#if I had to hold all these thoughts inside of my brain without speaking them out loud I would go insane I think
deepdowninshipperhell · 5 months
Really appreciate my dear friend L so much for always letting me infodump, even when it’s a fandom she is not in. I’m over to co-work at least once a week and we always take time at some point to nerd out together and she’ll listen to All of my Insanity. Y, another dear friend and her boyfriend, who mostly works in home-office so is usually involved in the co-working, doesn’t participate in these conversations but he DOES use his lunch break or time after work to bring us snacks and iced coffee while we nerd out, and it’s just. I appreciate these people so much
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vivid-dreamscapes · 3 months
~♡~Caught~♡~ Bakugou X reader
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tw: Swearing, suggestive themes Themes: Humor mainly Summery: Getting caught in the middle of being hot and heavy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well this was embarrassing. Just two seconds ago, you had been making hella love with your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou, at 2:56 AM. Things were going well, you were getting your brains fucked out, he was saying some not so SFW stuff to you, all that.
Then the ever so lovely Kirishima decided to burst in for gods knows what reason, and now you were stuck here, hiding under the covers of your boyfriend’s bed, naked, bound at the wrists with the black tank top he had been wearing, and gagged with the new ball gag he had been excited to try out.
Bakugou’s whole body tensed up in shock as the sound of the door banging open suddenly jolted him out of the state he was in, his eyes snapping to the door where Kirishima was standing.
He was so taken off guard by the sudden arrival that he could barely muster up a response to Kirishima.
“WHAT THE HELL SHITTY HAIR!?!!” The blonde yelled, trying desperately to prepare himself to act like nothing was out of the usual.
The fact that the two of you’s clothes were strewn on the floor didn’t help though. Hopefully Kirishima wouldn’t see them in the dark. And assume that Bakugou just slept shirtless.
Bakugou was practically holding his breath, hoping that Kirishima wouldn’t notice any of the clothes and just think nothing was odd about the room.
Unfortunately, Kirishima was not that thick.
“Hey man, are you alone in here?”
Your boyfriend let out an internal swear inside his mind as Kirishima asked that particular question, knowing that he could not say that he was alone in here without being obviously caught in a lie.
“Y-yeah, why?” Bakugou answered and then silently cursed himself at the slight shake in his voice.
Kirishima paused before looking up at him. “Nothing, I just-“
“Heyy, we bothering kcchan?”
Both you and your boyfriend went stiff. Oh no. For fucks sake. Denki Kaminari’s voice was heard as he poked his head into the room alongside Kirishima.
The spiky blonde heard the dumber blonde’s voice too, feeling his heart almost stop as he realized that not only was Kirishima there, but now Denki was too.
He wanted to strangle both of them for being so goddamn stubborn about coming to check on him at such an ungodly hour of the night.
“Yeah, why’s it so dark in here?” Denki pondered, looking around.
“Because I was trying to sleep, dipshit!”
The little electric boy raised an eyebrow before he recognized your ‘Yeah, I rolled my eyes at you, sue me’ shirt on the floor, plus your favorite bottoms.
He glanced over at Bakugou who was mentally swearing again, but still trying to act as innocent as possible.
“Hey Bakubro…?”
You tended up and prayed your friend wouldn’t recognize the outfit as your own. But luck really wasn’t on your side today.
Denki glanced back at the scattered outfit in the floor again, trying to find any other excuse that wasn’t the one right in front of his eyes.
“Aren’t these Y/n’s clothes?”
Bakugou froze as Denki asked that question, feeling every cell in his body just scream at him to answer properly and not make it any more obvious. It didn’t help that they knew you two were dating either.
Your boyfriend’s mind was racing with a million things to say, but none of them were working. Everything he thought about saying failed before it even came out, his brain short circuiting as he tried to come up with an answer.
“Yeah…they are…” Kirishima said, speaking up for the first time with its that minute.
Denki looked up at the shirtless hothead, covering the rest of his indecent self but keeping it under the blankets. You had a nice view of his ass under there while you hid though. “Why are they on your floor?”
“Because…” Bakugou stopped a moment and cursed again before he finally said the dumbest thing he could think of. “…they were here earlier.”
Kirishima raised both his eyebrows at that, both him and Denki now looking at him with the same look of disbelief.
“Really?” Denki asked, clearly not buying the excuse, although he was still giving him the chance to dig himself out of the hole.
“…yeah.” Bakugou said, silently cursing himself again and praying they would just take the lie.
Unfortunately, Kirishima was far from stupid.
“Then why did they take their clothes off? And just leave them?” The shark boy asked, arms crossed.
Bakugou swore under his breath for the umpteenth time at that question, knowing there was no way to answer this that wouldn’t be extremely suspicious now. “…they took a shower…”
He said, the lie sounding just as terrible out loud as it did in his head. There was a moment of silence as Kirishima raised his eyebrow again. “Why would they come over in the middle of the day to take a shower and then ditch their clothes?”
Your boyfriend tensed up as he realized more and more that there was no hope in trying to lie about this situation.
“…Because.” He ever so genius-ly said.
Denki and Kirishima raised their eyebrows again, the answer sounding even more suspicious than before. They knew he was lying at this point, but it was so entertaining to watch him flounder around trying to cover up the truth.
After a moment, Denki broke the silence. “…and why are you shirtless?”
Bakugou wanted to strangle both of those dumbasses in the doorframe, silently cursing the fact that they had to pick this particular moment to come up here to bother him. “…Because I was hot.” He lied, knowing it was possibly the worst lie given these circumstances.
“It’s 66 degrees.”
Bakugou shouted again when Kirishima pointed out that it was, in fact, not hot enough to be warranting him to be shirtless. He was losing hope in trying to cover this up. He just couldn’t keep up the facade much longer.
“Okay, so you’re telling us that she came over, took a shower, left her clothes, and you’re in here shirtless, even though it’s not that hot out. You’re sure that’s right?” Denki asked with a raised eyebrow.
Bakugo’s eyes darted between Denki and Kirishima, a small voice in the back of his head begging them to just believe him so this would all be over, but a bigger part of him just knew they weren’t buying it one bit. They had him caught and they knew it.
After a moment, Denki spoke up. “Okay, so…prove it.”
Denki shrugged and gave a sly smirk.
“I don’t know, open the covers.”
“Hell no!!”
Kirshima decided to wedge in real quick before what got intense. “If you really-“
The red head was cut off as the familiar voice of your pink best friend was heard from the door over, saving you from this situation.
“Ejirou, are you coming back yet? I just found another toy we can use! This one vibrates~”
You all froze at Mina’s voice, coming from Kirishima’s dorm.
Knowing her, she had probably known you were going to be caught naked if this continued—by eavesdropping—and was helping you slightly.
But Oh how the tables have turned.
All three boys looked at the door as they heard Mina’s voice coming from it, their eyes wide as they realized that she was also up and possibly doing some frisky stuff in Kirishima’s room.
Neither one of them had expected her to say something so sus at that moment, and all three boys froze, their minds racing to try and figure out how to respond to this new development.
It ended up coming down to Denki and Bakugo turning to look at Kirishima with raised eyebrows.
Kirishima’s face was beet red as he turned to look at them both, his voice slightly shaky as he spoke. “I-It’s not what it looks-“
“Oh shut it shitty hair, and stop acting like you weren’t just trying to catch me when your doing the same thing.”
Denki nodded, arms crossed. “Yeah…hypocrite much?”
“Wait, you admit it!” Kirishima pointed to Bakugou as you giggled through the ball gag under the sheets. Your boyfriend gave them one warning look, a few sparks, and they were gone.
Sorry there wasn’t much reader interaction! This one was just kinda suppose for be silly and make yall laugh. And like usual, it ain’t proofread
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"Look, Steve, I don't have any bad feelings towards you," Eddie says, has been saying, talking nonsense, like he and Steve weren't anything more than fuckbuddies, like he isn't breaking Steve's heart. "I used you too, y'know?"
It's then Steve rears back like he been slapped. Or punched. It feels more like a gutting. Joke's on him, he supposes. Once again, he wants more than the other person. He wanted a boyfriend, Eddie'd wanted sex. Why does he keep trying? When Steve finds his voice to speak, it comes out flat and dead and not really like a question at all. "Used me. Like you think I've used you?"
Eddie shrugs, looking for all the world like he's not bothered by that statement. "We had fun, right? So it's all fine in the end."
"Fine," Steve repeats, hollow. They're in his house but Steve feels the need to leave, to run before the reality of how unlovable he truly is sticks inside him forever.
"But I think we should stop while we're ahead," Eddie continues and Steve wonders if Eddie is listening to him at all, or just saying his piece before he goes. Can he not hear Steve's heart breaking? "I want to... I want to find someone to love."
If Eddie's previous words felt like being gutted, these ones feel like cement. Heavy and solidifying. Trapping in the truth of Ever Unlovable Steve. He doesn't even feel heartbroken anymore. Just numb. Dead inside. He should say something encouraging. Let Eddie know that all he's wanted was for Eddie to be happy and loved. But words seem impossible, so he gives one jerky nod of his head. An understanding.
"Right," Eddie says, returning the nod before turning away, towards the door, "I'll just go now. Umm, see ya later, Harrington."
Facing the horrors of the Upside Down should feel like the scariest thing he's ever done but it doesn't. Watching Eddie walk away does. Steve should be able to hold it together long enough for Eddie to leave. He's the tough one. He can hold himself together no problem-
"Why can't you love me?"
Eddie whips back around, an expression on his face like confusion and anger mixed.
It's only then that Steve realizes he spoke. He hasn't meant to. He was going to let Eddie walk away but now his voice has been freed from the cement. His heart has shut down his brain it seems because he just keeps talking, voice flat and hollow, "why can't you love me the way I love you? What is so broken and wrong within me that no one loves me back? My parents, Nancy, now you. Why can't- I thought that we were- where did I go wrong?"
"What?" Eddie asks, and the anger is gone from his face but now he just looks horrified. Which is understandable. It's horrifying to be loved by Steve Harrington. "What did you think we were?"
Boyfriends. Together. Going steady. At the very least, dating without labels. But none of those very reasonable, normal answers come out of Steve's treacherous mouth. Because Steve can't seem to be a reasonable, normal person. He's got to be too much, too soon, too clingy. So, instead, he says, "In love."
Eddie looks like he's just received the worst news of his life. In fact, he looks a little sick. "Oh fuck. Jesus Christ. I can't- I thought- Fuck!"
Steve just nods along. He hadn't actually said I love you to Nancy that night at Tina's Halloween party, but he imagines if he had, the beginning of the bullshit conversation would have sounded much the same as Eddie does now; like anger and regret, the starts and stops. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have- if you want to go, you should go."
Eddie crosses the room back to Steve in half the steps he took when he first walked away, hands reaching to grab Steve's face between them. He speaks quickly and sounds panicked now. "No, no no no. I fucked up, misunderstood. I don't know how I got it so wrong. I don't want to go. I never did."
"I am in love with you, sweetheart. I just- I didn't know you loved me back. I thought you didn't- that we weren't..."
"I thought we were boyfriends."
"Jesus, please let me fix this. Let me stay and make it up to you. I'll be the best fucking boyfriend you've ever had."
Steve thinks if he had any shred of self-worth he might step back, make Eddie explain himself, but as it is, he steps into Eddie's space and kisses him, hands pulling him as close as he can get. He doesn't want to think about the cruel things Eddie's said, about using each other. Maybe one day they'll have to hash that out, have that conversation, but Eddie says he loves him too, and that's all Steve's wanted.
