#if I have to say he’s aged up for you not to throw a hissy fit then I mean when he’s ‘aged up’
clownwritesfanfic · 2 months
I find it funny when people write Five as if he’s some sex god that knows his way around a woman’s body.
He grew up alone in an apocalyptic wasteland. All he had was his hand and a mannequin that was only from the waist up.
Then in his old age he was recruited to the commission and kept busy with missions. Bro had no time to fuck anybody.
He’s a massive virgin that would bust the minute anyone touched him
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dira333 · 1 year
My Brother’s best Friend
Mattsukawa x Reader - requested by @shoulmate for the Haikyuu Request Game
Mild Angst to Fluff, 3700 words (my hand slipped)
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You’re not all that fond of your teenage years. 
But maybe that’s just he curse of teenage life, to cringe looking back.
You're the little sister, two years between you and Toruu, twelve between you and Suzu.
With that age gap, it's only natural that you’d cling to Toruu more and beg him to take you on his adventures.
There are times you think he only did that because Iwa had a soft spot for you.
“Can you stop?” Toruu’s standing in the door to your room, wiping dirt of his trousers as you cry.
“But I wanna come!” 
“I don’t want you around all the time! We’re going to catch bugs and you think they’re disgusting.”
“Do not!”
“Do too! You just want to come because you think Iwa-chan is cute.”
“Do not!”
“Do too! You’re in love with him.” He singsongs the last part and you grab your pillow, throw it at him with all the strength a six-year-old can muster.
“Guys!” Your mom calls up from the doorway. “Iwa-chan is here. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready. She’s not coming.”
Toruu races down the stairs but you’re quick to follow him, wiping away your tears as you run.
“But I wanna come.”
Iwa’s wearing jeans that have been cut off at the knees, something you’ve begged your mom for two weeks already with no avail. 
He’s sending you a tooth-gaped smile, offering you a lollipop as if he’s handing out secrets.
“I don’t mind.” He says. “Besides, she behaves better than you, Oink-kawa.”
“She does not!” Toruu exclaims with his usual dramatics, getting more into it when he sees Iwa roll his eyes and smile at you as if you’re sharing a joke he’s not in on.
“Do too.” You stick out your tongue.
You see the Volleyball under Toruus arm and jump out of your bed.
“Training? I’m coming with you.”
He rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.
“You’re not even interested in volleyball. You’re just coming to see Iwa-chan.”
“No, I’m just there for Kageyama.”
Toruu fake gags and you throw your shoe at him, regretting it right away when he catches it and flings it up the stairs.
“Well, looks like you won’t make it in time.”
“Toruu, you ass!” You yell but he’s already out the door.
You do make it in time, mainly because Toruu keeps forgetting that you’ve joined the track team.
Kageyama is cute.
Not as cute as Iwa-chan, but no boy is worth the hissy fits Toruu throws when he thinks you’re spending too much time with his best friend. 
Calling Kageyama cute or agreeing to pass the ball to him still riles your brother up, but in a much safer way.
You don’t want to wake up with a shaved head or anything like that.
Somewhere along the lines you’ ve become a babysitter.
To Toruu, because he keeps neglecting his health in favor of beating Shittyjima and to Kageyama, because no one else is willing to spare him a minute of their time.
You know you’re not the right fit for either role.
After all, you can only handle so much.
You know Toruu doesn’t really mean to push you away whenever you come to his room. To remind him that he needs to eat, or get to bed on time, or to ask if he minds passing the ball to you.
It still hurts.
You know your parents don’t really mean anything by it when match after match passes without them attending. They’re busy, especially with helping Suzu now that she’s back at work and needs help babysitting.
But it hurts, even more when there’s no match of Toruu they’ve ever missed.
You know that Kageyama isn’t as mean as everyone pretends him to be. 
His social skills are worse than his grades and you’re the one tutoring him in your freetime.
But it still hurts when he’s yelling, reminding you that whatever you do, no matter how hard you try, you’ll never measure up to your big brother.
Seijoh is good for Toruu.
He’s still a dick when it comes to volleyball, but he’s got more friends than just Iwa now. 
There’s Hanamaki and Matsukawa now, or Maki and Mattsun as they like to be called.
They seem to have a soft spot for you too, but unlike Iwa they dare to tease you too.
“Oi, princess, you have dropped something.” Mattsun calls out when you walk past them studying in the kitchen.
“What?” You turn, confused. The only thing you were carrying was the glass of water that’s still firmly in your hand.
He bows down to pick something from the floor and holds it up to your face, hand closed around it.
His voice is nasally as he speaks, the dramatic flair almost too overdone. “My heart, mylady.”
When he opens his hand, he’s holding a bug.
The first time it happened you’d squealed in surprise.
But you grew up with a nuisance for a brother and recognize that plastic shine everywhere.
“Oh, I missed you.” You tell the fake bug, pick it out of his hand and fling it into your mouth, swallowing it whole.
An impressed smile dances around Mattsun's lips while Toruu gags in the corner.
“Nice.” Makki whispers somewhere on your side while Iwa brings out the important information.
“That one was real.” He says.
You roll your eyes and take a sip from your water, pretending to be less grossed out than you are.
“Grow up, boys.”
“Oi, Oikawa-chan.” 
Makki’s leaning in the doorframe, one arm up to showcase his biceps - the little fucker knows exactly what he’s doing. Half your class is ogling him already but you ignore him as you trudge over.
“What?” You ask.
He stretches out one hand, too quick to dodge, and pinches your cheek.
“Is that the right way to greet your senpai?”
You’re just as quick to stab your hand into his side, aiming for his sensitive ribs.
“Fuck.” He curses when you hit him where it hurts.
“Language.” Class president yells somewhere behind you and you push Makki out the door before you can get detention for his wrongdoings.
“What do you want?”
“Can’t I just come see you when I want?”
“You can, but that way I’ll never get a boyfriend. Now, spill.”
He grins and offers you a piece of chewing gum before actually telling you what he came for.
“I was sent to ask if anyone wants to apply for the manager position. We want to do it lowkey since Shittykawa is so popular.”
“Yeah, no, not doing that. I’m already part of the Girl’s Volleyball Club.”
He grunts. “Not you. The boys want someone pretty- Stop that!” He steps away just in time to avoid another hit.
“You know your peers. Pick someone who’s not going to faint at the sight of your brother.”
“Easy. Oba Makoto. He’s got heart problems and can’t do sports but he knows a lot about Volleyball. He’s tried hitting on me twice, so he’s probably got some taste and won’t fall for my brother.”
Makki pulls a face. “A boy? Ah, well, okay, I'll bring it up. We’re going out for ice cream after school. Do you want to pretend to be Mattsun’s date?”
“Again? Toruu’s not going to buy it.”
“True, true. We can put fake spider’s in his ice cream?” 
You ponder the offer for a moment. “Eh, it’s too soon to pull that kind of prank again. Besides, I should hit the gym after school. First years have to make an impression.”
“Fine. But you’re going as Mattsun’s date this weekend. There’s someone from my class who thinks he can’t pull girls and we have to set him straight.”
You roll your eyes. “Why would I do that?”
Makki grins deviously. “I have blackmail material?”
You shudder. “Fine. Text me the details later. I’ve got to get back to class.”
Iwa has the decency to say goodbye before he leaves for America.
It crushes the tiny bit of hope you’d nursed in the week - or so - since the news of Toruu’s upcoming departure. Without your brother here to supervise you, you could have explored what was left of your crush on him.
“You did a good job.” He says, awkwardly rubbing his neck as he stares at the trophies littering your shelves.
“Yeah, sure, I’m not bad.” You agree halfheartedly but he shakes his head.
“Not Volleyball, or the other stuff. I mean… with Oikawa. And Kageyama. You did what you could, I know.”
“Don’t.” You get up before he can tell you more stuff that you don’t need to hear. You don’t want him to talk about things like that. It makes you feel like you’ve done it all for his approval. In reality, you did it to have friends, to stay close to your brother.
And look how that turned out.
“Just hug me.” You tell Iwa, well aware that Toruu’s going to barge in any second, still immensely jealous of his friends. Well aware that your parents only allow Iwa in your room because there’s nothing going to happen. Ever.
You allow yourself to cry a little bit over it, but only when he’s gone and Toruu’s bedroom door has closed behind him too.
College is so much harder than you thought it would be.
You barely make it onto the Volleyball team, you’re behind on your reading, your assignments, cleaning your room.
All you want is to go home for the weekend and hide under your sheets until mom calls for dinner.
Instead you dress up for a party you don’t want to go to, invited by a guy you can’t even remember the name off.
But he’s two years older than you and the thought that he could be interested - and that Toruu’s not here to ruin it - is exhilarating.
Hours later you stumble down the stairs outside, the world spinning around you.
You’re going to throw up any second, you think, or crash into something.
Someone grabs your arm instead and you turn, hand raised to slap whoever’s daring to touch you.
“Whoa, princess, chill! It’s me.”
There’s only one person in the world calling you that.
“Mattsun?” You blink up at him, half of his face light up by a streetlamp. It’s him, but he looks concerned.
“You’re not okay?” You ask him, your tongue struggling to form the words.
“I should ask you that.”
“‘m fine.” You stagger a bit. “Just… need to throw up, I think.”
“When’s the last time you ate something?” 
Why does he wanna know, you wonder, as you try to figure out the answer to his question.
“Well, I had breakfast. And they had some crackers inside, but they tasted awful.”
“Yeah, come on.” He pulls you forward slightly, slinging one arm around your back to keep you upright. “Let’s go get you something to eat. What do you think of Chicken Nuggets?”
“Yay,” you sway slightly as you try to do a happy dance, “Chicken Nuggies!”
Maybe it’s the bright light or the fact that the world has stopped spinning after Chicken Nuggets, fries and two cups of coffee, but Mattsun looks worried as he watches you dip the last of his fries into the ketchup.
He also looks older and taller, if that’s even possible.
“Why were you at that party?” He asks.
You shrug. “Got invited.”
He sighs. “But drinking? You’re what-”
“I’m nineteen,” you remind him, “Two years younger than you.”
He looks unconvinced and you lean forward to glare at him. 
“You threw up on Toruu when you were 17, piss drunk after trying my father’s sake.”
He has the decency to blush at the memory.
Silence falls over the two of you.
It’s a comfortable silence, even after so much time passing. 
You’ve barely seen Mattsun in the last two years. He’s been at your graduation, Makki too. But it had always felt a bit forced, wether it was them watching one of your matches or taking you out to ice cream on a random tuesday after school because they were College boys and could afford it.
It always felt like the shadow of your brother kept looming over you, reminding you that he was supposed to be at the table with you, Iwa included.
Mattsun clears his throat and you look up, surprised at the serious look on his face.
“Oikawa is going to kill me for this,” he mumbles before raising his voice to a normal volume. “What’s your schedule like? We could go to the cinema this weekend. There’s this new movie from that series you’ve always watched?”
You blink, surprised that he noticed that. He’s never been one for movies, not like Makki and you. He’d always rather stayed in and watched a rerun of his favorite series or blackmail Toruu to let you play Mario Kart with the four of them.
“Sure. Makki coming too?”
He blushes again, but this time without obvious reason.
“No. It would be just the two of us.”
You blink again. “Do I have to pretend to be your girlfriend? Do you know someone working at the Cinema?”
The sigh Mattsun lets out could move mountains.
“What?” You ask, defensively.
“I’m asking you out. On a date. A real date.” He presses the words out between his teeth, his hands already in his hair, pulling at the strands in thinly veiled despair.
“Oh.” You make. Then. “Oh?” And “OH!”
“Yeah.” The smile he’s giving you looks painful. 
“But-” You start, but close your mouth again, too stunned to speak.
Mattsun rubs at a spot of dried ketchup on the table, his face the colour of Makki’s hair.
“Like, I’ve been trying to for years, but you always ask if Makki’s coming too. And I thought I’d have more time to get you to like me like that, but you’re already going to parties you probably shouldn’t be at and, well, better shoot my shot now and get an honest reaction than just keep hoping, right?”
There are a million things you want to say, and a million more you want to ask.
But in a way, it all makes sense, looking back.
How he’s always called you princess, has always been the only one doing it.
The fact that he’s never missed a game of yours or had a really good excuse.
Makki always having an excuse to get you to pretend you’re Mattsun’s girlfriend.
Iwa might have been your first crush but you’d always been closer to Mattsun than any of them, even your brother.
You laugh at the absurdity of it, how you’ve been to blind to see it until you. 
“Toruu would hate that.” You say and realize, just as you say it, that you don't care. "Sure. Let's go out."
You stretch your hand out to shake his, to press his absurdly large hand, and grin mischievously back at him.
“But let’s keep it a secret from him. Just for now. I want something just for the two of us.”
The smile that’s growing on his face now, slow at first, but faster by the second, is something you’ve never seen before. Something you want to see again and again and again.
"Makki knows," Mattsun tells you as you wait in line for the popcorn.
You'd been obsessing over what to wear for hours, even going as far as to text some of the girls from your high school Volleyball team.
"So you finally started caring?" One of them asked and you'd chewed on that thought up until the moment Mattsun knocked on your door, his hair messed up just the right amount, his cheeks a little pinker than usual.
"He's not going to tell Toruu or Iwa, is he?"
"Nah." Mattsun shakes his head and if his hand brushes yours on accident, it stays where it is, the warmth of his hand seeping into yours.
You kiss him in the middle of the movie, not caring for whatever is happening on the screen.
He tastes like the candies you used to share on your fake dates in High School and the hopeful thrill of the future.
"Hey, Princess." Mattsun's waiting outside the gym, his large hand enclosing yours as you step closer and he bends down to press a kiss to your lips. "Great game."
"Thanks, I know." You wave at the girls leaving, some of them waving back at you.
"You look tired." You tell Mattsun as he leads you down the street towards the bus station, your hands swinging between you.
"That internship is kicking my ass." He tells you, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. "And I still need to write that assignment I told you about."
"You haven't finished yet?"
"No." He yawns loudly. "But I took some notes while you were warming up."
"Babe." You stop in front of the subway entrance and look up at him. "I love that you come to all my games, but that assignment is more important."
He smiles. "I love when you get all serious."
"I love you." 
Pink floods his cheeks at your words. You're surprised, that they slipped out just like that, but you're not taking them back, too sure of their truth.
"You know." He mumbles awkwardly, "I always thought you had a crush on Iwa. Makki was the one shipping the two of us."
