#if Thena gets a hold of Kingo she is going to kill him
softquietsteadylove · 2 months
I am once again requesting the Family Law au, anything you wanna do with it, I'm absolutely living for this slow burn
"So, when's your boyfriend getting here?"
"Shut up," Thena murmured, trying to practice her frosting writing while Kingo was doing even less than helping--he was only hindering her concentration.
"He works with you right?"
"Gil is not my boyfriend," she grumbled, reattempting on the cereal box serving as her practice. "He started at the firm around when I did."
"And you invited him."
"Sprite invited him," she corrected her yappity cousin. She set down the 'piping bag' - a sandwich bag with the tip cut off - of icing and turned to glare at him. He pouted at her as she snatched the cherry out of his grabby fingers. "Stop eating all the cake stuff."
Kingo sighed loudly as she took the various toppings away from him, but remained where he was, taking up two kitchen counter stools just for himself. "But you invited him for her. I gotta say I'm surprised, T."
"Why," she huffed as she picked up the accursed vanilla frosting to try again. Why was it so hard to write using food? "Because you can't imagine me having a work associate?"
"You have associates, what you don't have is friends," Kingo said plain as day. "Except for this one guy."
She glared at him over her shoulder briefly again. "I am capable of having friends. I had friends when we were children."
"You had friends of mine you tolerated," he corrected, still completely without any possible tact (they really were related). "But this guy is different?"
"You'll meet him, and I do hope you're over this private investigator phase by the time you do." She did her best to write out a decent 'happy birthday' again. Sprite's name wasn't the hard part.
"Sprite said he's really nice." He was still going. "And that he's your type."
She flinched reflexively, her fist clenching. Of course that made the side of the bag split from the pressure. She growled through her teeth, whipping around to him again. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
"Why didn't you just get the cake person to do this?" KIngo ignored her, waving his handful of pretzels at her hard work. "Y'know they'll do that for you, right?"
She wiped her hands off with paper towel before throwing it at her mouthy cousin, who dodged with lightening reflexes. "I couldn't go yesterday after work and they wouldn't have a custom one done for today, so I bought the blank one. I just have to practice first."
Kingo sighed dramatically again, "I had an audition for a period piece, but I assumed that if I had to write in fancy calligraphy that they'd hire someone to teach me--or double my hands."
"I don't need your help for it anyway," she insisted, whether it was true or not. And now she needed to put the frosting into a whole new sandwich bag.
And the kitchen was already a disaster from Sersi making pancakes for breakfast, and from having so many bowls for various snacks, and plates from the girls constantly getting new ones after forgetting where they put one down absently.
"Will you relax?" Kingo finally stood from his luxurious lounging to join her by the sink. "You know the kid doesn't care if it's pretty."
She sighed. She didn't need any veils or masks with Kingo. Halfway through filling her new piping bag, she threw her hands down and leaned against the counter. "Fuck."
"Easy," Kingo comforted in the best way he knew for her, offering little words but patting her shoulder gently. "Just take a breath, T."
"It's been rough," she admitted, staring into the sink, full of splatters of frosting and coffee and diet coke. "The year has been tough, and I finally got her to even accept doing anything for her birthday. If this goes badly, she'll never want anything to do with it again."
"That's not true."
"I don't know, Kingo, you know Sprite," she groaned, standing to her full height again.
"Yeah, I do," he shrugged. "And Sersi, and you--so I know you're doing your best. And I'm sure they can tell how stressed you are about stuff. So, maybe if you chill, it'll be better for all of you."
He had a point, and she knew that he was making light of it purposefully. No one knew better than Kingo the struggles they had gone through, her specifically with the legalities of all her new responsibilities. He had offered his help, even offering to move closer, if not in with them, to help. She had declined, knowing the demands of his career.
Besides, Sprite took great joy in bragging about how everyone's favourite action star was actually her cousin. And that no, she would not pass on their admiration or let them meet him because he was 'clinically uninterested' in them.
"Do you want a hug?"
"Absolutely not."
Kingo, still holding his arms out, burst out laughing. And so did she. It was a classic interaction for them, even from when they were kids. Kingo was versatile with his affections, and Thena was limited in them. Even as children, they had devised that when their parents would demand they hug out of social obligation, Kingo would wrap his arms around the air surrounding her and pat her hair obligingly.
His head turned as the doorbell rang. "Your boyfriend's here."
"Stop it," she slapped his shoulder on her way past him. "I mean it, don't give Gil a hard time. He's sweet, and the girls love him."
"I'm sure they're not the only ones," he felt the need to add. She was ready to snap at him again but he held up his hands before shoving them into his purple hoodie pockets. With a final huff, she opened the door.
Gil smiled at her as soon as he saw her, "hey!"
She smiled by pure reflex, just as happy to see him, if not more. Maybe it was the way relief flooded her body, but she sighed as she said, "hey."
Gil stepped in carefully, leaning close to lower his voice, "you okay?"
He was so very sweet. She closed the door behind him, "I'm fine, Gil. I've been trying to--actually, do you know how to write in icing? Like, on cakes?"
"Oh, like decorating?" he blinked, shuffling the box in his hands as he took off his shoes. "I mean, I don't want to oversell myself, but I've done it a few times."
"Then you're just in time," she grinned, guiding him straight to the kitchen by the arm. "And I do recall I told you not to worry about presents."
"Oh," he blushed, just barely setting it on a shred of clear counter space as she dragged him inside. "Well, sure, but I saw this, and-"
"Hey, nice wrapping job!"
Gil looked between Thena, dragging him to the cake sitting on the stove, and Kingo loudly admiring the package. His hands were poised to pick it up and shake it. Gil helplessly reached out to gesture that it wasn't a good idea. "Well, the store offers wrapping services. It's kinda fragile, so-"
"Don't you worry, big man, I'll set it down real gentle," Kingo said in the least assuring tone possible. He held it under his arm like a basketball, giving him a singular fingergun before taking his leave.
"That's my cousin I told you about," Thena felt the need to explain, given Kingo's loud introduction - in not so many words - and even rowdier exit. "Don't mind how overly comfortable he is here."
Gil smiled and excused it easily, as he did everything else. "I'm sure it's like a second home to him, here. I'm the new one."
She gave his arm one more pat after finally stationing him before the plain funfetti cake with regular turquoise frosting piped along the edges. "You're hardly new here, either. You are a guest of honour, remember?"
He chuckled, letting her hand him the messily filled sandwich bag, "I do, and I am--honoured, that is. So, what are we writing?"
"Happy Birthday Sprite will suffice," she eyed the cake with disdain, having felt its mocking presence all morning long. "I've been practising my attempts, but I simply cannot move this thing with grace."
"This is a good trick, actually, with the bag," he praised before positioning himself above the cake ideally. "Printed or cursive?"
"I will be impressed with either, I assure you," she sufficed to say as she moved to finally throw out her previous attempts and free some space on the counter. "Sersi is keeping Sprite occupied outside with the projector and screen Kingo brought her as a present."
"How are you, though?"
The question surprised her. She stood from loading the dishwasher and caught him peeking at her in the middle of his slow but steady frosting. She closed the dishwasher, tugging at the sleeves of her cardigan. "I just want today to go well for her."
"Well," Gil murmured in the middle of moving his body instead of the piping bag within his hands. "You're obviously putting a lot of effort into making that happen for her. I'm sure she appreciates that."
He always said something that she needed to hear at exactly the time she needed it most. Thena smiled to herself, continuing to tidy the kitchen rather than face his open praise of her parenting. "I think you're being kind. But if Sprite comes out of this without hating her birthday completely, I'll be glad."
"We better give her a good one, then."
Something about him saying 'we' made tears spring to her eyes. It was different from when Sersi asked her if she wanted her to make breakfast, or when Kingo arrived the night before with all the assurance in the world that Sprite wouldn't think twice about their mother's absence today.
"There!" Gil declared, standing back with a bright smile. "Not bad, I'd say."
Thena leaned over the cake as well, admiring the beautiful lettering and even how perfectly he had spaced things. None of the message was crammed or bunched up from underestimating the space on the cake. It looked perfect. "Gil, it's amazing."
"Well, I'm glad I could help," he offered modestly of course. He set aside the frosting, licking off a stray bit on his finger. "Vanilla?"
"Sprite says she doesn't like chocolate," Thena laughed faintly, still admiring the lovely calligraphy of it. "I think she just enjoys disliking something so overwhelmingly popular."
Gil joined in her laughter, shedding his light bomberjacket now that he wasn't being dragged anywhere. "I was kinda like that as a teen. I liked angry music and gangster movies and I wanted to be a boxer."
"You?" she couldn't help but ask as she picked up the cake to finally let it see the light of day outside.
"I know, I never would have made it, I'm really not a fighter," he chuckled at himself as he joined her.
It did explain his build, though, for someone who had only ever studied and worked in offices. It wasn't untoward to notice something so apparent about him. She dragged her eyes away from his arms to the patio glass door.
He opened it for her, like a gentleman, unsurprisingly. "They look like they're having fun."
As soon as the door was open, they could hear Kingo loudly recounting something to the girls, who were utterly howling with laughter. Thena smiled, "Kingo has always been like a brother to them, despite being closest to my age. He's even taken them to see his sets and rehearsals on the odd occasion when he's in town for work."
"That would be be pretty cool," Gil agreed.
"There you are!" Kingo waved to them from his stage in front of the patio furniture. He pointed, "gift from the man of the hour, handled nice and gently, as promised."
"That's so sweet," Sersi complimented eagerly.
"It's just a little something, really," Gil attempted to downplay his contribution.
"Take a look at his frosting job, too," Thena encouraged freely. As soon as she set the cake down she stepped back. Kingo took pictures of it, and the girls, Sersi gasped and openly admired how pretty the lettering was. Sprite leaned the closest, practically digging into it with her hands before Kingo handed her a fork.
Gil stood back with her, waiting for the initial mauling to subside a little. He leaned closer to whisper, "no candles?"
She shook her head faintly, happy to watch as Kingo and Sersi also started eating the cake one forkful at a time. "Too many memories. Best to let the cake speak for itself. We all know what day it is."
He nodded, accepting the form of their own tradition with quiet respect. "Well, thanks for having me."
"Thanks for being here for m-" she blinked, catching herself. He was here as Sprite's personal guest. She didn't know what would prompt her to bring herself up. "It's sweet of you to be here for Sprite."
"Well," he looked at her, both of them hovering close in their separation from the others. "I am here for Sprite. But it's not like I'm not here for you, either."
"Uh, are you two gonna stand there and play kissy-face or are you gonna have some cake?"
Surprisingly enough, it wasn't Sprite to speak so inappropriately, it was Kingo. But because it wasn't her baby sister and was instead her cousin, Thena was free to grab a handful of cake and shove it right in his face.
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creamecafe · 2 years
𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚
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𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝 | 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 | 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟗𝟕𝟑
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚. 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲!
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𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤
𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝!
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Third Person POV:
You and your friends had arrived at the Domo where Makkari had been staying all these years you guys separated. You had the mission to try to stop the celestial growing in the Earth and killing everyone on Earth.
Of course with not seeing Makkari so long, you ran to go hug her.
Thena didn't have a problem with this, until she noticed you were talking with her and walking around with her the Domo as you hadn't been here what seemed like forever.
She tried to make it seem like it's ok when she really wasn't.
Especially when you both were laughing at something you talking abojt in your conservation that made her feel jealously.
Y/N"s POV:
"You know I can't believe it's been so long." I signed to Makkari.
"I know right, like where did the years go?"
"And you look young as ever," I jokingly signed to her
Makkari laughed at this.
"So do you."
"Thanks my skincare routine is being a Eternal." You smiled while signing
Both of you laughed holding each other.
Thena POV:
I heard laughter coming from Y/N and Makkari as they were talking about something.
I walk over and watch them talking with each other and it looks like Y/N is engaged and interested what Makkari is saying to her.
I took a deep breath to stay calm but couldn't really.
I only like it when Y/N laughs with me, and me only.
I know I shouldn't take Y/N's kindness for flirting with Makkari but it's just the way Y/N smiles at what Makkari does that makes me upset.
"Everything alright Thena?" I hear Kingo's voice behind me.
I turn to him.
"Hmm what was that Kingo?"
"I'm asking if everything's alright?"
"Yes everything's alright thank you."
"Your watching Makkari and Y/N?"
"Not that's any of your business"
"Oh I get it. Your jealous?"
"Jealous?" I was confused.
"You know you love Y/N you feel jealous when she's with someone else."
"I'm not jealous."
"Come on Thena, everyone gets jealous. Even Eternals."
I look down and bite the inside of my cheek. I didn't want to admit I was jealous as that might seem childish.
"Ok I'm a bit jealous so what?"
"I knew it" He pointed to me and smiled at me. But I didn't smile back.
"Your point?"
"Well I understand why your a bit jealous, because..."
"I love Y/N,"
"And when you love something,"
You protect it. Yes but she seems so happy with Makkari."
"I'm pretty sure she's happy with you too Thena. Y/N wouldn't leave you I know that."
I had thought about it. Y/N has always been by my side for many years. I shouldn't have anything to worry about.
"Your right. She wouldn't." I smiled at Kingo.
"Thank you Kingo."
"Of course Thena," I watched Kingo walk away and just sigh watching Makkari and Y/N still talk to each other.
Y/N wouldn't leave me. Would she?
Third Person POV:
After you were done talking with Makkari for a while, you decided to check up on Thena to see how she's doing.
You saw her sat down and you approached her.
"Hey Thena, how are you?"
"I'm doing good thank you" She said a bit turned away from you, almost like she's upset.
You wonder what was wrong. What had made her upset.
"Is everything ok? Why are you a bit upset?"
"I'm not upset."
You go to sit down next to her.
"Please tell me what's wrong."
You held Thena's hands and she had no choice but to look in your eyes. Your calm E/C eyes.
She felt a sense of comfort and solace while looking at you.
"I just think you spent too much time talking with Makkari." She said to you
"Taking with Makkari? Well I haven't seen her in a long...wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
"I am not jealous."
"Thena don't lie to me."
"Ok what if I was?"
"What if I told you, you didn't have to be?"
You cupped her face and caressed it. She took one of her hands away from yours and held to the one on her face.
"I'll always be yours, Thena. You don't have to worry about me finding someone new."
Thena can't help but smile at this and you do too. So it looks like Kingo was right all along. You wouldn't leave Thena.
You lean in and kiss her soft pink lips. Thena cupped your face and put her hand on your thigh to caress it.
After you two pulled away smiling at each other, you notice Makkari staring at you both just smiling at you both.
"Eww, get a room you two." She signed jokingly.
You turned to each other and just laugh.
'Well maybe you should go to a room if you don't want to see us kissing." Thena signed back at her.
All three of you laugh.
"I'm just kidding. You two are cute though. I'm happy for you both." Makkari smiled while signing.
Makkari then signed she was gonna go to Druig and waved goodbye. You both waved goodbye. You turn to each other and smile of how much you love each other so much.
Then the both of you got up and held hands as you continued on with the mission to stop the celestial.
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© 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚
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applepiewinchesters · 3 years
Family Reunion (Druig x Eternal!Reader)
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Word Count: 4,978
It had been a little over 500 years since you’d seen Druig, as well as the rest of your family, well, what you counted as your family anyway.
When Sersi, Ikaris, and Sprite had shown up at your apartment in the middle of night, you knew something was wrong. Not that you didn’t want to see them but regarding the circumstances, you’d wish they hadn’t come at all.
You’d been living in Seattle, a town you’d always been found of since it’s inception, you loved rain and living there just suited you it seemed.
