And then nightmares about Austin and Millie started and then last night about my mum and my dad when I was just a kid and the pain…” he shakes his head. “...I’m in so much fucking pain. All the time. And I don’t know if it’s physical or mental or what the fuck it is. I just know I need something...anything...to just take it away.”
She places Addie in the middle of the blanket and moves closer to him; on her knees as she wraps an arm around his shoulders and then places her free hand on the side of his head, drawing it down towards her.
“Don’t..” he objects. “...people are fucking staring.”
“So? Fucking let them. Who cares?” Her fingers are in his hair; tips massaging his scalp. And he circles her waist with both arms and rests his forehead against her shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to. I just couldn’t. Not when you’ve already got so much else going on. Not when you’ve got your own issues and your own shit to deal with. I didn’t want to make things worse.”
“It would have made it worse...so much worse...had you gone ahead and started back up again. That would have been the worst possible thing that could have happened. You should have told me.”
“I thought I could just deal with it on my own. I’ve done it before.”
“But you shouldn’t have to deal with it alone. And you don’t have to. Jesus Christ, Tyler. You have to stop doing this.  Keeping everything inside of you. This doesn’t just affect you. You’re an addict. You’ll always be an addict. You’re always going to have to fight. You can’t just go back on that shit and then come off it and over and over again.  It doesn’t work like that.”
“I know. I know it doesn’t.”
“You need to tell someone. The therapist. The doctor. Someone.”
“I’m telling you.”
“Someone can actually help you. I can only do so much. I can help you and talk you down and get you away from it, but eventually that’s not going to work anymore. You need help. Professional help.”  
“So they can send me back to rehab? Weeks away from my family?”
“You haven’t actually relapsed. They wouldn’t send you there unless you did. But they can stop you from needing to go back. That’s what you want, right? You don’t actually want to be that way again, do you?”
“Of course I don’t. But that’s all I know. That’s how I coped. The meds and the booze. I don’t know anything else.”
“And that’s what they’ll help you with. Finding ways to cope. You’re not the first person that’s come to them with this, trust me.”
“I feel like a huge fucking failure. Like I’m just one big fuck up after another.”
“First of all, you’re not a failure. People relapse. It happens. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. And second, you’re not a fuck up. You’re strong and you’re brave and…”
“Stop...just stop...stop saying that shit…”
You’re strong and you’re brave,” she adamantly continues. “And you’ve been through so much in the past seven years alone. Things that would have easily killed a weaker person. You’ve been through hell and back and you still don’t give up. So you stop. You stop shit talking yourself all the time. You are not a failure and you’re not weak and you’re definitely not a quitter.”
“I swear to God if you tell me not to let anyone dull my sparkle…”
She laughs at that. “Well, your beard does still have glitter in it.  I meant to tell you earlier and I never got around to it and you’ve been walking around looking a little sparkly today.”
“What the fuck…” he pulls away, running a palm over his beard and then frowning at the glitter that sparkles against his skin. “...are you fucking kidding me?”
“I told you that shit gets everywhere. And it takes forever to get it out. I mean, it’s not a bad color on you at least.”
“I’m going to have to shave the whole thing off.”
“Like hell you are. It will come out. Eventually.”
He frowns. “How long is eventually?”
“Two or three…”
“Weeks? Months? I don’t know.”
“Jesus Christ..”
“It’s not that bad,” Esme assures him. “Honest. It’s only a little bit here and there. And someone will only notice it if they get really close to your face. Or when the sun hits it just right.”
“It’s coming off,” he decides. “As soon as we get home.”
“Does it help if I tell you it looks cute?”
“That makes it fucking worse!”
“Don’t shave your beard off. Not all the way. Trim it if you have to. But don’t get rid of it entirely. I’ll cry. Ugly cry. And you don’t when I ugly cry, so…”
“I hate when you ugly cry.”
“Exactly. And I’ll ugly cry times ten if you shave your beard right off. And I’ll ever have sex with you again. Ever. You’ll have tons of calluses on your palms in one month alone.”
“I already have calluses,” he reminds her.
“You’ll have more. A lot more. Tons. Because I will cut you off and I will not give in and I know you won’t go and get it somewhere else so...yeah...callouses.”
“First you were upset about the hair. Now it’s the beard.”
“I caved in with the hair. And I still miss that hair. But I’m not giving in when it comes to this. I don’t care if you trim it. Just don’t get rid of it. It’s how I know you. How I’ve always known you. It’s like a security blanket for me. So don’t…” she pecks his lips. “...please?”
“You are so fucking lucky I love you.”
“I am,” she agrees. “And we’re going to get through this. Everything that you’re going through. We’ve gotten through a lot worse. IF we can survive that first year after Dhaka, I’m pretty sure we get through anything.”
“I still have to do this shit for Ovi. And if he fucks up…”
“Anything,” she insists, and kisses him again. Longer this time; holding his face in her hands. “You’re not in this alone, Thyler. You need to remember that.”
“I know.”
“And Millie’s on her way over here…”  she removes the sunglasses from her face and slips them over his eyes, preventing their daughter from seeing him close to tears.
She knows daddy cries; that a lot of daddies cry. And that it doesn’t make them weak or ‘girly’. But she’s fiercely protective of him and when he shows emotion, she can’t hold back her own water works.
“You are soaked, little miss.” Esme frowns. “I hope daddy remembered to pack that change of clothes I asked him to put in the car before we left.”
“I’ve got my shit together,” Tyler confirms. “Do you have to…” he begins, then groans when Millie not only tackles him onto his back, but plops down heavily on his lower stomach. “...jump on me.”