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minus-plus-zer0 · 1 month
okay hear me out. bakugo x reader but the reader’s entire family just died in a villain accident and they go mia and don’t talk to anyone for a month?? and bakugo sees them on a bus/crossing the street/at a cafe or smth like that
I hope I interpreted this correctly, I wrote the reader as if they had left for a month entirely, rather than being physically present but mentally/socially withdrawn for a month. Anyways, thank you for requesting!
Disappearance of You
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♡ Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
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The news cycle had since forgotten what happened, but Bakugou didn't.
That villain triggered the rest of these events to go into motion. After your entire family died, you disappeared. You didn't even text Bakugou, your one and only best friend. Your friends were worried sick, but nobody worried more than Bakugou.
After spending every single day with you, Bakugou couldn't suddenly go without contact. In fact, he was afraid he'd never see you again. Even if this incident changed you, even if you weren't the same, he needed to see you. Bakugou didn't let many people into his life, so when he had someone he cared about, he didn't easily let go.
Without any friends or family knowing where you were, you were hard to find. But Bakugou knew you better than he knew himself, and he was determined that he would finally you eventually.
Around a month later, the game of hide and seek ended. Bakugou spotted you in the city. It was like witnessing the dead come back to life. He had seen you cross a street wading through the crowd, your appearance and your body language unmistakable. Bakugou sprinted over to you, shoving people past as he yelled out your name.
You glanced back once, but he didn't catch your expression. You sprinted down a deserted alleyway but Bakugou tackled you and caught you on the ground.
"Shit, are you okay? Speak to me, dammit!"
You were not in a good condition, and Bakugou hoped that none of your current health issues were due to him tackling you just now. You looked like you hadn't been eating properly, and he was sad to see that you weren't at all happy to see him.
He pulled you up into a sitting position to hug you dearly. You almost didn't feel real to him. But he needed you back in his arms again, to let his brain know he had finally, finally found you.
At some point your arms curled around his neck, right where they belonged. You felt Bakugou's tears against your neck and you pulled out of the hug to wipe them off his face.
"Don't cry," you said, quietly.
"Don't tell me what to do!" he said, voice shaking. "Where the fuck were you? People thought you were dead! You don't get to just bail on me like that. I don't have anybody else like you. You're my best fucking friend. You're my other half. You don't get to just leave..."
These were the kinds of things Bakugou had kept inside him since you left, since even before you left when he couldn't admit to you how he felt in fear of ruining your friendship. These were the kind of things he couldn't admit to anybody else.
"I just couldn't stick around," you said. "I couldn't be reminded of what happened... but the reminders were everywhere."
"You should've told me." Bakugou's burying his face in your neck again, his sobs now muffled.
After spending enough time holding you, Bakugou finally let go but not without locking your hand in his, if only to make sure you wouldn't abandon him ever again. He didn't know what he would do if he never got to tell you he loved you to your face, and now with you back by his side he's got the chance to do it properly, rather than to a missing person poster... or a grave.
Bakugou texted his mother that he had found you. She pretty much considered you a daughter-in-law already, having seen you countless times with Bakugou everywhere in his life. She was basically awaiting for your marriage plans to be officially announced (you weren't even dating... yet). And although Bakugou didn't always get along with her, he knew that his mom and dad could take good care of you in the meantime while you got back on your feet.
Even if you didn't have a family anymore, Bakugou would just take you back home to his.
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Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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quin-ns · 1 year
ok ok ok but what about fem!reader going missing with jb and sarah at the end of season one and coming back to find that jj has her name tattooed on his arm when he thought she was gone
okay I’m actually so obsessed with this I think it triggered something in my brain (the angst aNd fluff??) 😳 irl I won’t advocate for getting names tattooed but in fiction? To have a man that dedicated-
Permanent (JJ Maybank x Reader)
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The last thing you expected was the run into your best friends in Charleston. It seemed like something out of a dream, but it was really them.
You couldn’t imagine what it must’ve been like for all of them. They must’ve thought you were dead the way the boat collapsed. Hell, you thought you were a goner until you, Sarah, and John B were rescued. Of course that didn’t turn out as good as it could’ve, but you were on your way home now and that’s what mattered.
You didn’t even get to speak, JJ was slamming into you with the biggest hug you’d ever received in your life. Your boyfriend held you tight, one arm locked around your waist, while the other cradled your head against him like you might slip away.
It had happened before.
Chaos of the reunion was all around you, but you were focused on just holding the love of your life.
You felt two more bodies collide into yourself, Kie and Pope’s voices overlapping as they joining in the hug after they reencountered John B and Sarah.
Tears of joy pricked in your eyes as you all finally parted.
John B stole JJ’s attention pretty quickly, pulling him into a hug. The sight made you smile, and it was the same when JJ and Sarah shared a hug while you got solo hugs from Kie then Pope. They hadn’t gotten that close, but it was safe to say you all missed each other.
When you all seperated, JJ turned back to you.
“I can’t believe you’re here right now,” he spoke first, sounding both awestruck and overwhelmed with joy.
JJ’s hands reached to grab yours, his gorgeous blue eyes stayed locked with yours. God, you missed those eyes.
You couldn’t help but laugh, and he joined you.
“What are you guys even doing here? I…” you didn’t know why you glanced down, but you did. Something on JJ’s left arm made you trail off.
In large, black ink, your name was scrawled across the inner side of his forearm.
Your jaw dropped and you looked up at him.
“I hate to interrupt, but we should go,” Pope urged.
You wouldn’t get to ask him about the tattoo until you got back to the Outer Banks. A lot of shit had gone down, not just on your, Sarah’s, and John B’s end, but back home too.
As you sat around the Chateau patio, you exchanged stories, all jumping in randomly over one another to add details or ask questions because so much had happened.
As you sat by JJ’s side on the couch—he was basically melded to your side. You couldn’t have been happier. Your hands were laced together, reminding one another that you were really here.
You kept getting distracted by his arm. It was your name in a tattoo. A permanent tattoo.
As it got later and later, your friends started to trickle inside to sleep. Eventually, it was just you and JJ.
“Do you like it?” he asked suddenly, interrupting as you recounted the way Sarah had snuck you all into a fancy hotel. Your eyes snapped up to his, realizing you’d been looking at the tattoo again. “I know you wanna ask.”
He didn’t seem offended or annoyed, there was actually a hint of a smirk on his face. He’d been wearing that look all day, and it was usually paired with murmurs of him saying how happy he was to have you back home.
“Did it hurt?” you wondered, avoiding the real question.
JJ laughed, but answered with, “Not really.”
“You got my name on your arm,” you stated bluntly. Not mad, just surprised. “Like, forever.”
The expression on his face got a little more serious. You saw his gaze fall briefly to his arm and he swallowed.
“I thought you were dead,” JJ recalled distantly. “And I thought… I didn’t know what I was gonna do without you guys—without you.”
You frowned at his confession, but didn’t speak yet. He was struggling to find the words, but you knew he had more to say. You hadn’t had a chance to talk about it yet.
“It was awful,” he continued grimly, eyes finding yours. You wished you could wipe the frown off of his face because it broke your heart. “Everyday was awful. And if I didn’t do something, I…” he shook his head. “It made me feel better. I got to have you with me everyday in some way.” JJ rubbed his arm, smiling sadly. “You know I always loved your name.”
You laughed tearfully at that, picking up on the lightheartedness in his tone, wiping your eyes. You didn’t even realize droplets had formed.
“That’s so sweet, JJ.”
“I love you,” JJ told you. “And I’m so fucking happy your back.” His smile turned more joyful. “And now I get to have you with me everyday for real.” He squeezed your hand. “Don’t even try to shake me, you’re not getting rid of me now.”
It was his turn to laugh, and you dramatically rolled your eyes at the deprecating humor. The hand that wasn’t holding JJ’s cupped the back of his neck. You pulled him into a loving, long overdue kiss.
When you parted, met his eyes again. You never wanted to look away.
“I love you, too,” you told him with a soft smile. “And I missed you every single day.”
“Same here,” JJ told you, a small smirk breaking out on his face. He held up his tattooed arm. “Clearly.”
You cut your own laugh off again as you pulled him back in for another kiss.
You were so happy to be home.
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scarlethexelove · 6 months
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1482
Warnings: Angst, Major Character Deaths, ⚠️Suicide⚠️, No happy ending.
Part 1: Please Don't Leave Me
A/n: So I tried to write a happy ending but I really just didn't like it at all. So my sleep deprived brain said fuck it and went all out. This broke my heart writing so enjoy the pain.
The room was mostly quiet. Nurses filed in and out as time passed. Slow tears still fell down Nat's cheeks as she waited. Xander slept soundly in her arms as she looked at his face. He looked so much like you already and her heart hurt. All she hopes is for you to pull through. It has been hours and the nurses refuse to tell her anything. She wants to make it right with you to build the family she never had, but she isn’t sure she will ever get the chance. 
A tear slips down Nat’s face onto Xander’s cheek. He scrunches his face up at the feeling but soon settles staying sound asleep. Nat is pulled out of her thoughts when the door opens. A gurney is wheeled in. Your body lying peacefully in the middle of the white sheets, but something isn’t right. You’re so pale and unmoving. She rushes over to you. Still holding Xander firmly she reaches for your hand. Words floating in the air but she can’t hear them. Her hand slips into yours and she almost recoils at the touch. You’re cold. 
Tears blur Nat’s eyes as she looks to the doctors. Their faces are full of sorrow and regret. “We tried everything we could but we couldn’t control the bleeding.” One male doctor who Nat has never seen speaks up. “W-what do you mean?” Her voice shakes. “She’s gone. I’m sorry.” He says. Nat shakes her head repeatedly saying no like her words could change the outcome. The word gone repeating in her head over and over again. You were gone and she couldn’t save you. 
The doctor slowly exits the room leaving a broken Natasha behind as she holds Xender close to her body. Her hand is now trembling holding yours. Tears falling freely down her face and down onto your pale skin. You look as though you’re sleeping, like she could shake you awake. Her heart is shattering in her chest. You are gone and you’re never coming back. Leaving her with your son. She doesn’t know how she can do this without you. You were always the best part of her. Without you all she is is a kill machine. Designed for death and destruction. That death and destruction is now taking you away from her and your son. She would do anything to trade places with you. To be the one laying in that bed cold and gone. 
The door slams open, hitting the wall harshly. A mix of fury and hurt on Wanda’s face. Her stride conveys her anger. Her eyes landing on your body as she bites the inside of her cheek trying to stay strong. Her gaze turned to the other red head in the room. Wanda points as Natasha. “You.” Wanda seethes. “You did this to her.” Her eyes turn a dangerous shade of red as she lets the anger take control. 
Natasha can’t help but lower her gaze, not able to face the other woman. “You fucking left her alone and pregnant. Now look at her.” Wanda demands. “I said look at her.” Nat’s gaze moves to your soft face. “She is fucking dead and it is all your fault.” Natasha is quiet as she speaks. “I know.” Wanda scoffs at her anger not yet dissipated. “She fucking loved you. Y/n fucking loved you more than anything but you couldn’t care less about her. All you cared about was your stupid job. You had the best possible woman at home and now you’ll never have that again. You didn’t deserve her and you sure as hell don’t deserve her son. He may be a part of you but I hope that he is all of her. That boy deserves much better than a deadbeat mother like you. You should be the one that is dead. One day I hope that this catches up to you and it fucking kills you.” The fury at Nat finally turning into sorrow at the loss of you. Her best friend will no longer be in her life and she doesn’t know how to live without you. 