Ajak was dead. They’d found her murdered by a Deviant at her home in South Dakota. Apparently, the Deviants were attacking your family for whatever reason. Sersi was also the prime eternal now you were told. So, essentially, what she says goes.
You joined the three of them in collecting Kingo, Gil, and Thena. The last a little worse for wear. Her and Gilgamesh were attacked by a Deviant and the attack triggered her mahd wy’ry. It would more than likely only get worse now, but you hoped you were wrong.
Sersi soon learned from Arishem the real reason you’d all been sent to Earth those 7,000 years ago.
You’d been sent to bring on the birth of a new Celestial, and apparently had been doing this for millions of years with other planets. You were killed along with the entire population and reborn, sent to a different planet to do it all over again.
It made you sick to your stomach, you couldn’t imagine. All these people coming to trust you all on those other planets, entrusting you with their protection, only to be betrayed by you all in the end. It was disgusting really.
The idea was formed that maybe Druig could stop the birth of the Celestial, control it’s mind and make it sleep, just delay it’s birth until you could figure out how to truly stop it.
The only problem was none of you had seen Druig for centuries. You knew where he was though. The Amazon, Ajak had been the only one who’d seen him since you’d all disbanded, going your separate ways, but their short meeting did not end well.
He apparently had a cult of sorts, a compound he’d told Ajak, protecting a large group of people from the outside world and themselves as well.
You could still remember seeing him for the last time.
Tears formed in your eyes as you watched Druig disappear into the crowd of soldiers he was controlling, leading them away from the burning city.
He hated war; he’d always had. It brought him to tears at times, he’d cry to you, wishing he could stop the mortals from killing each other. He wanted peace, but they wouldn’t have it, and neither would Ajak.
So, she let you all go, encouraging you to live out your lives until it was time to go back to Olympia.
But you couldn’t imagine a life without Druig, that was the only thing.
So, you raced down the steps of the temple, away from your family and into the surrounding forest.
“Druig!” you called, racing through the trees, “Druig?!”.
After a few minutes of running, you stopped, looking around at the dark forest surrounding you.
Your cheeks were wet from crying, you hadn’t realized your tears had started to fall. Wiping at your eyes, you called for Druig again, pleading for him to come back.
A sob escaped your lips, you couldn’t lose him.
“Y/N,” came the familiar voice from your right, you turned, spotting Druig walking towards you.
You ran over, wrapping your arms around his torso and hugging him tightly.
“P-Please, don’t go, please,” you whimpered, burying your face into Druig’s chest.
His arms wrapped around you, holding you to him, “Shhh, I’m here, I’m here,” he told you softly, rubbing your back a bit.
When you pulled away, you noticed he was crying as well. You choked out a small laugh, reaching up and wiping at some of his tears with your thumb.
Druig smiled sadly, leaning into your touch. “I’m sorry,” he spoke, “I’ve got to go.”
You shook your head, “I’m coming,” you insisted. “You’re not leaving me.”
He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before he pulled your arms off him, gently pushing you away from him.
“No darlin’, you’re not,” he told you. “You’ll be better off by yourself.”
“No…,” you began, but Druig focused on you, his eyes glowing gold.
“Go,” you heard his voice in your head.
You turned away from him and sprinted the other way, it was only when you were a safe distance, miles away from him, did he release you from his control.
Dropping to your knees you began to cry once more, not being able to understand why he suddenly no longer wanted you.
You had half a mind to go and find him, use your own power, telekinesis, against him. You could probably throw a couple trees at him before he stopped you.
But you couldn’t hurt him, you never could.
Makkari found you about twenty minutes after and comforted you until you both went your separate ways as well.
You were broken out of your thoughts by Sprite nudging you suddenly, Kingo’s plane had landed. It was finally time to face Druig after all these years.
After asking a few locals you discovered exactly where to go, trudging about fifteen miles into the rainforest, pushing past dense brush and trying not to get bit by bugs or snakes, you finally found it.
The small village was simple, untouched by modernity besides the electricity. It was a safe place obviously tucked away from the rest of the world, exactly a place you’d expect Druig to be.
You walked through, all the villagers were kind, greeting you as you passed. Sprite walked up to a man who seemed to be welding, asking if they knew Druig, and if so, where he was.
Suddenly, the man she was speaking to went slack, his eyes glowing gold as he spoke, “Hello Sprite.”
All of you turned as the doors to a large building a few feet away from you opened, and out stepped Druig. He was dressed in baggy black pants, black combat boots, and a baggy, long sleeve black shirt.
He’d always been a fan of black you recalled.
“I missed you all,” Druig spoke, a smirk painting his face. His gaze flitted to you, lingering on you for a moment before his eyes left yours. “Please, make yourselves at home.”
You wanted to hug him and kick his ass all at the same time. He hadn’t changed one bit, none of you did obviously but regardless. The same hair, same stupid smirk, same sparkle in his eye.
“We need to talk,” Sersi spoke up, walking up towards Druig, who smiled at her.
“Come, we’ll talk in here,” he told you all, motioning to the building behind him.
You all filed in, the inside of the building was laid out in the same fashion as a church, benches facing a small stage, where Druig moved to, leaning against the podium.
Gilgamesh and Thena sat in front, and you followed, perching beside Thena, you’d missed her, and she’d always had a soft spot in her heart for you.
She was fierce and intimidating, but treated you with complete and utter kindness, she’d told you you were like a daughter to her after a couple centuries of knowing each other.
Leaning your head on her shoulder, you sighed. Thena made no move to push you off, letting you rest. It had been quite a wild nearly forty-eight hours.
When everyone was seated, Druig spoke again, “So tell me, what brings you all here? It surely isn’t a warm reunion now, is it?”.
Sersi explained what had happened, Ajak’s death, the real reason you all were here on Earth. As you watched Druig’s face slowly became stoic, his head hung as he listened.
When she was done, Druig was silent for a moment before sighing.
“You’ve given me a lot of bad news in one go, m’lady,” Druig said, a slight joking tone to his voice. “I am glad…,” he started but was cut off by Sersi’s phone going off.
Sersi quickly pulled her phone from her pocket, which was blasting a Lizzo song you recognized. You snickered a bit, making Thena crack a smile.
“What’s your service?” Kingo asked once Sersi got her phone off, “I’m not getting any bars.”
Gilgamesh suddenly snored beside Thena, making her hit him softly. He woke with a start, looking around confused, if anyone had tired dad energy, it sure was him.
“Do you all remember this forest?” Druig suddenly asked, walking down the few steps of the stage, “Beautiful. It was the last place we all lived together.”
Druig stopped beside you, looking down at you, but you didn’t meet his eye, Thena wrapped an arm loosely around you.
He looked away, continuing, “I’ve protected these people for twenty generations from the outside world and themselves.”
This time, Druig stopped in front of Karun, Kingo’s valet who’d been working for him for fifty years, at least according to Kingo himself.
“Your kind, my friend, you will be responsible for your own extinction one day,” Druig taunted the man. “Don’t you think?”.
Druig was being unusually cruel, he was no longer kind it seemed, no longer really caring about the humans and what happened to them.
Karun looked nervous, but swallowed and answered Druig, “I think we must learn from our mistakes and do better, sir. You must not give up hope.”
Moments later Karun’s eyes glowed, and he tossed the camera he was holding behind him. It hit the wall, smashing into a few hundred pieces.
“Oh, you did not,” Kingo spoke, standing up to face Druig, staring the other man down. “Okay new rule, no more possessing people’s valets.”
“Oh, where is your sense of humor, Kingo?” Druig asked, obviously not intimidated by Kingo one bit it seemed.
“You are not a God. You know that, right?” Kingo challenged, raising an eyebrow.
“How ironic, Kingo, the movie star,” Druig replied, his smirk returning.
“I’ve directed some things too,” Kingo said, trying to defend himself.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Druig asked, raising an eyebrow of his own.
“Some internet content,” Kingo said, his confidence disappearing a bit.
“How many views?” Druig asked, just teasing Kingo now.
“I don’t do it for the views,” Kingo replied.
Ikaris stood up from his seat, moving towards the door, “Let’s go, he’s wasting our time.”
This appeared to be a mistake on his part, only fueling Druig’s fire.
“We need him,” Sersi spoke up.
“Ikaris,” Druig began, turning from Kingo to Ikaris, “I missed you. Are you gonna charm me or threaten me?”.
“There’s a third option if you prefer that,” Ikaris challenged, making you roll your eyes.
“It must be heartbreaking to find out you’re not Mother’s favorite,” Druig taunted once more.
“And I’m sure she’d be real proud of what you’ve been up to,” Ikaris spat.
“Druig, this is serious,” Sersi spoke up, standing up as well, her eyes pleading with Druig to stop.
“I’ll tell you what’s serious,” Druig told her, “I’ve just been told I’ve been sent on a suicide mission for the past seven thousand years, and that my entire existence is a lie. So, excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now.”
With that, Druig disappeared out the door, making you sigh and turn back around, your head returning to its place on Thena’s shoulder.
“Druig sucks,” Kingo spoke up after a moment, making you smile a bit.
“He does, sir,” Karun replied.
You all dispersed, leaving the church, you left Thena and Gilgamesh to their own devices and followed Sersi around the village for a bit, examining the extent of what Druig and the people he watched over had built.
After a while, a few little girls ran up to you, giggling softly.
“Hello,” you told them, smiling at them, which only made them giggle more.
One motioned for you to crouch, so you did, and she placed a beautiful crown made of flowers on your head. Your smile widened as you stood, “Thank you,” you told the little girls in their native tongue.
They nodded and one of the other’s grabbed your hand, pulling you in the direction of the forest surrounding the village. You looked back to Sersi who only smiled and shrugged, letting you be pulled along by the little girls.
The girls continued to giggle as they pulled you deeper into the forest for a few minutes, until they finally stopped, turning to you, “Stay,” one of them told you in English.
You only nodded, watching in confusion as they disappeared back towards the village, continuing to giggle as they went.
“Weird,” you spoke softly to yourself, reaching up to readjust the flower crown on your head.
“Hello beautiful,” came a voice behind you, making you turn around, finding Druig standing there. He no longer wore his long sleeve shirt, instead opting for a beige colored tank top tucked into his black pants.
He was smiling softly, hands tucked behind his back.
“Druig,” you told him curtly. “This was your doing?”.
You motioned to the flower crown on your head making him smile and shake his head, “I did ask them to bring you out here, that though, was their doing. It suits you, love.”
Ignoring his compliment, you shook your head, “I’m going back,” you told him, turning to leave, but suddenly felt his hand wrap around your wrist, holding you back.
“Please, stay,” he said softly, and you turned back around.
“Why should I stay when you didn’t all those years ago?” you asked, a venomous tone to your voice.
You could see the hurt in Druig’s eyes as he let go of your wrist, looking away from you, biting his lip as he did.
“I…let me explain, please Y/N,” he begged when he looked back at you.
Crossing your arms, you sighed and nodded, “You’ve got five minutes, maybe.”
Druig nodded and took a breath before speaking again, “I didn’t want you with me because I didn’t know how safe it was, these people…they could’ve hurt you if they turned against me, and I’d never be able to live with myself if that happened.”
You glared, “I’m a big girl Druig, I can take care of myself.”
“I-I know love, I just…I couldn’t have you in any sort of danger, so I had to let you go,” Druig told you.
Anger bubbled up inside of you suddenly, “Oh yeah? Is that why you left me the week after you finally told me you loved me Druig?”.
You were seething, you remembered when he told you he loved you for the first time. You two were alone, sitting under a secluded tree, sharing a papaya.
It was when you took a bite of fruit that he’d let it slip, you almost choked. He was looking at you with the most love and adoration you’d ever seen that it had made you cry.
You’d reciprocated the feeling, of course, you and Druig had been close ever since you met, or rather, when you met this time.
It made you wonder if you two had been together before, in your past lives, or just this one.
“I fucked up I know, please darlin’, please, I still love you,” Druig said, his eyes were brimming with tears. “I have all these years, I even asked Ajak to check up on you the last time I saw her, she sent me letters about how you were doing, how you were okay.”
“That would mean a lot more if you’d just come yourself, but you couldn’t leave your precious fucking compound, right? If you really loved me, you would’ve come seen me yourself,” you spat.
Druig groaned, backing away from you as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “What do I have to do to get you to love me again?”.
You felt a lump form in your throat as you turned away from Druig, “Whoever said I’d stopped?” you asked softly.
It was silent then between you two, before you heard Druig moving closer to you, and suddenly his arms were wrapped around you from behind, his head resting on your shoulder.
He held you for a bit, the familiar feel of him and his warmth was enough to make your tears start falling. He felt like home.
“Don’t cry,” Druig told you, turning you in his arms to hold you against his chest. You let him, finally wrapping your own arms around his torso.
It reminded you of when he’d left, it was the same forest after all, so you held him a little tighter.
Druig must have noticed because he chuckled a bit, “Don’t you worry, I’m not leavin’, not ever again.”
“You better not,” you whimpered out, making Druig hold you tighter as well, one hand resting in your hair, the other on your back.
“Never,” he said again, pulling away from you gently to look down at you.
He smiled a bit, moving his hand from your hair to wipe at the tears on your cheeks before resting his forehead against yours.
“Forgive me, love?” he asked you, and you nodded.
“I’m still pissed at you though,” you told him.
“Rightfully so, my beautiful, beautiful Y/N,” Druig told you before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
Your arms moved from his torso to link around his neck, pulling him down closer to you, his own hands rested on your waist, holding to him.
The silence of the forest was suddenly shattered as a scream pierced through the otherwise quiet night, making you two break apart and look towards the village. More screams began and Druig grabbed your hand, beginning to run.
It took you two about a minute to reach the village, a scene of chaos met you both.
Deviants were destroying everything in sight, attempting to kill your family. There were at least three, maybe more. Villagers were running, screaming, out of the village.
You and Druig dropped hands, jumping into action. Druig disappeared into the crowd of people while you ran towards Kingo, helping him fight off one of the Deviants.
You used you power to pick up anything in sight, including one of the empty buildings. Everything crashed into the Deviant, knocking it to the ground.
“I’ve got it! Help the others!” Kingo shouted towards you. You nodded, running towards some of the villagers, directing them the right way to go.
“Head to the river!” you heard Druig scream at them, you looked over just to watch him run away again, heading towards one of the buildings.
You watched as Sersi led a large group of people into the church, quickly turning the outside into a more indestructible surface, rather than the wood it was originally.
She didn’t see the Deviant running towards her, but you did, and you had no time before it slammed into her, breaking part of the building and slamming her into another one.
“Sersi!” you shouted, taking off running towards her, only to be knocked down yourself, and slammed into a tree.
Gasping, you tried to catch your breath again, hand moving to your side as a splitting pain made you yelp. One of your ribs was broken, you could feel it.
You managed to get to your feet, staring down one of the Deviants. It growled loudly, bounding towards you.
Lifting your hands and then slamming them together in front of you, you watched as trees that had once been surrounding you crashed into the Deviant, rendering it immobile, at least for enough time for you to get away.
Where was Ikaris? You could really use that son of bitch right now.
You saw Druig fighting off another, villagers surrounded it, shooting an almost constant rain of bullets into it. Not of their own accord though.
The Deviant had Druig cornered, and you quickly used your powers to pick up a rather large tree, throwing it into the Deviant, knocking it out.
“Druig!” you shouted, running over to him. “Let them go!”.
You motioned to the villagers who were still shooting, eyes glazed over as they repeated the action.
“Now is not the time, love,” he told you as you grabbed his hands.