“I did have a crush on him.” You agree, your hand pressing his to let him know there’s more coming. “When I was, I don’t know, seven years old?”
Mattsun’s face lights up with one of his cheekiest grins. “What? You were not into his biceps?”
“Nah. Turns out I’m more into idiots who tell me fun facts about embalming.”
His smile turns wicked. “Yeah? Guess what; I’ve got some you probably haven’t heard yet.”
It’s one of those mornings where not enough sleep does not mix well with trying to act human.
A phone rings somewhere on your left and you grab it, trying to silence the alarm without looking. Instead you hear the well known sound of a video call connecting.
Your brain isn’t as quick as the internet these days and you’re still blinking into the camera as Iwa blinks back, less tired but more confused.
“I thought I called Mattsun-” He starts at the same time reality introduces itself to your brain. You fling the phone through the room and it lands on the carpet next to the door, the call still connected.
You scramble out of bed, well aware now that you look like you’ve spent the night not sleeping - it’s the upcoming exams, you swear - wearing one of Mattsun’s old shirts.
Iwa’s still calling your name and you pick up the phone again, staring at him with as much determination as you can muster.
“No word to Toruu.”
He looks as tired as you’ve felt just minutes ago. “Sure. Sure. I don’t even wanna know. Can you bring Mattsun on the call?” 
“Hey Princess,” Mattsun greets you when you stumble through the door of his shared apartment, bags of groceries in your hands.
“Hey.” You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, handing half of the bags to him. “I got the new Ramen you like.”
“Get a room.” Makki groans from the kitchen table where he’s working on assignments.
“Sure.” You tell him, “But the walls aren’t soundproof.”
“Not fair.” He whines. “Why don’t I have a girlfriend?”
“No clue.” You tell him as you start unpacking. “Maybe it’s because you have no job?”
“An unflattering hairstyle?” Mattsun offers.
“Because you chew with your mouth open?”
“Because you always lose in Mario Kart?”
Makki huffs at that. “The disrespect I have to endure in my own home. Oh, Shittykawa is calling.” He picks up before you can tell him not to, leaving you to dive under the kitchen counter. 
Mattsun is left standing next to you, hiding his laughter at your situation in his palm as he nudges you with his foot.
“I’m gonna bite you.” You tell him, showcasing your teeth.
“Sure, if that’s your kink.” Mattsun teases, only for Makki to yell “I told you to get a room!” 
This time, however, Toruu hears it too.
“Who’re you talking to?”
“Eh. Mattsun’s girlfriend.”
“Mattsun has a girlfriend?” You can hear your brother’s voice clearly, the curiosity in his voice. 
Just above your head, Mattsun wiggles his fingers, a silent sign for you to take his hand and get up, to let go of that secret. After all, everyone else already knows.
And what’s Toruu even gonna do? He’s all the way in Argentina.
That’s the thought that pushes you to grip his hand and shoot up from behind the kitchen counter, mischievous grin on your lips.
“You called?” You ask.
“Is that my sister?” Toruu’s voice reaches a height you’ve never heard before.
Makki looks at you, sees you nod and turns his laptop so that you and Mattsun are in full view.
“If you don’t like it, that’s your problem.” Your voice is calm but your heart still races.
“But I thought you liked Iwa.” Your brother just looks confused.
You laugh, wholeheartedly, mountains toppling off your chest. “Dude, you’re so bad at reading women, it’s no surprise you’re still chasing a ball.”
Toruu gapes at you. “The disrespect.” He calls out. “Mattsun! I thought you were my friend!”
“Nah.” Mattsun grins and pulls you closer. “I know which Oikawa I’m picking.”
“Makki?” Toruu asks, his pout even audible in his voice.
“Depends on if she’s cooking tonight,” Makki tells him. “I can be bought with good food.”
“You can cook yourself.” You tell him and he pulls a face.
“And I’m Shittykawa’s friend again.”
You listen to them talk on with only half an ear, distracted by the way Mattsun grins down at you.
“What?” You ask.
“Went better than expected?” He asks. You shrug. His grin grows.
“What?” You ask.
Instead of an answer, he leans down to kiss you. You step on your tiptoes in anticipation, meeting him halfway.
Somewhere behind you, you hear the sentence that has grown to be the soundtrack of your relationship, now spoken by two voices instead of one.
“Get a room!”
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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everyone who writes and supports miles smut can block me, that includes 42 btw.
TW: BELOW THE CUT IS DISCUSSION OF P//DO, UNDERAGE CONTENT. (I don’t go too far into detail but I know some people have been affected by it).
elaboration on why aging up (for sexual purposes) is bad
miles is canonically 15 and dont even pull that “he’s aged up” shit with me cause you know damn well on aged up fanfics they use pictures of CANON MILES. so its pretty obvious u have the teen in your mind. and you know what the ones that are around his age are annoying too but it doesnt put nearly of a bad taste in my mouth as the GROWN ASS ADULTS who make that shit.
and btw dont go and say “oh, it’s hormones and plus miles has hormones” and to that i have to say:
1. if you are a child who likes miles like that, fine, deal with that shit in private tho. you posting s*xual content of a minor is catering to creepy adults online
2. if you’re an adult saying that shit then i can say nothing less that you have the mindset of a groomer. You’re not very far from the mfs who say that “teenage girls are at their ripe age at 16.” you as an adult SHOULD NOT be using teenagers having hormones to your advantage and excuse. That’s disgusting.
“they’re just a fictional character” 😟 can you get a grip? go outside. Miles is a fictional character who is BUILT and DESIGNED to look like a teenager. And astv aint that unrealistic that you can say he’s ambiguous. He’s not. And even if he was he does activities that I do as a teen—I go to high school, I’m nervous about my future—miles is literally a relatable teen, as he was designed to be.
“Then stop looking for the smut posts.” I DONT NEED TO! It infiltrates my ASTV tag and at times the Hobie Brown tags too. You act like your tags aren’t public. If someone wanted to read a Miles fic that was normal fluff they would have to scroll through some smut too!
anyway thats all and dont even both coming up in my comments and reposts throwing a hissy fit you niggas r weird asf and can block me. maybe then id see less weird shit on my tag page. do us all a favor and log off.
+ Update: His ages from any other media isn’t a valid excuse. If you were clearly writing for canon adult miles you wouldn’t have astv miles as the icons and astv as the tag.
+ Update: Miles is CANONICALLY 15 in the first movie, and somewhere in the last movie he was YOUNGER. As mentioned above, mentioning other media as an excuse is bs when in the movies your writing for (itsv, atsv) he’s clearly a minor.
+ The thing that pisses me off the most is how ya’ll act like the people who are uncomfortable are weird. Are you not writing s*xual content about a 15 year old on a daily basis? please.
+ Fiction DOES affect reality. Why do you think people have nightmares after horror? Why does a sad film make people cry? Why does a deep movie change perspective?
+ In the scene where Miles argues with his parents, he says something along the lines of “I’m 15!!!” So if you think he’s not underage, you either didn’t pay attention or don’t have google. Plus what 18 year old discusses college that late? (without any other discussions prior?)
+ if you like little boys stop tryna hide that you like little boys it makes you even more manipulative and gross. no but in all seriousness telling minors that behavior is okay has gotta be SOME form of grooming on a more subtle scale. sorry if that’s too bold for ya’ll but as someone who’s been tricked into thinking content like this was okay when I was younger, I can confirm that this isn’t okay.
+ If to prove character that’s canonically a minor isn’t one you have to pull up seven different source materials that barely correlate to the one you write for, that character is still a fucking minor! It’s giving “she’s actually 3000!!!” when she looks 8.
yeah. kay bye!!!
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AITA for shaming my friend for kinkshaming me?
💦 so I can find it later
My friend group (all same adult age range) is relatively open about what gets us off. We have designated channels for NSFW topics (not like, specific fetishes) so its not like it's unavoidable. We're all pretty blaise about what each other is into. Except for my one friend, Nio. Whenever I talk about omorashi, he throws a hissy fit about how gross it is. But we have a blacklist, and he sure hasn't posted it there, and he goes out of his way to act like an elementary school regardless of where I bring it up.
So, recently, whenever he talks about something I can remotely relate to piss, I throw it back at him. You like when people squirt? That's got urea in it, bro! You went to the pool? Guess what the pool smell is from, bro?! Needless to say, Nio doesn't like it very much. I was in a voice call the other day and two other friends of mine (casually) told me to knock it off.
I know I'm being a bit of a dick, but Nio was the one who initially starting insulting me, and imo my teasing is not nearly as hostile as his. I do just see it as friendly fire, but that comment in voice chat had me wondering if it's become an actual problem. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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hockeyboysimagines · 5 months
hi!! Can you do romance prompt for Arber #9 “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
you write him so sweet🥹thanks in advance I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks for this anon! Enjoy🤍
“Hey babe? What do you want for your birthday this year?” Arber asked from behind the laptop. You would be turning 20 next month, thankfully on a weekend free of games and practices. It gave him a free and open 4 days to cram everything celebratory he could think of for his favorite girl. You deserved it and now that he knew how unserious you thought of your birthday, he wasn’t going to let you get away easy. He’s gasped and nearly had a hissy when he found out you didn’t celebrate and hadn’t for a long time, scoffing at the suggestion that you continue with that theme. “Uh. No.” He said holding up a hand to silence you “We’re celebrating your birthday.”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head “Come on. Don’t be like that. I can’t take you out at midnight, so you have to let me get you something or throw a party.”
You leaned around the doorframe from where you were folding laundry to smile mischievously “Even if I was old enough, you would take me out where? You barely make it past 8pm every night.”
You weren’t wrong.
It wasn’t uncommon for Arber to suggest watching a movie only for him to asleep within the first ten minutes of it. He still glared at you either way. You were always giving him shit for the gap between your ages, though it wasn’t huge. Arber however felt most days like he was 80 years old, and being held together with screws and tape. So while he was only 4 years older, the constant beating his body took made the gap seem wider.
“What are you saying?” He turned completely around.
“I’m saying there’s no way you’d be able to party till all hours. Midnight is way past your bedtime.”
His mouth fell open “What did you just say to me?”
“You heard me. Old man.”
You immediately regretted it because the ‘Old Man’ in question was out of his chair and across the room before you even had time to scream. In one swoop he had you airborne and then on the bed with a squeal with an “OOF.” As you landed and bounced.
“Take it back.” He said fingers digging in to your sides.
You screeched and started to kick“Never.”
An all out wrestling war had started and you were losing until you heard a loud crack.
He shot straight up eyes squeezing shut “Oh Jesus!” He yelled, chuckling as he held his lower back.
“Careful grandpa.” You gasped out as you started laughing “You don’t wanna slip a disk.”
“You-“ but you had already slid out from under him and made to run before he caught you again and pulled you down on top of him.
“Okay okay you win. You win. Oh god, I think I threw my back out.”
You started laughing and took a deep breath attempting to untangle yourself and sit upright to straddle him “So when you kick it are you gonna leave me all your stuff?”
He made a face and closed his eyes “You say the sweetest things to me.”
You gave a little giggle and reached a hand forward to rub his shoulders. He closed his eyes and groaned head falling to the side “Oh my gosh that feels fucking phenomenal.”
“Your pretty beat up here.” You said tracing a finger over the scar from his shoulder operation and the scattered bruises from the game yesterday “How many good years do you think you have left?” He smiled and let out a low chuckle, eyes still closed and rested a hand on either side of your hips.
“However many years I have left, I want to spend them all with you.” A bunch of tiny butterflies started flitting around in your stomach and you smiled very slowly as he peeked at you out of one eye “Pretty smooth eh?”
“For a guy who’s almost halfway to 50 it wasn’t bad.”
He gave your hips a squeeze “Just promise me one thing. If there’s ever a time when I can’t get it up put me out of my misery.”
You gave him a smack and then a kiss.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 7 months
werewolf x reader who works at Walmart - just meeting. Kind of random but i get bored at work sooo....
"Yo, yo, yo, what's poppin?" I ask as I approach a couple with a baby, probably in their late 20s. My hand is already blindly grabbing for my name badge.
"Hi!" The woman says smiling, "The machine just stopped and said something about a scale. I'm just trying to weigh my zucchini."
The man next to her nods as he plays with the baby, as to back her up. I don't necessarily care.
My shins are starting to hurt... I thought the new ortho shoes would help...
My hands go through the practiced motion of taking whatever was on the scale off, pressing the button for zucchini, and then weighing it. Aka, the only way to weigh your produce that doesn't throw the machine into a hissy-fit.
"Easy-peasy," I slap on my customer service voice like the passed on Queen of England decided to step into Wal-Mart, "Just make sure to press the button beforehand, and then weigh the produce. And it's so funky." I try to make it relatable for the woman, "Some produce needs to be weighed and others need to be counted. It gets confusing." I smile and see her smiling in relief, thankful that someone understands her.
Someone does but it aint me. This is my whole ass job.
I smile and say the unforgettable 'Have a great day!' before leaving and having to walk around the self-check.
New big boss gonna fire me if I stop walking... fucking bullshit. I see a toy that was placed on a chip shelf and mess with it as I go to put it away.
"Hey! Hey! Girl!" Someone snaps their fingers at me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, smiling a smile that would put Alastor to shame.
"Hello! What seems to be the problem today?" My customer service voice is getting strained as I see it's just an old man wanting to buy alcohol.
"The machine will need you to check my age when I buy this alcohol." He gestures to the cart that has it's undercarriage filled with Modelo.
I look at his order on his screen and scroll through it. "Well, sir, it looks like you haven't scanned it yet, so I can't give you the go ahead; But once you do, I can definitely give you the go ahead to buy it." I throw it back in his face, trying to make him feel as stupid as possible. He scoffs and takes the hand scanner off the terminal and it starts beeping loudly at him.
"Stop yelling at me!" He shouts, frustrated that it won't stop beeping and won't scan his beer.
"Well, sir, it is a machine, so it can't yell at you. It doesn't have a mouth. It's just beeping because the batteries are going out, but you can definitely wait until the hand scanner flashes green, and then it should work." I patiently wait for him to put it back on the terminal. And once it flashes green, he scans the beer.
The first notification, asking if the customer looks younger than 40, pops up. I look back at the man and size him up and down before pressing 'No'.
"Have a great day, sir!" I bounce away and continue walking around. I see a group of men who are all standing around quietly, just simply waiting. Their light is flashing red and they are being silent. It's definitely a nice change.