Even though the both of them know that truely Nat had nothing to do with your death they both blame her. She blames herself, maybe you would be alive if she was around. Things could have been so different. You’re supposed to be a happy family and now you're gone. She tries to hold it together for as long as she can. Her legs are shaking as she tries to stay standing. Your loss cut her deeper than any wound she has ever had. 
Wanda is stroking your hair as she cries. She never expected to lose you. To lose another important person in her life but you're gone now and she can’t fix it. She can’t bring the dead back to life. 
Wanda can’t stand to see you like this anymore. She begins to move towards the door. As she does Nat’s legs give out under her as a sob racks her body. Xander cries at the sudden movement and as much as it pains Wanda to hear his cries she also knows she can’t do anything because Nat is still his mother. Wanda looks at Nat and shakes her head as the redhead cries on the floor clutching your son. “Pathetic.” Wanda murmurs as she exits the room. 
Nat knows that she has deserved everything that has come her way since your death. The Avengers are only helping her because of Alexander. But every single one of them is giving her the cold shoulder, even Clint. Their only focus has been to help Xander. She has become a shell of her former self as she refuses to eat or train. She spends whatever time she isn’t sleeping with Xander. It hurts her to see him. He is just a reminder of you and what she has lost. 
Today has been hard. No one is here to help her with Xander. Her mind racing with all the cold looks and hurtful words spewed her way. All of them ringing true in her mind she deserves all of it. All the hate and all the hurt. She looks at Xander sleeping peacefully in his crib. Her heart hurts as everything plays back. Wanda was right, she doesn’t deserve to be here. She knows what she has to do to make things right. 
Knocks on the door echo through the home. Wanda stops chopping her vegetables and placing the knife down on the counter. “Just a minute.” She calls out as she wipes her hands on the apron adorning her hips. She makes her way to the front door, not hearing the tell tell signs of an important news flash. Her hand on the handle twisting it open and pulling the door towards herself. To her surprise no one is there. Her brows furrow thinking maybe she just imagined it. She is about to close the door when she hears a cry. Wanda is caught off guard when she looks down and sees Alexander placed in a basket in front of her door.  
Wanda picks Xander up in her arms gently rocking him as she enters the house. “Vision!” She calls out as her mind begins to race. Where the hell is Natasha? Why was Xander left in a basket on her doorstep? Did Natasha leave him here? What the hell is going on?
A loud warning on the tv sounds and Wanda’s attention is drawn to the tv. A breaking news cast flashes on the screen. “Avenger Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow has been found dead in her home. At this time Police do not believe there has been any foul play involved. Some reports indicate a self inflicted wound. We will bring you more on this store as information is available.” The news caster disappears from the screen as it begins to play its regular programming. 
All Wanda can hear is the sound of blood rushing through her ears. Her head reeling from the information. This can’t be real can it. How can any of this be real? You are gone and now so is Natasha. Leaving Alexander with no parents. Breaking her heart as the reality that he is becoming just like her an orphan. 
Vision calls out to Wanda as she stares off into space. “Wanda?” Vision is able to finally break through to Wanda. She blinks her eyes not even noticing how they now shine with unshed tears. Her gaze met his confused one. He looks at Xander in her arms and back up to Wanda. 
Are Her words the cause of all of this? Did her words ring true? Wanda’s tearful gaze looking down at the bundled sleeping baby in her arms. Before looking back up to Vision. The only words that Wanda can manage to muster. “I killed her.”
Only time tag list: @fxckmiup @esposadejoyhuerta @megluv1 @leenasayeed @sgm616 @midastouch013 @ordelixx @simp4nat @dvrkhcld
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
"He didn't kill joker!" Jason threw in his face. "B never avenged me! he never loved me! He. Didn't. Kill. Joker." Dick was quiet for so long Jason thought maybe he'd actually succeeded in shutting him, when he spoke, voice quieter than it had ever been. "He almost did."
The words took a second to register. "bullshit!" Jason spat when he had finally regained his tongue. Dick remained cool, staring out of the window. "He almost did." He repeated, as if those words weren't currently rattling around in Jason's brain. "When- when Joker killed you." Dick cut off, staring at the floor. "He went crazy." he whispered. "I- i was visiting because I knew it had- destroyed him. But I didn't realize how bad it was until-" Dick bit his lip. "until I got the call. It was Alfred. He was-" Dick took a shuddering breath and Jason braced himself. "He was stuttering and shaking and ordered me to get to Bruce's tracker immediately and I-" Dick shook his head. Jason had to admire his older brother for speaking so clearly. If he was reliving a moment in his life when he had witnessed Alfred, fucking Alfred, shake and stumble over his words, he would have been much less composed. "I didn't question it. I didn't even put on my suit. I just sprinted to where Bruce was. I thought-" Dick reached up a hand to his eyes and Jason realized with a jolt that he was crying. "I thought he had killed himself." Dick whispered. "i thought he had finally grown tired of it- of living without you, of fighting with me, of not being able to hold a child in his arms anymore without blood being involved." He shook his head, still staring at the floor.
"And I hated him. I hated him for leaving me, for leaving Alfred, for not having the backbone to stay and figure things out and heal- to not stay and try with me anymore. I hated- I hated that he had given up." Dick's hands were trembling, and he curled them into fists to hide it. "I hated that after everything we had gone through together, after all the life you and I had brought into his life, after all the times he had grilled it into me to just get back up- that he had just given up. Given up on life and- given up on me." The words grew so quiet Jason had to strain to hear them. And then he wished he hadn't. Dick shook himself, getting back on track. "So anyway, I raced over and... he wasn't dead. But he was just- sitting there. His legs over the edge of the building and I- I didn't understand why Alfred had sounded so scared. Why he had begged me to run." Jason had the horrible realization that he didn't want to know how this story ended. But he let Dick continue. "Until I got closer." Jason tried not to vomit. "He was- drenched in blood. It was as though he had been in a dunk tank over blood instead of water. And Joker had been the ball." Jason pressed a fist to his mouth. Dick still wasn't looking at him. "I-I didn't know what to do. So I just- sat down. Leaned against him." Dick took a shuddering breath and Jason placed his feet wide, bracing himself. "And then he started to talk." Dick whispered, a tremor in his voice. "He told me about what he'd done, and he spared no detail." Jason couldn't breathe. Something like anger, but worse, was choking his throat. "And when it was all over- when he had told me the last of the description, he turned and looked me dead in the eyes and told me, "he killed my son. if he, or anyone else, ever touches one of my children again- I will do far worse than what I did to him."" Jason sprinted to the bathroom and painted the toilet with his insides. When he returned, pale and shaky, Dick was still standing where he had been. Calm, cool, collected. "He almost did." Dick repeated once more, still not looking at Jason. Finally, he turned, making eye contact. "But you have to understand, for Dad? Killing him is too small of a punishment."
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euijoosorangeslice · 5 months
are you taking sunoo smut reqs? can i req reverse idol au where (dom)sunoo is the reader’s fan who catches her eye during a concert & it leads them fucking backstage?
kim sunoo x reader
V. I. P
you were doing your encore stage, in your tight skirt and small top with frills all over. being a solo artist, you practically could wear whatever you’d like at your concerts. you sat on the edge of the stage, dangerously close to all your fans. waving at them as you sang, you leaned in to one in specific. he had beautiful blonde hair, and the most gorgeous face you could have ever seen. you two held eye contact, watching him smirk as he licked his lips
you giggled, leaning forward and tugging on his collar. you pulled out a marker, writing your number on his white button up, with a small smiley face at the end. you pulled away, on your knees on stage and finished your song. no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop gravitating towards his presence. it had to have been a once in a lifetime experience to meet someone as beautiful as him.
as the show came to a close, you gave your fans one last goodbye as they were leaving the venue. of course, you rushed backstage to check your phone. just as you arrived, your phone began to ring. you chirped in excitement, picking it up immediately.
a sweetly toned voice began speaking from the other end. “hey beautiful. im at the back door waiting, if you want to put my v.i.p pass to use.” you giggled, opening the back door to reveal that same sexy, blonde devil from earlier. you pulled him inside, going into one of your changing room that you used in between sets.
he smashed his lips against yours harshly, feeling up your thighs as you whined in his grasp. his firm grip on your inner thighs made you feel hot, almost grinding into the touch. you opened your eyes, pressing your thighs together in an attempt to feel a little more pleasure. he chuckled, removing his shirt and unbuckling his belt that was holding his jeans up. “let’s see if the sex is as good as you look.” he muttered, rubbing the back of your thighs. he lifted you onto a nearby table, placing you on the edge.
but by now, all you could think of is how nice he would feel inside of you. without thinking, you pulled off your panties (which were already pooling with your arousal), and lifted up your skirt to reveal your core to him. the room was cold, which made you shiver from the feeling against your folds. things were moving fast, but you didn’t have any complaints. he began kissing your thighs, licking and sucking as you tried to resist the temptation to moan.
“i can tell your holding back, baby. just let me help you relax.” he whispered, rubbing your folds slowly. he spread your legs even farther as he dipped his head down and began licking up all of your slick. you pushed his head deeper in, relishing the feeling of your heat being eagerly sucked at. “please, please make me cum.” you begged, voice high as you stuttered out another moan. this couldn’t be real. this had to be some weird dream you were having.
he sucked your clit, slipping one of his fingers inside of you and pumping it in and out repeatedly. your legs began to shake, pleasure increasing as he added another finger. “never thought you’d taste this sweet.” he spoke against your clit, making you whine and roll your hips. “more, more.” you chanted, brain corrupted from the nature of your actions. no dream could ever imitate the feeling of his plush lips against your clit. he looked up at you through your legs, your body tensing.
his fingers sped up inside of you, making you almost cry from pleasure as you came. your legs shook harsher than ever, head falling back against the wall as you moaned loudly. you could only hear him steadily slurping as more and more of your juices began to leak out of you. before you could come down from your high, he dropped his boxers and slowly slid himself inside of your hole.
“so sorry, precious. i just couldn’t wait any longer.” truly, you had no complaints, since you have been wanting this for what felt like forever now. his slow pace was short-lived, because as soon as you reacted positively, he sped up. his hips rocked into you harshly, making you gasp for air as your body was pressed in between his and the wooden table. you moaned as he used his fingers to toy with your clit, making the table rock against the wall as he thrusted rhythmically. you weren’t the only one making sounds, because his grunts were almost louder than you.
you couldn’t believe how easily you had landed yourself here. getting dicked down by a stranger you had just met no more than an hour ago. but this stranger felt unmatched to any sexual experience you’d ever had, making you grab onto his shoulders as he rocked deeper into you. “yes, yes, ah- fuck yes.” you couldn’t stop yourself from repeating as he kept hitting deep inside of you. you noticed his movements becoming less organized, and by his groans you guessed he was getting close too.
“i-im cumming!” you squealed, feeling your orgasm slam across you like a rouge wave. the pressure that had built up in your abdomen had released, making you spray the man in front of you as you came. he let out one last moan, burrowing himself deep inside of your walls to finish. you dropped your body weight, the man holding you close to him. as you came down from your high, you started to admire his face a little longer. suddenly, realization hit you.
you had just let a complete stranger have sex with you before you even knew their name.
but as if he could read your mind, he spoke out.
“sunoo. kim sunoo. and you might want to think twice about letting random men fuck you unprotected.”
so this devil was in fact real, and he did have a name.