“Please, you’re better than this,” you replied, desperate.
Druig sighed, his eyes softening before they began glowing gold, and he lifted a hand, letting the villagers go from their trance.
“What’s happening?” one of them yelled to Druig in Spanish.
“Go! To the river!” he shouted, they all nodded, taking off in the direction Druig told them to go.
You both turned and watched as Sprite leaped onto a Deviant, stabbing it in the side of the face as Kingo formed a ball of his power in his hands.
He told Sprite to let go, slid under the Deviant, and fired. The creatures head exploded, drenching Kingo in it’s blood.
A scream tore you from the sight, looking over as you saw one of the little girls from earlier, cornered by the last Deviant, at least, what you thought was the last one.
“No!” you screamed, running towards her. She was terrified, a look of pure horror on her face.
You hit the ground, sliding under the Deviant to get to the girl, you grabbed her in your arms just as Ikaris finally appeared, shooting the Deviant in the side with his lasers, giving you a chance to get away.
Once you were a safe distance away you set the little girl down, “Go! Go to the river!” you shouted, and she turned and ran from you.
Druig appeared beside you suddenly, “Are you alright?” he asked you, you nodded, a hand resting on his arm.
He smiled softly, kissing you quickly before disappearing again, making you smile and shake your head.
Your smile soon disappeared though as you were shoved into the building closest to you, a scream escaping your lips as you felt something pierce your shoulder from behind.
Groaning, you rolled onto your stomach, reaching behind you as you pulled a shard of wood from your back, screaming again at the pain.
“Y/N!” came Sprite’s voice as she ran over to you, kneeling beside you.
“Are you okay?!” she asked, voice filled with worry.
You could only nod, “Just help me up,” you managed to get out.
Sprite nodded, helping you up and out of the now smashed house, just in time to watch one of the Deviants shove Sersi into a large pool of water, diving in after her.
Druig ran over to you, wrapping an arm around you, “I got her,” he told Sprite, who nodded, letting go of you.
Before Druig could say anything else the water in the pool shot upwards, and you all watched in wonder as the Deviant twisted and turned, turning into a tree, now forever frozen in place. Sersi was standing there, staring up at, just as confused as everyone else.
“Are you okay?” Druig finally asked, managing to look away from whatever the hell had just happened as Ikaris ran over to Sersi.
You nodded, “I-I think, one of my ribs is broken, and I got stabbed in the back, literally,” you said, huffing out a laugh, and instantly regretting it when a sharp pain invaded your side, making you gasp.
Druig pulled you into his side, holding you up when crying broke the now silent atmosphere.
You all hurried over to where you’d last seen Thena and Gilgamesh. Your breath caught in your throat as you found Thena crying over Gilgamesh, his skin had turned gray, and you could clearly see where he’d been stabbed multiple times by one of the Deviants.
He was gone.
Tears began to spill down your cheeks as you gently pushed away from Druig, limping over to Thena.
Falling to your knees beside her, ignoring your own pain, you gathered Thena into your arms, holding her close as she sobbed.
None of you were supposed to die, you were supposed to be together, forever.
You cried with Thena, holding her until she finally stopped. Sersi took her away as villagers who’d come back helped Ikaris and Kingo carry away Gilgamesh in the direction of the river.
Wiping at your eyes, you felt arms wrap around you. Turning, you pressed yourself into Druig, head resting on his shoulder.
“C’mon, we’ll get you patched up,” Druig told you.
You only nodded, following him back into the village. The people had come back and begun cleaning up, Druig nodded at them as you both passed them, heading towards one of the still standing houses.
Druig helped you up the two short steps into the small house, and it was unmistakably where Druig had been staying.
It was a bit messy, a small twin bed pushed up against the wall, unmade. Books were stacked everywhere, paper tacked to the wall. Some were drawings, posters, or handwritten notes.
There was a small table, as well as a wood-burning stove, a sink, a dresser, and in through a door, a small bathroom.
Druig instructed you to sit on the bed, heading into the bathroom, when he came back, he was holding a first aid kit.
You pulled your arms carefully from your shirt, and Druig helped you lift it over your head. He sat behind you, examining your wound.
Although you all healed incredibly fast, it still needed cleaned.
He gently cleaned your wound, apologizing when you winced, especially when he had to pull a rather large splinter of wood that was still stuck inside you.
Your side was already beginning to feel better thankfully, and you looked down to see the bruising was almost already gone.
“Done,” Druig suddenly spoke up after he’d placed a large bandage on your wound to keep it from bleeding anymore or staining whatever shirt you were going to put on now.
“Thank you,” you told him, turning around to face him, watching him wipe some blood from his hands on a washcloth.
He met your gaze, smirking softly, “You know, I was hoping to have you half naked in my bed in a different way, but I suppose this works.”
You reached up, slapping his arm, only managing make him laugh, his smirk turning into a smile as he did so.
You couldn’t help but laugh as well as Druig got up, disposing of the know bloodied washcloth, before heading to the dresser and pulling out a shirt for you.
It was a black t-shirt and you gratefully accepted it, carefully pulling it on.
“Guess you’ll have to get me into your bed half-naked another time,” you teased, making Druig smile again as he shook his head.
He grabbed his long sleeve shirt that he’d apparently discarded on the small table, pulling it back on.
“We better go back, say goodbye,” Druig told you, the lighthearted feeling in the air soon disappearing as you remembered your fallen friend.
Druig took your hand and led you from the house, into the woods and towards the river. You two walked in silence, you clinging to Druig’s arm as you walked, just wanting him close.
When you finally reached the river, you saw they’d already placed Gilgamesh on a pyre made of large logs, it was what he would have wanted, a warrior’s funeral.
You all stood around the pyre, you leaned against Druig as he wrapped an arm around you.
Kingo lit the pyre with his power, the logs quickly setting ablaze, taking Gilgamesh with them.
Karun folded his hands, closing his eyes as he began reciting a scripture in Sanskrit. It was comforting in a way, and Kingo joined him in folding his hands and closing his eyes.
Besides that, you all watched silently as the flames grew larger, reaching up into the night sky. And that’s where you all stayed until the flames were gone and there was nothing but ash left.
Thena gathered the ashes into a small box, you and Druig watched her from your places in the sand, your head on his shoulder. She entered the water, ready to disperse the ashes.
“You know,” Druig began quietly, “when I left, I thought about taking over the minds of every human on the planet. Violence, fear, greed, all gone.”
“Why didn’t you?” you asked, not moving your head from his shoulder, but lacing your fingers with his as you spoke.
“Because without their flaws, they’re not human,” Druig told you, resting his head against yours.
“You can’t stay here,” you told him after a moment, “We need you…I need you.”
“Sersi’s asking me to take control of the mind of a Celestial, I don’t have that power,” Druig told you.
The sun was rising now, illuminating Thena in a soft glow as she dispersed of Gilgamesh’s ashes into the water around her. She wasn’t facing you, but you could tell she was crying, her shoulders shook as she did so.
“We’ll need Phastos,” you commented.
“Well good luck with that, he gave up on humans a long time ago,” Druig told you, forever the pessimist of the group.
“He’ll listen,” you replied, “he has to. Besides, he can’t resist my puppy dog face.”
That made Druig laugh a bit, lifting his head from yours and you lifted yours from his shoulder, meeting his eyes.
“I missed you,” he told you, reaching out to move a bit of hair from your face.
“I missed you too,” you told him, “I wish we had more time.”
“If this all goes according to plan, we will.” 
A/N: Well this is my first Druig fic and I hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading it really does mean a lot to me and please tell me what you think! Stay safe lovelies! :) 
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
I’ll look after you
Paring: druig x fem!eternal!reader
Summary: During a deviant attack you get hurt protecting druig.
A/n: here’s s another quick fic! Im writing a bunch of little fics to post in between chapters to amtaf just for myself and the people who don’t wanna read that seris :) when the idea came to me I knew I had to write it!! hope you guys like it! :) italics means flashback!
Warning(s): short af only like 1,000 words, angst, violence, fighting, descriptions of blood and wound’s, druig having doubts/insecurities, a little fluff at the end! unedited!
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Bared teeth snarled at you as a Deviant was closing in on you. Everything was calm and peaceful for once, not a Deaveint in sight for a least two weeks and then as you were all siting around they attacked. You, Thena, Druig, Gilgamesh, Kingo and Ikaris were fighting off a group of them, Thena and Ikaris already had taken two out. There were three left and one was cornoring you. Its long tail whipping out at you but you stabbed it before it could make contact with your torso.
You kept dodging it’s advances, you slide with your weapon in hand slicing its side open. It’s Blood poured out as it screeched in pain. It snarled at you when you stood up from behind it you hoped it would keep focusing on you long enough for Gilgamesh to come up behind it. He punches it so hard it flies through the air and hits a tree knocking it to the ground. You make your move and stab the Deviant through its heart. It dies with one last final cry and flops.
“Nice move back there, with the sliding.” Gil says proudly, motioning with his hands.
“Thanks, Thena taught me that move, maybe she could teach it to you.” You wink, causing him to laugh in his belly.
“I think ill leave it to you and Thena. Don’t think my back could handle it.”
“Fair enough.” You shrugged.
You both go on a search for the others to see if they need help. When you find them Thena and Ikaris are fighting side by side
It’s it nice sight to see. Gilgamesh runs of to aid them. You hear grunting from not so far away as your eyes scan the woods you see Druig. Who was being tossed aside like a rag doll and your heart dropped as you watched him slide across the dirt and heard him groan in pain. The Deviant began stalking Druig like its prey. Without even a second thought, you ran towards the Deviant at full force and jabbing it with your sword. Its attention now on turned to you. Druig watched on his side as you taunted the Deviant and moved backwards away from him.
“Come on!” You waved your sword at its razor sharp jaws and it lunged for you. You dodged just in time sending a blow right at its head and it didn’t seem to like it very much. Your fighting went on as you maneuvered around the deviant getting as many hits on it as you could. But it wasn't enough to put it down. It’s tail swooped you under your legs causing you to fall on your back, knocking your sword out of your hands. You hit the ground and winced out in pain but that wasn’t the worse. The Devaint was pining you down to the earth and digging its claws into your chest. Its mouth coming down to clamp down on your shoulder. You cried out in agony due to the searing pain flowing through your body as tears slipped down your cheeks. You tried punching, kicking anything to pry it off you but nothing. It wasn’t until a beam of light hit the Deviant in the side as Ikaris few towards it knocking it off you.
You laid there in the dirt as nothing but pain surges through your body. The wounds growing in your shoulder and abdomen. Your ears were ringing when Gilgamesh came to your side and Thena on the other you could barely make out what they were saying.
“Y/n, stay still, Ikaris killed the Devaint and went to get Ajak just hold on.” Gilgamesh's words were a little jumbled together as you looked up at their worried faces gazing down at you. You heard the leaves crunching as someone walked towards you.
“How could you be so reckless?!” Druig’s rough accent echoed in your ears as he leaned over you. When he saw you however his whole face shifted into guilt.
“Druig!” Thenas voice warned. The venomous look she sent him was enough to make him back up a little. Not wanting to face the wrath of the goddess of war. Before you could even reply your vision was going black and the last thing you heard was your name being called before you passed out.
Ajak had healed you and laid you to rest in your room on The Domo. Druig couldn’t stop thinking about you, what you had done for him. Could he have really been that oblivious to your true feelings for him? He was angry at himself for the way he acted towards you. Angry that you took on that Deviant alone to save him. He didn’t understand why you would do that for him.
Druig was at your door contemplating whether or not to go in. He just wanted to check in on you, the concern filling in his chest overwhelming him. Ajak had assured everyone that you were going to be alright but he didn’t want to believe it. He wouldn’t be calm until he saw you, he knew it was his fault you nearly bled to death. If only he would’ve gotten up and helped you or if you didn’t get knocked over. No matter what the reason was, he was putting the weight on himself and it wasn’t good.
Druig inhaled deeply and took a step closer to the door. He pressed his hand to the plate on the wall and the door slide open with a soft hiss. Your room was dimly lit in a warm glow coming from your bedside lamp. He saw you laying on your back in bed as you slept peacefully. He walked closer till he was on the side of your bed and looking down at you.
He admired your features up close. He regretted the way he spoke to you before you passed out.
Druig was torn in his mind between why you would jump in front of a deavint like that for him. it wasn't until he bumped into sersi an hour earlier and he asked about you that she told him.
“how is she?” Druig asks as he and Sersi meet walking in opposite directions.
The hallway of the bedrooms was vacant except for the two raven haired eternals their voices bouncing off the stone walls even though the spoke at a normal level.
“resting. Ajak says she needs to sleep to let her body heal.” Sersi explains. Druig just nods not meeting her eyes.
There was something hanging in the air between them and Sersi almost hesitated with her words, opening and closing her mouth. Not wanting to reveal your feelings. She didn't want to betray your trust. You were one of her closest friends, Of course she knew how you felt. The amount of conversations you both have had late at night when you both couldn’t sleep so you would sit in the room where you all woke up was enough to build a close friendship between you two.
Sersi inhaled as she finally decided that you would never act on your feelings but she would give a little push. There was no harm in that right?
“ She cares about you, you know.'' It was a statement. Druig’s eyes met Sersi’s and she could almost see them say I know. And that's what he was afraid of. You caring or even loving him was a scary thought. He’s never had someone care for him like you have. Always trying to include him in things and always being kind towards him.
All he did was nod and Sersi watched as he turned and walked down the hallway. For the next hour Druig was in his room pacing, thinking. Which led him to finally end up in your room standing over your bed.
He finally decided that it was his turn to look after you. He would be by your side like you were for him from now on. He would be there when you awoke even if he had to wake you with a kiss, like in those stories he knows you love so much. Even if he had to wait years, he would do it for you.
He brushed a pice of hair gently off your cheek and you were stirring in your sleep, frowning your eyebrows and then relaxing your face almost like his touch soothed you. Druig swore he saw you smile for a moment and he couldn’t help the swell in his chest at the thought. He didn’t know how long he was there for, hours maybe but he didn’t care. As long he was by your side it didn’t matter. Maybe when you woke up he would finally tell you something that was on his tongue for the past couple hours.
a/n: i kinda like writing druig with insecure thoughts because i would love to know what’s actually going through his head and i just feel like hes a person with so much turmoil and emotions that he doesn’t get to express.
🏷: @magnificentzombiebasement @redheadspark @drspencerreid921 @a-lumos-in-the-nox
if anyone would like to be added to my druig tag list please let me know!
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sinematically · 3 years
I watched eternals and ok I have THOUGHTS so I’m putting it here and I’m in a cab frantically typing this so it’s basically unfiltered thoughts kay thanks
- it’s different. It got a very obvious mainstream look. It is still a high budget, heavy CGI or like “comic book hero’s” movie but the more I think about it, the less I find a movie from the last few movies in the MCU to compare it to. So, it’s still very super hero movie, just not like the MCU.
- it’s felt a bit like watching Captain America Civil War. We know all of them, and we know they’ve interacted with each other.
- Something felt incomplete, I think it’s the limited amount we know about each of the eternals on their own? But it’s not really a problem
- seeing Kit Harrington and Richard Madden interact, with a sersi involved? The GoT/SOIAF fan in my has died. KINGS OF THE NORTH BABY!!!
- Ikaris’s storyline was somewhat unpredictable, but also if the fate of his character is sealed, I just need to see what they do.
He’s also hilarious and Richard Madden has wonderful comedic timing
Also, seeing a super hero cry. Shed tears. Kill him self because he loves Sersi too much to kill her, but I’m not killing her is going against everything he believes in? I love Ikaris he is my favourite idiot boy.