I walk over. "Hey there. Sorry to bother you, but I gotta fix this. Sorry." I look at the screen... and it's a mis-scan. My boss is gonna hate me...
"Sorry about the wait, guys! It's been a busy day." I think back to when someone dropped a whole gallon of whole milk and it leaked into the aisle next to it. We had to use two whole things of spill clean-up... my anxiety has been high ever since. Could also just be the 5 Hour Energy and Redbull I chugged, but meh.
"No problem. I could tell." The obvious leader of their band of friends talks, as if talking for the whole group. One of the guys has a faint blush on his face and the others are laughing, talking about their plans.
I watch the little video the camera produced and determine that it was just an old bag crossing over the scanner without being scanned... cuz it is an old bag.
"Oops. Looks like it's just the bag. The machine must've just gotten confused. Sorry about that." I smile and wave before giving them the go-ahead to keep scanning.
"No worries. Thank you."
I think back to the one guy who was blushing and leaning on the cart's handle. He's kinda cute... and hot. What the fuck.
Meh whatever. Just focus on work- I did it, I did, I jumped-
"Hey! Girl! I need you to ring up my groceries for me!" I silently sigh and walk over.
"Of course, sir!"
Another day in the life of a person at Wal-Mart.
Author's Cup of Tea:
Im ngl, i thought about this while I was changing prices in the cigarette cases. It took 4 hours to do all of the price changes😭
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oleander-nin · 1 year
The Weight of a Letter
A/N: And we're back! Hi! Sorry for the long hiatus, the story is(hopefully) finally all figure out. I'm going to try and post a chap every other Wednesday, but we'll see how that goes. Apologies in advance, I completely failed Donnie's personality, and this seems kinda rushed, but I promised Wednesday, so here you go. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Words: 2327
Content warnings: Not much for this chap??? Mentions of mutation, reader watching Donnie, staring, my writing, multi-chap fic
Summary: The first one I received was innocent. Nothing more than a love letter from a secret admirer. But as more letters came, so did the fear and paranoia. Guess secret admirers aren't so romantic after all.
Taglist? If you want to be added or removed, just say so: @ssak-i @sinister-things @ancreativename @t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d @idiotreblogger
Chapter One: A First Glance
The familiar worn-down sign of Repo-Mantis’ junkyard brought a smile to my face, the broken motorcycle I was pushing creaking with each turn of its wheels. I glance around while I walk through the gate, trying to spot the purple mantis mutant who owns the yard. I press my lips into a thin line, my head whipping back and forth as I scan the yard for its owner. I had to drop the old motorcycle off today, I couldn’t wait any longer. If I didn’t do it today, I knew my parents would throw a hissy fit, and I really didn’t want to get grounded right before they left town.
 I frown, not seeing him around. I set the motorcycle by the old shack he calls his office, dusting off my pants as I begin to aimlessly walk around, my eyes peeled for the owner. My head snaps to the side as I hear the familiar sound of someone digging through the junk, metal hitting metal in loud clangs and clashes. I walk towards the sound, my footsteps making a dull thud against the ground every time I take a step. Maybe it was Repo, digging through his junk for some coin he dropped again. Rounding a trash pile, I saw what was digging through the piles of junk. Their back was turned to me, the purple armor thing on his back opening as two thin metal poles came out and started helping the mutant search.
I look in awe, half-hiding behind the pile of junk as I watch the mutant at work. I couldn’t believe there were more out there. Especially one who was both pretty and looked to be my age. I thought Repo and the odd villain was all there was. I felt a bit bad. I saw Ruppert Swaggert mutate on TV. Twice. Plus, Repo’s own stories he had told me after hours of my begging. I can’t imagine it was a pleasant experience, having his humanity ripped away to become a mutant. Sure, he was pretty as a mutant, but most preferred not being outcasts. I was just glad the Government wasn’t rounding them all up.
I snap myself out of my thoughts, returning to watch the mutant at work as I pretend I wasn’t being a total creep. His focus was sharp as he inspected every piece he picked up before either storing it in his armor thing or throwing it onto another pile. I tilt my head, studying him. He seemed so… Intense? I couldn’t place it, but he seemed to be completely immersed in the junk he was sorting through. His head lifts a bit, and I see a glimpse of his face, and the markings on his shoulders. My brow furrows, trying to think. I knew I had seen him before somewhere, but I couldn’t place where. I shrug. It probably wasn’t important.
I shift behind the pile, trying to get a better view. My knee nudges a piece of metal out of place, crashing loudly to the ground. I stare at the large sheet of metal dumbly for a couple of seconds before lifting my head up, meeting the gaze of the seemingly angry green mutant.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” He hisses out, glaring at me. I put my hands up in mock surrender, laughing nervously. I didn’t mean to offend him, I was just… Curious. Plus, he was really pretty. I couldn’t explain it. I was drawn to him in a way.
“I’m so sorry, I was just looking for Repo and then I found you and then I got lost in my head and I know I must’ve looked like a creep and I’m so sorry.” I cut myself off from my ramble at his look of disinterest, my mouth pressing into a line as I rock back and forth on my feet. “Sorry.” I say again, trying to make myself seem like less of a weirdo.
He rolls his eyes and turns back to the pile of junk, ready to ignore me once more. “Repo’s gone. He’ll be back in around an hour.”
I puff out my cheeks in frustration, unhappy with this turn of events. “Do you mind if I just hang out with you then?” I ask, already plopping myself down next to him. The mutant eyes me with a look of mild disgust, rolling his eyes at my presence.
I chuckle at the annoyance in his voice, grinning at him. He ignores me, continuing to sort through the piles of scrap. I pat at my legs, trying to think of something to say or do to pass the time. I continue to watch him sort in interest, humming softly to myself. “So, what’s your name?”
“No.” He responds, not even sparing me a glance. I shrug, not really taking it personally. I wouldn’t be too fond of someone who appeared to be stalking me just moments before either.
“I’m (Y/n).” I say, offering my hand for him to shake.
“I don’t remember asking.” He replies, one of his tech arms pushing my hand away. I bring it back to my legs, tapping out a pattern on my hips. He seems agitated at my continued presence, his drawn on eyebrows knitting together. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?!”
“Nope!” I say, grinning at him. He frowns, displeased with my answer. He grumbles something under his breath I can’t quite understand, but I assume it’s some not so nice words towards me. Oh well, I was being a bit of a nuisance, but I liked his company. Even if he was completely shut off towards me. 
I watch a small beetle crawl across the ground, pulling my knees to my chest in appreciation of the insect. Its tiny legs carried it across the dirt and through the small sprouts of grass, on its way to wherever its little bug brain decided. I grin, happy to have some form of entertainment. The mutant next to me, however, did not seem to find the same appreciation for the small beetle, as his junk pile seemed to have conveniently been moved directly on top of the bug. I let out an offended gasp, trying to free the poor thing from its metal prison. My hands grip the compacted metal and yank it up, my cheeks puffing out because it was only the size of my hand, so why does this stupid thing weigh like fifteen pounds. 
The purple-coded mutant looks at me in worry at my loud gasp, his eyes scanning me as he takes a moment to try and figure out what was wrong. I angrily point at the smashed beetle, glaring at the now murderer. “You crushed Bartholomew Henry the Third with your careless throwing of the scrap! Apologize immediately.” I demand playfully, pouting as I gesture towards the bug's smashed body.
He did not seem impressed with my antics. He glances at the beetle before looking back up at me, blinking slowly. “It’s dead. You can’t apologize to something that’s dead, dumdum.” He states, exasperated. I let out another laugh and he huffs, turning away from me once more. I carefully pick up the squashed beetle, placing it next to me as I start to dig a small hole in the dirt. I can tell the mutant is watching me through the corner of his eyes, his mouth pressed into a thin line. His eyes held a curiosity towards my actions, trying to figure out what I was doing without showing that he was interested. He was a funny one, watching him made me grin.
Once I deem my hole deep enough, I pick up the bug carcass and carefully place it in. I push the dirt back into the hole, patting it down firm. I take a small piece of wire and carefully twist it into a small U, placing it at the head of the grave to make a gravestone. I smile down at my work, patting the dirt mound once more. I hear Donnie rustling through the junk next to me, no longer paying attention to my grave digging. Whether he got uninterested in watching, or just felt it complete enough to no longer pay attention to, I don’t know. 
He pulls out another thing from the junk, his face lighting up. It was thick, and was more of a rounded square than anything. It had a small cooling fan in the middle of it, red plating, and a couple wires sticking out. I watch his face as his hands rhythmically tap the surface of the object, his body more or less vibrating in joy. “Oh sweet Galileo, I found it!”
I look at the part in his hand curiously, unable to tell what it is. It looked like junk to me, with frayed wires coming out of its main build and scratches and dents covering it. I looked at the turtle, expecting an explanation, but he was too busy messing with the things wires. “What’s that?”
“A part for something I’m building,” He says, a smug smile stretching across his face. He looks at me for once, proud of his find. He holds the equipment piece up with one hand, his other moving around him quickly as he talks. Most of it flew over my head, but it all seemed so cool. I glance around his face, trying to take in all his words. He was finally talking to me, and I couldn’t be more elated. “It’s a state of the art compact motor, I need it for a specific project of mine. It’ll be able to make my tech run so much smoother, I just need to fix it up first.”
“Wait, your tech. Do you mean like the armor on your back?” I ask, looking at his weird armor once more. He sits up straighter, seeming happy with my question. He puts the motor into his back armor, winding up for an explanation. I sit up straighter, crossing my legs and putting my hands in my lap, ready to learn more about his tech. He seems to beam in delight at my new position, clearing his throat and readying to talk.
“This ‘armor’ as you call it is my battle shell. It’s a piece of tech I made to help me, having many beneficial tools that are at my disposal. It’s made of military grade titanium, being able to withstand high amounts of damage without being even so much as scratched.” A smug smile grows on his face once more, his eyes lighting up in delight to the fact I was actually listening to him. I grin, nodding as I look at his battle shell in awe. 
“You made this?! That’s so cool! You’re like, a super genius or something!”
His ego grows more at my praise and he seems to inflate some, puffing out his chest in pride. He continues to explain more about his battle shell, showing me all of its cool features while I look on in awe. Everything he did was so impressive, I was starting to understand his overinflated ego. Sure, I still kind of hated it, but at least he knows how incredible he was. I tilt my head as he talks, my eyes watching him with a small sadness.
“Do you miss being human?” I ask softly. I knew Repo did, and I had always felt bad for him. He seemed to have figured life out after all this time, coping with his new body. But this guy next to me? He seemed to be around my age, only a young adult. I couldn’t imagine having your humanity ripped away from you like that.
He looks at me, his eyes narrowing in confusion. His hands come down to rest by his side, looking at me strangely. “I was never human.” He says curtly, his lips pressing into a thin line. “I was created by a scientist as a weapon to destroy humanity,” He says, a strange grin on his face. It felt like he was trying to scare me and I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit. “I started out as a normal softshell turtle. Now, I am a mutant. Don’t pity me, I’m not weak nor upset with my current situation.” 
I wilt a little, the familiar burn of embarrassment flooding me. I look at the ground, laughing nervously. “Oh. My bad. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“It’s okay.”
We both sit in awkward silence for a moment, neither of us knowing how to continue. Or, at least, I didn’t. The softshell seemed perfectly content on ignoring me to look through the junk once more. My head snaps towards the gate, the sound of heavy footsteps sounding through the junkyard. I catch a glimpse of the purple mantis, standing up and brushing off my pants. Donnie watches me curiously, his eyebrows furrowed as he tries to figure out what I’m doing. Instead of making him guess, I offer an explanation. “Repo’s back. I need to head out. Bye!”
“Wait, that’s it? You’re just… Leaving?” The softshell asks, his voice losing the cocky edge it had the entire time we talked. I smile sadly, rubbing the back of my neck in guilt. “Yeah… I’m really sorry, I wasn’t even supposed to be here for this long. My parents are leaving on a really long business trip in a couple months, and I need to help them get everything in line before they go. I’m so sorry.” My face falls slightly, I really don’t want to leave yet. The purple-coded mutant was funny, if a bit egotistical. I genuinely enjoyed our talk. “Maybe I’ll see you again some other time.” 
The mutant nods, a smile coming across his face as he thinks. There was an odd glint in his eye, a look I couldn’t quite place. “I’ll see you soon then. Goodbye, (Y/n).”
next part
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starsurface · 7 months
hi.. did tumblr eat my request for general caregiver fujin headcanons? i could have sworn i requested that unless i'm just crazy?
Awh I've had that happen to me too!! Sometimes request don't fully send? Like, you need to get that small Tumblr notification that states that it was sent? It happens very rarely though, don't worry :]
Luckily you resent another request!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Fujin Hcs
☁️ Such a good CG!!! <3
☁️ Really good with a lot of ages!!
☁️ Doesn't specialize with any age, but is incredibly good with clingy regressors
☁️ Adores cuddling and spending time with you, your his most important thing right now
☁️ Well, your his most important thing period, but when your small your his main priority
☁️ Has pushed some of his God responsibilities off just for you <3
☁️ Raiden lectured him later for it though >:(
☁️ Speaking about Raiden, Fujin would highly encourage little playdates between you two!!
☁️ Fujins really strong, and he really likes carrying you
☁️ So this works incredibly well if you regress smaller
☁️ Mortals very much amuse him very much
☁️ Which means you amuse him so, so much
☁️ Learnt that younger mortals need a nap and encourages you to take one, especially if you regress tiny
☁️ He'll dress you in soft jammies, brush your hair, you'll have a whole routine
☁️ He’ll also cuddle you!!! Loves to cuddle during naptime (even if he doesn't sleep)
☁️ Won't force you to take a nap if you don't wanna though
☁️ If your scared of naps (such as monsters under the bed or such) he'll cuddle you extra tight and get you a dream catcher
☁️ He'll also get magic Monster Go Away Spray!!! (a trick he learnt from a parent app, actually)
☁️ Thinks it's really funny when you get a burst of energy, and then crash asleep
☁️ Is very patient when you have tantrums or hissy fits
☁️ He'll let you scream and cry, especially if it's over big negative feelings, but stays by incredibly close so you don't hit or throw anything
☁️ If you do he'll gently grab your wrists or quickly catch whatever you throw
☁️ He'll scold you later for it, probably when your big again and can have a better conversation
☁️ But right now, he wants to make sure your okay
☁️ He'll gently rock you and say that everything's okay
☁️ Doesn't really do punishments, but will scold you if your being naughty on purpose
☁️ Believes outside time is very important!!!