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scuddisher · 6 months
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Steve couldn’t help himself when his partner rings in while he’s making love to you—and he especially can’t do anything when Javier can hear you, either.
RATING — MATURE & EXPLICIT (18+) PAIRING — steve murphy x fling! gender-neutral reader GENRE(S) — drabble, smut. WORD COUNT — 1.5k WARNINGS — mature content, a little bit of javi, pet names used: baby & sweet thing. steve is relentless, roughly edited btw. SMUT WARNINGS — sexual content, unprotected intercourse, marking/love bites, creampie, steve not being able to shut up, dirty-talking, voyeurism, exhibitionism to a degree, talks of multiple rounds. RELEASE DATE — MARCH 26TH, 2024
AUTHOR’S NOTE — y’all better thank @angelwonie for coming back into my inbox if you enjoyed this…
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His taste was on your tongue, but his tongue was on your neck, body heating hotter by the minute as you let your mind race with what he looked like behind you.
Broad, his hair slicked back from the amount of times he ran his fingers through the blonde locks, eyes fixated on your hand clawing at the pillows trying to hold your ground—and body upright for him to continue plowing into you.
Steve's breathing was so sharp at this point in time, hips once snapping into you in a feverish fashion now turning sloppy as he felt you tightening around him. Every thought in his mind poured from his lips, not a single thing left to rattle around in his brain that he didn't speak on.
“Fuck—I needed this, baby. Look how good you're taking me…” Steve's mouth had pulled from your neck for a moment to speak, the small marks he left at your hairline making him shiver as he watched them turn purple by the second.
Your hips had faltered, thighs spreading on their own accord until you were flattened against the mattress. A sigh had escaped from you, Steve's mind going haywire at the visual—hardly able to speak fast enough.
“You tired, baby? My sweet thing ‘jus holding up for me?” He was lost, unable to keep any filthy thing from being filtered now.
His smile barred teeth, once again at your neckline as his pace shifted from slow and sloppy to harder. Steve needed release, his arms on either side of your own keeping him up steadier than your shaking body did before. He was like a dog off his leash—panting rough in your ear.
“You like that?” The clench around him at his words had your body growing numb, Steve doing all the work. All play, some barking. “Yeah, you like that, baby.”
You could hear his voice strain in excitement, his cock pounding up into you until you were seeing stars and all you could think about was the fact that he managed to find your spot so easily each and every time you fucked. The wetness created from his precum mixed with your juices had a stain growing on the sheets, Steve's nose attentive to your scent of lust as he growled.
“Can you take any more?” Your eyes had welled up long before you looked back at him, the pleasure he was giving you enough to have a few tears dripping down your cheeks. “Hmm? Think you could take a few more minutes for me to fill you up?”
The first orgasm was at the end of the bed, your second in the middle, and now the two of you had managed to make your way up until Steve had your face buried in his side of the mattress—crying into his pillow that he slept on any time he was home.
“P-Please—” Your voice was shakier than yourself, Steve's eyes flashing at your softness as you watched him nod in your peripheral vision.
He looked so rough. A week of work, two nights in bed but without any rest—Steve was more than exhausted. And yet, his relentless pounding into you could convince anyone that he was a dog in heat.
You were so close again, body sucking his length in like it would stay there despite his pace. Steve's stomach clenched at the feeling of you rearing back into him, your backside lifting to press into him and give him exactly what he wants. A better angle inside of you.
“S-Shit, Murphy!” His curse was muffled, your ears becoming suddenly fixated on his last name leaving his lips so formally. It wasn't until you saw the curly phone cord of the landline running past your head that you realized the phone had been ringing.
And Steve answered it.
“Peña, man—” Steve could only hiss, the week he had on his tongue—but he showed no signs of being multiple inches deep into your soaked hole. His partner not only seemed to have no clue, but Steve kept pushing up into you at random.
You felt his tip at your spot twice, your hand clawing at his pillow now nearly tearing into the fabric of its cover. There was something so sensual about Steve's voice not lowering an octave as he lifted his hips up into you at a steady, but slow beat—all while the conversation continued.
“Did you get his file from my desk?” Steve questioned Javi like you weren't stifling a roaring moan beneath him. The second you felt his hips jerk twice as hard up against you, you knew to look up and back at him.
But he was already staring you down with his icy-blue eyes, index finger over his lips. This wasn't a phone conversation he could back out of, no matter how badly he wanted to fill you up with his release just at the sight of you putting pieces together. He wanted you quiet.
As you knew well, there was nothing simple about Steve Murphy. You felt him twitch up inside of you like he would cum at any second, felt the free hand at your hip grip the skin of your waist as he fucked up into you roughly three times in a row to test you.
And as his name left your mouth, you suddenly tasted the saltiness of his palm over your own. His teeth were together so taunt that his jawline scared you for a moment, his head shaking lightly.
The microphone hadn't picked up his name called by a second voice, his words a little louder as he spoke into the telephone. “Nah, man—We need more than just an ounce on him to place him in holding. You know that.”
His last sentence sounded like he was playfully offending his partner, but it was aimed directly at you. His eyes hadn't left yours—your frame shaking at the feeling of him moving at a snail's pace from your hole just before he slipped back in only slightly faster. He wanted you to lose your mind. And even better, wanted you silently begging for him to finish inside of you by the time the call was ending.
You had never felt Steve be so tense, not when he was going balls deep into you every twenty seconds like this. Everything you saw from his face before turning back around and playing his game was that he was holding back just as much. If he had it his way, the phone would be thrown onto the nightstand and Peña would hear an earful.
But Javi was on a public phone, the sound of the police station like a band playing behind his voice. You could hardly hear him through the speaker against Steve's ear, but the background was clear.
“Don't let him walk, at least not before I get there.” Those were the magic words. He had limited time now, he had to pick up the pace in order to satisfy both of you before he'd be out the door.
You felt a rush of wind across your backside, the slap of his balls at your ass thankfully not loud enough to pick up during the phone call. He was winning already, your head falling into his pillow with his name swallowed in your throat. “Fuck, Steve!”
Javi’s voice continued on in his ear, but by the feeling of Steve's warm fingertips at the back of your neck for a new hold—you knew he had heard it.
“Oh, yeah?” His voice was hiding a sensual linger to it, another thing spoken to his partner but meant for you.
“Can you link his friend and keep him for another fifteen minutes? I'm almost done here.”
He was spit-firing, knew his length didn't need much more to fill you completely. You were both spent, Steve's huffing becoming noticeable until he tilted the phone away.
His body was sweaty, hand loosening on your neck but just tight enough to hold you steady. You could practically feel him in your throat at the angle he held you, mouth drooling onto his pillow until you felt yourself let go and cum with him.
You couldn't make a verbal sound, the receiver was close enough to let you hear everything going on from Javi’s side—the microphone easily capable of picking up your noises. But Steve, the man who had taken the situation thus far—he couldn't hold back.
“Yeah, yeah—” His head was swimming, cock gushing every bit of his seed into you. “Fuck, okay!”
“Okay?” You heard Javi speak casually, questioning the random call-out from Steve's side. He wasn't stupid, but Steve could only play up so much as he took in a deep breath and let you fall into his side of the bed completely.
Steve could hear you whining into his pillow, his natural musk filling your nostrils and body heat slipping away as he stood at the side of the bed. His hand, shaking slightly from his rushed orgasm, ran his fingers through his hair just enough to fix it up before he spoke again.
“Be there in ten.” He spoke calmly, a smirk on his lips and wink from his glassy eyes as he saw your head lift to meet his gaze.
“You sure?” Javi spoke with a laugh in his tone, listening carefully while writing down notes at his desk like he was working—despite having listened to the relentless rounds Steve had put you through the entire time. “Because I think one more wouldn't hurt.”
There was a reason you never heard the phone ring.
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© scuddisher — all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my permission. do not post my content on other sites, especially claiming them as your own! reblogs and feedback are seriously appreciated <3
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sunarc · 1 year
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Synopsis: There’s something about watching his darling cum over and over again that brings a menacing smile to Kita’s face
 DISCIPLINE Kita x Reader 
Warning: smut, afab reader, daddy kink, spanking, finger sucking, praise, oral male receiving, overstimulation, unprotected sex, fingering
A/N: I wanted to save this for Kita’s birthday post but I couldn’t hold it much longer hehe. Also it feels good to be back. This is apart of my kinktober masterlist that you can check here 
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Kita’s stare burned. The way he looked at you was almost terrifying. You want to say something but you knew better than to speak in a moment like this. You sat on the edge of the bed spread out for him to see you in all your glory. Your legs trembled as you shoved your finger deeper into your hole. Below you laid a pool of your own cum from the previous orgasms that Kita watched you pull from yourself. 
“Shin I can’t” you whimpered.
Kita walked closer to you. A smirk covered his face as he gazed at the mess between your legs. He scanned your body before meeting your eyes. There was a look of hunger as he stared at you. 
“So pretty for me” the words fell from his glossy lips with ease.
Kita leaned down to you. His lips found their way to your neck and you felt shivers run through your body. His mouth felt warm against your skin as he sucked a mark you knew you’d have to cover up later. His hand slid down your body until he reached your core. He pulled your fingers from your hole and brought them up to your lips.
“Be a good girl and suck for me”
Kita’s voice was deep and sultry. You felt so needy for him you’d do anything to hear him call you his good girl again. You opened your mouth and Kita guided your slick covered fingers onto your tongue. You met his eyes as your tongue cleaned your mess. He looked at you mesmerized. He was like an animal ready for its prey. You felt the heat pool between your legs and you could only hope that Kita was finally going to decide he was ready to fuck you. He pulled away from you to stand up straight. He was still fully clothed and you wanted nothing more than to rip the clothes off of him. You felt desperate. You needed him to fuck you. The thought of Kita sliding in and out of you groaning your name with each thrust clouded your brain. 
“Again” Kita broke through your thoughts with his voice. 
You almost screamed at the word. You knew exactly what he meant. He wanted another orgasm from you. He wanted to watch you fuck yourself and beg for him all over again. 
“Shin please” you leaned forward to sit on your knees. Your hand reached for his belt and you gave him your best pout. “I need your cock daddy” 
You knew he had a soft spot for hearing you call him daddy. It was a tactic you had little hope for but it couldn’t hurt to try. The chuckle that bubbled from his throat was all the answer you needed. He leaned down to be eye level with you. His hand wrapped around your throat giving it a soft squeeze. 
“Only good girls get daddy’s cock. Maybe you’ll think again before you play with my pussy without my permission” 
He stood again with a menacing smile. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself doll” 
Your hand instinctively slid down to your core to rub small circles over your clit. You let out a small whimper at the delicate touch. Your mind began to wander off to the thought of Kita. You were desperate to feel his touch. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes. Your fingers slid down to your hole. The desire to be filled was overwhelming. You dipped two fingers inside and let out a soft gasp. Your jaw hung low as your fingers massaged your gummy walls. 
“Come on baby” Kita’s voice rang through your stream of moans.
You looked up to see him staring at you while undoing his tie, the same smirk covering his face. 
“You know what I want to hear” The menacing smile dropped into a deadpan expression 
The words seemed to bounce off the walls. If begging was what you had to do to get his touch then so be it.
“Please Shin-”
“Who?” you knew what he wanted to hear.
Your eyes met his. Your fingers moved back and forth with the only sound in the room being the wet sounds of hole.
“Please fuck me daddy” the words felt so naughty falling past your lips. 