- as a desi, everything about Kingo just… worked. PROPER HINDI BEING SPOKEN HAS SAVED ME AND I DONT EVEN LIKE HINDI!!!??? & THE dance sequence, the BHARATNATAYAM?? 12 year old me would learn that choreography in 5 min flat. 22 year old me will need an hour but I know I can do it.
- Sprite is such a fucking mood. Her relationship with Dane??? With Kingo?? Kingo and Dane need to meet now too, properly.
The illusions
Also when Kingo said he worked in the movies because he missed Sprite’s story telling
- Thena, my moon and stars and my favourite goddess of war. I want to hug u and hold ur hand and kiss ur knuckles baby you are loved. She can do no wrong and will do no wrong
- GILGAMESH DESERVES BETTER. I’ve concluded that Gilgamesh is a fun house husband who would make the best dad jokes. Also thena and Gil are my only OTP from the eternals. When he dies, the fkn crying.
- When Thena killed the Deviant, everyone in the room felt so much fkn relief. She’s so cool
- I really love Gilgamesh and thena so much. On their own and together
- Salma Hayek did such a WONDERFUL job, the mothering and the nurturing. GOD
- PHASTOS!!! Hilarious & romantic and a good father!! Dude just seeing him KISS A MAN on the big screen?? A MAN OF COLOUR!! GAY MEN KISS IS A MARVEL FILM GODDAMN IT. and the way he talks about his HUSBAND BEN? Wonderful. This is essentially the exchange between him and other eternals
“I thought u lost all hope in humanity”
“They remind me that there’s good left”
- Druig is a himbo I think. I like him. If I could control the minds of people, I too would contemplate taking over humanity to get rid of greed and violence etc etc
- Makkari and Druig are cute. I want more Makkari content because She is so fun. She is every quirky incorrect Marvel quote but in actuality. Also something about her signing her words brings in so much personality to her whole character
Overall? Imma need to watch it again to decide how much I love it but it’s a 3/5.
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poemsforparker · 3 years
My little Versailles | Druig × gn!reader
Masterlist - Requests are open!
When I tell you I SOBBED writing this I love this song sm. I'm honestly proud of how it came out.
Song inspo: Fourth Of July
Synopsis: After the events in Tenochitilan (the eternals growing apart), you decide to stand by Druig on his decisions, although it hurt you deep to leave your family, and things didn't work out exactly how you planned.
A/N: I changed the place where Druig went after leaving the eternals so the fic would make sense with the song lyrics! I know the whole point of Amazon is that is isolated and all but let's ignore this for a sec.
Warning: angst (as you may notice from now on, I do, in fact, enjoy a lot writing sad things), this one is smaller than I wished for, but it was very emocional for me to write because this song TEARS ME APART.
Word count: 1237
(not my gif)
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"Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
My little Versailles."
📍Tenochitilan • 1521 d.C.
A heated argument between your colleagues happened before your eyes. You felt like your world was falling apart and you couldn't do anything about it. Why couldn't everyone stick together for god sakes?
'But she won't be Thena anymore' as you saw Makkari sign at the others.
"What if it happens again? She could've killed you. She could've killed all of us" Kingo says, with probably the most serious tone you ever saw him speak before.
"Please..." begged Thena "Please, I want to remember. I want to remember my life" you were standing by Druig's side. When you saw the pain in her eyes you couldn't hold your tears. When you leaned to hold his hand you felt him tense up once he heard Ajak's words.
"It's not important if you remember or not. Your spirit will remain. You'll always be Thena deep inside". He held your hand tightening the grip, as if he was giving you a silent message that he wasn't controling himself anymore. "Trust me" you heard Ajak whisper. With that. You saw your boyfriend's jaw close strongly. He was about to blow.
"Why should she trust you?" you heard the accent you love so much say. There was a hurt tone on his voice that you could tell he was trying to hide. You feel his hand leaving yours as he takes a step to the side, being now right at the top of the Pyramid stairs. "You're asking her to let you erase who she is." He completed with anger, but still holding up.
"Druig, I know you're upset"
"Upset?" Druig yells. His tone surprising everyone. He looks at Ajak. At that moment you could swear that if looks could kill. She wouldn't be standing there. "We've trusted you for seven thousand years and look where you've gotten us." Your eyes were blurred by the tears while he let out everything he held up for so long, you being the only one who knew every single one of these deep thoughts of his. "I've watched humans destroy eachother, when I could stop it all on a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping this people build a better world, huh?"
Once he says that you take step to his side and putting a hand on his shoulder as you whisper to him "Dru...". His eyes softened as he looked at you and let out a "Sorry, but I have to do this, my love." He grips your hand back, giving it a gentle squeeze. A reminder that any of that anger he was holding had to do with you, whatsoever. Doing it he let go of you, but you didn't leave his side while he turned to the door right beside him and walked towards the stairs.
You hear his voice again. "We're just like the soldiers out there. Pawns to their leaders. Blinded by loyalty." He takes a pause to glance at you. You nod at him, not quite sure about what were you agreeing with, much less knowing what the hell he was going to do, but it's not like that mattered anyways. You'd follow him wherever.
"It ends now" he says while his eyes shine in a scary golden light. And watch as the soldiers leave their weapons and the desperate screams for help finally stop. You couldn't say you felt a certain relief by the sudden silence, allowing yourself to finally take a deep breath by hearing nothing but the sound of the fire.
On the side of your sight you could glance at Ikaris aiming to touch Druig's shoulder to make him stop what he was doing. You were quick on grabbing his forearm and pushing him to the wall by your side as fast as you could. Although you hated turn on your family like this. Druig was your everything. As much as you were everything to him.
Still with teary eyes you stare angrily at Ikaris while he turns his look at Druig's direction and spits out "let them go." before the mind controller could answer to it, you stared at Ikaris deep in the eyes "If you want to stop this. You're gonna have to kill me."
And with that. You both went your unknown way without the Eternals. Togheter.
You knew you were safe with him. And different from the rest of the team, you agreed with his thoughts about humans. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt you leaving your family like this, specially leaving Thena while she was struggling against the Mad Wy'ry and doing nothing about it. Still. You followed him.
"Well you do enough talk
My little halk, why do you cry?
Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
Or the Fourth of July?
We're all gonna die"
📍Oregon Coast Range, 1933
"The Great Fire hadn’t destroyed the trees. It had merely killed them, leaving them standing as massive snags that, each summer, got drier and more flammable."
After the both of you left. You went to the Tillamook forest, a place that for some reason, Druig seemed to be found with. And you we're pretty much okay with it. Since you had him. Where you were living wasn't exactly a matter to you.
After centuries of building a life at this place. A misterious fire grew out of the trees. Taking everything you had in the blink of an eye. Not even you could stop it. It was too much.
Now, you both saw yourselves on a dead end. Again side by side. Watching as the fire took away long years of history. The scene seemed to be bringing back memories.
You sat besides your partner in complete silence, watching as the the loud fire took the place of the trees, that were long dried and nearly lifeless. Just standing in there. Waiting for the right moment to fall. You put your head on his shoulder, still silent.
You could hear Druig's light sobs while now touching him, and that made your heart break into a million pieces. The world was now like this, just as he was now, hopeless. While nations struggled with the Great Depression and he saw humans as they sunk themselves on a pile of crisis and death. The first world war had just happened. And specially considering the time you both lived, it was all pretty recent to you, too much new weapons, too much cruelty. All too much. You were now forced to see your beloved humans live the consequences of it. Of their own creations and ambition. And there was nothing you could do about it. Not anymore.
The nature was crumbling, falling apart. And now, just like many other spots around the globe it was happening to your home. The place both of you struggled to protect, were promises were made and dreams were built. It was all down on flames. Tillamook was burning.
"We'll start over" you said to him, wanting to sound as hopeful as you could, but not really sure if you made it. "Togheter" you saw him trying to smile to you as he nodded. You heard a quiet, yet so sweet "Yes, my love" come out of his lips. Making you smile. "Togheter".
At least you had each other.
And that would never change.
"Shall we look at the moon, my little loon
Why do you cry?
Make the most of your life, while it is rife
While it is light"
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alohastyles-x · 3 years
𝑳𝒐𝒚𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝑴𝒆 - 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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Loyal to Me, an Eternals fan fiction written by Alohastyles-x.
Summary: You were Arishem's new creation, and he sent you to the Eternals to help aide them in your mission. However, as you begin to learn how to control your powers, you began to feel like a burden to the rest of the eternals... except Druig. He was the only one to understand you.
Notes: Druig x Fem!reader // I got inspired by this tiktok so go check it out! <3
Story Warnings: violence, language, smut (18+ but I'm not responsible for your internet consumption either), mentions of depression, suicide, anxiety, descriptions of blood, violence, gore.
Druig Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist |
Wattpad // Part One // Part Two // Part Three Below // Part Four // Part Five //
Loyal to Me, an Eternals fan fiction written by Alohastyles-x
warnings: language, fight scene, some fluff
word count: 1.9k
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You were back in the temple attempting to calm down when you heard it, the low growl that immediately heightened your senses. Deviants. You rushed to the door, only to stop at it, hand hovering the handle, doubt instantly flooded your mind. No. I can do this, you thought to yourself as you gripped the handle, flinging the door open.
It was pitch black, sending you on high alert. Grunts could be heard in the distance, and somehow you instantly recognized them. Druig. You broke off into a run, following the sounds as he fought off a Deviant. The other Eternals had already joined him, trying to disband the large group of Deviants attacking the village.
“Nice of you to join us,” Kingo said as soon as he spotted you, a slight smile appearing on his lips. You took it as a lighthearted joke and joined in to help. Sersi and Ikaris were tag teaming a Deviant, Ikaris floating above while Sersi attacked on the ground. Thena and Gilgamesh had four cornered, taking turns with each one, before Thena inevitable struck the final blow, slamming her golden weapon straight through their heart.
You weren’t sure what to do exactly. Your body was telling you one thing, but your mind was telling you another. Everyone else was so focused, throwing aside Deviants as they killed them. They had trained for this; this was their purpose. You weren’t so sure it was yours though. As you went with your gut, you summoned a lightning storm focusing on your targets to strike. As you lowered your hand, lightning came down, striking two Deviants and nicking Sprite on the arm.
“Shit!” She yelped, holding her arm, and breaking her illusion. Fear flooded you as you realized what just happened. Fuck.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Sprite,” you said, running to her side. Ajak was already there starting to heal Sprite from the burn the strike caused.
“It’s okay, just get on the three I had,” she mumbled, wincing from the pain.
You nodded your head, turning to see the three Deviants were moving in on you. The two you had stricken were mildly injured, only limping a little on their back leg. Raising your hand, you summoned lightening again but quickly changed your mind not wanting to hurt anyone else. The Deviants were getting dangerously close to you as you tried to figure out what to do. Hell, you weren’t even sure what all you could do.
“Watch out!” Before you could make any sense of what happened, Kingo had already shot two of the three Deviants with his energy blasts. The third one was just about to leap on you when you were hit with a great force, knocking you several feet away. Arms were around your waist and your head, squeezing tightly. You stirred and they let go, stepping back. You looked up, shocked at who you saw. Druig. He turned, hurrying off to finish off the fight as you laid there, completely out of breath.
To say you were frustrated with yourself was a drastic understatement. The thoughts return, hammering you harder than before. How did you manage to nick Sprite when you were looking at the Deviants? You looked over to her, she was almost done healing, Ajak focusing intently on the injury. I need to apologize… you thought to yourself, getting to your feet.
“Hey, S-Sprite… I’m sorry. I don’t know how I got you. I guess I just need to train a bit,” you said.
“You think?” Sprite said bitterly, causing your face to turn a bright shade of red. You were embarrassed and hurt.
“Now, now Sprite, it was an accident,” Ikaris teased from behind you, startling you slightly.
“Maybe so, but it hurt like hell,” she mumbled under her breath.
“I can help you train Y/N,” Makkari signed, smiling brightly at you.
“Really? That would be amazing, thank you,” you signed back, smiling right back at her. It warmed your heart that she offered to help; no one else seemed interested.
The Eternals began to depart to let the villagers know it was safe. You turned, ready to head back to the temple for the night when you were caught dead in your tracks. Druig was staring at you intensely. You couldn’t read the look on his face, but it didn’t seem to be a happy one. What was his deal? Finally deciding enough was enough, you stormed up to him.
“Look, I get it, I fucked up. I don’t know what I’m doing, and if you’re going to look at me like that after rescuing me, then don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Save me. I appreciate you doing it, but not if this is how it’s going to be. I don’t know why you can’t just be a bit understanding and empathetic that I have no idea what the hell I’m meant to do here. The one thing I’m supposed to do is kill Deviants, and I can’t even do that. So, the last thing I need are the disdainful looks you give me,” you yelled, rage overtaking you.
His face softened as your words sank in. He was doing it again, being an asshole. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. This only angered you more, that he had nothing to say. Oh, how he so desperately wished words would come out, any words, even if they weren’t an apology.
“Seriously… you have nothing to say?” You asked, anger deeply evident in your voice.
“Guess not,” he spat, the words stinging like venom as he said them. Shit, he thought to himself.
You huffed, before turning and walking away. Angry tears started to form in your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away. You weren’t sure where to go, Ajak hadn’t shown you a place to stay yet. She probably forgot with how crazy the day had turned with the attack. You headed for the temple, figuring it was a safe place to stay for the night.
“Y/N!” Sersi yelled from behind you. “Where are you going?”
“Oh, well I was just going to stay the night in the temple,” you responded.
“Why?” It was clear she was confused, but you weren’t sure you could answer her question. You didn’t want to paint Ajak in a bad light and cause anymore issues then you already did.
“Well, I, uh, I’m not sure where else to go,” you said slowly.
“Oh, follow me! We were warned of your arrival, so we had enough time to turn one of the vacant huts into a home for you.” Sersi turned beginning to walk further into the village, away from the Temple. You didn’t like that your hut would be farther away from the one place you felt safe and secure.
“How are you feeling, after the fight?” Sersi asked.
“Embarrassed. I don’t know what’s wrong with me… I just feel so… disconnected,” you opened up to her.
“Oh, don’t feel embarrassed. It’s been a weird day for you, you have a right to feel a little off today. You only just got here and didn’t even get a chance to settle in yet before a Deviant attack. It’s a lot for anyone, even an Eternal, to take in.” Her kindness instantly resonated with you as you realized she was right. It was a lot to go through in one go. You were about to thank her when she suddenly stopped. In front of her was a rather large, yet modest abode, completely furnished.
“This is yours!” Sersi said, excited to check out how the villagers had decorated it. She followed your lead as you slowly stepped inside. The place was decorated in bright materials and paints, with gold accented in the décor. The living area was highly decorated with oranges, purples, reds, and golds. There was a long chair, covered completely in floral material. Your bed had a beautiful, hand-woven blanket on it made from cotton dyed a vibrant orange and red. Next to the bed, on a small wooden table, stood a vase filled with orange Marigolds.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, taking it all in. The village people had created the perfect home for you. They matched the colors of the Temple, adding in the floral embellishments to match your aesthetic. You had never felt such love and dedication before. The villagers had made you a home, a sanctuary, a place for you to feel warm and secure. They had made you your own Temple.
“Isn’t it,” Sersi said, as she too looked around. She had moved to a window in the living area, admiring a bouquet of Marigolds, when she saw him, his eyes glowing, bright, and golden. She smirked, before turning back to you.
“Well, I better go find Ikaris before he freaks out that I’m not with him,” Sersi said, moving to where you were in the bedroom.