“Now daddy’s all wet,” Esme sighs. “And I know he doesn’t have a change of clothes.”
“It’s not that,” he speaks through gritted teeth. “Do you know where she just landed? And how hard she landed on it?”
“I think your voice just went up five  octaves,” his wife teases. “Are you okay?”
“No. No I’m not. Remember that frozen bag of peas?  I think I’m going to need another one when we get home.”
“Listen buddy, I’ve pushed five kids out my you know where, I don’t want to hear it.”
“I’m suddenly feeling really bad about kicking Saju in the nuts in Dhaka. Millie, you know how you said you didn’t want another brother?”
“Yep,” she responds.
“I’m pretty certain you just made sure that’s not even remotely possible anymore.”
“Mommy will have to kiss it better later,” Esme says, tousling his hair and then tending to buckling Addie into her carrier.
“You’re damn right you will. It’s your daughter that did this.”
“Oh so now she’s just my daughter. That’s not how it works. We went fifty-fifty on her. You put in ten minutes of work, I put in nine months.”
“Ten minutes my ass. It’s never been only ten minutes. Especially during those five days.”
“Are you going to be okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?”
Tyler flips her the middle finger. “You should give it mouth to mouth.”
“You’re a pig.”
“You’re the one who offered to kiss it better. Millie…” he grabs her by the hips and moves her off of him. “...you used to be my favorite. Why you do me like this?”
“Ice cream would make you feel better,” she concludes.
“What am I going to do? Put it down my pants?”
“Stop it,” Esme scolds. “Little ears! And you, Amelia, are right. Ice cream would make daddy feel better. And so would buying ice cream. For us.”
“Millie’s walking home, just so you know,” Tyler grumbles, as he struggles to his feet; hobbled more by the pain in his knee than the damage his daughter had inflicted.
“No I’m not!” she argues, and then shrieks when he grabs her by the hips and holds her over his head, settling her on his shoulder. “I’m not walking.”
“You can jog beside the truck. I’ll drive slow.”
“I don’t think so daddy,” she wraps her legs around his neck and rests her chin on top of his head. “Mommy would never let you make me jog.”
“Mommy can jog with you.”
“Like hell she can,” Esme scoffs. “Only time I’m running or jogging is if zombies are chasing me.”
“Zombies aren’t real,” Millie informs her.
“I don’t know,” Tyler says. “Have you ever seen your mother at five thirty in the morning? Ow! Shit!” He grimaces when his wife grabs a hold of the top of his left hip and pinches as hard as she can. “That actually hurt.”
“I could take you,” she informs him.
“Yeah? Let’s go right now. Me and you. One on one,” he playfully challenges, and grabbing a hold of her ponytail, gives it a firm tug.
“You shit!” she retorts, and retaliates by kicking him in the ass.
“You’re so lucky you didn’t go for the front like the savage I know you are,” Tyler grins, then snags her by the wrist and pulls her tight into his side. Hand settling on her hip, lips finding her temple. And her own hand briefly rests on the small of his back, then slips its way into the pocket of his jeans.
For that moment, everything seems right in the world. And he feels optimistic. About fighting his demons.
About the future.
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xxcorndogxx · 4 years
Sandor Clegane x Reader||Chapter Ten
I retreat down to the other soldiers. I take orders and do as much as I can. The Hound stands with the king as usual. The archer's fire. Tyrion says something to him and he walks away. He comes down to us.
"Let's go, Stannis is sending us fresh meat." He orders.
I follow as close behind him as I can. He's so brave. We can hear the men outside the gate. Some dying, some charging. The gates open.
"If any man dies with a clean sword." Sandor starts.
"I'll rape his fucking corpse!" He shouts.
He shoves one man forward. I slip around him. My sword drawn. A man charges at me. He moves so much all I have to do is stick my sword out to kill him. He falls. I pull my sword out and dodge another man's attack. My sword meets his. He hooks his blade under my helm. I push his blade up before he can slit my throat. In the process lightly cutting my cheek and removing my helm. It falls to the ground as my hair flows free.
"A woman." He says.
I take his moment of shock to push my blade into his skull. I continue to fight. It's much easier when you can see properly. I watch as Sandor slices a man almost completely in half. A man comes for me and I dodge his swing. I stick my blade through his gut. Sandor kicks another man down. A larger man comes at me.
"Little girl." He laughs.
He puts up a good fight. I cut the back of his leg and kick it, pushing him to his knees. I drive my sword through his chest. I place my foot on his chest and push him back off my blade. His blood splattering on my face. I look at Sandor and he's looking at me. Shit. But the sound of shouting catches his attention. He stands still as a man on fire comes running at him. The fear on his face. Before I can get to him Bronn does. He kills him. I swing my blade around dodging the two men ganging up on me. I kick one down and fight off the other. I manage to slit his throat. The other grabs my ankle and I stomp on his face. My face probably showing a look of pure anger and enjoyment as I cry out pounding my foot down repeatedly until he stops moving. I see Sandor storming over to me. He takes my arm. The men all follow back inside. He pulls me aside.
"What the fuck are you doing out here, girl?" His brows furrowed in anger.
"I wasn't going to sit in some room praying with the rest of the women to some god who couldn't give to shits about me. Let alone bring you back to me. I wanted you to come back so I decided to go out and fight for you myself!" I explain. "I wanted to fight for you. I'm not going to trust in some fucker in the sky to bring you back to me when I can get you myself."
He loosens his grip on my arm and pulls me to his chest.
"You dumb cunt. You could have gotten killed."
"You saw me, I can handle myself."
"Aye, I don't think I've ever been more turned on, watching you stomp that man's head into the ground." He growls in my ear.