Kita’s fingers tapped against your inner thigh signaling for you to spread your legs further. You did as you were told with a moan. “I want you to make me cum. I want to scream your name until I can’t take it anymore.” your back and forth movement continued and the hungry look in Kita’s eyes grew. He removed his tie and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. His eyes never left you. Your body felt hot from the stare. Kita pulled off his shirt revealing his toned body. His skin glistened and you were almost sure there was drool on your lips.  His hands came up to his belt to undo it. Your heart began to patter in your chest with the only thought being Kita’s cock. Kita slipped his pants off and you could see the bulge in his underwear. 
“Do you want me as badly as I want you Daddy?” you already knew the answer to your question. You just needed to hear him say it. 
Kita leaned down to you staring deeply into your eyes. He pulled your fingers free from your hole, placed them onto his tongue and slowly began to suck. You wanted to close your eyes from the feeling of his tongue swiveling around your fingers but you couldn’t pull away from the sight. Kita’s plump lips wrapped around your fingers with loan groans. Your heart was beating in your chest harder than ever. He pulled your fingers from his mouth with a line of saliva following behind. His hand guided your hand down his chest to the hard on in his underwear. Your eyes followed his movements until they reached their destination. You hadn’t noticed yourself slowly leaning forward. You looked up to see him staring down at you. 
“Show me how bad you want me” 
Within seconds you were on your knees in front of him. Your hand reached up to pull his underwear down. His cock sprung free and if your pupils could they would have formed the shape of hearts. Your tongue licked the tip earning a low groan. You sucked softly before pushing him further into your mouth. His cocked brushed the back of your throat easily. You moaned as you bobbed your head back and forth at a slow pace. 
“Just like that doll” Kita’s hand gripped your hair softly guiding your head up and down his cock. Drool dripped down the sides of your mouth. His groans were enough to make you feel a heartbeat between your legs. Your hand snaked down your body to ease the desire for pleasure. You rocked back and forth on your hand while your mouth devoured Kita’s cock whole.
“Your mouth looks so pretty stretched out for me. I can’t wait to see how pretty you look getting filled with my cum.” Kita’s words carried so much weight. 
You were desperate to see him cum. Kita rocked his hips into your mouth while his hands came up to the sides of your head holding you in place. You looked up towards him. His head was leaned back with his jaw slack. His groans flowed through the room like a song you never wanted to end. His skin glistened with drops of sweat. You never knew someone could be so perfect. Kita pulled himself back from you. His hand wrapped around your throat to lead you to stand up. His lips pressed down on yours. For a second the world stopped. There was nothing but the two of you. You felt your body shiver from the passion behind his kiss. He pulled back breathing heavily. 
“All four now” his voice was demanding
You got on the bed on your hands and knees. You wiggled your ass in the air signaling to Kita he had all access to you.  Kita’s hand came down onto your ass cheek. A small smile formed as he watched it jiggle from the impact. 
“So wet for me baby” 
He lined the tip of his cock to your hole and slowly pushed himself in. You let out a soft gasp at the feeling of being stretched out. Kita pulled his cock from inside of you and chuckled at the whimper you let out. 
“So needy for me aren't ya doll?”
Kita brushed his cock against your clit. You let out a soft moan as you bucked your hips onto his cock. 
“Please,” you whined. “ Put it in”.
You needed to be full. You were desperate to feel his cock stretch you out. Who was Kita to deny you of what you needed so badly? He buried his cock into you. His hips rocked back and forth at an achingly slow pace. Kita could be such a tease at times. His pace was constant. 
“You need me don't you” he whispered the words over your soft moans. His cock slid so easily into you. You were made just for him.
“How does it feel, doll?” Kita leaned down to whisper the words into your ear. 
You let out a soft moan as his cock inched deeper into you. The squelching sounds of your hole echoed through the room. You could barely form the words you wanted to say to Kita.
“How’s my cock feel fucking this sloppy hole hmm?” He picked up his pace and began ramming into you. The creaking of the bed grew louder along with your moans. Your hand gripped the sheets below you. Your mouth sat open with your face pressed against the bed. You would have felt embarrassed by the amount of drool that soaked the sheets but all you could think about was how good the stretch of your pussy felt. 
“Daddy” you moaned the words so delicately.
The feel of him fucking himself deeper into you mercilessly left you speechless. 
“That’s right” Kita groaned “ I don’t want to hear anything unless its you screaming my name” 
His grip on your hips tightened. The sound of skin slapping against each other filled the room. Your legs began to tremble with each thrust. Your hole clenched around Kita’s cock as you neared your orgasm. 
“Please I-” your words were cut off by your own moan.
“Its okay baby, make a mess on my cock” 
His words were enough to send you to your release. You body felt weak as Kita held your hips fucking you through your orgasm. You let out muffled moans of his name. 
“So good for me” he groaned watching you cream on his cock. “So fucking good for me”
Kita’s movements stilled. He gripped onto your hair pulling you up to his chest. His tongue licked a long strip on your neck before biting just enough to earn a whimper from you. 
“You didn’t think we were done did you?” he breathed the words “ We're not stopping until I think you’ve learned your lesson.”
 Kita released you allowing your half limp body to fall back onto the bed. He gripped your hips and began rocking his cock into you again.
“Now be a good girl and cum on my cock again”
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ashleyfilm · 2 months
Seeing Clearly - Chapter 2. Jackson
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Please leave comments, I'd love to know your thoughts. And if you feel inclined to reblog, that would be so nice.
Chapter Warnings: cursing, There Will Be Smut, eventually) Minors - DNI
Characters: Jackson!Joel Miller x F!Reader Plus Size. F!OC was recommended to me since there's a lot of description of her but I'm writing her as You (Reader) so hopefully you can still imagine yourself. Black hair, glasses, tattoos, big body, wears dark clothes, won't stop talking. Joel is tv show Jackson Joel.
Story Summary: Joel just saved your life, begrudgingly. He doesn't know exactly why but he brings you back to Jackson and you ingratiate yourself into his very small circle and his life. This takes place after season 1 of TLOU and season 2 doesn't exist in my brain because no.
Chapter Summary: You meet “the miller family” and get your sleeping arrangements. 1K Words.
Chapter 1 Here
Chapter 2. Jackson
Hours later, you approach the giant wooden gates of “Jackson” the community Joel had told you very little about on your journey here. Joel said approximately three sentences to you the entire time and you were so fucking exhausted you stayed quiet too. Surely to his relief. You see guards with rifles at the top of the gate staring you down and some on the other side of the gate as it opens. You look to Joel with fear and confusion in your eyes to which he just nods. What the fuck is all this, are you being walked to your inevitable execution, has this all been a ploy to get you here to use you for public entertainment, gladiator-style. Why did you agree, at least out there you could starve to death in peace.
Once inside the gates, a man with dark black hair, the same shade as yours but without your gray approaches with a charming smile but also a confused look on his face and he speaks with another southern drawl, “Howdy there, honey, you doin’ alright?” Looking between him and Joel, you realize how similar they look and how the younger man seems like the only person around who isn’t terrified of Joel. Who seems like he must be the town boogeyman by the looks on people’s faces with him around. “I’m Tommy, the handsome younger brother of your walking partner, here.” Again, looking at Joel with the mischievous treachery you imagine he did when the two boys were young, and Tommy was trying get under Joel’s skin.
“I’m uh,” you stumble over your words not sure if you should even tell these people your given name, but before you can decide what to say, Joel answers for you. “This is Ash, found her out there starvin’, alone, figured you could help her. Also, saw a clicker out there, took care of it.” You clock that Joel didn’t mention the clicker almost ripped your head off your neck and that he valiantly saved your life. Interesting, what’s his angle, to hold it over your head, make you think you owe him something. But he’s not even looking at you, he's looking down, avoiding you both. Tommy pipes in, “Okay… just out of the goodness of your heart, for me to help, okay, Joel. Well, Ash. Welcome to Jackson.”
He waves an arm out to the side and behind him to gesture to the town. You realize that you hadn’t even taken in your surroundings inside the gates, too overwhelmed by Tommy and Joel and everything you’re learning about this man who saved you. Jackson is a whole ass working fucking town. Lights, wait, LIGHTS? Electricity…is that a dog, like someone’s fucking pet. Oh my god, food, you smell food. Laughing, holy shit, people laughing. People, lots of them, old people, kids? Is that woman fucking pregnant and smiling and walking over here? “Hi, I’m Maria. I see you met my husband, Tommy.” You look at her stomach again, and her smile and her and Tommy’s hands when they entwine them together and your face, you know, is scrunched in confusion bordering on disgust, “I know, it’s overwhelming, take a deep breath, why don’t we get you something to eat,” Maria says calmly looking you over. Tommy let’s out a chuckle at your facial expression and seems to pick up on the fact that you can’t control your face and that it tells your every thought right on the surface. You nod and let them lead you to the dining hall.
You’re seated in a relatively empty dining hall with Maria and Tommy, Joel hanging back by the door like a watch dog or bouncer. Is he protecting the town from you? God, as if you could hurt anyone here, a bit outnumbered. Prick.  You try not to eat like you’re as starved as you are but it’s very difficult. Maria and Tommy smile politely like two leaders that get a lot of enjoyment out of this moment, watching someone eat and relax before their eyes, it’s what they get to provide. It should freak you out but it all just feels so genuine. “JOEL! There you are!” A girl, with a low brown ponytail and a hoodie, who could be described as like Christina Ricci in Now and Then that tapes her boobs down and punches boys for sport, runs up to Joel and hugs him tight. Okay, he has a fucking kid. That hugs him like that and he’s still that big of an asshole? “Hey, hey baby girl,” he says softly petting her hair, “I’m okay, just got caught up in somethin’ out there on my way back but I’m okay, everythin’s okay.”  You can’t tear your eyes away from this absolutely shocking interaction and the girl’s eyes catch you and you quickly go back to eating only to see your plate is empty, so you look back up at Joel and the girl. She slaps his arm as hard as she can, “How long have you been back and why didn’t you come tell me you were here, you dick and who is that woman staring at us?”
You cough, panicked, Maria and Tommy still watching you and sharing knowing smiles like they’re watching a damn play. Joel sternly says, “Ellie. Don’t-.” But she’s already stalking toward you, “Hello there, why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer.” And you don’t know what comes over you, but you burst out laughing. Like a full belly laugh, tears in your eyes laughing. Maria and Tommy follow quickly and Ellie, eventually starts up to despite trying to act tough moments earlier. Joel makes his way over frowning at all of you like you’ve lost it. Still giggling, you ask, “How the hell do you know that saying it’s from like 30 years ago. People don’t even have cameras anymore; wait, do you guys have cameras here?” Ellie laughs, “I like you, who are you?” “Hi, I’m Ash,” Joel looks up at you when you use his nickname for you, “Nice to meet you. Your dad saved my life from a clicker and brought me here.” Tommy and Maria look stunned at your admission and all three of them whip their heads around to Joel who just clears his throat, frowns and shakes his head.
“He’s not technically my dad but..cool. Well, I’m glad you’re here and not dead,” Ellie smiles big and turns to Joel, shoulder-checking him. “Look at you, ya old softy, saving lives and bringing in newbies, who woulda thought. I’m heading home, see ya later, old man. See you around, Ash!” As Ellie leaves, Joel and you exchange a look, you can’t read exactly what’s going on in those eyes of his but he’s clearly fighting something, maybe he’s pissed you saw him interact like that, soft and nurturing with his daughter. But it wasn’t your fault, you’re just… there. Still feeling his eyes on you is burning you up from the inside, awakening something you haven’t felt in a long, long time. Something that feels an awful lot like desire.