“I just want you to know that tomorrow is a new, brighter day. You just need some rest.” She hugged you tightly, hoping you weren’t beating yourself up too hard for today. You nodded, grateful for her kindness.
As Sersi left, you felt a sort of peace wash over you. You didn’t like being alone, so far away from everyone, but for some reason, maybe because of how closely resembled to the Temple your home was, you felt at peace.
You moved to the dresser that sat in your room, pulling out one of the drawers to find it fully stocked with clothing. You grabbed one, a light, tan linen shirt, and quickly changed into it. You weren’t sure what to do with your Eternals suit, so you placed it safely in the bottom drawer. I’ll ask Makkari about it tomorrow, you thought to yourself, running your hand over the metal material of your suit, before closing the drawer.
The colorful blanket was soft, comforting, melting away all your troubles the second you wrapped it around you. This was a magic blanket, you decided, as you snuggled under it, letting all your troubles fade away into the dark abyss of your dreams.
“What did you do,” Sersi asked as she walked up to Druig, punching his arm lightly. He was still off in the distance, watching your hut closely, intently, listening for any dangers that may be lurking in the night
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sersi.”
“Oh, come on Druig. Drop the angsty, bad boy act for a second. Be real with me.” She pleaded, her eyes looking at him softly.
“Alright. I controlled the villagers to decorate her home to how I thought she’d like it.” Sersi wasn’t expecting him to open up to her, and it caught her off guard. She blinked a few times before responding.
“Druig… that was kind of sweet of you. A little creepy, but we can work on that.”
“Yeah, yeah, just don’t tell the others.” He mumbled, a small smile forming on his lips. Sersi wrapped her arm around his shoulders, giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“So…” he said after a few moments of silence. “Did she like it?”
“She loved it.”
It was true… Druig did have a heart. A heart that yearned for you. Longing to hold you in his arms, to hold you close to his heart. Desperate to feel your hands on his skin, moving delicately over his scars, touching every inch he had to offer you. He hungered to feel your skin, tracing every perfect imperfection, kissing every freckle, and feeling every strand of hair on your head. Making sure you never felt those dark and brutal thoughts that snuck their way into your head earlier that night.
He just had to learn how to not be an asshole first.
Part 4
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Authors Note: Hi lovelies, I hope you're doing alright today! Please know you are worthy and you are loved, and you are wanted. My inbox is always open if you need anything <3. Sorry for the slow burn on the romance. Things will pick up soon ;), I just like being able to set the stage for how Y/N and Druig are truly feeling before diving into all the nitty gritty.
Taglist: @theyear1980 @tendertalesmain @tanyaherondale @boofy1998 @measure-in-pain @hardwoodfloorgay @ruleroftides @justanotherkpopstanlol @fandom-lover-4 @saintlewis @aoibhinnslater04 @erenandarminsgirl @atlaese
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m0chaminx · 3 years
Kingo | The Things I'd Do
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*•.¸♡Request : none
*•.¸♡Prompt : none
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : Smut!!!,P in V sex, unprotected sex (don't be silly wrap your willie),Pet names (love, baby etc.), Slight begging, Very slight teasing Minors DNI
*•.¸♡Paring : Kingo x F!Eternal Reader
Reader has magnetism manipulation
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : You had been flirting with Kingo and he finally made a move
*•.¸♡Words : 1300+
You pushed Kingo to the side as a Deviant rushed through. "I had 'em!" Kingo complained throwing his hands up a small pout on his lips. With the gold covering your hand, you rolled your eyes throwing your hand out and any surrounding metal followed your order burring itself into the Deviant killing it on the spot. Your head turned to the side seeing another Deviant rush at you but the familiar gold power ball shot into its side knocking it over to Gilgamesh who finished it off. Kingo chuckled walking to stand in front of you.
"Let me guess, you had em," Kingo mocked flicking your nose. You flicked your fingers out in front of you using the metal lining of Kingo's collar to bring his face closer to yours. You brushed your lips just centimeters from his, and even as your eyes were trained on his lips you could see the blush run across his cheeks.
"I wasn't worried, I knew you had em," You teased eyes flickering to his before letting him go. Kingo stumbled back watching you as you saunter over to Thena.
"What was that?" Sprite asked letting herself be seen standing next to Kingo. Kingo cursed jumping as he noticed her. "So? What's with you and Y/N?"
"Uhhh," Kingo tried to think of an excuse other than wanting to fuck you so hard, so perfectly, so good that you're screaming and crying. "It's called flirting." Kingo managed to speak out followed after you. The blush on his cheeks didn't leave as the dirty thoughts didn't leave his mind. The thoughts of pinning you against the wall, clamping a hand on your moth as you shoved his cock deep inside, over and over and-
"Jesus Kingo," Druig called in surprise watching him pass through the walls of Babylon. "Your thoughts are very loud my friend." Druig laughed watching Kingo turn nearly as red as Makkari's amour. "So our daring Y/N is who you have your eyes set on... along with other things-"
"Okay Druig, I get it," Kingo nearly yelled in defense. "Don't say anything." Kingo pointed a finger at Druig in a threat.
"Alright, alright," Druig chuckled holding his hands up in defense. "But, and you didn't hear this from me, she takes a swim after the battle, down at the lake a mile or two from the crop fields." Druig laughed as Kingo looked stunned at the information already seeing the cogs in his head turn. "Go on then-lover boy." Kingo nodded rushing off past the walls of the town.
You stuck your head under the water trying to rid it of the dirt and the sticky blood from the Deviants. As you breached the water, it covering the top of your chest, you heard the rustling of the trees and mumbling of a very familiar person. "Hello Kingo," You called your back facing him.
"Y/N/N, you heard me coming?" Kango asked stopping at the edge of the water.
"I know your footsteps," You admitted squeezing the water from your hair. "Are you joining me?" You finally turned to face him. "You can leave your amour with mine." You nodded to a rock where your dark red and white amour was rested against. Kingo sighed, this was his only shot. Kingo unclipped the top of his amour revealing his bare chest, and suddenly all your cocky confidence was gone. Kingo didn't only act like a god, but he was also sculpted like one.
"No snarky comment?" Kingo asked in a teasing tone, stripping off his pants, not right now. You swore if Kingo wasn't wearing any underwear you would've cum right then and there. "Star truck?" Kingo stood by the edge just to tease you longer. You sighed using your abilities to pull on the bracelet you gifted him. He stumbled into the water and once it was up to hit waist you dunked him under finally letting him go. You laughed as you watched Kingo come back up whipping his hair around trying to get the water out of his eyes, once he manages that he used both his hands to slick his hair back.
"You all good?" You joked watching as Kingo was sending you a death stare. Your eyes flicked down and you instantly regretted your choice as you watched water roll down his neck, off his shoulders and down his sculpted chest before finally meeting the water again. You didn't even realize Kingo reached out until he took a soft hold of your jaw.
"Distracted love?" Kingo teased his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. You copied his movement, and without even thinking you wrapped your arms around his neck pressing your lips hard against his. Kingo kissed back almost immediately, keeping one hand on your jaw the other taking your waist and pulling you closer. He sucked in a harsh breath and a cocky smirk broke onto his face. He felt your bare chest pressing against his. He brought his hand up to squeeze one in his hand and you broke the kiss to let out a whine that Kingo chuckled at. You let your head hang back as he sucked on the skin of your neck, switching between biting and sucking and letting his tongue run over his marks to contrast the rough nips.
"Kingo, please- please do something," You begged, tugging at the waistband of his underwear. Kingo nipped one last time at your collar bone before taking you into another heated kiss. His hand moved from your breast to your thighs meaning to take off your underwear but gripped them hard when he didn't feel them. "I knew you were coming, I don't want to wait any longer."
You're explanation made Kingo chuckle lightly and caress your cheek in adoration. "So thoughtful and sweet, aren't you love?" Kingo praised finally losing his underwear and tossing them onto a nearby rock. You nodded trying to pull Kingo impossibly closer, "There's no need to rush princess."
"I have been waiting for this since the moment I saw you," You confessed looking at Kingo with complete affection "But you were too goddamn thick to realize." Your laugh at the end of the sentence reassured Kingo that you were merely teasing him. Kingo hooked his hands under your thighs bringing you up to straddle his waist.
"Well, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long," Kingo 'apologized', pressing you to one of the smoother rocks nearby. "Let's not keep this from you any longer." Kingo lined his cock at your entrance pressing himself deep inside you. You both let out small sighs as you finally felt full and Kingo finally felt your walls grip him. "Fuck, your tight." Kingo let himself fall forward slightly catching himself on his right hand which pressed against the rock. Your head hung back and your hands tightened on Kingo's shoulders and he attached his lips to your collar bone again. Kingo started his slow deep thrust, rocking you against the rock.
"Holy shit, Kingo," Your moans your quieter than he expected but they were so much pretty this way, he wasn't here now to make you beg and scream, this was about you and him as one. "So good."
Kingo slipped his hand to your waist pulling you close and moving his lips back onto yours. Kingo watched your eyes screw shut as he sped up slightly, "Look at me please," Kingo pleaded, moving his hand off the rock to hold your cheek. You opened your eyes watching Kingo.
"Please, I'm close," You wined tugging on Kingo hair. Kingo groaned pulling you into a kiss his hand dropping down to rub circles on your clit. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Kingo." Kingo bit on your lip as you moaned in his mouth.
"I'm close baby," Kingo moaned pressing harder against your clit. You let out a loud moan tossing your head back as clenched on his cock as you came. Kingo fell forward burying his head in your neck letting out a breathy moan shooting his cum inside you.
"Holy gods Kingo," You sighed as he pulled out setting your legs in the water. Kingo kissed you one last time before pulling you into the water. Kingo used sign language, to say I love you. You pulled up both back up, "I love you too."
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bingwriterxo · 3 years
Mahd Wy'ry
pairing: thena x reader
summary: in which you get caught in the middle of one of thena’s episodes
warnings: none
word count: 600+
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"Oh, Thena," you whispered, watching as your girlfriend's eyes began to turn whiter than her hair.
Before you could say another word, she was attacking you, her sword slashing through the air as it attempted to make contact with your skin. You evaded each swing easily, your powers of speed allowing you to escape quickly.
She turned in circles, narrow eyes waiting for any sort of movement that would indicate either you or one of the other Eternals. The only thing on her mind right now was to kill.
Suddenly, Sersi appeared, a smile on her face at the sight of Thena, though it immediately fell when she realized that the woman was going through yet another episode of mahd wy'ry.
Thena leapt towards the brunette, sword ready to kill, and Sersi narrowly dodged her attack, causing the white-haired woman to stumble forwards upon not making contact with anything.
She quickly readied herself again, facing Sersi with nothing other than anger written on her face.
"We're friends, Thena!" Sersi pleaded as she attempted to defend herself against the woman. However, she was exhausted from her previous fight against the Deviants, and it was a known fact that Thena was one of the best Eternals at combat.
Just as Thena attempted to stab Sersi, you ran through the fight, grabbing the brunette and carrying her to safety hundreds of feet away. Unfortunately, you were unable to avoid Thena's weapon as you were too focused on saving Sersi.
You collapsed to the ground, Sersi holding onto you as you fell, and your hands covered the bleeding wound that you had suffered on your side.
"Sersi," you groaned. You both knew that you weren't going to make it out alive.
She quieted you, holding her own hand over yours. "It's okay; you'll be okay." You nodded, even though you knew that it was a lie.
"Tell her I love her, Sers. Tell Thena?" The brunette nodded, tears pricking at her eyes once your breathing fell shallow and your hand began to go limp. "Tell her I forgive her. I'll be okay."
The moment that your breathing stopped, the entire ground around you turned to water to mimic Sersi's tears. She screamed, ignoring the burning in her throat.
Druig and Makkari were the first to appear, him in her arms. They left a trail of dust as they stared at your figure on the ground, unmoving and cold.
"Was it...?" Druig trailed off, motioning towards where he knew Thena was being calmed by Gilgamesh. Sersi nodded.
Sprite appeared next, running towards Sersi and kneeling before your body, her tears falling from her cheeks onto your own.
Kingo stood in the background, hands clasped in front of him to avoid any bolts of energy from flying out of his fingers. He had never been particularly close to you, but the fact that Thena had done this left his blood boiling.
Next was Phastos and Ikaris. The latter stood behind Sersi, a hand on her shoulder, as he stared at you. Phastos stood with Kingo, wondering what he could have done to have armored you better.
When Gilgamesh and Thena broke through the tree line, the woman immediately fell to her knees upon seeing your dead body. She crawled towards you, taking you from Sersi and cradled you in her own arms.
"My love," she cried, running her thumb across the apple of your cheek. When it once would turn red beneath her touch, it was now cold and pale. "I'm sorry." Thena held you closer, your head in the crook of her neck, as she sobbed, guilt wrapping around her heart.
And when she screamed, the rest of the Eternals had to cover their ears, for they refused to hear the everlasting pain that Thena would be in.
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light-yaers · 3 years
All Too Well - Chapter Eight
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Ko-Fi | Fic Masterpost | Chapter List
Warnings: Rated M for swearing, death, alcohol and mild sexual content. F!Reader.
A/N: I am so overwhelmed from all the love and support I've got on this series in TWO DAYS!! Like whaaaat. Thank you guys so much, I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this. We're getting close to the end now, so thank you for coming along for this lil fic.
Word Count - 2.1k
Chapter Eight
“I won’t stand by and let you ruin the mission,” Ikaris said through clenched teeth. You and Druig rounded the corner, slowing down as you took in the wounded faces of the other Eternals.
“Ikaris,” you said gently. “What are you doing?” you asked desperately, skimming your eyes around Phastos’ ruined design for the Uni-mind.
“These are Arishem’s wishes,” he explained. “Ajak thought the same as you, she—,” he stopped himself, as Druig slowly strolled around the control room.
“You killed her,” he said plainly.
Ikaris grimaced. Sersi gasped. You swallowed down bile.
“No,” Sprite whispered.
“I won’t let you stop the Emergence,” Ikaris swallowed. “It’s our mission, our purpose,”
“Our purpose has changed,” you spoke up. “This was the Celestial plan all along. Think of the other Eternals out there doing their bidding and not knowing the consequences—,”
“Think of how you’re all stopping the birth of a billion new worlds! Just to hold on to this one!”
“We’ve all grown, Ikaris!” you yelled. “You’re the only one that hasn’t. You killed her,” you spluttered. “I can’t believe you killed Ajak,”
“If any of you get in my way,” he said lowly, stepping back from you all. “I will kill you,”
You all watched in silence as he made his way to the exit, praying that this was false. You turned to Sersi, but her expression was clear; she was heartbroken. She was cracked.
“Wait,” Sprite spoke up. “I’m coming with you,”
“No,” Sersi let out, reaching for Sprite. Phastos held her back gently, and she fell into his arms.
They both left, not looking back at their family once. Sersi let out a cry, clutching onto Phastos for dear life. You looked at the floor, anger and sadness radiating off you in waves. Druig slipped his hand into yours, squeezing your knuckles hard.
“I can’t do this,” Kingo said suddenly. You whipped your stare onto him, pleading through your eyes.
“Please, Kingo,” you urged. Kingo sighed.
“Come on… it’s Ikaris,” he said sadly, before strolling towards Karun. When they reached the doorway, he looked back. “Maybe, I’ll meet you all in the next life,”
There was a huge part of you that wanted to stop trying. When you made your way to Arishem’s chamber on the Domo, no one tried to stop you; not even Druig. Maybe all of you needed some space, just to compute this.