☁️ Whether that's going outside and playing with his kite, or sitting on the grass with some toys and a blanket
☁️ Will encourage you to pull pranks on the Monks and his friends (and take any backlash so you don't get in trouble)
☁️ He'll make you ‘fly’ in the air with his powers (making a burst of wind beneath you)
☁️ Safely though!!! He'd never do it if you didn't want to either
☁️ Will sit you on a blanket and then put you in the air (like a magic carpet ride fr Aladdin!!)
☁️ If your a bigger kid, you'll still get treated like a toddler >:(
☁️ But don't worry!! Just tell him and he'll treat you more your age (or try, it's a process)
☁️ Thinks pet regressors are really cute and funny and will watch you roll along the ground
☁️ Gives the best head scratchies and tummy rubs!!!
☁️ If you're ever sick while your tiny, it takes everything out of him not to pick you up and hold you closely :(
☁️ It's just, your all tucked in bed looking like ‘🥺’ but he knows that if he holds you, he'll get sick too :(
☁️ Tries to get you yummy medicine, and will make you some nice warm milk
☁️ Very good with if you use diapers and will buy you ones with cute designs!!
☁️ His hair is very long and he'll let you brush it, and will redirect you if you pull on ks hair
☁️ Will brush your hair any time of the day, absolutely loves brushing and styling it!!
☁️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Fuu Fuu, and Cloudy
☁️ Favorite little nicknames to call you are Sweetie, Sweetheart, Little One, Baby, Lovely, Bumble Bee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
They're not the best, but I can always do more!! :D
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Propaganda why Alex Eagleston is insufferable:
literally causes the end of the world by being The Absolute Worst and has done so multiple times including his alternate selves. he technically has three (and a half) love interests (cause theyre the only characters he can/attempt to kiss or express any attraction to) and he treats them all poorly first three vella sammy and essentia 2000 are cause hes a misogynist but they all get different flavors of it sammy gets fridged for the plot of the game and is basically never relevant again outside of a secret(?) ending. shes also based off of a real life dead person for no fucking reason. vella is subjected to weird speculation about her age in her introduction scene with alex saying something along the lines of she cant be older than him cause shes too pretty (alex is like 24 and vella 27 from what i recall its been a few years since ive thought about yiik) and has a weird internal monologue about his feminist ex girlfriend prompted by vella just existing. theres a weird scene when alex asks her if shes korean n says she looks vaguely ethnic making her uncomfortable. One Of His Alternate Selves Literally Caused Her To Leave Her Home Dimension Cause Of How Poorly He Treated Her and the context behind that is that to leave the world/timeline/dimension/whatever you're originally from you basically have to be super suicidal and he pushed her to that point by ghosting her for a while and next time vella saw him he was hooking up with a girl noticably younger than her (<- remember this) and immediately after being told this he can attempt to kiss her which has no actual repercussions. essentia 2000 is like technically supposed to be evil i guess but her goal is supposed to be killing alex so i cant fault her on that. the in game day after they first meet alex has like a monologue about how special and attractive she is ""she was like water filling all my cracks"" or some shit. all three girls are alternates of eachother and are on a sliding scale of how objectified they are by alex with who got it the worst depending on which aspect you're focusing on. other sort of love interest is rory (diversity loss!) who alex can attempt to kiss after he confides in him about something when rory is like 18-19 (hes meant to be about the same age as michael whos recently graduated high school) and depending on how alex treats him can literally kill himself and alex's reaction to learning this is to only focus on how terrible he feels before moving on n rory's death never being mentioned again. the whole point of the game is that alex is a piece of shit who cant even buy groceries for his mom without throwing a hissy fit about it but it undermines itself constantly by having characters forgive or just stop being mad at alex on a dime after hes been exceedingly shitty towards them in various ways and any sort of charm or endearing traits he had quickly wearing off due to him never shutting the fuck up. near the end of the game all the other party members are killed off in quick succession leaving alex by himself and all he can do is sulk in self pity before going on a space adventure or whatever to stop an alternate him thats linked to an alternate essentia and enlisting the player as a different alternate him to help fight various superficial flaws of himself (which arent even like the actual things that make him insufferable n a bad person) n then finish the job for him. i need to punt him into the sun
He constantly goes on annoying monologues about things that nobody cares about. In game he is meant to be kind of an asshole, but they never give him the necessary character development to make him feel like a proper flawed protagonist, yet the narrative makes him out to be a character who is ""deep down a good guy"". Also he doesn't seem to care about any of his friends/party members.
"""YIIK"" is a poorly written, irony-poisoned RPG using a real life actual unsolved murder as the basis for an inciting event, altered so that what happened to the victim was some ~scary supernatural stuff~ and also Alex was there being vaguely misogynistic the whole time and monologuing to no-one in a way no real human person thinks uncritically.
The game intends to paint Alex as a bad person, but this is implemented in such a snide and uninteresting manner which has nothing to actually say about him being this way, nor is it at all fun or entertaining to experience.
He has no idea what's going on, blindly following the plot with the vague motivation of being suddenly stricken with affection for a girl he basically called a freak as soon as he met her five minutes ago. He is self-absorbed, lazy and overconfident, constantly bemoaning and ignoring the needs and feelings of others. He is the only character given enough breathing space to have something to him, and yet manages to not even feel any sort of dimensional.
Also his shirt is an ad for the dev's last game.
An incel who always screams about everything and yet is overly pretentious about everything.
Propaganda why Scott Pilgrim is insufferable:
He is not a good person. He doesn’t take other people’s feelings into consideration. He mooches off his one real friend. He’s dating a teenager as a grown ass man. Every girlfriend he’s ever had hates him for good reasons
Stupid idiot
dated a 17 yr old
kind of a cop-out answer since he's like deliberately made to be an annoying person but
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tostadamika · 8 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E2- 'The Sword Part 2'
Today's She-Ra Watchthrough Art: Another Messy Glimmer Sketch
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Okay so, it's safe to say as of episode 2:
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Glimmer is my favorite by a wide fuckin' mile she's so real.
I don't know if it's been made obvious to anyone, but in case you haven't noticed yet. I have a huge soft spot for characters that fit under a very specific aesthetic. Glimmer most certainly fits it.
"But Daniel, what kind of aesthetic is it that you speak of?" I hear you ask?
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The Best Kind.
(I don't even like MHA but I do love Mina, wish the show was good)
I find it really funny that when Adora turns into She-Ra she just is like, bigger. Like one of She-Ra's superpowers is being fucking tall.
Like being tall is one of her magical abilities.
I really liked the moment Glimmer actually started sounding like she was about to cry. Phenomenal voice acting right there, that alone says so much.
Just hearing Glimmers' voice breaking & hearing her struggling to hold back crying in the middle of her rant.
It just makes everything she's been saying feel a lot more impactful now. Seeing that it had this much of an affect on her.
She doesn't even specify how many people were lost. Like, fuck she might mean it's not just a few, it's not a thousand it's probably like millions.
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Like, they didn't have to flashback or explain it, just that one moment made me go "Oh shit." It tells you more than enough to understand what kind of horrible shit she's been through. Amazing voice acting right there. I love it.
Shadow Weaver is still a cunt. Fuck you shadow weaver.
Hope your pillow is warm on both sides you wizard bitch.
Also Bow was literally the best this episode he was just like so endearing & every time he spoke I had a big goofy smile on my face. He's so fucking joyful. His optimism is infectious.
What else happened uhhhhh.....
Cat-Ra is angry because idk she's lesbian or something & she's decided to make it everyone elses' problem.
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Like geez, Cat-Ra was throwing a real HISSY fit at the end there.
(please laugh i'm fucking desperate here)
Also I see they kept Swiftwind in this reboot.
I really fucking hope he still sounds like that because it's the funniest thing ever & I adore it.
So anyways, new ship dropped.
I ship these two & they are canon & nobody can fucking stop me.
If they don't kiss I'm going to burn down a church.
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Don't be surprised if most of the she-ra watchalong art is just them.
Also Hordak showed up. He seems like he's a better villain in this one but he's still not even close to Skeletor levels yet.
You're gonna have to wow me a lot more than that, Mr. Whore-Dak.
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WC ::: 5,200
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A/N ::: I have it bad for Bakugo right now. I pretty much worked on this all damn day. Which will explain any errors you may find. I read and reread on Google Docs but it's almost 11pm and my tired eyes can take no more. It if's horrific, please tell me so I can fix it. I hate a misspelled word. Grammatical is fine. Love grammatical errors. I do them on purpose. Now I'm rambling and need to go to bed. Enjoy! Thank you for having Baku-Flu with me.
C/W ::: Too tired to elaborate. I'll fix it tomorrow. But MINORS, LOOK DOWN AND WALK AWAY. DOWN ... AWAY. Aged up Bakugo, Sorta slow burn, playful banter, alcohol use (not much), oral {M->F}, sex, quippy conversation. The End. Like I said, I'll fix this tomorrow, objectifying Bakugo? Admiring his ass. Idk. Leave me alone.
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Hard to Get
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It wasn't long after you turned on the tv that your mind started to wander. You were thinking about your best friend's birthday party you just got home from. You were thinking about Bakugo who was there, looking so delicious. 
His neck muscles turned and twitched whenever he moved his head or swallowed something. His lips curled into a sick and tight smirk whenever he looked at you. Your stomach would drop to your pussy and it made you feel sick in the best way.
The show you were watching was of little interest. Your hands had been resting on your spread legs as you lay on the couch, rubbing your inner thighs in slow, soft circles. Unaware of just how much you were turning yourself on while mindlessly daydreaming of him. Of Bakugo, being the one who's resting between your knees, touching you so sweetly. Wishing he was the one edging you closer and closer to your release.
The clock on your mantel chimed, signaling the end of this day and the start of a new one. You had no reason to stay up so you decided to call it and go to bed. You brush your teeth. Wash your face (with cold water - one last attempt at cooling yourself off) and climb into bed.
It was an hour before you even felt tired and it pissed you off that you laid there tossing and turning for so long. Still horny. Still too stubborn to give in and bring yourself some relief. You didn't want to touch yourself. You wanted Bakugo to do it. And since he wasn't here, you were going to throw a little hissy fit that only you would know about. Whatever.
You were just nodding off in your soft blankets and warm bed when your phone lit up and a pretty little chime resonated through your dark room.
"Hey." Is all it said. You didn't recognize the number, not even a little bit. So you texted back that they have the wrong number. No one you know generally texts this late at night anyway. Putting the phone down on your nightstand you rolled over and squished yourself back down into the mattress.
"No, I don't have the wrong number. I got this from {friend's name}, y/n =)."
"Ok, so all that tells me is you're a creepy asshole who harassed my best friend and got my cell number from them. Lose it. Permanently."
"Tsktsktsk. That's no way to talk to the guy who you were making fuck me eyes at over the birthday cake. Now is it, sweetheart?"
You laughed, "{Males name}, I'm so relieved to hear from you! I thought since you were there with your wife and kids you wouldn't notice me making fuck me eyes at you. When can I see you again? WITHOUT the fam, ok? They were a real drag."
"The FUCK! You calling me a creepy asshole is real rich. It's Bakugo, dumbass."
"Who?" This was too fun.
"Oh my God, you're so annoying, y/n. Bye. YOU lose MY number PERMANENTLY!"
"Bakugo, waitttt wait wait! I'm fucking with you lol! Jesus. You're so serious all the time! What're you doing up so late? Isn't it past your bedtime?"
"I don't have a bedtime, little girl. I make my own rules, baby."
"Who you calling a little girl? I'll have you know I no longer piss the bed. Well, unintentionally, anyway."
"You love it. There's no shame when it comes to sex. The dirtier the better, I say."
"Pussy got your tongue?"
You huffed, "Pussy (Cat) got your tongue?"
Minutes passed before he said anything so you texted him again. "You typing with one hand? You know, some phones have a one-handed setting. It might be helpful for when you're ... well, using one hand for typing and one hand for something else. Just FYI. Anyway, if you're done, I'm going to try and get some sleep. I have stuff I gotta do tomorrow."
And that was the end of that conversation with Bakugo.
You woke up just the way you went to sleep: Horny. But you overslept and had some things to take care of before you could even think about doing that. Your shower was quick and way less hot than usual. The clothes you put on were loose-fitting and casual. This is what Saturday's were made for. Being comfortable, getting shit done and then spending the day lounging around.
There was one parking spot left at the post office and you were about to take it when some fucker on a motorcycle swooped in and stole it right out from underneath your tires.
"What the fuck, asshole!" You got out of your car and yelled at the person with the black, stickered helmet sitting on their shoulders. "I was going to park there, kindly move your fucking bike? Jesus."
The person came over to you and stood unnervingly close. So close to you that you had to back up against your car. "Um, personal space, dick." You pushed them away, your fingers dug into their hard chest muscles. You had to admit, with how much you've wanted to fuck lately, they felt so good. But that didn't change the fact they were a total piece of shit for taking this so far.
"You don't recognize me, little girl?"
"Little girl??" Where have you heard that recently. You narrowed your eyes and said, "{Males name}? Is that you hiding your asshole face behind the helmet?"
The man laughed and pulled his helmet off. "Yeah, yeah. It's me, {Males name}. You're a fucking idiot." He chuckled again and leaned in to hug you.
"Heyyy, Bakugo." You said in a quiet little voice. You wrapped your arms around his neck and backed yourself up the rest of the way against your car, pulling him with you. "You ..." you exhaled in his ear, "are so ..." pushing your tits into his pecs, "fucking ... mmmuch of an asshole." Pushing him away you pointed at the spot he took before you even had a chance to turn your blinker on. "I - why do you even need a whole spot? You can just leave that dumb thing on the sidewalk!"
"DON'T!" He grabbed you by the cheeks, squishing them together, causing your lips to squish out. His sudden movement and his hands so rough on you made you weak in the knees. "Don't talk about her like that. Ok?" He looked at his motorcycle and back at you.
You put your hands up, surrendering yourself to his tantrum. "S-sorry. Shit, sorry, ok?" He let go of your face and took a couple of steps back. "What did you need to do here? I can do it for you." He offered.
"I just have to ship this package and drop this in the outbox. I think I can handle it." You started to get back into your car.