"The next time I get the chance, girl. I'm going to have to fuck you so hard you'll have no choice but to beg me to carry you because your legs won't work when I'm done pounding your tight little cunt."
I almost moan at his words. He asks for a drink. He spits it out.
"Fuck the water, brings me wine."
He undoes the lid with his teeth. I follow him as he walks. Tyrion speaks up.
"Can I get you some iced milk, and a nice bowl of raspberries, too?" He taunts.
"Eat shit, dwarf." He grumbles.
"You're on the wrong side of the wall." Tyrion states.
"I lost half my men." He explains. "The Blackwater's on fire."
"Dog, I command you to go back out there and fight." Joffrey orders.
He sounds like a spoiled child. Sandor looks down at me.
"You're Kingsguard, Clegane." Tyrion starts. "You must beat them back or they're going to take this city."
I bite my lip and he looks up taking a swig from the wine.
"You're king's city."
Sandor takes a moment. I lace my fingers in his. He grips my hand.
"Fuck the Kingsguard." He states.
What is he doing?
"Fuck the city." He continues.
Is he really doing this right now? He looks up at Joffrey.
"Fuck the king."
For a moment Joffrey looks actually hurt. He drags me along behind him. We jog up the corridor stairs.
"Sandor," I speak.
"Sandor!" I shout tugging on his arm.
He stops and turns to me.
"What, girl?" He grumbles.
I say nothing only reach up pressing my lips to his. His kiss is full of so much pent up frustration. His metal hands clanking against my armor. He pulls my body close to his. He takes control and his tongue dominates my mouth. My knees feel so weak I could melt. This man. He does things to me. He stops and takes my hands. He drags me to my chambers.
"Get what you need, I'll go find Sansa." He hurries off.
I don't have much I need really. I find my handmaiden though.
"My lady!"
"I'm leaving," I explain.
"With Sandor, we're going away, I need you to stay here. Be safe. That's my final order, Kristine."
She nods.
"Goodbye, my lady." She cries.
I hug her. I see Sandor in the doorway. I pick up my helm and follow him.
I don't remember much. Only getting shit face drunk with Sandor and passing out. Next thing I know there's a bag over my head and I'm stripped of my armor left in an off white thin shirt and trousers. I have no chest cover so I doubt my nipples are hidden. There's cheering and talking. Smells of alcohol. I'm guessing we're in a tavern.
"That's one uncommonly large person how does one manage to subdue such an uncommonly large person?"
"One waits for him to drink until he passes out."
"Poor man. You have my sympathy."
The sacks are ripped from our heads.
"Aha!" The man exclaims.
"Not a man at all. A hound!" He cries out.
Everyone howls.
"So good to see you again, Clegane." The man starts.
"Thores? The fuck you doing here?" He asks.
"Drinking and talking too much. Same as ever." He laughs.
He stops and looks at me. Sandor follows his gaze.
"And who do we have here?"
His voice scares me a little. My eyes lock with Sandors.
"The Hounds little bitch." One of the men says.
He strokes a hand down my face and his fingers graze over my cut. I bite his hand. I nearly rip his fingers off. He pulls back.
"Such a feisty little cunt."
He looks back at Sandor then at me.
"She's one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. How in seven hells-." He starts.
He walks back to Sandor.
"Did you get such a beautiful little bitch?" He asks.
"I don't even know," Sandor grumbles.
"Why don't you come with me lass?"
"I'm not interested." I scoff.
"And why not?" He asks raising a brow.
"I prefer men, not little fucking cunts like you." I spit.
"She's got that dirty mouth of yours, Hound. You must have some cock to have this bitch wrapped so tightly around it." He says.
"She won't be an easy fuck for my men however this is a pretty prize, lads." Everyone agrees.
"Girl," Sandor calls to the short girl walking passed.
She stops and turns around. It's Arya.
"What in seven hells are you doing with the Stark bitch?" He asks.
That's a good question. How the hell did she get here?
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 238: Shigaraki Tomura: Tattered Goth Remix
Previously on BnHA: Young Shimura Tenko killed his whole family, as angsty young misguided antagonist characters sometimes do, and then proceeded to wander the streets feeling all sad about it until All for One just happened!! to come across him and was all “oh you poor thing it looks like you killed your whole family by accident, let me just adopt you and raise you to be my own personal killing machine.” We got some more flashbacks showing just how this transformation took place, plus some answers about the hands that kind of just raised more questions though tbh, and watched as little Tenko made his first premeditated kill after a number of effed up AFO pep talks. AFO then rechristened him “Shigaraki Tomura”, and we learned that Shigaraki is actually AFO’s own last name. The chapter ended back in the present day, with Tomura reflecting on how his family’s death wasn’t really a tragedy after all and ended up setting him free. We’ll have to agree to disagree, kid, but in the meantime have fun fucking up Re-Destro and dealing with Gigantomachia’s rampage!