Tommy walks over to Joel and quietly says something you can’t make out. All you hear is Joel saying “No” and Tommy saying “Please” and then Joel sighing, again. Tommy then turns to speak to you, “Look Ash, we’ve got limited space at the moment, we’re working on clearing some small apartments above the shops on main street for people living alone but it’s a few weeks before that’ll be done. For now, we’d like you to stay in the guest room at Joel and Ellie’s. She’s staying in the garage out back so you’ll be in the main house with Joel till we can get you into a new place.” You immediately look at Joel whose eyes are staring daggers at you and if he wasn’t so fucking hot, you might have been scared, but instead you feel the heat of whatever this is between you right at the apex of your legs. Then, your face betrays you, like it always does and all you can do is smirk, you actually fucking smirk at him, and he turns and walks away so fast you almost have to run to catch up.
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ilyhaitanii · 10 months
your thoughts on manila mikey 😵‍💫
kei…oh my god u are going to have to RESTRAIN ME. dont ever let me speak abt any mikey. anyways u ask and u receive my love <3
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mikey is..different. when everyone had lost him, when he had disappeared he still kept you at his side. he treated you the same as always, though that sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you was dimmer. his love for you was still the same, he was still mikey— your manjiro.
the two of you share a small flat— nothing major, just a mattress, a table, couch, tv, and a small pot plant in the corner near the door. manjiro’s sitting outside on the concrete balcony. he sits in the cold ground, the gloomy weather aiding his bad mood.
groggily, you crawl out of bed, the blanket still around your shoulders dragging behind you. you make your way over to him. you stand behind him, adjusting the blanket to drape around his shoulders.
he’s adapted a new habit of drinking black tea in the mornings. very unlike him considering he enjoys the sweet things in life, but the taste of the tea on his tongue allows his brain to settle down from all of his disgusting thoughts as it occupies itself with the disgusting taste of it.
“jiro,” your morning voice rings in his ears as his attention is now focused on you, not the waves of the sea in front of him. “come inside. it’s too cold,” a soft pout on your lips makes his lips curl every so slightly. wordlessly, with your hand in his, you drag him inside and back to the comfort of your queen sized mattress.
manjiro lays on his back, arm around your shoulders. he pulls you close to him, his cold fingertips leaving goosebumps in its tracks.
“stop,” you whine, pawing his fingers off of you. you move away from him, yet keep your legs draped over his hip. “you’re too cold,” his reply is almost instant,
“warm me up then?” the slight raise of his eyebrow, makes your heart flutter. he says these things so easily. you turn to face him, his hands cupping your chin. his thumb taps your bottom lip and your mouth opens for him. he slips his finger inside your mouth as your eyes flutter shut.
majiro feels himself twitching in his pants. he feels bad for this, he feels bad for keeping you with him. if not for you, manjiro’s pretty sure he would’ve been gone by now. you keep him tame, keep him somewhat grounded. you make his life worth living even if everything else has gone to shit.
some drool drips down the sides of your mouth. manjiro slips his leg between yours, allowing you to ride his thigh. it elevates some of the tension in your body. you pant around his fingers. that hazy look in your eyes makes him smile a little more,
“good girl,” manjiro’s other hand digs into your hip, pulling you further onto his lap. he leaves bites and small hickeys across your chest and neck as his fingers dip under your shirt. “no panties? you’re such a slut, jeez…” his voice sounds annoyed, but manjiro is salivating at the thought of you sleeping beside him without underwear. how did he not notice this sooner?
his thumb rubs up and down your slit, catching onto your clit. you lazily shudder in his hold, eyes threatening to close. he can feel the heat radiating from your pussy as it drips onto his fingertips.
“tell me what you want, baby. come on,” he coos at you as he watches you bounce on his fingers. you mewl into his neck, trying your best to move your hips up and down, but it’s so early and you’re so tired.
“please…please, jiro,” you meekly reply to him, brows furrowing at the effort you’re putting in. he thumb catches onto your clit, rubbing little hearts into it.
“you’re awfully lazy for such a needy thing,” he replies back in a flat tone, watching your tits bounce in front of him. you dig your nails into his shirt, balling them in your fist. his fingers brush over your most sensitive spot and you yelp as he curls them into it. your vision is blurring, spots of white are seen in the darkness behind your lids.
“jiro,” you whine, much louder this time. “i need you, please,” the high pitches whiny tones have him biting into your shoulder. you clench hard around his fingers as him palm is soaked.
“come on, baby. you can cum for me, yeah?” and just like that, you’re gone. you clench so hard around his fingers, gushing around them. he watches as your stomach contracts and your thighs tremble around him.
you lay limp against him, dripping onto his lap. your head rests against his shoulder as you almost fall asleep. that is until you feel his cock pressing against your hole. you jolt awake, hands on his shoulders, gasping.
“i think im cold here too, baby. warm it up for me, yeah?”
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sorry i got carried away 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ this was supposed to be short but i made it into a mini fic. sorry kei 🤥
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sucrows · 5 months
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The only thing he doesn’t ever do is scold you, and that is something you couldn’t be more grateful for.
Contains: AFAB Reader, Non-penetrative Sex, Praise, Making out, Intercrural sex, Oral sex (reader receiving), Snowballing, Vaginal fingering
Word Count: 2408
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Sometimes, you can’t help but feel a bit bad about yourself. It’s hard not to, even though others may insist that you’re overthinking, or that you’re exaggerating- that doesn’t stop your brain from saying otherwise. After all, you’re the one who lives in your body, it only makes sense for you to be aware of your flaws. 
You try to keep it to yourself, to not be a bother, but it’s hard. Sometimes something will slip out, or you’ll do something you typically wouldn't, or avoid doing something you would normally do. Sometimes, the pressure of these thoughts and words inside your head is too much and you just can’t help letting some of them out. 
Including in front of Kanata. 
He’s typically the carefree type, but you know he is a person that considers everything said to him. He’s not stupid by any means. Sometimes the response you get is him saying something positive to counteract the negative things you say about yourself, other times it’s a simple hum and a pat on the head. The only thing he doesn’t ever do is scold you, and that is something you couldn’t be more grateful for. He lets you be honest about the way you’re feeling without repercussion. 
As thankful as you are for his influence and support, it’s not a solution to your problems. Even as you get closer and closer to him and slowly open up about the things that you dislike about yourself.  His support may be unwavering, but so are your insecurities. 
It’s a calm day and you’re both relaxing in his room. He’s still soaked from his most recent escapade into the water he oh so loves, but you convinced him to at least change into dry clothes while you both hang out on his bed. At some point, this devolved into him sitting while you lay your head on his lap. 
Unfortunately, though your mind wanders as per always. Kanata is such a kind person and today, he’s spending some of his limited free time with you.
“Hey... Kanata...” 
He hums at the sound of his name being said, continuing to pet the top of your head. 
“What do you like about me?” 
He pauses for the briefest of seconds, before continuing just as before. 
“There are many ‘things’ to ‘like’ about ‘you’.” 
He shifts his position, gently sliding your head off his lap and moving so that he faces you more directly. For a second, you prepare yourself for what you think might be your first ever lecture from Kanata but instead, he reaches out his hands to cup your face in them and smiles. 
“I like ‘these’ a lot.” 
His hands thumb at your lips, touching them as he speaks. 
“i think ‘these’ are nice too.” 
His hands reach further up your face and he ghosts his thumbs over your eyelids, making you close them until he continues. 
“I like what comes out of ‘here’.” 
He holds both sides of your face and cradles your head in his hands. Is he referring to your brain as a whole? His words are tooth-achingly sweet. You had hoped for some reassurance, but you weren’t expecting to receive such definitive answers from him. 
He hums for a second, seemingly contemplating where to go from there. After a second, his hand moves downwards. 
“I ‘like’ this ‘part’ a lot too.” 
He places his hand over your chest, directly in front of your heart. 
“It’s probably ‘my favorite’.” 
Curiosity nips at your inhibitions, and you can’t help but ask. 
“In what way do you ‘like’ me?” 
Something sparkles in his eyes when you ask that question. Excitement? Mischief? You can’t quite pin down the emotion, but it excites you nonetheless when he answers you. 
“Do you ‘want’ me to ‘show’ you?” 
You think about it for a second. You could say no and stop this now but... You know damn well where this is headed, and you’d be a fool to stop yourself from getting what you want now. 
You nod and he leans in to give you the most delicate peck on the lips possible. It’s a bit awkward to have him leaning over you like this, but it does give you the perfect opportunity to reach your arms around his back and pull him back in to properly kiss you when he pulls away after the first one. 
His eyes open in surprise, but close just as quickly as they opened while he kisses you again.  
And again. And again. And again- 
He really does actually like you, huh? 
You don’t know who parts their mouth first, but before you know it, your tongues are meeting in each other's mouths, and you can barely get a full chest of air. You’ve craved this longer than you’d care to admit at this point. He truly is such a sweet person and you can’t imagine anyone else who you’d rather be having this moment with. 
Your arms reach the hem of his shirt and pull at it. Perhaps a bit of a bold move, but if there was any time in which to take this chance, you think it’s probably right now. Thankfully, he responds in kind and begins pulling at your clothing as well. 
As layers start to come off, you both get more and more excited. It still catches you off guard though when you reach for his briefs and find that underneath them, he seems to be rock hard. It actually manages to drag your face away from his and make you stare at it instead. 
“May I?” 
He pulls at the waistband of his own underwear. Asking permission to remove his own underwear? It’s a considerate gesture, but you don’t think there’s any way you could want to remove it faster than you do right now. 
You nod, grabbing the fabric and help him pull it down his legs, letting him kick them off.  
“...May I?” 
He asks again with a little giggle at the end as he reaches for your own underwear as well. You also think there’s no way you could want those off any faster either. 
You give another nod, and he immediately takes his freedom to grab and slide yours down. Briefly, you feel a bit embarrassed at being exposed, but a single glance at how hard he his swiftly eases your thoughts. 
With you both bare, Kanata now returns his lips to yours and slowly pushes you backwards until you’re laying on your back once again. 
He settles himself in between your legs without hesitation and you worry for a moment. You’re most definitely not prepared to take him yet- just making out is not enough foreplay to make penetration comfortable. You open your mouth to warn him but he places a finger in front of your lips before you can voice a single concern. 
“Don’t ‘worry’.” 
He hums softly as he places his cock in between your legs, resting it on your sex. 
“I’m not doing ‘that’ yet~.” 
He thrusts against your body, not making any move to actually stick anything inside of you. Your anxiety eases at the sight and you lay your head back and decide to just relax. It feels... good. Better than you expected. Just some humping like this has you wanting more. You do suppose the majority of your nerves are outside your body rather than inside.  
He grabs your legs and pushes them together, creating the perfect place for him to thrust his dick in and out of. It also adds pressure onto your cunt as well, making you want to squeeze them tighter as well. He moans out loud at the feeling and starts to slowly move a bit faster. 
Your folds glisten from a combination of his precum and your own slick. His breath hitches every time you two rut against each other. When you look down, you can see the head of his cock poking out between your legs. It brushes against your clit, providing you with stimulation that has you fluttering your eyes closed. 
He squeezes your legs together even tighter and pushes them further back, shifting your weight higher on your back as he bears down onto you. The space in between your legs is utterly soaked and squelches with every single one of your shared movements- you wonder how good it would feel from behind or with you on top... 