"I'm sorry. Fuck. I didn't mean to ---" you shook your head at him, silently asking him to not bother with the apology.
"I get it. And you know what? Here." You tossed the small package to him and dug a $10 out of your pocket and gave that to him as well. "Thanks, parking spot stealer. Catch ya on the flipside."
He moved out of the way as you drove off without so much as a smile, a wave or even a resentful glare. 
But he waved at you.
The next time you saw Bakugo was at the coffee shop with your friend's boyfriend. You walked in and saw him with his stupid pointy blond hair and that stupid grimace on his stupid ... hot face.
You pretended to not see him even though you noticed him as soon as you walked up to the large window front.
The door chimed, signaling the entrance of a new patron. For some reason, all eyes went to you. Like you were the millionth customer or something.
Still, you kept your eyes on the floor and made your way straight to the order counter.
The cashier took your order and you were about to hand them the $9 for your fancy coffee when Bakugo swooped in and pushed your hand down so he could pay for you.
"Hey, y/n. Uh, lemme get this for ya? Let me make it up for the other day, yeah?" He tried to smile but it didn't really come across as much of a smile. More like a dominant show of teeth.
"Oh, you're ... you're here, too. I can pay for this, thanks tho---" You did your best to convince him to fuck off. But he wouldn't have any of it.
"Goddamn it, don't be an asshole. Let me buy you a coffee. C-consider this will be like a first step in our dating life, hm?" Fuck, he was hot. And he had at least one friend. Even if that friend was your best friend's boyfriend.
"Jesus, Bakugo. Fine! Fine. Pay for the damn coffee. Thanks. Thank you. Ok? You happy? I owe you now." You stepped back so he could pay. He put his hand on the curve of your waist as he moved passed you. It was fairly obvious what kind of effect it had on you. Your face turned a sweet shade of pink, your eyes blew out until they were almost all pupils. You just hoped he wouldn't see.
"You ok, y/n? You look like you're going to barf." He said.
"I'm not going to barf, you idiot. I just," you looked down the front of his body and left your eyes on his inseam.
"Y/n? you just ...?" He lifted your chin with his index finger, bent down a little and tilted his head to look into your eyes before your face was completely up.
"Huh? Wha-? Oh! I just need coffee. Just ... coffee. Can I get that to go, please? I gotta, I gotta go." You grabbed the coffee and stormed out.
"Hey! Y/n, whe- wait!" Bakugo called after you but you didn't stop. "The fuck. The actual fuck." He said to his friend.
They shrugged. "I've always thought she was a little odd." He laughed.
You called up your friend who gave him your cell number. Immediately going into your yelled speech as soon as they answered their phone.
"WHAT is wrong with you? You know, since you gave that dumbass my phone number he's been texting me and turning up everywhere I go! Did you give him my calendar too? 'Cuz I swear to fucking god, he was at the post office the other day. He stole my fucking parking spot. And then he was at the coffee shop just now. I swear to god he's everywhere now, {best friend's name}!! What have you done?"
"Who is this?" She laughed.
"Fuck, really?!" You yelled at her again. "I'm serious. He's everywhere. He's ... he's ..." You couldn't finish your thought.
"Hot as shit? You want his cock? You want his lips all over your body? You want his babiessss!? Oh my god! You want his babies!" She was in hysterics at the thought.
"You're the devil. You're really ... straight from hell. And I love you. But he's popping up in the places I frequent that I've never seen him at before."
There was silence on her end, until you heard voices in the background.
"Is {boyfriend's name} home?" You waited for her to answer you, hearing a third voice in the room. "Is Bakugo there? Jesus Christ. He's stealing you from me. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Enough was enough. Though you didn't know how friendly he had been with them in the past, you do know that Bakugo was becoming more and more a part of your life and the lives of your close friends.
Your cell rang. It was a number that you hadn't saved, but you suspected it was your new stalker.
"Hello, Bakugo?"
"Hi, pissy pants. Come over." You didn't love the nickname.
"Come over where? And no. I don't want to." You couldn't help but smile. You were really enjoying the attention he was giving you. Despite your best efforts to hate him, he was wearing you down.
"Come to your girlfriend's house. We're having an impromptu game night. Bring some shit to drink. See you in 30. And don't shower. You smell great as it is. See ya, sweetheart." And he hung up. Not even giving you a change to protest his garbage invitation to someone else's house.
"Don't shower? That's ... huh." You grabbed your keys and wallet and drove to the store to buy some shit to drink, as per his instruction.
You parked in your friend's driveway, essentially blocking Bakugo's motorcycle in between your car and their garage. You laughed at how pissed it would probably make him. A silent victory. 
A petty victory.
Walking in the front door, you saw Bakugo sitting on the couch. His legs spread, hands resting on his thighs. Just daring you to look at him. Anywhere.
"What's going on tonight?" You asked. "Asshat over here called me and told me to bring shit to drink and that it was an impromptu game night? Well, I'm here and I have the shit." Raising the bottles in your hand you showed them off to the 3 other people there.
They all cheered and came to you. Your friend and her boyfriend took the bottles and Bakugo gave you a hug. A lingering hug.
"Hi, pissy pants," he smiled devilishly at you and pressed his hips into yours and his nose into your neck.
It sends a pulse throughout your whole body. You slipped and your breath got caught in your throat. You hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Excited to see me, too? Good. I can't stop thinking about you." He said against your ear.
"I, uh ... yeah. What's up?" You patted him on the back and pushed him away, taking a deep breath when you were finally free of his grasp. "Who's ready for game night? Let's go!"
The next hour or so went by in a haze. The group of you laughing and drinking and playing some board game that was on the coffee table. You won a lot. Bakugo kept losing and it made you smile. He was a terrible loser to his core. There was no in between. At one point, he almost flipped the coffee table over. 
You were starting to get drunk. You knew it because that display of raw agitation at something so stupid made your stomach knot up. His shit coping was turning you on.
"I'll be right back." You stood and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. You walked in and turned the light on and shut the door behind you. You tried to shut it behind you but there was a foot in the way. "Jesus. Bakugo, what the fuck." You laughed.
He pushed his way in and locked the door behind him. "We're … talking."
"Now?" You asked. "I was just about to pee. You can wait." You started to walk back toward the door but he grabbed your waist and pushed you back against the sink.
"We're talking, y/n. So fucking listen."
"Ok, I'm listening. What do you want to talk about?" You smiled up at him, your lips slightly parted and your eyes set on his.
"You." He said. "You're driving me fucking insane, ya fuckin' brat. You're always walking around with those pretty tits and that fat ass, making me lose my goddamn mind. I can't stop thinking about you. Your lips, your pussy ... Fuck. I wanna taste you." His hands were all over you. Raking up and down your back, over your ass and thighs.
"Mmm, you think I have a fat ass?" You whispered. He nodded. "You're so silly, Bakugo. You think you can just say those things to me and I'll let you have me? You really think that?"
He nodded again. "I'm going to have you. And you're … gonna let me. That's how this is gonna go."
"Is it?" You laughed. "What if I say no?"
"Then I'm going to fuck you anyway. You want me to. I know it. I like games too, sometimes. I can play any ... little thing … you want. But, I'm just going to take what I want, y/n. And you're going to be begging me to keep going." He grabbed your tits and squeezed them until you moaned.
"I bet you'd love that." You exhaled.
"Fuck, I bet you would too." He pulled you in for a kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you could feel your body getting hot. Your reaction to him was just about the most primal thing you'd ever experienced. You two were drawn to each other like magnets.
"Mmm ... mm-mm." You pushed him back and put your fingers to your lips. "What are we doing, Bakugo? This ... I don't know what you think this is ... but ... I just." You shook your head. "I need to pee. So ... shoo! Go on."
"You're so full of shit. Just admit you want me as much as I want you." He licked his lips and turned around, unlocking the door and walking out. "See you in a minute." He winked at you.
You locked the door behind him and went to the toilet. You looked at yourself in the mirror. "This can't be real. This can't be fucking real." You sat down and tried to compose yourself.
The next time you saw Bakugo was at the grocery store. You were getting some groceries for the week when you heard someone behind you clearing their throat.
It was him.
"Hi, pissy pants. Fancy seeing you here, of all places."
"Ohh-kayy. You don't even fucking live in this neighborhood! What the hell are you doing over here? Seriously, Bakugo." You looked around to make sure there were people who could hear you. "I don't love you! You need to stop following me, I WILL call the police, you freak!" You couldn't stay composed any longer and started to laugh.
"Oh, ha-ha. God you're an asshole." He eventually laughed, too. "Seriously, though. You won't text me back. Why?"
You shrugged, "I dunno. You're weird."
"What do you mean by that, y/n?"
"You're ... just ... I don't know." You shook your head. "I need to get back to my shopping."
He nodded. "Yeah, I get it. I'm not what you thought I'd be. Not really. But I'm not all bad, either, y/n."
"Hmm, I don't know. I think you're ... well, maybe I've misjudged you. It's not like I really know you. But, I don't know. I'm sorry for saying you're weird. You're not weird, necessarily. I don't know." You looked at him, curious about what he'd say next.
"It's ok. I'm used to people thinking I'm an asshole. It's just ... I like you. I wanna ... I don't know." He leaned over his cart and put his chin in the palms of his hands.
"Go out with me?"
"I thought you'd never ask, y/n! This is, oh my gosh. This is all so sudden! Yes! Yes, of course I'll go out with you!" He smirked. "Let me know when, y/n. See ya later, sweetheart." He took off in the opposite direction, knowing full well you were staring at his ass.
You bit your lip and watched him walk away. "Yup, still hot. Fuck."
It was the night of your friend's boyfriend's birthday party. Bakugo had been texting you for days, trying to figure out where you'd be and what you'd be doing. You told him you'd be there. So there you were. In a pretty red dress that hugged your curves. And matched his eyes.
"Well, hello." He said as you walked up to him. "Wow, you look so fucking sexy. I love this. I love this dress. I love ... it." He was trying to contain himself.
"Oh, this old thing?" You giggled and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him onto the dance floor. "Dance with me, Bakugo!"
"I'm not really much of a dancer."
"That's disappointing. They say that men who dance are 10x's more likely to make a woman climax in bed. Or on the couch. Or the shower. Anywhere. Guess I'll dance by myself." You shrugged and laughed at your bullshit fact and the effect it had on his face.
"Oh my God, you're going to be the death of me, y/n. Come on." He put his arm around your waist and you two danced for the rest of the night.
A slow song came on and he pulled you to him. He tucked your hand against his chest and he held you close by the small of your back with his right hand. “You having fun, y/n?” He asked, looking down the front of your dress.
“Not as much fun as you, apparently. I can feel that, by the way.” You smirked, gesturing down between the two of you with your eyes. “But yeah, I am, actually. Thank you for dancing with me. You’re surprisingly not that shit at it.” 
Bakugo lay his head down on your shoulder and softly kissed your neck. "Let's get out of here." He said, his lips touching your ear as he raised his head and whispered to you. "Let's go back to your place."
You nodded. "Yes. NOW." You grabbed his hand and walked out.
Once you got to your place, you ran upstairs and put on some music. Your favorite song came on and you danced around your room for a minute before Bakugo walked in, looking at you with the most heavy, lustful eyes you've ever seen.
He slowly walked over to you and put his hands on your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. It was sweet and soft. "Y/n. How hot you are."
You shook your head, "Me? Bakugo, you are ... you are ... so fucking hot. You make me feel so ... I don't know. Like ... like I have no control over myself. You just ... you do this thing to me. It's like my whole body catches fire and then melts and I just want to ... fuck, I want to fuck you."
"I think I can make that happen." He looked at you, waiting for you to make the next move.
You pulled him over to your bed and pushed him down on it. "I'm in charge. Got it? I'm in charge." You climbed on top of him, your hands pushing his shoulders back as you straddled his waist.
"No, no you're not. But nice try." He flipped you over and held your wrists above your head. "You're mine, y/n. You're all fucking mine. I'm going to make you feel good. I'm gonna make you cum so hard, you'll be screaming my name for days because you’ll be too damn stupid to remember anything else." He smiled and kissed your neck, his hand moving down your body to your panties.
You gasped and bucked your hips up, "Fuck, Bakugo. That feels so good." Your fingers were in his hair, pulling it at the roots.
He pushed your panties to the side and slipped two fingers inside your pussy. "Jesus. You're so fucking wet, y/n. Is this for me? This wet pussy is for me? Fuck." He pumped his fingers in and out of you, his thumb rubbing your clit in slow, tight circles.
Your back arched off the bed, "God, yes, Bakugo. Fuck! Oh my fucking god, th- ... Don't … Please don't fucking stop!" You screamed.
"You gonna cum for me, baby? Huh? You gonna cum all over my fingers? I know you are. But not yet." He pulled his fingers from you, licked them clean and kissed your lips.
You grabbed his face and kissed him back, tasting yourself on his tongue. "Bakugo, I want ... lemme suck your cock."
"Hohhh fuck." He moaned. "You will, sweetheart. You will. But not right now. Right now ..." he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down around his knees. His cock was hard and throbbing.
"Oh, fuck, Bakugo." Your eyes were wide with wonder as you sat up on your elbows on the bed. The dress pooled around your waist and your panties sat haphazardly covering your cunt. None of that mattered. All you could see right now was his huge cock.
And it saw you, too.
"It's yours, y/n. It's all fucking yours. So fucking take it, you little brat." He pushed your legs apart and rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit. "Is this what you want? Huh? This big fucking cock inside of your little pussy? Is it?"
"Oh my god, Bakugo! I do, so bad." You whimpered.
"I know you do. That's why I'm going to give it to you." He pushed himself inside of you, slowly stretching you out until you were begging for more.
"More, Bakugo. Give me more. Fuck, fuck me! Oh my god!" You pulled him down on top of you, your hands clawing at his back.
"Fuck, y/n. You're so fucking tight, baby. You're so fucking wet and tight. God, this pussy is perfect. I'm going to fuck you every day, you got that?" He started to thrust faster, his hips slamming into yours with each stroke.
Your back arched up off the bed as he fucked you. You were on the edge, your orgasm building with every move he made. "Oh? Gettin' close? I guess all that dancing really paid off. I should slow the fuck down. Wouldn't want you cumming too fast now. Nnnope." He slowed to a barely discernible drag. Your eyes nearly went full white as they twisted to the back of your head.