Today on BnHA: Re-Destro tries to smash Tomura at 100% and absolutely nothing happens. So then he summons a bunch of robot armor bits like fucking Iron Man, and levels up to 150%! Tomura could not care less, because he’s leveled up to be one of those “yawn, is that all you got?” bad guys now, and while RD desperately tries to intimidate him, we briefly check in with the rest of the League. Everyone is freaking out at how quickly Machia is destroying the Liberation Army, and Compress calls Ujiko and frantically begs him to warp them all to safety. But Ujiko is all “nah” and says he wants to drive Tomura into a corner. Meanwhile Gigantomachia finally takes out Dairy Queen, since Dabi was doing fuckall, and the chapter ends with Tomura possibly killing Re-Destro?? To be honest it’s really unclear. For all I know the dude just dropped dead of a heart attack from all that stress. In fact, now that I’ve typed that, I kind of think that’s what did happen. Anyway! The point is I’m pretty sure the battle is finally over.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added one or two ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.) 
so I mentioned this in an ask post a couple days ago, but this recap is a day late because I was out of town this week. consequently I’m behind on my asks and other things as well (I know, what else is new), so I’m sorry about that!
also! @temperatezone informed me that there’s yet another BnHA spinoff coming out, and that the preview chapter debuted last week! so I went to check it out, and holy shit, it’s a manga all about the U.A. kids teaming up with various pro heroes!!!!??!! between this and the new anime season coming up in just two months (it’ll fly by) and BakuDeku: Heroes Rising coming out in December, I feel like I’m being fucking spoiled with BnHA content. and I didn’t even mention the 2nd light novel which just had its official English translation released last month! so all in all it’s a lot of good stuff, and I desperately want to recap chapter 0 of the new spinoff as soon as possible, but it’ll probably be a few days unfortunately, unless I decide to be very irresponsible and do that instead of the piles of work I should actually be doing. we’ll see which impulses actually win out sob
fortunately Jump is on a break next week if I recall, so that’ll give me some time to catch up. anyway let’s start this thing before I manage to procrastinate anymore! so the new chapter is called “Liberation”, probably after a certain army
and the chapter is picking up where we left off before, with Tomura taking his Father Hand out of his pocket and saying he doesn’t need it or any of his other hands
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maybe the title isn’t referring to the Liberation Army after all! or just one of those cool double meaning things
oooh man
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god but that is satisfying. is there anything more satisfying than seeing a character you’ve been rooting for finally reach out and take control of their own destiny? ahhhh yessss that’s the good shounen shit right there
lol Re-Destro
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he finally scared you into using your ~full power~, huh? punk
don’t mind me I’m just appreciating how much of a total badass my boy here is
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your move, RD. personally if it were me, I wouldn’t want to fuck with him anymore! but hey your funeral bud
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the last few chapters have been so well-drawn that I’m starting to think I was maybe getting spoiled. I wonder if Horikoshi will re-do these later for the volume release
anyway so it seems like what’s happening is that RD is trying to hit Tomura with another Almighty Bitchslap and Tomura is not having any of it, basically
oh wow
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and this isn’t even the Gigantomachia damage. will there be any pieces of this town left larger than a toothpick once all is said and done here?? stay tuned! but the answer is no
so the rest of this two page spread is just more panels showing vague high-contrast images of the destruction. we’re also briefly cutting to Gigantomachia! and to Dabi, who is still fighting Pinkberry, and like, dude, come on. finish him off already
and now the dust is clearing after that latest clash, and would you guys fucking look at this dramatic bitch though omfg
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Shigaraki Tomura: Tattered Goth Remix. you look like the cover of a Bauhaus album. thank god this arc isn’t set somewhere stupidly dark, like, say, a basement
lmao Re-Destro is so mad
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once again I would like to point out that you invited him here, you overconfident dishrag
so now Tomura is casually conversing with him
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Tomura did you burn one right before this battle. you’re so fucking chill all of a sudden. gotta say that if someone had asked me “what do you think it would take to get Shigaraki Tomura to mellow out” before this arc, I probably would not have answered, “hmm, well maybe flashbacks to his horrific childhood and the violent deaths of all of his loved ones”
well at any rate, watching Re-Destro progressively freak out while Tomura makes more (゚⊿゚) faces is my new form of sustenance, guys
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“you seem a bit rattled. a bit ill at ease. perturbed. something’s got you in a tizzy, huh.” ⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃
(ETA: okay but rereading this here, he keeps talking about his heart pounding, and then he goes and summons a fucking robot suit that actually raises his stress on purpose. so like, I don’t know? but I vaguely recall reading a theory on reddit a few weeks ago that RD was going to have a heart attack and it looks like it could really be the case. or not! that last page is really inconclusive.)
and now the Re-Destro flashbacks that absolutely no one asked for! of course!!
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Iida I’m so sorry. all this time I have been teasing you and calling you a 40-year-old man, when this whole time it was actually Re-Destro who Benjamin Buttoned his way from his mother’s womb
is he related to the Alpha Kid from the adventures of the Babysitter’s Club? he can’t not be, right? what else could it be? two characters just happening to vaguely resemble one another in a purely coincidental manner?? are you even hearing yourself?! get out!!
um hey, so what the actual fuck is happening
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lol what. Horikoshi Muriel Kouhei, did you seriously just give this fucker Hulkbuster armor. do you just have a list of Marvel comics tribute shit that you check off as you go
so apparently this suit jacks his power up to one hundred and fifty percent! wowwwwwwww
but meanwhile Tomura is all just
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what would it take to faze new Toked Goth Remix Tomura, I wonder
sob omg
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goddammit now he’s going to want one. Ujiko you’d better get on it
oh my god you guys
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I’m starting to feel really bad about all of these nice Twice clones who are being so helpful and are just going to end up dying in the end omg
also, if someone ever asks you, “should I read BnHA,” you can say, “well that depends, how much do you like scenes of characters with two broken arms getting piggyback rides from other characters?” and they’ll be like, “that’s really specific, does that... happen often,” and you can be like, “well it’s officially happened more than once, so”
like, it’s a whole thing now I guess. also, ouch
anyway so Real!Twice is concerned that Machia is having far too easy of a time kicking names and taking ass, and he’s trying to regroup with the rest of the League
oh my god Compress, seriously?