You peered up at the statue of Arishem in the place you’d woken up eight thousand years before. You’d known nothing then, only being aware of your mission at hand. Protect the humans from the deviants, follow Arishem, go home to Olympia when you were done.
Since finding out the truth, you’d been wondering of your past. Your memories were wiped after each Emergence; a blank state ready for another in the blink of an eye; but could that mean you’d met your Eternals before?
Had you already been on missions with Sersi, with Ikaris, with Ajak?
Had you already met Druig before, in the past, through the fog and smoke of your memory being wiped?
Thena knew what it felt like to know. Mahd W’yry had its grip on her thick and fast, but she was the strongest of you all. You wondered, through the pain and blood and destruction she saw and knew about, did any faces appear through the smoke screen, too? Could she see a Gilgamesh from ten thousand years before? Could she see Makkari? Could she see you?
The realisation that you were reset every couple thousand years was a slap in the face. You’d spent years discovering who you are, re-writing your personality, becoming your true self, just for Arishem to take you back and wipe you clean.
It angered you to your core.
And now? Ikaris had revealed his true self. Blindly following a being that he hadn’t spoken to in person in over eight thousand years, over multiple lifetimes.
You squatted to the floor, holding your head in your hands as you fought against the urge to scream, or cry, or break out of the ceiling of the Domo and kill Arishem yourself. You stared up at the statue of the Celestial, sucking in shaky breaths.
“Did you know?” you whispered to him. “Did you know we’d separate to begin with? That we’d grow to love this planet? That it would destroy us all to allow the Emergence to happen?” you asked desperately, as the tiniest part of you wanted him to actually reply. You knew he wouldn’t—you’d never spoken to him in person, but that didn’t stop you wishing for the answers.
“Did you know we’d grow to love? To hate? To feel? Without the help of my power guiding their emotions?” you continued. “Or did you program us this way? Did you build me this way?” you said, louder this time, standing from your low position as a surge of confidence filtered through your blood.
“Did you make me love him? Put something within my circuits that would ensure I’d fall for him, the first moment I ever saw him?” you cried, but there was nothing but silence that surrounded you afterwards. Silence, and the pumping of your blood as it travelled through your mechanical body.
“No,” Sersi said timidly, walking up behind you. “That wasn’t Arishem, that was all you,” she stood next to you, looking up at the statue of her master, her eyes sad and tired. “He didn’t make me love Ikaris, either. I grew to love him on my own,”
You looked at her sadly. “I’m so sorry, Sersi,” you reached out and took her hand in yours, squeezing it affectionately.
“We are strong enough to make our own decisions,” she replied, smiling at you sadly. “Ikaris was not,”
“We can still do this,” you said softly. “Without him, Sprite and Kingo. We still can,”
“I know,” Sersi agreed, shaking your hand affectionately. “I think we all need time to mourn first, just for a little while,” you nodded sullenly, before both of you stared into Arishem’s eyes. This was a being that brought you life, but you felt indifferent now.
He’d lied.
“So, you love Druig,” Sersi said, looking at you slyly. You pushed her playfully, letting out a chuckle. “They say distance makes the heart grow fonder,”
“Those five thousand years apart are not what made me love him, Sersi,” you let out.
“What made you love him?” she asked gently.
You didn’t have to think hard about it. “I’ve loved him from the moment we woke up here and he met my eye,” you said calmly. You meant it.
“Does he know?” Sersi quipped.
“Of course, he does,” you replied, amused. “It’s Druig. He knows everything that I think, even if I don’t want him to,” you let out a laugh, as did Sersi. You couldn’t believe you’d wasted five thousand years without her in your life; without any of them.
You hadn’t even visited people, hadn’t made yourself known to them. The least you could have sent was a Christmas card every year, but something had always stopped you.
Not your pride, or your ego—but the inherent feeling that, perhaps, they wouldn’t like you now that you’d grown.
You were still learning, despite your age.
A clatter sounded from the control room, alerting you and Sersi to move immediately. The two of you rushed back to your fellow Eternals, just to meet the sight of Makkari on the floor; books and jewels and whatever else had accumulated over the years here on top of her.
She lifted her hands through the debris. “I found the site of Emergence,” she signed. Druig was the first to let out a laugh, stepping forward to help her up.
“Slow down,” he said. She elbowed him in the rib.
“So, are we doing this or not?” Phastos asked, eyes wide.
“Of course, we’re doing this,” Thena said, stepping forward and summoning her blade of gold. You gasped as the sword tip dropped to the floor, hitting the metal with a clang. It’d been years since anyone had seen Thena summon her legendary weapons, mostly from the fast it triggered her Mahd W’yry. But this—she was strong, she was balanced, and she could most definitely slice your arm clean off your body if she wanted to.
Phastos gestured to the warrior. “This doesn’t make me feel safe—”
“Can you make the Uni-mind or not, Phastos?” you asked, interrupting him. He shook of his nerves, turning to you.
“Yes,” he said plainly. “But—I need something from you, Sersi,” he approached her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “I need the sphere within you that allows you to converse with Arishem. It acts as a link between you and him, so I think it would work as a link between all of us for the Uni-mind,”
Sersi nodded nervously. “Makes sense. Okay, take it,” she said, swallowing down her anxiety. You stepped back towards Druig, holding your breath as Phastos positioned his hands to pry the sphere from her chest.
“Don’t kill her,” Thena said suddenly. Phastos shut his eyes, calming himself down.
“Thank you for that, Thena,” he whispered, before his fingers twitched. They twitched and grabbed at the air before him, as golden strands rushed forward and latched onto the sphere within Sersi. She gasped once, and your entire body lurched.
Druig grabbed your waist swiftly, keeping you upright. He placed his chin on your shoulder, hugging you securely from behind and watching along with you.
Phastos tugged once, and the sphere emerged from Sersi’s collar. You let out a sigh of relief as it hovered in Phastos’ palm, and he immediately set about getting to work.
“Eternals,” Sersi said, after catching her breath. “Suit up,”
You hadn’t donned your armour since you left Babylon, all those years ago. It felt almost circular, when you stepped back into Arishem’s chamber and stood on your podium. Druig smiled at you from across the room, stepping back onto his own podium as well.
You sent him an amused grin, because you knew what he was thinking about, despite not being able to read his mind. You knew he was thinking of the time he woke up and his gaze found yours. You knew it.
Leaning your head back, the golden strands of the Domo wrapped around you softly. They were like paintbrushes, drawing armour onto the canvas that was your body. Your armour was soft hues of purple and black, blending together into a gradient as the armour drooped over your hips. The sleeves were long, your chest plate form fitting, your pauldrons sturdy.
You didn’t don gloves. They would only be a hindrance to your power.
The final piece of your armour— an armband to ensure you were connected to the Uni-mind. You raised your arm and watched the bracelet wrap itself around your wrist.
You stepped off your podium, as did the other Eternals. You were all ready.
Phastos was still busy, shifting parts of the Uni-mind within his hands, when Sersi approached Druig. “Ready?” she asked. Druig raised a finger to her, signalling how he wanted a minute.
You ran a hand down your armour, feeling the familiar curve of how it sat upon your body, before Druig sauntered over to you. You smiled at him knowingly, as his eyes ate you up. They skimmed across your entire frame, taking in your appearance and the obvious difference in your confidence now that you donned your armour.
“A favour,” he said lowly, hovering his arm out before you. “Can you calm me?”
Your gut coiled in surprise. “Really?” you asked. Druig almost laughed.
“There’s a Celestial that I have to put to sleep, you know? Can’t do that with butterflies in my stomach,” you smiled at him, feeling the overwhelming urge to hug him—but there were matters at hand that you couldn’t ignore.
You took in a deep breath, resting your hands on his arm gently. Your fingers sparkled with gold, transferring through Druig’s thick skin until you could feel the Eternal start to relax. He smiled wider, his breathing slowed, he looked content.
“You know, when I said you suppress our emotions, I was wrong,” he whispered, catching your eye. “You don’t suppress them, you make them. You make me feel,” he admitted, before slowly resting his forehead against yours.
This was Druig’s main love language—the subtle intimacy of his forehead upon your own, sharing each other’s breath, feeling the other’s body warmth and closing your eyes—just for a second just until the two of you are connected in mind and body and soul.
“Don’t die,” you whispered, tightening your grip on his arm. “I’ll kill you if you die,” Druig smirked in amusement.
“I’m not going anywhere, now that I’ve got you back,” he reassured you. You swallowed as you pulled away from him, not allowing yourself to cry. You had a planet to save, and so did he. “See you soon,” he said.
You nodded.
And he was gone.
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reds-burrow · 2 years
Have you watched Eternals? I'm trying to figure out their sorting
Well, it's been several months since I've seen it. Hold on, lemme do a re-watch. Be back by the time you finish reading this sentence.
Unsurprisingly there's a lot of Loyalists in a Chloe Zhao movie. Also not a surprise: the Eternals' individual powers have a heavy influence on their Secondaries.
Sersi: Badger/Badger
Sersi's love for humanity is what has driven her from the moment she arrived on Earth. She gravitates towards humans, spending time with them as much as with the other Eternals. When deciding what to do about the Emergence, what convinces her to go through with her plan to stop it is when Thena reminds her that Sersi is acting out of love. Saving humanity is less about the right or wrong of it, and more about protecting those she loves. Sersi also questions why Ajak chose her as the next Prime Eternal because she is so used to playing a support role, being one of the team, a common theme among Badger Primaries thrust into a leader role.
After being attacked by a Deviant, Sersi's first instinct is to find help from Ajak. Ikaris's suggestion that they gather everyone to discuss how to proceed is a great relief to Sersi, as she is repeatedly shown that she prefers working with others. Her life in the past showed her engaging in hard work, such as building houses and working in the fields, but she was always a part of a team as she did it. We also see her fumble situations where she's caught off guard, such as when she is interviewed for Kingo's documentary, and she struggles to do what turn out to be instinctual processes for her, like getting in contact with Arishem or transmuting a living being. Badgers tend to rely on their previous experiences to guide them through new ones, so it can be difficult for them to rely on only pure instinct. For Sersi, it was only through the other Eternals' encouragement that she is able to trust these instincts.
Sprite: Snake/Snake
Sprite yearns for a true connection, above all else. She holds a grudge against Kingo because he abandoned her, and only seems to begin forgiving him when he explains how the movies he makes are inspired by her, proving that he continues to love and think about her. Sprite envies Sersi and humans because they are able to experience love and the freedom of choosing their own way of life that having or growing into an adult body grants them. The personal freedoms of being able to chart your own path tend to be motivating factors for Internal Primaries in many stories. Also, while Sprite does mention she doesn't think they should stop the Emergence, as Kingo points out, she decides to go with Ikaris because she loves him.
In battle, she always uses her powers to hide or distract, when she just as easily could use her illusions to intimidate or feign attacks. We also see that the illusions she casts while storytelling are something she easily improvises when she uses her abilities to remind Thena who she is on the fly. She also enjoyed embellishing the stories she would tell her human audiences, such as the legend of Ikaris flying too close to the sun that Dane mentions after Ikaris first shows up.
Ikaris: Badger/Lion
When it is finally revealed what Ikaris thinks about the Emergence, he makes it clear that he is an External Primary, guided by Arishem as his moral beacon. But unlike a Bird, he doesn't try to argue or explain his reasoning to the others. The only reason he gives for his actions is that he believes in Arishem's vision, a sign of his Badger loyalty. There is no changing Ikaris's system. Arishem's work is all that matters, and Ikaris is willing to kill his family to see it completed. And he is a threat because he's such a natural fighter, one of the Eternals who is always charging into each battle, relying on his strength to pull him out of any situation. There are no tricks nor strategies to rely on in his fighting, just pure strength to overwhelm his opponents.
Ajak: Badger/Badger
It's telling that Ajak decided to spend her time waiting for the Emergence on a ranch, a labor intensive environment. She is also shown as a sort of mother figure for the Eternals. She guides them with a steady hand, observing and encouraging. She tells Ikaris to confess his feelings to Sersi and later has Sprite visit Sersi because she knows that that is what her family needs for happiness. This ability to read others comes from the rapport her Courtier Badger has built with them over time. It is also how she knows to trust Sersi as the next Prime Eternal and arguably also what changed her mind about humanity. After the Eternals went their separate ways, Ajak finally took the time to get to know humanity, living amongst them. As a result, her Badger Primary bonded with them, opening Ajak up to counting humans as a community worth protecting. Her loyalty shifted from being solely devoted to the Celestials and Arishem's vision, to prioritizing humanity.
Kingo: Snake/Badger
Kingo's concerns are always first and foremost for the people close to him. When we first see him on his movie set, he worries about abandoning everyone depending on him for a job even though he just learned that the Deviants are back to threaten the entirety of humankind. Karun convinces him to go help by quoting one of Kingo's favorite movie lines, "Life affords no greater duty than to protect one’s family!" Later, he is ready to give his loyalty to Ikaris until it comes out that Ikaris has crossed the line that Kingo cannot accept: hurting a member of his family. Kingo then refuses to take part in the final battle because he can't stand the possibility of crossing that line too, even though he makes it clear he believes one side is right. That belief is not enough to overcome his Snake Primary instincts.
As showy as Kingo is, he is earnest in his interactions. He acts the same with the Eternals as he does with Karun or with workers on his movie set. His movies are all based on what he knows, his previous experiences with the Eternals. He also shows a keen ability to read and understand the people he's invested in, such as when he is able to understand what's motivating Sprite.
Gilgamesh: Badger/Badger
He spends his time cooking, baking, and fermenting his own beer through long processes that require steady work. While any Secondary can be a good caretaker, Badgers commonly take up this role, for they have the patience and penchant for hard work that being a caretaker often entails. Gilgamesh displays these traits while looking after Thena.
His first response to learning the truth of the Eternals' mission is that they are actually the bad guys, killing innocent people, and he is the one to suggest putting Tiamut to sleep in an attempt to save everyone, including Tiamut. It's an idea focused on saving as many lives as possible.
Thena: (Burnt) Lion/Lion
In the past, Thena is shown fully enjoying the glory and thrill of battle. Her Lion Secondary makes her a natural fighter, and she is shown rushing in, almost gleefully, to attack Deviants. Going through Mahd Wy'ry, however, burned her Primary. She questions herself and if she still is the person the others remember her as. She is shown to be dependent on Gilgamesh to tell her what to do in stressful situations like the Deviant attack on Druig's village. At the same time, the Mahd Wy'ry gives us a glimpse into how she reacted to the Eternals' true mission in the past, with her rebelling and even attacking the other Eternals in an effort to save the people of Centuri-Six. Though it's unclear how much she has recovered, her victory over Kro was also a victory over her condition, and Thena seems much more comfortable with herself at the end of the movie.
Druig: Lion/Bird
When we first meet him in the present day, he is more concerned about dealing with what he is feeling, having just found out he's an artificial lifeform, than the fact that the world is ending or that Ajak is dead. His focus on his inner turmoil points to his Lion Primary, which we also see in how he interacts with humans. When he breaks away from the other Eternals he explains that it's painful for him to have to follow the rules set forth by Arishem because he knows them to be wrong. He balks at the idea of blind loyalty and hates the thought of leaders using their soldiers as pawns, though there is irony in that hate, for his powers can force that same sort of relationship on others. And we see him using people as living tools and weapons, speaking through someone when the Eternals first arrive in his village and having a group shoot at a Deviant when it attacks. The fact that he decided to put down roots suggests a Built Secondary when, with his powers, he could have roamed the world seeking to end conflicts as they arose. Druig is also the one to suggest they have a back-up plan if they fail to put Tiamut to sleep and is the one to come up with the idea of Sersi using her powers to kill the Celestial.