You tap on Kanata’s arms. 
“Here, let me.” 
He swiftly pauses and backs off, still painfully hard and eager to get back at it again. You push on his chest until he’s the one laying back on the bed and you’re the one climbing onto him instead. 
You straddle his hips and place his dick so that it’s flat onto his stomach, then lower yourself until you’re grinding on it. 
If you thought it felt good before, it feels amazing now. Gliding up and down his shaft, the movements has pressure being placed directly onto your clit from behind it’s hood. It’s even better the times you grind over the head of his cock. Whenever you do that, you get the joy of going over the ridge separating it from the rest of the shaft. It’s something that makes not only you want to keel over in pleasure but also brings the most delicious sounds out of Kanata’s mouth as well. 
Before long, you're finding a rhythm and he’s joining in on it too. With every one of your movements, he’s thrusting against you to the best of his ability which makes everything feel all the better.  
Your legs get weaker with every move, and you feel your climax rapidly approaching. You don’t want yourself to be coming before he gets the chance too, so you redouble your efforts around his head to get him closer as well. You grind down even harder and let your clit catch every single time on the ridge. 
It’s like boiling water is coursing under your skin as you finally cum. You moan loudly and press yourself directly onto the tip of his cock as you cum and to your luck- Kanata thrusts up against you and finishes as well. He paints your pussy white with his seed as he moans as well.  
You both sit, panting after the event. It takes a good minute for you to feel your senses returning after it and Kanata seems to be the same. He reaches out a hand to gently caress your cheek and, to your surprise, calls out your name to get your attention. 
When you meet his eyes, he smiles. 
“I ‘like you’ a lot.” 
Your face rapidly starts to burn as you take in his words. Getting pinned down and riding him didn’t have you feeling embarrassed, but a few sweet words sure do have the power to completely throw you for a loop. 
“I like you too.” 
He smiles placidly unlike your reaction; He’s an enigma to you at times. He reaches out his other hand to grab onto one of yours and play with your fingers. It’s a sweet gesture that has you deep in thought while he does it. 
“May i ‘show’ you more?” 
The question snaps you out of your brain. Well.... if one of his ways of “showing you” before was to try and make you cum, well... you aren’t averse to seeing what other ways he has to show you.  
You hum in agreement and nod at him. Just like always, he’s smiling as he pats your thigh to get you to shift off of him. When you pick up a leg to move away, a droplet of mixed fluids slips off your dirtied cunt. You wince as it lands on Kanata’s leg, but to your surprise, he just reaches out a finger and brings it up to his lips. The sight is hotter than you expected it to be. 
As it turns out, that gesture is exactly what he intends to do anyways. He’s quickly parting your legs and lowering his face down to be in between them as he starts to clean you off. It looks completely lewd to see him in between your thighs with his tongue coated in his own spend as he slides it right in between your folds.  
It doesn’t just look nice; your body is still sensitive from your previous orgasm. It makes you want to squirm every time he licks, and your hips buck every time he flicks his tongue against your clit. You wonder how he managed to get good at this. 
He doesn’t neglect your hole either. He uses his fingers to stretch you out and play with you even more. He slides them in and out, curling and scissoring while he suckles on your clit. You bury your hands in his hair but try to resist the urge to guide him by it- it's so much more satisfying to let it be out of your control as he does his best to follow the sounds your body makes.  
It doesn’t take long for you to start moaning out loud again, letting yourself loose with his encouragement. You find it harder and harder to stop yourself from clamping your thighs around his head and bucking against it. He’s good, but he’s also so incredibly slow about it. You desperately want him to move faster, to press harder, but he continues at his languid pace that draws out your pleasure. You teeter on the edge oh so close. Just a little more.... 
Finally, he seems to get the hint, and presses the tip of his tongue straight into your clit, pushing harshly against your pelvis to properly stimulate it. All your restraint goes out the window and your legs swiftly close around his head and you nearly wail in pleasure.  
Kanata takes it like a champ, unmoving and continuing to press on the same spot until you ride out the heaviest of the waves and begin to slowly ease up on the sides of his head. When he pulls back, you can see the lower half of his face completely slick with your fluids. You have half a mind to be embarrassed at just how debauched you both look at this moment but instead of letting that show, you drag him up to your face to make out with him again instead. 
Tasting yourself on his lips, you wonder just how much further you two will go tonight. 
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lunarsigh · 1 year
the alchemy of desire
I had an idea, and then my brain spit out like twice as many words of it than I originally planned. So here. have a Star Rail fic?
Honkai Star Rail - Jing Yuan x female reader - aphrodisiac
~3k words, mature
warnings: drugs (and lack of consent for), a vague hint of imagined sexual consent issues.
It takes Jing Yuan an abnormally long time to realize he’s been drugged.
Of course, he knows the merchant making small talk with him is part of the coup conspiracy - it’s the whole reason he came to this otherwise mind-numbing event. But he didn’t expect her to be bold (or stealthy) enough to spike his drink. He’s off his game, which irritates him, in the back of his mind where the alchemical concoction hasn’t taken hold. The rest of him feels the warmth spreading through him, the pleasant haze of sexual desire starting to direct his bloodstream to southern climes, so to speak.
Well. So that’s her play. He almost laughs aloud as he realizes what he’s been dosed with. An aphrodisiac. How … droll.
He turns a lazy smile towards the woman in front of him. Her body language is all seduction - so, she intends to get the General in a compromising position and then … kill him? Blackmail him? Set up some scandalous scenario? There are many options, none of them particularly pleasant beyond the vague promise of an orgasm. Not that he had any intention of leaving with her, even if he hadn’t noticed the effect. But she may have had a slightly better chance of getting something out of this if it wasn’t for one variable.
You’re in his line of sight; he’d positioned himself for that very reason, even before he took that ill-timed drink. You’re halfway across the room, making pleasant small talk with someone he half-recognizes, wearing a red dress that clings to your curves in ways that had already given him at least seven different creative and lewd thoughts this evening. You’ve been dodging his lazy attempts at flirting with you for months now; for a while, he thought you disapproved, but lately he’s become sure that you don’t actually think he’s serious. He knows he’ll break through eventually, but tonight, that dress has made it particularly difficult to wait for his prey to flinch. And now, the drug is encouraging the predator to the surface, filling his loins with heat as he sees you laugh at another man’s words, lean closer to make yourself heard over the music playing above.
The woman next to him is a sorry excuse for a hunter. She can’t even keep his attention with a drug and a set of very ample … assets.
The man you’re speaking with lays a hand on your arm, and something inside Jing Yuan snaps. The drug, he thinks, must be more powerful than he first thought. But even as that thought occurs, he is bidding farewell to the woman, over her protestations. He knows who she is, his people can find her later, he has no doubt about that. Right now, his body will only let him pursue one goal.
Your conversational partner sees him before you do, and to his credit, the man recognizes a superior predator immediately. He has backed away from you before Jing Yuan even stands beside him, which earns him some points for smarts. “I require your assistance,” he tells you, taking your now free arm and maneuvering you away without a second glance.
“What? What are you -“ Your voice is a soft hiss, and even that sound dances across his skin like an electric arc.
“I need help,” Jing Yuan murmurs softly. “I’m compromised.”
Whatever you see on his face ensures your immediate cooperation. He does feel a bit flush, now that he thinks about it. Perhaps the heat is beginning to show.
He leads you out the side door before stopping. Your immediate response is to stand in front of him and put your hands on his cheeks. “General, what happened to you?”
“That bad, hmmm?” His hands are covering yours before he can consider the movement. You’re beautiful under the moonlight. And he may have said that aloud, because you immediately widen your eyes and try to pull away from him. His hands curl around yours. “Apparently the drug is working faster than I thought.”
“Drug??” Your voice is a little too loud, and he squeezes your hands in response. “General, if you’re drugged, then we need to find -“
“I need to get back to the office,” he interrupts. “It’s the closest safe place, and I can call for backup from there.”
“But there must be a physician here!”
“We can call for one from the office. Help me,” he says. “You’re the only one I can trust here.”
It’s true, in the ways that matter. Despite the fact that he knows half of the party attendees, you are the only person he trusts to see him in a weakened state. That shrinking part of his mind that remains clear knows this is dangerous, that the heat inside of him wants you close because it wants to devour you, but he’s not a pup - he can maintain his self control. He has centuries of experience with it.
Your face softens at his words, and you tug him towards the street. He releases one of your hands, but does not let you remove the other from his grasp.
You ask him about the drug, and he answers honestly. Your offense on his behalf is pleasant. “We need to catch her!”
“I know who she is, and can find out where she lives very easily tomorrow,” Jing Yuan tells you. “She does not entirely realize that I know her game. She may suspect, and will probably panic tonight, but putting a face to the conspiracy will break it open for us.”
“But she tried to …” Your free hand waves uselessly in the air, before you land on, “assault you!”
“Do you think I would have been led astray, my sweet?”
“The fact that you’re calling me ‘my sweet’ tells me you’re drugged to the gills,” you mutter. “So maybe.”
He laughs. You’re adorable when you’re angry. And when you’re embarrassed. And this time, he’s pretty sure he didn’t say that aloud. But the drug is definitely proving to be stronger than he anticipated. He cannot take his eyes off of you. The way your glossy lips seem to glow in the moonlight, the slight movement of your chest underneath the silky dress, the way one strap seems to be on the verge of slipping down your bare shoulder - there’s a howling voice in his mind telling him to push you into a shadow and mark you, taste you, make you his. Or prove to you that you’re already his. That you’ll never be anyone else’s - certainly not that bland specimen you were speaking with at the party.
And that’s definitely not his own thoughts. Not … entirely. He has nothing against the perfectly pleasant seeming stranger, and you were probably just speaking about some trivial entertainment, basic party chatter. But merciful aeons, this drug is erasing his hard-won control at a rapid pace.
It’s good that they targeted him, he thinks faintly, trying to concentrate on the violation instead of you. Had they given this to a lesser person - one without his training, his experience, his sheer amount of patience - someone would be hurt by now. He needs to alert someone when he gets to the office. Call Fu Xuan, get her to organize a search party, make sure no one else at the event was affected …
… he needs to taste your fucking skin, it’s a hunger he has no words for. Needs your legs wrapped around his hips, needs to feel you bucking beneath him, begging, gasping -
“General? Jing Yuan?”
Your voice is, as usual, completely alluring, but it’s undercut with a concern that shakes him briefly back to true lucidity. You’ve stopped in the middle of the path, no more than a block away from the office. You step closer to him, still holding his hand, looking up at his face as if you’re searching for something - a sign that things will be okay. He can faintly smell your perfume on the night breeze, and may the Reignbow Arbiter help him, he’s going to devour you if you move even an inch closer.
“I need to get inside,” he says, voice hoarse. He lets go of your hand - he feels empty now, like he let a prize slip through his grasp, but the contact is more than he can stand right now.
He walks faster, and can hear your heels clacking on the stones behind him. You’ll keep up. He just can’t look back at you right now, not feeling like this.
If whoever made this poison doesn’t already work for the Alchemy Commission, he thinks, then they should - just as soon as their century-long prison sentence is complete.
Inside, he manages to steel himself long enough to place a call to one of the guards on duty, telling him to fetch the Vidyadhara healer immediately. But his biggest problem is still here - his own fault, he brought you here, he wanted your company. He should be keeping you safe, not putting you in danger. And this? This is danger. This is a darkened office, free of its usual flow of people, just you and him and this maddening desire that wants to claw through his skin and take you for its own.