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League of Ungrateful Sods, is what you guys are. he’s trying to help you guys out!!
lol Dabi you fucking liar
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no you fucking weren’t, you were going to keep fighting him for a million more years. your fight was going to make Goku VS Frieza look like a 15-second Youtube ad. once again, you guys should really be more grateful here
(ETA: why did they even invite Dabi lol. all he did was fight offscreen and have zero (0) flashbacks. fucking tease.)
so now Compress is calling Ujiko and asking him to warp them out of there
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he’s absolutely 100% making this up, right?
lol yeah now even Compress is calling him on it
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right, Compress??
okay now Ujiko is straight up telling him no
oh, this is good you guys
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Ujiko, I don’t know how to tell you this but while you weren’t looking, the dude hopped on a fucking golf cart and drove his own damn self. and now appears to have made himself pretty damn comfortable in that corner too
oh is Halo Top finally about to fucking die??
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the cornerstone?? really?? holy shit, it really is remarkable how thoroughly unprepared these guys actually were in the end
anyway so now more action panels are happening
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did Machia kill him? it looks like he survived but just went flying
and what the hell does Hanabata think he’s actually going to be able to do. drive his van at him? give him encouragement??
anyway I guess we’re wrapping this up now, and we’re cutting back to Tomura who’s saying something extremely cool
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it is kind of like that. except that it’s bullshit
anyway so it looks like he’s touching the ground and using his decay again and holy shit is this it???
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but can you imagine, though?? “one single strike”?! like oh my god, there wasn’t even any fanfare? if he really did just kill him that is pretty much exactly how I would have wanted it to go down tbh
at any rate, it’s safe to say life just got a hell of a lot more dangerous for our Actual Protagonist with this new power-up. shit. oh my god
well I guess that’s it! does that mean this arc is gonna wrap up next chapter. because I’m also going to be away the 16th, so I’ll be a day late in doing that chapter too. I s2g Horikoshi, if you finally cut back to U.A. on a day that I’m not able to read the chapter right away, I will... well actually I’ll be pretty happy regardless, but secretly I will also believe it’s some sort of conspiracy against me. so just know that
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Runnin’ Just in Case - a.i. (2)
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Chapter 1  Fic Playlist
Summary: It wasn’t love he was chasing, but he’s running just in case.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: this chappie gets filthy: daddy kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk (everything I wish I was doing with Ashton)
Words: a whopping 3.5k
The next morning, Ashton woke up to something tickling his feet. He pulled the blankets back and looked down at his feet to see a fat tabby cat licking his toe. “Little too kinky for me, mate.” Ashton said to the cat before getting up. The cat meowed back at him and jumped off the bed. “You’re a friendly fucker, aren’t you?” Ashton mumbled as he pulled his jeans on. He tugged his shirt on and slipped his boots on before walking out of his room, the cat following behind him.
“Morning, Ashton.” Evelyn smiled at Ashton as he came into the dining room.
“Good morning. This cat has been following me all morning.” Ashton said, taking a seat at the table.
“That’s Willie Nelson, he was Bethany’s first purchase with a credit card.” Evelyn patted her lap gently, the cat jumping up quickly.
“Willie Nelson, eh?” Ashton chuckled.
“Hey, dipshit, stop trying to eat my quesadillas!” Bethany yelled from the kitchen. Ashton craned his neck and peeked into the kitchen, watching as Michael reached for Bethany’s food.
“I just want a small bite.” Michael whined, wrapping his arms around Bethany’s waist. She squealed softly as Michael spun her around and pinned her between the cabinets and himself. He smirked down at her as he took a bite of her quesadilla.
“You’re a dick.” Bethany giggled and poked his stomach to push him away. Michael chuckled and grabbed the pan, bringing it out to the dining room.
“Morning, new guy.” Michael smiled and sat at the table. “Have a quesadilla.”
“Uh, thanks.” Ashton said, grabbing a quesadilla slice. “So, have you and Bethany been dating long?”
“Excuse me?” Bethany asked, looking at Ashton. “You think I would date this literal child?”
“I’m older than you, Bethany.” Michael rolled his eyes.
“By a month.” Bethany huffed, sitting at the table. “Willie, come here.” Bethany snapped her fingers and Willie Nelson hopped up on the table. Bethany pulled a piece of chicken out of her quesadilla and set it on the table for him.
“Bethany and I are for sure not dating. She’s like a sister to me, I could never date her.” Michael said.
“You wish I would date you. I’m so great.” Bethany giggled.
“Yeah, you’re something.” Michael rolled his eyes.
“Anyways.” Evelyn cleared her throat. “Why don’t y’all take Ashton out on the 4-Wheelers and show him around the ranch? He’ll need to get familiar with the land.”
“That sounds great. I think Calum is almost done milking the cows, he can join us.” Bethany smiled.
“He’s out there by himself?” Ashton asked.
“He’s sort of a cow whisperer. They misbehave if he’s with other people.” Evelyn explained.
“I’ve been kicked in the ribs countless times.” Michael said, standing up. “Let’s go.” Ashton got up and followed Michael out of the house, Bethany trailing behind them and Willie Nelson trailing behind her. The three of them walked down to the large red barn where Calum was letting the cows back out into the fenced in enclosure.
“Morning, Cal.” Michael said, walking into the milk house.
“Morning.” Calum mused, closing the gate behind the cows.
“We’re gonna take Ashton around the ranch on the 4-Wheelers.” Bethany smiled.
“That sounds like fun.” Calum smiled. “Where are we startin’?”
“The machine shed so we can get the 4-Wheelers, obviously.” Michael laughed and started walking to the large garage. Bethany grabbed a set of keys and handed it to Ashton.