"Ba-ku-go ... ple--- ... ya, please. You have ... to ... mmmm … oh my god." You whined as he looked at your contorting face.
"I know, baby. I know. I got you. I'll give you what you want, sweetheart. You're going to cum for me, ok?" He kissed your neck and started to speed up again, his thrusts getting deeper and deeper.
"Yes! Oh my god, don’t … don’t … hoh fuck!" You were on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall off at any moment.
He grabbed your tits, squeezing them and rolling your nipples between his fingers. "Fuck! You're so fucking sexy. I wanna taste those tits, baby." He bent down and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it as he kept fucking you.
Your hands were in his hair again, pulling and tugging as he fucked you harder and harder. Your body started to shake and your breath caught in your throat.
"I'm going to … cum, Bakugo! Fuck! Pleasepleaseplease!" You screamed as you came hard around his cock. "Oh my god! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Bakugo!"
You rode out the twitching and shaking of your body as he continued to fuck you. Dragging out more moans from you than anyone had ever bothered to do before.
His slow pace came to an even more painful stop. He kissed your neck until you were writhing below him. Begging him to do something.
Bakugo slid back until just his tip was inside of you. He looked down at where he disappeared into your body and pulled out the rest of the way. His eyes darted back up to yours and he watched you all the way until his lips were encircling your clit.
"Oh my god!" You cried out as he sucked and licked your clit, his tongue pushing in and out of your pussy. "Fuck! Bakugo!" You grabbed his hair and pulled it, the pain making him moan against you. He licked and sucked on you so sloppily that the room was filled with the sounds of wet lapping. It was loud and erotic and almost too much. But it was just enough. You were so close to cumming again that it hurt. Your body was tight. The wire bound within you was ready to snap if he hit you just right once more.
"Cum on my tongue, y/n. Cum for me, baby. Fuck, you taste so good." He said as he pushed two fingers into your pussy, pumping them in and out of you.
Your back arched and your toes curled as you came again. Your legs shaking and your hands gripping the sheets. Your hips bucked up against his face as he sucked and licked you through your orgasm.
Bakugo sat back on his knees, his cock still hard and glistening with your juices. He slowly pumped his cock as he looked down at you. "You're so fucking filthy. I could watch you cum for me all day long." He grabbed your legs and pulled you down to him so that your ass was right at the edge of the bed.
He pushed his cock into you again, this time with a sense of urgency and a need to cum himself. He fucked you hard and deep, his hips slamming into yours with every thrust. He was so close to cumming that you could see it in his face.
"Your - mngh - your face looks stupid when you're about to cum. Y'know that?" You tried to laugh but all you could do was moan at how good his cock filled you. How good it felt as it dragged inside of you.
He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue pushing into your mouth as he fucked you harder. "Oh god, y/n. You feel so fucking good. I'm going to cum in you, ok?" He moaned as he fucked you.
"Yes! Fucking cum in me ... hmm ..." You moaned as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you. "Fill me up, Bakugo. Fuck!" You screamed as you came again, your body shaking and your pussy tightening around him.
Bakugo pumped his hips a few more times before he came inside of you, his cum filling you up and spilling out onto the bed. "Oh, fuck! Y/n! Fuck!" He moaned as he kept fucking you through his orgasm.
He eventually stopped, his cock still inside of you as he collapsed on top of you, his face buried in your neck. "Oh my god, y/n. That was ... that was so fucking good." He kissed your neck and chest before he rolled over and lay next to you on the bed.
"And to think, what I said about men who dance was total bullshit."
"I knew it! I knew you were lying about that." Bakugo laughed. "You're a little shit, you know that?"
"Yeah, I know. But I got you to dance with me, though." You smiled.
"You did." He smiled back. "But you're the one in bed with me."
You looked over at him and he was flipping you off with both hands.
"Fuck you." He laughed.
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Taglist ::: @millennialmagicalgirl @callm3senpaii @darkstarlight82 (just in case it decides to work, idk! If not I'll send it to you, too.)
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Spring, 2020 - JAG Headquarters Naval Base San Diego
Chapter 6 Part 1 of You Are My Soulmate
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
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Description: After too long, it's finally the day of your inquiry. You're to be judged by a panel of your peers and with the COMPACFLT presiding. You're filled with nerves. Of course, Lieutenants Marks and Greybanks have your back as do the Daggers. One conversation with Rooster gives you hope, hope that your soulmate doesn't hate you, and hope that this inquiry will finally go your way!
Disclaimers: Misogynistic speech. Mentioned Homosexual Relationships. Angst. Flagrant disregard for protocols or Authority. Angst. Anguish. The author has no idea how Navy inquiries go (so take all the legalese with a grain of salt).
This content presented in this story is for audiences age 18 and over only. MINORS DNI. I will not be accepting tag-list requests from Blank or Ageless Blogs for this story.
Warnings: Female!Reader
Word Count: 4414
A/N: Hehehehehe! Now that I've gotten my wicked little giggles out of the way, I hope you're all ready!
But first! A disclaimer! I'm neither a law professional nor in the US Navy. In this more than any chapter for this story I've written, I implore you to ignore the pseudo-legalese and my fragrant lack of knowledge regarding military inquiry protocol.
And now to the fun part! We're going to get revenge on an odious little bird in this chapter! (Yes, I mean a particular character!) His number is up and everyone is very eager to see him BURN!
I'm sorry this chapter wasn't out at 6 PM EST like usual. What can I say except life happened?
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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The courtroom is far less imposing than you were expecting. The walls are beige and unadorned. The truly imposing people in the room are your opposing counsel and the fact that this trial is being presided over by the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Tom Kazansky. You’d think that facing down the COMPACFLT and a panel of fellow Lieutenant Commanders would take all of your attention, but you’d be wrong. The focus of all of your attention, and well, the attention of everyone else in the room, is on the cocky man sitting in the witness box. He's under oath, having promised to ‘Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’, but looking at his face, a part of you cannot believe he will do so. Whatever truths spilling from his mouth are likely to be false, nuggets of information so twisted and cruel that you can’t even hope the panel of Lieutenant Commanders in the room can make sense of it. The picture he’s painting of you is far from flattering, after all.
As Hawk tells it, you’re a temperamental female AMDO Lieutenant Commander with a penchant for throwing hissy fits on the job and sabotaging successful male pilots just out of spite for their physical prowess. It’s a convincing tale and makes you want to sink into the seat of your chair next to Commanders Marks and Greybanks as he smirks vindictively at you. As if he hadn’t dragged every inch of your leadership through the mud when he went through the events of the first AMDO inspection of the year, now you know there’s something else he has to mention for this trial. It hasn’t mattered how often Commanders Marks and Grebanks objected to Hawk’s rendition of the first AMDO inspection of the year. Admiral Kazansky had sustained all of the objections, but it seems to have been too little, too late. Nobody on the panel of seven looks remotely convinced of your innocence anymore.
“Moving on then. What, Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor, did you witness on the morning of December 18th at approximately 0530 AM?” Commander Wilson of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps is stern as he asks the question. When you’d expressed confusion to Commanders Marks and Greybank, you were informed that this was standard operating procedure in the Navy. The courtroom, for lack of a better word, is hushed. Whether you like it or not, Hawk has everyone on the edge of their seats, hanging onto his every word.
“I saw the Lieutenant Commander and the Lieutenants having words, Commander.”
“Which Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenants, Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor?” It’s unsurprising when Hawk points to you as well as Bradley and Jake sitting in the gallery and states your full names. You were expecting this; both Commanders Marks and Greybank had prepared you for it. However, you weren’t expecting to see Bradley in the courtroom or the remaining Daggers. This closed inquiry indicates whether you will face a court martial. The only personnel in the room are those necessary for the defense or the prosecution. So that must mean that the Daggers are being called either as witnesses for the defense or a witness for the prosecution.
It hurts, seeing the new scars crisscrossing over Bradley’s face and the fragile way he shuffles in his seat as Hawks’ testimony enthralls the court. You, on the other hand, feel like you’re going to throw up. That distinctly sick feeling continues as Commander Wilson asks question after question, all of them intent on crucifying you. If he were in an F-18, you’d have the crosshairs on you and hear the tone of the missile lock. A victorious smile, poorly concealed, is on Hawk's face as his prosecution finishes questioning and takes their seats. Now, Commander Marks takes over the questioning for the defense.
“Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor, we've heard what happened on the morning of December 18th. Why were you on base that early?”
Commander Greybanks leans forward when Hawk scoffs and starts scrawling notes on the legal pad before him. “We were scheduled to begin training at 0800 hours sharp. But I wanted to get some additional time on the flight simulators, so I was on base earlier that day.”
“Then why were you in Hangar Two, Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor, when per your earlier statement, you were going to the Simulation Center on the opposite end of North Island Naval Air Station?”
You let a furtive smile curl your lips for the first time since the inquiry began. It’s fleeting because you probably shouldn’t be smiling, but the hope that question gives you is enough. Hawk’s expression makes you feel even better because he looks like he’s taken a sip of curdled milk from an expired carton.
“I was just on my way to the Simulation Center from the locker room when I saw the lights on in Hangar Two. It was 0530 in the morning, ma’am. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone else there. So, I dipped in through the back door to ensure nobody was messing with the proprietary Naval technology inside the hangar.”
There’s a distinct tremor in Hawk’s voice as he says the words. It almost feels like he’s worried about something - hopefully, something that the Commanders will uncover.
“What about the conversation the Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenants were having piqued your interest, Lieutenant Junior Grade?”
“I couldn’t quite hear it, Ma’am, but it was something to do with Lieutenant Bradshaw’s jet.”
Hawk takes a sip of water from the glass in front of him before he continues.
“I was not close enough to hear exactly what was wrong with the jet, Ma’am. But Tinkerbell was under the jet looking at the landing gear - the front landing gear in particular.”
“So what did you hear, Lieutenant Junior Grade?” Commander Marks is sticking to the facts, not letting Hawk philosophize in a manner he’d clearly like to if the way he swallows with each statement is an indication. She’s also quite content to let Hawk’s continued use of your callsign rather than your rank slide. It bothers you because you’ve earned your rank with blood, sweat, and a not-insignificant quantity of tears. But she must have a reason. Both the Commanders must have a reason because Hawk’s clearly discomfited at Commander Marks questioning him instead of Commander Greybank.
“As I mentioned, Ma’am, I heard nothing until Lieutenant Bradshaw got loud. He mentioned something about wanting to still fly.”
“Then what happened?” 
“Tinkerbell happened, ma’am.” There’s a distinct snarl on his face as he says your name. “She refused to let Lieutenant Bradshaw fly.”
“Was Lieutenant Bradshaw’s absence explained before that day’s exercises?”
“It was ma’am, by Tinkerbell of all people. She explained it as an acute mechanical failure on the front landing gear - not that I believed her.”
“And what happened after that?”
“Nothing, in particular, Ma’am. We flew in our assigned patterns through the morning and into the afternoon. It was the first hop after lunch that something out of the ordinary happened. Lieutenant Bradshaw came on comms at half-past two that day. He told us he’d been cleared to fly by Tinkerbell and that he’d be joining us up in the air.”
You feel like you’ve been sucker-punched again. Suddenly, you’re back on the tarmac, jet fuel exhaust wafting past as you scream into the comms. That panic, that pain, that feeling of hopelessness, and the fear is washing over you again.
“Twenty minutes later, I was watching a fireball burst against the side of the mountain. Tell me why it was that one of the US Navy's best aviators had to crash because one female AMDO couldn't do her job properly?”
“The defense has no further questions about the incident occurring on December 18th, Admiral Kazansky.”
“Very well, let’s take a half-hour recess and convene back here at exactly quarter past 11. We’ll resume with the questioning of Lieutenant Bradshaw at that time.” The Admiral looks tired - it can’t be easy presiding over inquiries.
The moment you are dismissed, the Commanders lead you to a secluded bench in the open central hall of JAG headquarters.
“That was rough.” It’s a matter-of-fact comment and not one that either of the Commanders is expecting a response to.
They let you sit in silence for a minute, at most, before Lieutenant Greybank hands you a bottle of water. “Do you still intend to testify to the status of your soulbond with Lieutenant Bradshaw?”
“If I need to.” You sigh, noticing the Daggers spreading out through the courtyard. Jake and Javy look like they're searching for you. So does Bradley - which you are not expecting. “It’s my last resort, sir, ma’am. If we need to mention my soulbond and soul-markers to sway the panel, then we will. I’m not ready to let my career go without a fight.”
“Alright. We’re going to go talk to Commander Wilson. I feel we have a few more pieces of evidence to submit to the Admiral and the panel, then.” You stand and salute the higher-ranking officials as they walk away before sitting back down as you let your eyes flutter closed. 
It’s warm in the sun-roof ceilinged room. If you ignore the chatter of people at the coffee cart across the way, you could almost delude yourself into believing that it’s the middle of summer. More importantly, you can believe that all of this is behind you. You let yourself relish in the heat and imagine a summer day where you're curled up under the lone oak tree in your backyard. There are birds chirping, and if you focus, you can just hear the soft susurrations of the ocean over the wind rustling through the grass.
Your fantasy comes crashing down around your ears when a body settles onto the bench next to you. You know who it is before you even open your eyes, the soulbond buzzing like a hive of agitated bees under your skin just in his proximity.
“Hi, Bradley.” Your face feels hot as you take in his face.
“Hi, Tink.” He sounds so subdued, so lost as he greets you.
“Are you doing alright?” You blurt the words out before you even think about them. You've meant to ask it since you heard he woke up.
“I'm okay, Tinkerbell.” He chuckles then, something soft yet mirthless. “Gotta take it one day at a time. Though I think I'm officially not a looker anymore.”
The scars are arresting, slanting bright red, and standing out from his still-golden skin. But they're not ugly; far from ugly, in fact. The new skin growing over the burns is pink and tender, the color of his lips when he bites on them as he's deep in thought. They make him look mature, almost otherworldly, sitting there in his white dress uniform with his cover perched on perfectly coiffed curls.
“That's a lie.” You’re so tired of hearing the lies, of the stress, and of the sleepless nights, more like exhaustion, that the words trip out of your mouth unbidden. Your brain catches up with your mouth just a touch too late, but before your mortification can set in, rich laughter fills up the space between the two of you.
“Tell me what you really think; why don’t you, Tinkerbell?” Something about being this close to Bradley Bradshaw makes you feel brave and bold.