Phastos: (Burnt) Badger/Bird
After Hiroshima, Phastos burned and gave up on most of humanity. His focus in the present day is only upon his family, the one thing he believes he has a chance of protecting. It's through them, that he says, he still connects to humanity as a whole. As burned as he is, that desire to protect all humans is still there.
His powers make him a natural builder and inventor, and in the final battle, we see him get the upper hand by using devices and traps he'd set up in advance.
Makkari: Bird?/Lion?
Unfortunately, Makkari suffers from lack of screen time, making her difficult to sort at this point. She does show a penchant for collecting different artifacts, though this isn't about collecting tools or information for problem-solving. As she tells Sprite in a deleted scene, she collects these artifacts because she hated seeing humans destroy their culture and knowledge. She places great value in knowledge, which could point to a Bird Primary, and reiterates this at the end of the movie, when Thena asks whether or not the other Eternals will accept the truth. Makkari answers affirmatively because she believes the truth will set them free, just as Makkari seems to feel it did for her. When first told about the truth of who the Eternals are and that the world is ending, although troubled, Makkari also shows relief because her boredom was finally ending. Her powers do make her appear like a Lion Secondary, with her superspeed not only making charging the natural thing to do in battle, but also increasing her thinking speed, making her quick to make decisions and jump into situations. But for all we know, she is going through another Secondary's thought process, just too quickly for us to tell.
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
Hi, it's me (i'm the problem, it's me). Here's a prompt for a new au that I think you can do it justice 💃 Thena is the best onmyoji/jujutsu sorceress in the family and Gilgamesh is the giant entity that serves her, between them there's a connection that runs deeper than the contract that binds them together ✨✨💖 pls i wanna see them being badass and then some soft moments 👉👈
"Uh, so..." Kingo started and then stopped again. He had never been paired with this particular sorcerer for a mission before, but he knew who she was.
Thena, eldest daughter of a very renowned jujutsu sorceress clan. They had cursed energy that was so pure and so concentrated it was called Cosmic energy to some--glowed gold and everything. But aside from her weapons expertise, not a lot was known about her.
Kingo shifted on his feet. "Do you think it's a special grade, like the rumours say? Or just a level 2 causing trouble?"
"Hm," she let out plainly, and it almost sounded like a chuckle. "I believe even a level 2 is enough to spook the people living in this area. If there is, in fact, a special grade apparition in the area, then I'm certain you and I can handle it."
Kingo nodded; it was a very concise way to wrap things up. So, not the chatty type. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, pulling his own cursed energy into his fingertips.
Thena pulled out the hilt of a sword from the sleeve of her dress. But it took no effort at all for her to create a blade of pure golden light. "Ready."
Kingo raised his hand, pointing his 'finger guns' into the air where he expected the cursed spirit to appear. He just wanted to get this mission done so he could go home.
They waited.
"Where is it?" he voiced aloud, mostly to fill the tense silence.
"Indeed," she agreed, her sword shifting shape from a long blade to a knife she could hold closer to her body. "I believed a level 2 would be eager for a kill."
"Maybe it is a special grade," he murmured as they started backing up. Ajak's deep blue veil was still cast over the area to keep anyone from poking around. "Let's regroup."
"What is it?"
Kingo looked over at his temporary partner. She was whispering over her shoulder--talking to herself? "Uh, T?"
"Something isn't right," she looked back at Kingo, as if she hadn't been talking to some imaginary devil on her shoulder. "I can't sense anything at all."
Now that she said it, she had a point. There was no cursed energy lingering in the air. Even the most basic curses would leave some impression on the area. But this was suspiciously quiet.
"I don't like it either."
Kingo frowned; she was whispering to herself again. He thought her and her whole family were supposed to be super cool jujutsu sorcerers, not nut jobs!
He had quick reflexes--he prided himself on them. But he wasn't even fully turned around when the blade of a spear extended past him. He fell forward, cursed energy spilling out from behind him. Oh yeah, this was totally a special grade apparition.
Thena pulled the spear back to herself and changed the shape of it again, her fingers running along the blade of her sword. "It's eaten a lot of people."
"Yuck," Kingo muttered, regarded the writhing mass of cursed energy, a swirling ball of curses with evidence of their once physical bodies still in it. It moved fast though.
Kingo took shots at it as it moved, but it was like a rat king, scurrying around quickly in a completely disgusting way. It scuttle around, avoiding his shots of cursed energy expertly. Even those that hit, only shot off small sections of the main body. He aimed at the small little 'rats' scurrying off the main body as they split off. "Ew, ew, ew!--this is by far the grossest spirit I've ever fought."
"I am inclined to agree." She was a woman of few words, huh?
Kingo ducked and rolled as the ratking spirit shot a few more extremities at them. He took a few more shots in return, but this was getting nowhere fast. He looked at his partner, who was more close range combat than he was. "Thena!"
She turned, barely catching the wave of rats behind her. It loomed over her, but the shadow cast over her wasn't from that.
Kingo skittered back as a massive shadow rose from within Thena's. A cursed apparition like he had never seen before appeared, looming over her and using a single hand to keep the enemy curse at bay. "What the-"
The massive spirit materialised more, becoming that of a man, with dark eyes. He had regular hands, but in the same golden glow of Thena's energy, a massive bear paw appeared around his hand. And that was what held the curse at bay.
The curse could use cursed energy? Kingo ran closer, "what the hell is that?!"
"How dare..." the monstrous spirit growled as he held the curses around them at bay. He threw them back, still glowing with cursed energy within his control. "How dare you hurt Thena!"
Kingo ducked as the spirit threw the limb of the cursed spirit and by extension the main body. He looked at Thena, "uh, you brought backup, I see."
She looked at him briefly. "This is Gilgamesh."
That was not the explanation Kingo would have expected to get. But he nodded at the apparition towering over Thena's shoulder, who nodded at him in return. "Uh, hey."
The spirit looked at Thena, bending closer to her. Her hand came up to his cheek, her mouth hovering close to his as she whispered, "friend."
The one word was enough for her guardian spirit, who looked at Kingo again before redirecting his attention to the curse at hand. Kingo also turned back to their current problem. "I guess we'll have to do introductions later."
"Gil!" Thena barked, and the spirit over her shoulder grasped her by the waist before throwing her up in the air. Kingo didn't have time to be stunned before she was on top of the ratking spirit and had both her blades driven into it.
"Holy shit!"
Gilgamesh stormed over, still in the shape of a man but with golden glowing lines like elephant feet around his own. He impacted the ground as he ran at the monster, fists swinging. "Thena!"
What was this thing? Kingo took up the job of shooting at the extremities before they could scurry off and reform into another cursed spirit. "Keep it up you two!"
"Crush it!" Thena ordered from above, hacking and sawing with her blades of cursed energy.
Kingo wouldn't believe it was possible, but he watched as her guardian did just that, bringing his arms around the other being of cursed energy until it was no more. Kingo held up both his hands, shooting at anything that so much as moved. "There are too many!"
He caught her first, because of course he would. Then he put a hand on her shoulder. He had his own supply of cursed energy, of course. Thena held out her palms, golden needles emerging from them. They all shot out at once, with no end in sight. However much cursed energy she had on her own, Gilgamesh obviously added to it exponentially.
Kingo ended up shielding his eyes by the time the massacre was over. He could understand why they called her the weapons expert; it was hard to create objects out of pure cursed energy. He walked over cautiously, "uh, good work...team?"
Gilgamesh leaned over Thena, pushing some hair away from her face and asking if she was okay even quieter than a whisper.
She smiled and nodded, leaning into his touch. He drifted even closer and she lifted onto her toes to tilt her head up and touch her lips to his cheek.
Kingo averted his eyes. He wasn't embarrassed per se, but he didn't think it was something he was supposed to witness.
"He was my guard."
He looked over, undeniably curious. "Wassat?"
Thena smiled at him, more relaxed now that the imminent danger was out of the way. Her hand remained cradled in the massive palm of her guardian. "He was my guard, once upon a time. When he died protecting me, I...I bound his spirit to mine."
Ohhhhh, he was a cursed apparition in the way a shrine guardian was bound to a temple. She had tied his soul to hers, tethered by their shared cursed energy to keep him with her. It was romantic, in a way (tragic, in another).
"Thena," the spirit rumbled, leaning over shoulder again and pressing his cheek to hers.
She smiled, nuzzling against him just as lovingly. "Gil."
She had a nickname for it?--him. Kingo put his hands back in his pockets as she gave her guardian angel another kiss before beginning the walk back to the edge of the veil. "Were you two...?"
Her smile turned a little sad as the veil began to fall away, revealing the rising sun. "Not in life, no."
But now, in death, it seemed their love was more unbound. There was something beautiful about that, even Kingo could see. He looked over at her massive shadow, where Gilgamesh was happy to float along behind her. Despite literally living in her shadow, they were holding hands.
Kingo chuckled, squinting as dawn reached them. He waved to Ajak, waiting for them. "Well, if I ever ask for a boost like you did today, I think I should get at least one per fight."
Thena just stared at him like he'd spit up a cursed spirit orb. But she laughed, even throwing her head back a little. Her hair caught the sun, practically glowing in its own way.
Gilgamesh smiled down at her, although he held up a hand to keep the sun from getting directly in her eyes. "Love your laugh."
"You're free to ask him," she even swiped a tear of laughter from her eye, "but it's not up to me if he agrees."
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I love the way you can describe Thenamesh. How you find the right word to describe anything. It’s very poetic. Maybe you can use your talent and write something beautiful?
How Thena sees Gil? What she thinks when she is looking into his eyes, sees his smile? How he is tall and has these muscles but is very very gentle with anything fragile. How he is utterly gentle and soft with her?
Just her perspective of him. Something beautiful, soft and sweet.
Im looking forward for more story’s of you ❤️
There are a few things that can come to mind when looking at the Strongest Eternal, but the first and foremost should be warmth. He radiates it, embodies it, effuses it. And it spreads to those around him, encouraging them to bask in such qualities as his warmth and his humour and his utter kindness.
When she looks at him, something stirs within her mind. it's hard to explain, and the Warrior Eternal is not exactly one confounded by her own thoughts often. But looking at him pulls something from deep within her. It lies dormant, under her unconscious thought when she doesn't need it. But how she loves that indescribable feeling.
From the moment their eyes met in deep space, to when her hand slipped into his when they first touched down on the planet, something about him makes her feel at ease.
The nerves in her body calm, the thoughts in her head quiet. He stills her like a ripple stills the water in its wake. She gives him her hand and his warmth washes over her. It loosens her, softens her jagged edges. She tucks her elbow in, bringing herself closer to him by her own volition. Because the choice to be closer to him is an easy one.
She watches him across from her, through the flames of revelry. Deviants have been slain and celebration is in order. She is not one for it, but he is. And if he is there, then she will not be far. Not unless it's to protect that smile of his--the warmth he carries preciously without even realising it.
"Come and have a drink with me."
Cold and hard, just like her. "No."
Not all of them are. Sersi is soft and warm, Makkari is bright and warm. Kingo is a little too bright, if anything. But none of them are warm like he is.
He turns and looks at her, bathed in Babylonian sun. His hair moves in the wind, soft and almost fluffy on the top of his head. It catches the light and holds it with its dark colour. His skin glows from the work he's doing. He waves.
His eyes are warm, and so gentle. Their colour is brown, but Thena will never have the words to describe how they are so much more than that. They are warm soup he makes for her when it's raining, or tea he brews when she can't sleep. They are the last embers of a fire she keeps stoked so he won't be cold after dozing off in the middle of watch duty. They are the first hints of sunlight she glimpses on his skin before going back to sleep, content with just the sight of him.
"Hey," he greets her plainly and simply. The one word has so, so many others behind it--so much that exists between them.
"Hey," she smiles back at him, content as his smile pulls up to one side while he tries to guess her thoughts. She lets him, because she gets to look at him for longer.
His eyes flutter as she reaches up to brush away a bead or two of sweat. He has black eyelashes, which make her envious because they get to touch his cheeks whenever they please.
"What have you been up to?" he asks lightly, his hand hovering closer, lingering in a way that would get anyone else killed.
She allows it, because it's easier than giving in and leaning all the way into it. "Watch."
He nods, content with her one word, because he knows she has chosen it just for him.
"You?" she asks, and this too is more than anyone else would get.
"Helping patch up the hole," he points to the last point of impact from a previous fight. It was a good fight. "Just finished."
"Hm," she purrs, eyes travelling over him. She follows every move of his shoulders, every breath that expands his chest under his armour, ever twitch in his arms after a hard day's work.
Those arms can rip a Deviant's head clean off. They are also made to fit around her in embraces that can only be described as painfully gentle.
"Hungry?" he asks, because he's always so concerned with feeding her.
She lets his hand come to the small of her back, his palm spreading against it. She knows every bend of muscle, every edge of bone, every ridge in the tips of his fingers. "What are you making?"
His smile puts the sun to shame. "Anything you want."
She lets out a fraction of a laugh, but he brightens as if she has promised him riches beyond compare. He always presents himself as living to hear even the smallest laugh from her. That is how she feels about his smile.
"Honey buns?" he suggests, and is rewarded with a full, bright smile, her lips pulling back from her teeth.
His eyes trail over them. Just like she knows every muscle on his body, he knows every bend and line in her lips. "I'll take that as a yes."
She keeps her eyes on him as they walk. She has no choice; he's too beautiful to look away. His hand moves and soon his arm is looped around her, as easily and lazily as he might lean against something.
She leans against him--leans into it.
How she loves him.
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Hey :)
If ur still accepting requests, could you something where Thena is on her period and is in a lot of pain (Cramps suck Fr) and Gil comforts her??? You can choose the AU <3
Btw ur entire account literally gives me life lmao 🫶🏼
Thena woke slowly, having drifted off on the couch after using the last of her pain meds. She had sent a message to Kingo to bring her more, though.
There were sounds coming from the kitchen. Panic flooded through her as she looked up and over the back of the couch.
"It's okay," he smiled at her, having sensed her alarm, "it's just me."
Thena relaxed her knee-jerk reaction to reach for a knife. Although she was on high alert in other ways, seeing him at her stove. "What are you doing here?"
Gil turned down the burner on whatever he was cooking and came over to the couch, leaning on the back of it. "How're you feeling?"
"Answer me," she grumbled at him, curling around herself and drawing up the blanket she had thrown over her legs.
"I ran into Kingo while he was out getting some things," Gil answered gently, brushing some hair away from her cheek for her (why she let him was beyond her). "I offered to come and check on you."
Thena made a mental note to fire Kingo before she killed him.
"I've got some cheesy tteokbokki on for you," he smiled at her, leaving the back of the couch only to retrieve a tray from the kitchen and bring it over for her. "Start with this."
Thena frowned as he set the tray on her coffee table, on top of the laptop she had abandoned since cramps had robbed her of the ability to work from home.
He had arranged a glass of gingerale, a fresh dose of midol, a few crackers and cheese and even a few pieces of white chocolate (her favourite). There was even a tiny little vase with a budding lily in it.
Thena looked from the tray to the eager and hopeful face of the Tyrant King. She was still curled up around herself, and not just because of the cramps in her abdomen. "Why?"
His smile fell, and she hated to admit that it made her feel so bad she was willing to do anything to undo it. He corrected his expression, though, letting his smile become smaller but softer. "I'm your boyfriend, Ice. So I'm here to do boyfriend things, like comfort you when you're having a rough period."