“These go with the red one over there.” She said, pulling the keys back before Ashton could grab them. “That 4-Wheeler belonged to my dad. If you do anything reckless with it, or cause damage in any way, you will be terminated immediately. And, I don’t mean fired.” She stared at him, her blue eyes turning icy.
“O-Okay, I’ll go easy.” Ashton swallowed hard and carefully took the keys. Bethany turned around and walked toward a bright orange 4-Wheeler. Ashton chewed on his lip and walked to the red one, climbing on.
“She actually will kill you, if you do anything to that ATV.” Calum whispered.
“Is it weird that I’m a little turned on by that?” Ashton whispered back and Calum laughed.
“Yes.” He continued laughing as he started his own 4-Wheeler. Ashton chuckled and started the 4-Wheeler, making eye contact with Bethany. She stared at him as she rode out of the garage and onto the gravel path. The four of them rode side by side through the path before stopping at the pigpen.
“Justin Bieber is looking fatter today.” Mike commented, looking at the large pig.
“You named a pig after Justin Bieber?” Ashton asked, looking at the three of them, to which they all nodded.
“Have you ever read a single article about him? He’s a pig.” Bethany said, hopping over the electric wire, Calum quick on her heels. She walked toward the shelter and refilled the trough with milk and spoiled food from the shed.
“It takes two people to do that?” Ashton asked, turning to Michael.
“No, but Bethany’s nervous to be in the pigpen alone. You know, pigs will eat anything. Humans included.” Michael said, watching Calum and Bethany walk back. “Basically, she’s scared of being eaten alive by the pigs.”
“As everyone should be. You remember the guy from Farlington who got a chunk of his leg bit off by his pigs.” Bethany said, getting back on her 4-Wheeler.
“Anyways,” Calum started. “Justin Bieber is our lead sperm producer. All the pigs in there are his offspring, minus the big mama laying in that patch of mud.”
“That pig there looks deformed.” Ashton said, pointing to a small pig in the shelter.
“That’s Quasimodo. He’s got scoliosis, so he’s got a hump.” Mike said. “We’re gonna eat him soon.”
“Y’all are gonna eat him. I’m gonna give him a funeral, like he deserves.” Bethany said, riding off in front of everyone, the rest following. They stopped in a pasture where horses were grazing.
“This is one of two horse pastures.” Calum said. “The other is on the other end of the property.”
“Mine and Luke’s horses are out here. They don’t get along with the other horses, so they’re exiled out here.” Bethany said.
“Where is Luke today?” Ashton asked.
“He’s got his own farm to worry about. He usually comes in the afternoon.” Mike explained, turning off his 4-Wheeler. Ashton nodded and did the same, getting off his own.
“This is my horse, Faith Hill. And, Luke’s horse, Tim McGraw.” Bethany smiled and rubbed the nose of her horse.
“Are these horses mates?” Ashton asked.
“No, they despise each other.” Calum chuckled. “They just don’t fight each other like they do with the other horses.”
“A horse is only as temperamental as their rider.” Mike said, smirking at Bethany.
“No wonder your horse is a dick.” Bethany said, crossing her arms.
“Let’s keep moving. Tim McGraw looks like he wants to kick someone in the stomach.” Calum said, getting on his 4-Wheeler. The four of them rode off, stopping at the cows, goats, sheep, and alpacas before reaching the other horse pasture. Ashton got off his 4-Wheeler and looked out at the creek running through the pasture and then out at the horizon.
“I bet you never get used to this view.” Ashton mused, awestruck by the country.
“I wouldn’t give up this view for anything.” Bethany smiled, hopping off her 4-Wheeler, Calum and Michael doing the same.
“There’s no place better.” Calum grinned, walking over to a black stallion. “Wouldn’t you agree, Garth Brooks?”
“Are all of the horses named after celebrities?” Ashton asked, turning to look at the horses.
“The horses, yes.” Michael nodded. “Calum’s is Garth Brooks, mine is Dolly Parton.” He chuckled and walked over to the golden horse.
“That auburn one is my mom’s horse, Jo Dee Messina. The sad gray one was my dad’s horse, Toby Keith.” Bethany pointed as she named.
“What about that one with the braided mane?” Ashton asked, pointing to the horse drinking from the creek.
“That one doesn’t have a name yet. Dave was the only one he’d get close to, so we haven’t been able to do much with him.” Calum sighed. Ashton nodded and slowly walked toward the horse.
“You look like a Billy Currington to me.” Ashton smiled, holding his hand out to the horse. He stared at Ashton’s hand for a solid minute before getting close enough to sniff him. Everyone watched in stunned silence as the horse nuzzled its nose against Ashton’s palm. “Billy Currington, for sure.” Ashton smiled, scratching the horse’s neck gently.
“What the actual fuck.” Bethany said, her jaw dropping.
“I have a way with horses.” Ashton chuckled and picked an apple from the ground, feeding it to Billy Currington.
“Not gonna say that turns me on, but I’m feeling some type of way right now.” Bethany said, getting back on her 4-Wheeler.
“God, Bethany, shut up.” Michael laughed, getting on his.
“You guys go on.” Ashton laughed softly. “Billy and I are gonna hang out for a bit.”
“You gonna be able to find your way to the house?” Calum asked.
“I can see the house from here, I’ve got it.” Ashton smiled. “Thanks, though.” Calum nodded and climbed onto his 4-Wheeler, riding away with Michael and Bethany.
By the time Ashton got back to the house, Luke had shown up at the house. “I hear you got the stubborn one to eat out of your hand.” Luke smiled at him.