“It makes you look mysterious.” His laugh makes you smile.
“I owe you an apology.”
“I have to apologize to you.”
You start speaking at the same time he does, your voice tapering off into shocked silence when you hear that he’s saying the same thing you are.
“What do you have to apologize for, Bradley?” Your voice is quiet as you stare in shock at him. He looks just as confused as you are. 
“I could ask the same thing of you. But if I do, I’m pretty sure we’ll be asking each other questions until this recess is over.” He smiles softly at you. “Why don’t you go first?”
Your voice is even softer because now Jake and Javy have found you and are standing within earshot. “I need to apologize to you, Bradley. God, I should have ensured the flight crew knew not to leave your jet unattended. I should have had a member of my team remove the ignition or disable the flight computer. Something, anything. Because seeing you crash like that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. It was the worst thing I’ve ever felt.”
“I’m so sorry, Bradley.” You’re sniffling when you fall silent, rooting around in a pocket for a tissue.
You get handed a handkerchief, starched and pure white instead. 
“Sweetheart, you’ve got nothing to apologize for. I’ve been rude to you since the night we met. Truly, it’s because I was jealous.” He runs his hands through his hair in a frustrated motion. “That first night, I don’t know if you remember it, but when I met you at the bar, I could have sworn I felt something special. Something miraculous. I thought you were my soulmate. Then Jake found you in the aftermath of that bar fight, and I saw red. In those few moments, you shook me to my core. I’d sworn I would never find my soulmate, and I promised that if I ever found my soul, I’d never let them go.”
Your heart feels like it’s in overdrive. Did he just say what you think he did? There’s no way. How has he never realized that the dreams he’s had are about you?
“But I did. Sweetheart, I let you go that night, then again every time I saw you on Base. I never should have let you go. Please forgive me. You deserve so much better than the platonic soulmate you got, sweetheart. But I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I promise you that.”
You know you’re in a nightmare now. What about the dreams made it seem platonic to him? Maybe his dreams were different from yours because you’ve ended up naked in nearly all of them! But you can’t focus on that when your career is at risk.
“So you know?” Your voice is a little accusatory, a little angry, and a little sad. “You knew I was your soulmate, and you didn’t say anything?”
Your words make the sheepish grin on his face drop. “I-I…” But you don’t let him stutter out platitudes and even more apologies.
“I’ve been looking for you for most of my life, Bradley!” Your hands shake as you twist them in your lap, crushing the handkerchief in your fingers. “You…. only you. I thought you could never hurt your soulmate. The thoughts have been consuming me for months. What will you do if he dies? What will happen if he doesn’t remember you? What if he’s not yours? Why? Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you think it was okay to leave me waiting? To leave me not knowing?”
One big hand covers your cold fingers, carefully disentangling the kerchief. “I was scared, sweetheart. Terrified. I don’t have a good track record with soulmates. My parents were soulmates, and it destroyed my mom when my dad died. Here I am, doing the same thing he did. I couldn’t put another soul through what my mama went through. So when I got my marks, I pushed them to the back of my mind. I ignored all of the signs that a girl could be my soulmate - including the night I met you. You were the hardest to ignore, sweetheart. I wish I’d never done so because that wouldn’t have given Hawk a reason to target you like he did.”
“That wasn’t your choice to make, Bradley. That choice was mine. How dare you rob me of the choice of having the happiness your parents must have felt? This is my life, too, Bradshaw. Platonic or Romantic, you had no right to do that.” His gasp is audible as you look right into his eyes. “But I forgive you. So long as you promise never to do that again, we’ll be okay. But you’ll only get a second chance, not a third one.”
You stand up, carefully folding up the kerchief and pressing it into the breast pocket of Bradley’s suit. You dip down and gently kiss his cheek, tracing your fingers over one of the new scars. “As far as Hawk is concerned, I don’t think there is a single thing you could have done to stop him. He’s hated me since I told him off during the AMDO inspection - something I was well within my rights to do. This inquiry will prove that. I know it will. Give ‘em hell, Bradshaw.”
You’re smiling as you rejoin Commanders Marks and Greybank outside of the room, especially since you hear Bradley, Jake, and Javy coming up behind you. A big hand squeezes yours in passing, and you brace yourself to go once more unto the breach.
Bradley looks worn and tired as he takes the oath. He says each word emotionlessly, like he can’t bear to go over the accident, to relive the pain he was in.
“Do you believe the Lieutenant Commander released your jet purposefully?” Commander Wilson may be expressionless, but Hawk’s not as he catches your eye across the room.
“Objection! Leading Question!” Commander Greybanks doesn’t let the question get very far, though.
“Sustained.” Admiral Kazansky rubs at his temples as he dismisses the question. “The question is struck from the record. Commander Wilson, refrain from using leading questions, please.”
“Yes, sir. Lieutenant Bradshaw, who released your jet for use that day?”
The entire room seems to lean forward in their seats. There isn’t a sound in the room. Bradley makes direct eye contact with you before he rises to his full height in the chair.
“Nobody did, sir.” Three innocuous words which set the courtroom murmuring. Commanders Marks and Greybanks look nearly elated as they confer in hushed tones beside you. But you have eyes only for your soulmate.
“Then why did you get into your jet?” Commander Wilson’s wheeling. The biggest piece of evidence against you just dissipated in front of the prosecution’s eyes.
“I wanted to fly, sir. I wanted to prove that I had what it takes to fly the mission we were training for. It didn’t feel right that I was grounded while the remainder of my squad were allowed to show what they’re made of.”
Bradley’s chuckles are self-deprecating. “Of course, nobody from my squadron had the chance to fly due to my actions.”
“You are sure that the Lieutenant Commander stated there was a problem in the front-landing gear?”
“Objection! What’s the relevance of this question?”
“Admiral, if Lieutenant Bradshaw assumed a problem with the front landing gear, then conceivably, he could have completed the training maneuvers successfully. He merely would have had a hard landing. There would not have been a multi-million dollar explosion in the hills of San Diego, nor would there have been a lengthy stay in the hospital.”
“Objection overruled. Lieutenant Bradshaw, please answer the question.” Admiral Kazansky’s turned the full force of his green eyes to Bradley now.
“Per the maintenance report the Lieutenant Commander sent to me, as well as the parts requisition forms, the defect in my F/A-18 was a defective front landing gear.”
“I have no further questions.” Commander Wilson settles back into his seat as Commander Greybank stands up. “Defense’s witness.”
“Lieutenant Bradshaw, what happened once you took off?” 
“I relayed my coordinates to the group I was supposed to be flying with and joined the exercise. Everything was fine until after the simulated bombing run. As we were flying back in formation, everything in my jet started showing error signs. First, the left engine went out. Re-igniting did nothing. Then the radar conked out. Finally, I lost control. I saw flashing red on every instrument as the plane sank lower and lower. I kept trying to salvage the situation. But nothing I did helped. I pulled the ejection cords a little too late, and the doctors told me that I was engulfed by the fireball my jet created as it made contact with the hill. I don’t remember that part, Commander.”
You’re seeing the fireball in the distance again, hearing Bradley’s comms go dark and feeling his pain. Your hand shakes as you reach for your glass of water. This must be torture, or divine retribution because you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to hear what Bradley went through without getting a little light-headed.
“I understand that might have been a harrowing ordeal. Do you believe the Lieutenant Commander caused the incident?”
“I do not. The accident was due to my own stupidity. The Lieutenant Commander forwarded the parts requisition form and the maintenance report to me that day. She also informed me when the parts were likely to be available. However, I would love to know what caused my engines to malfunction over the desert that day. Under the Lieutenant Commander’s careful watch, North Island has seen fewer aircraft malfunctions over the past six months than over the same duration every year before her appointment to North Island.”
He winks subtly at you as he says the words, chest puffing out in pride at your accomplishments.
“How do you know that?” Commander Greybank is smiling slightly as he says the words as well.
“I’ve been cleared for light duty over the past two weeks. As such, I’ve been working in the records room filing reports for the Admiralty, including the AMDO reports. It was a matter of a few hours to collect the statistics on AMDO inspections. They were given to Admirals Bates, Simpson, and Mitchell as a report.” Bradley’s smirking victoriously at Hawk, and it doesn’t surprise you at all to see how red he’s getting.
“We have a copy of that report to present to the panel as evidence.” Commander Greybank passes the documents to each member of the panel.
“We have no further questions for Lieutenant Bradshaw. However, we’d like to recall Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor at this time. We'd like to present a new piece of evidence to the panel, which we’d like him to answer some questions on.”
“Motion granted. Lieutenant Bradshaw, you may return to your seat.” Admiral Kazansky’s eyes flash with a hungry look as Bradley salutes him and the panel sharply before clambering back to his seat. This is going to be good. Hawk deserves everything that is coming to him and more.
Once he’s been sworn in again, Commander Marks hands a flash drive to the Admiral. A TV is brought out under Admiral Kazansky’s gimlet gaze, and the drive is plugged in. The video is without audio but clearly shows Hangar Two, specifically Bradley’s jet. It feels weird seeing yourself on camera like that. Does your hair always stick up in the back like that when you run your fingers through it? But you forget about that when the screen shows you leaving the Hangar and talking to Lieutenant Green shortly before 8 AM. Marissa hadn’t left you alone until you’d agreed to get a cup of coffee, at the very least, with her before training started for the day. Your knuckles are white as you clutch your hands together under the table. The camera ticks forward five minutes, then ten, then fifteen. That’s when someone enters the Hangar and straps something into the front landing gear housing. It’s small and metallic. A techno-bomb of some sort, maybe? But far more damning is how the individual fails to hide their face or their patches as they turn to exit the Hangar.
There’s panic on Hawk’s face sitting in front of the panel now. It can’t be easy to see yourself sabotage a superior officer’s plane in front of the COMPACFLT of the US Navy and twenty other higher-ranking officers, all with righteous rage in their eyes.
“In light of this evidence, Admiral Kazansky, we move to dismiss this inquiry and would request that Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor be remanded into the US Navy’s custody pending a Court Martial hearing for sabotage.” There’s a sly grin on Commander Mark’s face as she requests your release.
“What? No!” Hawk’s yell sets the already agitated Naval Personnel into whispering in earnest. “Why are you arresting me?! She’s the dumb bitch who made a mistake! She should be facing a court martial! Everyone knows that women can’t withstand the pressure of being in the Navy! She’s proof, as is that cunt Lieutenant Green. Nobody gives a fuck that they know the NATOPS of the F/A-18 as well as the F-22 and F-35! They’re just here to be diversity hires. Both of them and every other woman in the Navy, Lieutenant Trace included, are probably fucking their way to the top.”
That’s about when Nat launches herself across the room, landing punch after punch to Hawk’s person before Jake and Javy haul her away - though you’re sure they don’t until Nat’s gotten a few good jabs to Hawk’s nether region. The Daggers, as a whole, are bristling with rage. But nobody seems to be angrier than Admiral Kazansky. One firm whistle and the room falls silent.
“That is enough!” Admiral Kazansky is so angry that it feels like the entire room is shrouded in ice. “Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylor, consider this an order. Shut your mouth. You are showing yourself to be a disgrace to your wings and the US Navy. I hereby remand you into the Navy’s custody until your court martial hearing.”
“Lieutenant Trace, report to Admiral Mitchell at 0900 hours tomorrow for the consequences of conduct unbecoming a US Navy Lieutenant in this inquiry.”
“Commander Marks, your request is approved. Lieutenant Commander, you are hereby found not culpable for Lieutenant Bradshaw’s accident on December 18th. We expect to see you back at North Island in your full capacity tomorrow morning at 0900 hours sharp!”
As he stands, the entire room stands in respect and salutes, waiting until the aged man returns the salute before he walks away. It’s over. You’re free. Commander Marks and Greybanks even have cease and desist orders on behalf of the US Navy against the paparazzi on your front lawn. You can go home now. Even better, there might just be something new brewing with your soulmate. 
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49 notes · View notes
cosmicjoke · 6 months
unlocking you just to say how astonished I am at your rage and hissy fits on the internet lol. I would have expected this from some teen head over heels with an anime man but your a grown woman, seething and foaming at the mouth because ppl can clearly see through your biases and don't agree with your takes. wonder why tsuki (for example) ended you and called you out on your black and white analysis of aot? and why so many others distance yourself from you? because you are an angry, biased, obsessed with a 2D man grown ass woman who can only insult and throw hissy fits when ppl call you out and point at your biased takes. this is the only message I am going to write to you. get better, get help and learn to consume fiction in a casual way.
lol, you're the one stalking me, dumb-ass. You and Tsuki are both cowards who talk shit about people, alluding vaguely to them on your blogs and wallowing in conspiracy theories about them and their actions simply for having different takes on things than you. You think every person that doesn't accept eruri as canon is part of some nefarious clique who's sole purpose is to take down eruri shippers and disprove their claims, when in reality, literally nobody gives a shit about you or your delusions. You're the ones who can't ever seem to just let it go and move on. It's gotten to the point where you're now attacking Levi's character and his status as a heroic figure out of nothing more than petty bitterness at people who are more so fans of him than of some made up fantasy romance you've conjured between him and Erwin. You can't bear the fact that more people appreciate Levi on his own, for who he is as an individual character than you lunatics who want to view him as nothing more than Erwin's lapdog and sidekick. I'm sorry if it triggers you that Levi is more than just Erwin's support character. I don't give a shit about either of you clowns. You've offered literally no substantive arguments for ANYTHING you've said, and offered no counter arguments to anything I've pointed out to you. All you can do is make the same, moronic statements over and over again, insult me for my age and accuse me of throwing "hissy fits" when it's you who won't STFU and can't stop following my blog. Your pathological inability to just move on would really be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
Have fun continuing to stalk my blog and then pretending like you don't do it. Everyone can see just what am imbecile you are. You continue to announce it loud and clear every time you open your gaping hole of a mouth.
And yipee, now I get to block you, fuck-face.