“Leave now,” he says, as he hears your steps approach.
“Of course I’m not leaving!” you protest. “This drug is making you ill, if something were to happen to you …”
You trail off as Jing Yuan turns around to face you. When takes a step toward you, you take an automatic half-step back. Ah, so you recognize when you’re being hunted, in some way. Under normal circumstances, he’d rather see you fling yourself enthusiastically into his arms, but in this condition, he takes no small pleasure in the nerves you’re beginning to show. “Ill is not the word I’d use to describe the effect,” he says in a soft voice. He takes another step, but this time, you hold your place. Both parts of his mind are unreasonably proud of you for it.
He places a hand on your shoulder, over that flimsy strap that had caught his attention on the street. One tug, and it would be out of his way, and he’d be able to finally taste your sweet skin. Or tug far enough, and the whole dress would come falling away, and he could finally lift you up and spread your legs and feel your heat pressed against him. You would let him, he knows, he can see that spark of lust in your gaze, even as it flashed against nerves and concern. He could make you forget the rest. Forget everything except what his cock feels like inside of you.
…. And that’s why you have to get out of this office.
When he speaks again, his voice is so soft as to be nearly inaudible, if he weren’t two inches away from your face. He can feel your breath quicken against his cheek, see every tiny shudder you make - fear or desire? He’s pretty sure you don’t even know at this point. “Leave.”
The first second passes by without movement, and he’s rarely felt more conflicted than he does right now. But just as the drug is threatening to win the battle, you take a large step backward. “I’ll be - I’ll go find - someone better -“ And then you’re gone. You don’t flee, you make yourself walk with forced slowness, and he can see you trembling as you go.
When he can no longer see you through the door, he finally lets himself stagger backward, feeling behind him for a chair. Without somewhere to focus his hormonal rush, the physical sensations wash through his body. “Someone better,” he breathes. If you mean someone he’s less likely to maul, then yes, literally anyone would be better. But otherwise … there’s no one better than you. Not to him.
It would be rude to masturbate in his public office, he tells himself silently - not to mention that the little doctor would sooner stop his heart with a bolt of light than deal with any of that when she arrives. Best to suffer, he tells himself. It won’t last long.
Several days later, Jing Yuan is still at home all day, “recovering.” He may have started feeling perfectly healthy yesterday, but he so rarely gets a perfectly valid excuse to avoid the paperwork piling on his desk, he can’t bear to let it go to waste yet. The only down side is that he hasn’t seen you since that night. He spotted you hovering in the doorway as the healer and a couple of Cloud Knights tended to him, but you were gone before they helped him get back home. His sources tell him that you’ve been overworking yourself ever since, which really won’t do.
There’s only one answer - you’ll have to come to him. So he sends a note to the Seat of Divine Foresight, requesting your presence.
And right on schedule, he hears your voice in the foyer. He feels a smile spread across his face, but he doesn’t stand until you’ve entered his sitting room. He’s missed seeing your face - and your blush, now in evidence again as you realize he’s wearing only his lounging robe here. “You’re feeling better, then?” you ask.
“Entirely. But shhh,” he says with a wink, “I wouldn’t want to lose out on a couple more days of leisure.”
You roll your eyes, and he laughs. Good, he can see the tension you were holding in your shoulders fade away with the familiar banter. “I’m glad,” you say, after a moment. “That you’re better. I was scared the other night, I’ve never seen anything affect you like that.”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been careless enough to let myself get poisoned.” He steps closer to you, searches your face. “But my question is … were you scared for me, or of me?”
Your eyes widen, and you look him directly in the eye. “I wasn’t scared of you, Jing Yuan. I trust you.”
“Good.” Another half step forward; at this point, you’re forced to crane your neck to meet his gaze. “Because you were trembling quite a bit that night. I had to wonder.”
You sigh, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “No you didn’t,” you say, still holding his gaze. “You’re well aware of why - why I reacted the way I did.”
“Am I?”
You flinch first - as always - and take a step backward before pacing to the other side of the room. “The conspirators are rounded up, mostly. There are a few stragglers, but we have the woman who dosed you, as well as the person who made the drug.”
“I know. You’ve spent a lot of hours on this over the last few days.” You’re tired, he can see that much on your face. “I’m told you’ve barely left the office.”
You shrug, still avoiding his gaze. “There’s a lot to do. We need to make sure they’re not able to pull any more tricks.”
“They won’t be.” He may not have been able to see to it himself, but that’s why he surrounds himself with all the best people he can find. Including you. “You’ve done well. But it’s time for you to rest.”
Now your gaze cuts back to him. “Some of us don’t have the luxury of simply declaring our own leisure time.”
“You do if I declare it.” He grins. “How about this - you are now officially assigned as my personal aide until I recover.”
“You just admitted you’ve already recovered?”
“Did I? I have no memory of that.” Jing Yuan holds a hand out to you. “Come, spend time with me.”
You look at his extended hand, and he can see your own hand flexing, as if it wants to move of its own volition. But you take a deep breath and remain still. “Jing Yuan. Please.”
The soft word makes something stutter in his chest. “What do you need from me?”
You cast your eyes to the floor again, as your lips turn upward in a sad smile. “Mercy. Please stop teasing.”
Ah. You’re still there, are you? “What do you think I’m teasing about?”
“And stop answering me with a question. Especially ones with obvious answers.” Your shoulders square, and you look up at him again. “You know I have … feelings. For you. I’m sure it’s been obvious since we first met. And the other night - Lan help me, but even as I was scared for you and sick that someone would do that to you, I was also …” You close your eyes for a brief moment, before opening them again. “Pleased. That you were paying that kind of attention to me. Even though I knew it wasn’t really you, or about me at all. And I still feel really awful about that.”
So that’s how it is, inside your head? He certainly has some work to do. “You have no reason to feel bad,” he says. Now he steps into your space, reaches over to cup your cheek. “It was me. It was about you. Let me be absolutely clear - you are the entire reason that things were not worse that night.”
“How so?” Your voice is little more than a whisper.
“Because you were all I could see. When the concoction kicked in, you caught my eye, and that woman didn’t have a chance of getting my attention.” He leans down, close enough that his breath plays across your face. “Because all it did was magnify desires that already existed. Desire for you.”
Dark pupils have started to take over your eyes; your mouth forms the shape of his name, but no sound comes out. That won’t do - there are few better sounds in his world right now than your voice saying his name. He’s going to have to figure out all the ways he can make you sound while saying it. “Stay with me,” he murmurs. “Let me show you some of the lovely images that tormented me that night. I think they’ll be quite pleasant for both of us.”
When you speak again, the words aren’t exactly what he was expecting. Your hands finally come up, fisting in the edges of his robe. “Jing Yuan. Are … are you wearing anything underneath this thing?”
Perhaps the smile that comes across his face is still the smile of a predator - that’s okay, as long as the prey is willing to be caught. “There’s really only one way to find out, isn’t there?”
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omg we're mutuals??? i'm flattered honestly since my only other moot (do people say that?) is my rp partner/bestie so i feel like that doesn't really count. so like, i've never done a request before, and i never get requests (defo not sulking abt that lol) but can i maybe get some ace content? i have no idea why i like him so much honestly since he's a lil shit (affectionate), but i do and i have to live with it now. i'm terrible at coming up with shorter prompt ideas, which is probably why i've never requested from anyone before, so sorry that this is so vague. i give you creative license to write whatever you want, just no angst plz. is it weird for a self-proclaimed angst writer to specifically not want angst for their requests? i dunno. feel free to delete this if it's not what you're feeling at the time or i've somehow violated your rules, which i did read. sorry, i talk way too much.
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AN: Hi! Don't worry about talking too much, I enjoyed reading it! And I agree, Ace is a little shit, but he's also very cute and occupies space in my brain without paying rent :(
Jokes aside, I hope you like this just as much as I liked writing it! May we never be cured of the loving Ace disease <3
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Prompt: can i maybe get some ace content? i have no idea why i like him so much honestly since he's a lil shit (affectionate), but i do and i have to live with it now.
Pairing: Ace Trappola x GN!Reader/Prefect/Yuu
Genre: Fluff
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Ace was a menace.
A menace of the highest degree, whose sole purpose in life sometimes seemed to be making you burst a vein with irritation.
A menace who was holding out a bouquet of roses for you, trying to act nonchalant even as his cheeks were tinted a soft red. His eyes were hidden by his sunglasses, but you had no doubt that they were focused on you and your reaction.
"What's this?" You hummed, taking the bouquet and cradling it in your arms. For something that looked so elegant and dainty it sure was heavy, and you were wondering how long Ace had stood outside Ramshackle with them before finally ringing the bell.
Ace cleared his throat, breaking you out of your reverie. He looked effortlessly stylish in everything he wore, but it seemed like he had taken special care with his appearance for today. If he'd given you a warning, maybe you'd have changed into something nicer than your pajamas...
"I, um, I came here to ask you something," he said, voice somber as if he was going to give you bad news. 'But who gives bad news with a bouquet of roses?' You thought to yourself, pushing down the part of you that was ready to overthink the smallest of incidents. You nodded to him to continue.
"Will... uh, will you be m-my Valentine this year?" He trailed off at the end of his sentence, voice breaking slightly. You blinked.
"Your Valentine?"
Ace made a face of indignation at your question. "Oh no, I was actually speaking on behalf of Deuce. Look, there he is, right where you left your last braincell," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Are you trying to make me say no?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at him. Shifting the bouquet to one hand, you acted as if you were going to close the door with him still outside. Not that you actually would, but it was still fun to see his eyes widen comically at your action, hand shooting out to stall for time.
"Wait, no that– don't take everything so seriously," he whined, holding the door to stop you from shutting it in his face. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, letting go of the door but turning and making your way inside. With your back turned to him, you smiled.
"Come in and help me find a vase for these roses," you said, and Ace followed you obediently, refraining from making any other sarcastic remarks that would have him stand outside the house as though he were in timeout for misbehaving.
Once you found a vase big enough to hold all the roses, you filled it with water. As you placed the flowers in it, you felt two strong arms circling your waist and a weight settling on your shoulder.
"So... be my valentine?" He asked again, voice slightly muffled against your shoulder.
"Give me one good reason to be your valentine," you hummed, not relenting even as Ace whined about you being unfair to him, he got you roses, how could you be so cruel—
Every indignant rise and fall of his voice had the smile on your lips growing and the urge to burst out laughing increasing. You bit your lip to stifle your amusement, but he caught it anyways.
"You little– you were trying to make me beg for it, huh?" He accused you, voice playful as he poked your sides. A peal of laughter left you as you tried to dodge his pokes, your hands swatting at his.
"Stop it!"
"Not until you say yes!"
Breaking free from his hold, you ran to the living room, your giggles filling the air as Ace followed, hot on your trail. You were fast, but Ace was faster, and you blamed hisbeing a member of the basketball club for him managing to foil all your attempts at getting away.
Pinned under him on the couch, you squirmed as he continued tickling you. Laughter left you both breathless and red in the face, and you wheezed when Ace decided to flop on top of you, his weight pressing your body down against the couch.
You hit him lightly at his shoulder. "Get off, you're heavy!"
"Nope. That's what you get for being a brat and trying to make me beg for you to be my valentine when you and I both know your answer'd be yes."
You stuck your tongue out at him, and he mirrored your actions, before he made himself comfortable against you and settled against your chest.
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