“More than that.” Ashton smiled. “We rode down the road a ways to the lake.” Ashton said and Evelyn choked a little on her water.
“You went to the lake?” She looked at him.
“Ashton, you can never go back to the lake.” Mike looked at him, shaking his head. “That’s Atkins’ land.”
“Who?” Ashton asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“We’ve been rivals for over 150 years. If they find out one of ours was on their land, they’d literally sue us. You have to avoid them and their property at all costs.” Bethany explained.
“Oh.. Okay.” Ashton nodded. Evelyn sighed softly and stood up from her barstool.
“I need to make a pie for tonight.” She walked away from the group to the kitchen.
“There’s a barn dance tonight in town.” Calum looked at Ashton. “Did your old town have barn dances?”
“No, but the town over did. I’ve only been to a handful.”
“Well, you’ll go to a lot more out here.” Luke said, nodding slowly. “We usually ride our horses in because cops don’t care if you’re on a horse while drunk.”
“We typically get absolutely trashed at barn dances.” Calum chuckled.
“Barn dances here have a DJ, so the music is a little higher quality. The older generations are bitter that we don’t have an actual band anymore, but I prefer the DJ.” Bethany smiled, nudging Michael.
“Does that mean you’re the DJ?” Ashton chuckled, looking at Michael.
“That’s right, I am. I take requests for only a dollar fifty.”
“He takes mine for free.” Bethany giggled softly and leaned into him.
“Are y’all sure you’re not dating?” Ashton raised an eyebrow at the two of them.
“Hundred percent.” Bethany nodded, kissing Michael’s cheek before walking down the hall to her room.
After dinner was eaten and dishes were done, everyone walked down to the horse pastures. Luke and Bethany going the opposite way. “So, what do you think of Ashton?” Luke asked her as they walked.
“I know what you’re on about, and you need to stop.” Bethany warned, crossing her arms.
“I see the way you look at him, buddy. You like him.” Luke smirked, bumping his elbow into hers.
“I do not like him.” Bethany denied, staring straight ahead.
“Bethany, it’s okay to like him. He’s a pretty cool guy.” Luke shrugged. “You know, he plays guitar and drums?”
“Why are you telling me that?” She asked, finally looking at him.
“Because, I know you have a thing for musicians.” Luke smirked.
“You’re literally so annoying.” Bethany groaned, grabbing the saddle for her horse.
“I think you should fuck him.” Luke shrugged, grabbing his own.
“Lucas!” Bethany gasped, throwing a brush at him. “What is wrong with you?”
“What?” Luke laughed and rubbed his arm where the brush hit. “It’s been a while since you’ve been thoroughly fucked, and it shows.”
“Oh, my God. Stop talking before I actually murder you.” Bethany shook her head and tightened the saddle on Faith Hill.
“Just keep it in mind.” Luke smiled and did the same for Tim McGraw. The two of them rode out to the others on the gravel road.
“Bethany, you look ready to commit a crime.” Calum chuckled, riding up next to her.
“Luke told me that I haven’t been thoroughly fucked lately and suggested I fuck Ashton, so I am ready to commit a crime. The crime is murder.” Bethany said, huffing quietly.
“Well, he’s right about you not being thoroughly fucked. However, I think it’s a little soon to be fucking the new farmhand.” Calum nodded.
“God, why do you guys think I haven’t been fucked?” Bethany rolled her eyes.
“Because, you’re so agitated all the time. If you’ve been fucked, you’d be nicer to us.” Calum shrugged.
“You’ve just added yourself to my kill list.” Bethany scoffed, riding faster. The group eventually made it into town and to the barn on the outskirts. They tied their horses to the post and walked inside, Michael immediately going to the stage. Bethany walked to the bar and poured herself a drink.
“What are you drinking?” Ashton asked, standing next to her.
“Bourbon. Want a glass?” She looked up at him, her world melting as her eyes met his.
“I’d love one.” Ashton grinned, his dimples on prominent display to her. Bethany sucked in a breath as she poured another cup full, handing it to Ashton. He took it and looked down at her once more. “A toast.. To you, and your mother, for letting me into your ranch family.”
“Hear, hear.” Bethany smiled, tapping the edge of her cup against his. They both drank, downing their drinks. “So, you’re a drinker?” She smirked up at him.
“I can handle my liquor, if that’s what you’re asking.” Ashton chuckled. Bethany smiled at him before being pulled into the crowd by Calum.
“Mike’s playing our song.” Calum grinned as Come a Little Closer by Dierks Bentley began playing throughout the barn. Bethany giggled softly and held Calum’s hand in hers, placing the other on his shoulder. The two of them danced across the dancefloor, Bethany giggling as Calum stumbled every now and then. Ashton watched them carefully, another drink finding it’s way into his hand.
“Can I cut in?” Ashton approached them as the song came to an end.
“Of course.” Calum smirked at Bethany as he handed her over to Ashton.
“I hope you’re a better dancer than Calum.” Bethany smiled and held Ashton’s hand in her much smaller one.
“I’d like to say I am, but I do have quite a bit of bourbon in me right now.” He chuckled, bringing his hand to her waist and pulling her body closer to his. Bethany smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder as the soul settling chords of Billy Currington echoed from the speakers.
“How fitting.” Bethany giggled and moved in sync with Ashton.