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s1yeye · 1 year
make intro post yes say hi talk about who i am what i do
my name kuru or siyeye, siyeye ainu to mean be sick or be ill, kuru is ainu, reconnecting with culture and language, please be nice do not mock names or language just because not white not friendly sound funny to you.
kuru part in system, other system not talk here, but kuru is inside of, complex did / polyfragmented many alters many parts. do not let other parts on this blog, only for kuru, may only say hi if is an emergency or big worry need to adress things because kuru me i cant do it.
kuru it/its pronouns. kuru an it, thing, being, nonhuman creature weirdo crazy. no she he they no no do not use any of that. just kuru, just it, just me. kuru body transfeminine, kuru body boygirl nonbinary lesbian, but kuru not girl or boy, kuru only kuru siyeye it me thing being.
kuru have many disorders, many disabilities, kuru level 2 autistic medium support needs (mild ID), kuru have POTS and asthma and TBI and other body ailments that make life work hard not good hard to make a living hard to do things for good livings. kuru will talk about it, affect life happen very much. kuru also, more important, schizoaffective disorder symptom holder hold symptom for alters other parts not feel as bad as kuru do. kuru have schizoaffective since young age, 13 or 14, early onset, cause many many problems in life hard to deal with many many many harsh hard wow so many suffer medicate suffer evil. this will be main many post include symptoms vents rambles talk about life experiences medicate psychatric ward and others and others that happen because of this. kuru talk funny because of schizoaffective disorder. kuru talk and write weird due to positive negative symptoms mixing mixing cause words jumble mix up hard to speak thoughts racing by fleeting away from me. all words come out all at once becoming mixing jumbled and hard to understand word write or speak. kuru can not help this or fix this. other alter sometimes can write better, can help kuru siyeye do this, but abilities go downhill, catatonia apraxia alogia flat effect etc etc make worse and worse spiral go downhill eventually all gone some day maybe fear. kuru also speak weird part of trauma CPTSD DID abuse severe severe severe many happen occurence all at once. ruin kuru life, make extra extra difficult.
i kuru is an also poc indigenous east asian mixed many races mixed. if could not tell from name. do not want white people telling what to do on race related issues. has seen this happen, feel it felt it before. go away shut up.
kuru me i also a minor, bodily 16. if uncomfortable talking to speak to minors, let kuru know and will not follow.
kuru dni include endogenic (support ok, no syscourse on blog), transabled / transrace / etc (only transgender, transsexual, transspeices good), proship / comship, intersexists and transmisogynists. kuru block liberally, will use many block button, do not throw cry hissy fit if find out blocked by siyeye.
kuru may talk about triggering, bad bad hurt harmful things. can trigger tag if something heavy or obvious bad, but otherwise will not know to do unless you tell me to. if one of kuru follower, ok to ask to trigger warn tag things if they are being triggering to you. kuru ask that mutuals trigger tag heavy religion, around kuru, ESPECIALLY satanism / christianity, can triggering bad scary hurt kuru siyeye make bad visions remember horrible scary thing. thank you for if you are doing this.
edit : panphobes, acearo exclusionists, transmeds, do not follow like reblog interact!!!!! kuru is collective body mogai many genders and arospec, some parts acespec pan or others, support all harmless queer identity!!!!! go away if exclusionist bad bad person rude harmful mean leave
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spaceorphan18 · 11 months
Glee Musical Retrospective: What It Feels Like for a Girl (Power of Madonna)
Sung by: New Directions Boys Original Artist(s): Madonna
Glee is a little dubious when it comes to conversations about women - but I do think this episode handles it (possibly) better than most of the time. I still have slightly conflicting feelings about this one -- in that it is going to kick off an uncomfortable trend where the show tries to have men use women's music to explain women's issues -- but, this one is more so about teaching the boys a lesson, and I feel much better about it than, say, how they're going to just botch it up two seasons from now...
Story Analysis
At the beginning of this - Will gives this long speech about how the boys are treating all the girls like crap. A lot of the time - they do, but it's funny, other than the Artie/Tina story line - where he's just terrible to her, and Puck being his usual brand of misogynistic, the guys (as a group) didn't necessarily need the lesson. However - the show is going out of its way to support women and empowerment this episode, so sure, why not.
Girls can wear jeans And cut their hair short Wear shirts and boots 'Cause it's okay to be a boy But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading 'Cause you think that being a girl is degrading
Finn and Artie say these lines at the beginning. I do appreciate the sentiment the song is trying to share -- that there is a double standard and that even in a modern age, women are still considered second class citizens. I like that Artie seems to get it (as this lesson is main for him) and that he starts to understand as he sings.
Now, I really don't think this song is going to magically change any minds (the lyrics are just too thin) and while there's some attempt to put yourself in someone else's shoes - I think it takes more than singing a pop song once to really internalize the lesson. But Artie does walk away understanding that he's been a jerk at least. And Finn is at least trying when Puck throws a hissy fit after the song.
But secretly You'd love to know what it's like, wouldn't you? What it feels like for a girl?
These are the lines that Kurt speaks and, oof, do I have some thoughts. Ryan Murphy wrote this episode -- and he's admitted through interviews that Madonna was something sacred to him when he was growing up. This feels so, so much like something Murphy probably internalized -- and thus gave it Kurt to speak.
Because, honestly, I'm going to push back here -- and say that there's a difference between sexuality and gender. Sure, Kurt's more effeminate in his mannerisms (especially S1 Kurt) but as he's going to say in a few episodes - he's still a guy. Kurt doesn't really have any issues with gender.
I will concede though he does feel more at home with the girls, and wishes, like a girl, he could have a boy interested in him. I'll also say that sometimes sexuality and gender can blur a little bit -- and this is why I think this line is so Ryan Murphy - because I do think he's struggled with those lines.
So, yes, I get it, and get why Kurt says it, I still roll my eyes though...
Lastly, I'll at least give Will a little bit of credit for trying. I'm glad that he didn't try to fix the girls and their attitudes, but did try to help the boys. Will's not great, himself, when it comes to women. But at least he's attempting to be a better role model here.
Technical Thoughts
Not sure if anyone else notices these things but -- did you notice the drum beat and all the synth going on? In order to say that it wasn't coming from the ether, they put a black box on the piano and Brad Ellis is playing the mini synth/electric piano/whatever it - to simulate the sound as accompaniment. I'm curious as to when they're going to stop implying that there's 'real' music to accompany the singing.
So - the boys sound really good on this. Their voices mesh really well, and since there aren't any huge leaps, and the range of the song is pretty simple, they can focus on having some great harmonization. I don't know who is really singing - I can definitely here Will, Artie, Finn and Puck. I'm not sure if I hear Kurt or not, and I kind of doubt Mike and Matt are actually singing (but I could be totally wrong). But anyway, my point is the arrangement of this great and vocally they really kill this one.
I like a lot of the acting choices, too. Kurt's looking adoringly at Finn. Puck is just over it and does not care about the 'lesson'. Mike is just having the best time because he's just that guy. And Will just gets into it - nice to know he just gets taken away by all the music.
vs. The Studio Version: There's a second verse! Led by Artie! Poor Artie - so much of his singing gets relegated to the second verse of the studio version. We also get a reprise of the chorus. There's a good two minutes added on to the song. I also kind of wonder if they're doubling tracks again - it almost feels like there's a full choir added in there.
vs. The Original Version: When doing research for the song (yes - I do research for all of them!) I found that there were two different versions. The one I linked is the softer, radio edit, that's a lot more like the Glee version. Again, Glee keeps pretty close to the original -- only adding in harmonies since it was sung by multiple people. They also toned down the synth sound so it can feel more HS-ish (though I'd argue keeping the synth sound still makes it sound produced...).
Just as an fyi, I didn't link the official video -- which is more a techno, clubbing version. The video is dark and very violent. Kind of Madonna wanting to be edgy to say that girls can be hyper violent, too, I guess. Anyway, just wanted to throw on that TW in case you seek that one out.
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starsurface · 7 months
Hi!!! If this isn't too weird, could I request MK11 Lord Raiden regressor headcanons?? Thank you in advance! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Hi!!! It wouldn't be weird at all!! Hope these are all okay!! :D
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Regressor Lord Raiden Hcs
⛈️ I don't really know how to label his regression into an age group?? Like, acts more toddler headspace, but thinks more like a big kid
⛈️ Is more of an age dreamer than an age regressor in my mind
⛈️ Now, thar doesn't mean he doesn't have little days where his mind feels really fuzzy and he feels really small and vulnerable
⛈️ But the problem is that he just can't fully regress, and really only has a handful of times
⛈️ He's Lord Raiden, protector of Earthrealm
⛈️ He has a job to do, what if someone attacks? What if the realm are thrown into chaos and danger because he was relaxing? What if someone got hurt? What if Shao Kahn invaded? What if-
⛈️ It usually takes someone with him in order for him to feel comfy enough to regress
⛈️ And if he doesn't have someone, he will go and search for someone because he doesn't like feeling small alone
⛈️ Mainly (only) likes Fujin being his CG because that's his brother and he knows he can depend on him
⛈️ But if Fujin is unavailable, he'll sheepishly go to Liu Kang or Kung Lao
⛈️ (^ He feels kinda guilty going to them sometimes, mostly because he's the one that took the father role for both boys, but they ADORE small Raiden so it's fine)
⛈️ They like helping Raiden feel tiny and will actively encourage him to do little activities
⛈️ Kung Lao coloring on one side of a coloring book while Raiden colors the other
⛈️ Liu Kang helping Raiden make a funky little dance because they turned some (80s) music on
⛈️ Fujin will walk in and smile at how they try to help him, it does mean a lot to both brothers
⛈️ Sometimes he'll let Nightwolf watch him when Fujin is also small because Nightwolf is Fujin's main CG
⛈️ He likes Nightwolf too, mostly because Nightwolf is really nice and gentle with him
⛈️ Otherwise isn't too good with other people watching him and almost cried when Kitana had to watch him
⛈️ (^ He ended up having a lot of fun, and an accident really good nap in her comfy bed. Which was surprising because he doesn't ever really take naps, and especially without his blankie)
⛈️ Raiden does have big fussy hissy fits some times
⛈️ Sometimes they happen because he becomes too stressed and the world is crashing down on him and everyone needs him and it's just-
⛈️ Shouting at Fujin by accident, stomping his feet, lightning showing through his eyes, tears streaming down his face as he hold onto his head-
⛈️ Usually for these ones, Fujin or you can calm him down quiet easily with a few soft words and touches, and a bunch of patience
⛈️ Yelling at him does nothing but provoke him more, and it might cause some backlash (very rare but it has happened before)
⛈️ If Raiden does end up throwing something or hiting someone, he'll either have to be moved to another room so he can calm down or the action will make him realize what he's doing
⛈️ He will shakingly apologize, feeling icky, upset, and guilty for his actions
⛈️ These types of blow ups can cause extreme little days, and a very clingy Raiden
⛈️ You've gotta communicate that this behavior is not okay, and when he's feeling this way he needs to come to you before having his meltdown so you can work things out
⛈️ Other times it's just because he's incredibly stubborn about something, and wants it NOW >:(
⛈️ Not as much crying in these hissy fits, but they're also incredibly less destructive
⛈️ They're also super easier to calm down because if you just cross your arms and give him a few minutes ans with the gentlest tone you can go say, “Raiden, baby, you okay?
⛈️ He's already feeling really really guilty for getting all fussy over some stupid candy he couldn't have
⛈️ He also feels really ashamed when he has his little tantrums
⛈️ Communication is key, and you have to remind him that just because he's a God, does not mean he doesn't have to communicate
⛈️ Luckily though, while the little tantrums aren't uncommon, they're also definitely not common (unless he's breaking down and regressing)
⛈️ (^ He's also getting . . . somewhat better on regressing more often and not putting all his work in front of regressing, jts just hard sometimes)
⛈️ Other than these two reasons, he's actually an extremely good and well mannered little
⛈️ Doesn't like getting yelled at, doesn't like getting punished, and unless he reeeeeeally wants it can usually take no as an answer to something
⛈️ He also just really likes the praise he gets by being good
⛈️ Please praise this man, he's had such a stressful day, tell him he's doing a good job and that he makes you so proud, please? 🥺
⛈️ Once terrified himself into fully regressing when he was already feeling little and accidentally summoned two extra lightning bolts while trying to show off to Liu Kang (like his MK9 Babality)
⛈️ Liu Kang felt so terrible because at first Raiden looked all proud of himself, and then he was on the ground full on sobbing and hiding in a ball
⛈️ Any kind of thunder usage was banned from little Raiden after that
⛈️ The monks are . . . supportive of Raiden's regression, but most don't understand that he can't do his big kid work right now and they'll have to come back later
⛈️ ^ He swears he can though, and it'll usually end up with him getting incredibly frustrated and pouting in bed intensity (although no hissy fit, he's trying not to just scream and cry when he gets upset)
⛈️ Doesn't have many regression items, but has a blanket that he likes having with him
⛈️ It's a pretty big blanket too, since he's almost 7 ft, and was a gift from Fujin when Fujin first tried getting Raiden to regress
⛈️ Unfortunately, if he sees his blankie, it has to go everywhere with him (and he will gladly try to carry it all in his arms, or just drag it behind him)
⛈️ What do you mean he can't bring it outside? He can!! He very much can, he'll just drag it!!!
⛈️ . . . It won't get dirty if he drags it on the grass, just let him bring it >:(
⛈️ (^ Spoiler alert, it does get dirty, and he gets very upset about the entire scenario)
⛈️ Why didn't you tell him it was going to get dirty? Now it's in the washer and he can't take nap time without it!! This is all your fault, making him live by his own consequences 🥺
⛈️ Don't worry, he'll just have to cuddle up to you instead, it's all fine
⛈️ . . . Or it would be, if he wasn't 7 ft cuddle bug
⛈️ He'll feel too self conscious to sit in your lap, but will happily snuggle against your side!! (Or have you sit on his lap so he can bear hug you, you are not moving for at least an hour)
⛈️ Doesn't actually take nap time, but does really like cuddling in bed and pretending to take nap time
⛈️ Favorite little nicknames are Rai, Kiddo, Sweetheart, Baby, Kid Thunder (I thought it was funny-), and Little Guy
⛈️ Not NOT call him Mr. Grumpy, Kung Lao called him it once and he hates it!! He is not grumpy!! >:(
⛈️ Also doesn't really like nicknames related his godhood, it just reminds him of all the things he still has to do
⛈️ One of his favorite activities is sitting down and kicking his feet, it's also an indication that he's feeling small
⛈️ Also really likes just watch Koi Fish swim around in their little ponds, he thinks they're pretty and has named them all :3
⛈️ What does Grandmaster Hasashi mean that all his fishies already have names? No, that one's name is Blubber!! 🥺
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I didn't mean to make these so . . . sad, I promise. (I love giving angst to God like characters-)
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