She was a grown woman. She had no reason to be embarrassed about a perfectly natural function of her body. But she had never intended on letting him witness it firsthand.
She hadn't showered yet, she was sure she was pale as a ghost with messy hair and cold sweat on her skin. And that was to say nothing of the fact that instead of her usual silk nightdress she was in fuzzy sweatpants and an old hoodie.
Thena picked her head up off the throw pillow and gave him a withering glare, "my boyfriend, are you?"
"Well, let's go with that for now," he chuckled, putting his hand on her shoulder to steady him as he leaned over to kiss her cheek before returning to the kitchen.
She eyed the fresh ink of his ring tattoo as he moved.
"Your cup is still in its pot here, too--I just moved it."
Right, she had been boiling her menstrual cup while she had texted Kingo for supplies. This was exactly what she meant about Gil not having to be here doing all this for her. They were...something--she had thought to maybe call them an ongoing affair. But apparently he was her boyfriend.
That didn't mean she wanted him handling the pot that had a silicone cup she put in her-
Thena groaned, leaning her head back against her throw pillow again.
"Take your drugs, Princess. I'll bring lunch over in a sec."
She pursed her lips as she eyed the lovingly arranged platter he had brought her. She could hear him humming to himself in the kitchen behind her. It was so...domestic. She turned herself as best she could, keeping her blanket over her lap as she leaned just enough to reach the midol and the gingerale (and a piece of chocolate).
"Here we go," Gil narrated as he came over with a sizzling claypot in its holder. He walked over briskly with it, setting it down next to the other platter and sitting beside her. He turned to her with a grin, "want me to feed it to you?"
"Absolutely not."
"Aw, come on, Sweetness," he laughed as he stirred around the steaming hot rice cakes in their red sauce. "It'll be like the old days in the poison ward."
Was that what constituted 'the good old days' for them?
"I can feed myself," she huffed, although when he leaned out of her way, she realised just how far away the nice hot bowl really was.
"Here," he smiled, picking up the utensils and using the chopsticks to pile a few into a larger spoon as kind of an in-between serving vessel. He handed both over to her, "take your time."
Thena sighed, taking a few and blowing on them before eating them. She knew very well he made the best tteokbokki. He was quite a sufficient home cook, but something about how he made the sauce for the rice cakes--how he got them to the absolute perfect consistency for her every time. It never failed.
Gil rubbed her back as she slurped back a few more. "You could have told me, y'know."
Thena sighed between bites. She didn't have to answer him. If she didn't, he probably wouldn't pester her with it, given her current mood. She handed the spoon back so he could pick up a few more for her. "It's...personal."
He gave her a look. "Baby, I gave you a sponge bath while you were in the hospital. You think I can't handle your period?"
She glared at him; he didn't have to bring that up. "Not the point."
He let it go, handing back another few tteokbokki with stretchy, oozy cheese on them.
"Just," she said just before taking a bite, using the time chewing to collect her thoughts. She sighed through her nose, her shoulders sinking. She gulped. "Just...let me be a mess on my own."
"A mess?" he asked in a tone that was so disbelieving it was a little snarky. But surely he knew better than to be snarky with her when she was in a foul mood; she glared at him again. But he laughed, "you think you can hide how beautiful you are?"
Thena stared down at the tteokbokki she was holding. She was piled under comfy clothes and blankets and a fuzzy warmer stuffed inside the pocket of her hoodie. Her back hurt, she hadn't even washed her face that morning, let alone brushed her hair or checked what she smelled like.
Gil blinked as she handed back the utensils without having finished her last bite. "Sweetness?"
"Stop it," she grumbled, pressing her face into her hands, including the tears that were threatening more and more seriously to spill over. "Stop...being sweet."
Gil smiled as the problem was stated. He set the food aside, moving closer so he could pulled her into his lap. She growled at him a little but he nestled her head under his chin, "I don't think that's something a good boyfriend does."
Thena pressed her face into his shirt. He smelled like his office, even in his casual clothes. He smelled like gojuchang and gojugaru and aromatics.
Gil let her bury her face in his chest, her hand sliding up to join it, sitting over his heart, like it always did. "I'm right here, Thena. I'm not going anywhere."
She inhaled the mix of scents on him, letting it relax her like lavender in a bath. "Lunch."
"I'll save it for you, heat it up later," he promised, whispering as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'll run you a hot bath, we can have a nice relaxing dinner. What do you think, Ice?"
"Hm," she mumbled, already on the verge of falling asleep again. The night had been fitful at best, and something about how warm he was always made her want to nod off. "Tell Kingo he's fired."
Gil laughed, although it wasn't the belly deep laugh he sometimes had. He was careful not to jostle her in his arms. "I think you should tell him that yourself."
She whined faintly, burying her face in his chest completely again, "later."
"Later," Gil agreed, kissing the top of her head as he supported her back with his arm and rubbed her shoulder. "Take your time."
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey :)
how about some intense action and angst for our beloved Thenamesh?
The Eternals are fighting deviants as always but this particular fight is different. They are stronger so for the first time Thena actually struggles against 2 pretty big and strong ones so Gil jumps in between them and fights both of them and telling Thena she should help the others because they are struggling too. It’s a hard fight and throughout the fight gets injured more and more without any of them noticing it. He kills both of them and when the others are coming to him to discuss future steps they realize how badly he is injured. (You know like broken bones,badly bleeding and more)
Thena pulled her staff from the head of the last Deviant of the pack. She looked around, taking in the full scale of the destruction caused. The city was in ruin around them, with crumbled buildings and spots of flame dotted around them. "Everyone here?"
Ikaris landed in front of her, watching for Sersi to emerge with the other Thinkers from the back lines of their fight. Makkari slowed to a speed their eyes could follow, walking back alongside Kingo. They all had some sign of the fight's toll in them.
"I've never seen so many at once," Ikaris addressed the team, looking around at them as the sun set. "Or ones so large. We should-"
The other Eternals looked over at the haunted sounding whisper.
"Where's Gilgamesh?" Thena asked aloud, although it was clear she didn't expect an answer from any of them. She walked forward, pushing past Ikaris as if he weren't even there.
"Thena," he growled at her as she moved him out of her way. His feet just barely left the ground, "we have to talk."
"Gil?" she called out, barely above a whisper.
"Hey!" Emerging from a pile of rubble, the Strongest Eternal waved at them. He had his usual smile on, but it had some other conditions along with it. Blood from his head was running down his face, making him close one eye against it. The hand that wasn't waving was lying limp--dangling at the end of a useless arm. He was hobbling.
The Warrior Eternal - the Goddess of War herself - ran, throwing herself forward before he could fall. She caught him, pulling his head against her shoulder, into the crook of her neck. She lowered them to the ground, letting him crumple around her.
"Gil," she squeezed his arms, although he groaned. She could feel the breaks in his bones, the swelling around his strained muscles. She nudged his head gently, immediately able to see where the Deviant had bitten or clawed his head through his thick black hair. His knee was probably all but shattered.
"Gil!" the rest of the Eternals rushed over in concern for their teammate.
They all stumbled to a halt as Thena held him to her, glaring at them the same way she would any enemy. They could all feel the air around them crackling with her energy.
"No one is coming anywhere near him," she ordered, holding them at bay from their own brother. "Go get Ajak. Bring her here."
"Thena," Phastos dared to reason with the most stubborn Eternal. "We can take him back into the temple. She can-"
"No!" Thena barked again, holding Gil tighter, instinctively protesting to anything that might separate her from him. "I'm not making him take another step!"
"We can carry him, T," Kingo suggested. He lowered himself down as he entered her periphery, as if approaching a wild animal defending its wounded mate. He half expected to get hissed and growled at any second now. "Please?"
She shook her head, though, her fingers splaying through his hair at the back of his head, her other hand firmly on his back. "He's hurt, Kingo. He's not going anywhere."
Sersi had yet to speak up, but rather found herself being looked at by the others. She did have arguably the most calming presence of the Eternals, Ajak aside--or maybe even included. She tiptoed forward. "Thena, what if..."
Thena looked at her sister, green eyes watery and fragile as frost. She held Gilgamesh tighter, "please, Sersi. He's in so much pain."
Sersi furrowed her brows. She understood both arguments--she really did. The team was firm in their belief in bringing Gil back inside to the Domo. It was how they did things. But Sersi only had to look at Thena, her resolute sister, curled up on the ground and holding the man she loved with screaming desperation.
Sersi placed her palms on the ground, growing a spot of thick, soft grass under the pair. "I'm afraid I can't do much more at the moment. Just stay here."
"Sersi," Ikaris frowned, but she shook her head at him, pulling Makkari with her to retrieve their Prime.
Druig let out a rough sigh, sounding just as done with it all as he always did. Without Makkari by his side, his patience left him. He walked forward, kneeling down in front of them. Thena judged exactly how close was close enough, and he respected her boundary. "Oi, Gil."
The Strongest Eternal let out a painful sounding wheeze.
"You wan'us to move you back 'nside?" Druig mumbled out with his lazy tongue. "Or you wanna wait here?"
Ikaris, Kingo and Phastos all traded looks, debating when they should risk their lives and try to separate Thena from Gil by force. Sprite was eager to watch the carnage if that was the option chosen.
Gil drew in a shaky breath, only to deflate on the exhale. He sagged against Thena even heavier, but the arm he could still used wrapped around her like it would a pillow. He nuzzled against her neck--the only exposed part of her in her armour. "Stay."
Thena turned her head, kissing whatever part of him she reached first that way. "I'm right here."
The others present rolled their eyes (Sprite faked a gagging noise).
Druig patted his knees as he stood again, "well, that's 'at. Nothin' to do but wait."
It wasn't as if it would be hours. Ajak was most likely almost back to them with Sersi and Makkari in tow. They gave their teammates some space, hovering around the created patch of meadow.
Druig sat himself a respectful distance away, back turned to the affections of arguably two of his favourite siblings. Ikaris and Phastos turned away by sheer uncomfortability. Sprite laid down on the ground, now fully uninterested. Kingo joined her.
Thena continued running her fingers through Gil's hair, listening to every pained breath he took and timing her own around them, as if it would help--as if she could alleviate his pain. Every second Gilgamesh suffered was another Deviant she would hunt down and annihilate. "Soon, my love."
Gil sighed, though. The minutes all bled together in his hazy mind, but he supposed it could be worse. For now, he was safely within the embrace of his sweet Warrior Eternal. She was soft, and gentle, and there was no safer place for him to await his healing than in her arms.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
can you write Thena getting hurt in a battle but it's Ikaris fault, because he actively tried to manipulate Thena because he's sick of her resistance against him? of course sweet Gil is upset about that. pls
Things were tense, to say the least.
The fight had been pretty ordinary--nothing the Fighters couldn't handle, as usual. Makkari had taken care of crowd control, as usual. Kingo had taken care of the long range shots, as usual. Thena and Ikaris had fought and bickered the whole time, as usual.
But that was where things had gone wrong. What was their usual arguing had escalated in the middle of the fight. Thena had ignored Ikaris one too many times and he, in turn, he had tossed a Deviant off of him and 'accidentally' hurled it right into Thena's path. She had been in the process of finishing off a kill of her own when the new obstacle had plowed into her from the side.
She could hold the one off, its jaws gripping the staff of her spear, bright and sizzling in her hand. But it left the other one free to sink its claws into her.
Her scream of pain hit the air, and the other Fighters all responded. Ikaris was on his way to undo his doing when Gil got to her.
The Strongest Eternal was never far away when it came to the Warrior Eternal, especially on the battlefield. He was only seconds away from her when she'd been hurt. And it had taken him mere seconds more to knock one Deviant's head clean off and rip the other one's legs at the joints.
Sometimes even the other Eternals could forget how truly strong Gilgamesh was.
Because Gil was all softness with Thena. He had held Thena so gently, extracting the claw from her leg with his own pain written all over his face. He pushed her hair back and ran his finger over her cheek. "Does it hurt?"
Thena made a face she could only make around Gilgamesh and nodded.
That was all he needed to know before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to their healing leader. Thena was still with Ajak, letting her clean the wound before simply closing it up.
Gil was outside, listening toThena's every breath for a sign that she needed him.
Ikaris approached cautiously. "How is she?"
Gilgamesh's face went dark and cloudy. "What?"
Ikaris froze in his tracks. He knew that Gil wouldn't exactly be happy to see him. He knew that he probably deserved it, too. "Is it bad?"
Gil leaned off the wall and uncrossed his arms. He walked over to Ikaris, happy to get right in his face in complete contrast to his usual avoidance of conflict. "Are you really asking that?"
Ikaris was not to be intimidated, but maybe he had a little too much guilt to look his teammate in the eye. "Look, I-"
"You threw that thing at her," Gil growled out. He wasn't one for anger--didn't use it, certainly didn't hold onto it. But when it was there, it was there, and he wouldn't be letting go of this any time soon. "You knew she had her hands full already."
"It was a mistake."
"It was petty," Gil snapped back at him, bumping his shoulder against the Soaring Eternal's. Ikaris stumbled back a little, giving him somewhat of a glare for it. Gil was happy to receive it. "You think you're such a great leader, but you're no better than a child."
Ikaris growled, a vein rising in his forehead under his skin. "You have a lot of nerve directing this at me and not your precious partner in there."
But Gil didn't even blink, walking on and backing Ikaris up further. "Thena knows what she's doing. She's the Warrior Eternal. She doesn't need you barking orders at her and she certainly doesn't need you taking out your frustrations on her."
"Gil, I-"
"She's hurt!" The last straw was broken. Gil grabbed the collar of Ikaris' armour, hoisting him up and holding him up against the wall at his back. He glowered at him, "because of you!"
That was true. He was right, and Ikaris knew it. But he also wasn't going to be held like a stray dog. "Get off me, Gil."
"If she ever spills blood because of you again," Gil promised, raising his fist and building his energy around it, layering and layering until his ears popped.
To Ikaris' credit, he didn't flinch as Gil punched straight through the wall of the temple with enough force to send a shockwave into the outside air over most of the temple grounds. If he'd been mortal, even being that close to its impact could have killed him. "Point taken."
"Is it?" Gil dropped him to the ground again nonetheless, very much done with his miscreant brother.
"Gilgamesh?" Ajak called as she emerged from the room. He turned to her immediately. She glanced from him to Ikaris and the hole behind him with a sigh. It would have to be a later discussion. "She's fine--you can go see her."
Gil rushed into the room, practically sliding on his knees to where Thena was, donning their standard issue grey robes instead of her armour. She must have dispelled it for Ajak to work on her leg. "How is it?"
She smiled at him, and he was reminded that this side of Thena was completely unknown to their teammates--their family. "Much better now."
Gil glanced down at the leg, underneath layers of thick, soft, grey material as it was. He could remember the bright red of her blood as he'd examined it in the moment. He rested a hand there, watching carefully to see if there was any lingering pain.
Thena let him, tilting her head with her hair sitting freely around her shoulders without the tiara on her forehead. "Thank you for carrying me."
He blushed sweetly, leaning into her hand as it rose to his cheek. "Anything for you."
She pulled him closer until she could leave a kiss on his forehead. It was so natural for the two of them, even while the rest of the Eternals would drop to their knees in shock. But Thena had never thought it odd she was so at ease with Gilgamesh.
He smiled at her, picking her up in his arms again and holding her comfortably. "Shall we?"
"I can walk, Gilgamesh," she declared, although her eyes had a certain sparkle in them as she said it (and her hands linked behind his neck).
He shrugged as he started down the hall and towards her room in the main temple. "For my peace of mind, then."
Thena laughed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Anything for you."
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