I must be doin' somethin’ right
I just heard you sigh
You leaned into my kiss and closed those deep blue need you eyes
Don't know what I did to earn a love like this, but baby I
Must be doin' somethin’ right
Ashton sung the words quietly into Bethany’s ear as they moved, one step forward and two steps back. Bethany looked up at Ashton, their eyes meeting and the world melting away around them. The icy blue that Ashton had seen in the machine shed had disappeared and was replaced by an ocean, tempting him deeper and deeper into the unknown, until his lips met hers. Bethany’s fingers wound their way into Ashton’s hair as his hand on her waist traveled down, slipping under the hem of her cotton shirt. Their lips moved against each other as if it was the last touch they’d receive. “Follow me.” Bethany mumbled, lacing her fingers with Ashton’s and pulling him out of the barn.
“Where are we going?” He asked, glancing back at the barn.
“Just come with me.” Bethany bit her lip and pulled Ashton through the trees to an abandoned milk house.
“Is this where you’re going to murder me?” Ashton joked, following her inside.
“Not even close.” Bethany giggled and pulled him into another kiss. Ashton brought his hands to her thighs and lifted her up, pressing her body against the nearest wall. His lips found her neck as her fingers tangled in his curls. She let out a quiet moan as his teeth sunk into her skin ever so lightly. “Fuck..” Bethany whimpered, tugging at his hair. Ashton smirked against her skin and pulled back just enough to pull her t-shirt over her head.
“Gonna be a good girl for me?” Ashton mused, trailing his fingertips down her chest to her stomach to the top of her shorts. Bethany nodded, her breathing picking up as her heart raced. “Let me hear you, baby girl.” Ashton looked at her, his eyes darkening.
“Yes, daddy, I’ll be good.” Bethany gasped softly as Ashton set her down, the smirk not leaving his face. He unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down swiftly. “You’re still wearing too much.” Bethany whined as she bunched up the hem of his shirt. Ashton chuckled to himself and pulled his shirt over his head, Bethany’s eyes landing on his toned chest. “Jesus, fuck..” Bethany mumbled, getting on her knees in front of him.
“Didn’t even have to ask.” Ashton chuckled. “You are gonna be a good girl.” he smirked, unbuttoning his own pants and pushing them down. Bethany licked her lips as she pulled Ashton’s boxers down, her lips immediately wrapping around the tip of his cock. “Ohh, yes.” Ashton sucked in a breath as he gripped Bethany’s hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail. “Take daddy’s cock.” Bethany moaned around him as she lowered her head, taking more of him into her mouth. She looked up at him from under her lashes as she bobbed her head against him, taking more each time. “Yes, fuck, that’s it..” Ashton groaned, his head lulling back. Bethany hummed and cupped his balls in her hand as she hollowed her cheeks. “Shit..” Ashton groaned, pulling her mouth off of his throbbing cock.
“What’s wrong?” Bethany looked up at him, afraid she had done something wrong.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep that up, but I’m not cumming until my cock is buried in your pretty pussy.” Ashton bit his lip and pulled Bethany up, bending her over the metal sink. Bethany gasped as Ashton’s palm connected with the skin of her ass.
“Daddy..” She whined, bucking her hips back against his hand. Ashton chuckled from behind her and pulled her lace panties down, letting them fall to her ankles with her shorts. He pushed her legs apart with his knee and rubbed the tip of his cock against her heat, pushing just the tip into the warm embrace. “More, daddy, please.” Bethany whined, her hands gripping the edge of the sink.
“Because you asked nicely.” Ashton smirked, filling her completely.
“Oh, God, fuck..” Bethany moaned, bucking her hips back against his.
“You like that, baby girl?” Ashton bit his lip and dug his fingers into her hips.
“Mhm.” Bethany hummed.
“Use your words.” Ashton demanded, sending his palm into the flesh of her ass once more.
“Yes! Yes, daddy, I love it.” Bethany moaned as Ashton began thrusting at a quick pace. Bethany’s moans grew louder as Ashton’s thrusts grew harder.
“Such a pretty pussy.” Ashton grunted, pulling her hips back against his roughly. “Can’t wait to fill your pussy with my cum.”
“Yes, daddy, make me your fucktoy.” Bethany moaned loudly, her manicured nails scraping against the rusty metal of the sink. “God, I’m so close.” She whimpered, her eyes squeezing closed.
“Cum on daddy’s cock. Wanna feel you, baby.” Ashton groaned, his fingers finding her clit.
“Ah, fuck!” Bethany gasped, her legs shaking as her high washed over her. “Oh, God, daddy!” She whined, her hand gripping his wrist as he continued to thrust faster.
“Ready to take daddy’s cum? Gonna let me fill your pretty pussy?” Ashton moaned, his fingers pressing harder into her skin, surely leaving bruises.
“Yes, daddy. Fill my pussy.” Bethany moaned out. Ashton grunted and stilled behind her as he released into her, his load coating her walls.
“Mm, fuck.. Your pussy takes my cum so well.” Ashton groaned lowly, slowly pulling out. He watched as his load dripped from her aching core. “Fuck, baby girl..” Ashton bit his lip as he pulled her panties and shorts up. “Want you to go back to the dance with my cum leaking from your cunt.” Ashton whispered in her ear.
“Yes, daddy..” Bethany moaned softly and buttoned her shorts. Ashton smirked to himself and pulled his jeans and boxers, tucking himself into the confining material. Bethany pulled her shirt back on and turned to face Ashton as he pulled on his own. She giggled quietly as she pulled him into a slow kiss.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Beth.” Ashton whispered, his lips brushing against hers as she pulled away from him.
“What did you call me?” She looked up at him, the moment suddenly fleeting.
“Beth?” Ashton looked down at her, confusion lacing its way onto his features.
“I-I have to go..” Bethany stuttered, quickly running out of the milk house, Ashton following after her.
“Wait!” He called, but he was too late. She was already on Faith Hill and riding into the darkness.
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